mmmmmmm V^, □ ■^ 1100 Wfe^aAwM. Sum tiOO aei/M7-4 "Up" '** ■■■7 -'""lit' «' \: "Centimeter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, • ♦ 10 n 12 13 14 15 Inches . ■•■ J Tlitil'iiititfiT'ii'rfrfViVitfYfn'pYfiti'filTfTtii'i'ty' 1.0 uu lift *^'. > ^ ■*■:" *?^: ;;-^;' I V -*it' ^. HnNUrflCTUDEO TO nHH STRMMROS BY WPLIEO imGE. DC 5^ ^ --^/ % CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) .m % 111 C»is4ton inMltme fof HIsteH-i Mk tewprs; MaM 111 aulp* ifl «'• □ Calaiif ad papw/ PftpadaaMlaiw faatofad and/oc laMMMad/ itBNiad Of fOKad/ 0QiialHv of prtoit variat/ Qualit* in4pia da I'ioipraukMi □ ContiiHiow paflnation/ Nfinatlon eontinua D Indudai indaii(at)/ CoMpfand un (dafll indax . Titia on haadar takan from:/ La titra da I'an-ttta proviant: r~*^ TitIa pata of isMia/ ^H* A titra da la livraiion r~n Caption of ittua/ □ Titra da depart da la livraiton MMtlMttQ/ Q4in«riqua (plriodiquai) da la livraiMtn f~T Additional comroanti/ Thor* aro dom* croapos In th« alddl* af pagop. Lid Commaniaira> iiippllipintairaK ^•S« 157 1. incorrectly nt«barad paga 15. This itam it f ilma datti rlMM Iia raduction ratio chackad b aM taoK da rMoction indiqid •tow/ J: ' • ■ ' ■'a _ ■..- : 26X- wJW^ - . 1M ' MX* "*' liX 2JX • • .\A . ; ■•. ■ : ■>■■ . • ■ m • ■ .-' li. 12X IfX aox 24X 28X i2% >? f< •ft /' Th« NnsfM ap^Mdnfl h«r« arc th« bMt qualHy poMtbto MfMM«Hfi« tiM eondltlon and taflbillty of tha oHfltnal —wv ^ *«**»«^*^ ***'*» •*? flNlNflf OHf iMl (Mplaa In printad papar afvfra a»a Wmad baa Irnikif whh tha from aevar and andinf on ttia loat paw «vtlh a prtntad or llluatratad impraa- alon. or fho baak oovar wflkn approprlata. All othor orlfllnat eoploo aro ftlmad baglnninf on tht f irtt pat a with a printad or llluatratad icnproa- alon. and andlng on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraaalon. Tha laat raeordad frama on oaoh mlerafloho ahall aontain tha aymbol -^ (moaning "CON- TlNUIOn. or tho aymbol ▼ (moaning "INO"!. whiahovtr appUaa. Mapa. platot. charta. ato.. may ba fflmad at dHfarant raduetlon ratioo. Thota too larga to bo ontlroly Hieludad In ona axposuro ara fllmad baglnning Injiha uppar laft hand eomar. latt to right and top to bottom, oa many.lramaa aa raqyirad. Tha following diagrama IHuitrata tha mathod: . ' .J#V 1''-. 1 2 3 nbna fm loproduit graaa § w. •f W^^^^^a^^^^^^^taM Afl^^^^M c '.- pHia grand w9 w nvnviv la la aandhlon tl orlglnoMH d«m la aonvamiro an paplar aat hnprlmda aom fNmda an apiamanfam par la prandar plot ot on tarmlnom aoH por lo doml4fa pogo fid oom p ona una ampral n ta dimpraaalan m dHluotratlon. aolt por lo aaoond plot aolon lo aoa. Toua laa avtroa aaamplalrai orlglnoin aont ftmda an aommonfant par la pramMro pogo «ul oompono uno ampralnta dlmpraailen ou dliuatradon ot on larmlnant por la damMfO pogo 4ul oomporta una taNa # Un daa ay m bolaa fulwnta apparatirp aur la damMra Imagd dt dhaqua mlaroflaha. aalon !• aaa: la aymdSa -*- olgnHtp "A SUIVfir . lo aymbdl»^ algnHIa -WT. Laa aortai« phNiehaa. tablaaux. ota.. pauvom *lfp fllmAa i d«a taux da rdduatlon dlff«ronta. Loraqua la doeumant aat trap f rand pour Atro raproduH on un aaul allah«. II aat film* A partk da I'angia aupOrlaur gaiieha. da gauaha A droHo. at da haut an boa. on pronant la nambfo d'Imagaa ndaa aa alra. Laa diagrammaa auhrf nli llluatvont la mdthodo. n 22% 'V.,- 6 •r* 4 .MmW-:. %* ...f ^^ '' *' ;*>•'„» V ,Wm Hf y it- % WT'' '71 .i'. ■t > ■ ■]»*■ "^W/- * ., ■s^ •..•V l^r^.%v. • H J^*:^ '*i--:^:^5^!S ^^ hV' i lK*f !*.» :«^. 't^ jti. .'•'V. mv a •■ ' ■ ■ t' ■ # * * ■ -• ■ ». . \ « .. 1 " t'.' ■"■ ■'"'• • ' ' - - "^ " ■ i * m ^ ~ ■ ■ '■•• . > t ■• ■ \ ■ Sl .' 1 :' ' Mi^- - m ' ^ - ^ }''.'% *v ■4- ,7: •■;*■ ■-^If re.. B " ' ■■■' •- " P *'■ ^,: % ■ v. ■ i-A- ^ s-'V'*- ;?Uii:^ b^^ ^^|u| -'I'lSf? k^^^^Jki^iMaaJUsf^l^i'^? '. ^'.'-m(h^'^' ■m IKIJ ■w vHy <3fr.^» i ' \k.: HV I i??"- ^f% 'W ^■^ •>.- •■..,»■• . 1 ^fM '. *' v»K. > ( #>• .i'ilA ' ■' V f ^oii^y •?ii •* -i /t^ '■' '^. n ■rr^'t^i;.:t« i ■ 1^3^ . iM-*^^ :■■ v3'.'' <'#■ ■;'■ ■*»> ii .,,.;>. * !^' MAN'S TRUE GDIDE TO HEAVEN. ■■^^r ■ ?'<^. ' I. ftMBM UM mem fo Biooin a fMm onuiffiAii. & flUonM mi nmf to ms a« a fami onuariAV. ,1M •* • - Vs M, •-HP* ->■• '• "S. nt oomnuAnom lOTwnv a fiAoam avo a LiAsmni. _^^ BOOK. ' * A.11.^ 1871 ,"*.' C ^ c > ,;^, ^V., «•— — ■ 2iS* ^tMi*tft CHUHQN /" — ^i 4II1 ■« •".;<■;. J. : . *;; .^. r/i". J.- .. ''*' ' *' '.■"'Jf. p:-^-' 1... Dill RaAiii»~ P^nnil IB* lo Mk, Art yoa anxioui to ooim to th« knowlwigt of iht^lratbAind anawwr to jour own conteioiio* IIm «U iaportenl qvMlioii, '* Good Um tir, what ahall I do thai I may inhOTit •tonal Ufaf^ I^ in thia tpirit of anqniry jon prniM thaat pagti^ il can f»^ imU in y«tt batog lilMr ^mm.. Of tha aalhor of thia worl: (tha Bar. lUohaid Baztor), wa oan aaj that in an aga of giaat maa I||| waa '^ a giipit man among graat man," vfif toiUfr anM|Hant for iha tipth, a vaiy Cromwall on Ihl fialcli of fiibla controTaiay, imd alwaya on tha aida of fraadom and Imth. 80 ano^aaaftil aa an anthor waa ha in hia d&y, that ona work, antitlad *< Hia Call to the UnconTortad/' reaohad tha aztraoidinarf oiroulation of twanty thooaand oopiaa in ona yaar. In offering a reprint of thia Talnahla hook to tha leading pnblio, wa make no apology. Wa aaak no ttnaneial 0ain by thialundartaking. Having baan greatly bleaae Jfpp^ V wW| maltoa t^ none and oharity for aU;* ; r 'ra^ PUBLI8HKR. Si '^. K: . V PREFACE. 1 . ■ \ 1 I I I I • J- , la pftpttiim iMi Work for pttUioMMmt in 4 maajm •daplid fn pimmA n«^li|||l fll« fMMf ltnii» il hM bMo found niBiniry to mdio tho following §[|^[iUom I nil , voloiao itom a Uifo portion of rMdtra for whoM «m ^ Il pMolUtfljr ioft^o, AnolNr Hlk hM . ■ •,■ ■* ■.■'^■■.•'« fft '■^■' '**"■ "^ ''■(■•' ■ '% a^ itibi ir6«ifi m^i Kill idopltd of ft gtotud oAliim. . Booond. It hM boon found noooMorj, in oidor to proiorro tho oonnoxion of tbo didoguo, or to topplj : ionio dtfloiciiojr, to «dd horo and thort a liw tontii o oi oonnooting tbo dUfiifont tobjoeti togotbor : tboto m# tnoloMd bttwoon brookot* [ 1 to tbat tho icoder will, ^ J*. . . ,. \^ mUj dittingnUb tbom. ,^ .; •.; ,. • -..r, u^.^.., •^^':' * .','.'.■-.,■••«.- 0^ ■« %' V * C A •%«f%", VV>V^-- CON TINTS. : ■ » • , #." ,'***■ ". >•%».* TiM ooavkiloB ol » flMMr. Of knowi«|f otrUlnlf .,|. what aU** bU Mttl to la ; m4 »1m BMWtilr oC look* log altar 11^ WImI ara Om tr«l tvHaiMt— Irw^^^ of onraaWfa.^ t »i 4. i ,^*vr. '^t.'' / Ihii 9 '^4% Of tiM oonvcraiim of a ataiiar. Of lova td Oo^ o«P>' . "> iH|fi% aoA olbafa. Of aoTaMaUaK vltli 0«4^ rA tPHfar for eDiiT«Hi«f grm% tf ba «ia4 hf tlif «|i- :,^^. ooQvartrd who aif fMfiiioad of thdr ainfWl Biiatr* .*% « v* '■''• «wu.a^ ■ -^^^ .-r^-:4a||i:::v:-'- ■; iv^.- ' ''',•;.■'...■■■; .■ ^" -u'r^i'-f^ i •'i ■'•*'.-«.,^ • v ■•'■|,;4'J ■^"•■■..■.'' ■ '-;• "o ;'.■ ■ v'',.j*;' " .'■' ■,ji|''- ■, ^ ■''•.'■'■ X ""'''• V"''"''' .:' ,' ' ■" •" Tka raaoluUou and aotoal oonvOTalaa ot «,i|Mlir,M; ; ; > Agaiaat dalaj. What to tmat ta for pirdon of aia< \, > v^ How to obaj Iha ftpMt { aad liaw t» kpaar Ilia »•• ; ' ^ tioua. Whal rola to Ufa ))f. What iMMMa to ' : nae. Aboat oar oalllnga. Tha goodaaaa of a lio^ * \:v 111^ .. - - - ^ ■'■•,.:■• ■■^-■•''' .« ■ I ,1 ^ ^ « yj " c t ' M ' Q A t] l^-' 0% • • • 1 1 '• » , .. - %" o' ^ t| ■■ s- " . ^ l"' vL OONTftllTS* %' DiraetioDi to tJit oonrerted againtt temptation. 1. Ag |tn« t ]Mus1ing diffionltiMi in nligioiL 9. Agiinit fneiauoholy, and perfilezing fean. 8> Doubting your own aiiiocrity. - 4. Againat carnal aecurity. .0^ Againat aanaaali^, IMricto^ and oovetuaanaaa. ft: . Anainai being diatnrbed by aecta, diviaiona, and >ontrot«nica. 7. Againat doubting tbe goodn«« ? of Gtod becanae ha condeaina ao nuuiy to ball. * •• 1 Againat miataking the nataraof raligion, and mind* ing only aoma parta of it. 9. Againat formality and ooldnaaa and daoay of seal. 10. Againat temp- V tationa to doubting of thatratb ^phriaty^acrip- : Vturai^^». .....,•..• ttt Inatructlona tor a holy life. , * . V - ■ -'.■»■■■■*■' '■■ ■ -; . ■ '• Ofmholy bmily. Tha education of cfaildran. I'he ralatlTa diltiaa of huibanda, wirea, children, maa- tcM,.aenranta,andaubjecta. How to apend every day. How often, when, and how to pray. Tm 8..... 109 -^ How |o apend the Loid'a day in christian familiea, and In the dhnroh^ «id in aeeiet dntiea. How to . htarwtthpraftt fljow to teid the aofipture. Of pobtte prayer and pniae« How to reoeiFe the . Ldfd'a aiippei'^ lijf aelf-ejMniiiiatiqn. Of uiedita- tioiiu OfaeeretpmyeTr OfconVersatiuu. Qfdaya '"'I » '^ Tarn EioRTR doirnmBiroft...... PlreotioM for a aafa and comfortabla dtath. Awaken- ing thought! of death. The need of them. The great beneAti of them« Prepaiation in health. How to keeMp faith, repentancik Committing onr aoalt to ChnK ; whet)ter to tnut to anything in oar- ' aelvea. Of obeying th« Spirit. Of lore to Qod. Of the contemplation of heaven. Of the mortiftca- ' tion of the fleah. Of aettling all our worldly al- faixB. More direotbna to prepare for death in health : and in aioknew. The prayer of a dying belioTer ...^.v«.. .:..*...» IM '^^l T*« — A ■«7,'J '>' . » fe •. * H. ■i ■ '.i j-i,'*' ><«, "C*.* « ■# ' t .. . I '. ^4 i i "•A ,;,lf-##'' i:: ■i ■ ■.■■-*■ •v--::. .? »» ■f • ','( > ■/. ■■■. MAN'S TRUE aUIDJB TO HEAVEN. THE FIBST CONF£R£]^S. THB OOMVIOtlQN Of AN UNOONTHITBD 01NHBK. I M »i » n ■ ^f SPIAKIRB. Paul, a pakor, - Qajjl, an ignorani sinner. Paul. When I mw you last, nefghboor, I lold you that both my love to you, and my offiee/ do bind me, beaidet my pnUio praachiiig, to waftoh over every penon of my flock, and to iBatruot and help them man by man, u far as I am able, and they consent" ThoB Ghriat himself instrncted sinnen^ John iv. and iii. 1, 2, Ac, and^ must we. Yoa know we cannot apeak so &uiiliarly^ and eome to close to ev^y one's case, in a common sermont as IM ntey do by talking to them, .^nd in eoHYenati^n it is not a Utile lambUng diacotnse iqpon tha % that is ftt for so great « business ; and thenfofa I antieal yon to allow me now and than ^m hdof^ serioiB and •ober talk with yoo, when all other matteis ml^t for that tima be kid by ; and I am now come to olaimitasyouj^lNttised. * Saul. Yon are weloome^ sir; 1 oonfess to «y6% ih«t, being Ignorant and titileanied, I am loth ^ talk witl^ Stt'■ - 4 r \ 'V € V^'f* . *■ v.--\- tUnn of wUgton, which I do not well undewUnd ; , bai hecauM you derfw it t could not aay nay. _•♦ - P You ihidl lee that I come not to ditpnte wim you,'orto«aTO,otto ^o yon wy harm, nor to p^- da you with any naedl<« qu«itlona,nor to.try yout letming; hut only to help you before Joup 4» ^ make auie of •▼«rl<»*i»8 li*"®- ,, ■, _,, . B. I have a6 much waaon myself, as to know that Christ's ministers are like nurses, that must cut eVery child his meat as it is at for him; and that if I were sick, it is not a long speech of my physi- cian that wiU serve to cure me ; but he n»ist come and see me, and feel my pulse, and find out my ' disease, and then teU me what will do mo good, and how to tAe it.* But to tell you the truth, sir, thera are ao many busyidlows that love to meddle wiith othemlblk's matters, and censure others, and do but ttouble men, either to draw them to their own opin^ ions, or else to malte themseWes teachers, and to Hieem beHer than they are themaelves, that I was at fiwt uiiirdling yon should trouble me with such malterB : tilll thought with myself that I am one df four eba^, and MI heard how diecreeayi and ten^Nirly, and well you spoke to those that hatf « "%:4 \ '^. 1;. 11- to bat (jut bat ffA' ime my md lera rith but pill' [ to *«^ ittch. one md seen four the that eelf, liati seek that i^ed •"■ ^ llAir't TEUa OUIDI TO BI4Tlir. or troubled; but yet God forUi that I shoifld he offended with yon for seeking my own sood ; for I know you are wiaer than I, and know by your life , and labour that it i$ nothing but our aalTation thai, you seek. * 'IP. I pray you tell me what ease do you takayour soul to be in for another worlds 1 Pet. ill 15 ; and what do yon think would become of you if you should die this day t i,v . 8. God kndwawhat He #111 d6 with Hi all; I Jam not ; but we miist hope the besty and put our trail in the mercy of God. . ' ' P. No doubt but God knows; but do you think that we may not know ourselyest 2Xor. ziii j5. May not a man know oertainly whether he dudl be be -saved or not t ■ ■■';■■..:■:.:•■: ,-■:)-■■-.... ■'^^^■■^'.^ '- S. I think not ; we ctm but hope weQ, M not hi' sure. For who can tell the secrets of God f P. Cannot a man know it if Godahould teUhiml 1^8. Tes; but Ged tells nobody his mind. +^P. Do you not think the Holy 8enpfu ve it Oo^ wordi John t. $flr.; Mark 14, 49;^^24; iTiiii, iiL 16 ; and that whatever it tells us, that God ^ usi . ■ ' ,:vi::-.-. \ :.'■-" - v: ■"■'•'■:■■ V- ....''?■ --^''^'^ '■'"■':. 8. Yirlcannot d(Bi^ thai. .P. Bo you belteve thit Ih6re Is another Ufe illiir thisi Matt, zxv., Hell. iz.'27, and that nan dit^ not like a dog, but that hit soul gQetlifillwrto Jieavenorhelll'^ ■ ■ ''■-r'.^'M 8. Yes ; that inuilt not bo deioed* ' f l^v P. 8eeing heaven is an ineone^vaUe gldiy, iaA hell tho most inexpress^e misery, do yon notlliM^ that there must needs be a yeiy |iet| dtftM^ tween those that go to hesven and thtisd HiiliiDt Ip heUt Matt xxv.^ Psa. i., i(al^ Mi 17, 18, BiMib #10. ♦ <\>ii l':'.m ii^*< ■^ ^^i<*i. ,.% . :■« •' ■ ■ '\' MAM'8 TRUB OUIDl TO HBAVIN. Vllf. f^^ M, Ym, no doabt ; Ood is not unjast ; He would »not take one to heaven and send another to hell if ihey were both alike. P. And do yoQ think that there ia so great a difference, and yet that it cannot be kno,#n 1 Is a godlv man and a wicked man so like that they can- not be known asunder by themselves, if they will t 8. Nobody knoweth the heart but God. ^ P. Another cannot infallibly, know it, further than the life deelareth it; but cannot you know •your own! 2 Cor. xiii. 6;.l John iii. 14, 24 ; iv. J 3 ; V. 19, 20. Cannot you know what you love «nd what you hatel ■ ^"^ ^ , 8. No doubt but a man may know his own mind. 1^. Very good 1 and you hear the Scripture read, . where there are abundance of promises made to the godly, ^th for this life .and that to come • and ter- rible thMtening to the ungodlyt To what use and purpose were all these if no one c»ul4 know whether he were godly or ungodly ) Who could take any r~~^Bomfort in the promises, if he could not know that \ >hey belong to him. ^v * > 8. Not ndleU he have some guess or hope. • , P. And do you not hear in 2 Pet.i. 10, that >#e must give all diligenoe to maKe our calling and elec- tion sniet And 2 Cor^ xiiL 5, "Examine yourselves :^lMither ye be in the faith ; prove your own selves. • JUM»«r you not your own selves that Jesus Christ is to yon, ezo^t ye be reprobates." Do you think God would bid men try, and examine, and make sure if it were imposdble t ^r " • . . > E, No, anie; we must c|p our best; but who can till who Mre dected and who are reprobates, which 4ipe God's seeiets t p. Xqu cfmnot l^w before they tan converted^. .. . "•"> .1 f A •i^. -u^ •f. 4' ■'JUifk^ T!/'': MAV'i nam avioa to opukfiii. "Whom Qod will oonvort and whom not Bui when He oonVerteth * nmer jBe mU hk name and mark upon him ; not ontwaidly onJJjr, at you do on yonr ■beep or goods ; but inwardly, at Hht paraita oonyey their own nature and likeneM to their ohiMmn, John ui. 3, 5; ^om. nil 9; Matt xviii 3; Tit iL 13, lij'd Cor. y. 17 ; thai ia, He regenerateth and aano- tiaeth them ; He puttjathinto tlhem a holy nature, a new mind and a^naw will, and tumeth Ihem to a new life ; and may not all thia be known! Cannot Ood*a eleet be known to themielyea, i|hen He hath given them the Spirit of Chriat, and n^e them new oreatorea, and aet Hia oertain mark upon them f Did you never hear, ««The foundation," or obligation, "of Oo4 stondeth aura, having thia aeal. The Lord ktfoweth them that are His ; and, l>t every one that naroeth the name of Chrial idepnt ftom iniquilv/' 2 Tim. it 19. Qod knowelh whom He wiU ^nveH mnd aave from eternity; but when men brieve in Chriat and depart from iniquity, then theyikve Hia aeal of Have ybu not \pt heard that one aori are called in Scripture the dbildrsn o^ God, and are aaid to h^ve Qja Mature and Hia image, 2 Pet i 4 ; 2 Pet i B^ 4 : 16V-.17i and therefore are aaid to be vegeneraiad and horn agam, >nd bona of God» and begotten by inooriiupti- hle aeed to n Uvwly hope and a never Udiag in heav6n, and are made holy aa He ia holy I lAnd tt>e otket aort are caU^d the chfldren of the dMl. John via\44 ; 2 Tim. it 20, 20; IJohniii. alXlO- Acta xviiiVlO; and aaid to he of him and ici he ruled aa eapiivea \^ him, and do hia worita and Wlill f 'B \ W'' lUlHli TBIJI aUim TO BIATIH. ■{ And dare yon think that God and the devil are ad like, as that their image,, and nattiro, and works, and children cannot he known one horn another) 8. I dare not think so. God forbid. ' P. And have you not heard in Sorifiiure abund- ance of particular marks laid down, by which we may know whether we are the children of Godt And can yon think that they are all laid down in 8. No ; nmui (»^the lll/^fd of G<^lb in i^i^^ P. And do you not hear expressly that b|i thMo majrks we may know that we are the children of Ood t 2 Cor. i 12 ; Gal. vi. 4 ; Heb. iii, 6 ; Phil. iii. 1 ; fv. 4 ; Pia. xtxiii. 1 ; Rom. v. 2 ; 1 Thes. v. 16; 1 Pet i 6, 8;«-^nd that knowing it, we may rejoice, eyen with unspeakable^ glorious joy f And thaibelieTers are commanded to rejoice in theLoid, \y«StaIways to njoioet and God^s wOrd cannot be fkb^ nor doth it command the ungodly thus to _^ rtjoice, Hos. ix. 1. Ilierefore, certainly a man may know whether he is the child of God or not i*' 8. I ne?er thought of so much before as you have told me ; I cannot deny it But 1 must confess that 1 have no Mich knowledge of myself*. ^ i P, Be not oiSmded with me. if I fre^ proceed ' upon your own eonliessiott. Have you no assurance of your salvsirffon t nor certain knowledge what case your aoul k in! Tell me truly, ^hat care, what idiligent labouf have yon used to have made all suret 2 Ptet i 10 1 1. 6, 10; Matt vi. S9; John ' M. 27. b It beoiuse you opnld not get asstirance 1 .'^rbeeaase you wooldnol doyourpwtt Canyon truly say that y^ have set your heart upon the ^^matter, and made it the greatest of your care and Mboiif iA tini world, and left nothing undone whieh \ '^£bar^ ..i^^. \ 'X ■f. aJiflki* "^P^mf^ lUtf'i TBUi odiDi fo tfiitnr. JJJ^,^*^ 4^* % ^ ^ "**• "^ro of eTerkfting 8. I would I could say ao j but I oonfoM I can- not ; God forgif« me, I have had «)me few thoughts or Mie* matters now and then ; but I nerer laid out such serious thoughts, such earnest labours upon them sf you speak of P. Hare you nott lam lon^lo luw ftfl^^ praryou tell me what is it that hath hindered you. • r «« "^ "'» "•'^^ ^"^^^S^ *>»▼« hindered me, Matt PhU. iii. 19 ; Psa. x, 8, 4.^ One is, the cares, ani business, and crosses of this world, which hare taken up my mind and time* And another is, the vain pleasures of the flesh, the deUghts of sense. Som». thing or other so took ms up that 4i|y mind had no leisure nor iroom for God« ' Jf P. And do you think you have done well and i^ely f Will this course serve your turn for ever f Whit have you now to show of iU the i^easuraa that sin afforded you, ever since you were bom f What now are you the better for evety merrr hour' that's past! for m^ playful day or company 1 for evety wanton lust if iid dalliance 1 " AU is vanrty and tixjtion." Ecd. i. 2, 5, &c Tell me how, what good, vrhat sweefeiAss, what iuward comfort is left behind t what th^ better aw yon now for alii And Me you not sure ^af am end win come, and shorav . come! I^e xii. 19, 20. And wbei« Iheu are aU r^'i.^fiph ""^ merjjnents f Do you tfakk thaT death isTEade more iffife^ahd comfortiible, or moitf dangerous «nd terrible by the remembmnca of all the sinfial pleasures of a fleshly lif^ ! Go, t^ If Vous can comfort a dying man (that is not tiud)%t6tlina him that he hath W a life of sport and ileisunrj ^m^mim 0h'i\vi 'Hr.<>,'. '--y t ns 'f ^^J^ijjj^^^ '■> • k *• ' #i i Ham's tmutt omoi to BiULTiir. or thtl he liad plenty of etting and drinking tnd oamal pleaaure for ao long • time ; and thai h« haUi hid hit good things here, Lake xvl 26,; end ihel thie world hath done for him ell that it oan do, end now he muat pett with it forever. Oo, try whether death he more comfortahle to the rich man who ia clothed in purple and silk, and fareth enrnptnoualy or delidooaly every day, than to a huuvm that waiteth in patient poverty for a beUer lifet 8. I know all thia : and yet thia worid hath a majvelloua power to blind men's minda, and take np their hearU, and turn their thonghta from better thiAgL ■■■'.•,.'"'■•'•:' V ■,'■■.■■:_.'■■■' :^-'':.''-: P. It's true with those #ho are Uind already, and never had apiritoal wiadom or holy inclination to mind Qod or any thing truly good. But if men were well in their wita, could the*pleaaurea of the fleah for a moment be preferred before holy ever- laating pleaaureal Coiud they be quieted in all iheir mjaeiy with the pride and pelf of a few daya,. and which thty know thev muat ahortly leave for evert ^^uld a life that la potting ao apeedily to its esdTmake men foiget an endleaa )ifet But tell me, neigl^bonr, did you not know all this while that yon must dief you muat certainly diet you muat shortly die V And did you not know thai when deaAh oometh time is gone, for ever gone, and all the world cannot leeall itt Did you not know that your bnsittess in this world was to pre* pare for heeTeu-*-«]iiatt. vi. 19, 20, 33— and todo all that ever moat be done for your everlaatinfl hope fUid happiness 1 snd that it must go with m men in heevearand helT as they have prepared here f £pl have heard aU this, but it was with a duU . isA sleepy mind ; it did not stir me up to sober ' ooondeiatioii, heoanse I hoped still lor hrngsr liii^ v/ m •>P"*:r"",7»'*'^r ■ v/ '^'"^'^W'^-f^^ . ^IjBPwi «■■■,• :^' ■ ■ ■ • : . '. fT* MAll'i TWni OUIDl TO HIATW. I' P. But TOO IniQW that tba longift life mtial haTt AD and^ When now am all thai U?td before uat And, aba I what are a hundred jaan when ihej are gone t whal now ia all yonr time that ia paat f But tell me farther : what ahift made yon all thia while with your oonaoienoe I Did you neter think of the * end of aU yonr proeperity f— 1 Pet 4. 7 ; Luke xii 19. 20; 2 Pet iii 11 ; P^ uxrii S7. 88. Ac. ; Kom. vi. 21, 22; 2 Cor. xi 15; PhU. iil 19— and of yonr aonra appearing in another world 1 Do yon not paaa through the churohyard. and aee the gre? ee, and tread upon the duat of thoee that hare lived in the pleaaurea of the world before yont Ha?e yon not aeen the grevee opened, and fht ear- oaaea of your neighboura left there in the ailent darkneeat And did you not know that all Uiia^ must be your own oondition t And ia auch a lifi * better than heaT«n1 and auoh a corruptible body fl| lo be pampered with all the eare and lal^tr of our— liyea. whiiat our aoula are almoat forgotten ipd iiegleetedl v .:/:■. v:-\^vi: ';■':•■.';. •*,:•/...■': :..V-'ir:»' 8. God forgive ua ; we forget all thia. though we have daily and hourly remembrances. tUl death is^ just upon ua. and then we do peroeiye our folly — Ps. IxziriiL 33-35. &o, I waa onca sidr. and lika to die; and then I was troubled for fear what wouU become of me. And I fully resolved to mend my life. Bui when I waa recovered, all wore oiT, and the wtirld and the fleah took plaoe again, y ; ; P. B^ you are a man, and have the use of ieir son. When yon confess that you «re unready to die, and have done no more to make sure work for yonr sonl, tell me, what shift make you ta lie down quietly to sleep, lest you should die and be past' (ope before the iQarDiDgt Af» 30^ not #£r«ia in ■* ' 1 « » > 1 ' , ' ' . - _j^ » . , ^ ^ Bsr'3K^'*5i^#Si^ ■^.?; «. -,;■ 'i':<: W .V^ % 10 % f lUali TBUl OQIDI TO BIATni, i i Die morning let! you sYionld die iMfort nij^li^nd iMTer have time of repentance more Y What ■hift make yon to forget that if yon die unready and UAoonverted, you are a loat and miserable man for ererf Are you iiure at night to liye till momingt ProT. izfii. I ; Matt xiir. 14; Luke xii. 19, 20, 40l ' Are you aare in the morning to life till night 1 . Are you not aiure that it will not be loogl Do you not know hmjfmuA a wonder of providence we live 1 How many nundred veinp,~and arteriee, and sinews, and other parts ourbodiee havr, which must evory one be kept in order t So that if one break or be stopped, or if our blood do but corrupt, or our other nourishing moisturB be dintempored, or our ipirita be quenched, how quickly are we goneY And dare you wilfully or negligently live one day, unprepared for death in so slipjgcrj aiid uncertain $ Jife as this 1 _ „ ^^ut fi(nMHB|iieeriHr^ thank Gfod I have lived untUPT^ ^ '^ P. And will you turn Ood's putience sind mercy Into presamption, to' the hardening of your heart end the delayjlng of your repentance 1 Will He • inr% wait your leisure Y As long as you have ^ iii not deeth come, and shortly come Y And wheilFI^ yon t^en, end what will you do ne;^tY Have you ever soberly bethougbt you what* it is for a soul to take its farewell of this world, and presently to appear In another woiid, a world of spirits good or bed, and to be judged according to our preparatioi^ in this life-^Matt xxv.-~rana to take .up a place in beaven or hell, wjthout any hope ^ fbrster elianging f 8. Ton trouble me and make me afraid %if this t«lk j but de^tl^ wUl noV he prevei^^^ Aiid wh|| t f % f:' '■.\& m f" '*"5"i% "Wf^ifj — ' fff '•■^^'R^ T"'^ ^ ' w^'^jKMpr-'T^ -^ "%*" ^ «,i? Ifl' t ' id br 8» 0, t1 . rt, ur nr et ft ^^B pm «pi|.0 nuTtt, 't "V cy irt fie V6 nd :tt 'is bd of to to pe^ lis 1» in I • thffi, should W0 begin our (mn too aoon I Tfrnj will come tim« enough of thsBaelvee. The fiir of deeth is s greeter pain thsn detth i|Btlt P. Ales I is dying dU thtl yon look tA I though desth oannpt be pretentml, detniisttua m^y be ptv- ▼ented. Dfing is a smsll msiisr, wera it not for wbst Qometh next. But otn heH be es^tped with- out fetr. snd oere, and strioos dilifsnoej or had yon rather ]^ oonderaned for e?er than be fHghtened to your duty-Md from your sin and danger I Is hell •MierOian a litUeneoees^ry fear and caret If yo« were either a beast or a' devU. tliera w^ soma ' sense in what yoti say. For if yo« were a bMsL you had nothing after death to feaf ; and therefor* the fear of death before)iand would wiU yoii study of thw few questions foUowingt '^ : « f^.fw Mlif» , h .What did God giva yotfjour leason for/ind «'ri ;•€ 1 m^'i '• J i. •tM r« ^' m (|m ■ >, T (1 v/ / '"wratwri ^r ',"■ .' w""^ ■>-r. 12 mah'b TRUi QXJum TO BiAtnr. tntke you differant'^^m' a beast, bnt to use it in preparation for an endless life t And is it madness to use oiir reason for that which it was given ns lor, aod which we are, made and live fbrtS 3. It not that man actually mad already who hath aOod to serve, and a soul to iave, and a heaven to get, and a hell to escape, and a death to prepare for, and spends his life in worldly fooleries that all perish in the using— Luke xii 20; Ps.ziv. 1, xdi. 6 ; Jer. xvii. 11 ; Prov. xiv. 9 i Eccl v. 1, 4 ; Luke xxiv. 25— -and leaveth all this work undone % Is he not mad, and worte than mad, that setteth more by these trifles than by his God ; and tetteth more by a little moat uid drink and beastly pleasure, for a few days, than by an endless heavenly glory f that oareth more for a body thl^t must rot in the . earth tl)ian for a never-dying* soul t that spareth no pains to avoid shape and poverty and sickness, and will do little or nothing to avoid everlasting shime and pain and horror in belli Tell me, if your wife and child should behave themselves but half as madly about the thibgB of this world, would you not send theni to^^ Bedlam, or to ft physician prtsently, or bind them and use, them vfMtho mad are used 1' And is it not a pitifiu hearing, to hear ono that is thus mad for his poor soul, to neglect it still and cast it away, and say he dtth it for fear of being mad I 3. But I ask you further, what is there in God, in Christy in heaven, or in tk holy life, that should make ft man mad to think of it t Is not 6od-b^ter than your house, and land, and sports t Ps. Izziii. 25, 2«, 28 ; Ixiii 3 ; Pha iii. T, 8. Is 4ie not a better Friend to you than any you hav^ in the world t And will it make you mad to think of yo uf house, o r land, or pl e a smreal — Do not all m e h 'i(M''- ■ '"': -M ', -n Ar» «'^ -vs,'^ 'TS^S.'TEpg^V" '«W|WI»' MAM'B TBUB QDIDB TO BBAYIN. IS ^i.W' ^;4 U confess that we should love Qod above allt and if it make you not mad to love your friend, or your riches, or yourself, why should it make yon mad to ' live in 'the love of (>odf Tell me, do you think that heaven is a desirable place, and better than this"^ miserable world, or notl If you say ft), you bear vritness against yourself that you are unfit for hea- ven who do not- love it or desire it, and Ckkd will deny you but that which you had no mind of. But if you say yea, then tell me why the hopes of enrerlasting heaven^ joys, and the forethoughts thereof, should'make one mad T Alas, man ! we have no other cordial against all o^ oalamitiea in this world but the hopes aud fovethoughta of the j<>ys of heaven. Take away this, and ybu kill our comforts! Our hearts would sink and die within U8. And do men use/^ go mad for fear of their fdici^, and with delightful thoughts of the only goodf •;, . S. All this is true if a' man were sure of lieaven; but when he must think of hell too, and his fean are grqat^r than h!|i hopes, the case is otherwise. P. Now you say something; but I pray you consider that it is one thing fo think of hdl de- spairingly as those who have little or no hope to escape it: thii9 might make a inan mad indeed; but this is not your case. ~ But it is another thitig to fear hell, as that which yoa may most certiainly aVoid— Is. Iv. 1-3, 6, 7 ; Matt xi. 28 ; Rev. xxii. 17 ; Mark xyi. 16 ; John iii. 16, 18, 19— and withal attain eternal life, if you will but consent to the, offers of that SHviour who will freely save you. No man shall be damned that is truly willing to be saved ; to be saved, I say, from sin and heU. S. I pray yon tell me, then, what maketh the A, a^igir'.'* / if" •'< I * ft MAK'B TRUB OUIPB tO HBAVBN. j^dughts of the world to come ao terrible to us 1 9^ what maketh 80 many that are troubled in con- acience to be melaifcholyi or to live so sad a life % P. I will tell you what I have had to do with 'AS many melancholy conscientious persons l>mj^j one that I icnow of in EngUnd, and I ha^il^^ind that--;..::-:..;-.v;;\'::2^,;::^ ■■■• V. /■'•■:::-■■■■ v.. :'-,-t#f ?■-:•'■■ I. With the greater part of theni it ' is^^me worldly oroea whtdi makes them melancholy-^2 Cor. ▼ii. 10, 11— -and then it turneth to matters of con- Bciaioe afterwards, when they Have a while had the diaeiiae. And for the moist part it befalleth very £bw^ bnt either weak-spirited tender women, whose bnaiiB are 80 weak and their fancies and passions •o stfoiig and violent, that they can bear no trouble nor serious thoughte, Wt their reason is presently diatnrbed and borne down ; or else some men that by natoral distempers of body, either from their panrnts, or contracted by some disease, are specially inoUnetf to a , *^ i^. And whoi I have known it befall some few in their first repentance, it hath usually been some Yety heinons sinners, who have lived so debauch- ed^ in drunkenness, or whoredom^ or >ommitted p«gaiy or murder, ^at conscience did more terrify theBA thiin they were ablo to bear. But this was jBok fitom «ny harm that they apprehended in a irodly life^ bat because they had been so ungodly^ This was but the fruit of their former wickedness, and partly Qod's justice that will not pardon liei- nojiB i^eiB till He hath made them peroeivejsin is evil, and tiiat they inust indeed bi^bcholden to His nifirqr iuid to^hrist But usually when God hath broken the hearts of such men by His terrors, He , tandedy binda themnp with comforts, and maketh 'rv'.> M' Xah's tbub ouipb to BMkyWSf, » 'rv> 3 , those terrors VAry profitable to them as bog as they live, ^b'/how predoiis )b Christ to such ! How sweet Mure the promises of pardon and salvation I How hateM is sin to them all their lives after I BiU if it should fkU out th(^t such a wicked man, repenting, shtfuld never recover from |iis melan*- choly sadness, it is a thousand times better and ' more hopeful state than he was in befcsej when he went oh in sin with presumntaon and delight^ ^^"7 3. And there 13 another case too common. Every poor repenting sinner is not so happy as to tflXi into the hands of a wise experienced counsellor to direct . him. But some do distract men's minds abouL dif- ferent opinions in religion, and talk to a poor ainner lor this side, and against that side, dr about mattefs that are past their uiiderstandingpB : and some do not dearly and fully open the nature of the covenant of grace, which giveth Christ.and life to all who truly ,. ^ttsent, nor seek sufficiently, by opening the riches of grace and glory, to win men's hearts or love to God; but bend themselves mpch more to ralie meik's * fears, and tell them more of whaC they deserve and vwbat they arcT in danger of, if they repent not, than of what they shall enjoy with rOod through Christ ^ when they come hom^. The first must in its tdme and place be done; but the latter if the gfeat work * that must save the 8oul& Tit iii 3-5. Rom. v. 5. 1 Pet i. 8, 9. Read Luke xv. John v. 42. 1 Cor. xvl 22. Eph. vi. 24. Rom vui. 28. 