a^. ^s^ ^■ f ^. ' Th* ImagM appMrinjl harat ftr« th* bMt qualifV poMlbIa eonsidarinv tha condition and lagibiilty of tho original eopy and in kaapkig, with tho filming aontraot ipac i f Ic a tlona. Original eopioa in printad baglnning wMi tha front eovar and anding on tho loaf paga with a printad or Muatrotod Impraa* alon. or tha baek covor wlion approprlota. All athar original eoplaa «ra fUmad haglh n lng an tlia f irat paga wfth a printad or Hhiatratad bnpraa* •Ion. and anding an tha laat paga whh a printad or Hluatratad impraaaion. Tha laat raeordad frama on ooeh mierofleho •haN contain tha tymbal — »• f maaning "CON- TINUiD"!. 9r tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"), whichovar appliaa. plataO.- charts, ate. . may ba fHmad at diffarant raductlon ratios. Thoaa too larga to bo ontlroly Includod in ona axpdaura aro fllmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand comor. left to right and top to bottom, aa many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams illuatrata tha mathod: « L'aiamplaira fllmA fut raproduit gricsW|a gAnArositA dj|i - > - .^ . -* LjL bibliotl«4qufl dti Archivtt itionala« du Canada Las imagad suivantas ont At* raproduitas avac la plus grand soin..cofnpta tanu da la conditiort at da la nattatd da l'a>amplaira filmd. at •xx conf ermitd avac las conditions du contrat da fHmaga. , ■/■ ■•. . ■ Laa aaamplairaa originaux dont la e6uvartura on paplar aat Imprimia aont filmtelMi commancaht par la pramiar plat at an tarminant salt par la darnMca paga qui eamporta una ampralma d'impraaaion du d'illustration. salt par la second ^ plat, aalon lo coa. Taua las autraa aaamplairas originOMx aont fNmis an cammanipant par la pramMra paga qui comperta una amprainta dimpraaaion au dlNuatration at w\ tarminant par la damlAra paga qui aomporta una talla ' \ amprainta. '- ' ' \ ''" ..'■■.■. ■-■...■ \ Un daa aymbolaa sulvants spparattra sur la darniira imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la cas: la symbols -^ signifia "A 8UIVRE". M symbols ▼ signifia "FIN". Las cartaa. planchas. tablaau>. ate. pauvant Atra' fllmAs A das taua da rAduction diff Ar'ants. Larsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra . rapraduit mn un saul cllchA. il aat fllmA A pif rtir da I'angla supAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droits, at da haut an bas. an pranant lalvombra d'imagaa nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivants lllustrant la mAthodo. < 1 2 3 * ^ J ' . • •■ 1 • - t-f~ \ 'At 1 : 2 . 3 ■-.•-_'■-". ■ -'^^ i_._.,.- * * - > ( , V , • ■■— ' ' ■ •"""" ■ ■ ■ 4 5 6 • .■■-'. » ♦ . - ■ '1 • . -;-.;~---"y ,-"-"■ ■■'A:':/^ \,' THIS P^ICE LIST SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER^ JANUARY, 1886. ',*. 1 -'1 t^ "v.. ■,1 New " Otto " Silent Gas Enirine \ -MAMrVACTrHKD MV (oHN Doty Engine Go., Toronto Safety 1(1 Convkniknck |» Kconqmy ■r ^ ' . No Boiler .No Coal ^o Steam No Engineur- No Ashes ^% No Gauges No Fires No Pumps No Danger No Kxplosions No Extra In.surance No Unpleasant Heat Almost No Attendance. . Started Instantly with a Match Always Ready* to Give Out its Full Power at once. ; Expenses Cease when Engine Stops " .