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iAIC IKE ',,i| I.KV ,\ UOVlkSMEM ll'JtlE, Vld'HU, i.Klll~)l <.uLl.MillA M'"M I^Vkl-R AMI SAN (lAV I ; \\>. \ ^ . »R ■ .1 ■■ HiSMI - w wmm w^^^m eiilith the 4^luquio of i'tiinr in iCuilicih (L'nlumbi.i TlIK jtcjl Piovincf of UriiiOi I ifliiniMii, wliiili nte.i i»uc as lAtt;i' a> ihc I'liiiinl Knii;il aiul ni nliii'h ihc ili«!Mil iHMt-cl l.v lli« I'uilliiir)- the M:i><|iil> nf l.iitiit iiml ilu' I'liiici-s, l.i'uisr, aii'l ilUi)tti.iti-tiiiMutrr iiivolvi** the pia^uai uo uil)i.a\ii;.iliou of itu* l«o .onliiiccil» of North ami Nmli Amviiia ; the -lioili-vi ami iii.i.t limit loiiic invnUes a voyaiji' i.f j, 51X) miln acr.«» the Ailaniu', unil a jtMirncy of I'jual i'\teiil ait.^** a partially iiiuhl)a'>iie I i'i>nlini-li(, \utl) a vaiil i.iii^f nf niountaiiis ami niinili-tlf^^ stit'.mts aiul lakes to froM, as a •.li|;hi tittail thtoun m. lAcn the consiiii '■ tn n uf the 1 ..tilii Kailnay ai'ioss the liiileil Mates lia> only initially lofihli-il matlt-is, for, when San fiancisto is jiache.l, another sca \o\.TL;e of 7IXJ or >iK) initvs to l-e inaile helore the tiavellei scl^ fi' t on Itrilisli teirilnry ai;ai.i. lilt the removal J all ihnc oli»l leK's i< "mihiii niensurahle i!i-tame" of accoraplishraenl. Ihitish lijiinihia will, l*|.|o nn.lhtr four years ha*e passeil li), he Within a f.Mliiit;ht', eisy j. un.eyof 1.. mlon-llianks to thai i;ieal work, the r.aiii- Kailuay, whith is beinj; pLslieil on »o eneineiie.illy. llefore we ilisiiisii the ie»iili> of this r.ii!»ay, Iri us c. 11.1. Itr what tnaiinei of countiy this is that it shoi 1,1 he ihoiiijlil w.ithlhe cxpemlilure of >o ingth laboiii aial inuoey as the eon- sli acton of the railaay must ui\. Ive. If one of a [ust Kencrallon, to wlo III r.rrivh Colu-lthia was unknown, -ave as a j;e"^rapltKal espics.i. n I'lnl.tacioK a region of harren locks aii.l 1 fi,'.tiiaf snovss : 11 1 lee, were to arise aii.l hear that the laflaay Moseio.s a. I if.^Oiieis hail lieen svouiiljj li.e country with a va-w to tin I ;he les! route for the iron nflil, he miuht a.l> 01 ama/timnt, '"Hat what went ;c out for to sec?" Alfl with tieaiei anu/einenl siill he wouM iiceive the reply, "A Ian. I of w.>oi ami vialei -hills ih.ilua ".ih inai;niiu-enl forest tries, ami wllcys wall stnlaie ilaj, only awaiiini; the hoe of the liusliamlmaii to ;iehl most Isuihiil.,! harvests. Of the watcliiul eye of the sheep-fanner ami cattle (;ra u-r to supply lie maike'.- .if the w.iiM with niia: ami wo,! ! a laii.l with a mil I aii.l saluliriou. tliniaie, where the praj^c ami the api le jjiow .,ii!e hv s.,le ; a laiiil while i;o!il ami silver ,inil cal an.l copper e\ist m aiumlance i a lail.l whose nveis aill teem with : a l,ii„l WI1..SC pictmciue bc.aty is 11, .t to U- e.ii-llcl m any pai'. if the", ill." IlKirisii C..|i-Miii\ iliulti itself naturally ni,. three ^t,:M ilivisiiuls : (II The s/iithiin ami nuller porti.m ..f Ihe main.., 1 I. »aure.l l.y the tiieat Kiasci ICvi-i, ami lis nunil i ih »s li:l.i,i..,,, , llhe wl.. le of the watei.h.,-1 of thai .'k.ou Un.^ wi'h.ii the l„. „. li.ilics of ihc provhiccl. l.y the i.ppcr walci, .t tl,t 1 '■ Imai.i-i Ui., wh-ch thms iiro the Inileil .Mates t.i Ihe ea-', .■.., 1 i.!,,..i.:|c;i ;,;.', the southern part of ihe same- cum! o^tu.o; 10:.. nhic'i ll e t-i,,.r empties itseh, ami l.y Ihc Hoai.i'.fi o l;;>u 1 1 the oc>.. It,* p..iii..n ..f ihe Couliliy 1, suL- oviie I hy theCi la le .\| ,uii\o .., wl.i.h lull pai.illcl : . ll.c .oa.-t ai a hstoi.c o: ah at liW in.lcv 101.. the "coa.t '..1 West l.a-.jlv. ami iht ••iiileti I ' ..r I '.asl t as. a ie ih-stricts 1 (J,. I'he .^oiihern or .uh-.\ietlc p.ini.,!-, Is.rletiii- ihf soith.-iil par! i .\la.l.a, an.l ii,cl.i.hiii; Ihe ep|,er lahey M.wkciuie Hint ; an.l I i) the (h:iil.i:e liiii.l-. Iiiu^ • .N. ilh-Wcst I'ois:, aiil \. inc.. aver Mami, lyia^ d .e to ami ot li.e a est .1 the niaiii!ai,.|. f . \'< I'l r/.K /-./.IX.-l Tn take the hist-nanieil hi, I, \ ancouvcr Maml w-aiM he a i;ran.i .-.lony l.y itself. It measures in cvlreme length 2S0 miles, an.l m esriciiie willH ; I mile.i, aiil con'ains alioul vp;aie .0.: .. hut its coa.t hm- i- so hi ,ke.i iiiM inuiiinetahlc' h.iys an.l h.|!>. ,|.. aii.l so hiicreil wiih small isl..n,i., as to nieasuie dose up.M .;,•.,. 1 lioies. The main mass !.f the islaml i»a mnuntaiii n.lge, ciilaunal.r.' in \ ;,-|.,ii , IVak n-ai the ecu-,,., which fi,e. 1 , a height of -.fsl Ire!. Tl... m uita 11 raiyes aie heavily Ui.iherrl, many ..f uw ir,-,-, nccp.lint; >«; f-ei in he.j;h!. Tie of them al: i, the Dougl.u hr, which aitii,,_- .1, m.uoinmi i;...wih imhenei-hi.. urh m..! of Sici.t.a. There are aUo ihi- whre, a .■■ecies ..f ,.ak p.cul:ar to the i-laiirl, pu..-. I,c-m;„ek. arh.-l.i-. ,^.,■,„c. maple, a„,| ..ihfi vnneiies. .\:i i.iumi the ca,; are ii.Ji ,i,.|„,„is „( c.,,i. ..f which 27P.rwo t.iH were riocJ 1,1 iVSo, ihepimc.pal noi.e worke 1^ so far henii; tiiat ..I .Vaoaimo. I 1, i„„i,c ,|,„ pl.„^. j, ,i,^. h.tle i-laml aptly iniiic-i ••.\cw.;a.lle ManI, ' which is p.,.ictir.-,lly • mcvli i cca! 1 c. with ihe ev,:,.p.,,,n „| a ,,ui,„y „( ,p|cn,li.l f,,,.. st..iie, icscm, lii.j; jjrania- 01 apinaran.e, which sappoi-l the mat, n. I . f which Ihe Mint .1 ^,in hiir. 1,;., » u huiii. | ., . ^,,,,| ,, ,,.,„|,,.| w.lhn kn feel of i.a>i„- .M. i.iiei. l.arije .hp .,;i, „| „.,„ ,„c .,|',., .■h..ui, i in vai.oi. pari, ..f -....e i.iaml. while lee, :,i. j I.,r.;e i,;'.,„ ] ..ppo-Hc lervis Is'e-. I. a!i,„.>i , ,„. M,:,,] ,1,,., , ( , |. Seailci. ,1 am, I .;,,■ iir'.fi.iiii of f.,re.t ijr.alh ait a-11. uhital an.l pc-Mre lai.,1 ; the .oil con. 01, uf j reseraUo.,; the ; .,., he, of luli earth fouml .im.a.;; ihe Laai, niun isks (,f tjulai.,,. -J lit .n};iicultural are.l, h..wcvcr, . -unt, ih.jiigh .1 I. ;ct i.y I. „a|,j psiij, ,!e,e|,,p,..,i. ■J//A /(.//.v. /.v r.i.\-coci/,K VirmriA, ,h, ,.,,,,,,1 „f ,|,e UUnX ami of the I'r =vii,ce, si.ual, .1 at It- south ea.t.rn e«lien,i;y, ha,aliea.|y heei, , „„j.lj. ,U,,,„!,.„| Ihe haii.Air .| Viiioria 1! tlf 1, small, ami ui.s .-. I fi.r >e,se . i,'f 'he Kianl soe n .win vogue ; hat l.s.,.mii.,„|, ,p,i„,,,„,;„,, V""';.'! inosi sphn.Ud ancho,a,:e j^ feel ,k-ep, „„h,i| ,he ,e,p,i-„„ ola hisl-chiss iurlwiur, is obuinablc, while in ihe ■• lsov.a| K.,ail ■' oulsile the innei haibour, all ah.iiK the roast as far .as ka'ce U «k,' a ..stance of einht ami ahalf i.ulcs, thc.c i. ro-.m r.,r any nun,iK.,„f « t., iiile 111 safely at all ,ea,.,ns. A snip „f h,n,| lev ;),.,„ a ■piaiie. of a mile wi.le i, all that .linJcs this lia.Uvur h.,in \ ,. .,ua 1 s.piimaull is the heaihptariers an-l felitlinR stati.tti of the Itiiiish Noith riuilie Meet, ll has lately lu'en fiunishc't wiiha liiiei*rnvin'4 .l.icli, ami, when Ihe taiioirn lacitie Uailway is roinpleteil, will Like that a> a lit, tela- harliuur an.l poit of rehire f. 1 which its n.itutal ailvanla^es lit it. IVili»]« whca that tune comes the niitish ilovernment may h*c ttic a.ts otiat^e of nt.ikii)^ rs.piiu.oiIt the s.iine p.>siti>>ii on the Vaciltc .IS Ilali.av, .N-S., i|..e* -.ii Ihe .Vll.iiili. , .iml may aile.piat. ly foitiiy .1 place possessing suJi (peat stiiite|;ii'al ,ii,il coninn-reial mivaiitai;is, N.inaiino {% sivly-fivc miles foim Victoiia, in A noitti-uc-tcrly iliiec'ion. It has aliealy hem uicite.l to .v. the venire of the cal- n.inin,; il.stiii I. Notwiihsi intixi; the enoiituois •piantiiies of aiiiniaoy *'w..n" al ihi' nie-il .Newcastle ot the West, to wliuli V.iii IraiHiM*.' has rectirse |..r .tit her supplies, ami which hiiilishes nil the ntcaiiiers which ply ah. ft I. hie li,u >li»- pl.iccJ the . /o,.-,. ./, ., f, ih. hi iiity is aiiiiosi H(.-..tisi.u-iit with Ihe .ish luaps an.l ieiieittitils ..f .1 iniiiini; village." VMIier small inuiiti,; sellleinenis, smh .as '. cm.v an I Nriioose, have In-eit mah', paiiiuilaily on the iumi .o.isi ol the islaml ; ami, when the iaila,iy is complcle.l, Ihey will no ilouhl rapully ileveh.i>e inlu till, villi; 'owns. I'oinox is an .icricullural >eilleiiu'iil, an.l has spiiinn "i''o lliiel Ihe w.iiils.f li.e uiliiin;;au,l Ijls.urin.; p .pi.lalion III Ihc mailer oi fooil supplies. Ilui inslca.l uf "iie or tw.., iheie i< r.-in fienty or thiily .a.h se^lleuieats. ll woul.l he a leal il.-a.lei 11 I'le asiiculluial .ap .l.,;.:,es of Ihe islaml were ni'jjlecle.l hcc i.isc of Ihe suj eiahtiml. -f Its inineial wealth. veslniinsler 1,1 lich stretches .)f luviuiii, ,| ,.e|y o 111: hii.iic.l MJl tt .' y/V/XS/ViJ! 0\ Ihe niaiiila;,.l opj„.„u- nn I lo llie la-l of Nanainvi, i. the mouth .1 ihe fraser ls,\e,, whric is siii,a',e.l .New \Vesiiniii.:ir. the chief lowiiol lliit.shrohinil la po,per. Tfciehas l».eoa pei| livaliy hensceii I .is , iiy ,-,n,l \..:,ra ever since its f. umlaii,.n 111 IS5,). 1 oloiitl .M.iHly stlrctisl the vie l.r the (uluic city he chiisicileil it " l.iuceMls.i..', " This name Ihe citi/eiis in l.ilcr ilavs weie api 10 matjnif) 11,10 •'i.'ncn rioroin;h,' iraplyin,; thai tiie place was ihe supnim- i ly ol lie I'loviiice, anil, when the s|>..l came tu he chosen as the pr .l.atl. 'etiiiinus of the ('ana racilie Railway, the opposition on the part of the g.nnl people of Victoiia I.. Iht name inciease.l teni .11. .\- a l.isl fCsouice the i{ was leieiicil t.. the II. .me .aulli, ii'ie.. 01 1 the i^iueen h, rself pi.icl iiiiuil Ihe town "New \Vi.tniins;c-t. " -cumg n\un this f.ic-| wiih the al.icmv of all 1 .1, .illn.s ihe ,.i,..H4 „( ihc New We .li.l.l...i!;.rircry Ihe -liotaK .1. ' Thesiu lij ..n wi.i.h l.'.c . it) r.,e. 1. wcllch. sen. The Uiver l'"rasci, '«!'. IC el.'vllllB Ihe l,lilj'of(;eon;|.i, is ,|r. i.ld into IM,) channels lii.ilig lial Islaii.'. some lihiin miles in Iciiyth. A inile atlj a h.ii: al.ove this iilan.l, where ihe slieam h, .;.n- to wi,len .jui l-efiiie It iivalcs, ami im its iioriiiern l.ank,sijn.|- .\. a WestniMoter. Tire s'reets. which aie Wile, a, e lai.l out at i:i;hl ang'cs, an I ample ••.iealh.i.(! r.«im" |. (urlhcr 5upplie,l ly i;i-,eini„f paiks and s-iuarcs wiih which the city is fuinishel. Ijie laul »l. .pes some, whit su.M.iily lr.,Mi the iivei 1,. ih,- h.ick pin ,,| the i.,wn, wl.iih s; ,.1 an deval.. n .if some \a, !,,■, .« 1 a-ian I panorama o|cif ami the pleilpilous hanks on the opjiosllc oils . wh.i h rise over loO feel ihe level .if the water. li'.it asccii.liiii; the ilojies ol the city ll.. view cra.iually enlarye... the |..|0i,..t piiHson llicopi>o»ite uses [^ak after peak o.'ihefoieslii.len mountains, till al la.t the mighty l«.icon of Mount l:.'.l,e', siviy ni.le. away t.i ilic norih-ca.i. 1, as ile.u .ami as d.siinci as ll -.liihin a st-.i,,', ilir„w. Further .,11 still arc the in„re ili.lani, ^1 the (;lymp!5i. .\|..untaiiis, clearly . :,< ai;ain.l the l,rii;hl sky, tli...i|;h a hiiii.lii.l imles aaay. 1- ■:i...v,iii; ''i'' river, ami n-umg we,l«-..i,U acoss IhelialfoflJcorgii, ii- Ho- mountain summits .ri \ ancouver, while fuither lo ihe hrti may he seen the lenglhen.n- - ..( lie ( .i,. .ole liaii-e. Thus the , i:, .ecu., lo he sui.oumle.l l.v a ,!is rini; of snowy l«.lks, resenililiiijj a ilia I'OKT MOODY Five as is the site and bright as aie the prospe.Ms .if New West. minster, it.i ini|.. ilancc will be only fully .levelopcl i. ma; in.lce.I lie super,e.le.l-l,y Ihe creation ol a harhour at I'.itl .\l, on lluiraril Inlet, at the spot which has been hnally selected as the li-r- minus ol Ihc tanahan I'acilic Railway. llurrai.l Inlet is a long in'et, somewhat like a llighlaml I.c«;li, opening into the mainlaml, nine miles lo Ihe mirth- west uf the mouth of the l-r.isel, withacoasl hue of siitcen mdes in length. 1 his inlcl alTonls a fine natural harlj..ur-or, piactically, three distinct hai hours -withoul the ilisa.l- vantages of a la] id stream toursinc .l.,wn its channel. It has .lerp water, an.l ami'lc r.'.'in f,r a huge lle.t, aiil d r.-it M.hiIv, as the eitil'iyo |..wii on ils soiiihrin sh.ue is callcl, .hie. not sup.-r- se.'.- N'.'w Westiiilnsier, it w,II berolll.^ tin' pta.'ii. .il |> .if Ih it ciiy. the liiial oullel lor the pioil.i.e ..f the Ciiinlry, an.l the p.uiit ,it whuli the inC'imiiig lner,-lian.|ise fi.un A-ia and Ihc will be teceivird for transniisstoii across Ihc conlinei'l. .-/ mrisF. rr iiiv .'.iK.iir oi- (;/<'a„/.i WittI K we aic here, wo tii.iy as well take a survey of ihe oihei " Iiihis " wli.vh h.ive mil a close race with "limiar.I" lor the Iionoai of liciii;; the t.-tmimis «f the r.iilaay. * l.t..-ly .i-l}oiiiiii;; Ihiilald Inlet, t., the noilli, is ll.ove Suuit.l, wliiill at one lliiie .1 I kely winnei ; liul ll gave place in |»>pn[ar estiMi.itlon to Ihitc li.hi. the inagiiili.eiii esiuaiy, l.ui miles fuither wot, into which the Isivet II the,, f.ills. The .olvantage of this r..ute woul 1 have be. 11 that It Would have enabled tile line Iti be caiii.-.| acr.'ss tin- p., I , here al Us ilarr.'WesI p.iiiil, an.l slu.hlc.l with island., ami so eve i.leil 111 a l.-iniinus ,il Vi nil-: iisii: urns Tilts di-sciipiion, iiulce.1, applies i.i the wlmle ,if ihe sealKiirl ..I Ihil.sli I olunitiia. Theic is nolloiig in llie w..ild to lie compaie.l 1 • 1;, evvept II l„- the eo.isl „| Norway, an.l llicie the " l|.ii.l»" are sina 1 and few 111 nuinU-r compar.'.l with the si/c, the Viineiv, an.l the lii.pieucy of Ihe " inlets " ,,n thi, .h.irc. .\m! just asil.cycscel the ,.t N.iw-.iy in this lesptct, so do iiu-y in the abun.lance an.l vaiiely ol the lisheries now Icing developed here. ,s,,iliiion, C1..I, »iuigi.<>n, mullet, h.ilibul, h.,uliean, anchovies, herring, ami other i-ilibic varieties evi.t in pi,,f,,.i„n. I he iloghsh is ca iglit in numU-ls f,.i the .ake ..1 tli.- ,.il winch it, while ,eal. are also abundant— l~.|h the fur beanng variely ami the lonnii.ui kinds valued for then oil rather than iheii .kin.v .\in,.iig the more cunous varieties nf hsh may le meniionc.l the "ean.llelish " or lunilican (('j<«,-;r(/ //Jir/.i. /i/.i| ,), which is so full of natural oil that when ihn-.l ami .el alight ,1 will burn like acamlle. Al pie.ent. owing t,. lhcal.*nc-e..f a inaikct, the lishciiesure woikiil primipally for Ihe sake of then mil and seveial large li,l..ries have b.-eu i-stablisl.e.l all along the oast, i.ght up lo Ihe b,iu i.lary o( .\l.,,k 1. an.l doglish are the lish j eipally use.l l.n Hie purp.,se. U biles are alsu fnun.l, and kilh-.l in the seas a.lj.uniiig Ihc co.ijl. I he salmon are .at present alimjst Ihc only edible hsh in wh.. h a c.iiniiiercc ha. U-cii e.tablishtsl, enoimous .pi.', itilies being aniiiiaily prese'ivcl in nils, .ir '• cam," as they are called in .\iiieiica. .\|1 ihc iiveis are full of llic-.,e hsh, of which many vaiielies. s .me ot them uot.ii.iwn on the Athaiilic seal.nai I, aie met wiih. 1 tic F, Uiver "salmon l-.shcry. alter yielding ;,, maiiv .is four or live nii;' weight .if linne.l salmon in a .sea».m, h.i., f„r s..,,ie rccai 11. .1 a le lualely csplaiuc.l, fallen oil i,, K-ss than half its foinier pr.Klucnve- mss. Wheihir "over hshmg • or other causes have bi%-n at Ihe '.i.toMi of this falhnguT, we must leave others M ilccule, in ih. ass„iancc that the skiib-,1 b.lkry ofhccrs who have charge ol the fisheiies ,1 Ihe I'loviiiie will lake all ncedlul steps lo picvcni ihc lishery fi.un being pclntaneiilly injuie.l. A cuilou. f.icl-h.r ll IS slalc-,1 most p.isitively by wh., have h.-,.l „.»hI opixirtunilicsof iiiak,ngil,cob.c.| -isthat ihesahnon of the l-r.\scr kivei, vnhen .nice ihey have .pawned, never return 1 , the sea, but, worn out by the exhau.tion c..nse,pient .,n their len-thcnc.l j.iuriiev, and on the (uiicti,m,.f repro-ludug Iheii s|Kt,c., miserably in the liver, being c.ui upon its banks in th.' I he C0.I lishery is also of growing imporlance, ami |urni-ii,s cnipl..yniciit t„ a laige number of Aiiicricni ve,.el. Ii,un s,i, Fiaiicisco. The oyster be.l. in the 1..1I1 .,1 licorgia are aK. receiving ihe atitntion ol the Icdiciy authoutie. hsheiiiien. of valii... a.,.1 are as welt as ui the (.f/.T-.-V i:ilAHI.UIlK ISIASDS WAV) TIIF. IXni \XS llKIWKKN 5 J deg. ami 54 deg. ,N. latitude, ami fr.,in a.j t,. too miles di.i.,nt from the mainlan.l, lie a gioup ,d ,,.'amls naincl aber i,)ueen Iharlolte. Here are valuable lisheric-s, u,«n the .levelopmcui of which much capital lately been espemlcsl. \, Sknlegate larlmnr, near the centre of the gi„„p, .,„ niU.,ci,.,y has lately been estabbshcl. Hut the i.lamls have grcitcr a.lvai,. ta-es than even the possCssi.m ,j| ciluable hshciics. 1 l-.e cli,„aie is genial ihan that of the mainland opposite, an I the is'l,„d. .ire less subject totliefie,|uent lainialls which me diar.icleri.tic ul the suininer season on the mulh-west c.tasl. (.atllc at ,M,issett ,m al. 54 , leg., winter (reely on the natural pastures, the snow ru'ver lying ileeoly „r leniii.iiing long. 'Ihe soil is mh, but so d..„,i,|„ i-.ivcred with Umber as toallor.l al prceut bm ,hghi oi,|...,„„ .,e f..r agriculime. The n..tive Imluiis, however, culiivale tlie'p..t'ai.I t.i sell to their iielghUiurs on Ihe mainland, Wilh whom Ih.y com luuni.ate by means of their sea goin,;; cnoe,, vessels of laigc s„e .in.l el.,b..rate structure, f.,riii.-.| generally oul of a single trunk ol the North- West cclar (/i4«,j ?,,,„,/.-,„, .,1,0 fa,slii„ned with a s! dl w-liith woull compare favourably, in point „f |,rop„ri„.ii an.l linemss of " hues, Willi the im..lels ol our mo.letu cbpper shi|.s. s.mic- of Ihc.c ves.els aie pro|Klled by as many as Idly pa.hlles. T'he pcplc have long hi-.;n iioie.1 htr their ingenmiy, and cvhibil an esiraordi- nary piohcicncy in many mechanical aits. riih: x'oirin.n'EsT coast TlIK extreme mntli-wcsl coast .leiuands a hurried notice bcfora we return to the I-rasc. Valley. At piccnl the pr,j,luctive ilsheiie. Jan. r, tl:j 'I'lii: (iKAniic PS .h- of till- N.i-.* aikI Ski-iii Kivir. .iie tin- (.nimjMil»ciMcm» i.» kellln^: ImiI -tvv iiiiIK .iir aUm Uir<^ t -i iMi-linl evrit iu Ur ti< ii'i as il.iv Uii ^,^^^ul^lln..^. nl.m.l Ii.ut. .»t tl.i- lH.uiv!.iiy uiwin Al,i»l.i ait.l HiminIi I .Iiiml I.I. I wiKc m«I' • li""' i'» m«HHh u ih- |»iiiLi|>lll tiolifiy %l.iti<l.cia Kivtr i..«»li.unt'' till" I'mi I <.<.iiiKion, aUiiit tifly iiiiL» l«» the wmlU i-f the \a**. I In- li^liciy line n»*«* f"M''">"'"* •" '"ti*' <»«'"tjr(» .-f liitliaiM a- will a- «liiic iiOierntrii, wli'i tliml. ii> ilurin nf iiilLhini; III Iw.i ila>!t ciitmjjh t.-li I' i-uxltiit- ^u,i»ji» lins »rn;hmn I lli e.uh. the lii'li.iii H.imeM.iu- i'in|i|o>eil in llic iiuiiuaiiun- uf the nets, lite UlV«f ^k' li;l IS IHVlt; r> l.lfHC ^ItMMieM, .lll't li.e S.t»t h.l* Ur I i.'(iii<1i' ilaiii ■>'( tWiiity-litc iinlcv A I (he iimuih of the Hver i* the im|it>rUitt miHsioiury »taiu>n uliili<>ii i*f over a th<>u«aiiiiiii,iii, jii.l it>jMr ahly (.i>t>thictetl hy hnn, \vilh ihc ii^M^uiiir of (he Uev. .Mr. i'<>lhnM>n aiul hi^ wife. lU->i'U« a sau-inill, a liirmrn <>h<>|i, it c.U)>eiitei'» «h<')i, ,i tniithy, anti t r)»cr'!i )aiil hiiM- )>cet) t-^'h^linl, wheie tt>e ilill^n-itt [i4' 150 (d Jon « hil .1 t tmrvh, i.ijMhle «'! 'll■.lti^l^; 1, J(x> |>eiN"n>, i nlHily hiili hy ii.i(i\e /t.-ICA' 10 niE hKASFK KiVt.K iillNi oitttyini* ,11x1 >|iarM-ly(hhalJle(l thktncT«, however, mii^t iiM( iK«.ii|>y •mr .illetili<>it to the eti-luki< n iif (h.i( |ir>ti t>f iho I'nivincc in ulwrh (he intcre^tt <>( (he I'l'ininiuii .-in'l ul lite l.ui| iie urc i>M'>t mnniduilely lenlic'l. Tic aUive ii of (hnii wilt nIiuw what va->t rt»nirr*ri hlill oHatt ile\el><|>im'n( wlivii the iall»;iy > up the h(vtr lloinathco, whith falU in'^o Uuic In'et, alt.Mily relene-l |.'. Mi. Smith, one nf the Siuvt-yoi* of the l'.icihc l;aiU.iy Suivc y Mfpaitrncni, thus ileN<"rtlM-» (he e.iMon of the lloinathco. ihirly niilv*^ ftoiii (he hc.i Awfully >iil>hiiu*. 1 he towriin^ i<>vks thoii«duiU of feet hi^h; Sax aUite th<'se, .i^aiii, (lie \noU'il,i>( )K'ak'>, i i;<>i^c Uneath .