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FMturat of *<• < of tiM iiiMfN in iIm iipradiMtioii. or whMi May •ifniftemtfy dMRp Dm hmmI nMtfioi of fNMim. < f ■■•• < L'taMthut ■ mtarof Hm* k RMiNMir •t u mf Mn 411'il lii> ■ M »o w iMi *. .;./■ • '■' - * mmmi '12)1 1SX 20X 24X 2SX 32X ■ '■:?m Thtcopy to tiM flMMTMltV of: foproduood tttmikt TheniM FWmt Rart'Book Ubrary, '\' ' UnliMnity of Toi onto. Ubfvy \ ■■'•■', ■ ' ' ■ ,' ■ ■ " vi>- Hio imogoo oppooring hoi^ «ro tiio bott quoHty poMlblo eorwldorlng tho condition and logllMifty of tho oriflinol copy ond in lcoo|iing ,wlth thf fHming eontract apocifieotloni. ^ . Original oopiot in printad papar eovaro ara fllmad boginning with tha front eovor and anding on tho last paga with a printad or INuatratad irtipraa- alon. or tho back eovar whan appropriata. Ail othar Original coplaa ara fllmad baglnning on tha fkst paga with a printad or iiiuatratad Impraa- alon, and (Hiding on tha iaat paga «dth a printad or iiiuatratad Impraaaion. Tha iMt racordad frama on each microficho ahail contain tha aymboi — »> (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tho fymboi V (moaning "END"K whichavar appHaa. »■ Mapa, plataa. eharta, ate., may ba 'fNmad at diffarant radoctkm ratioa. Thoaa too larga to bo ontlraiy Incliidad in ona axpoaura ara^filmad baglnning In tha uppar laft hand comar, laft to right and top to bottom, aa many frainaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagramf illuatrata tbo mathod: 'Ife.- L'a^amplalra film* fut raprodult grlca i la g4n4roalta da: ThomM Fldimr Ran Book Lkrary, UnitMnlty of Toronto Ubwry Laa ImagM auhramaa ont M4 roproduitoa avac la plua grantf aoin, compto toriu do la condition ot do la iMttat* d» I'aiiamplalra film*, at on, ^ conformity avac laa conditiona du contrat 4» fllmaga. ' iM iyamplairaa origiiMiux dont la couvorturo an paplar ait Imprimia adnt fllmia an common^ant par l» pramiar plat at antarmlnam aolt par la damMra paga qui comporta uno omprolnto dimpraaaion ou dHluatration, aoit par ki aacond plat, aaion lo caa. Toua ioa autraf axampiairaa originaux aont fiim4a an common9ant par la pramMra paga qafcomporto uno omprointo d'impraaaidn ou dUluatratlon ot on torminant par la darnlAra paga qui comporto una talla ampralnta. Un daa aymboioa aulvanta apparaltra aur la darnMra imaga da ihaqua microficho, aaion lo ' caa: la aymboio— ^ algnlfia "A 8UIVRE", la aymbola ▼ aignlfta "FIN". ;.- :. ' ,-■ •>'■',■ • ;■ f ■■ '• "■ ■ ;•■ : ' Laa cartaa, planchaa, taUaaux, ate, pauvant itra tiimte A.daa taux da rMuction diffironta. Loraqua la document Mt trop^ grand pour Atro raproduiton un aaulciteh*, 11 aat fHm* i partir da i'angia avpMaur gaMcha. da gaucha A droHo. at da haut'an baa, an pranant la nombro d'imagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa auhmnta illuatrant la mAthodo. ' U iw; 1 2 • 3 '> •' 6 M.'H'- " '^ ' ■Moi u iioi i tw hwn (ANSI and OO TUT CHART Nb. 2) "f . 