IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 7i 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■AillllM 1125 ±1. 1^ 2.0 1.8 i4 IIIIII.6 V] & ^ /a / •^. A W PhoiDgraphic Sciences Corpcralion # r\'''' IH^ht^ and privileges ^liich we en- Jdhn^ldo not ; bqiaj^c' * ^ "* t! ]qy urider the eonstitutian of Great pi-'utfenpe should! accompai (,.,1^1 .Britain? ; dom in all changes. | -*^i i/oA#*«-Y«s, asatfllong the best .Pe^er-^How is this in^:' m ;lue| \£ift§ of a kind Providence^ "^ ^t""^ Tifiai^»e to'bear 6rt the instittrt -'r ' ''ion .^■'••/i,;,^i;^d^rth^sanie Govern- thfcdiJntj^t', •;':;:: '. , l%f,c"!u , raent ycMifdiO not believe that the ,; j/oiWlt is through tiie m ^iu-.^^ %aroe blessings werealways enjoy- th6' people being cooscfci^Tir i - > i - te^ . ^j|.^.r:H,-.K,.'-4'w'/i;='v -^v'v'i u-'«, '--:". JRiepresCtitalives' m TW^- '-'-'^ ^-history of, ,the country refers to fyr t^ieir actions^ : . , ,. , J^^j|^j ijmesi of darkness aiid /^4.- VM^-.) and glory of our Constitq^ ^ io ,,^ ^|n-T-Advanced intyiigericem ^ ' Pet^^-^t)b yod dfeerii l^f^tf jtl ^he peppte, ex'^fcising a moral be of yitjal importance, t^' I tfe* lii^ power, in moulding and adaptiug sreal ehafactei! ftml views' 41^ tb#; j thfe in^titmidnrd'of the cc)itatry tt> pc6|>Te should be frefefvmk'%^^^ 31 thd circ'iifflstatices 6fth6 afee.' ' '*^^, laud expressed in^llie cjiirr ici.ft- *g , P*r*r---Do you beh^^lf. ^Vbafch^T J?!;e^^ •puli-K^ *ii^!" ^^t .'']'" §>■ I ■iiiil ,.iu i | i !4y,.H i yi^ iij ^ w »^.J[o/m-TlQ« wall 'iirip!pr(« lit, a"J >'*^V''' im%%\\Aj roauiieil, tobe chiiftgyd, in '€^eitre to b\tvy man, duly qualified, llie cxcrciso of the elective Irancljise without fear or constraiiU*;-.^ j y (^, | < y ) - Peter — Why shoukl so much value be set on this inestimable John — Such men aro evidently •' born ot'ViOf cUie time" win. »,e motto like pmj.of iho European Despots is : " every thing :)iat 'u jaivqietit bgood !" Btit thcyarp blinded either by ?gn( riince, prejudice, or Velf-interes^,»od the latter is that which 1 fear wraps onr ^Jonstitntional Act in yrtte)i%ded, ii^ma/iu- late perfection. ■■:'0.'ST'iiL..'^y H\ right of the British subject «fc ild legitimate exercise '! ^^IOIIcSL ag^(;^«^.**trJ M'^ve that our Provincial Lfe John — Because without a faithful choice gislfture cannot chauL'e our constitationn! of men of known character as to the great i^'-t ^ lij p|iinc»i>Ie3,of jijivil.a^d rejigioig^ilibfirty.^^e ,y<>/^-*-JMost certa|nly it cf^*v»ioI ; the Im- ^^^all have ,^^,ry»r^}»l i;qpre>^>ntation and iif peml ParlianH-lit off i real Britain whence k" consequence partial and iniuilouslHWs and it Emanated ran alone change it. *^*a*efective hstifotioni:'' "^'^ f>»i '-'^'^ Di^'H i'^pkhr^^fil hni\% the conrsfeto heempI6.y- ^i*^' Peter-^W^ not. iiW whd speak of ihe B'ri- ed in effeciiifg any necessary change U tish Constithtlon 83 6f sonwitbing that ifi, & t'tatj Act ] , i j ^ught to,b.