IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k .^% signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cMchd, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammas suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 { ■,V ;l.l ■<:-'.. M BELCHER'S m FOR -THE VEAR OF OUR l_ O H D I 9 Boins Leap Year, and the latter part of the TWENTY-THIRD, and the besinning of the TWEWTY-FOUHTH Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Quoen Viotorla. Calculated for Haufax, Lat. 44° 39' 20" N. and Lrmix- RS^ 36' 40" W. fi*cim Greenwich, but will answer for fill purts of the Province, iucUidiug the Isliind of Oape Breton. Contalninji, heeides the large number of Astronoinical Calculations, and the Farmor'a Culendur Ibr every mojith iji tlie jear, a greater varlet}', than auy other Alnia.,,: k. of §c\\\ rueful and C>//■■ ^ ///rr////// ///, ■MM / 2 UKLCJIKJIS i'AUJIEUS SIGNS Or THE PLANETS, ETC. [ISGO. I'-i) Tlie Sun T'le K.irth \o\v INIoon Q Full Moon •]) Fii-yt, (Junrter (T Last sluartcr 5^ Tho ascciiiling, 25 the clcsccnding uode. 2 I'allas 7f^ .Jui)it'T J^ S.ituiii )j[ HcrsciiclorUranus Spring sigua Summer SIGNS OF THE Autumn ZODIAC. 7 =D- Liliv.T, reign.') 1 . < 8 IT) StH.rpio, pooreta It 4^ Snggittiirius, tin. ^0 Ip CfipriLMjrnus. Un. 11 Sii Ac((iiariu«, legs 12 X i'iseos, feet r 1 Y Aries, lic: .1 ? 2 y Taurus, iieuk ( 3 n Gemini, anna ^ 4 23 Cancer, breast / 5 ^ Leo, heart ' C G TlJ^ Virgo, bowcla The letters M. A., m. a., denote morning and afternoon f;igu8 "Winter si^na N. North S. South E. I'ast W. "West '^ Degrees ' i\Iinutea of arc. " Seconds of nrc. C Apogee — greatest distarice from tlie Earth* 2) Perigee — least distance from tho Earth. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES FOR THE YEAR. Golden Number 18 Epact 7 Sohir Cycle 21 Dominical Letter A. G. Uoman Indictiuu I! Julian Period Oiu'C, EMBER DAYS. Fehr.: ry 20, March 2 and 8. May 30, June 1 and 2. September 10, 21 and 22. December 10, 21 and 22. ROGATION DAYS. May 14, 15, and 10. PLANETS. Merctiiit -will bo in its greatest Eastern elongations March 13, July 11, and Nov. 9 ; greatest Western elongations. May 1, Aug. 25, anl Dec. 15. When in its greatest Eastern elongations it may be seen in the West a few minutes after sunset ; and when in greatest Western elongations may be seen in the East a few minutes before sunrise. Venus will be the Eveniny Star until July 18, after which it will be the Mornitiff Star. Mars will be a Morning Star until July 14, after which it will be an Evening Stai'. JuriTER will be an Evening Star until July 31, after which it will be a J\fo ruing Star. Saturn will be a Morning Star until Feb. 11, after which it will be an Evening Star until Aug. 23, aud thereafter a Morning Star. I, L.G. )i>,U July , an.l cii in DStcvn rill be be an svill be NiW be 1. [18(iO. ALMANACK. ECLIPSES. Thoro will be roru Eclipses tliis ycM' — two of tlio Sun, and two of the 1. January '2'J. An Annular Ivclipse of the Sln, invisible in North Anit'j'ica, but may be yeen at Capo Horn and in the youtii L'aeitic Uceau. TUia Kclipiio licirins Jan. 22, rih. 4, ,. , ,, ,.r^- ' ,, , , ...I i,,i i- t / Mean time at llaliux. Lnus Jan. 22, lUli. 4.;ni. A. 5 TI. February 0. A partial Eclipse of tlie Moox, visible in all parts of Noi'tli America : II. M. First contact with tlie Penumbra. ... 7 4(J A.' First contact v^itli the shadow S 47 A. Middle of the Fclipae 1(» 14 A. Moon loaves the siiaihjw 11 41 A. IMoon loavo.'=i the I'enumbra, 7tii U 4."M. Magnitude of the Eclipse (Moon's diameter = 1)0,809. Menn time at ilaliiax. II r. July 18. A total Eclipse of the Hvx, visible (aa a partial one) at Halifax : Begins on the Earth generally. . . Central Fclipse Ijejrins jicnorally. Central llclipse ends jjjonerally. ir. M. : :r.tM.i H 4o .\I. ; Mean time at 1 1 ;;'.♦ M. Ends on tlie Earth'generally orf A. ^ Halifax. Mean time at Halifax. Eclipses take place every half year, and at 0!\ch period there may be one, two, or three ; if only one, it must be an cclij)se of the Sun; if two, there will be one of each lu:ninary; and if three, there will be two of the Sun, with one of tl » Muon l)etwoon them. Eclii).scs of the Sun are caused by the interposition of the bo^ly of the Moon between our eyes and the Sun ; and eclipses of the Moon ]>y a real deprivation of light from the Moon occasioned by the shadow of the earth. This Eclinse will be central and total in Oregon, northern part of British America, Spain, and the fiu-bary Srates It will be partial in ' all Xortii America, mo:.'t of Europe, and part of .Africa. More than half of the Sun's disc will be obscured at Halifax. IV. August 1. A partial eclipse of the Moon, invisible at Halifax and all partd of British America t n. M. First contact with the Penumbra. . . 10 2'.) M. ^ First contact with the shallow 11 h\ M. Middle of the Eclipse 1 10 A. J- Last contact with the shadow 2 20 A. East contact with the Penuuibra. ... 3 51 A. ^ Tbis Eclipse will be visible in China. ISlagQitmie of the Eclipse (Moon's diameter = 1)0.443. nKLrillMl 3 FAKMKR S [1800. FIXED AND MOVEABLE FEASTS, ANNIVERSAEIES, &c Cirounu;i«'u)n Jun. Kiiiphany .Martyrcloin K. ("liiirU'S 1. S<'])tu(if!;esim., Miclia(!itnay Day } ^ ' " All SaintH Nov Gunpowder Plot Prince of Wales />. 1841.. Princess Royal b. 1840.. St. A.Nin'.KW Jldccnt Sunday Dec St. 'I'lionuirt CHRISTMAS DAY 25 St. Ster.hc'n 26 St. John, Evangelist.... 27 Innocents 28 24 28 2'J 26 1 5 '.I 21 30 2 2I EASTru Day, on •which tlie rest of the Moveable Feasts and floly-days depend, ia alwaysi tlie first .Sf(t7(^a!/ after the full nioou which iiaiipens the next after the twenty-first day of ..March ; and if the full moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter-Day \ii the Sunday after. AnvK.vT Si'xnAY is always the nearest Sunday to the feast of Saint Andrew, whether before or after. Dinr.cTioxs for FiNPiNa thk Tuck Timk. — The sun is on the meri- dian at 12 o'clock on four days only in the year. It is Honietimes as much as 15 minutes before or after 12 when its shadow strikes the noon mark on the sun dial. On each calendar page of this Almanack is shewn the exact time at which the sun reaches the meridian ; and in order to set a clock or watch c(jrrectly, it must, when it is noon by the sun dial, be set at the time indicated in the Ahnanack. Thus, on the 25th Jan- uary, when the sun is on the noon mark, thewatcli must be set 12ni. SOs. past 12, which will be the true time. The practice of setting time-pieces % the rising or setting of the sun or moon is not strictly correct, as the unevenness of the earth's surface and intervening oljects, sucli as hills and forests, near the points of rising and setting, occaMon a deviation, in every jilace, from the time expressed in the Almanacks, which time is atlapted to a smooth level horizon. The only means of keeping correct time is by the U3e of a noon mark or a meridian line. < / \' < ^ s IHGO.J ALMANAriv. 5 EXPLANATrON OF THE CALENDAR PACES. Column LKFT HAND PACK. 1 and 2— Days of the Month and of the Weok. 8 '* 4 — Tlic risiii}; and setting; in ineitn lime of the hif^host point, or of tlie upper limb of tlie .Sun, (iorrected fur irfraction. f) — The Sun's doolination fur tiic same as tho Kimation, 'ith column. G — Eciufition of time, (or (luuiitity by wliicli tho Sun is xtnw or fast of t!ic duel; at noon, apparent, nut mean, time at (ireenwich, or a quarun' before eiglit o'clock in the morning at Halifax.) K(|ua- tion of time is the difference between mean and tippurent time; and there are only four periods of the year when tliis ditference is nothinp;; namely, aljout April ].">, June !•"), Sejitember 1, and December '21, as may be seen by referring to this column. 7 — Days' length in hours r"d minutes. 8 — The rising of tlie Jilooii. 9 — The setting of the Moon. 10 — The time of the .Moon's southing, or passing the meridian. This column also gives the time of Iligh AVatfU' at i'arrsboro', Horton, Coi'nwallis, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, iS:c. 11 — The symbols in this column indicate tho Moon's place in tho Signs or Constellations of the Zodiac. The top of the columns of each nicmtli gives the Moon's Phases, or times of New and Full Moon, and of the First and Last Quarters, or quadratures of the Sun. The f AUMEu's Calendxu is placed at the foot of the columns of each month. RIGHT HAND PAGE. 1 — Contains the days of the month. 2 — Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. 8— The time of High Water at Halifax, N. S. 4 — " " Pictou, N.S. and Cape Tormcntine.N.B. 6— " " Annapolis, N. S., St. John N. B., and Portland, Maine. G— " «' St. Johns, Newfoundland, of that tide which immediately precedes the southing of the Moon. These four columns are corajiuted on the supposition that the time of High Water on the days of the New and Pull Moon — L'estnblissmcnt du port — is at Halifax, 7h. oOm.; at Annapolis, St. John, N. B., and Portland, llh. 11m; at Pictou and Cape Tormentine, lOh., and at St. Johns, Newfoundland, Gh. oOm. All the calculations are made to mean solar time. The Epiikmeris of thk PiuNriPAii Planets. — The hour of ?« liorivon. d l.iist (III liter, l")tli il., 'J, h. 4:'. in. iiininiiijr, lieai-iii^ Wua* Q New VliMiii, 'jLii'l '\., S h. •_' in. iineriiOMii, li(':u-in._' Wc.^t. ]) I'ii'Hl (^uiirtor, lilst il, h. oC rii. luurninj;, bi'iiniiy l•.a^t. 1 4 7 H U 10 11 12 ]•'> 11 15 10 17 18 r.) 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 cis , 8 [J. M. Tu. W. Th. \\ Sa. SU. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa., SU. M. Tu. i '^^'• I Th. ' F. sr. M. Tu. ^^ liii.l.. Kis('<< 7 r.s 7 :;s 7 -M 7 37 7 37 7 3( 7 37 ( oh ( .lb 7 35 4 :'.o (Ircl'ii. « Jliiw i.f rtiiulh 1 cluck. I/'iitrlli 4 :;l 4 ;;2 4 3,3 4 34 4 3.-. 4 3,0 4 3S 4 :i'.i 4 40 4 41 U 42 7 35 '4 43 7 31 :4 41 22 • )•> 3 ■>s 34 34 28 ; Siv. 2'J , SU. 30 1 M. 31 ; Tu. 32 ' 7 31 ! 7 31 ' ( 30 : 7 2;» ! 7 28' ( 20 7 25 7 L^4 ! 7 23, 1 7 22 7 21 7 20 4 45 4 40 4 47 4 48 4 4'.t 22 40 22 40 22 33 22 21) 22 IX 22 10 22 2 21 53, 21 43 21 °"-\ 21 23 21 12 21o 1 fiO 51 52 53 51 55 50 57 58 5: 1 1 21 4t) 7 12 7 :'0 8 1 ; 8 24: 8 47 'J 10 II 31 52^ 20 50 10 13 i 20 38 10 33 20 20 10 52' 20 13 n 10 20 11 28; 111 47 11 45 I'.l 33 12 1 ' lit lit 12 11) i 111 4 12 30 18 41) 12 44 , 18 .34 12 5*' 18 lit 13 1) 18 8i 13 20 i ;17 47 13 30 j ' 17 30 13 40 ! 8 8 8 S S S 8 '.) II 1 1 1» 1 53' 1 ;!;-, 2 31 ' 3 42 ! 5 1 4! 5 8 '.I 9 11 ! 12 14 II 15 II 17 II I't 11 20 II 22 'J 21 11 21) II 2S II ;;i IJ :;2 II 31 II 30 9 3H II 41 44 It 22 n 14 .')(; 32 ');l 8 22 8 42 8 51 II 17 •I 35 II 55 10 18 10 48 i!iM!-n. 47 1 51 3 14 4 13 5 25 r, 33 7 30 8 u; H ',:', 1) ".I 10 10 10 11 11 51 A. 32 1 11 2 10 3 IS 4 22 5 27 6 3,0 7 32 8 '.) 10 37 11 41 morn. 40 s 40 7 II :\\) 10 3.2 11 3,11 iiKirii. 1 '.]^ 9 4 1) 22 • » oil '"f 10 20 It 4t) 3 25 11 35 10 10 4 15 inorii. 10 3.V 5 48 10 r,c> 52 1 53 11 31 o6 42 o. 3r> 7 34 8 27 II 21 10 1.-) 11 7 11 57 A. 43 1 20 2 7 2 47 3 20 4 C^ 4 48 5 32 6 21 o, r r 8 y n LI ■15 '15 SI r 8° 8 o o o| o o o O o o O o o o o o o © o o o o o Corn " The ciiluniii I'f ilii' moonV smithinp pives the time nf higli water at Parrsb(,ro', "^ wallis, llorton, Iliuitsiiort, Newimrt, AViiulsor, Truro, &c. ^ O TuAix tin' iiiiud ti) iif;lit ri'iis.uiiii^'. There is a cla^s of iiyrsuns r^iully (l^'ficiciit in thit* iiiiiMut.uit fiiculty. Kisini; lip cnrly and sittniic np liUe, ami lulinriMjr lianl, tlu'.ifj can scarcely keep tree fruni prc^-iin^ want. Tli" fault is in their lahur, hutjn tStir plans — in the arraiifiinu'nt (if thiir linsini'sa. They do not adopt tliH bkst method to perform their latwi', and con^ciiUf'iitly work to disaii\ania;.'e. It is of no kind of use i| to he "hurried to death" froni early in the sprinir till late in the fall. ;Sit down and calculate, takintr .'dl thiii|.'s into cinsideration, — see how much you can iil ui','h, idant, lioe and harvest, and then gt, to work Fyfteiiiatically. Not f>tdy estimat,- the amount of your lahorF, hut to do everythinir the best way, aiul do one thinj; at a time. It is tolly 'J to eoninience a piece of work and leave it half finished for something else, to he left incomplete, \V!iat uu.L,'ht to be done should he tinishe(f, ai||^ what miirht not to be dorm hould lie let alone, l.ook around you and see th'' various m< tliods in which yoiir 'J) nei/hbor:* Iierferm their labors. llo not suppose thiU you know ihdr.'- or can eaieulale to liettrr ad\ ania;,'!' than others. Jlake your ol.iS'jrvation and exiieri.'nce available fur your future improvement. o ^^^. , . . _ . <£@ ._^ ® (S) o o o o c ,7) O ®o ® o O o O o o r.' , o o o _o q O oOq o O OoO o " o ' o 0» O O o o o o o o o ooO o n o © .Oo o o G O o °o rP C3 O O p D o o o o o O ® ® o ® o o (g) ® (D ® ® © ® (fe o ® o o <* #1 @ ® (t® o H n o o o o •® ® o © (g) (f)® o o © ® © © T o iO 8 8 O ® ®.: O o I o O o © o out in 1, tlK'tj n tWir 1 10(1 to (if use rtn and , iiUint, KlUllt of is folly .lie, left l)ii i\')\\f^ ich yiMir ••.liculum , Uilile fur '-v ©c ® o o o o o O o°^° f%^ ^ o o o o °r.o ' . \' Winter.] JANUAKY 31 days. 7; i Epli'Mnei'is 1st January. 15th January. of I ho Principal I'laiit'ts. • 1 ., . , ! 14i'jlit ., . , 1 Kii-'lit ! ^ .. Moi-ul. j _^^;.„„^ Dcciliiiitioii. Men.l. 1 ^^(,,,„_ i Declm.ition. II. .M. 1 H. .«. fc. 6 "7 (/ H. M. i II. M. S. j '^ ' " , 5 ]\rcrcury 10 2').Mil7 7 '.^20 44 41s.| 10 41\i.l8 17 45 2:1 IG 20 s. : $ Vemis . . 1 44a. 20 2.-5 r)Si20 .V) 14.S. 2 itor . .')0M. 7 ;3:J 1;; 22 1 ;5.".x. 11 40a.; 7 25 15 22 20 2'.t\. ' = I7 Si turn. . ;> 12m. U o2 f>o\U 14 5s.\. 2 15.M. 9 49 58 14 32 50n. ]^ Uranus . 9 20 a. 4 'J ')b|20 57 Ix. 8 80a. 4 8 22 20 52 59n. 1 1 1 -^ 3 SUNDAYS, WEATniJR, ANNI- High Water, moan time, at ) t 1 i i ^ w - rt CI 5' VKUSARIiJS, ic. i 1 s| 11 . Afi. ! (Mrcun.cision. 1st Sun. aft. Christinas morn. 1 50' 3 4 11 20 2I (2) in perigee. .\\\ 3 3i 4 17 morn. i ^ CV?ar and 1 40 4 10 ! 5 30 40 » . 4 very cold. 2 55 5 25 ' G 39 1 55 1 ' 5iiji<5 li. 2'» ni. afternoon, benrin.s; Kast. C I'a?if. QiiiirtiT, J;'tli d ^ New Mf.on, 2l?t li . ;; }i > First ginvrtor, 2'.!l!i .!., 2 li. .30 n). iirtfrnuun, lirlow iho borimn. 2"' ni. iil'Jcnuion, l;e;niiig South '^V est. li. 1(1 rn. iifternuon, hciiriiig South. «.M ?. bs p e?t (vVs up pur ■ V-) * ■='^ liinl>. I > (» *-• Th. 10 5 10 11 4'.i 10 F. 4 7 *> 21 14 20 11 Sa. *- G 5 22 14 10 12 SU. 7 5 5 23 13 5!l 13 M. 7 O 5 25 13 30 14 Tu. / 2 5 28 13 10 15 W. 7 1 o 20 12 50 16 Th. 6 5;» 5 3.0 12 20 17 F. 6 58 y 31 12 8 18 Sa. G 57 5 32 11 47 10 SU. 6 0') o 33 11 26 20 M. 6 54 35 n 5 21 Tu. (j 40 ii 36 10 43 22 W. 1) 48 rt 38 10 21 23 Th. 6 46 o 30 50 24 F. 6 45 5 40 37 25 Sa. 6 44 ij 42 15 26 SU. G 43 5 43 8 53 27 M. 6 42 5 45 8 30 28 Tu. G 41 5 46 8 8 20 \V. G 40 i 47 7 45 13 40 I !•'» 57 I 14 4 I 14 10 ! 14 15 ': M 20 ■ 14 23 ! ! '^y> li 11 48 : 50 5} 28 :;o M 30 14 30 14 20 14 27 14 25 14 22 14 18 14 13 14 8 14 2 13 56 13 40 13 41 13 32 13 23 13 13 12 l-J ',t 5',» I 10 1 i 10 4 i 10 10 10 6 , i 14 3 52 41 10 15 ; 10 17 I 10 20 I 10 24 i 10 26 I 10 20 ! 10 32 10 3.4 i 10 36 I 10 40 10 43 10 47 10 50 10 52 10 56 10 50 11 1 11 5 11 7 n 24 2 40 ' 7 14 I .\. 12 3 4 8 111 1 13 4 12 13 2 27 5 13 10 16 3 40 6 5 11 17 5 12 6 45 morn. 6 ;s3 7 20 iC ( 0-1 7 40 I 11 13 8 11 2 3 10 30 8 35 2 54 11 47 3 45 iiioi'n. 25 4 3t. I 2 56 5 20 2 18 10 28 6 23 3 14 11 20 i X 1 4 11 A. 11 8 11 4 57 1 11 4 5 31 2 17 54 6 2 3 -iH 10 40 6 27 4 2] 11 24 6 47 5 25 X. 4: 7 5 6 27 46 i 7 24 7 28 1 26 7 42 8 24 2 5 8 2 30 2 46 8 22 10 36 3 2'.» S 40 11 43 4 16 24 Diorn. 5 6 10 5 48 6 1 3 n n a t r T 8 8 8 n (j:;^ Thi' column of Iht inonu's siiulliiii>;' Kives the time of liiph water rtt Parrsboro', Coriiwallis, HorUm, Il;ints|ir)i-t, Wimlsor, Nowport, Truro, &c. No amovmt (if eitva kiljor in tlio afti-v callwrt: can (■(mijimisatt' for a flcffct iij the j)loughitig of the ground ; \\n<\ lip is an ', nw i^e fanner who will allow his trroiinrts to he impcrffctlj' broken up in thi' propaiation for a f rop. M\it'h nii|.'ht be sai'l uf tin; pro- prk'tj of deep or shallow pioii),'hin>r, I'Ul HS tlif'n' is n'^t Sjirice in thi'' a. liole, we can only n>niark that it is jn'nerp.U.v corisiil'Ti'.l that dec]) •,ilof>n SoniPtime exposed to tlie aciii'M of th'' fiost and tli'? nieliorating influenccH of llpht, heat, 4c. It is not certain thr.t t!if« rir. improve our heavy and reten- tive soils, and the time is proUiMy not far distant when it will be in cmitnon use as nuicli iierhajiS as tl'.e O'lniiiiou i>liHif;li. fi, vv,\y not, and perhaps will not, be found necessary to ivsort to deep stinaij: of Ih" r'nil every year, but as tifien as onee iti every course of crops, or every three or fntir vavii, great benetils would \>v derived from this operation. That ihin« hi>.s '"en ,i niiiinf' ent m the practice of farmers in plougliing their grounds, wc have ih'j boii. evidence ia the fields everywhere pre- seDted to our view i V i m i V V V ^'i ttS .'j a fiai'ito^ ^to' ■ i *. ' iii > « V' > ;l > ^ i r% i h3ft i> .--::.^^\L.::v^: x-^Tr.:-**^:--^?^'.:,, ,.>-. ^^^. , t^^^ iir-rrfoc!iimlion. ■J \ v\ !'.» r,o ;;s. M 5'.) 57.\, JO uO K;\. I5tli Juhrf.nry, M(»rld. Ilijcht PecIhiHtion. !. Jl. 11. .M. IS. 1 -Ia. 1-1 -Jo 131^' o n:] 22 a. 2 20 ..\. 2;*) 6'.» .11 1 2 3f)S. I'. AIM. }<) 2',t 4^'li1 IT) r)(i,H. It 2',tA. 7 10 21 22 hi KiN. 11 »")',» A, '.t 40 r,i,ir, L'}] 84 N. "> 27a. 4 1 7':;o ()() Cs. lUsh Wati r, time, at o n 2 rt O 4 Afi. G 7 8 'J 10 11 Ai;. 13 14 lo k; 17 18 Ai;. 20 21 22 2S 24 25 Afi. 27 28 20 SUNDAYS, ■VViiATnEIl, ANKI- YERSAUlEBj &g. Clears vp Purif. B. V. 5I,vry. Low tides. ; ^,5C. and becomes \ Septuagcsima Sunday. C eoiip'^ed. very cold. High tklea. h 6 C- \ [C perigee, | Look out I Queen Tiotoria marriod, 1810. for a C(dd i Sexagcsima Sunday. ! Low tides. snow | Valentine"? Day. ;l ^ C- storm... 5 greatest Hel. Lat. !S. j Molfrnics with ! probaldy , Quinq. or Shrovtj Sunriay. ; tome rain' High tides. (C apof^co. | Asli Wednesday — lat day uf Lent. | and sleet, \ St. Matthia?. $ ^ <[. Still continues First Sunday in Lout. dull and Middling tides. overcast ]^ (5 C . Ember day. i a O s y, 5 D S •< . ST. i It. ~< 57 3 27 ! 4 41 57 2 IG 4 4r, ; (; 1 10 r. 48 G 18 1 oj 2 48 5 6 7 Si) 8 50 4 G 6 8 8 38 ;» 52 5 8 C 58 •J 28 10 42 58 7 42 10 12 n 20 6 42 8 21 10 51 A. 5 7 21 8 5'J 11 20 43 7 50 a5 A. 5 1 10 8 35 10 10 40 2 16 10 5'.) 1 2'.t 2 43 59 11 53 2 23 10 53 A. 5;) 3 21) 4 43 11 59 2 21 4 51 6 121a 8 50 fi 20 7 34 2 50 4 57 7 27 8 41 3 57 48 8 18 9 32 4 48 f) 28 8 58 10 12 5 28 7 2 82 10 40 G 2 » .>.- / OO 10 5 11 10 6 35 8 a 10 35 U 4'J 7 8 8 sa 11 3 morn. 7 33 ".) 11 30 17 8 U 30 morn. 44 8 30 10 3 1 1 15 y 3 10 42 33 1 40 9 42 11 27 1 12 2 26 10 27 morn. 1 57 3 11 11 10 »**? 10 MARCH begins on THUllrfDAY. [1^00. O I'ull Moon, 7th <1., ^< h. 'J'* m. inornirig, liciring Wont. <[ Ltist Quarter, Mtli d., 4 li. 51 in. niorninjj, hearing South. ^ New .Moon, lilind d., h. 42 ni. niornin^r, hoarini; Kast. 5 First Quarter, oUth d., 2 h. 88 ni. morning, lieiow tlie horizon. (71 ^ 1*5 P ^IS ^ iimli. -'IS Uisfs. I Si'ts, 1 Th. 2 F. 3 Sa. 4 Su. 6 M. G Tu. 7 W. 8 Th. U F. 10 Sa. 11 Su. 12 M. i:! Tu. 14 W. 15 Th. 10 F. 17 Sa. 18 Su. 10 0(| M. i Ji I w. 22 I Th. 23 F. 24 Sa. 25 I 8u. 20 ! M. I 5 52 27 Tu. I 5 50 6 38 I 5 30 I 5 34 5 32 I 5 30 ^ 5 20 ■ 5 I) 27 '■ 5 25 5 23 . 5 21 20 1 8 10 It I 6 12 I 6 10 iO 8^0 7 i 50 6 3 1 5 50 ; 5 5710 5 50 5 54 28 20 30 31 W. Th. F. Sa. 48 '5 I 5 40 I 5 44 5 42 48 50 51 52 54 55 50 57 50 1 3 4 G; ci 8i 0! 10: 12 13 15 10 17 18 10 20 22 23 24 25 20 0's 'i<'cl'll. S-.uth. slow (if clock. 7 tj 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 N. 2 1 1 2 2 22 ; 50 i 30' 13: .50 27: 4 40 17 53 30' '>! 43 10 I 55 i 31! 8' 41 20 : 2 ' 20' 37 1 24 48 11 31 58 21 Lcn>.'t!i of (lays. 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 7 7 ( 5 4 4 4 20 17 4 50 30 " ( 21 5 40 32 15 58 40 23 5 47 20 11 53 35 10 58 30 21 o f) 44 2t) 11 11 11 11 11 11 n 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Moon. I UijOH. I Hct:<. c iiiUh. 10 14 17 20 24 20 2'i ;',•' :;o ;',o 41 45 48 51 55 58 1 3 7 10 14 17 20 22 25 28 32 35 38 41 48 10 A. 1 2 3 5 8 •» 58 4 20 42 50 23 30 3 20 10 40 11 55 morn. 1 3, 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 8 8 10 A. 53 32 33 Oij 13, 20 50 I 8 30 55 25 53 ; 52 53 I 17 ! 1 54 58 2 55 7 58 •> 52 8 58 4 30 9 50 5 10 10 52 5 45 11 40 30 58 I : 7 30' 7 54 8 31 15 10 5 11 5 A. M 1 10 2 13 3 17 4 17 5 21 morn. 30 1 31 2 23 3 K 4 13 5 5 20 7 22 I 8 20 33 ' 10 41 11 40 I morn. 40 ; 1 40 i 2 21 i 5',» i 7 50 8 38 23 10 5 10 45 11 25 A. 5 45 1 28 2 14 3 3 3 55 4 51 5 40 47 7 44 C's place n 13 SI a j\ -n. Y 8 8 8 n n SI XT' The column of t'ne moon's noutliinp ):ives the time of high water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Ilortoii, llantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &.c. Wr need not here po into ,i minute examination of all the various items of good and bad manaiirement, but we may merely recall a few thinjrs to rcnii'inbrance. The. loss of hay and other food of si.eep and cattle, by their exposure in open fields to cold winds in winter, causing a consumption of nearly double the amount needed for them in v^arni placea, would in a einple season, be enouKh to erect Kood and cheaji shelters, to say nothuiff of the improved condition of the animals, and security from loss bv death. A great savinp vonld often result by takiiijir fine animals to breed from. A fine and hand:?ome animal is us easily raised as a bad and ugly one, and fre(iuently commands a double price in market. A similar advantage would result from .selection of seed. Many days labour may be annually avoided, by procuring the very best tools, where there are such as are much in use. A vast amouLt of valuable time, and some frettin" may be saved by having a place for ('verything, atid everything in its place, and habits of leaving things out of order, which are very hard to cotKpier, and which like all kinds of carelessness, arc the bane of fine farming, be prevented. ^i I i I "■A Spring.] MAllCH :il days. 11 Kphcmorin 1st March. 15lh March. cif the rriiiripal riuwcls. Merid. I^');'''' 1 Ueclinntion. A scon. 1 Mcrid. UiKlit Asoen. Declination. n. M. II. M. s. ; ' * *^ H. M. n. M. n. J \ w 5 Mercury .|'.»A. 2;} 27 22; 4 2:} 20s. 1 13 A. 40 2G 7 11 598. i Vemis . . 2 20 A. 1 4 47- U 48 PJh. 2 o • > A . 2 37 13 35 40 s. ^ Mars . . . 2'.iM. 17 7 ]f)22 ;i2 5S8. 8.M. 17 41 3!) 23 17 21s. If. Jupiter . H ;51a. 7 50 22 58 -'Jn. 7 ;:i A. 7 20 22 59 32n. >2 Saturn. . 10 50 A. 30 10 15 47 12n. O / A. 9 32 30 10 5 17n. J^ Uranus . 5 2yA. 4 7 47 20 52 On. 4 35a. 4 9 8 20 55 23n. Il'n;h Wilier, moftn time, at ■a , '..'1 m., morning, hulow the horizon. 1 Iji ('?)'» iipiicr c^>'^ ; M 30 3 1 3 1 2 r.3 4 1 i^ 4 10 23 1 M^ 4 W. o 3o t) 3 i f) »')3 ; 2 »V> |2 'V) 1 '"^ 2H 4 28: 11 loj =0: r> Th, ;■) 33 G ;;J5 r, ji; 2 ;;7 I.'i no f) 2 morn, ^i G 1\ .') 31 ,0 34 3S , 2 20 ;;'. ." 7 oi 5 21 7 TT| Ha. .") 3') (■> 3') : 7 1 2 :; 1:; m; r>o S 1 1 tT| 8 SIJ. r, li^ 31) 7 2:; 1 10 13 12' 10 44 24 1 07 t «) M. 5 2(i 38 7 4tl ! 2'.' 1:; 1.-), 11 f>l 7 2 "r'.t / 10 Tu. 5 21 (•) 3'.i S s 1 ;•.' '.; IS 'morn. 7 r.r, 3 r.3 1 ^ 11 W. T) 22 40! cS 8(1 c :,:) ]:; 1' » 40 8 .'■)2 4 4'.i ; b 11^ Th. 5 21 41 H ;V.: io ]:\ "Jl 1 33 '.» r.4 r> 43 j^B 13 F. o 1') 43 •» 13 21 !:; 27 '-i n 11 Ji3 a» 14 S.a. '} ^I ♦; 44 ; s) ;;") ',' 13 ;'. t 2 ;;3 A. 7 r.) ] 5» 15 su. 5 lA f, 4") ' .")♦) s. Tj !3 ;,:; ..'- 'u 1 T 8 2'^ 10 M. 5 14 47 10 IS F. I'.i 1..". ;:*) 3 20 2 8 8 44 K 17 Tu. T) 12 4^-! 10 ;.'.u ; :-'. 13 ;t! . 3 30 3 10 •) 28 ^ IH ^\. u 10 »j 4'.» 11 -;r 13 41 3 r>3 4 11 10 3i r l-.> Th. r. V- f. .vo; !i 21 1 13 :i 4 12 n 14 10 43 i °f 20 F. 5 7 r, 51 H 11 11". 13 47 1 34 6 18 1 1 20 1 T 21 Ba. 5 t; t; ..2 12 1 ' 1 ■-i) !:;.'■)• 4 ns 7 24 A. 71 ! y 22 SLT. o 4 U Tvi 1 12 22 I 3S 13 ■■■^ n 28 8 30 O'ji 8 23 iM. r. 2 t; r.;v 1 2 42 1 v.i 1:: .v; , 4 38 -M 1 U 2-1 Tu. o r, .Vi , 13 1 2 13 •">.' ■ ul 10 48 2 47 1 n 20 W. 1 r,:) .")8 13 21 , 2 !1 ! 1 2 7 4S 11 40 3> 4 1 i g;5 26 Th. 4 r.7 () ;V.) 1 13 •!(>' 2-5 14 4: S ;^3 morn. 4 42 1 15 27 1\ 4 r>(; 7 (»■ 13 nn 2 :.l l( r •■» 7 31 38 , ^ 28 Sa. 4 r,i 7 1 ! 14 18^ 2'-;o t.! ;^ ii 2J 1 \l ;!2 1 a 20 Fu. 4 r,;; 7 2 14 ;;7 2 -J:; 14 ?] A. ;i't I 42 7 24 : ^). 30 .M. 4 ol 7 3 14 ;"■> 2 i.r ! 1 i :: 1 ■','> 2 'J 8 11 ^^ . ■ [O" Til" coliimn (if rlHi m<>:)ri'? ^^ iv Isor, Ni!.\ 111)!''. 'Vr'vr.j, .-cc. ^di Winter ill. P,IFVfl!'^-0% . Cor ISTill'iis , llitrSii \, J'liUHS purt, Win TnK niO'lt' :>!" ]>riiti;)srit.ii\;< ll:i.' p.^ti'4.->'irir: s «'.«:■ ■vl,, it j/. riilinr. A br|;o o-iion.sct in t'ae jiTouivl crirly ill sprinc, l)n-..U!i in',') Punril (,. ij 1>; (!c|,-.:ii-;(.te iii',!:;iis, wiiirh fj'ro'.v in it ciusttT of tJii'Ot.' or fair p.^iyi »\7.A I'l^ihs at t'le bottciti, ;iii!" il fur t'>-' ii.'xt yi'av's crop. 'Du- iiin;iFlcL-t will i^tfaw into \ cry kivi::'. sir.-jrlc I)!!!!^; w'n\U'. ilwj liirK^'i' wvU )?r'i\T ii>io t.w./ or three niiddliii.i,' ei/.C'l, — -b'.' av-yiijrf iiotmnl iiiinoasc, ini.iiii: lrirf.a' and siik.I! t,Mn irf;i-1ily ija^;u'ists Jlio proptT mode of cnlLiA iltii-n — which is to SLt out tfio sii;;!)! iinimi* f.;r tiif jitTrpos" of pr iducin',- tho lav^'i; nnej f ir taW'i use, a:id tj> ^'et i-tu ;k sir.!ikMt.iit niiir.!)L'r nf i'ar.'r'r 'jim:-; fur tli.- pur|":f"' of pruducinx tho stn.iU i)ii«3 for ytfi'd. 'I'l:.' lirst sli' iiM liiui.' ii ini.diMt'dy rich noil, the k^^t Ji Foil ratlifjT barren. Tht?y ehonld >>,•" pui »it ;i.-f < irly in flu.- >n.'>'ii''- >»*''^«^ i<'assoii.\vill admit — ))iit tlieiu ill rjwi f;ir ci.oul'Ii iipiiri to slin-.r w to \>h-:< li-.'t-ivcfii !ti''rii, nvA\ tl.Ti-e or four inches apart in the ri.nvs—just corcr v.'!Ui oartli-'tUi / iu;iy Ik; gtiick in the ground with the thuixib and fin^'ur. n Spring.] Al'lUi. ;iO ^hp. ])] r.\ 1st April. 16th April. Merl.l. Jfjj!,!',; PrrMnntlon. 1 Merl.l. \ I^'*''" ' ncrt!!i«tlr,i. II. M. 1 II. M. ». " ' " II. M.~ II, .M. «. ' ' " $ Mercury (• Sa,' »H .'.J S 'J'> *J'.J. 11 24 12 2 n 4v. ?\>iitifl.. 2 -S'.A., 1 '-'l ^ '_'(> L'T »'>7?v. 2 r,4A. 4 2'.t 4121 2;5 ?r.s. ^ M M>' .. r. IJM. l.S 21 Kl "jr, ;;;) 'j^n. n 17.M .|IH .'.2 ;!'.L';i .•)7 21«<. 2f..lupitt>r. r, i'Sa. 7 '.» 2't:j2 An 1V?<, r» f;7A .17 11 :J1122 U) r,\^. hSituru . M -ITa. '.I L".» 2'.' lH I'.i :.;>.v. 7 r.iA .1 '.t :.'S 18' If. 24 4o\. JilL'riiiu.'!, H :;!)a. 4 11 K7 21 21 ol'-v, 2 J'.7a, 4 14 H21 V 21\. 1 1 1 lligli Water, menu time, »t d 1 " r •'■•• ' S 1 RINDAYS, %vr..VTHKU, ANM- ! K B<-i i^ a , .rf OS • 1 >> '>'i ' 1 "3 VBRS.MaKN, ETC. ! * 1 i ! 1 1'§ li C -> -"I ^1 : it ! AG. tltli Suu. iu Lent. Palm Suivlny. 8 r, A r,6 ! 6 fiO j « f> l| '2 h 6 €■ I'ooh- 4 27 or .S 10, « 27 o Old fnr 20 7 i')o I U •» 4 2'. 4 C* perigee. .J/);-i7 6 13' 8 42 «.t oO <") 1-j o Hi;;ii tides. ^ in periiiclion. fi i')*") 'J 2t'. , 10 o'.i 6 ;')(') (iudd Friday. thowert. 7 iib 10 11 20 8t$ i 7 I'rimie L^'opold, born, ISOli. 8 14 10 44 11 58' 7 14 AG, Ka. 2 8;* 3 58 1 1 1 18 Low tides. u-ith i 11-3 a 48 4 57, A. 18 . 14 I'riiicesa Heatnco, horn, lsr»7. 2 L'*j 4 00 u : 1 2.') .u;. l.^t Sun. lifter I^u-xter. Low Sunday. <» J'.G e 6 7 20 2 ;;g It; fc Htutionary. IG 7 4*1 1 '<) 4 IG ' l.S 1 a shower ■ r> I'S 8 27 M 41 4 27 1'.) ' of rain. •) '40 10 14 5 8() 20 h stiitionarv. High tides. 7 4 U S4 10 48 '" t 21 ' Jiaih'ir 7 8".t 10 It 11 28 6 8'.) All. 2ncl Sunday after Kiister. 8 12 10 42 11 r,G 7 12 2o St. (Jkohok. ^ iu uphellon. , '.) 5U 11 20 morn. 7 M 24 5 ,5 C- V J) pic ma}} i. ■ '.• 8:*. morn. | 84 8 V,ll 25 PrinccasAlice, i;. 1848. St. M:^rk. 10 IC, 811 17 IG 2G So me. what 11 4 4Gi 2 10 4 ( 27 It ^ h. 2 ni., aftoriioun, helow the horizon. ^ Now Moon, 2(Jth d., 2 h. ;!2 ni., iifteruoun, bwiriuji; ."Soutii West. j) First Quarter, 27th d., y> h. oO m. afternoon, bearing South. cfe ivVs upper •^ limb. itrscs. I Sctu. (li'ciiii. North. fast of clock. I') :U 88 32 4 81 80 28 27 20 20 25 24 4 2:! 4 22 4 21 4 20 4 1'.) 4 18 4 17 4 10 7 II 10 11 J '2 18 14 15 10 17 18 j r.i 20 ' 7 21 I 7 22, 7 28; 7 24: 15 18 15 81 15 4U 1() 10 28 IG 4<» 10 57 17 17 !7 18 I i - '.) 20 27 28 ;{o 81 82 88 84 85 80 J 8 2'. I 4'^ IS J 5 18 80 18 45 18 5;.i ] '.) 1 8 10 20 lit 80 I'.t 52 20 5 20 1 7 20 20 20 40 20 51 j 21 2i 21 18 21 28 21 82 21 42 21 51 : 21 50 i 8 .) 3 12 8 18 (5 24 8 80 r) >>•) 8 80 8 48 •■) .U\ 8 40 8 51 8 52 58 58 5'^ 52 51 8 8 8 8 8 8 40 8 40 14 15 14 18 14 20 14 28 14 20 14 2S 14 81 14 82 U 85 14 87 14 4! 14 48 14 45 14 47 14 40 l4 61 14 54 14 57 14 50 8 10 4 2() 5 48 7 8 10 ;;i 10 82 11 22 morn. 2 88 2 2 1 1 1 2 -7 10 80 21 88 58 <■)•> 4 2 40 >2 5 ■lo 88 7 8',i 8 40 58 47 4 54 10 40 11 41 morn, ;',8 1 87 2 85 10 8 4 5 5 ;ji 21 i;; 5H t bo 2 88 8 8 80 8 48 8 80 8 85 8 80 1 2 4 8 10 8 18 8 2 50 2 51 2 48 15 15 15 1 5 15 8 15 10 15 12 15 14 15 15 15 10 15 18 15 10 2 45 41 55 21 10 2S 11 48 A. 50 2 11 3 20 4 42 A. 1 (] !0 ^ 1 1 i 20 ^ 2 8 Y 2 50 8 40 T 4 1 21 r 5 10 •) 8 15 10 58 H 7 20 11 44 n 8 88 A. 80 n :;;! 1 87 n 10 87 2 80 25 11 22 8 84 To 11 84 4 20 SI morn. 5 21 S} 14 11 ^ 80 (') 50 tij: 50 7 48 -^ 1 25 8 88 J^- 1 50 80 ^ (nr The ciilmnn of thace to rows running north ami south This more readily admits tiie lipht and lieat of the sun, than rows runnini: in a contrary direction. It has been suppested that planting corn and jiotatoes in alternate mws, vr in alternation of two rows each, would give a greater appre.ratc iirodm-t f^r a piviMi extent of land, than if each crop were planted entirely by i;..elf. Kxiierinienis nlative to this point have been made and tlie resnUs indicate considerable advantage in favotu- of the mode of mixed plantiiig : from an half acre of corn alone was harvestefi .i2 Bushels ; and from half an acre of j )tatoes nJone l.'5f) IJushels ; and from half an acre in alternate rows of corn and i>o1atoes was liarvosted 'S^ husliclH of corn, ami "9 bushels of potatoes,- -from which' there appears to have been a pain iu m xeU planting of 10 bushels of Corn to the acre and 20 bushels of iiotatoes. I ^ 1 i b° ^ ^ r r : ; r > « l> 8 i i' n i n i n 1 1 S5 1 1 SI Spring.] MAY 31 days, 15 : Ephenieria lat May. 15th May. of the principal I'lilULtd. Mcrid. '^'*'''^' 1 Declination. Mtrid. 1 •f'''^'''' Declin.ition. ! Asoen. ! 1 Afcer '• 1 . i II. M. II. M. B. ! '- ' " H. M. ' II. M. s. ■ '^ ' " i $ Mercury 10 20m. 58 32! 3 4 14n. 10 82m .i 2 6 2140 1 29n. ? Venus . . 8 5 A. 5 44 1526 81 87n. 8 11 A .| 6 45 2 26 17 88n. ^ Murs . . . 4 46m. 10 24 4'28 28 10 a. 4 14m .19 47 1^28 12 51s. 1^ .Jupiter . 4 48a. 7 22 58 22 81 80x. 8 57 a .' 7 32 9 22 12 51 N. b Saturn . 6 40a. 28 8816 21 57n. 5 55a.' 80 28 26 12 85x. 3^ Uranus . 1 38 a. 4 17 48 21 18 18n. 47a.: 4 21 821 26 21n. : ■1 SUNDAYS, WEATHKU, ANM- 1 nigh Water, mean time, at i 1 1 %. '^ —I 1 Si ji 6;i •|^| M \ £ VERSAllIES, KTC. ^ 11 on « C X £ 32 ^^.1 o 3 '"a 1-1 (14 CO =* ^ ! m 1 Prince Arthur b. 1850. St. Philip 3 51 6 21 7 85 2 51 ! 2 C perigee. [md St. James. 4 57 7 27 8 41 8 57 3 Becomes 5 48 8 18 9 32 4 48 i 4 warmer. 6 82 9 2 10 16 5 32 5 Ili^h tides. 7 16 9 46 11 6 16 ; AG. 4th Sunday after Easter. 7 59 10 29 11 43 6 59 ' Seasonable and 8 41 11 11 A. 25 7 41 : 8 warm 9 22 111 52 1 6 8 22 9 5 greatest elongation. 10 5 A. 35 1 49 9 5 , 10 showers. 10 48 1 18 2 32 9 48 11 Pleasant n 85! 2 5 8 19 10 85 12 Low tides. sjning A. 25 2 55 4 9 11 25 AG. Rogr.tion Sunday. 1 26 ! 3 56 5 10 A. 26 14 ^ C apogee. weather. 