- . Where P(1^\^ isy Required at Intervals it is the Cheapest J Motor Known , •j * • , Ov^ 25,000 in use in England, the United States and Canada >: ■ IWOHAM > Wlt t lll, P W I N TlWa I • 'M- ■/ ^' ^'i* 'I ,' V- -v: - f *'■. -•— r TIIK engine c<>nsi rit;utale lli«'su|>|ily »iire i« iul>u»lion of a |ieciiliar mixture of ciminion coal gas anmliu»iion in this i;ai> engine in entirely new; ii »niall pari only of the charge i» comlm.tihle, which, on ignitiua, nervcn to ex\>an avoiiling shcwk, and eflecting - when comiiared with other molers of this cla*s— a van economy. Tile "Otto" Cm Engine it conaidered to potMMthe leuynumber of working parU and the (reateat aimplicily of mecbaniam ever yet oltUined in a Gaa Engine, or cTeVin many Sttam Bnginet. It runn wilh an'exUemc 8niootlincBa\ni»l regularity of apeed hitherto unknown in I lat Ijigine*. Cost of Rnunint^ as coin/>ahdxi >uniiiiixi> lor Iht o" aloHe. The<|uanlity retpiireil in Ihe "Olio" Kngine, avewges for the dikureM »ii4 of Kngims liilhUttt suhif l„i el »,«. ft, M. If. /"., ffr tour, giving at the varying gas price of from $1.00 \i, $2.otf'|H.-l'. i,ooo.cul.ic feel n cwl of from 2 lo 4 cents jwr hour. While running, h.'.weVcr, itie cut olf Iting in ccmslanl o|>eraJi<>n, Ihc " i.a, ,omsm)»//ioii is limileJ tu fro/vilioii to Iht loa,i m fii^iinr," ihetcl.y iq practice, in many caxes only one-third or oiiehalfnf ^le .ilx.vc rale of consuiniftion is reacheil. Kngine cosis ijfiiliing while standing, and is starte• t^or What fiuifoscs Gas ^n^ties are foiiiui to be Usefitt. *,. (ias Knginesare suitalile for all work which, u|», to the present time, has lieen diine l.y small stationary sita,„ engines, anil iKsides, for many pur|H«es where steam cannot l« used, wheri- small p<.wer is wantt.l, it will, in most cases, k- recpiired Ki Ik.- run »iih .1 r,..N«v / space for fuel lieing demamle.l, makes lias Kiigin.s highly suit.il.le for ue i«i priming ofti.es, slores, jewellers' woik«ho|.s, etc. TI.eir iiisLliil nii.l lonMuHl inuiimsr /or ;,w* ami ftrft.l M/.//, wliiili leaves insurances unair*cle.l. render I ins Iji-ines the eliea|K-si an.l ui .st convenient hoisting engines known fi.r usi' in stores or large » ari houses. Th.-y have, Usides. lien .idopleil inw«lio ,1s aixl aea.lemies. f..r pumpnig or veniilaiing in lio.pii;ds. pul.lic iHiildiiiL's, hotels, el.-., Iilowing organs, running eleclroplalers, ••il and spice mills, e.itUe ro.isiers, meat chop|Hrs, sewing iiiai'liiiies anil Imol machinery, chilh culling, exhausters and ammonia pumps in gii smirks, etc., etc. y iH-ing generally adinilled that one steam engine will oulwear, sivei.il Isilers, the ,liii alility „( the lias Kngine. which is coiiiposed cif nearly the s.iuie essential working p.nts as the steam tngiiie, aloi.e is selfevi.leut. No U.iler Iriiig ret|uir< .1. the freipient repairs for same, lireak.nge of gauge,, repairs on feed pumps, leaUge, ele., need not In- ,oiisj,lireil. .Ml ihe p.nts are e;isy of access fur ailjusimenl or repairs o(iiriliii.iry wear. • y_ Dimensions and Price List, 1- ■ h Inil. Diaiiuler III w,„.i.. i Si/e of I'lllley „ , .■ . ; Weii-ht oT ' ,,, II. I'. (^Vl'^ '^""'''- !».iul.le Incc^ '*""'""" r Kngine. Kh-r Space. .. Height. J Kngine I'liie of Kngine with liuse. m4 "M- ,. S ill. I S ill. X 4 ill. \+'4 'V' ' «.) " l» " < l> '• SU "\ "I -" III •' X S '' >J'» " 24 •• Si lo- 14 -" it " X \i •• .1 . ■ ■ |-^ 180 1200 Ills (.ft. x.»fl. jfi. 6 in. $io6 i>o 1400 " 7 " I X J " J in. 4 •' ^7 •• 400 iKo ' 2000 " ! S " X J " 10 " 4 •• 10 •• 575 100, .Mon " ]0"7>nx4fl. 6" 5" .s " ybt i(«> 4500 •' 10" X4 " h •• . s •' 8 " 905 li^n'te for best Cash l^iscoitlits off atfove prices. ■•m\ ■y -^-^ -X- ...^ m t./'^ 'v-::, X-i' '■""'■ '' ^M A^ • ... ► • "^* -•■',. 1 -■' ■'■" - . ' / : ■■ / . p ^^^^^H ■'■ ■ -- 4 *■,.;■ 1 .; / • V * .' ' ' ' •■ '.■■7 I •■■/-- .i — , , . . . - . ^ ,,. , , «. / .■■:-. / ■ ■ ■ ■ ' . / ; '" ■ ■ ■ ■»^-'- ^ / i '-.■- — - .' / . / -r ■" ■ / / / ■■ /-■•..■ / .'- * ./ « . ' ' •* i • \ f 7 • /• 7 ■T~ -— - ** ■• t / / ' • <^. ' 1 / / / . * . '* ■ ' 9 ^l,-! ■■\' •; • . A ■.^( ;> . V.