>,u^diang(^j^b|p, grqatly prr^ . -fofm Simply I presume by petition pr /«An— Yes, for It is a monument of bu- addres.s from the pedplo or their Rcpresenr - ^-rnan wisdom, a'lWaysc!i^iigi,nir and ddapliiig ^'!tiv>^s; id the'tnip«irial Legislature of the. itself to the character attd ^ifcumstinces of Enjpire. What parts of our constitutional tiJff'llhe peoplpiineyiBryage. I might refer to Act doyou thinlt:.r*»tluiro.t9 be cepp^lpd or fioiits progreswe a^.rapi(\infipr,^vfii?i^ amended,? ,., I, ,,yj j ^j, ^ n/l/v-fHA ring the last half century ; hi% even during f'ter — 1 here aro sevjeral .which J wi» the kust 10 ypars how rpany bb'noxlQiis sta- nientiOn for your^cotisideffttion :— Ih tutes haVe b^en rep^kled antJ oth#s' >>f a Isfk Repestl that pnrt which admits per^ »9? wise an4saittti|ry, character enacted, jdiffuB- son?' by H?^:aEi»iTAnY,Risequpp<|e the ^^lejs^ings pf .cjvjl trijst and. power over the people, inasmuch ,. traaquility and greatly ipqreq§ed pros|)?rjty. «« no rn^p is necessarily cnpa,ble of being ■ The corisHtifJdn has been therefore qhang- ft stfitesman or oifficet'-hold^r because hi« - , ed for the better : it ha^ been Reform edJ father ^as so i dnd aisihe cliiu9<* is «6 inap- if-: Pc.!' that man bo justly pjicahle totiwr fircunostancosthat it haa ner considere^^4t,Subjeet f<*r,a i^yjiatjc Aasy- *c^i«^'fie be^ti acj^d uppo^ ,^oftM; <^<>vernor and Council to establish ajj^,«i>. /oAn—I^opv^n in /his nr^,^^^^ dow Rectowsj.,; , .,_, ..^ dare toddsd: ■''*^-^^^. , ,™ ^ , I' SVa.- Ambndthaf^Wt tvhjcb relates to Pcr constltiwTiig il/e Legislate W men whoiiw 1886 staiid hy^and d6»fortd ah CounM"piif' iuw4"VJi4B[«>('«ll m und TO jl, in / " bofn KJ.tjf tho ig :)iat ii ed either •aps onr ica»)a(!u>- . ■.^,-' • iciul Lb- it utiunnl ; the Im- j vvhencR employ^ liaiige ii^' etiiioo pif cpresenyt re of" the. titunonal apglpd or ch I wifl 111:" mits per» offices of inasmuch of bt'ing •ause bis* is^ inapt* it has; mf le ff» ootid ►1*0^1 la I es veiT til dip relates lo egjslatiW rJiapted tn idp^ir9b)f ^' '^^'^ en of the V dt'fincit jighlsof jiiojlfeftj;, as ''101^19' Jmivcj falsely ,tiutjli thm tfie .cause of <:ixi| pfid rel^l^ioui reproeiiind I • !' ' ; /i^e|:U,-7-thHt ,<]ause upon, t|ic adyaii<;fcipt'nt ,^ '"■Pltir — fceWaliilv it could hot -no nww ,«|' ,vv;l»kh d<;i)tt|i«ls our pieseri^ and futo^ , m.i> t)«t t Ihi^ii'tlie cliahgps of tl'io Biltisb <:^oi)stilui- bappiji^!»s, bus iiad a ^^ruggle, cot pnly 'i»^^ tii)'n/rt whli^U 1 liav^ hlludtd, viz; the r*i- l]iq o|^t?nfivJ4» \yi^lvtl»e irooJiaijdofjWfQr]^^^^ pcal'bf tbo Corporation uiid 'fe.