IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3 St ^ ^*? 1.0 I.I HaiM |2.5 Ui 1^ |2.2 U liu 2 1^ 12.0 1.8 1.25 j|U III i-<^ ^ 6" — ► /i % (? > •> ^$3 ■, ■?!%• ^■K . 3^ ,.*^ "N -..->v \^-s >*•.. ■•*>-, ■:^^ &t I ^ -^' '•ii* %.. V - '^'= :t«."t "»*.ipw"!'"''' '" .."' ii'tfw^r^T ■* v.^ H&ORT ABRlDGaffiNT ,«». 0OCT MtHTLT ABTUIS VOB TBB V» Of Tm ' .% '^'''■f. CATHOLIC CHUB^, -4, ' w * ■ ■«!.■ i t\ • >-ifi £i a g ♦. . r' sii 1/, *f A. /c* -k 1 tf w > t Ai • I * J*^^* • ' ?\J. },.A x "tl Jt ■( C^" .>">".- ./ - .:.**-^ ijq," fj ^ * «!*"'^-: ^ Jh*« \' < \ " t *• '-l t ^ ^ J. -- . > ' ?'s ^i" ..*J.A^ ■M', > •-1 •5^*1 i* w •"■-•i^- *" - ■(.;---(' V" »*» :*•* :-.'|^:. •>-:•■ 1 v / . 'Mr ..'-?' .*«H "< / "*UT'f "> t 4# -f .-M** . fc: * > \ I* < ? Sitfy ir ■■■. \ ,.. AUStiiidajs. Tb« CircuacMoQ of dur i , . . ■ C^rittBiai ihfi Ute, Mi, .-- ■ d r •^A» When »|ie fcut ^ the 3ftb ifipPli, it is ft mmg -li-' •^ / • » .'•<*- Monday and Tufsdaf lo £»ilM, week. ■ ' . ^ •- ' Monday and. Ttt«aday in Wbit- •untide week. *;;t; ' Th« eighth day afler C«r]rt#| Okrtsft day. The ^ at of St. Steplieto, Mart. Tieieailof St. Jbbii, sp. Dm.S^ .Hf/*^'V The first Sunday w February — th«^ P«iific»tioo ohb« BY. M. The $«8t Sunday after «hAi#9lh •( Ffbmary-St Malthla^ ' The fint Sdoday after tht 16tlt # orM«wh~^St. loA>ph. jfflM 'itit Sand.'^'' in May-*^. ' 'Sft% f nd 3t. JaiBei^ ■« lis. .%, « 'Wi l. NV;..V ^ '£ The first Sunday after Ibe SOt|l of June—.St. John Bapti»tr The fint Sunday after lite 1 6til of July-^Sl. Jaoief. Vbe first Sunday after Ihe S3d of July—St. Ann. The first Sunday after the 6lb of , Augttst-rSt. Lavrence. The first Sunday after the i5th of August— tbe Astiuoiption of tb«B: V.M.— St Bartboloineir. Tbe first SODday aftrr tbe SUd of August — St. Le«ia» Tbesecond Soiidaf in Sept— 11^ Nalirity of th« B V. M. -^ , The first Sunday after the Ifilb , -.St Matthew. ..^-f >"^' The first Suttday after the 1 3d— ^.Michael.. ., -Tbi^iirst Sond^iy after tii'e' Sitb Oet.--St. Simon Si St. Juie. TIfr firftt Sunday after the 19tll of Korerabtr^SI. Aiidreir^ v,«i T^ The Sliixtij before Ike Cobc^ tioo— St. Fifadcit Xavier, The Sittriay before ClurblmM day— St. Thoaias. ,J*^X *1" ■-m: ...i.^ ■:\ ']N*>!' .-*»«.,■* X FarUcular Feasts /aUingw.H THE SITMDAYS. , '^ ^i Tb6 third Suoday after Easier tbf HolT.Faoiily of Je8U9» Ma* rj, Jotepb. " * ^ Tbe sfcoud Sunday to July^lbe Bedicatiee of Ibe Catbedrfi Cbttrcbe VASVINO OATI. tv I. All the da«*t in Leot, eseepi Sundays. S. Xbe Ember dayi, sr . Tbt WfdiNMdaji, Fvidajib «>t 4;. :4i^ ••». .(« •■% >e '?■■: i^r^i:*^. Pf * -, f SilBi4«ft next foMowlBg tftd Irat Sttodiy of Lent. Whil;9k>4^ay. „ The EzaltaMon of llie ho\j i;5t CroM, aod ibe Uiird Sttodaf of ' $. Tte (blloviog £▼€• or Ti|il|. or €8irialraas-d»7. Of Whitsunday. .f or St. Jolin BapfiBt. or St. Peter «ld Paul. Of St. Lawrence. 1^ I ^^Of tbe Anuoittton of the T.M. Of £ft. Blattbeir. or St. Simon and Jiide. Of AllSatota. / . Of St. AiAfeir. . ' K. B. |f any of tbeie $itt» fali ui«on a Sunday, Ibe fast day ii to be kept ttfto Ibe Satiird»|r Mfor9> 1 ■(* ■r 4 • V' '.*' ti AV -^■■^•- *' .». (?*'V.m*v -< . it trauitilrd l0 ibe Siiiiday, tto fi8l day Is kept ou lb« Satdriaft llie €ve oHbal feaaf. ^^: irikf featl.fall ofi^aturdajy if tbe faat da j la kept ou Frida j* v. ■ *.. ■' ■ ikofs ^ ttbgHfitnei from fns^ i . AH SttudajTB Id Lent S. St. MarVs day, uoteM it falla| in Eatier week*. • aj S. Rotaiiocr(ire Af-censloo dajr 4. All Fridays throuKlioiit ills |6ar. 5. All Saturdayl, «xefpt CbriifniAsdaf, till the soleiii«# nily of tbe Puiificatioo. ff B. If Christmas-day Taiift^ 00 Frid&T or Satnrdeyt it U not| keot vlth ftlMtloense from fiefd. .*#^' # •% -7?^ ..Jt- M- t'. *viv-, ^ii«p •f m ft '^ i- * -<» ■'i'-'. ■■r*' ■■"^ 9 -»,- (•-» ^^: ** ,wr- 10 iWKc # Df |l« _ ^ * . ^V *,■•■ ^ v\ . I« the BftiBft of Ibe JPatlier, of lb« Son, and of tbe Holy Ohoit. Oinr Fatb<*r #ho Mt iolieavedi balloiked bt tliy Dane: tby kiaf** donconif: t^y iirilM)e duui^ on "^ eartliai it n iis ln^aveD. Give lit this day our daily bread: aod IwitWe U8 our tretpasMS/ al wo forgive llioae wko lrripaMai>iiy)iC tts: aad lead ua iiot into t judge Ae Liirlbjl and the Drad. I believe Id the Holy Ghost; the Holy Catholic' Church; the ConijittDioo of SaiDla; the Forgireii^%fS the Reiurredioo of the Bodyj; tod the Lift eTcrlaitiog; 'Abkb^ ii#*' ,-' -"f . :r: ^ ¥■' >*!% m^^m :-^'-W -^ .■♦-/''s '■'*l^-"v.'> ■/ :/• fM' 4 !<■' 'W-! f..:.J^' l^. Zii> K>l* \\ /. '4%^ r T->- i I C^Bfesii to Jnilighty Ood, Idesseil Mary, ever Yi^^ ta blessed Michael till ^ fo bleated St. JohD ttie 16 the holy Apostles St. Petlfl^ $t F^ul Epd to all ihe S^inte^ tlikt^l^ate siqoad exceedingly 1^ tbouiKht; word, and deed, t!>roii||| my fault, through saf ^||auH^ through ray most grievous faalt|' ther elore | , tieseech the blesse^, Mary, em Virgin, blessedrMi* chaei the Archaugel^ blesse^jSH JohD the Baptist, the holy ApCMh ties St* Peter aod Paul, and alt the Baihts, to pray to the £iord ittlraodlbrne. "^ w- *7 i<^ i^'i- ,M*y Ahe Almighty Ood have Wfcy 00 me aud forgive me my •Wt and briog me to «f ectiifttini|' N/" 'A • ■■>«v •>. .;.. > •*• ■ ••( .,vil' ^f^^B^ . May tb« Aknlglitjr and Mer«i* III Iiord giin^ al^Pardoo, Abso- I11AI0A aiid RcmjtikHi if all IDF dk ,„■-.. 'V.- ^ V--' ■•■v''-.*'"'^T/*vKi. ■*'■''■ '■ "^ '%■» ^ ».i'' i,^^^* ^ItWiaiD tbe Loira toy Obd, WBO broughr mdili^ of the iM W Slgypt, aod out of Ibe hqiwe.of f 1/ Thotf iBait oat Dm any t range Gods before qn^ Tkcm lalKoot make to thyself a graveo lathing, nor tbe likeDeaa of^i||[^ Ibifig tbat ia Hi Heaveo above^W te tl^^artb belot^mr ff thiqgi tbat are in Ibe water under tbe vonhifi tneiD. I sm the Lora thy Cod, ttrofig and jeatoaiH |^ iting Ibe lim of the Fathers Hpoi ' J|ch Children. I^the third aipi Um^ am t Mtm M tM ihit :--■■■(»», * .. > i'V ' So- ny. ■ * i' f . ■ u- •oA ■•-■■ ■"!•- ^4 Aping picwsj^Jo thcatauds of riiose that love mi ^■f "*^;^??T^^,;''^ '4 Ilr Thou shalfc Qot lake tbi Kameof t lie Lord thy God ia vain; for tbelpord iv^UdoI hold bim guiUlefls tl^a^ rl^keth his III* Remember iiep «% the S»bbai£:da^ jiii^r - Hoiiduf tot Father an r, ThoM Shalt fHil, Mil. Tllif l^hou shalt not cofflmit > ■ -^ - « " ■»' • .■^.. .Jft}^ ^ Jihrtii^^hou ih jiitiiiit fteii^ !^* Tiff.'- Tliou ahait not beat :^^'---*^^ ' *w-^ ,.^v «*; ■ff: ,'Si-'BS"*''f " M'.JPHIPl H I ■III I III 1 !