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, iV <\ ^\^ 6^ <^ '^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) B73-4503 % V a^ f? signifie "A SUIVRE ', le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, cliarts. etc., mey be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner. 14ft to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrama illustrate the method: Lea cartea, planches, tableaux, etc., pauvent Atre filmte A des taux de rMuction diff^rents. Lursque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichi, 11 est filmi A partir do I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche k droito, et de haut an bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Lea diagrammes suivants iiiustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 _i 1 2 3 4 5 6 I p. LIST OF FOSSILS Jv> Found in the Cambrian Rooks, in or near Saint John, N. B. isi G. F. MATTHEW^jf, M.A., F.R.S.C. C RepHnted from Natural History Society Bulletin No. X.) SaVINX JOHN. N. IB. Etarnea »• Co., F>rlnc» W^xx\. Street. 1892. I^R9Sffi' -^' '-^^^eKiBhkit^i^^^l^ ERKATA. The following errors occur in the columns of this catalogue: No. 27. The mnrk (asterisk) is opposite No. 28. No. 28. TIjc niiirk is opposite Loi,'I. A., F. R. S. C. tively out! lint' As the study of the organic remains found by the author and others in the Cambrian rocks around St. John is now nearly finished, it is possible to give a list of these remains, showing the zoological standing of the species and the various horizons at which they have been found. In order to make the catalogue more useful for reference, a brief description is given of the rocks of the several levels at which the fossils were found. These rocks are divisable into two series, there being a break in the succession of the beds at the top of the Basal Series, where its upper beds have been considerably worn to furnish material for the lowest beds of the next series, the St. John Group. Although we make two divisions in the lower series, we have not ventured to call them stages, as the faunas, so far as known, are not sufficiently distinct to make it advisable. We therefore regard this as one stage. Basal Skuies of rocks or Etcheminian Stage. The section at Hanford Brook is one of the clearest known for this series, and from the base upward is as f >llows (all the following sections are ascending): ^ ^ Tliiokncw ill (t<-t. Div. 1 . a Coarse purplish red conglomerate, 60 b (Ircy and purplish Hags, shales and sandstones 70 c Purplish red sandstones with greenish layers 340 Div. 2, « Purplish red conglomerate, more friable than la 35 f> Soft purplish red slates with greenish glauconite grains, the upper part firmer and more sandy ; greenish grey layers interspersed, especially toward the base,. . . 175 c Purplish sandy shales, with a few bands of greenish shale, 300 Space without exposures ... 320 1,200 I I 11. LIST OF FOL^SILS FOUND FN CAMHRIAN ttOCKB. Other f,'ood exposures of this series are found at Ratcliff'p, Millstreani, Simonds, and at Caton's Island on the Ijong Reach of the St. Jolin River. St. John Group (Acadian Group, Dawson.) This series is much more important for its faunas than the preceding, and for this reason is divided into three stages. Division ly or Acadian Stage.