CIHM Microfiche Series (Monograph^) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) ^ Canadian Imtftut* for Hiatorica) Microraproductiona / lihatitut Canadian da microraproductio^a hiitfriquaa . L d M G ..... " b r 1 h n %» P c Thititi ' • ;.. .. C« doc ■ 10X •. •!. , r' Tt o-*-i 1 .. ■■ \ 2 • 3 L'onomplaire film4 fut reprodult grioo A la g4n4roslt4 do: ThomM Fi«h«r R«r« Book Lfbrsry. Untvtrtity of Toronto Library < ' - Loa images suivantas ont «t4 roprodultos avoo lo plus grand soin. oompto tenu do la condition ot do lo nottot« do I'OMomplairo fllm4, ot en conformity ovec'iMi conditions dn contrat do fllmago. ■ tos oxemplaires orlginouK dont Ja couvorture en popior est imprim4o sont fllm4s en commencant par le premier plat ot on terminont soit par la dernl«re |»oge qui comporte une empreinto d impression ou d'lllustration. soit par le second ' plot selon lo cas. Tous loa ovtros oxomplairea originaux sont film«s en common^ont par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinto d impression ou d'illustration ot en torminant par la dorniOro pago qui comporte une telle omproiiMo. Un dos symbolos suivants apparaftra sur la dorni«re imago do chaque mici^fiche. selon lo cas: lo symbolo — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE" lo •ymbole ▼ signifie "FIN". Loa cartes. plaAchoa. tableaux, etc.. pouvont Atro flim*s « dOs taux de rMu'ction dIffAronts. Lorsque lo document oat trop grand pour Atro roproduit on un soul ciich*. il est fllmA A partir do I angle supAriour gauche, do gauche A droito, ot do haut en bas. on pronant le nombro d'imagos nAcessalro. Los diagrammos suivants Mlustront la mAthodo. ifkl • 1 2 3 ■ ■ ■ 1 • * ■ '" ^, 1 2 3 ■ ■ ■ - • ■ : *X, " ■ ■ a . r> fl . ■ -• -~, ■.m ■..■', \ " «j A ^' ^^ s 4 5 6 4-- " ■ '■' ^:V;' • '- "^ . . • > ■,'" ■ ■'■ ^ssWiife^Bfiaa.'iu' „^v '--^'/jj<-a.t " »».«!: _^■ ^ ^ - ■.- ■.■.,.-.-; •'• •Lif- ' ''J^P ■ ■ • ^#-' ■'■ •••■■.- .. -..A- 4 ■">r- ":,,■: X" •.«IUm • t •» i • r7oY^l»iq5 ;^;^^ ^^m m^HSB ^^^^ m W^msi i pr^ l.; Pli.^% . ' o \.v' ., J^i^e-' T b >5 ;^i^/i^ '^i^^ ''^^'^ ''jz :iJh rd m^.''- ' ■•t « J Pvii ■■ ^1 ■^' ' '.f^^ •A,1 Of I REAPERS, MOWERS, ▲ lfl> !i[ii£same uchkes, MANUfAOTUBID» BT cD®©[l[p>Kl HALIL, Qlt I)i0 firanci) »t itttlfor th* finger bar and connteling rod. 2d. The road wheola and gearing are nikde from the beat 8u1m- burjr iron. 3d. All the boxes are flabbetled except the pitman, which it oompoaitien. 4th. The main gear wheel haa internal cogt, making it light and ttrovg. * Ath. The gearing is ao arranged aa to occupy but littU tpace. Cth. It if effoctually protected from dirt and grit, 7th. The whole machine ia constructed from an entirely neir »et of pattemtf oa each prinotplea aa will enaure, in all the ma- chinea, a mathematical uniformity and certainty that each ma- chine and piece la the exact counterpart of every otft^r machine, and piece; and eoch part being numbered, any denired piece can be ordered by its number, without danger of miatake. Its general points of excellence are : lat. It IB worked with a loon or hinged tongue in mowing. t ilii ', '^W^"' / TKE OAYUOA CHIEF MOWER AT WORK. / / ".'':W' 'W"^ 34. T!f 4iii4«g mJmhm^ mf tAm'm f m rkf im imt lf k dridf 4«k. Tkt MrtliHiril««rtlMrii •! dl mm ktpi vp Ui CHI. ftlk. The floftrbtf !• flMibU, Maf wamri to ik* naia tnm» hj MafM pboad atr^ wif !« la «aak oikar. 61II. li M^ f tmm jmfMtljf ftiU m»fmm of wimwi frowwrf. rik. n ri4M «U»l|r oimI 1i^A% of«ff aloMa aad hQaoMoka, la*. Moiag tha dangar of hrmkag* lha drirer. ■}tM^^,^i -iaf.v--^ 'SW TU ariftf't (Ml It M looAtod iktt ha mo ii'Mcl A<« $mm, ifattA tbttntctiamt, M «•. 1. s. i. 4i S. 4. I. 1«. 11. 11. II. U. If. 1«. IT. II. It. n. 11. SI. It. 14. IS. -M. II. M. .S^ 3l. SI. 31. TaMaPUIi wHk Btbtolt aM.