• II « iiMi «i • I ••mum^^mii'mmmmmmmmmil^f u 1 ■^-.i: IX. Thou than oM 4«iirt Ibjr Noigliboar'* Wife. iC Tbou sllalt not coteMft^ Keigbbour^s Goodi. * TkeCmmandmentf$fihe ClirciL I. To keep' certain appoioteJ dk^s boly; with obiigatbn m icitiog from servile worki. ^ ' f. To bear miaa oo SaoAtift •Dd bolidap of obligatioo. 8 To keep fait \n Lent, fbi Mmbtf dvys, and eve» of ceHaio HBftirah; and to abft^io firoin ieab oo Fridays and Sati^ayii fescepiing tu tlib Dioc4>aev tbi SntMrdopa between Cbristmaf abl Cftndiemaa;) and on tbe otbef appointed daja pf abstineooe. ,4- To eonfen o«r iim to oir •Mtttr, UnKhit^ ftt leait oi$fe a jrcar< l^- it m 1^ 5^ TotecetTe tlie blttktdi tg^^ craroeni dod lha| jit EaRer, ^t tliereftboiilt. ^ &. Not.* to matifj wUl>m eer- taio drgrees of kiiMfred, nor [iri« valel;^ williouC^ uUi9jps8« nor ttl- sdlerooize HiarrUge »t cerUifl proii4Mt€d liHieiu O my God! . I firml)^ believe all Uie sacred trtinia tbe CattiOt tic Cbi^eti believes aad teacheii bee%U8e Ibouliaet revealed tbefOy nbo Deitber caoat deceive oof be deceivedf. An Act ■". dat cf ContrHicn, - ,, ' O roy Cad! T atn nioet beartf- Jy ftorry for all my sins, aiod I de- tttt t^m above al] tblogs from the botloqi of my beari, because ^ey dispieaietbee, my God, w bo art iOoA deiter'ping of ail my loTe for t^y moat amiable and adora> ttl^jM>rfecUoiis, and I firmly pur- pose by I by boly gtafse oeirer more to oficod tbee, and Ut do penance. ■,^,%. r ^ y IT THB AKOSI.VI DPMIMI. 1. The Af}|;el of the tierd ie* dared aiitii Marjr: and the eeii* ceived of the Holy OhoH. Hoit Maf^y& Holy Mmry^ Se. 9 Behold the hand Biaid of the Lofd: be H done qoto me ac« etfsrdios to thy Wordk Hail Jbtor i^Aiod the Word wiis loadir fletiV atid^^elltiEoogtia. Hail iC Pray for Hi, 5 Holy Moth- er of God. Ar Thai «e miiy bOvraade worthy of Ihe-pidmiteaof Chriit» V ■^'% Lit vspray: Pour forth, we beseeeh thee, O IliOrdi I hy grace iBtoour hearl»| [that whom the loeartiatioQ i ChrUt, thy Sod^ was mad b3 V mvm mm^^^ mm koiiwii hj'^.ht Bi Wo mutt ^oribip Aod ^ faltb, hope^ tod charity; ihat {«« we must believe Jn him, bape In him, add love him with all oiiir heart Q. How shall me know Ihe thiogs ivhtch we are to believe?* Av From the CathoIiiC Church of Ood, irbich he has efitablifthed bj innumerable miraclcai and jK luslrated bv the lives and dtalbi of innumerable sdiota. /' CHAPTER II. Of the Apostles'' Oeed. Q. What are the chief thiofpi which God teaehei? ^ Al* They are contained in the Apostles^ Creeds :*-\..?rL' ^ a r^k^ Bmj Ike ApcittW Greed? A. I beliere in Qod the Ft- Iher AifvigtatjrtJCreaCor of lietTeii and earth: and lo Jesus Christ, llisoiilj Son, our Lordj nbo wai jcoocei/ed by the ULotyOhost^born of the A^ii gin Mary, suflfereduo* der Pototius Pilate, ^m crucifiei!, dead, and buried; he deseeoded into hell: the third day he rose * agaio froQi the dead; he asceod* el into lieaTen, sUs at the right liaiid of God the Father Atniigh- ly; from Iheoee h« shall come to judge the liviog and the dead; I belie?t 4ii th« Holy Ohosi; the Holy Catholic Chure b; the Com* nunioo of Saiots, the forgiveness of sibSi the resurreelioii of the body, and life everlastiug. Amen. a What is the iirst ariteie ojf tibe Apostles' 0«cd? .||; ir^.^" '^m V ien. 0/ u . '• A. Tbeliere in jQod^ 0if Fa- ther Aliiiighty,Creatot ofiieMfeii mod earlb. Q. WballeGod? Av Ue is the Maker aod h^fd of heaven and earlhV. Q. Why H he caired Aimighr 4y? • ^ , A. Because he can do all thiols, i^batsoeverhe pleases^and nothiog is hard or iaipoS9ibije for him. ^ ' ' Q. Why is he called creator of heaven aod earth? ^ A4. Because he made tieavende eartbt and all thingt out of noth* k)g by b IS only word • »■- r^.<:/H*r [^-'4- '-,^%A 6«1 mf^: li"^*'- EN •>-v. -. N- _ » >: -i-. ^'^^^ -/i^:»-Vv ri ■*'*. 1" A. Y A.»6od Ihe Father, God tbe Son, and God j|(e .^oj* Ghost; * iv^Uil^. Are th«T »«! three Gods? S^^'^o; Ihe Fntbef, Ibc Soo, ttiil the Holy Ghost, are all but ooe and the same Gad^l 'i 1^^ • ^JljivWhlcb is ihel^ecml aftlck? r^^'^'^-' 'm t. "^ ■ '*' ; -v. h' *• '•*t- ^4;54:.;j.^ ^S Son, our Xiorflt^** >»;«*«- I^h#i8p you beljeict ,«|| God, the seeooa person of true wso. -^^^^i^^^'As^^^^^^A^^,^^ '..*•• ^eciiuN Ke is Ihe Vn0W ^, |Wh|r |« li«L|rue God? | BuQs 1 (^olj Soo of God lb« FdUii^. born •^ iJ,: f-V'% a ^f.L,.i;, r- ; » ..*fj |y egua! to hitoJ ^^>l^iBeeause be is the true Soa bas a bod J aod soul like oiirs*^^ fla^ Was he a!wa# both God and Man?w:*'^'^*^5 ^^•liye-'^^^-.'ir'::':;,^.-'-- 1:-' :rfk%^Wkw2in aIw^a||^God» equal to Ills Father, from ail eteroily: but be was Qot^jiays oaaD) but .y- > T- V, , (• •r :v^>-" -.*^ !*(» . .-<• :- v.<: ^■:.- i .>\ -s »J •,''"V.-'^-.k..T'L'^.^ wmmmmf ■. v*i i; li^^ liffle tiiliaiBi 1^^ lr<^J^4^aveii (or our redeBi|^tio«« I Why wa* ^e made Man^^ iTa^w^e m from lis *iul Q. Whieb U 1I19 third artkl«f I A. Who W3^«6tifcehrted ^ Holy Ghost, boro of Iha Tirsia . iioir was ne inaae fliao? Siade man vy the powf'r or the YirviD Msirf . wtthoQI baf mg any fliiD:f;-»J,,-.-. ■■ / «^ ■'*H - •■ j^ Jt'";' ■. ^^■■^ -■•;.■■■ ' ' t ■■* -" ^-^■■'M- .wfRred tittder FontTus FT- V ' tKWiit, ^IM' p '' c^aplfll^ ;; ^bal else?. :«?'|R;^^#$^> A. He VI as DaHed to n cross^ and j^€4 upon it beiweeDlVit T.' ''mL For our sioB. ••;. ':-^^:ii\:::S^m^ Q, On vrhat djiy di^ Jbe iufftrl ;,^J|i.aOti Good Friday#v'#s'^ A^ On Mcniiit Calv:iry./:;li^lvt Q ,Why do CaUioHcs make the sigii of the CrossE #-^ ..^^--'^y^j^irl A To put U8 ill. miad^of the blcsted TriDilyT W'^af the ,» * ,',#*'>, • -, • ' • .. ■ -«- ' ' ■ ■ ■ •■ - J ^,( ^' .J . ■ >' ■■ , . 5 . •■•,..'• ^ ' • -' 'r I ■ ■ ■ ,' '- '■ ' ■«.. ni V^V^ V-1 -^'^VC^;:^*-''. '&. BiCODB p^rton bcea ate srai died an Ih^ Cross. ^;^5;^ ^ %fc H^ Whal puis us itf'inind of ' blessed triui! j w ^n jnyi. fKia|f ^^tbe feign i)f the ^: These words; mjhi MiM nfthe Holsj Ghwt ^"m^^;:^'^-^-^^^^ Chriit became a mao^ aud sufftr- ■ ^i^The very mafciog «r sigri- ^ ourse] ves n i^ (jbf jp)j»l^|||#^ cross. ^& 3^v*."*3S3i#^W.■•:3iio*- i He descipodedinlo bell; Ibe tbirdda} be roae again frofntM Q Wbittier,^idtbe80u}Dfouc ^'i^f^jUie sou! wept down htt^ i.-''*?^jp- that hell called limlytt^ m^ ■ ^-» ' -» , ^ ,' h ' "■—."■ ■•- x^ -t . *- ■ V " ."^ ' - » ■ » •*.,■" ' .1'- • •' . 4' m- d if.. at ^:*.^'> 'fiat do y dyi i^eaiQ'bv ^ %ht^re the ioi|}s.i;>|[llte«aiuts lifM^ ' ~^''^. '".",■ J ^ e asciebded i ■-.if ■ \r i:; leavcnj?-'-* sits attbf figbt Father rx^: W~if* -^ '\$i'-.'fi-i,>i';i>^ *mM, ''M' ■■n^ ;^.j Uo,/*-, •stj up to * ■ * . -<»< i» ■« .«^', ■/f'P(»i< ^t''< ,x .*. , j_.^;' '>• *^->'^^*-' ^.'T-'- 'it^^?