A Mii&Msi^mm. "OUR CITY ^ OUR SPORTS SOUVENIR AND OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE 12th ANNUAL HEET -OF THE Canadian : : Wheelmen's : : Association MONTREAL. JULY, 1894. COPYRIQHTEO BY THE MONTREAL BICYCLE CLUB, 'all RIQHTS RCSEHVED.) HERALD HRINT, MONTREAL. =^S«^PI^pi|g ;. •*'••►■ The illustrations in "Our City" and "Our Sports," aroused by kind permission of Mr. J. McConniff, publisher of "Iixustrateo Montrkai,.'' Acknowledgements are also due to Mr. VV. I). I.ighthall, author and Messrs. F. E. Grafton &: Sons, publishers of "Montreal Akter 250 Years," and "Skihts and Shrines,'' to The Ximismatic and Antiquarian Society, for much valuable material in connection with the series of Historic AL Taheets, herewith now published in present form for the first time and for loan of cuts, to Horace T. Martin, F.Z.S., author of "The Hlstory and Traditions of the Canadian Be.vver." #— # F .tcred accortiing tn Act of rarliament ot Canada in the ycrr eigh- teen hundred and ninety-four hy the Montreal Bicycle Club, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. COAT OF AKMS OK 1 UK CI IV OF MONTKKAL. OUR CITY. MONTREAL. sprung from llic Impc of nohle hearts, Brought iiili) luing through saorifice Of imii and wonicn who played their parts. And counted not their lives as the pr!;'e. She has grown in her strength like a North'.rn (Jueen, "Neath her crown of light and her robe of .-.now, And stands ii her lieauty fair, fwtween The Koval Mount and the River lielow. Changing its hue with the changing skies. The river flows in its beauty rare ; While acros:, the plain eternal, rise Houcherville, kougeniont and St. Hilaire. Far to the westward lies Lachine, date of the Orient long ago. When the virgin forest swept between The Koval Mount and the River below. With its convent buildings low and white Nun's Island lies, half wood, half plain ; While abrea>t of the city, green and bright Springs the wooded cre^t of .Sle. Ilelene. In the east the >hininier of waves is seen. Where the river spreads in its onwanl flow Kroni the Royal City that lies between The Royal Mount and the River below. \\'ILLI.\M .McLE.SNA.N. KnVAL ( TiV ! truly, iiml rii;lit myiilly we wclcdiut' you to and tendii- you the frrcilnln of it. ( 'our- with the jioi't and stand on the .'^pot where pilgrim feet, from those of the last globe-trottinj^ tourist haek through the long line — distinguislied and conuuonplace, stranger and eitizen^to tlio.se < f the ever-memorable, history- making iV MaiM)nneuve, Champlain, and Jaorpies CartiiT, tlie I)isoo"verer, have pres.sed the turf on oM Mount Royal's crest. Laok '. Sweep the eye over the magnilicent panorama spread in all its wealth of mountain and meadow, stream and sky, factory and farm, castle and cot, and wonder if you will that we rtho know it best should love it so, or that our love for our native city should impel us to voice its praises in song. It is not our purpose as cicerones on this occasion to weary you witn guide-book platitudes, or ostenta- tiously parade ))efore you tabulated statistics and schedules of our wealth in real and per.sonal estate. Of these you will see no lack, — solid lacts, veiy materially rn fi-Uleu'-''. that we cannot conceal if we would, — but rather would we direct your glances towards the natural beauties, the (luiet by-ways, the " Sights and Shrines " ignored by tht' fi u-df-sifde hustler, and remind you of the romantic and historic associations that cluster thickly among the brightest jewels of our city's crown. To the eye undiimiK-d by the L'larn of tho latter-day inafjiiiticence, and the ear attuned to catch the whispering's that echo amid tlie jnrrin;,' clamor niid bustle of a great trade mart, these appeal with forceful insistence. The very air is voiceful with memories of a stirrini,' past. Amid the work-a-(lny crowds, impalpable forms, clad in doublet or cuirass, move to the accompanyinjf tinkle of rapier and spur; the ghostly chan.son of rollicking voyageur and rtyHrre*';- de-bois is hushed by the warning finger of cassock<i.scoverer, in 1585, up the vast, unknown, expan.se of mighty waters, past Gaspe's cliffs, the awful portal of Saguenay's mysterious depths, and Stadaconas l)eetling crags, on to where the Royal Mount rears its plumes above the foam of the rapids aiid .shadows the town of Hoehelaga ne.stlitig at its feet. Read of his reception and the homage, as to a god, paid him by the chief, and see the plans he man's Lilied Blue ' at the fitting sea.son of the l>irth of the V'ear and on the <'round where, at that same season, nearly three centuries later, the ehildren of a more favoi-td generation lovingly gather hy armfuls the Trilliums — " white lilies," they call them — tliat gem the maple wreathed .slopes of Mount Royal. All around is ti.e awful gloom of the solenni wood.s, and not a trace of the town remains that (dirtier found there. To the keen eye of the explorer, the value of the recently, ed traces •rtunities MD.MRF.Al. FKUM Tilt TOWERS UK .SUTKK tiAME. sitt' as an cnfn'pot of trade and an outpost of supreme inipoiiance at once app<)iis ; luid on tin- spnt where till' ("ustoiii House now stands, and n-cently re-christened as he caHeil it, he eltaied a space and named it " La IMaec Koyalf." Ai,'.iin and iij^ain tlie "white lilies" Mooni and fade uiuioticed l)y the wanch-rini^ forest children and hardy white fiii-tradei-s as they y)eriodically meet at the spot for purposes of harter and trade, and forty-two years have m iiked their course when, in Ul+'i, occurreij an event that marks an eiiucli, and Montreal was horn ! 1 1. ill 111 iIko, Koyal City I Like a reathef I'aul de Cliomedy, Sieurde Maisonneuve, comniarlant and fiainder; the (Jovernor, de Montmangny ; Fatlier Vinioiit ; Mile. Manee: Madame de la Pel trie and her servant, ( 'harlotte Barre; and a small liand of soldier-colonists as thev knelt at the altar hastily elected on landintr and lit hy the tire-tlie.s they imprisoneil in a pliial : " Vou are few, hut your work is the work of < !od. Mis smile is upon you, and yiuir children shall fill the land." Let the cynic sneer, and the sectary cavil as tiny will, hut let them read the record an WAK Doiis— M. HKLtN > ISLAND. Montreal now settles down to adjust herself to the changed conditions of a new allegiance, and the friction and jealousies between the two races, that has not yet wholly ceased, early developed. The naturally aggressive Briton claimed all, ami perhaps more than, his just share of rights and privileges. He ruled in business, if not in politics, then as after, and the magnates of the trading community loomed large. The Xorth-West Fur Com- pany was formed about llSli, and the names ami doings of its promoters, the vast opi-rations in the wilds and the lavish hospitality and conviviality of its ii'riodical re-unions at luadijuarters read like < )mancc. In a recent article, Arthur Weir thus de.scribes the City at the close of llSth century : " In 1797 Montreal contained aliout twelve hundred houses, of which seven lunidred were withovit the fast crumbling walls of the ancient city. The houses within the walls weie usually of stone, while those in the suburbs were of wood. The streets were nari'ow, and the gloomy aspect of the lower or business portion of the town was heightened by the sheet-iron shutters which were upon all till' stoi't' wimlows, and which wen- closed I'very night for ])roti'etiou against tire. There were six churches in the city, one each for the Presl)yterians and Anglicans, and four for Roman Catholics. There was at that time a mile of open country between the town and the foot of the niountain. and manv were the excursions taken BHAVKK lOKEN'. 12 IM.ACK 1) AKMKS. in summer "-^o tlio nnilirajjeous groves of Mount Eoyal. A club was foriiKMl whose members, to the numherofa lunKhe.l or more, fn-.<.me rippling spring." In iNOi, a company was organized to supply the eity with water from tlu- mountain springs through wooden pipes! and this crude enterprise, culminating in disaster, was tlic germ irom which sprung the splendid system now doing the work. Slavery, abolished in I'pper (. anada in 17!).'}, was still leg-al in Lower Canada, though practically fallen into disuse ; "tlie last slave publicly soM in Montreal being Emanuel Allen, aged thirty-three, who bi-ought thirty-six pounds on 25tli xVu^ust, 17i»7. In 180:}, Chief Justice Osgoode decided at Montreal that ' slavery was incompatible with the laws of th<' country.'" Nelson's colimui— a special object of aversion to a section of the comnnmity, recently threatened with din' destruction by boyish dyuiimiters. and until the erection of the statue of Queen Victoria, in 1S72, and the yet incomplete monuments to De Maisonneuve and the Founders of the city, the only public monument in the City— was erected by all classes in lSOt» in spontaneous tribute to the glorious victory of Trafalgar. To a Montreal merchant, John Molson, is due 14 S COLUMN. the honor oi" placing the first steamboat on the St. La^Treuce in the same year, his attempt heing 8ect)nd only to that of Fulton, on the Hudson, on this Continent. Montreal olituiticd its charter in 1S:W and about this time suffered from two visitations of the dread cholera which carrieii off thousands of all classes of her citizens. Fire and Flood and Fever ravat'ed and destroved property an clamored of grievances in the Parliament Hou.se while their mis-guided followers were ^ettiiiir theirs broken l»v the axe-handles of tli • lovalistAS in the streets outside in the first skirmish, which was but the pi'ecursor of many disasters leading up to the scaffold at la.st. The burning of the Parliament Huildings ami the disgraceful treatment of tlie tinfortunate (!overnor-( ieneral, Loid Klgin, ai-ising out of the pa.ssage of the — to the loyalist party — obnoxious "RelH-llion Losses Bill" depri\ed Montreal of the seat of Government which wa.s, in consecpience, removed to a safer retreat, and the members " tjx)k to the woods " surrounding Ottawa's cla.ssic halls. Election riots of former days are still the theme of the old veterans who therein wielderange riots, in 1.S78, ami the small pox anti-vaccination riotfi of 1.S.S5 are fresh in A "lATKiuT" OK jT- the iniuds of all. The military .spirit has always been strong in the brea>ts of young Montreal, from Dollard down, and when the excitement of the Trent atl'air. in bSfll, fanned the volunteer movement into new life, and the Fenian fiascos of iNGf! and 1S7(), the Red River Heiiellion of bStiO, and the Northwest Rising of bS.Su, liesides freipient calls to assist the civil power, demajided the aid of her loyal -sons, the assembly bugles echoing along her streets awoke immediate and enthusiastic response to the call to arms. Happily, the fatalities in all these " wars " were few, and the " honorable scars " maijdy Itorne on portions of the 15 Hl'.ii lb\i'-l. ul--li^>-iK iM) -.1. 'L :. i Al.