>>baritd«oflfaohfaM • 00 Boad Wbaat for Uft •MaofMadiiiM 00 Wroaght HIaga with mdoatlag If val . . . . Ooapoaltloa Pltaaa ^ Box *i BtMlFltaaa 1 ■wW«l for PMoMB . . 1 Ooard-f lagtr with Lodtar'PlaM. . ^ . . . . Knln SmUobi. Moh Oomplote 8«7tBO. ... S BpriagiaBoadWkMlf 00 60 M 00 SO z& 00 is Tisok Board....... 1 U Bprlag iSor 8Mt 100 BatlBhaft > <>• lit. ••••*«>4. S w ■^55-l eoaslal of Um povw, with Um trMk-bo«rd lMiM4 M llr- AMikit, Ik* ftnt«r-lMr and two MftbM <> tba powar ; aa- kook tka llfllag obala and bo«l( plaoo tbo im! Itt ilt Mpporta ; halaa lu pultay to Um Ismt Joorvat M M lo bo ovor Ibo mmII polloTf ol Um foot of Um Iomm. Pftl il« load 8rat oa tba polloy of iba moIo wbaol, oorry lu lowar aliMd uador «ha ba«h pulUj at tba fbot of tbo raal baofw, aad Ita uppar atraad aodar Ibo firoat pulUj ; Umo o*rrj both atraadi ap aad aalto Umm o« tko pvl- lof of Um ftoMMfl. la ■4Jnatiat Um tml, ll tboold bo pUoad puUlol lo Um eollofi, and Ikt aaaugh forward to fiva room to aaa tha raka, and low aaough to dip into ond brlag tbo gr^Q book to Uia UbU. Tbo drlfwr'a ond nki*9 MAti tboQld bo amMgod m ibowa It Um Roapar o«l. Tht nk- •ff^ IMl OM boa4J«ttod lo aoit bla oonranUaoa, and ba noj oao aiUiar Ibo iwoap rako mbI will ibo auMblao, or aa oidlnary bond raka, M boprafcra. la Mowlag or Raapiag, do aol drirt qollo oulal lit ooraora, b«l ■lop oao or Iwo Ibal sbort, and gaa afwora to wUk»mt btekUg Ma faa«, aad joawUIalwajabaTaaqoafaoomafa, dobollor work, and wtti aol bo botborad wilb looaa graaa ia oonaModag yoor awath. KEEP TOUR GUTTERS SHARP, THE BB/kRINOS OILED, > THE NUTS TIGHT. AND " 00 AHEAD.^ \ I MiJtt V - (T « ^At"i.'^.~ -J^£^*%fJi- MOWER & REAPER IMFROVKID. ■♦1 » Hislofy of. the Ohio Mower and Reaper. ,u U^ 'V Tm following it a hiitory o( th« Ohio Moirar tod lUtptr from lh« p«Q of itt Inventw, E. Btll, Km\., of Ohio: — " I htTt girtn mj whole Umt tod ttltola for twtoly yttn to tht IaiproT0m«Di tod Mtouftoturt of Agrioaltaril ImpUnionta tod HtfOliott. li t8lf,I Btd« tod pol ioto op«rttioii tb« tint aaeottafbl Ortio Ootting Mtohioo in this ptrt of th« 8utt. It wtt tod it tUll koowQ tt " Tk4 iffMMy Rmptr.** " I ioTtnttd the " Ohio Mowbb," tod the lint on« wttj^ilt bj the flrm of Bttll, Aultman mymd»4 mtmmmtkUj miik UmMmm ikmk kmi iAm a^vMitafl «r fian «r i«f TOvwMBts, m4 • IfM ImU M Um alHUMW «# lit flMMMI i |«t «v vMa mtunkm ««i aold, ui •rata aad alUehabU to Um iMaa povar,) vbiah gata muh g aaa r i i •atiafkotinn aa U> aoaoaraga ma to maaafaotara fi*9m llwmdrti Ma«hia«M for tba yaar 1H60. Thaaa alao fouad (aidjr aala, tad hondradi mnro night hata baan aold had tliaj kmm aMda. la 1861, Oms rAoa«a«.< wata bttill and aold laadilj. '* laiproramaal baa foUmrad iaprovaawat yaar by yaav, tnm arat lo laat, ao tbal aaab jtar Aada Um JUobioa oMia parfbfl m wall aa wum popalar. \ vn iMPoavAwm Of KAAVMmio haOhjhm.' " I do aal prapoaa lo «paak of Iha paamalary adtaalagtt of a Maobioa, that it la ararybody'i aiiad alraady ; bat « aa adaaalot, a ^roa of BMalal eallafa aad aMalal povar, I Ibiak ao OoaiMO« flobool baa baaa of mora folao lo tbo fiMMar'a aoaa aad daagblan, tbaa tba Hartaatiag Mafbiac A few yaaia 9^, tba saa that aoald aadavBlaad, aot ap aad raa a Maobiaa, waa alaMoi a piodlcy ia tba aaigbborbuod, bal bow ofary foorib lad of aigblaaa jaaia ibat joi n^ lad M a Utm oaa do ii Obforfalloa, tboafht, .\ ^ "■^f '1*. li t«Of««i« of m^Umt, kmm I II ill I Mm i ntdH li t# UMMikl, •l«4y, m4 ilr^Miiy «*Am/«, Oklrly til kmtm ki^h, tU* by iM* Ute a Mit^ «Hi«li b«*r «lf iA« «>«^Ai of ibt MftdklM. TWjr ennimunitfclfl motio* to ihm gmtint( hf co^i^ »ti A oua««f« «iir(k«ii, raaiobiaf into r«Uili«t«4 f iniona on «m|) «» lighter jFoar Maohiue, iIm oaalar yoo more it, but vou inuat bar* it ■troRf enoti^h, and that r«<|uir«a weight, tod you wiuat have » rapid tod pow«rfal moiioo of ib« gtariiig, lod tbat rcquirra Weight ; tberefort il bcoamof itaportaBl'to econoiuite Tur gturing \ i ' / / 1 '< ( / vr ^ 1 •■' I- I ,■ ii \ I ««r til 41- wif W jfc tit oWi«.d to •«»y in ordi* 10 oiyula Z2oil^. A «.cbl»« with dj o- drit. wb^ UMr«y (kr fro- it. A«7wdgh»r-Ungopo.»