V] o^ A^ W a ^ /A // 4. O 7 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I ^1^ 1^ IL25 1 1.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WeSSTER.N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 / V ^ <,i>^ \ V \ :\ 4v <.' L-P 6^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIH1VUmfci;«'-j-i tev '■■,.• "/■ "" '*,'t'^(^!'WIWW(IWW * i^ I 1^' I BIBLIOTHEQUE " DU SEMINAIRE ST JOSEPH DES TROIS'RIVIERES No V V'i t: '- ) ■■.•■■ = /jST s'V '.?- -J* h iV: MmmMA(Bm DU Bfif . Pere ALB. LACOIE, M J. I. A DICTIONARY OF THE OTCHIPWE LANGUAGE u I i*i ' I i^& tf>^Dl3»4^?l ^1 A DICTIONARY ■ OF THE OTCHIPWE LANGUAGE, EXPLAINED IN ENGLISH. F.£iL.TlT XX. , OTCHIPWE - ENGLISH. By R. R. BISHOP BARAGA, A NEW BDITION, UV A MISSIONABY OF THK OBLATKS. Let foreign imtioiiR of their lanBuage boast, And, proud, with skilful pen, man's fate record ; I like the tongue, which speak our men, our coaat, Who cannot dress it well, want wit not word. ->-o-<>o— <^ MONTREAL ! BEAtlCHEMIN & VAL0I8, Publishers, 256 and 258, St. Paul Street. 1880 % W'l I •'♦ ' /^J^S r-^TKC -*»»~-— -^,_„ ■■\ ^ifHi^^sM'''''^^'^^'^''' • ■ ' '^i •...^JIF JPREFA.CE. M\ The celebrated Lexicographer J< loHNSoNsayfl: ** He that un- dertakes to compile a Dfctionary, undertakes that, which, " if it comprehends the full extent of his design, he knows hin»- " self unable to perform. Yet his labors, though deficient, " may be useful ; and with the hope of this inferior praise he *' must incite his activity, and solace his weariness." A true saving ! Pbobatum est I If anybody experienced the truth of it,' I did. What Johnson says here, is true even in regard to Dictiona- ries of civilized languages ; but by far more so in regard to a Dictionary of an Indian language. This is, to the best of my knowledge, the first Dictionary of the Otchipwe language ever published. The compilation of it has cost me several years of assiduous labor; and still I must acknowledge that it is yet very defective and imperfect. I con- sider it as next to impossible to make such a work perfect at once, in the first edition. In order to understand this Dictionary and make a practical use of it, the Otchipwe Grammar ought to be first studied, es- pecially the Formation of Subatantivefi and the Formation of Verbs; because you will find in this Dictionary only some of {Reformed substantives and verbs, as examples after which you may form others yourself, according to the Rules explained in the Grammar. The pronunciation of the Indian words in this Dictionary is the same as explained in the First Part of the Otchipwe Gram- mar. Here is a short extract of those explanations. VI • a in {)ronouiice(J long or short like a in father, and or hand, e " " like e in net. i * " like i in live, n " " like in bone, g " '* like ti%,'*:^S^J.,i vn H. 10 11 tcrs ure exnrorttiOil that art- luMoil to the Hiiif^ular in ordor to fbriii tlie plural ; ami the daHli Iteforo those h'tterw repre- Hciita the Bulintuiitive. As: T(hinn, luriiip; \A.-nn ; wliirli ineiiiiH, tchixsan. Inini, man ; pi. //•«//, llml in, ininiwaij. * There are Home coiiHormntH wliicli tiie ImliiiuH don't prt»- iiounce distinctly and unifi>rniullv. Tliey very otlen con- found the letters II and /', I) and f, 11 and A'. It in otlen iin- |tos8il)le to aHcertain, hy the pronunciation of an Indian, whetlicr tlic word liej^inH with a // or /', witli a I) or 7', with a (i or A'. For this reawon pleawe mind tlie uliort Note you will find at the he^'inning of each of thcHc letterH in this Dictionary. See likewiso the Note at the be;;inning of the letters I) anil U'. In rejjard to the Second Party I have to remark that what- ever relates to a suhslanfive, is to he found under that huI)- stantive. As : I have lar^e feet, I have small feet, I have cold feet, etc. Look for all that under the suitstantive ''Foot." Mind the same in rejj^ard to cerb.s. The adjectives rtdatin;^ to a verb and mo[ E.\I'I,AXAT10N OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DICTIONARY. an. in. adv. f. i. imp. interj. n. or niim num. v. n. V. ^i. per 8. V. 8. 1 8. th. ,\irn\l\eH animate | See Otchipwe (}rannnar. " inanimate. / ' adverb, for instance, imperative, interjection, number, numeral verb, neuter verb, participle, plural. personifying verb, participfe and substantive. See. substantive, something. (( (C li (C (( (< (I (I It il (( l( (( \- i * In Manitoba the Otcliipwe Inilliiii.s or Sauteux pronounce more wok tlian wag, for verbs as well for substantives. V,f ii -tOim^t VHI 6*.., t SotnetiiiieH, when iieoeHHary to imlicaU' tlio third ))er80n plug. j)refl. of active verhn animate, the l»oj;;innin;^ of the vcrli is •^iveri, aiui then the teriniriation, \vhi(ih is « ; an: Nin waha- ma ; 3 p. o wabn; vvliich moans, o xoabamdn. To sjiow tlio third person sing. pres. of active verbs inanimate, when it is not regular the heii;innin<' of the verb is marked, and three periods ; v.g. : Nin wabanadn ; 3 p. o wab... ; wh'cK means, o wal>atid(tn. 'Vo indicate the participle, ordinarily, when it appears to he nsc- fnl fur tiie beginner, the beginning and the ena of it is niarU- t'd (h)\vn ; as: Mashkau-adin ; p. mesh...inff ; which means, :ne!ilikawadi.n hi Abiahkwehij/isidebis, [niiul). I have a blister on my foot, from walkinj^ on snow-.shoes. AhiNhkiPehiqisideshm, (nind). I liave a blister on ray foot, from \valkin*, lunniliation, liuinil- it.v. Ai/(i.sfii(h'i:, iniiid). I li a v e a .siiiiill lu'art ; p. Cj/ .cd. Ai/a.snidjaiic, (iiiitd). I liavc u siiiiill iiuMC ; \). i(/..ncd. A(/(is.sidi>ii,, (nind). 1 have u siiiail niontli ; p. ei/..d()Ur;lobular obj.) p eg... gak. -Kilclii agansiminagadon onow anwin, these niusket- 1 tails are very small. Agassimiuagisi aw opin, this potato is small ; p. eg ..nd. Aga.f.siib, it is small ; p. tuiaHsing. AgaHsinad, there is little of it, it is small ; p. eg..nak. Agaaaindihe, (ninth. I have a small head ; p. eg. .bed. AgdnKinike, (nind). I have a small arm ; p. eg..ked. Agas.nniviin, [nind) or nind (igii.s.sinoniin, WG nrv a lew in number, tiur number is small ; ]). egansinidjig, or egassinud- .nth Agax.tinindji, (nind). I have a small Itand ; p. eg. .id. AgaHsishkiuji, he (slie, it) lias a small snout, (animal ;) p. eij.. jid. Agassi.fkkin.jigwe, (nind). J have a small eye ; p. eg. .toed. AgasHishwandiia, or -ma gad, there is a small door, or nar- row door ; p. e.g..ag or-viagak. Agaasiaide, (nind). I have a small foot ; p. eg. ded. Aga.i.ntawage, (nind). I have a small ear; p. eg..ged. Agaasiton, (nind). S. Agas.sa- ton. Aga.s.son, (nind). I have a small canoe ; p. egassonod. Agas.sonagad. It is small, (ca- noe, boat, etc.) p. eg.. gak. Agatch, (nind). 