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'\J f.r 'Jr. OF THE United CHURCH ARCHIVES i^atibc tfanaton ^octetj, M\ /WITH THK m. iH BY-LAWS AND BEOULATIONB. « ^ V V *'^^*-'^.^*V^V-^'V..^X/^ i^^J FMablUhed the Vh Day 0/ Jt%, 1870, '■>ta^-v-< *^ >i.'^^^ '\u~^"^- y 'ih -1 BELLEVILLE: . PRINTED AT THE "HASTINGS CHRONICLE" OFFICE. ^ ■-■:.. ■■' / 187L-.-- •■ .:■ .■-■ ■■;■■■■■■■;■ A First Office Bearers. .•— r-o- — -. • ' .■ PRESIDENT. \A. Diamond, Eiq. rCB-PRESIDENTS. lit, Dr. P. V, Dorlud. 2nd, Jm. Oanniff, Esq. eHAPLAIN. R«T. A. Curman, Principal of AlUrt Unlvertity. SURGEON. Dr. Burdett. TREASURER. J. 0. Holden. i SECRETARY. S. S. Laiier. ASST. SECRETARY. J. A. G. Crofier. HISTORICAL RECORDER. W.J. Diamond. DIRECTORS. Jacob Cronk, , . J. W. Thomnson; R.P.Davy, | A. M. Terwiingar, C.L. Coleman, E. Miles, S. A. Moore, J. P. Thomas W. A.Shepard, ^ .V. G. Selden. ■h .>! Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order or THE iotine Cnnaiiiou ^orittq. I ^1 1 OONSTTTUTION. p. ARTICLE I.— NAMB. ^ This Society shall be called <* The Native Canadian Society." ARTICLB II.— MEMBERS. 1. The Society shall consist of Native-bom Canadians ^ and their descendants. V 2. Any Native-born Canadian or the descendant of a Native-bom Canadian, upon paj^Miij^of the sum of two dollars, shall be eligible for, ancHMpn election shall be a member of the Society ; and Wlong as he pays the., sum of $2,00 annually, and conform* to the Constitution and By-ljaws, shall continue to be a member thereof. . 3. Any member of .the Society may become a Life member, upon payment of the sum of $25. 4. Any person may become an Honorary or Corres- ponding member of the Society, by a three-fourths vote of the members present at any regular meeting. 5. Honorary members shall have no right to vote upon any question, nor shall be eligible for office. ARtlOLE III.— OBJECTS. TliV objects of the Society shall be to unite Canadians and tiieir descendants in a social compact ior the pro- ^: . \l»i. 1, motion of (nutiml and fVicndly intercoupHO, ami for af- fording C^nnftilianM by liirth or deHCont who may stand in need thereof, advice uud counsel, and such pecuniary atiHiHtanoe as they may rcuuire and the finidM of the So- qiety may warrant ; to collect hiHtorical facta connecte« lieM on tli« first Mon■ ■ .^■■."'■■V ■' •; ■ , / . ; ' ■ ■ ■■>-"". . . " ' ■•; - ■ ■ :■ ^ '.''.'■ ■■ ■.'• ":'■■■. • / ■ , ■ * . . . 1 • ■■■ ■■ ■• ■. ' ■ . ,. .■■■"••.'' -1 ' - - . -, t- » "■ ■ ■ '..■■* & ■<*'*■'■. # ' ■ . ■ . . f, .■■ '■ 6 ■^} v^P*-. By-Iiaws. «>-v> MKSIBERS. 1. Every peraon desirous of beting admitted to the Society as a Member, Life member, or Honorary mem- ber, must be proposed in writing by a ^member in good standing, sucb propOi^al to contain the name, residence, iind occupation of the person so proposed. No person shall be entitled to the privileges of membership until he has paid the regulai' annual or other subscriptions, and signed the Constitution and By-Laws. 2. The name, residence, and ocoupa/ion . cf eVerY person proposed for membership, and the nanie of th® person proposing such person, shall immediately b® entered by the Secretiiry m a book kept for the purpose. Provided that this clause shall not apply to the original members of the ISociety who are members by virtue of the organization, dating from the 7th July 1870. 3. Persons proposed for membership shall be elected at any jt'egular meeting of the Society by an affirmative vote of twQ- thirds of the membeirs present, which shall be by ballot in all cases ; and no person shall be qon- sidered elected until he shall have signed the Declara- tion. Every member present shall vote in the election of members, unless excused by the presiding officer. 4. Any member whose annual subsci^pti'on is in arrear and unpaid for two months after the same is due, shall until payment thereof, "be deprived of aU th« privileges of the Society ; and every member who after being ap- plied 'to, neglects- for six months to pay such subscrip- tion, shall cease to be a member, and ishaM not be re- instated except upon paynlent of a dollar, in addition to the usual annual subscription. . 5. Any member Who shall injure or destroy any of the books, papers, or other property of the iSOciety, shall forthwith replace the tuime, and repair such damage to the satisfaction of the Director, and in such manner as they may appoint; but upon refusing or neglecting so to do, such inember may, at the discretion of the Di' rectors, be expelled from the iSociety ; ii|^ch expulsion shall not, however, interfere with or pivf^nt the adop- tion of any other remedy against such meqiber for such damage. • '' .7'.- •■'■—:'■. ••'■ 6. Any member absent from town three months and not more than twelve months, and not using the privir leges of the Society during such absence, may upon application to the ^cretary have the current term of membei'ship extended for a similar period,— provided thd^t notice in writmg be previously given to the Secre- tary, of such intended absence. ■T,^-- 8 BY^LAW^ No. II. \. fiLEOTION Of-OFFIOB-BBARBRS AND DIRECTORS. 