2 26 ; 4 56 6 10 1 26 lo > Rogation Days. 3 32 1 6 2 7 16 2 82 16 ) Rather un settled ^ 4 26 : 6 56 8 10 : 8 26 I 17 Ascension Day — Holy Thur:p 6 W. 4 15.7 42 22 42 1 86 1 ] 5 20 10 37 1 6 31 2 13, b t 'I'h. 4 1.5 1 7 4;; 22 48 1 Vo 15 27 11 1 1 7 31 .3 '1- 1 A^V 8 V. 4 15 17 44 22 54 1 14 '15 28 11 22 i 8 41 3 51 ! sw Sa. 4 14 17 44 22 50 ] 3 15 2".) 11 44 1 40 4 34' s» 10 hJu. 4 14:7 45 23 3 51 ■ 15 30 morn. ! 10 48 5 1t3! X u M. 4 14 7 40 23 7 30 1 15 31 ] 11 41 5 55 1 K 12 Tu. 4 14 7 40 23 11 27il5 31 22; A. 48 6 85 T in \v. 4 14 7 4G 23 15 14 15 32 30 1 r M t 10 T 14 Th. 4 14 ' 7 47 23 18 S. 1 15 32 1 1 2 55 58; r ]') F. 4 14 7 47 23 20 10 15 83 1 28 4 8 4t: H 1(3 Sa. 4 14 ; 7 48 23 22 23 15 33 i 58 8 31 8 17 Sa. 4 14 7 48 23 24 36 ; 15 ;;4 80 6 18 10 27 n 18 M. 4 14 i 7 4U 23 25 40 15 34 3 28 22 11 25 ': n I'J Tu. 4 14 i 7 4'J 23 26 1 2 15 34 4 31 8 10 A. 25 ■ 25 20 W. 4 14,7 4VI 23 27 1 15.15 34 5 42 1 21 , 23 21 Th. 4 14:7 4i) 23 27 1 28 . 15 34 6 5'.» 45 » 22 f) 22 F. 4 1517 4<.) 23 27 1 41 |15 31 8 15 10 17 8 i^y a 23 Sa. 4 15:7 4',i 23 20 1 54 1 15 34 31 10 45 4 ^'. ^ 2-1 Sa. 4 15 7 4'.» 23 25 2 7il5 34 10 47 11 7 4 57 TIJ^ 2o M. 4 10 7 40 23 23 2 20 1 15 34 n 51 H 21 5 40 T^ 26 Tu. 4 16 7 48 23 21 2 33 ! 15 Al 10 11 54 35 -n. 27 AV. 4 10; 7 48 23 lit 2 45, 15 00 2 30 morn. 1 25 rCk 28 Th. 4 10 1 7 48 23 16 2 57 15 3:5 3 44 20 8 18 TI) 2'J F. 4 17 ; 7 48 23 13 3 «.} 15 32 4 58 48 14 i TTJ 30 Sa. 4 17 17 48 i 23 3 21 15 32 6 5 1 30 10 11 ■f O* 'i'l'P C'llumti of the moon's southitig gives the time of high wattT at Parrsboro', Coniwallis, Ilt;i-ion, Hiviitsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. Tlic preseia montli is one of ih" most rapidly growing: reasons of tlie yciir. I'lu'. f«r- iiiur's cKpps hot oiil,\ iiiiilii' urtiit iirogress, Imt Wi'cd^ too are fvcr vipil;iiit in thnimiii,!? up ttifir luMdrf iiiid a-i.*i/riiiig tin ir (.'liiinif". If tlify oiico p"t l!u; ui)per Ijinid for a wct'li, tlie crop iniiy fcil llic injuri'jus infiiieiice lor tlie \v1>o1b season — Ift tlimii tli.^n U- peated plou'j'hing and harrowing of the ground for some weeks licfore sowing roots, to clear it ercciually of weedb, is a very economical oiieration aad saves much hibor. i 1 Y 8 n I n , 23 I I Summer.] JUNE 30 days. 17 'i I; j,. r Eph*niiM-is of th(? l)riii('ilial i'laiiets. ^ Mercury ? Von 118 . . ^ Mars . . . 1^ Jupiter . 1^ Siituru. . ]Jl Uranus . Ijt June. Mcrid. ir. M. 1 1 80m. Ripht Ascen. 3 5a. i ;5 27m. 3 Oa. 4 o2a. 11 44m. 11. 4 7 20 M. 11 40 45 Declination. 21 1 35n. S;23 0-2 On. 37i2:5 22 32s. 1 21 43 23.H. 34 10 15 53 8>-. 1 25 10 21 30 l.->x. 16th June. Mt>ri,l. Ri-rht Asoen. Decliuation. o i /}~ II. M. li. M. S. 40a.! C 22 8 25 10 Ox. 2 42a. i 8 18 44'20 52 11n. 2 3'.tM. 20 13 30 24 3 2()s. 2 20a. 7 50 38 21 23 2Sn. 4 lA.' 38 2'.ll5 31 14\. 11 53m.: 4 28 44 21 44 2n. 5 a o 55 BUNDAYS. WEATHER, ANNI- VERSARIES, ETC. 1 AG 4 5 7 8 9 AG 11 12 13 14 15 10 AG 18 11) 20 21 22 23 AG 25 20 27 28 29 30 ) Middling tides. 3 Ember Days. Trinity Sunday. High tides. 5 in perihelion. Corpus Chriati. Much warmer. Clouds vp for a storm with probdhhj 1st Sunday after Trinity. Middling St. Barnaba.s. [tidos. $ at greatest brilliancy. [ C apogee. thunder and light nin(). 2nd Sunday after Trinity. ]# ,5 C ■ Battle of Waterioo, 1815. $ Btat. Very high tides. Warm Accession Queen Victoria, 1837. (^ enters Z5 Autumn conuucnccs. refreshing h (? C- C perigee. 3rd Sunday after Trinity. St. John ? Stat. [IJaptist. breezesy liOw tides. Queen Victoria cro^^TIcd, 1838. with St. Peter and St. Paul. some rain. High Water, moan time, at CM I ^1 II c -* 2 '" CO " 5 23 I 15 I 7 1' 7 451 8 25; 5 1 9 43 10 20 10 58 11 38 A. 18 1 18 2 20 3 28 4 ;M I7i 3' 48 ■ I I 8 301 9 12 9 531 10 34 i 11 18| morn, | 1 i 1 24 7 53 9 71 8 45 9 59 9 31 10 45 10 15 11 29 i 10 55 A. 9 11 35 49 A. 13 1 27 50 2 4 1 28 2 42 2 8 3 22 2 48 4 2 3 48 5 2 4 50 4 5 58 7 12 7 1 8 15 7 57 9 11 8 47 10 1 9 33 10 47 10 18 11 32 11 morn. 11 42 14 morn. 50 23 1 37 1 4 2 18 1 48 3 2 2 31 3 45 3 54 5 8 5 20 13 7 27 7 37 8 51 E'2 "c 3 4 23 5 15 1 6 45 7 25 8 5 8 43 9 20 9 58 10 38 11 18 A. 18 1 20 2 28 3 31 4 27 5 17 3 48 7 30 8 12 8 53 9 34 10 18 11 1 morn. 24 1 30 2 53 4 7 18 -H'TiV Ix-ffins on SUNDAY [18()0. O Full MnOM, 2! (].. 1 111. "/..'lii., .'iI'LTrKxiii, liiariiiu' S.niili. C \.;\<\ f^iMiicr, lllh il., ill. luiu., iiini'iiiii,^', licMi'iii,:.;- WCst, © \"\v .M'/nii, iMli (1., lOli. -"ill., iiinriiiiiiv, hi'ivriiiu' l.tvi. }) First Quarter, jr.lli <]., 11 Mil, luuriiiii'.:', 1k'1"\v the lidri/di. ©■ till "? lii 1 I PIT. I 4 IS 1' M. I4 I'.t ;; Til. 4 20 4 w. r. , Th. (;i F. 7 Sii. H ' Si:. 11; :\i. 10 i Tu. 11 1 w. 12! Th. 1:^.1 F. 4 21 4 22 4 2:'. 4 21 4 4 21 20 4 20: 4 20 1 4 1 27 i l)l)(i'r a 's a lii'ii Kill lb. .liu ill. Slu'.V of tii'ts. Nm th. cl '.) ;?;', IT) :;i 7 4M 2;! 1 •A 4} 1 •") 2't 7 4S 22 ni; ;j r..') 1') 2H 7 4s 22 (M 4 1 •"> 7 47 22 4:) 4 10 I ■) 2I1 7 47 22 0.' 4 20 1 •") 2-"» 7 40 • )•) 1 1 1 1 4 ;!0 1 ") 21 1 7 40 ■'•' 20 4 1-". 1 ;"> 2:1 1 Muon. Ki;- 7 4 Sl't^ ,C C's Hduth. Ipliice 2 17 11 S ',] 12 11 r.'J 4 14 morn. I 2 ' A 1'.' ' I 20 ) is L'O 1 41 8 Dl , 2 45:22 I'.i: 4 :.l i:, 22 lo 4:i ; 10 4 ;;l b ^ K X 7 44 i 22 1 1 7 44 22 ;; 7 455 '• 21 h W. 21 '11 4111 :?u| 5 11 j ^ .') 11 ]:■) 20: 11 20; A. 4.0 5 IS lo 10 ; 11 'A \ 1 40 I 7 4:J ' 21 40 1 o 20 1.') IS ' moni. , 2 r)2 | 7 ii') K I 14 ; Sa. i 4 2S 7 42 21 [;7 15|SU. 14 20, 7 42 21 28 10 I M. 1 V 111. 18 W. 10 I Th. 20! F. 21 8a. 22 ! SU. 28! M. 24 T 4 ;U);7 41 21 18 4 ?,\ . 7 41 2i ,s i) ;> H2 15 1 7 ;]',!' 15 15 45 15 1:1 15 11 3 5'J I 8 14 5 4 1 U 10 2 1: 10 20; 58 11 4 ;i2 , 7 40 : 20 57 : 5 55 15 10 i 4 40 ; 7 08 A. 4 815 7 no J 20 47 ' u 50 .15 8 5 54 ; 8 14 ; 1 4 88 ' 7 88. i 20 oi) G r 8 48 i 2 4 84 ■ 7 87 ' 20 24 G ; 15 4 H 84 10 2 52 4 85 4 80 7 8)i) G'20 r » 8 n n ft .'.0 II. 14 87 I 7 84 10 4 AV 20 T! 28 811.. 2'.i 81'. 80 M. 81 Tn. 4 4 8,S , 80 1 4 40 1 4 41 4 42 4 48 4 44 88 10 7 82 10 2 7 81 10 7 80 18 7 20 18 7 28 18 2 7 27 , 18 1 •A \ t» fs 1.) 'I ',( i)0 '.) ;ii 4 J j-u 10 14 5M 11 5 5',» 4 82 ^5= 1 G 12 14 57 A. 21 10 28 22 J^ 4 G 12 14 55 1 80 10 54 15 ^) !] n 18 1 ! 58 >> 40 11 20 7 TI) i 12 14 51 8 58 morn. 8 5 -f ):.', 11 14 48 4 58 12 1 ^ .0 G 14 40 r • ) 50 1 1 57 >P !5 G 7 14 44 G 80 2 4 10 40 yp 0: fi 4 14 42 7 8 8 8 11 80 Or^r Tin' colinim of tln^ inooiiV sonthin;: pi^ tiiiif oriii'rh water at rarr.^lioro', ('orii\\;illis, llortoii, K.iuisport, AN'iinlsor, IS'cwporl, 'i'ruro, Ac. Ilnii loiiiuy frniuiiO, will licar .t l:oo(I (m-mj) of Eu'^lisli, or tfio Norfolk tiiilloei; tiiiiii)). after a ^■vn]^ of ;irasN Ims Ikmmi cut. 'I'lirii flie sod o\ er nicely, spread on f.ome rolled hiaiiiiii,', coi;ipo.-t. or li'aciied ashes, harrow well wilh a li^iit sharp harrow, and tuiw the seed witli a luaidiiue. or hy liaiid, in row.s is or 'JO inches apart, and wlieu the jilaiits are fairly out ofthe way of insects, tliiii fhi'in to s or lo inclies in tlie row, if intended for stock ; if intended for tiie market, tliey shoiihl be t liicker, to jirevent tiieir <,Towin^' to lari^e for tlie ineiinies e\cn twice that (juanti tahh'. Four to livt' iiiindred llll^ t y, may lie si raw, for eatt I )WU to til llld SIK d t! an< d d i 11 eoillieXKiu with tili the iiiiddlt so ciirky that I lie value is miicli h-ssi ued out much I'xpi' tinii' (d" sowill;;' with sliarp i;iii tlie \\ inter, when tliey hectnne ro]) may he cnltivaled ^viih harrow teelh use, ii'the weather oiilv hippen^ to he ia\oiiralilv moist at the •, and till the plants uet into roie.Oi le ;' . A \ erv ^iiiall harrow. vi's so set as to cut thi surl'ace 0) Tlie ;;roiiinl clean after the : is the hest tool for cullivatiii-' turniiis t Mi li;;lit laud. - -■- — — k ^ I j-u J-l- 1 -ni ^'1 ' -f ; ■f b° 1 >J^ I Sununcr, jriA ;u (Uivs. It) FliliiTnTid 1«t Jtilv l.lHi .liilv. iifth- I'ltim.'K. Mcrll. Ilivht DiTliii.itiuii. M-ril. ri:;!;!. 1 i>-".v.i,.,.. II. M. II. M. s. / '( II. M. II. M. S. ' ' ^> 9 Moi.'iirv 1 Ha. ^ L';; L'T 10 i;; :).")%. 1 .VJ\. '.t -Jd »•);( I;; .V.i |:;\. ? Venus . . 1 IV\. S li.') 1^ 17 :;o \\s. '1\\. 7 ,-,,) 11 IT) ;{i; ;Vj.v. ^ M ii-i . . . I ;;j.M. •ji> u ", r, L",t iss. --'".A. 1'.) r,;-. ;;;;-_'0 ')(; 4'M. :f.JiiMitor . 1 :;i \. H 10 1(1 J) ;;;; i is. 1 'A.| S •_'.". IS I'.t .•):', l'.!.N. h ^ itiirii . . ;'. .', V. '.) 1 \ -Js 1-") :;7n. l! 1')A.! '.) <■)!» "JT M -J.i .".l.N. ]j{ I'lMllIM . ;! '-.'{M. 1 ;:l' :;ii _'l .V..' llN. .1 l\i.' -t :',") 'Js-Jl .Vs L'kN. j Ili;,'li Wiit'T, miMu tiiu';, at suND.vvs, \vi:.\Tiri;R, a.vm- VEHS.VlirKS, Ki'C. crj AG ' 4tli Siiinlav after Trinity. | f, 8 j •_>! Visit. IJ. V". Mary. | AO ;5i Unxcitlrtl \ 7 o'J 4' 17 7^ m- ': 4'.i AG 'Jtli ►Siuiilay after Trinity. <[ npogoe. ' 10 20 i -)l Siillry ! 10 Ao! 10 i « i(/ icarm. j 11 ;?3 11 1 ? <5 <[• A. 1«' \'1\ Low ti'lo?, Fcry 1 lo i:{ 5 greatest olnn,u;(itinn. I 2 41 14 idoamnt. \ 8 r>l AG Oth Sunday after Trinity. St. Swithin. | a 8i li'c Conthmrtf , 2 17! Jr,n-//i. i fi m 18 (;>) cclipso'l. I 7 ;''7 ]'.• Very lii,j,li tides. Uni^cltled \ 8 1(1 211 C perigee. j 8 AO 21 «,;(■/ cloudy, '.I M4 AG 7th Sunday after Trinity. 10 14 2;> perhap.i 10 ')(') 24 IMiddlin;;; tides. rain. 11 44 2') St. James. luorii. 20 $ stationary. CVcr/r.s 48 27 ? in aplioliun. Middling tide;^. 2 '.' 28 up and >) 'V.i AG 8th Sunday after Trinity. j 4-")! ;'.() Iprnmra i 5 ol ' ul beaut if id I xj fine.'' 80 I 8 '.t 10 10 11 11 A. 20 •> 4i"l lo 47 I'.i .")0 1 25 2 3 2 48 ! '.I 47 10 :u 11 It; 11 r.t : A. 27 I 1 1 ! 1 8;! 2 4 2 :{'.> 3 17 r, ;'2 8 8 1 1 4'.» 8 r, (^. / 8 •I 10 10 11 40 11 21 :;3 8,2 20 7 40 20 4 2 4 r,'.( n 2') 7 80 8 47; 11 40; nmrn. 4 44 20 14 18 3'J ' 8 84 , 'J 14 i '.» 50 10 44 ,11 48 I morn. : 1 2 8'J 3 54 4 51 5 80 --I: 20 AUGUST begins on WEDNESDAY. [18G0. O l'"ll M'i"ii, l^t i\., 111. Iliiii., nnoriimin, lidnw tlic linriztin. (T l„i.-.t Qiinrtcr, .'tli il., 4li. '.iiii.,, fifh-iMuion, \\v\ow Iho Imrizon. Nov Mi'dii, icali .1., (ih. ;')in., iiftrriinon, iMnrina; Wrst. ]) I'ii'st C2>"^i"'''''i -''•' ''•, ^'i- ""11., iiiuniiM;.', licldw the Imri/fin. Q JmiII .MiKin, :;ist (I., III. i;;m., iiinniiiig, luariiig South \\\A. ti ;d ^. >, K S V » *s$ 1 , W. 2 I Th. 8 I r. 4 I Sa. 7 H 9 10 11 12 18 14 lo 10 17 18 111 20 21 22 28 24 20 20 27 28 21 » 80 81 M. Tu. AV. Th. F. Sn.. SIJ. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. SI'. M. Tu. W. Th. F. 8a. SU. M. Tu. VV. Th. F. 4 40 7 4 47 7 4 40 7 4 AO 7 4 f>l 7 4 .')2 7 4 H, »>»> < 4 r)4 7 4 ");') / 4 TiO 7 4 AS 7 4 r)i» 7 (> 7 6 1 7 2 7 •) 8 7 5 4 7 5 6 7 ') 7 6 8 5 11 5 10 6 5 11 T) 12 14 5 lo 5 10 18 5 111 6 f) 20 6 5 22 •'.^ »>•> e?) Lenffth HlilW lif (.r clock. (Inyn. Moon. KisiiM. I Sk'ts. 1 1 14 41 f) -,0 14 88 r» Wl 14 8A 5 40 14 82 r> 40 14 211 n 84 14 27 T) 27 14 24 A 10 14 22 T) 11 14 20 T) 2 14 17 4 A3 11 18 4 48 14 11 4 U 8 4 22 14 G 4 10 14 8 o r.8 14 8 40 18 A7 8 88 18 A4 8 111 18 A2 8 A 18 411 2 A1 18 40 2 80 18 48 2 21 18 40 A 18 87 1 411 18 84 1 82 18 82 1 lA 18 20 A 7 18 2A 811 18 28 21 18 20 8 18 17 7 80 4 lA 7 Al 6 20 8 11 6 2A ; 8 81 7 27 ' 8 411 8 28 1 211 .1 J< 10 211 9 AA 11 88 10 2(5 A. 87 11 4 1 42 11 A8 2 48 iiiorn. 8 AO A7 4 4A 2 12 A 80 8 28 6 10 4 411 44 1 () 8 7 10 7 27 7 87 8 42 8 4 10 A 8 2A 11 28 8 AA A. 88 11 80 1 411 10 11 2 A4 11 8 47 11 Al 4 ?A morn. IS/iith. morn. L'A ;> .. 5 8A A A8 G 10 88 1 1 2 7 8 11 4 A 14 17 1 1 <■) 8 8 4 A 6 ft I 8 10 11 A. 1 2 8 4 A 6 7 8 II 10 11 11 8 40 28 8 4lt 81 10 4 AG 48 Al Al 411 4A 811 1 88 : 28' 15 I o; 4. 01 A7i A8 ' 40! 80 ! 23! G 48; r r r 8 8 n n n 15 25 SI SI "^ ■f -f morn. ^CT" Jli*^ <'oliiiTin of the moon's Punsboro', CornwiilliH, llorton, soiithinpr II:ints|)ort pivfs tho time of h , WiiulHor, Ni'\vi)ort, )«_ lyh wntt'r at Truro, Ac. PicAT or hop oarth or black mud, dopie'iiorl for compost, or for Kprondinfir on ctiltivatcdticlds, is mndi l)(ttor for Ix'infr iluf,'' soiiictimc before licinir usimI. Tlic action of tlioair, the frost, and tlie rains, dissijiates its sourness, arid a])ar- tial fermentation or dceoinitosition takes place, l)y wbicli it is jiulvrized, and l>ront;^lit into a "^ood state to be api)Iied to tlie land. If tlie p^ronnd is loo soft and miry to n hauled to the barn yard or juled on (h'v land. The ])roc<\'!s of improving land by p(trin2 Saturu. . i 1 20a. }Jl Uranua .\ 7 btM. Kiglit Ast'fu. II. .M. S. 7 20 y 1 I'J 00 11 Declination '.} 21 l'.».N, 40.V 7.S, 8 88 40|IU 5'J 43n •J o8 r..|i3 48 4f)N 4 88 31|22 4 xs c 2 t» O 4 AS 7 8 U 10 11 AG 13 14 15 10 17 18 AG 20 21 ';•) 23 24 25 AG 27 28 20 30 31 SUNDAYS, WEATHER. ANXI- VERSARIES, ETC. 15th Aujifust. Morid. UiK-ht A&i'ou. Declination 11. M. II. M. s. 11 25m. 1 58|13 Cx. 38m. 7 18 I'll 5 48 58n. 49a. 40 27 42 1 27 58 41s. 11 15.M.J 8 51 2i» 18 12 28.N. 28A.I1O 0113 12 53n. 7 ^M.i 4 40 27' JO 8 20.v. lligli Water, mean time, at '-■ 1 , . , 1 "3 'Jj -^ 4- r—'B s w s n • a • ■^ 'A ■c « ?'^- era !><" 'J i. ^=?l .5 5 "^ ^-a '1^ ■£ s c>~»_ 1 ^ Is * .is H X- 1 Lammas Day. C eclipsed. Ili^li tidea. Remarkably pleasant. 0th Sunday after Trinity. C ftpu{f<-tt- Priueu Alfred, born, 1844. ! Very hot j and sultry. ! $ statioriarv. Low tides. I $ in luf. <5^^. The ni<;hli JJl (5 C • become lOtii bunday after Trinity. I viodcraiely i cow/. Ass. B. V. Mary. 3|. /; <[ • Appearance L>U(!lic«3 Kent, born, 1780. Very hi}i;li ' <[ pcrigw. [tides. I lltU Sunday after Trinity. ^ .'itat. 0/ rain. Still continues 5 at greatest brilliancy. Low tides. St. Bartholomew. varm and 12th Sun. after Trinity. I'rince Con- $ greatest elong. W. [sort, /;. 1810. St. Augustine. sultry. Symptoius of a heavy rain storm. 7 14! 7 48 i 8 18 8 47 17 y 40 10 lb 10 55 11 38 A. <><) 1 3 4 5 50 22 42 45 31 / 111, 1 571 8 0- 1 "' 1 13 I 52 10 35 11 25 1 mo rn. ! 27 1 5:1 1 3 22' 4 33 j 5 ':;o 1 13 »; 48 1 7 20 1 41 10 18 10 48 11 17 11 47 A. 10 48 1 25 2 8 3 3 4 20 5 52 7 12 8 15 4 4'J 10 27 11 7 11 43 morn. 22 1 5 1 55 4 23 5 52 7 3 H 8 43 18 50 10 58 11 32 A. ■: 31 1 1 1 30 2 2 2 30 4 17 I 8 10 11 11 20 30 18 3 41 morn. 21 57 1 30 2 10 3 9 4 11 47 7 8 17 14 57 10 32 14 48 18 47 17 40 18 55 38 33 50 11 4 G 7 I 8 8 10 11 A. 2 — 3 42 4 45 5 34 G 10 57 < "t 8 13 8 52 35 10 25 11 27 morn. 53 2 22 3 33 4 30 5 13 5 48 20 , 22 si:PTi:MJ]i':ii begins on SATURDAY. [18(>(). C T.nsf Qiiartcr, Sth >\., Gil. 5i'ni., Jiioviiini:, b.-ariii:; Si^iifli. ' 9 New AJ(.o]i, ]..;li .1.. 1 ii. 5t!M., uiorniiiiij-, liclniv tli'- lu-ri/on. ) iMi-st yiiiirlci-. 2iM i!. , rii. lOiii., nt'tei'iioi.ii, lie.-irinLT Sontii. O Full .^iM.m, 2'. !til «!., '. Ii. L:5iti., al'loniouii, boarir.;^; Fust. ^jj, ,■••••■)'« upper -!S 1 Uis(js. 1 Sit.-J (leeliii. North. (•2) 1 I/'U'.'th (,f ef clock. days. Moon. South. Itiscs. 1 SL'tS. ; ^-"-'l*'-"- ! I ^- j , 1 8a. 5 22 '■ 6 ?.(i 8 7 15 1 l.s 14 G 55 6 18 28 X : 1 2 SU. 5 24 fi ^V^ 7 45 84! 18 10 7 18! 7 \i}, i 7 Y ! ii M. 5 25 G "n 7 28 54 13 8 7 35 8 21 ! 1 47 Of 1 4 Tu. 5 27 6 8] 7 1 1 18 13 5' 8 1 2:'.' 2 2i> 8 ! 5 W. 5 28 G 20 G 88 1 88' 13 2' 8 2S 10 28' 3 12 r, Th. 5 20 G 27 G IG 1 58, 12 5'.): •» 4 11 80 8 50 F. 5 81 G 25 5 58 2 18 12 5G 47 A. 84 4 -IS n 8 1 Sa. 5 :;2 G 2;! 5 ;;1 2 84 12 52 10 48 1 1 87 | 5 42 'Zo 11 j SIJ. 5 ;j:; G 22 5 8 2 51 12 50 11 47 ' 2 8,8 (i ;;g 25 ' 10 1 M, 5 84 G 20 : 4 -15 8 15 12 40 mom. 1 8 28 7 85 13 : n Tu. 5 85 G IS : 4 28 8 ;'.G 12 44 1 4 ' 4 S 32 -n- 12 W. 5 8G G IG 4 3 5G 12-11 2 l;i 4 8,'.) ',) 28 Vl 1 Th. 5 87 G 14 8 87 4 17 12 3S ■ 8 4(1 5 C, . 10 2:; 14 i F. :;') ;W 12 3 l;i 4 28 12 84 4 5S 5 84 11 10 1 r, ^ Sa. 15 au G ro 2 oi) 4 :;:i 12 31 6 10 5 50 1 A. : Ifi ' i^l\ ; 5 40 G 8 , 2 27 5 21 12 2S 7 8S G 22 1 1 2 -n- ; 17 1 M. i") 41 G 7 2 4 5 42 12 26 it G 52 ' 1 5G TH ! 18! Tu. 15 42 G 5 1 41 G 8 12 22 li» 1.S 7 2s| 2 58 \ b=' ■ 24 M. 5 50 ■ 5 58 80 8 S ] 2 3 8 80 niorn. 8 21 /WW 25 Tu. 5 52 5 51 i 1 2 8 28 12 4 1 1 :'; : ii 5 2G \ ^^ . 5 58 5 40 1 25 8 4'.i 11 57 4 85 1 2 5 i 47 X '■ 27 ! Til. 5 54 5 48 1 40 11 55 4 M 8 10 27 ^ 1 28 1 F. 5 55 5 46 2 12 2:t 11 52 5 8 4 14 11 7 20 1 Sa. 5 5G 5 11 2 8i; 40 11 4.i 5 21 1 5 11 1 11 47 T ;iO SU. 5 57 , 6 42 ] 2 50 10 8 11 45 1 5 42 G 18 luurn. T ; J'j- Till' Ciilnniii "f the moon's s mtliiu',' Kivt's ihe Limi; (»f high watiT nt I'arrsh.jro , Comwullis, llort 111, tlivnts" port, Wii fail froi dsor, Newport, Truro, &.a. n whatever eause, it is (xenernlly advisab'" to W 'iii:n ihe inoiidowH lilouirii IIhiii up in flic f'iill, iuid (•ulti\ate them tlioroiijihly foV 'J or .'J vears, Willi ctini, ii()t;it()(\> or ntlicr ro* it crops, manurinp; them liea\ ily, and siVdinj/ down iiLTain wIi«mi flic ^viiitc liiii of Tiniotliy, r>'d top .•ind eye't^rass seeds, eC|H,il )iart'<. to the lu-i-e. The li 'St time to to]) dri'ss all 1 leadows ttiat are not of loo liL:'ht or porous a nature, is in the fall. In Kn";land not<; v>as more coiiiuuni, io vi'ars auo, tiiaii to make a eomjio:-! with liarn y.iid iiianiirt> and 1 olfl Iieadhnnls, and after it was well deeomposed, to cart it on the meadows diiriiiLi llie winter niontlis — llie ( tiei't was very heiK'tieial — uiitnixed manure wa,- seldom K p >)= 47 ^ -' >^ II ( X 47 T : urn. T I'arrsboro', i Ivisabi'.' to (ir o ^ ■cars, HI siciiiiijr (rov'.Hl niid y inii)r':^^''» I),., AH((n. ■• riaiii'is. ■ri'l. •liuiifiou II. .M. , 11. .M. S. ' " 11. M. II. M. S. - / // 5 ?.liM\;ur^- 11 OOM. 1 '.1 :;'.» liiiU .',() .">1\. 11 :ii;>[. 11 i.j 12 fi ■\r> 42n. 2 N'cnu.s . . ',1 7.M. 7 .")() .".ni; lii ^\. s .')7.M. s ;^") r)7 ].') of) ;i7\. $ ATai-s . . . .S -JSa. lU ;!2 42 27 ■ Is. 8 8a. I'.i 48 20 2.") ;'.8 4 s. 2/. Jupiter . 10 1-Jm. , i» (') 317 lo r..\. '.< ;'.'.i.M. '.» 17 28 10 24 IMn. ^l S;ltliril . , 11 ;5nM. 10 ]:5 2412 28 24 n. 11 21m. 10 20 Oil ■)2 If.N ]^ Uranus . 5 O'.'.M. 4 41 r).-)22 11 14n. 'j l.M. 4 42 22 22 12 IOn c SrXD.VYS, "WKATIIErv, ANM- vkrsaktt:s, etc. High Water, mcaa time, at •A «2 I ?? ! cci. 1 AG ■6 4 (") 7 8 AG 10 11 12 V6 14 1") AG 17 18 19 20 21 22 AG 24 25 20 27 28 211 AG ([ apoLcoo. ^liji'h tiilc's. lotli Sunday aftor Trinity. Dull and cloudy ^ ,5 h • vwre Low tides. i(ti)!. Fall of Seyastopol, 18.")',. Nat. \i. V. 14tii Sunday after Trinity. [Mf^fy. Ilalhcr inure 2 I C- settled $ ^ireatcst llel. Lat. X. C iieritjee pi rasa r,'. \'ery lii,L'h tides. loth Sunday alter Trinity. y^ slat. Isook ^ out for i Ember Day. a heavy slorm Battle (if Alma, 18-"1. of rain, St. Mattiiew. J^nber Day. Low tide?. (2) enters =Q=. Autumn Ifjtli Sun. after Trinity, [cummouces. ^$ id- j accompanied I icUlt very I hiyh winds. TIiLih tides. C^l'x^-f'f- St.' .Michael— ^Mieliavliii-is Day. . 17th Sunday after Trinity. 7 oil 8 18! 8 4S 17, ".» 50 10 2i; 11 u: A. * 1 1 20 ; 2 40 4 14 5 22 I 1 14 i 7 ■)7 ;J7; 8 18 •8 5:; :i-') 10 20 11 11 ni(ini. 1:5 1 28 2 4.> 4 4 50 I T) 41 ! () 18 ir, 7 20 ^ IH JMito''NSii>7~v«-.WMjan.;» '.-. 4W 1 OCTOBER begins on MONDAY. [1860. C Last QiiartCT, 7th d., Oh. rjOin., afternoon, below the horizuu. O ^<^\^ .M(-o!i, llth d., lOh. 22ni., mornhi;^, bearin>J'* upper liiiil). His:.'*. 1 I M. ' 5 58 2 I Tu. V, i ^\\ 4 5 / 8 'J 10 11 12 18 14 15 10 17 18 I'J 20 21 22 28 21 25 20 27 28 2'.i 80 81 Th. F. Sa. SL'. M. Tu. W. Th. F. su. M. T.i. M'. Th. F. S:i. su. xVl. Tu. W. Th. F. Sh. SU. M. Tu. W. 6 '6 16 6 io ;C C !0 '0 !g G IG 6 ;G 5'J 2 8 4 7 8 Si;lS. (k'oliu. O 5 5 5 5 5 5 '.I I 5 10 I 5 12 15 18 I 5 14 i 5 15 I 5 17 j 5 18 I 5 lU j5 21 15 40 88 37 4 22 4G y 6i) •JO 81 i 2Ui 27 1 20 i 24! 22 i 20 I lU 18 1 10 I 14; 12 1 10 I ^i ^- ; i ! 5 4 4 6 5 G 7 7 r" I 8 8 U 10 10 10 fasi of clock. Length of (lays. Moon. Risea. | Sets. 18 41 4 27 50 12 85 10 2/ i 10 40 I 11 11 28 11 11 12 41 58 15 12 3- 12 18 18 J 8 48 4 10 68 I 18 4!? 20 : 42' 4 ' 20 I 48 1 10 81 52 G 25 5 8 11 14 : 20 5 1 11 35. 27 1 1 50 1 () 2St 4 5't 12 17 6 30 4 57 12 87 82 4 5(5 12 58 88 4 54 18 18 G 84 4 58 18 88 G 80 4 51 18 5? G 87 4 50 14 17 14 1 14 14 14 27 14 80 14 50 15 0' 15 11 15 20; 15 20 i 15 15 15 15 16 10 10 IG 10 87 44 51 57 '2 7 11 14 16 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 ii> 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 42 80 87 83 80 27 28 2.) 18 15 12 8 4 1 5J 51 51 47 45 42 88 85 88 80 ly 15 18 G 4 7 41 G 81 8 18 7 5 y 21 7 47 10 25 8 80 11 27 y 85 A. 26 10 42 1 17 11 57 2 morn. 2 25 : 1 12 8 G 1 ; 2 20 8 38! 8 4S 8 5b j 5 G 4 24 j 6 2;.t 4 40 ! 7 50 5 22 y y 5 50 10 28 45 1 8 8 8 n n 25 28 1 11 1 50 2 45 8 37 -» 31 6 26 i gs G 21 ! 7 10 8 y ; y i| y 53 i 10 45 11 30 ]1 20 \. 24 1 4 1 88 2 5 2 48 • > T U I 3 28 3 4«; 4 8 4 35 5 44 I 8 y 10 10 41 40 48 54 59 85 84 84 ) I morn. 1 8 2 4 8 5 4 4 5 6 G 10 7 14 8 17 5 20 i G 10 i 7 2 1 7 45 i 8 20) { 9 0, y 40 I 10 3(5 ' 11 y 11 54 morn. 42 a -A- r r r 8 8 n C C'3 South, pluce Jf^ The column of tlie moon's soutliin;^ fjives tlie time of hiq^h water at P^rrsboro', Cornwiillis, llortou, IIaut«port, U'imlBor, Xewitort, Truro, &(r. Ai.rr'MN' i' a favourabh? time oi'tlic year fur making iiniiroveini'iity ou the farm. Aft -r iho Hay, U'lrcat and other jj^raiiiH Iiav(> SL'ciirod, tlion; in a lapse oi'time hcCuri' thi' latter harvest demaiuis attention, whi<'Ii I'urnislios a trood oppoctmrity i'or eleanin.'tob('r. rhiiicl-. M. •ri;l. V.'-If. l"'"'"':"i'>" 11. M. 11. M. S. ' " \ ^ .M(M\riiry If.A. \2 .'.s -ji. ,-, ;;m 7 S.I ^ Venus . . ll> ■'t"iM. '.1 ■■;; li-.l'J .'.(•■ ::''.N.' ,? M ir.s . . . ( ;i;!.\. 20 ]r, -7 2:'. ;;i> ]r>s. :|.Jii|.i^- . H 4S.M. '.1 2't 2c. !■•) ;;'» 4.;x. >2 Stitinii . . ',! i."M. 10 27 IMl l:l in.v. 1^ L'liiiuis . 4 ].M. 4 42 (»22 11 :;.\v. OetobfT. M'ii.l. !''••'': Dcoliniition A SCO 11. 11. M. II M. S. '^ ' " ») 4:;a. U 2it 10 1,') 443. 10 .'Sm. 10 ;.io 14 14 4\. : 7 ('A. 20 41 2121 S 22 f». 8 2m. '.» ob 40 1 1 4>S C.N. .S ")';m. 10 :;:! 2 10 42 14n. ;; o.M. 4 40 r)i;22 v> 41n-. lliy:li Water, raeau time, at = ST:X1)\YR, WEATlir.R, AXXI- VEKSAIllLS, ETC. c I L 1 i 2 I '. ! o 1 , ■o 71 >■'" S ■■■ ™ a w a r> • ^ " "3 ?^ c a o a ^•2 n Ml •^ S o S"t-3 •^ * C3 jhiiiiculaiiij 4 I «/ h/v/;/, r> Jit <5 c . A!l. IHtli Suinlny after Trhiitv, Low tides. H St. Dennis. '.) very plraxdiit 10 1)L ,5 C- aninirn 11 I 17 ,5 C- iccalhcr. 12 1 .So //if /•(<•//! l;i j C poviQ;oe. v.'h?// /^r All. I 1 '.;tli Suinl-.iy after Trinitv. Hiii'h tide.-^. 1 '» I cxjircli'd lo; ^ <5 C- 17 «/ //)iv ///«<'. IS St. Luke. I'j ' Grows rnliirr, t>0 ■ f'./(.7 jierhiijis All. 20th Sandfly after Trinity. Low tides. 1^2 ] ' ?^i"i/ /"'i'' 23 i rtf s////if 2.") St. Crispin. Hat. of Balaklava, \'6'.A. 20 C apogee. 27 Prohiitihj V', 2ist S'Uidnv after Trinity. Si. Simon 2'.i IFi^rh tidei^.' [an.l St. .Jiide. H 21 8 .-.:l !) 21' 10 10 10 oo 11 oO A. :u 2 I'.i ;; 4;; 4 o4 't .>•, c, ;i2 7 12 7 •">" '.I j:2 10 ',1 10 u\ n 4'.) morn. 4U 1 07 ;3 r, ' 4 7 4 .v.! .") M ; 6 ir, , (1 ol i '1'6 40 10 20 10 11 II A. 1 25 2 20 ?> '21 4 4'.t 1:3 11 84 A. oi 1 1 87 i:j 54 i 8 84! 4 41 r, 8 1 m 41 morn. 22 1 1 <; /////V :il , All-hallow \s a note. o'.i 7 24 ; 8 88 S 2C) 40 2 10 10 ii'iJi) oS 10 27 U b 11 52] morn. ' 8'i I 1 20 1 2 19 ' 3 10! 4 27 n 80 87 7 2'..t 8 10 8 40 21 '.t 55 10 20 0: 58 I 40: 3 83 4 83 ' 5 41 I 6 50; 7 51 ; 8 43; 9 24 i 10 Oi 10 35 1 11 0' 11 43 1 < 7 8 10 11 al 2 3 4 5 ^* I 8 •1 10 11 50 21 53 2:1 10 55 50 57 r.) 43 54 50 82 12 57 ;;8 22 50 49 40 morn. 57 2 o u 3 4 5 5 6 (1 7 69 40 16 51 25 69 '■«-. M >; 2(J A'OVKMIiKll b.-ays v>;i Thursday [IHtiO. C rjijft QitartcT, Cth <}. oh. 'Jim. n>orn!n;.', bwrins South. New Moon, iL'tli d. Mi. 21 m. :\ft('r,vo..ii, heivrijig Wc^t. > First Quurter, 20tli d. -Ih. :'>ni. iii-vn'm;^, l.elow tl>e horizon. Q Full .Moou, 'JiStli fl. 7h. I'om. uinniing, btaving West. flpcl'n. S'.Uttl. f;»li't nf (.lick. of BIOOTI. ilises. 1 Kcti. c South. l>lrtCO 1 Th. ! 6 88 ' 4 48 H 8.V IG 17 10 10! fi 84 9 22 : 1 88! n 2 F. 1 R 40 4 47 14 55 10 18 10 7! 7 80 10 20 2 28 n 8 Sft. ! 6 41 ; 4 4r, 15 14 IG 18 10 5' 8 87 n 14 8 22 'IB 41 SU. ' 6 42 : 4 4r) 15 82 IG 17 10 8 9 40 11 57 4 17 ^rs r> M. 6 45 4 4 P. 15 51 IG i:.i I' 5 1 TO 58 A. 34 6 10 SI f> Tu. 46 4 42 \r, ',» IG 12 9 57 ivfoni. 1 G ' r, 2 ,Q *« ( W. 6 47 ; 4 41 1(1 20 IG 8! 9 5'V 14 1 82 G 58 , V^ » Th. ,6 48 ! 4 39 16 44 }C, 4 ' 9 51 1 28 1 50 ' 7 42 T»^ 9 f . 6 49 4 88 17 I 15 59 i 9 4.' 2 43 2 21 ; 8 82 =0. 10 S'.a. ' 6 51 4 87 17 18 15 58 i 9 4- \ 1 2 47 ',« 24 r(V 11 SU, ft 52 4 8n 17 85 15 45 1 •» 4 1 5 20 8 IG 10 18 TI] 12 M. ' t) 53 4 '35 17 51 15 8S ! 9 42 G 89 8 58 11 15 V] K5 Tu. : 6 55 4 81 IB - 1 15 2'.t ' 9 8.1 7 55 4 85 A. 15 t 14 W. G 5r. 4 88 18 22 15 lii! 9 :r; 9 b 5 -jO 1 10 jr 15 Th. ' G 67 4 82 18 8M 15 VI '■ '.» 85 10 10 G 24 i 2 17 ' Jjo 16 F. , 6 59 4 81 IS 58 14 5M 82 10 5G 7 82 , 3 14 ; j^ 17 8a. i 7 4 80 19 7 1 1 45 ('^ 81 1 11 85 8 89 ■4 7 >. 18 SU. ' 7 14 29 19 22 14 82 28 A, \ 9 45 4 5G , 5» 19 M. 7 8 4 28 19 80 14 I'.i 2'> 81 10 51 i 5 41 5» 20 Tu. , 7 4 4 28 19 49 14 4 9 24 (1 5;? 11 63 6 28 X 21 W. 7 5 4 27 20 8 18 -r.); 9 22 1 il ' luorn. 7 8 K 22 Th. 7 7 4 2G 20 15 18 88 II IJ 1 80 ; 55 7 48 r 23 F. 7 8 4 25 20 28 18 10 17 1 50 ' 1 5G ; 8 28 ' Y 24 Sa. '7 9 4 24 20 40 12 5K ir, -2 11 2 5G 9 5 "f 25 SU. 7 10 , 4 28 20 52 12 40 U 2 87 i 8 59 ••» 4'.> 8 26 M. 7 11 4 28 21 8 12 21 (8 8 G ; 5 8 10 80 y 27 Tu. 7 18 4 22 21 14 12 1 10 8 44 i G G 1 1 27 n 28 W. 7 14 : 4 21 21 25 11 42 '.) 4 21 . 7 10 jiM'rn. n 29 Th. 7 16 4 21 21 85 11 1 i 7 5 28 : 8 14 21 n 30 F. ; 7 10 4 20 1 ; 21 45 10 58 u 2'.t ' 9 VI i 1 10 >i]5 j {):2r The column of thn niooK'n Bfmtliing vc\\("^ thn tfmc of hijrh wntcr nt Parrsboro', Cwrnwallis, llorton, Hnnti^])orl, Wiu'Isor, Newport, Truro, &c. The inflin'or k'Tjiin;; the ronil'; in pood repair, iinil their uiiwfiliiifrufSR to do tlidr prnjmrlioii uf work Jirts often lict^ii niattr*r of Kuqn-iRe. Kv)r rnonMis ;inii;,'-liiny through rous'h, rackinj;;' anrl iniiddy i)hj<'r«, with injury tt) w'ronf; and hariicPH, when a very little work wouhl have removed the whf'le difrienlty (uid the eanse of it — but tJiPii others would have Ixtu bi'iu-liiteii by their work a.n w(dl as thein- Bolvcs, and therefore, thoTi,'.rh djreeily in ni;.;i't of »h<'ir own wini( motion wliirh Iins boon tlie dread of nii.ny a traveHer on the rtir.d, sfati'ts unrc-id for months to tlie dis^^raee ami ineonvenience of ii whole nei^hl/ouriiood, and esi)eeially of him wlio lives eiose liy it. It is n<;i! by //«»/..■.•, more tmeful as well as more stable than some other thin};s with the sunie name, but whicii farmers bIiouUI deal with as little as poHsibl'". ^1 f f> ^ ^ AlltlllMU. ] N()\ JOMliiUl IK) (lays. 27 U^ nttllP prjiicipnl I'luiiolfl. l^t Novonilior. Mu'it. nirrhl II. M. il. M. 9. ^ Nforoiiry 1 10 \. W. M M $ V.'iui.^ .. '.I ;!m.!u 47 i{(» ,f .MiM ... t^. :)^A.-J! 'J:: II U'f'i|)it<.'i- . 7 -Im. '.» 17 t'.t 17 .'^iUuni , . 7 •''>"'M. lt> liH "17 l^L'lMIlu:^ . I .".r.M. 4 :'.S T)! l)ri'.liii«tiiiii. M Til 1 II n. .M. I'l r>s -jcm. 1 10a. •J 4r> ;'.j\. ',1 '.t.M, 17 :;« a.iH. (; 17a. 1 1 4 r.-.N. ('. |:.M. 10 lit 4In, ( I.M, I'l r, 4.'.N. 1! o.iM.' luth Xovnulicr. nitrht A'5i'.-n. noflilltUlnn II. .M. !*. ir, -r.i 'j^L'i 4") 4 Is. i-j 4.S i!'! n I'J ;{')N. L'l ',(; H! 1 1 IS ;!ts. '.» .">;{ ;il I;; ;is aiin. |<) 42 4tV '.I ol 1('..\. 4 ;;i; 27, '-"J l i4.\. J3 a SUNDAYS, WrATIir.R, AN.Vl- VEUssAKIKS, ETC. lUiih WixlT, lupiiii time, at s. ^ i ^K -3 = -• t = T — • ^<1 1 '> 31 Aii.i ?! 0! 10 AlJ. 12 V?, 14 1^1 Ifi 17 AG. 1'.) I 2(» ' 21 ! 22 I 28 24 AC. I 20 j 27! 28 1 20 ! 30 ;\11 SftintB. JJl ,$ C- A11S..U1.S. ami cold 22n'l Sund.iy al'tor Trinity. IjatLlctalukcriuanii, \h'A. Lnw tiiU'f*, rains. Cdfilimics Prince of Wales Worn, KS 11 . a poriiioc. Uiijtlcasant. 2:;d Suiul.ay after Trinity. Iligii tiilcs. CItaiiijrx and 5 ,5 C- Lccoiiirx III QIC 2 in perihelion, ^ statiunary. xctllcd. 24tli SnmlKy alter Trinity. Very low tiilc.?. Cold ^ f> a, rains i'rinceKs Royal born, 1840. a apoLcec. and some Midlling tide?. ftosl, 25tli Sunday after Trinity. Much ■plcasanicr High tides. an 8.") 18 1, 51 41 48 48 7 47 8 42 ',♦ 2S 88 15 5S 48 82 2'J 45 5 14 1- 5 ',) 5 r,7 n 41 8 8 '.I 10 11 A. 2 8 4 8 8 ".I 8 51 84 10 17 11 11 7 57 10 10 11 A. 4'.» 2'. I 8 morn. 5'.) 2 4 8 8 8 58 4 44 5 21 5 f) 45 7 24 28 Dl'X^iaUJKR begins on Satunliiv, [UKiO. <[ L:i>;r Qiiartci', -'it'i d. Ih. I'm. alVcnii i.ii, lic'iriiij: V.'ot. 9 Now .MiKPii, 1l! j) I'ir-t <,iii:irli'r, Q Full Mijuii, 27 til il. f-'ii. ;Uii!i. miirniiiir, l)0!iriiiu- i!;i-t. '2'h\\ (I. lii. "i-;iii. Jimniiiiir, ■.(■]<.« the Iioi'i/nii, til (1. 1 111. '<',u\. iiftcniouu, lit'iu-ii!;j.- Somh-ciLst. ^ '/> -^ \. ;)'s 11,.], litiili. • r 's f:i.->t of Lon ol ftll IMi "(i 1 C C'^^ c £^ liisi's. si; s. Sjutli. I'l'jL'k. l>iiys. TUs.s. j Set' ',) 4 7 ;s It i>'> 2 12 ! 15 2 i^V. 7 IH 21 22 '> •) 10 12 '.) s .p.t 10 80 8 7 : SI ^ M. 7 20 21 22 11 '.' 1 1.-. s 7 ^ '^ su. 7 20 20 22 r.:! 7 18 H •M 4 1". 1 47 1 Ttl 10 ' >!. >- 27 20 22 r,8 (5 40 ,S ;')8 •") 88 • ) 28. '.1 .'.s 1^! n Tu. 7 27 21 • f « 8 1H s "):•, i; 47 ',( 10 .".s -T 12 AV. 7 28 21 2;; 8 M K r,2 7 A8 4 .") 11 r.'.i ^ i;} Th. 7 2'.» 22 2:; 12 21 s "J S -IS 10 A. .".s >p 14 l'\ 7 ;io 22 2;; ir. 4 02 s .'lit ".) 2'.i I'.t 1 -")' ^ U Sa. 7 ;;i 2:5 IS 4 28 s AO 1 ( 1 7 20 2 4o in sr. 7 ;u 2:i 2;; 21 ;', .-)! H r,o 10 82 s 8.1 »»•) 'WW 17 M. 7 :;2 2:5 2:5 2:i 8 24 8 4:1 10 r,^^ 8S ■^ 17 X IH 'I'll. 7 ;;;{ 2:; ^ 2') 2 r.4 .s .\H 11 14 10 42 4 AS ^ lU w. * ;5i 24 2;i 20 ■ 2 24 8 48 11 88 11 48 t ) 00 >^ 20 Til. i :i.") 24 28 27 1 OO . S •IS 1 1 r)8, imini. ( IS r 21 F. 7 •Af) 21 2;{ 27 ! 1 2--) s ■is A. 14 48 (i .")'.i T 22 Sa.. 7 ;s() 21 2^? 27 '' ',:, . H 48 8,7 1 41 7 42 8 28 SU. 7 ;;•; 2') 2:5 21') 1". 2-". s 4'.) 1 .") 2 47 S 28 y 24 M. 1 2') 2:5 2') S. 4 8 4'.» 1 8,S 1 1 ■-.1 17 y •2h Tn. 7 <> - 2') 2o 2:5 ;m M f.i 2 20 4 ;")(') 10 10 11 20 W. 1 2f) 2:; 21 1 1 S I'.' 8 12 (■) 11 A n 27 Th. 7 ■M 20 2:! 1'.) 1 1 88 •s AO 4 18, (■) ■"S iiioni. 03 28 F. 7 o7 2") 2:) 10 ' 2 8 8 .'.0 ••■) 21 1 :.l A'.) ■ZI5 211 Sa. 1 7 ;-it) 24 2o 12 2 82 H .'.1 87 s 81 1 A:: <^ ;5() 8i;. 7 ;-!t; 24 2;5 y : 8 1 s r.l 7 .■)2 ".» 2 4r, a ai M. 7 :',.') 24 2:5 4 ' 8, 8,0 Jwj •">2 ".I t; '.t 40 8 :',(; i'>: 5):^ The colmiin of l'arrs])oto% ('i»riiwalliH t]ii' iii(>nn"s S()iitliiii,2f t^i^■fs tin' tiim'oCliiq-Ii w.'ifiT nt ; ilorton, Ilatitsport, M indsur, Newport, Truro, Ac. Colfl wcaflicr ^ivi s oaltlo niul otlior stock slmrp nppptitcs. nml tlii? mul tliP next nioiitli is tlic best fimi' in tiio winter to I'ci'il out ))ii()r (odder. iireunlar. Tliose ol'our readers who have not lived in the ('(iiinti-y eannot ima!,''ir.e Iiow rharmin;^" eoiintry yoiin^' ladies are. Itroiiolit tip in tlic |iure air, ini'l' •• the shadow' of tli'ir apple tree, they ij-ather all thi ir knowhd;;i' ol' the w urM and of lilV' from hooks. Solitude, freidoin and study, .--oon devido)) their fe'dinp.s and jiassious in a maimer unknown to t he li;;ht ininded l.eauties of 1 he eity . il.lacr I To TIP X r r 8 y 8 II n T5 ■Z5 a a 1 m X Winter.] l)K('KMP,i:!l ;]1 (lavs. 29 10j)hoin('ris 1st Dccfm H'V. ,")lh Ili'i'ciiii'or. i'lamli. MiTill. K. .M. 11 17m. '.t 18.M. ."• 5.5 A. lf).M. t) 4m. 11 4".>A. i:i;.;Ilt . .\scfll. 11. .M. P. 1.-) ry.) ,M 14 2; 22 ^5 47 '.) 57 21 10 4.) 4;; 4 an 47 KOClilK .J / 18 ;]0 10 4 10 r, 13 22 '.> ;;7 Jl 0.3 itiun :'.2 s. 57 3. ;!ls. ■VSs. 42:s. 5'.i\. .M.riil. !''■'''' Iltccliiiatiou 1 ..:\o'J»'ll. [ 5 M"i'cui-y o Vi'tiu^ \. ^ .Mils ... If. .Ill niter I7 S.iiurii. . JJLL'niims . fr. M. 10 25m. 'J 2U.\i. 5 VdA. 4 22 m. 5 14m. 10 52 .\. II. M. S. i - ' " n; a n 18 23 54s. J 5 C, 4(. 15 31 8. '23 10 11: ,; .) •21'^. 1 'J 58 11:13 22 ;',.\. 10 4tl 5.'; '.1 :;4 17n. 1 31 If- Jl 50 55 X. "Z 1 S SUNDAYS, -WE.VTUETl, AXXI- i i ^ VEKSARIES, EiV. I'i ~ 1 y. \ a ■ Wator, uitau tiiao, at t. \ ^ . i ^ 'J 4- .,— ■3 d .