\ iAKK I ■' 'L LU\ A Kt». uniform not covering the breast; yet it might have been, and may yet ho, very ditterent, and when the call comes there is little doubt of the answer : " Ready 1 aye Ready !" Xt'cessiirily, in a rapiil sketch snch as this, in the space at command, much of interest must be omitted and effort mainly confined to the attempt to awaken a desirt^ for fuller knowledge. Aside from the great mass of material in MS. and print, iniavailable to most of us becau.se of our lamentable lack of knowledge of the tongue in which it was written, there is much valuable matter pertaining to Montreal in condensed form of special articles by McLeinian, Lighthall, Sandham, Weir, Murray, Reade, Martin and other local writers in prose and verse ; Imt the source and ins|)iration of most of it may be traced to Parkman — prince of historians ami riinnitmi ri^ — than whom no safer, more entertaining or instructive guiile could be desireil ; whose facile pen has _ done more for us Canadians of English speech tlian any other in showing us the priceless possession we have in OUR BIRTHRIGHT. Cto ! read the patent of thine heritage, Inscriliod in jrlowing wonl.s that flash and burn With i)ret;nant import. Con it well and learn The tlirillinj: talc that lights the storied page. See Faith and Valor hand-to-hand engage Opixwing |)o\vt'rs, and by tlieir prowess turn The wild into a puissant realm, and earn A deathless fame, bright to the latest age ! 'Tis thine and mine I Shall we, then, hold it light, — Despise our birthright as .some base-born churl And recreant yield it with a nervele.ss hand, Or stain our scutcheon with a Judas blight ? When traitors hiss, do thou, indignant, liurl Thy challenge back : " It is my native land I" Montreal, May, 1894. SAMUEL M. BAYLIS. »7 MONTREAL FROM THE MOUNTAIN, (WINTEK VlbW.) OUR SPORTS. " Ifttppy ill lot anil vin'thi/ to he «"/ary, heen the stairce from whence the Canadian youth could thus he "trained in eye, in foot, in hand, in (piick resource, in temper and in skill " Among the numerous cluV>s affiliated, X HIS Anglo-Saxon descendants wherever they connected, or in some degrcv^ associated through are situated, thespiritof the Vikingstillsurvives, its members, with the Montreal Amati-ur and is manifested in the love exhibited for all Athletic Association, more than one can trace 21 the th cluhs met-tini^ half way at Three Rivers, tlie players Iiavinj; V) drive there ami liack and coverinj^ upwards of two hundred miles on their journey. Knthusiastic s[)orts they must have lieeii, and in these days of swift locomotion one does not realize what that journey of two liundrej miles over tlie snow meant. The record sjiys QucImc won tlie match and Mcaitreal had . to pay for the dinner in coiLseijUence. Many visits have heen paid to and received from ^ outside duhs since then and the curlin3, a trophy for competition annually, an.l this M. .\. A. A. trophy is now among the number that engage the active attention of the devotees of the '■ Roaring (!ame," It was won the Hr.st year by the Thistle - — Curling Club, and in 181)4 by the St. Lawrence, the junior club of the competing rinks. CRICKBX. The early records of Cricket in Montreal have yet to be traced. Althoiicrh the fjame has been played in this city during the better part of this eentnry, authentic evidences and inimites are not at present available. The tirstcricket club to form in England was the Hauibk»etween Toronto and Hamilton in lcS,S.5. The first international match with the United States was played in ]\Iontreal in 1S4.5. The means of connnunica- =^^tion between Montreal and Toronto in the forties was jirincipally by stage, only a small part of the great St. Lawrence Canal Sy.stem being completed, and the Graml Trunk Railway as yet only an idea. Matches between the large cities at a distance were extremely rare, yet in l!S4G Toronto L'rieketers travelled a total of 0(3.5 miles, to play a match in Montreal, and had the great satisfaction of winning. It took three years, 1849, before Montreal was able to return the visit. The players in these early days called them.selves the Montreal Cricket Club. Lsiter a body of cricketers calling themselves the Vespers joined issue with the officers of the Garrison, on the cricket Held, while a number t)f the older cricketers assisted the military in forming the Montreal Garrison Club. The Vespers it appears afterwards lost their identity in the Montreal Cricket Cluli reorganized. The fifties saw the ^[ontreal Cricket Club again flourishing, on a new ground on St. Catherine street, and besides the Military, a club called the " Aurora " formed iji iN'j.S, disputing with them the sujiremacy of the Cricket field. In 1859, the Mijntreal Club invited a team from England, guaranteeing £750 foi* expenses, etc., and Parr and Lilliewhite's professional eleven accepted the invitation and played a two days match on the Montreal grounds, against twenty two Canadians. This team was the first English Eleven to cross the Atlantic, and also played in New York, Philadelphia, Rochester and Hamilton, winning all matches. This venture of the Montreal Club was not a pecuniary success, for the mend)ers of the ( "luh had to make up a deficit of about £100. The c.xciteineTit of the " Irent ' atiiiir in ]v manv of the other athletic cities aixl towns of Canada. Thi- snow shoe was originallj- devised by the Indian, centuries ago, to aid him in travelling over the snow in pursuit of game, and despite the ingeiuiity of the white man, it is to-day essentially the .same, the principle of con.struction remaining, only slightly altered in weight ami style to suit the present conditions of iise. Snow Shoeing, like Skating or Tobogganing, is mori- of a pastime or outdoor exercise, than a .sport or game, and as a health invig(trating exercise it cannot be excelle, the Club erected an arch, manni'd by fifty of the mendiers, in costume, in honor of H. R. H. the Pi-ince.ss Louise and Man[uis of Lome. In 1881, the Club assi.sted the Lacro.sse Club in orffanizinij the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association. The Carnivals, tho.se widely celebrated Winter Festivals of Canadian sport were proposed and originated by a mi'nd)er of the Montreal Snow Shoe Club, anvcn traceronounced succi-ss. The crowning events of this venture of the Tobogy-aning Clul>. was a mendiership this past Winter ( bsi<4) of :U(K), and the successful races at which .Ti^hnson, Donoliue and Norseiig, and the prof.se- sionals Xorwedt, McCormack and Breen competed antl attracted great interest and enormous crowds. 31 FOOTBALL. 1868. AnothtT Sport of ancient origin is FuotUall. It is HR-ntiDned in the lists of amusements of the the Seoteli jieople in the 15th and IGth centuries. The Montreal Football Cluh has the honor of heinji; the ])iiiiie('r chih in CVnnda and was founded in IMiS, and in its early years had many excitin<^ matches with the Officers of Her Majesty s reijiments, (juartered in Montreal. The most active competitor the Club has had, is the Britainiia Football Club, formed in 1.S75, and which for some years forced the Montreal to take second place honoi's. In order to encourage the game the Montreal Club in LS7.'} oH'ered a Challenge Cup for competition and this trophy for a number of years was the emlilem of supremacy on the Football field. This Cup since bS.Sti stanec, liut won it back the same month. On November of the same veai' Biitannia won and retained possession of the trophy until May l!>th, 1HH'\, when it came back a<'ain to the Montreal, who succe.ssfullv defended it until 1lisluy the devotees of tlie spo-t. 'I'lie W inter Carnivals of IHS:] and sueeeedinjr years, <^ave sueh an impetus to th<- sport that at the sii.i^ifestion of sevei-al niemhers of the M. A. A. A. a slide was Imilt on the old Lacrosse (Jrounds on Sherhrooke street and the '• riniue IMeue " ("lull ei-eeted till' first artiticial shnte. The ■' Tu(|Ur Hleiie" elul) was or^fain'zed on the 2<)th XovenilM r. |.S,s:j ; heini;- pi-eeieded a week earlier hy the I'ai'k Tohoi,'iran C'luh, wlio ereeted a slide on the Mountain Park, now the only one in aetive existence in the City. A iniinlier of other cluhs sjirauL;- into life ahout tlu same time hut durini,' the past few years the waning- interest in tlie spo them all to disband exceptin<,' the "Montreal" and "I'Mrk" ( 'liihs. In 1NS4. Bleue" dull attiliated with the M. A. A. A. and for .some years was a Hourishineis of the Victoria Skatinj^ Clu)> formally organizi' an was formed. On the 2sth Novemli.r, 1.S.S4, the Mtmtreal Hockey C'luh was formed from among the inemV)ers of the M. A. A. A., and .several months later in Fehurary, l.SSo, won the Carnival Cup. 1S.S(! saw the formation of the Canadian Hockey Association and an added intei-est in the .sport. Ottawa. (.^)ueliec, the Victoria, Crystal and M. A. A. A, all! entering team.s. The "winged wheel" men have however through prowi-.ss and good' fortune been singulai-ly succes.sful since then, winning for nine successive winters the much coveted Champiotiship. From IS'JO the Senior Championship was represented l»y a cup which the Montreal won for three successive years ( l.S!tl-!>-2 [)'.)). therel.y hecoming the pos.sessors of that trophv ( )n February 2t;, INHO, the Montreal Clul> took a trip to Burlington, Vermont, assisting in the Winter Carnival held in that city, and competing for 7 goM medals, defeating the "Crystal " and ' Burlington " Cluh.s. In Deceml)er, IS.S7, the Junior Amateur Hockey Association was formcl, through the exertion of the "Victoria" meml»'rs, and has also lione much towards popularizing the game. On the 25th February. ISS!), the Montreal hatained a ])atent in Knylaiid and laid elaim to he the inventor of tlu' Modern Hieycle, The old ■ IJorie Shaker," or Veloeipede craze of ISOM and lN(i!l had died out and hetween IST'i and 1.S74, developments were made that eventuated in the modern wheel with the ndilter tire. The Sky Seraper Whei'l of this date hein;; sueceded in later years hy the pneumatie Safety. In June 1N74, the Hicvele took an Atlantic voyath day of that month. No time was lost in preliminaries^ ^ and on July 1st, l!s74, "Dominion Day," Mr. Lane hadishnien .Ino. Kneen and David Stanton <^ave Exhibitions in New York on a l^icycle. It is .stated Mr. A. 1). Chandler, of Boston, imported on May 2!), LS77, a wheel, and was thus the tinst native American to n. The year L"^7S can however be claimed as the year the foiuidation of Bicyclinif was laid on this continent. The nundier of riders 36 constantly increasing', enthusinsts Ix-gan to advocate the formation <.f Clul>s. The first ChiK to organize was Boston, in F.l.ruary I.STS, an.l tlic next Uaiiiror, Maine. Montr.al was tlio next to a«;itate in June, and the or;,'fiiii/ati(.ii was coiiii.I.'tfd on tlir :{rd <>f D.-cfnil.. r, San i'rancisco followini; ten days hiter Han;;or ceased to exist, lia\in>; tht- Montnal ("lul. th.- second oldest un the American continent. I.ater, San Francisco liad truuMe in keeping; up their oii-ani/ation ami for sonu- time was inactive, jm.l when reor;,aiiii/e kej.t up her organization steadily and eonti?ionslv, as shown l.y tlie minute hooks of th.