*:*''"* ■\* ia ■»»t_ ^ ^sV if*' »••.••*** "> '.^^ x!-| "2** r \; ■**^fr»" , 'J?v, ^1^' ■'«.■>. .;•'& V ■.,'*.« .t-^i ■f^:: .V ■S.'u'..'". a;'^'^: f >v. t. A/'.^^-^ v: *\iJ<: :":t^^;:*,:fo> ^^ >-Q. Why ishe 9aul tasit atlhe rigM hand of 'God the Fatb^V^^ H^B God the Father apy haods^ Ifaege words is that Cbiist^as God, ia e^i|a|^|o hU Fatber; aiK|.{|i I maD 18 10 Ibe bigbeat place ki ' Q. Oo « bat day did our Sar* .*^ • ,^ -^^ _ "^- -art.\ ->▼»->. r- ''■\». ... %•■»»> '•,':^^ «;/.,, , -^ C» 7- -SO., -i Oo fcemffin • fei;-i.^i et^/Mlfi- ■O ^^ '-' ,, "s^ from tbeooe Jte 8h8jj|,€ojDe Q. Will CiirMtro4|ae agaip? b£».'.^.f . ^ ^■•:# from beaveo^ alibe laat daVi to judge alrdPm. i#^f' #-^^#:^^^^ ^^ What %jt% tbe Uiiiigs be will judge^-^^«/f ?2«/-. - " ■ ;i^^-'«5^ lgW^:f ;,>:^giW/;^ ,::^,-, Vr^^^-^^' ■^,%':,, 1 .' 'il'lilllll f^ll «> ■^,',^1 i||irh:i#%jii hr^if #^lit :,'^'-M "^ I IliCKfdF "^l^-'i^-'^i^ir^' 'Y^^^ Jk\^pepattfromvuJye cursed^ inlc ei^irld^ting Jire. Mat. 35, 4 U r frr. Ihir, pomss thtktn^doin priparta *? judged ai bi& <)«alb, js »ell as al ^>s , Yfs; he will. .^K'^---^:H'—y-^'>-: Which is the eighth ar(!cle| A^ 3* belle?* in the Hohf' G hoi< ^ ' % '^'*# ■ ■ -'K' ^ ?^;^ v^ 'i^pa'v ^'^ () W ho is the Holy Glirs? li^^C i^me l» Ihe third Pi rsim »|;' lh«^ blessed' Tritiiiy. ■''■■; V"''^'^--''*''^'^'''-'^ From. It bom does hfr piflM eeen? iy:'-(: \ t*- V V . •••»■, y r ■■-,.■ ^. V « g y tv "V ■ .»..-.o J JP- A» From toe Fatlier acd the . ^4Ij/I» DC fqiial to •'-—•^ %^I^|Y^®^ lie » the same Lord .5I^-'^ ■...•:; i; ^l^oaie down ttpotr the Apostles m I . r-fierj- tongues? '^:'^^0§.5:^-^y%i. it: n.: .. / od Whit Suna4rM«-,i:i4 Wliicb Is llfl iiinlh ittick? » the holy Catholic C/burcb, Communion of SalDl»i!!'|pi, h?*^--''"^ , _ Q Wbal » the Ca_-, l^ct A. 4U (he Jaithfiil iiD4er one Christ Jesus our Lord, si / .rt, J ::^" beadoD-eartbr ■ 0^-iM, ■■^:^ otneg **■■ ^i^';>>r;. ^^ Ye«; tfae vho is Ibe Succesbor of Si Peteri and commonly called the Pope. a ^as the Cbuficb of CbrisI li^ark hy which Mre koo»' if? |. ''ll¥ Yestit has these four roarksp it is Onit it is Holy, it is CmhoU^ and 4^(^/iea/ ■•■* '^1 *.^Jf 'iW'jfcf'Ii'Kii/-*^ ' ,(': ^ •■^r %«jj[«j Because all its meoiberi t imin one commun^ ant^ li| all tindpr one bead. Howls the Church HoiyZ v;B}r tepicbing a Hdlyi doe^ trine^by invltiiig all to a Aoi^lifc^ aod by the emioenl holiness of w^^: many thmiaan^^flHt d^ % How h iMkC^vm^VatM^ she -'■ ; ' ' '-'■;■ ■^..5'"^ -^'Wct^ /»*-* ' ^-C ■w > ^«! i^ti-sWiij^'v^^,,^^':,^^^*^^ ^• ' il|lf| all DutioDl; and Oiaintaim alt lrulh/^-^^^#?j>"^*'^--'^^>^:^ ^ :> Qi How ii the Cburcb Jpoii^ ? / iL Because she comes do^n by a perpelital mccession from the Afostlts of C|ci|i; #04 ^^* ber docttiof, her'OTdeirs aad her . mifltioo from them. ui"»|?^^i-:-i%: ''f-^B^^^ tl»» ChurcIt'dfm'Wbai JL. Ho; she linDot err {n Wft- "." ^'' -vl^ 1;^, i lew of ^^ilb, -4f**^i^' 1"',. 7:^ i-f ■'..: ' V „ ij.-.-;'. ► 'v*i ^<-^:''^\.^'^^-^^-s'' ■'■■■ -''m. B^caosf Chriif fiai promff- ^i^r^^^ 'Mkw^ ^'^''^k''MfJf' ..>v • ■ ■■-■ U^^'- »•* iv <.-• : .1 f ■^' ._»r^(^ .1 . ♦;! . t.* :^ • ■ >?1 ■■'■ " ->*■■ Jtl ' liy^al th gates 0/ heU shall not ipreifait agmnst his Church and that Uu Hofy Ghosi^i^l teach her <" ail truth, and he Imiselftviil akdi . with her for €ve00^m^S0, ■ i Ili^What it meaofliT (fi«CO^ ff til ■f-. •''.;,> "Vf^^fm^ , .,'i;iJ». iw.. .W9- Ic.'TV^,'. y'r'^-^-vf i'-:':r^ uu^-:^ .-h % a''^-. r::v»,*r. >■•■ ■ .i>=^l^ m-k^y ^^^f^iitlTlial ID the Church or Oo^ there Is a cominuiiton of all bol|[ V persons 10 all holy lhil^gs^^^^,|| ■^ Q And have we any com mu* 0100 v^itb Saints in heaven? J^ % 1ttr>Tfs; we commuoicale # Ihera at jp|||.; fellow^ tDembef| uuder the lai^e hi^adv Christ Je- •u|^,ai|4 we aft tejp Upr ^^ And are Ihe bo^Is in purga^ J • tory helped Hjrbttrpafittsfif;^.*;!!^^^ ^ ' #^'i^ do yifi'lte^ad by pui4>;v;._ (fi.c. i*t |alorj %^,#||^JcWle $V»|».<^,^,.„, ,,,. ff ring for a time 00 'aGcoiint their 8i«f»?.-;jj'i ;:Vr-- :4'|j5*#'V|W:J,5^s'. ''^ Q In what tales do souls go I to purgatory?, r:■■^^^^•-^'-tf?^J^■4t^v.?;•'^ 4 When ihey (Hel^ less stiw. "' lfrhi<^ we Call tenial: or j»j|i# •.> /• < >/^:r*'»- ■ N^ .*., ■ »^ ^f .-■■^ ■f.." ..vJ *;» ;:V.:' '^.^.4., v»-;;.*!. 1^ God fuf (^ixif*r traoijBireftsioui ;/r Q. How tfo you proTe there % %k purgatory? i':j^'>,r;^:^^^a^^i^^^ jse Itii i^ljplute bfinf leaches^ that God will reader to %very id^d according tv) hit il^rk^: and that noihing defiled can eo* ler Heaven; ^tid thU some Chris- tie *na.vlui// 6r ^aMil, yti so 09 hi "^Y^-l Corjii. l&...-m^Mf ^r^^'-'.\ *•». 5Ji/ *^f^ ;#^ Wbi«!h 18 the tentB article? The fbrgiveoi'sa of fio*^ .tTo whom haf> Christ given f||power to forgive sins? <^^S|i|t-^^^ ^^t'^iu? To the Apostles Wd^ tnefir juceessors,the Bishops aod priests #f the Church* .a- '.>y ;^ i^'^:^)^'^'*^^:-:^^^^^-^* #By vbaijiaerameiitiMure iliiBy baptism. ^d .->•-*; What ii 810??;?*^^'^ "''^^■ A- -'■^ \ . »: .7,' ■>. . . ' ° <-i, i- ' -;is' L>.. :• if- ■"%,■: ' <^'<:^- 7^ P y :^. A.: Ad]^ fought, vord, deed; ttr dmissioo against the law of ' ■ ;..^ Q. Whai1«-ortg1nari!nr?M%t^^:';^ V i|A^ It tt ih^ fiiiiii. which w<^ . ,.^i7irBre born. 'p^:f^^ ^- ;.;■!: 'vI^kj^s^^^t ': i i t»r(^ Kaw ctme welo bel)o0 "•III siu? "^4;^:^isi::(.*'fi.;;H^^":r^-i;^.:5?:i:^^^^^^^^ * ; 1*% A^ By Adam's sin wf^en be eat :^he fbrltiddeu frailfSf>'^^i':-<;;- •'t&'v.^iii 'i:-,vvCi' What is ucluaf siD?v<^'::Sr 1=4s«iil 4 iLjs tbe sin wbieb we com- •A" ■ .».C / ^'■■*;:^^. -->-^i|i^ What is roorlal sio? f^l^:}-^-<^^^' £^ That vhich kills the roOTi jrtod deserves hell. sii< /,'^v"^'-^^^ >^^^Q. How does ttbrt^ fin 11^^ f^% A. By (^eslrojHIpg the lire of ibe ^oaJ, which 19 the grai^ of Q^. Wliat it yeotjil aifi? » k- ^'A •^.^J^ '—.1.''-" r " — < " "'*f »".r '"'■se'triMWW'' / vs^. < ^x-vjj^ ■. Jr^ ' ■-- i : • : A, f bat whieli does^ Qot kiU Ibe soui yet di8pre9»€8 Odd. ^ Q W bkb is the elevenlh m licle? \ ^ f A» The r€surr«4:tioa of the / <^« What means the rfesttrrec^ lion of Ibe bodj? A» Tl^at we sbalt riiie ag aja with the same bodies^ at the of ji^dginent. a. Which is theivelfth cle? ,, i^ Life evi^rldrtinir. ^^ What oieacs life eTerlas^ log? . •- ^ v| , A. 7hit the g«od f^haN live for ever happy in heaven. ^4 Q. What is the happiness or li£aveo? - A. To see^love and enjoy God ^t ^% ■*1ftfli .'."'• ^ . '»lAf ^^^■Pl mmmmmm il •■)>-> .■^ ^ " '•■ '"* ■ •'■.''' .■■.'"' ■ ' ■ ^ Ana shall not the wicktd ^'"^^e ior ever? ■\ ^1? •.