IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 ^|Z8 |Z5 ■^ ^ 12.2 lis ■is m m I.I l.*^ i^ iiL25 in 1.4 I 1.6 — A" Hiotographic Sciences Corporation // ^ ^4^ ^bOA:pjsi & co. I '<.» I 7S TilSr CBlf TS. >ii> p»» nn »ii rtiF»yi^>»j#ig»y^N»». xi. EDWARD RAWLINGS, Manager CANADA GUUANTEE COY Is ihe ONLY COMPANlT IN AMERICA \rliich is solely devoted to granting FOR Government, Bank, Railway, Commercial, and all Employees in Positions of Trusti Mmptoyees need not ask their Friends to become or to CONTiyuM bound for them, as they can be THKIJR.. OWN SURETIES by paying a small charge to this Company if they iare reliable persons* The Bonus System of this Company renders the Premium annually reducible after three years — ;the reduction this year ranges from 15 to 40 per cent, on the premium. Over $125,000 have been already paid by this Com- pany for losses by unfaithful Employees, - CAPITAIi^ fally subscribed, ** Paid np In Cash, ASSETS, DTov., I880, over - 9500,000 00 110,000 4M» 150,000 00 The whole of Capital and Assets are solely for the business of Guarantee, and do not comprehend risks of other more hazardous branches of Insurance. . .■■ ■ . ■ ■ .' ■ . ■. ■ •> \ Prospectus Forms, &c., may be had on application to the V Head Office, 260 SI. James Street, iBtri! President : SIR A. T. CALT. Vice-President: JOHN RANKIM.Esq. EDWARD RAWLINGS, Manager. ADVER : ISEMENT. CITIZENS or c\iJ%^^MDa. FIRE, GUARANTEE, LIFE, ACCIDENT. ESTABLISHED 1864. CAPITAL, (fully subscribed) $1,188,000 179 St. James :itreet - - MOjYTREAL SIR HUGH ALLAN, HENRY LYMAN, president. Vice- T^resident. N. B. CORSE, ! ROBERT ANDERSON, ANDREW ALLAN, | J. B. ROLLAND, ARTHUR PREVOST. GERALD E, HART, ARCHD. McGOUN, General J€unaffer» Sec*j''2reag' The Life Branch and its funds are entirely distinct from the other departments The most rigid economy is practised, to give the assured the greatest possible amount of profits. Send for Table of Rates. Insure against General Accidents, Railway Accidents, Personal Injuries, Death by Accident. — 1^5 will secure ^1000 and a weekly indemnity. Short Term Accident Policies issued. A small premium will Guarantee the fidelity of employees. Combined Life and Guarantee Policies at very low figures. Fire Risks taken ou every class of property. Agencies in all the principal Towns. ii. ADVERTISEMENT. ROYAL nsuranceJompany FIRE a^^dfLIFB. OFFICES: Corner Notre Dame St. and Place d'Armes. CAPITAL ---.-. $lO,OOaOOO ANNUAL INOOME upwards of - - 5,000,000 FUNDS INVESTED - - - - 23,000,000 Invested in Canada for Proteotion of Canadian Polioy Holders (Chiefly with aovemment) 600,000 iniis Company has the Zargeat Surplus of Assets over Ziahility of any Fire Insuranee Company in the world. FIRE DEPARTMENT. All descriptions of Property insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderate rates. Insurances on Dwellings and their contents effected on favorable terms. Losses promptly settled without reference to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unques- tionable security is offered to Policy-holders. Besides the large Subscribed and Paid-Up Capital of the Company, Assurers have Additional Security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms, and full information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. M. H. GAULT, M.P., J. KENNEDY, W. TATLEV, Inspector. Chief A gents for Canadum W. E. SCOTT, M.D., Medical Examiner, STARKE'S POCKET ALMANAC AND GENERAL REGISTER ,^^i J^ORTIETH JeAR (c^lfirst af: ir>>'"". '■'.'■•. "<.'■<, N.."..'S-". .".,'«.. .'<..'>„->.."i./' < _ "v : ■ r »^ r : J. Theo. Robinson, Publisher and Proprietor, 54 St. Francois Xavler Street, MONTREAL. IV. ADVERTISEM ENT. LIVERPOOL & LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. i^irE ajru FIRE. Assets exceed -•■••■ $28,000,000 Funds Invested in Canada • > > 900,000 Oovernment Deposit for Security of Canadian Policy Holders « • • 150,000 Canada Soard of Direciot » : Eon. Be&rylStarnes, Chairman. Thomas Cramp, Ssq., Sep Chairman. Theodore Sart, Esq. Angus C. Booperi Esq. Sdmond J. Barhean, Esq. G. Fi C. SMITHf Resident Secretary. Net Income for the Tear 1879, - $Y^300,000 Total Claims paid by the Company, 75,000,000 RISKS ACCEMED^AT CURRENT RATES. HEAD OrnOE, CANADA BBAH OH i 16 Place d'Armes, Corner of St. James St., MONTREAL. CONTENTS. PAGE. Almanae,<&o 1-27 Abstract of Assignment and OoUeotion Laws in Domin- ion of Canada 238-243 British Ambassadors Abroad, and Foreign Ambassadors in England 200 Bank Holidays 2 Banks in Canada 123-137 '* Foreign Aeents of , 129 Government Departments at Ottawa :— Governor-General of Canada, &o < 201 Governor's Secretary's Office 211 Department of Justice 214 " Militia and Defence 217 •« Customs 211 ** Finance 214 «• Public Works 217 ** Railways and Canals 218 '* Inland Revenue 215 ** Secretary of State 214 ** ' Marine and Fisheries 218 " Postmaster-General, 219 »• Agriculture 220 •' Interior.. 215 Collectors of Customs for the Dominion 212-213 Customs Tariflf 63-95 Council ot Arts and Manufactures, Province of Quebec 169 Courts of Justice » 97-106 Chronological Cycles ' 2 Dental Board of Examiners, Province of Quebec 118 Emigration Agents for the Dominion in Europe 220 Emigration Agents in the Dominion 220 Eclipses • • • • • 1 Epochs-. 1 Festivals -Moveable 2 ♦' Jewish 2 Fish and Game Laws of Canada 244-247 Geological Survey 216 Her Majesty's Household 198 Herschcl's Weather Table 3 Imperial Government and Chief Officers of State 199 Inspectors of Inland Revenue. District 215 Inspectors of Ports and Collectors of Customs 212 Library of Parliament 211 Members of the Privy Council and Officers 202 ** Senate of Canada and Officers 202-205 ** House of Commons and Officers 205-211 f I. f I i vi. CONTENTS. PAGE Members of the Legislature of Ontario and Officers .... 221-225 *' Legislature of Quebec and OffioerH .... 225-230 ^ Legislature of Nova Scotia and Officers. 233-234 *' Legislature of New Brunswick and Officers 230-232 •( Legislature of Manitoba and Officers. 236-237 ** Legislature of Prince Edward Island andOffioers 234-235 ** Legislature of British Columbia 236 • North West Territory 2.S7 Masonic * 173-175 Militia 115 Notarial Board, Province of Quebec 109 Official Arbitrators 118 Patent Branch 220 Prince of Wales' Household 198 Registrars of Counties 107-109 Stami) Duties .... 36 Superintendents, IN 178S. Canada Agency Established in 1804. LOSSES PAID, since the Establlshmeiit of tlie CTompany, bave exceeded TWELVE MILLIONS STERLING. BALANCE HELB IN HAND, for payment of Fire Lasses only, exceeds £600,000 STEiaiillfrQ-. Liability of Shareholders Unlimited. O-ILLESPIE, MOPPATT & Co, General Agents FOB THB l>OMINIO]Sr OF CANADA. pHIEPpPFICE, No. 12 ST. SAGBAUENT STBBBT, /?. fV. TYRE, Manager. ^ Of THIS CITIZENS INSURANCE: CO.— Fire, Life, Guarantee and Accident. Capital Sl,188,000. A.LMANAC, ^C -•-♦-•- EPOCHS. Of the Mundane Era 5884 Of the vulgar Christian Era a.. 188 Since the discovery of America 389 Since the discovery of Quebec 273 Since the treaty which confirmed the possession of Canada totheBrilish 115 Of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria 44 THE SEASONS. d. Vernal Equinox begins March 20 Summer Solstice ** June 21 Autumnal Equinox " September 22 Winter Solstice " December 21 h. 6 3 5 m. 58 mo. 12 mo. 34 ev. 9 ev. Tropical year is 365 days, 5 hours, 52 minutes. ECLIPSES DURING THE YEAR. During this year there will be four eclipses— two of the sun and two of the moon. I.— On the 27th of May there will be a partial eclipse of the sun, invisible. II.— On the 11th of June there will be a total eclipse of the sun, invisible. III.— On the 21st of November there will be an annular eclipse of the sun, invisible. IV.— On the 5th of December there will be a partial eclipse ot the moon : on that day the moon rises eclipsed which will continue until 6 30. An interestinsr phenomenon occurs on the 7th November. The transit of Mercury over the disc of the sun. It will not be visible in .Montreal, but the Astronomers will give us the parti- culars in due time. THS: OOOK'H FKIKND BAKING FOWDJEBR, " Be»t in Use." 1 I iH ' II THE OmZKNS INSURANCE COMPANT.-FraB, LIFB, SIR HUGH AULAN, Prerident; ALMANAC. Dominical Letters B Golden Number 1 Jewish Lunar Year 17 Epactor Moon's Age Bolar Cycle 1^ CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. Julian Period 6594 Jewish Year, beginning on 30th September 5641 Roman Indiction 9 Mohammedan Year 1398 MOVEABLE FESTIVALS. Septuagesima Sunday, Feb. 13 Sexagesima- " *' *^^ Quinquagesima " •* Ash Wednesday Mar Quadragesima Sunday *' Mid- Lent ^ "., ,^ Palm Sunday April 10 Good Friday " 15 20 27 2 6 27 Easter Sunday April 17 LowSunday " Rogation Sunday May Ascension Day " Whitsunday June Trinity Sunday Corpus Cristi Advent Sunday .... Nov. i( 24 22 26 5 12 16 27 ii JEWISH FESTIVALS,-1881-5641-«642. March 14 Fast of Esther. 15&16 Pureem. 14 ii-'•*'• n r« »i B rt 1 = • • i* ■• A •a s o B oo B* i p.ou: • • OQ B 5* ^ GO o o Qorjc Op B )!jij a h^ M i!^ SL2.0 5 S 9» 9>» v» f^<^9 CO Qox t^ q 3 5^5 2 B 5 o ^ 5»1 B CO o ? o • « ^ o QQ B O 89 B e< I? 02^ b^ 2 ^!^ PC i3 I ? s" s. ^ a* ^ 2* B O 2 S 89 'B (D S- g 2 »-^ CO 4 ep " f B^ S. § n *♦• B i-«) 2 f^ p, o BQ a- " 3 s I £ 3. » f A A A ^ H ST i S si* B- _: 2. ? ►^ 21 OR A A >• < O A O »t B 8» n I i 3 § on ^ •g & A e: B CO B* P^ o A P 89 ^ e- g ^ &. A jj* A "• O ? ^ <♦ B- St i S O- A A £ A S* § « PS B VI VI A 8a B* A CO a a » a 3 '" v w o w f > w > TUJfi COOK'S FlilJb:jKi> IIAKIMG J^OWliiSll. "Best in Use." ^1 i '' CinZBNS ISSUKANCE COMPANY.— lilFB BRANCH. THIS COMPANY. Ag«nole» ADVERTISEMENT. CANADA PAPER COMPANY, (LIMITED,) PAPER-MAKERS AND WHOLESALE ST A TIONERS, 374 376 & 378 St. Paul Street, HILLS AT 8HEBBR00KE, WIND30B and FOBTNEUF, P.Q. PATENTS in connection with the publication of the Scientific Ambrican, we continue to act as Sohcitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. W«-*ave had thirty-five years expe- rience. Patents obtained through us are noticed in the Scientific Amrkican. This large and splendid illustrated Weekly paper, $3-20 a year, shows the progress of science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Can I obtain a Patent ? The quickest and best way to obtain a satisfactory answer, without expense, is to write us (Munn & Co.), describing the invention, with a small sketch. All we need is to get the idea. We will immediately answer, and give the necessary instructions. For this advice we make no charge* We also send /ree our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address . :i Publishers of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Row, NEW YORK. US12 STOCK'S KXTBA MACHINC OIIn See Advt. page 14. 1 If. UFB POIilOLBS OF ETERT DESOBIPTIOir ISSUBD BT tn all principal towns. CALENDAR. JANUAET. Named after the two-faced Roman Deity Janus. PHASES OF THB MOOlf. PHASES. D. First Quar . 7 Full Moon.. 15 Last Quar... 23 New Moon . .29 Quebec. Montreal. H. M. 3 24 m. 6 49 m.: 4 3 m. 8 8ev. H. H. 3 16 m. 6 41 m. 3 55 m. 7 65 ev. Kingston. Toronto. a* Ma 3 6 m. 6 31 m. 3 45 m. 7 45 ev. H. If. 2 54 m. 6 19 m. 3 33 m. 7 33 ev. London, H. M< 2 46 m. 6 11 m. 3 25 m. 7 25ev. DATS. M. w. 1 S 2 Su 3 M 4 Tu 5 W 6 Th 7 F 8 S 9 Su 10 M 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14 F 15 S 16 Su 17 M 18 Tu 19 W 20 Th 21 F 22 S 23 Su 24 M 25 Tu 26 W 27 Th 28 F 29 S 30 Su 31 M EVENTS, &o. New Years's Day. Circumciaion lat Sunday after Ghriatmaa GoldWave, unpreoedented in Canada*79 Sir J. Johnson died at Montreal. • -.1830 Edward the Confessor died 1086 Epiphany, \2thor Old ChriatmasDay Allan Ramsay, poet, died 1757 Insurrection at Red River 1870 lat Sunday after Epiphany Penny Postage estab. in England. • 1840 Removal of Temple Bar, Londpn.. 1878 Chief Justice Chase (U.S.) born . . .1808 Vancouver Island ceded to H B. Co. '49 Halley, astronomer, died 1742 British Museum opened 1759 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Montreal Fire Alarm completed . . .1862 Baskerville, printer, died 1775 General Lee born 1807 Lt.-Cov» opened 1st Pari. P.Q 1869 Bat.Isandula,Ur.col. '79 Dukeof Eent.CQueen'sFather) died, 1820 Srd Sunday after Epiphany Frederick the Great born 1712 Burns, Poet, born 1759 (27) Mozart, born 1768 Ottawa named seat of Government.1838 First Ministry of Manitoba formed. .1871 George IIL died 1820 ith Sunday after Epiphany Ben. Johnson born 1674 THE SUN rises sets 4 27 7 41 7 41 4 27 7 41 4 28 7 41 i 29 7 41 4 30 7 40 4 31 7 40 4 32 7 40 433 7 40 434 7 39 4 35 7 39 4 36 7 39 4 37 738 4 38 7 38 4 40 7 38 4 42 7 37 4 44 7 36 4 45 7 35 4 47 7 34 4 49 7 34 4 50 734 4 52 7 33 4 54 7 32 465 7 31 4 56 7 31 458 7 30 4 59 i 29 6 1 7 28 5 2 i 27 5 3 26 5 4 725 5 6 MOON r.&8. 5 7 44 9 8 30 9 50 11 5 mom. 18 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 30 38 44 43 37 24 00 rises. 5 00 7 7 8 14 9 20 10 28 11 38 morn. 60 2 4 3 4 6 18 30 28 6 19 6 58 sets. 7 22 THB COOK'S FRIBND BAKING POWDBB, « Best in Use." a I'.i .1 I i I : I I / THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY. — ACCIBENTk COMPENSATED. WEEKLY RELIEF AD VERTISEM KNT. il 1 ASSURANCE COMPANY, Head Ojfice, 19 ^ 20 Cornhill, London CAPITAL - - $12,500,000 Punds in hand and Invested, over - $8,000,000 Uncalled Capital $11,250,000 Brancli OfQlce for Eastern Canada : 64 St. Francois Xavier St., Cor. Hospital St. MONTREAL, Fire Department. Insurance granted upon Dwelling Houses and Mercantile Risks, including Mills and Manufactories and their ; contents, at Reasonable Rates. • Lifd Department. , Terms Liberal — Rates Moderate — Security Perfect — Bonuses large, having heretofore averaged over 25 per cent, of the Premiums paid. FRED. COLE, Qeneral Agent for JEastern Canada, VSE STOCK*S EXTRA MACHINE OIL, See Advt. page 14. 1 Ti] 2 W 3 Tl 4 F 6 8 6 So 7 M 8 Ti 9 W 10 Th 11 F 12 S 13 Su 14 M 15 Tu 16 W 17 Th 18 F 19 S 20 Su 21 M 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 25 P 26 S 27 Su 28 M THE BRANCH.— €01lfBINia> LIFE ft OUARANTEX: POIilCIBS Airenoles In all principal towns. :CALENDAR. FEBBI7ABY. From the Latin Eebruo. Formerly, on the 15th of this month, the Romans held their great Feast of Expiation and Purification. PHASES OF THB MOON. PHASES. First Quar . . 5 Full Moon.. 14 Last Quar. . -21 New Moon.. 28 Quebec. Montreal. Kingston. Toronto. H. M. 8 9ev. 1 39 m. 2 45 ev. 6 48 m. H. M. 8 01 ev. 1 31 m. 2 37 ev. 6 40 m. H. M. 7 61 ev. 1 21 m. 2 27 ev. 6 30 m. H. M. 7 39 ev. 19 m. 2 15 ev. 6 18 m. JLondofi* 7 13 ev. 1 1 m. 2 7ev. 6 10 m. DATS. H. W. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tu W Th F 8 Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M EVENTS, Ac. Geo. Cruiokshank died ...1878 Glasgow Bank Directors sentenced. 1879 Horace Greely born ^ 1811 Fort Nicholas destroyedby Allies.. 18->6 Sir Robert Peel born 1788 5th Sunday after Epiphany Pope Pio Nono died 1878 Mary Queen of Scots beheaded •••■1587 Canada ceded to Britain .... 1763 Queen Victoria married 1840 Union of Upper and Lower Canada. 1841 Lady Jane Grey beheaded 1555 Soptuageaima St.Valentine National debt of England oom'nocd 1500 Dr. Kane died. 1857 D'Israeli Ministry Formed 1874 C'anada settled. 1534 Sir V\ illiam Napier died I860 Sexageaima Death of Shere Ali— Afghanistan ' 1879 Washington born 1732 French Revolution began 1848 Handel born. 1684 Sir Christopher Wren died 1723 Tom Moore died 1852 QuinqvMgeaima Indian Mutiny commenced 1857 THE SUN rises sets 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 8 6 4 3 2 00 59 57 6 56 6 55 6 63 51 49 47 46 6 44 6 42 6 40 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 19 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 37 39 40 42 43 44 46 MOON r. &B. 8 40 9 56 11 12 morn. 23 1 30 2 34 3 4 5 5 6 6 32 20 00 35 4 30 rises. 7 10 8 20 9 28 10 40 11 53 morn. 1 5 2 15 3 18 4 10 4 52 5 26 5 55 sets. , THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING FOWDBR. ••Best in Use.*' M THB CTTIZBNS INSURANCE COMPANY.— FIRE BRANCH. will be quoted. Ageuolea 8 €0 €0 ADVERTISEMENT. .5 S 2 •g-o a g rt O «» O J" h^l A.ISr'S raCS raOM ah t)t$AOREEASUH bmeu aso tabtc, PREPARED AT TRONDHJEM, NORWAY. IN BOTTLES AND BULK, Has obtained numerous Medals, including a Silver Medal at the Paris Exhibition, 1878. LYMANS, SONS & CO., Wholesale Druggists « Beit in Use." BAKING POWDBB. I i CrnZ£NS INSURANCE CO]IIPANY.~I BAKING FOWDISJB, '•Best in Uso.*' t\ ■ ■ 'li i! TECB CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— GUARANTEE ISSUED WITHOUT EXTRA PREMIUM. U ADVERTISEMENT. mmtt^ mukmst, WILLIAM DRYSDALE & CO. Stationers & Periodical Agents, 0SB St. James Street, Bill and Postage Stamps. Montreal, STOCK'S MaCHIWE OIL. My EXTRA, on a special test at Joseph Hall Works, Oshawa, run a 14 foot iron Plainer 7 days with one oiling. Heat nor cold does not affect it. My XX CASTOR MACHINE OIL is of a fine bright Oulour, and is adapted for all kinds of machinery. A S oek of all kinds of MACHINE and I.UBRI- CATINO OILS kept on hand and supplied at the shortest notice. S3nd for Pamphlet and Price List to 390 Front Street, - - TORONTO. Ai«^ J. A. ^^ILKES. 514 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL. USE STOCK'S EXTRA~MACHINE OII^ See Advt page 14. BRANCH— PERSONAI. INJURIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENl AFFORDED. Asenoies in all principal towns CALENDAR. 15 JUNE. Named after the Goddess Juno. PHASES or THE MOON. PHASES. First Quar Full Moon Last Quar. New Moon D. . 4 .12 .18 .26 Quebec. H. M. 10 35 ev. 2 cO m. 4 34 ev. 9 10 m. Montr eal. H. M. 10 27 ev. 2 22 m. 4 26 ev. 9 11 m. Kingston. 10 17 ev. 2 12 m. 4 16 ev. 9 1m. Toronto, H. M. 10 2 4 5 ev. 2 m. 4ev. 8 49 m. London, H. M. 9 57 ev. 1 54 m. 3 56 ev. 8 41 m. DATS. M. w. 1 W 2 Th 3 F 4 S 5 Su 6 M 7 Tu 8 W 9 Th 10 F 11 S 12 Su 13 M 14 Tu 15 W 16 Th 17 F 18 S 19 Sff 20 M 21 Tu 22 W 23 Th 24 F 25 S 26 Su 27 M 28 Tu 29 W 30 Th EVENTS, &c. Prince Imperial of France killed. . 1879 Battle of Ridgeway 1866 Baron N M. Rothschild died 1879 George III born 1738 Whit Sunday o Gavazzi Riots at Quebec 1853 Reform Bill passed 1832 Nova Scotia settled 1622 Charles Dickens died 1870 Jacques Cartier ar. atNewfoundl'd 1534 Georgeldied 1727 Trinity Sunday Lord Hastings beheaded 1483 Union of the Pres. Churches of Can.l87f Magna Charta signed 1215 COEPUS Christi— Fetb Dieu John Wesley born 1703 Batf le of W aterloo 1815 let Sunday after Trinity Queen Victoria's accession- 1837 Longest day in the year Montreal dines Lord Lisgar 1872 Telegraph Com. bet England & India'70 >T. John THE Baptist Battle of Bannockburn 1314 2nd Sunday after Trinity Cawnpore AlHssacre 1857 Coronation of Queen Victoria 1838 St. Fetee and St. Paul Duke of f^rgyle beheaded 1685 THE sun rises 4 14 pets 7 40 4 14 7 41 4 14 7 42 4 13 7 43 4 13 7 43 4 12 7 44 4 12 745 4 11 7 46 4 11 7 46 4 11 7 47. 4 11 7 47 4 11 748 4 11 7 49 4 11 7 49 4 11 7 49 4 11 7 50 4 11 7 51 4 11 7 61 4 11 7 51 4 11 7 61 4 11 7 51 4 12 7 52 4 12 7 52 4 12 7 52 4 12 7 52 4 13 7 52 4 14 7 52 4 14 7 52 4 14 7 52 4 15 7 52 MOON r. &s. 11 00 11 24 11 45 morn. 3 25 45 1 8 1 40 2 13 2 59 rises. 9 21 9 59 10 31 10 58 11 22 11 44 morn. 8 34 1 00 1 35 2 16 3 2 sets. 8 36 9 4 9 30 9 50 THB COOK'S FKISND BAKING PUWDCiR. « Best In Use." I ■ f A I m: CITIZENS insurance: CO.— Slie.OOO deposited wllih Canadian Ctovemment. Agenotes In all prinetpal towiM» 16 ADVERTISE IE NT. EAGLE FOUNDRY. GEORGE BRUSH: l-O; to Q'Q, King and Qi@@ii Streets, MAKER OF til Steam Boilers, Hoistingr Engrines, Steam Pumps, Oircular Saw MiUs, Sark Mills, Water 'W'lieels, Mill aearingr, Hangrers & Pulleys, Band and Power foists for Warehouses, Sco. &c. ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURER OF BLAKFS *' CHALLENGE'^ STOJNE BREAKER. Baragwanath Patent Feed Wat^r Heater. AND AGEMT FOR ••Water's" Perfect iSteam Fng^ine Governors, and ••Heald «& Siseo's*' Centrifugal Pumps. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OH.. See Aclvt. page 14. THB CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— Fire, Life, Guarantee and Aooident. Capital •1,188*000. CALENDAR. 17 JULY. From Julius, in memory of Julius Caesar. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHASES. First Quar • Full Moon . Last Quar.. New Moon . D. . 4 .11 18 .26 Quebec. H. M. 31 ev. 9 29 m. 49 m. 34 m. Montreal. H. M. 2>J ev. 9 21 m. 41 m. 26 m. Kingston. H. M. 13 ev. 9 11 in. 31 m. 16 m. Toronto. fi* M* ] ev. 8 59 m. 19 m. 9 m. London. H. M. 11 59 ev. 8 51 m. 11 m. 1m. DAYS. 1.. w. 1 2 8 4 5 6 ft 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 F S Su M Tu W Th P S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th P S Su EVENTS, Ac. Dominion Day Sir Robert Peel died , 1850 3rd Sunday after Trinity (3) Quebec founded by Ohamplain . .1608 Princess Helena married 1866 Battle of Chippawa 1814 Emperor Nicholas born 1796 1200 houses burned at Montreal. . . .1852 Cholera reappeared in Montreal . . .1834 ith Sunday after Trinity- Jack Cade killed 1450 Crimea evacuated 1856 George Stephenson died 1848 French Revolution 1789 St. SwiTHiN's Day Sir Joshua Reynolds born 1723 5th Sunday after Trinity French invasion of England repelledl5i5 British take Quebec 1629 (21) Battle of Bull's Run 1861 Robert Burns died 1796 Garibaldi born 18o7 The (Panadas United 1840 6th Sunday after Trinity Irish Church dis-established 1866 Lieut. -Gov. Robitaille appointed. . .1879 Battle of Talavera 1809 Austrian Troops enter Bosnia 1878 Wilberforce died 1833 Battle of Plevna — . 1877 7^^ Sunday after Trinity THE SUN rises sets 4 16 7 62 4 17 7 51 4 17 7 51 4 17 7 51 4 18 7 50 4 19 7 50 4 20 7 50 4 21 7 49 4 21 7 49 4 22 7 48 4 22 7 48 423 7 47 4 24 7 47 425 7 47 4 26 7 46 4 27 745 4 28 7 44 4 29 7 44 4 30 7 43 430 7 42 4 31 7 41 4 32 7 40 4 33 7 39 4 34 738 435 7 37 4 36 7 36 4 37 7 36 4 38 735 4 39 7 33 4 40 7 32 4 42 7 30 IfOON r. &s. 10 00 10 30 10 50 11 10 11 37 morn. 8 47 1 37 2 40 rises. 8 30 8 9 9 58 25 50 10 13 10 40 11 6 11 38 morn. 16 1 1 1 2 52 48 3 49 sets. 7 56 8 58 8 36 8 56 9 S THE COOK'S FUIli^ND " BeKt in Use." BAKING POWDER. 1' «• THB CITIZENS IKSURANOECO.— UNBOVBTED SECURITY Agencies In all 18 ADVERTISEMENT. um MmuHCTomNii co. (LimiTED) MA.NUIT'A.CrXJREJRS OW mhk^%, ^apn^, m^k l^arf. Colored Paints, Dry Colors, MACHINERYOILS(tf^ AXLE GREASE AND DEALERS IN Painters' and Printers' Materials Generally. PRINTING INK For Newspaper and Job Printing, of which this Book is a Specimen, MANUFACTURED BY THE ^ BAYLIS MANUFACTURING CO. '■A ^JSE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Oil-. f"-■^ .»,••,'«• Al>n> I^ROE PROFITS TO HOLDB^IS OF IJEFB FOLIOIBhb principal towns. CALENDAR. 19 X ATJQTJST. Named in honour of Augustus Jaesar. PHASES OF THB MOON. PHASES. D. First Quar. 3 Full Moon . . 9 Last Quar... 16 New Moon. 24 Quebec. Montreal. Kingston. Toronto. H. H. 11 58 ev. 4 2ev. 13 ev. 4 lev. H. M. 11 50 ev. 3 54 ev. 5ev. 3 53 ev. H. M. 11 40 ev. 3 44 ev. 11 55 m. 3 43 ev. 11 • M* 11 28 ev. 3 32 ev. 11 43 m. 3 31 ev. London. H. If. 11 20 ev. 3 24 ev. 11 35 m. 3 23 ev. DAYS. M. w. 1 M 2 Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 F 6 S 7 Su 8 M 9 Tu 10 W 11 Th 12 F 13 S 14 Su 15 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 F 20 S 21 Su 22 M 23 Tu 24 VV 25 Th 26 F 27 S 28 Su 29 M 30 Tu 31 W EVENTS, &o. THE SUN rises sets Emancipation of slaves by Britain. 1834 Royal Insurance Go. Annual Mtg. 1881 (2) British Columbia colonized 1858 Ht. Rev. G. Conroy, Apos.Del. Am. d. '78 Capture of Cabal 1840 Duke of Edinburgh born 1844 Sth Sunday after Trinity. Marshal Ney shot 1815 Strasbourg invested 1870 (9) Capt. Marryatt died 1848 Battle of Lake Cham plain 1814 siegVorRigaV.V.V. v.* *.*.'.'.' *.V. '..*.*!. '.1812 9th Sunday after Trinity Napoleon I born 1769 Gas Light first introduced ; . 1807 Admiral Blake died 1657 Battle of Gravelotte 1870 1st Steamboat ran Lachine Rapids. 1840 Prince of Wales at Quebec 1860 "iOth Sunday after Trinity \V arren Hastings died 1818 Prince Arthur at Halifax 1869 Theodore Hooke died 1841 Sir William Herschell died 1822 Prince Albert born 1819 Algiers bombarded 1806 llth Sunday after Trinity John Locke born 1632 Peace witb China 1842 John Bunyan died 1688 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 28 26 25 24 23 22 20 18 17 16 14 12 10 8 7 6 4 2 1 59 58 6 66 6 54 6 52 6 50 48 MOON r. &8. 47 45 43 6 41 6 40 9 40 10 8 10 42 11 26 morn. 20 1 30 2 47 4 10 rises. 7 50 8 14 8 40 9 9 9 40 10 16 10 59 11 48 morn. 42 1 42 2 44 3 47 sets. 6 42 7 7 24 7 47 8 12 8 44 9 24 i!( i! THE COOK'S FRIJSND BAKING POWDSR. •' Rest In Use." OinZBNS IMBI7IIAN0IB COMPANT.-THE liAROEST ASSURED. Agencies n USE STOCK'S EXTKA MACHINE Oil*. See Advt. page 14. POSSIBLE AMOUNT OF PIt< tPS RETURNED THB in all principal towns. / OALBNDAH. 21 SEFTB3CBBB. From the Latin Septem, seven; the seventh month of the old Roman Year, the ninth month of the Modern Calendar. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHASES. D. First Quar . . 1 Eull Moon . . 8 Last Quar ■ • 15 New Moon 23 First Quar .30 Quebec. Montreal. Kingston. Toronto, H. M. 9 17 m. 11 55 ev. 3 17 m. 7 10 m. 5 24 m. H. M. 9 9 m. 11 47 ev. 3 9 m. 7 2 m. 5 16 m. H. M. 8 59 ra. 11 37 ev. 2 59 m. 6 52 m. 6 4 m. H. M. 8 45 m. 11 25 ev. 2 47 m. 6 40 m. 4 52 m. London. H. M. 8 39 m. 11 17 ev. 2 39 m. 6 32 m. 4 44 m. DATS. M. w. 1 Th 2 F 3 S 4 Su 5 M 6 Tu 7 W 8 Th 9 F 10 S 11 Su 12 M 13 Tu 14 W 15 Th 16 F 17 S 18 Su 19 M 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 F 24 S 25 Su 26 M 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th 30 F EVENTS, Ac, Battle ofSedan 1870 Great Fire in London 1666 Oliver Cromwell died 1638 I2th Sunday after Trinity Lord Metcalfe died 1846 Loss of H. M. Ship •* Captain " . . .1870 Br. Johnson born 1709 Montreal surrendered to Britain. • .1760 Sebastopol taken 1855 Mungo Park born 1771 13 BBET^SEIES, SUaAH ZIEFIXTSZIIES, ftc. OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY: MONTREAL. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL, See Advt. page 14, BBi AFFI Frc PI FulU LastC New] First ( DATS u. w. 1 Th 2 F 3 S 4 Su 5 M 6 Tu 7 W 8 Th 9 F 10 S 11 Su 12 M 13 Tu 14 W 15 Th 16 F 17 S 18 Su 19 M 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 F 24 S 25 Su 26 M 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th 30 F 31 S BRANCH— PEBSONAIi INJURIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENT AFFORDED. Agencies in all principal towns CALENDAR. 27 DECEMBER. From Decern, ten, according to the position of the month in the old Roman Calendar. PHASES OF THE MOOK. PHASES. D. Full Moon . . 5 Last Quar. . . 13 New Moon.. 21 First Quar.. 27 Quebec, Montreal. Kingston. Toronto. 11 19 m. 3 20 ev. 22 m. 3 57 ev. H. M. 11 11 m. 3 12 ev. 14 m. 4 49 ev. H. M. 11 1 m. 8 2ev. 4 m. 3 39 ev. H* M* 10 49 m. 2 50 ev. 11 52 ev. 3 27 ev. London, H. 10 2 11 3 M. 41 m. 42 ev. 48 ev. 19 ev. DATS. M. w. 1 Th 2 F 3 S 4 Su 5 M 6 Tu 7 W 8 Th 9 F 10 S 11 Su 12 M 13 Tu 14 W 15 Th 16 F 17 S 18 Su 19 M 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 F 24 S 25 Su 26 M 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th 30 F 31 S BXENTS, &c. Princess of Wales born 1844 Mauritius taken by the British... 1810 John Brown executed, Harper's Fy. *59 lat Sunday after Advent Battle of Austerlitz 1805 Canadian Rebellion 1837 Mary Queen of Scots born . 1642 Conception of the Virgin Mart. John Milton bom 1608 Gold discovered in Australia 1851 2nd Stfnday after Advent (11) Pilgrim Fathers in America. . . 1620 New Zealand discovered 1642 Washington died 1799 Prince Albert died 1861 Mackenzie occupies Navy Islands..l837 Sir Humphrey Davy born 1779 3rd Sunday after Advent (18) Abolition of Slavery in the U.S. 1867 (19) (Victoria Bridge opened 1859 {Shortest Day Schiller died 1805 Prince Consort buried 1861 Thackerydied 1864 Christmas Dat Boxing Dny St. John the Evangelist Holt Innocents William Oladstone born 1809 Pegu Annexed 1852 Earl Beaoonsfield born 1805 THE sun rises sets 21 22 23 24 2-5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MOON T.& a. 2 42 3 57 5 9 6 18 rises. 4 5 6 8 9 10 58 59 59 3 6 9 11 12 morn. 16 1 2 3 4 5 7 21 28 37 47 57 00 sets. 5 59 7 20 8 40 10 00 11 18 morn. 33 1 47 2 58 4 7 THB COOK'S FBI£ND BAKING POWDBB. •• Best In Use.** •i )i r: I ! I; i\ ii 1 THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— GUABANTEB Agencies in all POST OFFICE DPTAKTMENT. OTTAWA. Poatmaater General SiR Alex- Campbell, K.C.M.G. Deputy Poatmaater General Wm. Henry Griffin. Secretary Lt.-COL. WILLIAM Whitk. Accountant H- A. WiCKSrEKD. Superintendent M. Order Branch.W. P. FoRSTTH. '• Savinga Bank . . .J. Cunningham Stewart. Caahier John Ashworth. MONTREAL, Major G. Lamothe Poatmaster, M. Emert Aaaiatant Poatmaater. Clerka.—lat Claaa : H. A. Bourrct, H Huddell, J. McKeown, V. Baillargeon, J. L. Palmer, T. F. Larseneur. 2nd Claaa : P. Pridham, S. Johnston, A. D' Amour, E. Mayer, T. Forsyth, J- C. Sims, 0. Clement, A- Loftus, J. iSenez, A. de Rostaing, D. O'Connor, F. X- Beauregard, T. Desnoyers, H. Goyette, and J- B A- D'Aoust. Srd Claaa: J. E Baroelo, R. J- Arless, A. E. Auger, R. Duncan, D A. MoPherson. J. Filiatrault, A. A- Doray. G- Beaudeoin, J. E- Henaud. Thos. Harding, L. Lefebvre, E. Chagnon, A. E. Hamelin, G. Lefebvre, A. Larose, I. Chase, U- Rondeau, W Hayden, 0. A. T. Leduo, J. Thompson, H. D. Gaudry, G- Coutl^e, A. Lord, and J. Gillies, ith Claaa: R J. White, D- Cameron, R. T, Daniels, W. Johnson, P. Kierskowsky, E. H- Ouelette. HE. Forbes, W. J. McElroy, Theo. Lapointe, Mathew Rappel, A. A. de Gasp^ and Fred Tuck. Stamper: J. Collins. Bag Tenders ; P. Patterson, and.R. Talbot. Meaaenger : James Maher. Engineer in charge of Beating Apparatua : J.Watson. Fireman and Night Watch: A. Trudel. Joiner: L- Renois. Letter Carriera : E. C. Dowd, P. Lapointe, A. Dufresne, C. Lefebvre, J. B. Plante, P. D. Rottot, D. V. V. de Grande Pr6, A. p. Giroux, J. Callary. J. Kelly, P. Callary, L. Dube, J. Thibodeau, Ig. St. Armour, W. Rozen, P. Clark, W. Bergin, L- N. Barrette, A. C St. Amour. G. Plante, P- L^gao6, B. Conlon, J. Thlmens, E- D'Orsonnens, F. A. McDonald, J. Bathurst, N. Bissonnette, A. E. Bissonnette, H- Cousineau,S. Laramie, G. Lefebvre, C. A. E Teroux, Jas- Longmore, M. Kearney, Jos. Giroux, F. 0- Baulnes, E. Grenier, S- Demers, N. Cusson, J. B. Moreau, H- Chevalier, P. James, F. Mo- USE STOCK*S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. BRANCH.— FIDELITY OF EMFIiOYBES GUAfULNTBBXIb principal towng. _ POST OFFICE. 29 Shane, L. H- Darby, and L. Simard and M. Humphries. Letter] Carriers at Point St, Charles: W. Murphy and S- Gorman- p. 0. Inspector's Office.— MontrealBivision : B. P. Ki'' g« inspector; David Nelligan, assistant inspector; F. J. Logie, J. p. Chillas, J- Tucker, W. Greaves, J. A. Madore, J> F. Pelletier, clerks ; P> Nelligan, messenger. The Railway Mail Clerks, forty-three in number, F. Briegel, Chief Railway Mail Clerk, serving on the fuUovving sections of railway : Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal and Kingston, Mon- treal and Island Pond, Vermont Junction Railway, Shefford Railway, the South Eastern Railway* the Massawippi Railway, Occidental Railway, and the English Mail Train Service between Montreal, Rimouski and Halifax, are attached to the offictf of the Post Office Inspector, Montreal. City Postal Delivery. The following are the arrangements in connection with Free Postal Delivery, in the City of Montreal : There are no fees chargeable on the delivery of Letters or Papers. There are five deliveries daily, Sundays excepted, in the central portions of the city, served from the General Post Office, commencing respectively at 8 00, a-m., 9-45 a-m., 11-30 a.m., 2-00 p-m-, and 3-30 p.m., and four deliveries in the other pcrtions of the city, served from the postal receiving offices, commencing at 8.30 am-, 11.30 a.m., 1.00 p.m., and 3 30pm., excepting, however, in the more distant divisions, in the north- ern and eastern portions of the city, in which there are only two deliveries, also served from the postal receiving offices, oom- menciug at 8 30 a.m., and 100 p.m,i with an additional delivery at 3.30 p m. on Saturdays. There are three postal receiving offices :— one in the east, at No, 640 St. Catherine street ; one in the north, at No. 337^ St. Lawrence Main street ; and one in the west, at 444 St. Joseph street. Point St. Charles.— Two deliveries daily : 9 a.m. and 2.30 p m. Persons receiving their letters by letter carrier should, in the event of their removal, advise their correspondents, and at once send their new address, in writing, to the Postmaster. The receiving houses are also open for the sale of postage stamps, and the reception of registered and other mailable matter, from 8 a.m. to 6-p.m. . Street Letter Boxes are visited at 9.15 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 5.30 p.m., and 7.45 p.m. On Sundays at 7.45 p.m. Every effort is used to secure the satisfrctory working of hese arrangements. If however, irregularities occur, they houid be at once reported to the Postmaster. THE COOK*$» FKIKND UAKINQ FOWDKR. - 1 THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— ACCIDENT BRANCH.^ TLRIE REQUIRED AT VERY LOW RATEa SO POST OFFICE. RATES AND REGULATIONS. POSTAGE RATES, LETTERS. Between places within the Donjinion 3 ots. per h oa. Between Canndaand the United States 3 ots. per ♦ oz. City or Drop Letters, for City Delivery 1 centper J oz. The above rates must in every case be prepaid by postaRe stamp. Letters wholly unpaid cannot be forwarded, they will be eent to the Dead Lettep Office. Insufficiently paid letters on which one full rate of iy>st .ge is paid will be taxed with double the amount of the deficrent postage, except letters to the United States, which must be fully prepaid. Post Cards. Canadian Postal Cards of one cent each circulate within the Dominion and are transmissible, without further charge, to the United States. Postal Union Cards at 2 cents each, are issued for transmis- sion to Newfoundland and the United Kingdom, and may be used for correspondence with all Postal Union Countries, Registered Letters. Letters intended to be registered, when addressed to places in Canada, must be prepaid by Repisiered Letter Stamp, 2 cents each ; to the United States, 5 cents each, in addition to the postage rate. The Registration Fees on letters to the United Kingdom, &e„ will be fonnd under the beading, '* Rates of Postage on Letters, &c." Parcel Post. The Postage on Parcels addressed to places in Canada, and which mu«/ be prepaid by postage stamp, is as follows : Not exceeding 4 oz., 6 cents. " S 8 oz., 12 cents, and for each additional 4 oz., or portion thereof, 6 cents. Parcels intended to pass through the Mail, should not exceed 6 poundi in weight, or 24 inches in length, or 12 inches in breadth or thicknes, and should be marked *' by Parcel Post." Parcels may be registered by affixing a 5 cent Registered Letter Stamp thereto in addition to the Postage. Parcels cannot bo transmitted to any place beyond the limits of Canada, nor can any parcel be forwarded to British Columbia or Manitoba, via the United States, which exceeds in weight the limit ot 2 lbs. 3 oz. . . i v Newspapers and Periodical^. Newspapers and Periodicals addressed to places in Canada, Newfoundland, Great Britain (by Canadian Steamers), or the U'b., printed and published in Canada, and posted from the office or publication or News Agency, to actual Subscribers or News USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINB OII^ See A-'- 14. OCCIDENT rOLlCIES ISSUED Isencies in all principal towus. FOR ANY LENGTH OA POST OFFICE. 31 Agents (including exchanges) are subject to a rate of one cent per pound, gross weight, which must be prepaid by Publisher at the time of posting. Such periodicals must be issued not less frequently than once per month. Transient Newspapers and Periodicals, addressed to places in Canada, Newfoundland and the United States : On all news- papers and Periodic Jlls other than those from the office of pub- lication, including all newspapers and Periodicals published less frequently than once a month, the postage rate is one cent per 4 ounces in weight, which must be prepaid by postage stamp. Newspapers and periodicals weighing less than one ounce may be posted singly; if prepaid by postage stamp, one half cent each. Newspapers from Offices of Publications posted for City Delivery are not delivered by Letter Carrier unless prepaid 1 cent each by stamp. Newspapers and Periodicals published in the United King- dom, and reposted by News Agents ,to regular subscribers are not liable to any additional postage. Miscellaneous Postal Matter. Pamphlets, Occasional Publications, Printed Circulars, Prices Current, Handbills, Book and Newspaper Manuscripts, Printer's Proof?, whether corrected or not, Maps and Prints, Engravings, Sheet Music, Photographs, Documents, wholly^ or partly printed or written, such as Deeds, Insurance Policies, Militia and Hchool Returns, or other documents of like nature, wholly or partly printed or written. When posted, addressed to any place in Canada or the United States and not exceeding 4 pounds in weight, 24 inches in length, and 12 inches in broadtn or depth, must be prepaid by postage stamp at the rate of one cent per 4 ounces in weight, and must be put up so as to admit of inspection. Such books, papers, returns, etc., must not be accompanied by tinj instruc- tions or directions. Bank notices, advices of goods in transit, and personal notices, are liable to letter rate because intended for the information of a particular person. The rate of postage on Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs and Roots witbin the Dominion is one cent per 4 ounces, the weight of a package not to exceed 4 lbs. Book Packets, Passing between places in the Dominion of Canada, or to and from Newfoundland, and not exceeding 5 lbs. in weight, 2 feet in length, and 1 foot in breadth or depth, must be prepaid by postage stamp at the rate of one cent per 4 oz. Book Packets posted for delivery in the Dominion cannot bo registered. THB COOK'S FRIBND «« Best Id Use.*' BAKING FOWDSB U THE CITIZENS INSITIANCE COMPANY.-FIRK BRANCH All classes of RiskH taken at moderate rates. 82 POST OFFICE. The limit of weight of Book Packets to the United Kingdom is 5 lbs. Book Packets lor Fnuice, Oermuny, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, the A^^ores, 3Iadeira. Denmark, and Switzerland, must not exceed 4 lbs. 6 oz. in weight, and 24 inches in length or 12 in breadth or depth. Pattern and Sample Post. Canada.. .Patterns and samples of merchandise, not exceed- ing 24 ounces in weight, when posted in Canada ior places within Canada or Newfoundland, must be prepaid by postage stamp at the rate of One Cent per 4 ounces weight, and put up in such a manner as to admit of inspection. Goods sent in execution of an Order, however small the quantity may be, or articles sent by one private individual to another, which are not actually Trade l^atterns or Samples, are not admissible. Registration lee 5 cents. United States.. F&tterna and Samples of Merchandise, posted for places in the United 8t tes, will continue to be subject to the special rate of 10 cents each, prepaid by postage stamp, and must not exceed 8 ounces in weight. Rates of Postage on Letters &o., foe British and Foreign Countries. Austria, (including Hungary,) Belgium, Denmark, Egypt France and Algeria, GermHcy, Gibraltar, Great Britain and Irel.iid, Greece and Ionian Islands, Italy, Japan, Malta, Metherlands, JMorway, Portugal, and Islaiids of Madeira and Azores, Russia and Finland, bt. Pierre et Miquelon, Spain, Sweden, SwitzerlwDd, and Turkey, ( European and Asiatic), Letters 5 cents, Postal Cards 2 cents, Papers 2 cents per 4 ounces, Registration fee 5 cents. Books and printed matter generally. JSewspnpera excepted^ 1 cent per 2 oz. Commercial Pjjper, Leyal »nd other Documents, Over 25 and not exceeding. $ 50 50 100 200 300 400 500 «t 100 200 300 400 500 600 Singly. $0.01 02 O.OS 0.06 0.09 0.12 015 018 Duplicate Triplicate each paru each part. $0.01 $0 01 0.01 0.01 02 001 004 02 0.06 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.10 0.05 0.12 006 USB STOCK'S EXTKA MACHINIS OIL.. See Advt. page 14. ^.. UFE POXJCIES OF ETEBT DESCBIPTION ISSUKD in all principal towns. CORPORATION. 37 CITY COUNCIL OF MONTREAL. Severe RiVARD, Esq., Mayor. , ' " .' Aldermen and Wards Represented. Eastward E. A. G^n^reux, P. P. Martin, T. Wilson. Centre Ward i. C. Watson, R. Holland, D. R. McCord. West Ward H. A- Nelson, J. Fairbairn, C. 1>. Proctor. St. Ann's Ward P. Donovan, J. MeShane, P. Kennedy. St. Antoine VVard..F. E. Oilman, E. K. Greene. T. D. Hood. St. Lawrence Ward J. C. Wilson, J. H. Mooney, C. Hagar. St. Louis Ward ....A. Dubuc, E. Lavigne, M. Laurent. St. James Ward L- AUard, J. Grenier, 0. Robert. St. Mary's Ward H- Gauthier, H. Jeannotte, C. Thibault. Committees. Finance. -—Alderman Nelson, chairman ; Aldermen Grenier, Greene, G^n6reux, McShane, Laurent, and Mooney. Roads.— Alderman Laurent, chairman: Aldermen Hood, Robert, Hagar, Gauthier, Proctor, and Kennedy. Police. — Alderman Grenier. chairman; Aldermen Hood, Wilson, Kennedy, Hagar, Lavigne, and McCord. Fire.— Alderman Hood, chairman ; Aldermen Martin, Dubuc, McShane, Jeannotte, Watson, and J . 0. Wilson. Water.— Alderman Donovan, chairman ; Aldermen Holland, Allard, Martin, Gilman, Proctor, and Thibault. Mabkbts.— Alderman Holland, chairman ; Aldermen Allard, Gauthier, Lavigne, Mooney, Fairbairn, and Kennedy. Light.— Alderman G^ndreux, chairman : Aldermen Robert, Fairbairn, Watson, Dubuc, Thibault, and J. C. Wilson. City Hall.— Alderman Robert, chairman ; Aldermen Hol- land, MoShane, Jeannotte, Gilman, Dubuc, and Thos. Wilson- Health. — Alderman Allard, chairman ; Aldermen Donovan, G^n^reux, Mooney, Fairbairn, Proctor, and Thibault, Special Committee. Parks and Ferries.— Alderman Thos. Wilson, chairman : Aldermen, Allard, McShane, Gilman, Dubuc, McCord, and Thibault. Park Commissioners.— Alderman Nelson, Chairman ; Alder- men Grenier and Donovan. ' ',-■ . * ■ " Officers OF THE Corporation. ,/ Rouer Roy, city attorney. - i i j Charles Glackmeyer, city clerk. THE COOK'S FBI£ND BAKING POWDBR. «BestinUie.*« I ( i CITIZENS INSURANCE COMFANT. — ACCIDENT COMPENSATED. WEEKLY RELIEF 38 CORPORATION. J. F. p. Black, city treasurer. George D- Ansley, city surveyor. . Patrick O'Menra, assistant city clerk- Hercule Paradi?, chief of police. Louis Lesage, superintendent water works, Willia'M Robb, city auditor. H- J. Ibbotson, clerk recorder's court • Chas. Lapierre, accountant, water works. W. Patton, chief engineer fire department. J. Naud & Francis McCullough, assistant engineers, fire department- 0. Rouillard, incpector of buildings Wm. de Courcy Harnett, and L^andre J. Ethier, assistant city a:torne>8. W. U McDonouRh, assistant city auditor Percival W. St. George, CE-, deputy city surveyor, A. Britain, engineer, and John Bropby, draughtsman, city surveyor's offloe. W. A. Mussen. cashier ; F- X- Gastonguay. W. D. McNeil, S Cazavan, £• Lapierre, John Palmer, Geo E. Starnes, M- Downs, N. Lesage, John O'Rourke, I- Marion, Chs. H. Dowd, Bernard Tansey, clerks, treasurer's office. J. B. Duverger & H- A. Germain, clerks, recorder's court. Chas. Arnjldi, accountant; Wm. Harper, clerk, road depart- ment- Chas. Glackmeyer, jr., accountant police department*! Henry Fiiteau^ clerk, water works office. Alph. Goeselin, clerk, city clerk's office. F- H- Badger, chief telegraph operator- "^ *< F. X Gauthier, James Ferns, and James Wills, assistant telegraph operators- J Perrigo, clerk, Bonsecours market. 0. Gadbois, assistant cierk, Bon^ecours market. -^. ^ 0. W. Weaver, clerk, St. Ann's market Benj- Howell, assistant clerk, St Ann's market. Edward O'Reilly, clerk, Viger cattle market. A. Robert, assistant clerk, cattle market. M. O'Connell, clerk hay market- Max. Groulx, assistant clerk, hay market. Alph. Larin, clerk St Lawro ice market. C- Daunais, clerk Papineau market* M. M- Vaughan, clerk, St. Gabriel market - J. N- Duhamel, clerk, St. Antoine market. T. Gironx, clerk, St- James market. A. D- Joubert, Jos. Dumont, L. C. Th^rien, I. Ringuette, L. G- Nolin, F- Thibault, and J. T. Lebel, bailiffs. James Daroy, messenger . ^ ». N. Thibault, janitor. Board op Assessors-— J- B- Allard, P. H- Morin.J. T. Dillon, Walter Drake, Richard Thomas, J- W. Grose. Clerks.— F- L. Coursol, G. Alph. Normandin, Rich. Redden. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Aflvt. page 14. ii^vummiipi BRANCH-PERSONAL INJURIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENl AFFORDED. Agencies in all principal towns MUNICIPAL TAXES. Assessment of 1 percent, on the assessed value of real estate. School tax* one-fifm of 1 per cent, on do . do . Business tax, on tradC) 'manufactories, occupationft bu pines?, arts, professions, or means of profit, 4&0., at tho rate of 7i per cent, on the rental of the premises. Tax on Banks as follows :~ # Banks with paid-up capital of $1,000,000 or less $100 Banks with paid-up capital of more than $1,003,000 but not exceeding 92,000,000 500 Banks with paid-up capital of more than $2,000,000 ... 600 Tax of |400 on each Fire Insurance Company- Tax cf $200 on every Life, Marine. Accident, or Guarantee Insurance Company, with the proviso that when any Insurance Company combines two or more branches of any kind ot Insur- ance, one tax only ; that is to say, tho largest one shall be taxed. Tax of $12,000 on Street Railway Companies. Tax of $5,0C>0 on Gas Companies. Tax on every Auctioneer as follows :-- If he sells exclusively within the premises SKO If he sells both in and outside said premises 200 For every clerk employed to cry or sell by auction . iO Auctioneers to annually take out license, and pay tax before carrying on business, and are held to furnish to City Treasurer names of clerks to cry or sell by auction. Tax of $50 on brokers, money lenders or commission mer- chants, and a license to be taken out annually. Tax on inn or hotel keepers, upon a graduated scale, accord- ing to the rental of premises, as follows :— When the assessed yearly value of the premises does not exceed $160 $27 00 When such value exceeds 160 but not $240 36.00 •* •» 240 *' 320. 45 CO » " 320 " 400. 56 25 •• •* 400 " 500 67 F^O ** " 50O " 600 78 75 94 . «« 600 *' 700 00 00 •• " 700 ** 8C0 101 2o ^ " 800 " 1000 112 CO •« " 1000 " 1200 123 75 ' -»■ ■ «« 3200 " 1600 135 00 , ** " 1600 " 2000 157 50 •* ♦* 20C0 •* 240O .... 175 00 •• «* 2400, there shall bo levied for every $400 over tho last mentioned rate ($175), an additional rate of 17 50 Tax on distilleries at the rate of $50 for every $400 rental of premises. Tax on brewers at the rate of $C0 for every $400 rental of premises. Tax of $120 on proprietors cf theatres. 'i\ THB COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDBBU •* Best in Uao.'* i J! fl' THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.-FIBE BRANCH. will be qaoted. Agenoles Tax on circuses, menageries, <&o., of $250 entry, and $100 besides for every day of performancet and compels owners of the same to obtain license, with a proviso, giving to the mayor authority to reduce such tax when exhibitions or performances arc of minor character and importance. Tax of $200 on pawnbrokers, and to obtam a license at th» City Hall. Tax on pedlws at the rate of $20 with a cart or other vehicle, and $8 withouTsuch cart or vehicle. Statute labor money $1.00. Tax of $200 on ferry steamboats plying to the city from any place within nine miles distant therefrom. Tax on Billiard Tables as follows .— Public billiards— for the first table. $100 ; for the second, $50 ; for every additional table, $20. Billiards kept and used by Clubs— for each table, $20. TAXES COLLECTED BY CHIEF OF POLICE. Hackney Carriages. —For a two-wheeled cab or caliche, one horse, $8 ; for a four-wheeled carriage, one horse, $10 ; for a tour-wheeled carriage, two horses, $14.50 ; for an omnibus or stage coach, two horses, $21.50; for a street railway car> two horses, $25. Carts, Trucks and Waggons.— First Class includes all carts, trucks and waggons used as vehicles for hire, For a two- wheeled cart or truck, one horse, $4.75 ; for a four-wheeled, waggon, one horse, ^3.75; for a four-wheeled waggon, load under 4000 lbs., two horses, $12.25 ; for a four-wheeled waggon, load above 4000 lbs., two horses, $14-25 ; for a diable, two horses, $9. 25. Second Class includes all carts or waggons used by merchants, manufacturers, contractors, &c., for the purposes of their trade. For a two-wheeled cart or truck, one horse, $7.25 ; for a four-wheeled waggon, one horse, $11.25; for a four- wheeled waggon, load under 4000 lbs., two horses, $14.75 ; for a four-wheeled waggon, loai above 4003 lbs., two horses. $16.75. Third Class includes all carts or waggons used by expressmen, bakers, brewers, distillers, farmers or gardeners. For a two- wheeled cart or truck, one horse, $9.75; for a four wheeled waggon, one horse, $13.75; for a four-wheeled waggon, load under 4000 lbs., two horses, $17.25; for a four-wheeled waggon, load above 4000 lbs., two horses, $19.25 ; for a two-wheeled cart, for farmers, one horse, $9.75; for a four-wheeled cart, for farmers, One horse, $13.75. Special — {Scavengers, $4- 75 ; milk vendors,' two-wheeled vehicle, one horse, $5.75; milk vendors four-wheeled vehicle, one horse, $9.75; milk vendors, no vehicle, $1.00; chimney sweepers, $7. ; woodcorders, $1; stampei measures forcorders* 25 cts.; pocket numbers for drivers, 25 cts. : owners of dogs, male, $2 ; female, $3 ; hearses, four-wheeled, one horse, $10 ; hearses, four-wheeled, two horses, $14.50. ^ USE (STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OXIi^ See Advt. page 14* Bonaehold Biskt specially desired, for which lew fissure* In all pnnoipal towns* CORPORATION. 41 TARIFF FOR HACKNEY CARRIAGES. One-JJoree Vehiclea.— From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed twenty minutes ; for one or two persons, 25 cents i three or four persons, 50 cents. From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed half an hour ; for one or two persons, 40 cents ; three or four persons, 60 cents. When the drive exceeds the time limited as aforesaid, hour rates to be charged. By the Hour.— For the first hour : one or two persons, 75 cents; three or four persons, $1. For every subsequent hvnv 3ne or two persons, GO cents ; three or four persons, 75 cenm. Two-Horse Vehicles.— Yrom any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed twentv minutes ; one or two persons, 50 cents, three or four persons, 65 cents. From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed half an hour; one or two persons, 65 cents ; three or four persons, 75 cents. When the drive exceeds the time limited as aforesaid, hour rates tc be charged. J5//^Ae f^owr.— One or two persons, $1.00.; three or four p r- EODS, $1.25. Fractions of hours to be- charged at pro rata hour rnte. but not less than one-quarter of an hour ishall be charged when the time exceeds the hour. Fifty per sent, to bo added to the tariff rates for rides from 12 midnight to 4 a.m. The tariff by the hour shall apply to all rides extending beyond the city limits when the engagement is made within the city. Baogage.—VoT each trunk or box carried in any vehicle, ten cent? ; but no charge shall be made for travelling bags, valise ', boxes or parcels, which passengers can carry by the hand. TARIFF OF CARTAGE. From any place to any other in the first Division, or from any place (exclusive of the Harbour Wharves) to any other place in the city, and vice-versa^ provided the distance does not exceed three quarters of a mile i— Articles not herein enumerated (of a convenient bulk), not over 1,500 lbs. weight, 15 cts ; Ashes, Pot or Pearl, two barrels 15 cts; Beef, Pork or Fish, five barrels or three tierces, 15 cts. ; Coals or Coke, half a chaldron or half a ton, 15 cts. ; Crockeiy, one crate or one hogshead, 15 cts. t Flour or Fruit, seven bar- rels, 15 cts. ; Grain, not over 1,500 lbs. weight, 15 cents.; Lumber, THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER. " Best In Use." L ^ ir } r ; I t THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.-STRICT ECONOMT IN SIR HUGH ALLAN, President; 42 CORPORATION. «awn, from yard to boat, 500 feet, board measure, 15 cts ; Salt or Rioe, six bags or six barrels, 15 cts. ; Firewood, dry from boat or yard, half a cord, three feet long, 15 cfs. ; Firewood, green or from rafts, half cord, three feet long, '20 cts.; Furni- ture, or Luggage, per load, 20 cts. ; Lumber, green or hard, from rafts, 500 feet, board measure, 20 cts. ; Molasses, Sugar or Oil, one puncheon, hogshead or load 20 cts.; Pig Iron, Lead, Cop- per or Tin, one ton, 25 cts. ; Bar Iron or Steel, one ton, 30 cts • From any of the Harbour Wharves to any place into the second or third Division, within half a mile distance of the boundary lino of the first Division, and vice-verna or from any place (exclusive of the wharves) to any other in the city, and vice-veraa* provided the distance does not exceed li miles, the rates shall be ten cents extra. For every additional half mile, 10 cents. From any place in the Western Section of the First Division, and vice-veraa, for one load : To the stores and wharves below Wellington bridge, north side of Laohine Canal, 20 cts. ; tho stores and whaives below Wellington bridge, south sido of Lachine Canal, 25 cts ; the b tsins ab:ve Wellington bridge, north sido of Lachine Canal, 23 cts ; the basins above Welling- ton bridge, south side of Lachino Canal, and tho stores, stations, factories, <&c., at Point St. Charles, 35 cts.; tho stores, fictories, ifec, at and above St. Gabriel Looks, north of Lachino Canal, 30 cents, St. Bonaventure street Railway Station, 20 cts.; St. Bonaventuro street Railway Station, from the lower wharves of tho Harbour, 25 cts. From any placo in the Eastern Section of the First Division, and vtce-versa, for one load, 5 cts. additional- For any excess over the quantity or weisrht fixed for a load additional pro rata rates shall be paid. If delay is caused to the carter by the employer, beyond tho timo usually required for loading, the carter shall bo paid extra for such delay, at the rate of five cents for every quarter of an hour. If a carter ij called and there be no load ready for him, or if ho be unable to load the goods or articles for want of assistance, ho^hall be paid as ifhe carried a load the distance thus unnecessarily tra- velled. Divisions of the Cinj.-— The First Division comprises thn East, Centre and West Wards, (including ibe south-west side of McQill street and the north-west side of Craig street) nnU sh'^ll be subdivided into two sections, (Gastern and Western), ihc line of demarcation batween th3m being the centre of St. Lambert and St. John Baptiste streets. The Second Division comprises the St. Ann, St. Antoine and St Lawrence Wards (exclusive of McOiiiand Craig streets.) The third Division comprises the St. Louis Ward (exclusive of Craig street), the St. James and St. Mary's Wards. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL, See Advt. page 14. MANAOISMENT * lilBERALITT TO POLICY HOIJ>]eBS. OBRALD B. HART, General M»na((er. WATER TARIFF. 