-^t Acts corruption and l^rannj^ b^litt »PiCret,aii«l,»^^ >hiJli'k«i^l tvert/ ttian out oj ojice w1{0 ifii \\m darJt^, , w ilh professed an^ fiin^tf;© -■woii'dtibt subscribe, to tin. Z^ art'n,les and lijtWs, l^away Uy erWifti)/^ JJiisiepf^^^ tah the sarramcni in an JUpiacvptdian tatioij. ,; . . ■' , ■'■,. > (.> > ,; - . ,, CftfrcA,— tlie repeal of ilie laws relative /^e<*'r—Wliat in your opinion Is U]«,npo^t,|j to t'lse electors of the Unittd Kingdom, by formidable bijjrriei; to the adNanpimaitpf Wiiicli the great liiass of the people weie knowkcge arid truth and t,he progj ess b|*^j j^reventod irorti having' aiiy voice in the «*ivi) and religious liheity in the »orW| choii-e of ihtrtibVii^ of 'I'lu liaujaht:— ihe'rej- 5 John— I uiibout (>e^ila,tjvni reply ^ tl -Si?al 6f the laws relative to the toKra'ting uniiing of the. cl|urab yv\\\\ i^lia slat©.- „^^^ f slavery in the British Colonies. The *' Tije oM sen^qni'' n^ver ^^iplqj'sed t^ moVe,^ Vepenl of all thfeteobjioxjons statutes, aiiii l^oi.eirt; ef^gvae ^q (^extend ijie Kingdoii^^Qf,, flie'fmssage of the R^fb^^n Bill, the Caijio^ darkness and erroi. lie feiijcincipiiltion bill, the bill pmancjj)ating , J'pfcr— ^N,o mj^n could dqubt tjiie cpf,r«cl- fiie coloiure^ people in allthe Briiisli donii- nes^ofyour opinion wbp ha,"! b^l^elu tfja^ hibiiS; the latfc Corppration Bill, &c.'&ic.— wprkinga pf the Hieiatxhies of X«t;oi)e ari,^^^ iSo far from endangering the rights of pro- wilwesse^ their corrulionsr— tliej|[,^,^B9nM'r.; petty in IG.eiit Btualn and I^iland, or ,Iief uaijoii^— -tluif piider-rtheir .tyrjp.ofjy.i anji ibIblWes; it Wtendod'to 'secure the alid cruelly— their deadly iufluef»ce uppn th6^ ihe corifidehfic^, ti^anqiifllity, and prosperity heaf is ^nd mind^ pf iiien, hi^ll tlie coun- -i^hich'Y^P^ jilieVaii iu the niother country 13 tries yv lief e Ibey hi*vebeenlpi}gcftiaWi!»het}. |l|ie best Bvid'cncf^ of the liappy results aii- 7(>/f^rrC,hri»iif,nity i:an .never nwM},^hi ^fefif froiid re!ro'i*i))/aiid the san'e mav be' ex- under any secular union wiih the powers.of ^^ecterftb fjH(»^' rtrb^ fteforrtiSkSoogfi't jfV Jo llie earUi^Tirit: is of a nature tcj* roC^ii^ to Upper Cffrtadi.. ' .'''■,! ' ' amalgainaie wi^b them. , » ;. , ■^yrtfMi-fWiryt Veaiion^ cih ^oii asilgpYpr l*t,ter-~\i nev^r ^bi(R!»4!'?ty, niakp?» MPO"; Verijmc'nt; wlllcMlallad'rt1iti^le^Hctiyp,•r-- wliai^v.^f.n>fnie,, to >va^c|j,,li^8t he |)e fyyW and siiice all would enjoy the benefits arising to aic}.Ly bis i<»;4"''?'*?^« 'f* K'^Vi''ffl"'iV^M^V;9'^ frortiht ' \ : , a«d est^bii«>«n«4>t of (Wch !<< -qfwfi^^^^ '"•^/»<*ttr-^B(><^i1ase ' t|le ;per!Jciif^''in .(tffiire. land,,.,- 'j,^;,,,; ,> ,; ,., ;-. " '^. :• 'u' ..j, drt'ad that tfieif - ...>.. _. . . . ^ their influence r powef t^ih Imcu1^iaile(|---j /«/m— The conduct of the Ooyerptnent, l^ssen^d—Hieir e,moluine'nts pC.|i)?