« • i a V L4 •• ' • , p By His ExcELLE BMNNTNG JTENT Captain^General ^ GS^voiiour in Chi Pix)viDC^ kJl New-Ham^ ire P O C LA k'* I'd i-'-*^ And a: herein |JE;REAS' the* general AflemWyi lotion of the prefent State and GiriSimfl Mielfland of G^-6>r/o«, hav^ judged it < jpiace to theObedience of theCrown of Gj couragonent for the Enliftmenit of a laid Aflembly have defired th.at I w (iich pfep^r Officers as I (hall appoi ,.•*; ^* ':^,7P?« -^S.-^-^'i^l.^/^ffc ^])e molt i^jiii iird Ml be enititlen to ail tDe 01 oe ot)w, and time IDI?^ fljau br ct At A . ELLENCY .r NT WORTH, I Chief, in and Gver "yjbirey in \ \r tbatSeivice ; [lat I would iflue forth my Prpdamution fe|uch ill appoint 5 ~ ' >r^c®a'fii Council, piiWrtb anD declare Uk tUe i; (l)all |iat)e a Blanttet aU6lbed ^rin, np ihr tlje 0ltthDee^1^er fl^ail take, ano no^Krt m ^all De ntfcljftrseii from t|)e d^ecbrce Wtm m- all br ejrempc fvom all ^mptelTcs to aofllMiijN^ ^-, '» .0 ■'*'T ■■I f. r^niunneni:, <|^ ttcottr lucn prupqr v/iiicui:> a:> x iiimi iippjj It ot nil fuc^ aftlc bobftu effctfiUe i Dice fo^ttie Mm €jrpetitt(om Cijiai m we flBwij^ ^ftM » ^g »f ft tt0 d^ He mmti torn tUe )^it mate ftoidfefv ^l^At tibe? (^ail im toe (fljee i aniJ t|mfjl^#itt 6r tx m nejCt eWU'lig. ' :Aitd ta the li^ent iftion of the Captains iii whc/e Comp Wit of cacirHcgrmcnt of ciDtt! <|>ffieefS iti» DaDe moit tDii Service mUy ii^anieis of to tU met , AND in oilier to |»event any Intelligcoce of the intended 1 I DO Dtrelip tomtnatiD tl)c 5>l)ct!ff of tins .ytoBtnec; Deutieteti lU^t^ont 2Dciai> to tlit t|)»cf mfUtiirp ■.# fcWD 0t^clamat(ottS as tliccc arc milttar? €i5mpatt?e$ tittmematelf after tece!))iiis tUe fame, caii Ii^s j^ompa tttateoR tean thttollcuii^ to l);:s Xtxtn Co npani), and tiiai Ettons m tt)e(c l^anosv atto fiiffer no Copies to lie :f OCt of tl^e {^0 proctamatton Uas Uccn mat» cl^^llf, tbl)o fS aUio ^te!))» reanlteo to taiic a %itii tieuiievet), anb to ttil^iii DeifDereD, ant) tl)at lie fenti< fj^e Ittmitiit Visitf^ t$e proclamations (]ot)cit))etei:i up; \' :') Given at tl|e Ck>uncil--Chamber in Portsmol tit, Eighteenth Year of the Reigii of our S0 Gmce of GOD of Grj^ AT-BRiTAfN, Fr^ Fakh^^^a^^^ with the A^hiiC of the CounciL Theodore Atkml^^ Seer.-:'. Goiy the ■«•» ■^ ft «" ' . •^' y\y -> - J ^ " . .,v r* 1. !},•(;. ■'ytZA.-^S'.'iri Ill uupjim J ifctcme ^en, as Oiail enlift as; S)oiDter0 mto Wn M iin yj . mm i u«nw trl0dnfyg f^ap (hiGji lie ( fliali Dat» a »lanftei mmth j^rm, nif the tlje 0ltitiiieH)er fl)au taKe, attn tui oErr & ^ail be ntftDfttseft from ^e ^tmtt immtm, mMtxmpt ftom ail Dnipfeires toatii lie .liijtent that allPerfons pvirpoling to eng^ fit dm ' dompanies they would enlift, j(^H Oj^^^ft |ig GUI $ a)ail cotnmi(r(onate, ta br tratiC^tifttnt ended fexpodition fioni going abroad, • afemcci Ja taht cfetittai catc tl)at fhm H :atp;#pcw ill tat|)S:o»)n/ as manp Mth^ ipautti? in fiicl) lE^oXbn, atib tltat eacli ^ Itompanp togetDir, atin Iiave tijefati i tQ m tanea iljereof i auD ttoc nfm all nm^ Ije ftntjs into tftj-^cwtaryNB jiDftre a Co# of sMQCTii, the Second tStoy o£ jpdruary, i.ji^.^.. In the ■ our Sovereign Lord G\E GRO-E the Second, by the AfN, Francu iind IitELAND, ijpsfG, Defender of tJic . » ■ m f the IK ».!# »-»« ,»■' T-TTsr-rr^ * J - ..k- .J: -%^ ji »