«or»y^P«^ • Uun the drif T. ii a lo- of 10 mooh powf «d y» »«•» b. -». riid •k»g. THl OOTTMrBAa AWD IW OOKHWmOHi* Til. OaltorBT. (or Fi-g-r-Bw.) I. w«de of O-t Steel, ii ftm» fMi lid » l»ob- W»g. Md itn^g ••oagb for Miy ofdio-j urn or •ocid.iito, II ii iO .tuchod to tho ftwne of the meohtne by hin«e joint., that U ie perfeoU, oonlrolled by a Iott ia the band oTL Driter, when In hi. «.t, to rd«i It oter iKon«., .tump., .tiok.. out enm or other obetmetioni, while in motion. He ean Il^»ibyr.««wto«^ to ptf. throngh narrow gate, or to timtel upon the road. Ow pl«i of doing thi. thing we oonwder ».oh bettor, euier wd mnoh Lfcr th»i any other yet kn6w«. Th. bu i^hnng at the bind •ad of the frame, baok of the oentie of the dnre wheel, abont tweniy.iwolnoh«ij thi. many adTantoge. oter any •iher pemtion, wme of whieh I wiU briefty .toto : Irt. ItgitwitheDritwthelbllei»opportanUytoi.e6bil»n»- tion. before the Oaard. or Knite. strike them. v«d. It atoid. the danger of a fraction, or frigbtowd hott. bMking hi. heeto agalnH 1Jt» Qnard. or Knifi* 3 By reawn of the Umng direction of thi drtfi and th«ried .h.ped bottom of the dn« bar, it ri«. bettte oat of deep IteiPW.; diteha., and oter ant hilb and log.. ' ^ ,, u 4di. II aroid. the neee-Hy of a Utile trod: wheel to carry H, which doe. not nm m .toidy, nor get om ttii wl giaw ■«> ««» ■• »ilide, nortumaAortoonief towflL 5th. Ildoeinold«wdown»ponthehoi«rfiK»kaal*n,bil i. cmied by the drivt wheeb when it. weiighli. naedfi* pww. ^^ 6th. It U the fettT liury «M kohin«, bj I the hud I, itainpi, . B«oan fold il up oftd. Oar ■ and mnoh i.\h» hind h«e)s abovl M over AH J *"^' 1 ^j.iijfi^^i^fe,i»=X7*' :V ' ^ifer^-^^-a^^**- r u ill M (Vom i Uua4 ■tiol dit wli u< ▼•rt 17 not onl J perfMt In ^tulity, bat «afj and igreMblc both to tb« •ndgetriog. I muit not ptM tbb point witbont Mjtag • f«« words abont onr Guards. Thay aro mada of tho boat Wrought /row, and at tba plaoe whera tb« Koivaa paaa tb«m, tb«j aro Uid vitb Caat Staal brought up to an aente aogio and highlj temporod. No bottor ^arda havo over boon mado, nor do we bolioTo aa good oo«a hava baon or oan be aade, without our machine to make them witb. TBI TONOUB, lIDS-DIArr AND BALAMCl. The tongue ia ao attaohed to the (Vame, by • Aiding htAt, u to gtYO the operator entire o<^ntrol orer that annoyane^, ao muck complained of in other maohineo, ealled, " Side-Draft," one pound ef which ia worae than twenty poooda of direct draft. There is poaitively no nnaroidable aide^raft either in mowing or reaping with this- Machine. The weight of the tongue is so exactly bal- anced by the weight of the Driver, gearing and poaition of tho Cutter- Bar, that there is no taore weight on the bonae' necks thai a common tongue gircs^ THEOWINQ OUT Or 01A|^ AMD BAOKIWQ. The motion of the f rst Shaft is oommnnicated to the Crank Shaft by a bcTcl pinion- and wheel, but this pinion is under (he eontrol of a Ctutdh, which is attached to a lerer at the feet of the Driver, who can instantly co^neot or disconnect the gearing, and when the Cutter-Bar ia folded up, he can effectually block both tba ^ main wheela and bring his team to a sudden halt, c " The arst pinions in mash with the Drive Wheels, bave only a ratcheted connection with the gearing-^, e. a connection in one direction, or when the Machine morea forward,— •therefore when the machine moves backward, it isnaturoZ/y oat of gesTi and fUBS baokward isMMuly as a oart. H % % y ■ "f^^F V THE UAriNG apparahis m m mixnts. N"" / 1 Thi« ooniiiUof • Otttt«r Btr, auirda, Knlres tnd 8!okl«t, I1»tfonn, Gnfn Wheel tn<) Reef. * The Cotter-Bir is of gokxl White A«h Wood, iwa inehe* thiek, eight