^ ^^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) sr // -<> . 1 A f.N >) i ^- i 1 \' ' ^.11 ft iT \ ^^^A'^ <,, / 1. yt J MANITOBA MEMOKIES LEAVES FROM MY LIFE IN THE PRAIRIE PROVINCE, I868-I884. " BY REV. GEORGE YOUNG, D.D., Founder of Methodist Missions in the Red River Settlement. WITH INTRODUCTION BY REV. ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, D.D.. General Secretary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. ma^ lortraits anb llliistratioiis. TORONTO: WILLIAM BRIGGS, WrSLEV BlILDINOfl. AIONTRKAL : C. W. COAXES. 1897. IlALiKAX ; S. F. HUESTIS. c. a Entered, occorrtintf to Ace of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety -seven," by William Brioos, at the Department of Agriculture. INTRODUCTION. Many a book has been published for which no good reason could be assigned, but this book is not of that class. Many manuscripts might have been consigned by publishers to the waste-basket or the flames and the world have been none the poorer ; but to have withheld these " Manitoba Memories " from the public would have been a distinct) and serious loss. Methodists would have lost some pages of inspiring autobiography, as well as the story of the plant- ing of Methodism in the great North-West ; Christians who can i:se above the low level of denominational shib- boleths would have lost the profit which comes from studying the movements of other divisions of the Lord's army than their own ; patriots would have lost the record of some of the most stirring scenes in the founding of our Western Empire ; and coming historians of both Church and State would have lost a veritable mine of materials of the highest value. Only a single chapter is devoted to the author's auto- biography, but the glimpses it affords of his early life serve the good purpose of bringing the reader into sympathy INTKODUCTION. with the man and his work. From this starting point we follow him with sympathetic interest through the valedic- tory services at Toronto, before setting out with his com- panions for their distant mission fields ; the long and toil- some journey over the hundreds of miles of unsettled prairie that intervened between St. Cloud and Fort Garry ; the difficulties which beset his early ministry, growing in part out of the sparseness of population, the long distances between the settlements, the scarcity and cost of supplies, and, last but not least, the bigotry of some who claimed a monopoly of religious teaching, poorly qualified though they might be to supply it. But all these were succes- sively overcome, and the reader cannot fail to rejoice in the success which ultimately crowned the labors of this devoted missionary and those who succeeded him in the work. The part of these " Memories " which will most deeply stir the hearts of loyal Canadians, irrespective of name or party, is that which covers the revolt of the half-breeds under Louis Riel in 1869. In this book we have a simple narrative of the facts, recorded by an eye-witness whose well-known reputation for integrity, veracity and upright- ness precludes any suspicion of unfairness. The narrative in its simplicity, directness, circumstantial details and evident freedom from mere partizan bias, bears the stamp of truthfulness upon its face, and the future historian will find in it materials which he can use with unhesitating confidence. The beginning of the troubles ; the persistent iNTRODUCTION. attempts of Iliel to fan the passions of the ignorant half- breeds (which a word from the Hierarcliy could have checked, had it been spoken) ; the seizure of Fort Garry and the imprisonment of loyal Canadians ; the escape of some and the recapture of part of them ; the climax of crime and cruelty in 'he cold-blooded murder of Thomas Scott ; the enforced exodus of the loyal element until order was restored by the triumphal entry of the forces under General Wolseley — all these occurrences are detailed with simple but graphic power, and supply information of intense interest and permanent value. Following the stirring chapters on the Riel rebellion, the author turns again to the peaceful scenes of missionary labor and the planting of the Methodist Church. " The First Manitoba Missionary Conference," when Drs. Pun- shon and Wood, and John Macdonald, Esq., (all of whom have since joined the "great majority") met the mission- aries of the North-West, is sketched chiefly in the language of contemporaneous records, and Dr. Lachlan Taylor's journey through the " Great Lone Land " is given in the words of the Doctor's own journal and report. The history of the early educational movement is an interesting chapter, and so is that which details two dissimilar mis- sionary journeys in 1874 and 1875. The second of these journeys was in the winter season, through an uninhabited wilderness, and gave our author some experience of the toils and hardships of missionaries in the far North. But to follow the remaining chapters in detail would exceed 6 INTRODUCTION. the limits properly assigned to an Introduction, and I must refer the reader to the book itself for further information. A work such as was done by George Young and his associates in the North-West does not bulk very large in the public eye at the time. Theirs was emphatically the work of laying foundations, and this is a work which has to be done quietly, and, for the most part, out of sight ; but its importance to the superstructure to be built thereupon cannot be overstated. That these men planned wisely and built solidly, the results abundantly testify. Not often is it given to pioneers to see the full fruit of their labors ; but it is matter of profound satisfaction that the man who, under God, planted the seeds of Methodism in the Prairie Province, has lived to see and help to gather the won- derful harvest that sprang from his sowing. Some men have monuments in dead marble, reared long after they have passed away ; George Young has his monument to- day in the living Methodism of the great North-West. A. SUTHERLAND. Methodist Mission Rooms, Toronto, May 10th, 1897. PREFATORY. The writer of this volume desires to intimate to its readers that in its preparation and publication he has simply yielded to the solicitations of many friends, as well as to the request of the members of the Manitoba and North-West Conference embodied in the following resolution : Moved by Rev. G. R. Turk, seconded by Rev. Dr. Sparling— "That we have read with pleasure the letters of the Rev. George Young, D.D., which have recently appeared in the Christian Guardian, " Because of his intimate association with the early history of this country. Dr. Young is specially qualified to impart information "^'hich can be obtained from no other source, and which will be of great interest and importance to coming years. We, therefore, as a Con- ference, express the hope that Dr. Young may see his way clear to place the information contained in th-i letters in permanent book form. Also, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Dr. Youag by the Secre- tary of this Conference." 8 PREFATORY. My readers will suffer another prefatory remark : I have given a more detailed account of some of the events narrated than would be deemed advisable but for the fact that hitherto they have not, to my knowledge, appeared in print, or when they have were so inter- blended witii the fictitious as to be deservedly discredited by their readers. I will also add, that in consenting to prepare this volume I was influenced somewhat by the strong probability that it would be read by a goodly number of our young people whose birth has taken place since the times when these recorded events transpired, and who may not so much as have heard of their occur- rence. To such, and all others who may consult these pages, I herewith give the assurance that I have not in the least drawn upon my imagination in their preparation, but in all cases where the incidents given or the events described have not been matters of personal experience or observation, I have drawn my information from what I deem reliable sources. CONTENTS. Chapter T. An Autobiogmphical Sketch. (1821-1868) Valedictory Services Chapter II. Chapter III. The Forthgoing of the Missionary Party Chapter IV. Perplexities and Encouragements Interblending Chapter V. Tlie Arrival of an Efficient Helper Troublous Times Esciiping f(jr Life Chapter VI. Chapter VII. Chapter VIII. The Climax of Crime and Cruelty Chapter IX. Post-Mortem Indignities, etc. An Enforced Exodus Chaiter X. PAGE 11 54 . 8a . 100 . 117 . 131 . 148 . 163 10 CONTENTS. Chapter XI. A Notable Miliary Expedition Chapter XII. The Triumphal Entry, and What Cune of It . Chapter XIII. The Building of Our First Grace Church Chapter XIV. The Fenian Raid of 1871 — A Fizzle and a Farce Chapter XV. The First Manitoba Missionary Conference PAGE . 174 . 186 . 20() . 212 . 230 Chapter XVI. Dr. Lrfichlan Taylor's Wonderful Tour Among the Mis- sions in the " Great Lone Ljind " .... 250 Chapter XVII. Our Early Educational Movements in Manitoba 268 Chapter XVIII. Two Missionary Journeys into the Interior . . 280 Chapter XIX. My Last Hand-Shako with an Heroic Missionary 302 Chapter XX. Returning to Ontario 317 Chapter XXI. My Second Appointment to Mission Work in Manito})a . 328 Chapter XXII. My Third Ajjpointmont to Mission Work in the North- West ......... 343 MANITOBA MEMORIES. CHAPTER I. AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. (1821-1868.) Having been spared to pass the seventy-tifth mile- stone in my life's pathway, and to enjoy fifty-seven years of membership in the Methodist Church and fifty-five years of preacher life, it would seem as if the requests of many friends that I should give a brief sketch of some, at least, of my many recollec- tions of events and experiences of bygone years, were not altogether unreasonable. To the chapters following this much larger space will be given, as it is judged that my Manitoba memories will be regarded as of more general inter- est than those by » liich they were preceded, and which will therefore be more briefly recorded, and even in many cases barely summarized. The two births of whicli I have been the subject occurred at the following dates : The first on the last day of the year 1821, and the second in October, 184-0. In the first I entere« many friends were to beseen IZ '"'"'"P^'^^^ion. and At length the last 9„M !L '' P*""'^^' ^'ith. «- Richmond si wt rch"^^ 7 ministrations i„ how long came, and I ^rlZ ' "' "° °»« ^new fron. Exodus, SSra ehap'Ieratd j'^H ''"*"-^ -™- followed by a most solemn "„] /"■''■ ^'^'^^ ^-«« <=o-nm„nio„ service in wT, " ^'^'"^'''^ ''"ended tieipated, an,ong whom w" .fT' "'"'«'-« P-- ofthe R-esbyterian Cln r A ^'" ^^- ^^misL, ^nce attended throughourwh JT^ ^'''^'°»« '°fl"- d.eative of the Diwrapprr^ '/ """''^^''^ - - During the week, a menS ""^ """J^rtaking. valedictory servi es of Tpeck • ? '° '"''"^ "^ ««- A further reference willTe T"'"' ''''' ^eW. following '^'" he made in the chapter CHAPTER 11. VA LEDIC TOR V SER VICES. The farewell missionary gatherings took place on the 7th and 8th of May and were very largely attended. In making a record of these I cannot do better than to incorporate much of what was re- ported in the Guardian and Globe of those dates. From 'he ^^ Christian Guardian^' of Mat/ 13th, ISOS : " On Thursday evening last a valedictory service of extraordinary interest was held in the Richmond Street Wesleyan Church, in connection with the de- parture of the Revs. G. Young, E. R. Young and P. Campbell, the missionary band appointed to labor in the great North- West. By seven o'clock, the hour appointed for commencing the service, the immense building was crowded to its utmost capacity, present- ing a most magnificent spectacle. Not only was the Methodism of Toronto fully represented in the gath- ering, but from adjoining districts east and west large numbers came thronging in, affording good evidence that the flame of missionary zeal was still burning in the heart of Methodism as warmly as when Wesley went forth in the spirit of the well- known motto, ' The world is my parish.' There was also a good representation of sister denominations, affording pleasing evidence of kindly feeling, and of deep interest in the missionary work. \M: I ! I, I; f i! ' I i; Ml i 1 VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 31 I - 111 'f- c " On the platform were seated the Rev. James Elliott, President of the Conference ; Rev. W. Morley Punshon, M.A., Rev. Drs. Wood, Taylor, Green, Ryer- son, JefFers, Cocker and Jennings ; the Revs. Geo. Young, ^Geo. McDougall, E. R. Young, and P. Camp- bell, the missionaries for the Red Rivei and Sas- katchewan Districts; Revs. Wm. Pollard, R. Jones, S. Rose, G. Cochran, R. Whiting, Wm. Young, J. G. Manly, F. H. Marling, E. H. Dewart, John Carroll, A. Sutherland, and John Macdonald, Esq., and A. W. Lauder, Esq., M.P.P. " The President took the chair at seven o'clock, and opened the exercises by reading the '35th chapter of Isaiah. He then gave out the 446th hymn, after which the Rev. R. Jones led in prayer. " The Chairman then called on the Rev. Dr. Wood, General Superintendent of Missions, to addresss the audience. The doctor said it was twenty-six years since James Evans went to the great North- West, and so faithfully did he labor that scarce any part of the vast territory could now be found where that devoted missionary had not preached the Gospel. Mr. Evans was well-known as the inventor of the ' syllabic characters,' into which the. Word of God had since been translated, and which was much better adapted to the Indian tribes than the ordinary Roman characters. Through the labors of Mr. Evans, and others who had succeeded him, thousands in that far-otf region had been brought to Christ. Evans and Rundle were the first missionary laborers in the Hudson Bay Territory. Rundle's health having failed, he was compelled to leave the work ; but it should be recorded as a remarkable evidence of the power of Divine grace, that the Stoney Indians, among whom he (Mr. R.) had labored, retained their knowledge of Divine truth for seven years, during which time they were without a missionary. Last m IKi' 32 MANITOBA MEMORIES. November the Missionary Committee had resolved to send a missionary to Red River, and another to the Black feet Indians, the most warlike and savage tribe on the great plains, and one to Norway House, to supply the place of the Rev. C. Stringfellow, who returns to Canada. He would refer to but one point more. The authorities of the Church might have appointed any one of our six hundred ministers to this field, but they preferred to wait, and watch the leadings of Providence in the selection of men. Those upon whom the selection has fallen had the entire confidence of the Missionary Committee. " The Rev. E. R. Young was then called upon. He said there were times when it was impossible to give utterance to all the feelingt of the heart, and this was one of them. He felt this movement was of-the Lord, and he hoped, by God's blessing, to do some good. He would urge upon all, * pray for us.' It was hard to say good-bye, but he was sure God would more than make up what they might sacrifice for Him. He was su^'e of one thing, — those who had been appointed to this work would not talk annexation. He would again ask the prayers of God's people that they might be made a blessing. "The Rev. P. Campbell was next introduced. It was thirteen years since he obtained salvation. It had been previously impressed upon his mind that if he obtained salvation he would have to preach the Gospel. He was not willing to do this ; but the impression returned again and again that he could not obtain salvation until he was willing to go anywhere at God's command. When he yielded the point he found salvation. Eleven years ago he was called into the work of the ministry, and God had blessed him with some success. When he heard Brother McDougall's statements at Whitby last year, he felt his desire to engage in the missionary work revive, and he resolved, VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 33 should the Church appoint him, he would go. He had no desire but to preach Christ. He expected difficul- ties, but he had counted the cost, and trusted in the promises. He felt it hard to bid ^ood-bye to parents and friends, but he was cheered by the prospect of meeting them again in a brighter and hdtppier world. He felt that God's presence would compensate for the breaking up of social ties. He prayed God for a prosperous journey, and that he might be a useful minister of Jesus. " The Chairman gave out the hymn commencing, * On all the earth thy Spirit shower,' which was sung. " The Rev. George Young was then called upon, and was received with applause. He said it was with great difficulty he had brought himself to say even a few words. In 1840 he gave his heart to Christ, and had never regretted the step. Some years after he was led to give himself to the work of the ministry, and he had never regretted that step. A few weeks ago he yielded to the request of the Church to enter upon this missionary work, and since that decision he had not experienced one moment's regret. His future was in God's hands. He could not tell how long he might labor in the mission field ; but he had consecrated himself to God, body and soul, and by God's grace he would keep the offering upon the altar. He expected the Divine presence all through their prospective journey. He had a request or two to make. They (the missionaries) wanted the prayers of their Christian friends. He hoped the Missionary Committee would not think them slow if they did not report progress every few weeks, nor extravagant if the figures looked somewhat formidable. He hoped by God's blessing to return in the course of years, and report in person what the Lord had done for them. " Rev. G. McDougall was the next speaker. He did 3 i i i| i 84 MANITOBA MEMORIES. not feel disposed to ask sympathy on account of pri- vations in missionary work ; he considered it the highest honor that could be conferred upon him. He could not help thinking of the altered circumstances of his brethren. In a few weeks Brother Young would be gathering sticks for his camp-fire ; but then he would be in the apostolic succession. (Laughter and applause.) Brother E. R. Young and Brother Campbell would soon be setting their nets for fish at their missions, and they would therefore be in the apostolic succession too. (Laughter and cheers.) The last time he stood in this church, Dr. Stinson and James Spencer were present, — now they were both gone. They (the missionaries) had a long and dangerous journey before them, but God would take care of them. He hoped they would soon have to ask for more men for that field. " John Macdonald, Esq., was then called upon, and warmly greeted. He said this was an evening never to be forgotten. If we enjoyed advantages not in- ferior to those enjoyed in any part of the world, was it too much to say we were indebted for them to those who in early years pret^ched to us the Gospel of Christ ? We could not conft * i greater boon upon that interesting portion of our Dominion, the North- West, than by sending these men to lay the founda- tion of Christian institutions. Some might think we were adding to our financial burdens. He thought it would lessen them, for it would stir up the missionary spirit, and increase the liberality of our people. Mr. Macdonald here referred to several liberal offers which had already been made by friends in different parts of the country. He could not sit down without expressing the gratification he felt in meeting on the platform an honored minister of the parent body. (Applause.) We would go on in our great work trusting in the Lord, VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 35 " A. W. Lauder, Esq., M.P.P., was then introduced, and received with cheers. He said he was proud to stand among so many honored men, and lift his voice on behalf of the noble brethren who were going out on this mission work. He spoke but the voice of the vast audience when he said that they parted with their pastor (Rev. G. Young) with exceeding regret. He was also proud to welcome among them, in the name of 4he laity of Toronto, the ablest advocate of missionary work in the world, the Rev. W. M. Pun- shon. (Applause ) " The Rev. James Caughey was introduced, and received with repeated cheers. He felt as if he was standing in the sunshine of the congregation. He wished he had a text of some kind to hang a speech upon ; but when he looked at the clock, he felt there was scarce time even for what some called 'a nice little speech.' The missionary cause was a good cause ; but he did not say that a man should give all he had to it, nor even that he should give a tenth, but he would wish to take a man to the cross, bid him look upon the dying Son of God, and then say to him, * How much owest thou unto thy Lord ? ' ' Pay that thou owest.' He would say to the missionaries that there were thousands in Canada who would sus- tain them by liberal contributions and by earnest prayer. " The 700th hymn was then sung. " The Chairman had been largely anticipated in the work he was to perform. The duty he felt to be a pri\ilege, the duty of officially introducing the Rev. W. M. Punshon, M.A. The announcement was re- ceived with hearty applause. " Rev. W. Morley Punshon was introduced in flat- tering terms by the Chairman, and received with applause. After a few words, expressive of his pleasure in meeting his audience, he compared his ! I ai!t l: If I 36 MANITOBA MEMORIES. position to that of the Irishman who applied for a situation and was asked for his character. He re- plied tliat he left it at home, because he thought he would be better without it ! He would very much rather have been allowed to make his own way than to have been introduced in such flattering terms by certain of the gentlemen who had preceded him. He had been thinking since entering the meeting of his early experience, his first venture to put his ioot on a missionary platform. In the early part of his minis- try he attended a meeting at which the speakers suc- cessively entertained their audience with a list of the talents with which they thought God had blessed them. They did so mainly as one of those conven- ient apologies that enable a man to glide easily into a speech. One said that God had not blessed him with a silvery tongue, but he had a talent for singing, and he had cultivated that. Another talent was instructing children in the Sunday School, and it was his special vocation to bring them when young to the fold of Jesus. Another, who happened to be an Irishman, said while his talent had not shown itself he thought that in the original distribution he could not have been left out, that there must surely have been a talent but it was difficult for him to find out what it was. He had, however, found out that his talent was to make apologies ; and it so happened that tlie speaker had the last speech to make, and as all who preceded him had been talented brethren, and as one might as well be out of the world as out of the fashion, he found himself possessed of a talent to be happy at a missionary meeting, and rejoiced now that sometliiiig of the old feeling came over him. At the ring of the true metal there was the same subtle elec- tric sympathy in (^aiiada as in England. Thinking of this and rejoicing in th«^ catholic and kindly feelings evinced, his contemplations took a higher turn. But VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 37 id for a He re- u^ht he y much ly than jrms by m. He g of his )ot on a J minis- Brs suc- t of the blessed 3onven- ily into ed him nnging. nt was and it younir be an n itself could y have nd out lat his 1 that as all and as of the t to be w that A.t the G elee- mo^ of lolings But jf he felt somewhat diffident from the nature of the work he had to do. He could make a missionary speech, and even a valedictorj^^ address, but could not combine them. In the early days of missionary work there was the excitement of novelty, of oppo- sition, of romance ; but we must now try to get it on the broad foundation of Christian principle. There were peculiar difficulties in the way of missionary work. It was difficult to dislodge a previously con- ceived opinion ; but our missionaries went not to war against wrong opinions, but against lusts and sins — not merely to subdue a man, a neighborhood, but a world. The separation of the world into different nations, governments and languages, interposed another difficulty. There were dangers also to be encountered. There was enmity in every human heart. There were also the divisions and heresies of the Church itself ; and a spirit of indifference where there should be ardor. Looking at all these things, it was not easy to convert the world. Mr. Punshon then proceeded to speak of the principles on which the work must be based. Mean or selfish motives could not long sustain a man in this work — principle alone could do it. If there be nothing but imagina- tion to sustain, the romance will soon be rubbed off! We must have faith, and then imagination will not lose its sense of duty. If those who go forth are sus- tained by love, then they will be successful indeed. He would remind those who were going forth that they must work \v patient hope. We were an im- patient people in reference to missionary success ; but we must remember sowing and reaping were two dif- ferent things. One might go fortli only with the seed-basket ; Imt a time was coming when both sower and reaper would rejoice together. The S(»v;er goes alone, and he needs to encourage liimself v/ith the word, 'be patient, therefore, brethren,' God works 38 MANITOBA MEMORIES. by means, and He won't do anything we can do. We can't raise Lazarus from the dead, but we can roll away the stone before, and unwind the grave-clothes after the resurrection. Every member of the Church had a part to do in this work, and he would conjure them by the constraining 3ve of Christ to present their bodies a living sacrifice. We wanted all en- gaged in this work, the young with their sympathies, men in their prime with their energy, the aged with their wisdom — we want them all. Surely not one would refuse to n^ake the consecration. Mr. Punshon resumed his seat aiyid loud applause. " Dr. Taylor then called for the collection, and in his own inimitable way pressed the claims of the work, — humor, pathos, and earnest appeal following each other in rapid succession. The congregation cheerfully responded, sending up a collection of about $180.00. On one of the plates w^as a piece of paper, which, on being opened, was found to contain a twenty-dollar gold piece, and the following words : * For the mission to the Blackfeet Indians, from a great debtor to grace. Alleluia ! ' " The hymn beginning, ' Joined in one spirit to our Head,' was then sung, the Rev. S. Rose pro- nounced the benediction, and thus clot>cd one of the most interesting meetings ever held in Toronto." A FAREWELL BREAKFAST. From the " Globe " .• *' This morning the missionaries to Red River and the Saskatchewan were entertained at a farewell breakfast in the basement of the Richmond Street Methodist Church. The attendance was very large, being nearly sufficient to till the church comfortably. The breakfast was served in t'ne basement and was VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 3D lo. We ian roll -clothes Church conjure present all en- pathies, 3(1 with lot one unshon and in of the lowing egation t' about paper, [tain a vvords : rom a irit to pro- of the r and ewell Itreet arge, ably, was an excellent repast considering the cir'^umstances undex which it was prepared. The six large tables running from one end of the room to the other were not sufficient to accommodate those present all at once, and they were therefore spread a second time. The room was slightly decorated for the occasion. Along the south end were the words " Missionaries to the Red River and Saskatchewan regions," while the north end was decorated with the British flag. The missionaries were seated at a cross table at the south end. After singing a hymn, grace was said, and the good things were then paid particular attention to. " The Missionaries. " The gentlemen in whose honor the breakfast was given, and who are about starting to the North- West to engage in the missionary enterprise, are four in number. The following are their names : The Rev. Geo. Young, Toronto ; Rev. E. R. Young, Hamilton ; Rev. Peter Campbell, Rockwood ; Rev. George McDougall. The latter has for many years been engaged in Christianizing the savages of the North- West, and came down here recently for the purpose of procuring assistance. He has been successful in inducing those able ministers to return with him. The tliree gentlemen will take their wives with them. The Rev. George Young will officiate among the whites in the Red River Settlement, while the other three will be engaged among the savages 'farther west and north. They go by the American route, through the city of St. Paul, and start on Tuesday next. It will take them several weeks to reach their destination. Mr. McDougall and Mr. Cann)bell will fo 1,000 miles beyond Red River, away to the Rocky lountain region, and will still be in British territory. This shows what a vast territory we have away in the centre of the continent. 40 * i i' MANITOBA MEMORIES. "Meeting in tJie Clairch. " After breakfast had been attended to, the congre- gation assembled in the church, which they comfort- ably filled. On the platform we noticed the Revs. W. Morley Punshon, M.A., Dr. Wood, Dr. Ryerson, Dr. Jennings, Dr. Willis, Dr. Taylor, Bishop Richard- son, Dr. Caldicott, Mr. Reid, F. H. Marling, Dr. Green, Mr. Manly, Mr. Rose, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Blackstock, Mr. Baker, Mr. McDougall, Mr. G. Young, Mr. E. R. Young, Mr. Gregg, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Topp, Mr. Byrne, Join Yc .mg, John Macdonald, Esq., William Gibbs, Esq., I^ev. Wm. Stephenson, Mr. Beatty, M.P., and Revs. J\i.. McClure, Dr. Cochran, James Elliott, and others. " The chair was occupied by Mr. John Macdonald, Treasurer of the Missionary Society. The proceed- ings were commenced with singing and prayer. " Rev. Mr. Elliott said that it afforded hiia much pleasure to introduce Mr. John Macdonald, the Treas- urer of the Society, who would now take the chair. " Mr. Macdonald, on taking the chair, said that on many occasions it had been his privilege to be present at meetings in this church, but he had never more pleasure than on the present occasion. Last night they had met to bid farewell and say 'good-bye' to those who were going to a far distant land. These missionaries were going to Red River, to Norway House, to Woodville, to the wild, warlike and un- tamable Blackfeet, and in their mission to that country they would complete the chain of missionary enterprise extending from continent to continent, and when the men have gone friends will remember that our missionaries have their Bibles in their hands to preach the Gospel of Christ — to extend the field of missionary enterprise from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. It might be asked, Why do we send them to |i'way un- that lary lent, Inber mds Id of Icific 11 to VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 41 the Red River, where there were already those missionaries of the Presbyterian and Episcopal churches ? Our friends, however, go with a catholic spirit to work and heartily co-operate with their fellow-laborers in the west. The brethren know well from their knowledge of Brother Young that what he is to do he will do well. Then Brother McDougall was at any rate more than half an Indian and was never so happy as when he was among the savage tribes, and stood beside the bedside of the Crees or Ojibeways when he has seen them pass from beds of sickness to beds of eternal glory. As for Brother Campbell, of Rama, he goes warm-hearted to the work. Brother Young has been of much use in Hamilton, which proves a sure guarantee that he will do his work well. Brother McDougall's son, who goes to the Blackfeet, is more than all the others with his life in his hand — that tribe being one of the most savage. The speaker would not detain the meeting, but beg to introduce Rev. Egerton Ryerson. " Dr. Ryerson, being called on, said that the present opportunity took his thoughts back to the time when forty-two years ago he received orders to go out to the Indians. It was the brightest year of his labor in a comparatively chequered life when he slept in the Indian tents, with only a mat and a blanket between himself and the ground ; when in the early morn he took the Indians out four by four and taught them how to plough, or to build fences, prepare their gardens or repair their implements, or when he had to go from house to house teaching the women how to wash their clothes — (laughter) — and sweep their houses, telling that the one who did it best was the one with whom he would dine that day. The speaker was one who had drawn up the tirst report of the Canadian Missionary Society, and he could assure the audience that it took just as much trouble and 1 fi 42 MilNITOBA MEMORIES. labor to raise S500 then as it does to raise $62,000 now. He wished the missionaries God speed, health and (strength, and although they might not be with them at the sowing, still they hoped to be with them at the reaping." Appropriate addresses were also given by the following ministers and laymen : Rev. Drs. Willis, Jennings, Caldicott and Cocker, Rev. Messrs. Manly and Stephenson, and Messrs. Gibbs and Beatty. " The Rev. W. Morley Punshon was then called on, and stated that he was not accustomed to speak under such difficulties as then surrounded him. To be the centre of a battery of eyes on either side of the platform, and in front of the platform, was a Canadian novelty which he never had the opportunity of becoming acquainted with, and which needed a good deal of nerve to overcome. On this occasion he felt disposed not to speak, but to talk, and those of the audience who knew the force of the synonym would see that there is a difference in what appeared at first sight to be the same. This he appre- hended was a social meeting, and one in which they could say anything that suggested itself, and one in which it was not necessary or even preferable to put in the newspapers. Expressing his pleasure at the unanimity displayed in the presence on the platform of ministers of different denominations, he also rejoiced in the familiar character of the meeting. They had, he continued, representatives from he did not know how many denominations, all animated by one spirit and expressing the same hearty good wishes for the success of the cause, and blessings on the men who are to carry the Gospel to the far west. Indeed it was a very encouraging indication of the spirit of Christian principle, and the working of the leaven i'l VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 43 $62,000 , health be with ' of important results, and the Church that may be leaning back listlessly and lazily will rise from its lethargy when stimulated by more active Christian etibrt. To illus- trate this, he proceeded to define the term ' beauty,' which was an harmonious combination of varieties. There was no beauty in the simple element. The prismatic varieties fascinate and charm'. One banner in an army would create but little attention ; it is the host of streamers. Now the Church sliould be the army of banners — should be the iris illuminating the globe with its beauty. The light should stream from her windows, scattered as the rays, yet one as the sun. The tide of our benevolence should flow onward, distinct as billows yet one as the sea. He was glad, moreover, that this greater unity was brought about by greater effort. There was nothing better calculated to bring Christians together, and it is a well understood axiom that when men are en- gaged in a great work they have no time for (juar- reling. Those who are engaged in spreading the work of the Lord have a breadth of ideas which tramples on the more insignificant feelings which are the engendering of strifes among men. At the same time, while he was a believer in the most extensive catholic unity, he liked his own fireside best. He is a churl who cannot warm himself at any other hearthstone but his own, but he is only half a uian who does not love his own firesiae best. (Cheers.) 