IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-31 // l,i'l,'l4,'li,'l„'t,.i(,'l,'l|.' .4 1 0' V t^mMmmam mmm ■ran o J <. Tf)e Cit\^ of P>ellevme. «• "^)KLLK\'I MJC is one (»f ihe most beautifully hnated ^„,,,— -J_3 Cities in C.inada, being on the River Moira, at its contluence with the \\.\y of Quinte, in Thurlow Township, in the County of Hastings, of which it is the County Seat. As a place of residence, Belleville is most attractive. It is charmingly situated in the valley through which the Moira flows, and on the hills which rise abruptly on either side of the stream, whilst to the south is the Bay cf Quinte —a paradise for the angler, the yachtsman and the oarsman^ Front Sireet, the principal business street. Pinnacle and Mill streets lie 'n thf valley on the east side of the river, whilst on the west side are Colrn;a», Water ajid a number of other less important streets. (\4 tri2 enGtein and western hills are the residences of the great rnaJGcity ot the business and professional men of the place. The streets are all bordered with shade trees, which in summer give them a cool and pleasant appearance, whilst the many handsome buildings and the well kept lawns show to great advantage. The Market Square and Market Building are not excelled in Ontario, and consecjucntly the house-keeper has ample opportunity for choice, as the supply is large and prices moderate. There are three Daily Newspapers published in Belleville, namely the Intelligenclr (Conservative,) the Ontario (Reform,) and Sun (Independent) and they each issue a weekly edition. Belleville contains superior Educational Institutions, among which Albert College, the Ontario Business College, and the Belleville Business College, are the most prominent. Albert College was opened in 1857, and has since been in successful operation. There is a ladies' department in connection, known as Alexandra College- The Business Colleges from a very small beginning have grown until they have altained the proud distinction of being the most largely attended of the tuimerous Business Schools in Canada. At the western suburbs of the City is the Institute for the Deafand Dumb, a handsome «rou|) of buildings, erected and supjmrted by the Ontario Ciovernmenf. There is a Mechanic's Institute, with 4000 volumes, an Opera House, City Hall, also an Hospital and Home for the Kriendless under the auspices of the Women's Christian Association. 'Hvire are btlonginj,' to the various religious bodies 15 churches, some of them amongst the Inr^'cst and mo3t elegant in the country. DAVID B. ROBERTSON, City Clerk. Belleville is the main terminal point of the Midland Railway, which connects with the main line of the Canada Pacific Railway at =^ Hi t \ •0^? (O at O o (0 in UJ ui CD CO North hay, and with the various brAnch lincit of that system at other |)oint:. It is the most important place u^ton the main line of the (irand Trunk Railway, between Montreal end Toronto. During the season of pavii^ati')n, itclleville has steamboat connection with M(>ntrcut to the Kast and also with nil VVcstrrn Ports on the (Ireat Lakes, via the Murray ('anal. Hcllcville is situated in the cenir.j of one of the richest aj',rirultaral districts tn Canada. There arc* olso mines of Iron, (lohl, Lead, Copper, Lithographic Stone ard Asbestos existing a few uiilcs norih of ihc City, adjacent to heilines of railway, soiie of which ; a' being successfully worked. 'I he Ontario (lovernment are about tsitabli^hing an Assay ()ffic«j here, which will iireaily aid in the dtvclopnient (;f our mineral resources. Kx» ellent Lime Stone (Quarries are conveniently near to the eastern sub irbs of the City, and the superiority of the stone is so marked that |hipments of it are made to all parts of the Dominion. These (,)i . its at present employ 150 men. Large (piantities of Timber of all kinds come down thj River Moira every spring, and square timber in vast (juantities is also received into our harbor over the Midland Railway from the (ieorgian Bay District, and can be bought al reasonable rates. Labor of all kinds is also abundant and at fair daily wagen. The following Hank.: have branches in the (^ity, to wit : the Bank of Montreal, the Merchant's liank, the Bank of Commerce and the Dominion Hank. The assessment value of property is about !B4, 000,000. The population 11,000. The Streets are lighted with the Electric Light and Gas. An Electric Street Railway runs from the wharves to the (irand Trunk Railway Depot through the business portions of the City. The death roll oi" the City is the lowest in the Dominion, on account of the healthy character of its situation. 