•r » • ■/ % 'H' V 'Microfiche Series (IMonographs) t ICMH Collection dd microfiches (monographies) ^ '% Canidian InstitHt* for Historical IMicroraprodactiona / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductlona hlttoriquaa ^-«* ,' i ^p »riquM :'i»:-f-^^'-.- ■'^.■ T«elinteai «id QHMiotripliif. Notvi / N^m tMriUMKin at MMiOfriphiqMM ~ Tht Imtityt* hM attfmptid to obtain tlw bnt orifiiMl eopy available for fUtninflJ FaatHrai of this eopy wtMdi may ba MMiofrapl^Mly of ttia imaias- in tba i lifnifiMhtiv dmm th« ii^Ml nMthod of filminf. M« cbacfcad balpw. [ t/l Couvartura da ipoulaw QCovart €ou«a#ttira □ Qovara raftoiad and/oil laminatad/ Couvartura rasta(irtea1|/ou paNicuMa OCovar titia miaiini/ La titra da couvartura ilaMliM CokMirad mapi/ Carlaagtegr^iquai antooulai|r □ Cdlourail ink (ia. othar ihan blua or Mack)/ Encra da coukHir 0.a. autra qua Maua ou noiral D CokMirad ^a«n and/or illustrattolnt/ PfancKas fWou illustrations an coulaur . Bound with othar malarial/ Ralii avac d'aiftras doeumaiits • ■ . '■■■■; J-'' ■■':'. ^ ■"I---"- ■"■■■■■■.■.'■- Tiiht bindkifinav eaina shadows or distortion along intarior margiit/- i La raliura sarrte paut causai| da I'lombra ou da la distorsion la )<^4la la rtiar^ in^iauril ' iBIank laaa^ «ddad «irin« restoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavaf possiMa. thasa hava ' baanpnutlad from filming/ II sbmnit qua cart|inas pagas bkuichas aioutias ton d^una rastauration apparaissant dans la taMta, mais. lorsqua cala *t>it posSiMa. cas pagM n'ont pas M f ilmlaSv □ AdditiolMl commaiitsf / ''- ^ ,. Cbmmantairas suppliinantairas: This itam is filmad at tha reduction ratio chackad bahMv/ Ca document ast fi|m4 au taux da rMuctiofi indiqui ci-dessotn. L'lnstitut a microfMniA la meiileur exemplaire qu'il Itti a M possible da sa procurer. Las dMails da eet axemplaire qui sont peut4tre unique s du point de vue bibliographiqua^ qui pa u va n t modifier une image repreduite. ou qui peuvent exiger une modif icetion dans la mtthode normala de f ibnaga soi^ indiquis ei-dessous; ' 9- V ^% □ CohMinkf pegas/ Pages de couleur ■Tr S □ Pagn damagad/ rages anaonHnagan> / y □ Hgas restored ind/or limineted/ fagas restauries et/ou peNicuMes Pages discoloured, stained or foxed/ Peges dicolorAes. t ach atie t ou piqwies □ Pages dsteched/ Pages diitediAes QShowthrough/ Transparence Q Quality of print varies/ Quality inigale de I'impression □ Continuous pegination/ Pagination continue n m Inchides index(es)/ Cbmprend un (des) index title on header taken from:/ Le titre de ren-tlte provient: Title page of issue/ Page de titre de la iivraison Caption of issue/ Titre de depart de la Iivraison r— ] Masthend/ Ginirique (piriodiques) de la Iivraison .'V, Th« copy filmed h«r« hit been r«pron.oW ^t \ : ■ : i- I'M tit ■ •^■ :e*tiot'0&:b}tj NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS 1\>K QNTAJL^IO, AS l)KSI(iNI<:p JIY MK.SSUS. |)/V«I.IN•■ 1^-11*. I C<5S.-5> i ^^ 4- ■ i-.^ D roH NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS FOR, ONTARIO, : . • ■ , ■ / :•■-■■ - ■ • AS DESIGNED BY MESSRS. DArtLINQ i. UURRY. ■■•»■■ ^ ■ " . . ■ ■ " '■.!'' ' ■ ' ' ' . , ' . OF TORONTO. (^ DRAWINGS. South or Front Elevation. £^t Elevation. . North Elevation. • West Elevation. ' / Section through Court Yards, looking North. " " Court Yards; looking South. * " " Western Court Yard, looking Eaat. .'i Western Court Yard, looking West. Eastern Court Yard, looking East. " " Eastern Court Yard, looking West. • " Library, looking North. Plan of Drains and Footings. " Basement, "• Ground Floor. -^^ ■■'^ '"" ■ First Floor. "':■"■ ■■- ■''"■ AtticFloor. ' '■ . :■ ■"■. Roof. ■ ■."■,■■■■ Third or Attiti Floor, showing Ventilfttion Trunksand Flues. ii^i^l^TK -^^ * f Detail Drawings for exterior and interior work which with the above show all dimUions and delineations of the wSk' wh ch IS, or is^ to be, thoroughly rep^ented and set forth by DeLTDrJkif tn h« i.^**? «5^* and all wriUng. interlineations, figures ri«d deS ,S accurately followed. am)rdinfrt ,h^?4al e^' "'^"g' "'.'"^ ^ 'i- t ■ % +* •i > ..... ,^ * '. •■ ; ^ # ■ ■■'. '' ■ itu y . • • . ' ■ ■ ■ ' "r ■ ■ ■ : • ■' IM ■ an Ai en Pu - • ■ , « - J . V- k. i 1 i^fe^v* -_**:...:' • . ■m \yn ryv^ NOTICE TO CONTRACTOKS. remaiiw unflnishod "»« contract that the buUding »»W «,mmen««i, or which Zy^JKliSr '■■' ''°* Architect in charge The Knee oX^nS*"?''^'** ^'yu-'^^^ " - ^f^' ^" J^"'*®" *"■ ^K""** dimensions oh Plans or 8n«.ifl wtiona are to supersede the measurement b7^ir T ^^^^ GENERAL CONDITIONS. foremen or master mwhamics f^ f4 /* ^'^^^ ?'T*®"* branches; to furnish XSab or tL.*''°* *'*r °' proper execution and com^^Ltb^of L '^"i^^^^ Architects, or the Clerk S W^u*^ ^ ^^' °' *^^ "'y *h<» entire satisJLZn^Khe H^^^^Ji^b^^^^ compleA to the Public Worlc or any person;';;^g^ ^ o^ I* *t^ I '■ ... Thfl whole of the workii are to Iw carried out in the h«Ni and iiHMt tubNtantial and workmaidilce manner, with materials of the IVMt oiiality of thi«ir n«M|M»>tivfl kind*. No dnfiM^tivi) ur iinitound inaU^rialH Mhall lie uiieH in the liiiilding, or brought on the premiaeN. Should' the above li« deviated from, the Contractor or Contractom nhall IwUiund to remove nuch defective materiaia or inferior workinaimhip, and replace with matitrialH or workmannhip ac(H)rding to con- tract. In caoo of nvgluct or rofuaal on the part of the Con- . tractor or Contractors to remove such Unfit, . unsound, or iinpttrfitot materials or dufectivo workmanship, and to replace, the sam*) in a(x>ordance with the Should the Contractor or Contractors at any time discon- tinue the carrying out of the works, duriiig a periotor or Oinlhwitorti will Im hM ro«pon' mII)|« f(»r n«oh anil overy drawing CtMwiviMl frmii th«t ArcliituQU- All (Irawinff* to Im umni with o«,re, and relumed to the ArohitootH at thu ooinplution of the workn. The workn, If no roquirtMl. an« to Imj comiiwncod iinmiMliataly on th« Hinn'ma of the contrant. and carried out witli nuch expo-" dition an will on«uro tho eoinpletlou of tb« worlu by the. Ulite or timeii mentioned therein. Tho Contractor or. (^intractortt will he allowed to dopofdt iiiaturiala for tho proponod hiiildintf on Nuch |)art« only of tho jj:Tound aa may bo pointed out by the Department. T}»o Contractor or Contractont must mAk«\ hiH or their oWn arranxomontH for tho supply of water for tho carrying on of tho workn. The Coii^racU* or Contractors ar6 to erect any temporary buildings or workshops he or they may require for the work- men, or for the storing of matorialH, and remove the same at tho termination of bin or thoir contract. Tho Contractor or Contractors must set out tho whole of the work<. and he or they will bo hohl re8p,.are to be excavated to such depths as may be found necessary to give proper falls to pipes. All obstructions, of whatever nature, are to be removed. The bottom of all racavations to be perfectly level and true to receive footings. Pump, bale, or drain out any water that may come in upon Pnmpfc the site, whether from rains, drains, springs, or any otner cause. Keep the foundations and basement clear and dry during the progress of the works. AU rubbish arising from the worksand all superfluous earth c»rt vn^, not required tor the fulfilment of this contract or by the De- Ijartment of Public Works, to be carted away dear of the site. Excavate'for oonvenienees for the workmen where directed, ConvmienoM. and when the building is completed remove all soil, includ- ing one foot of (earth in every direction. Pill in and level as mi^ be directed.; Provi^, fix, and remove, as may be neceesaiy, all shoring, Protecting plankmg, and timber for the carrying out of the excavation •*«»'««««^ and upholding the slopes of the ground during the time that the excavations are oprat Fill in with broken stone all round the external walls of <'l*o»" AU>%- building, from the bottom of the footings to within two feet ^f the top of the ground, and to a width of IB inches from the • MM» of the wall ; finish with a" layer of small stones on top, and cover with staraw, and then fill up to the top of ground! with earth well rammed down. After the basement portion of the walls are built, and when Kaith fining. ^ directed by the Architects, fill in around same with earth, and well ram, leaving the whole perfectly solid and firm. Fill in all trenches, in which iron pipes are laid, with sand, Swd filling. • .raw' wif."'"<'^'im:ima^amF ■f^^^w^ Level, eto. DmIim. yne to be cftrricid up and finished as spedfied above for man-hdles. '' Construct a large trap as shown, the bricks to be laid in 'Portland cement. Plaster the walls of trap with one coat of Portland cement Provide and set all cut stone required in the construction of the trap. Fill in around all j^e pipe traps with Portla&d ennent coA- . Crete.. ' ;.;."; ■^^.-— ■-■. „ ^^: \.:-V .• ■■ ;-' -' Ilie walls in the different sections of the building are to be , carried up at all points at the same time, and all stone work must be tMicked up with the brick backing as the work pro- •* :■/■ . .1 . ■* of 14^ sks and inches " ce«d8, so that a thorough bond may be obtained Racking ' back with any walls will not be alloi«^ed. except by special order. Gover the top and footings of all walls with straw manure, Protwjt mOIs. and planks loaded with heavy itones, and take all possible , {trecautions for keeping the building secure against rain and rost, from the day the building will be stopped at the approach of winter, until such time as. the works wfll be resumed in the Case and protect in the best manner, as may be required, all ^m* wd exposed parts of cut stone or carved work, and make good *""***** any damage done to same. Cut holes for and dowel the feet of all door frames, with Doweiiing, iron dowels 6 inches long and 1 inch square. Sori**"^ _A11 cut stones to be dowelled with slate dowels where*""" '** directed, and cramped with iron cramps run in with brimstone. Anchor all cut stone-work into the walls with iron anchors wherever directed. • The above iron and slate dowells to be provided bv the Con- tractor or Pontractors, the iron to be tarred and sanded. y Carefully perform all cuttings and dowellings of holes for DriiiingMid iron railings, cresting, bars, anchors, etc.; also all cutting for *"'"*•*• all galvanised iron and lead flashing to the several roofs and wherever else required. Chases to be left in all w;ails where shown on drawings, or Ch««e«. wherever required for the running of steam, gas and water pipes, or for any other purpose. Cut chases, and break out holes for steam, water, and gas Onttlnn pipes, or for other purposes, which may be found to be neces- '''"^' sary after tha >?:ork has been built. Do all corbelling, oversailing and beam filling ; cut all cham- Corbelling, fers. splays, skejwbacks, indents, etc. Form all toothings, and K*fiuSS:. build in aU timbers, iron boxes for joists, etc RoU^ chain eS^^' for angles of all doors opening, into corridor on ground, first and second floors. Provide and lay in cement mortar, cut sfon^ bed plates of TempUtei to Waubaushene limestone, 24 inches by 14 inches, and 12 inches f*"^*"- under ends of iron girders, and 24 inches by 14 inches by 10-inch cut stone head-pieces over same. - Provide and fix under iron column^ base stones of Waubau- »"« stones shene limestone, laid perfectlv true in cement mortar To average 9 feet superficies and 18 inches thick. '* • Form openings through walls where required for drains, gas Opening., and water pipes, and build in solid when the same have been laid. ■ . ■.■ *■ .. ; . ■ Build in lengths of glazed sewer pipe in all walls where Ql«««d pipei directed, for the purpose of running steam, water uid gas pipes •'* ^*^ through' o rr ^ The baclra of all stones to bfe roiwhly pitched off to work Bmsk of rtone evenly with the brick backing. The stones must also be ''*''^ worked so that the bricks may be laid in even courses without cutting. . •% . .-Jr'^ **Tws^ 10 StoiMworii in plan. FoundktloiM / for itopt. DMn|i>-proof oonrw. Bondrtoae. m lit »l!i l,f Wwhfor bk^kliigit. Lime mortar. Coment mortar. Allow f <« MtiUomeiitk OoiMratafor fonadaUou. Goncretafor Soon. ^■■■; Cimoreto filling. 4' Bride floonu All piers in the South front to the grpund and haaement " floors, of a width of 3 feet 6 inches and luder, ar^ to be huilt to the fall width And depth of dimension stone^ properly wrought and laid in cement mortar. Build up walls at the several doorways as required, to form foundations for stone st6ps. , Prepare as directed, a damp-proof course of pitch, Stock- holm tar and sand, and evenly spread same | mbhes thick over the whole of .the interior and exterior walls at Uie levels shown on the drawings. Build in bond stones, except where otherwise shown or - specified, to all brick piers or jambs where directed. Stones having a superficial area of 6 feet 'and over, to be 9 inches thick, smaller stones 6 inches thick. All bond stones to be properly wrought. 1jiewhole,of the inside surfaetf of the outer external walls to have a wash of Portland cement and fine sand or wood ashes, put on with a brush as the work proceeds. The lime-mortar.to be composed of fresh wdl-bumt lime, run in a pan, clean, shiarp grit sand and dear pure water, mixed in the proportion o^ one part lime and two parts sand^ and to' be freshly mixed for daily use. S^ple of lime to besubmitted to and approved of by the Architectis. The cement mortur to be composed of one part lime, half^ part Portland cement, and two parts sand, to be mixed in the most careful manner with pure, clean water. All vaults, towers, stacks, etc., to be independent of all walls, if so directed, to allow of an equal settlement. The walls abuttin|r against vaults, towers and stacks, to be built into chases with straight joints. If soft spots in the ground under the foundations should be met mth, excavate the same, and fill in with concrete, com- posed of one part of broken sione inot m through bond stone to every superficial yard of walling. The inner face^of stone walls must be^ kept true, in . order that the inside brick wall may be built with a 3-inch space between it and the outer stone wall. These walls to be ^ built of Kingston or Waubaushene limestone, well grout with liqmd grouting every 18 indies. The inner Wall of f oundati^i^ will be built of brick, bonded l~» *x>«»d* : "hi ^ ***® outer stone wall with hoop-iron bond 2 inches wide Iff weighing 73 lbs. to the lOO feet lineal, turn up the ^^,^j ends -and secure properly. Hoop-iiojn to be tarred \^y^y<^ and sanded. Sls^Aetch in nuugin for bo|rd. Jambs ^^555 of all openings to be btiilt solid' '>J^ ^^ The coursed work shown in the various places on Uie draw- Coanad work, mgs to be neat ashlar, quarry-faeed with pitched joints, ioihted asshown. r ^ "' (fenemlly speaking, all external walls showing above ground lUndom aretobebuiltofranddm-ooursed work thbfoughhr bonded All «>«>«»* '•«• joints to be truly vertical or horizontal. . No irtohes less 'than ""''' 4 inches m thickness to be used. Carefully carry otit all . .battered work. '' • The masonry in all towers must be buUt with special Mewmyin ^ with large flat stones, carefully bedded, each stone to*"***^ break jomt over the centre of the stonfr below. Not more than three stones to be placed in the width of the wall set in mortar, and grouted as described fox the other portions' of the work. All joints to be true itod close ;fimng in the wall with,/ , spalls will not be allowed. *!. ^ Wton or Waubausheue limestone is to be used in both cim. of .tone the cut ston e-w ork and the walling u p to about the laval o f ^ s'; 8INS«^ ' ™ li-j'""'^'*'B«f« "^jlt. ^% . ^ ,M"«*"" Ms I ^' AnglM. Kxtornal walli above ground. i '■'V...,J.U., i 'i: Belioving uom*. VantiUtlon .-^^^x^-- the ground aoor joiata The remslning portion of the external stonework throughout the building to be of Oeoriretown or Credit Valley freestone. ^ The line at which the limestone will stop and the freestone commence will be irregular, but it will average nearly aa above specified. All angles, etc, to be pitched, and have chiselled draa->ines of unequal widths, as may be directed. All the stone? to bo wxMrked as directed. , All outside walls showing above ground are to be built with a 3-mch cavity. The outer portion with stone, backed up with brickwork, well and thoroughly bonded into the stone facing (no stone backing will be allowed). The inner portidh is to be built of brickwork. The two walls are ^ be bonied to- gether with header bricks laid in every fourth cpunet The ponding must be carried out as directed. J .The walls are to be built solid at all fioors, round all open- ^gs and at all angles, or v^ierever else directed ; walls to be pt the various thicknesses shown qr, figured»x>n the drawings. Turn relieving arches, of such>apan as may be directed, in ' w^ls over weak spots in theVfoundations or over <^ening8. Spans of 4 feet and uuder to have Wo half brick rin^ ; above 4 feet and tinder 6 feet, four half brick rims; and/onder 10 feet, five half brick rims. ". nndw^ndow .:pP®l^>n«* are to- be left ii» the stone- work under all window ,111,, siJJs where radiators are shown on the inside of windows for the admission of fresh air to the radiator. StaS5f,toJe ,^1 the stone herein described must be washed perfectly work. dean before setting. In case any of the stone is injured by ... having comers or edges broken, off before or after setting, *h®7 ""^st be removed, as no imperfect materials of any kind will be allowed. After the stone-work is all completed and the roof in position, it m^st be cleaned down, imd tape-pointed withcement mortar, coloured a9 directed by the Architects. ' The pointing to be done as directed. ■ :^^- :.