1.0 1.1 m §23. IM 1 33 IM u * (J- 1:29 lU 1 16 Lii& ^ >>1PPUED IfSA^CSE Inc \ less Eort Main SrmI RochMtw, Nm Y«fr/i.to/i 6^ Co.,) , BOOKSELLERS AND IMPORTERS, lO & ]2 KING STREET EAST, ■..:'■■'"■' ' TORONTO.. (-)NT ^l- kmukacinc. Works in Biogrj^phy,/ History, Travels, Science, Belles-Letlres. Poetry . ^ Ficlibri, Agriculture and Induslrial Arts. HVITAHLE FOR PUBLIf 4ND PRIVATE LIBRARIES / ' ANP ' . ' '^ VgENERAL, liEAr)INC3^. ■ / \\ ■"■.'■■ / ' ' ' ./.: J WlUrM A WUUMMM. .. ■ ■ ■ . J , . ■ " « (. ' ..•■' •■■■^ \ "1:^ .'^ : I \ . I arTffilly • ,v >' M.- ■A . i ■%■ '* UILI'.INC, &■ U7/JJJ.\/S(h\"S GENERAL BOOK CA lALOfiUE, 4H7 1-'^. Ancient Classics ini! Km.i,i>)i 1!i:ai>i i;>-. Kdit.,! . by the Itfv. W. LiituH Culliiis M.A I'.ik li ti:t.'. iloiiivr N lliriul, Virull. IIoiiht'm (Mywov, ,-- lliiriift'. Honnlntutffe^-" .KHc'h.dii-, Varmt, S*fm \ulli>|>lr<>ii. 'Il^ OtlitTM HI i>rciit»nitl'/ii. I Ajjuliar. -Tin: WuiiKs UK \',L\t[. Aii ii'\i.. !' Vok, cnch ■<■ I "^l ""' . Hoiiiu liiHiiuiicc, Motlior'H Kut:uiii|K!ii>ii', IhiVH of llritcu, (2 vok). Vnio <>( (VdurH. UVhiii'Ii's Krlcnil^liip. roiiK'ii cif l-riu'l. CMmN.). A Visit Til MY DimoSi KNTi'.i' rm HiN. !Mh Alison. lllr.Tiil!\ III' Kl IIOI'K UliiM IIIK ('«>M- MIM I'.Ml NT t'K nil' I'lllN* II IfrMlMITliN, ITHU; III Tilt; Ant^i-liiN HI-' I.Klls N AI'tM.HlN^lHf)^, llv sir Ar.l.ilMilil AliHiiii. -jO vuIh. ami liith'X. Ht-JI 00. Agasslz. A .Ini'fcNKV IN llit.x/.iiv lly l'ii»IVH.sor iiikI Mis. l.iiiiiM A^iissiz. #1 ?•<'• Arnold*' Si I'mi'vnh IMtmiM an i i>\i ; with AS Ks.-\v (IN I'riViiAM-M \Nii nil', ('m itt ii ni- i^'. KnciLXNU. |!\ .M;i||Ii.'U AllMil'l *1 Il.l. i'',ssAV> IN ('l!l I |l l>\l. ( ill 7ri /kbdy and Walkor. Tin. ruMMisi \i;ii> m (Jaii'S ritAN.>i.ATi-.ii WITH Niiit:> i'.v .1. 'I'. Ainly, iN'K'i'n I'l""'- •'' I'liw"*, •'mill'., iiiiil I1r\iiii Wnlkt'iS M.A.,M.i-, !^"' ""• ' ■ / - ' - ■ ■ ' ' ■ Auerbach. Kiii'.i.wi;is.><. A Stinv. Mv Kii'tliitlil AUi-rltii<.Ii. l''rom tilt' <;friiiiui. ,, " IMlr. _k_ ^_ (iKKMAN T.VI.K.H. , • ■ -IJOC. ! Adams —t'li.vrTKiis oV Kiiii;, ami nrnr.i: IvssAvs.^ My ClinrU'.s KjiUici.s Atlains. .Ir.. iiikI llfiiry AdaiiLs. »1 If*. . ArgylL— Tnf: Vvm.S tinil . Moaiiis. 10c. I'li i .MKVAK Man . ,»1 no.' n Aytoun.-- I..\\>i , ;< vo I h . " i' i'i m. ^-^mw' f-th mUASC, & WILLIAMSON'S .1 Aloo6k. TiiK ('Ai'rTAi. tir run TvriMtw. a mm- tlvi- or u Then V.iirn' KiNiitfiiiM' in .rnutii. Hy Hk Hutli.rror.1 Al.iH'k, K.«M«. 'i v»k $H 'id. Banklna, I'atkiih on IUnkiho xtut ViHxttir., My « lUiik Miiiiii<{i'r., $1 OO, Be«tun. 'I'ttr. 1\iu,k ^iv H.