IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. ^/ .V4 ^ ^C3 1.0 Hfi^l 115 Ui 1^ 1112.2 "* no I.I 1.25 11.4 IIIIII.6 IIIIIM 1.8 ^. ^. /a 7 ^V""^ > '>' y >^ r^'^^ iV Lsiilt of consiili'raMp iiiooiivt'iiii'iice, cxjicriciiccd in coufiiilting several work^ where the descriiiti)!) of one species refers to that of anotlier, and this in turn often to a third, thus neoessitatinj; a larjje amount of readinj,' and referenco lieforn tlie full description is readied. Althougli, by tiie nietiiod ]iroposed, there must be a lar<;e amount of rejK-tition, it is lioped that tlie convenience in liavin;; all tin- i)arts of a des(!ripti or less broadly rounded, A certain latitude is allowed in the greater or less prominenoo of the exterior angles, they being in some cases slightly rounded, in others very prominent, acute, and ])rojecting, and also in the degree of curvature of the line forming the reentrant ; this, though in the great majority of cases very broadly rounded, may in certain instances be rather acutely so, which is particularly the condition, when the emargination approaches in configuration the more or less triangular notch known as an incisure. Sinuate. — AVhen the lino bounding the vertex of a segment is uninterrupt- edly curved throughout, but reentrant in the middle, it will be designated by this term. In this ease the reentrant jjortion is called the sinus, and tin? two lat(!ral rounded projections the apices. Comparisons are fre(jU(!iitly drawn between the degrees of curvature of the sinus and apices, as will be seen subsequently, and will be understood to refer to the ]ioints when* the curvature is a maximum, or at th8 of tni-asiiroiiUMit, the head is .supposed to In- limited \ty two sets of t!ui;,'ciit liiii's diiiwn to the iiycs, one set piirallcl to tiie axis of llm iiisi ct, tlie otliiT pi'r|ieiidi(!ul,'ir to the Haine. The lines of juncture of the t^yes with tlie iiiterofiilar siirfneo, called ocitlur Unix, aro ;,'i'ner;illy ncai'ly sfriiijjlit, and liavc vaiioiis di'^^rccs of (jonvcr^'enue in the diU'erent species. This is indicated liy tin' niniilxT of h(^ad-l('n(,'lhs, tlie iioiii of junction of tln'sc lines if produced, would he distant from the anterior niar};in of tlic lal)runi. The nunihi'rs placed after the various localities indicate the nnnilier of specimens from each, respectively. Tilt' genera and subgcuem within our launal limits may bu tabu- lated as follows : — Parnglossae not constricted at base; ;j;enae of liead lar;,'e DitlllOllS. I'arafjlossae stronply constricted at base; genae generally absent, sometimes visible from above, thouj;li very small. Fourth tarsal joint simple or but slightly enlarged, not having well-defined elongated lobes. Last joint of antennae longer than the i)enultiniate 8teilll8. Last joint of antennae short, in the i\iales much shorter than the i)enul- timate Suli-gen. Mutiiius. Fcnirth tarsal joint distinctly bilobed AreilS* DIAIVOVS Saniouello. In tliis gcnijs tiiere are two distiiu!t type?;, viz.: rarnhsrerts Oyll, and nitidiilus Lee, to each of wliieli there may be considered as belonging two species, closely allied, it is true, but still distinct as far as can be judged from the material at hand. In appearance the species are robust, of a dark steel-blue color, having on each elytron a large reddish-flavate spot. The eyes are much smaller than in 8tenus, and leave a large portion of the head exposed behind them ; tlie distance between the eyes is much greater than in any of tiie otiier genera of tlie group in our fauna. The antennae are very long tind slender, and the abdomen very strongly margined at the sides. Our species, three in number, may be tabulated as follows : — Fourth and fifth joints of antennae (^qual in length or extremely nearly so. Punctuation very sparse ; elytra scarcely longer than wide. 1. nitiflulus. Punctuation very dense and fine ; elytra distinctly longer than wide. 2. clialylieus. Fourth joint of antennae distinctly, longer thin the fifth; punotuation of elytra sparse, strong ; elytra distinctly longer than wide. 3. zepliyrus. I ! COI-EOI'TERA. (t 1. !>• Iiitiilllllis I.<'(^ — I'nlit' .cciici' fine, siil)-ri'i'Uiiil)itiit, hjiaisi', vi-ry incoi\H\tU\un\x, Head rntlit'r Inrr .< ; intfroculnr Hurfncu rnint'il Hli^rlitly nbovf tlic cyi's, with two vtTv il('i'|p'y imiircsscil, lirondly riiiiiulcrl, Idiiuitiiclinal iiiiliicssioiis (liviiliiig it I'liuiiily; iiiti'iiiii'diali' siiit'aco .stroiij;ly fiinl fvciily (•(invfX ; luinctiirf'H lint', evenly diMtiildited, distniit at nil jjoiiitH liy xliglitly iiKire tli.'iii their nwn v, idthn, iiiterKpaces tint ; eyes rather small, ])n>iiiiiieiit ; genai- long, eoiitiiiu' lis in curvature witii tlie eye; anteiiiiai' tliree-fuiMtlis longer than f'.;>' wMlli of head, lilaek, rather slender, club ilnrk fuscous; third joint t "-lia.f longer than the fourth, foiirtli and fd'tli efjual in length, each joint enl.irg •(! toward its tip ; maxillary ]ial|)i long and slender, jiiceous- Mack tludughoit. Prothorax arciiately, rapidly, and I'veidy ineri'asing in %vidth to the middle, where it is slightly narrower than long; sides thence I'eelily convergent posteriorly, nt first sinuntt* ; Imsal angles hroailly rounded ; anterior and posterior margins eciiial in li-iigth r.nd curvature, feehly aicuate ; surface transversely and feehly imj)ressed just li(diind the ajiex, strongly tuberculnto near «nch bnsnl angle; finely, distantly, and evenly punrtnte, intersiiaces flat, shining, minntely reticulated. Elytra at liase just visilily narrower than the head; sides feehly divergent posteriorly, alioiit eijual in length to width at haso, nearly straight; suture ahout one-flftn longer than the pronotiim ; surface fe(d)ly impressed on the suture toward the hase, coarsely, s])arsely, and nearly evenly j>uiicture(l ; punctures rounded, gene- rally distant by more than twice tludr own widths, interspaces shining, nearly Hat ; flavate spot beginning slightly before the middle of each idytron, extending as an oval jiosteriorly and outwardly. IJorder of abdominal seg- ments very strong. Legs long and slender, black, pubescence fulvous; first joint of the posterior tarsi distinctly longer than the next two tos^Ltlier. Male.. — Posterior edge of the fourth ventral segment jnst visibly emarginate in its middle two-fifths, contiguous surface feel)ly flattened; fifth segment emarginate in it.s middle two- fifths at apex, emargination nearly evenly rounded, abont ten times as wide aa deep, contiguous surface strongly flattened throughout; sixth segnnuit deeply and broadly sinuate at a])ex, sinus evenly rounded, slightly more than twice as wide as deep ; seventh segment transversely truncate at tip, lateral spines very strongly developed. FfiiKilc. — Sixth segment somewhat angularly produced at tip. Length 4.5 nan. "White Mts., New Hampshire, 8; Garland, Colorado, 10. The commonest of our .spe(Mes of this genus; when its localities are t'ciind, it seems to he numerous, hut these are very seldom dis- covered. The head in this species is smaller than in zepiiijrus. 