CIHM Microfiche Series (Monoyraphs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) m CmimNmi InMHuM for HiMorical Mleroraprodueliaiw / bwtitut ewwdiwi da mieraraproduetiefw MMoriquM ©1995 TiM ImtUMi h« • copy mIMto for INinkit. FmImm of Mi enw iHiMi of dM kMiM In Hit rapisdiinioii, or «rfiM my •IrMcMnly otanft «M ■mH MMhod of fliiaint. m CoMn damcitf/ Cotmrtura □ CoMrtnnorodiiidtorlMilnMid/ Coinomn roitMirto MteH r~~] Cemr Mh mWfif/ □ Coleiind mapt/ CailM fteinpliiqiiw tn ooiilow nCotomd M (U. otiMr *n Mm or tataek)/ Enon di oomtw (iA mm quo W«M OH nojral □ Cotoarad piMH and/or ilhinratlom/ nncha tt/ou iNintrationi on coulNr r~~j Bound wHh othw matmrt/ I ft«M ovM d'autm □ Ti^itbMintnnvcn •loni intwior matin/ UctUurtMiTtepouti dhnmion It kMf dt I* num IntMaun I I KiMilntlio M w p«it qw MftomM pain MindMi aioMiw loo d-una ranauntion ippar a li iai it dam la tama. mait. lonqoa cala itait poaiiWa. cat paiH n-ont D Additional eomfflann:/ L-lnaMut a microfilm* la maHlaiH amnipWra wi'il MaMpoaribtadaaaprmnr. Ln dtaM da oat npradiriia. on wd pamam axltar ona modif icatian dam la mMMda nennala da fMrnapa wni Indlwifc raalmirtaa attep paNkuMm r~|Colo TINUED"), or the symbol ▼ (meaning "END"), whichever eppliee. Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed et different reduction retioa. Thoaa too large to be entirely included in otm eapoaura ara filmed beginning in ttM upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames ss required. The following diegrams illustrate tlie method: 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 L'mamptoir* IMm4 lut rapreduit grte* * la g4n«refMd*: British Coluabli ArchlvM ind Rwerdt Service. Lm tanagM tulvantM ont ttt raproduliat avac It pliia grand aoln. eempia tanu da la condition at da la nattata da I'axamplaira film*, at an eonformlM avac laa eonditiona du contrat da fHmaga. Laa aaampMraa eriglnaux dont la eouvartura an papiar aat imprimaa aont f Ilni4a an eommancant par la pramlar plat at an tarmlnant aelt par la damMra paga qui eemperta una amprainta dlmpraaaion eu d'lHuatratlon. aoit par la tacond plat, aaton la eaa. Teua laa autraa axamplairat origlnaui aont fllm4a an commantant par la pramMra paga qui eomporta una amprainta dlmpraa a ion ou dlNuatratlon at an tarmlnant par la damlAra paga qui eomporta una taila amprainta. Un daa aymbolaa aulvanta apparattra aur la damMra Imaga da ehaqua microficha. aalon la eaa: la aymbola — » algnifia "A SUIVRE", la aymbola ▼ aignifia "FIN". Laa eartaa. planehaa. taMaauK. ate., pauvant itra fllmaa t daa tawi da r«duetion diffaranta. Loraqua la documant aat trop grand pour ttra roproduit an un aaul clicM. 