1. The oleotion of the office-bearers and Directors shall be by ballot. . - 2. When only one member is nominated to an office, he shall be declared elected; should more than one be nominated/ the election shall be decided by the major ity of the whole of the votes of the members present, and the ballot shall be continued until such majority is ascertained;. 3. For election to each of the offices of President, Vice- President, Chaplain, Treasurer, Surgeon, Secretary, As- sistant Secratary. and Historical Recorder, the ballot shall be separately taken j and whei*e more than two members have been nominated to one office, if no one nominee shall^ upon the first vote, have a majority of the members present in his fiivor, the name of the can- didate having the fewest number of votes shall be struck out, and the ballot taken again uiitil one ot the cjmdi- dates obtains the votes of a nmjority of the members present, when he shall be declared elected, 4. Only one votenrfiHl be taken in the election of Dii-eotoi-s, and the ten members having the largest num- ber of votes shall be declared elected. ! ■-. .1 - #■ ■■-<^, . BY-LAW No. HI. 1 "■. .1 - DUTIES OP 0FFI0EBBARRR8 AND DIRKOTORS. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and Directors, and shall regulate all the pro- ceedings thereat ; he shall cause to be carried into eftect the decision of the members or Directors at any meeting duly called; he shall sign all qfficiar documents; he shall have power to call special meetings of the Society and of the Directora; he shal) have the casting vote on every occasion where there ii^ an eqiiai division, and, at the election of offlce-bearenikand Directi5fs, a delibera-: tive vote in addition ; and may at any time and so often as he inaytliink proper, vacate the chair for the pur- pose of taking part m any discussion which may arise, and may call any one of the Vice-Pi-esidents or any member present to preside in his stead. ' 2. In the absence of the President, one of the Vice- Presidents shall preside, in the precedence in which he stands 'n the list of office-bearers ; and in the event of the absence of these officers, the Society may elect a cliairman to preside at such meeting. The Vice- President may, in the absence of the President, call any meeting which the Presidiont is competent to call. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Ist Vice-President, or, in case of his absence, the 2nd Vice President, shall immediately become President of the Society for the remainder of the term. 3. All monies belonging to the Society shall be hand- ed over to the Treasurer, who shalldeposit the same in one of the chartered Banks in the town of Belleville, said Bank to he approved of by the Directors, on account and for the use of the Society. He shall not pay any. moneys on account of the Society except by order of the Directors, signed by the presiding officer and the y >, / 10 Secretary. He Hhall pay ttU moneys by cheqUQ, signed by himself and countersigned by the Secretary — or in his absence, by the PrcMident; arid he shall report fully to the Pireotors quarterly, or oftener, if they require him so to do. 4. (i.)/rhe Directors shall have the care and custody of the property of the Society ; they shall examine all accounts before they are passed for payment, and shall collect all moneys due the Sotiiety for rent, members - subscriptions, and otherwisiB. - ■'.■'■ ^ ' (ti.) Th»y shall have power to appoint a person as messengei' and c»re- taker ot the Society^ s rooms ; shall prescribe his duties, and pay him a reasonable sftljjfry for his services. (iii.) They shall have power to procure Lectures to be delivered, to establish classes for the ' instruction of , the members and subscribers, and to ftx the sums to be paid.for them, or any other privileges which may require separate payments. (iv.) They shall have power to expel, or suspend the privileges of members or subscribers for non-piyment lof fines or dues, or for immoral or improper language or conduct, or for introducing political or sectarian dis- cussions, after giving the party opportunity to shew cshise; in all cases of expulsion, except for non-pay- ment of dues, the expelled members shall have the , right to appeal to the next regular meeting of the Society. (v.) They shall invest the moneys of the fiocielir in such manner as shall in their opinion be most advan'^ tageous to the interests of the SrSdjiety, subject to the directions of the Society., 7 " ■ (vi.) They shall at their first meeting after theli* elec- tion, appoint from their number the following c^mit- tees) viz: a Finance committee j a Library and Rcra^^i^g ■./ Koom committde i aClattt) committee; a Lecture com- mittee, and Historiciil committee. (vii.) Should any Officer or Director absent himself from three consecutive regular meetings of the Society without giving satisfactory