Hssociatioii ot iftanaMan jftcbers Ejbibition. 1885 .1 * 5 fc ? « -^->-t-^i?-^:y^;V-ir- .^tt Catalogue ®f tbe jfiv8t Hnnual ]£j:b(bition ®f tbe association of Cana^ian Etcbcrs Deld at tbe (Ballertes of tbe ©ntarlo Society of Bttiats 14 Ikiufl St. McBt ©pen from /ftar. 2l0t to Bpr. 4tb, IS85, inclueive Zloronto, ifh- jr/r. ^'nis fIDcmbcrs ot tbc Hssociatfon of (Tanabian lEtcbevs UK. C. K. CLAKKK, W. P. NEWTON Kingston, Ont. 222 Wellington Street West Toronto A. COX A. I). PATTERSON 88 St. Mary's St. 46 King Street West Toronto Toronto HKNRY .S, HOWLAND, JR. THOMAS PIKE 37 Front Street West 17 Wellington Street E.ast Toronto Toronto JAMES JARDINE fiEOROE REID 194 Spadina Avenue Wingham Toronto Ont. THOMAS M. MARTIN WM. THOMSON 34 Bismarck Avenue 2,37 Spndina Avenue Toronto Toronto HENRY S, HOWLAND, JR., Sec'y-Treas. 37 Front Street West Toronto 3nttobuct(on 'il'" we take the great role of engravers on copper, from the invention of the art, in the 15th century to its decline in the 19th, we find that with the exception of a few men who introduced and for a time practiced a novel method, it consisted entirely of workers with the burin or graver — secondly, that these burinists divided themselves into two classes — those who were original artists, and engraved their own works, and those who copied or translated the work of others. ^HE first begins with Martin Schoen, and has its perfect type in Diirer ; the other that of the line engravers, conmionly so called, takes its impulse from Goltzius, Cornelius Cort, and Agostino Caracci, and brings their innovations with but slight modifications down to our time. We find, as might be expected, no bond of union between these two main groups beyond the plate they worked upon. The early painters, with their imperfect chemistry, appear to have been content to use the graver as the only tool known to them capable of ploughing the copper, and some of these, being great masters, so far triumphed over the instrument as to produce work with it which excites even wonder and admiration to this day. But the moment the possibility of acting upon the plate with an instrument used as a pencil was shown to them, the burin fell from their hands and they became etchers, while the graver descended to a class of men who thenceforth undertook by a slow and laborious process — to which the instrument was not ill adapted — to re-produce the work of others. f. Segmour Daden, iH«g«i(tn« of 3k.tt, TjYjl K cannot prove the full value of the great (jualities on which success in etching depends. A great etching is the product of a grandly-constituted mind ; every stroke of it has value exactly pro])or- tionate to the mental capacity of the artist. What makes a good etching so peculiarly precious is that it gives us meaning severed as widely as possible from mere handicraft. It is a lumj) of gold dug out of the artist's brain, and not yet alloyed for gen- eral circulation. |>. (5. tiamerton, il^NOW ye what etching is ? It is to ramble On copper ; in a summer twilight's hour To let sweet Fancy fiddle tunefully. It is the whispering from Nature's heart, Heard when we wander on the moor, or gaze On the sea, on fleecy clouds of Heaven, or at The rushy lake when playful ducks are splashing ; It is the down of doves, the eagle's claw ; 'Tis Homer in a nutshell, ten commandments