4 w lij J O S u. w I o u. Ul 1 O X o z < < a 3 z "^^^^^^^^f^m^dM 8 Bno. R. MATHISON, M. A., Superintendent of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Appiiinted Septembeujth, 1S79. The water works system, which was completed in January, 18S8, is one of the most complete and perfect in the country. The' pipes,' which range in diameter from 16 inches to 6 inches, cover xs'/- miles of streets, whilst 165 hydrants furnish a protection for fire purposes so satisfactory that the rates of insurance have been largely lowered in consequence. The supply of water, which is of excellent (luality, is drawn from the Bay of Qi-inte by two Worthington steam pumps, the united capacity of which is 2,000,000 gallons per day. For fire protection purposes the City has two excellent steam fire engines in addition to the water works, and a highly efficient pi d fire brigade. 10 This Cut Represents BURR©WS,^5l-5^"^^'"«' Who for over 20 years has been General Agent of the ©ntario M utual Life Go. FOIt THIS Is/LXXJU.J^l^TXi X)lST3E?,IOT. He now wishes to be one of the many to extend to his Brethren the visiting members of the I. ©. ©. F. and their friends a very hearty welcome to the Cuy of the Bay. Should opportunity present, he would consider it not only a pleasure but a privilege, to lay before any interested the Annuities, Investment Bonds, or other plans of the "Ontario." N, B.-'Also Dominion Express, e. p. R. & Gen'l Ticket ftaency.— -^^ II ■iii:'\W'- FFICERS OF GRAND LODGE, -»■<>« Henry White, Grand Master Jas. a. Young, Deputy, J. E. Farewell, Grand Warden, - J. B. King, Grand Secretary, W. J. McCoRMACK, Grand Treasurer Chas. Packert, Auditor Port Hope Thamesford Whitby Toronto Toronto Siratford Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, ) ]> Grand Representatives. W. H. Hoyle, ) 12 The Palace HOTEL QUINTE RATES: $2 30 to $3.00 per Day -^f\ All modern Conveniences. Elevator and Roof Garden. Cuisine and Service the Best in Canada. HEADQUARTERS FOR I. 0. F, Grand Secretary, Room No. 14 l.T -^f ciUBQQjjlY, -fiUaUBO: lOili, 9 fi.Jl. Programme : i. I lEBEKAH assembly of Onlario will hold their annual meet- ring in Belleville Lodge Room on Tuesday, August loth, at 9 a. m. Addresses of welcome will be delivered by Mayor Johnson and K. McKenzie, D. D, G. M , after which the assembly will proceed to business. On Wednesday evening the degree team of Aberdeen Lodge No 30, D. R., will exemptify the beautiful work of this degree. Mrs. L\ura E. Ryan, President. Mrs. Maggie Waddell, Secretary. 14 Brothers_^**i> By this endearing name I hope soon to greet you, and would like to supply your wants in tlie Photographic Line Assuring you of careful work- manship and Moderate Prices. I am, yours in f. L. tS: T., D. A. (iJeese. DELEGATES. To Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., whilst in the City re(iuiring a good smoke, will find the same at JOHN FENN'S, "Sign of the Indian Queen," Front St. (Directly opp. Belleville Lodge Room ) Where a full line of Imported and Domestic Cigars and Tobaccos, are always on Hand. Ofuce— Bridge Street. Yards— Foot of Front 8t, THOS. STEWART, Coal and Wood Merchant. Agent for the ^^ Steamer "c. H. MERRITT." W General commission Merchant. AND Insurance Aqent. 15 ©. V ^OG^/^.|^J|^j£ We 17 COLUMBIAN. ^■^•V.XNWW-X.