%•• vw v» • AV They shall be funithe^ fof ^ r io the flametof hell. It Fft -"■■-""--'^"^- /CHAPTER 0L- / ' * Of the LoreTs Prat/ers Q. Will faith alpoe Aave us? A. No; U will not vithout s^i^ ^- Can we do any fdod to- "^ 'irarda salivation of ourselves? A. No. we cannot,* nHboiit the of Ood's grate. jQi How may we obtain Qod'a afce? A By i. ■•■' > • ^'fc'."' f- .'^■£■.1 Ui 'i tl*^! 1,, / ¥_ 'V. ■4..- prayer* Q What Is pr ay erl^ Mi Vi :>4«': ^^ -J^" A. It 18 the minds to God, • • raising whereby ^ of our ^we beg for good thii^ and to tie freed ill: frr^m evil .Q i^,: ,« S' ?:3-nW 7 ■;>rs: % .Si' Q What think fw of thosef^^ ■j^' /. who. at Iheir prayei^ tbiok oat •f Oodv nor of what tbey tajr? #^ A. If these dittraclioMi tMft fpUful, such prayeri, insUad or<^ ;^ pleiisioff Ooa, oflfend biin. If Q Which is the best of all f prayery? ,- - ' --^#S'I' A The J[jOrd*8 pr^fjer. ^|^ Who made the Lord*8 prajip Q \^.. -.f. 7» .- : '?■%/#:'%',_ .^r>' feWV^ »» A. Ciiritt our Lord. Q* Say the Lord's prayer. *i^y ChirFaHier irfeo artiB beavenf ^ hallowed be thy oame: Thy kiesgdooi eooiei thy will be donQ oo earth as It is id heaven. Oiv^ ^^ ttt this day our daily tireait: And ^, fbrci?e us our treBpattes as we ^ fm^iye those who trelpasi figaiost ^ us: And lead us not Into t^oipla* ^i^d: But deliver us from evir-4^ AmeOs S:, ,v-" fO#i- T^ .»^ v*r '\ 'V5fT'*"v:^'«f',"f^iEV';!"' .... -*% ~'*.-./*r ». Q Wlbo 18 it that k bere eal> i^flcd our Faihtr? If i. A. Ood, v bo made fis »II,aiid ?l^lrlio by bis grace, is the father of ^ lail pood Cbrisliaos. d ^ Why do ym tay wr Fa lhVr>aDd uot m^ Faihrer. A' Bt^caitse we are not to pray for oiit'selves alooei but for all ^iitbtfi's. . Q What do we priy for vhec H esay hallowed be thy aaiue? A . T ha t God may be honoured ^^tod scrtfed by all his eri^atilrei* ;r Qv Wbatimeans thy kiogddiii "'|:eoiner • ■• A That God would eome^and foe KtDg ID all otir heariji by his I grace; and bring ds hereafter to his heavenly kingdom. Q What meaes, 4hy will be ^ done on earth m it i» kibea veil? M: 5* ••>-»-' ■\ 48 ■ ^tnHi<^i,r:C::^^' I ^,/M' *, A* Tbiit Ood would enable at by bi8 grace to do bU trill io all | tbiDga^at the blessed do in he^if ei^« Q Wbat (Qeans give us tbis day our daily bread? ^^ A We beg all necessaries for ^ aoul and body. Q. Wiiat means, Ibrgt ve us our || Iri'sp isses^as we forgive those tbat|K Ire^p^ass against us? c^4 A- We beg that God would|| forgive us oui* sins as we forgive^ , others their Hinjuriea. Q. What means, lead us llOt^ Into teniptatioii? ^ A. That God would gireua,^ grace not to yield to temptation, f^ Q. What means, deliver tta|^ from evil? A. We beg that God would ffee us from all evU of soul and l»dy. v«af %>, l fend St. Clik<»b«tk, iotptred by the Hoif OioA";. . vt- - ^ Wild made tb^ third pari? ▲. Tbe Ciiiii^b or6nd,a|;aingt Vtwf who denied th« TirsiiD Ma- ly to be the Mother of God. Q Why tay yjHi th« HaS Maty go ofteo? * ''- w^ A. f » ptit OS io iiii# if m Son of 6od beltog made oitD fot •■I- •1 ■-P- A'; t !■ *.^»>.^- r^-:.. Q. F«r what fvasob? A To honour theMeaaed Tlr- glii Mother of Oodj >bd *|0 bef bcr pray err for ui'*^" - *. <<»* t'-*-'-t," *' .; ■■^-;, ♦f V ■. ■«< J" * ■'-«. /.' *, «r\ ^rf *,'- .^*i.^ **' CHAPTEa IV. , Jy^i ,*/*^ y -0% 5 i^^- ■■v! ', ^j » ' >i< r . .1. • in*:.. A,. .•,->^ ^f#SV k vli>'.7 Of the Commem^erits. '"Xt. How many commaadnitBli are; there. / A. Ten. Q. Who five the coiDinand* % A God the 0l«l)fti#; imd Christ coDfirme^theni in the mJv •*•/ . . - ■ ■ 'v , '■■■■."''. A ■■- . Q VirhJch 1^ the Firet Com: mandmeul?'' ■ *^'i.4i;i. '' ' ■,:,/;;;• 'ii. I am the i^ord thy Go^l, who brought th«>« oiiiW the iaod of Efl[ypt and out of the houiie of j|w>ndaKe. Thoo ohaH not have itr^oge Oodp hi'fore tne Thoa ihalt not make to thyself any graven thing, nor ib| tikQBe8#4if j)(iy thing th»t » hi he^v* d abbjre, 01 ill th^ t%0 httneatb, 0|i9 0^ C* * .'j',.*. I* If^ ..^'■f '►*. ^^;:1*^ >■ .: W« tP^; Hi i < ( f ■ ' ji- * ! I! 46 ^ "^?'« £J ^■^: waters Under the eartb; Tbon sKteH not adore nor worship tbera*. Q. What are we commafided by Ibis? , -I A. To believe, b(p€ io, love and serve, one true mod livioi^ God, and DO more. Q. Wbat is forbidden b; (bts cooDinandaietit? A To |iorship fatse Gods or idols; or to give aify thing else whatsoever, the bonour which belongs to God. Q. What else Is forbidden bj^ this eommandoienl? . A.. AH false rel%iops; al)deaK ings with the dftvii; and en%air« ing^fler things to come or other secret tbit^gs, by fortune- tc Hera or superstitious practkcei. Q. Wh^t else? p nr.'¥.M, ^, '-,1'. .."-A ♦ . ■ ^^A* ATI c^aroifif^ _■ ';^'- • m- »< ;T. ^>:i^*?,. , and bea ihtttiBb obief^atiocis, of a||iei}a| dreams/ aii4 8(»€h iikiB foolf rkt^ € Q« Does lb 18 coin m at i^uafttil forbid tbjR roabiogoi iinastB? A^ It forbids Ihf! fpakiiig Ibeoi, to at to adore and sar^e tbefii|| that if, it forbida malLiiig tbam mir Go^8. > ^iQ. Oaes Ibis, coaimandineDt flit bid all bonpiir and veiieralio^ %f tbelSi^taaiid aDpels? ? J|. No; we are to bouour tbeiii cHl^f apec|al Meiids and ser^ vants; ibiit oiil ii)t^ |be botHMtr irhteh belo%8 lo God, ;' Qt And ft it allowable to ftoQ'- our relicks, cro€ifi;|||i and holy piclttre^fl : ■ /^ , """;^ . ;'- A. Tes; wlih ao ialitrior audi ' ' - "^1 . fit- ■ * •-^' J relative honour, at lb*'* Hit late to Cbrist stLd Aifr taie^ •Bd are memorialg of tkem. I*. 7. ^ .■* ■ -^ f-: "Y '' V, ■ ■■ •^^'-Jkii'iiV:' :.'■«. l". r. , I ' > ■ ■"■ ■. i ^■:v^- ^ JL Ho; by oo meaoit for they litve no lile Dr wose to bear or iieipiH. ^ D. Wb«t ii the second com- m^ilitoeiit? ^^ ^ A. Tbott sbaK Dot take the oamepf |b« Iiord thy Ood io ?aiB. ^* WbiCt are we commaDded bf the aeemid commaDdmefit? ^ ' A. To ^(M^k vith reverence of God and all holy tbinf:i, and to )^eep our luifrfol oaths and vows. '^ ^. What are we forbiddeo by ' A. w^ Tulie, rasb, unjtitt, ai»l iiDoeceiMrjr oalln, m •Ito, eon- fog, biasj^Diog, aiid profaat 1Q What fi tht TUrd C» ■I*, v ■■' (» ,0: : I f!:.r*i if'- ^^•;Ay,S;' vi-i, -»•.%.»% t^;!. >:-■ »V .^ S-#:^ .^'■ l'."i4iC.t '.4 ^ i: 49 :^w '4 »^; "^ '"■, \ >ir T* >■ ' ^ /■^ *' ■K ■*A-»^ -■♦♦i.>.»' .-^^^ ■^^■^■^ «*<'«» • - ■ ■^'. A. Kemember that thou keep ttoly the SabbiEilh day. r. i Q. are we connnanded •xa • —-j^-;, >*«*:/. ::r>^.i!^ thU? ^ A. To tpend the Siwday in prayer and otheirreli|i6iia duties? ■ " A. I n^'aa such as liear masa, reeeiviiig the sacra meutat ;^luid readliif f^od itooks, Sic. %_ Q. What are we fdrbiddeii by| tbisiMWiBaiidaieDl? ^ ., A* All uonecessary work, aod •iiifiif profaaalioo of the Lord'l day. •■.::^m-'-^^u, Q. WKatis alidaieot? A. Hoooar tby Father aoijl Ihy Mother. .