\l'. .V'.lvent Siindiiv. Appearance 1 5 ill 35] A. I'.h H 5 1 '.» K; a. ir, I 1 :;o .s 40 or snow, i 10 21'. .5*; I 2 10 V) 20 : 11 12 1 42 ; 2 5(i 10 12 t) 1 io 11 12 13: k\<. 17 IS 3 4'.' 11 5 1 10 3. 40 . 5 A. 16 > 20 4 .50 1; 4 1 20 7 2il 2 42 8 38 3 54 3 421 (1 12 Low ti'K's, I A. Cold and i^ statiiiiijiry. Cdiu'cji. H. V. M.'ii'y. ;oo. 2u.l Suiiilay in'iit. ' ! 4 •') 4 ' 7 24 stormy xveather. ! 5 52 , s 22 | ".» 30 4 52 I 42 I i) 12 • 10 2t) ■ 5 42 lli-ii tides. ' 7 2'.) : 5'.) ' 11 13 j 20 More aef tied, H 12' 10 42' 11 .'0 7 12 iritii ! S 51 11 21 ; iisnrn. ; '.* 30 inoi-ii, i O ;')5 ■ 10 t; 1:1 15 ; l!» 43 3.0 j 1 50 11 10 1 13 2 27 10 10 3(1 Snnilitv in .\lvcnt. snoir, rtiln, .Miii.lliiig tiiU's. 7 51 8 30 It (i 43 r.l Kiiihov 1); IV, /(('// llldfll. I 4: 11 2 '■3 C !ii>(.-v'i". V.-rv l"\v ti.K's. and ; 2 2 ;'.2 3 40 1 1 52 :i St. 'l!i..iii:i> KiiiluT is.iv, 'deef. 4 3,0 niorn. ^•) outers tjj. Winter c- :■> cintisr.M.vs i.'.w. ii'. Sr. Str-iiicii. il Si. .lo'iii I'i'jiiiutH.^t. ts. i!i':!i t'l 10 10 Ch iini/e^ 4^ llllU'l'I'll ana -.2 10 5t ■■ 4 10 ; ;; -^ v; | 5 3 IS I'.t 32 I 5 48 2 11 10 I f. :'.2 (ieru;i)e.< i.mre IK I. trili'l d I rale, ilii,rr >:i!()n\ 8 12 10 12, 11 50 8 50 11 L'O A. 34 1: ;t .\. 1 ins 30 30 BELCTIEKS FAKMEH S I 800. PROVINCE OF NOVA-SCOTIA. Lieutcnant-(jiovcrnor ami CoTiiniMitlor-in-duof in ami itver tlic Province (.if Nova Scotia ami ila DcrieinloTicii's, Ilis Excellency Tlic Riylii Honorahlc The rAUi, oK .Mt;M)R.\VB. Private Secretary, Capt. Stupleton, EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. James W. Joluifitun, M. I'. I'., Jttunn'ij General. Hon. Michael Tobin, M. L. (\ Hon. Stuyloy Brown, M. u. C Eercirer General. Hon. Jolin McKinnun, .M. P. P. Hon. John J. Mdrsluill, Financial Secretary. Hon. John Campbell, M. P. P. Hon. Ciiarlos Tapper, M. P. 1*., Provincial Secrclarif. Hon. William A. Henry, M. V. !'., Solicitor General. Hon, Charles J. Canipl)ell. Clerk, Hon. Charles Tapper, m. d. Retired .Hfembers of Council, rct(rini>nj (heir rank by Sj)ecial Per- mission of Her Majesty. Hon. F-no« Collinn. Hon. Sir Samuel Cnimid, Rt. Hon. Jiimes W. John-^ i'akm i:i;"s [1H()(). HOUSE OF ASSEM3LY. [i; Way VHh, ix.v.i.i Sjwitker, AxNAroLls. . .*JIo/i. J.v.-. W..Juliii-;tnTi, M.r.C; *Moscs Shaw.aiiil Avaiil ]uu nivl *\. ^^\ .Mcl-cniiaii, lOsijV.:. Sonlln'rii iJisirict, Aduias C<. Arclniial'l and Ah'X. ( \'uii|ilicll i!-i|r.*. CUMBERLAXD.*/Z(J/;. AVai. YnuiHj;, *//(>;/. ("ha;- 'l'i.|u.oi-, .V. IJ. M. K. ("., a. id .\!c\. McKailain', K^'k PiniJY *Jiio. ('. Wad^'. ' .\latm i!; i'.iliijhaii iV <'nliii CaiiiiilKdl, !>nrv-. (Jivsnouorciii*Sli'\vai't Caii'i IkU and \\u\. *). Hi il'iMiiaii, !v(ii>'. IIalu'ax ll'cslcru Dislrul, *.lii!i. Tubiii, S. l/( ouani ShauiK.n and Jlcnry PiTof, !,'si[i's. KdsU'ni J)isli i''!, *\Viu. Aniiaml anil '•'•dno. Ilf^siai, l']s(|vs. Hants J\''urthrni J)l^trirl, *.K>;ia t'liurchill and Aitlmr Mr.N. Cociuan, K,-(ji's. Sniilltcm J)is!,icl, ^Jlun. du-'. llowo and *\Vmi. Cliandiovs, K-ijrs. IxvERNLSS . . .*Potci' .Sniytii, Jilt). Lewis I'lVinaiu ajul U, BlaiudiUi-i}, King's A'orlherii JJixIrirl, *Saial. rid|)rnr n!sl,ui,-\\ . D. U'Llistor, M./J. and Jiio. li. l>i-(i\vn, j!.-'[r<, LrxKMiURG . .*Bonjni. Wior, *IIiMii-y iJaiicy and lloiivy IMi-wdy, !.'s(|rs. PicxoL' Ji'cshrii J)i/,-,•- In'ii, l,o\sis ^^nutli, I!m;. Suulheri) Districi, Andw. ( '((W ic, {■>([. RrciiMnNi) . . , .riias. V. 'lai'i-'n^tuu and ^IFtiiiy ?.railil!, (>,|iv. !Siu;L;:ruNE. . ..Co (//;/», 'ria^nsas ('(.tlln, V..,i. Clerk, •J ■'i 3 1>J Ji ISCO.J ALMANACK 33 LIST OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES. liKSIDKNT IN NOVA SCcniA. u- '.| ««« NAMES. Aihnittixl IJar- nators. Adinitt(.'il Attor- Jivmcs S. Morne J;iui03 W. Nutting Win. Sterns [A.O. t//(>/i. .Tas, W. Johii.-iton, flfoii. Julin (Jrcightoti. . Win. Q. Sawers fS. P. Fairbanks Nathaniel W. Wliitc. . . . (leo. T. Sulunion lioaMii.sli Murdoch Charles Twining Alex, rriinroiso Charles I), lloach John J. Bawyer George U. Grasjiio .Jaine.s S. Clarke ■fllon. Win. Voung . . . . Charles W. II. Harris.. Cliarles B. Owen Hugh HartHhorne .lames ai. ])( luiirion. . . . Robert D. Dickson James Stewart tMartin I. Wilkins IMwanl II. Harrington. Silas C. Morse T Ilirry King, n. v.. l. . . , Stephen 11. Moore John C. ITalliijurton. , . . William II. Keating. . . . William Sutherlanii. . . . Eilward Iloaeh Snow P. Freeman Henry Pryor, n. c. i Thomas 1$. Akins . . . . . John W. llitcliie Silas L. Morse Nepean Clarke ■ James R. Smith Arohihald McQueen. . . . A. M. Unia.'ke, p. c. i,. I /7ij/t. Iloherl B. Diekcy. Donald N. Mi*(iuecn. . . . GeorireS. Millcdire Charles E. W. Daniel Owen James L. DoWolf 11 Oct. ! 28 Oct. 14 April, ' 28 ( )ot. 18 April, 22 Oct. ir> April, • IG April, 19 April, 14 July, 5 April, 10 July, Oct. 28 Jan. 13 April, 2 1 Oct. 24 Oct. 28 Jan. : 28 Jan. '21 July, 28 Oct. 28 Oct. 28 Oct. 22 Jan. 28 Oct. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 July, 3 Nov. 3 Nov. t M:iy, July, 25 Jan. 3 May, 24 Jan. 1 Mav, 80 Oct'. 28 July, 28 July, 211 O.'t. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 2.> April, 2.t A ■1 N.'iv 27 v.-il, 1810 1810 1814 1814 1810 1817 1818 1818 1821 1822 1828 1828 1828 182o 1825 182(1 1820 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1828 1828 182'. > 182;) 182i» 182'.> 1829 1829 1880 1889 1881 1881 1882 1832 1882 1888 1888 1888 1881 1884 18;m i 80 1881 22 1S81 8't i^;; 1 2.t 11 23 14 23 18 22 15 16 19 14 5 10 9 28 18 25 25 23 24 ,^-^ 124 !24 !21 , <■)■> Oct. 1810 Oct. 1810 April, 1818 Oct. 1813 Api-il, 1815 Oct. 1817 April, 1817 April, 1818 April, 1820 July, 1821 April, 1828 July, 1822 Oct. 1822 Jan. 1824 April, 1824 Oct. 1825 Oct. Jan. Jan. July, Oct. Oct. Oct. Jan. Oct. 1825 1827 1H20 1^27 1 «2t') 1 820 1 820 1828 1827 28 April, 1)^27 2/ 22 22 28 28 5 28 25 4 25 3 1 28 28 29 22 Jan, Jan. July, Oct. Oct. May, July, Jan. Jan. M'ly, N..V. July, July, Oct. Jan. Jan. 1829 1 828 1828 1828 1828 1829 1829 1881 1880 1881 1S81 1881 1881 1882 is: ',8 1.S88 1888, 1888 J:iii. l^;18 \n:-;i, is:;8 OA. is:,;; Residence. Amherst. Halitax. Livorpool. Halifax. Lunenburg. Halifax. Do. Do. Lutienburg. Halifax. Do. Do. Amherst. Halifax. .Vnnapolis. Halifax. Do. Kentville. Yarmouth. Halifax. Digby. 'i'ruro. Halifax. Pictou. Halitax. Amherst. Windsor. Kent\ille. Halitax. Do. Do. Pictou. Liverpool. Halifax. Do. Do. Bridgetown. Halifax. Do. Port Hood. Halifax. Amherst. Sydney, C. B .\iiiiapolis. Hililax. L'.inenlMirg. Wilidsnr. u JJELCIIKJI S FAKMKK a [18G0. rionry IT, Granflinin . . . Ilfiiry 1'. WobsU'i- Stewart Caiiipboll Pci-e/, M. ('iiiiiiingliiim. John D. Kiunt-ar Julwi McGi('^'i»r (iiisitttvua Jlalibiirton. . . Hon. Jonathan AloCully : Kbenezer F. Munro .... Charles F. llarringtoa. William C. Whiilden ... David Mathetiou I'etor Lynch Henry i'. HiU Samuel Gray James Fof^o Frederick W. Graiitluim l)anicl Dickson James McKeagney t.Vdanjs G. Arohibald . . S. Leonard Sliannon. . . . ITenry C. U. Twining. . . James Robert I'rescutt. . Fdward A. Pyke William Howe George A. lilanchard . . Charles Morse John C. Wade t/^«.W. A. Hcnry,S.G. William H. Troop Jas. C. Cogswell, d. c. l. James Murray, Jr Hiram IManchard Peter S. Archibald Kol)ert McCiiIIy Alfred F. Hali! urton. . . John D. McNutt Timothy D. Kugglcs. . . . Philip C. Hill, n.c. L... Thomas W. Harris James Hall Thornc .... Alexander McFarlanc. . Alexander James Charles .Tames Stewart. Edward P. Nutting Wni. 11. Cutler JohnMcKinlay Simeon C. Iri?;h James W. Johnston, Jr. Peter H. LeN'oir IJicIi i\-<'. S:iiiils, Jr Alox. {'. yi-lh'ii^U Francii; S. i>eaiiuLt;h .... •1 Nov. r> May, 2". .Inly, '2-'y July, 2t) July, 1 Nov. 1 Nov. It) Jan. 10 Jan. 31 Uct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 10 Jan. 10 Jan, 1 May, 1 May, 24 July, 30 Oct. 1 Jan. 10 Jan. 30 April, 30 April, •23 July, 23 July, 2U Oct. 3 Nov. 2-4 July, 30 Nov. lU April, lit April, 20 July, IH April, IH April, 18 April, IK April, 7 May, 7 May, 7 May, 23 July, 23 July, 3 Dec. May, May, May, 22 July, 22 July, 22 April, 18 July, 20 April, 20 April, 2i; July, 20Jul>, 1«3J I83r, ISIi.l 1M30 1 830 lS3ii isi;; 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 18.'j8 1838 1838 1 838 1838 183'.» 183'J 183'.t 183't 1831) 183'.> 183!» 1840 18 H 1841 1842 1812 1842 1843 1843 1813 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1810 1845 1815 I8i--) 1S45 1810 1840 1847 1847 1817 1817 20 Oct. 20 April, 22 July. 25 July, 25 Jul>, 3 Nov. 1 Nov. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 18 Jan. 18 Jan. 2 May, 2 May, 25 July, 31 Oct. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 31 May, 30 April, 24 July, 23 July, 30 Oct'. 20 Oct. 28 July, 3 Nov. Jan. 10 April, 27 April, 30 Nov. 10 April, 10 April, 10 April, 20 April, 18 April, 7 May, 25 July, 23 July, 5 Dee. 7 May, 7 May, 7 M;iv, 23 July, 23 July, 20 April, 28 July, 22 April, 20 April, 28 July, 28 July, 1833' 1S34: 1834' 1835; 1835| 1835 1830j 1830 1830 1 1830 183G 1830 1830 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1830 18:',8 1830 1838 1830 1888 1830 1840 1840 1841 1842 1811 1841' 18421 1842' 1842i 18421 1843 1844 1843 18441 1843 1844' 1844| 1844 1844' 1844j 1845' 1840 184Gi 1847^ l8Kr 18401 Ynrnuiulh, Kcntville. (luysbu rough Windsor. Amherst. Hali fa .X. Shelburne. Halifax. Truro. Arichat,C.B. Shelburne. Pictou. Halifax. .Antigonish. Halifax. Pictou. Yarmouth. Pictou Sydney, C. B Truro. Halifax. Do. Cornwallis. Do. ITalifax. Kontville. Liverpool. Digby. Antigonish. Bridgetown. ITalifax. Yarmouth. Port Hood. Truro. Andierst. Baddeck. Truro. Bridgetown. Halifax. Kcntville. Bridgetown. Amherst. Halifax. Amherst. ITalifax. Arichat. Pictou. Antigonish. Halifax. Do. Gi-anville. Pictou. Halifax. 4. Amos B. riiiaj) r. Uiiirtckc. .lames Tlionis<»n .... Kdwanl C. (Viwliug. JJanlel J. Jaiivrin. . . Thomas H. Fuller, . . Win. A. Johnston, . . Jftmcis Whittaan .... Heiiry Wm. Smith, . William Twiuing . . . Thomas P. T'-jan Isaac J. >ylde Willi'.iii II. lilanchard Matthew H. Uiohcy . William Seaman Mather H. Desbrisay Kicharil B. O'Flahor John Skerry William B. ChinJler Jamc'8 McDonald . . . D.aniel McDonald. , . John S. MaraUall... John Burnyoat John Stubs Peter S. Hamilton . . Lewis W. DesBarrea. George A. McKenzie. Roberto. Ilaliburton Thomas J. Wallace. . Samuel W. DoBlois . Robert Motton James G. 'I'obiii Otto Weeks Wm. M. FuUerton . . Clifford K. Morse... Hugh McDonald. . . . John L. Trcmain . . . John K. Whidlen... Jarod C. Troop Henry A. K. Kaulback Brenton II. Collins. Fitzgerald C. Cochran Georgp Campbell . James J. Kerr. . . . Henry Oldriglit. . . Joseph Norman Ritchie Arthur L. Haliburtou James Denuisou. . . A. W. White, Jr... Thomas W. Chesley William M. Gray.. John T. Smith Robie Uuiacke .... 4 4 1<3 21 21 21 21 22 I'J 2G IG Nov. 21 July, 24 Jul^', 4 Dec Dec. Dec. April, 10 April, 23 July, 3 Dec. V> April, 22 July, 2 Dec. 2 Dot', 21 April, April, April, April, July, Dec. April, July, 2U Nov. 2U Nov, 2'i) Nov. 18 April, I'J April, 25 July, 28 Nov. .April, Dec. Doc. Dec. April, Dec. Dec. April, Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Nov. 30 Nov. 27 April, 10 May, 10 May, 10 May, 10 May, 10 May, 2 Aug. 17 4 4 4 16 o O 8 28 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 30 8471 84«; 8f8 818 848 1 848' 84'J ; 84'.) 849 I 849 I 800 , 8-)0 ' 8.-i0 I 83IJ^ 8.JI 851 851 851 851 851 852 852 852 852 852 853 853 85a 853 854 854 854 854 855 855 855 850 850 856 856 850 850 856 850 857 857 858 858 858 858 858 858 858 28 Jnlv, 20 July, 2*'. July, 20 Nov, 2'.t Nov. 2'.i Nov. 10 April, 10 April, 2 4 July, 4 Dec. 10 April, 23 July, 3 Dec 3 Doc. 15 April, 1 M.iy. 21 April, 21 April, 20 July, 2 Dec. 21 April, 21 July, 21 July, 22 Dec. 22 Dec, 1'.) April, 22 Dec 25 July, 28 Nov. V.I April, 25 July, 28 Nov. 28 Nov.' July, Dec. Dec. Dec. D«c. 3 D«c. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 1 Dec. 30 Nov. 16 April, 1 Dec. 11 May, 11 May, 11 Ma'y, 11 May, 2 Aug. 4 4 4 3 1?40 1817 1847 1847 1«47 1847 184l» 1840 1848 1848 181".» 184'.l 1840 J 1810 185f> 1850 1851 1851 1830 1850 1851 1851 1^51 1851 1851 18.-.2 1851 1K.j3 1853 1852 1853 18,-M 18;)o 1853 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1850 1857 1S55 1850 1«57 1857 1857 1857 1858 Amherst. Halifax. Do, Annapolis. .\richat. Do. Halifax. Do. f-iverpool. Halifax. Do. Guyaboro'. Windsor. Halifax. Do, Chester. Halifax. Do. Arichat. Pictou. Antigonish. Liverpool. Truro. Amherst. Halifax. Guysborough Pictou. Halifax. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Amherst. Do. .Antigonish. Port Hood. ILilifax. Urklgetown. Lunenburg. Halifax. Do. Truro. Wallace. Do. Halifax. Do. Digby. Shelburne. Bridgetown. Halifax. Amherst. Halifax. if 30 BELCH i:U S I'AUMKK S [IHOO. William A. DcTiloi.s . . . , Joseph Creighton William Fitz Uiiiacko . , Alexander II. Winniett. William II. Buckerfield. 4 .Tail. 1S.V.I 4 .laii. isr,'.) 4 Jau. IcS.j'j P.O Nov. lS.-,7 1 Halifax. ;'.() Nov. IS.")7 I i.uiiciiliurg. ;ii> Nov. IH,'): Ilalifix. 'J4 .July, 1M27 Bridgetown. •Jli July, 1840 ! AinlK' Those marked thus t are liueen's Counsel. 5^" Most of the Barristers and Attornies are Notaries Puhlio. GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND OFFICERS. PROVINCIAL SECRKTAIIY'S OFFICE. Provincial Secretary, Hon. Charles Tupper, M. I'. V. Dcp. Sec''y, Wm. II. Keating, Esq. Clerk, Win. Seaman, Esq. FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Financial Secretary, H(nt. John J. jNIarsliall. Clerk, Mr. Thomas DeWolf. RECEIVER-GENERAL'S OFFICE. Receiver-General , Hon. Staylcy Brown. Clerks, Edw. Duckett ami John R. Wallace, y>([S. COMMISSIONER OF CROWN LANUS OFFICE. CommisHioner of Crown Lands and Sarrryur-General, Samuel P. Fairbanks, Esq. Deputy, Wm A. Hendry, E.sii- Clerks, Messrs. Edw. Morris and Frederick Le Blanc. BOARD OF REVENUE. Commissioners. — The Recoiver-Oeneral (Pr(silciit), the Financial Secretary, John Williamson and Jolm W. Ritcliie, Fsqs. Clerk, B. B. Oxley, Esq. OFFICE OF IMPOST AND EXCISE. CiTSTOMS Dkpartmk.nt. — Flri>t Clerk to tlie Receiver-General, and Acting Collector, Edw. Binney, Esq. JVarchonse Keeper, Wm. G. Fife, Esq. Landinij Waiters and Senrekers, Jnu. U. Ros,-* (iiead of tlie out- door depax'tment), and Jas. M. Tidmarsli, Es(is. Gauyers and Proof Officers, Jos. Austen and Jos. W. Qv.inan, Esqs. Clerks, Messrs. Peter Donaldson, Jas. Fitzgerald. Tiios. P. Ryan, B. Breumer Oxley, and Uustavus Johnston. Tide Surreynr, Mr. Alex. Kellv. Shippini/ Officers, Messrs. Ja?. Hills, Wm. Hays, and Errol BrV^"^. Warehouse Lockers, Messrs. F. Jolinston, Jas. Miller, Roht. Boak, M. Rudolf, Wm. Foster, T>on. Eraser, Matt. Campbell, Robt. Carrie, Wm. McLean, Jno. L. Conq)ton, and Robt. McDonald. Weighers, Messrs. Jas. Kerr, Edw. Kelly, Jno. Hatcli, and Matt. Donohoe. Tide Waiters, Messrs. Jno. Dirreen, Jno. Twaildle, Kdw. Shajin, Geo. Ryder, Edw. Kavauagh, J. Nugent, J. Drummond, Edw. LeGuiere and Matt. Nangle. Boatmen, Messrs. Dan. Gallagher and Alex. Melhiin. Truckman, James Potter. Office Keejyer, Joseph Skallish. Broker, Wm. Hill, Eati. Esc W, Ken Mar C. Trk., Perk Seen Hon. higt. IHOO.J ALMANACK. a? ! f i>f CoNTRDMjars l)i:r\iiTMf;.\T. — Confrollrr of Customs and A'ttviijalion Lines, and Jiiirisi,-,,i-i)fSlii{);ii'r^, llviiry U. P;iuliii, V.-'n. Clrrlc, .Ia?». i'itz.^eral'l. Sitn'rijor oj Shiitp'ruj, S.iimiol Miirpliy, M«i|. Coiifrollcr of C ixlnnis (tnd JVttviijiilion L(nrs ; CoWrif Colonial Dalies, and Scizinj Dificrr, Sheet Ilaruor, ,Iu«ntli llrowiier, K«ii. BOARD OF WOllKR. For the iiian!i;^oiiiont iiml HU|H'rIiit(Mi(k'ii(!o of tlio Provincial BuiMiiif;, GovcriiiiuMiv lloiiso, IV'iiiloiitiiiry, fiiaac Lo Viscnntc and Rul.t. Kavann;i;h, Ksqs. CoMMTSSlONllRS TO CAUUY Ol l' TUK I'liUVISlONS OF TIHO IlKC'IlllOrrrV Trkatv BioT\vt;i;N (Jbkat Britain and Tin: U'nitkd Statks. — Mose.s 11. Perley, Esq., of St. John, N. 1?.. Com;iii:-sioner, ami Geo. II. Pcrley, E.s(j., Secretary and Surveyor, on the ])art of the I'ritish Government ; jind Hon. Jno. nubi)ard, ui Maine, Commissioner, R. D. ('utt.«, of Wash- ington, Surveyor, and J. Hatch, Esqs., on the part of the United States. HH itri.cui.K s faumi;k h Ll«()0. < ViMMISi4U».\KH roll JlxAMIMNli. I'lUWF.UVrNii VM» AllKWniMi AxriK.VT llr.eullDS AMI DiiiI'MKNTS, IM.rSTUATIVK OK TIM: lIl^lORY AND I'llUCillDM OF SoCIDTY IN Till.'* I'lloVINT'i;. — 'ril(i«i. 13. Akillf, I,.«i<|. IloAKK or KxA.Mt.NK.US Foil I'llO VIN»I Al- MKhlCAL lircKxsr.f. — Win. .1. Almnii, .M. I)., l\ M. «>., i). MfNi.jl i'urkcr, .M. D., and lliifus S. Uluck, M. 1)., K»(j8. lNsi'f;(;To«. or MiNta, Jnn. .MoKoagney, K^q. Qukkn's IMunteh, Alpin Grant, Ksq. LIGHT HOUSES On the Coast of JVorrt Scotia ; the Const of A''tio-Bninsii'irk »/t the Jiay of Fuii'ly; Cajw Rucr, jVJl.; (ialf and River St. Lawrence ; and Strait of JidU-Itle. Meagheu's Bi;ACU--T'Iiist Side Halifax harbour. J fixed lii/ht. Samiiiio [si.ANn — \Ve«torn entrance llalitax liarbour. A fixed light. I)kvii.'» Tsi.A.ND — An Octajonal Lii/ht Jicacon on the S. W. point of the Devil's [."^l.aml, at tiie entrance of the Ma«tcrn painsago to Halifax hiirljour, ami exhiliit.s a rvway — Beacon Light on .\diniralty Head, west side of the entrance to the port. IJuildiiig square, ])ainted u'hite, with f/lack square in the centre of the sejiward sides, plain white light, 41 feet uIjovo sea level, and stav.ds within '60 fathoms of the shore. SiiKOurRNK — McNutt'a Island. Two fixed lights — one above the \ other. BARUiNfiTox — liaccai*o Point, east side of the entrance to Barringtou Bay. A fiush light, of fifteen seconds. Cai'G Foiioiiu Ljght — On ('ape Forcliu, western side of the entrance to Yarmouth harbor — 1 plain revolving light, visible one minute and : a quarter, and invisible half a minute. Building painted white, and is \ elevated l;55 feet above the level of the sea. j Capk Sable, Sicai. Island — The first light on approaching the Bay of , Fundy, is on the South point of Seal Isiland. A plain, white light, '< elevated about eighty feet above higli water i ark, and may be seen, on i approaching the Island, from any point of the compass. A very danger- i ous rock, under water, but upon which the sea always breaks, called Blonde Rock, lies about three ami one-third miles S. by W., by compass, \ from the Light House, Between this rock and tlie Island there are aorae dangers — the ground is rocky throughout, aud large vessels, therefore, \ ought not to attempt passing betweeu them. j a], tai N. har lig/ in r h^nmi^tmwm IK CO. J AI.MANA* K. IW) lliiiKK TstASii—J /igby <»at, from HHer I^lftn<.l north uantwaril. 'I'iiij liK'it id oliiully intcu<.loin (lato .Marsliair.s Covc) BKAroN Liroai;li a ml Id/ht. Marijan'tville is diMtant, K. ;57 miloii from iJigby li;.f|it-lioiMo. and W. 1;') milvH from IMacU Ruck lijjht-lioiiHi'. 'I'iiost' lijjiiH in the above beacon ligiita dii»tingiii«(hoa them from other lijrhti in thoir viiiinity. IJi.ACK lloiK liiiiur— !)u the aoiith ahure of the Hivv of Funday. Jl Jiuu'l^ u'ltilr liijlit. IfouTo.v LJi,ii T liidiiT— In the Hasin of ^linc:^, '•'> feet above sea level, hi:^h-water; rise and fall forty to forty-live foet. Kuildinj^ sijuare, paint- ed white; Mtandn nlxty foet from the Ulutf. and shows a white lii/hl, which may be seen, in clear weather, over the greate«t part of the Haain of Mines, (after jJaMhing Tape Klowmedon), and aliove t!ic Kive f^landa and up WindMiM- River, until interccptoil by the continuiriouof the lllulf to the southward of it. AiMM-E RivKii li!(iiiT— N(irth side of the entrance to Apple River, in Chigneoto, or (.'undiurland Bay. Twojixr.l lijhl.t, i»lvoetl horiiontally. I'vitTKiDOK IshANi) III VKii— An Octagonal Jiiglit Beacon, on the west side of the entrance to I'artridgc Ireland River, I'arrsboro', on the north side of the Ba«in of Mines, and exhibits a plain, while lii/ht, at an ele- vation of thirty feet above high-water; rise and fall about forty-five feet; the Tower is white, and standu clowe to high-water mark on the beadi. V^essels can only enter the harbor at high-water, and must lie aground on soft bottom when the tide is low. Bru.NT Coat IIkai> IjIiiiii' — Basin of Minas. The lantern ie erected on ft square tower attached to the main building, and sliewig a jilaia white lijhl, about 7^") feet above high-water level, and visible from all points of approach. Tower and l)irildings painted white. Bearings and dis- tances: (.'ape Bloinedon, N. 70, W. *Ji» «"), 10 miles; Brick Kiln Ledges, N. ;'»2, W. 7 T), 10 miles; l-locmomy I'oint, N. 8(), W. 8 '.), 10 miles. luoN-BoiND-lsLAM) liidiiT — Oil" tlio entrance to La Have River. A hritjhi,fUuh light, of ton seconds duration, followed by eclipses of thirty seconds. The lantern is placed on a sipiare, wooden tower, painted white^ on the southern side of the Island, and i? visible from all points of approach. Elevation seventy feet above sea level. Raguku Isr-AM» Hauhou Lkjut — OiiCtuH Rock,olf the entrance of the harbor. Building square and p;iintcil white, exhibiting a clear, fixed lijht, at an elevation of tifty-one feet al)ove the sea level, and ia situated in Lat. Vi^ 15'/ N., and Long. H4 »jtl' W. Pt livioo Hauhou Lruiir — A Beacon Light on the S. K. side of the en- 40 15KLCHEK S VAKMER S [i8ao tranoo to I'ubiiioi) Ilirhor, .situitel on tlic V.. sMo of the entrance to the Bay of, about thirteen miles nt^-tUerly of t'ape Saljle. JJaiMinfr S(|uare, painteJ wliili;. A fixed ^ reil. liijlit, on the seaward side, twerity- eij^ht feet al)ove hii^h-water level, (rise ami fall twelve feet|, unK OK TUK tit T OF (.'ANSDAf — A fixcd lijlll. Eonv, or Sam) I'oiNT Lr(iHT — ')n M Idy, or Sand Point, on the west side of tlie south entrance to the Strait of Canseau, distini^uiHlied by two white liijhh, placed horizitntally, 2'j feet above the wea level. IJiiilding Sijuare, painted while, with a hltick diamond on the seaward side. (iiYsuounciiu Hauhor Bkahox — (Jn the west side of the entrance to the harbor, head of Chedabucto Bay. A fixed lii/hi. IMcTor LicHT — On the south-east side of t'.ie entrance of the harbor. A fixed li.jht. I'lCTor IsLVM) TiiiiiiT — On the h. K. point of the Island. Buildinjr Sfjuareand painted white. A fixed Lijht, rtfty-two feet abdve higli-waier mark. Ariciiat Ukacox — A f.iirht on Point Mariclil, on the east side of the soutl'.ern entrance to t!ie iiaibor. Buildin;^ sijuare, painted while. A while li(/ht, tiiirty-four feet above the sea-level. L()oisin;Rti — On the east side of the entrance to the har])or. A fixed Uli>i/i, white lit/ht. The lantei'n is pl.ii'ed on a sijUire, wooden tower, painn-d while, near the centre and siuiunit of the Island. 'I'he lantern is 'I'M feet aI)ove sea level — visiblo tVoiii ;iil points of ujiproaeli. To ves- sels in jii'oxiiiiity t(» the island, the li^rlit may become ob,-er\ed by the Hlu'upt elifis or sides of the Island, which may serve as a ;j;nide to taek or auchor by, a^ hundreils of \esse!s find aiiehor>!;j;e on the south-east sidt'. The chief landing- is near the S. W. end, in shore, where a few lisliin'!; sta'zes aal boats are kept in use durin;; the ti^liiuji; soasiui. I'uRT ![i»oii liKiirr — CliauLied tVoiii white u\ red, when seen tVom tlie northern entrance, to distiuj^uish it from the .Marj;urie and North Canso li-h's. WiiiTK IfiOAD Isi,\ND LniiiT — On the S. W. point of Wliitf Mead Island. The tower is sipiare, jta-ntel irhile, standing; seventy-live fathoms from the wafer's ed;:e, with an Oeta^Mual Irni Lantern, sixty foel abuve sea level at hi^h-wnter; ris" aiid fall, six feet. The lijrht is d'istinj;uishcd by urii/ht Jbiahes, of ten seeouds duration, ri)lh>wed by eclipses of ten seconds, displayinii; alternately three iiashes an>l three eclipses in a minute. The It^lit will not be totally obs^^ured vlurin^- the eclipse. Islwxd l.iiiirr — On Flint Island, otV the eastern eoast of Cap B-et on. Lat. 4i) deLiri'es, 1 1 •") N., and Li (i<'. .V.l deurces, -l'> •'»(• \V, an* exhibits a biii/ht, fi.n:dt /ty/i/, every lifteeii seconds, visible from all points f etij i"l aiiil LSGO.j AI.MAN \( K, \so mil TUo |lUl*l 1^ <.f trK> ci.iiiji.iss. 'Hh- i;;.:'it ;.- sixt-.-lisi.' iVi-t .'iIhivc^sl-.-i l;, julI (.•.in !)o Sr. i.'s l-i.AMi — A li.:r I. lijjtl (III ilii' ii,iiti;-(;i -t c-iii, aiil a jl'!>iIs dl tlicii- !i;i;»r( iU'h to a vcrv ''hiuix-imhis ihdz.' i i' >;i"!i!;; ain! If l.i'-, wiiirli i xt' ii 1 tVdiii tlu- ! )M l'.(i|a-ii.'tiir tn (!ie Sv-al i>laii'Is, ni;' M.u-'i a ■. a ili--aiiL\' n|' iiliiiiit t\\''in_v iii'ik'S. A ahil<\jl(i ilark, aii-l l'i-:ty -(■i-(,ii.;s 1i;.:Iit, in (Mcii iii;n;u«'. iJnii'i'i:-.'; })r;i:t(. i iii ?-iri|ns. \\i-t\'il, 1 laclv aii'l \\'". ridwriMi tlic iK.S't'.' laniii^.-t an'! t'l" .-i.iilli-. ri.iiKi-it nf tin- Mitri' i. !■'!,.■•( s, tliiTc is a raii;re < riiii'.i'icii-ns idv-ks an I finals, iiiauv (iI'iIhiii al'.vavs alxivo \v;i;i-i', anl txivn i v, v^tw inl l'.-(.'.ii ilu- l-i,:ilit ilmi-.' !\l>(iiit liini' laiicH. I'i'cin ( I lis lan ■,'.«' I'ui'.iu i- uri^t. I'lv, ali^ntsix hiilt> tii<' ' avoidcil h_v kt('jiin:.c tiirc;! itui,ukal>K' lic.uilaud.s mar tlic S. \V. cni m' ((laml Maiian, oimi. M\t'lll AS SkAI, hl.A.NK LlCllTS Tin) //„■■(./ (/•/(//(' lijilh. llpdU (iW ^lac'iias Si-al Islands, liirty-tive Ivt t aluAt.' iii^li-wati-r, ami Ikai* IVimh i!H'!i i.tlu-r v.. S. K. iui'l w! N. W., lii^tant !i!,uut :.'(>!> t-jft, liy wiiic'i cii-- cniusiahco, t/t't\V(t Li:^iit IliuiM'snt t!io ''auiL' .^lati^tn, tiny will ho iuiinr- ditit' ly distin;;-ui,-lieil iV.aii all otluT li;;lits u|ii.n tin; i-nast. ( !'.|•it■^;!l ur Aiiii'i'lcan). iii.lli IniiMiiiLis jiaintrd irliilc. Ve.-scl and ihi- (-i;;:im:t Iuh-I;, sIk ill 1 la^'k or !i ml dt' till' niiiiin.ait llicy l.rini' tlit-sc; liuiits intu i ii •, as tlicy will Im-. tin n, ma in(/i-L' tliaii tiii'v'i'-li.iii (lis (.f a luiio tV(>m tla- .\itiia* I. .•.];>.-, il im !•.' tlian tivi- iiiik's l<) tiio i". (d't'ao I'Li'it'^. ItiiAti UAiiriiit l.iuirr — Nfxt in order aCti,'!' '.>a-<'n^ Gi and Mrian and tlic j)laii), irliile li^/'nl (Aiin-ri'jan) on \\\',-t (iiioddy I'oint, i.> ili\ii ila''- liur J.i.nlit, ]ilai--d (111 tiie .\. K. cxtrrniity m' ('aui|i(i Jiidlo, and i> a jiiii Ir to vcssids t'liti-rinti' ilie niaiii ciiainn'l til \\».-t Isles, Mi'i ..<> h!ani!,aiil tiic Inner 15 ly of I'assamaiiUoildv; it cna'ik.s VL.-sds, alsti, at all tinus to ciitir Hvad Marl) .//;• H'll , // 7//.T //'/(/. IJuilliiiii- ! ainlod irliilc with a /•.''/ f!-(iss on it. Point I.i: I'kkai' Liiiurs — I'linn tii!s piMJ^ctinu^ hcadlaud, two lij,!!ls arc ii!a."(>d, ono aoi.vv' t'lc utlua-, in t!ii' suae liou'^o, and distant twi'iity- i'lit t'.'ct. Ilo'ili li-!its cai In- si en I'n ni (^wvy jiuiut of t!i<' ('iini|)a.-s IT" tlu'v ii';iy 111' nscta' ; Imth iwcjirri/ jyid irhitc. l»uiidin,.i' I'aiiitcd (i Wll aii'l niii If, In siriins, li\o foot lao id ca''!, l)ov',:ontall v. I'ai;ih!1h;i; Isi.ami' — At ti.e (.'nlraii till' river and liarUor of St. .loim, .\. ){. ./ ii.ii'/, ii'liiii' li'jlit. 'I'iio luiildini |>aiiiti'd /vv/ and irln'lr, in vo'tioal strip*'-. liKAidN iiHiur — \Viiii".n i' ii trid'i,x> I-land, and ni>oii a s.iit orlnr wli;>';i V ;t;'iids a'loiit lialf a niilr S. S. I!. oiV Sand I'oliit. and wlii.'li iiri"s it t\vo-tlii;'ls fill), m' a lids the il.Mi'on ToUi'r, ./ ;/ .-( 7, itliilr li'Jit. liiiiidi'.i'j; iviinti'd irhllc and l.lurl:, in slr'jics, vi'riica!!y. (,>i\'ii LiiiiiT — .7 rirniri'::;, iilii!i' ii':/!'/, pla/cd on a small rock, oil' Q laco Iliad, sIiowiiiL;' iwii'c full aiid t»\;ri' in a Minnie The Ii can lit' sfi'ii iVoni aiiv nnarii-r niivroa vcs-tl caii aiijiroa .ii. I'nildin;' lantt /<■///. (' a nd /('(/. il 1 !ior:-'iin;al >!ii]' ( \i';: K\i(vn the |ioi!.t of iliat name in \Vo>tiiior( 1. ri' arly (i]i|iiisito Apjiic K N. S. IJniiliii'i' iiainti'd irliU tlliolU rjil li'Ot llhove tlu' tidi' niaik. .'I /I, tin irllitf lijitl. ^ -12 HI l.rriKi! s TM'vM i;i; s IKOO. Wi;;-!'i' (.ii oiinv l.if;in — 'i'liis i.< ;in AmciiiMii lii^lil, iilacy li'iluc nri'l Kastnort. A liHiiiT Ifoi MK lui.' IvMi fit otnl upon TAPK HACK, .NCprtViuuilltirid, It fi.rcil, li'liih' li:/lif, i'nna f.n\\>:ot to siiiiri!'!'. '|'li«' li;.';iit i« visililc !(• sra - wjLV'i fVoiii \. I>. (i_v I''. I'oiiinl i)y lln" S. I'!, ill! 1 S. to W., luul h cleviitcl ]Xi lirt iil^ovc iiii'Mii watfr l(>\t'l ul" tin- ai'ti, uinl iiiuy be i;ivii in cIcmi- wiMtlici- 17 iiiilcH froiii II sliiji's i\(.-rk. 'Ilif iowcr i;> atrijXMl I'ld iiii.l "iiitc v<"rti(tally It stniii!.-< <•](,, -^c to llic tiiil lica:!oii, wliii;!) Iia^ liciii cut :i i'.i s. ;i!^ isro.iiilb \V. lUariii^ia iiiaiiiictii;. \'ai'. 'J', .i.-iiri's W, /'.• i!iu Rirrr itnd (Ja/fif SI. f.iturrncr (iml Slniil of Ih'Uv-hlc : Bi;i.i,i;-Isi,i:; liicfrr— -An iskiii'l .'it lli<> i u^'icrii nitrancc of tlic ;»*rM,'i i.t UcUc-lslc, soiiurutiujr Lahi-alov IVom \'cvi;.iiiiillii/li' / ickili' lii/lii — tvvo-tliirds of tlic iiorizon illuniinatod, and soen iu fair woatlier 18.^ nautical or "Jlii statute inilos. Liuildiiig — : a eirenlar stone tower, f locd oxtcrna'.ly with fire hvick of a lifj;ht colour. AvTicosTr 1-ioiiT, at the extrciiio point west end of the i.ihvml f)f Aiiti- . nosti— N. 4'.» '')!>' :\\\'\ Lonji;. W. CI ' V,'y' 0(r\ J siiii/lf Jixei u-hitr li'jhl — two-thirds of the horizon illuminated, and peen in fair weather lo n,Mitii'al or IS statute miles. Building; — a circular atone lower, faced exleriifuly with tire brick of n ii!!;ht colour. ('mm; il(>>,it;r. i.ic.iiT — Kast coast of (iaspe, at the extreme point of the (\ipe. Lat. N. tS • .'.1' <)lV\ Lu!i'_'. W. f, J l-')' (lll'V ./ ^,„,//,' ji.u'd irlntr ll-/!it — two-tiiirds of the hoii/on i'lnminated, aini seen in fair weather It'i', nautical or 1'*.', statute miles Buiidini, — a ciiculir ilone tower, ficed externally with fire lirick of a Trilit colour. Sijiiials will In' ;riven at or neai eich of tin uliove i li;;ht h ,') .\nchortf. Grapnels, and Aiiidioi I'aliL* ."» (f» cent, ad .\ihe.s — Put. and Pearl Kreo Bieou, ^ l(»lt \h» , (» |t» Beef, .lailcd, por l.-bl (» .". r.csh. per mu lbs f ;•) (I Butter, per MD Uw H '..» BiiLl iii'i' and .\ppdrel<»f ['assiMiir-rs not intended for sule. Free one by III! ■\A. IilfV In 18 (•)().] ALMANACK. •i:j Hilly- rtirrt'iicj. P.irilla i\ri.l \*h I'. Uiscuit, iiirliiliii;r rr;ick< r-, V> l r> l» IJ;-r'iit ..)• i;i",':iil jui'I P'Ict i;,Ta.| I'rco l5iMil <• Oxen, or otlior m alCiittU', ;■> year* 'oj.l or ui)\var"l»i, cu. 1 17 fi (.'ovv.H ami ('attl;Miii-h'r tliivf years oM, i'ui;!i I'J (.1 Slii'f'p, oaeli '.' i! '♦ llug-j, alive, over Idfl lbs. \vei;rlit, tae'u 1 •'> Asses* ami M iilest Freo CIiooBe, per l')t) H-:* ,"> (I < 'liof;olat(< or ('( coa Piir'te, jier lb \.\ Ceeoa Free (V)ttee, ^'reen, per lb H () 1^ jca-iteil, biinuvl or 'iToiuid, per lb ^> H 'J.^ ("loek«, and all wlieels, nmeliiuery and materials used in their numnla.'hire :J<» pur ecru, ad \al. ( 'oi)t(etitiiifi-y. SyruiiH, iiiid nrti(des niniinlin-inred I'l-oui Su;iai", ■.:!• jier eent. ad val. (ijrars ami SnuU' Il> ]>er eent. ad val. < iirrsints and Fiirs It' ))er eent. :el val. Coppor, viz. : plate^J. sheets, bars, or bolt", for sliij) bnildinn, wronjrl'.l "r east fur nnu'liinery, jnire or uitliout other metal. Copper Castinns ofevery desi.fiption, for niaelonri-y, for niilh or yteunilM,!it'* : (upper and Composition Naili! and Spikes, f> r Mi'.]\ I'udd- iii}? •> jpi'r ci'iil. II 1 \al. <.)re. or in I'lLr-* oi* i;i le olil (tr Wm|-!i. ol- ht oiilv to be r.'iiiaiial;ietiin'd i rce Cnal Coin-'. ol'Ci.ld or Silvi'?', Jin 1 I'litisli Copper C'.iii. 1 1.,.,. * All firllUi-il f"")ks a'iniitt"il iKity iVi-f, frci'pt lv|iiiMU ef li ".kt Hi" •■Mpyri/lit iln'i'.'or i« iiritfOU'l liy (In; .