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for permipsion to establish a lighthouse s*-ation there. After some
correspondence thoy agr. ed to take tho necessary stops to place a
sum in the estimates to be subniiUed to their Legislature, for tho
purpose of erecting a lighthouse at tho place referred to. We have
now a very superior light on that island, with a steam fog-whistlo
alongside of it, whioh adds very much to the usefulness of the light.
While the vote was under the consideration of the Legielature at
Washington, a condition or rider was attached to it, viz., that tho
Canadian Government should erect a lighthouse on Colchester Eeef,
Lake Erie, a dangerous place both to Canadian and United States
shipping. The condition was accepted by the Canadian Govern-
ment, and tenders were invited for the work. Owing to stormy
weather, however, the contractor has not been successful in laying
the foundation, and ho has abandoned the contract, but it is now in
the hands of another conlractor, and it is probable a light will be in
operation there next year.
It is due to the lighthouse authorities at Washington to state that
in all matters affecting the improvement of our lighthouse system I
have invariably found them most courteous, and both ready and
willing to give all the information in their power, as well as the
benefit of tho experience which they have gained in the manage-
ment of the lighthouse service required to light up their extensive
coasts, both in the Atlantic and Pacific, and it is scarcely necessary
for me to say that they have succeeded well in the performance of
their important duty, as I think it would bo difficult to find better
lighted coasts than those of the United Stat.'S of America, in any
part of tho world.
A brief reference to Sable Island, which is not only one of our
principal lighthouse stations but is also tho principal life-saviog
station in the Dominion, might not be out of place here, as it has
recently been brought prominently before the public notice by dis-
cussions in the newspapers, both of Canada and New York, in con-
nection with the wreck of the Netherlands steamer " Amsterdam,"
which went ashore on tho east bar of the island on the 3 1st July
last, about thirteen miles eastward of the lighthouse.
The Island is situated in the Atlantic Ocean, about eighty-
five miles from Whitehead I.^land, Nova Scotia, and about
150 miles north-east of Halitax. Although littlo known to the
outside world, it is familiar to mariners as a long, narrow, white,
sandy elevation, formed of two nearly parallel ridges, somewhat
in the form of a crescent, concave to the northward, and meet-
ing at a point at either end, with i^and bars or spits running out
from them a distance of some fifteen miles at the east end and pro-
bably six miles at the west end, over which the sea breaks with
great fury during stormy weather. In tho middle of the island and
between the ridges is a narrow salt water lake, about fourteen miles
long. In very heavy gales the sea sometimes washes over the land
on the south side of the island into the lake, and seals, which abound
on the shores of the island, have been carried over the land into the
lake along with tho heavy seas breaking over the beach. The con-
tinued actio 1 of tho sea during stormy weather is having consider-
able ofTocit in wasliing away Iho land at tho wobt end, and now land
appoai'H to bo gradually and steadily making on llio bai'K at its
cantern end, and vegetation is now seen whei-e it was formerly
covered by water. At tho west end tho Hoa now covers land where
formerly vegetation existed. Tho lighthouse at tho west end had
recently to be moved some distance to tho eastward, owing to the
encroachments of the sea, which would soon have undermined it if
the necessary steps for its safely had not boon taken, and it is qaite
probable that tho eastern bar is gradually extending and increasing
in size, thereby rendering it every your more dangerous to shipping,
which may come too close to it during foggy weather or snow
Tho length of the ieland is about twonty-two miles, and it varies
in breadth from a quarter of a mile to a mile. Owing to heavy fogs
and snow storms, it has long been a tevior to mariners, who generally
try to give it a wide berth, as, in the event of a vossol striking on
its beach or the treacherous bars running out fiom it, during a heavy
sea, it is almost certain destruction.
Life saving stations are established at the cast end and at tho main
station; and at each of these places there is a lifc-'^)at, built with
proper metallic cylinders, in good repair and thoroughiy efficient.
In addition to the life-boats, there are surf boats kepf in readiness
for any emergency, and tho chief of tho staff has directions to
practice the men once a week. Two new lifo boats of the most
improved pattern are now building lor those stations. At the main
station is also kept a complete rocket apparatus, such as is used
by the Koyal National Lifo Boat Institution of Great Britain, in tho
use of which the men are practiced from time to time. A life-car is
also kept at the oast end station.
There are five-stations on the ishind, and tho staff, consisting of
seventeen men, «*« divided as follows, viz. : — The Superintendent
and six men, at the main station, about seven miles from tho west
end ; at the west end h'ghihoueo, the Liglit-keoper and his assistant;
at tho east end, the Lighthouse-keeper, his assistant and two boatmen ;
at the middle station, two boatmen ; at the foot of tho lake station,
two boatmen. In addition to the seventeen men of the staff, there
are generally two or three extra men. '^he staff, with their families,
number about forty-six persons. No one is allowed to reside on the
island unless by the authority of the Marino Department.
With i-eference to exaggerated fc-taleraents which appeared in some
of the New York papers, to tho effect that the natives of Sable
Island had ill-used the passengers in the '•Amsterdam," and had got
possession of liquor which was in the vessel, and otherwise behaved
in a riotous manner, I may say that no credit should be given to
such statements, as there are only a few natives on tho island, and
they are children under ten years of age.