Writ on a penny's surface ; 'tis a wish, A sigh, comprised in finely-chiselled odes, A little image in its hird's-flight caught. It is to paint on the soft gold-hued copper With sting of wasp and velvet of the wings Of butterfly, by sparkling sunbeams glowed. Even so the etcher's needle, on its point, Doth catch what in the artist-poet's mind Reality and fancy did create. jfirst annual leyblbition of tbe association of Canabian Etcbevs !Hn^er0On, London, England 1 The Dutch Fishing Boats Loaned by Mr. John Ross Robersson, 2 Hauling in the Line Loaned by Mr. John Ross Robertson, ©ttO JSaCber, Cleveland, Ohio. 3 Lace Makers $ 9 oo 4 Bridge of Sighs $ 9 00 a. ff. 3iScUOW0, (deceased). New York. 5 (ilen Haven, N.V. $ 7 00 9 Old Mill near New London $ 8 00 6 Under the Elms 7 00 10 A Romance 17 50 7 The Inlet 17 00 11 Landscape 35 00 8 The Millstreani 17 00 C. 3BernlCr. Paris, France, iirt Farm in Bannalec $5 00 TIClilfCC^ XHW, London, England. 12 *• Light thickens and the crow makes wing for the rocky wood."' $50 00 5. Z. JSCntleS, New York. 13 Cathedral, Rouen $30 oq 10 a. .iBarrs, 14 Lancashire $12 00 15 Devonshire $12 00 5amC0 J. Calaban, 197 Broadway, N.Y. i() Twilight in New England $7 50 ig Drying the Net $ 7 So 17 Algerian Water Carrier 6 00 20 Newport Harbor 7 50 1 5 Spanish Fisherman 7 50 5. XincllS Cbampne)?, 337 Fourth Ave., N.Y. 21 Morning $io oo 22 The Young Psyche . ,' : $13 00 Sf. S. CbUrCb, 58 East 13th St., N.Y. 23 The Hard Heart $15 00 25 " A Cold Morning, Sir." $ 8 00 24 A Lesson in Wisdom 15 00 ©abdCl D. Clements, 1008 Clinton St., Philadelphia, Pa. 26 A Quiet Corner $i \ oo 28 Square Rigged $10 00 27 A New England Road 10 cx) 29 The Mile Race 12 50 a. COJ, 88 St. Mary's St., Toronto 30 In the Don Valley near Toronto$i 50 36 Log Shanty 31 Lime Kilns, Ancasler, near 37 The HunterV. Lodge Hamilton I 50 32 Bonsecours Chuich. Montreal 2 00 38 The Camp Fire 33 French Canadian Cottage 2 00 39 Watching for Deer 34 Lobster Catching, East Coast 2 00 40 The Startled Buck 35 Rosedale, Toronto 2 50 Cb. dbaUVel, Paris, France, 41 Ville d'Avray, after Corot $2^ no 42 Solitude, after Daubigny 23 00 a, .16nmet*S)eba(ne0, Paris, France. 43 The Mill $16 00 44 Chill October I^oaned by Mr. Jolin Ross Robertson \2 SO 3 SO 2 50 2 00 2 50 u :fDlanCbC ©"la^, 1354 chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 45 On Little Egt; Harbor liay $13 00 49 In the Kields, Papenclrecht $12 50 46 Marsh at Ocean City , , 5,, 4^ A Narrow W ay, Dordrecht 7 00 47 The L.asl Cargo ,7 00 5, Across the Tangle 7 00 4S Norton's Slip ,000 52 A Bit of Marsh 400 jflOrcnCC Egte, 1334 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 53 "Now came still evening on. "$ 6 25 54 Old Apple Trees $3 00 3". yiB. jfa[COner, no St. Fellx St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 55 House where the Declaration ^^ i:,[^ Canal (on the) 56 00 of Independence was signed. $17 50 56 Birth-place of Benj. West, 63 The Roc's Kgg, (after Ved.ler) lo 00 P.R.A., West view 10 00 64 The Cottage Window, (after 57 Birth-place of Benj. Wesl, Boughton ,0 00 P.R.A., East view 10 00 65 Home no longer ! 