IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 u, WJ. 4c5 1.0 I.I •^ |4.0 u >- I. 12.5 22 20 1.8 L25 llliu ill 1.6 1 V] <9^- 7 ^Sl^ 'W y/ Photographic Corporation M V^ s^'-'^ 4>. •>.% WEST MAIN STREET (7'6) 872-4503 ' I -u 17 10 3* (> « Paid Mr. J. J. Huntly for holding inquests, " For 12 wolf scalp certificates to sundry persons, " Expenses, The Queen vs. Purkiss, felony. " Wm. B. Loyd for summoning Inquest. " Andrew Smith for services as Constable, " Dr. McKelcan for medicine and aUendance on prisoners. " Wm. M. Wilson Esq. for services as Clerk of the Peace, do. for fees as do. '* H. V. A. Rapelgc Esq. on account of fees as Sheriff. Barton Becker, expenses taking Force Walker to Penitentiary. do. do. taking Nathan Pegg, do. W. M Wilson Esq part fees as Cl'k of the P'ce. do for services ae do, " John Hambridge for quarters wages as Gaoler ending 3d July, 1839. do do. ending Oct. 3d, 1839. " WniB Loyd for services as Crier of Qr Sessions. " Peter .Johnson for services as Constable. Dr. Grouse for medical attendance on prisoners. Wm M. Wilson Esq. for general services as Clerk of the Peace. J. Hambridge Gaoler one quarters wages ending 3d January, 1840. " B. Sullivan for services as Constable. " II. V. A. Rapelgo Esq. for duties as Sheriff. " Costs J. C. The Queen v.s. F. Gennie. do do do May Hall, do do do Andrew Steinhoff. ^ do do do Clark Ilendrick. " Tiihnon Rose for services as Constable. " Hiirton Becker for do *' Oliver Maboo Cor do " Aiu-on Culver Jun'r. for do " Jolm Widiinr lor do *' iiiriini i'cro for do <4 £2 19 13 2 10 12 6 3i 10 13 2 6 2 5 20 10 8 9 10 10 9 8 6 12 10 • 10 10 4 7 2 2 8 4 4 7 36 19 9 10 9 4 2 20 12 6 1 2 8 6 1 4 6 2 1 10 15 n 5 G 10 9 1 £555 8 3i Amount paid on Distiict Loan/or building Court House and Gaol, To |,;ii.| iiii.MoM (.11 ]). Iiniiiii-j N(i. 1. 111. to 7tli Juno, 1239. £9 41 Jan. iJOtliiL" 3Y^ Salmon K^q. for \.^r:c^ I'cr r.tteiitiini; I'iir- Dee. 31 St, 1840. Jan. 20th, tt u (t ti busine;;s. David Diinconibc Esq. part wages attending Par- Parliament 1839. J. B. Askin Esq. for official papers required by the Quarter Sessions. T. Parko for printing District Account for 18.18. W. Salmon Es5<[. for v.ages for attending Par- liament 1830. " Dr. McKelcan for a post mortem examination. " D. Mathe\\ > for uood furnished for use of gaol. " Henry Roswell for Books for use of Qr. Session. " Robert Renjamin overrated in assessment. Wm. Salmon Esq. travelling expenses going to and returning from his duty ni Parliament 1839. Dr. Crousc for attending Inquest. P. Young for chains furnished for John Saviil, (Lunatic.) Wm. Werret for repairs to Court House, " Sam'l. Brown for replacing glass in Court house. " Dan'i. Philips for Smith's work for Court house. " David Duncombe Esq. balance for attendance in Parliament 1839. do. for trav. expenses to and from Parliament. I Paid the Collectors of the following townships/or Ahsen'ees. " Oliver Mabee, Charlotteville, r.>r Ibe ve;ir 1838. " do, do. 183!). " Jacob Powell, Esq. Windham, 1838. " J. T. Gilbert, Middleton, 1839. " Robert Waddle, Woodhouse, 1839. Paid to the Assessors of the following townships for 1839. John Trover, Walsingham, F. O. Dikiine. Windham, J. T. (Jilbcrt, Middleton, Wm. Hewitt, Charlotteville, Robert Waddle, Woodhouse, Paid Collector's fees to the following Persons, viz: Robert Waddle, Woodhouse, 1839. Ohver Mabee, Charlotteville, do. John T. Gilbert, Middleton, 1838. Paid township Clerks for the year 1839. George Walker, Houghton, John Troyer, Walsingham, John Bell, Charlotteville, John M. Park, Woodhouse, James Stuart, Middleton, Gabr'l Culver, Windham, James L. Green, Townsend, George Walker, Houghton, for 1838. 25 17 .T ' 2 10 O' 50 1 16 4 17 6 4 2 2 6 4 10 i 16 3 9 4i 16 2 7 12 1 25 4 10 £2 7 7 3 3 Oi 5 10 1 4 9i 4 8 55 3 8 63 5 1 12 3 7 3 7 7 2 9 £14 8 10 14 12 3 1 18 £4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r Julv 2iid, April 28t Dec. 16tt April 24ti Dec. 2011 1840. Jan. 20th, April lit! 1639. April 17, X, Si irwe Copy, C\e»vk Ve-Acc. TaW^ot Distna. o iiaid iiilorest