1 am ashamed ; p. egaichid Agatchia, (nind). I cau.se him shame, I make him ashamed, 1 dishonor him ; p. eg. .ad. Agatc/iiiwe, (nind). I cause sliame (to .somebody ;) p, eg., wed. Agatchiiwemagad. It causes or brings shame ; p. eg. .gak. Agaichim, (nind.) S. Agasom. Agatchishk, (nind) . I am baeh- fiil, shy, timid ; p. eg. .kid. I f :l i |). <(fatf.sinjiwe,{nind). I uni lianging up persons. Agojiwewin. S. Agonidiwin. Agojiwetvinini. S. Agonidiwi- nini. Agoke, {nind). I stick or cleave to s. th. ; p. egoked. Agoke, or -magad. It sticks or clocaves to s. th. ; p. egokeg, or-mngak. Agokiwasm, [nind). I seal him ; I stick some obj. to s. th.; p. eg.. sad. Agokiwassan, {niiid). I seal it ; I stick it to 8. th. ; p. eg..ang. — Agokiwassan ow niasiaai- gan, seal this letter. Agokiwassigan. Any thing that cleaves or sticks to, sealing wax, wafer ; paste. Agokiwa^sigas, (nind). I am sealed; p. eg. .sod. Agokiwassitchigade, ov-magad. It is scaled; pasted; p. eg., den, or inaguk. Agnkiwa.ssUr.higan, or agidxi- ii'dssitvhiganahik. 8 e a I, a plairi seal without any en- graving or figures or letters. 8. Mdsinikiwagaigan. Agokiivii.i.nlc/iige, (nind). I seal; 1 paste ; p. eg..ged. Agokiwa.s8wa, iniud). I seal him, I seal some obj. ; p. eg., wdd. Assinin o (/i-agokiwa.s.iwawau. They sealed the stone. Agom, {^lind). I am on the sur- face of the water, (in a canoe or boat ;) I float ; p. egoviod. Agomowewebanahi, [nind). I am fi.^hing with a line and hook in a canoe (jr boat : p. eg..hid. Agomowin. Harbor, port, liaven; pl.-a/t. Agon, Aganika, Ot. 8. Gun, Gonika. Agona, (nind). I hang him up, I hang up some obj. ; I put it up somewhere, or on s. th. ; p. egonad ; imp. agrij. Agonakwe. A virgin whom the pagan Indians place on an elevated scafTold and present to the Great Spirit, in onler to obtain a prosperous suc- cess in war. Agonamawa, (nind). I hang or lay it upon liim ; p. eg..tcad. Agonassdb, (nind). I hang or spread a net on a pole to dry ; p. eg..bid. Agonidis, (nind). I hang my- self; p. eg..sed. Agonidixoi-mitig. Gallows; pi. -on. Agonidiwin. Hanging, hang- ^ It ^ ■*; A(J() — 12 — A(i\V iiiaii'H work, execution of u criminal. Aijtinidiwinini. llanginai), exe- cutioner; lA.-WiKJ. A(/onwcienilam, (itiiul). I don't lielievo wliiit \h Huid, I contra- dict in thoiightH, r am incre- dulouH ; I). aia.AiUKj. . {i/onweiciiaamowiii Unliel ief, tlio\i. hidden behind some object ; p. aiag..deg, or- magak. Agonsiton, (nind). I put it be- fore s. til. to hide it ; p. aia.. iud. Agotat/os, {nind). I speak in a liidJen, mysterious manner; I use a parable ; p. aia..nd. Agotagosiwin. Hidden, mys- terious speaking, parable ; pi. -an. Agwaadon, {nind). I draw it out of the water; p. eg..dud. Agtoaam, {nind). I come close to the shore, (in a canoe or boat, not landing); p. egwaang. Agwaan, {nind). I sew it on ; p. ea..ang. Agiodhian, {nind) or nind agwd- bigaan. I draw it (liquid] out of a kettle or other vessel ; p. eg..ana. Agwdbikide, or-m a gad. It is burnt, (something that was cooked in a kettle,) ; p. eg., deg, or-magak. AGW -13- AOW Ainpfihikuleu'ipogM' icct liuH Ihe tftHto Some u\y of kteiii'' <■//• ,sitl. uiwad. lit hns hoiiig Ixinit ; p. burnt ; p. Ai/ir/ibikiaeHi]"> tilt' tantc ot Aijwabihh, [nind). I hum iny- Hi'lt'tukin^ ill my liiunl u liot oliject of motal or stone ; p. eff..snd. Atjwdhikisehwt:, {nindf. I burn what I um cooking; p. eg., ired. Atiwabikixn jKikwijigitn. The hread iH luirnt ; p. c!f..sod. A!/w/ibikiswa, (nind). I hum liiin with some hot obj. of iiictnl or Htono ; p. e(j..wad, imp. agmdnkiswi. Ai/wabina,{nind). I draw liim out of the water, (a liwh, etc.) p. eg..nad. Agwabinngan. Draiki.Hhin). It is rusty ; («». obj. metal) ; p. eg..ing, Agwa. i n d). I recommend it to myself ; p. eian..sod. Aiangwamige, (nind). I exhort, recommend ; p. dan..ged. Aiangvoamima, ( nind). I recom- mend him to do s. th., or to behave in a certain manner ; p. eia..mad. Aiangioaminan, (nind). I take well care of it, I pay attention to it ; p. eian..ang. Aiangwamis, {nind). I take care, I endeavor ; p. aian..sid. Aiangwamitagos, (nind). I an\ heard recommending s, th., I recommend, exhort; p. eian.. sid. Aiangwamiiagosiwin. Recom- mendation, exhortation. Aianibesse, (nind). I lean now on one side and then on the other ; p. eia.,sed. Aianibesse, or-magad. It is lean- ing or rolling from one side to the other, (a canoe, boat, etc.) p. eian..seg, or-magak. (ii i' ^« ^L '^ M AIA — 18 — AIE Aianikanotaged. One who re- peatH 'he speaking of another, an interpreter, (man or wo- man ;) pl-Jifj. Aianike. S. Anike. A ianike - anamie - dihddjimowin. Ancient religious tradition, tradition of the Christian Chiircli ; pl.-aw. A ianike-dibfuijiviotoin. Tradi- tion, (ancient and repeated saying ;) pl.-a/i. Aianimilagos, [nin). I nmke a speecli or harangue of some lengtii ; p. aiai.Md. Aianimitagosiwin, Speech or liarangue of some length ; pl.- an. Aiano. The change of Alio-. Aianwenindisod. A repenting person, a penitent ; p\.-Jig. Aianweninaisossig. An unre- penting person, impenitent, liardened sinner ; pl.-o^. Aiapi, adv. From time to tin»e; from distance to distance. Aiasswapidon, (niiid). Freq. I gird it often; p. eias..dod. Aiasstvajrina, [nind], Freq. I gird him often; p. eias.jiad. imp. aid..pij. Aidwa [nind], I have him, I have or got sf^me an, obj.