2. D. clialybeus Lee. — Form robust. Pubescence very fine, sub-recum- bent, rather close, dark piceous-brown, inconspicuous. Head large ; inter- ocular surface having two longitudinal, broadly rounded, and deep impres- sions ; intermediate suirface strongly and very evenly convex ; punctures very fine and close, evenly distributed over the entire surface, rather fe(d)ly impressed, generally separated by their own widths ; eyes narrow ; antennae 10 NORTH AMKUICAN slightly longer tlian tho hti.'id ami jx-othoriix togctlusr, piceons-Mack, diili slightly paler; third joint two-thirds longer than the fourth, fourth and fifth sub-eijual ; joints scareely enlarged at tips; maxillary palpi long and very slender, pieeous-hrown, tips of lirst and third joints paler. Prothorax arcu- ate y, rMi)ir and less arcua(e than the anterior, the latter feebly arcuate ; surface strongly and transversely impressed just behind the apex, very strongly tuberoulate near each basal angle, very strongly and rather abruptly convex in the middle of the disk ; j)unctures very minute and sparse in the middle, much coarser and closer toward the base ; disk of pronotum termi- Tiated anteriorly and posteriorly by a narrow, acntts, elevated bonh-r. Elytra at base as \*'ide as the head ; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, distinctly longer than the width at base, feebly arcuate toward the tip ; together nar- r.nvly and very deeply emarginate behind ; suture one-third longer than the pronotum ; surface of each elytron impressed along the sutural border toward the base ; punctures coarse, round, nearly evenly distributed, distant by much less than twice their own widths. Abdominal border very strong. Legs long and slender ; tibiae toward tips, and tarsi clothed densely with fulvous pubescence. First joint of the posterior tarsi equal in length to the next two together. Mule, — Posterior edge of fourtl) vi".itral segment just visibly emarginate in its middhi fourth, contiguous surface feebly llattened ; fifth segmijut nearly triangularly emarginate in its middle third at apt^x, eraargination seven times as wide as deep, contiguous surface strongly flattened throughout ; sixth segment deeply and broadly emarginate at tip, exterior angles of emargina- tion pronounced, sides nearly straight, bottom broadly rounded, about twice as wide as deep ; seventh segment transversely truncate at tip, lateral spines strong. Female. — Posterior edge of fifth ventral segment very feebly and narrowly emarginate in the middle ; sixth segment acutely produced at tip. Length 4.8 mm. »" '■;..• t • 12 NORTH AMEUICAN Vancouver Island, British Columbia, 7. The most salient feulures in the differential characters of the two s|)eci(^s, iiitldulns and zephi/riis, are the structure of the antennae, punctuation of tlie iiead, iironotiim, and elytra, structure of tlie hind tarsi, relative lengths of the proiiotum and elytra, the degree of emargination of the latter behind, and slight differences in the sexual characters of the male and female. The antennal club is much more slender and paler in color in the latter sitecies. I'he species are evidently closely allied, and whether the insular conditions under which zephyrus has existed, have caused differences as announced above, in individuals originally of llw; same species, is an interesting pr()l)lem, which time alone can aid us in solving. Tiie spots in zephyrus begin slightly behind tlie middle, are nearly circular in outline, and are distinctly neansr the ext(;rnal than tlie internal edge of the elytron. STEMUS LatroiUe. The species of this genus are extremely numerous, and often very closely allied. Our representatives are all included in the three fol- lowing divisions : — Abdomen strongly and distinctly margined. Each (ilytron having a spot of orange tint near the middle of its disk. ...A. Elytra immaculate B. Abdominal border rciluced to the mere line of juncture of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the segments, only distinct on tlie first segment, and, v> in some cases, at the bases of the remainder C. v* ' Division A« In this division the species are few in number, and among the largest of the genus. They are recognizable at once by the inore or less reddish-orange colored spot, of form varying according to the species, situated near the middle of each elytron. IMie legs are, as a rule, long and very slender, and they are nearly all rapid in tiieir movements. The species occurring in North America, north of the Mexican boundary, are seven in number, and may be classified as follows : — Femora black. * ' "' Spots extremcily small, beginning distinctly behind the middle of the elytron; form very slender 1. punctiger* Spots much larger, beginning at the middle of the elytron ; form more robust; spots somotimea angulated 2. biliuiictatlis. COLKOI'TEKA. i;; FeiiKir.'i iKit lilack, vriryin;,' in cdldr frdia dark ))ii'c()UH-brown to juilc; trslii- CI'OIIS. Hcail wiili'i- than tlio i-lytra 'i. colon. llcail iMjiial ill widtii to thu elytra. t<|)(its stnnif;ly liiloticil 4. M'llif'er. Spots circiilai' or ovoiclal. Ninth and tciilli joints of niiti'iinac of ciinal liMi^'th.-.Ti. sriliicoloil. 'I'cnth Joint of antiMiiiai' iiincli Ioii^'it tlian tin- niiitli. Spots sitnatcd very near tlic cxtciiial edges of tin- elytra. li. gt'llllllClls. Spots situated very near the nii(hUe of the elytra. 7. bileiifiKiitiis. 1. S. imiictiger n. sp. (Fauvcil MS.). — Form moderately slender. Pnl)es(;eiic(' rather sparse, very short, semi-erect, setifonn, and eiiiereoiis. Head rolmst, notahiy less than twiee as \via<' vc* ■.'i!S])'d. Legs long and very slender, black throughout ; lirst loiiit of posterior tarsi twicft as long as tlio second, not eciual to the next ;■..;>; j together, joints very slender and cylindrical. Under surface of abdomen polished and extremely linely punctu'ite. liO !i 14 NORTH AMERICAN" Male. — Posterior edge of fiftli ventral segment feelily emarginate in its iniiiiUc tliird, emargination evenly rounded, very feeble, short, f.nd not aliniptly terniinatud, surface of segment eylindrieally impressed for a width equal til that of the emargination, impression gradually hecoming extinct anterinrly; sixth segment very broadly and triangularly incised, notch four times as wide as deep, angle very slightly rounded, surface of segment very fecMy impressed ; seventh segment very broadly emjirginate at apex. Ffiitiili . — Unknown. Length 3.S mm. Garland, Colorado, 2. The specimen wliicli I liave associated with the type as above described, differs from it in several important points, viz.: — The prothorax gradually increases in width posteriorly and is widest behind the middle, the club of the antennae is more compact, the tarsi are paler and slightly more robust, the emargination of the sixth segment is apparently more feeble and rounding, tiie upper surface has a more metallic reflection, and the general Ibrm is more robust. I believe these diflerences indicate at least a well-marked variety, but there is not sufficient material at hand to decide upon their specific importance. The surface of the pronotum and elytra in the above type is of an intense black, without lustre and without any indication of the deep steel-blue tint observable in hipiinctatus. 2. S. bipuiictatllS Ericlis. — Form moderately robust. Pubescence ex- ceedingly tine, sparse, recumbent, and cinereous. Head very robust, much less than twice as wide as long ; interocular surface deeply excavated, twice as wide as the eye, very finely punctured, Interspaces Hat and not equal in' width to punctures ; longitudinal carina very feebly developed, narrow, crest impunctate; antennal tuberculations very well developed ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance ; antennae much longer than width of head, very slender, black throughout, club narrow ; third joint equal in length to twice the fourth, and somewhat longer than the next two together, sixth and seventh joints equal in lengtli, eighth short, broader than sixth, joints of club of nearly equal width, ninth and tenth sub-equal in length, eleventh joint much longer and acuminate at tip ; first joint of maxillary jjaljii and base of the second testaceous, remaind(!r piceous-black and densely pubescent. Prothorax increasing arcuately in width for a distance from the anterior margin equal to two-thirds the length, where it is about three- fourths as wide as the head and slightly narrower than loug ; sides thence rather rapidly convergent posteriorly and very strongly sinuate, anterior margin longer than the posterior, equally and feebly arcuate ; surface almost evenly convex, finely, very deeply, rather (jvenly and exceedingly closely punctate, punctures slightly elongated laterally, interspaces very acute ; canaliculatiou narrowly fusiform, deep, commencing very slightly before the COLEOI'TERA. 15 midille, and extending posteriorly a distance equal to one-third the entire leiigtli. Elytra at base very slightly wider than the head, sides sli;^'litly divergent posteriorly and (evenly arcuate, very slightly longer than width at base; togetluu' broadly and moderately eniarginate jHisteriorly, outer apical (jniarginations distinct ; suture but slightly longer tlian tlie pronotum ; sur- face evenly convex, rather coarsely, evenly, and exceedingly closely punc- tured, punctures elongated longitudinally n(!ar the suture, interspaces very acute; just behind the centre of each elytron there is a nearly circular reddisli-orange spot. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly' and very gradually in width, first somewhat narrower than the contiguous elytra, bordi^r moderate; surface convex, finely, feebly, and closely jiunctulate ; transverse carinae not cusped. Legs very long and slender, throughout entirely Mnck ; first joint of posterior tarsi more than twice as long as the seeonniewhat indellnitely terminated ; surface at tirst somewhat strongly and conically, then very feebly and cylindrically imjiressed anteriorly ; sixtli segment broadly and deeply incited at apex, notch triangular, three times as wide as deep, bottom rounded ; surface very fecddy and cylindrically impressed; seventh segment deeply eniarginate at tip and deej)ly imjiressed (busally, Femiile. — Sixth ventral segment generally evenly rounded behind, and almost imperceptibly produced at the apex. Length 4.4-r).0 mm. IVnnsylvaniii, 9 ; Ohio, 2 ; British Columbia, 4 ; "Washington Territory, 7. This species appears to vary considerably ; tiie spots are sometimes small, roinuled, and of a distinctly rut'ous-orange tint ; in other speci- mens, generally from tiie Pacific coast, they are larger, of a more pure liavate color, and occasionally nearly quadrate. Tliere is one specimen before me, which after long deliberation I have concluded to unite with this species ; it has the tarsi distinctly shorter and more robust, and the anterior margin of the prothorax slightly more arcuate, the entire form rather more slender, the sexual characters precisely the same ; it is from British Columbia, and I prefer at present to consider it as a slightly aberrant specimen. S. comma Lee. does not differ from this species to any perceptible extent. 3. S. colon Say. — Form slender. Pubescence of head, pronotum, and elytra exceedingly sparse and fine ; that of the dorsal surface of abdomen, short, moderately close, yellowish, and setiform. Head slightly more than twice as wide as long ; interocular surface deeply excavated, threes times as wide as tlu^ eye; longitudinal elevation not well developed; punctuation close and deep ; ocular lines meeting at about five lengths in advance ; Ifi NORTH AMERICAN antennae sliMnler, dnrk brownish-testacoous, slightly longer tliaii tlie uiiltli of head, club not well developeil ; tliinl joint one half as long again as tbe four "i, t'ourtli and liftb cijnal, eigbtli very small, nc^aily globular, Joints of flnl) slightly elongated, tenth about as long as the eleventh ; maxillary paljii vi-ry pale yellowish-testaeeous. Prothorax e(iual in length to twica th"' head, wiilest at the middle, where it is (nie-tliird narrower than the head ; surface densely and deeply punctate ; sides paiallel and slightly arcuate through the middle half, thence rather rapidly convergent and sinua*.' ; canaliculation very narrow, slioi't, and deep, comTneneing very slightly be- hind the middle. Elytra at basi? much narrower than the heail, and but slightly broader than the base of the prothorax ; tog<'ther (h-eply euiarginate anteriorly, and each hisinnate at the apex ; suture e(|nal in length to the jironotum , sides considerably divergent jxisteriorly ; humeral angles rather well developed; surface densely and closely pnnc.'tate ; a bilobed, r(Miiforni, rtavate spot begins slightly before the middle of eac^h, and extends posteriorly for a distance equal to one-third the length, connnencing at a distance from the suture visibly less than one-half the width. Abdominal segments de- creasing but very slightly in width, rather sparsely punctate; transverse cariuae as in rciiij'cr, with the lateral cusps rather less din-eloped than iu that sjiecies. Legs long and slender, femora very p;ile ytdlowish-testaceouSj sha next three together. Color of under surface piceous-black, finely and sparsely punctu- late. Male. — Fifth ventral segment abruptly and deeply emarginate in its middle two-fifths, ciuargination evenly rounded, four times as wide as deep, the adjoining surface being impressed for a short distance, terminal teeth ni(id(;- rately developed ; sixth segment incised as in reiil/er, though rather more broadly ; seventh broailly and feebly emarginate at apex. Fi'iiKili'. — Sixth segment broadly and evenly rounded beliind. Length 3.()-3.t) mm. Wnsliingtoii, D. C, .5; Penington (jiip, Va., 2; Michigan, 1; Soiithurn States, .5. Tliis species is very closely jiUied to renifer Lee. ; it is, iiowever, nineli smaller and more slender, and differs notably in the width of the head and punctuation of the dorsal surface of the abdomen. Tlie sexual characters are nearly the same in both. In facies the two species are so distinct that they can be readily sei)arated by the unaided eye. 4. S. renifer Lee. — Form rather slender. Pubescence of entire body very sparse, scarcely visible, cinereous on the head, pronotum, and elytra, more dense but still short and setiform on the abdomen, where it is slightly fulvous. Head twice as wide as long ; interocular surface moderately ex- cavated, densely and profoundly punctured ; longitudinal carina moderatidy prominent ; ocular lines meeting at two lengths in advance ; antennae slen- der, dark brownish-testaceous, equal in length to the head and pronotum '*-#1 COLEOPTEIIA. 17 togctliiT, cliit) well (levt'loju'd ; third joint a, littli' more tliiUi oiU'-lialf a.s long again as tlio fourth, lourtli and lll'th nearly equal, eighth notalily shorter than tlic seventh ; joints of cliil) nearly e ; Arizona, 21. A fine species ; the orange spot is often very brilliant. fi. S. semicolon Lee. — Form rather slender. Pubescence of entire body very short and sparse, flavo-cinereous in color. Head moderate, scarcely twice as wide as long ; interocular surface well depressed, three times as wide as the eye, deeply and closely ]iuuotured ; longitudinal elevation well marked; ocular lilies meeting at about two lengths in advance; antennae slender, but little longer than width of head, uniformly deep fuscous, club distinct ; third joint one-half as long again as fourth, eighth scarcely more than one-half as long as the seventh, eleventh longer than the tenth, joints of club slightly elongated ; maxillary paipi testaceous, second joint rather paler at base. Prothorax widest at the middle, where it is four-fifths as wide a.s the head ; length nearly ecjual to twice that of head, one-fifth longer than broad; anterior and posterior margins slightly arcuate; sides evenly and divergently arcuate before, moderately convergent and slightly sinuate be- Stenini. 2 LIBRARY eNTOMOLOQICAL BRAN0fr4 DEPARTMENT Of AGRICULTURE OTTAWA. 