\uu\;,s Manau^mknt. A iiftt nlitliii) iiiiiihti'il Id tli)>ri'(iiiin*iMt>.iitM lifiwiir tlHiu, Willi niimtnaloiiw. I>2 (M); — ----,* I'lt'llltNAKV oil' •)Kii«l|l,\l'IIV. A Iflll- VfMiit (lii/iitwr. liluNtriitc'l Willi iiin|w hh.I ,.|,. K'-'vi'iK"- $-2 m. ' l)li;TloS.\UY"or ifsivKllHAI, IIhhimai'iiv. l>UTM)VAUV »»|.' liMIVKIIHAI, IVKollMH- TIU\, 2 VuU. ^^ f,o. •CUhHUAI. Dli'TIONAIIVl 4 So. :. MurtKiiN Mkx ash Womks ruoM (Jkuikik ill. ro Vin-oitiA. 45e. -_,;__.. Till.; (J|j|.;4p n<»()K oK Pl)K|||V : Froill rii-diiiKri mill KUm AHii'.rs Mu'tliiiw to Mrowii- lii« uHd'lViiiiyHoii. #& f)(). Bonnechuso. Tiik Mintuuv ok Kiian< k. Fium "1- the IiivunIkii ..|: tlio KriiukM iimli-r Clovis, to tin* AcccHHioii or Louis l'|iili|i|ic. IJy Kmilo tic Hon- Di'flioHc. Fidiii th« Frciicli. $1 25. BORK.— '*l)or IT OmvN' f on Likimn ru\: Noinii. Wksi'. Hy AlixiUhlci' ni'f,% 8i M. Bright."— Hi'i:i:riiK,s on i/ikhtionn hk rnu.ic Tni.lcY. Hvtii.' |{i;^lit Hon. .lohii Mii«Iit, M.i'. 1'Mit.Ml by IVol. Tliorol.l 1{o<,'cih. .;»' OK Ihviiv, Loitii MiioittiiAM. Written by liini' ■inlf. a vttk Kill li II 75. _ MHluHiiHr.vrKNMK.voK THK Hkmin urnKoiKiK in. 91 25. , ... Hl'K.KrllK-»HN Hoi l.u, AMjI'oI.ITHAI. Hiriiuj t*. Willi liiHiorinil iiitro *. > (JKNF.RAI. nOOK CAtAl.lM.Ol' r Boyd. vW»Mi5i»M'r.s. M of Ki>'rv V» Aim. Vly Murk IW»y.l. •*»•*"• HWW1HI.MW .tl i» r..imlr,v »'.,nim..|ii.U.«ili.ll.«.i.li«>r. Ihir«*.ii, I'l '»•»• !«""» ""'"*• «'»»»''•*»' ^rL*"" 1.. - i'..i Um.^Tl....iKl.i«..l...-.Mmlry Hu.iduv ,V»l.nrH.-.ii« In • I "»• ..xr'ii.nnWr"''- . c-csifp^u... ............. .Vuliiiiin llolUUyv Ourrlll. 'Vv* Hi'\. k ••..! muv asm h« tMiMN ^ lt.mi.Mi ».\M.. H> >.lll.u niil-rm. *» ft»^ . A \V,»i.KHii>w biMM*** rM •••'•» s. |l\i K. Mini Null" i»v iiu W\\, *\ *•». Driijlon. TiiK Mvimh ut^ iii», Njw W.mi 1.. .\ jibfalim' oir rii.' SymlM»IUiii immI MvIIm«1"K.V "I ll>' ^,..1 !{..,.■ ol A il.u. I»> l>itiii.l * Mvtiih «»i' ink Midui r. \um: Hy S. MitiiiiK-• Blckinure. TiiAvKi.M in tiik Kahi«iim Aiiniim- voo. A r..|.iiliu- |).'s.ii|.Him iif tlw InIuimI-, MiiiiiH-iH iiiul t'uKt..mH of til.- lV..i.l<;, i't<'. Hy AllMrt S. Hickiiion-. 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Uy P. lUnUofon. .^^^iz^ii: J ^ WtUMM'i ImorloM 8tad-Book. V..I. i. • '• "rr ;; Fnnk PoTooUi'i Hoim .nd HonomaMhip. «**•»«• ^^ ^ t vohi ■• '■ " ' . f. Prank PoriiUr'o MmmI loang fcporUmoB ..•■•• • • tkoDof. IMiAii, Mayh'w. •«»•»"»»"»'""«•' •y-"-'' 5 J (JoplM'.Alphaboti..- • ' ■■•• . , Oroff'o Modol BnborbtB Arohlt«)«M«- • •• . r — OrMk Bhot 1 \ . ,. u 11 DMdBhoti "^ «??!*«";;• CompUttOBW...v- Woodward'! HBtloMUrohltoot •••••• BTolotk'iBokoolHoBie Arohltootu?*-" *^ I AUen'i (L. K.) RunU Archltocture .....,....*.... » Allen'«(K. I..) Anwrican Karni Book.......... .»..•• •••• • AlloiV* (B. L. & L. V.) New Amorioan Parm Boofc. ... .. i Alloirit (K. U.) DliMMww of l)c>me«tlo AnlinaJ*. ..... .^. . •» » Ameri««n Wwdii and l'H»eul iManU . . ... .