\''t'< of tl) • Iinix^ l'arli:(i.ii*nt <»ii lln- iiiininrttiMU .i( iiii.v ri'pntil'* ,f I. I) m\y in covcr^j, lU.' c >fiv riirlil uf whir'h is [iritiM-tfil dy thr Aon iif thi" l:ii|»'ri'il i'lrli-ini.'iu, tli«rk"<— 'iilcii r-priiitii imt lialile lu JiUy uiil'""S Ihi. oriiriiKiU sli ill hiivi Iw-ii r< •l«l. T '!■ li:iLr to tli^' i>i' )>u«>'-il ill til- ;nli ;oil rti'i .\f till- lii,|>"i-i;il A<.-l , Am Ai'i to iiiiioiiii til.. HT ..f <■ iliyrijlii t Animals eertiiii'il liy llic I' nt ;iiul S.cri'tiry o! tuy Au'ricultmal So'-iety to liM^e liecii liniii'rli.(l lor Ih.' pni'iiii-r of oii|)ro\ iiij; iIk' in'ofd, AliMI I rKI) l.t rv 1 KiJK 11 nil. (Mill's i\i;.Miu"s riSOO. I»tit}- — (.'iirrciicy. < iii'k'.M'i ii] Ti'ic (urn, \ i/. ; Ulu.if, i'yi', liii'ii'.i *'oni, IJarlcy, Oa;s, llicf, aii'l r»Mi;k\viK:it, iiii;;r(iii!iil ; IJu'l.'v Mral, Ityr .'Wtal, Oat Moal, Imlian Altai, liackwlieat Mral, iVas and 1] aii^s i'lx'f Cdttdii Varii •") ]i( 1' cent, a 1 val. CunlajiV, fannl or im!aii\'il, wlutliii" fiito.l I'ur riji^'iii;;' fi' tillicrwis"' ."( jiiT cciil. ail val. K]i,L'"raviii'j> aii'l raMitin.Lis I'lvo I'lr.iir, \VlnMt, \r ci-catiirt's ]'i\ iii;j; in tlio .-^i a I'l ee i'isli Htioks I'lte Flax I'l'co Funritiirc, tliat lias actiia!l\ liccii iii use, W(trkiii}i; T1s and lni|iK';m'n(s, the [ii'()]n-rty ot' C'iai;i;iaMt.s (U- ])ei-s:/,. : l'awrou;j;lit or V'lix Iron, Ore.s ot' Iron ofall kimls, iron Rails for rallroai's, Steiim Boilers, Doiler I'lates, I'louLih Moiildf^, and Hoop Iron Free In liar.-- or Bolts, ('astii!;/s lor Mills I'r Steam Kmriins, and Cast or rnwron^ht I'ipes or Tulns, Sheet Iron, and lion Spikes o per eeiit. a I \,il. L;ir:], per 10(1 llw .^ '.I jHUtlier, viz.: Suh- 1/ a'dier, iiielnd'iiu,- ilMcsand ^Iv!ns, par- tially drissed therefor, jier Hi (I IJ Jjoots, Shoes, and I.e.ith' r .Mannt''. 'iiii'i-' of all kin Is; Uppi-r r<(atiu r, (d';iil sorts, inelu'iiii;:; Hi'lesand Skins patti.iUy dri>.--ed iheiit'or Ill |i'. r (•( nt. ad \al. f.intels Free l-niie and l,ini< stone !• ree l/in(-s for the Fisheries, ta' all kinds I'l'oe .Molas.-ies, pel" <_'all(iii (! ;'. Meat, fre:'h, (<'X:'ept U.'for I'.irk,).. . . h" per ei nt. ai va.'. M iniire.'^ of all kinds I'lee .^iaps and Chart-! I'i((' ?tla>'hinery of all kiirls i f Copj)> r or hoii fni' Mil!--, St am- nsGO.j A 1 , M A -N A ( K . •1.) Duty— (iinciii y. Ih'jUs iiiil .M.iimfa'tnrks, airl .Muiit/. Mri.i] S'ha'.li- iii,::' "i !:■ r >•, u;. ml \al. Ni'ts — l''isniii;: .Ni'ts aii'l Siiius of all kiii'l-' Fivl- On",., MS, I..T hhJ lliS 2 t'j OaAiuii .") ]>!.'i'. vv\i\. a 1 val. OiTS cif.-lll kiiils Fivo Oil, I'.iiiii I'rrc I'i ai-s, tVcsli (IV ilriod, pt'i' l)lil •"• I'l.rk, .-altfl, jici- bill (I "> <' IVci-'.i p; r Ml) !bs o i'itfli .") p"i- .x'ut. a 1 val. l*a;iitiii;.;s an I i;ii;iravii; /«- Froi! lMaiil,s';:;!iiMl>^, aii I Tm-s Fiv.j I'latc ill' 'Ii.lil ami Sihcr, <4 I au'l lii uuly tu b.' ixMiiaimlao- iiiivil Fii'o I'utatiio Fivo I'.-iiitiiip- I'ri'.-si'.-, 'i'ypt-'-, aiil I'rihtrrs" Ink Fivo I'l-ppcr ail 1 I'iiiKuto, jri', Vi/,. : Oil \lii:^, Oil ll.ijK", Junk, and Old Fi.-.liin;.r Nets Fn'O Kosin F'rcf l'ii:-ins }M.i- lb 1 t^ail Clotl; (if all kind^•, ('au\M- and Sail Tw'nc, -"i p. c. a I val. Sail^, lli>;Lriii^', and Sliiji .Materials, savod IVuin vc-^^ols wreck- ed (111 til'' <'(a-t (d" tlii^ I'riiviiicc, an'l simmI tV( ni vis- boLs »»\\ ncd and i"t\iiisl( nd in tin- I'rov inc.-, if >v.rck'.'d (11 thi! ('(,a>t (f tlii.^ I*i-i)vii!(jt' or t'lM'uin-'iv Fiie Salt Fi-cc Soc Is (if all kind,' Frco Skins, Furs, IVI's, or Tads, undivssi.d Fnr Stdiii's, iinniai(iifi.:tiircd Fr-r Sii'iai* (if ilu' Maple Free ( riislii-d and J'.asia!- 1 J'a •■hl:-, i»er li»i()\\ n, :iiid I'lcfnic i '• ^ iJrowii, (!!• Mii-ci)\al.i, iiiit reiinod, per I'm) IIk ii 7 i, Sjiirit.-, vi/. : I J randy, ''i" '.:'ill . . 1 " Ham, not exrec Fn-- \\w stren,u;tli of proof liy Syki's' IfydroinetiT, and o in projioi'tioii f^r niiy jrioater ^uvii^ru than the &lreii;itii id" jinx.t", per ;raU •_' statuary r ive 'i'oa.s, vi/. : Scuclionu, roii'i-oii, 1'. ko", ildiea, I'liiehoiej, an 1 all other Ul lek Tea>, ner lb (iiiiioowder, Ih-'iii, Vouii'' lf\ >oii, Tui nkav. an I (ttlier (iret n Tias, ]» r lb H Tubiico, inanuiUetured, (eseept SmitVand Cijiar-,) pur lb. . . *J.^ iininanutaetured I' r( c l()nLi;iie> ol f Tattle, dried or iiiekled, lOi) lb-< t) ID U . Ti •') per cent, a 1 val. Tallow F reo IC) JiJ'L(IlJ:U S I AlvWElt s [hSGO. T'lity — ruriTiicy. Twinos nii'l Lino?', used in the fisheries Free Tow aixl ilouij) Froo 'l"iir|ioiiliii« h'n'O Wlia'o Fin, or IJone Froo Wooii, viz. : nuard^, Plank'?, Strive.'', Sipiarc 'riiiiljor, Shin;!;lo.:!, anl Firewuoii, but iKit to iiicluilc Wuo'ls iiacsl lor iH'o- iii;iC Free Wines, viz. : Ilnck, ('(iii-jfaiitia, ALilrnsoy, Tolcay, ('Iiainpairno, l>iirj.ruiiJy, lloi'iiiitato, Ciai-ot calle'l ijafitto, Latoiir, liiif.iyi'tto, Mdiyaux or IIautl)riaM, por jrall Mii'liMra, I'ort, anil Sliorry, of wliioh tlic fir^jt cost is £.'!!) por pipo aii'l ujiwanl.'?, por gall All other Winos, j)orga!l Zinc, viz. : Zinc rihoathimc, of a f?i7,o -{^ hy 14 indv s, intomiod f )r and to bo used as nliciitliiniJi; tor vc's.>i(>!h', ami Zinc Slioathint; Nails "> porcont. a I. vai. All other (Joo(N, Wares, and ]Merchandii?e, not otliorwiM? charged with duty, and not eiiuinfrftto I in the table of exemptions !'• per cent, ad val. 4 r, Nori'.— TIio following- .Trtif'Ies bcin^ tlie qrowtli nud jiroduoe of tlic I'nited Sfatcrt of Aiiii'rii'ii, rire iuliiiitti'il to this I'rovinci' riti'.i'; oi' nf'TV, undrr the tr<\-ity hefwccn il'^r M.ijcsf v .nnd the I'liileil Stalni, siis'iicl on : h" Mh .June, r-".')-! :— (Jrjiin, Kloiir, and Uri^ad Ktnfi's of all kinds; Aniiii.ils of all kinds; I'VcmIi, Sinokcfl and Snlt<'il bleats; Cotton \\'o(d, Sef(!n, and \utter, : riieebe, Tallo'.v, I.arIct.ils of all kiniis ; ('o;d, : ril(di, 'I'ar. 'rurjientiue. Ashes; Tiniher and l.innher of all kinds, round, I hewed, and Ha\v<'d, unniannfaetiired in winde or in jiirl ; Fii'ewnod ; IVants, Sin'uhs, and Trees; I'tdls; ^\ i)ol ; Fish Oil; IJice, Uromn Corn, .-uid Hark; (i\ [isnni, ground or un;;rnund ; hewn, wrou,.''ht. or uuwrou^'')it Uurr or (irind- stoui's ; i>ji' Stuir.s ; I'lax, llenij), and Tow ; unnianufaeture*! Tobacco; Jlags. GENERAL POST OF-PICE, HALIFAX, N. 8. PosTMASTFjR Oknfrat,, ARTHUR WOODC.ATE, Ksq. First Clerk, C. H. llatuilton, Ksq.; Clerk A-rount Jiranrh, F. M. Passow, Ksii.; Junior Clerks, Messrs. Win. Small, John M. Inglih;, Hugh Kerr ami Ilunry Dris-oll ; Jfr.iseii'jccr, Mr. A. Clinreh. Letter Carriers. — Sontliern iJifstrict of the Tity, Mr. .John Patterson; ('outre l>istriot, Mr. William Craig; Northern District, Mr. George (.'r.iig and l)avid Siivertlnrne. Oliice open every day (Sundays excepted) from o o'clock in the nmr- ning until H at night. 'I'he Mails for the Uiiito'l Kiri'xdoni are closed finally at llalitUx every alternate Thiirs(/(iy livening at S o'clock. liOtters, ice, fur Engiatnl, which may be droppeil into the box (ij'lcr the hour of rlosini; and up to thn arrival of the Packet, will be forwarded in a bag, l(>ose, if pro])aid by stamps. The Royal .Mail Steamers leave Roston for Halifax and liiverpool, G. It., every alternate Wcducsilay; arrive at Halifax on Thursihty evening or very early the succeeding mortung, leaving Hali- fax iinmciliately after reeoiving the Mails. Letters to or from the United Kingdom, T^d. ; prepayment compulsory. t\ a| ill if 1 18G0.] AJ.MAXACK. 47 I ttrri. M. pon ; ,iisi; nur- sery iml, p to mill I (in l.ili- kory. 1/Ht('i'.«i droppo'l into ilio letter box uiipaiil, will ho rotui-iio'l to llio writ'M'.". liCltci's on S;'rvico ivMiv'SiCil to any of tin. Iin[K'rial I'lihlic iHji.irtiuciitvi arc cxonipttvl from tho rujrul.ation roriiiirlntc propayiiiont. llcffistorfnl lot- torji, TiJi'l. ; to Au>?tralia, v'sii-., foroign coiiiUrios, nud other pltioca, pnniiiig tlirougli tlio Unitud Kingdom, Is. .'.i., in luldition to tliu pustugo. Nowi- pripors free. Tho I'ostage on I'moks from fJrcnt IJiitain to Nova Scotia, or rice versa, h tor a packet not exceeding \ oz., 4d. ; I oz. nnd not cxcee linp ^ lb., "id- i i Ih. and not exceeding 1 11)., 1?. .')d.; and soon, increns- in;^ Tid. fur crery additional ^ I'o. or fra;^tiiin of a ij, lit. I'rinti'd or lith.i?;rap!iod letters aldrcsse'l to any part cd" the I'miki) Ki.N(;t)uM can be sent like other printed m.ittcr, aj follows : for a single letter or pnckct of letters, ofien at the sides or end.H, nut cxceodin;^ d oz., 4d., and so on, according to the scale above for charging bi^oks. One book packagi' may contain separate Books, Publications, Almanacks, and Mips ami I'lpcr, Parchment or Vellum; the latter three materials m.ny be written or printed on — the package may contain tho name and address of the send- er. Holler may accompany prints and maps, and markers may bo sent with books. No letter must be sent with or written on a l)ook ^nickago, and no such package n\ust exceed two fed in length, widLli, or dcptli. The Postage n\ust in all cases be prepaid by Stamps. Closed Mails t'or the United Kingdom viit Lnitcil States are made up at Halifax to meet tho stoaniors leaving New York for Livori>o()l. I,ottera to be specially addressed " via ^\'cw Fa//.." Letters, lOd.; Newspapers Id. each. The Mails for the United States via I'oaton, per Royal INTail Steamers are male uj) on Tucsiny Ecenimj of the week in whicli t!ie Packet from Kngland is duo, at b o'clock. Should tiie Btcamer not arrive by li o'clock the f dlowing morning, supplementary .Mails will be mado up. Should the steamer from lii\erjtool arrive jirevious to Tuesday night — ttie .Muds as heretofore will close immc liatehj on her arrival. A closeil Mail for Cona la is made up and forwarded at the name time in charge of the IJritii^Ii oiiicor. fiCttors so forwarded must be specially alvlrcssed " Closed Mail for Canada ;" postage T^d. — prepayment optional. The .Mails for Bermuda and the West Indio.Ti are made up finally .'it H:ilil;ix on tlie Thiiradiry Evenimj of the week in which ihc Royal Mail Steamer is expected to arrive from Boston, at H ft'clock. Letters ^n\.\ when posted in the intoritvr, ;M. additional, this must be prepaid. Newspapers l.^d.. each, to be prepaid by Stami). Letters are forwarded via Bermu la for Chagres and the Piicific, Chili and Peru, Mavaiia, Honduras, Laguyra, Mexico, Vonzuula, and the Bri- tisli and Foreign Wist India Islands. Postage to Foreign West Indies od.; ^^l. additional when posto, .July, August, Soptomber, October and November, ch»sing yj//rt//y on the Thursdaij Kreni ii;/ i>{ thv vu'vk in which the Royal Mail Steamer is exj>octed to arrive from Boston. — Postage ")d,; when posteil in the interior ild. additional. Newsjiapers l^d each, to be prepaid by Stamp. •IS i;i.j,( Mil; s r.Mi.M y.K s [ISCiD. Til" Mm'iN I'.ir St. rii'i !•>; aiil MiijiHliui iUi' I'liwu'ili'il to Svdiun , ('. i!., tVohi \vlici;(;c tl:rv !tc(' ile^.jiato'ii''l liv the i'l'ciii'li |iiicI-.< t arc cli.n'.ic ! liv'lit, niii| a uiiifiinn I'ah- (.a" jicsta;:" !>!' ;M. (in I li'tfvT iiol ('\(.i'('. liii'i' li.ilfan (iiiuf.,' in \v('i;:;ut lias liccii olaMisli"! tlii-'.u;a!ii 'It i5.'ifi>li .Nnrth .\ii:ciic:v. To any [.art of tin.' I'niteil ^^iatcs Oil ; t(i ' )i-i\:'.(in aifl < ' irif'^rnia "'I. lii.ttiTs jiosti'il in any Tiiwn wit'iin tlio I'ru-.iiioo fni' ilclivcM-y in the saiin' 'r<<\vii, !ire liaMe t.« a ra'" oi' oiic pcnnj t\,\' cwry h niincc. >i\:\v>iKipiis ]ia— ./■/(,' t(i any nu't (if tiic I'roviiK!!-, l>riti;;ii Nnrtli Anu'viea ami tlio L'niicil SMtrs wliou .'•■''iit hy l', I'rlocs CiiiTcnt, Uan IbHI-', an'l otlicr printcil nial- tci' (if a like (le.>LTi[ili(iii, put up in cuvL'rs (.pi'ii at tlic oirls, an 1 witliciit aiiv wri'.lcn (Mnminnic itidii, may be sent tVoni nnv part (4" IIk' Trnvin/e t(i any ]>]ac(' ^Y•.tlliIl the samt', a^ wi'll a< tlirdii'ili Nuva S;Mlia, at tin- rcc ( 1' (>:,'(' jicitny pel' n:';., — ;)rrp.-5i.' I to till' I'liitcil SlaKs, in \vlii>j!i case the p(. stage iiiiisl hv jirr/xii'/. r miiililcls, Majia/inc-;, IVi'icd'cals, ov IxKiky, bcuiiil or nnlHiuml, >hia' np in ctivei's (/p;'n at lla- t'lids, iinajcfiiiii>anle.l )iy any written ewinniuni- catidii, may 1>!> tr;m>iaittel a> a'luvc meiit'diiel llimu^-li ttu- Ma^^in !h'> i'rov iiR".' : imt exceeijinn' 1! if/., in wei';;ht — fi've; 'J. o;:. ami iidt :', I'i.: '■'><■/.. and not I, 1.!,'!.; a'i'nn.i' .',(1. tuv every alditioiKil (jz. up td IS c;;., l.-yi'ii 1 Vidiitdi weii'dit tiny eaniMil !n' .-cut. rarlianientarv paiicrs iia s tVee tiiiouuli .Nova S'jdt'a; il" nTViariled bv till CT «. p:i 'i^et, Id. for v\(.'v\ 4 dunee^^ Jiriti^h reprints of Cdpyri;j;lit works fruin the United S*a!cs, ]>\ land iiinil oi" siciiiiicr, charirul letter pesta-'e. For l)artinoutli, fliiily — posta;.ve id. I'd!' ^lllS'|Udd(.bl■i( ifarbi:]-, every Tiieshiy nidin'Mi;;'. at '• o'elcck. rutnrn Mail due en vwvy .Mira.ti(;n /er, nnist bi> />, rpniJ. Letters jirrpai I /.i/ S!rn.ii>:<, and dropped into the Letter Box any time diu'ln;:: the ni.iln', and up to o u'cloek, A. m., wdl be fdrwarded by tlie ma'ls dosiiatched same niorninji'. When the mads tVcni Kn.;;land f\rri\M' liofore'.', t. :m., they ari? delivered the sntne evoniinj:, and after thai hour, at 7 ne\t mornin;:;. -All other Mails arriv'np; before 7, r. m., will be (leiivered the saiuo evening', — if after that hour and bcfot'e S, ;it Ci o'oiock, — and if after S, at 7 o'eloek ih<.^ foilmri/ii/ nuiriiinu'. The I'o.stinarter-deneral is no* lialde for the loss of any letter or pack- et, unless su di loss sliouM arise from his own de!iuilt. The l'ostnasi''er-(Jeiiei'al has die exclusive jnivileue of reeeivinji and couveyiiei lett(M's within the Provhie'e — any jiersou reeeivin;: and ei'iivey- in.u; letters will incur a ]ienalty of "is. fdr evry letter so edtiveyed; i xceiit, 1. Letters sunt to be ihaih.-d' in the (ir.-t W-'.y or t)tlice"; 'J. Letters a 1 Iresv!>d td ;i jil'ice out of the Ibdvinee, aii'l sent by M'a, and by a pri- S(lv). S\11U- ri 'mI. ; in the N(.rt!i i\it up ,1 lunt- ,v\tlnint .in.' vci' uvIihI by iicl<'ck. n^ ti> tiio jHl^tCljl', :\nv tiino .1 l)y the fldivcroil f nrtcr ^, ■ uv pacVc- llvin;: iAivl ]l CI 'live V- |l; » MH']>t, liv ii P'"i- 1860. j ALMANACK. •JU vato'l nut )» •iii;jj .'V t.n.i;I;r'i ln-ii ; ">. L(ttii'y .'•''Pt l>y a Tn(-,«scnfror (lU [lurpn.'^c. 0(in(!.'rniii;: ttii' ])riv:iii' a Hiirs of On- S'-mlcr or u'rvivc)-; 1. [,»•(- teiv linvfully l.HMu;j;lit vWo t'le l'r()Ni;i<.\' nuil iiiiiii'Aiiatcly pDstcil in tlm ni'MTst I'ost Ortic'-: o. 1,1'ttrrs of moivliant.^, oAvnor.'^ of niiTcliant vcrshels, cr c.'vrj^o >('iit liV such \o.s>ol.s, nul vI'.-livoiTil to t!io |HMxin to wlmui ;i i- ilros.-!oil witliout ch:ii\L''' oi' li.iy. XoitLTson L- olili^,>'l to .scii'l any panipli- lot, printe'l iiook, or nnw.spapor, by post. Mii-tor-i of vessels iirrivin;; ia tlio province are i-alitltMl lo a 1,jil. for caoli ktlrr they ildivcr to IlioPost- niAstf'r at the first olhco tliey toiicli or arrive at, or w ith wliich tiiey may cunimunioate when iuwari.l bound. I'arckl IVist. — I'aro;'ls close'l at the oJids ami sides in.iy be posted at any Vo^i OtHce in Nova Scotia, for conveyance to any otiier Post Ollico (not Way OlHc") in tlie Province, ^'u letters to be enclosed, and the parcel not to cntain aiiy explosive substance, glass, li- (p!id?«, or (^iher matter likely to injure the ordinary contents) of the ma'l. \Vei;iiit of parcel not to exceed 3 lb<., nor the size to exceed one f'.ot in leniiih or breadth, or (i inches in thickness. L'nder 1 lb.. Is. ;;d.; more than 1 Ul and not evceedinjr - M'-., -s. ''d. ; more than li lits. ami not excoedinir !» lbs., ;5,s. ",)d. .Must l>e ])repaid luj Postrii/e Stnmjix. If the number of S:aiu|)s iitVixed be insutiicient to pre|>ay the proper rate, the defi.'iency will., lie rated nnjiaid, with a tine of tid. in addition. The parcel must have the wonts " By I'arcrl Post" plaiidy written over the a [dress — to be ]>ut up stnaijrly, and lej;iltly aldres.sed to the Post Office a Mrei*.'? of the intended rocfiver, anil also the County in ■•'•Idch the Post Ollice is r-itavteiU The following example of the mode of ftildress ia recommended : By Parcel Post, To Mr. Juhu Smith, Antigouish Post Office, Sydney County, N. S. 8?nt by Will'am Jones, Wilmot, .Vnnapolis County. The name and address of the sender beiufr written on the parcel, i^, will, if delivery slioidd fail from any cause, be returned unopened, on j payment of a,n additional rate of Is. ;M. for the return conve^atice. P'ST Oi'FiCK MoNKV (>Rii;;iLs are pivon f ir any sum uiider and up to Five ])oun Is Cirir;ic fir the same, ■■^ixjirnrr, — to Vio paid i»y the !i;lpli- caiu. for the ()rder. Tin.' follo\viu;r oiiioi's only arc authorised to issue and j^ay Money Order)* : Anilierst, .\ut:■.^l^i^^h, Aniiapolis, .\richat, IJa'ldeck, bi;zby, (luysborouijjh, Halifax, Ki'iicviUe. ijunenburjT, Liver)iool, Pictou, Port'llool, Slulburne, Sydney, Truro, Wiudi-orand Yarmouth. Other oificca V ill bo a Idcd to this list as tiie public convenience may require. COURTS. SUPREME COCKT CF .TVDU'IATlRr., IIAVlNli l.VW WD ?:rirlTY .JTRISDrCTIOX TURiu.'<;ii/u Wm. A. llenry_ I — , - ■ , --. - ■ — -_^^ •i bw *«>MfcaH 50 iiKf.i iir.n 5 rAn.wr.R s L 18^)0. Qi/.f<»/i'/t r*o/n).s(7. flon ^il'^. W. .Tulin-tdii, //(»>?. t/no. rrei?;lifon .Smiil. P. Fiiirb.inki*, /A5?j. Win. Yduiijj:.- ITon. Win. A Ifonry, .\ilaiiis tf. .Aicliiliftlil,. anil M. I. Wilkina, K»r|rff. Clerk of the Cruu-ii nvil Prolhonotanj , .)n^. W-Nuttin*, l'!Hf|. JtcrDimtant f/( ;/'M77/,('lmr. Twiitinnr,K»q. .Mastkrs — IldliJ'ax, S. W. VVIiito, Clms 'rr.iniii!?. Ifii'i;h Ifjirtslinrrie ; Firlini, VAw. Iloacli ; Varmouth^ TIioh. I>. riiiiiir^wi ; f/is. of Mhelhuruf, TI»i)8. .Tolinaton ; Dtn. ofBarriiu/tnn, (i.vhiiol llfihertson ; Udnt'^, l»!i- vid Freizc ; A't/^/y's. (lOo. A. fllaiirli«icl , riiri-^. IV, Ff. Flitrrii^ Stcjihcn 11. Af(iorc, .Tds. It. PiTscnld ; Lnn:ii/. irr,/, .l.-?^. I'l'wlinjr; Annapolis, Rubt. IJatli, fcVilaH H, Morse fiml ♦•on. S. .MiUf^ilzc ; Quccii''x, (.'lias. .Morsr^ Esqra. Reporter of l!u Orcixions if lli*: Sisp. Court, Fittgcrald Cochran, Ksq. fOL'RTOF Ei:i!(»ll, Tlie Lieutenant-Governor arid the M«iultcr3 of Ucr Mnjesty'* Ki'.cu- tiv« CouQcil. COURT OF \!A|{llI.\f{K A5I> WIVOKCF. TliP TiicutsnMit-Gmorw'ir (. I'rr.sidnit) - the l[(Ui. Ji/rfi/e I'Tliss (V'icp- Prctidcut), and the Monilx-is if l(( r Maji s.\y'i^ Fircutn* Council. Re- i/isfrar, IIon.i'\;t\^.'l\\\']^r,\\. D. Advocate.* and Vroctors, the I'Miiii'terji and .\ttorniei ot Ihc yuprvtmo Court, COURT Of VICK ADMfflAf/rV, OF riAL[F.VX, N. J?'.., (iNCi.iDr.Nf; < .\ V \ii\.) /lAVI.NO PRIZK .irRl!5I)iCTKI.\ (.'VKll liP.iTlr'H XURTli AMI;K1CA, Vice-Admiral , thr novprnyr-tuMioru! of IVtitii^Ji Xcj-th America ; Jnrh/r, tlu> Hon. aii*. .MoK»-.v;,iit\v ; Anlii/onirM — //o?/, Win. A. llcnry, ]'!.»(|1h. lirrrivcT-driirritl nf' Droits, (.'. U. liuiiiiltun ; /?f//isTI A IVA URi.Sl ;;il-:- S >rM;TV. Patrons, the Chanfrllor ami tno rhict-.iiisl •(■«. f-fniornrfj .\fcmhers, tli(» .ludjrea of the Sii]irc:ne t'ourt. Coin nillr, , .lnhn A\'. ilitcliie, (riiainnan,) J:«aimi('l rarii:.i) , .lain'w TJionisi'tij Fili>r:M'y iu the I'roviuce lUiildui", to which the meuibevv: have ucw^a. IHriO.] AI.MAN.M K. 51 COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, CLERGY, ETC. IV3. l):v- n tccw- V'U'P- Ri pr«mo u>i :IV lull .Ino. .('. 1'. _ lion ilton •, Jidvo- lit. lii- II.V.iVmh- >i-,ivinct' i. Vi'iifi- [\«i'r(TMu; OP Sciid.iis. — Ji'rs.'irn Dislrirl, ('liarU'8 D. Iianiltill ; Hti^lftn l)i.'l li I!I\T1:Mi| M' (If NoHMAI, AM» MoDM, S IIOOl.S, l!iv. .\\('\. I'uiTolt r, J>. ])., Triiro. (''iiniii'r.i. itml />//cr/«/-s, Sfinil. Crcfliiinn, A'laTiin (J. AroliiliaM. .1. \V. I'awjoii, Aitliur .Mo\. C'dcliraii, Jnu. \\ . JJiurts aii'l lliniui llv. D., licml !;>, I'i( siiltMit of flic liirinl ami Vi*»itur of l!i<' Ccllfva- ; //'>/(. Sir i^niiti. II Hullilnirtoii, A7., Ili'v. fJn.. .McCawlcv l>. l>., Jlu:i. liovvis !\t. WilUins, Ilim. M. 15. Aliiioii, Sjini. I*, rairliiuik's, !;,s.|. llo/i. AU'X. Stewart, ('. 15,, lies. J. T. Twiiiintr, 1). 1)., Harry King, i: I), c. I. , w 111. Ah linn, M. 1)., .I.!.". ('. Co.'swcll, I>. ('. i-., Iliv, .1. W. I». (Jray, D. D., aii.l Ainlw. M. lihiicko, T^-i. I'. ('. L. Tnuisurvr, .Iiif. ('. Ilair.iMirtoii, I><|. Scc'y, llcv. .las. ('. ("ocluuii, M. A. PiPi-ilc.iil, \{.<^\\ vliy, !•. 1>. ; Pro/V.-t.^i/r of JJirinihj, in- r/ii'/i'iif Pastoral Thcnloijy, llcv. Jno. ,M. Ilriisl/ Aiclhi /iiiiHrx, A'lilitidl Philosii/ liij itiii/ jlslro/ii'iinj, .]vfi. 1>. Kvf'rctt K."«i|. A. .M.; J\iiJ\.sxor of .Wilunil llistury and (''n'i.'}isfry, Henry How, \'.f>i\. ; Professor of Moihrn l.'i/if/iiih/i";, Doctor Henry Sli* fUiii'i'jii /wA 'a nan ain. I /; le\ SIrirrir.i , Mr. Wi-r, . 11! MS. H> Ai' yi';vr liOjiiiis in Soptt mln'r, iiinl contniiis thrrp tonus, in which all jHiholastic cxrrci:.>ceinl>er ; IjKNT 'l';;ii,\i from llic ///.v/ .Monday afti r iUr- ]'>\\\ .l.uni;iry t to I'i'Ci'tioiiK — F rom Januarv !■ INCOilPOKATn) ALDMM OK KINGS roMJ-Cjn:. I\ic intov- llitcUir, l-idsiCf' Uiildiiiii, l\ilron, lli.^ Kxccllency t!ic 11:. Ih>ii. tlie /-.V,-;/ of Mulgravc.'i:!, ("hri.*. (".ij..-\vu! 1'.m\. M D. I'irr-prrat., IFenry Prvn' [•;s.|. D. C. I,.. Co.nwiiln, !!,'v. .!a*. ('. Coclinn, A. M., CIki^. W.'f[. H- A. M. ( oclii an, S, Ii llMll'ioll. Neiiean Tiarke, and Hon. ('1ki«. Tiiii|''ir,i. Treasure- , iJrentou H. CoHiii?", I>\vi:i.i. .s(iioi,AKsiili' rz-z/v/cf?;, llfv. J. T. Tvrinhi'j; (Chairnian). Ilt'v. 11. T. Uniarkc, Hot. Henry L. Owen, Rev. Geo. W.'lliil,— Henry I'ryor and .Ino. W. Ritchie, K.«(irrt. Serrrlary, V. C. Flill, llsij. S'-holar, Mv. K. AnscU. .')2 l!l,l,( HKIl S KAHMIU S 1800. DAfJi )rsiK «'(M,Li;(ii:, iiaukax. rjnvKllMinH. — lion. Will. Viiiin;.', //.)//, Ilii^'li IV'II, lion. .Tn^. Huwp, Jas. K. Avory, M. 1'., AipIw. McKiiilny, aii.l Jim. Naylur, l^ir.-*. Srrrrlnnj, Jiif<. Tli'Hiir'MM, Ksi(. Iliiiii Sciiodi.. — Piincipal, Mr. Iliirli lU-M. Molorn Lnnipiinjef^^ Mr. v. Geo. U'L'tiisscy. ACADIA COIJ.IKIi:, wori'vii.M-:. (iovKHNons. — The I'rcmdont and tlic l'riii<':|(Ol nf tlio 'I'lKMild^ficftl Institiiti", cr o(firio; llrv. (icn. Anustrori;r, A. M., Kcv. S. N. U''iitl('v, A. M., \{"v. !."K. 15:11, Kcv. W. Burton, Ilex. S. W. \h\,\>,]<, A. M., llc'v. !•;. n. Di-.Mill, A. M., Rov. A. S. limit, A. M.. K"v. (}. I'. .Mile*., Ilcv. Jan. Turkor, llcv. S. Iloliin.Mon, llcv. i'lia.^. S|)iinl»Mi, A. M., Krv. A. D. 'I'lioni- nun—llon. .1. W. .Jnlmston, M. V. I'., Hon. W. W. Kiiinwr, C. II. IMl, N. S. Doinill, Jius. K. Fitch, M. D., 1). McNoil Tiirkur, M. D., ami .Stewart Frccniati, Ksi|rH. This Iiistiluliou i.-< now iliviijcl into two jiarts, vi/. : T. At'.Ai.i v Ciii.MKiK. Clniirniiin of the Fticullij, anil Prnfeamr of Hislonj, I.O'/ic it ml Poliliral Economy .. Kcv. .). M. ('raiiip, 1). 1). Professor if (Uits.'-.irnl Litvrainrv and Ithrlorir. Kcv, A. W. StiwyiT, A. Si. /'ro/Vs'so/' (f Mdllirmfilirn, . Alulhcinalirnl Tutor, Mr. .'vif.-od Cliiimian, A. M. II. TiiK TiiKiii.ttiiic \L In> n!aria::vnioiit nf the IJoard of Directi-ra of the Xova-Scotia B.vjitist IMucation Socii-ty. Fir.'it Term boijins January '>\, and ends Juno ii. Second Term l)efriiis July li'l, and ends Dot.vmbor 'JO. Nov\-Sc«)Ti A Bm'TISt Kru'-'ATioN 8(K'h:ty. — President, H(>v. Win. Chipnian ; rice-Pre^xident. Iliv. Cl.a-^. 'rii|>ii».'r, D. D. ; Scrrrlary, llcv. A. 8. Hunt, A. M. ; Trea-iurer, Mr. S. Scldin. Executive Committee, Rev. I. F. Rdl, Rev. Win. Burton, Rev. J. M. Cram]>, D. ]).—.JIon. J. W. Jolinpton, Cali'h \\. B'dl, .las. \V. Nuttinu', Win. .Idlinsnn, Simnn Fitch, Jas. R. Fitcli, M. D., Ward Iviton, and S. .■^.Ideti, r,s.|r.-<. FllKl'] CHURCH C')!dd:(iF FOR Till: I.OWFR l'R')VL\CFS OF r>illi'ISIi NvJllTII A.MIdlK'A. Profeasorof Tlico/ooy and Church History, R'v. Andw. Kin;;; Pro- fessor if Cla.^sicdl Lilerctnre and .Mental and Mural Piiiluwphy, llcv. Win. Lyall ; Hehreic, \{"\. A. Mclvniudit. Vny.K Cm Riilv, ;unl Mr, It. W Is. • HALIFAX (lUANr.MAIl SCHOOL TIM•^^T^:l■;.■*. — Tin* Loi-il l»Islii;p ol' .NdMi-Smtiu, lion. Sir llrcnton Tlalli- I'liiuii, A7., Hon. .luiliif lilis.-', iiud /'./(. Ariilidoae jIi Willis, I). D. Piiiin'iHil, Kcv. K. (iiljiiii, jr., A. M. NATIO.NAI, S( IIOOL, i [AM TAX. Till sTFKs. — Tilt' Lnr'l I»"sliii|) (.f .\u\;i-Scniia an! tlio Ilcrtnr of St. I'iHil's; Hiinriiml, .Mr. .1. Will's; Sr^icrintcndriit FiiniiU' JJipurt- inrnt, M r.s. Miixwi'U. MidXT Aijjsox wi:srd:YAX a('ai>;:mv, sackvillk, x. a Prinriiml aiii I'rol'osy.or of .Mrnlnl ami .Moiol Sri.uicp, i^w,, licv. Iluiii|iliri\v I'ii'kanl. I' I'.; I'rojt'.^sur oj' .Mullitiintlirs, riii;siral Srirnrt', iS'^., I lins. I'ickjinl, Ks.|.,.\. M.; I'roJ'rssor << Ai'\iiK.MY. — Prinri/ifil and Profi'sxor of ..Mmtitl onti Moral Sriinrr, Hittcfi Liltn x, a nd La nijtia(/i's, Kcv. .Iim. AilisMi, A. l'>. ; Pre- rcjitrrs.i and Prifcssor of .Matin Molirs and Aiicivnt and Alodvrn Lan- (juit'jv!^, .Mr?i. M, Ldiiihu AIUmiii, A. 15.; Tparhrr in tfw Knijliati Jiranch- <'v, .Mi^s. Louisa Ik'W . .Mli.'^oii; jlsst. '/'tiirhi'r of Lani/uai/fs, .Mi.--s i,:uinv ('. Kiiij;lit; .7s.s'. Tvarher of .Mnthiinalirx, ^li^s Alarttartt iJiirliiiljrc; Tracker *. !• rascr, A. 1). Gordon, Pctor Koys, W. (jorduu and IS. Ivtvs, I- S( , i-.s. 'I'kkms. — First Term coinmenccs on the first Monday in .January, and ends on the first Wodiieslay in .Inly. Secoml Term t'oiumence.s first Moiiilay in .Vu|!;nst, and ends at tlie oomnienoeincnt of tlio (.'lirLstmas holiday.^. ROYAL ACAldAX S("iroor„ HALIFAX. I'ATiio.N, The Far] of Mulj^ravo. President, Hon. Hul'Ii Hell; Vic-Prtsidi/it, .Ino. Williamson; Trra- stircr, Wui. Mur.loch; .S- <■"(/, J as. ('. Hume, .M. 1>., K.siirs. Coinwittcr, Knl)t. Xdil.-, .Ino. .Met/ler, .inc. X.aylor, .las. ('. Coas well, ('ha.s. Cojrs- WL'll, .M. 1»., and Jiio. (lilison, ilsiirs. ' Supiriuti ndcnt . .Mr. Wm. (iarvio. Jsst. .\taslir, .Mr. .\. K. (larvie. l'\iitali' Trailur, Ml.-s .l)aniel:<. 54 iii;i,(iii:u s rAU»:i,Ji s |_18(;0. ("[j;ri(;v of tiii: rNiTi:i) cm lui! ov i:\<; anl» ii'j:- I.AM», IN N'A A-SCOTIA. TIic l!i;:Iil Kov. Hilil)oi-t I'.'i.iic/, n. i>., !,n:il i'lLsIin]) (if Xuva-Sontia, rxcvfi.-iiiiii' Kiii'^i'n]),'!.! jiirisdict'icp ovtr .\o\(i-Scntiii au'l I*. 11. Islaml. »'"<■//. llnlitTt Williij, 1). i). uiiil i». c. L., Aruh Icavuii v. Win. HiillncL;, St. liiikf's ("liuroli; llt^v. Juo. '\'\\»n. 'rwiiiin;r, n. i>., (J:irri>(']it)lix, lli'v, IMwiii (ii!|iiii, a. ii., ami \Us. .la^. •). ilitcliio. a. M. Aiiihrrst, Kcv. (ii-o, TnwiL-'u'iid, A. .\i. .ilhion .Minrs, K:\\. liriiry I). Uchlo'iM, A. M. .1 ulii/niiislt, Kcv. Win. Morris, a. fi.. and Hov. Lrwis M. ]V. Hill, A. ». Arichat, llov. II. K. IJrint-, a. n., and Krv. A.-.". .7. Slidir. litirri Ill/ton, Rev. .lo*. \V, TH\ai. liriili/cicilcr, lU'v. ,). T. Mdiidy. A. I!. C'alii/oiiiii, Rev. Alji-aliani Jdi'daii. Cunnrii/lis uiid Wolfrille, Ri'v. Jno. Siuits, a. ». Cliinculi^jnirl, Rev. ^VIn. M. (iodfrey, a. ii. Chrst-r, R(>v. (Jiay. .1. Slireve, A. ii., and Rev. Rieliard l*'iyne. Darlinouth , Rev. J.-v:. Sim've, i>. i!.,and R'-v. .l.-is. Stewart, a. :m. Diijhll, Rev. Areliili.iid (iray, A. 13., nud Rev. .\rt!uir .Ml!led;i-e. /''(//- ih'.nilli, Rev. Geo. .McV;. ' y, jt. i>. (iiani'ille, ilev. J. .M. ("aniplK-ll, A. .M., and Rev. Wa'''- *<;";-•,■, A. i,. (itiijsftoruiii/li. Rev. (i. T. Jarvis, A. 11. lluhhitnl's ( V . , ivjv. Henry Stainer. K'i/ilrilli', Rev. Hurry Ii. Vowen.s. Liverpool, Re' . Kdw, B. Nich'ds, a. m., and Rev. Jd.s. t"(irsyilie, A. \i. Ijiiiinii'nir,/, Ri;v. ilinry L. Owen. A. it. Lalwlnmls, Rev. Oi-ta- \ins M. v. Jno. 13. (.ioud. Itnii'iloi), Rev. ( . nowmaii, A. I!. Slii/i Iliirhur and Jvldorv, Rev. Ru!»t. Jniiiiesoii. Sitliiiiin Rir'r '.\.n\ Ii,''.ir>'r H.nii. i)., I'rest. Ki!i.-\s Colle.Lje; Rev. D. W. Tickelt, a.m., I'l-iiicp. ("ollt ijlute .\ea ieiiiy : Rev. Jno. M. llent'ley, I'roiVsi.'^or 'rJK'oloury, Kini;';^ ('o!le;:e; Jo-<. \). i;\erett, K>«<|., l'rotVs.-ji(Hllli, Rev. I'liilip I'iljeul, A. n, ViiniKiiilli, Rev. J. '1'. T. Moodv IV.Iiiul, Rev. Ja.^. R( Vortsoii, i.. i,. n. A. .M. Travei.linu Mi?•, Illicit , A. M. lanl ••• Tniri), V. . nvi/- 1,. I.. I'- l8/»0. ^ 1.. MASAI' K. 53 TiJK nALiF\>: rnRRR.^pi>.NM.v; fOMMrnji- or the colo- M.\L <.!ILU( li AM) S< Jf(>(;L fci;K',]i;rjFA I^JTi^)^•. — IL>r Mo-.^i Orte'nus ^5':l■^( tbs Qnecn. Vick-Pas'« — His (iracc tlie .Aiciil/Lilx.)^ nf (Aritcrburj, anJ Ilia (.119.06 tko ArfhbislK.p of" Vorlc UAlJKiX AmOCIATJOX rx A5{> t'F Tllff « Vm- ( f .Ndvu Sfntiii. J', tho Hon. Sir Hi'CJit'in Hallibiivtdn, R7. I'ir/ F'nsiii< nh., Kfv. .(. T. 'I'viniMfj., v.i>. liev. II. F. L'liiacko, — Hon. M. I'. Miu-mj, S. l'. I'iiii-banks ami H. [nco, Fs<|r*. Tri'(iiun)\ VaIw. ljiuiit'_\ ; S.r'y. Uruiiton H. Cullinsi; Ifon. Ser'i/, \Vm. Howe, Ksiji-a. KxcmUiv Comiiiilfcc. J. uri- btir, J. \V. Fcnortv- <.'!iu«i. .Vlli,* lu S. .\. Wiiitf, W'm. A. Haro, Law. E. Van Uiiskirk, W.*H. T;illy. ari F. .1. Innlly, K^cn-?., and all f .V!u]'.;i'avc'; The Society for the I'l-ojiJi^^atiun of th<^ (/uspo) in F'ji-oijrn 1'iH'l.s; an. I The Socioty ijr I'runidtinji' '"iiristiaii IvJiinilci|;rU, Van. .Aro.hih.uoin Uillia, n. n. ami d. c. i,., .}ii>u. Ijir lJrout<>n lialliburt )n, A7., //(>//- .\J. IS. .Alinon, Linwrcui-.' HaiisilMinc, Jno. y. .\iorils, ami Jion. W. H lilifss, lv>*.|i'a. S*c'\j.. Uj-v. I". (ii!]>in, Jr., a. m. Assist. S(.c':j^ Hcnrv Piyor, Fsq., a. .m. 7\-f(j>iiri.',\, Y-'ul (.'. Silvtr, I';8(i. E.v- crulirc Cuiiiinittte, nil Cler^iViiJt'n rv-Oisod bv tin- IJishuj) of tlic' Jiioccac, T. H. Aikint, T. A. Hrown, l( ('. Hll, V. ni. (■;.).'|., W. II. Marvin, Jno. W. Hltchii', .1. U. Di'Wo'f, .M, !>., .N\|.>.iui CIjiI^-, A. M. i. niaoko, Jas. Pv. Siuifh. \V. A. Haiv, W. J. Alnion, m v., IMsv. M'liiuy, .M. Uiid!■ ym II, Jno. ^^il^el^ CliM. CojvhwoU, M. !•., and Ja.'i. ('. (.'oi^^woli., Fsi|fn. Ji iilcrs, Ncpuan <'kr' . ami 'Ilio."!. .\. l)i-u\vi:, Ksiii-s. L(/f ^Memlicrs, lb u. Iiii., F. K. S. Untlcr anl l/.nvi^j Ulis.t, Jliqi':*, the Lord l.'IsilO|» uf NnV&-SL'nti!l, ftiid lloii. .\J , |{, .\bnuu >iovA-S(oriA <'(»MMii ria; of riiK Sociiijy nuii rROMo-nxG TimisTiAN K\'owi.r.i'(;K. — The Lord lUihop, the Von AioIrK-iu-nn, Hon. ,'^ir Krciitun Hallibiirlon, hi., H-.i!. AV. B. Pllsf.', I!ev. .1 Ainbn Ikv. Wni. Ibil- lo.-k, lb.'v. i;. (iilpin. Rev. IJ. L. Vewcns. Ili'\- .1. H HriMiiui, Uuv. Thos H. Whit?, Rev. K. tiilpln, jr. (Sc-c'y), and Win. (l.i^:iip, I'.sij. CoininTKii: vvus Puonimon toa \\ innws am* Hhi'IIANk. — Rev. J. T. Twinin;,', i>- u.,. R<'V. Win. IJuUock, R^v O. W Hiil, Rov. F. (iilpin, jr, (Sec'y), Hon. M. li. Aim on, H ou. W. li. m\<^. NencaLi <"Iai-k;. a,jj J (.'. Co'fsrt IL K ,:<(jr^'. Cjiiitru ISi.ov'MriNT Fivit CoM.Mrnvu. — Viidu". M rioiici;'>, tlia^. ('oirswelL >L I).. Win. .V. IUiil\ A. .\L '',„:li tin, I'. (". 1*111, Thus. A. L< rown. l.biii. .\k-x. tUewari. c u., liwuhji. CiilUnt', Wm, Cuuurd, hCy iu;j,(ui;i{ s jAU.Mi.K s riKOO. Tlon. M. B. Alnion, .Ta.-\ ('. roj^PMcIl, ('. T5. l^-Avmnn, Xi'iK^n Clnrko, I'.dw. liimioy, CliMs. W. If. II:inis, II. .n. V.iii. I'.. lUi.-s. ami (un. M!iii|i( iv, Esi|i'.-;., ami Kev. (im. W . Hill, Jinn'tj Sir.j. The aiimial iiUH'tiii;; oi" tin- Sncicty i- lu'M nt Halifax, in t!ie i'mhiIi ( 1" ! October, or at such tiuio iis tlio i;x(ciitivo Cunuiiitlci' :<]\u\\ !