18 NORTH AMKRIOAX liiiid niirl-scction ; MM'fiu.'i* (Iccply and cdost-ly iiiiiictiircd, iiifcrsiinccH iinrrow and sliininj; ; comnii^ncing at tlic niiddl<' ami ('yt('n ebly sinuate in its miildle two- fifths, surface distinctly impressed anteriorly for the same width, borders of impression densely ciliate : jHisterior edge of the fifth segment broadly emar- ginate in its middle two fifths, emargination evenly rounded, (qual and somewhat elongated ; maxillary palpi slender, flavate throughout. Prothorax twice as long as the head, widest slightly before the miildle, wlier(! it is slightly l)roader than the interocular surface ; sides from widest section feebly con- vergent and very slightly sinuate posteriorly; surface deeply and closely COLEOI'TKUA. 19 narrow nlifiiliv- dm-ply t jxwtt'- (Miarst'ly ■ inidfllu ereaHiiig ; slirflKt' iterioily, n. LegB arsi (Ift'p •xt three nctulate. i. middle ddlf tAVO- liordcrH nf dly I'lnar- lour tiiiicH ad, rallier eeply and [nal to itH li segmi^nt l)ase, sidfs levior, 2 ; States, 'i\ sexual V visible of iK-ad, tliat of form, very atfly exca- diiial ridge advance ; iidcr, deep long again somewhat ax twiee as is slightly feel>ly con- aiul closely pniK'tured and channeli'd ; upon each side of the proiiolmn near the haso there is a shallow impression ; caiialiculation nearly olisolete, I'oninieni'ing at the middle and not attaining tht^ hase ; anterior and jxisterior margins arcuate. Elytra at hnse narrower than the liead ; togt^ther hroadly emargi- nate at thci hase and apex : sides fiMdily arcuate and slightly divergent posttv riorly ; suture e(|ual in length to the pronotum ; surface very deeply and <'losely luinetun'd aud channeled ; near the ))ase of each tdytron th(!re is u slight elevation ; orange-yellow spots small and nearly (urcular, very close to tlie outer margins, and just hehiiid tli(? midale tlavo-testaceous throughout. Prothorax widest at the middle, where it is four-fifths as wide as the head and slightly narrower than long ; sides from mid-section gradually convergent and siiiuatt!; surface ih.eply, closely, and rather evenly punctured ; a narrow and deep caiialiculation begins slightly behind the middle, and extends posteriorly a di^anco equal to about one- fifth the length ; posterior margin nearly straight. Elytra at base as wide as the head, sides rather strongly divergent, arcuate ; suture about one- fifth as long again as the pronotum ; humeral angles rather acute ; at the middle of the hase of each there is a marked elevation which disappears at a very short distance posteriorly; just behind the middle and situated slightly 20 NORTH AMKUrCAN lu'iiriT tin; fxtiTior than tin; inturior i-dgc, tliori! is a small longitudiiially e'migntcd spot ot Hiivo-testacfous tint; surface di-nply, clonely, and uvt-nly l>mi('tatt'. Abdominal scfjuicnts docri'a.siii},' very j;i'adiially in wiiltli j)<)> third at apex, emarginatioii evenly roanded, live times as wide as deep, terminated by rather well-developed teeth ; surface of segment impressed for a short dis- tance anteriorly ; sixth segment broadly and triangularly incised in its middle half at apex, notch four times as broad as dei'p, angle slightly rounded ; seventh broadly emarginate at apex, longitudinally impressed dorsally. Fi'iiKiln. — T'nknown. Length 15.13 mm. Virginia, 1. Tliis species differs from semicolon, Avliich it resembles very greatly ill liU'ies, in the structure of" the jiiiteiiiial club ; in the present species the tenth joint is long anil eyiindricul, ami is equal in length to the eleventh, while in seuilrohm the tentii joint is as broad as long, and much shorter than the eleventh. It also differs very greatly in the maxillary Jtalpi, those of semicolon being very dark, especially toward the tips, while in hilentl(jtitn('« rari'ly, in two?* or tlirt-i's. in otii'T oiist'H in loii<;fi' cliiiniicls, in otlici'H still in very lon^; clinnnds, witli suarei'ly it trace of indiviiluni ])un('tur«unctiforiu im- pression near each antcM'ior and posterior angle. Prothorax widest sliglitly heliind the middle S. SCIllptilis. Prothorax widest far in advance of the luiddle !>. lilCCUlillillli^« Prothorax devoid of the punctiforni inxpressions. Elytral suture much longer than the pronotum. Interocular surface rather deeply excavated ; longitmlinal elevation distinct; canaliculation of pronotum distinct. Head as wide as the elvtra at base 10. jiino* Head much narrower than the elytra 11. verticOHlls. Interocular surface feebly excavated ; longitudinal elevation very feeble; canaliculation of the pronotum reduced to a very sliirht «'rosio I 12. tristis. Elytral suture rather "horter than tlu^ pronotum ; body de](ressed ; prothorax very robust 1:5. Alistini. Legs not hlack beneath. Form very slender ; sculi>ture extremely coarse ; interocular surface very narrow, much less than twice as wide as the eye ; length 4.4 mm. 14. raiiops. Form more rohust ; interocular surface at least twice as wide as the eye ; length generally much less than 4 mm. Elytral suture about as long as the pronotum. Sides of prothorax scarcely sinuate behind ; siirfaco of pronotum very distantly and finely punctate, very highly polished. Middle •''tates 15. ilelawarensis. 22 NORTir AMKUICAX Siili'H of jirotlKirnx Ntroiijjly siniiattt lifhiiid ; smTaci' of iiroiKitiiin riitlior (Iniist'ly and t'o(irs«'ly Mculiiturccl. WawliiiiKtoii 'I'l'iiitury. li). sectutor. Klvti'.'tl siitiii'i! tniich longi>r than the iironotiini. I'icitliorax widest in advani't; of tiic middle; licad small,' sii>,'iitly narrower than the ulytra at base 17. ZllliicilH. I'rotliorax widest at or behind the miildle; liend lar;,'e, as wiile as or slii,'btly wilier than the elytra at base 18. feniorutllH. TransverHe cnrinae of iibdonjon riidimentarily 4-uuspid. Washin^jton Terri- tory 111. tacoiiise. 8. S. H(;ill|itilis n. sp. — Form robust. I'liht tcence very fine, sparse, plumbeous, ami almost invisible, except on the abdomen, where it is short, coarser, close, evenly distribnjed, sub-rei iimbent, and fulvous in color. Head moderate, more than twic« as \?id« as lonp ; interocnlar surface moderately depressed, nearly three times as wide as the eye ; lonj^itiidinjil tdevjition as wide as the lateral portions, abruptly rising;, evenly and vety stroiifjly con- vex ; pnn<;tnri'S in this region evenly distributed, not .oalescent, round, and Very close, near the eyes the punct\ircs are confusedly cualesceiit ; (jcular lines meetinj; at about two lengths in advance; anteniiau long, distinctly longer than tlii' width of head, very slender, ale iiiccous-brown ; third joint one-half longer than the fo'ivth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth very slightly longer and somewhat less robust than the seventh, i^iglitli twti-thirds as long as the seventh, more than twice as long as w ide, rather abruptly larger toward tip, joints of club of eijual length, slightly longer than the eighth ; maxillary palpi long, baHal joint and basa'. half of the second rather pah* piceo-testaceous, remainder pale piceous-brow n, third joint vvvy long, strongly lljittened ; nientnm having four stout yellow setae arranged transversely near the bas,-. Prothorax widest in the middle, whiM'e it is live sixths as wide as the luad, and just jierceptibly narrower than long ; sides thiMice strongly uonvergci.t posteriorly and rather strongly sinuate ; anterior and posterior margins eijual in length, the former slightly the more arcuate ; surface with two strongly impressed pita at the base, and two at the vertex, strongly tuberculate near the basal angles, transversely and strongly impressed just behind the vertex, extremely closely, deeply, and very confusedly punctured and chanuided, interspaces very acute ; canaliculatiou very strong, deeply impressed, fusiform, two-thirds as long as the pronotum, terminating slightly niuirer the apex than the base, bottom sjjaringly punctate, edges narrowly and acutely swollen. Elytra at base as broad, or very slightly broader than the head ; sides feebly diver- gent, slightly longer than the width at base, rather fet.'bly arcuate; togi!ther bioadly, angularly, and deeply emarginate behind ; suture nearly onedialf longer than the pronotum ; surface broadly impressed on the suture at the base, rather finely, extrtnnely closely, and irregularly channided, ch|) and trinngiilar. Legs mndcrittf in Icii^'tli, rather rolinst, picon-fuMcoiis ; lli'Mt joint (if posti'iior tiirsi iint'-li.'ilf lon^jcr tlian tlic Mcconcl, as long as tlii« tittii, stM'oUil joint iiitlicr .slmrtcr tiian tiic ni'Xi two foj^i'tin'r. ,l/,(/,.. — Fifth ventral Hcgnicnt oiaarginatc in its niidille third at apox, etna !';.'