44 MANITOBA MEMORIES. 1-; ; i f '■ The man who is a general lover, without any one particular object, is one that should not be trusted — except Dr. Taylor. (Laughter.) But after all who were they that supported the great charities ? Not the men who have no homes, not the loungers at the cafe or club, but the men who have learned from the preciousness of their own family retreats the worth of such blessings, so wherever he saw a man without a spiritual home he thought of him as a spiritual Ish- maelite, his hand against every man and every man's hand against him. He did not think there was any- thing wrong in denominationalism as long as there was Christian charity at the root. He believed he could work best with the organization that reflected his own spiritual sympathies, and while thinking so he could shake the brethren of other Churches by the hand and bid them God-speed in the great work. " We can appeciate the excellences of the great Republic, but sing with patriotic ardor * God save the Queen ' notwithstanding. The speaker then pro- ceeded to discuss their missionary work, remarking : Then as to this Methodist Missionary Society, Dr. Newton used to tell that on one occasion a gentleman met him and said he believed he was going to have a great missionary ' do ' at his church to-night. He said we have all along had a great missionary ' do,' and while discoursing as he had, the practical should not be forgotten. His figures were not all figures of speech. He was told there was a vast amount of debt on this missionary organization and that there were some awful things in the shape of bank dis- counts and advances by the Treasurer, so that if they really meant to prosecute this work, Fomething special must be done. There must be a m .ssionary ' do ' as well as a missionary ' say.' He would, however, leave this with them while he reminded them of what duty brought them together. Their friend Mr. McDougall i'^ VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 45 save ^'■ did not need much of their sympathies, because he was going home. But they were sending out six missionaries. The speaker, hesitating, said — Yes, six; their wives go with them. If they were Mora- vian, they would count two ; but with us the honored wives claimed the sympathy of all, as well as their husbands. They were really sending out six mission- aries, and these had to be maintained. These are women who hazard their lives as well as the men — women who make our manhood cheap, because they are privileged to go forth without a murmur to the sustentation of those whose name they bear ; and let us, he said, not f Tget to pray for^the wives, as well as the men, that they, with frailer organizations, though perhaps a well-knit network of nerves — for there is not so much ot the robust muscular strength — may be preserved for the trial. They are as brave, as well as firm and fervent, and trust in Christ, and are entirely devoted to the Great Master and His work. Do not, he continued, forget them in your prayers and their wants in connection with the refinements of life. The cheese-paring economy that would abridge one cent of the efforts of the missionary, is a dishonor to the Gospel of Christ. They go out with their lives in their hands and offer up their ease, social status, and all the other comforts of the well-regulated Christian city home ; they go out as the heralds. See to it, he added, that tlieir families have power to surround themselves with the things that will give them a memory of your interest in them. *' Their friends, the missionaries, had had condo- lence and congratulation. They needed both. It struck him that if any of them should feel any mis- givings as to their safety, they might, perliaps, get a crumb of comfort from an interpretation of Scripture to which their attention liad not befoi'o been directed. They remembered that the disciples were in two 46 MANITOBA MEMORIES. ! '■',;! )| I i; • , I t; i ■ storms in the Lake of Gennesaret. They were in two storms, the last greater than the first. The first was in the day time, the second in the deep, dark, inhos- pitable night. In the first, the wind was in their favor and they were near where they wanted to be. In the first storm, above all, Jesus was in the ship. But in the last Jesus was not there. The storm was contrary and driving them on the rocks ; but they did n >t know that He was praying for them on the shore all the while. He saw them toiling against the wind, He came to them, and that angry sea as soon as it felt His footstep subsided like a slumbering child. He got into the ship and took the source of their terror away before He rebuked them, and then said, ' Why do ye fear, O ye of little faith ? ' Why did He say that ? Because they were not entirely alone in the storm. You will see, Mr. Punshon said, that before they got into the boat Jesus said, * Let us go over to the other side.' And depend upon it, if God says to anybody ' Go over to the other side,* He never lets them sink in the middle. That thought had comforted him very much, and he would like it to comfort them. By His grace keeping them they will more than conquer. Sometimes, he added, they were paid to go over. They remembered the young man who was privileged to wait on the prophet. He said, ' Alas, Master, what shall we do ? ' The answer was, * Lord, open his eyes' ; and the moment they were opened he saw that round about him were chariots of fire. Some one had remarked the great difference between contributions now and when they first began, and in taking up this point the speaker referred to the death of Mr. Evans, and his meeting with Mr. Rundle, another missionary. He also knew Bishop Anderson, of Rupert's Land, who now occupied a living adjoining the speaker's own charge. He was not so communicative as when in the North-West. VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 47 lop a jst. Snake-fences of this country, he said, were somewhat easier to be got over than the briar fence at home, and interchange of courtesies were not now so com- mon. Returning to the missionary operations of the Church, he noticed that the first contribution to the support of a missionary of the body was made in the British Methodist Conference. They taxed them- selves, and the collection was £52. Two ministers were despatched to a field of labor by this assistance, but when the Conference sent them away they thought they were altogether done with them. They afterwards went to visit their lay friends in what is now one of the best fields for missionary contribu- tions. After the meeting, the laymen's contribution was ten shillings. Times, he added, had changed. Do not let us, he said in conclusion, be the pot;r pensioners on the memory of the past — the spend- thrifts of the bounty of the present. Labor, and pray, and give — this is the trinity of man's duty — so that this great work may be carried on even to the uttermost parts of the earth. •' The Rev. Dr. Taylor intimated that the collection of last evening amounted to $1 68.33. Further collec- tions to the amount of $18.00 were made, and the assembly dispersed after singing tb*^ doxology." An interesting item — to me at least — not referred to in these reports, was the presentation to myself and famil}'' of a purse well 'Uled with gold, and also two beautiful testimonial addresses, one from the officiary of the church and the other from the young men. As I feel sure that my readers will be much interested in these addresses, I will incorporate them along with the reports already given of the valedictory addresses, 48 MANITOBA MEMORIES. FROM THE QUARTERLY OFFICIAL BOARD. 1 n i '■■ I ;{ 1 : i ' ! *' To the Reverend George Young, Wesleyan Methodist Minister, Superintendent of the Toronto City West Circuit : "Rkverend and Dear Sir, — Prompted by the warm friendship which we entertain for you, we em- brace tha occasion of your departure from amongst us as a missionary to the North- West as a fitting time to address you in this formal manner, and to give a permanent and tangible expression to feelings prompted by the very high place which you have in our affections as a Christian minister. " We are not unmindful that your removal to a new field of labor will eventually be looked upon as marking a distinct era in the history of Methodism in British North America ; and while we are willing to cheerfully submit to the authorities of the Church, and to recognize the guiding hand of a wise Provi- dence in this missionary movement, we very much regret your departure from the circuit, and we shall cherish with more than ordinary care the remem- brance of your kind, zealous and faithful labors, " You have labored amongst us affectionately and faithfully in the cause of your heavenly Master. We rejoice to know that many have been greatly blessed and built up in the service of God through the instru- mentality of your instructions and kind admonitions. " Many of us, as parents and as the friends of the rising generation, hare to thank you most heartily for the affectionate and painstaking manner in which you have labored to bring the young men of our congregations under the blessed influence of the Gospel and the practical relationships of a religious life. The work of God in all its departments has M B VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 49 and We leased Istru- )ions. the |rtily hich our the rious has been much benefited by your labor and untiring oversight since your appointment to the position you have held amongst us during the last two years. " Many Christian friends throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion will join heartily with us in wishing you great happiness and in praying that the great Head of the Church may grant you every needful blessing in the discharge of the oner- ous duties which must necessarily devolve upon you in the ' Far West.' " The noble work of preaching the Gospel to the inhabitants of those almost inaccessible and far-off regions, and the organization and perfecting of a more permanent system of missionary operations in the North- West, has been given to you. We shall rejoice at your success, and no doubt many of us will hereafter read with deeper interest the missionary intelligence from Red River and Saskatchewan, seeing that one who was loved as a pastor and esteemed as an affectionate friend, labors and toils there — far away from many of the valued refinements and en- dearments of Christian society. " Be assured that you have to accompany you to Red River our warmest friendship, and you shall have our most earnest prayers — supplemented, no doubt, by those of hundreds of as equally sincere friends in other places — that God in His great mercy and good- ness would bless abundantly to yourself and family this remarkable period in your personal history. " We desire, dear sir, through the medium of this address, to communicate to your kind and faithful partner in life our earnest and wannest greetings, and we would especially desire to speak cheering words to her, knowing the self-denial to be exercised on her part, and feeling as we do the certainty that she will have to undergo trials and privations of a kind to wdiich she has hitherto been unaccustomed. 50 MANITOBA MEMORIES. I I 1* " We hope that you will accept these tokens of our affection and esteem which accompany this ad- dress as an indication of the acceptability of your labors in God's cause amongst us, and we trust they may serve to remind you of your Methodist friends in Toronto, when separated from them by hundreds of miles of broad lake and expanding prairie. " On behalt of the hundreds of friends you leave behind you, we wish you God-speed and pray that your steps may be ever under the direction and guidance of our Omni.^cient and Infinite Father. " We remain, honored and dear sir, " Yours most trul}/ , " C.;A. Dredge, Henry Graham, James Rooney, Adam Miller, A. W. Lauder, James B. Marshall, Joseph Howson, M.D., C. S. Hayman, E. S. Barrick, D. Thurston (U. S. Cotisul), Members of Committee. " Jno. C. Charlesworth, Chairman of Committee. " Henry E. Clark, Secretary and Treasurer. "George Cochran, Associate Minister, "Toronto, May 8th, ISGcS." li VALEDICTORY SERVICES. 51 )kens of this ad- of your isfc they friends undreds )u leave •ay that on and itfee. \ttee. 'er. tfr. I cannot repress a feeling of sadness as, in reading over the names attached to the foregoing address, I reflect that only four of these kind friends are now livuig. FROM THE YOUN(; MEN. " To the Rfv. Geonie Young : "Reverend and Dear Sir, — On behalf of the YOUNG MEN in connection with the congregation of the Richmond Street Wesleyan Church, " We take the present as a fitting opportunity of conveying to you an expression of the high appre- ciation in which we, in common with the rest of the attendants upon your ministry, have held your faith- ful services as a preacher of the Gospel, and as one who, with untiring zeal and fidelity, and uniform Christian kindness, has exercised the pastoral care [)ertaining to your office. " Upon this the occasion of your removal from our midst to another and distant fi(;ld of labor, we would fail in justice to our own feelings did we not give you an earnest assurance of the heartfelt and sincere regret with which we contemplate your departure. At the same time, permit us to say that we fully appreciate the truly missionary spirit actuating you in the readiness with which you have yielded to the call of duty, and the intimations of Divine Providence in accepting a position with which many of the trials and hardships peculiar to a new country must neces- sarily be connected. "In this honorable resolve, involving self-denial of no ordinary character, we are p(»rsuad'Ml you will be fully sustained, that the promise, * Lo, 1 am with you alway, even unto the end of the world,' yea, and to 52 MANITOBA MEMORIES. \w 4 ' I i "■■ir the ends of the earth, will on your behalf as on that of every true minister of Christ, be fully realized. " In your capacity as a teacher of the truth we take pleasure in bearing testimony to your zeal and faithfulness. In dividing the Word of Life you have not failed to declare the whole counsel of God. As a man and a Christian you have gained the highest respect of all classes. And as a pastor you have endeared j'ourself to the hearts of many, through your faithful visitations, and the marked and unvary- ing kindness that has ever characterized your per- formance of thio important part of the Christian minister's work. "Although at times you may have gone to the discharge of your duties in such weakness of body and depression of mind and in doubt as to whether or not you were materially contributing to Ihe building up of Christ's cause on the earth, yet we are pleased to know, and to you it may justly be matter of rejoicing, that ' your labor has not been in vain in the Lord'; for from this and many other congregations throughout the length and breadth of this land there will arise soulr. who, redeemed through your instrumen- tality from the bondage of sin and death, will in the day of righteous recompense be publicly given to you as the attesting seals to your ministry, and the full and satisfymg reward of your zealous efforts in the work of soul -saving. The consideration will prove powerful to your support and comfort — that for the toilers in God's vineyard, for the watchers on the walls of Zion, and for those who have mingled in the vale of strife in closest conHict with the alien ibrces of evil — for all such there cometh a time of rest and witli it tlie hour of reward. " We request your acceptance of this testimonial as in some slight degree tangible evidence of the esteem 5 on that [ized. iruth we zeal and ou have I. As a highest 3U have bhroucrh iinvary- ur per- bristian to the 't body itiier or uilding pleaseti fcter of in the Rations I there umen- in the o vou e full n the prove >r the the n the orces and. VALEDTCTORV SERVICES. >^ and affection we individually and unitedly entertain for you ; and with it the prayer that you may be abundantly successful in your mission work, and that a happy and prosperous future may be granted unto you and to your esteemed family. *' Robert Macdonald, Chairman, Richard Jones Tackaberry, George Wright, A.M., M.B., Henry J. Keighly, Wm. R. Hamil'^on, Fred. R. Stewart, Robert Thompson, m. l. hutchins, Committee. " Toronto, May 8th, 1868." il as eem n CHAPTER III. THE FORTHGOING OF THE MISSIONARY PARTY. \ i H \i This took place on Saturday the 9th of May, when we left Toronto for Hamilton, where we were to spend the Sabbath and attend the opening services of the new Centenary Church, there to enjoy the much- desired privilege of hearing Dr. Punshon's dedica- tory sermon, which, I need not say, was a magnificent discourse. On Monday we were all exceedingly busy in completing the preparations for our forward move- ment. Horses, harness, waggons and son.o lug- gage, as well as the entire party, except Mrs. Young and myself, going via the Wei land Canal and Lake Erie, left for St. Catharines, where they took the steamer for Milwaukee. As I was charged with the responsibility of bear- i:ig, guarding and distributing the funds furnished by the General Treasurer of the Missionary Society to meet the expenses of the journe}^ and in part as appropriations made as salaries, I remained a day longer with Dr. Taylor and Mr. Sanford to perfect arrangements for the exchange of our Canadian money into United States currency, as " greenbacks " were then considerably below par. THE FORTHGOING OF THE MISSIONARIES. 00 1/^V % when -^ere to ^ices of inuch- dedica- lificent y busy move- lucr. iToiin*^ Lake ik the bear- lished )ciety rt as day rfect idian cks " On the 14th of May we rushed on to Detroit, where we took the steamer at midnight according to appoint- ment. On landing at Milwaukee, we were, as a matter of course, visited by the Customs officials, who, despite the letters and assurances of the United States Consul in Toronto, on which we fully relied as an all- sufficient passport through their country for ourselves and belongings, demanded duty on the entire outfit ere we could be allowed to proceed. This demand occa- sioned us some perplexity and a full day's delay, with hotel expenses. Assisted by a good friend whom I had known years ago in Belleville, we communicated by telegraph with the authorities in Washington, giving the facts, whereupon the message came forth- with to these officious officials — " Allow the mission party to proceed." We proceeded. T have not troubled the Milwaukeeans since. Thence we travelled by rail to the Mississippi River and thence by steamer to St. Paul, where upon our landing a general reconstruc- tion took place, and waggons and horses and all our efifects put in shape in a hurry for another on- ward movement. The freight and the luggage were sent on by rail to St. Cloud, while we " hitched up " and drove some eighty miles to Clearwater, a small village pleasantly situated in a fine country. I will now avail myself of a letter written by me at Fort Garry, July 20th, 18()8, which will suffice as a description of the tedious journey before us : " At Clearwater we pitched our tents in the midst of good pasturage for our horses, and wliere our Cana- dian animals received their first lessons in ' hobbling,' to their great discomfort and annoyance. i! 56 MANITOBA MEMORIES. !5i 111 ! 1^; |:- ■I \h " This hobbling process, which consists in tieing the forelegs of the horse together, or within a few inches of each other — ordinaril}^ by a strap, with us by a piece of cotton, one and a-half yards long and eight inches wide — seems a barbarous practice, and yet a necessary evil on the plains. How else could we keep them from ' stampeding ' when assailed by mosquitoes ? When thus tied the poor creature can neither run, trot, nor walk, — but barely ' hobble.' For some time they fret considerably ; but they become reconciled, and then get up and down and roll over quite readily. Here several of our party went into tent life ; others found comfortable board, at reasonable rates, at the Temperance House, — while Brother McDougall and myself, Mrs. Young and Miss McDougall received a hearty welcome to the home of one of the most generous men with whom it has been my privilege to meet — a Mr. Stevens, formerly of Stanstead, Canada. This large-hearted man and his e(iually kind lady entertained us in the kindest manner during our stay, and gave nearly all their time to the furtherance of our objects. We feel under very high obligations to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, and pray that they may receive their reward both in this world and in that which is to come. Here the strange appearance of Mr. McDougall's Red River carts amused us all not a little. Since that we have seen so much of them that ail power to amuse has been forever lost. A very peculiar kind of thing is the Red River cart. A pair of veiy large awkward-looking wheels, attached to a frame that serves for shafts, and also as box, and all THE FORTHGOING OF THE MISSIONARIES. 57 ing the inches a piece inches eessary ) them uitoes ? ir run, le time >nciled, eadily. others at the 11 and ived a most vilege mada. lady stay, ce of ns to may that e of ot a that ^ery )air to a all without iron. The raw hide of a buffalo or ox supplies the lack of iron, both on the wheel and axle. But little grease is ordinarily used on them, and as a con- sequence they make music not exactly like an organ, and when one hundred of them make up a train they can be heard, as they come groaning and screeching along, for a long distance. Mr. McDougall had a number of these beauties at Clearwater to be repaired and got ready for our journey — and we all required time to buy our provisions, waggon covers, and other comforts and necessaries ' too numerous to mention,' and to get our goods ready for transportation to Fort Garry, and thus we were detained for several days between Clearwater and St. Cloud. Leaving St. Cloud, we left all railroading and telegraphing behind us for a time. How strange it seems that I cannot now travel by steam and communicate by lightning, nor even ride in a stage coach ; these things are not here as yet. And then, instead of two or three mails a day, and daily papers from many points, here we get a weekly mail and a weekly paper. From this point, too, we strike cut upon our long prairie drive of six hundred miles to Fort Garry — and well-nigh sixteen hundred to Edmonton House for Brothers Campbell and McDougall. " All along our road to Sauk Centre, seventy miles from St. Cloud, we found settlements where we bought milk, or eggs, or bread, paying quite enough always for the article. The railroad now reaching to St. Cloud will next year, it is hoped, reach Sauk Centre, and so the glory will depart from the former !!• . i\ ! ■■ I IMl ■i > 4 ! • p 58 MANITOBA MEMORIES. and go westward with ' the star of empire,' even to the latter. Alexandria is a small village to which we were conducted by a most wretched road through eight miles of woods. Leaving it we forded a river with some trouble, and soon found ourselves beyond the settlements — few houses being seen between Alexandria and Fort Abercrombie. And Abercrom- bie itself, though marked on the map, is vastly more in the imagination of the student Oi the map than it is a reality before the eye of the traveller. A few log-houses and long stables, and one miserable store with prices high enough to frighten one, and a sort of wooden structure called a ' fort ' ; these make up the celebrated, and to us long-looked for, Fort Aber- crombie. Here we fell in with, and well-nigh into, ' Whiskey Creek ' — it is not whiskey, though else I fear many would emigrate thither and form a settle- ment. We found it a miserable mire-hole and un- bridged, and so we had to set to work on a fearfully hot day to fill it up with oak bushes and brush, and then dash our tired horses across the abominable place and up a steep bank, as best we could. '* ' Honor to whom honor is due/ therefore I wish here to acknowledge our o-reat indebtedness to the experience, energy, courage and presence of mind of our good Brother McDougall. Of course he was commander-in-chief all through, but in these trouble- some and dangerous places we all looked to him for guidance and help, and did not look in vain. We certainly did plunge into some of the deepest slough holes, where bottom seemed afar off, and climb up THE FORTHGOING OF THE MISSIONARIES. 59 even to ) which through n river beyond )etween 3rerom- y more than it A few e store i a sort ike up Aber- 1 into, else I settle- id un- •fiilly and nable I)re I ss to mind was able- for We •ugh up some of the steepest and most slippery banks, and run across some of the most rickety bridges, and rock and roll alonof over or into some of the worst ruts I have ever seen. These things considered, in con- nection with the cruelty and neglect of some of these teamsters, it is no marvel that the bones of so many faithful horses and oxen are left annuallv alonor this road to whiten o;i the plains. " Through mercy our animals got through safely, and, with one or two exceptions, not nmch poorer than when we left St. Cloud. " The mosquitoes were not so bad as last year, yet bad enough, certainly. Nor are these prairie mos- quitoes dwarfs by any means. A wit once said, ' Many of them would \n .igh a pound ' ; I suppose you know how that held good. Our horses were tormented occasionally by a large fly — called ' bull- dogs ' out here. They are larger than our Canada ox fly, and most cruel in their bite. In fact the 'mos([uito,' ' buttalo-gnat,' and 'bull-dog seemed to have prairie appetites, and every traveller across these plains knows what that means. The fact is, everything here is on a large scale — here is pasturage for a continent, a vast meadow of God's own planting that almost resembles the ocean for extent. " How appropriate that the appetites of all living things, travellers, mosquitoes, horses and oxen, should correspond ! Through the greater part of the road settlers are not to be found. We travelled a week across this ' livhig green ' of high prairie grass and low bushes without passing a human habitation. At 3^1 \<: I .' • 1 ' v-( I m i\ 60 MANITOBA MEMORIES. other points we saw tliem tem and fifteen miles apart — but little opportunity for taio-bearing in such cases. No doubt thousands of families long ere this v^ould have settled along this line of road and occupied these fertile and beautiful plains but for the great Sioux massacre which took place a few years ago. We felt sad in gazing upon the ruins of many a house where happy families once lived, whose blood was shed by these cruel savages. The present scattered population still have a dread of them, and asked us at difFerent places, ' Are you not afeard of the Injuns ? ' Well, I am happy to say, we were kept from any fear on that point and did not meet, so far as I know, a single Sioux Indian. A large number passed close by one day, and had we been an hour earlier we should have met ; but we did not, nor did we desire the interview. They are great thieves, and might have coveted some of our horses. Glad I was that temptation was not put in their way by us. They hate the ' Yankees,' as they call the new settlers and soldiers, and intend to scalp all they can ; and there is no lack of hatred on the other side toward these ' red devils,' as they call them. Up at ' Devil's Lake ' — what a name ! — to which we saw many waggon loads of provisions going for the soldiers working at the fort, they have recommenced their cruelties, and several have been scalped. Of course this must come to an end ; the barbarian must suc- cumb before the onward march of civilization. O that he might be Christianized and saved ! But there THE FORTHGOING OF THE MISSIONARIES. 61 es apart in such 8 vrould •ccupied e great brs ago. a house od was mattered id us at ijuns ? ' m any know, ;d close ier we desire might 3 that They "s and there these devil's lany Idiers Itheir mrse auc- O lere are many among these frontier men with whom ex- termination is the one idea. They have little faith in our efforts to evangelize, and would send the soldier, and re])eating rifle, and revolver, instead of the minister, and the Bible, and the school. " Georgetown is the name of a little village consist- ing of a store and a few houses, and about half-way to Fort Garry from St. Cloud. Here we ferried the Red River. In high water the steamer comes up from Fort Garry to this place, and with a little ex- pense and with a smaller boat it might go up nearly all the season. When we passed she was going up to Frog Point, about thirty miles, I believe, below Georgetown. The sight of a steamer amid the vsoli- tude of these uninhabited plains produced (juite a sensation in our camp ; and in a neighboring camp of Canadians, who were from near Goderich, a greater excitement was caused, for live or six fine horses broke away and stampeded ten or twelve miles ere they were caught. Pembina is another small place marked on the map, and whose name is often on the tongue of the traveller out here. It is the extreme north-western boundary of Uncle Sam's extensive farm. Of course there is a Customs house and post- office here. A large business is done in the former, and to the latter the United States postage stamp will bring a letter from any part of the States, or one Cana- dian ten-cent stamp from Canada, but the postage hence to Red River Settlement is one penny sterling on every letter and paper. This can't be prepaid, as the postal arrangements are peculiar. Friends sending Ji I i ; I : ! ii'! : ji : •h I i i j ; " i I'M : I .1 h- j^i 62 MANITOBA M*EMORIES. papers or letters can put on the proper stamps for Canada and the States, and send on, and we'll do the rest. Just across the lines here the Hudson Bay Company have a comfortable and safe-looking fort. But, perhaps, like some other places out here, * 'tis distance lends enchantment to the view.' " After crossing into our good and beloved Victoria's dominions, our party joined heartily in singing the national anthem, after which our loyal brother, E. R. Young, hoisted the Union Jack, a beautiful flag with which he was presented in Canada. This little manifestation of loyalty had a twofold effect. It indicated to the settlers our nationality and home feeling, and then it either frightened or vexed a pair of TJnited States horses connected with our train to that degree that they forthwith ran away. The skedaddlers ' were soon overhauled, and with the good old flag leading us we pursued the even tenor of our way. " Leaving Pembina, nothing special occurred until we arrived within four miles of Fort Garry. On that day we fully expected to see the fort, and pushing on, were not a little disappointed, and perhaps an- noyed, that a miserable piece of a road, in a neglected and miry condition, kept us back, and as night was upon us we were compelled to camp within four miles of the fort amid swarms of mosquitoes, and in a place that seemed very uninviting. In this there was a special Providence. About two o'clock the next morning, amid much lightning and thunder, a fearful storm of rain and wind, a sweeping tornado, came :i t THE FORTHGOIXG OF THE MISSIONARIES. 63 mps for 1 do the 3n Bay ng fort, re, * 'tis ictoria's ing the brother, iful flag lis little feet. It i home d a pair train to The ith the ienor of suddenly upon us. It was indescribably terrific — a real prairie storm, such as the ' oldest inhabitant ' does not remember to have experienced before. Two tents were borne down by the first rush, and their occupants left without shelter under the pelting storm. Our tent was in danger of being run down by our waggon and buggy, which were driven by thf» wind right against it ; but the Lord kept us in safety, and when the storm had raged out its hour we were all thankful to find but little harm done. And now mark the Providence. Had we reached the settle- ment and tented in the open prairie where the storm was more severe, our waggons and tents must have been destroyed. Near the fort one cart was blown right across the river and many were broken, several houses were demolished, and a new Episcopal church was levelled to the ground and a man killed. "We felt that the hand of God was upon us for good and that it became us to bless His holy name for His continued care. On the day following, we crossed the Assiniboine by a ferry, looked into Fort Garry and Winnipeg, and then passed on to an encampment on the prairie six miles out, where the horses could rest and graze during the Sabbath. Thus have we been brought to our destination after a month's journey- ing from St. Cloud to Fort Garry." But what a sorry scene was presented by that long-thought-of town of Winnipeg on the day we entered it ! What a mass of soft, black, slippery and sticky Red River mud was everywhere spread out before us ! Streets with neither sidewalks nor 64 MANITOBA MEMORIES. r I crossings, with now and again a good sized pit of mire for the traveller to avoid or flounder through as best he could ; a few small stores with poor goods and high prices ; one little tavern where " Dutch George " was " monarch of all his survey " ; a few passable dwellings with no " rooms to let," nor space for boarders ; neither church nor school in sight or in prospect; population about one hundred instead of one thousand as we expected — such was Winnipeg on July 4th, 18(58. How unlike that fine city at this date, with a population of thirty-five or forty thousand, and its magnificent churches and colleges, fine public schools. Parliament buildings, Court House, City Hall, stores, residences, raih'oad stations, factories, street railway, parks, iiotels and bridges. "The former things have passed away." " Distance lends enchantment to the view," and so it was that Fort Garry and its environs fell short of our expectations, and enchantment gave place to a feeling of disappointment, with a strong tendency to discouragement Moreover, a locust plague was on all the land, and fields and whole farms, where growing or ripening grain should have appeared, were swept clean by these detestable devourers, so that great scarcity, and even suffering from want in the near future, seemed inevitable ; flour even then was selling for from twenty-five to thirty shillings sterling per hundred pounds, and oats for horse feed two dollars a bushel, with the prospect of advance. The buffiilo hunters were despairing of success. id pit of through 3r goods " Dutch " ; a few or space sight or I instead Winnipeg , with a and its 5 schools, 11, stores, railway, igs have and so short of ce to a ency to was on where )peared, rers, so «rant in 3n then hillings se feed Idvance. ^|Jv:'«iSi''!