-^ :"{ ■-■■■■■■■'■;-;';:cuT stone. ■■.;■: ■.:■'?;: iMj-'.:/' ' , AJl cut stoner work, except that hereinafter described; to be set in putty mortar with close joints and properly washed, cleaned down, and pointed at completion with Portland cement. All stones to be well wetted before setting; ai!d laive stbnes to be set with a derrick. Rake out mortar johits when setting. l^e joints between cut stone blocks in all columns, or wher- e^r any weu;ht is brought on any out stone-work, to be made with 6 pound sheet lead worked lauok from the face 2 inches^ joints to be bevelled each way. No angle mitres will be allowed in any part of the work. All window sills, u)«Kall belts forming window sills to be in one stone each, if dSsired by the Aivhitect. Put cut stone inside siUs. and heads to all door and window Setting of ontiitnie. Lead joint*. llttlM. snia. SdbtOTMllti. /'■ UA:. ( . loulUiniii. . Retwtet and wimlow-flntih. ■ 1» omninflB into vablts, and to all window openings in those parts Af the building which are finished internally m brick. -The lines of all mouldings, curves, angles, or mitres, to be M. worked to their true and proper forms, and all returns or imtres of mouldings, washes or bevels, to be worked on. and out of the solid. The bed and joints of all stone- work to be square "With the face. < . All rebates fdr frames to be cut in the stone jwnbs. accord- ing^ to plans and directions of the Architects. All the window- finish of stone to be in size and form as shown on detail draw- ings, moulded, etc, according to the details of each part. All , stone- work to be jointed, as shown or directed. Provide and lay lai^ge fiags of Credit Valley or Georgetown Fimn to miln stone to the mnin entrance, supported on dwarf walls No'"*^"*' stone ttf have a less superficial area than 40 feet Sink mat holes in the stone flogs to all entrances : the edires M»t holt* to be slightly rounded. . v All the interior cut ptone to be finely cut and rubbed, with Intwiorout' perfectly straight aYrises, and must be jointed and conform in '*""*"*'''^ all cases to detail drawings. The best quality of Ohio free- stone to be used. The out stone in the court-yard 'to be bush-hammcred 10 Cutitoneta cut. or finely crandled, as may be directed; must have per- ''°"'*"^*^' foctly trtie arrises, and conform in all cases to the detail diuw- ings.; .'.. ' , All works iiitended for carving to be prepared by tlic C'«»'vIiik. mason, and aU boosting necessary to be done by him : ftreai care being take;i to leave sufficient stuff to give the carver ' • pleiity of scope. The carving to be done by professional carvers, approved the Sttmecoping. I" _ Boiler room. rwall .... . - coping to t!he wall aroun boiier-pit ; provide and set cut stone steps down to th luce-pit in boiler-room ; cut stone Coping to the retain' of drive-way to basement • All the stone to be of an uniform colour, free fn(m any ^'^^^^'f*' defects, such «s dry pockets, shattered or powder-bi*nt, and '*"""' subject at all times, worked or unworked, on the gr^nd or iii p i^er building, to be objected to by the Architeets. / '^ ^^^^ ^e stone fail, in any respect, to be perfect, it must Rejected be rpidved from the grounds 01 Architects. The oriel windows to be executed v supplied ; side stones of corbelling ■ into the walls. , -. ' „ Chimney-stacks to be worked and properly cramped as directed. *w»"f -i^'ue u* ommneys, wfiere possible, to be in one stone, f j«h holes cut through for ■ . ■ ■ ' ' . ■ : ". " ' -^ '.-'7 ■ ■ ■ / ;. — ■ -. ■• ■ ■ — ■■ ■•- • f-yji : uilding on/6rder of the '*°?** / - to detaiV'drawings, to be ^.''S* ut for >6riel, to tail well '^■^'•'"• r/: ^ : ■:-■■;•■..];■ - >rdii;ii^ to detail drawings, Chimnqr Tie4op stone of chimneys, '*^'"* ^ '■ '^- «i - k li Main MitrMUM pwoh. h ilf Oonridon, Onuilto eprumiu. ' oolumiu. Stone work In Ubniy. Mutolik PrinoliMl •Min. UainiUir. Provide and Mi out atone in tlie entranoe porch, main tower, Moordine to detail drawings, with plinth, bands, strings, etc., moulded and rubbed. Also all out stone to the windows and inner doors. Windows to have inside heads, transoms and sills. The ceiling of porch to be of dressed stone, following the line of arch, with moulded wall ribs. Construct stone seats on each side of vestibule, under tower, plainly moulded, and in long lengths, to be rubbed.' Provide and set out stone, moulded and rubbed plinths, bands, etc, to the general lobby, main staircase, corridor on the ground floor, running along east side of LegiaUtive Cham- ber, and staircases, eastern departmental entrance and western vestibule — ^the whole to be according to details. The columns in ^neral lobby, and under the second hajf landing of main staircase to be of polished best quality Bay of Fundy granite, with carved sandstone caps and moulded bases. Columns and wall pilasters of arcade at the south end of Chamber tobe also pf granite. ^ The coIuSms in screen, on right of stain to be of jpolished black or greeh marble, with carved freestcme caps and moulded bases. Carry out all the stone work shown in library. Columns, flat bands, strings, corbels, stone arches to entranoe doors and bay window opening. Construct the mAntels in smoking-room of a first quality dark red freestone, moulded arch stones, moulded pilasters, carved band, 6tone hood, etc. Hewrths to be of tiles, with a dark marble border, back and sides of fireplace to be of fire brick, laid in fire clay. The stone to be laid with dose cement joints. ^ The mantels in Members' private corridors, reception-room and Council Chamber to be of stone as above described for the smokitog-room. The mantels fQr the different rooms will vary in desi^i. The mantels iri^he two latter rooms to have pohshed marble shafts, moulded bases and carved caps. The first flight and the first landing of the prinapal stair- ipase to be constructed and worked as shown on detail drawings. The steps and landings to be of Credit Valley red stone, from such special bed or quarry as may be approved of by the Architects. . The treads finely bouoharded, risers to be finely ehiselled, steps to be in one piece, built into wall at both ends. The landing to be in three stones, 12 inches thick, supported as shown. - Cut allnewels, railings, etc., of brown stone or marble, finely dressed, rubbed or polished, joints to be dose, laid wito cement See notes on detail drawings. The steps of the niain stair, from the first half landing to the second floor, to be of Credit Valley red stone, finely dressed on all surfaces. Build the ends of steps nine inches into the walls ; the second half landing to be constructed of stone in a »•• 19 ■' ',"y ■ » , ' •nd dowelUng for iron worker. ^^* ^ h«^ii,ill«;iSS ;y w*"!!!*^ ^ entmnoe^ shown on pUaJ, to hu,- t.> • <^""*™,«*~o' WauUiwhene limeitone. 8 inches thick to •"*"»«* rwe Jijfhtly towmrd. th« opening, finely tooled dn riser and roughhr bouchMded on treads and closely jointed. All step* risHfout sU inches each All sten. a/d 'landings. etc..«S. oum^ blue on plans throughout the Building, to bcTof stone .tii « il* "^P" ^ ^ **•■ f ***°''"' «' Waubaushene lime- o«t.M. .up- stone a. above specified, with a slight fiUl outwards. AUto be tn larjg^e stones. «». ah w bedd!? *° «»**' '^o «d one-half uiohes. and to be properly ' L.S TtSn^i;;? ****°"k "^"* u'^?' *** ■'•''«»«* ^" '^« Crown Ston. .fp- . J V'P*"'"®**' having bnck parapet iruard-wall wi*h f "'"^ i*np . SUiroases in 0|^wn Lands Department from ground to first floor, floor, floor, Western Departmental staircase from fint to second Eastern Departmental staircase from ground to second ♦^„ It • *''® ?"'"*'^ "i^** ''*'^' "^^^ rounded nosings fas- ?^iS *"^'*'"TA Stone thresholds to sliding do^into fireproof portions of Crown Lands Department fln^I I! external door-sills to basement and ground Ht.p* fZATi^fl ^^^L^^JJ'H «°««^ Waubaushenflime- stonMtroads finely boucharded. chiselled risers. Steps to b* VaS;7irj;'ltehTth1:r *° ''•^'^^^ orallv^Us,of credit n^^. . „nS!?,!!2-**°"* 'T?^ frames shdwn in front elevation, stone t«. upper portion of central block, and the large windows in main '*''•** '•»"•* tower, of the best quality of Credit Valley Stone, witrmouTded arohes, shafts, carved caps, bases, eta "umeu ^t moulded and <»rved ^corbels under ends of all beams in.ida,ton. crossly the ceding of LegisUtive Chamber, of corridor alone '^'^^' '^^ ^t siJe of Legislative Chamber, and the general lobby of th! S^SLe'^JL^Sw^.'"? ^^^^^^ groat to^, and 'iw* U • BRICKLATBR. -~«, . ^ * xu . . 'f terra cotta.'^Wm, ootta. special design, to the four walls of Legislative Chamber as J^own on section, immediately undeV^e wood ;■.■' ■■;.■■, •■':,-l« ■-;■ ■.-.-. ■;.;.■■ ►_ with th« ArohitMta and approved of by Oivin b«fow Iwinir uaed, i 1° ' •■■ - • Build the whole of the walb, bta. ooloared red on dr«w1ii|B[s, with red brioka laid in En^lisli *»o»»ni an.l ooilingn in the Crc^rn Una. i)«- n:;:::;^!^::? ^ I«rt.,K.»t (in«i on the plana. Fill up with cement over th« tileH i| inohoa above the inm giidem. floor etripn t.) Iw ho «n half-brick rim^iiap. nr^Jil^ r™M "P *"'' '*^*'" •" **""'•"■• ThoHeban.to*b6 provided oy bnci< layer. "" "• ^ heJrth" ***"■'*"'''' ^''""'"*'' *"'^*^ '" '^'"•'"^ ™°"*' under ArchM. V drawinm an.i th.< haunchos Hll«d in with concrete. . «*"•»«* the''^ iJ ;;':;iLf -"'"•«n«rt-mbrick waU..and ,«rgot n^^. The circular smoke fluon t<. bo pniporly pargotted with cow^ dung and n.ortar. FIuoh which Jo not o>en &to flrTplwrTo have prqjer cast iron Hroboxes. *~ *" urepiaoes, w . . ♦ {*~v«wand lay li-inch hoon-lron. weighing forty poundH ProvM. .nd S^itl^."'l''l''"S''"«*'' thoroughl/tariSd and Sod "^^ »'-P^- double-folded at the ends and securely fastened to i^ll wllll thmughout thobuildin^. including the^olter?^ 'of 0^^^^^ walls, every 80^ inches in height AH division walL t |^ horoughlprtied mto main waifs by the iron foldi^ around lidinrV'"'*'"/^"^'?"^- Connect the hoop-froIXnd laid in the outer and inner face of external wall with t«iw. verse clips every 2 feet 6 inches apart. ?«!?♦* S""^"* weighing forty pounds to the 100 feet ; to _every fifth course, two Bands fn width of wall corh nej^^ transverse clips, at 18-inch centree. p^J^^J!;, onft^,^!!!? •"j*/*'»^ed hoop-iron 3 inches wide, weighing IZl^^ft^ ?nd twenty-six pounds to the 100 feet, undef Z ends of a I joists beimng on brick or stone walls throughoutth^ building; (no wood bond timber beihg used), tunie? hn ^md « hipped over at the ends, and secured aS directed ^ \ w^a'Z'^ari^^^ll''^^ outer portions of external l, Lay hoop-iron as above in all the towers, two couiiMH M^t evenr two U in height to the top of masoiJy. ^""** r bo^r '^ *° under side of all roof and flooring B.«n «ni«g. ^i\TCr ±T^t? T^^. ''**<'^' ^«" **d<*«i in mortar. carried by i^ -i och br ick arehea. ■ -■ - ' ■ - -v- ;■-•-- T^' - , i^ •6* f * ■ %■ '"^ ^^K^'-^ m 8«i all gr*tei« Ihruughuul tha buikling iti * thorough work- nmnlike in»niMr. (All gr»teM will U Nup|)ll#d by th« iron- founder. ) All thn archeiM iihown nvroai th« oorridont throughout tho building »nd fliituwhijru, wh«ra it in n4»sAihl«, aro to tw turu«il in briok with thre« rinii and Iwain Hlled to undemidfl of Hmir ing boanla. Hiiiall flueM to b« built in tho external walli«, •^r VouiuUUoM W- ■ ■ w •%.., t«nniiiatiiig a to«nt floor * joiaiM, . ■■:':■■.:• ■■ ■.,.^^' ■ ■ The main totlrar la to ha v« five ooanHM or footlngR, Mwh coume to Iw twolvo inchtut thick, and to proj U) full .i» fJr tlo SrmS.^ lio «ccur.t«ly ™t „„t „„ |„«„,. Klriht^ 7*^~""™'«-• *»-»^*w^^^^^^^ iineaujd, Which said sett iitf out will h« H*.-i«#i„ "«/""/««- .ubmittod to the Arcihitel or C ork o^Wo^^^^^ respective part««r« commenced "^ Works before such 'n,d relaying thotughfy^tth^er^roSj Tn'alf ol^'^T *^ ^f^ ^^ ^« ^-*. ?.«- '»' windows ind one Lr with" li^S'^'^ ' ^""? > .^^ree ^-J »» windowj. i,a one d^o^r! wHh pr^ierSS^g; 'a^Yai" ,tr Set^inTd^rSw^r:^' cl'f '^'^ ^'^ off 'wltifte^' be -quirS^Z^SritwTCUt^^^^ "^ i°^ fuel requ red to heat the offi«« tk J^ 'i x ' . , lurnish all ing to Srectiom, On the wmnleSn "^^^t ^ ^ ^°°« ~^^<*- abSve buildingT «>n»pletion of the works, remove the $ OwTtnlMeM. Gimeralljr (date oat, ate, -iifi? ll jMnery tobe glncd up. CmtrM. > Frames and openings. ff^ Lintds. Strapping. AvgU bsMls. Bracketing. Build oonvenieiioes for the workmen where directed py the Olerk of Worka; and to his entire satisfaction. Clean out from time to time all shavings, cuttings, and other rubhish fTt>m off the premises during the progress of the works, and take care that no. de.bris is left under the floor, boards. Before giving up possession, the Contractor for this portion of the work is to see that all doors, saahes, etc,, work ; easily, and make all necessary adjustments. The Conti^itetor is also to have the whole of the buildings, floors, stairs and landings dieaned down and scrubbed, and leave the whole of his work complete and perfect to the satisfaction of the Architects. All nails, screws and brads— in short, everything necessary , to carry out the yeork— is to be provided at the sole-cost and charge of the Contractor. The whole of the joinery work throughout the buildii^ to be put together in the best manner, and to be thorou^ily glued up. Provide strong and properly cheeked centres and props for- all arched openings throughout the building, all the arched cellars, vaults, etc., and fire-proof construction in the- Crown Lands Department. A separate centre must be made for ench opening, and all to be wedged and cased and carefully removed when directed by the person in charge of the works. Provide all necessary turning-pieces to fireplaces and hearths. No centres' to be struck on any pretext, without the consent of the Architects. No window or door-frames are to be placed in position until rfter the roof is on. Rough frames for all openings, perfectly true in all particulars, are to be placed in position for the masons to build up to. All openings in the building are to^e closed up with rough matched sheeting, to keep Out the weather. Put sashes filled with glass to iat least every other opening throughout ihe building. Fit np «pd hjattg rough doors, fastened With locks, , Provide and fix, wherever required, to the several openings, lintels 1^ inches deej^ for every foot of opening and full width of w^l. Provide truss-lintels with 1-inch king-bolts where directed. AH lintels to have 9-ineh bearing on walls. Strap all window backs, except where radiators are placed, with 2-indi by l^-inch strapping, firmly iiailed. Grounds of the proper thicknesses to be put on the walls throughout the building for the reception of the base, dado and architraves, etc.; uie grounds firmly secured to plugs driven into the joints of bri^ -work. . • Also provide and %e6 to the bnUding in of all wood bricks, etc. g Provide and fix perfectly true, f-inch ancle-beads to all angles, of plastered walls, excepting angles of wihdow-jambs and such other places as are specified to have plaster-beads. Provide and fix all required bracketing thrbughout the building for plai^ter coves, cornices, etc; all to be cut to the «■-*: SI 1- several required ahapea of thick stuff, and securely fixed at not more than 16-inch centres, and to have all required angle and mitre brackets* All plaster tornices shown by the lines on plfm to be bracketed for. F^x 1-inch boards in chases ih which stoam or other pipes eumu^ In are run. These boards must be securely nailed to wooden "••■**• plugs driven into the walls. Trim joists, etc., wherever it may be necessary, ta allow of the running of steam or other pipes. Partitions, where shown on plans, to be of the thicknesseR Partlttent. .^figured, and to be strongly trussed and fixed with all required wrought-iron bolts and straps; no studs to be more than 12- ittch centres— girts ^n height of each partition every 4 feet apart— all to be framed to the several drawings and instructions that may from time to time be given. The floors in towers which are to be covered with iron, are ^**'*' """"^ to be ppitched to the outer walls from the centre- *"*'"• Put in trap-doors to the basement floors, so that all valves Tr«p doon in on thesteam or waterpipes may begotat. bMoment t-% ®" JOIST^. The joists for basement floor to be 8 inches by 2 inches for BMemrat bearings under 8 feet, and 8 inches' by 3 inches for bearings "'^' J"**** over 8 feet, to be placed at 16-inch centre and centre, and restmg^on bond timbers 4.inch by 2-inch laidx)n the projection of the f<^ I Saddle*. . Skylighta.' ■;*■%•/ .!.« VmUUtlon to ■kylighU tHatobw. I QMt, QMmoa roof. H*lf timbered work. / .'l DonMf windowt. 