\ unmnton (itnnii, >«hiilL:^. Ix'ilin^. ioatii)|;, an«l Kir;;i- lKtiiM .ihutys in iii (ion inutietin^, ^luaiiin); hke lioiil.hft •tjiiijis, :iii«in)ii)^ nf tli^lani ariillery. Hui wiih all this wiUhu"! there i:* the fre^h be.uity of vi*{*i-talion. Wheiever there is a crevice in llie ti*ks large enoiigh tt> hwli^ tsur aiiil aitiil, ! y Liiiigin^ within ea-y reach th^-ae woiulrou^ m;cik« o( heauty. /■///. cAhUioo aorn //£//»v Ink lIunKUh.o, n>»ell a.s the Kiaier, atlooK a. uunw >.f tontniti imati' n In! ween Hie *e.i ami (he a'l,'l>iatic ^^>V\ htltU ha\e )iiMt' least 2\a'. to ^iji*.'. i> VI, ir, cli'ai profit, on .m auiaj^e, then- .-m- [rolKiMy l< w. i men stcanehings which f> nneily [*ave (he mmin^ >listriel« «)! < ahfonii.i nulIi .1 Ir.i^ nan i-. Law an ////: v.//// con>t.|iictiI l.ier'.'ies TiiK t'xistenee of a railway, an<> i iohl I lehl^* with regular -li gie.ner advant.ige fioni (he gold \a Ids than ha>. htt-n the caw. I he I i.vser itself, on wlu--* valUy the eatlieM ihvo\ciy uf goM took place, earned the name 'if the **C'i.i/y Ki\ci," owing to ihc excite- ment which (he diwovery crea(erg( s ol llittisii Cotumtiia. The h>sii.ring ol tite |Hrji>aneiit in-ltislrtL-s ot a^iiculluie, ot (oal anJ iron nmnng, ;iiid of li^h.ii^ uas one ol the I itiicipal oltjei.l'' in view, and to thent ilicfaiiw.iy must hM)k l'>i it.e sources of ii-i iiiillic. Ihe lowei hr.ncr valley we sliall puseriily folh.w, in cuinp.t.)y wtih the Manpiis •>( I.oriie, on artistic thoughts inimt. I.vt us hir^-- liH)k at it< af^tit'iihuial and cipuMy. Tht- lo.\fr \allev of the li.iser, fur a)K)u( li (> 01 s.\t) units in h-ngih, is a hiwlv, feililc I'la.n, U-.iutiUdly wo«Mted, watt-ied tty innuiuerahle »(reaii s anil lake, a^d VMtli a swil \arying fioiu a deep Idack vegeialdc ':ii.u.\< to a light tirown loamy taith. .\ny (ri>ps in (he uutld wdtgiow here, 'Ihe phiiiis areeuMied uii!;.t i1en-egrowthufn.iluialgi.iss t .died hunch gra's. which p^>s*e!.'ie^ higldy luiiiiu lll't ipiahiies, and keeps .Midc Ml eMelleii( roiidi(ion thionghoiit the vvliolc uintir. A^ llieady si.iii d. giapcs and r.trn, and 1 mopr-oi f. u-ts and vegetal. I. s of all kiiieiu(ilid valhy nt tie < >kan.igoi., I)iiig tu the e:is(w.irassi->i ihiougli them; and hramh liiirs wi!l. no ih.ubl, lannly ihtoiigh all (he moie lavoimd ).iild watered hy a iril'Ulaiy ot the Irasei uf that iMnie, is another inagniluint sdetih u) a|;iicul'uial couniry, whiih t.inoi |oi?g I e hit \\illi'>ut ladw.i) •»'>'i7r.«; ritinntnmai •*(! M!icn omr llie tnevil'*tU* ijiowih of |Mipulaii -n tietnan l« a git-au-r t'lppl) of vi-^i-tahtrs i;iain, and meat, Thf wh le hn;th of l^e |-i,»*vr HmU i* al-.ui ;oo indei. I14 exticinr upi-ci { goiges, is in «lioit^ coiVii,! viiih (he middle |N>riion of il» walrished, which Is h-^n inountainou-, and this ags-n with the plain jusl de»cnlietl. Ihe Ihoius4.n Uivri, lefcirol t'l ill the kiN<; lltii^r l*A*s Is the not very cuplHtaiom. nauu ol the upciiing tif Ihe K«Hky M>ritt)iaiiis through v« hull the radway ii to \u**. It i« hg. N. latitude, and 117 deg. W. longi- tude ch>«c to Ihe xMiLcol tl.r K'.w Kiver. .\ll iheoihci alieruadve rtnitei suggesU* I )t..kted loitMderaldy to the noilh, the |>oiii(s in lavour of that Imally wh-cltd l^.-nig (hil il is shoi(er than the others ; that II Is (uithcr south ; il |u«*cs over lown ground ; and that il o)>ens up ihe richest a;;ii. . rv.l m a wiHrrl) dirr^ tion twice at ross ihe i o|und>ia, uh:ih i.eai lue i.ike« a "tig) I ahtitit " lend, iti t.ikv >hus«.ip, ,i( the head of wl...hil will pa** the loMn of St')moi r. Foiin here 11 procted« .^ton^ tlie valie> of the v>,iih Thonivit Ki\ir to>hMips. at Ue jumlionof that ktreaui with the uuon Ki\cr 1h«'iiisun tondiig from the north. IIciilc (o \ale, a distaiuc of 127 miles, the hue will pas^ thrt>iigli a iplervlid agruuiimnl cotiniiy. Thi* »eil.on i< a!ieady undtr contract, ami iwi-ni>-h\e nide\ iif the distance h.4Ve already liceii loinph-ted, <.omiiiciM ing at y.muty r>ai, jutt 1t!o» Vale. From Vile to I'ort .Mixhly. the liiial -lage of the wcstwaid jouiiity. i* another stretch of ninety miles, Ihe kkitchn if ILv KvceUeiicy the Mar)|uis of I.onie give a giNxl idea of the ph; «>cal dithvuhici to lie contended with i^i (he tonsti(.ciion of (he tine. When ctimplete, the rait».>y will furnish uninterntptctl communi- cation eniiie!y through I n .sh teintury, fioin itie Atlantic to the I'aiihc, the total diManci- 'Tom I'.niiard Inht to 1 Mtawa, (he <cky Motint.uii» at a much 1 wer ahitude, and i>f irairi<^in|t generally fur ihi» reason a warmer, ahhough a mure notdu-tU. coantry. A gtfat projixt Is Aiit-ady on fiK>t, which the- completion of thi> line wil' po.lahly I'n:>g .i. to actual ■>|'«-iatii'ii, to unitL- the .aiU.iy iiMtv huihhng in Nrwloii[)d..tnd with the Inter Lolonid Kadwav h) ii.eans of agitat laiUi) t^ t\ lui.ning across 10 i j|>e Uieton Isl.uul. .ltd the latter line aijain in the «anie way wiih the I'acihc Kulv\ay ni Montreal, aiul thus praci't.dly atlttttl umnteirupletl railway lom. niunicatioii from M- Join. -• n the extreme ea-t t > New \\ t«iiiiiM'((.i on the eviretne wc»t. The gnige ol the lailwa) i» 4 ft. S'i in. ///A' t7/.l/.7/A I'F /'A'/r/.S// Ci!/f\W/i/J .\ W'KK av to ihe chmate of (hi« \Ve'(fm I'rownce t.f the lioihiiooh. ^hiUeretl irii tht last hy the Koiky Mouniainv and <ing. notuitiistanding its mountainous chaiacirr generally ioArr than the couniiy "iithe other ■ tie of thi UiM.kii^, ihe ciiinau- of the country is much more itini'eratr than M.uiitulaui the a Ijt.iniiig .States of the American I nion, especially in the venttal ai^<. Mtiiih'.-in |>o(lion. Mere the |.n the iippei part "i the Irasri Uper :he wraiher i- vapriLious ami the uinitr C"|,| ; but when *>pi>ng c. tn< . as it >/.-< • c. u*. A'--t't the hea<'.water4 of the Columbia t!ie t Uniate i^ •'< ii^htlul ; cv^rcines are rate, arit of thel as..i,h* K.u:ge, tlic ttin.ati- Iicci'mes hotter and drier in slimmer am) cohler in wiiilrr. West of ihe t ascade% anil in \ .m loimr, the ihcimomeiei fteh'oni ri>is over .So ileg. in ihe hi>(i<^i siiimncr d.iy. • 1 falls beh>w- :o de-^. in windr. Ihe suin:ner is Uaut;fu! dth^htful : rui wtud-- i.ui toi.vry to oiilimry KrigUsh eai^ a-HHseof the oilit ioi:&nes«i of (he ■•uiiimer nionilis here. Further ntiith, (tiwaids the cojkt iip|M>niao'!> |>aratli>e. Uut thitie »houhl m>t Ik.* eiiiirt;ly oniitle'l foil) a !>kilih nf the ea|ul'iltties of (his di->tant puiMiice uf the Ihiudi l.iiipiie, long neglectetl ai»d little appreciated. Nine ycais hdue Ihitish t ohinibia wdl be able to celebrate the hundredth aniiivei>ary of itv formal annexation by Captain Vanctiuver in (he naiiit- of ( .trorge III. If it cair.^ ti ct-!ehra(e the eu-nt at all, it will be able to do m>, wdh its r.'i w.iy, as we (rus(, nunplite, m a manner which ^liall atlcrtl a striking contract of its future hopes wtih it* {ast oi bti'-n. Il ii only a •(uartt.f of a c;'n*.i.ry lince ihe sud>len increase of p' pidaiion C3u^tl by •'•« '*i;oId le\ei ' inluce I the l.ngii^h (tovernment f.iriiully to cutt the countr), until then a mono|HiIy a Mahtl book- in the hands of ihe ilu when the niluay has i>)»encd its gaie^ to iininigiAtion, and bioughl the inarkeis of (he worhl ni'hin rcath of 11% piotluee .' With the great futuie which the country his befoie it, no I'litish oinciat is likely to repeat tlic ip.r.ion td it expres^-d by the btuthti uf a past I'lemit-r, uhf, hriy jears .igo, detland thai *' (he country was not woiilia — , fur the s.t|miin wouhln'' lake a ^^\ \" Kaihci wiil the trpicK-iil.:(ivr« of the Cuvrrnment l«rmi>uiagrd In follow th« ixample set by I.ord liiitfer.n, and acle>l upon by hi* di«tingui»ht I sa cesMir in Ihe l«oveinor-t>cnciaNhip, an4-|vi« peis.m.tlly acove it, and ihecouMiy aitmnd, except wilt re verdure is pioducel hy irrigation, hnjks \ery dry and hot. .\ cold wind blows t^icre all th.- < nniner in the aternoon, however. >:\\\ I'ranciwo hex at the north eastern extremity of the s outlieni' III >^t of tvxo tongues of laittl whith, s.-paia'e I only hy the narrow stia.t known as the 'M ioplcn < lite," loriii the western l-inn I of Ihe Kay of saii l'ianci>co ihe graii>l estuar) into whrch lall the Kiver* Sacramento, San Juatpm; and >>iher siu-aiiis rising in the Sierta Nevada, among th*,* wondrous beaut cs of (he \'osemile \ alley and (tie Tueluiniie (. aru)n, and beneatti the sh.ide of those giants of the known a* the t'al.avera* ** I'.i,* Tie:s" and the Mar jH'-a iii.ive. .Vh'ss this csdiaiy a niagniliceiK vieM is ol*taiired fiom th.- C ity of San Krancisco, with .\|oiiie l>ial.h», rising -oiiie 4.ot>J feet ; sei le\rl, an I lowv'ting over tin- v\o f ( laktaiitl, on the opiHisite side of the Uay. I h«r • .ly i« ii^ul.iily l.od out, the stri-et» tKirtg brtiad, aiul crossing c th odier al «*ght angles. The «.'.e was originally exceedingly iii^^cl, but most of the ddges lia\c been levcHeil. Ttlegrapli Hill, however, at llie north eastern end of the town, >o^ Uci high, o»t-i!. "iking the (iohlen tiate, kussia lldl, .{(io feet high, on the w , t, and I ni< n HiM, 120 feet high, in ihe s«>iiih-wi»(, remain a< |-o.iils ot vaiita;;e from whivli to vieiv iSc neiglitMmrh(N>t. tive- itittt-thirty yearn ago, before the tli-cowry of gull, *|-ii*'0 dul ii il ctinian i.txjci >utd-. I'wo )iBr» of ttie g"| | (ever iricrcaseit its p pulaiion ttiiriy fold, and ihei) it ua* a hoi'ied of ptotligac;. arid (he lesorl of the most des;H*iJt.' ehaiacters in (he woil'. Now It is a well otilered city of close on iOO,ooo intiat>ttan:s, doing an enoriii'U^ trade with the West or rather shti.dd wv* aay wrih "(he Kjs(." ns we koow it by sea, and wtth ilu* Ailaulic seaboaid ar.d the inten >r by raih 1 Iw city Ii-ms:- several fine buiMings. Terhaps the most ambitiou* of all is St. ratrtck'- t .iihe, with a >pire 240 .'^ce' tiigh, near the Muthein end • I the city, in Mi»«ii>n Street. .\ mile and a half to the south, on the outskirts uf the cite, is Mi>sitin Hall, the nio^t ancient budding m the place, built uf ,idot>- buck, and founded in I" '. Niar ihe centre of the tuwn, iMii-leiing on Market Sdett. is \ erha llutiu lark, wirh the new City Hall ; chise hy is the new Mint, a ' line budding. Km t her up Market street are the Merctiants' Ktchange and Cu-.toin House, the Mechanics' Institute, with a liliia y of 30,1x0 voluint-i, and the .Mercantile Library, St. Mai>"» Uoinan I'atliohc ('altutlral, a spire 200 feet high. ti\o i-r three more ct'apfis an«l churi he-, a .1 '^e sluicth I, or Icwi-h •^vnagogue, the intciitu ol which ;* Worth ses-ing, aie near by. Ilu* Chinese tpiarter of the city, with its (emp es, (hine^e (heatres, opium Cellars, atiit gambling halb, is worth vuitmg. Near heie aie (he ria/a— at one coriier of wtiich stands the Hall if Kecortis, fotinerly (lie Kldorado (ianitling Ha!U— and Washington Si|uaie. The environs ol the city afford many tint- \ie\vs. .\n nniru-nse sea- wall. SivtiJ ffct long, has recenily In-rn built, while a drive :.i I'oint LoUi-. on die open I'acit'ic, iiverlotikiu;; Siat Kivk, upon woLcli hun-iietU of seals may be seen di^jun'.ing thcms-Kt--., opens up many |H>ints t>r intertst. The li^hdioasc on the taiallones Islands, tlii.iy miles distant in the ixean, can be seen from Ireic. With llie natural a 1vant.ige of an ahnt-.t unrivattctl maroie |iosilion, ariil with itnmeiise rc-uiurce-, mineral and \egetable. in the ncighbourhoo !. and with ilu lurther advantage tif direct conimuui cation by rail w.tli the surnumthng country, and with the Ailantu scalx-artl, .S,in Krancr»co ofiers a picture t)f what Victoria . r N<*w WestinnistiT may not unreasonably ex|>et:t I. > become. Mhen th.- great wtirk of ciMistructing (he Cana'iian I'acitic Kailway shall Iiave been coinpleletl. In the seconil sketch H 'VI.S. Cj'iu- i-> seen leaving the har- I our, ac.oinpametl by the courteous llcneral Mel >o« J|, nh.) toniman letl in SepienilK>r the .Military Histrictin whah the ci:y hvs. artaiii town in the I'roviiue, with .\ p'>;iiil.iti >ii of 7.oi>\ but il is I.kely to 1* closely run in the race fui prceiinnence o;i the western seal>>ai I of liiitish North .\nicric4 by its opi»"-i;e neghUmr, New Wc-'- minster, situate atMnit seventy m.les d^-tani, ou (he niaiidaml -ol which more anon. The city is iletightlullv sMuate, with the small inner liaiboar rmmediately lielow it, while alnjve is an extt-nsive lake, loinietl liy a bioatlening td the iiver, on whicti tlie town is built. The foliage of the lie.\util;.d evei;:reens and the lawn dike stretches of emerald gieen banks alionl a strtkrng combination o( (he scenery pecidiar to tioth tropical and temi>erate chnvites while the rcKky promurn.jnes and the -iM.\tliI raiiijc m the, ^ ■ "l» I I \\ \ \ .lit Ml \P IM I H» |.»rt»r M 1 ». it.mi I H I. ill! .•■-,., I .1. IIIK UlAlH Kl-.f.h A II.NVH O:. IIIK < ANAIlUS lAilll' KAIM'-AIT Ulk Ol TUF. I- K I NC r, SS I Oil SI. AND I II K M A R <> U 1 S ol I () K N 1 1,C« .KH'iIf IV |(;> PX'f.U.fWV IMF. MAK'Jl'IS Uf LO«Nt, K.I., UOVUKSOK-GCMLAl. tif lA.NAtiA 1 (.kAlllh 97 I I 1= -MCSi'lJi ^tftil'^ It ■:^ ?ipmT li'ntn.i1 .itlia^tion of tin- I'.nn'VnT '^f A moiitif.11'1 t«ivUM|>f. hkftih Nti, ,) *ti*MV-. ttovcinrnfiil Hon r, Vifl.>fi.i— n Iwuiliful >|i>t| I«itil,ii)K .itt.iy frnm \ iiicnuvrr |itlanf McMlriMitiii -icrimr'^« iiit'>l('>i< «iy lite flHti.l I'f Ihc I inperoi «r.itCi. iin I iNr l*rcA( Mt ir.i* of NV.i«hin;,inii icrrilnr}-, wall Mount lliki-r uurin;* aIhivc them. In the r.Ptl ■•' "ti.Ii .in .iiti-mpt i» mi Ii* lo niilf .1 rl'ii.r jit(nnuil. am-r with \t<'tiiil U.ikt-r ihioii^h lli- .lul di .t lu-M (;l,n«. I In* iiK'untAin H ttic nt<>«t itonhnh |x>.ik <<| \Uc <)tvin|uniU l(\l(Xi ffct jIiuvc 4M livrl. I cum;; \ ictmi.i. wiili her lio?pi'.i!-|v'* .iivl I'lvn'lv itrrm.ttcil ■tii'it*-, thi- C-'ithi nfirr a ft w iihlii:ht I'm.ii I'' v*.i* i>ri;.iniH' t f"r Ihc rnnro*.. In itii:* IivImii'. ami wliiu% .'like I't'k |*.iit. At ■III* tlu" *Iii.ic. rif tlu' livci .irc inmu*n*«.' -U ilifforenl Iinu*» of ihc ycir. Tlie tint, or ••itui.* tonici-, ;w.' imiNtlcro ! ihc h^'-'t, l-til noiu' arc In W i!c«.i>i*c I wiih ihe cxi'i-ptiuii of ihc hmipli.iilvcii Mimun, whuh .iriivea I.ilcv. ami i-omc^ only K\\x\ .tlu rn.iif year, l-'rnm \c»v WcsimirT-tcT (he C-'niU' »!*itr f| c.iHn! IhiiM I Ink", of «hu-li two skchhrs arc yutn, with II M..S. Comw .It an>h'ir. llirrail Inlii ii ihf prcnii |trojerltiI U-iminU'i of tlu* fanatli.iii I'acilic Kailnvnl, an*! ilii* "iMiiT vimc ihoiisjimliof w 'ikmcn aifftin-iiniclinj; t'lt |ini'al.iiii»ilu' >ci.tH>n which will Um«I it IVotv. llut point t*) the Ii.i^ir Kivti, whose piojjTCM we wi!l pursm.* to ihc junction of the Thonuon Kivff. Uctuniing In N'-w \\\'-tm!nsfc', no.! proiPPC'linj; np iht* ^'l.^^^'r Kivcr, wc have wvimI UcuIh"- of ihu line •.trrini mar il» nun.lh, "tlh the srtnu.fl.iil |HMk* .-f the ("a^a Ic Uange in llu- 'lai k^irouiil, ' hit of them Oi'tH- ihv liiK- ouilinc .-f the i -mr ^l^ t■l^ .1 i-l a iti. 'i 'f ihr Kivcf, much impc> he rcmmc'l from 'lu- ^ll,•an^l•r»'^inlnrlc! every yr.u. .\ni*lhpr fcpu'srnu Alpine form* a% line as any of those fouinl 11 the Swi" ^I.»unlam*. The>e will .lUo he vi*tlilc Irun the ia a view wlnth wtV. ineel the cu-* of ihe it^ui-hri in tl.i- irain alnml fr-rij .five mri- .iliovc \cw Wcimin.Ui. Mount Uoj e >■. .\ rnoimtnin of in.ignifiv-e:il loini, ami rf ihelocatnj comr.i t lim'ly wnh is sjnau* ,inl nu*si\c wal!>. t'n il- summit Ihe know lies nil suiiimer. A vny rapid |>n:tjon of ihc iiver hari here lo t»e tiavtllcl hy Ihu sliMim-i, which la' iittMii>ly p.i.t»lK% ni i« |i;iiU"l Hp the ra|i»U ah>iii; ihc shingle hai.k' of w'l.ii t* known .i» I imui | At Va!e we reach the hend uf ilic liij;h(*t slretch of navijji'it n on ihe Kramer I^iver. I mm iht^. upward- ilic uver ru-.i» -» llii mj;*! j:>'T:;e», an-Iuhar-My na\.i:aMi-. although ste.iimT'* ply iipck ni miil-rh.inuel in the centre ■ f the gorjje is calleil I,.vly l-ianklin's Kt«:k, hecau^e that rcinitrk> il'lu 1,1 1 y lesictl here 01,1: t!ay when provai'mg one of lho%e i'-urney- in whuh -he ho;rl to oliain ^mic tnlin;;s ontl the town. AIu^towno\ir I'fcniy'five 1 uh* of ihc iraek are completeil, ami ^onie of the m>f,i 'I'llKuh woik lo In: iinleitaken .iloitt; the route t»f the h'j;},"** ra Iwjy in the worM ha-. Iwcn aLComph--heil. Ntithitii; ciu cMec.l the gran.lcur of tie foreat-covereil numnlain walUm ihi-. p»fint. ( iri the same i'a;;i' we have .i vitw- of one »;f t!ic kailway I'li j;!-. •p.iniiinj; a ■liincult place in the ili»ianre, while in the foiej^ronnd a wa(y;i'n ro.vl lon^iiueie I alon;; Uie (ace of the unk ■.eem» iifc to no .-ne hai a Hnli^h Cohimtnan, oxcellenily rn^jincetcl a^. il iv In f»ur n'At \iew wc look thrvnii;h a CfiiipKit-i! lunnt-l at the uncomptetc'l woik vi he iiii'iertaken on the Inic U-f. rc u>- hi iW'j-anl-.i-half year* the Cana-han tiovcrnmenl will haie tini-.!u-d the hue up '<• Kam!on| <;. where it will nir':t that un let!a.^en l.y the l'om[^Tny. an-l it «» r.t:ii..'.tc-l Ihc wluite line ftum Moniiea! lu llir I'ac:(i': will |jc ojhmi 111 1^"^;. AflcT passing Mi-iuil ll'pe we emerge inln more open country, at a phcc calleil . fier the late l.opi Lyii m, whcie the Th.-m > -n Kiver metis tht- Ira-er. Pur-umy the Tlmni-oii Kiv, r up ii- ftivifi current nimiy n itcs wc come to Kaml'-rf)p'. I.ike, an! a sicaniei takes iw ihentc lo the junction of ihc North ami Sniili Th'un-i'U Kiver>, where Kaml.i'>ps \ii:ai;e stamU. 1 hi- will l-e an important t.iwn for ihi- valleys of ihe inleiioi ..f I'.uitsli t'olumi'ia. Theie is j;..«l laml a>.i>ut K, ami the forci-. ih.u hive huherio utven-l ilie nin.mtams now itlirc to 'he «lllnn1l!^ s- mling tluwn their skiT!hHher>*mly into the valleys The icmaikahle liver tcrrace-i which .ne lo !>e met Wi^h everywheri' alonj; the i 'olumhian rtv.i, are here scm, r.r.A aie -hown in a srpan'i Aelch. wh<*ie a l>Iu(T as fnrmi'bl'le a- tho-c in tlu: Knscr ha> i.i lie ncgotiaicd I»y the P-a-l. 'Ihera-lway will prohaldy | .ts* un to ihe other Mile. aii, lake ihe Iravcllcr up Ihe *'hii-wap or >i hu-.wipp. Lake. The inilway wdl cro,!. at the naipnvs >h wii at the end of ihis arm of the lake. I here arc ihrcc oihc, ,it,„s of ilii, rcniarkahic and bcauiihd bhrtt of waler, \vhi«.h may l>o called the I akc of Four Water-. Ii di-.uld Im-cohic a favourite plarc for .'. halt u-hen on a trans < onumnial jouiiiey, lis forcil- roxeic'I liill- are more like tlift-r of N-irway than of Switzerland. Thccential hill.s in Priiidi Oih:mhi.T -r.- n-.l ■•n fonitidalde in hen-hl or grantlcur av are the rattKC' Ifrderinj- the sea on llie 'inc ^ide, and Ihr plains on the ■ ;hcr. Kxrellenl livhini; can he had in e\ery iiTr and lake, 'I he .'^Inion so crow'l the Thom-on and ail;hlie% wiih landing-nel».. Tiny pfcs* a;;itn»l v.\rh cthrt in If'clr annnii ti*.cn( in su.H nmnlt'i* ihii m^nal* di>, an I ewti il>v ^tronneM •'rem rvh-iMtMli nml have their tail* ami hut wotii Uir* an, I'tamarhren, liy a««rndm^ in a 1.1. Miner another Inn ri»er. Vtiv uluillow it Wi«, and nun h kl ill tti he n»cii hy ll. captain in iietiing otrr "muc of t'le ihind tar-. NnmeioM* ul.Me heaile I vn^U'\ weie |i«iJted o)t the pines .Dill Wild »nan«, t o-ali ^eete, .ml dm k% made i1<' nirmlKT* if the p.uiv •mldintv -' • e ihcti title* arhl i:un», and m '1 f out ihe rnliin* i.i grt t -*,, t. i\^^•, a. hir'h'r ih-wn. ihe po, Ui* pdden l-t.i/c ioittiA ilie .'flik |o,fn ol (he Mi. When >pilhni.i(*hfin V.ilh* « 1% remhr!. riavi^alion e»i-el. I ikr inaiiy another «poi h|d.|-.?hind I'le wivxh I h.lh, pit* one *rem» lo have heci an airnot lake ( level a* a hilhaid lalde l r prairie windt ahmg m»ler itte ( uci moitntain^^hi|H-*. .\hhou;;h the tir-t -ttl'if onlv appealed hi ih-s ir^m a ftw )r,tr* a^o, (he e aic alieady tw-vcn «'r CRht (arm* »'f thicr hiimtrnl ntir* raih in t" ** ajcnt; 1! IK »liath. I hi hm I- n; on lied />•/«' /«/.».'