Two of the men on the stalT have been reported as behaving
improperly on that occasion, but steps were immediately taken to
suspend them and have thom brought to Halifax for trial. Hitherto,
in the case of wrecks, the men of the staff have been found well
behaved and attentive to their duty, and as no liquor is allowed on
J now land
bars at its
i formerly
and where
r^t end had
ing to the
ninod it if
it is qaite
■> shipping,
r or snow
I it varies
heavy fogs
) generally
triking on
ig a heavy
it the main
built with
y efficient,
roctions to
the most
t the main
as is used
ain, in the
. life-car is
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i the west
I assistant;
boatmen ;
CO station,
itaff, there
r families,
ide on the
ed in some
of Sable
id had got
e behaved
) given to
sland. and
taken to
ound well
lUowed on
the iHltind, few complaints have boon brought against any of thorn ,
but in tlio event of liquor finding its way tboro from wrecked
vessels, it is i)Ossiblo some misconduct might take place, as irregu-
larities sometimes occur in tho bi.-si regulated families, and tho slaff
on the island is simply a largo Government family, with the Super-
intendent at tho head of it.
With reference to tho complaint made by some of tho passengers
and crew, that it took too long time to obtain provisions for thera
after being landed at the lighlhouso station, it may bo mentioned
that tho principal stock of provisions is kept at tho main station,
fifteen miles away, the road being over heavy, soft sand, and some
time must necessarily olapso before meals could bo prepared, under
such circumstances, for a crowd of poople numboi-ing 250.
But there are plenty of provisions kept by the "^' ^ning whether any wrecks have laicen j-laco.
In 1870, a schooner was sent by the Marine De;»aitmorl to the
isla ' with supplies and provisions, and after ucliviM-ing her cargo
she left, with the view of returning to Halifax, but w:.' never seen
nor heard of afterwards. It is supposed that sho either founder ^^'1 or
capsized, as a heavy gale sprung up after sho left, but not a soul
survived to tell the talo and no trace of her, or anything belonging
to her, was ever found.
Although great loss of life has occurred, from time to time, on
the shores or bars of the island, still many poor shipwrecked people
have been assisted in their misfortunes, and have partaken of
Government hospitality at some of the stations on that ble&k bank
of sand.
The British Government contribute annually £400 towards the
maintenance of the humane establishment kept up on this island,
but nothing towards tho construction or maintenance of the two
large lighthouses erected there in 1873. The total cost of main-
taining the lighthouses and humane establishments reforroi to,
during last fiscal year, was $6,115.
Previous to 1873, no lights had ever been exhibited on Sable
Island, as it was a disputed point for many years, as to whether the
establishment of such would not be more dangerous to shipping
than if there were none, the opinion being held, on the one band,
that vessels ought to give the island so wide a berth that the lights
would not be visible .^ them, and thuc even if they came within
sight of them, it might tend to draw them too near the sand bars
in the hope of making the lights and defining their position, thereby
incurring a risk and danger which might be avoided if there was no
inducement to make the island. On the other hand, it was argued
that if a powerful light was placed at each end of the island, they
would be visible at a distance of twenty miles or more, quite far
enough to warn vessels of their dangei', and to enable them to define
their exact po^itiua in a dark and stormy night, v/hon otherwise
they might not bo able accurately to do so.
In 1870, after I had heard many conflicting opinions on the sub-
ject, I made a visit to the island, and was noj long in being con-
vinced that powerful lights there would prove of great service to
navigation, and that the high towers necessary for the lights would
be serviceable in the day time as land-marks, the island being low
and not easily seen at a distance. The Minister of Marine adopted
the same view of this much disputed question, and but little time
elapsed before Parliament had voted the necessary funds, and two
large, substantial wooden lighthouse towers wore erected, one at the
east end, from which was exhibited a powerful dioptric light of the
second order, and another on the west end, showing a powerful
white revolving catoptric light, with three faces, following one
after another, and then a total cessation of light, 'l)oth lights being
visible from all points of approach, a distance of about twenty
miles. The dioptric apparatus was manufactured by Sautier, of
Paris, and the revolving catoptric apparf.tus by Chanteloup, of
Montreal. Both these lights have been of great value to navigation,
and the towers, glistening in the sua during the day, can be seen a
long distance off, when the island itself cannot be heen, and are as
useful as day beacons, as the lights are at night.
Steam fog-whistles were also established at each lighthouse
station, but, with the roar of the surf, it was found they could not
be heard at a sufficient distance to warn vessels of their danger,
owing to the bars running out so far from the island, and they were
discontinued some years ago. An automatic whistling buoy will be
placed immedeately by the Marine Department, near the end of the
eastern bar, to warn vessels off that dangerous place. The cost to
the Government of Canada, of these two stations, including the fog-
whistles, was $70,000.
What is still wanted to make the life-saving station more effi-
cient, is connection by telegraph cable between the island and the
mainland, and telephone connection between each end of the island.
When this is done, information relating to wrecks will be imme-
diately telegraphed, and a steamer despatched to their assistance.
