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Thoaa too larga taba antlraly Includad In ona axpoaura ara fllmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand cornar. laft to right and -top to bottom, aa many Iramaa aa raqulrad. Tha following diagrama llluat^ata tha Ifiathodf' 1 ■ / 2 3 % J. L'aMamptaira fttm# fut raprodult gri^c « la ' g4naroalt4 da: Matropolltan Torontp Rafaranca library SaldMin Room Laa Imagoa aulvantaa ont 4ta raprodultaa avac la plua grand aoin. oompta tanu da la condition at do la nonata da I'aNomplaira fllma, at 99% oonformltA avac laa condltlona du oontrat da c* fllmaga. Laa ajiamplairos orlginauK dont la couvartura wx paplar aat ImpHmAa aont fllm4a 9n commandant ar la pramlar plat at m tarmlnant aolt par la rniara paga qui comporta una amprplnta d'impraasion ou d'llluatratlon. aolt par la aacond plat, salon la cas. Toua laa autraa axamplalras orlginauK aont fllmAa an commandant par la '^ pramlAra paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'Impraaaion ou d'llluatratlon at an tarmlnant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una talla ampralnta. Un daa aymbolaa aulvjinta apparattra aur la • darnlAra Imaga da chaqua ntlcroflcha. aaldn la eaa: la aymbola — »> algnifia "A 8UIVRE", la aymbola V aignj^a "FIN". Laa oartaa, planchaa, tablaaux, qtc. pauv^ant Atra filmia * daa taux da reduction diffAranta. Loraqua la documant aat tro0 grand pour Atra raprodult ^n un saul cllchA. II aat fllmA A partlr da I'angia aupArlaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'Imagaa nAcaaaalra. Laa dia^rammaa aulvanta llluatrantMa mAthoda. ^ ■. -' ■ • .#■ ■ ■ I 1 ^ itithocor^ iMiounnN tMt omit (AMM w^ «0 (f IT CNMT N» n Itt ■" ■■■■■ ■■ ■■ !S! lit ^ -/^ S Itt IM iuz ^^ , ■ 1.8 •# UiiUi jA ^LIED IM/C3E In, '"1 lo«l twin SlfMl ~ ~ ?t. I \, •>»l vv* 1^:^ '"^ (ODH Ol RI-IORM ^ ruISON DISCIPLINF IIVIHGSTOH I ,•'*; >i V V .1 / ^>* ^ X y •^4 .* / ♦ / A- ^* ^7 . ' • ■ ' \ I f i ' " ' ' B ^ M AND PR #r r'%> ''•'••— "V* J^ I TiiK Tnmn part •V ' ^iJK SVSTKM OF I»kS.AL LAW > • faifAifti* rt/IIlANA. Bl^DWARD LIVINGSTON, L L D. J0 QUEBEC : raiNTED BV ORORR OK THB LF.0I8UTIVF. COI'NCII. BY THOMAS CARY & Co. rftCBMAaONs' HALL. f 1831. '^^^^!** -'Br ■/♦,:ji>{'' A, A .*«J»» M'\ ^ •'#«^*2gi ^WB^'' > \ - 4^ • ik 4 . ^ -^ V /* '^ «^'fc^9t>' 7 ■ ' :^ < t y;' Ant IIm' i'oi ui iIk< 4*11*1 • •ilijrrli lliu vtl Amt Rt'forti Ol'llliM •Cl'IIM- •i'lltCD . iBiiJ^^]^^, ,^*«" \^. § € CODE Ui:foum and priscin discipunb ^^&i PRlUilMINAKY CHAPTER. HECTION I. Amt. . TfiU Cwlo U int^iHlctl iit^nly to dlrtci the •lniatiircaii«l ikiI1ci<, uf ihc prlwn for 111.' •uiifiiHiniiil i.f «-.«ivlct«,>u «|mt of ttioM whkli ■!« riiMlrrwl lUiPMory for Uw «I<|« ulioii Ul llK' lUT.IMll lM>llg|||J^t, fur ihfCllUCMtU.II ofJuVfUlll. uir.lMl.r», BIKlofn llUUM of rtflllgl- toitii dnployinriitHRptlKMC who fiavD iiii arr, nflmion, Inmruction, liublu of in«l»»iry, aninotc lhci« !» one of the •rit ilutiMol «he nun who are charRcil with the imiiorunt and iHiuourabk taak of nuiHr- intending ihcvditfcrcat dcpartiucota of thcM Initltutlouf. Aat. . Refbrmatton eannot be cxpf ctcd whilt; the vicloutk are permitted to aMociate with each other or with ibe Innocent. Thi. kind ofWclu.lon, thcrclorc, U a protection not a puniMuiKiit ; nnd \» coii*«nn«ntly nec«>«Miry in the Houte of IMenliou and Refuire. at well MUithcFcoitentuiryundbchooloflicforiii. ^,w i *'^. ..t- •# J^' ^ / . ^ hut. . All iIhp itli«»r» tMnHMlrtl ntt4*r llito CmiI*, A^win ll«« liM^I«r to Ik* wii4viil»*f»f , !»•««• MWml •• wvll &> • Wfliil tliHii t* fwrftifHt. In n<» «l«tMiffmcni wf ilt«* go^Ptnimnt h lllff* M grcAlvr run Ibf ihi^ lw»l iiii«lliW« uf tl»« iMiHii •truii^ iMMf nl •#»•<> mwI MHKfliriMMl Ml»f in r»llKk»ii {htr tiwy mim«« U icwM^ t)l birtli), Arnii*«M in f*nm^t%^H|K onlrr, ii»m4v r«tl«Hi •ihI UiMiM'r In rnfitrrin^ It, cl'iWNiltrMlloM !*• illar<»iri'r liio o*!! |itu|t«n*ii; « iInM h«»« |«i| III lli«< «« of iIni ««in«t«>l«, notl • K«m»l»«»nt> nf l*tim«ti intiiirv l« lUm u» tlwtr irw* ■tmkHi Ylwy Imi««) Mil«#r fiiiirllun*, Nhil on lit* NMMlMrr in Miiit*!! t\ww uf lb« inl«nl of |Im> bw ii»nI wf wli«l tl ffRpf M fnnn ih* minltlvrf wIm •r* Iw rR««ttl» lf» !• |*lM«il m III* InimtlHfiliMi of ilw Onli In lM|>r»M ihem with « irM virw of ilid ■pirii wiilfh MiiMl«! NNir^ rAcM U>u*, hy • «««l^ who urti nrKllcrnl or t*urni|il, will fmr II. Abt. . Tti« prtifrrM of rrfortn in llir frrnnlr «tc|>iirimrnl wlltitr|M-ri(l «liirlr own MPX, w|i«i iniiy Mrrrpl lli«< invitiilion givpn by tlir lnw, lo mrry ilivir rK«m|il< nimI prvc«>iil, nntl prratiMlvt rRlioriHllon to li>« pltM^ff of punWIinirnl, «n llircr TIiIm. Il'*" A"! Irr-nu of ihr .llfTrrrni placr* of conAurmrnt, llivir ronatructlon, niul offlccn ( Ihr iccofHl illrccti ihr (rralmcntof th« p«rwnia coiitiii««l ( aud the (bird cotiuina tlir rrgulalUint for tlu! Hoiim of KffAige. 1 '^a^ip- W ]##.' .4-' • v '•. A«f. jlKltrUI •^ of ff«»l A»r. I.— I lb di« l»* lo no to of Ait. whkli I of conv Abt. I.— i •tl bH a.— i Llilti'* « ii^fau^ trJki^ «• A-k II##||PPta II llN»« rtUi iM '|ifii«r«4 tiult«t, •hm it ^ MnMt . TmI •n4 I ri iir U. |ik «iMi t mImmI • UOM of p«>rMiaa I TITLB I. HiArM or eo Mimirr— Av tniii edMirftvctt«M ano orriciM. CIIAITT.R I ^ NKCTIOM I. ^ A«f. . TWr* alMkll Im> iinnrhlMi •! iIm »«|Mn»t« «r iIm Hmii*, In i«i«'h pUo* In iIm irM Ji^IUIaI •tUlrtrl m iIi« (IvnffrAl AMvmbly tlNill illfMl, ihnw atfiMirM* aimI tlMliMl |)|m«i •^ «#l e«wft«M'»»«'«l= ^ A»r. . <)n« ol iIhtm ■iiAil Im ««1I«i1 ih« llocrta «» D«fBim«*. In ilii* tlMli b« •doAmnI i |.~|Vfwn« who. In th« emn Aikmvti hy Iaw, mci ifelilnati in uribr to «««ur« llMir Altan* «!•»(■• M wlinr**** on < } i 9,— 'nHiM> wIm »rm cummUirtl fur iriAl on an RMUMikNi «f Miibambanoa In (iMiim lilMrkl. ", ■ ) * 9,— IHirtiHt* •enltnrMi to ■lni|tl« InttirlMiiniffnl (wli«the#' In tloM eualMlx or noi) t»r »nf |i«rl ortWn of w'rourt or a mA||i*lrAl« ■• iitajr hv |>um«ti«tl by lmtiriiiwuni«nl, for ihw n«m (MvnMnl ol- a An«, or for lli« lirrAc-li of a rrcoiKniiiMnre, or uny oilier rni{Affrm«Nl rntrrrtf into In (h* i'tHirM» of n |)roarrutUin for AM (ifTeoc*, In llie Anl Uitlrlet, In IIm COM! where Huh ronllnement U nuihorlxetl. 6.— All thoM wiio mAy, In |I|a lint diitrlet, bs eommltieil for irlAt.on ao AceuaaUtMi of CAIMN. Aay. . Aa«Hher of ihe^tnUI plACc* of confinement »hAll b« CAlleil the l*NNiTlNTtA«v. In which ■hall lie roiiAnrtl ail tlioteronvUtrfl ol crime InAnypArt of lh«8lAU, who,Al tN tJm« of cunvlction, had allNlnetl the age of eighteen yf an. ^ Aat. . TIm third aImiU bvcfttid iIm School worn Rwovm. In It •hAli b« plActd t l.-~AII tlioae cnnvlctetl of crime (notpunhhnhlehy Inipriionment for life) who have not attaineU the age of eighteen y«ara, in whatever part of lli« Utate th« conviction niAjr bnvA bcf n hAO. > 'J.— All per»on« under the Ag« of eighteen yion who ihAll b« MntAntftd to b« placed In ■^'■. J^' -" "i •*':'•;, — ^ 1 ----;-:.■ ^ * ''■":^** ■ «JC£^:>^ Z^^^ m ^ y 4b A m T'-s*^ a ♦• .«rinltt«d by law. Aar. . Priionan commltUHi Mur* trtal( and offi^iuiarn MMit^iiei^l tn •impio Iniprixinmrnt fclr a tcfm IfM tbati lixtvdttys, In any part utthf oihvr iailicial iliHtricU, oxcrpt (li« lint, , ahnll Uv cunanodiii Ui« JAii. of Ui« parUti in which tbey ■iiall b<» cuiiiinitttfd, or in which tliay ihall Im) Mutcuced. A AT. . OfTondcni mntcrtfecd to ilmplfl Impriionmcnt In any part of the Stale, for any term •xeecdinf lixty day*, mIihII be cunliiicd in liiv liuuao uf ilt:t«iition. Aar. . Whilfl impriionnient for debt continue* to beauthuriied by the laws of the 8latc, it must be roKulatttd by tbe cini. law, and tbia Code oontalaa no other provlaloo In relation to it Uian tiiat cunfained in tbe following article. Aar. . No pcnu)!! ■hall be iinpriiiuncd hi any of the three placet of confinement directed to be itrovidaii by litia chapter, in |nif«4ianca vt aiiaal JudgeoMnt) ur foe wtwit of bail« JftA civil suit. SECTION II. 0/ th« Conttruction of tht Sjffwrmt Plaeta qf Cimfintmtni^ kwtk . The Koiwa ov DarBirnoirii||lll be ao conetructetl aa to keep. In ibur divUlonr, entirely acpiirate the oae diviaion Iron tbe other, tbe prieonera comprcbeoded in the following claRBC* t ? I— The Arat claaa ahorli oenaiat of the male pcrmna deacribed in the flrat, aecond, third, aod feunh miinbera of tbe enuiueration contained in the aecond article of the preceding aeetiooti 3.-^The aecond clau ahalleonaiatvf feitfale priwner* of the above deacriptloo. St-^Thc third claaa ahatl eodaiat of male peraona committed for trial on an accuaation of CIIMB. 