IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) <" 1.0 1.25 li£ 12.0 WUb J& U 11.6 '^ ^Q ^> '/ 75 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STRKT WEItSTER,K r. MStO (>16) 872-4503 \ ^V 4 •S5 signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbols V signifia "FIN". Las cartas, pianchas. tabiaaux. ate. pauvant Atre fiimte k das taux da reduction diff Arants. Lorsqua la documant ast trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un saui cliche, il ast filmA A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha. da gauche A droits, at da haut an bas. an pranant ia nombre d'imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivants iilustrant ia mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 OPERA GLASS Lessee and Manager ROBERT JAM I ESON, MAY 1, 2, 3 and 4 'Zir "^TJJ*'** VICTORIA VANC0X7VER THORPE & CO., Limited. SUPERCARBONATED PLAIN SODA... TELEPHONE 436. P. O. BOX 175. t- REFRIGERATORS ICE CREAM FREEZERS WATER FILTERS LUNCH BASKETS WINDOW SCREENS AWNINGS TO ORDER l^* CLOTHES WRINGERS CAMP FURNITURE COO^fiK^mr c STANDS FOR CARPETS And so do we in tlie opinion of the public of Victoria. Mention Carpets, and most people think of us. The reason is obvious, Our Carpet Exhibition is always full up in every department with the latest style of the season and a brilliant display of exclusive patterns. The quality of our carpets, rugs, etc., is our specialty. You can't see just what C does stand for with us without coming to see our stock. A medley of surprises awaits every comer. The quality, beauty and price of our carpets make them irresistibly tempt- ing to all who examine them. ® i!ll ( J SHOWROOMS 51.55 FORT STREET. ( pe^rei OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE VICTORIA THEATRE. Circulation 1,000 Each Performance. """"■"" Illlllliliililiilliiliiiiriiiiiiil lillllillTiilil|ll ill »miii iiiiiii8illiiilii|i^iiH(|||||| Illllllllllin ttbe ®pera (Blaee. Official Programme of the Victoria Theatre. PUBLISHER, - ROBERT JAMIESON. Advertising space in this Programme can be had by ai-jlymp at Jamieson's Book Store or at the office of the Province Publishing Co., 15 Broad St. PRICES. There will not be any regular or established prices for attractions that are booked to appear at the Victoria Theatre. All the standard and flrst-class dramatic and operatic companies that visit the Pacific coast will be here, and the prevailing prices will be Gallery 60 Orchestra Chairs 1 00 Orchestra Circle 76 Dress Circle 1 00 These prices will only be advanced when absolutely necessary. Large and high salaried comj inies cannot be expected to play at usual prices. Read The Opera Glass and take it home with you and send it to your friends in the East. RULES AND REGULATIONS. The evening performance will commence at 8 o'clock, and the matinees at 2 o'clock. The doors will be open at 7,30 p.m., and for matinees at 1.30 p.m. Children in arms not admitted. Seats can be ordered by telephone— Jamie- son's theatre telephone— number 63. Ushers are prohibited from receiving fees. Please report to the management any in- civility on the part of the employees. Carriages may be ordered for the evening performance at 10.30 p. m., and for the matinee at 4.30. j Watson & Hall, FAMILY GROCERS, Telephone 448. 65 Yates Street. G. LEONARD Practical TAIJUOR. Clothes Cletiued, Altered and Ilepiiirod. Your own ffoods made up in FirMt-cluss Style. Satis- faction guaranteed. A Trial Solicited. 