* also, 1 scold lum, reprimand him, upbraid him ; p. eiawad. Aiawetagos, {nind). I make my- self underfitood a little, some words; lam understood only a few words ; p. eiawetagosivi. Aiawetawa, {nind). I under- stand him a little, some words, (bespeaks a strange lang- uage;) p. eia..wad. Aiawigon, (nind). It scolds me, upbraids me; p, eiawigod, — Nin kiichi aiawigon ki masi- naigan; thy letter scolds me much. Aiawiidim'in, (nind). We scold one another, we reprimand each other; p. eia..didjig. Aiawiidiwin. Scolding, repri- manding, (of several persons.) Aidwin. Existence; mino aid- win, comfortable existence, welfare ; kagige. mino aidwin, eternal welfare. Matchi aid- win, miserable e x i 8 t e n c e, misery, kagige matchiaiawin, eternal misery. Aidwin. Scolding, reprimand. Aidwiwe, (nind). I am scold- ing, reprimanding ; p. da., wed. Aidimin, (nind). S. Idimin. Aitkogade, {nind). I am tired in my legs; p. eiek..deg, Aiokoidis, (nind). I tire myself, I cause to myself fatigue ; p. eie..snd. Aiekonike, (nind). I feel tired in my arm or arms ; p. eie.. ked. Aiekonikeivina, (nind). I tire his arm or arms ; p. eicnad. Aiekonikewinigon, (nind). It tires my arm or arms; p. eie.. god. Aiekonindji, (nind), I feel fa- tigue in my hand or hands p. eie..id. Aiekos, (nind). I am tired, fa- tigued p. eiekosid. Aiekosia, (nind). I tire him ; I molest him ; p. eic.ad. Aiekositon, (nind). I tire it-; p. eie..tod. — Nind aiekositon nii- aio anokiidn ; I tire my boily, myself,) working. Aiekosiwin. Fatigue, weariness. AIK — 19 — AJA Aiaekwanam, (nind). I breathe with (lifHculty; p. eiek,.moil. Aiekwia, (ninii). I molcHt liiin, fatigue him ; p, eie..ad. Aiekwiwi, (nind). I am tired of carrying or packing on my hack ; p. eicwid. Ail. Thing, any in. olyect; pi. aiin.-Anotck aiin, a unary tilings. Aiins. Little thing; \)\.-an. A iiwi.ih, had contemptible thing; p\.-an. AH. This word is alno eniploy- od as a help to recolleci. the name of some inanimate obj. So when you ask : Wego7ien iw ? What is that ?-the -pev- son asked (if he does not im- mediately recollect the name of the thing,) will say : Aii .90.... (This gives him some seconds of -time to recollect the naihe of the object.) -When one wants to gain time to recollect the name ot a place, he will say : Aiing sa.... Ainabingwam, (nind). I sleep with open eyes ; ein..ang. Ainadjindis, (^nind). S. Inad- jindis. Ainawa, (nind). I ape or imi- tate him ; [F. je le contrefait ;] p. einawad. Aindapidon, (nind). I bind it well ; p. ein..dod. Aindapina, (nind). I bind him well; p. ein..nad. Aindina, [nind). I hold him well ; p. eindinad. Aindinan, (nind). 1 hold -it well; p. ein..ang. Aladjissitchigade, or -magad. It is put firmly; level; it is established ; p. ein..ieg, or -niiigak. Aindjisaiton, {nind). I settle it, I estalilish it, I confirm it, conclude it, consolidate it, 1 put it level, right p. ein..tod. Aininamawa, [nind). I beckon him, wink him ; p. ein..wad. Aininike, {nind). I beckon with my hand, (arm ;) I wink ; p. ein..ked. Aiodjigade, or-magad. 1 1 i s used, made use of; p. eio..deg, or-magak. Aiodjig'e, {nind). I make use ; p. eio..ged. Aion, {nind). I make use of it, I use it ; p. eiod. Aiotoin. The use of s. th., using. Aioioin. Any thing used or employed ;'pl.-aft. Aiotoin. Any obj. used or em- ployed ; p\.-ag. Ajdgamissin. It spoils, cor- rupts, itis corrupted, (liquid);) p. eja..sing. Ajageshi. Crab, crawfish; pi. -iag. AJagidiktoen, {nind). I throw my head backwards ; p. aiaj.. nid. Ajaok,ai\v. Back and forwards, from one side to the other, from one to the other. — Ajank ijawog, they go back and for- wards, from one side to the other ; they come and go. Ajdssin. S. Ajiicassin. Ajiia- bikissin. Ajaw, ajawi. In compositions, signifies crossing or travers- ing to the opposite side or shore of a river, bay, lake. It alludes also to the other side or oi)positc side of anything. ■n 1 I ( .\j ^H t \ i : i ■ 1.1' in m AJA — 20 — AJA (Examples in Honie of the fol- lowing words.) jijawa,(nind). I cross a river, bay, etc., in a canoe, boat, etc. ; p. aiajawaod. Ajawaa, (nind). I cross him or convey hinn in a canoe or boat over a river, etc.; p. aia..ad. Ajawaam, (nind). S. A,jaica. AJawaan, (nind). I cross or convey it in a canoe, etc., (over a river etc. ;) p. aia..ang. AJawadaga, (nind). I cross a river etc., swimming, I swim to the opposite shore ; p. aiaj.. gad. Ajmcddagak, (nind) or, imid ajawagak. I cross on the ice a lake, a river, etc. ; p. aiaj.. kod. Ajawagdm, adv. On the other side of a river, lake, etc. ; on the opposite shore. A,}awagameosse, (nind). I wade through a river to the opposite shore ; p. aiaj..sed. Ajatcaii, adv. Behind. Ajawakamig, adv. On the op- posite side of the earth. Ajawandawe, (niiid). I cross or pass over a river on a tree or log • p. aiaj. .iced. Ajaioaoajigside, or-magad. It is carried or conveyeii across a river, etc., in a canoe or boat; p. aiaj..deg, or-magak. ui-aj awaodjig ade. It is brought over from the oppo- site sliore in a canoe or boat. Ajawaodj'xgan. Flat-bottomed ferry-boat; pl.-rt». Ajawaodjigas, (nind). I am carried or conveyed across a river, etc., in a canoe or boat; p. aiaj... sod. Ajawaodjige, (nind). I cross or convey people over a river, etc., in a lK)at, etc.; p. aiaj.. ged. Ajawaodjigewinini. Ferryman ; [F. traversier;] p\.-wag. Ajawaodon, (7iind). I convey or carry it across a river, lake, etc., in a canoe, boat, etc. ; p. aiaj..dod. Nin bi-djawaodon. I bring it to the shore, to this side of a river, lake, etc., in a canoe, ete. Ajawaona, (nind). S. Ajawaa. Ajawaonigos, (nind). I get my- self crossed over a river, bay, etc., I employ somebody to take me over ; p. aiaj..sia. Ajawaosowagon. Ajaicaodjigan. Ajatoash, (nind). I cross sail- ing, I sail across a river, bay, etc.* Y>. aiajawashid. Ajawemij. Beach-tree; p\.-ig. Ajawemin. Beach-nut; pl.-ajj. Ajaweshk. Sword ; pi .-on Ajaiceshkons, dim. dagger; pl.