- cluii. The first presidin-,' officer of the Montreal Clul. was Mr. ('. J. Sidey and .Mr. II. S. Til.l.s was the Hr.st Secretary. The.se ;,'entlemen toj;ether with Mr. A. T. I.,ane, now the I'resich-nt of the Canadian Wheelmen's Asscx-'iatiou, wen- the foumlers <.f Hicyclini; in Montreal, and the jiioi is in ( ';ina.la, the Intter on this Continent- On the -'Jlst of May, INNO, the ■Leajj^ue of American Wheelmen" was forme.l and the Montreal Bicycle Cluli atliliated with it, and in June iSM \isited Boston, and took part in the Aimual Meetini,' and I'anide. In ISM, in coiijuncti.ai with the Montreal Ljicros.se an luiriyiiii; ihrunt;, Wilh inu.sclcs firm ivs steel, Ami hearts to cope with (jrief ai.il wronv; And tread them un ot" the Willi/ mid Win, I." ( )n steeds of steel, in connlry ways, I'ar from the City's street The \Vini;ed Wheel Knij;lil.s, on sinnmer days. The a\\e>lriii'k peasants meet ; And hills in vain their l>idU upraise To tire the rapid leet That o'er the tlusty roadways chase The liinU, well iii^h as (leet. lint not in crowiled streets alone Thexe lusty knii;hts arc found ; They make the broad chamiiainn their own And with their sonp. resoun>l. As well ere spring-tide flowers are blown As when ripe fruits al>ouiid, Or winter wind* by moonlij;ht moan Above the snowy ^;rounii. All honor to the Wiiii/Kl Wfuil h'liiiihls That stalwart, fearless band. That in the manly life delij;hts Of our dear native land; Who from keen winter's wind that bites, And from the ocean's strand, ( iain >tri-nnlh to guard our counlry'> rights Aiul any force withstand. AnTiifll Wf.ik. KxtfiMl.'.l ivtVninT f;ttiii..t lie iiiti.lr to the l{..yiil Mont iv.tl (!..lf Cltili i'ouiKlf.l ill 1N7.'{, thf Moiitf.al Tiiiiilciii Clul' in lNN-2. fli'- Moiitiviil Html ("liili, ;is u.ll Jis the imnnroiis Koiitiiii;- iiml sjiiliii^ cliil's tlitit litis <■ fxistvd aroiiiKl Moiitn'til for iiiniiy yciirs. Tliosc spofts only have Imtii touch. mI upon, whirli arc tlic more intiniiitcly conncctc«l witli the wearers of tlic ' WiuL^cd Wheel. " This tanioiis h.i.jov or crest of the Moiitretil Ainttteur Athletic Associtition has lieeii ctirrieil victorious on iiiiiny ti iianl fought tieiii or race traeU. ami llii' story of the rise ami proLjre.ss of the institution which it represents is tilso very interestiiii: ami instructive. 3« ri 11^ i\i. /\. ^\. ^\. () rXDKIJS TAN I) the ciiciimstjuicfs tliut Itil uj) t(> tlic foriiiatioii of the Mniitnal Aiiuittur i:|^ Atlilctic Assofiutioii, it will In- lurcssarv to oi, Iuk k in tlif fiiil ut" tlif vc.-ir I.S")!t, w licii a iiiiiii- (^Mmlh . 'H'ik '"'' "'" *'"' "t'''"'t''' yiiiiiio- ihcm of the city ai^itntcd fur tin' I'miiiat ion of a !;yniMastic cluli. l''oi- ^^JIk M^^^ srvci-al years previously a clnli had luen in cxiNteiiee tliat liad looms in i 'iiisiiirss |iaitof the ^il'W'^ eitv. The eUIirts of these athletes were liiialU' successful in Maich, ISfiO, wlun a chil> was ^^§^^^^^0^ oivrani/.eil, wliicli latei- ou iuiiuceil the authorities of Mcdill I'uiveisitv to erect a irviii- nasiuni oti I'uiversity uiai- Dorchester street, to lie used conjoint 1\ for the liendit of the |)U|>ils and the chill, the latter payiuL;' a r<'nlal foi- the mix il,Mri>. I n i ln' spring of 1 N(i7 the nieuiliers earnest l\- discussed the idea of erectini; a i,'ynuiasiuni i^f their own in order to lia\e iiscreased accomodation, for the cluK had i^rowu. A joint .stock coinpauy was eventually formed and the tine .stone liuildin<;, now owned and occupied l>v the M, A, A, A, on the corner of Mansfield and Hurnside streets, was erected. For some \ears this ^^vmnastic institution was populai- an, these two cluhs lea.sed the whole liuildiuLT at a rental of one thousand dollars annually, made numerous alterations ami repairs and at the euil ol each ve.'irfound they had made a successful \eiitur.', .\ morticycle ('lull," and the ,\hintreal ( lymnasium ( "hili lost its identity in its amalgamated suc<-e.s.sor, .\n ,\ct of 39 Incorporation was sliortly aftm-wanls olitainctl from tlu- Provincial Governnicnt in June, ISiSl. In tl»o fall of 18!S4 the " Tr.(|iU' Blouc Toln)i;ifan Club '" atiiliatid, and in the sprin-f of l.SiSo, the " Montreal Foutliall " club (li. Koustead, uf Tomnto, was elected its first President, and J. S. Brierly. of St. Thuniab, accepted the jx)sition of Hon. Secretary. Mr. ]!rieriy was succeeded the fullowing yi'arby Mr. Hal B. Doidy, of Simcoe, who has so worthily filled the iX)sition ever since, and to whose untiring efforts the succe.S8 of the Canadian Whei-lman's .\ssociation is sc. largely ilue. From this small beginning tlie As.soeiation has gone on increasing strength, until now, with a membership of 8(X)0, its influence must nece-ssarily be weighty when exercised in promoting the interests with which it is concerned. These are, primarily, the encouragement of cycling as a healthful recreation and the improvement of our city and country highways for tiie better enjoyment of it ; and, secondarily, the government and clas.sifying of races, the establishment of Cliampionships in connection therewith, and the keeping of Cycling Records. This i.s eminently a patriotic work in which loyal Canadians may well be engaged, and every wheelman not now a member is invited to the privilege and duty of leiiiling his aiil ti' further the aims of the Association, by joining its rani^s and helping on the good in the direction of strengthiming the membership roll with good name^^. and supplying " The Wheelman " with local news and bright corraspmdence of general interest, and in this way help to inculcate and cultivate among oar cyclists a bond of genuine brotherhcxid. A. T. LANE, Presiaent. 42 "EL PADRE' THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD TEN-CENT CIGARS. : : A SAEE SMOKE, NO ARTIEICIAI FLAVORING. : : -VARSITV A IIK;// class EI IE -CENT CIGAR, GREAT VALUE : : : : : : : TO THE CONSUMER. : : : : : : : S. DAVIS & SONS, MOXn RBAL. 43 Wm. Notman & Son. WfWfmfw^mmfmwfmfmmfmfWfw^wf Portraits Hiv.V,^ If Views, Etc. STUDIOS 14 Phillips Square. 17 Bieury Street. Show Room, Windsor Hotel. SIGHTS AND SHRINES. In coniu'ction witli these, tlie following coninicnts, liy ont- to whom, pirhaps, more tlian any other, the incejition ami furthering of the project is largely due, will he read with interest. It will he noticed that some of the inscriptions are in Fix'nch, others in English. As these are thus inscribed in accordance with the wishes of the respective tk>nors ui' the Talilets, it is thought well to give them here as set up Iti place rather than translate the French into Eny referring to the map index the exact sites of the respective tablets may be readily located.— Eds. HISTORICAL TABLETS. The stranger will see in a ninnber of places about the older parts of Montreal, tablets of white marble Vxuiring inscriptions relating to historical events connected with tlK' spots thus marked. These aiv a .series in c<)urse of erectioTi by the Numismatic an• Munroe Brothers ^ SHIRT MAKERS^ IMI'iiRTFKS OK Gentlemens' Furnishing Cioods. ::4(» St. Catherine Street West. Montreal. SIGHTS A\D SIIRI.XKS.—Omthmed. iiiseriptions sot iiinl t<> '><■ set. 'I'lu' mily vicissitufhtful mind. W. J). LKJHTHALL. JACQUES OARTIER NAVKiATErU KK ST. .M.U.o liECulVItlT Li:rANA!>A. K - lo Soulli eorner C'itv HaH. i° o t ' LORS DM LA PREMIERE VISITE n-HorilELAOA. JAC-yiK.-; CARTIER, I'lT ON, DKIlAngiA ICI 2 OCTdKKK, 1535. lo o N— I SITE of A I.AHiiE IMMA.N Vll.l.AiiE Cl.AI.MKhTo 1!E HOCHELAC.A, VISITED 1!Y .lAt'lJlES CARTIER IN 1;V15. G — II Shcrbrtxjkt; St. n-;ir Metcalfe St. THIS SITE WAS SELECTED AND NAMED IN i<;n LAPL.VCE Kov.\i,|.; i;y SAMI EI, DE CIIAMI'LAIN. TIIK FoCNDEIi ol' CANVDA. Foot of D««ry St. K— u W. side of front door of Custom House, 46 O.imuki),) MAMl ACTUREKS OF HAMMOCKS ( Reed, Rattan and Bamboo ) , Baby Carriages, Chairs, Easels and Fancy Tables, >; ,, Also TRICYCLES, VELOCIPEDES, BICYC_ES, BARROWS, EXPRESS WAGGONS, Etc. FACTORY EASTERN OFFICE. TORONTO, I 1908 & 1910 NOTRE DAME STREET, ONT. MONTREAL. RICITELTEr HOTEL. The ahove is the only Fikst Class H'UKL situaicil in the centre nfthe City of Miiuirt_;il k«-pt on the Am(.-ri»;.in and Kurupean plans, a neces».ity -.o lf>iii; liesircd hy the trav(jHiii^ puMic. It contain-- at CMinmodation for over 400 GUESTS, with f\iry p'1-..sihlc iiirnicni convtiiience ami luxiirj- that careful ih'Ui^ht can su^gtst, thus fnalviii^ this HliIcI hy fai llic mi»st prcferal»Ie resort for TDurist^^ In the City of Mouireal. Till" TFKMsoftliis Hotel will he found as reasonahle as any first-class house on the continent, and are as ffllnws r—AMKklc.VN Plan, from S?.3i> to $^50 per day. I'ourists will find nn every hoat nne of our Atfent*-. wht> will he honored to receive any order*, and make any special ai;reemcnt to secure them all the comfort required. Onevi^it is respectfully solicited to convince the putilic of the ct)nifurl and com- pleteness of our arran;;enie:U'^. Tourists are Specially Warned a>;ainst niisrepreseutations of interested parties. ISIDORE B. DUROCHER & CO.. Proprietors. N.H.— The Huses of the Hotel will Vve foiuid waitin^; the arrival of all Irauis and Steamers. Special rates for Wheelmen for C W. A. meet, Sj.o-^ per day. 47 : : CUTLERY, : : Enamelled Ware, BRASS GOODS, IMPORTED JELLY AND CREAM MOULDS, SPIRIT AND <"..\S Si(»Vi;S, A iiicist oimiik'ti- stock iif liii;li grade tl R. & W. KERR, 2230 St. Catherine St., - Montreal. j^.B.— Solo Agt-nls for " Comet " ami "Warwick' Cycles for Montreal and District. SrnHTS AND SnUlNES.—Conimnod. o NEAl! THIS SPOT I OS THK Ihtm hay op MAY, 1642, TJIK FiirNHKUS iiK MdNTHEAF., I'M I, 1)1-; CIlMMKhV. SIKIU I>K MAIS(iN.\i:U\ E. . TIlKUi UliST I'lCOlKKMlMj WAS j A KKI.Ii;iol.S SKUYIIK. I O O K. — n E. hide of front door of Custom Huu.se. ,0 O ' SITE I)f FORT VILLEM.\RIE PREMIEUK UlSIIiENCK l > KONDATKI US UK MoNTIiKAl. \ CoN.STRirr E.\ Hi4J.|)K.MnLl EN mi. KKMl'I. IcE I'AK LA MAISON UK .\I. DE I'ALMERES, lfis«. o o R — 12 South corner Foundling and Port Sts. O O Id ETAIT LIloTEE HIEU FONItK I'AH .lEAXNE MANTE \C4i t'ONSTUriT EN ]>■'•.<{ IXCEXblE 1011.-1. 1721. IT.'U 1)EM<»LI W,l. o o K— n N. Cor. St. Paul & St. .Sulpicc. 48 I o o I HOTEL |ili:|- I>E VII, LE .MARIE FOXUE EN ir.« I'AU.IKANNE .MANCE TPtWSi- KKK KV l**!;! Sill ( 1: TKIIKMN HOWE K\ \''Vl I'Ali RENdIT ET (i.VRIUEL l!A.E VII.LEMAKIK noNT It. VIT <;ot VEItNElI! I'AliTtl TLIEH lliI.V4T4 ME lil'tYERNEIK DE l.A NOfYKI.I.K KKAXCE lli4-S-ll>.51 DECEItE.Sl MAI,lKr<.(.Is I •;. W.H. CHAPMAN, Druggist, 2()57 St. Cillu-rlm- Sirct-t. M.miHimI. CYCLISTS' : ROAD : Gl IDlv EVERY WHEELMAN SHOULD CARKY A COPY OF THIS GUIDE. It r(int.iiii> a iles<'ri|iitarii>, ijiielifi-, MaritiiiR' I'mviiiccs ami North- West IVrriloriis. T'fUl l>HKr' IIV W. H. MILN, TORONTO. SIGHTS AM> .s7/A7.VA'.s.— Continual. I.E.'^KMINAtliK ItKST. Sl'LI'rrK | Fundi: A PA1{I.< I'AH .M..I..I.n|,IKR ' ii-.n. I tlAllll V \ll.\.y. MMIIK Ili.'i7 .M. 11 MlKIKl. UK I yi KVH.«i StHKRIKlU HEIUNEIKM UE l'ILK UK M(>NTKK.(L llitkt. O O K— 1 1 tiale of Seminan', Notre Dame St. O O TIMS lirn.MNi; 1^ KHKiTKll UN I'KRTilKTlIK ilHliaNM. I'lMTSJ^IciN in I KIlAtN Th>.~li:U HIT l/WKi.VK iiKiNi; TIIK L'mi ciHANT MAIlK To \N IM'IVIIHAI, UN TllK ISI.AXlHiK .MuNTHKAli 111 MKPTKMnEK, I'Vil. Km Imperial Building I'bce J'.\rmes o HI KTAIT o ].