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It means, that in God there ar^t'threc Per- fons, the Father, the Son, and the iluly Ghoit. Q^ h the Father God? -- . tn >l im jI .<'v A. Yes. .. -i- , l^tf.; H] 'if. u^U'j' Q^ Is the Son God? ( i ; i:' / hr.s »ai w' A. Yes. . ■.•.-.'•- .- ., . i^^V Jt> Q^ Is the Holy Ghojl God ? " .. •j)i\ \u A. Yes. vu JJ> Q^ Why then are they not three Gods ? ' ■ ^ ^ A. BLxaufe, iho* they are three Perfors veal* \y diftinguiilied, yet they have one and (i\z fame Divine Nature, i\ Q^ Is one of thefe Perfons Better^ Wifer^ 'or mare Po'werful than the others ? A, No; they have all three "he fame Good - nefs, the fame Wifdom, the Ja'-ie Power, and are equal in all Things. . .; u •, ' u if \ I Q^ Is not God the Father^ at leafl elder than God the Son ? ^ . ^ , ^ A. No : all and every one of thefe tlirec Pdt- fons have been from all Eternitv, and ihcrcforc one cannot have been before another. Q^ Why then is the Father called thefirfl Perfon P A. Bccaufc thi Father proceeds from i?o other, A3 ahd f. 1 1 I ItSi )' I! \ ' ( 6 IVkai a Chris'tiak /j, t^L and theS )n and tlu'HwIy Gholl proceed from him. .- M ,Q^ lyijy is the Son the Second Per/on P -.;i A. B'^caufc he proceed.s fioin the Father onlj, ■ rt Q^ m^y h the Holy Ghojl the Third Per fon P A. Bccaufe he proceeds iVom the Father and thoSon. IV. Q^ f^'hat means the Incarnation^ and Death &/ eur Sci•• A, Only one. O. Which ii it P ;;-.-..;:.:.. -., ■ A, Tl .0: ifromWn. ? ather only, Ptrfon ? Father and id Death 6/1 I the Second y was made! /e us. ie Man f y, tbi Son oj I re of Man. 'ures ? iod and tW and Man ? caui'e he haj /Ian, becaufj ^yjjjf, he hi nd Soul lil JefusChrii tt^ai a Christian /V, lie. f A. The Second Pcrfnn of ihe blcfled Trinity, that is, the Pcrlofi ol God the ^on. Qi Has Jclus Chrilt ahvays been God ? A. Yes, troni all Eternity. Q^ Has he akuays been Man ? A No: But only fince the Time of his In- carnation. Q^ On njuhat Day nvas he made Man ? ' A. On the D\iy of the Annunciation of our Bleif d Lady, the Zyih oi' March. • ', Q^ JVhere fwhat ^as he anointed ? A. With all Heavenly Graces beyond Mca- fure ; and with the Divinity itfelf united to him. Q^ Why ivas Jefus cal/ed Chriil, or Anointed ? A. Becaufe he was King, PrieU,and Prophet, and fuch were Anornted, as we read in the Old iTellament. Q^ What mean you by his only Son our Lord ? A. I mean thai Jefus Chrifi is the only natu- al Son of God, born of his Father from all E- ernity 5 and alfo that he is God and Lord of us nd all'Things. ^ ♦ ne Third ARTlCh^* TJ/ H AT is iheThird Articled A. Who was conceived hy the Holy hoft, born of the Virgin M A, Suffcr'd under Fortius Fi/ate, wai crucified, dead and buried. . Qc ^^h^t do you undcrjland by this ? A. I unc^^itUnd that Chrill, after a mofl pain ful Life, or above Thirty Years, fuffered moi bitter Tormenia under that wicked Prefideni i^ontius Filate, Q^ What tvere thefe TormeNis ? A. His bloody Sweat, his Scourging at th Pilkr, his Purple Garment, his Crowning wit Thorns, his Sceptre of a Reed, his carrying tht Crofs, {iff. Q^ What 7neans the 'voordy Was Cruci/ied ? A. It means that he was nail'd to a difgrac ful Crofs, betwixt two Thieves, for our Offe CCS, on Good-Friday, ^ \ Q^ What Jignijies Dead and Buried ? A. It fignifies that Chriil fuffered for us true and real Death, and was buried with H xiouras the Prophet Ifaiah foretold, c. xi. Q^ Why did he Suffer all this ? A. To fatisfy the Divine Juftice injured OurCrimes; to make us conceive the Enormi of our Sins; to teach us m what Manner \j n 'av j A. lis bl( :allcd |jl;»i-/a Ignin i A, J cad P wzEaj De A. J <^\\ ai 'efus. VF eRigl A. T ought to do Penance ; to tclVify the Excefs of Luve towards us ; and excite us to love him, Pys on "redtio , ,^ . Janner J. r? r a mod painj fuffered mo| led Prefidenj urging at ih 'rowning vvitj his carrying Crucified? to a difgrace for our Oftei ed } ered for usi ried with Hfl d, c. xi. ce injured : the Enormi at Manner v leExcefs ot love him* The C R . . E D Expounded. 15 7be Fifth Article. JJ/'BAT is the Fifth Article ? A. He defcended into Hell, the third >ay he rofe again from the Dead. Q^ What Pieatis He defcended i. Hell ? A. It me^ins, that ns foon as Ciirifl was dead, lis blciT.d Soul defcended into that Part of Hell :alled Limbo, to fice the Holy Fathers that were Q^ What Jtgnifes On the third Day he rofc ignin from the Dead ? A, It fignihes that when Chrid had been cad Part of three Days, on the third Duv (be- ng EaJIer-Day] he railed his blcflld Body from c Dead. Q^ What Benefits ha^ve lue ly this Be /iff} A. It confirms our Faith and Hope, rliat wc all alfo rife ignin from Death, by, and vviih \fus» " . i!.; ' . _ . .' . The Sixth Article. rp^HAT is the Sixth Article ? A. He afcendcd into Heaven, /its at e Right-Hand of God the Father Almigluy. Q^ What means He afcended into Heaven ? A. That when Chrift had convened forty |ays on Earth, with his Difciples, after his Re- redtion, then he afcended in a moll glorious anner into Heaven, in their Sight, ^-r —■, Q^ On ^hat Day ? — ^ ^ o^ -^ v'-^- : B z A, On %\ I 'I 'I ■%: 1 6 The Creep Expounded. A. On Afcenfion^Day^ and from the Top o Mount Oli'uet, Q^ IVhy did he afcend to Heanjen ? A. To take Poflifiion of that Seat of Blifs for himfelf and us. 2dly, To appear in our Caufa before God. 3dly, To draw our Hearts thithe after him. Q^ What under/land you hy Sits at the Right hand of God ? A. Not that God the Father has any Hands for he )s a pure Spirit, and without Body ; bu that Chriil, as God, is equal to his Father in a Things, The Se^efith Article. Q^rprHJT is the Seventh Article I A. From thence he fhall come to jud the Quick and the Dead. Q^ What do you underfiandly this ? A. I underitand that Chriit (hall come frc Heaver, at the laft Day, to judge all Men afQ*/ cording to their Works. I Q^ Is not i'very Man judged in particular I Qc ^ his Death ? | . A. ' A. Yes. I<5«r r Q^ What need then of a General Judgment ?