4 Hr to be mi^e to lif^eMily, and proviclea with all lifting gear. and flt up bne of Pardesser's 6-inch galvanized iron 'a, with metal top to each of the skylights. ict six hatches throughout at such places as may be the sides to be of 8-inch stuff thoroughly framed Sheath down the sides of hatches to the edge of with i'-ifSfh matched and hteaded sheathing, and lun bead at -the lower edge of ceiling. Moke the Uoor of i-ii^oh matched sheathing, scoured to l|-inch ba^ns; hang opr with heavy vrrQught iron hinges and secure with wr6ught iipn staple, fastened with a wroxight iron, pin and approved padlock. . Fix a chain or wrought iron rcjid ta hold the dowr open, as may be directed. ClonsttUct six strong light ladders for these hatchways. The gable. over the vaults on the south sidle of Eastern Court ^ H&ve a framed barge board of d-inch stuff, with raised, cut, moulded and carved panels and moiul^ded on the lower edge; fix a turnedyCut, carved, and panelled: 'finial, and run a heavy battl^men^d motfl^ed lintel with d«ep carved band. Provide a^d fiarall moulded brackets, etc., aiid fill in with h(4f timbered work, with cut balusters and cornices, as shown. • The wholcyto be constructed in accordance witWe- tail to be furnished; Plaster cove with moulded i^bs on face. Small gable ov^ octagon at south-west comer .to be similarly constructed. The gables 09;^ roof shown, shhigled or half timbered, tQ be made to detail/ with cornice, eta, as directed. ' All the hal| timbered work, showii on the elevations, to be built lipoh a/framing of 4-inch by 2-inch and 4-inch by 4-inch studs placed! at l$-inch oenl^, sheathed on the outside with match sheathing, on w£jch fix 2-inch by 1-inch strapping for lathing 01^ These pieces to . be put on to form groun(& for the quUrt^rings of 2-inch stuff. Tne inner edge of quartering to be grooved to dive a key to the plastering. Sheath on the inside of studs 4na strap as in a brick wall ; brick- worjk to be carried up behind to roof boarding. Construct all dormer windows, as shown on the different drawings, in a wowmanlike manner, of heavy materials. All windows to bejgltddaip, complete in all respects, with iron water bafs, dnps, specially rebated sashes, etc. Sashes to be If inches thick, mdulded td detail and hung with two 3>inch butts .and fastened with bolts top and bpUom, and the most approved catches ; stud and douUe sheath up tiie sides.; strap for lathing. > < Fill in all the various dormer gables, as shown on elevation, with half timbered work, framM flush, moulded and carved barge boardsi heavily moulded and dentiled lintels, cut and Q^ucved finials, ciiit balusters, moulded and cut plates, etc., etc., aocordin^to the design of each window, as i^own on drawings and detailmo be supplied. "^ , > . V ;■/ ■^ifrjffcfis k1 with all kuized iroii fcs, as may be ly framed he edge of a, and lun , bhe Uoor of ijens ; hang h wr6ught 1 approved lye open, as . '9 for these of Eiostem stuff, with led on the jSnial, and Mp carved and fill in somices, as ee witlude- bs on face. )e similarly Bred, tQ be tions, to be \x by 4-inch itside with »pping for ^un(k for quartering sath on the work to be lie different erials. All i, with iron ishes to be two Scinch d the most lides.; strap n elevation, and carved els, cut and », etc., etc., >n drawings ^m- ..-..-•"'■ <> tr DADOES. The dado to the Council Chamber will (in common with all Coai>«» the rest of the wood-work in this room) be considerably more •'''~"'^- elaborate than any of those . ing— to be about or 10 fe«t 1 moulded, with brackets, denti frieze to have a series of sma stones, and slightly incised, 1' ecified elsewhere iu the build- g;h. The cornice io-hei heavily rand broken mouldings. The hirch -headed panels with key- „ - , ornamental mouldecji imposts springing from small dwarf fluted pilasters, having carved caps and bases. The heads of small arches will be filled in with slightly carved shell ornaments ; below this run a moulded band with dentils and incised w6rk ; about 3 feet from the floor runs a heavily moulded chair-rail, and a moulded base at floor. The space between base and chair-rail to be laid off into square framed panels, bolexion mouldctd and raised. The face of framing to be kept ov^ four or five inches from the walls. Resting on the chair-nul at about 4 feet centrts all round the room, with half ones at the angles there will be pilas- ters about six inches wide fixed against the panelling, having moulded caps and bases and fluted on the faces. These pilasters are to support, above the necking moul^ and against the frieze, consoles or brackets, wrought, cut, shaped and moulded, around the head of which all the members of cornice will mitre. Between the pilasters and the necking mould and chaii^rail, the space to be laid off iftto panels of this shape : bolexion moulded and raised. Where this panelling passes above* the stone work of mantel (see masons' specification), the ai'lran^ment and form of the framing and moulding will | be soihewhat varied, the general character, however, being ~r* preserved. — .— ^ It is'the intentio:^ that the woodwork' and general finishing of this room should partake, to. somie extent, of the character of early Qerman rennaissance work. Throughout the hal^corridors and vestibule^ of the ground, ^^"^^ first and second floors, the walls will be Uned with clear dry ScTIS^inr first quality |-i«ch pine sheeting, 4 inches -if ide, moulded oq *"•"• ed^ having heavy moulded capping, the top members of which are carried round the architraves ; If inches rebated frieze board below capping about 10 inches deep, against which the upri^^ht sheeting will butt The joint between * sheeting and fneze to be covered with a moulded necking; run moulded base and shoe-strip stopping against architrave blocks. On the ground and first floors the^rieze board will » have upright battens planted on, about 4 inches wide, sunk moulded On the face, cutti^ into the mouldings of necking " and low^jr mouldings' of capping, forming square panels at . about 5-foot centres ; on second floor the fneze will be plain. Oh the ground and first floors the dadoes will be 6 feet high, . and on the second floor 5 feet high. The dado will continue up the staircase with all proper ramps, caaingSf etc J\rofo.— Wherever the hdls are finished inbrick-work there ■■vwm^ I, :' A ii li I :t t|l DmIoIii iMuUng- room. DwloM in ■moke-ronm, Ing Mid raoep- tioii-room, will be no dado bMe sheeting or other wood finish further than ia absolutely necessary for the proper fittings of the doore or window frames, etc. The dado in the reading-room will be generally similar to that described for the haUand corridors, save that the mould- ings will be more elaborate; the capping having a dental course and the necking a rope mould with raised planted {«nel in the long subdivsion of the frieze board, and having he small square panels (which will be closer together) filled with simple carving in low relief. This dado to be about 5 feet in height. The dadoes in the smoking-room, Members' dining-room fa^'^fiL^ and reception-ruom will be similar to that specified for read- «ni rM«>. jng.,.QQ„j^ except that instead of sheeting in the lower part there will be plaii\' square framed panel work — the paneb about 12 or 16 incites in width, and two panels in height ; the Sanels to be mise^ with" small flush-planted mouldings. The adoes in these nioma to be about 6 teet high. The Speaker's dining-room will also have a dado of the same charMter. * The Membenr private corridor to have the walls wainscotted to about the h|6ignt of i) or 10 feet with heavy capping, frieze necking, and jbase, resembling in genend arrangement (though different in /detail) that already specified for other rooms. Between thy necking and the bause, the space will be laid off in small panels of about a foot or 15 inches square; styles and rails to have small sunk mouldings run on the face, the panels to be raiMd with planted flush mouldings. y , Sheath the corridors to the dfiices in the bsMment to a height on 4 feet 6 inches with |-inch matched and beaded sheathiftg, noi more than 4 indies wide, with moulded capping and ba^. " . The/post^o^oe and dutributing-room, and the extra accom- modation foi/ the same depiMrtment in the basement, and the Pages' room, is to be sheathed with {-inch matched and beaded stuff 4 feet high, and finished with moulded capping. The private stairs to second floor by the post-6ffice to be sheathed as above. ..«>u«u. .All kitchens, sculleries, lobbies, passages, water closets, etc., ■ouik^ ate. '^^ basement (where not otherwise specified)^ to be sheathed to a height of 3 feet 6 inchetf with |-inch matched and beaded sheathing, not more thab 4 inches wide, with moulded capping and floor strips. The kitchens' and pantries' entries in the (jaretaker's apart- ments are also to be sheathed in the same manner. ' Dado in in«m- ben' t>r{v»U lobby. Dadow to offioM in the bMemvnt. Dado in post, offloe depart- ment, eto. DmImi to kitchens. ( J II ' iLi E. Bmb, gnrand. ^ Except where otherwise specified, the rooms on ground, first Mmdfloon. '^^ second floors throughout the building to have a single- faced moulded base If inchep thick and 14 inches hu;h,fltting ' into ploughed shoe-strips scribed and screwed to &)ors; the apoer moulding of base to mitre with moulding on back of architrave, all made to detail and nailed to proper groundn. The Speaker's reception-room, library or study, and other «•<*, , ■[' apartmentd, will have double-faced, heavily-inouldcid baae sot "[."ZI*" in shoe strips scribed to floor. The otflcu rooms in basoment'tp have mdulded Hltiffle-faeed Baaatn nffloM base 12 inches high, with ploughed shoo strips scribud and "' '^^"'•■*- screwed to floor to receive it. All rooms, etc., in basement, not otherwise spedifled, to have BM«f«"»- ; '■',. <■ ■ ■■ ■ ■:' ' • ARCHITRAVE^. ■.;;.. '-'-,' : . '■- ^ '"'.■• v^nless otherwise speeifled, the windows to ground, first, Awhitrav.. to and second floors will have no architraves (the jambrt^and SlJd'^d* angles of the openings being finished in cement by the <*<>*>»• fdasterer) ; there will, however, be a small moulding run round he frames on the inside, where they meet the plaster jamb. All windoWB on these floors will have (except in such places where steam ooils are placed in front of them: See Plans) panblled and moulded backs and plinth mould. The base to • * mitre round the jambs andretum against backs. Fix moulded window stools to all windows. All door architraves in rooms (unless otherwise specified) . « on ground, first, and second floors will be double-faced and moulded, about 7} inches wide, with heavy roll mould stopping on cut block, the upper moulding of base running round the . architrave. The architraves showing towards halls and corridoro on these three floors will be composed of a large quarter-round,- 4 or 6 inches radius, forming a connection between the l|-inch jamb lining and the architraves, the latter being made up of a f -inch piece, moulded on the edge. Plant on this a 6nnch by l|-inch piece, with square edges and moulded on face, the upper memb6i*s of cam)ing will return round the back of architraves. Architraves to finisn on cut blocks, and to have square turned and cut ornamental paikeras in upper angles. The wood-work or corridor at the back of the liCgislative Corridor bMk Chamber to be in oak. The architraves to have heads with ch^^^^"' carved and moulded trusses, and pilasters with moulded caps ^^^'v ■ and bases, etc, liurge wooden cove with batUemented cornice . at top. Doors to have traceried panels. The openings of both doors and windows in Council Chaip- ArchitravM, , ber„recetotion-room, Members' dining-room, Sp^ker's dining- chIiS»ter eio room and reception-rOom,an^ Members' smokink and reading- ' room, Ministers' and waiting.-rooms, and the, mtmabers' private corridor, will have architraves somewhat of thk character as . . mcified to the doors in the halls and corridoi-s, but more elaborate, the design varying in detiul according to the finish in the respective rooms. The Architraves geneijaliy will have on the face of them a small pilaster about 6 inches wide, and projecting far enough to stop the capping and mouldings of ^jpi^ulS-!!?"»winr ArehttravM, bav window, prfvAto oorrliior. 1 ■V 1 J( ;■■. <■ . '■■■ Arehtii»Ti BpMkkar'i |mi!| 1 1 •;. ArohltntMia baummit •fBOM. AnhitntM in bMement. Boiler room, •to., oadng. ^Briok Ufmiaft. the dado with mouldod oftp and htm, atopped and lunk niouldinKB on the fkoe, out and moulded bnusket at top, and flniahed off with a heaviiy cut 4nd ornamentally moulded cornice with the lower meinbnm mitred round th0 braokete. Panelled and moulded jambii, lininoN to all ixindowa oorreiS- pondinff with the HniNh in the ronpective roonu. ^The bay windows in the Membem' private corridor and «mokinff-ro<)m will have the main 'arohitrave®„"^'n" o*" Speaker's hoitee, not othbrwiso speqitied, will be finished with doublo-faced mouldeA^hitraves with heavy rolled mouldings stopping on mould"^!lyocks ; the top mjimb^rs of base to be returned around the^acdiHravcs, pan- elled and moulded jamb linings, moulded stools and aprons to all windows. The door and window openings to the halls, corridors aftd, rooms in that part of the basement used as offices by the* Department to have 6-inch moulded casing with back and « band mouldings. Windows to have moulded stools with apron and bed moulds. The windows to have pandled flush moulded jamb linings. All door and window openings in the basement ^here not otherwise specified to have 6-inoh beaded casings with back and band mouldings, plain l^-inoh jamb linings to all windows, with l|-inch stools and apron pieces with bed mould. Fix plain l^-i^ch trimmings to the door and windows in coal cellar, boiler and tool-rooms. The windows to have plain jamb linings and 2-inch stools with plain aprons, Openinm in those parts of the building where the inside Walls are finished in brick will not have any architraves. ) m- '■**■! m--^ Ciptwns. Bathfroom. ^^A W- ■s- r Construct f o planks firmly I with f -inch bo eteet^byifee inside measui under the bot The walls o with 1-inch s water-closet moulded worl moulded cap PLUMBING FIXTURES. irXcisterns throughout the building with 2-ineh ound with oak uprights and fastened together Its. \The disterns to be of various sizes — three by S'feet, and one 8 feet by 4 feet by 3 feet. Iment, resting on 8-inch by 4-inch pieces laid )m of each cistern. bath-room in the Speaker's house to be lined athing to a height of 5 feet ; the front of bath, id basin to be enclosed with panelled and Run a moulded b^^ around the room and a >g at the top of sheathing. The moulded base •Iv mM fltpphig to work faTwttlJ tli«„M«hitmvM of ih« doora uid ' window*. ^Oolllltruct • NMt to WAtcr^oMt with hin«d flan iiiAiie M) thftt it attens, and strongly framed, the whole to be as directed. /' fl^mf-^,' Win I>Mnp*ra. CSiUftIr V«ntlI«tlnK ' duota to ■mokinv »nd Foul air duota. The bo««« .re to be put Uw^tiwr with mnw n«j|. Mid bolttL th.f jli,^^ "*^*^ ^ ^"^ '"'^'•'""- '**"•*"» '»'« «>"- o' Km doM wim ii«r«enii to aII ojMmlnKn mii.plyliiK.fr«i,h air to Wt^HK clm.u.«r ».. 2-inch hwdwo'« .„ to Council Cha,„be? into Uw (Jferk.- rwt.^ind £„L ^"1'**/= *^ ''"'""^ '"•''«"« ^ the gallcrioH of the^Hou^^r o^^vt" inJ.T* ;'V\'"^>»'y »"! framoH lot into the brick-Work ^ *'*"*''' ino,,|,|ed -mall turned coluu,n« and tK. u"," *" ''''"^"' ^*^'ing panelled and moulder Tho tvLr^'^r S^'"^ '^" "'''« "jfht? i of the ventibtde at Membl»' iS °' ^^''^ ''*^''' leadin/out court yanl. will be simk; II fk *,^ entrance, in th« woHtorn All the khe l^w hown th '^^r* '"V"'*'*''^"' '" ''"tai" the corridors on t tSteTVinSofl T '^' ^,V"d'"«. «ero«, p«^ frameM enclosing doors aUmt 8 f«l?i- r^'.^'^' ^"^^ [ »! € M . Generally speaking (whether marked ho or not on the draw- ings), all door openings into corridors on basement, ground, first knd second floors, i^ill be fitted w^th frames having fan-lights, 4nd with dooni prepared for glazing. CEILINGS. ' r„ }!: .H '■:im'^^ III' Porehw. The ceilinjjs of all external" porches are to be sheeted with \ |-inch stuff", 3-inch wide, moulded on edges ; run against the . ■ > wall a heavily moulded wooden cornice, with surface of the 'Ceiling 'divided into sbiall panels by wooden ribs intersecting with the cotnice. W»r"w>^- The arrangement of the ceiling of the drive-way into ivpai- tem court-yatd h shovm by the section on drawing No. 9, : . having moulded and stopped beams ; cross beams boarded on . the back with narrow matched and beaded sheathing, moulded wood cornice, corbels, etc. '/ OMtttoirar. The ceiling of the enirance unde;r the G^rcOtiTowisr will be constructed wholly of wood, divided by large boxed-out wooden beams (about l;^-i|icjhi % 10-inch, moulded On the edujes) into nine panels,%ithmd\|ldSng9 around each panel against the beams; subdivide each panel into four panels by ribs, crossing diagonally from corner to corner ; turned ornaments ^ ; ' >nd pendants in tlie centre of each of the larger panels at the intersection of the ribs; half beams running around t^ainst the walls with heavy moulded cornice below, haying dentil ■ (M^ ■■' \ .'