\\<]>(i\\tr. MINISTERS OF TilK SYNOD <•!-' TMK KSTAiU.ISIll 1) ( IlL IKII OF Sr(rrLAM), 1\ AnVA-SCdllA. I Moderator, Rev. Alex. MoLcjiii. Clcik, Rt.'v. .la.-". Mair. Sii]ic'r;ntonion.s, Rev. John Martin, ."^yiu-il Tieasuivr, WillimiMicrdi ii. Fsj., I'ictoii. ruKiSBYTKRY OF Tl vi.UAX. — Halifax, St. Matthew's, Ilev. .lii n- ury, Rev. (leo. W. Stowart. 1'iii;.suyti:ky or i*UT(ir. — MeLelbn's Mountain. Rev. Altx. Me(!il- ' livray. I'ietou, Rev. A. W. Ihrilinan, A. M. N't v, (Jja.-^^ow, Rev. Allan I'oliiiek. Merigonii>li, Rev. ,)as. .Mair. l'n;x\va.-h, Kov. 'iho.'^. Tuih cii. (iairloch ami Salt-S[)riujrs, Rev, .Vlex. Melvay. VVallact', Rev. Jut. Christie. Mi.ssiouary, Rev. .Ino. Sinclair. I'ltrsinriaiY oi' I'uimk l.'iiw aui/s I.m.ami. — ('hai-loiti-'rcwn. Rex. Thos. Dunean. Rilfast, Rev. Alex. Mel.can. (ieorce-'roMn, Rev. .Viidw. Loeldiead. .Mi^^ionariis, Rev. .Mtd.arcn ami liev. 1>. Mel'oiiaM. The Synod meets this yiar at I'i.'iuii on the lasi Wednesday in .Icnc. (.'iirucii OF Scot;,am» IIomk Mission aky Socikt'n. — Prcst., Wm. Sutherland, Ks([. Viee-'\ests., .las. Thomson and (Jen. I'. Miteiiell, Fs-irs. Sec'y, Mr. W. if. Neil. Asst. Sec'y. .Mr. Seo t .Mit.hell. Tna- surer, Mr. .Ino. J>on!l. ('(inmiittee, Mes.sry. (iray.S. itUie, McCulioeh, I'hilli]) Thompson and iJriinner. PRESRVTKRIAX ( lURCil OF N()VA-S( (»T(A. Moderator. R. i». Synod Clerk, Rev. I', il. Medrcuor. Synod Ti't-asiirer, Abraham I'atlerson, l'-i|. , i'i;;er iion-'onderiy. Rev. lihen. I!. Ro?,s. Lower Li'ndonderry, Rev, \. I,. >Vylie. .'rnro. Rev. Wm. MeC'jJIoeh. Onslow auvl Reave)- liri^k. Rev. ,). i. Hax; v. Nmi, Ke\ . 'i'. S. ('r. Rarr-b..ri ', Ihv. J. MrO, Melons. Hiir\ey, X. 15., Rev. Saml. .lohnsnn. .Mail! >nd, Kev..]. ("iirrie. .Midd'ii Stewiaeke a 'd Rrooklidd, I'ev. .\lcx. Cameron, (h.ose River, Rev. W. S. Darnich. Pre.-1-ytery Ch-rk, Ilev. A. L. \\yli<\ I' Of I! \i.iiA.\. — \\ imiMir, lltv. J. I,. Murdoeh, a.m. Hali- fax, Rev. I*. (1. .Mcdre-or. Niii" Mile River, Kenneteook and tiore. Rev. .lohn Caim-roii. Vaiiinuth. Rev. (I. Chri:t^(. SIk Hnirne. U u .iu'^ ton and Clyde Itivrr, Rev. Oei.. M. Clari:, I iHKf an 1 Mildle .Mn.s m - doboit. Rev. Robt. Sed;rwiek. Shubei.aeadie and f.i wt-r Stewiaeke, Kt'v. .1. Mel-earn. Anmijx.lis and RiidiTctown, K"v. .las. A. Mnrray. >i«w- ]Mirt and Kempt, Rev. J. .M. .McLiod. i're bytcry CU ik, lU-v. J. M. Me Lean. l'iu;siiVTi;itY or I'rcTor. — liar Rrandi, I\a-t Hivei-, Lev. Antrus Me- Oiili\i-uy. Ww^t I'i'aneh. LastHi\(f, llev,.lni. MeKinuon. \\'e,>5t River, Lev. (ieo. Lnddiek. I'liitrat t'hureii, \V. Liver, Li-. . .L'S. Thomson. .Mcripmiish, Rov. A. I*. Miller. I'ietnn Ti.wn, Lev. .l.-i-, Layiie. New (ilasii'ow, (.lames' Cimrch,) Li-v. I>a\id \'v y and (I'rimitive Ihnreh) Rev. Geo. Walker. Ore. n Hill. R. v. Oc.. ['.itt'-rvon. Tat.'\uu'.;.'t/uehe, i^ _. 1 irc'iov. Crew. ^h lev Il , Kov. Ntvv- J. M. ;-. Mo- lt HiviT, i^ll iMill. hiivrh) :i,iu.'li«', ;(;o. ALMANACK. .) / Ki'v. J.'is. ll_vol•^!. .\!iti;.'(iMi.'^Ij fiii'l ('ijii' (li'ivijc, ll<>v. Tlio.c. T'ownio. ClirttlKiiii, iJ.'v. Jill.. McCurily. ( '.Tk'ili^nin, i^lnrln ko, .iml (ilciicl^-, Kov. .la.-i. Watsiiii. l'iv:<'iv'c!\v t'loi'k, llw. (Ion Wnlkn*. I'ltDsuviKRY (IF I'. K. I. — L'uve Hcml, lU'v. .I;i.^. Alloii. IUmIcijuo, Ik'v. R. S. I'jittcrsKii, A. M. Ncn-(ila5n;i)W, Ncw-Ii'inil<.n and ('rvvcinlii^li, lU'v. Isaac Miin-!iy. St. I'otcr's, Kl-v. Ilt'ury ('rtiwfunl. Cnsouiniito, llcv. .Vllmi Kra«(r' I'lc^liytci y ricrk, ll( v. .). .\(liiii. Ilnmc .MiHt. Mcdilvray. iMiiciurii Missinnaric^, llcv. .1. (IciMio, Aiicitcum; lU'v. (i. .\. (Ii)i' lull, i;!iiiiiiiui.'ii; and lie .J. W. Matliooii, Tana; llov. Snnil. I''. .)». !iit or KoiUMcx Mi-i^ioNs. — [{.Qw Mcy.ii-ih. liny, Wndddl, Haxtor, lliiddick, IJayiiP and McKinmrn, und Mcs.T.'i. .Jun. l.oohi^ad. Ken. I'orbos, .In". Stalker and I'ctcr ilnss, rnlin^r Kldcrs. Scc'y, llcv. .las. Hayno. 'I'lie SyniMJ nuM tj this year ut I'ictuu town on tlic tliiid >Vedncs. i>. l'i'(it'i'«avid McCiirdy, l«aac Fleniinj.', \\'n\. .MeKim, I''l';niin"j,- Bhouiiiard, and .V lam l>ickie. The TIipuleLrical llnll upens uii the 1-t of Scptr., and the ('Inseical, Ma- thematical, and lMr!ii..-,!jjhical classes in i!ic middle »d"()ctober. SVNOl) i)V TlIK FRKi: ClR'lK'll OF N()V.\-S{'()TIA. ^tudorator, Rev. II. .MoL.nd, i). n. Clerk, Rev. \\ m. Ihilf. IM;i:-itvri iiv or IIai.hax. — llaiifax, R.v. I'ritessors Kirnr and Lyall and llcv. .Inn. lliintei-. Itartmontii, I'ev. \. .MeKniLrht. Cnnitvallis, (.North) llev. Win. Mnrnij; (South) !(ev ^Vln. l-'orlonjr; (Weitt) Rrv. A. W. .Midvau l.uncnlmrj,' llev. Win. l)iiiV. Rridiic^atcr, Kcv. II. D. Steele, llermuln. Rev. W'. Thorhiirn. .Mus<|uodohoit, Lawrcncc-town and Lakt> Torter Rev. A. Stuart. I'robntioners, Rev. ,St. <;e(irirc'>«, Morniuda; and Rev. R. .Minray, llalifnx. C'atecliiat, Mr. Jno. lilVillolit , ( lioil »Voi ;d. I'ltKsinTKUv OF I'lcTof. — New (i1as;j;n\v, Rev. .Ino. Stewart. St. Ma- ry's and liochabci-, Rev. Alex. Camiilu 11. Wallace, llcv. .T. Munro. liai'iiey's River and lilue Moiint.iin, Rev. 1>. 15. Mlair, I'rubationcr, Rev. 1). Sutherland. Cateeliii^t, Mr. A lam McKay. I'liKsiiYTKUY OF ('\ii; RiiKToN. — Sydjicy, llev. IF. Mcfjcod, r>. n. Roiil'irdei\e. Rev. l-'ia'cr. ^vllIlcv M ines o'.in'si, ;. r. I. Kc\', M. iuvey, liM'iior '. irnee 'v. Matt. Wils(, N.r. L., Il.v. A. 1 kOS$. I rnKSiiYTi-.KV or Rhmimom-. — West I'av, Rev. .M. StcAvavt. IMaistcr Cove, R.>v. W. (}. l-'orl luali. ll'"v. ( . I,. R(,-j I'UKSHYTFIIY Ot' Rev. Al.r. .Me! Ill .MeKinnon. )e». (Jrand Rive Re as. lU'ljtf ^\ ivcueo- I., -IS. \ ICTOl I A — r. •Oil 1 ( (i\'t*, R;v. Jr- . ( nnn, St. Ann "s, IK 1. i; al I( '. 'h ;i.-v. I.' 1 > • .>ieivc) ..'■le. ( a'.ccl ist , Mr. I>. • Mt^^tm^mi,*^ Oft ItKLMIKllS FAliMKIlS IbliO. I'jii.siivrKiJY oi' r. i;. Isi.A.Mi. — |{n>\vii's Cnc!;, itcv. \U\. .Miiiini. Now liOii'ii.ii, iiLv. Ak'x. ."^iitlii'il:iiiil. Mtinav llai-iicr. iicv. Niil .Mc- Kay, Clifti'intt '.i\v)i, jM'\. (Iiii. Sutlii;rlaiiil. W •■w.lvilK', i(t\. !)< n. McNeil. CativliiM, Mr. il. M /.Ni ilhui. 'I'Ir- Synod iiii.'i.-l.s ihl.s \v;ir at .Ni-w (ilaygciw, mi tlio tliinl Tl)iirsila_)- uf Juno. Colhijp ami Aritilmii limiril. — im v. I'nif.'i. Kinir fvn'l i.jiull; nev. .Mftsrs. llunUT, .Nlclvni^nit jtuil Strclc; Messrs. A. Mclunlav (Cliaiinian), K. Uuak, 1'. Kuss, J<. |{<,nia,...-\ J. il. Li.lilcll (Stoy), I'. W.'iK'oiv'f, M. V. Grant, II. L. I^iokic, K. IK iitlt r.soii, J. Munn, \\ . (janiuu'li, and Hon. T. I). Home Ali.-isioii. — Ci^iiiMiitU'c, ;iov. II. 1). Steele (('(;nvei;cr), I'niCi'. King anil hyall, ue\ . J. Hunter and uev. A. .McKiiii^Jit ; .Mehsr>. \V. .\n- dersoii, 1'. Koss and J. Harms; with iiov. J. Stewart, New VA- SCOiiA. DiDCKsK OK II\i.ifA\. — iruiCirace tiie ,\Up>t Revprend Tiioma.s !i. ('u?i- Noi.i.v, Arolibisliop (.(' llaiiliiN. lit. lu'v. ('(,lin riaiii.-.a .*.!..dv"i!',i,( n, p. :>., I^iu'd I5itliii|i cf .\uiciiat, re- Hiding at ,Vntit:oni>li. Halifax. — Si. Mary'.s Catliod.ral, Very nev. \l. Hannan, n. it., nev. Patk. IVvver, nev. Jn(rt!i(. I'nlinicd, Key. K. lUanchette. l-'verjuiul, uov. Jiiii. Mark. Slnilienaca- di<', uev. I'atk. iMmphy. <'l'Oze(e.,nk. liev. I-. llis^'r. » 'iinilu rlaad. Rev. IVter Danaher. Windsor, lu \ . Tho!«. Walsh. .VnnapoTx, nev. l>a\id O'Connor. St. .Miehei, nev. Jno. M. irxy Meteghan, ue\. Wm. Mo- Lcod. IJerinuda, Ko\ . riiiiip Iloldeii, Clia|il;un i I'rests., Me.-srs. .1. W . Qniniian and l\ler (Inuit. Si'c'y, .Mr. W . Cninptnn. Trca-iurer, Mr. Jas. Wivll. Spirllaal Dirccttir, nev. iJr. Hannan. Sr. .M\n\'s ("atwiiisi icai, Sihiitv. — I'reri'ient, luv. l)r. ilnriniri. Vioc-President, .Mr. ,Jos. W. (Jainnan. 'I'n.asurer, Peter M(irit>cey, K^^(. See'y, Mr. Stej.hen 'I'oljin. .\sst. Sec'y, .Mr. ('ha>-. .MoCarthy.'A.v (' Lnstiiit:.. — Si,iriltial i)irerl(.r, Uev. .i. 1'. l.'oUs. Prest., K. .Matiirin; Viee l'.,'riios. Kenny, jr. ; Seo'y, I*. Wtdhiee, K«(|r.>-. Itioe'Ksi: or .VuicuAT. — .\ntigonish, lUv. Jno. Canii-run, u.i). Arisaig, St. Margaret'.^, iSic, li'V. K. 'J". .M.-Hniiald. ('a)ie Cuurge, St. (leorge't, ice, iu!v. .\ndw. Mcliilvray. Pioluu, New (tla^jgiw, .Merigomi.-^li, \('., ttev, Tliomiis St ar^;. Si, .\nd;ev,'f<, St. .Mary V, I've Rev. iionald .Mc- (iilvr.iy, w ••i:'. Vt' -f ■ ■ V . !.> Mal-ar Lak' , \e., nev. I'on. Mcdilvr.iy, jtmr. I ■■.'•• I li , I i'l -il \ II i,:e, .'a-., n:.\\ ,\)\f. (Jiiiaaii. Havre a I'.ouclie, .VsMiaP'tiur., \,c., nvv. \\ . M('liei;d. ( Ji;y;'li(iriiiigli, St. Ann's. iS^c, Biiv. Alex. .MeSvvoen. IN.rt Mulgrave, Sliip ILirlmr, iS:c., uev. Ji.o. L'. I8(i0. A/.MA\Af K. 59 ■MdUe. ■ "■ *^^""'>'- '■"•'«•«' in U,"-;i,,.n^ '*"«■■,•'' O-^tafJ Anno ( "' ^"^''••"'' ■'^■' ^s at Tn^cunr -^S„. • Tn.u.n.rM.,v.«, '""'--►^"P^r.orca,. Mother : ^'>./ Jf.;f//ov. uov. J,,,.. Jf,,,^;,. ,','^- '^"•"■/'W, n.-v. Jnu S .\,},i!' '='^'^"Vv), nev. Ju«. l.i,iy {I'- " "'"'^-'•. lU-v. (La,. S,c.„»i.::Ki^^^- _ -''•'.>• "yeu'purt, nt'v. Jaw ^ ir„^ f^***»MPin»u. "• "ennigar. ^euiv' • i'i«a R«moB in if..i,..., .... .. Zl"^'' 'i'i»a Rtiuos la IfuliL'B •••.> u ULUllKU tj FAUMint tj [iSiiO. iiov. (\wi. I). Prtvson. Mdillniirf. ncv. Rcplit. K. frnin'. !]i'rinntllc, i(c\ . .la-!. Knj:;l!inil, iiev. Eilni. IJotlcrcll (I'iii.-iii. Svc'y). SI. Amln us, iicv. .Iim. lii-ownol!. St. Slpplieiis, rhx. Ilczckiali .Mclvcowii. SI. iJurii/'s, nv\. AViii. Tweedy. .Afillloir/), iicv. Win. Sinltli. Siissrx I'nlr niid (irtnnl LnltC, Kev. H. Siiiitli, itcv. Um. Alcm'ii. {'jiIkiih, ins. Jlcnry ll».lhiii(i. Greenwich, ncv. Jas. liiirii,-'. Tkiuo District. — '/'/•// /•«, ucv. T. IF. Djvvio.'^.Cliaiiiiifln. River Phi/iu, RCV. Ak'X. M. lA'shrisay, Kiiian. S('c'y. Walhire. \{c\ Win. Alliii. ./'. . Co-DthjiJiio rvnd Cliair- iiiMii. WnodslDch', ucv. K<:ljt. A. Teiniili'. I'in.iii. Sec'y, uev. 1*. i>. Ciir- I'ie, Rev. Rubt. Was.snii. ^Imlmu'r, ws. T. \>iU-ii Sniiiii. .Xitsluniak, uev. Jno. liead. (Jui/eloini ami Burin.), uev. Win.l". ilrown, uev. David 13. Seott. Miramicki, uev. Geo. M. JJairatt. Jtatlnirsl, uev. Clia.;. (iaf«kiii. Sackvuxh DisTUirv. — Si/r!,-viite, uev. Jan. 1{. Nariawn.y, a.m., Hev. vStephcn lluiuphrey, a. i?., uev. Himiplirey Pickard, n, li., (Iiairniaii, u\'v. Jiio. Allison, A. It. Pi'iiil le Hii!,\ iw\. .Ino. Sm.wliall, Uev. Win. I'erkiii. Moncton, uev. J. V. .lost, lir.nii. S(xry. Ilni.eircll , Rev. .las. liuukley. liirlii/jiirto. Rov. J. I<. Siiunairl*'. * Jlitiherat, Kev. Kreiik. Sinallwood. Parrshuni', Uev, liiciid. Weddaii, Iiev. .la.s. '{'weedy. Ann'ai'oms Distukt. — A/)nuTy. Vitrniouth, \\e\. (ice ./olin.ston, Fimm Scc'y, Rev. T. S. IJicney. Jiarriiijlony Rev. Relit. Dii- can. Shell)u,'u\ Jiov. Tlios. Tweedy. 'I'lie ("oni't.'reni'e tliis \\Tiv will i)e inUl at on t'lC Wksi.kva.n Missionauy Sociktv. — K'«v\J,«. 'SI, llieluy, n. d. ard. I). I)., Roland Arrlmr .M-Niitt. .-.Am. JJct'ten II, .Murray, Tho-. H. Davies, Win. Wilson, Henry imi/ul, .In?, (r. lUiiniirar, FreVik. Sinalhvood ; Hon. J H. Ryan. Hon'. .Judue Wilmot, Hon. ,1. .1. Rii-rersuu; .Al. (;. Riack, R. Salter, N. Mok'.x, Oeo. If. Starr, R. lirccktn, and Juo. U. Aiider.soii, F;M|r.s. MINISTERS OF THE ASSOriATKD HAFTIST ("HURCIIFS l\ NOVA SCOTIA. Advocate Harbour, Uev. T. Keillor. Anti,;:oiiisli, T7ev. J. Wbiddeii. Aylesl'i.rd, Ucv. Clias. Tiippcr, i.. n., and b'ev. A. Mn-iia<,;!i., Kev. J. F. Ralcom. Aiiiher.«jt Shore, Rev. D. Law.son. Reaver R'iver, TI. riek- no. .Mc- Ks,, ()2 IIF.I.CIIKU S FARMER 5 [1860. I.unpfihi'.r;:; Rivl ilnlitHx, meet thi.« year jit NViniftor, on tlif third >Mnr- (lay in .Iiitif. i'lif Kaf^tfrn Association, rornj>ri*in;r tlio countir^ of Colchesif r, t'um- bcrlaii i, (iiivflHiniiij;!), I'iotoii, .Sy.lnoy, (". IJ., anu;^la.? Thorpe, Saml. West nti'l An'lw. S. raiin, hiceutiatos ; Woo'Tr? Harbour, Klder Heurjr .A. Stokcu. This ConfiM-ence ha« I't churches anl 1 MUD members. The New Uninguifk conU'rence hat 7;^ chiurlief*, 'I't orlained ministers, 4 lie'?ntiates, ami tJLIGO mcniberr The above eonforenoea are of tiio same faith and order. FREE WII-L RAI'TIST MINLSTEIIS. Cape Sable Iiland, Kl ler H. W. Harris; Solid Uock, Elder Edw. Key- nold»i ; Variiouth, Kld<;r Jno. JiMikins ; Bridirewatcr, Klder Asa B«ul ; Harriuifton iltad, Kllers S. Mclv'.ouwn ainl \V. W, AsLloy. rONGIlEGATIONAE MINISTERS IN NOVA SCOTIA. Varnuuith, U"v. iiobt. Wilson, Secretary. ('hebo,:.;uo, Rcv. Jacob Whit- , i;ui. Ship llarlxiur, uev. Jas. Newton. Cornwallis, Rev. cox. Milton, nov. (ieo. cornish, a. u. Liverpool, uev, Jas. .Melvin. -Mar- ^aree, c. h., uev. Josiah Hart. Manchester, nev. V. Dcerlnjj. F.\(;i,isn LiTiiKRAN MiMSTru. — Uridgowater, iiov. W. M. Bowers. (m:um.v\ MiMSTiii oi' JariicRAN ciu ucu — iiunonburg, Kev. cha>». E. co^'iman. L'm\ r.KSAi.TST riirR>'ii. — Flalifnx.'Rev. N. (Junnisoji. ArRK'A.v Kris<'oiv\i. .\li"riii>t. Lankford, Jno. PK-asant, NOVA-SfOTIA RIIU.E SOCIETY. ! Patron, Hi« Kxeellciicy the iiarl of Mulgrave. ' Pre«!dent, Uev. John T. Twining, d.d. Y^ice Prcaidonts, Hon. Jas. W. Johnston, .^i. (!. Blaok, J. W. Nuttin;' and Wm. Pryor, Esqrx. Treui., M. ti. Black ; Scc'y, S. L. Shannon ; Am. Sec'y, Isaac Smith, Eaqrjt. Committee, Kev Ms Jno. Scott, li. F. L'niacke, Jno. Martin, J. C. Coch- ran, chas. churcliili, Jno. Hunter, T. Cviap. S. N. Bi'ntlcy, Geo. W. IFdl, S. W. Spr.wae, Jno. Brewster, W. Hu;aphr«-v — Hon. M. B. Ahuon, Hon. W. A. Black, Hon. Hugh Bell, lieury Prvur, J. H. Auder- aon, S. Selden, T. A. P.rown, W. C. Silvei-, T. A. S. He Wolf, J. F. Avery, M. i»., A. .Mackinlay, J. (.». A. Creijrliton, cha». IWbiion, Peter Lyuch^ ir TUf ( 18H0. \»,.M.VN.V< K. o;} y uirc, ,ln. Mi'liwcn, llclil. Mill«'r, Col. .NiIhoii, K. K.. ami i'y[>\. Wi'l.hci- Sniilli. i;>.|r«. l'('|Mi,sii(ii-v, Nil, •I'S'riii;^uiii f'tnci, (.[iiMtMlic St. I*fml> riiiirch. Lift' NU'iiiliiT,^, .S.'iml. CiTolninii, J. ('. Cu^r^wtll iiii I II. IJ. Wchstfr, Kflrji's. IIai.iiax I.aiufs' IWuLr. Ai^sdciArio.s. — I'lo^t., Mro. No(m mi Clarko. Troii.*., Mr.-*. S. N. U'.iMuy. Scc'y, Mi's. IMwan; IJinnoy. ('iniiiiiitteo, Mi\s. K. [••. I'liiiu'la-. Mvf*. V. (I. .Mrdrc^ror, Mrs. Liilik-Il, .Mr.i. Win. Ili.wo, Mrs. II. TrouKiin, Mrs. I'. M. ras.-^uw, .\lr«. D. McN. I'lirkor, .Mrs. \i Wrtllac", Mrs. Win. (Veijrlitiiii, Mrn. IMw. Sinlrli, .Mrs. Molicun, .Mrs. F. W. Smith, Mrs. TIulh. HriiK-r, .Mrs. Amhv. Mitclull, S\rn. ,l»v-<. Cojrs- wi.'ll, Mrs. 'i'lio';. iJniwii, .Mis.s Uii'linni.son. rrciirliloii. .Miss liierliiiy, HIaok. .MIrs .1. 'rr(^'iuain, .Miss ('ricliton, .Miss J. MdstiMiiinii, .Miss II. Urvnulds, Mis.^ Strafiuvii, M. Miir!«<«iii nriil Mis- i'.virli.anks. ll.M.UA.x TiTY Missio.N. — Coniiuittcf, IU\. |)r. '.''\viiiiii;r (Cliainaan), Flcv. S])ni;riic, Uev. Tims. Janlino — A. K. Itcmll, S. II. lilncU, Jiiui S.-iiiiI. A. White. Kff'(rs. Mi.-^'ldimrv, .Mr. .\r.;li. .Murlon. Sirrotury, Jas. I''fti-i|iiiiar, r!.^;|. 'Iroiu., S. L. Sii.uiMuii, i;s(|. Tlit* cuimiiitiCL' iiici-t on the lirdt Wi.'iliics'iay in ovory month in thi' V. .M. <.'. .X^.soci.ition llooiua. rin'rc is fi inj;;j:i'il -I'lu'fd in roiincxicn willi tho Mis»ii)M, i.f which the coiiiuiittoc rvrc I'ulrr Lynch, 1*. 1.'. Ilili, ami Ja-'. 1'. .Vvcry, .y. v., ii«(iri. V lion. H:r Brenton Ilaliilmrton, Kt. Vicp I'rpsts., J.ns. Korniaii, .Inc. W. Ilitchic, .1. [ J.n-:. ('. ( 'ij'.rsvvcli, Ksi|rs. ('orrcsi»(inilinfi; !^'r'\, Wni. A. Hare ; KccunKii'^ .•^(cret.^ry .ind l/ilirnri.-in. Iloljt. .Murray, Kjtijrs'. TreaH., ('ha«. .\l!i,-(iM. I-!s(|. .Man.a_'in'r < Vmunittce, Fraa. Johnson, S. \. Wiiitc, 1'. (.'. Ilill, !l.,l.t. Miller, IVtcr Lynch. T. A. limwn, (ic... II. Starr, .1. K. For- nian, W. S. Stcrliu;/, Sanii. lUa.-k, Ncpoan Clarke, T. 15. Akins. J. S. MiLean, I'ctor IViirce, .\lcx. .lanus, l>. McF.wen, Thos. F. Knight, W. ii. Snicllic, I». !l( nry Starr, anl C. F. Hrunti, Kstjrs. Conncctv'il with this .Association is n realinj: rnr ni and lilir-iry. Life .M.*ni!>cis >.f the .\rtscc':aiion, l)y payment of XIO ami upwards — Hon. Knofl CnUiii'", Hun. Sir S. Canaid, 13f., .las. C. Cojrswcll, M. (J. niai-k, Wni. .Murduch. .L IL Anderson, (J. 11. Stnrr, J. C. Allison, Wm. A. II vro, Wm. Cnnard, Henry iiojrL:^. Wm. 15. Fairbanks and Chas. .\Ui- i^on, l!s(|i".'<. Tlir: Mir-MAT MIS,-;iON'AUY SOCIKTV. I'ro.tident, Juhn W. llhidiio, Dsq. Vicc-i'rcsta., J. F. .\very, m. n., i::».i.. and Kov. I'. s. (Jeo. l5o\d, Kl'V. C1i:vh. rimrchi!!, ll'iv. S. .N. U-ntloy— ( iuis. .li no. Uurt oh, Wm. Have, V. <'. Hill, Jnn. O.-leba N., (len. II. Starr, .Vlcx. James, am.1 1 S. L rMisinnun, i: urt. :\i dSlllIl ai'v , I bt\. T. lUud, li. lo. MASONIC. THE MOST ANCIKN'T AV1> IIONor.U VBM: FU.VTl. UNITY OP FUES MiSONRY Gniiid Master of Emjlatid — The Karl of Zetland. Or and Muster uf Ireland — Tiio l)uke of Grand Miiitcr of Scutlund- icinster, lie Duke of .Vthol. (14 J1K1,( lli:il S S [1K()(>. i: N (i I, I s II . I'mvliicijil flraiid .Mfii^tor fur Nmv.i Scutia, N'vw IJiiiu'wiik, Xcvifuuinl- Ifitiil mill I'l-iiicf fMwrinrf hlfiml, it. \v. linn. .\l(Xfxti'i<*i' Kt-itli. l>rji. (Jminl ,Ma.«tt'r, i».. w. Jay. I'uniiaii, l'>i|. Son'mr (ii-jMnl Wuiilfii, it. w . i'M;jr(;iitnl)i> riit'vallicr, K»(i. .Iiinior . (ii-runi 'rrcftMiiror, v. vr. Aicliiliald Scott, i;:-i(. (Iniiiij St'cMctarv, v. vr. Henry ('. 1). Twiuiii^f, Ksii. Senior (iranil Dcucon, w. Win. Twinin;/, i;i»i|. .Inninr (Jniml Doacon, w. .'as*. Norwood. l';,<(|. (iiand JtirM-tor of (.'crc- inonicu, w. Mr. Jlol»t. IValon. (inuid Snix'rintcndent of Woik.s, w. Mr. Hrentim J>. .Marsluil!. (Jnmd Or^'aiiisl, w. Mr. .Inn. \i. r!iili|ij<. (.rund Swonl Bearov, \v. Mr. .1. Snrlliiifr. (iraml St.indard Hcnror, w. Mr. U<.'>t. Stcvons. (Jruinl I'nranivant, \t. Mr. Jn<. Monjni. .\. Smith, llolit. Ilowp, Krodk. i'liiliHit, Kiclid. T. ilooniw, Frank iridile^conibc ami (Joo. liftlliiti. Coniinittto of Cliiirity, v. w. Kcv. J. T. Twinin'j, D. I>., rimirinan; w. Wni. K. Muri.'on, w. llolit. IVnlon, w. And. \V. .McKinUy, w. Chna. II. Mi:R i:n<;lisii ai Tiioinrr. St. Axi)Ki;w'.>< fjOMii:, No. 1,"7, ilalitjii. — llejiular niectiii;^ on the Jiial Tni-sday of cvory iiiontli. \V. MsKtcr, ^Vnl. (iranl, jr., Ka»(. 'i'lva^un-r, .Ino. W.;odiIl, K,-«i|. Sc<;'y, L. N. Hi ibert, l><|. St. J()M\".-* Lodci;, No. IS7, Halifiix. — Uci^nlar inretiiiji on tho Jlnt Monday of I'vcry niontli. W. Masti'r, Kd.ironinhr ClicvaHic r, i>i|. Trta- suri'r, Jii.'^. [''ornian, !;,••((. Sce'v, Wni. Tuinin;;, l'?i|. Viin>i.\ L(»ik;k, No. u5S, Il'vlifiis : r('!:; nii'ctinfjf on tlii> finirlh .Mond;iy of every month. W. ,Mii'?i(T, Jno. .\. Sinchiir, |]s(|. 'hniisiuvr, licnnnd J. Morton, l-]5-(|. Scc'y, Wni, L. .Muri«iin, l'>i|. KiivAi, Standaiu) FittixiK, No. o(Ji, llii'iiOix : i:uH.'ting on the sccu/hl TiK, -dn,y of cNfiy niontli. W. .M.'i-*tcr, .Mr. 'I'iioj, .Mick lew rijriit. 'rica.snn r, Mr. Cav. Kcytc. S<>o'y, Mr. Jii.i. Cooiicr, KuvAf, SiS'^K.x iiODCi;, No, 7"J, lhilif(i.\ : n-;rnlar niertin;!,- en they;'rs/ 'riiiir.^diiv of every niontli. W. M.-i.-lcr, .Mr. 'l/\'in. Soc'y, Mr. /< I'ina Ihill. I'mdn I.iii>mi:, .No. '.i'.i t, lliiiir.n : rennlar mfotinjr on the //inv/ ^l(in- dny of every month. W. .Ma.ittr, .Mr. ( liS''. 11. .MorrI.«. 'I'lriienier. Mr. . Sre'y, Mr. Israel '1'. Kieiiard.^on. St. .\ni>ui;vv">» Loniii:, No. T-'l.', Sy.i:iey, (". j{. : iTi.'nlrir mectin;.'; on the III!)-'/ Tuewdiiy in every moiitli. I' Master, .Mr. Aiidei-.^jmi. Sec'y, Mr. Jno. i' I'mty 1,oi)';i:, No. riC'i, Lnnen'nir;r: rcfrnlar nieotl!)!!; on the /i/'.t/ 'riK:< lay of vw^ry month. W. M.i.'Ut, Win. W. L.aTV.'on, I'.H'^. i^rr/yf , Mr. .Ino. I*. L(iw<^on. Alimon LoDdK, No. t'l.l*, Now Cl!isp,ow : W. Ma-iter, Donald Korljea, .*>!'. Mauy's Luiiiif", No, GT-, I»i;il)y : W. Master, Jno. ('. W.a le, !>(]. Ni;\v Cm, Kill IMA Loim::;, No. ^'Ji',, I'ietoii : W. .Muster, J a*. Mcliuiiald; Soe'y, (ieo. Miliar, Ksurs, Zki'lami lii»i>(;i:, No. S'il, Liverpool : rei>nilar nipetin? on the foiirlh 'riiiirsday of every month. W. Mualer, (ieo. W. IJochnr; Sec'y, Jno. Mood, K«(ir.><. -nv l*ri| Mr. S n. \ b. A ho hr \\i. nil kuM. In s/ lino. , »««)().] A I . M V N \ ( K . (\f> lltu.iM I.niKii;, So. Hi',-<, Yirmoiith : reit'ilai- n.ortin^ f n the /ir^/ Mcn- (Invdf fvcrv iiiuiiili. \\ . Walter, in k, II. |{v''l'lu(jf ; .Si;"v. Tii> ,s. \. 11. it.ii;.';iy, KmiI-^ Ai'AiiiA LuiK.i;, No. !*'->>, I'iiirwii>li : \V. Ma^tfr, , Us.]. Ki.iiii I.niH.i;, Nil. 'ill, HiiUmrji!! : W. Miistor, (i l.uiKii ( .'(k), (Viniwalli* — Wurkji^; umlci ilU|i*.iiiM(iitit ; V»'. .\lustcr, Jim. 1 ii.\, !..•<'(. I sen V T I s ir . rnoviNciAi, (;it,\xi) hhmii: or Nti\ \ S((ii.\. vi.w prixswick and luisn: i:ii\vAiu)rt island. Pmvinrial t('r, u. \v. floii. .\los:iii(|or Kfitli. I)('i>iitc (idiihI .M;i--m. Siili-.tiliiti' (irariil Mji^tir. ii. \v. .Ifi«j, TIiuiii|i>4. KiM-'T, Ks<|. (iDiii'l rn'jisiip.r, n. w. A. K. I'liiili, iisij. Sfiiinr (i»'!iii-(|i>. (iiiiiiil Hiljk' llviiivr. n. w. Mv. Uiiiil. Timiii. (Jniiiil .Vrcliili'i't, R. w. Mr. .liis. Wil-i ii. iirainl .IrSMlcr, R. w. Mr. I'. '1 raiiinvi'i/cr. (Irainl liircctni- nf ( '.'riiaoiiits, n. w. Mr. Levi II. Vcru'c (jraii'l Uirii'tnr (if .Miisif. r. w. Mr. .Ii:i». Lriikiii. IMiIi' IJeaiTi*, Mr. (lias. \V. Kuril. tJrainl Swunl rnurcr, it. w. Mr. Ja.-. Furtiiiit'. St<\\- arls, Mf.ssrn. R. \v. Adnlpli Mici^t-li, c. w. V. l\. Mraiiii, i!.\s. T. \'. ^S■|lllI- r'u'li, R. \N. Saml. Wier, tt. w. l-'mlU. I'. Allisnii, uinl R. w . Win. II. Sr ,il. (iraiul I'lirsiiiviiiil, u. w. Mr. Mr. N\iii. ru.'tlv. (Iraml Tvl" r, r. w. Mr. J. M. Tavlur. QuarUrly cmiiumicatidiis tlic lliir.t Tii(''il.\v in IVliniiiry, .May, Auj^, an'l Novt'iiibor. Aiinml i't>iiiiiiiiii'rarn.ii uii St. .\iiilrcw'h I>ay. Hi KNs' LdiMii:, .\«). I'.ri'J, mo t.s ai inciiiiunr.xjllal!, ilalil'a.N, on tlic JlrsI NVc'Iiit'vlay in oa-li inMiitli. 11. W . Ma-tcr, Jim. Ki liaril.^im, K-sij. Soiiliir Wapk'ii, Knl.t. Mnwictt. Jiiiiiur \Var;li'n, .la.'*. Carr. Senior Dcaci.ii, Tlins. lia^cy. 'rr<'!iMinT, J i.>'. Forliiiic. .Sc»;'y, Win. (ir:iiit liiiHT (iiiiuii, Mr. .1. M. Taylnr. Aiiiiii.i; h(iii(;i;, .\u. ;Hil, nin'ts at I'rci m;.i.m.ii's llall, Halifax, on tin- s.'coud .Moiniay ol' each nioutli. It. W. Ma.-kM*, .Mr. 'J'. W. Sa|i|i(r. 1'. M., Mr. TliiiH. Simrt. S' iiinr Warlin, Mi'. T. \'. Wi dlrioli. Junior Wanlm, .Mr. .las. Wihon. Si-'v, .Mr. W \n. .Vlli.rt Wairm. 'rrfa.Hiiror, Mr. J:. .f. I.onliv, I'. M. Srnmr Ik-aeon .Mr. I,. II. V cr'r U'lill, l>r J. M. r .Mr. .las. lavof ••acli montii. K. W. M.i.-u. , Mr. W. I'., ."^m. IKo r. M., Mr. .!a-i. Tiioni|»-iin. .Iimior Wanli'ii, .Mr. W m. W Senior ^\ .ii-.J'T., Mr. .). W . K. .loliti-t. n »(r \, .Mr. Win. A. Wurioii. T nil- Mirer, Mr. Win. (irant, jr. Senior lA;n.'(.n, .Mr. I''. I'. .\Hison. .Itiiiior I>racuii, Mr. .li.o. Ilii'iiarilsoii, jr. Inni>r (iiiar'l, Mr. \\ in. Costlv. 'I'vlor, Mr. J. .M. Tavlor. SroTIA KtilMii:, No. iiu'Ol< llio thii'il Wccliicsiliiv of oacli montii. K. W. Mastor, •\. \\. .Nk-Kinlav; S'lli. .Ma.-t- r, 1'. Traiinwoi/or, Ksijts. 1). M., Mr. W. Kerr. S. W.. .Mr. .1. N. Ilit<;liie. J. W., .Mr. VV. \\iU(.ii. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT^3) V :/- f/. 1.0 I.I |50 """^ ■ 56 B^^ M IM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 £.11 ^ o ^ '•^ (? /J M >> M V Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STPEET WEBSTER, N.I. U5S0 (716) 872-4503 •N? \ V <> % o^ ■%^ ^/<> <* o^ 66 BELCIIEII S I'AUMKli S [IcSOO. i Kec'y, F, Cochran, Esq. Treasiiirr, Mr. J. W. K. Jidiniiton. S. D., Mr. F. D. AUiaon. J. 1)., Mr. A. Allison. I. (t., Mr. W. II. Davies. Aviicilia Amor et Vcriius. » INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. (odd IKM.OWa IIAI.L, UKDPORD HOW.) RIGHT WOIITTIY <;R.\XD LODGE OF THE LOWEli rROVTNCEI< OF lilUTlSII NOIITM AMERH'A. M. w. Gninil Maxtor, Robort Taylor; r. w. Popiity Graml Mastor, Fraser; il w. Grand Wanlon, Win. Grant, jr.; u. 1\'. (Jraml tSec'y, H. A. Taylor; u. w. Grand Treasurer, J. M. Watson; R. w. (J rand Chaplain, T. A. Hyde; k. w. (iraud rojiresentative to the Grand Lodp:^ of the United Stales, E. G. Fuller; i\ o. (irand Conej). Dis. Grand Masters — Kastcru District; Danl. Dickson; Western District : J. W. Dauphiney, EBqra. p. Grand Masters, C. il. flamiltou and Lemuel G. Mortuu. I ENCA31PMENT HRANPir. R. w. Grand Pirc for Nova Hcotia, New IJrunswiek, P. E. Island and Newfoundland : Elbridac G. Fuller, Escj. j Mambkuton Em'ami'.mknt, No. U, I, 0. of O. F. — Officerg : Jas. Ful- ; ler, c. J'.; J(!9. Austen, s. w.; J. W. Carter, ii. p.; P>. Wior, j. w. ; C. II. ; Hamilton, l^cribe; E. G. Fuller, Treasurer, Escjrs. Past Chief Patriaixhs, W. M. Harriugtun, Jos. Wier, and J. Northuj), jr., Esqrs. RUnORDINATE LOTXJES. AeADiA, No. 1, meeta at Odd Fellows Hall, Halifax, every 7»fond ay evcnintr. Officers: Jos. Austen, x. ». Kent, Wni. Lu^an, Anjziua Ahdnnes, Jas. (h'oiicher, Hon. llujrh IJell, Wni. J. ; L^'diard, Alex. i''an|idiiirsiin, Jno. Leslie, (ioo. (Jarrisen, IVter ruwer, \ Jno. Martin, Clias. JIaniilton, iv(»bt. A. Lo^'an, Matt, (iuild. Matt. Bur- rov.'s, Jo». Jennin^:-!, Jnu H. Anderson, Andw. Shiels, Tlio*. Rlnc;, Philip Letson, Alex. Stephens, Thos. Putts, Jno. lesson, Paik. Power, Pras. Miinro, Law. Johnson, Jno. Thomas, Jjau,!j;hlin McQuarrie, Daniel < >"(iori;!on, David Anuand, .Matt. D. Mclvenna, Jno. iiurtou, Tlios. Wal- lace, Alex. Prasser, (.'has, D. Hunter, Jeremiah Northup, Jas. (.'uehran, Jos. IJonnett, Wni. Tidmarsh, Geo. Robertson, AVestcotc Lyttleton, Philip J. Dodd (Sable L«land), Piobt. Fox, Jno. Lambert, Jas. Griilin, Davi(i Archibald, Jno. Godiles, Adam Dean, Alex. .Mitchell, Judah Bunlen, L})hraini 13uri2;es*, Heni-y ][enritsey, Don. Murray, Samuel Caldwell, Jaa. P».van.son, Pdw. Ryan, Geo. L, Chipman, Thos. Tobin, Win. 10. Brine, Jos. Browner, David Falconer, 'I'lms. N, Gates, David Dauphiney, Arch. Scott, David Thoni])son, Pzrooni Boutiliei-, Alex. Kelly, Don. JNlcLcarn, ' Fras, Layton, and V.'ni. Ifays, Lsqrs., and the Mayor and Aldermen of Halifax for tlie city only. i Stipendiary Majislratc, Andrew Shield, Esq. Clerk of the Peace, Jas. Stewart (Marke, Fsq. H ConiT OF pRoniVTt;. — Jiidje, William Sutherland ; Regiatrar, \\ m. owe, ■.ri( 1 rs. Re. ; Assistant, Jaa. C. Hume, m. v., Esqrs. Sup. of (Quarantine, Jacob Miller, Ks((. GoMMissiONiiiis TO K.xami.m; and Si;r,i:('T Pii.ors I'ou the Pout of Hai.h'ax. — John Williamson, Hon. Jax. McNab, Hon. Jnu. K. Fairbaidv. .)ii(t. Aiiibiosc, !{t'v. T. li. i> ..i. .. I) . II /' yi.i- .. I,,.. i> iii.,i,„ i>„,. \\ :,. ( ' I...,. Kcv. Will. ('. .McKiniicn — ll. A. (ii.i [win. M:iit. lUivrows, J'avid Archi- bald, Vv'. (1. Ai'cliibul'l, David Arc!!ll>ald (KUh), Jno. Jlat.'s, Ilolit. A. liOpvn and l-izt'kiel Sil>!i'y, Ksmts. Sh-n'C District, Jlfv. Kiilit. .l.-uiiic'-dn, llcv. Ja>-. Jjroadiiii.' — Win. Ani.lcr-ou, Win. Hall, jr., mid I'iilrkk Mur- I'.irtor, lie.-. I', (i. Modrcii-or. Ikv. I*, rinili.n, Itov. Dennis (It ar\ — Law. Jliirtsiiuriu', .liiii. l.iiuilirrl, ( li!i<. Ifainiltt'ii, PotiT Martin, .las. 'I lidnHo?) and M. (i. IJlaek, ji'., Ksijrs. Eastern JJisfrict, Rev. ,Jno. Sprciit, lltv. .luM. AU'.\and(M', Kcv. Jm . ( 'aniind\ , R<'V. I'atk. L'iu'Uui — Wni. T.T/ydiard ami Dditiinick l-'ari'ell, K;taU), J. R. Wallace, b'scj. Scc'y (i)id Trras., .las. B. Knovv- lan, Ks(|. Saili)}(/ Cummittcc, Tiio f'orninodoro. The Vice-Cunimddore, Tiic Caj)taiii, .Ino. Straclian, ..'as. l*ryor, II. Hartshorno, s. SofiKTv 1(111 (Jauukx AM) Pon/rRT Snows. — Prcaf., Henry Pryor, Ks(|. «SVc'!/ u/i(l Treasurer, M. (b BI;ick, jr., Ksfj. ..'/jiV. Scc'ij, A. .b Ritchie, bxi. CoimniUee, Dr. Coji'swell, Rev. ('has. Churchill — ([. C/iief Operator, .lesso Hoyt, l']s(|. Principal Otiic'', 37 Granvillo street, Halifax* bui'Ai, DiRi:( TMKs \\i» OiM.iivioii-. — Novu-Si-otia aiid Cape Breton. — Jlnther^t, Hon. R. lb Dickey, b. b'. — Geo. Iveys, ( )perator; .//y//.'(/;)n//s, Hon. A. Wi)itni;in — .1. Roltinson; Antti/onis'i , W. lb Cunninuchani, bsti. — W. (b Wilkie; Jlrirlutt, , Ks Ahirton, K.'(|r,x. — .Mi.«,-: S. (.ioldort; Lonriondernj, Tlios. J^. iH'laucf, J'>(i. — •.Mi.'(l'»" (rlas^/cir, .1. A\'. Ciirniichriol, lVf|. — liioH. K. I'raser; /-*<>- tun, \V. II. Iloyl, iiianajr<'r; Pldi^trr Covr, ,). W. Korr, I'.Wj.; Piuju'rish, .his. IJont, J'i'-'j. — 11. Iji.nlcn; /^o/7 Hood, Hinini lilaiichanl, Ks(|. — A. E. lloyt; liiii/j'Cil /.■ihinds, Cii;i.-i. II. Uonchar, K.>:t|. — X. Z. Cliipinan; Sitclc- vlIIp, ^\\ JL, S. I*. Annus, inaiia^rer; Shcl/junii\ l\. W Wondill, Ksq. — 15. W. J)urK'y ; Sylnry, W. Tunihul!, Ksn,. — .1. W Ward ; .S7. Pdr.r's, C.B., Mis:.-! A. llcjian; Tatamanourhv, A. Pattorsdii, I'.^(i. — Miss Fra.rier; Truro, AV. V. ArcthiiniM, Ks(j., niana,:j,-'jr; ]]'iiU(icr, A. McFarlanc, J'sq. — \V. S. Huc'stis; H'eymoutli; ('. I». .lones, F.sij., inanagor; iri7//!o/. Jus. A. . Naylor and ('lias. 'J'winintr, Ks([rs. Sec'y cV Trees., S. L. tSliannon, Fsq. Snperintcndeni, Mr. Jno. I'. Miiir. Clerk and Collector, Mr. S. B (Soc'y), AVni. Stairs (Treas.), Hon. J. K. Fairbaidis, Hon. M. B. Allium, Jno. Fsson a;id David Falconer, Fstjrs. Auditors, M. (». Black and Ilonry Yconians. F]s(|rs. JL/vnt and Manaijer, Fflw. II. L(>\vc, Fsq. iIai.iiax Tii.Mri liANCh; Ham, Compaxv. — Prcst., Mr. \Viii. Ackliurst. Directors, Mcssriri. R. II. Wctinore, A. .1. llitchie, Jno. iion^ard, jr., M. (i. Black, .).■., Tiios. AVcsloy and .Jno. Motzler. Sec'y i^- Treas., Mr. 11. (i. Lau''illiard. Keeper, Mr. Fdw. Joyce. ^AVUiATI()^ Company. — Prent., .Ia«. F. Avery, M.I)., l].«q. JJireclors,, Wni. Sfaira, horno, (.J i-aY. :/S(irs E mjinccr Uco. P. Mitc'iicll, I'. C. C Hill and ilu-li llarls- W. Fairbanks, Fsci. Scc'y, Sand. Auditors, (ico. A. S. Criciaton and Jno. II. Harvey, l']s(irs. Meim'hants' Rkaiiin(J Room. — Co,nniittee, Ilenrv Dawson, Hrnry Yeomans, J.. P., B. B..ak, \V. A. Hare, J. II. ilarvey, M. D. Black, Chas. D. Hunter, J. T. Wainwri;.';lit, Sinii n F. Barss, Audw. Mitchell and .Jno. B. Fay, Dsiji-v. Sujx'r intr:,d( nt, .Mr. J J)a!,I!ax Mkciianics' LiaRAUY, /'/ no. J. a M unrn c. Huiiic. :\r, I).. F Trees., Mr. U. H. Wctiiiore. Committee, Messrs. Austen, Stevens, Ta; lor and Miner. Sec'y, Mr. W. (iarvie. Liin'arian, .Mr. .V. 11. (iarv ic. IIamkax DiHiiAiiY CoMMnTKE. — 11. C. D. Twininn^ (Chairman), Arch. Scott, Win. Sutherland, Jas. C. Cogswell, Jr,( . N;iy!or, Alfi'eii Jones and S. L. Sliannon, Fsqrs. Sec'y and Librarian , .Mr. J'dw. .Seville. Nova Scotia Pi:rmani:nt P.tii.iuxf! Socikty >ni) Savings' Find. — Trustees, Hon. J. W. J'dmston. Wni. J. AhiKdi, .M. D., and S. Selden, Esijrs. Directors, II. Xoblo (Prost.), Win. Lawstn (V.-Prest.), J. J. Sa^\ycr, W. M. Harrinjiton and Jas. A. Morcn, Fsi|rs. Juddtors, J. T, Wylde an d Sainl. X^ 001!. .s(irs. Bankers, the Liiioii Bank of Halifax. 70 13E JiCII KK S FAE M K R S [18()(). Src'y .So/Zri/o?*, J. AV, .Tnlinpton, jr., Ksq. Svrvryov, Mr, P. Griint, and 7V(v/s., Jiio. Hiirtnn, Msq. Otlicp \o. 42 He'li'nnl Rom'. \ovA SroriA IIorticiktirai, Socikty, — First., lioii.W'm. A. I?l.ack. ^''. i-"., .'no. Williaiii3(in, KiS((. Jiircctors, Win. .Mufilucli, fJ., Chas. ( 'o.uswcl 1 , M. J)., Win. .1. (Ailcman anil .las. W. Nuttinc, i;s(|rs<. .S'cr'i/ ff/)'/ Trca^., Ardi. Scott, F.3i|. .Mnxpiim Cuimnilipp, Chaa. Cogr,- woll, M. D., Hon. Win. Vounii' aniJ Win. 15.>!, Ks(|rp. Tiir: A('Ar)rAN Ciiahcoal Tron company. — L'niited cniiital, .C2i»0,000, Truntrfs in .Vor*/ Scotia, Hon. Knos Collins, Huv. M. IJ. Alnioii and E. M. Aroliihalrl, IV,. Gbam) LafxK Land comtant. — Prrst., Benjni. Wicr ; Scc'ij, Jos. Fairbanks, Esqrs. BANKS. IT.Vr.IFAX I{AXKrN(; roMI'ANY. {Prcst.), Hon. Fnos Collins, Marlin G. Black. .las. (\ Cogswell an,ckiritosli and Alox. Forest. Teller.';, ^Ictan:. T. P. yiudd ami 'riios. C! y. Me^sscnjer, ^Ir. Geo. Anderson. Afjcntu: i'ictou, Ja». i'rimrose; Yannuutli, N. J. Bond; Wiudbr. Clerks, Mcsarsn. W. C. Mon/ies and .7. B. Bland, jr. jMcssenger, Mr. Jno. IIokIiv. Slandinr; Counsel, .