|?:-''^;|/'S^ 'Mi w O i IMi 66 MANITOBA MEMORIES. After a brief rest in our encampment on the prairies, during which our finances were adjusted and a statement of all expenses up to date prepared for the " Mission Rooms " in Toronto, our party, which had grouped together from Hamilton as a unit, separated and became three parties. Rev. E. R. Young and wife, taking passage in the little Hudson Bay trading and freighting boat, worked by oars or sails, as most convenient, proceeded down the Red River to its entrance into Lake Winnipeg, and thence up that lake to Norway House, a distance of about three hundred miles, to their future field of toil ; Revs. George McDougall and daughter, Peter Camp- bell, Mrs. Campbell and two daughters, and Bro. Snyder, wended their toilsome way to their more distant missions in the great Saskatchewan country, to be reached only by a tiresome journey of about one thousand miles; while the missionary for the " Red River Settlement," wife and son, remained in Winnipeg to " set up our banners " as best they could in the little muddy embryo city and surrounding regions. on the adjusted prepared r party, ton as a lev. E. R. J Hudson y oars or the Red id thence of about of toil ; ir Camp- md Bro. eir more country, f about for the ined in ley could bunding CHAPTER IV. PERPLEXITIES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS INTERBLENDING, Having parted thus with our fellow missionaries, our first effort was to secure a house to rent as a par- sonage, and failing in this, as well as in our efforts to secure a boarding-house, we began to fear lest we should be compelled to " tent out " for a still longer period. This was decidedly perplexing. Just then, however, a kind-hearted couple invited us for a short time to occupy a room in their rented home, into which, with our tent furniture, we gladly moved. There we remained for the next three months, and there, on his invitation, I opened my commission on the following Sabbath by preaching my first sermon in the Red River Settlement, my text being, " I have a message from God unto thee." The work of FOUNDATION LAVINO, to which 1 at once addressed myself, and which thenceforth occupied my thouglits very fully, was entered upon in the different localities which seemod to promise l)est as centres of missionary operations ; a work in which my inime9, was Blessed church st now Farther which he fact >mptly Mr. whose [its in long sting- lie so tlso a lessed (•eatly je in Irs of Lsing ark of Christ's Church," he was soon followed by " all his house," and many of his relatives and neighbors as well. It has been said, " Variety is the spice of life," and so just here I will mention a somewhat spicy occurrence which took place in those early days of foundation laying in this locality. A certain fussy little half -fledged, not over-gifted nor unduly popular official regarded the advent of Methodism with much disfavor and evident uneasiness, and thought it his duty to express himself to Mr. Gowler anent the im- propriety o:' which he had been guilty in opening his house for Methodist preaching and in showing hos- pitality to the wandering preacher who had the audacity to come there to preach; affirming, more- over, that it was very impolitic to do so, as I would soon become discouraged and return to Canada, and then he would find himself awkwardly situated, in view of what he had done ; and still further, that I had no right to preach, not having received auth. rity from the bishop. And so passing around the neigh- borhood ahead of my appointments, using the same arguments, he warned the people against attending those meetings. This expenditure of logic was duly reported to me, and drew forth the following reply : " Say to Mr. that I was preaching the Gospel be- fore he was in the cradle, and should continue doing so during the Lord's pleasure ; and, also, that Methodists and Methodist missionaries would be found in that region until the miTennium." More than a quarter of a century has elapsed since, and it looks very much I'ili. I )8 t:ii i 72 MANITOBA MEMORIES. just now as if this forthtelling, or foretelling, were likely to be literally fulfilled, for both at Windmill Point and at Gowler's the work of erecting new and greatly improved churches is being pushed forward to completion by a people who are grateful for the introduction of Methodism and its prevalence, despite the puny rop lion or cold-shouldering it met with in 1868 ; ax.*.; v.hA:, with help from above, will continue faithful to tj.e tr-^r* and loyal to Christ and His Church until permitted to see either the millennium or the New Jerusalem. My next appointment was opened at the " High Bluff," in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Smith, who kindly invited us to use a portion of their house wherein to lodge and also to conduct services. Here we organized the first class in the settlement — Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Inkster, Mr. and Mrs. Norquay, Mr. and Mrs. Dillworth, Mr. Murray, and several others becoming members thereof, with Mr. Dillworth as their first leader. I shall never forget the blessed influence experienced on that occasion, as I addressed the people from " Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom," and as we held our first communion after organizing the class. No wonder we went on our way rejoicing after such a gracious uplift. Proceeding thence seven or eight miles to Portage la Prairie, we were favored by very kind Presbyterian friends, Mr. and Mrs. McBean and their young people, in whose home we found a comfortable resting-place, and a room in which to conduct worship and preach the ■ ,! PERPLEXITIES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS. 73 Word. As this was practically the westerly limit of the Red River Settlement at that date, I retraced my steps to Winnipeg, to enter upon my next Sabbath's duties. As the weeks passed by, while we were occupying the "one room" already referred to, we were ever on the lookout for a house to rent wherein we might winter and hold services. Failing in this, I arranged for a building then in course of erecti on the corner of Portage Avenue and Main Streitb s a monthly rental >f $26.00, the place to be roiniy fur occupancy within six weeks. But at the ena c ^ ihat term the building was far from completion while the owner's funds were exhausted. As there s^e.ned but one way out, I deemed it advisable, under the circumstances, to advance him three months' rent to enable him to complete the work ; and after all we were compelled to wait for many weeks more while we toe' jard at " Dutch George's " tavern. To expedite matters I employed a plasterer, and turned in myself to pre- pare and serve him with mortar, until the place was roughly plastered. The intense cold soon froze the plaster, v^hich left the walls in a condition to render our moving in for some time extremely hazardous. However, we were tired of living :' i a tavern, and so by keeping up fires in the rooms we succeeded in " thawing out " and partially drying the walls so as to make our entrance warrantable, despite the steam and dampness that prevailed. On Saturday, che 13th of December, we took possession of the building, and on the next day opened the lower flat as our first ■ I. * ^''i 1 IP ill II !!fi i M. ■i. '!ii- 74 MANITOBA MEMORIES. " Wesley Hall." I preached at 10 a.m., and Mrs. Young commenced Sabbath -school work at 3 p.m., while I took my other two services in the country. Our congregations, which had become small in the little uncomfortable court-room at the fort, now increased very considerably, and an evening service and class-meeting during the week were commenced forthwith. Thus we struggled on, with our high rent and heavy outlay for fuel and provisions, etc., during the severe winter of 1868-G9. My experiences during my first winter in the " Red River Settlement " were decidedly unique, tending to acclimatize on the one hand, and to test my faith and hope and to tax and develop my sympathies on the other. The season, to strangers in the country, was a severe one : intense cold, blizzard gales and deep snow-drifts combined to suggest for one's safety buffalo-skin coats, fur mitts, and moccasins with heavy feet wraps, with grizzly bear-skin or buffalo robes for the cutter in day travelling, and for a bed of warmth in the night season. The fuel brought by the natives to our Winnipeg market was generally of the poplar-pole sort, often green, and at best but a poor substitute for the harder woods of Ontario and Quebec, and yet equalling the best as to the price ! But these experiences, with the long and tiresome drives up and down the rivers and across the wild prairies to the scattered settlements, were less trying to the physical, than was the scarcity of life's neces- saries, which was but too apparent in many a home. PERPLEXITIES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS. 75 rice ! )me rild \mg lea- le. THE FAMINE SEASON. The winter of 1868-69 in the country now known as Manitoba will be remembered by multitudes as a season of famine, with urgent appeals from the needy to those possessing abundance for speedy assistance to prevent suffering and possible starvation. The reason of this scarcity is easily given. To some extent the cause was a two-fold failure — an utter and universal failure of the crops on the one hand, and failure of the buffalo hunt on the other. The locust plague was upon the land, hence the failure of crops. It is well- nigh impossible to give an adequate idea to those who have never witnessed the coming, in air-filling clouds, of myriads of these detestable devourers, and of the widespread devastation which is speedily effected by them. In sone respects such a scene is better read of than witnessed. Pity the agriculturists who are compelled to witness it ! In the autumn of 1867 the Province was invaded from the north- westerly and less paradisaical portions of Uncle Sam's domains, by a strong force of these " abomina- tions " that cause desolation. Their arrival was too late to cause much mischief in 1867, as the crops had been already secured, but they speedily set to work to do the next worst thing for the settlement, viz., to deposit their eggs, myriads upon myriads of the^.i, in the soil of gardens, fields and prairies, and along the hard-travelled road tracks, to render certain in the early spri' g an upspringing of a great army of infant destroye simultaneously with an upspringing of n IT I i ! li •r^ ! !i I II ■;' si - e niii!. h i '' i I il ,1 ^i I ii'i I; iiji' 76 MANITOBA MEMORIES. vegetation to feed and fatten on, to the prevention of the harvest that men had hoped and toiled for. The heavy frosts of the winter did not seem to interfere with the aims of these parent locusts, for with the coming of the warmth of spring came also the hatching-out process, until it seemed as if every blade of grass and every sprout of grain were pre- empted by a score or more of these vigorous and now naturalized hoppers. The tender plant was quickly eaten off, and even quite down into the roots, and this repeated until all vitality was gone and the eater alone survived. Ere June ended, this work of destruction had been about completed, and without waiting for their wings, they took up their line of march in a southerly direction, hopping along in triumph until a further development should come, when, fully equipped, they should ascend to the region of the clouds, and taking advantage of fair winds, should more easily and rapidly proceed in quest of pastures fresh and more abundant. Our party of missionaries, passing out of Dakota into Assiniboia, met these hordes of evil-doers about July 1, 1868. It was as if the " prince of the power of the air " had marshalled this powerful detachment of destroyers to indicate his might, and discourage those from entering the country whose mission was one of salvation ; in the meanwhile soliloquizing thus : " If I can't prevent your entering in, I will at least either starve you out or make you very miserable after you get in." There seen.s as little of the haphazard and as J ■ PERPLEXITIES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS. 77 as much of order in the movements of an army of locusts as is manifest in those of a swarm of bees. That there is leadership in both cases one can hardly floubt, but the whereabouts or ijer8onnel — so to speak — thereof is perhaps not so apparent in the former as in the latter case. They appear nmch averse to any effort to get around a difficulty or obstacle, but greatly prefer surmounting or climbing over it. The stone wails of old Fort Garry did not tumble at their approach, and so carrying out their principles and acting out " final perseverance," they continued hopping against the rocky barrier until they fell, rather ingloriously it must be admitted, as many poor obstinate human fools have done, in at- tempting the impossible. So great was the number of these stupid suicides that, for sanitary reasons and to get rid of an intolerable nuisance, the Hudson Bay Company's officials sent a gang of men with wheelbarrows to trundle these defunct devourers over the bank and into the current of the Assiniboine River, that they might be swept down stream to Lake Winnipeg for the benefit, possibly, of the jack- fish and catfish and sturgeons of that great lake. Soon after our arrival it became apparent to us, as to many others, that there was not a sufficient supply of food in the country to tide the population over the coming non-producing seasons of winter and spring. Many were very sow to take in the situation, and having a sufficiency for themselves and families from what they had kept ov^^r from the harvest of 1867, they hesitated not to declaim against J 1, ! i 1 .1. I l,i 78 MANITOBA ^1 EMORIES. any agitation of the question of the country's peril as unnecessary and injurious to general interests. My tirst missionary journey of one hundred and twenty miles througli the best grain raising portions of the settlement satisfied me tliat, however safe a few might be from scarcity of food, the many must be brought into great straits and even peril if left entirely to their own resources ; and this convic- tion deepened and strengthened as the days went by and my knowledge of tlie existing state of things extended. In a few weeks, and mainly through the representations of our only news])aper. The Kor- ivesfer, many v»'ere brought to see the need of con- certed and immediate action in order to ward oft' threatening calamity ; and as a result a co-operative relief association was organized and a large connnittee was appointed, consisting of the bishops and ministers of the churches and several prominent and influen- tial citizens, whose duty would be to make appeals to the outside world for aid, to take in charge all con- tributions that might be sent, and to inquire closely and thoroughly into the circumstances of the families seeking aid. as well as to distribute tlirough sub- coiinnittees the supplies recpiired. Tlie result of our investigation was sufliciently alarming to warrant solicitude and ui'gent eftbrts to save large numbers from suffering, as the following statement, mad(^ up as early as November, LSGS, will show : The schedides carefully tilled up and sent in from \arious parts of the country showed that there were of the Protestant section, 21() families, repre- PERPLEXITIES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS. 79 htly 1^ to ill in TO irc- senting 951 persons, in need of immediate aid ; and in the Roman Catholic portion, 207 families, repre- senting 1,391 persons, in similar need, making a total of 423 families and 2,342 persons even then requiring help if *' the wolf was to l)e kept from the door." Twenty barrels of flour per week, with a large quantity of meat, were distributed as early as the date above given. A little later on, the number of cases needing help increased to over 3,000, and the quantities of food given out proportionately increased. Great difficulty was experienced in getting the sup- plies forwarded in time to ])revent suffering, inasmuch as long stretches of unoccupied prairie intervened between the terminus of the railroad — at that time — and their destination ; and, winter having set in, the freighting of these supplies across those untracked regions, for three or four hundred miles, became both tedious and hazardous as well as expensive. Many of our hardy Red River freighters, however, under- took the task for the consideration of one-half their loads on delivery — they having no share in the gra- tuitous distribution. As the w^eary winter months passed along, some were able to supplement th(^ aid received with game they were fort\niat(* enough to shoot or trap, or fish secured from the lakes and rivers. In one of my missionary visits to White Mud River, some eighty miles from Wiimipeg, I found the people of the settlement subsisting mainly on a scanty sup[)ly t>f rab})its snared in the bush, and jack-fish taken \'vou\ under the ice in the river. TIk; unsuccessful buffalo hunters Imd v»»ry " liard luck " 80 MANITOBA MEMORIES. '|r ' also, for, after their long journeys to the distant plains, where they had been wont to fa,li in with vast herds of buffalo, they utterly failed to find the over-hunted animals, and were compelled to kill for food some of their ponies to prevent starvation on the homeward journey. From these statements it will be seen that our first winter in the Red River Settlement involved a good deal that taxed heavily our sympathies, our faith and hope, and also our slight income. Provisions of all kinds went up to a high price. I paid in one instance thirty-six shillings sterling a hundred tor flour, and for many months t* o dollars a bushel for oats for my horse, a supply of which, by the way, I always took with me on my journeys, for it was more prudent for me to miss a meal than that my hard- driven horse should go without grain. But the " good hand of God was upon us for good," and we were brought through it all in safety and m His good time. With the opening of spring came in, by flat boats and steamer, additional supplies of food for the needy, a.id large quantities of seed grain and potatoes for ohose who were pledged to plant and not consume them. The summer, when it came, V)rought us once more an abundant harvest, for which we brought our oflering of thanksgiving. During tlio winter I received from many kind friends, through the late Rev. Dr. Rose and others, collections and contributions from various parts of QUr work, to be distributed hy me among the more PERPLEXITIES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS. 81 needy of my flock apart from the general distribution. This was a great kindness and help. We had not as yet any poor fund, and yet we had needy ones whom we greatly desired to assist. Together with this duty of caring ^or the needy, my attention was given during the winter to the necessary preparations for building both a parsonage by II for and not ight we ind liers, of liore jamf:s h. ashpown, esq. and a church in Winnipeg. Accordingly I made ar- rangements with two of the members of our little class at High Bluff, Mossrs Nonjuay and Smith, for the getting out of such timber — oak and poplar — as would be required for parsonage and church, they to raft it down and deliver it on the bank of the river at Fort Garry in the spring of 1 869. These brethren did their work faithfully and well, and these requi- sites were on hand when needed. My kind friend, Mr. Ashdown — then about the most industrious I?i i m 82 MANITOBA MEMORIES. I , i! I ■ P i :.( and courageous of all the new comers, and now one of the most prosperous and wealthy of all the hardware merchants in Manitoba and the North- West — aided me greatly with additional timber, and also in lathing, painting, glazing, etc., in the com- pleting of our parsonage. Many a hard day's work we put in together on those premises. Mr. Ashdown is now, and has been for years, an active member of the Trust Board of Grace Church and the manage- ment of Wesley College, and a liberal supporter of these interests. May he long be spared to his kind family and to the Church. My application to Governor McTavish — who was ever a true frienil of mine — for a site on which to erect a mission-house and a church, was presented by him, with his recommendation, to the Governor-in- Council of the Hudson Bay Company in London. Owing to his influence, I presume — .and may I not add. in answer to our earnest and importunate prayers :* — the com})any grante*] an acre of their land for tliat purpose, leaving the locatir'j^ thereof to the ( Jovernor liimsi'lf. In liis absence thero came about a little liitcli Itetween the official in charge and myself anent tlic location, I wanted it where he did not wish to give it, and where he wished to give it I did not want it. We finally struck this compromise : I agreed, with his consent, to draw the timber then on the river bank, with other building material, to the sf>ot 1 had chosen, and then on the Governor's arrival — which was loo' ed for daily — if he refused me that site, to ^vmove it as he should direct. 'I'he material ^moL ■I ^ i PERPLEXITIES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS. 83 I now .11 the Sforth- jr, and } coni- work lidown iber of an age - •tev of LS kind lo was lich to ited by Qor-in- ondon. I not unate land ,o the al ►out y.self d not I did ise : 1 en on o the rival that IP was drawn, the contract for putting up the mission- house was let, and the carpenters engaged to com- mence work in two or three days, and yet no arrival. As aforetime, we went to the great Helper for help, and help came. The Governor arrived in time, and at once, and heartily, he gave me the site I had chos :m, to the great surprise of not a few. After much hard work in hauling timber, stones, and carrying lumber, etc., we succeeded in getting our new mission-house and stable ready for occupancy, and took possession of it as a family and held a class-meeting in it on the same day (August 1 7th, 18G9), reserving the lower flat for our services. I preached my first sermon there on August 22nd from the text, " Hitherto the Lord hath helped us." In this room, as our " Wesley Hall " No. 2, we continued to hold service until our new church was completed in September, 1871. The reason of this delay in the erection of the church I may give later on. The following report of a specimen trin in Fujbruary, IS(|{), given in a letter to Mr. John V donald, may not be deemed inappropriate in this ( nection. "My mission now extends from t * s point, when; the Assiniboine River flows into thi Red River, u}> along the banks of the former < 4ity miles; and as 1 occasionally visit the lower fort, which is twenty miles below this, on the Red River, I have a field of one hundred miles in length. I shall give you the best idea of my work, hy placing before you, in diary form, the work of a ' trip,' as we call i' out here : " January 131st, Sabbath -Conach the Gospel plainly to us, that we might understand it and feel its power, and now I thank God He has heard my prayer, and sent that blessed Gospel into our very houses.' Some of these ' babes in Christ' were, a short time ago, actively engaged in rebelling against the Divine throne and Government. One who was in danger of descending to a drunkard's hell, but has been quickened into newness of life, has written me a letter, which I have just received, in which he says, ' I am happy to say that we are encouraged every Sabbath, more and more, by God's help in our meet- ings for woi'ship. We thank God that He has sent you among us, as an instrument in His hand, to put it in our hearts to meet and pray together. We never lived so happy as we do at present. Trusting in Go i we find that we get through the world much easier tlian we did before. Ma}' God bless us and give us strength to endure to the ond.' " On Wednesday morning the parties who came from the White Mud River — twenty-seven miles from the Bluff — met me according to appointment, and we drove that distance without resting. We passed the twenty miles across the prairies without seeing a house until we reached the little settlement. As we passed along I was surprised to see the tall prairie grass in some places standing erect, and reaching al)Ove the snow some fchi*ee and even four feet. Bands of liorses were wintering on it, and PERPLEXIEIES AND ENCOltRAGEMENTS. 8? came miles [,ment, We Ithout Iment. le tall and four and looked well. At 6 p.m. I preached to a little neg- lected company in the presence of a poor sufferer, horn J(jhn v. 6. After visiting from house to house these poor families, who subsisted chiefly on fish, and preaching next morning at nine o'clock, and giving the Sacrament of the I^ord's Supper to a few aged people, and baptizing a babe, I returned to the High Bluff', twenty-seven miles, on Thursday evening. Friday morning it was my privilege to minister to the comfort of an aged woman, who is said to be fully one hundred years of age, and is the great-great grandmother of the babe I baptized the day before, and the mother of a Church of England mission- ary. I need not state to you that I felt a peculiar pleasure in communing with this ' aged disciple.' My guide for this two miles' walk and back through the woods, and who accompanied me to White Mud River, is an aged man, whose case is a very interest- ing one. He was brought up among the Indians, and, until he was eighteen or twenty years of age, knew not that there was such a being as a God. Subse(piently he came among the whites, but says that he understood very little of the read sermons to which he listened from Sabbath to Sabbath, and often wished the ministers wouhl come and explain (he Scriptures to him. I have tried to render him the aid required, and the poor man has followed nie up from place to place on this trip, travelling over sixty miles, and hearing me preach five sermons. May he be saved ! Another poor man said to me, at the White Mud River, 'We are thankful to you for " ■ i h t ' t ! 88 MANITOBA MEMORIES. coming among us, as we can understand you well, and if I had money enough I would never let you go away.' On Friday night I preached in a neighbor- hood near the Bluff in a new appointment, and on Saturday night lectured on temperance, when over twenty signed the pledge. This land is rum-cursed, and I feel it my duty to preach and lecture temper- ance everywhere. "Sabbath, the 7th February. — Met class at nine; preached at 10 a.m. ; drove eight miles, and preached at one o'clock, and then pushed on rapidly fifteen miles, visiting a sick woman along the road, and preached again at five to a crowd. After receiving three members on trial as the nucleus of another class, and driving a mile after eight o'clock, I felt that ' the sleep of a laboring man is sweet.' This day I travelled twenty-five miles. " Monday morning, rose at half -past four, and set out on my return journey of a forty miles' drive, as soon as practicable ; and after resting for the night at Headingly, I reached home Tuesday about noon, thankful indeed to find all well, and for the strength thus to preach the blessed Gospel in the ' regions beyond.' Oh, how delightful it is, my dear brother, to preach ' Jesus and the resurrection,' to these hungry and thirsty souls. But I can't bear the thought of seeing so many desiring instruction, and yet feel, as I do, that I can't supply all the lack. Let the patrons of your — our — noble Missionary Society but know the case, and I am sure the fault will not be theirs if an assistant be not sent out in May next. Many are '?#2 PERPLEXITIES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS. 89 waiting to see if I will get help before they cast in their lot with us, for they say that I can't keep up this field alone, but getting tired or worn out will give them up, and then they will have to go back where they were. " ' Pray for us, and choose me out a good man, full of faith and of the Holy Ghost,' and send him for- ward to help reap * the fields already white unto harvest.' " ^ ■^ ^o. ^<^^v^ -> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 125 11.25 III 1.4 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation as WIST MAIN STRNT WItSTIR.N.V. 14SM (71*)t73-4S03 ^ts*. ^V' ^ ^ b A ^ >v ^ Z ^ 'I f CHAPTER V. THE ARRIVAL OF AN EFFICIENT HELPER. On July 14th, 18G9, I was reinforced — not very numerously, it is true, and yet very efficiently — by the arrival of Rev. Matthew Robison as my assistant. I had been pleading very importunately with the Mission Rooms, Toronto, for a helper, urging, how- ever, that none but an earnest, devout, adaptive and consecrated young man — one who would be willing to face difficulties and hardships and much hard work — should be sent to fill that position. The selection was wisely made, and Mr. Robison, from the first, filled the bill as well, probably, as an^ other would have done whom they could have chosen. After a tedious journey across the plains from St. Paul, Minnesota, in company with some Red River freight- ers, he reached Winnipeg at 11 p.m., on Wednesday, July 14th, and reported hiniHelf at once at our little mission home as ready for service at any point I might indicate. On Thursday lie accompanied me to one of my week-day appointments a few miles up the Assiniboine River, and opened his connnission by preacliing his first sermon in the settlement. His text was, " The Lord is my portion." Possibly he ! THE ARRIVAL OP AX EFFICIENT HELPER. 01 may have concluded already from our surroundings that he would hereafter have special need of a " portion " such as earth cannot afford ; be that as it may, he preached a plain, practical, earnest and comforting sermon. The privilege of hearing a sermon from some one else than myself was a rare one, and much enjoyed, while the prospect of having the counsel and co-operation of a missionary of our own Church tended to relieve that feeling of isola- tion and even loneliness which I had experienced during the year past, as well as to strengthen my hands in the great and good work. His arrival afforded much comfort to the mission family, as well as to myself, inasmuch as it would render unneces- sary those long trips and absences from home, and from my work in Winnipeg, which had been too frequent in the past for the good of the cause. After securing for him the needful outfit of horse, harness and buckboard, I accompanied him on his first trip through the country, and introduced him to tlie people, with whom he soon became well acquainted, and to whom his ministrations were greatly blessed. Henceforth the old " Red River " mission of magnificent distances became two missions. Brother R. taking High Bluff as his centre of opera- tions, and undertaking to sustain the appointments I had opened in the neighborhoods adjacent, Windmill Point, Gowler's, the Bluff, Portage la Prairie, White Mud River, etc., and to oprn n<'w ones as soon as opportunities might be affoi'ded : while I undertook to supply MS !)est I could the appointnu'nts I had I'- ll Jl 02 MANITOBA MEMORIES. commenced at Headiiigly, Sturgeon Creek, Wood- lands, Rockwood, Lower Fort Garry, Springfield, Prairie Grove and Winnipeg. Each mission was still rather too large for the com fort of the mis- sionary. The people of the High Bluff mission soon found in their new pastor one whom they unanimously re- garded as " the right man in the right place." Nor could it well be otherwise, for his Christian simplicity in spirit and manner, his ardent desire, manifest in his preaching and pastoral visits, to do them good in the highest sense of the term ; his readiness to sacri- fice ease and even to devote his scanty supply of funds in order to the extension and consolidation of the good work, conunended him to them as a true minister of Christ. His preaching and exhortations had the geimine old Methodist ring in their definiteness, in- cisiveness, and faithfulness ; while his personal testi- mony for Christ was given in tenderness, without any seeming self-exaltation, and his prayers in family or congregational worship were as free from cold for- mality and stiltedness on the one liand, as from a rhapsodical verbosity on the other. His free use of the gift of song was a help and no hindrance to his ministry. At first all our services were of necessity held in the homes of those who kindly gave us the privilege solicited ; but Mr. Robison, as soon as practicable, summoned his hearers to co-operation in the work of erecting two or more small churches for their better acconnnodation. His method — as mine had been, 'f. THE ARRIVAL OF AN EFFICIENT HELPER. 93 mis- iH, in- esti- any y or for- >in a je of his in lege ible, of tter Jen, and later on as tliat of Revs. M. Fawcett and J. M. Harrison of those early days, and as has been of those who have succeeded us and have succeeded in their work — was not to say go, but rome, and the people generally showed a readiness to come. What it cost him in hard work and weariness for months together to get out timber and liuild and fit up those little churches cannot l)e imagined by those now occupying that field. Matthew Robison was no loiterer, stand- ing idle in the market-place and " waiting for some- thing to turn up." Pioneer missionaries who are too dignified or dilatory to assist, or even lead on, in such a work, or to care for their own horse in journeying, or to assist, now and again, when they have time and strength to do so, the brother whose hospitality they have shared, are not sufficiently Pauline to make nuTch headway among the people. I am sorry to say that I think I have known a few such. To them- selves their want of success seemed a great mystery, while it was not so regarded by the toil-worn ones to whom they had been sent as laborers in the Master's vineyard, and whose prejudices they had so unneces- sarily turned against themselves. I have no patience with, and not over much expectation from, a Metho- dist preacher, whether on missions or self-supporting circuits, who is manifestly guilty of neglect or cruelty towards the poor animal whose misfortune it has become to be compelled to carry or draw him through mud and storm in heat and cold, nnd to and fro in the performance of his duty ; and I am persuade i ■ ; J1:H ;!