- an. Ajawew, adv. On the other side of a point, or behind a point, ^in a lake.) Ajaw'igamig, adv. The space or interval between two houses or lodges. Ajdwigdd. The other leg, the leg on the other side.) — There is always a possessive pro- noun before this word ; as : Nind ajawigdd, \ny other leg ; kid ajawigdd, thy other leg, etc. Ajawi-gwashkwan, (n ind) I jump or leap to the opposite side of s. th. ; p. aiaj..nid. Ajawiidssin ndbikwdn. The ves- AJE -21 AJE Hcl tacka about ; p. aiaj..ing. Jjawinik. The other arm. — This and the two following words are always preceded by a possessive pronoun. Ajawinindj . The other hand. Ajawisid. The other foot, (the opposite foot.) Ajawi-sigindn, {nind). I pour it in another vessel; p. aiaj.. any. AJawi-wdbang, adv. The day after to-morrow. — The same as : awasswdbang. Aje, or waje, at the end of verbs, alludes to the human skin ; as : Nin makatewaje,! have a black skin. Nin giiibaje, I feel itchings on my sKin; etc. Aje, in composition, signifies going bark or backwards ; [F a reculons.] (Examples in some of the f o 1 1 o w i n g words.) AJeb, {nind). I move backwards, sitting; p ejebid. AJiibalo, (nind). I run back- wards ; p. ejebatod. AJebidoji, (nind). I move it backwards ; p. e}.,dod. JJebina, {nind) I m o v e him backwards, (any an obj.) ; p. ej..nad; imp. ajebij. AJebinan, {nind). S. Ajebidon. Ajeboian. Oar; [F. rame;] pi .-an. AJeboianak, pl.-on. S. Ajeboian. Ajeboianeidb. Oar— strap; pi.- in. Aji'boie, (nind). I row in a ca- noe or boat; p. ejeboied. Ajidibaamawa, (nind). I pay him back; also I avenge on him a bad doing, I render him evil for evil; i>.aiaj..ivad. Ajebibaan, {nind). I pay it back; I avenge it; p. aiaj..ang. j\j6gabaw, {nind). I step back ; p. €j..wid. Aj^gandina, (nind). I thrust or push him back; p. ej..nad ; nup. ajegandin. Ajegandinan, {nind). I thrust or push it back ; p. ej..ang. ^ijegiwe, {nind. I go back again, I return ; [F. je re- tourne sur mes pas ;] p. ejegi^ wed. Aj^iddjim, (nind). I repeat old sayings, old news, etc. ; p. ej.. mod. AjHddjimowin. Repeating old sayings, old traditions ; pT.-rtn. Aj^iash, {nind). I am driven backwards or back again by the wind; p. ej..wid. Ajeidssin. It is driven back- wards or back again by the wind ; p. ej..sing. I give back return Ajena, {nind). i g again some an. obj, it; p. ejenad. Ajcnamatca, {nind). I give him back 8. th., I return it to him ; p. ej..wad. Ajenan, (rmid). I give it back again, I return it ; p. ejenant/. Ajdosse, {nind). I walk back- wards ; [F. je marche a recu- lons ;] p. ejeossed. Ajesse, (nind). I slide back ; I relax; I relapse ; p. eje^^ed. Ajesse, or-magad. It slidt.^ or goes back or backwards , p. ejesseg, or-magak. Ajessewin. Backsliding; relaxa- tion ; relapse. Ajeta, {nind). I move back- wards, draw back ; p. ejetad. I\ '<:' ^ ,v , , '! •t' ' *:■ ' ^ >1 u i I AJI — 22 — AJI Aj6takoki, inind). 1 inakeuHlep I>ackwuru8; p. g..kid. Aj(Ha7i, (nind). 1 draw Itack from it ; \). eja/ana. jijeiawa, (nind). I witlulniw I'roni hill), I draw back from him ; p. ej..wad. Ajewidou, (nind). 1 lead or convey it back: p. ajewidod. .ijewina, (nind). 1 lead or con- vey him back ; p. <'J..nad. .{ji, adv. Ot. S. Javjwa. AJihik, Rock, cliff; pl.-ou. Ajibikoka. It is rocky, there are rocks; p. aiaj.,ka(j. AJida, adv. of new ; in revenjj;c. AJida-bi'madis, (niiid). I live of new, I live another life; p. aiaj..tiid. Ajida-biniadisiwin. Another life (in another world.) ^\jida dodamowin. R e v e n j^ e, vengeance. Ajidawaa, (nind). I repay him (evil for evil,) I revenge my- self on him; p. aiaj..ad. Ajidawamoiu. Vengeance, re- venge. Ajidawaige, (nind). I take re- venge; p. aiaj..ged. Ajidawama, (nind). I revenge myself on him in loovds ; p. aiaj..mad. ^ijidawiwin. S. Ajidawadwin. Ajideendam, (nind) or nind aji- deenindam. I contradict or gainsay in thoughts ; p. aiag.. dang. Ajideia, (nind).. 8. Aiidekawa. Ajideidtig. Cross ; pl.-of/. * AJidekawa, (nind). I miss liim (in the road,) I don't meet * It is the expres.sIon used for IheCroHS of our Lord. Tlic wood mude in the shape of a cros.). him, he comes one way and I go another; p. aiqi..wad. Ajidckonciki. Cross-bill, cross- beak, (bird ;) pl.-t«f/. AJidema, (nind). I gainsay him, I give him cross diereapoctfnl answers; p. aiaj..mad. Ajidena, (nind). I withstand him around the body, in wrerttling; p. aiaj..nad. Ajidenge, (nind). I gainsay, I give Dad answers ; p. aia..ged. Ajidengenhk, (nind). 1 use to give bad answers, to gainsay ; p. aia..kid. Ajidenikth, (nind). I am sitting 'vith crossed arms; p. aiaj.. bid. Ajidenima, (nind). I contradict him in thoughts; I don't care for him ; p. aiaj. .mad. Ajidesse, or-magad. It crosses or intersects, (a line or road intersecting another;) p. aiaj.. sea, OT-magak. AJideioa, (nind). I miss him, (traveling by water, in a ca- noo, boat, etc.) he comes one way and I go another ; p. aiaj. .wad ; imp. qjide. Ajidewe, (nind). I gainsay, give bad answers ; p. aia..wed. Ajidewldam, ( nind) . I gai nsay , contradict, dispute ; I give disrespectful answers; p. aiaj .ang. Ajidewidamowin. Gainsaying, disrespectful answer ; p\.-an. Ajigan. Foot-rag, (nippe) ; sock, stocking; pl.-a/i. Ajigan^, or-magad. There is half or part of something ; p. ej..neg, or-magak. Ajiganeaii, adv. Half or part of... I AJO — 28 — AKA Ajjijant^kamig aki, one liaif or ' pint of the earth. Ajii/niiilce, {niiid). I knit MOcks 'or Htockin^^s; p. ei..ked. Akosin, {nind). I have pain (in some part of my hody ;) p. aiakostd. Mshfi(/W(iii nind (Ikosin, I liave headache, (pain in my head.) Nihidan, nind (Ikosinan, I have tooth- ache, (pain in my teeth.) Akasiiuuios, {nind). I look sick, I have a sickly api)earance ; p. (tia..sid. Akosinaijosiiein, sickly appear- ance. Akosinan, {nind). I have pain (in some piirt of my IkxIv;) p. niakosici. [V. Conj.] Nin fotoshim nind ak ns i n a n, I have pain in my hreast, (on one side,) [a female speaking.] Nin tntoshinuKj uind akosinuy, I have pain in my breast, (on lH:)th sides.) Ako.moi(/anii(f. Hospital, infirm- ary ; pl.-o». Akosiwm. The lieightof a per- son, his stature. — Mi mandaii nind dkosiicin, this is ny lieight, Tiiv stature. ■ 3 /« ' h: ;?' ^^ im] AKW — 2(i — AMA \ > Akoaiwin, SicknCHH, iutirni- ity, (liMcjiHo; j)l.-a/t. AkiixiuHH iiiiibidon, or dko.siwiii iiin hi-mitjiwi', I infect u iducc, I Itriiiji; u HickncHH to a |)lac('. Akosniu. It in of a ccrtuin l('n;;th ; p. ekoiminy. — I'tajira- na nin kikciiddn iw iuu/uiikhi cko.'iniii(/, I know l)y lii-arl that whole hymn, (an long as it JH.) Akotvwaifix., (iuihI). I am well armcii un. aiam..ned. > I' AMI — 27 — ANA Ainndii'cwrwa, {nind). I nwakc liiiii liv iiiukiiii; noinr; p. em.. trail ; imp. amadwi'wcw. Ainanitssimo animntth. 