But little is known of the early history of this island, which lies
right in the track of vessels passin^' between Europe and America,
but as far back as 159S, we find that when the French were coloniz-
ing Acadia, this island was made a penal colony, and forty French
convicts were landed there in that year by the Marquis de la
Boche. It has never been very clearly established how the wild
ponies or horses got there, but it is supposed by some that their
progenitors got ashore from the wreck of some Spanish vessel
many years ago, while others are of opinion that they came
originally from J^ormandy, in France, with the French settlers. It
has been considered advisable to allow them to remain on the
j^ais argued
sland, they
e, quite tar
m to define
1 otherwise
on the pub-
being con-
t service to
[ghts would
i being low
ine adopted
little time
ds, and two
, one at the
light of the
J a powerful
lowing one
ights being
out twenty
Sautier, of
mteloup, of
be seen a
, and are as
1 lighthouse
ey could not
heir danger,
id they were
buoy will bo
le end of the
The cost to
ling the fog-
on more effi-
land and the
)f the island,
rill be imme-
id, which lies
md America,
were colon! z-
forty French
arquis de la
low the wild
ae that their
)anitth vessel
i they came
I settlers. It
)main on the
island to the extent of 200 or 300, as, in case of an emigrant
ship being wrecked there, they might prove useful as food for the
emigrants, if they should fall short of provisions.
I will now refer to the system under which oar lights are
managed. In Canada there are thirteen members of the Govern-
ment with portfolios, and one of thera is the Minister of Marine
and Fisheries, who is charged with the administration of all mat-
tors of a marine character, including the construction and mainte-
nance of lights, fog-signals, buoys, beacons, the management of
marine hospitals, and the care of sick, distressed and shipwrecked
mariners, river police, harbour commissioners, harbor masters,
pilotage, port wardens, shipping masters, examination of masters
and mates, investigations into shipwrecks, rewards for saving life,
life-boat service, meteorological observations, signal service, inspec-
tion of steamers, registry and measurement of shipping, public
wharves, the Government steamers for attending ou the light-
houses, telegraph signal service, the protection and management of
the fisheries of the Dominion, and the disbursement of the fishery
bounty which is voted annually by Parliament.
The business of the Department of Marine and Fisheries is
divided into two branches, with a Deputy Minister for each, one
embracing the lighthouses and all other marine matters, and the
other all matters relating to the fisheries.
The Minister being a political officer and a member of the Cabi-
net, changes with the Government, but his Deputies, who manage
the routine business of each branch respectively, under his direc-
tions, are permanent officials, and do not change with the Govern-
ment. No practical inconvenience, therefore, ensues when a change
of Government takes place, as the permanent offiaials are familiar
with all the details, and when a new Minister takes charge, he in-
dicates the policy which he wishes to bo adopted, and they carry it
out accordingly. In the Department there is a Chief Engineer, who
is charged with the preparation of all plans and specifications in
connection with the building of new lighthouses and the arrange-
ment of the necessary lighting apparatus, and in each of the Pro-
vinces of Quebec, I^ew Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward
Island and British Columbia, there is an agent of the Department
to attend to its local business, as the distances are too great to ad-
mit of its being promptly attended to bj' the head office, and it is
of such a nature that it requires continuous local supervision. The
Minister submits to Parliament annually an ostimato of the amount
of money which ho will require for the ensuing year for the main-
tenance of the lighthouses, the construction of such new light
stations as he may recommend to be established, and all the other
services of his Department.
Since the Department was organized, in 18G7, when Confederation
took place, J p to the end o* last year, 351 new lighthouses have
been built end established, and the amount expended lor this pur-
pose, inclm ing the cost of providing twenty-tnree fog whistles and
nine steam fog horns, was 31,095,620, which would give an average
of $2,860 ^or each. A number of these lights were for the inland
waters and rivers, built of wood, of an inexpensive description, costing
under $1,^00, whicli will account for the average being so small.
During the current year twenty new lights will be added to the
list, all of which will bo in full operation before the end of the
season. All the lighthouses erected by the Marine Department
since Confederation have been built of wood, as it was found to be
much cheaper and it required less time to build them than if they
were built of atone, brick or iron.
Previous to Confederation, the lighthouses iu Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick and Prince Edward Island were nearly all built of wood,
as being more suitable for the climate, and for the means at the
disposal of the Governments of these Provinces, and some of them
which have been in existence for upwards of half a century still
appear to be in good condition, having been kept up in proper
repair since they were built.
in Ontario and Quebec, the principal lighthouses erected previous
to Confederation were heavy, strong, substantial stone or brick
buildings, and will probably stand for centuries, but as compared
with wooden structures, they were expensive, some of them costing
upwards of $100,000 for their construction and equipment, and were
built, very nearly, after the style of those designed and erected by
Stevenson, of Edinburgh, for the Commissioners of Northern Lights.
The minor lights for river and inland navigation wore built of wood,
at a &raall expense, and have been found very suitable for the pur-
poses for which they were intended.