( I :i,» (juest of relief from feebleness and disease in a foreign country, that he received his dismissal from the life that now is, and entered, as I firmly trust, into a state of being where the " wicked cease from troub- ling and the weary are forever at rest." A second and more disastrous connter-nioveniient than the one already recorded was inaugurated for the relief of the prisoners who, despite all the promises given by Riel for their release, were still held in close confinement. The result was that further humiliation and suffering were endured by those participating therein. Some of the loyal people of the western parishes, such as Portage la Prairie, High Bluff, Poplar Point and Headingly, in conjunc- tion with those of the " lower settlements," unable longer to endure the painful suspense in which they had been kept waiting, moved simultaneously for a grand rally at some central point, that should serve both as a demonstration and an opportunity for consultation and concerted action along the line of persuasive measures for the relief of their friends. Some seventy or more true and brave loyalists vol- unteered their services, and proceeded, under com- mand of Major Boulton, toward the point of general rendezvous. As their line of march led through the White Horse Plains neighborhood, where disloyalty predominated and from whence Riel had drawn a large number of his " guards," their movements were at once observed, and quickly reported to their leaders in Fort Garry, who forthwith called in all available reinforcements, so that by the time Boulton Escaping fou life. 123 and his poorly-equipped little force passed by for Kildonan, a force of five hundred or six hundred well-armed men was in readiness to defend their stronghold and repel its assailants. These western loyalists were joined at Kildonan on February 15th by a much larger number of Canadians and natives, who had also volunteered for active service. And now the question, " What persuasive measure shall we resort to in order to secure the result at which we are aiming ? " I suppose, came under anxious con- sideration. But while they were thus deliberating and resolving and re-resolving, a most deplorable occurrence took place in the neighborhood of the camp, involving the slaying of an estimable and promising youth, connected with one of the principal families of the parish. The attendant circumstances, as reported, were as follows: A half-breed, thought to be a spy sent by Riel, was arrested and brought into camp, who, watching his opportunity, ' ide a dash for liberty, snatching a loaded gun as he ran. Just as his fleet pursuei's were overhauling him, most unfortunately he was met by young Sutherland, who was riding toward the camp, but not in any way participating in the movement ; whereupon, sup- posing that he was going to aid in his capture, or else hoping to expedite his escape by securing the horse, the half-breed fired on him, inflicting wounds that proved fatal in a short time. This was one of the saddest outcomes of this most unfortunate counter- movement. Taking place, however, just when it did, it may have liad some bearing on the decision soon 124 MANITOBA MEMORIES. w ^p i' i I '' after reached, to pursue the more pacific course of sending a message to Riel, instead of making an immediate attack on the fort. Be that as it may, a message was soon sent demanding the release at once of all the prisoners, which was followed by several interchanges, until an arrangement was entered into securing the release demanded, and also involving the disbanding and peaceable return to their homes of the volunteers on the following day. In the early morning of February 17th, 1870, these western men, as a part of the force thus disbanded, " struck camp," tied up their few belongings (blankets, buffalo robes and food for the journey), and, sup- posing that they were " homeward bound," joyously faced the west, hoping soon to meet their released friends and return to their own pleasant and peaceful firesides. But a great disappointment was before them, and ere it was noonday it was realized by them. That they might not on their return pass oftensively near the fort, they had agreed (it was said by Kiel's request) to diverge from the travelled road, just north of Winnipeg, and strike across tlie untracked prairies, to the Portage la Prairie trail, making a detour of about two miles. It was doubtless well known to Riel that there were ravines then completely filled with snowdrifts, which it would be difficult to cross. The sequel seemed to indicate his object in making the request, and tliat those who complied therewith were treacherously and humiliatingly outwitted. While I was watching their slow and toilsome move- ments, as men and horses were struggling through ESCAPING FOR LIFE. 125 Ig these snow-filled ravines, I was greatly surprised and distressed by the rushing from the fort of a large number of armed guards, mostly mounted, who, with their usual accompaniment, the terrifying war-whoop, struck for a point where they could head off and surround the returning party. Some, it was said, were disposed to resist, but this seemed useless, as many of them where without arms, and besides, they were told by those in command of their assailants that Riel simply desired them to call at the fort and see him before their return home. After reluctantly complying and entering the fort, the gates were closed upon them, as was the case in the surrender of Decem- ber 7th, and they were forthwith declared prisoners, and their horses, sleighs and property seized and con- fiscated, while they were hustled into the very prisons from which their friends had been liberated only a day or two before. What a complete reversal of cir- cumstances ! These men, at risk of liberty and life, came for the deliverance of others, and succeeded, and now they were themselves in need of deliverance. But whence, and how, and when that deliverance should come was a problem none of us could solve. My duties* within the fort, which I had hoped were ended, were now considerably augmented, and that, too, for a very uncertain period — duties, as ere long appeared, involving greater trials of patience and faith and fortitude than I had faced aforetime. A reign of terror, including tyranny and cruelty far exceeding what had been already endured, was now seemingly established, and what the end would be no one could predict. Iff 1' i ll ; j|| :i' i i; I i 'I 126 MANITOBA MEMORIES. It soon became evident, however, that Rial was not disposed to regard all these prisoners with equal dis- favor, and that while all were at the outset subjected to harsher treatment than were their predecessors, some were predestined by him to much severer pun- ishment than others. Of these, Boulton, Scott, Powers, McLeod and Parkei occupied foremost posi- tions, and Major Boulton was the first to receive special attention. The " council of war," it was said, met at once, and decided that he was guilty of trea- son and should be shot, whereupon Kiel sentenced him to be shot at noon the next day. Archdeacon McLean was sent for to minister to the now con- demned man, and his intercessions were so far re- garded that the execution was postponed until mid- night, Riel declaring that he would yield no further mless Dr. Schultz should be recaptured in the mean- time, in which case he would be shot instead. It was also reported that up to 10 p.m. of the 19th of Febru- ary no consent for the sparing of his life was obtained, and then only by the importunities of Commissioner Smith (now Sir Donald) and the Archdeacon, and their promise to proceed, even at that midnight hour, to the lower settlements and persuade, if possible, the people to fall into line and elect representatives to the " Assembly " that Riel was intent upon having estab- lished ; then, and not till then, did he so far yield as to suspend that terrible sentence, awaiting results, declaring, at the same time, that •* On your success depenc's the lives of the Canadians in the country." The efforts of their intercessors proved successful, and i: I ESCAPING FOR LIFE. 127 for that reason only, so far as I know or believe, Major (now Senator) Boulton escaped the bullets which Kiel's guards, on the vvord of command, would have sent through his he«,rt on their mission of death. And yet a more horrible tragedy, that we could not avert, has to be recorded. As a connecting link, the following letter of mine to the Guardian will not be deemed out of place : " Winnipeg, Red River, Jan. 22nd, 1870. "My Dear Mr. Editor, — Events of considerable importance have transpired in connection with the revolutionary movements in this country, since the date of my last communication. A gentleman who landed here a few weeks ago, and reported himself at Riel's headquarters, to which he was conducted, as Mr. Smith, an official of the Hudson Bay Company, despite the watching and guarding to which he has iDeen sub- jected, — (and he has had two or more guards charged with that duty, and has not been outside of the fort since his arrival) — has become developed into a real (and, if you will) ' live ' commissioner, duly appointed and fully accredited by His Excellency the Governor- General of Canada. On the arrival of Mr. Smith and Mr. Hardisty, another official of the Hudson Bay Com- pany, and his travelling companion and guide, they were both taken into the office of 'President' Riel, where they were closely catechized as to their business here and any papers in their possession ; whereupon Mr. Smith assured the catechizer that he had not in his possession, at that time, any documents except such as he would show him ; and suiting the action to the word, he opened his desk for his inspection. Of course nothing contraband was found. After remain- ing quiet for some two weeks he seems to have m 128 MANITOBA MEMORIES. j 1' I ' I ; t deemed it time to be * up and doing,' and accordingly it is said he intimated to Mr. Kiel that he was noiv under instructions to inform him that when he should have permission to do so, he had certain things to say to him from the Governor of Canada, and also certain documents at Pembina which he would like to pre- sent. This information, I doubt not, took our little Napoleon by surprise ; but as he keeps his wits generally about him, Riel directed, I understand, a guard to accompany Hardisty and bring in the papers. In the meantime some of the most influential and in- telligent and brave of Kiel's counsellors and army had become * enlightened ' ('tis not necessary to say how), and a goodly number of this class, we are told, set out to meet the party returning with the papers, and having met them, forthwith demanded the prized documents, and took the guard and all under their charge. Proceeding towards Fort Garry they met Riel, who, not going about his business as they thought he should, it is said one of his French fellow-religion- ists placed his revolver to his presidential head, and hinted that he must be careful how he acted or he would send him where he would not care to go. Arriving at the fort, some thirty or forty of the loyal French, with some others, were there to receive and guard the papers, and to insist that the commission of Mr. Smith should be made public, and these messages or proclamations, whatever they were, should be read and made known. After a good deal of parleying, and some sharp hints from the * seceders,' Riel, I am told, consented, though reluctantly, that a * mass meeting ' should be called, when Mr. Smith should explain his mission and read his papers. On Tuesday last, at noon, a large number of both parties assembled in the fort, in the open air, and although the thermometer was 20° below zero, yet there they stood, till 5 o'clock, trying to learn all about a matter ESCAPING FOR LIFE. 129 he in which they felt a deep interest. It is doubtful if a gentleman so perfectly gentlemanly as is Mr. Smith, and representing a Government of so much import- ance, and having the best and kindliest of aims for the country visited, was ever so cross -questioned and badgered as he patiently and good-humoredly sub- mitted to be on that occasion, for the sake of peace and this country's good. He was treated all through the early part of the meeting as if suspected of being a mere pretender with the worst of intention. " When he read a letter of instruction from Sir John Young, signed simply 'John Young,' he was roughly asked 'Who is John Young?' 'Why does he not sign his name as Governor, then V As the day was ending and the business of the meeting not completed, it was decided to adjourn until the day following, — whereupon a Mr. Burke called the atten- tion of the meeting to the state of the prisoners, who for nearly two months had been kept in close confine- ment, and urged their release that evening. His language was earnest, and I presume by a portion of the French guard understood, for directly the abomin- able Indian war-whoop was heard, and off they rushed to their guns and bayonets. With a few threats and a good deal of noivSe the excitement passed off. The next day a larger number of people came, and a greater number of guards were under arms, but the meeting was quiet. Mr. Smith had fewer interrup- tions and received kindlier treatment. The documents were read and well received by the people. The liberal policy, declared to be that which the Govern- ment intended to have adopted, took all by surprise, and made some, I judge, regret that anything had been done by them to keep such a Government from being established. The meeting ended with this immediate result — each class, that is of English and French people, to appoint tiventy delegates to meet 9 ' i r r I I III 130 MANITOBA MEMORIES. next Tuesday to deliberate on the matters brought under their notice by Mr. Smith. When this council shall have done its work I hope to write you again. I send you herewith a copy of our new * annexation ' paper, which contains a report of the meeting referred to, and also the different communications from Eng- land and Canada which it was our privilege to have had read to us by Mr. Smith ; in regard to whom I may here state, that throughout he has managed this very delicate business with great prudence and tact, and yet in a very straightforward and honorable manner. The scheme of annexation to the United States, which this paper has undertaken to ' write up,* does not meet with approval even among the French people. It is stated that even Riel must ' cold- shoulder ' that scheme, or be cold-shouldered by his former friends, and furthermore it is rumored that the paper in (i[uestion will be very apt to back down a little on that scheme ere long. But rumors here are the veriest uncertainties, aud especially now. The prisoners, poor fellows, are still held in their close quarters, constantly expecting to be allowed to go about their business, and yet daily doomed to sore disappointment. Dr. Schultz's property, it is said, is wasting away, and not very slowly either, especially certain casks of what has been called ' distilled dam- nation,' which some of those who have been repre- sented as having sworn not to touch the intoxicating cup are now using freely for other than ' medicinal purposes.' Business matters are as stagnant as ever, and many intend to emigrate in spring if there is not a speedy and satisfactory settlement of these ' vexed (juestions.' The winter is more severe than the last was, though tlie snow is only about a foot deep." CHAPTER VIII. THE CLIMAX OF CRIME AND CRUELTY. lam- pre- 5ver, not last The criminality and cruelty of Riel and his " coun- cil of war " reached a most deplorable and never-to- be-forgotten climax in that bloody tragedy which they enacted on March 4th, 1870. After disposing of Major Boulton to his satisfaction, and making all the capital possible out of the case, Riel proceeded forth- with to give special attention to another of those he had recently captured, toward whom, for reasons never clearly defined, he was harboring feelings of intense hatred and cherishing purposes of the utmost barbarity. I refer to that brave and loyal young Irishman — the unfortunate Thomas Scott. In a former chapter I stated that he was one of the ten who escaped from the outer prison on the night of December Oth, 1869, and also referred to his volun- teering in association with Boulton's Portage Com- pany, forty-eight of whom were so treacherously enti'apped and thrust into prison on February 17tli, 1870. Thus he was twice a prisoner, and yet in neither instance taken under arms. When first arrested he was bearing a re(|uest to 'liel tliat the ladies then resident in ])r. Schultz's besieged build- ings should be permitted to retire therefrom, as tliey 132 MANITOBA MEMORIES. >i = o 2 = ^5 fr O T = .« s - ft . — _ a •jr. > r H H i 11 'M Pi'il THE CLIMAX OF CRIME AKD CRUELTY. 137 over his eyes, we bade each other a solemn " good- bye." Immediately after, I spoke to the captain com- manding the firing party, urging him to spare his life at least a day longer. I was told promptly, " His time is come and he must die," and then speaking to O'Donohue I said, " I know you have the power to stay the execution for a day longer. Will you not do so ? It is dreadful to send a soul into eternity with so little time for preparation." He admitted that it was, but simply said, " It is very far gone, and did not interfere. The poor, brave loyalist was then placed in such a position as they desired, a few yards east of thv^ present track of the street railway, when he again knelt in the snow, and then, at the signal given, several rebel bullets were sent on their mission of death, into and completely through his breast, causing the snow to be stained and saturated with his heart's blood, while his spirit quickly passed from the presence of his murderers to the presence of God. Immediately after the firing I approached the prostrate body, then quivering in death, and saw a half-drunken guard fire a revolver at his head, as he held it quite near, after which all seemed to be over. Thus it was, in brief, that those w^ho were responsible for this tragedy reached a terrible climax in crime and cruelty. A rumor was circulated in a day or two that Scott was not dead when the body was placed in the box called a coffin, and was living five hours later, when he was put to death by Riel and one of his guards in the bastion to which he had been removed. This w II • I'll t , E, I ■ i m I? ' 1.% MANITOBA MEMORIES. intimation was made to mc on the evening of the murder by the editor of the Neio Nation, a paper that was started in the interests of the rebels, and designed by many of its supporters, I have ever believed, to favor annexation to the United States. It was decidedly anti- Canadian in its spirit and influ- ence. At the time I disbelieved the rumor utterly, in view of what I had witnessed at the shooting, and also because of the large quantity of blood which saturated the snow where he fell and struggled. However, long after the New Nation ceased to exist, its former editor, Major Robinson, made a statement in the St. Paul Press, to the effect that Scott was not only shot by order of Riel, but that, after his body had been pierced by the balls of the flring party, he was fastened up, still living, in his coffin. I quote from the article referred to as follows : " Major Robinson stated that he could not credit that the deed of blood had been actually perpetrated, and expressed his incredulity. Seeing this, President Riel asked him to come with him, and led the way into the court and to one of the sheds which lined the interior of the walls, where there was a sentry. Riel and his companion approached, and the former threw open the door, exposing the fatal box, from which the blood dripped into the snow. Hardly had he realized this grim fact, when Major Robinson was horrified to hear a voice, proceeding from the box, or coffin, in anguished but distinct tones exclaim : ' Oh, let me out of this ! My God ! How I suffer ! ' With blood curdling in his veins, he retreated from the spot. Riel called the sentry, and the two entered the shed and closed the door. A moment later there was the 1 THE CLIMAX OP CRIME ANt) CRUELTY. l.*^0 n sound of a shot within, and the murdered man was probably released from his torture. Riol rt u'ned with the major to the fort, where he dismissed him with a significant warning to secrecy. To compre- hend the full horror of this tragedy it must be remembered that this last incident of Scott's life occurred five hours after he had been shot and cof- fined, and with the thermometer many degrees below zero." On March 5th, the day following the tragedy, I wrote Scott's brother in Toronto, and, as it may be noted, very cautiously, for the outgoing and incoming mails were tampered with by this unprincipled tyrant, who, I knew, would not hesitate to put me along with those in prison if I gave the least ground of offence. in me ood pot. hed the " To Hugh W. Scott, Esq. : " My Dear Sir, — It is my very painful task to con- vey to you intelligence of the most heart-rending description. I promised your late brother, Thomas, in his last hours, to writv^ you, and give you a true statement of all that he was charged with, and his trial and end. It will be proper for me to delay giving that statement for a little, as it might not be allowed to pasM out with the mail, and might also involve me in unpleasantness. " Let me then express my deep sympathy for you and your bereaved family in this sore trouble. As you know, pic^bably, already, your brother was taken prisoner by Mr. Riel in December last, and made his escape after many weeks' imprisonment. But, joining another company of volunteers, he was again captured with forty-seven others. The day before r 140 MANITOBA MEMORIES. 1 1/1 1 ■' i'! 1 I ^1 yesterday he was singled out and tried for these offences, as well as for ' insulting Mr. Riel and the guards by something he said ' — which he positively denied— and was sentenced to be shot at noon next day. I was sent for as a minister who had visited the prisoners regularly, and was known by him. During the evening I stayed with him, giving instruc- tions and exhortations, and engaging frequently in prayer. He was deeply penitent and earnestly prayerful before God. Next morning I went again and begged personally of Mr. Riel, and got Commis- sioner Smith to do the same. We urged one day more to be given him to prepare. But alas ! all in vain. I was with him to the end. He prayed fervently — said ' it was dreadful to put him to death ' — but expressed a hope of salvation. He was led out a few feet from the walls of Fort Garry, where again he knelt in the snow and prayed — remaining on his knees until the fatal shots were given. Poor Thomas ! many tears were shed for thee, but in vain. " I have begged the body which Riel intended to bury in the fort, and I think, through others helping, we shall get it, when we intend burying it at the Presbyterian churchyard, five miles below this. . . . If we should get the body interred in time for the mail, I will write again and enclose with this. May God sustain and comfort you. I do believe Thomas is saved. " G. YouNG. " Winnipeg, March 5th, 1870." Mr. Hugh Scott replied to my letter of the 5th of March on the 8th of April as follows : " Toronto, April 8th, 1870. " Rev. and Dear Sir, — Your esteemed favor of 5th ult. I duly received, and although containing news of n his to of >th of « \ THE CLIMAX OF CRIME AND CRUELTY. 141 the most painful description — yet news which tilled my soul with gladness — I cannot convey to you in words my heartfelt thanks for the kind and Christian interest which you manifested towards my late brother. May God reward you for it. " Sad indeed to me was the fate of my poor brother, but that was forgotten in the joy at the liopes of his soul's salvation. Your kindness shall live in my memory while life shall last. I am satisfied that you did your duty as a Christian friend and minister. What consolation it will be to his aged father and mother when they read your letter. " I hope and trust that you are safe from the attacks of these ruffians and murderers, and that no hurt will befall yourself or family. " I shall be very glad to hear from you when you find it convenient to write. Just enclose a note as you did before. Thomas had some photographs which I should like to get if possible, but I suppose all was taken from him. I may mention that his cruel murder has aroused the feeling of all the loyal people in the Dominion, and all are anxious of having the opportunity of avenging it. I also shall not make my letter any longer, as Mr. Clark has kindly consented to enclose it with his, but hoping to hear from you soon and ag?un asking you to accept my best thanks for your kindness and love, " I remain, " Your faithful and esteemed friend, *'HuGH Scott." Mr. Hugh Scott, whose letter I have given, lost his reason after the death of his brother. I visited him when in the asylum, but, poor fellow, his mind was so wrecked as to forget that he had ever had a brother called Thomas, and ere long he passed away, and, I n ■' t 111'.' 142 MANITOBA MEMORIES. .1 ' iti » ( I \ > ll'! trust, entered upon a life where the mind will never become unbalanced. MRS. SCOTT's request. Before his deatli liis aged mother in Ireland wrote her daugl'ter-in-law, wife of the afflicted man, the following very touching letter : " Dear Daughter, — I am very glad to hear of the Rev. Mr. Young calling to see my poor son. I would desire that Mr. Young should attend his funeral if it is the Lord's will to take him ; and if I may not be permitted to meet him on earth, as it seems I lever shall, may we all meet around the throne in heaven, where parting is no more ; and I shall ever feel grateful to Mr. Young for his kind services to my poor son Thomas in Red River. I have thanked God many times that there was a minister in that place to attend to my poor son before his death : and I shall ever bear a fond remembrance of Mr. Young on my heart while I live. Poor Tliomas ! There was no father, mother, brotlier or sister with him in his djnng hour, but there was the all -seeing eye of Him who is ever near to those who put their trust in Him. May God be with us all and enabk us to submit to His will." A short while before tlie death of her son at the Asylum in Toronto, Mrs. Scott was called to lay aside her heart-breaking sorrow and enter into rest. A FEW " IN MEMORIAM " REFERENCES. Tliese must l)e very brief, l)ecjiuse of my scanty store of needful facts. I am glad, however, that I have enough of these to show that Scott was not thus THE CLIMAX OF CRIME AND CRUELTY. 143 nil. to he ude nty t I lUS treated by Riel for any justifiable cause. Among his papers which I forwarded to his brother, Hugh Scott, of Toronto, were many commendatory letters of introduction, with certificates of good character, from Sabbath-school teachers and the Presbyterian min'.ster with whose church he had been connected in Ireland, as well as from employers whom he had served faithfully. I ([uote one entry which appeared in his journal, made on Queen'3 Birthday, 1869, which is peculiarly admonitory : "Brother and I were out rowing on the Bay (Belleville). I wonder where we shall both be ten years from to-day ? " Alas, poor fellow, before ten months had passed away his lifeless body, in its shroud of chains, was resting on the bottom of the Red River of the North ! Captain Rowe, of Madoc, Ont., to whose company he had belonged, thus described him in his report to Colonel Brown, in command of the regiment : " I have to inform you that the unfortunate man, Scott, who has been murdered by that scoundrel, Riel, was for a time a member of my company, and did duty witli the battalion at Sterling in 1868. He was a splendit so much in what Scott had done, as in what Riel expected to be able to do by means thereof. It was i F f i' ■ li '- ■ii 1 'if. :i .A '. I m » I ! i i in I'l 150 MANITOBA MEMORIES. probably in his mind, and in the minds of some who were secretly co-operating with him, that this stroke of policy would lead the loyalists of the western settlements to elect representatives to his Assembly, and thereby, seemingly at least, support his govern- ment and secure the passing and sending to Ottawa of the " bill of riglits," which in that case would be re- garded as expressing the views, wishes and demands of a united people ! Thus !ihis young life was sacri- ficed, I fully believe, to strengthen and intensify the terrorism he was exercising ; in a word, as a master- stroke of policy. Secondly : What was done with the body ? A rough box had been brought to the place ap- pointed, before Scott and I arrived ; but before the body was placed therein, I requested permission of Riel to remove it to my home, and take it thence to Kildonan for Christian burial. To this he consented at first, but quickly withdrew his consent. In the morning I was informed, by one whose aid I had asked for, that Riel had consented that if I v/ould ccmt,. together with the Bishop of Rupert's liand, and guarantee that the burial should take place cjuietly, " without any demonstration," he would allow us to remove the body ; but whan we applied, as advised, he promptly refused us, on the ground that the adju- tant-general insisted that it must be buried in the fort, telling us that a grave was then being dug sufficiently large to contain it and any others that might have to follow. But was it so disposed of ? Undoubtedly it was placed in tiie box, and the box POST-MORTEM INDIGNITIES. 151 ne who stroke western lembly, jovern- ;awa of be re- jmands 1 sacri- ify the naster- ice ap- )re the pion of nee to sented n the I had \70uld d, and uietly, us to vised, adju- in the or dug that d of? box i and body placed in one of the bastions of the fort; but, as undoubtedly, only the box and rope used in binding the arms were placed in the long, trench-like grave. After the arrival of Colonel Wolseley and his troops, and the dispersion of this abominable con- federacy, we were allowed to open the grave and search for his body. The following account of our proceedings and the results appeared in a Winnipeg paper of that date : "THE LATE THOMAS SCOTT — UNSUCCESSFUL SFARCH FOR HIS REMAINS. " On Thursday forenoon the inside of the quadrangle of Fort Garry presented a scene somewhat singular. A few paces in front of the north end of the store, some half dozen r m were seen, by turns, busily at work digging out what looked to be, and what was thought to be, a grave. They were searching for the remains of Thomas Scott. " There was a large crowd around, amongst whom we noticed His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, Rev. Messrs. Black, Fletcher and Young, Drs. Codd, Schultz and Lynch, Mr. J. McTavish and Messrs. Cunningham and St. John of the Toronto press, etc. *" The excavation was carried on under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Young, and was proceeded with with great vigor. As the hole deepened, the excitement became the more intense, and when, after digging some six feet, the spade struck on a board, and when the earth was removed and disclosed a deal board shaped like a coffin, everyone held his breath. But the excitement was turned into something like dis- appointed rage when one of the diggers thrust his arm into the box and pronounced it empty ! It was 152 MANITOBA MEMORIES. '.(-« > I 'it,:' rn m ii!i empty, excepting -nly the rope with which Scott's arms had been pinioned." Now, more frequently than ever, the question was asked, " Whatever have they done with poor Scott's body ? " After months had elapsed, one of the ex- guards gave me the following information, which I have ever since regarded as a satisfactory answer to the question. He stated that before the box was buried, the body, now stiff in death, was taken there- from, and after it was weighted heavily with chains, placed about it like a network, it was plunged through a hole in the ice, and thus made to sink quickly to the deptlis of the river, where, being thus anchored, it will probably remain for long ages. Thus, having pursued the poor young loyalist to his death, end denied Christian burial to his mutilated body, they rested not until they had chased it down to the deep- est depths ot' their deep, muddy river. CERTAIN UNDERRATED CRUELTIES. In the previous chapter the " climax of crime and cruelty " was represented as reached when, by order of Kiel and his " council of war," Thomas Scott was barbarously put to death on March 4th, 1870. I am very glad and thankful that it may be truth- fully stated to have remained without a parallel dur- ing the entire course of the rebellion, but am sorry to have to add that some speakers, and even authors, in making much of that fact, representing it as "Kiel's one dark crime," have used language seemingly intended to imply that but for its commission all his 1 !,(r POST-MORTEM INDIGNITIES. 153 his other wrong-doinf^s would have been regarded as mere trivialities, which were either justifiable or con- donable. This disposition to minify his lesser cruel- ties, I take it, is attributable either to ignorance of both their nature and number, or to the desire to mis- lead others. If those who have taken such lenient views of the case had been compelled to experience, or even witness, these cruelties, they would not have so erred in underrating them. The " foot hills " near the Rockies are not regarded as mere mole-hills because small in comparison with Mount Sir Donald or Mount Lord Stephen. Having already referred to the treatment accorded to Dr. Schultz, Major Boulton and Thomas Scott, I shall now specif}'^ certain other cases of severe suffering which have been generally overlooked. Even prior to Scott's murder, Messrs. Hallett and Gaddy, worthy natives of the country and respected members of the community, had the misfortune to come into special disfavor with R:el. They were both, I think, employed by Colonel Dennis, before the outbreak, as guides and helpers, and on the arrival of Governor Macdougall at Pembina, Hallett was sent to pilot him and his party into the settle ment, and with them, after being roughly handled, he was ejected by the French half-breeds. Returning to his home near Winnipeg, he came into notice soon after in association with Scott on an errand of mercy to Riel, which resulted in the imprisonment of both. After enduring close confinement and hard fare with his fellow prisoners for many weary weeks, and while Riel was in a most unamiable mood on account of the I ,'' i 1111 111 : t IP' feifi: lii' I 154 MANITOBA MEMORIES. fortunate escape of Dr. Schultz, he seemed moved to pay special unkind attention to Hallett, and to make his prison life f> severer punishment than hitherto. As testified to by an ex-prisoner at the Lepine trial, the beginning of greater severity was on this wise : While the poor man, well on in the sixties, was, by permission of the guards, seeking a little warmth by the stove in the corridor, Riel entered and indignantly demanded of the guards, " Why are these dogs allowed out here ?" Hallett, replying simply, " We should not be treated worse than dogs," was ordered to be hand- cuffed and sent into solitary confinement. The little room from which Dr. Schultz had recently escaped, with the broken window as the fleeing doctor had left it, became his prison, and as the cold outside was thirty below zero, it is simply wonderful that he did not perish then and there. In this cold, wretched place he was kept for several weeks. Is there any marvel that the sufferings caused thereby did not terminate with his imprisonment ? From that date, it was stated, his health was completely and irretriev- ably broken, and, what was vastly worse, his mind, through physical ailments and sufferings, became so unbalanced as to lead to his seeking relief in suicide ! Doubtless in this he was entirely irresponsible ; but not for a world would I have resting on me the re- sponsibility of having tormented him into insanity and irresponsibility. The other case, that of Mr. Gaddy, was likewise one of prolonged suffering. He was accused with acting as a spy for Colonel Dennis, and condemned ( ( , fOST-MORTEM INDIGNITIES. 155 oved to o make itherto. e trial, s wise : kvas, by mth by fnantly illowed uld not 5 hand- e little scaped, or had de was he did etched re any id not date, triev- mind, line so icide ! ; but le re- lanity ewise with nned to death : but tor some reason, instead of being shot, he was placed in one of the rough stone bastions, and there kept in a most pitiable condition for weeks, until he made good his escape. During his imprisonment the report was circulated — I suppose for the terrorizing of his friends — that he had been put to death ; a report which he was enabled to contradict himself by his unlooked-for arrival at home. Whence, in such instances as these, and after such sort, came " man's inhumanity to man," this de-humanizing of the human ? I know not, unless it resulted from the coalescing and co-work- ing of the two well-nigh ubiquitous spirits, the spirit of rum and the spirit of the nethermost regions. As Kiel had stated to me that after the terrible example he had made of Scott, should the result contemplated not follow, and especially if the prisoners were not more careful, others would cer- tainly follow in the same way, beginning with certain persons whose names he mentioned, I proposed, with his permission, to see the prisoners and dissuade them, if possible, from giving offence in any way to the guards and their officers. To this he at once con- sented, and I went forth on the errand I had sug- gested. Intimating to them that I viewed their situa- tion as most critical, I advised them to studiousl}^ avoid all, in word or deed, that might give offence, and also to do whatever might be required, so long as it did not involve sin, which they one and all without hesitation promised. The names he gave me as standing first on his black list were, Powers, McLeod and Parker, a 156 MANITOBA MEMORIES. i ! Ill I I I I trio of loyal, respectable and brave men. Sergeant Pov/ers, who prior to his arrest resided on his farm west of Winnipeg, had served many years in the army, and at this date was one of Her Majesty's pen- sioners. He was soldierly in appearance and manners, and highly esteemed, where best known, as an intelli- gent, honorable, peace-loving member of the com- munity. After the suppression of the rebellion his worth was recognized in his appointment by the Government as Warden of he prison in Winnipeg, where it became his duty to turn the keys upon several of his former oppressors, notably the notorloas adjutant-general referred to — a turn in the wheel, certainly, on account of which many rejoiced. But Riel hated him, as he did Hallett and Parker and McLeod, with no ordinary hatred, as the sequel will show. The promise I have referred to as given me by the prisoners, was soon subjected to a test much more severe and disgustini^ than we had thought pos- sible ; but it stood the strain and was fulfilled to the letter. I witnessed with sorrow and indignation the testing a few days later, when I saw these men, each walking between two armed half-b/eeds, with wheel- barrow in hand, and engaij^ed as directed, in scaveng- ing of the most offensive description, in clearing away and wheeling to the river the accumulations from the rear premises of the fort. That such brave and worthy subjects of our Gracious Queen should be compelled to do such vile work at the bidding of these contemptible rebel masters, was greatly in excess of our forebodings. Nevertheless, they kept POST-MORTEM INDIGNITIES. 