IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT^3) .^' ^ 1.0 I.I ■^IIIM Mi 2.5 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V] <^ /a 'c1 / /A '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation \ S .V "% v ;r, (iiuti's U///rii.i/fy ; I* fj/,- .<:.•. or of the Vt'nuiplfi and ViiU:tiu- nj' MciUiiuc, ihu-ctn Vn'ivcnits; ; Scn'rjr Surgeon, Kitr^.ilii/; iinil one "f the ('tovcrnors of the un/ic Diiriiij; llic \c;irs iluil Dr. John licll \\;is;i Suulciu in niircn's College, I had ;in opportunity oi" aaiuiriii}', ;i riiliicr intini;iK- knowledge ol" his eluiracici- and capaliiliiiis. lie was remarkaMe tf)r being .m excellent and pain^takini; .Suideni, and at his final exaniinaiion, owing to the superiority ot his written papers, he attained the rare distinction of not being required to undergo an oral examination. ])r. Bell was very constant in his attendance upon Hospital pnielice, and never neglected an occasion ofiniproxing his know- ledge ol' Clinical Medicine and Surgery ; and, had he been a candidate, he certainly woidd have obtained the appointment for one vear of House Surgeon to the Kingston General Hospital, which office is gi\-en by competition to the candidate who, upon examination, is proved to be most competent. He is a thoroughlv well educated, conscientious, and intelli- i^ent Medical man, and, I believe, is especially well ciualified for the post of House Surgeon in a large Hospital. From \. I'. I.irc-HFiEi,D, Eso., M.J)., L*rofcisor of Forcmtc and State Medicine, Oucen's University ; Medical Superintendent of the Rockzvood Lunatic Jsyltwi. 1 have been acquainted with Dr. John Bell both while engaged in th'j studv of Medicine, and since he has entered upon its practice. I believe him to be a very zealons, pains-taking, able and humane practitioner, and that he will discharge with skill and fidelity any duties that may be confided to him in a public institution. I /"/.//• DoNAi.i. Maci.k .N, f,>..., M.I).. I..K.C.S., Kdin.. Pnfnsor ,t Institute. '>r Mclirim; >vid lecturer 'ji: iVhiicnl Sur^rax, Rovil C'ilh\',' rhsii-iiius ,i)!ii Suryj',)!!, K'tnf^Uo)!. ■\'n ihr of (J.)\criior> of the MDiitival (Jcncral HoKpit;il, t (Jkntlhmkn, I lia\c imuh pleasure in rccomnicndint; Dr. jolin Ikll I',)!' the appointnicni of House Surgeon of your Hospitah The Doctor has been very intimately known to me during the l;i?t ?ix vears, first a? a student at this Medical vSchooI, where he was greatly distinguished for his assiduity, enthusiasm, and suc- cess in the pursuit of Medical knovvlcdgc ; afterwards in United States Army Hospitals, where he not only displayed in a high degree all the qualities of head, hand, and character calculated to render him a successful practitioner ot Medicine and Surgery, but also administrative tact and ability, such, as 1 am sure, are \er\- rarcK possessed b\- a man of his age. I ha\e the honor to be, (ientlemen. Your Obedient Servant, DONALD MACLEAN, M.D., L.R.C.S, Edin., Pr'jf. Ifistit. Mttl. and Lect. Clin. Surgery, Royal College P. and S., Kingston. From G. W. Campbell, Km.., A.M., M.D., etc. ; Dfifi of the Faculty of Mc/licifir ; and Professor of Surgery, McOill University. I hereby ccriity that Doctor John Bell, M.A., aitendeJ one Session at the Medical Classes of McGill University, and gradu- ated in Medicine in 1866. Dr. Bell was a diligent and attentive student, passed a very creditable examination, and 1 believe is well qualified to fill the oflice of House Surgeon to the Monrreal General Hospital, for which, I understand, he is a candidate. /'/■v// Wii.i.iAM 1'rasi:h, l'-,,,.., M.l)., Pn/n.^ui- "f tl.r Imtitutc^ 'jJ MrJicinr, Mdiill College ; one of the Jtfevd'iiig Vhsu-'ums of the Mouteedl (n-aernl llospitjl. 