inehee wide, end biz ftek long. HAtiog no weight upon the PUtfonn, except the weight of the greid, thto bur is no^ required to endare Ubor or itnio, end thet«fbre, i« not Itible to twi«t or werp out of line, which would niaoh impede the totionoi' the Sickle. The Qaarde are made of Wrought Iron, and are nett and light. The Knives are Sickle Edged, and the very best that oan be procured. The Grain Wheel i4 a Castor Wheel,-^». «. hung on a piTOt, so as to mn in any direction. This orercomes the difficulty of turning, whidh has so much interfered with the eomfort pf work- ing a Reaping Machine. The Reel is operated by a chain and Iron shieves, and receives motion dihwtly from the end of the axle of the driving wheel tlnrpagh a universal joint, which allows the reel to preserve its fiaxTrelation to the Platform, through all the variationh of the surfaoe'of the ground. The inner Reel Post is of Iron, and so constructed with a long screw, that the Operator oan tighten or- Ioomb the Reel Chain while the Machine U it motion. The RsAPBtHjas all the fqcilities for adaptation to uneven fiurfacea that the Mo wait has, and aU. the power to produce mo- tion. * P08ITI0M OT TU» PtATrORlf. . To the Actor, Dancer, Pugilist, and the Gymnast, posiUoa or attitu(b_ is everything. So to the Reaper, the position of i\m Platfor«/f not everything, is at least, ver^ important. f- 'A Oin b«iog «i Om IUm of Om IfMbii*, •»•»«• !«^ lo f«i a^ «ai7 Md «nUr« S\d» D«/»*«ry, whik w« otf^ Um Rakm opon Um PUlftrm. ttb IUk«, (n«wly m ligbi a • Hiy lUk*,) b txt«ob«r MniMt, tktt tliii RiAPim la not MoeU«d by Miy otber Riapib, while io many poinia it la Superior to any other. Tb* Power ia oomplete.—tho Rbapbr ia eaaily and quickly tttaobed aod detaohad,— It »two»4h« llarlbiUty of tbo Mowilr— rona quita aa ligbtly,— givoa a Sioi-Deliviet,— oarriaa tbo Uakar on the Power, and«ii, ki ftct, joat aa good a RsAViR aa Ronld bqmade, if it Qika many otber Reapcra,) oould not mow at all. T ■."*• WAJIRANTY. THE OHIO MOWER and iCEAPER IS WARRANTED io be capable of cutting on land free from obatructiona, at tbe nte of OME ACRE PER HOUROF IITHERaRAIN OROlUBS, witb One Span of nortUy and wben properly, managed, to do aa good work aa eaa be done with tbe Cradle or Soylbe. It ia also warranted to be Wfell made, of good material, and when properly need, not liable to get out of order. When the MAcMne ia put in 4»peration, and ahould fail to perfbrm aa warranted; it will be the duty of.tbe pnrchaaer to noti- fy me or my Agent immediately of that fact; and to allow auf- •eient^Bi^'to Isnd a man to put it in order. If it dcea not oper- ente^dftbtf^Hia, it will be Uken back, and the money or note» that may hare been giten therefor, will be'fefnnded. X«paii« €m: Ohio Mowmv mnd R^ap^a. OABO Down, AS fOLLOWMt >aMkoiviM*k*ti.... w Mm i^^ *• " Ptol ■ •ndploloiir n irM.... IU«rh4i.rMpb-i,M«,|«te. front •• •• •. ,, Hi«M oonpUt. .* ftlm«M bui .., Omur-h^ wtUt Q»mi4».,.'. 14 00 it M R^i|«k.i I'MUnti ft>r Um.. « SO l>««r Ho k«i ■* ?!^l^.?**" •••. m 1 fO; IimM-. I.. I for l»»«f tlMfk. . . M • 0O|u,,wK«.to JJJ ? ^Jr'fii? •*•'••»•• I O.Oral.. WhMl B»t ot Oiiarda |>nt o« | ImH. Mow r .iHMi Oouidfi " « u .,« ♦ Mow^F Kaifb O'lBpittt MowtrfiMri.,»«€l|.,„..., KnirK->«onit ahi« Slid* fi r tb« 1 'aU 8to to ftry « II M RMiariiiaufifort Dif idiii( point on Pi«tfb>a. RMli^Mcomplet..... ... ■•Ihbw rMnk with y,ktU, OhidoSalef* .•T..., t tt I tt M • tt tt It M I 00 Tt it M 00 10 t 00 7SITbnirui>aorkrt...., 1 oo 1 00 •' puts W Oxflln,,! unde. a at ^'prlnf .. • 5? ;V".* '^ •P"'' P'»"^' • • • • • f JX"''':' "■"«<='"'» 1 8om«at Hiaai Outdr Bm, drillwd tOI 1 00 10 tt to 7 00 Tha BxTEAii fbroiabad with aaoh MoVer are pouBLi-TBiit, WHiFrL.-TEiM. one oompl.ti Kmif .. two Kiiri 8«jtiom twoOoAED.. 8oa.wW«woH, a Punch, Co4 Chi.