4ir~Aiid tbfl feiurtb chMt afaill oemlat of femde priaonera confined for trial on an ac(;u»atioo of caiMa. Aar. . TM» balMInf moat alto oentalb 'setMnM MeMflni for each individual of the thini and fourth daises, and for each of the peraona who abali be aentcnccd to simple impfiaonmcotin dosecueiedy ; and two encloaed va r d a ■ theone for the male and the other for tbei female' prisoMr»'0< th»otkep obuaoif in-ivliiebttiejBnqriaikeexeroiie and punue •ucb employment aa ia hereby permitted. Abti . Tlha PtanrriiMnrrAaT aliaN be ao conatrueted aa to contain. fl.- 4/- 4- 6.— Aar female coavio Aar 1. 9. a. &. Abt 4?0Mtn ehould give til Aar •aiMl in Of the Aar. idwve'i purpoH crmiuect lannmrnt the lint, lilch th«y tny (em ./ f he HUlc, " I reUiiion directed UdiU lax iivitionr, d in (ha id, third, reoedinjg^ aadon of I on an ridual of D Simple lie other I purnie I .— Ccila for (hoM icntenotd (o t^tMty o< mfl »cw c u( for ni«id«r. • fl.~RugM of Mpanitc mIU, oitti ftir eMsk eonvkt, wl(h an eMskMrd «oart for CMfi cell. %— An hy4rauilc «)r otiicnuiuliiiio to Im« put in opcriitiuii by manuai lab«>ur,sodii|M*M!d tha( • flunvenleiit uuiulMr of priMaon may worii at it^^iiarated from aaali u(h«r hy a wall. 4.~4ehool«rooBU luAolt at ibr tlii ttiitnicdoB of a claw of pervoni. ^— -An Inttmmrf. M 6.— Ali other ncccwary biiildlngt for the lafe-kfiapinK allil ninportof (h« priionert and for (lie preMfvatkin of Uioir health. Aar. .The PenltenlflVfiliall aito have a ■eparntr enrluniirr, con(ainin|f tlmllar celli tor fcmaio convicU, to disbowd aa to prrvviit ail means of communicatioa with (he male «ooviota. j Abt. . The ScMocM. voa Ravoaii shall contajn i l.--8eparate divisions for the sexes. 3.— A separate dornitdrjr for each prisoner. x S.'—Proper courts or shop* Ibr tlie emptoyiaent of (he prisoDfnnN 4. — A ackoel-rooai for each dlvisioe. h. — An lainaary. Aar. . Each of the three places of confinement described In thb leetkni shall be to ^osMtructed as to be°separate from the others ; and if for the convenience of building they should be contained in the same outer wait or enclosure, (hey must be so arrsngea as to give the prisoners In the one no means of communication with those in any Other. Abt. . All the prisons must be soconstruoted iM to be at all times completely ventilated, •aiMl in winter wanned by flues communicating with the different cells. / / I / CHAPTER II. 7 ' Ofth» OjScer* and Attendimi» of tht $tv4ral Plmetn^f CoitfiiummU and thnr tmrnta Dutin, SECTION I. Cf tKe Appoimtmml eftke OJktn, AaT. . Tbero sball be appointed by the Governor, for tbe several places of coofiaement ^wvemeotkMied, the following officers and attendants t ■- •"-#■■ ti^T^'"". ■■*»'■ \* ■-*'"'^ • I i . ■I ■ ;^ ■ i* ^:\ Abt. . For th« HotiM V DvUmtion, • Warden aod • Matron. Tli« W«r(l«n with fHf •pprubAtion ufthe Intpccton lierrin kl'lcr moiitiuiirU, iliiill tiiiin* to nitny iinilrr-krpu«r«, •ml th«* Matron, with lh« likr H|i|trnlMtion, •<> many NMiatnnti n« Uy the ln«|tfi-u>rtl iihairh« decnitMl hccrMury lor (hr aafc l(f«i|ilng: of the* |>craona cuuiniittf neouMury uttandance un ttwiu. , AtT. . For the Penitentiary, • Warden, a Matron, • Teacher, a Ptiyiioiau, two Cliaplaina, and a Clerk. m Aar. . The Wanl<>n and Matron thall respectively appoint lo many aMltUnU ai 1ii« Inspecton aiiall deem Decenary. Abt. . For the Scliool of RrfbVm, ■ Wnnlon, a Matron, and a female Teacher ; and the Keeper and Matron tliall respectively ap|)uint so many uasistanta aa the Inlpe^ton aliall ^ deem necenary. .* . , . The Physician and the Chaplain* uppolnted for the Penitentiary ihall also attend g and the Teacher uf the Penitentiary shall instnict ^ Abt. thie two other places of confinement ; such of the persons confined in the House of Detention as choose to rvoelvv lessons, at such limes aa shall be directed by the Inspectors. SECTION II. <3/th» Board qf iHMjueiort and tMr DatUt,. Abt. . The Governor shall appoint flvc persons to form a Board of Inspectors. Abt. . The duties of the Inspectors shall be to visit the House of Detention, tlie Penitentiary, and the School of Keform, at least once in every week, to see that the duties of the several officers and attendant* are performed — to prevent all oppression, peculation, or otiier abuse, in the management of the several institutions ; and to report to the ' livfflslature sucb means as may. puf gett tbemselvea for their improvement ' , Abt. .They shall also, with the approbation of the Governor, form rales for the government of the several places of confinement and the employmentof the i>ersons confined theieliwaot InoonaisteBl with this Code. They shall direet the purchase or all imptementa^ and materials for the manufactures carried on therein, and the sale of the articles manu- foctured which are not wanted for the use of the priaonert, and they shall direet the manner In which all purchases of provlatonaMmotiMrMipjiliM for the prisonen shall be made. Abt. . The Iiupecton shall cause aeeurite aeoounta to be kept lb separate sets of booka of all espenUiturea and rc^elpta in eaoh of the plaeei of cooflnemenC Abt. '_. They shall on or before Ae flnt day 6f December, in every year, make a report in writing to the Legislature, of the state of the said places of confinement and of the House of Refuge. The report shall oootali) the name,, age, sex, plaee of residence and nativity, time of commitment, term ,of impriaonment, profeasfon or trade prior Ho commitment, and employment in prison, of each person who has been committed during tfce'prcceding year to either of the said placea oToonfinement : notieing also tboat who may have OMBBcd, oc died,. ^ m -- '--it jJ S' * i'*^ S^^|»!Pi-'sSl*l!i1l H"^^ vli I with the ■111 fur lira yhaplaina, lU u { and the tun •luUI ^ Im> •tteat) g 11 instruct ^ iiii at tuch. ntlon, tli6 the du'tlet •eculation, >rt to the 9t for the « coofined aptement*^ let manu> le inaaaar made. » of hooka tea report' the HouM 1 nativity, nent, ana. ng year to d, or died,. ipMrfMMi(< r Aether for ( order: •ii i NT whicli the coainltnent wa* Ml In what eoart, or hy whoM ^ J \. i ubaenralkma aad give mcIi ZiStm^iniXSSm. "^'"t «*^ "^ IntUtuilooa rflktual In the iVTil* ( ' " * , , ^ ■ J ' ,*. ^ ,* ^ *" *' * ■ • ... ■ Ji ■ ■ ■ .• ■ ■ , I- -Z^ -^1 TSVL'5****I' *■*• ^•'•^ *» •Swi^** •»y penoa on o^.' rtlatlve to any ahuw li the aaU plaeaa of ooniMOKnt, or otMr oMMlw- wiibln llM Pttrvltir of tiMir duties. . T|«p Mw» power to oMke rtriif fcr (h« prwe n r atk m of prtoM iflMlpllne and for ^ log indtHtry. moral*, and education, lu the Mid Mveral inntltutiona, which ahall P". M. **^^ * TT' I*"****®"* «• **»•* C«de or of other law, and to loipoM and cau«e u> ^ TL. J^. J ! " ' ? "^*** *^.'^' *"''• «^"«« *» »»»• bwiwh of •uoh rulei, and for •M Mich lafraetbna of priwa dkielplloe^ ae are oMde ponlahahle by tbia Code. AxT. . They thai I direct in wliat maaner the ration* for the rahaUtence of the nrlaonera etaH ho eoapoaed, la eooformlty with the general direotloni oo that •abject liervio i?^ L?^^!'*^- *^ PfTferm web dotiea m m nifiind of thes la the rebwauent porta of tbia Coitir.'' . .■ ^ "■ . » ^ '^ ^l!^ /.F** 'm^'" *f" l««^ «l» right to vMt omI iBtpeet the mM place* of cooHne- ■MA aad Heaae ef ReAigo wheaeeer be ahall deeoi It expedient , and the Keeper*, Waitlens Clerk*, udotber <>•«*» «'*^m^ pt^Maa bm baiiBd to aabmH to thein, or either ot wbenever ealled OB, the book*, paper*, aad account*, belonging to the prUon*. to aaafc a^awB batoag, — < |» Ij ii jll J||i | 4|p tbe pHaaaaw thereto cooioed. Ibea*. iNlMI ilB)' ii .m^^^^ T^ ^^^^ y^ ^w w9fwnm fMMta er BeMHwininK ■aall ipaMtWMR% a«A! ■ §■ of (b« laepectura, to take pert in (heir «U'libiralloii«, biK no( (o rote, (o •((end (bcir Veekly in«|>rotloaa i and enoli uftlii' tiertunt ebove mrntlunrd may do any act wbloh th« Mid lM«pectuni'ludlvidu«lto«r« audiftfucd to uerfiirm. ^^" ^i . Xkt. . Each (^ the DYrectreuea of the ^ydiiw Aayhim, iN m«wb«« ^4 matf faMk ■ «^ k^ . .*. ' A»T. \ The I^pectora aball hare power to m^k« eontrvta tor the Ubowr of iho eonvlota In the Penitentiary and School ^f Reform, with such mechanics M will learn them a useful trade, under the reatricttons preacrlbod in th« Chapter commIm^II* MitiMnl 4l ttM oonvksti. .."•itwlPi** lw*'.