^«| Errttfeirtded for by The friends p^ re- Peter — :The very reverse i^ the tr«b. — Ibrtri' viz' • A responsible Executive Council Had tijey remained " mute find ^ f/wcf/'— t0O'Vf4 hd\ '""^ tffectudlly prevented iHis "nox- they would have retaiuod the favor o'j^Iis ioilisatiii'd abgorous procedure on tHci part df fi'xcellency-^enjoy^d their £100 pp\ an*- ar'iV t.iiaul eniiftt Governor. Wjni for doinp: nothing, and been in ni^i^ p^f^r— i' *< i^ An acknowledged' Pritlsh salary of office— fo step from Inci^le— « 'Hd kVERV MBMttfen ^f thti ,I«i(o Honorable Councillors to tha| the rank of ptlnci^le-^i 'na RTERV MEMBEn 01 rne laie Honorable uounciiiors to that qf priy^le AssemlklYt <*i '^^^pi Jioiilfon dn.i Iffaflnch, 53 citizens ; and some of them to hazard tbf) 9«; of 85, ^<> 'tfd in favor of ^ecb^nizing it loss of offices from which they derive su|iJ fhs pdrt'^ bit . i' (fonstituiiony*' ^'| i'-^**' '",''' port for themselves and their families, ani *J%jirfV^1)!»f ' i^'*^ SoLiciTbti GAvKtiAt ac- which they have held for many yeijrs, aqejfi^-:-H^ '-tfoAi^aUWotlgit he ^ knUw's' Pefcr-^It jg.liie of" the brig furt wellthaphe g*%t1istif»«ii?w^ii*''he had in |he British' Cbnsjituiion, ^n.;/< h^vj sitnt i Lor of i sal; ttie for Kir gan slru PXi eYe rito rST^^^^^^B^^^^^ fiop|li!Jc»l il— ^ you w [)c|-sonal >art |f the le trtb.— . <("?^'- vor o\ ilis >0 pel an- il in Rlflip Cfjiincj of ionorpn»il G the fa\»t the pahry he rank of of priyaie lazard tbo derive supJ nil it's, an I yeijrs, aq(^ ght reudfir ice by yin- of Upper e gioriouf m\d prin- "^r.'ying of i^wjll Jool^ tp, uph<^l4 ontrary (9 ilu^ipn. ie«!ib|y lio- jniQnaqd )t the coQ* itish pi ip- he People i^veraiueal; 3t fe»ture& h^ hee,% ngiancif c^ U9 wishes, lugh tieijir. ,1 i">t> < votjB no salarjfi9 to the ollicery of the Exe- and no independent man can sanction pf ajtive Gpy^rnnient so long as jt,puts pql^lif ^defend sujch » systena of djeception aj;)djh- opinion and the constiuuion at dpfiaacev,'V J4i»iice. W',|)at do yyu UMc^erBtau^J^y \h* ,/w/i/i— I observo that the It-'e.ut^Qpy'r- term ''Rectories*'? , ^ ^ ., noi; spe,aks of the stoppage of t|j,e supplies J^eter — Jn t^ church of Engll.n^ UlPft 111 his answers to ^evcral'addre^ses, as hav- js an ori|er pf the clprgy catij^^ " jlqctorf" frig Caused great distress hi the country aha wl>u ^re | belipye ^ett^tfd l^ipistcrs (or Uf^s (ihetUed the improvemenl of bhr rpads, &.c. the place xyhertijh'^y I'fi^ide i? cgdlcd ";|ie "&.e.«Jk.c.--iH this really true or false ? Rectory" and the liun^ls gjyen by. Qoyp;rpr *'*'^iPcfer— It iy utterly nnti u^ and isdssi^n- rpept, ihe V ep(^o>yn(io;^t".,pf thp; re<;^t,9ry.. fd to deceive the unsuspecting Elisctors /o,A/f— IIow many acres of om; public throughout tlie country. The supplies am- lajids jiaye bqen giveri dv^ring tlie la^i ytq.i(^ nant to about £7000— tlie one-half of this to endow rectories snd raa^^ cleclftat l|flrd*t Slim Woald he ptiyable on the IstJul^ I8S6 —or. Lords spiritual! over tl^f pfoplf of and the other h.df on the li? January 1837 thiis province, •^and could not tliercfore affect even the Pe^er^ About, §D,O0G qcy^s offiee-holders themselves until then, far leSs Lands | ,^r^f|,t|ijis is onjy ♦* the.