43 V'».l MONTREAL WATER WORKS. Exiraota/rom By-Lawa No, 65, 63, 82, enacted April 20, 1873. said water works, to furnish water to others, or to use it other* wise than for his own use, or to increase the supply of water agreed for, or to waste it or to prnctico any fraud upon tue said Corporation with regard to the water so supplied. Sec. 6. All persons taking the water f^hall keep the distribu- tion pipe within their premises in good repair and protected from frost, at their own expense ; and they shall be held liable to the Corporation for all damages that may result from their failure to do 8o. Sec. 7.— No person shall fraudulently connect any pipe with the water pipes of the Corporation, or with any pii)e, cistern or apparatus connected therewith, or to or into which the water from the said waterworks shall flow or proceed ; or shall fraud- ulently use or otherwise misappropriate the water supplied by the city, or knowingly permit the same to be fraudulently used or misappropriated. Sec- 8. If any person supplied with water by the Corporation do, or permit to be dene, anything in contravention of this by- law, or fail to do anyth\ng prescribed by this by-law, the super- intendent, or his deputy, may cut off the water supply, and coase to supply such person with water so long as the cause or complaint remains, or is not remedied. Seed. No person shall wroni^fully cau^e or suffer any pipe, valve, cock, cistern, b th, soil-pan, watcr-cloFet or other appa- ratus or receptacle to be out of repair, or to be so used or con trived as the water supplied to him is, or is likely to be wasted) misused, or unduly consumed. Sec. 10. No alteration shall be made in any of the pipes or fixtures inserted by the city, except by its agent or officers. Sec. 11. No person supplied with water from the said water works by meter, shall be allowed to cinncct, or cause to be con- nected, any pipe or other fixt'ire between the Corporation's service pipe and the meter. Sec. 12. No person, unless duly authorized by the water com- mittee, shall open any hydrant in the said city, or lifter remove the cover off, or draw water from the same. th:c: COOK'S fbiend •< Best in Use.*' BAKING POWDBR. it i >' <, . ( THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANT.^LIFE BRANCH. RIGID ECONOKT PRACTISEIX 44 \VATi:R TARIFF. Sec. 13. No person shaU turn on or turn off the water in any mHDner, or interfere with any of the water pipes or values belonging to the city, without the licenfo of the water oom- raittee, or of the said superintendent. Sec. 14. No person shall pass the railing enclosing the reser- voirs cf the said city, or shall defile or deposit any filth or oflfen- sive matter in the said reservoirs, or on the bank or ground adjacent thereto, belonging to the said city, or shall allow any dog or other animal to jump into the said reservoirs, or upon the said bank or ground, or shall pass or remain upon the said bank or ground after 10 o'clcck in the evening : or shall do or cause anything to be done tending to defile or corrupt, to disturb or agitate the waters of the said reservoir. Sec. 15. No person shall draw or use water from the River St. Lnwrence. or elsewhere for the purpose of selling the same to any part of the city. Sec. 16. No person shall draw or use water from the water works in the said city for private fountains, or for hand hose for watering purposes, or for building or manufacturing purposes^ unless such person shall have previously obtained from the superintendent of the said works a written permission to that effect, and paid the respective rates charged in the subjoined tarifffor the supply of water in such oases; and in no case shall the said hose be used for sprinkling or waterin^r the streets be- tween 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock m the afternoon. Sec 17. No person shall use a hand hose of a larger size or nozzle than one fourth of an inch orifice or use any hand-hose for the purpose of washing horses, .coaches, omnibuses or other vehicles. Sec. 18. No meter Fhall be used for determining the quantity of water supplied by the said works, unless the same shall have been previously submitted to and approved by the said super- intendent. Sec. 19. The several rates enumerated and specified in the tariff contained in tho subjoined schedule, shall be, and the same are hereby imposed for water to be supplied from the water works of the said city. Sec. 20. Tho said rates shall be due and payable to the city treasurer, in advance, on the 15(h day of August, every year, by tho occupant or lessee, or occupants or lessees, of all build- ings, part of buildings or tenements in the said city, supplied with Wiiter from the said works, as well by those who shall consent as by tho.« \o shall refuse to receive the water pipe to supply the said water, or to use the same. Sec. 21. All charges for specific supplies or for fractional parts of the year, shall be payable in advance and before the water is let on. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHIN E ~0 1 1,^ See Advt. page 14, 'I' m :;l ITNDOUBTKD SECURITY IS AFFORDED AND THE MOST AGToncieH In all prlucipal townn. WATER TARIFF. 45 Sec, 22. In buildings occupied as offices, where there are water closets in the building, each tenant of an office or aiiite of cflicet, will be charged, in addition to the tariff rate, a water closet tax. iScc. 23. A discount of 5 per cent, shall be allowed to all water tenants v»iio shall pay the said rates on or before the fifteenth day of in each year. Sec. 24. In all cases of non-payment of the rates imposed by the present by-law, for thirty days after the same are due, the said Council or any duly authorized officer charged with the management of the said works, may out off the supply of water from any building upon which the said rates shall be due, or from any one iu default to pay the said rates, whioh shall not prevent the said rates from running as before, and the water shall not be let on for the use of any such defaulteft except upon payment of all arrears due. Sec. 25. Any person offending against any of the provisions of this by law or of the said tariff, shall for each and every such infraction, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, and costs of prosecution, and in default of immediate payment of the said fine and costs, to an imprisonment in the common gaol for a period not to exceed two months, the said imprisonment to cease upon payment of the said fine and costs. WATEE TAEIFF. DWELLING HOUSES. For every tenement or dwelling house occupied by one family only : per aanum, 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding $30 per annum. $5.00 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $30, but not over $40 > 5.75 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $10, but not over$50 6.50 And 80 on, continuing according to the same scale, , that is to say, adding for every additional sum of $10, or any part thereof 75 For every additional family lodging in or oconping any part of sueh tenement or dwelling house, an additional rate snail be exacted, equal to one-third of the rate imposed for a single lamily. lUJi COOU'b FliliiND liAKiNG I'OWDER, *• Best iu Use." • !; 0ITIZKN8 INSURANCE COMPANY.— OUARANTBB ISSUSD WITHOUT ICKTBA PREIUPM. 49 WATER TARIFF. STORES, SHOPS. OFFICES, Ac. For eftoh house, part of a house or tenement, ooeupied as a •tore, shop, office, warehouse, manufactory, or other place of business : . . ■,. •-« p*^' i*""""™- 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding |50 per annum • , • $4. CO 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $50, but not over$76 , 5.00 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $75, but not over $100 •. •• C.0# And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that is to say, adding for every additional sum of $25, or any part thereof ICO Stores, shops, offices and other places of business, when attached to a dwelling occupied by the same partv, tJ be charged at dwelling house rates on the full rental of the whole tenements when such rental does not exceed one hundred dol- lars per annum. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, HOSPITALS, Ao. Every building used as a college, academy, seminary of learning or school, all churches, poor or alms houses, nunneries, houses of industry, and generally all religious or charitable institutions, hospitals and reformitories, shall be charged at shop rates, to be based and determined upon the interest, at four per cent, of the actual value of the property Id such case, the said value as set forth and established in and by the assessment roll last made and revised. Provided that all such institutions, with the exception of churches, may, if they see fit, use water by meter, and pay therefor at the same rate as distilleries, breweries, and other establishments hereinafter mentioned. Charitable institutions, wholly supported by means of public subscriptions, shall be charged at the rate of one and a half oents per hundred gallons. HOTELS AND TAVERNS. For every hotel or tavern : rer Annum. 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding $100 per annum $12.00 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $100, but not over $150 17.00 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $150, but not over$200 22.00 And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that is to say, adding for every additional sum of -^ $50, or any part thereof 5.00 Hotels whose assessed rental per annum will be $400 and over, and containing at least twenty furnished bedrooms for the USE STOCK'S ICXTRA MACHINE Ull^. ~ _ See Advt. page 14. BRA>XH.~C09fBIKED LIFE ft OUARANTEK POLIOUBS Ai^eacilef* In all principal towns. WATER TARIFF. 47 Aeeommodfttion of trtveller^t shall take the water by meter, and be charged therefor at the eame rate as diBtiUerieSf breweries, &q* HAND H03E. Per Annum, For the right to attach and use a hose of not more than ene-lourth of an inch oritioe, for watering purposes. $2 00 BUILDING MATERIALS. Foreyery thousand bricks used, tho water therefor to be charged (payable in advance) 06 For every toise of masonry, the water therefor to be charged (payable in advance) 0.05 For every thousand yards of plastering ( payable in advance) 4. 00 FOUNTAINS. Fountains shall only be sunpli'^il with water nt the discretion of the water committeot and whun so supplied shall be charged as follows : Forevery one hundred gallons cf wat; • 0.03 The quantity used to be derermir ; i u all cases by the esti- mate of the water commiitee, (i by me^'^r. BATHS. Public baths, or baths for the use of which a chargr^ is made by the occupants-^for each tub $6. 00 —with power to tne water committeo to charge by meter if they see fit. HORSES AND COWS. A uniform rate shall be charged for horses and cows, as follows : Per Annum. Foreaohhorse $2 00 Foreachcow ICO Livery Stable Ki'r.vrrs shall pay -for each single stall. whether occuptied or unoccupied 2 00 Hotel and Tavern Keepers shttli be charged— for each single stElI, whether occupied or unoccupied 1 OO WATER CLOSETS. Per Anmmv For eac J Pan Closet supplied from a cistern, with a service box and valve $4 00 For each Pan Closet with Underhayes, or any other regulator approved of by the Water Department. . 3. GO THB OOOK'S FRIEND DAKINO POWDCR. "Best In Uae.** i i i I VH£ CITIZENS irfSUKANCECO.-UNDOUBTED SECURITY Agencies In all For each Hopper Closet with Underhayes, or any other regulator approved by the Water Department.... 3.00 For each Closet of any kifld, with cistern, service box, and double valvo ;:•'••,•"•• ^ ^"^ Trough Closets, for each seat, or for every two lineal feet 3. 00 tov any other kind of Closet, each ........... 15.00 One additional Wkter Closet will be charged at half-ratea for each dwelling where there is more than one water closet. URINALS. For each Urinal with self-acting valve, or cook, running only when being used :— • ' Per Annum, In a Dwelling House or Store $1.00 In a Bank or Public Building 1.50 In a Hotel, Restaurant, Saloon or Tavern 3.00 For any other kind of Urinals 15.00 STEAM ENGINES. For stationary high pressure engines, working not over twelve hours per day : — Per Annum. For each horse power $7.10 Or lor every hundred gallons of water, (the supply to be determined by meter) 0. 03 For stationary low pressure engines ; For every 100 gal- lons cf water (the supply to bo determined as above, by meter) 003 All rates herein imposed for Steam Engines shall be separate from and over and above any other rate for water imposed on the premises. , . DISTILLERIES, BREWERIES, hi.uents, and all manufa«5turing establish- ments, Colleges, Semitiarie?, Nunneries, and Hospitals may bo supplied by meter, and charged as follows : — When the quantity used averaKes 1,000 gallons per day or less, at the rate of 30 cents per I.OOO gallons ; when the quan- tity used averages from 1,000 to 2,000 gallons per day, at the rate ot 20 cents pei 1,000 gallons. From 2,000 to 3,000 • . 28 cents, t From fi.OOO to T.OTK). .21 cents. " £,000to4,(tt0..27 " '• 7,000 to 8.000.. 10 " " 4.0(;0to£0.)0..25 '♦ | ♦• 8.000 to y,000..17 '• " 5,000 to 0,000.. 23 •' i ♦' U.OOO to 10,000. .15 *' When the quantity averages over 10,000 gallons per day 15 cents per 1,000 gallons. USE STOCK*S EXTRA MACHINE OIIm See Advt. page 14. ,..aJUJ.-i«yaft...>^W^^'-l-- TBCBCITIZKNSINSURANCB CO.— •116,000 deposited witli Canadian Government. Aeencies In all prinoipal feowiub FIRE DEPARTMENT. 49 METERS. The meters shall be furnished by the city and placed within the premises of the consumers, whose duty^ it shall be to see that the same are protected from frost or injury, the whole under the direction of the Wator Department; such meters shall at all times be acceptable to the Corporation Meter Inspector. An annual rent shall be paid by the consumers for the cost and care of such meters, as follows :— Per Annum. Fora Hnch meter ^'S.OO " I " 3.75 "1 •• 475 " U ♦* 8.00 "2 ♦• 14 CO •3 " 2500 "4 " 45.00 "6 " 10000 The rent to be paid semi-annually, that is to say : One-half on the 1st day ot May, and the other halt on the Ist of Novem- ber in eaeh year. If the meter irets out of order atr^ ails to register, the con- sumer will be charged at the aver}|a<« daily consumption pre- viously registered by such meter . and tor the purpose of average the year shall be deemed to be 300 days. Persons desiring to supply their own meter may do so with the previous sanction and written permit of the {Superintendent of the Waterworks. When water is required for nurposes not specified in th-^ for^ going tariff, the rate shaU be fixed by the Water Committee.^' The Water Committee shall have power to ascertain by meter, the quantity of Water used in any of the above cases and charge accordingly. FIRE DEPAETMENT. Chief , W. Patton. Assistant Chiefs * J. Naud and F. McCulloch. Dittrict iVo. 1. No. 1 Hose, Craig and ChenneviHe streeirS' 1 Quardian 3 men. Skinner Ladder Company 6 ** No. 2 iiose, St. Gabriel stieet 1 " 3 •• balvage >V uggon 1 ** 2 *' TUJS COOK*8 FKIKN1> BAKING f OWD£K^ " Best In Uie." 4 AXTD IJLBOB PBOFTTS TO HOLDERS OF lilFE POLlOIBbw prinelpal town*. 60 FIRE DEPARTMENT. No* 5 Hose, St. Catherine street 1 Guardian 3 men. Bertram Fire Engine 1 Engineer. Nor 6 Hose, German and Ontario streets. ... 1 Guardian 4 " Hook and Ladder. District No. 2. No. 3 Hose, Wellington street 1 Guardian 4 men. Hook and Ladder. No. 4 Hose, Ghaboillez Square 1 ** i ** No. 9 Hose, St Gabriel Market 1 " 3 ** Steam Fire Engine 1 Engineer. No.10 Hose, Comer St. Catherine and Guy streets 1 Guardian 3 men. No. 12 Hose, Seigneurs street 1 *' 3 ^ Steam Fire Engine 1 Engineer. District No. 3. No. 7 Hose, Dalhousie Square 1 Guardian 3 men. No. 8 Hose, Comer Craig and Gain sts 1 *' 4 ** Hook and Ladder. No. 11 HosO) Corner Beavdry & Ontario sts. 1 *^ ^ ** Chemical Engine, Reserve. ., V FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH SIGNAL BOXES. Box No. LOOALITT, RTC. 1— Old Custom House (north comer.) • Key in Montreal Uuu&e. - 2— Comer St Jean Baptiste and St. Paul streets. Key at 13 St Jean Buptiste street . S— Cor. Jacques Cartier Square and St. Paul street. Key at Central Police Station and G. T. R. OUice, Jacques Cartier Square. 4-St. Gabriel Se«et Fire Station. Key in btaCion. 6 -Cor. Notre Dame and St Francois Xavier streets. Key with Poliee. (> -Cor. St. Sacrament and St. Peter streets. Key at 51 St. Sacrament street. 7-Cor. St Paul and MoQill streets. Key at 125 McGill street. - 8— Cor. Yuuville and Common streets. Key at 8 Youville street 0— Cor. Notre Dame and McQill streets. Key with Polioe. USB STOCK'S JBXTRA SCACHINE ti«« Advt. pase 14. OIIi. ■STT B l>i»i .W W I W.WWW.n IMSUBANCIS GOMPANT.— THE LARGEST ASSURED. AtfeincifiH FIRE DEPARTMENT. 51 Box No. Locality, etc. 12— Cor. Craig and Chenneville btreetci, Central Fire Station* Key in Station. 13 —Cor. Craig and St. Lambert flill. Key at 45 St. Lambert Uiil. X^t..-Gor. Vitr6 and Saneuinet streets. Key at 17 and 19 Vitre street. 15— Cor. St. Lawrence and Lagauoheti^re stceets* Key at 111 St. Lawrence street. 16— Cor. Dorchester and St. Urbain streets. Key at 121 St. Urbain street. 17— Bleury, near Dorchester street. Key at 108 Bieury street. 18-Beaver Hall Hill. Key at 51 Radegonde street. 19— St.^Antoine Street (opposite Genevieve street.) Key at 16 St. Antoine street. 21— Cor. Brunswick and Dorchester streets. Key at 23 Brunswick street. 23-St. Catherine Street (No. 5 Fire Station.) Key in Station, 24— Cor St. Lawrence and St. Catherine streets. Key at 248 St. Lawrence street 25 — Cor German and Dorchester streets. Key at 388 Dorchester street. 26— Cor. St. Catharine and St. Denis streets. Key at 116 St. Denis s^treet. 27— Cor. German and Ontario streets. (Fire Station.) Key in Station. 28— Co»;. St. Lnwrence and Sherbrooke streets. Key at 633 bherbrouke btreet- 29— Cor. St. George and Shei'brooke streets. Key at 645 Sherbrooke street. 31— Cor. University and Sherbrooke streets. Key at 766 Sherbrooke street. 32— Cor. McGill College Avenue and St. Catherine street. Key at lo6J St. Catherine street. i 34— St. Lawrence, opposite Guilbault street. Key at 581 St. Lawrence street. 35 — Cor. Prince Arthur and Shuter street*. Key at U Prince Arthur street. SC- Cor. King and Common streets. Key at 5 King street. 37— Cor. Duke and Ottawa streets. Key at 45 Ottawa street. THE COOK'S FUIENI> BAKING POWOBB* ** Best in Use." See Adrt page 8i POSSIBLE AMOUNT OF PROFITS RETURNISD f n all principal towng. f 52 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Box No. Locality, etc. 38— Cor. Dupr^' Lane nnd St. Maarice street. Key at 116 8t. Maurice street. 39— Cor. !St. Antoine and Cathedral streets. Key at 7 St. Antoine street. 41— Chaboillez Square (Fire Station.) Key in station. 42— Wellington Street (Fire Stotion.) Key in Station. ^ •• v 43— Mill street. Key at 120 Mill street. 45— Cor. Wellington and McCord streets. ICey at 261 Wellington street. 46— C*»r. Col borne and Ottawa streets. Key at 141 Ottawa street. 47— Cor. St. Joseph and Mowntain streets. Key at 864 St. Joseph street. \ 4^— Cor. St. Antoine and Mountain streets. Key at 139 Mountain street. 43— Cor. St. Catherine and Mountain streets. Key at 283 Mountain street. 51— Cor. Sherbrooko and Peel streets. Key at 90? Sherbrooke street. 52— Cor. St. An/oine and Guy streets. Key' at 2iii St. Antoine street 53— Cor. St. Martin and St. Bonaventnre streets* Key at 489 St. Bonaventure street. 54— Cor. St. Joseph and Canning streets. V Key at 690 and 674 St. Joseph street 56— Cor. Fulford and Coursol streets. Key at 8 Coursol strtiet. 57— Cor. William and Seigneurs streets. Key in Fire Station. 58— No. 10 Fire Station, St. Catherine Street West. Key in station. 59— Grey Nunnery, Guy street, corner Dorchester. Key on Premises. 61— CAnada Sugar Hefining Company's Refinery. Key on premises. 62— St. Gabriel Market (Fire StaMon) Key in Station. 6.V-Gra]j. ^ Messenger and Housekeeper.— G. Norris- USE 0TOCK*8 EXTRA MACHINE OII«, See Advt. page 14. THB CmZENS INSURANCE COMFANT.— XIBB BRANCH. INSURERS. Agenoles EXCISE DUTIES. On every gillon of Spirits of the strength of proof by Syke's hydrometer $1 00 On every pound of Malt 01 On every gallon of any ferinented beverage made in imitation of Beer or Malt Liquor, and brewed in whole or in part from any other substance thau Malt 08 On Cavendish Tobacco, on any lb. or less quantity. • 20 On Canada Twist ( Tabac hlane en tou^'quette) do 04 On SnufT, per pound or less quantity 20 On all other descriptions of manufactured tobacco per lb. or less quantity 20 Cigars, subject to an abatement or allowance for moisture in calculating the weightv for duty, to be fixed by Order in Council 40c. ¥" lb. All Tobacco manufactured from Canada Leaf 14c. 4^ 1 b. On Cigars made from Canada Leaf 80c. " " Vinegar, Methylated Spirits 15c. p. gal. All goods manufactured in bond, shall, if taken out of bond for consumption in Canada, be subject to dutiesiof excise equal to the duties of Customs to which they would be subject if im- ported irom Great Britain and entered for consumption in Canada, and whenever any article, not the produce of Canada, upon which a duty of excise would be levied if produced in Canada, is taken into a bonded manufactory, the difiference between the duty of excise in which it would be so liable and the Customs dury which would be levied on such articles if imported and entered for consumption, shall be paid as a duty of Ezcisei when it is taken into iho bonded manufactory. DUTIES PAYABLE ON LICENSES. 31«( Vic.f cap, 8, and 31«t VYc, cap, 51. License for distilling and rectifying, or for either, by any process $250 00 License for brewing 50 00 License for Malting : — 3st Class— mak'g over 2000 centals wt.of Malt p. month 200 00 2nd Class— - 1500 ** »* *^ 150 00 3rd Class— " 1000 " •» •♦ 100 00 4th Class— " f 00 " " •• 50 00 License for manufacturing Tobacco 50 00 License for manufacturing in Bond 50 00 THB COOK'S FRIEND BAKlNOr IfOWUjBIK, «( Best in Use " ( ' IJ rNTIOfTBTEB SKCtTRITY AND liOW BATES OFFERBD TO In all principal towns. 66 TARIFF OF PILOTAGE. TAEIFF OF PILOTAGE. ,' Between the Harbourg of Quebec and Montreal, and between the several places ther^n mentioned. Dulpmnde and jyanaed bit the Harbour Commiasionera of Montreal on the 15th of , February, 1877, and approved by His Excellency the Governor- General in Council on 5th March, 1877. From the Harbour of Quebec to Portneuf and the opposite side of the River St. LawreDOe, or below Portneuf and above the Harbour of Quebec :— For the pilotaee of any vessel in tow, or propelled by steam, except as hereinafter mentioned,) for each foot of draught oi water— Upwards $0 50 Downwards 00 For the piTotago of any seagoing vessel propelled by steam, for each fool of draught of water — Upwards 62i Downwards 62^ For the pilotage of any vessel, under sail, for each foot of draught of water— U pwards 1 05 Downwards 70 From the Harbour of Quebec to Three Rivers and the opposite side of the River ;*^t. Lawrence, or any place above Portneuj and below Three Rivers :— For the pilotage of any vessel in tow or propelled by steam, (except as hereinafter mentioned,) for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 150 DowDwards 1 50 For the pilotage of any seagoing vessel, propelled by steam, For each foot of draught of water— Upwards 1 75 Downwards 1 75 For the pilotage of any vessel, under sail, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 2 60 Downwards 1 90 From the Harbour of Quebec to Sorel and the opposite side of the River St. Lawrence, or any place above Three Rivers and below Sorel :— For the pilotage of any vessel in tow or propelled by steam, (except as hereinafter mentioned,) for each foot of draught of water— Upws,rds 1 50 J^^owriwards 1 50 For the pilotage of any seagoing vessel, propelled by steam, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 1 87} Downwards 187^ STOCK'S BXTBA MACHINE OIL. ...^ See Advt. page 14. TO OmZENS INSURANCE COMPANY. — ACCIDICNT COBIPBNSATED. W£KK1.T REL.IEF EARIFF OF PILOTAGE. 57 For the pilotage of any vensel under sail, for each foot of draught of water— Upwardo ^ 15 Downwards 2 K) From the Harbour of Quebec to the Harbour of Montreali or any |)Iace above Sorel, and below the Harbour oi Montreal :— For the pilotage of any vessel in tow or propelled by steanif (except as hereinafter mentioned,) for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 2 00 Downwards 2 00 For the pilotage of any 8ea,going vessel, propelled by steam* for each fuot of draught of water — Upwards 2 50 Downwards 2 50 For the pilotage of any vessel, under sail, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 4 20 Downwards 2 80 From the Harbour of Montreal to iSorel, or to any place above Sorel and below Hoehelaga, and from Sorel, or any place above Sorel and below Hoehelaga to the Harbour of Montreal, for each foot of draught of water, for each such pilotage— Upwards 1 00 Downwards 100 For the removal of any vessel from one wharf to another, within the lim\t« uf the darbour ; or trom any of tho wharves into the Laohine Canal ; or out of the said Canal to any of the wharves in the Harbour ; or from the foot of the current ; or from Longueuil into the Harbour, or from the Harbour to the foot of the cur- rent ; or to Longueuil ; for each such service 5 00 COMMISSIONERS AND OFFICEES, HARBOUE OF MONTREAL. Andrew Robertson, chairman; J, B. RoUand, Edward Murphy, Henry Bulmer, Victor Hudon, Hugh McLennan, Chas. H. Gould* R. Rivard, (Mayor), and Andrew Allan. H. D. Whitney, secretary i J. Kennedy, harbour engineer; A. B. Savigny, mechanical engineer: A. M. Rudolph, harbour master ; L. St. Louis, assir^ant harbour-master : J. Foms, wharfinger; J. Small, assistant what finger. J- Laveille, super- intendent of pilots ; A. L. Williams, Y. Young, E. F. Armstrong, H. H. Ferns, clerks : M. Brennan, water bailiff; C. Gahan, caretaker, The duties of the late Trinity House are now performed by the Harbour Commisioners, TB£ COOK'S FBI£NI> BAKING rOWI>£JU^ •• Best la Um.*' I BBAlfGH-PlEB§01f AI. INJUBIB8, DICATH BT ACCEDEMT AFFORDED. Affenoies in aU principal towns 68 HARBOUR TARIFF. TARIFF OF RATES AND DUES ' HABBOUR OF MONTREAL. . _. ' Dueg to be levied on all Ve»»eU in the Harbour, cts. On steamboats measuring 50 tons and upwards, per ton rejcister, for each day of 24 hours they remain iu the Harbour, reckoned from the hour of their arrival to that of their departure 1| On all other vessels measuring 50 tons and upwards, per ton register, and per day, as aforesaid | On steamboats measuring under 50 tons register, for each day reckoned as aforesaid, each 40 On all other Vessels, measuring from 25 to 50 tons register, per day, reckoned as aforesaid, each 25 On all Vessels of less tlian 25 tons register each, per day as aforesaid, each 10 Bates to be levied on all Merchandize^ Animaln and Th whatsoever. Landed or Shipped in the Harbour. ARTICLES. Ale, Beer, and Porter, in btl. Alum Anchors Anvils Agriculturallm- plements .... Axles Arrowroot Advertising Pamphlets. . . Apples Ashes, Pot or Pearl Axes Animals, unde- scribed Baliast ........ Hotiles, empty- Bones Bran Barley, Pot or Pea.l Biscuit Blue Bread Per ton «t u barrel (f dozen each ton t( t( ^ each 2 t( 4 t4 11) lOf) 15 100 20 luo 20 USE BTOCK'M KXTKA MACHINE See Advt. page 14. OII<. THB OITIZKNS INSURANCE COMPANT.-OUAItANTEB A^nckBB In mil HARBOUR TARIFF. ARTICLES. Bricks liath and Fire Bricks........ Cinders Coal Coke . Clay, in natural state Corks Crockery, in crates Chinaware, in packages .... Cables, Iron Chains Clay Gas Re- torts ........ Cement Chains Chalk Cider Copperas Candles Cheese Chocolate Cocoa Coffee Cordage Cork, unm'fd. . Cotton Crackers Currants Cotton Waste. . Cables, hemp.. Confectionery. . Canvas Cigars Clocks Casks, empty, undescribed . Canoes Carts Carriages on Wheels Cattle, neat.... Corn, Indian . . Drain Pipes. . . Drawings Dye Stuffs .... Drags, not otherwi se enumerated.. Per 1,000 1,000 ton i» ton I* It each it tt ti Rate cts. 10 25 10 10 10 10 15 15 20 25 tt % <( 25 tt 25 (t 25 t* 25 t< 25 <( 3i) it .^0 it .SO tt .30 •• ;-0 ti 30 tf 30 it 30 ti 30 it .30 it 30 i< 3f) each II 100 Pave cts 2 2 2 2 o 2 2 2 6 Pulse 100 bushels 25 in Rags Rice Rope Rosin Sand Stoneware, crates Straw Steel Rails .... shorts Shot Soda Ash,Cau8- tic Soda, Sal Soda, Silicate Soda Spikes Stoves Salt in jars .... Sago Saleratus Sulphur Saltpetre Snuff Soap Spices Starch Sui^ar Sewing M a- chines Steel Stationery Skins, untanned and iwicured . Small Wares. . . Soap, perfumed and Fancy. . . ton u (t barrel ton 10 a 16 20 60 25* 25 road Shingles Slates lor Roof- Specie Tallow X c38 • • » • • • • • I Tobacco Tow Twines Tar Tiles for roofing lOO 1,000 1,000 Free, ton 44 44 4« «4 barrel 1,000 25 4 10 30 :^o 30 30 40 2 10 Timber 100 cubic ft. 10 Vegetables, pre- served. Vinegar Vegetables, green Vehicles, unde- scribed Wood, manu- factured Waters, aerated and mineral.. Wool Whiting Wine Wax Wire Whetstones.... Wood, fire Wood, lath .... Whisks, corn . . ton 44 bushel each ton <( 44 44 <4 44 4( It cord 44 dozen 2.5 30 1 4 20 20 26 25 30 30 30 30 5 10 1 On all Goods, Wares and Merchandise whatsoever, the quantity of which by weight, measurement or other mode of estimate pro* I . THfi COOK'» FUlKNli UAKIMG i*OWI>]fiK. •* Best in Vm»" THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— ACCIDENT BRANCH.* TIME REQUIRED AT TERT L.OW RATES, 02 HARBOUR TARIFF. vided for in the tariff, cannot be conveniently ascertained, it sh.ill be lawful ior the Harbour Commissioners to levy a rate of i of 1 per cent, on the value thereof. Goods not coming under any class enumerated in the Tariff, shall be charged the same rate as the class to which they are most nearly assimilated. Each entry shall pay not less than 5 cents. All property landed on the wharves for re-shipment, shall only pay one wharfage. The ton mentioned in the Tariff shall be 2,000 lbs. weight, or 40 fubic feet measurement, according to Bill of Laaing. SJXjXjS of L-A-DinSTCa-, C&Sr&M M&&SS F'QSMS, AND MERCANTILE PRINTINa OF ALL KINDS I^I^ol^w£:pa7XJ■Y■ exegtjteid. J. THEO. ROBINSON, 84 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MONTREAL WSE STOCK'S EXTRA MACUINB OIL. See Advt. page 14. A.CCIDICNT POULCIES ISSUED FOR ANY IiENGTH OA %.flrenoies in all principal town«. DOMINION OF CANADA J^ Percent. Acid, Sulphuric i cent per lb. Acid, Acetic 12 cents per I. G. Acid, Muriatic and Nitric 20 Acid, Oxalic Free But Carboys containing Acids shall be subject to the same duty as if empty. Advertising Pamphlets, Almanacs, Catalogues and Fashion Pamphlets $1.00 per 100 Advertising Pictures, or Pictorial Show Cards or Bills 30 Agaric— ** Dye Stuff" Free Agates, unmanufactured • • Free Agricultural Implements, not otherwise provided for. . .; 25 Agricultural Implements, parts of, not otherwise specified, to be treated as wholes, excepting mould-boards, land- sides, and shares of steel, for ploughs, cut to shape, not moulded or bored, but as they come from the rollers and shears. Note. — In all cases where manufacturers' articles are imported in parts, or what is technically called ** in a knocked down state," they must be valued for duty as if mounted, — less cost of putting them together and supplying deficient parts. Ale, Beer and Porter, in bottles (6 quarts anJ 12 pints to I. G.) 18 cents per I. G. Ale, Beer and Porter, in casks, or otherwise than bottles 10 cents per I. G. Ale, Beer and Porter, barrels containing bottled ale and porter are considered packages fur exportation only, and therefore free of duty. Alkanet Root t . • Free Aloes Free Alum and Aluminous Cake « Free Aluminum , Free Ambergris , , Free Ammonia, Crude < *£F'^^ Anchors i^ee Animals, Living, of all kinds, not elsewhere specified 20 Animals, for improvement of stock under regulations to be «^ made by the Treasury Board and approved by the Governor in Council ..,,,Fre« TUK COOli 44 FKlJilXSU IIAKIMG POWUJiSB. •• B«Mt in Use.** TBM CITIZJBNS INSVRAle had hv addressin<«- DOMINION PAPER COMPANY MONTREAL ADVERTISEMENT. 64c .^1.TY TTo^ 4' o ESTABLISHED 18SO. % f IVIANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, STEAM ENGINES, Mill Wq^M, ek&ftlmg, Pulleys. Hangers, Lathe, Biscuit Machinery. AOEXTS FOR DEALSES V& First (tuality Brass Gouds, IruQ and Wood Working Maebinery. Eubber and Leather Belting, Rubber, lieiup and Flax Packing. Sulid Emery | -; --^■m^^mm^.^^J^ ^ Wlieels and -- -- Einerv Cloth. ^ JUDSON'S PATENT GOVERNORS. Steam and Water Guages. Rubber, Leather and Liueu llosc. Cutlou Waste, Babbit Metal, Saw GuMiers, Emery Machiut'S and Grinders. BISCUIT AND CRACKER MACHINERY A SPECIALITY. Nazareth, Brennan and Dalhousie Streets. 2^C O^^TTE IE J^L. 6id ADVEKTISEMFXT TK E GUARDIAN F/RE AND LIFE I ^^H^ 9^ SM i^ 11 lombard St., London, Eng. -:o:- \^ -:o:- Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 stg. Totallnuested Funds, up. o/£3^000,000 *^ Funds Invested in Canada $100,000 -:o;- Qenepal Agents foi^ Panada, IM Siiiiii & Co. M &eo. Deiiholiii, No. 2 Merchants' Exchange Building, 13 ST. SACRAMKNT STRKET, li#ii^. THT5 CITIZENS INSITKANCF CO.— Fire, I.Ife, Ouarant««i L. stg. 000 T, TARIFF. 65 Per cent. Barley 15 cents per bushel Barytes, manufactured Free Bay Rum $1.90 per gal. and 30 Beans 15 cents per bushel Beer, Ale and Porter, imported in bottles (6 quarts and 12 pintstol. G.) .. 18 cents per I. G. Beer, Ale and Porter, imported in casks, or otherwise than bottles 10 cents per I, G. Bedsteads, Iron 25 Bedsteads, Wood 35 Benzole, not elsewhere specified. . . 7^ cents per I. G. Bells, for Churches Free Bails, for Builders' Hardware <30 Berries, for dyeing or used for composing dyes „ Free Belting, Leather 25 Bibles, Prayer Books Psalm Books and Hymn Books 5 Bill-Heads, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate . . • . SO Billiard Tables, without pockets, 4 ft. 6 x 9 ft., $22.-^0 each and 15 Billiard Tables, without pockets, 5 ft. x 10 ft., $25.00 each and 15 Billiard Tables, with pockets, 6 ft. 6 in. x 11 ft., i35.00 each and 15 Billiard Tables, with pockets. 6 ft. x 12 ft $40 00 each and 15 Each table to include 12 cues and one set of 4 balls, with markers, cloths and cases, but no pool balls. Binders' Cloth 15 Bismuth, Dry 5 Bitters (see "Spirits") ... $1.90perI.G. Blacking, Shoe, and Shoe Polish , 25 Blacking, all other 20 BlankBooks 30 Blankets, composed wholly or in part of Wool, Worsted, hair of Alpaca Goat, or other like animals- .7| cents per lb. and 20 Boilers, and Engines and parts of, not elsewhere specified. 25 Boiler Drawn Tubing, wronght. not coupled or threaded- .... . 15 Boiler Drawn Tubing, wrought, coupled or threaded 20 Boiler Plate and Tai.k Iron c 12 Holts, Washers and Rivets, Iron 30 Bolting Cloths > Free Bone Dust and Bone Ash for manufacture of Phosphates and Fertili2ers ... Free Bones, crude and not manufactured, burnt, calcined, ground or steamed Free Bonnets. Hats and Caps, not elsewhere specified, including Knitted Scotch Caps - . 25 Books and Pamphlets, bound or in sheets, not being foreign re- prints of British copyright works, nor Blank Account Books, nor Copybooks, nor Books to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm and H ymn Books 15 Bookbinders' Tools and Implements, including Ruling Ma- chines and Ruling Pens imported by Bookbinders 15 TH£ COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDEBw •• Best aa t'te.'* 5 ! • THB OmZEXS INSURANCE COMPANT.-FIRE, I.IFE, SIR HUGH AL.IiAN, President: 66 DOMINION Per cent. Boots and Shoes, Rubber, Leather and Felt 25 Horax Free Botany, specimens of • • • Free Bottles, Glass, of every description, not pressed 20 Bottles, pressed or moulded 30 Braces of Cotton and Elastic 25 Brads, Tacks and Sprigs 30 Brandy(see "Spirits") $1 45 per I. G. Brass Wire and Rods cut in lengths 30 Brass, old or scrap, in Bars, Bolts or Sheets, in Wire, round or flat, Seamless Drawn Tubing, and Plain and Fancy Drawn Tubing 10 Brass Sheet cut in strips or sub-divisions 30 Brass and Copper Wire • 10 Brass and Copper Wire-Cloth 20 Brass Screws 30 Brass, Agraffe Pins for Pianos, to be treated as part of pianos 25 Brass, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 30 Brimstone, Crude or rolled in flour Free Brim Moulds for Gold-beaters Free Bristles ¥re*i British Copyright Works, reprints of 15 Brick, for buildmg purposes 2) Bridges, Iron 2iJ Bromine • Free Brooms •• 25 Brocm Com Free Bronze, Phosphor, in blocks, bars, sheets or wire 10 Brushes 25 Buckwheat 10 cents per bush. Buckwheat. Meal or Flour .^ cent per lb. Buttons and Button Moulds of all kinds 25 Butter 4 cents per lb. Buchu Leaves Free Bullion, Gold or Silver Free Bullion Fringe > 20 Bullion Frmge, S:ik 30 Burrstones, in blocks, rough or unmanufactured, and not bound up into millstones Free Burgundy Pitch Free o Cable, submarine, unenumerated 20 Cabinets of Coins, Medals, and other curiosities of antiquity. . Free Caoutchouc, unmanufactured .... Free Cachous ( Breath Sweeteners) 1 cent per lb. and 35 Cambric Muslin. Collectors of Customs are cautioned against an article called "Cambric Muslin," which is found to be White Shirting, and should pay 1 cent per yard and 15 Candles, Tallow ... 2 cents per lb. Caudles, Paraf&ne Wax 6 cents per lb. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Oil., ^ See Advt, page 14* GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT.-CAPITAIi, Sl,188,000. OERAJLD E. HART, General Manager. 25 30 SO Per cent Candles, all others, includinp: Sperm. ••••. 25 Canvas, for manufacture of flocr oil-cloth, and not less than 45 inches wide, and not pressed or calendered Free Canvas or Canvas Duck of Hemp or Flax, when to be used for boats or ships* sails ** 5 Canva?, all other not elsewhere specified 20 Cane Juice Syrup | cent per lb. and 30 Caps, cloth, wool 10 cents per lb. and 25 Caps, Hats and I^onnets, fur and straw, and ail others not else- where spec. fled 25 Capes, Fur 25 Cars, Railway 30 Cars, Railway and Street, the seat fixtures for, of cast iron, to be classed as castings Locks, Hinges, Window-fasteners and similar articles for, to be classed as carriage-makers' hardware Springs (steel), as carriage springs, to pay the same duty as carriage-makers' hardware t • Carbolic or heavy oil, used in making wooden block pavements, for treating wood for building and railway ties, pro- ducts of coal tar, weighing 12 to 13 lbs. per gal 10 Carboys, empty or not 30 Card Clothing, machine 25 Cards, Playing 30 Cards, Printed. Lithographed, or Copper or Steel 25 Carpet Bags, 1 runks, Valises and Satchels Carpets, treble ingrain, three-ply or two-ply carpets, composed wholly or in part of wool. .10 cents per square yd. and Carpets, Dutch. ... Carpets, Jute and Hemp. ... Carpets, two-ply and three-ply ingrain, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other material than wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like ani- mals « 5 cents per square yard and Cartridges, in copper or paper 25 Car Wheels and Axles 25 Carriages 30 Carriage Springs (steel) 30 Carriages, Railway 30 Carriage Tops, Frames, Bodies and Wheels 30 Carriages of travellers, and carriages laden with merchandise, and not to include circus troupes or hawkers, under regulations to be prescribed by Minister of Customs. . Free Carriage Dusters or Lap Wraps 20 Cashmere Mufflers i 20 Caskets, Burial, of any material 35 Casts, as models for use of Schools of Design Free Cathodes, Nickel Free Catgut Strings or Gut Cords for musicai instruments Free Catgut or Whipgut, unmanufactured Free Cement, Portland or Roman 20 30 30 20 20 20 t< THE COOK'S FBIENB BAKING POWDEB. ** Best Id Use." Bee Advt. paflr^ & CITIZENS INSURANCIB COMPANY.— lilFE BRANCH. THIS COMFANT. Agenule* 68 DOMINION Per cent. Cement, raw or in atone from quarry (13 cubic feet to ton $1 per ton Cement, burnt aid unground 7^ cents per 100 lbs. Cement, Hydraulic or Waterlime, ground, including Irarreln.. 40 cents per bhi. Cement, in bulk or bags U cents per bush. C ha. k. Cliff stone, unmanufactured. ...Free Champagne, and all other spark iir>i^ wines, in bottles, contain- ing each not more than a quart, and more than a pint $3 per dozen botties. Champagne, containing not more than a pint each and more than i pint $1 .50 per dozen bottles. Champagne, containing ^ pint each or less, 75c. per doz. bottles. Champagne, bottles containing more than one quart each shall pay in addition to ^.'i per dozen bottles at the rate <>f $1.50 per I. G. on the quantity in excess of oi!e quart, $1.50 per I.G. And in addition to the above Specific duty 30 All Liquors imported under the name of Wine, and con- taining more than 40 percent, of Spirits of Proof of Sykfcs Hydrometer, shall be rated for duty as unenu- merated Spirits. Chamomile Flowers Free Charts and Maps (Atlases G cents per lb.) i!0 Cham Cables, over i inch in diameter, whether shackled or swivelled or not ... 5 Chain Cables, all others not cable, including chain 17-32 of an inch 20 Cheese 3 cents per lb. Cheese Cloths 1 cent per square yard and 15 Cheques, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate 30 Checked Regattas 2 cents per square yard and 15 Chickory, or other root or vegetable used as a substitute for coffee, kiln dried, roasted or ground. . . .4 cen^s per lb. Chickory, raw or green 3 cents per lb. China-ware and Porcelain Ware 25 Chimneys, lamp, glass 30 Chloride of J^ime Free Churns, ••Wood" 25 Cigars 60 cents per lb. and 20 Cigarettes 60 cents per lb. and 20 Citrons, rinds of, in brine for candying Free Clays Free Clocks, and parts thereof 35 Chronometer Clocks, as clocks 35 Control Clocks, known as watchmen's clocks 36 Chronometer Watches, as watches 25 Cloaks, Fur 25 Clout Nails 30 Clothing, donations for charitable purposes Free Clothing, for use of Army, Navy, and Militia Free USB STOCK'S EXTRA MACH1N£ Olli. Seo Acivt. page A4. l^IFE POIilCIES OF ETERT DESCRIPTION ISSUED BT in all principal townH. TARIFF. 69 20 25 30 ^ Per cent. (Moths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Costings, Over-Coat- inji;8, Cloakiiigs, Horse dollar Clotli, Kelt Cloth of every description not elsewhere specified, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat and other like animals 7^ cents per lb. and Clothing, Ready-Made. or Wearing Apparel of every descrip- tion, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat or other like animal, made up or manitfac- factured wholly or in part by the Tailor. Seamstress or Manufacturer except Knitted Goods, 10 cts, per lb. and Clothing made of Cotton of which Coitc n is the coniponent part of chief value, including Corsets, Cotton Collars, and Cuffs ('oal, Coke and Coal Dust, Anthracite (2,000 lbs. to ton) 50 centR •^-er ton. Coal, Bituminous, per ton of 2,000 lbs t)() cents per ton. Coal Oil and Ke*^ M^^ene, distilled, purified or refined, not else- where tied 7 1-5 cents per I. G. Coal Oil and k.^iene. Fixtures and parts thereof Coal Tar Coal Pitch 10 Coats, Fur Hats, Caps and Capes 25 Cobalt, Ore of Free Cocoanuts $1.00 per 100 Cocoanut, dessicated, when sweetened 1 cent per lb. and 35 Cocoa-paste and other preparations' of cocoa containing sugar 1 cent per lb. and 25 Cocoa-paste and Chocolate not sweetened 20 Cocoanut Oil and Palm in their natural state ...Free Cocoa, Bean, Shell or Nibs Free ('od Liver Oil, medicated 20 Cochineal Free Coffee, green 2 cents per lb. but if imported from the U.S., additional 10 Coffee, roasted or ground, and all substances thereof not com- posed of roots and vegetables 3 cents per lb. Substitutes composed of roots and vegetables, 4 cents p. lb. ColTms, of any material 35 Coffin Trimmings, of metal 30 (^oins, Gold and Silver, except U.S. bilvcr coin Free Coir and Coir Yarn Free <>nllars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts, paper 30 Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts of Cotton and paper 30 Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts, Cotton Collars and of Cotton and Linen. . .'. ... 30 Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts, linen 20 *^ olcothar or Crocos, dry oxide of iron Free ^ ologne Water, and Perfumed Spirits, in bottles, fiasks or other packages, weighing more than 4 oz., $1.90 per LG. and 30 Cologne Water, and Perfumed Spirits, iu bottles, flasks or other packages, not weighing more than 4 ounces 40 Colors and Paints, ground in oil or any other liquid 25 TUE COOK'S- FRIEND « Best in Use " i BAKING POWDER. ^f^.^. ^y^/^ .O..V^\v > "71 ^>, ^:^*' ■^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 2.5 I.I 1^12.8 Ui B^ 12.2 40 Hill 2.0 lU lU 1.8 Photographic Sciences Corporation 4 • 1.25 III 1.4 , ,.6 < 6" •. ^x-^"^ ^^v 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716)872-4503 r CITIZENS INSURANCE COMFANT. — ACCIBBN* COIKDPENSATED. WEEKLY BELIEF 70 DOMINION , Per cent* Colors and Paints, Bichromate of Potash, Blue-black, Chinese Blue, Lakes, Scarlet and Maroon in pulp, Pyis Green, Prussian Blue, Satin and fine-washed White, Ultra- marine, and Umber, raw Free Colors and Paints, not elsewhere specified 20 Combscf Rubber 25 Combs, all other 25 Commercial Blank Forms, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate • . 30 Communion Plate, and Plated Ware for use in Churches Free Conium Cicuta, or Hemlock seed and leaf Free Confectionery and Sugar Candv, brown or white, Ic. per lb. and 35 Copper, old or scrai>, in pigs, oars, rods, bolts, ingots, sheets, and sheathing, not planished or coated, copper wire, round or flat« or copper seamless drawn tubing 10 Copper, Rivets and Burrs, and all manufactures of, not else- where specified 30 Copper Sheets, cut in strips or sub-divisions^ •• 30 Copper and Br?.s3 Wire 10 Copper and Brass Wire Cloth 20 Cordage, for ships' purposes • 10 Cordage, all other except Flax 20 Cordials (see ** Spirits") $1.90 per I. G* Corn, Indian.... 7^ cents per bush. Cornmeal — 40 cents per bbl. Cornstarch or FIo«r, Potato Starch, and all preparations having ^ the quality of starch 2 cents per lb. Cornelians, unmanufactured Free Corks, and other manufactures of Cork-wood or Cork-bark. ... ^ Cork-wood or Bark, unmanufactured Free Corsets •••• 30 Cotton, grey or unbleached and bleached, not stained, painted or printed. . 1 cent per square yard and 15 Cotton, Sheetings, Drills, Ducks, Cheese Cloths, Cotton or Canton Flannels, not stained, painted or printed, grey or unbleached or bleached .1 cent per square yard and If Cottons, Jeans, Denims, Drillings, Bed-tickings Ginghams, Plaids, Cotton or Canton Flannels^ Ducks and Drills, Dyed or Colored, Checked or Striped Shirtings, Cot- tonades. Pantaloon Stuffs, and goods of like descrip- tion, also Sateens and Galateas, 2 cents ptr sq. yd. and 15 Cotton Shirts and Drawers, woven or made on frames, and all Cotton Hosiery 30 Cotton Sewing Thread, on spools 20 Cotton, Duck or Canvas, of hemp or flax, and sail twine when to be used for boats' or ships' sails ■ . . . • • 5 Affidavit must accompany entry to substantiate its use. Cotton, all clothing made of CDtton, or of which cotton is the component part of chief value, including Corsets and linen and cotton Collars, Cuffs, Duck Vests ana similar articles 30 USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL,. See AdYt. page 14. BRANCH— PER80NAI. INJITRCES, DEATH BY ACCIDENl ,4FFORl>ED. Agenoies in all principal towns Percent. Cotton Sewing Thread, in hanks •> 12^ Cotions, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified, held to embrace : — Quilts and Sheets (white or colored), Cotton Diaper, Window Holland, Prints, Printed Shirtings, Furniture Prints, Cretonne, Plain Prints, Printed Cotton, Cashmere, Cotton Huckaback, Cotton (X^ Damask in pieces and cloths. Towels, Book Muslin, Jaconet, Checked Jaconet, Cambric, Bishop's and Vic- : toria Lawns, Tailatans, Hair Cords, Crinoline and all r ^ . . , kinds of Printed Muslins, Leno, Pique, Brilliants, Cottons Handkerchiefs, Curtains known as Swisst Not- tingham, or Lace, etc., if of Cotton, Muslin Lace, all kinds of Cotton Scarfs and Ties, rolled Jaconets, Glove Finished Cambrics, Moleskins, Corduroy, Cotton, Vel- vets and Velveteens, Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas, Cotton Tapes, Ferrets, Stay-bindings, Bed Lace, Boot Web, Carpet Binding, Blind Tassels, Window Leno, Cotton Fringe, Braids, Boot and Stay Laces, Cotton Velvet Ribbons and all kinds of Cotton Laces 20 Cotton, Seamless Bags, irrespective of contents, and when filled bags may be taken as weighing 16 oz. and not of less value than $3.00 per doz 2 cents per lb. and IS Cotton, Prunella 2 cents per square yard and 15 Cotton, Wadding, Batting, Batts and Warps, Carpet Warps, Knitting and Hosiery Yams, and other Cotton Yams under No. 40« not elsewhere specified, not bleached* dyed or colored 2 cents per lb. and 15 Cotton Wadding, Batting, Batts and Warps, Carpet Warps, Knitting and Hosiery Yarns, and other Cotton Yams under No. 40, not elsewhere specified, bleached, dyed or colored 3 cents per lb. and 15 Cotton Warps on beams 1 cent per lb. and 15 Cotton, or Canton Flannel, grey and unbleached and bleached, uot stained, painted or printed- •! cent per sq. yd. and 15 Cotton, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Cotton Waste Free Cotton Wool Free Cotton and Woollen Netting for Boots, Shoes and Gloves 10 Cotton Umbrellas 20 Cotton Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs and Neckties 20 Cotton Seed Cake, Oil Cake, Palm Nut, and Meal Cake Free Coutille, when imported by Corset manufacturers Free Cream of Tartar, in Crystals Free Crapes, all kindsy Cuffs, Collars and Shirt Fronts, Paper 30 Cuffs, Col lars and Shirt Fronts, Cotton 30 Cuffs, Collars and Shirt Fronts, Linen ?" Curry Combs and Curry Cards • • • 30 ! I 'J* 11 XHB COOK'S FBIBND BAKING I^OWUJSIC* •< Best In Vae '* H: !■ I 11 v. ! I I I ! I THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.-FIRE BRANCH. will be quoted. Agencies 72 DOMINION Per cent. Cutlery, Iron and Steel, not elsewhere specified, including horticulturai~purposes ; and other articles for similar purposes as the above; Horse Clippers, Surgical Instruments and Dental Instruments i 29 i 3D Debaige*.., 20 Demijohns 30 Diamonds, unset, including black diamonds for borers Free Diamond Dust, or Bort ••• Free Drafts, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate 30 Drap;on's Blood Free Dram Pipes, glazed and unglazed 20 Drain Tile, glazed and unglazed 20 Drawers, coiton, woven or made on frames 80 Drawers, Shirts and Hosiery, composed wholly of or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like ani- mals 7| cents per lb. and 20 Drawings, Paintings, Engravings and Prints 20 Drawn Boiler Tubmg. 10 Druggets 20 Duck, for Belting and Hose ...Free Duck, for Ships' Sails 6 Dyeing or Tanning Articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or ^ tanning, not elsewhere specified Free Dynamite, Dualin, Giant Powder and Vigorite, and other explosives of which Nitro-glycerine is a constituent Sart . . 5 cents per lb. and 20 . , er than aniline, prepared 20 Earth Closets 35 Earthenware and Stoneware, and Rockingham Ware and Cane Ware, brown or colored 25 Earthenware, Stonewareand Wliite Granite, or Iron- stoneware and ** C. C.** ware, whether decorated, printed or spongedornot 30 Eggs. Free Egg Boxes, when imported from the United States to be filled with eggs and exported, may be returned to Canada to be refilled without requiring duty a second time, but duty must be paid on first importation 25 Electroplate, and gilt of all kinds, not classed as^jewellery. ... 30 Electrotypes and Stereotypes, of standard books, not adver- tising books, pamphlets or sheets 10 Electrotypes and Stereotypes for commercial blanks and adver- tisements 20 Emery , ....Free USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Olli. See Advt. pag^e 14. Boniebold Risks specially desired, for whicii low UgateB in all principal towns. TARIFF. 73 ' '^ ' ''"■"' Per cent. Emery Paper, sand and glass paper and cloth 20 Engines, locomotive and stationary, fire and other steam engines and boilers and other machinery composed wholly or in part of iron 25 Ensfravings, paintings, drawings and prints 20 Entomologv, specimens of ... Free Envelopes, paper of all kinds, whether printed on «r plain, perforated, board and screen pictures cut out Essences, of Apple, Pear, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, and other fruits and Vanilla . . . $1 90 per I. G. and Essences, sach as Old Tom Gin Essence, Scotch Whiskey, &c. Essential Oils, for manufacturing purposes Esparto or bpanish Grass, and other grasses and pulp of, for the manufacture of paper Free Excelsior, for upholsterers' use 20 Extract of Logwood » . Free 25 20 20 20 Fans, "Advertising*' SO Fans, all other 25 Farina 2 cents per lb. Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture, undressed. 15 Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture, dressed 25 Feathers, for beds 20 Felloes, Spokes, Hubs and parts of wheels, rough hewn or sawn only 15 Felloes, Spokes, Hubs, and parts of wheels, when finished ■ . . 25 Felt, for boots and shoes, when imported by manufacturers for use in their fa( tones 15 Felt, pull-overs for hats 25 Felt, for glove linings, when imported by manufacturers for their use in factory 10 Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels Free I'elt, endless, for paper makers, when imported by manufac- turers for use in their factories 10 Felt Cloth, of every description, not elsewhere specified 7i cents per lb. and 20 Felt Boots and Shoes 25 Fibre, Mexican .......Free Fibre, Vegetable, for manufacturing purposes. Free Fibre, Tampico or Istle Free Fibrillk Free Files 80 Fire-brick or Tiles, for lining stoves and furnaces 20 Fire-clay Free Fire arms, Muskets, Rifles, Pistols ard Shot guns 20 t ire-arms, for use of Army, Navy and Militia F»ee Fish On . Free Fish, of all kinds the produce of the fisheries of the United . States (except fish of the Inland Lakes, or of rivers falling into them), and fish preserved in oil Free T i ■ 1 V i THB COOK'S FBIICND BAKING POWDBB. •• Best la Use." r" i 1 l.t • t \ THE cmznare insurancic co.-4strict economt m SIR HUGH Alil^AN, President; . - ■ - & 74 DOMINION Per cent* Fish, fresh, salted or smoked, except free by Washington Treaty 1 cent per lb. ^ Fish-bait Free Fish-hooks, Nets, Seines, Lines and Twines for the use of the Fisheries, but not to include sporting, fishing tackle, or hooks with flies, or trawling spoons Free Fish-plates, steel, until 1882 Free Fish-plate, "iron" 17i Flannels, of every description not elsewhere specified 7^ cents per lb. and 20 Flasks, glass of every description 30 Flax, fibre, scutched 1 cent per lb. Flax, fibre, hackled • 2centsper lb. Flax, tow of, scutched or green i cent per lb. Flaxseed 10 cents per bush. Flax Seed Oil, boiled or raw 25 Flint, Flints and ground Flint-stones Free Flour, Wheat 50 cents per bbl. Flour, Buckwheat or Meal • . « . i cent per lb« Flour, Com... • • 2centsper?b. Flour, Rye •...I....50 cents per bbl. Flour, Rice 2 cents per lb. Flour, Sago 2 cents per lb. Fog Signals, detonating for railway alarms 20 Forks, steeL hay, manure and potato ...•• 'SO Folia digitalis Free Fossils V • Freo Fruit, dried. Apples. •• . • 2 cents per lb. Fruit, driedt Currants, Dates, Figs, Plums, Prunes, Raisins, and all others not elsewhere specified. 25 Fruit, green^ Apples 40 cents per bbl. Fruit, /rM», Blackberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Straw- berries. 