157 their promise, and thereby. I shall ever believe, escaped what was planned as a second "stroke of policy " for the hastening of the desired consumma- tion. Remembering these facts as I do, I must be excused from regarding these underrated cruelties as mere uncensurable trivialities. in kept BRIGHTENING PROSPECTS. Soon after the period referred to in the closing sentences of my last chapter, the dark clouds, which for so long seemed to be lowering just above our heads, began to brighten somewhat, through a few rifts which had been caused to appear here and there betokening the approach of a brighter day for our disturbed and terrorized country. " Let honor be given to whom honor is due ; " but the (juestion arises, to whom is the honor really due of causing those rifts and of bringing about such a brightening of our prospects ? In order to avoid being misappre- hended by any, I will try to be very explicit, and may be deemed, by some, rather personal in my statements. Ever keeping in view that " the heavens do rule," and that while " man proposes Uod disposes," we may nevertheless gratefully acknowledge indebt- edness for help and deliverance to those whose efforts became the means of bringing that help and deliver- ance. The missi(m of Mr. Commissioner Smith (now Sir DonaM) to "the people of the North-West," at that particular juncture, was confessedly one of great importance, and his eminent and exceptional titncHs for so responsible a position was, I presume, considered II' ! ' ■ ■1! . ! '! ( i i i 158 MANITOBA MEMORIES. with much care ere he received his " special " commission, nor have I seen reason to doubt that the bearings of his patient, gentlemanly and prudent, as well as loval, conduct under Kiel's brow-beating and insults during his semi-imprisonment in Fort Garry (for althougli a duly certified commissioner, he was nevertheless treated rather as a prisoner, and not allowed to pass out of the fort unless attended by two armed guards), and liis earnest efforts in behalf of the liberty and lives of imperilled loyalists, were very influential in bringing about the changes at which I have hinted. I am aware that there were those both within and without the prisons who, worn out with weary waiting for their own release, or the release of their friends, through his influence became impatient and complaining on account of what they regarded, tlirough not knowing tlie circumstances, as sheer tardiness, indicative of a censurable want of either sympathy or courage. Such, however, were not my views. Had I been circumstanced as they were, possibly I should have felt as they did, but knowing what I knew from personal observation and contact with all parties, I felt then, as I feel now, that it was far wiser, safer and likelier to lead to success that he should " make haste slowly." The task he undertook was no easy one, as he saw clearly on his arrival at Fort Garry, but he so prosecuted it as to accomplish vastly more In the way of weaken- ing Kiel's influence, and preparing the way for his flnal oN'erthrow, than has })een generally understood. Very true, he was unsuccessful in his eflbrts to secure i '!■ POST-MORTEM INDIGNITIES. 159 the immediate release of the prisoners, and to save the life of poor Thomas Scott, but he was successful in the case of Major Boulton, and in his efforts to gain such knowledge of the views and feelings and wishes of different classes for incorporation in his report to the Government as were most valuable, and also in his subsecpient efforts to aid in restoration of order, and in the adjusting of manifold and conflict- ing interests : so that in these and many other ways, as I view it, Sir Donald has placed the Dominion under obligation for services rendered in the North- West. The late Consul Taylor, in a carefully prepared paper read before the Historical Society, Winnipeg, bore this testimony : " I believe the time will come when the services of Sir Donald A. Smith to the people of Canada and of Manitoba, in the conferences he held with the people in 1869 and 1870, will be regarded as of the highest value and as constituting the most eventful incidents of his life." Nor can his worthy example as a philanthropist, as seen in his munificent donations for the establish in*'', or extending, or supporting of some of the worthiest institutions of our country, fail to do great good by suggesting to other men of wealth that there is " a more excellent way " than that of accumulating and hoarding, and by stinuilating them to a similar use of what they are but holding in trust for a brief period, which will be followed by their accounting in f\dl to the one great Fro})rietor. I have pleasure- here in mentioning the name of ^V < ^ ) ill! f ( 160 MANITOBA MEMORIES. another whose friendship I enjoyed for many years in that country. I refer to the Archbishop of St. Boniface (now deceased). After long absence from his diocese, while attending the Ecumenical Council at Rome, the bishop returned a few days only after the death of Scott. Alas ! that he did not return a few weeks earlier ; then I am fully persuaded that atrocity havi not been perpetrated, — aye, and here let me add, what I fully believe, that his presence at St. Boniface during the autumn and winter preceding would have rendered such a rebellion utterly impossi- ble. He was too wise a man, and too good a Chris- tian, to do else than oppose such a movement, and with Bishop Tache at home, and in opposition, Kiel's following would have been most insignificant and feeble ; a single official wave of his hand would have proved more potent than all the plausibilities and exciting harangues of that mischievous agitator. It has ever seemed to me very unfortunate, also, that the authority with which he entrusted one of his leading ecclesiastics, to exercise during his absence, was not so exercised as to discountenance and sup- press the spreading evil. This he might have done very effectually, I judge, at the outset, but failing to do so he assumed a tremendous responsibility. Commissioner Smith, who, after the murder of Scott, had no further communication with Kiel save in seeking permission to return to Canada, was now, though with seeming reluctance on Kiel's part, allowed to leave ; and wliat was still more indicative of a power above the tyrant's presidential throne, which I i!f ) POST-MORTEM INDIGNITIES. IGl ly years shop of absence imenical BW days 3 did not ersuaded and here 3sence at )receding impossi- . a Chris- nont, and on, Kiel's cant and luld have ities and ator. It also, that e of his absence, and sup- ave done ailing to lurder of iRiel save I was now, allowed )ive of a lie, which he dared not resist, the bishop's request for the release of the prisoners was so far granted that about half their number were liberated, and a pro- mise given that the remainder would be released very shortly. Those then liberated were required, however, to leave the country at once on penalty of being re-imprisoned. Not very long after this par- tial gaol delivery another slight " rift in the clouds " appeared, which vas reported to have been caused by a peculiar flag manoeuvre, which seemed at first as difficult of interpretation as w^as the " handwriting on the wall " in ancient Babylon. The grand old flag that has so long " braved the battle and the breeze," and which had not been permitted to wave in Fort Garry for many months, was suddenly run up in the place of another — a kind of nondescript, a thing of mongrel type, a sort of Franco-Fenian emblem — which rather appropriately represented the double-headed Riel-0'Donohue rule, with their respective proclivi- ties. How was this ? Report, not always reliable, but prol)ably correct in this instance, stated that it was owing to the bishop's influence with Riel, and that a very sharp altercation took place between Riel and O'Donohue re the displacing of their mongrel flag, which represented disloyalty, by one that should stand for loyalty, whereupon a compromise was thought of and agreed to, that came like oil on the troubled waters. It was on this wise : An additional flag-pole was erected, and so quite near eacli other the two flags were permitted to float as if in perfect harmony. Some, I presume, will feel like saying, U m IH if: 'I 11.1 i 162 MANITOBA MEMORIES. what a pity that compromise was thought of; far better had it been for the country if these two mad- caps had fought it out like " Kilkenny cats " to their mutual and complete extermination. An instance of sudden conversion in the history of the press took place at nearly the same date. The Neio Nation — Kiel's organ — suddenly vaulted over from utter disloyalty and the advocacy of annexation to the United States, to the opposite extreme. This also was deemed significant, and regarded as an en- couraging " sign of the times," in which, also, it was thought that tlie hand of one mightier thai^ Kiel could be easily traced. So much for the brightening of our prospects. " Honor to whom honor is due." • « 'I. .(!'., >f ; far ) mad- 3 their [,ory of i. The d over ixation , This an en- , it was u^ Kiel ospects. CHAPTER X. AJV ENFORCED EXODUS. I If WE referred to the fact that Kiel's release of one- half of the prisoners was conditioned on their promising to leave the country forthwith. Such an enforced exodus at that inclement season, of those who had been so weakened and made tender by their prison life, and with such exposures and toil as would inevitably be theirs in tramping their way across the prairies for hundreds of miles, was a fur- ther manifestation of the tyrant's cruelty. But they deemed the exposure and toil and hardships of the way preferable to continued imprisonment, and ac- cordingly bravely set themselves to face all in order to regain their liberty. Arrangements were made with a half-breed freighter for ponies and sleds and men to ctre for them, for the conveying of their lug- gage, such as clothing, blankets and food, and to assist them in a general way in reaching Fort Abercrombie, where they hoped to connect with a line of stages for St. Cloud, the railway terminus. At a prior date I liad written to Dr. Wood : " As to the direction in which we are drifting, I give no opinion. My trust is in God. * 1 know whom I have HI "{('■':■ 164 MANITOBA MEMORIES. ii ; J • 1 ; 1 I • ;.:'P 1 :, ■• ■ I believed,* etc., but with a sick wife, my present sur- roundings, and the forebodings of many ever ringing in my ears, it will be no marvel to you if I say I have some rather dark hours. But rest assured / shall not flee — / stay, even if Mrs. Young's failing health rentier it a matter of humanity, and so of (hdy. for Tie to get her away for medical treatment in tht "vrl^j spring" And now, o 'ng to two facts, a still further break- down in the health of my wife, and the opinion of her medical adviser that no improvement might be expected unless she could be removed, and that ere long, from these exciting scenes, and also the peril of 'our son, who had incurred Kiel's displeasure by join- ing the volunteers — we decided, after much prayerful deliberation, on their making an attempt to accom- pany the released prisoners on their long journey to Toronto. Accordingly, we arranged with the half- breed referred to for two ponies and sleds, which he was to care for on the journey — one sled to be covered in and supplied with buffalo-robes for the exclusive use of Mrs. Young, and the other for my son's use, and for the luggage and food. One hundred dollars for the service was the sum demanded and paid, though the entire outfit was scarcely worth that amount, and before starting we found that barely the ponies and sleds were forthcoming, and that we had to supplement the sum agreed upon by considerable outlays for a cover to the sleigh, and for buflfalo-robes and blankets, which he failed to provide. But this was no time for parleying. The journey to Aber- AN ENFORCED EXODUS. 165 sur- my 1 ed / iling 80 of vment ►reak- on of :ht be at ere eril of ^jor - yerful iccom- ley to half- ich he to be r the )r my indred and Ih that [ly the ^e had lerable i-robes it this Aber- crombie, and even to St. Cloud, proved both te; ous and severe, owing to the heavy snowfalls and i \ ^ong winds at first, which were followed by heavy thaws, causing the ice of the rivers and smaller streams to be covered to a considerable depth with water and slush, through which my son and others w^ere com- pelled to wade, after many a hard day's walking, in order to secure wood for cooking and v/arming pur- poses. It was, I doubt not, t :;a. e of special Divine protection and blessing that the 3scaped with their lives, and emphatically so hi; *^ Mrs. Young, in her enfeebled condition, and noi withstanding that for many nights she had to si' d r-it in the open without any shelter, and dependent solely for warmth on their camp fire, was enabled to reach her destination in improved health. Instructions came from the fort on '" iturday even- ing that the party must leave ti next morning without fail. This was to us decidedly embarrassing, as we had not completed our preparations; but the inevitable had to be accepted, and so early Sunday morning we set forth, sadly indeed, from our mission ho'^e, to journey together a few miles and then to part, we knew not for how long. I accompanied the party some ten or twelve miles to the place of the " barricade," to assist in getting the required " per- mits " to leave the country, and then a little further on, and out oi> the prairies we bade each other adieu with feelings not imaginable, my wife and son under- taking a journey that might end disastrously, and I to return to my mission work and now lonely home. t knowing what might await me there. ■,)V^» jlif m i I 1 I 166 MANITOBA MEMORIES. ' • tj If II I- i-;n1 '11 Wi i • . I ' » II 1 1 it r lite I ".fi Thenceforth for a time our mission premises were occupied by a trio, one belonging to the genus homo and the other two, I suppose I must believe, belong- ing elsewhere. When at home my merriest and most chatty companion was " Poll," the parrot, but when journeying to and from my distant appointments " Polly," my trusty roadster, who served me and the Church for eight years, was esteemed of greater value. " Poll parrot " was an inmate of our home for four- teen years, and evidently felt herself quite at home. During the season of my loneliness she was sometimes very amusing, but occasionally she would express what was coo much of a felt realitj^ to amuse me just then — as, for example, when associating herself with me, she would repeat in a most lugubrious tone the words " Poor critters," leading me half involuntarily to respond, " Aye, Poll, we are indeed poor critters." My duties during the next four months, in addition to ordinary mission work, included journeys to Pem- bina, U.S., each involving a round trip of over 150 miles, where I conducted services in the village and also in the fort, preaching to the officers and men of the United States army — then, and for years, without a chaplain or public religious services. Besides these outpost duties, there were certain miscellaneous activities requiring attention, such as the collecting of timber, lumber, shingles, sand and other essential prerequisites for the " Grace Church "• that was then in my mind, but nowhere else. My work of founda- tion-laying during those times, when faith and patience and fortitude were being tested, was greatly I AN ENFORCED EXODUS. 167 were homo long- most when nents id the value, four- home, itimes xpress le just : with ne the itarily .tters." dition Pem- er 150 re and men of thout these meous ecting sential then unda- L and reatly ,s and annoyingly retarded. A quotation from my Journal on May 24th, 1 870, will be excused, I trust : " Hired a half-breed to help me in quarrying stone ; drove out six miles ; hot day, mosquitoes very trouble- some ; tired from heavy lifting ; a fine lot ready for being drawn. Shall I ever regret these tiresome efforts for a church ? I cannot think it." And up to date, 1897, I have not. Soon after the opening of navigation, my friend Governor McTavish, then much weakened and wasted by sickness and worry, and descending rapidly into the valley of shadows, bade Fort Gariy a final adieu, hoping to make the voyage across the Atlantic ere his life voyage should terminate ; but the two voyages ended well-nigh simultaneously. It was a sad ending of his official life in the country which owed him much, and whose interests he had grieved to see so ruthlessly trampled on during the weeks and months in which he had striven hard, but unsuccessfully, to brace himself against discouragement and a wasting disease. A change for the better in my circumstances occurred when my wife and son arrived from Toronto on July LSth, 1870. Through the kindness of the late Mr. Hardisty, of the Hudson Bay Company, and Mrs. Hardisty, they were invited to return witii them in their comfortable waggons from St. Cloud to Winni- peg. Thus their return journey proved a great im- provement on the outgoing journey ; and yet it is n >tewortliy that while the severer trip was without a • ^ath, the homeward trip was attended by the dc^th ;t one of the party. I h ' ' iii >i i n il t ■! i !', f I ; [ 1 f I m 168 MANITOBA MEMORIES. A young lady from the Saskatchewan District, who had been at the Ladies' College, Hamilton, quietly breathed her last in their waggon as they were moving slowly toward a suitable resting-place. After a brief halt the body, with appropriate funeral solemnities, was laid away to rest in the little ceme- tery at Sauk Centre. Their arrival at Winnipeg came as a surprise to Rev. George McDougall and myself, just as we were about to retire for the night. They had not written us of their intended coming, fearing that Riel would get possession of the letters and send his guards to prevent their entering the country. It seemed providential that Brother Mc- Dougall had remained with me longer than he had intended, as he was now able to accompany his friends to their home, still one thousand miles distant. On their arrival at the ferry near Fort Garry, my son was ordered by Riel into the fort, which caused us not a little anxiety. However, after a brief catechization he was permitted to join us in our home, and thus we became a reunited family. What a wonderful turn of the wheel that was which brought Riel a prisoner, after his defeat at Batoche, in 1885, under the charge of my son (then acting Brigade -Major), to whom General Middleton gave command of a strong guard, with orders to hold Riel at all hazards, and to take him with as little delay as possible by river and prairie and rail to Regina, where, after a speedy and safe trip, they handed him over to the Mounted Police for safe keeping. In due course this man, who had caused so AN ENFORCED EXODUS. 169 !fl much suffering in 1869 and 1870, and now again i?i 1885, was tried before an able judge, and thougli defended by the ablest advocates his sympathizei-s could send up from the Province of Quebec, was con- victed and condemned to death ; and thoiigh appeal after appeal to the utmost limit possible was made and investigated, yet all were negatived, and "the law allowed to take its course." Thus ended a life that might have proved a benediction to multitudes, but, ignobly failing therein, proved the very opposite. In explanation of the military appearance of the accompanying picture, I take the liberty of making brief extracts from a well-written article in the March number of Massey's Magazine, by Mr. W. L. Marschamps, on the Winnipeg Field Battery and my son's relation thereto. " Captain G. H. Young, whose name figures pro- minently in the battery history, was the first ser- geant-major and was subsequently appointed lieu- tenant. He had been prominent on the side of the loyal party during the Kiel troubles of 1869-70, and in 1878 left the battery to organize the * Winnipeg Troop of Cavalry ' — which was deemed necessary on account of disturbances threatened by the western bands of Indians — but rejoined the battery again temporarily for the campaign of 1885. Of these events Captain Young preserves as interesting relics, the rope Thomas Scott was bound with when led to his death by order of Riel in 1870, and the handcuffs •he used himself upon Louis Riel fifteen years later when in command of tne escori. that took him to prison at Regina — both gruesome mementctes framed together upon the same shield. . . . Sir Frederick 170 MANITOBA MEMORIES. I', i! ) I lii'. Middletoii, in his official report upon the cam- paign, gave special thanks to Major Jarvis and the battery for excellent service, and praised Captain Young for his zeal and ability, as well as for the efficient manner in which he performed his staff duties while acting as Brigade Major, and afterwards when attached for special duty in the conveyance of Riel to Regina upon his capture at Guardupuis Land- • J) nig. It may not be uninteresting to many to state that tlie prisoner, while on board the steamer which con- veyed him and his guard from Batoche to Saskatoon, amused himself by composing a sort of historic poem of several verses, from which I select the following: " Middleton, you are so generous ; I owe you for food and good rest ; 1 have found you magnanimous, For your treatment is of the best. " Chorus. — Honor to the guards who guard me ; The Nijrth-West sighs to be free. " Middleton gave me his own coat ; And lias he not chosen nobly, To take care of me on the ])oat, The courteous Captain Young truly. — Cho. " My fate, as a jjrisoner of war. May lead soon to death and the tomb ; nil, mother earth ! is the time far When I shall take rest in your womb i* " — C/u>. Thv journey across the prairies from Saskatoon to ]\Ioose Jaw was made in waggons in very (piick time ; and thence to Keirina by the O.lMl. As is wnerallv^ .1: m ;in ( Al'T. <;. II. \(UN<;. 1/(1/ /■•■n(ii.>j(M.« iij " ,V«i«>. K I Manixitii , ■( li p '('•■' 1 i \ r ■ i \ ■ I 1 : 1 ! I AN ENFORCED EXODUS. 171 known, Riel was guarded in his prison by the Mounted Police until in due time he was tried, con- demned and executed. The following statements of several who had escaped Kiel's cruelties may not be deemed inappro- priate. I reproduce here a refe.oiice which appeared in the Christian Guardian of April 13th, 1870 : "THE REV. GEORGE YOUNG. " Mr. Charles Mail- and some others are very free in blaming the Protestant ministers of Red River for preventing, by their peaceful counsels, tlie warlike purposes of a portion of the settlers who were dis- posed to march on Fort Garry. But it is probable that they by this act prevented scenes of blood and sutt'ering. We know what the result of the peace policy is. We cannot say what the result of a war policy would have been. We are gratified to know that our missionary, the Rev. George Young, has acijuitted himself like a man and a true Christian in the trying ordeal through which he has passe^^ The Dally Telegraph reports a conversation with a reliable gentleman just arrived from Red River — an eye- witness of recent events — in which Mr. Young's name is mentioned with much admiration. The followin ilstf ip I 176 MANITOBA MEMORIES. Hii' m I' by alternate navigation of lakes and rivers with numerous portages and dangerous rapirls and, above all, the distance of Fort Garry fron, the base of operations." In view of the facts thus summarized, every probable and almost every possible contingency had to be carefully considered and prepared for. Colonel Wolseley (now General Lord Wolseley), having been appointed to the command under General Lindsay, suggested at the outset that the force should number not less than 1,200 fighting men. These were to consist of seven companies of the First Battalion of the 60th Rifles, 350 strong, besides twenty men of the Royal Artillery with four seven-pounder mountain guns, and twenty men of the Royal Engineers, and a proportionate number as army hospital corps and army service corps, making in all over four hundred regular soldiers, to be associated with a militia force to be taken from the drilled militia regiments of Ontario and Quebec, and enlisted for a two-years' service, if required, making up two battalions of 350 each of non-commissioned officers and men. Detachments were to be left at different points for the protection of reserve stores : One company of the Quebec battalion at Port Arthur, with two of the seven-pounders and a small number of artillerymen in charge of them ; also one company of the Ontario battalion at Fort Frances, for a similar purpose, awaiting the return of the regulars from Fort Garry, when they should proceed to their destination ; so that the full force was never massed at any one point after leaving Toronto in May. When the expedition 1 *'i A NOTABLE MILITARY EXPEDITION. 177 passed into Lake Sliebandowan, about the middle of July, moving westward, it numbered, all told, 1,431, c>f whom 92 were officers, 1,051 non-commissioned officers and men, 274 voyageurs and 14 guides. Many of these voyageurs, having been found inefficient, were dropped out and their places filled by Indians and half-breeds, who were more familiar with the route and the work before them. The distance of their destination from Toronto via the route they took ^vas, in round numbers, 1,280 miles, Thunder Bay being about midway. At the start it was supposed that their luggage would be transported without any detention from Collingwood to Port Arthur by the steamers chartered for that service. But a disappointment came in at Sault Ste. Marie, where the men were given a taste of hard work in unloading, storehouse building, road constructing, and portaging their freight for a distance of three miles around the rapids on the Canadian side. This occasioned an annoying delay, which was all the more annoying because it was occasioned by the unneigh- borly conduct of our Fenian-influenced neighbors of the United States. The steamers did not offend by attempting to pass the canal with soldiers on board, or their arms and other " contraband of war." These were first landed on the Canadian side, after which they steamed over with their freight to the mouth of the canal, but were peremptorily refused entrance, inasmuch as they had brought up a portion of the force, and might, when once through the canal, take them or board again for Port Arthur. And this act 12 m M ■ 'i, ti :'^rM M' 178 MANITOBA. MEMORIES. I M M I,! i (1 '' |il!f:s m was all the more unneighborly and annoying because of its being well known that we had no boat at that moment on Lake Superior by which the troops could be conveyed to Prince Arthur's Landing. Conse- quently the Canadian Government was compelled to charter, at an exorbitant price, an American steamer. This arrangement was made, I believe, through the intervention of John M. Hamilton, Esq., subsequently judge at Port Arthur. By the earnest remonstrance of Mr. Thornton, Her Majesty's Minister, the Washington Government was induced to withdraw the obnoxious restriction. More- over, the Fenian and rowdy element then aboundir g on the United States side of the river threatened to raid the stores then waiting to be sent forward, neces- sitating the keeping up of a strong guard for their protection. Had that been attempted by these worthies, it would have proved to many, if not all of them, their last raid. They also reported their purpose of attacking the vessels while passing through Lake Superior, again necessitating the presence of a strong guard on each. But as these contemptible agitators have always shown themselves more ready to solicit funds and utter threats than to assail a force prepared to meet them, no attack was made. By the 21st of June, the whole of the force, with all the stores, had arrived at Port Arthur. Once landed there, the colonel in command had forthwith to face the greatest difficulties and discouragements of the entire route, and to bring into requisition both the "land transport service" and the ''boat transport A NOTABLE MILITARY EXPEDITION. 179 service" which had been provided by the Govern- ment, in order to reach Lake Shebandowan, fifty miles distant from Prince Arthur's Landing. A large number of teams, waggons, teamsters and laborers, to work at road- making or transporting luggage, had been sent forward, and were either organizing for or engaging in their difficult work. The country intervening was one of the very worst through which to construct a passable road. A suc- cession of steep hills of light sand, reaching some eighteen miles, then a nine-mile stretch of a peculiar kind of clay that became miry after rain ; then thickly wooded lands, partially burnt over, and then swampy, muskegy portions, which seemed almost bottomless and re(iuired to be corduroyed. Miry creeks and rapid rivers, too, had to be bridged that teams and Aoads might pass over. Within a distance of about forty-four miles were three good-sized rivers, at distances of twenty-two, twenty-seven and thirty- nine miles from Lake Superior. The Kaministiquia required a strong bridge S20 feet long and 18 feet wide; the Matawan, a bridge 216 feet long and 18 feet wide ; and the Oskondagee, a bridge 75 feet long, besides several smaller streams. The "boat transport service " consisted of nearly two hundred boats, each capable of carrying two or three tons of freight, besides ten or twelve men. The voyageurs, a large number of whom accompanied the force, were to manage the boats, as well as aid in loading and unloading and portaging, while the soldiers worked with them in rowing, poling, tracking and dragging ^'ll! m i. >?": li: ii t •I ■/''■H m i IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I IttlM M2.S mm §22 "* — - "2.0 u& 11^25 ,u u. ^ 6" ► Hiotographic Sciences Cbrporation 33 Wr'T MAIN STNIT WnSTH.N.Y. 14SM (7U)t73-4S03 ./*>' 5 ^'•y 180 MANITOBA MEMORIES. I! the boats up the steep inclines of the many portages they had to cross in avoiding the rapids and falls of the different rivers. On the lakes, when the wind was favorable, sails were brought into use ; but more frequently oars, four pairs to each boat, were the means of propulsion. The portages were about fifty in all, making a totality of over eight miles of rough and steep points to be traversed, the boats and their loads of arms and ammunition and supplies of all kinds being carried up and over. Officers, men and voyageurs worked together early and late, in rain and shine, despite the incessant and annoying attacks of swarms of mosquitoes, black-flies, sand-flies and deer-flies. The frequent changes of the heavy lug- gage from boats to waggons and from waggons to boats, which was unavoidable while passing from Lake Superior to Lake Shebandowan, proved very wearing, not alone on clothing, but on men and boats and luggage as well, and caused great delay. For a length of time the entire force was scattered all along the line, from lake to lake, working at making or repairing roads, or pushing forward the boats and luggage as rapidly as possible. Lake Shebandowan was left by a portion of the expeditionary force on the evening of July 16th, when three brigades of boats, seventeen in all, with two companies of the 60th Rifles, and detachments of the Royal Artillery and the Royal Engineers, each boat canying two voyageurs and eight or ten officers and soldiers, with provisions for sixty days, besides much miscellaneous luggage, all moved forward toward A NOTABLE MILITARV EXPEDITION. 181 their destination. From this point the entire force was divided into twenty -one brigades, each consisting of six boats, with their proportion of men and freight. By August 1st all the troops en route for Fort Garry had embarked for Fort Frances, distant nearly two hundred miles, and the Lake Shebandowan post was for a time deserted. Fort Frances — so called in honor of the deceased wife of Sir George Simpson, then Governor of the Hudson Bay Company — is but a trading post of that company, and is situated on tlie Rainy River, three miles below Rainy Lake, its source. It is 242 miles from Lake Superior, 150 from Rat Portage and 410 via LakeAVinnipeg from Fort Garry. Rainy Lake is about fifty miles long and about thirty or forty wide, connecting with Rainy River, which is eighty miles long, forming, for that distance, the boundary between the United States and Canada, and connecting with the Lake of the Woods. At Fort Frances a military store for reserve sup- plies and a hospital were established, and one company of the 1st Battalion of Ontario Rifles left in charge until the return of the regulars, when they were to move on to Fort Garry. Colonel Wolseley and staff', after seeing the regular troops and two battalions of the militia pass on their way to Rat Portage, left on August 10th for the same point. The Lake of the Woods is a body of water seventy-two miles long, and in certain parts nearly as broad, and forms an important link in this chain of magnificent water- stretches: it is divided by three promontories into what really seem three good-sized lakes, the lower V' i i 18^ MANITOBA MEMORIES. l\ I'^i part of the last one, for good reason, being fitly described as a " mass of islands." The most westerly point of this lake is known as "The North-west Angle," which, by a direct line across the country, is within 115 miles of Fort Garry; but as no road had been completed across the swampy, muskegy portion thereof, the expedition was compelled to make the long and difficult, and somewhat perilous, detour via Rat Portage, Winnipeg River, Lake Winnipeg and Red River, thereby increasing the distance fully 150 miles, and adding greatly to the toil of the already toil-worn men. Rat Portage, now a prosperous town on the C. P. R., is situated at the point where the waters of the lakes and rivers, through which they had already passed since leaving the head of Lake Shebandowan, plunge over three large and distinct falls into the rapid Winnipeg River, which, after running 103 miles, and making a descent of 350 feet as it dashes over cataracts and sweeps through cascades and rapids and eddies, pours its waters into Lake Winnipeg. In that distance are twenty-five portages, some of which are long and steep and rough. These the force had to cross, dragging their boats and portaging their loads as best they could. Verily these men were not "playing at soldiering." Fort Alexander, which is an important trading post of the Hudson Bay Company, very pleasantly situ- ated on the banks of the Winnipeg River, two miles from its mouth, was reached by Colonel Wolseley and start' in four days and a half from Rat Portage, 101 ii ■ ' ■! A NOTABLE MILITARY EXPEDITION. 18^ miles distant. Here they were joined by the Governor of the Hudson Bay Company, now Sir Donald A. Smith, to whom the force was much indebted for guidance and aid, in a variety of ways, until they reached their destination. I may here pause to remark, that on this expedition no intoxicating liquor was allowed to officers or men. The good results of this practical application of prohi- bition may be gathered from the following extract from Colonel Wolseley's report : " From firat to last there was a total absence of crime, and I may add, of sickness also. Never has any body of men on active service been more cheerful or more healthy. This has been one of the few military expeditions where spirits have formed no part of the daily ration, and where no intoxicating liquor was obtainable. I con- sider that the above-mentioned happy results are in a great measure to be attributed to this fact — a large ration of tea was issued instead — and I found that the men worked better than I had ever seen soldiers do upon any previous occasion where rum formed part of their daily allowance." I will also add a brief quota- tion from General Lindsay to the Secretary of State for War: " I join with Colonel Wolseley in laying great stress upon the advantages to health and discipline resulting from the non -issue of a spirit-ration, and I trust that its days are numbered in the British army." There can be no doubt — and the fact is now well recognized — that total abstinence from intoxicants by men of all professions, and under whatever pressure by fatigue and exposure, will ever be found the best policy. II J: J !fc ^i . ,t iHSi »'■{. - '( ■ I i! t'. i ! ii i I' 184 MANITOBA MEMORIES. On August 21st the little army, consisting of the regulars of the. 60th Rifles, and the accompanying detachments of Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers, left Fort Alexander in fifty boats for Fort Garry. Lake Winnipeg, the upper part of which they crossed in order to enter the mouth of the Red River, is a larger body of water by far than most people imagine, it being one and a half times larger than our magnificent Lake Ontario, having an area of nine thousand square miles, and a length of two hundred and sixty-four miles, with an average width of thirty- five miles. The mouth of the Red River is forty- five or fifty miles distant from Upper Fort Garry, the " Lower Stone Fort " being about midway. Arriving at this Lower Fort Garry on August 23rd, the force proceeded very cautiously up the river, an advance guard of scouts preceding them on each bank and keeping up communication with those in the boats, thus feeling their way through the rapids, and St. Andrew's parish and Kildonan, until they readied their camping-ground in the evening in the neighborhood of St. John's College and the English cathedral. The intention of Colonel Wolseley was to push on by day-break to Fort Garry, about four miles distant, and so give its occupants a " surprise party." But the night was fearfully stormy, and the morning not less so, the heavy rainfall filling the creeks and sloughs with water, and rendering the roads well-nigh impassable to both man and beast, so that instead of this early march to Fort Garry direct, he deemed it advisable for tlie main force to keep to A NOTABLE MILITARY EXPEDITION. 