1 Cor. ii. 0. James i. 12, and ii. 6. For man is not converted and sanctified indeed by any change that is made by fear a^e, till love come in and .win his heart and * K~iepair nis nature. ^ ^ You have said so much as doth continee me that I must not for fear of the trouble cast aWay the le van's TBUI QUIDl TO-^tAY^fi »'. I' ;. UioughtB of my soul and eternity. Bat truly, eir, I hAve thought of these things so littie that I am hut puzzled and lost, and know not what to do. And therefote you must»help to guide my thoughts, or I pan do nothing with them. _ P. You have now hinted yourself another cause that so many are puzzled about religion, and turn it to • melancholy lifo. When a sinner hath lived i|pomtIy, carelessly, tod siiifuUy aU his days, and ooineth at List W the mercy of God t^^iwe his misery, it cannot be expected that iie should preaent- fy^be acquainted with aH'tSiose great mysteri^ thmgi which he never did seriously mind before;' and so is like a man that hath a way to go that he never w«nt, and a hook to learn that he never learnt befoie. And all young sdidlars do find the easiest lessons hard till they have tune to be acquainted wi«i them. They are like a man bred and bom in , a 4niiMop, where he had only candle-light, who when he fint cometh into the open world and seeth we sun, 18 astonished at the change, but must have time before (by aU that light) he can be acquainted with a^he things and persons which he never before Mw, Bong ignorance will not be cured in a day- John iii. 4, 6, 8. Heb.v.Il-14. Acts viii. 30. 31. And d^ness naturally feedeth fears. But time and P*^«nc\in the light will overoome them. BuVV) answer your desire I wjU direct your ttioughts : am I think that now the next thing you have to think on is to look into your heart and look back npo^ your life, and come to a clear resolution of this question, Whether you are yet a trtlly con- ▼erted tinner, and are forgiven and reconciled to God or notk^and whether you are yet in the way to heaven ernott I prayypu teU mlB now what you thini: of f »i»f>' f40 mi .'*' N. .UAH's tRtm omDi to muvnr. 17 ypurtelf. If you die this night in th^ iaae you are now in, do you think you shall he saved or not 1 ^ 1 8. God knows ; I told you that I do not know : hut I hope well; for no man must despair. I P. To despair of ever heing con¥erted and saved 18 one thing; that you must not do: and to know that a man is not yet converted, and to despair of* being saved without conveisidn, is another thing; that is your duty, if you are yet unrenewed. But as for your hoping wWI, I must teU you that there is a I *««« ^ w iTMi iiuut.o gooa toe aevirs wora — 1 Uor. yi.9. GaLvi.7. lCor.iiil8, Eph.v.6.1John i. 8. Jam. i 22, 25, hor our word, but only His own word. To a repeating believer, God promiseth foi^ giveness and salvation, and such a one^nust hope for it, and God will never disappoint his hopes; but to unbelievers, ungodly impenitent persons, the devil and their own deceitful hearts only do- promise for- giveness and salvation. And they that promise it must perform it if they can, for God will not. Do you think that God ,hatti promised that all mhn shall be saved anywhere in His word I nS. Ko, Idarenotsay sa ^ > P. Do you think then if all men shall hope tolM saved that this would save them ever the mbr^t 3. No: but yet there is some comfort in hoping ' well. ^ P. But bow little a while will deceitful cbmforf lasM Do you know that there are some men wh^)m God hath told us that He will not savet As, "Ex- cept ye repent, ye.shaU all perish," Luke xiii. 3^ 5. "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not> enter into the kiijgdon^ of 1a ' ~ ^ > .«!.,« r ■T '-t ' ' '.hi VJr.i*'*:, : ;.M-A . VH' I" .» 18 man's true ovidb to hbavbn. WS'- heaven/' Matt, xviii. 3. "If ye live after the flesh, ?^ Bhith die," Rom. vUi 13. The text is plain; you cannot dehy it. Telt mtf, then, if any one of these shall hope to he saved, as he is, -while God says this eannot he, is sufth a hope a goo^ hope I • Is not this -to hope that GodV word is false t And should a^ man hope that God will liel or will God go contrary ^|to His word i, S ^ ^ ^ S. But may we nol; hopi tliat GodTwiU b« hettoi^ than His word 9 There istui harm in that. V P. That which vou call hotter is not hetter, hut. worse. The king hath mad^ laws for the hanging of murderers. If he should pardon them ' aU, they iprould call it hetter to them; hut all good subjects and honest men would 6all it worse. Foy no man could have any security for his life ; for every one that had a niiild to take his money, or that hated him, would kill him if he could. And where then were justice r What is the law made for^ but to be the rule of the subject's life, and of the judge's sen- tence, and to tell men What they must expecM And if it be not fulfilled it is vain and deceitful, and dioweth that the hi W-maker either had not wis'lom enough to make it well or had not power enough to execute it A benefactor or friend, indeed, may give naorev^an he hath promised, if he see cause ; but a righteous goveruor must rule according t6 his laws Job viii. 3, Psa. Ixxxix. 14, Heb. xii. 28, 29--or else he decei^eth men by them; which is not to be imput€4 to God. At least he will not lie— Tit. i. 2, Heb. vi IIB, Rom. iii. 4, K John v. 10— and falsify llis word. >* S. But for all that jthe king tns^ pa^on a^ fender. ■■■■■-; -•^'■' ■■.. f. That is because w^ak man can make no ^ aw <^q .•V ■H: 3i5„W K-S&*^?tt. 1 '\ /•■■ man's TBUK auiDI TO aiAVBN. > 19 t perfect but in piractice it will be sometimes necessary to depart from it. Bat it is jiot so with Gted. And a righteous king will never paijclon ciimes but in some rare extraordinary case, which will not injure his subjects nor cause his hiws to be despised. And this is no comfort to all the rest of the malefactors. But I doubt you do not understand that God did at ftret make a perfect Uw-^Rom. iil 21,&c./and Item, v.— throughout, which forbad all sin on pain of death : and man did break this law, and we all &till break it from^ay todayby every sin ; and God being merciful hath given us a Saviour, and by Him the forgiveness of all our sins. And now bethink you whether it is not foolishness for any to Bay, I hope God will forgive me and be better than His woord. He hath already foi^ven you, if you i«pent and turn to Him; but if you will not, it is impu- dence for a man at the same time to refuse forgive- ness, and yet to hope for it; to despisd mercy, and eay, I hope for mercy. What if the king made an/act to pardon rebels, forgiving them all on conditio^ they will thankfully take his pardon, and lay dowii thciir rebellious arm's,' w;ere it not impudent in them to continue in arms' and refuse these conditiQus/ and yut say, We hope thekingwillpardon usi A * S. 1 understand these /things better than I did; but I can hardly digest^ it that you thus seem to .driite men to despair. / » P. You greatly mistake : I am driving you from despair.' There is np hope of the salvation of a sinner that contintieth unconverted. Flatter not yourself with foolijrti hopes of the devil's making. Aa sure as God's Word is true, everlasting despair in he l l j a the portiou of all that die uncon v erted and i "k^-. ' . "7 . "T- 20 man's TRUl QOIM to JUAVIN. ■ I \ ■■■ ■ ■ • , ■ •. . . nnBanctified. They will then cry out forever; All our hope is p^t and gone— Job viii 13-14; xi. 20; xxviL 8; Prov. xl 7; xiv. a2; Isu. Ivu. 10; 1 Pet.' 1.^3, 21; iu. 16; 1 John iii. 3. We had once hope of mercy, but we refused it, and now there is no^ hope. This thought, that there is no more hope, will tear the sinner's heart forever. Xhis is the^tate that I woidd keep you from. And do I tot then seek to " keep you from despairt ^ ^ Suppose you met a man riding post toward York, and thinketh verily he isjn the way to liondon.and tells you I ridei fer life, and must be at London at night : you tell him that he must turn back again then, for he is going the quite contrary way, and the further he goeth the further he hath to go back again: he answereth you, Alas, J hope I have not lost aU this time afnd travail; 1 hope I may oome this way tol^ndon. Will not yo6teU him that his hopes wifi deceive him; there is no hope of coming to London that way, but he must needs turn back t And if he answer you, You would drive me to^ despair; I will hope well, and go on. What would you say to this ™"» ' ^^"^^ you not take him for a fool, and tell ^V y<>« ^iU not beUeve me, ask somebody else: and knom:better before yon go on any further. So say I to you, if you are out of the way to heaven you must despair of eVer coming thither till ^ turn— Luke xiii. 3-5— but that^i^not to despair of conversion and salvation, but despair of -being Mved in the devil's way, that you may bereaved in UodA-way, and not despair for evermore. Changing ' &l8e hopes for sound hopes is not to cast away aU hope. There is nothing more hindereth men from wpentmg and being saved than hoping to be saved / without true repentance : fqi who will ever turn to \ % '¥ , wf^i man's tRUl OUIDB TO hiavht. 21 / to ■h' ■ 1/ God thiit still hopeth to be saved in the worldly un- godly way that he is in 1 James Jii. 4; Ezek. xzziii. 9, 11, 99; xviu. 21, 30, 32; xiv. 6. Who will turn back again that hopeth he is right and safe already t . Tell me, I pray you, must not every wise man have •ome ffround and reason for his hopel And should 2^a mans soul and everlasting state he ventured upon^^ unsound and uncertain hopes 1 ' S. No, if we can have batter. I*. Tell me freely, thed, what are the grounds'and reasons of your hope^f Heaven is not for all men. What have you to sh&w that wH^tnily prove your title to itf,;-'^- :.; '-■■■:.■ ^'- ;. ™J;-v '.^ ;; : : ;■ ■ ■. S. I ground my hope on the great mercy of God. ^ P. tut God's 'mercy saveth none but by conver- tion : it is the refu^ting and abusioc^ ^^ mercy that condemneth men. The ^ufsstion is, Whether this mercy will save you t * ^ •6. I place my hope in Jesus Christ, Who is my -•■■Saviour. -■■■■/.-■.-'■■■■;;■ ■■^>"'" . P- I Mty M before, Christ saveth not all men. What hopes have you that he will save you more thanothorst ' S. Is it not said that He is the Saviour of all men, and that He is the Lambpf Qod that taketh aWay the sine of the world 1 "^ 1*. That is because that saving is His office, for which be is all-sufficient— John iii. 16, 2Cor. v. 19- 20~Tiind by His sacrifice He hath pardoned all the 1 world on condition that they believe and turn to God. But till they believe and repent they are not actu&Uy pardoned. He may be the physician of dl the city or ho s pital who und e rtakoth to cure all in the city or hospital that will traet him, md take his . t 3^ ■i^r 22 .J man's TRVM OOIDI TO BlAvlll. mm, and be ruled by Jiim. ■ &. a au I do beli^V. in ^hriet ;^ belio,.^ ^„ ^^ If you triljr believe, you h^6-goqdimmig (aiaa in so great a busmeae, I muet fint teU von ^ir "'^^o Nievlag i.; ever, trae^j;« to bf2i°J:.*!?\ t-djl^Uoveth aU Ood'. wt!^ W. «nW%!J ""S *•.••*'' '"""ntoth that God be . yo?f fiS^t'"'' "»"""^«'«''°. •nd'LvattorDr .nf Jfir.S '""* •»« in this world, neither health, life, wealth, or Dleunn for your d«ly comfort and gr4t«,t ^Ztt^^' vnnft^ ^"n^**""""* *">»» that Christ will save wiSrf^ yo" «n». and willte«,h yorSl"he ^J^f.?^* '.;"'* "^' He wiU .wotify vou^ the Hol y Gho s t, that pu »^;^^;. . jy^y j^ g^^j^; T "-»! f. jr • t ■. .'?* *.^; :"-'^'r ■V* • iuv'b TBini ciuroi to viiTnr. fl life in the love of God—Rom. vHi. 1, 6-8, 13 s Heb. xi. 6 ; 2 Tim. ii. 4 ; 1 Thet. iv. I ; U. Ivi. 4; Col. i. 10-— and may forsake not only luat, and wan- tonneaa, and gluttony^ and dninkenneia, and pride, and amliitioii, and deceit, and oovetousneia, bnt alao mortify all flethly doeirei, and destroy all your own ^ will, which is against the will of God, and bring you up to the greatest holiness 1 ,8. You j>ut me hard to it n^T know not what to say to this. ^ V ^ < ; ; P. You mav know whether you bc^eve and trust in God and Christ or not, if you will but consider these three things. 1. What you mW l^Ueve and trust Him for; 2. What word of His it ia^hat you bellete; 3. What are the effects which are^^ways brought forth by a lerious faith. And, % 'fj^l, You ttipst trust in God for thai^hich H4 hath promised to give; and you musfSike all toi gether,^cff else it is not trusting God. An you trust' a physician to cure you, and trust a schoolmaster to teach you, and trust a lawyer to counsel you in his way— and no you trust every man in hi^ own under^ taken work-^so must you trust God to be your only everlasting joy, and better to you than all the world, and to be the lawgiver and ruler of your life j and you must trttat Christ to justify you and save yon ftom.your sins— ^Acts ixvi. 1§; Tit. ii, 14— and you must tepst the Boly Ohoet to kill your tins, and to ilfnminate, sanctify, and quicken you, and by degre^ to make you perfectly hdy. For w*** "■• the things that God is to be trusted fpr. 3nt if any ^ould trust God to save them from hell, and not flwm s]n,\or from the guilt of sin and not from the now e r of it, or to l e t th e m k e ep tlieir fleahfy lusta while ^ey live, and then to give then^ ;^,q ~\ ^u^f \'^^W^. ■.^■' H Han's ntui arnim to BiiTnr. hwen at death, thia ia not to traat Ood, but to abuae Him. nor to tniat His mercy, but to nttuti it. How doth he trqat in Chriat to aave him who ia not t willing to be aaved by Him t And he that wiU not be aayed from his ain, wiU not be aaved by Chriat. . And how can he tniat the Holy Ohoat to aanctifj him who la not willing to be aanctiaed, bat thinketh * « V ^^^^ intolerable toil and miaary f . ^2. To believe God ia to believe Hia word. And What word of God have, you to believe but that He wm aave converted believera, and condemn all un- godly unbeKevera f If now you will believe that God will save any unconverted ungodly ainneia, thia ia to believe the devU and yonraelvea, and not God • for God never said any auch word in all the Bible! but proteateth the contrary. And what a aelf' deceit^ It to hope to be aaved for beUeving k lie and fathenng it upon Gold I And what blaaphemy A .i*?u°^ '* believing God when you believe the devil that coutradicteth Him ! > 3. Believing* and trusting will be aeen in their ♦W^ I« It possible for a man truly to believe ihat he ahall have a life of joy in heaven for ever if he will turn from the flesh and the^worM to God and val^e and seek heaven mora than earth, and yet not do It, but be a carnal worldling still 1 Ig it possible truly to believe that the wicked shall be ♦ Jl^^" r*^ iHjggar or a slaviF In ifeiglMia/^^^ the king ahould promise you a kingdom in the Indies If you wUl but trust yourself in the ship with hia nILvt!!!l:7^ «nd«rtaketh ti bring you thither, I pray you teU me, now, what is the meaning of this trnating hia mm rni/ l h^^\^^^ u.^ ** » .. — troating his son, and how may H'appear whetl»eT f ' -^J* mah's tioi otm>B to ttiATnr, W .■■ . ■ ■ f ,■ yoQ tntft the kiag't promiBe and hii ton*! condact or not t If you tniit him, you wUI pcok tip and be gone ; you will leave yom own coantry and all that i» in it, and on shiplKMtrd you will go, and venture all that you have in the voyage, m hope of the kingdom which ie promiaed you. Luke xviil 22,. 23 ; xiT. 26, 33 ; Matt, xiii 45, 4S. But if you fear that the king deoeiveth you, or that hia eon wanteth either skill, or will, or power to bring you to the promised place, and that the ship is unsafe, or the wavea and tempests like to drown you, then you will stay at home and will not venture. So when God offereth you a heavenly kingdom, if so be you will in/ heart forsake the world and all iU pomp and pleasures^ and all the sinful desiieaof the flesh. If now you trust this promise of Qod, you will forsake aU and follow a crucified Saviour as a crosa^bearer ; yon will Uke shipping with Christ and His servants, and let go all in hope of heaW? But if you do not forsake all fin heart) and follow Him, resolving to take heaven instead of all, you do not truat Him, whatever you may pretend. 8. I cannot dehy but what you say is the plain ■trutfe- ■......:■,•:■,-.■'■/:::/:.,,'. . ^"^'H' . P. StippoM thai yoii were sick, and only one physician could cure you, and he offeretii to do it fre^y if you trust him, that is, will trust your life to Ilia skill and care ; and some giye out that he is but a deceiver and not to be trusted, and ot]>er8 tell you that he never failed any that he undertook. It you trust him now, you will commit yourself wholly to hia care, and follow his counsel, and take his medicines, and forsake all others; but if you dis- trost h im yon wi H neg l ect h im . — And if a ny s hould I. f .1. ft f aajil tmat this phyaiciui with my life, and yet I I WM f? 26 Y lllf 8 ZBI^I OUtOB ^ ffiBAVBft. \ stejr at homd aiid never come near him nor take any of h^ counael, or at least none of hie medicineB. would you not count him mad that looked to be cured^bjniuoh a tnutl ; r >__ S. I confess this helpett me Iwtter to understand What trusting in God and believing in Christ is : I doubt many say they trust Him, that keep their sins «ndjiold fast the worldt-Tit. i. 16— andnev^ drwmt of forsaking all for the hopes of heaven. _3tit t thought; sir, that tEis command of m saking all wid taking up our cross Bad been spoken only to sucl^ as lived in times of persecution, when ' they must deny Christ or die, and not to us who live whereXhristianity w prolessed. God forbid ~ that none should be saved W martyrs. J\ But do you not ftnd that it is the very cove- nant and commoi) law of Christ, imposed on allihat will be 8aved,4hat they must deny themselves and • forsake aU and take up tlie cross and foUow Him. or else they cannot be B^is disciple! Matt x. 3rl &c; Luke xiv. 26-33 ; xTiu. 21, 22, &c. But it is well that you confess ^at you must forsake life viii. 16-18; 2 Tinji 11. 12; Matt. x. 33 ^xvi 24- ^r. > f"*® *"• ^- ^OT if a man must do this iMjtn;^ aUy in ppisecution, then he must do it before m affection and. lesolutioft. dan you die for Christy then, unl^ your heart be prepared for it now! Can you, then, leave aU this world for Qad and' better than aO the world, and resolve to forsake it when you are called to do it f ^I'a?^^l '^}^ *o ^ tW which his heart is ^t digpoeed tobef«Me,and which he is not purposed t.'t i^i M ■J" 8i I ~i- :jJt "^'i MAN*b TiRUl GtriDB TO, JriAYIN. 27 3P. Why, theii/ yon 866/ the case is plaia that Ji^ery one that will be Christ's disciple-mist forsake the world in heart and resolution, and be a martyr nitrne preparation and disposition, though no one ^i^^**^^ 5" estate or life, nor be a martyr by sufferingtUTGod call him to it "If any man lovJ the world, the love of the Fiither is not in him:" 1 '.;';Jonnii. 15. v." ,■■■./■ /' :.:■"■'/ r-. .\- .'■ :.^::-, v ^ By this time yon may perceive, it yon are wfllinc. whether your^ in ClSst and tnit in God 1^ Wtrue or false. And now tell me, what else you have to prove that you are a justified Christian, and that your hope of salvation is buUt on God t ^ ^' /?^ Ti P"^ ^' *''** I lepent of my sins : ^imd God hath promised to forgive them ^at i^ : penth • . < f^mi^T?*^ J«»ifipi<>d evidence ^^W as Wthj ^ut here also you mnst take heed of that which IS pounterfeiV and therefore you must be saw to understand well what true repentance is. Y »* Kepentance is to be sorry for my sins wKen I have committed them, and to wish I had never ■:illonethem.'- • ■■./■■" ■-■.■■■*■■ ■..' IL^^^^^^T »^^taiw»no better than so, you tear be nnddne by the mistake. True repentance M^he aame With true conversion— Matt, xviii. 3 ; IGoRn 11|2 Cor. vii. 10, 11 ; Tit. iii. 3, 5~ Si Jt^!"***-* X^^ ^^•"8® °^ ^^ mind/will, «j|lifo *^m fleshb. woridly, and mi^ to spil 27-1?*?''®'*^?' and hply, as maketh us hate iilllSe S^^ loVe a holy lif^ IWm. iji 22^Hind all thosd duties to God and man ^^^J^J'''^^^ And this <*aii$e w so firmly tooted in us as that it is become as a new natoire to ii8-:2 Cor. v. 17— so that aU the ^k'^. j^ |canV{ TBua oun>i to hiaypn. ■ame^tempUtioiw which before prevaaed with ns would not dmw us to the same aiila again, nor' turn ua from a holy life, if we were exposed to them as we were, i ^ 8. There is a great deal in this : I pray you open it to me mono fully in the particulara. P. By this you may see what goeth to make up true lepentanoe, and how many sorts of repentance are counterfeit : , L True repentance is a change of the whole soul --Acts xxjrl 18 ; Bom. vui 30— the judgment, the will^ and the life, and not of any one of these alone. It IS counterfeit repentance which tshangetii only a man's opinion^ and not his heart and his oonvena- tiod. And it is counterfeit repentonce when mea pretend^that their wills are changed, aiid they are willing ip hve a godly life, when they do it not, and tneir lives «re not changed. *v .2. True repentance doth hot only tarn a man's heart and life fitm this or that partioukr sin but from a flesWy,^ WOTldly, and ungaUy state-John m. i; rJohnrii. Ift; Bom. vul 1.1^ 13; xiii 12- 14— 60. he that before did seek above all to fulfil tiiedesiree of his flesh and to prosper in the wdrld, doth now Steve as haid to kifl those d^ldies as he did to satisfy them ; and now taketh the world for vanity and vexation, ahd turneth it out of his heart It IS countOTfeit repentance which reformeth.only some open shameful sin, as drunkeimess, prodigality, fornication, deceiving, or the like, and rtiU ke^peth a^« Worldly mind, and the pleai^ of the flesh in. a deader way. Ko one sin is righfly kUled, tiU the'' love of eveiy sin be killed. 3>. True rep^ntoiicc is.a turning to God, and aet- ttng of ottt heMB fuid hopes on heaven, Phil iii. •vf^n'^'S'*-^ ;^"\ _^, ■t'f M AN% TS0I QUIDB TO ElATIir. S9 18—80; Col. iii. 1, a(— 6; Matt ▼!. 21, 83 to that we now. love jioliness and aeek God's king- dom above this world. It is counterfeit repentance, or mere melancholy, when ben by affliction or oon- Tiction ery out of the vanity of this world, and set not their hearts upon a better, and seek not alter the heavenly felicity. 4. True repentance is a settled and an effectual / changej it maketh a man lov^ that which is llqkxi^^^ a^^ it were now natutai to'him, Psa. i.% 8, 3 ; cxix. &c. ; xix. 7— 9 ; and not only to do some good for fear, which he bad rather leave un- done, iior only to forbear some sins for fear, which he had rather he might keep. And'thereforo the very heart aud love being changed, temptations even the same tiiat before prevaUed, would not now pre- ^JL ■^*?» *^ ^® ^«w under them. It is but a counterfeit repentance when men are sorry for sixi- ^nfng, but amend not; or are sorry to-day, and sin '^i^in to-morrow, and that by such gross and wdlful sin, which they might forsake if they, were truly willing. Matt vii. 21— a? ; a Tim. il 19. By this time then yon may try whether yon have repented indeed asjEou supposed. » *8, But Christ bids ns to forgive those that seven times in a day trespass, and seve^ times in a day return and say they r^nt, Luke xvii. 4. And will not God then do sil P. 1. Christ epeaketli of true repentance, as fAr as we can judge, and not of saying, I repent, when It IS an appodwnt lie or mockery. 2. And He speal^eth of tmh trespasses, the oft committing of which Ml oonnstent with true repentance. For in- stance, it is possible that a man may seven times a day think a Yfiin thought, or speak a vwu word^ or Jv * -I \. ¥^' so ItAK'i •mim ^IJtI)i td ABAVKK. if he pray seven times a day, he may have every time Some coldness or imperfections in his prayers ; Mid such like infirmities oft returDing may itahdj with true repentance, because the sinner would fain I overcome them if he could. And so if a man often wrong you 'through infirmity, and oft repcint^ S^ must forgive him. But tell me truly^ if one of your own servants orx;hildren should seven times a day, | or bat once « wf ek, or dnce a month, spit in* yonr^ facie, and heat and bnflFet you, or wound yoUj and set ! your house on fire, and as- oft come aud say : I repent of it— would you take this for true«repe^1iance, or ; think that^ this is it that Christ here meant! ' Or if ; your servant should every night come to you and/ say. Master, I have done no Work to-day, hut I Jte-, pent^ I wish I had done it ; and so hold dtf fro.m^aay to day, would you take this for repentance 1 I)oyon thinKi- 33 1 John vi. 27; 2Pet. i 10; iii n, 12. And do you verily believe that all the blessed shall see His glory in heaven, iind perfectly lovejind praide and serve Him, and be filled with perfeet joy forever, in this blested. sight and love of God 1 And do you eet more by the hope of this heavenly glory, than by your life and all this world t And Jo you prefer heaven before earth, in youj esteem, your desire, and heartiest labour and dili- gence to make it sure ) ^ S. I would 1 could say so ; I doUbt there are but few thai reach so high as Uiat, ^^. P. 6. Have you truly bdieved that' all that will come to heaven must be a regenerate, sanctified people, in mind, and will, and life-^2 jDor. y^ 19, 20; Matt xxviii 19, 20 ; Bom. viii g ; GaL v. 17—2}; AotB iii 22 ;. vii. 37 ; Matt 28, 29 ; Luke xix. 27 j \ If* V * man's TBDE OUIDI TO HIAVBN. 83* He would j»ac«fy you thoroighly » aud Ml ^ LT hTk'?"^ ""''' y"" •■"«'«»"" i'^ love wUh gJ? and all that w good and fully olidiL to Hi« ^t ' tH?! ""•J!"]?''*" ?P youri.If td Lu. Ch^tln a well|Oo,u»dei«d, resolved covenant, ooueentinrt^ bS Kn7f 8°«'^'^^y »■». «ndVui,Bg to fmitate aim and to receive His SpiritI • w„jHi ^"y?" '««> the evil and hatefulnee. of a iTfcu!^*""^' "5'^«''«l fc««rt, and of an unholy lifet-Bom.^vu. 14, 24 ; Ezek. vi. 9; xx. 43 ; xxxw" in ^'^x'^ y""' *•"' »**'>"> »wJ love to God m wellM ofWward ehamefuljHne? AM areth« «ins of heart and practice thiVeatest tro^. «3 a burden to yoa jn the world J \ -T """"'* ""* , > 8. I'jonlditwerego.butlidbnotflndit.o. . 1 . 7, Un yon trtily say that'youlive not wilfullv many known grass sin 1-1 John iii i ig-v^ ^6 ; Ron. viU 17. 24 j inke xiv^ael^nd LZ ^T«. »» "-in-no, not the h»a| known inarnStJ!! «S. K •^'^t^ ?"' »therleaye*th.n k«,p ; a^^^at you h«i rrthM be nerfectly holy (in perfiirkno^ todge, love and obecfience) than to We^ «« Shi ^ I .honldwy what was not-true if I ««id «b. ««m:*r . y"" Wy say that when a temptatian 2?^* .11*^ '* " """* Po^«ttal to keep Toi 19 an . 1 TS^ "f^- S' ^'°- **'• 21 ; 2 Pet ii 8. I wonia It were ; I should then am leafc i". 9. Ate you ftnly willing to wait on God to 2 ^ "^ «i 184 MAM*8 TRUl OUIDl TO HIAVW. obtain His graciy-Paa. ii 1, 2 ; Mafct. vii. 13 ; Ptot. li, ii-4 -Luke x. 42 — in the constant use of hear- inff, prayer, meditation, and the company and coun- mS of the godly, even in the strictest means which God appointeth you- to use for your saWationt » « S. I think they are happy that can do so ; but 1 P lO; Can you tifuly say^t^^ with all this world— Luke xiv. 26, 33 ; M^ x. 38, 39 : Luke xviU, 22, 23-re8olved to let go estate, honour, liberty and life rather than to let go yow &ith and obedience, or by wilful sin to turn ftam •. a I know I should do so ; but I am not «6ifie to p By Jl t^«^ answers mi together you jmn enabled me how to judge of your condition. ^ all this be so as yon hare answered, I must needs tdl ycm, that I lihink that you ai« yet nnconverted and unjustified, and nnder jflie guilt and po w cf vour sins, even in the g»U (tf bitterness, and bond of iniquity. And that if you shoulddie as you are, with6«t oonyersion, you m lort >r ever. .You must be made a new oreatuie, 0t you «• undone. I know this judgment may pofwWy .«»^ W^ and be displeasing to you j but it is fopliiib to flatter ow fHends or ouwslves, whim we stand so iiMrtl|0in«ldoi light Vr^ ■ 1 \^ But withal I teU you, 1. Thatyour case^ no* iiasti»mei^: and that you maybesyv^feomit, . SSLwwtyou ate truly ^^^1^^ aie not so ««««>« gia«sai^woowy^^^ haidened iiwMW aw. tor I I»»«f^ f^*^^ deal openly, Mid we not so deq^OTatelr set agaaMit oGutiMoii and war mum as too many »m*» ^ ^z v\ \! ■^^*ri^!^l *?^^'9tilr*T ' haA^ fBim GWDi fo lOitnr. 4w Ilt^y"? '?' ^ / ^•^f*-f' n ^ . ItAlrt null OUIDI TO aiAVW, W«S bjr which you uuiy cartoinly judg, . ta^eteu. «id ,n.p«tial .x«niiuUoa of YonnS by them, ud toll me when I next lee vott iWySu-r^ hud the one yoanel£ % /"""wwyou-r now wtu i J^nf "^ ,i* 4- 1 p-yy^ **!»•«• ' • . . ■!?* »"ly toll you tl/ewigenenls. 1. That youjjwtweU condderhow l»d «JW ^ Veol vertodmw.', condition i^ th.t you m.y notdly abto^rt«te. 2. Ihet yet ^ou n.«d not decpatr. o* And for the Brat, believe it, liU you 'repent aiid MMonyerted, you ^ d&tku'io„f ,h'e holy'ZLr n«-r,'r„'Sr •*'"»"•*• »' eamit/ to God and holil ' Mfvujpnde, eeneuality, vworldlitea^ diaobedience '^Jjmi *rffl*l.*a,. r„ur.he.rt 'i. agriSTfte holy W» jpl way, of God. Yoa havSTjeeUy . mm Md wneupwoenee of you, own, which ia yoi : 'In'iiS *^ «^ ""^ 'w2"»' God, which wSl »^^S3^^ *i' "PP"'"' i •"<' yon win ^d J?^*** *""• ,n the world in pleaaW that I^ tfarf«nTe.tyounot, G.L y/l9-^, fioL^ W'^fc I'-^'^Ji.*'-' M"kiy,12. You ^ ^«S^f ''J1."g ^ ' "' h"' " ". "or make Sn JQW end, «or faOce ^liin for y»ur God; and so ^ f r?JS 38 M4i>'« raoi otolDi to n«AVi!t. will U^e in enmity an^ rebel«(m^rt tM^ Toil are yet unreconcUed, unpaidoned, "nj«»t»fi«^' ««: wnctified. All your Bins that ever 7^\<^^f^'^^^ rkre vet UDon you in their guilt. And, m « WOTd> /l^W^n dealing.) if you die a. you a«v ^u will ^.^rtainly danjned ; an ^ you hav. jou will oe- oeruMuij «-».—- , — - . iparted from God'. g^M. he wUl Jud^ yo» < depart fore»er ftom his glory alw. And it wUl g^ much the wone with ypu « h<.U.^"~ **! fo» might ha». hid th. gr«» of • R?d«.m.r »d Jou »f Jaed Christ, .nd reeistod h» 8P'"J '"^T gleclod his gWMit salwlion. So that to dwl ftedy with you, I would not be in your oaae one day lor Til the riihe. in the world. For yon have no««u^ »noe of your life a minute ; and you »" «^*" « cannot U long. And you are rtiU in the power of that God Whom you offend. And rf you thu. ^ before a true and sound conrennon, >«>».«»»»» for ever; and .11 your time, Jonr m«cm yo« comforts, and your hopes, are gone for erer, part »U remedy. Xhi» is as sure the state »* 'Jfy.^" regeoemte'. unholy, impeniient ^~V!-,f ^'^ of God la true, John in. 3, 6, Heb. xu, i4. ahu Jhe«fo« as you love yourself, and a« ever you care what becomes of your soul, when it must shcwtly i^e your body, go presently try, and thoroughly S Ser you we a^mteiit «^uerate person or "^'s AIM. sir, I know not how to do it ; for I have left mfsoul hitherto ca«»les8ly Jo a venture, ttimk- L that tiiii had bein trusting Chruit wiOi it, and no# I am nnakilful in such matters, and know not h^w ta examine myself. Therefore I ymrjo^ y?e me your directions. . . ^_^ ._. p. With aU my hfl»rt, if jfm wiU but lpoimM» MAK'b TRgi ODIOI TO ■•t m ■ j\i •PMt for the bu«in«., and do it •• • man would oMt ap M Mdount. with yotir mo«t wrioa^ thoughtal know the traUi, b« it batter or be it wonu t ^ ilZ. ^ "Af* 8°*^ ""^ »» do me to flatter and Aeriw mTwl/, when God knoweth aU, and^ *" t ' b. djo«Ted » I d.«,e to know wh^'.^^ iZZ weu wiMther oomAwt or aiHmw beet become von n« wfcetiwr the pnw.i«, or threateningTTotJ i' #pta|»li.d by yon. nor how wWl to S. any tex^ TrnJ!!*^ o» "nnon you hear. And methinki that a mwe unoertamty what ahaU beeolne of yon wC Cei:? •Sfo'^5'*^* """ "^^ ^ » »»•»« or M dir^Vi. ?tS" "!^ y°" ■'"'^ nad make ,o« dj«p inftJitUex|uietne«, tUl at leaat you had done yttur b«t to make your caUing and eleeti^ ,„°" •nd got iome good well grounded hope.. ^ rwm potyou to no longer work th«. i, uece^ ■«y. I. lake the lonptniel, eeneciallv then *.«f. 001-M.r ^ a. the wo«l of God. 2. Frfl d^w moiey, to oonnnee yon, and ahow too thu i»>kJ^ OMwweeoompar, your heart «rf life^iTtte irtri_ t« grfJ«ilgeyowadfty.oM.few JotJan TwlriA^.^ fema^:^:^''^'^ butbyXiSu i r n|B> MMUnpaaiid famov 4tf yom haiit and lifot ^ |w>i.'!^^i! ft-r-' i? nr.-''» 40 iiAir'B TBOi «on»» to mivw. For th«e U «.me good^ in tfee 'jw' «f ^^ ^1^ .va in the b-t ; «.d if jou wUl ju^^ » |P«? Wan by hi» woirt actions, ot 6f » '"^.^X.aJm Ht you will be unrighleou. «id ™"f *8»*'^^ ffi Mnpm When k« '•» P"**«»5&."'^* when he was denying Chmst. *"", '"r^iv^i,^ ^ heart, by «,m. good «iongbi». """•^^^SMAiS; Whicli hare been mm J but J»*8«. .»*,Y'.*™* X^ SLlyonrchier esteem. yo«r chief loveorAM^ SSl Iwm the main design whieh yon ^«^!^ Ti^ hri yoar chiefeet MW •"d.^^JN"*'^ ^Ins it^ Be ante to find out what it »f '>»e*« ^^^ ii»h. ««t b^ ]^^ffir;S:S bftth had yoor heart and »»» «^<* "J*" •SiJa aie all Se other WitcHiped and 8ab»rved./^«JB«ea^ the din^tiona that I ^,*~^^2,"JJ^^^3 ihirf I woiM have you, 6 To follow on w>^^•5^ wiai X wouiu ii» j^ V ^--ijjjyoii cannot do at till vou know the trutn, ana ^"** 7*'^^,^^ ^ -^ oneioome to it sffin till y»»>"„r°£f J^ MB» and tett me how yon h»« f«»»,*,"*'T S with yon: ««l«'\If^"^^. *^ DISSS' nss 4w!I iwili»ve& not is condcnined alieady. Awi woild, and inen loved darkneae ratner wm m»m^ • r ■' fims itAM*8 fBim oumi 10 VMAyjn^ it lyewje their deedi were erer evil For eteiy one^ th^^ doth^erU^hateth the light, neither eometh to ttie hgh^ leet his deeds should be reproved. But he^fttdoth touth oometh to the light, thut his ?^J"«*? be made manifest^ that they are wrought m God,** John iii. 16, 18—21, ■ ;• Goand teach," or disciple, ." all iations, bap. ^ing them m the name of the Father, and of the 8^ and of the Holy Ghost ; teaching them to oh»r?e all tilings, whateoeverl have commanded > ^''SC^'*^"^^^ ^^-^' 8" J^wk xvi. le. . Verily I siiy unto you^ Except ye be converted . end heeome^as little children, ye shall in no wise Witeir into thekingdom of heaven, H^tt xviii. 3. Xo op^ their eyes, and turn them from dark- Wto^ light, and from the power of Satan unto G*^j .th^ they may receive foigiveneas of sins, and inhmtance among which are sanctified, by faith that IS in me,** JRsts xxvi. 18. ' ' '^ ^^Kxc^itye repent, ye shall aU likewise perish.** ] • *1^?? T* ^^ condemnation to them which are in^Ghnst, Jesus, who walk not after the flesh,, but •fter the Spmt For they that are after the flesh do mind the thinp^ of the flesh j but they that are ^r the Spmt the things of the Spirit. For to he carnally minded is death ; but to be mirituaUy fmdedwlife and peace. Because the carnal mind i.