93 Johnson St., London Block. GO TO R. J. MATTHEWS, MERCHANT TAILOR, If you want to get a good Spring and Summer Suit at the Very Lowest Price. ♦ 101 Douglas Street. THE JAPANESE OrieQtal Bazaar Has a, large assortment of New Curios and Silk Goods suitable for Presents at the lowest possible prices and we ask all to call in and inspect A. WANIBE, 90 Douglas Street. JOHN L. COBB, General Machinist WORK-SHOP - - 65 FORT ST. Residenee 27 Ellis St, off Roek Hay Ave. Sewing - Machine - Repairing - a ■ Specialty. Cycles and all kinds of Li^ht Maeliinery Repaired. Locksmithing, Gun- smitliing, Etc For Spring Cleaning SEE J. W. MELLOR, New Designs in Wall Paper DEALER IN f Plate Glass> Paints, Oils, Varnish and Brushes. Will Paint or Kalsomine your House. Our Work 's our recommendation. .-^> ''^ * (T- \7¥^ — r— ^' 76 and 78 FORT STREET, Above Douglas. Telephone 406.».."n...*'."....>.....>..*..'.>H***..M^***»***Hara»MM.nH.UMnnanHUMMM.annHnM.fii.M BUSH & GERTS' PIANOS Rank with tlic best in the world— the last two years tlii^ Ooiiipany has made 7,000 Pianos; tlie reputation of tlu- BUSH & OERTS' PIANOS is faultless. T. W. FLETCHER, = = AGENT FOR A.MKRICAN AM) CANADIAN Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Organs. I.ATIiST HITS in Sheet Musie, lOc. n copy, Musical Instruments. AND DO.MIvSTIC SKWING MACHINES. Cor. Broad and Port Streets. VICTORIA, B.C. Wednesday and Thursday Evenings^ May 1st and 2nd, " MKRTH A ■• GRAND OPERA ^ -^ Presented by tlie Victoria Operatic Society. ^^ i Friday and Saturday Evenings^ May 3rd and 4th, I The Three Acf Comic Opera I I " THE FENCING MASTER'' I By Dc Koven and Smith, Authors of "Robin Hood," "Rob Roy," Etc. Under the Direction of I RED. C. WHITNEY. John N. Harley. Acting Manager OPALINES are the Eastern craze. Photos finished in natural colors. The Cheapest and ]\Iost Beautiful Pictures are Opalines. 3Y Boating Flannels, Straw Hats, Summer Suits. — o LftTEST STYLES. LOWEST PRIGE,S. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 JOHNSON STREET. •r«-^«->^<^C, NEW YORK DRESSMAKING PARLORS Tailor-made Gowns, Ridingr Habits, Bridal Trousseaux, Evening: Toilettes and Tea Gowns. ROOMS 4i-4a FIVE SISTERS' BLOCK. MISS J. E. HAUKIS. Take Elevator. WHERE DO YOU STUDY MUSIC? TiiR VicTOKiA CoNHEKVAToiiY oi' Music ifi the Only coiiiplt'to iind tlioroiigli institu- tion for the study of Muwic in the Province, and, in the excellence of its teaciiing staff, second to nonti in Canada. The Conservatory occupies the fine comniodious building at 288 Yates Street (opposite the High School), with Hve large, well-lighted and fur- nished music rooms ; a reception room with all the leading nuiHical papers and standard works on music at the disposal of the pupils, and concert room for the frequent recitals, (with seating room for an audience of a hundred and lifty) tiie Conservatory offers exceptional advantages to those desiring to perfect themselves in music. Weekly and bi-weekly classes in theory and analysis, sight singing and ensemble playing are free to the pupils. Symphonies, operas and other works of the masters, arranged for two pianos, are studied, thus enabling the pupils to become familiar with the principal works of the great composers. The Conservatory furnishes the best vocal instruction l»y the only teacher in the West who is qualified to train the voice after the true method — the method based on natural laws and the wonderful discoveries of modern science regarding the voice. Perfect cohtrol of the breath is necessary for the production of pjeriect quality of tone without strain, and under this method only isit possible and obtainable. The Piano Department is in charge of the first teachers in the Province, and the methods used in teaching are those advocated by the finest teachers and musical authorities of the day. The Violin and Orchestral Department is in charge of the only competent teacher and orchestral director in British Columbia. Although there are no so-called "certifi- cated " pupils on the staff, yet the Conservatory possesses, in its teachers, pupils of the first masters in the world— it is not exaggeration to say the only thoroughly qualified staff of teachers in the Province. In the Primary Department for children, every means are used for the foundation of correct playing, and the prices for tuition are such as to encourage ])arent8 to have the best instruction for their children from the beginning. In fact, no possible means are neglected that will develop and train the student, and that will go toward making the Conservatory famous for thorough and symmetrical musical training. The Conservatory will be open for lessons in all the branches during the summer. 