185 their "boats and work their way up the river to Point Douglas, while the scouts continued to keep a very close lookout as they moved along the roadside or riverside toward that point. Landing from the boats in the early forenoon, the storm not abating in the least, they were quickly ordered into readiness for marching, through two miles of the stickiest, slip- periest mud they ever saw — to say nothing of its depth — towards the fort, where they were hoping for an opportunity of testing the courage and generalship of Riel, O'Donohue and Lepine and their guards, of whom they had heard so much. Without a single exception, I judge, officers and men were eager for the fray as they ncared the fort, and looked for the first time on its walls and bastion and mounted cannon, and called to mind what many loyal subjects of Her Majesty had suffered within those gates. But they were doomed to be disappointed ; the fort and guns and ammunition and stores were there, but the vaunting braves were not there — they had vanished. i -I 1 it} ^> }\ t< t CHAPTER XII. T//E TRIUMPHAL ENTRY, AND WHAT CAME OF IT. Our long longed-for deliverance came, as already intimated, on Wednesday morning, August 24th, 1870. That was to many of us a day never to be for- gotten. Up to eight or nine o'clock of that Vinpleas- antly vet morning, Riel, O'Donohue, Lepine, ei al., reigned and ruled and terrorized, and feasted and dissipated to their hearts' content, as they had been wont to do for the ten months last past ; but at that time, or thereabouts, their revelry received a check by something more tangible than the mystic handwriting on the wall of Belshazzar's palace. In the early morning a rumor was said to be afloat to the effect that Wolseley and his soldiers were com- ing up the river with all possible haste ; whereupon a few loyal young men, my son among them, unable longer to restrain themselves, set out on horseback to see if it were really so, and, if so, to greet and wel- come them as our country's long-looked-for deliverers. On meeting the advance guard, they were instructed to " fall in," and not precede, but accompany them to their destination. An hour or so before the arrival of the troops, a prominent Kildonian, whom I recog- THE TRltTMPHAL ENTRY. 187 ers. :ted to val og- nized, galloped quickly through the village and on to the fort, and then, after a brief halt, galloped back as if under the pressure of some excitement. His errand, I suppose, was to warn Riel that Wolseley had come, and to advise him and his confederates to make all possible haste in making sure of their escape. Very soon after his disappearance, O'Donohue gal- loped past, in evident haste, to Dr. Schultz's buildings, where some of the guards had been quartered, and who were then despoiling the stores of their counters and doors and other movables ; and then, with equal haste, returned to the fort, followed by those whom he had warned of coming danger, whereupon a general stampede took place oi men, mounted and unmounted, all anxious now to leave the fort which they had been so eager to enter ten months before. The welcome word that the troops had landed, and were marching at that moment through the village toward Fort Garry, was brought me by the late Mr. Benson, of Peterboro', of the department of the voy- ageurs and boatmen. In a very short time after his decidedly energetic knock at my door, I accomplished the pleasing task of nailing to our bell-tower a strip of white cotton, prepared aforetime, on which appeared in very large letters the word " Welcome," and then the bell, sent us by my friend Mr. Gibbs, of Oshawa, by my aid rang out our doxology with all the vim and emphasis I could command. Very frequently did I ring that bell, both before and after that hour, but never so joyously as then. The bell- ringing over, I proceeded to the fort to welcome in if i 188 MANITOHA MEMORIES. ,■ ■'.I person these new arrivals, making better time in my walk thither, despite the rain and mud, than I ever did before or since. In attempting a description of the approach of the troops to the fort, and their entrance, I cannot do better than to quote from a telegraphic despatch which Colonel Wolseley forwarded that evening to General Lindsay, the chief in command : " Fort Garry, 24th Aug., 1870. " It rained heavily last night. Landed early this forenoon at Point Douglas, and marched about two miles to this place. Upon reaching the village the inhabitants said Riel was still in the fort and intended resistance. Could see guns mounted on the bastions and gateway ; advanced with due precaution, and found that Riel and his banditti had just left. Some of his counsellors while escaping were arrested by our skirmishers, and have since been released. Large stores of ammunition, numerous loaded muskets and several field-pieces found. Have been welcomed by the inhabitants as their deliverer from the oppression and plunder to which they have been subjected for months past." This triumphal entry was not attended by such " pomp and circumstance " as have attended many events recorded in history. The rain fell too fast; our native nmd, so celebrated for its adhesiveness and slipperyness, was too abounding, and the loyal people, who were aware of what was about to take place, were too few and too widely scattered for that; but never was a military entry effected, on however large a scale, that was more heartil}'^ welcomed than ai THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. 189 was this, and all the more so as it was not attended by the slaying of any of the brave men who had come so far to secure our country's deliverance. Wolseley's description of the Fort Garry of 1870 may not be uninteresting, and especially as it, like many a much stronger hold, has vanished from the face of the earth. " The Upper Fort Garry proper is a rectangular building about two hundred yards by eighty-five in extent. The original fort was built in 1840, and enlarged to its present size about 1850. It has a stone wall about ten feet high, with circular bastions pierced for guns. It stands at the angle formed by the junction of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers ; the site is pretty, and commands a beautiful view of the prairie on all sides." All that remains of the fort to-day is the high arched gateway, on the top of which cannon were formerly placed. His description of the little village of Winnipeg of 1870, which is to-day a city of over 30,000 inhabitants, may not be out of place : " I should say there are about fifty houses in all ; there are a few stores, but grog-shops are the principal feature of the place, and for the last two nights (August 24th and 25th) these saloons have reaped a rich harvest. Voyageurs, half- breeds and Indians, in all stages of drunkenness and quarrelling, made the place a very pandemonium. But few soldiers were drinking to any extent after the first night, and a strong picket, to patrol the village, was kept up every night till everything was quiet." This is indeed a dark picture, and yet not overdrawn in the least, as I sorrowfully observed. It 1 I 190 MANITOBA MEMORIES. i » i ):l: I I !. r was most distressing for me to see, on that first night especially, so many of these men — soldiers, voyageurs and Indians — who had abstained from all intoxicants so advantageously to themselves and the entire force, now so crazed with the vile stuff they were buying at very high rates from these abominable rum-shops, as to be actually rolling and fighting in the miry mud holes of Winnipeg. This dreadful revelry, and worse than beastly conduct, was soon, I am happy to say, checked by the exercise of the authority of Colonel Wolseley in command of the troops, and of the Governor of the Hudson Bay Company, Mr. Donald A. Smith, who acted as magistrate by authority of the Gov- ernment of Assiniboia, which was not yet superseded by the establishment of our Canadian Government. Such scenes contrasted very unfavorably and sugges- tively with those described by Colonel Wolseley in his official correspondence, in which he comments most favorably on the conduct of the entire force during their journeyings to Fort Garry. In his offi- cial reports to the Military Secretary, he says : " The objects of the expedition having been successfully accomplished without loss of life, I take the liberty of again bringing to your notice the conduct of the troops engaged in it. I have no hesitation in saying that the excessive labor so cheerfully endured and so equally shared in by all ranks has never been sur- passed in any previous military expedition. The regular troops and militia vied with one a,nother in their enthusiastic anxiety to push forward, each THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. 101 being mutually defcermined that neither should outdo the other. Thii praiseworthy rivalry enabled them to make the entire distance of over six hundred miles in about thirteen weeks, carrying with them their provisions for sixty days, two seven -pounder guns with their equipment, a large amount of am- munition and hospital and other stores, all of which had to be "arried on their backs over forty-seven portages, making a total distance of about eight miles. When officers set such an example in carrying heavy loads, their men, as might be expected, imitated them unhesitatingly." Moreover, during those weeks which elapsed be- tween the disembarkation at Prince Arthur's Landing and their marching into Fort Garry it rained on forty-five days, and often for days together their clothing was wet through. But a brief period was given to the " regulars " after their arrival, as a breathing spell ; for having marched into Fort Garry on August 24th, the first detachment marched out again to return by the way they came on the 29th ; while by September 3rd the entire force of the regular troops had left en route for the east, one company only, is an experiment, going via the "North-West Angle" of the Lake of the Woods, the others returning via the rivers, lakes and por- tages with which they had already become so familiar. Wolseley left Fort Garry on his return on September 10th, and reached Prince Arthur's Landing on Sep- tember 22nd. On August 27th, two days before the departure of the 60th Rifles, the brigades of the ^f Ij 'i|i I iliil i i . ii I 'J %'!' )*'^ Ir , t 192 MANITOBA MEMORIES. militia force began to arrive, and ere long we rejoiced in witnessing the safe arrival of so many of our friends from Ontario and Quebec who had loyally, at their country's call, volunteered for this service. Those who have followed me in this sketch of the expedition must have felt that the expenditure necessarily amounted to an enormous sum ; and so i^ did, and so have all the military expeditions of any size that have continued for any considerable time. The Abyssinian expedition, for example, which re- sulted in the rescuing of some half-a-dozen British subjects from the tyranny of a barbarous chieftain, and which commanded the sympathy and flattered the vanity of all classes of Englishmen, cost the nation the immense sum of £9,000,000 sterling ; while our Red River expedition, organized and prose- cuted for the purpose of rescuing thousands of Her Majesty's loyal subjects from an abominable system of terrorism, and the breaking up of a miserable confederacy which at one time threatened us as a Dominion and En^pire with the loss of a magnificent stretch of territory, the incalculable importance of which to us is becoming more uiid more manifest as the years go by, involved the expenditure, we have been told, of about £400,000 sterling, of which Eng- land paid the one-fourth. Some of the many resultant benefits of the incom- ing of our troops and the deliverance effected thereby, soon appeared in the revival of business in the country and the incoming of a desirable class of settlers. To me, certainly, there came an inspiriting THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. 193 uplift in my work of " foundation laying," which was so greatly retarded during the rebellion. READJUSTMENTS. Immediately after the arrival of the troops, and the suppression of the miserable rebellion which had resulted in the scattering and, in many cases, im- prisonment of numbers who had attended our min- istry, we found ourselves able to push forward our work more vigorously and expeditiously than was practicable during that exciting period. A speedy restoration of good order and of a spirit of hope- fulness in the community followed, as also the disposition as well as the opportunity, on the part of many of the scattered ones, to return to our religious services. This, in connection with the arrival of a strong reinforcement of Methodistically-inclined sol- diers, resulted in a speedy augmentation of our congregations and membership and of efficient helpers, together with a complete readjustment of our much deranged church appliances. Among the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Ontario battalion especially, were many who came, not merely with kindly greetings and good wishes, but with willing and generous hearts and helping hands to co-operate with me in the work and services of the church. A considerable number of these had been in membership in Ontario, and desired to retain that membership in military as well as in civil life. This sudden influx of earnest workers afforded ground for encouragement and special rejoicing to the small band 13. !! 194 MANITOBA MEMORIES. who had been toiling under great discouragements, ever trying to avoid the "despising of the day of small things," and to look confidently forward to the arrival of great things. Oui week -evening as well as our Sabbath services were very soon encouragingly attended, and our Sabbath-school, which had been suspended for a time, owing to the scattering of the i! r I I , ! COLONEL KKNNEDY. families during the reign of terror, was reciganized ; and by the aid of those who had been teachers in Ontario, and the attendance of a goodly number of men, advanced classes were formed, and thus the school started out forthwith with unwonted vigor upon a career of prosperity which has gone on in- creasingly ever since ; until now Methodism in Winnipeg "TJoiccs over several large and efficient THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. 195 zed ; 'H in ir of the [Igor in- in iient schools, where we were unable for a time to sustain even one. Among those of the military who rendered special assistance in this good work I mention with peculiar pleasure the names of Messrs. Kennedy, Mulvey and Gardiner. Lieutenant (afterwards Major) Mulvey, was an Episcopalian, but in the largeness of his heart and catholicity of his Christianity he came at once to our aid and rendered valuable service as a teacher of a large Bible-class and assistant superintendent of the school. Captain (afterwards Colonel) Kennedy taught a large class and sought in every way practicable to promote the prosperity of the school and the church. In after years he became regis- trar, and for several years mayor of the city; con- tinuing, whatever his position, to show a cheerful and unfailing readiness to assist the pastors of the churches in hospital, educational and ecclesiastical matters. The sudden ending of his mortal life in London, England, from that terrible disease, small- pox, after he had passed through the fatigues and perils of the " Soudan campaign," as a staff officer with Sir Garnet Wolseley, brought to me, as to many others, a feeling of personal bereavement. It seemed mysterious to us that ere mid-life had been passed, and while the regiment he had organized in Winni- peg, and of which he was yet the colonel, was fighting bravely the miscreant Riel and his half-breed and Indian following at Batocho, he should have been languishing and dying in a London hos})ital. But I trust that grace, mercy and peace were made to 196 MANITOBA MEMORIES. ' I ' abound unto him in those dreary hours of suffering, and that when all was over, a merciful and gracious Saviour received his redeemed spirit into rest eternal. The Imperial authorities duly honored him with their wonted consideration in the burial solemnities, and kindly provided by pension for his stricken family. The constancy, wise counsels and liberality of this true and unassuming man, and his untiring co-operation, contributed very largely to the up- building of the Methodist Church and her institu- tions in Winnipeg:. In November, 1870, telegraphic communication with the great outside world was made to us a possi- bility, and the first messages sent and received were as follows : " Fort Garry, November 20th, 1871. "Right Honorable Lord Lisgar, Governor- General of Canada : "The first telegraphic message from the heart of the continent may appropriately convey on the part of our people an expression of devout thankfulness to Almighty God for the close of our isolation from the rest of the world. This message announces that close — as its receipt by your Excellency will attest it. The voice of Manitoba, uttered this morning on the banks of the Assiniboine, will be heard in a few hours on the banks of the Ottawa, and we may hope before the day closes that the words of your Excel- lency's reply, spoken at the capital of the Dominion, will be listened to at Fort Garry. We may now count in hours the work that used to occupy weeks. I congratulate your Excellency on the facility so aflforded in the discharge of your high duties, so far f i THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. 197 as they concern this Province. I know I can better discharge my own when at any moment we can appeal to your Lordship for advice and assistance. (Signed) " Adams G. Archibald." To the above dispatch the following reply was sent: " To Lieutenant-Governor Archibald, Winnipeg, Manitoba : " I received your message with great satisfaction. The completion of the telegraph line to Fort Garry is an auspicious event. It forms a fresh and most im- portant link between the Eastern Provinces and the North- West, and is a happy augury for the future, inasmuch as it gives proof of the energy with which union, wisely effected of Her Majesty's North Ameri- can possessions, enables progress and civilization to be advanced in different and far-distant portions of the Dominion. I congratulate the inhabitants of Manitoba on the event, and join heartil}?^ in your thanksgiving. (Signed) " LiSGAR." During the autumn and winter of 1870 and 1871, I was enabled to keep up several outside appoint- ments as well as to continue the regular services in town, which were now increased by an evening as well as a morning service on each Sabbath, and a regular mid-week meeting for praise and prayer and exhortation. With this increase of pastoral duties and the looking after the finances of the missionaries of the two districts, and the purcliasing and forward- ing to them of such supplies as they might order, together with the necessary efforts to secure and bring together the required material for church- building in the spring, my time was fully occupied. i!;i'i. 198 MANITOBA MEMORIES. Our intention at first was to build both parsonage and church during the summer of 1869, but owing to the fall of the water in the river a considerable portion of our raft from High Bluff failed to reach us until the spring of 1870, when the rebellion was in full blast, with the results already recorded. Thus it was rendered altogether impracticable for us to pro- ceed with our preparations for building until order was restored by the arrival of the troops. In addition to the heavy timbers of oak and poplar and elm, which we required for the frame of the church, and which did not arrive until the spring of 1870, we had to gather from distant points the lumber required, as there were no mills near by for its manufacture, and this circumstance added greatly to its cost. Owing to this fact we were often obliged to resort to the " pit sawing " process, which at the best is a very laborious, tedious and costly as well as unsatisfactory way of getting lumber, both the quantity and the quality being often far from satisfactory. Much of what was obtainable from the saw -mills in the dis- tance was made of " spruce," and badly sawn, and yet sold at prices which may seem well-nigh in- credible to those unfamiliar with such surroundings. Mr. Begg, then and for years a resident, in his history of these times, wrotf^ thus : " In the spring of 1871 " (when I was prepanng to build), "common lumber sold for $70 a thousand feet, and the best quality of dressed lumber brought $100 a thousand." This should be borne in mind when we come to the figures which show the expenditures incurred in the I M THE TRIUMPHAL fiKTRV. 199 erection of these mission premises. To economize where practicable, I occasionally purchased from the freighters the " flat boats " which had been used to bring loads of freight down the river, in order to secure the pine lumber used in their construction, and then broke them up myself to avoid the lumber being injured ; thus securing, at less cost than I could otherwise, the material required in certain portions of the building. This was decidedly un- pleasant and tiresome work, but, under the circum- stances, it was warrantable and not " infra dig'' "Necessity is the mother of invention" sometimes, and knows no law. The most annoying part of the business to me, I confess, was to be compelled to note the manifest disposition of many of those conscience- less laborers to whom I was paying from two to two and a half dollars a day, to squander the time which was not theirs in smoking and gossiping with such idling half-breed or Indian cousins as might loiter along, while the " pit saw '" and its work stood still. Perhaps my patience did not always bear the strain as well as it should, and yet I don't know that under similar circumstances it would behave differently to-day. CHAPTER XIII. !■! THE BUILDING OF OUR FIRST PRACE CHURCH. We do not always " see ourselves as others see us," and so I will quote again from Mr. Begg's history of those earlier days. Thus he wrote : " On the 10th of April, 1871, the Rev. G. Young commenced building operations in the erection of Grace Church, the reverend gentleman superintending the work him- self. Mr. Young was a clergyman specially fitted for establishing a church in a new country ; he was not afraid of work, and could have been seen, crow-bar in hand, as busy as any of the workmen on that morning assisting to move the heavy timbers used in the con- struction of the church." If ever that " first Grace Church" building should be taken down it will be found that the foundations of double oak sills and sleepers which we then placed in position were indeed, as Mr. Begg has stated, " heavy timbers." And yet by means of a somewhat ingenious use of a pair of very large Red River cart wheels and axle, with a strong pole and rope, they were suspended separately by self-b ^p, and then hauled from the bank of the river, where they had been landed, to the site of the bu^'lding, by my spirited and faithful roadster " Polly." ,1 }* of BUILDING OF OUR FIRST GRACE CHURCH. 201 Thus far I had written when the Guardian brought me the following account, given in the corresponcence of the Rev. Mr. Morden, of the almost complete destruction of my dear old Grace Church by burning. In the near future, I presume, the foundations I helped to lay and the "heavy timbers " aforesaid will be — at least all that is left of them — unearthed and exposed to view, and then unceremoniously dragged away. "OLD GRACE CHURCH. "A recent fire has given passei*s-by on Main Street, Winnipeg, an opportunity of once more seeing a poi'- tion of the old Grace Church, which, with the Wesley Hall block, built during the pastorate of the late Rev. Dr. Rice, in 1881, on the site of the parsonage occu- pied by the Rev. George Young, D.D., and his suc- cessor, Rev. J. F. German, M.A., was destroyed a few weeks ago, and along with it the greater portion of the block adjoining it on the south, into which the church had been enlarged. As the enlargement pre- served nothing of the appearance of the original building, probably few of the present citizens were aware that it was still standing ; but the fire has left a portion of the old lecture-room exposed to view from Main Stree^, though from the rear it has all the time been an object of interest to people who were here in the earlier days. The blackened ruins are the last of the old Grace Church that anybody will ever see, as the building is too badly damaged to be repaired. The site is too valuable to be long left vacant, hence, no doubt, soon after the building season opens, the last vestiges of the historic struc- ture will be carted away, and a fine business edifice 202 MANITOBA MEMORIES. ili U I ''n' i M \ will occupy the ground with which so much of Methodist history is associated. The building of the old Wesleyan Institute, the forerunner of Wesley College, is still in existence, and not much changed in its outward appearance, though scarcely recognizable in its surroundings. The splendid seven-storey Mani- toba Hotel now stands where it stood, and the pioneer home of Methodist teaching is to be seen a few doors farther south on the same side of the street. The Institute cannot be said to have grown into Wesley College, seeing that an interval of some years was allowed to occur, during which Methodism was without an institution of learning, and then Wesley College had to begin at the very bottom to work its way up ; yet the efforts of Rev. Dr. Young, Mr. Allan Bowerman, M.A., and the Methodists of Winnipeg, who were associated with them in their early educa- tional struggle, had no unimportant relation to the future of the Church. Like the old Grace Church, the work done remains, though it may not be visible to the crowds who pass along the busy and crowded street. " Winnipeg, Tuesday, February 16th, 1897." In the early spring of 1871 we solicited tenders for the carpenter work only, leaving the building of the lecture-room as well as the plastering and painting, etc., for separate contracts. And here we were fur- nished with evidence of the truth of the old copy we used to write after in early boyhood, " M?ny men of many minds." Three tenders came in, making very diverse proposals. The first offered to do the work according to specifications for $1,900, the second for $1,200, and the third for $600— quite a difierence certainly. Messrs. Gardiner & Dawson secured the BUILDING OP OUR FIRST ORACE CHURCH. 20.*? , contract and commenced the work forthwith, and right honorably did they complete it, and the lecture- room in the rear as well. Mr. Gardiner, at the time of taking the contract, was still doing duty as one of the Canadian volunteers in Fort Garry; but as the time was near when he was to receive his discharge, the commandant kindly gave permission for him to make the contract and also to commence the work. He and his partner, Mr. Dawson, subsequently erected a goodly number of buildings in the town, one of which was the first Zion Church. The size of Grace Church was 30 x 50 feet, with eighteen-foot posts, and a steep churchy roof, as will be seen from the accompanying illustration, which first appeared under Dr. Wood's administration, in the Wesley an Missionary Notices. The building was well painted throughout, the roof with fireproof paint; the interior wainscotted with w^ell-seasoned basswood and grained oak. When completed it was voted the neatest little church north of St. Paul. Mr. Begg, from whose book I have already quoted, described it as " a credit to the city, and especially to the Rev. George Young, who labored so assiduously to provide a suitable place of worship for his people." The beautiful stained glass windows, prepared by Mr. McCausland, of Toronto, were specially attractive, and bore the names of the several congregations and Sabbath-schools in Ontario and Quebec whose liberal donations were sent to Mr. (now Senator) Sanford, of Hamilton, and by him applied to the payment of Mr^ McCausland's bill. The beautiful circular window i ! i i ^ ;! 1 J! i J ■ ■ ■ ! ■ ! 1 !i'-\.i !;; iiilliilpi Wlm III V,';ii.l!;i!;|\, .! , ■ : A «i ill, /! f U o CO OS C5 09 BUILDING OF OUR FIRST GRACE CHURCH. 205 09 09 u Oh O 09 U2 -«5 n H which was placed in the front of the church and admired by all who saw it, whether pagan or Christ- ian, was donated by Mr. McCausland. It was a question with many who saw the windows ere they were packed, as Dr. Wood wrote me, how they could ever be freighted through to Red River in safety ; and yet they were so carefully put up in long narrow cases as to bear all kinds of rough usage, in their transportation by steamei* and freight cars and Red River carts, without any serious breakage. After the first Grace Church was found too small, and super- seded by the erection of the large block known as " Wesley Hall block," the lower flat of which was for rental as stores and the upper as a large hall for worship (which could accommodate a congregation of eight hundred or more), these windows were trans- ferred to a new church, now known as " Wesley Church." In the unpacking, arranging and putting up of the windows I received much aid from my two friends Messrs. Kennedy and Ashdown, without which I know not how I could have succeeded. Colonel Kennedy was in earlier days a first-class painter, grainer and letterer, and his work on the doors, wainscotting and desk, as well as in lettering the name which was placed on the front gable, was so artistically executed that not a few wondered, when the building was opened, whose handiwork it was that so beautified our little temple. The name " Grace Church " was given by me to this our first Methodist church in W^innipeg in view of what I I If' ,' ■! Si 'i 'I'l lilt i' i' 206 MANITOBA MEMORIES. deemed its appropriateness. There was so much of " grace," both Divine and human, in the disposing and enabling of so many to aid us in our desire to " arise and build," considered in connection with the antici- pation that special prominence would be given by all its ministers to the "exceeding riches of His grace" for whose glory the mission had been established and the building erected, that this name beyond all others seemed most fully to harmonize with our feelings at the time. Two other names competed somewhat with this for a season, but preference was finally given, for the reason just indicated, to the one chosen, and " Zion " and " Wesley " were held over for a more convenient season, and then given to the two Meth- odist churches next built in the town. When the building w^as nearly completed, and the opening services were occupying my thoughts a good deal, I was favored with a friendly call (not the first nor the last by any means) from the Bishop — now Archbishop — of Rupert's Land, one of the most schol- arly, liberal-minded, godly bishops of the Anglican Church. As he looked through the building and expressed his admiration, I suggested the following programme of an opening service, prefacing it with the remark that while he would much oblige me, as well as many others, by its acceptance, still that I should not feel myself aggrieved should he deem it inconsistent or unadvisable to do so. The proposal was that he should coiiduct the opening service and preach the sermon precisely as if in one of his own churches, allowing me the privilege of a fellow-wor- shipper and a hearer — a proposal, certainly, I would BUILDING OF OUR FIRST GRACE CHURCH. 207 u IS It I it ksal md |\vn lor- ild not have made to any other minister in all the North- West. The good bishop thanked me in the kindHest manner, and assured me that personally, it* circum- stances were favorable, it would afford him great pleasure to accede to my wish, but as he was just then preparing to leave for England, and many duties and cares were pressing, he felt that he must beg me to excuse him from underta-king the service. So much for catholicity on both sides. The 17th of September, 1871, arrived at last, and was indeed a red-letter day in our history in Winnipeg. The pastor preached at 10.30 to a crowded congrega- tion from Eph. ii. 7 : " The exceeding riches of His grace." The Rev. M. Robison preached at 2.30, and the pastor occupied the pulpit again in the evening. Many of our friends who had hoped to worship with us in these opening services were prevented by the pre- vailing " Red River fever," some of them sick nigh unto death, so that we felt compelled to postpone for a season the concert and soiree for which prepara- tions had been made. The collections at the opening services amounted to $122.12, and the net proceeds of the concert held De- cember 6th, 1871, were $207.50. The amount collected by myself and two or three helpers, among the mili- tary in Manitoba, was S1,3GG.87, and subsequently by Colonel Kennedy and ^Ir. Ashdown, S250, making in all for Winnipeg and the adjacent neighborhoods $1,616.87, to which if we add the proceeds of Dr. Punshon's lectures and the collections made on the Conference Sunday, and the excess of our Sunaay collections over running expenses, we have a total of I hw }i i fr 1 i I f§ ! pTl ' it ' I' ■■ 11 1 i ■ M I ^1 Mli: ,' 'I 208 MANITOBA MEMORIES. S2,100.16, which I think will be considered, in view of the circumstances, as exceedingly gratifying and creditable. The accompanying kindly references by Dr. Wood in the Methodist Missionary Notices of October, 1875, will be appreciated : • " The mission was begun by the Rev. Geo. Young, in 1868. Bro. Young gave up his pastoral charge of the Richmond Street Church and congregation, Toronto, and the Chairmanship of the District, in response to an invitation to begin this new enterprise. True, there had for a long time been Wesleyan mis- sionaries to the west and north of Fort Garry, the former one thousand miles away and the latter five hundred, but these principally labored among the Cree and Stoney Indians. A change in the relation- ship of these vast territories from the Honorable Hudson Bay Company to the Home Government and the Dominion of Canada, would naturally throw open for immediate settlement the fine lands on the Red River, the Assiniboine, with o^her attractive sec- tions, now embraced in the Province of Manitoba ; to prepare for the movement, Bro. Young began his labors. "A valuable and commodious site, in what will become a city of large dimensions, was generously presented to the Society by the Honorable Hudson Bay Company, and on this, with indefatigable labor, and for the first two years with a good deal of social inconvenience to his family, he erected Grace Church, witli its school-room and comfortable parsonage and out-buildings. The heavy frame of timber between the two buildings bears up a fine-toned bell, given by the Sabbath -school at Oshawa, as the inscription cast upon the external surface points out ; this bell pealed BUILDING OF OUR FIRST GRACE CHURCH. 