8 00 58 Cole's First Studio, Catskill, New York 15 00 66 Negro Huts, Wellington ,0 00 59 Last of the Mohicans (after 67 The Old Block House, Long Cole, N.A.) 6 00 Island 10 00 60 Twilight near the Catskills, 68 Kitchen in birth-place of author New York 7 00 of " Home, Sweet Home " lo 00 61 59 Cross St., Boston, Mass. —on Porcelain Enamel 10 00 69 Eleven Etchings la 00 $14 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 24 00 Dcnrg dfaccer, 51 w. loth St., New York. 70 "Now Came Still Evening 76 Sunset off Shore ^"" $^2 GO 77 Evening Coast of Maine 71 " When the silvery habit of 78 Early Winter the clouds comes down up- 79 Sunset on the Autumn Sun " 22 00 80 Autumn 72 On the East River 22 00 81 Sunset on the East River 7 75 75 Evening New York Bay 19 00 74 New York Harbor, Sunset 14 00 75 The Old Ferry Bell 14 00 50bll jfUllWOOd, Birmingham, England. 82 A Belated Traveller $30 00 8j A Devonshire Haytield 30 00 It f. 6at[[ar^, Paris, France, Sjrt "Dawn," (alter MiclitlAnK«lo$2S oo (Ibarlea Storm \Dm\ 0' ©ravcaanOc, limsscis, Belgium. 84 Ymuiden (Harbor) $5 uo 90 Dordrecht 85 The Mense, near Dordrecht lu 00 91 Hergen-op-Zoom 86 Yezzeke vZeeland) 87 Near Overchie 88 Tholen (Zealand) 89 Bergen op-Zoom (Harbor 5 00 92 The iMeiisc 5 00 93 Rotterdam (suljiirbs) 10 00 94 Frontispiece ) 5 00 95 Haarlem 96 Dordrecht 97 Dutch Fishing Boats, parchment" 98 Entree du Foret 99 Pines and Beeches 100 Riviere d'Auray •on $s 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 $52 00 40 00 »4 00 14 00 loi The First Step (5. (BreUt, Paris, France. $28 00 102a After the Rain J6. D. ©arcatt, New Vork "b. jf. 1)al6aU, Boston, Mass. 10 1 a On the Flats 102a Wharf 103d Schooners Becalmed 104a Off Minots 105a Congress St. Bridge Io6a Wharves f. SeiSmOUr l3a&en, London, England. 102 Calais Pier (scarce) $275 00 103 The Breaking up of the Agamemnon Loaned by Mr. John Ross Robertson , 104 A Lancashire River Loaned by Mr. John Ross Robertson. 13 S. lb. tiMg, London, England. I05 I'eterhoro Cathedral (scarce)$5o 00 C. 36. IbOUOWaB, L ndon, England. 100 Rochester $22 50 107 Old Chelsea $,6 00 3^. Dammon^ st. John, n.b, 108 Coast New Brunswick $8 00 109 Old Houses St. John, N.B. $8 ou •fcenCB S. fjOWlanO, ^r., Toronto. no Road near Don Valley $3 o<. 114 Camp Scene Georgian Bay $5 .,0 111 Mrs. Brownintj's Tomb, 115 Worn Out 600 Protestant Cemetery, Florence, Italy 3 00 116 Old Block House at Mackinaw 2 oo 112 Old Docks, Toronto Bay 2 00 117 Old Fort, Mackinaw 2 00 113 NearCollingwood,GeorgianBay2 00 3. Ibenrg ftUl, Mominoor, N.Y. 1 18 01 1 Mill in the Hackensack 1 19 Study of Trees, N.Y. $4 00 Valley $4 00 3nmC0 3-arOtne, 194 Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. 120 Hound— from a sketch by F. Neider- hausern - Koechlin. 121 " Comrades "—from a sketch by Mdme, EupLemie Muraton. Xenjamin Xan^cr, New York. 122 Among the Daisies $30 00 126 Homeward Bound $17 00 123 Along the Shore(/'arf /*»««/) 22 50 127 The Sheep-Pasture 124 Saturday Afternoon 30 00 128 "Foxy" 125 When we were Boys 20 00 "Wfl. A. Xaftail, New York. 129 On the AdiialiciFan/imaui) $14 50 10 00 8 00 »4 /IBarnatCt W. XCSleg, looS Clinton St., Philadelphia. I 50 Hani at Work i'lo 00 132 Peterboro, Englaml $S 00 iji The Wool Carder l 14s A Vista S 00 150 A IJright Afternoon 17 tn> 146 Ice House, Twilijjht 6 00 ■ 147 Solitude 3 00 1 48 Cascadilla Ravine 5 no jeiCailOr /BbatlaCft, 3310 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 151 Pigeons in I Fay Field $ 7 00 153 White Clover $3 00 152 Ueechwood in Winter 700 154a In the Woodlands 700 CC. /bower /ftartin, 19 Bismarck Ave., Toronto. 