The lighthouse which was built in 1870 on the Great Bird Rock,
in the centre of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, might be taken as an
illustration of the new system, as compared with the systen^ in
operation in Canada previous to Confederation. It was a place to
which navigators of the Gulf and ocean steamship owners were con-
tinually referring as a locality where there was the most pressing
necessitj'- for a light, being a dangerous high rock, lying right in the
track of vessels using the southern route between Europe and
Quebec. Reports had been previously made by the proper officer
as to its estimated cost, and all the necessary information obtained,
but still, up to 1870, no light had been established there, as the con-
struction of a stone tower on the rock ^ ould not only have been
very expensive, but would have required, probably, some years to
build, owing to the difficulty of landing mateiial, with such a
heavy sea breaking continually around it. In 1870 Parliament was
asked for a moderate sum for the purpose of erecting a wooden
tower and other buildings at this place, and it was readily voted,
although fears were expressed by some of our legislators that it was
too great a risk to put a wooden building thore in case of fire.
Plans and specifications were prepared and tenders invited, a con-
tract was awarded, the tower was built and securely anchored to the
rock, a keeper's dwelling and oil store were erected, each separate
from the other ^nd from the tower, so as to prevent, as far as pos-
sible, the risk of fire, and all the buildings well covered with iron-
clad paint, a fine dioptric apparatus of the second order, made by
Sautter, of Paris, placed in it, and on th^ 20th September, 1870,
on, costing
; 80 small,
dod to the
end of the
found to be
lan if they
ootia, New
lilt ot wood,
jans at the
ne of them
entury still
p in proper
ted previous
ne or brick
IS compared
;hem costing
nt, and were
d erected by
hern Lights,
uilt of wood,
for the pur-
t Bird Rock,
taken as an
le systeru in
as a place to
)rs were con-
Dost pressing
? right in the
Europe and
)roper officer
ion obtained,
e, as the oon-
y have been
)rae years to
with such a
irl lament was
ng a wooden
readily voted,
rs that it was
case of fire,
nvited, a con-
lohored to the
each separate
as far as pos-
ed with iron-
•der, made by
)tember, 1870,
just four months from the time the money was voted, one of the
finest lights on this continent was exhibited thei'o, 140 feet above
the level of the soa and visible a distance of about twenty miieH. The
cost of the buildings was $10,000 and the apparatus about §10,000,
making altogether $20,000. If it had been built under the previous
system of stone work, the cost would probably hsive exceeded
$100,000. It has now been in operation fourteen years and, with good
care, it may last thirty years longer. This light, along with thoitained as to
e dangers of
he Minister
iatiefied that
es it in the
isuing year,
lion that the
J has passed,
1 proceeding
lawrence, the
^bliehod since
an steamship
the Boards of
iterest in this
aan steamship
incipal owners
never ceased
estion of light-
who had much
ster of Marine,
of the route to
Cape Bauld, at
t one which he
jsary to render
1 has just been
the Honorable
QG and Fisheries
a office till ISIS,
item of Canada,
its in the River
)f the Dominion,
onsidered apart
,ve good results.
1 fog prevails in
as much as the
titubular boiler,
and regulating
The blast can
fV-om four to ten
ere, but on some
■ty miles distant.
The whistle at the top of the escape pipe for the steam is usually
1.0 inches diameter and 1 foot 6 inches high. The cost of the
steam fog-whistles, without the buildings, tanks or water arrange-
ments, is about $2,000, but the consumption of coal is necessarily
great, and a plentiful supply of water is required. Owing to the
expense of keeping this description of fog alarm in operation, the
Department has not erected any new ones of late years. The
description of fog-horn, which has recently been adopted, is the
Champion automatic fog horn, and it requires very little fuel and
water, and has given satisfaction. The sound is produced by com-
pressed air passing through the horn, instead of steam. The machine
consists of a tubular boiler, 5 feet 6 inches high, 2 feet 9 inches
diameter, a large air cylinder 3 feet 8 inches diameter, 3 feet 10
inches long, to which is attached a horn, carrying a powerful reed,
and a steam cylinder 2 ieet diameter, with an automatic apparatus
for the control of the supply- of steam. Its action is as follows:
Steam being turned on, enters the steam cylinder and causes a
piston to ascend; attached to this piston, by means of their common
piston-rod, is another piston working in the air cylinder, which is
supported above the steam cylinder by means of four columns
attached to the bed plate. By this meaos the air contained in the
upper cylinder is forced through the reed, the tongue of which is of
steel, 8 inches long, 2 inches wide and y\ of an inch thick, causing
it to vibrate rapidly, and thus emit a powerful sound. When the
pistons approach the top of their stroke, the lower one, by a very
simple contrivance, closes the supply valve and opens the exhaust
valve, which allows the expended steam to escape, consequently the
pistons, by their own weight, gradually descend, thus allowing the
air cylinder to fill with air again. When the pistons reach the
bottom of their stroke, the upper one reverses the movement of the
valves, when the above operations are automatically repeated ad
libitum. By means of an adjustable valve on the exhaust pipe, the
intervals between the blasts can be closely adjusted. The amount
charged for these machines by the patentee is $2,000, but they can
be made by competition for $!,000 each, when a number are taken.
They are well suited for localities where it is difficult and expensive
to provide fuel and water, but it is doubtful if their sound
could be be heard at as great a distance as that of
the steam whistle. Wc have nine automatic fog-alarms in use,
and the Department is now about to establish twelve more in
ditferent parts of the Dominion where fog frequently prevails.