■. I lonf- ml* the l>ou^ta< I'lr for the rHiiipAinm of Ihr h^wrr «)op<-s, ro^iet her with the white nan. ih,- Indian laimci i- *een, f<.i the spiHamaclueii and < 'k ina(;:tn tiidiaiiH are ,i« ketfti (atnivi* and ^o>nl i.iii/rn% ani Ihc (iovernnietii, le»t thev «.li >d I he a»led in ^m* viimihiiii; in icturn, Thev have ihcf Ian!-, ihry have l»een Iaiii;ht (arinm; l>\ ihe while*, lliry have a* ma. h jjime, or more than ever, l-'i till) have rather i;ivcn up hunt u; |o mke lo aijniuhural piir*n t*. l!t \ have a* many or moie n h in the nvei than ever, and ne ■ I norhih^ except, a-* they ihe'n-tUe- ay, M-lioid» ami KlMMliiia-ter*. 1. r wtd. h they ar.- per'ecilv ind* |o pty. In ihe lasi -heuli wesei- th.ii -neof ihreiistom^infcivilitation wid h they ha>e nut vH adopiv I t^ a I uiiijH'an Inly''* «4'3t on hors. |i.Kk, ti>n crupper and |«>>mmel, ,in I lute* 'i»an la*hKm *in her iiuw. .•! .ndtan |«i>ny, accompanied l-y hei iioii'choM : liihh a caSalo h? »e *ee in thf sketch ruling alonjj ih.- ■..i^e covered p.iMurc^ in Ihe ne nhhourho. I i-l Kike l»kar'agan. Thi* lake i% fi^jh'y or nimti mde- in hnplh. anil isin the of the prnviiHc. A floitrivhin^ I ri-mh nnvkiun U (^lahhshcil on it« iHitder*. hul as yd n ■ kltanier tmipt* the iiavrlh-r lo «ir»c> n* l»e..nitcs from a state cflhin, Thni- i* much (joo»l pa.inrat land alonj; ii, and the cr",M rai-e douht thai th.o will m idut-- -^tt his fmit stoics mamtv from IhHi-h (Vluiid.ia t- the Am-r.' r* | rmire'.l,., from talif .ti a. i'ihc ^hipo upon the ^cd 'I'^-. .iiH 111' t<'f lur. n I /\iy .IV) ..t I't'hi (. \Ml\if, It w.nil.i 1.,' .1 I'lU lii^ tti).i^iii,tii<>ti M.I.. Mr Iff Itv'.-ly in I'Utiinnt; tOiiil ihi' liTi- Mniil.l U'.t'f hiiiiM-lf, It w.'iil'i ii.vcr ilii. ■• I'll nil.' up \Ik wh.'li' \'.r.n\i. jikI p> .i».iv." iln-Lir.-'l M-iM. " I'll a*k l"-iiii>rr>'v. |>.i .i litnjj K-nv.- tit (; (nr i.,iinly .ninir-., ' Ami tlun. h.niiii; ihm Np.itt.m i-i litniTif fnr hl« -Ifi.iii'.r'.l liv >|»ii,hii^ ihf i>iiiiii(; »iih \i i-l. It ».iul,i 1,,. ill'. 1.1-1 ' III- Ol. ml. I, iif..(..i'.ly. lu-Mt Ml- hir .u: ■■' ' li pamliil Hint In iii.- u.ily i.iit ii .i-,i.l. . Whv ih.iik nf ininhil ihiiii; .M> M.i .1 .!..) Il ».i- Ih. r(.-vil n..l lo il,. mil 11 w.iiil.i !i;.'ii .in tArt' n-li -I rt.n.Iii.l if trniiMi^ i-.mld \v liy 11..I lliiiil,!!,,, ,:l.. • iliiiii. ,,i if lift- w, M- ,1 .i<.iy |..wik. HI11.J.C |Ki|;i-i> wi 1..11M liirti .It . Kt 1 l,.-,*un-, aiul «Aip ihr "«')' chnini-t.. Hf unii uj. !.. Ilic iliir.l ,i,rry, uHt. M.-. ILuiin |i»!i;i-i|. nml ».i> a.lmmiil l.y llu- l'i...i.l-l..i.i,i-l ,M n .1.1. xli.i |!fiiiiH-.l it|>.ii hull .1-1 .1 l, .i.-i|il,liTiMn.-i-. /i:,. .1 hIh- m|i| «..iii.iiii. ,-. .M.Wliiai.) niniy. .1. vii;n,lli.l Mi« Ujii.. mih llniiuTi. .iliii.lnilv .111.1 i",y ..f . piiln-i, u.i, ,11 Iimui, h i|,o Si);n.iiin.i Vi..Ut-!i K.1-..1UI. Mn-i. ulu-ii 111- li.-,iii| ihi.v l.<-^i'iir-l l.ii ail|il. Vi..!.i «,is |.i,.|, ai „,i!„- !i,,iii« nhuti lie aU> (r..|ii.-nlf.l. .111.1 nliitL- 111- iiiij;lii lui.l liir 11,-t .mnl coulil ii-ll hull. >l.<>ii|.| hi iiil.i ■' 1 >r »..ul.| II mil l« li-it,.r |.. |;-. a».tv, .iii.l |,-.n- Ihi- mlliiu-hol r>n|il.r "f hi. I.ivi- r'mi.ii. • . thru arcl Ihi-ii-. f..| i- .r .' Il u.i. ;i. if r.ili h. M !«.. f.,l,li-.l hii. in h,., hanil, aiid limit- him rhi>-'-.i-, .\. he .slixni imii-tl.tiii, M.-iriiirri.i I'ufti; i»|)i-n Ihi- 'hmr "f tin- Tiiin'^-rvHim. nn.i iir.n-.-jii.,-c.|, in hti i.u^l,, !„» v„iri- : •• ( . » 1,11,- «,» ,.iit hrr il.-tl.U' u-a- II. \ ..11 a l.iMi- l.y hi-r .iiK-. Mu- 1., ,iu-.l Ma.i »iih hn ii.iial liiiii'l kin.liii.. nf iiiannir. Wiiul.l h, i„.i ,ii ,:,mii ? .sh,- u,-,, mi \i"li-l »a. "HI. Sht ha.l i;..ra- »iih .i |«iriv nf fiiin I. l.i -r. Ihf I -li-niiii hy iii...h'ii|;hl. .M... Iii-i.i-lf ha.l a lilllt- f.lii. aii.l h.i.l 1.1-. 11 afr.ii.1 In iMiliin-, l.ul -lit- h.v.l |H-rsiiaili-.l \ i..lii I.. ^.i lH-iaii.r .111- ih..iii;ht a lillli- ».< 1. ly U..11I.I . ht-ti hil. Mi. h.i.l i".-i-ii ..III ..f .j.iril. an. I very h.w all .I.ii. an.l. ihiTrf..ri- - - M.i.i ht-ii- iii'.-rrii|.lf.l hi-r l.i i-\ -. .» h..iK: ihal 11.. Irwilik- ..r nii.(..Tiiiii.- l,.i.| I., filKii .Ml.. Viok-I. "iilil n... Will, 1 hai.lly l.n.i». .\..: nally "nc can't 'ali ii i-v.irlly .1 nii.f..iliim-. Hut sill- is s.. .iii.i.Il.i m Koim- inr ni, r.- ih.iii I .1111, I.. s.iy Ihf tnilh. V..11 »..ii 1 luin.l my mviiik' thai I .l.i hki- my ..«n i-..nnljy Ik-. I ? I havi- l«-. n ii.i-.l 1,, it ..i'Lui)., ),„| „.,.. \ ..f ...uiM-, i. y.iunp-r, an.l llu- uh-a ..I (.••ma an.iy .imii- uiLi-t. lu-r." ' *' li.'in;.; ;i\ ! ^ "il .in- nut J'ninj; aw.iy ? '' " V.--, iM- an-. 1 h.i.l a lolii-r fr..iii ...v unrl.- I. ...lay. »h.i i. an ..hi 111.111. .iiul ihi h. a.l ..f ..iir fainilv. .iii.l li,: «i.|i,., n.'i,, i,ii,„i |., Iiiijl.ili.l. 1 Ih.lik Ml- .h.ill U- ..II »<.|iin a (i.ilni|;hl 111 1... 1. a, -....n a. »i-i-aii cii iliini;, -iiil.-.l al 1 llu- h»li;ni(j., ami .ill liial. .Sii;n.,r I.K.rri ihin!,. »i- mijjhl viii-lt-ilrl tlii-m llu- rimaimh I ..f ..ut li-.i,.-. 1 1.1 y.,11 ihliik in- niiclil. I iii-iain Ma.i.' " Ma.i .i.««l l.,.,kini; 11 lur livi.lli, .iml h.arilii; H'i »"l.l Jlf i,ai-i. \Mun -h,- paii-.l, h. ri-|«l.-.| ; •' l,.,ii,j; a«ay : lliil »hyinil.l v..ii' Why p, if she liki. |.. .lay .' ' "I'l-npl.- ranm.l .1.. a. Ihi-y lilci- aliiav., y.ui km.iv. Oiu- ha. .liilli->. Ami Vi..l,-l ..lujhl mil |.> .li.|.|.-.iM.- hir (;ran.l iinrli. Jli- hn. siri. I I'linriplcs. ami i. j;ri-aliy ri-.|.i-rle.| » Tu n- In- In,-,, at li../.-liiiry, an.l 1..- ran l.-av.- hi. |.r.-.H.-riy hi.n hi- pli-aw-.. \ .uiiii; |«-i..insli,iii,'l iiiihi ih m.N.nh^hl. 'th.- iiK'ifiilar Iuh-m' fii,iii. H,'it* aiiil,t.w|ii,..l Hiih .lui'l'iH. iliiitHii l.> ill' If i-nill,--, i.iittiy ,il, ..iiir*. Wiii-rr ihr immiiliiiht hll II liKim hi.l il,,- i;it) .:,in,- 'iii.l iiiili-,1 ^iii,-,,, ..I i.,ila,-r. all. I .iHi'lhii|,'% an- 1 i;! tt. r,>,l ,.ii thi- ^il'h'l hii-r. ,il a .i^ii'1, ami .luiHt-.l iht- hr ,Hii .ir Kt<'i'it l.iitii'i' lilm,|. in ihr |{li...i. ..1 ihi'ir ,laihi;hi i-.>l,Mir.. .\(|. 1 .iiii.rl a Itilh- k, . 11 Himl,Hht,h hul Uin l'h,»inu llu- .liaip hIiii- .In.l aU,nl all ,la>. h.l,| , nlii, ly . i..(.i',-,I, an'l 111,- .111 H.\* lull ..I .1 .nil .Hit-ttu.. ih.ii .all..,.! j-uit 'ii-iit likt- llu till, h t.t a .,,11 ,..|.| han.l. ,N, it th, . uiin- ..I ihi i;i'.il arlt-ty, ih,- C'I-mi, rl"-w to llu- I'lii/za 1 .,l"nn.i, ih.t,- u.i. slill |il,iil) .,1 .lit an.l III., ,'im-iil lUhiiul th, i;it'.il,- t;l.i.. II. 11.1. iH. ,.l llu M'.t.iiiranl., hIui,. ih,- \\^t llai,>l ...aiM-ly m an 'itin,,«plii-Tf' lu-avy hiiIi Ih,- iiir II .,1 t.....l ; in llu- 1 iilii«,ii \i-lii 1- I,iit-.l ' r/ .. atui i-Mii mi Ih, l.lia.'hi'il |iiiii-inii,i trtii.i.h- iliim ilu-tt' Hrrt' ..-..11'% of h.imui-i., .taiuhn^ nr,illiii|; at il 11 ha.l l',i-n lalhrt than IKvi-ml'i-r. t'aria^isi |Klvu',t aiul 1 l,,i.«''l aiul th.ap|H-ar.'l ml, < ihc lal.ll.i.lh ..I .uh- .iri-i'lt, Ihi-lr tamp, iilt-atni!';; Iiki- i;ii;a;(lu' l.'pa/.'. It-.m Al.i Min'm ^ar.lcii, ui.l llu- Iuhm.' Iun.i. Ualint* nut '^ nh.irp rhylhii.i. lall.H. al.,.ii' llu |.,h ,li"m- "I llu t ,llin(; Hhi'i'l.. Sii.l.h-iilv a .|.t,. .ill,-\ .1 .i.m.l ..I .hal.l.i mm .nil l..iy. .«.M.p,.| ..111 H,ih I ni.ll iiiln Ih^ I ..r..., .in.l ik.iIi.ic.I ill 111., i, If I.I all )M.ini. .'I llu- I'.iiip:,..; .hniilin); al llu- piti h ..I IS. II hint;, llu- I'li'limi; m-u^papriH iti.l tntl.|,.lii-,l, aiuj in.ikmf; llu .11 .|iil>ir Hiih ilu'.r h...ii.,', .hull. ,.i haulii.^ . rii-». A. Ihrv- .lu.l .11, ,iy hy ,l,'i;r,'i. 111 ih .'i.iaiui-, Ihr , at t'w.k up d^aili ihi- pr*-i|.ui. . 'iimU, lit II lak,-. rp M\ inli-rrii|.l<-,l limi' the luml-lin^ tihrrl., Ih,' lr,,lll|.i; h,«i(., Ihr .Imllh- ,.| hit ..n Ihi- |tiii-mi-nl. an.l ih,- l.llk '111'! lau^hii-t 1,1 pa.M-r. l,y. In. u.i ilir.'it|;li thi- rli-ar iiijjhi, ilmiiiu-i, ) I .'.Ui-iiiii, liki' i,'i,i « ,,11 Ihr Hal, -I. Man,, M.I.I iii.ii,:lii-.l »,n iht',iii;li it .1II niih hi. rri:ii1ar M>hlii'r'H -1. p. I>."kin;; n, iihii i.. thi- ii|;li; m.r ih.- 1. 11. lli. miml ami hurt Hi-ri' dill ,.l mil- ih..ii(;hl ; \ i..|.-t M.«.r.- «.,. p'li'^t .'H.iy ! niu' li'ilmg: hnM haul 11 nniihl Ik- |..r him I.. I.,.r h,-i ' ll,-|.a...'l sh'tlj; th,' h-nclli .if ihr (.'.irwi In Illr I'la/l,! ,ll \ i-lir/ia, Hlii i,- llu- II ii;i H.ill. .piril ,,l Ihf M.i.,iili(;hi. Maim .i.k..1 .nil i..i a in .nu-ni «ll,-n lu- ("un.l hlln.i-11 uiihiii Ihf p..ilal ..I llu- t ..h.. nni, ami Ini-kitl ft. ..II II. ,'ni,rm,li. .h.uhnv ,,n l.i llu- vxpalw- nt llu ui'.-ii.r iiil.i'«,u-,l |,y ,l,rp I,..,,., .I .iKif lh>.iini; l.aiu-,1 uiili il.i.ny. rn.lvt thf iu.«.n'. fllnlKi-iKi.' thf har,- »all. ha.l an an.l i;-.l.l,-ii mil likf ihf .iri'l .ami.. N.> uiin, li", m I i.'lf ..f t;i.i.. ii;-i. ih.-rf I., .lli;(;i-.l (;li,mh niul fll.i.'i;,. t h, -. .^anlu fai.ri,!. Htih iH rn-a- ,,1 ..p, n ni, lu. fianiini; ,-urvi.l i,|tui...l I I' k .ki. .|,«»1 uiifily ,h.,.|au- a. il "irukin «lth i-lfinal iMrrfiiiif.., I. Ill tiihlini.. m ilu- .lij^uiiy ..[ 114 .ifin ,li-.|>,All an uivim-il,tt- sinii- Ktiinan. ilffimi; I'mif ami I .aic. A v.iicF tanif .hmii .piiil-likf llu Iu-i);lil ..I Ihf 1. .pill. ..I i;:illfrv. Il wa. mu- nf iIu.m- .h,ii, lUn,- |..tit-,| v..i. i. i.f llu- N..rlh, win, h M-fiii In ha\,- v.ii„-lhiin.i p.i..i, .-in^tli,- ; .'..hllftilil ff.nii llalian i..i.-,., iihuh ar,- . .11,11 likf llu-it wiiif.. lull nl .un.hinv, l.ul »ilh a r..u|;h ..| ihf H'-M"' -^'" '" ri-miiul M- ..f ninth, t i-arlh. Tlu- v,.i,-,- ,.i|l,..l .|.,nii in , t..lif., i-hnillii; Ihf .ilfiu-f likf a Mlur ari..», " \ ii.h-t. \ i..hl '. ( .uiu- np hftf I.. IT.. Il 1. ..1 h.Vfly : " Thfii \ u.h 1'. %..itf an>»ri.,l ft.,nil>chi«, (anifran.l im.rf vi-ilfil, '•.%'.,; I am littHl. 1 »ill >lay lii-tf. I Hill H.ltl," l.iiili.l l.y thf viunil. Marin .Irainfl hi.. ,-yi> in Ihf ilirfrti.,n li...n nh,-iuf-lu- ha.l .|«.kfli. ami .aH hfl .iliili^ ahau- a .ha.l,,u >.nliili a .ha.lnw nnafalhn I.I.Kk i.f m.irl'k. A. In- |.a..i-'l Imm l.fiif.>lh thf Ji. huay in nhfif .hr sal, hf n.w.i-.l a in,»inlit .p.m . aii'l thf ray. ..I liuhl .p.arklf,l f„r an iii.l.iin ..11 hi. »h,.i,I an.l ihi •ilifi .tar nn hi. uniuuni. .111.I aliiai l.-.l lur ,\.. In a iiu. 11,11.1 lu- H.I, iK-.i.lf lu-f. Ilni III fill ha.l .1111,1 1-.I I..1 lur I., n-c .t!'""" hnn inlhf in.H.iili|;hl. an.l .hf m-illur .larli.l lu.l , \,laliiif,l. .Nfith,! 111.1 .iif Mail hIu-ii lu- »aui, " Xu.lil, 1. il y..n.' What a happi than, t-:" It .i-,im-,| ,piiif iliai hr .h.-uhl Ik- llu-r.-, ami Ih.u hi .h'.nl.l .all hfi hy her naiiu- m ihal pa..i.,iial,-, hm ,,iiff. Mu- ffli 1... H..n.lit thi-n. ' Il Has .uilv a(l,iHar,l» Ihal .lu- In H.,iulfi Hhy thf h.ul nnl M..ii.h-ri-.l. Ilf Ml ,h.Hn ,in tlu- urial ruini-.l l.l-« k nl ihw lK-»i.lf lur. ami h.r a str.m.l nr ih.. iifillu-i nf ilui , .|«,kf. " Vnn ,|i,| nnt i-\|K-il |.i >ff nu-. " lu- .ai.l al Un^lh. "iih nil. Willi l.i,.n(;hl y..u lu-if ? " "It iiiu.l hair l„fn my i;.»«l an;;.-!. I'liil I f.uiul im.,lf lure 1 ,li,l mil knnw Ihal I hi. t.iniiii;. I ha I m. |,laii in mi mm.!. "I. it mu l.„f|y'" vii,l Vi.ilfl. "I ,|i,! n..l mmliHanll.. i-.mif. lliil ihi- ^H,■^lnlan. lUKi-il nu-. ami my aunl ur(;i-,l nu-. An.l ihin I lh..unhl that |K-rhai« il h.iuI.I Im- my I.1..1 h«ik al tlu- I ..h.i-um. an.l I nnnhl hi.) ii 'K.-l-l.yf ' l.y ilu- im»uili-hl. I H..,il.l m.t .-liml. up llu-ri hiiIi ihf nllu-it. I l,k..| L.ttfr 1.. .n lur.- all hy myt,-lf. n.,1 .ayinj; 'j^..,! |,y,-,- |,„,,. n. »„, 1 f,„„,„, Nnn kn.iw " .. h '■ Vit, I kmiH." inlfrrupli.l Ma.i. " Arf y..ii ...rry 1.. 1;.. ? " llurf w.i.t miantHcr. Tlu- .linil.inj; iiu>.ii l„-.-an In ilhmiinali- llu- .ha.h.Hy .-.iiiur nhi-tf Ih.y .al. I,. lay, fill ,'.|i VinUl', |i,..i,|, aii'l .lu- luriii-.i aw.iy h,-r I'.i. . . "\ .111. Hfr iiif. .-\rf \..ti ...ri) l.ijjnaua) .* " Mu- in-ilf a Miprfnif fHnri, ami aii.«frf.| in a sltaiticil vnirf, I lUrly iinliki: lur ..Hn, "l)f fnuitf. Ku-ry „nf it Kirry In li-aif ,,,:''•"'> '""'i 1""''. .,1 nil-. W,.iri 5. ,11 |.»,kalmi'? Vi.'l.i: II li.-n I pray ynii III- |...k lur in hi, li^hl |i,,„l. an.l , ni hi, |,.f| ^,.„,|, an.l h^hlly r. .11.1.1 lur th..nhlir, ami Inini.l lu 1 l..« him. 'I li 1" 'v'" ';■" ,"" ,'^ ""■•■' '-"-f Hhilf a. a Hhilf i",i. Ill-, |„„o,|. i-u.-'lhal U'l f.,IU-n l.a,k, ,cifalnii;atpai,„| iipplin^. hair, am! hi lan.hil I'Mi, r„-.„-,l Ilk,- ihf |.,i,.i„.a,l „f , „,|,,!,] ."i.n,,, t,,,^, ha.l fru-.l h.,11,. a^.., i,i„| |,,r , y,. „, „. .mi hi-avy ami ,«..|lfn. A, .-linn.. I.,.,ki-.l .11 lur. ..uiu- Li^ ti-art c-'ilu-ri,! a.,.1 r..ll,-.| KlilK-rini; .l.iHnhfrrlu.ks aii.l hfr li|.s .|uiifrf.l pil,i,u,lv a, thf trii',1 in 1.1.11 In .l...uly Hum. Thf rl„.ik ,hf H'.ri li.vl a .lark fui tnllai, Hlii.-h Ihf linn uliiif i-nnlniir ..f lur llunal ; ami ..iif..rtH-o l.iijjhl ii-aith-ll iin In ilu- soft fur ami th.iiu' ih.-i,- Uli-aniini; likf liaiiuimU .m llu- sal.l,'. Thf arm uhirh lit:lilly 1 II 1 (.uArii u ^tri^M Vt nIi'HiM.-r •ii-M.n!y ilt;1ilinp«! i'* hA-h .»«•! M.ifin 'Inw hi*t l<> hint, ••S(.»v HiiU nil. Vi-'li»," In- »li(*i"H.|. •• I l.ivt' y.tu. Sltif Mitli t\w, nti'l l>r niv hiU ' Kxr At MM' Mil *h<' vuIK'l (it hU itiil'ia.f, Th»*M, i:(lk li.tnl lUiKt) ' V»'« .»c n"t tmljf ^" •'Nut "Wilr )i.t]'i'V. I '" tinppy. I**! "If ny. IImw r»>lioh it Ik-1ii-\. ' She ltfti-1 I,. I ran-, Miiiint .iril ^HMlUn wlilt h;u». I'Ut oh.ini; ly iu»H'l ill it« *l-(,i(l iiiiMi'cnn-. " livjutii- 1 lirtnl )i»ii,'"iihf 4ii»«ii*0 • .iiiiilv. \\i h .1 MihmI h'' Hiin); liini^ If «'n Iti^ l>iHr% Ixriifi- I .-r* sii't'l ||. r iin^l'>%rl ttnini fi<.t'>M'ihitt [.i^hv.. *'.-t'hiu »'?i.i, .P'/t'f »»*.'," Ih' imiiiiniM'l. " I .1111 ii«'f wt>r!hy i»( j'>ii.' Viitlit htiMiol Ititii .IS tlioii^li Iti' h.1'1 iittrri'il .1 I'Li'i'luiiiv. N"! H'liihy i»f hit! "I'lA). I'lny ilfiri sj i X %n ! " hlii tilc-l. '* ll fi.^liu-no inc. ll m.ilio uir ^^.^v hi>w ilitlrfi-itt you iliiitk ti>'* f(->tii » I rrnlly ai.t." Tli< n 'hr inniU- him tiM- (i<>mi lii<> wor-liii'pirL: l» I fill, " ><>iitr iinr injiv f<>ii)< ti|'<>n tit at tiny nit>im'ii% )ini know. My iiit'iiO* Hitl I'l- Uitv .1 '..iin fn\ u|t, ainl iltt-w lur .irm h iiiii Ins. ** Lri unw.ilk nt •>*;(, ihdt, ' It)' mhI. " rill V will tiii'l ui MHiii t-noii^h t Iimi ih>iii, r/.».WAi »«M* S.iv ll >ri-i,;n .niHUt. Thill, ii'stlin^; cI.imi Io hi. st.l.-, <.|if whi^mu-.l, " >;■. ; | >|Niil ll. It !■ iiMi^ii Hill M )im s.iy ll. lUit if 1 I Mill I iii.ikr it tntnwl .u suii'tly III )i'\n r.ii* a^ It bu HiiiiM nut t>e • ILI-Mlltlllll-.I." I hry (Mil I up Ainl il'iwn in ihr ilt-i-|> khmlnw, w.-irctly h|>fakinL;. M.lsl Uits tlitiuiL-nU*') l^illl it fnllM^ n| |M<><»|<- '•! {Mthot hiil.i-ii. h hh vm< wh't arr »Mrlt|.wc.iii-nt>h nn nrrhM.iy, .iii'l Imiknl M hrr siiiiliiij;, K ,u till l.ifp. "/(ly*.*//-! '" hi- rrp.iul; .111.1 ili< w lu-T mih a pMlM iinj; j;isHiii- I Ittsir !'• hi* si'h'. Ihil In* W.I* rioi jjniti;; III iiimt'li .mv I i:i' i r»ll»« ii"!!** with 'hi* *wiiM 'lrsn;,hl iit hi I li)H. llif-M' U.I* i)lu,iy« lime ctiiti^'h lo think tr>>uM< -."'i- ih'ttighls. As Int \ i<

  • Iiiii>, Shtr -nA ii>>( '|tti-siinii ihr tuttirc. .^l.lll'■ l'i\c« un I'l - stl». r i;i. y tiruuii'. Ilii iitotlii r, Mrs. Sntviinaii. wa-i wiiJi 'ut. an 1 1 1 tmili- I'f ir,ivt llni-' I iii;ll-hMi.ul i.iilt'lll nn tll<* Ulllii. I-^''V ttnt- I \| 1. -«■•! H^iil ill," N|i>s M'Kin* I1.11I Mill t tnnU-il up wiih th' m. |i h^t.l ii u m> *pUifli'! ' It) I'tli ( I of ihc I'Uil'hii^ H(«>ii hy niK-inli^hl f:i>ni iil.<»vr ma% nl<><» hiti ly iniU-si-ril>aMi' ! And lh< n llwy .01 hr^.m lo d< m rilii- 11. Tlu-y fi'imd ViuU'l •illin'^ ,d>>iu- nn Hu Mntknl miiM. whi ic ihr.- Ii.ld It'll hrr. lUil whill ihi'\ mnl nnlsidr Hlmni shmiM Ou-v lili I I lhifntr.inn- hni t .ij unn M.isi ! 'Ih«.-ti' «.i* .1 ;;t'ii« cvAii 1.^ ii.iii and h.niddi.ikin^ nn the p.irl nf llu- .Swrrltn.'ii-. " WIiv, I n v tlid ynii rh.uiit In In httf at this h<*vt inian. '* 1 have Ih'im tin duly," nntHcrttl Ma»i, with idilcvt ONthir>*nii I .'/'■«./■. 1 duty ! Wh.u-.* " " Al my luir.i' k-., Ii-ni V'"i I n--w th;ii ili.-f,- an iinri.i. k« n"t I. It nff, lli;ir till- Unit. I .jrll.l Vnii.i*" *' Kaiu-y Imiiii; ki-pl Uun (til ihi-. hnur I W h^il a sh.titii- ' ' « vt'lniitifd Miss Swtrlinan, \\li<> ralht-r Inti ini|H>iMii>nul\ n>^t n'li- in Ikt di-mranitiir Inwards die %vx. '"Wdint you .i«hilly l...rtd.»*' " Of course. St 1 lhitut;hl I wnnl I nnnisi- inyscU l.y a IiM.k al iht- Ci'tiMiim." "Well ! WlultVtr wr Mi.iy think t.f ihi- Cnhsruin hy innnn'iij;hi, I ^hn'.tId ni-M r !uvi- t illf-l it anin>iii^ ! What an ^■^prl^M"n In u-*- ! Hui ynn haw )i"i n I.m nf Hvtininriiii >nn Iinli.nis ; \nu an- hnrnl'Iy pia> and prnvtii. I a^^tll'■ )nu iIka .in-, Mr. Innis, ihnti^h I nj;lish iHrnph- will ittvir In hoe ii lill Uuy lia\f hvt-.f in Ii.tI). ' .Mr ]n\\v-, :v\ Mn'I.T;;radti.iIi-,, '*»)h, really ! H.t, li.i ! " and rniiirnipl.tlrd I ap'aiii .Masi wiih that jHiliuly ini-lri)sirii| ih-nuMitmir nnl iinciininiMii .'n in^si Un- ynunj; nu^n nl mir tnimiry inward . a >iraii;{L'r ; -a di Huaimur ihe hkf nf which may Ix- M>int-iiinL-i nUM'rvctI in a do)*, whn );rri-K n<>w fmir f.'nUd at •luainl.itucs Miih a mii'trM't-ndin^ « ij;, tiinprti.t hy a warning jjr.iHl. '*(,'niiif, tniiif, ' rne 1 Mi .. Svin tmait, '* / am pinvuc anil piai lit-al timu^h In nliiiri tn It.iiv-iiu^ ahnul hrr- in ihi- rntd. t*«n spe.iKiiij; in a Inw vni'-e In N'mlci, imw de.lai'd iH.ldly that Mis^ .M'>oie uislrd t.> walk hoinc. "Walk hnine 1' c\cl.u:n*d Mr-*. Sweiliiuiii. " Uh, ll'* .\hsuid at this hi>nr, ' "I shouM hkc tn walk, Inn. mamma! I shnnld tuve it nf all lhm^;s," said Mi*> who pereeived ilial if ihry dmve, Imif*. as the )^>un^;er man, wne.! 1 he r*in*i};tud In ihc I»n\ .seat mil ol •c.uh. .Mr>. .St\ivim.»n hc*ilaletl. hhe v ld.>m opiyisfd her ilaiiv;hlci's will, and never npposed it !t;u-ce*^fully. *' 1 promised Mi^-s It.tinos li. see Vinht mK* home," >he s.iid. "(ih, rilth.HH-mn .i^'ll cham-rnn i-.nh riher," declared Mi**; Sueclinan, |I.u fully. " Silly rhildien !" ntiiim-d ^I|s. Swe-'iiMii. >h.ikin(i her Uw^ct iH \ inlet, uhn sinnd very sdi-nt in (he diut >« "i" ihi- (H)kv- Umnei. " Well, -if these genihuun wdl u:idtn.ike it I'Sffirt vnn I " l'.Tp;.iin .Masi ij.iManlly vntmUecred fk al the Knnian siiti U hy nuH^nh^ht, hcin^ nl npininn that it w.uild Ite " raihii Inn" -wh'fh phra>r ho Ulieied wdh a »iii;hty t;ra\iiy heyond hi* \i--irs. ** I tit I it will l-e e\cp^l^ike ! " critd .Mi^* Sweetnian. clappini; h> r hand*. "We'll j;.i ilimujjh Ihe Knrum, an.l nver the fapiiid Ilill. 1 1 will he Inn Inx.lyl" Mr. liillinK. nn rlderly rKrjiyman, detliiud tn join the walking; parly, and ciT^eniiced hinwili Imuaih ihe c.iiii.ip" m^ I esidc .^l^■*. Sweciman. Ihc four pe.leslrian-* j-tnnd h'l a ninnuiit Innki, ^ aficr the1|^ i rarria^;e as it r«tlled away, and tlun M;i'.i nnctunmn ■ ly pl;icetl ' \'inlfi"s arm heneath his own. Miss Sweeinun m 1 mt h.ive approved thi'- arranjjenKnt under olhd eireinnslaiu-i , In on ihis oceasion it sniifd her, and she was in hiyh i;ik»«1 I lUn n.. ^he ♦nnk Mr. J"f.' • tn t"W with deris-.-in, and led ilie w.n. " How L«uld joii l<-ll s,i, ll a sioij ..• " whisperetl VinUi, as r-he ond Maiiu stuud aim and arm hcfurc moiin^ ufl in Miss.Swcctman's wake. " Whil Mnfyj" nil • ,|E-iui tl III ; on du'v a' di %.irrj'k«? WMI, of I'onr*'-. t «n« n"t S"'*% *" *'" *^''* iit«|iMMit\t; old kidy thu ll iih : ' •* Hut y.Hi ivi'cd nm h-^v^ hi4ttr up mkIi fl Mnry '. | wa*ntinii|*h'd I t hi-ar V "t *iiri* that I nuy m-^er ''mt'ei i*. |Ni y.r^i know I tiwd to have a MrniM'i 1 elm;; alMi.ti the ( nh cum * I Mt ih-pri'sv«>ii:ht nf all i(i< hnrnhh- Ihin^'^ ihil hix> l,.ii dmf du-ie, an.l ih'' thntisan I* >>f hiiiinn l-^iii'^s nho tisi-d to cfoHil it, vi full of hff und mtKMK'h' all d, rii \rii I I idti Miii \III. !■, • I ■ Wnnnr. pniiinc d i- 1 ; :hi M ni ■!■,•. I - ■ ' ; witfd lo Vinlei .-" .ui knpll))' ih. II tri;i.-. u. i.t m'-|i|. \ hd' ' »•! diilan-d llu' he must tell her aun', I it wnuM till riti «>ii' *l*et and lt> ihi* \|.iim hid a^vt-nleil. Ili- w<.id.