^eg^i}nji9.g of cause "• a general stagniitlon of trade" as sorrows if the colonists are mad rc- John — Op yqu believi^ ihqt tb?; gpy^tini ^tntative^ have no controll , , . ' i^en^ wil^ persey^'re in gping agqius^ Piis^lic Pi'^tfrv^Yes-T-the casual jind tdrritoi^a! ppinioij, ^ipd ip Ueadjog up4«i«'tPP'^ t''* V»|^ rcyqtiW qmp^t)Mi?g toJesp.OOOaycarrr-ibt'- hpdy pf ,(^is ^jiji^&ty'a Ipyal, ifwbi^tlsrrr sidp» i^Vipm^^pQCli^f a p/^rnijiiiieiit civil list Presbyterians, Pj^s^N^r^, «|i; .M^etJiei^ijU^ taU^tR awaJil^Iy QMt ^f Ith^ ta>ies of the* peor because they will ttpj^i)p^^^ ,^|^^ sl^^^P^ of pie ^wii^otji^ th^irM <:pn8Wt ijyr the. odioua Epicopacy I ' ' \ ]'^ ''j'.^ . ^ __ ,,^^^ .^ " E vprlasting Saliary Bill" (indiyi^t Stic Frau- Peter— I, have po doupt pf it whatViyer-— cis says t^a(. the clerks ^pd JTie^Oiigers aro they have alwRys done sp,— and U ,is<,i{0| ^Imqst ip n »^t,e pf starvation, ; improbable, tba^jh^s pi^9yi|icip,(,.A^^ . .^ifhn--V(id not, Hi*,Mjye?ily's Qpvern- lati^'e to tithes' W^il''|>e(' j^e,peaiej,j_.^^nd ^^ nient ptfer, tp pUce the ^•fiy^•»J^* jviijchi yaw 'tiTHE SysTEM esUUisJicUi muflf%.,l'f stjntatives on certain conditions,?, ) . ,.;( i ^oAn--I;t matters y^ryli^t^^e ^h^^ Petcr-^Y-es^ you are corfPfj^ij •^■.'4A'!'^ — ^**'?^.^?^MI'*"1^ ?^ ^,9tP9!'^l?P ?r,*5^|f Jv^ Lord |6oden(;]] directed ii^^O.WpwW"^^^ Head to goyerpus; eacli p.f tpiem is Uuti.ha of that reyeri'ue to )e pl^(;e4 ^t, t^h^ (j jspq- agent qf.ape^n;cio(j^,^^m^ ^q^daS|3,j^J^Hi salpf the Assembly upon condition ,tpat coiintryhjan oiice reniarkecl, /ipnay be 4^pfli;« 1 ttie Hoiise gl'ahted' fi *^ciyil fl'si for £76po pare(i to ia'seWaai eniploy?^^ for seven years or diiryk the life 't>f ihe ihfasl'iiji,> %acliine. The people pi m\^ I Atng, our »|r John Colnorne fteitner re- proymct^ have been p}acequn^e|t; 000,9^ garded tfk» Wishes 'of'thel*jeppre tipr ttija ^i^It' $|eveii »Jse. )(lay's pa^n^ ^Qlprjj[ai, jii|^{ij|U^^^ structicps' pTT the Klii<*''artil,yot ai a'Toey macuiiie.j^pf *^bpwping-s'tre^l" gijaa}^f^^-. Parliament, tip giye a *' Ctnif'tJist^'ypi^^ tiire^ for'9 ton^ perio,d',-and i|n^eji Collb^rpe, EfE», 6iit'gaVe none oy^fhe'c^A&ualdhi^fir- superihtendance,^avp heen nearly thrashed ritmhtty^Ue in reiurJ. " '"^"' '■"*'fJ^'''oS of trf Religious Xiil^i-tJes, anf will «' rftfttcy, be thrbihed u6t liire ami ' civtl Wlioiii a* f^ mnst ^tiilrnt partizttni of tho To- tyrttttiiy. ry interns' ! ! — iinM,t^ Ved b^ it anioimiiii^M^ iC162;000, »Wid this b;i5 produced ,lli,e dis- ireW-^#f tfrty /Acre Afei-^througbo'it the tA*hft'y.''