\n^. Stewart, Flsq. Si^hrilors ami -A'at (tries;, Me«srf>. Vonniji; and Tlionipson. General JIanai/rr, Tiiok^. Paton, Ki«i|. Tliis Bank lias braiiclios at Qnrbw, .Montreal, 'IViroiito, JIamiUon, Bytown, Brantford, iJumliis nnd Kin^?u>n, Canada, St. John, N. B., and Victoria, Vancouver's L-land. Aijeiits in A^ew York : U. C. Ferguson and F. H. G'^ain. ^^'" l>i»c(»iiut days of the above Baidvs — Monday and Thursday. I'MON I?\NK. D- rectors : Win. Stairs, {Frcsf.), .Ino. Gi')Si)n, Jn^. A. Mni-on, .Jno. W. Piitcliie, Martin P. Black, Jas. '1 lionip.'^on .and T. C. Kiniipar, J:]>ii|r.-?. C«s/(?>r, \V. Sawors Sterlin,tniin;>itor Bank and Commercial Bunk of Lonil(>n ; Scotland. Clydes laic Bvnkitia; Company ; New York, Bank of the Republic; Boston, Mcrcliantrt Bank; ISewfonndUuid, Commercial Bank; Canada, Bank of Montreal. 1, Jno. Tel- Tbos. I Inercial Now lUiuid, 1^^(10.] ALMANACK. 71 Discount days of this B,T.nk — Kvrry driy in the u-crkcxci^t Sniurday. *^* The hours of hnaiucss of the Banko are from 10 a. m, to 3 r. m. ri{OVI\riAL SAVINGS HANK. Thia Bank is kept at the Receiver (Jcnrrnl's Ollioe, in the Province BuiMinjr. Hours of attendance, from 10 till 8 o'clock every Mdnday. Director, the Receiver GoHcral. Cashier, Edw, Duckett, Esq- SOCIETIES. St. Gkorce's Society. — Patrotifs, The Rt. lion, the I'nrl of Mulr^rave and the Lord Bishop (if Nova Scutia. Prast., Law. Ilartshorne, K»q. Vice-Prcsf., .7(j.><. B. LJennctt, 1\»([. Assi. ricc-Prcsls, S. W. I»oBlnis aud Wm. Rcnnels, EiCirs. Trcan., R(>t)t. Woodill ; Assl. Treas., Y.. .). Lordly, Esf|r8. Scc'y, Jno. R. Willis; Asfit. Ser'y, Win. DcBlois, Ksqrs. Marshal , Mr. Jno. Shean. Chaplains, Ven. Archdcm-on Willia, d. d., aud Rev. Wni. Bullock. Commiltre of Charity, Messrs. Jog. Darby, Lemuel J. Morton, Goo. T, Wateriield, J. T. Edwards and Wm. Coombs. Physicians, Bernard Gilpin, m. p., and "Wm. J. Almon, m. d., Ksqrs. Commiilee of Manaijemsnt, the Marshal (Chairnian), Edi^ar Dodaon, Wm., Wm. Bullister, and Jas. Crosskill. Slaiulanl Bearers — St. George's Banner, Messrs. Geo. Payno and .J. B. b'inithers; Quern's Anns, .Meissrf*. Al"x. Adanus and Wm. Humphrey; JFehh Arins, Jno. Hujjhes; St. Geonje's Colour, Mr. Wm. Murrry; St. George's Ensign, Mr. Riibt. Allison; Tirilish Etisign, Mr. (!co. ^.ossom; Royal Stainlard, Mr. R. T. Roo7iie; Union Jack, Mr. E. W. .Siitclitfe; ^Xalional Ensign, Mr. Geo. Ciosskill. Messenger, Mr. Jno. Locker. CiiARiTAiu,K Irish h'ocii'm. — Prc.s/., .Jho. Tobin, Esq. Vire-Prest., I'atk. Power, Es(j. Jlsst. I''. P's., Thos. Fvcnny, jr., and Jno. O'Connor, Es(jrs. Treas., Mr. Key ran Skerry. Sec'y, Mr. Tlios. W^alsli: Asst. Sec'y, Mr. Jas. Wallace. Marshal, Mr. Jus. Murpiiy. Cunimiiiee of Charily, Messrs. And. 3Iurphy, Rd. Andor?nn, l)enni.« C.irn)ll, Jno. Farrdl, Stephen Carew ami Mich. Sullivan. Collrcling and Investiga- ting Committee, Messrs. Chas. ^McCarthy, Mich. Duran, Wm. Compton anil Patk. Kelly. North Bkitisii S(icii:ty. — Prest., Jno. Taylor ; Vice-Prest., Wm. Anuaad ; Asst. Vice-Presls., Wm. ..lurray and Alex. Scott, Escjrs. Treas., Jno. Watt, Esq. Sec'y, Jim. B. Cauqibell; A.isl. Scc'y, Andw. K. Mclvinlay, Es(irs. Chaplains, nev. Jikj Scutt and Rev. Jno. Martin. Marslial, Air. Wm. Grant. Messenger, .Mr. Jas. Rcid. Hkhiland Society. — Prest., Jno. Sti-achan; Vice-Presl., Jno. Doiill, Esfirs. Asst. Vice-P rests., Jno. Munro, Wm. i'inlav and .1 Esijrf!. Treas., Ales. Priinroj^e, Lsi no. McK ■)cc y. Mr. Alex. McK av, ".V, Di- rectors, Wm. Murdoch, Don. Murray, Jas. Williams, Robt. Noble, Hon. Alex. Keith, Jno. Richardson, Hon. \Vm. Voujig, Adam Reid aud Saok- villo McKay, Es. — Prnt.^ Wm. Ackliurst; J'irr.-f^, \\u\. H. Cii^'ini'II; Scr'uSf Trrris., 11. M, Croi'^litini, Ksni-p. (.'uminilli'ii Jiio. K. .Mi;^iiii\vit/„ Jill). DiitViis, jr., ^Vin. Tiij)i)or, J. ^\ . i'rh\<:s, Jas. (ins^i]) aiil (iC'i», K. Andorsnn, K,--iji's. IloirtK or lliirrtji;. — Prrsl., AVim. Ln,\v«on, llscj. J^ P.. lion. M. H. Alinuii. JJireclurs, T. A. S. L'oWuir, J no. VV. llitchic, iloii. Jas. W. .lolinstnn, Clias. Uolx-soii, I'>'|r.x., and uev. .1. (,'. roclinm. Sec'y, iiov. I P. (i. .McUiTiiii'. Tnuts., A. M. I'nla.jkc*. K*;. Superintendent, .Mrs. AViisnn. J)KAi' ANn Dr.Mn TNsrrTL'Tio.v, (iottin;_'cn Street. — Putron, The Rii^lit Moll, tlic i;;irl of .Mul_n-;i\<'. Patrunrs^, Tli(> W'.'^ht H<(ir.'5. Sec'y^ nov. Ja^. (.\ Cochran. I'rincijxil, J. Scott Hiitton, K.'-q. Ar. Ci\';suell. Trciis., S. l.ionird Sl\:ui- non, llsii. .SVr'j/s, llu^'o lleid and \Vni. (iarvie, Esurs. C'o'i iri/, Thos. .15. .Vkiiis, Hini. Stayh'y Bi'own, C. Co;i;s\vclI, .las., 15. (iil- ]iin, .M. 1)., Wm. A. Hendry, P. cartcrot Hill, K. Home, u. i:., Henry How, Rev, Win. Lyall, Peter!/ yncii, Uobt. Millei', K. .Mi^nro, ii. a., .Jikj. Xayhir, 1). McX. Parker, m. d., A. Pil.sbnry, Wm. i'ryor, das. Tuumson, and .Vndw. .M. Uniack;', llsiirs., and Rev. .la;-. H<'l)irt>.in, l. i.. n. Hamtax Tt;.Mri;RAN('V, Socii:rv. — Prest.,\iu\. M. iinnvn; /^7^,.i^lo. Sheaij^ ; Trc(tK,, uobt. Noble; Ser'y, D. (jallazher. llsiir^:. H-Tlu'AX Catiiouc ToTAr, Austinh.nci: So.'IKTY. — Prrst., Rev. Kdw. l^itler. r. P., Danl. rrcamer, i:^<\. .Iss/, T. P's., Messrs Patk. Powef, Rictid. .Vnderson, Ro;rer tsiul do?. W. Quinnan. Trcds. I). O'Neil, Es((. Srr'y, Mr. Patk. Monau' ^,s-,s7. Sec'y Mr. P. "Whall. Meet ((narti-rly. OrrrcFRs Ci. In 10 p. m. Hm.Ii'w ,M:,t'i!.\Mrs" l\sTiii ic, — /-"/v'.s/., Amliv. Afjiol.inliv, Ksq. f. /'//'.';/.?., .las. Tiioin)isi'n iMi'l •!')«. ^^'. Ciniiiiui, Ksqr-i. Trvaa., .his. I'Mnn;!!!, I'J.oii. Src'ij, Mr. .las. iJ'inifs. Cvralitr, Mr. llrrul Huyl. ('(•.;ii!iit'ir(\ ]L IT. W.'tinoic, (1. J.. < riiiicii. .1. S. TlKniipsoii, .las. H,<'<"o(>, r>. (!il['iii, .M. I)., Uiiijt. ^ublo, Aiex., .1. Uiloliic, Fnxl. W. I'a,<.v()\v ainl.I. L. A\ li.\tal, Kf^ijrs. AtUK'A'. Sorir.TY. — PrcsL, rriiic AV. Sporl. T*". 7^., Mr. riia.". Koan. Trcdf. & Ser'y, Mr. . Comviitlir, Messrs. Jiio. Iviaii, Thus. Stcwarii, S. I'. ■ilarlncM' nuil \\\n. Darralt, AruirAN A liiii.iTiu.N Skciki v. — Picsf.^ . I'. T., Mr. 'Win. iiarrutt. Treas., Mr. ("has. lloan. N'T'i/, Mr. C. I fill ; .1s:il. Sec'y, I'hus. .liiIm'rDn. C'^'iiiini'tcc, Mt'^.'^rs. .Ins. I'liUluw, Tnliias Williniusoii, .iii'i. Tollivcr, Uobt. \Vliitf, l>an, (irose, 'riiuL-,v Steward, Jas. JJiinis, rriuce W. Spdi'l ami CliS!'. Dickson. A!|rs. Co/iuiiill' i' of J\Lni(i!,^> uKuii , .1. Lon;iard (Cuair- niaii), v.. Jennings, n. v., U in. Finlay, (lOo, Molvonzie, Win. (Irant, _■:■ , sidellt), Jvlward liinnoy (Treas. and Soo'y), M. (i. Uiack, .'(ol)t. UuhIc, jr., (jeo. IL Starr, Win. .Mui"d(jcli, .las. C. '"ogswoll, liuu. Will, Young, Aiidw. Mackinlay, Alfred Junes, Esi^rs., and llpv. I*. F, (Jniacke. Nova Sl'otia Branch or the Hoyai, Caledonia CrnuNo Cllh. — J^rcsl., , I'.sii. Srr'y ai'd Tn-iis., Koht. Boak, jr., Esq. Re])re$f'ntntirc ^Mfw/iers, W. U. Cogswell, Arch., Thus. Hum?, .las. U'-eic, Will. Finlay, Juo. Taylor, Rol't. Beak, jr.. Iloht. Duiill, Thus. (.ir»iiani, jr., .las. Itcs, lloht. Davis and Jno. (Aaineruu, Esqr?. llAi.iiiX ("riM.iNo ('i.iH. — Patron, Win. Murdoch, Est]. Patroness, ■Mr*. Janet Riclmrdsoi;. Prcxi., Robt, Davis; V. P., Jas. Williaiiison, lit-qrs. JicjirL'6cnl'i(if('^., V\'. 11. ("ogswell and Aroli. llarshaw, Esqrs. Chaplain. Rev. Jno. Martin. Trcas., IE M. CreightoJi ; Scc'y, Juo. Kiehard-:on, jr., Esqrs. TiiiSTi.K ("rRi.iMi Cun, Halifax. — Patrnn, Hon. Alex. Keith. Presi., Cipo. McKtn/ie ; J". P., Jno. Taylor, Escjrs. Bvprcsentatircx, Win. Finhy and Feter Ros5, I'.sqrK. Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Hunter. Srr'ij ai':l'7''rca^.. J. D. Nanh, Fsq. Cowmiitve of ^Management, Don. Murray, Jno. Strnr'lian and Rolit. Boak, E.5(irs>. Honorary JMcnibrr, Vice-Adiniral Sir Houston Stewart, K. r. n. Halifax Visitin<; Drsrf;xsAUY. — (110 Argylc-strcet.) Prea!., Wni. Murdoch; V. P., V,'in. Hare, Fs-irs. Trcas'., P. <'. Hill ; .SVr'i/., D. Gall'gliflr, Es(trs. Truster!^, Jno. Naylor, Win. M. Harrington and Bernard O'Neil, Esfp-s. Governors, Kdw. Jennings, M. D., W m. J. AlmoR, M. D.. D. McNiel Parker, M. D., F. W. Morris, M. D.. J;is C Hume, M. D., Bernar' S. Black, M. D., Wui. ^Turdoch, .Tno. Duti'us, Hon. Edw. Kenny, K. -Mc- Ecavn, Ben). Wier, Win. A. Hnre, AVm. Eawson and Don. Murrny, E.sq«. rts" rsf! 74 BELrilF.n S rAli.Mi.R s [IMOO. Consulting Phyurinnn, Dro. Alnion, Tfirkcr ami f'ogswell. He$i.lf.:it Physician ^ \)t. Moi-ria. Open (litily (8undaj-B cxccpteJ) from 12 to 2 o'clock, to thf nick poor of the city, Mkpical i^ociKTT OP NnvA-Sc'OTiA. — PrfsL, Tl. S. Bl.-^ck ; V. P"x. Hon. than. Tupppi- ami 1'". W. Morrift ; Trcox., W. J. Alninii ; Sfry, "iJiio. H. Sliiyter, l!s(|ra. Manivji.nj Cnniiniltre, \\. DrW, Fraser, (Jpo. Siiytlcr, K. V, IfunJinst, 'I'lio:^. B. I'rsUilBay, .fno. K, Forsytli W . 15. ; Webster, Le^yi8 Joliriatdn, (J. ,\. I''nri?'Ii, luiil W;n. l)a\ics, I'siirs. Honorary Members, Ja.i. F. Avei-y, M. !•., and Cha*. (.'ogswell, M. D., Halifax. MnMBEK7(. ; *Almon, W. J., M.» UrtliUx. ■ *Aitliei\ C. C. M.D I'irt.m. ! BlHck, K. 8., M.D., i..n.(.'. Trori). j Bond, Joi. U , M.O Vuriii' lill^, I *Carritt, K., L.R.( .s.E Ouvilxir i'. ' i Cri'cd, Chus., M.n.<.».L I'u^wn.-ih. ! *Creamer, .rm, M.D Aiifliat. , ' Cun'io,\Vm.(A8»t Siirg.R.N) Aiilii;oiii»li. > "Clark, Will, (}., II. I) Loinli'udcrrj-. ] ' Clii))inan, J. li., M.i) Clu'stiT. I *Deniiis()ii, Win., I..N.S Ni'W))i)rt. j *l)eiini»i>n, Jaint'i II., md N'-wpori. ■ ■ *l>e;\Viilf, .J. K., M !>., i..R.r.s.i:. . Hiirtnrili. | *L)i»vif;s, William, M.D llulirux. j ♦Kllimt, li'MVy, l,..\.S St .Mary's. | . A'iiiap>iiii. (junmalliit. , .Viitit.''^niK!i. ...Wall;i03. i'arisli, Uri'Kjri* .l.)s.,M.K.c.d.L. Viirni' uth. Fixott, 11. C, u.i)., M.K.c'.s.L Aricliat. yiifbes, Janii'R, m » Li\f;r|)i)ol. IVriuan, II. U., i. r.c s.b JI ilifn.x. *Kor(st, A., L R c'.i.B IhUif'AX. *F<.Tsyth, J. H., M.D., Ivliii. .. Jlrifl.'cl ■■xw. * Vox, John, A». !*ur. U.N . . L;)wcr llorlni *Fraiicis, Dunid, M.n PtinvincivC. Fra»er, B. Dt-W., M.i>.,i,.n.c.».K. NVindsur. Uilpiii. J Kernaril, ix.D^. (jt-'iMea, T. 0., i. .x.s IJarriaKfoii. *Humc, J. C, M D , M.K.c.s.L Haiif.ix. llardiiip, E. (<'., m d Wi !iU..r. Hamilton, C C, m.d ( •oriiwuUi*. Ueiid'TSon, J. U., m.d L iiidoiidcrry. Harrison, Win., n.d ilujqu xl ifioit. *Ilattif, K. (»., M.D (liiysl).)!!)'. *Juoobs, Godfrey, m.r.c.s.l. . .Luueubui'g. .Jffin*, .7. r,., i..i«..iiiiini;»i, Klff., M.D Halilav. *,I jl-.lintull, t>.-(i. M.,M.R C.S.L I'lcttiU. *,J>iliii»tf>ii, li-wiH, M u All>i )n Mine*. Ju(.'.ili», Ilfiiry K . u.\> Wi-yniDiilli. Lnur, Alt;\-., x n., M.ii.c.w.i Halifax. li';(iUp, R.Mhert, M.ii c.k.i Mar.^Vers. H .lines, m.d W. McDoiml.l, A., M i>. E l D \ViliM it. *i':iL"e, .M.-x. (J., M.II. C.S.I Hali;'nx. *r.irii'>r, U. .McN., M.D., i..n.(,'.,s k.. ll..!ir,A.v;. *F.!., m.d., St.Marn.trol'* Day. 'ShiyiT, .;. H , M D Halifax. *S lydvr, (iv)., i,.in .s.K Slicll.uriie. *St:'|)li<.'ii, II ibt.. M.D I)i.,'by. Jt-'vi'viuAii, Jos., M.D LuiienbiirT. "Tii|i;>>M-, H i.-i. C, .MD., i,.K.C.».K. ll.ilifas. *T'\|i|)f r, Niithan, m.d Aiidp.'rst. ♦Trcinniii, , .M.n Ilnlifax. ^ <:;iiii;lkirk, Iii;ilij, M D .^ylesf^r I. Webster, W. B., m i> Kentviiie *\V;'t'k's, Sanil. .M., md N' cup:. it *U'il^)::, Isriiirl K.lly. MD. . . .iiArri:2i;tMil. W.i'idb^-rry, Joii., m.d Wilinnt. *\Vurk», ileury, m.u Dartmoutli. * This mark indicates that the qualiflcations h»ve been rejistereJ at tha Provincial Secretar/'» Olflce, ajrt- eabljr lo law. LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES AND ACENCiES AT HALIFAX. The Stah Life .\ssruANCE Socikty of London. — rapital, XIOO.OOO sterling. Aijent, M. G. Blaok, jr. , Kaq., Ocor^-e tslreet. Intehxational Lifk Aaaua.i.voK Socikty or LoNno.x. — Capital, JCoOO,- i 000 Manai/er and Ajent, 1*. C. llili, Esq., H.-vliiUx Banlc Building. CoLO.MAL Life A9.suuaxck Comi-any of Kuinbcrg. — Capital, jGoOO,- ' 000. Ajtint and Secretary to the Bourd of Manutjemcnl at Halifax, \ Matthew H. Richey, Esq., -1.) Bedford-row. | ', ;•■ U')0. llent pooir . r's. , (!co, w. n. M. D., r WllVS. Ha\il«v. .I'iclnU. n Mines- vnioiilU- 'iti«i)»!i»- ii-iiwaUiN- , Wallaoa- .ll,»Vi(ftji. . . .Truro. NV.."ie. arol'* r>;»y- , ..lliiliras. isjlu'l' ...l)i:il'.T- ,unen5>uv':. K. llilifAX- .Aiiili'irst. i.IIrtlifaM- Ayleif-rl. |.Keiitviiie Arri-iet'jii. ..Wiliivit. rtmoutli. I Provincial il Is AND ],£500,- i li'iiiia;. 1, £')00,- {a I if ax, HOO.J ALMANACK. PnornssioNAi, L\rn AnsinAxcr. Tompany op London. — Capital, JtL;.');l,i»Oi). .Ijfiiis, .Mp«tsr9. Saiiil. Ot W. .M. storlinjt. JjenI, lloiiry Vpomans, Ms(i., 4H lU'ilfoni-mw. lllR AIkRi'Ii ant's ANl> TllAffllflMAN'S .Ml'MAI, LlKK AHSlHANf'h: iSoCIKTY or l-oNtioN. — Aijent, Ja:<. W. Jolinntun, jr., Ilsf]., \'l llullis .street. Pki.ica.n liiFK Asfli UANUK Co.Mt'A.NY OF Lo.vDo.v. — .ijvuty Will. \. Ilarc, 1>C|., L'|)|KT \Vntfi' Htroc't. CoNNKcriccr .MiTiAi, Lirr AsstRANTR roMi'ANY or IlAnrroRp, and 1!a(U.b Liic AssrUANC'u Comtany or liO.tuo.N. — .1,jcnl, Arch. Scott, Kst|., 30 Ueilfurd-row. liiFK .Dissociation or Scoti.anp. — Capital, £100,000 sterling. Scc'y, Win. Sutherlaii'i, V.ti\., 31 IJcdfurd-idw. IJritjsii AMr.RM'AN FRiKNni.v SociKTY OP Canaoa. — (For tliP .\c.siir- anci of Livex and llfaltii.) Capital, £100,000. Local Matui(;cr, Jus. W. lohntton, jr., Ks'i., -lli I folli* street, Ai.MA.NCK UniTK-i/I ANO FoHEKiN lilPB AM> FiRE iNfllRANCB COM- PANY ov London. — Ca])ital, £0,000,000 sterling. Jlt/'iity Hon. Wm. i'ounj;, iL'o GraMville alrcot. IloAAI, Fmn ANIt lilFK LNftlRAXCK CoMPANY OP LlVRRPOOI,, Cf. B. Cai>il»l, £2,000,000 etg. Agent, lluuh llartphorne, Fsq., 42 Ilollis At. TiiK LivKiu'ooi, AM) London Imre and Ltrii iNsrnANfK Cokpany, — Capital, £2,000,000 Blurling. .hjeat, J. C. Allison, FJsci., Clark's Wharf. Hai.ipa.x Fiiu: iNsruANrr. Compa.ny. — Capital, .Cf;0,000. Dircrtors, Jno. F^asun (Prrsiilrnt), Jno. (jihson (V. I'l-esitlcnt), Kobt. Noble, Thos. liolton, Kd\T. Piyor, Jno. W. Voiinjr, Ksqrs., and IFon. M. B. Almon. Ser'y and Trras., lliciiard Treniain, F]pc|., T)! Beilford-row. PiifEMX Fip.K Insiranck Co.mpany or Loxpo.v. — Jhjent, Wm. A. Hare, Esq., Upper W.-vter street. WAsiii.NCiTON CoixTY Mlti;ai. F'ire Insi-ranck Compaky. — Capital, $000,000. A:tent, E. G. EuUer, Esq., Hollifl street. (Capital, Jf'l ,000,000) ; Hartford ( Capit-il, $.'00,000) ; Pii(em.\ (Capital, $i)400,000), of Hartfjrd; and (Cajtital, Sfl,O(^),0()0), of New York — Fire Insurance Coinp.L Black and B. W. Salter, Es(|rs. Auditors, Wm. D. Hunter and Jno. Watt, Esqrs. Sec^y, Edw. Goudge, Ksq., Bedford-row. PiioviNCiAL Marine Lvsi'rance Company of Toronto, C. W. Capi- tal, £500,000. Af/cnt, Geo. C. Whidden, Esq., 7 Prince street. The [Initeo Statks MrrrAi. LArPA»i,E and Provipknt Ahsoci.^^ticn OT PitNNaYLVANiA. — Agent, Matthew H. Richey, Esq., Betlford-row. r,i 1,1 II i,i; s I'AitMiiU s IHOO. \i;\v York Mrrt'Al. M aiunk lN«itn\N(K <'umI'ANV. — Ajent, Ilt-my Sin Mitiai, Mmunk, :niil .Mi;u(^ntii.k Mm ai, MAniNr; In^i havcr Cd.Mi'AMKH Ok' Nkw \iii. \1cIavuii, H. IlHintl ninl T. 15. Holtiisay, M. I>., Ilstp-s. Sec'y and Tri'iisiirrr, ,Mr. K. K^vtcr. A(;i(icii,TiiiAL SuciKiT. — /'rrxl., A. I'iir(|iiliar."nii ; Virr.Pifsl.,Vi'm. Liiulor, I'ii^iiV.x. Srr'ii mid Treits., Mv. ,\. Kai'iinliarson, jr. 'I'lu sri:i:s Dahtmoi r.i Cum.mos. — Jonathan IlirKjtt, 1'. FarrcU, tunl Fi.iiicis .1. Hall, Ksiiis. 'I'm ?«Tn;i;H uy \\ .\r\:n Lots. — AIi'?*!'.". '!'. A. Ifyilf, Jno. Parker, iiml Tlit.5. SyiMitl. 'i'lusiKiis or Tin; Hi t.iai, (Jrolmd. — Riclnl. .Mci.carn, JonAtlian Ellint ' and Alex. .Iiirncs", K.i(ir«. TiirsiRi-fl 111 AcAiiRMv. — Xat. llnBsHl, K. IF. Lowe and I'anl KaiM-i'll, l',.'(|i's. Waudk.n?!.— T. ?». Dcsbri«.iy, M. !>., H. Elliot and T. Synott, Lrfip's. ('o.m:mi^siovi:b« of SruKrr^. — .7. Ui.>iif>)i, I'. Farrcll :ind .Ino. Parker. ()\i:iisrr,irtO(l 'Vniii an ' »iii[)i,:,t, tlic rulluwiii^' .sinrmlN aro sliKWii UHilcr Mic ^';l^l-AnIl ai* iTjioatM : I'di- u S(|U.ii'f ri'.'';r<'il v('>«.cl, tun lialls of a >.izo, (in' at tlio oiiti.T, (1n' utlit'c al tlir iiiiKT liallianl, (rluso up. A Sliip Mf Mai'ijiit', a lar;;(' h.ill al the cuil ul' the vai'il, wiiU u i?iuall oiu* at llic iiiiDM' liulliai'il. A Uv'ys, li .small Ijall ut the tml of the y;;r(l, ami a, luryw uiic uL tin' iiiiK't- iialliaril. A l»ri;:aiitiiM\ a crosn olniio up at the outci' h.illianl. Two or iiKJi'u !()., a ci' halt' lniisti-i!. A ScliDoucr, a. cinsi oluso ii[i ut lhi> iimer liiil!Ianl. All upfier yanl liaviiijr been ivMrd to the Siiip Stall", it will be used cx- clu8ivc'ly to lU'si^-iiate Sti'uiii N'c'^mIs, thus : Oin' bull K. or W.. a Stoarii \'('s.-;cl ropcativl in tliut tni;irtor. A siiiali ball out ami a lar^f un« in, a JJraiich I'acliet oi* lIiTchant Vcbscl. A larpo ball out 'lUil a smull one in, a Man-uf-War Stoaiuor, or lloval .Mail StcaiiKM". N 111 II I )(.•!•« will be indicated ixa directed fmin the lower yard. The lower yard is now iisod tbr sailing' vcs.sely only. AVhc'U tlio de^-ci'ip'ioii of vessel is ascertained from the Citadel, the fol- lowiiij; descriptive colore will be li(jisled at the ma.^l lioail : A Union Jack, a Fla;;- Ship. l)o. with a red I'endant over it, a two decker. Do. with a blue Peiid.nit over it, a Fiiuate. Do. with a blue and white IVndant over it, a Ship or Ijar(jue-ri;;';j;eil Sloop-of-War. Do. with a white PcMidant over it, a I'n'itr-vi^'cred Slnop-of-War. Do. with a red and white I'l'iidaiil ovrr it, a Schooueror Cntter-of-AVar. A white I'endant, with two blue crosses, a 'i'vaiisport, or a vessel f^ith troojjs on biiard, — if a ^lan-ul'-W ar. the Ciiioii under. A white I'endant, with a blue ball, a Steamer. — if a Man-of-War, the Union under. .V red l'"la;j; plercicd white, Ivoyal Mail Steam I'acket fi((ia Kii;.;larid. A blue and reil Fhio- crossed white, do. from I'ostoii. A white and blue Pendant, do. from St. .lohns, ^I'ewfoundlaud. A white and red reiidant, do. from llermuda. A blue Pendant, a Ship. A blue and white Pendant, a 15ari|iie. A red reivlant, a I'iri;.v. A I'ed and white IVmlant, a Britjantine. A white Pendant, a Sloop or Schooner. A blue and white Flag liorizontiillv ilivided, a Fui'tign or Xcutrul Fleet. A ■white and blue Pendant vcrtiiially divided, a Forei.i^u or Xeutrvil ]Maii-of-\Var. A blue Fla;j;, a Forci;:n or Neutral Merchantman. AVhen an Kncrlisli Packet arrives between FiVeninsr and ^Tornint Co., .1 bl)* I !Vi •''"J'ti'C a while star. i:«ifoii, Uuak ^ {."('., do., crossi'il wliito difiioiiaily. Will. I'l'V''!" >^- Hf.iii!, a hluc and white d( ., hliie iippmnost. Will. 1'. Hai.'iiltor. I'v: I'n., a ViIik', whito find lilucdo., lilne uppermost. ^Vm. A. ilan, ft li]nf> and ml do., oi'<.s«rd wliito, blue next the mast. Wni. I,a\Tson, » blue, v.liile and 1)1 ao do., blue next th? mast. JiCiij. Wior \ (.'0., a blue, rtnl and white clu'ckcred flaj. Il-jiiry VcoiiKins, a blue and -while flo., blue next the mast. (". 1>. Hunter ^ Co., a blue, white and red do., blue next the mast. Imiius vt Co., a blur, red and white, mcH.>ting at a poiut iu «eutre, blue next ihf niait, white at the omi. Alli«oii & Co., a blue Burgee. N- li. li: J. T. West, do., contre a white Btar. ma«t. Cuistoni Hr givinij relief to Insolvent Debtors, and fur taking ajfidnviis to hoi I to Bail, SaIuI. Artdiiljiild, Jiio. Wier, David B. Lynds, Jos. Dickson, Wm. Rutherford, Wm. Cnnipljell, Silas H. Crane, Fraa. R. Parker, Jas. F. iUmrliard and Wni. .MoKinnon, Fstirs. i^Jcneral SessiouH uf the Peaoe held at Truro on the second Tuesday of January. Justices of the Feace, David P. Crow (Ciistos), Thos. I. Brown. Jno. Wier, Wra. Rutherford, Saml. .Vrohibald (^hI), Silas II. Crane, Duncan Black, Alex. Kent, Juh. Moore, David ii. Lynds, Isaac Rayne, Fras. H. Pdikcr, J-iu. M. Spencer, Win. Catnpbell, Jos. M. Dickson, Don. Itofci*, Dav. Fulton, sen., Rubt. Fletcher, Kliakini Tupper (4th), Saml. Creelmnn (Cd), Isaac McCurdy, Jno. King, Jus. U. Vouill, Jan. D. Uliiir, Jno. Fulniore, A. I. .Vrchiliald, llobt. Hamilton, Jas. Dickson, Don. .McDonald, Danl. Morrison, Jais. Munro, S.iml. Uaugh, Matt. Creelman, Reiij. Tupper, Matt. McCurdy, Wm. McKim, Alex. D. .Mor- ri«cui, Wm. A. Dickey, Adain John>i;on, Wm. Faulkner, Wm. C. Futon, Jno. Smith, .\lox. Conkey, Jno. Carter, jr., C'-o. Readinjr, Jjis. Canipbvl!, c.o. I.nminird, J^l(^ Irvine, .'no. McK ly, J.i.". D. Put- man, Robt. J. Byers, lliijrh Dunl.ip, Fbeiiezer 1 niton. Sand. Logun, Archibald Pattereou, Jno. .MohdiL-r, Jos. Mclliy, 'ihos. .Melliy, ( hnn. (Jra'ifuo, Hector Ross, S,iml Rettie, Fras. Fe'phton, J:i». .V Crow, Jno. Vouill, Richd. Slade, Ezekiel Sibley, Fztkicl Rinks, Oco. S. Rutherford, n^SShi 80 i:i;l(iii:u s fa!:.mi;i; a [ISOU- COUNTV OF Cf;.MBi:iir.AXI). IHijh Sheriff, Jixnu's J. Ivin-v, F.-t[. iJrp. ct P(irrshoro\ Mr. Tlios. fv;rkj,:iti-ick, jr. C'oro/icrs, .Inc. Morse, AV-ii. W. iJcnt, 'I lins l*:i;i'o, Ch;i<. V>:u'ti, Jos. Cl.'irk, Jno. Saltcrs, Alliin Isavisuu, Tlius. V.'. Jackson iiiul H.cury A. Davi.lsoii, Es(ir,«. o ipriMiie Court lieM at Aniliorst on tlu' //;/;•(/ Tnosiliy o\' Jun'\ ami on thi> /// .s7 Tut's lay of Octobor. I'roHionotary ttvl Clerk /(>•• givine/ Relief to Insolvent DeMnrx, n>i'I for tnklng a/n.v. Klli.s, Siiiicon'Ii. lilair, Su'ph'^'n Ljilnui, Jno. iSrirloi'ii'k, 'riios. l-'iiiton, Jas. l'kMiun;;i_% Thos. S. Drlancy, Jno. M. CamphoU, Jas. Morrison, Jos. Fui:.iU, Silas ("lark, Jas. Vei)W (Ttli), Jno. Graham, Jas. McKay, Ilii'ih <'- win, Kobt. Lo^iin, Jas. A. Stojihens, D;inie! ('. Archibald, Matt. Saiulci^'iii, S mil. UoyJ, ninkiii No\vc.Mi:ii, KiJit. Ch ambers, Ilobt. Nelson ami \ i„'ytu)i, i>(jr.-. Clerk of /Ar Peace, Jos. Dickson, Kscp CtiUKT OK rRouATK. — Jiuhjc, Ebcnc2«M' p. Miiiini; liej^istrav, Jno. Bnrnyeat, Ksqrs. Registrar of Deeds, .-^as. K. IJlair, l„<(j. Di:i». PosTM '.sTCiis. — Truro, J. Smitii; Londonderry, Jas. rampboH; Taliimai/onrh'', J. McLctirn; Lnivr Sfciri{irk<\ Win. liolosworth; Upp.r Slewiacke, Juo. Cox, Fs!|?-s. ControUcr of Customs — Truro, Thos. M. Crcnv, V.Hq. ColTrs o/' Colonlul ami Lijht Dnlirs — Trvro, Thos. .M. Crow; T';//!///H///oM(v';r, Wni. (.'ampbell: I^oiido/idrmi, Alex. I). Morrison; Surveyors of Sliippi»<:, Wm. Cftrnpbell ami .Mr x. I). Morrison, K'^'irs. Si'izinij Olfircrs, >hiK). Wier iiml Harris Tiiinior, Ksip's. i\)miii'' rs to lin/ise Pilots for 'J'at'i//)(n/ourli(' and Poi'it Jindf, Jn(\ Millar. V.'ia. j'raser, Rnbt. (iOtian, Ifoury llobertsan'l Geo. Mattital, I'sqrs. llealili. C;; -r,-, Chns. l?('nt, M. D., Ksij. Bo.trd of Iletilth, Titlammji.urhe, ■i.'V. . .\f -rgiial!, .M. D., 11. Kirkwood, M. ]>., Hobt. Loo-an, ,Sand. Wauuh, Wm. iilackwood, Jno. Miller and (Jeo. Lomliard, i^-ips. Coniiu'ry. oj S,-It(i(ds {iwrepf for the JJiaxte'*. Mow Ji'.-"pli Forsyihe, Rev. Jas. Smith, ue\'. Jno. .MciiCin, Rev. Wm. McCuUoch, Rev. l)avid F'imock — Alex. D. .Morrison, S'lis il., bavi I V. Crov.', Jas. 1). IJaird, Henry AVier, Fra>;. U. I'arker, Alc\. Wylie niifl E!)en h. Ross, Es(irs. ; District of Stirlir,;/, !-!ev. !!oi)t. IViackwood — Jno. Bonnyman, Chas. McCurdy, Ri bt. liyers, Wm. .^b-ivay, Jno. Lockerijy, .Vrch. I'attersoii, David Williamson, Jno. Mcintosh, Rolit. [.osran, Jno. Irvine, Robv. Purvis and Jno. Mnnro, Fs(irs. Trus- tees of tlie ^^rir/emij. Rev. AVm. Mc' nl!o(di — Adams G. ArchilviM, D. H. LyiHiS, Saml. Creelmin. .!no. ivimc, '!'. M. Crow and Jo<. Crow, i'sip'S. T'rust:'es of School L'^mh — 'Townsiil;' of O'isloir, ,] \\n. !<■!■!.?. Jos. M. Dicks( n and Isiae .McCurdy: '/'oirnfhiji of T'ruro, Alex. K'i'iit and David Fatfe, r's(irs. Connti/ Trc:i:ii!rer, Thos. M. '.'row, lisq. Clerk of License, Mr. Saml. G. VV. Archibald. I>^pector of Pid^rl Fish, Mr. David Ro^'ers. Comnrrs of Strecis-^Tru. •,, Sand. Ardn- bald, Jas. Blair, Chas. B. Archibald iiud Wui. C. Smith, Fsr^rs. JJep. Land Surveyor, Wm. Faulkner, Fs.). 1 1 ■■■■i .S2 i3r:i,(iir,R s farmir s [lS(iO. COUNTV OF PICTOU. TTiijh ShcrijT, William 11. Harris, Kpq. Coroners, David Mattlipson, Kihv. lloaeii, VVm. II. llckrris, Wia. Couk, M. D., and Lewis Johiiiiton, M. I)., Ksiirs. 8ii)ireHic Court licld :it Tictou fint Tiies-lay of Jvine, n,nd Ihird 'rucsday of October. I'rothuuotary, Clerk of the Crown, Clerk of Ihe Peace, and Town Clerk, .las. Skiiinor, Ksq. Comni'rs for //ivini; relief' lo Inxulre/it Debtors, and for taking a {fi- dnvils lo hold to B lil, Jaa. Skiiiiifr, Abram I'atterson, (ico. (.'anipl)cll, Jas. I'rascr, Rol)t. Murray, D. Ilociiin, Jua. Cricliton, Ja.s. Murdoch, Itoilk. McKcuzie, Jas. I'riinnisf, Win. (xonlon, llobt. .Uoull, Henry li. Narraway, bun. Robort.son and llodk. McKonzie, Esqrs. General Sessions of tlie I'eace held at i^ictou on the first Tueaday of l''el)ruary tnnljirsl Tuesday of .July. Aotarus Falilic, the Barristers ot the Supreme Court, Jno. R. Noonan and S, Lourey i'urvcs, Kstirs. Jtislicrs of (he Fetter. — liobt. Molvay {Cur,to$), Abraham Patterson, Win. Matthe.sim, Jas. Carmichael, Jno. Oldinp;, Hon. Jno. Holmes, iven. McLean, Ja.s. l''r,iser, Robt. Murray, (Jco. Cain{)bell, L'eter Ros.-j, Alexander M(dvcnzie, Daul. Hockin, Jno. McKay, Cieo. Mcf-eud, Don. McDonild, Wm. Fraser, Adam Midvenzio, .las'. Skinner, Win. (Jor- don, Jas. D. 15. Fraser, Jas. I'rihuose, Jas. Purves, Don. Molirigor, An^'U.s Sutherland, Alex. Fraser, Neil Mclvay, Antiiony Smith, Jno. (irant, Neil Guun, Hui^u Mcl.ood, Andw. llol)ertHon, Jas. Murdoch, Jno. Mclsenzie, Alex. Fraser (N. G,), Jas. MoGrij^or, Wm. If. Davis, Jno. McP. Fraser, Jaa. Mcfjcan, Jno. Logan, Wm. Lanijcville, Geo. AFitcludl Jas. Grjiiit, (Jamea' son), Robt. Co[)cland, Wm. Smith, Jas. Henderson, Robt. Lowden, Ron. McDonald, Thos. Munro, Jno. McDonald (Donald's son), Murdock MjPherson, Sand. Cameron, Matt. Sproul, Alex. McKay, Jno. Mclieod, Geo. McDonald, Wm. Dunlmr, «onald, Dun. Jlolicrtsim, Jas. Fitzpatrick, Jno. iioss, Alex. Chisholm, Alex. Mcintosh, Wm. McKenzie, Don. Fraser, Jas. Wentworth and Jno. McKenzie, I{!s(jV3. CoriiT OF PuouATK. — Judge, Jaa. F'ogo; Rfjistrnr, Danl. Dickson, Es(irs. liiyisirnr of Dee Is, Jno. Fer2;uson, Ks(i. Dcp. Fostmr.'strrs — PiV/o?/, Alex. P. Riiss; .Mif-G'/f/V'^fr, Jas. Fraser, jr. ; Durham, A. Camei'tm; jV.hion .Mines, H. McKenzie; River John, Adams Archibald; West River ,\S' . Munro, Ks'irs. Controller if Customs and J\''!. IROO.l ALMAXAfK. sn Supfirinicndoit of Streets, — Pir.lou^ Mix (iorrlnn. Cumm''r,% of Srhooh—Ahrth Dist., Rev. ('lia.s. Klliott, Rev. .las, JJayno, Rev. A. W. Ili?ri1imn, Re^-. .Mii!>l>K-k Sutlioil.Tiirl. Rrv. Aivlw. .MeAnhur — f;i^.<'ricli- tdti fiii'l Win. (loi'ildn. J:8i|rs. ; Smilh JJis., \[f>\. .Inn. Stewart, Rev. A. .Mo(,iilvray, Rev. DavM Roy, Rev. Allan hill.x-k, Rev. II. DeRlui?, Rev. .la?. M.nir, iirv. I). I'.. Blair — Ja". Cannifliael, .Inn Mclvay, and .Ino, ("ani)il>ell, Ksnrs. Trufires of Publir Proprrtij, .las. Crii'litnii, (leo. (aniplioll fin.! .Irio. Yfirslon, Ksiji-h. Ajeai for Lhn/i/s, .ia.s. I)av,-.-;ni]. lIock'Mi, .las. Foji'd, jr., .Jas. Cric'liton, Rubt. Dnull, .Ino. T. Ivcs and Rfidk. McKonzio; .X('ii'-(U!!r,/oii\ .las. W. ('armichnel, R'ulk. .Mc(Jr<>;j:or, (ieo. .McKcnzie, Alex. Kr.a«pr, Piodk. .Mc(ii-«!s;ov, J. \V. ('arTHii'kael and 'I'liuii. Fraser, Fsijv.s. Hcallli Ojjirer^ VAw. F. . B. Fraser, i)3inl. Hockin, Ruht. \\ (irant, Roht. Dijuli and \\m. II. Davies, Fj(im. Siipervi);ors of Public Gronnls, .\dain (lurdnH, Danl. McLeod, and .\lox. Murdosli, Ks<|r)s. Trustees of Pti/jlir Property, .Inn. Yurnton, Jas. ("ri;;htdfi aad (Jeo. ('ariijiheli, Fsqi's. lio.ird of Health, Piclou Township — Alex. Thompj-dn, Henry R. Xarr.iway, Cico. (ilennic, .lag. S. liorrain, Jas. l\es, ,lno. Feignsdn and J.-if^. .MurducU, .Fs»irs. Comm'r of Court House, W. if, Harris, J]«q. Fire Ethjine Compmy. — Tap. lve.s {Captiiin), Pnn. Mnnro {\st Lt ), Henry Sterns ("J/i^/ /./.), 1st section; Walter Tanner {\st Lt.), Riohd. Tainicr Cl:i'! U,), I'ml scotinri. Fire Knjinv Men, Rictid. Tanner, Hector McMillan, AmU-rson Henderson, .\lox. Cameron, Jos. .McNau;ilit, Jno. ILiriis, .\lcx. .MoKiniinic, Munroe, .Ino. Rose, .Ino. RilsscH, Jno. Baillie, (Jordan Kerr, Jnd. Mtd.)onald. CorneliuH Dwyer, .Ino. A. DiVTBon, (ieo. Fi.-tlier, Colin Mcl\enzie,Tlids. G. Anderson, .las. McLaren, Win. .M.^Laren, Thus. .Men^her, I^avid .Vdiinisdn, Don. >rnnro, jr., and Ucnrv f-ov.'den. jlxp Fire Compitn; — Jas. l*. McLennan {Captain), Jno. Ferirnson. Ad.ani M'Keiiu, Chas. Wilson and M. Mid>oriald. !p- erintendevt \ Miles C. (ieMert. Jispertir oi' Pickled F^sk, Mr. Wm. Walker. County Treasurer. Mr. Robt. DoiiU. Pictuu JPdxUiary lii.'ile Socie'y. — Prcxt., R*r. Clias. Elliot. Sec'y, Rev. Jas. B'^rne. Tre -surer and Depositary, •Jxf. l)nv,>n)Xi,Viic\. Pic- lou Iras Company. — Prest.,\\' m. H. I'avics ; Scc'y, J. H. Noonan, FB((r6. Diifctors, Jas. Tves, Jas. Purvis, I). Iluckiii, Jno. Vorston and Pidon .'h/riruliin at. Society. — Prtst., David J. I>. B. Frawer, K .Matl Sec' leson ; 8((r;H. l^'ice-Prest., (i. M. JfakustoH; Treasurer, Saml. 'J'aylwr W. If. Harris, FBi^rs I'icToi; CuRMS-n Ci.rn. — Pjtron, flobt. McKay, Fsq. Patroness, ^frs. Blmieliard. Pres!., A. T. l'atler»ion; ricc-Prcsf., Robt. Doull, i;s((rs. Repmsentatives, liobt. B.^Tk,jr., avid Robt. DmuI!, Fsurs. Chaplain, lUv. Jaa. Biyue. Treasnrcr,,\ ft. Nouuan: .Vec'i,/, .Iho. A. Dawsoa, V.ii'\v\i. Comniitlre of' .\t i najenieol , .lasi. R. N..»;.nan, A. HenlersdU and (leo. Donll, Ksip-s. Honorary .\Ienii)ers, R. MoKay, (.Jeo. McKcuzieand Ki/, (Jon. Mui-ray, m. i>., l''s(jV8. C'oininilh'c of .Af(i./iin/cnic.fil, Tims. ( Jrahaiii, 'I'Ikw. Frasfr, David J'. McOmroi- ;iiiil Gen. M^'Kay, KmjVs. IlDiiornnj .Mcin/jers, Geo. ,Mc- Koiizic, .l;is. Ht'iiilersuii aii'l .U.'t1'.'ry .McGnll, Kh(jis. Ni:\v Gai.kdoma ("iim.incj Cmb. — Pilroii, M. M'-[Miorson, K.'sq, Piesl., Jas. I'riniroso; Vice-Prcsl., .las. [ves, I'sip's. ll'-prcsi'/ihilirfs, .las. Ives and , l!s(jrs. Treasurer, 'W. N. Hiidoh'; Sec'y, I If. I'riinrose, K'si|r.s. Co/ii inilUt: of MaiUKjemciil , 'J'lio.s. Meagher, Jai>. M. Ross and .). \V. MclMiersoii, Fs(|rs. Jlijeaifor the Bank of JVova-Scolia, Jas. Primrose, Esq. WESTERN CIRCUIT. COUNTY OF HANTS. Hi(jh Sheriff, Joseph Allison, Ksq Coroners, .Tno. A. Jenkins, Ar- thur McN. Coijhran and Hand. i). Urown, m. d., Fs(irs. iSupremc Gonrt held at Windsor, firsi Tii;js lay ut' June, and third Tuesday of October. Frolho/iotary, Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace, E. F. Ilanling, m. d., Es(i. Ci).'n:n''rsfor ijiviiKj Relief to Insnlvcnt Dchtors, and for taking Affi- davits to hold to Bail, E, F. Hardiuii;, M. i»., Hon. R. A. McHoffi y, Jacob Withrow, Elkanah V(uin;j;, Jas. Sangwter, Juo. Oils King, Juo. M. Suiith and David Frieze, Esijrs. General Sessions of the Peace held at Windsor, on the first Tuesday of October. Justices of tlic Peace. — Hon. Richard A. Mcllelloy {Custom), Cuvry, llichavd Smith, Juo. Allison, lU'ujni. Sniitli, Jno. Otis Kin^-, Eras. l*arkoi', Wni. Mundurd, Sauil. I'aliuor, J. M. Smith, Arthur McX. Coelirau, Geo. McKay, Jas. Allison, Edw. .Muii)!)y, Jos. J. Blackburn, A. MclMiee, Geo. Armstronjjc, Jas. Salter, Jacob Withrow, David Ereize, Jno. McDou^all, Alex. Thompson, ("has. Li. Bowman, David Scott, lionj. Wilson, Ghas. Smith, Edw. McLatchy, IC. K. S. Butler, Eikanah Young, Jas. J. O'Brien, Jos. Madill, .los. Keating, Jno. S. Jirennan, Abel Tom- lius.'U, Jno. Lockhart, Geo. Harvey, Arch. Smith jr., Jos. {{ickards, Con- stant Church, Jno. Manning, Jno. Sunth, Jas. Wardrop, Wm. U. Wal- lace, Stephen C. Card, Wm. Chambers, Jus. Cccliran, Nat. Smith, Jno. Jiurgess, Jas. Withrow, Eutnam, Jas. (.', AVm. McDougall, Stephen Graliam, Isaac Douglas, Geo. Smith, («eo. Densniore, Danl. Terhunc, Geo. I'ai'ker, Ts-i ic Lake, .!:is. (iru'Mo, Etol)t. Allison, Geo. Wolaver, Lewis J. Eayzant, .VHisipU Sniitli, IJcunett Smith, Wm. Dimock, S;ind. Caldwell, Theodore S. llaviln;.';, G*. !tViy P. I'ayzant, Danl. Coch- ran, Israel Sant'ord, NEich. B. Saltci', Nicli. .Moser, Isaiah Dimock, Shubael B. Parker, Thos. S.nfurd, Jas. M. ![;ggius, Jno. M. ^LComber, IJenjm. Marstcrs, Jno. Dinaiok, iJoijm. B'ois, tVm. C. ("asey, Josiah Custance, Jno. Palmer, Jno. Brown, Jas. Koynulds, G. J>. SaiuUbrd, Isaac Suiith and Wui. Lawreucc, Es(jrs. CoLKT OP PuoBATK. — .Tudj/e, IJu'ry King; Ri\c:islrar, Perez M. Cun- ninghaui, Esqrs. Rejistrar of Denh, .fas. O'lirien, J'^sq. Controller of Cw^to/its anil A'^avii/atinn Lairs, llegin.ild B. Portei-, I'lsip CoWrsof Colonial and Light .Duiiea — IVi/ilsor, Reginald B. L'orter; llantspurt^ -L-.V,,; < p 18G0.] -J- ' - ■ ■ .J W ALMANACK. 