\ fKKMIF.RK K<.1.TSK 1' \ Kl IISMI A !.K IK Vll.l.K .MAKIK n.N.^TUnr i:.\ uiv,. o o N. Cor. St. l\iul .•(: Si. Siilpice, 5° N. II DK ItiiNSKCiii US Cii.MMKM KK liV>T, I.NCEXIHKK 17r4 UKniN.sTlil ITK 1772 RKST(IKEKI*W. L-9 On the Church, River fr«nt. O O I'lMIN TIIKSK fOfNtlATKINrt STIMIK TIIK KIK.fT MIMiU Hell SK llK MUNTKKAI., Ill M.T ll">.'i7. BIKNT 1H.'',2. KKHIll.T l>*.'i,'! IT WAS rilK SKMINAKV OK ST. SILl'llE FKciM llitil t(, 1712 iiksiufxck l>ii|,l,AKIi IIKSUHMKAIX, Willi. WITH lli I iil.oMSTS 4 At.lillNSiriNS It 1 HI HKN ."iAlTtim KM TIIKIR l.IVKS AT THE mini; SAll/r (il-TllEiiTTAWA 21 .MAY.liVKi. AMI ^^AVEl)TllEl■|II.U^•V. J «« Cor. IMlarifS: St. James. SPORT ING jjg 00 DS ® ® ® Braiitfonl l^icvcL' \mK\ Fishing Tackle ' Lacrosses : : Footballs : : : And General Sporting Goods. THE WIGHTMAN SPORTING GOODS CO. 403 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. R. SHARPLKY& SONS JEWELLERS, j-25 : S:r. : J A\n:s : SI I^BB r. 0® GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELLERY, IN DIAMONDS, &c. A perfect .Hclcction tor ciitiur Ladies or (ierits' wear. DESIGNS SUBMITTED for any SPECIAL ARTICLE IN JEWELLERY and made to order at the shortest notice. I'UlZi; CI I'S. TKOIMIIKS. MEDALS, &c.. made to onicr. F(1K AKTiri I-- -:rilAi;i 1. 1 ( )K PRIZES IN SPORTING EVENTS \M'. ( \Kk\ nil: i..\K(.i:,-,i assok i.min i in iiii c in. Solid Silver mt Mm of Montreal iu larie yariety, l« worthy ''f .1 \i-il, .1 licauliflll sclcctiun of STATIARV. CLOCKS, HK(>\ZI-S. ART CHINA. Xc. 225 ST. JAMES STREET. 5X < X 'a' m (J • • ^ .'^^ ^ ^c ^'• _l ^ < v^ DC <^. 1— Z o 2 *J UJ ■ oc ,- CO 0) LiJ < 0) to 1^ i=J3 ■y; ti C SUGHTS AXD SHRINES.— Continvied. ° ICI o- TRl'TEAU . RoriJKR A LANCEVIX - i LACROIX |{ksisterp:\t a so rROQUois il MAI. 1662. o o J-IO l^igauchetiere St. O O SKAR TO THIS rLAPF, RAPHAEL LA.MRERT ("LOSSE KIKST TOWN MAJOR OF VI l.l.K-M A KIK fcKLI. HRAVKl.V IiKFKMHM; SiiMK I'dLIIMSTS ATTAl'KKIi IIY Illlii^rills r, FEHRIARY.Hi.a. IN HIS HONOR ST. I.aMUKUT hii.i, BHCEIVEU ITS NAMK. O O Iv - lo St. Unmbert Hill & St. lames. ICI E.-iT XE EX 1(>)1 riEKBF. I.K MOYNE, SIF.IR l)"lRERVII,Lr: CHF.VALIER I>K .ST. LOIIS SOIMIT I.A IIAIK Il'lH IISOX X I,A FRANCE 1692 nfecOl VRIT L'EMIiOniUHE I>r MISSISSIPPI WM 1 ER liOlVERNEIR I'E I.A LOflSIANNE ITOO rifelillfc A LA HAVANK 1V06. R-ii Mackenzie HuiUliiiK. Si. Paul St. 52 ,TEAX HAPTI.^TE 1,E .MOYXE SIEIR I)E lilEXVILLE SE EN 16sn EN ((IMPAGNIE I)E SON KRERE Il'l KKRVII.I.B DKCULVKIl I.ES HorCHES Ml MISSISSIPPI, 2 MARS. lll'.1.l FONDA LA NOrvEl.l.E ORLEANS 1717 ET FIT GOI'VERNErR 1)E LA LOIISIASNK PENIIANT 40 ASS - Ilicfeut A PARI.S 176S. K— 1 Mackenzie Building, St. Paul St. O O Ici ('tail la ri^sidpnoc lic ('harlot^ lo .Moyno I.'un (ie? oiimii.'iiiiKiii; lio .Mai>(iiiiienvt' Parmi." sis cnfaiits Charlis pri.'iuier Ijamn ilo Liiii;.Mii'iiil. .lai'iiui's .■^icur ilc ."-t. Ik'li'lie. Pierre Siiur (i'llierville I'aul Sieur sepli Sieiir tie Serigny FralM•(li^ .Marie Sinir de .'^aii- viile. liouis Sieur ile (liateauiruay I .lean liaptiste .Sieur de Hieiiville II. lialirille Sieur lie Assitrnyet .\iitiiine .Sieur de Chateauftuay II. Illustercnt lacolonie. O o K-,i Mackeniie Building, St. Paul St. HERE LIVED ROBERT CAVALIER SIEUR DE LA SALLE 1068. ' K-ii N E cor. St. Peter & St. Paul. Balmoral Hotel Notre Dame Street, = = riontreal, •SJi- -@- -@- -fflt- Special attention will be given to the care of wheels during the Bicycle meet. E. H. DUNHAM &, CO., Proprietors. 53 A. E. BATTLE, Civil and Military Tailor Bicycle, Band and Society Unifoms a Specialty. 2377 ST. CATHERINE ST., -/^^" Agent for White's Royal Artillery Agency. O. PELOQUIN, ••0^0*">0^0'*"0^0*-*0^0*-*0<>0*-*0^0»"»0^*—0^0>-"0^0*~*0^0*- IOC. and 25c. Store. ■•O^0••■•O<^0•"•O^O•"•O■^O•■••O■C•0•■■•O■C•0•■••Ov■0••••O<^O••••O^O•-•0VO•• SOUVENIRS OF MONTREAL 1981 Xotre Ofiiiie Street, SIGHTS AM) .s7/A'y.V/;.s.— CuiitiiURHl. .-i;r(iMii;Ki:i.i.7l!, HKIHE Al' III.li: ll'vTS KT IIKMDI.I KN \K LA RIK NOTRK DAMK. k 11 Seminary Wall, Place l)'.\mics. IIKKE l-E.-^IKll! UK LA I'KAIKIE (li'KNKIi Till-: 111 ..E lAI, 1,1 EKES IVEKMIH OK MIINTKKAI . I1K4, UK NKW KIl \NCK 1 I'.w -rii 17i<. HF IKIIMIN \Ti;ii TIIK 14 YKAHS IHOl^ldlS « Ale 11 Y 11. KaTY at MIINTKKAI., 1701. THE riKSTIMIII.ICSUIAHI- (IE ! .MiiNTHEAE. liViT l.A I'l.ACE HI .MAl'.rilE JKANTEI' IIV -LESSKICMI :i!s ■ 1(17(1. K- -lu Ogilvie's building Commissioners St. KI VEC I'lEIUiE CAl TIIIEK O r DE VAUENNES SIEII! HE LA VEIJANKKVE j xfe Al X TUOIS RIYIKllKS SK IlLSTIXIilA A l.A l>* XOVKMIIIIK 1()S,A IIATAII.I.K UK MAI.Pl.AljrKTl7(l!l (-O.MMI.NI1A I.K I'llSTK IH- I.AC XKl'KiOX 1725 hftroi vutT I.K xoRn-oiKST kt t.ks MONTA(i.NK.-< m>(-iIKl .SK.-i 171.'!. O O (NkaK liAI.MOKAl. Hi'lll.) I. a Place Kiivalc. Not vet erected. 54 TOKONTO. KINGSTON. thnMiiili the THdLSAM) ISLAMtS. iind the RAFinSof thcST. LAWRHNCi; to MONTKIiAL. Be sure and have your Tickets read via the R. & O. Special low rate of $3. OO to QUEBEC AND RETURN for Bicycle Members presenting certificates. Steainer> havt.- Arc ami lin:anilcsu(--rit Kitt.tric I.i>;htN ar.d ( >rchc^tra ani. Write for be. uuifully iiUi^trated sou\enir ?Mxjk ''Cavadas Clllhs, I.akj-'' amj RlvKKs," tinie-tal)le.s. etc.. U: JOS. F DOLAN, D.P.A., J Kiiic St.. K.i^t. rMK(i\ I. H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, D.P.A.. u: .St. I.ime^ St.. Mov I i\-i: M . W. F. CLONEY, Gen. Pass. Agent, - - Head Office, Monirfai FREE WARM BATHS BICYCLE RIDERS AND OTHER TRAVELLERS FIND THE TIISEISU ^ BATl ^ /rr\"r\ 4 ST. MONIQUE ST., Near the Windsor, THE MOST SATISFACTORY HOTEL IN MONTREAL. FINEST TEMPERANCE HOUSE IN CANADA. FIRST CLASS SERVICE. SUPERIOR TABLE. MODERATE RATES. Tl K'KISH H.\TH DK l'ARTMi:vn)PK\ ALL NIGHT SPLENDID WARM SWIMMING BATHS FRE.. ."0 GUESTS AND SPECIAL RATES FOR TURKISH BATHS. Favorite Hou.se for the best Classes of Youug Men. For Particulars Address : MANAGER, Turkish Bath Hotel, Montreal. 55 a"p::uEPHONEs. All Kinds Sold • Outnght. NO RENTALS. (Send fur Catalogue No. 7.) Aunnuciators M Electrical House FnruisMugs CATALOGUE No 8. Telegraph Instruments. Fire Alarm Apparatus. Watchmen's Clocks. Workmen's Time Recorders. Electric Lighting Material. General Electrical Supplies. T. 'W. NEISS X N'OTUEIt.XMK FONDE I'AR MAKIirKKITE Hoi KGKUIS cor VENT roxsTKii r ItVSt) .TEAN'NK LE HER V VKCr EN KECI.rsilIX HE lO'.'a A 1714 CH.M'ELLE rOXSTRriTE EN lrtil2. R^BATIK EN 1769 ET 1S2.3. HERE REST THE MOKT.M. REMAINS (IF MARIE TIIERESE(iANNENSAi;()NAS OK THE CONIlltKliATION (IE NOTHE IMME AETEK HAVINIi EXKU( ISEIi l)lliIN<; l.i YEAIt.s THE OEEIIE HE Si IIOOE MISTItESS AT THE MnlNTAIN SIIEDIEU IN REI'ITATMN OF i:REAT VIRTIE. AC.EI) 28 VEAR.S THE liJTH XOVEMHEK HVXt K— lo Ciivt.ofCgn.Nuns N UopSt. I-amoert H. E— 14 The Towers, Seminary Sherbrooke St. W. " (IV THIS SQrARE SToon "! LA I ITAKEt-LE VIEEE-MARIE | liuilt liiixi on tlu^ sito (if tlio fort crccKMl Iiy ' Miiisomii'Uvc A- llaillciioiisl llliiii Koy.il Rat t(rvl7i''i levelled .V i>resenteil In lliecitv liy Karl Ilalliousie.lM.vernor (ieneral. IHiil ; Neartd tile north-east corner was l,a I'orte St. Martin or Qiiel.ee I iate. Ethan Allan entercil it iirisoner of war 177.'i. The old Ercneh ars'iial and tort itieat ion walls were reiiioved to make way for the Cana- o dian I'aeitic Railway station 1H.'*1. o: L — 9 l>alhousie Square. HERE STOOD UNTIL isiw O THJ CHIRCH RECi IN WHI ANll MONASTERY OF ILLET FATHERS ERECTEK 'ltV.I-2 H ALSO WdltSinn-Ell THE THE \N(;i.I(AN S moM 17li4 TO 17S!I AM) THE 1 I RESBVTERIAN.S FKllM I'l'l T( 1 1711 1^ O J — 12 K. Cor. Notre I->ame & St. Helen. O O HERE RICST THE .MORTAL RE.MAIXS OF FRANCOIS THoR.iNIIIOMiO Hl'ROX mi'TIZKll IIV THE RtVEKEMl PERK IIHEIiErE HE WAS IIV HIS I'lETV AN!> l< V HIS I'ROBITV THE KXAMl'I.E OF Tin; CHRISTIANS ANO THE AllMIIiATION OF THE C N ItEI.IEVER.S HE iiiEii ii;ei> a holt 1I"i years the aST APRIL. llV.II. O O K — 14 The Towers, Seminary, Sherhrke .St. \V. SITE or I PREMIER llol'ITAL CENERAL I>E 1 MONTREAL ! EONI>icu, head of St. Kaniillc St. 56 OBITTJ^^E,"^^^ i'amiliar forms that will be seen no more. A Sad Demise. Result of Inexperience. Food for Reflection. " It is with little regret (in f:ict rumc at ail) that wc clironicle the dcalii uf many i»f the >o-cuIlcd high ^rade nmuntN in the Canadian market. It has liccn felt (<>r soini- lime pa-^l iliat they were Cf)n^iitiitioiiaily weak, Imt he that as it nM\ . it is a notewurihy fact that ever since th'j advent of ih; famni> ** (Juadrani ' cycles, they have Ijcen quite iiiialile t'l stand the ciimparisnn. Many of them forseein.n the ine\ itaitle. determiiieil upmi copying th!; " IJiiadr.mt " designs, but the iniitalions were so apparent, that it availed nothini;. This is another ghiwing tribute to the sterlin;^ qualities of the " (Quadrant " and affords '* Unn\ for reflection " to Canadians, in yeiirrai.— Kchoks i>k I'ufiLic OriMoN. o ir "Onadrant" He tiesi of all wheels. u For!lie"Man"wtioslionliln'Jfiit. A For the "AMeur" slowing his Heels. D R stands for "Racer" special pam or road. A For the "Ass" who ignored it. N For the "Novice "Who knowingly Knowed, T For the "Thonsands" since It, (To the " Donkeys " Behind it, No. 22 ROAD RACER. Weight from 24 to 28 lbs. iiTWc -:iv UJilitsitatiniily llial the ■•t place in '.'aihul.i In the upininns of ihiKc who MIOl'(.l) KNflW and will jt-rtainh- --nrpri^f thovf wh" PKOFKSS TO KNOW lictore the season is ended. N.B — Send fur our handsiiniely illustrated catalogne. ADVICE GRATIS. (57) CARROLL, McKENZIE & CO.. London. Ont. You Miss A great deal of the pleasure of wheeling by not reading "CYCLING" The bright, newsy, Cyclists' Journal of Canada $1.00 per Annum Semi Monthly. W , H. nil.N, Publisher, TORONTO. PROOT! WIRE VALVE WHEEL ^1^ ^1^ ^i^s ^w^ tW^ ^w^ ^t^ ^^ if^ ^^^ ^4* twt ^^ ^ta^ ^'^ i< nn; Coitlest, Ik'st anil Must Diinitile Wheel made. I hi: i!i-,,s r \\ HI- i;i. I ■; in i- \vi h^i ji i . .ly Radiators \",f Hot Valves. .Semi for illuMraicil Canilo;;!].-). DARLING BROTHERS, Reliance Works. MONTREAL. smifTS ASn .s7/ff/A'/;.s.— Continued. I o IIKR!- STIllUi TlIK iiirucii ciiAi'Ki, AMI i;i;sii)i:x(K • •KTiii: .iKsrir i-aiiikhs Hiiilt li'i'L', ii|>i('il as .Miliiary llcjnl- ' ilU!iilis -iitlVicil (lialli liy tiri' in rrprisal I o IIV llUI'KU UK IIMINTKNAC ItVji!. q o o KKAMuls iMil.MI-: : l»E CA.sSd.N I'UKMlKi: IIISTIIKIKV UK MIlMKfAI. i\i>iT\iM:s(irs i.K MAHKi'll \I. DK ■niillNNK IT IS 1'i:hti-: iik st. m i.tk k KKMIANT .Tl AXS. o O Court H«>u>e. k-ii .Semiiia'y Wall, Noire Dame St. O IN WX\ l;K..i':ii\ |ii;(ATai.K UAMKZAY i ( IINSTKIIT I'.Ml ( .\1 UK IK KAMKZAY VI S lili.i, I'lmiUlKTK MK IiKS IMlK-i 17J .A lOMrAliMK Qnarticr? m'm-r IIIX lie 'arnu't,' ilcs KdStdiiais ITT.VlTTi . R.siil riKT (itfu-irlle kv (ioiivcriMiirs A 11 III a i - ITit" ii 1H4. St. K- jo Chateau lie Kaniczay, opp. City Hall. IN liV.U IIKItr. SI'udli •JIIK llnl SK (IK I. A M'lTIIK r\|i||,l,Ar Tin; i-iiiNiiKi; >>y iiktumit. Ill KM Ni^: I.K I'.l A. 11 T 1711 I'ANIKI. IIYACINTIIK .MAI'.IK I.IKNAUI' l>K r.KAlMKI- I.K IlKIKIS Tl K A H Ml INuMI A 11 KI.A II .11 ll.l.ir 17'm i;i;n|[(;K WASIIINiiTiiN F.VI.K I.'aRMKK hkkaite. o O N. 1 1. ..irui-l. M 11 ^sfn's store. St. Margaret ami St. .