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Las dtagrammas suivants illustrant ta méthodo. -%■ .. \ 1 2 3 4 (Il < « ■■^■■' >;. a«?, (^. u • JV praotlciil Solution oftlio ■ QpïAT SOCIAL AND HUHAHITARIAN PSÔBUÎiT 1^- 4j. ■/-. ■f. .'V , ESÇAPEFROM BUILDINGS IN CASE Of FIRE A fapcr rcad hcfore (Jte fRcyal Society of Canada diiring ils May Sessum «SV?;.. BY C. IJAILLAIRQfi A MKMHKIl OK THK SOCtETV ■'■■ , ■ - ■■ • \ In 1S7<>, «fier tlin. «Hsflptroiis flre nt thé nrooklyn thcntre, wberc not Icrs tliân 240 Inimnn bcin};a iterishud in tli'i tt imes ; a |»iililin ui'utini; w^s coiivenud «t Québec iinrt prupuruil tin the pxisting meitns of u.scaiw frum hn piibliu build- ings in ciu-w of lirt>, with suggestions as to sucliiuilitionttl facjilitius as niight be ailvisablu. ^ ThiMiiiih'ir of this |>a'|>rising Hch(MiIs anil othiT (-(Inclitional estubhsliinents, couvonts, A^yliini'), hnspitals, hoU-U, niiiiufuctorios, théâtres, churt.hes, &c.-, |iointing ont in eii^h cuse thu uxisting.facihties fur csca|ie unnsablj; nature. . Dut alas fur the incousistencyofour-huiiouii nature: when tli 3 report wis re«ff in little more than sic weeks ufier il wa» orderuil, the whole niiitter liid b'jen iuntirely forgiitcen uni the comiaitteo never met again to read Uie repurt or take any action on it. i. ,,, Since that date we hâve read of the destruction of a théâtre at Viofea, whero ^nor» than six hundred persons lost their lives^ Agitin anoth'sr théâtre at Bonleau x, Fr>inc>)'; w i<\Ur>f scens of hnman cr«nutf,ion. Convents and scliouls huve contributed tMr hundrcds to the yearlylist of casu- aities by lire ; the latest horror bding th it uf the hatel at Bulftilo. ' '« Hardly a day elapses but w)iat the new-ipapers chronicle aoraa disaster of the kind whiuh .,, is nO'Sooner read than forgotteri, in oiir shoar h-mrtlessiiess fur the f ite of our fellôw buings. Thèse accidenta are waxing more numerous than of old, due to the increasing con- snmption of light and resinoua woods in the construclioti of Imildings of âll kinds; while in France where oak and otherhard grained woods, as elm and the like, are ahnost exclusively employed, or hâve been for years, a disastrous lire ia of the rarest occurrence. The danger of fire 8e<3ffls to be enh^nced also, 000 a day^ by Iho varied modes of heating buildings by hot air and other furnaces, the pipes from which are allowed to be in absolute cuntuct with the aurrounding woodwork ; and even olectriç light wires art^ suspected of doiog mischicf in many ca^li. The remedy niust not be costl^, though sufliciently so to be e(T^;ti ve and practicul. It^ahould not onhance th'j cust of any building by more than from 3 to 5 per cent uf the total ex|>enditure. Nor muât it subject ihe inmates to aiiy inconvenience, the proprietor tp any yeariy loss of renul, by taking up spa(^ which mighl be devoted to pur|)oses of every day utility ; fur no m m, woinan ' or even child when old enoiigh to know the diffeéiince, will ever consent to put up with daily ànd constant inconVénienfe>of any llind, for the sake of an eventuality which, thongh it dœs liappen every day in some part of the world or other ; still, il may not happen, one is always led to hope. s Kor must the escape be any disfigurement to the structure ; it raust not in any, even th^' slightest manner, ipar its uppearence ; fur, as with tlie cousideration of permanent iuconvenienoe . or ioss of space, ao would no permanent