{ nation cvi-nly roimdi'd, and ten tiwii-s as wide as di'f)), (■onti<;nons siirfaci' dci'|dy inipn-.sniMl, inijiri'ssion in tin- form of an oval, distinctly lonjjer tlian wide, tlie sides liein^' Very deulivons on all sides exeejtt posteriorly, where till) eniar},'ination forms its outlet, the sides lieeome acutely rid);i'd posteriorly, and terminatu at the ends of the emarKination in aeute teeth, ]irojeetin^ Hli^htly In liincl the se^^ment, tl hottom of the oval, erater-liki' impression is llat, minntely retiii;lated ancl palieseent ; sixth segment sinuate at apex, sinus nanower than the apiees, hroadly rounded at tin* hottoui, rather abruptly terminated lieliind, and ahout one-half wider than deep; Seventh segment roundly, ratln'r deeply and evenly emarginate at tip. Ffiiitih;, — ITnknown. Length 4.S-.'j.0 nun. Liike Tahoi', Ncviulii, 1 ; Ciilitorniii, 1 ; Teiiino, Washin;j;t()ii 'IVr- ritory, 1. One ot' tlif finest species of the genns, and surpussetl by none in the siiiguhirity and distinctness of its sexual eiuiraeters. Tiie pro- tliorax, also, has more strikiii^j and salient characters than perhaps any other species; the stron>i Itattening of the third palpnlar joint is u cliaractei' seldom seen in lliis trihe. !•. S. laC'COpllilllS n. sp. — Form robust. ruheseence short, eoarse, evenly distrihuted, semi-erect and pale llavati- on the ahdonien, (cinereous, and muih less eonspiciuius on the remainder of the upper surfa<'e. Head moderate, twice as widt^ as long ; intercwular surface very feebly (^l^vex, two and three-fourths times as wide as the eye ; longitudinal elevation narrower than the lati^ral jiortious, very strongly and evi'uly convex, ])romimuit, sulfa- tions prominent; piiui-tures rather large, <^venly distributt^l, deep, rounde iipt'X, liaviiif; two small, found, shallow i)its very closo to tint api'x and soiiicwliat nt'ai- the ajiical anj^li's ; i)mictnrcs very dwp, (^xtrcincly dose near till' liasc and apex ; canaliciiiation long, narrow, distinctly and roundly inipri'sscd, tciiniMatii j; at very short distances from tlm base and apex. Elytra at liasc much hroadcr than tho head ; sides fv'ebly divergent jioste- riorly. rath(;r strongly and evenly arcuatt? ; together broadly, roundly, and distincMy emarginate hehind ; suture as long as the width at base, one-tliird longer than the pronotum ; surface deeply, rather (iiieiy, extremely dosidy, anroadly and rather obtusely rounded behind. Length 4.0 mm. Grimsby, Ontario, 1. 10. S. jlllio (l'\ab.). — Form rcdmst. I'ubescence short, sparse, eviuily distributed, semi-erect, fine, and incons])icuous, cinereous. Head robust, scarcely twice as wide as long; interocular surface moderately depressed, nearly twice as wide as th(! eye, ecjually trilobed by the very distinct longi- tudinal snlcations, intermediate surface evenly and rather strongly convex ; punctui'es coarse, very close, unequal in size, mostly coalescent, and generally longitudinally elongated; ocular lines meeting at slightly more than one lengtli in advance ; antennae much longer than the width of head, slemler, ])iceous-br,)wn, basal joints black, club moderate ; third joint about one-half longer than 'he fourth, fourth slightly longer than the fifth, sixth and seventh equal in length, the latter slightly thicker, eighth as thick as the seventh, twice as long as wid(% ovoidal, very narrow /it base, joints of club increasing gradually in length and thickness ; nuixillary palpi very long and slender, first and second joints llavo-testac(;ous, third rather pale piceous- brown, vovy slender. Prothorax widest at the middle, where it is live-sixths as wide as the head, and ve'y slightly narrower than long; sides thence niod(!rately convergent postei lorly and neai'ly straight ; surface feebly swollen near tlie basal angles, transv(-rsely and feebly impressed just behind the vertex, rather coarsely, closely, and evenly jmnctaie, punctures coalescent toward the base and apex ; canaliculation very feeble, two-thirds as long as the pronotum, terminating at equal distances from tlie base and apex. Elytra at base just jx^rceptibly narrower tlian the head ; sides moderately divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than the width at base, nearly straight anteriorly, arcuate near the apices ; togcsther broadly, roundly, and rather strongly emarginate behind ; suture one-seventh longer than the pronotum; COLEOPTEUA. 25 surface vory feebly dopressod on tlit; snturt! at tlie base, (^oarfcly, il('(']ily, ("Xtri'iut'ly (.'loscly imnctiirt'il ami thaiini'Iccl. First foiii' abdiniiiiial si'j;iiieut3 equal in widtii and imuli narrower tliaii tlie ('(intignoiis I'lytra ; surface coarsely, deeply, and moderately sparsely punetulate ; trausvorso carinae tricuspid, middle cusps lou<; and aeit;ular, lateral short and iiieouspieiU)US. Legs bhuk above, tibiae and tarsi ])ieeous IxMieatli, slender, posterior feiuora conspicuously and very densely clothed with long tlavo-oinereous ])ubesc»3nce along the ])osti'rior e(lge , first joint of ])osterior tarsi much more than twice as long as the second, longer than the next tliree together, and three-lourths longer than the iifth, joints vtM'y shnider. Mtili'. — First ventral segniiMit having a short, narrow, longitudinal, and piominent carina, tersniiiating at its posterior edge ; second segment having a siu'.ilar carina, which does not attain the post(M'ior tMlge ; third segment emarginate in its middle tw(dfth at apex, einargination evenly rounded and \(}iy feeble, surface having a carina similar to that of the first segment, which neaily attains the eniargination ; fourth segment emarginate in its middle lil'th at apex, emarginalion more acutely rounded at the bottom, about eight times as wide as deep, conti 'ous surface feebly impressed for two-thirds the length anteriorly, carina siuiilar to that of tin' lirst segment, though slightly longer, nearly attaining the emargination ; Iifth segment very deeply ex- cavated in its middle two-fifths, bottom of excavation not punctate, nearly Hat, and declivous posteriorly, as long as wide, sides in the foi m of over- hanging, very acute ridges ; anterioily there is a carina similar ui that of the first segment, posteriorly the tliin edge of the excavation is dceiily emar- ginate ill its middle half, emargination one-half deeper than wide, transverse at bottom. si mm. Ciiiiiliridgi', Mass., S; Micliigan, 12; Texas, 1 ; Canada, 0; Wasli- iugtoii Territory, 7 ; Vancouver Islaiul, 1. In tlie female tlie abdominal sejiments are nnicli broader and have tlie sides feebly converpfent po-^teriorly. There are few s|»e('ies of the order Coleoptera bavinii; sexual cbaracters sodisiiiu-t and coniiilicated as those seen in thi:- little species; a clear description of the (ifth segment of the male would l)e almost impossible. It is, perhaps, cosmopolitan, being a very conunon species in Europe as well as in America. 