■■■-'■ .■■ Qmtnl lobby. The ceiling of the General Lobby- of the Bowie and the un- der side of the first floor landing of the main stairs will be constructed ajtogethj^r of wood, a good deal after the manner > of theceiling $hown on sectional drawing No- 7, oyerthe drive- \ I way into the Western court yi|rd. * '\ j ' The stone and brick columns and piers shown oh the plans I I support brick areades, and so divide the ceiling into several I compartments of various shapes and sizes. ; • I The flooring boards of ihe first floorover this portion will 1)e carried independenl^y of the ceiling by 8-inch by 4-inoh joists, at 12-incn centres, which will be placed in the building as the work is carried up, but the beams and rafters which compose the finished ceiling of the lobby will not be put into place until the building is roofed in and the fittings are being fixed; The ttndet side of first floor laindihg of main staircase, woA the two compartment at the east end of the lobby, will have a moulded cornice run around the wall head, on which rest 6-inch by 4-inch beaded dressed rafters, laid flat, and about 9 inches apart; board on the back of the rafters, with I inch sheeting in narrow widths moulded on edges. The under side of second floor landin|r of main stair will be similar, resting on panelled a>nd moulded and stopped beam, with cut and moulded brackets and corbels. 1^6 ceiling of staircase hall, second floor, will have wooden moulded cornice 1 '• -'■•'#■"88 ■.■■■■.■-■ . the Xfe clS?;iji"R5:y -i,^' ^ ^"-^ «>' cept that the G-inch bv 4-inih r!fL •» *''® ''»'"® ^»y. ««■ »n^ will be supiw Wv Cm H)t ^'^'i T • '«n«it"d'nally the hall aboveXViera Boi o„ f S'' ^'^ ^ '""''«■''' ''"^^S inches Jby 9 inches ^Sdf^iHAS st^ *" ^^^' '' The whole of th'tt:^^^^^^^^^ beala out^^mn, in the manr&;^^^SS«£^ moulded 'and sl^hComred 8ma^^^'"*1^'^^ "^ith'^cut turned and car^d^XS^Ti^fi^^^f^'^. o^ brackets, and ; small wood moulded ribs' iSS^ thelaJ^jre panels with ning around the ^mlenS^^l^^.u'''^^' Moulding run- small turned or rSDr,„o,S.T *^^' the larger beams; put l^und the waS^;rhSSS^iH%.^ '^^'^ Ivge turned moulding bdow- artoll I^^^ The square veattShR 3. SL a T* '^ ""^^e *« detail. ingup info nineSfC^^^^r^o^;^^^^^^ ^; aisolo porch or entranc7 into CibiiJ^ "''''"« "^^ ' wiifmo3wLSSi./^^"^K '^^''^*^ ^ be plasteredN^bj^ E«y to be ^ied n^UhlnncnS^m^^^^^^ "°" ped on edges, frim sham Li™?? if' '"^'"Wed and stop- ^MTespondl h jr^^7J^*I^,*« ^*b«r pa^ nice rannini around ^erS^ ^^ ^^"«^'^ith moulded cor- formed byTheCiMi^tSn'J''f; "-'"^'"S round the. panels wi«^:tr?r^ -i^r;;! tHe room, ehere • theangles. Wp^Kill?! L"!!^^^^ tre en(Ling the S31,^S1^^-k"P ^^^"^^ ^" *»»« ««»- overhead).^ ^ *^V»«>n columns which support the beams : ci^^iS SS^ W°^^^^ -«¥ having moulded ^ ^ themJornKt;;^^^^ cJ? ^'^|^T'^ ^ pierced brackets nttJect4riiroriW«?L.r^^ moulded and beapw; aU to bei&rtJrdeWr ^^ underneath the The jambs of bay window in smoking-room to the fuU ,1-1 «11' f ■ ; ' :■ n j m i Ml ifn: Mr '11 : ' ■ BMMUnK-raam. Dining-room. Btoeption- '' GocHdor'kt Mitddebf LegidfttiTe CSiamber. nnplcoein w^eDg^ioom •iO ' ^ ■ ' . 86 height, and the ceiling of same o\it to face of wall wM be lined with framed woric laid out ip smajl panels, raised "Od moulded. u . L j The ceiling of reodinjr-roowi, to have moulded wpoden, cornice with frieze board and necking, dentil course, rope or turned mbidding, small shallow cut bracket moulded ojttface planted ou the frieze board, and cutting into mouldings of cornice under each ceiling rib; turned and cut paterae, about or 7 inches in diuneter, planted on the face of frieze at close ventres. Ceiling divided off into square panels, as. shown, by brqad flat ribs moulded on edges, with small sunk mouldings on face, to have a small square turned and cut patera at the intersection of ribs (field of panels to be plastered) ; all to be made to detail. i The ceiling of Members' cHning-rdom will be gei^erally similar to that already described-for smokine-room, except that the posts and half posts in room against wall and brackets under beams will be omitted; the bottom line of cornice con- tinning around the wall, level and unbroken. ' . Construct large coves for plastering, breaking- around chim- ney breasts, and springing outwards till stopped against beams of ceiling. The cove occurs only around the chimney l^reasts, but the mWding at the bottom of it (about 6^r 8 inches deep) will coiithiue all round the Tobm. I . The reception-room to have a plain heavily moulded cornice of Wood, with large finely moulded ribs dividing the f ceiling into square panels. /.^ . i .. .The small io66y opening out of the Members' private vesti- bule, from which the 8ta,ir8 start to join the octagonal stairs leading to library, is to have a wooden cornice and panel moulds. ., ^ The'ceiliug of the corridor running along the east aide of the Legislative Chamber will be divided into compartments by boxed beams about 14 inphes by 12 inches, moulded and stopped angles, with cut and moulded wooden corbels under, resting on stone brackets; the ceiling compartments thusformed will have moulded wooden oomicps and subdivided by wooden ribs, aa shown. The field of ;the panela will be sheeted with |-indt) stuff in narrow uniform widths, moulded on edga« and i^ailed to prot)er joisting. !„ , • The wood-Work about the' window* of this corridor Wjill be only as much as is sufficient t^. fit the frames in a piroper mahnjer.' .. , . .^ / -■ ' ,| ' The ceiling over recessed fireplace in the wa/Uing-room of ProvvncU^Setyfetary's Departnient wi)! \)e sheathed |with |-inch mMhed sheathing moulded on edges, divided \ into panels with heavy ribs, and heavily inoulded cornice around walls. The walls and back of this recess will be covered With framed, panelled, and moidded wood-work, with ap architrave runmng round opening, similar to rest of finish in room. \ a, divided i intb • 87 ' LEGISLATIVE CHAMBER. ' V>A^Z.?*f i**® coMtructjon of the ceiling of the legisUUm CUl-t. Chximberxn the most careful manner, according to the plans . and 8ectiona and other details which may he^after be fur- nished. The great beams which cross the ceilings. dividin« it into deep panels, are boxed around the tie beams of the prin- cipals those nearest to the walls at ends of Chamber, as ivell frnm/K'^!^°°?"^^°"«','"^*"*''^' *»«•"« false and supported from the ceiling-joists and the beams of principals. The ed^os ofthese beams will ^heavily moulded and stopped, panelled and moulded on soffits with moulded cornice having'^Jope or |umed moulding. «»nd blocking-courae i-unning around pHuels at sides of beams; cut moulded and carved patefts or orna- ments at, intersections of beams. The field ohhe panels will be plastered; trim each panel for opening for venWion of such sizes as may be directed. .«- nwuii or i^JnS!?? °^?'' P?'^''^'' "^^ "^ ^*" '^ shown, haviiig Cot.. wooden corniceatspringmg and at top of cove, with broken turned, ennched i^nd carved members, lame cut shaped and ^^it,^^^"^ following the lin*,^f cove'^inder theSs">f the great beams springing from stone corbels, around which - fci?w T"'''!i.*** "^"^ breaks, at the four angles of the Chamber where^the cove mitres, but large square and octa- gonal turned and carved pendants. The ceUing OVEK recessed p6rtion ot Reporter' Gallery to CeiUng, b^ sheeted with fmch narrow matched sheattiing, moulded on X™"*' edges, and _hav.n^ moulded cornice with ribs dividing it into "^ *''• sixpanels in the length. s t* ".i-u ^Tl.e ceiZi*^ UNDER /J«porter«' Ga^ieny to be flat, \^ith orna- mental moulded cornice and ribs, and the ceiling panelled and wS >hl'^ ^**^!^ "^r-J" ^^IJ^""*^ style and aF^gemw.t. with the wamscotting of the walls. / ® south end of Chamber ^o be sheathed with f-indi stuff in " narrow widths, moulded on edges, with moulded cornice, and dmded into panels by returning the cornice moulding across the ceilmg opposite the columns. • . The main-ce^tmgr OVER the gallenefi ytiW be plastered with o*m«t heavily-moulded wooden cornice, ornamented with rope or ""*"•** turned moulding and dentil course, and divided iiito fifteen panels Xfive in Width and three in depth), by the upper mem- bere of <^rnice being returned across ceilings fomling ribs. I'rim for fifteen openings m ceilings'for ventifatoiB. ^^nstruct circular ventilators to each panel in the ceihnir Cfj^berjind the ceiling over the galleries, south end, witfi ^ f ^S r** "^"*°« *"**""** '»*"»®^ P»e«!ed centres, with turned pateraa. or ornament in the centre of eacli: . The venti- latora are to t^gree in design with the surrounding wood-work •J ■*^^°**^®, *»»^™«»' ^*h smaU ribs carrfed from the A?!^^ f^ ^*^.S: <*\e»«|P«ing ciroular rib of ventilators. All nbs to mitro with each other. . #! i 1 ;i I ifi- / ii IIH * i ' ki ) i OaUwyfronta. y ' ThfiT WmhA enclosing the eniranoes to Ladiee' 0 be' about five feet high to the rairfrom the floor of ik^ former, and will be formed of panelled and moulded work below, finishing with ah open balustrade oomposed of- ■mall tuirnjB^ columns, with cut, arched and moulded h^uls,' with moulded top and intermediate rails and base, having poeto - or newels at intervals,<^moulded, cut, sunk, banelled and turned^ to strengthen the work : the moulding wUl break around these 'post* ;• ■■ V ■ -., :- ■ J '.■■'• ■■ CVmstruct the fivnts of the Ladies' and the 8peaker'» OqUerUs lit ihe south end of Qia&ber, generally after the manner shown on the sections of Chamber looking south, to he framed, put t(^ther'.and supported in the most careiftd w^, and executed in every particular according to detail drawinfls which will hereafter be furnished. .The front of the X tHoulded, hfiving the iMcessiury ramps and casings to permit' of it entering tne newels at the same height 'on both-sid4s; rail supported by 3-inch balusters at intervals, with a moulded rail.cutting iu between. them; cut brackets to be fixed under niain rail between the 3-inch balosters, the space below the intermediate nu] to be filled in with 2-inch turned balusters. ' » All to be frame^, tenoned, and mmrtised together.and erected with the , best quaUty of labour and materials, with !al] the ' ;nec0ssary carriages, brackets, etc^, etc. The wood- work of the staircase land screen above mentioned ' will be of the best white oak.or cherry. . The staircaae at Speaker's entrance, leading to the comr mittee-rooms,,etc.,.must be constructed in a thoroughly fljrst- class manner, with everytiiing necessary for the proper carry- ing out of the same. AH the soffits to op preparcMl for plaster- ing. Treads and risers of white oak ; treads 2 inches thick, moulded on edge, and moulding under, risens 1 inch thick. Starting newels to be, squajre framed, panelled, and '^nriched and moulded; the other newels, 7 incnes, turned, octagonal, ^^^ and square, housed strings, panelled and' modelled on face, ' hanging liaould, rail, ImlnstRulinff, etc., to be generally after. i^the manner of. the 6iairs already •described for library, though ,- ; varying in detail. All to be thoroughly carried out in accor- diEUice with detail drawings which ifioll be hereafter furnished. The whole of the materials of the above-mentioned stair-- * .. r 41 ^ OMe, with the excepticMi of the jjewela and han'dmiK which, will Im of cherry, «nd the treads' and riseni of white oak, will .Be of pine. . "^ x^ , . The Speaker's prl va«^ «tair, the private stair to committee rooms from Members' lobby, the Jteporters' stair, the private stair, to libraiyat entrance to iflMMrn court yard, and the »tair about the centre, of main front, on the north side of corri- dor, extending ffom finit floor to attic, to be carried out as ;*howu, with all the flights and windersthat may be neccBSAry ; '2-inc1^ cut anil dre.>4Hod wall and outer strings ; If inch treads, with rounded and returned nosings, cavetto, and fillftt; 1-inch risbrs.; proper carriagtfs and 'bracketings ; the outer stiing to be moulded on the lower edge, and to have hanging mould and cut brackets; 4-inch by 4i.inch cherry moulded handrail, with large roll screwed on top ; 2-inch turned and square pine balusters, and 6-inch turned, octagonal, and square birch newels, with turned pendant The rails to be cut in square between newels. j -"y Allthe soffits to be prepared for plastering. ' \ Provide and fix up a 4-inch by 6-inch heavily mWded walnut rail to the eastern and western Depiirtmental stair- cases, with all ramps, eilsemeuts, etc. The flights of stairs leadiiig down to the basement from Sales Branch, Crown Lands Departmqnt,Queen's Printer's office. Members' dining-room, service pantry, .vestibule of Speaker's entrance.winding stairs under great chininey in Members' lobby, the basemeiit flight of Sjieaker's. private stairs, the basement staurs from tflittside entrance gateways, the stairs from post- oflwe department, the stairs to basement under main staircase, ^1 necesisary tower stairs, ap^ all the other steps and flights ofstairs throughout the building, where not otherwise speci- fied, wiirbe of the usual description, 2-ineh strings, l|-inch h^ads, with cavetto and rounded nosings, brick risers, and all proper carriages, «bi»cketing, etc.,- rounded hardwood rail, li-mch square bar balusters, and 5-inch stop and chanifei-ed newels with turned knob on top. All soffiits to be plastered. >^ ' ^■:.:---:-:-.' ■•■■'.■,;. v: -■ ■• .. . ..,. v.;:;'.*.: ■■■::■ » P0ST-4JFFICE BOXES. Fill the space between, the piers in the post-office and dis- tributing-room next the Membiers' lobl^ with l^xes forUetters and papers. The boxes themselves will be constructed sepa- rately from the front, i^f |-inch stuff" properly put together, according to directions. The front will form a sort of lattice- wbrk, corresponding to the form of the boxes, out of -2-inch by If -inch stuflT, moulded and topped, finishing on top with a moulded oomicd,. with blodking course and turned moulding.. The cor^oe to' break around piers, which will be lined at the lobby didlB with framed and^oulded work, a chain or dado raU abput 3 or 4 feet from floor, below which fill the space with drawers, fitted with Tale locks^uid duplicate keys. KMtern and WBHtem Dep«rtmenUt ■titiroMM. StaircM* to bwiement ° tower*, so. > I ■.■ ':J\ ^^""^^ 1- 4 4S i i'l ^' ll' !■ lit 1 (). ! I ■\ ■.:: \ ■. Doonto LegiiUtiT* Chambmr, Oounoil Ohamb«r» rcoeption- room, fto. Doonfromthe geiMral lobby toLadiM* CUU«r7. Swinging doon. Doon opening fromhalbto ooRidon, ndoalded bwie at fioot level form whjket for delivery in centre Mxhown, with alidinff hatch, projeotiDg shelf. Iwaokets, etc., etc , all nia«le to detail. ^ /•.>*:, The arrangement will be somewhat similar to the bo'xee' in the ordinary pbaVoffioee. Al)ovo the line of \)oxm the arches will be filled in their entire opening with glass, proper frames for which must be placed in position. ■ ,/■ ^,v.v^;°'\: ■;.-■.' ■- .INSIDE DOORS. ' '.:.:'■;' ■'r--::^:' [-'■■■ ' The doors from the general lobbv of the' House into the JLegislative Chamber, the Council Chamber, the Memjbers' re- ception-room, the Law Clerks' rooms, and the entrance door into the lobby will be of white pak or cherry, 2| inches thick, finish-framed with panels, raised, moulded, out and otherwise ornamented, turned and carved patents in the centre of dia- mond-shaped panels, upper panels filled with delicate moulded tracerv, small shafts inrith caps and bases ; head of doors ^nll be archeo.'-:. - , , -■I'.-,:'/'.''':'. Spandrils illldd with carving. -^ All the above doors are dTfTerent ip size and shape, and though differing somewhat in detail, will yet preserve the general character. ^ The elevati(m of library dooK. shown on drawing No. 9, will give a general idea of the class of work required.* " The two smidl doors leading from "general lobby of the House" into the Ladies' Oallery, as well as the dbor leadinginto staircase to Reporters' Qallery from eastern corridor, will have simple moulded 6-inch by 4-inch frames, and doors franked with , l}-inch jpine, covered with oak sheeting after the manner of N the outside doors hereafter specified; t^ have wrotyight iron . scroll hinges, ring handles, etc., etc. All vestibule and swinging doors throughout the building in the various screens across thf halls, corndprs or elsewhere, as shown on plans, will be prepared for glass above^ the opening' >: ■ for glass surrounded by a bolexion mould, with cut apronsnd moulded sill, and subdivided by moulded sash b^m, framed out of 8|-inch stuff (finished dimenaions); the' lower part^ be- low the glass line to be pandled and moulded to correspond with the panelling and moulding of the other doors, dadoes or othej* mtmdd work in the same room or lobby, etc., etc. The franning, panelling, and mottldiiig, etc., of the doors at. north end of ^e Legislative Chamber, Itembeirs' dining-room, v reception-room, Council Chamber, smoking-room, reading'rooni,^^^. and Members' private corridor, is to a^pree in genfral charaotei*. with the dadoes and panelled work ih^tiiose roonis. all these , doors to finish 2f inches tiiick. . Air doors opening out of halls and oorridois throughout the buildioff in basement ground, first and second floors, to be provided Witii 'f;-J •■ :. the dopra IboviB mentioned aa hftvin^ fanJ-Ughin will be pre- pared forg^Milbg, though there will •()• iflyoeriain instooo^ ezoeptiOQf4o both the aoove rules. ^^V ' The Aitkxi generally throughout the builmng on ground, OMenJ dmira first and iteoond floors will be feet by 3 feet 6 inches, square framed, 6-panelled, finishing. 