eye sore bj tolerated, to gnard against an event' WbicK may never oocur. . '' The da^iger to inmatea from fire, may nô doubt be lessened by fire-proonng ; that is by the ' introduation of none but brick partition wulls instead of stud, iron joists in lieu of wood, with concrète fllling in between tliem, iron tmme work for the roof and other like précautions; but iltoirs will continue to be made of wood, and doora and Windows, cùpboards, wurdrubcts, closets and the like ; «nd even frbm the ao called Rfe proof building.^ mdst there be some practiotl n^de of ((fit iqi ° case of «fire ; as the amount of woodwork though ho mûch leas than jn an unpr'otcct^^i^Bding, niuif ^ be alyraya auoh as td cause intense beat, and sucli stiHiug smoke as to reiider escapd^^^^blu by the ordinary stairwaya of the interior. ^^^Wr The means of eacape muât be close at hand, they must iiot' hâve to be SQUght for by «acending to or deacending from a aeparate tlut or story, aor by gro{iing in' the dark and amoke through any long atretch of corridor. In a word the ea&ipe must be iu reaclt uf the very window of the room ooeupied by the inmate, or hu must hâve no more to do, no farther to travet than merely croaa'the corridor to get at a window in the rear, from any of which exit m^st be easy and certain. * . * , For years hâve ï aonght in vain, tkroughout ail the acientific publications of the world, for ' •ny thing bordoring on a teally practical auggeation, an approach even to tBe solution of the'^ problem of eacape from fire. ^ Some of thoae which hâve beqn devised, auch as interior welIs and ataircaaes, hâve oiily acted in a way ta inCiteae the danger, hosten the destruction of the .building and render escape doubly impossible ; by acting aa fluea and ventilators, craating auoh a draught and suction of ttoTflamea aa to oauie (hem to invade the whole building, every ator]* of it aimuluneoualy. / =^ ^ âSi&ffl^. ' ''"TC.' ,/ -•a Hiin(lri',' si'iiir, (I liy oiu' i-ikI t(i a wiiid)»- sill m lin- iiit<-ii(>r iiinl in.- I«kn« end lliiy lir^t (iriiijj ii IniII of twiiio iiitn iln- wiiidow liy iiiciiii'jofwliidi llici iniimti' cài|i do lliu iim-dlnl ; liiddurs pVrmiimmtly fixcd tu biiildiiif,"*, liih.T im th.- front, or ivur; ♦•.■itaiii w.iter condiictors iim lu to «et ut micli "hy tlui iim-rtiouM s^mk.'*, Vr-;.-/, liaiHll.'w, tinwUor wli;il('vt"r yoii iimy )iloasf' to(!iilltli<'iii, oii.' ofwhioii I could liuc r.,w;ii(!d lioiii ihc Tili iT alMc tl.«.f ol tliL> l'aliii.T lions*, ytiiruKi, ami.nt ojich vonwr of the building.. .Xuain liavi' tli>ir Ih'cii ii vaiicly «)f lioistjt iiivi'iitfil iiiid ixitciilfd for U'Uiun ihtxoiw dowii hy'' iiifHiis .1 ,1 liu^' or liaski't siiMiH-tldcd II. .m nU)Vc : mjivas niid oihiT'KlKMtt-t liy vvliiiji a irrcoii (.ixiM nliilf >lo\vii and tli>' iii. ivusiii!.' vt-locrty of .JcsiriHit liM!oiint«'nii;t(!d l>y i'txoildin}rtli- »Ii../,t fioiii lidow; t|rii.i thinviii;,' it iiiluji cilrvf «|.|.r,'M(liiii',' lo lin- lical/oiitiil, lirin«inK llic iiiMsunK-r n-arly loa nt^iiid' Slill on n'Hcliiii;; Ilic fjio' II.I and H|. i-i'liy |iii'v, ntinj,' «iiy «hiK-k Ui tbe systciir: om; of llic Ikni of uti tlu- |.i(>|.oiM'd niod.H ol i'H.a|»/und tlm.uMli wiij, h | hâve weii liiiiidrolu'of ummi and Loys dcsceiul for tfiiviniiv Inii of th.- iliiii« t/om thi- 4ili or atlic floor gublu end window uf thc, now llii- l.îiv.YI Noi'iual Si'licMil. . • . ^ ' ^ 'l'iiiri' ui-i' Mil! oib ril(\i(!i's hiuIi as ntov^-ablo tow.