s^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // O ^.^. signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les caites, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent «tre tJimds a des taux de reduction diff«rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est fiim« A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'Images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. D 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 /i/? ( ' VU PROSPECTUS ^ Traffic and Transportation ^ The Kootenay-Cariboo Mining and Investment Co., united Will, for the season of 1898. co-operate with the Canadian Pacific Railway, to establish the only feasible through line of transportation to all points in the Yukon District via the Stikine River, known as the TESLIN LAKE ROUTE. The Canadian Pacific Rtiivay will operate steamers from Vancouver, B.C., to Glenora or Tele- graph Creek, there connecting with the Railway now being built overland, about 140 miles, to Lake Teslin. The K^ otenay-Cariboo Company's steamers, from the head of Teslin Lake, will run through to Fort Selkirk and Dawson City without change, touching at all points on the Hootalinqua, Pelly and Yukon Rivers, arriving at Dawson City on first spring trips four to six weeks in advance of any steamer via St. Michael's. For the construction and equipment of three steamers, the Kootenay-Cariboo Mining and Investment Company offers to the public about two hundred and fifty thousand shares of the treasury stock at 25c. '•er share, with the stipulation that the net proceeds from the sale of this stock shall be applied to the building, operating and maintaining of the traffic and transportation department of the Company's busine.ss. FOR PAKTICULARS ADDRESS THE A. W. ROSS COMPANY (OF TORONTO), Limited, BROKERS, TORONTO, ONT. other Agencies are-Dawson City, N.W.T.; London. England; Vancouver, B.C.; iei«graph Creek, B.C.; Fort Selkirk. N.W.T. •4 TESLIN LAKE ROUTE The Company has completed arranpcments to issue through tickets from all Eastern points to Dawson City or Fort Selkirk, via the Transportation and Steamship Line belonging to and operated by the Kootenay-Cariboo Mining and 'nvestment Company (Limited). The Company's Line known as Teslin Lake Route, is from the head of Teslin Lake, via our own steamers, through the' Hootalmqua River to any portion of the Yukon District. No other company enjoys the co-operation of the greatest railroad companies on the continent to the same degree, and this fact practically guarantees all the passenger and freight traffic which it can handle for the entire season of ^898 and assures handsome profit to the fortunate holders of the Company's Stock. The profits in transportation will be enormous, and the first trip will pay for the cost of each steamer. The profits in trading will at a very low estimate be from .00 to 300 per cent, on all goods sold. FACTS The Charter belonging to this Company Comprehends the Broadest PrlTlleges ever granted br a Canadian Goremment The Seven Clauses which follow are bW specimens of the whole Such a Charter cannot now be procured. TRANSPORTATION. (.) "To erect, construct or acquire by purchase, lease, exchange or otherwise, roads, tramways radways, wharves v.aducts. aqueducts, canals, reservoirs, water courses, telegraphs, mi ls,Ttures* bu.Id.ngs and works of every kind and description, patent and patent rights, and^to equ prl „tl and operate the same or any of them. " «^M"'F» mamiam ana GENERAL TRADING. (2) "To carry on the business of general trade.s for the purpose of supplying goods to anv employees of the Company, or to the occupiers of any of its lands, or to any other person! " ^ LUMBER FOR STEAMSHIP CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION (3) " To take over, win, get, buy and otherwise acquire by any lawful means all ores, metals and mmerals whatsoever, and timber, timber lands, leases and rights." TOWN-SITE DEVELOPMENT. (4) " To clear, manage, farm, cultivate, irrigate, plant, build on, and otherwise work, use or improve any land which, or an interest in which, may belong to the Company." ""prove MINING. (5) ''To take over and acquire in any lawful manner, min.ng lea.ses or mining claims, or mines held as real estate or any other mmmg property in any part of the Province of British Columbi; or el ewher and to pay for the same .n cash or fully paid-up stock of the Company, or bonds, shares, stock and securities of this and any other company or corporation." >«res. stocK and SMELTING AND REDUCING ORE. (6) "To carry on the business of purchasing, smelting, matting, stamping, and reducing ores and minerals of ev«ry kind and description." «euucing ores and UNIVERSAL POWER. • /k^ 1' ^° °T'"' *!''"'™ ^"'^ ""''P^'* °^ ^"y concessions or authorizations of any Government muni, cipal body or other authoritv, or any works or und-'»"»"n~ «.-!