2} inohei| thick, flush planted moulding, raised and moulded panelfi. Ih doors pre^Mired I'pr >; . glaEing.lhe lower part will- b« laid oflT in ihree bltnelH — two ' 'tf stiuare ones below, and a long narrow one above tne lock-rail, ' j, V ' The space for tiie glass will bo subdivided by moulded Hanh burs having bolexion moulding run around glass line, finishing * On moulded sill with cup aprom towards hall, etc. " " ^ \;\ . Any Other internal aoors throughout the building 1l(i!;hich may not be covered by any portion of the above specifications will be 7 feet by 3 feet.^uare fragied, panelled and moulded doors, 1] inches thick (finished dimensions), hung on propeji^ >^ -2-}fioh rebated jambs with butts, mortise locks, etc. ;r, . iSlevator doors of special design, panelled, moulded, and filled ' with wire-netting above, maoe to slide with' rollers, metal track, eta, improved locks and fastenings. All vault doors to have an outer or covering dnor, withVanit« architraves, etc., simiUr to other doors in the respective rooms jl in which the vault doors open. EXTERNAL DOORS. % ■f ; All the outside doors to the entire bulging (with the excep- tion of «the double doors at foot of the inclined drive-way into cellar in western ooiirt^yjiMrd, which will be oi^ pine l^-inch sheeting on a stout, well-braced and j^roperly framed backing of If -inch stuff, hung with wrought iron litrap hinges) will be of uie best quality dear, sound, well-seasoned white oak, hung to pine jambs 9 inches by 6 inches (unless otherwise specified), rebated, moulded and stepped, well fastened and built into the masonry. " N The outside front doors are arranged to slide back into the thicknesi of the walb, to run on iron tracks on the flo' and washer on the inside, and outside a wrought iron onva- V mental Washer about 3 inciies Muare. 0%(B outside door at eastern Departmental entrance will be >^'- . traiiHonw and inulltonH cim|n><1 in the hfladii, ait nhown. 'Ihe ^headH are to be filled with Itia4l glazing, fittttd into tht) franien ; tlie lower lights to have 2-inch moulded caMementHaHheH, made , to detail in the mOHt approved manner and fitted with all the ~ ^ necewtary hangingM and faHteningN. The traiiHuniH are to bo out of 12-inoh by U-incliHtufl', and more heavily moulded, than the mulliuna, the mouldingH of which tntersectR with the lower mouldinga of the tranBoms. Innide the tranHomH will have a broken liattlemented moulding bujbtipg in between the brick jambB. The traceried mpdows to the main iitaircaae to be carried MiUn out a« shown. BR)ulded mullions out of 9 by inches deep, •*^""** • moulded transoms with broken battlomented mouldings, '• • heads arched, cusncd and mouldu with brass-faced stec)! axle pulleys, to approval ; , |-inch beaded outer casing with angle mould running around frame against stone ; inner casing 1} inches, rebated for jamb . linings, and plaster parting slips f -indi, bade lining |-incb, *• /• < 1 - • null-v .Him I Inch ; riU ♦ Inch., ihlck. double wb^Uid i hm\B TlS niSi poSket pleo- to b« ,.ut on In the moet .pprov.u^ .hown....th« drawing-; th« ««ih .bove the tewi-omn to i>« hunir in a «iniil»r mAnner to th« n«'<^» '" 'J^SunlfloorTry of "brary block the window- of 1^^^^^^ SorridofH running along the «id6ii of the Legi-lativo Chamber 3 forThe ml fntrt alt-Uirc«-« window.-f urni«=«-roo". cojU .toreeaml cellar'and other windoWH whoee ho.gh .- not much grater than the width- will have properly «on« 'u«^;;»/"^^^^^^ ment frame- and ^he-. frame- to bo out of -tuff r"»"'"K Jj" 3 nche- bv (I inchT-up to 4 inche-by "'""he- wiU.chamfe.^d and moulded mullion-. tran-om-. etc. ; -UIh t«) have iron water Kr.T«.ement«»-h to be double hung, and -,>«mllv rebated . to keep out the wet. with wood drip piece throated, etc. In t^me smiu particulin, thi- li-t of fciho variou- window., and SXmi wS are to till them, may iu>t bo perfectly accura^, thmij in general it will be found to be nearly -o. Any di-- crepancy 4ich may exi-t will not be permitted to form a ground for claiming extra--«very window throughout the EaiEg f^m bottoSi to top mu.t be. filled w^Jh frame- an^ sa-hes of one -ort or the other. And in ca-e of any dwmute STe Architect- are to be the -ole judge- of the matter, and" wdl ■flAAide which one is to be employed. .... ■ , , Wherever throughout the Enifding borrowed I ght- or gl«ed screen- of any «ort%re -hown. they tw (if notx)therwi8eHpecu fljdi to have 2-ineh moulded -a-h and to be subdivided by i««h b^^ M mly be directed. Sa-hen divided by wooden -tttdi or muntln- into -uch length- or ««»- a- may -eem de-.rab^or neoM-ary. and are to have mouldings, architrave-, -tool-. «^ bid-mould-, eto.. of the -ame cy«acter. "atenal «nd detail w are u-ed in the fumi-hing- of the room- on which ,««. band. '*'K wriS;>tfin all room- in the Speaker'- hou-e. in Coun^l * Chamber, reception-room, and in Mini-ter.' room- to have in-ide bSlI-iiWsh thick, of the -ame wood m the re-pect.ve room- arofi^hTin; to be made in fold- cut atj the meeting rail-. The S-t fold to be -olid.pane«»d and ^^^ddedjtheremaimnj fold- to have rolUng -late, with rod-. ete|. complete; hanp and fMten these with tie beat and tooet ap|)rovea de-cnption of ^'^ffiMove window, to have b(««.|br «-^ j-jf « WJ^J- and to be provided with alUhe nece«Mtfy J>anelled back-. elbowB, — — — Bofltts, etc., a- may be requuted. - ^ — --^ ^ DOfTOWM lighU, to. [)pr<>v«J . I wh0r« iH to l>« , doubl* :, il (lowa ^ an hmIi >lied by anil aII • ranHoniM, . ' kIowh in ' tH>th th« 'hanibvr/ ooni, coal ' loi much te«l cane- ling from hamftirod xtn water : r rebatocl , oto. In lows, and accurate, Any di«- a form a ;hdut the air.eH and ' diMDute, ; and will nor glazed wise Hpeci- ed by umh . 1 Btttdi or 'sirable or es, stools, ^terial anne«i stutf, all worked and put together witn the greatest care. In th« " lioncral Lobby of the House" and main stalrcaat, (round floors, the floor, doors -and door frames will Iw of either Iwhite oak or cherry ; the Utams, sheeting and wood-work of fliling and tho staircaNe window fram s will lie of pine. The whole of the wood-work in th«i Mcnilwrs' private corridor (with the exception of the woo engineer who supplies it, atid who will also/hang the cages and\ put them into running order, thecarpente^ merely makiajg it and handing it over to the engineer ready Ho receive tho fittings, j All the wood-work of cage will be of oak or cherry, bottom!, covered with proper flooring ; sides /ramed Into panels of various shapes and sizes, flush moulded and raised panels, witH ^. y, moulded ong the tiles in the inost copt. The hardware tTmlnnnlS^^'fu?^ *°'' *'"g wire run to *^Wr »°* »"«' ^^'*g,™„ the gutters oftheb^kofJlgutteretotouch^eslatj »« ^|^,a,, in Ml approved nuuiner "»,S°;Z^riD 15 inches wide, n»acd f^ i*",^KrXan'd'S'dS t?hl h«k of gutter; «. inehes, preperiy "'"^ ,;°*Z^r"„„e8 and sweeps. Con- Sr &ing in^the Kol^ »rt ->^-. ;^^^ „„,t t, iron P'0Friyj<>ck«^'^7^^^'^ith galvanized iron, as apeci- pipes to such places as inar^^dire^ci^^ ^ main tower ^ Wer the floors of ^if^^f^fx^rsS^^^^ all around to with 8.pound lead. *«°^„^? ^'^^ ^ 6-pound lead. The the height of lo inches; flash JJ^^^" ^^nner. Conduetois lead to/be secured m^he mo^t tW^^^^^ to be formed of 8-pound lewi to J«^ ^^ .j^ ^^^ work floor and ^^row it cb«. ol^ th^^ ^^„^^. to be done m the mqst thoro^ii^ ^^^^^^^ CJon^uct water down tromeacnu»i*A* J, . , *:», 3t*^j?~ u^^Zl^X^L^ courtyard iZ^'s^i^^^^^S^''^^'' ^'J* »» '^^^•""y galvanized o-^«li-d iro?STorf '** *^«y Wmuiir.inthe^^ef^rryl^'- and conduct it to j^ d^^I! & ^1'*^? *!' '"?' ?M-burner distance of 10 foetjKJ' ' * *^^ **"*'' ^^^^ "^o»^ ^^r • window ofchamb^tot fitted S f ''^'^ ^^x *•*" §'«** dose the same. ^^ *®** ^'^^ dampers to open or and dischaJng atS J?;a:^r' ^^^ °' "^"'^^^^^ J-MS^;'S of full lengths,N... All the galvanized iren to ha nf Mn 9« .^m^ i. *,™»e speeifl^t ana of .Ifohb^L''^ ^l/tJ^^^X^ SS'"- .■• ■■'^ ■:,: ■:- : .' ." ■ SLATBB.^^ /.■ ' " . I :f- i ouble course of slater 'to all eaves and tops. Slates to be carefally out to all valleyft, hips, (fttc' The Talleya to ^e out wMer at bottom than at top to allow snow slicHng. The -whojle of the slating to be laid on the iiest quality patent tarred felt, of approved' nfanufacture, which is to be provided and laid bj; the Contractor 'foic slating; felt to be in two layers, breakihg ^ joints and tacked. ^ Z * ' ' Any l^ken or damaged slates to be replaced with new^and the whole of the (dating lei^ water and snow-tight, and |>erfiect in every resjpect at the completion .oi the works, and guaran- teed W the. Contractor for the space of tthree years from date of compieiton ; ahd«ny defects w}iich may occur during that perio>d lAUtit be made good by th0 Contractor ai his own cost, \i Sla^s to be in «izes not larger ihaxx 10-|pch by 20-irieh,- and ti6 vary in size on the differentfodfa; if thought desirabile. PLABTERKBt r % Wadibig. Ma t wtri i, fte. This whole ofthe nikterials and workmanship to be of the best ' description that is,|Kte{dble to be had. Lime to be fresh, dean and thoroughly well burnt. S$nd weU washed, and as sharp as possible, and to be approved of :'l(>efore being iised. Water to M pui^'and dear. Mortar to be stiff, and the putty to be run at least one mont^ befoit> being used. Hair to-be dry, clean, long, well teased, and of the first quality. AH walls to be wo%ed from i doubld scaffold. Plaster to show no joining. ^ ^The lime must be kept in a dose air-tight attd water-proof lime-house during the progness <^ the s works, &nd no . air- slack^ lime will be alloyr^ to be used. All brick .walls' to be thoroiu^hly/ wetted, and aU dost or^ dirt wjtshed off ^fore ahy ^astdnt^ is done. , ' Win uthing. Lath with wire lathing tm ceilings of the basetaent, ground, « first and second flooi'8,*exoept the ceiling^ boiler-room, which *■ will be archid in brick, and those rooms or n>aoes onthe attic floor and oUier places which are shown toi be left unfinished. La(h the ceilings of the stairway* fiom the second floor to the ^ fli)or abo^e, the corridor leading to the great tower, soffits of , stairs, ^tc., with wir^ lathing. The ^re lathing to be of the best quality, ofrappi^ved make, No.^ 18 gauge, at |-inch cen- tres. Seciu«r it m Ugly Hi«hed with I tr4?l. hiSd-flo^rand \ . , thSo J^i?® I°Vft ?°^* °^ plastering to.be carried down to • i ^pfiZr bSi±L .n '^T^^ &»i«l"nga,dado^. etc.. throughout in i ♦»! . u ^ »» ««^"»f»l quartering as maybe directed Op«,ttaih«'- ILI #i*^t"l''°'^!Tr ^'^ the bes -^ f^v^r^ii fr** ''^T?* ***> °^^ »" *he J«fc two coats. iithiC «n5L^l**'f '^I^T^e PiP««' «tc-. with heavy wirt Oomoh-:: lathmg suitable for plastering on. securing the same'in a ^ thorough manner The wirb netting to b? well wetted i J • ^ ' ^ Ume- water before feeing put on w«u wewea in , » . ^oais of best morti^r All ««r ■ W» J .M. a^— 2 1_ n All wind;>w jambsjhroughout the. work to be plaster^. Ihe larffecove to the ceil in .r nf fK« rl,.r„i^*:.„vst_ Jr* Tiio U-^ - -— r"r—-s"""« wio. wuris. iq oe piascerea. window '. Ihe large cove to the ceiT.ng of the tegfslative Chamber to J"™*"- be plastered m three coats, siucco-flni.sh. The ceiliho^to Tit«'*^''» ^^"^^^'■^^^J^^^^r^. as ai:ovZ;"Sfi^d. ' '''^'^" ^he ceihiigs over galleries £o be ahw three-coat i5x>j-k,lia^d*' ; * ^ C^ill n^1± 1"^ sillr W^t itoiie ;»^^ ^ Cwhich 1* 17.a frQm the fl^r) with onfe coat of plaster, com- ^^^^ I 1 part 01 Portland AAitinnf *jx si ^n-fa a».„-..^ x. o. DosBd of^i i^«^^Xp i^ J -^ *^"" ***** *°*'^ ^^ piaster, com- posed ot 1 i)art of Portland cement to 3 parts of sand to b^ n tru^ a,d floated with a floaicovei/dlit^fr '; ^ 9 walls nfTA(r;al»fi,r<>r Legislative^ Chamber, and tbe walls enclosing the^ fastern ^^ DeRartmentel 8tair«we..and the Vestibufo .atS«=esteprilentran™ '^ oi,^L?SX"*'-%r^«^ beadB to an wifidpw Angleb««u' ST tei^M" - P^°^'«"V"^««co»d floors, in Keene's S^! V 7*'m*^«^®* *9 fe« fin«Hed with the veiy best quilitv ' All plMter arches throughout the work to haye.moulded Ar^h-.^ " Ubraty, baymg enrichment in the arSh mould "'^^ou^ti ^ , . ^Construct plajerbw^^^ .. \ under^nds.m the corridor south of legislative Ghamber^^^^ ' ' ll^Sl S' *^!"««»* ^^^'-fg* girth of-3 feetv and pi.o4de ' aiid fix cast centre flower? of an average diameter of 3£eet " when shown by blue circles on plans.. CastiugsJoV,„^e' 'i *ift: ^: from fresh moulds, to be perfeetly true and well cleaned br haAd before being ptit ^p. SeoUon of cornioes and detaiu of centres to varyi^and all to be executed and specially model* ^^ lljdfrom designs suf^lied by the Arohit^oi BpoA rtaooQ, *\i| the lobbi4r, corridors, pasM^^es, etc., are to te finished in rough stucco, consisting of one part of fine stuff and two part* iiand, to be gone over with- a hand float covered with felt. . V^ ■ (Dadoes to all halls and corridors about 6 feet high, of wood.) ' Uma-wUto. Three times lime-whit^, yratls o,f all vaults, boiler-room, coal stores, arched ceilipgs and tool-roomf; ^e wash to be \ ' made of approved ingredients, so as to last. Note, — The Contractor to state the price per lineal foot for ninninff Keene's cement base to all rooms throughout the build- ing. The base to be 14 inches high, 2 inches thick, moulded ; the backing to be of first quality English Portland cement, the face to be nnished with second quality Keene's cement. The price to include all mitres and angles, as no allowance will be made for same. , « ' ^ihT^T Should the walls of ceilings become discoloured, the Con^ tractor for the plastering will be required to whiten the same.'. Should the plastering require to be done in ajrinter, the Con-, tractor will have to supply heaters, fuel and labour, and keep a watchman on the buildjng at nights and on Sundaya The whole of the wood-^work, eta, to be thoroughly washed and left perfectly clean for the painter. Scrub afi floors, and leave the building in perfect order. The Contractor to cut out and make good a,U blisters and , damages of whatever kind; arising from whatever cause,' and make good after the other tradesratn have flnished their work ; clear away from time to time all rubbish and waste material resulting from the execution of this contract, and do every matter or thing required to fully complete and finish the plas- terers' work, and leave the whole in peif ect' (>rder. 0<»»^^ Oonstructf plaster cOves above the maJxtelpieces in the dining room,^ as may be directed. The ceiling of Legislative Chamber, and ceiling over Stran- ger:i' ^llery, the ceilings of Council Chamber, Members' , Reeeption-ropm, Dining-room, Smoking and Reading-room, and Members' Private Comdorand Vestibule leading thereto, a«« to have the.burfaces of the ceilings plastei^d, the coinices and panel moulds being formed in 'wciod. , The ceiling of the Sjjeaker's Dining-room will be panelled "»■ With plaster ribs crossing the ceiling as sho^ii^n, three (3) bands of plaster enrichment ijQ.the cornice. :. , • Speaker's Reception-room will have two (2) enrichments, in the cornice, and the ceilinj? will be plain> except for a small p^el. mould ^running round about six inches from cornice, , nutremg at angles and having moulded Mid enriched pateras. ■ The under side of galleries in Chamber, the ceiling 3 ■i.-- Hit's --^ • • ■ mm '. ■ . ■'■ ■^: : .- : 56 ' '•■■ ' neoesMirytouieplMierin UieRune room or apartment with fliushed brick-work, the flrreaypaii of the work. , Thoroughly knot with the best spirit knotting all knotp or Knottb,. portions of wood roqui^jng it ' *>' ^ All the wood work is to be primed, ^either before it leaves Prttfia$. the workshop or immediflitely after it is brought upon the • ground or placed in position.- UTie time and place to be deddedj by the person in charce of the works. i Stop up all nail-holes, cracks, etc., on all the work tofbe Stoppiaf pamted after priming, with the best glaaier? putty. > Paint all the wood-w.ork throughout the building, both insid^ PatoUnt. and outside (except floors and haMwood finish or vatnished work), ^1 oast or wrought iron work, galvanized iron or tin. 1#' etc.. eta-Vthree coats, exclusive of the priming coat, of p^int made of the best materiaJs and mixed to the satisfaction of the • - pesrson in charge oyha^orks, • * ' The wood-Vork OTthe- Legislative Chamber and library, ex- V»ni«rfat. c^t roof timbOrs ; the Members' reception, dining, reading and ' ' " smoking-rooms; the Speaker's dining and reception-roonte, and all wooden ceilings, cornices and ribs, to be fiHed with Wheelers wood filling, thoroughly rubbed' down with pujVer- • ' wed pumice stone and water, and varnished. with two coats of ' best copal varnish. Oil, size, stain and varnish with two coats " "; •of best copal vamisK all wood-work in corridors and halls ' ^ throughout the building. * ■ » , The roof of library to be thrice oiled with jaw linseed oil ; I^'»«y. '! the work to be perfectly 8inoothe» ««>«uihly .u^pp^j with Md the wall Hfue ("bout 7 ™ « !