^' T HE commodious and elegant steamer Columbian, capable of carrying 1500 passengers, has been chartered to run an excursion, leaving Kingston Wednesday morning, Aug. 11, at 6:30 a. m. ; Bath 7:50 ; Picton 10 ; Deseronto 11:20; arriving at Belleville at 12:50. « 9 9 I IN Wednesday afternoon the Columbian will run an excur- ^**^sion to Glenora, to which the Grand Lodge Ofificers and Representatives are invited. 18 .1. ^ 10 Tf)amla>^. HOTEL VICTORIA, XiA-TH Oj^-RlkC.A.IJ'. HOTEL VICTORIA. JOHN T. eeeKRAM, * Proprietor. l..'l..'l,l'l,'l,'l|,'l|,'tl.'ll.'l|.'l,l I."|,'I|,'I„M, XJeATED by Steam. Hot and Cold Water Baths. Finely ll^-*— < Situated Roons Two minutes walk from I'oit Office and Theatre ; five minutes walk from Bay of (^uinte. Opposite City Hall and Market. Cuisine unexcelled. Electric Cars pass the door. I^^TES S1.50 IPEE. JDJ^IT. Special arrangements have been n^-'^'e for the convenience and com- fort of all BroF. while in the City attending Grand Lodge. I 27 Mizpah Lodge No. 127. «* T X ^''-^'•'^^l I-odge was instituted at Belleville, on Feby. ,0m^,^\J\ 6, 1874, with the following charter members: .1 . 1.. Davis, (J. A. Simpson, A. L. Geen, A. M. Foster, R. V. Davy, W. H. Garralt, J. H. Mills, H. B. F. Odell, W. E. Miles and H. A. Whelpley. Of the above list all have dropped out of the order or passed over to the silent majority, except our respected chairman of the printing committee, Bro. Rev. A. L. Geen. In the twenty-three years that this lodge has been in existance, nearly four hundred have received the mysteries of this order. It is true many have passed away and many more dropped their connection with the order, yet to- dav we have one hundred and thirty-five members in good standing. 2« Local Lodge Officers. Belleville Lodge No. 81. M. McDonald, - J. P G H. W. Bell, N. G. J. F. Wills, - - V. G. A. Kates, - R. S. J. BORHRIDGE, - P. S. •i. Coon. Treas. Mizpah Lodge No. 127. John E. Parks, - J. P. (J Geo. Johnstdn, - N. (;. Alf Matthews, V. G. J- T. Oshdrne, - R. S R. H. KtrcHEsoN, P. S. • L. li. Cooper, - - Treav Quinte Encampment No. 19. Alf. Matthews, - C. P. C. W. Cook, - - II. P. Geo. Atkins, s. w. F. M. Clarke, - Scribe J- T. Osborne, F. S. L. B. Cooper, - - Treas. Thos. Wilson, J. w. ! 29 Moira Encampment No. 59. , H. W. Bell, W. A. AppLEnv Ed. Rov, Wm. Nelson, J. Coon, O. Brickman, - N. Thomf'son, C. P. H. P. S. W. Scribe. F. S. Treas. J. W. Belleville eanton No. 8. F. M. Clarke, L. B. Cooper, . R. H. Ketch esox, J. T. OSBOKNE, - Geo. R. Brown, ToHN Cornelius, Captain Lieutenant Ensign Clerk Accountant Standard Bearer 30 Delegates, Attention! ^'^■^^'^^^^^^^v^^^•»■^^■»i^^^^^■\.NX^%%%■v\■^.v\%■^.^,•^^.^,^ it I* One of the principal 'Resorts in lius City is ni<:kens kestaurnn', Ice Cream Rooms .ind Tonfec tionery. ril meet you down at Dickens* " IS a favorite local expression— it means that this store is well and known. All T...„isis, Wheelmen, Kxciirsionism Deie^aies, .See, s.x.n (^el lo know lliis popular land mxrk and nnke ihem'.elves peikcily at home. We t>iht you a hearty w. Ic une-meet your friends here— l>rinc your wr.ips nnonsil)ility therefor upon Orand or Subordinate Lodges In the Odd Kellows' Relief Association this idea has been fully carried out. Its work has been done -t Gur Ouslitess That of supplying interior f >, n active sicarrh of "new f».- !•!■ f r@ the fim, ; , to s. ic Decoration oi iti» « ?. e loi mmc luuc w^ hAve been giving ,.rt „ 4 . ! ^. attention. Our hrwrkJ.-t mh'ij}^ **Chu! ' ' if it Nm t i'Hi^e fooin wortt w „ .1 :,..> ..t ..... ...1. ._ . 1, , , I _ Aithuai l>efu(e cv Fcilow ^' l>€ Hik- ■;y i> ■'! a Lomini. ..ight have thequeiioii (»i ha^m i !>rovenaent cration. Br sending US the length, wfdth. height, length, ntim! ^r nf windo«'s and whci e » flui t statemeat '>f nl.x.. — • w(M-k, w« will send y. made up for your mrticuia. , drawings uf your lodge room, showing th . _ -^ .-? which any average paper luinger can ippjy tro« oor inst WKUti ub FOR Samples, Drawings, &c., Free of cost, and le si r«' ;in,} givcu* sobi" — -■"* •-' • ; stated a'jo%»^ to embte' 'with>jnfr Q. B. Scantlebury. mrWnil Paper for the i: BELLEVILLE, ©nt. irches, Liwi« Rrwms. Ptiblh- tlall, Ks,.,, . h,,..j. i-..