|Trinj A. That the Providence of God, who ofw^<^n ; here afflicts the Good, and profpcrs the B*^^nd< jnay appear juft to Men, as it is in itfelf. WP'^^y '^ condly^ That Chriil, who was difgraccd bef« Q^ mftny^ may be glorified before all, I A. mi Or enc ( J: heen c A tei'Vi Mat the Top o! Lt of Blifs foti in our Caufa learts thithq at the Rig^tl IS any Hands! )ut Body ; bul s Father in all E. k ? come to }ud| The C R E E B Expounded, 1 7 Q^ A ^hat Manner ^vill he come to Judgment \ A, III great Power and Majeltv, attended by many Legions of Angels. Q^ What are the Things he nA:ill Judge ? A. All our Thoughts, Words, Woiks, ani Omiflions. Qi Who ^jj'dl accufe us\' ' - A. The Devils, and our own guilty Confcl- dnccs. Q^ What nx'ill be the Sentence of the Reprobate ? A. Go ye Curfedy into eternal Fire, nvhich has ieen pi-epared for the Deifil and his Angels » Matt. XXV. 41. Q^ Whatjhall he the Sentence of the EleB ? A. Come^ O ye Blefed of my Father^ and re- tei^e the Kingdom ivhich is prepared for you^ &C« Matt. XXV. 34.. ns ^ all come fro e all Men ai parti , A- fc 7 he Eight A^TlChZ^ Q. ^HATis the Eight Article ? *' ] A. I believe in the Holy Ghoft. ^ ^ icular I Qi- ^^^t means this Article ? ^ A. It means, that we alfo believe, and put our Trud in the Third Perfon of the bleffed / Judzment ?|Trinity, who proceeds from the Father, and the i who ofJ^^" > ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ with them, and de- f ers the B*^^"^^^ ^^ "s on Whit-Sunday, in thQ form of • '.c^\( Jiicry Tongues. • ' - Caccd bci QL^b^^d he defend r ^ ' - * ^^ - :^ 1 A. To enable ilie Apoftles to preach (he Gof- ^* ClI - "- \ Bj pel. i' '{^ ■ tj ! 'If I 'I J % Tlje Creed Expomded-. pel, and to plant the true Church with which he remains forever. John xiv. 16. The Ninth Article. . \ Q^rrrHAT is the Ninth Article ? A. I believe the Holy Catholick Church, the Communion of Saints. Q^ What underjiand you hy this ? A. I underftand that Chrift has a Church on Earth ; that this Church is but one ; and that wc arc bound to believe her in all Things be- longing to Faith. Q^ Why are , by their Prayers and good Work?, mutually help and afJiit one another. Q^ /f7vv/ c//e ? A. T uut tilt Faithful on Earth communicate! vith the Sainis and Angels in Heaven : We, by giving Thanks lor their Glory, and defirin their Prayers; and they by praying for us, anj| Vfiih u5i. Q^ // is tio Dijfjonour to God to defire the ^aint\ and Angtls to pray for us ? A. No; for we defire nothing of them, biit| ^hat vvc and they beg fr m the Bounty of God, Who aluncis the giver of all good Gifts. ^he tefith Article, Q. Ttr H AT is the Tenth Article ? A. The Forgivcnefs of Sins, Q^ What underjiand you hy this \ A. I underlland that God is able and wiljins to torgivc us our Sins, if we be heartily fony for them, and confcfsthem, and has given PovvJ er to his Church to remit them by the Sacr.iJ nients of Baptifm and Penance, The EU'venth " A R rr c L e . tX^TJ/HAT is the Eleventh Article > ' ^-^ A, Th^ Kcfarrcaion pf {he FJeft. :: -. ■ ': """ ^Wk Q: A. Q. A. fejfion A. can ex praifc fame Sa- to all true raycrs and le another. mmunicats i: We, by id dcfiringi for us, anJl '^ the SainiiX fthem, biitl ntv of GodJ ifts. )• and willitij cartily fori) given Povvj )y the SacrAJ Fleft. The Creed Expounded. % t Q^ irhat means this Article ? A. It means, that thel'e very Bodies, in which we now live, (hall, at the Day of Judgment, be raifcd up from Death to Life, by the Command, of God. Q^ Hofiv nxtll a Body in Glory differ from a Bo' dy here on Earth ? A, The Difference is fet down by St. Faul^ I. Cor. XV, 53. where he fays. This CorraptibU Body Jhall put on Incorruftion^ and this Mortal Body Jhall put on hnmortality. So that a glorifi<.'d Body (hail become pcrfcdt like a Spirit. //// raifed a Spiritual Body^ c. xv. v. 44, Q^ What Benefit ha^ve nxe by this Belief ? A It emboldens us to lufFer Perfecution, and Dealh. itfelf, in hope of future Glory. The Tijuelft^ Akticle, ^ Q^Tj^HJT is the Twelfth Article} A. And Life everlailing, Amen. Q. What underftar.d you by this ? A. That fuch as live well, and die in a State ©f Grace, fhail live with God in evcrlafting Glory. Q^ In <^vhat confifs e^verlajiing Life ? A. In the clear Sight and polfeflion of God. Q^ What ^ill follii'iAj from this Sight and p of feJJtonofGodt * •• ^r* ^ A. Such Love of him and Joy, as no Wordt can cxprefs, or Heart conceive: Hence they will praife and thank him for ever. ,. *1 >M ii •' '1 ' ".'• tt 'I J ;r a Hope Expounded. Q^ What means the^'jord A\x\Qr\ ? A. If means that the whole Creed Is to be be- lieved with Divine Faith, and tlicrcfbrc wc mod hearkly allcnt to it. Ill Q.