The Courtney automatic whistling-buoy, of which we have eight in
Canadian waters, is a recent A merican invention, and has been found
to be of gref.t service to shipping, in connection with our lighthouse
system. L. is of no use in completelv smooth water, without any
swell, but requires considerable rolling sea to make it work
effectively, and under such circumstances, it emits a loud blast,
similar to a compressed air fog-horn worked by steam. The largo
sized buoy is 10 feet in diameter, and has a hollow iron cylinder
about 30 feet long, open at the lower end underneath it, which
is filled with water, and as the buoy goes up and down on the
waves, tho wutor in tho cylinder being stationary, it compresses
the air at tiio top of the cylinder and drives it through
the whif*tlo above tho buoy, thereby making the blast.
This description of buoy cannot bo used in shallow water, but is
intended to be moored some distance away from the shoal or
danger to be avoided. The cost of this buoy is $1,575 in New
York, without the ground tackle. "We are now having two made,
one to be anchored off the end of the eastern bar at Sable Island,
and the other oif Point Lepreau, in the Bay of Pundy.
A new description of buoy, with a gas light arranged in a frame on
the top of it, enclosed in a small dioptric apparatus or Fresnel lens,
has recently been used by the Trinity House of London and by the
Commissionei's for managing and lighting the Clyde, in Scotland,
with good results. The gas is made specially for the buoys from
petroleum oil, and is compressed into an iron cylinder, when about
to be transferred to the buoys, and when a buoy of the largest size
is properly charged with this compressed gas, it should burn day
and night for ninety days, without requiring any attendance. Two
of these buoys, with the necessary gas works to be erected at
Quebec, have been ordered through the Trinity House, London,
and will be placed immediately in the Lower St. Lawrence. If
found to work suocesefully, they may possibly take the place of
small lighthouses or lightships. They can be seen a distance of
seven miles. The cost of the buoys, with a bell attachment,
to warn vessels of their locality, will be $3,750 each, and the cost
of the pas works, with store holder, will be $3,500. The arrange-
ment of the lantern is such, that while the necessary air is admitted
to feed the flame, no water can enter, no matter how high or violent
the sea.
The Department is always ready to adopt any now impi'ovement
or invention which may be discovered in connection with the light-
house service, after it has been thoroughly tested and pronounced
to be efficient and successful.
The bell-buoys used are now made in Canada, by contract,
similar to the bell-buoys of the Trinity House, London, and are
made of boiler plate iron, with compartments and water ballast, the
cost of which is about $1,000.
The lighting apparatus in use in the lighthouses of Canada is very
much the same as in other countries, viz., catoptric and dioptric. For
our large important stations, having revolving lights, the catoptric
apparatus is used. It consists of powerful lamps connected with flat
oil receivers at the back of the reflectors. At the back of the lamps
are parabolic silvered reflectors, varying in size from 18 to 24 inches
in diameter, for the purpose of reflecting the rays, and throwing
them out in a certain direction. A number of these lamps, with
reflectors fitted to them, say three, four or five, are fixed to
the sides of an iron frame, having two, throe or four sides,
and the whole made to revolve with clock work machinery
and heavy weights. If the light is required to show, say,
every three m'nutes, two faces will be found suflicient if
oftener, three or four faces may be used, as the case may be. The
t through
he blast.
Iter, but is
5 shoal or
i75 in New
two made,
ible Island,
1 a Irame on
'resnel lens,
I and by the
in Scotland,
buoys from
when about
largest size
lid burn day
lance. Two
) erected at
use, London,
iwrenee. If
the place of
a distance of
, and the cost
rhe arrange-
r is admitted
gh or violent
nth the light-
d pronounced
by contract,
ion, and are
er ballast, the
Canada is very
i dioptric. For
, the catoptric
lected with flat
k of the lamps
18 to 24 inches
, and throwing
)se lamps, with
I, are fixed to
or four sides,
n-k machinery
to show, say,
d sufficient if
le may be. The
reflectors on each face or side of the revolving frame are thus suc-
cessively directed to every point of the horizon, and the combined
result of their rays form a flash of greater or less duration, accord-
ing to the rapidity of their revolution, the light gradually in-
creasing till it attains its full power, and then gradually diminishing,
till it becomes invisible. As regards the distance one of our
powerful revolving catopric lights can be seen, it is only limited by
the horizon, and with an ordinary high tower, the light being
about 100 feet above the level of the sea, it should bo
visible on a clear, dark night, nearly twenty miles distant.
If lights are placed at too high an elevation, there is some risk of
their being obscured by clouds or mist, while the land, lower down,
may be quite visible. This was the case at Belleisle, near the entrance
of the Straits, where there is a first order dioptric light placed at
an elevation of 470 feet above the level of the Hea at high water
mark, but it was frequently obscured by clouds, while the land and
breakers below could be easily seen. To remedy this difficulty, an-
other light was erected on the rocks nearer the edge of the water,
and this minor catoptric light can bo sometimes seen when the
large dioptric light above is invisible.
At some of our large catoptric lights we have as many as eighteen or
twenty lamps, which not only consume a considerable quantity of oil
but oreate much heat, causing danger of explosion if the oil
was not specially prepared for the service. One groat objection to
catoptric lights, as compared with dioptric, is the large consumption
of oil required for so many lamps, whereas in the dioptric apparatus
only one lamp is necessary. We have 483 lights in the Dominion,
the apparatus of which is on the catoptric principle, and as all the
lamps and reflectors for these lights are manufactured in this
country at a much less cost than dioptric apparatus can be imported
from England, it has been found advisable to use this kind for all
our revolving lights and fixed lights of a minor character.
