"?^ v/ f' V ■ »< * *^i \ CIHM I Mtcrbfichd ^ Series . t '^ (Monographs) > 'i\^ ^- c ICMH Collection de microfiches ) a;- t Canf dian InstituM for Historical IWilcroroproductloi»« / Inatitut Canadian da nilcroraproductlpna hitloriquaa * * ttdinical and BibNoraphte Hum J Noiif iMlmkiMs tt MMtofraphiquM Th« Imtittit* hn •tttmpitd to oblal« *• Imt otifinM copy availabto for filminf. FMturM of thtareopy wliidi ,MV b* biblioiraphteollv iini9«M. wtiieh imv tharmt of tht •«••■» Jn iho ftproduetioo, or whid» may tigni^kantlv chaliffi th* ummI inothod of fihnini. wo - dMcfcad bolow. . 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Whana»ar posiibla. thasa ha«a haan omittad from filminfl/ lisa paut qua diprtainas pagas blMtchas aioutlas tors d'una rastauration apparaissant dans la taxta, mais,' lorsqua cala *tait possiMa. cas pagas n'ont pasMfilmias. * • L'Institut a microfilmA la maiilaur axamplaira qu'H lui a «t4 postiMa da sa pracurar. Las dUtails da cat- anamplaira qui sont paut-ltfa uniquas'du point da «wa bibliori^biqua. qui pauvaht modif iar una imaga raproduito. ou qui pauvant axigar una modification dans la mMioda normdla^^ihnaga sont kidiqufc ci-dassovsv □ Colourad pagas/ Pugas da coulaur X D 1/ □ Pagas rastorad and/or laminatad/ Pagas rastaurias at/ou pallicultot Pagas discokwrad. stainad or foxad/^ Pagas JAcok>rtes. tachatias ou piquias □ Pagas datachad/ Pagas d*tach«a«., 0Showthrough/ . Transparanca m Quality of print, varias/ Quality inigala da I'imprassiOn □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continua D Includas indax(as)/ Comprand un (das) indax Titla on haadar takan from:/ La titra da I'an-tlta proviant: Titla paga of issua/ ^ Paga da titra da la livraison » Caption of issua/ Titra da depart da la livraison * ■»» Masthaad/ GJiniriqua (piriodiquas) da la livraison ■1 * :■"•■ ■■' •*»■■,■..■,- ■■ ■' Addittonal co (moaning "CON- * TINUED"). or tha aymbol Y (moaning "END"), whichovor appliaa. - Mapa. platia. charta. ate., may ba fiimad at diffarant raduction ratioa. Thoaa too iarga to bo ohtiraty includad in bha axpoaura ara fiimad baginning in tha uppar laft hand corner, laft to right and top to b^ottom, aa nuiny framaa as raquirad. Tho following diagramsHluatrata tha method: ^'\''^% '• ' m f- .1 2 3 L'oxemplaire f Um* f ut reproduit grioo A lo ; tlniroaitA'da:.': ;,.,.•:>-■■;'■.•,■ Motropot I tan Toronto Reforonco library ■.■■■ Baldwin Room ■ f- Lee imagea aulvantee ont 4tA reproduitee evec le plua grand aoin, compta tenu da la condition #t. da ta nettet* da I'exempieire f ilm*, et en confbrmiti eveq lea conditiona du conttat do. filmage. ;-^ ^Lee exempleirea origlnaux dont Nfbouverture en. pepier eet impHmde aont fUmto an commenctent par le premier plat at en toifmlnent aoit par la darnlAre page qMiCompOrte une empreinte d'impreaaidn ou d'iiluatratlon. aolt par le aaeond , plat, salon la eaa. TouaJea autrea exemplairea origlnaux aontHlmia en contmenpant par la . pramlAre pege qui comport^ tine empreinte d'impreaaion ou dllluatration et en'torminant pan la darnlAro page qui oomporto una^talle '' empreinte...' ...•■ "'■■,' '^^n;^'' '' ■.■••^••" ■ Un des syroboles suivahta apparahra sur la _ derniire Image da cheque microfiche, selon le ^ caa: la aymbola -► algnlfia "A 8UIVRE", le eymboie ▼ algnifio "FIN". . \> Lea cartea, planchee, tabieeux. ato., pauvent Atra fiimAs A dee taux da rAduction diffArenta. Lorsqua le document eat trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un aeul clichA, 11 eat fiimA A partlr de I'angle aupArieur gauche, do gauche A'droite. et do haut ah l>aa, en prenant la nombre d'images nAdeaaaira. Lea diagremmaa aulvanta illuatrent la mAthode. <.. 1 * 6 •-"/ MICllOCO|PY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) / • *■' 10 II IH.25 35 iSS Li 3.6 4.0 1.4 i5 22 2.0 L8 1.6 vIPPUEE] IM^GE Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 "5989^ Fox USA ' S I' m™ . »'»■■' .•»■ V ■■ ■■% tei SHOUIiP I BB AK Ay M. 8«M. ;. .