//Z "CHAP. IV. ^ HOPE Expounded. HATisHcp(\ A. It is a Gift of God, by which, re- lying on the Divine AffjUanrc, our Souls arc rail- td t(j a lively ExpcOation of" eternal Glory. "' Q. On ~u:hat is t>:is grounded} A. On the P^'wcr of God, and the promifes Und Merits of Chiill, \vh«) has promiied Heaven to all I'uch as do good W^rki, and alio Giace^ whereby to do them. - CL What is the chief Effe^ of Hope ? A Pravcr. .iV ' Q. What is Fray^r ? A. h is Lining ufour Minds to God, where- by wc beg for good Things, and to be freed from Evil. '■■■ ^'. ^ * (]»^ rVhiit other Effea has it ? A. It caufes Obedience to the Law of God, a "Willingneis to fufFer for his fake, and final Per- fti'crance. % (^ What Vice is tppofte to Hope ? r- A. r>ci'pair and Prefumption, Q^ kVhat is Deffair I r art jn A. CreatK [State |i/ con-^ A. knd all thcr. A. M ^-fcT-MJi, tobcbe- : wc moft Our Lord's Prayer Expounded. 23 A. A Difiidence in llic power ot God, >aud Merits of Lhrill. - ' („ ^ • Qj^ ir^at is Pf ffuTnption \ A. A toolifli CtJMiiJcnce of Salvation, vviili- ouc endeavouring to keep the Commandnicnts, vhich, re- jls arc raif- ilory. \e promifes ed Heaven lib Gi-acej )d, where- treed from of God, • Id final Per- C H A P. V. Our lord's prater Expounded. ^ Q^TT/'HO made this mojl lialy Prayer ? A. Cluill himfelf, St. Matt. vi. 9, Q^ PVhy did he make it ? A. To teaah us a fee Form of Prayer, and how we ought to pray, Q^ JVhy did he viake it fo Jhort and eafy ? ' A. That all Men may be capable of it. Q^ What beg i>je by it \ A. All thofc chief Things we can ask or hope for of Gnd. Q. What mean thefe Words, Our Father who art in Heaven ? • * '• A. They mean, that God is our Father by Creation and Adoption alfo, if we be in the IState of Grace, and therefore we may confident- ly come to beg all Bleflingsot him. CK Whyy Our Father, and not. My Father ? A. BccauR God is the common Father of all ; land all good Chriilians mull pray for one ano- Ithcr. ' ; %^What %\. rt ■ A. A .' il \l t 24 Our Lord's Prayer ExpoundeiJ. Q^ Jf'hat untierjlanff you hy^ who art in Heaven ? A. That God is in Heaven, to whom wt ought to raiie our Hearts as often as we go to Prayer. - '-* ■ • Q^ % thefirft Petition ? ' . A. Hallowed be thy Name, Q^ What do ^we beg by this ? A. That God may be knowh, worthily praif* cd, ferved, and honoured by all his Creatures. Q^ Say the fecond Petition \ , ... A. Tliy Kingdom come. , * Q^ What leg nve by this ? A. That when the Miferiesand AfHidlions of| this Life are ended, we may partake of the Joysl of his Kingdom. Q^ What clfel A. That Chrid may wholly govern us, and| make us obedient to him, by his Grace, in ihi Life, and happy, by his Glory, in the next, Q^ Say the third Petition ? A. Thy will be done on Earth, as it is i Heaven. Q^ What beg ^ve ly this ? A. That God would enable us, by his Gracej to do his Will in all Things. Q. What means, On Earth, as it is in Heaven A. We beg by this, that we may be as read and chearful to obey the Will of God on Eanii| as the Saints and Angels arc in Heaven. Q^Say the Fourth Petition I , A. Givi ur D( A. ur L] hem. nlefs cmptei ^^ffliflions of nde.i. I Our Lord's PraVER Expounded. 25 in Heaven? I A. Give us this Day our daily Bread, whom wc I Q^ What beg lue by this ? ,s we go to I A. All Food and buflenancc for our Souls and Bodies. Q^ What is the Food of the Soul? A. The Word of God either preached to us, or read by us in fpiritual Books ; the holy Sa- rthily praif-lcraments, efpecially the Blefled Eucharilt and Crcftiures. iDivine Grace, (^ Why is the BleJJed Eucharift called our daily read ? A. Becaufe it is daily offered on the Altar for ^lour Sins, and we ought daily to receive it ia e of the Joys|Spirit or Defire. Q^ ^ay the fifth Petition ? A. And forgive us our Debts, as we forgive vern us, a^i^ur Debtors. Q^ Wlmt beg ive by this P A. That God would forgive us the Sins of ur Life pad, and all the Punifhments due to hem. Q. Why is it added, as we forgive our Debtors ? A. To fignify that God will not forgive us> )y his Grace|jjj^jgf-g ^g forgive our Enemies. Q^ Say the Sixth Petition ? .^ * A* And lead us not into Temptation. ty be as read! q^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^-^ ^ . • t od on Eariii| j^ rp^^^ q^^ ^^^^ ^^^ permit us to be cmpted above our llrength. ^ ' . I Q. Does God tempt us to Sin ? . • .— -^ A- °"' C - A. No, (race, in tnisl the next. th, as it is aven. I ji / - 26 7>E^tf Hail Mary Expounded. A. No, he does not ; God is not the temtUr E'vils^ he tempts no Man, St, y^fnes i, 17, Q. Bywhom are nue tempted? A. By the Devil, the World, and our own Concupifcence. Q^ Is it any Sin to be tempted ? A. Not without fomc confent or voluntary! Delight on our Part. ' Q^ Say the Senjenth Petition ? A. But deliver us from Evil. Q^ What beg lue by this ? A. That God would free us from all Evil both Sin and other miferies. Q^ From ^whence proceeds the Er A N G E l I'c a ^ Salutation Expounded. Q^Tj/'HAT is the Hail Mary ? A. It is a Salutation and Holy Pray to the Bleiled Virgin Mary^ by which we exprefi our Joy for the Incarnation of the Son of God. (^ llonxj many Farts has it ? , A. Three, 1 t hlary rerick Nofte A. Praye We afj ..^ mer 43 A. Saim< «f *!*.•¥ the tempttf a r i. 13. and our owj or voluntary! from all EvIlJ 7 cfSin ? nd the Weak-I r God cannot! ibere is nonA G E L I C A l| inded. Holy Prayci [ch we exprel lon of God. The Hail Mary Expounded. 