^S^'^u^'' I""' ^* » ncrt subject to tiie tow of God ; neither mdeed can be. So then they tbatare^in the flesh, cannot please God. But ye wenotm the£esh but in the Spirit, if so be that m 8i»nt of God dwell m you. Kow if any man have not^the Spirits Christ, he is none of hi^. For If ye live after the flesh ye shaU die; but if ye ^ ;; ■ iM-' 4i jiiii^t vtHm ovtDB .90 ^f^Tpv* ihnraglt the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the hody^^' ye shell live : For e» meny as ew led hy the Sj^irrt of God, they are the eons of GW. Ye have WCfg^ the epirit of adoption, whereby we cry Ahh%^ Rither. The Spirit iteelf beaieth witness ^to^JnJ with, "our Spirit, that we are the children of Goa» Eom-vai.1,6— 9, 13-ie. - r:^ i. t, "Now the works of the flesh are mamfest, wmch aie adulteries, fbrnication, undeannees, lascinons.. ness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, etmil*' tions, wiath, strife, seditions, heresies, envymp, maiden, cironkenness, reveUings,^^and ««J»» .*««• They which do such things ihaU not mhent the kiu^omof Gk)d. Bat the frait of the Spirit is .love, joy> peace, long^saffering, gentleness, good- ness, faith, meekness, ^mperance; against sneh there is no law. And ttiey that are Chrises have crucified the flesh, with the afBactrons and lusts thereof,*^ Gal. v. 19. 24. ,v , . ^ "God forbid that I should glory, save m the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whont the-warW ie«* ye toe justifted itt the name^f'the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God," 1 Cor. vL 9-7^1 L So'Eph. v. 8— 11. ^ -^ 7 . ■/ • . / / «1 ■ M Hav^ i^ cnrmi W jnifBir. 4i '• JWlow pewe with aU men, and holiness, irtth- •tt* whwh no man shaU see the Lowi," Heb. xii. 14 ^'^FofthegIaoe^of God that bringeth salTation WMppe«red to aU men, teaching ns that, denying gigodllpeM and woridly los^ we shonid live s^ i^C "f ***^^'y' *«<* « J^^^ the world, neither «ie tiSags tha^ are iS^T^'^^ If w»y man love the world, th7lova of ^the lather is not in him,'' 1 John ii. 1ft. X • IS^"^^* *^"^ ^ *^*^ mammon," Imlje ^^^^^ overcpmeth the wn^'J^1^"A?'SV'T**'i:y ***** overcumeth the ^^^1.^^ ouy faith,M John v. 4, 6. ^ i^25 Sk'f^fu "^^^ »we, having «» feat The lord knoweth them that are his : ancL . J^eMjMgr 25 t^tIlaIneth the name of Christ depart ^ ffom iniqurtrjr," 2 Tim. il 19. ^ _^ f* iBh^ the^Udren of God are manifest, and ^chddieir of the devU; whosoever doeth not ^^^^^^^^ (^, netther he th«^ fove^ not Ws iMottier. We know that we have passed ^f?,:^ love *e brS? '^Btessed is t^e man that walketh not in the cjmnarf of the nngodly, m>r standeth in the ^ of 5Si?K^l?/l*^^^ ^^ the Lord, and in his hrw doth he meditate day and night," Psa. i 1, 2. m^'iMmiiM «rt.'**aUA*'««a ^JifP'Vii. :'\i'- :( ' 44 / luii't VBxm otmmto imktm. ■^ f-' . "Lit ut walkJhoneiUy, is in the day ; not in riot Ing and drnnkenness, not !» ehambering and wantonneM^ not in strife ind envying. Bnt put yfe on the Loid Jesiu CbristJ and make not pioviaion •forthefleahto fulfil the luata/' or wills, "thewof;/ ,Koni. xiiL 13, 14. " '•> •< Thm ahalt oall his] name Jesus t fOf he shaU save his people Itom their sins,'* If att i. 21. ?^ • *iso much less than me, that ne ean-cast them hy as we do things hat«?d, when they stand V against me,) " he cannot he my disciple," lukf liv. 26, 27, S3. ^ .« ' . . « Him that^oyeroon^eth will I make a pillar m the temple df my Gd^, and he shall go na more otat,^ I^. ni^ 12. f ;, V, ' ^ '<'He that oYeroomjbtb shall inherit all things, and I will he his God, and he >JiaU he mf son. But the learftil, and uilhelieYin£^ and the aho muwble , and murderers, and whoremongers, ttid sonoeiters, and idolaters, and all liars, shaU have their part in theldkewhieh humkh with fire and brimstone; whiehk the second death," Rev. xxL 7, 8. , " Thoie is laid lip for me a crown oi righteous- ness, which God, the righUous Judge, shall jpva me: and to all iljem that love his appearing, 2 Tim. iv. 8| Read Matt xxv. hr'-*- MM&*■■■ OF THl OONVUB^lok. of' A. SlNNIR. , / 1?^*^ Well, neighb9f #at I Va^ .^^ orChristVi Spirit, and ; tJiiM^ am ncM^e of his • and that 1 am: not a . ^rtitent poiivert, jimd am not in a state in which I shoiild be content Jo die. Btit I now beseech you. 8tfywyoii>fficientjalvation is purchased, and offered in m ... »• '.3 4. -■«•,', \ ■--* A man's T11U9 QUID! TO HlAVlbfr > / the gotpel to you as w^U w to any othera, Matt xi. 28.^ . ;> ■ . •■•. '^^..-■^:.■^■ ''" •l^r'-/'^'''---';-V-' :;•;■>■ .vv-;-:., :";;- 2. That'ChriBt ai^ his grace is this remedy ; ancl that God hath gived iu eternal life^ and this life is in his Son, 1 John y; 11, 12. He that hath the Son hath life, and he .that hath not the Son hath ne^ . lifiB, hut remaineth in his gailt and sin, ^ 3. That Christ having already made hiiiiself I ■nffioient sacrifice for sins, and merited our reconci- liation, pardon, and salvation, to he given in his way, hath made a oovenaiiii of grace with sinful man, hy the promise of which he forgiveth us all our sins, and giveth ml right to everlastiiig life^ Matt.xxviii. 19, 20, John ui. 16. 4. That Chcist^s way of saving men from sin is hj sending his ministry and word to call them, zxvi 16^1$. Rom. X. 8—10, U, 16, |nd giving his Spirit within to sanctify them, Rom. viii^^ 9. And this Spirit is Ghrist^i Advocate to plead his cause, and do his work, and prepare us by holiness for the heavenly glory. 5. That all the condition required of you that you may have all these blessings of the covenant of grace, is but sincereljr to hdieve and consent, and give up yourself in covenant to God the Father, Son, and' Poly Ghost, and coiltinue true to tiie covenant which you make. Matt xxviil 19, 20^ Matkxvi 16. Rev. xxii 17. - Itead ovei^ these five points well, and consider thank : and then tell me whether this be nHt glad tidings to an undone miserable sinner f Have you read them overlV'.; ■■■';■ '^'^.v ^■- . :v" v:_:,.""';V^^^^ 8. I have r^ad them : and I perceive that they are glad tidings of hope indeed. But truly, sir, I have heard the gospel so carelessly, that I do not thoroughly undentond theM thiqgi | M therafom entreat you to explJIPt^m to mcT tnoce fully «id ^ "plairily. .' , „;v, .. ■■.::.^r.;\M > ■.f.,,,;..v;. VV- .■■' ' fP. The first thing in religion it to hate a right knowledgA of God and ourselve*, and of our t^ lation td V him. Now in thi« matter scripture ia our only tea6her, and there we find the foUowing truths which we must receive.} -"^l^^That there ft only. one God iiithfM»PMwiii^ the Father, Son and Holy Ghoet, who ia an infinite, etraal, perfec\ Spirit ; all powerful, wise, and 8?**~ > 9' ▼^om» Mirough whom, and to whom aro aU things; the Creator, and therefore the Owner and Huier of UU men. 2. That this God ni,ade Adam ihd Ere iii his own image, Gen. i. 2r: ii. 16, 17. Ecct vil 29. undeta perfect law of innocenoy reqoirinff perfect ohedience of them, on pain of death. 3. f hat they hroVthia perfect law by gOf ul sin. Gen. iiL Rom. in. 28. 'B, 2S. imd t/reb^ fell jmder^ihe^a«iitence of death- the**^ of God,- the forfeittti© of his gwwe, and of all thwlr happineaSk T 4. That all of us having^.oa» rwip hdn^ aal natures^ ftom theip, and thkr suoobsaom, darir* eotrupti<»> of nature dso from them, and a parti- wpation of guUt, Rom. V. 12, 18. G«n. a 1^17. ^V?* \^^ J^ "• ^' ^- Keb;ii. U. John vui. 44. And these corrupted natures are disposed to aU actual sin, by which we should grow much worse, and more miserable. . 5. 1%at God of his mercy and' wisdom took ad> vantage of man's, on and misery to glorify his giaoe, and promised man a Redeemer, Gen. iii. W. John UL 16. and made a new hiw nr luwitift nt f^ 'W' •■¥H fe^ i •» M IIAK^ fBUI QUIDI to ttBlVili; ^,:i' hJB f -u 6. I^ the foiness of time, God sent his Son, hk eternal Word made man, to be our Redeemer, OaL _ iv. 4 John i. 1—3. 1 John ii. 2. John x 30*^ 1 Tim. ii. 5. Heb. ii. 14, 16. Luke i. 27, 31. Matt, i 20, 21. Heb. iv. 16. vii. 26. ix. 2e.r r Cor. XV. 3, 4. Luke xxiii 44, '2 Tim. i 10. Acts i 9. iii. 21. ii. 36, x 36. Heb. viii. 2. x. 2U John xiv. 2, 3, ill 16. who was conceived in m viigin by the Holy Ghost, and by perfect obedience ^fulfilled God's law, and became our example, and ' con^ucured all temptations, and gave himself a Sacrifice fbr 6ur sins, in sufFering, aflker a life of ' humiliation, a cursed shameful death upon a cross ;^ and being buried, he rose again the third day, and having conquered deiith^ aasured us of a reeurr' ncticm ; and after forty days' continuance upott ckrth, he afcended bodily in the sight of his dia^ ; ciples into heaven ; where he is the Tetioher, thcf King, and the Intercessor for the church with God ; by whom alone we must. come unto the Father; and who pr^areth for us the heavenly glory, andt ; r-US for it • . ■ v- • ..;■ ;-.:.;'.;,■ ■^- ■ \, j,.-:'. ::^r-: ■-■^ ; :;■:•;;,,':■ fv V,:-,-. r»" T.'The Holy Ghost in a peculiar roannek' is given, to ^1. that thus truly believe, 1 Cor. xii 12^i3i Kotn. viii. 9, GaL iv. 6, Rom. viii. 16, 26, Johit iii. 6— 8, Eph. ii. 1, 2, Tit. iii. 3, 6, Acts xxvi.18, Rom/ viii. 30, 1 J Theaa. i. 8— 10, ii. 12, John zvii. 24. And at the end of thia world, €hriat wUlL oome in glory and raiae the dead, . and ^ judge all the world according to their worka. And then all true believen shall he openly justified and glorified- with Christ ; where they shall be made p^eet in soul and body, and perfectly know, love* praise, and pleaae^e moat blessad Qod for eTarmore, ^ among the blessed sainta and .angels. But the impenitent and unbeliey&g shalt^o for «Ter d^priired Oi thia glory, and suffisr in ball eyeriastihg mtseiy, with devila and ungodly men. : ^ V V . * ,/ These points must idl be (oompetantly understood by you) or else you cannot understand what lepeoi* ance, conversion, or christiamty is. v And you can* not ecMiaeht to you know not what - S. Alas! sir, when shall I ever be able to undei^' staiid and remember aU this! ^^:v^^^^ [P. You will undeistand and remember it whan Gcwt hy his Spirit shall open t^e eyes of your mind, . and incline you to receive the truths of his lioly weird in simplicity and loyei '- For b08ide8 understanding the fiAe qf your duty, and the way of salvation, yoii must consent to, them that they ie good„a nd you mnat chooaa and follow ^ if"! N I ,< MiHili TBUi emDB to HSivm. .'*; thrill in practice. The wsy of selTation I hftve told yoa Already ia that you accept Chriat as he ia olTeied' to you in the goapel for your only Saviour, the ** one' Medialor between Qodlkod man/' for whoae ** meritv we are accounted righteoos before God and not for. our Of n works and deaenringa." ' An|d the i^le of your practice is shortly souuned jOLp in lore ; fot** faith/' the scrii^ie saith, ** work^^ «th by love " and love ia the Ailfilling of the law."] 0. What love ia it tliat you mean t ^ ^ '* »^ P. The love of God, the love of yourself, and the love of yonr neighbor, is the sum of all your duty. 8. This 4a but reasonable duty, which no man can deny or speak against And one part of it I ahall easily keep, which ia to loVe myaelt P. Alas poor than ! have you kept it hitherto 1 What enemy have yon had in all the world compar- able to yonraelf f Hos. xiil 9. Prov. xxix. 24. viii 36. All that your enemies eould do against yon ia hot a« a trifle. What if they alander yon, oppnas youi imprison yon, or otherwise abnae yoat Wiong not yourself, and idl this cannot hinder your 8alf»- tion, nor make God love you eveir the less, nor nidte deaUi ever the more terrible; nor will it ever be your aorrow in heaven to think of ii AU your enemies in /tibe world, cannot force jou ^to commits one ain^ nor make you at dl diapleaaing nnto Cjfod. But you yourself havo committed thousanda of ains, and made yourself an enemy to God. Oh the felly of un^^ly men I they can hardly forgive sMoUier if he^ do .bat beat them, or sliuidef tiiem, or im« , poverish them: and yet th^ can go oit to abuse, undo, and destroy their souls, and ran to- wards hell, and eaatty forgive themselves all this y ye a U k e it for tJieir b e n e fit, Tit. iiL 3 H g» md will m- ' "0'- ': ' » f '. Vt '■}.,*■; >^^ I told lefed ' one lerila >i for unad irork* "•"1. I the ky. :> I eaii •heU sftol apar- • • • ▼m. m is ^long itlf»- make erbe your mmit Qpd* foUy other r im- n to 1^ to- this y < MAv't mdm f will TO BlAWl. 01 ■■■*«■.; ' ^'* ■: « ' not be reetnaned, nor peimaded to forbear, nor ahow any meray to their own miaeraUe ao^K 2 Ct», ▼. 19 2(k I tieil youy though the defil hate yon, yet aU the deTila in the world have not done ao mnoh •gainat yo« aa you have done against yonraeifi Tha leYila did bnt tempt you to sin, bnt never did nor ooold oompel yon : but it ia you that have wilfiiUy aiuiad yooneU; andaold your aoal, aa £san hiabirtb^ li^ht, for a morsel, for %plessant onp or game, orftnr a laat or filthy |»liaani% and foi a timigtaat ia wotm than nothing. / ,'1? Was it not joo, evaa yon yomaalf, that foigot yoi^ Qod, negleol^ vonr Saviour, reaiatad tha Holy Spirit, rafos^ sanetuying graea, deapiaed lieav«% and aet niore1>y thia vaiif world 1 Was it not' you yoniaalf Uu^loved not holiness, nor a holy Qod, no« the h<4y aenptuiaa, nttr holy peisons, nor holy thoughts, orjrords^ or waya f that kat your praeioua time I and omitted Ahnoal aU yomednty, aiui ran inti a multitude of sinal and if the devil atadiad hia wonl.ioJiurtyou,^whal oouldhe do moseiiiaii to templyou unto smi If yon had been a awom ra^y to yourself, and plotted how to do yooraalf tlM^l^eatest misohied^ #hat aould you do woiae than to sin and run m Ood'a displaaauial Whi^ ia tfaa way to^the gallows, but by breaking the law, by murder, ialony, or the likel «nd which ia ^a iray to hell, but loving ain, and rctfttaing gmeal And yet we you a lover of yourself t ! a All this is too true. The Xoid knoweth that thia hath been my i^ase j I hav0 baen nly own mofMr. hurtfid enemy ; and done more agsinst myself thaal all the world hath done; and whue I loved myielf carnally, I undid myaeil fodishly. Aiid I^ under* gland now that it ia not s o easy a matt e r |o love on^t- tJi :$i iX •11 goodDw. . ,^j^ j^ 1^, God twly ft» yS?t^*>r\S" *. (ia ,o«r ««t of lo;» W Bom. VIU.6. ^ '~' ? 7tli .MI vott «••• i»Uty <* „^ to {ttUty of iriBN the roold be ibiJl be (gof Qod be Maker own VWet .hem food ley aboM not as bi ' idifcg ritt» ie ungodly noriavmg this wbile rd,aiidloy- and loved I will and broke bit i abide en lol to tbink kiim 1 You openly M I a lovet of ►b. ii*l— ?• 10 easy still I know not he neiiura of tbi* greateet MAHli Tikui Gunni to nATIV. Lnow not tbat yon are guilty of ii tbat yon bave all tbia wj^le been I, and a bater of him f an enemy to myself, ^t surely hateOod. P. Wheie tbere ie enmity, loatbing, aversion mind, and unwillingneas, tbere is batred. The oanial mind is enmi^ against God ; for it is not snliijfet to the law of Qod, nor indeed can be, Horn. Tiii 0-^7. If tbete wefe no enmity between God and man, what need was there of a Mediator or Beooneilerl And will you think ao ill of the most gmoioue God, and so well of youmelf a nangbty MDner, as to think thait the enmity i» only in God, and not in yout Zeeh. xi 8, £ph. if, 18, 19. Is he an enemy to any mjMfcat is not first an enemy to hunt He hateth dS^a workers of iniquity, Phl t. 5, baoanse they are all enemiea to him, and eonknry to hla bolbMsa as darkneas is to light It isthaTsry ease of aU ungodly persons, that their heaita are turned away £om God to this werld, and to the plhasafsa of the flesh, Phil. iH. 18, 19, Col. i. 21, end b^g in love wiUi theae, tbey kve not that €k)d, nor tibat holy* word, which calls them off, and condemna them for their sinful minds and pleasures, Heb. z; 18, Lnke xiv. 27, Isa. i. 24, Paa. xxxvii: 20. Let your eoliseianoe apeak {Mainly: Had not the world more of your he«rt than faeavoi 1 Wsrai ydu not a lover of pleasore more ^ than of God l~ Were you not a lover of pleasure more thatt of Godt Were not your thougfata, lying down, and rising up, and all the day more forward; and lea^ to think of your woridly and fleshly eonemments, than of Godt And were not those tbougnfes more sweet and welcome to yon 1 Was iiot your ba«rt so '.ii 'ffi- XAN'b TRUB OUIBI TQ HliLVIN. toth and baekwaid to think of God witk piewoB, that yon never did ReriooBly set yonnelf one hour together in your life to meditate of him and of the ^ ^heavenly glory t Nay, in sermons and prayer yon could not keep your thoughts upon him. You know what it is to love your friend, to love your money, lands, and pleasure. Do yon know by at good experience -what it is to love God I and i| ?!i «^"''*^* above all, you love him not in- '^ *«?*^-2* ' Were you not more weary of holy "' . thoughts, or holy conversation, or piayer, than of M your worldly buainess, or discourse t Was not yoHf ^ heart ajwnst the holiness and strictness of God's * word, and of his servantal In a word, if you had * ^ W) ennnty to a holy and heavenly mind and life: Gen. m. 16, James iv: 4, Rom. viiL t, why did you not choose iti and why could not idl God's ^ewaee mvite you toitt nor all teaching and en. tieatiei ever persuadfi yon to itr Why aie yon yet ■o backward to itt Is this no enmity I And if you pneanen^my to holiness, and to the holy word '"'- and govemmant of God, was not thn^ to be an ' Gjd t|U Chnf* hatti reiionoiled us, and the Holy Gtost renewed us, and turned the enmity into love. p. I never laid this state of enmity to heart tiU * now;-^! knew thai'Iwas a sinner j but I knew JdMhat I was an enemy to God, even when t began^ ^ that he was Ibr my sin an enemy to m». But I find now that it hath be^ with me just to you aay ; and I jwceive that aU sin hirth some •naitty to God in it. .'..-.s-.^^iuf^ P. Where God is not loved as God; he is in some •ort hats^ Bom. i. 30. Paa. IxXxi. 16, Ixviii. 1, xn, a Jtoid, jqt. 6. Pei^t. vii 10. 3 Ohron, C \ r i % \ ^f^ MAH'8 rnvn qiudi to hm?ibn. m xix. 2. And between loiff and enmity there. u in RMin no middle atate. For none in* this are indif- ferent. If ycm have read the aoriptaife, and other history, and haye but heeded what is done about ycrnin the world, yon might easily pereeive that the world hath ever consist^ of |wo contraiy Horta of men, who, as two armiB% are still to this day in constant opposition to each other. The wicked are the ^evil's seed and army,'Juhn viii i4 And the godly are the army of Christy and the legenehite seed 0f God. Whence is all the hatred of godliness on the earth, all ^e scorn and tdanders, and crnel perseentions of holy p^rsoniB, and the number of., marfyra And sailerers, but from this inbred enmity % lhi» i» Christ^B meaning when he saith, that he "^ ame not to send peace but a sword : beeaate he ame to cause that holiness which th» wicked will till hate and persecute. Lcok about jrou afad see whether we Boay not yet truly say with St Paul, ''But atB then he that was bom after th« flesh per- secuted him that was bQtf|after the Spirit ; even so itis nowr Gal. iy. 2fff And we are all of this maligti^ptt dispositi'When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son,** Bom. Tiia SaCoLi 21. He ^at wdll be « fiiend of the world Is an enemy of God/ The iriendifaip of Uie world is eiimity to God, Jame^ iy.4. I will re- mind you of no other proof more than Christ's own a^tence^ which is not unjust ''Those mine ene^ n^ies which would not ^t I should reign oyer them bring hither, and slay them before me/' Xoke xix. 27. Those that would not We Gh^ rsimi over them, (and subdue their wotldly minds, and fleeh^rhistSy and make them^ holy,) are his enemies* And nath not this b^>en your easel ^^.•i -i^. % ^vfSl&SijMJ « -N pt ]till*9 TBUl dtlDB to HBAimir. .1^ > t S. I cannot deny ife ^-The Loid forgive m© and ^ave mercy on me. I see now that it is not so eas|^ a matter, nor so conimon to love God Iruly, as I thongbt it was. ■ / ., i 'P. to love God as God, with all onr mind, and h«art» ^nd might, is the sttm of holiness, thd proper fruit d and his image on, them than for youmelfl 1 Do you love your neighbour as your- self tGali.y. It; Jamee ii. 8 ; 1 Pet ii 17 ; ui. 8 ; Rom. xii%, 10; Jiui. 9, 10; 2 Cor. xiiL 11 ; Gal. V. 6, 18, 22 ; CoL i. U 1 Thee. iv. 9 ; 1 Pet. i. 22 ; IJohniv. 7,8; Johnxiii. 34; xv. 12, 17; 1 John iv. *^ II, 12, 2(V 21; V. 2 ; 2 John 5 ; CoL u. 2; Eph. iv. 2, 15, 16 ; v. 2. I pray you understand the matter aright. God must be first and principally loved as the chief and infinite good^ He must be '*. M & #^ man's TBUB OUIdI TO HBATUT, m loved for MinBelf , as liemg gdodneM itself^ and most aiiiiabl<» in himself and that with all the sooL The oroatue mnat^be loved only for Qod, as bearing His imagt or . the ^marks of His person, and as a means to know, and please and, glorify Him. Those mnst be most loved Irho have most of the image of ^ Qffi^ in wisdom, righteousness and holiness* :The ./' godly mnst be loved as godly with a special love. ' X' . Prof#(edChristians must be loved as such. AU men, evsD our enemies, must be loved as men, witV a common love, Lev. xix. 18, 34 J Matt. v. 44, 46. And aU/l||is for GodV work .upon them, and His interest ill them. ^ ^ • . ^i But a selilh carnal man, loving his carnal self move than Qod, doth make himself the standard and reason of hSs" love to othen. He loveth not'^l best who are best and moBt-4ioly or Gkxi and the^ pubj|B good ; »but those that love! '' honour him most ; and those that axe most of his opinion I imd those that will be ruled by his will^ and * newt cross itj and wose that do most for him, and are most profital^ to him. A true Chriirtian love^ his neighbour as yon love the children of you dear- ' est friend; for the parentVsake. * But a tsamal man loveth his ne^bour partly as a dog loveth his master for feeding l^m, and partly as idl creatures, birds and beasts^ do lots their compuiioBs for likeness of kind, and froth sociablenessandiia^uaintSnce. Have you not loved an ignorant worldling, a i^tc^iGuie sweansr, a derider ofhplinsss, who loved yon, and spake well ofyon, anaMook your part, and did you mimy, friendly offices, bett^ than ai^vise and godly person/ that never did anything for yo«^ or that )iid loi ^hoBghts of your undenkfeidingf and honestyy thouglk no worse thttn indeed you did deserve t .^ / ■f 1 I » f^Datmn^-m' r : dS man's TBUB QVUm TO BBATttl. S. I oannoi deny but yon desoriltliyihe vigHUy. P. And did ^oa never dishonor your goveraon, prince, or parents f Di(| you never seek to hurt an- other* nor desirjs revengoi Bid you never deceive your neighbor, nor w^ronijf him any way in his estate t Did yon never belie, nci slander him, nor backbite him, nor falsely aocuse him, nor seek to make him hat^id or contemptible ^ othem f Did you- never envy him, nor covet hi^ estate of honors, nor seek to draw anything from h&mtoyonrself t If yondid, wha^ lota was in all tbis Kay, what labonr and but self-love i cost have yon been at to save tiie souls of miserable sinners^ or to relieve iheit bodies 1 And he that se^h his brother/ have need, and shntteth up the boiv|els of hisconipassiGn from him, how dwelleth the loye of God in him 1 1 John iii. 17, iv^ 12. At what! rates, and with what con- descension, self-denial anc^ diligence have you showed ydur nmghbours that youj love themi ^ <«\ 'At least hath it been With any such love as yon love irourself f How easijiy pan you bear your neigh- bour's wrongs, reproaches, silihders, poverty, sickness, in comparison of your owni Tou cmi aggravate Ids faults, and make ezcusesi for yottip own, and judge htm very culpable, and c^nsumble, and punishable, lor that wMeh you make, nothing of in y ouiself. S. I must confess I hate sinned against the love of Qod, of myself, asadoi my neighbour. And I see that I must have a lietter heart before I can truly love €kid, myself, and my neighbour, for the time to come. P. I have |iow fdainly opened to you the nature of true conversibn ; what say you now to it ujpon ooa- #idera^^ of the wbolat Gaa- you heartily consent ^ it, and thus give up yourself to Gtod and to JetiiB Christ, or not! ■ . ■ . '- ' u ^.^>. t M '■M-- % *, ^.'s f-^ :t'- S. O^sir, itisngr^atbiisiiiein. I mtist have many a thought 0/ it yet before I undeistand it well ; and many a thongtit more to overcome all the backwaid- : ness of my heari Such a woik is not to be rashly ■*4one.' •;.;■'' '■■■■;.-^;;, •■■' ' • . ' > P. t like yonr anawer, so that it do not oomefh>m , nnwillingneas and desijre of delay. That which must ^ done or you are forever undou^ cannot be done too soon so it be done well. But 1 must first r tell you in whift manner you must give yourself up rfe) God, if you mean to be a Christian indeed^ f" I« Yoii must consent to the whole covenant of Ood, and nof^y to some part : you must be de- : voted to your Creator/ your Redeemer, and your Sanctifier— Matt, xxviu. 19, 20; xi 28; iukexir.^27; Eom. xiv. 9i Eph. i. 22 ; J.uke xiv. 26, to the end : Rom. viii. 17 ; Matt. xin. 46, vij^, 20— ^you must **k« f<>^Qu!r Owner, your RulerJ^d your Saviour : "^ou miwrdesire to be sanctified as well as 'pardoned, and to be saved fiom sin, and ndt^ only Irom punish- ' ment. -^ -^'v; ':■■'*'.■:■■ ■'>.;:: ■': •••t.-'-v ■■;-■■;■;:: ■.. /:.^- \ 2. You musi^derstandMllie terms well,, and. count the cost, aud, rwkon lipii, tiiing*m tigfc^^ an* denying ^urseli; and foraakin^ all tws ^Pd in heart and resolution for Christ, and take Gc^ ai heaven for your whole portion, and resolve to ati^^ io* God if you have nothings elsey and if you meet with evQr».so much tribulation in the wofld. You must Mieve that heaven is as sur« as ifyou saw it, and take that and the necespaiy means thereto for all your part, and not reckon upation of His ft' \ /m^- Y :^te )r if ,,■>_ lome iver* you wlye aud <> tiave lean- y me con- iwiU. prea- ^ aud renly- Lean idaU ^ thee, 11 in- aaeistji Jpirit ' thou iceive I His thee igels; 1, and Tlaa I -y /' \ ltAN*S TBUB OOIDI TO BlAVlH. «1 m M the en J of faith and holinew. ' Bat if thou harden thy heart and refuse mercy, everlasting #oe will be thy portion, and then there will be no remedy— Luke XIX. 27> Prov. xxix. 1, I 26, to the end. And now I beg of thee, and I will beg of God on my bended knees, that these few words may sink into thy heart, and thiitthou w^illdst bethink thee te a man that must shortly die; whether any deserve thy iiove and obedience inore than God? and thy thankful remembrance more than Christ f and thy care and diligence more than thy salvation T Is there any fehcity more desirable than heaven! or any misery more terrible than hell? or anything so worthy thy regard as that which is everlasting % Will a few^ days of fleshly pleasur€« pay for the loss of Wen and thy immortal soul? or will thy sin and thy prosperity be sweet at death and in the day of judgments As thou art « man, and lis ever thou behevest that there is a God and a world to come and as thou carest for thy soul, whether it be saved ^52?*»?o^ l>«8eech thee, I charge thee, think of rJjip'Vttltiak of them once a day at least I \>fMenj^th thy moat sober serious tiiouffhts 1 make^dt^jelt of salvation or damnation 1 I know tholi livest i^ a^^aftmc^ UiW. wh«i ^ou wUt hefr some Uughing at suchnlim^ as these, and scorning at a holy liferimA^ting rgproachee on the godly^ and merrily drink«ig,ind playing/wid piitiug aM^y their time, aiidJtjien ^ing that Ithey fill trust '-«^ withjheir »0ttl8> and li6pe>«%i saved wiUkiiit gchido! But* 4%e8&^ minds, and be not shoftiy^own in the mouth, vr ?»**^^^*** be glad fc^eat thei> words^aniTwish ^ th^ bed lived* a tioly lif;§, though it t«d cost ai r ^ m- J VI. ■ -WW ea Man's trub oOidi to rsavbit. 8ham# of a deceiver for ever; but if God and ihf conscience bear witness against thy sin, and tell thee that a holy life is best, regard not the* gain-sayings of a bedlam world, which is drunk with the delusions of the flesh ; but give up thy soul and life to God by Jesus Christ in a-fitithfnl covenant I Delay no longer, man, but resolve ; resolve immediately, resolve un- changeably ; and God will be thine, ana thou shalt be his forevet. A Prayer for converting gra^yOy to be used bj^ the unconverted f who are convinced^ their sin/id, miserable state. • O MOST holy, jusi^ and dreadful God, yet gracious' and ready to receive poor sinners, who penitently return unto thee by faith in Christ, pitifully behold a miserable sinner, who is prostrate as at thy feet, and fleeth with fear from thy terrible justice, in hope of thy pardoning and saving^ me^rc]^ I hear fironii! ^ thy Word that thou bast r^eemed the world by Jesus Christ, fmd He hath satisfied U)y justice as a ' propitiation for our sins, and hath ii^rited thy par- doning saving grace, for all that trqk teJieve and repent, and heartily accept of Christ io# the saving^ft work and benefits of His mediation^ But I hear that ekcept we repent we shall all perish ; and he that believeth not shall be damned ;'4Uid that except we 1)0 bom again of the Spirit, and be converted, and become as little children, we cannot ente^ into the Kingdom of God ; and tha,t without holiness none ' shall see thee ; and that if any man have not the . Spirit of Chri s t, he is none of Hia; and thiit all "w '^, 0^ *l ^- mam's tbui ouidb to hvaybn. 63 . 1, ■ who are in Chri«t are new Creatures, old things are paaied away, and all things are became new ; and that the carnal mind is enmity, and neither is nor can be subject to thy law ; and that if we Hve afte? the fles^ we shall die ; and that Christ is the author of etendal salvation to all them that obey Him. lam convinced, Lord, that thou art my Cjreft- tor, and therefore my Owner, and tha^ I and all that I have and can do, should be used to thjSglory at thine own. As alsoK that thou art the rightfu' "^ emor of the world ; that thy laws are holy, an«| and good ; that my baseness and foUy and corrupww^ will do make me unfit to rule myself. I am con- vinced that thou art best, and best to me, and that I should love thee with all lijy heart, and deem all the pleasures, and riches, and honours of this world vilem comparison of thee. I am convinced that all this world is vanity, and heaven alone, where thou art seen and perfectly loved and pra^teii the only felicity of souls, and should be souJPKfire •11 tronsitory things* I am convinced that thou art the first and last, of whom, and through whoin, and to whom, both I and all things are. And I am con- vinced that my forsaking thee, and turning to my ^«'«ial self and this deceitful world, and allmy sins, irve thy wrath and my destruction; and that I have no hope but in penitent sincere conversion to thM, by fiuth in Christ the oidy Eec6nciler: Jut ilas, the hardness of nSy heart, the power of ^behef and fiesWylu^j, piovaaeth against aU m Wiction % I /ear fe^all my knowledge wiU but condema^me to be bea^ wiAniwiyAripes^^^I When I know that I «^oidjLM3kj^ present irith me : and tho wiU orpBpfli|^jPthiigainst thy The cPB t om lofj i toMpa U i inoreaied my -IttwrilL i ifr ■,¥i f^ MAlfSr TitUK qUIDETO HIATIN. .n- tinful iocHnation ; and t Iim ii6t | will whicn hateth my pleasant and gainful sins ; I forbear them often through fear, while I love them and wish that Vthou didst not forbid them. Long have I been wish- ,/ ing and purposing to repent, and come to thee ; but /i^las, how many purposes have I changed, and how . many promises have I broken, and how many wishes -^- have come to nothing. My corrupted^ ill, ensla' by my sense, will not change itself, nor foriake ,the .** r "^illile^sant vanities which it loveth. ■ '%^ that I had a heart, a will to love thee at much aboye all the world, as I know I should love thee i •and to dMightLin thee and in thy holy ^ys, iif thy ^ giace, st^d ib. tke hopes (^ glory, as much as I know tbm art\sjore delectable ^than all the pleasures of the^rld^d sin I that I had a heart that would enlai^dly run the way of thy coinmandments, and did ^kM|ht to do^thy willgp God ; and did still obey mS from thl^power oTlove f Jihat the new nature did more strop^JJf incline ^e^ thee and to thy serfioe, tJMo ilqfoo^h^ted natui^ inolineth me to the interelBf jphid^self and sense I O that I bad % hj|»rt tPpelvIe in Ghrist as strongly as I know I ahould belief in Him, and to hate sin as much as I aiil convinced that I afapuld hate it ; and to liveb, * liath and not by sight ^ - And though these desires may be but from the power of self-love and the fSars of hell, O that I had mere tpiritual and sincere desires 1 >^^ I have ccnrupted this heart, O Lord, but I dtiinot renew it I hav<$ defiled it,^ but I. cannot cleanse it I have kinged in it the fire of sinful luita, biit I * cannot quench it I ^ye undone^, myself, and re- jecied that Saviour and resisted tiiat Hdljr Spirit — who ahould have s a nctifi e d, and s a v e d m e : and I # ■JC i e "T'^tW ,'T'^ T, \/ i***"* TdOi.ooira TO auvn; (g .^n^ "•/•*" feeovery, but of Thy mft • no, •hall I «, mSih M forbear iy own sin aid deatru^^ I taon. unle« Thy meroy turn m. or «.?«!» me 1 ^ «•«»« Spint whom I have 80 long reuited I *^i'„!l°'f'?{ "P"" °'*' ^ <*'^' •»co«UDg to the 2 11^ " «'°;° ' ^' ^^ ^»'°" •"'« -nowy on me!« Agracions God. A. my .in hath abounded let Thr ■ grace much more abound. When I W of X JiTr^a-:; tstd-^i^^-Li I think it fa nluggieh soul ecarce feeleth or ttiReth at all thia. O thou that art the IWing Ood, that raieedst Jeeue Chriat from the dead, lifWe and raiie this atapid aoul. Iit>rd Jeeue, raiee ilie, by thy quickening Spirit, who hath raised mil- Itons that wer« dead in sin. speak effectually that word of life, "Awake thou that sleepeat, and •fie^ from the dead, and Christ shtll give thee ItghV' Awdce me by thy grace, lest the thunder of tbj wmth» wid the firs of hell to kte awake me t And Lord, I have a dark, so ignorant, a prejudiced, and an unbelieving heirt : it sti^ggereth at thy word ! It 4Q«itioitbth the scriptum 1 it looketh ^Uiigely upon Christ himi^lfl it looketh doubtin^lylttid ^masedlj t^waide the world to cod«. I am so c«>t- iv»t0d in nmik, imd used to live by tight and sc^ that I can ioaroe believe or apprehend the thingt un? *!IS' ^^SH^^ ^* revealed them with certain »yid« idg^ffl l|hr one beam of thy heavenly iUumina- i!