209 led forth its notes of welcome when Colonel Wolseley and the British troops marched into Winnipeg to put down the Riel rebellion. " In the year just closed there were eight Methodist ministers among the settlers in Manitoba. In the past seven years eight sanctuaries have been built, societies organized, and the ordinances of religion maintained with much regularity. The grasshopper plague has diminished the ability of the people to sustain the cost of these missions, but we are antici- pating more fruitful harvests, and a tide of greater prosperity pervading the whole Province. Attached to the sanctuaries and * preaching places ' are two hundred and seventy-nine Church members, with ever increasing congregations." The large donations from the kind friends in the east, which so greatly encouraged us, and without which we could not have built as we did, nevertheless were much less than they ever imagined, because of the enormous freighting and other charges which came along with them, and which I had to meet ere the goods were delivered. The freight from Canada at that date through the United States, via rail and steamer and ox or pony carts, generally ran up into the neighborhood of SlO a hundred, and when the weight of the strong packing-cases had to be added and paid for at the same rate, it can easily be seen why the expenditures were not smaller. The con- stant worry I experienced over these excessive but unresistable charges was far more wearing on me than all the hard work involved in the handling of the materials until they became a part of the building. The following, communicated by the late Dr. HI H 210 MANITOBA MEMORIES. Stafford to a paper since then discontinued, will indicate his views of the situation in the times of which I write. At the date of his writing he was the popular pastor of the present costly Grace Church in the City of Winnipeg : " Very few even of Dr. Young's intimate friends know what an experience he had from his arrival in Winnipeg in the summer of 1868, till the fall of 1871 saw the completion and dedication of Grace Church. A coolness, not arising from indifference on the part of other churches, was overcome by patient endurance and by such prudence as he had manifested before in many fields of labor. There was lack of church accommodation. A room was rented for a time till a parsonage was ready, which did double duty for preaching place and residence. The rebellion broke out. The missionary was simply loyal, and his record throughout these troublous times is so much a matter of history that no mention need be made of it here. After the rebellion, Grace Church, which had been indefinitely delayed, was pushed forward to comple- tion. The share he had in this, bearing the expense personally in a great measure and toiling with his own hands to bring the material and aid in the erection, is known fully only to those who aided him in the task, and have shown the same willingness to speak of the work. A small congregation of fait' ful friends gathered in and steadily increased in numbers. Still, many journeys had to be undertaken in various directions to establish or visit missions, and the rapid growth of the city, from 1872 to 1876, required every effort to visit newcomers, look after the sick, provide for the poor, and bear a share in the various educa- tional, religious and temperance movements then exciting attention ii the new city." The following report of the soiree already referred i\ < 1 BUILDING OF OUR FIRST GRACE CHURCH. 211 his the lim to ful irs. nd ivy ide ;a- len to, which I quote from The Manitohan, may not be uninteresting, especially as it gives the names of several ladies and gentlemen who so kindly con- tributed to our aid in that time of need : "A very succ.ssful soiree, in aid of the building fund of Grace Church (Wesleyan Methodist), Winni- peg, came off on the 6th inst. The church, which is a handsome, comfortable structure, was pretty well filled, there being, probably, ? persons present. The evening's entertainment opened with tea and cakes in the school- room attached to the church, — :*e ladies, who were mainly instrumental in getting up tliis part of the affair, presiding over the refreshment tables ; and these, we may observe, were w^ell loaded with eatables of a most appetizing description. This was succeeded by music, and addresses delivered by the Rev. Mr. Young, IJev. John Black, Rev. Professor Bryce, Rev. Mr. Robison, and Mr. Edwards. The choir, with Capt. Kennedy as leader, was composed of Mrs. Young, Mrs. Lusted, Miss McDougall, Miss Linton, Miss Crozen, Miss Chambers, Miss Hodgkiss, Miss Walkley, and Messrs. Ashdown, Emslie, Hackett, Kellond, John Kerr, David Young and George Kerr. 8ome choice solos, duets, and chorus pieces were rendered in excellent style, especially a couple of solos by Mr. Blanchard. " In the course of Rev\ Mr. Young's remarks, he gave some statistics regarding the mission property, as of much interest. The site for the mission was, he explained, granted by the late Governor McTavish, of the Hudson Bay Company. The total expenditure for all the mis.sion buildings, consisting of Grace Church, the first Zion Church, with school, parsonage, house for the man who takes care of the premises, barn, stable, was S7,818..S8. The receipts from all sources amounted to .'?4,475.50." The deficit was provided for later on. ;u ^ r 11 -i . 1 r' f 1 11 ijll 'I (i CHAPTER XIV. r//E FEN/AN RAID OF 1871—A FIZZLE AND A FARCE. Very soon after that sunny Sabbath when Grace Church No. 1 was opened for worship, we were sur- prised by the sudden gathering of lowering clouds which seemed to threaten an oncoming storm. Rumors were circulating freely in the community to the effect that General O'Neil, of Fenian notoriety, was again working up a raid on the pocket-books of the confiding Irish servant-girls of the neighboring republic in order to secure funds to enable him to deal a stunning blow to England through Canada, and that by means of a carefully planned invasion of her distant and newly acquired Province of Manitoba. Several circumstances seemed to conspire to promise him a far easier task and much greater success than he had hitherto realized, in this invading business. It has been stated by O'Donohue, Riel's ex-treasurer, tliat he was assured by the French half-breeds of Manitoba of a friendly reception and their hearty co-operation. Added to this, he was confident of an ample supply of brave men, whose hatred of all that was British was undoubtable, and who had been employed in the construction of railways in the neigh- „ .. ti tHE FENIAN ^AID. 2\n ?er, of % an lat sen rh- i 1 boring State of Minnesota, and were just then being discharged. Of arms and ammunition it was reported that he was sure of an abundant supply, inasmuch as the United States Government had kindly returned all that had been seized after their former raids. It was not therefore surprising that this rather over- sanguine individual should be easily persuaded to undertake the liberation of poor oppressed Ireland after this rather circuitous fashion. In a letter from O'Donohue to the Speaker of the House of Commons at Ottawa, dated St. Paul, Minnesota, February 26th, 1875, he stated emphatically that he could prove by documents in his possession " that the so-called Fenian invasion was a misnomer, and that the movement was simply a continuation of the insurrection inaugurated in 1869-70 in the Red River Settlement, and with the same avowed intention and by the same parties." These statements, as was to be expected, we^ indig- nantly denied by some who were anxious to save the French half-breeds from this suspicion. A competent authority, however, took very difterent ground, and assured us that he had carefully investigated the matter, and that he could see no reasonable grounds to doubt but that Riel did fan the movement at the first, and that it was only after the raid had failed, and the valorous O'Neil had for the third time sought and found safety in the arms of a United States mar- shall, that he came to the conclusion that *' discretion was the better part of valor," and so hastened to offer his services and those of his following to Governor Archibald. And in harmony with this view it may be '11',!! .; i I ! T^ ' I \' p t 1 1 ''liU I I 1l iii ; ! ti- ''[ ! ^m ml I !' 214 MANITOBA MEMORIES. proper to note another fact showing that this liiiser- able movement was no impromptu act. At the trial of Lepine, in 1874, one of the loyalist ex-prisoners swore that when he was put in prison with the others, Lepine took from him his pocket- book, containing $300 in money, and that after being released he visited that worthy's quiet home, and asked for his money, but was coolly told that he " could not get it," and furthermore that he had better keep quiet, for the Fenians were coming with O'Donohue, and that it would be better for him to say nothing more about it. Well, the Fenians, at least a few of them, came ere long with O'Donohue, but the S300 never to this day returned to the pocket-book of that loyalist. At about 7 a.m. on the 5th of October, 1871, the raiding force, a mongrel sort of thing, and numer- ously generalled by O'Neil, Donnelly, Curry and O'Ponohue, and I don't know how many others, with about thirty-five " rank and file," crossed the boundary and attacked, and did really capture, the undefended trading-post of the Hudson Hay Com- pany, which was commonly known as a fort. The 7)iodus operandi in this wonderful achievement will be best seen from the sworn testimony of Mr. Watt, who was then in charge of that post : " W. H. Watt, sworn and examined by the Attorney General — " * Am in charge of the Hudson Bay Company's post at Pembina About half-past seven on the morning of the 5th of October, a party of armed men took THE FENIAN RAID. 215 possession of the place in the name of the Provisional Government of Ked River. I was taken prisoner while in bed and held until our release by the Ameri- can troops between two and three o'clock p.m. The men who took the place were armed with rifles and bayonets, and some with side arms. Prisoner was one of them ; did not know any in command of the party till next morning. Saw O'Donohue, O'Neil, Curry and Donnelly tliere. They were called generals, colonels and commanders-in-chief. (Laughter.) The Hudson Bay Company's fort is on British territory. While I was prisoner there were acts of robbery com- mitted. A great quantity of provisions was taken out of the store and loaded into waggons in the square of the fort. They plundered the place while there and made prisoners of the people of the fort. They placed sentries on the gates and made them- selves perfect masters of the place. Witness then narrated the arrival of the United States troops, and said that when Curry and O'Neil heard of it, the former said that the waggons with the plunder must be got out. That was Curry's last order before he fled with the rest. The rank and file were already (continued witness) nearly all gone — some on horseback and some on foot — prisoner along with the rest. They scattered in all directions. While the Fenians were in the fort the commands were given in English, by all the four officers; counted thirty-seven armed men inside the square at one time. Saw the witnesses brought in prisoners by the Fenians, but not prisoner at the bar. He was with the body of armed men who took the fort, and armed like them. While the armed men held possession of the fort, their officers told me they had taken it in the name of the Provisional Government of Red River, and that they were going to take Fort Garry also. The Fenians crossed the river after they fled from I ! "^f- \ ' 1 if :. 1 '; Jt :, w I M s W' 216 MANITOBA MEMORIES. the troops. When the Fenians were apprised by the horsemen that the United States troops were upon them, I looked into the square of the fort and saw a great commotion among the Fenians. Each one ran hither and thither — some escaping by one gate and some by another. I soon found myself without a guard. All the generals and colonels had skedaddled except one man.' " To the Attorney-General — " * That one man was O'Donohue.' " The reason of this friendly intervention of the United States troops has been given by the United States Consul, the late Consul Taylor, in the following statement : The consul says that he obtained infor- mation early in September, 1871, of the probability of a Fenian attack upon Manitoba, which he com- municated to Governor Archibald and his ministers, £ id received an assurance that neither the Manitoba authorities nor the Canadian Government would object to a movement of American troops across the inter- national boundary for the suppression of a violation by Fenians of the Neutrality Laws of the United States. On the lltli of September a full statement of the situation was forwarded to Washington. On the 19th of September orders were sent to Colonel Wheaton to make the proposed armed intervention, which he gallantly executed, and under date of Octo- ber 5th was able to communicate the capture. The 100,000 more cut-throats who were to follow O'Neil and company never came. For the service to both countries Colonel Wheaton and Consul Taylor received through the Department " : ; THE FENIAN RAID. 217 eil on int " ) of State, by Sir Edward Thornton, the thanks of the British Government. Major Mulvey, then the editor of The Manitoba Liberal, was in command of a company of volunteers who went to the front to repel the invaders, and thus wrote concerning the raid : " In our last issue we stated that a Fenian invasion of the Province had taken place. Upon the strength of the Governor's proclamation we made the assertion. But at the time of its issue, men in a position to know positively asserted that it was no Fenian raid — that it was nothing more or less than a projected rising of the supporters and friends of the old Pro- visional Government. Men who had carefully watched the conduct of Kiel in this Province since last Christmas, and who had heard his seditious harangues outside of chapel doors on Sundays, knew better what was in the wind, and notified the authori- ties accordingly, who treated the information with indiflference. Now it is ascertained that O'Donohue was aided and abetted by Kiel and his friends in this Province, and was told time and again that the French population in this country were ready to take up arms on his side. The fort was taken possession of, not in the name of the Fenians or Irish Republic, but in the name of the Provisional Government of Red River. " V0LUNTEERINC4 AMONG THE ENGLISH. " As soon as the Governor's proclamation was issued calling upon all classes and political parties to ' rally around the flag,' a public meeting was called in Winnipeg and largely attended. By six o'clock the following morning nearly three hundred men from I'ji II 1 \l I I • r 1 'I' ■■ I, I 1 M ! I i ill 1^ W¥ii llMi illlirl ! l|iJIJillW,,,,..;p |,||,,,., Si!ii;;'":fi|-'':wii'liii''!^!''i'iii iiliiiiii ':f '' i;;i il'il III ': ■■ - '.':'::ii::I:m!iI: il! , I ■■!■ ■ ll||. l!il,. I"'ll!!' piii !!! ■• 'illliillWl . , ''''■'li"iililii.:vi llll. Irl:,:i & :j||l!i!>i' I'; '■'iil!l''lli''ll;li!' Mili 'f'i|;'\i|'ill'|.|:i|||iii|i.i, ■ ■ i':;i .i!ii|!illll|ii!iiiiiii:i;i,;llllillllr I III'* li .1,! iil*.^ m |i|i;|l|ili. l"'i Ifflill;!' liiifc.- ■;i;'|iii P'ti ' l;i' «] I ,■ MiJn'::' I, .■■'-■' '<•'■''■ I'!: rl',., ■"','l..n I ' I |||!l!l;i' i i!!li iiliil i;i!-, I llijili hlillilllitl|)il!lliilili|ii, PI I III!!' ' i' 'f'I III if liif'''' ■'•i '■'•J^ < H a: o 5 a: » Q Q ■ 1, i if "li ' ! n in:; ■ ! I asaurance which will shelter him from any legal pro- ceeding, at least for the present (pour la circonstance actuelle). (Signed) " N. J. Ritchot. " P.S. — Being about to leave immediately for my parish, I beg to request your Excellency will kindly give an answer to the bearer, who will at once bring it to me. (Signed) " N. J. R." " Government House, October 5th, 1871. " Reverend Sir, — Your note has just reached me ; you speak of the difficulties which might impede any action of Mr. Riel in coming forward to use his influ- ence with his fellow-citizens to rally to the support of the Crown in the present emergency. " Should Mr. Riel come forward as suggested, he need be under no apprehension that his liberty shall be interfered with in any way ; to use your own language, ' j^our la circonHt-mce actuelle.' "It is hardly necessary for n\e to add that the co-operation of the French lialf- breeds and their leaders in the support of tiie Crown, under present circumstances, will be very welcome, and cannot be looked upon otherwise than as entitlivg iJtem to most favorable consideratior} . " Let me add that in giving you this assurance with promptitude, 1 feel myself entitled to be met in the same spirit. " The sooner the French half-breeds assume the attitude in question, the more graceful will be their action and the more favorable their influence. " I have the honor to be, Reverend Sir, *' Yours truly, (Signed) " H G. Archibald, " Lieuienant-Govtvnor. '• Rev. Pere Ritchot, " St. Norbert." ill THE FENIAN RAID. 223 Messrs. Riel, Lepine and Parenteau wrote to Gov- ernor Archibald as follows : own >y. "St. Vital, 7th October, 1871. " May it please your Excellency, — We have the honor of informing you that we highly appreciate what your Excellency has been pleased to communi- cate to Rev. Mr. Ritchot, in order that we might be better able to assist the people to answer your appeal. As several trustworthy persons have been requested to inform you, the answer of the Metis has been that of faithful subjects. Several companies have already been organized, and others are in process of forma- tion. " Your Excellency may rest assured that, without being enthusiastic, we have been devoted. " So long as our services will be required you ftiay rely on us. " We have the honor to be, etc, etc., . . . (Signed) "Louis Riel. "A. D. Lepine. "R Parenteau. " To the Honorable G. Archibald, Lieutenant-Gov- ernor of Manitoba." To this the Governor caused the following answer to be made : " Gentlemen, — I have it in command from His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of tliis morning, assuring His Excellency of the hearty response of the Metis to the appeal made to them in His Excellency's pro- clamation. " You may say to the people, on whose behalf you write, that His Excellency is much gratified to receive m Si ; !l i( ■A ', ■ i: I ■ I I If ! ill It > II 224 MANITOBA MEMORIES. the assurance which he anticipated in his communica- tion with the Rev. Pere Ritchot, and which your letter conveys, and that he will take the earliest opportunity to transmit to His Excellency the Gover- nor-General this evidence of the loyalty and good faith of the Metis of Manitoba. " His Excellency will be pleased to be furnished, as soon as possible, with a nominal list of the persons in each pa,rish who desire to enroll in active service in the pr m^ emergency. " H] Excellency will rely upon their readiness to come f« fward the moment they receive notice. " I have the honor to be, gentlemen, " Your obedient servant, (Signed) " W. F. Buchanan, "Acting Private Secretary. " To MM. L. Riel, A. D. Lepine, Pierix. Parenteau." The day following the date of this last letter an incident transpired which called forth a good deal of sharp criticism. I quote again from the Liberal : "THE GOVERNOR AND RIEL. " We briefly referred in our last to the fact that on Sunday afternoon, the 8th inst., the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor was sent for by Louis Riel, who, with about one hundred of a gang who aided him in his villainies of 1869 and 1870, took up a position on the east side of the Red River, opposite Fort Garry.- The sum- mons was duly and expeditiously answered by His Honor's appearance among them, and in the blaze of day, and within a gunshot of the spot where Thomas Scott was murdered, the Queen's representative shook hands with the murderer. It will be seen from other columns that Riel, on hearing of O'Donohue's failure THE FENIAN RAID. 225 lat on 3-Gov- I about [ainies ^t side sum- His Lze of lomas jhook lother tilure at Pembina, decided, instead of going to join that worthy, as was his original intention, on offering his services to Mr. Archibald. The acceptance of his services was in entire accordance with the Lieutenant- Governor's policy. We cannot find language to ex- press the deep humiliation created in the minds of the people who witnessed or heard of this climax of insult to loyal men in the Province." The results of this correspondence and hand-shak- ing were such as might have been anticipated. These well-mounted Metis, headed by Kiel and Lepine, now volunteered their services as scouts to guard the fron- tier against further raids that might be attempted, of which there was not the remotest danger. Their offer was made for a widely different purpose ; it was, however, accepted forthwith (shall I say by the unsuspecting Governor ?), and as soon as duly supplied with provisions, etc., etc., they left to go where they pleased and enjoy themselves as they well knew how to do. A detachment of this somewhat belated scouting force paid a visit to a small settlement of loyal Protestants at Boyne River, sixty miles distant from Winnipeg, where I was accustomed to hold ser- vices and do pastoral work. The object of their visit seemed to the settlers to be to terrorize, in order to induce them to promise to give up their " claims " in this ple.isant and well-wooded locality and go else- where in quest of homes. They were told that they were authorized to stake out claims for themselves in that section, and that they would return before long and build their houses on them. At my next visit to w n "'J ■ ■ r ' ' I) ■ > ' i J ! i ( II! it ( 1i i ?26 MANITOBA MEMORIES. fne settlement, when this was reported to me, I advised the people, who were considerably disturbed by this visit from the " scouts," to rest quietly and await further developments. As I was returning across the forty-mile stretch of unoccupied prairie, I saw in the distance quite a number of these mounted volunteers who where provisioned to guard thr^ frontier, but who, having tired, I suppose, of their hardships and privations in soldiering, were then " homeward bound." They never returned to disturb the Boyne River settlers, and it was well for them- selves that they did not. Thus ended the farce that followed the fizzle, and yet the two combined occasioned another "call to arms " in Ontario, and another heavy expenditure to the Dominion Government, in the sending out of a second expedition undir Captain Scott to reinforce the company in Fort Garry, and so to be the better prepared to deal with either raiders or insurrectionists that might require attention. This expedition of two hundred men left CoUingwood on the 21st of October, 1871, reached Port Arthur on the 24th, and arrived within twelve miles of the North- West Angle of the Lake of the Woods on the 12th of November, where they were compelled to leave their boats and march across the newly formed ice to the road leading to Fort Garry, and proceeding thence, in intensely cold weather, arrived at the fort on November 18th — a marvellous march certainly under such circum- stances — 110 miles in a little over four days. The journey from CoUingwood to Winnipeg was performed in eighteen days. me, I turbed ly and uining airie, I ounted :d thn I their e then iisturb them- le, and call to bure to t of a nf'orce better lionists f two tober, Irrived f the here arch |ng to cold th— cum- The rmed 2 3 a. > < CO O O > 'A O K > i<5 r > 1^ : J ,.) 1 V li'r ; ;• ! I ■• m i 228 MANITOBA MEMORIES. In January, 1872, Riel and Lepine consented to retire from Manitoba, and of course cease agitating the people for a time, in consideration of receiving each the sum of $1,600, while provision was to be made for their families for a period of not less than a year. They had found it so profitable to agitate and cause an insurrection, and then to seize the fort and its contents of goods and food, and liquors and money, and then to imprison many of their former neighbors and confiscate horses, sleighs and robes, and even money, in 1869 and 70, that now in 1872 they seemed to think that their demands for almost any sum, as an inducemant to retire, should at once be met. So much tor the " peace at any price policy." And what seems almost incredible, this was being done in the same Dominion in which and while a reward of $5,000 was being offered for their arrest ; a portion of which, if not all, was paid subsequently to those who took part in the arrest of parties implicated to some extent in the murder of Scott. Jn his restless ambi- tion for position and power, Riel returned to Manitoba and was elected by these loyal (?) Metis to represent Provencher in the Dominion Parliament. On the 30th of March, 1874, he appeared at Ottawa, and, signing the roll of the House, quickly vanished, and on the 16tli of April he was duly and deservedly expelled. A revelation, both encouraging and admonitory, followed this contemptible fizzle : First. — The loyalty, bravery and reliability of the Protestant sections of the population were revealed as never before. ! THE FENIAN RAID. 229 And Second. — There was also a fuller disclosure of the extent to which the Metis were controlled by unpat- riotic injduences than many had hitherto suspected. Third. — That the real motive of those who com- bined to bring about this raid and the consequent disturbance, was not so much conquest as intimida- tion, in order to an amnesty for Riel and Lepine and their coadjutors in rebellion and crime, and for "better terms" for the French half-breed element. In this I dv^ubt not they acted under dictation. The volunteers, whether Canadians or natives, who rallied around the old flag and followed it to meet the foe, required no urging from their clergy to induce them to take up arms for the defence of the country, and certainly they received no instructions to clamor for " better terms " before consenting to do so. Had all pursued a similar course, a better state of things would have speedily obtained throughout the country. Il<>4 tory. the jaled b ■' •' : 1- rr:,;. til' ;M '.J ; i 1:1 I CHAPTER XV. THE FIRST MANITOBA MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. In accordance with our request, the Board of Mis- sions appointed a deputation to visit Winnipeg and meet, for consultation, etc., the missionaries from the interior, who should be called together for that pur- pose. On the 16th of February, 1872, I received the following telegram from the Mission Rooms, Toronto : " Summon missionaries of both Districts to meet deputation, Punshon, Wood and Macdonald, August first, at Winnipeg. (Signed) " Wood and Taylor." Of course I did as bid, and the brethren were not disobedient to the authoritative summons. Of the deputation, Dr. Wood was the first to arrive, and a most trying trip for one of his age he had from Moorehead to Winnipeg by stage. Two days and two nights it took, amid dust and mosquitoes, for the old tumble-down rig to bring its passengers through. The good doctor arrived at our parsonage at midnight very much exhausted, and next day wired Dr. Pun- shon and Mr. Macdonald at Moorehead to be sure and PiRSt MANITOBA MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 231 connect with the steamer on Red River and not ome by stage. And it was well for them that they heeded his warning. As the missionaries and the other members had not yet arrived, Dr. Wood, after resting for a few days, accompanied me on a trip to Portage la Prairie, High Bluff and Poplar Point, which involved a drive of 120 miles, in order that he might personally look over the ground and judge of the present condition of the work and its future prospects. Services were held at several points, and the doctor returned, pleased with the country and the people he had met and the prospects. Soon after our return the missionaries from the regions beyond reported at the parsonage, as did the remainder of the deputation. All were in ad- vance of the time appointed in the summons sent us over the wires, and therefore, instead of August first, our conference opened on July 26th, 1872, in our first Grace Church. During the few days following, ere the brethren separated, we enjoyed the great pri- vilege of hearing two of Dr. Punshon's inimitable lectures, which were well attended and highly appre- ciated by the people ; he also preached on the Sabbath in the morning, Dr. Wood preaching in the evening. By all it was accounted a rare privilege indeed to hear these lectures and discourses from such honored and gifted ministers. For a description of the conference and its work I cannot do better than quote the report presented to the Board of Missions by the deputation on their ^1 M 'y\ !!?/ ■ it' i:\- m\ Pi 1 , r !IM ,j I S.l i! 1 232 MANITOBA MEMORIES. return to Ontario. The report was 'presented at the annual meeting of the Board, held on this occasion in the town of Brockville, and was as follows : "REPORT OF THE DEPUTATION APPOINTED TO VISIT MANITOBA. " By the President's direction, the missionaries in the Red River and Saskatchewan Districts were sum- moned to meet the deputation at Winnipeg on the 1st of August. Through the good providence of God the whole of the brethren were in Winnipeg — with the exception of J. Sinclair, native teacher at Oxford House — on Tuesday, the 23rd of July. One party had been travelling twenty-five days, and another twenty days. These were from the Saskatchewan District, who, having their horses and travelling equipage, preferred camping on the prairie, in the vicinity of the town, during the whole of their stay, choosing the air and freedom of such a home before the best accommodation they could have in the houses of friends who would willingly have received them as guests for their works' sake. " The deputation being completed on the 25th, by the arrival of Messrs. Punshon and Macdonald, the following are the names of the members who consti- tuted the meeting, which began its conversations upon the state of the work of God in this vast coun- try, on the morning of July 26th, 1872, in the Wes- leyan Church, Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba : " The Rev. W. Morley Punshon, LL.D., President of the Conference ; Rev. E. Wood, D.D., Secretary of the Missionary Society ; and J. Macdonald, Esq., Treasurer of the Society, deputation from the Committee and Conference. Rev. George Young, Winnipeg, Chairman of the Red River District; Rev. George McDougall, FIRST MANITOBA MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 233 Edmonton House, Chairman of the Saskatchewan District; Rev. Michael Fawcett, High Bluff; Rev. Matthew Robison, High Bluff; Rev. Henry B. Stein- hauer, White Fish Lake ; Rev. Peter Campbell, Vic- toria; Rev. John McDougall, Woodville; Rev. E. R. Young, Rossville, Norway House ; Rev. A. Bowerman, Winnipeg. A candidate for the ministry, George Edwards, employed by the Chairman, was also present. " After religious exercises the first question which engaged the attention of the meeting was the spirit- ual state of the several missions. The deputation heard, with pleasure and gratitude to Almighty God, that at all the stations occupied by the Society the ' signs ' ol true evangelical prosperity exist. This they attribute, in connection with the Holy Spirit's influ- ence, to the devotedness of the missionaries to their high calling, other testimony than their own being given that they pay no more attention to the seculari- ties of life than what they are compelled to do from a sense of duty in providing for the wants of them- selves and families, and presenting an example of industry in their domestic arrangements for the con- verted Indians to imitate. " The congregations in Winnipeg vary much, as the people arrive and depart to other locations. The building will easily accommodate 250 ; at times the place is crowded with a devout assemblage. The means of grace peculiar to us as a Church have been established by Mr. Young, and are much appre- ciated by the more spiritually minded. Up to the time of the visit of the deputation, the only week- evening service among Protestants in the town was held by Mr. Young. Besides supplying Winnipeg, the missionary has extended his visits occasionally to a distance of sixty miles — hence Boyne River, Stur- geon Creek, Headingly, and Victoria Settlement are 5 . I I' i' < I • I: li>iii If 2S4 MANITOBA MEMORIES. places where he has been welcomed as a minister of Christ. Now that an assistant has been given him, and the population at these appointments being rapidly on the increase, the prospects of usefulness are very cheering. "The High Bluff Mission was visited, embracing Poplar Point and Portage la Prairie Mr. Robison's labors here have been greatly blessed. The people highly appreciate the ordinances established among them. In addition to the two churches already built, preparations are being made for one at Gowler's and another at the Portage. Mr. Fawcett has entered upon his labors here in a ciieerful and self-denying spirit. The deputation regret the inconveniences he and his crnhr devoted wife had to endure for the want of household accommodation. Should success attend the efforts made for the erection of a parson- age, or the hiring for the time being of a house to shelter themselves, we may anticipate continued pros- perity in the discharge of his ministerial duties, and of those associated with him in this truly missionary field. " Settlements are forming beyond the Portage, which have already been visited by the Society's missionaries, and as these extend and increase in numbers they should secure our practical sympathies by sending to them additional laborers. " The statements of the Rev. E. R. Young respecting Norway House Mission were full of encouragement. Far away from the many allurements to evil which beset other Indian communities — especially in Ontario — these converts display a ccjnsistency of deportment, attention to the means of grace, and practical remem- brance of religiout'. instruction, which result in an intelligent growth in Christian knowledge and expe- rience. Beside visiting Oxford House, and adminis- tering the ordinances to the members of the Church FIRST MAI^ITOBA MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 235 Inent. hich Itario [lent, iieiii- li an xpe- linis- lurch there, wliich is more than two hundred miles north- east of his own mission, his visits to Nelson and Berens Rivers have been attended with great success. At one time he met at Nelson River 250 Indians : of these 110 have been baptized, seventy of whom were aduLs. Several of these were at Winnipeg, and sought an interview with the deputation for the pur- pose of entreating them to send a teacher to their people. Two of them belonged to bands five hundred miles still farther north. The whole region is purely a fur-bearing country ; the people are unsettled and migratory in their habits, and yet hundreds of them are calling for that knowledge which can only be imparted by the Bible and the servants of God. The most feasible plan for supplying hhese wants, as it appeared to the deputation, w^ould be to employ one or more native agencies, and allow the missionaries at Rossville to direct their labors, and administer the ordinances of religion at their gatherings each year for purposes of trade. The months of April and May, and August and September, are the best times of the year for meeting large numbers of Indians at Nelson River and other places. Norway House is 340 miles north of Fort Garrv ; and Berens River, where the Hudson Bay Company have a trading post, a little more than half way to the Rossville Mission, being on the eastern shores of Lake Winnipeg, 180 miles distant. Coiniected with this is Pigeon River, the residence of a small band, ten miles by water and six by land from Berens River. There are 250 Indians, all accessible to your missionary, sixty eight of whom have given in their names for Church membei*shij), and ten of whom Mr. E. R. Youn^r pronounces to be soundly converted to God. The land in this locality is very good for Hcttlcment, and the fisheries inex- liaustible. As Rossville is becoming overcrowded, and the soil there for agricultural purposes only I H HI I !l >' |i • I I' ',M ll w Ti' i < Hi; 236 MANITOBA MEMORIES. limited, if the Society establish a substantial mission at Berens River, having the same spiritual advan- tages which are enjoyed at Rossville, no doubt a number of Indian families would make Berens River their home, and thereby constitute a growing, healthy mission station, midway between Red River and Norway House. The Indian will leave his hunting and trapping and hesitate not to travel 150 miles, if necessary, to attend sacramental service : and that, too, without any reliance upon ritualistic merit, but purely from the love of Christ in his heart, and obe- dience to the law of his Divine Master. It was reported to the deputation that for the want of ordi- nances once enjoyed at a mission station five hundred miles away from Rossville — transferred some years since by the parent Society to another branch of the Church of Christ — thirty-five members had removed the whole of this distance to Rossville for no other reason than that they might enjoy class and prayer- meetings, in addition to what they called a different ministry, without which they declared they could not live. " From the long period of time Oxford House has been loft without an ordained missiijnary, there are not the same gratifying features of life and vigor existing there which we all earnestly desire. In the judgment of the deputation, this post should imme- diately receive the appointment of a minister in full standing. Whilst approving of the appointment, by Mr. E. R. Young, of the excellent broth ar now at Berens River, yet the authorities of the Church would act ([uite in accordance with the importance of the work if they a])pointed an ordained man to take charge of this station, and for which, in addition to the free-will ofica-ings of generous and esteemed friends, it is hoped the connnittee will make suitable appropriations. , FIRST MANITOBA MISSIONAllY CONFERENCE. 