„. i." tvl •"'"^ ™™''»' comic, in MemWSil^™"!^,'*'''* '*'"'T ^•^° •"* «V6 doiW, («i.oo) p,Vrol °* •*•*' "' '^' f""" *«''>' ■ l^^'S^wJi^'"' *-"«■• ~v» over lfc„>b«r,.Di„ijg. " under 10« ' " " I? J Glaze all windows oft the south wfli«f «« Jw - j ^ * Npiaze the outer siiSrnf .n 1 ,• ?x*°*'^®' <»^ '^e ceiling. ^"M, in oZ?S?i. U^" «""°* ""l fl«* «o„« 86 0^ to lelSln.ld'F'^ih w'^if^ ™*«l,<.a.Pl«« with th, 2«^^tyJ- "i?~X"wiCE^afes:^-i; '. «« . '*C- 'i to D^ Mnd-out on fche'^gUi* The names of certain rooms where directed. „ ^eind'tolX'hX'? mlt" *" ^T"'"'*' ^ ""*'• «•?*•"<' ^ h.ve f.n-H2.troJer th-r^'^'^ °' "°*>' ^'^ '^ ^ gl*«*«ve Oh.ita»«r and library. Ud o.e.vat.„,«--^ wcond floore/and tKZni nf ^^'^"^ *'*! groWd, first and • the various puWiVeiK Sflrr mT^ ^ A eS,,tmXe vJl!T'«"/"'* ft«tem"gs. catches. suDerficid. ^ ^" ;^"'*J**»<'° to average about 6 feet. • inir as h«in« «iiJ!i J?f ^7 * ™*"* tower, (shown A ->— ^ ^4pe%^fc^ed^^^'''^.!°""'^''> ^ith' Btroi^g lead - iflmSTi^-^" *!' «!'«« ^»*h 'Whitening and a dr^ maA^r ^ ""^ *^' ^''^ '^^ kind o^tai^aile ' ch«i^ S^K**' t ^" JP°*^« 9»«t ^e 8»><>^ to the PC) «lSSA'our"'"- ^^ -**<'"*^ to be bought of IC rf dSSS£dTp''f *T ^''^^^ ^ obtain the correct qud^ contr^r iuV S el^,r? "^""5 ""^«'' hi« complete ■/x. llMio M Of/nbm lioner of Public Works oompietely Airniabed in dl rMMnt. ^ .ooordiag to tt.e true inUnt aaS maiing ofS. SwdffiS ? " 1R0NF0UNDB8. South.we.t vault. Uwrnent floor, S oolumn./7tdU.,'rfmetal! ^ ground floor, • „. ■■ ■■'''■■''. ■ " ■ " ■ , firat flour, ■■ .. / ', ,..,-■■■ ; ■ ." ".. ';■■ rL. T o Tx ■««>nd floor, Crown Lands D&- . partment vault, bMement, S round floor, ooutli-east vault, basement. 1 8 1 t i f 2 2 2 2 I 2 I 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 M l« l« it U « M M M. ; ground floor first floor, ■ « I, second floor, " (small) ground floor, ». ' first floor, second floor, Worth-east vault, basement, ground floor,' The tops of. all columns to have extended souare cun. i« inches square on which to turn the brick arche^snheTi J will be supported on four brackets extending from the fL?S column to t£e angle of caps, all cast on ; the iiTof a^l ci^^^ g basement to b6 made to receivd the girde« where rel^S £ W £ °^ *'*' Ttf"^ "^^ ^ ^ thi<5Lessed at tL t^^^t ' below the cap and between the brackets; the bases are £'90 to Sls^ off'T'o^f'S^ "^"^^ '*'?^^ ^°''»« " mayTdirStod th^ t^ Plafes down to tb« stone bases with fo^^|.Sja^^^ bolts, leaded into the stone. All nlatea can- vLIntl"'^- co^ected with the columns tf L^e'Sa^e^'S^'ckS^sS'S metal as the columns on which they are placed. The wjj ;^<-f«d^^ MpMto, loation. rsrions of tlie metal. M ••• • ba-ement plan: thaae SL to . hell*"*? ?■• '"» 'fngth of pUte on the upper ftS 3to deS T * "!?*'^ *" the centre. The whole toS ThSk cM^^n tL^^^^^ *** ^"^ .*•** «•»'*■ °^ *»>• Hecond tier '''^' hdt.To^!j[e'r„yX"*^ ^"*^»^<*« ^^^^^^ ba« ■STnri^^M °' "^'^ **''»•"'« ^n '^o Clinch by l-lnch TUb^^ to VJT i^ «^^ -^ '^ """» ' **>« °"*«f "nde to be ma^fe fast WclTariC i'^KS^ Pi^"' °'" .'''««^»-«'I'». fro-n which Se intwonieS/ .tT" '^**«»« "P™^"* P>»te« •«» to be i„»de mi wo pieces-the lower one to bo 1 hch thick and perfectiv aat the upper one to \h> Htepped to receive the 44 rin»» rf J^eSS;^S? " •"VPo'tiiS ribe.ancir8 incheJti^!^ ^ VMv S S *^'!2«'^« ♦ ""«« ^t "^''«'' •'^"^'"ff *»»« 'bove wall west va„U nn f I ^^'P ^'j '> south-east co^mn in the south- the^fi ofT JT? ^ K "''T ^?.®i *?*'*'^ ^y i *"«»» *« **ke A-Ki.«dti. wieinrustof the flat arches to a 1 vaults; nrovido tie iron ^1 *'*"* cf the flat arches on the centre^ line of the awh carrvin/Si wian the inside measurements of the vaults. Connect the and eentre. by 1 J- nch rods, with nuts and washers; The rods Mde. All the treaded parts of rods to be tamped. , • ■^Ihe ends of the above angle and tie irons to be oohnectid ^th l-mch rods, laid in the brick::Fork wnneciea inentilil^'t:!? r*'**^^^^°''*°»'^*'°« '" the varibus vaults 0W« ». ' "1^'. '-1^: « % m Its' i:.utrt\;r : : • • • • ,!; '"^^ "^-p- ;i i^ p«r lineal fobi worth-«Mi vault 7 .. . •■ .. ; ; (Btuetnent imly.) Jhe .bov« bo-nn-u. carry the flat arohi <^ the ba«„„e„t Iho lower «lge. *. ,„»y ^ ,|i,^^, '•«*"" •'"' ^ *>« «'»m|»od to of coI„„H«i an.l rivetd^ fi ''*^'"' '^^'^^ "" *^^'»' -*J«- floornofaJl thr^m, in tL P. «?""' ' ""^ •'"' ""«>»J the centre. .hownTthe pitlll """ ^^ »>«|)»rt.nont, at Provide and Hot rolled iron beamn H ln«k i . J log 22 b^. to the foot *n!l 111 J ^ ^ .*''"* *'««P' w« «lr fn« 12J Ib-Tto the f;>S^ ti h"* """" "'1'^""*'' ^^■ fl.5r coJridow. etc in the' G^oJnV'Tii ""' -iij^^.d the landing, of «U« The /Z^.f^ri^ I>epart.ttont. aim. to , cm wall. aiTd (jS have 12 n£ il'li ^T ^'L """f^ ^' "'«h«« ' cast iron plato under each TfJjn/ m.'^^J®* ^'^^ » ''^c'' "'ick 4-Ib.HhJlead. Tr?oL^YiS?eJXn^^^^ be required, with iron strAri* /kl^^'i r"?!* *^^' ** 'n»y 'W-pfwrf .# BwlpIlltM. %. *te»ifc TbiMa %' Bmbu to ■tetroMt. ■■mi >» U7wiiidaw% Muth frpnt. nveted totrimminffjoista. - v .n tlnSi^r'i^firoentr ei^ht ^^^ S'^''^'' *»"« ^^^ ^ rod. with waahew^d^ur is; '°i '^fu""''*"* ^ *»>« '!«- bolted to each )£am .o a. to f^SA * T^ '"."^^ ^ securely Theendaof/^teL?<^W "'^''"l^*''**'*''- by* inch bo^d'Lte'nd ofXir^'^lJi^' ,^{ ' -?''- and down a&t ande. in thewall^hS« S'^ i'"'""*^ "P along the .ide of waif, tha «n!l iT- . ,.^ *''*' ^eainn run through. /^ P •' '^'^ P<^"»*» •t ^bich the rod |>aHiM and t<, the .eSnd halMwd^^havW i2?nri"*^"^ ""«"• eiKj and resting on cast iron wiSrnTJi^ ^ ***^*"? «^ «*«>» 2 feet C in«he. SiperSSalS faS^ G^^^^^^^ * ^ • '^^^^ *>^ Pix>vide and set to the^IlsTv5*h?r '1'°^^^^ south front, two rolled iron S^«.i» 1.*'^° ^^ windows of i ^1 •1 Iwcf'StcM^tS:;,' '••* ' '"^- "^y '«^'»^- »^ U inch- ' ft — "I* .on w<^ls, re«i- b.M IWaaialo baiy window •! /JinoheN by ktht, 8. w. :' .f ing 40 pounds »,». ,» oh rftiUogb W — ^. ' ""«"•/ »•" over HA^ houM. Thow lw.mil t4> have a IJ-Jnoh'iHM Ing on bjHi platea t f^t 3 inehea by IX bvj Provido and ...t two beaina mhrnM pound« Ui tl.« foyt. H f««t long, to the ba •ngle (*-« front elevation), renting on •" \^ .'""'• *" "***» bearing. ^ovld«an.lieton« IS-incTi rolled beam.weif pilvate corridor, two ffinlera to each, on* 12-Inch bewi weigh- i'"^^."! fe*th.iS:rttb:stWu'^. **""."-'"''»• r*«''^'« «> p--^^* ^^^^ JO ins loot, to be Mnnly Mted and cramped together, with the heavj girder on the Uide; b*d plate. 2 feet 6 inchi by II fJ.aZ^i^^u*^!^*' *'7? ®'*"°** *^'"» " '••' 'ong. weighing I3i »•«••• w pound, to the hneal fool^ to carry the bay wiXw oJeTSlem- J^SftjiJlE Tyl 21'rUntS: ^'"^ ''"^ "^ ^' °" ^^ P^*'- 1* ^- toli^l^llj" *""?! .~T.*'° «'^"°** ''«"• •' '*»• 8. E. angle B^ >«* to bo carried on a 15-mch beam weighing 60 pound, to tie In fiir^' ^'""oi^'? KH'^ 1«»''«»» Sei3!ig^ oSe end ,^tin« i?«1.i 5 fnne' «nd resting on a atanc^ion (-^)l* feet long and 26 inches in jwction, with top and bottom plate, eaat oS of tS TT^T^'t thestanchio^; the topplato being 9 indies b# Md the bottom plato 18 by 18. Sprid the tSmol^Z chion to the edge of the plates. "»«!«« uie^at^- ^ *hw° !!"r*'?K.^ X t°«' ^ *""*>«• ^y i ««*. *o »» Ironed to ' the top of thwstjndiion or the side o/ girder, and W^ £««. of the waJI mentioned above, having a 12-Sh bearimj •nd resting on b^ plates 16 inches by 12.1,y 1 inch in metS Clamp ties to the 15.inch«rderm4tionea above. to^w^^^^^^^ "^ , the bnck-work. as may be directed. -""^".w receive ^Provide and set four 8-inoh bewns weighinir «2 pounds to n-a-.*. ' ^/'i ^^ak^niit^.. -J.ovtr Dqmtjr* 'SSrS^ *"• •*■' i«« .fadrfo.. bolt gl^« a„a , «ame; the other eiS ^«Utt on t^JS^ 7*^ f^*'^"'**'^ The beamsTt one IS to W« 19^- the Speaker's entrance. having 1,000 cubic inches of meZ in^nTe • 5.« Si, "^^'^T beams to hav« 2.f««# « {««k tu — ? ' *"® >***"®^ end of 5 feet wSl f£firri>'!?"f ' "^^^in^ on » bed plate in same ^^ Umcbes w^de, having 2,500 cubic inches wttuida. BMButied together. , btaina V *-^- the e;ti^"^tiSS^i^ »^ *« be of approved make, and to .^••** . Co^.fficientbnefootBp.B, *" ' V, «v *43ize of beam, 15-iAch 16 " 12 " 12 'i" lOJ « 10 9 a 7 6 t.u ":\ par foot lineal 67 lbs. 60 " 4f « 35 " ^ 38 " 24 « • 22 «, , 18 " 13J" Safe load in tons. "424 tons. h29 ", 191 " 208 « 154 " 164 ' " 103 " 82 « .62 38 l: K «•<< s « \ -•*- s- \ '^, ' *^fl*"'t*"'*'**°y^**»*<»''»^« double doom. 6 feet by 2 V«il» Sti«J"i • k^f*^,*" the dear. The outer door to be mjde pn-mA boder pUte iron, flush, with 4 »ised eut iron pMWla, f -inch thick, on same ; the idr chamber to be 2i inches trJS'n"!^^ «>venng diwit 4-inoh thick, bare to be plloed be- ^aZ^SI^u^^^^Ff*^'^^ mohes by i inch r the look rad to^be the fu^l width of door and 18 inches wide, of i-inoh welded steel and iron, chiHed, as protection tO lock. The door ii^w* *'"***!.':!l'^^ *°°'' ^^^' Polwhed, one each at the top -Si^p""'"S**"^x°^l':^^*' ^i*h three dog bolts at thS wSr*i,!r * ?*^«»°J,w»d,Q«enleaf8 No. 1 vault door lock, Jl^el plated "^ °'^°*^ "*^ tie handle to be l.*i^« ^'t\**«"v ***>"*•**• '^^ *-™«^ iron, opening in halves, each half having a wrought iron frame I jlnch^ by t inch on all sides, and secured by tumbuckle 24 inches lona. with proper catches to receive it on each door. , 3!^1''«' .V D«nt. # **•!; €■ M The r^li% to be obntiritae^ ^x^lndUie J , <► '^nm i^siling bbUar-rooiB •fi« 4-< with stubbs, bolts, ete. . well hole. ,„., leaded in'with th^r} i„Tb^^&te ^ >, ^ -*ep. between bdusten. the hwSiS t^ 2 wi. J*"^°'T">"y balustera to be leadml ,-«♦>. *u?^^* *** *"* fumaoe p t. the manner.. The work is to U SZ,w "* *5 *^® very best mortise and tenon; »5 SroUg^m'Sr^ f?^*4 together with riiretinff will be alWedwWw^^^****.*^ '**««'''«*•• « «<> Fixa wrought ironSoiSL Xl ^^ masoniy proceed! , four jagged bSt. Cffi°?h%rS,^i "**'"! *^* ^'^ way. and fix to each irate a lonS k!? ' l°.f*® ^"''* ^^ «»*te- . ^ above plate, to ke^ ^*ii°Sg^^^ ^^*' ^ d«>P i"to^ A wrought iron plate to ba W *« «. . x . above apedfied. *^ ** *** *° <*^ fiP^tee when opwi, as j ^''<»Wruct cast itnn nawAla .^^ « ^wrought i«^ l^T^:^.1S?iZrbouSl' "^"t" *^ and screwed or riveted tohanHmn Sin • T* *^ ^'''^ ^ step with wroughtirons^U w«k 'tt^.,^^^ balustew 2i inches in diamS^I^L^"''*?* **»*»«' brass tubing. tL whole Si^'to'SSrl^^l'r, iipper floi; POMible manner "^*'^ *>«**"» «d eonstrticted in the best •coonUng to the dettifor ^aJe Si S** T^S**"* i«>n->ork. to be of cast iron.TE,^ 'iSS^^J^^^/^^^^^^ stone steps; fiU ik bel^ntt:* UluSfrs wiS*" '•** f^^ °' Bcrolls and ohiamental cast inmnf^S!^ '^**^ wrought iron along the top. mth^Zt^^JRh'Z * '^y*'^' ^~" »«^ P-of«,uHngthe.^^^^- 1 :^ Ni --'^ ^-«' n o the ■tep, holed ''it in •nd iron >> the loled --. / ,as' er, ch ch Dd er to 'P rs sr> r. it d^ t» ■■. s . I- I.'"- r> ■ •. -V ' 65 ^ ' . ' "Stlf ^^!L°l7~^^' ^'^f *°<* ^'^ '^<'^^' «**«* complete withglobe8,buirneni.etc.-,6 lights to each standMd. T ^ rfS™*;'^?iP^*^J^''.*^* **n^*«'' '^ught iron hinries, tlSS'r*'/^^^"*^!**'^" throuffhont the building, with wrought iroB^ drop handles and shield*, fitting on to the •pindTe of look. jQl work must be finished byTie hammer. M no finishing with ti^ file wiU be aUpwed. an^ to be welded m all parts; no nyetingwiU be accepted. Supply all bolits ;?llj!""^^* 'P?^ "*1"»'^ ''o*' *^«'» ^iW». ffio nuts, face P'^' •"<* ^"h«« to secure the hinges to door frames. 1 he l^inges to be ma^e to clasp both sides of door, the back boing a plain broad strap, exteacling as far across the door as on face ; hinge bolts to go, clear through, with ornamented cut , wrought iron heads ancTwasshers, properly wrought hooks and ey^with steel washers, etc, all tTdWa^lf . Provide Md fix all finials shown on the drawing, according •to details, to be furnished with all bolts, washervetc., requii^S •to secure them firmly in place. The finials in aU cases tobe of the best quality and workmanship, and of heavy material : the lower portion of all finials to be of wood, covered with lead. and having the mouldings and ornaments formed in tfi^ same. f rovide and set up airwrought iron railings shown on the plans, according to the details to be hereafter fumbhed ; to be of the best quahty and workmanship,:and of heavy material. Provide and set to «U the windows of tKe Grown Lands JJepartinent, basement floor, and windows of aU vaults, iron gnUesofl-iiich square bars, set close, twisted in *he centre. and worked into a spoU at the top ; three jA-inch by ft-inch cross bars to^each gffile; the grilles to be thoroughly secured m stone work, as may be dir^ted. Fix f 4nch round bars to the windows of 'coal cellar, boiler- toom and vaults, with two cross bars li-inch by i-inch to all windows under 4 feet in, height, and three iro» bars to win- •dows over 4 feet in height. Provide all cast and wrought iron work required ia the con- struction of the trusses carrying tho roof over the Legislative •Chamber, including bed pktes 1 inch thidc Jinder the ends of irussM; supply two pairs of queen bolts 1 indi diameter,and two pairs, li inch in diameter, and 4 tie rods 1 inch diameter, laid in the buUt-up woodei^tie beamsto each truss, with j-inch bolts at 12.inch centres along the tie beani. abo |-inch bolts through iron boxes, etc., to secure the beams in place ; aU bolts to have washers, nuts, etc, complete ; endsof bolts to be tamped. The average thickness of cast iron work will b» J of an mch. Constnict iron shutW to vault windows of No. 8 gauge iron, ha;wng i-mch slyles, hung toframes made of i-inch iron • hang with proper hinges, and fasten with approved fastenings. The frftniestp be firmly secured in the openmgs. Supply all straps, bolts, etc, with all plates, washets, nuts. etc,.comnlete, necessarv for constructing the libraiy roof; the ^traps wiU be Smches byfinch. of the necessary lengths, with i-inch bolts at 9-incb centres ; straps to show the same on both -'— -x ». ■ ' — — ■■ : : • — ^ ■■ ^ — ■ HlngM. riviab. Wrooffht Iran niling. Ii4iRriIlM tolWuidowi. Window bHi. Roofto Legidativ* ChMnber. .Jt .j" Iron ■batten to vault windowa. Roofto Ubnry. f «f HT]" IViusrodi Tunping. BtlmiptL Bar of HonM. GmtM. Ontlnga. SMh weights. Blra-hola ooT«n. Riaento phtfonna. Cast iron down pipe. ■■-" ■ ; ■ ■ ■•'•eo- , ..... ..- -. l^mh iiiameter ; all plate wa»he« to be ^inch irou.to deeigSu SliT^KP""^ eta. ^ be tboroughly strapped ^ ^ together in the most thonnigh maimer .Provide for tbe carpenter U-inch king bolts, 8-iiioh by j-incfr ardSJS^*"' ''^' ***"' *° ^^« ^"h«". n«t«». etc. of the stand- thSda^^'^J^L*^* *^^** oiV rods, where directed, on which ♦t!^ u S? «"V""»«t ^ twnped up. so that the sise of thJa^"*' will notbe leeseiTed by'the cutting dShe 3 i5^if Si^C of wrqught iron.' in section from 1| inches by brSr No' SS^B^W O ^.S ^•'^^^ «nTAfV^ £• ^; Q' »>e*ween the centre columns at south ^nf5o&^'''*?' ^ ^ J^ "'•'^^ *o slide through the centre of column mto a wood box hud under the floor of the todies gallery ; fix a socket for it to slide into at u'e other etad,with a catch or other fastening; fix again^ the stone U8e« of columns hrass flanges, or plati of ^y sheet bS R^t ^**'V°. rr*^.« ^'"^ ^^ *»»y. «»d give a proper nni4h. pbe whole to be made to detail. y^vt^y The Contractor to supply grates of such desien as mav be S3o each, 10 at S25. and the remaindir at $15. Provide i3l necessary Russia iron, fire bricks, etc.. etc "0Jr» i' 07' of rectangular seetion, and the lower foot round, to fit into the • drain pipes ; the pi]^ to be moulded above the ground ; seoure the pipes to the Mding with i^rrought iron bands, fixed to y ^ th« wall with l-ittOh spikes, driven mto wood.phigs in wall ; . the whole to be-0uu]e to detlul, and as directed. » • , All bearings of columns, to have turned or planed faces, per- Coiumnt And fectlytrue. . . '^ *^, *^ ^Sd!*- All bed plates for columns/girders, etc., to 'be planed.off to ^ an even thickness. \ ^1 * * ■ All iron work to recei^-boltff^ust be dril|^,\as no pwiush- ^..'s'*'*"'* ingon any of |he work secured with bolts wijl be allowed. '^•*'- All wrought or cast iron columns, beams, ete., throughout LMuHMMringi.. the buiMii^ to hai^ 4-lb. sheet lead placed under beurings of the sufficient sizes,- ' The entire wrought and cast iron,- work to have two coats of P»liiting iron, the best mineral or iron preserving paint, before being placed in the building^the^first coat before it- leaves the tfiop. Such ^ portion of iromworks* may be directed to be coated with hot coal tor and sanded. V . '^ The Contractor must fumil^ball the iron-work, wrought Mid'<^'«»"«"*'- cast, that may be necessary to give permanency and stobility to thd building, using the best quality of materials, and applv the same to the. various departments of the ^orks.and accora- ingio the directions of the person in charge of tlie works. Provide and set in smoking-room two cast iron( -|- )8tanohions, OoiumM in 21 inches sectional itfta, with angle pieces and proper top and •«»»'^'«-'«'«'«»- bottom plates complete, to icarry ceiling beams. ;^ ^ . Provide and set to the arches cafnring wall over oriel win-'^ dows, near the south-west and south-east comers of building, proper cast iron i^Nringing boxes, to receive the brick arches. S pach set of boxes. % and provide alsa tWo 1^-inch tie rods Vrith all necessuy Buts imd i^S^^^ ^. , Provide and fit iip complete in the positions shown on plains', Eftvatom. 