*'''*iP'. t]wt>* * %aft, "i No Inspector, nor any oflcer or other Mnoik cmplofa4 la mit of tho mM iMfiM of confinement, shall tell any article for the hm of either ol tbens, orolthe petMoooofiiacd therein during their coqflaement, or shall purchaM anr eftlfc naBiAcluna mmw thenln, or derive any emolument flrom Mieh purehaee or Mle either to bloMeK or I»i0y imMM In the aaoendiog or descending line, or any collateral within the third degree, other then such eoMlnment m la herein after «iq»resa|y •Ikwed | umimtf u» ii l i r •gahMl thie ■hall be ftned ftre hun^r^ (bUars Mid livprlKMicd In eleee xmmoif thirty dayfc^ i-A ' AiiT< . NoworitdMJIheperfcrMoiliiprwf artld*-^ , - , ... for the UM of Miy of the IiMpeeton or oOomti oTcMmt «< «Im ftk mi , m olMif^y the •tiMidMita employed therelii. or for the mm of the tmU^ efdlher of tfMmi .Mr iMI tbey or either orcein retelre trader mij pi»Mti<» i imf i iii»W i , or ■ay oae oii hla hehal^ any tap oTaisMjr or gM ofiy iiii nrt i l iirt h i l, mi m i mfmMj of fiTt hundred doHari toe, aadebi loatht liprlMMMthi atoee a iM lpi y . - Mt. . HM) IimMpMnihant pqwtr. hi cmaaf the aasi dlMbtUty of either hftlia Wardeai, dtMmf ofUMtolM toemplojrambetitiite dtarlag aadi rtwniip ordMMbiU^i tlMeMag, perforai e^l iht dutl»ii»iTa imi>at m l nriiy, i»d hrim» » .attiieoAeer hlmMlA ■; . •■.■;; ':.;'||. -■■. ■«>:ft ahall* Ant the the gaailliii I I .^ , -it'^'^'- I, oiUm rtuf iIm to take n«l MMik r teMk ^ raU« nil ■r of tiM F« of Ul« lount, In rMxialor prrM on ofilirly I eonvlott • uwftil 0«fliMd I In bMi Mieh or .•>■*.: or lU'lurtbt b l»-"«^%r|' .«.♦ 'S»- •?■ -; •-^-■ •^'♦. Cy fA« iN^ fmnmam f tka Wmrdmu Mf -.A k^4«V%t IcMt oocfl In ev«ry dajr, wid when JKompMlcd by tb« Malrou. ( V ThnalMllMcb k««pnJournal, in which iball b« ivgulurly entarad the raceptioa, i,dantbj pai^, or etcmms, of any p^laonar { and alto, Uie coniplalntt Ibal are majle and Uie punlahmanla tbatarr inflloled for the breach of pdaon dlwIpUiie, aa lliey oooiir, Uie Vlaluofthalntpecton, the ChapUIn and the Pbytician. and all other occur rencet of note Ibnl coooam tba •!•!« of tba prboa. naotpC Iba raeaipU and cxpcuditurca, the accouuU of wblflb ara to ba kept l^iba mannar herein afUr dirtcted. '' $ t n»"XO n tba ooramitment oraprtwner accuaed ofCaiMS In llie House of f)«t«ntiop, and when convicted of a crime on hU entrance In the Penitentiary or Scl«ooi of Krfurni« Ibare abaU ba entered «o tbeJourMi tba mk, age. apparent height, and occurato dctcriptiDh of Iba parioa, laac place of abode, and nativity of the prUoncr. A«T. . On the death of any priaonera, tho Warden ahall immediately give notice to the Board oflnapectora, and ■ball Uka tba weaaurea directed by the Code of Procedure for awMMiito0 a Jnry «f Inqnaat, M^ -^'Tba Wanknaaball aavarally make a report in writing to the Governor avery aix months ofalltb J te,,;.,.- »< - \ \ 1-\ ""-i^fa .1^'. .-a. .■^.. ■ . . ' I": V f' . - ^¥" '(-'T ^'OF " ' ■nr <*' It ballon of on« t^^tlMin, majr punUh iIm cMHUwrnlBg the tr««tai«iit of prteoarn. !• Um ■MMirr«|ir9Ct«d la lb* Ctmfmr luif tiMl 1W1 ^ mmietlv* prtoM, ••• ^ Amr. . NoW«nl«ti tlMU abMat bIniMlf from iIm prbon uiMbr hU car« fcira »%M, without penulMlon, In writing httm on* of ibc Intiwoton, or in ih* «x«cu(kMi of mom A\ lh«t rcquiraa luch sIimimw, or by rrMon o< mmim unlurMran aMttknt which raiKhn It Mfy I «Md Wk«M1f«» Mali ikMMW OMMM, it b to be - — " " '^ Aar. . TIm WbrIm ^mOI mI b« ilM fttooMn iM^yi Mfw. Alt. . The AirthM' dntica •od poirtn o# tiM WsnbM In their •taliwi bi Um Cli r- pMtiofthUCtMli. UCTtOH IV. Al% ^fA« W wfar J T wy iw «*«M« PmUmHar^ md Hmm ^ DHmHm, W< r^Tb* wndf-iwyw iMwt b. mm ef ■obrity, ho awty, —d iadiMtry. Th«y avM iindmtand nwdiaff. wriiinf, ib« Ant t%\m of vlthaMk, and oiitM WMh, for lh« «o««ob "■^•""^ •^-f^*^,'W!P!^;u,,., ,.,., . _.■,/.. '•,*• • ■ . : -'• A«T. . Iltolliadb^fr'-^-— ^-^-^^ .IS -^ .^ ._ .*/ ..*^l.w • v to Me that hie mcale ere i to woric who are permit , , *j>«rein^aooordliic to Iha rttlM aitablMMl bf lN|gl<% "t pofflMtiader-kcer d»ll iai»ediaiely«lre ».«tae tolh. V^fMm^:i^^^^:^i^,^^^_^.._^ kmt. . Baeh under-iiceper ihali havo a aarlaia nanber of priMNian aMlgacd lo Ue eara. Aa«. .Ha«tiallnMliaaaiU7repaniolliaWarda*,orika oftbeprlionafl*, aMlailkaNponiathelBepee«onwbaai«i|alr«4 j., . . ^ *»^ Ji^Lj" SjfSf'"''*''* ■Wlhaprwtat wImiIm Wavdte ar tba li^paeMr tMh «ha •«o*>eN vader bis partioalar care. .,/.,^,„ ,,^- ,,,..,• 4,^^,.^,,^. ■;••■-'••,;;!■• ■'«..*i>.^,:'isi#?*«»-'w«F>n'' Aw. . Tbe«adMvbaeperiballabe)PanMalbMhnglv«ib7*al¥ai4aBibrtlM "'*°*^,*'?£r'*^ ThayriMdlbeiaaMrvaablabTblMaiplMmtMi bylbvli g_P^ *^.'".y ti2«<> tlMlr flAota. All oiSn Id tli aaJif Iriyiii watt ._ %'^ t^^W J7^ iMMraMte bi «te priMi aigiil «A^»M« ihaU Ml b« awilnyii iliiii ^ tte Waidra or the Inspcctoft la wy otiwr plbofc Thar ibaU Ml abewl iMiMrifii ;^*«-.f{7tlj»»i**,.^P>^'V i;('.v ■*W'i.H *iri ^»,ri'^!ii ..!j*»»'.j;/i'-'-.v< -•»5 ji.S-»»'^«»«>*M-VK« W^tmMW-,^ .■ K •J' W^t tCMttj" #11% • fW viMltr-Uaiifln akAll aai alMima |«anli i fer vIlicH purpoM ahm Mid iiMiiUieM *l ■ImII ba protrM«Ml by ih« Ntat*, lo faw put into ibair lUnda bf ih« Wkfttm wtMn lh«^ Mr* on giMwd, —a at uthy Up» nfcii llwUMMllili nyiil tot bt kl >ki r% »li wn >L Hi «Wck iteU bo aniand, bv tboXaMSlalii. tbo dMo of #8k vWibo )Mlpoy, mid eppotlio to ancb naoM tbo obMrnrtioiM bo ■oymakooollo , ~*' '' ' 'of tboeonTietwitbraapocttohiimonUMidraUgioMimptovofflaou ^^ I i ■ i ' -«w-,, -; f',i I , ■"»- "^^^iBPTt* ^^jT"" W "¥*' .-I' ?1 I it 1 ■ » f . iiy tn iIm MtmX of H«lbn«. AsT. . NclMiiniukAnm ^rtpdifM, «n<1 iftrh iHh«r iMHiki of rtllgidaa and nu>r>l IntlriKlWHl 'MM«|tlMconfi«t*. , \^ . 4"V:,' ' ■ ' ■ iif , ' ' ■' /• '""'••A** ■•, ; ■ ' *iici^0N n, ^ i^.:' ,..,.. Ml ■1 ilMTi . TIm TMck«n muat b« aiwi of good «mw»I t InrMtan t Umj mom ttralanund t Fr«ach and Bnglitli UngnatfM, itiul b« n|Mibl« of umching rndinc, wriiiny, aiUhoMlk, biwk'lMtpingt Mf igaiion, •nU l«ml Mifviimc. Xb#y,n«t«l not rtikU la lb* priMa. Ait. . Tha Teacher of ih« Pmiuniltry; 9m tha fnt dt monthi altar ih« eenviet •ball b« canftiMft ihwrain, mit«t attend at thvcaihaitd worbing ^artt of all th« m«i« convl«<« wH*-" cannot read and writ*, and give M|»arata laaaona, in mm, lu aa aiany ofthaia aa hia lioM will parnil, calculaiing aaYan biiarf in misk tto)r| Jf fQiry dggr^ 9«lNNk|* iMhidad. Atr. . AiihaMdoTltottliWaMtt^illi^fy^ claaa, ofaiich ot xhm convkia aa atiali bara obtaiitMl fiiroarabla carilflmaa of conduct daring thai period, aa to induatrjr, morality, and order, ftoai the Warden and Chaplain, wbKb claaa he aliall aaaeiwble, at leaat oaca in every lwodaya| iajkba achool rvoM fur maifuaMOy Imt iba •pace of one hour. . '' §ff- .;...»-*.. kwt. . No convict tball ba admliiad into a ckaa antil aAn ba baa obtainad aucb certiflcate, and aball ba dtwraded iherefKim for niaconduet Ibr a graaiar IT laaa interval, accordillg M t||» nalura of iba omnce and the Minience of the Inapactora. ■ -» ' ' Hkt* ", T\MM convieta who can write and raad, bat wko are daatrona of tnttractlon in any of iba other brancbea taught by the Teacher, oiay alao ba itiatracted in tbeir calla after thraa montba good behaviour, ccrti|ad4||| J^m^t ••*<* WLM^'N'M^**^^ *!''*'* «A*UIm certiftcata of aia montha. , , ^ . p-^,;^ . ,J^..j\: i.-jj ;,.-. ■.-•. .v ■■>:..' • • ■■»•■,., %Uf»' . Convkta condainned i({ impriaonatfnt (ot lUa caniMl ba adaiUtad into ft , They aiaiy receive auch inatrticilon, if they need and tlaaarva If, h» «(iU mabia lbai|b M btii H auMt ba given In tbeir calla or courta. ^ „.„»..;:.',■•. ■ ■••».' («-..; ■• • .■■■■■ *■#' 1-.. 1^ Abt. . TbaTaacbar 4m|1 awl* nilaa Ibr tba. pnaarvalkM of dtaaifdiM antf mm aeverai claaaea, which he ahall aabmit to tlia Inapact^n nod tba Wardao, and. if appro«a4 bar tbaa, ahall ba In Ibroa} bat no piniUbwart afcoH %a I d Ma ia d gMiibr «iMI tlMia dBmUJiM , i|ujilg| aanhliihari In ihia rnrte - i .„, . ^ist..^... . . .^rj^aJES; < ^ *'j|^Sif7" . The Hidlvldaala who ara to cowpiDaa ttia Jiftran^ fhmw ihall ba daaiMMad by lilt Taa«bar with the approbation of the Inapacton, diaa iltajT ahall bata aiiaal»wl tba Wardab. ^yi< ii^HH^ of the inauttction hj cImms tlwU ba^ thu no ^oavanMioaabMI %• .^.fariaitlad batwcen tba iadividuali oMnpoaing U «■ any othtr ra^fact than tbat ralaiing to iba r.-i rj-j>;ni#w.i|i«.»i*".^^j -» v»«»t-.-t»»s««t, (»ui __*.-» *. «*Ji;<.'>Af*«-*j'««iA-.M* . US .'<\-j »:•;#- f - T^*-~^.