237 ission ivan- ibt a River lalthy • and Lnting lies, it' that, it, but i obe- b was ordi- indred years the moved other tayer- ferent could le has e are vigor n the of "Lengthy conversations were held upon the re- ligious state of the work at Edmonton House, Wood- ville, Victoria, and White Fish Lake — Saskatchewan District — from which the deputation received favor- able impressions of the present healthy and prosper- ous condition of all the missions. The two day- schools have received much support from the Hon. Hudson Bay Company's officers, and the settlers who have located where these are in operation. The deputation are convinced +hat the brethren there are truly devoted to their work ; and whilst they have been preserved amidst many dangers in their frequent and laborious journey, God has graciously owned their testimony of the truth as it is in Jesus, so that the Cree and the Stoney join their songs of praise for converting grace with their more favored brethren, * the pale faces.' The deputation commend to the committee a new post selected bj'^ the Chairman, of the Bow River, as a most favorable point to operate among the Blackfeet, whose disposition to receive a missionary is now very earnest, but whose wants cannot be fully met until anothei missionary is sent to that District, which they hope will not fail to be done early in the ensuing spring. " Upon the subject of education, the deputation desire to draw the attention of the Church to the desirableness of an early effort to establish a college at Winnipeg. Mr. Macdonald was requested to name this to Governor Smith, from whom he received the assurance that if the Wesleyan Church entered into this enterprise the Hudson Bay Company would provide gratuitously sufficient land for this purpose. A day-school should also be established at Oxford House, Woodville, and Edmonton House. " The deputation feel much indebted to Governor Smith for the great courtesy and hospitality which they received from him during their stay at Fort 1> I'H !i ■ iU ill Ill i I li ' I'i ifll,.' il 1^:1 M : , I ■ , ; ■ m 'i,i, ' 1 III 238 MANITOBA MEMORIES. Garry, and for the interest which he and other officers of the company ohowed, especially in the trouble and expense incurred in fitting up accommodations in their commodious new warehouse for Dr. Punshon's lecture on the evening of the 30th of July. This large and respectable assemblage was presided over by His Excellency Governor Archibald, whose attendance at the ordination service, in addition to this, evinced a catholicity of spirit encouraging to all laborers in the Church of Christ. The proceeds of this lecture, and one delivered in the Wesleyan Church on the previous Friday evening, when Jas. W. Taylor, Esq., American Consul, presided, were generously presented by the President toward the liquidation of the debt upon our church and parsonage. The religious services excited much interest in the settlement, and were seasons of profit and delight. "In conclusion, the deputation congratulate the committee on having brethren in these Districts of whom gentlemen in high authority spea'. with great respect, and hold them in much esteem as Christian ministers ; and for them and their work they bespeak a continued manifestation of that confidence, sympa- thy, and liberality which have hitherto marked all their dealings with those new and distant missions. Considering the vast extent of their work, their appeals for a few extra grants are not very large, to which it is hoped a cheerful response will be given. They would also press upon the attention of the committee the following resolution, being deeply con- vinced that great good will result from its being practically, and at an early day, complied with : " Moved by the Rev. George Young, seconded by the Rev. George McDougall, 'That it is the unani- mous judgment of this meeting that the remoter missions of these Districts should be visited by an officer of the Society, or a senior member of the Con- FIRST MANITOBA MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 239 fficers e and I their ecture e and ■f His ice at iced a in the e, and evious erican )y the on our ixcited ona of te the icts of great istian speak mpa- ed all ?sions. their rge, to [given. ^f the con- being id by inani- Irnoter pv an "Con- ference ; and we earnestly solicit the General Com- mittee to make arrangements for this desirable object as early as practicable.' "In the accomplishment of so long a journey, the deputation would gratefully acknowledge their in- debtedness to the goodness of God in preserving them from harm. Two of them experienced a remarkable deliverance from imminent peril on the waters of Lake Superior, in interposition of Divine mercy to many others embarked in the same steamer with Messrs. Punshon and Macdonald, which resulted in voluntary thank-offerings that will greatly assist in the erection of Providence Church in Prince Arthur's Landing, commemorative of their marvellous rescue, and their heartfelt gratitude to Almighty God." I deem it appropriate to insert here the concluding paragraph in the Minutes of the Conference which was taken by myself as Secretary : " The business for which the missionaries had been called together having been finished, appropriate and affectionate farewell addresses and counsels were given by the lay Treasurer, Mr. Macdonald : the Rev. Dr. Wood and President Punshon, after which the 539th hymn was sung and the Divine blessing in- voked upon the missions throughout, as well as upon the missionaries in their long, tiresome and perilous journeys, and their flocks in the distance. The meet- ing closed with the benediction from the President." The following extracts are from addresses given at the Brock ville meeting by the late John Macdonald, Esq., and the late Rev. Dr. Punshon : Mr. Macdonald said : " It may be expected that I may have a few words to say about the Red River, .■\>j f'wi , li'i 240 MANITOBA MEMORIES. being one of the deputation to that distant part of our work. Time was when a visit to that land, the Red River of the North, meant a long and fatiguing journey. To reach it from Toronto it was necessary first to go to Montreal, to follow the old canoe route of the Hudson Bay Company, by water and portage, to be bitten and tortured by mosquitoes, as our good President was, to reach that land maimed and wounded, and then to be shut out from civilization for years, perhaps for many of them. The journey itself was onr which could be undertaken only by those of rugged constitution, those having great powers of endurance, and these would be abundantly called into exercise before he reached the end of his journey. The land itself was a sealed land, apart from the traders of the Hudson Bay Company ; none but some hardy venturer undertook that journey, and he, when he ventured, became as much an object of wonder as he would hav^e been had he been an Arctic explorer; and should he furnish a paper on that country less important than it is in the power of the members of this deputation to furnish, he was as certain as he was a living man to be made a member of the Royal Geographical Society. All this is now changed. We came back not to find that we were objects of wonder — not to be feted or made members of the Senate, for contributions which we have made to the existing knowledge of that country, but to find that we are only ordinary mortals ; that we have done only what you may do, and do so quickly that your friends will scarcely notice your absence. The land is no longer a sealed land ; you can now reach it by lake and railroad in a few days ; and although our visit has been so recent, yet since then railroad communica- tion has been extended within seventy miles of Fort Garry ; so that now even an invalid can go there and not only be none the worse, but much the better for part of ad, the biguing cessary e route )ortage, ir good }d and tion for ly itself ihose of wers of led into ourney. om the at some lC, when ►nder as cplorer ; try less ibers of as he Royal Id. We onder late, for Ixisting |we are what Tds will longer :e and bit has lunica- )f Fort [re and Iter for FIRST MANITOBA MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 241 the journey. Sir George Simpson, in a work which he published of a ' Voyage Round the World,' spoke of that district as amazingly fertile, very salubrious, and large enough to receive the millions from the over- crowded cities of the Old World. When examined before a select committee of the British House of Commons, he withdrew any statement of the kind, and represented it as unfit for settlement, and the climate so uncertain as to render the growing of grain very precarious. The Hudson Bay Company, I have no doubt, discovered, ere this, that their in- terest lies in diffusing information about the country, not withholding it, and that in proportion as the land is opened up their own interests will be promoted. Well, I will not detain you with the journey down the river, beautiful as it is ; of the tortuous windings of the river, so many that a distance of two hundred and fifty miles by land is extended to about seven hundred miles by river, where all the bends in the river are so alike that you cannot tell one from the other, and all so beautiful that despite the unvarying sameness you can look at them da}'^ after day with- out tiring, and feel that ' A thi ig of beauty is a joy forever.* Nor am I going to speak to you about the boundless prairie, stretching away for a thousand miles, and I cannot tell how much farther — and fertile as bound- less. Nor am I going to speak of the climate, charri- ing as that was when I was there, and pleasant arid healthful as I was told the winters were. Nor am T going to speak of the political opinions that prevail, for J hold that a Society like this should have nothing to do with political parties. Their work is to do good to the bodies as well as to the souls of men, without reference to their politics, nationality or creed. My remarks must have reference only to our work there. i ,i III r ■ ' /'■fl I ml H'£"' if ' mm II M : I . nr 242 MANITOBA MEMORIES. "You will remember that the effort for the building of the Fort Garry church originated at the meeting of this committee in Guelph four years ago. That was the first meeting of this committee at which the President sat, and his name was at the head of the subscription list. Very wise was the election of the Rev. George Young for that work, who has so labored as to have secured the confidence of all classes of the community. His circuit to-da^ is one of the most desirable in the Dominion. The church property itself is a beautiful property ; the church, as chaste as any that I have seen in any of the rural districts. The windows are all of beautiful stained glass, and four designs in the centre show that they have been the gifts of the Sunday-schools from Main Street, Mount Zion, Centenary, Hamilton; North Street, London ; Ottawa, Brantford, Picton, and Quebec. I do not remember seeing Brockville, but any neglect there you purpose, I am persuaded, correcting now. Of the church itself, an Indian who came with Rev. E. R. Young from Norway House said, on seeing it, * This is very beautiful. I am going to heav ^-n, and I hope it will be as beautiful as this.' At the request of the other members of the deputation, I brought under the notice of the Governor of the Hudson Bay Company, the Hon. Donald SnHh, the matter of a grant in Winnipeg for an educational establishment, and with the same princely conduct which marked all the other acts of that Company toward the mem- bers of the deputation, Mr. Smith said a suitable grant would be given ; in fact, all that would be needed ; and when you are told that fifty-feet lots were sold in Fort Garry, while we were there, for two thousand dollars, you will understand that such a grant means money. If we are to do our work there as we should, we must have our educational establi'^hment. The Church of England has ope. FIRST MANITOBA MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 243 ; ti lilding eeting That ch the of the of the abored of the e most operty chaste Lstricta. ,ss, and e been Street, Street, bee. I neglect Ig now. jh Rev. eing it, ?n, and equest rought n Bay r of a hment, arked mem- litable lid be 3t lots Ire, for lit such work itional Is ope. The Free Church has one. We should have one. We want about $3,000 to commence this work, and we have good hope that we will get it to-night. I was in hopes, sir, that you would have the honor of commencing this work, as Oshawa had the honor — that is the Sunday-school — of contribating the bell, the only one in Winnipeg. And let me say of this bell, that i^i not only calls to the house of God, but during days of ^darkness, when the land was in the midst of a rebellion, it rang out not only sounds of deliverance to the settlers, but sounds of welcome to our volunteers who came to their help. Well, sir, I have in my hands a note about this scheme : If it be true (and you as a politician will know whether it is or not) that one vote before twelve o'clock is worth two after, then wha^ I am about to announce will have an important bearing upon this effort. Mr. John Torrance, who, I regret, is unable to be with us, writes me with a readiness and liberality which char- acterize all his efforts in connection with our funds, to put him down for $250. That is a good com- mencement, and, I think, assures us of the result. The resolution with which I am entrusted has matter enough to enable one to speak for a month; it speaks of ' gratitude to Cod, spiritual success, enlarged in- come, Divine promises, providential openings, and increased liberality.' Now, upon this I must only venture a few words : Why the increased wealth which is flowing in so abundantly to Christ's people ? Is it to make them increasingly sordid ? Is it to lead them to say that they have much goods laid up for many years ? What does the remarkable prosperity of the past few years — the most remarkably pros- perous, perhaps, the world has ever seen — say to us ? * Speak to the people that they go forward.' . . . I am to be followed by the President, and must not longer detain you, but trust that this evening we shall raise the amount we require for this institution. i < ? ] 4! ^1 I ■^ ■< i^ ^'M 244 MANITOBA MEMORIES. hi I I 1; ^ I j 1 ' ^■■■'^■..^ 1 i ■ 1 1 liA.^ The Rev. Dr. Punshoii, in seconding the third resohition, said : " My friend Mr. Macdonald, in mov- ing this resolution, said it was one on which a speech might be made for a month. But I am not disposed to make a speech to-night, and were I so disposed, the taste and temper of this congregation are not, at this hour, disposed to listen. But one thing you have the opportunity of doing, under the influence of what you have lieard — that is, to follow dp the challenge given in reference to the proposed institution at Manitoba. 1 must say, I don't like this pronuncia- tion of Manito6a, this Fren^^hified mode which some purists have adapted. But Mr. Macdonald has really stolen my speech. I have been dwelling on the hope of gi'^iiig some account of my visit, in company with him and with Dr. Wood, to the Red River country. In this, however, he has anticipated me. I may just note, with respect to our country, that while it was interesting, it was a most eventful journey. We were mercifully delivered from the disaster of ship- wreck after we had crossed from Sarnia, and were approaching the opposite side. I shall not soon forget what I then witnessed of the wonders of the Lord on that wonderful lake. After reaching Duluth, we proceeded by the Northern Pacific Rail- road. From what we witnessed in this land journey, and from a sense of dut}^ to carry out the advice of Mr. Wesley, to 'go not only to those who want us, but to those who want us most,' there are many places through which we passed in the United States to which we should send missionaries. Of these I may mention Brainard, a village on the bank of the Mississippi. I cannot tell whether or not it is named lifter the celebrated mission axy, and therefore predes- tinated to be missionary ground. It is a little city in a forest. Eaeh inhabitant seems to have cut away the trees only that were required to give space for his v^- >', .^'.^^ third a mov- speech isposed sposed, not, at ►u have )f what allenge bion at nuncia- h some 3 really le hope ly with iountry. lay just s it was J- We )f ship- d were )t soon lers of iaehing c Rail- 3urney, vice of lant us, many States hese I of the named redes- le city away Ifor his FinST MANITOBA MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 245 house. Thus there were presented vistas most pic- turesque and beautiful. This town dates from a year ago last month, and has now about eight hundred inhabitants. We passed through it twice, once on our outward journey, and again, after an absence of three weeks, on our return, and in that short time one man had been shot, one stabbed, and two Indians were tried by Lynch law, and strung upon tall trees in front of a saloon, with the appropriate name of * The Last Turn.' We certainly might send mission- aries there with advantage if we had the means, if only to teach them reverence for human life. Then there was the town of Moorehead, of which Dr. Wood has a pleasant and salubrious remembrance. There every second dwelling is a gambling-house, a dance-house, or a saloon. There is no church, no school, no Sabbath, every one carries arms, and as one of their own citizens remarked, ' It is a dull day which passes without a shooting.' Possibly some missionary effort might not be wasted there. You may imagine that travelling is not altogether pleas- ant in these parts. I say nothing of the voyage down the Red River for seven hundred miles, nor of the mosquitoes — as blood-thirsty cannibals as ever stuck spears into human flesh — nor of the discomfort of the steamboat, nor of the tortuous character of the river, which winds so persistently and so ex- tremely, that we passed by a man's house on two sides of it, and were half an hour by the watch in getting from one side to the other. I pass on to notice our work. Our first Sabbath in Winnipeg was a high day. First, we had a love-feast in the morn- ing, starting in good Methodist fashion ; then, in the forenoon, I preached, after which the ordination of the Rev. John McDougall took place. In the after- 1 on we held a missionary meeting. In the evening Dr. Wood occupied the pulpit ; and this remarkable % t 'Xi % A\ niij !■? 1 1 i 'i I ! ;(■ I P-'i;- i! 1? i: If Mi Hi! 246 MANITOBA MfiMORiES. day closed with the administration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Slipper, at which were present Chris- tians of all colors, white and red and yellow, all animated by the one hope, and rejoicing in the one Saviour. We were made glad in witnessing these results of missionary toil." As the result of this Conference the Mission Rooms became not only better acquainted with the vastness and importance of the work in which we were engaged, but with the necessity of increasing the staff of laborers, as well as the appropriations to these toilers in order to secure greater progress. After the many allusions in the preceding remarks of Mr. Macdonald and Dr. Punshon re the Red River of the North, the following correspondence and poem will not be, to many at least, void of interest. THE BELLS OF ST. BONIFACE. In a poem by John Greenleaf Whittier, " The Red River Voyageur," there is a beautiful allusion to the " bells of the Roman Mission," now the Arch-episco- pate of St. Boniface, " calling to the boatman on the river and the hunter on the plain," and invoking at the close of life's voyage " the signal of release in the bells of the Holy City, the chimes of eternal peace." Archbishop Tache, returning from his late visit to Montreal, was remliiJed by Lieutenant-Governor Schultz that the 17th of December was the eighty- fourth birthday of the poet, and His Honor suggested that the anniversary should be greeted by a joy-peal from the tower of the cathedral of St. Boniface. His FIRST MANITOBA MISSIONARY COKFERENCE. 247 rament Chris- 3W, all the one r these Rooms astness J were (ig the ons to 3mark3 1 River 1 poem e Red ;o the spisco- on the ing at in the 3eace." sit to t^ernor ghty- ^ested ^-peal His Grace cordially concurred, waiving the usage that the bells should cease their chimes after the Angelus, and the graceful tribute was directed and rendered at midnight with the last stroke of the clock ushering the natal day. Mr. Whittier, having been informed of the incident by U. S. Consul Taylor, addrcdsed the following letter to Archbishop Tache, who kindly consented, at our request, to its publication, as follows : " Newburyport, Mass., 3 mo. 5, 1892. " To Archbishop Tache : " My Dear Friend, — During my illness from the prevailing epidemic, which confined me nearly the whole winter, and from which I am but very slowly recovering, a letter from the U. S. Consul at Winnipeg informed me of thy pleasant recognition of my little poem, " The Red River Voyageur " (written nearly forty years ago), by the ringing of " The Bel] : of St. Boniface " on the eve of my late anniversary. " I was at the time quite unable to respond, but I feel that I should be wanting in due appreciation of such a marked compliment if I did not, even at this late hour, express to thee my heartfelt thanks. I have reached an age when literary success and mani- festations of popular favor have ceased to satisfy one upon whom the solemnity of life's sunset is resting ; but such a delicate and beautiful tribute has deeply moved me. I shall never forget it. I shall hear the bells of St. Boniface sounding across the continent, and awakening a feeling of gratitude for thy generous act. With renewed thanks, and the prayer that our Heavenly Father may continue to make thee largely instrumental in His service, I am, " Gratefully and respectfully, "Thy friend, "John G. Whittier." ; 1 ^ t M (J p lis'- 'r ' m \4' ■ I 11: t 11 II t ";l ( lij I r tv?> days he could call on a fresh one each time to lead 'v devotions, out of a company of twenty-six men. Where would you find such boat crews on the waters of the globe, such a majority that could lead fluently and appropriately in prayer ? more in proportion than in any of our city churches. The company at devotion would have been a grand scene for an artist. The grave and devout appearance ol the worshippers, prostrate with their faces to the ground ; the ministers in the same position ; the two tents representing pilgrim life ; the camp fires burn- ing ; and the charming background of poplars, firs, spruce, and larch, would make a picture fit to fill a niche in any gallery in the world. And, what the artist could never touch with his pencil or his brush, the deep emotion and peace of souls in communion with God, and the felt consciousness of the Divine presence. After a most wonderful voyage, in which I saw specimens and examples of navigation that I never saw equalled, we arrived at Oxford House, beautifully situated on Oxford Lake, one of the finest in America, and received a cordial welcome from the gentlemanly officer in charge, C. Sinclair, Esq. " On Sabbath morning I gave them ' Walks about Jerusalem,' applying it spiritually, and Mr. Sinclair, our evangelist there, interpreted ; but unfortunately, one of my finest points on the prayer-meeting in the garden of Gethsemane, under the magnificent olive, DR. LACHLAN TAYLORS TOUR. 257 Louse, the Icome ^clair, ibout |clair, itely, the )live. was shorn or its glory in one particular, by Sr-j. Young hearing him translate the olive as a grea-i;^- tree or stick, and for the moment to me ignorance was bliss, and I pyssed on — or had I known it I certainly would have said : Can you not do better than that? If not, pass it by. Bro. Young gave them an instructive address in the afternoon, after which we had the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and baptized several children. Though all were glad to see the visitors, and there w. . a eneral rally for miles around, making a congre, ''.tic . of about sixty, yet we found the cause in a \<,v . nd depressed state, and the general aspect and Cvjn^^rion of the mission most unsatisfactory. An evangelist who cannot administer the ordinances mi !; t<,lways be placed at a disadva-ntage, especially where there are a number of church members, and this was not an exception. Again, the members and adherents were divided between the old locality, or head of the mission, at Jackson's Bay, and the fort, eighteen ^ 3 distant — the large majority being at the fort — l d anxiously desiring the removal of the church and mission thither; but three or four families pleading for things to remain as they were, regarding it as a better place for their fishing, with small patches of arable land where they raised a few potatoes, arrangements were made for the removal of excellent materials which the assistant had prepared and erected for a new church, ready for the plates, from the bay to the fort ; and the erection there of the new premises ; and for the school -house at the bay to be fitted up for a little church, which has been done, and will more than accommodate the f'^w that are remaining. It is to be hoped that ere long the few still at the bay will come to the fort, and not only save the missionary fatigue and labor, but enable him to concentrate his efforts with greater success where 17 :m > m 'II in ;, \6Vr. ■.VI it;r ! i I II hi '*ii: i 1 1 fi h 258 MANITOBA MEMORIES. they are most needed. An old local preacher, how- ever, named Daniel Belton, visited us, and in an elo- quent oration (as understood by Bro. Young and Mr. Sinclair), set forth their claims, and his whole manner and bearing commanded our unqualified admiration. They complained that they had had no school for eight years, but now they will have a faithful and effective man from Norway House, and who will, we believe, make a most successful helper. From the spirit and courage which our Brother German mani- fests and in which he enters on his work, we believe Oxford House Mission has entered on a new era of spiritual prosperity. "As we could not wait for a couple of weeks till the first brigade, which was expected, returned from York Factory, we were obliged to hire two small bark canoes, manned by two men each, with one of ourselves in the centre of the tiny craft with his paddle, for the return journey to Norway House, and although one sitting in his easy chair in a parlor may admire Longfellow's description : — " And the forest life is in it, All its mystery and its magic I All the lightness of the Birch tree, All the toughness of the Cedar, All the Larch's supple sinews, And it floated down the river, Like a yellow leaf in Autumn ; Like a yellow water-lily. " Yet it is much more practical, and another thing, when crossing a lake twelve or fifteen miles long, in a pretty stiff' breeze, and only nine or ten inches above the water. The Superintendent of Norway House seemed in his element, and the Indians said the visitor could paddle pretty well. "After four days' hard paddling we arrived at Norway House, and found all well. Although com- DR. LACHLAN TAYLORS TOUR. o^ 59 thing, long, iches |rway said Id at Icom- plaining next day, I had a comfortable Sabbath and preached at the fort in the evening. Next day we bade our friends adieu, and Bro. Semmens and myself sailed with the same trader with whom we went out, arrived safely in Winnipeg, where I found my guide, companion, and famous fellow-traveller, for the prairie and the great North-West, Bro John McDougall, had been waiting patiently with his men for three weeks for my arrival. " Our dashing, unbridled native steeds being col- lected from their great unfenced pasture field — our little stores purchased and packed as necessary to be secured before you start on your journey through ' The Great Lone Land ' as if you were part of an Eastern caravan— our carriages, an ordinary Ontario waggon and two buckboards ; a small party of three men, subsequently increased to six, started from what is now the City of Winnipeg, on a tour of two thousand miles, and ten weeks' continuous travel, to visit all the important points where our missions have been or may yet be established, and explore generally the largest and grandest division, although the least known, of our glorious Canadian Confederation. " From Rat Creek, and Messrs. Grant's and McKen- zie's farms, the present ultima Thule of civilization on the great highway to the Saskatchewan, we saw only one house, and that uninhabited, till we reached Fort Ellice, on the bank of the Assiniboine — two hundred and thirty miles from Fort Garry — where we leceived a Highland welcome from Mr. McDonald, the gentle- manly officer in charge. Having rested anci recruited, we set out for the next grand stage, and saw not a house till we came within eighteen miles of Fort Carl .on, which is three hundred and seven miles from For Ellice, almost as far as from Toronto to M it- without seeing a human abode, civilized or sav- and passing nearly the whole of the distance ■1 f l:i> re a if ; f ! f il ii I I t ■!'t ; hi fi:1 1 ! t:l I W:} IC ii^: :A H 260 MANITOBA MEMORIES. through a most picturesque and charming country. Here two or three of our shoeless horses began to get footsore and we had them shod, also sundry repairs to some of our gear and trappings. We travelled one hundred and sixty-seven miles farther, when my active companion, leaving the man and myself to cook and prepare our dinner, communicating by signs, mounted one of the best saddle horses, and from what is termed the guard of Fort Pitt, galloped off to the fort, and in the course of two or three hours returned, accompanied by the Chairman, Brother George Mc- Dougall, and a servant. Brother Peter Campbell, his boy and another boy that came with them, which threw a new element of life into our party ; and after mutual congratulations we went on our way rejoicing. Nearly one hundred miles farther and not very far from the royal little Victoria, we turned our faces directly north, leaving the boys in charge of the tent and baggage, and rode forty miles on horseback to White Fish Lake Mission, which, in one day on a native horse, without having had practice for some years, made sleep sweet on the hard floor with my coat for a pillow. Here we were much disappointed to find the neat mission house locked, and the mis- sionary and his family, and the teacher and his family, with the large majority of our people, women and children, away hundreds of miles on the plains hunting the buffalo. But we found the locum tenens of the place, Benjamin Sinclair, who was overjoyed to see us, and he hardly knew what to say, or how to express himself, when I presented him with the $120 from the Committee towards making up his loss when the canoe upset with himself and Peter Jacobs. His conversion, as re- lated by himself, is intensely interesting. While my friends were getting the horses ready, I went to the church and rang the Toronto bell, whicli DR. LacHlaK Taylor's tour. t6\ was presented by our esteemed colleague, Mr. Mac- donald, and in ten minutes we had seventy of a con- gregation; Brother John McDougall interpreted with great earnestness, and we had a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. This mission, located at 54° north latitude, more than eleven degrees north of Toronto, was commenced in 1856, b}^ the excellent brother who has been the pastor from the commence- ment till last June, when he was appointed to Wood- ville. During his seventeen years, God has given him great success; the membership being one hundred and eighteen, and the congregation about two hun- dred, with a school of sixty children. The premises are a plain log church, thirty by twenty, a mission house with five rooms, and a kitchen, neat and com- fortable, and a stable that answers the purpose, and all erected with the missionary's own hands, with what help the Indians could give him, and without expense to the Society. The mission lot, of five or six acres, may be cultivated, for the soil is as rich as Solomon's gardens. There is a lake at the door abounding with the finest fish in America. Many happy deaths might be named connected with the history of this mission if our space would permit. " The next mission in order is Victoria, pictur- esquely situated on the Saskatchewan, 54° north lati- tude, and, by odometer, eight hundred and sixteen miles from Fort Garry. We received a warm wel- come from Mrs. David and Miss McDougall, and then passed on to our comfortable home with Brother Campbell's family in the parsonage. This mission was commenced by Bro. G iorge McDougall, in 1862, beginning with a large body of Crees, profes.sed ad- herents of our Church, and therefore clasfsef were organized in a short time. A church and mission house was built in two years, which cost $2,000, which was all defrayed by local contribution and !'1 m i > ■ i! I 'I m m A V I. ^ ^Sti Mi ri 262 MANITOBA MEMORIES. I il! i i < i ! 'f ! 5 :ii personal effort. There are about ten acres enclosed, which is considered the mission lot, although in reality there are no bounds to the north till you reach the A rctic circle. The mission-house has eight rooms, four above and four below ; a fine garden, a snug little church, which must soon give place to a larger one, as it will hold only about one hundred and fifty ; and a bell to summon the worshippers at the hour of prayer. " In the garden we saw the mournful monuments of the tidings we heard in this land, in the four graves — three of Bro. McDougall's daughters (two his own, and the daughter of Ogemawahsis, adopted), and Bro. John McDougall's first wife ; and the tragic details of the former ; the death of the three by small- pox, and the father and son putting the lovely daughter and sister in the cofiin — digging the grave themselves and covering it — none daring to come near to aid or administer consolation. Poor Mrs. Mc- Dougall kept up till the last one was gone, and then she swooned, and did not recover consciousness for some forty-eight hours. " Our services on Sabbath were well attended, although the large majority of the Indians were away hunting the buffalo. The half-breeds of the fine little settlement and the employees of the Com- pany made (juite a congregation. English sermon in the morning, a talk of an hour and a half on the Holy Land, translated into Cree, in the afternoon, and a fine Cree service by Bro. John McDougall, in the evening, filled up this delightful Sabbath. iJem- bership seventy, thirty of whom were received on trial in the revival last spring, under the labors of Bro. C^ampbell ; ten removals and four deaths during the year ; and when the Indians are at home the congregation is about one hundred and twenty; sixty children in the school during the week, and sixty -five i !i were the 0111- 11 ill the OOll, 1, in em- Oll H of rin