| have prii^ifitd t-> ki-epeveii Mitft iHiin** oui o| their con'idriue f'-r the pi.»tiii, hut he yuddcil loVmht* pit I linn. "I am n p»«.r, //w»* »/>,*' he *nid, "\nur family will ihink you have d mi til to pmmiH* yniirsill in ni< . " I li.tvc n-' lii;iii!v lAtepl ,\unt Helsy,' she atiswirfl. •* N'onp, nt all events, ihu 1 med eonsidrr. Anni |tet*v ha« l»t-«'n m-iht-r nitd taihei and sivtcr nn.! hr>ilher "n me -dl my hi- . And »hi Hill ln\e any nitr wh-im I I .w. aitd wlm loves me." " Snuir one uiij;lii 1 -m jnu v\hn had nmney as wi II a» |nve." " Ilnl the sonie nne w-uldn't he /i'«.' J»o what it ihe iih- of iini^ininK it f" Ho 1 011^ a '^ he wa* nndt-r ihc r harm n( her prevcnce, and her vnier, and h^r t«nt h, Vlario wa^ nultn u ntly m \u\i to U- ha|i).j and rlaie h Hut a* he w.ilkrl home alone, nfler leaunt{ her at lur nvii ihrnr, Mindiy thoin;!,;.* ,,f llos^-oniltrovi .Hid ]>o\>iiy iii?riidi*il ihem- *eh.-s like liMh >»:ill i-n-e/en in'n his kI"'^ ■"»: "< ■*-'■ 'hit ihey did not nnleiiatly In^Mi ><« letittir.tuire. And ho fell asleep thinkmo >.( Vint. i\ ^wtH'i h I- in the mo. nlii,dii, of the liit^'inii. tearful tniilif with wliii h she hi I t..|d him thai «he hivrd hmt, an I tif the «of| warm i l.i*p nf hvi i. md. I'nnr Mis« iLtiiK ' * ■- >nsterh iii'*n wli-n >he luaid Vinlel'- new* wa* un*i«akal.le. What -.hould she «'n.» ll'w Omuld 'he Kll ri»-l- r.*hiia.* AnI y.i hn* > nuM dte dar. M k* . p u fitun tiiui? And dl- n in any i-e tt n.uhl imi he kepi *.Hri 1 fmm him for ever. Th- se e-'ii^ider ' Til* pre«fiilel ihritisehos to Mihs Haines's mmd ou r .ind over ai?.uii, ami she was undle tn (md 11 siiti»i hm ity Mie wa» veiy liiile iii'i-- woiMly win? lli.m lur did I" *«»me exunl rt» '^ni*- Ihe .N*iralili!\ nf to h^e on t and, tv*! U .• ^ m hive wilh t'.td III;; \inht did 'I'.t *httl hi-r r\e* l.« Hie pl"sp. an>wer in litem. niefe lint *hi h.tviti;; an ittt I " M.w. sJ.e w-. loKilih-s (.jr ih iliraolive pris nf iticii l,^.^l^^^ |*ii'l. im( of having l>*"*ll ly lo legist npitn*»ltio|i Imill Imle j'-hua and oihi t». iWit she ilinuuhl tier happ.tti -s wnul<| la- eluapl> piirehaM-l at th' « os\ ,.f sm-h eMi* n* lho*e. The dtlVr- lue I't'tween her pnjnl of vit« .tiitl her aunt's was, pni ap^. rather in .ippreeiaim]; the \ahi<' of Ihi- nl>)i vi 10 he all.oui d, ih.iii in .my mU* d' lu*i.>it .1* In Ihe ) n-e i>i U- | .ili ft>r it. Inh<-ih;l.'iid lud «"ine M».tier. "I lun this Inie slnrv w.»tdd h.ue lemained ui ih. m tiulouji re|*ii 1 n Ir.t Ic jn*hiM\ K'ur 1" ' T.-en \»r) iir.mpi.ry. and ttmre than ii-i'il!v ili-tialut(-<|. lie ha 1 riii in s.H 1. ly " awi-it^ a /ir> /.'* ■' ■■rfi^mit " (he had «" ■■re I ihi* mi' lei - In idi. i- tf il were a i>e. idi ir pftwf of Tnliu*i he.d'h repr. hen*iMy I'lnph.vdh »he must l.ew*tl eiioii^h lo r'.uie and attend to her ttalinal daries. And he t\jiesM.-d hi« opinion Violet hail had a* niu. tl na.ldini; at-oiit,i* w.u^.m.<| f-.r lur. if nnl nmre ; and she wa* Imund 1-. ihiltk a hltle "• f ihtin that <•'<-•*] in the plaee o. a patent an.l }*u.irdian to her." Ihe htter irrininalvd hy a lht;Mt very iniilhvjiMe In Miw |k*ii.. * : " I h.'if the |»«iwer, and I hase the mienimns, tn pul my (jr m It v.-e r\ a minlnrlatle and res|tt-iialile f.'Mlion fnr h(e. Ami 1 in.^hi not U* ^nin^ nui n| tNiumts tn say iM'Ti- than th-U, il I wanted tn Imnsi. lUti my iiili iiilniis are j;i:ideii I'V till »ui. h vi principles ; ati-l iheni 'In' dnn'l hihave M phase mc 11. 1 dn'l exjH-it |.i J.e please>t ly Uf." \ I'll, t li.i ! at Iii^l Iwen iin hiktd to ri !» I .ii;ain:«l ihiit sudden tu her«elf lu leave Rome, her own scinch I'.iin w.i'i iv't her sinjjle »tr Mipieme i'oii*ideratinn. Wm .\nnl Ikl*y ii.i.! di.iwn unevitrted re^nhninn, and h.t 1 .is*erteil her munlmu i^f nlKym; Mr. lli),'nins*s Ulit>l in ^ m.imier whieh, fnr her, aliioUiliIy ^^(In. .vhc had ilie emira;,'. to np[>ose \ inlet's wi*Ii in \'iitlet « own initrtsts. It w t-iM nevtr tin >eiinu>Iv t.> t»rtitid I'nile jnshua. '* When 1 .1111 dead and i;nne," said Ilei*y Itaines lo heistti, "my hii of mtttiev ^v^"^ away In distant rel.Uinns ; and I mi^lil die any tlay. And if" ( nele Ji^hua turned his haek on 1 < 1. what would lierotne itf nn ) n,.r lamh .*" .*so Vinlet had snhl-i i| and vutiniiiteEl. ami had mad. ni her mind tn ^.t away, and he unhappy in >ilenee. .^Iario Mom w -uld iie\er know. IVihaps he mii;ht even des|.i*e her if he li:t« Imw weakly >he had yielded up her he.ttl Itelnre ht in^' a*ked I i it. Ihil now tliat iiiotiidi^'M ni(;hl al the Cnhyeum h.ail^ed rveitlhini;, She wa> In\t'l I \lario l.ned Iter! And sn Iniij; as he Invnl her, slu- havl nn iini. .*slu* even tni;,M\e L'ncle |"*!ni.i\ inipira'ive summons home. vVhtr she had mhl her i".n', Mi** It.iim's diei.Ied frc-h dininiltie* in llu- way td their depiiMie. " We >It.dl have to j;n, all the sime, \ inlet," >he had .said, hhiLitii; wi*tfullyal her niece. *'Wenij.-i And Violet atisweird ihal "he" wmiM ihnil.ilf« umlerMam) the n.• ihe helttr lecnneiled to a .slmi! stparattnn nnw that he wa* *iiie *he was m> veiy fnn.l of him ; and lint " he " >hn«l I not K- !■»• tiiih.ipiy appeuid to Violet the mn*t e*-ential pnint in the ti.aiM. Mi*s li.itiu.v v\a» ii.uurally h.-.s eniiceine.l nn lii.ii senrc. Wlun l'a|itain .Masi came m h-c her ihe day after hi-* tleel.iraii.'n N'iolet, !ie vui-» sir.iek hv .nt iiulviinahk-;t in .^Iiss ll.niu*'.* Knieantiur. > jjeni'e ns tunal, ami nnl unkitid. hut ihen.* vva-i some'liini; vv::'tht>d an i eriii. al in lur w.iy of lonkino al hin. — a half liini.' mnini^; tif lur phunes, a*; of a hiM alaimtnl for her rhickcn- which he had mver *tin in her Itcfote, and which in .de hiin wy to hinisctf : ** J\r /:.:...' ' U even a |>n\>!Mc aiintir. !.^a can put *n this kiml of aii, 1 thank my st.-.r* iliit the trial nt .m ntiital r.v ihi I ti! !.iw i-i to Ih* sptred trc?" lie hail an uiH-.--.y 1.CH5C, -!. if in i>.!'ic ligalurc^ wcie I'cinu l.i-tciip 1 on hint-as ii l.o **Tx h.In;( l.ilrn prt«**»,tirf, ./ Hv Ihih |pi-i.«ts| fnw fi^rtny rih'wdihAi it'imloitkini* ridrtly Tntt'ishMimMn, with th« anv^nti* tiirfnw nn h"f forihra 1, wo.d I have Lern l( ht ha.l. ihcn «ivl lK«r<', lak. n hi* I AW n( her lot ever, provtdinl alway* U c<>uln*tdmr>i; ikil »he was (nivl of » i.iimeni in nn* 1« Mr> t:n.iiiitt hi I i'-v..r had any t-tv •<-e nf h< r own. llui hvi th tiry i»n lh»- sMlijniwa* ihai tht? m»n ni I'M nay, im;,'hl to— f.iU in I"^i* adnimt'ly j '•«! il •*« Ihe wiHiian t hart ladur to hi Iuim 11 l»c Invol wtih re*n;iH-'l co«. (!i'«ttii«>.iii. Nn** \ hilel W.1S iknt al till iondrs«rn :in^ tnu.if.lft hrf |nv(f. And ihe usn.-vlly (•eiiih-. pl.oid Mis* l'.aii»«* Irti a ftahm* irriialiiin 11 w.'ncMtn^ iin hnmi'i'y Mis« liaim * sutiH faith in iinsruhm- mi unanimity, .md *hi fill «'rM>us tears lv*i \|i«i nituht i;adu-r an UM)n*iIy |nw ts'.imn'e nf V'.-hi'i rUmt» un htii ticviric I admirilton, from her fiank wofdiip nf iimM-If. 'till* itate ttf mmd laote-l .\|i«< U' . . i<» gtealrr (irmn*^* aritl p' :n4ei)y in iliM-ii**tnt; On- en^ac.m ui with<'apiain Ma-i ihjii w nld hue Uen niherwise I. ...iM.- m her. IK and Vi.. let mini lint r iit»it«r iheinseSe* Imiind *t t.iih .th.-r. 'Ih-tr prn|r I'..! un.eiiatn And. hestd.*. I le Ir l.nhuj's onnsrni wa^ an II li^itrns'Vlih* preliminary to a « ttle-l ti .;jiji'ni»nl. Ai;im*t ihi* % iieinrut Vioht v.ftly pr it**!. I, hut Mls* |Uin<-* held linn, ."she I .ptani^ d I 1 1 ap'.vn .M.>ni man. tlut oihif n find die meiint of niAkm); iiM.ney, and I -i-vy tnvt theui. I will iry. I v»ill wnik." " lint have v.»n n tthin;* ai a'l of ytiir ttwn ? " a*kvtl Mi« Ikitm**, M'-rv'.udy I'hn itij; •ml lh<* <|Ueili<»ii. •• I have a hilU fslale that wa* my fathet's and a h-tu*e *^\ tl. 'Ill V au- wniih very Imh." " Then I am sure \oii uill all the more .\^U'' with mc lh.1l Vi-tlr-l i'M;:*if n>)l to he held hnuiil ; .11 til cveni* unlit >nit have viiie plain pr ..i^'ii of heinn -'hie I "I wnuld hnld DO Wi ran t hnM her Iwund ? " I hold DO worn in l-nmd ciiccpl hy her own will. Iln un-is nit ht-r iTer Iriend '. ty a tacit tA tir»l " I me.^n I think the enK-i^imcnt oiiRhl not lo l« tAlke- Masi widt art he tKi->te*l nt* eveuse for iU^ui^ what w.i* jh .i-,int. The t;ndtle'** d '\.>tit>n o| this piiie Vtmii;; ^al was nitniUtlv alirarlive. It was mi true, aii'l swcel, .md ii.u'ttn', that it >.emed to till h ; 'e as with a |ieilutne nl lie*h tl.ivvei-.. ,\nd that wa* a vt ly d. .i> imi-. mnrtl .itiH.Knture to itre.Tthe, Inr a lin.e. Wnhnnt j;.viii" h dim It any ,-icetmnt id hi* nwn nintivt s, ihe kiinwkdye thai they were s|ieettily it» Iv Mi'ara'.e-I i.iatle him thrnw hiniMll in... .inrtsirvtdly int>i his itait nf a 1-etroiheil Invi r. Tin re w.- iio pm-jnet nl itnin.ilta^e .ind iiriviK'ahh •■haikles i.i iln-ek lii- enjn\utent of the |v< *tti'n. And h:* iia*s|Mi) |..r Violel wa> ud I-mIi l-y t'einj; daily ui her Miciety atwl hy knowiiijj thai he i;iu-.i *n..n Inse ii. It was (e.l I'l the p..ini nl causing; him serinu-ly :•• <-■ nsittcr what he shnidd or cnuld .lo in nr>!er m make lur hts wit.- It he left the army, whi. h would he a ne. e-saiy pielituinaiy to marrymi; a dowtn- h-^* i;iil, he nui.*t lind some means n| vkiii}; imt hi> |utiimi^nial piitaiue. In tho*e day* (lino iVretii was tnlkini* Imdly ati-(mj^*i th ■ nuite iniim.*,e '"'.//'//w. ' I f Ca-a (iuatint at-iil ih* daz/hii^ adv.Mtt^^jvs nf varinu* sfhemes whii h hf h.i.l in han t ; ami ihe lorttim-* m U- n*..%ile hy sharehnlders vWnii .t variety n| eirruinstances Nhnuld happen wliiili ha. I tint yet hap)>enet>>s)Htt held nut hy I'eretii. Tha: ftlv.ike nf ihe hatleijuni * wand whieh shall prtvhice ?ne.uthin^ out "I n ithini; h.a* a j-eeidiar sedui'iiveni ** for eertaiii tuin'craineiii'i. .\n.t there were *ome ehildi-h traits m Masi wtiiih ma.!i tum an ea*y >iihjeet lor thai *..ft nf menial inira^je. li eaine nali.t.illv I't htm in lulieve in vmie ?.|Hvial enml'ina'.i-'n n| rircumstaiue* whi.h shnitlil j;ivl- hnn i.\.ui!y whau vei he wanitsl. Ills ereihiltty did nnl . viend lo .!nj;ina* m In-h impht>l lestnininj; intes of ctmdt;et : hut it wa. wide .md ea*y f.^i !»ujvrstit|nns .in>t Imitcful chanct^. ( '.''.' ':■ .^ir'mtu,/} --♦■- lV.i;rsi KlUi' IN iiri I mih>.'*imi. h.ivc l.»ai>U t>l' .\j;ii.'uUiite arc l»r;;itiniii(j to .IimtuX'* .• evd and ils iMevenii.»n. N^t ntdy do the;^: lire* actually tlc*trojr vast amount td'k' limher, hul the ciiarrc-l >nil lies waslc tor years l>cf«'re lemvering its eap.irity to pr.xluce an 'iher growth. Thi« Is paitieulnrty the case, a.-c'r.Iinj; to the Ji'i-tr jh ,r- htt-\\ with the white pmo huesi* ihe m.i-t valual-lc kind nl Tian*.itlaniic tmihet. Tlie titst vei^etaMnn wlnvh appears on the scorche^l ^una^'c t» itie " (.te-vvee'I," whuli wdl j;erminaie in ihe it>trc*t ground, then as successive growdis \yi ihi* wee-l deeay aiitt vi^etahtc timidl .-^c.'iimid.ite*, r -p'-eiry an.l M-ukl-eriy vmes ^j-rMg up fmni seed-i hron-^^iit hy hinU. Then come liie birch*^ aiul mountain cherry itees, shelleied at iirst hy the ,*hadc i^^X the *hriihs, nn.l these, lliotii;h only ••li.Ktdive I tree*, senc to pintecl Ihe ground. ( l.iks an-I maples ?,uccee*l, and the atimiat tail of their leaves eniiches the soil until within tii'ty to .1 huiulrctl yeaf- a'le: ihe huinlng the I.iml ag.iin l^ecniue^ l.tUil t.i prttttuce the i'li^jinal white pine, fur uliich, h.iwever, tlie Ian.! muvi N- elra:is| \v! h ihe axe .Mid >ul>ieile»l t.> cnhivatn-n. The ehief causes • f tiu-s a e the sp-arks ftnm liKouintivcs Idling among the trees, and lh« iau!c^sncb$ of hunters and iliaicnal .^t liiush-burners. THC FOuW bISIERS ANO A KtACH OF TMt FKASER RlVL^ fimMif*^ T u n T o 1 : 1 ■• WOUNI MOHt. • > F T H K 1^ IM N C E S S L O V M'wM -Kl;t'ir- Itv Ml IX'F.ILKNIY THE M ^ -' S E J !■! l,'l■(^ s L o r I s E AND r 1 1 [•: m a i? tj u i s of- l o u n e 1 Mli M \ -I 1^ <'l luMNt KI. liUVEllNillllil-NLIlAI. ol < .s N A l> \ ▼ :oj ^^ fix ■'riii-: !?i:Apr:iv J L- " Sin: Kt\ i\ A>i\." )iv Hi-nry Si-i-U.Iim (Muri.n). VcaiIv five >i'.ii«. I .ivi* t'lap't'il sMUf Ml. SvftHilim'^ imiini-y hms in.i'f : nritl it i» vl.i* m ilinl, aficr »u I.iji}; nn, n nariaiiviMil Irani u'limiiu nn lri.".Ii a« tin* tlof*. Like " '■il'. r,,i in liirojH-," it i- in tin* innm lU' of an nrnilhoh>i;\i. Ai «.| '.Kin;; a ini-l.iUc niatlr i^i i;.tin{* icHi far niiilh I't-fori' ilic mi,- .vi.'ii or I'irit.'* I*.i i iin'pcdy nmjr II c.K'ed. an.! iho nuihur was ci'mihI'^I i.» utiirii ) r iiv mutli hv iht- vimcioiilc l>v wIikIi )io umiIh-.I hi- Imiit n^ ,;i"vinii«. Tin* r K!!m-.l.ii)ri', luiwrvff. luiiu I niil very miu-h in his favour; foi, .I'll r many ''i«.i|>-t>inlini'ii|s. he ":u al I.^^( ip\(ar'.!ai wiih sun < *... >ii. h a* i-nal'k-*! him M !>rinjj hmiu- rert.iin >\iiis and ec;;*. uf wliii h '• iie« lo s!in\v llial !i;rl- if pri'V -o far li-im f-'llnwjn.^ ihc cdin*;.* of t!ii-ir \iilims pu'cr (.» l.ike .1 ct'Ur-'C (H llu'ir o^n: ami fnrllier that llie migraii-'U if hinU i< nut mailc iinhM-nmin.jlely : ail inicf^iif'fv I'irK i\^ rni lake llic same Inie cf lli;;l.l, in \ut, (he liaoU of I'ltV.u-nl specie* have heen"! sonetimcs t.» eii";s e.ieli tiiher jl riijhl anctt.■^. Another p.>int, to.>, npon uhich Mr. >cv''"hm's i'liok, ihro^v* \.ilii.iMe lij;J;l, is ihe (piestlnn of ejinnlu- inriuem'c upon the ^l pail, vanciics of iU<-se f.-miliar in waimor l.ililtitles- m-Hhiieaiions imleetl, pnKJucel l-y I'lfieiiiit eon.I,ti..iiv ..f e\i!.unoL'. It is not altogether for iN ornilho!oj;icnl lunlier that this Ntmie volume is acceptalile : ii rimtains a large amMunt of inftiniia'"in about ihc country. it< pt-opl.-, .'11 1 W'. Ktlfi-. In 'his respect, perh.ips. n U cluellv it'iteie-tini; m It .niiliini* mi!th thai «e heard from previous I raveilt-i-. Thus ilr.mkcnness \> the peasani'- ••leal Mce. aa-oinpanied wiih t' vt iiicvitalle 'liit and vjual-'f. Hi.- (net-k ». huri:h--or, al Ka-i. the ntViC'.''s of the Criik Chi:rc!i make a point of enfiii-ii^ni; llic hr.bit nf .niiiknii; ami umdtr the^ui-c of h- -It- lav-making^ of nitcne.-. Ihis, of coui'C. Is the e\ael cnvtr-eof Mh c nviuct of the Moslem-; the reiiilt being that Taitars a;c f*>und lixin^* in cleanliness an t rr,-^spe!Hy alnioM si.Ie by >i*|e wijli KiivMaus wln) tlrac r-ni a mi-enble evistence ainid-l all nuiMur 'I UT»tchcdne>«. Theca- HI) :iim ni the otliciaU. luo, i* br.-nght <'«t with staitling and >ardonie ctuct. An account uf one V.u (>f, bit .il magistrate of Toor.'skansk. i-* at onre anui'Mij; and s!j;mri. anl : h- nay ahii'-st he said to out-K'i'j^ian the m-'st' venal Uu-^an cv-r e. r'emm-d by li.e \nble>t a!)!i->lav IcadiT-wnier - and thai is ■ayir.g a j^-hhI »!e.d. The d'nvirasi-'ns iwon.j cnyravn'gs) a;e ) ariu-i.iarly ciread and rt-nnen in i-xeiuii.'n; ihoui^li ihev arc t.ot alttay- well ( nnled. Hut ihe biH.k, ns a ttho!e, i-. veiy well got w ■ ; ubi!.-t the narr-Hivt i^ a-, enifitainini; and a> instructive as anythi'^ ^ t its ami a li-ht ro . I | ai-ir—wcr.- all that » f.vfssai) t-. mike a gno.i b... k, ihtn as.i.n.Ily •■ A K"val Warn-ti '" • rim.i:nliat vvi.aiiM'nu-. and he has a baliit — in ninmeius of h-Mt .■ .Mier./y~of sp. iling hi* pr-'H-. by an uomiM.ikeal li-. and s.'i;;e- nts an uni-leasiint, ihyihni. Apait from faults of this natisn-. »vcver, ir nut-i be ron.-.-.l,.l thaf this ^.s.k f"n';;iii- a \ ist am* rint 1: . » |.i-lMt!i le-e. all. .ti.d | I'-ie. dne " K ya! \\.;m pr. monU'iv <_i!kd the Is -r.'Un.lof Nu.Minri kn-s '::is.!.iy ihv cHe>:!' .f ihi: noli! litnly of fiilc.i;iriiiig gossip, and Icp.-h'kiry I." it >lii'ii! ! !„.. explained, u the is'ilaie 1 .f PiirI.eeK ; f.r long fhe private huntuv.^- It w.'?^ |'Mrjt.'-tdy sedo-'ail. and even !f> U f."e>? I.uvs ni\v >ii!l b.- Irani) in l'^ 'piasuit < -vami (^euu.d .Id w(.'! -such .. :b.>i!.ug);--o;ng bit ..f n.M Iv,gl.nid." as the ailh.'i m '' *■.■:', 1^. Kbr'-. iitar.y picM're^pie "bii>"' f..r tie ai!i-:, ■ ! a^'riingiy ih-.- vt-lt-mc u piofusJy ilaisitate.l l^y Mr. A)fi I vmof the late Iknty I)a\VNi>n. il i-,lan I'Oape p.iinter. It ii::i>i be Mid :>r ihese prM,iiu!i-ns g.'uer.dlv that thev are simj le, >-'»fre. and r.-l wnii ml ch.Tnn .if a k:.i,!. 'Tiny are . hie'U ei. i^m ;^ I) w \\-.^\ iiji-ii.<.d. invinte-l I-y ihe aitSt. .tivi calk-l " I vpM;;Mph!e I fjiiivv;. ■ the pnmiprd mei;r ,.f the pr...-evv Wwy:^ that it'enabK's an i-uLi!.;; !'• be printed alnm; Witti i\ji>- in the ordinary uay. juo Ur a-i we may ja'!;,'e 1 y the \ n- is weak ; whether, h iwever, the weakncs- is die to !i H.;n: "f jiKli^nient in the use of overlaps ;ind un dctlavs, or whtitier iT I- mh'-('-iir m !he p!.i;es. we rarav^i. nf «-miis,-, ..iv.' In " l.^ery h.iy .-Nrt" i l'.,it-f.'td) Mi. I^ujs ...Ilected dm:') I, .in tb,. Mi::::tHi .-f ,/./— vjnic wi.lm^is ••(! 'he li.tetesM,^' Mdijecl of home decoian " ;ih the evrci !i"n '^f n iJii^ht tendeiicy lovianis the w. call .1 :>dieiKJsm, it is, perh.ip>, as sJnMib* a luti.k ly is n'.i nnty an arti-t of notable taste and'altain. ba> nUo tb tight out his ^ubiert with care and 'f decoration this is of the highest i most recent wntcf on this matrrr .!.i .. Ml. I. nil !.!'•, but h<' t'inipletene>s. and m iinpi-rlaiice. A- a ii:n!ler<'f tar K. hay very sen on. In kind of t has art, „„,. as any \ Its lo! app'.-^r tM h.ive ih-.ught about atuih ng bit themselves, ui-h i!ij result i!:eir ideas of lip. i.jaiive tight and wron^; are "f ihc ^ i-Me-t. \If. I My, on the .-•h-r hand, -v.xn'i on a fair and s-M I -is ; his i;ri;ir:p:t-s arc unuiipeachat-U*. hi- prerepis generally n* ihe h I. In -li-ri i;e vinits vvdli un 'cr-t.inding, with niodestv, aurl widi prat tiral ;iiiii5. Mr. I.'.i^rt Hatri* has kept a pleasan! record .-f a voyage fi..,iith Af iL.i," by a m r-.v ..f ^holographs taken 11 boar! ihe L luoii M- |, ./,.,.'.. these[ hs wrie nlmosi .li! (nVcn uhd. liie vessel w,i> g.-ing at full sp-ed. . t. I con*iderrig ih">e f nliti- n-4 ihey arc excellent specimens if liiodetn phoi.-graphy. II.-.nd.omcI> U.mid in a v«dume, pnbbdira by Messrs. >bnri-.n and (-.., ihe-e viow^ form a worthy gifilhok. I ii^-!,nirig' fioin sonic -f lis.^ photographs have appeared in this l-=.iinal, — I.very oj;e leiiu'inlfs ibe wonderful s-ncccss f(f tb-Tt .itiuid; g American b-v.;, '■ Helen's Itabies,"- -how il wa* "iiioied i.n i l.o"i;he i oVer, and b'.w liii-;^e and 'IVidie were familiar names ill every Ingli-.h hmisehobi. Thai "A Mad |b>y"s hmry ' lAUrt-vl ll.iys), will meet with v* great surc-s-^ is hat-bv o!.>:i. bi;t i( will lake a g i seiond J laee. ( e-.i-n. i, ;i 'leligii'di! > fi^-ti r, .intl bis .idvcnlurc-- wtil be gleefully T.ltowed by all re.iitcrs who ran . ti^ov iinaduUcrated (mi.— The v-riumc' n| Mr. Kinglake's '• hna^ioM of the Crimea" have lieen U'-iiccil :t length in these »!im»s :i-i they have from time to lime been i-.~ue 1 'o the pubbe. \Ve rn«ri;y refer n-w to the seventh voluni': of the rabinet I diiion (William Illat.k;\ood an.I Son*}, to draw attenii ^n lo llie new pr>'"e)n whi-b \Ir. Kinglakc eohtraslv the enn.bKt *f the ret-cnl w.hIiuc o emtior.s in I'-g)pt with the rondu. i of ihe givat v-ar in (he (.rinua 'I lioiigh brief, this preface it> wiii;hty; and t«o of iM piges (oni.iin a vivi.j snmmaiy of ihe Inglish suttcssc*. TJie 1.1 'cr jKirl nf the prct"-e Mr. K.ijgtike (h votes i.. -i crushing I'l/ >i' ■ dc eiT'is !■( an Ivlinbiirgh ICeviewer, who criiictsed one of (oc carliur volumes of *''Ihc invasion of the Cnmea." — Wc riil-; (iRAPIIK^ is^J.i bivr to nottMlie thiileenth is«ueof "The rier,-:\- Pircdory," iS*^; ( I ti 'uias r.osw.iiih and tit. I, a volume of olien-pi oe i usel.dness. Mraiii.'c as it niav sound, we have bnind ** Note* hom .sudi Koonis.'^ by .Mis. l.cs^c Stephen (Muiih, I'.Ider, and t'o.) v»*ry .lihghtful iVabng. lli. re is so \\\\\<\\ sense and inttruction, so much observation and womanliness m thu litlle book, ihit one woul 1 abuiM wdlinglv bo ill to tto niiis-d by such a cliumiug iierso], as she would be who had masieie 1 all Mrs. Stejihcn"') Ic^s.ejs. The eonteiils of thi* boo!; should be lean! by heart by every sn.:.- nurse. — There i* nii donbl that "Atbudelo the Mcb'-at Tiole.- s;.'n," by rdwin \Vo.iton (I. I'ptot! lotU. i. a woik of nmcii practical utdnv. Il treat* of nie ht al school, all over the world, and its information will often I e of use to ihc public as well ns t't medical men, though by Ihe latter it will, of course, be tpeci.dl' pti-e b Much pains have tn-cn taken to render the vol -*\\\ is leallyalriic account of the famous ihelt of the old 1 t m whipping ohuk, and as ;liC "