2 cents per quart. Fruit, green^ Cherries and Currants 1 cent per quart. Fruit, green^ Cranberries, Plums and Quinces, 30 cts. per bush. Fruit, gretih Grapes 2 cent per lb. Fruit, ^Tv/if, Peaches 40 cents per bush. Fruit, ^/M^ Oranges and Lemons 20 Fruit, in air-tight cans, including cans, if sweetened, 3c. per lb* Fruit, in air-tight cans, including cans, if not sweetened 2 cents per lb. Fruit, preserved in brandy and other spirits. . . .$1.90 per I. G. Fruit Jars, glass and preserve jars...*. 30 Fullers' Earth Free Fullers' Earth, when prepared 20 Fumiture> house, cabinet or office, finished or in parts 35 Fur Skins, dressed 15 Fur Skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner Free Furs, Caps, Hats, Muffs, Tippets, Capes, Coats, Cloaks and other manufactures of Fu ur 25 USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OHj^ See Advt. page 14. MANAGBMENT A I^IBEBAIilTY TO POIilCY HOIiDKRSt. OERAIJ> B. HABT, General Manaj^er. a- Per cent. Galateas 2 cents per square yard and 15 Gas and Coal Oil Fixtures or parts thereof • . . 30 G»s Light Shades 30 Gas Pipes of Cast Iron 2f* Gentian Root .....Free German Silver in Sheets 10 Giant Powder 5 cents per lb., and 20 Gin, Geneva (see •* Spirits ") $1 . 32i per I . G. Gin, Old Tom, (see <• Spirits ") in bulk $1 . 32j per I . G. Ginseng Root ., • Free Glass, Ornamental, Figured, Enamelled, Stained, in sheets. ... 30 Glass, Carboys, and Demijohns, Pressed Bottles, Flasks, and Phials of every description, Telegaph and Lightning Rod Insulators, Fiuit Jars and Glass Bottles 25 Glass, Lamp and Gas Light Shades, Lamp and Lamp Chim- neys, Globes for Lanterns, Lamp and Gas Lights.... 30 Glass, Stained, Tinted, Painted, Vitrified, in sheets • • . 30 Glass, Window, Stained 30 Glass, Window, Common and Colorless 20 Glass, Figured, Enamelled and Obscured White, in sheets. ... 30 Glass, not Figured, Painted, Enamelled or Engraved 20 Glass, all others, and manufactures of, not elsewhere specified; 20 Glass Stoppers 20 Glass Balls 30 Glass Paper, Sand, Emery Paper and Cloth 20 Glengarry or Scotch Caps •.•••• 25 Globes for Lanterns and Lamps 30 Gloves, Cotton, Lisle and Thread 25 Gloves, Silk 25 Gloves, Woollen , 25 Gloves and Mits, leather of all kinds ■ 25 Q-lucose Syrup ^ cent per lb, and 85 Glucose and Grape Sugar, to be classed and rated for duty as sugar according to grade by Dutch Standard in color. Gold-Beaters' Moulds and Skins Free Granite, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Granite ware or Iron-stone ware (not iron) 30 Gravel Free Grease and Grease Scrap, for manufacture of Soap «... Free Grindstones, dressed or complete S2.00per ton. Guano, and other animal and vegetable manure (not phosphate) Free Gums, Amber, Arabic, Australian, British, Dextnne, Copak Damar, Mastic, Sandaric, Shellac and Tragacanth. . . Free Gums, Chewing, sweetened or flavored 1 cent per lb. and 35 Gums, Chewing, not sweetened 20 Gunpowder, ^un, rifle and sporting, in kegs, ^ kegs, i kegs, and similar packages. .5 cents per lb. Gunpowdei, cannon and musket in kegs and barrels, 4c. per lb. Gunpowder, canister, in pound and ^ pound tins. ..l5c. per lb. m 1(1 S! THB COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWD£R, •< Best in Use." t, I I ! I- n '■1 i I! M I 1 THS CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANT.— lilFE BRANCH. mOID BCONOilT PRACTISED. Per cent. Gunpowder, blasting and mining. 3 cents per lb. Gut and Worm Gut, manulactured and unmanufactured, for whip and other cord ,,.., Free Qutta-percha, manufactures of. 25 Gutta-percha, crude Free Gypsum, ground 20 Gypsum, crude (Sulphate of Iron) t...Frec Hair, curled • 20 Hair, Angola, Buffalo, Bison, Camel, Goat, Hog, Horse, and Human, cleaned or uncieaned, but not curled or other- wise manufactured, also Cow, Calf, and Deer Hair . . . Free Hair Oils, Pomatums and Pastes, and all other perfumed pre- parations used for the hair, mouth or skin 30 Hams, fresh, salted, dried or smoked 2 cents per lb. Handkerchiefs, cotton 20 Hardware, builders', cabinet makers', upholsterers', carriage makers', saddlers' and undertakers' 30 Hats, Caps and Bonnets, not elsewhere specified 25 Hatters' Plush, of silk or cot con 10 Hatters* Furs, not on the skin ,... Free Hemlock Bark ••••....Free Hemp, undressed ...Free Hemp, 1 ndian (crude drug) Free Hides, raw, whether dry, salted or pickled Free Hoes, steel 30 Hollow-ware, tinned, glazed or enamelled, of cast or wrought iron 25 Honey, in the comb or otherwise 3 cents per lb. Hoofs , .Free Hops 6centsperlb. Horse Shoes 30 Horse-shoe Nails • Z Hosiery, cottdn of all kinds, not elsewhere specified. 30 Hosiery, wool of all kinds, not elsewhere specified, 7^c. p. lb. & 20 Hubs, Spokes and Feiioes, rough or .^awn only. 15 Hubs, Spekes and Felloes, when finished 25 jnyiiiu x>ooKS •••»• •-•• ••■•••»«••••••••••••#••••#•••• Hyoscyamusor Henbane Leaf ... Free Ice Free Indian Corn. 7^ cents per bush. India Rubber, Boots and Shoes and Manufactures of, including Vulcanite and Elastic Web. 25 India Rubber, unmanutactured Free Iiidigo . Free Ink, tor writing , 25 Ink, for pnriing 20 1 nsuiators, Telegraph and Lightning-rod 30 USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Olli. See Advt. pag^e 14. 1.1! UNDOUBTED SECURITT IS AFFORDED AND THB MOBY Affenoles In all prinoipal towns. TARIFF. 77 Per cent. Iron , (jld and scrap $2-00 per ton. Iron, Pig $2 00perton. Iron, in Slabs, Blooms, Loops, or Billets, puddled or not» and muck and puddled bars and billets 10 Iron, in Bars, rolled or hammered, including flats, rounds and squares, nail and rods, and all other iron not otherwise specified '. 17^ Iron, Band and Hoop, Sheet, smoothed or polished, coated or galvanized, and common or black, 17 gauge or thinner, and Boiler Plate, Tank Iron and Canada Plates. ..... 12^ And the above over 17 gauge 17^ Iron Chain, "half-inch chain," so called, is ordinarily made a little over ^ inch, or about 17-32 of an inch, but should be classed as half-inch, and pay >. 20 Iron Nails and Spikes, wrought or pressed, including railroad spikes I cent per lb. and 10 Iron, Rolled Beams, Channel, Angle and T Iron 15 Iron, Sheet, Corrugated and Galvanized .... . . 17| Iron, Mill and Mill Cranks, and Wrought Forgingsfor Mills and Locomotives, or parts thereof, weighing 25 lbs. or more, 20 Iron Masts, for ships or parts of. Free Iron, roiled round wire rods in coils under ^ inch diameter- ... 10 Iron and Steel Wire, tinned or coppered, galvanized or not. • • 15 Iron for bridges and structural work 25 Iron, malleable, castings 25 Iron, Stove and other castings, not elsewhere specified . > 25 Iron Tin Plates — Sheet Iron tinned, commonly called tin plates, and whole sheets of any size, not specially shapen or cut from sheets as originally manufac ared 10 Iron Nuts and Bolts together, classed as Bolts 30 Iron Wire Nails called ' * Points de Paris '* ._ 30 Iron Furniture, includmg bedsteads and ornamental iron work andwirework ... 25 Iron, Wrought, Tubing, not threaded or coupled 15 Iron, Wrought, Tubing, threaded or coupled 20 Iron, and manufactures of, not elsewhere specified. . ^ • 20 Iris ., Free Istle or Tampico Fibre.. Free Ivory or Ivory Nuts, unmanufactured Free Ivory Veneers, sawn or split only, not planed or polished Free Jalap Root Free Japanned and Tin Ware, not elsewhere specified i5 Jeaunettes .<. 2 cents per square yard and 15 Jewellery, and manufactures of Gold and Silver, 20 Junk, Old Free Jute, Manufactures of. •.. . 20 Jute, Jute and Hemp Carpets 20 Jute, unmanufactured ■ Free Jute Butts , Free THE COOK'S FRIEND ««BeBtinUstt.'* BAKING POWDER. i ' J« I- ::!■:' I .1 1 ■ i'\ CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— GUARA NTEE ISSUED WITHOUT EXTRA PREBIIUBI. 78 DOMINION Per ceijt. Kelp Free Kerosene and Coal Oil, distilled, purified or refined, not else- where specified 71-5 cents per I. G. Kerosene and Coal Oil Fixtures, or parts thereof SO Knitting Machines 25 Knife Blades or Knife Blanks in the rough, unhandled, for the use of Electro Platers *•• 10 Knives for Mowers and Reapers and Cutter Bars SO Kryolite Free Tj Labels of every description, printed, lithographed or copper or steel plate — SO Lac, dye ' rude, seed, button, stick and shell Free Lamps, Glass 30 Lamp Shades, glass • 30 Lard, tried and rendered. 2 cents per lb* Lard, untried U cents per lb. LardOil 20 Lava, unmanufactured .....Free Lead, old and scrap and in pigs, bars, blocks and sheets 10 Lead, white and red, dry, also dry white zinc and bismuth. .,,» 5 Lead, Pipe and Shot • 25 Lead, &11 manufactures of not elsewhere specified 25 Leather, sole, tanned but rough or undressed 10 Leather, Morocco Skins, tanned but rough or undressed 10 Leather, sole and belting leather, tanned out not waxed 15 Leather, sole and belting leather, dressed and waxed 20 Leather, all upper and French kid, tanned but not waxed 15 Leather, all upper and French kid, dressed and waxed • 20 Leather, japanned, patent, or enamelled 20 Leather, and all others and skins tanned, not elsewhere speci- fied 20 Leather, belting and all manufactures of, including boots and shoes t..> 25 Leather, Board ■ Scentsperlb. Leather, Boot and Shoe Counters i cent per pair Leeches....... Free Lemons, and rinds of in brine for candying .••...... Free Licorice Root. 20 Linen and manufactures of ••••• 20 Linen Handkerchiefs in Boxes 20 Linings (Rolled) Cotton 20 Linseed Oil, Raw or Boiled 25 Litharge Free Lithographic Stones, not Engraved 20 Litmus and all Lichens, prepared and not prepared * • •• • Free Locks of all kinds ... SO Logs and round unmanufactured Timber, not elsewhere speci- fied Free Logwood, Extract of Free USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Oil.. See Advt. page 14. BRANCH.— COMBINED LIFE ft GUARANTEE POLICIES AffenoieH In all principal towma. Per cent. Locomotives and Railway, Passenger, Baggage and Freight Cars, being the property of Railway Coinpaoies in the United States running upon any Line of Road crossing the Frontier, so long as Canadian Locomotives and Cars are admitted free under similar circumstances in the United States, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs Free Locomotives, Tires of Steel or *' Bessemer " in the rough 10 Lumber and Timber, Planks and Boards, sawn, of Boxwood, Cherry, Walnut, Chestnut. Mahogany, Pitch Pine, Rosewood, Sandal-wood, Spanish Cedar, Oak, Hick- ory and Whitewood, not shaped, planed, or otherwise manufactured Free Lumber and Timber, Spanish Cedar cut by knife Free Lumber and Timber, not elsewhere specified * 20 Linoleum '* as Oil Cloth," SO Mace r 25 Machinery for Cotton Mills, not made in Canada Free Machinery for Worsted Mills of all kinds which is not manu- factured in Canada Free This does not refer to machinery for Woollen Mills, but only to actual Machinery used in the manufacture of " Worsted." Machinery, not elsewhere specified , 25 Madder and Munjeet, or Indian Madder, ground and prepared and all extracts of Free Malt .. 15 cts per bushel. Manilla grass Free Mantels, slate 30 Mantels, marble 25 Manure, Guano, and other animal and vegetable, in natural state, not prepared Free Manure, prepared or manufactured, all kinds 20 Marble Slabs, sawn on not more than two sides • . • 15 Marble Blocks and Slabs, sawn on more than two sides. .»•••. 20 ■Marble, finished 25 Marble, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Marble, in blocks from quarries in the rough, or sawn on two sides only, and not specially shapen, containing 15 cubic feet or over • 10 Maps and Charts— not Atlases 20 Masts, Iron, or parts of, for ships .•••Free Mattrasses, hair and spring • 85 Meal, Buckwheat \ cent per lb* Meal Cake, Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, and Palm Nut Cake. .Free Meats, fresh or salted, on actual weight, as received in Canada, except shoulders, sides, bacon and hams. .1 cent per lb. Meats, Corned Beef. • .2 cents per lb. Meats, Essence of Beef (extract) 20 'I % w I THM COOK*8 FRIEND BAKING POWDRB. "* BMMt in Use.** 11 .r THK CITIZKNS INSURANCE CO.— •116,000 d«po«lted wttH (itcnMUiaii Oovfrnnient. AK«nol«H In »U prtnolpal U>i 80 DOMINION Per cent. Meats, all others, dried, smoked or preserved, in any other way than salted or pickled, not elsewhere speciticd . . 2 cents per lb. and 20 per cent on value of cans. Medals, of gold, silver or copper Free Meerschaum, crude or raw Free Menageries, horses, cattle, carriages and harness of, under regu* latiuns to be prescribed by Minister of Customs Free Mica 20 Military Stores and Munitions of War.... Free Mill lioard, not Straw Board 10 Mitts and Gloves, leather 25 Mineralogy, specimens of. Free Models and Patterns of Inventions, and other improvements in the arts, but no articles or article shall be deemed a model or improvement which can be litted for use Free Molasses (see Syrups). Moss, Iceland, and other mosses, crude , .... Free Moss, Seaweed, and all other vegetable substances used for beds and inattrasses, in their natural state or only cleaned- .Free Mower and Reaper Knives, and Cutter Bars, as edge tools. ... '60 Muffs, Fur 25 Music, printed, bound in sheets 6 cents per lb. Musical Instruments, for bands of Army and Navy ... Free Musical Instruments, not specified, according to material of chief value. Musical Instruments, brass 30 Musical Instruments, wood 25 Musical Instruments, silver 20 Musical Instruments, vulcanite '. 25 Musical Inst uments, Accordeons • 25 Musical Instruments, Triangles 20 Muskets, Rifles, Guns and Pistols, not elsewhere specified ... 20 Mustard Seed, unground 15 Mustard Seed, ground or prepared 25 Nails, Clout, Hungarian, Horse-Shoe, and Iron Wire, called '• Point de Pans** 30 Nails and Spikes, Cut. ..^ cent per lb. and 10 Nails and Spikes, Wrought and Pressed, whether gaUvanized or not .j cent per lb. and 10 Nails and Spikes, Composition and Sheathing 20 Napkin Rings, Plated 30 Napkin Rings, not Plated 20 N aphtha, not elsewhere specified 71-5 cents per I. G* Neatsf oot Oil , , . . . 20 Newspapers received by Mail .' Free Nickel Anodes and Cathodes Free Nickel Salts 20 Nitrate of Soda or Cubic Nitre Free Nitro-Glycerine 10 cents per lb. and 20 US£ STOCK'S EXTKA MACHINJEI OIL. Sec A I ISTo. 13 St. Joliix Street, COUNTRY MERCHANTS Ordering by Mail or Telegraph, CAN HAVE Posters, Hand Bills, Bill Heads, Letter and Note Headings, OR ANY OTHER KIND OF PRINTING Executed at once» and sent to them by Return MaiL « • « -» J. Theo. Robinson, • 64 St. Francois Xavier Street. ADVERTISEMENT. 80c ROGERS & KING, MANUFACTUREKS OF SPElNfCK'S PATENT SECTIONAL HOT WATER AND STEAM < U z o Ik CO H S2S Cx3 > O U » CQ ■ -s CO O UJ ^ nc. GO Q. o ffi CJ> o tfl " t^ 2 -H CD " m "^^ ^ CO r^ a »» r CO W CO OVER 500 IN USE IN ALL PARTS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. MANUFACTTJBERS ALSO OF Steam and Hot Water Furnace Fittings of all kinds, Soil and Greenhouse Pipes and Fittings, Plumbers' Wares, House Castings. ALL MlSnS OF CASTINGS MABJB TO OBBMB, CRAIG STREET FOUNDRY, MONTREAL. i. ■ If I. Iv ■■■<»■■■ 90d ADVERTISEMENT. • « SFPERIOR BOOK M AND. JOB'^ * <>>■> » COMMERCIAL PRINTING HOnSE, 54 St Francois Xavler Street. CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— Fire, Ufe, Oiianu»to« and Accident. Canltal •l,18S*0OO. Per cent. Nuts, Iron Icent per lb. and 10 Nuts, all kinds except Cocoa Nuts 20 Nuts, Cocoa $1.00 per 100 Nutmegs • 23 Nutgails Free O Oak Bark Free Oakum Free Oats 10 cents per bush. Oatmeal ^ cent per lb. Ochres, dry, ground or unground, washed or unwashed, not calcined 10 Oils, Aazr, perfumed or not 30 Oils, Coal and Kerosene^ distilled, purified or refined, Naphtha, Benzole^ petroleum, products of petroleum, coal, shale and lignite not elsewhere specified. .7 1-5 cents per I. G. Oils, Lubricatmg 20 Oils, Carbolic or heavy ^ used for making wooden block pave- ments, for treating wood, for building and for railway ties. 10 Oils, Olive or SaladOil 20 Oil Cod Liver medicated 20 0\\%^Lard 20 O'A^^ Linseed ot Flaxseed^ tvN or boiled 25 0\\Neats/oot 20 OWSperm 20 Oil SesameSeed 20 Oils, Cocoanut and Paint in their natural state Free Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, Palm-nut Cake and Meal Free Oil Cloth for floors and Linoleum stamped, painted or printed, 30 Oil Cloth for tables, carriages, etc 20 Olive Oil or Salad Oil 20 Opium (drug) 20 Opium prepared for smoking $5 per lb. Oranges, rinds of, in brine lor candying Free Ores of Metals of all kinds Free Organs, Cabinet, Reed Organs having not more than two sets of reeds $10 00 each. Organs, Cabinet, having over two and not more than four sets of reeds $1500each. Organs, Cabinet, having over four and not more than six sets ot reeds $20 each . Organs, Cabinet, having over six sets of reeds. . . $30 00 each. and in addition thereto on all organs 15 Organ Pipes, and sets or parts of sets of reeds for Cabinet Organs 25 Ornamental Iron Work • 25 Ornaments for ladies head-dresses, hats, bonnets, belts, dress- clasps, &c., to be rated according to the material or component part of chief value. Osiers Free Oxalic Acid • Free SHE OOOK'b F&1ENI> »*^f MBettlii Use.*' 6 BAKING FOWPSBk f.i 1 1 ' . ,v? , I 1 y '' p i ; ' i » '*\ I SHE OmZENS INSUBANCECO.— na>OUBTXl> SECVBTTt Agencies In all ( I ■ :l I^ Per cent Pailsi Tubs, Churns, and other manufifictures of Wood dot else- where specified --. . 25 Paints and Colors ground in oil or any other liquid 25 Paints and Colors not elsewhere specified .....••• 20 Paints and Colors, White and Red Lead dry. also Zinc •... •••*.•••••• 5 Paintings, Engravings, Drawings and Prints 20 Paintings in Oil by Artists of well known merit, or copies of the old Masters, by such Artists Free Palm Leaf, unmanufactured .....Free Fahn-nut Cake, Meal Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, and Oil Cake. .Free Pamphlets and Periodicals not imported through the Post OfficCy 15 Pamphlets and Periodicals imported through Post Office for subscribers Free Paper, Calendered 22i In its meaning held practically to apply to all writing papers, smooth surfaced papers, whether coloured or white, drawing paper and enamelled paper, but does not apply to ordinary printmg paper, known to the trade as '* news " paper, or to wrapping, tissue, filtering or blotting paper, wh'ch latter are 20 Paper printing, not Calendered ■ 20 Paper Bags, Printed SO Paper Bags, not Printed 25 Paper, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Paper, Carpet Lining : 20 Paper, Union Collar Cloth, in sheets, not shapen 10 Paper of all kinds not elsewhere specified 20 Paper, Wall, including Window Shades and Trunk Linings. . 30 Paper Hangings 30 Paper Mach6 25 Paper Borders, Cornices, Edgings, &c., for cigar boxes, per- forated or embossed paper, confectionery paper, book ' marks, tags, cards, and cardboard, photographic mats, &c., as manufactures of paper 25 Patent Medicines, or any medicine or preparation of which the recipe is kept secret, or the ingredients thereof are kept secret, recommended by advertisement, bill or label ior the relief of any disorder or ailment, in liquid form. . . 50 Patent Medicines, all other than liquid 25 Peas ... 10 cents per bush. pearl, Mother of , not manufactured.. ••• Free Pencils, lead, in Wood or otherwise 25 PenandPencii Holders 20 Pelts Free Percosuon Caps, for gun and rifle 20 Percussion Caps, for blasting 90 USB STOCK'S BXTKA MTAOHIMS OIL, See Advt. pa^fe 14. Aia> liABOB PBOFITS TO HOIiDIZS OF IJOTB POUOIlEbw principal town*. TARIFF. 83 ,.- •. Percent. Periodicals and Pamphlett} importea through Pest Office by subscribers Free Periodicals and Pamphlets not imported through Post Office, 15 30 40 30 30 Perfumery, including toilet preparations Perfumed Spirits, in bottles or flasks not weighing more than 4 oz Perfumed Spirits (held to include Bay Rum) in bottles or flasks and other packages weighing more than 4 oz. each $1.90 per I. G. and Petroleum and products of, not elsewhere specified 7 1-5 cents per I. G. Phials, glass of every description Philosophical Instruments, and apparatus, including globes and pictorial illustrations of inseccs, etc. when imported by or for use of colleges and schools, scientific and literary societies Free Phosphorus -^ Free Phosphor Bronze blocks, sheets and wire 10 Pianofortes, square, whether round-cornered or not, not over 7 octaves $25.00each. - Pianofortes, square, all other $30 ■ 00 each. Pianofortes, upright $30 00 each. Pianofortes, concert^ semi-concert or parlor grand, $50-00 each. ' ' And in addition to above specific duty 15 Pianofortes, parts of. including brass agraffe pins 25 Pianos, a piano imported, consisting of case, frame, sounding- board, &c.. but without the action, should be treated as a piano, liable to the specific duty, and the ad valorem duty on its vaiue in that state. Picture Frames 35 Pipe Clay in natural condition Free Pipes, Briar and other 20 Pins, Hooks, and Eyes -.... 20 Pistols not elsewhere specified 20 Pitch-pine Free Pitch, Ccal 10 Plants aid Shrubs 20 Plaster ol Paris or Gypsum, ground 20 Plaster of P&ris or Gypsum, calcined or manufactured, 15 cents per 100 lbs. Plaster of Paris or Gypsum, not over 300 lbs., 45 cents per bbl. of 300 lbs. Plaits, straw, tuscan or grass Free Plates, engraved on wood and steel and any other metal. 20 Plated-ware, Electro-plate and Gilt of all kmds, (not jewellery) 30 PlayingCards SO Plumbago , 10 Plumbago, all mannfartures o^ not elsewhere specified 20 COOK'S FBIBND BAKING POWDBB. *< Best In Use.'* See AdYt, page & ' 1 , . % f - iv 1 1 i 1 I ! I ^j i|i pp .gm HIBITBAMOX OOMPANT.— iTKB LAROISBT ASSURED. Apr«Tic1««i 84 DOMINION Per cent. or cotton, for hatters 10* Pomadest French, or flower odors, preserved in fat or oil for the purpose of conserving the odors of tiowers which do not bear the heat of distillation, when imported iu tins of not less than 10 lbs. each 15 Pomatum, or Paste, for hair, mouth or skin 30 Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in bottles (6 quarts and 12 pints to I. G.) 18 cents per I. G. Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in casks or otherwise than in bottles 10 cents per I G. Potatoes 10 cents per bush. Porcelain-ware 20 Porcelain-ware, Lamp Shades 20 Posters printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate Posters, 30 Prayer Books, Psalm and Hymn Books, and Bibles 5 Prints, Drawings, Engravings and Paintings • 20 Printing Presses, not to include type- writers, electric pens, numbering mnchines, or dating stamps 15 Prunella, Cotton and Woollen Netting for boots, shoes and gloves 10 Prunella of Cotton 2 cents per square yard and 15 Pumice and Pumice Stone Free Pumice Stone, ground and powdered 20 Putty.... 25 Q, Quills 20 Quinine, sulphate of 20 Rags of Cotton, linen, jute, hemp, paper waste or clippings and waste of any kind fit only for manufacturing paper. Free Rags, woollen Free Rails, iron, or railway bars for railways or tram-ways 15 Railway Iron, Iron Fish-plates, Frogs, Frog-points, Chairs and Finger-bars 17^ Rakes and Rake-teeth 30 Rattans, unmanufactured Free Receipts, printed, lithographed or copper or steel plate receipts 30 Reeds, unmanufactured Free Rennet, raw or prepared Free Resin Free Revolvers, not elsewhere specified 20 Rhubarb Root Free Rice 1 cent per lb. Rice Flour 2 cents per lb. Rifles, not elsewhere specified 20 Rivets. Bolts and Washers 30 Rose Water, without spirits SO Rose Water, when without spirits, to be classed as perfumery. Rum (see •* Spirits ") $1.32* per I. G. USB STOCK'S BXTRA MACHINB OIIi» Seo Advt. pas^e 14. AMOUNT In all piinolpal towns. OF PROFITS BETUBMIED THS TARIFF. 85 . Percent. Rye..*.* ...10 cents per bush. Rye Flour 60 cents per bbl . Rubber, manufacture of. • 25 Safes, '* Iron," and doors for safes and raults 25 Saffron Cake cFree Saffron andSafflower, extracts of Free 5ago. 20 SagoFlour .' 20 Saus for Boats and Ships 25 Sal-Ammoniac • ...••. Free Sal-Soda Free Salt, imported from the United Kingdom or any British posses- sion, or imported for the use of the sea or Gulf fisheries, Free Salt, except salt imported from the United Kingdom or any British possession, or imported for the use of the sea or Gulf nsheries, which shall be free from duty, 8 cents per 100 lbs. Salt in bags, barrels, and other packages.. 12 cents per 100 lbs. Saltnetre 20 m.. San* Sand-paper, Glass, and Emery-paper and Cloth. Satin, silk. Free 20 90 Satteens, colored as ** Jeans," 2 cents per square yard and 15 Satchels, Trunks, Valises and Carpet-Bags •••• *0 Saw-dust 26 Saws of all kinds 30 Scales, Balances, Weighing Beams and Steelyards 30 Screws, Steel, Iron, called Wood-screws," , 35 Screws, Machine Screws, not ** Wood-screws" 20 Screws, Machine, intended for holding in wood, without nuts or other iron fixtures, to be classed as wood screws 35 The same imported with nuts are properly screw bolts 80 Screws, with Nuts. ..•...« SO Sea-grass ■ .........Free Sealskin— Imitations in wool to be classed ascloakings 7i cents per lb. and 20 Seamless Drawn Tubing, *' Zinc" 10 Seamless Drawn Tubing, *' Brass " 10 Seamless Drawn Tubing, *' Copper " 10 Seamless Cotton Bags 2 cents per lb. and 15 bea-weed, Moss, and all other Vegetable Substances used for beds and Mattrasses, in their natural state or only cleaned Free Seeds, flower, garden, field and other seeds for agpricultural purposes when in bulk or other large parcels 15 Seeds, the same in small papers or parcels . .^ • 26 Seeds, for agricultural purposes do not include Anise, Carda- mon, Colchicum, Cummin, Fenugreek, Hvoscymus, Philandri, Stramonium, Worm, Carraway, Canwy. THS COOK'S FBIBND •'BeitinUM'* BAKIXa rOWDSBi ■I; t h ■ > I- 1 JMSUBB TeiTB XIFIB ffHUJ!: TOt/ ABB TOUNO IN THB SIR HUGH AIXAN. PreiMeiits '■! . 1 ! ] 85 DOMINION 20 20 20 ' Percent. Seeds, roufttard ungroaDd.. * • 15 Seeds, mustard ground-... • 25 Senna, in leaves , Free Sesame Seed Oil 20 Settlers' Effects— Wearing A Pparel, Household Furniture, Pro- fessional Books, Implements and Tools of trade, occu- (■•^ ^ ■ pation or employment, which the settler has had in • actual use for at least six months before removing to Canada, not to include machinery or live stock,^ or • articles imported for use in any manufactory, establish- ' • ment, or for sale; provided that any dutiable article entered as Settlers* Effects shall not be sold or other- wise disposed of without payment of duty snttl two years actual use in Canada Frew Sewer Pipes, glazed or unglazed 20 Sewing Machines, whole, or beads or parts of heads of Sewing Machines $2 each and 20 Sewing Machines, parts of. viz. ; Stands and table tops, imported separately; stands to be treated as castings, and wood* work as manufactures of wood, both 23 Shawls, Woollen, wholly or in part worsted, hair Alapaca, goat or other like animals 7^ cents per lb. and Shawls, Paisley and Cashmere, if not composed chiefly of silk Shawls, Indian or Paramatta Shellac Varnish $1-90 per gallon. Shingles 20 Ships, and all other vessels built iu any foreign country, whether steam or sailing vessels, on application for Canadian ^''i ' • register, on the fair market value of the hull, rigging, machinery and all appurtenances 10 Shirts, Coiion^ woven or made on frames 30 ShirtS) Drawers, and Hosier>, IVool^ wholly or in part, worsted, hair of Alapaca goat or other like animal, 7i cents per .. lb. and Shirtings, Cotton^ checked and striped, 2 cents per sq. yard and Shirt Fronts, Collars and Cuffs, paper 39 Shoes and Boots, leather and rubber *a Shoe Linings, twilled Cotton 1 cent per sq. yard and 15 Shoe Linings, colored Jeanettes 2 cents per sq. yard, and 15 Shot, lead 25 Shot Ouns, not elsewhere specified 20 Show Cases, of any material. 35 ShowCards or Bills. 30 Shovels, Spades 30 Shoulders and Sides, fresh, salted, dried or smoked, 2c. per lb. Shrubs and Trees, ornamental, shade and fruit 20 Silex or Crystalized Quartz Free Silicias. plain or beetled and Casbans 20 Silicias, printed. 20 Silk Twist and Sewing Silk 25 Slik Umbrellas 30 2f) U8B STOCK'S BXTBA MACHINS Be« AdTt. pace 14. OII«, J CITIZENS INSeHANOE COMPANT, AND SATE OERAIiP B. HART, General Manager. TARIFF. 87 Per cent. Silks, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted or advanced in manufacture in any way, sillc cocoons and silk waste. ... Free Silk Velvets, and all manufactures of silk, of which silk is the component part of chief value SO Silk, in the gum, not more advanced than singles, tram, and thrown organzine 15 Silk, Manufactures of. embrace, glac^, gros grain, dncape. berathea, Cashmere, Gros de Naples, black and ><. coloured ; black and coloured Torquoise, satinsy sarse- nets. Persians, poplins and all other piece goods of which silk is the component part of chief value ; all silk clothing, crapes, silk umbrellas and parasols, vel- vets, terries, chenilles, ribbons, silk plush, hat bands^ velvet ribbons, silk braids, fringes, Jaces, trimmings, tassels, gloves, lace mitts, shawls, hosiery and under- clothing, ties, scarfs, bows, ferrets, handkerchiefs, Prussian bindings, sofa gimp, orris lace, float lace, mantillas or jackets, boot and stay laces, silk warp Paramatta, silk tapestry, silk warp alpaca, &c. 30 Silver, rolled, and German silver, in sheets 10 Silver or Gold Coins (except United States silver coin) Free Silver Leaf, for painiers and gilders- • • 25 Skates of all kinds 30 Skins, undressed, dried, salted or pickled Free Slates for roofing 2^ Slates, School aad Writing, and Porcelain and Drawing Slates 25 SlateMantles 30 Slate Slabs, square or in special shapes 25 Sleighs SO Snuff and Manufactured Tobacco 25 cents per lb. and 12| Soap, common Brown and yellow not perfumed u cent per lb. Soap, common, soft and liquid (not perlumed).....! 20 Soap, Castile and white 2centsperlb. Soap, perfumed and toilet • 90 Soap, Saddlers', and silver soap • 20 SodaAsh Free Soda Caustic > Free Soda, Silicate of ....' , Free Soil Pipes, cast iron •• •• 25 Spades, Shovels SO Spanish or Esprrto Grass, and other grasses and pulp of, for the manufacture of paper.... • .Free Spectacles and Eye-glasses. • •. . • • • 20 Spelter, in blocks or pigs * 10 SpermOil 20 Spices— Ginger and Spices of all kinds (except Mace and Nut- megs) unground • •• 20 Spices, as above, ground *. 25 Spices, Nutmegs and Mace • 25 Spikes and Nails, cut.. .• i cent per lb. and 10 SHB OOOK'S FBIBXD BAKINQ f OWDlfiB^ \h I I I i &, I I -, - BBOUBSTT AKD I. Affeneles la all prlnetpal town* TARIFF. 91 Per cent. Timber and Lnmber not elsewhere specified 'ZO Tin, in Blucks, Tigs, Bars, Plates and Sheets 10 Tin, all manufactures of, not elsewhere spec fied 25 Tinman's Trimmings, to be classed as manufactures of tin, vii : Spouts, haodles, knobs, and ornamental articles 25 Tinware, stamped and Japanned ware .... 25 Tin-plates, no' (specially khapeo or cut from original sheets as unmanufactured 10 Tobacco, manufactured, and Snuff 25c. per lb. and 12^ Tobacco, manufactured fcr excise purposes under conditions of Act 31 Vic. cap. 51 Free Toilet and Tooth powders, and other Perfumed Preparations for Mouth, Hair and Skin 30 Tomatoes .. 30c, per bush. Toolsi Carpenters', Coopers' Cabinetmakers', and all other mechanics' Tools, including files, edge tools of every description, and axes, scythes and saws of every de- scription. ■ 30 The term Tools is held t j include mower, and reaper knives and cutter bars ; also awls of all kinds. Tooth and Toilet Powders, and other Washes 80 Tortoise and other Shells Free Travellers' Baggage, under regulations to be prescribed by Minister of Customs Free Trees, Fruit, Shade, Lawn and Ornamental 20 Tree Nails Fr^^ Trunks. Satchels, Valises and Carpet Bags 30 Tubs, Pails, Churns, and other manufactures of wood, not else- where specified 25 Turmeric Free Turpentine, Raw or Crude Free Turpentine, (Spirits of) 20 Turtles Free Twine, Sail, when to be used for boats' and ships* sails 5 Twine, Flax 25 TwineCotton 20 Type for printing 20 TypeMetal 10 'v: XT -■^■" Umbrellas, Cotton 20 Umbrellas, silk SO Union Collar Cloth, paper, in sheets not shapen 10 Valises, Trunks, Satchels and Carpet Bags 30 Varnish, black and bright for ships' use Free Varnish, not elsewhere specified 20 cents per I. G. and 20 Varnish, Shellac $1.90 per gal. Varnish includes Lacquer and Japan spirit varnish. Vasseline, lubricating and such like oils, not to be classed as products of Petroleum, but as unenumerated 20 ' l» ^ I THB COOK'S FBIBND BAKING POWDfiR,. Ill I THK GinZKMB DfSITBANOlB COMPAin^-OUABAinasa Agmietos in mH n 92 DOMINION - ^.•^^-•^w-^ •• -w- •y'H- ■ V, "• . Percent. Vegetables, Potatoes 10c. per bush. Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes • • 20 Vegetables, Tomatoes > 30c. per bush. Vegetables, all others ., 20 Vegetables, Fibres, natural, not produced by any chemical pro- cess Free Velvet, silk 30 Velvet, cotton 20 Veneers of Wood and Ivory sawn or split only, not to include scale boards for cheese Free Verdigris, or Sub-acetate of Copper, dry Free Vinegar 12 cents per I. G. Vitriol, blue ..» Free Vises • • 30 Waggons 30 WailPaper 30 Walking Sticks 25 Washers, Bolts and Rivets, iron. ■ 80 Waste, Cotton, Linen, Jute, Hemp, and Paper of all kinds, fit only for manufacture of paper ..Free Watches, Watch Cases and Material, 25 Water-pipes of cast>iron 2S Whale bone, unmanufactured • Free Whale Oil, in casks from on ship-boardi and in the condition in which it is first landed Free Wheat .•••• 15c.perbttsh. Wheels, Wood Spokes, Hubs and Felloes, finished. 25 Wheels, if put up 30 Wheelbarrows and like articles 30 Whips 25 W hip-gut or Cat-gut, unmanufactured Free Whiskey (*• see spirits") $1.32^ per I.G. White Lead and Red Lead, dry 5 Whiting or Whitening Free W)gan, Stout 20 Willow, for basket-makers Free Willow work— Osier or Willow-work, lined or unlined, furnish- ed or unfurnished 25 Woven, Checked and Striped Cottons to be rated at 2c. per sq. yard, and 15 The same, if part wool T^c. per lb. and 20 Plain or Fancy Union, or all-wooU usually invoiced as "Costume Cloth,'' but which are really Flannels or Tweeds, to be rated at -Tjo. perlb. and 20 Winceys— All previous Circulars issued by the Deparment prior to the 18th September, 1879, regarding *' Winceys,'* 'were cancelled, and in future the word ** wincey" is not ^ to be accepted as an indication of the true material of which the goods are made. VSB STOCK'S BXTBA MAOHINB OIIh See AdTi. page 14. BBANOSL— FDDIELITT OT XBEPIiOTlSBB GHABAMTKBlHh IxrliMdpsl town*. TARIFF. 93 '"'''"• ■■■-•• •■— ■ -...,...-. Percent. Wines of all kinds except Sparkling Wit«i\ includinc Ginger, Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, Ra«^'berry, Elder and Currant, containing 26 per cent, o less of spirit, of 7 strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, imported in wood or bottles (o quarts or 12 pints to the I. G.) 25 cents per I. G. ' And for each degree of strength of spirit in excess of 26 per ^'j^ cent, until it reaches 40 per cent., 3 cents per I. G. for each de^ee. And in addition thereto 30 All liquors imported under the name of Wines, and con- taining more than 40 percent, of spirits of the strength ^. of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, shall be rated as un- ,- enumerated spirits. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles con- taining each not more than one quart and more than one pint $3 per dozen bottles. ' Champagne, containing not more than one pint and more than ^ pint .. $ 1. 50 per doz. bottles. Champagne containing not more than ^ pint, 75 cents per dozen bottles. Wines, bottles containing more than one quart each, shall pay in addition to $T 00 per dozen bottles, at the rate of $1.50 per Imperial Gallon on the quantity in excess of one quart per bottle, and in addition to the above specific duties an ad valorem duty shall be added of. . 30 Wire, Iron and Steel, tinned and coppered, galvanized or not. . 15 Wire, Iron, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Wire, Brass and Copper 10 Wire Cliith. Brass and Cooper 20 Wire Rigging for ships and vessels ^ Free Wire- work, ornamental Iron, Semaphore and Fence Wire. ... 25 Wood, Lumber and Timb r not elsewhere specified to include lumber and timber of the kinds otherwise free, when cut to special lengths— 2.^., less than the ordinary coin^ mercial lengths . ...... 20 Wood Manufactures — Osier or willow work, lined or unlined, furnished or unfurnished, so considered 25 Wood, and Manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Wood, Logs, and round and unmanufactured timber, not else- where specified . . . . Free Wooden-ware, Pails. Tubs, Churns, Brooms, Brushes, and other mjnufaciures of wood not elsewhere specified- . 25 Wooden-work, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes and parts of wheels, rough hewn or sawa only 15 Wool, unmanufactured, hair of Alpaca goat and other like ani- mals • Free Wool and Woollens, manufactured, composed wholly or in part of Wool, Worsted, hair of Alpaci goat or other like animals, viz. : Shawls. Blankets and Flannels of every description, Cloths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Tweeds, i i I ■it :? I THS OOOK>» FKIUND BAKINa FOWDS& THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— ACCIDENT BRANCH^— TIME REQUIRED AT TBRT IjO W itATiq ^ li M ^t '■■■\ ! I 1 I I i u DOMINION 20 Wool, 25 20 Per cent. Coatings, Overcoatings, Cloakings, Felt Cloth of erery descripiion not elsewhere specified. Horse-collar Cloth, Yam, Knitting Yarn, Fingering Yarn, Worsted Yam under No. 30, Knitted Goods, viz. : Shirts, Drawers, and Hosiery of every description, 7i cents per lb. and Wool and WooBens — Clothing ready-made, Wearing Apparel of every description, including Cloth Caps, composed v^ \. wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat or other like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or the manufac- turer, except knitted goods 10 cents per lb. and Wool and Woollens— Ail manufactures of, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals, not otherwise provided for Manufactures not otherwise provided for : — Orleans, Alpacas, Lustres, Cobourgs, Baratheas, Balmoral Crapes, Persian Cords, Russell Cords, Twills, Mo- reen'is. Paramattas (not siik warp,) Henriettas, Figured Alpacas, Debaiges, Muslin, Delaines, French De- laines and French Merinos. Cashmeres, Cloth Table Covers and Piano Covers. Victoria Table Covers. Bul- . lion Fringe, Fancy Wool Fringe, Mohair Braid, Llama Braid, Kussian Braid, Black Indi.ina Shawls, Paisley Shawls, unless the largest component part be silk. Bunting, and ail kmds of Bradford Dress Goods 20 Woollen Hosiery, held to comprise men's, women's and child- ren's Lambs-wool, Cashmere and Merino Shirts and ,, Drawers, Wool Scarfs, Mufflers, Cravats, Clouds, Hand- .' ,. " kerchiefs, Collarettes, Cardigan Jackets, Polkas, Knit- ■ FOB AMY UENOXH OJ iL^enoles In all principal towns. V45'' 5S TARIFF. S ;4# 8S Percent. Yarni, Wonted nnder No. 80 T^c. per lb. and 29 Yams, Coir ■ Free Yellow Metali in Bolts,.Bar8, and for sheathing Free ZinCf in pigs, blocks and sheets ;... 10 Zinc, seamless drawn Tubing 10 Zinc manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 T. MAXWELL BRYSON & GO. •i > SHIPPERS AND FORWARDERS, lo. Si St. Francois la? ier Street, MoNTPEAL. M.:\.\> PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO GOODS FORWARDED WEST. STORAGE in Bond or otherwise. .A-O-SXTTS FOR OCEAN EXPRESS CO. OF LONDON, ENGLAND. 'iHjUi cooii'tt hkkki^siu MiAk^kssiit trsiw um^a* •«B«iitlnUse.** I \ ^ M - i ■ : : ■ i 'i h ' I if 1, rT t i '•i ! ! ( i I 1 I SAVORY * MOORE'S BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS As Supplied to the Royal Nurseries. The most perfect substitute for Mother's Milk. The highest amount of Nourishment in the most Digestible and Convenient form. The only Food Specially Prepared for Infants. " The Adult cannot thrive on the Milk provided for the Infant, while the food adapted for Adults must be too strong for Babes." Abounding in Flesh-forming and Bone-forming substances, thiH Food perfectly fulfils its object, whereas other so-called Foods, such as Com Flours, being entirely devoid of nourishing properties, induce a rickety and idiotic condition. It is also carefully freed from the ground husks of the wheat, which cause irritation of the bowels^ diarrhoea, &c. CAUTION.— A Genuine Food should not contain an excess of sugar, nor be too palpably sweet. Such Foods may be palatable, but they are also pernicious. For this reason so-called Milk Foods, Condensed Milks, «fcc., are prejudicial to the health of Infants, from the large proportion of beet sugar they contain, rendering them utterly unlike the article they are supposed to represent, viz., MOTHEE'S MILK. Tins, Is., 2s., 6s., IOjT. ASTHMA, DIFFICULT EEEATHIXG. Ac. Datula Tatula Inhalations afford the most prompt and effectual relief. Spasmo- dic Asthma as well as the milder forms of the disease, and other complaints attended with short and difficult breathing, loss of rest, Ac, quickly yield to the soothing influence of the fumes of Datura Tatula, and painful paroxysms are either averted or quickly sub- dued by its use in either of the following forms : — Cigars and Cigarettes — Boxes, 3s. 8s., 15s. Fastiles and Powder (For non- smoker's use)— Boxes, 28. 6d. 6s. 10s.. For use as tobacco— Tins, 28. 6d., 5s., 10s., 15s. A SPECIAL FORM OF NUTRIMENT IN CONSUMPTION. and where there is a tendency to other Wasting and Debilitating Diseases, attendant with a loss of power to digest and assimilate Food, PANCREATIC EMULSION or Medicinal Food restores Digestive Power, Appetite, Strength and weight, by supplying the system with the solid form of nourishment required, Pancreatio Emulsion, is infinitely more efficacious than fluid fats — such as Cod Liver Oil and Oily Emulsions of any kind— while it has also the advantage of being pleasant to the taste, and not disagreeing with the delicate stomachs of Invalids or Children. Prescribed by the leading Physicians in the United Kingdom, America, India and the Colonies. Bottles 2s. 6d., 4s. 6d., & 8b. each. CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA. DYSENTERY, &c. JEREMIE'S SEDATIVE AND ANTI SPASMODIC is held in the highest repute, especially in India where it was introduced by an experienced officer of the opium department about 5C years ago. It is acknow- ledged to be a most valuable remedy for diminishing NERVOUS EXCITE- MENl, ALLAYING PAIN, Procuring .Tranquility and Repose without the unpleasant symptoms and objections which attend the employment of other Sedatives —Dr. Jackson, Apothecary General, Calcutta. "I have constantly used it, and always with the most favorable results."— Civil Surgeon Wynne, Patna. '- It affords me great pleasure and satisfaction to bear testimony to tile efficiency of JEREMIE'S Sedative in Cholera, in no instance hav el met with a fiailure of recovery," From Sir CHARLES D'OYLEY, Bart j—" JEREMIE'S SEDATIVE was frequently administered to me by Dr. King, and always completely soothed the pain, leaving no bad effects ; it has, indeed saved my liffc more than once." B" COURTS OP JUSTICE, 97 COUETS OF JUSTICE. THE SUPREME COURT AND THE EXCHEQUER COURT OF CANADA. Jul 1 Puisn6 Judges. - 38 Vie. Cap. 11. Hon. W. O. Ritchie, Chief Justice. Hon. S. H. Strong, Hon. Telesphore Fournier, Hon. W. A. Henry, Hon John W. Gwynne, Hon. H. E. Tachereau. Robert Casse!s, Jr., Ottawa, Registrar. George Duval, Precis Writer. Walter J. Thicke, Clerk. The Supreme Court for the purpose of hearing and determin- ing Appeals, holds annually at the City of Ottawa,three sessions, commencing :— 3rd Thursday in February. 1st Tuesday in May, 4th Tuesday in October. Exchequer Court sits every Monday morning at eleven o'clock , excepting during vacation. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. Appeal Side. Judges. Sir Antoine Aim6 Dorion, Chief Justice. Hon. Samuel C. Monk, \ Hon. A. S. Cross. J OMcers of the Court.— In. W. Marohand, clerk of Appeals for Montreal ; Comte Duteau de Grandpr6 and Louis Ouimet, depu- ty clerks of Appeals for Montreal ; W. E. Duggan, deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec ; Augustin Dorval, special deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec. ♦Quebec— 1st to 8th March, June, September and December. * Montreal.— 11th to 22nd (inclusive) March, June, Septem- ber and December. * By the 22nd sec. of chap. 77 of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Cnnada, cages in Appeal or Error from the Districts of Ottawa, Montreal, Terrebonne, Joliette, Richelieu, St. Francis, TH£ COOK'8 IiiIli]JSi> BAKING POWD£R. «Be»t in Use." 7 ; '!» >■ I >i i; I \ fi r I' i ' I ! i THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANIT.-FIRE, I>IFE. SIR HUGH AIXAN, PreMdent; 98 COURTS OF JUS : ICE. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH.-Crown Side. Where Held. ;;,. When Held. Quebec 27th April and 27th October Montreal 24th Mai ch and 24th September Three Rivers 23d March and 23rd September Sherbrooke Ist March and 1st October Kamouraska • • 23rd March and ISth December Aylmer 21st January and 1st July Pero6 13th February and 7thOctober New Carlisle 13th January and 13th September Arthabaskavillo 19th February and 19th October Beauce '^th June and 20th October Montmagny • 26th March and 25th November Joliette ...15th January and 2nd July gorel 20tb January and 1st July Chicoutimi 2nd June and 15th January Sweetsburg ....2nd Tuesday in March and Sept. Rimouski 23rd M arch and 23rd October Malbaie 5th February and 2nd June Beaaharnois 1st March and 1st October St- Hyacinthe 15th January and 15th June Ste . Scholastique 7th January and 2nd July Iberville 11th March and 11th October SUPERIOR COURT. Hon. William CoUis Meredith, Chief Justice. - PuiSNfi Judges. Hon. Andrew Stuart Hon. Louis B Clanger tt Louis Victor Siootte (t Hubert W. Chagnon «( Francis Gt. Johnson 44 Marc A. Plamondon <( Joseph N. Bo8s6 tt, Louis B. Garon tt Bobert McKay 44 J. Bourgeoise «( Frederick W. Torrance (4 H. F. Rainvilie (( Louis E.N' Casault 44 A- Papineau t( Christopher Dunkin 44 Louis A. Jett^ it AdolphB. Routhier 4i C J. Gill (i Louis A. Olivier «4 Henri T. Tacheroau •( Thos. MoCord 44 M. Laframboine 44 Marcus Doherty it Ls.Fs. Geo. Baby. Bedford. St. HyacinthOt Iberville, and Beauharnoist shall be heard and determined at the City of Montreal only^ and the Writs in such cases shall be returnable there ; ard o .ses in Appeal or Error from the Districts of Three Riverb, i^uebec, Saguenay, Gasp6, Chicoutimi* Rimouski, Kamouraska, Mont- maeny, Beauce and Arthabaska, shall be heard and determined at the City of Quebec ordy^ and the Writs in such cases shall be returnable there. USE STOCK'S EXTUA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14« GUARANTKK AND ACCIDENT.- CAPITAL, Sl.lSS.OOO; GERALD £. HART, General Manasrer. C iURTS OF JUSTICE. 90 ♦Montreal.— H F- LapointCi sheriff. MoNTifAONT. — L'IsIet, Montmagny and Belleohasse, a^ Montmagny from I3ih to 19th February, iMay and November* and from 1st to 7th September. A* Bender, protbonotary; J. D» Lepine, sheriff. Beauce. — Beauce and Dorchester, held at St. Joseph de la Beauce, Irom 13ih to 19th March, June and October. Z. V^zina, protbonotary ; T. J. Taschereau, sheriff. Arthabaska.— Megantic. Arthabaska and Drummond, held at Arthabai^kavine, from 20th to 25th March, June, September and December. Bar^vis &, lh6roux, protbonotary; A. Quesnel, sheriff. Bedford — Shefford, Mississquoi and Brome, held at Sweets- burgh, second Monday in January, April, June and October, and the five juridical days following. F. T. Hall, protbonotary; p. Cowan, sheriff. St. Hyacinthe — St. Hyacinthe, Bagot and Rouville, held nt St. Hyacinthe, from 1st to 8th February, April, June and Nov- ember. Ro3 an i Richer, protbonotary ; L. Tach6, sheriff. Iberville — .at. Johns, Napierville and Iberville, held at St. Johns, from 20th to 25th January, March, May, September and November inclusively. A.N. Cbarland and F. J. H. Marchand, joint pi othonotary ; 0. Nolin, sheriff. Beauharnois.— Huntington, Beauharnois and Chateauguay, held at Beauharnois, from 1^3rd to £8th February, May, Septem- ber and December. P. J. U. Beaudrj'? Protbonotary ; L. Hai- nault, sheriff, CIRCUITCOURT. Montreal District. Montreal District Circuit, held at Montreal, from first juridi- cal day to 20th, at least, of eveiy month, except January, July^ and August. R. A. R* Hubert, John S. Uoney, and Pierre S. Gendron, clerks. Vaudreuil County Circuit, held at Vaudreuil.lst to 5th Marcb> July and November. F. de. S. Bastien, clerk. Soulanges Circuit, held at Coteau Landing, 6th tolOth March* 6th to 9th July, and tth to 10th November. L. H. Masson, clerk. Vei chores Ccunty Circuit, held at Verchdre?, Ist to 5th Feb- ruary, May acd Ccicber. E. E. Chagnon, clerk. USli STOCK'S JKXTiiA 3IACHINE OIL, See Advt. pag^e 14. lilFE POLICIES or ETERT DESCRIPTION ISSUED BT In All T>r1nr1pal tn^rtiA. QuFBEC District. Suobeo District Circuit, held at Quebec, 16tb ^'> 21st January June, and 20th to 25th of every month, v oeptJuly and August. Fiset, Burrouehs and Campbell, clerks. Lotbini^re Circuit, hold at 8t. Croix, 0th to 12lh January, June and October. L. Lemay, clerk. Three Rivers District. Three Rivers District Circuit, held at Three Rivers, 10th to 19th March, June, hieptember and December. — Desbilets, clerk, MftskinonR^ County Circuit, held at Riviere dM Loup, 4th and 5ih February, June and October. J. L. Bourret, clerk. St. Francis District. St. Francis District Circuit, held at Sherbrooke, 10th to 16ih February, April, June, October and December . Short & Morris, clerk.* Stanstead Circuit, held at Stanstead Plains, 18th to 25th Feb- ruary, June and October. C A. Richardson, clerk, f Stanstead County Ciicuit, held at I'oaticooke, 22ud to 24th February. June and October. 0. Shurtleff, clerk. f Compton County Circuit, held at Cookshire, 4th to 6th Janu* ary, May and September. A. W. Pope, olerk. Richmond County Circuit, held at Richmond, 19rh to 21st January, May and September. A. Wilocks, clerk. t Richmond County Circuit,! held at Danville, 22nd to 24th January, May and September. T. Leet, clerk. Wolfe County Circuit, held at South Ham, 4th to 6th Febru- ary, June and November. £, S. Darche, clerk. KAMouRASKi. District. Kamouraska District Court, held at St. Louis, 15th to 18th March, May and September, and 10th to I3th December. P. Langlais, clerk. Temiscouata County Circuit, held at St. Jean Baptiste, 5th to 7th May and December. L. N. Gouvreau, clerk; J. G. rele- tier, clerk of the Crown and olerk of the peace. Ottawa District. Ottawa District Circuit, held at Alymer, 7th to 12th February* June und November, and 15th to 19th April, 1st to 5th October* and 12th to 15th December. A. DriscoU, clerk. Ottawa OouQiy Circuit,* held at Papineauville, 7th to 10th January, May and September. F. S. Maokay, clerk. * The Circuit Court at the chef lieu of a District has concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court in and for the various Counties in the same District. t The Circuit Court held in two or more places in a County has each concurrent jurisdiction over thi whole County, THE COOK'S FllIKND BAKING POWDER. ** Best iu Use." % I CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY. — ACCIDEN*! ^ COMPENSATED. WEEKLY RELIEF i ; 102 COURTS OF JUSTICE. Ottawa County Circuit, held at Buckingham, 17(h to 20th January, May, and September. E. W. Murray, clerk. Pontiac Circuit, held at Portage du Port, 2nd to 7th March. 20th to 25th June, and 3rd to 8th November. C.J. Rimer, clerk. Pontine County Circuit, held at Chapeau Village, 8th to 11th March, 23ih to 29th June and October. W. L. Grey, dork. Gaspe District. Gasp^ District Circuit, held at Perc^. 7th to 12th March, August, and 12tii to 17th December. J. X. Lavoie, clerk. Gasp^ District Circuit, held at New Carlisle, 7th to 12th Jan- uary, 4th to 9th June, and 7th to 12th September. G. F. Maguire, clerk. Gasp6 Basin Circuit, held at Basin, from 2&th to 28th Febru- ary and 12th to 15th October. J. Eden, clerk. Magdalen Islands Circuit, held at Amherst, 13th *.o20th June, and 22nd to 30th August. E. Borne, clerk. Bonaventure Circuit, held at Carleton 23rd to '/6th January, 20th to 23rd June, and 22Qd to 25th September. J. CuUon, deputy clerk. Fox River Circuit, held at Fox River 25th to 31st July. J. de St Croix, clerk. Terrebonne District. Terrebonne District Court, held at '"'<'.. Pcholagtique, 14th ^o 19th January, March, June and October. J. R. Berthelot, clerk • Terrebonne County Court, held at St. Jdrome, 10th to 13th March, June and October. J. B. L. Viilemure, clerk. Argenteuil County Court, held at Lachnte, 12th to 16th Janu- uary, 25th to 29th May, 12th to 16th September. T. Barron, clerk. JoLiETTE District. Joliette District Circuit, held at Joliette, 1st to 6th of each month, except January, July and August. Morin & Desilets, clerk. ' L'Assomption County Court, held at L' Assomption, 5th to 8th March, June, September and December. J. Z. Martel, clerk. Montcalm County Circuit, held at Ste. Julienne. 10th to 13th March, June, September and December. J. Beauchamp, clerk. Richelieu District. Richelieu District Court, held at Porel, 13th to 16ih of each month, excepting January, July and Augsut. A. N. Gouin, clerk ; A. D. DeGrandpr6^ deputy clerk. USE (STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. Sec Advt. page 14. BBANCH— F£RSONAIi INJURIB^. %.TH BT ACCIBISNI AFFORDED. Asenoleo In all pHi. tul f<«wT)N Berthier County Gircuif, held at Borthier, 17rh to 19th cb- ruary, May June« September and November. P. Tellier. ( ^rk. Yamaska County Circuit, held at St. Francis, 26rh an(t : *}\ February, May, September and December. L. M. Blondin, clerk. Saouknat District. Saguenay District Court, held at Malbaie, 2(tth to 30th Janu- uary, ]2ih to 16th June, 1st to 4th September, 3rd to 7th Noyem- ber. C DuBergor. clerk. Charlevoix County Circuit, held at ♦Bale St. Paul, 20th to 23rd January, 22nd to 25th May, and 28th to 3l8t October. S. Perron, clerk. Chiooutimi District. Chicoutirai District Court, held at Chicoutimi. 28th May to 1st June, 7th to 12th October. F. R. Qosselin, clerk. RiMOuSK I District. Rimouski District Circuit, held at St. Germain, 10th to 15th March, June and October. A- P. Letondre, clerk. Rimouski County Circuit, *held at Matane, 24th to 2r)th Feb- ruary, June and September. D* F. de St. Aubin, clerk. Montmaqny District. Montmagny District Circuit, held at Montmaeny 7th to 12th February, May and November. A. Bender, clerk. L'Islet County Circuit, held at St. Jean, Port Joli, 20th to 24th February, May and November. L- Z. Duval, clerk. Belleohasse County Circuit, held at St. Michel, 1st to 5th April and July, and from 2nd to 5th November. M. Mercier, clerk. Beauce District. Beauce District Circuit, held at St. Joseph de la Beauce, 7th to 12th March, June and October. Z. V^zina, clerk. Beauce County Circuit, held at St. Vital de Lambton, 26th to 29th January and May, and 24th to 27th September- L La- brecque, clerk. Dorchester County Circuit, held at Ste ■ H^nddine, 2nd to 6th March, June and October. J . Reny, clerk. * The Circuit Court at the chef-' lieu of a District has concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court in and for the various Counties in the same District. THV COOK'S FBIBND BAKING POWDBB. " Best in Use.** n *•! I ■■ 'A ■i THB CITIZKN8 INSURANCE COBIPANT.