0' INTEREST TO SINGERS. Perfect singing produces no strain. The shoulders and upper chest should show no movement. The face is pleasant and reposeful. The articulation is clear and distinct, and the quality of tone smooth and sonorous. The breathing of the well- trained singer is not noticeable to the listener. Tne best quality of tone is obtained when one can sing with entire absence of sensation of doing anything. Quality is much affected by the shape of the pharynx (that is the back of the mouth), the lips and the face. The restful position of the mouth, the relaxed cheeks and forehead, and the free, easy throat, will permit good quality. The tongue is the chief organ of speech, and the freedom with which it moves determines the distinctness of the words. The chief cause of poor articulation is too great use of the face and jaw. Let the tip of the tongue move all it seems inclined to, and let the face be as thoroughly at rest as possible. Years ago, teachers told their pupils to "open the mouth and let the tone out." That is wrong instruction. Don't do it any more. Opening widely the mouth shuts off the pharyngeal cavity (makes it small), in which tone is reinforced, and in which it obtains power. Miss Heathfield, who takes the part of " Nancy " in " Martha," is a vocal pupil of the Victoria Conservatory of Music, where she has made a special study of her part in the opera. Possessing as she does talents far beyond the average. Miss Heathfield easily ranks first as the most artistic amateur soprano and actress we have in the city. f^- r ^Off PEOPLES' 3 Off CLOTHING HOUSE. Cheaper than the Cheapest. OHHHIRD OFF. RFIIRIN6 FROM BUSINESS. Cor. Store and Johnson Streets, giEEN'S liOTKK. J.J.BLAND llus opened up a lull line of Boots and Shoes at 90 DOUGLAS ST. Itoots nnd Shoes mnJc to order. Repuiring done promptly, (live ine a trial. " CARBONETTES »> The Latest and linest In Photosrapliy. Specially suitable for Ilridcs and Ladies in evening dress. — Sec specimens at Skene Lowe's Studio. "MARTHA." CAST OF CHARACTERS. MARTHA (Lady Harriot Dnrlmm, maid of honor to the Queen) MRS. .M. B. (IKAMHS Nancy, her waiting maid Mi«« Heathfield Lord Tristan Mickleford, Lady Harriet's cousin Mr. C. W. Rhodes Plnnkett, a wealthy younfr farmer J- <■• Krowii Lionel, his adopted brother, afterwards Earl of I)er))y Mr. Geo. Hiishby The Sheriff Mr. Godfrey Hooth . Miss F. Pauline Seivantsi '.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Miss 8. MoNiffe bei\ants^ Miss E. Sehl A Farmer's Wife Mi"« V. Pauline A Footman Mr. A. E. Greenwo(«l Ladies in waitinj;, Servants, Farmers' Wives, Farmers, Soldiers, Etc. Scene laid in Richmond, England. Time— Queen Anne. Between 1st and 2nd scenes of Act I., " Col. Prior's March" J. M. Finn. (Respectfully dedicated to Lt.-Col. E. G. Prior, commanding B.C. E.G. A.') Director vV *r^ "U/^^)]!:!; Business Manager Mr, C. W. Rhodes Stage Manager Mr. I< , Schl Dr. A. A. HUMBER, DENTISX, ^^^93K Douglas St., Next door to Odd Fellows' Hall, between Yates and Johnson Streets. @ Mrs. Dr. L)U6lla Runuon, ® CHIROPODIST. (Graduate in Chiropody from the Philadel- phia Medical College.) TREATS ALL DISEASES OF THE FEET. MANICURING. Help For Ladies— The New Method of Removing Superfluous Hair and Facial Blemishes. Face Steaming, Freckle Lotions, Skin Foods and all kinds of cosmetics for sale. FIVE SISTERS' BLOCK, Rooms 