-:-^ -• '- ""vemmeni, mum- ' ' ^ wufKs or unav.cx.ng whith mc v-ompany may desire to carry on.', INTENTIONS OF COMPANY The Company, with its own fleet of vessels plyinty from the head of Teslin Lake through the Hoota- linqua River to Dawson City, will handle from .,000 to 2,000 passengers on its early trips in the spring of 1898. The Teslin Lake route was originally named by this Company. Shortly after it was examined and adopted by the Canadian Pacific Railway, and recently by the Canadian Government. The distance to Dawson City from Vancouver via this route is more than 3,000 miles shorter than from Vancouver via St. Michaels and Lower Yukon River to Dawson City. Passengers and freight will arrive from four to six weeks earlier by this route than by any other, and for this reason the Company can secure the highest rates for transportation. The Company's charge from Vancouver, via the Canadian Pacific Railway steamers to Fort Wrangel, Glenora or Telegraph Creek on the Stikine River, and from thence to Dawson City, will be from $ux> to $400 for one passenger and his supplies. The profits from the transportation department alone for the season should not be less than hundreds of thousands of dollars. The distance from Vancouver to Dawson City will be accomplished in fifteen days, and weekly trips will be made during the entire season. The Company will transport large quantities of its own supplies into the gold districts with which it will do trading, and will acquire interests in valuable mining claims, principally through furnishing supplies to the miners. The Company proposes to develop town-sites at favourable points, and should realize large profits from this operation, «s well as from its boarding and lodging stations at these points. It has been predicted by the most reliable authorities that at least 50,000 men will go into the Klondike district next spring via the Teslin Lake route. The directors confidently believe that the dividends upon the stock of this Company will be more than satisfactory to any investor during 1898, and are of the opinion that the value of the stock should be at least par within the next year or two. Only the stock which has been issued will participate in dividends, and only a moderate percentage of the whole issue has been set apart, by act of the directors, for sale at the present time. In presenting this offering of a limited number of shares of the absolutely non-assessable stock of the Kootenay-Cariboo Mining and Investment Company, Ltd., at 25 cents per share, the Company beg to say unqualifiedly that the latest advices from the Yukon more than confirm all that has been said about the phenomenal rush of Gold Seekers to the Klondike and the enormous mineral wealth of that country, and are convinced that this Company is in a position second to no organization in the world to utilize these conditions and to command large returns to its shareholders. The net proceeds from the sale of this first issue of the Company's stock will be devoted entirely to the construction of the Company's fleet of steamers above referred to, and for trading purposes. There are enormous advantages to the small investor operating through an organized and energetic . Company. Persons wishing to remain al home as fhey cannot or wttl not endure the hardships and priva- turns incident to exploring such a district as the Yukon, yet participate in all the profits withont enduring any of the hardships. sold. The right is reserved to withdraw this offer without notice whenever the stock placed for disposal is Inco^o^telund^^the^ojnj^^ ^"^ KOOTENAY-CARIBOO Mining and Investment Company (Ltd.) SHARES FULLY PAID, ABSOLUTELY NON-ASSESSABLE Authorized Capital, $2, 500,000, divided into 2,500,000 Shares of $ J Each Th. Con.p«,.. bu.l„eM i. "«-««- -*oIly in th. Interest of .h.c.ho.der. by .oae of the .blet .ad met cohmt^Uv. buiineai men of Canada and the United SUtes. conwwrauvt OFFICERS ''™'rhT.V"n°'*°'','!.^'^'*'KHA' M.D., Supreme Chief Rangier, Indepei int Order of Foresters. First Vice-Presidcnt-JOHN MULLIGAN, Esq., Yonkers, New York. ^ ' Second Vice-President— JOHN SMALL, Esq.. Ex-M.P Toronto, Ont., Collector of Customs. DIRECTORS THE HON. JOHN COSTIGAN, P.C, M.P., Ottawa. JOHN A McGILLIVRAY, Esq., Ex-M.P., Supreme Secretary Independent Order of Foresters, Toronto. A. H. MOORE, Esq., M.P., Merchant, Magog. Que. COL. B. F. PARKER, H.C.R., LO.F., Milwaukee, Wis. A. W. ROSS, Esq., Ex-M.P.. Broker. Toronto. CHARLES A. PUSTIN. Brockton. Mass. W. J. HAMBLY, Esq.. Managing Director Canadian Shv- mgs Loan and Building Association. Toronto, Ont D. A. ROSE, Esq., The Hunter. Rose Co., Ltd., Toronto BENJAMIN W. GREER. Esq.. London. "•' ''"°""'' HON. ELLIOTT STEVENSON, Detroit. D. H. MACDOWALL. Ex-M.P., Prince Albert, N.W.T. S. S. RYCKMAN, Esq., Ex-M.P. Manufactiirer, Hamil- tofif Kjni, G A. McELFRESH, H.C.R., LO.F., Los Angeles, CaL JUDGE ALEXANDER WATSON, Chicago, in.