— FIRE BRANCH. will be quoted. Agencies 104 COURTS OF JUSTICE. Arthabaska District. Arthabanka District Circuit, held nt Arthabaskaville, 14th to 19th March, June. September and December: Enquette§ \Oth, lUh, 12th and 18th January, February, April, May, October and November. Barwis and Th^roux« cleric. Drummond County Circuit, held at Drummondville, 15th to 17th January, May and October. J- T- Caya, clerk. Megantic County Circuit, held at Inverness, 0th to 12th Janu- ary, May, and October. J- fi. Rousseau, clerk- Bedford District. Bedford District Court, held at Sweetsburgh, the second Mon- day in January, April, June and October, and the five juridical days following. F. T. Hall, clerk. County ov Wolfk — B. S. Darohe, clerk. Brome County Circuit, held at Rnowlton, on the first Tues- day of each of the months of January, April, July, October, and December, each for three juridical days. J. M. Lofebvre, Knowlton, clerk. Shefford County Circuit, held at Waterloo, on the last Tuesday of each of the months of March, June and September, and the three juridical days following, and the 2nd Tuesday in Decem- ber. V- Nutting, Waterloo, clerk. Missisquoi County Circuit, held at Bedford, on the first Tues* day of each of the months of March, June. September and De- oember. each for three successive juridical days. T. Capsey, Bedford, clerk. St. Hyaginthe District. 8t Hyacinthe District Court, held at St. Hyacinthe, 1st to 6th March, May, October and December. Delorimer and Roy, clerk . Rouville County Circuit, held at Marieville. 15th to 19th Feb- ruary, May and October. O Bombardier, clerk. « Iberville District. Iberville District Circuit, held at St. Johns, 20th to 25th Feb- ruary, April, June, October, and Deceu.ber. A. N. Charland and F. J. H. March and, clerk. Iberville County Circuit, held at Iberville, 6th to 10th Febru- ary, June and October. F- L. Mongeon, clerk. Napierville County Circuit, held at Napierville, 1st to 5th February, June and October. A. Merizzi. clerk. iJHK STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. Sec Advt. page 14. HooMbold Bilks iptfolallj desired, for which low figures In All pnnclpAl towns* Brauharnois District. * Beauharnoid Dfotriot Ciiouif. held at Beauharnoifi, 17th to 22nd February, May, Sepieinber and Deoetiiber. P. J. *U. Beaudrjr, olerk. Chateauguay County Circuit, held at St. Martin. Igt to 4th ' February, May, September and December. C. M. Lebrun, clerk. Huntingdon County Circuit held nt Huntinirton, 8th to 11th February, May and September. J.Morrison, olerk. COURT OF GENE UAL SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. C. A. DuoAS and M. C. Desnoyers, Chairmen. C. E. Schiller and C, A. Dansereau. Clerk of the Peace. A n. n<.o...»yvn» I Deputy Clerk of the Peace and Superintend' A. De Beaumont, \ *^ e«t ot Crown Witnessas. J. F. Dubreuil, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. C. R. Doucet and Allan Hamilton, clerks. — Doucet, accountant. COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Under the Statutes of Canada, 32 and 33 Vic Chap,^, C. A. DMsereau. I "'«'•* "^ '*« -Pe««-Cro»» Prccutor. H. de Beaumont and J. Dubreuil, Deputy Clerks. — Doucet, Accountant. . y iSl POLICE MAGISTRATES. Under the Act 2S Victoria, Chapter 20. C Aim^ Dugns and M. C. Desnoyers. Officers of the Court.-Li. D. R. Cotret, E. McMahon, M. MuUin, G. N. Pauz6 and L. Bazinet, clerks ; W. J^raser, crier ; A. Giroux, messenger, High Constable. — A. Bissonnette. THS: COOK'S FBI£ND BAKING POWD^B.^ •< Best in Use." See Advt. page 8. It ■ r. ■■i :f i u I I 1^ I r i ! i THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— STRICT ECONOMY IN SIR nUGH AliliAN, President; i COMMISSSIONER TO GRANT PASSPORTS. E. Schiller, Clerk of the Peace, RECORDER'S COURT. B. A. T. de Montigny Recorder. H. J. Ibbotson, clerk ; J. B. Du verger, Deputy clerk ; H. A. GermaiD, extra clerk ; M. E. Auclair, clerk ; A. D. Joubert. I. J. Dumont, L. C. Therien, L. G. Nolin, T. J. Lebel and J. (J, Pitt, bailiffs ; G. ^eilson, bailiff, crier and constable. CITY POLICE FORCE. H. Paradis, chief of police ; C P. Naegel^, deputy chief; C. Lancey and A. Maber sub-chiefs; C. Glackmeyer, Jr. accountant; J. Rich^, A. Cullen, V. Lafon, P. Murphy, A. Arcand, and Watson Richardson, detectives; H. Dreifuss, S. Niquet, J. Clancy. W. Burke, 0. Bouchard, and W. Carson, sergeants ; S. Angers. J. Kehoe, R. Hynes, C. b^rard, Rosaire Beaudry, H. Glynn, I. Gauthier, U. D. Konnink, L Lapointe, T- Hilton, J. Robinson, J. Gladu, M. St. Pierre, M. Deneen, and J. Miller, acting sergeants. 1.— Station, Jacques Cartier Square. 2.— Station, corner Craig and Gain streets. 3.— Station, Wolfe street, 4.— Station, German and Ontario streets, v «- " 5.— Station, Juror street. 6.-— Station, Chaboillez Square. •"' 7.— Station, Young street. J - ■, • 8.— Station, 73 Canning street. - ^ .^ 9.— Station, Point St. Charles. »» 10.— Station, St Catherine street cor. Guy. 11.— Station, Dufresne a|||i^t, near Logan. t'.S^t ,^\, '1.; RIVER POLICE. H Station, 27 Common street. W. H. L. Ormond, Police Inspector ; George Murphy, chief constable; W. Donahoe, J. Wilson, C. Nourie, and B. Hold- brook, sergeants. V»K M'ruOiv'a Mis^j.xk.^%. iiXikClllNi!: OIL.. See Advt. page 14. AIANAGEMBNT Ss lilBERAXITT TO POLICY HOLDKRI^. GBRAIJ> B. HART, General Manaji^er. REGISTRARS. 107 REGISTRARS OP COUNTIES-PROVINCE OP QUEBEC. District. Names of Registration County Name and Residence of or Division. Registrar. » iWonfrea?, Montreal East. } jT^r'A';!^ Montreal. Montreal West... G. H. Byland, do. ^^ Co'sof Hochelasca J L. W. Sicotte, do. and Jac. Cartier t F. Filiatrault, do. Cbambly P- Horteau. Longueuil Laprairie A . Beauvais, Laprairio Laval. A- E. Leonard, 8te. Rose Soulangefl J. Stephens, Coteau Landing Vaudreuil P. de Sales Bastien, Vaudreuil Vercheres A. Geotfrion, Vercheres ()Me&cc. ..Quebec C. N. Montizambert Portneuf H- Q • de St. Georges, Cap Sante Montinorenci G. Dick, Ch&teau Richer Orleans (Island of) B. Peltier, St Laurent • ' Dorchester. ...... .T. E. Rouleau, St. H^n^dine Levis P. M. Guay, Pointe L6vis Lotbinidre • • , . . J. Filteau, Ste. Croix Three Rivera .Champlain.. .G. H. Dut'resne, Ste. Gen^vi^ve Maskinong^ J. E. Pichette, Riviere du Loup Nicolet J. A. Blondin, B^cancour Three Rivers R. Kiernan, Three Rivers St. Francis Richmond. T. P. Cleveland, Richmond Sherbrooke D. Thomas, Sherbrooke Wolfe P. E. Duval, Ham— Sud Stanstead C. A.Richardson, Stanstead Coaticook 0. Shurtleff, Coaticook (ompton.... S. Orr, Cookehiro Gasp^, • . Bonaventure. .... L. P. Label, New Carlisle 2nd Div. of ditto.. J. A. Verge, Carleton Gasp6 J. H. Lavoie, Percd Ste. A. des Monts. . A. Dumais, St. Anns des Monts Magdalen Islands.E. Borne, Amherst JiiawoMrayA'a.Komouraska. .H. Qaron, St.Louis de Kamouraska Temiscouata E. Mailloux, St. J . Isle Verte O^fm&a.. Ottawa W. Washburn, Hull Pontiac , W . Rimer, Haveiook Terr ehonne. Tyro Mountains.D. Dupras, Ste. Scholastique Argenteuil T. Baron, Lachute Terrebonne L. Lachaine, Ste. Jerome Joliette. . Joliette C. G. Beaudoin, Joliette L'Assomption. . . . B. Richer, L'Assomption Montcalm J. E. Beaupr4, Ste Julienne Richelieu . Richelieu .J . Chevallier, Sorel Berthier B. E. Pellant, Berthier yamcr9A;a.. Yaina8ka........L. M. Blondin, St. Fran, du Lac 6a„„ena.Xharlevoix^and^ | C. Da Ber«r, S.. Etionne , 2nd Div. of ditto... T. Portin, Bale St. Paul THIS COOK>» FKIKN1> BAKING POWDBR. •« Beat in Use." I % ;i ' i K • ■ i ' f th '^\-\ :^- ;«! i THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— I»n, A. Bartley, W. P. L. Borgeau, V. Cassidy, J L. Contant, F. Corse, N.B. Clendinning, W. Cott^, H. Craig, Thos. Cloran, Joseph Coghlin, B.J. Cushing.Chas. Cochu, F. X. Cunningham, W. H, Childs, Geo. Chapman, Henry Copland, E. D. H. Cannon, Michael Campbell, Geo, W. Chauveau,Hn.P.J.O Comts, J. L. David, F. Davies, Wm. H. A. DeBlois, E. Dufresne, Louis P, Dubuc, A. Doran, J. Devlin, O. J. Delvecchio, P, Doran, J. J, Dakers, J. Duff. J. M. M. Davies, J. T. Darling, A. THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER. «< Best in Use." ! I •f ims CITT7.KNS INSURANCE CO.— 8116,000 deposited with Canadian Oovemment. Affenoies In all prlnelpal towns. ' 1 112 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1 Demers, P. Lavers, W. P]esi8ditBelair,L.R. Desrosiers, L. J. P. Lariv^e, N. Provost, R. Dufresne. J. fi. R. Labadie, J. A. Payette, L. , Esdaile. R. Major, J. E. Perrault, L. ( Egan, C. Mailloux, B, N, Rankin, J. Farmer, M. Mathieu, £. Roy, A. Foster, T. E, Moisan, F. X, Reekie, R. J. Florant, A. D. McDonald, W. Rose, J. Gagnon, A. McGauvran, J. W, Rastoul, A. ; Gardner, R. McCambridge, A. Rozaire, D. ! Gault, M. H. McDonald, D. Ritchie, John i Godfrey, R.T., M.D. McDougall, J. Ryan, M. P. ■1 Groonie, P. C. McGibbon, A. Sache, W. ;' Galipeau, J. B. McKenzie, Wm. Scott, W. E. Gauthier. T. McLarin, John C. Shearer, John S, Simard, J. Giroult, Jos. McLachlan, J. L. Hudon, P. McNally, B. Simpson, W. B, ] Hutton, W. H. McKeown, R. Smith, J. Hart, T. McDougall, D. Lorn Starnes, Hon. H. ■ ) ' Hibbard, A. McKay, Ed. Shackell, H. ;i Kingston, W. H. McKenzie, John G. Shelton, E. E. ' Kunter, J. S. Moss, S. E. Stewart, M. 1 Hickson, J. McShane, J. Shannon, A. -■ Howley, J. McKeown, £. Short, J. Henshaw, F. W. McNamee, F. B. Stewart. J. H^tu, L. 0. McFarlane, J. Sterling, J . Hagar, C. McDermott, P. Sheridan, J. Hamilton, A McWood, W. Strachan, J. ,| 1 Homier, J. F. Molson, A. Simpson, Thos. Huston, Charles Molson, J. H. R. Salmon, W. . Hannaford, E. P. Murphy, Ed. Scott. Gilbert Hogan, Henry. Murphy, P. S. Stevenson, A. A. ^( Hamilton, Hon. John Mercer, N. Torrance, D. it Hamilton, John R. Malone, M. Terroux, C. A. r Hooper, A. C Meunier, C, Tucker, J. • i i 1 Huntington ,HnL.S. Murray, J, Tracy, M. Isaacson, J: A. Milloy, John J. Toner, J. - Jeannotte, H. Mclntyre, John Tansey, D. 1 Joseph, J. H. Martin, T.A. Villeneuve, N. i Judah, T. S. Moss, J. L. Walters, C. H. Judah, Henry, Q. C. Normandeau, A . Ward, G. j Kay, J as. Normandeau, P. £. Wilson, W. - t Lamothe, G. Nelson, H. A. Wilson, T. ■ Leblanc, D. O'Brien, W. Workman, T. Lalonde, C, F. Ogilvie, W. W. Whyte, J. Lemeaux, P. Ogilvie, J. Wright, H. B. '■ Lyman, H. O'Rourke, J. Watson, C. F. Lighthall, W. Ogilvie, A. W. Walsh, M. Little, T. Penny, Hon, E . G. Wait, Geo., Jr. i Lefebvre, N. Palmer, W. Warren, P. C. Lanthier, h\ X. Phelan, D. Larin, L. Parker, J. VtiK »rocK '8 JliXTKA MACJbLlJSAi Olli. i See Advt. page 14 • ADVERTISEMENT. 113 LUBY'S FOR THE HAIR \ f ^' . ■ Happy'results after using Luby's Hair Renewer. AS A DBESSING FOB LADIES' OB GENTLEMEN'S HAIB, IT HAS NO EQUAIi. ,... ^ . , , ^ STRKNG-THElSrS TV^EAK HAIR, CLEANS THE SCALP, and &ESTO&ES aSA? HAIB TO ITS NATURAL C0L0T7S. IX ZABGE BOTTLBS SO CENTS BAOS, c H. J. DEVINS, Druggist, ^ s Next the Court House, Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL. General Agent for the Dominion, - _ . — 1 ( I ■ I , ■• ' I il ! 1 ' ;. ! lU ADVERTISEMENT. DEY i IM S' VEGE.TA-BLt -A-pproved. by tlie IVXedioal IPacu-lty. ARE now acknowledged to be the Safest, Simplest and Most Effectual Remedy known for the destruction of WORMS in the human system. SOLD ONLY BY THE BOX-25 CENTS EACH. Can be had at all Chemists. CAUTION. — The success that these Pastiles have attained has brought out many spurious imitations ; it will be necessary, there- fore, to observe when purchasing that you are getting the genuine. I LK OF AGNESIA Cures Bad Breathy Indigestion^ Sour Sion^ach^ Sich MMeadache^ Dyspepsia, ^c. ifc* ^c» Ask for Phillip's Milk of Magnesia, and take none other, it is entirely different from all other preparations of Magnesia, and four times the strength of Fluid Magnesia. Can be had at all Chemists— 50c. a bottle. R. J. DEVINS, Druggist, Nest the Court House, MOITTBEAL, ^"' ^ SOLE AGENT FOR THE DOMINION. THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— Fire, Life, Goaraateo and Accident. Capital Sl,188,000. MILITIA. 115 MILITIA DEPAETMEXT. , PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. The three Military Districts into which the Province of Quebec is divided are sub-divided into seventy Regimental Divisions, comprised within eight Brigade Divisions. The boundaries of such Regimental Divisions are identical with the Electoral Divisions into which the Province of Quebec is divided, with the following exceptions, viz : Montreal Centre forms two Regimental Divisions, linown as First and Second Montreal Centre; the First Division comprising the East Ward. and the Second Division comprising the Centre and West Wards, Chatoaiguay forms two Regimental Divisions, known as 1st and 2nd Ohateauguay. The First Division comprises the Parishes of St. Philomdne, Chauteauguay, St. Martin, St. Urbain ; and The Second Division comprises the portion of the County not included in the First Division. The Counties of Richmond, Wolfe, Druramond, Arthabaska, Chicoutimi, and Saguenay, each forms a Regimental Division. The Brigade Divisions are numbered from West to East, from One to Eight, and embraces the following Regimental Divisions, tor each respectively : Military District No. 5. Lieut.-Col, J.Fletcher, CM- G.,1D3puty Adjutant-General commanding ; Lieut. -Col. T. Amyrauld, District Paymaster. 1st Brigade Division.— hient-Col. Pennyman W. Wasley, Brigade Major. Head-quarters, Montreal. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Pontiac, Ottawa* Argenteuil, Montreal West, and 2nd Montreal Centre, Hunting' ton, Napierville, and Second Chateauguay. 2nd Brigade Division.— hieut-Col. Gregor Mattice, Brigade Major. Head-quarters, Richmond. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of St. Johns, Iberville, Missisquoi, Brome, Shefford, Richmond, Drummond, Stanstead, Sherbrooke and Compton- Storekeeper for Military Districts 5 and 6, —Lieut- -Col. C deBellefeuilie. Military District, No. 6. Lieut.-Col. Theodore J. Duchesnay, Deputy Adjutant- General, Commanding ; Lieut.-Col. C deBellefeuilie, District Paymaster. TUE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDJSB. ** Best In Use." CITIZENS INSURANCJE COIVIPANY.— JLIFE BRANCH. THIS COMFANT. Air«ncles i< i < ■ i i i 1 I i I 116 MILITIA. 4th Brigade Z>ivt9ton.— Lieut-Col. E. LaMoDtagne, Brigade- Major. Head-quarters, Montreal. Consifits of the Regimental Divisions of Montreal East, First Montreal Centre, vaudreuil, e^oulanges, Beauharnois. First Chateauguay, Laprairie, Two Mountains, Terrebonne, Hocbe- laga, Jacques Cartier, and Laval. 5th Brigade Z>t«»»ion,— The duties of the 5th and 6th Brigade Divisions are performed by the Brigade-Mujorof the 4th Brigade Division. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of L'Assomption, Mont- calm, Joiiette, Bertbier, Muskinoug^, Three Rivers, and St. Maurice. 6th Brigade Division.— Hhe duties of the 5ih and Gth Brigade Divisions are performed by the Brigade-Major of the 4ih Brigade Division. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Nicolet, Arthabaska> Wolte, Yamnska. Bagot, Richelieu, 6te. Uyacinthe, Rouville, Verch^res and Chambly. Military District, No. 7. Lieut.-Col. A. G- DeLotbiniere Harwoodt Deputy Adjutant- General commanding. Maior— W. H. Forrtst, DistricL Pay- master and Storekeeper. Ith Brigade Dividion.—'^he duties of the 7th Brigade Division are performed by the Brigaue-Major of the 8th Brigade Divibiou. Head- quarters, Levis. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Lotbini^re, Megantio, Beauoe, Dorchester, Levis, Belleobasse, Montmagny, L'Islet, Kamouraska, Temisoouta, Rimouski, Bonaventure, and Ciaspg. Sth Brigade Division. — Lieut.-Col. d'Odet d'Orsonnens, Biigade-Major. Hettd-quarters, Quebec* Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Champlain, Portneuf, Quebec East, Quebec Centre, Quebec West, County of Quebec, Montmorency, Charlevoix, Chicoutimi, and Sagutuay. Montreal. CayaJjIhy.— First Troop. — Capt. C. McArthur ; 1st Lieutenant T. Hall ; 2nd Lieutenant, K. McGill Stewart. Field Battery op Artillery.— Capt— A. A. Stevenson, (I.e.) Ist Lieutenant— W. McGibbon, (I.e.) and W. R. Otwald (c.J 2nd Lieutenant— E. G- Green- Surgeon, G. E. Fenwick, (s.m.) M-D. Vet. Surgeon— D. McEachran. Brigade Garrison Artillery. — Lieut.-Col— D. Torrance Fiaser. Majcr vV . F. Kay. Captains— G. W. Hamilton, W. H. Laurie, J. W. Molson, G. Forbes, A. K. McAllan, and T. T. Turnbull. Isi Lieutenants. F. M. Cole. F. Whitely, R. M. Birks, and H. V- Piatt. 2nd Lieutenants- F. Jaivis, W. C Trotter, USE STOCK'S KXTRA MACHINE Olli, See Advt. pag^e 14, lilFK POLIOIEd OF ETERT DESCRIPTION ISSUED In all principal i.ovmn. and J. McOillivroy. »S'^f»./r.— Captain, G. Lulham, (m.) pay- maflter. Quartermaster— VV. Clarke, Surgeon— G. W. Majoft M.D. Asst'-Surgeon— A. A. Browne, M.I>. Enoinkeb Company.— Capt. W. Kennedy, (m.) lat Lieuten- ant—A. Duffy, 2nd Lieutenant— H. Goodwin. First or •'Prince of Wales" Regiment. — Lieut.-Col. P. Bond. Majors— £■ L. Bond and S. C. Stevenson. Captains— H. Trollope Wilgress, E. K. Greene, Alex. Robertson, John F. Nott. W. W. Watson. J. 0. Wilgress. 1st Lieutenant— Kenneth C. Patterson. 2nd Lieutenants— D. ISinoennes, S. Campbell. C. deB. Leprohon, A. F. Clarke, and Stewart Hunter. Pay- luaster— Alex. Milloy (m ) Quartermaster— VV. J. Turpin. Surgeon— Franois W, Campbell, M.D. Aast. -Surgeon— James B. McConnell, M.D. Victoria Rifles.— Lieut.-Col.— E. A. Whitehead. Majors— J. M. Crawford, {\.q.). 0. P. Davidson. Captains— J. B. Abbott, George Hope, J. A. Walker J. Try-Davis, F. C. Heoshaw, and A. Anderson 1st Lieutenants A. W. Kinnear, H- S. A. Howe, .J. R. Edwards, J. W. Anderson, and G. J. U. Storey. 2nd Lieutenants — G. U. Ahem, H. Abbott, H. R. Prevost, R. MoD. Patterson, and Wm. Abbott. «?/<»#.— Adjutant— Geo. Sully, (o.) Paymaster— J. G. Burrows, (m.) Quartermaster— J. C. Bowden. Surgeon— Geo. A. Baynes, MD. Asst. -Surgeon— Wm. Ross Sutherland, M.D. 5th Royal Fusilier Battalion,— Lt.-Col. J. D. Crawford* Majors— H. S. MacDougall. and K. Campbell. Captains— G. C MacDougall, C. G. Geddes. W. F. Torranoe, F. Cavei hill. R. S. C. Bagg, L. M. Lewis. 1st Lieutenants— J. A. McLennan, R. Lindsay* S. Cross, R. M. Esdaile, F. Lydon, H. H Lyman, J. C. MoCorkill. 2nd Lieutenants— W. W. Redpath, J. Hood, J. G. Geddes, J. A. L. Strathy, and J. Lithgow Paymaster— F. S- Lymann. Adjutant— John Low. Quartermaster— William Crawford. Surgeon— W. B. Burland, M.D. 6th Fusilier BATTALLiON.—Lieut.-Col.—Jno.Martin. Majors— R. Gardner, Jr., (I.e.) and J. C Sintoui (l.o.) Captains— W. M* Blaiklook. J. iVlcKlnnon, F. Massey, G. A, .vf ooney, W. D. Mo- Laren, and J. Gray. 1st Lieutenants — J. Fair, W. A. Maofar- lane, P. Hood, F. E. Nelson, J. W. Laidlaw, and J. H. M. Harte. 2nd Lieutenant.— J. D. Anderson. lS'^l#.— Adjutant — — , Paymaster— W. A- Bates, (m ) Quartermaster- D. Battersby, (I ) Surgeon— J. C. Cameron, MD. 65th Battalion, or Mount Royal Rifles, Montreal.— Lt.-Col. Jos. Ouimet, M.P. Majors— Geo E. A. Hughes, Cal- ixte A. Dugas. Captains— C. C. Rouillard, P. J. Bedard, E. D. Colleret, G. S. Mal^part, Louis B. N. Pratt, Jos. C. Robert, Hec- tor Prevost, Rodolph des Rivieres. l3t Lieutenants — Trefles Ouimet, Joseph R. Poitras. and Guillaume Naniel. 2nd Lieu- tenants— Gaspard Pich^, Eugene Globenski, Chas. J. GirouXt THE COOK'8 FB1EN1> BAKING FOWDBB. •' Best ill Use." 1 1 I , THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMl'ANT. — ACCIDEM COMPENSATED. WEEKLY RELIEF 118 MEDICAL. Godfroi L. A. Beaudette, Alphon.oe A. Tbibeaudenu, Ernest Lavi^nei Alphonee Duche^neau, J. Robert, J. Giroux. J. B. A. Martin. «S^ *^' -^ 1 »t BRANCH— PERSONAI. INJURI£S, DEATH BY ACCIDENI AFFORDED. AarenoleA In >ill prlncipHl towiiM M.Dm Profepsor of the TnPtitutes of Medicine ; T- O. Roddicic, M.D., Profeppor of Clinical Snr»ery; W. (Gardner, VI. D , Pro- fessor of Medical Jurisprudence and Lecturer in Hygiene and Public Health: E.J. Sheppard, Demonstrator of Anatomy; Frank BuUer, MD., Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye aud Ear. University op Bishop's Colleor, Lennoxvillr, — FacnUy of Medicine, Montreal.— A. H. David, M.D., Edin.,L.R.C.S.E„ D.C.Lm Dean, Professor of Theory «nd Practice cf Medicine ; F. W. Campbell. M.A.. M.D.. L.R.CP., London. Professor of ofthe Theory and Practice of Medicine; R. A. Kennedy. M.D., C.M.f Professor of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children.; J. B- Edwards, M.A., Ph. D., D.CL., Professor of Practical Chemistry and Microscopy; G- Wilkins, M.D., M. R.C.St Enj?., Professor of PhysioloKy and Patholouy, and Lecturer on Practical Histology; A. D. Smith, B.A., MD., M.R.C'S, Eng., Demonstrator of Anatomy; A. H. KoUmyer, Protessor of Materia Medica ; J Perrigo, M A-,M D., CM., M R.C.S-B.* Professor of the Principles and Practice of Sur- gery; J. E. McConnell, M-D . CM-* Professor of Botany; 0. A. Wood, CM., M.D., Professor of Chemistry; G E. Armstrong, M.D, CM-, Professor of Anatomy; J. C. Cam- eron, M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence , T- Simpson, MD., Professor of Hygiene; J. L- Foley, CM., M D , Asssistant Demonptrator ot Anatomy; A. Proudfoot, M.D , CM-, Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. School op Furgeiy and Medicine of Montreal —Faculty of Medicine of the Univeraity Victoria College of Montreal, — Honorary Professor, P. Beaubien, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Internal Pathology; Eugene H- Trudel, M . D ., Professor of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children and Clini- cal Obstetrics, President of the Faculty; Pierre Munro, M.D., Professor of Surgery ; J. B. Bibaud, M.D., Professor of Ana- tomy; J. E. Coderre. M.D., Professor of Materia Medioa, Therapeutics, and Secretary of the Faculty ; T, Ed. d'Odet d'Orsonnens, Professor of Clinicals of Medicine and Toxicology; W. H- Hingston, MD., Professor of Clinical Surgery ; L. B. Burooher, M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, and Treasurer ; A. B Craig. M-D., Professor of Internal Pathology : Edouard Desjardins, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye ; G. 0. Beaudry, M.D., Professor of Physiology and General Pathology; A. Demers, M.D.. Preparator and Demonstrator of Anatomy; Hon. A. H. Paquet, M.D., Professor of Hygeine; A. Demers, M.D., Professor of Practical Anatomy .* A. A. Meunier, M.D., Professor of Chemistry ; A, Pich^, MD., Pro- fessor of Histology ; J. A. Roy. M.D., Professor of Botany C. F. Painchaud, M.D., Consulting Physician; A. C.Maconnell, M.D. Visiting Pnysician. THi: cooa s friend baking powdsk. 6 «• Best lu Use." I i I ! ! ■ "THB CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— FIRE BRANCH. will be quoted. Agencit^H 120 MEDICAL. Supernumerary Professors : J. A. Fortier, M.D. ; Ed. Mount, M D. : p. X Trudel, M.D. ; Joseph Gannon. M.D. ; Arthur Mathieu, M.D.; Gaspard Archarabnult, M.D. : H. G. Desjar- din, M.D. ; J* A. S, Bruuelle, M.D. : J. A. Leblano; M.D. MoNTRRAL General Hospital.— ^/ec/erf Governors.— J &mea Court. Thomas White, M.P., R A. Ramsay, Joseph Reille, J. Burnett. N. S. A^'hitney. David Lavr, Hon. M. Laframboise, Robert French, Thomas Craig, Jackson Rae. A.T. Paterson. Elected OMcera. ^3 . Redpath, President ; Andrew Robertson, Vice-President ; Thos. Davidson, Treasurer ; Dr. R. P. Howard, Secretary. Committee of Mnnnpement. — W. Lunn, R- "W. Shepherd, A F. Gault. O S. Wood, J. Thrs. Molson. T- M. Bryson, J. Stirling. G- Alexander. Wm. Cowie, J- P. Gleghorn. Cf.nau'fing l*hn»iiiiaiM.—Q, W. Campbell, A.M.. R. Craik,W. E. Scute, R. P. Howard, D. C. McCallum, and J. M. Drake. Attending Phyaiciant.—W. Wrikht. J. Reddy, G. E. B^enwick, G. Ross. AM., R. T. tiodtrey, T. G. Roddick, G. Wilkins, and William Osier. Out-Door Physicians.— Or P. Gird wood, G W. Major, B A., W. A. Molscn, Thomas Simpsvn, F. J. Shepherd, and J. C. Cameron. Oculist and Aw/wf .— F. Buller. M.D , M.R C.S.E. Resident Medical OMcers. A. W. Imrie, M D., House Sur- geon ; And. Henderson. Assistant House Surgeon ; T. D. Reed, M.D., Apothecary ; £. Russell, Clerk Committee of Manage- ment. Lndy Superintendent. — Miss Rimmer. Hours for Medical Advice. — Ten to twelve o'clock, daily. Hours Jar Friends visiting the Sick.— Three to four o'clock daily, Sundays excepted. Montreal Dispensary, 135 St. Antoink Street -^President, Major H. Mills; Vice-Presidents, J. L. Leprohon, M.D. H.A., Nelson, M.P.P. ; Treasurer, C O. Perrault; Secretary, J. B. McConnell, M.D. Consulting Physicians.— Dra. R P. Howard, W. H. Kingston, G. E. Fenwick, R. Craik, J. L Leprohon, F.W. Campbell, G. P. Girdwood, G. Wilkins, W. Gaidner, E- H. Trenholme, R. A. Kennedy, Wolfred JNeison, T. J Alloway, G. F. Slack, and T. D. Reed. Attending Physicians.-'DTa, R. Thompson, J. B. McConnell, F. J. Shepherd, R. A. MacDonnell, 0. C Edwards, A. D. Blackadder, A. L. Smith, W. R. Sutherland. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. Sec Acivt. pagfc 14. Bou«ehold Risks specially desired, for which low tisruret ic all principal towns. MEDICAL. 121 Eye and Ear Department—Dr. A. Proudfoot. Committee of Management— Messra. Major Mills, J. L. Lep- rohon, fl. A. Nelson, G. 0> Perrault, J. B. McOonnell. James Corristine, R. A. Kennedy, R. Miller, T. D Reed, A. Proudfoot, H. Mulholland, Wm. MaoDonald, A. D. Blackadder, and 0. C. Edwards. Women's Hospital op Moxtrral, 5 J St. Antoine Street. — For the trnatment of diseases psculi^ir to women, and for lying- in cases.— Under the Superintendence of the Medical faculty of Bishop's College. Out-Door Clinical Z?c/)aWmertf.— Attendance daily at 11 a.ra* Attending Physicians and Surgpons.—Dr. A. H- David, chair- man, F. W. Campbell, K. A. Kennedy, G. Wilkins. J. L. Leprohon, A. KoUmyer, J. Perrigo, J. B. McConnell G. F. Slack, C. A. Wood, and £. Armstrong. Superintendent of Lying-in Dept.—'DT. R. A. Kennedy. Consulting Physiciana.—M.edioB.l Faculty of Bishop's College. Consulting Surgeon. — Dr. A. David. Matron.— M.Ta. H- Ritchie. Hotel Dieu, Montreal.— Rt, Rev. Bishop Fabre, Superior ; Rev. A. Nercam, Director, Rev. J. Tallet, Curate; Rev. P. Marsolais, Chaplain; Rev. Sister J. Bouneau, Superioress ; the Professors of the French School of Medicine, Physicians: Drs.W. H- Hingston, and .J. A. 8. Brunelle. He»d Surgeons, Physicians of English-speaking Department : Dr. Ferd. .^t. Jacques, House Surgeon and Physician J. G- Guimond, Agent. 95 Nuns, 215 patients, 48 orphan boys, and 37 orphan girls. 3.048 sick persons were admitted during he year 1879, of whom 133 died. ■ <•» ■ COMMERCIAL WORK A SPECIALITY. J. THEO. ROBINSON, 54 ST. FKANCOIS XAVIER STREET, JW.ONTREAL. TU1& COOK'8 FBI£N1> BAKING POWDJBR. •• Beit iu Use." See Advt. paye S. ■ i I !>, i * t THB CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— STRICT ECONOMY IN SIR HUGH AliliAN, President.* 'I 122 CONSULS AND VICE-CONSULS. CONSULS AND VICE-CONSULS.* , Argentine Confederation. — Q. B. Day, Gonsul-General, P. Box 533; F. C. Henshaw, Vice-Consul, 24 Hospital st. Austro-Hungarian Empire— E. Shuitze,4 Hospital st. Belgian.— Jesse Joseph, 102 St. Francois Xavier st. Chili.— a. B. Day. Consul-General, P. 0. Box 533 ; F. C. Hen- shaw. Vice-Consul, 24 Hospital st. tfanish.— J. F. Wulff, 32 St. Sulpice St. French Consul-General.— A. Let'aivre, Quebec. French Vice-Consul.— C. 0. Perrault, 64 St. James st. German Empire. — W. C. Munderloh, 61 Si. Sulpice st. Italian.— A. M.F-faGianelli, 41 St- Francois Xavier st- ; Vice- Consul,— D. Bonacina, Deputy Clerk, Circuit Court. Netherlands —S. B. Heward, Vioe-Consul, 82 St. Francois Xavier st. Norway and Sweden.— Vice-Consul, J.F-Wulflf, 32St.Sulpice st. Republic of Uruguay.— F. W. Henshaw, 24 Hospital st. ; Vice- Consul, F. C Henshaw. Portugal.— F. A. Routh, 299 Commissioners st. Peru— G. B Day, Consul-General, P. 0. Box 533; F. C. Hen- shaw, Vice-Consul, 24 Hospital st. Spanish Consul-General for the Dominion. — Conde de Premio Real, Quebec. Vice-Consul. — J. L. Leprohon, M. D., 237 St. Antoine st. Swiss.— N. Aubin, 404 St. Paul st. United States Consul-General for British North American Pro- vinces,— J. Q. Smith : Vice-ConstU-GenercU.—O' P. Bloss, 254 St. James st. United States Comuls-S. D. Pace, Sarnia ; R. S.Chilton, Clif- ton : A. C. Phillips. Fort Erie ; W. C. Howells, Toronto ;^ £. Vaughan, Coaticuoke : M. H. Twitoheli, Kingston; S. S. Blodgett, Prescott : E. Leland, Hamilton . R. J. Saxe, St Johns, Que. ; J. Wasson, Quebec; 0. Malmros, Pic- tou, N. S. ; B. B. Warner, St. John, N.B. ; T. N. MoUoy, St. John, Nfld. ; D. K. Hobert, Windsor, N.S. ; J. W. Taylor, Winnipeg. Manitoba ; G. H. Holt, Uasp6 Basin, Que. ; A. Francis, Victoria, B.C. United States Commercial Agents. — C. P. Williams, Stan bridge, Que. ; A. Cummings, Ottawa, Ont. : T. F. Wilson, Napa- nee, Ont, : John Hibbard. Goderich, Ont. ; J. U. Jenkif, Windsor, Ont. ; J. C. Baker, Port Stanley, Ont. IMMIGRATION AGENTS. J. Daly. Dominion Government Immigration Agent, 209 St. Bon- aventure st. B. Ibbotson, Immigration Agent, Province of Quebec, Port of Montreal, 102 Bonaventure st. iiSJiii l»XOi;iv'a i^iXxiCA. ivlACMINli: OIL., See Advt. page 14. aCANAGEMBNT & UBERAIilTT TO POUCT HOLDJSB9. GERALD B. HART, General Mana^rer. BANKS. 123 ^ BANKS IN CANADA- ;; - ^ * ; ; ONTARIO. Place. Name of Bank- Manager or Agent. Alliston Ontario A- M- Kirkland Almonte Merchants F> A. W. Lister Montreal Amprior Ottawa P. M- Finnie Aurora Federal W. H. Perram Aylmer Exchange J- G. Billett Barrie Toronto J. A. Strathy Commerce J- S. Carnegy Beeton Hamilton E. A. Colquhoun Belleville Montreal Berlin Bowmanyille< Bradford.. Brampton Br«: ifcrd Bt Commerce R.Thompson Merchants W. Hamilton . Commerce.. Jag. Young Merchants Chas. Crookall ..Dominion J. A. Codd Ontario Qeo. McOill .Standard T. Dewson ...Dominion R. D- Gamble Merchants F. Dreswell, jr. ,, . British N. America A . Robertson Montreal Commerce W. Roberts . ;ikile • • • • ■ Montreal W. J. Anderson Molsons • J. W. B. Rirers Cannington Standard John Houston Chatham Commerce W. S. Ireland Federal B. N. Rogers Merchants F. S. Jarvia Clinton Molsons M- Lough Cobourg Montreal Toronto Joseph Henderson Dominion W. D. Burn Colbome Standard C* Larke.jr. CoUingwood Toronto G. W. Hodgetts Commerce JohnMoMaster Cornwall Montreal — — Dundas Commerce D. H. Charles Dunnville. . . . Commerce J. R. Clarke Imperial Wm. Kerr Flora Merchants H. Blakeney Exeter Molsons H. C Brewer Fergus Imperial J.F.Patterson Gait Commerce • W . Manson Merchants J. S. Meredith Gananoque Merchants £. A. Petrie XHJfi COOK*» FUll^MU BAKXMO JPOWD£B. ••BeitinUie." 1! ^ h f THE CITIZENS INSUBANCfi COHPANT.^IilFE BRANCH. RIGID ECONOMY PRACTISED. 124 BANKS. Place. . r Name of Bank, Manager or Agent, Georgetown. . . . Hamilton J. 0. Mowat Goderioti AVpntreal ■ Gommeroe A- M. Ross Guelph Montreal — — ^^ fJommerce Wm. Smith Ontario E. Morris Hamilton British N. America ThomasCorsan Hamilton... H' G. Hammond .f..' Montreal — — —_ _ / .. . Gommerce John O.Kemp Merchants A. M. Orombie Harriston Stand ard John S- Loudon IngersoU ..Imperial C S- Hoare Merchants George C. Easton Molsons G.W. Clinch Kincardine Merchants G- 0- Tyre Kingston British N. America George Dumford ]V*ontreal Federal George Mair Merchants D. Eraser Lindsay ••• .•..Montreal Ontario C- A. McMurtry Listowel Hamilton W. Oorbould Liv 'pool MarketDominion J . Hadyn Horsey London British N . America James Robertson Montreal — — ■ , Commerce D. Just Federal Charles Murray Merchants W. F.Harper Molsons Joseph Jeffrey Lncan Gommerce F. W. Ball Markham Standard F- A. Reesor Meaford Molsons P. Fuller Millbrook Molsons , S- V> Hutchins Milton Hamilton H- M> Watson Mitchell Merchants. — — — Morrisburgh ...Molsons L. W. Howard A. Mount Forest* . . Ontario J- F. Fielde Napanee Dominion R- A. Helliwell Merchants Alexander Smith Newcastle Standard James K. Allen Newmarket Federal Joseph Gawthra Norwich Gommeroe W. A. Sampson Orangeville Gommerce R. T. Haun Orillia Dominion H. S. Scadding Oshawa Dominion W. H. Holland Ontario VV. M. Beith Ottawa British N. America W. D. Chambers Montreal — — USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. UNDOUBTED S£CUKITT IS APFOBD£D AND THB MOST Agencies in all principal towns. Place, Name of Bank, Manager or Agent. Ottawa Ottawa .Geo- Burn, cashier Commerce Robert Gill Nationalo Samuel Benoit *? ,? if:... Merchants David Kemp Ontario J. H* VVoodman Quebec H* V* Noel Union of Lower Canada. . . .M. A- Anderson Owen Sound... •Merchants D.Miller Molsona E. W. Strathy Paris British N. America John Carnegie Commerce Jeffrey Hale Parkhill Exchange #•••••• T. L. Hogers Pembroke Merchants J. H. Stewart Quebec J. Walker Perth Montreal. Merchants James Gray Peterborough. . . Montreal Toronto..... J. H. Roper Commerce F. 0- Cross Ontario George £. Shaw Picton Montreal Standard George P. Reid Port Colborne.. .Imperial Edward Hay Port Elgin Hamilton H* S.Steven PortHupe Montreal Toronto W. R. Wadsworth Ontario G- H, G. MoVitty Port Perry Ontario ....A. A. Allen Prescott Merchants J. F- Harper Pr. Arthur Landing— Ontario, D- F. Burk Renfrew Merchants C.G.Morgan Rid>tetown Molsons R. Robertson St. Catherines- -Toronto E. D. Boswell Commerce H. 0- Barwick Iinperial C.M.Arnold Qiebec D- B-Crombie St. Mary's Montreal, Federal C S- Rumsey St. Thomas.*.' Imperial • ••• M.A.Gilbert Merchants .... .lohn Pottinger Molsons G- Kendal Morton Sarnia Montreal — — Commerce T. W. Nisbett Seaforth Commerce A. H- Ireland • Simcoe Commerce E- Cowdry Federal Heury Groflf Smith's Falls -..Molsons A- P. Tregent Stratford Montreal... — — — — — Commerce '■ Stratford Merchants EF-Hebden THIS COOK'ss FUlK^ii UAliiMi FOWDlfiB. •• Best in Use.** hi -li i! i f^ ' 1 l7--^ ll! ,■ I THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— GUARANTEE ISSUED WITHOUT EXTRA PREMIUM. Place, Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. Strathroy Commerce Joa. S-Small Federal W. T. Smith Thorold Commerce W.J. Robertson Tilsonburgh ...Federal John Cowan Toronto British N. America \V. Grindley Montreal Toronto D. Coulson Commerce .J. S. Lockie Dominion R. H. Bethune Do. Queen St. Branch Jas. Price -^ Federal H.S.Strathy . . Imperial D. R. Wilkie Merchants Wm. Cooke Ontario A- Fisher Quebec James L. So rth Standard J. L. Brodie Molsons L. H. Robertson Trenton •• .Molsons R. Fraser Uxbridge Dominion ..., N. H. Cowdry • , Walkerton Commerce W. (^ray Merchants J. Gault '• Waterloo Merchants D. M. Harman "Welland Imperial Jas. McGlashan Whitby Dominion H. B. Taylor Ontario Thomas Dow Windsor Commerce J.E.Thomas ^ Merchants A. Wickson Woodstock.. ...Commerce A. L. Dewar Imperial .. : Yorkville Federal .........R. J. Montgomery QUEBEC. Beauharnois . . . .Jacques Oartier A. Clement Bedford Exchange R. Terroux, jr. Coatioook Eastern Townships B. Austin Cowansville Eastern Townships J. McKinnon Gasp6 Basin. .. La Banque Nationale. . J. LeBouthelier & Co. Granby Eastern Townships W. H. Robinson Joliette. Banque d'Hochelaga H.N. Boire Montreal British N. America J. Penfold Montreal W.J. Buc'ianan Toronto .J.M.Smith Banque d'Hochelaga J. E. Braie Banque Vilie Marie G. H. Dumesnil Commerce W. Simpson Consolidated (in liquidation) Arch. Campbell Exchange Thos. Craig La Banque Jacques Cartier-A. deMartigny M USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIIi," — See Advt. page 14« BRAN0H.-OO9CBINED LIFE 8s GUARANTEIS POLICUSS Agenoies in all principal towns. BANKS. 127 Place. Montreal,. Napierville. Quebec Richmond ..... 8t. Gosaire .... St. Cuthbert . . . St. Hyacinthe.. St. John Sherbrooke- ... Sorel Stanstead Three Rivers... Waterloo. Name of Bank, Manager or Agent* La Banque du Peuple A. A. Trottier La Banque Nationale J. B> Sancer ""•"ants IJ-.g.te'" Ontario G. Holland Quebec Thos. MoDougall Molsons James Elliott Union of Lower Ganada. . . .F. Nash City and District Savings. . E. J. Barbeau .Banque de St- Jean M- Gatudal . British N . America OF. Smith Montreal * .... J. Porteous La Banque Nationale Francois V^zina Merchants ... .H-M>Price Quebec Jas. Stevenson Stadacona (in liquidation). .W. R- Dean Union of Lower Ganada. . . .P. McEwen Savings Bank Branch Q. Veasey Eastern Townships A.J. Cleveland La Banque St. Hyacinthe.. Gesaire Pe^in .Banque Ville Marie G. N. Paquin .La Banque St. Hyacinthe.. R. St. Jacques La Banque Jacques Gartier. A. M- Durocher .Banque de St- Jean Ph- Beaudoin Merchants W.L- Marler Eastern Townships W . Farwell, jr. La Banque Nationale P . Laf ranee • Merchants A. A. Taillon Molsons George Grebassa • Eastern Townships A. P- Ball .La Banque Nationale Union B'k of L-C. Quebec • • • F. J - Wotherspoon Union of Lower Ganada. ...G- A. Boxer Ville Marie P- E- Panneton Eastern Townships W. 1. Briggs NOVASGOTIA. Amherst Nova Scotia J-M.Hay Annapolis Nova Scotia Thos. S- Whitman Union of Halifax Alex. Shearer Antigonish. . . . Merchants of Halifax T- M. King Bridgetown Nova Scotia T- D.Ruggles Bridgewater .... Merchants of Halifax Andrew Gow Digby Nova Scotia Geo- Henderson Halifax British N . America A. E- Ellis Montreal..... F. Gundry Nova Scotia Thos. Fyshe Halifax Banking Go Samuel H. Black Merchants of Halifax George Maclean I People's Peter Jack Union of Halifax W.S. Stirling :-' THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER. "Best In Fse " II' I. li THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— •116,000 deposited with C«nHi1lan Government. Agencies In all principal toi 128 BANKS. Place. Kentville Liverpool Lockport Lunenburg. ••• Maitland New Glasgow. • North Sydney . Parrs borough.. Pictou Nome of Bank. Manager or Agent, Stellar ton. Sydney... Truro..... Weymouth. Windsor.. . Wolivjlle. . Yarmouth NovaSootia L, De V. Chipman Liverpool John A . Leslie People's Austin Locke Merchants of Halifax Stephen Finck Merchants of Haiitax George Freize Nova iScotia J. W. Carmichael Piotou D. M. Fraser .NovaPcntia Hon. T. D. Archibald .Halifax Banking Co A. 8. Townshend Novaijco ia Howard Primrose Merchants of Halifax Wm- Ives Pictou T. Wotson .Piotou D. M. Fraser Merchants of Halifax J. E. Burchell Halifax BankiniK Co Chas. Blanchard Merchants of Haiitax Martin Dickie . Merchants of Halifax Culin Campbell Commercial W alter Lawson People's A D. W.Barns . Nova Scotia James Murray Ynrmouth T. W.Johns Exchange A.S.Murray NEW BRUNSWICK. Chatham Frederick ton. Moncton . Newcastle Sackville. St. John.. Montreal F. E. Winslow .British N. America K.Napier People's of N.B S. W. Babbitt .Montreal .Montreal — . Pictou W. C. Cogswell • British N. America W. E. Collier Montreal New Brunswick William Girvan Nova Scotia J. M. Robinson Maritime Alfred Ray St. Stephen.... St- Stephen's B. Watson PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Charlottetown . .Prince Edward Island -T. R. Brecken Merchants of Halifax Owen Connolly Merchants of p. E- Island.. Wm. McLean Union of P. E. Island Geo. McLeod Molsons Union B'k of P.E.I. Georgetown . . . .Merchants of P. E. Island . H. C. McLeod Montague Union of P. £. Island M. J.Fitzgerald Rustico Farmers. M. J. Blanchard Souris Merchants of Halifax 0. Connolly USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Olli. See Aclvt. page 14. j ' ADVERTISEMNT. 128a Royal CimiiDiiiii iNsuflimcE Co, FIRE and ^ MARINE. 160 St James Street, - - MONTREAL A1?SB£W BOBSBTSOIT, Esq., Hon. J. B. TBXBAUSIAV, President, Vice-President, JAMES DAVISON, Manager Fire Department. HENRY STEWART, Manager Marine Department. ARTHUR gAGNON, Sec'y-Treas. JOHN B. OWENS, tgn and |||6n»e Painter. ORAIXINO, GIIiBIXO, y Paper langiag, &6. ALL KINDS OF SIGNS MADE TO ORDER. Ill M 8» 1286 ADVERTISEMENT. COLOR PINE POSTER I Engi\a YEI^ •AND- WOOD TYPE MANUFACTURER Burning Brands in Brass, Copper and Iron. ^ ADVERTISEMENT. 128c CALEDONIAN WORKS. »♦♦ U r, iji Bi , MANUFACTURER OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, French Burr Mill Stones, BARK AND BABLEY MILLS, !. !i St. Gabriel' Locks, MONTREAL. i If I ■«-J II ; t !j i 1284 ADVERTISEMENT. Wm. Johnson & Co. • 77 ST. JAMES STREET. MoNTl^EAL, SOLE AGENTS IN CANADA FOR Messrs. J. 4 J. COLMAN, - - - London, England. " HENEY I. BOWNTREE Name of Bank, Manager ox Agent. Summertide . . . .Merchants of Halifax Stephen McNeill Summerside R. Mo(J. Stavert Union of p. E. Island Neil McKel vie • Molsons Union B'k of P.E.I. MANITOBA. • Portage Laprairie, Ontario ««• E. Parker Winnipeg Montreal — :— ^— • Merchants of Canada ,. .0. Mac Arthur Ontario George Brown NEWFOUNDLAND. * * St. Johns Commercial of N. F Robert Brown Union of N . F- . .James Qoldie Molsons Commercial B'k' Montreal .. Union B'k of N.F* BRITISH ;OLUMBIA. N. WestminsterBritish Columbia (Br) Isaac B. 'Fisher Victoria British Columbia Br) Wm. C. Ward British N- America.. Robert. Burns Montreal B'k < i Brit. Columbia. FOREIGN A^iEOTS. Place. Bank' Agency. Edinburgh, Set. . . .Montreal British Linen Company and Branches. . • Liverpool Montreal Bank of Liverpool . Liverpool. B.N. America. . E ank of Liverpool. London, Eng B.N. America- London office, 3 Clement's Lane, E. C-, Bank of Eng. land* and Glyn, Mills, _ Currie k Co. London, Eng Toronto City Bank, London. Commerce Bank of Scotland, London. Merch)i>iU Clydesdale Banking Co., 39 Lombard street. Montreal .B'k of England, Union B k of London, and the Lon- don and Westminster B'k. B'k of Montreal, 9 Birchin lane, Lombard st., London, C. Asbworth, mana(;er. Nationale National Bank of Scotland. Exchange Alliance Bank, (limited.) Quebec Union Bank of London. THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER. " Be»t in Use." ! I t f : \ TH£ CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— UXDOVBTED SECtFBITT Agencies In all 130 BANKS. Place. London, Eng. . . Paris • Boston. Buffalo. Chicago. Cleveland Detroit Milwaukee.*.. New York New York Bank. Agency- .Jacques Cartier....Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co* Montreal City & Dist. Sayings. . ..Bank of Montreal. Du Peuple Glyn. Mills, Currie & Co. Ontario Bank of Montreal, London. Molsons Alliauoe Bank, (limitedO m Glyn, Mills, Currie & Go. Messrs, Morton, Rose & Co. Union London and County Bank. de Hochelaga Clydesdale Banking Co. • Nationale F. S. Ballin & Co. B. N. America. . . .Marcaurd, Andr^ <& Co. Montreal City & Dist. Savings... P. Gill Montreal Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris. . Montreal Merchants National Bank. Molsons Merchants National Bank. Molsons Kidder, Peabody & Co. Ontario. * Tremont National Bank . . ■ Montreal Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank* Molsons farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank. .Commerce J. G. Orchard. B. of B. N.America B. Steven. Exchange Union National Bank. Molsons First National Bank . Montreal W. Munro, manager. • Molsons S. . . . Commercial National Bank. Molsons Mechanics' Bank. Molsons • . Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Co. Bank. Commerce American Ex.National B'k. Exchange National B'k of Commerce, • Toronto National B'k of Commerce, W. Watson & Alex, Lang. B„ N' America. . .D. A.McTavish.&W. Lawson Merchants Merchants B'k of Canada, 48 Exchange Place. The Bank of New York. Nationale National B'k of the Republic. Montreal W. Watson and Alex . Lang. Bank of New York, and Merchants National B'k. Quebec Maitland, Phelps, & Co. Du Peuple ..National B'k of the Republic. Ontario W. Watson and Alex. Lang, and National City Bank. Molsons Mechanic's National Bank. W. Watson <& Alex. Lang. Morton, Bliss & Co. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. AND UUEtOB PBOFITS TO HOIJ>BS8 OF UFB POLIOUK principal towns. ADVERTISEMENT. 131 T . ' Oswald Bros. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange, 53 & 55 ST. FRANCOIS XAVJER STREET, . Montreal. ■»•■ STOCKS AND SECURITIES OF ALL DESCEIPTIONS Bought and Sold on Margin or for Cash. Correspondents in London, Eng,, and New Yorli. For Canadian Stock List^ see next page. THE COOK'S FBIIBND BAKING POWBJBB. •.. 1,000,000 Imperial \.. 912,800 Standard .. 509,760 Federal 1,000,000 d'Hochelaga 800,000 » • MISCELLANEOUS. Montreal Telegraph Dominion Telegraph Montreal Gas. • Mont'l Loan & Mort. .. Montreal Building Ass, . City Passenger Railway . Royal Canadian Ins. Co. Richelieu and Ont. Nav Dominion Stock Mont'l City Corp. 7 p.c. Do. do. 6 p.c. Do. Bonds, 6 p.c. Do. Harbour, 6 p.c. 2,000,000 711,709 2,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 600,000 2,000,000 1,565,000 CAPITAL PAID-UP. $11,999,200 2,996,756 5,522,203 1,600,000 500,000 1,999,095 2,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,992,990 6,000,000 1,382,705 970,250 743.200 1.000,(00 890,067 509,750 1,000,000 688,730 2,000.000 711,709 1,800,000 612,532 401,027 600,000 300,000 1,565,000 *7*45*,666 679,400 4,060,000 600,000 OSWALD BROS., Members of USB STOCK'S ISXTKA MACUIN£ OIIh See Advt. page 14. FOSSIBIiB AMOUNT OF PBOFnS RETURNED THB tn all principal towns. the MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE. 1881. REST. $5,000,000 100,000 475,000 240,000 100,000 550,000 325,000 150,000 18,000 1,400,000 200,000 355,000 80,000 100,000 7,550 220,000 17,432 64,000 ••■*•• 21,704 •••#•• Kj RES. Amount. $200 40 100 50 25 50 100 100 50 100 50 50 50 100 100 100 50 100 100 40 50 40 60 60 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 .1 DIVIDEND DAYS. St June St June St June St Mar. St June St April St June St Tune St May st Jan. St Jan. st Jan. St May st June st Jan. st Jan. st Jan. st June st Jan. and 1st ** 1st " 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Ist '♦ 1st " 1st Ist Ist 1st 1st l8t it (( u (t u ^^ t( ti li it it Dec. .. Dec. . . Dec. . . Sept. .. Dec. . . Oct. . . Dec. . . Dec. . . Nov. .. July .. July .. July .. Nov. .. Dec. .. July .. July . July .. Dec .. July .. Jan. Jan. 15th Mar. 15th Mar. 1st Feb. April February Mar. 31st Mar. Ist May 1st May Ist May 5th July and July " July *' 15th Sept. " 15th Sept. " Ist Aug. . ♦• Oct and Sept '* 30th Sept. •« 1st Nov. •* 1st Nov. ** Ist Nov. " 5th Jan. . Dividend. Last 6 Mos. 3 po. 2i 5 3i 6 per an. 5 tk 2^ interim div. 5 p.c. per an. 7 t( ti 6 ti It 6 ii it 6 ii ti The Montreal Stock Exchange. THB OOOK'tt FBIBND BAKING FOWDBR, <• Beit In Us«.»* p li I I ? ! I I M I I , ! INSURE TeUB lilFE WHTLE TUU ARK YOUNG IN THB SIR HUGH AIXAN. President i ^ 134 ADVERTISEMENT. ! ; i OswALp Bros. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange, 53 & 55 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, Montreal. ■♦^-' I: STOCKS AND SECURITIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Bought and Sold on Margin or for Cash. Correspondents in London y Eng., and New Yorii, 1^^ For Canadian Stock List, see preceding page. US£ STOCK'S RXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. CITIZENS INSEBANGE COMPANY, AND SATE FREMIUII. GEBAXD E. HART, General Manager. BANKS. 135 Place, Bank, - Agency. New York d'Hoohelaga National Park Bank. Union N ational Park Bank. Montreal City & Diet. Savings. . . Bank of Montreal. Oswego Toronto City Bank. Portland, Me . . .Molsons Gasco National Bank. Portland, Oregon. B. N. America.- J. Goodfellow, agent. San Francisco . . . Montreal ... ... Bank of British Columbia. B. N. America. . . A. McKinlay. Toledo Molsons Second National Bank . India. Japan '.'.'.' } '"• Montreal Oriental B ank Corporation . Australia. India.... China .. . . Japan.... Australia New Zealand . . . .Montreal. Bank of New Zealand. B. N. America. ..Union Bank of Australia. • •••• * 9 * 9 % » 4 I ....B. N. America. \ <"k»^;i^?k'-£;Su^i: ^ * ''^ Bank op Montreal.— Established 1818.— Capital, $12,000,000. Capital paid-up, $11,999,200. Reserve Fund, $5,000,000. Head Office Montreal. — Board of DireGtora.—Q. Stephen, president; G.W.Campbell, M.D, vice-president; Hon. T.Ryan, p. Redpath, Hon. D. A. Smith, E. Mackay, Gr. Soott, Alex, Murray, Alfred Brown. G. F. Smithers, general manager; Montreal ; W. J. Buchanan, manager Montreal Branch. Merchants Bank op Canada.— Capital $5,500,000. Directors.— Bon. John Hamilton, president ; J. McLennan, vice-president; Sir Hugh Allan. A. Allan, D. Masson, H- Mac- Kenzie, R. Anderson, W. Darling, J. Hodgson. G. Hague, general manager : W. J. Ingram, assistant general manager ; W. W. L. Chipman, chief inspector. Bank op British North America.— Established 1836. In- corporated by Royal Charter, 1840.— Paid-up Capital jei,00(f,000 sterling. Head Office : London, England. Court of Directors in London... J, J. Cater, F. Lubbock* H. R. Farrer, R. H. Glynn, J. J. Kingsford, A H- Philpotts, J. M. Robertson, H- J. B. Kendall and E, A. RosLre.— Secretary in London^ R. W. Bradford. Head office in the Colonies, at St. James street, Montreal. General Manager^ R. Grindley. Inspector, J. S. Cameron. Montreal Branch. — Manager ^ J. Penfold ; Accountant, H- M. Breedon. THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER. •< Beat in Uae.'* * 1 li TEE OmZENS INSUSANO£ COMPANY.-VIKK BRANCH. INSUREBS. Agencies 136 BANKS. La Banqur du Peuplr — Establisbed 1835. Capital $2,000,- 000. Head Ojfice, 95 ^S't. Jomea Street, Montreal.— C. S. Cherrier, president. Directors. — W. FraDcis, G. S. Brusli. A. Prevost, A. Leclero, J. Orenier, P. M. Galarneau, A- A- Trottier, cashier. Officers.— J. HeDnespy. disoount olerk ; C. H. Parent, Projprres- sive Ledger ; A, Maroiile, paying teller; R- Terroux, receiving teller ; J. BouEouet, bookkeeper ; L. J. Lamontagne, L. G. Genand, Albert Fournier, H. Roy and J. Portelance, clerks ; N. Cott6, porter. Days of Discount : Tuesdays and Fridays. Divi- dends, first Monday of March and September. Thr Molsons Bank— Capital $2,000,000 ; Capital paid up, $1,199,095; Rest, $140,000. Directors — ThovtxBs Workman, president ; J. H. R. Molson, vice-president ; R. W. Shepherd, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, H. A. Nelson, M. Williams, and 8. H. E^ving. F. W. Thomas, general manager; James Elliott, local manager; M. Heaton, inspector. Disoount days, Mondays and Thursdays. Dividends, 1st April ^^d 1st October. La Banque Jacques Cartier.— Capital $500,000. Officers. — Alph, Desjardics, president : A. DeMartigny, cashier ; D. W. Brunet, assistant cashier ; L. G. Lacasse, pay- ing teller; J. F. Pellant, receiving teller; J. Cooke, discount clerk ; F. B. Lafleur, accountant; M. Bourret, ledger keeper; J. Leblanc, messenger. Union Bank of Lower Canada.— Capital, $2,000,000. Head Office, Quebec— P. MacEwan, cashier. Montreal Branch,— F, Nash, manager ; G. H. Henshaw, jr., accountant; A. N. Bell, teller; A. Mercer, and C. E. Cassels, clerks ,* C. A. Bignell, ledger keeper ; J. Moore, messenger. Quebec Bank, — Capital, .^3,000,000. Head Office, Quebec— J. Stephenson/cashier. Montreal Branch.— T. McDougall, man- ager; T. C. Coflfin, accountant: ^. C. Durnford, teller; J. Piddington, M. Dean, J. JS. Gibb, clerks; W. Anderson, mes- senger. Discount every day. Bank op Toronto.— Capital, $2,000 000. Head Office, Toronto.— J. M. Smith, manager ; T. F. Tate, accountant; C. Maclver, teller; J. R. McKirdy, disoount clerk ; E. Milloy, assistant accountant ; J. L. T. Ployart, ledger; E. B. Andrews, clerk; G. Chapman, messenger. Exchange Bank op CANADA.-Canital, $1,000,000. Head Office, Montreal.— M. H- Gault, president; T. Caverhill, vice-president; A. W. Ogilvie, T. Tiffin, E. K- Greene. Thos. Craig, cashier ; J. Craig, accountant. USE STOCK'S EXTKA MACHINE OIL. Sec Advt. page 14. UNDOUBTED SECURITY AND IiO W RATES OFFERED TO in all principal towns. BANKS. 137 Ontario Bank.— Capital, $3,000,000. Head Office^ Toronto^ Ont.— Ron, W . P. Howland, president ; D. Fisher, general manager. Montreal Branch, Place d'Armes.—C* Holland, manager. Days of Discount, every day. The Canadian Bank of Commerce.— /Tcac? OfHce, Toronto, On^— Capital, paid-up, Ji6,000,000 Kest, $1,400,000. Hon. W. MacMaster, president; W. N- Anderson, general manager. Montreal Branch, 153 St. James St.— W. Simpson, manager ; F. H. Mathewson, accountant ; F. Crossley, assistant-account- ant; J. Pangman, paying teller ; M. Howard, receiving teller; E- L. Pease, and 0. J. Roy, discount clerks ; G. A. Holland, correspondence clerk ; J. G. Pyke, ledger keeper ; F. L. Ferrier, Wm. Fair, clerks ; R. Dalton, 1st messenger ; W. Roberts, 2na messenger. La Banquf Nationalr.— Place d'Armes.— Capital, $2,000,000 Head Ojffice, Quibec— Ron, E. Chinic, president; t\ V^zina, cashier. Montreal Branch.— J. B. Sancer, manager; P. C. G. Roy. teller; P. V^zina, ledger keeper ; G. Mercier, clerk ; L- Gui- mond, messenger. Banque ViLLE Marie.— Hon. Louis Archambault, president » J. 0. Guiraond, vice-president. Direciors.—E H. Trudel, C F. Vinet, A. Dubord, P. A. A. Dorion. G. H. Dumesnil, cashier. La Banque D'HocHELAOA.—Caiiital, $1,000,000. F. X. St* Charles, president ; J. £. Brais, cashier ; A. B. Parent, account' ant; J. H. Ostigny, ledger keeper ; C. Giroux, paying teller ; P. L. N. Beaudry, discount clerk; L, Girard, clerk; T. Bell em are, messenger. CiT7 AND District Savings Bank.- 176 St. James street.— £. Murphy, president ; A. M. Delisle, T. Workman, R. Belle- mere, W. Ritchie, A. LaRocque, Dr. W. H. Hingston, J. O'Brien, Henry Judah, J. Aid. Ouimet ; E. J. Barbeau, Direc- tors. Henry Barbeau, assistant receiver general for Montreal, manager. Open every lawful day during banking hours. The board meets on Tuesdays. The Bank has three branches i corner St. Catherine and Jacques Cartier streets, A . Gariepy, agent: cor- ner St. Joseph and Versailles streets, E. V'^arin, agent ; corner Wellington and St. Etienne streets. Point St Charles, W. Daly, agent. Bankers : Bank of Montreal. Foreign Correspondents : London, Bank of Montreal ; New York, Bank of Montreal ; Paris, Credit Lymnais. I THB COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDBB* •* Beit in Um." See Advt. page 8. THB CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY. — ACCIDENT COmPENSATED. WEEKLY RELIEF 138 MERCANTILE. MERCANTILE. MONTREAL BOARD OP TRADE. (Incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1842.) H. Lymany president; F. W. HenshaWf vice-president; J. Kerry, treasurer. Council.— &, Boivin, J. P. Cleghorn, B. K Oreene, W. H. Hutton, A. T. Paterson, G. M. Kinghorn, H- Shorey, C. S. Watson, J. H. Winn, W. W. Ogilvie, W. R. Wonham, R. C. Adams. Board of Arbitration.— W, Darling, M. MoCulloch, T. Cramp, J. Grant, H. McLennan, P. Redpath, J. H. Joseph, R. Simms, Andw. Robertson, A. Allan, J. Hutton, J. M. Young. Secretary.— ^m. J. Patterson. Aaaiatamt Secretary.— AU. W. Hadrill. DOMINION BOARD OF TRADE. W. J. McMaster, Toronto, acting president : R. McKeoine Dundas, Ont., Thomas White, M. P., Montreal, Que., James J Bremmer,flalifax, N.S., vice-presidepts. Executive CownctY.— Andrew Robertson, Montreal^ Que., W E, t^andford, Hamilton, Ont., Isaac Waterman. London, Ont. E. K. Greene, Montreal, Que.; R. W. Elliot, Toronto, Ont. R. B. Dobell, Quebec, G. .'\. Chapman, Toronto, Ont., Alex Woods, Quebec, Que. ; C. H. Gould, Montreal, Que., treasurer W. J. Ptttterson, Montreal) Que., secretary. CORN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. {Incorporated by Act of Parliament in \%^.) Committee of Management.— K. Esdaile, president ; R. Archer, treasurer; John Ogilvie, Geo. Denholm, F. X. St. Charles, J. MoLea, 0. Dufresne, J. S. Norris. Board of Review.— B.-^ McLennan, chairman ; W. W. Ogilvie, J. Lord, S. MoDougall, S. St. Onse, F. Larin. Secretary.— Vfm. J. Patterson. Aaaiatant Secretary.— AU. W- Hadrill. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. BRANCH— PERSON AI. INJURIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENT AFFORDED. Agreucies la all piiincipal towns MERCANTILE. 