11 aat filma t partir da rangia aupdriaur gaueha. da gaucha t droita, at da haut an baa. an praiwnt la nombra d'Imagaa nicaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa luivants llluatram la mdthoda. 2 3 5 6 •«C«OCOW RBMUTION TBT aURT (ANSI and ISO TEST CHAUT No. J) I 1.8 A /ff'PUED IK/MGE Inc 1653 East Moin Strttt Roch«8t«r. Nflw York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phon. (716) 286 -5969 -Fax KOOTENAY LAUNCH n itb ^ABTICLE I. _. , ,. . NaiB«. ARTICLE II. • Object. courwaniongTtawenlbeM. *• ' •**"'*' '"'"•^ ARTICLE IIL Memheritfaip. n.emb;!:r;'„,°/.'*'" Clnb .hall ccsUt of .ctlv. ARTICLE IV. Offlcera. c/r^^„^*;rpr„tlU'"(U"o"Si..^;rti.»^' tary-tieasnrer. »""" "ii»ii i>e gecre- 8w.a There shall be three ''-tlon may be amend' i bv a two. meeuiig of the Club, a* proviai^ for in the hi'i:^ah'»S«'^.'^ the pn)p«£*l amendment h^ ^?.**K^. ?'■"*•' P«>P«Md •mm.dmei.t moat be d«^a previom, to the next rtvni.r meeting" RULES ABTICLK I. Dutiea of OIBcera and Governora. th«r;i;«£?°'"l*^/*'?-*' "''"" ^* l^e duty of wneii under ordeM for upeeiilc formution- ti. fi,«™.*' •»«•'«?.«• ot tVe Club a^ Crf of Governor.. He .hall enforce all rules and mju. wrUIn^ hl\ P'**""*. Of whenever rrqultted in J^ H„^ ?/ "" »•««»'*"'. •"«! •>«) when requeated of the a." """"^ '°*'°'^' •*' •» «<«n'-i"ee. Sec. 2. Captain.— It ahall be the duty of the S S^ dn^li^':* ]"•• CoP-odore in the dTscbVrKe or fats dntleg, and m hia abMnee or in case of vacancy in office of Commo«lor» to^t aTSIch He shaU be in fall and undiq,uted wnti^ Tm m WM» eventfc He •hall refar aiiT dUpatwl aetim. 8«s. 8. M«te.-It tball b« th« duty of th- >-.t« 2ZSu'/"'' 'i «'"««^> data Of tlu. Club .t W^ 8«o. 4. The Board of Governor* ihall hHv« fnii ary lor the proper m.n.gement of'iu 25S!S" Any rule or regnfMion eetallShed hv thl» !^"* which mayoccur in Uiefr &J?!i !S^ vacanclet or of offl^r^' They rtSS' ^Ll'"?? W"""'!**.* tpeMur..rrhou8» !L1«. *'»d'* •" accoantaof Th^ .h:i, 'ndTrUXTpo? tm'Sji.oW^^ „.S!f" f^' ^P.P'><»tion fop MemberehiD— AnnH cation for acUve memberehip .hTblf m^PJl; 174849 • quorum. Two ii^.i«5ii^*i'**'? th„^,|„i| , ARTICLE II. tAhtZ 'ru^^^'eeta""!" "» '" befor. member who U i„ „«! "/r*'Ly»"''' ""d no allowed to vote at th,f^-^fi' '«",«'"••• •hull b. of offlceri; " 'h^^iMinuHl meeting for election AH-aCLE III. RMlgn«tlone.nd8a.peniioni. •the good oAer or*ii!~ «f Jl' '%r'?*"*'°'• mem- h^ihi ritKtlu •"•'*'«•«» »TOib,r .b.l| within thirty daVJuiUr ?hi Jl'''' k"?. ?•«"»*"• •nch member iih«ll * dlSlS^-f w''* " "* ^»', in«ybe .lepnve,lof.iTci7fl,^,f''«l'»nt. an.! .^Trrb^rWS^Jr?*-^^^^^^^^^ m.ydrop.achdelin%.e„tre^rf^|«J.-S;;£J ABTIOLB IV. poh^SU'-bu^t^tWdth^'.^^"''.''*' '•'•'' »«•• lenjnh. the field t^ Te whUe^nS""-"" ">' ""• rfie"^':^.