-f 't.,>5StS'.' -^-y li I Ul «lMh they Ar* iMtriMlMl t mi4 (• inlWa* iliU rwk^ U U ni«4« lb* il«f«on alMtl Im •«I«<-(4|(I who h«« not ■ C»iliflr«l« <>f (otMt b*b*«iaMr lur kl UsM iwu y««r«. boi li Iront ilia Ch*|iUiii anU WttnUn , »|i;''^^i^w^J?mflP ^ ■■•■■■ ■ AftT. . Tha TaMbar of iha School of Rafer« muit poaaaw iha Muna qualiflcaiiona thai luro mvil^imih»Tm0kmlmik$fmkum\vij» Ha Mpd mi m^ i» ]^ Mubtithinani. ^H Aav. ». Htflhil tmmm Ifta malU and Mbli »' I - i , 1^' U • ..I ^MCtUHi fill. .. * r* Am. . liMpactorf. Asf * . WImmiw, in iIm » pto t — m w ^ p nt M nJ iImv •kail mi b« Mnuwy m riU nniflilai of iHit OliA% or UmmmInmii wIiIi iIm Mft tmmwin or Um mMI pHt an ti > ond iIm ijluotiwii Im Moy fi*^ «Mil» «^M wUk Of M<»iMi b« Mtond oiiiIm jovml tttki WmiIm fW PIqrriokn i^H in^irifn httrn «Im ommkI at waU m Um Udttj mMi of oMTf prkowri omI wiMn U aiMlllMvo niMoa l* bottovo iIm« IW mM or body l« b* iIm dMpUo., ii«iMn4 or aK iM UmII i«*f«i ibo Wm4mi lb««bf. ami dily M^of 01 mhI aboil aalM onibo Jpofwol, boraln o^ot dtoMd MAJini|t ■•-::»* ' if -k Ii---- D :-kM;A^slMi^Mm^^^s^M-?^M^s^- if IM« .1 i^^ _ < '^ ' •»i«««iu«a tl**!! ««4i« •««»|r Any, , f\v» InHrmai* •K«tl Im»« • |iaf«UUMI h*««»«t AwiMMpy (k« MMM bail 1 Slid tiM ilipMMn «it4 Km ■^ ^« •■^•^••■iw»w» «B«iB«« mmwmm wvww w ■ «IMIfMU «ll4t km tiM lMt««Mk#7 4*** ^'^ fkjrst*!** •WH mUii (frtNN siiMt^ ihm jimm^ tMli w fw w u In (Im 9«IhmI tl KaMIBMra or wwra wIm iMltWgttwi »iUnf to lli« MlMllwlttm »t ihm Wmrtimn, iIm T«««h«ry |M (liAuUin, of il«4«TOi«Ml«Mi le r«f>i(in, mntt «li, M 111* mmtmtmntt tn lk« t»u InAriiMrlM, to wImmm Im akAll l«*«li llM trl M Sn|W«iiMliiif an*! MlmtiuatMiN^ rmMiliM, ami lucli utiwr bnMMiMn ttf HM«ll«*i kiio#l«l(« •• ry NMf b« m|Ml>U of MtiMU IIM , which awMaiita tlMill ba •«n|il«M«14IM, iwrrioN im. — Aav. .'Tlk«C1«ffli iImII, undar thadirwiiotief llMln«t)MlartthMprM|til«r MVoaiHcnfAtl tWa aipamaa oftha Pawitantwiry, of th» ttfocaad* of il iha convMla aiii|>toy«tl, wIhui ih«y Ju not woik \>y «oniiact, aa ia •rain allar pro«iMig iimm all aiisn at nighi, anr«am«id«d fef t Im aH4)w«d to provid* 11 for itiamaal*** ; and avary anc. TtuiM who •!• cooubIUmI hi wni of tell, in ilM-^im diMri«i, on M MCoMtlM tf nor I Miliar* eond«nMM(l 10 alaipl* iaiprMonnMni (not in eiott cttModj^ '■ ^^ in* dMiiit« >■ t if mm X nn ■ !!>■ ww u nni fto« ■!!/ nitiw iliairiti 1 ^ 1P« MMV Mlir^MnUtad tot iIm non-|iajr«Mnl if |k Am^ or fcr tko r otmfiPfKganMni, Mlarad - - * f, lliOM •eninad in ordar to aMara latMH lltan limt whicli la ahaoiutdv food, ramf^|||>U li« •«pMa|Mpr ikiiy «M« b« immMnalj libartMd rrai}iB«il bj Ian. A«T. HlW^ into io IM coarM uf • praMculioa br mu Form • Mcond ciMi of priaonar*. Thay notd not ha aaparalfd from anch ortiar durinf iha ijhiy, bitt ancii aliail ba lodgad at aifhi in M|lanu« ttanaitwrki iialoM ibo auatMn ia ihf priaMi •Mil r«Qd«r it iin|Maa(blf« v 7^ L t§ SP* pflMN|||^<«l«i IT ^ 4 "^ - c2%3l I itWfiiMiiik* %^ I V*y*_.» 'Wit ■iMll U mt«fl Iktiw «••# kMk^ •#pfM, inlk, Slid |M|Wf . M IM* awtt •! — .....WW _ -m^ m. .— ..W. . W— . w.tly (IiaII Mirh Iw CtltlAi«4N| in «H|||thtPftMM ill»wiiii« otJknlAliii||. mA • di^t. ami ii.ll iltil nday itrtMiJa'ttuiir uwti tMMi«|((i|| •ll«««n<« «f «nnii an*! fvMitl, ttnlma in« t^uun •nan orutr umwramiir in ina «iintMi««| 4N fkyilthM llMli oflw««rl Tlt«7 »ImII |l«r«iiw.<>ni.ri«ro . , _ „ ,.„.,.„ ^ .„ .«.., ,«,,,„ an*l |imiuU)|«a M lU tioii^ b^f te «(NiAn«4 in • MraJghi- A»ir. A«J. . Alltl* priieiim in IliU houaa may k* pin»kt«i le worl at m«K iradaa and nttnaA«l«rv« a* ik«>r mat il«tr» nmi mmj b« «l««ma.| tyy tli* ln«piicU>ra|>ruMr u> ba flarTtad on in iImMm*, wuhoMi Miftinging Hm ruU Imam b«(wta land doWi and iha la«|miai| tluUI firotid* Iha IO..U ami inipUmaiila and (b« iMiiariala Sat aarrying «n Mch manubciory a« ilMf a«f d#«M aip*i<«ni, and thall allow lo tuch ofih* {iriMNMmaa may duioaa »o vorV ihMl^l IMM-lMinha of ihanat procaada of ihair Uboor, and ahftll pay lh» lama a« || la Mrna^loUM — " ' " " ^ I '^ «♦*»' *»•"«»• "h*'! »>• dapoaitad in Qank in iha mann«r harain alUr diraaiad. TW JaJly allowanca of food la a nriionar in iha Haul* of Uattnlion ahall ba iIm iiPMiwl fef ilM prUooara Ui iha PaQiuntiar|. ^ A«». , !*• l«apMlw« Aril «Mka prbon ragulallona fijr iha praaaf valioa of orilar km iW lloaaa of Da(«<«ti«MA, n«« incoaaiaiant wtih Ihta Coda, and fi»f iha lupply of fcod and Mhaf aecommoda^iona to fuch of (ha jparaona datainad aa ara allowad lo procura tha aaaia at thai* awn aipaiiaa ; bat na wina or •niriiuooa liquor* ahdl ba lnlAB«luca(i but by iha ordar of lb* niaklan, itaiing ibai iba baalib of iba pany, in whoaa flirour ii ia giran, raiiuiraa k. . -,%% • c 'i ^' ■ HE" %, .^ L •Blv«»n«JwS-4w— * \- 1^ 1^ f ^ I ■^ 5," CHAFISE Q. • J, «t."* I- ♦ r ^i 0/Ui» IV wI ii M w l o/ll« JV^oMfff Ai lit BmilMMiry. Yn' qfiAt ttcnoN I. ¥f^ .«■ * ■*■' (.. AST* • BvMjf convict dUr iIm MntMw* tball luiv* been f nally proiMaM in which h« WM fo d cni n cd, Id tbt Pcni|cininiy, d w icd nie m nnr, ihc iiMf nni— n r M ii f llw in faraich n guard Air that parpoM^ on the in lip>bon»wH la dia IWhcaUary r n ri i M t at liy plaaa oriM Onrt «MMi4 1 Aitt . On thaanival oTa coavkl. InaMdiat* iM4i#iball bajrivM to tha Pbpidan, •hallasaafaM tVMaia of hia health | haihall than ha ttitopad uTy* thaanlimaofllMpriioo, thotiaaattaduiUoaAMa^ lattw aMMNi being Ini, if oaeaaaiir, MUhad mmI alaaaad. , ha MttViqM tqr Um i*lMM of (I* 1 gnaidi and whan ittl «haraihaOonrtalU| alothaa aiMLckHhadTa iMtiii afUMTfiovUid* ASf. . TIjlllilltljiiWthibaaMinadhytlwClaikairfthaWariaBtlnlha of as aaany ofika andar4caipcfi m can coavaniontlf attend i and hto height, apparant and alleged Mt, oompleBioa, oolonr of hyrMd ««•% ttad kagth of hie ftal to ho aaenntaly nieaaoN(( ahall be entered in n btek pvovUed Ihr that pwpoio, logaAef with antfi other natomlor neeidental aMurhe, or peenlianu of AMnra or appeawnee^ aa mtj aeno. to identiAr hint aninetrumentehallalao boprofvided by which tha pntfUa of hie Aieo mUl bodelineMod, and it ahall be marhad with hie nnaM and paeted in the laid book, nndar the deecription of liisnereon: anc| if the ot^ftatcin w^Vk^ffmittf'!^ ^f M ^?^ ^»il«ly|fc«»> J dei jf» P«> , * ,. ■^ - ' ♦ ■ ». . y .^w-* f> \ **». ikMt* • Allthoeflbctsonthopanonoftha convict, aawaQaa hie dotbee. rfwllbauken lUir* • All HM eniMts on tiio panon or the convict, aa ww aa Me ciotnee. anaii na um firoei Mm and apeeially B Mn t i o n od, and preaerved to be neiorad to hioi on hie diachuffe, « ddiverad to hie cumtor, wham one ehaU ba appointed, pnnwant to iba , pioviaUMe heraii after oontaiaad. ^ : : ' ^'. . . ' '^' r'-r." '-T^ :•■:«??•:. or *.«-• it. •:,ti.. >». ^. '^* A*T. . If the convlot le not Hi aiihlll health aa to renaiNi belag cent to the Infnnaiv, ha lliknthen baeondoctad to thooall nidgntd to bin, where he ehnll be heptlneolhndilbrftrty- oightbonia, int«rrapiadoid^hvlba«MaeHarT attendance oftboiCaepelri doring thleperiod, ' tat ral e ct tao, nei ih i r oooto nor ewy oja ee nt of an^^ldnd ehali bo allowed him* . illviiil MaiJnhiB ceil, and than endenvonr to ijm^imr of vlci^na and nnliirftil parenl^ and 'i^ipiSlfii\b°i£d!£l^l^ ^ ha ahaM athoK hifli to obedienco utility of neqniiing the meaneof ■hall then asnaiina hinu and pvt I bidfaMtioB m «M is fak phjMtti po^Mn. innd indnenry iiarifi|thi tann of hie earvioe, aitdtHfatha nn hoMMenppoK by Mboonr on hie diecham. The Wiifden .him to e«ob laboor aa ha thill lyim tert nt, . coaaiUtiqg hie ' fl^ > as* »r •:? ' '>"" ^• A :^mw^^ p^f'T «9 Vi»a ' ... r»-» i Jj»:.. ■ ■ til'" :i.ii4<'^t.- 'MOTION U. . . . V ■'■; -ii^fc M«"^4^i*pit i wi K^ '' ' ' ■""' >>'> "•<»-» Aak . AlilKMgli kboar ftinM |iift efth* mmumem U U Miiiatad m mi •lWvbiio«, not mn iilM el pmUmmm. TIm ■■■ ht iwwl b I m pthw— w n i« ■ott^wU. All ibat iIm Uw 5o«oHM»kk, bttllrfiW ■WfWil Uwit lO* haadi m4 life •r* Om oI^mm of olkkMMlil««r«eHiMrt. Othwr tadnlwaci ^ tw ^ wiwud of JodaHfy^ o h »i H ww>, im«ntMM0^ Slid tJbnMlloo t iImm •■• iIm •flCcu of bbo«r t mkI labour, umtkn, U panrittod u f^mmm of m ririin ' Ast. . TkoadvMtafMilMiaMlobigitMdVyi ■ re 1 in Ubovff • b t^M U t^ aMmt I of ■dMait^oB by Um vbiu Mid hwmi of ittlid boohi of gMMial iMtnMiioB. '" §>:..