139 INSPECTORS OP PRODUCE. Ashes.— "DydB & Major, iospeotors, College street. Chap. 45, 37 Vic, 1874. — The inspector shall charge the sum of 10 oontH for every hundred pounds of pot or pearl ashes inspected by him ; 25 cents for each new head furnished ; 18 cents for repairs and cooperage on each barrel— said coopera|;e to include nails and end hoops of barrel ; 25 cents for putting in a barrel, partly filled, the additional quantity thereof necessary to fill the same, whenever duty required to do so ; 25 cents per barrel in all cases where lime, raw ashes, damaged ashes, or other trash have been packed or mixed with pot or poarl ashes, for extracting or separating the same. Flour.— L. A. Boyer, inspector, 83 Common street Fees 2 cents per barrel for inspecting and branding, (exclusive of cooperage). '* when any less quantity than 100 barrels of flour are offered for inspects n, the inspector shall be entitled to re- ceive the full fees that would accrue to him on 100 barrels. When the inspector in his judgment, deems it necessary to strip or empty out the flour, to find out if there is the proper weight of flour m any cask, he shall be entitled to 2 cents for each bar- rel so stripped or emptied (if it prove to be a short weight.) in addition to the 2 cents per barrel for inspection and branding*'* Grain.^T. Biokerstaff, 6 William street. Beef and Pork. — J. Doheny, Qovernment inspector, 26 & 28 Grey Nun street. "For such inspection and branding, the inspector shall be entitled to receive, of and from the person submitting the same for inspection, for each and every barrel and halt barrel, tierce or half tieice of beef or pork so inspected, salted, packed, pickled, and branded, 25 cents for each barrel, 15 cents for each half barrel. 35 cents for each tierce, and 25 cents for each half tierce, exclusive of cooperage and repairs— the charge for which cooperage and repairs shall not exceed 15 cents per barrel, tierce or half tierce ; in consideration of which charges all barrels or half barrels, tierces or half tierces shall be delivered in good shipping order." Fiah and Fish Oil.—h. £• Morin, comer St. Sacrament and St. Nicholas streets. " Every inspector or deputy inspector who shall inspect or brand or mark any c isk or package of pickled fish, or in bulk, or any fish oil, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall be entitled to fees at the following rates, which shall be paid by the original owner or the person who employed him in the first instance :— for each tierce of salmon, salmon- trout, or sea trout, 15 cents ; each half tierce, 10 cents : each barrol, 15 cents ; each half barrel, 10 cents. For each barrel of mackerel, 10 cents ; each half barrel, 5 cents. For each barrel of herring, 5 cents ; each half barrel, 3 cents. For each barrel of shad, 10 cents ; for each half barrel, 7 cents. For each barrel of whitefish, 10 cents ; for each half barrel, 7 cents. For each barrel of pickled cod-fish, hake, haddock, or catfish, 5 cents ; THE COOK'S FRIEND •< Best In Use." BAKING POWDER. VBM CITIZENS INSURANCE COBfPANT.— OUARANTEB Ageneles In all 140 MERCANTILE. eaoh half barrel, 3 cents. For each barrel dry-salted codfish, hake, haddock, catfish, ling or pollock, 5 cents ; for eaoh half barrel, 3 cents. For eaoh barrel of bass, 10 cents; each half bar- rel, 7 oenfs. For each barrel of cod-tongues, cod-sounds, halibut or eels ; 10 cents ; each half barrel, 7 cents. For inspecting,. gauging and branding each puncheon ot oil, 20 cents ; each ogshead, 15 cents ; each tierce, 20 cents ; each barrel, 15 cents • In reckoning packages of oil, a barrel is from 20 to 34 gallons ; a tierce from 35 to 51 gallons ; a hogshead from 52 to 89 gallons : a puncheon from 90 gallons upwards— all Imperial measure. The foregoing rates shalf be reckoned exclusive of salt, pickle, cooperage, storeage and labour employed in washing, rinsing, cleaning, nailing, screwing or repacking or pickling any flsb, branding or marking Newfoundland fish, which have been in- spected in Newfoundland. 2 cents per barrel. For inspecting empty packages, 1 cent.'' The owner, may employ his own cooper to act under inspector. Leather and Hides.— TAUa^fkins, inspector. " Every inspec- tor shall be entitled, for the inspection of such hides, to a fee of 5 cents for each hide in lots under 100 in number, and 4 cents for each hide in lots over 100 in number. The inspector may inspect and measure all kinds of leather which are sold by superficial measure or by weight, and shall be entitled to charge 2 cents for each side or piece of such leather inspected and measured by him. J. W. Muirhead, city weigher, measurer and ganger, 17 Com- mon street. Weights and measures Inspection Office, 404 St. Paul street.— A. J. Whitton, inspector ; J. 0. Ghalut, R. MoQuarth, G. T Dorion, assistant inspector, T. D. King, clerk. MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE. D. L. MacDougall, chairman; J. D. Crawford, vice-chairman ; H. S. MacDougall,rsecretary and treasurer : J. Low, assistant secretary. Membera.—U- A. Budden, J. Burnett, A. M. Cohen. J. D. Crawford, T. Davidson, E. Ford, L. J. Forget, C. Gedges, C. G. Geddes, R. Meeker. D- L. MacDougall, H. S. MacDougall, G- C. MacDougall, R. Moat, J. Moat, W. R Oswald, H. C. Scott, G. W. Simpson, H. G. Strathy, T. Wilson, J. T. Vanneck, J. T. Davies, P. S. Barnston, A. 8. Barnston, C- G- Hobson, J. W. Gordon. W. E. Sache, D. Kinsela, J. Nichols, A- Strathy, A. A. McCulIoch, W. Mackenzie, W. I. Fenwick, J. Low, A. C. Clark, R. Lindsay, G. W. Hamilton, G. fl. R. Wainwright. Meets daily— Morning board at 11.10 ; afternoon board at 2 ; Saturday at 11 only. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. BILLNCH.— FIDIXITT OF EMFLOTSES GUARANTKJBDW pvlnolpal towni. PUBLIC COMPANIES. 141 PUBLIC COMPANIES. RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT, TELEGRAPH, Ac Gband Trunk Railway Company op Canada, inoldding the Montreal & Champlain and Buffalo & Lakti: Huron U.R.— ir Henry Tyler, president, London.; Hon. J. Ferrier, Senator, Shairman, Canada. Officers.— J. Hiokson, general manager; L. J. Seargeant, traffic cmanager) E. P. Hannaford, chiet engineer ; H. W allis, looomo tive superintendent ; J. Porteous, general freight agent; W. J. Spioer , superintendent ; W. Wainwright, general passenger agent; R> Wright, treasurer; T.B. Hawson, auditor; J. Taylor, general storekeeper; G. Drinkwater, general managers assistant Offices, Jacques Gartier Square. Montreal City Passenger Railway Co.— J. Crawford, pres- ident ; Dr. Hingston, vice-president ; A Murray, E. L. Beaufort. Jesse Joseph, directors ; E. Lusher, secretary-treasurer; T. H. Kobillard, superintendent ; J. Kiohmond, receiving clerk: G. Lulham, assistant do. ; J. J, Franklin; assistant superintendent. Allan Line of Ocean STEAUBHiPS.—CaririDS passengers and mails between Montreal and Liverpool and Glasgow in summer, and Boston, Halifax and Liverpool and Glasgow in winter. H. & A. Allan, agents, comer Youville and Common streets, Montreal. Mississippi and Dominion Steamship Co.— Sailing between Liverpool and Montreal in summtr, and Liverpool, Halifax and Portland in winter. D. Torrance & Co-, agents,8 Hospital street. Montreal- — Se^advt Tempkrley Line.— Sailing! between Montreal and London, England, during the summer months. D. Shaw, agent, 205 Commissioners street, Montreal. Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Co.— iRoyal Mail Lme.) Between Montreal, Quebec, and intermediate Ports, to &um- merside, Charlottetown and Pictou. D. fcihaw, Agent, 205 Com- missioners E^t^eet. THB COOK'S FRIKND <• Best in Use." BAKING POWDBB. • \i hi -t THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.~ACCIDENT BRANCH.- TIME REQUIRED AT VERT LOW RATE!. U2 PUBLIC COMPANIES. The Richelieu and Ontario Naviqatiov Co. —Daily Royal Mail Line of Steamers between Quebec M ; eal, Uumilton and intermediate ports. J. B- Lamdre, Bener^t .lanager; A Milloyi traffic manager ; J. N. Beaudry, seoreta . s f s : ir*v. General Office, 258 St. Paul street. Tickc . otiioes 138 St. James street, and also at Canal Bank. Lake and River S S. Co.— Running regularly between Mont- real and Hamilton. James T. Currie. at 86 Common street, onpositr Company's whart. A. & C. J. Hope & Co- J$ Custom House Square, Montreal. J. Harvey, treasurer ; J. B. Young, secretary, 69 James street, Hamilton. Merchants Line op Canadian Propellers.— Trading regu- larly to Toronto, Hamilton and Upper Lake Ports. G. E. Jacques & Co., agents, 108 Common street. Ottawa River Navigation Co.— Royal Mail Line of Steam- ers.— R. W. Shepherd, president ; Root. W. Shepherd, Jr., assistant manager ; £. Scott, secretary. .Office, 13 Bonaventure street. Bay op Quinte and River St. Lawrence Steamboat Co.— Between Montreal, Presoott, Brockvilie, Kingston, Picton, Belleville and Trenton. £. McQuaig, agent, 81 Common street, Montreal. Montreal and Ottawa Forwarding Co.— J. M. Kinghorn, agent. Office, Common street, (Canal Basin,) Montreal. Siscennes-McNauqhton Forwarding and Tug Line.— Office, 88 Common st, corner Nazareth, (Canal Basin, Montreal* M* MoNaughton, manager. Western Express Line for Passengers and Freight to ALL Western Ports.— First-class propellers.)— W. MoCauley, agent. Office, 93 Common Street and Canal Wharf. Montreal Telegraph Co.— This Company connects by the Western Union Telegraph Co. with all parts of the United States, Mexico, West Indies, Bahamas. Cuba and British Col- umbia, and by Cable, <&c., with Europe, Asia and Australia. Director8.S\t Hugh Allan, president; A. Allan, G. W. Campbell, M.D., P. Redpath, Hon. E. G. Penny, J. Dakers, superintendent and secretary ; C. Bourne, treasurer and auditor. Head Office corner St. Francois Xavier and St. Sacrament streets. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIIi* — - See Advt. page 14* (kCCIDENT POLICIES ISSUED FOR ANY LENGTH Ol igenoles In all principal towns. PUBLIC COMPANIES. 143 Dominion Trleoraph Company of C ^KDA—Ocneral OMcefi^ Front street, Toronto.— Hon- T. N. Qlbbs, Senator, presiuent ; ThoB. Swinyardi vice-president and manager— />»rcc/o»«— Jos. Mitchie, treasurer; Hon. W. Cayley, Hon. Franlc Smith, Wm. Ramsay, D. H- Bates, and Sheriff Waddell Local Directnra,— \. W. OsHvie, Montreal; A. Joseph, Ouebeo; J.Taylor, St. Catherines; C. U. Fairweather, St. John, N.B. ; Alfred Ogden, MP., Canso, N.S. : J. S. MaoLean Halifax, N.B- Executive OtHeera—T. Swinyard, mnnaging dir- ector and general manager ; J. Howard, treasurer andgeneral storekeeper, Toronto. Divisional Superintendent,^'}^. C. Elwood, Toronto ; C. R» Uusmer, Montreal. Montreal Offices— ^1 & 89 St. Francois Xavier street. The Montreal Oas Company. — 5oarci of Director a... J. Joseph, president ; Hugh McLennan, vice-president ; A. Urqu- hart, J. Ostell, W. Macdonald, MD., Q. W. Campbell, M.D. R. J. Reekie, Hon. L. R. Masson, J. F. Scriver, secretary ; D. Cunningham, meter inspector; A. Demors, P. McElroy. H. Normandin, N. L. Leduc, clerks ; T. Bienvenu, collector. Office, corner St. James and St. Qabriel streets. • Huron Copper Bay Co.— North British and Mercantile In- surance Buildings, 42 St. Francois Xavier st. D. L McDougall, president : M. Babcockt vice-president; C Geddes, R. Simms, Alex. Clerk, C J. Cunningham, directors; J. G. Burrows, secretary. Kennebec Gold Mining Co.— Hon. T. Ryan, Senator; C. J. Brydges, E. M. Hopkins, W. Shanly, M.P,.Hon. J. J. C Abbott, directors- D. L. MoDougall, North British and Mercantile Insurance Buildings, broker. T. W. Ritchie, QC, solicitor, St. James street. Montreal Plumbago Mining Company.— R. W. Shepherd, president ; H. R. Ives, vice-president ; Hon. T- Ryan, Dr. G* W. Campbell, T. Cramp, Lewis S. BlacK, Gilbert Scott, directors. Trust and Loan Company op Canada.— R. Stephenson, Com- missioner ; T. Trihey, inspector ; Louis A. Cadieux, accountant ; J. Monk and J. Besuvais, Jr., clerks ; Judah &. Branchard, solicitors ; A. D. Jobin, notary. Office, 14 St. James street. THE OOOK'S FBIEND BAKING POWDER "Best In Use." THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— FIRE BRANCH. All oiaises of Rlskn taken at moderate rates. 144 PUBLIC COMPANIES. irMoNTREAL Mutual Buildino Society.—F- K. Glarkt presi- dent; F. p. Currie, vice-president; Wm. Cross, secretary- treasurer : J. H.Isaacson, notary ; J. A. Ogilvy, Wm. McMaster* G. D. Reid, trustees. Meets every Friday evening, in Mechanics' Hall, St. James street. Provident Mutual Buildino Society, — D. Devine, presi dent ; F. Sutherland, vice-president ; Q. W. Lundie, David Seath, W- Hughes, trustees; John Wayne, John Gow, W. Seycomb, R. Hay, directors ; D. McCormick, solicitor ; J. H. Issaoson, notary ; Alexander Hutchinson, valuator. W. L. Maitby, secretary and treasurer. Le Credit Foncier du Bas-Oanada.— J. Simard, president ; J. C. Wurtelle, Vice-President : Hon, J. A. Chapleau, M. C- Mullarky, A- Defjarding, M. P-, L. H- Masson. M.P., J. Fogarty and Jas- McCready, directors ; M- Guerin, cashier. 0. C- JDelorimier, advocate. Office, No. 13 St. Lambert st The Shedden Co. (Limited.)— General forwarders and car- riers, and cartage agents for the Grand Trunk Railway Co.— H. Paton, manager and secretary, 22 and 24 St. Peter street.- C. Mackenzie, superintendent, Toronto.— (Street number 18.) Compaonie de Pret bt Credit Fonoibrs.— D. E. Papineau. president; N. Viileneuve, vice-president: J. L. Cassidy, A, Dubord, 0. Dupras, uirectors ; C^. N. Fauleaux, cashier ; 0. F. Papineau and F. J. Durand, notaries. Office. No. 8 St. Lambert street. Edwardsburgh Starch Company.— Montreal and Edwards- burgh.— W. bhanly, president; W- T. Benson, vice-president ; M. Thomson, secretary- treasurer. Office, 18 St. Peter street. Montreal Turnpike Trustees.— A. W. Ogilvie, chairman; J. Reille, secretary. Office, U6 St. James street. Montreal Loan and Mortgage Company— M- H. Gault,M.P. president: A. W. Ogilvie. vice-president ; R. Esdaile, T. Hart, T. Caverhill, J. McK&y, T. Craig; George W. Craig, manager. Office, 181 St. James street. VHiSi STOCK'S £XTBA MACU1N£ OIIi, See Advt. page 14. THB CITIZENS INSURANCi: CO.— Fire, Life, Guarantee and Accident. Capital Sl,188,000. PUBLIC COMPANIES. 145 Scottish American Investment Co. (Limited.)-— Gh. W- Gampbell, MD., a. iScott, and T- Davidson, directors.; Thos. Davidson, atty. ; R. A. Ramsay, solicitor ; Stuart & Marler, notaries. Provincial Loan Company. — Heretofore the Provincial Permnneni Building Society. — Sir Hugh Allan, president; H. A. i^elson, vice-president; George Cruikshank, secretary- trea- surer ; E. K. Greene. Geo. Cruikshank, W. Cooper, and G. W. Moss, directors. Office, 96 St. Francois Xavier street. MoNTRRAL Investment and Building Company —Capital, $1,000,000. — H. A. Nelson, president; W. Reid. vice-president; T. F. Miller, A. W. Ogilvie. T. M. Bryson, J. Ostell, vVm. O'Brien, directors ; W. A. Merry, secretary-treasurer; Hon- J. J. C Abbott, solicitor ; VV. F. Lighthall, notary. Office, 229 8t. James street. Montrea: Canadian Building Society.— C. Melancon, pre- Rident; J. Leduc, vice-pre.sident ; J. Sabine, J. Grenier; and F. Benoit, directors; M. Rivet, treasurer; F St. Germain, assistant-treasurer ; La Banque d'Hochelaga, bankers. Office, 46 St- Vincent street. Commercial Mutual Building Society.— Edward Evan?, president; M. S- Baxter, vice-president; J. B. Hutchison, secretary-treasurer; C. B.Carter, solicitor; W. De M. Marler, notary ; ■^— , surveyor; D. Crawford, Geo. Martin, G. W. Robinson, trustees; Jas. Wallace, W. Larkin, W. Drysdale, auditors. Merchants Bank of Canada, bankers. Office, No. 240 St. James street. Montarville Building Society.— Ad. DeMartigny, Louis Brosseau, and L6on Lalumini^re, liquidators; C. H. A. Gui- mond, secretary-treasurer. No. 13 Rue St Jacques. Canada Mutual Building Si)CiETY.— David Newton, presi- dent; Samuel Carsley, vice-president; J. B. Hutcheson, secre- tary-treasurer; Alderman D. R. MoCord, B.C. L., solicitor; Wm. De M. Marler, notary ; David Guthrie, Thos. C. Buhner, W, J. Cook, trustees ; John Gouldihorpe, R Diplock, E. F- Carter, auditors • City and District Savings Bank, bankers. DirectorH.—J. K. Alstono, Jos. Bemrose, T. C- Buliner. Alex. Black, W. J. Cook, Samuel Carsley, 0. C. DcZ mche, David Gufhrie. I). Sexton, John Stephens. \Vm. Guy, David Newton, .ianies Roggi, G \V. Sadler, C. E. Saunderson. Office, No. 24.0 St. James street. THib COOK'S FUIKND BAKING POWDER «* Be«»t In Use." 10 THB CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANT.-FIBE* LIFE, SIR HUGH AJLXAN, President; 146 PUBLIC COMPANIES. Imperial Mutual Building SociFCTy op Montrkal.— E. B- J. 8. Kutbwell, president; W. D. Stroud, vice.-prosident; J. U. Timmis, secretary-trensurer ; J. J. McLaren, solicitor; G- R. W. Kittson, notaij' ; Erio Mann, surveyor; John Palmer, John McDiarmid and Robert Irwin, trustees ; J. Cunningham, Geo. Yellard and W. D. Spooner, auditors; the iNlolsons Bank, bankers. Directors.— E. E. J- S. Rothwell, John Palmer, Robt. Irwin, W. Luttrell, J« hn McLean, W. Lavers, John McDiarmid, Wm. Tyler. H. Wiliison. Thomas L( gan, Frank Drummond, C* J* PattOD, S' Kydd, John Kilioran and W. D. Stroud. Victoria Mutual Buildino Focikty. Point St. Charles.— W. Mo Wood, president; A. Stark, vice-president; S. C Mat- thews, secretary-treasurer; Hugh Brodie, notary; A. C. Hutchisoii, valuator; G. Irving, Wm. Wayne and David Maver, auditors; G. E. ^hepstone, J. AVayne and Mr. J. Stewart, trustees; City and District Suvings Bank (Point S t Charles branch), bankers. Virectorti.—Wm. McWood, James Dickson, J. Ward, Philip Upton, Wm. Berridge, J Stewart, J. 11. Timmis, G. E. Shei)' stone, John Wayne, Wm. C. Matthews. A. Stark, Alex, tlark, David Thomas, John Perry and Thos. F. Ilunf . Canadian Tei.kgraphkrs' Mutual Insurance Association. —Oth'cera. — President, C. Bourne. Treasurer and Auditor M. T. Co. ; Vice-President, J. Steplienst^n, Superintendent,, G. T. l^y. ; Secretary-Treasurer, J. S. McConnell, Chief Clerk. Audit Dept. M.T. Co. Committefi ot Management— A. Grant, Klec- trician, &c., M. T. Co. ; J S. McKenzie Chiet Operator M. T. Co.; VV. J. Graham, Miinager Receiving Dept. M. T. <'o> ; B. J. Hickey, Train De.«jpalcher G.T.R. ; J. Muiray, Secretary- Treasurer City and District Telegraph Co. ; C li. Hotuier Dist. Superintendent D. 1. Company. Advisory Board— N- W. Bethuno, Dist. Superintendent M. T. Co., Ottawa; E. Pope, do. do., Quebec. ; D. Van Ostrantl, do. do., Watertown, N.Y. ; J. T- Townsend, Inspector, GTR.. Toronto; H. ^'eilaon. Dial. Superintendent D. T Co., Toronto. Hamilton Powder Company.— -T. C. Brainard, j)re8ident; W.Gordon, seo.-treas. Othce, lO-i St. Francois Xavier etieet, Monti eal. MoNT?.EAL Horticultural Society.— G Cheney, president ; N.S. Whitney, vice-president; Hon. L. Beaubien, Dr. Ijarrics, Dr. Andres, W. Eva's, R. W.Shofherd, Jr., A. Duflf, J. Doyle, directors. 11. J. Evun^, secretary-tieasurer. USJi STOCK'S KXTRA MAClll>K O i U See Ailvt. inii; ^ i4. OUABANT££ AND ACCIDENT.-CAPITAI., •1,188,000. OERALiD E. HART, General Mauaffer. BEXI.VOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 147 Mount Royal Ckmrtkrt Company. .Tbustrks — CAurcA o/ England and Ireland — M. II. Gault, Henry Bulmer, George IMcCrea, Hiram Mills, Thos. Craig, N. iS. Whitney. Richard White, D. R. McCord. I'rttihiiterian Churck.—K Esdaile, C I). Proctor, John I:?tirUiig, James McDougall, A. W. Ogilvie, Alex. Murray, H. A. Nelson, and J. Hodgson, M.P-P. Methodist Church — Thos- M- Bryson and T- D. Hood. Congregational r//jfrcA.— Henry Lyman. Z?rt;>4 Courville street. St. .'auies — Chii; le.s Godfrey, 00 Wolle street. St. Mary's— John A. Volkeit, 17 Amherst street- 1 •♦ B-.*t lU t'HO." >> .A ^k. A .^ U X' U VV A> Ab tt, CmZBNS INSURANCJEB COMPAirr.~I.IFS: BRANCH. THIS COMPANY. Agencies 148 BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Protestant House op Industry and Befuge— C. Alex- ander, president; J.G.Mackenzie, Ist vice-president; Henry Lyman, 2nd vice-president; K. Holland, treasurer; (I. Cruik- shank, honorary secretary; W. H. Burland, MD., J. B. McG( unell, M.L).» nnd James C. Cameron, M.D., visiting phy- sicians; 'Ihomas W, Ritchie, Q.C.. honorary solicitor; J. S. Hunter, N.P., honorary notary; D. JVdcMillan, secretary and superintendent ; Mrs. McMillan, matron. Firfmen's Benevolent Association.— F. McCulIoeh, asst chief, president; Wm. Mann, vice-president; J. Beckingham, secretaiy; Wm. Patton, chief of Fire L>fpt., treasurer; E. Jackson, afst. secretary; J. Ndan.Thos. Mangin, F Haines, W. Mann, Jos. Naud, E. Jackson, A. Godin, J Rock, J.J. Caiins and J. Mitel ell, visiting committee , £. Jackson and J. Nolan, auditors. Protestant Infants' Home, 508 Guy street.— (Founded 1870, incorporated 1871.)— J- Hutton, president: Mrs- J. Hutton, Isr directress ; Mrs. C. Ault, treasurer; Mr8. G. Eadie, secretary j Mrs. Gassier, matron. Mackay Institution for Protestant Deaf-Mutes.— Cote St. Luc Road.— Joteph Mackay, president; C- J Brydges, T- Cramp, F- W. Thomas, P ludpath vice-presidei ts; P. t*. Ross, secretary-tiea.«urer ; W. E. fcjcott, MD, physician; T- Widd. principal; Miss Littlefieid, asst. teacher; Mrs. bniith, matron. Deaf and Di mb Institution.— Founded 1848. for the instruc- tion ot dent ana aimib ho>t-, untitT the direction of the Cleiks Re^-uar vl iSt. Viaior. 'i he pupils are taught to read arid b^ank on the lijs with (he help of tigns. Theie aio two C( urtcf of studies, Englith and French —Rev. A. Belai ger, director, Aiile End. Residence.— JiT. J. T. Finnie, medical f flBcer, f61 Dorchester, first door from Bleury street. OflBce hours, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, ^ to 8i. Mr. Samuel Gray, financial secretary, 13 Dupr^ Lane. Montreal Ladies' Bfnevolent Society, 31 Berthelet st — Mrs. Wheeler, 1st directress ; Mrs. J. S- Hunter, 2nd directress; Mrs. Rintoul, secretary for children j Mrs. F. Thomas, treas- urer; Miss J. Evans, secretary. USE STOCK'S EXTllA MACHINE See Aclvt. page 14, OIL, UFE POIilCIES OF ICTERT DESCRIPTION ISSUZa> In all principal towns. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 149 Hervky Institute and Homr and School op Industry, 215 Mountain street.— Miss Hervey, h.morary president; Mrs- J. Ross, president; Mrs. Tasker, vice-president; Miss Lawdeff treasurer: Mrs. A. Murray, recording secretary ; Miss Stlrlingi corresponding secretary; Mrs. M. L. Clark, registrar. Committee.— M-e^dAvaea Bessey, Botterell, Cornish, Christie. J. L. Morris, Mooney, Mclver, Cowan, J. T. Molson, Heford, Spicer, Herbert Wallis, Stephen ThoraF>8on, Whitney. W. Robb, Lang. Miller, James Rose, Dyer, Force, Cartiloy, H. C. Scott, Warden, H. B. Lyman, J. Watson, T. Sterry Hunt, G. Hague, Springle, Misses Barry, Moodie, Murray, Snowdon, K. Miller, Mesdames Cassils. Jaq les. Dr. Edwards, E. Greenshields, Rcddiok, Andres. Ayer, McDonald, Misses McCaul, Newman, Mrs. J. Stevenson. MOXTRRAL WoRKINGMEN'S MuTUAL BENEFIT AND WIDOW8* AND Orphans' Provident Socikty.— J. W^right, president; H- S- Couper, 1st vice-president; W. T- B'»stock, 2nd vice-presi- dent; Warden King, treasurer; J. H- Vincent, secretary ; W. M. Brisrgs. assistant secretary ; W. Stenhouse, financial secre- tary; J. Atchison, assistant financial secretary ; A- W- Ogilvie, Gr. Scott, A. McGibbon, trustees; J. Findlay, J. Chestnut, H. Rose, auditors; E. Carter, QC, honorary solicitor; Harry Leeson, librarian: Alex- D. Blackadder. M-D , physician. Regular meetings are beld every second Monday evening of eacli month, in the Odd Fellows' Hall, 062^ Craig street. All communications sho?xld be addressed to J- H. Vincent, 178 Etienne street, corresponding secretary- English Workingmen's Benefit Society.— G- Peak, presi- dent; W. D. Sharpe. ist vice-president ; Geo Hobson. 2nd do. do ; E. Leach, secretary; C. G('dfrey, assistant secretary; S. Gray, treasurer; Rev. Canon Baldwin, Rev. C Belcher, chap- lains; .1. T. S. Webb, M-D., CM., uiodical officer; J. J. Day, Q i' , honorary solicitor; J U Isaacson, honorary notary; M'. Hawkins, W- Welch, E. Thompson, auditors. Stcwarda.—K. Beak, Point St. Charles Ward; Jas. Wood- burn, St. Ann's Ward; John Gauntlott, St. Antoine Ward; William Chapman, &t. Lawrence Ward; S. Fisher, St. Louis Ward; J.Bennett, St. Mary and St. James Wards; Wm. H. Flawn, Centre Ward. St. Andrew's Home, 481 Dorchester street.— Committee meets every Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. F- J. Logie chairman; D. Morrison, Wm. Reid, W. S. Macfarlane, Pe* ., icholson, assisted by a committee of ladies- THE COOK'a 1KISM> BAKING FOWDSB« «'Be»« Id Lis**.'' H THE! CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY. — ACCIBENl COI»IP1DNSATED. WEEKIiT RELIEF Irish Protestant Bknevolknt SooiRTY.-->Johii J. Arnton, president; J. H. Mooney, Ist vloe-precideot ; Hiotiard Thomas, 2nd vice-president; Thomas Sutton, 3rd vice-president; James Moore, treasurer; R. P. Barrett, recording secretary; J- S. Cdicutt, assistant recording secretary ; R. S. Mooney, corres- ponding secretary. Council— R. McKeown, Wm. ClendinnenR, G. Home, J. C Wilson, C. E. Dawson, S. H. Ward, 11. Dunne, Jas- Guest, J. W. Featherstone, Oeo. Forbes, A. McNally, T. Bickerstaff, J. W. Hughes, 8. C. Kyte. W. J. Craig. Chaplains — Kevds. Canon Baldwin, Jas. Fleck, J. H- Dixon. Physicians —J. Reddy, M.D., L.K.C.S.I., G. W. Major, B.A., M.l>.. D. F. Gurd, M.D.. CM. Finance Committee— Wm. Clendinneng, S- H- Ward, George Home, James Guest, J. W. Featherstone- Charitable Committee- J. C. Wilson, Geo. Forbes, A. McNally, T. Bickerstaff, J. W. Hughes- Immigration Committee— C. £. Dawson, R. McKeowD, H. Dunne, S. C. Kyte. W. J. Craig. Auflitore- R. W. D'Olier, Jas. MoBride, G. A. Mooney. Canadian Society for the Prkvemion op Cruelty to Animals.- G. W. Weaver, president; F. Mackenzie, peoretary- treasurer; A. Galey, inspector. Office, Mechanics' Hali, St. James street $ NATIONAL SOCIETIES. St. George's Society.— Patron, His Lordship the Bishop; E. Kawlings, president; Thos. B- Hawson, Ist vice-president ; S. Carsley, 2nd vice- president; W. S. Walker, treasurer; A. J. Whitton, secretary; W. R. Warren, assist-seoretary. Chaplains —Tlev. H. Wilkes, D.D. ;Rev. R. W. Norman, M.A., ; Rev. J. k\ Stevenson, LL.B. ; Rev. A. J. Bray, Rev. S. Belcher. Phvaicutns.—yiessrfi. G. E. Fer.wick, M.D., G- F, Slack, M.D., T. D. Reed, M.D., and Wm. Oilier, MD. Ch yritable Committee.— Vf , D. Stroud, chairman ; James Stevijnson, J. Bauden, U. Bulmor and A. Force. St. Andrew's Sor»ETY.~Jani*^s J^tewart, president; Georpe Macrae, Q.C., vice president ; John Ca.'^sils, '^nd vice-prcjiident; Peter Fulton, secretary ; John MclKmald, a^.^j^taut-secretar) i A' B. Stewart, treasurer. C'Aa/)/«»n*.— Rev. A B- Maokay, Rev. Robert Campbell. Physicians.— {>T9. Wanlef»s, Ge«>. W. RosvS Black adder, W. Gardner, and A- Lapthorn Smith. ifWE, STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OH.. See Advt. page 14, BRANCH— PERSONAL INtTURIRS, DEATH BY ACCIDENl AFFORDED. Asenoien in ;ill principal towns NATIONAL SOCIRTIE3. 151 Charitable Committee.— Y' J- Lojjie, ohnirman: D. Morrison, Peter Nicholson, VV- Reid, and Donald Campbell. Committee of Accounts . — Messrs. Andrew Robertson, Alex. MoOibbon, A. W. ORilvie. John Fulton, P. S. Ross, Alex- Mur- ray, A. A. Stevenson, 11 nd J- C Watson. Committee o/Infttnl men*. — James Wright, and David Cnnning- hame. Representative Governor to the Protectant House of Industry and Refui^e— Ewan McLennan, Esq. Caledonia Society op Montreal.— Tho?. Robin, president; Peter Fulton, 1st vioe-president; John Porteous, 2na vice-pre- sident; David Guthrie, treasurer; John Hood, secretary; D. Campbell, financial secretary ; and a committee of 12 members. St. Patrick's Society.— Established 6th March, 1856; In- corporated ISC)."?.— F. B. MoNamee, president; W. J. P. Bond, 1st vice president ; John Sheridan. M.D., 2nd vice-president; John Mc(jrath, treasurer ; Matthew Rapple, corresponding- secretary ; Samuel Cross, recording-secretary ; P. T. Patton, assistant recordini^.seoretary. Committee of Afanaoement. —James Meek, M. Bergin, F. Callaghan, C J. Shiel, W. Conroy, J. Craven, Patriolt Carroll, John Gilliese. James 0. Nevill, Michael McNamara, Patrick Kehoe, G. Murphy, A. Purcell. D. McDonnell, M. Bergin, D. Coghlan, J. McKeown, P. Reynolds, D. Lyons, T. Patton, P. Connolly, W. Cunningham. Charitahlf Committee. —jAvaes 0. Nevill. chairman; Thomas Patton, J. McKeown, M Bergin, and A. Purcell. Chaplmn».—^v. P. Dowd and the Irish clergy of St Patrick's Church. Phyeiciana.—M. O'Bryan Ward, M.D., and John Sheridan> MD. Grand Ma mhal.— J osevh Cloran. AMiaiant Marshals. —James Huff and J. T. McNamee- St. John BaptisteSooikty.— L'llon. T. J. J Loranger, prosi- tlenti S. Pagnuello, Ist-vioe-preaident ; J. A. I. Craig, 2na vice- president ; J6r6raie. Porreault, treasurer; ». 0. Villeneuve, assistant treasurer ; A. D. Laoroix, secretaire; L. E- Beau- ohamp, assistant-secretaire ; li. Jeannotte, secretaire-corres- pondent; Rev. Lachapelle, Commissairo ordonnateur. THE OOOK'S FRIEND «< Best in Use." BAKING POWD£R. THE CITIZICNS INSURANCE COMPANY.-riKE BRANCH. will be quoted. Agencies 152 TEMPERANCE. Orrman National Society— Wm. C Munderlob, president; F. I3riegel, Tice-prendent ; Hermann Drepohel, secretary, 59 St< James st. ; G. Boeker, treasurer ; J. Busch. financial secretary. Meets first Wednesday each month at their rooms 487 Craig at. Cliaritahle Committee. — J. Boeker, H- Dreifus, H- DrechseL Laro Committee —1. Boas, B- Sauftleben, T. Borcholt. Medical Advisers.— W. H. Hingston, M.D., Q. W. Majoff MD., A. A. Browne. MD. Legal Advitera—Z. Wurtelle, Q.C, MPP.i and W. Simpson Walker, B.CL. Swiss Society. — Established December, 1874.— N. Aubin, hon- president; D. L. Key, president: E. Imobersteg, vice- president; H. Dreifus, treasurer; A. Monet, secretary; H. Dreifus and D. L. Key, charitable committee. Meets first Monday in each month at 487 Craig street. TEMPERANCE. Dominion Alliance.— /"or the Total Supvresaion of the Liquor Traffi,C' — This organization carries on its work through Provincial branches. The ofiicers of the Quebec branch are : Hon. James Ferrier, president; J. Kedpath Dougall, chairman of the executive; J. M- M- Dufif, treasurer; the Kov. Thomas Gales, secretary. Executive Committee.— Th^ above-named ofiicers, and Rev. A. Dufif, James Kives, James McCaul, D, W. Morrison, Wm. i^Gott, Samuel Jackson, Hon. G. G. Stevens, Messrs. J. J. Mac- laren, Q.C, Thomas Christie, M P., A. A. Ayer, Geo. Childs, Walter Paul, J. S. Hall, H. L. Loucks, J L- Goodhue, J. H. Timmis, J H. Cayfordr J- K- Macdonald, Robert Irwin, I). Macdonald, S. A. Abbott, N. R. Mudge, J. Witham, T. S- Brown, Jas. Boutelie, A. Leighton, Jas. Woods, J. A. Tompkins, Q. E. Mclndoe, H. A. Elkins, S T. Morey, William Addie, L. Abbott, E. D- Lawrence, S. A. Lebourveau, Jas. Baylie,Thos. Craig, E. S. Hoare, W. H. Lambly, G. B- Houstiston, MB. Jewell, S. Cruikshanks, H. L. Robinson. The committee meets in Montreal on the last Monday of each month. Sons op Temperance Grand Division, Province op Qufbkc — G. E. Mclndoe, PGW.P., Granby ; Kev- S Cruikshank, G.W.P., West Sheff^ord ; A- C. Dupry, GW.A., Elmsvilie; J. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE See Advt. page 14. OIL. ^( Boiuehold Riiki specially desired, for whloli low flipires in »11 pnnoipftl towns. TEMPERANCE. 153 S- Hall, as., Montreal; Mrs. M. Gilbert, G.T., Elmsville : Kev. T. Gales, G. Chaplain, Montreal ; Henry Plough, G. Con., Montreal ; Geo. Winton, Grand Secretary, Ormstown. Howard Division, No. 1, meets every Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, at their rooms, 263^ Craig street- Thintle Divinion, No. 63, meets every Tuesday evening, at the American Presbyterian school-room, Tannery West, at 8 o'clock. Mayflower Division, No. 130, meets in the school-room. Mis- sion Church, corner St. Charles Borommee and Dorchester streets, every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Unitkd Tkmprranck Order (late British American Order of Good Templars). — Victoria Lodge No, 5. — Meets every Tuesday evening, at 7.30, in the Alexandra Rooms, St. Catherine street. Independknt Order op Good Templars.— (rranrf Lodge of Qw^bcc.—G.Vf.CT., W. H Lambly, Inverness ; G.W.C.. Jas. Martin. Montreal; G W.V-T., Miss Saddie B. Bailey, Inver- ness; G.W.S., S. A. Lebourveau, Montreal; G.W.T., L- W. Wyraan, Waterville ; G.W. Chap., Rev. .1. Kines, Sherbrooke; AG Sec, S. J. Symons, Montreal; GW.M.. D. J. McKenzie, Maple Grove :DG.M., I. P. Plummer, East Bolton ; G- Guard, Mies M. M. Hawley, Nutts* Corners; G. Sent., W. J. Dougherty, Montreal; G. Supt. J. T., J. H. Forde, Sherbrooke; P-G-W.C T.. J. K. Macdonald, Montreal. Montreal i>t«ertc«.— District Deputy G- W- C T., James Martin- Mount Royal Lodge, No. 1, meets every Monday evening, at 240 St. James street, at 8 o'clock. Royal Victoria Lodge, No. 3 meets every Thursday evening, at St- John's Hall, 118 Mansfield street, at 8 o'clock. Reformation Lodge, No. 21, meets every Tuesday evening, in the vestry of the Methodist Church, Point St. Charles, at 8 o'clock. Winatanley Lodge, No. 76, meets every Tuesday evening, at West End Hall, Chatham street, at 8 o'clock. Shaftesbury Lodge, No. 77, meets every Saturday evening, at 240 St. James street, at 8 o'clock. St. Luke's Church Temperance Society. — President, H. J. Da***:; 1st vice-president, T. Lamb; 2nd do.^ do.; Fanny Overing, treasurer; J.White, Jr., secretary; H. Lamb, organist ; J. Church. W. Emo, J. York, J. VV. Hill, A. Spooner, S. Martin, Miss V. Trigg, Miss White, committee. XU£ COOK'S FRIISND BAKING POWD£I^ •• Best In Use." i * I- \ ,^r^s THB OmZENS INSURANOB CO.— STRICT ECONOMY nf 8TR HUGH ALLAN, Prenldent; 154 COLLKOES AND SCH(H)LS. Rrghahitrs.— Perseverance Tont No. i meets every Tuesday evening at 8 o^olook, at 240 St. James street. Temperance Society (R.C) op St. James Church. /-Meeting first Sunday of every month, at 7 p m. SocifiT^ de Temperance du DiorKSK dk M^^iTRfeAL.— R. C. Bishop of Montreal, honorary president , — Soci6t6 de Temperan'-r de la Eglisr St. Pirrrr — Rev. L. Lauzon. 0. M. J., director ; Odsird Bmdeur, President ; J. E. yi|rer, Ist vice-president ; Alph. Reed, 2nd vice-president ; S^ra- phm Laohance, secretary-treuAurer. Meets in S. Peter's church » the third Sunday of every month, at 6 p u. St. Ann's Total Arstinrnor and Brnkptf Society.— Meets on 2nd Sunday in each month, immealately after vespers. The Secretary at St. Ann's Church. St. Bridget's Total Abstinence Society —Meets every Sunday, at 10.30 a.m., at their hall, under S. Bridget's Church, 101 Dorchester street. St. Patwck's Total Abstinenor and Benrfit Socirty.— rffioers for 1880-81.— Rev. Father McDonald, president and director: b. Emerson, 1st vice-president; M. Sharkey. 2nd vloe-presidont; Jas. Conaughton, treasurer: Thos. T. McGrail, secretary; Law. Quinlan, assistant secretary. — Executive Comtuittee.— E . Murphy, chairman; W. Donnelly, S. Cross, M.Fitzgerald, C. Moffatt, M. O^Connell, D. Murney, P. Meagher. Vigilance Committee.— Uugh O^Neill, A. Emerson. J. Lynch, L.Ford, F. McCarthy, W. Treacey, A. Lavery, J.Walsh, J. Clarke. Grand marshal, P. McManus. assist, marshal, J> AValsh. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Univrrsity Op McGill College.— Vt«t/or.— His Excellency the Governor General. Governors —Hou- C; D. Day, LL-D-, D.C.L', President nnd Chancellor of the University ; Hon. J. Ferrier, Senator, M.L.C., Hon. C. Dunkin. M.A. , D.C.L.. P. Redpath, G. Moflfatt, M.A., J. H. R. Molson, Hon. W. F. Tor- rance, M.A., B.CL., C. J. Brydges, Hon. Sir A. T. Gait, USB STOCK'S KXTUA MACUINS OIL. See Aclvt. page 14. MANAOEItrBNT A tlBERALITT TO POLICY HOLDERS. OKRALO K HART, OonernI 1VlMnaff«r. C LLEOES AND 8CH0 LS. 155 KC.M.G , Hon. Sir F. Hinoks, KC.M.G.. C.B., J. Molgnn, .J. Hiokaon, lion. Robert McKay. Hon.T.J.C. Abbntf. D.C.L , Q.C., Robert A. Raraiay, M.A., B.C.L. (The lioard of Governors nns, under the Royal Charter, the power to frame Statutes, to make appointments, and to administer the Finances of the University.) Princinal.— John William Daw8on, iM. A-, LL. D., F. R. S.. ViceCnancellor. (The Principal has under the Statutes, the general superintendence of all affairs of the College and Univer- sity; under such regulations as may be in force ) FellowH—Ven. Archdeacon Leach, D.C.L., LL D-, Vice- Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts ; Henry Aspinwall Howe. LL D. Governors' Fellow; George W. Campbell, M.A.. M.D., LL.D.. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; Rev. John Cook, D-D., Principal of Morin College, Quebec; Alexander Johnson M.A.,LL.D-, Vice- Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Governors Follo«v; Rev- Ceorre Cornish. M.A-, LL.D., Elective Fellow, Faculty <'f Arts; R«>v. Henry Wilkes, M.A-. D.I)., LL- D., Principal of the Congrega- tional College of British ^^orth America ; R v- D. H. MacVicar, LL.D., Principal of the sbyterian College of Montreal ; R. A- Ramsay, M.A., B.C-L. .representative Fellow in Law; William Hicks, Esq.. Principal of McGill Normal School ; J. J. McLaren, M-A., B.C.L , Representative Fellow in Law ; John R. Dougall, M.A.J Representative Fellow in Arts; William H. Kerr, QC-, D-C.L., Dean of the Faculty ot Law ; Rev. J. Clarke Murray, LL.D., Elective Fellow, Faculty of Arts . J. S. C Wurtele, B.C.L, Elective Fellow, Faculty of Law ! Henry T. Bovey, M.A., C.E., Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science ; Bernard J. Harrington, B.A., Ph. D , Elective Fellow. Faculty of Ap- 8 lied Science; Wm. Osier, M.D.. Elective Fellow, Faculty of ledicine ; Gilbert P. Girdwood, M.D., Representative Felliw in Medicine; John Fraser Torrance, B.A., Ba. App. Science, Representative Fellow in Applied Science; Rev. E. J- Rex- ford, B A , Representative Fellow in Arts, Robert Bell, Qrad. Civ. Eng., M-D , Representative Fellow in App. Science; Rev. John Jenkins, DD.. L.L D, Governors' Fellow; Rev. J. F. Stephenson, B- A-, M.D-, Chairman Protestant Board of School Commissioners; Rev. Canon Henderson, M.A., Principal of the Diocesan Theological College ; Rev- Geo. Douglass, LL.D., Principal of Wesleyan Theolottic ' I College; Hon. L- Ruggles Church, M.D., Representative Fellow in Medicine i Clement H. McLeod, Ma. E.. Representative Fellow in Applied Science ; Robert M- Smith, B.S-CS, Principal of St. Francis College, Richmond. (The Governors, Principal and Fellows constitute, under the Charter, the Corporation of the University, which has the power, under the Statutes, to frame regulations touching Courses of Study, Matriculation, Graduation and other Educa- tional matters ; and to grant Degrees. Secretary^ Registrar and Buraar^ {and Secretary of the Royal Institution }— William Craig Baynes, B-A. ; residence aud office, East Wmg, McGill College; office hours, 10 to 2. Clerk —J amea W. Braokenridge ; residence, 39 Lome Avenue. THB COOK'S FRIEND BAKINQ FOWDJi^K, " Beit ia Ute '* il .%, [MAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .•V 4 1.0 1.25 ■tilM 12.5 12.2 u •i 1. llJil 'Am 6" VQ /A n '/ Photographic _Sdences Corporation lV V ip \ ;\ is Q> ^ci".^^^^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 ^.> A Is '•b I. ■ J •'If M kr '1]..; 1!^ ; i THE CITIZENS INSUBANCE COMPASY.-JJJFVi BRANCH. RIGID RCONOIET PRACUBBD. 156 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. ;■,-./;■ Pbofessors. Faculty af Arta.^d. W. Dawson, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S ♦ Prinoipal, Logan Profeseor of Geology and Professor of Natural History ; Ven. Archdeacon Leach, D.CL , LLD., Vice-Prin- cipal. Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Molson Professor of English Literature ; H. A. Howe, LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and|N^aturaI Pail >sophy ; Rev. A. DeSola, LL.D., Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature: A. Johnson, M . A., LL.D., Professor of Mathematics and Redpath Professor of Natural Philosophy; Rev. G. Cornish, M.A., LL.D.. Pro- fessor of Classical Literature; P. J. Darey, M-A.* B.CL-, Professor of French Language and Literature ; C-F-A. Mark- graff, M.A., Professor of German Language and Literature ; Rev. J. Clarke Murray, LL,D.. Professor of Logic, and Men- tal and Moral Philosophy ; Charles E. Moyse, B. A., Professor of History and Associate Professor of English Language and Literature. , . Faculty of Applied Science.— "R. T- Bovey, Professor of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Dean of the Faculty ; B. L- Harrington, B.A.. Ph. D., Professor of Assaying. Mining, and Chemistry ; C H- MoLeod, Ma. E , Lecturer in Surveying and Drawing and Superintendent of Meteorological Observa- tory ; G. H. Chandler, B. A., Ledturer in Mathematios. Faculty ofLaw.—W» H. Kerr, D.CL., Dean of the Faculty of Law and Professor of International Law-— Hon W. Badgley, D.CL , Professor of Public and Criminial Law, R. G. Laflamme^ D.C.L.f Professor of the Law of R^al Estate : E. Carter, Q.C., D.C.L., associate Professor of Criminal Law ; N. W . Trenholme « M.A., B.CL., Professor of Roman Law; J. S. C. Wurtele* B.G.L., Associate Professor of Commercial Law; H- F. Rain- ville, L.L.B., Professor of Real Estate Law ; E. Larue, B.C.L., Professor of Legal History; J. S. Archibald, B.A„ BjCL., Professor of Criminal and Constitutional Law; M. Hutchinson, B.CL., Professor in Civil Procedure. Faculty of ilferftctnc.— See page 118. J. Andrew, Instructor in Elocution ; F. S. Barnjum, Instructor in Gymnastics. \.. t^; MgGill Normal School.— Affiliated to the University under the control of the Superintendent of Schools and the Corpora- tion of the University.- W. H. Hicks, principal ; J. McGregor, M.A., LLD., ordinary professor ; S P. Robins, M. A., LL.D., associate professor of natural history; P. J. Darey, M.A-, associate professor in French; F. W. Hicks, MA. assistant professor of history; regular instructton in drawing given by H. Bird, and in Music by R. J. Fowler. W. C. Baynes, B.A., secretary. 'i--TV|i'*'^'«'*f "^t"' USB STOCK*S £XTRA MACHINR OIIi. See Advt. page 14« 1 fi H. Bin, ^f */m ^ UNDOUBTED SECURITY IS AFFORDED AND THE MOST Ajcencies in all principal towns. r COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. 157 Model Fchool op MoQill Normal School -^P. W. Hicks, M.A.. teacher of boy's school ; Miss J. Swallow, teacher of girl's school ; Miss L* Deriok, teacher of primary school. Protest)^nt Board op School Commissioners.— The Rev. J. F. Stevenson, D.D,, chairman; William Lunn, Esq., Hon. treasurer; Rev. John Jenkins, D.D., LL.D., Pricipal Dawson, M.A„ LL.D., F.R.S., &c.. George W. Stevens, E?q., B.C. L., Rev. Canon Noyman, M.A., D.C.L-, Commissioners; S. P. Robins, M. A., LL D., secretary and superintendent of schools. High School of Montreal — Staff of Teachers, — Head master: H. A. Howe, M.A., LL-D; Assistant Head master; Rev. E. I. Rexford, M.A., Assistant master; G. Murray, B- A., Oxon; J. Jenkins, B CL ; F. W. Kelley, B.A., P». D. ; A. N. Shewan, M-A. ; A. E. Duncan, M- A. ; N. Prower, B.A., Oxon. ; J. T. Donald, BA. ; H. H- Haas. LLD. f^pecial maslers : J. Andrew, Z Lefebvre, H- Bird, E- S- Barnjum. Preparatory School — E. W- Arthy, head master ; Miss Lilian "Watson, Miss H. Bell, Mrs. Napier, Mad'Ue Louise Vessot, assistants. High School for Girls — Teaching Staff.— Mra H. C. Fuller, Miss Henderson, Miss Fluhmann, Miss Rodger, Miss McFee, Miss S. Lawless, Miss Reid, Miss Bailie, Miss Douglass ; Geo. Murray, B.A., Oxon,; John Andrew, A. E. Duncan^ M, A.» BO L., J. T. Donald, B. A., Harrington Bird, F. S. Barnjum, calesthenios. Protestant Board op Examiners' op MoNTREAii.— Rev. G. Cornish, LLD., president, A. Johnson, LLD.. vice- president; the Rev. C A. Doudiet, A. M., the Rev. J. Scrimger, A.M. ; the Rev. T. Lafleur; the Rev. J. T- Empson. B. A- ; and R. Bell, M.D. T. A. Gibson. A.M., secretary. There are two half-yearly meetings, on the first Tuesday in May and Nov- ember, held in the Natural History Society's Rooms, 32 Univer- sity street, at 10 a.m. - ' ' Catholic CoMMERCiAii Academy op Montreal, 1077 St. Catherine street-— U- E. Archambault, Principal; Rev. V. Sorin, f-piritual director. Scientific Department, Polytechnic School —Professors : E. Balete, J. Haynes,C. A- Pfister, J. G- W. McQownand Emil* iTanier. Commercial Department— F. X. P. Demers, director; pro- fessors : J Ahern, J T- Anderson, F. Andr^, ,) Archambault, J Aubin. L. A. Brunet, A- ChHtigny, J. B. E. Demers, J. N. Miller, W. H- Tetrault, J. Tompkins ; J. Brouchaud, professor of drawing ; A- J, Boucher, protestor of music, THE COOK'S FRIEND BAK.XNO FOWDU^R* ^ !i I M « Best in Use t» 'i I ITHB CITIZENS INSUBANCIC COMPANT.-OUARANTEB ISSUED WITHOUT EXTRA PREMIUM. I 158 COLLEGES AND SCHJOLS. Catholic Boabo op School -Commissioners. — Rev. V. Rousselott P.£$-S., president; Rev. Canon Dufresne, P. S. Murphy, Esq., Jacques Grenier, Esq , E- C. Monk, Esq .L. 0. H6tu, Esq.y M. C Desnoyers, secretary- treasurer; tJ. E. Arohambault, local superintendent; F. X> Martin, accountant; Ed. Fourniert auditor. MoNTRBAii College, 1181 Sherbrooke street.— Directed by the Sulpicians, founded 1703.— Rev. P. Deg;nre, director; Kev. p. A. Campeau, treasurer; Revs. P. Rousseau, J. E' Filia- trault; C. Maillet, P. Schlickling, D. Chevri>r, H. Bedard, F. Lalibert6, J. Gallaghan. J. B. Brasseur, !(.. Portier, and J .6. Durivage, professors. The classes are opened beginning of Sen^ember and closed beginning of July. Diocesan Theological CoiiLEOE, 75 University street— The Bishop of Montreal, president; the Rev. Canon Henderson, M.A , principal. Incorporated, 1879, affiliated to McQlll, 1830. Educational Council. — The Bishop, Ven. Archdeacon Leach, D.C.L., Rev. Canon Baldwin, M.A.; Rev. Canon Henderson, M.A„ Rev. E. Sullivan, A.M., Rev. J. P. Duiuoulin, M. A., Rev. J. Empson, M.A. Board o} Governors.— Yen. Archdeacon Leach, B.C.L., Ven. Archdeacon Lindsay, MA., Rev. J. P. Dumoulin, M.A.. Rev. E. Sullivan, D.D., and Messrs. Justice Mackay, A. T. Gault, A. Johnson, LL.D., N. S- Whitney, James Hutton, Thos. Craig, W. E. Scott. M.D., Richard White, C. Garth, R. Evans. Secretary.— ReY. J. G. Bay lis. Catholic Board op School Commissioners. — Rev. W. R. Leolaire. president: Rev. J. Hogan, W. Doran, U. E. Archam- bault, A. D. Lecroix, T. H. Valade. Place of meeting, Monireal Normal School, on first Tuesday in February, May, August and Fovember. .^ , University op Bishop's College, Lennoxville— Incorpo- rated by Royal Charter, 1853.— President of the Corporation and Visitor, the Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Quebec. D.D. ; Vice-President of the Corporation and Visitor, the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Montreal, LL D. ; Chancellor, R. W. Hene- ker, D.C.L ; Vice-Chancellor, Rev. Canon Norman, D.C.L. Trustees.— R.W' Heneker, chairman; G. P. Bo wen, E. T. Brooks, M.P., J. S. Hall. B. Hamilton, Hon. H. G. Joly, M.P.P., Rev. R. Lindsay, T. Macfarlane, B. T. Morris, L. B. Morris, N. S. Whitney, Rev. C. P. Reid, Rev. F. Robinson, Thos. White, M.P., W. B- Simpson, R. H. Smith, College Council.— Rev. J. A. Lobley, D.C.L., chairman; Rev. L. Brock, E. Chap- USE STOCK'S EXTKA MACHINE OIL. St J Atlvt. pixige a. ^ BRANCH.—GOMBINED lilFB & GUABA^T££ POLICIES Agencies in all principal towns. C:>LLEGES AND SCHOOLS. 159 man, L. H. Davidson, Rev. J. Foster, Rev. C. Hamilton, Hon. G- Irvine, M.P.P., Rev. J. P. Dumoulin. Rev. T, Mussen, Rev. Canon Norman, Hon. Mr- Justice Ramsay, Rev.G. Rawson, Rev. Professor Roe, Rev. Professor So a rth, Rev. J. B. Davidson, Rev. Professor Read, Geo. Macrae. Officers of the Corporation.—}^. Chapman, secretary ; E L. Montizambert, honorary council; Rev. I. Brock, R. W. Heneker, auditors ; B. T. Morris, attorney. Officers of the College. — Rev. J. Lobley, D C.L., prinoial, and professor of classics and acting professor of mathematics ; Rev. H. Roe, D.D.,prolessorof divinity; Rev. C. Read, M. A., pro- fessor of Logic and moral philosophy; Rev. A. C. inearth, M.A., professor of ecclesiastical history ; Rev. A. C. Scarth, librarian, E. Chapman, bursar and registrar. Faculty of Medicine. — See Page 118. Bishop's College School —Rev. P. Read, M.A., rector ; H. J. Campbeii, M.A., T. A. Young, E^q., B.A., A. Leray, M.A. assistant masters. Presbyterian College of Montreal.—- J5oarrf of Manage- men/.— David Morrice, chairman ; John Stirling, secretary ; Rev. R. H. Warden, treasurer. Members annually appointed by the General Assembly. Senate— Key. Principal Mac Vicar, LL.D., president ; Rev. Professor Campbell, M.A,, secretary. Members annually appointed by the General Assembly. Staff— Rev. D. H- Mac Vicar, LL-t) , principal, and professor of sys- tematic theology and homiletics ; Rev. John Campbell, M A., professor of church history and apologetics ; Rev. John Scrim- ger, M.A., lecturer in Old and New Testament exegesis; Rev. Daniel Coussirat, B.D., B,A., French professor ot Theology; Rev. A. B. Mackay, lecturer in sacred rhetoric and elocution; Rev. Neil MciNish, B.D., LL.D., lecturer in the Gaelic lan- guage and literature. Rev. A. DeSola, LL D., professor of Oriental languages in McGill College ; , lecturer in classics and mathematics; A. C Hutchison, lecturer in ecclesiastical architecture; John McLaren, lecturer in sacred music. Officers.— Hey. D. H. Mac Vicar, LL.D., principal; Rev. Prof. Campbell, MA., registrar ; Mr. R. M. McKibbin, B.A., librarian ; Daniel Lyons, steward and bedel. Wesley AN Theological College, Montreal — (Founded 1873. )— Under the control of the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada, afiiliated with McCiill and Vic- toria Universities.— i>irec BROXHKRS, Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange. PBIC£ - ONE DOLLAR. J, THEO. ROBINSON, Publisher, 54 St. Francois Xavier Street, MONTREAL. tt[&f t. ED. ER brokers, xchange, ipital Years— er. TH£ CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— Fire, Life, Guarantee and Accident. Capital 81fl98f000. CHURCHSS AND CHAPELS. 161 CHUECHES AND CHAPELS. PROTESTANT. Church of Eiifflnnd -—Ri^ht Rev. W. B. Bond, LL.D., Lord Bishop of Montreal ; Ven. Archdeacon Leach, LL.D, D.C-L., Archileaoon of Montreal; Ven. Archdeacon Lonsdell, M.A., Archdeacon of St. Andrews, Ven. Archdeacon Lindsay, M.A., Archdeacon of Bedford. Cathedral Clergy.— The Rev. M. S. Baldwin, M- A., rector and Senior Canon, Rev. J. F. Renaud, Rev. E. J, Rexford, B.A., assistant ministers. Honorary Canons-- Rev. Wm. Anderson, rector of Sorel ; Rev. F. W- DuVernet, M.A., rector of Chambly ; Rev. Lewis Evans, M. A., rector of St. Stephens, Montreal; Rev. J. EUegoode, M.A., rector of St. James the Apostle, Montreal ; Rev. VVm. Henderson, M.A.. principal of the Diocesan College ; Rev. F. Johnson, M.A., Chaplain of Senate ; Rev. W. Nor- man, M.A., St. James the Apostle. Montreal. Sunday. 11 a.m., 4.15 and 7p.m, Daily prayer, 4.30 p.m. Wednesday 8 p.m. in the Synod Hall. Sunday Bible claims, 3 p.m. St Catherine street, St. George's. — Rev. E. Sullivan, D.D., rector, Rev. J. G. Baylis, assistant minister. Sunday Services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m.; Bible classes and Sunday school. 3 p.m. Wednesday service, 8 p.m. Corner Osborne and Windsor streets. Trinity Church, St. Denis street and corner of Viger Square, Rev, John Walters, officiating minister. Residence. 23 St.Denis street. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. St. John the Evangelist.— (Free seats).'— Rev. E. Wood, M. A.i incumbent ; William Wright, M.D., and Rev. A. French, B.A., assistant ministers. Sunday, 10.30 and 11.15 a.m., and 4.15 and 7 p.m. Daily 6.15 and 8.30 a.m., and 5 p.m. Wednes- days, 8 p.m. Corner St. Urbain and Ontario streets. St. James the Apostle.— Rev . Canon Ellegood, A.M , rector; Rev. Canon Norman, M.A., assistant. Sunday 11 a.m., and 4.15 and 7. p.m. Wednesday. 5 p. m. Friday, 11 a.m. During Lent, daily. St. Catherine street west. St. Martin's.— Rev. J. P. Dumoulin, M.A., rector. Sunday, 11 a. m. Sunday School and Rector's Bible Class, 3 p. m. Evening service, 7 o'clock. Holy Communion on first Sunday of every month, at 11 a. m., and on third Sunday, at 9 a.m. Wednesday evening service, 8 o'clock. Ladies Bible Class and Aid Society, Friday, at 2.30 p.m. Upper St. Urbain street. St. Stephen's. — Rev. Canon Lewis Evans, M.A., rector. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Corner of College and Inspector streets. THE COOK'S FU1ENI> ** Bent in Use." BAKING FOWDfiB. 1/ 11 I I CITIZENS INSUBANCECO.-UNDOUBTED SECUBITT AffencieM In all 162 CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. St. Luke's — (Froo seats)— Rev. — Sweeney, recLur. Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. Corner Champlnin and Dorohester streets. St. Thomas'.— Rev. R. Lindsay, M. A., rector. Sunday, U a.m. and 7 p.m. 8t. Mary street. St. Mary's, Hocholaf^a.— Rev. J- D. Borthwiok, inc^umbent and Chaplain to the Jail. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Grace Church.— Rev. S. Beloher, rector. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wellington street. St. Jude'8 Church, Coursol street— Rev. J. H. Dixon, rector. Sundays, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and Wednesdays, 8 p.m. St. Matthias' Church, Corner of Cote St. Antoine Road and Crawford Avenue. Cote St. Antoine, Rev. J. Enipson. M.A., rector. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. French Mission Rooms, Church of England.— Rev. J. J. Roy, B.A., incumbent. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesdays 7.30 p.m. 1 Chatham street. St Bartholomew^ a Reformed Episcopal Church in Canada ; otherwise called : The Reformed Church of England, Beaver Hall Hill.— Rev. B. B, Ussher, M,D., rector, residence 9 Drum- mond street. Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School, and pastor's Bible Class at 3 p.m. Weekly service on Wednesday at 8 p.m. The members of the Vestry meet first Thursday in each month, at 8 p.m. Ladies Aid Association meets fortnightly in the Lecture Room. Young People's Union also meets fortnightly in the Lecture Room. Children's Sewing Class every Saturday afternoon. The Synod of the R. E. Church in Canada, publishes the Protestant Pillar as its official organ, monthly. Church of Scotland.— ^i. Andrew's— Rev. Gavin Lang. Ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m. Week- day services on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. James Clements, sexton. Salem Church.— East End Mission of St. Andrew's, Panet street, Rev. S. Massey. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9 a.m. Prayer Meeting on Thursday at 8 o'clock. Presbyterian Church in Canada-— Et. Paul's, corner of Dor- chester and St. Moniaue streets. — Rev. Dr. Jenkins. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 8 p. m. Victoria Mission.— Student Sunday evening Service, during winter mouths, at 7 p.m. Temperance Association Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. Aia> liAROE PROFITS TO HOLDEZIS OF lilFE FOUOIBbb prinolpal towns. CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. 163 St. Qabriol.— Rov R. Campbell, M.A. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m. Sunday School at 8 p.m. St. Mathew's, Point St. Charles — Rev. VV. R. Cruikshank. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Wed' nesd'iy evenmg at 8 p. m. Bible Class at 2 p.m. Young Peo- ples Association ThursdHy evening. St. Mark's Church (Presbyterian), corner of William and Dalhousie streets.