>rH on lo tlit' rouf of whluli a iwrgoii iiiav loap fnmi a wiiidow, Himrratif.'tini'iil ol â|iiinj's briuiviiiy ibu fall. Wliito firo to n 'mit ihnt ni! and cvcry ihe incHles of t'itcape «lliided to, hnvo noW and tbi'n bccii .ir.cinc in'sjiviMj,' a l.;\v Ijv.-i; il can not l..i diMii.-d tbat Hiich meaii» h-nV l>,!cii lotallv iiisnlliticnt and iinpiaciiialih- lA tas.-» wburc woni.n and»Mi and iM>it tbe WL-inbt of tbt'ir iKHlict s\vin;;in},' IVoni a ro|iL< or otliir laddcr. And «-vi-n ibisiony Ik- iiu-m-ciiv.' toiliu ablc bodied inan, woinan ort-hild, thebiddi-r hiiuiinff AS it uni^t do fioiu ili,' w indow of an H|.|*-r M-.vy ; » ben in ail lik. IvIkh) 1 iUnieg uiv i«i.n,.in){ frow the vcry wiudovis bt-nualh ibi^ onc hoiu \vbi(tli i:scil|Hj i* thiis rundered ao to say iiupMiiblu. lint rf Jaddcis coiiM lu- and wcn- fornicrly » ffective to home extt'iit, Ihey haye coihb to 1« alniost UMi b'.ss itow, on mv-oiinl (.niit- linilf8 of a hôtel. ' .Sonie oiher sy^tt m uiust be A-vised : proi^i; slaixways by *l.ich the »«»«* ia «rms mny Iw safïly .sicund wiili us ib.M ; „f wlii. b tlic >*{ht of the lire <* «fter it liad don» ils din- wia k of d.striietion (of wliicb ht; waa an eye witiiess, and aU bat |K.iishe«l intlie liâmes, UiuiNelf, his wifo und f.imily; tbat ni ver in hi» life iifpiin would he oecu|iy a hôtel M-bich. •w-as not Uuilt lireiiroul' aad in ai^ditiou tlieieto, jtrovided with ellicieHi lueans of escape in aa«c of an- emerg»«ey. Tbere is nothinf,' like ««inK tbe fire-liend faee to face, to brinj{ que to tuch a oommon sensé conclusion ; but whal ia this lire esijtpe ? what luust it ueed» be, to pwjve tjiorouiîlily uractical and' etticient < , t ,^ * . The stairway I j.rojKwe miist be of iron with not one jiarticle ef wood alwnt ihe structure and it mnst Imv, no direct coninuiiiicaiion whatuver whilh the iuterior. h niiist he reached iioin each and evi ry ll.t or stoiy of a building, even lo ibf iipi«!riuo4t or attie ttuor and wiih Ihe sole exception of «lie i}»oiii)d Uoor, (fioiii wliicli e»ca|ie/is ea.>.y ihi'oiicjh the doors and window* to the street) by Brst iw^sfiig oui of a wiiidow, uny wiialow facinj^ U)Wiiitis the rear of the building, to a narnjw iiou galieiy iiiiri'ouuding tlké whuie uonrl yart^aufl ^viug uoeuati to the s^rs. I say " iiarrow iron gallery " two to lliret; fi. wide at mo*t, that its |*ojeotion into the inn«* oi«u space, uiuy nul impede ihe iight to Windows Iwiieath it, and to rediice its cost to a uiinintum/' Building lots nowa day» are alino^i invariably 25 ft. frout and IWO fl,' deep. One siieh sUirway in rows or tiers of tellement and dwelling liouses, raay be inade to'sultiue' for twoadjoininit houses : aud, so as to tiiku ui* no oih«awi*e avjilable s|i»c«,^ioas not to occnpy spuoe to the exclusiobi of any wiiidowor door; ehWld be built opposite ihe division lineorwall between Uie two dwuUinKs, and always lowaitls ihe rear; loi' as 1 hâve said beti>re, a»! ihis ui>i8t be Iwme in mind to secuns tlie ado, lion of tbe scbenie by every one : no one would put up with any such periuaiMnt 'excMw- cency froui the front iifany building, bu tt a dwulliiig or« public iastitutiuu ««f any kind, for the saku of au eveutualiiy which niight uevei; occur. — * »' ^ ' The foot of ihis stairway thould le(id directly to a passage .