■■( 4 n -. ■■ 1; H iffiXSa ^iM- J ^•^ «*-**»*.. ^A^ 'Je*/ •.3KL' ,^ * _Ep~ ' *^^f'* SSl*I>tl*^-v-«~j>-)Mf=,-^' ^ rr '^^^ **- ^*9^ "• -7P««^r»^--W«^ff»« fT^' '^jssfte^SP^mMpH*^^ 1 '■ MfMMtty punMd coMblMl with tU •yMMi MuklMlMd by iHia Cod., h« ak*!! ht fbrnitWil with lb* iMftlMMtt ofaueh ir«d«. and b« sIIowmI io Miptojr hiniMl/ai it. If hi* iruM U ©«• th^ «Miiin«o«MiMMi| wiih the tpicm, he tlwll b« taught an •mplormmt the nwMt analogout to ih* on* •• vkfak km hM bmm br^d ■ w^^ J^ . ifih. cMfretji^iiiiM MMtBMTttw^^ tfk*#niiiiiiMrMiiiib*iritibti bmiiMMM it bMt adaptMt 10 bn Ubict of lift and hia iirmfRh, coiifullini •■ m«eb*7^ poMlbU lb* inclination of tba convict | and in th«Ml«>ciion of •mplormtnt. rflganflTLM SirSm**'"* *•'•""' h«w«o«bt4;ijbfJi«aiwtalUc hto dmlMirn, Um ui UmIRv A»T. . The NgQiar ocanpatton of aacb conviat iball, for iha tm. aii •MiSnaaMnl, ba aarriad on in 1 ha eotar aaclotara of hit can, in totitod^. bttf tba vitiia of iha Intptctora, tjia Wardaft, iha Chaplain, tha Taachar, Ok parM>n (if any) amployad Io inairuct him in hit trada, and iha allandantl>a oMaki-aiid by tba asavrW iMnlionad in iha iwtt articlt. ^m . :* ■■■■"■,"■; ■ •■ . . /.'t'^r:^: <■ ' Am*. . For tha p wwii aUo i i of tha haatth ofllia prilonlri, aicH of dMn iMt W oMda i» labour DM boor in amy day at a baml^nink bydmulia machina. ar aema otbar. catculatad to •«•« tba mateulM powart in a nannar banafdal » htaitb. Thit crank, or oihac partt of Iha macbina to whiab bodily powar it to baippllad, tbaU ba to pCieadand divfdad ibil aacb pritoaar any labour wkbont bafing it in hit powar to baW any ^municaiion with tha olhwa ambloyad in tha laaM labour, and ihay thall ba ebndactaif taiaralaly to and ftom tha dImT undartbacaraofan undar-kaapar, who thall prarant any panon Mmbafiof any eoamaair caiion with tbarn by word oa otbtrwiaa. ;■ ' « , * ■ /^* i^ l<^t of only b, _ ieian, thav Um rafalav A»T. . During tha Bnt tix monibt of eonrnaaiant tb Ttacbar iSairffiva to iRa convlcta whocannotraadandwritaalatttontoaaeb, in lagular rotatiorti amploying himtelf at laat» Mvan houra in aach day, until a clatt thall ba formad, whan ba thall divida hia Um aananw baiacaan tba indiTidual priaonart aniiUad 10 intUoetion and tha olr -viMiyr AuT. . At Ifta aspft«iron of tl« noniht aaell eonviet who hat lacaTaatt tlia lattont of tha Taachar during that tima, and toob otbar conTiett at ara datiroat of racaitiag Ainbar inttruclion, tball, providad tha; obtain a cartitcataof good conduat and induatrr In laboaa from tha ^ardajK tha Cbtplafn. and IWban hnaa iHTpriaifega of bdng ^dmUtJd buo i claat, which thall raeaira inttruction togathar in tha tchooUroom ; but no ehta tbaJI eontain "*°TiS"'*«*l*'.."il'!!!Ii *]!S**~ '*T •haMba attambUd atniima^and tha inditidoX cooipdtif^it thall b«cend>etadiapmtai;ioMHliMi thaplaeaof Inainmion. '""'"■^ \.^T'^'t7^ Wm*« My, with th* eeatant of tha Impaeton, anla aontHMia Ibr tb» JS?!:ii!l2*f?5'i!^2f •2."^ »»r'»r'lJ -iwhiuileaor manUctniwa; botae^iUon of thaaoMiMttfaaHH **»» *^ «»'i«t ahriJ ho t«ii«hl» ait* a*pk«ad In, aoL n^^ and br ihnt parpoaa a (bMoon or Inttroctor, to^iS^WTXoSiStor bTmStlii ^rlk^«HlMi and Iotp«»ort, thall bo adnMitad toSaSdowiaa oSSnSTlM^JffiSi ««RkK U confwiiaot timaa daring tha bouia of kboOb ^& H ^fr-^^-J^^^ "^ '^^^.M\^ '*r ' ^ KA.ii,-\A ff« *VJ*^-^W* 5* -^^ S--t-t;!t- I'-pf ^T3^^-!«^«^ttfI Re">%«TOit --««** -tiff ■, «*-*"♦;», «*"*' JS'^JBBBIP^ l f.jT i V l '.',,' ) '' J' ' ^."."!||y 38 Abt. . TW Int coninwl tliftll not b* for • l«Mgw pwriod iImo aiglMMii mmiIm i •nd alt MhMIMnl •MilrMM •kttii b* mimU by •uction mkI for on* jrwr t •nd tb« apiiiioMU tor tha contmct AM b« p«r*iM(«l* oa4 Mch omul«r tboll pay o Aim of Ito bf odrwl doUoi*, ond ' ' bi laii'iMNMd aot aoro iboo tbirtf ip l(p,|i»ii l«n doyt ia «k»o custody. .., 1 Apt. . AAtr bdng ccaplond for irigltMit moniba in toiiury loboar, tha contiot, if h$ ^%aB procure from tha WardMi, tha Inmcciort, tha ChapUin, and tha Teacher (if h« hava b««i| fllMlar hia UtMroctioo,) a cartiAcate of induMry. good conduct, and a ditpoaiiion to rafom, ilay ba adnitlad to a workioc ' i * ■ '•1 tBS MHM (B9 OMIVMI HMI MW MO MIMraMM Off RM praifiri»krii^yaito ■nrorA9 proAuM i«mi«um« mmI Ax tb«lr raltoaMon a^itiire ■■HI VVW W ^WMnf^ ^V*' ■'■MVMHW kookt oT raUglM Md moraHiy MttoOtetMril , TUir Aar. . InftMtfeMn ihaH U trwlod la all iwpMtt lft« Omm gnHt mtuMr, «BMpt that iIm eftHralflB ' ■ :■■*". 4 vf.H* iwiMett ln« OMat gully of mntmgtm Aar, riMll ba aoafnad wIllMNrt tfekoorlbr tte ■oilw ywmidf oly tetrtry jrtar, aa4 troaMd la iha mannar abora dlrcatcd. K.^. .'.'^^i {flM^»^'. JiL^y ^'> ' .t-'^l^ i \J,^i^' :P. Vpn^riRloMMilMaiMibi laMgwIliAapMrfMnMMaar Iw WoMflr oootead la a oril wMmmm a eowL Mn 4t mA iHilr haOHi, and laoHiw rapaMaiban bo rnwn **■■- . , . ■tasy ilHOf Ml Aar. . Wlwtt aay twof tho oriawo pw wI ilM h lo witb Iwa r l w — o at fcf 1Mb, waA m tm» aad BMidw, are oomblaod, or wboiv m mti tt wkhnr tmtt b p or| n i i atod ' W lamilnillopi, or iMrrMdo by poltoB, tho ooorvloi tball rooolto Ibo mmo troatanat m lidbooltd Ibr parrieMw. akcojit tbat on Ibo rttam is caeho moaUi <»f Ibo day on wblrti tfca etta* oomoilttod. ihtj bo debarred tnm all aHowanee o#lbod Ibr tapoaty>f(Nv hottn, and ^btiUp dqr^rjBohflM^rooohotboviiilita^oa b o r loli OM olllW fllM i Pllia , A«T. . 11io^d»n MlboraAffti wii»Hi# fftyilito *lifl miMir #rf|» will b» dangerouo to Ibo health of tbe ooQvict. . Am*. . ThoM oonricti for lUb wh« baTe net loaraed to raad» nif be ■'<>■■ ■■. :* M ont tho 1^, .No nmrderen. In any d^gree,^ ibolt bate any ooatmnnicalfaM with other {wnono It thi prison than the iMpoctori and rlolion ; they are ooQsidered dead to tho net off o wond. i^-Mmi^'^* The efelle ol m n rd erere (to a ny de g re e ) ■ball be pa ta t ad bhwhwhyaaadwlthalrt. Mii («i IW outffUe thereof ibaU be loeoribidb to lacga laltH% the MIoiHm aeBleaee »^^ » IntblaceUle oonftned, to pwebblUb to eaillaja aeae le^d rfih^ murder of C. 1>. [hy afawatoathm, parrlelda, fte. demriMag tba oAmo^ If af «• ktod]: bif foodie broad of the coeneet ktod j hie drtok himMr, MMhdwM haivdeudtotkauwcUi tile ooll tobk gwrof tJo^oiiWila fc ■wiiWid>#at. h».iin ifiMaberUioriiii^ uMiretMBtl^ aad^tliaaiallvnaioorwMAniataMr'^^ ^MlmefttMi the tod«lg«i«a «f halved, aimio% MMiiullwyfii<#a fMtliii ^whlchM ta . ' ^ " Mm* . t1»« *■• InterioHon, cluinRiaf onljr th« wonk " ihU mW* fcr lb« wonh •* ■olttNte*!! in ^1* prlmn, thall he made on the miUUk) of the iirlton wall, In Urn whit* l«tiall b« rawuvca uu the a«iilh uf liui •tMVleta 10 which %h*f r«Ult» Amt. . Inao^kMia ■hall In Ilka mannor ha made on th« eatU of tlMaa r«Hivl<-«Ml of r»oa, aiHl on tM outer wall of the prtfon, u> (hla HTcl i *' In ihhi call" [or on (h« ou(«r wall' ** la a •ulitary ^11 In ihit priaun,] furfotlen, ur r(>nirnib«re«l only to ba dctmrd ami daapliad, llaa A. B. cundaninad to aolituda and nbatliienca during lirr, for a cowardly and bruttil Injury lo a woman." SECTION IV. AtT. . Tli« unllV)rm uftha priaon •hall be a iackat and tnmaera of cloth or other warm ttufffor the wlnier. and lighter niateriala for the summrr. 'ITie form and coloilr shall be determined by the Inspectors ( but they shall be the same fur all criminals comieiiinvd for a term, except thoae who have been convicted of a re|ietition ofoflRrncea { these shall have dktliMtlva marks on their dreaa, showing tba number of their oonviettooa. ■ Awr. . Each of the convicts shall have aoch atimber of coarae linen shivta and trooitn of the same material In summer aa will be fuflklent to give them a change (»lce la everv week ; and all sliall be provided with other articles of cbthlny sufficient to preserve health and cleanliness. A«T. . Theconvlctt for murder shall be clothed in black outer garments, spotted and streaked with red. Those confined for life, for any other crime, shall wear such diitinctive marks on their clothing as shall be directed by the Inspectors, to deslgnafe their respective crimes, " ■■.... > An. . The prison allowance of food la one pound of brown wheateo bread and one pint of mush morning »nd evening each dav; the allowance of bread maybe varied by giving three days In the week a pound and a half of Indian com bread Instead of whcaten. Water is the only liquor allowed in the prison ration. Ait. , Prtamers who labour and obaanre the rules of the prison are alknred, in additton to thenrlaon daily allowance, a gill of molasses, and for four days in the week two pounds of beef or pork without bone, dally, made Into six meaaea, varied from salt to freah, with vcfatablcsj, and for three other days soup. An. . Tboaa whoae labour and industry have entitled them to work in olaMes, shall ftkobe Indulged with a pint of small beer, or ckler diluted with water, or a mixture of ▼incgar and water sweetened with molasses once eipery day. ?: * , D • _ • a II .. k' } * '"' " ';• ■'■'■■' '\ ,■■ ■ t \ - A - "• ' 1 » « t t * * ' ' • . ,♦ " ■'^ '■' " ^ ■ •■ y <^ ^ fc.. ""'^ • *■ , 1 1 • ,* '■ 1 -.*■■■■- •<•.•,;,'.■ •„« .11 iAtJ»iju« : , 'f'^m^^^tmi^' ■T. . No prWNMT, wblk flonAntti to lili etU vllbeat kikoar, k lo ranlvt Mt tlilag IIm priM« l(lltfWM««« / • .'»