27 Q^ Say thejirft Fart ? A, Hail Mary^ full of Grace, our Lord is* with ihec. Q^ Who made this Fart ? A. The Holy Ghoft, altho* it was delivered by the A ng si Gabriel, Q^ Say the Second Fart ? A. BlefTcd art, thou amongft Women, and bleiled is the Fruit of thy Womb, 'Jefus, Q^ Who ffoke this ? A. St. Elizabeth^ infpir'd by the Holy Ghoft. Q^ Say tbe Third and laft Fart ? A. Holy Maryy Mother of God, pray for us Siirners ; now and at the Hour of our Death. Q^ What meansy Mary Mother of God ? A. This is added by the Church, as a profef- fion, that Chrift is truly God, and the Virgin lilary truly Mother of God, againil certain He- |r£ticks, who deny both. (^ Why fay you thj Ave Mary after the Paler - iNofter ? A. That by the blefled Virgin's joining in IPrayer with us, we may more eafily obtain what |wc afk for in the Lord's Prayer. Q^ Do you not defire the Frayers likeiuife of ither Saints ? A. Ycj, of all Saints, and in particular the lalnt of my name, and of my Angel Guardian. i'l • tt 111 If.. ill 1 i ; i CL^i C« CHAP. ! I ' ; !. . \ iS Charity Expounded, CHAP. VIL CHJRITT Expounded, (XiJ-JOW many and fwhat are the Precepts of Charity ? A. They are Two. Firft, Thou (halt love the Lord thy God with thy whole Heart, with thy whole Soul, with all tby Strength, and with all thy Mind. Secondly, And thy Neighbour as thyfelf. (X^V/hat is Charity P A. It is a Gift of God in oiir Souls, by which we love God above all Things, and our Neigh- bour as ourfelves. Q^ Who are your Neighbours ? ' A. All Mankind ; efpecially Catholicks, Q^ Why all Mankind P • A. Bccaufe they are the Images of God, and ledeemed with the Blood of Chrift, Q^ Why efpecially Catholicks P A. Becaufe they are Members of the Myflical Body of Chrift, the Church. Q^ What is it to Love God above all Things? A. To prefer him, his Will, and Law, before all Things, fo as to be willing to lofe all, rather than the Love and Grace of God by any mortal Sin. Q^ What is it to h've our Neighbours as ourfelves F A. To wift kim. the fame Good, both Cor- . . poral fR f Precepts of 1 (halt love Heart, with h, and with ' Neighbour Is, by which . our Neigh- lolicks. fGod, and [the My (Ileal all Things? Law, before fe all, rather any mortal as ourfehes? I, both Cor- j^oral Concerning the Commandments. 291 poral and Spiritual, as we do ourfelvcs; and thi'? not' only in Thoughts and Words, but in Deeds and Effefts, by endeavouring to procure hini them when it is in our Power ; and to do him no Wrong. Q^ IVbat is the greatefl Aa of Charity ? A. To give our Life for God's Honour, cr your Neighbour's Salvation. Q^ What are the Effeas of Charity ? A, It remits Sin, and gives Spiritual Life to the Soul. He that Loaves not, remains in Deaths I John iii. 14. CHAP. VIII. Concerning the COMMANDMENTS in GeneraL ^IT O W many Commandments are there P A. Ten. Q^ What is the chief End of the Commandments ? A. To teach us the Love of God, and our Neighbour : He that loaves has fulfilled the La A. Remember thou keep Holy the Sab- bath-Day. Q^ What is commanded by this ? A, To fpcnd the Sunday in Praying, read- ing Spiritual Books, hearing Divine Service, and the like Spiritual and holy Works. Q. What is fot hidden by this ? i. A. Servile Woiks, and Prophane Employ* iments. Q^ Why 'was the Je'vjijh Sabbath changed into the Sunday ? A. Becaufe Chrift rofe from the Dead, and jfent down ihe Holy Ghoft on a Sunday^ Q^ By 'whom A. Unchalte touching ofourfelves, or other:: With all Delight in lufTtul Thoughts and Killcs, in unchaftc Words or Songs. Q^ What is commanded by it ? ^ A. That Hufbands and Wives love and be faithful to one another. Q^ W/jy is Lufi hateful in the Sight of God P A. Becaufe it defiles in us the Image of God, the Member of Chrift, and the Temple of the Holy Gholh The Seventh COMMANDMENT. Q^QJT the Se'venth ? A. Thou fhah not Steal. Q^What isjorbidden by this ? A, All unlawful taking away, whether byi Theft, or by Cheating in buying and felling,! or keeping that which is another Man's. Q^ What is commanded by it ? A. To give every Man his own. - Q^ What does Theft oblige us to ? A. To reilore the Thing llolen to the riglitl Owner, if we be able, or clfe the Sin will not| be forgiven u«. The Eighth COMMANDMENT. CL Q Ar the Eighth ^ ' ^ ^ ^ A. Thuu fhalt not bear falfe WitnefJ againit thy Neighbour, Q. Wbd m IT. or other:: and Kiiles, JVC and be of God ? age of God, i)ple of the £AT. whether by and felling,! ,n's. to the right Sin will not life WitncfJ The Eighth Commandment. 37 Q^ What ii forhiihknhy this ? A. All falic 7ViliaionK':>, idili Judgments and L'CS. Q^ IVhat eijl ? A. Backbiting, Flattering and Dotraflion. Ci^ lyhat is he bound to^ ^vho has hurt his Iseighbour in this kind ? A. To make him Sati:faclion, and rcHjre his good Name. (^ What is commanded by this Vrecept ? A. To fpcak and witneis the I'ruih in nil Things. For the De'vil is a Liar, and the Fa^ iher of LieSy St, John viii. 44. Ue Ninth and Tenth COMMANDMENTS. (l^Qjr the Ninth and Tenth ? ' * A. Thou fhaU not covet thy Neighbour's Wife, Thou ihalt not covet thy Neighbour's Goods. Qi What is forbidden by thefe ? ' ' A. All inordinate Defires of Lull, AJuhery, and Theft : A-s alfo all i3efires of oihers Lofs, or Damage that we may gain by it. Q. What etfe ? A. All deliberate and voluntary Delight ia covetous or impure Thoughts. Q^ What are ixe commanded by thefe ? A. i o entertain chafte and honelt Thoughts, and be contented with our own Eliates. I' I f , !■ ' ] I ! D CHAP, -i 'jpy 1 %M 38 TZ'^ Commandments ^/^^ Church, CHAP. IX. "T> W^ C O M M A N D M E N T S a/ tha CHURCH. '■ ' Q^TJOW jnany, and n.vhat are the Command^ vients of the Church ? « 3 A. There are fix principal ones, 1. To hear Mafs on all Sundays and Holy- Days. 2. To faft Lent, Vigils commanded, Ember Days, and here in England^ all Fridays^ except the Fridays which fail between Eajler and Whit* Sunday, and between Chrijimas-Day and the 13th oi January^ and whenever a Holy-Day of Obli- gation comes on a Friday^ with AbHincnce from I'ledi on Saturday, -. 