3 double-power passenger elevatots— Baldwin's ixitonte, manu- factured by Otis Brothers^ Co., of New Yorl^ ^e wood- work of cages Only will. be supplied by the ci^pfiter and joiner; all the oth^, work, incladmg the fumishibg and fitting up of the guide-posts and the connections with .'water-mains, to be included in tiie estimates, "^e elevators- are to be kf t in complete working order, with all the lat^t. improvements. Provide and fit up an hydraulic lifting platform for the Freigiit hoiit. Queen's Printer, capable of lifting 1,000 lbs., to travel from the , ' level of 4(hpa basement floor to thcisCTound floor. The estimate is to inclufle all work in connection with same of .every kind, induding the connection vrith water mains. '^ ' This hoist must be^ in every fespect siatisfactory to the ~ Architects. n ' ^ PLUMBINQ. ^ : Run soil pipes where shown on tl^ "Plan of Footings,?, of SoUpipM^ the sizes thei;!S figtiredf to a proper fall, aiid'securely supported. Ru n ve rti r v^^-.. ft^.P«» ^"^ '00*; 8-inch pipe. 9 I pipeb win W bedded down in sand by the mason ' . f***^**/** ^.!'^* ^ * M V 3 'e«t. and o6e 8 f,^t ^ »« by a feeVinaide measurements, with fi-lU sheet lead • . ; V in all I *t ihe <»\ltito . kir - ^«^brti««Udtu to Btipi .iM« pipe,.40'l'j l^.j;- 111 wiiiWihe seami dot the sides, and leave ihe lead smooth all ^mid; doJp to be pkoed at 2-feet centres. ,nd tobe 24 iTches J J ;.. terns wiU be furnished by thflj»rpenter: ^ V ' : Fit uj) ^ineb lead over fl- Set shire 1 pipe^ ing 8 screws, headed plated the su[ bacjtcs. Fix urinah ■ IVo> and di slat^ t dimens be plai Skt nosing groove aecure( Fit 'l«ry;'< andsii shown plugs, conne< leaA, ^ Bun c leadp sinks J cocks ® Fit and 01 Soun( ch V trap o the n< A A 1( A- A 1 ■ stand- Fit ?by 9 69 * ■ . Ml. (This'oldset is imported by Wm. Thompson k>.) No American or Canadian make of this adoepted. ' itson the basement and ground floors to have |-inch pipes ; Uiose" 6n the.firsi and second floors to have service pipe' ;'eaoh irater-doset to have a }-inoh round ^ -cook ; an independent service to be run to each floor, .^Jund way stop-cocks^ to each pipe. Set where shown on tfie plans flat-oack or comer Bradfbrd-f Vriula shire lipped, large size urinals, with ^-inch A Aleadsu^ly ! : ' pipe,|o tnose on the basement and ground floors, and flinch A / pipe^ those on tiie floors above, wastes to be ^ inch, weigh- . j. , ing ^ lbs. to the lineal foot. Fix S-lb. lead trap with trap ; screws. The urinals to b^ secured to date backs with round- headed nickel-plated screws in an approved nuinner; nickel- ... plated ^shieldi^ to be fixed jbop a^d bottom of urinals, to cover '■ the supply and waste pipes where they pasfi through tiie slate ^, ' baclcs. ;. ; ; ,.. ■"-.,'■ ■ ■'■ '^' ■■-'■. ' -.- ■',■■•-•. Fix ^-inch flanged nickelrplated compreteion bibbs to all urinals. ■ Piovideand set up l^-inch best quality sUte backs, sides, ^J,Ji,J~^« *** and divisions to all urinals where shown on the plans. The slat^ to be 5 feet 6 inches high, aad to be .otherwise of such dimensions as may be found to be necessary; all the edges to be plainlv moulded. ^ ' V Slate floor to be put into each urinal division, with rounded \.: nosing^ as may be directed. J'hei|8ides and divisiotis to be \ grooved info the baok» with oeM&nt^flnts, and to be tboroughly ; iwcured in place tHth large rotund-headed nidcel-plated sicrews. Fit up one sink 48 inches by 23 inch* by (J inches in scul- SouUerydniM. ' lorv;' one! 42 inches l^y 22 inches by 6 inches in-ser Wee panti^ I and sinks 36 inches by Jil^ inches by 6 inches wherever else ; : shown on the basement floor, having all necessary chains,* a ^ ■ plugs, gratings> etc. Ri^n 3-inch, iron waste jdnks to soil pipe, ^ connect flinks with iTon^wj||teg|l^.ll7ttii^^ l|lead, each sink to liii n ■ jW^ill|"ilt' VW ^'^ ^"^P wrenT. ' %Bun col^ waiter supp^^iPQci fie^Vprei^^ inch A A. " lead pipe to tku sinlK.| ^^K^ hot watcor aM^ice «o be run tp the sinks in scullery ail Jkrvfoe pant^ (^ f-ii^ A{ii cocks to all the abcr«« sinki All. s&ks to be galmiJpi V ,.^ Fit up pantrjr copper oValsii\)c8,' one 18 inches % 30 incb 'x'- and one iMnc^oi by 28 inches, to the serviiig p^ntrr on' the Sound flobr, with j^tings, pltigs, chaiios, eta, complete; 1|-^ ch wastdpipe^weHB^hing 31 lbs. per lineal foot$^tfa 1H«^^ trap of 8-lB. lead, oonneoted vrith .2-inch iron waste ;'inum''into the nearest waste or'si^^mpe cold water supply c#|-inch A A lead pipe direct fnpMMnire, hot .'fritter supply (^fri A- A lead pipe frdm boS|JIH|k|maaller sink. Fit up ' stand-up nickel-plated pK|ji^^P- ' ' "'^ '^ Fitupeiumelled slop''h(^nMB|i»^ 2^^ by 9 inch es , Merry' s "p a |teri^i|^Yer s hov^^ on J Jh e p^a^^ ^:a: \. ■A: vf.% Itlpl rv-M !<•«> ■■■■..■,■.:*% '^ ^^ ■'!• \:i w^ cdniplete in all Tt»pects|#ast^:t6i6il pipie to beof S-mchirun #' . r ' i. L**«toriM. Bolbr.' Ir . "■ [.,■ . /■■■ ■ ro'' .■■■ \.- '. w ' *'"' '""*«l-pl«le K|*!^|^ V»1 71 •wftier-otOMU. die., throaghout thebutldtng. All pipM 4 ineliM -^ •di»m«ter and oy&c to be of oaii iron, equal in itrength to the • «it7 mains. All wrouffht iron' pipes to oe of extta etrong . wrought iron piping. Water, is to be carried to every appara-" tus shoirn on the various plans, aiyl should any such supply Sipe fail to be shown on ^e plans.it must be supplied and : , zed by the Oontraotor. as if specially specified or shown. . The ironsupply pipes to ]t)e earned to the rising mains, and it so desired, tumea ttp * foet above the concrete floor. The fixe l^vee or. hydrants on the different floors to have 2|-iqoh extra strong wrought iryn supply pipe to the heighi of the hydrants on the first floor; above that point to be tif 2,inch pipe. All water pipes to be tested to 100 Ibe." hydraulic pressure in the presence of the Clerk of Works. Seven 4-inch Peet valves to be placed on water main where V«Jy» directed, including those on the pipes to elevators. Fix 2|-inch Peet valves to the supply pipes to the fire hydranta Fix two 2*incb and six IJ-inohTeet valves on the different lines of wat^r' .- mains where directed. Peet valves of the same sice as the pip#*« \ to ,bi| placed on the iron pipe close up to the rising mains, one to each rising pipe. All yalves of 2^ inches and under to be > of btass.' Valve« over 2^' inches to be iron bodies, brass moimted. The whole of the valVes to be so placed that they liiay be easily got at. Fix where shown on the different plans 2-inch fire valves of brass (Eddy's patent), with brass cap and ^ain. Two valves, as above, to be placed on the attic floor '. above the second floor, in the flront of the building, with 2-inch ' ' anpply as before meiitionecj. . , ^ ;,i • AH valves to have wheel handles. ^ ■ ', . ' Fix draw-off pipes, on«i to- each section, to mains of Af-mch , iron pipe, with l-mch lever handles, round way stop cock. Run from the iron mains | |lA lead pipe to , the cisterns w^ throughout the building, with blB cock and attachments teom- "*^ plete. Run f -inch AA lead pipes from the iron niains t6 all lava- tories or basins, scullenr, slop «id pantry sinks, eta.alvoto bath-room in Speaker's house. :■•.^^;^:. . m >•■».. > npsir from the iron mjains to the four ilalive Chamber, to the one in in main coiridor, ground floor, cifttem to water-dosets , Run i-inch AA lead pi obcks in the epmers of th( 8moking-roo^^ and to for the supply of drink: Run«;yncn B lead pi;^^ urinaTsCT^ the first ^d second floors, and f-inch A pipe to the imter-clo4et^ on the ground and basement floor. Fix lever handle, rouadway stop-oocks, to all service pipe* from cistern, 'WT J Fix a lever handle, i^d way stop-cock, on brandi to each water-closeti , vi^ ♦ ^ ^a^ Fix i-inch Ipver handle, round way stop-cock, on^|||iste from cistern.. Fix l - iMk com]JT P^- -with flangelfltc., complete, to fit on slate backs. RolwAtor ;^^1^ Na I r&r S? £;H-P'tt«i P^try cook, with Hm, Uk« r J7" t-»n«»> W^b (0pin 601) with Itv^hJUIlMifto ^ W ^^ S-noking-wom and Main corridor, ground pSuonlS'wwSf ^frpu;:^ " "-^ ^ *-» *V ^''« IfHi* n«inj»e" pv6n for the above oooks are t4k«i from Me];X^ue"*/\r^'^ *^ the design. gJven im RSiViZA;;?i!'/**""u r:*^ >?dI«*ntcock totheboHcr.: -i«!.^ r ,.^ P»P«froinhot»water'»upplitto the bath bwin - slop unk, scuUerr and Dantnr ainkii In ♦Kai?aJ; u . v ' circulation of i-iioh aSw^ £ ™n lK?f ^t'\ li»m the h^hestpoint on rllSa^^^^^ SS^fiCSSr T '^^ b*iwee^tmpB to the inside iron*. ^'^^ o^ 8 lbs. lead to.^iai wafeir^— *- --a^^- .-.. ••^ on all flo^. to all basins and sinks ot^ jjrst and second floors, and to bath' in thi the lead willlie tuiiM up 9 iM. ^^ix del to aU st&sof I'D p.ipe, carried into a 2IS iron DITIA in fA Ainfan Al.<> :„_ •! . watcir^oseta i u| | ||irinal«.* • >ui4|loot^ ^ L«liung. loot^ltod "s hq|iMe. >, except ^ I, where trapped waste ni^^ 'i^ *^f "^ ««l weiffhtB b^foi« specified ta be nlaced . dwe up to .11 urinals. ^ 3nks. pantiy^d-cSenr ^s^JSL room<|pd Jlaur Oomdor. and^th in Speaker's house f£ # ▲11 Inrass AJI basil Fij up tl «Md ' AU Nal the "m oarpe v.All turHK All purpt 1-i •P «J r v fh right reaso have cut the p ' Ca thes soil I ohimi All 2-inc] wasU Cai watei bedii Ve runi La draw nsinj respe llc« ul- ik» • r-. le. ok ix ^ id # «t» I » ? € ▲U oonneotiom b«twMn lead and Iron pfoM to be nuul« wi^ Bnm r«rr«l«,. Innuw ferrulM, and the joioU to b« well caulked with lead. AJl flttinm b the Speaker'a hoUM, to bath and baiin, are to rt**t"«* >" beeilver-pUted. *^ hS^^V Fix t^amoat approved oowl on the top of all pipes pMaing OowU ' up thro^ the onimnej staoki; revolrii^g bowla are to kf . ■aed if so desired. ^ All pipea to be boxed and well packed in wit^ineral wool, Pm^Ii* Na 1 gnui«, wherever there would l>e the elippBet danger of freezing, and piplp to be at such points W will prpveni the PiPM draughts. All lead oailpentor. i .All iron pipes throughout the building to be thoroughly Ttrrinf pipw^ tarr«d. AH pip^to be run up in the spaces or flues left for the properly run on boards put up by the BoMrAifor purpoHO, si 1-inch a " 8 8 " 1 " 12 2 " 12 2 " ' 8 8 " 1 1 10 WaiRhlof Uwi pipM. in such a nupnerjhat they may bo easily got at. to wei(p 9 loe. 4 oz. per foot. The person or persons in charge of the works to have the right to have out out such portion of pipes as he may have reason to believe are less than the spedfied weight, and to have the same weighed ;' he is also to have the right to have cut off from Sill 6oil8 of lead pipes one foot 6f the same for the purpose of weighing it ^^tt. 4 ' Garry ventilation pipes to ftU traps in wrought iron pipe of VentiiMion »^ the sizes of tiie respective waste pipes, and connect into the >''i^ ^m soil pipe ft feet above i^l oonnections, or run into the nearest chimney, and thrQiigh the Mud chimniby to the top of cap. All syphon pipes n61ltt*%he different basins to £e run into a 2-inch veiitili^on pipe,;.oonneeted with the S-uush vertical waste pipe above all oonn^CMC^ions. ,. Ckrry up in bhinmey, where shown on plan, a 6-inch iron Bi«m|iJb« " pipe for tiie purpose of supplying fresh air to the soil pipe. ^"^ ^ Make galvanized iron connections from under the seats of ^*?H*^!^- water^loset to ventilation flues left for that purpose, as may " '*^' be directed. Ventilate the traps in cbtern waste ^th 2-inch lead pipe Cbtem fawpt. run into a ventilation flue: ^^ ^ ■ ^ GAS-FIFTINa" '■-■:.' ; ' '^ /"'■■': -:-'''' ■■ Jjtkj on ga&from the Consumers' Gas Company's nuuins {See. drawing No. 1) with 4hindi pipe to distribuUng pointe ; run rising ^msm of 2|Tinoh, 2-inch^ and l|-iQeh pipes to the '1 respective floors; from these mains run distributing pipes of ^- ■ .'X -. .■ ■ A ;tf , told to » proner M, of beat wrought-lron * ' *^ U-inch. U-lnch. _ proner Wl. of beat wrought-lron plplntf: om tJi '^b* ^.?L^i^»" P**'"** "'»•'• m^rW on pUn. /(pJncCt) and B ^racket) _Whore pipi» drop through oellingi, th.j ar. to go .uoh dl.- •xmnnl. All •nd. of »« pip«. to h»v« ■crew.d cap* ^ 'i^i.^ n'"Kr«t^ '^ be tKorouglj Ui.t«l In the prJU of the mJlTTi.. ?• IV^T****;^ «r •»*»• Independent of the gaa maiiii to the LegieUtive Chamber and UbraS^ di^^T'^iK P"^ *^ ^' ''•^"**' pilH».ind wherever eh» greeted, for the pum»e of cutting off the .upply of «a to the different parts of the building *^^ o« gM «o all fli*.*" ««'«•««??• with Qity mains, metres, etc.. and par JJl fees or d>arges. if any ; provide all stop cocks, ind leJvJ the whole of the work in perfect order, frovide a^d oC in the LcgulatiV0 Ghambw anJ^Libraiy by electri&ty. ^ # SpaMw'i bpQNk ^ ■ •■■.■'-■. './^'v-BBLL HANQINa .''■''■:■■''■],.],..■■ ^Vix to all entrance doors, and to the eastern and woutorn gateways, omamenUl brass shields, and pulls connected l,y nw!l!i*^?P"^T'"'. **'>"■ °' ^Wing tones. toZ pletely mounted, plaoed in th« Messengers' rim? on the basa- ment floor. "^"^ TK^iLif ^"* **" }^l ^"^^ *" '*»« posUfflce department InSnul J'"*-*'"'**?u***/°°*™'*^ »" P~P«' '"bes. except in v unfinished parts of the basement, whera the wir«s are to be left exposed, but well and closely fastened in position. 2n?^7k J"* ™f^' '"'•™' '^"■'•™' Md Speaker's entnuice, SJL --?*"?* '"'T*?' **•**•? ]?•*•• The side entrance at the west gateway to have a bell to ring in the Librarian's Theshieldsmentionedabove to have the words "Messenger" or "CareUker" engraved upon them. ^wenger Fit up bells of varjrmg tones on beU-board in scuUery. to ring from the foUowmg rooms: one from entrance hall, one « from sitting-room, one from reception-room, two from dininir- m room, one each fh>m bed-room and dressing-room on firet floor " ^tT- ^L'"*" ^^"^ bed-rooms on second floor; abo fit up fiisTfloOT ^""^^ ^'^ '^^^ ^°°''' ^ "*»« frow bod-room on The bell-pulls in the bed-rooms to be nickel-platod, the MMunder to' be best silver pUtod. ^ Tk up aU necessary tubings for enclosing the wirttf all BtediSi\''^ "°^' ** "" ' P'^^^^ thft^)e8t^deBcnption ar copper :#; ./ ./ /■■■ # «"*iw^ L T» ■••■'.'V, MS b« nd ia- •'7 he h« ae to ^7 30 IS Fit up in tho 8p«akAr'« houM ihnm line* of ■p««king tutm. Wi-ahf- The tin tube to ba 1 inch in diamatar ; round •lLow« ; mouth- *"*^ pi«oe ofporovUin, with whiatlc and indii»tor. The CkmtrMtor ia to lupiily all materiala, and do all work fl«*«»^. neeeflMary to the carryinir out of the aliove work according to the true intention of the above Speoiaoation. although t^ MUne may not be apecially mentioned herein. *,,,. '^ •> • •■ . ■ HEATINQ. ■ ■ ' ■ .■>...:.''■■■■""■■. The building ia to be heated by the low proaaure ayatem,- •team being generated in four boiiom placed under the Leg!** l«tive ChAm£«r, m ihown on the bascmeat plan. ■* BOILERS. ,^' Ur The boilera are to be each fi feet in diameter, with 80 TubM. S-inoh lap- welded, hammered charcoal tubea 12 feet long. Theae tubea are to be placed in rowa 1 inch apart, the bottom row to be 10 inchea from ahell, and the aide rowa 6 inchea from shell. The ends of tubea to be expanded in the head tubea with expander, and beaded over on the outaide to fom a flange against the head in a neat manner. The domea rre to be SOinchea hy 30 inq|iea, with two aafety valvea to each. Thtt^ells of boilera are to be of Lukina' C.H. No. 1 flange Hh«ii«. boiler plate, fi-lOtha-inch thick ; bottoma tio be made out of two Slatea of Lukina' C.H. No. 1 flange aolid fire-box ; plate over fire feet by 8 feet The longitudimj aeania to be double riveted. The heada and domea to be |tha of an inch thick of Lukina' < N.P.U. fire-box iron, or of Bowling or Lowmoor plate. TThe heada of boilera at front and back are to be atayed wiUi fourteen wrought iron rods }. inch in diameter, nveted to ahella and bolted to {-inch T iron across the head aheeta. The domea to be ataved in a like manner, with four wrought iron roda 1 inch in diameter, to each dome„,^iiJly«aeiiM are to be moat carefully caulked Each boiler, ia Mkl^4 lifo heavy caat iron lugs on each aide to aupport the bpitlr |M»e brick-work, and one man-hole of caat iron 1 inch thick boli6d to boiler (face jointa), with J-inoh bolts, fitted with cover, yokes, and gasketa complete. Fit iUttd-" gr»te bkn of approved pattern and weight mil •epwat^^reating on e^t iron beaAng barT Twenty exia ban are to be pravided. ^ * «*f^* ^ori«mtkl run of smoke pipe to be 42andie8 in diam- eter indde meaaui^eiit. of ifo. 10 B.W.Q run aa sho^ i^lVmnvi^I^' the^greatest po«ible imdiua to turn into the irojismokestack. with a perfect connection. ftiVet a 2-inch iLte^ ^d 'o'md the pipe f^rtheet from stiS^k. and tit wrought iron door to^same. ma<[e to close perfecUy. We two bo«e joints m thwnipe one between' thrstaok^andU^e fi«t fZ i^'^'^'.f^^ one between the two pair of BoUers. Sup- £^1h5" ^r **?°«'"lWy. «d in such a manner that it can Sl^Uin^ '??J''^T^*^- ?« ^"PPO'tcan beobtained frofri nil JLlSf ; f ' "? ^nwches from each boiler to the above 52^;J?inl ?*" ?*"*T^ '^^ °^ ^ "«^«1" i^'^ches. with a damper and lever to each. ' ' , . "" " ^^STvS *°V^^ *** each Ijoiler one 4^ and mi 8-inch Jf& ^r f S^«'«°i P»*t«n". to be approvedof. The mtrlj^^*? J'Ht^*^ through a 3.incltplpejnto one com- SrJS«?