> I hmr. but AtT. . ffd lobMeo hi Mf ferm tliall h« omnI by the eonvktM i mif any . . Any convkit, otliar than thoaa convicted of murder or rape, who haa been aCradil* employed far eighteen montha, and ia fullty of no InfVlMtlon of the priaun dlaclpliae, may, once In •^ery •Ix montha, receive the vlaltof anv friend or relation, of th« aame aax, Ibr imH more than flheen miuuiea in the preaanca of a Hae|>«r, on a written permlaaloa aig ncd by tw« laaptctort. ■ - . Aar. . No p^raoo, who la n r. ■^^ri**^ A«T. . Th« o«h«r«, iKM M mImM. •hall M MnptoyctJ In MmHawmk, •vlnnliiff. or oth«r MillabU ooeupMloa.. Tb«7 .ImiII, n ami lb^ labour majr eunslat ot Mich nunbar aa tba Matron, with lh« aiiprubatton ol Um Wardan oA # ^'.i. * '*?•/?«"'•*««•'• w|»»» r^9^* to diat ara applkabia to t»|« <^ni«la dapartaanl, aceapt that th« Matron m»f allow to tha induatrtoua and ordarly, t«a for their brcakAMt if (MjF pfvfiir U lo nudi. ' Aar. . Tha drma for tli« famalr eonvlett •hall b« rvmlatcd by lh« Matron, with th« approbcUun uf tha luaprctort. V*:iJ f •"V* •"^X'*'*!/* 'i^ '^' ^ •'••'^ •■ »*>••"»• naniiar u tha nalaa, but uudar tha dircctloo o/ tha Matron. \ CHAPTER III. (y lAt JcAoal ' ••fl>«wn lentwicad to imprUonment and labour SShSTfoTKafcir^ ^-ffrwito under that a«« ud abova ttx jrcwi, iball b« moI to dia «#ft!IL. 1. ^1 ?*'"**" ■^" ••* '"** ""^ •!§ Iil#«i TaM« of aga, who have no vltibl^ mevu -iS!r?i S "*"• !?***. T*' »o««'pDortad by any ((lend or relation 5 all common LM%n '"".'.•J.*!!* ?*** '«*'*' elfhtawi, ■Iffemalea under teventecn yeara of aire, wW llv?K prMtltiition In • oitoADBaLV-^Hotru. ihall b« oonaldenxl aa vagranu unde7tha la^ article, andmay, byordcroftha^llayor 0/ New Orleana, or tha PtrUh JudM and two other rmgiMtm, b« oomidUtod to ib« Sohool of Rettjm. r« auu » o oiner ^IkTlk Tw^" ?'.??" •*****.• "l"* **^ "•"*«' **•• ■«• ^ Aft^n, who shall commit an olAdca oTwhleh lb«7 ■i»U be acquitted on account of tha wuit of •ufflcieot diacretion AfBlIfer *'*"^' '"•y* "^^ »*»• «"»»»*«» by • mloor under eighteen year* of age, ahd puabhabia by simple Imprisonment In close custody, the Court may also, at iSlr d)ser«tk>D, send tbe defttukat to the School of Reform. ^ ^ :■.,..■, oa ■ ' '^H % f W f^ . « r^^Si., H«.lu,«., u,,» y,!, ^ublk lOiUUtliMi oiif hi not to tM « I.«r5,.««l. , •* IBTTION il. •I •lo«k«l in ih, tt„iftK» ol ih« iMiu.., wUich tlMil (M «o«lbruMc m4 Mtipul ^ ''^"- tyn ^ II wu m|^^ u,^ u luwMl J« . book •p.idt, pfOfia«l fo, ib.l purpoM b, (1M wJLn. .h.n u U..1, bM, .bo- of p«,iMkHcrXii: ict-TSr:: n* ttix?^ """ "^' d.?ruy^^ «f.„du..ry.ob^i«,cjj«d ..u«do« to iJriS;.ic::s!D'«::i;:.'^T^^^ ■nd h. .hoU ihm b« iaMni«(«d .nd .mploy*! m b«r«n .A«r dUUd. ^ ^ ^^^ •BCTioN. in. ^ >^ , •••«»» modamu wrmtionM. mMiar to •■tnonaad by ww to laflict on an apprt ntiea. . jr wblch parpow b« •ball k^p • calradar containing tb« naniM «r aach of than on which ha bTi^Jn^ dS;*2 U^wSSuT^ "* ..imonlin.^ diligmca. or good cond«c^ wbicb U»ll Abt. . Qtmi CM« akaU ba ukan to mil tba wsployaMnt to th« pbyiicd forca aq4 Hi ■-Jit^... ...— jt.-, - ^|ife^a,^aA. ^-„ J .' ,«'.' ■«.; ♦ W^" 1" -' -"^nr^^^^^ / Jbfi • lflM»M«l| HI VMninf , Waning, )t«ln«Mi. MMiiMMfK •HablMlMd by ihi« c;u.k. *"' •*"^ •* •■• ►••• •» b*ii«f. ana »«. «M.w.«, .^.^ ,H_ ,|^„ .^.^ • ••rtM, •«*! ilMn .Mb ..M« .Jtelt km iw^ai ia IM M|WrM« mU, •" '"^* •^» ^*"*i 'J*^ •••«"Mf ifct iM ^ O t H iMr 4kpmm «(i|| lite U^ t^fc,^ U A. k-^ -#.k- tirrioN n. or x»w, i«4rNr. MrfOMtliy. ' Attt. . fit 4)M tWil (^ Hr biwk*M, dlniMr. hmf Of inuuon ••i«J|t, witK I ainnMi »ir «>m. WsMr b iIm only iiri«|| Ailewv^, ' •»»»*«••«•• Alt. . Buk of lh« pmttam mm§n0,i ,hm\\ ULra in ■ wranu t«\\ .kul with • tlurui.h«d. No lUht. rtd hilii »•« b« ihrowii into ih« Milt of •aeh m nwy dMiro to um t lo«>ni oflh. c«U and nine «t night in rMding or •ludy, but il iImII of ihoM only who ciu. .how ih. ftMhw on iR. foilowW mornini tho b« following morning ilwl Warden may conduct that Ami. . A rtlaetad intarral bttwttn tha coniinuvd in favour th«y hava utad il lo advantaga. A«T. . A watch ■hall b« kapt at night by ona of tha undarkatiMn. and iha aUo amplojr with th. I«q,.r .ucl. of tha boyj, by turn^ a. mayZw by thit> auch confldanca may ba rtpoMtl in him. / "^ "j tn«r A«T. . ThaioU.hallbaealladofallthaptrw,naconflnadatthaopw»lnffof tha •chool In ha mining, and at n.ght .^,iou. to th. rat-Ving, and tha n.m« oTdl tf (^ ampbiS n tha diffarani irorkahopa ihall alto U callad at tha boiira of labour. • . "^ •mpioyed in . ^"V,; J^* "••)• •*»•" •»• **kan in the praaanea of tha Wardan or toina oth«r offi<..r «r the •.tabh.hra.nt. Th. mala, .hall ba ditld^nto cla-a. oft.^ wbHal? STrntS « Mparata tabUa, and ona of th. bo*« tha ouMt diatiatfuiitiMl for hi. o«lli- V-.-^ . . V A»T. . During the houn of recreation, no aporU but thoM which exercise the bodv .h»ii be jjlowed, .nd no wigering permitted, but the Wnlen wy .witrt p.1^ for^t:!;j;y Art. . Thf utmoat attention must be pidd to olcaolioeu in the peraona. olothinr mmA bedding, and every part of the caUblUhmeot i and it to part of theSitTrf .11 #iI.^5lL^ employed. ofthevtoKera, ^d partfcuUrly of \lS^Pb^icl£? ^ r^P^ t?t|?V^^^^^^ Infraction that may be obwrveaof thto rule. ThereSall hi a bSfc^for'ii'h rfi2 •exes, and all the persona confined shall befon»d to bathe at leMTt^-.^ 1^?^ v during the aeaaooa tVat wUI admit of ItT ^^^ '° «very week \ f SECTION VIU* Of Jtewords and PtmiMhment* I f^^. sirs!; Jll'';!:?' ^.'^[•™lfr ?^1^1^.i. tSiXS^^ Aar. marlca ( S1?^j;I^Wi?7 , •■fl.mpjr.-- ■ -;; ■ «a ' Ait. 'i file iiTinhhmwiw •ft.-tlopHfmrkin- of dfntheiioiu formerly obtaiiw« other puuUlmienU cnn be inflicle/ buiby JJwrto"ttOnU« W&'* " * ' ^^ order of tli« Mntron. .nbject ulway. to tllj or u"*t«; J"ttc2""'*'"""'*' ""^ ^ Matbwed, of b« direeteti to cea« by tbc ln.Fctor«. A«T. . Ewaprorittempt to ewnpe, violence inetj (mrardi any officer of the ettabllali. meht, . refusal to worker receive In.tmctlon. or an attempt to (H^^uade others to re.i. tl o authority of the offlceni, ■hnll be punlthed by nil the kliidioV punUmcnt alwve ennmernt"? for .uch period « the Idtpeotor. and Warden, or ln.pectbr» Mid Matron inVy dC? ' f "TL :. *"'• ^'»"^*'» •". •hall fhime uZ^ t'l; P"«crv»t on of order, not contrart to aliy thing cootalmdKe cSle omKS I SECTION IX. \' V ^f *f^ I>it^^rg9 from the School of Rtfhrm. ■, ■ , ■ " < . ■ . il'^r * ^'^^•';««» fro™ ^l'" ?«*>ool of Reform may be either by the exulraUon of the lermofaenrlceorbyappreolicediip* \, ' «j «'*pi«»uuo oi uic \.iiZ\u: ]l^***r !"'i •'o^u* *f«™.?^'""P'l"°"'»«»» derigoaled by law for the offence of which the party sent to tlie School of Uelurm is convicted, such par^ cannot be diMbarff«! ^^I'^^tlH^^ij^i'}'^^"^''^^* ^^'^ ha. attained 'the Jge of ninetien^o^??; A»T. . ThoM who are wnteneed Wr a term that wilt not expire until after thev have jjesptcUvdyattatajdth. ageamenttonedlntha laitprocedlng ittele, and X« JioS 5Si."***wM'*'f* «h«»» to t&r recommendation herefn after Lntion<;i for^Jp^tSj ' Aar. . Tboaa.wh^ an cntitl«dtO;the Meoouoeadalloii. «^d who have not hMn >«iii»t> tlc«l for «>m« other c.u.e, Aalt be dlschi^SXtJSlg .tllnS Se a^ of I^S!^^; / J y 'JtlZULL "■'•' V' " .•.'- Mk^.' ^t' ' / Ifm niaU, or twAoty If • f«aial«, altiiouf U the term -of ImprlioaaMiit in Um moimm h» br • longer liui«. ' . . ^ «" Art. . The W«r«l«n In kulhoriiMi tu bind out, by latkniurM of •pprvntloMlUp, •uch of th« prkooen cuiiAiied m coiuo within the dncription conUlned in the nextiucceeding •rtklti and thflludentureathsllimpoMtheumeobiigatiuns and give the uime righu wid renMMliea u Indriitiirea of apprcnticeahiu mule by • parent or guardian, with the aaaent of the niinura, under tlie civil law uf the Slate. Aar. . In ohler to be legally bound, puniiant to the laat article, tlie apprtntioe mutt have been two yean lA the Bchuol of Reform } he must have learned to re^, writu, and underaund the lint three rules in arithmetic ) arid mu«t have obuined a certificate tigned by the Warden, (and if a female by the Matron), approved by the Inanectora, declaring thai the moral conduct and diligence of the party haa evinced tuch a refbrmatioia at, In their opinion, wUi r«|ider it lafe to receive him aa an apprentice. of theapprentlccahip thall be until the party bound ■ball attain the lale, or nlueteen If a female, unlcM, at the .time of making the Aar.- . The duration agaoftwentv-onJe If amale, , , _ , ^ iAenture, the maj^ apprentice thall liave attained ulncteeii year* of age, or the female ■eventeen } in which caie the indenture may be for three yean, if the term of the tentence doe* not expire before ) but if the term ilfould expire before, tiie apprentice cannot be bound for a longer term than the attainment oftwenty " ' ' Akt. .No one shatl be apprenticed to anyoois residing out of the State, nor shall the' indentura be aiisignable without the assent of the apprentice, ■ ■ . ■■ ■ ' " ' , '• ■ V ■ Art. . The clause- relating lo the teaching and perfecting in a trade or business, ii not indispensable in"^ the indenture of a female. . ', . ■ - ,.,*.