— , • '•■ ' ■' • 'Jt>hA>UW\iy'MiU'\s Excellehry dissolv- ed the Parliament tno years bf^f6re the pe- riOiP WBeiV bVlaw il would baVe' ex plica? iVfc^— 'Evidentlv to maititaih if potsihU \, f ^",''; „ ^ ,, „ , ,. „ . . . , his assumed ri'gfit lo rulti'tbe bpjoi.y at his *"'"^'''* » M Republicans," &c.&c.&f. If owii pteasure wiiiiout adv»l4-^fln(i "♦ rti>d that, simple minded, altho' weli- f„rmer,~doe8 he ooi,] - yr'^^q^-;jM ' thetsfrom MmngkimeU votes at electrons^ . "I'iftViilf'V iuai/'s «.ti6'ns' te tf.e best -f'"^ « H^<;btM vs f. ightfenid ,nfo obedience i/lie?loH to jUdg^ of his principles, be is ^y « "I*?" «''7-,*bout n ghoi.t or hobgablrn tliri greateiteheray to Reform thki ever held 'j'''^ ''^ a foo!«b mirse^t^ho i* lgnora*(t' of tl'ii^fe'ihs bf Gov6roii,oWli.nhis province. ' '"^ :f*^"| governing children. biit|«rrhrtps Ldokib his first aces ihappoim'rrt^nis to of. «»«^ loi^fe* will hnd that they ftie igrtorrh^ I bUk4.]*^'^ laodk lo .the meaiii' empioyed't'o :,,J^*ife/^^^^ wiiiiatliiei," scare crbfs"a^ fii^uetice the public minu previous to, the lo/einvention, and base as it ts untrue; announcenient of a dissolution ^g^^ whipther tlip conctt^sion bJT /^^ upr ((oi|i^titu- td i^e date^iHt r one to the Kifw;>i*r« ;-T-{he places satrv» tie,»\,'^)jjch uwite^ tKip ffjil{l,t|j Uie pft". nHt^<^'£lecfii)k04 at^ to lieV beldj-^for ih- renfV*Wrufos if ^^y^jji^*^^^^^ n«s!;, lical 11 Johl (fiiiitlvi lo Hllt]| od, wll Pel defect! divid lioiiorl portaij lumn) some r'l III to sa> ing e tiindi. Pc to be ;.' and qualK leavir nor c of thi civil I PRIVI tablis inenti wbicl in for foinj( unim tiugu and ( iniiui Jo nion ed a; *is V our ( irret pow RESl mal< mor the .»;;■■ :/ »e^. ■MP I' • n«s', and not bj orbitrarr pewar mid ptij' i f our eounlrj nuT 4j>ccJily bu put (!ovr» ■ical lettrtiiiit ? John — The cautu oi'llio refoniiers is evl- ifinilly H riL'htHoiii ooc , aii"(? the poll ; or employing pbysicHl force to dividual lueiiibers, but Ji» a body, they ha\e " lioiioiably disrhiirued tlieir aiduous aitd iot tu lint no nioiu. I^eler—Fntm th« -rranjjemi'iiH made by tli« government Cur tbe Electiuiin, I am aluiobi in- tliiicd 10 liflifve the rcporib ihiii are iu circu- liMion, ihcit uiilawlul oieiins may bo reaoiied lo by the Torie.-* to carry theiu iu their fa- vor ; such as, nllowing votes on locution tick- portant irusi ; and in thw faca of the ca- lumny of I'nHmif.s, nud the deffrtion of some deceive^ friends, have boldly "beard- prevent Electors from getting to the lluat- ing, — a majority being gained even by such nuanfi, they will then have the choice o/ the Speaker and the power to decide all contested' Ekctions ! ! John — I could hardly reconcile suoli fear* cd the lion," of unconstitutional power, wi;h the fact of my resideyce in a British to save the country fiom its paw. Pruvinck were! not reminded of ibo late J„A„__VV'.)uld you then at ih^'approach- pief-t'»''« '" the county of Leeds.