^i *3r^?^^ unbelieving soul I alAs, if nn. bjlirf prevail, Chnst will be as no Christ to m^ an4 »e promise ae no promise, and heavwi af no heaven, O W this eva heart of nnbelirf, which hath ne^ mm> Christy hissaorifioe, merits, doctrine, example, - hii t in the power of the prince of darkneai^ Attd, Iiordi my wi U is a s sin fu l a s my mind. It 18 D^Mied by senee^and loUoweth the nge 0f lust ■ *'*7/; ■I :^^^^^ .\*. J- m MAH'B TBUti QtJIDB TO H1BAVBN. and appetite rO how Uttle is it ihbliiied to thee, and to heaven/ and to. any holy work I I can loVe my 'flesh 1 1 can love my food hand^ase, and wealth ! •' I can love my friend ! yea, wretch that I am, I can love my sini my bjrutish God-provoking sin I but that I coi]dd say, I love my Saviour; «ind love my God, and love the plaqe of glbtioui perfection above all thc^ ! O totich thia heart with-the loadstone of tky love ! kindle it in this^heavenl^ fire ! nothing will do it but the holy spiiit of io|e, working with^ jfche revelation of thy wonderful lov^ in ^Jesus Chi^st. Hold the eye of my soul upon my Saviour I i^pon my humhled crucified Saviour \ upoti my^, ascended^ glorified, interceding Sayiour ! and let .me aeyei> cease gazing on this glass of love, and hearin^t|is: heavenly messenger of thy love, till thy jessed W operating. Sphit of love hate turned m^ hei^-t ti^ love itself j-0ven into that love which xs the living image of thy loye ! and then i^ Christ I j8hall be lovely to thee. •* As ever iiiou hadst mercy on a 'miseydble siniier, « have mercy on me, and lenew this soul! 0f all mercies in the world, .0 give me thy Holy Spirit, through the mediation of my dear JRedeei^jer ! even the Spirit of life, and light, and lofe.. Aivi lej this be Chriat'd advocate and witness in me, and the wit- * ness, earnest, and pledge of my salvation. Of all plagues, O save me from tbfe plague of aheart for- saken by thyMBpirit, and le|l^iSl^ea|h and darkness and disaffection! Is it h<6; '^ pf|iy for grace I Jffifist thq give.thy Holy Spirit to thei| not "withottt thy Spirit that ..y,^ . — ^, -*^o I asked for riches and honours and 1^e;pleasfir<» sin, no wond^l if my'prayer had been denied, «i ■«• villi tb9| I>^d fi^d thit tho\](^»g ask ! I:)M>pe it 18 thxijaprnt. H .t-j • 69 gmntea wlA a cuTse. Bui wilt thou deny me the^ grace which tliou did$t bid me aslcl thf^ holineiis •which thou loTOftt ! without which I candbt Idve/or aerve thee, but shall serve thine enemy to- my own destrudtion. O. thou that ha^ sworn that thou bast .|iot pleasure in the death of the wicked^ butUat he 1^ and liye^f-hare mercy upon me; and sanctify^ thi^ sinful; m»eiiiMe soul/ that I may live in the fruitful and delightful exercise of thy graca, unto thy ^ory here, and ma|HitO in the delights of thy gloi 10U8 love for ever more ; through the merits and >*woeMion i)f my blessed. S^^ who hath en- coura^ mcf with the publican, to hang down this Mhamed fiwJOj and emit« upon this guilty breast, and ^ ^t^U^ *w>«»gli His name to cry unto thee, " God be nierciful to me a sinner I*" Amen, amen. »i :A »' ."'i •'-. ■ \ ■ ■•'■A' . ?» ^. » '... f ,r a .^' ■ ■» .J/- ■ . THE THIRD CONFERENCE. ■■■..■'.' .''■«..■■-■.■• \-^ ■\-- (;!>.■ ■f- %^ \ THE RIS80LUTI6N AND AGTUAL OOKVBRlilON Of] . 4 -i.'^'f^ A SlNNBR. ■<*'■■ away than I expected: w^t was the mattir with Saul. sir, I have seen and felt the lieavy hand of Qod since I saw you. We have had^ a violent fever common among us, and J nafrowly escaped Mtih my life myself > ° ^ . [P. I traet that this affliction will .l?e for yout goi)d. Tell me, how did your sicjtness find j^ re- solved respecting God and your spull andjBmere, think yon, wotild have been your portion if wl.had called you away q ! . * V , ; S. 'Ala8,^sir ; my own wicked heart did hinder me much after our last conversation, and I thank God that he did not cut me of in the midst of my doubts. r went home convinced that your words were true, and that I must become a new creature, or be un- .gone. -, y—— „ -^ .=.■■■■■-■■ . I read over the texts of scriptuie you, gave me, ind studied the meanin^^ of them ; but my igno^ anee so darkened my mmd thkt all seemed strange^ >and new . to me, thoiin]^ had often heard them' |)efore. And bein^ veryNinskilful in such matters yoyself; I went oft to my neighbour David, as you ^idvised me, and, I thank him, he gladly helped me o !?♦ '^| ;*■. yp^^--- ikii^B 'litii "i i.yf'i.. . wkkyw$» to utiderstand ^he words and tWiigs which were too 'haid'for me. But "When I ^ui done all this, my .worldly business took up Jnt thoughts so, and the cares of my family were so touch at my heart, and my did companions so ofteii tempted me, and my flesh was so loth to let go all my sinful pleasuree, and the matters of seligion were so strange to me, that 1 delayed my resolution, and contipued still purposing that I would shortly turn ; but while I mas purposing and delaying, the fever took me, and then Qod by his terrors did awaken me out of my V .1*. Oh what iiii iini)6asbnable tkng w wiJB&n you are once com^nced ! 2 Cor. vi. 2. What ! ^ delay to come out of ^e bondage of the devil i the • guilt of siril the flafc of %od6ra r the wrath of Godi If deatii takf yc^L j^ an uncoj^Verted state, » you are lost for ev^r^ JPrliat if you had died for^ merlyin vour sin.! 'M^hat if you die this night? AVhat assftat!^ ^s^^ you to live an hour ? Alas, '/ how bnttl^J|d >)yrag,ible a thing ii4he body of a^ man ! Ana b^ wMitlk wonder of providence do we live 1 I* sin so.jgobd 1 ^ Is the state of a sinner so safe or coinf^rtj^fo, that ^ny should be loth to leave ^^ iti Is G«>d, au^ Christ, and heaven so bad that any should; de%, and be loth to be^odly ? ban you 1>e happy ^o «oon? or too soon(^& a ehild of God ;, or too so^n get dlit\of the danger of damna- tioni Is God /hateful'? Is sin and misery lovely, tha^ you'ijkre so loth to change i If sin be best, keep ^* ®*!^k; ^^ ^r^ and heaven he worst, never think of thraiiftg. Ui Kim. But if b^t, do you not pre- > sently desire /the l)esti 1 Kings, xviii. 21, Ituet Christ and his Holy Spirit wait on ».you while yoa take the othir oupy and <«tay your ^ure while yott «^ i •V _ V- ?2 iIaK^S TRUte OUlDS TO HlBAVlBl!!. \ 4 . - ^are destroying yourself 1 How know you but tlie Spirit of God may forsake you, and leave you to your own will, and lust, and counseli Psa. Ixxxl^I 1, 12, and say^ Be hardened, and be filthy still 1 What a forlorn miserable creature would you be ! Do you not know that evlnry sin, and every delay, and eVfery ^ resistance of the Spirit, doth tend^jtd the greater ^ hardening of your heart, and malrffg your conver- sion less hopeful and more hard 1 P«a. cxix. 60. Do you hope for pardon and mercy from God, or do you noti If not, desperation would begin your hell. If you do, is it honest to desire to commit more of ^that sin wrhich jiou mean io repent of, and -tdbeg for p^rdoii»of ffoto Godi Dare you say in your h^art, £prd, I have abused thee, and thy Son, . and Spirit, and mercy long ; I will abase thee yet a littde longer, .and then I will rojxent and ask forgive- ness. Do. ypu love to contemn a little longer that Sayiour, whom you must fle® ^ ^^ *^ ^ *^ *^® laat^ Do ^ you not purpose toiove him and honour '' him nfterwatd and for ever ? And yet would yotts* liltle Idpger despise and injure himi Would you jttatify and please the d«vil a little Idngert and root 2nd stieilgliiien sin a Mttle niore before ypu pull it up I and kindle a greater flame in your hou«e before ySu quench it J Must you fleeds give yourself a few * mose stabfl, li^ore y t»u go to the physician 1 Is your Ufe too long 1 And hathNGod give^ you too mucte -isiimfe, tha^^tt are desiroiJOp lose a little morel A|« you afraid 6i too easy aft asauranoe of forgive- ness^ that you wpuM m«*e it harder, dM would in- :viie despai?, by sinning wilfully against knowledge and conviction!" What will you delay .fori Do yott think ever t^^ind the markefr fall, and Chnftt oom ^^ io ^'^^ Jbemiff, and ohiuage hia law and .J. r . ■w \] Mt^» TBXm QVnm TO JSnAJWX,^ ■ \ ' -n^. '"■■ ■ . ' ■ - ■ ■ ■■'■■" tt gospel, to excuse you for not changing your heart and life t Do you ever look to find conversion an eaiAer work than now 1 Dq you know how much more you have to do when, you are converted 1 What knowledge/ fail/h, h9|)e, assurance/ and pa- tience, aud comfort more to , get 1 How many temp- l^ons to overoome, and how many duties to per- form, and what a work it is to prepare for immor- jbalityf And are you afraid of <> having too much tinte, and heginning so great a work too soon? Believe it, Satan doth iiot loiter: time 'stands not still : sun, and moon, and all the creatures delay not to aftord you all their service. Delay is a denial : Godspeeds npt you, hut you. need him. Tou wotdd not have him delay to help you, in the time of yout pain and great extremity. Patience will not Ibe abused for ever. Behold this is the accepted time, ' behold this is the day of salvation, 2 Co?, vi. 2. Heb. iii. 7, 13, 15, iv. 7. that you knew what others are enjoying and what you ai^ losing, all the time that yoi^ d^lay, and^on how slippery, ground you stand ! and what after sorrowiryou are prepar- ing for yourself ^ ' y^ ^ ' ■ ^^ v -4/' /&, Sir, I tbank/^oii for your' awakening con vine- 4ng reasons ;. bujb^ was- telling you h^w Ood hath already,,! hopj^ i^olved me against any Ipnger. delay. When I tnought I nsdst presenlly 4ie/i^ my sins .and all your countols came into my inind^ and the fear of God's displeasurs did 6yenirh0^ nie; ^ I thotiijhV I had but a few dayis to bfe put 6f WL AndGi what woiild I not have jglven ft»r assuranbe of pardon "by^ Jesus Christ, and for a littfe more Hin^e of preparation in the world, before my soul did enter upon eternity ! Gh | ne^uQaw f^e li^ of ain^' tlietrath of God's threat^^^a;^, %$ i^ee^^ M IMJ^'S TtttJS QUID! TO BMAVMS, Sayfotir, the preciousnesa of j^e, Uie madness of delaying, thoroughly until ttietrf And now, sir, the great mercy of G6d having restored |nft, I come pre- . "sently to you to profess my refi&)lutM|^and to take jour further good ^dvice. ' 1 p. You see that God is igerciful to. us, when we • think that he is destroying us. ^Afflictions are not ^. the least of God's merci^, which our dull and hard- en«Jd hearts make necessary, Psa. cxik. 61, 71, 75, - 1 Thess. L 6. Such fools that we are that we will - not undcttBtand without the rod. My advice is that you read over here again the doctrine of Christianity . ifhich I gave you in our second dsy's conference, and . Jet me see whether you understand and believe it, : ■ ' . and consent , to give yourself up to God upon the -. lerms whi^ it describes.— (Here Saul readeth it /'' Dfver); '/'-''• ;.>v- ,-•■-,.- ■•'>-,>;7 ' ' '^^-~-^\ . ■.■.-^;■^^^^-^';--■:i■'■■■'• S» Ypu would have me understand w^t I do ; 1 desire you her^ td jinswer me these few donbt^ that I may^'proceed more clearly and with % good un^dfl^ .• standing (rftiiat which I am about. . . ' Que«t, J.^ What must J trust to for the paydon of , « toy sin, and. which way and on whatr terms may 1 ' \' " besure'ofiti '■ -....^^s^. -'"'' >v . -k ,;-'^.>^^";-'^^^^^^^ P. Th« J>rime cause Is God's merey; this mercy V bath given Joittsf-Chri&t tb be our Redeeiher. Christ bath by perfect holiness and obedience, and by be- . ' . * coming a sacrifice to Go4 for our sins,, deserved and *; ' purchased our .pardon: and salvation : so that you • , must ^rtMit to the sacrifice an<| lUeritorious righteou*' ; \^^ i^ P^qrchasing meritttrious » ' ^ caus^ of your forgivieiiess and of your reconciliation, w '■:. "i^tifibatipn, sanctification, and salvation. [But the ^ "^ f ^y iU which G od commuiilcates I^MSe blessings to ^ ./^ us is £f8(^ing^i|i' Spirit ifltp o|^ h^MptSi ^ wGod hath first possessed -Christ's human glorified nature with the Spirit, that He may have it as the Head, and from Him it is to come to us as His in^embeis. Theiefbre the increase ' . '■ V.'- MAN^B TBUB QUlDB TO BIBAVBN. 77 and actual helps and comfurt of the Spirit are given you 00 condition oi your dependence on Christ for the daily communication of it. And your husinesa i^ to wait -on him in the daily exercise of faith and use of all His instituted ordinances, and to ohey the motious of His Spirit. S. Quest, y I. How shall I do to know the opera- tions and motions of the Spirit from delusions, and . how shall I know, whether I have the Spirit or notf p. 1. The Spirit is from Go4 and our Saviour, a!^/' .. / ' a « ■ . }'*' A'' ■V ■■i-r • - •>* " y • ' •* 1 ' \ p i- ♦ • 1 AHMMMlAvMlMMlMMtflMtl tOI/Miy-4 Ml' J^ fcy C«ntim«t0r 1 2 3 ^idiii t. ■125 ■■■ LL L 2j0 U 116 M,: ^ ,1k 12 13 44 15 fnm W^if^^Ww^m^ . / 0L^ .>.4l'-i.^'..ikS,SMi " ^ • ■-.: / ■ ;'., • ' . -t^V:' ; . ■ ■ ■ ■ -^ . ■■ »f ■„■ r' ^ Jfef* 1 ;:/-i|y*i5 ■•' .,',*i'->*- * i^ ^ >i , >■ ■S' -,-f ■ ; ■■■ a<. ■^ *^" ,/ *>-». '^r ,v u-:.,-^- t' .■ji:'-**^ 10 man's TBim OUIDI TO HBAyiir. .«»•. is but 7«t deliberatiiig and is unniolyed wbat to chooiM and do. (This person must not odvenant tiU bo feel t^ scales turn by a tnie resolution.) 8. And one tbat truly consenteUi and resolyetb; but is i^raid lest bis deceitftii beart be not sincere in it. (Tbis person must^oovenant in tbis uncertainty.) Because all tbat can be expected from us is, tbat we speak our own minds according to tbe best acqoain- tanoe witb tbem tbat we can get; otberwise we must forbiBaral^tbanksgiving for special mercies, and a great part of our worsbip of God/ tUl we are certain t>f tbe sincerity of our own hearts; wbicb too many are not. V S. Quest. XI. Wbat if it prove tbat my beart is not sincere t or wbat if I sbould fall away again bereafterl P. 1. If 'your beart be not sincere in your con* sent to the covenant, you will remain unpardoned in your sin and misery, till it be sincere, Psa. xxxii. 2. If you fall into ti particular sin, I bave told you bow you must be restored by renewed repent- ' ance for it, tbrougb faitb in Cbrist. But as you love God and your soul take beed of wilful sinning, [for tbis will endanger your salvation, and quench the Spirit, and provoke bm to leave you to your- self; and even if^ by renewed repentance, you escai^ condemnaticm, will yet bring grievous dis- tress updn your soul, as you knbw #as the case with king David and tbe apostle PeterT) S. lam much afraid lest when temptatioi^ cometh I sbould turjf again to my former folly, though God forbid J' 'should renounce my Siiviour. lam •6 entangled in ill company, and in a custom 6f tinning, and have so bad a nature, <^nd soman^r ..- --..Vi, / IUH'8 TBUl OUIDi fO BlAflir. 81 >iiiptatioini and woidly inarai^cdiit thoagh' I am j(ow nwolved, I am afiraid leat t ahoold yield and /ose iny resolutions. . ; / -P. It beoometh you to fear it that so yon mar 1^ it, Heb. iy.l. But this fear should not binder you firom resolTing and consenting. For> I 1. Yon know that sin is hatefbl, and its pleaBQybs .. "«PO>«>n*nd deceit; and theiefbie that im world affoideth nothing, to stand in competition ^ with God) and your salvation. If you wfil take this worldTor yollr part, you. are undone; if you will not, resolve accordingly. But dream not of joining sin and holiness, or the worldly and the heavenly happineas into one, and dividing your heart and service between God and mammo^ Matt. vi. 24. For that is the dunning self-deceit of hynocrites. ^* , 2. You shall ^%nly have that which is an hundred fold betteir than all that you forsake : but you shall have the world itself, refined and saiio- tified to your greatop good. You would have it as your fleshly feUcity I God will have you renounce it in that sense ; but He will give it you as your daily provision for His aervice, and as the blessed means to further yotir salvation ;^hat you may see God in every Creature, and thftuM Him for it, and serve Him by it And one mercy thu# sumtified is worth a thousand abused : ten pounda or ten shil- lings a year used for God to ftirther your salvation, ia better than lordahips and kingdoms used to serve the flesh and the devil, and to prepare men for damnation. Read James v. 8. When you are once entered well into the i^ vice of God, yoja will find that light which will shame all temptations, and that sweet enerience ■• • H ' ■■..^..■■•■::-r:r-..- ■:■:..■; • 1. ■ ■ '■■,■■• 4. You must live under the helps and consola- tions of the Holy Ghost, still drawing you to Odd, and making you more holy, and helping your infir- mities against your sins. 5. Tou must live in the hopes and desires of everlasting glory, verily expecting to see Christ glorified, with all the saints and blessed angels, and to see the glory of God, and with a perfected ^ul and body,, perfeotljr to feel his love, and per- fectly to love and praise him to eternity. * 6. In all your sickness, wants, persecutions, and 4«ath itself, you have all these contorts, and this nbpe of glory to be a constant cordial at your heart, 1 Gor. XV, 65, &c. 1 Thess. iv. 13. 16—18. 2 Tim. iv. 8. PhiLi. 21. 23. 2 Cor. v^l. 3. 6— 9. iv. 16- 18. And when others Are afraid o) death for fear of hell, you must welcome it as the door to endless life. 7. You must live in the church, in the commu- nion of saints, where all God's ordinances must be your helps for the daily exercise of all these graces and delights. And your chief exercises of piety must be hearing these glad tidings in the gospel opened to you; begging for more grace j joyful thanksgiving for all these mercies ; singing forth and speaking the praises of Jehovah ; and with joy and thankfulness, ^tasting upon Christ's fiedi, and ^ •nd th« nM •»ui»t Thiie. I have wUfully foigotten the God thfttmade me, «od the Saviour that redeemed me. •nd the endleee glory which Thou didtt eet before me. I foigot the buiiiieae which I wae eent for into the worH; and have lived as if I had been made for nothing, but t& paM a few dayi in fleshly ptoMure, and pamper a carcase for the worms. I ^J^Wly forgot what it is to be a man, who haUi wtwn jjven hmi to role his flesh, and to know his God^ and to foresee his death, and the state of im- mortality. And I made my reason a servant to my ^«?1I!' "m. Vv •^ too much like the beasts that wK^*.ii^K *^* Pi«i^ ti»^ which I have lost» !?^^*i?7?r'^**"^^ Oh the calls nJ S^ which I have n^leoted I and the teachings •h.VK'^r'^'^^K^i.^Tf "^^^^ ' *^* wonderful love whwh I unthankfiiUy ngeoted I and the manifold mercies which I have abased, and turned into wan- tonness snd sin 1 How deep is the guilt which't have contacted I And how great are the com- forte which I have lost I I might have lived all thto while m the love of Thee, my gracious God : ^^^.fA^^ ^•"«^*i ^' .^**y ^^>y ^°«» "d ways m the daily sweet foresight of heaven, and in ihe joy of the Holy Ghost ; if I would have been ruled by Thy righteous laws. But I have hearkened to the flesh, and^to thU wicked and deceitful world : «jd have pi^erred a short and sinful life, before Thy love, and endless glory. th^T^^iiMr ^ 5*^? ^nr "iiitte I came into the world t Folly and sin have taken up my time. I am ashamed to look back upon the years which I have spent ;^and to think of the temptations which I have yielded to | ^H what trifa have e^it|^ fe*£^!i*3foK*i(t:a 88 KAir^ TBUl OUIDB TO HlAYIir. me from my God 1 ' How little time have I bad for the pleaaures whioK I have loat I Like Eaau I have profanely aold my birth-right for one raonel. To pleaae my fancy, my appetite, and my luat, I bare aet light by all the joya of heaven ! I have unkind- ly deepised the goodneas of my Maker! I hive dighted the love and grace of my Redeemer I I have reaiated Thy Holy Spirit, ailenoed my own conacience, and grieved Thy miniatera, and my moat faithfcd frienda I and have brought myaelf into this woM caae, wherein I am a abame and a burden to myaelf; and Qod is my terror, who abould be my on)y hope and joy. Thou knoweat my aecrat aina, which are unknown to men! Thou knoweat all their aggravationa ! My aina, Lovlil have found me ont I My feara and sorrowa overwhelm me ! If I look behind me, I aee my wickedneaa purane my 8Qlil,^M'an armv ready to overtake me, and devour me I If I look befora me, I aee Thy just and dreadfiil judgment^ and I know that Thou wilt not acquit the guilty ! If I look within me, I aee a dark defiled heart ! If I look without me, I aee a world atill oflPering freah • temptationa to deceive me ! If I look above me, I aee Thine offended, dreadful majeaty 1 And if I look beneath me, I aee the place of endleaa torment, and the company with which I deaerve to auffer I I am afVaid to Hvej and more afindd to die. ^ But yet when I look to Thine abundant mercy, and to Thy Son, and to Thy covenant, I have h6pe Thy goodnesa ia equal to Thy greatneaa: Thou art love itaelf ; and Thy meroy ia over all Thy worka. So wonderftdly haUi Thy Son condeecended untar- ainnera, and done and Buffered ao much for their ■alvtttion, that if yet I aboidd (^ueetion Thy willing- *',V^rife'^';l ,.-*J.- ; llAll*i TRin QVimi TO ItlATm. ♦ 89 WMi to forgire, I thoald but add to tU my diia, by diihonottring that nurtohlsM tneroy which Thou dott dipgn to glorify. Yea. mot«. I find upon reooid in Thy worjj. that through Chriat Thou hatt made a ooTenant ofgrace, an act of oblivion, in which Thou haat already oonditionaUy but freely paidoned all : granting them the forgiveneae of all their aina. without any exception, whenever by unfeigned faith •nd leoentance, they turn to Thee by Chriat And Thy preaent mercy doth increaae my hope, m that Thou haat not out me off, nor iitterly left me to the haidneaa of my heart, but ahoweat Twl ""."^l '*•"«•' '^'°'« ^""^ Pwt remedy. O thiurefoie behold thia proatimte ainner, who with the publican amiteth on bia breaat, and ia aahamed Jo look up towarda heaven. God, be meroiful to Me a ainner. I conf^a not only my original sin, but the foUiea and fury of my youth, my manifold aina of Ignorance and knowledge, of negligence and wU- lulneaa ; of omiaaion and oommieaion ; against the law of nature, ahd againat the grace and gospel of thy Son I Forgive and save me. O my God, for thy abundant mercy, and for the sacrifice and merit of thy Son, and for the piomiao of folcgivenese which thou hast made through him : for in theae alone ia i/"*^/? "i?'^' C^^'^^^^'nn me not, who condemn my- •elt O thou that haat opened so precious a foun- tain for sin and for uncl^anness, wash me thorough- ly from my wickedness, and cleanae me from my V\ 1. i"?'*!^"^ J"**^^ might send me presently 1^ hell, let thy merey triumph in my salvation. Thou hast no I pleasure in the death of ainnem. but rather that they repent and live I If my repentance be not such as thou requirett, Oaoften this hanienad nrnty heart , a nd give m e l e pentance nnto life 1 r f. y .1' V L: 10 iiAii't TBtri avtoi TO uUTnt. turn me to tkjMlf, God of my MUTatioii, ana oaiwe tliy fiuM to thioe upon^e I Gmfto in me a oleMi heart, and renew a right spirit within me , Meet not thia poor returning prodigd in thy wrathi but with the embraoementa of thy tender meniea I Caat me not away from thy preeenoe, and aentenoe me libi to depart from thee with the worketa of ini- quity ! Thou who didat patienUy enduie me when I deapiaed thee, refdiM me not now I aaak nnto thee, and here in the dnat implore thy meroy I Thou ' didit conrert and pardon a wioked Manaaaeh, and a perMouting Saul I ^^d there are polUtndea iti heaven who were onoe ttiine enemiea I ^brifV alao thy auperabonnding ghMS^ in the foigivenew of my Abounding ains. I aak not for liberty to ain again, but for deliveiw •nee fr3m this sinning nature. O give me the ro- newing Spirit of thy Son, to sanctify aU the powers of my aoul I I^t me have the new and heavenly birth and nature ; and the Spirit of adoption to r^^ form me to thine image, that I may be holy as thou •rt holy. Illumicate me with the saving knowledge of thyself and thy Son Jesu^ Christ. fill me with thy love; that my heart may be wholly set up- on thee, and the romembranoe of thee may be my chief delight Let the freest and sweetest of my thoughts run after thee 1 and the freest and sweetest of my disooorse be of thee, and of thy glory and kingdom, and of .thy word and waya. let my tMMure be laid up in heaven, and there let me daily •nd delightfuUy convene. Make it th4 creat and daily buainess of my devoted soul, to please thee and to honour t|ee, to promote thy Iringdom, arfd to do thy will 1 Put thy foar into my ieart that I inay nevag depart fmm ^^i^ » - • - - JK., 1^' #•• ion, and in m«a bin me, r wrtthf mefoi«t I Mnt«no6 « of ini- 16 when itotbee, I Thou \i, tnd k nd« ill rify alto • of toy deliver* the le- powera eaveoly niont' as thou >wledge fill me •et np- be my of my weetert >iy and let my e daily lAt and 16 thJM n, aiTd that! ^^ lua'a nfia mmm to nu-. maw's Tmai odidb to mufiir. 98 fnl God, a sufficient Saviour, a paidoning oovenaiift *? ^^4 ^^^ • comforting Sanctifier, which way should I look, or what should I dot It amaceth m^ think what a dangerons state I so long lived mr O #hat if God had cut off my life, and taken away my unsanotified soul I What would have he- oomef of^me for ever I that I had sooner turned to my God ! and sooner oast away my sins : and sooner tried a holy life I But my soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth tejoifB in God my Saviour, that he hath pitied a srff^estroying sinner, and at last his meroy hath ahoiuided wheie my sin didabound ; Eom. v, 12, 13. to the end. P. Jt is hut Uttle of his gbbdness^ which as yet you have tasted, in comparison. of what you must .find at last But that you may yet make sure work, 1 shaU spend this day's conference in acquainting you what traaptations you have yet to overcome, and what dangers to escape: for yet you have hut begun your race and warfare. T ?• J®?' counsel hath hitherto heen so good, that I shall gladly hear the rest ^ P. X The first temptation that you are likely to meet wilh, is, a seeming difficulty and puzding dark- nsM m aU or many ot the doctrines and practices of godliness, John VI. 60, Heb. v. 11, 12, 2 Pei iii. 10. You will think strange of many things that are taught you j and you will be alarmed atthe dif- ficulties of understanding and believing, of medi- tatang and praying, of watching a^nst sin, and of doing your duty. And by reason of this difficulty, Satan would make God's service seem wearisome, «ncoin£[>rtable, and grievous to you, and so turn ^--•^ your love item (Jod» f^ ■ ■il ='■-.'»: •■I:; s;;*rj fec^* 'f't^^rv'^ffiz -I- m' 'iv *^' 94 mam's TBDB OUIBI to HIAVS9. I^' I >^ And all this will be^ beoAiue yoa are yet but as a .attaDger to it; like a scholar that entereth upon books and soienees, which he never meddled with before ; or like an apprentice that newly leameth his trade; or like a traveller in a strange way and country. To an ignorant and unexperienced pei^ son, that never meddled with such things before, but hath been used to a contrary course of life, all things will seem strange and difficult at first. S. What course must I take to escape this tempi^ ationlr.-- />-^'^-^- ^*'-^^ %'■.■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ P. I. When you meet with any difficulty, you must still remember that it is your own dark mind, or backward hearl^ that is the cause; and never sus- pect God^s word or ways. No more than a sick man will blame the meat instead of his stomach, if he loathe a feasi But take occasion to renew your repentance^ and think. All this is owing to myself, I spent my youth in sin and folly, which I should have spent inf hearing the word of Qod, and prao* tising a godly life. What need have I now to double my labour to overcome all this 1 2. Besolve to wait patiently on God in the use of all his means : and teaching, time, and use, and grace, will make all more plain, and easy, and de- lightful to you. Do not expect that it should come on a sudden, without tiUie, and diligence, and ^t^ I 8. Keep still as a humble disciple of Gluist in a leamiip mind and way^ and turn not in aelf-oonoeit- ednesi to find ^Milt with what you do not imder- staad^ This m the chief thing in which conversion maketh us like little children, M«tt xviii. 3/ Chil- dren arw conscious of their ignorance, and an^ teach- able, and set not their wits against their teac^ifiBi : !(Jt '^fy^ M '^ fT^^ftW^^ MAN^H TRUB dtflDB tO dlAt^BN. 91 till they grow towarda twenty yeait of age, and then they grow wise in their own conceits, and begin to think that their teachers are mistaken, and to set their wits against the truth which they should re- ceive. But of this more presently. ^11. The second temptation will be, upon these difficulties and your mistakes in reli^on, to grow •o perplexed as to be joverwhelmed with doubts and fears, and so to turn mehincholy, and ready to despair. « W-^ The devil wijl strive to ^bewilder' you in somi mistakes; or to make you think that your conver- sion was not true, because you had no mole bro- kenness of heart for sin • dr because you know not just the time when you were converted: or he will make you think that all reli^on Ueth in striving to weep and break your heart more ; or that yon have no grace because you have not such a lively sense of things invisible, as you have of the things that are seen : or he wiU tell you that now you must not ' *''?^ ??' **^ o^ **»• world, but all your thouahts and talk must be of God, and hie word andloly things ; and that all other is idle thoughts and Ulk And that you must tie yourself to longer tasks of meditation and prayer than you have time and strength to cany on. ; ., / ^8. Sir, you make me wonder to heair TOti t Cah 8u^-*j-'^^'*'ii)^»ff"y '■i'rap>p!»r%,'rj!i^,ir», . 96 man's TBUS QUID! to WUlYKX, ness, he wilt pui on a mask of godlmess. And whenever ihe devil will seem r eligious and righ^ teooa, he will be religious and righteous overmudi f S. "What getteth he by this 1 Would he make ns more religions 1 *^" » P. -Yon little know what lie hopeth to get by it Overdoing is undoiag all: he would destroy all your religion by it K you run your horse till you tire him, or break his wind, is not that the way to lose your journey f Nothing" over violent is durable. If a scholar study so hard as to oracfe bin brains, he will never be a good scholar or wise man, till he is cured. Our souls here ar« united to our bod- ies,, and must go on that pace that the body can endure. If Satan can tempt you, into longer and deeper thinking (especially on the sadder objects in religion) than your body and brain can bear, you will* grow melancholy before you are aware, and then you little know how ill a guest you have entertained^ ■■ ■ ■■-.■>■-)-■.'•;'..■-::/-■•■" ■'■.■::^'.:':^ For when once^you are melancholy, you will be ^disabled then from secret prayer^tnd from meditat- ing at all : it wiU but confoundsyou : you cannot bear it: and so by overdoing, yon will come to do nothing of that sort of duty. And you will then have none but either wild fancies, and visions, and prophesyings, or else (more usually) sad despairing thoughts in your mind. All that you hear, and read, and see, you will think maketh against you : you will believe^nothing that sonndeth comfortably to you : you can think none but black and hideous thoughts. The devil will tell you a hundred times over, Uia^ you fire an hypocrite «:d nnsanctified, and all that ever you did was in hypocrisy, and that none of your sins ace yet forgiven j and that >.f'*T SiW^THT'T^- ^" MAxn mxm oitidi tq HiAVur. M ^^^^^^'^ '•'" "'''«" w.» there •uway . that God m your enemy : thtft Chriit i. the Holy Ghost ; or that the day of imu.« itH^ yon, that -tu now too late, too late to reiMntV!? bl~k thought. wUt be like a beginning^ heUto ^rbythw; batmanyoftheignonuitandwicM wU by weing yoq, b« hardened into a love o?^n g^y.«?*f,'»"««'y. «nd will fly frou. reirgbnT; frightM thwg,^ which doth not benefit men but n«Ae themaad, or ejst them into deepe«,tfor M. Yon deecribe to me so sad «<»«»« .In. ^.f m.k« me melancholy to hear it,rdTtempt"me .mentm the world bec^Jth an advMtS^tTtW tempter to cast you inte worldly discontontT »nrt , cares, and trouWe,' and pen,lexity oS ^^fa is the usual beginner of mdancholy • Tndth«n« turneth to hdfgiousjtouble afterS: ° " i^l*^« "«>«tdf yourf it now; because vou M*B<»I»ble through God's mercy, of pwveX»?t ^5 ",»td'«»» wWch. when it seiS ™^lon thing that much fendeth to your cute. Words ^ '"iii'aj?'' •*»"«<'>»^''«'e f««Ks: : I t life i If i 98 ItAlf's ratm OUIDB TO HEAVlil. • ■ It ^% The prevention is this : 1. Set not too much by anything in the ^rld, that eo the lo«Jto\»V Wynotbe able to reach your hewft Take the wotld as nothing, and it can do iiothing with you. ^ Take it for dung, and the loee of it wiU not trouble YOU*' * • ■• ■.••'•■•J ■ . _ 2. Keep tnw appreheneions^of tiio najuw of leligioB : that it lieth in iaith, hope, wd l^e, m righteousness, -peace, and joy in *j^.?<»^y ^^ Itom. xiv. 17. 1 Cot. xiL 31, and xui. . 1 These, iv. 17, 18, in the forethoughts of ej'eriwV'*^ 'P*7 and in comforting yourself and your Christian friends with lemembering that you shall for ^^^^^J^ the Lord : in thanksgiving to your bountiful, God, and in hia joyful jHcaises. Let these be .your thoughts, your speeches, your exeruke^ pnWidy andl«retly. Set yourself more to the daily^exer- oiae of Divine piaisee and thank8givi^,^to sUrjip love and joy, than to ahy other |^ ^f«^ ^^^ that you have done repenting ; but J^.^^^^ the chief; the life, the top, the end of a" W wet. 3, Wlien you feel iMiy scruples or tiAuWea bW? to seise upon you, open them presently^ to a^ judi- cious minister or Mend, before they&sten and titke rooting in you. Ilemember and observe theee thiniBk ,,.''^r-';-:-:.u"^^--?-- --v' ;•■•--.■ ■-rir--*^;,^^^?