1 have knuwn Dr. John Hell a> ;i Stuuv'iu attending my lectures at the McGill Coll'i^c, ,ind as Ap"tlierary at the Alontrcal General Hospital. He is, in ni\ estimation, a young man of good general abilities, well acquainted with all the branches ot" his profession, and quite competent to lill the situation of House Surgeon to the Hospital, now vacant b\ the resignation of Dr. Drake. I'roffi William E. Scoi r, Ei«2., M.D., Profeisor of Anatomy, McGih College; one of the Attending Physicians of the Montreal General Hospital. J have known Dr. John Bell since his residence in Montreal. During his attendance at McGill University, he was regular and diligent in his studies. From my acquaintance, therefore, with Dr. Bell 1 am convinced that in the performance of the duties belonging to any medical appointment that he might procure, he would be found oompctcnt, attentive and faithful. From R. P. Howard, Es*)., M.D., L.R.C.S., Jul., Projajor of thr Theory and Practice of Medicine, McGi/l (hl/ege ; one of t he Attending Physicians of the Montreal General Hospital. This is tu ccrtitV that having been acquainted with Dr. Bell , since his arrival in Montreal, 1 consider him well qualilicd, both I by professional attainments and moral character, to discharge the duties of House Surgeon to any General Hospital or similar ins- titution. ; Fro;/i the iltvERtM) VViluam VViuoht, M.D., L.R.C.S., Kd. Vrofessor of Materia Medica a}ui Pharmacy McGUl College ; one of the Attendhig Phssidans of the Montreal General Ihspital. At the icqucbt of Dr. Bell, M.A., Ouc<-'»i's College, Kingston, ;ind M.D., CM., McGill University, who intends applying for the vacancy in the House Surgeoncy of the Montreal General Hospital, 1 have given him this testimonial of his merits, derived from the opportunities afforded by my acquaintance with him. These began in the Session 1865-66, when he attended McGill University for the first time, and followed my lectures on Materia Medica. He was very regular throughout the course, and dis- played marked assiduity, and acquitted himself with much credit at the weekly examinations. At the end of that session he re- ceived his degree in medicine; and subsequently obtained the post he now fills in the Hospital. During my last period of ser- vice there, — for the quarter ending November 1867, — he in part acted, under me, in his capacity, and I have pleasure in stating that he did so to my satisfaction, and I was pleased with the deep interest he seemed to take in the cases, as well as with the general kindness and humanity which he observed towards the patients. from Robert Craik, Esy., M.D., Profeaor of Chemistry, McGi// College; one of the Attending Thvic inns of the Montreal Gen- eral HoipitaL. I have much pleasure in stating that 1 have known Dr. Bell for several years, and have formed a high opinion of his professional abi- lities. His qualities are such as are most likely to ensure success in life, and I have no doubt that he will perform any duties in- trusted to him, with skill and abilitv. His moral character is beyond reproach. Mc(!ilfCo/!ija u.r of the Attnui'mg Phiichins, Montreal General llo.spirt!/. This i:. to ccrtity thut J have kiunvn Dr. J<.hn Bell since his attendance at McGiU College, now three >ears past, and that 1 consider him in every way capable of taking medical charge as Resident Phvsician, of any charity. From John Reddv, Esq., M.D., AttaitJifig Phynain, Monlreal Gen- eral HospitnL 1 hereby certify having known Dr. John Bell, M.A., cluriny the past three years, half of which period he was Apothecary to the Montreal General Hospital, where he fulfilled his duties with ability and zeal. I consider him fully qualified to undertake the post of House Surgeon. /■/■'/w 1). C. MalCallum, I',s(j., M.D., Frofrssor of CUnicnl Mc- iUc'wc and Medical Jurisprudence, McGill College, and one of the Attending P/:ysieia//s of fir Montreal General Hospitnl. Kroni the many tiivourabl;: (opportunities wiiich I have had in the wards of the Montreal General Hospital of ascertaining Dr. Bell's professional know ledge and abilities, I have much pleasure in stating that I have a high opiiiiou of them; and am c )nridcnt that he is in every way c:ipable of eiriciently discharging the duties of any professional situation to which he may be preferred. From J. M. Drxki:, Em)., M.D., Dctii'mtrator of Jihitomy, MiUi// College ; and at present I louse Surgeon of the Montreal Cenerai Hospital Dr. Bell having been one of the Apothecaries to this Hospital tor the past three years, 1 have liad ample opportunity of judging o.^ hi^ character c.w^X abilities, and it gives me great pleasure to be ihu^ afforded an opportunitv to express the high opinion 1 entertain tor both. L 1