-/fM Ma- I ■ • .. .. , ., f jestus Attorney tieiural and Uowan were 1 luc election yive vour supporl to men of*; ,y ' . •{ .if j • » < . .''., . ■ 1 ' 1 1 \ie.\niyG lioxct returned bv force and violence, \roxn simdar principles, and none olliers. ^,,^j ^^^„,y ^„j had their Elections twic* Pc» uig, only /or once, that the Elec- i.^ J ., „i' .1 • • ^ • I „ tion should be held m /our pMces a( one ttme qua ified support lo men of thfir pnncip es, o ,• i n i o n ,' . ..11 I r 1- ' J • — Buell and Howard thk Reform CANur- leavmg aside all personal feelings and mi- ^^^^.3 ^^le returned by overwhelming mojori- nor considerations, and takin<» a broad view tics!— There is a spark of the fire offreedom of their cJiaracler as the advocates of our in the breast* of the freemen orUpper Canada, civil rights and especiallt' of our RRLiGiova and there is nerve and sinew in their arm to PRIVILEGES, in opposition to all church es- protect tbenAelves from lawless vio.lence ; but tablishmenls with their fearful accompani- I bope and trust that their energies will not be inenls, and there are besides, other reasons ^romed by the rudeness of their oppressors— which should weigh with every good man Let the electors rnark JJo« Re. urning Officer. - . '^ . , ^ ? .L o who shall dare to put them duum bu fraud or informing a correct judgment o\ the Ke- i,-,..,,- i ., wii ;„,«„.„„„„„„„ „j:„„„ R^f„,v ,, 1 I . Jo , tHjuUice. — liCt ^11 intemperance among tveior- formers and their cause; and that is, I be niers be avoided :— Let cod determination ar.d unimpeachable private character, the dis- invincible firmness be united with much pa- tiuguished talents, and the venerable age tience.— And Reform will be honored, if u and experience of their leading and most b« not triumphant. influential men. Pe prudent, but over all human arrangements, nion you have just expressed ; and convinc- liowever wise, there is a power that presides ed as I am, that we have come lo that cri-and will direct for the best. In ancient ^is which will either terminate in placing times uiuler similar circumstances a wise our elites and property in the power of at Monarch has left on record the following irresponsible Tony despotism, — or in thti testimony : — " If thou seest the oppression power of a mild and equitable^ beoaus); of the poor, and violent perverting of jus- responsible ADMINISTRATION'; I wlll tice and judgement in a proiiaca marvel make every eflort to secure the return of a not at the matter ; for HE that « higher more decidedly Reform Pakliament that than the highest regwdeth, and there be the enemy to the tranquility and prosperity higher than they."