'I'lio dog is rutting; ; p. ftui.juoil. Aiiii(i ! andn-.tsann ! amhcHsino ! iiiterj. well I come! conio on ! Anddeiiamidc, or - mat/ad. It ovcrtlowH hoihiig ; j), aiain.. dcif, or-mo!/(ih. Amideifami.so akik. The kettle overtlowH, (what is hoiling in it overflows;) p. ainm...toil. Ami yiijO. The fish is sj)awning; p. emid. Amik. Beaver* pl.-ica//. Ami- kons, young boaver ; pi. -ay. Amikobiwai, an. Beaver Air; pl.-orr/. Amikoyan. Beaver'n bone; pl.- (in. Aniikoj/enda. Beaver-Island, in Lake Michigan. Amikoshib. n e a v e r-duck, (a kind of wild duck;) pl.-a//. Amikosow. Beaver's tail ;' also amikwano. Amikwar/in, {nind). I live like a beaver : p. cm..sid. Amik'vqj. Hole (not lodge) of a beaver; pi .-aw. Aniikwdndaf/, an. Small vvliite luHiiirack tree; [C. opinette liluiiche;) J»l.-fii'iid. Honev. Amini, [nind). I at Home au. obj. ; p. I'mU' imp. amioi. And, {nind). I I: ! ■ s. th. stick- ing in lily th, (a bone, a fiHli-bone, etc.); 3. p.— a/mo ; p. cndod. Andiianankk. Fern. Analc. A small gray bird; pl.- OIJ. Anak, adv. At all events, how- ever it turns out; [F. en tout cas.] Andkau. Mat, tloor-mat ; [F. natte;] p|.-a». Andkanashk. Rn-sh for inat.>', (tloor-niats;) \A.-un. Andkaneiub. A little cord used in platting mat.s ; pl.-iH. Andkanikc, {nind). I am mak- ing a mat ; p. en..ked. Andkona, an. Sea-bread, bif- cuit; pl-g. Andkonnns. Crackers; pl.-ay. Analxwad. Cloud- pl.-ojt. Anakwad. It is cloudy ; p. ai- anakwak. Andm, anami. In composition.*, Mignifies under, nnderneath, , V ¥ !i ami i HI ANA — 28 — ANA fi i beneath. (E>ample,s in some of tlie following woi'fla.) Aufimndopoiciii, adv. Under the tahlc. Andmaii, adv. Under, beneath, underneath. Anamdjihik, adv. Under the rock, or under a rock. Andmakam>(j Hell, abode of the devils. A nam akamig, adv. Under ground. Aiidmaking, adv. Under the surface of the eartli, under ground. Andnicndaii, (uind). I li a v e su.^piciourt thoughls towards 8. tn., I suspect or accuse it in my ihoin/hh of some fault or defect ; p. en.,any. Aiiamenhna, {nind). I suspect or accuse him in niy thonghtf of some fault, I liave suspi- cious thoughts against liim ; p. en..mad. Aaam&ssika'je, (nind). I say mass for somebody ; or bet- ter : Lamessikage, and so on for the root : Lamess, instead of Anamess ; p. en..gcd. Anam^ssikan. S. Anamessike- adopowin. AnameKsikas, {nind). I say luass for myself; p. en..xod. Anamessikawa, [nind]. I say- mass for him; p. en,.wad. Anamessike, {nind). I say mass ; p. en..ked. Altar; Al- Anamessike adopowin pl.-a». Aiuimessike-adopowinigin tar-cloth ; pl.-o»i. A namessike-aywiwin. M a s s • vestment, especially the cha^ suble; p\.-an. A Harness ike-masinaigan . Mis- sal, mass-book; pl.-«n. Anamessikewin. Mass; rA.-an. Ano.messikeioinagad. Mass is being su' ', the time of mass ; p. eiL.gak. Anamia, {hind}. I i)ray ; I ani a Christian; p. enamiad. * Andmibai/an, adv. Under the bed. ■ Andmihing, adv. In the water, under tlie surface of the water. Andmide, adv. In the bottom of the heart. Anamic-himossemin, {nind) pi. We walk in procession ; p. en.. sedjig. A namie-biviossiiwin. ^ '^1 igious procession. Anande-gagikwewin. Religious .^ermon, preaching. Anamegijiqad. Sunday, sab- bath ; pi.-on. Anamegijigad. It is Sunday ; p. en..gak. Dassing enamie- yijigakin, every Sunday. Anamickas, {nind). I am an hvpocrite, feigning or disseni- bling religion and piety : p. en..sod. Anamickasowin. Hypocrisy . A naviii'-kikinawadjion. Ch urch - banner; \A.-an. Anamie-iuasinaigan. Prayer- book ; pl.-a/j. Anamieminag, an. pi. Rosary, beads. Anamieminag nind agimag. I say the rosary. Anavw'minike, (nind). I am making a rosary ; p. en..ked. * The root nnami signifies every thing which belongs to religion, divine wor- ship, etc. t 1 1' w ANA — 29 — ANA A namic-minikwddjiyan. C h a- lice ; pl.-a/t. Anamie-nn(/amon, (or nayamo- win). Religions song, liynin ; pi .-aw. AtiamU - nanayataweiulnmowin. Religions meditation ; pl.-a?j. AnamU-nibaumcui. Christian marriage, Sacrament of Ma- trimony, or, unamie-witiken- diiviii. Anamw-nnminidiwin. Extrome- notion. Anamie-pagidinijfaii . Rd igions oflFering; church-tithes; pl.- an. AuamU'-patjidinv/e, {nind). ' perform a religious offering ; also, I pay my church-duty, or tithes, due to the church and the clergy ; p. en..nwenaago,s, {nind). I am of little profit, I am considered unable to do thin or that; p. oia..sid. Aiiawendagioad. It is rejected, not considered useful or ser- viceable ; p. aia.Aoak. Aiimcendan, {umd), I object against it, I think it is unfit, I find fault with it ; p. aian.. ang. A naivendjige, (nind). I aban- don, quit, give up; d. Amjutamawd, (niiid). I take ort'orawHVH. tli. from him, I liring to notliing or abolish 8. th. belonging to liini ; p. aia.Aoad. — iJebeaiminin, nu- (/oiainawishiii (/a-bi-(iin(lik1,n, Lord, take away from me (pardon me) what I have done. Aiu/ofchU/ade, ov-mmjad. It Ih taken ciown, taken otf; it is abolished; p. uUl..de(j, or- macfalc. An(/ot()H, {iiind) . I bring it to nothing;! abolish it; p. aia.. tod, Aiifjwnbama, (iiind). I lose sight of him, he disappears to me; p. eii.,mad. An(^w(ihandan, (nind). I lose sight of it, it disapi^ears tome ; p. en..un(j . Angwabaadjuje, (nind). T am losing sight of some object ; p. en..ged. AnywauKias, adv. Certainl}', to be sure, surely . Angwixmendiim. He is full of hope. Anywdmcnddn . Ang- wanicnima . A ngioamemndis: Angioamima . Angwaminaii. Angwaniitagon . A ngwamita- go.iiwiii . — S . Aiangwamen- d(im . A i u n gio a in en dan. Aiangwanieuima, etc . Angioamikan, {nind). I ain de- voted to it, zealous for it; p. aia..ang . Angwamikawa, (nind). I am devoted to him, I am zealous in his service; p. aian..wad. AngwanmjoK, {nind). I disap- pear ; p. en..sid. Angivanagwdd. Itdisapi)oars ; p. cn..wak. Angw((.s.mg. A piece of alluvi- ons wood on tlie beach of a lake, floodwood; p\.-og. A ngiodxiiagoka, or-ma gad . There is lloodwood on tin' beach : p. aicinJcaij or-imigak. Ani; S.Ni. .Ini-, in compositions, signifies in /ii iure, henceforth. It marks gointf on, appmncking towdrd.s... Nin gdtdni-kitimd- gis, henceforth I will be poor and miserable. Ki gdt dui- bakadem, you shall starve. (P. eni-) Anib. Elm-tree; pl.