The dioptric apparatus is used at some of our great sea lights,
such as Sable Island, Belleisle, Point Amour, Cape Rosier, Bird
Sock, Sambro Island and Seal Island, where the lights are fixed
white, and they were manufactured either by Sautier, of Paris, or
Chance, of Birmingham. A dioptric is made of cut crystals or
prisms, highly polished, and the large sizes, such as first or second
order, are very expensive. Only one lamp is used, with con-
centric wicks, numbering from one to four or five, according
to the size of '.he apparatus, and from this is emitted luminous
beams in every direction. The lamp is placed in the centre of the
crystal appara cus, with an oil receiver so arranged as to keep a
constant supp y of oil up to the flame without obscuring any portion
of the light. In the case of the dioptric or lens system, the con-
trolling apparatus which gives brilliancy to the light is placed be-
fore it instead of behind it, as in the case of the catoptric apparatus.
This arrangement of crystals surrounding the lamp is so formed as
to refract the beams of light from the lamp into parallel rays in the
I required directions. The requires careful, constant, attentive
watching by trained keepers, in order to regulate the size of the
flamo ol each of tho wicks, and it Bhoold never be loft without an
attendant when it is in operation. The mammoth flat wick lamp
in use in nearly all our catoptric apparatus has given the best
results and does not require continuous watching, and therefore is
much better suited for our Canadian lights, which are maintained
at a small expense, and are, as a rule, only supplied with one keeper.
There are sixty-six dioptric lights in the Dominion, two of which
are of the first order, twelve of the second order and six of the third
order. The cost of a first class revolving catoptric apparatus, made
in this country, with a 12 feet iron lantern, is about $2,913.
The cost of a first-class fixed white dioptric apparatus, with lantern
and lamps complete, made in England, is about $14,800 ; but for
complicated flashing lights, they reach as high as $22,350.
The illuminant used in the Canadian lighthouse service is petroleum
of Canadian production and manufacture, and is required to be of the
best quality, double distilled, standard white, extra refined, free
from acids or other impurities, to weigh, at 62° Fahr., not less than
7*86 lbs., nor more than 8"02 lbs. per gallon ; to withstand a flash
test of 115° Fahr. by the new standard pyrometer. In burning for
twelve hours, the oil must produce a brilliant and nearly uniform
flame, without crusting tho wick or discoloring the chimney, and
with a loss of not more than 15 per cent, in power during that period.
About 100,000 gallons per annum are required for the service, and
tenders were invited last winter for a supply for three years. The
contract was awarded to the Imperial Oil Company, of London,
Ontario, at 20 cents per imperial gallon, delivered at Hamilton or
Goderich, and the oil delivered this season has been up to the
standard quality.
With oil at such a low price, the quantity consumed becomes of
very little consequence, and therefore the catoptric system, which
consumes very much more than the dioptric, is the best suited for
our requirements, as the cost of catoptric apparatus is very much
less in the first instance than of dioptric.
The number of light stations in Canada with fixed lights is 467, and
with revolving.lights eighty-two, making altogether 549 light stations
on the 3lBt December, 1883. The number of persons employed by
the Government to attend to these lights is 656, and the salaries
paid to them range all the way from $80 for small river lights, up
to $1,500 per annum. The latter mentioned sum is paid to the
keeper of Bird Rock light, who has also to fire a signal gun during
foggy weather. He is required to keep two assistants, and he feeds
them and pays them wages out of the salary allowed him. The
situation is by no means an enviable one, as the keepers must
remain on the rock all winter, and as it is high out of the water,
with a small flat surface, they must exercise great caution while
moving about, as it is usually covered with ice during the winter
months. "When the wind is high, they sometimes find it necessary
to go from one building to another on their hands and knees, to
avoid being blown ofl" into the sea.
The salary usually allowed the keeper of a sea coast light is
between $300 and $500, and there are often many applicants for
without an
wick lamp
m the best
therefore is
one keeper.
of which
of the third
kratuB, made
»out $2,913.
mth lantern
00; but for
ifl petroleum
d to be of the
refined, free
not less than
jtand a flash
1 burning for
arly uniform
chimney, and
ig that period.
) service, and
9 years. The
7, of London,
Hamilton or
en up to the
d becomes of
jrstem, which
)8t suited for
8 very much
9 light stations
employed by
l the salaries
Lver lights, up
8 paid to the
al gun during
;8, and he feeds
ed him. The
keepers must
of the water,
caution while
ng the winter
id it necessary
and knees, to
coast light is
applicantB for
any vacancy. The salaries of keepers of river and harbour lights
are small, as they generally have opijortunities of adding to their
income by farming, finhing or some other occupation, in their
immediate neighborhood. At stations whore an assistant is
necessary, the salary of the keeper is increased to enable him to
hire one, but the Govern mont does not appoint him or recognize
him in any way. The duly appointed keeper is held responsible for
the proper performance of the duty.