    en she was -hin\n bv a Kren -h 'iieiid !"w the lines and mounds nn me hands ..f certain brciuhmeii bov^- .^n the theories of palmistiy, and in her pamphlet, "Ihe llanlbrh.koj Palmistry" (licoige Ked\\.nb Mi'S I'auglian ih'»os n*jl pretend ihat palmistry i« anylhing m '.e Ihan ".lumoins, tn'srmieu\." The terminology of this p-e i lo- srieiu'c. its " line* of li'e," " mounts of Mereuiy," and " iinj.'s of \'cniis."' is but sorry jargon, |;.t stih as it is, the pamplibt explains it tullv. and It possesses a cdiflin bleraiy inter si, for .Mi-s liaughm show's the couneclion bcuvc^n palmistry and the do. nines of the Kalibala. "Whos Who in iS-S'j" I \. II. Haily an I O.), maintains its pre-eminence a.s the handiest b.H'k of refere.-.^e b> titled an I professional people. It is corrected and levised up lo 241!) of I'ecember, iSSi, and c 'ilmii nu ih 'M of all the promotions and lewarils ui c nnevlioii wlih the nceiit military operations in I'gvpt. "Ihe I'eeiage an-l liar-ii -a^e f .i iN's,;."" by Joseph ^osler (Nivliois and >on-, t^ iiapman an I llall). is befiireus. 'Ihe work is as complete and sch.laiiy as la toiuiet years. Among othir alieratiMiis we m.iy that, va deleremt: pr duMy In ihc proies-s of Mr. Freeman', the 'Mmeagen" of some of the peers of Ion;' pedigrees are aincni'-'d. "with a view to render them more liusl- worihy and histori. .il." The liar'nttige h:is Iweii carelally revised, .Tnd Mr. I'oslei may laiily be Mtisne-i wnh Iiis excellent \e.irs w -ik. The preface. w;th in protest-* ag.onst th'- id nissjoii of ihe clai its of f,n-.!iuiiit baronets, and its criii'"'sin ol the I.yon nfiice of >eoi- lan.l, is full of interest. The wei!;.' 1 armorial bearings aie. as usii.d, a promincnl ftarure ol ih s \».-ik. -We Inve receivid Volume X\I\. of "The sbipwrorked Manner *' (t'.emge Monish. I'atern 'sier Squarcb the orgin "f ihe ^-h i-wrcckcd I-iihermeii .ind Matte. ers' Koval U. -n-volent .^-ocefy, I he volume \^ iVded wiili articles and dbissnlioii' .te.ili.iii nidi iIk p riU of the sea, and wtih topic^ ( f interest to ihe maiitiine clas-es " Ihe Austiahan Handbook. tsSj Sjdiiev. Itiisbine. and M-di -LUiic). Ti a Y"'>lica!ion wdiich Ins b-v, -me io p<- . Ir.r^ian co'ot.iis almost ,is indt>pen.dl: Itireetoty is to l.->i.d 'nii v. It coi;: i n b ese coi"i,n s wbi.Ji I r.uli .at peopl- « term .Australasia both 1 ni and .\t w j , ,i! r I'jianddubdi: I.'»ndon. . .s the f.iutteenth is-ue of - iii'ciested in t|u' AnsTia* . the London P.wt » I'tice .ibiio-i everythin ; a'soiit ii 1.' know, ^iid un b-i ihe a aic include. I. W t i.ih some legict the 'mail << Austr.ibjn co'oi'e.. bni in ;'a an-I the larj^e g ne.-a) map, \ > ihc ever, r- o\.'ieil into tivi l laiC't m.Aps .f each of ihe li\e • oi ihcM' radway ma;'s 'ire given, ^\ e. m- ead >f iMrmg tucKr t m'o portions, and [s ilico-i .le m u.- Put il Is by no n.cans s ■ - l.-ar and dis-.itict 1 V. The niap-mb.'\. giveTi (■ i the ftist titm n -•otionoiiiJ *! di:a i-jurise, sunset. Ac.) lor si\ •: -iah title- .0; i;enuiiif impioveuien"-, and a go">t whi'h ishammer-d in nnill il (ilU ii|» thr- spire l»etwepn lb" lw«i pe,.s-l ironwoi,,, and hoj U ih-- lad ii;!iily m .l> place, ibvin: toihe of the i.ol- when a Irani pass, ,, and also M ilu- eltecN of Ihe wca'.'icr, these wooden keys ohen U-come |oo«e ; indee 1. it is a common c»rcnrrence to see nieo luspecling their eoiidiimn. and urging them in with a longdiamlte,! himiner. \ ne»v [•uni of nu'tal key Ins ]Ust been intn^liirrd wiih i Mew io eiiect \ more peinnnent ' and s-ifer grip upon Ihe lail. and Ihe annexed (liai^rani will rx(ilain it* naliire. \ i> the ordtnaiy chair, i- ih'* rail whvb it supports, .ind < ihe new key. I'his key i- ol lubnlar shape, stoite 1 irom en I 10 end. and having a tongue i- *viiie'( can be bent over a:4ainsl ihe ebaii. :i. shown. WVd'Miol know ihe eosi of this kev : but suppose I hat, as il is in.vie of iron or suxd, it miul certainly b.- far mo;e evpeusive rof.irtumlelv, although 11 may III), its cost is ihe acccssd'ie linn rs ,1 u>ap fini;iii this i.-iiie, aiei \h Ihe thief .\usli 1' ifeal ..f new mf uiiiiTMH a^ eii N >ilhein <.bie<'n-l in 1 i.- suppliel. The " / ft \ ntana".' .'s 1 welcomt m.iioi. loiiM n. n ma - of iri:orm.uion iu'erc'tm;; t- .ill i^o.e who m whk m - iMteiestel in diamativ a'lan>. A )i-; of thepieco- ; o'hkcd .it l>S! Ml I oi'd -n, the pt i\iu<'s. and in I aiis; an obn la'v ; a colh- tioii oi aii.-isiug ano-d lies and )'a1a^r.^;'h^ ; and /.r ■ /f'o .- .|i-.'Cittiei|s 01 ■b.iu u^s by act 'IS ami .v :ie-si.-. ,ii the chief h- i!ur,-s. a* afuieiim ■, ol \l..I,e.''-. Is l.u.i^.t. "The (lii s' ihiji i.ookery I'o'k," by I'hillis iSrownc ( I'iie f ;'/ (■,.■#/ /';/•. t nViec, I'aicinostcr Uow), i.i'vrdv carries oiu ill I's pages w!i.\i It iiinimses in the author's pie'a •■. i.ainely. th ii it Is inter.ded as a gndc or key 10 co-ikciy, not n^ .1 -imple lolle tio.i of cubnary recipe*. (Tfaiuines* and iirict a't. rji m c m llic mo wholesome and invmng nnnner rarn l d 1 heller than t. Ij.'w t c rules 1' I 'b»wn lor I heir instruction in the abcjve sniaU volume. Ml. lames riati has publishe i a complete ell, .iion of bis 'v-ll. known e-sa\s on ilu-mess, Money, ami I ' n •mv (*si.ii;'k,n, M.^rst'ali. and '.'o.i. scn:xrjric xoti-s '\'i\\ hrsl pri.e— a i\cd below the c*-u lass e.ird r,| a vessel wiiich aiitnriiaticady records tire course actu-ov steered. The sim* pluiiy of the .irrangemenl is its Ik'sI reconmien l.ition. A revolving cyliader turnol by cli«:kwvuk, and coveteil wilh «rnsilive (photo- graj'hic! pap:i. is >o placed that a ray of light -let in through an oiiii'.c m the comjMi'is card above it — is iirojecied upon a ditTerent pr.rl of ihc paper ae.-or'hng to the riuirse ste-rr 1. The re»uliing record is a ruled doiumcut. e iih a slnuous !i;ie traced across it by the action of the b-ht, not only showing the dnierenl direction - m which the \csscl his pn»ci?eded (luiing the day, i"i' lUi sbowmg (oi how long a time a paiiicnlar course was .elh. ud to. The nine during whiih a vessel lajs 0, hu a pilot lo eouie on board, or (or anv oihei putposc, is accurale!) noted, «nd by help of an attached lairp the record is made at inglil as well as dutin^* ide d.iy. We twe 1 hardly remind our readers bow many in-j tir.,'s have arisen :il dptcient times w!ien a knowle.lgc n( the partii nl.u i ourv; steered by a ship has i*en a matter o( great moment t" I'le owners. Th < invetitii-n will obv:a!e such a diiticulty, (or the owner wdl have it i-i hts puiver lo obtain a daily chart of the sieere'I for the «lio!e of .!iiy iiariicnl.u voyage. The leiiible numlwr '»f falal fires which have lately occurred Inve eaii-ed people lo ask whether some more ready appliance than the bsiaiii life eiscipc c.ii be made asailablc in caseo( suibb-n milbreak. Mr. I., li. Jenkins reminds ws two years ago he m.iile a sngges* tioii, which, it tarried out, wrnildgT* far towards solving the problem. I le s;i;;;4e.'s that one or more rope«, with swiv-ls attached, sbnnhl be i%epl in nadiness in every household. The swivel is inti n led lo fa-'i-n up-ei a permatietit -laple ""k"! in every mom iu'-t bebnv the window, i'.avh rope slioidd hav-: upon it a fe^v leather imgs fur those whfi'-'- hands arc too lendei '< grasp llic tope itself. The rope could easily be made liiepcmf it irfpiired, bill as a matter of fact a rope is not a thing to v^M^y inname. The.i'ip-.^esiion is mow cert.imly worthy of anention. 'Ihc iiSiial manner of veeuring rniU on railways In Ibe chaits upon which they rest, is by Ihe insertion of a woinlen block, - . key, I'nn the wnolen b|oCn< il it intended t ) siio-r.cb however meritorious an invention may be, .ui disiincllv piouuse increased sifrlv lo life ami li point which decide* it- g' mral .idcption, or the reverse. Wv invent. »r is Mr. II. II. Moret.m. of Cardiff. The Sue- 1 anal Company ha\e deeib'.I to expend a «im of numev, noi far slmrl nf one miition Merling. in works which will gieatlv enhance ihc v;ibie of their properly. Ihese works mcbi L* A mw'doek il r oit >,ud. the widening of ilie Cafial where it nosses the r.titer Lakes, and the cteation nf new s|,hn:js, nr rcsting-ptaeis. Tlie works wili cover a peri'«i 'if srveial \eais. and are estimate I ■io to incieise the liaf^tc cap.icily that il will be nearly double,!. When these works are com «' ie, the qucsii-n of umstrucMt; anoihcr canal, so a< to make an up ami tlown dnnnel (or Itatlic, will be lakcn tnto sci.ons cnnsideoiiton. Manv v.irs agir the l-iench e\]vrimenter. Ilecqncrel, disrovercti thai an electric inrient "as generaled when carlwni was plungfl into fused saitpelie. I 'r. lUand. o| I,a Ko<'he!Ie, itcting up"*" ihis knowledge, has c.uisliucted nn electro gene- raiive ttuth or candle, con-isiing of a mixture of ciibon an I saltpe're. The carbon is repu'-enicd b\ comI du).t iii.tulded into .1 ^Ilck iiy the .tdbiion of molasses. Li* > tod is ilien * tvcied with sheet ashesins, and is flipped into mebe ! nine, as an -r .nary tall -w c.mdte 1!. dippcl into melted fat. until u has leceived a thick co-aiin.; of thtt s.ilt. Wires .iie connectir-l with ihe carbon wick and the nitraied eoatinj respeetivelv. and as the touli br. Ab "lan lei M lycr has ]>ropfts''d a novel * s'em of buria', which, whde obviating the dniienhie. and pie.ti'liees which at present -t lu.i in the w.iy of ciemiiion, he claim. io |hissi-s^ .ill ihe sinilatv a'lvaut.icc> coiitircled wiili ancient meihod of .hsjh>sin^ of ihe ileal. His system is smiptv to et.« h>sc the bo.- pieserved as \udl .is if it had been ernlalmed. an i burial could hv. deferred, if reipiirol. for any peiiofi. j he ploi is ingeniiHis and mi,.dit in certain cases prove to be very itsefab Ihii mo-t of us think that anv process which delays the ir.iti-iir n ol the Iw^ly lo il» original dn^l io a mistake. The .\ tmirally autb^iriiics hive rec-iuU- ie,(,d three ibil-rent pit 1. -ins of poii.iltle t r en-^iiies. < hie was the v.e.!-ktiown^i/r»;./r»/, whi h ''eiHMids (or its "throw" upon ihe pre-suie prrKlute I l>y the carbiinu acid fonned w;lhm n by ihemi ,d nuatis, .md the oihcr two (■..n'aine't a st-re of comptessed air. wt.i. h threw out Ihe water wrb. as It provci, liie same energy. I he tiiaK weie not cunciiisi\e, for .ilihoiigh the f*ttn>leut succeeded in i|uenching its Imnhie of shaMngs and tar nuire effectually than tlie itther two, its water cniiaui h o' a knob bring*, the chetmcaU into iminedialc action, without further livlj>. T. t,. II. 77/ A' ri^Axsir OF v/-:x(/s Tiiti remarkable phenomenon, which look placicm I'ecembct Mb la^i, .ind which will not oceut agiiin until all the animal life now on the globe has long ceased lo cxisl, wis observeil very favomabty m t K i E 1 he I ransit of Wiiu* as Sr*n from llie I-.i. rj" iKf Prakensbera Mountainf. .YxilhAfn.a South Africa. Al Dtiib.m Ihcre was a cloudless sky, and the view fiiini the obsrrvalory wa-. almost perfect. The ub-ei vations at i'apc Town and WeUmgton were also viiy surci .^fub t >iir iljagram shows Ihe transit as seen throufth a simjkcd ^lass on the top uf the Jan. it, i ■ rili, l.K.M'llK.. I 'nlvin-U-ri; M.'Mnt.iins. Ly Mr. Aitlmi latii- in. "f Knrt M.itil.v. riif I tiaUni^lirr^' \nn^v fmiii* llu* iKinnil.ii)' lniwttn .ili-l r.i->iilt>l.)nii. ^I'liu* <>l the MM II ii.iHi^ nrc tivrr <),(N)i) fi-ct lii^h, nii-l litre MVt-ral «>f tlic l.tij;<>( \\\v\% t-f Nniitli Africa laU* lluir houicc, A./.\7'.'// .V KASii.i-: %\svr,\\\ t x-'i u, iH .ii I V'll. h'.\v I'l inj; ilcmiilMin!. ali-fU a icmaikililf I'riinf (tf (In- hiiililiii^; ui;lit llial lliv <<1>I InilH-ss »..iil>1 Ix | st »a^c . litil. inmh l>t tvt-ry Miir\ '*iit|tu'.f, ilii -.(..iici .u«' s" tiniilv rinl:ciliK''i ill ifiinnl, I'Vtii '*lMiiit;cr lli.iii ih- si.>nis ihrm-iKi--. thi( ilir lll.l^<•|^s |.uk is iiM u-f wli ■'(■vir, .-^ml 1 l.v«. u\^ !i.i^ 1« fii ail«'ptt.'ili.'ii..| tlh w.pik I- tl.-iif, .mil ,is till C.lstK- IS of i:iitrt-.t llic innit-ti.tU aic !«:iin; Likrii lu l>u\cr Ci'llc, iiK' Mi-iun uf JuMtifcwAli* uh n, I y till- SM| i:.-.! nn «>( (he Ai« Iiiflnpiral S^x irtv. i' .-x vmII l.e •• -.1 ti) \ ii|i->titKl n ic-i'Ii In r lur ihc ( icm-ial » ■.iniii:H.>h(ii; ih: S I . i|i«itiit, iIk- K' u-o Intl.;: Imilt fll L 4»n>lalfU*'^ iMrtii, m u iljr- t.l.i cniraiuf »■! I>n\»i t .-sU-. Ihf ta^ilc »a^ «-ii^ni.ilIy IkiiIi mi i VI'' ''v ' Iniiy \ I II.. a i.I i-s Nl->iu- vxall"* lowaitK ilir va an- iwcnty ftrt itifik. It «as (innmaHy Miriiiiiminl ly a iti> al, liul llu iiu r<».n Imii-ttU of ilu- sea li.i\c iriimvrti .ill Uaii's aiitl llif waves ihiu- «n>li ihfC'n>ile »alU. Tiic c.wili- apitcars tt» lave Imit i;; a haJ w.iy lor upw.u U u( iwo 4>-^- Id*? Ki'iiii -Kasi Vie* c»iiuiic%, As ulii '1 til'- t'.iil .unrni ny ( ulnntl I InU l.iiunii «,■, i.'nhiif'l willim il» ^inn v\alN "It »a», ' '..ij-. Mc I liii liihN.'n, •■.! l.tHK iiial'Ii* niiiuil «'M placi-.'" 'I he i uliHU'lH riHitii lia I luc 't"i.i> HI II, "all Vfiy I'lu^., ainl pvciy ti'If waslud tin- (""t hI ilie \i,ilU. ' I lif ■ i>llt lniiiti.l niic (»( time liiititiL-a'i".is tin* niIitT (wo l»elni; at Ikil ami W.ilmci -CTfCicil liv l>li;il Kin^j llal i.< io|m1 any iiiv.i«i"ii, ant- i»Mnti« sicins |.i hai'c iKvi'tol in tin* lasV. fnr uliiili n>i liMiij* poi't was Ihltcr litifl, of cxpoini'litt^ (or |:itlt<.li ip.iiU-i«, thioii^li the miiliiini pcctiliatttiL-ft nl tli'ip |ir)iu:i]>al ftiinw xf rrlij:i-ui wliirh prf%ail in Oiu' lutnttin-v ■ III 'i ihfn|i.j;\ iii,piri-'i Ills " Inilt.iii Si-nc nf N•lt^;^ ; " in •.li-j.inr p( A*'a," tic lilo nnr' Im wiil MJial iii.iy lio n-i;"l a* a pica f>>Tl^tiin in " IVaiU ill iSc I .liih, ..r l*laiti''. Kn^niy " t rrii!.n..'ri. lliiis cuinj-Ii't- ni-^ the tnli>^>y as original ty ili-si^iuit. Tl.r ritu u liuli l<«iii< the hast* <'( itu- j'Ua ts •.iinicuMillx rvjlanml in the pTulatf. .u\ t iii't'd tii<( ititr " hintlv iiini- tN-utt i:l N.i,iu-^ <>i Allah ' is snpiwMnl |.i l»o ihc wutk I lit lii'lian Miiohiiliii.-tn. r-acli ijtlc trtn-* i liistiatry a !«-;;> ;ii I I I u n|{ tipon till* special atinlitite ul the ( lenioi ilu'ielty c>.i(l i>n the Koran ii-cii I'V «hi> l:av« attempif i ii^ pcnisal iii an lMi\;lish tliev*, anil Iiavc lini>hrit with llic (IfCisinn that ihe (, n-'te* aie 1-y 'ai the ni'"i inteie'tat; I'p'rion uf liie wmk. AhleJ to ihi- Mi. AiiioM has h.irlly -hme pi^(irci<> I ^ ^;n u 1 oeiual t;il;s ; the meti. . •. !n U'l aie not al(iay* t>n-*onanl Mith i.e g.rtiiis of Kn^i isli vrise, an^l aic .u •i.iu-* even awkwar'l ; m many places • .V ear "leniaii i- a iimre frc- I'ltn'ty-rcciiriin^ ihynir, an^t eMectivr I I »c. ii'iay U- plu r ! " I l;i 'An;;el of hcatli." " AI>iaham's iSi.a I." ami *' I he Ko^e ' ..inlen, a i'.ou[;l) in tliis Ja-t-n.iiiie i we (ail ■ • ' s- rnver the uptM Uaiuii; «'f the lytic, -.weet a* it i-, iipo i ' ,.■ title At-.laniil, f.f*.. "The r.-.-ri!»n." Two tlimiis wiil paitiiNl-;[y stiiUe the 'tiiileiil, \i/., the lAtenl to wHilIi the I'icphcl of M m n\aile»l hmisel; oi Imlaic ai.'! » hri»lian learhinj;. an! evrii!y of jHipiilai lolkliire, aii'l the •• iwiiLu ctin i.leiue— which may arse frum 'Ills lail-nan»c»l usl !'t:vieen some of i1k legcn-ls here rela;.- 1 aii'i crrtain lia.i>il tiu \ l-hik with thai of Pantry ani r\iha»; in " t iiair the h-v. " \> loiiiii) llm nanu' i is ?ml»-i.l i.| ni the nie<*i.v\.il lri;e!»l *.f the tn.-nk Ati.l the I'lr-t : ■' .iml the Angel recalls the parahlc ver^itirl hy r.wtu!; II li ' or.( e popular |> lirc.i !. referre'l ti>, we have at least tlie peim "( ihe Itcaulifiil, if mythical, legenu i f M. I I /abcih of iliinijaty. Kot l!;e uihei'tr. It will !•< imusl that ti.e tea*,hmv: o| .section No. 57 is a tliie»t ielii-\ "I New- le-t-iimnt dtH'tiine. ani thai IK No. 4S I, si-[ lorth the awt^il (.■lui'ii-m inyri' i-ial matters, though t>f a .lifiVicnt naiitii-. aUi 'iim the t'.i«i< ol " I h.- Kin;;> . Moiies Ui t -kl h.'iu I'V IKlen /imnurti 1 1". I'l^hei «huh oiijjhi tt» Uvoiiie wi'li ly iinsiucesiiut aitcmpt to lepro- .. both tlie maitci ami the , the "Sh.ih Nameh," aii.( .-'■^.' ^'v!:;: I I , I . Bliil I'atlciics (i.waiils the -la. 'Ihe entrance was l-y n thawli)i.l^;e nn-! a ^ale en tlu- lami Mf the cential tower rtos a larije homb pio«>f vaulieulK>i onia^e a hopi* that the ctjiectalions aim svA l«y lii» titsi vit'iniir tuny )et he fiilhlKiI. An nnnsit.illy line pie.iice ol lojtuie. Myom, a wealthy y '.in^; tiiick, is i>n the tvk* ol m.inuinittmj; nnti then wciMin^ liis .slave Klylorc ; when, nl the eleventh ln-iir, hi» pnip iscs aie ilefcatei! hy a trillions charjje of cnnspnacy liron^lit lief'irc an jml^e wlii h.u an rye !o |]i4 own profit. For a while the lu-in contii\e», liy his own • -nipt ami manly aciion, to balllc Ills a* ctisers ; Imt, since his fati- -'t!i han^\ in the kal.tnce, his fornur pci!ai;;oi»iir ' )lynmios, father if Kt> !"ne, H-cielly tleieiniincH In oiiei Imuself as a wiincs,, .ni.l to siilimii (n the terrihle oiileal wheichy 1 is l.elove'l ma-u-r may U- s,iV' .1. Klylone. trusting in the nui^lir of her t >\e. v.-IuntcTs to slia:e her's self sacrilice : o\eMOinc hy lio'lily a •< ny the weak llesh maviei- Ihe willing; spiili. mi'l Imt frc!i/ic(l ailimssinns seal her Invii's ilioiii. The 1 limax of the play touches a very hij^'i point, when the ilcsp:uiin(; jiiil rr<-oji'. houie in n^ony t.f ^eli- aUisemeiit to I'lnil hciself cli-pcl to Slvi ms heart, ami lo Iw.- his hriite in .i;4t-'*, vi/. : Ktvd'me's pra\fr in Act II., het^inniii;; •'All I Is lit lleaveii," t!ie speeth of (dyiniiios "What i.s a sl.ive, laiplr ^ or ' " .ind, ahnve ail. ilie las' s^i-ne of the play. Islhere no hojM- ,.f si-einj; this nolle drama on ihe I-ails.' \I)r ii.ind Kly m-^s of llamamiy au-l rmijress,'' by J'.hn I". .NIarklry ( l.istlioiitiie : II. l|o||..\\a}i. first saw- the li}*ht in the cilimrii oi t).e proviiai d p:»ss; they are of alunit the avciajjc standard of merit of s.uli productions. Tlie most amhilioas pic.c is a salne -not wlmlly wi;hi III cauw-^-on ihe s.ces and folhcs of the »iay ; < nly wo shouhl h.-ive supposed thai "ouu- of the I'-pi. s ho»i1 I Irne Itccn over the heads ot the pub'.'.- for whith thr I.ule ft' .nrc •■, seemmi;U intended. It w 1 lI i Ih* n*ws inmost me'nbs'ts oi poUte siH-ir:y i- U-ain that fat is now th.- .iccepie.l s'aiida> i of lua^ctihnL' peit/Uoii. and t'lat the f.i.r se\ ten I i 1 l.\eli»p whis^er^ and moust.uliios Ipco 1 ,idi;M. 1 nwin". a c.ipitally eM'cnlcd woiU. p'ljmlar. I' i> Is 111 effect a iioi dui e, in an l!nj;ii>.h prose die^ Kiuiit of the famous I' cpn tlirse tales of I'astein clnvahy dc^rrxe to be shortly as lamrm tn all who have tin »ii to .ippieci.'te ihem as tliey have toi renim.. s been io the humble t peasant m iheir native land. What, l-i example, could be Imer of then kind. oi more s.ij;i;esiive. than what inav be dcs.iibvd, in ol l-worli! fashion, as *" I h. (.ote-i of kusiem," -only, in an ftnc wliemn-ople are lo l-e „ ._. .. ' _ touii I who think i" a sign of mental , ast'endancy to smvi at " I'h.-.laKi, " n is , III If leaicil that ihe ..ppieciaine - audit ncL will be more select than niiiiu roiiv Nil even im)Uf national one of " |;.i'-n .and il.\lan." Miss /iniiiiiin, who has depended for her I itj; upon Ihc l-iench version of rvohss- r Mohl, has carried o;ii her purpo--e with kotisidtiable spiiit, and, with a ipnck appieciaimn ol lin- special riipnuinenis u( tin; case, eUcitd tn piesei.l her version in, to n-c her own wor^ls, ••the simple tan^juajje of the .ai;e •>! >h.ikc*pe«rc and Ihe I nji.:! ilible.' Personally we sliouM hav.