8.5 N. T. Harris; Maiihind, AiMm Pu.y; Walton, ('has. R. Allison, 7:sr,rs. S'lrvcynrsof Shii>piif/, 11. U. I'ofttT, (\ H V'luii hii-ki'V, I'lsin's. Ti'/c. IViiilrrs and Sriziutj OlJircrs, Mi'ss!'?:. Al ... D. Wjii'lik-ii, Win. T. II:u-ri.s mill Jno. Htirliiijj;. Dipnlij Po.^lmiialvrs — JJ'i-idsnr, l*ot(>r |}iiriihun ; Sliulirintrwlip, .Iiio. Lynch ; AVtrpnrt, .Inn. V. Cdclivari ; Jfaiilspurf, N. T. ll:inis ; Miill.lnd, \Aa\\\ Ki.y ; Ji'^t/lo'i, Chns. II. .Ulisoii, l''i(jvs. CuiUDi'rs (if Slrcrls — n'i.Vi.s*')?-, Sanil. Calilwoll, I'eti'i- S. Hurnhiiin, Jas. ricMert, au'l Jos. Rickai-ds, Ks(|rs. (.'';/«/»'/''? o/' Srlii.ol.i—irt'stfvu Dist., Rev. .Inn. L. Munlocli, K;>v. Thos. Walsh, Rev. Thos. Maynird, Rev. Win. I5iii-ton~//o//. R. A. Mdleiroy, K. \\ llar.l- inir, M. i»., Wni. \. Bonncct, O'lJricn and David P. Allison, i:si|vs. J)is!. of Diim^Lis (tnd R:iio{oii, Rev. ('has. Rmvniati — .Ino. .Mcl'uuLrall, Wni. O'Urien, Arthur .\r. Cot'liran, .fjis A. Scolt, .laoolj \Vithrow, Adam ])icl'p. Land Snrvi'uor, Renjin. Smith, Ksq. Ui'ullh Oijlrcr, RiMijni. DoW. i'rascr, ,m. d. , I'lsq. ^ivon Bridi/r Conipa/nj — Directors, R. DeW. Fraser, af. d. ( I'vpsidcnt), Ronjiii. De- wolf and Hon. L. M. WilUins, Ksr|rs. Sl- son, Jas. J]aton, Amos Shetlield, Benjm. Rockwell, (i. D. Woodworth, Thos. Cox, Kbenezer Biyclow, Riclul. W. Kidston, Jas. (Iritiin, Jno. H. m nr.\.( \IV.K S FAriMTR 9 lL^oO. Cox, Wm. ]{. \\>l)^trr. m. n., Tirinin .Mirmr, .Ins. T. iMvi'lson, Trn?!. Wnlkpr, .Ino. .Ifidiueffi, lr*il llrnj.imin, Ilii«sfll ( al'lwcU, Tims, liftrsrin David Skiiinffr, .Ins. L. AniiRli'un,», Le\i W. [^atun, .liio. KLshrr, l.lirjH (.'.'ilk in, .l«.('(>b liOckliart, .Inn. (iirnn, Clin?. Kuton, W inckworlh ( iiipmnn, .'\l)rali:irn .NeTrcomh, Zrliuion Xci'.r, Sylivncliinl ; Rei/iilrar, Geo. A. IJarnaijy, l';s(jrs. Rr-i/ialrar of Dftds, 'I'lios. U. Cjiinpliell, K-q. Sar- veyor of Shipping, Iviw. I.ookwuofl, Ksii. CW/ '/'J o/" Colonial and Lijht Dulies — Cunning, Kdw. liockwood; Lower Ilorlon, .los. Cmn*; Canadij Creek, Corueliuii (J. liawdinjr; /](ty Shore ll'«st of HaU'u Harlior, jQo.CiiTan; FretiefiCross, .Ino. 'Jrpiw, K8t|r«. Se.izinyO(flccrs, .Me«sr«. Abraham O^ilry, !«»»• lUuiiltou, W. H. l.ovttt and .Ihu. Givaa. Dtp. Poalnuiilerx — ICenlviile, Jno. V. HutLihinson ; Caaniiuj, .Inc. H.ti-den; Lower Ilorlon, .\ no. W. lUnsi^rir; Wolfviilc, (i«o. V. lland; AyUsford, W. Wwt, ; Berwic/c, J. N. I'arker, KB.irs. Cemri'rs of Schools, Wiu. H. ('liipinftB, C. W. II. Harris, llujrli L. Dickey, Nath.TH 'flipper, Wm. .Millar, Caleb K. iJill, CIi-isi. C. Huinilcon, m. d., IMw. L. IJi'jwn, M. v., Jas. I.CMd, Wiuckwurtli Cliipman, Geo. Fisher, Thos. FarwHwortii, AHd>v. IJorden, (ico. A. IJarnaby, .Jon. lionlea, m. n., Holnieri Marttivu, a. \>., Kdw. Morcn, .las. K. Hand, Kzckiel Whoelook and Ansel T. Bukor, Ksqri. Clerk, d'hoai. Win. Harris, Kaq. Trvsiees ICentville Graninuir Srhcol, Jati. J]. l>e\volf and Thoa. Lydiard l-^sqrs. Di'p. Land Surveyor, K. K. AvmstroHj:;, i"„sq. Hrc.llh 0{iicers, Wm. 15. Webster, u. i.>., and Harris D. .McLatcliy, w. d., i;K«»l.anroy, Wm. IIarri«!, Hen- ry ViOii^ncr, liftviil ('. Lamlors, I'otcr UtiriiiPtt, llnmllor Stiirritt, I'.ilvr. liivton, Wrsttui Hall, 'reimis IJdjjift, .)a,s. (Iray, ])anl. Ni.'lmll.^, ^iio, Ross, >VaUer Willott, .lii'i. Mills, .las. IVittfi-, Mdses Sliaw, lleos Stronacli, Tlios. ('. Wliccloi-k, Kri Wollon, Jiilwanl Fitz liamlolpli, Walter IlickcMxm, Miner Tiqij.T, Jos. WlicoliK'k, ilolit. II. I5atli, .Inn. I'. 15atli, lliilit. I'arker, linht. Mills, I'd., .Ihk. Koimpily, Anlreas Udliaker, .las. Uali'dinl), .Ino. Wilson, I'ctci- MiiMlenias, Aithur Uoil»:f, .lool IJanks, Saiiil. l{.vk'(iiiili, .lordaii Mcrspuf^er, Aiuhv. IloiidorisDn, Uenaiah Spinney, Jas. Poyntz, .\nilir(i,se IJcnt, .liio. (irinies, Wni. ('. Uliiini;in, Miutiii dates, (has. Spuir, Elias IJent, Felix McNeil, Avard Lonj^ley, (Ji-anville Roid, Weslif-C'(//? /o;it(/, Walter Willett and Kobt. Mills, F'sqrs. Dep. Postmasters — Annapolis, Thos. D. Hcud«raon ; B ridi/etoiv UfTlioi. Spurr; Clemeyits-port, yioaoi Shavy; Lnu-rencetoivn, Juo. W. James ; Wilinol, Jas. A. (Jibbuu, Fsqrs. Deputy Land Sur- veyor, Alex. Cin,uip'nell, Fsq. Trustees Annapolis Academy, liev. J. J Ritchie — Thos. A. (Javaza and K. Cowling, F3()r». Trustees of Schools — Bridgetown, ^y. II. Hoyt, Jno. McCormick and Jas. I'oyntx, Esqrs. Supervisors of Annapolis Town Jfarsh, iidd, llnht. Slcplicii-', M. i»., and lldw. II. OuUt'S, l:8(|rs. [■Mipi'unu; Coiiil hold at i)ij;l>y on the 'I'uL'.sday after tlie /'w»/7/i 'I'uoslay of .hinc, and last Tuo.'sday of Sei)t(Mn!ier. Frofltonotunj, Clerk uf the Croicti au'l Cleric of the Peaee, llcnvy Stewart, |]s((. Ci>:)iiii'rf;fi)ri/ii'iii(/ Relifj' In lusol ])elitors. itnd for Inking Alji- 'Itivils to hold to liiiil, Henry Stewart, Jnu. Koljiuson, ('has. iiudd, and Edw. Ilcjian, I'^sip's. (jieneral Se.ssii,'ns of the Pe.'ice held at ("larc cm the last Tuesday uf Ai)ril, and at J^iuiiiy on the /irs/ Tnesday of Noveniher. Justices of the Feiiee. — ('has. Hndd {(^itstos), Jno. Robinson, Colin Canipliell, Klislia I'ayson, Sand. iHr.tcctte, IJonjin. I'otter, Jno. \\ iird, Jno. JMc.Veil, l''redk. A. lloliiehau, .las. Harris, ildw. lle;j;an, Hun, Ansehn I'', ("onieau, Stephen Payson, Kdw. A. .lones, Rol)t. .lourney, .lones Moreliiiuse, ( harlt(,n Sal)a<'n, Tims. O'llrien, Jos. Hancroft, lloUand K. Payson, Kdw. M. Marsliall, Wni. \i. K.ent, Kdw. Ilard- wit.'ke, .Ino. I'dilridj^e, I»enj. II. ivn!X,:iies, Koss. ('. (.'. Fanning, Saliine Savary, Jno. Hojjian, Fras. IJinirneuf, Win. Saunders, riauoldin McKay, Alex. Ilardwiek, Kdw. Kvcritt, .Inn. i'akin, Nathan Tu|iper, Jvlw. K. Tiinpaiiy, Rol)t. Ilankerson, Arteiiius O'Dell. Rasil Rol)ichau, llueben Perry, Ira Kayniond, l?(iiuiveiiture llul)ii.h in. Sterns Jones, .Ino. Donne- L!;;i!i. Crorkei', Win. .Midvay, Kdw. II. Oakes, .lueol) Dakin, jr., (jeo. Ileudersuii, Ihivid llice. Win. F. ^Nlarshall, Geo, Co.'-sahooni, (ieu. 15. Potter, Uavid Welch, Patk. Nuwl.m, Jas. Stewart, Kewis L. B<)ur(|ne, Jno. P). Mel.-inson, .Mtitnrin Roliichau, .Ino. V. Purdy, Win. A3'inar, Win. P. Potter, Ivlw. Haines, Lazarus Mallett, Geo. Ta'ylor, Patk. Mac,'/«•.';, Pxitsfurd Viet, Es(j. CoWrs of Colo- niiil and. Light Duties — Dii/hy, I5otsfor(l Vict; A'eio Edinburgh, Henry I). Iliifr^ilos ; Wexfport, Px'iijtn. II. Riiirgles ; CIvirrh Point, Ambrose Bourneuf; Weymo-ith, H. IX llugjjlos ; Sand;/ Cove, (.'alviii (fidney, I.' t...--..-. .". /i(^; \i.. ii ' i> 1 t' „ .• c". • .- .". J'>(|fs. Seizing Ofb-er, Icnry I). Ru;.>•/. o/' r/, //•(', !lcv. I''. I,. Mil 1. It'll, I{cv. W;n. M^'Fam !— Knis. 15. urni'ii!'. I'.ni.^:!!. UfUcvoau, Cliin. M. I!iiyiii'iii,l, 1im K^wnniii sm I Tim. S;illiv;iii, I.'s.|rs. 'Triislt'iis (if Srhni)/.!, .Inn. K. N'fits nnil i]. It. Hakr^, llyiirH. Comiu'r^ ()•' S'rects, J H. Wiirriiistiiii, Au.s^ n Ailu'in jiiil (Jy i. !l:n.illir L.i i !s, \'A\v. K. Tiiii|.!iii;-, i;. I{. OuKi'S mil .Inn. ili'iinott, I,M|I's. Dii. L ml Sr.r inj'>i\ .Mjilu'i.'s .Jmu's, l's(|. U'ultk (['Jirer, liu'^t. Stt.'jiliL'ti, n. v., V.uu iaspeilur of Pick Ud Fish, Mr. D. Ui^lry. SHO:?E CIRCUST. COI'NTV <):■' HNi:X!5l IKi. Ifi:/Ji .S7i fj /•///', -T 111 in II. Kinlli.'ick, !>i|. Curnncr-i, /Ac/.. Inc. ("riiirli- ton, (ico. 'riiriidd , |);iiiitl l)iiiiii(.'k, Aivini 7Ut rno, (-'lia>^. (ir.-iy, m. u.,.Iuu. II. .I.'niiieson, .m. n., uud U lu. A. ('. KunlnU, m. d., Jisiiis. Siipromo (.'uiirt IieM :it LiincnliiirL» uii tlio fuiirlh Tiiobilay i.f A]irll, Mii'l Lkinl. Tiiesiliiy of Octul.mi'. I'ruHiunolinj and Clvrk of the Crvict, iloiiry I'nist, I's(| CtJiii in' IS for (/ivioi/ rrlirj" to Iii'^nhti'J Dr';'ur^, and for tifki::^,- n(}i liiviti lo hold to Bail, Wm. Kuss, Jm.. lltvkmau, lloiiry llnist, i),ii.l. I'iiiidck mill .Ji>(i. Ilarh-y, i'.'.-tii-^. ( S('!-sioiis of tiiu Toace IieM iit liiiii. iilnii^ on tlie si-rarid 'rii('^il:iy of .lunuai'V. Jiislircs of Ihc P"iire. — Jno. Ifocktunii {C'uslos), Jianicl DiiiKK-k, Mntin llcimcliorry, ll^nry I^^Il^t, Win. Ilnas, llrnry S. ,!(i.-t, Ki.lit. I>i'c'iiiiicr, ( iift:^, ( liiueii, Ilonry liiuloy, (leu. Kauilmrk, V>'. V. .'vii- iliLMv.'^, .Mdi'tiin Wlirf'ioe-k, Jno. Ivcly, Lemuel W. Drew, IJoiijm. Rciii- Irirt, Nlrluilas U'dl', 15i.>iijin. ra',L'.;', \Vm. Riiniiisnii, iUMijin. /wicker, < It'o.,'ph r. Miller, (ieo. ilieliar'lx'ii, In'nj. W. ('. MiMiniii!.';, 'I'hd.y. K. Cra^-'i;, .la.s. 1). Seliji', fiOwi.s Knant, lliliv. MniM-aii, (i.'n. Mi!l«, Daviil I'ranikl, i'eter ("oi'knm, Win. Vrvw, Nelson ('i^.-lty, llnl.t. Smit, Jo:-'. Iv'idoU", (ion. An'lor.son, /'///,:,'•, Hugh ]\[. Moylc, K;-i|. CnU'rs of Colonittl ttml Lf/ht J)iilii\-. — f^nm itlmrj, Hugh ls[. Moyle ; Briili/eicatcr, Jno. Ilarhy : Ch'^^icr, ('lias, i.m'iily, Ki^ijis. Ilercni'r Offirrr, Lt ILivp, Joshua ( >vncr. Siiziin/Ojliccrs, iJanlcl (^)uon, Wm. IJates, Wni. (ioidert anil David Jas. Lantz, I'sijis. Ilrallh Ol/ircr, AVni. A. C. Randall. Ksi.. ("o,';//(\s v, Heiii'v [i. ( hven, iU ClKO- ]■]. Cossniaii, !lev. Wm. l'\i\\\ Rev. .)os. Hart, l!ev. I'liilii) M. Huldoii — Jno. ilockman and Wm. !! <ev, Chat J. SI irevo r.i. Rol)ert.-50ii, VAw. He Uev. il:o km, in Ji; a'r'j;, l^'ijrs. ; CIn 1». Riiddle, Rev!. J. ('. llmd- -te".Vi;i t, Ri'hi. SmMl 1 an 1 ( leo. {HJ BRLCIIKIl S PAItMKK S [i.^'.;o. Rioh-vnNon, Fviri*. Tnt%lri>^ o,'' School Lnr h, lion. Jno. CreiRhton, Henry ll.^ilcy anil .lji«. D. Selig, J>qr.««. /J'';*. Puitvinslerx — Luufiburj, A. M. Iviulilir; Chrst^r, Anms I,(.y«tt ; Mihnnf Iliy, I.rwi^ Knaiit ; Ilridjruuilfi, Aan/U Mornc, I'jKirs. ('nnnn'rs of St)»Tlx — /.u-'fnfirin/, Koht. l/mil»ay, Adolphiis (i)U'ti an 1 Jno. Myra ; Ch^xlrr, .Ittn. I!>n y. Ainoi I-nvott' find IMw. P.ntlor; M:ihoric Buy, Jan. iMinrvn, Wrn. Koly ani Daviil Vienot; liri /:jeit'tilcr, llol,f. \Vo»t, Kcubeii (inniiipr and Smnl. Cunhion, riif,r!i. Innjn-rtor o/' Pirklcl /■"/s/i. Mr. CaspT Mctzler. Truxiefa Ln Jfne Coinmon,' ^^Umv*. Jno. Iliminelinan, and .Martin Sprrry. Truitfrs OtkUtnd Cuminnn, MnliDiie Hay, .Mi'surs. Adam Lantz, dco. Kisenliaiir, IVf Ik. DrnBt and John Hyauu. Tntufffs Ltinen- hunj Common, Jno. Ilecknian, Jiicnh IJochnr, IVtcr I-an,i;illr, i.i.%. Daiiphiny, Matt. Ilrnst, Wni. lui»s au 1 Amlw. Uodeiilicuer. l)rp. Lnnd Survfyor, .Mr. Jno. Lawson. Cmiuty Tr«a»nrti , AdolpliUi (.iu«ts, L»i[. Citric of Lictntv, Matt. Lrust, I.kj. COUNTY OF QUEENS. Ilii/h Shfiriff", JoliB W. Saott, Eaq. Coronert, Fraeman Tvipp«r, Hnd Jaa. Forbea, M. I)., Eisqr». Supreme Court lield at Ll\erpool o« the Tuefiday after the fourth Tuoiidfty of .Vpril auJ tfronl Tuesday of Ootobcr. Prothoiwtury and Clerk of the Crown, Jno. Ildp^r, Esq. Cojnm'n for i/iving relief to Intolvnt Dehtort, and for taking nffidavitt to hold to Hail, Hon. Jio. ramphell, Roht. Robprls, Ja>. R,ar.«, Jno. Car ten, Jag. F. More, Caleb Se'jly, Thoa. U. Tatillo and Jno. Kd^.tr, J-.'B()rB. General Seaeiona of the Peace held at Liverpool on tht terond Tnea- day of January. Jusliret of the Peace, Freeman Tapper (Cutfos), J»b. Barsa, Hon. Jno. Campbell, Whitman Freeman, Caleb Stcly, Jno, L. Darrow, .Andw. Cowie, Jas 1'. More, Richd. Carder, Wm. McCdl, Edw. Vanliorn, Zohetli Freeman, .^m. iJexter, Ceo. NIoLeod, Eklred Cohoon, Robt. Dolliver, Btephen Mack, liCwia Smith, Zcnaa Watennan, David Fretman, Sylvanua Morton, Chaa. W. Foster, Jan. Mulhall, Goo. FayuJint, Robt. Pboberta, Israel Hendry, Nat. Freeman, Jno. Curtcn, Joshua N. Freeman, Jaa. DeWolf, Jno. ShiriJf, Geo. S. Parker, Cha«. Alliaon, jr., Jno. lionfilar, Luther Ledbetter, Enoch Stedman, Jno. Mulhall, Edw. McLcod, Geo. P. Chriatophcr, Allan T. Freeman, Law. N. Youne, Jno. D. Mack, Saml. T. N. Scllon, Thos. Flynn, Saml. Freeman, Stephen C. Tupper, Jno. 11*11 and Goo. Mack, Eaqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Wm. Bryden, E«q. Coi'iiT or PuonATi: Judge, Clias. Morse; Reijiitrar, Henry W. Smith, Esqra. Controller of Cuilomt and J\''avigniion L'livs, and Rc/r of Shipping, Jno. H. Freeman, E-^q. Surveyor of Shipping, Tide IVaiter and Searcher, Wm. Bryden, I-'sq. ColVrt of Colonial and Light Duties, Liverpool, Jno. U. Freeman ; Port Midway, Joa. J. Let«on, Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, .'no. Cartcn, Eicj. Comm'rs of Streets — Liverpool, Jno. Cavten, W'. Cowie and Jno. CroArell ; Port Medway Town, Geo. Manthorn and Wm. ^fortimer; Milton, Zolietb Freeman, Nathan Ellis, Jas. Ford, aud Abner Iliiiluw, E^qrs. Conim'rs of Schools, Rov. E. B. Niciiuls, Rov. Joim S. Addy, Rev. A. Mnrte'll, Rev. Philip M. Holden, Rev. J ah. Mehin, — Zenas Smith and Edw. Chriatopher, Esqrs. Trustee of Public Property, Hoii. Jno. Campbell. IHOO.] ALMANACK. l^ Dip. Pii^tmattfrt — Liverpool, TIioii. P. f»lkin ; Mill I'ilitfjr, L. > Voiiii>; ; Port Alelicnj, M. (\ih(i.»n, Kaijrs. I'lunm'rs ftir reiDot- ini; Hivfr obttrnclionx — /^ityr/)oo/, Whitiiimi Krfoimin, Saiii'l. rrermati, •eiir., ("has. Ilarluw, Sylvanus Morton ami Nftthau Tvippor; Port Mel- V'liy, I'Aw. I)\vi^((ti, Jiio. Norrii ixwl Jvlwiu S»?ely, r.t()r«. Intpfrtnr of Pickled Fi.^h, Mr. I'atrick Clough. Ufp. Lund Survryor, WhUm»tt rrcciuan, Kiq. corNTV or siikmu'rxe. Iliiyh Shfriff, Anlrew Htrolnj, Kiq. ('oronrr$, Isrurl K. "SYilsoB, M. v., Wm. J. Bell, Jno. W. Homer, Uubt. .Mclntoih and Jbo. J. Schrape, y. I)., Kaqri. Suprenje Court heM at Uarrinpton on thr teroml Tiieiday after the four Ik Tucsilivy of April, and at .Siielburne on th« second Tuoaday after tlie last Tue»»d*y of September. Prothonutary and Clerk of ike Crown, Jno. Tottie, Knq. JS^jturies Public, the Barriatem of the Siipr«m« Court, aud X*rxea Z. Cliipmau, V.Hi\. CoinnCrtfor givinij Ri'liofto Iisnlvent Dehtort, and for inkinij Atji- ditvUs to hold to liiiil, CorueliujiWhito, .I(niAh(\ifiin, (Jilbert MoKoiina, Geo. JI. Dcinntadt, llobt. Curric, Andvr. Uarclay, Alex. McNaiightuu, laaac <.i. Knslow, Winthrop SAr;rent, .Ino. Tottie au'l Jaa. Muir, Iviqri. (louertil Seasions ( f the IVaoc held at B'4rrin;.^tijn on the .Munday aext after tht' fourth Tuoslay of .\pril, and at Shelljurnc on the second Tuea- day of January, ami /i/s/ Monday of June. Justices (f the. Peace — Dial, of Shtdlmme, Geo. IT. Deingtadt {Custos), CorneliuB Wiiite, Jas. Gedden, Joaiah Coflin, Saiul. O. Doane, Jno. F.yle, (iilbert McKenna, Jno. hocke, Jas. C. Smith, Wm. Cunninjijh^m, Josiah Snow, :3d, Wm. llulden, Henry Fiocke, Win..!. Bell, .\lei. MoNaughton, Lauchlin Mcl'herBon, Thos. CoiTin, Alex. II. <"ocken, IIu,a;h llousten, Jno. Bower, Wm. T. Kelly, Jno. I'urney, Xerxes Z. Chipman, Jas. Nel- son, jr., David Kisenhaur, Wm. McMillan, Jas. Ilolden, Kdw. I'ayzant, Th(i>. Grigry; Dist. of lhtrriii(jton — Josinh Coffin {Cu. ii's. J/ixpi'iior of I'irlicd S'lrccyor, Mr. Jno. i'"iii'tli, i'Vi/i, Ml". David Swain. Dep. Land roUXTY OF YAiniOUTIL Hiijh Sheriff, Joseph Slunv, i^i]. Coronert, Jas. C. Farisli, m. v.. Matt. .loliery and l^'ovcman IlatfRld, K.s(|i-s. Siiprenie Court held at Yarmouth on the Irtst Tuesday of September, and at 'I'usket N'iUage (.n tlie //(//•'/ 'ruo-idiiy after tlie /o»;7/i 'I'ue.^day of April. Protho/iolarii and Clcrl: of t/ic Crown, ^t. H. Rowley, Kscj. ■ Co:niii''rs for i/iri/i;/ Relief to l/iii(dccuf J)chlurs, and for lahiny ^Iffi- diirilslo hold to Ihiil, Ik^ihen (Mcnients and Jno. J'ourtiue, Ks([rs. (ieuc'ia! .Sc,-si(ins <.f the Peace fur the 1/ist. of Ar;:yle held at Tusket "\'illa,L;-e on tlie //i/rr/ Tne$day of Afiril, and i'lird 'luesday of October; and at Y;',iuKrnili oil Vwe Jirsl Tiie.-day of .March, and first Tuesday of Septenibcr, Jtislirrs of the Pcarc. — Dist. of Yitnnoiith, Klishn V/. I>. !Moody, {Cimlos), Kculien Clements, Hon. Thos. Killani, Cnleb Cook, Jno. Murray, l.eonari! AVerton, I'enjni. Jlogers, Tho?. IK (.'hipnian, Jesse Shaw, Wni. II. Townsend, I'obt. Guest, Nathan Hilton, Wni. Rogers, Wni. H. Moody, Amasa I)urk(>e, Win. rmrrill, Jno. W. Lovett, Kobt. Bi'own, Jno. 'rawley, Ansel J^obius, Nelson Corning, Nathan Crosby, Josiah Raymond, lionjni. I*. Crosby, Ceo. W. Crosby, Wm. II. Jenkins, Ibirvey Ci.ini, Benjiii. Moses, Jos. iMirUee, Nat. Churchill, Jno. Key- n;vrd, VAu\. lionnergan; J)is. of Arijijlc, Al)rahani Lent (C'»s/05), Israel Harding, Robt. J. iiakins, Jas. ^I. Lent, Isaac S. Hatfield, Jno. .McKin- nou, Abitt. Jeti'ery, .Ino. Ryder, Reuben .Vbbott, Simon D'Kntreniont, Vi'alter f/arkin, I'eter S. l)'l'aitremont, .Ino. l)our(|ue, Donunick D. Bou- drcau, Mich. Stirette, Leon Porter, AVm. D'luitremont, Wm. Hatfield, ji-., .las. il. Hamilton, Jos. White, Obcd W. Slocunib, I'eter Surette, Cyril Biljine, Jeremiah Tiniius, Lou's B. D'llntremont, Thos. Willet, Stillman Larkiii, Nat. Hogg, Jrio. B. White, Jno. Cave], Saml. Hamilton and V.VA'^ (iardner, l'];-(irp. Clerks of the Peace — JJiit. of Yarmunth, Jno. Tooker; Dist. of Ar(;y,h\ Wni. Robbins, Es(jrs. Coinr (jr Piiohatk. — Jiid. Bond, RoM. Hunter, Chas. 1] Blown, i''redk. Hilton, Jos. Rogers ami Nathan HilioTi, Ks(|rs. ; Ar- i;illc, Picv. Heniy Berthe, iiev. Jos. Quinnan, Rev. Philip Toc(pie — ■ h\i>. Boui'ipie, Jno. iivder, Thos. WilU'tt, l)omini(iue Boudi'eau, Israel lla.ding, jr., Thos. KiVl)y, L. \. S , Reuben .\bbott, Jas. M. Lent, Nat. er ; nt, Uuu- ttieltl, yvU IniiUi aiul J no. ,y A. rust- Chsis. Ar- ^(|U0- — Israel Nut. 18 GO.] \\l ALMANACK. <);i Travis, .Ino. ('. Andorson, Enos Gavdiicr, Ksqw. Bjurd of Ilcniih Vannuulh, Dr. J. IJ. IJi)ii(l, Itr. W. V. Var'ioy, l>r. F. A. AVehstor, K. Vv". IJ. Moo'ly, Will. II. 'r(nvn.'^L>iiil, \\^.[Va. ILuitlh OJln'rs — Vtinpoiilh, Dr. G. J. Farisli; Arij\jU\ . Cuiiiin'rH of Srwrrs — Var- moitlh, Bonjm. Killaiii, Stophcii Clmirliill, S.iuil. Holmes, Wm. Tliurstoji ami .Tiio. Ruse, Fsur.s. Trtmlrcs of Puhllr Prupriij — Ar,/;i!f, Win. Hatfield, Heiijin. Ilubbs and Win. DMuitronont ; Yarmouth, SamiI Kil- laiii, Uobt. Hunter and S:iinl. Iji-uwh, IvMri's. 2<'^irr IVardrns I'.t- nvjiith, Uubt. Iji'own, Annsa Diirkoc, 'I'hds. Dine, .Ino. AV. f.ovitt, K. W. B. Moody, Edw. lleiistis, Nathan Lewis, Win. liobertson ami Ciia.-*. 11. Bruwii, K.sqrtf. Fire E/ii/inr Company — \o. ], ('A|)t. U(il)t. Hunter, No. '2, ('apt. G. .T. .lolmsoii ; No. M, Capt. Gou. Ilyi'i'suii. Tni^^lrcf^ of Public Cemetery, Sanil. Urown, lliLt. Huntorund .Vudw. Lovitt, Mscp's. Surveyors of Lines and Bounds, Aryyle, .fiio. Hourqiie, H. Spinney and S. D'EntrGiiiont, Esqrs. Snppn'isjr<; — Arjxyle, .U>h. V. D'Kntreinunt, Jas. M'jKcesou and .Jacob Hatfield; Virmoulh, Walter ('hurehill, Sa-nl, Flint and Tlioinas Hilton, E.scirs. Htrlxmr Jl.rsler, Yarmovlli, Mr. ('has. Tooker. Town Clerks — Arijyl", Mr. Harvey Spinney; Yarmnxith, Mr. Z. Clnn-'hill. Chrhs of License — Yarmonlli, Mr. Wiu. Kinncv: Ari/yle, Mr. Win. S. Robbing. J)ep. Surveyor of Croicn Lands, Peter ilattield, ll.sq, Aijent for Llo",h, E. "\V. 15. Moody, E.sq. U. S. Cnnsnlar Ajcut, Laban S. Ualconib, Esq. Ajcat for the Bank of A'ova-Sculia, Jas. Murray, jr., Es(i. __^ CAPE BRETON CIRCUIT. rOUNTY OF SYLNFY. Hif/h Sheri^ff, TIenry 1'. Hill, Esq. Coroners, Win. Currie, m. d., and Jos. Synion Is, Ei^qr? Aatitria Puldic, the liarrii^ters oi" the Suprenui Court, and David ('ondon, llugli MoDoiiald, Rubt. McDonald and Sami. McDonald, Fsqrs. Supi'eine Court held at Anti-cronish on the fovrth Tuesday oT June, and on the second Tuesday next after the /ou/'Z/i Tucs lay of October. Vrotho notary. Clerk of the Crown and County I'rcasarer, Alex. .Mc- Donald, M. I)., Esq. Comin' rsfor giving Relief to Tnxoh'ent Debtors, and for iakiu;/ Afi- dnvits to hold to Bail, Alex. Mcl)oiinM. m. r>., (ieo. Ercunan, Wni. G. Hierliliy and W'ni. A. Ciinninghaiu, Es((rs. General Sessions of the Peace held at Dorchester on the second Tue-s- day of January. Justices of tlie Peace. — .Mex. ^McDonnl 1, :m. i»., (Cvs/os), Ja«. il".ii- dall, Hugh McDonald, Jos. Synionds, Win. C. Hieilihy. Geo. lireniiaii, Aug. A. Oi^don. Uobt. McDonald, .\ngus M dJoual 1, Duugald Camernn, Robt. Trotter, Dun. (Jrant, Alex. McDonahl, .Vrchd. Mctiillivary, Jno. McKen/ie, Jno. McKiiinon, Ale.v. Mcintosh, .)no. Midlonnl 1, .los. Sniitii. Normal! McDonald, Lauchlin (,'aineron, Don. McDon:^ld, Allan Sinitii, Don. McMillan, Don. Chisholni, Jno. McDonald, Rodk. Chisholin, Christopher McDonald, Win. (,'hisholHi, Kaclilan .MLvilachern, Win. Chisholni, Win. Gerroir, Kdiii. Gorman, Chas. (lanieron, .Ino. .McDonald, Dun. Chisholni, Win. 11. Cunningham, Don. McDouell, Edm. Corlictt, Elisha M. Randall, Win. Currie and Hngh Mc(.iillivray, F8(|rs. Clerk of the Peace, Jas. Wilkic, Esii. ■1)4 BELCH KKS TARMEUa Saml. [1800. CornT or PnonxTK. — Jndgt, Alex. McDonatlrl, m. d. ; Registrar, Geo. Brcnnan, KsqrB. Registrar of Drerls, Aaron D. Harrington, Esq. ColTrn of Colonial and Light Duties — iniigonish, Allan McDonell ; HiirboiLt au Bouche, Edin. C'orbett ; Wesirrn Strait of Canao, David PoTTer; Little. River, .Jaa. Kamlall, L'sqjvr Surveyor of Shipping, Al- lan MoDonft]', Ksq. Dep. Postmaster — Antigoniith, Henry P. Hill, Ksq. Comm'rs of Schools, Rev. Jno. Cameron, Iler. Jno. Sclmlte, Rev. Ran. Mc(JiUivray, Ilev. T. W. Morris, Uev. Jiio. Quinnan, Rev. l>avicl Honey- man — .Alex'. McDonakl, Hugh McDonald, Geo. Hrennan and Archd, >'«- Gillivray, Fsqrs. Inspector of Pickled Fish, Mr. l>avid Power. ^^ Land Surveyor, Mr. l)anl. C. Robertson. Clerk of Licente, Mr. McDonell. AxTJOONisu Curling Ci.ub. — Presi., Hon. W. A. Htnry; Vice Prest., V. AV. .J. lieck, Esq. Representative Members, Robt. Davis and Jno. Cameron, Esq rs. Treasu rer. Dun. C\n9ho\m; Sec'y, Danl. McDonald, Esqrs. Commitier of Mur.aytmtnt, Thos. McLeanan, Jno. Bishop and ■ Ki«hd. Smith, Esqrs. COUNTY OF GUYSBOROUGH. High Sheriff, Murdoch McLean, Esq. Coroners, Edw. T. Cunning- ham, Spinney Whitman and Henry Elliott, M. D. , Esqrs. J\htaries Public, the IJarristcrs of the Supreme Court and Jas. IJ. Hadley, Jessie Andernon, J. W. Bigclow, jr., E. H. Eranchville, Edw. Mundell, Geo. Norris and A. P. McKenzie, Esqrs. Supreme Court held at Guysborough on the Tuesday next after the fourth Tuesday of June, and on the Tuesday next after the fourth Tues- day of October. Prothonotnry, Clerk of the Crown, and Health Offi- cer, Edw. Carritt, 'SI. I)., Esq. Common for giving Relief to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking Affi- davits to hold to Bail, Edw. J. Cunningham, Hon. R. M. Cutler, Eras. Cook, Abner Atwater, W. G. Scott, Jko. Mahoney and Edw. Carritt; St. Mary's Disi., Hugh McDonald, Thos. Glcncross and AVm. McKeen, Esqrs. Geiier.ll Sessions of the Peace held at Guysborough on the third Tues- dny of January and i\ie first Tuesday of May; and at St. Mary's on the first Tuesday of Octobe''. Justices of the Peace. — Edw. T. Cunningham (Custos), Hon. Kobt. M. Cutler, Eras. Cook, Abner Atwater, Wm. O. Hctlernan, David Dobston, Edm. H. Eranchville, Jas. B. Hadley, Wm. J. Bigelow, Hon. Jno. J. Mamhall, Wm. Hart, Jno. Campbell, Jno. Mahaney, Wm. G. Scott, David Bears, Geo. Norris, Jno Elder, Thos. Keating David Kerby Jas. Handlon, Jessie Anderson, Martin Meagher, Jno. A. Steel, Wm. Ferguson, Tho?. IE Patterson, Jno. Jamieson, Jnn. Mc^Edlan Jas. Wallace, Abraham N. Whitman, Don. Gunn, Jos. David, Jas. Fitzgerald, Andw. Sangstcr, Jas. A. Tory, Wm. Hartshorne, Jno. A. Tory, Colin Chisliolm, Jop. W. JIadley, Jon. Hartley, Alex. Sinclair and Geo. Scott; St. Mary's Di^t., Hugh .McDonald {Cnatos), Wm. McKeen, Thos. Glen- cross, Wm. A. McKeen, Jno. W. McKeen, Tlios. O'Flavin, Jm.. Hattis, Asa Rude, Abner P. McKenzie, Jno. Sinclair, Jno. Rude, Rubt. Kenne- dy, Israel Nickerson, Jas. AV. Young, Thus. Smith, Wm. Pride, Alex. Sinclair, Wm. Lynch and Henry J-Uliott, m. d., Esqrs. Clerks of the Peace — Guysborough, Saml. R. Kussell ; St. Mary's Dist., A. P. Mc- Kcnitie, Esqrs. ^0. sq. II; M \ Isq. ,ftn. ley- V«- ')ep. iml. ■ext., ' J no. ) ftiiti Aarici Jessie 1, Geo. ter the fi Tues- ih 0/i- ; 'ig ^#- I'vas. ICftvritt; cKeen, rd Tues- |s on the I. Kobt. Dsivid , Hon. hVin. G. David Steel, Iftn Jft*- Izgcrald, Colin fo. Scott; 19. Glen- llattis, Kenne- ic, Alci- I. r. Mc- 18G0.1 AI.MAXACK. 95 Court or PnonATr. — Tuie/es — Disf. of Gvyxhorovgh, Edrr. Carritt, M. D, ; St. Mary'i: Dixt., Hugh McDonald ; lirffiatrars—St. Mary'x Dist., Jnn. W, Molvcen; Difit. of Gnjxl/orou^ih, Win. Hart, Esqrs. JR*- r/lairnrs of Deeds — Gv.yfibo rough, Wm. Moir: 5/. J\I, Ksqrs. ColVrs of Lvjlii Duties — Tyiscnmb Harbor, Leonard I'je; JVhiiehavcn, .Ja«. Icltniate; Canso, W. J. IJigeluw, Enqrs. Siiviag Offirers, Moesrs. Thus. P. Flavin, Leo- nard Pye and Wm. McKinlay. Aijcnt for Emigrant Ships and Pre- ventive 0(fict'r, Jas. 15. Hadlej, Esq. Surveyor of Shipping, St. Mary's, Alex. McDonald. Coll'r of Light Duties avd Revnue Officer, Strait of Canso, Mr. J;is. Purcill. Revenue Officer for .Afar it Joseph, Lisromb Harbour and St. Mvry's River, Mr. Thos. P. Flavin. Dep. Postmasters — Guysborouyh, Hon. llobt. M. Cutler ; Sherbrooke, St. Mary's, Hugli McDonald; Canso, Goo. Norri«; McJWiir't Cove, Chai. J. Wjlde ; Glenelg, J. Campbell, I'iqri, Covnn'ra of Schools, Rev. J.%«. Duffie — Thai. H. Patl«rion, Christopher Joit, Jno. Maloncy, Kdw. I. Cunningham and Fldm. H. Franchvillc, Etqrs; St. Mary's Dist., Kev. J. Campbell, Rer. Alex. Campbell, Rev. H. Eaglea— Hugh Mc- Donald, Thos. Giencross, Wm. Molveen, Jo». Alexander, Wm. Rent, Honry Elliott, A. P. McKenzie and Alex. Sinclair Esqri, Cojnm'rs of Streets, Wm. Grant, Chas. liigsby and Tlio«. Foster, Esqrs. Dep. Land Surveyor, Wm. Hartshorne, Esq. Dep. .Igcnt for Lloyds, Edm. H. Fratich\ ille, E»q. Lighl-Hovse Keeper, Mr. GodtVwy S. Peart. Inspec- tor of Pickled Fish, Mr. Jas. A. Tory. COUNTY OF CAPE BRETON. High Sheriff, Richarl Gibb> m. Lorbett, .Jno. l-ersruson, W m. Mtirray, jr., Jno. Forbes, Don. Jno. MoNiel, Augustine McGilvray, Jno. UG i5!:i,i'iii:u s r vitMi;u % [1800. ]>()\vlinii', .M'u'.'i. McKcima, Midi. Truroy, Alox. ^IcTnnls, Den. Ma'.'iiiik'y, (\ilo!- Hiii:rui;:Xtijii, .\l(.'\'. .1. Ball, TIios^. Moore, Xcil FcrgU'^nii, Alex. .). Bill iii;iti n, Alex. Kciiiia, Dou;^ .id .McDoujr ill, Law. K;ivaiKit!;h, ji*., (leo. 1'. Ijurc'iell, Will. .Mc'iucf'U, Voik« Barringtuii, Alex. Mji.oan, -Jiio. Rii'liirdM)!!, Iffct'ir Molutyre, Ileiuy V. Urowii, Patk. Cadog.'in, and Dui!. M>;!)oiigal, l]s'|r^<. CiiiiiT iir I'liuuAi::. — Ja:hjun. X. ^rc(^iieeii, llsur.-. Rp./islrar of iJcch, ^.is. 1'. Ward. Ksi\. ControUcra ()/' CuhIl ::^ (liiil A''.iri<,il. Dodd ; Great Jirm d'Or, Alex. ^lonro; Aor//i Sydney, 'X\\o^. 8. ]>owu ; .Miii':-n-lHea. fioo. Rig'jy, Rsijrs. Revenue Oj/icer, .1 no. Bain, Ks(j. Scizlnu O'Jl -pi-n, -Mij^sre. ('. ]>:iriMiiu;toii and Aii^-us Morrison. Dep. Posltnustcrs — Syd- ney, llolit. ?tlartiu; A''orlk Sydney, Jno. Forhow; Sydney .Mi'iex, 1>. G. lli;i;'>v, ];«!ir.>'. C'onim'rfi of Sclioo/!^. Ven/ Rev. Jno. lifiuclilaii. Rev. T. D.'Riiidle, Rev. M. V/ii^on, Rev. Ilu^di 'Mc'.eod, Rev. (Ico. Ridiard- »>n. Rev. Hii'ili Ross, Rev. R. J. Uiiiarkc, Rev. Jno. Quinuan — 11. W. (^I'awley, ('has. K. Leonard, V. IF. rlarke, Win. ()u!=^. P. Bown, l\ IL Clarke, 'Hon. Tlios. 1). Areliihald aiid ("iias. IJarrinjiton', K.s()Vs. rierl:, Jno. L. Hill, K-.|. ll'eii/liers of Flour, Me.sjqrs. Si'.iireiae Court held at B id Ic'k on the second. Tues lay of Jnne .nud second Tuesday of Oct(J>er. Prothouutary, Clerk uf the Crown and, H ulth Oficer, 3ti<. Eliusley, M. i)., I'lsq. Couiui' rs for iiiviuij Relief to LiMjl'vent Debtors, and for taking A ffi- il Ji'il.^ to hold to Rail, Alex. T.\ylor, Jos. Hart, Wm. Jonee and Don. Morrison, iljqrs. A^jlirries Pu'dic, the Barristers of the Supreme Court and Dusrald B. MeNalt, Alex. McKay, Rupert /wicker and S.ind. C. Canijjbell, Esqr.i. (Jencral Sessions of the held at Baddeck on the second Tuesday of January, and first Tuesday of July. Justices of the Peace. — Jno. Campbell (Custos), Ken. M.^Leod, Don. MoLcoI, Dougald B. MoNab, Dun. ML'R'»,e,\Vni Jones, Jno. Munro, Jas. [1800. :Iacaulc'V, , Alex. J. , jr., yi IruU cm il; J\'urth ■ini, ('. E. in'll. K^ui. Leon a r J ; <'edl Jiidi i-a-DieiL, jO'Jl-cm, •rs — Syil- ■lex, 1>. G. [llHl, JIcv. Ilijli.inl- — il. W. McQueen, iicy C'oin- l>1;cll an'l . .Jest ami ul. noTvn; Llci'ttsfs fan. Til OS. I ill, K-q. . Siiper- and .iiio. ■ Ciiptii i r, , E. Jean, '^ France, Di'jjiily ?1pj, M.B., Tune aud ■own and ! hingAffi- \ and Don. j ^ugJiM B. 11, Escirs. ' TiiesdAj t Bod, Don. nro, Jas. 97 "*^S:"; -^'^yr """^-^ ^tr^^- -^ ''• -Yc-V^ib, Jno. Uolj„;, f''^ n^i^ Kov. Al« U.VV "'«'• 'lev. " "■• 1!-.^ ; A.,i»^;/,^ f "['*«-*''/*cX, Wm K ";■' •"■'' K".. AIc- ri?- . ■'•■'■'--'•''/O/A-i,, A .-?"■'' «'• /-".ivs^'m''"''' . '^'■- '-■<-'° '' "'■, J^Mi. Aiwiii ,„!. l;^''*';'"''''. f'""-.-,, Bo,n, i- ', ""«■ ''""•". ir. '»"• *'.■■.■«« .^s-'; '^''» ■"'• •t«"-'-<»-c °w ^vt'"',"-'"''''''-'''" Bral v;.t.,:!;''='''' ^.^-'-Ts.^"-;* •''■ '».n;tf„ ^^ ,f -;^; /«„. «.,:.! '■■'"J. /»,sv«r/,„. /«'(,:■,'""?" '-'■•''"PlH.II: ,4 ?,;..'',?■ -^'"'"'"sl,. '■■,7'f '.nl. O'C. Madden, Tiios. Leaver, an.l Geo. T. Hundley, Escjrs. A'^oiaries Public the Barristers of tiie Supreme Couit, and Laucldin J. Currie, and Tl\os. Bosset, iOsqr.s. General Sessions of the Peace held at Arichat on tlie second Tuesday of February. Justices of the Peace — Wm. Crichton (Custos), Peter DeCarteret, '^'eo. E. Bissett, Jno. Smith, Henry Martell, Tlios. LeNuir, Jno. R. Smith, Jno. Morrison, Matt. Helleur, Jno. Mutiieson, Alexander Murcliison, Anthony Oliver, Simon Donovan, Chas. Fixott, Jno. Mclnnis, Simon Babin, Simon LeBlanc, Geo, T. Hundley, Norman McNeil, Frcdk. Bou- droit, Jos. Martell, jr., Patk. C. Brcnnan, Patk. McCarty, Jno. S. Wa,-. S'.'in ; ^ •'!— Clia. G. Moil iiiiah C( Richoy, The A and four The l\ One of Clerk Peter AIo Markets, Ma '"^'' O-' H,u,r,x. f'Hor. S,„,„,„, c,„,|,,,„ ••""--'■'"W.v. ALUFit.MK.v \\ri r.. .., -I nc Mayor's (\,„p* •, , T, '. '"'l"'- "'-^'> ^uatthew 100 BEI.rilEll S FARM'" H [1860. Siiprrinicnrlrnt of Strcct-'i, Mr. .Tas. I'tiUock. Clerk Sfrcpffi, Mr. .Tno. ('. Crai^^en. IinjivrlQi-a (iml VVviijhcrs of Fresh (ind Pirlclc../. Jierf and Pork, ISIcs^rfl. Tlios. O. IJoaniisIi anrl Ja», Mooncy. Weii/lwrso/' Floui , McsHrs. Saml. Carton, Jno. Parker, Wni. (irant anil Jno. Winters Weii/hcrs of Hay., Messrs. Thoa. Keating and . Pound iTcepers — JVorih, Henry Veitli ; South, Mieliael Power. Keeper of Brilewell, Mr. Win. McDonald. Keeper of Cemete.nj, Mr. Jos. Keefler. Corn7ri'rs(f the Common. — Aldm. Bell (Cliairinan), JcnningB, Lovnds, Twining, Aloir, and (.'ogswcll. Coinm''rs of the Cemetery. — A'ulm. Twining (Chairman), Barnstcad, Jennings, Cogswell, "VYilip and Bell. Comm^rs Puhl'c Accounts. — Aldm. Pugslcy, Thomson (chairman). Bell, Nash and Evans. Comrn'm of Tenders. — Aldm. Conway, Barnstead, "Wills, Richey (chairman), Jno. Duggan, Edward Leahy. Comm'rs City Property. — Aldm. ThoniBon (chairman), LoAvnds, Richey, Conway, Ruome, Barnstcad. Comm^rs of Hacks and Trucks. — 'lid. Twining (Chairman), Jas. Duggan, Nafih, M(jir. Comnrrs City Prison. — Aldm. Twining (Chairman), Jennings, Lowndi^, Evans, Thompson, Jas. J)iiggan. Comw.