-J^. AnibMina, or-nidgnd. There is a steep ilescent of a hill or mountain; p. en..nag, or-ma- gdk. Anibvgabaw, [nind). I lean on one siile, standing; p. en..wid. AnibiHd, or-magdd. It is lean- ing; p. enibeiag, OT-magak. Anib^kamiga, or-mamd. There is a rising ground, (inclined ground, leaning ground;) p. en..gag, ov-vmgak . Anibdkiveii, {nind). I incline my head on one side; p. en., nid . Anibeshka, ov-nuigad. It is leaning on one side; p. en., kag, or-magak. — TcJdimtn dni- beshkd, the canoe is leaning. Anibe.sse, {nind). I am leaning on one side ; p. enibessed. Anibhse, or-magad. It is lean- ing ; p. enibesseg, or-magak. Anihi'ssin. S. Anibesse. ANI 35 — ANI Auihdti, (nind). S. Anibeya- lutw. Aiiihiki Elii. -grove, oliii-forest ; pl.-/f. Aiiihins. Young or small elni- trce; nl.-a//. Aiiihinsmi-sibi. Elin-ll i v e r, iiiiki' Superior. Aiiihiinin. Uurberrv ; [P. vi- iiette,^pii)e-vinette,peiiil»in!i] ; pl.-a«. Aiiihish. Leafof atree or plant; also, tea in leaven; pl.-r//t. Aiiihishuho. Tea. Anibixhabn-akikom . Tea-ket- tle, tea-pot; pl.-«'/. Anihishabo-emikwaneas . Tea- spoon, pl.-a/t. Anihinhabo-niiar/nns. Cup or Huucer; pi. -a/i. Anihiti/tika, or-magml. There are leaven; p. en..k(((/, or-ma- (jak . Anilils-/iikaii(j, in the shrubs, in the hushes, among leaves. Anibhmiiayek . Bark of the elm-tree, elm-bark; \)\.-wa(j. Aiiidjimin. A pea; pi. aiiid- y/m/ua»,peas. Ani-ijUjisia, (nind) . I take him along with me ; p. en..nd. Aiii-i/i(fhsin, (nind). I take it along with me ; p. en.dny. Aui- ;) p. (li(I..VUI)l. AnimUoiii {lUiid). I iiiiike it 811 fib r ; i». aia..tnd. — Nind (iiiiiiiifiiii uiidir, I iiiiikc sutl'cr my liody, (myst'lf.) Kid nni- viitoa niiidt', thou mukcHt Huffor my liourt. AniinoloidiL 01. (iojr; pl.-tVa/. A iiimosh . \)o'^ ; [)1 . -<«// . Auimos/iiiOfiiiiiid). I am adojr; J). cu..wld. Aiiimiiicwi'shin, (iiiud). I um liciinl j^uiiig on, or iiway ; p. ex.. ill;/. AiiimweuuUo, (iiind). I ^o away talkinj^: p. en.Jod. Aiiimwewidam, ( n i a d). S . Aniimoeweid. Aniif^ a.lv. What? how? what is tlie nuitter ? Aniiul, pron. some, an. and in. Aiiiii dn.s.siit(/ 'f adv.. how often ? Aidndi'f adv. where? Ani n endanHobinaian? H o w many fishes hast tliou cau a human being ; p. en.. ud. Aiiixliin(d»'ii'ihrn/fni. Indian writing, a writing in the In- dian language. AiiisJiiiiid)(iril>iinfidjii/e, {nind). I do or act like iin Indian, after the Indian fashion ; p. cii.j/id. Aiii.s/iinalii'inidjiifenu'n. Indian fashion, Indian mode of liv- ing or acting. AHi.ifn'iHtlxin'iili.'*, [hiikI). I make myself man ;p. m.-sod. — Dchfiihninoiii/ Kije-Mnniln l/ihi (ini.shinidxiciidi.so tc h i iiodjiiiioiinniif ; God made himself man to save us. Ani- .s/iiiud)cwiidi.sowiii. Incarna- tion. AnishindbcH'inikadan, {n hid). I give an Indian name to s. th. I name in Indian; p. en., damj. A ni,s/inabeu'hiikude, or-ina;/a '^'hy don't you come to 8c ? Ani.s.ial), (ni luive no fire in my liouse o. iod;j;e ; p. en., hid. .Inis.idbu. Any kind of soup not .seasoned. Anisaboke, {nin I iiiiike use of Home an. olij. ; p cnukunad ; imp. anokaj. Anokanowin. Tool, instrument; \)\.-an. Annki,{nind). I work,l lubor, I iict, ; p. Snokid. Anoki, (nind). I order Home work, 1 (.•auflo 8. tli. to lie done ; p. enokid. Anokia, {nind). I muke him work, 1 put liim to work ; p. cn..(id. . 1 n(tki(jiji(jad. Work i n jr-day , week-day ; pl.-«/t. Anokiijij'Kjad. It is u workinj^- (lav ; p- en.jjak. Anokimagad. It is workinjr, it is doing work ; p. en..(f(tk. — Ih'Menhninanij ad ikkitoioin kitchi anokimamd oma ; the won! of our Lord i^ doing great work here. Andkiu, {nind). I order it to be made ; p. enOkid. — «i- annkin o babisikawagan, he ordere*! a coat to he made for him. Nind anokinan milig- wakisinan. 1 order bootH. Anoki nan, {nind). 1 order some an. obj. to be made; p. enokid — Nind u'lokinan dibaigixia- mviln, I order a walcli to l>e nwide. Kid nnnkinng akikog, you order kottioH. Anukitagan. Hireling, male or teniale wervuni: \^\.-ag. Annkitage, (nina). I serve, I iiin in .service, I work lor Homebody ; p. cn..gcd. Aniikilagckwe, or annkitage- wikwc. Fennile Her van t or waiter, nervunt girl,chiiniber- niaid ; pi.-//. Annkilugcwin. Service, state, occu|)ation, condition, of wer- vant.x. Annkilagcwinini. Male servant or waiter, valet, footman ; pl.- '«'«//. Annhilan, (nind). I serve it, I work for it, take cure of it; p. en..ang. — Weiccni nd annkilan anamitwigamig, he serves well the church. Annkilan, {nind). I nerve myself, work for myself; p. i'n..sod. Anokitawa, {nind). I serve him, I work for him; p. cn..wtul. Annkiwigamig. Working-house ; pl.-oyt. Anokiioin. W^ork, labor ; trade, iiusint'Hh ; pl.-ft/t. Anokiwinagad. There is work ; p. en..gak. Anokiwinini. Workman, labo- rer ; tradesman ; u\.-wag. Anomaia, adv. 8. Nomaia. Anuna {nind). I hire or em- ploy him, to do me some ser- vice or work; p. cnonad ; imp. annj. Andnagan. Person employed or hired for some work or lit It service; ^l-ag. l1 ' ( i ANS — 42 — ANW Anonam ; nind anotiam, my hired person, (man or woman J nind anonamag, my hired {)erson ; oi aiwnaman, his lired person or persons ; etc. Anonawa, {nind). I wound him (shooting;) p. aia..wad. Andnige, {Hind). I hire people ; p. en..ged. Anonigos, {nind). I engage in a service, J take an employ- ment or service; p. en..sid. Anonigosiwin. Employment, service. Anonindiwin. S. Anonigosi- win. Anoshka, or-niagad. It fades, changes color ; p. aidn..kag, or-wagak. Andsowin. Ot. S. IjinikcLsowin. Anotaaan. S. Anokitagan. Anotcn, adv. Of diff'erent kinds, of all kinds, several, divers, sundry. In the Cree language : *' to-day." Anoich gego daiehwdang. Cre- dulous superstitious person ; pl.-tflf. Anoich ijiwebisiwin. Miscon- duct, misdemeanor, bad hab- its. Ansananiy (nind). I sigh ; p. aia..niod. Ansapinadonan, {nitid). I tie or bind them together, (m.obj.); p. en..dod. Ansapinag, {nind). I bind them together, (an. obj.) ; p. en..nad. Ansidn. Breech-cloth worn by Indians ; [F. brayais ;]pl.-on. Ansig. A kmd of wild duck, sawbill; [C. betsie ;] pl.