\nt-_»iiif .Sts 5<^ ESTABLISHED 1862. ATHLETE.. SOUTHERN Straight Cut. DERBY . . . . ^ CIGARETTES HAVE NO RIVALS. WI-: MANUFACTURE 0\'KR rURHi:- fourths the consumption of cigarI':tti:s in Canada. : : : : D. Ritchie & Co. MONTREAL. r \ 1 i:\TS PENDING. THIS IS THE Star : : Cvde : STAR CYCLE WORKS, Rack : A jjrcat conven- ience if you own n liicvcle. Asl[ your Dealer for ttiem. \V(»lverli;iiiipt(»n. Eng. \Vc tan r.mt'ukiiily summit t" thu critical jmiuniciu nl" ilic c\. iiiii; world a choice nfoiir i3o4 "Star ■ Cyclic. Miiteil to all taster aiiil rc.|uiri;mciil- (lar faiU). kiuming they will maintain the reputaticm of our Traile Mark, ami give fall anil l,islin>; ■.- faction to all CMricerneil. Ihey emljrace the l.e~t procurable workmanship and material, ami are warraerc-d miuiuI and reliahle. They are as up to d.ue, in io far, as a loni; anrl practical experience and enterprive in the adoption . f improvements in detail c.in rcniie? thetli. In value they are a •■hnllen,;e to the tr Canadian General Agents, - - A. A. ALLAN & CO., 51 Baj Street, Toronto. 59 JOHN MARTIN, SONS & CO. : : MILITARY, : : POLICE, : FIRE BRIGADE AND rs Fine Qold Embroidered Badges AND High : Class : Tailoring A SPECIALTY. 455 AND 457 ST PAUL STREET MONTREAL, CANADA, STGHTS .\.\D .S7/«/A'7?,S-.— Continued. o \. D. I»K VICTOIRK O BATIE KX MEMOIKE DK LA IiF.STKlCTKiN I,A FLdTTF. HE UK l. (Not yet erected.) \° LK t'll.VTKAl- I>K VAIDUEIIL o\ I FIT lOX.-iTKI IT .■^rii I.A l-I.ACK KS FACE I)E I ' CFTTE MAI.'idN EN 172.'J I I'AH I.A MAK^FIS HE VA T UIIKr II. CA VAUNAL 1 tJftrVKH.NKIK CKNKKAL j Mi-icioncc en 17V! ilri Miirnnirs lio Viiudriuil. .■'on tils, li cU'rnii'r (imivcrncur ' (Ji'iunil ill' hi NdnM-lIc l"r;uiee | .M I.— to C\ir. .St. Paul & Jaciiuo Cartier Sq. 60 LE PERErHARLEVorX .lESriTE L'lilSTORlEN DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE 1725. o K — i(j East Corner of Court House. THEhST RESIDENCE OF THE HON. .lAMES MiCILL Fiir.\l>KRiil' .Ml (ill.l, INIVKHSITV 17H-I>il;i. K —10 Cor. .\ 1>. & Jae. (J.ir. H. r. UKKK I.IVKO 171^1 Til 1x24 \l,K.\AM>i;i ! IIK.NRY THE Ti{Avi;i.i:ii .MTIltiR AND FIR TRADER. (1 J-to St. Urbain St. at Swinbunie's. THE AlEET AT MONTREAL IS MOST S1'I;EI)1I.V AM) I'l.KASANlT.V RKACHED liV THF. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Whose lines, stretching from Ocean to Ocean, touch at every important point in Canada. SUPERBLY EQUIPPED FAST EXPRESS TRAINS run daily from Halifav, N. S., St. John, N. !!.. (Jiiehcr, Ottawa. 'J'oronto, London, \\ ind>or, Sauk Stc. Marie. \\ inniptg. Vancouver, and internK-diatc points direct to Montreal, through the t'aire>t and most j)i^ turescjue sections of country. THE SLEEPING, DINING, BUFFET AND DAY COACHES are uneciu.alkd in tlie elegance of their appointments, and in ilicm the di>c()nifi)rt< gen(.T.illv attendant uptm travel are entirely unknown. BY THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the journey, however long, becomes a pleasant holiday outing, the >ervice in every detail being inisuri)assed on the continent. Every care and attention will be ^ncn Bicycles of Wheelmen attendini,' the Meet. TliL- h\]\< .1 infcirmation c.in Iil- olitaincil l>y aiiiilyiiig tn nny .\j;ciit of the C. P. R., dt to c. E. Mcpherson, w. r. callaway, robt. kerr, c. mcl. brown, .\v,l. (.en. I'.ivi. Ai;!.. I);';;r;it I'.T-. A,;!., titri. Pa'--. A);!.. UL^Lnct l'a~-. .V«I.. ST. JOHN, N.R I KiNf;ST., K.A-^r, IORr)N-T<>. WIN N I I'K.i ;. VANCOUVER. C. E. E. USSHER, D. NIcNICOLL, .\s^i-.i;int liincral Pusvengrr Agent. .Muntreal. General Passenj^ei- Agent, Montreal. 6i THE : WANDERER ^"^ ^1^ ^1^ ^ ^^ ^)^ ^if^ ^1^ ^f^ ^W^ ^P^ ^^^ ^N^^ ^Ni^ ^^^ HA> Ml SlI'l.i^luK IN yiALITV OF M\ri:Kl\L. EXCI-.LLKNCK OF CdXSTKlCTlOX. SLPKRiourrv of workmanship. i:asv kl.winc. WANDERER CYCLE CO. Corner Church and Lombard Streets, - - - TORONTO. Sin FITS AND SirRrNEs—VimtimieA. THIS TABLET IS KRKCTEI* Tl) I IIMMKMIIK VTK TIIK EM'AMl'MEXT NKMl THIS -ilTK IIK 1 TllK IllllTlMI M;MY I MiKH M \.li IR (iV:S KK AT. SII! .IKKKIIKV A.MIIKIiST Anil till' cliisliii.' cvi'iit ill the Ciiiwiiii':'! (if • AI'E lillKTnN AMMAN \l>\ I I!.v Ibi' ."uninilrr uf .Miiiitiiiil jinl with it , lill N'llllVI'llc I'Vuiicc SSki'TKMIiku 17li(). , o (1 , E— 14 E. cor. -Seminary Wall, Sherbrookt Sl,\V, 10 o BHKIADIKK tiKNKR M- THOMAS (iAtlK : St:((lMi IN (OMMAMl t.MlKIt AMHERST riHST liKITlSlI (.(IVKRNOH Of MONTHEAI. LAST IIRITISH 0OVt:RMIR OF MASSACHISKTTS 177"). l.-Q On Llalhousic Sqr, , Fire Station, I MAJOR (iE.VEUAL .1 AMES MtKRAY j lilUCAIiKCnM.M AN'KKR r.\l>ER Wdl.FK AT tjt EllEC 17:.!i ami iit'tcnv:iril.< first liritisli (invcrnurof t'anaila oinamiMil mi ihis platrau with , tlic seiMiiiil >|i\ in of AMIIER.-^TS ARMY irO.N TlIK SL KKEMIER OK MO.VTJIEI, AMI I ALL CAXAIlA S SKl'TKMRER 17i) To tliciii was is.-iii'il ii iiiiiii'iiioratiiin till' tir>i linlish .Moiitrral iiiiilal Hire ■itiHiil thi' lioiisi' III liis sun ."^ir .lohii .lolinMiii. Iiiiliaii ('oiinnlssioncr. L— 9-IO Bunsecours Market. O o TRADITKiX ASSERTS THAT THE CAl'ITl LATinx i.F MiiXTREAL WAS SIii.NEI) HERE 8SEl'TE.MRER17ik). A- 14 Coic dcs Neiges Road. RECOLLETS (iATE r.Y THIS CATE VMIIEIiST TOOK I'Oi^S ESSIOX S SEl'TK.MRER. 17i-J) GEX. HI LL (l . S. ARMY) 2.') OFUCERS, ,^^0 ME.N E.VTEREll I'RISOXERS OF 10 SEPTEMKER 1S12. «AR H— 10 Sherbrooke St. and Park Avenue. 62 J— 12 N. W. cor. McGill and Notre Uame. DUNLOPS ^^" ZIAIAIERMAN ARE ALWAYS TO THE FRONT. (> (I WHEELER found it nccessarv to ride DUNLOPS €) t(^ Beat the Paris Cracks. ^ YOU WILL ALL BE WINNERS IF YOU RIDE DUNLOPS. THE AMERICAN DUNLOP TIRE CO. 36 & 38 LOMBARD ST., TORONTO. 63 KODAKS !) For Sale : : (9 (s) To Rent : : (^ or Exchange '•O^0»** ■•0-^0»*:t •iO0*' MOXIi^BAU PilOGRAPillC SUPPL!, ■■0<-0«- ; -"O^-O** ; -•O^O"' R. F. SMITH, 104 St. Francois Xavier Street, WKNKK MiTKE 1»AME STREET. o STOUTS AM> snHfNES.—Continne<\. ( > ! ; o SITKnI-TIIK imi SK n|. • JENKItAI, I! Al.l'll 111 UTuN SK I.— 9 Si. Pnul Si., (>t>posite Kotuccours Markel. t) n Ifl VFrl T \a' t'lH'vuliiT I.iic lilirliiill li'- lirilli'Cr' ki;am' MS KT \m;i,ais 1 1 1 \(r(,ii mil' t.'rniii| iiifliii'nri' -ur lc> Xuti.rii? sauvagi's. Moiirut .'!1 .Mars, Isls. K- 11 St. i*aiil ami I'litiiom House Sqr. Tlii.» Stri'Cl viur' iiiiiiu'il ill lii.nui' iiiii lTT"i-Tt' THII I lill\KHM>l! or c ANAIH. \',\ wli.iiii llift^liiilici- Act 1771 wiisiilitaitiiil i i>\ [ 1 .11 C'.ir. I >..rclit--sKT .111.1 lilt-ur^ Si--. 64 .MAI SUN hiiKKTIKK I7ii7 l^IAltTIKI!- ili:Ni:itAtX HES tiKKIClEltS A.MEI{ir\lVS 1775-1776. I-ii C^or. N. I), and Si. Peter Sis. O O liriuii'liir lliiunil \Vllll^tl■r. I'. S. .\riiiy ! ! Iiii'l hi- lii'iiil'iiiartiT- in llil> Cliati'iiii | I ill I77'i iinili-r ' I (JKNKIi \I. llKXKIiHT AHNol.li. | I Till' riiinnii-^.-^iiiiuTs Mri'iini-'n'ss ' Iti'iijiiiiiiii Friiiiklin. ^alllll^l Cliii^i- anil - CliarU.-.^ Carriill iitrarrMJllnii liijil , I their liitftinB.i litTC. I o O K- lu C>n ('h.tleaii dc Kamu/ay. O O IIKIIK STiinli IS 1777 (a.m. -VhO TIIKKIH.-^TSV.NAiintirEMlCANAHA KUKlTKIl IIY TIIK SPA.MSII AM» IMiirriiiKSK tnyUHKCATI'iV •• SIIKAUriH ISliAKI,." FolMiKli 17l'H. K- !■• On N. K. Silk |i<;\iiis Store. ^ • ^ "That may be relied on or trusted,"— Webster. THIS WORD MAY VERY PROPHRLY HE APPLIl-l) TO r H E FUR I- 1: 1 11 ( ; H ( ; r a i ) e vv h e p: es h a n d e p: i ) by i^ s The "Beeston Humber ' ^ w "Rudge"i^^"New Howe" LATEST DESIGNS. SUPERIOR EINISH AND WORKMANSHIP HACKED HV A RESPOXSIHEE OTARANTEE. 5^SBND FOR CATALOOL B. ^^ ■ i .. ■ The H. P. DAVIES CO, : : 81 Yonge St, Toronto, Ont. 6s ST. JAriES HOTEL OPPOSITE G. T. R. DEPOT. Special Acciuiiniodation for Bicyclists and Bicycles. C. & N. VALLEE, Proprietors. FOR FINE TAILORING VISIT BLUMENTHAL'S THF LAR&EST CLOTHIER IN CANADA, Our Specialty for Season 1894. Trousers to Order Suits to Order $3.00 up to $5.00 $12. OO up to $20.00 \Vf liiuiiUeall tlio lU'wcst t';ilirics in iiiiixirtfl \ViM»leiis. COR. CRAIG & BLEURY. SIGHTS AND SHRINES.— Contimed. o I [o ' Site (Ic 1.1 K^'sidcnccde .iEAX(iriLi.Ar.Mi-: in-; u^ihv. de l.\ liAII.I.KTKHIK IlKI.RCl K rAU l.F. I'ElI'l.F CAXAOIKN FN ITS.-! Avoc Ailhciiiiir.le.>iiiiiit .Miirtin ft Williiim 1) I'liivcll.ii tind'ul.K-nirdcIa .M:ijfst(' liriciniciiio !'!'. 'icvcrmMiient ('inisiituiinncl imiir Ic I * N A 1 1 A . O _o K T I St. Francois Xavier & St.Sacramei.t. o ST. liAl'.KIKL ClUKCll Tin: l"IH 1SC<. MANSION OF .lOSKlMl KKOIilSlIEK fine of the lnunilers uf thf Xortli-West ('(piiipany whicli made Montreal for .vcar.-i the fur tr:iilin(t centre of Aineriia. L2 o I— II Unitarian Chnrch, Beaver Hall Hill. TO SFMilX KUASKR A(;FNT of THF XORTH-WEST COMI'AXV DISrOVEh'EK OF THE FRASER RIVER 1808. Not yet allotted. THE STARR MANUFACTURING CO. (LIMITED.) ^ ^ -^ MANTKACTUKKKS OK 1 HK GENUINE ACME SKATES THE STARR HOCKEY SKATE Tlic l;iri;i.- sale nf oar iK-w lliicki.-y Skate last year attotiiii; its siipe- rinrlly. The (|iialily, temper and design lieiiig uiiajiproacheil liy aiiv eDiiipelitor. ML OVH SK.XTt'.S ARK STAMI'ri) The Starr Manufacturing" Co., .W«/,-.r-. IlALll-AX, X. S.. CA.NAKA. Arthur Augustus and His Papa at the Races. Ai iir AuijutiLS -I'apa, I see such a lot of Hieycles with the wnnl Comet on, what does that mean? I'apa — That is the name of the wheel my son. Arthur .Vugustus — But why do they call it a Comet |iapa ? I'apa- T don't know my son, unless it is htcause it goes so easy and attract^ so much attention. .\rthur .Vugustus — Why ? Is it such a good whei.d papa ? Papa -Oh yes, it is said to he the hest wheel in the country my son. .\rlhiir .Augustus — Would you like to ride a Comet papa.^ I'apa -.\h 1 I can't ride a Bicycle at all my son. .\rlluir .\ugiistus— But it you could would you ride a Comet .•' I'aji.i Certaiidy my son. .\rthur .\ugustus — Nuthin's to > gooil for you is it papa ? I'a)ia -i )h no my son. .\rlluir .\ugustiLs -Say |>apa, where is the Comet made? I'apa -It is made in Toronto my son. .\rthur .Augustus -Where is Toronto papa ? Is that that town up near Hamilton ? I'apa - Ves my dear. Arthur .Vugiistus- Hamilton is where the mountain is. aim it papa ! I'a])a A'es, they have a mountain my son. .\rthur .\ugustus -Is their mountain as lig as inirs |a;)a? I'apa - In some peo|)les eyes it is much liigger mv son. .Arlhur .\ugustus- -Isn't tnat where they make the racing hoards ? I'apa Well no, not exactly, liut the general manager of the firm lives there. Arthur .\ugustiis -.\ii\t it at Newni.irket where the wash hoards are made pa] a ? I'apa \'es n\y son, I believe there is a firm there w lio make wash boards. .Vrlhur .\ir^ustus - Is racing boards and wash boards made out of the same kind of stufi" papa. I'ajia -Some of the racing men think so my son, I im keep ipiiet now they are going to start a race. COMET CYCLE CO., 24 Adelaide Street 'West, Toronto Merchant Tailor Imported : Goods 1729 Notpe Dame Street MONTREAL. SIGHTS AND SHRIXES.