(■ •*/ •Bui so rather to the lost of the house of -'"-''■-■''.:, Israel,"' :.:.-.. .-. ..-^ : ." TOBONTO, '^ ^ :«*•, trnm/^tfy*** ■ ■! ^ ' wr V -.T-. * .V ■.■■ i 1 • y / V / .* ■J ■. * » J ■.-■> ■ r * • V ^ f « -^ 1. . ^ '■:■ ;.'.,.-, ^^(' « * '^= ' : ..■■ ■ '• . .-. ; ■ S". ■: ' ■;:^^^'/-' ^ ■;■:■"■-. ;.■ »" 2- % ^''3 I be ill lit ^. . ■! I.— The BTeedw,: ; ' "Of all the things which GoJFIliaa niade, the human heart is that which atieda most light, and, alas, most Nobody can dehy the fact of the sm- ^^ase in this world of ours. It is a.; i^rn' reality confronting us at every Bj^ in an almost infinite variety of fbtin and phase. Every thinking mind recoiliwith horror, every feeling heart ■^♦' 11 r > Why Should I be with pain \^ben the existing evil is individualised and brought fot a iime into startling relief in the per-^ son of some one o£fender more daring than the rest of his kind. A Jack the Bipper's abnormal liendishnesfl, or a deliberately plotted cold-blooded Cronin murder brings to a common platform of wondering horror and more deter^ mined e£fort philanthropists and social reformers of every class and type, errery shade of belief and opiniom^^gain, and again the question is echoed r "What is to be done ? Is there any salvation for the lowest, the criminal stratum of society, any way of bring- ing it tip from spiritual darkness and lawless^ss |d light and liberty ?'* Maiyrjft noble life has been ardtntly N ■T' '•■ y ' X jin Auxilia y ? v • ■ ■ \ , ■•:V ■■ devoted to the discovery of a remedy and its practical application, — but every purely human lever has failed, must always fail. A divine power must be implanted in the heart, a. something **not ourselves " must •* make for righteousness *Vfroui within. :'■ Il.-'^plie Answer. ■- : t ■,v ■ ' -. \ . . '•■■■.: \ - i . ■ ■.■■;' - ■ All true Christians agree in believing tl^at the o ne and only adequate answer^ Id She sin-problem lies in the salvation pTOchased for humanity by our Lord Jesus Christ. All other methods fail as straws to stem the onward rush of a Niagara* ,We aim at the eradication ^ the cau9e--sin, rather^ than at the suppression of its effect— vica Why Should the •<^M "The world sits at the feet of Christ, Unkhowing, blind, and unconsoled ; It yet shall touch His garment's fold, And feel the heavenly alchemist Transform its very dust to gold."- Whittibb. ■1 >..• " Never on custom's oiled grooves, The world to a higher level moves.". "In the Salvation Crusade our (special object is to ferret sin out of J ts. hiding places,^ and banish it from the human heart. "—Commissioner Booi;h-Tucebiu Everybody who knows anything about the Salvation Army is also well aware of the nature of 'its quest— 1« y4n Auxiliary ? » bring the souls of men , *' under ^he government of Christ." This is ottr ''.Holy Grail/' for whose blessed vision we are content to become *' as stran- gers and pilgrims on the earth/* to toil and suffer the loss of all things. We live for the salvation of all, but seek chiefly the great non church-going class, comprising the roughest elements of society, the lowest, the vilest, the thief, the drunkard, and the outcast* Ordinary methods failed to reach these social outlaws; therefore, we have tried, under God's direction, extraor- dinary methods which have been crown- ed with success in countless instances. When the Army forgets its raison d'etre— the compulsion of the high* ways and hedges into the Christ King- I ■ ^ •. ^"Sjff^f?^ 8 .;. ■ ■ .■'.■•■"■ _»■■:■■ ■ 'J.*-- . . . . ■ Why Should I be dom of righteousness arid pes^ce— it will gimply collapse like a pricked bladder. It is scarcely necessary to add that we af e not ariticipating so dire a catastro- lV.