«, Oil Cah, Pitman Box and aoiM Rivin. The RiAPiR win not have ao extra Sickli, bat two extra SiOKLi 810T10M, two B«Am Ou^wt, «,me Kivixtaml. * ■ If you order M^jhinei or Bepid«, be particular to name :-^ _ ^««»T-Towoi,dCo««tjin wbieh joureride. «.d your Pott Ofi^^ldre... 8.toMi>-To wbat B.U Road aUtion, o« wbal .. Bi^d tbej .^ f b. Ainei. THiM>~Whetber by Freigbt^ *-oribe the., and tdl b wbai ye^ tbt Maebio; wDJ^- AHpi«.iiit.tAi«|.wlllkiwi.|.in«bAnd. ^ ^^jtkjk^ir T S r"- ' ■■ ^ ' M M m M l« f « 0« . • M Ml li It . ••# . t M M . IM M if M , S M U U 10 t 00 1 40 1 00 M M €0 T 00 \ A / BRINCKERHOFF'S ■ ■» • First Premium at the Ohio State Fair, 1862, In tlM Mtiog of Ubor and Or»ln, it it roporior to til oliifi. •nd tATM th« labor of at least two handa por day, inolodiog theb wtgt* and board. It aUo aaTOo tho drawing of one man over the Held, to do, with gwal eierUon and labor, what thia SelfRakei can perfbnn much Jwtter than oan be done by hand. SUPERIOR rOINTS OP THIS RBAPER. ■ lit. SimplidtyqfOtMtruetum^UthiitmftieiiihMua^ «|«tL 2nd. I>iiruWWy.— It b ▼try rtrong, tnd not liable to gtft iMt of Older ; the Rake being opotttedby a iin|^ ennk, bo sttr- ittg or b^ti tnt reqnirtd. «ttlUn to Um grmiad, tad pi«k ap dl U4|H vr tMiglwl (nia. «« ■ filM li«B to Mj d«irwl lMi||kl, vIUmmiI sioppioc or bipwliat Ite 1MB i Md Um wml mm U twim^m hwwn4 viilMtU aittriaf iL« l«of(Ui of (h« BmI BdL 4lh. A;«m a/"/^/*.^!!!* DvktIirkMl U fovr fati ia di*. MtW, whi«h taablaa ii to p«M fV««lj Dttr obatnieiiooa tod (}«a4 farrowa. Tba Urain or Ovryiaff Whatl ii Uirao f^l ia dliaMtr •ad oa a dirMi Km ^ith tb« sliaA to tb« Drira-Whoal, ^hiSf^ ■bilag lllo b« iani«d anmad wHh aaM. Om aaa oaa dW# It oo aauMHi, tanl grouad. aad ona pair of hofMa will oporala It 'all daf ia tbo graio field, with eaao and rapidil/. 6th. J-^jUunty.— It oata from flr« to aetea faat wida, p«r> faotlj clMui ia baavy or light, lodgMi or Udg)«d, wal or dry graia ; aad whathor dri? (yg alow or fbt il )|e| off th« gartla aqaara tod arte, without to; aoatUriog, aod o5«l,iU waj of tba *«aBi la rtpaaaiog. 6th. Frttdom/rom Sid* Drtf/I.'—Thia la controUad bj tha polat of draft opod fh« mala fVama, andja ragalatod tdfth^ work to b« ptrformad, to aaj width of oat aot axoaadiog alght faal. - 7th. Eau of Management. — Any maa or boy that eta mtaago a toaoi, can oaa thia Ueapar. Th« Rako ia wholly ondar hia control, and by a.alight preaaora of hLi foot upon a Icrer, ho can throw tha Baka out of totioo, aod maka the gtTal u larga ta haohooaaa. 8th. Sxtention Divider tmd Overhung RMl,—Thtm ea* tblaa thia maohiaa to parfactly out aod bring apoo the jiUtfi>rm— Uil, lodged and taagled grda, and raka it off moobbatter than it «an be done with any other mtohine. 9th. It ii Ptr/tctlp £alanctd.—And while free from aide drafi, throwa no uaaeeeaaary weighs oyoa the horaea' neoka. 10th. Ii ImtM th* ^fraim entiialy «at of the way of the team and Beaper oo each laooeMire roaod. Thia ia a giaat eoo- aideratioo in the oariog of aome graioa, aa a whole field oao b« ««t> if deaired, befora hiadii« a«y. 11th. JfeiMMi.^WhUa Um koifot haw aixtyfoor vibraUona to Moh retolvtion of tht JMre-whaal (bein^ naarly doable thai of ^^_^aj: «i*a^fe«M^\' -S* j^iV^'^-=4»^^-'*^.'S»i^ I ^m^^^-mm^'^' / 93 «if tOMT »mUm), •WWi piw«»i U»« p«iiWUlj of ctofgitg b i«»7 ki.a of miiaai to wW«h U «•» bt >•!» ik« Udm-^^^wht^l. I* tiiiiki^lo U«^ •? •• •'^ •»** «iil*»f« »lbr«4ioii to Ui« katvn^ b mM« to Imm ft Ui«rMM UMir moUoo, tad giv* '.kMn ISlb. fiU Jr»»W <»• h4 thrown UcmdoiU off^f *y »• arim !• Iiit •••• whlW moTlag tlooR , wa la bwklog, Uw Kftk« ii B04 itt mUini. 131b. ii ^^1 CWl ana Btkt off low^d «oni U |ood «<»«• tloa for bladlog. , 1401. /I* CapaariM.— U b otp»bl« wllb on« ipto of liomi ftna ariw of CulUog tna lltklag off In • pwf** •niM««, *«■ fi(lM« to iwtalf fifo .