^^ ' Q. What are we coiDOian4«4 §1 {he fourth commandmeiitf S-=-'£ ** , .*., Fourtb Coml^' y^. "•^•'■■^.•■l >-^^ *■*■-* r'>^ r^ ^. j*'^ VV , «\ W^-.-^'v^^^SvC il^' * »/^fc «.»!f ■ ^^ .--ii- > : :j,v |Mir parents io nil (^|l48 not 8io«^ ; Q* Are irecoiniDaMelitojpbey coly onr father and aiotber? r/^/ A. Not onlj themj Jbut alM, "•nr bishopi, paalorSi iiidgblra|ea|, •^Kfid masters* i-^" Q- What is forbidden 1^ thii f^ooiinaiidlilefltlf ,^ k. AU conti*Qipt« slubbomnesi »ad disobedience to oiir lawful w- ^erfors. ^ iQ. And what is Uie duty ot' parents and other superiors? A. T^ t^ke pro^r careof all fiAder their cbarge; and to bring %p their chiidwii in the feat of Cwd. '' ' . .- ,' ■ ". g, , (I. Wbills tbe fifth commapd^ A. Thou Shalt not tut. . a. What does the iliti cooh ttaadiaaiit farbBif I -fr. % *-. mimm ■"1- - A. ^//viiful murder, ba(red» and rf'Vfi>ge, ___ ,, •■ rt'f-^(::*'-4,.j.--}i*!!, Q. Does it forbid striking? : <^. Tfs; M anger, quarrellii iniurious wordt;^A^ * * ** a What else?"^" A. Giving Randal a^nd bad tx- „, Q. What is tW sixtli cbok ^^andmenf rn '•*'■' •* ■'^'.■d I «ls A^ Thou saaft not cpjtomit a- dultfTT. ,..'^,'=^^'„V--*« ;-^ Q. Wh^t is forbidden V Ifii^ .f^^ , A' A II kindfi of sini of uncleao- liiieH villi another's Wife orbiift* %and; ' '''%'^rm:'f:.'B^ •)<'" fifei Q. What efslf^ '.^>,^C r - ^■*- '^."A ■ A. All other kinds of ioaiiiodes- lies, hj kissel, touches, y'^9^h or ^ctioufl. ')\* . Q^ And what do you think M knniodcst plays and comedies? •"« 'A V 'rM J* . '^ * ^X''-' "^^ - *^' .Mt^ >r/ ^ i. / r f>. 't. S'S-'I LK»- /^. \^ ^^ V w ' '^ \*^- •tt'vti- ■♦'(.MXX^K f f. 4 A. f^t' rt • A" i > j'' a> T*-< '■ .,'^ '4'' '>,*-■» A,,, J** A,.?*; •»* 4' .•r'^ V i*--" ^- '' ' ■ '5*' '•■^L : '' -■ % ' s '^ '■■■ »^^ %, ■i.\ %;t:^ \ -^ s Ji« They are also fQ|bid(leii hj tbiicoiDmaiidiDeDl;'l«id it )im^ lul^o b« present at tbeaa^- k " .I'S.Mi•^J^^,^^ l«i*nlb eom- ;iBail ibif ntf -4i^k/4 ;^.^.-^ -^^f^ ^ u^-r .*. '■■ vj^^s^lTbou abaU ool steal. '%ij J.' ■ ^Qi What is f<»biddep )lr|r tbii All UDJufI taiing away or iM wba|^JeioDgtl|,|^|lb^ 4|! aann^r fililMMilIK lo I0f Of eelhngy ^r i^ity otBer vsiir^ ^trooKiiig «iir neighbour. i^. Mutt we reitere iH*|blleo ■^^ •;•'■ 4 ' JJu^^lTes; n* ire are able, or'ells ^ |h« sin vill ooi be forKiven; «c ^j^'ii (.v^. ,i<~^-# ->B's^k* Thou shalt iDOit ?iiiO p^)r iWt 06Dt§. i Uie £klil fe-t^^^'' bear fa In f itiicie aiiiiisl tbf mfghbouy. »^,i i. . i>t. v.if VI ' \ '*■• *^ ';..-( --;i-r>^ .r .,,*«w¥n ••'•'(►•"i''^* • ■f. V I- ■■s*;'; i^i lll^llf bat n fbcbiddeo bv tbiii A. MM ^ m ;^!pil^iP«*«^ leslimonict, fash judgments^ aDdiiefotIr^fcs«>Jvi.^:ii^J^«^^ '^^- >Vlial eiBtril^Ss^S^lfct^f *^":;- All backbiiig iii^t ^i^a^ vhicn oor nft%bDouf ^s hobblir df mMh^ IrUe bound 16 * !##M A^'^He must male blDi jads- and reslof« hk gbdd oame^ »B,|ar a« be is able.f|iS;*^::;m:|,:^,J What is the Ifintfi jv^^ il^ilbbour's wife.**'"^-"%stv^^^s. ' .^^ ■ *v5» ti. ly HTbat is fbrbiddfi 1^^ Mii^ All lustfiil thottsbl m& ftir Wilful ,% tr. .■Sf.-r. ,.-St "AJ' * T ..-'•v. .■■^.■ •f-ry lie irrrguiaf matioos arcdnctipl ? ^. What tr Ite Tlnth com- ^ JIv Thou dAaftttot cofel thy f^ Q, #ii^ Ib ibrbtdairi)^ ^^^ ^I^ti8t ifi'ii^ll of mir l^ighbour^ : -/goods aod jMrofilfv^^:K':.^^*"^,;^^'^^^*^-V Ihi Commcmdminli j^ Qi^^ ' a;^1» Are we bound lo obey tse P €omiiiaodme^#|jy|^ ^4l£• *^'«; ^be€alnle Cbria^ bag iif fliaf hears %fou, niars Knef cMm hi thai di^fis^^^^Msji^mfk if^'Hr^' f. * '>^ 1- -U X «, ■ <= r y /-f-*'.,^ f*r*:-> «,> ' ./f ■ 16" ediai *■■ • ' ' t- i MiS^w^'^i^^immm ,;-Vv'rv'- J/-^ .'■ ':\ >^v""''"'r. -i-^^iim* '■■■■I'?. ' '■■i::y ">■■■>"■•' ^^' ■ «HAP1-ER Vf^ 'St 10 a saKaraiiie ; r^ .._"'T^.»... ■' 1. V' ^P^l<*?|[iMgnfl inward pracef or a sacred and mf steriouv •ign and €«renioD7 .(HTJil^d by CbrlBi. by ftiich graei t»€0ii?cy< noeotf IN power of aIvIm grase? t^M-'fwtt'/Cbritl't'' Weeioiifi ^^^^greit happioeit to jrceeive the Mertioeots worthilj? **'^iVM -H'^ vE \'-3 ppTei: it if thtflleateit kap- en io Ibii voild. ^^'m- iBblsL'^iSe •ifiiiiMiitt »■- •%:":» . «• ^ - ■v' *.*• y ■ > r ■^ > • *■ ..J.I a>-^ ..*:■■ '- ^-f .>^-. ,'4- ,;*ai»' ■■',-/V. • -r ' * -; I seven, Baptiim^Coir- . ^rmation, Holy EucharU^HPeo^ ^ aDcer Extreoie UuetioiL Ufilyf Order aitd Malriiiioiiy. ^mM^K^^' y|y|^||#|:lierafneDl by ^biel^ ire are made Christians, xbildren «f God, and lieiri of h«i^ aniT ' are cleansed from origioat aiOiiM^ itttMl, if wc^guii^ of anylll I Q. iIiHf 18 ba^isiD gif enrig^ •!.;■ Hohi G ift What '^ -* -:»■-•'., ■^ . "\»:^^:*£ a - "^ w. ■*■■ '•■ , .jJ^TSr.r 'j.-jji/' v'T'iga'^^'A ji."- '■»l!■l':i***''\^,»'■«l- we freiBiie III •P ~^^ ■'^.:. •t,. !Sk; «^. X '^ * t r- ,'*. C-iS'.J^vT,-.i: jr ^jiit.!;^;,^.^^ f I * ^PE"*"" 4;h :'li A. To fenottijcf llie DbvU, with all bis works atd |ioii6|^T ^V,.;' ill' ■ ■ *m;^'Wbal is i;onfirniatio«r?f -^ •life' "liW^ fe asacrainent in whict ioipositioD of the Biebop^s I T* i tiandsi wr. i^Cfit^llhe Holy , ^ Ghottt, ID order to male usslroog ' lod perfect CliriBtiaiis, aod S6U diets of Je8U8 Christ. %^^w^^ ^1 C^ Hov'doet |b« Bisbapad* ioiiolsfpr this ^tkcrikm^ui?^'..^^,-- A. He prays that tli€ Holy 08t may come do%f n upon n% aod makes the sifti of ttiC erms ^ V vith Chrism 00 our ^eheadi^^^ -^ <^ What hl^fi HftlyJIucha. ri8lEAj'%,>^:-^ ^t^mfU^'^.' m^.^.^^m/'^^': f A.' It Is tl|e Jtrue body and flood of GbHstlroder (be appear- ance of bretd and wloe. -^r^-*^- M Q> W by has dirfsl gi^eiK btm- itll to US io tbif SacrameoM^ ^ «& - V- • '•- ?■-■ / / ■JO ^ .fe J.. ' — •* ^ w^ ■^- i' •if- '/■X;> ,, . ^<^ Ocv», hieh, Holy trong '■^ Holy m as, uclia- '"^i rand ppear- ■*^'»i*— * *v- ^ A. To" i€c|,^d ooiirkb eur p Bauls, aod to ensible us toperforoik^^' ^ H How 18 the biead a&d tiiiie of Chribl^ ^;^,;%|V^:%^^ ' V. J. ^^^1 V5' #*J|r>lhe power al,po4» ta 1)le: and by ibe . wards ot\ J«?ui» Christ tpolcDl^y tie pHtesiio the wives to r^cciye th^ blessed, i|a»r 'ace; aod Tsir^ff^at ifirtr if pf»ypfe^ ■«# f Jb( *. m eois jtifymiit io kinwej^^ |i Cor r: J •'' i- fm\ f\} . .>■,:, ;=.^ :,».»■■■ ■•«^t .-■H, ^Tl' 0^^ , .'^^*^^^.!..^ ■.: (*i^*r !'..'•- )» -,- ;^'»o*' ^•7 / , V^ V m 'T't. 10^ .^^B _ . • 1m r'* (*■'. _ '.