- prefcMcd til'ttenth-cenliiry Knj;lish, as bcnit; iii't only ^iniplei and puni, hut mole t^eneially assin lated willi ; but the altenipt, tlu>imt to Miss /iminciM such a phrase a» " you would lunc said," would to Ihe perunl she luis chovn : and th it I'.ii^bsh luciatuic coiild such i\pt»ssion« as ," UI "his luarl \-:,'f idle time.' It s.t, how- Andrew Maiv II. latins, or f -i thn mattei, V-sidcs which, if verses worth prvs-.-n'm;; to the of levisiMn, this fu f^j" fi\ .ml intl.itetl p'C Mii[H-iiek.t:oii , must tuvess.MiI\ .tl>iiui Chauci't, sliak* j-eaic '■ public It all, ihev should »ii'ely be W'lth ihe amoi . aie, iiid self dttn.l, re>pn-itc to ^ive I'lvni a chance of a^c i'Liikc. A pie:ty lilt 1 f.iiry cxltava:;iii7a lor juvenile actoi, I, " lUnebei;, and lite Uill o" the Wi^p," a play in lime .icis j' -r bill- 1 hiMitii. by " .\im.e ti>ean and >oiii. I he story i- -imp' ■, .tnd the vci-e ihnnf, wliilsi the J-tJi;*-- diicctions ate sensible ,^n I t.i the potiit. I his IS tai superior to most p[nt|>u-lioiis ol t!)e kind. In *'l|ea»t llarmoinc^ : l'.>ems, Soiijj'*, and .'snmicls," bv i:dwud t. i-asdiile iK b.'t •'Itki, we lad 'o teco^nlse a ly (ratau- which .dioiiid have incited ih- a tthor t.i s;i;.niit hts vetst-s t.i pnldi ntdgnunl. though thetc is a liaun iiii; s^.'iise 'hrou^K i.ti ol h.i\t.i4 imi With many of the same Iviter exprr-se I i Ui ■ here. I In- writer seems in iind his im.ircs a tritle miinan ij;c ibU . --.onic line, in ".NIa, 'I and Minoi '* mu-t have If en*d e"'iet upm Walt Whitman, or 01 Hon I s " I^'st <_'hild;" somen' '.c r'lwiu'A al ■•» are eccentric,— we never knew bk-fMC tl' it any* ody t •.iisiden-d " chough ■* the ctjuiv.dfiit In s.mnil t • " bou^ih," — oi iinisl t'l-: latui word W pioiiouiiced *'ini;|'" lUu this is not all; page foitydoui that e.iRl.s have teclh, ani are left wildest I-cwildermciU b_, iht f Ilowjun pi l-Tii al 111 A stale ol ^^v^\.^}\.\ bll \\\. shMrii'l rJ.: , It.- iVl \ t\\- ul,,.ssl.yi Why did the hcii^e sliivei lIi- mdmky j>lio,t ? W,is it b-vaiNe .-l i> nnUvom n^, p-r,sihly malodotiis, toilette, or f.-i li-ii,^ g|,.,,)i\ when exjK-tUd to enliven the avunj^ci ^ wcaiir.ess, or meiciy .1- i means i>f tenipo'aiily bani'-hinj; w-e.uiness by a ItUlc exercise .* As for ">^t'tal:e and rccdta, an I Other Poems," by \\ iiljam Kred-,'n< k Meveiis-n (l-Hi'l' Strtckl, we aic >lill in dnnbi whether ii is meant a- a rathei heavy burlcspte id uniiUetb^ible p •>■; isieis, or 111 s,id earnest. The chief piece opens with a vbdi^jiie belwecn INim, I or rvcr * I'^hnu is, .%* (iluiiie \-ul will.; (tie )"v.r, o'er W.t i P.iil'l ivo-. .\(tet per.isii);; ihii caicfuHy, tryin_;; tn parse or nndeiv.nil ii and i;ivhi[; up either attempt ni despair, we leal liop-fubj on, 01, .y 1 > !>e stmme I by the fiilnwnii; dark sayni^; on the pit ol tlu; antagonist : — .'icHsinvr*. y«. |ilet!i'Hy, Is il (sitcth -je'r c.ulii firini ", I'l.-f. tle« yr llur i-'try \'tfX 'I >in ill-- • raihiit. I aur.i Matilda an I the " iVi-ion of i.^nalily " seemed l.i hiunl n- : yet w? real on. Put, alas, when \>ualte the cave-dwebei cnti tv I. he only daikenel the inys'ery by hj ntUroKes, his iiiipleis.iHt Msit.^r Tl nm town vvas siill iiio.e hi.y. and I'eeda tlie p«i. yc si,ir drv.uus. an i'i't'i llu* vale. Rolls ami r.h.tftu.:r ne htlli'il hill : I'lc v.tli I as'x forth -in c. \v- t.i t!i- echoing. I( wnild t>e hard In decide whether this recalls inoi<- |..i^.(My the spceihof the la ly in ilie wi^ who visited the .Mother of the .\|.t.lerii I oanhi, 01 ihat l.imnus passage fri>m (',';f,o/. //i^.'/.w/M.^'.'O''. *' *•»>• call a coach, and Ic a co.ich lie called," ^:c. Of the ihoiter pit-cci ▼ t04 J^" in I t.kAiMiii IIIK IKA.-KR VIW* NMK > I •> MOUIll ■li. :ii I'.iii t!"\i iKn'.,M At Min wt-iMi\-iu;, nil tR*:-KK tl\tK, I.N a«J^<,'l K >'l IHii lSI>th-iS l.>)ll-K ., ■ ,, II HVP.1..N iAI.MUN KIVtK AMI l.AKK' OhANAliA.N I II i: TOLR OK THE I'KIKCKSS I, O U I S K AND T II K MARQUIS OT 1, R N K If'iil -KH'-llt) {■\ 111- Kutll.liMV lilt MAK'Jt'li Ul l.i;hst, K.I., i.OM.hNUK'..I..M;KAl. I.1I '.ANAI'A 3 '^^ # iSS; r»N. s7, i-S!*; , i , . \ 1 ' 1 I n 11.11 ~. "lIUI', Al |i11:k\i;i. ISIII, nil- Vm IVI IKUMIMNi.I lllf. CA-iVMAS MiiHr KMIWAV .^i^iiiuniumati^i -r^Sfe^T- r\l!l'l'''' ll.M.». ".•>Alrs" Al nCKKAKM IM»1, I flK IKF^rM irKMISl'^ OK IllF . ANA! I \\ lAllllv RAlltt W >"||"Sf||,|| 'c^'^Vn- ■'■^ l\l'l\N> AI 1 \kl OK'.S M-\S r II i: r o I' R oi i ii i ikiniK ss i.olisi: ash i ii i: m a k '.' r i > ni ii>u\i tliOM ^KFIIIlEi \i\ Ml< tXtri LFNCV WXt MAK'.'l'H VV li'KNK, K.I., (.ovrKNA'iK'i.l \FK Al el . AN MA » "^ ip ioO Tin-: (iUAlMIlC ]ss. ..;. iSSt l^^. wi w II only S'lvUc our rv.tilur^ wh'i k !.>•■*« iildhl. I h... *i..rM.liiur '('tr elic lire iruiiMin o ^ III n»iii-i.tnc iliirit;% tiifltu-tti.tni, A ilii \\ -iiiittit, A« UK »»uin«. (1f muiiilaii* rhifi(:'». if ihf 8Foir*.iil« Tii«- li»vp. il.r i«i«er, :uh1 i.. tt* . All' I' fi'iH iam.itul ».Tr i« li. Nolwilh^t.imlint; in r.itlicr (luesiiMiiaM- t.iste, nn.l .111 rniiu' .i!".pnct* of any Hue si-n-o of hiimo'ir, it iiuy he Krinic i tli.U '■ l.-iy- • '1 ili« Sainlly ; or, ihe N»'w ' iuMfu Lfiicn'I." l-y W.illrr I'-u'^i- (\ i.'flfilv). !.li.-W!i muvh fa^'iliiy in tuinin.^ .1 vt'iM'. .inJ vurn: i.ik-ni 'or iMrrVly ■■the huflcMiiie of •• |)ol -u-s " is i.itlaT . Icvi-r in il^* way. Hut (iw I ii;ili-.hiiu'n will can- to t-c ihi- inatlyr.lom -it lil.nuii! of I a'.t At'.^Im liiMu-il lulo a (HiaMoiiii" lniilt»im.' uf l)io I'o -l Liurcaitf : tthiKt no poetic mini, to leave rirviu'iu'i' oul of tlic »)iir»tn)ii, will a-Iinirtf :i Vfi-mn ot tlu* fsiiui-iu- i'';;cn'I of St. |le.itfi.-f, munoitalivtvl ly Mist I'rocttir.'or of of >:. i 'atluriiif il *v.iMma ! Mr. I.tiki-'- '.ifnnptfi f\vti!;'a:i -n A Iimitrlf Irom a 1 1..I aide ihat^c <>f iir<»tanily in ti-.}iei.t o( tln^ la^t-n.iiiii'il 's (ulilc - ihtf "hc-'l aii'.IioiiiiM" In-huhl mIi-mu 1k' attciii;*t-» to »!KlU:r Iiim-irlf tiitauily mention the K-^cin!arv mirauU- in tjac-'io 1, luu iln-y i|.i n-t make it a shIm-cI fur .|o^;,cl rtiynu^. or aiicitijn lo ^cl fun out nf u. "1 lie i-rcl.ue )- [ivuh.u ; it u n^^i ea'»y to tuKici-tan-l why the .nitli ^r ihovtl-l ».iijilio>f ih.1t A- '//.?" ) .iiti >1k-> only nvre lil%c!v to I'c HiMiulalisc^U I'ut it wouM, il.uilitl.", ^rality \\\^ Mints !■. Vm^w t'l.u i;»cii a \;,\:\\\\. mati n'oiyii'^i in that " niiii-ti'enthcciitLitv knuwle.l^o " I'V vilt.ili he >»v'W >.• nuiL-li stt-rf, can all^^i-l i'air»mt»iii};Iy to adih.l h.ii !lii'y were '■ ilonlilk'** most uK-iiiorious |fiTioiia^ia." lly t'-.v; tve. wc wcie ;.ot pnvtoii I, a**-i-eiliat I.on^Ui; «vv invcnte 1 Kn^ilivi u■\ameIfT^-l^:(lalI^.y I' 'I'lifl ll.irvty, a:..i ^-'mc olhei> wh^MKij;fil I Law 111 i\iilc';ii, i\ . ti." ;J;^Mi. "Mk. I-\A's," A Tale of Mo»l?in Fniiia, 1-y V. Marion tM«u>i i \\Lu:inillan an I Co 1, is a reaMy ciUi-'U' voJiiitK", a:;*! wiilt >>o(iie .!>;'[• shiy ii'th in nvitifr nn-l ni/.nnvr. I'lu'if !■» n . »;uu ■;" t>i(!t;ii.e that n u uf AuRtiian aii[hor*hi;>. if only mi i'> t'^n^enti na ly Ainvncaii vicWs of KIll;l>^h chiu.icit-i ainl lu-oiiui-i, K.\y>\\ tt!;;. It iis tUinis to oti^inali'y i-i-riaiuiy i* a rciviU of iliat iiio4vin >yiiij>a;hy wuh iJ.itiilhi-'in uIiUli srv'--- likily to fori;i* a link hi'tween lar Ka%((.-rn (■l.i;. .-,..[ 1 y .v.\-\ fai \\t*lcni uiy-lict.tin. Mi. I>aac> i» noi a k-w, .i> II!-. luHiH- "•.l^:^e■.l8, lull a [v.iri- rer>ia»i \rynii, a j i..ii> Mus.'.uliian, and .\\\ i^:eali-H.-'i i}pe of liU'^cline iniciUct anJ licaai). Having ol.lainc 1 a!l the j-lti-urt t.iai i< oju n l^^ a in.iti o[ virtuL* an I li>'tnHit, hf ih I'ri'in 'lei iroiu ihtiAj-eiieme of wnse t.»thfevpefiem;' of thvliiMil. i"; the I'.-rui .f a | cile- 1 1 -ve ; aii-l thence, thionjih the ■ U-atii of the «oiii^u l,e l-.nt:-., to iht lii^'icf cxpt-rience ut Uu- soul. He u j;-! Ii-'I thioi!^?i the i;i'( ^!.i;;c ly luni^clf, or l'yhis>tar ; iliioui;'t tl;-; sec Jii'l. !'y unsciii-'li luvt- anJ hien^Khip : ftn a ieit m -» >iiie ntiexpl.iiii'*! luysiirici V 'liih we aic !■> ^;ll ["x; triiui c:. t(>eii ihc law>ol :u:i»if. W \V\- '..>^\:ii<-iii Is i»ii-Uv, an 1 ii nu:^^ l>o >.iiv) ciIih tively, mix*''! wii'i th- tlt'Mils of An;^;.'-io ' i.ii lift, iijcl-i'lMtj; ii;;er hudtitij* aii:i p I'.' ViAvtiif;, 'l"hii liic .iiii'i 1 lii.i 1-.. itr wi»lt<;s to iil'.i>;ia'.c, >oii.e tsMfiit i-)i:.i t'f Uiiel 11 likily. ih'.ujjli it is u*.».aMon.iliy .nu-,.i-.ii ;.Me 1, ^^ t.r til.' (liVstki^in n^iy not I v iiiien^itr'i tor iii>siiiu.iiiou. Ill any L.i'c "Mr. Iiaac»"is < l.^ii t-XM-f !i;i;;ly -.'ji^c;!'*:!*?, au»t nitJ more "tU"i aiti.i^uig ; aii;j it \v>:! le (•an'i a \t.X'>\ pit-.isant iK.'t-ti|>a- iii-n t'l i!i>t:i.^ i«.! ictiievn ti.t- trfti/ .uul t)ie iti; -mS ^Jjecuiation Mliuli Li."*- "ite ail .the r tin ^cLuit liic story. l.catlir >- -u y\\x>. Iia\ti.i'. m *• .Mf^-A-r .V-ii >i I's H -iiSLfi ..l.l,"" a "I in ii:e < c'.t-' ■ fl ■u-ii'iit'- M .rv '■ I v.>I. : l.i.Dijinan-'. (irfen. ;ui I ' ■-), l:a»MKni 'IrU in »le>».ii!.,i.j; ihir piiiu :-,'.i1 t* I'lirciof puMu- .» : 1 ).iiv.ii(. Klc in the l-lcrtuif >'i tlie Mr W\ In nn.-.uH ..| .i ^uMn-. \\\, .;/i;if-iiti|; ;»i-'i\, TliC •ii-.tiui";i--ri, in the nia^ii:-! !i->'h 1 f a»i. miii u'i'l "I lucuKi^y, (o U- .liiiame! from 1(:> piii^-* (s iin'|uc*ti.t<(a! K < *ctl!ui'. : a-i J It [* t'.ncM'ic ail iKt- ni' it 10 t c tfj;rettf(l t,i.- .i.iit.' I ' ...- 1 't roi *i.ii i x\ more^^'.ive fioin a | itil.n pomt oi V.tW. It W^> itic ;il(f tklftt ID tif-l^e i. «r > '■ K uini.l." ilciliiio \s\\\\ \\.' ».\mc Illy ai a '<.:'ft'y Ltcr pcn.»l. \\:v. ,t iKfrayt-iJ i ••» muii •'! till pT.Kt.— 1> li.t-Ji. \v I to i^ivc i! leaiiitic peifeviio.i. •*Mi-.>ct A^r. i!'"- li'i.x'i: M "' is ni.iii,cl i.y ilse iiisloiical \ir^^c ^ IulIi ivf- liC- a fa.-l' 1:1 :. .L..I1, Tiu-jla i> to.»f;l.woii>Iy hi.i ,.,.i '- « !i| !■■ inln-:i;.c 1 .vi r ^ilai i:v.'i:tvtits aui |>, and to co 51- \ :.-f ai ii.u. Il of ihc ajth -T V kn'^v^k■lli;l: a* the iiti;i!s al|..w. It..,- ■ :.c i.^;!-! coi'r>e for a 1. vtu i m, \\ .i-c ii.> kiiu\vk>f;;e f-r li.e I , I. !».-.■. s-.f cA<,}\,x • \\\\\ .Jiii \^>x ihi: j\..,J.iiK,c ■ I n.i. ii^iuitic, au i t Tor^. uthcfWi e, himsan uiti.Tcti i« apt to Ic 1 uucil o^ii i-i vi. ,; tl!o^'_':!i'_T t ai.d t(i SI- \ct> iK-arly iu i' ed haj'p' tuny m the cascoi u.i- •lu.y i,,;.,it- ti-. A- ail iv.M- liaiih/o.,k to i!,c c p'tilution n( 'h,.- t iortn*;:.-. litpiir-K', ;'. is ait' mr-titr tv.tUcnt ; l.jt it w n\\\»,\s\.'\\.- 1" t^ie J' r s'iy u( \\.-i Ll..ira.""it>— in iisany ta>ts 'iiiticnft t-vt-n l iMm^Mj li :.;mii. ,.•. i-n the JiL'tori^al jieuona^e-., l:ke h>A:ui I :iii»t]% aic s. .-.icely niorcthau nan.cs. "A i.iU l>t>iKy.' A huvu Si..iy, by K. C. Claytun (Mis Nei;tli:^!ui I] V li. ; lui!': y l!r-»;b;r.'', ia totMracte'! an-1 execu'^-l \\\\\ 111 .rt- ,I:-!at.c.7, llian lac nat .n* o. the |lii, uM.h is s-Jiitcrthti iiipitA, .c-i-.t.-.^k ; Uut this I- prcfsias^k lo the more Lunmioa laiiit it uv-ji t:.i'.' -:auon, r.t;.l tiic iivulr w tk- 1 k-dly iiittic.iiiij,*. hfia iT.rl .iIm.:. ii.h -T k-avcs ihc ratty'k* t-Jiiuiik-n.-t:'* \ -i.-: '■-■ ry ui th'.: < jidjiu-n of cruilc imprV.>a'r.iiiiy .- au ihem !"'.o l>ert^ti.-;ici miicc .1 very liulc rare tuull at any latc havtr r,in-vt.-l every .ippfaMUcc •>( nnliktlilno 1. When th., (»!.jf w n, ii-wevi:i. \.\s i.e.i, u.-thu-.j; K-mami Inii j.ra'-ic I'T Ih'- -k Il.ii manner iij whiJi Msi. S'eiiidtn ha» hjrncl I » hir ii.uatteis atu! ^lu.jrt.-ii^. \V:i!ii,ji alt'-aiplin;: \c\ make the ii.'-st -I thctn, she Las iutcee-led m ni.i'Miijj t.inj,Jijh of them to .itiain wi.M oit^hi tu "io. after all, a novti.,!", h.M .111,1 hsi } isrpn-e, whanvir ';;)(er ■ y it.itivcne— 'o ir;ic;ist liurie^t.y. i he lIi iiavtrt* l.ave pl-^i.iy ■•! I.:e. a:i>l aie utll The siyltr is cjpa'.ile of iijipi.,v'cnKT.I, liut on t!ie whole the novel \% Jistincily above (he avciagt. Akin to the la>t inci.ii ji..-! rr ul in sli^hlnpis of f-inn a.^l iX'-eik-LL-' ■ I toneis *'.Ma!y >i. John," Ly K'oa'tle ("au-y (JVoK,: Jk'iiil'^y asi! S-l,;. Ui.i ij, a &:-jiy uf self sacnhce, iwinc Isirrcn and w.asteJ, has lo liiid it:> Kward m its own nohilty. Imiiv ! vine of thi: rc^ult^ >iich .i* tliL death be^ls ..-I r o fewer tl.ati I'lvir lI .i'lrcn, aic uf a nai^ue ; . n.aki; the reader Iccl that the si.-ll-aai:iilice was suaicthm;" ni lU- ilian thrown away- weare not -urc that sU' h iiitidentsdo not t^aciitJiniAtent injnrf tin- moral intended to he r.nviyed. There i-, I. •w.m--i, nu i.thcr lailure of poetical justice at the cl(ise. M.niy of th. porti.uf-, or i.ithcr outlinei, of chaiaclir aie tAtflLnf, aid imply (.■.ii-;!erril'k' power '.-f obsetva* lion, an 1 a ceitani lieshncis of aim jspiicie is ol-iaint-,] fium larinj* much of the action in a n-'in- 1 comer id |ie!i;iriin. The gtiieial colouring of tit<- >t ny i-> ^ad and sentnmnlal. l-nt it is ite\cr otherwise than i»v.ifvLtly wlwdesume, ami u not only likely lo hcncht jotin» reader^ f;ut also to attract and inlerr^l thirm— which w fvcn a more dilTicult matter lu rn-ture In the case uf their ehlers. riiL- no\cI IS wclt-Muh inept ,uch.ilile *o far a^ p..sriive (atilu are toiici-nu'l, atid It very site>e>dally re.iche^ th: uiiamhitiou-. Kvcl at Mhiili 11 aim*. /V'UV-.A'A- \Vit.\T would become of the lad who ha-, relnriu- ! In>me foi ihc Chr -tma* hohdivi, or the ck-ik wh» Mi.iiche^ a |.w .la\:. 111 Hie UMiur to viMt ca.itiy lel.itioiu, were tlu-ie no plovcii I.- he ^ ,' licl.|iau-!,and i.vh*ini;s loiin a poui >.ili%iaiiie ; ducks are not iilw.ns. i-^.eiiallv in nnld wc.iiher. to l.e on the striMinv Hut 111 l.itt- a.n>ii'iiii .>iid diiiiiii: winter j^reat (locks of yreen plovct (oi lapvMit;^. wilt U- >een on ni.>vl hnvdji-.^ Ian 1- in many p.iifs ol Hie couniiv. In lepeii lendy oi these at lone-., an I al limes ant-'iij or on their n.u.ks, oc.-m- Miuil parlies of golden ph.ver. luce l.irdiare m\ahia!>:e to the man who, witlomt tli,- ctpeii-e of ukoi^ it a t:i*i"e iKciise for the li w .lays wlnJi aie all, it may hap, that he can >|-cnd in the coimiiy. y^"' 'h-^m-s to lia\e a Imh- >Uowlini;. 1 hev aie ci.dty and su^incio.i-.; and mu,l (icipKiiily he stalked wisli coii-i.Icr.Ahle ciuliun by the nuniiei. >o that lie t;.'i* a go..d deal o( excitement, tiavoured, it niiy he, by not a bule disipp.iiniment. a> llie n.H-k rises ahnisi at the last moment ol lhi« Maik. jci «pjiic oat of >h >l. They are ewe.lenl catunj. too, whvii shoi, aiul km\ he ijivcn away to ItieiVu, wh.i will a|tpreciate Ihe dainty only a hale les^ than i;amc. Wlut is nioie, it ie>piirci in many case> a t;o..d shoito Slop a golden phner when II Iia^ ^ol the wind well in ii- wiiij;v .-s.iLh a hud .Iocs not lall wi easily as a lieldlaie. At;;tiii. tl.e 1 ur^ tit nt phncr lake* n into l.'iuly place*, mid need- no hill.' cvertum and atlivity. It i' not, liicieioie, asiomslimi; thai 1: \> a popular -\ -ri in the tom.ny It any.tnr i\i>!ie4 i-i ^'■\ ; 1 -ver-ahootiri;: in I'ii;;l,i.iJ let him ^eek tlie KaM -.a .0;. 1 here he will iind in smtaba seusuiu aljund.mcc ».i Hie n.ttv kimU mo,i v-uv-iit alit-r. lideed. ,1 connal .-.lory i- t ■!.! ot an 1 vaiineltc.d clei>;>maii lo.niiii; h-i ihi- M^ilimetua living m Liiico.nsiiire, and e\p^e^■.l^^: a hope lo ihe ..ii't l.iiniei ol thv j.uiidi "Mhat there wtrL- nu I'usejnes m it." li.e answer hlu I h;m with h-iior. " I'de^s ce, sir : a: iimes the 1. \U W while owr w'i!h em \ " ilfre il -hould be cKp.ame I that ! .e L mil. Ml name lor lapvvni;;. i> '■ pyeauR-^.'" to wi till the iiua.ii>l*o.ica:ed cuntiynuii lhout;tu that the n.-'v Ke;toi w.wallulmy. .Vhuouijh there aie several h-hIs t>f plover m-'ic ..| Ic-s laie m riii;!.ui.!, the ■! .titvl, the Kentish p.over, is rca'.l) a Me Lieiniiean bud. i;. 1 little imced pi -vei, a. w.ii a, others wiiicii ate l.^* sinad tu he much soii^;hl alter, -.ii.h as the ii-iyed plover, the tunul'iie, an! ihe like, three sj.ecu- only ai a i;iiieial r.iie aie in any ii'pie*t wi^ii she i;mincr, the i;oUkn plover, the ^;l^v. ami the lapwiiif;. or jineii plover. I tie i;.d u-n pi 'Wi in tne t;a>ir'!ii >.uist'» opinion i» ';ii"tt, it n.-t quite, the heM l-ud that liie. m IHuam. These hiid, au inandy known to ,|i>.ri<.m.'n only in \vii>tei. when they ate louihl m panu'^ . t Liij^cr -r snialkr -ue. I.i spring they ipiii the >oulh and east of I-m bievdiii,; phue. intiic^coicn and odur noriheia mouni.oii-^ Old pau, iiisiead uf leidinn a cammuni-:ic Im- ; ba; with auiuiini ihej oiue imne ^,illi.:r into compamo aa I m'(;raii: viuih, at rthiv i :i-.iic they will h^- louiid in moi»i pastuies, heath.-., and letKiiined marsh land. I'to.n iiieir ainicaiinn ni Ii.okc duiiia ihi- laihy K-a- on ihey have i-htai^.e! ilieir name ol //.i.i.i f. Uu* lusiic »idl deeais tiirtr coming tie harl.ini;er ol we: an I storms. They d-. n i :ly ui >uch {m^c iI -i-av as the lapwings tiom duee lo thtriy heii.j* il-e nsiiai ihiinUr >^:^.■^> : ■»;ciher. Joe viv o| tisc golden pi ivVi Is [■ecid.aily wd 1 aiiil plaiir.ive, haniionisin^ «ith the i tneiy ; \ liitu- .n whiili it ii lain 1. Ai ni-^Ui n ii espec;.idy 'ii aioMi .4-, .: a.i ;, .;, way wiih All eeca-i > lai ud I whistle am ihc |.l>*' I ' -V. iay-* llic 1 aaienle oi a desert-*'! ^f.wv. Kveiy plan is re-utcl t'l when a i 'iii[';iny ot thi-»c b-rd* i^ setn, hiit haidly any bitd is so waiy and .xu-pi'-tinis. VS'aen "talking oi appT' ichiii^ it undercover ol a uihk in i,;l- It I- v>.iy he)d i • pui-tice cmiceal- nieni wl ;ie iii.titei p^i •< a ^;oes round and pi-t* up the hiid^ ei.iLav..-,iiii^' t'l drive ili>- Imie (lock in 'ht 1 oi the jjunmr. li i> Ion. I x)l .sca>idc u.4Jdie». fipcciatiy m »evei>: w.-idici. h.iou. | ihe ll '.ivtU he ii, Inil not s.illi leiilly 1 'v fn,. i^u |,,, ., iluil, tin liim j ."ic h.iKcl ilic t! »ck will .*acii dip dow.i m ihcti lo^Iit, wtiec one 01 tw J may U- obtained by the who l,..ow^ul this ihe duimiilair.y of the yoiden plovers pljnn;,- in smiuitet an I wmii i' i-i vi-ry slrikin;;. U tth jjiey .uti g ■: 1 n pluver, wh.I: laee.iirii:, riiai'iii- l'^^>' bd-.i^i Icatln r% tr-i'i wh le or wlntiih- i;iey ii' deep Mack. I'loies^ional fto» i » vtiit'.i no lure the jjilden pl-.'vrr to iiittu by tetiiriing a hiib- tU% to A jwt^i. lt»amict >eemio ix->. fo4te the j;oMeii pl-ver, w1.k-:» i> ilicn s s >t. A cli-.'eilally tniiided A.^r ut till- kind is a le^ilar p ili ii id the s >toLk-:ii-Liade. Il'-> decoy diicki arc ■.■.\. m. hat this is kimply invahuole ; the dvKk-- bimi' the wild' «». luai the " pipe j" the bllle pla>f,d doo auc^ tiicni Up it. 'ihe ,;i.-y p)'>\er i- oiiiy fccen oil our sh I'-'in w.ntei initsurt^y and while piu iUt^*-'. It ot'turs m even sii.i.i r jaities th,in it-, j,.,; an hiothei ; 1-1 moteihy, Ihni^h more ^.ki.. ir, a^* far a- other :iu- 'miueriird, and h.ihituiiily joins any oihri kiml of b.rl whuli it »er-. eiijoyih'j a ijo-^-i ft-e-'iri;^ v;iound. Ileii.^ .\ iosiiio;/..ble, it li.i« lici-.i l..iind III litdia, ''-'iili .Vfiica, the .Nl.iiiy Arcliipei.ii;o, ;uid evrn ."Si'.ith Auierica. .Mr. Set-bohni ^.MVes ax id accujnt o| lindniii the g'cy pi )verb l.e^t aii>l e^^-. alontj w.Ui .vli. llai>ie Itiuwn on the ^iU< " liindiaH," n'ai the retchui.i Uive>, .dx>vc the hmit ut f r. -l tiiortlh. I.V'.n ihtie, h-iwever, :t »eem> vei) I ^v-d in its ii^trio..Li,.ii, and Is extiemely w.iry. A> tht- mat.- ,\\\ I ii-mate bird» tlmiered over their ne>t, a mere h"Ie >ci.ii'e>t in the mitlaurj, anions; ol in^.^piii..-, the tornicr orniui.dogist nolicetl the lon^; plaa.tive whi'tle, like " khc ' ttr *'kle«-,>,' whuh loin, b the i.dh ii.jle of the 'j>ci.ies. When alarmed th'.r i,;i;isiuse.! anoihci pote, like *• kop,* an 1 wr may cvxtij letc the p ctiiK' wiiich the-M; aicumpbiiKd oirulh >!"