TORONTO, May loth, 189^. DEAR Sir, The Committee of the Social Problems Conference of this City is of the opinion that one of the questions that is pressing for immediate solution is " What shall be done for the nemployed ?" " What can be done for them ? " The waste of time, money and energy, the tendency toward misery, pauperism, crime and degradation which follows upon enforced idleness demand for this question the earnest, honest and careful consideration of every friend of humanity. For the purpose of ascertaining public opinion in this matter this committee have issued the accompanying list of questions which you are kindly requested to answer and return to G. J. BRYAN, 9 Toronto Arcade, Toronto. Concisely stated reasons for answers given are preferred. The answers when received will be tabulated by Prof. J. G. Hume, of the University of Toronto, and the results with his deductions therefrom will be published and discussion thereon will be had at a meeting, duly advertised, of the Conference. Replies should be sent in within 10 days from date. Rev. Wm. GALBRAITH. G. J. BRYAN, Secy. tOVER] I. Do you think any action should betaken to provide work for the unemployed ? 2. If so, what do you think of state or municipal employment ? 3. Should such employment enter into comjietition with established industries ? {a) By selling the products at less than market price? (/;) By i^aying a higher standard of wages than nrivate emjiloyers ? 4. Should wages paid be higher, lower, or the same as paid by private ;^nterprise ? 5. Would you advise withholding a part of their wages to provide - (a) Life, disability c,r sick benefit insurance? (/') Su]ierannuation ? Ic) A fund for the extension of thv. work ? {//) Or, for any other purpose you can suggest ? 6. Would you confine such employment to what is usually known as public works ? 7. Or should self-sustaining industries be established ? 8. Would there be a danger of communities, adopting this method, being overrun by workers from less favored localities? 9- If so, would it be met by — ((7' A residence qualification ? {f>) Lower remuneration ? (c) Or, any other method that occurs i.o you ? 10. Would individual Co-operation supply a remedy ? 1 1. If so, should organizations formed for that purpose receive state or municipal aid ? 12. If not, what would you suggest as a method of raising the necessary capital ? 13. Should there be state supervision of such organi- zations ? 14. Would you approve of labor bureaus ? 15. Should they be under State, Municipal or Private control ? 16. Would a change in the methods of taxntlon solve the problem. , y {a) By exempting all Products of Industry from / ' taxation ? (d) By exempting capital invested in manufacturing from taxation ? (c) Abolition of tariflfs ? {(i) Or any other change ? 17. Can you suggest any other means of pro- viding work for the unemployed ?