(rwi p« aij, toa Itwnly •«•• U iwA • Urte a«y'l work for 1% ; ma It will un Ibrat-foarth- of Um grdrf * tba It iotturoa tna watoa by bana r.kbg R«tp«rt wllboal tb« «iUoiioii DiTiaor. latb. No Bia* Draft. 16lh. No Welgbt on UonM' Nwki. I7lb. A Wf lUker lh»l will Work. 18tb. R»k«i off Boltot tbio can b« aono by Uwia. lOlb. Dooi not got out of Ora^r. 20tb. 8lM of Banaiot RognUtoa by Df Iw *• Foot «t will. aiit. Tb« Kwifit Draft Rotpor in eilalwof. > .■ ■ •. 1 « i^ > ' ' .■• 7 » . • - ■ — - . /■ ■■i- ■;■■ ■: " ir> ■^ * ■ ' . ■ /h m J '^m HVBBAnD'S COMBINED MACHINE ARRANOSD 1 lid r« it hi 'H.' ■WWW' w IMPKOVIBD MOWER &REAFER Ifo. ll b mow Uk« Omi Ohio il.«hUt liM tef •«*«. J •* u h- no -uiHifior. wa -• iu«r« »•••««»**•• ••»* "•T hi. ociNUd fatordiij wilb oUwr M-blo- I* -••ring p«WUi f /^HUBBARD'S LIGHT MOWER. Tvn Mowar i« »»«1« of lh« b«.t m.UrUl, 'm rtM.g tiid «!«- nbte light. c.p.cioa. wd ooot•al•ll^ .od .llag«th« it deoidadly tb. ^t popal« M«.hin« th.l bM .tw b«» oihftd to the pub- Uo. It* dafbility .nd itwngth h» Mtoobhod .11 who h..e a«d it or MM U iMtod. It hit been more .uooetrfallj u-d fot tht Itfl th^ tMMOt '^*4' n-WI -^S"'. it-- ■y^ ^Bpaiale Parts of ftie HuW liihlMwet. NUMBER AND PUIOE, # 1 Steel Sarfftc* Bprins . 2 Bevel Wheel Bbleld.. Bar with CuUenoo-. Oear Shifter L»tch |»l0«.|I«0. ^ • 60 tS 0083 Inner 8ho«. ...•••» * ^ .1 60 83 Way PU6f-. I 00 6 0034 Bcrel Holon \ J^ ' is'as Outer Shoe ••• . Qear Shirter L»tcii l^^ """l g i^g Key... • » r^aolSt""'''-:::: S? Kb'futifr oip ^ 5 - Brace Socket > • • i j;jt,n,ion Bar. . .... • • • • • » *'' t Guard yy •«:-J,i.;V SXfio Cutter Bk Fin, of Wood . . 8 Coupling to Join Ratwhet. WW ^»*«' „ 'jj^n Left Hand lUtctet . ...... m Wrench 10 Left Hand Drlfe Pinion.. 60|4l Bc'jw 'v ^ 5,^^,, 11 Crank Box .••••••; suVft J X Ri^et* for Cuttertter Do. 13 Front BOX on Crank Shaft I 60 « gjr^ ^^^^ .. 13 OroM Shaft Box.... 1 JJ* AH other PIm each....-., 14 Right Hand Ratchet. . .... {J « J" j i„ Rod . 16 Crank Shield . TT^ 17 DriTe Wheel....*.. ••••» ^ 18 Cutter Cap .• 1 9 Cniter or Section. • 10 Pitman Head 21 Crank or Pitman FUnge. . M Pitman or WrUt Pin. . . . . 23 Pitman.... ..••..••'••••' 24 lUtohet 8p4ng......vr 26 B«Tel Wheel Clntch.. 26 Upper B«»«l Shield. .. .... 27 Lnvar Wnk.*... .«•/ 28 Ortwk Shaft ..*...?•...• 29 lAttT Socket.... •«..•••• 80 B«Tel Wheel... ..••.••^•* Bi Wear PUIe •••• 00 48 Oil Can 20 49 Bolte with NuU, . ISJ " wlthoct ±S°.»viiv;iiiv.«i«r. 1 ibs Track Clearer • . ' 5cE4FlngerB*r..-.--- — •• life* Finger Bar OoKpie^e... t SeatSprtogt and Br«»ew « ^ 8 Blret Pnnoh. .....».•«"• •«. ,9 Damb Cutter...... ' opinion Shaft Pip*. ••— jj 1 Betel Wheel Shaft.' -"•• * *• 10 ao , 25 15 10 W 15 60 6 «5 16 10 2 00 3 00 2 00 6 00 16 00 2 25 (. . . . »■.•• • \_ /^ \ ■ t HALL'S THRESHER AND SEPARATOR »> "V!^ Vifc, Mr Tbn-hing M«,hi»«. .nd Ho«e Powem im, too weB known to need dewriptioo. Hi, now more Uuntwentj-flve yew nnoe I introdaced the. to tlieftimien of C«n«i., ud etn name mhy who bm pnwbMed .inee ihen, tw, twelve, ud flfteen Mi^ ehm«i for their own um. My Thr^hinj Jfeebin. M«.tiftetoiT •»Booh«ter ,» the oldest UP the United Sutes (htting been ^ jbl»l^ial828.)«.dhW .lw.,.««i^ ««, thJifehu. «^ puWiefkvor I bm ^^M n* pdnt or expen* to .«,«• . araA^ »J"™.. jL-'- .:^^ .T«Eim^ ■> ^^|\f k r«. -ia. -»T *'•«• •"-- " •"" •■! "T," Jt^ M. «ubiuh™.i i. c...d. «..d. I. «. pxKi • »«• ' " *» "™; TW. ."»..T l-lW W.g .*'«' u,.h.p.M.... tap~*- " M .h«.. <»«"' P«P-'". -'*«' "-"^ """.'^ *" *2 ta !!;^ k,ng «p.ri..« i. tbi. b-i.-, oU^ »,Ui..g U, -, «uloiii«n that bH pro»«• ^7*^" •' "^ "■ B. Cook, ..d Mr. Job. WbU^ both of whom h.,. hijd .w.^» irF.3™r."a.. u- a»«u«. of M,. wuiu. T.,k». «.. I .m »Vg th. t«l bn.d. of b.r Iron o(r««i •» 4. K^ .^ p.rti.U. i».rf".«" ib. «»» t. tb.t a.«k.. to J..- """Am ta|»rt*l. .♦ • "T «».rid.«b>. «p.««. *. k-» ,«H., of U- Mo« !