^i'>!S give of ilie i;ity p.over in i!i liotduin seilusioi), I>y the (oljTiiViiii; ipijiiit ti,ir.»l.i'.ion : "If I w.inte 1 i» make a (i^v Iraii^l.i'ioii fj!}in 1 1 >\er->ki mio Kni^hsh, I sh )'.dl say that ^'/^ niein« * Hallo ! '1 1 ie!h>* ! ' an I i. / means ' .Mm. I what y lU aie al>inii '.' " f">jl*eiia in Kuiope :' Murray, I5.SJ, p. i-'.ji. It i-, always w»iiie- tiling ol a pri/.e lor a s{*'jiismaii to oljt.iin a spci 1 ncn of the i^rey plo\(-i liom the seashores. t.kc..M iw.d!> a ities lu an I. and Mr. Il.iM.ii)< hjs killed them m hast An^iaa marshei twenty miles friun the sta. 'I he lapvMt];;, aftci all, f.itms the klaple ol a mui'sjiporl w ten plovcrshoi.!in;4. i.vety loitnny dweller kiiMW* 1 u- heaviiy-llappiiiL; bud calhiij; '" i^ee-weel ! ' uiid, when 11 voii'U-*ccnd» to ab^hi, -staiidmtf delicately on one fuot, willt daint) ^leen and puiple ptumat;e and black crest. It biejiU w th us, lait is |MrualIy uii^ialory, and the native biids are l.ii,;tly au^inented w.Ji l.i.tjjii iinnii^iaiiiK etery winter. During; tlut >ea>oii ihe tkuks lu uur mei'lows move a'.j'Hil tiom one pUce t.j .moihei as fo'rd tK-coin.'s itaue. Tiiou^h lU'i so •illh^llIl t. nppr->ach wih a gun as ii> loiif^eiicrs, til': lapwing is still silhaienily cauti.tii to ie-(Uire vnn: skitl in t.biamm^ a slioi. At twilight Ihe ibnk, break np, an I siii^jle diuti may olien be xijtaincd ny w.ii.m^ at the corner of a licl I, t r behind, an) convenient cover. 1 he iitil m litile tnoie than a ik'prvssiut) in the ground, in which four e^;^;^ iin: invaitdjiy laul. t he youii); run as !iui of the earth around them. Wc have taken ihcm up, and on la>in^; ihfm down aL;ain and tuiniiin away for a moment, found it alrnoM impoK^iiblc tii deled the pretty downy creatures. Imnu-iuc ipiaii'itie'4 of plovfis' ej:i;s are found by comiiiydolk in Apid and s. Ill int.. ihe maikelv I el 110 t-idinaiy pnsoii ilmik that he ran Imd .1 laprtiiiii's m-Nl. ihe paienU run cumiiiii;ly liom il bel'-.u- they lU up, and ih.n coiihise the ^e^kei hv ll.ippm^; and scuamiri^; Tn:i! ' him, and counietUMiii^ lami m,.,. (lieu .pianlities •>( ilie.-.e plovcis' i^^> aie -ent auo>s to the l.oiid .iiket- liom Ib-llan I. wheie lhe\ aie fouri.l anions ihe maishcH by persons who devote thcniselve- to the ta-k of tmdui^ iiesls, and by habit acpiire great readiness in their disiovery. We know of nieii in the Lincolnshire m.irshes who have mu-ti liical repni.iiion don the same cau-e. t'le man, a po,tmaii, i-. ^aul lo be able to approach a hell, \*atch llu hrst pltvei that tlies up 111 ,\pid, ami thin muMingly up to the m-si. SciuIimil; a heUI rej:iilaily. "laiii" by " land ; ' or pLunn" ^ ""*■''• ■>" ' walkiiK III Click's 10 ind U nil ihe pri/e is di-eoveied. aic the Ik** methmls lor mdmaiy I'lople hi adi'pl who u.iuld liiid lapwin^;s enj^-*. In Ireland i; iimnl»eis of the [;t -en pluver aio taken by tow lers every winlir by means of nets. Wh-iver vvonid see th.- '.i^/i'/m/c ol ih'-se toils fully dcscrbcrl, t'iidln-i wuh almirible dnjjrams, niay hnd it in Sii K. 1'. liallwey > exc-Ilent h»x«k, " I ii • I •iil.r in Iieland," which lias pist been pubb'-lie I by Van \'oui>!. Ihe lapwmi; enjoys .111 evil repute 111 Scollan.l. In the Middlf A;e. Il w.iH vailed "the unur-itehil bud," be.ause it yearly came to Sci»tlaii I to bleed, and then rettrmed to |'n;;l.uid with it- yi-nn : to feed the enemy. In latei days the I'uveiianii r* dele-lcd il, lioi.i Its habit ol living lip and wheelin; wiih scic.uns ai>'und them, and st» Iwiinving Iheni to the dragoons, U is pi.tected at piesctu by our Hnd l>dl during the breeding season. Irom .\| lo h i«i i.i An^ii^t i-r. Ali!i tugh this lct;islaiioii date.s only Inmi the last b« te>v vea'-". ihe t.ipwtng the siib|ecl of ciiiiously cotiiiadtiiury liiid Hills bom eaily times iti .Sciland. Thus, in ihe liliecnih and siMeenlh ceiiiunc' It was lurbidlen to di'siroy the lu-^is or (("i^s oi this bud. or to kill the lui is hehne Mi. haelma*. under a peiiali> tit lu/. \e(. III KHxi, pi.iveis were expiesdy exceiite I 111 the .\i t loibi,|ding the sale of towK hiiti'ed by hawk-., and it is there laid down thai tht-\ may l>e">tayne wnli neties aiul utheiis Ingyne- not fuibiddeii by the 'awes o( ij. - Uejbne." Lastly, iheie is imu I. tiuiti. a- tve have exp)iiiie-i in Ntoil.iiul tuily. in the eiiimentlt "canny ' .Ncotch prv>verb on the lapv\ing, "the pea-wefp ,ive crif- f.irl., -i i.:e hi- am tie--;." M. * .. W v iV -. ■•'# -israr! TKtrrrrtmnt: '■■^^/f-i^ '^"^y^m " ». .. '"/ ^"".^ '■■-'*,'i ' ■** ^'*'> t , ~!i Mts-Ks. W. .M\K^llAIt. AMI 0\— W. M. H.ii..hinM.n. alr^-ady well known as a writer of charming b.d'adi. has compnsed a cmtata, which shows tba; he has the gitt ol wiifing comeiied i> Wilt a.i solo nui^ic. "Ihe .Story ot Idame " i-. i!ie tnle o| thr the hluetto is by II, I., I»"Aicy Jasone ; a choiu». ^.,.\.. l'.,U , 'ind I I'lr sol u>is, one to each part, are re piiied. 1 he -toiy IS simple aiul lancilul, poetically set. The niu>n is bii^;hi and nitlodiuus. Ihcic aie eight pretty chotu-e^, and a song for each wdo voice. A iiio (S..A.,H.h " 1 he Moonbght SoUk I'alU," IS very elegant, ami suiotdldy writieti ; it wuul't ple.ise m the coiiccri-io,.iH. I'tie favourite piece in the latit.ita vsill suieU 1m- .So. S, ani s-li (contialii>l, "WhyAie Ih> I-yes lake 1 he \ Tkis I Jew l.akn .' ' the vul i.uism o( " ihe vi'ieis ' i-. ult)ectivm.ibie, ami may Ih- avoi.icl by umiHint; the artule, ;itid 'odisiiiuling the syll.ri.e that is left out. We hope to hear thi- .1 Imti.ible little \\oik III the i oiirse of ihi- coining se.i-or, as il i-v epial!y wtll ad.iptt i lo the ahA tin- ioiicett-i'«>m. .MiM U-l.KNKnis. ^ — A clever little pamphlet by Kol«rt White 1' ".Nature's Solfeggio; ol, Singing Simpliiietl." .\ vinal siudcnl wno siea bly>, maik-., k-arn>, and dige-»K ii will pile up a lair anmimi of info inaiion tlu-ietiom (Messrs. j. H. » rainei and to. )."" The Spirit of I.ovr," w niien and coin|H>sctl b) 1". H. Iiowtuti and I. I'. Kntglit, i> a plea-mg M»iig i<)r;i soprano, (••in|ia\- fiom II lo k in thenuditie rt-gisUi.-- I neie I'dn ided ongnuliiy to i song vviitien and i.omp.iied by r.-icy t i. .\rKatl.i, eniuh- I " two I'lciure-," but ihere i- atte. (atioii in ilic tide p.i -e " ms. nplmn, " drawn, muically pamie'l, .ind ileMiaird to Mi,^ | my While (.Mes-.!-.. \\. Morley aii'l l"o.).- " l-aiiy lieak* >ichoiii>ehe, known ;dso a> "X'mSanti-," by I-oni* |-', iluiidari, is sure to Ik- .i l.ivoiiriie wiih all dancers ; the mel-nly is catching an. I th- tune so well maiked.- " 'I'PI')' I-ove t^Uiadiilles, " by the .d»'>ve coinpii.n(, ate cnmiitonplace enough, but the time is well m.iiked. and they .ur not diiiicult. .\ "Valve de t_oii.Mi |.)i the is t-a.s> .uidbrilli.ini tMe*>r-. liid-l.irl and to.). — Now that ihegavutu- i- again in fasiii'ii..e nmsic (V-' elegant daiKf will Ix- in giea: demand. " Tin- I.itlle I'jitiier (iavoiie," by 1. ||. Haitieii. will potvc acceptable .is not -nly being pietty, but UsClul ( I", II. Haiuetl}.--" Ihe /aiiiora I'olka," by I. Iward .\. button. i-> lunehil and danccable i\lesii>. Oairad lleizog and to.). A puiiofortf piece that *ill |iio>iiice .1 ihiillin" ••'■tat a l'e»ipk'"s ("urictrt, oi any ..iher popular mnsical enteiu .. , li "the Kallle of iVlil Kctai/' .1 desciiplive t.^ulasia composed by no lets a |teisonage than William Spark, organist of the Town Hall, I.e'-d-., \c. ,g,.,. ami )iiite 1 Ilu- Wilsi ilvlwm Adid. .March, ■ by Mis. Moan.ey lUitholomew t\L-.sri. Itancm liaviv and Co.). -IhciC is llloie local thail geiurd interest ill " f ;i I'embroke I'olka, ' compose 1 lor, and de licUed u>, the Pembiok Rowing Club, b> Janiei It. Hekliy (J. lirown/, 7///; J/t J/i'' ^V( ( 77: (H.i>V| lilt. I kl ■.. U OF ntA\,ll> ( Ol'ff.I ) Hn«)i;t a blcaicyed cione, a wiiheied Who told maids' fortunes Ivvu fair si^teri stoj Watching her Imiiy tiiiijers void of b!oo 1 Prop caid» prophetic en an outspread rag. Hrtinclte and blonde those sisters, fair as m..rn, This while anemone, thai poppy linuvii, This 1 1 est uf spring, and that ot autumn now a, Hoih hoping lor the birlh ol houis unboiti. " Vour hic will pass in p.iin and ilrearimenl," Ho spake the Sibyl to the pioud hnmeite. *' Hut he," she wlii.%pcttd. " he will love nie yet .' * '■ Ves." " He it s 1 then. I -hall be cuiHenl." N'exl spake the witch to hn with snovvwhlte brea-t, " you shall ne'ei be love I"--' N> twull'l..' l,«ltr. N' JAMl MhW ■:, is.Hi I^^ '1 Hi'. (.KAi'ii i( I..W imi.'Ii '■■Itll.lH, 1^ I llll-s \i< liitl;; .1 tuk. an.l 111* lllf l»fH ^.'■ WISDOM IS THE ONLY SOURCE OF REAL HAPPINESS. AND THE ONLY GOAL WORTHY OF A MAN'S AMBITION. 'pHE GREATEST GI.ESSING 'THE HUMAN MIND CAN CONCEIVE A ROYAL ami NOHLE LXAMPl.E ! I I REFERRING to the continiird manifestations of interest in ..,.1... „ ,,n ■■ 1,, r.„ .,• .4 11.' H... .1 t , ...■.•(.., .1 ...,.i.-,..l. t -.-•r- tn . th ..» If.f i^^H'W - l.r iiimil..t il..t >i ill il..- - ..i. t, ..I ..-iuk,, m il.* |.n,-.i.> .if - ,■( ■ «,iiii<' \rinii,(i> I tr* IFmI )iiilr i-Mj:r«, I ' erti-tjl kti ki i-^H in'l ileitli Mil' Ml' ilil Iw ItfilwcU Wtli! IttliJ, Id utiigf «iM*l«i II «uMi4 Im «• d » A ND NO SICKNESS. AND NO DEATHS !M ^I^IT!! EACH BOTTLE of FRUIT SALT is wrappfd * Large IMPORTANT TO ALL— Especially to Consult. Ship Captains ^irii,'r .'vti ! Kiif-.j., ,„. t;,.,^. ,1 » , » [.. .ii.- n- ^ ,.f rcJu., w, h -t ■ f f.j. i .j . ■ nt .\-.\ .<. ii.r 1 ., -.-..t K.I ...I-. I, \, , :■.:., -.11 !■• .'I ..I i-<^.w ■>-. I S-> . I HI I 1 ■> \'. I . ^ .■ n m -".Jf.i K-.* \,.u , .1 F I ».|,t I, ,t- .iijl . ,.■■ :, kr»;i.,^ In If- ■!' . I y \\iir„..i v.. I. > t.miile I'irt ...i.- n ll.r II "I Akl>\ i>l li'« .« miCiroMlt ".. *4*r.t \t « um . Ill krctiiDi: ■!•# l Iho* UkiO)! .|*>>t ■)>«■ i;Tt.uiHlwi'tti .4 U.tUt ..i« l'>*«j-«s tit t; >«■'•);, KriirO.inK.t ■»«tr>^, «tiil Inii^ 'i4U'>< U-iriti;*, m ** ■ i-iiiii* I jt4iiv« .iikI lull. I .» ti.e t4i>MU« (uriio <>I l>i>ii.-t>tii.>.t ONUS FRUIT SALT is particularly valuable. No Travellr-: lU'f l». lit iN^ l-(^t>r»l >U^>rr. ni.i^.. 41. I <..l.;^ .1 i,^ 1|.. I>. II IK .\t slltkKI «-.t ti «, II. i.i.ih, J l-.\Mll S VIM int. l»tir.kil 111 bvitiK hmviin^ ■•■ lh« sv^trtn. lint |-(r(ui. lliriltMiii icIwu.ij: thiiM. .;it.ii^ l-ua lu th* •|>4«>i POR BILIOUSNESS or SICK HEADACHE. GIDDINESS 1 (■ . ,s . . I -it,. • ,.-.i,h I...'. \. 11,11. ,,., .,M,r-v* ..( : ^ 'I ■'. . I'r,. t ..itMi| .1.1., 41. >i no ri.i> lin)fuip I.I.bxI 4.ii| vki'i I- -..jii. .n*. Av , V ^< • -• I kI i I - \l 1 .* ' kim|iir*l trt»«-r1t ■••t inifi-tlu- nl It iPtixnr*. t>t ,■ t.iibtitl ritr-Mi^. rttcir nutter iii )■••' |i<4ti Hi- t>i.««». |h»ip*n iifiimltpj .1"'* ■ i.Tn.' liiili, • 4it'nii. *'«. hnn*, >pirti«h ''km, f(iv{Mr> . ..n.l4>l l',-.U-i.,. *. 4ii<(i-u'>rr4.i'. x.t »Kki>k'><-)' fr.UIMiOH I'KINKtSi-. m ,r>) «„J tU>iUi;tii uii'irt Nf>) « .11 II r«* 1.1 III iiii'iii y II m'iI 41^1 . .irul ti'.' i ..nidiuol I •■ am l«r>^|i liiii*. .tni} l< >hnl it|>tn A4 II > ,£ 4 «iint'><- i>"t t -il •<<'i It >« iiti|a»»it.iT i» •••ri^i.ttr m • ttu^, - ii(i I lilt 1)1 .. lint ■■■> Ih>u«< l».'i| i4ii:l'i I' tif u II hi lilt ' .fill Ly 111 itt« nt4ii) Jt«d>t>.-L.s iVMitit iim( •HlitrU |if ,<•.!. .i In Ihr '.>i<*«iY il i» l-ri»n.| ii«.4tw ' S.'lt-.i> i.ri^ .l« int^<.. .1 i.>lt.r. Il>i> l^kl II ^M I' inuW U (-••irt} iifi 4i rtw-xttil . bfr^lhiDi; lirifi 4 >>,■•(«* i simir f.ikrti 4> «(Mikl'■ "■'rsh'tii tli,Mii;t>l 111 lite -jm* • j| 4* trii« i||4tl«. *'"U ii.ur. |«'l,t>« W4trr, &t , i«< It .« itiuili >'•' -,'11 ••'•! txliK III rtnv M ■•** 4>f lltv (« III I '••411 utitiiiiiml ctlmi 1 ■>« r IM t> -\l I .itt« >« -iitifi'i. \»i (u«t 4« )*.»r< >.< «. un »ir iitiitul «t>!<*(n •« tuiiOtinf (t i.n !>•» trKPtjl*!* ».'iM II Ut^ .1 fMt«i4- j»inm tm it.r -i, tA» "I Oi4,r\ti.>n. *1 v-umi o, ikmiUi. r««tI •L:Kk:)<. 1 ;.».>rw. U, tft l" -Ml t. W 'B ^•1i*|M> ! <»«#-• .^ *• 1* »"* ri* . >Ar^ .. -t..— *i .J ,.. — -. ■.- ■».- .p . .!« ni.«t ■« I «K-.^ (.. t(rit)t I'-* . . ...... .. . t . . 4 v - «. I. -.J- . ••4-'i:^-^ « UlK »■ 1 '.•. >b «< ■»•!'>£ !■• t -..,«. 1, ^^ ■ . .* --•K» «M). I'« 1 *.i 1 1 y\lt I4k.r« 4tlj» I MPORTANT !• TR&VELLEItS. •. — v.-"*.: tr*.«-V» ■ ^mm ^bK h •• I.- •^^ tu .»i M.a^-r't ■ ^rcai Oral ■<'«) (. ■ w4.ri - 4«d ^MM 4 «^mim. I ■•> HPIIVX .^ • '!^rmt 1. ..* ■'.B/l V' 'Kt HI \\ll.l< 1 Kl II t > >* ■»Aei4k..t« k '-w«- i>L «Mt SI .»<■ » .^ baa -.14 ta^Ki'i ) »iuil i«.v. Lv «•.()•- -ol « «^*<>* 3A «« -*••«» !•«*<■• y«4iw« ■- wg i' ».'• ...I — •«! 1^ .»4l wiMdcnul ii.iCii "mi. I MM inurvft^oivl I, TORPID LIVER -Til twiir. H ,m r«i W. t u U««<^ »Mi. ■^;-^TnT rt •« ■—-!*{ ar!— •-■r-^ .«■ ; t.jmiiC •* « vM»p .« r>ll>«r VMla, ... .__,_._. ,,^ ji 1,* t^rai.n »,!(/» !..,(, , tt.f IT ^ALI ik..«»*^£r4edi I - - I.. - -*,.- TJt>t.< iMMllh \^«iU 1 Ith. « i! 1* l>lU.'.t.\ J. K- HEA'jACHE xoi DISORDERED STOMACH. ««« L-* .in*--. lil J«iJikl.V- ^JHRONIC DVSPEPSIA.- - A c**^^*'*^" called to yesterday ^^0,&')Q PSHs^onx wiry year ml ^^^^^^^ •; ^ f* i tikpctttf/uj , (/ea^4i... * M. r&a.Ll. * te»-<. U. tur M I4 l'^<. I .nv- A rrrr sTttrtioa b brouglit before CAUTION — LLGAL RIGHTS AKE TROTECTEO Ul EV^RV CIVILISED COUNTRY. Exam ne c.-i.h Dotrli', a u! s c tli ^ Caps.ile is ma kcd ENo 3 FRUIT 3.\LT. " Witlio :t i* y^u h-v; bcc;i iir.posrJ c.t by WiXth'sss Iia-ta^XLS Z-:.t ;t a_' Clie=;*t$. price 2s 9d ani -s tH. r ■ 'ircd on'y at ENO 3 FRUIT !: .LT WORKS MATCHAM. LONDON' 3 E.. ly j. C EKOS PATENT. 1 lit ^^ A N. A H i,\ \ M i.\ N.i\ 1.1 ;,i WHO 'Vs SYLVIA '? * l.inui.n .1 4»a K \i,\\\\l I U » llfc.M Nl-U I 111 IIoNh MI^^ I' W » S..V t I - rjOROTHYS VhNTUKE.' A . ; n J 4t..l K Mwivn I . ili.-c I-i'.c. I ' M-W NmVH fcl'llH. BV MH-- ltk\l»l"-- I'mc *■« . |KI;:p InulO* /^ t«l t'.itht;!!!, ;-..t»^t i I Married' m' HASTE, anov-i I - . I ■ \..f. . ■ I . . \ .'V, , -e.t,.. .^ 1 i.a .» f ,».il h. I \ \V\ Kl 1 I'll 1 AK I 't.-* MM It \'i\ H> .1 \ I K l.t I "Kf ri l!l 1^1(11' |'.,.r i« . ^1. it. 1. r^ I Ml. .1.1. »iil. - I -• I I. . •■K»h..l.pj, ■■M,r,r>/' M-.... ^. THE FOOLS REVENGE. I.,. 1.11. I 4..1 I. M VW.H I -M I i 1 I 1 ; .1 '.I \M I '.. ri kE. i IMPERIAL VtLVETLt.i. ILNERS .- fviil iwi^r^ ;'.;<^qcrtoh:;| ^'^"^ CHAPMAN'S. ^orriHo Y\i^u w. u:.?;-:ECEDi:;7£j SAaGA:x5 ;amary, 1883 ANGLO - INDIAN R :C.H CORDED BLACK SILKS. A SMOKER IMPORTING bis own T HE 'co'hNH'i'LL Magazine .. Ml II u:,.«t< iii.>n> Ch. t h-.j. WtV - Icilt V — t uit^ultiii'tni. r« I liiilK t^\ < Will ii.i.ipai r .1 «iiit |p*ift;niin» Ihio Mrili' MfH ..I I r.m ^>4(iitwti.t lM|. '■« '•urt.llk N«.ll...4..l l't4-(4 4ii'i ^ltlhtlnK*l* >' llii- lntic« i>l ttiitntA llv him\Y VxF k'l^^iii Jitd lh« Kriiii>.ii ..t lie4ui> Ii) i W II ll.r «>.«»« ■>r It'ndi'n Wih an tlti<«tr4li,>t)l 1:. V s > '.M.^, iLir. l';r- M EGERTON BURNETT. .N... ji. \\i 1 1 IN .i*'\, -■•Mni-.rr .,.4,J IMPROVEDSPtCl/^cLES-Mr. ia*f<;i * ''• ^r.\ ':■**, '^A"^' ^■ » - ■; - "* •'r\:r* ' THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COWPANY. LIFE AcibUhAN. t ,it HOMt A ALIiOAD . C t: u I*- .J ■a M r to - c i ^ If LuNUoN, fiJ K;i.K \\tili»i:' 8lr«-*l. E f a I'«n Mall B«»l. P W, DtTULI.V «e Uiiii.r BA.hviU- 6trfPl. t- 1: Li« NO .ti^l'' u.4iHh«\\4..lH«iW. j l>t.- 'NAU\ ..J^w _ " " ' I .n.l >fi, datly Kmn tm U --.r .^.iiu'^a.* « Trk CMCtlDC A /*r CAD CVIXr ' '■"'n>.*Mr liititi*l^.-cKt I Ant-. ••. I •» . O ENSUKr- a CLtAK bKlN m ).. 1 i-.i »m,.i-h.»«,jni . m k 11 I ..«.•■< ^^ .**. u*e-t 1 rli' 1 :N» 1 •■: ^ •■ ■■ .1 ' V-n At<:tMi*j»..n |-4;iin-i.< . ; n t «-a i^m^*: Ua . . ..k 1 1 i* 4 ,<%..'.- II 4^!ie..u;t ;:-:.. -.-..,., ir:c ir .11*11. kirnH.>i. Itcixli-n Kc». J i»-]>^'i ||.rx-«f<^ • »&f— c* .rM..i..>4 it« IM-Allh) 4< iKKi H .tplii>>'.np It ai:i4 tiy | K'>i>l. Arnl hunijr*>l« ul - 'r'n, m Vr ljkra«i«« . I h«.i.i\ik ««rrf tttMie Ikilllftt. n tjd rA..h I ^aii>j4il«t, " ?ti«i,u«l*4, |K«.: ^ •■ J .\t-i*w,* (»«« .t«» C.'-TI?*S xs . 2S^. 30S . and 35s. catiks rich duchesse ^ILKS - Blar'- Sarahs, xs. 6'.d. D£.\T2C V ELVETEEN. A ,",^.' EAUTIFUL GIFT ! ..It.: ......... . . 1. PAFTE.-i.'.a .-K- A N G L O - I N D I .^ .\ f- ASHMERE. I -....^.T-.m •• ■.%< kt^I* W.I U*t 'UC ( . iitwrj, l.m« and i4|i. I ^b-v^)< ^Utv I uk [ £i the Length. 100.000 ^"f.^SES FOR WELC'R AKCLAIS. TS lid the CC .-TCH MIXTURES. 7s. lid the V£-.V CHECKS Si to IS 6 d. per > fl U M M Y CLOTH. EvtaMg pP.ENCH CASHMERE, is. 9d CHEXCH MERINOS, is. 9d per I H4T.z^ r^cri aco aa Econsoos C onuact for ' ti-s. MY EEAUTIFUL SPECIALITY ' 1 t cow oCer Tc3 Thousxsd P.eccs 0! S-yards ' Scastks fa Or-t Poszi. or 2S 4 .d per yard .....; l"-.|.*t. ... .^ -. .(...n. kl ... .-. ■ . .. Hn lull ..... .. . ^. .tLtt ri.n,, *.|««r» 1 .™tem.T>j. i.« (. 9j iMawKi- CH.ARITIEi. A'.'. Gc is ry^tiei fer Ctarr'.ib:^ and aChct Ir.sutut.oiis . -fi ..4 II 111.. .l tw di. CHARMING CRAYON POK- 1 t \ . ; I' ! ■ ■ ' ' \ lt»i , «.'. U-iuKk >lirci. I iiil.^.^ l'.i.iil..-i. «l.j ttitl t«iuin ijhoix M.lh .1 Uildrull (.t>i>n Driwmx it^in it, 15 tiy i>> III' ')r^. yM (ie«, h»mB 01 ^biii.«il •■in Muixiinl IrtiiinuiiiaU 1 inteil t>.ivutis, ii> \\Mti > ■•(.mt lit : Oil, iKirv Kuincd*, I'^lt lilt «ii* 1 1'« «iir. I..»:tiiy r..ii l'i\i«i«itJ* |i>nl lice ri(o| • 's i.'i- u'til. I* : iniiii4i»>rv ^« Aiitl i(M 6d NEPHRITtCUM ; or, Remedy foi I - k-.^ I ll.f*, »>-.l< at t.JO.'uv ' ,*..: .in. I I.f .,'iH I'l^i-^- ll<'".: ci..i'l .■.«.! Mti. .,.4il>- •'( II. Try Jiiil lleil'*, n n-t-i nul^u* t>lll i> 11. ami ir>|iiim •)■> ''(.rt 1 1! | Iwl I li.rr« ..I )!<■* MfiliMiir »il) rvL. t<- tli« inw«l ^itilml ..III t I'l.i* 7H ("l i*f I art;* H«'ll'e |ii.t.shU»4ful^ .NKW)il-k\ 4n.|M'^^t, Kiii|[ FdwurJ Mini. Luiitli.n, I. ■ 1 . . ■ — y s -pgbtd as Cost Pr.ccs CHAPMAN S. No^''-''<^ H"-'- VV. A7 '^ ^ ^ LADIES' ^^fe^?i TAILOR t:^:\ H, I. H L:iii iLbiiOt Russia. IV .-1 I >. lAI. A; . !^■l^:I^rT-■^ H M ii< «I**«i « i-^isa d-VI. the (Oitrrn uiib ^ 11. 0. tl|C iU^"r^«* ^f ^otca. GOWNS, RIDING HABITS & JACKETS, ae, CONDUIT STREET, LONDON, W, COWES, Isle of Wiolit, 4 242, Rue dc llivoli ^Placo do la Concorde) PWtS. IFNESS : Chartreuse. :• A i F. J. N»« 14-«>KMI M»«i. J. « . H O L L O W A Y SPILLS I T..«U1Ui.«l '• nmJIAiUI.I... "^ los Tinc CiRAriiic 10sepm williams- new iSnly a little while \J ri.-iUM I'tKAL S«. •• Oflty ■ I III* t*h>'*, !<'*•, Only a k«i «|>Md, ' and aw ay' Thu flw.Fr.iiii •(•).( IS tunj lijr iha foTlowine A'i<>it>«'M4l^ VVorrva, M>i«AKn'« l.jrk.ii'n, l>'.)l«n Umb. *' Wiitten A whalers yarn. ni " A V\*»iiU« Vii^T " N t, « rhKmlmtlwi > .>n* of lh« b«« •••* Nnn.;t wnil€rt-««tT I" nnn, r«i iw-i •rr»cii»»- Nu ■ >n I-', iroin L' lu l>i Ns i in «•, irum lM.iK COMIC SONGS. Now bpinK Sung in t'l tha l'tni.>.>.'*-«. - riiist.s -■! . ..\n.-Kl ANP joy Nm. H s. .M> r l\U"'-i'f M K M I ^ -.M \\ A\ -• Nn. *i \< <( < AN I WHI'.U k 1 MLM llAi K At>AIN Net, »« UN. MAN THAT DIED. MM, •». H ILLS MARCH. JUIAPLE Md Ca^ ART FURNI MAPLE and CO. -ADAMS' jytAPLE ud CO. - CHIPPEN- JUTAPLH ud CO. -LONDON. THE LARGEST FURNISHING IWJAPLE andCO , Manufactureri of BED-ROOM SUITES by MA. MiM-kl r~.r\r\ BEDROOM SUITES, from '-'^-^ iS« ..,...,. I DED-ROOM SUITES, in pine.] BEDROOM SUITES, in Solid fiiifj » ih Mii.i-.n* 1 t,., S' ED-ROOM SUITES, in Solid 1 IJENRY R0DHIGUE3' JUEW YEARS GIF IS. WEDDING and BIRTHDAY 42 PICCADILLY. LONDON. tULI, t, Onnol, IS of thil cal«bral«(j Manh t A 1 liflfolliiwinic jtrr.incr-rnrii In u a>« n«w yyblikltV'j — ■ d I Pun.) lo JO '«"" 1 "• „ I'utt ■ 4 ol ■»Ti''<' flilCtn .-tith TtdklJ. S 0| l-ull ()rchc«tr« ■ o \ i. I , . I I'uno ) o! Miiii.i'T >un! *■ ' h« K*lt, *e MutiC by Hi '■!*'» I \*. *L N»i. i» lUnmn* t'(>n)|i«\*, i« >i*<»*. ir-Hfi < to K )U iuin*itt*trI* u«i >ur.-rchuilttl](i|l>« i k aw* uw tba Ull— ttron^ ar>ii« t .uifhi |h« i.t>iM, In »..i«iy l*** f lA*p»«l to th« iW'-fiifr » '.iit4 I>»f4>l - Hi,! ),..k tn> ul't L.>iiir.ii|e— i:>>J i'lrt>'ln« k>rAt«1iMrt ! lu.! .n^ hi« 'I iij Iwit* (.1 hu tTM I THE KING'S BOOING. \\\\h ballj't • t'uTKlca ''n \\m «t.iry («lai«H in !*'> (rf Ihe l«|ttnJ4ty |itivni« '■( V.Ul^n-l, s«ini.f Jamtii \ «nJ lot ri.ri.»