-, ■.■.'■ "■■■-'■■'■' K Abt. . No female shall be indented to an unmarried man, or to a married nan livingV apart from his wife. ■ ■ jt •■■ ■ • . - , ' ■ ■ '■ — , AbT' • It ahall be a eond[ition in the indenture betKteen the Warden and the master, that a re|M)rt shall be made once in evenr prear af the conduct .of the apprentice to the Warden ; and if be has reason, to belike that Ihii reformation Is complete, that he, will parmit hiQ> if .'*, ^^^•»' /; > .r^v:...Xr -■ 7 V V • 15 ' . toiihin iIm City of N««r Orl«M*or tit ittbarb«» l« «(•«( lh« ScUool and conrtfM wiili ib« bilMra 4iill ilMf*. ■ ■ » • Aav. • TIm convict at iIm tint* of liitf diMharg*, wh«ili«r •pprtniicMl or not, iImII b« comfbiubljr cUd, and ih« lnt|)«clor«. at ili«ir divration, m«y maliit him An «llww«ncf in monaji or d«itv«r liim bouki ur luoU, iftbvy »n Mii*fi«d witli hi* cuiuluci, SECTION X. Alt. • BMidMlba paraont crMlvd vitiitrt of all ih« pUcM of conflnnmcnt hy ihii Cod*, and ihoM who may ractiva parmiuion from iham, ilia paranu or ihoM ralatad in iha aaconu drgraa lo iha |)anont cpn6ntd in Ilia Hchool of Kaiurm, may vitit ihem on iMtad days, to bar •npoiniad by tlia Wardan ( but wfian ha it applfahentiva that evil counwli m*y b« given, it anall always b« in tha praaanc* of an oflkar. ■ m w^mm CHAPTER IV. < 0/ Iht PeeunUiry Concenu of th« leveral Plaett of Conjtiummt: • Abt. ■ Tb« Board of Intptetort ihall appoint ^n Agant, who thall maka all purcliM«« and a«l«a on Moount of all tho aovaral pbeaa of cOaflnaiMol, ioclnding iha Houaa of Rafog« and Induairy, kaaping reaular aaii of marcaniila booka for aach of ih« aaid inalituliontt whicli may b« examinad oy tnelnipacton, tb« Wanhmi, or any of III* viailara. ' Abt. . Tha comptnaaiidA of iha Agenta ■hall aplMrobatioa of iha Qovamor. bo 6i«d by iha Inapacton^ with iha Ant. '. The ragular auppliaa of proviiioiu, and of all other aniclai consumed or ui«dtn thoNilo initilutioniiin ronwiilfraht^ qiianiitin, thall be furnitKed by tonlraci,.and adjudged after adverliMnient to ihe lowest bidaOr t but the Wardens |||iii «xaiuii)e ihe ariicles furniihcd, and have the right to reject such at ar« not of the quality contracted for. The Physician iihalli in like manner, inspect the medicines and hospiul furniiurei Abt.^ . All iha articles manufiictured in either -of the said places which are not made for manufiicturers by contract, in the manner herein after provided, shall be sold by the Agent to .the brntadtanti^, under the direction of tha Inspectors. Abt. . Regolar and minute accounts of thareeeipts and aipenditurei.of e«ch place of ' confinement, including the House of Refug^, shall he furnished «ach Quarter by the Inspec- ^ tors' to the Go^^ernor, and yearly accounts to li\# I^islalure on tba first day of their annual oMfting." ^ Abt. . All moneys apprdpritted by Che Legislature for the use of cither of the s«id plaees, •halLba drawn for by the Bosurd of Inspectors as the same may be wanted, in fitvour of the ^ .1 f kiitwiss^i ^tjfw^^i^-^-wwm^ ^ u 3 101 . for (lie uM of (l.« priton to which il bclongl. ■wouni 0|i«i«i wilb (h« liWfwc- dr.Vlf.nJ^hwT«.V''!" **f''['''? ^*"^'^* "•"^' °" •"^' *>^»'' «•'«' •ccounf, but by • fi& !!ItF;^ ip:ii;jr lo^r'ri r ^:r %r»;;:: Ihtir Clark «nd nhall malt* rtguUr •nirm in tli« books of «li r«c.iiiu .nJ •iSi.u»!l in .k! fo «^rrrrln?!.l "'* '" ''«•'""•'• "f-«='j ^.r.T.n. .nd M much in ih. h«l of *hi A.^^ to pay currtnl «iip«nMt, lo b« •ccouniad to, moaihly |» iJm |iM|Mclora. /^^ * * Abt. . If «iih«r ilie InipMlor. or lh« Agtnt ihall f«il in makins anv danoiit in ih. m.nntr.nd at ch.l.m. dirrct«l by •iti.w ofiH. ,l,rr«. Uii prrmling .r?Pcli7«?i??h. iLt lor^ or tlihar of Ihtm, •h.lldr.w out of ,1,. 0.nk «n> .non-y, bJlZ'^to or .. roo^^^^ for tuh.r of lb. «dpl.c« of confine,,..,,., includh./,|,« llo.u«THXrinTnTo?tti manner ,ll..n.. abo,. dir«clfd, .1.. p«„on .u oflrSding M..n>y . "n.^o^iVhHndJS rrr:!r„*:t'I;r.ll^ l!!!T.rA''^\?^'' «' •"•dr.wn-out off. B.nk con,r.'ry .o"« 1!: b«- or oneoflhtin, the perion ruiIi; ofwch mitappliciion .I..II b«ditmlM«l from hi. offlwl 1^ .mpr..oncd, In do..^Ty, » day., JiTd pay a fi„.<,f «„, thJlZdTllai.'. "^ *^ manuftctured ,n .heir pri.on. r«p„ti«ly; which are not nr«.«,y for t1« Jm of .«ch wbo? «cem ihoje VHclf. manuftctured in th. Hou.e of Detention by tie priwnm uVr^wiS^hJi K'''j''''''.°T ["••*"''V'*''° »«'• m"d«* diffmntar«n«£*mwrh .hrin.i^^ for the dupoMl of the proceed, of their Ubour; and fKentina aUX .«Ju! \^!K .Td"i?dr;:' '^t"'* '" '" ''"''"^'•''' scuoinrtKrii; rut: stf^ .WowJd InJAAiZH'f^fu '"^''l' ^"'•'"'WTr.nd of the School for Reform diall each be b, tbl. Cod. ,p .nd„c. ,1,, ,on,i.u .« hbo.r,.i,h« b, w^ of puST^iS^'''"*^ t— r- A . ■h 'I -=fe, ". ^-^w. ■L^ ■ Kj^piw aaatfaa w w* to uaa fpmimr cara ami ai«an(i«« in laHaainf Uiia rata ofmafiialiiy, if (ha Mia, wkiah taaiioMnial ahall ba daabtad in tahia iftba j/dofrntiivn ka radaaad man iliaa iWaa-fiartlM. •i^' lio/li Abt. .fllla'avani||a nambar of ica-cont ictiom in iha principal eiii«a •! ilia l/niW haviag h^n ( about in •nrj bumlrad annuallv or thoaa aommiuad lo (ha I'anUanliaiy in ihoaa cilia»«-t0 Iftaan ihit proporliun ia liia uhjact of (ha rarormalory pan of priMM diaciplina. To Inciia^ (harHbra, (ha aWcara ♦o a aaaUaa diKbarga ofthu part of (hait duty, ifin any ona yaar, auccaading (lia (bird vaar aAar ibia Coda ahall bava gona into opa- ration, iba numbar orra-commilmenia to iha Vanltaalbry aball ba lata, in any ona yaar, by ona-balftban that portion, an honorary laaiimonial of that fact, conalating 6f a piaca of piata oliba value of doliara, aball ba prnantad by (ha Uovarnor to (ha lnanac(ora, iha Wardana^ (ha Chaptaina, and Tta^hara, oftba^aidprlaont (Im valoa of which ula(a ahall ba doublad m any yaar in which (ha aatd propordon ia raducad to laaa (ban (braa-fourdia ol (ha avcfaga abova aia(ad'. Art. . A tiniilar taadmonial ahall bagivan to tha MatroM, if (ha lika raductioo ukaa placa in tha racominiinianta of iha lamala convicts. Art, . Tha amount raquiaita for tlia pnrchaia of iha laatimoniala RforaiRld, thaU ba taiMn front Iha llacoinpania Fund, craatad by tha Coda of Criminal Pro^adura* CHAPTER y. Of th« DUcharge of th» Convictt, Art. . Whenavara convict ahall ba diacharoad b^ tha aipumtion of tha (arm to wblcWha was oondaafmad. or by pardon, ha ahall lakaoffibapriaon uRiforro and bava tha cluihaa which . Iia brought to' tha .priaon raaiored to him, togathar with tha othai uroparty, if mnj, thai mtm taken from him on hia commiimant, that baa not baan otharwiaa l^lly dispoaad oC • Art. . A*copy of hit aecoant wiib thapviaoisNMMla out in Iha mannar harain baiora difectad,ahalliM tfivan to him ; an lition of Offmoaa,V thill ba rawito him* * Art. .. If tha Wardan, tha Chaplain, and tha Taachar, hava baan tatia6cd with tha moraliiyk indiialry,iaRd ordtir of bfa conduct, they thall giva Mm r cartiftcata to that affact. ; < Art. . Ona or mora of tha Ina|taot'ora thall ba prattRt whaoavar "• conriet ia diaahRfgRil, who, at well at tha officcra of tha prison, thall inquire into liia fii«ure|iroepacl$RDd(laaignaj ahaU Rtdkim ilk RAeirdaafVoar to procRcaan bonctt auppoit, or to retutikCo hit friends { uirII .1 r i :. ■ i' }• L(*f-* • ' !■■■■' h ■ f ■ ju Mkon him lo ptrunrmmnf In Ubiit cT iiMlMtrf i mm! i/ U «mi In4 M otWr M«plot«M«iu Md t* d«trou« of nMlnuiniRf litntMlf by Ubour, ih« Wartbn •hall adfliU bin into ik« IIovm '^ #1 B«fVjg«, li«r«iii »t\»f |i«ru«i(T«>l Cur. . { Aar. • If ib« Warden ihall diacovw that any ditclMrgOTj ronvict, Inalaad of ««tli>nf ft) • mainuin lilmMirby labour, aball awociala wiib ih« idle and profli|al«, b« ■ball ii|itn«diai«lt •",?f. •••'"•• •'»"> •• • wiranl, untiar iba i»rofi«lona tor (bai purtKiM nittlaincd tn ihaCuda of CAriminal Ptucadura, CHAPTER V!. ifov tht Pmptrty ^ Pmrmmi e^tttmtud /br Vtrtmt thall bt dlfMuuii ^f. 8KCT10N I. Of th* Profuny ih« II < tn llitCod* «•• > TTkrm, I Uiifra of I inralidal* h« dM(b of Mq««ncMS Md. tM of ih« havvbMn Mm* M to m«ni btcn f«, txecpt inmefilifbr OM in ib« ■hall, out let in ihf at pMiitMiilarj, ttmli fMl i« lii* Cufwior, If It* b« tmimttd tat « unii of jrMft, l« bo of In IIIm OMMMr v|ib bit o«bw proMfljpi •« ll b« bo mmiIoomiI Aw Uf», •boll bit holm. ' MCTION II. qf tkt IhifotUim ^ ilm tvvf*rt$ ^ CmvieU titltmid lo Immritmmml M i^> ,,'»■• A or. . Tb*' •OHIO dimoaillim ibali b* mod* of iha miai* of • ptnon Mnunr*! lo impriaqnmani fur lib, m ir h* b*, uniaaa auch dtapoaittoo wai mado for • valoabta aait •quivalant considfntlon to a panon ifnorant ol tbo>ArrMl. ^ TITLB III. Of THI HOVII or RirUOl and INDUtriY. CHAPTER L H 0/ /A« D^Mign of Ihta Bttabtiihmmt. Abt. . Tbo obj«ctortbit aatabliabmcnt !