-:-."-"to*^b: r s^.5,r^«Cc2 .h2i'b.^w'?irft--;[S'.:^ff'"**^«'*'« «•« ingr croi. of iciirlot. ■w*lIow tail., bern^ •o^AuSi: w?ui JJiiWi:' s:^ ?•'»»'-• of white. "waiiow tailg, bearing crou 8hSin*;Ac'tT»r^±::J2-°' *»«• "Merchant H.«^u.-aacsrs^.iUi°teif twry from Hw Mafeitv^ tK VJ*"* to the con- ' •nv other di.tlnct"V?Jmt(oi^? Admiralty) andlf rf en.ig„, or the u'io" J^f' ??i°:* «W wch ■w* worn without ww-ra^ thif* "^'"'^ border boat(»,.d owner,ifonC«li^ ♦?'■'?"• "' t»>e J«>r «ach offence ino^^i a fine n*.**** "?^> •''•'I hundred -pound. («2 6»«^ ."^ ""' Mceeding five officer or'offloe" ofcasto^^ •«"? wmmiMTont^ dominions may bSard In^? '» HU Majesty', color, are hoisid.a"„'^ ^^"S?. ?V'"'"' """^ color, .hich ,h.u' be ^oS^fS^^^ ft'l.TAy "' Club^rtrBf E^,^- ^^ me.nber,of [he •nd the Club BttSef a7t"h«' ^'"^'^"' ^'«««taff under Club Bur^ ""'"^ ** ^lown at Bow.taff h»»aninchinlHD«rtli ri.!hB* '' '"' •""cin* flag, of an inch i„ l^u^S^^'EntTT'^^':'^^^^^ ABTICLE V. Sec 1 r ^"'*'°™' *°^ Oi^Pe. of black mohair brrid chinT* •"■ ^"."'^ "*«' b»Md •nent »hall ^ ^™"';:;«"^-The Club Cap Oma. mounted by a thr««.w?^ ^ inchora in gilt twi cros«d HyJkVcKKXwC?U'o',*" «•'" ^ „Sec. 8. For CommlCi-*"^* colore. Cap Ornament .uTtterT?!'' /?«"'" Club fl^and autf for Sub Fll"* *••* Ctomniodore'g Tufen^ «•*- •-'i to^-^CK!^ a'nVj^iJ but eubsUtutiDK CaMa'fn^Fjf', •"Commodore NAVIGATION RULES RULC or THC ROAO bo«rd or riffht io that ihl ^ ."'"u"?. '» 'he ,Ur. port (or >eff hLrdl^rdVof^h^oS:;! "'*" "" *"« «Wrbc.»rd (right hMdaTdelHlml? I'"' "'heron he? w»y of the other" the ori,l^ J.^''*'/'«"" "' "'« CooweandSpeJd. "'*' '^**' ^««Pi"g her oaLfVe';;™^,^"-^*«P «"» her.tarboard(rigKndr8idl'°"" *'"'=''*■ »° NOTES ON LIGHTS totht tton or ■gro^S. •nohor or nude fMt • _*■ . ^hti are to be ezhihit^wi t... u . •luring that time nooffliSit wh?^^""^ "»«* taken for the prescrib,d^li^t!'i^;^tehte 2. Small st(>ani and motor boats, under 40 ton. a char8.;ter aa to l.e viBible at a distance o?at f#«» S"« ■"•'».• oracpmbii,e,l lantern Hhowrng a KfS,,f »;-. P?'"" ("^) •baft the beam, on their reaixv trro sidee (green on the itapbJaid or r chTL^ ^h?" *^? '^r'u"' '«^'>*'"> 'hall aI»o carry a whfte iiluroi1S,'e^rghr^ '''*''»'•<'-'-•• -»^n^^^^ light, which shall be teiuporarily eThftftll if sufficient time to prevent cSllS "^*^'^ »" show ^o^ch""thiXr: whttr'^' r' SOUND SIGNALS „^" .,^»'8 °^ >e" than 20 tons need not have a trumpet, such as is used in motor cars oTa^ng! 2. One short blast means "I am direotini. .„„ Tamdi^ectt'^'™'"'-" '^''° '"or" bi::^J'Zrn^ uiMM moans My engines are goinir full snoiu) astern.' ,„d u ^g^i, interpret^ on KooS aYongside/*^"'*'* '"' »'"' °'''- boat'TcomJ ,,,1-fli^*^ ' ^f