BMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // t/yM 1.0 ■: I.I ^ U^ 12.0 1.8 |l.25 1.4 16 ^— 6" — ^ p . / WM Photoffl'aphic Sciences Coiporation «■ ireetorB, lnd.l ai Amherat BurKh, nri ii;r iSth of ifaroii, I80T. 'It was moved by Seeonded by That lliii Company .lo now enter into a oon- traut for th.e eonntruetion of iht. road with Mmbhib ,1 C. Sireel and Mil,., O'llnilly, Ihn former repre^Miling (ieorge Wylhen, K«.j and til" latter r»j.rei*n(ini{ him»elf, and tj,' Trujteja if llie Ute -it nue' /,■ n uerman, K)q., aai i eonlraet being for the sura of & aaJ tint th) Pr.-]id!T. bo iiu.'iorized to .-iign the aa'-no and attach to it the of the Company." Now, after i-eadi'ji, tbg f)r.;^oing, will any fair and disinlerested party miy thiit there ha.i been the alighte-!t approa^^h on my part to any overlo iking of Mr. Zimmermtn's iutcreat;!, or th:'.-. I aavu failed ij aft., by ,J,-. Ziiumeriuan's Trur)i.ei.» iu llii:i miMir wiUi the uame sorupu- lo'H hon ir, wiih which t eho.ild deaire any p.u-ty to aet to vardj my Irujtaea iu similar circumitanoe3 1 I .nay ad.l a f ..jv vordi to show thai my preserii more ac'.iv.- inle-fereuee is neitiier unnitiiril nor uan ;..'j93.%ry. A'; ihe public well know. Hirst ijol thj coi.lrul of the ohartera, on whi.jh the liroat Southwesjtrrn Railway is to b.; b.iilt without any viaw of epyoulation or p. otil to myaelf, bul wiUi liu simple view of p'itling it in the power of the Great WeB- leri H,iilway to hy out on tlr^ line (instead of along the piMi. jt (ir...i. Wo t3rn line) the mo ley then ready in Liadon to buill iu sej- ond track ; and no good w uld now ariae from my rell ;oliugon how tliea 1 viewj of miua were frustrate 1 to my v.ry eo:-!ou3 pergonal injury as well as thai of the Great Wostero Railway. The pubiie al«o knov/, thi-JUgU my repj.-t on my return from England iuOe:.obar last lo the Direjtora of the Wood.5'.ook and Like Eri.. Railw.iy, tutin order ti prevent the Woo liio.ik and Like Erie charter being dis aaaoeii'ed fro.a the Grett i-iouth Western through line (wliieh would in reality have been the loii InUi of the crosi roa.l and of the .n.iney lent on it by the iiiuei-ji|,alitie3) I iial p,-i(i !■! I t > VI- rV/i.i jii i'.; 1^1 ml t'l-i'. 1 would en'.irely st.mdoiit of the way, if h-3 «.ri .Vlr. Zinnormin .viul I take over the chart ;r3, aihili liy m-.aiil '.u;ll on Lieoi the whole road between th- Niagara and De- troit rivers, including the Woolsloak and Lake E'-ie lUilway. 1 also otfere 1, oa my brother's pari and my own, to give him all the as-'isUj-ij, both in Eaglaul and America, in our power, asking no further interas- in the mitter than thil I ah luld be relieved by Uiem of my responsibility and should g-jt back the money 1 hal outUjCd. The arrangement alluded to was made, but, to my deep regret, Mr. Zi n,iijrm;in died, be- fore carrying out the preliminary oonditiou of relieving me from my roiponsibility, by tranaferring the .Stook from my name or pay- ing buek to me the depjsiu 1 hid made, and thus I .vaa left, as I am at thij moment, the only parly (except the Municipalities) having any paouniary interests in the Amherstburgh and St. Thomas and Woodslook and Lake Erie Railway Charters, In these oiroum- stances, left with the power which I had ao much desired to be relieved of, I was loroad to aot, and the course wbioh I thought proper to take is shewn in the foregoing documents. Vou will easily perceive how utterly false the insinuation ia, that 1 have either desired to take or have actually taken, any advantage of Mr. Ziinmorman'a trustees. 'The vast in terestfl which I had, and still have under the arrangement made by my brother with Messra. Wythea, and Zimmerman dated Liver- pu d i-itli Sept. la'i, left mn no alternative but to aot, seeing that my doing ao was the only way my property eould ba protected ; but I also siw that the interest of Mr Zim- merinaii'd estate a-> well as of Mr. Wythea equally required me to do as 1 have done. 1 am anxious not lo aid a wor.l of irrita- tion, ;or I believe that the allimpl to inrtame and to .lec,'iv« the Municipalities will hj equally vain as the attempt > n th 1 publ and on I'iirliaiu.nt. The Munieipalitife all along have ha.l perfict conlideiioe in me, and I in them, a-i [larlies whose intoresta are idontieal ; and they nan never be made to ngard people as otherwin.. thaneuttiig Iheir throats, wlmso object i.s to Hiih.^ip oi.j a ilirt;et e!i irt:?r fiir that of the Wood.itich an I Lake lOiie Railway, ounc«al-d though Ibis object may be In the false and wicked "ery" that I have done iiiuro than carry out what the late Mr. Zimmerman had agreed to. I am Hir, Yours Kuspeetfully, l-^AiiC 13U'JiU.NA«.