^Kw- ■ . - ■• "^^ r ^s - ,f"l o receive aowor- rj ffjjitti- To reeeWe id mortal bio«^ 4 What it tde M^«b? Jt: It 'n tlie nDbloodf iiiiBi ^r the body aa4 blood of GlirisL |(^r What' 'ire the tm% for ■■■, ^^Ol < iivhieb we are to irfEcr up tills for all bis beaefiti. and ai a My- |(Ktual memorial 61 tSi^ pairiiff^ tpfeod death of hit Son. Srdlr. F<» JofotaioinK lartoft of^iir iina. Adf 4thlj,(Qf obtaioiof B-1 graces and essiii^, through Jesus Cbrigt.,' i f ^Q- Hew nast we hear massf 'i With 0v$ great de««tiii L^'^f- •t«d atttntldif t'-^'?' ::r-; <■.-> ..^;i.''-^ «'.r^ .^1 Ht^What fs cftliii^t^of . LA.. .ijt^.t».-»- J -*!.-'< b]^ the (xriesl'i absolutioo, joioed mik coQtritioti, eouftttioo, andi «atMractioD« Ibe aios aie forgiveo vhicll^pr^ .j||M||f^^ aftci bapli«ro» ■ ^^P^ ^fev'^;^^ ^ ■5^:*6rt^>a;^^'^^ the priesf Ifai pd%er tb abie^l^ ^^ ai9fier8» if Ihey bj truly penitJE^ntf! ^||^#romtbcffc^^^^ of Chrififc ni^fto^e sins you shalt forgiv0p ikey aitihrg^en Ihem. St. Jobo, xjc ...'?' .-.""^I' -i^. U "}■ ■«■:¥■ actioD. bat .r (..^ <%B'^ .Jil^fV • ■• !iSfe-'^-:^ boUrit SOtTOW (or bar %e hiiii-ofireaded so gool' a -Ood, wUli|M||flB fiiipt^: poie «ftmeBdmeiit. •:3^' ■ *-'r- »■'-' ■■>, l.-' '/: "V :."'' -Jil "^T^ K' >"l r.*r; ^s^.^ ^. «(fi -t- r ~> .v>. <$/ What is a firm puifdse i A. It is a r«ii>Iutioo, D7 the grace of God, nof^ only j(o a?^ iL. The chief and best motiFe to be sorry for our, sins, is for the love of God who is infinite Ij gdod J9 b(«ii^tC Irkid itifiiiitelj good'tt us; nnd therefore, ire ought to be exceedingly grieved for having offeiidf d h|iiis^^:-^,?,^^.vVK »-^^ ■ ^'^r'^ we to be sorry for our sins? xy i heaven, and deserve heil^m^ i^v ''^$ HfMT m^y ^ ^bi aio this ; liearty dbatritioo and ioi;row for '.jf * "^ .^^ i****-' «i4 ^^v4ir''-*f • '^5•-;'^i.• ■■»)■« Ki i' TI^"S > . i .'■*, » 1^ beg if of Gtid; and use such coosiderjk^ tiOBf and meditations at msfy *• IPOT9 U» la it. ^'»?r\*«:S{fi'r:'^^*^*j^M/ ;;''>*'''-", „ A It is to accuse oitrselvesb si) our 9108 to a priest^ .^^^''^^^'"^"-|l^:^| 4^. What if one wilfullj eofi^ ft. •,^- eeat a naortal sin in confessioDF|p^:^ ^^A fie commits g great sin b)!^^^ telling a lie |o tlit iioly Ghost^l^^^ and makes bis confession potbiitfjj^w^ worm. - -^^y^^'^xj: '^^i'''^:^:^f^^s^^'^ =^^ .^H^Wnal must we do ilal Wef may learn f*|:i*|^ .|| ^^^^'^ sionr M^'^iri^-j-ci.^/K;^/^ ■■€i';y^^«^^riJii-*v>.<^'. oar conflcienee u|>ba tliie tii) om^ nave We to uUI&y way of {irepar* Islinii btfow confcssi^n?^ ^ V? f^^ 4 '-H '?;, a' .•»■*•■. irt ^y" i*4'M^, '.0; t';\ ^ j^?: '^0^'"^ '^'.•»-i! C FourlhiDgf. 1. Wi Isust neat tily pray to God for hii grace to help U9« 3. We miiat* carefully examioe our coDecieoce. 3. We itoust beg pardoD of Oodi and, be ▼ery aprry from our hearta for of* feodiog biait And 4. Wtf imiBt reaolTt to renounce our aiosi and begiit i 0ew life for the fulurt# Q. What ia aatiafactioD? 4 ▲. It ia doiog the penance gir- en by thfe priest* -^'if^m^i-f^^-r^ii^'j,..^ ■ilU. What It an indulgence?^ 9^ A&^lt 18 a releaafog of teuapbra! puniahuieut, which often remaini due to8in,after the guiU haabeen WJi4t|%Extrnfae UiicUod? ilSH 2a sacrameot which When to %w taerameot -> }^3- '?>*■''■. ■■■«■«« '.. r.v^»% N -■i. ■^m. s*'.,<* «— »T,-^'^, .4''«J^ / *;«ii..^.^' '"^.../^ ■rt» • ■ -t ft] «^^^- !*■ •vJr.V ...,-./'■'- i;;f,M' "^i*.- -^V^ , ■■•r;;• j|. WBen we are in danger of death by Bickiieni, :vW^- %. ;.;*'^/^ ^ Whal^Holy Ordcr?^-^ -^ A. It is a t^craineDl by wbicll B^sbopsi Fr|ft|M| fcC' are ordaiofd aocl receiTtii girace and power to perform ibtJiifA^ Ihefr cbar|i^; ::?1.^^-vi^;..;:L .< . " ' V|^bat li MatrimocyP "Is a "^ sacrament whicif gives graoe to the majrried coupleicl »to lov6 0ii#inother« and bring up^^ %km c^dreo iujibftfefif of UimI^^Iv ;i'How many are the Theo^^^ fogical Virtues? ':'^v.v^d.v;w<^tv^-: v^'^'^^ ;^' ^^^^^ m Hopct, anf Ch«rily#4- -m^^:- * : -\..r ^ IHrMat is FaUb? ■ **._■ ■>^'» *» <'f rJ' ? T> > *^ ^^- 4J h (^^ ^v,,i»\- ■■.*■ *■ '*■'■' (, s» i y,^ sV*-- ■^'- . ' ' _4!- . . '-l ' ♦ ■ /•- ''•, .»'-■■ •■•» '.. '■ ^. ■• ' •1*51 .V • .*..<• f-'A?; .^i. ■o.\ 4. f /. :m; P«w!|iPPl^ppff|||p|l iDl Vilbout doubtiDgrii" that . h^^Juit lauglitK and the clmrch firoposel; beeaose Qod ADDOt de- . eeive nor be deceived.^ -^fe- #^i «-;< :^'Ca^' W*af k Hbpibk *l^-^.v ?;| itoljia gin o( God,bjr vliiisii rtlyiifg d#i^ j^rdmni^. abd po%- ec to fulfil ihrm, we bope for e- tefM raftltioit 1iiir # itiiogs nefeMirfJor ob|aiiiiDg|l. 5 -^ ■■%■' W^al It tfli4rilj|l^ jS;'^"!;^ ^ 1ft- It is the loi^$ of Qod above ill things, br«$^tnli!%e^^infifiilel7 ^oodj ajod the love of our neigh- bdlfi^^lftirselves, fof tJod's sakd. ' 'm Q How ooanv :ure tb^ Cardi- "#7-*Foitrj Pfudance, Xusjtice, M{tu#;!iiDd f *niip«T^nc«:> . Q How many arc tbe gilti of lieHolyOhott2,^¥r ^ .:yfi-*<>.,-i:;-fi ^^v ' ."^ ^ ,J«v4.- 3^"'#.-. ^"•' f. p ff**' udom. '^'iitWH^ l^ .'C -^i,;. i;. '■■■■ -rJO ISoowtedjge, OodltaesB. and the K^4S|i^tHow maay are "tbe fruuvvj of the Holy G(io8l^#yi-%f ^'"^1 •4l.« Twelve; 1, CSanljr; «jj *^ Joy { ^ Peace? i^^^ience; 5, Benignity; 6, Ooodneu; f ^ . jiOO« ganiinUy; II MUdiiesH 9t faille 10. Modesti^ iii> l^otiireDCy; "^1 ^>^^C*arilyJ^^??:t>"^:t*J#£^''*^'^; Ili^^Thotf ibift Id^e f1i« tidrd tby^Ood^ivitii thy whole beartt With thy wbc^^s^^^ all thy itreogth, aod with ^H |^7 iDiDd. a, Aad thy o«lghbbar as thyself. Q Say the ^ seven C9rpor|4 works Of metcyt '"' *j :-' Mi p. M It- > . / ,■ . ",''"■ *'."'■ iV* S'''' 1 t - !. 1 '-^"Qf^ V , ^'^^1(1 %?^^ > .St- . .• I. V, , ■* V -^-^'-.^J \ .• p->- • , •> ""^ "^ ^ Jl;IViPirf^11i«littiir^ll, H I .^- ** -« 1 5* ^9 give dmiL*t> lh^|^ir§lyi 3^ il'o clothe the iaked; WTo fhH »"^ ,W"1 M»« IJapUreai J, To '^^vuitihfB Mckr 7. To .burx ihe ■i-'K t ?**/ ^ f' ^^'' ^>v'T>\*'-^ 'ASr ^c A. 1, To aduiooiib toe sinuer; ^>- ^0 counsel the doubtful| 4, To coiofbrt lit iiMimfiir; J^^ bear jTipngs patientlj; 6, To forjtive ^^^ for t*^C iviag^nd the dead^^ v^ ^^^^^^^^ %^/|^ the eight l>eatitudeial y|. l^Blessed are the poor Iq fptril^^lill, theirt is Ihi? kiiiKduin •f heaven 3« Blessed are the irieek. for I hey sbaiii ppssess the 1^ Jand^ % BliPssed are they that BotUTD, for Ihej shall b« eom- 0*1 .. -^.^ '-'"^H'^ '.'^ ,J. '^ y, *-»*»■ I*' '■./I'* ■*' .UfW.i*'". '•«»/• lunger %ncl thirtt arlet Justice^ fmtm shay |}«4Ued. ^ Bleife sed are the merGifiti, for tbej" ,sbj)H.#MD '.fliemr^ Sl6^ jBlesseA ile mrcl^af of B^art; Ibr Ihef sbaJl ?ee God., 7^ jpjie^d jir ti# called llie chUdjreii.oX Ggd' 8* secut'ioo for justice 8ake» for Ibeiri . is the kinl^'of beafetf.i*''t;|ia ,-,1 '■ . Sdy the seven deadly sins* ^lli: Pride; 2, Cofetotiifiil^l Q Say Ihe contrary virtues. ^#11 HuiDilily; ^JLibcralitj^ d» Cnafit;; 4, Meeknee^ 5? T m« perance; 6, Brotherly ^1B#%^i^ ^ Q. Say the sbr sins agaiosi the Holy GhosU ^ ^ . kv ■•*«.