--^iir Army Frt©nd«*^^^^ ^)^ Who THEY AnB. "Wherever the Arpy has been stationed in Canada and. elsewhere, Grod has raised up a bo^ of friends and well-wishers who atterijd pur meetings, and often testify to the blessings received therein. "Thank God for the Salvation Army," is reiterated on all sides by many who neither feel themselves called upon to serve in its ranks, nor even to* take a prominent share in its work, v I. i'. [ -' k ,>*• I. t -/in * f • - • -V _, Why THEY LOVE THE AjRMY. Be- cause, seeing tba good accomplished, they are content% lay aside their per- Bonal predilections and to rejoice with us over the Biajlvatioi|r and reformatbji of many a mati, B^any a woman who, until the Army came, was a festerltig plague spo* in their special toiirn^and neighborhood* v * (c) Why SHOULD THEY NOT AMi ^OIN OUR AujciiiiAitY League ? We know of ho good reason to the contrary ,^and cordially invite our Army friend?, to avail themselves of thisi oppor- tunity, hot Otily of subscribing" to our work, but also of boldly declariiig themselves in active sympathy with bur aims and movement. We ao not ask nor yet expect them to endorse all »'v. % ;^^«MH^ I ■' j^«^' lO Why Should Iht met methods^ foai simply to give us their support as ^ as tbey eon seiMbti- " To every slander and vilification; 4o every buffeting and persecutioUi we^ are able io return bur answer— men jwre saved ! Christ is lifted up ! Sod M glorified ! Jf you believe all thifli you ought to hdp us forward. Jl you are not satiafied that it is all true/ you ought to enquire and search until you are, and to help us then/' CoMMissioNBifc Booth- Ti^^Kim. t T.— ^^ XMWkA a Helping; Hand.^' •VRow ?'V do you ask, dear Army Iriends ? In inany ways, ^ eom|«e- bended in the object of omr Auxiliaary 1 1-. i Ufl 11 League which is established on a basis of sufficient breadth to admit all our syinpathizers, Christian/reformer, tern* perance advocate, whoever you are, who love your human brothers and sisters^ and are unable to rest satisfied while the majority is living and dying in the great cess-pool pf iniquity^ We shrink, howeyer, from seeing our Aux- iliary Xieagu^ only in the light of » subscription list, dtesiring Tather that it may beconae a widely extended, fair reaching stream of richest blessing and mutual helpfulne&sv (1) Pray FOB US. Pray al way a ^^^^^ God will keep us a one-motived, apure motived efociety, living only for Hie glory and the service of all. Join with us in our world-wide prayer at haii- .&i^«S',Sla^^ t \' 12 Why ShduLdThe jV -i ♦' .y past twelve eviery day that God m ay oless us and make us more desperate in our attack upoii the kingdom of (2) Help us %ith: yo jnplubsnoe whoBever and wherever you can. \ (3) Help U8 BT DiFFusiNa ou a litera^ ture. Few, we believe, can dxisettom a careful perusal of our General's or Mrs. Booth's books, not to mention a host ofother Army publications, with- ^^^^^^ out being themseives^ blotter men and! women, as well as having; their interest excited^ and their sympathy aroused in the various and leyer-inpreasing branches of our work. ^ (4) HbLJ us FINANCIAL^ ing,to our League. A^^^ where endeavour to make our work* as A %i(j '^' ■ ■^v< -^ '«*'*'? *■ 'H-' ;:A'-, ^ ■r jin UuxiUmy ? 13 » fair as possible^ sel^stipportiiig, there are yet many cases where assistance is 1 urgently needed from our friends and' supparters; Our Rescue Homes are still in their infancy/ and^^OT^ able to walk alone. Gifts of food or of cast-off clothing are ever thankfully received* I'here are also our T^ Homes for cadets, our Home of rn^if desired, and a leather casd containing a card of membership, the pirodutttion of which will secure a hearty reep^itibtt'and greeting in uny Army meetmg, bot^ in Canada and abiroad. .- ■ \ ■ t .''', i> ri r-i, . ■ *;- .»*!■'. ^^f-^n Auxiliary ? IS Cbdquea a,nd P. 0. Order should be made out in favour of ' T. U.ADAMS, Dominion Headqliarters, Gor. James and Albert Sts., - Toronto, Ont. N.B. — Please send all communica- tions to same address. ^ * . * •■4 i « ^- i »- • M ■% < 1. ,\ ^Jj^' «»KaA< « ^ jvv^ "kwn-u^ ^l'*'*^ * '•*»-t-r Mliih- . '••*«^»t *«• ^.Mt 4 ^ / ('•■\ •» ( ■^■■W: \ it* f 1 •. » < t