*i <*ai« iiuriinl in II A Wuf i« bv |i i'liHiitiit MuoHaV Muitlvby Ki.>' irf "NiiM* <*tu hu" i«kni*iK-AiiV inlii>dui.«(l, anil w very Bl°:! IKIS f'H TIIK WRiriMi TABLI. lIUKJtRV, ANli Hnl'l"'IK In roti»h# ^>a DUfs'-IMi ' ^-h1 J ► v\ n . A -■ » ^ t.K.IAM II H-tXKs li'i HI'I V U Kir ISO CASK* 4* f-l t . i^\ »S\ H.irK t ASKS. lirt M 1.. i,( |Nks I *M>S M til (,( I ANIM K-'rUKS.ptfpiU . . n M ""4* 1 \N< >Kk H<<\H'< \\^ If iA IIIKNftW "lANTAIlS" I irjl'Rt-k -.l^n, vni >•• £'o And»la.f»afi<1.h in i-rim^'il nf rn«'i»h. Vian-rtt*, RODRICUES' DRESSING BAGS lot 1 KA'. H I iNti .ith^.ivri *<..M*i->'»J hi 4nJ li«|« Ol 4ll hinill, «l v«rY mo4«r«it (UkM. f EATH Md ROSS'S COLUMN j pETER |^0B1NS0N. WH DO NOT KNOW ANy'C""^ m* l*.?,^^ »* ^ « ^ ^ 1 1 N K HI *ll . «•«• ■•* N«i»« I tiM 1 *• ( I . _ . - _ ir:;,v.::::,i'rj;.;:'.~'i:i':'"rpl'^<'".'''v;r;h:'pAMiLY bereavements r,'.:".';,,'.!;:;!'""' "••"'■"•• "^ ■°" -'"""- ,rr..'te,^,:!K,"'iir,'^R7i.!;:W"„»,» ' .. _;»» and MllllNimS lHAVKl. i., All, SINGLE application OF , ■;?•«.-"• z^''fi,nr^-.'ir.f'::i in« km.l MraHtlk MahiI**. Mi'lintrj, ami a full •«4>tnnMAi <4 .*.•'■«.! MAIf Vl AKl M'l h.s i/lh« b^t and m<>M *u.\.,i.^ Ml K A I I N K I I 4 ifim *hil» 11 in mi>«t »•••• ••'•-> in »i\ fiv»* .♦rtJirt raliffl «ri|rt,^ My iljui;tii«r b4a lUiii^ |r««l l>*iifhi NtuMlina riiaifn4iii tIim U ih« f> ,> > I .!»%. >•, ^^ a BEDROOM SUITES, in Solid xW.fiul. (.ijia kI'm 'I'-'f '■' \\ t'.i..'h«. \\4*h»iai..i " 1 httad •.ta« B B THE INVENTOR OF NEURA- 1 INK l.fc.KKVf.. \ N \1 l.'S M I.K PORTRAIT ALBUMS ats ».i... m. m,., .t L.i..,„...,r. .-i "»'>;» K, „ ,ii ; . 1 ^ . ...b iM.,,., 1...1... i;..-..!.. .. M. i.i.> ►.■..'.I'.' "n-i-^.-ir,'."' v,' k":'. Irr-Jj '.;i!.V.i.iv' l-iamaa f< n ^.l urn*, ol avail ilMit't'i'i-n T'l^ntu 1 4'tct (la ViMta. > abiiiMa, snj Mintaiuiaa \\4*h'l4r.l 'It I'tawfi*. A'i 1"* lED ROOM SUITES, in Solid ED ROOM SUITES, in Solid A«h, N EW SONGS. ^. H. COWEN. 1 .* Vi^i.t H iw 1 i...i.vina hyy *<.•:■ r .>«M«. >»eai uri. iha 'iKin* 1* Mai* NEW SONGS by FLORIAN f*- Al 1II> ■ AVIAIN'S l-RKAM" SuimbyM/ Ihu.tay l.rale ON. t A iirriK Willi. K Suite br M*.umt Moiiail THK KIN1.-9 WOOING Su5g by Mr ThurUy I'" a H "fft each HENRY FAKMERS PIANO- ) KIK I I'K No KJ^d'n. rav.sau tiy tka ALi.T.r .Nat. aa T ONDON: I.~1VILLIAMS. 24, lu^T Mrt.ii»hB.|, pr.« ?'M, irxrrr lUmj,* DYSPEPSIA and the SEVERER KoHMS"!- INUli;KalIoN A viull ('■n- pti'ai on ihtna di«traMtn| cnmpUint* atxl iha^T irtitni'lai* cnra V-\ KiiHitaii Ktnr., Ciail :}uriiM>n, Ktiyki h4»T ii*».»*.| y !iii >n L L. i^KwJ by KIN', .in! ■ o . 1 ovrn.ry ^AITMATNTs PIANOS Half-price. -!r. 'iT-^pi.^n-a "t a ch4ni[a .>i i. .rii,r'*;iii. hr •)-.'))« P. 1' t si<<«n'iiil M'-k ^t*fie»ir-! wnh «:i il-.e .n^r-,\wmtnt» ot tha lUr. tu . kttti t-.irij thro <tUt).>n, and in unlet Im tllol a^peaUy ulc |l>ae4«ia«t terini arr4iiK*>lt *"'' l'*^ yr>jt^' vtatranir I ricbcrd IJiilugps, {tjfa htra, &c., ^lu c^ ,£11 t:;*«". £14 <■'!-" 1. 1*0 ' I Ji.* 4, <•• ! I ia«6. 4ji C:4«» I, i,.? : rijv* J *.ti i< Ui».%, A)o ! t.'lafc*?. i,c Am«nv*n «>rii4n», b««t f!a". ttrm i^i Cafrias'- '■< and «U r.^k i;ikrn ii> any «i4li>'n in Knt;biTi,J — 1 ) 0-> I'M vl AlNfc irt'l ' ■ ' , VI, Finibi'Tr favtraenl. \.urir gMt. t. C WILLIAMS'S LATEST • r.iM :iAii.'NS 0-»C\R SKVIMS NiV\ WALIZES Playadai Hpi M4ip\iy I iiat* 1U!1 WH I VoNl.lK iHAH l-VOM THr.r* WALTZ ER ATI ,\1\IKK ;J-i'k KVk-Ki «'AI,1/>.R. !KI.K^W>lil. tAHIWtll WAi./Kk UNIV (-OK ItiKK. \^AI TZ rt>a tinart Walii o( una ;>fpu'.*i ' :ini:»j»«r (U'ti i<"-i; •■•¥. ij'iia nojiilii-ba* itiau « ,ii((* 1." K4n|i 1-1^', Biili '4>««'l cii'ie, |i,ivhe««« lutlalUl'la tiiinl anh l< «a) .iMwi't* »4N':vt..i..l '•H'l Minli.rt« Ilia*, t«.if»tai , lilxtjtrd «>«fl Iviii^. 4i«l itiiM c 4<(a |lit«c M)>ir« ..>• vrrt ixi-iv i-4iti>l i>ut (>l i^^a ai-t-d woud, with iMvtl [lui**, 1^ 1.1 viKiHiiMi BED-ROOM SUITES. -Chippen- lUir, Ad4ni«, I Oui» X\ I .4ni| 'harr4l."' ilait^x* , i^rja w»iiftil-n, »an h-fi-h'tina, in tuiaw'.ioil. tuhiy uiLiiil ; 4l«ii •atiiiwixid inUtd ■>lh Utffttant «».«la. *!i In jiiX.uirtaaa ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES (.' K p. K Th« I \k..KST f r K M 'II I Nil I S V A H 1 I M I M k N T in the \^orld JWTAPLE and CO. -THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT DEDSTEADS. Full iiie, DEDSTEADS. Braai. DEDSTEADS. 3'j Guinrai. -TEN THOUSAND BEDSTEADS 1 11 -Hi.4 Ut M •■-l ■■•:'■ MAPLE and CO.- Bediteadt in \\.>.\ If >«, and t-*it. i.ratl • i.'. !uu:it^'-^ and le^Uiiis iimij eia I ha b«£Ua I'laffliMB, and ail wananiprl i>u>a I i< (uda «ui>i>^taM(riigi j-(4ii^ain(nl« tKai «• »ir pn-ii.ipi fu i"tw4ii-i ih« atM-va mu>.^ Admirt'l Sp^i'ic M4i• ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES ¥ »> r. Tht IAK1.KST F' k N I ■ 11 : Nfi liTAlU I M KNT tn iha \\.^!\4 ]WrAPLE and CO., IMPORTERS 'pURKEY CARPETS. TURKEY CARPETS, as made in T^URKEY CARPETS. 3,000 to RODRIGUES' MONOGRAMS, Aftna. t ofniet, Craat, and A.j.lia»i :>>•• fn»Ta»f"1 a« ■ .n.*, tram onwuul m i a-i.rtu datitn* Ni.rf lAI'hK SN1> KN\ Rl t'l > -. t'i.lii«n«i* ilMi minatad S» fiani n iWd. --iiiiar, lU.mia, aiHi ( "Imii* IU'.l K H IKH -lAMI INi-.any rol.uf. i» pat ii» All Ilia '••<• init l-4ahi<>n4)>i4t*. and tli« i-am ia «i.w .ji.ii* ««,, T IS NO VAIN BOAST, but an »«ariinn ■uiiainail ti faat and i)ia in>iaa*iii« irmand (r-m all v*fi*, ih4i NK' KAIIN^ »• a ••naai no aftual Nurtaftn n>iii Na-iialici4. Khaumatum. if ■»«.H..-iaiidar« .( tha narrat ahoulil um .Nai,(.t{,n» '.Mr* l*tiTi,n !• Kit f.»i,«d. algta F A a»< l-iail I < l^k 1 sKli fm Nartr I'Aina II ■'••* ii«t4nt4'>a«ui, and ih^Kiaaiati ttiit«iai n**! ii>i| a«i>4it \ i«'m>nai>l(.uiai«allr< ivd. m 1 1 >atii>i'ad «iihtti> <>liy Mn. i , 1 -tdiii \ 1. jiicp. <'4flt«i#, «riia», •■ I h«»» r«(r.n,. .Tipri.Ifl v^ir NK K Al INK in 4t Ia4«l a dxirn (.<•*« ihm>', |« W ; 1 iJ.'ufa, F*. I t»a 4tm« ■'> man *"d «iia bltniad « r»tt anttravad on »-al«. f>n(», b'»'i>*, tml tiaal diat. ** Ad Ittdd Hal. mwh (latt. xm v>.id jiiid nnic, I* cifai, 11*11 maikad. •n't iia»l, ^m Manual of Har.i .In 400 ant Mjiiin lUna. t>«,ni, hat laranad na.iatil ai^.n.val \\i\ M.i I anbury V iL«i4K*. N'"rthii'nliatland^'4l ta» N EURALINE, THE BEST AND Mv% M Kilfihank Mc*ir« |>A I H and Ros .>*andl.H a 4S M tN.ttl« urNkl K\l.|NK tha' I .nai*-! •£ 'Oiat , Win.hfield '■'"--'■- '■ " *-' ■■ ■ I ' I hp k«v (' K tin wtirn avpnir.ii^K «i*a 14h» •,'';;.";.':!;d";il; ;';■;,.•",'' <."*;i "tiTz^z:; cleepless NioHTsand rest -.♦,11 10 any pail !' I " "War - I i I' 1 I KTi i.N, »i O I !■ -S I iA\ ;■> all •^aiitr |>ietanicil. indu:.* Limr.Uiuin t'*at corittr nl Si Manin't l^nai i |r,wn all n^rte prnni uiuiad'v Ki**n< ^V l^c nw ■' .^______^^__^«_____________ I NFIRAI.INE. lb* •ti«ad.p»iiiidni..Mt«li4blar«f»>p.'i i>amr laLaivaJ "' N'-iIikik uj ii'ta'v raiiaf fr>Hn Mvar* .Nruia:,^.4 until 1 inrd > Nih' VAI INfc In Iba iiim tatvuiad m prnmraia < i|ia -'liacl, I itaia<1 ■ bar^aa !Ad'"»«* avA I" '*'; HaKanl Siimi, |.Mido« QRHAT ANNUAL CTOCKTAKING SALE iMi!l.r4l.!y H>»aa. Alao Manila*, r.ta'uma*. and Mlllinti* F r Itcap Mourning All vary < h<>> iui|«nda I. 4nd laadir.K. in |M>li»ha'l tir^ii, nun, I iiiull. 1 aail t-aianL*. Irmn iiriKin4l daiiKni, Itura >■• ; I 4l>la fl iit >«ttiia»<>i iKa baat it^-lil »nm rtyiul, 6j« , mi iiw u (tattuna ioni|*'«i« I'aiiarn ylaia* ui dinnar Mi*i.p, laiiMn, c«>rt4ga mhI t ulumad t>b» ■riata ^I4liljin|[ la^tiniuiiijla A cciDENTs :-64. coRNHiLL. ; ::r';;arf.;r^i:i.r. n,'''^*'''''''-'' "•■ t\ NO MA* • "AfK F-RiiM ' ' F.l >■■■ I V.I I'l ATa :» It \ h K M A I K lI.OLkS and BKONKU, EOCINGTON & CO. 1 ^>. IMMNIAI. ri.ATE. till i-HV^*c. *c lllutitaitd < 4talntun poM frM El. K f NGTON a CO ,n, k«««nl St ,.>r 4a. MourRUa M ,,i.d-.f ...lai :■:• -■ .KN'.FRV A''- and iarua^t t »4 ■•!>•.! 4nd RMarva (,»w illowwl la Iniiur'* !(•*« p4iij aa -I'mi*' k.iiUay ^nt'ona, 11 HuLlilin^i, I hanac ( urnii'i, I •md'^n IPfN Is ..^i«t ibair rnii I Ai.idrnii ti\ ^itriM bt iba RAM WAV l'\-> \Nik OtMlANV. (ha ..l-iaM ..-„..„ „... fwu.inj«it4i..4;*nt."(4Ji KTERVE PAINS may be laid to i.iUl. ii,«ei,«w, l'»'d"l'»'«P'Ut 1^ e..P,,|»';ml,ar*m aavtrn, and a j^4aifa< tiva and xye^.U 4* ■ erliira Vwiri ii,ll,,*,on> ha* I *» ^ , k^MSK - tl Ininu, -d Minvmn )l .*e . lOn Apply n*lh«i .r-k* at the H.,ii,:,rt(i. ..iu««, Vmyria -Mrw, l.nn.i.Ai.. Fl r.w,,,,, ■cal A«cnit, or I, '..and Mojal • | hj,.,i„^ m.ial wtiaitiaad ramadiaa for Neuialci-i, CAPFHIRF.S. FLOUR. NEW ROLLER Ih •< F>N Madtfrom M«ct*l Whc4t« Api'ly t« IIIE E>- It to bat ( ihawvarm altar ka. whai*>ar aii'i-iifid, and lelte' r» iritiamanpiuia " Iba Naura •>• rri-a**"! me t-.m *K«n;ai " l-iot« «.'. <.» , )i, I 1 <■ bi, at \.- .« j tical>n.,,,.,*, ,..i WATCHES. I 1 iii« Mad I 4nd I'i.iUi piNEST t L*ii l4dtPS,^7;B .^ WATCHES'*.'* "« I'l^'ix* ' «*•» '"• n * ^" B^ I r^,|,„ ot t.anilaman. ii u , j ^b r>s , and l» »• Fi>r«*id«;il jyjADE. GRAIN or all KINDS: and for I, .If of _IVi.«_«i.yi^ 10 lilt kS^fX Irnlly «ubin,r*a t Iha 1 radar "Mm II Id Nauraiin* nn,v au K'ataii. ' r f*iaath*. in l: \Ml ! JAM-", to, l'«'.*.-n..ticd by .Mr ;h*M 4«at^ 'I 1 iTia ni^i;r«i 4041 1 ^n • »ild M*'j4lt at cii-'h 01 tbc urtat Ui.'Uii\ t mi ti..ii> ti.r l.rat bald in 1 (.nddn m ii\t The Uieil '.•Id Mtdtl, N«w ^ ^uUnd iSSi hihibltifin. b»i bfcn i» U'lcl in Mr ii 11 }ta G llul' hm*, t^ , Swrgeon I'rnim 10 l(»r Moat arilin£ lo Mr '. II J^mav aayt-'V-jir aytc«m it t.^a {MrlatniMi •*< tuinlau danttury. and tha ' («vsb ai* ih« best. ufa'*. a^^ I tni'it iifa l>ka " I'amtthiet frvc, inclosed by IffH, *nu 9'9ry in(oma(i»n «iil>nut ch4r|>e on,y ortc addresi, Nu %j, Imu h^s\t:'. ^neet ; r.(>p.,ina the H'itith Muti^uB. ROBARE'S AUREOLINE, or i '.'■1 I'K.N HAIK UA-lf l^'.r [m«l^« ih. te^ t.!^: L.- lien '''I'lur vj m..' fi \V4tr,.,n*-i |wrtpfi!y h-rmlett l'n<« 5* M -tnl i'>» M , ol aM iba «int.iu4l I enumefl and t'haifliata llim'ii(b<>ut ifi* ..i.l««al* AKtnia: R. HOVkNPE.S and *.. IN-.. Iijndin FLORILINEiFOlltHETEETH ».Ni. IIKKAIII-A («* 'if.vt of :i.4uid '■ H ;ii!iiw tirrmVlpl (in a *ei louih.ljrukn i > -iu.,* a plaisant Utlicr, whiih th'troujcbly i leanttii the iseih (r>Mn ad fMraittef ur d*<.4y, iji.vs 10 tita tcaib ■ patu- lutiy I'cir'.)' labilancU.and 4 delijthltul fr4icr4ni.-a tu lii* brp.Alh ll icn.m»* itll •iiijiteat .nl u>S-.iir in^it,; Irmn do^yed la«(h or tob-u to anioke " Ih* Frtijfant FlAiriiiip," bamj; <.ut*d in \t*n •>( ho ley 4nil iweei herbs, 11 dali(i<>iit o ib« uatc, and ib« Krcaieti iwlat dit4 e>var> ut tna «<• viln wprvwher* at m 1 M ITl A,{eni%ai i>nyr:<4, 1 ibrpai, 4Dd i 41. 1T14, And are thereio^e able t.i i{U4ranie« a bii;b*r 114:1 Urd ur '.jualitv I"-'" "-JK* b* rpiy im ii;a inii>"r*.ni- mprrnart*, and thill [,jv tte m..H>mi-- * \-f'.' A-namMn ird i^har tiT* ^M t>4r|* I .^Ti -1 ■ ■.-.': :iata 4 4n*t 4d*uita(« — MAtl.k *nl I '. . lon.K.n, ■»HE LARGEST STOCK of "-•*•*' ORIENTAL CARPETS IN V^ H Ro, I- ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUGS- i\ ■.(.. ■ I i!ie\* in «... a., vine I'P.iik ra4l!y n -..tPT ui Ml-..*, *':[ wi-.i'h ".« 'I'lcniiiin .3I art < .. :<. ' -Ft, a^iiiiijl!) «har. ii :% . i 4!C uAii at lutntnert lal (inraa MAPLE and CO. have just received PI s .4;|rrMN, s<4 l>ve>|>-->>, Hi W«i ol t^-nP4i-.' ntra r.ujTi'y l-KktlAN I.AKIKIS Many Many till* don APLE and CO. CARPETS, ' y\ h' I i-ii'ii v' 1-. ink PULVERMACHER'S i.Al VANlsM. NA t iKk 1 1 HIK^ kKMoKKK OK IMI'AIKKIJ VIIAI. RNFRi'iY In thi« l'4m;ibl«t tha in f .KI.i, i ai |>t(Mu. «d thitiy y«(«fi *ti->, a.btpta-l b-r bardeii wp«f ' al 4 itiiiii iniieaipd om. New and «ci) iboK* in . d iii-n iiivipd POSTAL ORDER DEPART- Mt-.l _Mp%.!-, -M^tlkand'o i.P|[ tpip*..t lu.ty ic *iiiath«i tills drt-irtmpfii i% ... •itKaniM*! t^iet Jta luHy [irp;..ii(d ti aiarute ami anj-^y any jritcle iliai can (Nruibly be tr<|uir*d in lurniihinK at th« aama prua, if nrn ipt*. it,,in ir-\ i.iber hi. iiant in lona \ ' -,«i4ii'. Sa!ii>nal. and ^4> km Miitic < ataniauai nf j Una* and Price* eralte and ii-.ti fia*-UAI *lt and I Mi.^ l 1 LUCH, ACkMpwdc, Aat, l.Bdcr*lti!),Ei. ' W*.I: HOtKand .RAlNl*.M!ANY,l.,ar,K..lRo.d.N j AVOIDING ALL EXAGGERA tan(r:iac»'>r la^., N K '.. i:AI r.\t. nay unuut^Horiat' > t'* i(4iad 4t iha bcil. ii>aci.; i:*»T Nvittif>«cli4m A SIMPLE APPLICATION of NFrRAl-INK fip'juently cif*;!* a tic.-manent cure, »hii* It invariably ||i«ea immadui* rcJ.pi in all aurtaren fiom Narte I'a.n* "1 have tti»d .Neurabna lor *• eura i;ia in i h* l.**d, *oJ ii ha. b«a»i ot jc'aat uw " Friim M t* F, lemtifikP 1 -i.t, IWay, < .. WiPk:uw INSTANTANEOUS RELIEF TO 1 hif^f RKKS li'.m NEKVk FAIN^ n K»en by th*»**->r NF: RAl INK, and .n no ':>•• i.'* it Uiiaif Aaatcnain and i[iv*d* c^iiatit* ihii *|«..ilt.. may iim c(Mifi.lenily rr:tp.l on '"I h4>« ultpn i.f'.fl ih* alb- eac* ■>( Nr.iralin* tn caaai 'A Naiir4l^i4 '- Fr.>m F [ !> .< ..In'^r-.k lark, Ma<'i".Pti*t NEURALINEMUST BE TRIED if be appitciaiad Th* tenimon, U aJI m!,-.- bat* u***! thi. r«(n*ii)i lot Narva F4ini a>rdinary a0ic4cy Mr F^licar, oi |(ul* Lii£iii>i»uia. taund <>f l^wii, N H , wi.tiuK lo >ir 1 lanirt .M*ihai.>n, mya -"Mr« Kdxai .-I'm-H *t(»r«*» , bar I hank t i.> 1.4dv Maihaaun fot the Srurw'Mi* It lim**>t tl.c rmii >Lii\*taiul lotmri kha h«d ap|>l>«d lb* 1 r«!irt » " QR'ENTAL CARPETS. 1 H"- H-.N ! -- «,-,d ' o , i,|t ATSON. BONTOR, and CO.. mMJtt IP t nf tl Ind.j!.. I pitMn, 1 uikay ^ arjMti, iil »b. i> -Kay hat* a tai) ^hui.a atv rtinattt ll.a btutaata, V*lT*t, and Saionr f*rp*ti in ihair o-i((>nAl attra ouality and *■' utirt dwuxn* A I'i*c»wnl tor>i |tiiirp«i lursaioa seitish MA?.n.i< --1 rii. South I attla stta.., •rpool lllui I at4lnKU*Kr«* BENSON'S GENTLE. MKN> hUll SI/.F. i.OIi, IbVFK V\Alt.H, k*il**« Aciir.,i I'aMii •titut damp ami dub.i^ Idui4biiii)i, tun* keafinx, and tii*ni;ih IN*m ir*« and »4l* iucant \\ ai( hnukar, l.udirai* Hill, K 0. l>uld I'haini at wh.ileHk* )kicM T°L ADIES. Ir'., Ioi , jalitiPi Itiint It ji, 1 t''nar**t "V ITREMANIE" (Stained 111 Hy ibn and tiihly dpi . U'l I WIt.I.IAM KAKNAK'j, nv, » Ik-B'c Road, i.undon pRYS QOCOA. »!d Medat, ram Medal* Svdnay, M*IU>urn«, Ihn^t.hurth, N I CTRY'S "CARACAS Fl-RE COCOA ONI V. FRY S COCOA EXTRAi T "Slrirtfyp^ra. -W W STonoaiT. rir, F I S.t ity An4lyit, Hiiatol SlXrFXN Ikl/.E MFliAl.V THROAT AFFECTIONS AND III lARst NEttS -Al; tu'lpinn; fioiw irritation of tha ihiiMi and h-i4r*en**3 wiiP4Ktp*-tbU akir^riaed «l '■ br "K *P'«ivail li iha almoil Humrdiaia ralial 4lt'>..i«Hl by ih* u*e nf «t:i> a. k>u* quali •■Hio,«fi« I'.ronrbul I rochet ' I Seta<4fTH»ui loienc** ! •^.■n^^^lllllv tam* arc »..W In ie»p«f table thpinult in this country ai Fi'iu M.* [. It i^d liJmonat)r and aiibmaiic atla'i'on* Sa« that ih* wot it, " Kiii«n'* BtombUI I rucha«'ar*ontlMUo««ntiB«Kl Slanparoundaacblw* SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA Anti |iyai>«ptic t ocoai" ' hi" .ilat* lnwdaf til-ARANl fH> IMKK lOi riU h CiM mA, witk •ai:e>t Ol !-ai aatiaitad. F>'i>r innai tha inanKih ni Cor.i4» Ih.< k*n*d v*l Wealianed -nh St4)th. Jkr , anc r«cny cheaper I h* Faculty iii..(i<.u(».a || ih* tn.-'i HMtntioui, iiertectty di«ilnB Ha<*n** lor " HKFAK FAll. mNi:11F.oN, i.r MM'lkK?- and invalu.ilnt (r>r Intal^da and ^ bildran Keeii tn all t:iinutet ~ aaapucHiiul in Br«aktut CMf In iin^ St tft. Ad . Ji. oc*ta, tic. KJ EURALINE .hould alway. be IV::"::: '^'".•>^«^"'l A^ i*wl lot Nerir* (ami, 4IH iimoti pHeiii.e, 4nd u.6d,ac,bv (.b«mi*t», t^ioo ftiea imiua^ijta ic.-ei 'NFl VAl iNh i.i,..p.| ih« *^ Hi»M auncitiul loti'.n a«*i ai.| "— -Mn kJ^ar, llu.a 1 .K' I 11 >uu, Iiland 'if Imm,*, N li iir Jjoiet M', UI -tiornnwar, N Ii , layi, " Mattii i afiih and knit 41* oelruina lo pubbih lb* lctiiini.iniai* lu NEIkALlNEaddiaaawl lo him " ALL Ncrre Pains, however Severe, ara i;.ie.l ly li.p u>* irf NH K.ti INK It .a pftam rtt'iel (i It icaat p>'ell(-nt.a af« Ciintinvally irlt prrniui I IANki,La AUKC- llli" L N EURALGIA InatanUneously . . Icaiimnnial leieitad by I Mth art'i K.j*a intni '' t 1 b, I yniun Road, bl lama*' Road, ^ K " II,4iiii|[ luRared trmn a rhild, a | K. ad b I IiiN . ate I'l H hi' by A CR^ME SIMON. Rac'tmbieiviml bv all ih*i caiabratad I>tif1on of ,, i : - , ;., - - lam, 4fid *do|>ied by Bte-y j--'t «•"<> ■- aniiou* le /-LV". "c.i^ '...". .'"^ lifp^Mip tipf Liiii.piaiiiMi. luiwiitff, J. .'MiBua jb, ILwa da funtmcm, I'aita. V. aiVSY rtat* M«lM««). >s OM Sund kueM. W '"hamit'i, ^ St Va _ . W I uiidi^n NLl kAI INK I bt^ilei, II ittd liRAIEFUL-CoMFoRlING " Hy a ihtituuKh knirt ani BuKiiioA, and by a caraiui a;i|iltt«lio^ of lb* tina pru I'.inaa ot well «*l*cird Uoaiw. Mr kpp* t\*% |tf»vidad uul far««kf4it uolas with « dcl> catety t^avour^-l bcv«ng**hith my t.<*a u* m^ny h>avy dociDi* bdl*. It II by Iha tudi (loui uia oi «»ch arit'.toi i>l dial Dial 4 i...>niiiiutiu*i nuy <•* iraiiuilly butlt up uiilil Mfuiii; an.'iixh lo fault «««ry landtni t iod..«ii« liundieJi'd •iibtia in.iliili'-i 4ra rlrMlinc .iioun I m Tandy lr kaaiqn^ oHfielva* wall fomhe-l wiib i>ut* bt'KKj aikd a properly auunibcd (iai»«.'*~i. ivu ^tr- Mad* limplr w'lh Iw^ding wmar or milk Packet* |4i>d ima lor eip>~ri, W ib 4(>d i lb 1 Uballad ] Kt'l'S and CD. IIoMiK/iPATHIC CHEMISTS Priniad for ih* propfiatnr*, at i*, UiKord I-ana, by - ■• 1 at. 1), and iiubl ahad by km gPPS'S (BtaaarjUTi POCOA. bt^ilei, II ittd, a* 9id i liy pii«i it ta and u F.iiw«*i> li^rPH MAMariKtU and iiubl »h4 Mcichaata, bhipcwr*, utd the I ra.l* *i>ti'li«'J oa ilM •! igo. Mrtnd, bgth t» tha Fariab «d AL baai laraia w«k ail HomowpaUitc ptapaiattoaa ' baiM*, Middlaaas ~)aiiuait >7. »m% ROBINSON, D GEN ERAk HNrN(i. EAVEMENTa I Ml*l fW T*l«fff«K KXI-KRIRNf ?!» t)ir>% *¥.H% IRAVKI. In Al I, V inn inAllvr ih« itt«Ui> M XIHA ( H SK'.K, » ii If. ao'tiiiuM AMtHiiMiit .4 •I i>t» h«il unA moft «ii.i ii .4 ■ l>y ih« Varit, anil au|>i>i.«i| ><>NAIII,IC I'Hh K^ «« ,1 irahuuw ill " llKi;»iNr un*ic«pllniwllr lf>« f*t*% roaatfT ■< n Tnwn n I tiari** ifltnl SlIMI, l4Mltlo« AL CTAKING SALE t>»pannia' la Annual i-iiaioM Sa*>on ah«. U. katt. inal < DMuinva, kvantn|{ I >)«»■••. Iio iM, tnil MIDmariF ■Ilia ami a, ut. r |H»uli. 1. J , iMinai .'Mrtuaa. tir*. in\, Itxra fia ; 'l4l>la Kl.ii am nyiidl, 6j« , wi liti t, n plaia* ot dinnar wrvi. rt ^rsTKAND, L'HA^ HAlllS . k CO. I Hit 1'! AT«, h K r 1 A 1 K LkS and UHONKU. k CO. i iMuMAI. PI.ATR. I i- HV, he. Ac iiMitil I 4Ult>gun poM frta l«ll«iit Si ,iir 4J, Mourgaia m 1R STREETER. DiamoiiiJ Merchant, Bond St., London, Colombo, Crylon, mporter of Precioua Stonet. roldsmtth & Jeweller »leit WATCHES. lie M«.U1». I (Hxlan, >'ai>i J I'l.iU'lriptiia l>«inii ai J >ti I'ruiir, It carat cmwi, ad- .ip>l and f'>ini>«iiaai*itu)( ^ll ,.,4ie. i.1.. i<« . i.M i*», 'iii i>>i In S.Uet ' ■*•» f"i ,Llit« or (■«iiit«m«n. iS i* , r>* , and j^ Ki t'or-afdn] r«i.a>yra — I .WILL.)», l.'oitiKill, Ijininn, il ttt, Suulli <'«m1« Street, rarpuol lUui > ai*lr>Kua fiM SON'S GENTLE- .S ^ H'l 1 Sl.'.K ■.■>t \, VVA I'.ll, Kt^laaa Aril'..! iiul ddtnp aixi duinK, and tiicn^ift Old ula on iK'jeiiil ot lin I W h>NSMN,il,«(iueen» har.l.udiraia MiH.KC. Ituld r'S CARACAS kK foroA ONI V. V S COCOA KXTRAt T Jypura. --VV W STOnOAtT, ' r S ,t:it)r Analy«, Hnilul KKN t'Kl/.K MK1>A1.S rS COCOATINA. ,*a» i.ti.«..Uta low-l« K I'K nA, wilfc Fuiir liinaa lh« ttranKlh nl lakamd with Statcti, Ac , aM kiliy iw.urm 't ih» ift.«t HKhAK and inv^Uial'l* n K«i>«'m alt i:titnai«« taaatHKiniu) in Hr««kfaat rup annjr. In iini, ml 1*. 6d , }•. Oiocara, Ac -COMKORIING. " Hy a ihtiiuuKh knoirlad|[t lheBatur*Haw< whKhKOvetn a n|M>'n» ct di|[«*tt'>n ant iintiun, and by a caraiui il>ltcatKW o( tha tint pn. .tiM t»( well aaltttrd t.'o«i«. r Kp|ta h<* jifuvidad out MkUit tat/laa wilh a dali tdy rt^TOiir*-! bevarnjt •hith .IV «.i«* ki> ni^ny hiavji H.:ut\ t)ill«. It >t by lh« )*">>- itua uM lit suth artc.iM 'A «i tt>4i a •..'Ofiituii-.Hi >n4y M adutlly l>uilt uii uiiitl maue i. Ami I lb ) UUltad tU KQPATHIC CHKMISrs :iira, at it, MiK.ird I-ana, t>? aMKiii and tiutil *h*d by Uiia I tha Hariab oi :>l. LImmm* .HUABT >7t 1^1 ^7