■■ / *> " .'» ;'^>"v.i^f^- :.-j\ •■," ''^. ' ,,. '• y ■if '■ ^ ^^■ V»»- "i '■ I v. 1 »» , , ' fi' Sp" ",' ) If--1IMX T5' ■■•.V .>''i .-'a z.'*.'^ .'T vT v^ -^ *• A . "■ %'-^?^y ?•■■',. . ■'■" . Sffii joercy; 3, Despaiif 3» Impugo JDg the knowD truth; 4», £pv7 at aootlier'd spirituaj good; 5, Ob« 4lt1tiacy 10 tio; 6, Final iinpeoi- ^ m^^ Say the four cry hig sios to heaveD for vcvgekwx.;-:i^:^:i-^ .?^-'.'i>» '.'§ C^*' 'f;* *,-..• i :sikj^-,-f-k.^ ^pWKBIiPIPI ■HMHiWI :i'.wr^*."^T:^^r f'> ^^ Fatting. ■ -f * ; . ::; %-x^,'::^i<. '>i'V'»;^>"'-^ A. Tbe Creato^fiid Sovereigol Lord of iletven and £artb» and ofalIthin|a^|?v.;5S5it^ ■ . •■ ■,'■ f'A if' :■.<"':" ■■■ Q. How mAttj A. 'JTliere is biitooe Ood, n inH rimfti the gcedt »ni pumsh ally dUtiact,^ jijid $4Uftl in all « Q. How 4o jou call (the Ibree Divine P^iii«^t^r^l^p|i§ ^^. The Fat|^r»ilie $09, and " "i Holy Gho8t"^'l€«^^%#^ 'Slp^,^, A Ood, «od the Thitj P«rioo of j the b!e»fed Trlnlty,'^>^^f:v>*";«',-,:'^-.: M > A. One Ood h tbr^e Diriae t # Q Are llie three t^ivloe Per- "^i6in throe Ood»? ^^^lft«M1*. ' A. No, they are &ne omy God^ hawing but Ode and the same Di- vine Nature: and tliej are froui Eternh^ , ^•^|^?:|3i^: .f^l,^;^!- Q. Whaioieaiii thf Incamft^ A. Thai 0od tfi^e Son, the Second Person ''^'^f- the Trinitjt ma made ^flow did Qod tie cpnie Mao? ,iii*?*".sif"| :s#' •?:£-%*w|v:, \''ts^^ A. ffif was conceived bf tA« Ho- iy 6&0«t, ».nd htm qftiie Vinnm Mury, Ap. Ce^^? a3^1^ C^-; , J '*•.' 11 1l % -k' u ;'Vt w . Q. What dajraameiiiby iD|{. that the Son ofOod ipf ^ Ciit^il by ii§mo#^did Christ redeia : A. Bf bis Bufferiogs and dealli^ on Abe Cross.- ^^*"-'^^^^^ #^ /^/iEr»*'Vf-' |;|Oo i^bat day did Chriil rise from the dead? fvt fi:j^'^^^. ^ Ju^ On Easter SikuAif^Hnrd iojf after be was crucifiedt hi rose io Bod> and Souii golrioiil' Ind Ifiiliiortaiyrom the dead A p. Cr. ^^ililiP^ Christ stay I #n earth after bis resurrection? '' ^^ Forty dayi; % sbei» that le was truly risen (rom t!le dead; and l^ostriiet bis Apostl^Hf f ^^^ After Cbrist ba^l renulo^d forty days on earth, ^^^^ "iv> ':i£* "*"* ' ■<{■ "s^^WSPBHBBBC . ,t': ■:«'. -» -v. _■ . , ■». jp .1 ^IWt ,»'-.■.'■, V:* ■•>' - •A' •; 't^:^ It What will CHrist %vj to tb« gpod, 00 the last dij? ? '^mv - A. Cmie,'jft~ blessed of mjf L.1 Father, possess the kingdom pre paredjor 1/oit' Mat. 25. 34.*^?^? Q. Wbat shall Christ say l6 the wicked, oo the last day^|^|^^f ;^'J)epartJrom me, yt cursed^ iWo evetiastingjire, which was pre- pared/or the devil atui his angeitt, ^^f Q. Wbere miist tse wid^iia ^^ pal'lhe last dayi,^^.^mm€^m^^^ A. Th€V shall go;%6^lR^ and Sf tt^ infa everlasting puiiis^ a ^Aod. whpre will Ij^e just go ' if-flie last day? ■ >::-^n'^-4^'^:e:-..iai glloridUB ^nd immortal bodies, m« '.'■..■ i' •:< V -S^ ■*^-0:S\,' A* 1|,V •N'' w "i V . -^ ■ ^ -5 ■/.J^;:. ,.'.A '»*. •J.i if!-' fy 1 :\mi T lUSBSON Ulr f... ^ ' On J., ■-■■■•■ -At-?5it^j:-r5'5i...;.vJ ,^w.. ▲, The Teo CommandnieBts Q» S^j the Teo ConimaDd- tDents oJ Oocl?^-> '^ m^>»;H; ^'^^^■■' '^./j^-. A. 1* I ain the Lord thy God^ thou shalt oot have alraitte Gods before me. ••^ -\.i^/".]^ JQod, io ^'^' ' ■•■.o'^^^r" TO^^S^v^^'^' ,l.i^',^ v^.% '• ^"•^V^/ 3« Bemember tKnft thou kce^ holy Ihe Sabbalh Day,'^**^ ^^ ^,t^ 4. Honor Iby Falber and iky Molbf r*^" ^"%-.- '-V -'^'^^ ' '^-' ■■■^•f5>'"^^v? &. Tbou Bhalt cot kill. o. Tho!| shall not coiufpif T. Thou AbaU not rteal. Ciif > 8«v^^hou fibaU not bear fals^ vitpesB against tby Neighbour*: ;>:« $.. Thou shall not covet thj Neighbour's W ife*,. iifc'^::,?'j\-Kr**.>f;j'i**.'$;':''::^ ^iO Thou Shalt not coTft tbyl Neighhoiir's Goods. Exodus 30» l; ,J3^^Tn,how oiaiiy Copji^iip^/^ aients may the Teo CofDidao -■% .''« V .v."vi5m3' BH^t%b^ re4|ic^?^-^ ■.^i-5^.i - N'T . ; A^^ ^ To IVese ■ ■(wo'''pHlMi Coj^inijiyuclmeiilai ^^ are tlift t WD f real pneepw oT Cbnri>yt Thm shoUli^e the Tx^d ihu Cuj^ f k:^^ "-rf ' V ■ ■ ^ ■ .*- . -. 11»- - . .. ,, '.V :^!%- '•'••:%...:;*.. i ,.'< 4 •I K iV" this do, and thou shalt live. Lu ke 10.. Mark 13.^ ^■' -^^ *.''^^^*^-k S^ And who is my Niighbomr? life 10. 29. -->-^^..-|^':-rc:;- :..T.-^ Jll Mankind of fprjr drftCfii^ tioo, and without aoj except ton of persons, even those who injure as, or differ from us in Religion. f Q How am I to love my I¥ei(;hbottr as myself? r A. ' As you wmild, says Christ, iXkit nun should do to you do you 4dso to them in like manmr^^lLvike 1^- What particular duties are feqtiired of me, by thit rule? A. Never to injure your 3feifhbourby word or deed, in bis pc laoo, property, or eharaclei| to wisii well to him, aod to pray ||»f Jbitiitl aod always lo aMbl btiPi ^' ■f - f -:'' A f *v}!t*#»t;*ii*i^v ■\^,"r I . ><: '....:;'^ itual and corporal necessilieiu ■- -^^ , Q til I at86 Obliged lo lori)^ elDf IjiU'8* - ;" x:}. ,.;'cS-; -^ J|i^ Mo»l certaioljr, low pH^ enemies sajs Christ, io good to them thai hate you; bless theni that curse you; aid pt ay ft^r them that persecute and calumniate you^ Luke 6. ^at 5. ^ -.^\i: ^.y\^ w 'iT-vr WESSON IT. On f^ CmwiandmenU ef the Church. ; H . •^/'^ r?-»/ Q, Are Ibere at y other Com* naiidm^iits bt^sides this Teo Conk iDatidnif ints of God? ^r. . f A. Thi^rt are, Ihe Coiiitnai;€ii» mpRtfi or Prf cf pts of the Churcb| vt^icb are cliii^fly sij^i --l ■v^? ; f ^ I? ■' X. «.«. f3 ♦> . ' meulM af the Church? H^^ V' ' "l>1iS ■ To bear Masf'f iT Sun- Jays, »Dd all bolldajt of oMiga- :« i> To fititaDd abstain oo tie ...iaayi'^^tj^iii^edj:^:^:,^!^-":^;; To coQfees our slua at least #^To feceive ft^arm% tne ble«- IH*4 Eucharist a? Enslf r, or with- ip the time appoiuted. J. Te coutnbttte to Ihe6upp0rt of ©Hr Pastora. • ^^^ Not to noUmmze munhgt at forbidden tianea, oor to mzrrj jptrions wilbie the forbiddeo de- "grpen of kiodtfd or otbrrwiai' pro* bibited b| Ihe Churchy dot claii^ V Q Di» lie Precepli of th« Church til iiu? <^l%e under ftie ot inw-i «* 1 V5E%*<*^S««ig«S» ^•v,r-^?i:' 'K ^'''- ~'^ € : ,'t*.-' ■ sf ■■^' V 5^ .: l^^^^l^ which .h to be ohtaWd " chiefly hy prajrer and the Picrameuta. |' ;^- I Onihe SdctamenlU. Ci Wh»t !