— Rev. J.Nichols, pastor. Sabbath services at 11 a m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Wednesday service at 3 p.m. St. John's (French), formerly Russell Hall, St. Catherine street.— Rev. C. A. Doudiet. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p. m. Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Knox, corner Dorchester and Mansfield sts.— Rev. J. Fleck, B.A. Services at U a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m. Rev. Professor Campbell's Bible Class at 4-30 p.m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Erskine, corner St. Catherine and Peel sts. — Rev. J. S. Black. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 3 o'clock p.m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8. Stanley Street.— Rev. J ames MoCaul. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Prayer Meet- ing Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Crescent street.— Rev. A. B. Mackay. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes at 3 p.m., on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Chalmer's, St. Lawrence Main, above Sherbrooke at. Service at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m. Prayer Meet- ing every Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. St. Joseph street (West).— Rev. J. Sorimger, M.A. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer Meet- ing every Wednesday evenirg at 7-45. Nazareth Street Mission, corner Wellington and Nazareth sts., in connection with the Crescent Street Presbyterian Church. Sunday at 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 2. 30. p.m. Taylor's Churoh,Champlain st.(East End).— Rev. John Jones. M.A. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.45. Hochelaga Mission Station. —Services and Sunday School each Sabbath. Saviour's Church, Canning street, (French.) — Rev. A. B. Cruohet. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30. THIi: COOK*S FKICNJD BAKING FOWDJfiB. "lUMt in Use." i il il '■ E.i{:l, : I gmZENS INSURANCE COMPANT.— THE liARGEST ASSURED. Agrencies 164 CHURCHES A.ND CHAPELS. ^wiertcan Presbyterian Church, Dorchester St.— Rev. G. H. Wells. Services at 11a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 in sum- mer, and 7.45 in winter. American Presbyterian Mission Church and School, 77 In- spector St.— Rev. — . McFadden. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9.30 a.m. Methodist Church of Canada.—ln connection with this de- nomination there are in the city and suburbs 11 ChHrches and 10 Mission Stations, as follows :— 1st Circuit.— St. Janies Street Church and St. Lawrence Mis- sion. Rev. H. Johnston, B.D. 2nd Circuit.— Ottawa Street Church. Rev. J. W. Spar- ling, B.D. 3id Circuit.— Palace Street Church. Rev. D. V. Lucas, M.A. 4th Circuit.— Dorchester Street Church and Desrivi^res Street Mission. Rev. E. A. Stafford, B.A. 5th Circuit.— St. Joseph Street Church and Tanneries Mission. Rev. J. B. Saunders. 6th Circuit.— Sherbrooke Street Church. Rev. G. Forcey. 7th Circuit.— Point St. Charles Church. Rev. E. A. Ward. 8th Circuit.— Douglas Church. Rev. Wm. Hall, M.A. 9th Circuit.— Cote St. Paul Church and Lachine Church. Rev. W. J. Jolliffe. 10th Circuit.— St. Lambert and Chambly Church and Lon- gueuil Mission . Dr. Mark . 11th Circuit.— First French Methodist Church. Rev. L. N. Beaudry. The following additional Missions are sustained by the Cen- tral Local Preachers' Board and the Students of the Wesleyan Theological College :— Outremont, Cote St. Antoine, Mile End, and Hochelaga. Rev. Principal Douglas, LLD., and Rev. E. Botterill also frequently assist in the different Churches and Missions. The Montreal District, of which Rev- E. A. Stafford, B. A., is Chairman, embracing, besides the city, the country north of Montreal, and Fouth as far as the Province Line, includes 22 Ciicuits and 26 Ministers. The Montreal Conference, one of the six Conferences of the Methodist Church of Canada, includes the Districts of Kings- ton, Brockville, Perth, Pembroke, Ottawa, Montreal, Stanstead, Quebec, and a French District, ot which Rev- John Borland is Superintendent, on which are sustained 185 Ministers and 40 Probationers. s^v . ;- USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL, See Advt. page 14. POSSrBIiE AMOUNT OF PROFITS RETUBNUB TBCB in all principal towns. CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. 165 Congregational — Z'wn Church. -- Rev. H. Wilkes, D. D., LL.B., Rev. A. J. Bray, pastors. Services at 11a.m., and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday, 8 p.m. Emmanuel Chnrch, corner of St. Catherine and Stanley sts. J. F- Stevenson, D. D-, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday, 8 p.m. Calvary Church, Guy street, between St. Antoine and Dor- chester streets. Rev. J- L. Forster, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday, 8 p.m. Sunday School, 3 p.m. Inspector Street Church. Rev- A. L. McFadyen, prstor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. First Baptist Church, corner of City Councillor and St. Cath- erine streets- Rev. A. H. MunVo, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 3 pin. Tuesday, Yonng People's Meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, general Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. C6t6 St. Louis Mission in connection with The First Baptist Church' Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Olivet Baptist Church.— Rev. Dr. Clarke, pastor. Sabbath : Public Worship and Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting, 10 a.m., and Sabbath School and Bible Clashes, 3 p.m. Tuesday : Young People's Bible and Experience Meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, general Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Friday, Business Meeting of Church on Friday before the first Sunday of each month, at 8 p.m. French Protestant Church.— Baptist.— Rev. T. Lafleur. Ser- vices 3 p.m. on Sunday, at New Jerusalem Church, corner Dorchester and Hanover streets . I Cdt^ St. Louis du Mile End Union Mission- IService at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. German Protestant. -^St. John^s Church.— U7 St. Dominique street. Rev. G. C H. Haaskarl, minister. Services at 10.30, a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. New Jerusalem Church, ( Swedenborgian ), 192 Mountain street.— Rev. E. Gould, Services at 11 a.m. Unitarian — Church of the Messiah, Beaver Hall Hill. Rev. J. Cordner, LL. D., honorary pastor; Rev. W. S. Barnes, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9.30 a.m. THK COOK'!» FlilENI) BAKING POWDIB& »' Bectt in Um.'* ; ! I Il 1 I' 111, 1-^ ! Ml: INSURE TeVB UFE WHILE YOV AKB YOUNG IN THB SIB HUGH AXIiAN. President; 166 CHURCHES AND CHAFEL8I. Jewiak Synagogue. (English), Chenneville street.— Rev. A. DeSola, LL.D. Jeioiah Synagogue.— (Qerman and Polish), St. Constant street, near Vitr6 St- ilev. H.Rosenbarg. ROMAN CATHOLIC. CaihedraL—'Low mass on week days, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30 a.m. » Sundays, 5.30, 6, 6.30, 7.30 ; high mass, 10 a.m. ; vespers, 3.15 p.m. ; evening, 7 p-m. Cemetery street. Church of the Jesu. — Low mass on week days, 5.15, 6, 6.30» 7, and 7.30 ; Sundays at 5.15, 6. 7 and 8 ; high mass, 10 a.m. > vespers, S.30, 6, and 8 p.m. Bleury street. Notre Dame (PamA).— Summer, low mass, 5, 5.30, 6, 6.30 7, 7.30, 8 a.m. ; winter, 5 30, 6, 6.30, 7, 7.80, 8 a.m. Sundays and obligatory feasts, high mass, 10 a.m. ; vespers, 3.30 p.m. Place D'Armes. St, Patrieh'a {Pariah),— how mass, 6, 7 a.m. ; high mass, P a.m. ; vespers, 3.30 p.m. on Sundays ; low mass, 5.30. 6. 7 a.m. « on week days, summer; 6, 7, 7.30 in winter. Corner of Alexan- der and Laganohetiere Us. St, Jamea (Pariah).— how mass, summer, 6, 7, 8 a. m. ; high mass, 10 a.m.; vespers at 3.30 p.m.; week days, summer, 5.30, 6.15, 7 a.m. ; winter, 6, 6.45, 7.30 a.m. St. Denis St. Bonsecoura ' Church. — Low mass, 6.S0, 7.30 a.m., ; evening, 5.30 p.m. ; from 1st Nov. to 1st May, low mass at^7 and 8 a.m. : evening, 5.30 p.m. St. Paul street. General Hoapital Church.— how mass, 6 a.m. Grey Nunnery* Guy street. . | Hoapice St. Joaephj Gathelral st.— Low mass, 6 a.m. Hotel Dtew.— Low mass. 5.30, 7.30 a.m. ; high mass, 9.30 a.m. ; vespers, 2.30 p-m. Pine avenue. L* Enfant Jeau de Coteau St. Louia.— how Mass, 5.30. 7.30 a.m. ; high mass, 10 a.m.; vespers, 3 p.m. in winter ; and 7..30 p.m. in summer. Coteau St. Louis. JVotre Dame de Grace,— how mass, 6.30 a.m. ; high mass* 9.30 a.m. ; vespers, 3 p.m. Notre Dame dea Angea. — Low mass, summer, 6.30 a.m. ; winter, 6.15 a.m. ; Sundays, 7 a.m. Laganohetiere st Notre Dame dea Neigea,—how mass, 6.20 am.; evening service, 5.30 p.m. Notre Dame de Pific— Sunday, mass, 730 a.m. ; low mass in summer, 6.80 a.m. ; winter, 7 a.m. Notre Dame st. St, Ann*a.—how mass on week days, 6.30, 7 a.m. ; Sundays, 6, 7, 8 and 9 a.m. , high mass, 10 a.m. 28 Basin, corner McCord street. U*SB STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Oil*. See Advt. pag^e 14. IX THB residents V ev. A. t street, ) a.m. ; rs, 3.15 ,6, 6.30 a.m. ) 6.30 7, lys and Place ass, 1^ ^ a.m. » lexan- ; high •, 5.30, 'ening, a.m. : Dneryt a.m. ; ). 7.30 d7..30 urn. ; ming kss in lays, Cord CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY, AND SATE PREMIUIIL GKKALD E. HAKT, General Manager. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 167 St' Br idc/et^ 8. —Low mass, summer, 5.30, 6.30, 8 a.m, (English) at 10 a.m. (French) ; vespers at 3 p.m. ; English service, 7 p.m. Corner Dorchester and Seaton sts. St. Joseph^ 8. —Itow mass, 5.30, 6.30, 7, 7.-30 a. m. ; Sundays* 5.45, 7, 8 a.m. ; high mass, 10 a.m. Richmond st. St. Peier' 8.— Winter, low mass, 6, 7, 8 a.m. ; high mass, 10 a.m. ; vespers, 2.30 p.m. ; summer, low mass, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30 a.m. ; high mass, 10 a.m. ; vespers, 3 p.m. Corner of Visitation and Dorchester sts. Si' Vincent de Paul.— "Low mass in summer, 7 a.m. ; winter 7.30 a.m. ; high mass, 10 a.m. ; vespers, 3 p.m. and 7 pm. St Catherine St. S' Heart of Je«M*.— Sundays, low mass, 6.30, 7-45, 9 a.m. high mass, 10 a.m. ; vespers, 8 p.m. Ontario st. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society.— Hon. J. Ferrier, presi" dent: Principal Dawson. LL.D. : J- Mathewson, Rev- Dr* Wilkes, His Lordphip the Bishop of Montreal, W. Lunn. vice- presidents ; Rev. Professor Cornish, LL-D., corresponding sec- retary ; Prof. A. Johnson, LL.D., recording secretary; H. Vennor, treasurer; E. iStacy, general agent and depositary; Rev. J. Green, travelling agent. French Canadian Mi88ionary Society, — Rev. H- Wilkes, D.D. LL.D., president; Hon. J. Ferrier, J. Maokay, J. Dougail, H* Vennor, W- Lunn, H. McLennan, vice-presidents; J. Court, treasurer ; , secretary. Montreal Ladies' Bible Association, — Mrs. J. AV. Dawson, president ; Mrs. P. Redpath, vice-president ; Miss. Lunn, treas- urer; Mrs. John Lewis, secretary. Bible House, corner Craig and Radegonde streets. Colonial Church and School Society. — Incorporated by Act of Parliament.— Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, patron ; His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury and His Grace the A.rchbishop of York, vice-patrons. Corresponding Committee of the Diocese of Montreal— The Lord Bishop of Montreal, presi- dent ; Rev- Canon Evans, M.A., secretary: Rev- J.Empson, B.A. treasurer; and several clergymen and laymen. Place of meet- ing, St George's School House, Stanley street. THES COOK'S FRIJQND BA&iNO FOWD£R. M Beit In Use." I I £ ! 1; \ i 4: ■4 t 3; ii THE OrriZJCNS INSUBA^CJB COMPANT.— FIRE BRANCH. INSURERS. Agencies 168 IXSTITUTIOXS. La Grande Ligne Miasion.—'Rey . A. H. Munro, president ; J. Richards, sec-treasurer ; Rev. T. Lafleur, recording secretary; Key. Chas. Rous, principal, at the G> Ligne Institutes. Montreal Auxiliary Religioua Tract Society.— 3 . A.^ Mathew- son, president ; Principal Dawson and Warden King, vice-presi- dents ; W. Drysdale, secretary ; W.Kini?, treasurer ; E. Stacy, depositary. Coramitttee— Resident ministers of the Gospel, with Rev. J. Waid, W. King, W. Drysdale, W. Clapp, James Ross, J. G. Parks, W. Orr. Young Men^a Hebrew Benevolent Society. — J. L. Samuel, pre- sident: L. Davis, vice-president; M. Schwob, treasurer; L. A. Hart, secretary ; Rev- Dr. DeSola, L. Silverman, J. G. Asoher, and M. DeSola, board of relief. Young Men^a Chriatinn Aaaociation.—Q. Hague, president; T. James Clnxton, J. Murray Smith, George Young, R. H. Buchanan, vice-presidents ; John S. McLachlan, treasurer ; DA. Budge, secretary ; W, J. Orr, assistant-secretary ; John Murphy, D. W. Ross. D Bentley, R. Henderson, Dr. G. Edwards, W, Paul. R. H. Holland, A. Kingman, Warden King, H. L. Putnam. A- A. Ayer, C. Gushing. Geo. Lamb, L. H, Packard, Geo. Bishop, G.E Jacques, jr. Richard Thomas, David Morrice, Charles Morton. D, T. Tees, W. B. Dawsou, J. B. Picken, H. J. Mudge, Dr. F W, Kelly, W. Tees, A. W. Crom- bie, R, A. Beoket, W. G- Brown, A. P. Willis, S. F. Massett, Gommittee. INSTITUTIONS. Merchanta* Exchange and Beading Boom—ll St. Sacrament street, John Dinning, secretary. JHechanica* Inatitute,— Q. Cruikshank, president; Robt. Irwin, vice-president; N. B- Corse, Treasurer; Henry Teulon, secretary; Joseph Smith, William Reid, J. A. Harte, Anthony Loftus, J. Findl«y, Thos. Allan, J. McCallum, W. S. Walker, John Boyd, Neil Macintosh, general committee ; S- M. Sansum, superintendent. Art Aaaociation of Montreal. — Incorporated 22nd Vic, chap. 12, 1858. Office, at the Art Gallery, corner Phillips' Square and St. Catherine st. His Excellency the Governor-General, and USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Oil*. ^ See Advt. page 14. CTNDOUBTED SECURITY AND LOW BATES OFFERED TO in all v>i*incipal towns. INSTITUTION.^. 169 H. R. H. Princess Louise, patrons. Hon. Judge MacKay, president; Hon. Thos. Ryan, vice-president: R. W. Shepherd, treasurer. Council, Rev. Dr. Cordner, F. B. Matthews, W. Notman, Rev. Canon No- man, P. Redpath, John Popham, C Gibb. R. White, D. A. P. Watt, S. E. Dawson, T. S. Hunt, F. R. S., G. A. Drummond. S. English, secretary and curator. Grand Trunk Railway Literary and Scientific Institute. — J. Hickson, president; H- AVallis, vice-president ; A. Starke, secretary ; P. P. Currie, chairman ; D. 'J homas, A. Watton, W. Falconer, J Ridgedale, f). Wright, W. Ducket, T. Dalrymple, A. Plow, F- Hodgson, J. Powles, D. Robertson. Council of Arts and Manufaaturea of the Province of Quebec. —Members: Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Commissioner of Agricul- ture and Public Works; Hon. E. T. Paquet, Provincial Secretary; Hon. G. Ouimet, Superintendent of Public In- struction; A. A. Stevenson, Esq-, president, Montreal; C. W. Carrier, Esq., vice-president, Levis ; S- C. Stevenson, Esq., B- A., secretary, Montreal; ,T. B. Rolland, printer and book- seller ; Thos. White, M. P. ; Adolphe Leveque, architect ; C. A. Dansereau, Clerk of the Crown ; Henry Bulmer, builder and contractor ; Andrew Boyd, manufacturer ; Guillaume Boivin, manufacturer; Samuel E. Dawson, bookseller,; Mich., J. T. Quinn, advocate ; L- T. Boivin, commission merchant; Nap. Bouraesa, artist, all of the city of Montreal; Rev. Abb6 Octave Audet) Bergerville ; James Carrell, Quebec ; Thos Milette, Three Rivers ; and Alex. G. Lomas, of Sherbrooke. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society o/Jlfon*rea^— Organized 1862; incorporated 1870, 33 Vic chap. 53, Hon. P. J, 0. Chau- veau, president ; Edward Murphy, 1st vice-president; 1 homas Craig, 2nd do.; G. A- Holmes, treasurer; T, Jubb, secretary; H- Mott, W. McLennan, T. D- King, editing committee. The Montreal Sailor s^lmtituie,, 219 Ccmmissioners street.— A. Allan, president ; C- Alexander, vice-president ; H. McLennan, treasurer; John Ritchie, manager. Entomological Society of Ontario.— Founded, 1863, Incor- porated by Act of the Legislature ot Ontario. Montreal Branch, organized, 1873. G. J. Bowles, president; G. B. Pearson, vice-president; G- H. Bowles, secretary and treas- urer ; F. B. Caulfield, curator ; Wm- Couper, H. H. Lyman and Robert Jack, council. THE COOK*S FRIEND BAKING POWDEB. •• Best iB Use." r I i I' : i ' ' ; I m i THE OinZENS INSURANCE COMPANT. — ACCIDKNX COMPENSATED. WEEKLY BELIEF 170 CLUBS. CLUBS. St. James C??«6.— Dorchester street* comer University. Wm. J. Nelson, secretary. Metropolitan Club . —37 Beaver Hall • J. Hickson, president ; John F. Cotton, treasurer; F. H. Reynolds, sccetary. City Club.— 1^2 St. James street. John Potts, proprietor. Montreal Gymnanium.—i'^ovf leased to " Montreal Lacrosse and Snow Shoe Clubs ") Corner of Mansfield and Bumside streets. Board of Directors of the Corporation: J- Lewis, president ; J. L. Morris, vice-president ; T- Lyman, T- Craig, A. Grant, Col. F* Bond, D. Sinclair, committee; H. W. Beckett, secretary and treasurer. 224 St. James street. Victoria Skating CTw6.— Honorary Members : The Right Hon. Lord Monk, Oen. bir W. F. Williams, Bart., K.CB., H. R. H Prince Arthur, H. I. H. The Qrand Duke Alexis of Russia, The Right Hon- the Earl of Dufferin, Countess Dufferin, His Excellency the Marquis of Lome, H. R. H. the Princess Louise, J. Torrance, life member- Honorary directors : Ex- presidents J. Torrance, J. Lewis, S. H. Thomson, T. W. Ritchie, Q-C-, J. Grant F- W. Henshaw, J. Fairbairn, W. H* Hutton. Directors : u. P. Davidson, Q-C, president; Fred. C. Henshaw, vice-president; C. G. Geddes, J. S. Allan, J. P. Scott, E. S. Glouston, and Selkirk Cross ; Alex. Moffat, secretary treasurer. Fiah and Game Protection Club of the Province of Quebec. — R. H- Kilby, president; R. H- Stevens* vice-president; F. Stanoliffe, secretary ; W, H Rintoul, treasurer. Committee : J. C. Wilson, Richard White, T. W. W. Goodwin, J. J. Red- path, A. N. She wan, R A Alloway, D D.S-, I- H- Steams, F. J- Brady, Geo. U- Ahem, G- Mathews, E. C Monk, H. R. Ives, E. B. Goodacre, J. Johnson, jr. Montreal Cheaa Club.— Clnh Rooms, M. L. & S. S. Clubs, Gymna^sium, Mansfield street H. Aspinwali Howe, LL-D., president; Thos- Workman and Prof. W- H. Hicks, vice- presidents ; J . Henderson, Hypolite street, secretary-treasurer ; — Baker, John Barry, J - G- Ascher, councillors. Evenings for Play : Tuesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock. USE filTOCK'8 EXTRA MACHINE OIL., See Advt. page 14. . « .* Clubs, BBANCH—PERSONAI. INJUKIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENT AFFORDED. Agencies in all principal towns CLUBS. 171 Montreal Caledonia Curling Club. — Rink, corner Mountain and St. Catherine streets. Organized, 1850 ; iocorporated 1868. Lt*-Col. A. A. Stevenson, president; A. C. Hutchison, vloe- president; John Robertson, treasurer ; Jas. Brown, secretary; Key. Canon Ellogood, chaplain. Committee of Management: David Robertson, J- H. Hutchison, W. W . Robertson, and P. Nicholson. Representative Members : Wm. McGibbon and Alex. Murray. Montreal Curling Club — ^1079 St. Catherine street- Founded in 1807. Patron, His Excellency the Marquis of Lome. Geo. A. Drummond, president; vice-president ; Rev. Gavin Lang, chaplain; Lieut -Col. Bacon, secretary- treasurer. Depresentative members : Alex. Urquhart, A. T. Paterson. Rink Committee : Jas. Williamson, R. W. Tyre, James Grantt R* W. Shepherd, jr.» John G. Grant. Montreal Thistle Curling C^m6.— Organized 1842; incorporated 1870. J. M . Kirk, president : Alex. McPherson, vice-president ; Charles Cassils, treasurer ; R. M. Esdaile, secretary ; Rev. J. Clark Murray, chaplain. Representative Members : Messrs Geo- S. Brush. D. J- Greenshields. Directors: Messrs- Jas. S- Hunter, John C. Watson, Alex. Ewan, Geo. S. Brush ; D. J- Greenshields, and the office bearers ex officio. Royal Caledonian Curling Club of Scotland,— Qhxh Room, Brigade Office, — • Officers of Canadian Branch— Colonel Dyde, C M-G., president; Alex. Mitchell, vice-president, Alexander Murrayi secretary-treasurer. Montreal Lacrosse (7^m6.— Club Rooms, Gymnasium, Mans- field street. Track and grounds, Sherbrooke street West. P.O. Box 1138.— H. N. Hughes, honorary president; Lt.-Col. E- A. Whitehead, president \ A • W . Stevenson, 1st vice-president ; John Robinson, 2nd vice-president ; H. W. Becket, treasurer ; Samuel L. Bayhs, ho orary secretary. James Thom. George R. Starke, R. McGill Stewart, J. Kay, T L. Patton, F C A. Mclndoe, F. C. Henshaw. Shamrock Lacrosse Club. — W. Stafford, president; J. Scul- lion, 1st vice-president ; . 2nd vice-president ; Alex. H. Woods, secretary: T. Farmer, treasurer. Com- mittee— P. McKeown, C. J. McGuire, P. Lynham, J. Morton, F. Cooke. J . Hoobin, field captain. THB COOK'S FRIEND BAKING FOWDJsiK, •• Beit in Use " I i I ! M i i M Ill '^ I i' jl THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— OUABANTEB Agencies In all 172 CLUBS. Montreal Snow Shoe C/«6.— Club Room, Gymnasium, Mans" field street, PO- Box 1138.— N. H. Hughes, honorary-president) Angus Grant, president ; A- W. Stevenson, 1st vice-president; R. D. McGibbon, 2nd vice-president ; R. McGill Stewart; hon- orary secretary; H. W. Becket, treasurer. Fred- McIndoO} G- R. Starke, A. Weaver, R. A. Beoket, T- L. Patton, W. Aird, and James Thorn. St, George Snow Shoe C^«6— -President, F. C. Henshaw ; J. G. Monk, 1st vice-president ; H. A. Howe, 2nd vice-president j W. L. Mathew, secretary; J. Piddington, treasurer; Stuart, Howard, J. G. Bowden, J. A. Wilson, A. Beaudry, C. Lamothe committee. - ; - ; : . Canadian Snow Shoe C/m6.— President, E. T. Goulette; 1st vice-president, N. Mathieu ; 2nd vice-president, Jos. Deslau- riers; secretary, J. W. Pilotte ; treasurer, J. H, Doucette. Committee.— A. Bourdon, Jos. Belanger, J. Normond, A. Lussier. Independent Snoio Shoe C/m6.— President, Major S. C. Steven- son ; Ist vice-president, W. H- Arnton : 2nd do. D. P. Steven- son; secretary-treasurer, J. W. Richards, T. H.Dawes, W. A. Owler, J. E. Isaacson, B. M. Stalker, B. Levine, Jr., Thos. Todd, committee. Montreal G^^oZ/ C^m6— Established 1873.— Patrons : the Earl of DufiFerin, and Marquis of Lome (Govwrnor-Generai Canada) ; A. Dennistoun, captain; John Taylor, sec-treasurer. Days of Elay, Wednesdays and Saturdays, on the " Green," head of >urocher street. Montreal Foot-Ball Chib—E- A. Whitehead, president; H- W. Thomas, vice-president; H. A- Abbott, captain: J. A. Ready, secretary ; W. W- Redpath, treasurer. F Hamilton, G. L. Cains, C. Lamb. Lome Campbell, and F. W. Thomas, committee. USE STOCK»S EXTKA MACHINE Olli. See Advt. page 14. BRANCH.— FIDXXITY OF EMPLOYEES OUABANTEEDb prtnolpal towns. MASONIC. 173 OMcera of the Grand Lodge of Q ^figc— M. W. Bro. John H. Graham, LL.D., Richmond. Grand Master ; R. W. Bro. Thos. p. Butler, Montreal, Deputy Grand Master; R. W. Bro. Edson Fitch, Quebec, DDG.M., Quebec and Three Rivers District; R. W. Bro. Joseph Mitchell, D. D. G. M. Montreal District ; R.W- Bro. E. R. Johnson, Stanstead, D.D.G.M., St. Francis District ; R. W. Bro. C. A. Hill, West SheflFord, D, D. G. M., Bedford District; R.W. Bro. Arthur Lyon, M.D., Shawville, D.D. G.M., Ottawa District;R.W. Bro. Hobart Butler, Bedford,Grand Senior Warden ; R. W. Bro. John Shaw, Quebec, Grand Junior Warden ; R. W. Bro. Rev. John Scrimger, Montreal, Grand Chaplain; R.W. Bro. I. II. Stearns, Montreal, Grand Treas' urer ; R. W. Bro. J. Massie, Jr., Gowansville, Grand Registrar; R. W. Bro. John H. Isaacson, Montreal, Grand Secretary ; V. W. Bro. Thos. Simpson, Montreal, Grand Senior Deacon, ; V. W. Bro. H. Griffith, Quebec, Grand Junior Deacon ; V. W. Bro. J. Pilon, Upton, Grand Director of Ceremonies; V. W. Bro. R. G. Nesbit, Hull, Grand Organist : V. W. Bro.William Johnson, Montreal, Grand Pursuivant | V. W. Bro. J. B. Donaldson, Quebec, V. W. Bro. Jos. Rodrique, Montreal, V. W. Bro. D. Lucke.Sherbrooke, V. W. Bro. Thos. Watson. Granby, Grand Stewards i V. W* Bro. Isaac Richardson. Montreal, Grand Tyler. Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Quebec. — M. E. Isaac Henry Steams, Grand Z. ; R. E. Frank Edgar, Grand H.; R. E. Ezekiel Luke Robinson, Waterloo, Grand S ; B. E. Angus Grant, Montreal, Grand Scribe E. ; R. E. F. W. W. Bowen, Sherbrooke, Grand Scribe N.; R. E. Albert D. Nelson, Montreal, Grand Treasurer; R. E. Samuel Kennedy, Quebec, Grand Principal Sojourner. Appointed Officers.— V. Ex. Henry Leroy Fuller, M.D., Sweetsburgh, Grand Asst. Sojourner; V.Ex. Henry Dunne, Mon- treal, Grand Junior Sojourner ; V. Ex. Fred. Barnes, M.D., Point St. Charles, Grand Pursuivant; V. Ex. Hobart Butler, Bedford, V. Ex. Jas. Bowen, Jr., Quebec, V.Ex. Jos. Mitchell, Montreal, Grand Stewards. Grand Superintendents of Districts. — "R. E. Comp. John McLean, Montreal ; R. E. Comp. F. T. Thomas, Stadacona, R.E. Comp. Jas. Addie, Eastern Townships. Committee on Finances and Benevolence. — R Ex. Comp. J. H. Graham, A.M., LL.D., Richmond, Chairman ; R. Ex. Comp. Jas. Kennedy, Quebec, R. Ex. Comp. Jas. Addie, Hunting- ville. Committee on Jurisprudence Grievances and Appeals.— ¥>* E. Comp. Frank Edgar, Montreal, Chairman ; R. E. Comp. Hes. Luke Robinson, Waterloo; .R. E. Comp. W. M. Lemessurier, Montreal. Committee of Foreign Correspondence. — V. E. Comp. A. T. Simpson, Lennoxville, Chairman ; R. E. Comp. Frank Edgar, Montreal, R. E. Comp. H. W. Wood, Knowlton. Committee on Credentials.— R. E. C. Thos. Milton, Pt. St- Charles, Chairman ; R. E. C.,F. T.Thomns, Quebec, V. B- C Hobart Butler, Bedford. M ( ! I THE 0OOK*S FRIEND BAKING FOWDEB»^ «Be»tinl7M" i'tti m:' '^i I THJK CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.-ACCtDENT BRANCH.- TOIE REQUIRED AT VERY LOW BJLTEA, 174 MASONIC. Subordinate Chapters of Royal Arch Masons of Quebec meet- ing Id Montreal : Carnarvon Chapter, No. 5, Q.R.—ileets on 3rd Thursday of each month, except June, July and August, in the British Ma- sonic Chambers, Notre Dame street. ';:r-^ount Horeh Chapter No. 6, O.^.— Meets on 2nd Wednesday of each month, in the British Masonic Chambers, Notre Dame of f>AQ^ Montreal Chapter No. 7, Q. i?.— -Meets on 2nd Friday of each month, in the Canadian Masonic Chambers, Place d'Armes. Boyal Albert Chapter No. 8, Q.R.— Meets on 3rd Wednesday in March, June, September and December, in their Chapter Rooms, No. 6 Phillips Square, St* Charles Chapter No. 9, C-R.— Meets on Ist Tuesday of each month, in Masonic Hall, Point St. Charles. St. Paul*s Chapter, E.R.—M.eeta in Chapter Room, Academy of Music ; third Thursday in January, March, June and October. Richard Cceur de Leon Preceptory, Montreal, of the United Religious and Military Orders of the Temple, and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.— Under the imme- diate patronage of Her Most Gracious Mujesty the Queen- The M. E. and Supreme G. M- of the Order, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. The V. H. and E Great Prior for the Dominion of Canada, X Col. W. J. B. McLeod Moore- The V. E. the Great Sub-Prior, \ Fr. W. B. Simpson. The V. E. the Prov. Priw for Quebec District, 1: Fr. I. H Stearns. Presiding Preceptor E . Sir Kt. t John McLean; Constable, Sir Kt. f A. G. Adams i Marshal, Sir Kt. t C M. Putney; Chaplain, Sir Kt. f John Street ; Treasurer, V.E. Sir Kt. t I. H. Stearnes ; Registrar, Sir Kt. t J. M. Glass ; Sub-Alarshal, Sir Kt. t R. Tyler ; Cap- tain of Guard, Sir Kt. t W. M. Lemesurier ; Director of Cere- monies, Sir Kt. t W. S. Evans; Almoner, SirKt. t W. S. Wil- son; First Standard Bearer, Sir Kt. t A. G- Isaacson; Second do., Sir Kt. t Wm. McCauiey i Pursuivant, Sir Kt. t James Martin ; Guard, Fr. Geo. D. Reid. Izabud Council, R. S- Masters. — At pleasure of thrice Illus- trious Masters. Richard Cceur de Lion Encampment. — 4th Thursday in each month at British Masonic Chambers. St. Helena Conclave, No. 21 — Knights of Constantino— 4th Tuesday in each month. J\^ntreal Sovereign Consistory, 32 degrees. Ancient and Ac cepikd Scottish Riter-ith. Tuesday in each month in the Asylum, St. Catherine street. Hochelaga Chapter of Rose Croix. 18 Degrees, A. & A S.R. — 3rd Tuesday in each month, in the Asylum, 1448 St. Catherine street- Bochelaga Grand Lodge of Perfection, 14 Degrees, A. d; A' S- i2.-^3rd Tuesday in each month, in the Asylum, 1448 St. Catherine street. ^ , ^ USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINB OIL. Seo Advt. page I.4. INCH.. RATESL (kCCIDENT POLICIES ISSUED iigenoles In all principal towns. FOB ANY I«£NOTH 0» a. Oil ch'K^feSSl^^f^SSSttfe^E^^d^^SKIiio- S S5d »o o a crr- »• 2 •« »' .^ » •« *• « w ^ &§. B ""SB «> 1 : 2.§ • ^5'S O 00 BgB o » o 2" CO "o Jo n OB o "B r o* • o OB OB Hp* rS 2 3 S c c 3 o Ss ss; p S.O B £,» ,0 r* e* B* B r§ ^= e-c CD O ^>- Q^ ^ ^ QCCC IS h3« B"S* g-p. •\ W> «N o K3.^o 5; o: o CS Ct»B B pr^B B • D B 0.2.00 p S 9* Pas r : s s r^^ fed •. ^ ^ O B?g: • P §: :: 3- &-S 5 wtritHaig^giw M^^^< as 5 2 s^ •ON S p* o o p* CD o (D O B a O THB COOK'S FKIEXD BAKING POWDBBt MBest to Vft^** f^e Advt. page & ii' f if I < 1 . 'f g THE CITIZENS INSURANCE C03IP ANT.— FIRE BRANCH. All classes of RUkM taken at moderate rates. 176 ODD-FELL )W8. I. 0. OF ODD FELLOWS, M. U. Montreal Districi.—Yrov. Qrand Master, John Ion ; Deputy Prov. Grand Master, C. Limons ; oorresponding seoretaryi H. E. Tuoker ; treasurer, J. Findlay , trustees, D. Cunningham and B. J. flickey; auditors, W. Papp, J. Mitchell, R. G. Pettigrew. Loyal Montreal Lodge, No. 3,115.— Noble, N. G. ; W. Tyler, G. M. ; W. Cook, V. G. ; J. Reed, F. S. ; J. Findlay, treasurer. Loyal Victoria Lodge^ No. 5,896.— R. Penk, G- M. ; J. Oar- miohael, N. G. ; G. Cook, V. G. ; W.Papp, F. S. ; D. Robinson, treasurer. Loyal Excelsior Lodge, No. 6.237— G. Tyler, G. M. ; Jas. Mitchell, N. G. ; Wm. Brunell, V. G.; John Uyde,R. S.; J. Robinson, F. S. ; Walter Reed, treasurer. Loyal Star of the We««, iVb. 6,315.— C. Williams. G. M. ; W. Powell, N. G. ; W. Murdook, V. G., R. S. ; C. Salsbury, F. S. ; W. Burnham, treasurer. Loyal Trafalgar Lodge, No, 6,319. Wm. Anderson, G. M. G. J. Hunt, N. G. ; W. Keating, V. G. ; W. Kirk, R. S. ; J. Brophy. F. S. ; B. J. Hiokey, treasurer. Loyal St. Hyacinthe Lodge, No. 6,320.— A. Racine, N. G. ; J. R. Foster, G.M.; W. Broderick, R. S.; A. J. Beattie, F.S.; G. F. Burnett, treasurer. Loyal Palmeraton Lodge, Valleyfield, No. 6,350.— A. Arm- strong, N. G.; J. Crichton, V. G' ; Dr. Sutherland, treasurer; A. Forbes, F. S. Royal Arch Chapter of Oddfelloioahip, M, U'— Maple Leaf Chapter No. 1.— B. J. Hickey, A. G. M. ; J. Ion, N. G. M. ; C. Simmons, V. G M. ; W. T. Anderson, Grand Warden ; H. E. Tuoker, Grand Secretary; T. H. Sully, Grand Treasurer ; C Williams, Grand Guardian. OEANGE ORDEE. \ The ffohah Black Pr€ceptory,\No. 155.— Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month . Royal Scarlet Chapter.— MeQtBj)n the 14th of each month. County Lodge.— Annvial meeting 3rd Wednesday in Febru- ary. District Lodge.— Annual meeting 2nd Tuesday in January. Quarterly meetings 2nd Tuesday in April, July and October. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Olli, y ' See Advt. page 14. THE CITIZKNS INSITRANCi: CO.—Flri'. Life, OuarHUtea Hfifl Arcidf^nt. rnpftHi i9t, 188,000. OKDEtt OF FORRESTERS. 177 Derry L. 0. L. No. 224.— Meets 2nd Friday Id every mon^h. Duke of York L. 0. L.t No. 413.— Meets 2nd Wednesday lu every month. Victoria £> O'L't No' 350— Meets 4th Wednesday in every month . Boyne L. 0. A.. No. 401.-^Meets 3rd Friday in every month. Dominion L. 0. X., No, 1263.— Meets 3rd Friday in every month . The above meet in the Orange Hall, 81 St- James st- Lome L. 0. X., No. 1373.— Meets Ist Wednesday in every month in St. Charles Club House, Point St. Charles. Ilucket L. 0. X., No. 1474.— Meets 2nd Tuesday in every month at Orange Hall, 132 Chatham street. Provincial Grand Ziorff/e— Annual meeting, 3rd Tuesday in February, 1881 in Montreal. Orange Young Bruojuh.— Star of the East No. 70.— Meets IRt Wednesday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James St. Prince of Orange No. 80— .Meets 1st Friday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Hackct^ No. 133— Meets 2ad Tuesday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 6t James st. St. Charles No. 98.— Meets 2nd Friday in every month, in Orange Hall, Point St. Charles. Obange True Blubs.— i\^> Surrender* No, 21.— Meets 2nd Thursday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Walkort No. 26.— Meets 2nd Wednesday In every month, in Orange Hall Pt. St. Charles. Prentice Boys— /Si. George's No. 26.— Meets 2nd Monday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James st( ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Montreal United District.— Triwfee*.— W. Anderson, of Court 5,694; J. T. 8. Webb, M.D., 5,774; T D. Reed, M.D., 5,889; T. J. Bedford, 5,889. OMcera.^Wl. Anderson,, chief ranger; Jas. Cole, sub-chief; H. S. Lomas, treasurer- address, Lomas' Club House, Point St. Charles; C Saisbury, secretiry, 22 St. Peter street, St. Henri— P. 0- address, Audit Ofl&oe, G.T. Rail way, Montreal. TH£ COOK'S FBI£ND ISAKINQ FOWDJBK. «< Be«t in Use." 12 \ ! II ( ! iiy r i l,.5- !|: li J r .1 ■I ICHE CITIZENS INSUBANCB COMPANir.-FIRE, LIFK, SIB HUGH AbfiAN, President; 178 STE. CUNNEGONDE VILLAGE. Court Mount Royals No. 5,694.— Meets every alternate Friday, at Lomas' Club House, Point St. Charles. Seoretary, J. Ed- wards, 122 McQill street. Court Allan? 8 Pride, No. 5,774.— Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in each month, at 666^ Craig street. Seoretary, C. Quintin, 207 McGill street. Court St. Jude, No. 5,889.— Meets every alternate Thursday, at the West End Hall, 132 Chatham street. Secretary, T. J. Bedford, Audit Office, Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal. STE. GUNEGONDE VILLAGE. . ^incorporated 1876.) Corporation. — Chas. F. Lalonde, mayor. Councillors : L. H. Henault, chairman, fire and police committee ; Joseph Luttrell, chairman finance committee; S- Delisle, chairman health committee ; Alexis Piche, chairman road committee ; Alexis Goderre, chairman license comijiittee ; and 0. Deslaurier, chair- man water committee ; J . Rainville, secretary treasurer : F. X. Desjardins, assistant secretary-treasurer ; Auditors, T. J. Bed- ford, and Chas. F. Porlier. The Council meets on the 1st Monday of each month. Chief of fire and police force, Chas. T. Poirier. Water Works, Berger and Beique, proprietors. J. A. U. Beaudry, architect. Chas. F. Porlier. cashier and inspector. Commissioners Court— S. Delisle, president i L. H. Henault, H. Morin, Jos. Luttrell, Frs. Payette, O. Provost. Louis Roy. J. Rainville, clerk. USE STOCK'ci KKTUA MACHINIS OIL* See Advt. page 14. [RE, JjIFR, , President; ite Friday, py, J. Ed- id and 4th cretary, C. Thursday, tary, T. J. eal> E. ois : L. H. )h Luttrell, an health ee; Alexis Tier, ohair- irer ; F. X. T. J. Bed- st Monday . Henault, Louis Roy. OIIm GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT.- CAPITAX, Sl,188,000. GERALD E. HART, General Manager. r QUEBEC. 179 QUEBEC. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. J. T- Brouseau, Mayor. L. A. Cannon, city clerk ; N. Fages, assistant clerk ; C. J. L- Lafrance, city treasurer : John Boomer, assistant city treasurer ; Matthew F. Walsh, accountant ; John W. Wright, check clerk ; Arthur Gingras, clerk ; Charles Baillairg^, city surveyor and water works manager ; P. Campeau, assistant road surveyor ; Jeremiah Gallagher, assistant water works manager ; A. B. McConnell, clerk ; Pierre Bovin, keeper Chateau d'Eau ; Lieut- Col. L. P. Vohl, chief of police ; Philip Dorval, chief of the fire brigade; Philippe Brunelle, chief telegraph operator; 0. Begin, deputy chief telegraph operator ; Gr. Noreau, Jr., assis- tant telegrai>h operator; Maurice OtLeary, Joseph Onesime V6zina, J. A. Grenier, assessors ; P. Murphy and L. A. Lebrecque. auditors ; Charles Trudelle, Leon Bertrand, and N. Guay, market clerks ; R. Roy and E- Renaud, collectors of Palace Harbour revenue; E. A. D^ry, recorder; Edward Foley, clerk ofc ourt; Augustin Malouin, deputy clerk; J. Baptiste Plamondon, head bailiff: Joseph Belanger, Uldric Desroches and J. Trudelle, bailiffs ; L. G. Baillarg6, attorney; Adolphe Tourangeau, notary public ; Peter A. Wright, guar- dian and chief messenger. COURTS OF JUSTICE, TERMS, &c. See pages 97 to 105. POST OFFICE. J. B. Pruneau Postmaster J. E. Bolduc. ...... .Assistant Postmaster. A. W. Lebel, money order and Savings Bank clerk; C. Chamberland, B. Laoasse, 0. Biron, W. Handford, L. A. Rochette. W. White, Z. Gagnon, E. English, F. Gaboury, T. Morrisett, M. Myler, J. E. Carrier, P. A. Maingay, N. J. B. Turner, F. E- Lane, C- Lacombe, and O. Plamondon, clerks; T. Denechaud, house-keeper. Poet OJHp^ Inspector's Office.— W'Q, Sheppard, inspector; J. L. Anctil. assistant inspector; 0. Frechette, H. Huot, Q. Vohl, and J. L. A. Beaudry, clerks; H. A. Murphy, N. A. Beaudet, J- Deslauriers, G. Lapointe, E- Blondeau, L. N. Dionne, T* Gaudry, D- Blondeau, L. H- Garneau, J. O. Pageau, 0- Talbot, L. Furios, G. Eventurel, J. T.Methot, E. Hudon, F. X. Labb^, J. G. Bourget, and D. C. Dagneau, railway mail clerks ; Jules Boivin, messenger) THE COOH*8 FRIEND BAKING FOWDSB. <* B«Mit in Use.** ■!' t I I l! t. "i \'h ■ I; ''J. :l: crrizsNS cksubancb compant.— liirB bbanob. THIS COMFANT. Agencies 180 QUEBEC. QUEBEC EXCHANGE. Arthur street, L.T Managing Committee.— W eston Hunt, chairman ; W. Brodie, J. C. Thompson, D. Rattray, J. G. Ross, W. Rae, R. R. Dobell ; William Walker; secretary-treasurer ; Frank JohnstOQi superintendent. BOARD OF TRADE. Office, Exchange Buildings, Arthur street, L.T. Ojfficera.—Ovren Murphy, president ; T. Ledroit. vice-presi- dent; H. W. Welch, treasurer; F. H. Andrews, secretary. Council.— A. Fraser. R. R. Dobell, J. Patton; W. Hunt, H. Dinning) W- Brodie, B. Verret, R. H. Smith, W. Sharpless, J. Shehyn, M.P.P. CROWN TIMBER LANDS. 7 Sault-au-Matelot street, L.T. Collector of Crown Timber dues, McLoan Stewart ; assistant, JohnMackay; Pierre Miller, clerk. HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS. Custom House. *' Meet every Wednesday at 3 p.m. P. V. Valin, chairman ; R. R. Dobell, James Patton, J. Chabot, Hon. Thomas McQreevy, M.P., J. B. Forsyth, W. Rae, Ferdinand Hamel, John Sharpies; Francois Gourdeau, harbour master ; A. H. Verret, secretary-treasurer. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. Custom House. Officers,— 3. M. LeMoine, district inspector ; G. Larue, collec- tor; J. H. Cahill, accountant; Geo. Bourassa, Joseph Roleau, M. McNamara, Geo. Neilan, John Courtney, Chas. Belanger, Jules Lemoine and F. X. La Traversay, excisemen. SUPERVISOR OF CULLER'S OFFICE. 7 Sault-au-Matelot street, L.T. Supervisor of cullers, Wm. Quinn; deputy, Alexander Fraser; cashier, T. J. Walsh: book-keeper, E. Gowan; specification clerks, M. O'Brien, G. A. DeBlois Patrick Lsmbert, W.F. Whelan, G. P. L. DeMartigny, Jcs. £. Belland, Z. Lavasseur, Jas. Foley, F. Poliquin, js. P. Grogan, Chas. Bellerive; messenger, John Tierney. USX: STOCK'S EXTRA 3IACHINE bee Advt. pug^e 14. OII«. BRANCH. Agencies . Brodie, Fohnstoiii ice-presi- tary. Hunt, H. harpless, assistant, atton« J. , W. Rae, , harbour je.ooUec- Koleau, Belanger, r Eraser ; cification irt, W.F. avasseur, lelleriTe ; Olli. T.n'B POLICIES OF ETEBT DESCRIPTION ISSUED BY In all principal towns. QUEBEC. 181 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Old Military Bakery, St. Andrew street. Abdon Cot6, inspector ; Joseph Gregoire, Philip Bourassaf and W. Adams, assistants; Thos. Lemieux, messenger. GAS INSPECTION. Old Military Bakery, St. Andrew street. N. LeVasseur, inspector. ADULTERATION OF FOOD. OflBce, Ste. Anne street, U.T. Professor F. A. H. Larue, analyst and chemist. l-__ CONSULATES. Argentine Confederation.— John Arthur Maguire, 118 St. Peter St., L.T. Belgium—Loms Bohls, consul ; A.fJoseph, vice-consul ; 71 St* Peter St., L-T. Chili and Peru.— John Laird, St. Lawrence Chambers, 113 St. Peter street, L-T. Denmark.— Q. T- Pemberton, 117 St. Peter street, L'T. jPmnce.— Albert Lefaivre, 10 DesCarri^res street, U.T. German Empire. —Charles Pitl, 61 Dalhousie street. Italy.— Gt. T. Pemberton, 167 St. Peter street, L.T. Monte Ftrfeo.—Charles P. Champion,166 St. Peter street, L.T. NetJierlands.-Q. J. Janseut consul, Dean's Building, 61 St. Peter street, L.T. Sweden and Norwajj.-W. A. Schwartz, consul ; A. Falken- berg, vice-consul, St. James street, U.T. Portugal.— "E. Carbray, consul, 114 St. Peter streot, L.T. Spain.— ^enot le Compte de Premio-Real, conisul-genoral for the Confederation of Canada and British and French Possess- ions in North America, 57 St. Ann street. United States.— Ron. John N. Wassan, Stt Ann street, U-T. THE COOK'S FK1L:M> BAKING POWDER. •'Best in Usa." I! 1 I Ii i- ; if I ■ t' !- !■■ :\ i m THB CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY. — ACCIDSNl COMPENSATED. WEEKIiY RELIEF CUSTOM HOUSE. Pointe-^u-Carcy. J. W. Dunsoomb, oolleotor. Long Room.—^. N. Ross, chief olerk ; Vincent Cazeau, clerk and cashier ; Ohas. Gouin, Ed. Huot, E- L. J. Giroux, N. L. G. Belleau, Eug. Doucet, and A. V. Dion, clerks; D. D. O'Meara, measuring surveyor ; J. Grif- fiths, housekeeper and guardian ; C Juneau, fireman ; Landing Surveyor^a Department. — James A. Green, surveyor and ware- housekeeper ; L^andre Dugal, assistant do- and head locker; H. Higgins. John Hogan, Jean Rouillard, Charles Marcotte, James Batterton, J. B. Dion, R. Gauchon, and W. E. Edge, lockers; Geo. Golley and A. Q. Hawkins, clerks to surveyor; W. N. Lee, chief landing waiter ; A. E. Langevin, second land- ing waiter ; W. H. Carter, third landing waiter ; Hugh McHugh, and A. G. Bowden, samplers and weighers ; Louis Bilodeau, appraiser; M, Gauvin, assistant do.; John Deary and Owen Hannon, porters. Water Side department — Alfred Wheeler, tide surveyor; E.Larue, assistant do.; F. Deslauriers, E. Trudel, J. McGillivray, M. Brophy, D. Byrne, Thos. Browne, H. Marmion, J. Fanning, James O'Brien, R. Moflfatt, W. Bulger, A. Mc Williams, R. Jessop, J. Murtagh, Jas Clififord, A. Beauchaiup, J. Convey, Thos. Parke, P. Vallerand, tide waiters; W. Hamilton and Thomas Burns, night watchmen ; Joseph Lemieux, and M. McManus, cockswains ; A. Bisson- eault, J. Tierney, 0. Noel. fl. Jobin, J. Hawley. D. Lecours, N. Pouliot, C. Labonte, boatmen. Out Posts. — A. G. Bus- sidres and R. C. Blair, sub-collectors; J. Radford and A. Comeau, preventive ofiBcers. FIRE ALARM SIGNAL BOXES. Box. iYo. ST. LEWIS WARD. 2. Corner St. Ann street and Esplanade 3. Corner Des Grissons and Ste. Genevieve streets 4. Corner of Haldimand and St. Lewis streets 5. Comer Garden and Ann streets 6. Corner of Buade and Fort streets 7. Comer St. Eustache and St. George streets PALACE WARD. 8. Corner Ste. Famille and Hubert streets . ' T 12. Corner of St. John and Collins streets " ' " 13. Corner Palace and McMahon streets 14. Corner St. John and Stanislas streets USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Oil.. See Advt. page 14. UKANCH— PERSONAL INJURIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENT AryoRBED. Atjencl*»8 In r^ll principal town.-* QUEBEC. 183 Box No, CHAMPLAIN WARD. 15. Dinning's Shipyard. 845 Champlain street 16. Taylor's Grocery, 716 Champlain street 17. Fire Station, 480 Champlain street 21. Giblin's House, 301 Champlain street 23> Jalbert's foundry, 119 Champlain street ST. PETER'S WARD. 24. Corner Arthur and Dalhousie streets 25. Chinio, Beaudet & Co., foot of Mountain Hill 26. Fire Station, Sault-au-Matelot 27. Foot of Dambourges Hill 31. Lemesurier's Building, St. Paul street 32. Fire Station, St. Paul's Market I; :; UN 34. Corner 25. Corner 36. Corner 37. Corner 41. Corner 42. Corner 43. Corner 45. Corner JACQURS-CARTIER WARD. Des Prairies and St. Dominick streets. Desfosses and Dupont streets Valier and Delachapelle streets Church and St. Joseph streets Dorchester and Notre Dame des Anges streets Valier and Belleau streets Colomb and Nelson streets St. Anselme and St. Joseph streets ST. ROCH'S WARD. 46. Corner Caron and Queen streets 47. Corner Queen and Crown streets 51. Corner Queen and Dupont streets 52. Corner St. Dominick and St. Francois streets 53. Corner St. James and Kyiand streets MONTCALM WARD. 54. Corner Artillery nnd St. Eustache streets 56. Corner St. Augustin and St. Patrick streets 57. Fire Station, corner St. Patrick and Berthelot streets 61. Corner D'Artigny and Amable streets 62. Bon Pasteur, Amable street 63. Corner Grand All^e, Catholic Cemetery ST. JOHN'S WARD. 64. Corner St John and DeSallaberry streets 65. Corner St. John a.nd Sutherland streets 67. Corner St. John and C6te Ste. Genevieve streets 71. Corner St. Olivisr and St. Clair streets 72. Corner St. Augustin and St George streets 73. House of Parliament, Palace ward 7. Corner St. Eustache and St. George streets i' ■?■ I ■■"» THE COOK'S FRIEND BAikINO FOWD «< Best in Use." IV '< III < I hi : I I THE CITIZENS INSUUANCK COirPANY.— FTBE BRANCH. will h« quoted. Ajjenclfti* 184 QUEBEC. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE- Allaire, Paul Herring, William Amiot, Louis Holmes, William E. Anderson, M. Wheatley Jones, Horatio Nelson Bipaouette, F^lix Thomas Joseph, Abraham Bolduc Henry Kirwin, William Bennett, Benson Laird, John Blais, Louis Eugdne Louis, Joseph Blais. Jacques E. ^ Lortie, Dominique Brousseau, L^ger "■ Marsden, William Bedard, Joachim Miller, William Belleau, Alfred G- Mich on, Etienne B^langer, Victor Miller, Geone Blakeston, Haymond Maheux, Nicholas Boivin, Louis Murphy. Owen Burns, Thomas Mailloux. Joseph Amed^e Bourget, Louis Marcotte, Louis Coanolly, Michael McCallum, Daniel Connolly, James McGicj Daniel Campbell, William Darling McBlain, Henry Clapham, John Greaves McCorkell, James Coveney, Edward Nesbett John James Cot6. Augustin Nolette, Isaie Dunscomb, John iv'. Parke, George Holmes Dionne, Fortune Peters, Simon Dorion. Isaac Paris, Joseph Dinning, James Porteous, John Dobell, Richard R. Peachy, Ferdinand Drum, Samuel W . Par6, Joseph Falardeau, Louis Robitaille, Joseph Fry Henry Rousseau, Edouard Fitzgerald, John Kenaud, John Baptiste Glackmeyer, Edward Rinfret, Remi Ferdinand Glackmeyer, Samuel J. Rae, William Gingras, Jean Elie Russel, Willis Giblin, .John Sewell, James A. Gauvreau. Pierre Shaw. Robert . Garneau, Pierre St. Michel, Charles Germa' i. Norbert Shehyn, Joseph Giroux, Edouard Sharpies, William Giroux, Pierre Swift, Henry Gale, John V- - Shee, Patrick Gosselin, Jonas Tourangeau, Pierre G. Gilchin, Thomas Tessier, Cyrille HameU Abraham Tremblay, George T. Hossack, James Temple, Charles V. M. Hamilton, Robert Withall, William John Henchey, Patrick Wurtele, William G. Hagens, Hans Wurtele, Richard Henry 1 D. Murray, Clerk of the Peace. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Oil.. See Advt. page 14. RANCH. ^e L. Household Risks specially desired, for which low fissures In all prmoipal towns. QUEBEC. 185 BANKS. Bank of British North America.— C' F. Smith, manager, St. Peter street, L • T . Bank of Montreal — J. Porteous, manager, corner St. Peter and Arthur streets, L.T. Banque Nationale.—F . V^zina, cashier, 77 St. Peter street. Merchants'' Bank.— U. M- Price, manager, 79 St. Peter street. Quebec Bank — J. Stephens' »n, cashier, Quebec Bank Build- ings, corner St. James and St. Peter streets, L.T. Stadacona Bank.—W. R. Dean, cashier, 72 St. Peter street. — In liquidation. — Union Bank —P. MacEwan, cashier, St. Peter street, L. T. Savings Branch Union Bank, formerly Quebec f rovident and Savings Bank. — J. Veasey, cashier, 9 St- Louir street, U-T. • Savings Bank — Head Office, 77 St. Peter stieet; H. V^zina, manager ;F.R. A. V^zina, sec. -treasurer, l^ranches. — 23 St. John street; T- Z- L. V<5zina, accountant ; 107 St. Joseph street, B. Pag^, accountant; Levis, Louis P. N. flamel, accountant. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. Protestant Board— \V. Hossack, chairman; W. Walker. W. Wurtele, R. H- Smith, J. Whitehead, Rev. C. Hamilton, M.A., Rev. A. N. MacQuarrie, B.A., secretary-treasurer. Roman Catholic Board — Rev. J. Auclair, N. Hamel, secre- tary-treasurer. Commercial Printing House. 54r St. IFraiacois Xavier Street^ MONTREAL. LA^AA FORMS jczhj^t iisr stock:. J. THEO. ROBINSON. THB COOK'S FRI£ND BAKING FOWD£B. •• Best la Use." I I . i I ■■ ■ \ THE CITIZBNS IMSURANOB OO.— STRICT ECONOMY IN SIR HUGH ALLAN. President.* OTTAWA- CITY GOVERNMENT. -1880. Mayor, C. Mackintosh. Victoria Ward. — Aldermen : Chas. A. Christin, John Dobier, and A. Masson. Wellingfon WWrrf.— Aldermen : David Scott, J. C- Jamieson, and J. Lanjf. St. George's Ware?.-— Aldermen ; Geo. A. Harris, Jas. Eglo- son, and A. 0. F. Coleman. By Tfarrf— Aldermen : John Heney, M. Starrs, and Dr. St. Jean. Oificera of Corporation —W . P. Lett city clerk and registrar of births, marriages and deaths ; H- Jackson, accountant and assistant city clerk ; T. H. Kirby, treasurer ; T. W. Thompson collector; J. Lindsay, accountant; R. Sur tees, city engineer; Weldon Champness, clerk ; J. O'Reilly, license inspector; A. Pratt, assessment commissioner; Jos. Riopelie and Wm. Porter, assessors ; R. O'Reilly and S. Bothwell, auditors- Police Commissionera.— The Mayor, Judge of County Court and Police Magistrate ; tl. L'lpierre, city sjlicitor. Police Court.— The Mayor, Judge of County Court and Police Magistrate, commissioners ; M. O'Gara, police magis- trate ; W. P. Lett, clerk ; A. P. Sherwood, chief of police ; Dr. Robillard, health inspector ; Onesime Groulx, detective. CUSTOM HOUSE. Z. W ilson. collector ; J. T. Bartram, surveyor ; W. McAgy, appraiser; W. S. Kirby, chief clerk; G- J. Horm, J. B. Steary, clerks; A. Heney, S. C Kier, landing waiters ; Hugh McLean, acting landing waiter; J. J. McGowan, storeman and packer ; G. R.Johnson, messenger. Office hours, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Registrar of shipping, Z. Wilson, collector of customs; sur- veyor und measurer of shipping, — Stockdale. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. M. Battle, collector; J. M. B. Henry, deputy collector ; J. S. Brough, J. L. Oliver, excise oflOioers. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14, IKANAOEMENT A LIBEBAIilTY TO POLICT HOIiDJCBS. GERALD B. HABT, General Manager. OTTAWA. 187 WATER WORKS' OFFICES. R. Surtees. manager ; E. Pinard, oolleotor; J> F-Ounniog- ham, J. Lang, clerks : H. T. Oorvan, bailiff; W. Q. Williams, polioeman. BOARD OF TRADE. Hon. J. Skead, president ; E. McGillivray, vice-president ; J. Cunningham, treasurer; J. H. P. Gibson, secretary. Council— F. Clemow, J- W. McRae, W. Pennock, T- Pat- terson, J- C. Brennan, J. Heney, J. A. Pinard, J. Kavanagh, P. Larmonth, D. Murphy, C. McGee, J. W. Russell. Arbitrators.— R. W. Cruice, W. Scott, E. E. Lauzon, M* Starrs, W. Shoolbred, C- S. Shaw, M. K. Dickinson, P. Conway T. Birkett. Board Room, Young Men's Christian Association, corner of Sparks and O'Connor streets. BANKS Bank of Montreal. — 0«a?oa Branch.— A. Drummond, manager ; J. W. de C. O'Grady, accountant ; A. Montizambert, teller; John Maitland, assistant teller ; A- fe. Monk, discount clerk; C A Eliot, ledger-keeper; J. S- C. Fraser, junior clerk; S. J. Plunkett, Government clerk; J. C. Eearns. mes- senger. /;, ,,^ ,:•.'., :■•;■, ^ .;>■ Bank OP British North America. — 0«aj(7 a Branch.— Office, Wellington street.— W D. Chambers, manager ; J. C. Welsh, accountant ; Alf. Duff us, teller ; R. Morris, discount clerk ; G. A. Robinson, ledger- keeper : J. Larden, messenger. Canadian Bank op Comverce. — Ottawa Branch. — Office, Victoria Hotel Block, Wellington street.— Jeffrey Hale, mana- ger ; S. J. Bull, teller; J.H. Thompson, accountant; E. Corri- dan, messenger. Merchants' Ba^k,— Ottawa Branch.— OSiae, corner Sparks and Metcalf streets. —W.H. Rowley, manager; E. D. Arnaud, accountant; F. Gemmitt, teller; Chas. DeBoucherville, ledger- keeper ; F. May, junior clerk. La Banque Nationale and Savings BAHK.-Ottaioa Branch. —Office, Wellington street. S- Benoit, manager ; A. P. A. Rintret, accountant ; A. J. St. Pierre, teller; A. Hardy, ledger- keeper ; A. Gulbrandsen, messenger. THB OOOK'S FRIEND BAKINQ l'OVVJi±;K« •« Beit In Use " THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COIIIPANY.—LIFE BRANCH. RIGID ECONOMY PRACTISED, 188 (TTAWA. Ontario Baxk and Savings Bask.— Ottawa Branch. — Office, north-east corner of Wellington and Metcalfe streets. J H. Woodman, manager; G. R Bartlett, accountant; A. Denny, teller; P. Tamblyn, ledger-keeper; P. Fitzgerald* messenger. Bank of Ottawa and Savings Bank.— Office, Wellington street, south side, corner of O'Connor. G. Burn, manager ; W. J. Christie, accountant; J. Bellonk, John A. Bangs, tellers; J. B- Monk^ ledger-keeper ; J. Martin, messenger. Quebec Bank and Savings BAnic.—Ottaioa jffrcmcZi. —Office, Wellington street, opposite the Houses of Parliament. H. V. Noel, manager; W. M- Richards, accountant, C.V.Noel, 1st teller ; J. H- Pinhey, discount clerk ; C A- Moore» deposit ledger ; G- A- Shaw, cash book ; Robert Miller, messenger. Union Bank of L. C and Savings Bank— 0«atoa Branch. —Office, corner Rideau and Little Sussex streets. M. A. An- derson, manager ; E. E. Webb, accountant and teller; C R. Armstrong, ledger-keeper ; J. Martin, messenger. Justices of the Peace for the City George Hay, William H. Thompson, W. p. Lett. Donald M. Grant, A. Pratt, Jos. Kavanagh, Hammet Hill, M.D. Jas. O'Connor, J. R. Esmond. Wm. Byers, Wm. Cousens, R. O'Connor, J. P. Taylor, J. Hickey, County of Carleton resident in the of Ottawa. Alexander Workman, Thomas Linsrrell, M O'Gara. P.M. F. Clemow, L- Perkins, H. Grist. Jas. Culbert, Jr. J. A. Pinard, Francis Abbott, J. C. Bowers, T. McCaffrey, A. J. Russell, R. Cummings. CITY REGISTRY OFFICE. A. Burritt. registrar; K. Graburn, dep. registrar. Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. : , County Courts, District of Carleton, Prescott AND Russell- General Sessions and County Courts, xcith Jit ry— Tuesday, June 14 and December 13. County Court Sittings, without Jury — Monday, April 14, and October 3. County and Surrogate Court 2'enns— January 3 to 8, inclusive ; April 4 to 9, inclusive; July 4 to 9, inclusive ; October 3 to 8 inclusive. . USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIIi. See Advt. page 14. -^ CXDOUBTED SECURITY IS AFFORDXID AND THBM08T Acrenctefl in all prlucipal towns. ADVERTISEMENT. 189 JAMES HOPE & CO. QIS^TA'WA, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS AND IMPORTERS OF General Stationery, Artists' Materials, Scbool Books, Bibles, Chnrcb Services, Prayer Boobs, Pbotog^rapbic Albnnis, Ac, Particular attention given to the manufacture of BLANK BOOKS of the best material and workmanship. • BOOKBINDING and PAPER RULING in all their branches ^ "' executed in the best manner and with despatch, > ' THB COOK'S FRIEND UA&ING FOWO£R» •* Best in Use " ! m ■' OITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— GUAKANTEB ISSUED WITHOUT EXTRA PREMIUM. 190 OTTAWA. Division Court SiTTiNos—Opens at 10 a m. ■ ' •-a 24 • 14 10 12 11 9 8 • :^ 28 7 3 2 6 1 4 1 2 3 • a 25 14 10 15 13 12 • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • 23 • • 2 fl t • « ••J ! • • • . ! 24 .. 16.. 18 .. 17 .. 15.- 14.. ..11 23.- 22-. 25 .. 21 .. 24.. 21 . 22 .. 23.. 1 22 18 20 19 17 16 ^8 • > o 28 • • • • • • 21 • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • V Car let on : No. 1 Division, Ottawa City. Circuit Diyisiona : No 2. K.i<^}iinnnrl. ........... 16 24 1 ..il3 .. 15 .. 14 ..