—Contitmed. o TO THK HONORABLE .loll.N MohSON thk fathkr (ik stkam navki vtidn on the st. i.awhknce.lafnchkdthk stkamer " accommodation" for monthkai. AND (JfEIlF.C SKRVICE lSI«t. o o 1 .SITE OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL THE FIRST AN«iLICAN CHURCH BURNT 1S:V>. ! <) o M-6 Molsoii's Brewery, N. I). Street E. K— lo N. I). Street. W. of St. I^mbert. LA .MALSON I'APINKAU ■ IX HE LEURS (iENERATIONS L'ONT HARITEE o - y On Hotel Hunsecours, ro iionsecuurs St HERE STOOD THE FIRST j RAPTLsr CHATELitF MONTREAL ' THE REVEREND .loHN (JILMOUR, j PASTOR i ABANDONED 18tiil. I J- Gault's Store, St. Helen Street. The readt-r who lias foUowt'd carffuUy — ami hv will 1k' well repaid in so doinir — the foree vastly entertained and in.structed.— Ens. 68 AGENTS! THIS ISA LEADER. KING ^ ^ ^ ■' OIF SCORCHERS The most (lurabli; li^ht wliL-el manufactured, fitted with the famtsus WESTWOOl) doul>le Hollow Kim. GEO. F. BOSTWICK, E. C. HILL, Manager Cycle Dept. 24 WEST FRONT STREET. TORONTO. WHEEL • RIGHT • UP TO 1 1 1 BARFS BAIY STORE : # 2373-75 ST. CATHERINE STREET. WHERE VOf WII I I INI) A I INK A^SOKIMEM OF REFRIGERATORS, IC E CRE AM FR E EZERS, GAS STOVES, OIL- GAS STOVES. "JOHN BUL L" STEEL RANGES, Household nec essities, CUTLERY of finest quality, and polite attention ; the latter we give ^\# Tn"R.TnTn (®\s) Plumbing, Gas-Fitting, Tinsmithing, Hot Air and Hot Water Heating, under the personal supervi- sion of MR. W. S. DOCKRILL. 6y Canada Accident Assorance Coi UKAl) OIKICK, MONTRKAI. Accident Insurance IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Personal Accident. Employer's Liability. Plate Glass. LIVE RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Apply I' I llic 0)m|Kinv 1740 Notre Dame Street, Montreal. LYNN T. LEET. Manager. ji^P RQGRAMME, E tc.,^ OFFICERS OF THE CANADIAN WHEELMEN'S ASSOCIATION. (OncLwiziii) AT St. Thomas, Sfitk-Mher, 1B82.) Presi.k-nt, ... A. T. LANE, . . . Mcntreal, Que. Vice-Piesiik'iit, . J. G (JAUL]), . . . Hamilton, Out. Secretary -Trea.s.. . HAL. B. DONLY, . Simcue. Out. CHIEF CONSULS: Huron District No. I . . W. B. (.'lakk, Jr Sarnia, Out. Niagara " No. 2. . F. H. Skeuuett Hamilton, Out. Toronto " No. :i .. A. E. Walton' Toronto, Out. Midland No. 4 . . R. J. WiLsox Kinjr.ston, Out. Ottawa " No. .5. .Stewart McClenaohan. .Ottawa, Out. <^)uolii'e '• No. O..G(»Rn()?c KlN'cjAN Montreal, Que. -Maritime " No. 7. .Cl.lKFolU) J. SllAND Windsor, N. S. Manitoha " No. «. .J. J. Beckett Winnipeg, Man. Regina " No. 1) . . J. C. Poi'E Regina, Assa. Calgary " No. 10. .P. F. (Jodexhath Calgary, Alta. PaoiHc '• No. 11 . C. H. Cihbox.s Victoria, B. C. REPRESENTATIVES: HlRox Dl.sTRlCT No. 1— Dr. Balfour, Fred. Scandrett, James Miln, A. TalLot, Lon.lon ; S. H. Eby, W. H. Boughner, St. Thonuis : W. A. Couse, Sarnia ; B. P. O.rey, Petrolia ; H. P. McMahon, Aylmer ; H. Shaver, Stratford. 70 JHE 5T CLAIR SUB-MARINE TUNNEL ^rom Samla, Ont, to Pon Huron, Mich, under the — — — ——. ~ St. Clair River, comp' -es the link between the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada amj I is At- Fll.:,\ ; i-.i> i.ims. \ 1/ ; Chicago & Grand Trunk Railway, Cincinnati, Saginaw & riacklnaw Railroad, Detroit, Grand Haven & nilwaukee Railway, Grand Trunk Railway (in State of Michigan), Toledo, Sagiuaw & Muskegon Railway. Wheelmen and Others attending the Canadian Wheelmen's Association Meet at Montreal, July 1894, should remember that the _RAND Trunk Railway is the only line under one management from Portland and Quebec to Niagara Falls, Detroit, Port Huron, Milwaukee and Cliieago, passing through Montreal, 'I'oronto, Hamilton, London, and the most i)oj)ulous cities and towns in Canada. 'RUNK Line crosses the St. Lawrence River at Montreal over the world-renowned \ictokia Tihular Brilk;k, nearly two miles long; and while crossing the well-known Suspension Bridge over Niagara River, a magnificent view is obtained of the Whirlpool Rapids and the majestic Niagara Falls. lAILWAY is' double tracked between Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton. Dining cars are run on the Southern I Division between Niagara F'alls and Detroit, furnishing the best and most elaborate meals at reasonable prices. This Company being the first to establish a Dining Car Service, enjoys the distinction of being the .'. PULLMAN OR WAGNER Palace Cars on all Express Trains. THROUGH TICKETS issued to all principal points In Canada and the United States. TOURIST TICKET.'^ on sale durinp the Siiiiimpr Soasim by numer(iU!< mutes to all puiiitsi, inoludinK the Muskoka Lakes. Thousand Island^ and Kapids of the .St. liawrcnce, Lake Chami>lain, Lake (ieorue, Mbile Mountains, Portland and other .Main !-easide Resorts, Lake .■■t. .lohn, Saguenay River, Ete., Et\'. Apply to any of the Company's .\gents, or to Agents of Connecting Lines, for map?, time-tables, descriptive advcrtisinit. Ae.. and full information. N J. POWER, General Passenger Agent. G. T. BELL, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, L. J. SEARGEANT, Genl Manager. 71 W. & I). DIXEEN, Jfc JiBfc -JWfc- -ilWH?^ -jff^ JiSfciflBl i09kJ0!k JtSSkHftk jBBfc 01k HBk t)attcv5 ani Jurricre, ■^^ ^i^' ^^' ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^fl^ "^^^ ^wi^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ CORNER KING AND YONGE STS. TORONTO. IMI'ORI-F.RS OK rilF. FINEST ^U'AI.HIES OF [HGUSNanJINlEBi™ SILK d FELT mis Manufacturers of all kinds of Bicycle and other Club Caps at the very lowest prices. -0i - KSIIMAIKS FlKNIsHKl) UN Al'I.I.ICA IION. Lailies aiid &euts' Furs of eyery description. PROGRA MMK, /■>.—( 'oiitiimed. Niagara District No. 2— VV. E. Tisdale, Sinicoe ; R. A. Robertson. J. Laidlaw, A. E. Perry, Hamilton ; C. W. Wells, Waterloo ; John Lea, Woodsttjck. Toronto District No. :J — A. F. Webster. E. Baird Ryckman, Jas. Miln, Cieo. H. Orr, W. J. Darby, J. J. Higgins, J. P. Edwards, S. H. Gibbons, E. W. McToar, Toronto. H. B. Myers, Ban-ie : 1) Cashnian, Orillia : W. W. Spragge, Guelph : J. G. Hay, Owen Soinid. MinLANi) District No. 4— F. E. Boulter, Picton; Dr. Herald, Dr. Anylin, Kintrston. Ottawa District No. 5 — G. F. Newman, Cornwall : E. A. Field, Brockville ; Geo. N. Gallup, Ottawa. QtEHEC District No. (5— David J. Watson, L. Rubenstein, Montreal. Wixxii'EO Di.sTiucT No. S — A. T. Lawson, 1. Pitblado, Winnipeg. Calgary District No. 10 — M. Freeman, Lethbridge, N. W. T. Pacific Division' N(X 11 — A. A. Boak, Vancouver, B. C. PAST PRESIDENTS: R. H. M. HKIDK Toronto. JAS. S. KRIKKLKV St. Thomas. \V. A. K.VRN Woods ro(K. JAS. I). MILLER Montreal. H. RVRI?; Toronto. E. C. HILI Toronto. \V. A. HUNTER Toronto. 72 Raleigh, Eclipse and Quinton Bicycles. THE RALEIGH By its merits as a strictly hisrh ^rade wheel has gained for itself a reputation second to nonk. THE ECLIPSE High grade American Wheel. The ideal bicycle for ro;ai use. Correct lines. A steady steerer. A good hill climber. THE QUINTON S C ORCHER - - - - This ■ machine has been on the Canadian market for the past three seasons, and the excellent satisfaction it has given sj)eaks for itself. SOLE CANADIAN AGENTS The Bowman Hardware and Sporting Goods Co., Ltd., HAMILTON, ONT. Montreal Agent, LOUIS RUBENSTEIN. Toronto Agent, MARSHALL WELLS. Catalogues mailed to any address free on application. 73 Toronto Cycle Company MANUFACTURERS OF STAIDXESS = o C O c o c c o c c c c c c BICYCLE c o c c c c c c o'c c'c C o_p o c 575 Yonge Street, Toronto. Repairs Promptly Executed by Skilled Workmen. He sure and use the 5taidness Rim on your Bicycle. PROGRAMMI:\ Htr.—( Vintintie<1. OFFICERS OF THE .MONTREAL BICYCLE CLUB. X894-95- (i( )KI)()N KIN( ;AN President. L( )ri8 lU'BKNSTElN First Vice-President. ( }. S. LOW Second Vice-President DAVTD J. WATSON Honorary Secretary. W. S, WKLD( »X Treasurer. COMMITTEE: I). S. LorsoN, E. W. BARLOW, W. G. ROKKKTSON, A. A. SLMPSON, ART. HARRIES, {^.r-offirlo.) ROAD OFFICERS: ART. HARRIES Captain. ( ;. A M EL\" ILJ.E First Lieutenant R. T. H. H t tlA 'OM HE Second Li.'Utentant. F. (J. PENDLETON Bu«rler. 11 ARR V FLSH ER Standard Bearer. PAST PRESIDENTS, with seat on Committee. HORACE S TllUiS, C. H. McLEOl), M. E., .JAS. 1). MILLER, F. (i. GNAEt)IN«-^ER, A. T. LANE. 74 AMERICAN :: RATTAN :: COMPANY BICYCLE DEALERS, TORONTO. WHOLESALE The wav to do it .*. *.• .*. I .'. *.• .*. Is to do it on a STKARNS iMF ^W(F ^ WF ^s Model A. Weight 24 llis. Wnn.l ,,r Steel Rims for general road work, cannot l)e found. IT IS THE WHEEL OF WHEELS FOR TRACK DSE. We show in the alnive cut Mr. John S. Johnson mounted on hi- Stearns racer on which he made the World's Records, from 100 yar(l> up to one mile. ^ OUR OTHER LINES iNci.Liii-; 1 111-: : : CELEBRATED : : Remiogtoo Cfcles and falcons. ALL UP TO DATE. Our 94 Styles are beauties. Finest Finish. Unexcelled Workmanship. ' All "Wheels Guaranteed. Ours are the best and most popular Wheels on the Canadian Market. Send for Catalogue if yiai are interested in cycling. NIAGARA AND TECUMSETH STREETS, TORONTO. 75 a* > ^ o < o o c .2 '^ ■a o o C3 •a c < 3 3 ^ > CS 5? > ^ E Q^ a '7) U 'O t Z 7) c < at; o 3 > Of > H Z > < PHOGRAMME, £<^.— Continued. C. W. A. MEET-EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : COKDON KINOAN Chairman DAVID J. WATSON Hon. Secretary A.T.LANE. LOUIS RUBENSTEIN. G. S. LOW. (*KNEIl.\I, CoMMlTTKE — Tile altove with W. S. Weldon, D. S. Louson, W. (!. Kobert.son, E. W. Barlow, A. A. Siiup.son, Art. Harries. SUB-COMMITTEES: Tu.\N'.si'()UT.\Ti()N — David .J. Watson, Chairman ; Louis Ruben- .stein, W. S. Weldon. Hotel — Louis Kuhenstein, Chairman; David J. Watson, W. 0. R(jss. Souvp:xii{ Pkrisni: i.irriJ. von mi; Illustrated * * * * * Montreal l'l!(>(;liAMMh:, /•>.—( "out i 11110(1. orilClALS OF Tin: i:tli AXXIAL MHKT OF THE C. W. A All Book Stores. I'l^ICE, - - - Sl-OO 11 ItMslll.lj HV J. McCONNIFF, J :. : . ; .\„i.nl f..r .ill l.iiic^. Office, Windsor Hotel, MONTREAL. THE BOYS VERY WELCOME TOO. REFEREE. HAL. H. DONLY Sccy.-Tmis. C. W. A. JUDGES. K. HAlin)UV('K.MAN,T..inMt(.. .1. (i. (JAULI), FLimilton, In St. 'I',,niiit(. IVicvclf Cluli. Vi.i--l'n'.st. V. \V. .\. A T. LANE, Moiitival, .1. J. HI(}(JINS, Toronto. I'icst. ('. W. A. .Vtlii'iifvum Cyclinj,' Club. W .\ nrXTKR, Toronto, MAJOR FRKKMAN, Moiitn-aL \V;iii.lLTC'rs Hicyrk" CIiiIk Viw-1'rest. M. A. A. A. TIME-KEEPERS. (lEO. H. OHK, Toronto, J AS. A. TAYLOR, Montreal Waii.l.rcrs Hicycl.- Club. l':i.-^t rifst. .M. A, A. A. Ollicial Tiiiicr ('. \V. A. Ollioial Timer C. W. A. Dl! 1'. K DOOLiTTLl:. Ton.ntu, THOS. L. PATON, M..ntival, 'rnniiuo r.iryclf* lull. I'rivst.M. A. A. A. ami A. A. A. ..fC W. H, Sl'ROl'LE, Ottfuva, Ottawa Hicyile Club. ELECTRICAL TIME-KEEPERS. * * * * * . STARTER. R. A. ROBERTSON. Humilt n, riiairiiiau b'aciiit: l!(jarj C. W. A. 7S Morgan &Wri6htTires are good tires OUR CYCLISTS DICTIONAPTY- ILLUSTRATED. WILL BE MAILED YOU FREE FOR TME ASKING. DROP US A POSTAL CA^D AND GET ONE. Morgan &Wright CHICAGO 79 SmcER WILLIAM PAYNE. Lone on, Ont. G. J. LUNN &, CO. MAl'HIMSTS: AM) : TOOLMAKERS BIcVCIE HEPAIR5 A SPKCIAS.Ity. 749 CRAIG STREET, - - MONTREAL. t siiy Charlie, where are you going with the Wheel ,' \Vh\ ! to Lunn's Hospital, the old Tellable stand, where yuu can always find the Uixnor at home. PBOGRAMME, £«<•.— Continued. SCORERS DAVID J. WATSON. Mtintn-nl, W. H CLARKE, Jr., Sarnia. lion. Secy. Montreal HicvileClub. Sarnia lMc3t'le Club. A. E. FITZCERALD, IVtn.lia. D. F. HLYTH, Ottawa, I'ri'.-^t. liiiptTial IMi'vi'lc t'liil). Vii't- rii'.st. Ottawa Bicycle Club. LOUI8 UrBENSTEIN, Montreal, 1st Vi((>-rro.