— A section at the north end of St. John (at Seely street) gives the following succession : Thirknea In f«HI7,()N AT TIIK SUMMIT OK TIIK St. John Gnour. Rasal SAINT JOHN OROUP. t-< 1 •1 ' DlVMION 1. Div. 8 DtvttiiON 8. o a 1 a b c 1 (5 [a\f) c' 1 a b c' c ? Alg8B — 1 Butliotrt'phisunticlua Brongijirt. sp. 2 Palirochordii setaceH 8 Hvdrot.ytiumsiliculu 4 Micropbycus catcnatiis Protozoa — 5 Monaditt'S gloljiilosus o M. pyriforinis 7 M. urcinformis H Itadiolarites ovaliH Spongida — 9 IMocoscyphia ('') pt'raiiti(iua 10 A.strocladia(?) elongata 11 A. (?) olegans 12 A. (?) virguloides i;{ ArrhiVix-yathus (?) pavonoides 14 IlyalosU'lia minima 15 Dichoplectella irregularis IH Protospongia (?) minor 16a V. distana 17 \\ sp. ? Echinodermata— 18 Platysolouites anliquissimus, Eich. 19 Eocystites prinufvus. Bill ' ■«Bmi^i>»fe«fe^.^gB$<^3b -. . ■ sKtM ha>-ta»& a ' <» M au t^itica«w«l ▼1. LIST OF FOHHILS POUND IN « AMHKIAN KOCKB. FoSKIMKKIlOim IIoUIZONB, KTC.—iCofiHnufd.) 8AINT JOHN OUOUP. ItaMal Heries DiVIHlON -i. a \^ Hydrozoa— 20 DendrograptusCO primordcniis 21 Proto^niptus ulaliKs 22 Hryngraplus patens. 23 nit'tyonenm tlahelli forme. Elch.. '^p. V. aeatllcmn V. eoufertum, Linrs.? 24 V. Dorvcgicum Kjeruf, sp.Y 25 1). (lelicatulum Dn. vrtr. 26 D (luadrauu^ularis Hall 27 Clonograplus spinosus 28 C. flexiliH. Hall 29 Loganograptus I.,()|.ani, Hall 30 Tetragraptiis (juadri- brauchiatuH, Hull 31 T. sp. ? 32 Didymograptus nitidus, Hallj 33 D. patulus, Hall 34 I). indenlus, Hall 35 D. nar. threadlike 36 1). sp. Vvery nar. 37 lietiograptus tenia- culatus, Hall? Brachiopoda— 38 Obolus major 39 o. (Botsfordia) pulcher 40 (). refidgens 41 Ol)olella(V) gemmula 42 Linnarssonia transversa, Htt. 48 L. misera, iJill. 44 I^ Belli, Dav. CAMBRIAN FOSSILS FOR SALE. The subscriber is having a fe\v' sets, of a>N^>ut fiftr species, of thi^ Cambrian Fossils of the St. Juhn Gix^up prepared for sale. They will be ready for distribution in September. Most of the species are diflferent from those found elsewhere in Americji, and more nearly resemble European species. G. F. MATTHEW. St. ,Iohn. N. B . (^iinnilii. Mny. 18»2. (?a^4^ /tf^^^ m-^^ ary()ne, Bill.? 1 1 • 67 (). Jlytic, Hall, 1 1 V. acadica » 68 Strophomcna atava 1 i ^ i 60 Caraarella parva. 1 » * Bill.? 1 1 I VIU. LIST or FOSSILS FOL'ND IN CAMl'.HIAN KOCKS. F088ILIFKROU8 HoUIZONS, ETC. — {Continued.) jBasal; Series SAINT JOHN liKOUP. h Pteropoda— 70 Ilyolithes Billingsi Wale. (?) 71 H. — Danianus 72 H. t^racilis T.i 11. micmac 74 II. (short, broad) 75 Dlplotheca Hyattiana 75a V. caudata 76 D. Acadica 76 V. sericea 76 V. obtusa 76 V. cras.sa 77 (!yrt()tUeca miuuta 78 C. corrugata 79 Styliola prima' va Gasteropoda— 80 Parmophori'Ua j Acadica, Ilartt, sp. ; 81 Ilartlia Matt hew i, Wale. I 82 Platyecras aperta Cephalopoda— a3 Volborthella tcuis, Schmidt 84 Orthoceras, sp.? Ostracoda— S.') llipponicharion Eos Hit Ht'yrichona papilio 87 B. tinea 88 I'rimitia Acadica 89 I.sochilinaC.') vcntrieosa 90 I. (?) Steadi , — — -- 1 -~ 1 • 1 > 5 9*1 s Division 1. Div. 2. DlVIHION -3. a h c' c' d a b c a b c' c' • *'» * # * LIST OF FOSSILS FOUND IN CAMBRIAN KOCKS. F0SSILIKEUOU8 IiOUIZONS, KTC— {Continued.) IX. Phyllopoda— 91 StenothecH concentrica 91a V. radiata 92 S. llicksiana 93 S. nasutd 94 S. triangularis 95 TiCpiditta alata 96 L. curia Trilobita— 97 Agnostus regulus 98 A. vir. 98u V. concinnus 99 A. Acadicus, llartt \)\)i/ V. declivis 10(1 A. bisectus 101 A. partitu'^ 102 A. ohtusilobus 10;{ A. acuUlobus 104 A. Nathorsti (at Drury's Cove) 105 A. fis-sus 100 A. pisiforuiis, L sp. 107 A. umbo lOS A. tessella 109 MitTodiscus r)awsoni, Harlt 110 Microdiscus punt- tat us, Salt, V. pul- chellus, Ilartt 110(1 V. precursor 111 Eilipscct'plialus <■/, polynietupus, Lnrs. 112 Agraulos artiet'plialus li;{ A. — VVhitlit'ldianus li:{a V. c'onipressa 114 A. holotephalus 115 A. socinliy, Bill I X. LIbT OF FOSSILS FOUND IN CAMBRIAN ROCKS. F088ILIKEUOJ8 HonizoNS, RTC— (Continued.) I Basal Series ei Division 1 SAINT JOHN OROUP. DivwiON 3. 