*;' '-':■•■,„' ■ ^raT A ttwW temptation that will assault you wiU be to be in continual doubt of your own «incen^ : ' so that though you be not melancholy before,^8atwi would bringyou to it^ 1^ a life of «»n^^ . And here he hath very «eat advantage : because man^i heart is so dark en^ deceitfiil, aij4 becwse our graoa U usuaUy very little and weaV : ^and a litOe ia haidly discerned fiom none ; and because c — I ^ '■ r -^ ■^ j^iwe^^^ ^ s j jH^j^j^^ ^^.'' man's TRUI QUiOB TO R14V1N. 99 that the greatest assuflLnoe of sinoeritv is a work that leqnireth much skill, great diligence, and clear ■ kelps. ^ . ,;. ■■•■,,T , (••■•■T^' a I «asiljr believe UiSt this will be mj ease* I feel some beginnings of it already : bat what would ' y<>jyj« JMe me to do to giiaid against it t A [Pi 1. On snob occasions instead of pusslinfl and wea#jing yoniself with the inquiry whether you have been sincere 6t not^ it wiU be well for you to "^r,A*'/*!!^y°°"^^ **?*<> ^^«d afresh, to exep. r!tt^''*P*"??> *^.'*y,'''*^ youfself, «I will look t6 htm for life and salvation now. though I may nSfVer have done so, yet ; and I consent to take God for my God henceforth, though I may have ssrved him formally and deceitftilly hitherta'l , % But besause he th4t consenteth to learn will !SS°* *?5 H^^ ^^ consenteth to obey will obey. (Tii L- 16. James il 14, &o. Matt xxi 28-^32) your life must also testify thi truth of your consent Therefore instead of ovo^tedious trying and fcarinir whether you truly consent and obey or iiot set youFBelf heartily to your duty ; study tonlflase^ and to live fruitfiUly in good works : iS5w mw ajfamst those auis which make you question your sincenty : and the practice of a godly life, and the increase of youip grace, will be a coastani manifest jvidenoe^ and you wiU have the witness in yourself thai you are a sou of God. ^ a i thank you for this short imd f^^H^^ I pray go on to the next temptation, c F* ^,^ ^^^ laecape these sadder thooghti^ Satp wdl tempt you td security, and teH yoiTShS i«Wr you are converted, all is sure^ and you never need to fear any more : those that have true giaoe (wtnev e r lo s e it ; and sins once pardoned are never J^^^p^^isi^^ -gj^»^!5- TAT'l^.^' ■ ^*?.1K"^ I hi ^, ^^- *^. jf' *'-'.. jpv^-jii^'s^j^^ n 100 MAN'b TRUl OUIDM TO HIAVBN. unp^Irdoned Wn ; ami therefore now all your dan- aer is paat. And if he cuii thua take off all your fear and care, he will quicJkly take off your zeal and dilisence. ' , . •" S Why 1 Is not all my fear and danger past 1 ^ P. No, not as long as you are on earth ; torraen^ ma fear you must reaist ; hut preventing fear, and reSenthig fear will he stiU youir/i«ty. H«Vw«i^ xiri 2 You are hut entered into the holy wan You have many a temptation yet to reaie^ and con- quer ; tempUtions from Satan, and from men,^and from your flesh; temptotions of prosperity and ad- versity. You have constant and various duties to perform, which require atyength, and skill, and wiU- iucness. You have remaining corruptions yet to mortis, which will he striving to hveak out agam, and to ni^do you. You know not how many huij dena yon have to hear, where flesh and heart and friends may fail you. I toll you a)l the rest of your life must he the practice of what you have already promised t6 God. A lahour, a race,^a warfare : and you must defend yourseU with one hand as it were, irhile you >ttild ^vith Ills' other ; and aU the "j^w to Wen muBtrstep hy^p/ b^ carried on tor 1«^ ^ victory jiintl^. Will youreward ^tnanme^ for promi^ng to serve yon? Will you excuse a sol- dier from fighting and watehiljg. hepaiwe he is en- SSId,andigagatadoit1 1^ of religion are, that God is, and that^ h^ tethe ^re. warde?of them that dlHgenUy^seek hun^Heb^^ ft. If you receive the unmqivahle kingdom, you miist betve(5od acceptably witib reverence and ifo^ly fear, as knowing that dur God is a consuming fire, Heh. xii 28, 29. , And though it he God that giv- eth you to will and to do, you must work out your. ^*»«!B.'/ ' p ■ nf-pt^spfr f^»p_":j!5»»--^' MAll'S TBUl OUIOI TO ttiAvnr. 101 salvation with fear and trembling, PhiLu. 12, 13 You must be eteadfast, unmovable, always abound- ing m the work of the Lord, 1 Cor. xy, 58. 1 Tim IV. 8, as knowing that your labour ia not in vain in the Lord. You must fight a good fight, and finish your course, and lova the appearing of Jesus Christ If you will expect the crown of righteousness. You must pverw)me if you would inherit, and be faith- m to_the death if you would receive the crown of life, Bev. ii., iiu Do you think that you come unto Chhsts army, vineyard, and family to be ^^a But if t cannot fell from grace, nor beunius^ tified, may it not be said that there is no daiiier- , nor cause for fear t ;, 7 .P. Questions of that ki^Ml are not yet fit for your head; much leas to build security upon; it is (SerUm that God's grace will not forsake you it you foiwlko it not first. Josh. xxiv. 16, 20. 1 Chron. ■ 13. Matt. XXIV. 24. Rom. viii. 21» 29, 30. And It u certain that none of his elect shall fall away and perish. But this is enough to the present case- th^t as you have no cause to distrust God, so it is certain that God doth not decree to save men with- out danger, but to save them from danger; mid that your fear and care lb tscape that danger (of sin and misery) IS the means decreed and! commanded for J|rour escape^ Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise ^ing left <«mtenng into his rest» any ^f you Bhould seem to come short of it,*'Heb. iv I The sum of all is instanced in Heb. XL 7. "Byfeith Jfoil^ being warn«d of God of thin^not seen •3 yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the sav rng of his house-, by the which he cond f^mned th W' :„i:.^„:W .\ :;?*-•' - ;^f -. K ^>.-' ' ^' O^t'^p, ^^. . ■ •>;;3p,;lf you should but once be oVerttten iww tbiaain, you aroin gr^t danger of oommfttfing II again and again; for the remoqibraiioe ef tKe ^pleaauro willbe a continual temptation to you ; and when Satan hath deceived any man into nut ww*- aUyGod leaveth that man propwrtionably to bis power, and he gets that advantage, of which be ia yexy hardly dispossessed : as he ruleth by«tooeiying, ; so where he hath deceived once, be bath doubk advantage to deceive again, . ' v t^i^* And then, I will fortell yon^ boelde* ^ii daipr of damnation, and the odioua ingratitudo to y^w ^ Saviour, &c.. you will live in a Idnd ^f hell on eiffth; tb^. devil and the flesh will draw you one r i' . -t^*. K^ -^ V»^ '"iA sin . ... j,,.^^.,-.,^,.,f &,..i™^,3.. MAWi TlOl OOTDI TO RlATIN. ioi way, and God • Spiril ind you? oooMimoe wiU dmw ^ou anolber wiy. The Uirron of God wUl be vpon you, and no sooner wiU tho pleof ure of your ain be over, but conscience wiU be God's exeoulioner upon you, and some sparks of hell will faU upon it -mo that you will think that the devU is ready to fetch you: unlMi, yott ,in youiuelf into stupWity, and ilwti y9tt are undcoe foiaver. v . "^^ . .®;J P»Jf yo^ vW »• Jio# to preTent such a k >P. Be not oonadent of your own strength : keep f WSjr from the tavem and alehouse ; come not with m the doors, e^ept in eases of true Ueoessity : keep outof the company of tipplers and drunkards. Let «w !i*^T^ v"* ""-^ h^ y?^-* "«*»*» Matt, vl 13, J^»w. |1 ; Xuke Tuu 13, or if you be unwiUinalv ^V u^ teipptalioii, lat iioly fear renew your resolu. ^nd SO as to the case of flesbly Igsto; if your Wily tempet be addicted to it, as you.lofe your soul, keep at a sufficient distance from the bait If yi guUty of any immodest look- or toucl^j or^W4«d«.| but keep at such a distance thilt it Wy be dmost unoossible for you to sin. You litUe ^"^^ ^Ji^J^\'^^fdon9, when you have fint broken tha bounds^ of modesty. If the devU here get in a foot, h» will not easUy be got out, but will temptjou again and again to the same sk And uaxti..the flamea of JieU wiU be hotter in your co^ *T.?^r.**T.**^ **™~ ^^ ^««* ^«» in yodr flash • ' !!!!? „..??^ i^ °?* g^^^ y^^ "P ^ hardness of hZ^^ «ud utterly foiaake yoo, you wiU have no imm i' \ • 104 HAN'S TRUI OtTIDB'T^ I/- .y* # »*i i ^ Mp. It will help very much to keep you itfeif you are cartful not to be idle in mind or body. You, that are a poor labourer, are in tenfold lei^ danger thsn rich men andi|yiU»en are. Wh«%^ man la id^ the devil findgHKt leteua^' efirthonghts and desires./ B JWPi^ill l^oour hard in your calling from morning till nigkt, so that your busmeM may neceesteily take up your thoughU, and also wearv and employ your body, you will neither hav£ mind nor time for this sin. ' , ^ [You will be tempted also ^ pride ioA ' worldil* nes3, to thirst afield riches for yourself, or fxft your children after you. But, above all, perhaps your heart wdl be inclined to murmurings and discontent when you aee many foringso mucK better than you^ aelf in the good things of thk life, whUe you have to work 1^ for food and raittenk To overcome this temptation, you should think that tfatu^ Ood has not given yoU riches, he has given yau what is » thonjiand times better, if you have his favour, and the salvation of Christ, and the h e lp and co m fort of the Spirit for your portion.' Learn to love aaoh ^-A, '^, t: ' — i ^ g F"* "r-'^i^- 4^_ „ * **"' ?iPl. i i J - . do very weU withoat oarntl dellgtVMu •- J*? S- ^,p<>^^ I pr*J y«>af to the other temptaJw can plenty.] 1. ft< , . ^ P. VI. The oontroveBiiei and dUferences yon will hear about religion, and the , many — and partiea, and divisiona you will maft with, gather with their epeeohet and luMige of aitie ano *will be a great temptation to you, v ^ v You will hear some on one eida ati4 ibioe on other, hotly eontending about predeatination, providence, and univerial rademption, and iree , and man'fl meritB,and inwh4t«enae Chriat'a fighteoua- neea ia imputed to us, and aitout justiacation, and the law, and the covenaotaof works and of grace ; and of ihe^ nature of faith anil repentance ; of atttt^ .anee of salvation, and whether <*ny fall away from |;raee, with many such like. Some pereons on one aide wil tell you thatfif you turn not to their opinions, yon are a legalist and a strange^ to firee grace, and set up a righteouanesa of -Christ. Others again will say, tkat if you ai« against them, you make God tyrannical and the author of sin. Thus you will be tempted to think theia is no certainty at all in religion, and that there are as^ many religiona in the world aa there are sectaaiuL diyisioiia. '^1%, Ton greatly perplex me to hear such unexpaoft* ed things aa theae : what then ahall I do if I coma to aee them, and ahould be thus assaulted 9 Is religion no plainer and surer a way! or are christians liar wia^ and better people, tha^i to live in auch uucer/ taintiea, contentions, and confusions i .1 thougt^t that their warfare had^ been onl y against the woyld^ fre ^ah a^d the devil ; Po they live i;i ^'tfth ^ ^^ ' y ^WMtU*- f"! \ i^j^^ffrwijw^^'^^'*^^^"'''''''''^^!*''"'. "U-^^'^^W mak's trus ouidk to HBAynr. t^^,^ Im^^-tammt utterly discouraged left a war as y0u descWbe^'.'' / >• '^^'i v.; . jl P. I had rathet you knew it beforebimd tiMit'you may be propated for it, than to be dV^rthroWn here- after by im unezpeidted sui^jrise. [The tjrutha, of leligion/you must know, are not 'd6tntitAila|&!d^ Un- certain; though oii tiiany pofiitii o^nhe^ With religion there are l^aribtti dpinic^iB' iji^^^^^^i^ la not all plain sur^ wliieh I nave ^xp |to you 1 All that is neteessary, all t^Hhocli whiiih % tQA^ cannot be a good and hdly chriatiaii, is pltiiin aMJeii^, Itepent and believe, love ^dd abovf i^^ aM'KefkjV^ above earth, and your neighboutii i^'^oiiiiieljf; kndr- tify th^ lusts of the desh^ akd deny'^^^dnirs^j' ^nd suffer patiently/ tod foigiVe your ehem6i^;';iill these things, depeind upon it^ are easy eiioifffii ^^t£aj^7 stand, though haM and dificuU f6 b^ |^usih^ Beeides, among those that are sinitierely deVt^ted'to God theiia are abimdimci of liB^peH^^ '$^#0 are yet young and inexperiieincedln Divine t^jmgs, ; others wink too much of thi^ifisiilveB^ of theii^tmcnb- standings or attainments, and so detehuineliiiy^iy and sprak confidently, n^eu they ishbtild b^ ^iM^Jit and l^ible learners/ '^ ^^ ' - '^ " 1 iiK?^ . . You will be apt ftt your first cbnv^hddti to'tHi^k l^t true christianflrare nearer td pexfepti6n'ihati they are ; %8 if the godly had nothing but god(i4<^ ,^ them : but when yoti have tried thiiip longer^ you will find, that gra)Be is weak; and meti'iifaultfi are many, and very stiff, tmd hardly eibfred ; a^^ yo^ over high estimation of the best; may, by exj^HeAjce^ receive a cheek : and yott will see that inen ia^ S^ IS'' 4-^^^- ,f h ' JlU»:-^'r^^^ ' but men.T^ra;S!7^_. . _ _ ,^. . ^ ^., ,.^ ^ ..„,. S. £ut X shall nev^ be abl^ to )c^|i %1ttiat Inp^ vent love to the brethren which is my duty, if X %fjA psga^. ^f^V^^V^^' ■if. man's TRUI OQIDI TO aiAVBH. 107 them ae bad as you describe them. It ^ tempt thought it, if It do no mow, md make men no bet- tcr. ^ I feel already your very dieooune ablate toy gPMt esUmatiou of religious peisoosi What then wtirsucii expenenoe do ? J.;?^ ^J^«»estimdiy^niV be discerned through aU these iroublesome faults. The use that you m^ make of aU this, is such as followeth. ' ^ best, M^txviilf32.Exod. xwiT.7L GoL 13 I>l. ciu. 3. Eph. iv. 52. and how tender a phy^l cian we have who endureth aU these stinking eor- rupfaons, which We can scarcely endure in one ^^^ej^id t^^^ 3^^^, ^dure in iii % T?*?""*."^ '^ have of a Saviour ind aSancUaeiy 1 Juhpi. 9. Eph. v. 26. and hbw much w^miwt stdl live upon the healing g«ice of Christ. ,i^f- f*?F. bw^our case was l^foio convertion, when ^Jl^l^fel^f i ^Whatw^tcheawe shouW ha^ beenif (iod lu^l kft us to ourselves: and what ^to^ tfonbb^ the ungodly are, when the better im^^^ WMsellent thmg grace is, thatdoth noi ' W^/^^fl^^^^^ ao, much sin, but daUy works It outgafiat last it perfectly overcomes it. ^ ^^^ 0^ How tender we must be of judging one another tQ te Hpgodly, for such faults Js L too cJmm^ « V V ■ '1^ S?srTss;'*"i 'W* »j""vJkiffaM4-V5' -,.^~-fKif' 'rii^,Afj;^''i»^SlJijWp^is5ft$!S!f*lf'5 &./ 10^ man's TBUB OUIDB to RBAVBN. "'Vf. among BOiiie of the penitent. Gal. vi. 1 — ^^3. Matt, vii. 1 — 5. Though an be never the better, becauad we are all ao bad, yet we are the ^m^Jte ^^;^*y censuTcrs of one another. '^:^f'' ' ^ v^i / 6. It is a help to the hope anc|^fnrt of a peni- tent burdened sinner, that yet Chriit.wiU pwcdon him and heal him at the last, 1 John ii. 1, 2., when he sees how much God beareth with and par^^n^e^^ in all. A« it is a comfort to the sick man, to hear that thonsanda do live that have had the same dis- ease. If almost all God's servants w;«'». P^rf*wst^ it would be hard for the^ imperfect to believe that • they are his i^prvantij I John i. 7-— 9. j ^^ i ;^ii^/ • 7. It showeth you what need we have td b^ar^ with one another, if ever we will have love ^ and peace : and what a selt-cohdemning course it is of persecutora, to ruin, the godly upon an accusation of some Tfeplerable error or fault, when all men have such like,Matt. xviii. 32^ John viii.6 —8. 8. It will tell you how little cause any of us have to be proud, Isa. Ivx. 6. and how needful humility and renewed repentance is, to those that are etill so bad, Matt xvtti. 3. xi. 28, 29. 9. It will tell you how little reason we have t6 be secure and idle, audio think tbit our mortif^g work is dope,* when still we have all so mubh sin to overcome, Heb. xii; 28, 29. Phil. ii. :|2. ^ 10. It will keep us fit)m too contemptuoujB ahd unmerciful carriage towards those that are unconve^ ted; or that are lapsed into sin ; and teach ua to pity them, and pray for them, rather than tevile them, when wafind so much ffiultinesa amonj|tiw. better , sort of christians.-- ''■■■'' ''"- " K:'' -,''-\ v".-.''.' \3":V> ■ ■ -"" those f e w chriat ian a t he m o re %. II. It w ill make '^•.. ■'»/tJ/l»«it ■ "« \ / lt4K'a TBOB OUIOI TO HBAYBN. 109 amiable in your eyes, whose great wisdom, piety, so- ^briety, peacoableness, and patience, not only keep them from joining with the church troublers, but alno niaketh them both the supporters and healers of the rest, Phil. ii. 20, 21. For through God*8 great mettsy many such judicious, wise) humble, blameless, charitable, and peaceable men there are, who are to the ordinary weak professors, x^hat the hoaUhful are, ill ati HiMpital or family, to ti^e sick, and the aged to the children; that bear with the rest, and hel^ to eai^ them by degrees, and keep the peadis which they - woiitd break, and reconcile thel differences which others m^ke, and rid out of the chiirchThe abomina^ tions. of reviling, and hatred,-and divisions where- with the others do defile it And blessed are these peace-makers, Matt. v. 9. who have the pmre And peaceable wisdom^ fi-om abore, James Hi 17. for they are eminently the children of (>od. ' 12. Lastly. This inlist teach you to Temember the- difference between earth and heaveii, and.tplook up with honour and deSsir^ 'to the perfi^ct l^rmpny of holy souls, united in one flame of love to Gfodt ; a?^d to Kay, Come liord Jesus ! When shall I Iwa ii^ ithat p«acoable perfect world, where no ignorance^ no sin, .no pri,(|'\uQ, passion, no carnal domi^atiph noubleth tlw hyj^y triumphant c^urchi^^^^A^ yoijr prayers, that Ood^ will mdy be dotie Pn ciarth, as it is in heaven. These are, the ' true uims to be made of all our differences/ cohtentiotiSySCiuiidals, j^rsecutions arid church divisiPiis. ^ ; f * ^ *f f f jf I* • ,' ; p. .OlipW gr^t a mercy Is i wise ' and s^i&sK)!^^ monitor and guide ! I was ready to thihk the scan- dj|l described to be so great;, as might even warrant the abatement of my liteing of goiily men, if riot of ' godliness itself! Apd you have showed me abund-^ { -ir ^^^^t^a^\\ .j^rtJF'y -»>■ -5 ^■^/■r^^^f^ T "TW""\^ ^j ^'[''^is^^* 'n V4 ■!i*^*''w*iiip4j;j^^« » i f no IUN*ft mUB OtJiBB TO HBAVBN. ance of fraiifal nses'to be made of it; and that with undeniable evidence of feason! •♦ ; ^ P. To fliink ill of Chrigt or Christianity, of God or godlineas, for the errors or faults of any man in the world, is a mad and a most. un£air thing. For what is all sinfulness but a want of godliness^ or that which is iU pontiary I And will you vilify health because many are sick 1 or .ease because mnoy have painl oil life because many dief or tigU: be* eaus^ many iare blind or i6 darkness t Wben^pii the contrary, it is pain and sickness that bes^ taich^ eth men to value ease and health. And should not the sinful cobfuBidns in the world then^ aivd the miicimagea of christians, cause us to value wisdom, holiness, and 'peace the more % It is not j;pdiine8s, bt:it the wint of more godliness that maketai ni^n do all this amiss. There is nothing in the world, but more wisdcnoi and more true godliness that can ^nre it. And when there is none, the world is so much ifOne that it is. almost like hell. 8. But dould not God make men better, and cure all this if he would! Why then is the world W) ■bdlf . v P. Qody who in himself is infinitely good, in his infinite wisdoiii seeth it best, to make bis creatures in great variety, and not to communica,te the san:e degrees of exedlency to them all. As you see that eveiy star is not a sun, nor all stars equal, nor the clouds like the stars, nor the eaHh and water so pure as the air, nor so active as the lire ; fis yon eee a diffeience beihr,een men, and beasts^: luad bircto/ and i^orma, and^tieeiii and plants,, and stones^fin wonderful variety. -*■+»*«->■ ■* 7 If ow it is true that Go^ could make evisry man an angel, and every wicked man a saint But it .jy^t -fm<-" «-|-|»'t"iWTi'1^»7RK».\ man's TBUB OUIDI to HlAVKf. Ill pleaMtth him to do otherwise, and Jb does not be* come tieto intak(r aahratiipiL when it w^a offered themi ^i, i^?^ vf^ i Bfiiidea, do we no|t Bee that human gorenuneiit ia necessary to the piace and order of the world! and ahonld we not^say that he was a bad king, or au unjust judge who should let thieves, and mur« derers, and seditibus, turbulent men go, a?)olit at large 1 And sHall' we find fault thep with iGod, V whojp the sovereign liord aQd Judge^iof al| mei(^foit, executing punishment upon those who have teiEuw^^ gressed his laws, and who would .not come and aub- V^mit themselves to .him wheahe gave them oppor- tunity, as he does in the gosp§11] JS|. You have silenced my murmuring thoiighta as to the being of hell: but what s^y you of the ',' . Bilinbeia that are damned! 'T'-^^^; ':.vy:^'s,-yt.%[y-{)Vfry^^ $^B^ none are. damned but tlioso \^that wilfully damn themaelves, and refuse salvation^ Consider that man i&as nothing to God, and, th^e- fore there is no reason that he uionld spare einnera; ^ for thfif number^s fuke, w]\.en the number onljr, jnakoththe sin thegrei^er.1 i Beeides, do- yOu not 'know that this earth' ia nci. big|;Or in eompapson of the whole creation than ona inS^of g^^^ all the earth i ;And are not aljij Hhe rest of the vaist and glorious parts of tiie w<»ld a|| likely to be. fully inhabited aa ibis! And how dpu yoi > know that tho g e immeasur a ble reyon s Imve yt V* ,*>">• "1""^ -^_*^^^|V&" man's nUl OUIDl TO HIAVIN. 113 a thousand, thousand millioiiB of bleased angels for one wicked man or devil that is damned 1 . i / , S. T see that it is unfit for poor dark sinnen to judge the Judge of all the world, or to presume to quarrel with his judgment|V wheii; We kno^ j^ hetr tor. what we say. / ^-m ,r.'#^' ',:■ x '--\1)^'''. ^ ^^, Xhe uses which you should rather make of the numbers that ace condemned are such as these, . ,1, To consider how mad a creature an ungodly mill iv when so greet a number will by no warn* inge be kept from ruining their own souU for ever. 2. I^hat man hath exceeding need of a Saviour and a jSanoti^r, «viio ia such, a pemiciotia enemy to himael£,i:r ■•■.!%.■■■;-■■■-■ /-.■;/; mT-./. " • ,■• ■^:-/^:;' :■; ■.'■,#■:, ■ 3i How much yon are beholden to God, who hath made you by his gjnuoA to be one of those Uw that shfdl be saved.^;vr^{-. ..;-c:.:', „;/^ ;..: |- ;■:>.•;:.,,,..: .^,- /,,:;, ■^■,,.-' 4. How foolish aild unsafe^ it is to tbink, and speak,, and do as the moat do, unless you woicdd speed as the piost do for ever. And how unmeet it is for them to be coufonned to this world, vho bdpe tp be fer over separated from them. « a 5. How excellent a people those few should be, above the common rates of men, whom Ood hath called out of so great a number to himself. .How fervently should they love/himi, and how holily and heartily shoiUd they serve hi& I ; ; $.0 that we could be such aa this mercy doth deserve I But, sir, the chief matter is yet behind: you have told me before of the scandids, errors, and secta» and temptations by th^n, which will be in*, the church; and you have' told me now, of the multi- tndea that are wicked ; but you have not told ipe, how I may escape either of these temptations 1 Wh a t shall s uch a n ignorant sinn e r as I do, when^ -4' 3 ^ • If* «*^ ^ "f i9i ^ Kn.*', V "^\<* 114 MABr's TBVI QXnum TO HEAYBN. <. npt only see the Ul example of the nraltitude high and low, hat alM hear men that seemed learnt attd godly, oondemrning one another. j^ ' ^ "^ P. I will remind yon, that idl thfa u no mbre than €fafiat fot^told us of, and warned all his diaol- pies to prepare for. That " iUse Christs and fiilse ' prophets shoiild arise, who should deoeiTe^ Were it posBihk, the tery elec^"* Mtttt zziv. 34.^ ** Wh«n they aay» Her^ i^ Chtiit, and there is Christ, go not ^tler lh4m/^ V^. S6. That <* of our awn-selves men should arise speaking perverse things, to dn^w ilway disciples afMr them,'^ Acts xx. 90. That «^ it must he thi^ heresies must arise, thit th«y which: arerap-. proved may be mude manifest," 1 Cor. xi. 19. That '*Slitan would trauslbrii himself into an* angel of ' light, and faii ministers into ministers of righteoai^ ness to deceive,'^ 2 Cttr. xi. 14. That somia would **oitis^ divisions and offences contrary to the" ai>oetlB'8''' doctrine ; even such aa serve the Lord Jesus, hut tlu^own heDies, and by good words And &ir speeches de^Ve the hearts of the simple," !Rom. xvl 17, la. Ambiig the CoriQthia^is how t^uiokly did 1^ more carnal sort of Christians fill into fac- titfni^and divisions^ somd being of Paul, and some' of Apollns, and som^ of Cephas ! And* the Galatians so fbllowed th^ Jewish teachers, that Paul was afraid of them, lest he had laboured4n vain. Aiid ih many oC this (dittfches, the Nicblaiianee and deceivers (callkl thb woman J^ebel) did teach and seduce the peoi^ from the truth, Kev. a and iii. ' Biit your^aafe^in this^g^ maintained..'''-'. ':'^'^.--J-::-' , .;-■■ \ :-.;.;-^; v 'y7^>4ff*..; ' ^ t^ Adhere to those truths whereiii all chKibtiahs l ire a greed : [th a t j p ,. a ll who h a ve the Spirit of sob Christy and lead a sober, godly, ^lf-4enyin^ life, an4 W V m^f^'" MJLM^TRVB OUtDB tO HBAVBlf» 11 are of a serious, humble, loving temper, and whote conv6T8aiinr own understanding, and think that you can judge of all things at the first hearing, and that all is false which croeseth your first oohoeits, and tbil^ ministers can add but little to #ha(f you knoiw . already, then you are as bad as perverted al- ready : for this is the root of a multitude of errors. ! 4. Piay eaj^estly to G(^. U) preserve ybu from error : bnd wbeH conscience attd expMeiioc^ tell 'you that any opinion or party would lead ydu to plain sin, (as to dishonour your superiors, to favour perse- cution or idolatry, to divide chrii^tis, and set them. - aj^ainst each other, to destroy christian love, to favour loose and fleshy living, to liegleot Qod's or^^ dinanee^^ or the like,) be sure so far it niust needs be .M8e,-^yr ■■':■■::. -■■.■; ■:/;■:■-/- V. ,:.;;;. ■v.irri^r.v----, 6. Wiiit still as a doubting lealmer, where you c a nnot yet re a ch to a Divine belief. r^- f ^ w" !'- ." f-w ■"■"mm ■ -A 116 MAM'd'TBUB OUIDM TO aBAVlM. "M'- r-:; ^$m two linei, ii will help yon oa attdemt«nd 1 j„. .0 eecape all the/ thia: you will be in danger to mifliake: the ^natwce of the . chnstian religion, ^ mluding only wme parte of it» and overlooking the rest, and prehape the greatest, and tikWIgW 1R?" the separated partsridlone. - ^ ^; i God's word iH large, and- man's mindf is ^^xtovfi and we ve apt when we observe something, to ttjmk that it is all. So some are so intent on duty, that they have popr thoughts of grace and mercy. And sonie think that the magnifying of grace, ohligeth them to villify inherent holiness, and performed duty. And nothing is now more common than to set truth against ^h, and duty against duty ; when they are such as God conjoineth. But the instance that I will now warn you of is thit; The true na- ture of religion is nothing else, but faith tuiming the soul by repentance from the flesh and ?^orld, to the love, and praise, and obedience of God, in tl?e joyful hope of the heavenly glory. Head this oyef and over again. Kow the too common case of ohn^ianw, to Ihre so much in tho use of mere selMove wd fear, as that almost all the notable zeroise of their ijeli- gion is but a timorous car© to be saved ; *»? ."H,!**" Sniring jfter maiks, or other ways ^ whiclMhfiy Siay know that they shall be saved ; and a popjjw- ing of duty as a heavy but necessary task, that they may be sav e d. But th a t which yon must ym at is, to study much God's wondrous lov© in Christ, and -■-TH«-jHr_< IbelD mind, ich 1 d con- t mu$t ger to an, by ig the ?!^ arrow : ) tti^uik F, that And tiligeth formed ^han to ; whon nstance bruena- ling the , to the e joyful tndover m is, to md fipar, aeir ijeli- d ai\in- ich they perf9m- hat ttey tim at is. man's tbub buini to HiAvior. tii< 117 certatnty and greatnesa of the heavenly gloify; and «o far to monm fur nin as it tendeth to magnify grace, and to cleanse and preserve the heart and life; and to live in the constant delighte of Divine love, and joiyftil thanksgiving, and prbiiee tp our Creator, Redeemer, and Saiiotifier; and in the l>elief and hopeit of 'life evetlaating ; and lAlt of love t6 tibd and man, to delight in constant ohedienoe to Ood, and In doing all the good that we can do in the world ; and in this way to trust Ood quietly and' gladly with body and soul. TMs is true religions and weeping for sin, and particular ordinances must not be neglected, but este^m^ only as lower parts, which are but stepping stones to ibis ascent, and never to 1^ set iigainst i^ nor our chief care to be spent upon them. ; * S. I thank you for thCs warning : for VP^'^^^^^^ by thi9 that true religion is a very noble and a pleasant life. But most good people that 1 have known do but ask what they shall do to be saved^ aiid beg for a softer heart that can weep for sin, and keep on in heaHng, prayer, and sacraments. And the praises of God do take up but a little room in their devotions, except some that do it by way of errdneoulB opposition to humiliation and confession of sin. And Divine love, and the joys of faith, and hope, and holiness, are little seen. , P. IX. Your next and sore temptation will be, to abate your ie^id and diligence by degrees, and to grow to a customaay coldness and^foHnality, and lose all the life of your religion. Rev. ii 4» ?*• *^*' 15» ^^ Matt. xxi>if. 12. All ydit spiritual yigoui will die away, if you' be not careful to prevent it S. W hat ijyonld you have me do to preve nt itf t- .!? rist, and P. 1. Xet yunr first and chief labour be every day •^f / •m. t^ '- -las V 118 MA» ■ TBOB aUlOl TO HBAVM. ^ \ alxnit yoar hemrt : irtir up your ioq1^w!^«ii jou^ find it sluggish. Lssni how to presoh i^ it in your nfisdi- ti^tio^: and to chide it, and to its froHL S. live under th^ liveliest ministry^ sn^' n)i mM most serious ohristUn ociDpiiii;fr you ran got :', 6r if th«t m«y noi be, supply thst wan^ by rtidiiije; tjlie . most lively sei^wus books/' f'vW ; ' !.:. -u 1 Tske heed of turning ybn^vUifett'lliidi^^^ >pini^niB and parties instead of tlie life and p^itic^ 6t fkith, hope, and loire. For a wrangling^ cotntttotfous zeal, is as destruotive of true holy seal, as a ttjijitik of natural heat and lifi^''/'^'^^^%^' ;^t^ v fi-^" - 4 Take heed of growing in love wlll^ th6 #6f|d : fot al the IHoughts of riches and risings g?bw iHreet to you, the thoughts of God and heaven will atfim lifeless and iinpleasant. 9. Take heed of sinning wilfiiUy: for all suchllin doth harden the heart and Ibtfeit the, qUi^iis^g help of the Spirii ':i ^ ^^ A^ ■; -^^^^ ^ 6. Hold on in the use of all God's ordinances i for intermiflsidns sind inconstancy tend to a iptaf ttegle<^; and a contented course of Hfcflees duty, t^ti^etHto spiritual death itself. •» . " /- I ' , ^ E X« YouTnext temptitfbh tirltif n^dil^^ (If alll ' Tou may be tempted at last to d^iibt whetber the scrtpinre be the word bit G^ a^d whether Christ be indeed the £fon of God,andwhetiber there be a heaven, and hell, and in^nioMlity 6f ibe soul. And this may befall yon. 1. Either 1^ >1fi^ company or books of infidels or atheifite, wbolp|^ta against the soriptttre, anli iM UAa*n n»M oonw to hbavhi. U» I. . wl^ieh preik Hm gi^it Advantage lo molMt the mind wuh blaepJiierooa* temptatioua : 00 that he will fdraw joQ to dottbt whether there bo a Qod, or whether )^ be the Govenior o( the world, or whether Chriai be tnie, or loriptuie b^ Qod*e word. And < hf^5^ jfi^ jet befpf^ the^U whioh you nn- "laaffnaia not, and penuade /oh that they are contra- 7 diotf)rr, and aak yoii» la it lihely that thia or thia aho:^ld be true t A|)d ^na wi4 your very foundation beMsa^M* rAnd the ooneqiMnee may be either ▼ery h^i^td^ine or very dangerooa to you.^, If you do abhor theae aoggeationa, it will be a toriftent to yon^toh^fipUoif^ withsaoh hofrid rootiona i thongh ai|l^g^y^n,i^hhor theniy they will not oondemn ypor: ^Arn^ p^tieiiUy JiewJjm tei %u% then ^ youi danger will be great >,,,<; fiU-'-. •■' ,ft[ ffpmy you open the dai]ig«dr to me, ^ I may . *?y«*2^ff^**^ w4.«i«roid i*»,A,dv.,7{, ./A'^-.r:^:ii-.\ P. If God do npt by hie grace etir up your ioul to deteaj apd ci^t away; fueh thoughta, or ihow yon by bi9.^bt the, ilfjji^ndeii of them, ^hey may bring you;fc^jartieimi or ittiM«lity itaelf; and yi^r >^ end will be worse than your beginn|#ig. ' ' , «&1 pray you tell ine theui how I must boeijtib-^ lulled ag^nat fOl .^mptatipiis to unbelief, iw&d how I ;n]iuft ffqitB tho^^h of Christ, and the goepel to be in^ljeed j^e w^ o( Ood, so that I mty stand fast aijiwu^t ^ jnosjii pilbtle leaaonings of unbe]ieve% ajud mayj^ God's word, to the •forsaking of lift a^d,»u.< , /;.■,.:■.: . ■ • '.>l: ; )P. [to dp this fuftr would Inquire ^ long discourse an4 miny learned m^n ha^^ written well and largely tipgn ijL »o JM infldefa Iwive not been able to reply to theqfi' otherwise than by their profime scoffinga. Qnt I will just give you oi^e or two directions which •r*>f 120 MlH'fl TBUB OUIDI TO HHiVIH. ; .# may prove a safeguaid to yoa ii^ the hour ofdange?, and pie^rent youTby the blessing of Go4,frpmb^mg carried Away by the reasonings of ungaily W- ;x. tljJt m bible be as . the auchpr of yoiir soul to hold you fast when the enumy woi^d unselUe your falter If unbelievers try to bersuade you that it is not%e wprAof Go*/ teU ttem that^y^^ Diviie power ill it which proves td your^^ajbet^r than a thousand atguments that it was m^^^^t}J^^ Hol^ Spirit. Bfesimthi^; ask yourself whetl^er^^^^^^^ ^QH which it describes is not iustwhaiyou^ soul neSfo. offering you both pardo^i for sin, and ipaco to 8^u f^ from s^nv provid^g^^^i«^f i^ tiohi«^att*e trials of lifb, and ^tt^ng before you thesuwprospwiiofb^^ ^ IL Mark the characters of the men who ^^ mies to ChrisO^tv, a^ iebi^^ - • ^*- ^-- ---u know, , If th^,»««"!( I mean/and men who beUeve and love the Bib^) ' medk and patient^ full of love and tendemMMeady to do tb^trneighbours a kh^^ though it c^ts^ them hjyiw iM wcritiees, and; havm^ God before theii eyes, so that ibey dread Jin ^og thaiiiainor any worjdly loss ; then itwiH not be d^cfitfor |ou to determine whose religion 1g most likely to come from God] ' , ^ti «4rl m Eememberthkitis said in the BiWe, " ^, that beUeveth hath the >«^itoeas in himsdf. A^ that are saved are mide partakers of the ^iriV of holineBS^ which^uicktoeih th'eyi to God as ftoy the ;le yova Mititis 1 Ibetter oxi^ aqvX j^rac^ to foreybu bHe lasts rdr their 9ctB, and [ imd the iiistians. leteble) fid, leaidy L it costs lejfear of* jinmore (l iM«b ]be Q^XDOSt A "-^^^(^^^^^^ j-M:-. ■? > fcle, "He jlf.