«.. fo. Cj»'"'"*''";''""i»Mir ^i««ti.l p«t i. .Tb»bi.B M-b.... I" -f"*^ IZ Thr« BW.«. Wb.. P«... "4 0«t.b.m. Pw I«.. (tb. j:Z'lb».*d b^ of i«« i. fl- -..M)"*'^ "•»• ■"^- m«k« tbo bMl poMbta ottUngp. ^iv-Wmi. ^I Adl ,od«w to «rit d>e fcto« p.t«<«g«/ «» F™ predurtioo of goto •»*•*" •"** 1 r. • ■, "i. I ^ ^ S^^f*^ i *^^ V / Sepanre Pails of'Tbtilitr anil Sepaialir. NUMBEli AND PRICE. a-Exir.B6it..::.;:::::::",sx 3 Wek.rMdPuIUj; ...... i 75 4 Faaning Mill. oampIfU. . ]5 00 8 FM»iBflllH Shoe, entire. 10 00 C Fanoing Mill Sieve, etch i 78 J ^ ''o^ ./ Pr!o«.|lfo. *•••••••••• >•••••••••• '••••••••« t. Klerator Box « Elerator Rett. . » Sl^^^tor Spout l&B!er.torBuoJiet. ........ 11 Elerator Roller, Shaft ' . ! "'f/**®' J'O'rer Roller. . . »3 , " SUr Box •-.*« 6»'*f*^*:^'••^**P«»•y• • 15 Berel Wheel No. 1 ....... l^Berel Pinion, No. 1... ITBerel Wheel No/ a 18BeTelPioi.nNo 2,*::::: 19 Up,|,ht Shaft... . 20 aoiixonUl Shaft 21 Berel OewJack/NoVi:.- 33 Do. Do, •♦ 1 23 Do. Do,» *♦ 3" 24 Step box... "'.^ ^'V 25 Hanger Box.... 26.0yli5der^— •••^•• -2r Cyllndii Shaft.*;.-; • 23 Gjlnider, oompleti.. - 39 ojunder'ffeaT. "::::; 30 Horiiontd Shaft Bofc.... 31 CoaeaTe Piece.;.. ^3^|rh.ekPI«,..7...:' piiot. 1 13 Do 1 00 % 00 3-59 e 00 a 00 1 00 • 10 t TS 34 Cast Iron 39 Beater Shaft ^ ■??• »'**'• ""bPnliiVt' 37 fttra Belt, Shal, and In- •Me Pulllea 39 Poppet Head... [y. 30 Panning Mill Wheel, n«w ,, "'J'*.- ^ ^. 4 J Do. Do, old atjlo.?. 41 Pannipg Mill Pinion, new •tyle. - io i 25 tft ;5!;tj,?^:...^.<>:. >'•»/»•; 2 oj so I 60 I 00 SO so 43Faii„ln,MlilB;rT:: SsS 46 WnnlogMHI Shsft ..*.'. ltd4T Shaker Shaft...; 1 00 2 00 3 00 a so 3 00 3 00 75 48 Shaker Wheel.... 49 Oyliiider Tooth 59 Ooocave Do.... 51 Wood Line Shaft. 52 Line Shaft Bloek 53 Cast Pnllej eaoh 1 io«h in diameter.... ..,,, • ••••(* 25 1 io 1 60 25 10 10 2 io in 1 1« I 50 « S It f ■*' StrawOarrler Jolnta l 25 « JJ" 8*"7-0*rIW Shaft and 1 0068 Straw Chali.!;. 1 SOS^-LowerirBMej 3 50 2 SO 50' ^.. •50.00 Ooinplet«iet8Id«0«»fing ii o# V.-.' ■ X ^ ■ , MTi^l&.W- i^jaa>.»gi.l-!a.TlV,iiJ!. if^-si y- bd HULLERAND g! fji tM boar. > >>at« ***^.*,'7' _. ^ h.,^ -^ — tb» mmbum vkl «r^MM thloWMW that fi tl»«y .«"». If*.* rTT --!II «k«« Mut wM* SaiS/Sru^ •tt««ioa U» rairing cloter tood tte^ »«^ ■^ . , f YoarijftOt, ' -^ ^- PATU>0n«0w. nrt Stanly. May m^W^ ^^^''A^^JSbi 1 Uw U«fdi«d iay alJoutit - ' ' Yoan truly, .. „^Mt JAMK8 MoINTOSH, + .* •' J 'V -4-^ JIV I i-V ' liJ'- •4- * ^(|^ , =^J^W| ^ -. ^WWf''^^^in^-°':'^^«r \ nwntkip V SbmAmoy, Etfink •ta l» 9*« «Uj, t^ daiiiftC\wrk wST^ HINBY WILUAli^Tdboillo.4. TQOMAfl rLBroaiR,1Wboi8«rMl ^VnoiMAy 0/ .SmuAimU; IToy 200, 1863. •tS^^rS?^ ^•"!* ''•'■•"^ tW«di*l for 01 Yitk INM of HaU'a KMMM ^iOlMMh>i« of elom iMd i> foor hoofr«3wVwJ«i4 Mil4Mlk«pTOfio«ty«Ar,||«wo«ldbaT«tiiiMb«4 •( iN«t M niNRT BIRDAN. North braaok Tklbot 1^4 NATHANIIJ. BIRDAN, '^ K. ^' fomUkip of SoutAwotd, Me^ JT**, 1861 •ril'J^UiTtr IfatblM^ mmAotoi^l br Jo«A HiOI. •• 0*Mr^^ w I «awoiglv« MM MBM ItaM U wM thrwhiac at BIT iMra. k^I^Z iHth»ywHI»r1lo«, th.1 It tkrediMiSObttLb li 7ff«ri?!£ ^^^^^^ ^P lyMOMfti • Olmt IUoUm : go M JtM^ir BtiS TmOAl/D RBOirgON, VrfM ImI •.SRSi.'Szirl::^*'' '**^ '^*'»^ "-^ ^ It. « m I ovr^ mah- oM. I. : 86 I. L ^ IRON PUkNET HORSE-POIJ^El^/ SepaialePaihonhehoBflanelftiei^ • • NUMBER AND PRlO«. 90 B«ito« f «»•. • B.T1 FWo. ;.; ; i X l)o. DO. »» 'V*-;;.*. 2l^ rum •• iSU8.UBr«»Rodt .. t o««iiLi «;•*': . 1 oo» oottpttafjou.-. ..•••• 7- II po. Do. DM • It I **. • M • 6<» to* • 00 10 J5 n 111 SEflMTBPAfiTSofliePELTOKPOWEE. 1 YiwrtuM riioo.' Box. ,iSi^0.w»»» 'aSlilBUd STopBlVi*" 4 CMrtx* rtoloft ft Bit»lWbi«I..' • Btftl Flalo** 1 pUMt Wb««l 10 001^^ i colli Bmiii Do. Do. I B3i5 8BUaiPln to' Do...... 6 00l«B«H •/•••• wIlBfiUp B0>. - ••• 1 1» 1ft to !• 1 •• ,3T, ■■-*; 7 ' C -gr"^?:]^^^-^ Jeparate Paris flilI|iriHflfJ8-Po»ef« NyMDEIl AND PAIOE- 1 Ur|t Wh#«i, Mwptoit. I L«r4« Wli««i n|[k a Toy llah ,....