3. To confcfs our Sins at lead once a Year. 4.. To receive the Blefled Sacrament at lead once a Year, and that at Eafter, or thereabouts, namely, between Falm-Sunday and Lo'UU'Sunday, 5, To pay Tythes to our Pallors. )* ; 7' 6. Not to folcmnizc Marriage at forbidden Times, that is, from the hrft Sunday in Ad 2. Perpetual Chaftityy which is a voluntary bikining from all carnal Plcafures. He that hes his Virgin in Marriage does njell, hut he that ms her not does better, i Cor. vii. 38. 3. Obedience^ which is a voluntary Subje^^ioa another's Will, in ail that is not Sin; that we may moi'e perfedly deny ourfelves and r own Wills. Of the SACRAMENTS in General. trO ^ many Sacraments are there ? .A. Seven: Baptifm, Confirmation, [ucharift, Penance, Extreme-Undion, Holy )rdcr, ,aiid Matrimony. ,^ ^ Ci ivbat IS a oacrament in general i A, It is a vilible Sign of invifible Grace, in- D 2. ilituted ■5 I i i \\ i "'*iM Ill 40 0/"//!^^ Sacraments. ftitntcd by ChriH our Lord for our Sanfti/ica-| tion : That is to fay, it is an outward Sign»[ ordain'd by Chrifl, by which Grace is convey- ed to our Souls. . J Q^ From ^whence ha^ve ih$ Sacraments their\ Force and Ejfficacy ? A. From the Blood, Paflion, and Merits d Chritl, which they apply to our Souls if worth!. ly received. Q^ In twhat chiefly does a Sacrament conjijl ? A. In the Words, Anions, and other fend. fele Things, ufed and applied by the PricftJ >vhen he adminifters a Sacrament, commonlj called Matter and Form. Q^ Ho^w doe the Sacraments caufe Grace in tu^ ^ouls ? A. Chiefly by the Divine Power, ufing ther ts Meuns or Indruments, by which Grace ij bcftowed on us. ^ . ...^xv*. Q^ What is Grace ? A. It is a free Gift pf the Divine Bounty, which we are made the Adoptive Children ol God, and Heirs of the Kingdom of Hcavenj It is alfo a fupernatural Help, not at all due t| us, by which we are enabled to keep Qod] A-* Commandments. ; ' "' Q^ Is Grace the only Fffeil the Sacraments *wori in the Soul ? A. Befides GracCi three of them : mix, BA 'I r Sanftifica ward Sign e is convey- Baptism Expounded. 41 iifm, Confirmation^ and Order ^ produce another EfFcfdl, which is called a Charader, Q^ IVhat is a Char ad er ? ^amenU th\\ A. It is a Kind cf fpiricual Mark or Seal 111 the Soul, which always remains in it ; of which Sr. ?aul fecms to Ipeak, 2 Cor. i. 22. where he fays, that God hasfealed us. nd Merits ol uls if woribi ?»f eofifift ? BAPTISM Exbounded. d other ^e'^filQ^ TT^T-Hf/r is Baptifm ? y the Pritftl ^ A. It is a Sacrament, which 'confifls It, comiuonlyljn an outward wafhing of the Body, joined to Ja fet Form of Words, and makes us Chrillians, ^Gr«ffi« W(|children of God, and of the Church. Q^ What is the necejfary Matter ufed in the r, ufing X^^'^Admifiifiranon of it ? lich Grace 1| A. Natural Water only, for artificial Water ivill not ferve. Q^ What is the Form^ or Words, ufed in 'hrijlnitig ? A. I baptize thee, N. N. in the Name of the ather, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, Q^ What if the Words I baptize, or any one of keep Qodl^^ three Ferfonsy he left out ? . ; ' l-i I A. Then the Baptifm is not valid. \cram^nU*t}i^^ Q^ Can a Man he fa^^ed ivithout Baptifm? ; ' ^ '*' I A. He cannot, unlefs he has it, either adu- : kia„ i, i. I i:l .: Ill I '42 E- A P T I S M Expounded, A. No, he cannot, and it would be great Sacrilege to attempt ir. Q^ Can tio Man but a Prijl haptiz,e ? A, Yes, in cafe of Neceflity, when a- Pried cannot be had, any Lay-Man, or Woman, may do it. Q^ What Intention is necejjary in him thai gi'ves B apt if n ? A. To do what the Church does, and Chrill| ordained. Q^ What are the EJeSis ofBaptifin ? A. It gives Grace, by which we are madcl tlie adopted Children of God, and freed from| Original Sin, and likcwife from Adual, if guil. ty of it. Q^ Why ha've nve one God- fat her and one God\ mother in Baptifm ? A. That if our Piirents negledl it, or be prej vented by Death, ihey may in(tru ' •■■■ ^ A. There are alfo under each Form the Soul and Divinity jf Chrift; fo that under the Form of Bread there are the Body and Blood, the Soul and Divinity oijefus Chrijly vv holly and entirely. And the fame under the Form of Wine. Q^ In ivhat Manner is Chriji frefent in the Euchariji ? A. By the true and real Prefence of his Di- vine and Human Nature, and not in Figure oply, as Hereticks would have it. ^ Q^ Hg'w pronje you that ? ' ". ' A. Becaufe when Chrift ordain'd at his lafl: Supper, He took Bready hiejfed //, broke it^ and ga've to his Di/cip/es, faying : This is my B((dy : And he alfo blefled the Cup, faying i This is my Blood of the Nenjo Tejiamenty nfjhich Jhall be find for many to th9 RemiJJion of Sim. St Matt. xxvi. 28. L>k.i« ij ded. xponnded^ > m od of ye/u! under ihe iVine. ^ Bread r )ut alio the 'er the For7n : \ rm the Soul r the Form d, the Soul nd entirely, ne. efent in the of his Di- in Figure at his lad oke it, and my Bqdy : This is my IhallbeJInd tt. xxvi.28. a 57 % i The Eucharist Expounded, 45 Q;, By fwhat means is that, wohich nras before "Bread, turned into the Body of thrift, and that ^hich 4.6 T^e Eucharist Expounded. frotiv all mortal Sin. For he that eateth and drinketh uniuorthily, eateth and drinketh Damna- tion to himf elf ^ I. Cor. xi. 29. Q^ Is it la due only Tellimony Things. '?e Old Laifj lA. Chiefly ne Eucharist Expounded. 