IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET rMT-3) 1.0 I.I «" IIIIM ■ M IIIIM IIM IM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -1 6" — ► Photographic Scieiices Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY 14580 (716) 872-4503 ;: "I'll.- go\ I'limieiii (if l»rili>li Col- umliia are to undertake by tlio aid of tlie alxive-nu'uf idued sinn to transfer fi'(»m 1,(MM» to 1. •_*.-)(> families of Crofter (ish eiMuen and others from tlH> western Iligl.Iands ami islamls of Scotland to British Cohnnbia, to locate th-ni on frc lands on the sea coast and islands of that country, and to lU'ovide them with dwi'llings anil means ef liveJihood. "It is propos(»d that the colonists should l)e transferred in parties, begin ning with fifty families; the whole num- l»('r of families to be located within si\ years from the tinu' (d' tic Hrst settle- ment. It is hopeil that the cost of tin settlement will lie about £1"_M) p(>r fam- ily, but in any case the cost is not to exceed iil.'O per family. '•(-) 'riic sum ».r i;i:.«>,0(MJ is to l.e ad- vanced in three insf a Imeiits of t."i(>.0(K) Tile tirHl instalment is to be adviMK-ed as soon as an net jirnvidiiig fur (•.•irr.vinu II I "M l^j !ll "'. 'II H i I !f t |il fi | i||i'|i|l i |l I H 'IIIPI III » over six years, and approi)riate the £ir.<>.) as sjn-cified ill tlie Ciiaucellor of the Excho(|iier's letter: No. 1 Ai)propriatioii if242.o()0 First year, 50 families located, rciiulred ,']().37.j I?nlaiice invested at 4 per <'ont.... 'J\H\.V2rt Second year. '2(H) faudlies locate .'50,'{.12."» Third year. 200 located, recpiired.. 145,.'00 IJalance invested at 4 per cent. ... l.')7. 025 Fourtli year, l.')0 families located, i-e(iuired ^100,125 lialaiuM' investc'd at 4 lu-r cent 48.500 No. ;{ Appropriation (add to foniior balance) 242,500 Vi/,.: $4.s,.")(M» jind .$2t2.."»Oit 2 :>1 (lOO Fiflli year. 2.")0 families located. i'''»inire(l Ifii.s75 I{alane(> invested at 4 uor cent 100 125 Sixtli year, l.'.O families located. i"t'4uire(l 10i>,125 'J'hc ii.\estnieiii,> .ind iiileiesl aciru- ing ar" shown in ihe following tablo; First year's Imlanee Invested .$8 245 Second year's balance invested 2 7."5 Third year's balance invested It!l70 ronrtli year's lialance invesl«'(i. . . . Illio Fiftli year's balance invested l.">!475 $4(!,755 Should th" ctdo'irizatioii termioate un- • ier the "scluMue " at the end of tlh' first approiiriation. the balance on hand on interest aciMuint would be ,f;il.()(K>. Other slalemeids showing repayments ly tlv> colonists, embracing seriatim a period ('.vtciiding over a i«'rioil <,f seven yonns, I furnished ' cv- Sessi(»nal I':i- pers. ISD-J. nairi ' »). Tliev were found on oxainina, ., by the ImiH'rial i}ni\ |)rovinci;il goveniimMts :e be iinan- cia!I>- s.Miiid. iuid were apiimv.'d by (lu'in. A itrovinciiil act, "the Colonization Act ^^j^^^j|i^l^j^^i^^^^^e(^jJ^^nl^Mi^^. (xccfii ilTtU p.i- liiiiiily. ••(2) 'I'lif SHIM of £i:.(>,en(U'd upon settling' sncii number of families as it will provide for; and the third instalment when the second is so exi)eiided. "{'A) The j^overnment of British Col- ninlda are to j,Miarantee repayment of the sum advaiu-ed, with interest at thre-^ per cent. i)er annum. Itepaynu'nt of each instahnent of the loan is to commrnci at the end of five years irom the dat" at which it was first advanced. The interest during.;' tlrcse five years is to bf added in each year to the principal of the hvan; and the whole amount of eacn portion of the loan is to b(> rei)aid by (Mjual annual instalnuMits extending; over 2") years fron) the date at which, in each case, rei>ayment be,t:ins. ' (4) All responsibility for the welfare of families settled will naturally rest with the fjovernmcnt of British Colum- bia; but Ilei- Ma.i(>sty's jjoverjinu'iit will, from tinu^ to time, ask the ;;overnment of British Columbia for siKdi informa- ti(Mi as will enable them to satisfy tluuu- scdves that the furthe!