-■ - A • • • * Bommer'» Method of M»klnn Manurw .....,.....•.•.•' ftiumlngaulfit Rural Economy......... 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Cloth DownliM^'8 Landscape Gardening, 8vo., MO pp- • • • ;^y -^ I5a8two<|d on Cranberry.. • ••f'" Blllott'i WeBtem Fruit Grower's Guide.. . . : ...... . ■ «• •• ElllottiLawnandShadeTrees.. ....... ...•••"•••••• : Flax (julture •••••••••••,••: .V rnller** NtrawtMrr) I'ulitirtot.. |. ».,,... .»••..•.. »Pttoty*mtk\xm'hm> 'm^*.- •..t*^"'",^ •••••' UiLWHi on MtMi «'"wi. ♦.....••*•• IImtI*' IninHtU liiJurlMUK Ut V«||«UU«'«......»..>....«'!' ||«iHlrniiin'«G«r.l«>lim'"rl''^""t ••<•••••"■'•• * lliirlwrt • Hlt>t« ^' lluni^KtiDi^ra...... ... ;..,.••••"• llMplHlltUW ,...»».....f.i..>"' Iloo|wa' M.M.h •.! ftwifwrna ... ...... .»..»» • r • • ',• Hunter aiMl TraiiMr ,!,,,.....*..•......••>•,••• J«...|U€».' Manual "I th* HiwBW. > • • • • ' •• it^tiu-' MaMU«l of Uui Usnl#n and Farm Yard. ..... ... J.i»in»t.in» Agrhiiltural »!»..nili.lry ;•••• Jthnnton . KlMi««ut« ..I AijrIcMltural TlifniWry.. »..,,• ■• Johnnon's ll"W < '"M" *'•** -"'^ • • • ' • ' • " " '< •••••"•• Lyman'a 1 1 » . ■ MlloM .HI the llorne'i. F«><.t ......... •..•.••• • • r • • " M«hr on the Uraiw Vine i ....... • My Vineyard at Ukcvlew ,. ..^.... HorUm's Hclentim! A«rl«ultMro '.... • •>' Onion < iilture . -■•'> • •'• • • • • '■; ■'• " , our Farm "I ^.ur Ae«* - . V*i>*r, aOe.. Cloth PMdeeonHtrawlMjrry tulture....... ..,.f... Peat and Ita Umih .v ...... ••• |>e«ld«r'H Land M»aitiirer .............».....>•■••••• Qulnhy'n My»terlos of U«o Keei)(nK Randall'H Hheep Husliandry I 01*. M m ««o IM, n» 4« *•§ I W »•• • M iTi IW tad I M 1 Randall'HKheei. Hu»l»nilry •■.•• • i^Z Kamlall's Fine Wool 8hee|. Hu^idry _. . . . • • . _ ' « Hlohar.l*m«nthel),.K ■ • 1'aiK.r. 3««. . t'lotl. m River's Miniature |.>»dt Oaldejv ....-- '• > «» Rural Church Architecture. Folio. In clof*. 46 pHs . . U W to* in w 1 u tteundem' Donieetio I'onltry I'aiK r, 40i- Schenck's meH for the People ....•■ White's Gardening for the South . . . . ... .... . • Woodward's CotUges and Furra Hoiwes. . » . Woodwards Suburban and Country Houtwa^ Woodward's Countnr Homea ................ Woodward's Graperies, ot«s . . , , . . . . ...,..,-.. Youatt and Spooner on the Hdrw .- •> ..• Youatt and Martin on Cattle • I QO 'U> 1 60 ^ m 1 0■ SmaU Fruit Culturist.. f: "i-' ■/' i» .—Wl ii »H w to i"W- Praotloal tnd Scleniinc Books, published by H. C Balrd. Philadelphia. FniS«il« hy WIl.lINO A WIUUIAMHON 4r»Mnnd, Aaonmi. «ul Mitw ""- »^*'^ l)»..Hiht* flu IMI. ArloV A t'«>«li|il«»» «Jiit«l« fi* f.NMh r»liit»«, . ArrawuUth l**!***' MMig«r'« r»m|«iil«>ii. Bkkar l<<>iiK-M|Nin IUIIw«y IkUkfm Baiiennkii A rrv.>il»o on Ui« Mwtallumr •>! Irtm B«»ui A Tretttl«< ..n lUllniMl Cunw »n.l 1»m iUllroail*. 