Before recommending a person to His Excellency in Council for
the position of light-keeper, the Minister of Marine usually consults
the member of Parliament for the county or district in which the
vacancy has occurred (if he is a supporter of the Government), and
obtains his recommendation of a suitable person for the appoint-
ment. There is no system of promotion among the keepers, and it is
understood that the appointments are usually made through political
influence. The salaries of some of the keepers are occasionaHy
increased, on account of length of service, good conduct, additional
work being imposed on them, or their salai'ies being too small, but
they are rarely moved from one place to another, in the way of
Taking the light-keepers as a body, they are a very intellignt, use-
ful and respectable class of person?, and, as a rule, perform their duties
very satisfactorily, alihough the remuneration is exceedingly
moderate. The plan of selecting them also works well, as the
member who has the responsibility of nominating a keeper, is
generally careful to recommend a good, reliable man, who may be
trusted with the management of the light, seeing that the safety of
life and property frequently depends on his attention to duty.
The expansion of the lighthouse system of Canada during the last
seventeen years has been great. In 1867, when the four Provinces
were confederated, there were 198 light stations in the Dominion
and two fog whistles, and at the close of this season there will be 569
light stations, thirty-six fog-alarms and ton automatic whistling-
buoys in operation.
As compared with the lighthouse systems of the United Kingdom
and the United States, our lights, although very good and suitable
for our trade, are not of such a high class, and have cost much less
to build and maintain than those of the countries referred to, but in
both of these countries ship-owners have not been'so much favored as
in this country, where shipping contributes nothing to the support
of the lightho'ises.
In the United Kingdom the light duos collected in the year 1883-84
ibr all general lights managed by the Trinity House, London, the
Commissioners of Northern Lights, and the Commissioners of Irish
lights, was £476,11G sterling, equal to about $2,380,580, while the
lonnage dues collected from shipping in the United States, although
toot nominally for light dues, was, as already shown, $1,320,&90. In
Oinglaud, the Trinity House has the management of the general
lights, for which light dues are collected, and that honorable and
fncient corporation may be considered as the lighthouse authority
of the world, and amongst their offioora are gentlonaen of high scien-
tifio attainraentH and groat exporienco.
The Marine Department of Canada has been under many obliga-
tions to the officers of this corporation for advice and assistance,
which have always been most readily and freely given. I
The Trinity House has under its management sixty-five light
stations with dioptric lights, twenty-one with catoptric lights, and
forty-six light vessels with catoptric lights, making altogether 132
light stations.
In Scotland the general lighthouse authority is the Commissioners
of Northern Lights, who have under their charge forty-five light
stations with dioptric lights, thirteen with catoptric lights, and
ten catadioptric, making sixty-eight light stations in all.
In Ireland the general lighthouse authority is the Commissioners
of Irish Lights, who have under their jurisdiction thirty-five stations
w/th dioptric lights, forty-one with catoptric lights, and twelve
light vessels with catoptric lights, making eighty-eight in all.
The three lighthouse authorities who have the management of the
general lighthouses for which light dues are collected in the United
Kingdom, have therefore under their jurisdiction 288 light stations.
In addition to these lights, however, there are a number of local
harbor lights of a minor description, which are maintained by local
authorities, such as Harbor or Dock Commissioners, and these will
probably number about 140, making altogether about 428 lights,
large and small, on the coasts of the United Kingdom, with a coast
line of about 3,500 nautical miles. I
The cost of maintaining the 288 light stations under the jurisdic-
tion of the three corporations referred to, including the mainte-
nance of steamers and supply vessels, during the year ended Slst
March, 1883, but not including the cost of collecting light dues,
superannuation of officers, or works in connection with building
new lighthouses, was £303,830, equal to an average of about £1,064
for each, or about $5,2*70.
In the United States the general lights are managed by a Light-
house Board, with two official secretaries, one an officer of the army
and the other an officer of the navy. This Board has under its manage-
ment 746 light stations, with dioptric lights, and thirty -two stations
with catoptric lights. There are besides these 1,049 minor lights, estab-
lished on western rivers, that cannot strictly be placed in either
of the above classes. There are also thirty light vessels, making
altogether 1,857 lights in the United States, large and small, with a
sea coast line to be lighted, roughly estimated at 12,600 miles ; inland
coast, roughly estimated at 3,000 miles, and length of rivers to be
lighted, roughly estimated at 4,000 miles, making altogether about
19,600 miles of sea and inland coast and rivers to be lighted.
The total cost of maintenance of all these light stations, light
vessels, buoys and beacons, steamers attending on lights, &c., for
the year 1883, was about $3,000,000. If the small lights on the
western rivers are included, these figures would give an average 'i ilj
cost of their lights at $1,077 for their maintenance. ' ^^t
>f high Boien-
-nany obliga-
d assistance,
ty-fivo light
lights, and
together 132
rty-five light
lights, and
om mi 8 si oners
y-five stations
1, and twelve
it in all.
gemont of the
in the United
light stations,
oaber of local
lined by local
and these will
)ut 428 lights,
I, with a coast
)r the jurisdic-
g the mainte-
a stations, light
lights, &c., for
lights on the
sre an average
In Norway there are 132 lights maintained by the Government
which cost $157,000, equal to an average cost of about $1,189 for
each. The lights in Norway are maintained by light duos on
The average cost of maintaining our Canadian lights, large and
small, including the cost of maintaining four steamers to attend on
them, and the buoys and beacons of the Dominion, is about $1,000
each per annum.