154 Belvedere Central Park, N.Y. $7 50 159 Evening Central Park, N.Y. $7 50 15s Indian Summer GeorgianHay 14 uo 160 In the Woodlands 7 00 156 In Northern Muskoka i4 00 161 Island Creek 5 00 157 The Twilight Hour 7 00 162 On West St., N.Y. 4 o.. 158 The Settler's Home 7 00 3-. a. S. /RonhS, Cold Spring on Hudson, N.Y. 163 The Patriarch $15 00 168 Return from Pasture $20 00 164 Driving Home the Flock 15 00 165 At Dusk 12 00 166 The Hillside 16 00 167 The Mountain Top 16 00 5. C. 'HiCOU, 51 W. loth Street, New York. 169 Sunrise Near the City $9 00 173 An East Wind $10 00 170 A Warm Morning 10 00 174 Moonlight, Nahant 12 00 171 A Fishing Village 12 00 175 At Anchor (satin proof) 5 00 172 Near Thatcher's Island, Mass. 19 00 W. p. "WCWtOn, 222 Wellington St., Toronto. 176 Elevators, Toronto Bay $2 00 177 Copland's Creek, Penetang'e $2 00 i6 StepbCn parrt9bt cate of nrexel, Ilarjes & Co., Paris, France. 178 Hethlehem, Pa. $7 00 1 86 01. patteraon, 46 King St. West, Toronto. 193 Portrait of Stephen Parrish $5.00 JOaCPb pcnnell, Philadelphia, Pa. 194 On the Arno $22 00 195 Coal Wharves $11 C. a. Platt, Philadelphia, Pa. 196 Ebb Tide, St. John, N.B. $15 00 199 Portland on St. John, N.B. $27 50 197 Little River, Hartford, Conn. 1400 200 Provincial Fishing Village, Nova Scotia 27 00 198 Near Newjiort 15 00 201 Thames St., Newport S 50 202 Old Fish Houses, Gloucester lO 75 plhe, 17 Wellington Street East, Toronto. 203 Entrance to Old Fort $2 00 204 Humber River near Lambton Mills 2 00 205 In Queen's Park 2 50 206 do. 2 50 n E^Ub lOCillfl pleCCe, iiJ4 chestnut St., Fhiladelphm, I>a. 207 Road to the Heach $ii 00 213 Mill, Bristol, I'cnna. $ 6 50 208 Miiriiiiig on the Moor 12 00 214 U|> for Repairs I4 00 209 Canal — Dordrecht, Holland 10 00 215 Old lUiilding o 50 210 "Tout ce qui en reste" lo 00 216 Stony Rond 6 50 211 Anjjura, IVnnsylvania 6 50 212 Sewell's I'oint 6 50 Cbarles Z. pierce, 12 Wcbt St., lioston. 217 Old Houses at llylield, Mass. $4 00 219 Old Mill on the Pemljuucwab- 218 Millstreani iit I'eicrboro, N.H, 4 00 set, N.H. $4 00 S- Be JS. ■RtCbaC^0, 1520 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, I'a. 220 Nine Etchings, each $1 50 224 Old Bridge $4 00 221 Fisherman's Chapel, Venice 4 00 225 i Folio of Etchings 7 50 222 Meadows, Angelsea, New Jersey 4 00 223 In the Dell 5 00 £2). SlOCOmbe, London, England. 226 Andromeda $14 00 ' 227 Phryne (scarce) 1200 jfred SlOCOmbe, London, England. 228 Home $35 00 jf. ®. Small, Boston. 228a Fish House, Cape Ann $4 00 Mm, SaCtatll, 152 VV. 57th street. 229 A Quiet Moment $9 00 230 The Closing Hour of the Day $5 00 v. OC lO0 m06, I'ariv, Kruiice. ajia I'orttait of Sarah Hcrnhardt, after Baatieri' Lepage $5 uu Vembrandt. 331 Two Originals, Luane. TSnbittemOre, 579 Broadway, New York. 272 Gloucester Fisherman $4 75 276 The Night Express' $3 75 273 A Summer Road 4 75 274 Noon on the Canal 3 75 275 Winter Twilight, Locust Point Maryland 3 25 Mm 3. TKlbittCmorC, S' i^Mt ajrd Sl., New Vurk. 377 KUhink; Kcach, l)iKl>y. U.S. $j 75 C. 1U. Wood, 51 NVckl loth Street, New York. 278 FrcHli EnKH $14 50 280 Hcd-limc $12 50 279 A stolen (J lance 7 50 TlUlm. a cnvc 'Unallace. Broukiyn, n.y. 281 The Kll^;e of the Kore-Ht $0 00 282 Kool of Hroatl Street, New York, Dutch Times. Uiig- inal design from