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Duiaooa,' A New and Com|ilete Troatiie on the Art* of Tai\- .^ig, Currying, and licathcr DreiMing. tlO 00. ■^ A Ouuoral Trentliio (Hi the Manufacture ol Evenr ^^ Vo«crIptUm of Hoap. flO 00. ____ ^ Practical (lulde for tho Porfuiner. 3 00. . ■ ' : A tienorul Trcatliie on tho Maniilacture ot Vihegar. . ■ 16 00. De draff.— The GooniotrlcalStair-BuiMcr'* OukU. S 00. Dyer and Cohtf-iniikcr'n Cointmnhm. . . IK, OtMlUtr M*ullt« AUo)> Ki (M OatMr - A Prattleal Trnatlaa «iit 0«t. rttf>>tllUBi> AMI other ItUtllml «HI». K- ** *" Hay. Th» liileflor Dw rifali i r . ^ / HM. lata aad r«ltl»f- ■ ♦. ■,■'••■ Bugbaa Amorlran Mtltir attil MtnwrtKht** AwHtaKi. U ijh Jailia- H*lliira.v Pro|wrl) . • •* Eellay. H|>«w<-ha» and Uttam on lndii«trlal an«i VlnanHal y«iMtli>ii« ** on Loth Thr |'ra4.tU»l HUlr Mullder. ' • 10 UO. Landrla A Trrt»iu«oii «•■'«! ' ' *', LarklD. Tlui PrmtUul liriMxaiKl In.n Koiin.hr'. iJnlde. 1 V<. Leafttt I'x't* alxiut I'nat •« an ArtU-lu of KnrI t 7A. Lanrai. A Priutlcal TreatlM on tho Munnf«i'tnni of Wof «tvd« and Carded YanM. |A OH. Llabar- A*aay«r'« (liilito, .■_■ ^^ . '' t !>»: Lore. The .»rtof r)y«lng, «n«i»ii(n«r, Hcwirlnir, and rrhUhIng on |h« MoNt A|i|>ri>v«d KukHhIi and Kronoh Ui^diod* ^ Oi). Vaplar. Manual of Kl«tilr(i Mutnlhirio S 00. lawbery oioanluK* from onmitimtat Art ul irt»ry atyle. ■loholaOB.-'''h« ('-ariwntor'* Now (^iiUle. « »<•• RIohoIion. A Manual of tho Art of llookhlndhiir i V> lyatrom. - (Hi TwhuoliMh-al Kihu-atloii uiid thf foiLtnuilon of Hhl|ai and M«!row nr»»ti»ll«ni, fi W WaiU. - A l>lctloimr.\ »f l»y«lnK and (Xloo Printing. OO. Oaboni.— Aniorh-an Mlnv* immI Mhiliiif. Th- MctflhirKy >>f Iron and Kloel. Pl^g^^Ulldvr, and VnrnUher * ('oni|>uiilon. Ptrkina and Btowe.- A NowClulde to th«> Hheet Iron ami Holler Plato H.iU«'r. WW. Pa«T- The Manufacture of KuKiilttn Hhcctlron. * WK^nt* PhllUpa and Darlington. Heoord* of Mining and MeUlhirio^ Pntdal, Majepyre, and DMaanot.-A c..iMplet« Tw«tlH)o|. 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SA 00. 2 2r.. -^T-r- Eaatpn.— A Practical TreatlMO on .Strcut or Ilorsc-iniwer Hall- way*, JP2 00. Elder.— Qnestlonn of the Day. . ^ ' " -^iOO. FaiAaim,— The Principles of Moclianliiro and Machlnenr ol f raiiiunl»»loii, ■ . $2 50. ^rayA.— Book of Do . .■ s _ , "'' ' ■ . \'\ r: ■ y- ; ■ .; ■ ■ -i'** « ■ b .■". ■- ' ■■ ■ •■ 1 .: ' •, ; •; ,' . ■ . • ' ■ ■ . ■ ' . '4 ■'■-■'. ' V ;■(■ - „ ■ . ■ -^ '. ' ...(■•• • ■.I- ^ ■ ■■■ ' ■■^; • - /;■;■■■ ■ ■-#- -.'< _ - •■■ ■ -•'• c » • « ■• ' , ■ > > '* ' • ,\ ^ " / ' ■ '•'■' , , ' - • • . ' '* , «,.* • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f f ' ■■ ■ ■':;■ 1 1 i L ^ t k W • ■ -1 1 1 1 i L J r ■ ^- ■;.■' K 1 1 1 L k. ■a ;;i m ^^^^Hr.-- ■ ■ ■ ;- ' ■. 'V sfeSs •N I