3 O .a Trilobita— ( Contifiited.) 116 A. (Strenuella) Halliana; 117 Liostracus tener, ! Hartt, sp. i 117a acuminate var.j 1176 smooth variety ' lis L. — ouangondianus Hartt, 8p. 118a V. immarginata 1186 V. aurora, Hartt, sp. 118<; V. gibba USd V. plana 119 Ptychoparia | Linnarssoni, BrOg. sp.] 120 P. alata 121 Solenopleura Robbii, Hartt. sp. 122 S. Acatiica Whiteavos 122a V. elongata 123 Anomocare stenotoides 124 A. °' ■ iiger 125 Conocoryphe Walcotti 126 C. Baileyi, Hartt, sp. 127 C. elegans, Hartt, sp. 127o V. granulatus 128 Ctenocephalus Matthewi 12Ha V. geminispinosus Hartt. sp, 1286 V. hispidus 128c V. perhispidus 129 Paradoxides lamellatuR. Htt 129a V. loricatus 180 P. Acadiois 130a V. suricuH, lai P. EteminicuH h\c'\c' 1 • 'r Div. 2. a ,b c a I* I t * « -: li C'' c' 1 I I »*w-#^*s^<*>.i-!tti LIST OF FOSSILS FOUND IN CAMBRIAN ROOKS. F08SILIFBROU8 Horizons, nTC.—{Contimied.) XI. BaMl SeriM SAINT JOHN GROUP. Trilobita— ( Continued ) 181a V. suricoides 131A V. breviatvis llllc V. inalicitiis \'A\d V quacoensis IS^ P. micmao, Htt. 132a V. pontiflcalis 138 P. regina 184 P. Abenacus 135 Paraboliua spin- ulosa, Whl. sp 136 P, beres, BrOgg. V. lata 136a V. gr&ndis 1 137 Parabolinelhi I postbuma 138 Protopeltura Hcantbura, Ang. sp j V. letracauthura j 1 39 Peltuni scarabcdidesj Wabl. sp. 140 CyclognatbuH rotundifronsj 141 Loploplastus latus I 142 Clenopyge rtagillffer, Ang. sp. 143 C. spectabilis, Br5gg. var 144 C. pecten, Salt.VJ 145 Con(»cepbalites coiitigunS: 146 Euloma, sp. ' Tracks, BiirrowR and Trails - 147 Mcdusicbnite.^ 148 Eoicbnites Linur. • anus, Torrell, sp 149 Ctenicbnites ingeus 150 Psammichnites 1 gigas, Torrell! ti Division 1. Div. 2. Division 8. a c'w' d a a d ii *v' vm^miniSSSSSSSeTTi- mmmm •,ixii§!^9- LIST OF F(>^^SIl,S lOlND IN ( AMIUUAN ROCKS. F()8SIl,IKKKt)L'S HOUIZONS. v:TV-{Co»ti,iued.) SAINT .lOllN (iKOI'r. UuHal I Series 1 't. .X DlVI.HIiiN 1. Div. Division •\. a />,c' a d a b r : a h c Ic |1 Tracks, Burrows & Trails— iC'>7i/ju?/((/.) 1.")! MoMocraterion inairnilU'iiiii l.Ti Arcuicolitcs Lyrlli, Torr. V. minor * 15;^ A. brt'vis ir)4 Fnvna rainosa 1,").') Goniadic'hiiites trichiformis Incerti sedis— i:)(; Eocorync ircininuin 1.")^ lA'pidilla au oiuala II ?;:;j;^nhi"r^IS'os"C it w,1Uk. «>rn t-Mut tlu. .mcl.iU. and upper part of Divisi.uU in which the Cumln-iau fpss.ls were lirst f,,„,l continues to he the richest colU'Ctini; grouml D.v.sum ... as a connmr«tivel.y barren groun,!, divules tl>o lower tr, « ,,l,e „m,or faunas. Fossils of the lower or.lers prevail in the Ursal'series; but the Ilvdro.oa, with a few exceptions, show ,hemselves abundantly only in the U,M.er division ht. ,Iohn ,^1,). The l,in,uella. show their control o the C'ambnun ;;eks bv their uniform distribution; but tl-Tr,h.h.tes tliough ■.boundins ill the U|.per and Lower divisions of the ht. John Group,! Je left scarcely any remains in the intermediate strata The A,.nosti in this list are arranged m three groups or seetions- Nos. 07-100 are l.lMi: 101-10.; are I.mptrontc; fotlOH are ,re.ifron,e.; tlie founh ^^-^"'^ ^'^ ^^^^^^ Iwvimli is unknown in the St. .)ohn (.roup. 01 the lliret !; u^ esent it will be observed that the Lin,bat, have ho "widelt range, and that the Hrevifrontes are conhned to the iiorizon \d. riSION .<. "\c\'i liddlo and 3 were lirst Division jwer from k'liil in the ions, show (St. John Cumbriiin ,es, though le St. John irtte strata. (jronvis or ngifrontcK; his genus, f the three :i have tlie lued to the