^rs City Hospital. — All.m. Cogswell ^Chairman), Conway, Moir, Richey, Nanh, Jaiiics Duggan. Comm'rs of Briiieiccll. — Tlie Aldermen, monthly. City Medical Oficer, and Bridewell Suri/eon,. )aii. C. Hume, Es^q., m.p. Co.\staiim:s. — Ward No. 1, Ja.-*. linm and Patk. Caultield ; No. 2, Garrett Cotter and David Evans ; No. .'], Philip Parsons and Don. Era- ser ; No. 1, Matt. Cfardiier and Thos. McCoy ; No. f), Jno. Steele and Jno. Arthur; No. T), AVm. Roddici; and Jno. Camplicll. BoAiin or Hiialth — Ward No. 1, Dr. C'ogswell, Jas. A. Morcn; No. 2, Dr. Ihime, Dr. Bnskirk; No. o, Dr. Parker, Goo. MclCenzie; No. 4, Isles, Jno. Hichardson. senr. ; No. A, Mortimer Dwyer, ilobt. Graham ; No. (1, W. L. Bell, yi. G. Bla-.k, jr., Es(ir8. Ward Assrsj^ors. — Ward No. 1, John Hogan and James Pryor ; No. 2, James Reeves ; No. o, Geo. .McKen/.ie and E. B. LeCaine ; No. 4,- Kinlav No. 0, John Mumford No. A. K. Mc- and W. II. Marvin. Inspectors and Gtiarjcrsof Fish Oil. — Jos. McGill, Richhirray, Jas. Norwood and W^m. Jenkins. Meamrers and. Inspectors of Painters' Work, Messr-. George Smithers, and Maurice Downe3^ Measurers of Wood, Messrs. Thos. James, Malcolm Brown, Colin W^ilson mid Henry Parker. Weiijhcrs and Measurers of Salt and Grain, Messrs. Jas. Cullen, il'hos. McCann, W. Robb, Henry Mon-iscy, Jno. Martin, Wm. Blythe. Andw. Keating and Jas, Mahancy. Measurers of Coal, ]Messrs. Jno. O'Connell, Saml. King, Wm. Gladden, Alex. Giant, Andw. Smith, Jas. Breslaw, Andw, Nisbet, "Wm. Bilby and Mark Madison. Surveyors of Brick and Lime, and Measureis of Ma.^ons'' Work, Messrs. Nicholas Wright, Robt. Malcolm and Jas. Reid. Fence Viewers, Messrs. Jas. Graham, Danl. McPhcrson and Thos. Bayers. FiRK Wardens. — AVard No. 1, Don. ^Dlrray, chaii-man, Jos. Wier, Ri, Ml 'IV( M( D nl Don Cal, ar( W WiJii son, Wii.,n No. Warrl ret •'no. J Jiarri:; Kobt. 102 I'.KI.rifER S FAKMKU S [18G0. pan, Firc-Wiinlcns. — .Ino. Hctlcr, fjt. ; .las Litnlsay, 2ji(1 Lt.;.Ino. Limisfiy, Clnis. (irecnlield, Jno. I'lvttersdii, Kilw. l*u\scr, A. F. Erviiij?, (!liivs. Downey, Clu'i.s. Norwood, Lewis Wilson, R(ins, KsijrH. Clrrhn, Thoa. Cioudgo ami <«t'<). J. Creeil,|rs. OlJlcekcciter, Mr. Wm. I'icklea. I'lJRVKVOirS DKlWIiTMllNT. Pnri't'\jor — Nova Scotia, uiid New IJrunswick, D. E. HARRACK DKI'ART.MKNT. Barrack Afitsti'r, ('!i[it. V. W. W. Smith. Barrack Sc-geanls, Jno- Slioaii (Sup. JJ. S.), Win. (ir/uit nnd 'I'lids. DdWiiea. OFFIf'KRS OF THK ARMY IX NOVA SCOTIA. KoYAi. AuTii.i.r.iiv. — Tlie Royal Anns and Suj)pnrtcrs, with a Cannon, and tlie motto " Ubiquc " over tlie j;un, and '• (^uo Fax et Gloria Ducuiit,'' below it. Bf. Columl, Antliony Renn. Caiitains, Fredk. Ch;inocllor, Cainiibell Hiirdy. Lieiits., Clianipagnc L"J:]strango, Ken- neth Munro, Adjt.^ Fraa. l>uncan, R. i{. Webster, Arthur S. xMcCartney. Asst, Sur;;cuii, il. V. .Miles. Blue, facinjrs red. RovAi. E.Mii.NKK.iis. — The Royal Arms, S^c. as above, /?/. Colonel, R. J. Nelrfon. Captain, Richard Warren. Lieiits., Robt. N. Dawson, Robt, Home', il. Loooek. Scarlet, facings blue velvet. Ct'jM) (I'lie Wiltshire) Rkut. oi' Foot. — " Nive," "Peninsula," •' Ferozesiiah," "Sobraon," "Sevastopol.'' Colonel, Wni. T. Knollys, //. (/en. Licvt. CuL, W. Lenox Ingall, C. B. .Majors, .las. Daubeny, C. B. It. col.; MoKay Rynd. Captains, Geo. II. Wilkieson (.}. S. Whit- man, in., Sam. (Jeo. Carter, C. M. S. L. (Jwynne, Jos. Sanderson, Ins. m., Urahaiii II ly, Ivhv. Hunter, IJradney T (iilpin, Holt Waring Clerke, Cha. C. Cabitt, (I. W. ii. - — II. Reeves, J. Lot'tus Bland. Paymaslcr, AVm. Dring. Ins. M., J. Sanderson, capl. Aljt., 'I'iios. Milsum, //. Q. M., Jas. Gamble. Sur (/eon, FreJ. W. 'i'upper. Asst. Sur(/s„ Sydney Alder, Jas. P. Street, .M. 1). Facing^ linjf. (V.)iu> [West Surtolk] liEiif. of Foot.— " Egmont-op-Zee," " Mar- tiniipie," " Guadaloupe," "Alma," "Inkerman," " Sevastapol." - Colonel, Thos. Kenah, C. B., It. (/en. Lieut. Colonel, Thos. Harries. Majors, Wm. F. Carter, I'ra. D. Grey. Captains, C LeM. Carey, ?«., !•". L, T. Patterson, Robt. IJonnett, Verc Hunt Howies, Arch. Wyberg, Wm. Fitz Roy, IaIw. J. Hunt, Cha. Aug. Hand, Fra. Retallack, Alex. M. Dumaresq. Geo. P. Heamish, Walter S. Marsun. Lt>«/s., Stewart H. liruce, CUas. C. Pye, Stephen Moore, Rich. H. Archer, (Jeo. W. Clut- terbuck, udjl., J. R. Ramsbbottom, Art. G. F. Grimths, F. II. D. Veith, Tho. Coote Grant, Tiio. Lewis Twislon, Geo. R. Ryron, Wm. G. Gravea, R. W. H. Crowther, Jas. P. Boyd, Cha H. Kinahan. Ensi(jns, Wm. L. 104 UE1.( Hl.U S rAR.VILK :^ [1860. Kiiowlo», (ico. "VV. W. Ktmiip, l-'ra. T. Huttoii, .his. S. Snijth, T!io. Af- kitisdii, Tlinijitnii rvovcll, .IiKP. I'. M. I'nrtnn, <'li;i. K. Tcrnit, M'ljor I). 1 Hill, l)ii\i(l r. Tiirralt. riiyimistcr, llciirj Injirjiiii. lii:<, Jf., \V. Kit/. R(.y, rw/;/. .'27;7., tr. W. Cluttorijuok, //. T^. J/., Jas. [/iiilunl. Sur- ffct )», Ui'ury Vv\!i\), s\.v, ^lat. Siiri/s., Win. W. .Mills, Krii.^. ()ili«ll. Faciu'js gnrn, STAFF OF THE MILITIA IN NOVA SCOTIA. CoDvnanfler-iii-Chief — llin Excelleiu-y the lU. [foii. Tlio Fiul of !Muljrrave. Jlid-flr-Cainp, Jhljulani Gnirntl, Lt. fol. Eihviinl Wnllncp, u net If. Qiiartcr-Jfiifitcr (rcin'ral, \A. Col. llii;;li Uartslidrno, uuntf. Jhii/adc Majors — MiilJlo liivi-iion. fj. Cal. Hon, M. 'i'obiu, unalt.; Western Divisidii, Lt. (.'ul. Thomas Adiiiu,-, iinatt. I Ju'lijc- Ad vacate General, Amlw. .M. I'niaoUe, K8(|., D. C. L. SurijcoD-General, Iluf'u.H S. lllack, Ksq., .M. 1). VOMLNTCER AllTILLKIlY. — Halifax — A/. Cnl. Jn.s. Cofrswcll; 1st Capt., Riohd. Treniain; L'rid ('apt., W. H. Cogswell, v^.V;.,- Jst Lt. Thds. Abbott; JIdJt., W. U. Co;rswoll, Cajil.; Sur/. Cul., Jus. Trciuaiii; Caiit. Alox. rarciuhaiBon; Iwt Lit; at. .7 as. McNab. THE NAVY. Commandpr-in-Chlef of the North American and Wost India Station, Ills Excellency Sir Hoiistun Stewart, K. C. 15., Vice-Aduiirul of tlie White. Coii)modor<\ ffnj.'h Dnnlop. Flaf/ Livid. , Jno. H. (}. Alexander. Secretary to tin- Admiraly Arthur Joney, V.'m\. Clerks lu the Secretary, Ered. W. S. I'uiiauiiby and Geo. W. Miiir, Es(|rs. Secretary to the Commodore, Wi i. T. Cvicve, E.sq. OFFICERS OF II. M. NAVAL YAIU), HALIFAX. Storekerjirr, Jno. N. Macgregor, E.sq. Clerks, Jas. Punchard and Richd. IIdrt:?hornc, Esqv.s. Storeporter, Mr. (has. H. Rigby. II. M. VICTUALLING DEPARTMENT, HALIFAX. Aycnt, J. N, Macgreg«r, Esq. Clerk, Chas. J. Hill, Esq. NAVAL HOSPITAL, HALIFAX. Duties conducted by the Naval Storekeeper. AuACHXE, 18. Sloop. Commander, Jno. E. Montpomcrie. Lieitts. Thds. N. Underwood, (jeo. H. Barnaixl. jV/crs/cr, Jno. Jones. Sur^coti, Jno. Forbe.s. Paymaster, Henry Gray. Atai.axta, 10. Sloop. Coinmaiider, Tlios. M. Pasley. Lieuts., IStiO. AIM \\A( K. 105 1, Frcil, Harvoy, ^VlIl. (i. Silvpilock. Jlnstry, Slicrlnck ('roi\k. Surgpon, Diinl. SaiiUflorfl. Pnymantcr., IJonjiii. Lujiikmiit. Miiivs, Jus. V,. N. CJriilmii, Jtio. .1. Martin. As^t. Sunj., Diinciiii McN. Johnston, M. I>. Basilisk, Ci. Puil'/lr-wlicil Stenni SIoojk Wtil Imrso-powpr. Vum- manilrr, (ico. A. I'lmyro. Lirtits., Uielnl. K. Uioiidrick, Jus. (i. Mcnil. jyiitstvr, Henry W. iliirnett. Stir(/ni)ii, l»anl. I'inmuini', .M. IJ. I'lry- nuisler, (Jeo. W. Anilors^ou. Chief' Emjiiuyr, Thus. T. .Murniy. Jhst. Suri/., Wni. (1. Uiilinj2;.s. ("ossAtK, L:0. Srrcir Steam Corvette. 2'»0 hni'so-powpr. diplttin, Ilicliard Mooriujiii. Livnts., Josijili If. Hat •hanl, Alliert V. Mart, Loicostor ('. K('i>plc. JLisler, Mark Xelton. Suri/fun, llicliM ('. lliis- sell. Pdij/iiftxter, Jas, (\ I'inliorn. Cliirf Enjinevr, I'etei* Steel. Jlsiit. Siirt/., Wni. J. Asslin. CtiiA. ScliDDiii'r, 'rcruler to Iinaun. Jamaica. (Jladi ATdii, (i. Pitfli/lr-whri'l Stcdiii SlDop. -loO Iinrse-jKiwev. Coni- iiKiniicr, licniy D. liickloy. L/ri/Zs., Jno. L. (iiMiy, Wm. (lark. .Mus- tt'i\ Ik'MJ. |}. iStuart. Surgeon, Mark ilaiiiilton, M. D. PayiiKistrr, Jno. (i. IJarne.^. Chief ICiujiiivcr, Jno. 11. Juhnaou. ^s,s7. Sarijenn, (ioo. 11. Hi'llrinLcer. (jioKCii.v, (■). Paddle-wheel Sttmn Sloop. 'VJO liorse-powcr. Cyj/i- mander, liedfurdC T. Pini. Z,iV»/.s., Wni. Spratt, Ilobt. llo."s. Master^ Aii'hv. J. Arius., Peter Fairbairu. Additional for S. S., Arthur B. Johnson, Fredk. H. Rose. Jaspkr T. Srreu^ Steam Gun Vessel, SO horse-power. Lieut, and Com., Wni. II. Pyni. Asst. Surg., Clias, F. Wise. 'J.nd Mazier, Tlios. D. Xieholson. KiNtJSTox. Schooner. — Tender to Imaun. .Taniaica. Mkm'omk.n'K, 60. Screw Steam Frijate. 00(1 horse-povrcr. Captain, Chas. J. ¥. F]\vart. Lieuts., Stapleton J. Greville, Horace Johnson, Henry V. Hovenden, Edward J. Jcrniain. Master, Christopher Albert. Capt. Marines, George Gregory. 1st Lieut. Mar, Jno. F. Sanders. Chaplain and J\\iv histr.. Rev. Percival A. Fothergill. Sunjeou, fiowry J. .Monteith. Paymaster, W. T. Biddlecoinbc. Engineer, Jno. Bonney. Mate, Fredk. S. Vantler Meuleu. Hi » - ' - ' - ' - 106 BELCHERS FAllMERg [18G0. Nile, 90, Screw Steam Ship. ftUO horse-power. Captain, Ar- ihur 1*. E. AVUiiiot, C. Ji. Commander, Samuel P. Dolling. LieiU.i., Hugo B. Ikiniiiby, Francis J. L)'A}:;uilar, Thomas T. iJullock. Master, Francis Halo. Capt. Marines, Cieo. VV. Forbes. 1st Lieut. Mar., Albert IIi}j;man. 2(1 Lieuts. Mar., Thos. M. Whale, JMw. (). 13. Gray. C/utplain, Tho;?. K. Ilnmilton. Surf/con, Jno. J. Crawford, M. D. Staff Suri/i'on, Jno. W. KUiott, M. D. Paijmxtxte.r, Wm. llioknian. JVav. Instr., lliclul. Orrim. Chief Eiuji nee r, Thos. ilamaay. Asd. Surgs., Archibald Stevenson, Jno. L. Trou«dell, M. D. Netlky, H. Cutter. — Tender to ludua. IIaciou, 11. Screw Stea/n Sloop. 150 horse-power. Commander, Hon. Tho.«i. A. Pakenhani. Lieuts., Fras \i. Herbert, Thos. H. Koyso. Master, Henry L. Kelly. Sur(jeon, Geo. Duncan, M. D. Paymaster, Matless G. Autey. Asst. Sury., Thos. B. Martin. Styx, (J. Paddle-wheel Sicam Sloop. '2S0 horse-power. Comman- der, Chas. Vescy. Lieuts., Jas. H. Bushnell, Count Eugene G. F. G. Visconti. Alaster, ("haH. E. II. Farrant. Surgeon, VVm. llichardson. Paymaster, Brice W. White. Asst. Surg., Huston Maxwell. Tkuror, id. Floating Batter \j. 200 horse-power. — Bermuda. Captain, Fredk. Hutton. Lieuts,, Thos. M. Campbell, Hugh MoN. Dyer. .Master, David Batt. Chief Engineer, Jno. Allan. Asst. J'aym., David F. Guy. VAi.ouors, ll). Pdildle-icJieel Steam Frigate. 400 horse-power. Ca])tain, VVm^ C. Aldham, C. B. Lieuts., Richmoml Moore, Hun. Jas. T. Fitzmaurice, Howard Kerr. Master, Saiiil. Braddon. 1st Lt. Mar. Art., Colpoys P. Ileaslop. Chaplain and j\'av. Inst., llev. Douglas J. BoutHower. Surgeon, Patk. Slevin. Chief Engineer, Kichd. Williauiaou, Paymaster, Wm. M. Shanks. Asst. Surg., Foras. Greene. J . C O R ISr E L I TJ S , MANrFAOTIJHKIt AXI) nH'ORTKR OF ALL KINDS OF Jewelry, Silverware, Masonic Emblems, Hair Work, Spectacles, &o, . No. <)o Harrington Street, Opposite St. Pail's Chlri'ii, Halifax, N. S. 1^" Jewelry neatly repaired at the shortest notice. Onlers from the country promptly attended to. The following appointments liave been gazetted since the foregoing part was printeil: Coi,l'rs 01' Colonial Di:tif,s. — Cliester^ Co. of Lunenburg, Charles Lordly. Cornwaltis, Kings Co., I'Jjenozar Rand, in ])l;w;o of Edward Lockwood, superseded. Jiarringlon, Co. of Shelburne, Winthrop Sargent, in place of John \V. Homer, deceased.'ks 01' Schools. — District of Cumberland, Rev. ArchibaM I Thompson, in pliioe of the Rev. A. Clarke, resigned. Western district ; of Halifax, J. W. Turner, in place of Lawrence Hartshorne, resigned. ISC.O.] ALMANACK. 101 |rd it id Id. ROADS AND DISTANCES IN THE£ IiAUKAX TO AnNAPOUS AMI I)l(iliY To Winrlsor by rail- roail 45 Britton'^') Lover. 11 bi mock's ) Ilorton 1 Wolfville 4 Kentviile ((58) .... 7 Chute's 12 Bakoi-'s G Gibbon- Ville 12 Lawrence Town . . It Bridgetovn S Annapolis (loO) ..15 Digl-y 24 TO THE PRINCIPAL PROVINCE. , Mahone TOWNS ,20 k Zwickor's Biy Lunenlinrfi ( 72) La Have Ferry. . Acr(j33 the Ferry Petite Riviere 7 Broa Liverpool (107i).. H Port .Mriuton 10 Port Jolly 5 Sable Ilivev 10 .lordon River 8 Shelbui'ne fi Halifax to Can so. To Pictou 103 Across Ferry to N. (jllasgow 7 Copeland's, Mori- gomish 12 •Murray '8 5 McDonald's Arisaigl2 Antigonish(ir)O). .17 Rory McDonald's.. 14 Guysboro' (187) ..17 Canso 30 217 154 Halifax to YARMorni and SuKMicuNK via A.NXAl'OLIS. Annapolis 130 Bariiaby's, Digby.2t Seely's, St. M. ij'ay 7 Evoi-eti's, .Wey'th Road 5 Jones's, Sissil)oo. . tl Terreau'i!, Billcvo- 0U3 Cove 5 Comcau's, Ciare . . 7 Mallct'3, Montagon Cove Philip's, Bear Riverl5 Perry's, Lakes 7 Yarmouth ('221). . 6 Porter's, Fcl HrookilSS Spinney's, Argyle. b.^ Larkin'3, Piibnico. '.» 147i ITaLIPaX tu CUMBKR- LANu via Windsor. To Windsor by rail- road 45 To I'arrsboro' by steamer 30 FuUerton's 11 Jenk;,' 2 Maccan River G^ Pugilcy'sNappan . U Amherst '.) I'ovt t^umbei'land . . 7 ll'Ji Halifax to CfMnKR- LAM) via Railroad. To Trviro by Rail- road 0.3 F'olly Village 17 Halifax to SnuuEN- ACADIK. Martin's, month of Newport Road . . 35 Cochran's 4 Rawdun Church. . . .8A Blois' Cove, Doug.ll" Kenetcook Bridge. 4 Mouth of Shubena- acadie River ...15^ Homer's, Barring. 12.] i,?P"5 .;'!;''• •^^^^""•-J Nickersou's, Beaver Dam 12 Shelburno 10 287 Halifax to Piielulrnk SlIORK ROI'TE. Kirbv's •» Ihibfey'a 5 Dauiiliiny's head of St. .^L^rgaret'» B. 7 McLean's 11 Chester (45) 13 River Philip 8 Stewart's 8 AmheristJ 10 127 Halifax to PicTor. To Truro as above. 03 Archibald'3 14 Irving'^", Mnt. 'loin G Fraser's, W. River 8 Pictou 12 78 Halifax to Middlk ML'SQUODOUOIT. j Shultz'g, by rail- road 18 Kevs'a 10 Miller's, Gay's Riv. 8 Logan's 10 46 Annapolis to Livi:r- POOL. Hoyt'sLequilleMills2 Brown's 10 Munvu's Maitland.15 Cushing's, Harm'y 10 Harlow's Caledonia I Smith's Brooktield 3 Morton's 13 Liverpool 14 103 08 To the CUSTOMERS of the LOiN^DOI^ HO USE, ♦ i •- HALIFAX, N. S. THE OLD ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS WAREHOUSE. E. BILLING, Jr. & CO., Proprietors. I Since wc last addmsscd our friendH and customers throusjh this modium a cliniiyo has tfikou placo in llie propriotfiry of our busii)''HH ; Mr. It. McMiirray having'- co.isod to bo a partner in our lirni, ainl boins,^ now iinconnoctod tliore- with in any woy. Under this now arrunfjcnient wi' I'un iitisiiri; our friends tlieir wunls v.-ill ho more pronijitly and carefully attended to, and with far more Riiiis'actic'n in every resi)e.'t. Our eustomerh v.ill have learnt we are sure with much rcf^fret of the loss of our well known "Warehouse Ijy thp K.eiious lire of ytli September. We are fChui to inibrm l!iei!i tliat we are reinstated ia nnicli more spacious and ele- gant premises, No. 31 Granville Street, where our increased accommodation and facilities will enable us to display for their inspection a much larger and more complete aasortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, in every manufacture of Woolex, Silk, Cotton' and Ltnkx. It is'impiacticable in thin conlinofl space to ri';ss .Maker. fJoNNKTS, Hkap Dkessks, Cai's, Manit.ks and Dkfssks will Ite made to order from selected nniteiials, at a \ ery small cloir^^c. The IMates of London, Paris and >iew York FASHIONS are received by eacli ."Steamer). SILKS, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND TRIMMINGS, FTJR3. WOOLEN CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTiNGS, BROAD CLOTHS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, R E A D V - :\I A I) E C h O T H I X G , LINEN DRAPERY, CALICOES, SHIRTING, HOUSEHOLD LINEN, FURNiSHINB DAMASKS, ETC. Orders from the country accompanied with a Post (Hlicc Order or remit- tance will receive the most ear<'ful attention, and the jroods will lie forwarded to any part of the Province ('(irrini/c frir. Any article uot apjiroved of may be returned and ex(!hanyed,or the Ino'ney paid will be innnediately refunded, at the option of the customer. ,.;. i5ii,i,ix(;. j, ^,,{. g, ro. ♦ i •' TO r.i^:Fii^E:Fts 1 •c- •:ts, rom iris S, liiiit- ku-a linay 'I Ited, i| lo. ^§'m\S^ '^m$t and (L'attU ^fmiiravimj laort, is equally adapted to improve the Stauiiinv of ill-conditioned Horses, Covis, Bullocks, Calves, Sheep and Pigs. It cauacs no extra expense, as it contains far more and Mter nourish- ment tliay its cost of 1-Jd. per fieed supplic? in corn or hay; hence it ensures an actual saving in the keep. But its principal advu!ittiij;es are a great improvement in the digestive? functions, the Stamina and general condition of horses, enabling them to perform far rH)re hUxiur without getting distressed; it imparts new vigour to sick, debilitated, or old, appax'ently worn out Horses, and it puts rapidly the tincst tlosh on cati'ie generally, as it enables them to extract the entire nourishment out ox" everything they feed on. In a short time it improve.^ the appearanc* and value .f'.orses and cattle by 20 to 30 per cent. Sold in Tins, Casks and by the pound to suit purchasers. RABEY 4" f'^o-i T7 Piccadilh/ QvacL'ant, lA>n(lon. Honorable Mention, American Exhibition, Nnv York, 1854. Sold iu HALIFAX, by JAMES L. WOODILL, Druggist, AT THE CITY DRUG STORE. CorxTKY Mkrciiants and Ottikrs, will do well to call at t!ie Citij Drvg Store, before purcliasing clsewliere. Fall Importations from London, Bii'miiigham, Glasgow and New York now complete. Drugs, ^Tedicines, Spices, Mustard, Baking and Washing Soda, Dye Stuit's, Acids, Perfumery, Soaps, Pomades, Brushes, Combsj and all Toi- let re(iuisitos, IVIiolesalc i>f lieiail. Agent for tlie celebrated AnAniCA Food, a speedy and safe cure for Imligestlon, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, &.c. .lAMFS L. WOODILL, Chemist, &e. Nov. ISo'J. *;;; HoHi.s StreU. JOHN A. BELL, s IMPORTER AND OEALKU TN ^ WOOLENS, COTTONS, UNENS, MADE CLOTH2NC, COTTON WARP, AND Ahh OTIIIIR BRITISH AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Suited to tlie Climate of Nova Scotia, and the wants nf THE PEital $-400,<)()0. Surplus $150,000. Connecticut Mutual IJfe Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. Large Accumulated Capital. Income in 1858, over $850,000. Diviik-nds on Pulfcies in 1858, $2H)^(»0(>. Dividend Credit of 40 per ct. on pi-omiums upon Life Policies in 1858. Total amount of lossci paid to 1st Feby. 185'J, $2,0:i3,14L'. 10. Halifax, N. S., Nov. 1st, 1859. ARCHIBALD SCOTT, General Ajent. STAR LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, OF LONDON. Founded 1843. Capital, £100,000 Sterling. NOTICE. The privileges offered t© Assurers in the Star Life Oflfice are highly advantageous. Ninety per cent, or nine-tenths of the profits (ascer- tained every fiftli year) are allotted to the hcidorH of Policies; wliich may be applied in the reduction of the future annual premium, or be added to the sum insured, as a bonus. Thirty ilays are allowed for the paym.ent of the premium from the date of its becoming due. All claims are paid Avithin fifty days of their being allowed by the Board, and disputed claims referred to arbitration. The following table shows the additions to Policies of ten years' dura- tion, to which attention is specially invited: — Ag-e at entrance. Sum lusured. Amount paid to the Konus addod to ihc tiiuu UHSiired in ton years. — 1 i Total amount I 110 w iiayalilt^ at the death of th(! Assured. £ s. d. 1,132 1,137 12 1.114 12 1,147 10 1,150 3 4 1,108 10 1,177 10 15 20 ! 25 30 35 40 45 £ 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 £ s. 105 10 18G 13 212 18 243 15 270 11 324 11 377 1 d. 8 4 4 8 8 8 £ s. d. I.'i2 (1 137 12 144 12 147 10 15(1 3 4 1(58 10 177 10 • This Society is chiefly, but not exclusively, devoted to the Assurance of the Lives of members of the Wesleyau Methodist Societies, ao'^ of the hcarer.s and friends of that connection. Assurances, howevei-, have been and maybe eft'octed upon all assurable lives. Nothing need be said upon the propriety of persons assuring their lives for the^ benefit of their fami- lies and friends, when so many proofs are furnished by tlie experience of every-day life. The advantages of a respectable Company, with a large capital, and dividing handsome profits, are too obvious to need comment. All nec"ssary Blanks and Paniphlets and every informatioii furnished gratis, by the Society's Agent or Medical Examiner. R. S. BLACK, M.I)., Medical Examiner. M. G. BLACK, Jii., ^,/cnt. Office — Corner of George and IloUis Streets, Halifax, N. S. nice the )oen pun inii- !e of rge cut. hed .1 AYEUY, iniOWN & CO. WHOLESALE OR'JGGISTS, 63 Georgo Street, near the market, Halifax, N. S. Allspice, Akun, Bath Jiricks, Black Lead, Borax, Burning Fluid, Cinnamon, Cloves, Confectionery, Copperas, CuiTunts, Ex. of Logu'ood, Ojj^r for sale, ]'!x. of lUdwood, Yv^ Blue, Oiii,t>-er, Honey, Indij^'o, Lemon Syrup, Liquorice, Logwood, Matches, ^lustard, Nutmegs, Olive Oil, Pe])per, Baisins, Redwood, Saleratus, Saltpetre, Seeds, Soda, Starch, lea, ^'arnisll, ^'iu-\^•ar, Violin Strings, And a large sup])ly of Medicines, Patent Medicines, Perfum- ery, Combs. Brushes, Soaps, Hair Oils, Pomatum, Ov:e. ^^ Their entire stock being purcliascd with Cash, they will sell as lo\v as anv other House in the Province, BROWN. BIlOrilElJS & CO. {SurrosHors to John Naylor). No. 25 Gpanvii.'e Street, Halifax, N. S. DEALKKS IN DYE STUFFS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICLXES, PEKFr^rETlY,- BRUSHES, COMBS, SPONGES, WAX FOR WAX FLOWERS, GARDEN SEELS, ETC. A)ul all Airtich'S vsuaUy sold in Drug Stores. AGENTS FOR DiiBarry's Revalenta Arabica Food and Dr. Jayne'o Family Medicines. A. & ir.. CIIKKIIITOX, Booksellers, Stationers, Paper Rulers, A M > BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, Upper Water Street, Opposite D. Sttirr & Sons' Hardware Store, HALIFAX, Ifavc cf/Mstantly on liaud a larf^c supply ol' every (U'«eni)tl(»n of Writiiii; ainl \Vi;i]»piii;j: Papers, J)rinviii,ii' ainl Cu'tridux,' I'.i-pei'S, Bristol BMuril;', Slates, Steel iVii-<, ^co. Viz.: rie(lj!;or3, Journals, Cash and Day IJooks, ("opyins. (.'nuntry Snl)sci-ib('r.-fi can dcpcml on having tlicir Ma^ja- zincs or Papers lorwui'ilcd with piuictuality. Subscriptions invariably in advance. Keyran Skerry, 4 7 GEORGK STIiKET, HALIFAX, X. S. AVf'/J.s' roni-t nii'ii <>n iitnul A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN MANUFACTURED J3 R Y a o c) r> s . HOIV1ESPUN CL.OTH TAKEN IN EXCHAN"3E FOR GOODS. N. B. Remember the Numher, 4.7 Geovf/e Sf. CARDS, ^^^^J CARDS, 1 GEORCE S. BOLTON, I Wonld respectfully intimate that all order!? for ^VEl)I)I^•G Cauds, , Envklopk.s, «!tc., will receive his immediate attention, : O.v IIaxi), a laricc and clioice as^i.rtmeiit of ' LONDON CARDS, WEDDING ENVELOPES, SILVER PLATED DOOR PLATES. NOTARIAL AND OTHER SEALS, F.iKjiavi'd in the iii jsl fitahioiHihli ati/les. No. 9 George Street, Halifax, N. S. ADJOIM.SG SL'TCLlFFJrs' cr.l.KBliATEP r/.jAifCOFrj:/-: .\f.l/{7\ FLOORING, FINISHING AND LATH NAILS. r^-^ (0 < « I t- 'i 3 O X { V) I 3 ' o z u. I o < 5:1 X CO pa CO o O 04 CO i ■^ k VI (J o CO /. < V ^^ CO QC O *J ^ ^ O " M H < i—i :i ■- M iL r_^ s ^^-^ > 2 *S UJ Sd 1^1 ;;•" CO rt •-=3 > c3 i^^ :j t^ H S S ^ ►-' I5 (0 < I- < o ca Of Ui Q. a O o o z < o UJ N z > < o z o '9^XidS QNV SniVN dSVIO ONV BSOil 3NU jori;!sr McCXJLloch, lMroRT];ri and MANi'FAcrrnF.n of 2s o. J3() tiratii'ille iSh'ecf. Gold and Silvei* Lever '\Vutoh(js, Gold (iiiarJs and Albert Chains, IJroooIies, Lockets, fine Gold Weddinj:; llinjiS, Eur llings, Studs, I'ins, Braolct.<, Spectacles, Silver Spouns, Watch sind Cloi'k niMterials and other goods in the line, at very low rates. Wholesale amd Retail. Watches and Jewelry repaired . to Order. (0 -J < ll O |i Ui r 0. ' :' a o u ll UJ I': !i z I' < < z o I, 'hftins, Is and £) ^ a ^:i 4)52 211:21^ 2)3a>2)^» JAMES GOSSIP, W I! O I. E 3 A MC AND R K T A I N D i; A t, F. U IN PAPER HANGINGS, &C. S t L V E li ' S S T X i: IJ U I L D I N , No. CO George Street, neap the Market Square, HALIFAX, N. S. R. & J. WETMORE, (ll^aruijrfi, 6il(Icrfi, and |3rinif)Cllrr!), AND DEALERS IN PAPER HANGINGS, No. 38 Granvi!:o Street, T/i(ikinf» Glasses, (lilt NViirlow rornicr.^, 'Ronm >rouMinc;!», TW-ld Lpfif, Picture (ilas,«, Artists' Miitcriab, Coluur.s, IW-uslios, iS:c. fur (ircciriii, Orioiita], a'nl Aiiticjue raintlng. Maps and I'ictiiros Monnte^l and Varnished. \ Old Frames vc-gdt. Looking Glasa I'latcs vc-silvcred. Ships' Billet ; Heads always ou hancl. Mj JR. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT r^EDICi^^ES, PURE f^lHOICINAL COD LIVER OIL, AGllK U LT I RA L S E i : DS, £cccl)C5, ycrfumcrij, arib ail kiubs of (Toilet Ucqitisitcs, Xo. 130 Gi; A.NN'n.i.i; Sti:ki:t, I U^ PiiYSiciAXs' Pui'Smii'TioNs cavcfiillj propavt'il and personally attended to. Sea and Family Medicine Chests put up at the shortest notice. NOTICE. TIFF Siil)Hcn1)er l>oinp; nhmit to Icnvc tlio Cduntry, voturni lils sinccrp tliaiilxs to tlio (•iti/ons of Ilalitax, for the ."iiiiport he has iTcrivcd whik cfirrviii;; oil liiHiiirys, and hc^5 to a(;(|iini)it IIkmii that .McsHrrf I''U\si:h iV Si*.v having piii'dnvMeil his stock mid the good-will of liis )iii?. PIANO FORTE MANUFACTORY, 88 BARRINGTON STREET^ Till'] Sub?(!ril)ers liivii^ added to tlieii' iircvious stock, the MOck and nialeiials of Mr. .1. B. l'iiii,u'><, and having removed their Piano Forte MaiKifactory to tlie premises recently ocoupiod by him, take this oppor- tunity to return their thanks for tiie lil)eral patronage hitherto bestowed upon them, and trust that with their increased facilities they will receive a continuance and extension of su[tpul■^ l*iano Foi'te^ of the latest designs, with Melodians of every descrip- tion, for sale or manufactured at a short notice. I'iaiio Fortes and MelodiaiiH tuned and repaired, WiVI. FRASER Si SON. Wholesale and JiJail Dealer in IJootii, ^hoeii, ^hoc ^fodi, and lilublicn), 56 George Street, north cud Province Building, HALIFAX, N. S. (i. S. V. liiiving roniioxion with the best houses in Enghiiid and the United Sliites, is prepared to lill ordiM-s on I lie best terms. INDKX. ' Page Anniversaries aiir1 Fofists 4 Aeiidia (^)lh>gi', Wolfville 5,' Aciuliiiu Sclioul, Halifax iVt African K. Mt'tliodist C'luirfh (">■,» IJajitist Association (VJ Agents for Lloyds (ir Advertlsfineuts lOS HarristtTs anil Attornies 'X\ IJourd of I{(' venue ltd Works M I'age IJoard of Exam. Mcdieal T.ieenses. ;is Agriculture, llaliCax 08 IIe;iltli, Halifax lOo Rarristers' Society 50 r.aptist y\ inistcr.s On jMissionary Hoard (U Free Christian 3Iinisters.. (yz Free Will Ministers (ij Hanks, Halifax 70 ("hroiitdogical ("yehss 'i liilo ,IAM liis ■ally V, ; ixivl Fort*! ppur- (iwccl jceivc scnp- s anil N. f>:ii, lud the nsos. ;iX .. OS ..U«t ... 50 ... t)i) ... t)l tors.. «•-: ... &z ... 70 rnlonfliir Ta'^'cs H to ■,",» Coinm'rH Imlian AlVaiiw .i;- l'/'ii\ iiicc Niitcn ,'i; oi KallwaVH .'tr St. rct4'r'rt Cimnl ;t; h'i'riprority 'I'r.'iity X I Aufii'iit Kocords ." ;j8 to cxaiiiiiu' imd nclrct I'ildls c: Tourt, Siii>rcMi(' I'.i of Krriir :,i) .VI rio Marriii^'c iiiiil Dh orcc.. Nice .Vdiiiiriill V ("lorf,'-y lCHtal)lisliril ('Imrcli JJonmii Ciitiiulic Clmri'li. . (■Iiurclj lOiidowinciit Fund Com iiiittcc iS.'i f'olcniiil ('. and .'^. Society ,">"> Cliiirfli or.Scoll.'Mid Society jfl C'ounty ol" IInli!a\ W Cohdieaer 7\i CiiMitiei laud K(i J'ictoil KJ Iliiutf M Kiujj's s."i Annapolis .s(i Ki^diy hs Luneuliurj;' Mt tjuecii's <»(( Slielhiirne '.i| \ai-nioiiih Sydney alliousie Colle;,n', llaliiax Diocesan CImrcli Society Deai'iiud l)ujuli Institulion Dart month Directions for lindin.^^thr' true time Kniher Days '. ,' Kclijises ." K.\'l)lauutiou Calendar I'a^es ."i ."^i;4iials '('< Kxecutive Coiuicil '■><> and Impost OHico ;!i» K.'istern Circuit 7li Fixed and .Movealde Feasts, A«'. . . t l'"armcr's Calendar ii to ■.'".i .Secretary's Ollice 'M Frt'c Clnirch Culle"-e ."c Minister,^ a; (iovernor of Nova .'>cotia .'id (rovornnient < ( and OITicers.. :'.'• (iorliam Colli'<.;'e, I,i\ ci'iiocd .") .' llKlil'ax (iranimar School .'>■'< L.adies' Milde Association (i.'f City .\Iissi(ni (>'! ^'aclit Clul) lis ] )is|)('nsary <".! Corporation W Fire Wardens mo Fire Hnj^-ine Company. Axe Fire Company. loi Fire Comjianies ini and Dartmouth S. !!, Com. li'J I'/ !l". I Ii;: It .- . . . I'll!,'*' lloHHP of .VhsimmMv 7|" Morton Academy..' !'.!!.*.'.".! }>'' of li'et'u^e [ -."l In-ipector of .Mlue.s .,.....,.., 'w lusjyecriirH of Srilodls '// ;, | In-jaiie llo.ipit.-tl, Halifax ...,'..'..'. ;i; Insurance Conipnuies .V \"t«ncles. 7[ Kin',''H Colle^fi', Windsor..'^'. .! .M Alumni ,',i Scludarshlp ,',] l,o<;isIntive Council ;t| l.i;.;"lil- ilouse.M |[| '.j_^ .'^linisterM cliurch of Scotland!.'.'.".* ;,;l I'leHhylcci.,,, Church... .'.(l Con;,Te;,ralfonal Ci',' Lutheran Micm.ic .Mis.iiiouary Society Ma'^onic Loil^^'e.s, . i " Medical Society of .Nova Scotia!!! Xova ."icotia Iti'lile Society Jiiterary and Scieatilic So.i^'ty '■> Temiteraiirc AlliaiU'c, TJ Normal S hool, 'I'liiro r,i Nation. I Schoid, Halifax ;,'. Odd Fellows ,;,1 (.(llicerB (irdmince Department. ... In:; l':u;,'ine.'r Deparliiient In:; IJarr.ick Department le,; of .\niiy Stall' lovi lioyal Artillery io:{ KuL;iiieer,s pcj (1,'nd l{e-imeui id:; (i.lrd lie,'jmciit lo.t Nov, I Scoiiu Milhia stall', .lot Noluuleei- Artillery lot Naval '»ard, Halifax lot \'icfualliu^- \i\nl lOl I{oy.d N'a\ V lo-t I'hmcts, SjMiis of tiie •,> Mornin;;- and KveniiiLT... 'J • l'rincii),il '.(I to •,".• Provincial Secretary's OlVice :;ii i'eiiitruliarv '. ;i; I'osi oiiiee, "Halifax [>■, I'i.'ton .Vcademy .", ; <,>ueen's I'riuter :,> l>'o,L;al ion Day.s 'j l!ecei\cr ( ifueral's ( Mlice :;i; Itoads and I lislauees !or Surveyor (ieneral's (JITice. liii SuperVisiM-s ofCireut Iliads AT Salile Inland :•,; St. I'auPs and Scatlarie :;; St. Mary's (;olleyo, llalil.ix v; Societies *. 71 Socii'ty for (iaiden and I'oiiltry Shows ". ('iS Sous of 'J'<>m|)eranc.' Atheuiciim. . . 7 ' SI lore Circuit .■«'.i Tariff of Duties t: 'I'ele^raph Comiiany ii.s 'i'empei-auce Aid Association 72 rnivrrsalist Chiircli. Halifax 0:1 A\'inil.-ior Collegiate Schoiil M A\olfvilli> Acailemy ;"••.; Wesleyan Acadeiuy, Sackville it'-i -'Mis.sioiiaries M AVi'stern Circuit M ■^'oun^ !\I<'u's Chris. Association., ti:! Zodiac. SiLins of the 'J ■m- TEETH! TEETH!! TEETH!!! t1 H I— i J TEETH REGULATED! NERVES OF TEETH DESTROYED! A^'I) ALT, OIM.KATIONS PKltTAl N I.N (f TO DENTAL SURGERY Performed in fho ihosi sL''f il viavpcr, In/ Sas. MA.-GAX-LA,ST3SS & 3PAI|iE, Af. the Cotnplde DetUal KstahUshnent, No. 49 Granville Streat, Halifax, N. S. November, 18o'.). CMAII1.EN H. m p; BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 9 ■a'li'UlHD, iL £;. lias constantly f;>r f^alc, on roM^nnnlilo toriii?, !. large assortment of IU)uks an. I Stationery, Eoom Paper, School Books, School Materials, Mcmorauduni and Account Books, BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, P:-alm, Uyinn, ami Prayer lii ol;^, all sizo«i; 'I'oy Dooks, 'Mii^oeUancous Literature, Matheiiiatical In.'^-i t.^ ^^^ k.*J t-< 1— < p-^ ^ '^^ H c '■I ■■ TROYED ! \Y s. lER, .ssortiiiciit of duni and Iii