47 A. Chiefly in bloojy S.icri/ice5, of Beails^, hvhich the Pricfts ofl-trcd in the Temple, as JFigures of ChriiVs Sacrifice on the Crofs, which Iwas then to come. Q^ In twhat ccnjijls the Sacrifice of the Ne^iu A. In the voluntary and bloody Oblation, hich Chrill ma-le to his eternal Father, by dy- ng on the Crois for our Redemption, Q^ Buty this being fiiji^ ho^w ha've ive noiv ny Sacrifice in the AVov La^w ? ' . i A. By the Handing Memorial and Coniinu- nce of it in the Blefled Euchariil. - : Qj^ Why do you fay that the Eucharifi is afland- ]g Memorial of Chrift^s Sacrifice on the Crofs ? A» Becaufe Chrill, at his lawful Supper, mmandcd it Ihould be offered as a Remem- ance of his Paflion to the End of the World ; d this is what is performed in the Sacrifice of e Mafs. Q^ JVhy is it a Continuance of ChrifTs Sacri» e} A. Becaufe Jefus Chrifi, who is a Priefi for er, according to the Order ofMelchifedec^ having ered himfelf once in a bloody Manner on the tar of the Crofs, continues daily to offer him- f by the Miniltry of his Priefts in an unbloody anner under the Forms of Bread and Wine, that the Sacrifice offered on the Crofs, and Sacrifice of the Mafs^ are one and the fame, . as I' -^i. *rJI 11 . » ^4 - ■ « 48 The Eucharist Expounded. hi to the chief Priefl who oFers ic f and the Thing which is offered j and differ onJy ia the Manner of Offering. Q^ J^i>«/ therefore is the Mafs f A. It is the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood o^Jftfus Ckrifi^ under the Forms of Bread and Wine, in Memory of his Death and I'iiHion, for the RemifTion of our Sins, Q^ Who f aid thefrji Majji ? ' A. Jefus Chrijl. Q^ When did he fay it ? ' A. At his laft Supper, when he inlliiuted the holy Euchariii. -Q^ To (whom is the Sacrifice of the Mafs offered} A. To God only. Q;^ Is it not fometimes offered to the Saints ? A. No ; Maffcs are lomcilmes faid in Ho. nour and Memory of the Saints ; in Thank, giving to God for the Benefits which he ha been plcafed to beftow on them ; and that they joining their Prayers with ours, may interced for us in Heaven, whofe Memory we celebrau here on Earth. Q^ What Benefit recei've ^we hy this Sacrifice P A. It is a daily Applicaiion of the Merits Chrift, for the Relief of our Neccffities, by lay ing before the Eternal Father the infinite Valu of his Son's bitter Paflion. Q^ What are the Benefits the Living receive 1} ttP . ' ^ A. Thcr t Mei on o and fion. ing \ givin Q A. tine, by for tj with Q. the A A. Prayc fay, 5 Ncitf fince ed in fall in A. breatl ied. ic f and thei - only ill ihv ly and Bioodl )f Bread and! and rallion, Penance Expounded, 49 inlliiuted th« Mafs offered} ' •■ • ' ' )e Saints ? faid in Ho- in Thank.' which he ha nd that they ay interced we celebrat \s Sacrifee ? 'the Merits o| fities, by lay tniiniui ValuJ *^.'-r V. i nng recei*ve l\ A. Thcr PENANCE Expounded. • (^TT/'HJT is Penance? A. A Sacramcn'-, by which the Sins we fall into after Baptifm are forgiven us. Q^ When did Chriji ordain this Sacrament ? A. After his rifing from the Dead, when he breathed on his Difciples, faying: Receinje ye the Holy Ghofl^ fwhofs Sins ye Jhall forgive , they are E forgi'vati 1^1 •1^ 1. 1' A. There arc many : Fi^Jly it applies' the Meiits oF our Saviour's Pafiion, for the RemiHi- on of our Sins. Secofuily, Ic procures new Graces and Bleflings for us, by Viitue of the faid Paf- fion. Thirdly^ It is the moft acceptable Offer- ing we can make to Almighty God, in Thankf- giving for all his Benefit^. Q^ Does it aijail the Faithful depnt ted ? A. It is not to be doubted but, as St. Auguf \ tine, (Serm. ^2. De Verbis Apojioli^ cap. 2.) fays, \ by this wholefome Sacrifice, which is offered ■' for them, they are lb far helped, as to be treated with more Mercy than their Sins dcferve. Q. Is it not a Prejudice to the Faithful^ that the Mafs is faid in an unhion,vn Tongue ? A. No ; for the Mafs contains only thofe Prayers which the Prieft alone is commanded to fay, as a Mediator between God and his People. Neither are the People ignorant of what is faid> fince they have the Mafs expounded and Englifh- cd in their ordinary Prayer-Book. I i lif ■ «•-,/■ •' t .50 P E N A n'c e Expounded. /orgini, ins by whichl^ to fuch Sins, as are already forgivea us by • with a firiifC Sacrament of Penance. EXTREME-UNCTION l^tomM. of all our Sinl ^>rH^7" /j ExtreTne-Unaion.? » v * ^ >J. ^y ■ A. It is the Jail Sacrament givcfl torfy- Pecfons, to ftrengthen them in their P^ail'age; Lhe Prayers oli of this Lifciwto a better. > n.: t, > ii.u'.F frieft to whoilQ^ What Warrant ha've you for this Sacra*^ \nt f -^ -' '^''i \ .i.. ~ V». ♦vA'^i'* .(v ''' XonfeJJion? I A. In St. James y, 14, where k is command- line our Com: L any Man feck ofnongft you ? Let him brings forry for al/A^ Friefts of the Churchy and Itt them fray cver^^ 0%, anointing him luit'h Oil in^tht'Na'me of'our'^ £ 2 Lord^ ''\ \\ i !l Hi Jl ■i ' 9 I fll I S2 .'Holy Order Expounded. Lord, and the Prayer of Faith JhaII/a*ve th^ JjclM thei JS'lan, and our Lord ^will lift him up, and if he h\ Sins ill Sin, his Sif/s nx'ill heforginjen him, ^ . I C Q^ Who is capable of this Sacrament ? I -'^ iA, Every Chriltian that is in moral Dangerl crifi <*f Death, by Sickncfs, except Infants, FoolsJ Sins and Tuch as are always mad. I Q V Q^ What is the Matter of this Sac J am en t ? I A 'A. Oil blcfTed bv a B;i]iop. , |Bifh( ' ^ir What is the Form of it ? I ful t« ..A. May, our Lord, by this holy anointing anMio G his c^vn mojt tender Mercy, pardon thee, nxjhatc'vem Q. thou hafi finned by thy feeing, ice. And lo of ail «i/^r;/; the oihcir Senfes i^ ^ t . ■• I A. Q^ What are the EffeSls of this Sacrament ? Safet; , A. It Comforts the Soul in her laii: Agonj ed Bi a^aind Dcfpair, it remits Sin andreflores Health if it be expedient. ^ J > /( his L Q.