■ 'twofold; tha firtt, to afford (ha maant of voluntary amploymanl to llioaa who ara abia and willing to labour, and graluitoua support to ihoaa wbo ara not ; tba tacond objact it, lo coarca ihoaa who, aliboogh capabia of support' iflg (baoMtlraa, prafar a Ufa of idlaaasfl, fica, and mandkity, to ona of bonasl labour. Abt. . Ai a Ilousa of Kafuga, it is iniandad to aflbrd to iha diiclwrgad convict tha maans of support by volunlanr Uboiir, until, by drgraas, ha may rvgain tils eonfidanca of social y ; lopravtnt those ofiancat of which twveriy and want ofamploymant ara tha raal or pratandad causa ; and to rtliava privata charity from tha unaqual burtban of supporting tbo mandicBpt pow* , Abt. . As a Houaa of Induiiry, Iba attabltshmant h intatidad to ba a placa of eoarcion and rastraint for Ta((rants and abla-bodiad bagman ; for tha flrsi, bacausa tbair mud* of lifb raisaa a juat prsaumption that il is susuinad by illagal daprailations on a sociaiy to which tbay do not propsriy balong ; for tha sacond, because, by &lsa pratancet of inability, tbay impoea on (h* charity of the public t and lor both ai a mMMura of prarentire Justice, because their " . ■. :■ ■:.■:■ / ■ . ■■■' . ■ .-- . < ^•r^ n 1^' ' 1 1 i 1 « t 1 1 f. .- .■ *■ ^^ s '^1 .jC-^- si si ' Bri '« ^-^ . ml pIMIMllBMIIa aiAPT£R/ll. Of lk§ difkrmt Dtpmrimmlt «/ Ik* Hmt»» kf ff'fitfft an>i fudmtiy, mJ vf tkt «Atf. i TWIIiMw»orAiA4MMi4 Xwkwmrf aHiil^ ■■ M > l o#»w« i<>p«w»wr forcwl Ubour | both ikmXK b* WMitfr «h« ilit««t«iM, ^ho. •y law, •!• bound lo ■upport ih«fli. , / k%\i , To Iho IfouM of ladoMry •ball b« cominillad all fagnintt ighlaan, and all abi»- bodied ba M ar n aibaw f«Mt ay.'w hm albw lo lab«j Ufvgt^ Of alMwhara, whan mniJovaMnt i« oftirad to (bvm. aboM I bo aga of labour in iba llouM of A»T. , In aacb d«tiariiM«ii iko wMMn thall baktpt wparata fWim iha man, and (hay ■ball bo ■nawr iba •upariniandanca of a Mairoii. Alt. . Tba building tball ba io ronalni«(ad ai lo •aparata (ha (wo daparlmanit, ami •halt contain aaparaia alaapiag aalU ft>r aacb of iba |iarM>n« ronHnad in iIm Houm ot Indiiairy, and (or aach of (h« ditcbargad conricii in ilia If oiita of Htriiaa. Tha paupar* shall ba dttpoaa*! of in comfurubla apar(aianla, In ilia mannar ibai (ha Wardan (•ubiac( lo itia diracdoo of Um Inapaclon) •half «HN««k *'ciiiftpraR III. i(f tilii q/Um* «• iia Hotut V J8<^ tmd tndmtry, and «/ ikit, Mimikf. -ABU • • Thia MaMiahM«*4lM».ba vadar (^ 4ifo»i«m of (tMBoanl of lnapac(M», in tUa Coda baibra providad for \ who ihall, in valalion (o (hit, hava (ha tama mwara aad ba ■ubjact to Ow mm* dulMt ihM m« btlon prevkUd in ralaUoa to (ba o(h«r placaa af'a»«itMMiMl|'_*-.o»v!l'. J . ^b»«||Mi«*ad > ■ / ■* ' 'M|> •; / / • ■<> I • . I "7-'^ 4t atfiiitMr ef AiiimU M«iManu m iIm Impmiun alMlt tfirmii. Ant. • Th« Ptiyvirian anil rti«|«Utn« (ImiII •!•«> ailanti In r commiiiail ilMram, •■ mtm r«qulr«(l of and sr* ||iv« t«i (h«fii rMOMiifcIv, wjili rM|i««;i m i|(« F«fiiMiui«ry and (ha p«rwifM cunAitMl (iNrMni •■€C|H iu hf •• ih« mnm •!« niutliflfii by lllk ruU. . CIIAII'ER IV. Of ih» JdmUtiOH Mo tht Umm ^f tt^/k^; and f)rev*d by ih« (Jtivarnor, and tufflotatU in all raapacta 10 carry into afcct alt ih« provlaiona of ibw Ti(l«t . Aar. . Diachargad conricutliall Iw adiiiiUad on iRrir own auplicalion to (h« Wardan^ •nd on ihair agraainf lo obwKva and b« bound by ih« rulaa ut' (ha taid llouaa and iha pruviaiona of 4bia TiUa, of which, 90 flir «• raapaeia ihair conduct and oblifaiiunt, an abairacl •iNdl b« ra«r of iha Jury of Polica of th^Parish lo which ibay balong, or of Um Ciijr Council, if (bay balong to tha City of NaW'tlrtaana. Afttt *.TIi* Inspcciota shall provido llw implamanls, matariaU, and o(h«r mMRf of giving atpployoMnt lo all . lh« panona admkiad into iha llousa of Hafugv, adapted (0 thair atrangib, jiga, sm, nnd skill raapaciivaly, osctikt such m shall, on aiamination by tba Phyaicfaia. b« daclaratfincnpobla of doing any thing towards (hair support. « JklT. . ,iiIo parMMi who ahall b^admittad Into llw Howso of RtAigo ahnll laava Iho ■■«* wUbont ptrmiai^n of tho WanUn, or without giving M least on« nionth'molic«.i>f Mb #■ . '/ f , " T ipn^ f^p * • i ■m. I i* AlV. . A»t fNf*«in AilMiHttil (m« III* IliNM* •f lflWf», who •li«M rafWM •« (WglMi i« rfbfiN ilM IctNtiir MaiiC'i^t •'• h«m, •«•), |f ih« |fM|M«iiif« •H«lt iMnh llMI liM M*k •Mi«iMi| ' ■#-. ^ CHAFTBI V. Af». . TIm lMp#f lof* iMj hmIi* r«lM ftif iIm |)r»Mrv«iion oriK«l«r ami «ntmry t#|l, m by «iinmuni«nl ui iIm IIuum uI ln«i«.Him«ni .I..II not ,%^^^ ibrM «kiy«^4r twcH eummiim«'ni b« lbr« lon««r t«rw tkM Un tkyt, fuf Mny wO'vnca «g»inw tusk rulm. , Att. . TImHVO MtM iVMoftVCll •|»riiii«ait| bul tHif% UMi«r •#«•« ywri uf mfmimv b« k«pt wuU (btu mullMrt. «f. if ibOT Uvw none, bf proptr iMiriM, itnitr ibc eaiw of ili« Mairen. ' u L *!' -•*'*"''''»« «<" r^wp^*. b«i«r««n ih«. aft* of ••♦«» ailtl •Igklam, hmv b« •ttil lo tk« Hchuol of Kafcirni by t lia liMtm:ion, at ibair diacraimn, wImii |1m ViM^U «r r«l«4h ebiblran do not pioviiiti 6iff ihair aaaeaikm or •„ C^* '••♦f" •*••'• appM-tkm iha laaka of ih« Htmmim in both a#|Mr(man(t of iIm HouM orR«rim« and |fidu«uy,and thrall •uiMPrmirnd th»(r latK>tir,and r» alhlotinquanctit io iIm Wardaii or ln«^MMtt>f*| iw ba fu^tiiahaU lo \ha MkMf manmr at iboMoi ib« tmktl ■ 4«f , •diakltdl iniollM Hikmif tMnifH, a nMl« and famal« uathar, who thali aita Itaaoiia la rmding.writini^, andartthin«tic, iutiMbuf (haparMAi* adniiunNn«d ' ' bf thMkf t>niii«;lM« uflamrniiif, at iMcli houraai »b« WaiU«>i» •bail dtraci. TW Wanj^n and Man ia rMMctlvtIy ahil afiwifii, ftom amonir iha mraona i|jf IMbft^ a mala and famal« laathar, Abt. . ffa wina, or apirituuwi ar intoaleaiinf li » wii i . Tk« llitM «n«l |tl««« uf kiMmr, •n«l lH« inl«t«4l« g«v«n f«« •Hk't p«i»fMMM, tlMlt Iw in ilw ll«iiM ul iM^Miri m iImI il»««f UmI hj llUa Ca«i« Ibv (k« •ttntMu t« iIm Att. Alt* • Tilt ptlwM rMkM (kf tikoM who Ulmvr «fi««r iil«v« iIm «lMrgM, •hall b« mmm. P'^ Aar. . Wli»iav«f )« liiractad fo« iM ra«at> i i iT ,J , , . , 1 a ■mi f -m% « * 1 m ■# P ' m • f m ^t'^H^M . u IJ ■ri ^ 7 A- i m. t im .?<; •iMll alM, In Mch MC04IAI, M c t dt f dl m cImmmM* l» iIm H«him of Hcfugr «mI fnduairy, Md • diM praportion of lUi fourili (di«id«d m i»abM« dirwUd by ih« «««nkg« numb«r of ik9 pMMnTin Um Mid H^oi^ vMt^alw'lMtadid twtlw m wm chMpd to tli* PtrUlMt , #''v'V ..- ■ ''V^-*- ■ ■^s" Amt. . WlMtovflr luoiW imiKl duo on laih ftMOHni, If noi pnid on d«aM«d bv ih« CIlv « Fkiiflll ft«M «bi«h it iaiin*. thaU bo addwl tolh* aaoMefiW 8(Motn»M«|MyBbl« by •ncU Cily or Paritb, and b* coUktad and pmd into tb« publia IrwMary in Ilk* mwinvr with th* rwt * A»T. \M ^•tpmimUfiiJ^ki^^ M toaifmi in iltokid Hom«. •ML jlwynid bj iba 8ut«, withoul any countar charg*. ' kav. ; 'A 'dalaikd aceoani of all tb« aipMidilarM and raeaipla of tha aaid lletMa •hall b» %\d bcfcra tba Ltgiabtura^ by iha Inapacton, on tba Aru day of avMry •awion. ^ Avt* . Tba aalary of tha Wardan •hall ba Matran .j^^'doUara^ and aacb of tha aMkianU aball ba paid 1^ dollar* par annum, and of tha- \ ^r • .'". 0^ *'*. •4 ^- • ■■■■■ -I . OE>nERAL, PBpVlSIONfi r ' '" JpptkabU to ilU itfAab C^xfe «i.. '' "' itM% TaMhiii, f1iyaiciana» WafdaM, Mauona, Aaaiaianti^ * ■■ ~ - -. ennf on |)|« parlor^ I Abt. . Tha InttMOtoia, OW»latii% TaMhiii, Fhydclona, Wafdana, Mi Md Undar-kaapara, appointed by virtue of (hi* Code, ahall, before they eat feMoco of their ratoieCWa duffcia, taka an Oath fcUhfttUy to parform tha aaoMi \ •» ) . V »|, l^> BMO 01 TBI C(KD| Off BBVMMt ««M» 'taiieM MtCWLtMI. h '. 'm^ ^* . » ^\\ r:,' ■ . .'■> ^ '- *•' ^« ^«. +jSir- N "^*s*iir:^o^ ' « •- '-a,- 3i 1 .A' 'J^. I """''^I'W'^ -j-tfj^jlw^is^U^r^jg- ,. numtMr of M by tacn OMi.^ll •••hallb^ » , ' 'I ■■ Mid of ih«- ^Jf^ •■•■■■■ -.f. iT«r, or the ny other to red dolUre, uch in any AMbiantiy. the p«rior»< / o Y- 1 i. / % 1 c. - * I ■ ■■ !•■ ■ ■ -. ■ -■ . . « .■ '■■,-'■ ^ ' "•■■■• ■■,'■ ■ '^ ■■ ■ V . t • * • ■ 1;' '^ ■ It"' ■ A- f • ♦ * . ■ ,.w , ^ , . - ■..,■".'■' " • k 4 ,''■<>■'■' y. ■■'■ ■/■ c I, ^ ■