§ a SacrameDt? ^ A« 4 viaible, that 18, an nut* ward sign or a^lpo^ lostituted hy Christ, to give ftraee. M * t% Q. How many Sacrameots are there? r^ ■ . ^^; -• *• ;^---^ - ; ^' A* Seven; Bapligm^jpoofiroaa* tion, Etich^iriat, Fen a bee, £e- treme UnetioOi Uoiy Order^ an<| Mitriiiiony. > -x^*.,- l'"^-' V '^ -^1 ■ \J^ " Whslis Bapliam? ' ■> ''' v>^ ' tv^A. lt€a tee from orij(iDai ftiii, makes us Christians and Chifdreo of God, and Ueirs to the KiuEdom of : Bea v«ri:'; ': •; ; :■■■■■: ■ '-■ , j ^>M ,,. . Qf Whwis Coinfirraatibiir^V ' ;^^^; A Saerameot, winch makes Of itreog aod perteel ChrisliaQS. Q. Wbat U the blessed £ucha- A. The IU^$ aod Blood, Sou! and DivinUy of Jesua Ckristf aoder tb$i appearances of Bread ■and Wine.. ... ^:, ..-;.;- ,/7v^, ^r jCJ. Wi^l is the Massii* - A. The'sacrifii^ of I he n Body apd the BId of C|iri8t« wj^h lire really present aDarrliie ap* j^earajDces of Bread , aod Wine; and aire offered to God by (be Friest, for the lifiiig m^ tli# '^i .> ■ , * mm Mi ^ W b at ii Penane^ "^^ •r ^ , f. 1..-V ^'- nC: h B'-- ■v^ ■ V r.f* 4 ■w J. ^kA Sacrameot, by tiPlilcn the ilfDi are for^tveo, fi)iicb are com^ milted after Bapll8tof-':^^^-;.vJ«' ,i ' |Qt* What 18 Extrfoie UnciipQ^ Jk^- A SaeratDeot which giveB grace ta die well; and is ^Dstitu* tetl cbhUy for the iipiritual slrepgthjfnd Comfort oC djil^ f ^ What is Holy Order? 4 #^ A S^alhiDt which >fv€ft Btshops, Priesis aod inferior Cter- fTjp^ tbthe Church; aiidlenablef Ihein to jpjerfprm Ijbeir seTeral c^Ur lie^io it^-^: i-'1^^^^ ^'■-'''■' -it«^Whal 18 Matrirdooy? : iS A Sacrament, nhich givet gr%ce tothf Husband and Wife to live happy togeUier; and to bring up their children io the lo^e and faar of God* \- '< ^ '^ » . "^y^ , ,..., -V, ■ .^■'4, '•''^>' i'^ ^' J-t"»^ i ■♦. e ^ . .: ".? v^. ,' ■"S On Prayer.^ ^.^ , What 18 prayerr'^-l&x'iiv I t.; Jlr^ Ao eleviiUoa c^* the soul to JQod, to adore bim, to bless his ilfly Qamet (o praise bis goodpes^t iintf'to return him tbaoks (u# • /W #\, -^ ^\ beiiefits. CQ. ts Prayer any thing else? Jt> It is an huniblf petition to jCod) for all necessarric^^^ soul and body. ^' -^^ yI*^>^- 11^ After what maon^^r H^ould -*^iSr ***' j^^l^ ire pray? \ A^ With all possible aCtention and devotion, and in a respectful |>08t ure, on bended knees ^^ / }j Hi At what jparljcular times should weprajl*^ ' ■ -^t^y^^c . ' :'^'' ■ V '' ^^ A« On Sundays and holidays, firery mornin«; and every night, iind in ail dangersj temptattoosi and aiBtcttoos. ■^■>^/ .i>4. t " vV ^ -'J u: ^li ** ... J ... i his loese, i; > Ise? m to Jioul iOdld olion ectful times idiys, aighl, tioos, X -••:t*{ .J^-'^J' ^■»A'>A.*'' V7- - . ■t-r~ •> . ■;»■«• «* S'-f :^^ «r •^".■■■V'od the Ccafiteor, or ^ Geiieral ■^. re- Confesskiav^'MM^f^^^^'^'^ Q. Do^^^if Church commeiid the AclsofFaitt,UoM^ and C%»t\iyl ~ :^ M :'^:J:W'%' ^; Y«J8, most earqeslly— llbey ar^ aii"£3tceU<>nl f . ' > [\^^^i!l^qAj^':^m%-' . :^v^yjj>^^: tx: I.: i , ". '■':-*■ r^.; ^,<' *•>, 1p ' •? n"' Ip^, Id it fipt bread aod will* ;%h2ch is first pat upon the altar^ ^-^4ip^ celebralio^5l| the Ma«a? V A. Yes; it is alwaj^s bread and ^|lf!Oe till I he priest jiroooiinces ihf ^f words of coosecratioD l^tiriog thi! ^. Q What Bappens bv lliefift the body of Jesus GlirisLjiul Jlh#st vrint* into bJs blood.- ;,^ijt^;..^;>^,p;-£^ :Jt Do you believe Ihls ftrm u^es; 5^4 as Wrmly as i(,|t aaw it wilb my eye^, because j^r , ;kv. g^^ Christ has s^iid itw/|;v'M'^v.^a^ *. iP^j VJ^Ii^l is this change^ c^jitle^? ^ril^ Is ti^leiffmhsubstantiW' ffWi;-^tbdt is to s ij, a chaof^e of one siibitatiee into another. Q^ Does any thins reoiainof the bread aod wine after conseK cratioii? : i "«- ^ '•■«-, Vi^.* -s*---'.",. ^:^:-s. -^^. >*^"W;^ 'w '^ *^ . 'T^ ■•.'"' '■' . ..■.''*'■ ^X. Nothing rl^aiai of thedi tiut the forms or apfiearaocei. ^^^v' I Q What do you meno bf (briDi or appearancfs? -^ a ^- .A. Im^anthat which appears to our ieoaes; as the figurci tbo cofour ami I he taste, ; v^;^^* n7!'t Q. la lh#*re inj; tbing uoder thf form of bri^'adi but f he body of Ji*iUi Chrialf"^'^ /^v -.f •j^:i#-"^'-- -^ 'J^- :^,:^^* ■ * ¥■"' v*.*V . *■ .•"'^ ..-*. .^.-^^. wiutl ^^li^^etya Chriil ia also wholly i^*'*£ .»"^^^ there. ^ *^ *^ When the priest breaka the eonarerated float doe^ he al* if' break the body of Jesfti Ciriat? ' ' ' » ^ ~ ' ^ ■ ■> ^ '. • ^ ■" ■i-»''. .* V wii. i-,i»- JM-.- ■«.'> r Lw^NSjI^l^rb; JesQs Cbriit ii^ndfer the forms in such a maoDcr yiiiyi he csDOot be divided, w^/ '(|. Wbi^o I be Hofttir under uliieh partia Jtsus Ciirisift A. U^> wbole uodcr tacli ■••■ **t.^ "..•■•I,* ' .. ,,-WA '*■* .'■ \ .- ■ t ■_...,. ./■-%,'Hr •,«#* iv€l' Do^i be i^lio receives tuit doe' ^art ol the host, or bul ooe form, reeeive Jestu Chrui vIioIa aoo eDiirer >^-;^-^",^ii^:i:,:; ^^'^-^^/v'S^.,^ -^'/i .'.^1 ' A«^ Ye0| because Jesus Cfaurist is whole okidrr each form^'aud iiod^ir fitcb part of the forois/ ^^^ v^\Q Does JeMis Christ leii^ beaveo to conie into the J^cl|§n •i A. No; bf is at the same time Id beavf^D aod uoder each of the foiiiecratcd Uosiff in the world* . Q How can all this he done? t At B| the aloiijjbt^ power of Ood| flio CIO dt • A. Vet; on accou^ . j^ tbe greal etecU wbicli CGHi^EDOOio j^rodiicea in us: Q. Wbkti sre fie efftcts 6 wmtiiuDioti? '^v^^^lpf A. i. It UDili^g av IfitiOBatelp i^itb Jesui Cbrisl, uho bfeomei >e«lfy oumoiirisbmeot; 3 It io^ creates in us Ibe spiritual iif^ ^ grace; 3.11 moderates tbe ^Iqk ience of our pass ens coticupiscfrocife pledge of t*teriial glorious resurrect ion aemorial ;of tb^, liOrd. * -w^3*'- A-^ ,4^* A«^ "t ■i!. ^N, ^ ■fit *" , * ^ii^ >3 ro le i#4 M i^ork these eifeete la all who re^ A.^ There iire some, yho by i 1^ their caminttQiooii dra w nj^o themtel^eft the curse of Ood. x Q. Who 9re they? , ^-,^,,teu A. Tbcy who ti«eive wv^ir^ Q. Wtial Is II to reeelfe nil- pPOrtbiiy? j5C''4v^v^f^-i^3'^ •^" ^ A, It w to reeetve with t coo- mh^ee defiled by mortal aid. M Q. Is it a great sin to receire '^yy^^T^^ it M to profane the |K>dy and blood ||pre8it8 Chrisif ^ Q. Bo tbooe rec^iire the Irady and blood of JeAut Chriijl|*. .^-^ A. Yei; but to tbefr owo jtidg* J, 5, Q How can a maB. iT0i of 1". *. • • r A -iX'' u T V^**4 K>^ :.^i.. ■fe«.i JU" Jr. In chMiriiig bit eocsei^fill I %^ A godd conkmon b^JoK ^>^^**V^#-^^^^^ "^'Vj;-^. .<»;,/ ■'i;^ hH otber preptiilion it' i«i|uifed tJefore comitiuDlbli? 4o Tn be fafting; tbatis, to biff meitber eat imr drank from ^nj^: ;-f y :*.», inidingiit. q. WHk vbariinliiBefiM ftfv ^ «e to tfoproacb the H^hrcoat onnlon. .i^^^^l^^a^^ffg A. Witbg^eat derottob, fitft:^ (erveot love for Jettht Cbrbt^ idd ' vilb a profouod b||isility. ^ ^^<^ i Q At tvbat, lilDlK^are ve more t strielly obliged to receive II? *-^ a A. At BasuKm'meB we f re io dMUf^i jBfdfie&b., A , * A ^ -^ , , ^'J:' *S.r A ^f ■*•< -..4* ^f; •i-i t. '^. »»., '^