^ ^ ^ ^ H O L y O R D E R Expounded. ^Tj/ HAT is Holy Order? ^ * . A. A Sacrament, by which Power ijContr given to the Miniilers of the Church, to enabllSacra them to do their Holy Offices j and Grace to d to tho tbcr^ welL, u. Q^ When did Chrijl ordain this Sacrament ? \\A* When he gave his Apoftlcs the full PowJprene( of Priellhood ; as at his laft Supper, when h deljve faid to them ; Do this in Remembrance of m\ And before, his Afccnfion, when breathing A, thei h nded. 53 •Matrimony Expounded. fanje the fu\ them, he faid : Receive you the Holy GhoJI, ivhofi , andifhe b\ Sins you forgive, &c. '" ' ^- ^ ;' '^ ^ ^ '^"^ Q;^ What did he then give them Ponver to do ? f„f I ' I A. To confecrate and oiFer the unbloody Sa- noral Danger! crifice of his Body and Blood, and ro forgive ifanis, FoolsJSins. ^ Q^ To ivhom is this Sacrament given ? '" A. To iuch chiefly as are made Priells and Bilhops, whofe Duty it is to conduct ihe Faith- ful to eternal Life, being to render an Account to God for their Souls. i . ■ Q^ What Sin is it there/ore to oppofe the Go» And ib oi ^'^^ernment of Bijhops F ^ i.-- A. A Sin of Rebellion againft the Peace and Sacrament ? iSafety of God's Church ; for C hrift has appoint- ler lail Agonled Bifhops to be the Guardians and Teachers of ftores Healthlhis Law. - ^ ^ ' - - /'. . r^^^- ^^V * MA T R I M O N Y Expounded. > Q. TT/'HAT is the Sacr^^ment of Matrimony ? A. It is a new Dignity added to the Contrafl of Marriage, by which it is made a Sacrament of the New Law, and fo gives Grace ic: amcnt ? anointing an 'hee, v-ihateve ^founded. lich Power rch, to cnabl \.: id Grace to d to thofe that worthily receive it. "^,.. i. .\ Q^ What is the Matter and form of Marriage f A. The prefcnt Confent of the Parlies, ex- ihe full PowJprefled in Words or other Signs, by which ihey per, when h deliver and accept of each others Bodies, v " Q^ What are the Effeas of Marriage ? ^\ ^ A. Ic gives fpccial Grace to the Married ' E 3 Couple Sacrament ? ibrance of mi breathing o then I. I. " >i I I ¥ 4, 54 7^^ Cardinal Virtues. Couple to fupport the Difficulties of Marriage, to love» to be faithful, and bear with one ano- ther ; as alfo to bring up their Children in the Fear of God. .. Q^Ho^w great is the Bond of Marriage ? A. So great that it can never be broken but by Death. n CHAP. XL 7he CARDINAL VIRTUES. Qi^PJO W many Cardinal Virtues are there ? A. Four. 1. Prudence. 2. Juflice. 3. Fortitude. 4. Temperance. And they are called Cardinal Virtues, becaufe they are ^!ie Fountains, and as it were the Hinges of all r ^ ral good Works, Q^ Declare to me the Offices ofthefe Virtues ? A. Prudence makes us confiderate and wary jn every Thing, that we ourfelves be not de- ceived, nor deceive others. Jujlice makes us render to others that which is theirs, l^emp- ranee makes us bridle our inordinate Defires fortitude caufes that we fear not any Danger, no DQt Death itfelf, for God's Service. \ fhe GIFTS ./ the HOLY GHOST. Q^rr^ HAT and hotu many are the Gifts t/ih i.,,«,^^» HolyGhJi? . /«■/;■( F Marriage, h one ano- iren in the iage ? broken but T U E S. ire there ? 2. Juftice.l Vnd ihey are [hey are ^'ae s of all- k e fe Virtues ? and wary be not de- ce makes usi irs. ^emp ate Defire?. Danger, no, ;kost. Gifts ofth le A. Seven 7Z»^ Works ^ Mercy. &c. 55 A. Seven. 1. Wifdom. 2. Undcrftanding. 3. Counfel. 4. Fortitude. 5. Knowledge. 6. Piety. 7. The Fear of our Lord. Q^ Whereto do thefe Gifts ferie ? ' ' A. They ferve us for the Help of Virtue, and to make us perfeft in the Way of God j becaufe thro* Fear^ we abftain from Sin ; thro* Tiety^ we are devout and obedient to God ; thro* Knoiv- ledge^ we are taught to underftand the Will of God ; thro' Fortitude^ we are helped to put the fame in Execution ; thro' Counfely we are ad- moniflied of the Deceits of the Devil ; thro* Underfandingy we are elevated to penetrate the Myfteries of Faith ; thro' Wifdom^ we become perfect, ordering all our Life, and all our Works, to the Glory of God; becaufe the wife Mm knows his laft End, and to it directs every Thing, The FRUITS of the HOLY GHOST. Q:.JJO W many are the Fruits of the Holy Ghoji ? A. They are twelve, i. Charity. 2. Joy. -. Peace. 4. Patience. 5. Longanimity. 6. Goodnefs. 7. Benignity. 8. Mildnefs. 9, Fidelity. 10. Modefty. 1 1. Continency. 12. Chaftiiy. Gal, v. 22. CHAP. XIL The Works c/ MERCY Corporal and Spiritual. Q^ TJOW Mc^ny are the Works of Mercy, of ivhich ivejhall he demanded Account in particular at the day of Judgment ? h \ i ill !■■ ■iJ: WTi u ty/nt-Av * \ : II I: i! ! I M 56 The Works ^/'Mercy, &c. A. Seven, i. To feed the Hungry. 2. To give Drink to the Thirlly, 3. To cloath the Naked. 4. To Harbour the Harbourlefs. 5, To vifit the Sick. 6. To vific the Iinpriioncd. 7, To bury the Dead. Q^ Hpiv fr^ve you tbefe lF) A. By Baptifm. Q^Whatis JanaiSin.}J' - >; — A. It i5 a Thought^ \Vocd, or Deed* coHtrarjp. to the Law of God. (^ What is the Sin ofOmifton.?^ I^ To omit any Thing willingly, which is commanded us by God or his Chuxch^ Q^ Ho<^ is Aaual Sin divided ? U . v .• A. Inttk) Mor/tf/ Sin, and^«»;WSin. i •'• .Q^WhatisaMartalSinF 7od| and \ ■ * , . mion for > be will- ed againd: i' 1 • * ded. re? :e, which. ■J 1, coBtrarjp^ » which is % A.Bi .TheKimy^ of Sin Expounded. 