** AJtt SpwfiioC ifto^itjie MAirS tRVl GXTtbs to BiAVnr. r 1^1 dead, and enableth them to overcome the world and the flesh, and, to forsake their dearest sins, ahd inaketh them to love Ood, ahove all. None hnt God caen thus regenerate sbttls, ax|d God would not do it by a doctrine which is false. T()n' see, then, how the Weakest may prgtye Ohrist ai^d^s Gospel to be trt^e; and may stand l&st against aQ the assaults of ihe devil, even by the great and evident w^tiiess of j^e |[oly Spirit. ■■_ ^ ■ : / " ■ :^ a TheXxirdhdpSP^iA^^ it I ^I j^rceive by t|iis, thsit it greatly con^^ tmC^hrirt's seryanta i(o chein and P^^r^^^.^^ a|^d ^ grow ini gtace> i w>i live vejy )mf aooliea; venly, and especially loving and fniit^l liycf , #heii t|)eir lioliness is to to the staiidinjg; witness f'qr ^lirist 2ffA ^ gospel to the worid, i^s^ age^ to i^l and that the sins of Chii^tians are a g?^ter w^iig to C9ir|^t ithan oirer X bei(bre imagl^e^. "' ■'X ft i will give you one proof of tha^ ficom the words of Christ luiriseJ^Mphn xml 21— Stfc Qbrist plfayeth for theni that shall believe on ififlim by the wprd, "that they all may be one ; as: thou Fatjier art in me, and I in thee^ that they also may )Je one in us'i: that the wofld may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gaveet me I have given them, that Uiey may be one, e^ven aS We are one ; I in them and thou in me, that tiiey may be made peifect in one : and that the world may l^now that thou hast sent me, aiad hast loved ^em 'US. thou hast loved me.":'./.- ::i;.;jvra :-/--^:v^- ^'Jift---- 1 will now conclude with th^ five graces and duties, which must be your general helps agaiast all temptations whatsoever. 1. You must grow in holy knowl^ge, 1 Petrii 2. 2 Pet. iil IS. 2 Thess, i. 3. Eph. i. |7, 18. ■^ '^^i((*^':W-.S* i' " •€■ • iii IfAN^O tBUI OOIDI TO AlAVMN. ■"■■.'■'■* "S .. ■ ■ - f ; ;r .,...4 ■;_ PhU.i.'^. CoL L 9, ill 10. Prov. xiv. 16. Chfldren and fooU are mow eaaily cheated than the wwe. 2 You mnat come to a full resolution. Keaoiye lather to die than wilfully rin. A? Wf}7^ f^ son enoourtgetfetti* tempter, Wa 18 A^ overcome afiiwidy. -^ ' ;i «v.j a. Be fearful of tinning, as conaciousof yonrh^- neae, and the multitude of Jemptotfp^f i and l«t — watohftdnett hie ybuf ^iiatknt work. ^ i/B^sure tjiat , your heart wd Jif!B> ttf eiit^FtaSn d^ nk>U6i^\l|i»^ r An empty iaarlifeuai^^ mm JiiderttaSdiiii^jS^ hftnwlf isv^ittttto.^ 11^I^r4,t},a^Bj^,^ d j^co%m J^ ' ^\ -'^ '-^^J- l :^ --:: :^5-^' "'"^^ ■q.ItXV/^K. I'lj: ii^mi- .1.' -,. .-,_( ■; 'U /V, r-jbi^f-^N^i;. . ? k!.:^\r^ ,-^'ilir' ^';v':- :■■■■ '' ' .,". .••-:''. r: J'' —^ ^m nn ■* ^ ':.#;', /V'-c.'r;!*}^^! J.I .' ifldren Be. lesolvci ed pet- an half turlMd- and kt Is lutqin. I. ir'qi.^'-- ! / r ./J! ,.t ',« ' ^t. i.t >>•; 'I "ti :u; •>H'>it^ !Jj'n>><'::>n .frivnjritiri^ <.*^'it s»uj) ,v tons FOR A HOLY j;api!^. ^!pi r.\\'.Mi\\ lX.^^^^^^.^^^>\^A^^ tbi^-^V' /I . 5^ • ^^H "M •^^ n|ifle Jbiawii to ine wj>at Whit i^ lib^ i^tapii^UviisWicb miMi >e i^kM Aliq^X tniJy am>)roTe your. ,wudQiQ in latniur ac- qaiinittD|t TO .them oefotcmaiid that X may be prapaiea ormay ii^veDt them/ thai) (aa many 4o) to stay tUl I ^oie to ij^ou in a^inptation Swaolu- tion to help me out ; for I know it is easier and cheaper to prevent the kindling of this fire, than to queifcih it. And sometimes it falls among stubble or gunpowder and hath done its work before the sinner Cometh to a miniBter for help. Iliey are strange physicians„who choose rather to cure diseases at the height, than to teach men how to preyent them. Bpt I would yet entreat you to give me in w ri^ig some distinct instructions for a holy life, i . P. Your request is a. most reasonaUe one, — all is ' not done when men . have begun a religions life. Col. i 23; Heb. iv. 1 ; 2 Pet. ii. 20; 1 Cor. ffi.; ,i3iiL iii and iv. Matt, xiii ; 41. jEviii ; 7. -AH beesthatblossomproyenotfruitfal; and all fruit oomes not to perfection. Many fedl off, who seem- t iiaat r1 . II _iimM»Ut-miiMitit«»m *.«.-«- :■■;-,» 124 man's TBUi croroi to BMkrBX. M« grieve thei. ^'^«!' rf/^eii igaoiaiice, •^'^'••^'tr S^^rZt^ WdJs.^d the •^ *7'!^f^ri.a^«» «>• P^ impediment, of i^.f-.'^'rfrt aSi^m. i»y «po^B "W-ti; 'PhiL w- io> i*' .*?7 *~i .-™; ■■ if it wane but iWty to their '«>»'*tlS^.in»d SoW4 «^ M • ™* "V'T, "ift-iXa. and h;taVWU9eee> •*•*»• ^' ''*' i»oidtogly Aowrf fotA w tto W would eomm»i4 "^f^? J^.^^! thMTi^roidB. ■ •^rr^'^s^othS-^^P' . P,, wme l«lp to the»^ ^«^«"t "^^ Lfliitiiift lien* salvateon, II »n » Tl ^JTA^^a i^' /l^. », ''m\ "^ ihonour ^ rmities. lamen- loranGOy and the leate of ,. world, ^ r clnpuitl- idpTOud ptuHsWes; fli w ft ieiethey jteaidia- toihem- ., BiUatioD, ifltpeie lia avoids, ^hriflUftiiB^ l^ the ind ioiqpen- tales of" ft [)tiU|!r >iiiiuus» -^arf ',v MAN*! TRUi OtnDB TO BlAVlN. -/ 121^ which are admitted and received by all real chriatiana. Such solid knowledge Will establish yda against se- duction and unbelief; Eph; iv. 13^ M* Col L«. ii. 3. iii. to. 1 Timv vi. 4. ind will be atiU* i^ithin you . a ready 1ti:idi%Clirist'^ office, myjce Use bf him still in ftU your ^iia: f hilik oii thiei fftthblV j6Ve of 0od Is coi^i to jrouihrou^^m al6ne ;titd of the Si>iHt Wpiif^^ him/^bttr Hesld, and bf llie (tovetiftnt of gtimJA mm&d iM iMaa^ad by him j attd' bf th^ mii^lstty to Mnt%lilih ,fmd offtUMme, m^helpu^ aiiit hops '«i$ pi^b^^ Wheir ydft ihMk of sin, ind infirmity atid li^iiipi«lions,'^ think ftlib bf liis dttAcient pardonltig; jbstif^n^ aiid irictbri^nsie(rftce. WheA ybu "^ililtdf thd^orid, thxi- ^flttli, iiyt'^ldevil, think hb#Wbtercotndth'«h«m.\ let his dbcit^nei^ thfr^^l^^ life, be( always before you as yout rtde; : In all 'your; dbttbtli;ahdlfes9^atid Jpants,g(> tb hiioQ itt th^ &im^ md tb tl^ JVith^^t^^^ tUkd him^iherooijof j^ iand^^fti^ uponhitii atwl %. K& life. And when you die, re-' sign: jrotd'JOuiB tbhiin, thftiymaimmntm,i>mm m0^ J!^^Stf«ii . ^•-/. K r?f-.. W. % ( 126 mam's iBOi aolD" tohiavm; u tT^iiiii W • But too few ttuiJawtondHie^sewie tats. 11 J*n;ni- 5f *; , ,The^pu» ^ t»m M^iuitfailr bdiave, and love, andjwty DJ i»^ the Spirit. ' . r-i* ■y,. y •otJMMMtMA '*}S •- "Mi*^ -' T" •rirm, f-sif -^if T U. t. vain, MMe ^is 'and i.l3. laeied g fifiit a,Jod lAn^ Initio d^ «iid ide 19, |'iiiflii*,>. » doili, ifi. \i. bstmal' uil^fifa : ▼byH; UllMSiO^ Itfiedto ipi ; and ndnoi of X* ^ ; Miii^i T|gi 0iiioi xo dtiAYiir. iW " ' ^ ^^* ^^°^y ^P®"^ ^» '•« •ll ^ »W. 1 Opt. JL. ^l. Bom. xl 36. 2 Cor. v. 7, 8. 1 John iij.vl. Kio^. V lr-3. W»ti xxii. 87. i^lui.^. a 1% ▼. 19. aal.iT. ♦--«. Lafefiuth, hikp«, and loT«Jbe dmly^feediog on* Wm. I^et dor Falher,irhich;irt in , k^Tan be firat inaoribed btvyoiu baartaiihatbe nay --ataw, moat amiable to you, and yoamay boidy iraat. bwo, ^d filial l«yo may be;theMilpiihg of duty. Mm«ae 00 the Son and' Spirit to lead yon to the lntN^j imd of Jut^ in Chdat to kindle and keep ,^v^ Uie love of Ood. tet it bo your prindpal end .in flHdying Chmt» to aee the goodnfaa, 1oto« «iid «9i^bleneaa of God^ in hi^ i a tsondeniBing €Md ia ^;y. eaaily loved fc^ ghiaidua leeoutiled Gdd. Jwi»«*e 80 muoh oC the Spiriti aa yen iiave We to (^ Thit ja the pwpeic^^ of the Spirit to aU the ado|^ aona of God, td cauae then), with tilial' «f. .^tio»a«ddopendettbe,toory,Abba,;F^^ Know n^, dflaife^ liiot, We not any.oire^teive, bntpomly aa aiibofdindte it^ God ; «i(yboiit him let it be notUhg toy^; btttaathe^i^aas iKitbout the fiice» oraeat^ teied l^mva. withiQiit!^h4 Benae ; or aa the co^ .without the soul iCafi laothiag pioaperity or^Ma- nre ;b«t hia loV«, Faa. xxx. 6, Ixiii. 3. aikTaothittg adteraity or miseiy, but hii diaptops^ Imd the cauae and fimiii^ it. When any t^ wcidld aeem lovely anddeaimbl* which la a^iiatiim, count it loaa, ;^hil. lii. 7, 8. And look upon that mun who would entioe yon fiPpin lua love, otfi^hteii you iiom yo^ duty to ^im, air one that w)iW deatvoy your aoui FeAr him^tich> hbt We^m moie t let Ikvre be the aoul jnd tod of every other duty, 2 Theaa. iii. 0. ^\j(S[ytx\\, U. PliM^notyottr i«itgiohin any- thing^t tiw 10?e of God wi^ ita meana and fhiita. ^y%,. Live in the belief and hopea of heaven, aeek ^ -^ ■""'♦'if"* ft ■^ . < 1, maibi'b true GinDl TO ttlAtiW. 128 It M yont inWtonM md *• end of aU your kbon j taf My ddiaUt your «.nU in the fo«rthoughto of Ifctt.^ 1 Al- ?»• 2 Cor. IT. n. 18. r 7. 1«ke ^20: THeh, Ti. 20. 1 Cot, xv- ?•• **?t •••■. ' S" mlfi. i6. 20. !>«>. Ixxiii. 26, 26. Joto xviii. ' ««'"^ Gftd te seen on ««rtl» but m in a gU«, bo SedSt. of 0<)d will th«A be perfect Tou^y dSSe on ewih. than ySu '^7,^'^J^. ffiotfci » kinadom of thi» WoilVnortor Mn , ^^a^jm:i. ^^'^^l ^^: I'M. cjdi 1, Itom; ^T. 17- ^r/v »i^^C»in8i,toth6Bpm|, % att your ineicies. Call over ^ and think wlmt matter of high del either liye for hea¥en ill hope our pleasure j^tid 10. kiii. 3. 6. I8a.lvui:i4. S, lPeti.8. )k oft t6.A jdpiMf^tlwf* can ba none ijHgiori seem a t^iouidrkibme li(li/ 4^ that you WFestot it not io *o tttWira • for^ never inake them in lovef iHlh ilk ^hWH >& liiake them not perceive t6 he delltth^^ ibdtetely: Hot as the hypdiJrite, bv «^ing^ai|t^n|1,tt\^ to BurcM^al ttmd and 1pmmtt^i%i»mi^ 2!J^;h^ to a holy *ti!iaWAi«^f to the idSa Mwitite or Itiat. When euBtom ft^f^ttoi^ d^toi * Oil* to that mm in, who #S dtoVTSeftlw* W. w.tah one how. »^1^, Si's M!»8 «»to »L«S ' ^»"'> "JlS^^-Sf!' W« .1 5?^^ ,i ■ ^A^-iL^^-^ J- 1.^ i«i«> m> Afit mat brins* 1 «^i«4ito Should <»niM InAfi- tatioi^; >'noi,io#plit^jW4#pm^^ 10 oYtfttr^tob y^^r |i^W l^d ;<»PW nMnda, or Ulfd\yon off ftoiBi neoMifty mm§ Wi ^%vny but ));e)^«ureyinnt, yousbe opm^Mg^ tftd 1^ j«n^ M bqro^ iMid jH^v^ oqiwjVw«««t M jouT a<^ '^^%''?3Lni tl)e nea^i^ bmmee»,l I^ve ni^<| y w|^^ tln- wm liinpertinont^anitw. HifW ^1?*^ "**^ r mm I :,/i^ wioke*! deceiwi, and u^pnUyc^ Wi e^ide^te^/fti;^ 4#r9 Ji9*^ ttj^wgl _n^^ i^^ * soberlf nie their reason ; ot ^^ l^bj^* "^ chaiJWfc in tbe aerw a^ qnlokly oMc th«m wben thay bdk iowifed* iiti. ;•< / MA %-'i i 1 ■A--' •t- 1*2 ■fei... kuPs TRUi OtlDl TO HtAtlH. J ^«Bi"^i%mieclingly pwcioos in your krm, iBd OMefally, and diligenUy wdwsi it, Eph.v. le. Aoti xta 21. t Cor. vii. 99. 2 Ck>f. ▼! 2. dim ix. 4. Luke xix. 42. 44. Pml ixxfx. 4. wtV. 10. 12. Whit haftte doth it mtk« I Mid liow hi|^ will It be valued, when A Aitaute ^IttoMi »e7«^ he KebaTled ! Oh what importiint hurin^ have wa, ibr eviry moment of our tlme^ if we ah^uM Uva a thdusand yean ! Take not tihat inii to be wall in hia wits, or to know his God, hia i«d, et hie dangir,Who hath time to ipitfe. Re- i«tm it; not 6nif fkm needled BpotU and playf, %d idfonieaL and otriioalty, and eomplimenta, ahd ttieeM of atolp, and dbat; and worldinees ; biit aho §t6ak ttia aiftSgleBJient of leeaer good, wliioh wottld titodirydttfbiii gtaater. 8|^hd timid ia m«til»at iM ^f^$iy to paaa intd an'ii^iH»Gh aa ^ aia enfemiia of love / tod thoae Opinioiia; and V, . : ll^tloilB. aild cenauiinga, and baiekbittnga, #htch ^1^ deatiK^ it IVdM blm i)^ apealteth etfl of UAM*M tlOB OUtPf TO MMktmx, | #183 tnoiher ta you, without « joBt oauad tnd otll, to- b» ^ Sftttn'a mMMogw, sntrMting y6a to luite jour ' VrofetiAt, or to nbate your loTe. Foi; to p^isuado you ^ih*t ft mtn-ii htA^ ib direotly to ptrsuade you «o h* ^•0 to hMXt hiuu Nat tM t^e goo4 aM M >»«|l/bo ,OOQfouoded : but lo?e will «U Wif. M wilhout oouaMniui •▼idanoe. JMmke ^lmtep«, Hurt <^^no num, and speak eyil of no luau ; viiiljW it lieiiot A **#ly j^ but neibaaiary to am» gwatw goodi t^v* ^^ ffjfcwy : tboy that loye ahaU ba hjalovad; B^tiug md hulting oiaM XQiW haMfuL . ^Taulhy naigh- hour aa thyteU j and, Do aa, thou wofldtt ba^ dpite 1^^ act the goldeu luiei qi our dui^ to man ; which OkHll be decidir written on yo^r heipita. J^or want of th|hi,lh0*f ia notWaff.soiii^ ^ whip^ you mf uot be dn^m to tRinh, W aay j ot do againat your braJbben,; QelfiaN^ ai»d w^^ kd^ aa iiatii]na^y tend to luuVitioQ aiidh<^Tetaittffiieai| &nd thence to cruelty a^sMiUft aU that ^andiln tha way of their daaiiee, aajfeha nature «f a ifolfltB^ kill ttie lambii. AU factiousi aiid 69Dtaptioiia» a&i per- leoiitiona in the world, proceed fi^m iMdfiahnma^ and wiintof eharity. H^vouriiig malikje ia: tha "detriWeh- ni^«a,ffrfilB aa aAaloin^ in doing, goodt to fill, ^aa Sjp^aiarTanti aro in liurtil^ i flTakeit aa tk4 uae of a& yourtalenta^ and oaei them a^ you wotdd hear Qf it at last.^ Let it he jour h^aiiies^, aud not a matter ou J^e by. JEsfp^cially lor p«aie,^d then. peaces ^Ui Ka¥«Viiqp«tat4 whiMi God coiigoinetk >vB ia^ ^^eaithljr^aanandi diriliah wiadoni^ which' oaiiseth hill0K «Air^tig^ and ettife; and eoaftuion, and evwy wfU wofi^^ l^ieaiMd ai^ tha pea^^ uii^l^J»W»h9^ and 8elf-K»nceitadn^iii i^l%io4 IMoL^^ ^ OoL u. 18. 1 Ccffi; Tilii 1.' j^6^ tTiih;ti.5i^ 1 Pet. ▼. 5i Jaoieaiii 1. 17. If o«fie:'^{roit'of«iMiie yoiur own lyndeistiindlaga, .your«rad««oiioefitioft8^^4^ giioas miatakea wpl Je- iight^y(^«i'a6ii|e light ficom heaven; andii^^ , . hatiiiig «opp|8|io«i on theireak, yon wiUli)^ tmimly; anddeapisera of yoor guides, and censorious, deapiaera ^ ofalliiiat d^&om'^ou ; and peiaecutoii of them, if yota Itt^T^ paweri "^ ^ thiulc allintoletant^ thattajy^yibunbtaaoiaol^s, and your words aa^w. J'bfg^liiit^attheehttrbh hath always suffered by censoiio«U|^ unruly piblbssoiB on^e oue hand, (and O iriiat ^iFiaiona and scandals have they eauaed !)- as weU aa by the profane and persecutors on the othflff. Take head of both : and when contentions mam's TBtri dvnm to VMkvm* 135 are afoot, he quiet and tileii^ isnA n<»i toafopwaid ; and keep ap a seal for love and peace. XY. Be fiittkifiil and conaeieiKtiofM l» ail your le- iitlo^Bph/Vifaidti Golililmdtv. RooLxlii. 1-^7. 1 Pet ii ia-^15. Honoaur mwI ohey y ])e ho^Ued for fbose Ibu^ wMeh caMa God. to tiinr ^ur pfoikKstQti iAto affltoten r and inetead of amr- intttingAnd rabeUingagainat thei«,f lafonH yimmUm, and thin oottimii yoiitaalfii^ M Ckitt urPtiMeaand paiMoit I wm M»t speald to; Jaal^^^ aspvaatt, and ohUdren; moat ob^ theiir a«tpeiidrs,v m the * i^LAKaep op the goveciiii«iit«»bt. ^pieaettvera of the wteKest >«f ieligi09,ii»k ^he wodd. fiet not the worid tam Obd^ aMifiett fato« ewatoni- lay ^fetoaa ibrm. B«ullhaJler^p^taiei^ljiH bookt to^hito ; talkrtrllh thi^m eerlolliAy aSMml;the itl^ of ^heir aoula; and iNr^^ |^bliii;lcttTen%;^ ^. «ing(f agatnet ain^nd liteak In yonc.ofm^Qafise^ he ei^BiifiiM ^ wiadom, heliiilaiiMaiid pa^Miiea^; and aee ibab^e lord's day be apaiit in holy pyeiMHration for ):£Y£1 li^ yoar e^^ In hdUnaea and laboQvioaaieBa» Heh.xiii 5. £xod« xx. & 9. 2 f|ieaB.«L 10^12. 1 Theaa. ir. 7* 1 Timi 1. 18. FrbTi jfxxl Live not in idleneii f be not ilothfiil in yonrwork ; whether yon be btmndi o? free, m the Btreal of yoar brow$ yon mnat eat jwur bread, and hibonr the aix days, that yon may have to give to hiM tliat niiedeth. SlothiBlnaaB is aenanaltty aa well H^, if.^; ' « 136 mak's tbvi auiDi to BnuTiir.] lA, as filfhier siiiM. The body, that is able, most bave^ fit employments as well as the soul -, ofr else body and soul will fere the worse. But let ajXhe b^ as the laboiu' «f ft |s»l#fV ^i *iHI ^ Q^ *»^ Jfe^"' , ^VIIl. PpwYjenot y<«^lv«8 otthebem m able WW^ »ii«t](now oittBpelves without |»n able feithful helper I Tb^rfeit^great mer nor ;tihe^vour ot mail I ^^f;^ |uBh men proTe |ftW im4 pruel ta ypn, e?eft thfM>« ^ jWboBOiwjwa^ye deservedji^ a|^ bjit itnf tot jm emmm^ ,0iatilS94 would turn their liearte aucjl flar4(^^ mm*^ Wii^^t^mmf i»i* to be 4riv^|i l|K»%the; W^ 0(4 ! w|^ *ih» hwB of the woi# Is th^.gi^ci^^ danger of the soul. Be reedy to die, i^n4 y9«»iftW reedy for vaj t^ing* Ask your hearts af^PW* y^hiX isjb that, J, shill n^^ «t a dying hoi|fi,#iMi Mit speedily be got/ofkd^ api^ not ]^ to.^ekiii^ tim^ of^your extremity* ]ing-hlo6k to oth^. The ge^enl^gfotinda of all yoiiT comfort, are, 1. The gracious nature of God, £3^. 3i!»iy. «. 2.^rheBufflciencyof Chriat, Heh. ¥|f;^20i iHd Bi fhii taNith and tmivtiraaKty of tfto ^inii^'^hich glt^h Christ a^d life to all, if they Witt «e^ hini^ Jihn it. 43. ffi^ 16. 1 Tim. iv. 10 iiVi Matt: ;pcviii. 19; aO^^TRev. xxii 17. Isa. ]^H liul^. e^ f, Ho that J^^ consetrteth, that G<^*Bflf Ail^Godi 1^ SifHoti^ at|d 8aiiictifler; is iiiitetgof li^ ' Btri^lhia iiichidoth^ii i^eettott ctf tJ^ wortd, fc^e it^ 2e. m IJohttuJlft. Matt, irl 19— 21. 38. Goliii. 1^2. Eoin^Viii. 1. 13. Milcl khbwled|o|e, ai|d menib^^ and utterance, and litfeW iJfectiiMis^ arb all visry^deslnihUi; Bntyott *ti«f judge ybnir state by none of th^; fbr%h«y m lill lUicertain : hilt if Odd, attd hbliKeila, and h^i^m hite the higltcst batimatibn of yotkr]^MMi- iafjdd|the^t, as heinsr esteemed heat for yon^ 1^ he b^^ked in the choice and resoltitlon of ^r mm^ ibd that haHlball^, hi^fdre all the^l««ni#eab fc^rbrldrand he first and chiiiflj^ sbtt^nt ini your ^^d^a^bnMMi is the infiimble proc€ of your J&haHficatibn. ^ ' ?^^13f|rtrtl Ibhg alhd serious stu(jy and exberieiico, I J^tb baldly cbbnnend these dir«ctiont to thee, as ttie i^ofGbd; which will ciit in hi^edness. The Lord resolve and strengthen th6e to obey thetti. ^ , ■^i y^ h «> •Y • > •' f -\ ■ -vVM^v ' 1 •;.V ;' .-t) ^' \ ' * r^ . - ' . • ; .1 * « ■' ■ *' ■^ -k Ik J r^'; 'iri » or 1/. BWI.YV liitMILT, >irD • HOW tO QOWtM IT, ASD ^ jKimj Itnf^BttMUl'' mi- B^IrT OF AVL FAMILY , ,> < t^AUM<.lW«MqDi%»oigiibottrs howdoyon like the /new IMbuBhicli jfjon liwre l>egiio 1 You have itakeii homeliiii(xii9lvMi> ftltiBidy wfaiob wm^ butt wJuMb flo y^ifiAd in the pnotitingof them 1 y ^^Att(» 4>^<^t^^^I ^* Ibolisbly long neglected a neoetaary, noble, joyful life ; and thereby k^ my time, iad OkaOe myself both: nnskilfol and indisposed toJli«fpnM«i(Qe«l<|i«; I and that the'thii«> whieh yo«;)ikfff pivimhed meare high and e^^ceUenti and d(eiubtfimi.liliMt<^he very sweet to those who baye a 8nilabl(9 plOJUndtdispasttion ; aiid some plOM9«il 'MiiiSkWS> fWil^Jbeginningat but. tiie. ifreatnesa of ^ wQffKia»diihe>great baokwaidneis and stijange- im^'^ n^y.mind, doth mnch ahate^the sweetii^sa ol it,iW nmwd^tLlB^, sWftd feaw, and dlfficnltiee. 4nd. whel^J fefl,l find it hud both to repent arigbt^and by.^/ailh. t« fly. to s Christ for paidon. And .U,you 'bad not fotewarned me of this temptation^:! shonld kave^hongbt by thew tronblffs that my case is worse in point, of (Mse,.ihoagh not of safety, than it was h^Hm Bat I ioreeee that better things may yet be lu^ for : and I hope lam in tiie way. Pv ^keie is your great difficulty, that reqnireth connselt '^ , ., » L r S. I find a mreat de al of work*to db in my family , ',*• • to goTom th«m in tho fe«r oflOba^ to do nyr, dniy^i to ilMm «U| «epeoiiUy to* edfi^ft^ my lifelMreB,F«t^ ; iUiilY t9 wonhip Ood'among tliim^ thd I Am so im- 'able for it that I Am iMdy to'o^it lOL I pf^y Too help me wfth jour 9&m%. - P; My fiwf adTi^ia t<^you[ ia, thafr ytrtHW>lvtt by Qod's htolp W parCMrUk yoiir dJii^ aa^allatyoa oaito; and tiiat yiw d0?at^?y-i ^ C XT €t<^^j»»t the Italiiiiof yo^^ fiunibr* ^ divliv^iHli^ra^ f e»h ait^the iroild wiUv Ai»d IImm I Aaiid not ivi ^n-)- * Ifc 'tip yb y^ notneed ai!^ a ptoteotoi' t vAnd oiQ^ yoa hiava ii'balfcflii^f = or hette? vtike oafe Ibr the w^lGuc^aM idMy ol you %mm kiff ^ee^ ^ health, paaM, pkolririm, «iidv8Q6ceM,*y«^ eiWyi dlattespea/tttiq^iletiiee^ ali^ 4r whieh_ ia ^^lae^ ibat ydtn^ mosperit^ ibidl li^ « c^ •iiai«to;yoa'iS«dyo**>^^'^ .' ''J v fa: Jl holy finaiily iSfSi^MHl !«rtldiiiftrft j a ^dhttreh of Oodi Wiat a jor iHU i* be^to yft««»«»"»'^-52» 15 ,*«*»iou of'owoful P««»«^ ^"^ 'JSa^ ■Mnnto «oin» to *« ohrtroh with_u»d«i^ai« iOTtoiiM« th« iwpto tw«w »n?^^ '■f'^wS'tB''^. tTOpd. But ^henfcnuHw (s^mo .toWh«n» »«• SU. audm qnsSSd h«Si,«i«i «w»}#!?#iWff^.^ prevaileth litt,^,w}|h 8. Tou have gieater and neaier oblig^Bon« to \ dnj^^lq^ Jl^ mpw caw mjjj^e^ ehOiuictttV^n^ ^kan their own parantot fit yj^^ ffy^ for tliem, but fa^h tfcein, ;^ho i^ r?^^^^^ $. Ipw* o«$|l^ fthf^ n0Q^ i^&elw^ ie^ qu9| j^a|^^h^i$ ge^t rcprnm Ibr what yon wyim^ niynil^ l^fiDBi^^ fbr If my pio^nU niid letter inetracied mo and govenied ii)j» in my childl^^ had not been like to have Uved «p ignovantly and nngodUy as X bate done*' |iat,*ala8, few puents do their duty ! Man^ take ■i^- ■■ v If A1l*i TflOl QUID! TO tti0fe pains ftbout their howee, ai^d cattle, tban they do about their chUdienVi •fl^i^^^^ P. that I could apeali;*^ wh^t It ' fllrtW^pott roiy heart to all the >^ ?f JH^*'?^ LIJSSS behold to tell ihem. that «fa«**^^«??,*^ *^^ thiUI beaw aiid ttoM to their own chHdi^ti: G> troil^ |fOftti on iirell without the rest But the .. pereiite' h th« •ndj miiMfl of e|i A# when: ^9 hw^ fehool is Vk;i^,iebi|^r^to riMi |^in m^ a^ ^hinrthe uiiiv^eTiity ,to te«^|lii^>J^;fqi9noee. If ahaU omit ineir {Murta, and a boy shall WiiBi^liiotho uniifenf^il^oj^e l^e osn npsd, yea, or befo^ he hath le««4|i||l moji^^;^ A soholaiiido j you ibpht he is Jpi^ip |^a)Ml p^ huiW, OM iDuilt.4n|t,yf($ «p Muaie the ^iinber« end Another liuat law it| and snotber frame )t, and then rear it.: but if the ^vfi be ip4$>^% haw i^l the stcmid aod thi|!^|ieir jpiUjF) h«f|il(feck||#miii^ aU oast their woph iip4lln0^f(^niW«r^ ie ^^ ^^vk ymv to be well w? f Or ii it any prouder if we bayje ungodly ehmli^ of lOh^irt^^ls Uiii^ no christians^ who ha^^ miai^eiv Md Ills doctiiiie> and a holy Kfe I MAll*! THim OVIpl TO HlAVKir. 145 from dotng wlial he otn for tiioli ! If yoVl wfll Mud your children and Mnrtiit««4friiofant ft d tniiffbdljib niin^ he miiiit do liia beiL But oh hoW tbOoii m6h • good might he do, aiid iiow eomfbrUbU ii^biild "HU oftlling he, if psrvnt* lirbiild but do thifft pflite ! ' '^ ' WJ^Ialk miiOh of ih« httdtieM of th^ !ii^oHd^ M^ ilior^ are no men, itele^j^ had rul^n km ii^lbib, that do more to mii%«4t'had';^ihih hil tiirilitti^''^^^ famtty gotei-noraE llife^tt^h if;Aliyiaif« thM dbTtfa initrtm^iita (aaif hw^ytlriieff ilbili) tb h^ aoulii of their faMitliil mt^'Wil'pam. ^d'iUltm them to hell with greatei^flflttHtilt^ iXui i iito# cotid-do.' - • ■'^^mi^m^.r Iffanvoidl forohurch-refoniMt{oii^|fiddmi»^i^^^ tion» Ab yet are l^e t^agdeM (aMmdh mia^ aelveii, and w^l not iiif^ o^ mtlft 'ijiWJ^.'' If mill wouM tfftir IWtul!ie8/«hd l^iii'M'i'^fr^dii- Ion of thdr childr^, chvifoh in^d'iiVat^ wbtdd >le aooii refotitied, #h^ \h^ Were made! W TBfoHiied^^fthiiliea: • ^^<^ ^■■:lm.\,-M^^^^^^^ 8. I pttxffc/k eet me down tuch iti)itirhV o«>ncf!rhii#iIl ftly ^3^' to my ohtldreil ; that I miy do Iny ^rt, «wif, ^^ of ^m portsb, theft ' damiiHiiOft tUiiy' lofot iM^oWiiig to F. Iv ^iMbotti^ to THisi^l^ i^iti iH^i^^ retidMiiecio^i^od, aiid the^l^ fimd 1»how ihe^ th^ #6rd of G(Ni;^t^iai' m MAw't wu aoioa to muvni. undone. Ofken Uke an •ooouqI, botk what they know and how they are aflfected and reeoWed ; and What they do, both in theif open and their tecret Jlraotice. Leave them not oarelfwly to themaelfM, out narrowly watoh over tbeiOf II Use all yottr ekm Mid #|^nf <» by wo|d imd aM to make a holy W* JH>Wf ^ >*»•?'? ^.^^ 'Ud: ■ ihe moet honourable, proftUWe, iiii* wd itmu^l life in the world ; libat ik mi }» their coneUijt die: light AU your woyk liet^ %i^»Rng ^d \Wm» pTeaaant to them, and keep thp^^^m w^W gion at ft burden, or taking fl for a dlMfweful, needleea, or unpleaf^nt thing. Tp wkKJh•nd^ wa with, and intermix the eaaieit parte, euoh pis the icripture history. Natu^ is pleased soonef with history than with precoipt ; and it sweetly i|isin^a|- teth • loye of goodiaess into ohiidien's minds. _ v , ' IIL Xct your conference and carriage tend to *^ just dwrace of sensuality,. Yokp^oii^Mss, pride, and worldliniss. When Mt |bouT ^^ to wsk^^ pride^ sensaality, and worldliness odiOQ^ to Ihew Hake them often read Luke xii, and xvi. imd xyiiL aii4 Jamea iv. imd t. and Bom. viii 1 — ^H. tV« Wisely break them fifom their own wills. And let thein know that they moat obey and like ■/■' J •■•'* ■ ,»''■ ■■ 001 ' ■• nil : .. at i(Aii*ft rmm T6 HBAfW. fiii v., ■^ And yoort. Ifoii't own wjUi $n Ui# of tb« world : atid to Jw gitieii up to ct to helL T«U theinjKw odioui Mid . •li^wltttdll^ ilk In tfSr diet let tKem n6lli«¥e whsfr ttiey lim » mind to, nor yil do not foiiUl ih^tt ik^ wlkl fliiy loi^e: W ofe^hem to •tttia t(|> ydilt ohi^ice j^iad leit tiiem hftVe tM ftt teaA^iy ^icli it llttleiiie, ItiC not loathii^air •id Mtiier of the OOMMT than 6f ^^ ({ner or the •weMi^t ao^ A obMopted apMtite, itveng^heu^d by <^ti«tota,.ie hetdfy OTei^n^e by ^^ ^^* tei^tog and oooBiei in the world. I^peeiklly nte thetn not to fl^ng drink V for it ^ one of the greeteet maiee toj^ath. ^ ' U\' ' tttai^itoiis M jMpliii, <7hildTen> we unfit peitons to , ftrufs^, '^P'^^ /^^ ^WV^^'"'^ ^ i^^ ^rta th^ yottr el^ildren to a temperate anif he«)ttitC diet, tnke lixi, 84. and keep tem|»ting tteats, Mi iMoitlty' dirfiikii, from before ttiei^. 1 Bried iiiem np jb oonetani labour, whieh may n^^M^ m^;w£^y!me^bQt at the UmM n»eimi^ lecHiatit^ whiwi you illow thetn. 7 ' ilrXetth#'irediMitic^^^ aatetidmote to tlie health of th^ir bodiea than the ^itmouring of a cQ^^ted 'hacf : kiii^p jl^ehi fto^li |auiing Ibr monay ilcftn <^arde.'djk*eb and ilage-pUyt, play^books, Mid l#a:^bbo|Z Canton talea and billads. li; li^^i^be at^ b^ and let it be no, nibre thaia if^ is niiedhll to ibeir health and labour at wheiiipg to the mowe^/ 7 4. Let tneir appaicelj ^ plain, decent, ^d warm, bi>t liot gawdy, neith er ttfoh at uaeth to ti gni f y |nride, or to tem^ ^keome to it^ i.^ '■ih 148 MAir'^ TBtti auntt to RBAnof^ 5^ Be 8018 wlmn they grow towaida ripeneaB, that you keep them from opportmiily^ nefiroeea, or fiimUi^y with,tewai#^»g pwwi^of »fi^iO^^Xf^ gp(Kl.TK)m|iaj;iy,.ft»4 kjwp J^^es^ a^ mwol^ ^ pebble game, to talk filthily, to swear, to mock «t -gW*- l«t me company of sober pioUs chil4^^:^^^^r- ^ wisdom i'mj^M'iidt^ib^fl^ shaU'piiidacd ^lefaij^ t^^otid Wnot so staMi^^ tci ihem&ibtfll tem]^ th^1b» haf« no 1^ flei»nMlh f to eoi^piM 'Btit tet thMn peti^ th^^Mfid^ feedildga ttf nllr«n1^^«n£l^ that ii]ldeed 1^ are dear to y^^ iu^d 't^^^^l^ a^d fSVTwnviiiifa^ noti for any end DTifiamoiiBi^yofiriiwn, J^ them famiUarlf Ibe rwHton^e^idt which ti^eyi^M^l^f^ to^he pii^judiQ^d agamsir 1 Mt km and r^n^ mnat be the m«Mis of mo^i-jofutiie.^g0<«d.;thittr'yonido thiem* '.i n ^hii Ih-, U-.ii: \ .J ytIL Ke^p*in^eeial?^«loh n^^ ,«p»ift^y.agwnstfeom talk* and |yi«igii for dange^ onsjcqnmiiiionsdo qal(>k)y^hil ^ obtain^ckwiinion. ; IX. OPeaiot them h^ly to lvalue tim<< ; teU, th^m the #l«cioiisnii$8 of it vl^ reason of thie. shortness of man's lifo, the greatness of his work; tod how eternity dependeth on thesff uncertain moments. , labour to m^e time-lvastMi^ odious to them. And •/ ^'P> .* -JflL MAK^B TKQl OUIPI fO ^lULYlir. 14* Bet death still bef<# their eyes : and ask them often whether they are ready to die. * *,'' >f •}'{ ^V . X. I^t correction be wisely lased, as they need it.; neither so seventy «• to mak^ them dislike yon, . nor so little as to leaye them in aeouriieqf sin antt (^Bobeditoce. XiOtlt b^ ianvays in 16ve ; ancl mm for isfn i|gatQst €k)d; than . any worldly mAfcters: and «ho# them ^riptnre^igainit the sinj and fo^ Ihe coi^Mietiaa. ' ' - ' •' '• ' KX! 1^^ earnestly iur theii; and^^mmit th^ by faith to Ohr^t. as the! only Saviour, a^tl^tir ^ xn. Go b«j^tiiem%i^ and let your practice tejt thofl^,^Y)«| y^i^^ jjifo them be, spiicif^ iiv repnMnti^J^^ del^htp-, fjUj and living in the joyfiil hopM^ i|f hfi^en., ,;:\ , -.. ' . laiL Choose sochltnide «Mij9aUinft Ipr them, iis have least daagerons templtotlonsi and an itend mmt to the ij^viug of their 9on!i^tMMltil)^«M^ tliemimost u^elhl in the iH|M» and 110^ thciM^^^ to the ease^ th«ff|pi, or iiNnl^ These are the counsels which I eoiaieetly vreeom- D3||nd toyou in tki% im^^rtant wovk^ IBiit you'must Imow that your childi«n*» souls are in ptacieitts^ and the diffi^rencie between Ihe good innd boid scf great, that all this must not seem too mueh trouble to ^ke for It. But 4ts you would luive miai^lieie hold on in the labour of 4heir plaoe^ so must you in yours, as knonrtnil^ that a dumb and idle p4ient is no more exc'ilsable than an unfftlthful> damb, and idl»miffis- t^; the Lord give you skill, and will, and diligence to practice all : for I take the due education of chil- dren to be one of the most ueedful and moat excel- (ei^t worin in the world, spec&iall^ for motheia^ •J ■A ff ■r- f « ,1 - ■•<5 -#• I* 150 ^. M A^S TBUl OmDI TO HlAVnf. ^V ^ P^y Von ii^t tell me my duly to my wife, imd her9 to me. P. I. The eommon duty of hoiANUid and wife, is 1. Enliwly tolove each other, Eph. v. 25—38. Col iii 19. and thetcffore it is most important to choose one that is tndy loTely, and to proceed in the choice with fi^esit delihanition : wid avoid all t^ngs that tend to qnenoh your love. ^ ^?. -? ^vv " * .^^-^* together and ei^oyiBacfc otl^ and foithfuly join as helpera In the education of theii^ children, the government of the family, and the management of ti|^ worldly business. , ^. £»peeiaUyi^i^ helpers of each other's^ ai^va- tionj to atif tip eaoh other to faith, love, obedience, and good works ; to warn and help each other against sin, and all temptations ; tojoin inGod's wois|iip in the family and in private ; to prepare each other for the approach of death, and comfort each other in the hmtee of 1 fb'elemal. 4. To avpicil all dissensions, and to bear with tho^e infirmities in eaelt Other which you cannot ^jure ; io assuage and not provoke uiiruly passions: and in lan^f^ thi%3 to pliease eacb other. ^^^^^^^^ V C^ 5. To kee|> coiyugal chastity and fidelity ; and to atoid 1^1 mMolj and imuujdest carriage wi^ any Toi^void the'childish vanity of gaudy uppareV and following Vfin fashions of the proudeSr sort ; and to abhor their >iee thftt waste precioua tiii^'e in curious and.teiiSioiiB dr^^fliy^gs, gosaipings, vieit8j.«nd feasts* 8. To, Mp ^'j9ie maintenance of the family, by frugajyi^, and: by thiiir proper carQ»and labour. 9. Kot to 4ifi3>ose of their husband's estate^ without his con^tijt or a|^ probiftion. lO.^Abofeall to be constant he)|pe|8 ol^ ^e holy educi^tion of their child|en. For tliis la ' ^ " ■" ^ ■ .r^. ',■: ■ .' .' ,• ^l .V' MiV*^ tlMJB Ollipi to HJ^^BBT; the xnoet eminent service that women citn do in the^ iforld ; and it is so great,* that they have na cause, to ji^iid^ at God/for the lowness of theSr plaee and gilto; for mean gifts with wisdnm andj^odlinesamay KiMrVie tii^lp^ to c>hi)4ren. The niother is sj^ ^Ih ^ them, and they are still under her eye j hl# We * ttil^ chi)»ily' WoA t6#ardS theit sSlvationr Shfe vhst . be daily tbaehin^lh^ifi to know 6od, and sp^Ki^^ ^ th^in I6>if li^itiess atfd'agdbftt Sifi, and tenifndlngiv^ tih^ df ih^'^iMd t4 edme, awl teaching t&ittitit^ ' 1^' 0od]y ttiothers may edi^ciit^ ehildi^' fbr liaiitf^rac^^ taiioiistry, and all public seWici^^ by liiMbiiliM^ to that It^lkest and h<^y di^poiritioii; ^ n^< Is- thfe dhfisff thing' necejBsary in 'dveyy relirtio^ tiiS^lty ^nibion goisd 5 atid so thi^ niSy becdiiAeeHief iiiStil«^Mim« 1^1^ the i^rmaUoii^^^^^^^a^^ ivelfat^* of itfi^fes^liiditii^gdomtiyaiid ^^^ wortd. [-m^^m,,, < S.-t^^i' ybii f dl me also the dwty of ielifWiih;:- >^P;^#du«jrW dliildren t6 their pWisnfS i«, Bphl Vii ii-ixa; ^^ cm- m m pwv; 1 8, 9. siiii i^ awdii; ^.WWhmVmi deariy^ *ttcttdb«'tha^fttlfiir ata lluJt%v«;yi^^(i^/^hi£h'1^^ 2. To iearii i)f^ i^eirt submiSsiV llbil^ftiS^driititattit^iii 9. To dbeflfaty dll^tly mWtill^kAlft^^i and Oiat m isoiimtiu^ e^^S In dM^ie Id Qbd. 4. T, 3p, I, to, rxile them (inith iSiish gentleni^ op^qgUj; feijkpiw d^^ %h. vUi:d.uJ3<4fJli^. Ji |i|id( yqi with siufh attMiprit^> aa th^^ be ;W)t_ encop«gec( tp eontempt. 21. To restn^in J^em Ieqiii ^inniagrajpunst Qoclr 3. to inatniot Ih^oi u^ ^l\« 4ootrii^^ ot salyation, iind pray, witli them, and^ g<» ||ejfifii;a^t)l)fiin;|l^ the ejuuijii^e #« f^l^r hdy;,li?^^^^ 1 i» to }c0ep thim firom o?il wmpWMfi *P4 i^ffllftWr . >ipi^, fii4 Qpp9rtiU|iiUes of pkinnipg. 5. .."l^it^i^tlfieQi «pon> pijQiper li^^r^ :, ta , ieep ^ici i 0% tp;pnm4ci thei|A #ufiN|(jtt.»fla4ip^ some a^d t»eet ibri^theoi; ; >n4 ^f^xWi ^^^^ W^^At wltgp^ Ji d)ie to Abeib l)y proniise 4>|r jdm^ert 7.. fcauS^f^i m^etll^MlWOted^^ JQi rllSftllia ( i l ;:,3^ Whiit^slliiiiity M^f^ ., ^^/tQ;!;^«^iarii^d i^i^x^i^^ 1 m ,ilA^ |a^4 J^i^t Monging bQmmM|d;i r jj^t^ii 18, ■ tit*. %j^ a %. ' to^ %?cHii| M Wd. 8. Patiently to bear rejproof and Sa# cbrreetion,' Mid to confess their faults, and $iiiM^ 9/1\)iVrajr ijiijy fot& blearing 'on the ^mil:^, and on their i^abours, and on themseHes. la And. to do ali thi^i^ true obedience to God, ttCpedttlig thoir r^Wari lilbm hini. f 8. Now you hftve gone so far, tell us ottr dtitj^'to our nwghboiirs. •» P.Jgfur 4uty toj^ nftighb|pr« in love «bd jptice S 1* To Iwli hem as yours^lf.^ 2. To do as you wotold be djHBy ; for fhioh the six 1|tit T|fule. Your love must t>e ^eii souls. ^furthering their th^m to hear G^'a word, s, giving them seasoilfible, ^iqns ; and by the exam- .life. ^.Towards thei?: ithe good you can ; an ^ \K CO udments siaed, l.Tb ion, by d M{^ng them to i^ise, and serious k pU of a holyiibla Ibddie^, by ddin| them dQiHg them no wrong, nor speaking evil of them, iio)r nrovokkig o^ scandalizing them ; but patiently bearing and forgignff iuj uries ironi them. <». S. And »^t|tJfcr duty >fgubj e g te ^ to m a gi a- r^ j, i> tEitea^t if- ltAM*8 TBUB QUIDS TO BlAVpff. m '.aJtL- \ ,.^< ,j^ t. 1. To revdrentte and honoar them at tlie pffl- *&6T8 of God, and speak not cjtishonourably of them. 2. To pay them due tribute, and to protect them to ; Jrour power in your place. . d. To obey them in all awful things, which it belongeth to their seTeial powers places, and offices to command, Bprn* ziii- 1 — 7. 4i To proYoke othera to the samd obedience. 0, To avoid all couiqpiracies, seditions, treasooSf and rebellions, and resistance of. the higher powers, Tit iii. 1^ 2., 1 Tim* ii. 2, and patiently to suffer where/ God forbiddeth us to obey. C To apprpTA. and further the execution of true justice. 7^ To detect ' and resist all treasons, conspiracies, and rebeUio^8 in others. 