It will be readily understood from the foregoing statements
relative to the expansion of our lighthoase system, that the
Government of Canada has done much, since the confederation
of the Provinces, to improve the system of lighting up the coasts
of the Dominion and providing fog-signals, for the purpose of ren-
dering the navigation of our waters as safe as possible. A vessel
may now navigate from Lake Superior to Halifax, and can scarcely
be out of sight of some one or other of the numerous lights which
will guide her on her voyage through the inland seas, rivers and
Gulf of St. Lawrence to her port of destination. Between Montreal
and Quebec a large passenger trafSc is carried on by night boats
during the season of navigation, and an accident to these boats,
which are the admiration of travellers, is almost unknown. The
system of leading lights, for this portion of our great river, has
been mnch admired by nautical men, who have travelled in these
boats and have watched their navigation during the night. The
shoals are numerous, and the channel in some places intricate, but
by the excellent system of range lights and careful steering of
skilled pilots, these boats, loaded with passengers, pass up and
down every night during the season of navigation, and keep up to
time with the regularity of a railway train, and with the comforts
of a good hotel.
In 1872, long before our lighthouse system had risen to its
present state of efficiency, a Committee of the Trinity House,
London, visited this country and the United States, with the object
of examining the fog-signals in use on this continent, and acquaint-
ing themselves with the working of the lighthouse system in the
two countries. On their return to London, they reported m.oat
favorably of our lighthouse system, both as to its economy and
They referred to the lights which they saw in the Gulf and River
of St. Lawrence, as being very efficient, showing well a bright
light a long distance oif, and they alluded to those they visited as
being scrupulously clean and in good order. With reference to the
lights on Lake Ontario, which they saw while steaming up the
lake, they stated that they were observed, clear and strong, at a
distance of fifteen miles, and that the strength and efficiency of all
the Canadian lights whiih they saw, struck the committee forcibly
as indicating the high value of the illuminant used, and they char-
acterized the Canadian system as one of simplicity and economy,
admirably adapted for a young country, and that a higher ratio of
illuminating power was obtained from our mineral oil in catoptric
lights than in any other arrangement ; and with reference to our
22 .
w£!'??*^7'**'?' *^?^.''**^** **»*• ^'"'« simplicity and economy
U S"^*- ® ""il^ inflaenooB in conr eotion therewith, it was irood
and effective, and had been of great benefit to the trade. ^
buch was the testimony, in 1872, of these able and disintereflted
gentlemen of experience, as to the system of lighthouses and fo-.
signals then in operation in the Dominion of Canada, and since that
time great improvements have been made on our coasts, both as
regards the number and efficiency of our lights and fog-signals
; '.:
Y and economy
ith, it was good
id disintereHted
louses and fo^-;.
, and sinoe that
coasts, both as
Since the foregoing paper wu8 prepared, a copy of Iho Shipping
Act recently passed by ibe United States LegiHliiturc ban heon
received. With reference to the tonnage tax formerly inipoHcd on
shipping entering the ports of the United Stuto.j '•oni toroign
countries alluded to on page four, the new Act provides,
that in lieu of the old tax on tonnage of thirty cents
per ton per annum, a duty of three cents per ton, not to exceed in
the aggregate fifteen cents per ton in any one year, is imponod at
each entry on all vessels which shall be entered in any port of the
United States from any foreign port or place in North America,
Central America, the West India Islands, the Bahama Islands, the
Bermuda Islands, the Sandwich Islands, or Newfoundland; and a
duty of tix cents per ton, not to exceed thirty cents per ton per
annum is imposed at each entry upon all vessels which shall be
entered in the United States from any other foreign ports ; Pro-
vided, that the -esident of the United States shall suspend the
collection of so much of the duty imposed on vessels entered from
any port in the Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland, the Bahama
Islands, the Bermuda Islands, the West India Islands, Mosico, and
Central America down to and including Aspinwall and Panama, as
may be in excess of the tonnage and light house dues, or other
equivalent tax or taxes, imposed on American vessels by the
Government of the foreign country in which such port is situated,
and shall upon the passage of the New Act and from time to time
thereafter, as often as it may become necessary by reason of changes
in the laws of 'he foreign countries above mentioned, indicate by
proclamation, the ports to which such suspension shall apply, and
the rate or rates of tonnage duty, if any, to be collectod under such
suspension. Yessela which have paid the old tonnage tax for the
current year shall not be liable to the new tax until the expiration
of the certificate of last payment of the old tax.
The Acts which formerly provided for the assessment and col-
lection of a hospital tax for seamen in the United States, are also
repealed, and the expense of maintaining the Marine Hospital ser-
vice shall hereafter be borne out of the receipts for duties on ton-
nage provided for, under the New Act.
There being no light dues in Canada, and only a small ton*
nage tax imposed on vessels entering the Maritime Provinces for
the maintenance of Marine Hospitals and i>ick seamen, and on
vessels entering the ports of Montreal and Quebec for the mainte-
nance of a Barbour police force, vessels entering ports in the United
States from ports in Canada, will now be admitted on the payment
of a duty equal in amount to the tonnage dues imposed ou vessels
entering Canadian ports from the United States.