-ioagr. Ansisiw. Herb on the bottom of rivers, etc. : vl.-an. Answekan, (n»..u<;. I omit it, I pass it over, (by mistake ;) p. aia..ang. Answekawa, {nind). I pass him over, I miss him in the road ; p. aia..wad. Answetaginan, {nind). I leave it out, (a thread in weaving ;) p. aia..ang. Answetaginigade, or-magad. It is woven with holes in it ; p. aia..deg, or-magak. Answetaginige, {nind). I leave threads out in weaving ; p. aia. .ged. Answewidon, {nind). I carry, or convey it further than I ought; p. aia..dod. Aanwewina, {nind). I carry or convey him further than I ought; p. aia..nad ; imp. answewij. Anwdbamewis, (nind). S. Ma. ndbamewis. A nwdbikissin pdshkisigan. Tb e gun misses hre ; p. aian. .ing. Anwdkanii, adv. Of tan. Anwdta, (nind) I fi n i s h, I cease; p. enwatad. Anwaiawin. The ending or finishing of a work or of an action. Anwdtin, or anowdtin. It is calm, the wind does not blow ; p. en.. ing. Anwaweweiashka, o r-m a gad. The high sea is over, the waves are appeased ; p. en.. kag, or-inagak. Aiiweb, {nindj. I rest, I repose ; p. aianwebid. Anwebia, {nind). I make him rest .dd. , p. aia. Anwebiwin. Best, '■epose. Anwebiwiniaijigad. Day of rest, Sabbath-dfay, Sunday ; pl.-ou. APA — 43 - APA Anwebiwinigijigad. It is Sab- bath, Sunday, resting- Jay ; p. e:i..gak. Anwendagos, {7iind). lam wor- thy of reproacli, my behavior is reproacliable ; p. aia..sid. Anwendam, [iiind). I despair, I give up; p. aia..ang Anwendan, {nind). S. Anaweur dan. Amoenima, {nind). I find fault with him, I reprimand hin», I blame and reprce his con- duct, his behavior; p. aia.. mad. Anwenindis, (nind). I find fault with myself, I reprove my conduct, my doings, I re- proach to myself; I repent, I am contrite ; I convert my- self; p. aia., sod. Anwenindisotoin. Reproach made to one's self ; repentance, contrition ; conversion. Amoeshim, (niiid). I rest or repose lying down ; p. en., mod. A7iioi. Musket-ball, bullet; pi .-/I. Anwikadjigan. Bullet-mould ; pi. -an. Amvike, {nind). I am nmking or moulding balls or bullets ; p. en..ked. Aiiwins. Shot ; pi. amoinsan. Apab, {nind). I am sitting on s. th. ; p. epahid. Apabin, {nind). I am sitting on it; p. epabid Apabiwin. Any thing to sit on it, chair, stool, bench, pew ; pl.-au. Apabowddan, {nind). I season it, (something io eat;) p. ep.. ang. Apabowade, or-magad. It is seasoned; p. ep..deg, OT-ma- gak. Apabowdn. Any object to sea- son victuals with. Apabotcana, {nind). 1 season it, (some an. eatable object ;) p. ep..nad. Apaboioaso. It is seasoned, {a7i. obj.) ; p. q)..sod. Apabow, {nind). I season vic- tuals ; p. ep..wed. Apaboweivin. Seasoning vic- tuals. .\pagadashka, or-magad. Tlie sea beats, the waves beat, against s. th. ; p. ep..kag, or- magak. Apagadashkanmg tigowag. The waves are beating against s. th. Apagadjiffse, or-magad. It is beating against s. th. ; p. ej).. seg, or-magak. Apagadjissitamawa, {nind). 1 throw it upon him, I lay it to his fault, I impute it to him; I accuse him of it; p. ep.. wad. Apagadjissitawa, {nind). S. Apa- gadjissi tamawa . Apagadjiwebaog, (nind). The waves beat against n)y canoe and carry me away ; p. ep.. god. Apagdndaigan, or-apagdndai- ganak, H. flail; pi .-an. or-on. Apagdndaiqe, (nind). I thrash ; p.ep..ged. Apagandaigekwe, T h r a s h i ng woman ; p\.-g. Apagandaigewigamiq. Th rash- ing floor, barn ; pl-on. Apagandaigemn. Thrash i ng . ■■m\ '^'■:..i! ■WM m m m il ' » i 'i » «Mi ' APA — 44 APA Apagandaigewinini. Thraslier ; pi.-waa. ' Apagasikagoii, {nina}. It comes iifK))! nie ; it throws me down ; j). ep..f/o(L — Naninqim isfiko- iewabo od apagasikagon, ar- dent liquor (firewater) tiirows him often down. Apagcudlawa, (uind). I come down ujHjn hink ; I fall u|)On him and make him fall, I tlxrow him down ; p. ep..wad. Apagatanimad. The wind blows in a certain direction ; p. c^a. viak. Apagijiwe, 'Xnind). I throw, I cast ; p. cp..wed. Apagitui, (uiiul). I throw or ca«t him somewhere ; p. epa- ginad ; imp. apagij. Apagis, [iiina). I tlirow or pre- cipitate myself somewhere ; I take refujre to some place ; p. cp..sod. Apagitadimin, (nind). We throw R. th. to eacli other ; p. ep.. didjig. Apagitaniawa, (/uwt/), or nmd apagitawa. I throw s. th. be- lon^in^ or relating to him ; I throw it to him ; p. ep..^sad. Apagilan, {nind). S. Apagilon. Apagilchigade, or-magad. It is thrown or cast somewhere ; p. ep..deg, ov-niagak. Ap ag itch iga s, {niiidi. I am thrown somewhere ; p. ep.. nod. ^ A p a g'i tc hige, ( ( nind) . lam throwing ; p. ep..ged. Apagitov, (nind), or nind apa- gilan. I throw it somewhere ; p. ep..tod, or ep..tang. Apagidimin, (nind). We throw ourselvtd together some- where, that is, we rush [to some place ; also, we take re- fuge somewhere ; p. ep. .did- jig. Apakode, or-magad. It is cover- ed, it is rootlid, (house, lodge, etc.) ; p. ep..deg, ov-magak. Apakodjigade, or-magad. 'J^hert- is a roof to it, it is roofed; p. ep..dcg, or-magak. Apakodjigan. Shingle; \A.-ag. Apakodjigaa. Roof, the cover- ing of "a lodge or house ; pl.- an. Apakodjige, {nind). I am cover- ing, making a roof; p. ep.. ged. Apakodon, (nind). I am cover- ing it, putting a roof to it ; p. ep..dod. Apdkosigan. Weed or bark smoked with tobacco. Apdkosige, (nind). I smoke wood (or bark) with tobacco ; p. ep..ged. Apakweshkwai. Rush for mats ; pl.-a«. Apakwei. Mat, lodge-mat; pl.- ag. Ap dndj igan. By-jncat, any thing eaten with some other thing. Apdndjige, {nind). 1 eat s. th. with s. th. ; p. ep..ged. Apdndjigcn, (nind). I eat it with s. th. ; p. ep..ged. — Nind aimva wdbos, tchiss dash nind apandjiijcn ; I eat a rab- bit, and turnips with it. Apdmijigcnan, {nind). I eat some an. object with s. th. ; p. ep..ged. — Widss nin midjin, or, kokosh nind amwa, pak- tvi'jigan daah nind apundjige- nan, or, opinig nind apandji- Jii APT — '!.-) — API eat Ijin, pak- f/ennff, J eat meat, or, I fat "j)(>rk, and I oat bread with it, or, I eat notatooH witli it. Apanf/ishin, [nind). I fall some- where ; \i.ep..ing. Apdnyissin. It falls somewhere ; J). ep.Ang. Apnssagokidjan. Tobacco juice in the pipe or pipe stem. Apawe, [nind). I liave n had ominous dream, (dreaming of death, etc.) ; p. aiapawed. Apawewin. IJad dream, omin- ous unlucky dream ; pl.