|12 ..11 5i.. 19 8 No 3 Cprn 10 No. 4, Mohr's Corners No. 5. North Oower • • 9 7 No. 7, Bell's Corners. Preacott Circuit Divisions : No. 1. L'Oriorinal • • 10 • • • • • • 6 No. 2, Vankleek Hill No. 3, East Hawkesbury No- 4, Flantagenet. .... No. 7, Hawkesbury Village.. . No. 8, Caledonia Flats Russell Circuit Divisions: R. No. 6, Cumberland R. No. 6, Dune anville C. No. 6, Metcalfe.. 8 7 10 6 9 13 14 15 • t • 8 7 10 6 9 20 21 22 Judicial Officers.— James Daniell, county judge, Prescot, and Russell; W. A. Ross, county judge, Carleton; Robt. Lyont junior county judge, CHrleton ; W. M. Matheson, master and deputy registrar in Chancery, Ottawa ; Robert Lees, county attorney and clerk of the peace ; J. Sweetland, sheriff, county of Carleton; J. P. Featherstone, deputy clerk of Crown, clerk of county court, and registrar of surrogate, Ottawa. A. AV. Powell, jailor ; W. Johnson, turnkey. County Officers —County Town,Ottawa, D. Beattie, (M.D.), warden; William Cowan, treasurer; Charles MoNab, clerk; W. Mosgrove, solicitor; Rev. John May, M. A., inspector of public schools ; Dr. Beattie, Judge Ross, county auditors and auditors of school moneys ; Dr. Church, surgeon of the gaol ; R. Sparks, P.L.S., county engineer ; Wm. Gordon, county constable and license inspector ; W. McEwen, custodian. County of Carleton Registry Office.— W. H. Waller' registrar ; Wm. Pole, deputy registrar. Oflfice hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CoRONBRS.— Abraham Pratt, H. T. Corbett, M.D., A. Pratt USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL, Stx? il;i.— Organized. 18t)7; rooms, 28 O'Connor street.— C. Falcrner, president ; B. H. Teales, G. May; Prot. Kingston, J. Campbell, A. Pritohnrd, VV. H. Qed- des, T. Crawlty, J. Gibson, J. P. Taylor, vice-presidents; D. D. Maopherson, treasurer; F. J. Heath, librari.m ; C. W. Jen- kins, p. M vice-presidents; Rev. W. Armstrong, cor. secretary; Rev. R* Gavin, rec. secretary; C W. Jenkins, treasurer; E- A. Perry» depositary. County of Carleton Protestant Hospital, foot of Ridoau street. — G. Hay, president; J. P. Featherstone, vice-president; W. Cousens, secretary ; A. Workman, treasurer; W. Ponnock, T. W. Kenny, H. Grist. E. Botterell, jr. ; C Magee, J. Durie, H. Meadows, Wm. Mills, G. May, J. Hill, A. Mann, directors ; Mrs- Gooderson, matron; Drs. Hill, Grant, Sweetland, and Leggo, consulting physicians ; Drs. McDougall. Church, Wright Henderson* Hursey, Malloch, and Rogers, attending physicians* • Protestant Orphans* Home, Albert street —Mrs. H. F.^Bron- son, ]8t directress; Mrs. J. Tilton, 2nd directress; Mrs. A. Christie, 3rd directress ; Mrs. J. Thorburn, rec. secretary ; Mrs. W. H. Walker, cor secretary; Mrs. A. Scott, treasurer ; Dr. Rogers, attending physician; H. Hill, M.D., Dr. E. Malloch, and J. A. Grant, M.D., FRCS, of Edinburgh, consulting physicians ; Mrs. Fraser, matron and general superintendent; Miss bymms, teacher ; about 41 orphans and 1 adult in the Home. Unity Protestant Benefit «S'octeej/.— Incorporated by Act of Parliament. W. Hill, president ; J. Beehler, 1st vice-president ; A. Pain, 2nd do. do ; W. Mills, hon. seoretary for life ; J. Jal- land, financial seoretary ; H. Davies, treasurer ; Dr. Church, physician ; D. Storey, recording secretary ; J. Hamilton, assist, secretary ; Thos. Kirby, W. Smith, auditors ; an eflBcient com- mittee and stewards; Society meets in Odd Fellows Hall, Rideau street, 1st Monday in every month, at 8 p.m. General Hospital, Water street-— Under the direction of the Sisters of Charity ; Sister Rivet, directress ; Sister Lefebvre, eoonomist; Dr. Grant, coDsulting physician; Drs. St. Jean, Robillard. Provost, Valade, and Uiggins. surgeons. THB COOK'S FBI£ND BAKING POWDER. MBeiit to Vi^ " Ae« Advt. page a TELK CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— 8116,000 deposited wltli Canadian Government. Agencies in all prinolpal townjk 192 OTTAWA. St. Patrick's Orphan Asyhim, Maria street.— D. O'Connor, president ; W. McCaffrey, vice-president; W. Wall, treasurer; R. Devlin, secretary; Rev. Dr. O'Connor, spiritual director; Sister K j-rtha, superioress. St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, cor. Cathcart and Sussex sts.— Sister B. Thibaudeau, superioress; Sister Ste. Cecilia, direc- tress ; established in 1860, under the care of the Grey Nuns- St, Charles Asylum for Aged People^ Water St.— Under tho care of the Sisters of Charity ; Sister Sauv^, directress. FIRE BRIGADE. William Young, Chief Fire Brigade; P. Favreau, Deputy Chief do. ; Emiie Turcott, asst. do- ; A. Lepage, repairer in workshop ; Steamer Conqueror, R. Martin, engineer ; J. Reilly, driver; Hook and Ladder Co., Jzs. Johnson, guardian; C. Taylor, assistant ; R. Martin* engineer ; J. Brennan. captain. Union Steam Fire Engine, LeBreton Flats, Chaudiere, John Albert, captain. No. 1 Station, Pooley's Bridge, LeBreton Flats : Reel. No. 2 Station, Sally st. ; Reel No. 3 Station, St. Paul st. : Reel. No. 4 Station, Cumberland st. : Keel. Central Station : Engine and Hook and Ladder Truck.. Box. No. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 18. 19.. 21.. 23 . 24.. 25.. 26.. 27.. FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. Locality. Corner Russel House. Corner Sparks and O'Connor streets. Corner Elgin and Gloucester streets. Corner O'Connor and Gloucester streets. Corner Maria and Bank streets. Corner Wellington and Kent streets* U. T. Engine House, Sally street. Corner Victoria and John streets. Corner Bay and Maria streets. Fleck's Foundry, Wellington street. Corner Napean and Concession sts., ( Ashburnham Hill.) Corner Albert and Perce streets (West,) Corner Duke and Queen streets. Corner Richmond Road amd Broad streets. Corner Broad and Queen streets. Corner Broad and Oregon streets. Booth's Office, Victoria Island. Bronson & Weston's Office, Victoria Island. Corner Sussex and Rideau streets. Corner Rideau and Ottawa streets. Corner VVilbrod and Cumberland streets. . Coiner Nicholas and Theodore streets. *>i 'r,., f ^*^^ -kdvt. page i'i. TSB CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— Fire, Life, Guarantee and Accident. Capital Sl>188,000. }: OTTAWA. 193 Box. No. 28. 31. 32. 34. 35. 36. 37. 41. 42. 43. 45. 46. 51. 52. 53. 54. 61. 62. 63. 64 71. 73. 81 82 Local itp' .Fire Station, St. Paul street. .Corner Rideau and King streets. .Corner Rideau and Gloucester streets. .Corner of Daly and Chapel streets. . .Corner of Wiibrod and Nelson streets. .Protestant Hospital Rideau street. .Currier's Factory, Canal Basin. . Fire Station, York street, .Fire Station Comberland street. .Corner Clarence and Sussex streets* .Corner Sussex and York streets. .Corner Albert and Metcalfe streets. • Corner Sussex and Bolton streets. .Corner Dalhousie and Church streets. .Corner Cumberland and Cathcart streets. •Corner Dalhousie street and Railway Depot. .Corner McLaren's Mills. Corner St. Patrick and Nelson streets. .Corner Chapel and Parry streets. Corner St, Andrew and St. Joseph streets. Corner St Patrick and Cobourg street;'. .Nicholas street, south end. .Corner Lisgar and Kent streets. • Corner Somerset and Arthur streets. POST OFFICE. Post Office.— Gr. P. Baker, postmaster ; F. Hawken, assistant do. ; F. French, E. B. Bates, E. S. McDermott, W. H. Pennock, E. J. O'Connor; C. Shaw, J. G. Posten, B. D^ Gordon, D. J. Smith, W. 0. Mercer, H. S. Shaw, A. A. Smith C Pope. E. B. Wood, H O'Neill, I. Traversey, P. McDonald, M. J. Whitty, P. Leblanc, P. D. Mdntyre, J. H. Bartlett, C. 0. Douoet, H. McKay, F. M^ Hannum, clerks ; F. S. Warwicker, superinten- dent of letter carriers ; J. Brown, P. Larue, A. Gauthier, E. Poole, M. Dolen, P. Robert, letter carriers; W. Darcy, W. Goodwin, collectors ; H. Duggan, Messenger; H. Carroll, H. S. Porter, J. F. Holland, F. George, J. Marier, T. Cuddie, J. Dunne, carriers. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; for money orders and saving bank business, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Inspection Department. — T. P. French, inspector; C P. LeSueur, J. F. O'Connor, T. 0. Butler, J. B. Gillisie, clerks. Mail Clerks.-— J, D- Thomson, E. Gordon, N. VV. H. Curtis, W. D. O'Brien, E. Maloney, E. Stanton, R. Peden, G. C. Wood, J. B. Z. Legendre, J. A. Chevrier, R. Mont^ooiory. MILITARY. Staff Officer of Pensioners. —Capt. Eliot, 330 Daly street. (Pensioners paid on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of each quarter, at the British Lion Hotel, Sparks street.) THB COOK'^ FBIKND BAKING POWPJSR. ** Be»t In Use." 13 i Vit I ' 1 ■ ' ) 1 ! ^H \l THB CITIZENS INSUKANCECO.—UNDOUBTED SECUBITT Agrencies In all 194 OTTAWA. VOLUNTEER MILITIA FORCE. District Staff, District No. 4. — Lt.-Col. Mannsell, D.A.Gr. ; Lt.-Col. Bacon, brigade major. Dragoon Guards-— J. Stewart, captain ; F. F- E. Gour- deau, lieutenant ; A. O. F. Coleman, veterinary surgeon. Ottawa Field Battery.— J. Stewart, captain; T. Evans and L. W. P. Coutlee, 1st lieuts. ; B- Savage, 2udlieut. ; A. S. Woodburn, paymaster ; T. B. Bentley, M.D., surgeon; J. Har- ris, vet. surgeon. * . Governor-General's Foot Guards. — Lt.-Col. T. Ross, 1 V.B.; Majors Brevet Lt.-Col. W. White, 1 V. B., and J. P. Macpherson, IM.S. ; Capts. J. Tilton, 2 V.B. ; Brevet Major H. S. Weatherby, 1 V. B. ; W. H. Lee, 2 V.B. ; A H.Todd, IM.S.; H. G. Diinlevie, 2 V. B. ; and T- Aumond, 2 V.B. ; Lieuts. C Graburn, 2 V.B. ; H. W. Griffin, 2 V.B. ; F. Toller, 2 V. B. ; F. E. A. Gautier. 1 GS- ; F. White, 2 V. B. ; and K. Graburn, 2 V. B. ; 2nd Lieuts, F. A. Fleming, E. E. Webb, E. Waldo, G. F. Brophy and R. Surtees, Provisionals ; and H. S- Bate, 2 V.B. Honorary Major H. A. Wioksteed, paymaster; Capt. and Brevet Major, J. Walsh, 1 V. B., adjutant ; Capt- and rionorary Major G. Grant (half-pay 100th), quartermaster; E.C- Malloch, M.D., surgeon ; W. R. Bell, M.D., assistant sur- geon. Ottawa Rifles.— iVb. 5 Company, 5Qth J5af/. — Capt. R. Lang; Lieut. H. R. Cluff; 2nd Lieut. J- E. Parker. Guards Rifle Association.— President, Lieut.-Colonel T. Ross ; vice-president, Lt. Col. White ; Sec-Treasurer, Lieut. C. Graburn ; Committee, Major Macpherson, Major Walsh, Sur- geon Malloch, Lieut. F. White, and Ens. K. Graburn. Dominion op Canada. Rifle Association. — Patron, His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada, Russell, draughtsman; J. Darby, S. LaRose, E. T. Smith and Jas. Slater, clerks : J.Mac- donald, deputy slide master and timber counter; J. Jackson, messenger. Rideau Cana^— Office, 170 Wellington street. F. A, Wise, C. B., superintendent ; F. Abbott, clerk and book-keeper ; J. Carroll, foreman ; R. W- Cooper, wharfinger and clerk. Marriage Licenses.— MXsb F. Yielding, issuer, 8 Rear street. J. Theo. Robinson printer anb publisher, 54 ST. FRANCOIS XAYIER STREET, MONTREAL. -♦-♦-♦■ PRIXTIXO of every description executed witb neatness and clespatcli. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. TUti: OUOU S Ftill!^J:sl> 15AK.1NQ FOWDBR. •• B«iWilhelmina-Elizabeth, cousin to Her Majesty, born November 27, 1833, married Prince Francis of Teck, June 12, 1866 ; has issue three sons and one daughter. H. R. H. Ernest-Augusta William- Adolphus -George- Frederick, second Duke of Cumberland, cousin to Her Majesty, born 21st September, 1845, and his sisters Frederica, born 9th January, 1848, and Mary, born 3rd December, 1849. The Duke of Cumberland was married to the Princess Thyra of Denmark, December 21st, 1878. THS COOK'!!» FlilENl> BAKING POWDB& «• Beat in l)s«. t« MMMHilMIIM n «, ; M f : f :i ( INSURE TeUR I.IFE WHII.E TWu ARE YOrNO IN THB SIR HUGH AI.L.AN. President; ]98 HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICERS. HER MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD- LORD steward's DEPARTMENT— BUCKIXGHAK PALACE. Lord Steward Earl Sidney. Treasurer Earl of Breadalbaiie . Comptroller Lord Kensington. Master of the Household Sir John C . Cowell, K C . B . Secretaryof Board of Green Cloth E. M. Browell, Esq. Paymaster of the Household T. C. Marsh, Esq. Coroner.. .....W. T. Manning, Esq. Hereditary Grand Almoner Marquis of Exeter. High Almoner. . , Dean of Windsor . LORD chamberlain's DEPARTMENT— ST. JAMES PALACE. Lord Chamberlain ■ Earl of Kenmare . Vice-Chamberlain ............. Lord Charles Bruce . Lord Great Chamberlain Lord Aveland. Comptroller Hon. S. C B. Ponsonby Fane. Chief Clerk G. T. Hertslet. Keeper of the Privy Purse Gen. Sir H. F. Ponsonby, K.C.B. Assist-Keeper of the Privy Purse. Captain F. J. Edwards. Captain of Yeomen of the Guard .Earl Monson. Captain oftheGentlemen-at-Arms Earl of Fife. Master of the Ceremonies General Sir F . Seymour, K . C . B • Dean of Chapel Royal Bishop of London. Sub-Dean Rev. F. Garden. Clerk of the Closet Bishop of Worcester. Resident Chaplain Dean of Windsor. DEPARTMENT OF MISTRESS OP THE ROBES. Mistress of the Robes Duchess of Bedford. Groom H. D. Erskine. Physician in Ordinary Sir William J enner, Bart . , K.C. 6. Sergeant Surgeon Sir James Paget, Bart. MASTER OP THE HORSE'S DEPARTMENT, PIMLICO. Master of the Horse Duke of Westminster. Clerk Marshal...... Lord Alfred Paget. Crown Equery and Secretary Colonel G. A. Maude, CB. Master of the Buckhounds Earl of Cork and Orrery. PRINCE OF WALES HOUSEHOLD. Groom of the Stole General Sir Wm. KnoUys, K.C.B . Comptroller and Treasurer Maj.-Gen.Sir D.M.Probyn, K.C.B. Private Secretary Francis Knollys, Esq., C. B. USE STOCK»S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY, AND SAVE PREMJUm OF.K A T.r> T=:. HART. General Manager. HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICERS. 199 HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICERS OF STATE. First Lord of the Treasury Right Hon. W. Ewart Gladstone. Lord High Chancellor Right Hon. Lord Selborne. Lord President of the Council. . . .Right Hon. Earl Spencer. Lord Privy Seal Right Hon. Duke of Argyll. Chancellor of the Exchequer. .... Right Hon. W. E Gladstone. J Home Right Hon. Sir W. Ver. Harcourt. ^O''^^?" J.'gjt Hon. Earl Granville. Colonies Right Hon. Earl of Kimberley . War Right Hon. Hugh C E Childers. India Right Hon. Marquis of Hartington First Lord of the Admiralty Right Hon. Earl of Northbrook. President of the Board of Trade.- Right Hon. Jos. Chamberlain. Chan, of the Duchy of Lancaster. .Right Hon. John Bright. President of Local Gov. Board .Right Hon. John G. Dodson. Chief Secretary for Ireland Right Hon. W. E. Forster. SCOTLAND. Lord High Constable Earl of ErroU. Keeper of the Great Seal Earl of Selkirk. Deputy Keeper of the Great Seal. J. H. McKenzie, Esq. Lord Privy Seal Marquis of Lothian. Master of the Household Duke of Argyle, K.T. Standard Bearer Earl of Lauderdale. Lord High Commissioner Earl of Rosslyn. Lord Justice General Right Hon. John Ingliss. Lord Justice Clerk Right Hon. Lord Moncrief. Lord Advocate Right Hon. J . McLaren. Solicitor-General.... .... J. B. Balfour, Esq. Lord Clerk Registrar Earl of Glasgow. Deputy Clerk Registrar W. P. Dundas, Esq. Commander of the Forces Major-General R. Bruce. Assistant Adjutant-General Col. R. H. BuUer, C.M.G. IRELAND. Lord Lieutenant Earl Cowper . Chief Sec. & Keeperof Privy Seal. Right Hon. W. E. Forster. Under Secretary T- H. Burke, Esq. Assis.UnderSec.& Clerk of Council. Henry Robinson, Esq. Private Secretary Major George Byng. State Steward Earl of Wicklow. Controller Colonel J. A. Caulfield. Chamberlain F- Lambart, Esq. Lord Chancellor Right Hon. Lord O'Hagan. Attorney-General Right Hon Hugh Law . Solicitor-General William Johnson. Commander of the Forces.. General Sir Thomas Steele. Deputy Adjutant-General Colonel G. B. Harman. Military Secretary Lieutenant-Colonel P. Boyle . THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING FOWD£R« «• Best in Use." "THE CITIZENS INSUKANCE COMPANY.— FIRE BRANCH. INSURERS. Agencies t i 200 H tf AMBASSADORS. c a Tr. U e SS o •c 51 !? St e < G U '53 t> o (A s o c o O f= s »- £ v c ^ rt I O w • 1> o 2: u c u rt a> 13 o «« 5 2^ PQ : r-^ rt.i:i OU o . rt,5 __; . c « rt o S , . ? (A • . • * CO c uj-l ™ « o (A V "mi 'rt c «i O (0 S o U u 5? 4J « s.S Cfi O"' ■ u ,CQ »Sbi^i!=^2« rH Si CJ K fc^ (C lU cCP3 CO :d3 PC >> rt (0 (/) <*-* 1^ =» t; « t 3 pa 0) pa S'J I ^.SPa'Sui 0,= ff^O a ^ en fc.^-^ . S^ C5 tt ^CJ wl 5 Sffi n M o c/3 pt; CO f«- ffi c/i u cr. fe P< (-1 H ^5 c^ w c^ a P^ cJ? P< W a ffi W e< w «« s ,-^ fd *- 3 a; C.C -5 rt o rt S tn u ;juftWtaOOO^AS;z;pmi;A;pi;:)rc^c«h;D USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. 'P3 fd en UNDOUBTED SECURITY AND L.OW HATES OFFEBJSD TO in all principal towns. DO MINIOX OP CANADA. 201 DOMINION OF CANADA. Seat of Government t Ottawa. GOVERNOE-GENERAL OF CANADA. Aidea-de-Campt &c. His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbkll, Marquis of Lorne. one of Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council, Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Knight Grand Gross of the Most Distinguished Order of St- Michael and St. George, Governor- General of the Dominion of Canada, and Vice-Admiral of the same, &c., &o.t <&c. Her Royal Highness Princess Louise-Caroline-Alberta, Duchess of Saxony, Fourth Daughter of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, born 18th March, 1848, Married at Windsor, 2lst March. 1871, to His Excellency the xMarquis of Lorne, P.CK.T., KCMG., Rideau Hall, Ottawa. tksM Lady Sophia Eliza McNamara, Lady-in-Waiting and Lady of the Bedchamber to H-RH. the Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne. Major Francis Walter DeWinton, Royal Artillery, Governor- General's Secretary. The Hon. Richard Charles Moreton, late Royal Navy, Comp- troller of the Household and Private Secretary to H.R.H. the Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne. Lieut-Col. Hewitt Bernard, and Captain Russell Stephenson, (Extra Aides-de-Camp. Deputy Governor to Sign Money Warrants and Dominion Land Patents. Joseph Olivier Cot6, N. P., Clerk of the Privy Council. THE 0OOK*S FRIEND BAKING POWDER. ••Best in Use.'* If i ■I, J ' \\ . I, THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY. - ACCIDENT COMPENSATED. WEEKLT REL.IEF 202 D )MINION OF CANADA. PEIVY COUNCIL. Minister of Interior (Premier). \ ^^^^flia^r'aJd! K^^a B° ^• Minister of Finance SirS. L. Tilley, K.CM.G. Ministei of Railways «& Canals -Sir Charles Tupper, K.CM.G. Postmaster-General Sir Alex. Campbell, K.CM.G. Minister of Justice Hon- James McDonald Minister of Public Works Hon. H L. Langevin, C.B. President cf the Council Hon. J. A. Mousseau. Minister of Agriculture Hon . John Henry Pope Minister of Customs Hon. McKenzie Bowell Minister of Militia & Defence. .Hon. J. P. R. A. Caron. Secretary of State Hon. John O'Connor Minister of Marine <& Fisheries. Hon. James C. Pope Minister of Inland Revenue... Hon. J. C Aikins Speaker of the Senate Hon. D. L. Macpherson PRIVY COUNCIL (East Block.) .Joseph Olivier Cot6, clerk of Privy Council ; John Joseph McGee, C. E., P.L.S., assistant do. ; Eenry Alexander, W. H. Lee,«kF. Newby, F. K. Bonnets, clerks ; M. Naughton, door- keeper and messenger; J. Grenier, W. Groome, W. Reynolds, messengers. Commissionera for Internal Economy of the House of Commons, Rt Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, Minister of the Interior. Hon. Chas. Tupper, C.B., Minister of Railways. ** S. L. Tilley, C.B., Minister of Finance. *' James McDonald, Minister of Justice. THE SENATE. ^ (Has 77 members, beinsr 24 for Ontario and 24 for Quebec* 10 for Nova Scotia^ 10 for New Brunswick, 4 for Prince Edward Island, 3 for British Columbia, and 2 for Manitoba.) ,., i The Hon. D. L- Macpherson, Speaker. Robert LeMoine, Clerk of the Parliaments. ^ ONTARIO. The Honorable P. o. address. Aiken,'\Iames C Toronto Alexander, George Woodstock i^ Allan, George W Toronto Benson, James Rae St. Catherines Joseph North wood Chatham • .* USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Oil*. See Advt. page 14. DIDENT ElELICF )hn A. B. G. M.G. • M.Q. B. Joseph W. H. door- ^nolds, imona, lor. 360, 10 Idward aii. BRANCH— PERSONAIi INJURIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENT AFFORDED. Agencies in all principal towns THE SENATE. 203 The Honorable p. 0. ADDRESS. Brouse, W. M Presoott Bull, H.B Hamilton Campbell, Alexander Toronto Christie, David Paris Diokson, Walter H Niagara Flint, Billa Belleville Hamilton, John Kingston Hope, Adam Hamilton Leonard, Elijah . London ^rcMaster William Toronto Read, Robert Belleville Reesor, David Markham Soott, Richard W Ottawa Seymour, Benjamin Port Hope Simpson, John Bowmanville §kead, James Ottawa mith, Frank Toronto Vidal, Alexander Sarnia N QUEBEC. Arm and, Joseph F Rivi^re-des-Prairies Baillargeon, Pierre ■ Quebec Bellerose, Joseph H St. Vincent de Paul Bureau, Jacques Montreal Chaffers, William H St. Cesaire Chapais, Jean Charles St. Denis, Kamouraska Chinic, Eugene Quebec Cochrane, Mauhew Henry Compton Cormier, Charles Piessisville Dumouohel, Leandre St. Benoit Fabre, Hector Quebec Ferrier, James Montreal Guevremont, Jean B Sorel Hamilton, John Hawkesbury DeBoucherville, Chas. B Boucherville Paquet, Anselme Homdre 8t. Cuthbert Penny, Edward Goflf Montreal Pelletier, C A. P Quebec Pozer, Christian H St. George, Beauoe Price, David E Quebec Ryan, Thomas Montreal Stevens, Gardner Tt] Waterloo Trudel, F. X. A Montreal Thibaudeau, J. R Montreal fi! I THB OOOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER, <• Best in Use " ft, THB CITIZENS IN!a Boyd, John St. John PRIXCE EDWARD ISLVXD. Haviiand, Thomas Heath .....Charlottetown Haythorne, Robert Poore Charlottetown Howland, (ieorge W Alberton Montgomery, Donald Park Corner BRITISH COLUMBIA. Cornwall, Clement F Ashcroft Macdonald, William John Victoria MANITOBA. Girard, Marc Amable St. Boniface Sutherland, John Kildonan THE SENATE OFFICES (East Half Centre Block.) Permanent Oncers of the Senate of Canada. Robert LeMoine, clerk, master in Chancery, cashier and ac- countant ; Fencings Taylor, deputy clerk, clerk assistant and master in Chancery ; E. L. Montizambert, law clerk, clerk of committees and English translator ; Rev Canon Johnston, chaplain ; J. Adamson, second clerk assistant ; first English clerk and clerk of English journals ; Peter Miller, 2nd English US£ STOCK'S £XTUA MACHINE Oil.. See Advt. page 14. BRANCH.— FIDELITY OF EMPLOYEES GUARANTEED^ prlnotpal townn. House hf commons. 205 clerk, and clerk of routine and prooeedinsrs, <&<).. Neil MoLeaUi third English clerk and clerk of private bills ; A. A. fioucher« third clerk assistant and chief French translator; A. Garneau, first French translator and clerk : J. de 8t. Denis LeMoine. clerk of the French journals, second French translator and serKcant-at-arms ; Ivanhoe Tach^, assistant clerk of French journals and deputy sergeant-at-arms ; R. W. Stephen, assistant accountant and clerk; Alexander ISoutter, junior clerk ; R. E* Kimber, gentleman usher of the black rod ; J, B. Myrandi post' master ; Peter Dunne, housekeeper; Pierre Rattey, doorkeeper; S. Jones, news-room keeper ; Charles Young, Speaker's mes- senger; James Doherty, wardrobe and assistant doorkeeper; F> Gilbert, bank messenger ; Thomas Wheeler and John DunnOf permanent messengers i Andr6 Gravelle, house carpenter ; Louis Robitaille, John W ingfield, O. Aroharabault. Joseph Pelletier, Thos. Davis, and Joseph Larose? sessional messengers ; Alpine E. Grant, Wm. Bell Uyndman, Reginald Gallwey and Theo- phile Roy, pages. Commisaionerii for administering the Oath to Members, R. LeMoine, clerk of Senate; F. Taylor, dop> clerk of Senate. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. (Has 206 members, being 88 for Ontario, 65 for Quebec. 21 for Nova Scotia, 16 for New Brunswick. 6 for Prince Edward Island, 6 for British Columbia, and 4 for Manitoba.) The Hon. J. G. Blanchet, Speaker. J. G. Bourinot, orerk of the House. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. CONSTITUENCIES, MEMBERS, P. O. ADDRESS. Addington John McRory Loughborough Algoma Simon J. Dawson . Toronto Both well Hon. David Mills •.•Clearville Brant, N Gavin Fleming Qlen Morris Do. S Wm. Paterson Brantford Brockville Wm. Fitzsimmons.. Brockville Bruce, N John Gillies Paisley Do. S Alexander Shaw....Walkerton Cardwell , Thomas White Montreal Carleton John Rochester. . . . Ottawa Cornwall .... Darby Bergin Cornwall Dundas John S. Ross., Iroquois Durham, E -A. T. H. Williams.. Port Hope Do. W Hon.Ed. Blake... Toronto Elgin E Thomas Arkill.. • St. Thomas Do. W George E. Casey Fingal THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKXNQ FQWDES* «< Best in Use '* Ill II 1l' THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— ACCIDENT BRANGH.- TIME REQUIRED AT VERY L.OW BATE& 206 DOMINION OF CANADA. CONSTITUENCIES. MEMBERS. P. 0. ADDRESS, Essex Jas. C. Patterson.... Windsor Frontenao * G. A. Klrkpatrick.. ■ Kingston Glengarry • John McLennan Lancaster Grenville John P. Wiser Prescott Grey, N Samuel J. Lane Owen Sound do. E Thomas S. Proule-.Markdale do. S Geo. Jackson Durham Haldimand David Thomson Deans Halton Hon. Wm. MoDou- ) rr«.-_x- galKCB {Toronto Hamilton F. £. Kiivert Hamilton do Thos. Robertson.... '* Hastings, N Hon. Mackenzie lnt^„„„ Bowell j Ottawa do. E John White Roslin do. W James Brown Belleville Huron, N Thos. Farrow Bluevale do. C Hon.SirR.J. Cart- ^ ^. „ . „ wright.K.C.M.G. i^i"8Ston do. S • M. C. Cameron .....Goderich Kent Rufus Stephenson. . .Chatham Kingston Alexander Gunn Kingston Lambton Hon- A. Mackenzie. Toronto Lanark, N Donald Greenfield .Almonte do. S John G. Haggart ...Perth Leeds, N ., C. F. Ferguson Kemptville do. S David Ford Jones... Gananoque Lennox Edmund Hooper. . • . Napanee Lincoln J. C. Rykert St. Catharines London Hon. T. Carling London Middlesex, N Timothf<^oughlin...Offa do. E Duncan Macmilian.London do. W George W. Ross Strathroy Monck Lachlin McCallum-.Stromness Muskoka A. P. Cockburn • .Gravenhurst Niagara Josiah Burr Plumb. Niagara Norfolk, N John Charlton Lynedoch do. S William Wallace... Simcoe Northumberland, E Joseph Keeler.. ....Colborne do. W....Hon. J. Cockburn.. .Ottawa Ontario, N George Wheeler Uxbridge do. S F. W. Glen Oshawa Ottawa City. J. M. Currier Ottawa do JosephTass^ " Oxford, N James Sutherland- Woodstock do. S Jjunes A. Skinner... *' Peel William Elliott Brampton Perth, N S. R Hegson Stratford do- S James Trow Shakespeare Peterboro*, E John Hurnham Asbburnham do. W Geo. Hilliard Peterborough USE STOCK'S KXTKA MACIIINX Olli. Seo Ativt. page 14. (LCCIDENT FOLICLES ISSUED FOB ANY liENOTH OA i.genoies in all principal towns. HOUSE OF COMMiJNS. 207 CONSTITUENCIES. MEMBERS. P. 0. ADDRESS' Prescott Felix Routhier Vankleek Hill Prince Edward J. S. McCuaig Picton Renfrew, N P. White Pembroke do. 8.. ........ Wm. Bannerman... Bussell Hon. J. O'Connor... Ottawa Simcoe, N D. McCarthy • Barrie do. S William C. Little.. .AUandale Stormont Oscar Fulton.. Avonmore Toronto, E Samuel Pratt Toronto do. C Robert Hay •' do. W Jas. Beatty, jr ** Victoria, N Hector Cameron *' do. S Arthur McQuade. . . Omemee Waterloo, N Hugo Kranz Berlin do. S Samuel Merner. ...New Hamburg Welland C. W. Bunting Toronto Wellington, N George A. Drew. . . ■ Elora do. C G. T. Orion Hanover do. S Donald Guthrie . . . Guelph Wentworth, N Thomas Bain Strabane do. S Joseph Rymal Barton York, N Alfred Boultbee . . .Toronto do. E ... F. W. Strange " do. W W. C. Wallace Woodbridge PROVINCE OF QUEBEC •*••••••■ #•• Argenteuil Bagot Beauce Beauharnois.f« Bellechasse jjertmer .....■•••>•«... Bonaventure Brome Charably Champlain Charlevois. Chateauguay Ghicoutimi, &c Compton Dorchester. Drummond, &c Gasp6 Hochelaga Huntingdon...., Iberville ...... Jacques Cartier Hon. J.J. C. Abbott. Montreal Hon. Jos. A. Mousseau *' .Jos. Bolduc St. Victor de Tring J. G. H. Bergeron... Montreal Achille Larue....... Quebec E. O. Cuthbert Berthier-en-Haut- . P. C. Beaucheane...Carleton Manson Mansonville P. B. Benoit St. Hubert H. Montplaisir Cap de la Magdeleine Joseph Perrault Malbaie Edward Holton Montreal Ernest Cimon Murray Bay Hon. John H. Pope. Ottawa F. F. Roulleau Quebec D. 0. Bourbeau Victoriaville Pierre Fortin Laprairie A. Desjardins Montreal Julius Scriver. Hemmingford Francois B^chard.. .Mount Johnson Desire Girouard Montreal m THS COOK'S FBI£ND BAKING POWDBIU Miie«i In U<9e." 8ee AdTt. p»c« & THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— FIRE BRANCH* All classes of Riskn taken at moderate rates. 208 DOMINION OF CANADA. CONSTITUENCIES. MEMBERS. p. O. ADDRESS. Joliette MoConville . . . . Joliette Kamouraska Joseph Dumont.... St. Andrd Laprairie A. Pinsonneault..- 'Montreal L'Assomption H. Hurteau .... L'Assomption Laval J. Alderio Ouimet Montreal L^vis Hon. J. Q. Blanchet L6vis L'Islet P. B. Casgrain Quebec Lotbini^re C. J. Kinfret iSte. Croix Maskinong^ Frederic Houde. Montreal Megantic .L. E. Olivier St. Ferdinand Missisquoi Geo. B. Baker ... . Sweetsburg Montcalm Firman Dugas .. . Montcalm Montmagny A. C.P- R.Landry St. Pierre Montmagny Montmorency P. V. Valin Chateau!Ricber Montreal (East) ..C. J. Coursol Montreal Montreal (Centre) M. P, Ryan Montreal Montreal (West) M. H. Geult .... Montreal Napierville Sixte Coupal, dit La Reine- Nicolet F. X. 0. Methot- .St. Pierre les Beoquets Ottawa County Alonzo Wright .... Ironside' Hull Pontiac John Poupore Chichester Portneuf R. P. Vall6e Quebec Quebec (East) Hon. W. Laurier — Arthabaskaville (Quebec (Centre) Jacques Malouin.- Quebec (Quebec (West) Hon. T. McGreevy.. Quebec Quebec County P. Adolphe Caron. -Quebec Richelieu L. U. Massue.-Ste.Anne de Verennes Richmond, &c Wm. B. Ives Sherbrooke Rimouski J. 6. R. Fisset Sherbrooke. Rouville. ... G. A. Gigault St. C^saire St. Hyacinthe Louis Tell ier St. Hyacinthe St. Johns Francois Bourassa. Belle Alodie St. Maurice L L-L- Deslauriers. Montreal Shefford Hon. L.S- Huntington. Montreal Sherbrooke £ . T. Brooks ^ herbrooke Souianges Jacques P- Lanthier.8t> Polycarpe Stanstead. Charles C Colby Stanstead. Temiscouata P.E • Grandbois Hivi6re-du-Loup (en has) Terrebonne ....... Three Rivers Hon. H..LLangevin, C B , Ottawa » Two Mountains J. B. Daoust St. Eustache Vaudreuil J. B. Mongenais. . • Kigaud Verchdres Hon. F. Geofifrion. .Verehdres Yamaska, Fabien Vanasse . . . • Montreal NOVA SCOTIA. Annapolis A vard Lon«Iey .... Paradise Antigonish Angus McDaac — Antigonish Cape Breton Henry McLeod. M.D , .ydney Cape Breton Wm. McDonald — Litile Glace Bay USB STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIIi, See Advt. puge 14. THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.-FIre, Life, Guarantee- and Accident. Capital S1,1S8,000. H jUSE *: F COMMONS. 209 CONSTITUENCIES. Colchester. • . Cumberland' Digby Guys borough Halifax Halifax Hants Inverness Kings . . . . Lunenburg Piotou..... Pictou Queen's •.. Kichmond. • Shel bourne Victoria ... Yarmouth . ••••••••••••••I •■••■ ••fl*«»%t*«» MEMBERS- Thomas McKay... Sir C. Tupper, K.C.M.G ,C.B John 0. Wade Alfred Ogden M H. Riohey M. B. Daly .W. H. Allison .8. MacDonuell .... Fred. W. Borden.. C. E. Kaulback .. Hon, J. McDonald- Robert Eoull Silas T.R. Bill. .. Edward P. Flynn.. Thos. Robertson .. Duncan McDonald Frank Killam .... p. O. ADDRESS. .Truro I Ottawa Digby .Cape Canso .Halifax Halifax Newport . Port Hood - Canning -Lunenburg • Ottawa .Pictou Liverpool Arichat Barrington . English Town .Yarmouth NEW BRUNSWICK. Albert Carleton Charlotte Gloucester-... ... Kent Kings Northumberland. ita» ••••.•••• Alex Rogers Hopewell Hill Geo. H- Conneli 7 odstock Arthur H. Gilmo> .'. ^ George Hon. T- W- Anglia.8t. John G- A. Girouard Buctouche James Domville. .. .St. John J. B. Snowball Chatham G. G- King Chipman Geo- Haddow. Dalhousie Queens Restigouche St. John (County) . . . { ^^' K- a M-g"^ c'^fif ' \ 0"*^* St. John (City). "" " * -" * - - St. John (City( Sunbury Victoria Westmoreland. York Hon. Isaac Burpee. St. John C. W. Weldon St. John Chas. Burpee Sheffield John Costigan Grand Falls Hon. Sir J A. Smith. Dorchester John Pickard Frederick ton PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, King's County A. C. Mac Donald- - Montague Bridge " E B. Muttart Souris Prince County James Yeo Purt Hill " ...Edward Hacket . ...Tignish Queen's County Hon. Jas C. Pope. Ottawa J'. F. De St. C. BreckenCharlottetown I «!l THB COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER. « Best in Use/* 14 THB CITIZENS INSURANCE COMFANT.-FIBE, I clerk. The Library of Parliament.— The library was constituted a separate department of the public service by the Act 34 Vic. chap. 21. The officers are appointed by the Crown, and are responsible to the Speakers of the Senate and House of Com- mons assisted by a joint committee of both Houses, sessionally appointed. A. Todd, librarian ; A. D- Decelles, assist, libra- rian; A.. Laperriere, senior clerk, French division; A.Todd, senior clerk, English division ; J. Fletcher, registry clerk ; J. Campbell, junior clerk, English division; L. J. Casault, chief messenger ; J. Dunlop, J. W. Ryan, J. Rattey, messengers. GOVEENMENT OFFICES. DEPARTMENTAL BUILDINGS.-(Eastern Block.) Governor-General's Secretary's Office. — Major F. W. DeWinton, R. A., Governor's secretary; J. Kidd, chief clerk; C. J. Jone?, W. Campbell, C Stuart, clerks ; G. Smith, messen- ger ; C. Stroulger, orderly. Customs Department-— Hon. MoKenzie Bo well. Minister of Customs ; J. Johnson, commissioner of Customs^ J. W. Peachy, chief clerk : J. R. Audy. C. A. Mailleue, P. E- Shepherd, G. W. Grant, G. H. Fawcett, W. C. Baker, clerks. AccountanVs Branch,— W,Q. Parmelee, accountant; T. J. Waters, clerk. Statistical Branch.— K, C. Hay, J. Barry, C F. Stevens, G. V. luce, J. S. Fairweather, C H. Harding, F. Bennett, 0. E. McKiel, A. C. Bleakney, clerks. Minister's Secretary.— J . M- Bowell. Messengers,— J. Walls and J. Ackers. •• B-»t In Use.** t I I ^ it ,■ ■■> CITIZENS INSURANCE COUP ANT.— LIFE BRANCH. THIS COMPANY. Agencies 2:2 DOMINION OF CANADA. INSPECTORS OF PORTS & COLLECTORS OF CUST03IS. H. Kavanagh, iosrector, Montreal; J. J. Kerr, inspector, Amherst, N.S., J. W. Cudlip, inspector, St. John, N.B. ; T- C. Meivburn, inspector for Ontario, Hamilton ; J. F. Wolfe, cfficer for special service. COLLKCTORS OP CUSTOMS IN THE DOMINION. Porta and CoUectora^ Province of Ontario, Ports marked thus {*) are Warehousing Ports, ♦Amhertsburgh, E. Anderson •Belleville, W. Webster *Brantford, H* B. LeeminK Brighton, M. K. Lcokwood *Brockville, G. Baston ♦Chatham, J. Q. Pennefather *Clifton, W. Leggatt ♦Cobourg, G. Perry *Colboine, D. E. Macfarlane ♦Colling wood, G. Watson *CorEwall, R. R. Bullock ♦Cramahe, G. E. Fowler ♦Darlington, J. Rankin ♦Dover, T- B. Barrett ♦Dundas, T. Claik ♦DuDnville, A. Brcwnson ♦Fort Erie, R, Graham ♦Gananoque, J. Ormiston ♦Gait, T. Bryan ♦Goderich, D. Doty ♦Guelph, E. Carthew ♦Hamilton, W. H. Kittson ♦Hope, B. J. W. Burton ♦Kingston, W- R. Mingaye KingsvlUe, G. A . King ♦Xindsay, D. Browne ♦London, R. heid Morrisburg, H. Carman ♦Napanee, J. Bensrn •Newcastle, F. Farncomb • 'Niagara, W. Kir by •Oakville, B. K. Chisholm •Oshawa. S. Wood ♦Ottawa, Z.Wilson Owen Sound, W. A. Stephens ♦Paris, Thomas Hall Penetanguishene, W. N. Rutledge Peterboro', J. Sratton •Pictou, Walter J. Ross Prince Arthur's Landing, p. Nicholson. ♦Prescott, H. D. Jessup Rowan, A* iS. D. May bee ♦Sainia, G. Mathewson Saugeen, J. Fleming ♦Sault Ste. Marie, J. Wilson St. Catherines, H. H. Collier St. Thomas, E. A. Dunham ♦Stratford. J. Hamilton ♦Toronto, Trenton, A. J- F- Maguire Wallaoeburg, C- Eraser ♦Whitby, G. A. Carson ♦Windsor, W. Benson ♦Woodstock, W. H.Van Ingen Porte and Collector a^ Province of Quebec. Clareflceville. W. M. Pattison ♦Coaticooke, W. S. Williams ♦Dundee, M. M. Smith Freleigbfburgh, F. J. Paiker ♦Gasp6, E.Tetu Hemmingiord, H. S. Proper Lacole, P. Dazois ♦Magdalen Islands, J. B. h. Painchaud ♦Montreal, \V. B. Simrson ♦Ntw Cm lisle, L. Rcibitaille Perce, W. Flynn Potton, Walter Lyroh ♦Quebec, J. W. Dunscomb ♦Kimouski, PL. Gauvreau Russeltcwn, R. J. Rogers ♦Sherbrooke. C E. Perry Stanstead, C. S. Channel ♦St.JchnSjiE. D. Phillips ♦Sorel, G. Peltier St. Hyacinthe, Jos. A. Hamel Sutt« n, Asa Frary Ihiee Rivers, A. A. Lanthier USE STOCK'S EXTKA 3IACUINE Olt. See Advt. page 14. UFS POLICIES OF BVEBT DESCRIPTION ISSUED BT In all principal towns. GOVERNMKXT DZPARTMENIS. 213 Porta and CoUectorSt Province of Nova Scotia. ♦Amherst, N. Tupper •X. Sydney, Cape Breton •Annapolis, A. Fullerton A. G. Hamilton ♦Antigonishe, R Grant ♦Parrsboroush, ♦Arichat, R. Benoit A. 8 Townshend ♦Beddeck, A. Cameron •Pictou, D. McDonald •Barrington, D- Sergeant Port Hawkesbury ♦Bridgetown, S. S. Ruggles M. McDonald ♦Cornwallis, E. Rand •Port Hood, E. D. Tremaine ♦Digby, B. Viets •Port Medway. J. J. Letson Gaysboro', J. A. Tory •Halifax, Hon. W. Ross •Shel bourne, W. A At wood Sydney, CB. •Liverpool, John H. Dunlop C. E. Leonard, jr, •Locke Port, G. Stacker Truro, J. F. Crowe •Londonderry. R. Dill •Windsor, E. O'Brien •Lunenburg, E. Dowling •Weymouth, S. Jones •MargaretsviUd, D. W, Landers. •Yarmouth, H. A- Hood Ports and Collectora, Province of New Brunswick. •Bathurst, W. J. O'Brien •Moncton, J. Robinson Baie Verte, W. W. Presoott Newcastle, R. B. Haddow •Campo Bello (Wolchpool) Richibucto, J. Rusk J. Farmer •Sackville, J. Dickson •Caraquette. J.Q.C Blaokall •Shediac, D. Harrington •Chatham, D. Ferguson Shippegan, A. H. Sormany •Dalhousie, W. Montgomery •St. Andrews, C. M. Gove Dorchester, J .Hickman St. George, Jas. McKay Fredericton, A. F Street •St. John, J. R, Ruel •Grand Falls, F. W. Brown •St. Stephens, H. Webber Hillsborough, W. Wallace •West Isles, J. E. Dickson McAdam's Junction, S. Watt ♦Woodstock, D. F. Merritt Ports aui Collectors ^ Prince Edward Island. Charlotte town , James Currie. Summerside, C.W. Strong. Port and Collector Province of Manitoba. Winnipeg, G> B. Spencer. Port and Collector^ Province of British Columbia. Victoria, Hon. W. Hamley. THB COOK*i» FKIEND BAKING POWDBBi. «« Best In Dm.'* :i;l (!■ 1 , r I '• 'il THB CITIZBNS INSURANOB COMPANY. - AGCIDBNl COIttPENSATED. WEEKLY RELIEF 214 DOMINION OF CANADA. Department of Justice.— Hon. Jas. Maodonald, Minister of Justioe and Attorney- General ; A. Lash, Deputy Minister of Justice; A. Power, G. L. B. Fraser, J. Leslie, N. B. S. Lane, A. J. FraRer and Augustus Keefer, clerks ; John R. Hallt min- ister's private secretary ; P. Lynch, A. W. Cameron, messengers. Penetentiary Branch.— 3. G. Moylan, inspector ; Geo. N. Fos- ter and Henry Low, cler!:s. Finance Department.— Minister of Finance, Sir S. L. Tilley ; Deputy Minister of Finance, J. M< Courtney; Financial In- spector, T. D. Tims ; Minister's Private Secretary, F. Totler; accountant of contingencies, Thos. Ross. Treasury Board — Secretary, J. M. Courtney ; first clerk, W. R. Baker. Insur- ance ^ranc A.— Superintendent, J. B. Chairman ; chief clerk, C. £. Anderson ; clerk, A. K. Blackadder. Savinga Bank Branch, —Chief clerk, C. J. Anderson; clerks, H. R. Fripp, C. J. Tas- ker, Jas. Hopkirk; R. W. Baxter, M. A. Higgins, J. A. Tor- rance, clerks, J. M- Jarvis, J. R. Task, H. A. Jones, C. E. Turgeon, W. L. Orde, R. G. Roach, J. P. Maopherson, J. McNichol, George Lowe, jun , C Ranney, John Balfour, W. Hatch, J. B. H. Leeve, R. O'Reilly, J. A. Clayton, C. A. Gough, C. Webber, N. Garland, P. N. Thompson, G. G. Crookshank, C. H. Terry, John Fraser. Messengers, P. Pender, P. Oonolly, F. McCaffrey, J. F. MoCaffray. Department of the Secretary op State. — Hon. John O'Connor, Secretary of State ; E. J. Langevin, Under-Secretary of State. Correspondence Branch.— Q. Powell, R. Pope, (Clerk of Crown, in Chancery), chief clerks ; W. H. ,Jones, H. B. Steele, St.^ John, clerks. Keeper of the Records.— VL. J. Morgan, chief clerk. Registry Branch.— L. A. Cattellier, deputy regis- trar ; J. A. Belanger, E. Brousseau, J. J* Burn, C. Ballantyne, A. G. Learoyd, W. S. Glidden, G. Collins, J. W. Storr, clerks. Stationery OMce.—J. Young, T. Roxborough, T. Robertson, A. Cunningham, and W. Walsh, clerks- Queen's Printer's Branch.— Lt'Col. B. Chamberlain, CM. G., Queen's Printer; W. Gliddon, A. G. Kingston, A. Poitvin, L. A. Grison, clerks. Messengers.—}^. Logan, T. O'Keefe, and J. Larkin. Auditor General's Office.— J. J. McDougall, Auditor- General ; J. Patterson, assist, do. ; E. C Barber, Francis Hun- ter, Thomas Hector, J. B. Simpson, W. G. Dunlevie, E. D. Sutherland, H. H. Gray, J. G. Aumond, T. Porter, J. H. P. Gibson, clerks. Messengers.- John Pender, Francis Cassault. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL, See Aclvt. page 14. BRANCH— PERSONAIi INJURIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENT AFFORDED. Affenoies in all principal towns GO'vERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 215 Department of Inland Revenue.— H>n. J. C. Aikens, Min, isterof Inland Revenue; A. Brunei, Commissioner; E. Miall- ,ir., Assistant Commissioner. Corresponding Branch : W. Himsworth, jr., W. Carter. Accountant's Branch: P. M. Robins, Accountant; F. R. E. Champeau, Assistant; J. E. Valin, Clerk. Statistical Branch : F. Measam. W. L. Heron, R. Nettle. A. Graham. Canal Branch : B. H- Teakles, N. Stuart, J. F. Shaw, C. E. Shubbuck. Form Branch : F. K. Blatoh. Standards Branch : W. J. Johnston, J. Brunei, Secret iry to Minister ; H. G. Lamothe, John Fowler, G. Fowler, and A. Archambault, Messengers. District Inspectors of Inland Revenue.— Henry Godson, of Toronto, Chief Inspector ; John Davis, of Windsor, for Windsor District : G. P. Dickson, of Toronto, for Toronto District ; R. Borradaile. of Ottawa, for Kingston District ; R. Bellemare, of Montreal, for Montreal District; J. M. Lemoine, of Quebec, for guebec District; Thomas Hanford, of St. John, N.B., for New runwick District ; Geo. Esson, jr., of Halifax, N. S., for Nova Scotia District ; W. F. Gouin, of Winnipeg, for Manitoba Dis- trict; C. T. Dupont, of Victoria, for British Columbia District ; J. A. MaoDonald, of Oharlottetown, for Prince Edward Island. John Davis, of SVindsor, Inspector of Distilleries. li. Department op the Interior.— The Rt. Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, Minister of the Interior and Superintendent Gen- eral of Indian Affairs ; Lieut -Col. J. S. Denis. Deputy Minister of Interior; A. M- Burgess, William Howe, A. L. J arvis, clerks ; H. Kinloch, Private Secretary; f . S. Checkley, clerk in charge of School Lands Indian Branch.— h, Vankoughnet, Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs; R. Sinclair, accountant; J. V. De- Boucherville and T. Coffee, assistiint land sales clerks : A. N. McNeill, J. D. McLean and F. Smith, assistant accountants ; T. W. S. Fitzpatriok, M. Benson, R. W. Richardson, phono- graphers; Samuel Stewart, H- G. Maingy, Joseph Delisle, clerks. Dominion Lands Branch. — Lindley Russell, Surveyor-Gen- eral : A. Russell, chief clerk ; P. B. Douglas, W. M. Goodeve, N. Tetu, K. J. Henry, R. Lang. F. H. C. Cox, J. A- Rivard, J. Johnston, t\ Clayton, P. B. Symes, clerks ; R. W. Baldwin, N. J- Lacasse, draughi;smen ; James Dunnet, C. Owne, H. J. Brooke, Peter Robertson, A. Swinburne, messengers. Ord' nance and Admiralty Lands. — F. P- Austin, C. C. Rodgers, and P. G. Keys, clerks ; Wm. Mills, accountant. THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING FOWDJBR. «* Best in U80,»* ■\': \ .1 ■i r' p THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— FIRE BRANCH. will be quoted. Ag^enoies 210 DOMINION OF CANADA. Indian Branch, Outside Service.— Province of Ontario.— Wm. PluiTimer, Visitinir Superintendent and Commissioner, Toronto; J. T. Qilkison, do. Brantford; Ebenczer Watson, Indian Sunt., Sarnia; J. (J. Phinps, Visiting Supt., Manito- waninir; Charles Skene, Visiting Indian Supt, Parry Sound; Wm. Van Abbott, Indian Lands agent, Sault Ste Marie: ThoH. Gordon, Indian agent, Strathroy : Henry Qeorge, do., Egans- ville ; Jas. Beattie, do., Highgate ; Amos Wright, Indian agent. Prince Arthur's Landing; R. I^Mathews, do., Lac des Mille Laos; Matthew Hill, do., Sbannonville; T. Q. Pile, Indian Lands Agent, Mill Point ; John F. Day, do., Bruce Mines ; Charles B. Savage, do , Gore Bay; B- Millar, do., Mill Point ; B. W. Ross, do., Cockbnrn Island. Province of Quebec. — Indian Agents : John Davidson. Dundee ; G. £. Cnerrier, Gaughnawaga ; L. A. DeBlois, St. Francois du Lac ; L- E Otis, Lao St. Jean, (Roberval, P. Q.); Ghas, Logue, River Dei^ert; Antoine Le Bel, jr., Riviere du Loup; John McGirr, Oka; Louis F, Boucher, Indian Supt. for Lower St Lawrence, Escoumains. Province of New J5run«ie?icA;.— Visiting Indian Supe'intendents, Charles Sargeant, Chatham ; Wm. Fisher, Frederickton ; Moses Craig, Indian Agent, Perth. Province qf Nova Scotia.— Indian Agents: John Harlow, Bear River; J. E. Beckwith, Canning ; Rev. Thomas Butler, Caledonia ; Rev- E. J. McCarthy, Chester; Rev, D, O'Connor, Bedford ; Dr. Mc- Lean, Shubenacadie ; Dr. A. F. Clarke, Parsboro' : Rev. R. McDonald, Pictou ; Rev. W. Chisholm, Antigonish ; Rev. J. McDougall, Bed Island ; Rev. D. Mclsaac, River Inhabitants ; Rev. A. McGillivray, Grand Narrows; Rev. M. McKenzie, Christmas Island. Province of Prince Edward Jaland. — John 0. Arsenault, Indian Superintendent, Lennox Island. Province of Manitoba. — Edgar Dewdney, C, E. Indian Com- missioner for Manitoba and Korth West Territories ; James F. Graham, Acting Superintendent, Winnipeg; Ebenezer McCall, Inspector of Indian Agencies, and Purveyor Indian Supplies ; H. Martineau, Indian agent, Oak Point; Dr. D, Young, do., St. Peters ; F, Oglfltree, do,. Portage Laprairie ; George New- combe, do., Emerson ; Angus McKay, do,, Grand Rapids ; L. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIIi, See Advt. page 14. Household Risks speolally desired, for which low flgores In all principal towns. GOVERNMENT DEPARTME NTS. 217 W. Herchmer, do., Bird Tail Creek. North- Wesi Territory— W. L, Orde. Indian Airentfor Treaty No. 6. Battleford ; Oapt. Allan McDonald, Indian Agent for Treaty No. 4,. Swan River ; James G Stewart, Indian Agent, Kdmonton ; W. Palmer Clarke, do., Duck Lake. District of Keewatin. — Robert Pither, Indian Agent, Fort Francis; George MoPherson. do., Lake of the Woods. Province of British Columbia,—!, W, Powell, M, I)., Indian Superintendent, Victoria; James Leni- ban, Indian Superintendent, New Westminister. Gunrdiana ojf Islands in River St. Lawrence. — A B. Cowan* Indian Land Agent, Gananoquo; J. Wallace, Escott; A. Root. Rookport; J. L. Thompson, Brockville. DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. (Western Block.) Hon. J. P. R. A.Caron, Minister of Militia aad Defence: Lt- Ool. Hon. C. Eugene Panet, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence ; Major General Luard, commanding the Militia of the Dominion of Canada; Capt A. W. Holbeck, A.D.C. ; Colonel Walker Powell, Adjutant-General of Militia; H. G- Hopkirk, Private Secretary. Correspondiny Branch. — B. Suite, H. D. J, Lane, A. Benoit, H. De Salaberry, clerks. Account Branch.— JAeut -Col. J. Macpherson, chief clerk and accountant ; 0. H. O'Aleara, accountant : Lt.-Col. D. A. Mac- donald, W. H. Aumond, E, Waldo, and W. B. Pambrun, clerks. Store Branch. — Lieut.- Col. John Macpherson, director of stores; C* Walkem,G. Grant, F. L. Jones, P. Clarke, clerks. Adjutant-OeneraVs OMce.—W. R. Wright, chief clerk; Grant Seymour, F. X. Lambert, G. E. M. Sherwood, C. Junot, T.C Larose, Colin Campbell, Major W. R S. Wainwright, clerks. Dbpartmrnt orPuBiiic Works —Hon. H. L. Langevin, C.B., minister; G. F. Baillairgd, deputy minister; T. S. Scott, chief architect; Chas. McCarthy, draughtsman; 0. Dionne, accountant; J. W. Harper, paymaster; L. Lefebvre, F. J. Mackay, P. Cartier, W. H. Aikens, B. P. Bann, Jules E. Vareault, J. Cot6, H. Talbot, .clerks ; M. Walsh, H. Potvin. messengers. Mechanical EiVOixEER*s Office.— J. R. Arnoldi, mechanical engineer; W. King, clerk and draughtsman; W. Smith, fore- man engineer. THB COOK'» FBI£ND BAKING POWD£R. •« Beit In Use.'* i ' I . 5,1 ':'! .ii pu THB OmZENS INSURANCE CO.-STRIOT ECONOMY Df SIR HUGH ALIiAN, Freiildent/ 218 DOMINIOX OF CANADA. Official Arbitrators.— J. Cowan. Gait; Hon. laaao Bu- chanan, Toronto : L. Hurteau, Mon'.roal ; Wm. Oompton* Halifax ; N.S. ; F. H. Eanis, secretary ; Publio Works Dept., Ottawa. Department of Railways and Canals.— Sir Chas Tupper; K.C.IM.Gm minister; Touissant Trudeau, deputy minister. John Page, engineer : F- Braun, secretary; J, Baine, account- ant] W. A. Fiseault, F- H. Ennis, clerks; A. P. Bradley, minister's secretary ; J F. N. Bonneville. .7. McLaughlin, W. J. Tilley, L. N. Fortler, S. D. Dion, L. H.,Filteau, F. A. Dixon, D- B. Stewart, clerks ; J. Deslauriers, C. J. Neville, messengers. Canadian Pacific ^ranc^.— Collingwood Schreiber, engineer- in-chief; Marcus Smith, deputy to ongineer-inchief ; W. B. Smellie. assistant engineer ; J. Tomlinson, engineer in charge of buildings; Chas. Blaf^kwen, mechanical engineer; T- R. Burpee, secretary; E. V. Johnson, draughtsman; C. Miles, messenger. Dkpartmbnt op Marine and Fisheries.— Hon. James 'ol- lege Pope, minister; Joseph Pope, private secretary; William Smith, deputy minister W. F- Whitcher, commissioner of fish- eries ; John Hardie, chief clerk ; J. Tilton, accountant ; Samuel p. Bauset, W. L. McGee. W. S. Pettegrew, F. FGordeau, and M. Graburn, clerks ; W- P. Anderson, engineer; W. H. Alexander, R. N- Venning, G. Truteau, and J. Maklnson, A. Chlsholm. W. B Carlton, J. B- Halket, Frederick Revely, M. V. C. Nicholson, A. Halkett and Aim6 H- Belleveau, clerks ; J- U. Gregory, agent, Quebec ; J. H. Harding, agent, St. John,N.B ; H. W. Johnston, agent. Halifax, NS- ; Frederick Reveley agent and inspector of lights.Victoria, B C.,W. Mitchell, agent, Charlottetown, P. E- I. ; J. Mitchell, superintendent of lights for N.B., Newcastle. N B. ; Edward Roche, superinten- dent of lights for NSm Halifax ; Patrick Harty, superintendent of lights above Montreal, Kingstouj Ont. ; Cap.ain P. A. Scott, R.N., chairman of board of examiners of masters and mates : Captain G- A. Mackenzie and D- Hunter, examiners, Halifax, N.S. ; Captain A- Marmen, examiner, Quebec; Captain J. Pritchard, and W. Thomas, examiners, St. John, N.B. ; Capt. R- Cameron. examiner, Charlottetown, P.E-I. ; Captains Henry Lewi§, and Thomas Killam, examiners, Yarmouth. N S. ; and Lieut. D. M. Browne, clerk to chairman, Halifax, N.S. ; S« Risely, chairman of board of steamboat inspection and inspec- tor for Ontario, Huron, and Superior division, Toronto ; W. M. Smith, deputy chairman and inspector for N. B. and N.S. divi- sion, St. John, N.B. ; W. J. Meneilly, inspector for West Ontario division, Toronto ; J. Taylor, inspector for East Ontario division, Kingston, 0. , J. Burgess, inspector for Montreal division, Mon- USK STOCK'S EXTllA MACHINE OIIi, Sec Advt. page 2.4. MANAGEMENT A LIBERALITT TO POLICY HOLDEBA. GERALD B. HABT, General Manager. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 219 treat ; F. X. Befort* inspector for Three Rivers divisions, Sorel ; J. Sampson, inspector for Quel)eo division, (Quebec; nnd T* Westgartb, inspector for B. C. Division, Victoria, B.C. ; S. Wilmot, superintendent of fi-h-breedinK establishments. New- castle, O.J W. H. Vinning, inspector of fisheries for N.B., S^. John. N.B. ; W. H- Wvlde, inspector of fisheries for N.S., Hali- fax, NS. ; A. C. Anderson, inspector of fisheries for British Columbia, Victoria, B. G. ; W. H. Rogers, fishery officer, Amherst) N. S. ; N. Lavoie, commander of a Government steamer ; A. Marmen, commander Oovernment steamer Druid : A. C. I)espres, commander Government steamer Napoleon III. i E> 0. Bryan, commander Government steamer Newjidd ; and Captain John Devereux, commander Government steamer Sir Jamea Douglas ; Qt . T. Kingston, M. A., superintendent Meteorological office and director of magnetic ohserv>itory, Toronto: Rev. J. Williamson, M- A., LLD., director of obser- vatory, Kingston, Ont. ; C. H, McLeod, director of observatory, Montreal : E. D. Ashe, R. N., director of observatory, Quebec ; and G. Hutchinson, director of observatory, St. John, N.B. ; H' St. A. Ormond, inspector of water police, Montreal ; and Benjamin Trudel, chief constable water police and shipping master, Quebec ; George Smith, shipping master, Montreal ; A. McLean, shipping master, 8t. John, N B. ; J, D. Cummins, shipping 'master, Halifax, NS. ; and W. Koughan, shipping master, Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; E. Wood, harbor master, Hali- fax, N. S. i W. White, harbor master, Charlottetown, P. EI. ; J. Nagle, harbor master, Victoria and Es^quimault, B.C. ; J. Eden, harbor master, Gasp6, P.Q. Post Office Departmf.nt.— Hon. Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G., Postmaster-General; W. H. Griffin, Deputy Post- master-General. Secretary* a Branch.— ItXQui.-QoloneX William White, secre- tary; W. D. LeSueur, H. S. Weatherly, J. Walsh. G. H. Har- grave, H. W. Griffin, J. Plunkett, J. Graham, H. G. Hopkirk, C. Sangster, Sidney Smith, A. W. Throop, G. R. White, J. M. O'Leary. jr., C. B. Brodie, W. L. Blair, G. Ranee, 0. Fortier, D. McDonald, A. J. MacDermid, A- W. McLennan, W. A. Jone.«, G. J. Binks, J. A. Macdonald, W. J. Frechette, S. Craig, L. H. Pouliot, F. Becher, H. H. Morton, J. Carter, W. H. Heath, H. Knauf, A. Bolduo, L. Chamard, E . Brooks, clerks. AccountanVa Branch. — H. A. Wicksteed, accountant; W. H. Smithson, P. E Buoke, E. H. Benjamin, H. J. Garrett, A. Lindsay, L. Blanohet, G. M. Patrick, A. Evanturel, R. J. Oliver, D. F. McCarthy, J. E. Hopkirk, W. Blanchard, C Falconer, J. G Fortier, Brown Wallis, E. A. D. Jones, H. A. Ferguson, N. G. D'Auteuil, W. Brophy, P. T. Leany, D. A. Barrett, E. F- E. Bucke, T. McGrail, S. C. Macdonald, clerks ; J. Ashworth, cashier. THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING FOWDJUR, «• Best In Use •• I :»i i\ .M 1:1 THE CITIZENS INSUBANCE COmPAlOr.— lilFE BRANCH. BIOID ECONOMY PBACTISED. 220 DOMINION OF CANADA. Moneu Order Branch— ^y.¥. Forsyth, superintendent ; C W. Jenkins ; J. Brophy, F. W. Creighton, T. B. Smith, R. J. Smith, R. J. Shaw, G. J. Higeins, M. K. Dunlevie, J. F. Wall, W. J. Barrett, S- S. Thome, J. C. Bonner, A. W. Wall, J. H. Spencer, W. J. Johnston. D. D. MoPherson, W. Bristow, L. C. A. Casgrain, A. Fraser, J. S. Hale, clerks. Savings Bank Branch.— J. C Stewart, superintendent ; D. Matheson, J . Rose Smith, E. P. Bell, W. H.Kreps. WH. Eggleson, W. H. Harrington, W. H> MoCuaig, G> L. Piunkett, J. Berry. J. P. Nutting, H. Fairweather, G. Gouin, E. A. Black, W. S. Smyth, clerks. Messengers — M. Bennett, J. Bell, J. Dodd. Department op Agriculture. — Hon. John Henry Pope* Minister of Agriculture ; J. 0. Tach6, deputy ; John Lowe* secretary of the department. Minister's Private Secretary atid Clerk.— J. E. W. Currier. Accountant. — H. B. Small. Assistant Accountant.— h- d'Auray. Statistics, Emigration, General Correspondence, Archives, &c — S. Drapeau, W. H. Johnson, Rev. C. Tanguay, attach^; D. Brymner. Potent Branch.— k' J. Gamble, chief clerk ; H. Gasgrain, G. G. Neville, D. Routhier, E. d'Auteuil, J. F. Dionne, W. J. Lynch, T. McCabe, J. A. Fraser, H. Garon, A. Levesque, L- J. Beland, A. Tach6. Model Room.— J' L^veill4, G. Lemaitre, L. Z. Chabot- Copyright and Trade-Mark Branch.— J. B. Jackson, E. TcHu. Office Keeper. — J. E. Lemieus- Messengers — A. Boily, B. Moreau. Emigration Agents of the Dominion in Europe. — London: Sir A. T. Galf K.GM G , the High Commissioner for the Dominion of Canada, 10 Victoria Ghambars, London, S. W* ; Private Secretary, J. Golmer. Liverpool : Mr John Dyke, 15 Water street. Carlisle: Mr. Thomas Grahame, 20 Cheswick street. Belfast : Mr. Charles Foy,2^> Victoria Place. Dublin: Mr. Thomas Conolly, Northumberland House- Immigration Agents in the Dominion.