„ 4 Bo'lo. 0«. ^ • U««r »Vm ,.., • •iMir Wh#«l T l«-flO£ HllbMI • NH Plaloa ^ • Larir* Areb ItflwUl 0« • #••••• ft* • • t • HI o<> I »« t M ti ]A I An 75 1 13 t 6 I • t •#••*• Wo. 1 1 I.Mf« Trtftii lUlttff . .• . • 10 Ik ^««ll n«t. I>o § II .» L^ift Tr«fli ru « Tf 14 Urc«Mi>i I 9f 2 Urftfthd^ ••• 14 DUfonal Do ., » M iThhiiitflMft too '• 0«nin Pli , 9 Yf 19 Ommtn P««««v ..,, $ ff II lOolMMlfoBu • Sepoate PartB of Pitt'a or Omf's Power. ■ •'•• Frio* I LMriM WImI, eoaplaUi »0 "<>«• , $48 00 I MoT't ...t. 41 00 • Uri« WbMlRl«...,». 17 00 J f*p PJy..... t 40 No. T RtTfl Pinion § | m* I Tr*f|i Rolltr.. »,......, a Uoo 0, • §4 I M ton IMI PBIOE FOR BELTING. II •• • . I c«a. » . • fltf. « •^ - T « T " '- • •' • •« . Jt 1 10 « - It •« II 'ilBobiHr^liyeii. • lOoto. II •• • . - 14 ** -'.M «« • • W •« - tj «« • -M « - 40 «<^ • » . p » f * f % [ * i., ■:• ■I- * . , . ^**" ■ " . & • >* f . f • r " '9 « ' ' /■ » » ' r , . 1 a. . • "'> v* ♦ "" '' » V ' , ' i *■ . ' J \'-^. '"'. , _ **» :^ ._: L^^ •^ ■ ■»■ /■ „ „ ._ ^ ^... ,^^ #\ ^. - IH ' . . ■ , ■ ■ ■ . 'ffliriTli^iig'^^rjfi'iiifrfriVnii - I'M l^JSajM^ti; ,i>)c - (. i^„ Ai^ ■j^is^^^w--; '« *, ■« ^rrrs or carey's horse-pqweil ^ \ i\a m A. > It A 1 ■ >- ||H ^1 '■ ffln^H ^ 1 MSlBm-r (4 1 ■ ri PH ^ A jH M \ \ \ ^ \ ^ 11 \.« 1 ^ -. W : ...«., ■»'"""'^ ■■^""T '"mm- JPiaCES OF MACHINES Dlllf . •* tlOtft MOWAlt TT iiMwinu •• NjEINOElRHOFF SlUP&AlUlrd MUffB, ...„..^ |» IMPBOVld TRBKflHlB AND 8BPAEAT0B, vfil V 10-HfWoedLiM8luAS0fo** •M 8lo. 1^ 8.H«in,...„..« ^„„ 100 WOODBURY POIfBB, (aim jtl WQl ia CttdU^ ly i^ ^^*y F7*ViJ *^***^**^«*«****«*«— ■> ' •• » ■•»■■ « < «« ■»««>«»»»«— «« ISO •*•• ^^^IhIBp «o«W^ .i f aallill (htf- A'' HjJJCIwoI* Witt 1>» •»» •» «P~ 1^" w. S=-^»J~ ^ ! J W I n ^m. ^',-^' :ii- .X ; mi ii(ir V, ••."^•^^T,^ > ' ' ■ ■■'. ■ ;■ /■,.'.•.* " -x- ' . •. ■' ■ ■■*■„' 1 "^ ' . * >/ " . ' ^ ,.'.*"• , ' ■. ■- * ''■..'•♦. ky: ■< ,* "^^^Qr^****-^ '• ■- , • ;.f ■■- . •■• ■ /^ •• -■ i- ■■■■ .'■'■■ *, ■■■• / ' / i/' - ^ ■/■ ■■ ■.■" ,.'■•■ .■ . ■ *v $ t ■ . ■' ' X • »>• ■ . . • '.:,■■■■■ -■•. -■ ■'..•• y ■ ' :■ "^ • ^ ■ ■ :.. ",-..:\ . . '■ ■ ^ • ' ' ■•■,.■... • . -X • " ■, .■■;',' V '.^ -^ ".■^^•■: -' . ' ■ "Y •.:.■■.' ■" ' ' ■ • -^ ••...... ,' % * ' ' ". / N , ; • , • Aoi ' y ' ■ ' ' •• - V - ■ • . "^ -*m . ; / ■■■' ■ ■•■■ . ' ■■.■ .•» '* W ' y. ■■ ■ ' * . • * . -■■ ■■■■■ • ' s .•.,:'.■■.■■, X^,..,.. ^ _ , , .. • '. V .;V,-; ^ m 1- . .- X,.. , . • • ■' • 1 . - . • ■ -^ ■. » . . '9 ■ ^^^^^^^^. ,'--' ' ^^^^^^^■r - . '- ^^^^^k^^-„:' ..'-'' ' ^^^^^- ' ^^^^^^^^^ ■ " ^^^^^^^^w ^^^^^^^^^^k . . ^^^^^^^^^w ^- '^^^^^k^ ""-'-' ^ ' '■■:■ ■■^^^^^^t ■ >;1^^^L "■:•-.•-■■ ■■ y ■--■-.- -^-. J^^^..- ' f:;^'^^^^^^ '.'-'. ' ■■^■: ■■'■ ',^^^^^W —^: ■-:■■■■ ^^^^:-..-^--. ^-'^ -.^^^m'- - - -':i^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ r-^ -y, - ■..:,■'■■■•.::■'■■.•:■■:■.' ■^^^■^^^^' .:■■■• -:^ '^^^^^^^^^^^L' ^^^^^^^^^^^^" ' ^ ■■■^ "■.:"■■--'■■::•: ^^w^''y^'-' ■ ■:•■'■■■■' ; • ■ ■■ ^W\ ■ i ■••■■■-,-- \ \. ■■ ■ • v^ •, :^:*: :,:•.:; .c-;: ; ■■>■.-;■• ■:--'.:j,-V^'' ■;- /V/ '-^^^vT-'V -^-'-^^ ''■;•'-■ ■■'■^\-- .^ ■ •- ' ^jM ~~ ^^r 1^ — ~ — . . - : : ^ • — : ~ — ■ — ; ■ — r-^- — - —' ^ — -*: -— — r ., . .' . r-- — — — * — ; — — ~ — ; — : — r-- — r ~ t- J -— ■ •:■:-■-■ --'.■■■•■.. ■ .■ » • ■. ■■':■■',■-'.• -../.o: ;'■ ,-.,■. :■ ■ ^■-" '" ,,. ,•>■■-■■ ,::;.• ;.y: /■• ,.' ■'■"■■■.v.-, ' V '• .-■-•.■ •■--.^■- ■-•■ . •■,'■;,..■:•,- ^-^ •■■■.■.■.,,■.■.•. .■.;V-, .-,..: -V, ",■ ■■■■:'■:■-...■■■,,' /■- .■:":■-■..:•■■ ^■".r":- ■■:■ '^ :''::.,■ ■■■ .,H^^-.. .^^-'■':r" ■'■av^- ■ ^ ■■'■ "-^.V'^" '', ^-^ ' --'^ ■ •* ■'. ■ ;■ ■ ■■ ..r :■■''■-.-:"■: : ^^^^. ■.:,-■.■■■ -^ ■■■■ : ^-^ ■■ ■-.:,■■■.;■ -■■',:-■'■ '■ ^ --. . ^ < .. • >j ^ , ■ ,- -^ ... ^■■■■■■^^^ ^ ■^, ».,. 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