* advances can with advanta^'e be mad(-. Should it at any time appear to Her Majesty's ;i;ov- ernmi'Ut. or to the ^'overnment of Brit- ish Columbia, that the measure of suc- cess attendiufr the colonization sclieinf> has not lieen ach-quate, and that it is therefore desirable to abandon the fui-- ther carry injr out of tlu' sclieme, any un- exjiended balance in +lu^ hands of the {rovernnient. of British Columbia will then lie repaid, with the interest accriM^i'l u)) to the date of paymen*"." In accord'ipce with the f()re;;oin..» docniin nt from tlu^ Imperial Treasury I furnished the provin<'ial ^I'overnnient with stat'Muents to detnonsrvate how the ai»pro,yiriq;ions shouhl be apiHied to com- plete tlie transfer and location of 1.0(>0 families, the amount advanc(>d ro be re- paid in twenty-five years at three jM^r cent, interest -repayments to commenc<^ in Tivi^ years after each inslalment had been made. The following!- statement shown how it was intended under mv plan to deal with the thrcv instalnienis of £50,0iid provincial i:overnm<*.its to "in lin;ui- ciiill.x sfimd. iiiid were •»|i))ruv.'d l»y Ili< in. .\ provinciiil aiM, "(he ( 'oloiii/atioii .Vet of ISjrj," was pass(>d (.\|.ril ISih), to atithorizc an ;iirr(«'mei;t with Her Maj- f sty's udvernnicn: for the set iliiii,' of hsh- <'rmen and others in British C(>lumbia. A correspoiidiii;: act -ihc "British Cc li'ihbia (I.o.ui) Act." I'Ttli .linie. IS'.rJ. w;'s p.'issed by the Iini>erial LTovermnent to authorize an advance to the iroveni- ment of British ('.dunibi:i of i;i.'().(M)0 from the Tin|)erial treasuiw on lei-l.-iin con«li!ions. Both ;h(»s( arts are in fore(» and applicable to this (Nilonization scheme, which, for reasons furuierly expl.'iined, hns not lM>en carried into efr«>ct It will be <'leai"ly se(Mi that this plan of setthMuent v.'as cifefully examiner, by boll; rroveniuients and aicepted; that it is no lu'omiscuous .■itate-jiidnl coloii- ization affair, but a specially jirran;.'ed commercial contr.ict. in.ade voluntarily and firmly betweei: the iprovincial jrov- enimei.t and the colonists, bidore they have lluir li«.mes: and, that then^ may be no misundeistandiiiii-, the advaiita;;'es and dis.idvani aiics (d" tlie |>ropos('d col- (ddz.'itioii would be fully set before them. I may add here that I havi^ secured fr m the owiKU's about ,S()() acres (d' land as portion of a townsite at IlarJy Bay for tlu> use of the proiiosed fishery colonists. t(t be }irantcts will neither he ijrirored uor nej-'lected by the h(Ui. the minist(>r of immifrration in his desire to accom- modate foreip:ners at Bella Coda atid (Juatsino Narrows, which have, so far, prov(Ml expensive experiments to the pro- viiu-e. Trusifirsr the information thus driven will satisfy you that the colonizatioti referred to will benefit not only the fish- injr irdustry. but other industries of the province as well, and that you will jrive it vour supjwvrt. T am, <4c. . etc., Victoria, Mai-ch 2-'!, 1S07. ALKXAXDEK BKCJO. CC. 2^^9564