^ into the vertical smoke stack. S sufficient size / 5?«^v^«!^ W^^ ^"^"^ x,'^*'* 3-inch valvetoblow off ^ Stol^hv ^' ^J^'u"^"*- Fix l-inch drip to valves to run n, >« u ^^. "**"*'*""*• l-i°ch vacuum valve on eifeh boiler. ^ n.^'nS'r '■'».5^"i"-°».'^ to^ltit";!* pipe 4I 8kf«t]r Tiav«a. iSUungAugie. Gl^ie oodcB. ■^*^"P!^1^™^^^' Jj^**^. Bourdon steam gauge. Water gmug«. W«tor feeder; Feed^iwe. J^ t ." f-.:': bnmght regulator. connuner. ,', Tube clever. witti l-inohsteanrpipefrtm-wwne . inJn;«? *^^"«®*i^'' T'oqd^ds^With finch connect, ing pipe, Tix copper drip pipe to gaugaatont automatic wator-feeder and indicator to e^ boiler, of a pattern to be approved of. /^ *' .Run direct f#n pressure a 1-inch wrought iron1pip%to each- boiler, and automatic water-feeder ^thallnecessary Peet aiid stop^cQcka J alM from the tanV over Members' ^1^^^ IJ-mdi wrought-iron pipe down to^ Boflei'-room, with 1-incli branch pipes to each boiler and automatic water-feeder, with ■allinejessaryPeet and stop ^cocks,et6. " Fit^upvone automatic fraught regulator, and connect th6 .same to » separate and special damper to ashpit.jmd also to damper in.smoke-pipe. , ' " 5ach boiler to be fitted up with 'aS> apprd^ed smoke con- snmei;. , ., ■■ ■f' *' ■ ^"..? ■^ -Fit'np one Ptesons* air jet lube cleaner to 6ach boiler, with^ m valves, tubing, ete., ^» steam pipes to be run ffom.the top •of domes. ; t - . --■».«- Provide^twoof Pj^l's flue scmpgrs, two combination bone '*; andsteel wire flue^ brushes, and two boUer scrapers. ^ 0. ■^■■'■'■^:-rt »v • :" - »■ r'^.' ■4" ■■- <■<.» .-■ A I ' .iron, floor^ ^ • plans .>X ^Th . with ;, th6b '" . pend( v^fowfl '^l^^'- havic ^' «_ vdenil ,.■■■ ''■:lresUi !■ ..■•/.•'"■• ■'' i- ■■ ..v'l, IT .• V ,.''■■ ■'■ ■ . % . " . . n > ^ . '■ 0. \ t)t k^ "^ J! 77 «.. Fn^ide two faU ^te of flre-in**,. inoludijiMr oo*^ ahoveU, »«•*:«««* •with both long md short 'htndlea; «}io two wnmirht" ih>n „ bATTOws. with iroft pUte bodies. • - • "* ' ' '■ ' ' . I SETTING BOILBAS. AHjnaterWB and work tequired in the seUii* of the boilers i? "*™***^ ^y **" Contrsctor for the heitting. , Tb^ boilers M« to be get S f«et in front of the positiba . sho^ on tiie basement plan, the waQs inclosing tl)em to W ^ 20-inch hollow waUs»the division and back walls to be }8 jnc^ thick; turn a 9-inch arch from the brick wall, at the ba«k ovet Miainst the end of boiler, %bove the top row df tubes, fi inches of brick-work on top of boiler, where the bnck-work touches the boilers the bricks to be laid in sand. 3uild thB bridge walU of brick, inches thick ; fill in be- t,ween with concrete, and turn a 4J-inch inverted ardh between Jh»m. .Liho the fire. box with fire bricks. The front ardi to ' W built. with fire bricks, and with as great a rise as possible. * earned on 2*inch by t-itech bars; line the back, sides and top of sm^e space at the back of the boUer with fire bricks^ b iild the front bridge wall -of fire bricks ; line the smoke space <* jii front df boilers with fire bricks. * All firt bricks are to be laid in fiw clay. Level up the brick-work on t|ie top (^ boiler, and finfsh with a course of bricks Uid flat. ' • - ' ' •. * ; ?l* .^* ^^^ P^%^ "^^ Jrinch wrouglilt rods across boilers. ' ' bedded in the brick wall. Provide ,<* ' .vv. .)*>■ ■*^ •■'o StMm npeiTer, 78 ^ ■■/., •'; proper heights to receive the weighto of sections: finish the .^f top with » castiron cap, of the proper diameter, of 3d inches )' V «ection of metal. '>' • Thewx^ions of smoke stack are to be thoroughly rivet^. r and the fianges riveted to the sections in theW possible ^ manner. , *^ • The pipe is to increase in ajce as it is carried up by die extra diameter which will be given to it, by rivetmg each , upper sbeet outside the one below it .^The bottom section to havd an opening into same, 3 feet 6 incbes bj2 feet, with a sheet iron door properly hung itod fastened, rivet a, frame of 2^inoh by f-inch round opening: the whole to be as directed. r -8» _ Construct a a^eet metal division in the ventilation fl»ie from . the b«ement floor, to 8 feei ab»)ve the ground floor, of sheet lion (B.W.G. No. 10) make an opening in^same. and fit to it a closing door, stav'the division, as may be directed. Provide, and have built inio the brickwork of stack a cast won frame and door, with a 3 feet 6 inches by 2 feet opening. • ; P^ *?y ^o* necessary to the carrying of the 6-inch venti- latienpipe from drain into the stack; provide the bed plates on which sections of pipes ure to rest. * Buiia a steam receiver, 20 feet long and 20 inches diameter, of Luke 8 N.P.U.. or Bowling and Lowmoor plate, | of an inch thick, with all necessary stay rods, etc, thoroughly secured^ support the above as may be directed, and in such manner aa to . allow of movement— it canhot bo supported from ceiling. All connections with domes and steam receivers to be made " ' mth cast iron connection^bolted to plate, with fiange to bolt .; ; - the threaded flange to. which will receiye the end of wrou<^ht iron pipmg; all connections similar to above to be made" in like manner. v' Corinect the domes of, boilers to the receiver with 5-inch in* .;• temal ^diameter steam main of the best lap- welded wrought iron pip, with one wheel handle brass globe valye on each ' dose to domes. ' Steam pipes. Run steam pipes 6f the sizes shown on the plans to all .,-■■, rad^tors, coils, etc!, where shown, with the best Ian- welded tubing. All pipes to fall saightly from bpiler. " : . .The pipes are to be .suppoijted from ceilings by ball and i." V ■ . 99Ckefc hanjgers, capable of being lengthened or shortened. •Relief-pipes 1 inch in diameter are to be taken from all" points on the mains where necessary, and from the bcitom of all rising maifts. », _ The rising mains vrilthe carried up one floor of the size of the .horizontal supply pipe to same, and diminishing one dize for each, floor abov;e that.^except where there »re five floor* " wh^ the pipe wiU,be> carried up the size of the horizontal '8UM>ly pipe for twd fldors. Expansion joihfe, of approved make to be pWced on the^ ' ^ ly maim where, marked on the plan: * • , ix globe valves on each' maiin cfoej^up to the receiver, on " £xp»r(R{oB° joints. • Globe valvW SU /■ /'■ V-- ~T~ /■ /'■ ; ewh section^ gystem of pipw, and on each bnmch pipe ^WAere it leaTes the maiD, .The vertical returo pipea to be one size gmaller than the KHwppipw. rising inains. All radiators or coils on the basement and ground floor to have separate retoms to the manifolds 1 inch diameter. Fix Peet valves to all returns from manifolds and on all sections or systems corresponding to the supply pipe system. jBid on the Vetum main close up to the boiler. Each boiler to Have 4-inch return pipes, with Peet valves, etc, complete. To Bach section of return pipes— shut off by valves— fix a l-inoh • drain pipe with a 1-inch Peet valve. ^" Where there are on the third ^r spaces Which could be divided into rooms and finished, the rising and return mains * ' are to be put in position and so left, with all necessary «»n- ' nections, so that connections for radiat6r« can be attached to' them at any time without having to take down any work. The (Bnds of all such pipes to be closed. • , The return pipes for the Crown J^ands Department are to be sunk intrenches. AH pipes to bet mn voA secured in such a manner aa will Mf aUow them to expapd and contract freely; no radiator to be •""''"»"*?«•- attached to rising main with less than QtU^i Of pipe. AH pipes pMsmg through floor to ha^tin thimbles 1 inch Tin thimhjeg. ^ larger in diameter than the pipe around which they are placed. I m wood-work to be protected with I. C. tin .wherever th4, ' pipes are within 1 inch of same. T Fix cast iron waahers (cOppcred) to all pipes passing throuj ^^ Provide and place in positidn radiators, where shown oL*. th§ plans, of the retjim bc(nd upright-pipe pattern #h^nuriiW^ of pipes, etc., w given in idl cases on the planis). All radiators of> ' forty pipes and over' to have IJ-inch valvexon feed.M»i^I-inch viUve on returns; radiators of less than fortyl^iSw '^^inch valves.^ ■■;*^:. ■_}>.. 4», Aairadiators, except w We otherwise specified, W have cisV ' ^ iron screen tops and bases, raised from floor to corresnohd. . I- '. - ' Set circular radiatbrs where shown on the plans feh cast Circul* , iron screen tops and raised bases, except whcWSothetwise "*"»*""• specified. . ■ ■ . * AiCircular radlatOr to be placed in the vestibule to the Mem- " bera entrance,: where 160 feet of pipe is marked on the plan. . . Provide and fit 1 i-pch Italian marble tops, moulded on Mari,ie to,«|i edge, ^ the circuUur radiators in the tiibrary and to aU radiators miiegtelatiye Ohamber, Reading and Smoking-rooms, aid vesti-/ bule to the Membins' private entrance, ' 4|G> * ^ All yalvts. to radiators to bo of l«r^#indow backs of ^'f': ^"'«*^ No. 24 iron, extending from ttie stools t& ^4 floor, and from .'**"■*■ one jamb to the other. The outer side of the iron ta have ^ -^ "j w ,"W^ ■ , #■ 80 «i \n Wall ooUb. Box ooils. Air vent. Fittep. Heating ohambw vHotalr Itegtsten . galvaniBDd iron ribs, soldered aoross to stiffen the ekwi. Fora^ 'ftn opei^ng near the floor as directed, and insert an opening andclomnff rensterof ureas varying from 27 to 48 square. . 4^ohe«. fix a lever handle or.a draw bar of wrought iron, : let in guides, to each register slide, with nickel-plated knob. The lever handle to work the register from the' top, of the •^radiator, and the draw bar from the side. Hie . r(^ective #1'«t«jttachment8 to be fixed to the radiatoiiras may be directed. Cover the outside of the sdivanized window backs with a coating of ^sbeetos cement felting, put on with a trowel to the thickness of 1 inch. Run on walls, where shown, mitred pipe coils with branch ties, having the, amount of 1-inoh pipe Imeal figured on plans, with all ring plates, nickel-mounted valves, air cocks, etc., Box coils, vrith number of feet lineal figured on the plan, to be placed in the heating chambers, where shown. The box. coil^ in the heating chamber to the Legislative Chamber to be divided into two coils to each heating Camber, with a separate supply and return, with valves to each coil. Putup.1,500 feet lineal of I-inch pipe in ventilation ducts ii^ towers, over and above the amount of pipe figured on plan. These coils to be placed where directed, and at such heignt as may be considered ^xmcessary, with suj^ply and return mains to same, independent of all other coils. All the above 'box coils to have all valves, air cocks, coil stands, hangers, etC^etc., required to mi^e them perfect in all respects. " * . All radiators, coils, etc., to have self-acting air-ven^, with ^-inch wrought iron drip pipe, run into ^-inch or f -inch down pipes, which are to be run down to the concrete floor. » The Contractor to furnish all grey cast iron fittings, such as bouis, couplings, tees, elbows, unions, nipples, R and L couplispB, lock-nuts, bushings, screws, etc., etc. All heating chambers to be lined with No. 26 galvanized ir The box coil at the top of ventilation flues will be set directly over the flues, and' be enclosed in boxes with ducts from same leading to the main ducts. Line the above boxes and branch 'ducts with No. 28 galvanized iron, thoroughly locked; soldered'and nailed. Line all duets as ah^ve where'steam pipes are placed therein, from 18 inches below to 4 feet above the pipes. '* Put on valves on steam pipes, both flow and returns, so that ?**^tS2f steam ttiay be shut out of all pipes, etc., not supplying steam d"uob^ to the steam coils in the ventilation ducts — the intention being to heai those coils during warm weather for the ' purnoses of vehtilation- The horizontal main branches, etc., throughout the base- ^•'' '•'*f?4' ment to be covered with hair felt jths of an inch thick, enclosed in a covering of heavy canvas; neatly and tightly sewed on. .• The ends of the canvas covering to be firmly se^Uied in. .place..' *" ■ j ■ jj^ An inch board will be run up the back of all chas^ to ™ '^««** secure pipes to. All pipes in diases'to be' enclosed in tin boxes, made so that the front of box will come ofll Paint the outside of the tin two coats of plaint. Pack in around all vertical pipes with patent mineral wool, **'"•'** ^'^^ No. 1 grade, at the level of the ground floor, to stop all cur- rents of air. -All radiators, pipe coils, supply and return pipes, etc., J*«inting. n exposed to view, to be painted three coats, and nronzed as directed. * '» . " ' ■^ All wrought iron pipes and fittings of all kinds to b& neatly - ' t. black vamisheil on completion, after testing, and the^ boilers «- and fittings in the boiler-room to- hp painted three l^ts of the best oil pdnt. The smoke stack and' Amoke^^j^ to be > painted two coats, inside and out. ' ^ ^^....*_ The whole of the heating apparatus to^lbe ^tested upT*ting. to a steam pressure of 80 lbs., and if*wjy defects should ^ then show they must be imn^edi^Jy made right Fire ri>ust " .) ' be kept up in the boiler .until thjl whole apparatus is reason- ably free of oil or other matter whiph may have accumulated during the putting up of the 'apparatus. nhfi boiler to be fired up once for fiVe hours, at lull pressure, ' • / after the whole apparatu» hi^ been made satisfactory to the person in charge. " » The Contractor must funush all coal nece^ssary to the ^"™'*'>'*8 thof f>ugh tryjijiig and testing o^ the heading apparatus. , °*"f' All the cast irqn radiators, bases and tops to be fine deart t!»«itiron • castings, perfect in all respects. It must be distinctly under- •***'^ ' .^tood that no inf^riojr'oas.tmes will be accepted; '■ ■ ' "^ * All boiler tubes, steam and retujm pipes to be manufactured Tuixwand bjrtlie National Tube Wprks, Perai., m Invoice of «6c>ds<»''^^'!^' .^ be showa'''to pe)^oii\in chwcg^ ;„ ..'.., „.»'....:" ;'" .■.■.■« ,,.'.■,.,:: '__ , \' t^. 4 • mJF .V i it HEATINO SPEAKERS HOUSE. :-\ ■>} :m BolW. Ooik '/■ «i!i'^i!lf? "''°^? ^" 'i'f ^'^"'ent plan. •n.lS-Becfcion No, 1 Spence boUer. with .double ash grate, with all fitting, etc., MurUaioK Valrit. AtrvanU. Flow and i,MUini»in»bi& Seooripg Tin lining. E«mnaion Water raifply, Draw off pii* to boilto. *^ 'smokfl.pipe to flue, and put ih all dampers. ^'\s iup box and wall^coils wilh return b<^4 oldae patterft/i' ^v»e amount 4 l-inch pipe lineal figured on the blana. icluding benda, return bends, or other fittings. *^ ^ box ' coils to have galvanized .iron pans tumed~u under same, of No. 26 galvanized j^on. "-^enstoall box coils of approved design, of the beat . It castings. The screens to be made of the prowfr *!. u *?? ^'''^r *? '"*^* *^® *»»'« ' ^^^^ the valves are clowSd. the handles to^^K> close up against the screen ; aU screenstobe neatly fitted to floors, walls, etc. All screens to have marble tops of Italian marble, firmlv secured .down on screen, and fitted to thei waUs, etc. The-box coils to have li-inch Peet valves; wall coils to have l-indi angle valves ; all valves to be of brass, mountings nioke^-plated, walnut handles. ^^ All rwliatora or pipe coils to have air vents of 1 l-inch bim carrfed down to and stoppiBd on a wall near the boiler, with stop cocks OA the end of same. Fix a drip faAy of Na 24 W^vanized iron, with waste to same of l-inch iron pipe, run mto weeping drun./ . . *^"'> Thejovl' and return pipe to all box ooib to be U inches, to all rape coils 1 inch. The- mains are to equal in area all the Pi^ irradiators, or pipe coils supplied by them. Indepen- dent mam tft be run to aU radiators as far as possible. No main to TOppljrxadiators or pipe coils on more than 6ne floor AJl pipes will be run in chases 1^ in the wall.. The back of chases to have 'l-inch boarf, the full width flraUy secured by the cjupenter, on which to run the pipea ' Line the boards with IX tin. m alrfady specified for the steam heat^. . ' * w. j , AU pipes to be properly secured,'and iAsuch manner as wiU allow the pipes to expand ajid- conkAct filely. All wood-work J;o be Kfied witfil^^^iii, #here the pipes are within one inch of same. * r r^ ~« Fit up expansion tenk of No. 24 galvanized iron, with owr- flow to same ; run where directed. Put $ cover on tank, and **™ ^^^^ ^"^* ^^ ^ w**® o' <*nk where it can be seenv Olietanktobe.set on stand where directed; an iron Gpe IJ inches in diameter to b* run froin this tank to the ^ aler to serve as a tell-tale. .. . , Run from one of the water supply branches f AA lead^ supply pipe to the bottom of boilv, with a f-inch brass com4 pres9uai stop cock. ^'. A l.inch iron pipe with a l-inch lever handle, roundway stop cook, to be attached to boiler, «Qd connected with a (train ( \- / i '' •^ ' to he n- ^- 10 U re d Q / I f li ■v -cX ibr the poipoM placed to make good original strength. All cutting and making X good to be done under the super v&ion and to the satbf action « of the person in charge. Ail chases will be lathed over with whfo lathing, so that the plastoring ottn be carried through. .\k_ w — \ ■ik'^ i;**^ •■r % ■» ■ '•.;:', n. \ *<^ mr M t I'vft--.,, / 4 <•« %*■ V ^^,^;f«l ^ mi "/ P 0' 'Jf^^ i-- «