33 and 35- VICTORIA, B.C. Hours : 10 a.m. to r, p.m. Take elevator. • ^m i ■ ■ ■ ■ 8 I ,.ife:- FOR THE PAST SIXTEEN YEARS VICTORIA'S Leading Ppescription Store MAS BEEN DOING BUSINESS AT THE CORNER OF FORT AND DOUQLAi; STREETS. Yeiir by year its business as well as its premises bave steaed retail drui; establisbments on tiie eoast, sbowing tliat we know liow to conduft tbe Drug Business. \ A\^^- \VB PURCHASB The : Best : Drugs : and : Chemicals KOR OUR Prescription : Department. WE ARE CONSCIENTIOUS IN OUR WORK. ^ ^ ^ * WE ARE REASONABLE IN OUR CHARGES. * y¥: PRESCRIPTIONS PUT UP DAY OR NIGHT, D. E. CKTV^PBei-U TELEPHONE 135. CORNER FOFiT AND DOUGLAS STS. 'I ■"\ i •i V ■■i ^ i-,. •natMMiinnHnnnnntiiiiiiMHimiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiHHauaaaK MPER HI V \m \ wm CO.. Manukacturekh ok Tomato Catchups, Sauces, Pickles, Etc. TKLKPIIONK '*1 3. H V.VTIIS STKKi; 1 . C. Phillips, .Mana>4ur. ^ H. LiLLEY, * City Candy Factory. ARCTIC SODfl - ALL FLAVORS. Five Cents a (ilusH. lOBJ DOUGLAS STRE13T. I DRIflRD BAR, First-Class in Every Respect. Theatre Curtain Bell at Rise ot Curtain. "THE FENCING MASTER." CAST OF CHARACTERS. FRA NCESCA Di )K( )'1'I1 V M( »li'l'( )N' Torqiiatd's Diiuuiitfi lnmiKlit up ii« a l^oy iuiii, Ward ortlic Duke lUTtlia llnylisH Tlic Marclii'Hl do (ioldoiii Mariim I-iiiiKdoii TluTona, danulitcr of u Milant-Ht' money lender KloriMici- Alva I'li'tro, an inn-kocju'r, in lovi- with ThereHH Loniwc Bryant Paxe to tin- Duke Lucy Mitchell Fortuuio, the rlgiitfiil heir to the Dukedom of Milnii David Tdrrence PaHiiuino, private astroloKer to the Duke. Oscar k Thomas F. Oakcs, Henry C. Tayne, Henry C. Rouse. RECEIVERS, P ACIFIC RAILROAD Runs Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Clning Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars St. Paul Minneapolis Duluth Fargo TO ( Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg' Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS T0-- Chicago Philadelphia Washington New York Boston And all Points East and South. TIME SCHEDULE For Information, Time Cards, Maps and Tickets, Call on or write to— E. E. BLACKWOOD, Agent, Government Street, VICTORIA, B,C. A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, Or. For Business Success ! Tie 1st Essential is ADVERTISING The 211(1 Essential is MORE ADVERTISING THe M Essenilal is STILL MORE ADVERTISING EFFECTIVK iidvi'rtisiiijjr is an ART, of whicli wo liJivc iniidi' 11 carfl'til study, iiiul in wiiicii we II IV always advancing. For High Class Work, Complete Satis- faction and Straight Dealing-, —Come To— Bessell & Rosoman, ADVERTISING AGENTS VANCOUVER VICTORIA 819 Richard St. 50 Amelia St. GEO. W. FUGGLE, PIANOFORTE MAKER & TUNER Tlircc years with (iuoilwin A Co. Repairing of Violins, Maiidulins and Guitars. Orders left at U. .lamieson's Bookstore, —OR .«,T FACTORY— 7O Princess Stree'. P. 0. Box 423. 3 i»f 8 If You Want Anything inc=asz— Bookwork, @ Printed Forms OR Office Stationery and the best at reasonable prices. See PHIL R. SMITH. Printer, Booltblnder pnd Manufacturing Stationer. 32 LANG LEY STREET. LEEMAN & CARTMEL, THE Liuie Gem Gigar Stand Next to Delmonico. Finest Brands of Cigars, Totiacco and Cigarettes. In the Press==to be issued shortly. SCAIFE'S SYNOPTICAL * CHART OF= ENGLISH HISTORY. B. C. NOVELTY WORKS, Newbiggiog A flodersoQ. Props, Sewiog Machines, Lawn Mowers, Bicycles, Type- Writers and Light MachiQery of all Kinds R^epaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED.- -ESTIMflTES GIVEN ON MODELS. 105 Douglas Street. MUNSEY'S MAY NO- JUST ARRIVED. AT JAMIESON'S Government Street, next to Post Office. The Best and Cheapest place to buy WATGRES, GI2OGKS OR JEWELRY, Or to get any article repaired or manufactured, is at DAViD50N BR05., The Manulacturino Jewellers and WatGliinakers, m 59 GeVERNMENT # STREET. ;•»