-" vSilver and Fine Llectro-platcd Ware "..•^\ .... •, < .... -x .... ■\ ... * .... • .... ■■■ .... '■■ .... ^ .... ■' < .... At .... \ .... \ .... '. r t ... ''.^ .... -A .... t ',t- . ,H^ ' li-f " ' V. Sole Manuacturers and Proprietors of the ^ lYAl. K()lnihK^> Knives, Forks .« Spoons Prize Cups and Trophies made to order on shortest notice. Cutlery Cases in Sterling Silver and Electro-plate. Cut Glass Art Pottery, Etc., Etc., Etc. SHOW ROOMS, 1794 XOTHK DAMK STREET, , Factory, 5, 7, 9 and 11 Recollet Street. A. J. WHIMBEY, Manager for Canadp MONTREAL AGENCY Whitworths. Spartans. Belsize. Fleet. *'Beeston" Humbers. LOUIS RUBENSTEIN, 537 CRAFG STREET. rnnnn.] \l\li:. /.Vr-.— Cnntinnod, OFFICIAL PRDGRAMMIE 12th ANNUAL MEETOF * * (LI)l^ • CrtnaMiin . ill I) c dm en 'g . QVssociation, UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL AND THE COUNTESS OF ABERDEEN, — TO III; iiKi.ii (IN I 111: (iiMiNMs ami trial lu'ats oCran's will In- run fonjuintly with ShaiiiiMfk vs. Mi>iit!fal si'iiidi- Laciiisso iiiatcli. .Mofihaiits' (' Si'iic;^. MONDAY. JULY 2nd : 1 MiU' NdvIco. . . . (.iiiartcr iiiilr ('liaiMiiiiinslii|i, Half iiiilf ( 'ha!ii|iiiinslii|). 1 Mile < 'liain|ii(msliiii. 3 Mill' < 'liaiii|iiiiiisliiii, - 82 4 prizes. - (il ill^i'k' I'VifC^, I'll" SHADES, POLES, r "-" '""'""''- Corresponlenee invitei and samples for- warded to any part, of Canada on request. JAMES 8AYUS& SON, 1837 Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL, - (i,.M luf.lal. --'11.1 and :'.rd i.ri/.i's. :;iii-ize.s. •"> Mile Cliainiiicnshii), •2 Miics. .'(.-JO rlass. I Mi!...J.4(i.-la>s. ---------- •''"•'^'■"■ C. W. .\.(l,anii,io,.>lMi. r.aniuTiNilll-'uivru Inr tlu- vvinnin- ufllie 1 an.l a mile ( iiiiiMiiiuiisiiii^, Al>..tl oli.llowin- i-a.rsfor •Class l'..' 1.. A. W. li.l.TS : (li.f Mile liiT.T.l. with iKiif-iiiak>l,all Ix- run iu all rarrs w Ihmv luvcssary al th.. dis,-,vii,,n o! tlK^ *"r',sUi!,nat start in .-a.-l, r.ua ■^^ill l.-lraun tWr s..,,arately wluMi .■.itry list '''Tl>m.n.•H^.-:<■|K^^,.i.msl^|,.Sl.^.^utl,or..^^,Us:,u,.lalts, Train Kar,.?2.^ uvv I.-ar M.mday. .Intu- -i.-.th. t.. ihr 1 Ion. S, ..n.-ary. l.y nn hotn th.^y mnst 1,1" reci'ivfl la.l latir tlian tlu' al"'\ c .late. The trat-k is thrn- kips n. iIm' mill-. Tlir ri-ht n. alt.'r Ka.'r I'm-raininr i< r.'scrv.'d. .\1! r.urs -ovcrnr I l^y ( W. .\. rni.- |l \VI|. .1. \V \l-oN, ll,,n.Sv,-ivlary .\|.1'..( . and < - W.A. .M.-d, M. .\. .\ .\, ( liil. 11. .use. Moiitrcal «4 THE HERALD OOB :: DEPnRTfliEflT The Most Complete and ,, Best Equipped Printing ^^- The Montreal Daily Herald Establishment in Canada. OJ'- Our Machinery and Type are the Newest and Best the Market Affords : : '. /Vv7c"/:".v Mor'i-R.iri:. C Akkiiis THF, Bkst and HRI(-,F^T^:sT Si'okriNc; PAciii oi- an\' I'AIM'R in ■ Canada |F Pith/isliiiii^- hol/i Momi//:^ aud liiciiiii^ liditioiis it is rii^lit ;^V I'f' lo liatc with Ihc lu-ws in cixry ciif>arhiicut. ■ \^^ The L iViuucrcial. luHloriaJ ami Xci^'s lolimius arc fnlL acatratc and iiitci\-'i SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. .a I1..C SUBSCRIPTION listnihilcs (>u .Ippiifi'i 603 CRAIG STREET One Year by Mail \ ';ix Months by Hail ;^^ Tlippe Months by Mail One Month by Mail ■^5 S3 00 1 50 80 30 Tli8 (Dontreai Herald Co., 603 Craig Street, ,3uC MONTREAL. THOMAS SUTTON, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS WINDSOR HOTEL BLOCK, Keeps constantly in stock the Best Lines of Sporting (loods, Bathing, Boating, Tennis Athletic Suits, Sweaters and Jerseys. :::::: FOR SALE AT MODERATE PRICES. THE RRANTFORD : RACER ROAD MACHIXEH Are always Id the fore. : : Call and see the beauties for sale by : J. F. BANNISTER, Queen's Block, St. Catherine Street, corner Victoria, Montreal, P.Q. The very laicM in I.AUIKs W H Ki; I.S. liulii. -!r..ni:, >tra,h and heautiful in desij^n and finish. ENTERTAINMENT. At tlif (hitf (if u'diiiL;' to press, we e.uiiiot s[)t'iik fully mid dofinitely of till' pliius foi' intrrtiiitiiiiD' our Ljucsts. even if it wen- ciitiivly well to do so. liut from tlu' reports of the work of tlii' ciK'i'gt'tic coiiunitti'i' wild have this in hand. \vc tliink there will he nothiue- lacking. Foi" those who arrive in time there will he tlie " Merchants Cup Series" Lacrosse match lietwceii thi Sliamrocksniid Montreal on the 'S\. A. A. A. (Irounds on Saturday afto'noon, when the trial heats of the ( "hamjiioiiship races will also he i-un otf. On Sunday inornine. s[)ecial arrangements have heeii made for a (■eiieral ( "hurcli Parade to one of the largest city churches. The afti-riioon and evening may well he di-Mited to such (piiet recreation and visiting friends oi- points of intere>t as may seem titting to the .lay. Ivirly Monday niorninu', a specially cliart'/red steamer will run the Lachiiu' Hapids and arii\ !■ in the city in time to permit of sonii' attention to our Si;^hts and Shi'ines hefoi'e t;dip position for the Parade. As time allows, (pialitieil gui- li in i^ llll'l'iiiii E ii tn' Turil. lt.;,i;i| | ZmWM. % 1,11 Corner: McGilhand :St. : Paul : Streets, MONTREAL. KINNIE & PEAVEY, - - Proprietors. SiliiiitLiI ill ihu wry hr;irl hIiIk- ( ily. cnnvi,iik-iil lo lr;iiling WhoK- wile and Ktlail l^u^iiio^ Houses ( ).raii .iml Kiw i SiiimiLrs iaiul mu- l)l(>ck friini II"U-1. ("narhcs al all irain-. FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. SPECIAL RATES to C W. A. Wheelmen of $1,00, $1.25 and $1.50 per day. CW.illERS SWE.XR r,Y ^ III I i)> ni 'Ariel" Bicycles But not when on them Because they have no equal. THK K.XMOU.S HALLADYTEMPLE SCORCHERS CATARACTS, KINGFISHERS, «■:■ .\nil a full line "f Medium (Irailcs at Mmlcrato l'ric■t■^. ffJ All Idnds of Bicfcle Sundries, Bicycles of all makes carefully and promptly repaired. .Xgciils wantL-d in unro- [iroenled districts. A. I). FISHER, 205 Vonge St., Toronto. * SMOKE * /i^ /iV/»^ /iVi>' /A/'i^ /kVt^ /i\/'i^'/»\/i>»7i>/i^ Filled icith rinc : : : I hwaiia : : : And I ^jiioji 11 mid : : : : Made : : : : Maniifactiired by MYERS & McCaffrey, . EXCELLENCE CIGARIFAGTORY. MONTREAL. VROCHAMME. AV-.— Coiitiim.'.l splmdiil ticliiiii-al i|c|);ii1iiirnt< tlir ^lii{>]iiiii;-, witli a visit to one of the t;rrat liiiti>. tlir to\v.M|' Xotic |)aiiir, and not tlir least iii- tci'i'^tini;-, a toin- ol' tln' Historical Sitc^ and ( 'onuncniorativc TaKlcts nndcr Mi-. Li^litliall s altic tdtclai;-.'. ' )n Monday cviniiiir, tlic C'onnnittir rxpeet to crown tlic iiicct and tlhnisrlvcs with L;lory in tln' closin-- cntci-taimncnt nt wliicli the jirizis will lie |iiTs,.nted. .lust what they are ^oini;' to do "no i'el- low can find out." Imt from tli'' nods and winks we have oauylit conn'ui:' our way we iniapue— nay. ai'e sun — ' the're all ri;i,dit !" Not the lea>t valuai'le of the ]iii\ ile^-es coniprisi'd in otir tender of the freiMlnni of the city is made j.o>silile hy the kindness of the nianaeenient ^.f tlie \. M. ( '. A., who freely place theii- ina;,niiticent new huilditiL;-. 'i m-} HiW „,j Ih. tin, i,/,i,>'ji l>nlli_ nt the use of ( '. \V. A. m.'nii" r^ while here. A concludiiiu woi'd. which we jirii.t in capitals: I'.itiN"; vori; c w. a .mkmhkr.shii' cKirnFicATK. This w ill not only he \ery doiraMe as alfoi-din^- readv and jdeas- .sant means of introduction and identitication a moiii;- fellow inend'ei's, hut will he the -urest ])ass|iort and '//"// .vr.--/,,,, to doors that otherwise may he closrd. and is a ]iass to the Meet, Lacros.se Match anil clo-^ine- concert at which the pulilic are char^^'d a'lnn"ssioii. Eus. S8 Remington • Bicycles j^Ti:E: BEST iisr — - t ^ — ^ J . . . Dcsii^n, Material, . . . I Workmanship and F^inish. ^ -^^b ^Ub U^b ^^^ ^^k ^^ ^^ ^M< ^^ ■^^ ^^b «^M> >^Mi iM V iRv jBS JS« «5s i^m «3& iRs jR% «V» «n 4R& ir\^ ink ir Eight Patterns. Popular Prices and Weights. AMERICAN RATTAN CO., Toronto, Ontario, : AGENTS FOR CANADA. REMINGTON ARMS CO., 313-315 Broadway, New York, U.S.A. Pure Caiidv (*) (§> i-XE^_^:;-r-__3?i~x:3=e.s : 231 , ST, , JAMES , STREET, Under Queen's Theatre, St. Catherine Street. Our Siininu-r I )rink> ;ir«.' «l<-lu:i"u> aiiJ rffrt-sliin^;. ni;ul<-- frnm ICE CREAMS, WATER ICES, NiKKAi , April i7tli, iSi)4. Willi nftTi'Mc-L' to Vdiir applicatimi fur rrdiici-cl rates In the Meeting of the Cana'liaii NVheelinen's Assneiation in Mniilreal nn July 2111I, 1S94. After cunMiltatioii, we have decided Ici (|U(ite ymi the fnlluwiiij; rales : From points west of Montreal on the Toronto lines of the Canadian I'aeitic and (Irand TrtuiU KaiKsays to Toronto inelusi.e, single fare with a niaxintiim of $5.(<3. Kroni points north of the Toronto line of the Canadian I'adtlc and points west ol Toronto in CaiKula, hut not west of North liay, sinijle f;ire adiled to ahove rales with a maximum of $10.00. This would make the rate from Toronto $5.00, London $8.40, Sarnia $9.50 and Windsor $10. These rales to lie (jood going on ihe 20th and joth of June and 1st of July, and to he gno.l returning leaving Montreal and and 3rd July, 1894. We have agreed with the Riihtlieii and Ontario Navigation Co., that if any of your niendiers desire to take 'he River route from Kingston to Montreal, the rates will he $2 in addition to the aliove figures. Irom points east of Montreal in the I'rovince of <^)ueliec on our respective lines a rate of single f.ire will he ipioted with the same dales of sale .and lime limits. We will supjily yon with a complete list of the fares from all stations wilhin the course ol a week or so. The .iliove rates will incliiile the carriage of one bicycle [ler hill ticket or baggage not exceeiliiig 150 pounds. Bicycles to he carried exclusively at owner's risk. To passe:igers t'rom I'rescotl, Kem|)lville Jcl., Ottawa and west desiring to visit 90 GRAND RUSH NOW ON. we are Headqiiarlers for SUMMER GAMES LACROSSES, FOOTBALLS, &c. G,A. k aOi>.-- 1758 - 1760 Notre Dame Street, I MONtRLAL. We manufacture a complete line of !. ROAD MACHINES ROAD ROLLERS ROAD SCRAPERS ROCK CRUSHERS. &c. Set- that \..ur ■■iTic -.ij-- put. Ii.iv.- ....nh tlti-i^ iti thi- Iim.- Catalogues for the asking. HM[BI[)IN ROSO MOIN[ Cfl„ Hgmilton, U F. L. WRIGHT. Manager. 9' @- — THE — ® St. • Lawrence • Hall w^^ MOXTRBAL. _^ Is the Most Centrally situated of any Hotel In the City. Special inducements to Wheelmen attend- ing the Convention. Every convenience pro- vided for the care of their wheels. : : HF.NRY HOQAN, Proprietor. n\iL'1)ec, a return rato from >fnntreal to Quebec will l)e grnnted them of $3, on prcsent.i- tiiiM iif thf rctiirn half of tliuir ticket to Montreal, between 30th June and 3rd July inclusive, which return half, on condition that they purchase a (,)uelH;c ticket, will l)e extended for two additional days. The route will be by rail or Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's Steamers, or good one way rail and one way steamer. It is our inteiuion to make the rates open to all passengers so as to avoid the issue of certificates. We i.nderstand that you desire about one do/en mend)ers of the .Association to come t ' Montreal in ailvance, we will grant them the rates alxive (juoted three days prior to the excursion, provided you v.ill furnish both of tlie undersigned with a list of same, at lea.st one week prior to excursion being run. Wiih regard to rales from the Maritime I'rovinces, they will be supplied later. \'ours truly, X. J. I'OWKR, (;. I'. .