59 A. It is a wilful TranCgrefliorv, in Matter of Weight, againft any known Commandment of God, or the Church, orof ibmc lawful Superior, Q. Why is it called mortal or deadly f A. Becaufe it deprives the Soul of her fpiri- tual Life, which is the Grace of God. Q^ What is a Fenial Sift F A. It is a much more pardonable Offence a- gainll God or our Neighbour. Q^ What is the Iff eel of a Venial Sin F A. It weakens and cools the Fervor of Cha- rity, and leflens our Devotion; hinders the In- fpirations of the Holy Gholl from working ; leaves the Soul feeble and drovvfy ; and, which is word of all, difpofes to Mortal Sin, accord- ing to that, He that negle^s fmall Faults ^ nvill fall into great ones, Q^ Houu many Ways is a Venial Sin made Mor* tal F • < ..'.." . ■ ' t'- f . f A. Four : F/r/?, when one commits a Venial Sin with fuch Afledion, that he is refolved to commit ir, tho' it were Mortal. Secondly, when the End of Doing it is a mortal Sin, Thirdly, when one perceives that by committing a Ve- nial Sin, he Ihall give Occafion to a Mortal one, by Scandaly or any other Way. Fourthly, whcn- foever one commits that which in iifelt is only a Venial Sin, and yet thinks in his Confcience ic is a Mortal one. iyHo'wuUQXi^XSinrmittidf . , - - A.Bj m \ j i\ Itr Of 60 The Kinds ^/Sim Exffmndea\ A. By hearty Contrition and Penance, Q^ Ho becaufe it feems to lefi^en our own. ^ Q:. What is Sloth? A. A Lazinefs of Mind^ neglecling to bcgia or profecpute good Things. -u - N \k u 62 Tl)e &INS agalnJI the HoiY GrtosT, Q^ If'^hy are Chriftians commonly inftru&ed' mh* cerning thefe deadly Sins ? A. That thereby they may difccm the feveral Roots from whence all their particular (inful ^(^ions proceed ; and lo when they examine their Confcience, fee what Pailion ic was that induced them to Sin, that they may, by fearch- ing diligently from what Source their Sins pro- ceed, cut them oB^ in the Root itfelf, by abat- ing AA'edions and PafTions, which are moft pre- dominant in them. The SINS againfi the HOLY GHOST. Q^ TJOJV many are the Sins againfi the Holy •^-^ Ghoft\ A. Six. I. Defpair of Salvation. 2. Prc- lumption of God's Mercy. 3. To impugn the known Truth. 4. Envy at another's fpiritual Good. 5. Obdinacy in Sin. 6. Final Impeni- tence. 7'^^SINS that cry to HEAVEN/(»;- VENGEANCE. Q^ ZJO W manyfuch Sins are there ? ^^ A. Four: I. Wilful Murder, of Sodom. 3. Oppreifion of the Poor, defraud Workmen of their Wages. C H A P. XV. ^ , The Eour LAST THINGS Expounded. Q. TT/'HAT are the four laft Things \ V ^^ A. Death, Judgment, Hdl and Heaven. 2. Sin 4. To ,K HOST. ru&ed' €^n^ the feveral ular finful ' examine was that by fearch- r Sins pro- by abau ; mofi pre- HOST, the Holy n . 2. Prc- mpugn the 's fpi ritual il Impeni-^ * V EN/c^r T. 2. Sin or, 4. To bounded^ ? m [id Heaven. 37^ i^$nth? A. That b^-fiJes the General Judgment ofthe World, oar Souls, as- foon as we are dead, /hall receive their particular Judgment at the Tribu^ nal of Chrirt. Q^. Hqiaj muji and beg his' BleHing on ihcm. Q^ And^ujhai Prayer do you fay aftey this } A. I fay the Our Father^ the Hail Mary^ an4 the Apojiles Creed: and I make Adls oi Faiiht Hope, and Love of G')d, Q^ Do you do any 7hirg elfe ? • A. I pray f )r my Friends, and for my Ene- mies : for the livinf^ ind for ^he deaJ. : and 1 beg Mercy, Gr^cc, and Salvation for all. Then 1 conclude, by defiring our biellld Lad\ ro be sr Mother to me; aod by recommencing myfelf Co my good Angel, and to all J^i Court of Heaven. Q. Is this ailf that a good Chiijlian Jhould doy bj Way of Morning Exercife t A. Nt» ; for he ought aifo, if he has Time and Opportunity, to meditate in the Morning on his lad End, or fome other devout Subjcdt, and to hear Mafs with Attention and Devo.tion. Q^ What ought you to do at ibe Beginning of t^ery Work or Efnfkyment f A. I ought to offer "r up to God's Service ; and to think that I will do it, becaufe it is hii Will, and in order !o pfeafchim. Q^ And ijuhrt are you to do as to your Eatirgi Drinking^ Sleeping and Oi'verjion f A. All thefe Things I mull ufe with Mode- ratit)n ; and do them, becaufe fuch if the Will '^- F3 ^ of I . >. ^1 m 1 11 |H «i'^- iB| fi^- 1 11 1 K Bjigl 66 ^e Chuistian's Ja:ly Exercise. of God ; »nd wi;h a good InteDtion to pleafc him, Q^ By ivhat other Means mufl you fan£iify your ordinary Adiom and Employments of the Day i* A By ofren raifing up my Heart to God whildl am about them, and iiiying fome Ihorc Prayer to him. Q^ JVhat do you do as often as you bear the Clock Jirike ? , A. I turn myfelf to God, and fay to him ^ O my God teach me to lo^v^ thee, /'« Time and Eternity F . ' . - , '^- Q^ ff^hat do you do as often as you receiju(lum cil. :vate« there be ru lia, or TraSiy remcve the \ar, and there Middle of the d or Jiand on '€• r I Uertrt G 4f % if i It ;i m * r i! Hi \ti- ^V- I 74 ff^"^ fo ferve at M A s 5/ ' Ji Sand\os, Sandus, San6lus, i^c. rinv thi Bell. -^^ • ^r/'f^ the Pf^^ J^reads hh Hands di'er thi Chalice y lift the f^er, a>fd give Warning^ by the Jjell ; then kneeling^ njoith your other Hand hold tip the PriejTs Vejiment^ till the Eltfvation he pad ; that dviiCy k^iecl as he/ore : And as often as you fafs before the Blejjed Sacrantentf adore on your K>teeSt "and make alfo a Re^verence fo the Alfar^ ,, ' Pr. Per omnia fecula feculorum. ^^'X " • * CI. Amen. ^*- >--- ,,,v.- .. '.. :V^'.i^.. ' Pr. Et lie nos inducas in tcntauoncfl}; .' ' ■ CI. Scd libera nos a itialo. ^^^** \*r..' '\' '. ' Ph Per omnia fecula faeculorum, / ' - * "' CI. Amen. '\v. Pax DomiTii flt fcmper vobifcum." CI. Et cum fpiritu tiio. Jf there be any QommuMantSy prepare a Toiut hrj Wiuey then fay the Confiteor. Halving gi*vfH tf^ine and Water to' the Priefl^ remo and fay y at the Beginning of the Gofpel^ do^. xia tibi Domine» jlt the End^ D^o %x^{mn '\. . ^K i f^^/ ^/ n c v\.-f\ ,' '^l are A To^wei ^a