-o??. Apn/ish, or npidash, adv. These two adverbs express a wish, desire or request, and correa- j)Oi)d exactly to tlie Latin : iitinam.— Apegish loaiba bi- tltigttnshmowad ; I wisli they would soon come here ; (L. utinam proesto advenirent.) Apringi, Of. He it so, I wish it would be so. Apenimon, (nind). I rely on it, I put my confidence in it, I trust to it, or in it ; j). epeni- mod. — Win igo o nibwiikdwin od apenimon, he relies on his own wisdom. Apniimonan, (nind). I rely on him, I place my hope and yonlidence in him, I trust in him ; p. openimod. V. Conj. Dcbenajiged nind dpiichi ape- nimonan, I put my whole confidence in the Lord. Apenimowin. Relianco, co!ifi- dence, trust, hope. Apmindi^, (nind). I rely on myself, I put confidence in myself; p. ep..snd. Api, adv. Wlien. Apidanis, (nind). I sojourn, I stay in some place; p. ep.. sid.-lin-apidamaiidn oienanii vihiiiovg, qi-mbo am iiiiiii : that man died durinj»inv etay in town last summer. Apigancgwas.son. The upper part of a moccasin ;(C. hausse de Soulier ;) pl.-o?j. Api Jesus gijigong ejM. Ascen- sion-day. Apikan. Portage-strap, pack- ing-strap ; \)\.-au. Apikkan. A kined ; pl.-flr?, H- •mmi^m r I I li API — 46 - AH Apishimon, (nind). I am lying on it ; p. ep..mod. Apishimonaa. The boards of a floor ; the little cedar branches on the floor of a lodge. Apishimonak. Board for a floor ; pl-og. Apishimonan, inind), I am lying on some an. obj. ; p. ep.. mod. (V. Conj.) Apishimonigin. Carpet for a floor ; pl.-oji. Apishimonikaddn, (nind). I am making a floor (in a house or lodge) ; p. ep..ang. Apishimonikade, or -magad. There is a floor made, (in a house or lodge); p. ep..deg, or-magak. Apishiinonikawa, [ni7id). I pre- pare him a place to lie down upon ; (branches, mats, etc.) : p. ep-.W-f. Apishimonike, {ni7id). I am pre- paring a place to lie down upon ; p. ep..ked. Apishimonikodadis, (nind). I ftrepare to myself a place to ie down upon, (branches, mats, a bed, etc.) Apishkagagi. Mag-pie; pl..wa^. Apishkamonan onagek, (nhid). I put a piece of bark under my knees in a canoe; p. ep.. mod. Apisidebiwin. Footstool ; pl.- an. Apisika, (nind). I am on the way, I am coming ; p. ep..kad. Apisikd, (nind) . I walk as quick as I can ; p. ep..kad. Apisikd, or-magad. It is com- ing on; p. ep..kag, or-magak. Apissa, or-magad. It is of a dark, livid, black-blue color ' p. ep..sag, or-magak. Apissdb, (nind). I have a livid or dark-blue eve, (or eyes,) (.from a fall or blow ;) p. epis- sabid. Apis.'tdbaive, (nind). I am dark- blue, I have a livid dark- blue spot, (or spots,) from a blow or fall: p. ep..wed. Apissdbik. Black-lead, for pol- ishing stoves ; [C. de la mine.] Apissabikishka, or-magad. It is of a dark-blue color, (obj. of metal or stone ) ; p. ep..kag, or-magak. Apissaje, {nind). My skin is dark-blue, (from a blow or fall ;) p. ep..jed. Apissi. Alg. Violet ; pl.-M. Apissin. It is of a violet or dark-blue color ; p. epissing. Apissingwe, (nind). I have a dark-l)lue face, from a fall or blow ; p. ep..wed. Apissis, (nind). I am of a dark- blue or livid color ; p. ep.-sid. Apissitagan. Thin broad long slice of cedar in the bottom of a canoe ; pl.-a^. Apita, or-magad. It is of a cer- tain thickness or height, it is so high ; p. epitag, or-magak. — Anin epitag ki wdkaigan ? — Owsa apita. How high is your house ? — It is so high. Apitagima, (nind). I estimate or value him at..., 1 put his price at..., (aw. obj.) ; p. ep.. mad. Apitagindan, (nind) . I estimate or value it at..., I put its price at..., (in. obj.^; p. ep..ang. Apitakamig, aav. At a certain ( 1' .sid. long API — 47 — API depth under ground, so deep under ground. Apitandjige, (nind). I 8pen^^ so much time in eating; I eat as long as...; p. eg..gea. — Epi- tandjiged nishime, nind api- tandjige gaie nin ; I spend as much time in eating as my brother does ; (I eat as long as my brother.) Apitdodon, {nind). I tie it down, with a knot ; [F. je I'attache avec un nceud ;] p. ep..dod. Apitch, adv. During, as long as, all the time ; as much as : (in the Change, epitch-.) Ged- apiich-aiaidn oma, as long as I (-hall remain here. Ga- apitch-dkosid, ' d u r \ n g his sickness, or, all the time he was sick. Apitcha, OT-magad. It is of such a distance, as far as..., it is distant ; p. epitchag, or-ma- gak. — Amn epitchag wdkai- gan f odena ? etc. — Nissimi- dana sa dasso dibaigan apit- cha. How far is the house ? the village ? etc. — It is thirty miles distant. Moniang epit- chamagak, mi epitchag wend- jihaidn ; the place where I come from, is as far as from here to Montreal. Apitchi, (nind). I am prepar- ing, I contemplate or intend to do s. th. ; p. epitchid. Apitchi, adv. Mucn, very much, very, perfectly, entirely, emi- nently, exceedingly, exces- sively, extremely, absolutely ; for ever. Apitchi banddjia, (nind). 1 des- troy or annihilate some an. obj. ; p. aiap..ad. Apitchi banadjiton, (nind). I destroy or annihilate it, (in. obj.) ; p. diab..tod. Apitchi giwe, (nind). I come back again entirely, (to re- main here ;) p. aia .wed Apitchi kigijib, adv. Very early in the morning. Apitchi madja, (nind). I move away all together, I quit or leave the place entirely ; p. aia.. ad. Apitchinana, (nind). I kill him •entirely; p.aia..nad ; imp. apitchinaj. Apitchinikeb, (nind). My arm is so tired that I cannot stretch it out; p. aia..bid. Apitchi ondgochig, adv. Late at tl>e close of the daj^, in the beginning of the evening. Apitchishima, (nind). I let him fall to the ground; p. aia.. mad. Apitchishin, (nind). I fall to the ground stumbling, I fall hard ; p. aia.. shing. Apitchita, (nind). I am occu- pied in doing s. th., I am about ; p. ep.Aad. Apitchi-widige, (nind). I am married lawfully, for lifetime, (not after the Indian fashion ;) p. aiap.ged. Apitchi-wiaigema, (nind). I am married to her, (or to him,) in a lawful manner, perma- nently ; p. aiap..mad. Apitchi-wiaigenaaa, (nind). I join him in marriage law- fully, for lifetime; p.aiap..ad. Apitchi-widigendimin, (nind) . We are married together law- fully, for lifetime ; p. aia . . didjig. r ,f \ii 'tij; API -48- ASH m ! ^ A])itchi-ml