\., (;. T. R. T>. McMCOLL, c;. 1'. .v., C. 1'. R. Rates for the Canadian Wheelmen's .Vssociation Meet at Montreal, June 30th and July 2n|. That a limited nimiber of racing men may proceed to Montreal three days in advance of the regular dates, ])rovided the Cos. are advised of their names. 92 CANADIAN • EXPRESS • COMPANY. ■^ ^ ^ RUNNING SPECIAL MESSENGERS ivin.v ci; on .\i,i. mi: ia^^tkst Express Passenc.kk 'I'kaixs (i\KK 1HI-. ICI.I.UWIM. I.I.N Kv : Grand Trunk Ry. and its branches: Canada Atlainic ; Central Ontario. Napanuc, Tamwortii iV C)iiel)Li' ; l^akc Erie and Detroit River Ry. ; London and Port Stanley ; (ireat Eastern ; Quebec Central ; Quei)ec and Lake St. John ; Temiscouata ; IiUcrcolonial. through to Sydney, Cape Hreton : Xorthern and Western ; Albert Ry. : New Brunswick Centr i! : Buitouche iV Sloncton Ry. ; Cuniberlaml Ry. ; Haie des-Chaleurs Ry. STEAMSHIP LINES. Allan and Dominion to and from Liverpool: Hay of Kundy : N. B. iV N. S. ; I'. I'.. L S. X. Co'y. : \. li. (S: \. S. \- P. l'^. Inland ; Ijiipress Line, 'I'oronto <.V Port Dalhousie : Muskoka Lakes ; North \\'estern : Sarnia and I )uhith. Connect with responsible Express Companys for all points in United States. Furw-inl Money Packayo of cvciy ilc>oii|iliiiii at low ralos. Pay Mcincy l)y Tclt-graph at all thu Com])aiiyV important City ami Town .Vj^cncics, at ruiluccd rates. Collect Drafts, Hills, Notes, Coupons, Divicleiiiis, and any other |)a])er. Sl'F.CI.NL R.VTl'.S for jiackages 7 lbs. anil iniiler, and for all kinds produce and large consignment. SPt"CL\L .VTT1;NTK)\ is given to the handling of Butter, Kggs, .Meat, X'egelaliles, Fruits, Fish, (ianieaii'l < )yster>. K\tra precaution used for protecting perishable matter from heat in summer, guarantee against damage by frost in winter, uhen character of goods Ls marked (>n jiackage, ami specified in shipping receipt. The most (•(iliveniPiit systoui for reiniltiii'r thi'uii).'li the mails. .No wiilten a|iidiralioii rei|iiii('(l. when punliasing orders. .K receipt is sriveii with eueli order purehased. liearins eorrespondinir uunilier. If orders are lost or dela.veil. we retiiMil the money In the reinilter. withmit iiiineee>siiry didiiy. There is no delay or ineonveiiienie in punlKisinv' ordiTs 'I'lie rate- are less than hy any othi'r methoil. ulii'ii .disolute siM-urity is atlnrded All orders are kept on tile tor ready ready riden lue after lieiii;.' ea-lied Tliey are oayalile at over i'l.filHl places in t'anadi and the Initeil States at par. and are accepted hy the hiinks o]i ilepn-il . the >ame as cash The" can he purchased an.v hour of the day at any rejjular otiice of the company at very low rates. MONTREAL, QUK JAS. BRYCE, Superintendent. 93 STATIOXERY BLAXK HOOKS PRIXTIXG .1 \ i:/;y i.AH'iK i.v/* \m;ii:i> AssonTMhwr i.\ i:yi:i;y iiHrMriMr.sr. -.o; o— 'oAo— •o<^o•■■•o<■o•-■•o<>o•■■•ovo••■•o<^o•■■•oAo••••o■0'o••■•o<>o•■ Agents for THE CALIGRAPH . TYPEWRITER. ••Ov0«-»OVO«"«OAO«---O<>0«"«0v0«-»0-;>0«—0-;>0«"«0^0«"«0^0«"*0<^0*- LifcIlM-cs f(ir KiNNAKIl 0\ \\.ikKM\N"> ratciil l-'lal ( )|)i.Miiiii Hlaiik Hook.-., ihc two hcst inilcnl?. cNlanl. Morton, Phillips & Co., StatiiiiRis, IJlaiiU ISnoK ^IaU^.r^ ami I'rirUirs, 1756 and 1757 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL. and. That the RirhdiL-ii and ( )nlario Navigation Co. will iiccejit $2.c« for a trip (lo«n the St. LawrL-nci- from KinJ;^lon ti> Montreal (ret;nlar fare being $5.25.) jrd. — That holders of cxinirsion tickets may have their tickets extended in limit siifticiently long to enalile them to take a side triji to (Jiiehec. The agreed rate l>i^i"ig $3- — Kl)S. HOTELS. Win.lsor Hoti'l ?:}.0() to S3..50 per .lay St. Lawmiec Hall 2.00 t<. 2.50 " Queen's Hotel 2.00 " Balmoral Hotel 2.00 to 2..-)0 " Hotel Ca.lillac l.oO " Hotel Richelieu 2.00 to 2.50 " All.ion Hotel 1.00 to 1.50 " Avenue House 1.50 to 2.00 " Turkish Bath Hotel 1.75 to 2.50 '■ St. James Hotel 2.00 ' All the above have ample acconmiodatiou for wheels. 94 WHEN TRAVELLING A Fellow has to Blow some to make himself known.— But on this occasion it is not necessary. The KarnPiaxos" ARE WORLD WIDE IN REPUTATION. THE E MERSON PIAXOS Need no mention— 60,000 sold. The A. M. Featherston i PIANOS i Are coming Canadian Favorites SEE THEnv^ ! Vaieroons : 223S d IIW St. Eatlieri&e Street, MONTREAL. A. M. FEATHERSTON. Manufacturer. 95 J. W. DUCDALE, Manager. ^(r. Kf (f ngrauing : : Citl)09vapl)iu9^ ant) JJvintiug : : : Having jnirrliasjcl tin- plant and >t()ik ot the George Bishop Eng. & Pig. Co., w. arc continuing the hu>inc>s without intcrrup tion at the same address, anil arc ui a position to undertake and compiete all ortlers promptly and in a style eiiual to the hot. : : : A continuation of the patronage extend ed to our predccessor> for the Jiast twenty >i\ years is solicited. ::::'.::::•••• ENGRAVING. LITHOGRAPHING. PRINTING. BINDING. STATIONERY. WEDDING STATIONERY. (B. iLVcnl)Cilmc Oisljop vCoij. 1B9 St. 3a\ms StiEct, : iUoutrca:. INDEX TO MAP. Tlie M:ii> is divided into <|Hiirtt'r-niili' siniarcs liy lin<>s runiiiii'; 'N'lirtii and South and Kast ami West. To find a si|uarf or pul)Mf liuildin;.', note tlie letter aiiil iii'.ndicr airainsl it in Index: then liml the correspond iuji letter aild ininiher in niar^dii of Map aUil follow the miuares horizontally and vertically from them. The nMniired name will he found in the .sunare of iuterHectioii. Thus : — M. A. A. .\. Cluh House, (i II, will he foHiiil hi the .sriuare vertically in line with ( i and iiori/.ontally opposite 1 1 . I'AUKS AND SlilARKS. y\. A. A. A. (il;(d'M»S F, 17 I'.eaver Hall Spiare I 11 Itellerive Park M 4 .". (■|iaiH|.dc .Mars K !»-!(• ( lite lie Ni'ijres Ceuicti'ry \ H Custoui Ihiuse Sipiare, now I. a I'la ■(• Koyale K 11 l>:illionsic Square 1. 9 linudniou Square II 12 nuU'eriu Square I 10 Hay .Market Square I 13 .laeques ("artier Square K in l,o;_'aii'.s Park II ."> Mountain Elevator and Blount Koyal I'ark E 8 Mount Royal* 'euietery C 10 "96 I'apineau Square L (> Partheuais Square M .") Phillips .Square II 11 I'lace iPArnu's K 11 Kichmoud Square (i II N-I.") Sohuier Paik I. 7 St.(iahriel Square I 17 St. James .•«( pi are I ; .s St. Louis Sipiare H 7 St. Patrick Square Iv i;^ Victoria Square J 12 Viirer Square K .s-!) Water Works Ueservoir F in Water Works Reservoir ( liijrh level ) E 10 Wellington Square K 17 The Canadian Rubber Company of Montreal : 333 a-:. JJ^ ST. PAUL STREET. Rubber Boots and "Shoes. Belting. Packing. Hose. Carriage Goods. Clothing. Electrical Supplies. FJi^CTCDTi-Yr, :p.A.:piisrEi^TJ sg^tj^^i^e, - - BRANCHES :— TORONTO AND WINNIPEG. »7 Bicycle Covers Bicycle Tubes. Bicycle Handles. Bicycle Pedals Bicycle, Lacrosse and Tennis Shoes, Etc., Etc. N()-Tc)-Bac. GUARANTEED CURE Ft)R llIK TOBACCO HABIT. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PR>CE, $1.00 Pdst Paid. STERLING REMEDY CO. MONTREAL. LS'DJ::: to .V.ir.— Continuetl. irni.ic iiiii.DiNCi.s, AC. M. A. A. A. CLUB HOUSK G 11 Acailpiuy of Music H 11 ArcliliiwIiop'H I'aliico I 12 Art "iallery H A Athletic Club Hou.se A 14 liiuik. Montreal I 11 Hoard of I'niile K 11 (Hty Hull K 9-10 ('(>sniiij)olitan Cluh H 11 Court IIou.se K 10 ( 'ustonis'Exaiuiiiin^;\VarehouHe.K 12 Cu.-itiim House K. H Cyclurauia I 10 Drill Hall K 10 Fra.ser institute I 11 Imperial Biiiklinj; J K 10-11 HOTELS. Jail M Laurentian IJatlis L Market, Honserours L 9- Metropolitan Club I Natural History Museum H New York Life Bui Idin^rf Tower )..K ro.st (ttlice J K Queen's Theatre II Rink, Curlinjr, Caledonian (1 Iiiiik,Skatin;jr, Victoria H St. (Jeortre's Club House A St. .lames Club I The.itre Royal J Turkish Baths H Vii'toria Rilies .\rmory H Y. M.C. A. Buildinsr H Balmoral J 12 IvTohanpe L 16 St. Lawrence Hall J 11 Wind.sor H 12 I'iclielieu K 10 Queen's I 13 i nospiT.M.s. (Jeneral J 9 i Roval Victoria F Calillac J Turkisli Bath H Avenue IIoui'> H Alliion K Waverlv I Hotel Dieu G 8 Notre Dame L 9 98 Western F 5 K 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 15 12 10 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 II 10 16 ® WHEELMEN ® ® Do not fail to speed along and visit REAY'S ATTRACTIVE ^ ¥TQT Before purchasing your Bicycle and other Sporting Shoes. Ami SCI' the grand and fiist-cla^.^ assnrlmfnt in all tiiese lines. Also, a Tip-Top v.iriety (>f*TAN and Ki A( k I'iccami.i.y anii Blouchek Perfect Fittinc Wai.kinc Shoes. Nothing better or cheaper ever offered in the traile. You certainly will "win" by gliding to this address C. D. RBAV, Boots and Shoes. No. 1 St. Lawrence, Corner Craig. THE : LEADING : TAILORS « M. SAXE & SONS, PROPRIETORS OF THE BIG "3" • . CLOTHING • • ESTABLISHMENTS Cor. St. Catherine and St. Lawrence Main St. Cor. Craig and St. Lawrence Main St. . . Cor. Montcalm and St. Catherine St. East. always on hani), at lowkst i'rices, a most comi'Letl: stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Custom Work Guarantecil as to Make, Fit and Finish SPECIALTY or BICYCLE SLITS. 09 C-A.E,EI.A.GhES SLEIGhSIS Ok'aI 1- KiNliS, Sl/.l.S, STYLKS AM) I'rkes. HUNUKKDS Ti) ChOOSB FROM. LATIMER, : 592 : St. : Paul : Streeet. LATIMER & LEG ARE, - - Quebec. LATIMER & BEAN. - Sherbrooke. INDEX TO \f. RAILWAY Rc.iiuvontnro, (1. T. Ry I 13 DalhoHsiu Square, <'. 1'. Ry L 9 CHIRP HOIIOOLS Hinh SilioolfPmtostant) G 12 M(4;ill University G lO-U Montroal <'ollP>?e E 14 Muunt St. Louis Institute H 8 PRINCIPAL B\PTIST. Olivet H 13 CONGRKOATION AI.. Eininanuel G 12 EFISfDPAI.. Clirist Church Cathe.lnil H II St. GeorvJo'H II !•'! St. .lames the ApDStlo G 13 St. .John the Eviingelist I » St. Martin's G 8 Trinity K 9 METHODIST. Dominion Square H 13 DouKlas F IS St. James H 10 PRESBYTERIAN. American II 13 Crescent Street G 13 F.rskine H 12 Knox H 12 100 .il'. — Continued. STATIONS. I AVindsor Street, C. P. Ry.... H 13 AND ("OI.LEdES. Normal School (Protestant) I 12 St. Mary's College (.lesuits) I 10 Victoria (Protestant) F 14 ( HUlUilES. PRESBYTERIAN. St. Anilrew's I 11 St. Paul's I 12 KKFi'KMEn EPISCOPAL. St. Hartliolomew's I 12 ROMAN CATHOLIC. Uoiisocours L ft Jesuits' 1 10 Notre Dame Parish Church K 11 St. Ann's J 15 St. Anthony's G 15 St. James..." J 8 St. Mary's (St. Marv's Wan!) L 7 St. Patrick's I 11 St. Peter's Cathedral H 12 HYVAO() - !»4 Hmtei. Hates . ..... .^ !i4 M\v Inhkx and I)iuk - I'M THE PAPER IN THIS BODK IS MANJrACTURED BY THE CANADA PAPER COvlPANY. Carpc Diem. iilontrcnl Cicijclc Ollub. (Clnb IjotiGc. lUansficli) gt. illontrcoi. 1894. tm tfC] P D WHEELSWEN Who Require Anythinq in jiish Glass Color Lithographing, Printing, HALF TONE and PHOTO. ZINC ETCHINGS, OFFICE STATIONERY, Etc. SHOULD SEND TO British flmepiean MnX Note Co., LiTHO. AND Printing Branch, 5, 7 and 9 Bleury Street, - MONTREAL. ^VProapt attention to correipondence. _^_ CITY OF ^ ilxvu. Qatnuu/i Scale /Stao tiet. to l/ul inch or m.iao EXPLANATIONS. . streets .... -->-. / ward boundary STREET RAILWAY ROUTE STEAM RAILWAY* 'V >.-' ~^^ •>> Ja •iiU. u^l \-a l»i*<\ ti ^s <^" ¥ MMi m^"^ ■m ^^Si 2 6 8 9 10 11 D £ Q H J M N