8. To do all this for conscience aalpe^ in obedience to Gt>d, and for the common good. ^ Must I not obey all the laws i|nd commands of rulers? : t*. ., ;. J » (mV-;"-:'.;,..j;;,j(P^,u-->J^V^: . E No; you must obey hoye'wluen -:. i^:^;-^ i^''Ii-iliK 4* Po l«eiea% to piijret by^ Jddt^^ Ji 6. Lei fianii^ ^owhip >>• >«ff ?! ^^ * ^ tmrtess eott^extwoiJdiiJKiy neceteity hpi^r it^ •t the ^.i,'t' >to!i%' moe*isonvementihou««f*l»day. , ^_, _ . 6. Do aU your hu«Mi asthe iroik of God,^we iihan youE owii ; imd do nothiag but what it ifthie imjik that you ahould do ; %m ybu may ^pdrtj&on? ?^hiii bbth protectidii wd leirard! aiid oAeni i»new your devotion of youraeU ind lOl j^ buwaeaB to Mm. and four «ctwa i^itttidia^ici pieaw ahd jgton^ 7. HigUy value aU \yout tipie^ and Mlo^jrour Jihkmia irith coneiiwit #i^ helittving mitis tmifcnef your eei^rieft^i pod^8ix days^B^^ lEoor, and do aU «iak|ri>u have to do^ I the rmh of ebul^ b6dy#d ertaite^^^^^ | ^v^ a Bo irett aoq^ttfli wtth ydnr epecial c jqM iiBTOi^iniHniat y«>ar wateh egainat U^ ^?f », If v.y^ labour alone, ta|to in su^ieiBaacjnaWe ^bodittttlMia as you need and your buainw* vriU p6^ mitj hiitmrii it to good i?oufeiMioe^|^ eompany. Kot eo aa t6 tttink and t«lFt>f «<>^itt^ alae, to turn aUto weariue s a or aff e ct e d fonniaity n but at seasonable times, aiid in a sehous «ipm ■*«•■ : ■ Jsj 1 , ' t ■ TRini OuIDB TO tfc And talk not of siual^ mattera, .bat of h«art and of heftT«n aflfaiM."'-" ■^.■■' ■-:'■/*■' .^^■■■■;--d;:'v.lM^ Um:,- 10. CraTe God's blearing upon yoar food, andfe- tom him thanks fbr it: receiTo it, jlort cjiiieily to piflile JWM appetitd, bat to stretigtbeni jon atf j»a 4en«titOf €kKi, for your doty ; and -for qoality and qnalitiby ayoid 4«aK-t>leamng oniiositgr attd ekcasv— Ptor. xxii ^ir 6^atili toiiks ]iiuii liealth soiA taam, and not youv^ppetite, the nMdnniii^ of boih^ Write ov«r your table, << Behold, this Mgh^ inkimty of Sodom ;^ pride, folnesl 'of bread, JH^abaiidanoB of idleness was in her; nfiitl^ar^d shb itirlsngthen the band «f tiie^pidor andneedy*-4Eidi. XTi 4». And, ** Theie was a certaih lidi man^ itho wsa olothed in porple and fine hnen, and &red snmptkiouily every day.-^SioH^ remembei^ that thou in thy Hi%tima le- cehredst thy; gp^ ihings.^ &c.---Loko x?fc Iti «5. ** Make no piOTJsibttJMrth ^jhfct o ftiipil the Inits (Of dwarpfc) thereof ' WRoms^lBSt*. ^^ ^i > » ^^^? » Jf^^ 1 H'.t\, f At evaiiipg Drotarn' to ypm £ood,'and to (M's wonhip in yonr fomily, and in secret, as was dirsotod you to'tbe iioming^^^ '^^v,^--;, -^Ui.. :h.;i>v>v '{■ ; o di; "' ■. \% Atiii^lonlL^back'hdfr^drliive(%^ day ' $/liot to waste tiihe in wittiiig^ down all ainar m|id m«nM which are Winaiy^-t^fbr: the samo eoia&ing daily to be repeated. wiirtnirn all to^fertaialfky-^but to^iiavb a spedal thaidtfi^lMssl!^^!^ and a8|>e«ial fej^ntanoeffor giliatof^^aggti^M^ " yei, fbraftHJiatyou loroamber A^^^^^^ ^ i^j:h>mi^jfimmmt vip^^i^^ anil ftj&,7wliieTe ha^Udlli liilkiBcr b^bka yoorseH'ta t«ii. #i iiion and delight tion ^"^/f-^^^JSff^^^ %,^m%}^n^t^ ^!ix^ worship? twice a piajillbn ti^^'l^w I must perform it >/' ■■-,.■ ,■» ■ ■ -• A ft h •*.'#•, ■#■'' •^- 168 dl your f«nay« ttat cm. «<»»„•. ^'"J'V nod', unitance »nd aeamUaM. 2. Thfi ma » ,^1 good book, or «U» bid thwa ««»»^^'2^ ifkithfal fervent prayer eall on God throagfe J«po«l^^ ™ bis Spint, and bo at evening. ^^^m ^^ S. Have you any more conn»el for me, foi|^gooa ^ o liave you »ujr uiw»«» ' Vi#^'order o^my family J V ^ A 4 fVi^iim* T will #. %. VC^ritthirf«meI^«daiiomoiBbaitt-*| 2N.t(*.g«ii»k yo" worldly ba«ii.eM,tbat It «*, v^ outS Iife«id»»iou»«. of boly dob.* Atajta mMt fcmiliwi in «" "odd, th» worid » J1«»«*WW hi^ 5jX«»f J though yet ,ou,.«U««««f' *« "-^.TCow t-is ; but the \m oojafort yo« l^ h;^ iid th, h«d.i thi. worid «rtb you. ^*fj SSSol •houM yo* be in r«-om to «Mk« "f^'^ " /a. Po eU thi* yoii««nto kwp «P » '""SSSd fa^y the joy of beU«»ii.R«»4^^^^ have muA in it of thtriw pifMg ^,V^,„„^ ». Y ou thtt *»*» fa n ne t . Mad at ^ Jff. ' y*^ 4a *• h»g winter nighta, «•*•««>* l^*"* "^ ^TfrU^'f^^^r -MAll't TBUI aUlDH TO BBAVIH. tit to them while they aw with you— Deut. x?ii. 1* j A A viii. 38, 30. I will Dot diMourage your own eswrUtious: but few haibandmen can divcouwe so profitably, to clowly, aoundly, and eearohingiy •• maoy aubh hooka wul do, if you choojM aright. But ii^oi«(of tUa in the iHNcI QOBferance. -'^ / /i V'j »fi .•^t^^\.'.ui] V)*. .'>in 'fVt tK,iiifO^-»lU\i\ 7» /;-U < -■^' 1^ V piOW 'M SPElfP THB IiOftD'fl ^AT IN OHRIBTIAN ■ :iN sii^Ml^uTi^* . ■•**:^' '^^'' • PAt7i» Wekotn^ i^pboiir ; how goea mattan between you and your lamily t yea, and your Ood 1 BauIi. O Mtj yott hiivo tet me a great deal of workv whloh iby^oMeioBea telleth me is good and iiaoeiM»ry^ and b^ttit ihan any die thai I can B|>end liiy tiof^ini ' Bnt my haail ia bad and ba /* ^^aid; andU ia liot ao aooii Ibamt aa heaid, nor au aoon donraaleMiik 'JUid y#t llWi^ to you for more j Sr i iM f«iolv«d tO'lAt«<}^ heaven for my » and tiieraf . ■ ' 1; Thit the chief use of the day ia for tfie public woniyp]^ Of God/ our Creator and Kedeemeri -■1 ^■ ;■ ^i MJOI'S TRUI OUIDB TO HVAVBN. ; AcU ii. 4yL^ And thewjfoie, that whi^h i« publlo . Is to be pi3|iijt«4 bfforo «U that i« ttwre private. | 2. That tbe chief work which it is t^ be spenVm* is learning lh» 4(w(rine of ihe gospej/and pBaWg and giving thfK^ks to our heatenlj Fathir, oor K^ deemer and Sano^^er. li^e test opmuth niidcf jtjbls. .__ 1 8. Tbfiifl^ the manner of jtt and the l\ramt df <4f our hearty, \ jhotiM be h<^]y ^oy, and giratiti^e, ^d love, stiniid up by the exeretse of faith a|i4 bope ; and it ahpi^d be (ipent as a day of thanksgiving fot the gi«ati|Btinerd feot^m^ ^he last Void's d^yV^Jf' strnolious ; and r»p#u| of all your ^ ^ |he Wi»k past; and goin sciiiiioii to joujt rest , - 2. Let your ftnt fhonghts ^ suitable to. th« diy. Remember pvi^i joy the ifeurrection of youf Ikvlour; whioh bqpia iho triumpbant glorious state, as you awake in, tb(); baaing o^ this bolvday; and lei your heiijt bjSjWL^ thjnk that a day of the Lord i8 0onie,.y ;,;. " ^;Vw-.-v^' , , 9. Bii<^ fi^ty ai early on that m as on yoitr labourtiM|,4ayji;,aiid tjifpk not that swinish sloth U your hoi^ is^PI^ , -/ I 4. X^ y^ur 4^BS Hii W iid iritb lome okttMil montkBi of tlio oMiotii of o«r B^laaner, or ilbal it anitiaib to «h# bteNM i«d thi dqr.^ to. Ater dtiii^. If tllM bftbMs Q^jour family togitbar and aiiig a pMtm ^ |talie: aa^ to ioimW wbat waa lafd|it 4m«^ ilTlWlaba tb«tt l«i3Mii;titt^tott^ ^ 1(1i4» 1^ do^a limna, isaU IIMnp^ ^ ^ eif^ 6«d> padatoMa ittl^ai^^iaiiea ChtiMiliiig a^lmi of t*Mi^ tWt 'MJiMit iba aanson^or cAnaa it to bf iipa«M.iKH( Mt^^ biiftae%iiil>aai^iiiii#^tM. WtfjWielraw no (5B>r one tiliiii£b to ^ ju^^, md HMMlr an Iwnr to^tbiim in aoma mMk and liraly boSc!^ iiid<9il^dawiaipf^y«f iiid>^ aii^att'wilh iMloiianeaa, lOaisi^ attd jcgr. 18. S«lw«aii HMfM att|»)^ boitil ydil i^i# ineh mim akd Mri^to iir #« poMib^ M tpiirad, bMb tbiMtrea to aaoia^ Mycr and laWtottoii. 14. At'tiippar do aa bafoniiaid «t tftnaar; atill wm a ttbai thai tbowgh it b e a d a y of t h< y6i iiol of aanauality, gtuttohy or axeaaa. 6 'm- ■■»: O ii — .,,.„,-S4 . ♦■ o *-i . ":v fr y 16S ]iAir% TBitm erniDB vo iiATBiir. -^ 15. Wheii^ey have slippea, exAmihe jQorohil* ilren and s^rvatiU \rhat tKey have lei^iii that dajf^, ' unlee^ jbfi ^(ipoiirt an hour on the week-da^ for it ; and ck> fbt H(^ Then sing a paaliBl i6f pnusei and so '^ooiiit^de With' prayer and thaytk^giv- * ing y cateahising tnnst . not he neglet^ted ; but \i f oti can do nii^t' bfit oii week-days qjr holidays, it; )viU , be best, that it take^ndi up the Xbrd'^day; wh||(il^ •^' for, holypraise. ':- '''" ■£"■'- : ': . • I, ' : •■■■ '' ■• ^'^ ^: :': - ^i 161 Wien you gd tet^jrest revieir bnefly th^spedal occurrence dJ' tKa dWTi Rgwnt .bf ^linjjfs ; :g^ thanks for mercies ; and comfoctablydomiM)^ yotit^ self to rest, as trusting in the p^tecti^n diyti^ gracious €kid'* jaoiid So 1st your last^0u|hts ba smm as are meet to sht^tup such » koljNNayj^ ;^^ These dii^tions ai^S^ given'i^pieaid 1^^ bni' " (^ I happy jrbn if you SinciBrely pracltisa t^m I ' \ : ' 'SC I pray you n^;!|t instruct ms how to woiismp God in public : an^ fliMt hdw 1 may heatr ' #itS * ■ ^\ $^ I. !Se caiiM to underiataiid^^ what y&ii ha«^ Fot this 'end you should read^tne BcripfuMMi and go^'bd^s to ^^ atisiid when you l^tiitt, ^Sp^jluly parking the ^oddne, , dto^ a^ - dnft df the pirteaciher. * kMtSlixtmti^ yjQU should mi^ditate upon what you .have heard asking others ^o f^re bettor instructed than your- S^ the Bei^id^|iiii^f^.3^ CFf^ and pralying to God to make.c^s^i^&atdver seems dark and un- .certain. ' '■•aiir. •/ ■^■' '-'i^-fC A 11. TdH j^tfPPM duly affecttfl^llllflrlMit ydu h<^. Bemamliji^ii^ whom: yon hata to do, and of hoff gteal impmn^ the ^busuies #^whicb you ax«:4poii. ^ig to heir a maesage ftfith. heaven ooboanung » *2^< \ W» tM» «»ii« f^^^ ^4di tfma of , worti^p ^ a piS^iouft ^)||a9^ >f^*^J\ ^^^ / '»itnl may. {(?ow/m mtee^^iMKa MQW^^ and yo# ^ ing J3pl4t f and wlbi^ yott oom^ JitMSH^ jib will be a '1?(?lp to yojti if-ycw, p«^li ^e |#M)|i1i|a o% m^ / lit You. Hiu«t praotiaa whalj^you ^i^r} wW tha* ^ yo^iW.4»%1h?^<|e?»»t^V?» ?^'? y^'*' ' ,to 110)4; ovetbefow^bM tba. oOfirttB^iQ^ «^ yow ^ hnrt wbicb oe«d a onxe, and tbe wa^la ffox need ; iwbai ypn wtot» «« y<»j J^ *® ^\ ^*M ^ lJay,Md i^* xtQitbepbyaiciftQ tobe'bealecL V:.. > ' ^ .Mark well tbe practical cUrectdoiip, and l^t con- , ^ /science, ttigfJSiiem ^ome as yon bear tbem;.and' ,, a^e;al|t idwilveto obey wbaliever God nia^etb, . * knpwn i^ bo iia will live tf yon can Willi boly. , y , diligei^t cbdstiianer ; and avoid t)ioee who stifle ptao^ ' . , . iice* ,eitber. Antinomianm, wbo^.u^^er ,pre1i»ni» of ' ea^aUing Gbijbt ^ free giace, are ' .nese ; or diapntew who liU m^*9 beads >ilji litUe^ .,; but controyeisy j or worldly «id pipo^e vm who jeer at godlit^ as hjrpocriay^ and ihysik thai we •' ; may get to heave;^ without n»i|lui»g eo ^uoh stir, . . about if^' .- ;-■/,/. ,; ' > " ■■ ', • . - , - 3. How must I hear- and m^ the scrlptares » themselves) - . ^. P. 1. Be sure you come to them with a bf|^eTi]lg, f I, .' . ^- «.,«. x|i4. 6. xxi 16. 1 Tim. iv, 13. Neb. yui 8. i Halt judv. i{^ Eph. iii i; as a buin learner of ■f .V' 't. lU UAXfn WXJt ^TJlDk TO BBA' J. heiiYttiljr ifljfitfe^M Itom ih9 Stm atid Spirit oSQodf and not as a proud and arrogant cayilter or j«d|iBr, Mattiviii 8; n(«r^a» «ipecting pKtlowphy or curi- oufi words, inataad of the laws of Qod for oar aalvft" tioii^ 2* BMid most the New Tsltatnnit, aakd the most suitaMs {Mffts of soriptniis. 9. Expound the dark and rarer passages % the plldn and Sequent ones* 4 B^ some commsntcny or annotalioibs aS yon go/ If fon can. 5. Ask , your pastor ^jhatl which you nndeistand not, Acts viii. 2S---fl^ -^ ' 3. What must I do in public prayer, praisissy and ^thankagiviiigl- ■ / ■^>u^Hi^^:^u■.^v:1^•..■ ''>i'!P.:i. Join in them earnestly with the desires atid pradses of your heart, I Ghron. tvi. 36. Neh. v. 13. viii. 6. Psa. fevi. 48^ And be not a bare hearer ; fo^ that is to be a' hypocrite ; and to seem to pray when indeed you do not 2* In aU the lawfulvorders, gM|sres, and lianner of behavidbr in God's worshipAcfect not to differ from the rest, but conform youripC'to the use of the church which you join with ; for in a church siu^ 'gjdl^ity is a diiicord. ^i. 1 1 ^ • 5 S. How must I leoeive the sacrament of Christfs body and blood t J . You must, I. Hare a due pi^paratk^ lE^ jt due pmfojnianoe. 8. L '^^hat is the du^^pr^paratioii 1 . ^^ v, - P. Tou must fint understand what the sacrament is of which you are about to partake. ' 1. It is ii solemn commemoration of the sacnffce of Chris^ %^J^ death, unti)[ he came, 1 Cot, xi* 24^26. Sd^^-SD. Mattxxii. 28. Mark xir. 24. Xuke zxii 20. Heb. iz. 15—18. 1 Cor. y. 16, 24: O^hn Ti. 32. 35. 51. 58. That the Church may, as it, w^i soe his bodjr broken and his blood shed, ai|d t\ ■•..•#« ^'i il> >: .^'^y '5N -^ M^'i Tkim ouim 10 ttSfctwr. m :«(!:* i\ ;'::« pi'-- '.'^^B ■■ • , ;^H " :. ■■'•: ;.;^'-'fl v'^- ^ ^^^H • ■'. "^ ~^H "y; .;'.■ ,;h'"' • :'a'"-v:,:j>'/r l^jif li(m*j-fi,«:'\h.t'^v'-'''^' ■,'^' Itt'^* Umm'»(A»fDn renewing/ (rfufthccwvenaat of gHtteyOiL Ohmt'9 1^ and^OQ i^rft* 7: |[im6 Chikt\ Jtnr U£»^ ift delitfeiiad to its; tnd^o «)o«ft Itim i«nd iiteiitiiiliTertoth upiuiacwAt' to ChHatj mid Oiirist »o- ^^'O0p|etii hull /./'i'j -Ml! /.r >'''^i!t>?!j ^ 'i.'Itiwtaiymbol 0^ aiid a ptt|9y^&;|>iofe8ai6n 9ff<»uf continued i'aith, hope, :^ r{^# It ial^fsigA said n^aans of the u^od/love, and communion of the saints, and thatrieadiness to com- miinieate to one another, Matt. xXTii:26^^^. Mark xiv. 24. Luke*xxii. 20. John vi;^>iifiY;4— 3. 2 Cot* V, U. vi. 17, 1<*, J<^dVrfl4r >- t S. You have told me What I m«st tinder^ud. Kow tell me ^l^at £ must %% that4 tnay be prepare- •; ed to receii^. - ' - >^ ■ ' "-y^if ■■■■■■ ^''^J--'- /' V. ' P. You must be a true christian, J^at is a peui- 'tent believer already in covenant, with God, "by coil- Sv May every diriiltian oeitte, hd# i^«ak soever t ^ P. Yesf if there be nothing to ptevent him but V W4M|kne8s, and not soMo'pie^cular hiud^ranee, or unpr^paredli^i which I* am next to speak to you of^ ;."".)i ;, ' -v.- . tm usa^mm cwira W aiAnar. ,fe Htf nmstiio hiftlttett to b9«ati8fi«d» ai4 wheir he hathdondf.miiit do accpiding to the beet jndgT ment t|Mit be ie aUe to i&ake of bimnelfl As now^ I toll you thfil ymf coneent to the wvenani & yoo* ehristiamty ^ X Mk yott whether you couaent mi^ig-* . .n^lyl .Hyou do, you may somewhat pewfeive ll ilmt you do : and if you say, I am not suie tJini I oonsente sin/Mmfy, hu«^ as jur as I can know my heart I think I dOi you must then communicate : for it is the beii^ of sincmty #ft4 uot the aasurance of it^ which ifl niNMSiaiy ;; ind rte aroallio unaoquainted withoui; ow|i hearts^ thatif we must not 8|ieak ac- cording to our best discemiiig of them, ifitjiout as- suian^, we must lay by ov thanksgiTingj u^ i^ great paxt <]€^ 01^ other duties^ > ^. Bu| «hat if I piove millfiJwn, ai)4 )je not "', 8inCOTel>C:^'*'*!i^V-:'-.^-,;- .: •"i:''^, .'':..'■....:,■'■'■, ^••■.'4.i'>f7^r- ■t^'.vf". - p. If you are not sine^te; ftudyet ^k you are, ;it is your great sin that you are not so, and will n<^t Wnsftttt ti) ttie eovenint and nieicy „<^red you, Josh. xxiv.m -Milt XTi, 16, 16. 1 Johnv. 10-^12^ lUV. ¥3di H> ilid it is youi sin tofetWnk that you oonsent when you do not. Aud : th«e M a greater weight lieth upon this, than your respect to the sacTftQient ; for you are an h^ir of heli till you truly conaenti whetlio]^ you receive the sacrament, or not. 3. But what if I find it a Fork too hpl for me, to try myself ^ ' p. Go to your pastor, or to some (Aim Me diynie ' tor M«Qd^i|3ftd ^p»n youir case fuUy to ii0|tt and take their h0lpr Ai5tirii.>7, 38. Mn iii. ^,21. ^ Si €a&«ny one else tell what is in m«» m ctannot fellmyimltl * , \ "i\ Pr l^dtt Wbest tell what you feel i but another may better tell ybu what that sigiiifieth, and also by ; what Taleirftn<* «»8^" y«m mtist piociiad ki jtidging. The pati^t knoweth better than the phyBiekn what he feeleth, and must ftMt tell that to the f^yaipian : bu^e physician then can better tell him, what' oane^ it cometh firom, and what ia the natoro of the dinbaee, and what is like to come of it, and how il -mttot be cured. ,' ' _ / 8. But m9§ not an unreg^erate man eome, that thinketh he tt smcere, and dothi»iatEkcft 'P. He that i« truly willing to llaire God for hi» God, and Christ for hj« Saviouif, f«i«hwp, and Lotd, Iwd the Spirit for his SanctiEer^ k « |«e christian, and may eome.^ And he that wiU acrt^nnuitnotlie, by taking Christ in repvesentation, when ke refuaeth him in heart and deed, 1 Cor, xi, 2a— 80. l^or may he outwardly take the signs of those benefits, par- ddn, and life, which irtdeed he is incapable ofc> 8. What is ihe particular prepaiiitkiii which is neceetsaryl / ■' .^'*' - ''»/^' ^' ''^■■' " "V P. 1. lyronew onr meditations of m mlMCpiiiid . use of the sacrament, and how holy a wi4th common and rmidless mindA. 2. To examine ourseltiw both wfaetber tf e continue our unfBijgned con/sent of the covemmi of God, and. al60! whether we live according to our eovenant in a go( foiititdness whonTwe hive mrotig^^ and to fofgiye ikm i^At have wronged U8 ; that w© xa^y be fit to , te^eite foi^^veness , fro%<. 0od, and, |q^ loyij^ «op- miQnion with hiiu an^ hk chutoh* mp^^^^^^^^ t ( >! 3. To 09n9ide| beforehand, what we are to jdo when we eome to the ^crament, and \^hat we are to > S. XX. xou have told Jtiio what the preparation must b^ Will you no* teH m e^ hat?! mwt do afc^ , the 8acraniei|t I • P. tn general, you mupt irenew your covenant with Qpd in Cbria^, 4ind receive renewed mei^iea ^in mm^ , ' " ;.■,, ^'■v^V;4■;■'■■Hy "♦;!;. vyi^H'^ And for this end, you must endeavouv to obtaiu aUtely flenfi^ of your ain and misery, of your need 6fChn»t>,M ^l«l;M<^> and Spirit; md learn to loathe your^lf inore alid more, and get a higher eatem iin.aW .||ia grace; You muat have a thattlLJful . of the blessed in hesven, to inflame your love, and heavenly desire* and joys: 8. Th6 suiBoienoy of Christ, in all cases; to exercise yonr communion with him by faith. 4. the operations of the Spirit ; that you may know how to receive and improve them. ^. The. nature of ali duties, that you may know how to do them. 6. The evil and nature of every sin, and the ways of all temptation ; that you may know how to avoid or overcome th*m. 7. The nature of all mercies, that you may thankf ally im- prove them. 8 th6 use 6f affli4> < -; 'v ' •.-. 170 ^mflUfRUi QVUm to JtOktM, :7' .>-. ^ lll»^f-#o wtttWhiitUii that you mwtowiie -in yo«r |ifwrt» wad in what ofder : an4 then you yrih' bavt^a babit of prayer in you, wbea you have ijot • babit of tbo89 A^ixe^ ?or ae»M« > ^^ ^f, ^^ pxaye^(.-« iJou^ 7<«t :^ftt-i^ifm}.^ ■:'^v*-^:i\ ^m'-^m::h::k, - 11. Wben you have got this impreesion of bol;. desiTeapnyppriheartyyou are tben a cbriatiaB^iii deed i H ^W M^pmaing or woidiag of tbem be ,«is^ .c<^rdiiig io:jQq«DMioD0. J'or particukr o«caaio«a ni^y ciUl yon oft to mention aomepartioulacainii, wants, or n^efciiw, wi^nt^llien mentioning Uie reat ; so did the appet)i».^t--Aoifll 24, iv. 31, vi, 6, yiil Ifi, ix. 46, xxviii. 8— 9r^ P«Ptio» tb^ipB more lairgelj than -tbe.fBst; fiathere in wvm'nuAm:mi'ii'^i^b'-i^ ki,:t --^ . HI. TWnk not tb«ityo*lifty«P»«y«d. ''^Wfyo*' tongu^: betliigpne witbont your b^rt^Bsa. cxlM- 2, xiii. 4li|i.,«;, l4in.ii. 19 j Mati xv. a Tbeieiore get ih9 dwMi; sense of ycmr sios, wanta,^ and ijier- ofea, aiMk vJi^ow more with your hearts th«i w4Ur ypur tongues*, And out of the abundanoe and twMure^ of ai^iliKiJMni^nt beMrt, tbetoBgne will be able so tospea)f^ieiMl9tO<|d will accept it. vj u^^ IV. Oo lii^ipM o^; In the name^if , CbrisI, m \fa%- nptm bia «Wlits and interw8si«i-^l John ii IJT' John xiv. 18, 14 j xv. 16 ^ xvi, 23, 24, 26 j 1 Tim. ii. 5 ; Heb. m 25} Bom- Tiii 84; 2 Tim. iv. 16. Put all^«i|x pi«yem as voMi bia bands, i(»4>ffet them to God y .fmc^#3!p)et every meii^ &om Qod as \q b|^ bandfi. if w aince sixi defilbd «Mh nian .ean b««e so bap)^ coinmtpi((m witb^^X^ inr is a maniA,iNi will henpeak. l%e ie«k. Pride ' imiketh men of a talkative diapetrilioif. -^ -^^mfm-. > '^ ^ 3. Tet if 8u<^h be #Ueut m ean tiBaob yoiil, ttUt them lutioil d^evs ; iad to lUliset the heaiiBrs ' attd bl4ng th^m tfiUbmiiitB on <^at ^ ity, when itisyoaf Itttto b^as tL taai^erto otiiei£ \^ ^ - 6. Airipid two pernicious deirtrpyaia of good^ is- f ':k': V /». /'» Vi. m ri*'^ TEtm omoi TO nuvnr^ dbitnt: IC'dMOtiiig iiUlto thingi, though good, to talk of. Jbi loni^ sttall cofitroveny, word, or toxt less peiiiii6tit tomoB'i pr«tentiief{eMUM»— ^Tikiii. 9. 2. An ignorant nuikilfiil mpmiat of talking of weighty matters. Abundance of good people braed Bcom and' eootimpt in Ihe wiiar sort of heanra by their impnidetit n)«iiner of speech. .■i**iu 7. Be<»ilSe the ignorant and uiilaararidoaimoi well avoid thia, wh^n thay talk with those thit ara^nora wise and leatiied than themselves, I advias then to gay little^ to *uoh, nnless to name aome plain tooLt of icriptme^hfioh may convinoe them, and inatiad; of the reat^ IJ^ get them to read aome fit booka., 91, And to^ get them to discourse with some miiiiiteraor others that caa answer them well and silence ail \ their cavils. ^ ■,-.'<>: a^i^i ^ui-'l:: ._ , 8. 1 have bnt .and deliyeraqces. ; ,.;^ r.:.-/ ^Y'-'- '' ■■ ■.■.■;'.- 2. ThV manner oif humiliation is, by due fasting, and confession, and prayer to humble the spnl peni- tently for ain, and beg the inercpMrhich we want-*- Estfi: iv. |6 ; Joel i. 14-16 ; Ezra viii. 2123. And the mamii^r of thanliBgiving, to rejoice soberly and ' — ■ — ■ — — — — [•, ■ ~ — • -g- ■ — •--a . — - — '■■' -' — ■' " ■ '■ — ; ■ ■ • 1 '** 7f/- ,:m::t- Q0tDi TO aiAfm. _ ' ' ik •piritaaUy, MFmodente featting when thil Is m- ttnient, and give Ghxl thanks for hia mercy, and baa iha graoe to improre it, and renew oor derotion and Teaolattona of obedience— Eith. ix. If, 18 ; Vatu : I 1 ' « . ■T ■ *•- .. ,1 >"if|f ^ »« iff' ' '>■• * > ) 1 '^ * A \ 11 - '!fW tit f t.M f < l> . ,V VI / M . "•( :p[£ l^QHXH COKEEREI^CE. » . I' '>i-a iif' : I ( > • K, ' 1 ' I < « m* i it 'S '. 5 ili'w .UJ "t'"*. Idri^lKM itiriir'cioiifovTABEJi ihUtvl 'Baol. gif , I litve Ijewk dnce I itw ymi with diveit of my iidghbonrt at tlirft dMtli : ttid J te^ tlmt #«iilm«« tiid w*a tt' body, tiid the tfirw* of dStb^aiid tiio gtir ^riHwdt tnd J^hyiteiiiit, •*• •Q^h gra^ tto|>ediiii«iitt to men's piepamtioii tbra, thai I 6Wfnestly i^twftt yon to help me to meke mdy^ wbtle 1 itt to berf«h. For I *m loth to letlrt di ebange is snre, and* Tery near ; and no m^n Inowc^ hoir near^ or #ben. And oh how great a change wift it be 1 l^e bod^ which mnst now be hono||ir^, and pleased, and prefortcd, mnft then become' a loath* aome 9orii»<» ; the pleasant cups, the delicious fo6d» the adorned rooms, the gay attire, the soft beds, tbt delightfal gardena, waUta, and fields, the honottr and tmeedency, power and command, axe all at an II \ ■ 1^*1^^,?. HAM'i noa ouwB to muTnr. in fm-h tnd, and tariMd Into iltrk Mid ittml gfifo* Uk% Tti* HooM andrUndf, wealth and honor, gioat^oM *and Tain glory, aporta and worldly t>l«aauiNM, aia wfoUy at an and, and will follow tbamno^fiirther. bat ha to tham aa if tbay had n«rft baai^ And tha aonl moat appaar in another aociety, among the auinta that have nniahed their coniaa on earth, and an gone hiiSaare to reoei?e their doom. Thaia it mnat lit what before wa heard of ; either tha |ialtt|h iniipiy of nndona aonla, which have Oaat away all their hopea fop iivar, and the wicked davila whiah daoalvad tham; or the perfected apirita of the Joati J^^ glprbna ang^. our gloriM Bedaemer, and tW m0t glorfova CM. tbaie they will aoon aea ttia ^mth of that irovd and that world which W^ do^btad of ; and dai^y feel what they poat tmat to fjQf fv^nnoia. 0>i w,hat a chanfa ia it to »nd4fnly pa^ lisom oor ioDApany. onir dw^miim, i^y^mnm <>^P*gW^ andftom all thia wortd, aaft # aee a»world lirii^ we naveraaw >»fora, wd to |nt«r pfeaantly' npon^e joya or aorrowa which, mnat Bj^vai^ navtr and or ohangal l/l^ a aanaalaaa tbNr J« m^i W^ n>an I tliat can either foiget auch a day and anah a ahange ia thia, or can think of it without awa!|canad ^ 'jilolilitfw/preaently and with their ntmoat 4^ Compare I If they balii|ve not Oo4^ word and tha • JM» to oome, why do thoy not oc^aad doM^ ^ %af with na, and hear wha^ wa can aav, Mil thay aia fmofrti upon the b^ inqniry^wh|l|ar it> ao in- deed or noti Bo thfy thinh that Wf cm l^va u»am bo hotter proof of it^thanwhatthaunmati^ia^brito . WioiW jml Or no bet^ than Jh* 4*^#^ l^tfuwinat it t Bnt if Oiay do bcill^T^ (M^^^ ;^ _ /'^rCQiidamning wretchea am tbey ! Whatthaliava anoii a changb aa aoia a]|4 n^iQ^ i„id ||^^^ «; ,4' r » ; 17« llAVli TBUB OUIOI TO HBAti*. H ! Beli«?» Ihik they miwt be in hatTen ot heU foj «▼« I •nd >«* Uf« •• if tW ««d not ^n«* «« tli#m il h^'f '''''^■''^^■' "^'•■'.'/'"- "'•■'' •^fcJ'^'-^'?''*VAf«««»j^ beet need to be told that Jihott mnet die I end need to be toM it^ every Aroerel I yea every dayi mid all too litlle ! Ae if th^ piece iHiich we meet iH 4id not tcU it ns, wh* IN treed on the dnet of eo many genetatione ! Onr^ dieeeaee end peine of body fore- warn OB : oar weirineie In our labouri tella ne that we have a bbdy that muat break at laet. Ottr gieiy ^re ten JIB, ie the golden leavee on tb«^«W^"« autttnm,thet our fUlle at hand. Our ehildter tell Ui. that othen are riihig np m our eteada, whtte we are gmnff off the eUge: Every bit that we eat and cun that wo drink doth -tell ue what bodiee we have, thii rehire thne to be daily eupported. Our ejreiy ni^ht'e eleep wani«th ue, to prejieie for th^ d*^, f fwii wWeh the leenrrBetimi oiily will twaken mfc *Wh#n we ploufl^ np and dig the eerth tor ««^ Modf end enst it in, where it mnet be eotrupt be fore 1» •pring up again, we do but fegreeent the ^W^: STur givXSd the buriel oFthia body till Urn t^kig day^ Eveiy time Aat the eun eetteth ^ night iQid riiHh again the next moniing, it wameth %4 •l|AM*t yi^B OUiOi TO Hl^VBf. in oiliow wkt UvM muili Ml and fiat Min : w^ ^ tai Mry £U1 tnd nirhig. Ever; \M tM tolMi or tibmkh for the dead it oar call to pieiwra to fol- low then. Etarj dook that atrikath, hath a voiaa to call aaaaaleM aUweia. Sea and hear, man or #oniMi, how thy tima paMeth awajF I HOW qdekly will thy laat hoar eom^ t Hil^ ^iv- ^ Lttka zil 40. Blati xxv. 10. Vaa fvaty hiaaAh that wa fetoh ooraelvee, and every atfoln tNt our pnlaa doth haalfc4 oth oali to aiBAen^ , Yoar dayaaia Higibaced 1 ybitt >et palee and your laat ^fealh is nmt^i hand. O what ahahdaaca of |«eaoh«ra have wo la tail na that wo muet die, aud yot man live aa if tlM^ did not beKaw it^of Jiffor W IN^^ tO'Pnpara t '■'•^'■^-;'>'^'^'it:\:d ■'-yHiti f-l^fi **^ 'vi- i-'.v.- ";';::;•. hi. fiSt^mire, eir^ it ia • thing that man ioioW ^UMlthi^they need not be t6|d that Idiey mnit die, bat onl^ to be tanght boMwr how to PYOpm for lt»f«y' Y3i"^^- !" ■ \v"'^'V "yr^i' ■ .'» • , ll t&iir Hvee hefore thtt it %duld oome t and ySt they liJe merrily and oaielfliely till it^| jurt api>n them l/Mtii then when the phytici^ tell* them ' no hope, wh»t heftrt^mking tenor ue etimW in. at if thev hfd never known that it dii till now! Surely there ie a way to teriihl^ iM>d why ia not thia way the the m to m d in QWt ithl met 1 eir othl[ng e il :i'{4 a :#*« ith thteoipa zxiii. 1 ley c w«ij Liiu'^~N«*^hal''nia&ei healttiy, and their dying thonghta 1 ^„ Joth reliah with them hnt the world • ^eahi iind then they ory ont, Th? wor)|d ia bw 1 nothing ia so unweloome to them; motioniof a holy life ; hut then thay aiy <* O that I might die the death of d my laet end^might be aa J^iff" , If ow praying weaneth them 5 hut )t mercy, meroy, and leain to pray ^nd withont a teacher! Ko^ t^iey imi that telieih them of their aina ; t>ut cry out ai Judaa, "I hava- ^kmad.** it not haatopped nor tronhied in their n they tn>a>ia themaelyea' more, JMid ^ tjhad the tipia again whic^ Im^ " W/Pii^ try me onca m|n I I WiW^jd would lead a newlif^ I I Wi^ld kva done ! Then they can hfi aenoqa iheb change, and the dreiid of it id that they cctold make anra of iow\iih^ *««aid it aa HtUa al|i)0«^,#« nchX concern them, whi^e. thay ^^a «nd warning to make anre. ,, ,,,,t ly ia it that thdr teaeham naVar hear ■* 'jSf, ,. c MAlf'l fBQB.OVIBI tO HIATIH. 1T» id iy« them onM Miioiialy fnqnito, How slionld I main ifi^y I tad how diaU I know wh«rt I mutt dwul Ibr ttMl If we oMi iffoid ihain no helf^ heivin at ili why do Aey dadra nt to eom^l tbem on tbdr - ^tli-lMd 1 If wo etn why do Wo not bear thia aoontt iktteitbaint Do yon nndaialattd Cbriat'a parable of kbantdoatatewaid, Lnke x?l 4, 5. Hk wit ia ooai^ mended, that wben be waa to be tamed away be •Mmaly ttetbongbt binJi wbitber to tto next, and ided bimaelf of anotber habitation. Katnte i»bt bim to make aome ptoYiaion for bia change. jDdtWe cannot get men that know peat donbttbat ah^ly they miiat leaye thia world forerer, to bo- th^ ibem carefnlly whither they mnat go next; anoliow their poor aoola ii)a| find a comfortable enteitadnment with Gfod r ^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^It f priy yoil iianie aome of the beneftta that Wdtttd come t& men by the aeriona wamins^ and thongbta of death ; otherwiae we aball think that it it t^t tionbliiig na before the time with the fean of thi^ which cannot be prevented, aiidjw to i|wa^ iqgof ottrtohowi. . \, 7>; 6 Woiidt I tell yon, death ia a powerfW pltehar; it teaeheih many men that to the quidc which we ba?^ pteached twenty yeart in vain, we ni^^h them atlee|> ; bnt the aentence of death doth aihiken them to pttrpote. I will begpn with mytelf t^'lhastttof my profettion. ' / i. tba aeriont tbonghtt of death ^Sltoaob minia^ tw* hbw to preach, and the people 1iow to bear. Whb la Ij dnU ^at if he thought that thia were the laat dky that le abdnjd preach and live, wonld not iMpbr&tiate^fbeg of bia hearert to recelte the goe- pel, and repent of ain, and tarn to God, and tave th«r aobla f /k t iV 1^ end oar mer^, yet Ihet we have tongiwe to epfeft^ aad yoa have eaie to/liear. Bot we prsaoh aai yoif hear as men in s beat, whieh ie all the while ewiMy oanied down theetKam^ and will 4»eqaicklyte His if «lsmity ; no wondir if Panl adjiited thy «o noet ooneUntaadimpovkanaU pfaaehing^l Tim. IT. 1» a. And if Chtist ao often ealled ooi to einneiB, fie that hakh an ear to hear kt hte hear. All that we have to tsy mnet be qtiiolily laid ; and all that yoa will learn miwt be quiekly leami; even now or never. O how many a hondred timaifliave I risen off my knt oe with shame and oonsftemation, * to thinkthat a dying man in so great neceaeity ooidd inny BO harder at the door of eternity 1 and liew manya time have I comedown f^m the polpit^l^ shame and^tf tci th^k that I oould speak with no more alfisetion to men that are BO near another wori4 ! that my heart did' not melt over sonssmbleshniets, and that I did not with tears and imtiortdnitar en- tnat them J thall eoold so eastty and qoistly go away without s grant of that whieh I oame fos, ^hen I know not that^ver I should speak to them morel methinlm death should niake us all bettor pissshsfs, SUd you better hesieiS, wiere it w^dl foi^- I iistiflrfdupFstsu iimt s B ss dil y m mnst^ BsLi, rtirisdupPsHlto ^TiiM* thii^ that ^le tone ol his dspaiioia Irssist Tim* iv. L 2* «. It movsd^ his hMoeis when them that malisd miliitssa: xy. 38. Jl mah*! teui ouidb to murn. m M. Whai oIliOT bimtt doHi ibMiMa dwih brinfrt „P. il. U tMohaih us the wi^rt etUmato of all the irMUh Md hoAoiir iud grMliiMi of thia world* F(ur tlaOiowtih them aU to at in thtir Anil •««^^ whel thoy will prove to HI in oar gnetMit need. If dl the eongregation #eie ■me that they were to die to^moRow, or the next week or month, how eaeibr oonl^ we pteaoh them into a contempt of the worMl - tlieiMh it ohaaged not their lore to ii (fi>r they wmM i^«keep it if thpy oonld,) it wonW jnAe iSuim eonftsi that all ia vanity. Then what ia sichea wKOth t what aie landa and aamptnons houaee wortht what are honooie and plaoea of oommand worthl now ate theae, think yon, better than a Chriit 1 or IWfthy the poiehaaing witi^ lo- ot beavenj «e«ld not aiauiance of 8al«»n now be better 1 mppoae the tn««Qher that oometh to comfort a dying Man aheold oome to him only with worldly oomlorU; anfipoe^ he aaya, Sir, be of good comfort, you have Ml many a many mip j many a anmptoona feaat ; many a gdlant entertainment; yon have lived in honour and wealth and eaaet would he not aay, hit it ia all peat and gone, and I mnai never iMire ^oyi it 1 if the pieaoher dball pay. You have fi^ %iiiiiai and* gx^ eatate to eomlort you; will be not Mff,0 that ii my Borrow, for I muat leave yntff^i fbr ever. The ohurohryaid ia that market- fliai i^herb the thinga of this world are duly rated. If th«y will purchfae J w * pardon ficom 8. Whmt other benefit can you get by the thdiight* win tell yott whether it be ■eemly for him to look- bi^, and boeat, and domineer to-day, who nttai ihortly be buried in the society of bonec and dttHiik dark^eee. can that man be prond who ie goiag to answer for all his sins, before the Qod thai htt«slh pride, and must leare his beloTed body in the earlhf swelling with haughtiness toendour Uttii^ •€> preefous timet how basely art thoii esteetiied by idle, voluptuous men I Kow they can plky it.away, and; pr«te it sway; and idle it away in a hundnd vanitiM, as if Qod had made their lives too 1(^, -and they knew not wW to do with it ; but when they hear. s::^ *^_i' • i 'M^^¥^ '#: MAN'f TROl OUIDI TO ABATUI. m Y' III. Put your sonK with aU their fiaa a«d daa^r geiijlaid all their interest, into the band df Jfmigt «Christyonr Savioar; and tnist them wboUiy wiUte him by a resoWed faith. It is ha that hatb pmqliaMJp ;them, and therefore IoyoUi them ; it ia Wthat ia :ihe Owner of them Vy the ri^t of redamptioa.. ]|i is now became his own iniei^ v^vi^ for tV i«eoeii» and bononr of his ledemptioiH to save thiii» . Be not too thbnght!^ about thinga unknown to yoOi bat implicitly trast Gbiist i^ all tfaesa things ^ tememberlng that be know^tb %faat yon Jkiiow not;; gnd aa be poeeeseeth heaven for yon, till ha bring It* > *« *!vi Hui'ijioi aouui TO Biffin. hM-: 180 rjv jTou UrpcMMii il; to he knoweth all ihe^e ibingt ttOfiTMM, for yon, till k« bring yoa to mo and kaow Umqi. If TOW tmMt fkiUirol IViend w«r« in Um. IiUiat, ttid lavitea you th'icber igth the pro- .vrfMt of lb* gttaliet wealth iiitl pleatum. you fPouU ttmi him, though you eet it not yourtelvea; ■or hnow the jpaiiioulare dittiiiotly. It is a gfvat comfort to ua, that we hare a Head and Saviour' in hiai^reiii and that heaven and earth are in hia powiar. Re thai MTid you 4^m sin and Satan'e powari will eava vou from helfe, and Satan*i tor- mattta» Aeti xxvi. 18. Rom. viiL 94— Stf. If angala rejoiee at our oonrenion, Christ and angela will Joyfolly leeeive tiotorioos eoula into the heaven- ly, aoeiety, and welcome them to heaTen with dear- ei^ lovei Read dftan, and maditata on hia apeoial pfomfaes; ** If any man serve ma, lat him foQoir ma j and where I am there i^iaU also my servant be,*' Johtt xii M. And he is at the right hand of the mijetly on high, H^b. 1. 