««y, not MoeMorily niore, where n»ete dwelling bouses ui'e oeno«med, ihau thrue feetiu width, ruiun^ttg from war to front of buildiilg or froin yard or court tosUwet. Tjus pwi.ige wjy should bu eut oit Iroin the remutttder of the baseiueul tioor by a brick Wall eight or luore inches thiuk and roufud iu or arclied uw wiih briek, or non beaiers apu couourU!, aitd ohould bo clysëd towÀcd* the «tMtit by «n itou Uttioe d«a(; optniug oulwaids but bolled from the inside. ', ( - ; S ■'v. >, ^^ «- -' ' "^ - ; S -'v. % It nwd liiirilly 1k> siiil nf connc lliit wIhtc a ;,'iit<'Wii_v i-xistcd or earriiif»(r Rntr.inci' fiwA tlie fnmt rir n-iir, tlii; iic|>litiiiiiiil imstu^i! \v,iy jiiHt.allii'lo I ti> cniilil lii- iillo^'iitlii-r iiis|i*>iisttil witli. \ ()ii)> fttirli Miitrwny liiijilit l)f iiiaili- tu siiII'khi for miy 4 Iioihi .s, or for cviMy 4 lioiiscs orlfur «itcli 100 fi. liitcul (if lmil an iiit«riiir 9,\w>i or y,»rl or opcn court of wiy "lO fl. i».|iiiiic, ttii-n niijjlit llier- Im, *\\y fioii) iwn lo four stairw'.iyt, or oui- J.i u,i(!li si'k' of tlio «Hirt ; and if ilu- Uitiltliij^ wi>rc of «ri-alei «xleiil and «lii-li aH tu m ("iiiru xoini; of tlw ivintral, or inlcrior N|ijtfc to b.* utili/inl for \vinj<-< witli ro< mis, {hure wouM bi- in sin^li ca-w*, twn or luoru <'ourt yard» or o|H'n .s|Hii:e.i, cacli ot «liii'li .shuiild !>■ Ntirn)uuiluil on ail siilfs liv tliu irou j^lli'riê'i ttlluilt'd In ; Hud in j'Hcli court oDe or ii.ort' lli<>''"""'' '«'.vul and,l>y whiidi, «*it oiuld Iw liad ibioii^b tlte buil(hu<{ to \\w nUi-L-t, by ilit! (jale or (;arna;;iriS^îy ;aiusl bui|,'lari l)y un irou lattiiv donr biluci froui tht; iusirle, but u|«ninf; outwurdii. ^ ■ , . w ^ ' 1 say ili« }»,itc\v.ty towards'tli i sinwt slio'ild <>■• cl<»«d tiy an o;>eii iron ftratiii}; or tlie U|j]mr jiKit iif il ut lva>t, and tlii» i» esiK-ntial llun»; waitin<{ iii tht! pHSiiiV;.! w ly orjtuiiniiî, niijjlil not Im! HiilJK'i l>y lIi ''Il il air and smok; withlii tint oiurt y.ird, wliicb' wiiulil Ix! tli > etso to suuiu exteni W'ith H cl^i^'ly lilliu-; ;»!ile j wIiiIh un-viiui ialliuf wouid alniil ih" t;oidi!r frenh air friua tlio slrcut Hiid liy tli' Muctiou «r va<;uut(t-i)riibin tiii co'irt ciu^iml by lliuinj{ iW|'liy.\iatt.-d \\4iilf aw.iitin}; tUu orH-nin}{ of llie ni>t« leadinjç lo llie t^xtorior. • • It ri'iuuin.s for nii> to «ty th tt tli>! xtairs sliould b.t unoiosi- 1 by a bri -k w.ill .soino 4 to 8 iuclics rti tliii'kn^Hs itnd lmv(* no oilnr o|it>nin<,' thaii iho liui lo iiandk* ur to Hsc, and to |iroti!ct iIil* out^'oin;^ inniati'» frotu bein^ Hcortlii-th or HtiHed on tlieir way duwu, liy tlii/ Im.itud air and tl.iniua issiiuing fr.se8, as tlit^ru inust bu no uucli lliin>{ li.!iird of a),'ain as tlin iron dixirs iif . tliiî ViuiîiMi tlii-ativ wliitli, h iviii^ beiïu iinuseil for year4 wore (.'nliivly for<,'otten ; and wliun discovun-il, tlieir bollH and fastini^nçs fomid tô Iw so liopulisssiy riwly aUd iinnioveable, lli a no use gould bo tuodu uf tlie d(H)r-t and noone rcscnud by ilieir utiliziUioii. j ,. * Tlie doors hNidiu^'/roin llie sujHirpmed tiitrs of jjalleiies to tlio stjiiri slionld lio simple 0|K!ninj;s of a si/i; to allow ooe lo |nI'4s and iiotliiu^ nioi-e and not «but off in any way bv ciiMirs or barriei» of any kind, exeepiing iijay be soiue sliglit wooilen lalli u work tp préserve childreu fioiu accidents. • • The projKised^tairs wouldoccupybutlittres|»acL>, not n!C3ssarily more thin 7x9 feet froiu ont ta ont : width Hf stair< :{ f,!et or even 2J, n-wjl 8 lo VI iiioh^s, biiiîk w,ill-i 4 t> ^ iiiiliM ea;h, llie addilional two fuel, lo niaku up ihi 'J, bjiui,' tlu bioadth'of ■{ilbry fioin wliich th : slihy inuit Htuiid oui clear to allow of aeueii tluroto, froiii eitirer side. And us to cost, a delailed cabîulation whioh l hâve maie bringi oiit ihe stairs at $l..'iO lier ' stepand tliegalleries al .