reason therefor, his office may be declared vacant; and the membern may elect another in his 3tead, at the next regular meeting of the Society. > (viii.) Prior to the annual meeting of the Society in each and every year, the Board of Dnectors shalt cause* an examination to be made of the Library, virith a view to enable them to present a correct report thereon,— and for that purpose are empowered to call in and cease to issue books u>r a period not to exceed one week. (ix.) They shall pre^nt to the annual meeting in each and every year a report of their pi-oceedings, and of the general affairs of the Society, containing among other particulars, a statement of the property held by or in trust for the Society; of the members ; of the Li- brary and Reading Room; a list of Lectures given and classes formed, and the result; a list of donations re- ceived ; balance sheet of receipt and ex penditure ; and a full statement of the liabiliUes and available assets of the Society. 5. The Secretary shall accurately and at large record the proceedings of the Society and Directors; conduct all correspondence; announce all meetings; sign all certificates of membei>ship. HelBhall receive all sub- scriptions, rentSj or other moneys, pay the same to the Treasurer, keepmg an account thereof ; and shall per- forin such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Directors. 6. The Assistant Secretary shall perform such duties as may be required by the meeting, and in the absence of the Secretary shall assume his duties. 7. The Historical Recorder shall accurately and at large report the proceedings of the Society with refe- \, rence 16 that bmtvB^ of the. Society under the direction of his committ£»et^ 8. The Mr, two meinbers shall be appointed t^ audit the bo/)kH and acGounts bf the f^ciety for tlie cuVrent year, who shall report to the next annual meeting of the fSbciety. - J\ / H .-' I. \ .:^^- . J\ itioti port ents igof port very the cnr, the I 1 .-' ^ ■■■■■"■ ' . '. ^^ ■'■^'. BY-LAW No. IV. ' MKKTINOS. 1. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presi- dentH, thA Directors shall have power to call special meetings of the Society. 2. The Directdhi shall mee^t least monthly, on such day as they may appoint, /I '^ 3. the Secretaiy shalL^all! special meetings of lAi Directors, on a wfitteiyr^uisition signed by any thre Directors or iaix memj^rs, and special meetings of the Society on a writtepr^equisilion signed by dny six Di- rectors or twehMr members. The reauisjfiion for all special meeUp^ under this section shall t»JUite the bust ness intepjit^ to be brought forward atmich meetings. 4. JflHices calling any special meetiyg of the Society, the Board, shall state the bus^ess to be brought forward at such meeting ; and namisiness that is not particularly mentioned m suqb liotices shall be brought fonyard or discussed ^t mi^ special meeting. 5. The (ji^tfwn necessary for the transaction of busi- negftartm meeting of the Society shall be twelve, and e^t all meetings of the Directors five ; and whatever ques- tion, matter, 'or thing shall be proposed, discussed, or considered at any meeting of the Society, or of the Di- rectors, shall be finally determined by a majority of the votes of the members or Directors present at such meet- ing, except when otherwise specially provided. If a quorum be not present; any number of members shall be sufficient to adjourn, provided such adjournment be not made until fifteen minutes after the time appointed for Such meeting. 14 /■■ BY-LAW No. V. 1. There shall be two standard- bearers^ to be«» appoint- ed by the President. BY-I4AW No. VI. ft RUIiBS OF ORDER AND ORDBR OP PROOBRDIMOS. ,■•■-■ " ■ . '-^ * - L The rules of order and order of proceedings at any regular meeting shall be as follows: — ' Sec. 1. Orde^r of buHiness at all except specia) meet- ings: y (1) To call the Roll of Officers. (2) Reading of minutes not previously adopted, which when adopted shall be signed by the presidmg officer. (.3) Rending of communications. (4) Rece{>tior and consideration of reports^ (5) Election of office-bearers and Directors (at the annual meeting.) (6) Propositions for membership. (7) Election of new members. (8) Transaction of new business. (9) All other business and discussions for the good of the Society not included in the above. RULKS OF ORDBR. II. Until other rules are adopted, the rules whi^h govern the proceeclings and deliberations of the Par- liament of Canada shall be those which govern this So- ciety, I .' ■■ :■„ ■ ■•...■:■■ ■ 15 ' ..• ■■ :■ - BY-LAW No. VIIL TheBe By-J^ws, or any of them, may be altered, amended, or repealed at any regular meeting of the Society, by a vote of two thirds of the members present atsuoh meeting: provided notice of such alteration, amendment, or repeal, shall have been given at the preceding regular maeting. I .' ■^ '* , / ;.-' . /' ' •Jf ' ' I' V. ^■^^' ■<>-■■ ■■ U,» ;.-' . /- ' ' s %* '' '' 111'* i m " '^ .V ' fir . *> i K. # / < s*!*. I • '■):' •