9. ** It^l go to prepare a plaaa Mt you, I will 6oma again and receive you to myaalf, that where I am, there ye miy be also/' Joha ziv. S, 3. " Father. I wffl, thst ihay alao whoii liMa haal M with me Vliare I am, thitHtey iM Muild my glory, whi^h thou >»t gi^iii m" Sm i# S4. ** fat wa know that if odr^itttlhly hottse ^ this tabeiii^a vrara dissolved, wa hMi • buildnlg^ Cbd, a hduse not ma^e with halldstJtMid in ihe heitvm». tot in this we gioan eaiawlh dtefring to be olothad upon irith our hoila^wiiM li fifom hoatan,~-ihait ip9>rtal^y may batj«filikll^i»ed up of llfb.^W6 are confident tnd wflllil^ father 4o tba ibaent f rom iha body, ai^d . to ha tfMieiil irHh tha Iind," 3 Cor. t. 1--8. "Toda- paH^ iid to ba with Christy ia fta better," Phil i. ■—' V '^ .# v ■JW^ r'smms^mm ^ft- 186 maw's TBUl GtJIOT TO VMLYMK. S; ♦if 13^ ^i* dny Shalt thou U *rith tne m SSSe perfect/' H.b. ««. !?: "^^^^^S^*^ wSWbe^tk the Lord ;^lb^^ JS'^S^^m ^Met with tHeae Wor^a/lThteju It. 17^^^^^^^ Wve a kingddni that caonot be iribTed," HeU »it. J^^S^ReS^ end of your ftith^ii aa^atjou iM d«U go ont no moiei Key. UlJ-S. ^^^ Bat above all, those word* <>/.<^™*^^"'ii woold ll.». Written over my sick bed, onf,^ «? hart. " <*» to my ^»th«n, »»«1^0?'»^|!?;; neettd unto toy^ftor Md your T«hW,,, f«d W «| Ood and Tonr €k)d, John tx. 1 1. _ r ^ ^ ^iSly 4.n*nd^etly ^^M^ ?r*T.thof A .ndltdH^ ito«e»^^J«^^ the I*mb of CMthrt tAeth *w»ya«ri^^^fth» ^SrtM. to whom to Fethwii wenplejMdtft^hr SSnW onoe oBtetog of Mm«eiriK«lict«d«>r «^ Ste art «e «nc«led. That he *«««»? "°^ rwlio knew no8in..hat we migM be^^ riBMeodrte* M God to htaiv He fa^m«J|^ 0^ hi. driy bwtton Son, that whwoever belfa^th to Xl?^"^ ■*=' J -^3T'^ . UAJ^9 TBUB aVWB 10 BMLjiOK, W M" i tnein I t i.>, ,;:■ -.■ ■ 6ia^-';..'f >ti ttiy 1 teUii I 1 Mm M K)iil t6> 1 tljioii 1 ^;m 1 i«bii& 1 mm 1 thifltr 1 br ieNrir 1 >8itk'l^ 1 Id^^^ii 1 df 6^ 1 Mirittd 1 A^tjkjile ksfiiid .- 1 &|i» L l^jljite mSkhi him ultqM not jMriili, bat hftve evi^Mtiiig lift^" Jolm liL ICk " Having thomfoie bold|ieM is •ntw ^ jOi* koUert by t^9 blood of J«tov by a i^m^ M^i^g way wbioh be batb conMcntet) for at, tbroiigb •1^ T«0>,%^ » taiay bis flMh ; and baying iMnbl^ IpM OTeHi^ boms of Qod ; 1ft undraw near^f^b ^^|roe beart, hi full aisamnoa of fjutb/* Heb. X 19 /TTT^ia. '' Ooa, wUling mora abiindantly to abow lO^tq.tbe bein of piomiae tbe impiatabijiity (if bia jiKivnaB], interpoied bimaelf by an oatb ; tbat bj tin> iin^i]|^ble^^^^t^^ wbieb it was imnoajiible ibr God to'lie,,we mi^t bava a j|trong co|^K>]ati|n»,wbo baYiaJ^f^r refuge, to lay bold np^ 'titif b<>^ ."^^ b^oJDD us i^ wbittb bo^ we baye as an aniihor of,4be (k)i9l, botb sure and stodtMtyiuid wbicb ^taretb;^^^ Ib^tiRlMn^ the ^mrui^nervl/i jbr for us entered/ even Jesuit made an bigb{Neiest for ev^r," Hob. vi.17^^0." Seeing then t^t we baiye a 0M«t bigh pnest wbicb cannot be touobed by a f^iiding of our in^mities ; but was in all joiftts iimv^ ^^ as we are, withqUt sin. , Let i}a|bi|»^ lom^oOmo bojidly ui^to tbe Uiione of gsao^ ^^i|t ^ire niay o^ain VMrpy, and find graoe to belp in that of neei^ »eb.i?, I4tf^l7. ,>^ 4oi^, irbi^r^ is^% stingfiO grave ii^iere is tl^;^to^l Tbf |^ def#i.ii9 siii; and tbe 6t«^]^ otsin is ib« ^^^ |^%«*sbe to ^, =;wJiOgi| the tiotoiy> 4^ jLoid Vmh Ghsmf** 1 Cof * XV* ^^hmf' atb destioyjsd >im^^M^^^^^^^ is, tbft devil ; an4 deUv^th tbeia ,#|k> ij^V^.dej^l^ w^reaUji^ life^tinie sutsfot iQldly your soul mto the handolsii^a €^)g[(|o|Qrf 1^^^ not^your mjind wi^ unb«MiS> irilV no* ooatoim 1»» ^^jj^ '^.SS' JX.^ 14, 161 ^Brh^T.*^^ fll^^^^yonmtt «tKdy to God. «a*J»* ■:8l tl iii •r<^^w"' ~s^ MAM'S tBVI OmOM tO* WUtWK. foiir MUDiaotft maf beat yoa witaMi il deilh, IImI ' iBpMtbataiidilig jotv inibmiiiei^ I the fcrjr hkitiiiMi JvJwIiiQh yott'ltfwl in ih^ wtMf was to Mcre joiir . dUidtfid lo^ good, mkI Ml to iMunjper tlio Mb, iBttft tofiow > rich; ndr to grt kto hbnoiir mA ksftum «i(i*XlM>ti||^ ottr 1^ worin Ijive 'nbthiiig nbtd God, dfiommmmwi on jtag^' merit onli^hliig (d him, ytt J9i4 wllo^itl^ bkdfiieii^iMid^thoi** iHiB^dl thorn thol dil^UjpV^odc hitt^HobwsL 6. iAiid aothtiig can itaaomfbl^ tnakia « djr&ig )h^ own sloidBritif ill hk^^tfo^TttMii^ tad of li^iiMie loJMntaiiee and'aiiDotUta^ jLad^ no^ nam fliftlwiiSl jttdRo hialiilthidr io|^6aLc6tto Ibo *iao«ia» lidio Ureth Bk)« ai ahfloia^ fomthb^jwL mdll abhor alltbbiightaof aiCriMag a«k;thiag:toxoiir oatt Mth P *it ^ knew well how mooh e U^ of tg^ i^^eignitt^ devotednew, end lerrioeahiai^MB to ^, doth^^d to ft ^niet and "eomf^rteUe deeih ! We iihoi# Uve -otherwiM than miaetdo. . / - ^ 't >. 7. Take heed of qoenehtng the Snir^ ^mm fie if Our life. ftomGhriitoBif fiead. ^Vfhjtf j|W g(^ we do in heeU^ or aiekneM, it mnet he % h^ graoiona operation: yon i^iiy tfciink o^ Ch?fiat>^^^^«^ read oyer the prondaee, and think of the joy#« heaven, and all will hftve WM powc^ nponf 0% if the Spirit help you not You wiU hat ^i^jnd come off with dijoouii^emwit, and aiy, I oannotjet I jprniaoffo wi^ W my ewmiina#n, leannot^h^et^^ J cannot^reach to 4ny.|»werfW ^n?w*Mf^^ tJod, or Ji<»fvett; I opnnot ohow W^w wid douht» even w^th the moft evident a^gpvtenta hwore nqr eyee. Th«E» ie no effiMtofl H^^ln a^if kliaw- Ud^ no hcily,]oT^.imd delight in 0odr 9<» JlMp^ life in )uiy of our thoughte, hut whut ia wmmJ^Y the iUomina^, #aiio%pg^ qoMkeniBg (Bpirj^, O therefore tenderly i^lnii^ and. wmxf ^in he^r^ guiet, IP ever yjrttt^^ I for it mnat he the joy of die nd:fQ\mkn 8. .Wh^t la tho eW«»mg,;«nd whi^ i^ qjm^' ing^pf j^'8pirit;l . • . ir> •':''*" Ji-\ "^,' ^v*. 'p^i^r^v E It is a g9«at truth not woffiiotentlyjij^pid^Eed hyaiewiaeraartolehriatiana.thatGodinhia.floqne ^:.f"7:■«^i• HAM'f tBXm QVUm TO HIAT19. m c of Q^^miililiii oi^w tbe MtiK even of ilie jtuittted, ^^ «|i«iNrii6 gi«i Ivwatdt and great ponishmdiits W^ AiiA tbise ftr» inaucli moie upon tne tonl wfth- id Uiim^u|N>ii the body without ; eveii the giving of idM of the <>i>«Nitioi^ of hi» Spirit, in hie great te- IHbdlllid «)i> keep tw oidy an mma^hinB^i^ gtdw altttngttP to (M and the ]il^^it>^lliii|^ snd^ )^ and miare wcoiai^^ doty to bo no dtity^ and ain il^aai^Wtfc paid ilerfihf fet«*"»*- ^^7 l6fWIi#tt'^ of fiihhi: ihar but liri^ tplliti^ndlNlrflhiha e(^^ if^il»y to recover it I What rouat I do! 'f •wManpWi *• \ IH lujrt i*rt mnti tfli H1M1* ^^ IP. ttii ilHl**rt WtMtoUy with Jt'"^^^^ «Q rinfbl tot or »«»«<>» *^/lKSS«^ iilMdlT: «p««Wly you «»<»'«•':*' *!?^'*2 Toa nrMt 1* m«d» to^»«? **«»!^2S2^ i»«w/orUTely •!«»'?> •'^«fJ»L*^rTd ST^thrt God wwJd rtrtrt. ttat *•«« ''^ the Spirit : wm vj Tm^f^j u SwiL im *til to TOO. And «>*n in hwlth «# «***• >on *»" W« you *»t hm«ii»y «».^^l»Tl2^St «ir hMrt to XSod. Mid fliit »i*«*5,«»?UWS '?^ Itet how AdJ I w«* *^^ ^,J^'^.;^. SfaMtt or #l»eth*r I l)«*e Bioie^otli* «*Si^»;, A^ ^ 9y th^M^W Odd, tod hotaj».,_^^ Zin.nri^iW^^^'M •X: :^:H V , ' «^1J*pjp»* ■WT-^^-^fiR. •^^,-'t«m^#^'i«^^5% '»\™H^»^fM * I KAN'B TRVI OniOl to BSAtlV. 19S iL 10 — and more desired by you thau the riohet^ honours and fleshly pleasures of thjs world. And when you long for the holiness of^the world, and ihe prosperity of the church, and the^good of*th» iouls and bodies of all men ; and pray most heartily for the hallowing of Oo^V name and the coming of His kingdom, and the doing of His fill on ^rth aa it is in heaTcn ; and when doing all the good yon oin in the world is your daily trade and pleasur^ This is the sure evidence of the Ioto of Qod and of His Spirit . a I have heard far different signs of it from some, as if it lay in impulses, raptures and revelar tion M more than is in the scripture ; and I haV» heard others mQck at all mention of the Spirit, as if there were no such thing. . . J>. Between these two malefactors the Church of Christ, in all ages, hath been crucified. But do you bless God who hath giv^ you that in possession and experience which others which havo it not can hardly know, I John v. 10, 11 jHomf ill 1, 9, 13. And-yet it ^ere easy for thep, were they consider- ate, to discern that the foresaid love of Qod and man is the true eaccellence of human nature, and tha^ ■ome have it as I described it, though not in per- leotion ; and that no men are brought to it, but bv ihe gospel and God's special blessing on it i; whidb is by the operation of His Spirit. In. The sixth direction to prepare f<»r death is, that you make it your chief care, to dwell cohtinn* ally in the sense of God's love; and be daily fof^yed in. studying the greatness of it, in the natore of God and ti^ merdes of the gospel, and in all your own particular experienoes ; and that praii« and thanksgiving be your daily work. -,f^ ;.|jw^_ ■, '^^ ,*rt TWm .TO), to IBAW". of God'. love_ «<>"»^^^Xto yo«, 2 ISni. i 7 ; Bememba that H» ^« r^a,, j^jn, jnd 5S^ of di a., wortd -Id ,0^ »»y «^ ^ ^ . He U clW lo'S.'Jf i^Go5> Wiere that lot. ,od tbat d««» Pl^^^i^fi^to good»e«. will itadf doth lev? him, ?"* rj^, ° ,„^ ,„ U pl««ed 'i* >JfJ°;f^l in Hi. whote woA I The Son of God '"rSa'a «£■ to teve.1 to „f ^emption. i. »J''^:^''rt8j^i„g rf Chrirt aan the l»'\°*^i^t the wi with JMnne ^oth « aptly tend to »?i"^J^ v«,,aoen<» of the tre «d l-«ll»«S t^nttoC^e-^ ^ Siii).Eph.iil. l'-~'r ' f .11 tViB sieat toewsie. of rt The rememWgjf Jtt A«^ ^^ pj^^ \ «,M live., to yont Bonta ^ ^^ oonyinoe yon that He that ha*^^« "^^ And you may *wrt that Go4 of lore ••^~J'Uj^ ,„^ . s i,«is»i s »i-^ 6. And if y« »^S^r«nrem5<»y y"" alHi»lowtoyon,«na^ ^ ^ ?; *;■ "^.'^ : ,^!p!^ja!^^ , i^;^f^ -Si^p^s^ |sr ^^^r;pEi«?^^?^' # ■ HIav'b mob ouidb to RBATISI.' 195 nets mKji, if ao^ fiill of ddight, Psa. ozIt. ; oiz. SO ; ^ fi^BLdS, \6 y IziiL 3*-^ ; zxztv. 1 ^ ; exlnii ; i /To live in th« aenae of Gknl't lovo ; and so in the iiSNDoiM of love to Ood^ by praiies mod holy d«nr«% •tid good wotka, is the very flnt-fniita end foreleete 'id heem op eerth ; end ie e fhiit of beUeving more ^^zoeUmt then belief itself ; end oomforteih the soul - •ttdd'rewBth it to Gkxl by the most powerful way, •▼en by escperiuiental teste of His love end goodneee. Jjad he will more eeeily belive that there is e heeven to him, who hath the beginning and foretaste of it > . .YIL And a great part of yonr pic^timtion lieth I& ty% Ihat you daily live as in heiven while yon aie on earth, by faith, hope, and lov«i^ ezeroised in iMftrenly contempletion. ? i|f you live as a stranger to hcifiven in health, you will be strange^ it, most likeljr, in sickness ; end tlii isoid will rather have terror than pleesuie in thinkiB^ (tf going to a strange pboe, a strange God, etrange company, and strange employmeni There- £oire Ghriirt calleth iis to lay up our treasure in hea- TOiy Hfttt. vi. 20. that is, to make i1^ the work of fimt lives so to use all our present time, and meaos^ jtnil msnies, as may beet make sure of the heavenly wwaid. And where our treasure is, our hearts wiU i ■:ib0, |iettj|L 21. If you believe that you^ve a tu giotfter hqpness reaentfljor yon with God than ihia world alfordeth, nature will teaoh you to deriie ' a^our own happiness. And we are commanded, as peingtisen with Christ, to seek thothingi that are^ #bove, where Christ attotlij' on the ri£^ hand-of 0od# > To aefc our mind or affection on things above and not on things on the earth : because *' we are .m 1 ■i''mvm0' x \. • / J'.: 196 MAM'S TBUl aUIDI TO mUYIV. -y ♦ • dttd^toAe world, •*tiid our life," thi^ !•, our f«lioitj, "iB hid," or out of sight, " jrilh Ohiirt in God," in the sight and fniitioii of God in hMTMk And "when Christ, who is our life, shall ftppstf, in his gkwy to the sight of men, "thtn shall m also appear with him in glory," CoL iii. 1--4, o«f hsppinMrwill he Tinhle to all. And PhiL iii 20, itii said, **Our oonTeraation," or oitiaenship, i« ia heaven.*' !v' '•* Bemeniher dtily that there is your Father, your SaTioor, your Comforter, your home, your bappinese, your glory, your flriends, your intetest and you* gfeatest business. You aie already heirs, and imuk quickly be possessors. Bom. viii. 15> 17, 18/ "Yon are come to Mount Sion, and to the city of the liTuig God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an enumerable oompany," or ten thousands " of angels, to the gen- eral assemWy and church of the fiist-bom, which an eniolled in hearen, and to God the Judge of alL and to the spirHv of just men made perfect, and to Jesos the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the Wood of-^Skling, which spealwth better things thw Abrfs," Heb. xii 23--2Mk^1.^ v^r^t ..^'v<.n^^^;^^::^^ Therefore let me advise and enkeat yon thityoii do all that you do in the world with heaven still m your eye. Hear and read and pray ae if heiveii were open stiU before yoo. Besist temptotions,tiad# and follow your business in the world as if heavsn were stUl in sight; as a tiaveller holdeth on hv jonzney in lemembianee of the end. 'hv^r ' i > m> f . And spedally, use often to set yomscOf purpoedy it isasonable hours as you are abis, to medttale on .-Se heavenly glory. -' '-^''^.'^ ^'^-r. ■ ^ ^''■"■■"' Set often before your *^«itito certainty, ttiaiiiai'' neas, the greatness of that glory ; think how mMiy v/ B' tj-l-<;!H^ .5, MAll^S TBim OUIDB TO BBATni. ttr niUioM of bol J touli ftra there in jey, wliile we ut Imn ia lt«l»Hmd o«fee ; think of the ezoeUent Mh t«iile of God, who heTO peeaed thither through # %Offld of triele, end wece Utely oompeased with eith teftnidtiea ii ooie, end p ene d through deeth ■■ wt arnet do. Bmnember that we go not an antiMdeii mlh| but aie followefa of aU the rpirita of thai ji»l«/ fe^dak liow nittoh bolter it ia with them than witit: how they are freed from all oar aina and anffev^; itipy donbta and feara. think what it ia for • patlMted holy aoul to aee th^ glorified Redeemer and all the holy eompeny of aainta and angela; yea, to Mlhe glory of God Him8elf,and to have the know*, ladge of all Hie glorioua works ; to feel Hia lo^a j^nred oot nnto ua, and to be rapt up in loving and pralaiag Him for ever, in the moat tranaoendant joy and pleaaure of the aoul. Think of your holy a^naintance that are gone before you, and tn^ quantly take, as it were, a walk in the atreeta of the aify of God^ suppose you saw their glory and heard iheir oonooidant' praises of their Creator, Bedeemer* and Simotifier. Let these kind of thoughts be ao voft^ and serioas, that they may be your daily work and pleaaure, and the conversatioa of yone Mlnda ^p^ God above. : ^. ?^^i4ad because your heart will be bade ward, drive it oa, and aft I told you about meditation, you muat aaato pteaeb, M it were, to yourself. Let heaven Iba youraubject; convince your heart with evidence, Qige it with heavenly motiyes, solaoe it with ihea>^t vndf e^mSoigU; and when it ia dull tnm» your 4hoijghlti> by petition to God, and beg hia helpik 8ometimee apeak to yourselves, ai6d*8ometimeB rcK 9ai«it)y Ip God: and thus keep a holy oommtt^ii. and flwnilittr ity abo v e; and this will make heay eBr desirable to yon at a dying hour. ^ "^ lit; lyji^i fBOB fDiiNi to BUflnv. •A > *'l* Vni. The next diwction to preptie 6^ ^--™^ . thil you mortify the fleeh in Ume of mRB; •«;" . Mi iftl^' nothing in thii world b« loo dMIf iUA*^ nle^ff to yon : and let not tense Mid ^sak^faMkm^ »^, ^ , . • pre ( - '/(•J'^ If yon W fti !cyt» wttiiiliy tHmg *>«^ V^ "^^ be the more ^nwilling to le»ve it. And if tho fl«^' be too dear to yon ite enffertngB i^ be^ th* im«i^ Krievone. awlwon wiU be the more loth to liy lilT ♦ rot in thellwth. And if yon nae to lite too mnch , by light and sense, yon will gipow so fkmil*fw^» things sensible, and so strange to things nnseen, thli^ yon will scareely be able to see any ftirther with tti< mind than yon can see with yonr eyes^ and soit^ anything will seem certain to yon or bateffcctaU'V^ w4 yoS which yon see not ^^ ^*« t^*»^»w^-»^ Bnt if yon get yonr affections loosened ftow tE#" worid, and mortify the fl«^i|aig»> •*5!f?T ^ derire^, B«. Tiii 18. i^Mm- ^fUM^ 2 Cor: it. 16. 18. v. 7. flPW, 6. adTWtoj indifferent to the things of sense ; and nse to ove^' nile yonr sense by faith, and Htc most npott nnsejtt thima ; there will be little ti entangle, and hinder ^^]iingn4i of yonr departing sonls. ^^ :/-'fP^i^: The last part is more easHy done : thsltt*^^ K»»yoni worldly estate and "affiiii* so; as tfm^ ■hmdd do that ia^ready to depart Maks ytthr irfll,^ that none may contend abont yonr estate wbioa^w^ an dead. If yon have wronged any, m4k* ™JJ| lestitntton. If yon are ftlfe\<~* T^, ?^, Jj^ qnickly reconcQed, and forgive them. ^ ''^^ ""^t^; 8^ Yon have told me how W ptepsi^ far deaj^ in health. I wcay you tell me next h6w to p^spast^ fiifthflr in sM*ness; ■^■:^}^r^^f:^ 4.^iiA' i^im^^ P. I mns t not here oVeirwhe l m jm in» mW i*L_ >-f»- •* * w MAii'i TBUB oxnom fo WBkrn^ toAm of direotioni, nor Mt yea upon loog and hud ImIw of Bttditpitions. Fot vmauj ^^va%t tbroao^ pgiiii Mid> matuMi, i» onmUe for mooh work.> Illl tilt iiBM of bMllh which ii Iho working timo. Y«l btMoae loniothing ii then to be done, eepeoUUy by Una th^ have longer ■iokneMts, whioh deetioy not th«irteMon, I thall briefly adviae anoh-r, . ..> Kfi h ,h Kialako not aickneaa and dnHh, aa if that %ita mon hann in it, than there ia ^ideed. Belie?* not fleah and aenae in thia, whioh eannot see into th4 love and Wmifim of Qod, which Ordereth it, Heb» xii. d— la. 1 Cor. xi. 31, 32. nor umto that quiai: Mi of righiaoQaneaa, whioh ia the and. Labour tharofoie to get the benefit of it, to find out your ain, •ad lepent of it, and abhor it,, and aee more effocta<' ally the yanity and yezation of the world ; and re* manber what a meroy it ia, that man ytko ia ao loth to die, (^onld end hip daya in anch pais and weak- neaa, aa malce him weary of himaelf, andl mike him the more willing to be diaaolyed. For Hiongh thia ■&ne, without luth and love, will dmw no man's heart to haayen, or aaye him ; yet anch a h«lp againai the ainftil loye of life and fear of death, ia no small merey. Qet but the benefit of aicknesa, aad ezperir ence will rteoadile you to to the proyidenoe of Qod» and prevent repining. 2. Beg of God, fot tlw iiaka of youY Badaainer, anch aeaiatanoe and opeiationa of li]a%iiil, aa your low and weak condition needeth» •nd M am auitable to a dying man, Pla. xlL 3. 8 Singi zz. 1*^1 1. laa. xxxmu He hath great h^ and grace for graat naceaaitiea. ^r , B* JUmaw your i^pentanoe and confeaaiona of i]% •ad wamii all about you to learn by your experiandoi^ snd to act their hopea and hearte on l^yen, and to nfOiait ibe work of all their liyea to prrparelor r \ ^ '"^'^^SII^PII^^''''^'''*^''^' aoo KAU'S TRUi OUIDl TO HBAVBK, cikih a chamee. <5 toll th^m what^deoeit Mid mi^ chMjovL have found in sm I What vanity ai^ ^«xatioii you have found in the worfd I What|toodn neea you have found in Gk)d and holineas I What 4»nifort you havB found in Chmti and his proroi««v and the hopei of endless glory 1 And what » »uj»* ible 4»8e you had now been in, if you had no bettwt 41 portion tiian this world, and nothing to pomfoil ywi but the pleasures of sin which now^ are all you*- shame and discomfiort Advise them tolive as thg would die, and teU them how little all the world doth signify to a dyingman ; call on them not tobe deceived by such baits, as aU dying men since Adamt have cotfftesed to be but vanity; ^sall on them^ to turn without delay, and not to pamper abody for tlrt worm®, but to set themselves presently with aU theiB hearts, to receive their Saviour, and to obey his %irit' and word, and to live to God, and to make Mch of their short uncertain time, and to raakoaurB of everlasting joys, whatevM become of the flesh and ;■■ *nd world. . : ' ^.._r ^: ■yl-.-'^^.^y^^^^^^^ 4. Renew your believing thou^bla of God s love ; and of all the mercies of your life, which he hath givenyou. Instead of sorrowing that they are at an wid, rejoice with thankfulness for what you have ha^ O think whata mercy it is to be boffi in a land and age of light ! To have had^aith^ teaching, and mwaasj Sd wamingfl, and deliverat^es wj^i^ you have hadl And to have had that, effectiial aslfetance of God a Spirit, which opened your eye?, and turned you from dittknees to light,ii^d fipom the power of Satan unto God ! That all your ^in^ are pardoned through Uhrie^ and that yon are wcon^fcU^ to Ck»d, and adopted through himj and«ealad by teejpi»t to *he heaw inheritanc e 1 triumph in tbat^ love which hath ^?»"lr^* MAH'8 TRVB dfrlOB TO HIATIV* 201 tiuw deliverod yoti, aud btought you aariMaryowr joiime]jr^8 end, and saved you from ea many trnnptu*. iioiia ixfSatan, and £rom the flesh, and thiadeceilliil. troild ! 2 Tiaflu iv. 7, 8. 2 Cot. if. lr-8. Think of Qodfa goodness and lave, aa exceeding the goodneaa «Bd lave of the best of oreatuies, infinitely move thap . tlM ran exceedeth a iMindle in light and heat Andi diaU a poor senrant of his who hath endeavooied^^in nneerity, though in ainfol weakness, to d<> hia wiU» ^ and hath a High Priest interceding for him in* heaven, ha alndd to go to mioh %God 1 What can «p^uxag» andi#aw up a soul, if infinite goodness cannot do it i If 0^ be «s loving as my deaiest friend ; if he be aagood and amiable as the sun is light and gloriona^ aatthe heavens are spacious, as the earth is firm, aa tiiesea is deep ; shall I not joyfully give up my soul uU^ hia hands 1 and confidently yield to his dis- poiall and fearlessly come #him at his call I O that we knew the goodness of God 1 What a full content and satisfaction would it be to us ! and turn our fears into fervent love, and earnest longings for hil ".. glory. !;A^,,,/-->i;3 <.*:':' ;,':;'-':'tv;'v: ■;''':^'" Vv^^;,/- •■^^v.■^■.■^■ f 6i Now steep your souls in the beKeving tboughta «^ prep«ietlint our plwe, and wit(i all hHrjply angW if deftirooi of our pre8enee,:and the heavenly ho«^ Wfittiireloome^ttewitfe :^#^'-;,^ ei if ow eonfidentlisr deliver up yoinr sonls into WJ hand of your Either and your Bedeettieriandgiw over dietruetful^ oaring f■.: 'Kf^ .i^ .. -*-^. in,:l'^ <-avs»<.'. XAir's TltUl OUIDl TO HIATSi. 205 .-■*.■■■■"-■ ■ ■ ■ - . " oame to wcover us from ottwelves to God. Cm» then h<^ to kiio#^iir Oi«ft«or aftd It«d«eiDer ; hi* po^re^; tri^m, and loire ; oaM hoi^ to tniBt him wftii idifl ttttd body, and to do your duty « tad then oal^'ibi'na moi», Matt; vL ^5^27. 3 1. 34. Ink* xil."2t; 1 F«t. Vi 7. Phil, iv* 6. trtit leave sonl «*' ^dd^ inOie quietly and eomfott^My to bia love and' wflli «han if ihe;^ iveie absttotely at your own vrlU^' to^be, and do, and have what yon wcfold widi. For^ God i» fitter to chooee for yoti, and to diqioae of yott ' thiiii ydttttelf. Beet yow iwil in th* will of God th^^ng^yonY Bedeemerl In that will which is iiH* finitely good, and whieh is the begmning, gnide; and end of in things, and the only rest Of tMmla. > ^' '^^^ • t; Let all these holy aflfeciidna be exeiieisedin yonr expf^aaions, if yonr disease allow yon ttfsngth to* e^tw^yo^nelf in woids. M«kgn^ GodVgoodnesg^' and ^gieak good of his nanie; and word, and wayi; not W a dissembled afiktatiott, bUt from yonr heart t miJtodthen to see that theie is a t^ality in the com- f<^ of faith and hope I and thai the deafth of i^e- ligyeous is so desirable, as mal^th tiieir liyes do- sitable also. Torn tongues ai^ giveii you to piaiao- thtf Xord : thqr have but a littlo while mote to* Bpei&r let thoiir last wotk be doniB to his gloryi as '"'stA^h will bosrl Tell mten what yon have found hfin^imd apeak of the gioiy of his kingdom which y^kiseot^'^t the hopes imddesif^ of ^ 1A^ tnvn yonr last ivotds to God himself in piayer and^ipikiieK, beginning the irtaU which yOn mnat do i#liBaf#«k linitatb yon* dying' told j« Father into tii^^liiiiidi I commend my spirit,'* •linkeirzfii 46. And his fiist martyr, ^IIMdJoMiJ^wcei^ ■ «tlrty^lActa^vli;-fi9i^'7^-.%««- .■ ^Hj-.:^r:|.vsi-.^ =..o.- .-^i-^- ^' • \ ^ '*r 'im-ii 304 /\ It man's trub. ouipb to hsavbn. Th» grayer ^f a dying Mievm', -il-ii..';:..- ;i^;. /•:*._ 6 liOBto» thy metty broughtr me into tha world, tl^l mercy cbose my parentis, edaoation, and habitii*' , tioa : it brought me up ; it kept me ftom a thouaui^ dangers , it attempered my body^ and ftimiehed m^f : »ind; it gaye me teachen, books, and helps ^ye%. h ga've me a Bedeemer, and a promise of Itfe, ij^, the word of salvation I it gave me all the operatioiit > of^hy Spirit, whidb touched and turned my sinitd heart 1 ill my repentiiig and resolving Uionght^i all tile foigi/veness c^ my manifold dns I all the sweet meditations of thy love 1 and the expeitence of thy good a^ pleasant service I the comfortable hoars which I have had, in seoicet thoughts, in public woiv* ship, on thy holy days, at thy holy table, among thy people; all tiiese have been the dealings of thy love. ^1 my deUverenoes from temptation and mm ; ficom enemies, death, and danger Tail my preservar tions from the deceits of th1» worlds and from its troubles; from errors against thy sacred truth, and £rom backsliding ! all my recoveries from my^too froquent falls,. and pardon my my daily sins I the quietness thou hast given my troubled conscience; and^the tranquillity of my life^ notwiths^ndingmy sins; all the use which it has freely pleased thee to make of me, an unworthy, wretch^ for the good of any, for soul or body i allikhese are the pl^esof thy wondrous love 1 and shall I be afraid to come to 8nch.a Qod i Hath m«ecy filled up >^my^i^ and brought me now so neac thsi end^ aiid ishall I jioitmstit after sc; mnch trial t It is heltvesi ilwt liijpa^liaadest m^^ that Qhsist' jlid pmwiiiuBa for m:e; it is hea^mi wbi^ thouvdidsi promise if I would b e tiiine ; and it is h ea ven wlaoh 'T' ' V mak'b tbub ooidb io BMkmx, 2<)ft 1 oonsentecl to take for my portion, and fbr which I di4 covenant to forsake the world, Luke xviii. 23, 23i Matt. vi. 20, 21, aS. Cd. iii 4, 6. A»d O tlMit I had more entirely done it ! for I now find how little reason I have io re^t of my covenant t il ii heaven which thy Spirit of grace, and inercilnl providences have all this while been preparing m« 1^1 And shall X npw ha ieailnl and imi^^ .iti ■ -^ "^-^""'^'^ --^--^--^-^^ Orthon that knowest how deadly an enemy nn- taief is to thy honour and my soul, I beseech thee idiow thai thou takeet not me, but it for thy ioe. O aeild that heavenly Ught into my mind, which may baniah and confound it Let it not blaspheme thy trotli, and impriaonancl blind and torment my souL t&ou that givest the word, the Savioiir, the heaven which I mtist believe, deny me not that &ith by which 1 must believe them: ea^h and flesh are. dungeons of darkness and defpair; there is wi^n» no son to show ns thy face. It must be thy glory whose rdlectiona must reveal thy glory to ua ; and a light ftom heav%n which must diotr us heaven t O sehd one beam, one beun, Lord, of that heavenly light into this darkened sinful soul ; that with Ste- ven I may see in my passage the glory of my blest* ed Lord, to whonf I go i and with Bimeon may glad- . hr gay. Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace, in mine: eyee have seen thy salvation ! One beam of IMne will drive away the powers of darkness, and liliiA all these doubts and fears, and let' in some- if hafeiof heaven into my soul, before it is let into ln«?ett I O blessed Spirit, ^e illuminator of dailL imprisoned souls, remember not all my resistaiicet ..'■- '^^arkneas and uaibelMf [ Uiough glor)r boi not openly moea till it is enjoyed»'^let me now when I am ao A«ar it^ have saoh a sight (^ it by fiiith, aria anii- lable to thia low ai^d dartres aUte. O th5u thatart tlM Bj^irit of life; 80 quicken and actuate thia aloggiaii 4K>ul^ that the laat part of my raoe may be jrun with Tigour, and the last act of my life may be done in •evidenoe of the heave^y influenoe, and may be mora lUce to the heavenly, employment than all the lest hath been ! thou tjUt an the Sanctiietand €omf6rter of soula, now kihdle that ilie of heaymdy lore in me» and give me some taste of the oel^itiid Joys, which may feelingly tell me that theie ia a heaven indeed ; and tmay be the witness within me, and the pledge and earnest that I shall live ^^irith Christ My flesh, and my own heart now fail ;> the world and all therein is nothing to me ; I am tak* ,ing^y everlasting farewell of them * all ; but one heam of h|s face, and one taste of his love, who vt my portion for ever, will be strength and joy to my 4eparting soul, and better than this life, and all its pleasures, Psa^lxiiL 3. Come, Lord, with^theee aeasonable comforts, into my soul, that my soul may ^comfortably come Ito thee ! my life had b^en bat def^h and darkness, and disafteotipn to God, if thdu hadst not been in me a spirit of life, and light, and love ; the tempter had el$e been still too strong anil «abtle for me ; and how then shall I deal with him myself, when the languishing of my body disable^ my aonlt thou despiseth not art and reaaon; I thank thee for the use I had of them in their M^ flon. But one beam of thy light, one spark ctf thy lover, one motion of thy heavenly life, will bettor fiU; i^hioh made me purposely tb bve him 1 who vfedeemed me, that by love he might win my Ipye; gi^aanotified me to dispose my soul to love himt ;wh«t«hall I praise, if not infinite perfe^onl the sloi^of whose power, wisdom, and goodness doth W '£hie forth in the whole creation 1 heaven and earth ipiaise theel and am I no part of heaven or earth t .&I0 whole creation doth proclaim thy glory ! and JBU I none of thy creation! thy very ^emies when redeemed, reconciled, and forgiven, do praise the lovaand grace of their Redeemer 1 and am I not one^of theset the great Teacher of jthe Ohurch is th^ Sdioolmaster of love and praise! and have I not learned them yet, who have so long had so excellent i Teacher % Thy saints all love thee, for it is the es- UMice of a saint ; tjhey praise thee, for it is the work _ of saints; and am I none of t^esellam less than the least of aU thy mercies 1 but itu not the least . «f thy mercies which I have received ; and if a ' iifafhU of meicies has notlirought forth a life foU of loveand praise, yet let it end in a loving and <: Jpiaisiiig' death r^ Qloiy he to God in the highest, on earth peaoe, mi good wiU towards men 1 holy> ^<^7> ^^f* ^^ ijM Almighty, w ho w a», and i^ and is to come. Of thee, and through thee, and to thee are all things ; f ■ ■■ .■ J08 uAXi*» tBXjm ^QUioB TO tuAyms, thine is the kingdom, the power, and the Rloiy. For thou hast created all things, and for thy pl«aj tare they aie, and were oieated. BleMing, and honour, and gloiy, and power, he to Him that eitteth • on the throne, and to the Lamh for ever «»<> ^^J eTfen to our Redeemer who washeth na in bia Wood, Mid maketh ua kings and prieats to God. Qretk^ ^ and marreUoiis are thy works, Lord jBod Alniigh^ I jnst and true are thy ways, thon King o^ ."»»*•» Who shall not fear thee, Lor^, and glottfy tjy . namet for thon aft holy 1 Amen ; halleluiah I tor the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. ^^J^ God, all ye his senrants ; and ye that fear wm, hotH smaU and great Braise ye the great ^«Meem«r of the world, who is onr wisdom, right^Misnesa^ aanctification, and redemption : the belojeii^ 8«i, in whom we ar» reconciled and adopted,^ aM_in whom the Father is weU pleased : who wiU ainste the nations with the sword of his mouth, and ri them with a rod of iron, and treadeth the^ wine- \)ress of the wia^ of God;, who hath thekeyaof death and iiell,^d is King of kings, and Lord of lords. My soul doth magnify the Lord, jnd my spirit reioiceth in God my Saviour, who hath i»- deemed me ftom iny low and lost estate ; fw hia mercy endureth for ever 1 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and ail that is within jne bless his holy waj; . Uess the Lord, n^ soul, and forget not att hto beneeta : who forgivetb all thine iniquiti«i,KMiid hatti often healed thy diseases I who wdeeto^ thv life from destruction, and crowneth thee vnta love and tender merciea I Whom have J »» ^IJ^ . but thee t and what is there on earth desn^bla besides theel the TiOid taketh pleasure mjlui ./ people, he vrill ^#tify the meek with aalvatoi. -f^Tr^'t lUJi'S TBUI OUn>l TO BBATIV. 209 In thy light we «haU see light ; thou shalt make us drink of the ilvew of thy pleaeuie ; in thy presence is fullness of joy, and at thy right hand are plear soies for eyermore. Goodneto and mercy have followed me all my days ; and thou hast showed me the p4th of life. Let^y heart thewfore be glad, •nd my glory r«Qoioe ; and let me leave this flesh to rest in hope. Let the heavens rejoice : and Uiat ^e earth weie taught to imitate them in thy praisal Thine angels and the triumphant church do glorify thee : O train up this militant church on earth, in love and concord to this jo>;ful work ! and let all flesh bless thy holy name, for ever and ever! let every thing that hadi breath praise the Lord ; and so let me breathe out my departing soul; and thou wilt no^ ctfit away the soul that Cometh unto thee in love and praise. Father, into thy hands I com- mend my spirit ; who art the Father of spirits, and my Father in Christ 1 Lord Jesus, receive my spirit ; andypresent it justifled and spotless to the Father 1 and, our Forerunner, take me to thyself, who being risen sentest this message even to sinners ; Say to my brethren ; I ascend to my Father, and your Father; to my Ciod, and your Gt>d. Amen, [TIm *' Poor Man's Family Book," from whidi the preeeding work is abridged, oonolades with varioiU prayers and 4 hymns : these are not retained, as there are many modem '^-tA nablioations of this description.] • /,vi i'l^AV.' *). *-r rf 5 V '.'3i ,.^' ■* >'*\ #*;• IHi '>■#. :<^' ■Jt) iv iiTt jh^ >■ ' .'^ fc. , * >*^'-1 ■'jl-'* * ». '* i);-«K)*r **!!« ^l*"r> ^^ .;^ I*fl ur .nf\., .jdi.Ji ■4) v'.t «>#.V4rf I' »'• ;-*'./ ".^♦J ■» -i. ■*• * .-*. .'^ ^f. i^.-J?r''. A- ,.1^ ^ ^. iSfe' « ''5^_....vl.:/>.i^: f hmK ^MX :^iAi ^^u L ^^ M' ^i*": •i M^^^ "'