— J . Smith, Hamilton; R. Mcpherson, Kingstm; A. G- Smythe, London: W. J. Wills. Ottawa; J. A- Donaldson, Toronto ; J. J. Daly, Mont- real; L- Stafford, Quebec; E. Clay, Halifax, N.S. ; J. Living- stone, (acting), St. John, NB. ; W. Hespeler, Winnipeg; J. E. TItu, Dufferin. Manitoba. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. E BRANCH. UACTISED, ndent ; C inith, R. J. J. F. Wall, Vail, J. H. itow, L. C . ndent; D. >ps. W. H. Plunkett. iiin, E. A. nry Pope» )hn Lowoi Currier. ArchiveSi , attach^ ; sgrain, G. me, W. J. que, L> J< ibot- kson, £. London : er for the 1, S. W.; Dyke. 15 Cheswlok Dublin : Hamilton ; ; W. J. ly, Mont- Liv^ing- ipeg; J. OIL. UNDOUBTED SKCUIIITT IS .AFFORDED AND THBMOST AfiToncles in all priucipal towns. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY-ONTARIO. 221 PEOVTNCE OF ONTAEIO. Seat of Government, Toronto. LietUenant-Governor— Wis Hon. John Beverley Robinson, Toronto. Private Secretary and A. D.C, J. B. Bobinson, jun. Executive Couxcil. Hon. 0. Mowat, Attorney-General. " S. C. Wood, Treasurer. *' T. B. Pardee, Commissioner. C. F. Fraser. Commissioner of Public Works. A. Crooks, Minister of Education. A. 8. Hardy, Provincial Secretary and Registrar. J. G. Scott, clerk of the Executive Council. J. Lonsdale Capreol, assistant clerk. M. Smith, messenger. i( HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. Charles Clarke, Speaker. CONSTITUENCIES. NAME AND P. 0. ADDRESS. Addington Hon. M. Deroche, Napanee Algoma Robert Adam Lvon, Michael's Bay l^rant, N.R*.. James Young, Gait Brant, S.R Hon. A. 8. Hardy, Toronto Brookville Hon. C. F. Fraser, Brockville Bruce, N.R D. Sinclair. Paisley Bruce, S.R Hon. R. M. Wells, Toronto Cardwell Charles Robinson, Claude Carleton G- W. Monk, South March Cornwall William Mack^ Cornwall Dufferin Wm. Jelly, Shelburne Dundas Andrew Broder, West Winchester Durham, E.R John Rossevear, Port Hope Durham, W.R Jas. W McLaughlin, Bowmanville Elgin, E.R... T. Mclntyre, Nairn, Aylmer West Elgin, W.R .... , John Case a den, lona THB OOOK'S FRIEND BAKXNQ POWDlfiB* •« Best in Use " .^1 CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.-GUABANTEB ISSUED WITHOUT EXTRA FREMIUai. 222 DOxMINION OF CANADA. CONSTITUENCIES. Essex. N.R . • > NAME AND P- 0. ADDRESS* • Solomon White, Windsor ..Lewis Wigle, Leamington . .D. D. Calvin, Kingston ..Donald Macmaster^ Montreal . . Frederick J. French, Prescott . .D. Creighton, Owen Sound . .A. W. Lauder. Toronto Frontenac Olenffarrv Grenville, S.R urroy, JN . Ai -...*............ Grey, E.R ..James H. Hunter, Durham . Jacob Baxter, Cayuga ..David Robertson, Milton . . John M. Gibson, Hamilton ..Alex. Robertson, Belleville .-N. S. Appleby, Shannonville ..G H- Boulter, Stirling . .T. Gibson, Wroxeter ..Archibald Bishop, Hay . . A. MoLagan Ross, Goderich . . E. McCraney, Bothwell ..Edward Robinson, Chatham ..James H- Metcalfe, Kingston . .Peter Graham, Warwick .Hon. T. D. Pardee, Toronto ..Wm.C. Coldwell, Lanark . William Lees, Fallbrook • H. Merrick, Merrick vi lie . Wm. Richardson, Seeley's Bay • George D. Hawley, Bath • -Sylvester Neelon, St- Catherines - - W. R. Meredith, London . R. Tooley, Gladstone ..John Walters, bpringbank • .J. Watterworth, Wardsville • •Richard Harcourt, Welland . John C. Miller, Toronto . -William Morgan, Port Rowan . John B. Freeman, Simcoe . -James M. Ferris, Campbellford . John C. Field, Cobourg -Thos. Paxton, Port Perry . John Dryden, Brooklin . .Patrick Baskerville, Ottawa • Hon. 0. Mowat, Toronto . -Hon. A- Crooks, Toronto • K- Chisholm, Brampton • D. D. Hay, Listowel ..Thos. Ballantine, Stratford . .Thos. Blezard, Peterboro' .^ . H. Scott, Peterboro' . . Wm. Harkin, Vankleek Hill . G- striker, Picton Haldimand • • • • Halton Hamilton Hastings, W.R Hastings, E.R Hastings. N.R Huron, E.R. .•...•••.••,. . Huron, S.R Huron, W.R Kent, E.R, Kent. W-R Kinirston Lambton, E.R Lambton, W.R - . . . i^anarK, JN-i\-. •>.«.. ...... Lanark, S.R Leeds, S.ll Lennox Lincoln London . Midelesex. E.R Middlesex. N.R Middlesex. W.R Monck Muskoka Nortolk, S.R Norfolk, NR Northumberland E.R Northumberland, W.R ... Ontario, N.R Ontario. S.R Ottawa Oxford, N.R. •■,•••.••...•• Oxford. S.R Peel Perth, S.R Peterboro', E.R Petreboro',W.R Prescott Prince Edward USE STOCK'S KXTKA MACHINK OIL.. Sec Aclvt. page 14« BRANCH.— COMBINED LIFE & GUARANTEE POLICIES Agencies in all principal towns. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS-ONTARIO. 223 CONSTITUENCIES, NAME AND P. O. ADDRESS. Renfrew , S. R James Bonfield, Egansvilln; Renfrew, N.R Thomas Murray, Pembroi e Russell Ira Morgan, Metcalfe Simcoe, E.R. . « Hermon H. Cooke, Toronto Simcoe, S.R Wm. J. Parkhlll, Randwick Simooe, W.R Thos. Long, GoUingwood Stormont Joseph Kerr, Farran's Point Toronto Eas.*^^ Hon. Alex- Morris. Toronto Toronto West Robert Bell, Toronto Victoria, N.R , Samuel S- Peck, Minden Victoria, S.R Hon. S. C. Wood, Toronto Waterloo, N.R M. Springer, Waterloo Waterloo, S.R James Livingston, Baden Welland • • Daniel Near, Humberstone Wellington, W.R Robert McKim, Parker Wellington, C.R Hon. C- Clarke, Elora Wellington, N.R James Laidlaw, Guelph Wentworth, N.R J. MoMahon, Dundas Wentworth, S-R F. M- Carpenter, Stoney Creek York, ER G. W. Badgerow, Toronto York, W.R Peter Patterson, Patterson York, N.R J- H. Widdifield, Newmarket Officers of the Legislative Assembly.— C. T. Gillmor, clerk of the House, and clerk of the Crown in Chancery ; A. H* Sydere, clerk, assistant ; J. M. Delamere, clerk ; John Notman, accountant; John R. Cartwright,, law clerk ; F. J. Giackmeyer, sergeant- at-arms ; Thomas Phillips, Housekeeper and Chief messenger. Public Departments, Ontario. Provincial Secretary's Q^ce.— Hon. A. S. Hardy, provincial secretary; Isaac R. Eckert, assistants eoretary ; R. 8. Brodio^ chief clerk ; J. B.McLachlan, 2nd clerk ; J. D. Warde, 3rd clerk ; Arthur Burchall, messenger. hnmipration Branch, (In connexion with the Department of the Hon. the Provincial Secretary). —Secretary, David ^pence ; R. M. Persse, agent at Quebec and clerk; Edwin Jenkins, clerk. Provincial Registrar's OxHce— Hon. A, S. Hardy, * provincial registrar ; J. F- C. Ussher, deputy registrar ; George Hobbs and John A. Innes, clerks. Jiegistrar- General's O^ce,— Hon, A. S. Hardy, registrar-gen- eral; H. S. Crewe, inspector; Frederick Warwick, chief clerk; clerks, J. McGill, Rigley. Frank Yeigh, Frank Jones, and W. H. H. Mussen. THB COOK'S FBIEND BAKING POWDBB. ««Be»t in U'Mk" 8ee Ad^ p»g« & 11 ! Ml Ml ? : •■I I I I THE CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— 8116,000 deposited with Canadian Government. Asencios io all principal towns* 224 DOMINION OF CANADA. Treasurer's Department— Hon. 8. C. Wood, treasurer; W. U. Harris, Asaistant-treasurer ; A. T. Deacon, L. V- Peroival, A. J. Rattray, P. Simser and W. N. Dcutjlass, clerks ; C. H. Sproule, auditor ; L. W. Ord, and J. W. Mann, clerks ; F. For- tas, messenger ; W. T. O'Reilly, inspector of insurance; C B. JPerry, clerk. Crown Lands Department.— Ron. T.B- Pardee, commissioner ; T. H. Johnson, assistant commissioner; G. Kennedy, law clerk ; T. W. Gibson, short-hand writer- free Grants and Sales Branch.— A' Kirkwood, chief clerk ; J. M. Grant, P. Alma, clerks; J. J Murphj', clerk Free Druin, and Eizear Papillon, messengers. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon. Arthur Turcotte, Speaker. constituencies. p. 0. address. Argenteuil Robert J. Meikle, Lachute Bagot Narcisse Blais, St. Liboire Beauce Joseph Poirier. St. Joseph Beaubarnois , C^lestin Bergevin, St. Timoth^e Belleohasse. P. Boutin, St Raphael Berthier Joseph Robillard, Lanoire Bonaventure J. I. Tarte, Quebec Brome Hon. W. W. Lynch, Knowlton Chambly R. Prefontatne, Montreal USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL. See Advt. page 14. A2a> IiABOE PROFITS TO HOIJ>B^ OF UFIB POLIOnEb^ IMrlBoliNd towns. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY-QUEBEC. 227 CONSTITUENCIES, NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Ghamplain D.N- St-Cyr, Ste. Anne de la Parade Charlevoix O. Gauthier. St. Urbain Ghateauguay Edouard Laberge, St. PhUom6ne Chiooutimi & Sagaenay . . . W F. Price, Saguenay Compton W. Sawyer, Sawyerville Deux Montagnes J . C Champagne, St. Eustache Dorchester N. Audet St. Anselme Drummondife Arthabaska.W* J. Watts, DrummoDdville Gasp^ liou. £. J. Flynn, Quebeo Hoohelaga Louis Beaubien, Montreal Huntingdon Dr. A. Cameron* Huntingdon Ibenrille ,• . . .Louis Molleur, St. Jean Jacques Cartier N . M. Le Caralier, St Laurent Joliette V . p. Lavall^e, St. Felix de Volois Kamouraska Chas. A. £ . Gagnon, Riviere Ouelie LapruKe L. B. A. Charlebois, Laprairie L, Assomption Joseph Marion, St. Paul L'Hermite Laval Hon. L. O- Loranger, Montreal Levis Hon. E. T. Paquet. St. Nicholas L'Islet J. Bte. Dupuis, St. Roch des Aulnets Lotbinidre H. G. Joly. Quebeo Maskinonge Ed. Caron, Riviere du Loup (en haut) Megantic Hon. Geo. Irvine. Quebeo Missisquoi. . , Ernest Raoioot, Sweetsburgh Montcalm Octave Magnan. St. Alexis Montmagny L. N . Fortin, Cap St. Ignace Montmorency Chas . Langelier, Quebec Montreal Centre H ■ A. Nelson, Montreal Montreal East L . . XniHon, Montreal Montreal West James MoShane, Montreal Napierville L. D. Latontaine, St. Edouard Nicolet , C. E, Houde, St. C^lestin Ottawa County L. Duhamel, Wright Township Pontiac . . • Hon. L R- Church, Aylmer Portneuf Hon- Frs. Langelier, Quebec Quebec Centre R. Rinfret, Quebec Quebec East Joseph Shehyn, Quebec Quebec West A. H. Murphy; Quebec Quebec County Hon- D. A.Ross, Quebeo Richmond and Wolfe Jacques Picard, Wotton Richelieu Michel Mathieu, Sorel Rimouski ■ Hon Alex. Chau veau, Quebec Rouville F G. Bouthillier, Montreal St- Hyacinthe Hon. H > Mercier, St. Hyacinthe St. Johns F. G. Marchand, St Jeand.Iberville St- Maurice F> S- L- Desaulniers, Yamachiche Shefford J. Lafontaine, Roxton's Falls Sherbrooke Hon. J. G- Robertson, Sherbrooke Soulanges Wm- Duckett, Coteau Landing Stanstead Henry Lovell, Coaticook THB COOK'S FBIBND BAKING POWDBB. ti: TMB emZENS INSURAlfCE COMPANY.— THE LARGEST ASSrRED. AcronrlHK 2-28 DOMINION OF CANADA. CONSTITUENCIRS. NAME AND P-O. ADDRESS. Temiscouta G. H- Desohanas, St- Epiphane Terrebonne Hon. J- A. Chapleau, Montreal Three Rivers Hon. A Turcotte! Trois Rivieres Vaudreuil Emery Lalonde. bte. Martbe Verch^res Archill Larose, Verchdres Yamaska • J> C. S. >yurtele, Montreal Officers of the Legislative Assembly.— Lewis Delorme. Clerk ot the House ; Etienne Simard, Assistant Clerk : Paul £. bmith, ^'econd Assistant Clerk and Clerk of the Enjeflish Journals ; C. A. Pariseault, Law Clerk : Ad. J. Demers, Chief < ffice Clerk, Distributor of Stationery^ and iSuperintendent of Supernumeraries ;Tho8. Prendergast, C. Bradley, M.D., Copy- ing Clerks ; J. L. Blanohet, Clerk of Routine and Records ; C. P- Lindsay, Chief Cooamittee Clerk and Clerk of Elections: Edouard Demers, C. J . Pettigrew, Assistant Clerks ; Edouara Lemoine. Clerk of Private Bills Committee ; Edward Belleau. AsiFistant; A. N. Montpetit. Chief French Translator; B^noni Marquette. Translator of Votes and Proceedings; J. B- Tur- cotte, Assistant Translator; Crawford Lindsay, Chief English Iranslator; P. J. Curran, Assistant Translator; 0- C. de La- ohevroti^re, Clerk of the French Journals; Louis Fortier, Assistant French Clerk ; J. Whydden, English Assistant Clerk ; I P- Lemay, Librarian; Z. Duhamol, Postmaster; F. X. Gagntn, Assistant Postmaster ; Q^d^on LaRoque, Sergeant-at- Arms ; Laurent Simoneau, Accountant, Book-keeper, and Secretary of the Commission of Internal Economy of the House; Olivier Robitaille, Chief Messenger ; A. Pelletier, Speaker's Messenger : Simeon Gagn6> Clerk's Messenger; Ed. Littlejohn, Joseph Trudel and E. Gauvreau, Messengers; Eugene Balzaretti, Robert Anders and Jacques MoriUt Libra- rian Messengers. -" Provincial Registrar's Department.— Hon. E. T. Paquet, Provincial Registrar; John Langelier, Deputy Registrar; Etienne Poitras and Hermingilde Roy, Clerks ; Jean Labrec- que, Messenger. Department of Law Officers of the Crown.— Hon. L. 0. Loranger, Attorney General; Hon. W. W. Lynch, Solicitor General ; Joseph A. Defoy, Assistant to the Law Officers of the Crown ; H. Delagrave and Gustavo Ouimet, Clerks ; W. Dub^) Messenger. Secretary's Office.— Hon. Etienne Theodore Paquet, Pro- vincial Secretary ; P- J. Jolicoeur, Assistant Secretary ; G. W. Colfer, Chief Clerk ; 0. F. Campeau. Accountant ; Jos. 0. Laurin, E- J. Duchesnay, Thomas T. Nesbitt, James McNi- chols and C. E. De^cham|•s, Clerks ; P. Blouin, Housekeeper and Messenger; F. Forget, Messenger. USE STOCK'S EXTUA MACHINE Olli, Sec AOvt. pagt Z,^, FOSSreiiE AMOUNT OF PROFITS RETURNED THS in all principal towus. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS-QUEBEC. 229 Treasurer's Department —Hon. J. O. Robertson .Treasurer ; H. T. Maohin, Assistant Treasurer; U. Hemtnin?, Book- keeper; S. H. Holt. J. E. Marinette, J. T. Harrower, T. A. Po8ton,T. 0. Waugh, Clerks; H. Hughes, Messenger. Audit Branch.— Q. Drolet, Auditor; F. D. Tims, Book-keeper, A. N. , Oiard, T. R. Nelson, G. T. A. Evanturei, C- J> Burroughs, Clerks ; G. Trudel, Messenger. Department op Public Insipuction. — Hon. G. Ouimet, Superintendent of Public Instriroticn ; Dr. Louis Giard, Secre- tary ; H. H. Miles, LL.D., Assistant Secretary : Oscar Dunn, Joint Secretary, Clerk of the French Correspondence and Li- brarian; J. H. Richardson, Accountant; L, Lefebvre and J. E. Pregen, Clerks ; P. Prevost, Copying Clerk and Storekeeper ; A. Dor^ and D. Bitner, Messengers. Department of Crown Lands.— Hon. E. J. Fiynn, Commls " sioner ; E. E. Tach4, Assistant Commissioner ; John V. Gale' Accountant and Cashier ; E. T. Fletcher, Surveyor <& Dratights- man and Chief of Surveys ; G. G. Dunlevie, Jules Tach^, P. M. A. Genest, C. E. Gauvin, Surveyors and draughtsmen; W. E. Collins, Clerk in charge ; A. Pard, Supt. of Woods and Forests ; Jules Faucher de St. Maurice, Registrar for Department ; L- D. Lemoine, L. L. Rivard, Clerks in charge; F. Chass4, T. Mor- kill, D. C Mackedie. L. Berthelot, J. N. Proulx, V. Derome, J. E. Lepage, T. P. Morin, G. A. Sutton. G. J. Audette, C. A. Parant. J. M. Turcot, L. H. B. Gameau, Clerks; J. Caron, Office Keeper ; C. Dumontier, Jos. Fiset, Messengers. General Cadastre Office,— Q, A. Varin, Secretary : F. M. Le- ohairie, C. Chartre, P. Picard, L. N. Dufresne, F. Keroack. Croion Timber and Land A(7enf«,— Montrealt C. E. Belle Agent; Chambly, Charles De Salaberry, Crown Forester* Three Rivers, A. Dubord. Agent; Murray Bay, G. Duberger, Agent; Chicoutimi, J. 0. Tremblay, Agent: Roberval, I. Dumais, Agent; New Carlisle, L. J. Eliopel, Agent; Quebec' McLean Stewart, Collector of Crown Timber Dues ; Leeds, J. Hume, Inspector of Agencies ; Clarendon, E. Heath, Agent ; Hull, Robt. Farley, Agent; Thurso, J. A. Cameron, jun., Agent; Grenviile, A. B. Filion, Agent; Waterloo, 0. B. Kemp, Agent; Magdalen Islanas, E. Paquet, Agent; Arthibaskaville, A. Gognon, Agent ; St. Francis, J. T. Letourneau, Agent ; Mont- magny, E. Renault, Agent; Rimouski, G. Sylvain, Agent; Ga8p4 Basin, W. H. Annett, Agent; Cap Chat, Louis Roy, sen.. Agent; Quebec, J. E. Boily, Agent; Joliette, J. B. Delfausse, Agent; Up. Ottawa, A. J. Russell, Agent; Robinson, C. Patton, Agent ; Rivi^re-du-Loup, C. T. Dub6, Agent ; Ottawa, J. Mac- donald. Deputy Slide Agent. Department of Agriculture and Public Work^. — Hon. J. A- Chapleau, commissioner; Simeon Lesage, assistant commis- sioner ; E. Gagnon, secretary i Pierre Gouvreau, architect and superintendent of Public Works; J. B. Derome, assistant engineer and secretary of board of arbitration ; P. M- {Partridge, THE COOK'S FBIEND BAKING POWDSR, MBeit in Use." INSURE TOUR UFE WHII.E YOU AKK YOUNG IN THB SIR H UG H ALLAN, President; 230 DOMINION OF CANADA. aooountant: A- F. d'Esohambault, book-keeper; Jos. C Fontaine, director of colonization ; Ed. A. Barnard, director of agriculture ; A. C Guilbault, registrar; H. A. Turgeon, clerk ; J. B. Sirois, first messenger ; P. Archambeault, second ditto. Council of Agriculture.— Jj» H. Massue, Verennes, president ; Oeorge Leclere, secretary-treasurer. Hon. H. G. Joly, Point Platon: Geo. Ouimet, Quebec; M. H. Cochrane, Oompton ; D. £. Price, Quebor : J. J. Ross, Ste. Anne de la Parade ; L. Beaubien, M. P. P. Montreal ; Mesfra- P. B. Benoit, MP., St. Hubert; S. N. Blackwoou, SbefTord ; J. M. Browning,, Lougueuil ; A.Casavant, St. Dr ninique ; £. JDeblois, Quebec ; J. Gaudet, M.P P. Gentillyi JohnL- Gibb. Quebec ; Auguste Guilbault, St. Elizabeth ; A. Somerville, Lower Lachine ; L. N. Gouvreau, Isle Verte; J. N. D. Faribault, I'Assomption ; A. Marsan, rAssomption ; Rev. F. Pilote, St. Augustin ; Rev. S. Tass^, St. Sohola«tique. OfiBce, 63 St Gabriel street, Mon- treal. Board of Examination of P. L. Surveyors- — Hon. the Com- miseioner of Crown Lands, ex-oMcio ; Cnas. Baillarg6, presi- dent; F. W. Blaiklock, £. T- Fetcher, L. P. Gauyreau, John jBignell, and J- Gallagher, examiners and provincial land sur- veyors; Alex. Seweil, secretary, Quebec; Alfred K. C Seiwyn, examiner in geology and minerology. Queen^a Printer* a OMc«'—OMcera—C. F. Langlois, Queen's printer; Chas. Pageau, book-Keeper; Thos. Molony, English translator; Edonara Trudelle, French translator ; J. N. Borr^, messenger. PEOVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. '"• Seat of Government f Frederieton. Lieutenant Governor. — His Honor the Honorable Robert Duncan Wilmot ; private secretary, H* Wilmot, Esq. : provin- cial aide-de-camp, A. F. Street, Esq. Executive Council. ,; ^ • ; Hon. R. Young, President. ** J. J. Eraser, Q.C., Attorney-General. W. Wedderburn, Provincial Secretary. (( It It «t M. Adams, Surveyor-General. p. A. Landry, Chief Commissioner Board of Works. J. H. Crawford, Solicitor-General. B. R. Stevenson, \ D.L^Ha&ton, [ Member, of the Council. Robert Marshall, J F. A. H. Stratton, clerk. UBIB STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIIm See Advt. page 14. IN THB esldent; CITIZENS INSURANCE CeMPANY, ANT> SAVE PRESOUIL ^EH ALI> i:, HART, Oen«»ral lIunHcer. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL -XKW BRUNSWICK. 231 LEGISLATIVE COUJ^CIL. HoD> Alex. McL Seely President. COUNTIES. NAMR AND p. O. ADDItRSS. Albert Hon. J. Lewis, Hillsboro' Carleton " J- Ryan, Elgin Carleton '• W. Lindsay, Woodstock Charlotte " P. Hibbard, St. George Glouoester " R. Young, Caraquette Kent " 0. Mclnerney. Kichibuoto Kings *' John Fieweliing. Hampton Northumberland " W. M Kelly, Chatham Queen's *' G I). Bailey, Canning Kestigouch') " W. Hamilton, Dalhou..iie St. John •* A. iMcL Seely, St. Juhn St. John " T. R. Jones, St. John Sunbury " A. Harrison, Maugerville Viotoria *' B. Sever idge, Tobique Westmoreland '* D. Hannington, Shediac York •• John A . Beckwith Fredericton Officers op the Legisl-itive Council.— George Botsford. clerk ; J. H. Phair, assistant clerk; B. R. Jouett, usher of the Black Rod ; Kev. John M. Brooks, D.D., chaplain; James F. Tibbitts, engrossing clerk. __ HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. Speaker. CONSTITUENCIES. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Albert Dr. Lewis, Hillsborough '^ G. S. Turner, Harvey Carleton G. W- White, Centre ville " J. S. Lelghton, Centreville Charlotte Hon. B- K. Stevenson, St. Andrews " George F. Hill, St. Stephen *^ G. F. Lynot, St. George " Thos. Cotterill, St. David's Gloucester F- McManus, Caraquet " .....Patrick Ryan, Caraquet . Kent r. C Sayre, Riohibucto *k U. Johnson. St. Marys King's Dr. E. A. Vail, Sussex one:" F.E.Morton " '♦ Hon. J. H. Crawford, St. John Madawaska — L- Theriault, St. Leonard Northumberland Hon. M. Adams, Newcastle ** A. A. Davidson, Newcastle '' »• T. F.Gillespie, Chatham " £ Hutchinson, Douglastown THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKXNO FOWDBB* •< Best in Use *' THE CITIZENS INSFRANCE COMPANY. — ACCIDEJrr COMPENSATED. WEEKLY RELIEF 232 DOMINION OF C AX ADA. CONSUITUENCIKS. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Queen's Frunois Wood« Welsford ♦• Walter S . Butler, Sypher'a Cove, G.L. Restigouche Cunard Batbeirie, Campbellton *' Thomas Kennedy, Dalhousie St.John D. MoLellan, Portland " Wm. Elder. St. John ** K- J- Ritchie, St. John «' Edward Willis, St. John *• City Hon. H. Marshall. St. John - " Hon. W. WerJderburn. St. John Sunbury W . E • Perley, Blissville " J. S. Covert, Maugerville Victoria W. B Beveridge, Tobique Westmoreland A. E. Killam, Salisbury *' Hon. p. Landry, Dorchester '* Hon- D. L. Hannington, Dorchester <• Jos. L. Black, Saokville York A- G. Blair, i?redericton *' Hon. J. J. Eraser, QO., Fredericton •* F. p. Thompson, Frederioton ** George Colter, Douglass Offioers of the House of A8.sembly— G. J. Bliss, clerk; J. Richards, clerk assistant; H. Beckwith, sergeant-at-arms ; C W. Beckwith, John Black, engrossing clerks. Provincial Secretary's Office.— Hon. W. Wedderbum* B.C., Provincial Secretary and Receiver-General; J.W. Smithi eputy Provincial Secretary ; G. N. Babbitt, Deputy Receiver- General ; £. Hanson, Clerk. Board of Works Department.— Hon. P. A. Landry, Chief Commissioner: B. Winslow, Chief Clerk; Adolphus G. Beck- with, Civil Engineer. Surveyor General's Department.— Hon. M. Adams, Sur- veyor General ; Andrew Inches, Deputy Surveyor General ; W. P. Flewellinff, jun., Crown Land Clerk; T. O'Connor, A. Sib- bald and — Loggie, Draughtsmen. Government Officers.— J. S. Beek, Auditor-General : Theo- dore H. Rand, Chief Superintendent of Schools ; George Thorn r>son. Chief Clerk Education Office ; George E. Fenety, Queen's Printer; Wm. Carman, Clerk of Supreme Court at Law and Equity; George J. Bliss, Assistant Clerk; W. H. Tuck, Clerk of Crown in Supreme Court ; E. L.Wetmore, A.B., Deputy Clerk ol Crown in Supreme Court; H. G. C. Wetmore, Librarian to Legislative Library; Julius L. Inches, Secretary for Agriculture. USE STOCK'S EXT1:A -MACHINE OIL, See Advt. pag^e 14. BRANCH— PERSON AI. INJUKIKS, DEATH IIT ACCIDENT AFFORDED. Affencleit Ui all |M-hioi|»*il iowiia LAGISLATIVK COUNCIL-NOVA HCoTIA. 233 PROVIXCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. S*ut of Government, Ilnlifax* LiELTRNANT QovFRNOR (and Deputy Governor for signing Marriage Licen8e9).--Hi8 Honour the Hon. Adams (George Archibald- John Hicks, Private Secretary : Lieut. -Col. H. W. Clarke, N. S. M., Major M fi. Daly, Ist Brig. Mil. Artillery, Provincial Aides-de-Cami). Executive Council. Hon. Simon H. Holmes, Provincial Secretary. " John S. D. Thompson, Attorney General. " Samuel Creelman, Commissioner of Works and Mines. ** Nathaniel W.White, " Wm. B. Troop, *' C. J.Townsend, " James S. McDonald, <* H. F. McDougall, " John P. Stairs, Retired Members of Executive Council retaining their rank and precedence, by special permission of Her Mfi J e sty.— Hon > Sir Wm- Yr>ung, Hon. Sir Charles Tapper. C.B., Hon- William A. Henry, Hon. James McDonald, Hon. Samuel L. Shannon, Hon. Alexander McFarlane, Hon. Adams G- Archibald. Members of Council. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Robert Boak President. Hon. R.M.Cutler, Guys borough •' F. Tupi)er, Liverpool *' J. McKinnon, Antigonishe " S. Creelman, Stewiacke *• D- McN. Parker, Halifax " J. Fraser, Pictou *' Henry Martell, Arichat G. McKenna, Shel bourne 0. Dickie, Cornwallis it Hon, R. Boak, jun., Halifax. " E. R. Dakes, Digby. ' A.McN.C€chran,Maitland " C. boudrot, Arichat " C.M.Franeheville, Guy'h ♦' J. B. Dickie, Truro " D. McCurdy, Baddeck '• H. Black, Cumberland '' J. S. McDonald, Halifax Officers.— John C. Halliburton, Clerk; Rev. George W. Hill, A.M., Chaplain; Robert Romans, Gentlemen Usher of the Black Rod. THB OOOK'S FRIBNO BAKING -POWUJblii. M Best In Um " ' I ii VHB OmSEENS INSURANCE COMFANT.-FIBX: BRANCH. INSURXIRS. Agencies 234 D tMINION OF CANADA. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. E- T. Moseley .Speaker. CONSTITUENCIES. NAMES. Annapolis Hon. Wra. B. Troop, Caleb W- Shafner Antigonish Hon. J S. D- Thompson, A. McGillivray Cape Breton £• Tilton Moseley, Hootor F. McDougall Colchester Wm. A- Patterson, Wm. Blair Cumberland Hon C J. Townshend. Ed. Viokery Digby • ... Benjamin Van Blancom, H. M. Robioheau Ouysborough .... James VV. Hadley Alex. N. McDonald Halifax Hon. J • F. Stairs, W. D. Harrington, J. Pugh Hants Nathaniel Spenoe, Thomas B. Smith Inverness Duncan .i. Campbell, Alex. Campbell Kings Wm. C Bell, Hon. James S. McDonald Lunenburgh Chas- A. Smith. Edward James Pictou Hon. S. H. Holmes, A. McKay, A. C Bell Sueen's S. S. I BAKING POWDER. «< Best in i;««.'* I '. THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— GUARANTEE Agenoiei in all 236 DOMINION' OF CANADA. PEOVINCE OF BEITISH COLUMBIA. Seat of Government, Victoria^ V.I. LiEUTENANT-GovKRNOR— Hon. A. N. Richards. Executive Council. Hon. G. A. Walkem, Attorney-GoDeral and Chief CoinmiS' sioner Land and Works. P ** Robt. Beaven, Minister of Finance and Agriculture. ** T. B. Humphreysi Prov. Secretary and Min- of Mines. PROVIXCE OF MANITOBA. Seat o/ Government, Winnipeg. Lieutenant-Governor— 'YLon. Joseph Cauchon. Private Secretary— d. Cauchon, Jr. Executive Council. Hon. John Norquay, (Premier) Provincial Treasurer. " C. P. Browne, Minister of Public Works. '• Senator Girard, Provincial Secretary. " D. W. Walker, Attorney-General. '• Alaxirae Goulet, Minister of Agriculture. Rice M. Howard, Esq., Clerk. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. Gilbert McMicken Speaker. COXSTITUEXCIES. XAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Assinaboiue Alex. Murray, Sturgeon Creeik Baie St. Paul Hon. M . A. Girard, Winni'r>8g Burnside John Smith, Barnside Carder Gilbert McMioken, Winnijieg LDuflferin North A. Laughlin. Belmont Dutferin South William Winram, Nelsonville USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE Olli. See Atlvt. page 14. ■ LBANTEB olet in all IBIA. 3. Cominis- kure. Iklines. Olli. BRANCH.— FIDEUTY OF BMPIiOTlBES OUARAlTrEEDW principal towns. NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. 237 CONSTITUENCIES. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Emerson William H. Nash, Emerson Gladstone Hon. G . P. Brown, Winnipeg High Bluff J. A. K. Drummond. High Bluff Kildonan , A . M. Sutherland, Winnipeg La Verandrye Maxime Goulet, ot Boniface Mountain Thomas Green way. Crystal City Morris Joseph Taillifer, St. James Portage La Prairie... James Cowan, M.D., Portage Laprairie Rockwood J. S • AikenStWinnipeg Springfield A. W. Ross, Winnipeg Ste. Agathe. Alex. Kittson, St. Boniface St. Andrew's Hon . John Norquay, Winnipeg St. Boniface A* A- C. La Riviere, St. Boniface St. Clements .E. H. G. G- Hay, St. Andrews St. Francois Xavier . Pascal Breland, St. Francois Xavier Westbourne Hon • D. M ■ Walker, Winnipeg City of Winnipeg Capt. Thomas Scott, Winnipeg Woodlands Wesley Lipsett, Meadow Lee Officers op the House.— Thomas Spence, clerk; J. A. N. Provencher, clerk, assistant; John McDougall, serjeant-at- arms. NOETH-WEST TEEEITOEY. Seat of Government^ Battleford. Lietilenant- Governor— Ron. DAYWliAiRD* ConnctV.— Matthew Ryan and Hugh Richardson, stipendiary magistrates, and members of Council ex-officio : Lieut.-Col. J. F. McLeod, C.M.G., commissioner of pf^Uce, Pascal Breland, members of the Council. Lieut.-Col. A. G. Iivine, assistant commissioner of police ; A. Forget, clerk of Council and secre- tary tA Lieut.-Governor ; W. J. Scott, registrar ; E. Richards, sheriff. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Insurance^ Bank, Law & Mercantile Printing, • m-* J. THEO. ROBINSON, 54 St Francois Xavier Street, - MONTREAL THB COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDBR. -mm TJXB CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— ACCIDENT BRANCH.— TI3LE REQUIRED AT VERT LOW BATESl 238 DOMINION OF CANADA. ABSTRACT OF AHHUi^WKXT AND COLLECTION LA^'S IN DOMINION OF CANADA, ONTARIO. Abrest and Ihpbisonment fob Debt. — Imprisonment for debt is not allowed in Ontario, but in case a creditor can make an affidavit that he has a cause of action to the amount of $100 and upwards, or that he has sustained damage to that amount ; and also, by affidavit, show facts and circumstances to satisfy a judge that there is reasonable and probable cause that debtor is. unles-s forthwith apprehended, about to quit Ontario with intent to defraud his creditors, the debtor may be arrested and couftued in close custody till he puts in special bail for such sum as shall be named by the judge in the order. The writ of Capias so issued is the com- mencement of the action. Assignments. — No trader can make a voluntary assignment pre- ferring certain creditors ; any such assignment can be set aside as fraudulent, and under certain circumstances the debtor by such a preferential assignment may mnke himself liable criminally. Attachments — Attaclimeuts only issue in case of absconding debtors who leave Ont uio witli intent to defraud their creditors, and who are possesse*' w their own use and benefit of real and per- sonal property, credits,, or effects not exempt by law from seizure. All other actions are commenced by ordinary writ of summons. Bill of Exchange and Prosiissorv Notes. — These are governed by commercial law as to days of grace, protest and notice, the Ontario Statute not varying materially In this respect. Notes do not bear Interest, luiloss expressed on the face, until after ma- turity, from which period, however, the legal rate — six per cent. — can be recovered. If a rate of" interest is named on face of note, and in addition to tlie words, '* with interest at the rate of——," the words •* until paid " are added, the *' named *' rate can be col- lected till date of payment of note, othe^^use without these words (or others of similar import), the expressed rate only during period of currency, and legal rate from maturity till payment, can be collected. Notes must also ha.e bill stamps affixed at the rate of three cents for every $100 in amount. For every frac- tional amount over the even hundreds another three cent stamp must be affixed. These must be affixed at time of making, and obliterated by writing thereon date of month and year. An innocent holder getting an unstamped note may affix double stamps, but must write thereon actual date of affixing, and his initials. The note is then valid. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIIm See Advt. page 14, OCCIDENT POLICIES ISSUED FOR ANT LENGTH OB Agencies In all principal towns. ASSIGNMENT AND COLLECTI N LAWS. 239 CoM»ii8SiONS. — Comiriasions can issue from all courts of record, and upon a proper application in a suit in the division court, a comniissJon will be directed to issue from the county court,, to take the evidence to be ustd in the division court. The costs of the commission will be allowed to tlie successful party. Contracts or Marbied Women.— Married women may con- tract and are liable on contracts to the same extent as -femmes sole," but such contracts must be made on faith of, and credit of her separate estate^ and she must possess separate time of contract and at time of judgment. She may make notes and is liable thereon subject to above qualifications. Chattel Morigaoes. — Must be filed within five days of their being executed, and are only valid for a year from date, but may be renewed from year to year , euch a rpnewal must bt* made with- in thirty days before expiration of year, and filed also. Ctiattel mortgages are filed in the county clerk's office of the county in which the goods mortgaged are situate. Execution. — Executions can issue on judgments by default in eight days after last days for appearance, or seventeen days from date of service of writ. In cases going to trial, execution does not issue until the fourth day of the term following the verdict in the superior courts — the second day of term in county court cases — imless the judge makes an order for immediate execution. Tlie sheriff is bound to return writs at any time after demand in \sTiting. In division courts l)ailiff must return writ within thirty days, unless plaintiff authorises him to renew writ for thirty days longer, and so from time to time. Writs in county and superior courts are good for one year from date, and may 1)0 renewed from year to year. Lands cannot be sold under execution until after expiration of a year from date of issue of execution. Executions cannot be stayed as a general rule, except on applications for new trirl Exe- cutions against lands bind lauds ol' debtor in county in whicli issued from date of being placed in sheriff's hands, without being regis- tered. This in superior and county court cases. Judgments in division courts for amounts excc'eding ,"f^40 tr,; y be made judg- ments of the county court, and executions thereon issued against lands. Exemptions. — The exemptions from executions are beds, bed- ding, and bedsteada in ordinary use by debtor and his family, necessary wearing apparel, one stove and pipes, and a number of smaller articles; all necessary fuel, meat, vegetables, fish, flour — not more than suftici»^nt for ordinary consumption of debtor and family for thirty days and not exceeding in value $4() ; one cow, four slieep,, two hogs and food therefor for thirty days ; tools and implements of or chattels ordinarily used in debtors's occupation, to value of $60; bees reargd and kept in hives to the extent of fifteen hives ; no real estate. Interest. — Interest may be recovered on open accounts from and after demand of payment, and notice that interest will be charged if account not paid. THI<: COOH*8 FUIENU U.^KINa POWDBB. •* Bmmt In Use.** THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY.— FIRE BRANCH* All classes of Riskn taken at moderate rates. 240 DOMINION OF CANADA. Judgments. — Judgments may be obtained during vacation by default only. Judgment can be obtained in superior and county courts te)i days after defendant served, if resident in Province. In division courts in eleven days after service, if d'jieudant resides in county where suit commenced, or twenty-one days, if defendant resides in another county than the one sued in. These judgments arc, of course, judgments by default. In contested cases, from r>ne to three montlis. Judgments are good for twenty years from their date. JuEisDiCTioN OF COURTS. — Superior Courts unlimited jurisdic- tion \ county courts up to $400, where amou?at ascertained by acts of parties or signature of defendant, as notes, bon;ls. &c.. ; open accounts and unsettled balances, up to js2U0. In division courts upon any note, bill of exchange, or any debt or money demand, the balance of which does not exceed ,S2uO, where the amount or original amount is ascertained by t})e = ignatuie of the defendant. In other cases any unsettled oalarro, where it does not exceed ,$^00, and wlien such is a balaue*^ : t account not origin- ally exceeding ,$4uo. Xotes and accouutij ,i e outlawed in six years from time they become due. Vehification of Accounts. — Vi illcaticTx is of no use and accounts and claims must be proved ' y ndraibisiou of defendant or by evidence of witnesses examined h\ c« ivr : ov tlieir evidence can be taken under commission if non-re klcnts l ' &ick or absent. QUEBEC. Assignments. — Voluntary assignments may be made, but if a creditor does not become a party to the proceedings his claim will not be discliarged tliereby. The insolvency law has been repealed. Attachments. — Attachments do not issue except in cases of debtors about to abscond, or secreting goods with a view to defeat or defraud his creditors. Chattel Mortgages.— Tli ere are no such instruments" known to the law in Quebec. If a debtor wishes to secure a debt by chat- tels, he must deliver them absolutely to the creditor. Commi.ssions. — Commissions can issue from the circuit court which has jurisdiction from one cent to one hundr< il dollar. ' Contracts of 3Iarried Women.— Contracts and notes, made by a married woman, are only binding when she is a trader separ- ated, as to property from her husband, and doing business on her own account. Execution. — Execution can only issue in fifteen davs after judginent, unless cause is shown bv plaintitf that defendant is making away with Ms property, when he can procure its issue iminetliately. Executions can*oiily ho stayed })y ojiposition of defendant supported by affida nt. wiiicJi can be fvled on the CTound rSE STOCK'S E X T IC A M A C 11 1 N E OIL. ^**?i ElANCH.. court made separ- on her s aftor daiit is ts issue ition of KTOUlld lU THE CITIZENS INSURANCK CO.— Fire, Life, Guarantee and Accident. Capitnl 91,188,000. ASSIGNMENT AND C iLLECTION LAWS 241 of informalities in seizure, or seizure of goods of third party though in possession of Defendant. Case tried in the ordinary way, to test these rights, takes from two to three months. The sheriff must return execution on return day mentioned in the writj which is generallyfor moveables about twenty days, after the issuing thereof, and for lands four months. Exemptions. — The exemptions from executions are beds, bed- ding, and bedsteads in ordinary ixse ]»y debtor and his family, necessary wearing apparel, one stove ancl pipes, and a number of smaller articles. All necessary fuel, meat, vegetables, fish, flour not more than sufficient for ordinary consumption of debtor and family for thirty days, and not exceeding in value $40. One cow, four sheep, two hogs, and lood tlierefor for thirty dayst Tools and implements uf, or chattels ordinarily used in debtor's occupa- tion, itc, «tc. No real est ate. Intebi^st. — Interest may be charged when defendant has promiivd to pay it, or when a usage ov course of dealing has been proved, under which defendant has been in the habit of paying interest. Judgments.— Judgments may be obtained all the year round, except from lOlh July to 31st Augixst, and a few days at the end of each month. Judgments may be obtained where no defence interposed in circuit courts in eight days, in siiperior coints in fourteen days, and in both courts one extra day must be allowed for t very fifteen miles that defendant lives from Montreal. A judgment is good for thirty years. No judgment notes are allowed in QueV)ec. Jurisdiction of Courts.— Circuit court up to $100 ; superior courts, all amounts above $100; notes and accounts are outlawed in five years. Verification of Accounts. — No verification is wanted; ac- counts and claims must ))e prov»d out of mouth of defendant or by witnesses examined in court or under cottiaiission, if wit« ncsses reside in States or are absent. NKW BRUNSWICK. AssiONMKXXa. — AssignmentH preferring cr»'ditorsmay be made. AttaCHMKXTS. — Attaehiuiuts are a eoUateral pioci'eding, but may be issued at the time i>f issuing a suniuious or peud ng suit bef()r? jutlgnjent i)4 obtained. Actions are con\mence I by sum- mons. Chattkl MoktgaGES.— Cliattel mortgages must be filed to be binding- Commissions.— Commissions to take evidence do not issue from any courts except courts of ivcord, the county and supreme courts. 1— THE COOK'S FKIEND UAKI^^G POWDER, <« Beftt in Use." Iti 1^ THB OmZENS INSURANCE COMPANT.-FIBE, LIFE, SIR HUGH AIXAN, President; 242 DOMINION OF CANADA. Contracts of Married Wome.v.— The contracts or uotes of married women are not l)iuding. Executions. ~ExecutionB can issue immediately after judg- ment. The sheriff must return process on return days unless he has levied. Execution cannot be stayed by defendant unless he moves in arrest of judgment. Exemptions.— Personal property to the value of $100, No real estate. Interest.— Interest cannot be charged upon open accounts. Judgments. -Judgments are obtained in county courts, if no defence, in thirty days, and in Supreme Court in sixty days. Judgments may be obtained in vacation. Judgments in county courts und superior courts only can be made liens on land. Judg- ments are good for fifteen years. Jurisdiction op Courts— Magistrates, $20 ; county courts from $20 to $200, except St. John ; Supreme court from $200 up- ward. Notes and accounts are outlawed in six years from time due or from last payment. Verification of accounts. — It is not necessary to attest an account in order to put in suit, unless an attachm 'nt is issued, and then it can be attested before a Notary public, certified under his hand and seal. NOVA SCOTIA. AssiONMKXTS. — May be made as ut common law; preferences are allowed. The insolvoncy law has been repealed. Attachments- — Actions are not commenced by attacliment. It is only a provisional remedy. Chattel MortgaGKS.— Chattel mortgages must be fikd in tlie office of the Kegistrar o( Deeds to operate against third parties. Commissions.— Commissions to take evidence do not issue from justice's courts. Contracts op Marrtpd Women.— Tlie contracts and notes of married woniou are not bimling. EXKCUTION. — Execution can issue inimedi ttcly after judgment. Executioji cannot be stayed by defendant except by special appli- cation to a judge, allowing sutiicient grounds. It can, of course, be 8tay(;d by creditor by instructions to the sherift'. The bherill' is not obliged to return executions until the exi)irution of sixty days from tlieir date of issue. ExKMPTlONS— Tiie necessary wearing apparel and bedding of the debtor and his family ; the tools and implements of his trade or calling ; one stove, and his best cow. Nd real estate. USE fSTOCK'S £XTRA 3IACH1NE OIL, S€« AUvt. page 14» OUABAMTEi: AND ACCIDENT.-CAPITAL, SiaSSiOOO. GEBJLLD E. HART, General Manairer. ASSIGNMENT AND COLLECTION LAWS. 243 Interest — Interest cauuot be charged ou open accounts, ex- cept by arrangement, or an establidhed course of dealing in wiiich it has been paid or acknowledged by debtor. Judgments.. — Judgments may be obtained during the vacation of court, They can be obtained in fourteen days after service, when defendant resides in the same county where writ is issued ; in twenty-four days, when issued in another county ; in thirty- four days, if defendant resides in Cape Breton, and writ issued elsewhere. Judgments are good for twenty years from their date. Jurisdiction op Courts.— The Supreme Court of the Province of Nova Scotia has concurrent jurisdiction with the county courts on actions ex contractu, where the debt or damages claimed amount to $80, and do not exceed $400. Xotes and accounts are outlawed in six years from the time they become due. Verification of Contracts.— It is useless and unnecessary. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' LICENSE LAWS. No law exists in the following Provinces requiring Commercial Travellers to take out a License : Ontario, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, St. Pierre et Miquelon, Manitoba, British Columbia. In QuKBEC—Licenses are collectible in the City of Quebec, Levis and Three Rivers. In New Brunswick — Commercial travellers' licenses are col- lected in Saint John, Fredericton, and Woodstock. COMMERCIAL PRINTING HOUSE, J^ St. Francois Xavier Street, MONTREAL Special facilitieH for the prompt execiitiou of all or€leri» for — AND — MERCANTILE PHINTIJNG. Cr. THIEO- I^OBID^SOIiT THE OOOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER, it Best in Use," lU CITIZENS rNSURANCE COMPAXT.— LIFE BRANCH. THIS CO>rPANT. Agenoiei 244 DOMINION OF CANADA. FISH AND GAME LAWS, OF THE DOMIXIONOF CANADA. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. The following is the new Game Act in the Province of Ontario, giving the season when game may be killed : — Deer, moose, elk, reindeer, or cariboo, from the 15th day < f Sept- ember to the 15th day of December, inclusive. Wi!d turkeys, grouse, pheasants or partridges, and prairie fowl, between the 1st of October, and the first day of February. Quail, between the 1st day of October and the 1st day of January. Woodcock, between the 1st day of August and the 1st day of January. Snipe between the 15th day of August and the 1st of May. Mallard, grey duck, black duck, wood or summer duck, and all kinds oi teal, between the 1st day of September and the 1st day of January. Other ducks wild swans, and geese, between the 1st day of Sept- ember and (he jstday of May. Hares or rabbits, between the 1st day of September and the 1st day of March. No petson shall have in his possession any of the above animals or birds or any portion of them during the close seasons. They may be exposed for sale '" v. ' '"".s, for one month and no longer, after such periods, or 1 .' c m at any time for family Uhe, but in all cases the proo. t the- ' i .«. killing or taking shall be upon the party so in possessu None of the animal*, cr birds above mentioned rhall at any time betaken by means of tiaps, snares, gins, baited lines, or other similar contrivances Any person may destroy any such traps, snares, &c., which he may discover, without incurring any li;«bility for so doing. No one shall take, destroy or have in his possession the eggs of any of the birds mentioned, at any time. No batteries, sunken punts, or night lights allowed in the killing of swan, geese or ducks. No ducks to be killed from dark until daylight. Beaver, muskrat. mink, sable, martin, raccoon, otter, and fisher may be hunted and killed only between the 1st of November and the 1st of May. The fine for killirg deer, &c., out' of season shall be not less than ten dollars, nor moie than fifty dollars, for each animal. USE STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE OIL, See Advt. pag;e 14. lilFE POIilCIES OF ETERT DESCRIPTiON ISSITEID tn all principal towns. FISH AND GAME LAWS. 24.5 For having in possession the birds or eggs of any of tlie bird* protected at any time, not less than five oollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, for each bird or egg. For killing anv of the fur bearing animals out of the season, not less than fiv?: dollars nor more than twenty- five dollars, and a similar fine for any nth r breach of the Act. In all cases the whole of the fine to be paid to the prosecutor, unless the convicting justice has reason to believe that the prosecution is in collusion with and for purpose of benefiting the accused. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. No elk, cariboo, deer or their fawn, or hare, sliall be hunted, taken or killed between the Ist day of February and the 1st day of Septem- ber in any year. No grouse, ptarmigan, partridge, woodcocV, or snipe shall be shot at, hunted, taken or killed between the first day of March and the first day of September in any year. No person shall fire at, hunt, take, kill or destroy any wild swan, wild goose, or anv kind of wild duck, sea duck, widgeon or teal, between the first daf of May and the first day of September, in any year, in that part of the province west of the city of Three Rivers, nor between the fifteenth day of the month of May and the first day g( the month of September in any year, to the east of that town. Nevertheless in that part of the province to the east of the place known as the ** Brandy Pots," in the River St. Lawrence, the inha- bitants may, between the 15th day of the month of May and the first day of September rn each year, hunt, take or kill for food only, any of the animals mentioned in this section. No wood cock, snipe, wild swan, wild goose, or wild duck of any kind, or sea duck or teal shall at any time be shot at, hunted, taken or killed between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise. No animal or bird, named in the foregoing sections, except hares, shall be taken or killed at any time by means of any rope, snare, spring, cage, net or trap of any kind. No engine shall be at any time, for such purpose, placed, con- structed, erected or set, either wholly or in part ; and any person tlnding any engine so placed, constructed, erected or set, may take possession of or destroy the same. No person shall at any time, disturb, injure, gather, or take the eggs of any species of wild fowl ; and all ve^se!s or boats employed in disturbing, gathering or taking the eggs of any species ot wild fowl, may, as well as the eggs, be confiscated and sold. No wild cat, martin or pekan shall be hunted, trapped or killed between the fifteenth day ot April and the first day of November, and no mink between the fifteenth day of April and ihe fifteenth day of October, in each year. THE OOOK'Ss FUIKND BAKING POWDER. «< Best in Use." .%. ^0^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Ui92S |2.5 III 1.8 u IU& Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 1.25 1.4 1 1.6 ^ 6" ► 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 I i i> 1:1 i I ■ i: ! ! ■V ( :J THE CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY. — ACCIDBNl COMPENSATED. WEEKLY BELIEF 246 DOMINION OF CANADA. No person shall hunt, trap or kill : — Any otter between the first of May and the first of October, in each year. Any beaver between the thirtieth of April and the first of Septem- ber in each year. Any muskrat between the first of June in each year, and the first of April following, for the districts of Quebec. Saguenay, Chicoutimi, Montmagny, Kamouraska, Rimouski, and Gaspi, and between the first of May of each year and the first of April following for the remainder of the province. No person shall at any time use or employ strychnine or other deleterious poison, either mineral or vegetable, nor any spring gun, to hunt, take, kill or destroy any anim.xl whatever. Every game-keeper appointed by the commissioner of crown lands shall forthwith seize all animals or birds mentioned in the preceding sections, or any portion of such animals or birds found by him in the possession or custody of any person during any forbidden period, and which appear to him to have been taken or killed during such period, or by any of the illegal means set forth in sections 5 and 9 of this act, and he shall bring them before any justice of the peace, who shall declare them confiscated either in whole or in part. All animals or birds, or portions of animals or birds so confiscated shall belong to the game-keeper. No person shall have in his possession custody or care, any animal or bird already mentioned, or any part of such animal or bird, with the exception of the skin, during th<; period in which by the act, the killing thereof is prohibited, or which appears to have been taken or killed by any of the means forbidden lay this act ; but every such animal or bird, or any portion or portions thereof, may be bought or sold (when lawfully taken), during fourteen days, to be computed from the expiration of the various periods respectively fixed by this act for the killing thereof. Every such game-keeper may cause to be opened, or may himself open, in case of refusal, any bag, parcel, chest, box, trunk, or other receptacle, in which he has reason to believe that game killed or taken during the close season, or peltries out of season, are hidden. Every offence against any of the provisions of this act shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and recoverable summarily or on information or summons duly issued by a justice of the peace. Such justice of the peace, on the proof which shall be thereof made, may impose the penalty, with costs, and such penalty shall belong to the informer. In default of immediate payment, the offender shall be imprisoned in the common jail of the district within the limii: r^ of which the offence was committed, for any period of time not exceeding three months. Every magistrate shall have power to convict on view. USE STOCK'S EXTKA MACHINE OIL, See Ailvt. page 14. confiscated BRANCH—FEBSONAIi IN«n7BIES, DEATH BY ACCIDENl AFFORDED. Asenoles in all principal towns FISH AND GAME LAWS. 247 Suits brought in virtue of this act need not be begun by deposition or information on oath of the plaintiff or complainant, provided always that the purport of the complaint or demand is sufficiently set forth in the writ or in a declaration annexed thereto. The evidence of the complainant alone, on any one witness, shal^ be su^tcient to support a conviction. No proceeding under this act shall be quashed, annulled or set aside by certiorari ; but an appeal may be brought before the circuit court of the district in which the offence took place, in the same manner as appeals under the municipal code. No prosecution shall be brought after twelve calendar months from the day of the committing of the offence. The commissioner of crown lands may appoint officers to super- intend the execution of this act, and of any other act, which may be hereafter passed respecting game in this province. The commissioner of crown lands or any person by him thereunto empowered, may grant written permission to all persons desirou bona j^de of procuring birds, or fur-bearing animals, for scientific purposes, during the close season : and the person who shall have obtained such permission shall not be liable to any penalty imposed by this act, provided that he produce within two months next after tne period in which he shall have hunted under such permission, a statement under oath specifying the kind and quantitjr of game and fur-bearing animals taken by him for such scientific objects. CLOSE SEASONS FOR YISH,— {Applies to Que. & Ont ) Salmon — from Ist August to SOth April, for net- fishing : from 31st August to SOth April, for fly surface fishing. No salmon fry, parr or smolt to be caught; and no salmon or grilse under 3 lbs. weight. If caught by accident, to be released. White Fish from 1st to 10th November in Ontario, and from 10th November to 1st December in Quebec. Salmon Trout, Lake Trout ( or lunge or Winnoniche) — From l£th Qctober to 1st December in Quebec, and from 1st to 10th November in Ontario. Speckled Trout, {Salmon Fontinalis.) Brook or River Trout. From 1st October to 31st December in Quebec, and from 15th Sep- tember to 1st May in Ontario, Bass— From l-^th April to 15th May in Quebec and Ontario. Pickerel ( Dori)— From 15th April to tlSth May in Quebec and Ontario. Maskinong^ — from 15th April to 15th May in Quebec and Ontario. f No person shall during such prohibited times, fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or have in possession, any of the above mentioned kinds of fish. THE COOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDEIl. " BMt in Use." iM li-' i iHi I !i !i % 248 ADVERTISEMENT. W. & F. P. GURRIE & GO. /OO GreyJVtm Sire el y Mo7iireaty IMPORTERIS OF fie 1101, lAE IIOI, BOILER PLATES, GALVANIZED IRON, Oanaia FlMeSt lln Plates^ BOILER TUBES, GAS TUBES, Zngrot Tin, Ztivets, Ingrot Copper, Iron T^ire, Sheet Copper, Steel ^ire, Antimony, G-lass, Sheet Zino, Faints, Ingrot Zino, Fire Clay, Pi? Lead Fine Covers, Dry B.ed Lead, Fire Bricks, Dry White Lead, Veined Marble, Boman Cement, Portland Cement, Eosendale Cement, Canada Cement, Payings Tiles, harden Vases, Chimney Tops, Fountains, DRAIN PIPES, Patent Encaustic Paving Tiles, &c. MANUFACTURERS OF S@f Aj OHAIiR AM© ©IB SPPJMdS, T^^k LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND.^^SS:^ OW Mt)-l-itf;5Bt|'^#ia-: i' . -4 mW^^P, < 1*., ys -461 ST. JA-M ES ■ S.1^1% e-e€ ** I il l i n il - ,\ " ' ll j ' > I l l !>,, k 't- ^ f ' ^-TiT^ 't: ,6! ^..'h ' *. p. 5 :?^Kti-^'^ -^ ■ "Will III J f'i. -y^m:M' %»^w*^^, /vT .,»• »« ') iV 1 •■iri.if, v*^1 s^. -:i... »:1 tifi i m^. i^^'^S'iiw ti