^LôO p^r-liiiuid fut ami thibriek eni;Unurj w'ill al 81 00 |)er verticil foot m lier liueal foot of lii!i(»lit ; so thil for a ô stoiy house or 4 stories andatlics, tlieie^wouliHw \\ gallerieseach 2"» feelor 100 feet lineal of fçallery at 81.Ô0 , .«lôO t)0 Four dights of slairs atS-ô..» , , , loo OO Eiiclosuru walls to stairs inclusive of foundution and irou rooting i. ..., !()(( oO Together $ 350 0» or as already stated, say ;> £ on cost ol buililing at 87000.(^0. ^ If two dwellings used the saine stairs, th.j'cist woifld be reducud by 8100 or to 8300 each housc, while for luiger buildings as hôtels, asyliiius, conveiit8,\theaires, etc., ihe additioniil cost of / providing for esuapu lïoui tire would hardly exceed 1\ to o\ jh* cent alid probably be less. / WilU Uie piojHJsed arrangement, the iiimates of ull tlie l[ear roonis of'*iiy building wôlild v in case of un emergency, ouly hâve to opeu u wiiidow and step o»it on to the gallery t«.^r^uçb tlio stairs aud «Mua|ie lo ihe sirooi; and tho^e ocoU|>yiiig the front o^ tlio building, u4 alreudy stattid, hâve uo fuither to go than ocross thu corridor aud through tho Vèâr rooin op|Knite, to reach llie ,gtillery un I escape thea-by. But to rcuder the scheme etfectiial, man niust be protected against hiinself by legislutive enactineut. ïhe proprietor of u range t,f teuenieiit houses, or of a liotol or nianufactory, or of u theuti«, or scIrtHil or couvent or asylutn, would likely not go to the trouble of even givingthe thin' a thoiight ; luuch less incur eveu the tritling addilional expeuse of providing for esca^x; in castTof tiru ; und uguiu 1 say : ilie law (uusi step in and euforce the necessary action in the']|tt'einises. Hâve we not aliv'udy laws iu certain ciliés to prevcnt the érection of wooden buildings, «M wereeuuut«d for iliu Uity of ljuui«cultur ilij great lires ofl845, and this, to what pur^Misef -•■* • ''> ■«, -m^i i-AtfîrSx- ^ not to Runnl ngainst loss of Iifi\ but to «•«vc us and insuranoe conipanien f«pm moro inniorial Iom. . How luucli nioriî iin|)ortaiit tlien that th« law hIiduM bu nppcAlud U> Ui fcte u« «o pruviilu a)^kiiMt BccidcntM to life. ,*^~^~^ \ Tliis ituljjuct, it niay p(>rli!J^Mje aivued, ii one of tooun^entilic a\ nature to form the àultjiHit nf n|iit|wr to Iw rfuillK-l'iiru nnit |Mil)li.Hli(>' iu({ or conHtructive nature, but niust be ntukvd Hidu by aide with tho uiost pertinent aud'iin- portant questions of tlie n^v. ' I niust sinccrij»' congratulate tho Honorable M. Flynn on bis introducing inio our local parliaraent a bill to ]irovule for eiicaiie friiui lire, even though it. Us by tlie liwtiunnehtality of the coniiMkiiiti'vely U8«»le.s8 rojie latkler of wliieh çhildren even u|i to 10 & 12 ytwr9?of ajfe coiild hanlly avuil theiuselves ; biit it i^ certiinly a niove in the rif^lit direction and nlu^«t educ;it« us in advanoe to tho neWH»ity, the iin|ierious obli;;iiti<>n on part of the Feder a la>x to this ellect shuuld be enacted. , (Signed) ■\.v Queliec, May 1887 C. BAILLAÏKGÊ, M. A.,' F. K. S. C, City & Civil Engr., Arct. Sus. ». ■/ y V^' \ ■1 -^ M^-"'' n- ',v'' t;^iii ;■'#': 'ni M '''^^l£0, ^vv. i\v «V ■ C^ <î!m,^ #