11. S. vei'ticosUS n. sp. — Form robust. Pubescence very line, sparse, irregular, cinensous, and almost invisible. Head sn\all, twice as wide as long; interocular surface nearly fiat, more than twici' as wide as tlie eye; longitudinal elevation slightly narrower than the lateral portions, very strongly and evenly convex, prominent, sulcations parallel ami distinct, 26 NOHTir AMERICAN behind the antennae there are pits bonUfring immediately upon the eye; punetures fine, rounded, very unevenly distributed, interspaiu'S sliining, feebly convex ; ocular lines nmetiiiy at one length in advance ; antennae longer than width of head, slender, piceons-black, club strong, clothed with pale piceo-ciiKjreous pubescence ; third joint one-halt' longer tlian the fourth, fourth and fifth ei' than dt^ep ; seventh segment roumlly eniHrginate at tip. Fciiifilf. — ISixth venti'al segnnuit rather acutely rounded behind, surface finely reticulated and minutely punctulate. Length 4.0 mm. Vancouver Island (Crotch), 1 ; Washington Territory, 0. COLKOPTKKA. 27 tli(! eye ; sliiniuj^, antciiiiiU! tlieil witli lie fouitli, ittcr two- f,'l()l)iilar, tlio ninth, nil base of ivck, tliinl J tip, and ice of the •owi'i- than , ; anterior in liMiiitli ; ubtiiciilate I'X, ratlier ; canalicu- le pi-fHiotal th.8 nun. (in an exeei)ti()niil ease 3.2 mm.). New IlaniiKsliirc (White Mts.),4 ; Luke Superior (Marquette, Miohi- picoten River, Giirgantuu, Isle Hoyale), (iO ; Biitisii Colimibia, 1. From the above list of localities this s|)(!cies is shown to have a very e.xtensive range; it is also very aliundant. Although very dis- tinct in f'acies, the vortex spot is so indistinct that isolated specimens may not be placed at first in the sidxlivision to which it is here ri'lernid. The several characters ajipear to vary very slightly in degree, more particularly in th(.' degree of cylindrical impression of the fifth segment. The specimen from British Columbia has the punctuation of the pronotum a little less dense, and that of the elytra a little liner and deeper, but otherwise it exactly resembles the Eastern representatives. 14. S. I'aiiops 11. sp. — Form very slender. Pubescence excessively fine, short, and sparse, nearly invisible. Head very robust, much less than twice as wide as long ; interocular surface not twice as wide as the eye, distinctly di'prcsseil, lon;;;itudinal elevation very narrow, fusiform, short, strongly and evenly convex, impunctate and somewhat prominent ; punctures very close, rather fine, confusedly coalescent ; ocular lines meeting at slightly more tlian one length in advance ; antennai; much longer than the width of head, slender, piceous-brown throughout, club moderate; third joint very long and slender, feebly curvTite, slightly more than one-half longer than the fiiurth, foui-th and fifth joints equal, sixth very slightly shorter and dis- tinctly more slender than th(^ si'veiith, abruptly much shorter than tlie fifth, eighth three-fourths longer than wide, as thick as tlie seventh, oval, joints of dull inoeasing uniformly and rapidly in length, uniformly and very gradually in width ; Joints three, four, and five together are as long as the lemaining six together; maxillary palpi very long and slender, very pale finvat't throughout; mentum bearing two flavate setae near the base. Pro- thorax widest at the middle, where it is three-fourths as wide as the head, and nearly one-fifth narrower than long ; sides thence nearly straight ante- riorly, nearly eijually converg(!nt and very feebly sinuate posteriorly ; anterior margin shorter and much more arcuate than the posterior; surface rather coarsely and extremely irregularly sculptured ; canaliculation obscun '.y de- fined, just behind the middlt- it is visible as a very distinct but indefinitely outlined impression. Elytra at base narrower than the head ; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, longer than the width at base, feebly arcuate, more distinctly so toward the apices ; together broadly and rather feebly emarginate behind; suture slightly longer than the pronotum; surface rather broadly depressed toward the basi^, very coarsely, extremely closely, ('eeply, and irregularly channeled, interspaces acute. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and extremely gradually in width, first distinctly nav- 80 NOKTIl AMEKICAN rower than the conti^'noiis elytra ; siirfiiec sioincwliat narrowly and Htnmfrly convi'X, linely, fcclily, nvt-iily, and distantly punctiilate, interspaces lii<,'lily jjiilislii'd ; transverse earinae trieus]iicl, eiisps all ronndeil, liread, soniewhat jironiineiit, and hecdtnin}^ ainalj,'aniateil witli the f^eneral snrt'ace of the seg- ment'. Legs long and slender, pale rnfo-piceous ; lirst joint of posterior tarsi more tlian tliree times as lonj; as tlii' se('onex, teeth well developed, directed inward. Female. — Unknown. Length 4.4 mm. Sontlicrii States (locality not specified), 1. A very tlistinct and unmistakable speoie.s. ITi. S. (lelaivarenSitS n. sp. — Form slender. Pubescence very short and fine, longer on the abdomen, where it is recumbent, fusco-cinereous. Head mo. — Form very moderately robust. Pubescence rather short, coarse, semi-erect, much nior<' iilcntifiil along the sides of the al)d(jmen, fulvous tluduglioiit. Head moderate in size, twicer as wide as long : interocular suifact^ moderately depressed, longitudinal elevaiion nar- rower than the lateral portions, very strongly and evenly convex, suli;ations very prominent; punctures close, deep, rather confused, longitudinally elon- gated; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance; antennae slender, slightly longer than the width of head, basal joint black, remainder rather pale pic(!OUs-brown, club moderates ; third joint sliglitly less than one-half longer than the fourth, fourth and fifth equal in length, sixth very slightly longer an Hpiral jnut bfliind tlio centre, and ncai- tlic oxtti- I'idi' iiini'tjin of i-acli rlytr.>n, intcrsiiaccs Hoiiit'wliat Hat ami sliininj^ near tliu suture and the liasc Abdominal scginenta decreasing uniformly and gradu- ally in widfli, first very sliizlitly narrower than the (.'onti<,'Uoiirt elytra; sur- face strongly, finely, soinewiiat closely and evenly punctiilate, much more minutely so posteriorly, interspaces liiglily polished and flattened ; trans- verse carinau tricuspid, cusps all long and nearly of e(nial length, middle liiiely acicular, lateral rather coarsely acuminate. Legs moderate, piceoiis- Mack aliove, fuscous hi'iieatii ; lirst joint of jiosterior tarsi two-thirds longer than the second, as lon;^ as the 'lext two together, and as long as the fiftii. Afdie. — Third and fourth ventral segments just visibly emarginatt! in the midiinctnlate ; transverse earinaii tricnsjtid, tnidiUe cusjis liiii' anecies nuiy be indicated by these variations. 19. S. tacoiliac n. sji. — Form very moderately rolmst. Pubescence fine, very sparse, except along the sides of tht^ abdomen, short, semi-erect, llavo- cinereous. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface rather deeply excav.'ited, nearly three times as widt( as the eye, equally trilobed by the longitudinal sulcuti(»ns, which are feeble ; intermediate surface feebly and evenly convex, punctures rather fine ; ocular lines meeting at about one length in advance, strongly ourvate ; antennae^ longi^r than width of bead, robust, black, club distinct ; third joint fully one-lialf as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth etiual, sixth slightly longer and distinctly less robust than the seventh, eighth nearly twice as long as wide, cordate, joints of club of nearly equal width, sligbtly increasing in length. Prothorax widest slightly before the middle, where it is distinctly narrower than long ; sides thence very moderately convergent posteriorly ; anterior margin sliglitly longer and more arcuate than the posterior ; surface nearly evenly convex, very finely, exceedingly closely, and irregularly punctured and channeled, interspaces acute ; canaliculation very short and feeble, beginning slightly before the middle, and equal in length to one-third that of the pronotum. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides nearly parallel, much longer than COLKOI'TKUA. 3:» tlio Nvidtli at base, ftiicl very I'l'clily aiciialc ; togctlu'r soiiu'wliat narrowly, roiiiully, anil vi-ry ntroiigly rniarjiiinatc Ijcliind ; siitiirt' ontt-Mixtli as l(Pii<^ again as tin; ])riintfiti. Prothorax widest at or slightly heliind the middle 25. sci'npens. §§§ Male having the lateral borders of the impressed area of the fifth ventral seg- ment, in the form of r-dges which ternunate posteriorly in acute teeth. Large species. Length 3.7-4.8 mm. * Tho insects in this small section increase gradually in robustness in the order given from Uniiis, which is very slender and more liliform than any other within our territory, to scruji'iis which, although elongated, is slightly more robust than two or three of the next section, as, for instance, siihtili.t, imlitjfnf, and iuijrtitiis; it will therefore be merely safer, if the species be a slender one, to first consult this table and its accompanying descriptions before proceeding to the larger table following. Tlie section is retained dis- tinct because of tho depressed appearance as well as the slender form of the species comprised within its limits. The protrusion of tho abdomen may result from the manner in which the insects are killed; if in alcohol the abdomen is generally protruded. I can only state that in all the specimens before mo the abdomen is extended, and do not pretend to assert that this is a physiological peculiarity. rOLKOI'TEIlA. n? IIi'.'uI \viili> ,'iiicl ri)l>ii>it, as liroiiil as nnM-liro\vn '27. orytlll'opils. Ili'.id small, narrower tliaii tlie elytra; piiiuttiiatioii iiiiu'li closer. I'mictiires of nl)cloini>)i extremely closely (;ro\vile(l ; mirfaco opaipie. Ili'.iit les-* tliaii twice us wiile as loll;,', Cdlorail" 2S. rilKilVr. riiiicttires of al)4omeii less crowileil ; intersiiaoes distinctly visidle, sliiii- iii;;. Heail distinctly more tlian twiuo an wide as lonj;. White Moun- tains, N. H 20. aiiuHtoinozaiiH. mi Tlic ftillowiii^ talile is simply iiiU'inlcil as mi indication of tlio approximate position of tim species, ami is only to bi; (Icpcmled upon as an aid to tlit) consultation of tin; descriptions : — Elytral suture in len^'tli e(|ual to or sliorter than the promitnm. I'i'otliorax wi. Hll<»Mll<>liis. I'rothorax narrower than lonj;. I.arye spucit^s 4.0-4.2 mm. in lengtli, slender. Vancouver Island. :!1. iiisiilariH. ypecies not oxceedinj; li.l mm. in h'iii,'tli. Robust, depressed; olytral sculpture very coarse. \VHsliint,'t()ii Tciri- tory ;12. vt>xatlls. Much more slender, rather conv(^\ or suh-cylindriual ; elytral sinilp- ture ratlior lino and even. Massachusetts. I'rotliorax widest before the middle. cp. and conspicuous 44. COIlfllSllH. Longitudinal idevation ratiier obscure, broadly rounded ; canaliculation of pronotum very ol)scuro, '.eing simjjly a very feeble erosion, in some cases almost obsolett!. I'rotliorax widest distinctly before the middle. Larger apecie.s. Legs black 45. inoi'iiatiis. Smaller s])ecies. Legs fuscous 40. lllacidllS. I'rotliorax widest at or beliind tlie middle. Sides of prothorax nearly straight in front of the broadest section, at which point they are rather acutely angulate. Massachusi^tts. 47. mendax. Sides of prothoraj. strongly rounded anteriorly, not angulate, broadly roumled at the widest section 4S. ei'ieiisis. Subgroup h. Head large;, much wider than the elytra at base 49. spllicrops. Head e(iual in width to the elytra at base 50. Illilitai'is. Head distinctly narrower than the elytra at base. Head extremely t: J, all ; interocular surface broad; eyes narrow. Massa- chusetts 51. plilto. Head slightly broader ; interocular surface narrow ; eyes wide and very convex. Arizona 52. illCUltUS. Sr.bgroup c. Elytral sutui ■ much shorter than the pronotum 53. ptei'Obracliys. Elytral sutun' distinctly longer than the pionotum. Prothorax distinctly elongated ; legs black throughout ; form robust ; elytra finely, deeply, evenly, and \ery closely punctate ; surface rough and nearly opaciue 54. corviia. Prothorax about as wide as long ; legs not black ; form more slender ; elytra coarsely punctate : surface generally shining. Ijarge species, 4.2-4.5 mm. in length 55. inaritiiniis. Small species, not exceeding 3.0 mm. in length. Form slender ; punctures of elytra airiest entirely isolated. White Mountains, N. 11 5ti. moiltaillis. Form more robust; somewhat depressed; punctures of elytra gene- rally close and coalescent. Colorado and Britisli Columbia. 57. alpicola. COLEOPTERA. 89 ■oliiacliys. laritimus. 20. S. gtranglllatus n. sj). (l-'auvel MS.). — Form very slomliM'. Piibus- ociice exccssivi'ly sliort, HiU', and sparse, sotiform, ciDornous. Head v«ry large, luit twic(( as wiilo as long ; inti'rociilar surface tiirec-foiirtlis as wide again as tlio eye, ratlier (h^eply excavated, finely and feebly imnetared, interspaces (^qnal in wiilth to the punctures, shining, minutely reticu- lated ; longitudinal suleations closely a])proxiniate and distinct ; inter- mediate surface very moderately and (!V(M\ly convex ; ocular lines meeting at less than one length in advance ; antennae very long and slender, much longt'r than width of head, dark piceous-brown throughout, club narrow : third joint tbice-foui'ths as long again as tin; fourth, and nearly as long as the fourth and fifth together, fourth and fifth e(iual, eighth one-half as long as the seventh, joints of club increasing in h^ngth, last joint nearly as long as the ninth and tenth together; maxillary palpi long and slender, pale testaceous throughout, last joint much elongated. Prothorax widest slightly before the middle, where it is three-fourths as wide as the head, and one-fifth narrower than long ; sides from the middle rather strongly converg(!nt poste- riorly and strongly sinuate ; anterior margin longer and more arcuate than the posterior ; surface evenly convex, coarsely and very irregularly punc- tate, interspaces at some spots equal in width to tlu! punctures, somewhat shining and very minut(dy reti-nilated, at others acut(( ; canalii.'ulatioii almost obsolete, one-half as long as the ])ronotum, terminating at equal dis- tances from tlu! anterior and posterior margins. Elytra at base scarcely three-fourths as wide as thi> head ; sides very feebly divergent post(!riorly, slightly longer than width at base and rather strongly arcuate; together broadly and just perceptibly emarginate posteriorly; suture much shorter than the pronotum ; surface even, somewhat depressed : very coarsely, closely, and somewhat irregularly punctured. Abdominal segments just perceptibly decreasing in width posteriorly, llrst as wide as the contiguous elytra ; border prominent ; surface very convex, coarsely, feebly, anil dis- tantly punctulate, moderately shining ; transverse carinae tricuspid, cusps acute and aciculate, middle twice as long as the lateral. Legs very long and slender, pale piceous-brown throughout ; first join! of posterior tarsi some- what longer than twioe the second, as long as the next three together, second visibly long"r than tlie third. Male. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segmiiut deeply and broai'ly emarginate in its middle third, notch four times as broad as deep, almost transverse at the bottinii, contiguous surface deeply and conically iiupi'essed for one-half its length anteriorly, borders of the impression in the form of very acute ridges, which terminate posteriorly in two long, very acute teeth, projecting over and beyond the emargination ; sixth segment sinuate at apex, sinus small, four timers as wide as deep, and evenly rounded at tlui bottom. Female. — Sixth ventral S(!gmeut evenly rounded behind throughout its width. Length 3.1-3.4 mm. New York, 1 ; Detroit, Mioliigan, a. Very distinct and unmistakable in form. 40 NOUTII AMERICAN -1. S. tenuis n. sp. — Form very slender, sides parallel. Pubeseenee liKideratcly long, line, reeuiiilieiit, sparse, pale i'ulvo-ciiiereous, metre fulvous on the abdomen. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interouular surface nearly Hat, equally trilobed by the very feeble sulcations ; intermediate sur- face very feebly convex ; punctures moderately coarse, evcaily distributed, separated by one-half their own widtlis interspaces sliining ; ocular lines meeting at one lengtli in advance ; maxillary jtaljii pale piceous-brown, basal joint opaque, llavate. Prothorax widest slightly in advance of the middle, wliere it is distinctly narrower tiian long; sides rather strongly converg(!iit and jiiit perceptibly sinuate posteriorly, rather b^ss convergent and vei'y feebly arcuate anteriorly ; anterior margin sliglitly longer and niucli more arcuat(^ tlian the jiosterior ; surface feel)ly tuberculate near the basal angles ; rather Ihiely, modei'ately closely, evenly jmnctured ; jtunctures irregular in shape, interspaces rather convex, highly polished ; canaliculation just visible as a narrow, very feeble impression, about one-half as long us the pronotum, terminating at nearly equal distances from the base and apex. Elytra at base just perceptibly narrower than the head; sides moderately divergent posteriorly, longer than the width at base and feebly arcuate ; together very broadly, roundly, though moderately emarginate behind ; suture very slightly longer than the pronotum ; surface rather dejjressed, feebly imp-essed along the suture, more particularly toward the base, coarsely a ..^.irly evenly punctate, intersi)aces two-thirds as wide as the punctures, feebly convex and higlily polished, punctures very seldom coalescent and then only partially so. First three abdominal segments equal in width, and as wide as the contiguous elytra : surface finely, evenly, and rather distantly punctulate ; punctures impressed, interspaces highly polished; posterior edges of the segments im- punctate ; transverse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps long and acicular, lateral very rudimentary. Legs rufo-fascous, moderate in length ; last joint of the anterior tarsi nearly ecjual in length to the three preceding together. Male. — Fifth ventral segment emarginate in its middle fourth at ajtex, euiargination evenly rounded, nearly ten times as wide as deep, contiguous surface feebly impressed throughout anteriorly ; sixth segment triangularly incised at ap(!X, incisure small, slightly wider than deep; seventh segment feebly and roundly emarginate at apex. Femalo. — Unknown. Length 3.2 mm. Grimsby, Ontario, 1. The type specimen is in a very dilapitlated condition, lacking the antennae and jmsterior tarsi. Tlie species diff(!rs from dljfieilis in its much more slender form, sexual ciiaracters, and sculpture. 22. S. anglistlis n. sp. — Form slender, sides parallel. Pubescence sparse, short, line, sub-recumbent, ratlier inconspicuous. Head moderate, twice as wide as long; interocular surface more tlian twice as wide as the eye, nearly flat, equally trilobed by the very feebly longitudinal sulcations, intermediate surface rather feebly and evenly convex ; punctures moderately small, rounded, not coalescent, evenly distributed and close ; ocular lines COLEOPTKUA. 11 meeting at nearly two lengths in advance ; antennae distinctly longer than the width of head, moderately robust, piceous-brown, basal joint black, club very slendctr ; third joint one-fourth longer than tlu^ fourth, fourth and fifth (Mjual, sixth and sevi^nth joints much shorter than the fifth, ecjual in length, the latter slightly more robust, eighth two-thirds as long as the seventh, equal to it in width, joints of club increasing in length and thickness ; maxillary palpi slender, first joint opanue, llavate, second and base? of the third very slightly darker, piceo-llavate, remainder piceous-brt)\vn. Pro- thorax widest much before the middle, where it is distinctly narrower tlian long ; sides thence nearly equally convergent anteriorly and posteriorly, distinctly arcuate in the former, nearly straight in the latter direction; anterior margin slightly longiM- than the posterior, equally arcuiite; surface gradually, narrowly, and feebly swollen toward the basal angles, rather coarsely, VL'i-y closely, evenly, and sub-variti!ately punctured, punctures polygonally crowded ; canaliculation very fe(d)le, tenninalin^ at equal dis- tances from the base and apex. Elytra at base much narrower than the head; sides moderately divergent posteriorly, very slightly lougc- thnu the width at bas(?, very feebly arcuate ; together broadly and feebly emarginate behind; suture just perceptibly shorten' than the pi-onotum ; surface rather ilepressed, very feebly and narrowly impressed on the suture, rather coarsely and closely punctate, j)unctures fre(iuently coalescent near tiie middle of the elytra, interspaces polished, minutely reticulated. Abdominal segments decreasing sub-uniformly and extremely slowly in width, first three nearly of equal width, and as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface coarsely and rather closely punctulate, punctures imi)i-<.^.>jed, interspaces polished ; trans- verse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps long and finely acicular, lateral very rudimentary. Legs rather slenosteriorly and very slightly sinuate ; anterior and posterior margins eiiiial in length, the former more arcuate ; surface with two very faint tuherculations on each side, e(|ni-distant from each other and from the anterior and ]iosterior margins ; canalicnlation rather ohscun^ connnencing at tln^ middle and ex- tending almost to the posterior margin ; slightly unevenly, coarsely, and vaiiolately ]innctnred, interspaces uneijnal in width, very slightly convex, jiolishi'd. Elytra at hase somewiiat narrower than the head ; sides notably divergent posteriorly, evenly and feebly arcuate, slightly longer than the width at base ; together broadly and very feebly einarginate posteriorly ; suture about eq^ual in length to the pronotum ; surface rather coarsely and unevenly punctured, punctures rather deeply impressed, closer and more ooalescent externally, interspaces near the suture about ones-half as wide as the punctures, shining, minutely reticulated. First three abdominal seg- ments ('(lual in width to the contiguous elytra ; border strong; surface shin- ing, rather coarsely puiU'tulate anteriorly, more; closely and finely so ])Oste- riorly ; transverse carinae tricuspid, cusps all very rudimentary, intervals nearly straight. Legs rufo-j)iceous, moderate ; first joint of posterior tarsi one-half as long again as the second, second notably longer than tin! tliird, thinl and fourth equal in length. Under surface of abdomen dark piceous, finely and closely punctulate. Mull'. — Posterior edge of fifth ventral segment rather feebly emarginate in the middle, emargination indefinitely terminated laterally, contiguous sur- fac(> very feiddy and longitudinally impressed in its middle third, bonlers of impr(>ssion furnished with long, recumbent, piceous setae ; sixth segment broadly sinuate at apex, sinus evenly and somewhat acutely rounded at bottom, and about three times as wide as deep, surface of segment not im- pressed ; seventh segment broadly and very fe(d)ly emarginate at apex, emar- gination almost transverse, terminating laterally in two strong, posteriorly proji'cting tcseth. Ffmile. — Sixth segment broadly and very evenly rounded behind. Length 3.0 mm. IMiddlc State.*, 1 ; Massncliusctts, 1 ; Grimsby, Ontario, ?>. Very readily distiiif!:iiished by tlie I'ourtli joint of the antennae, which is, ratlier anomalously, shorter than th(> fifth. 24. S. Pettiti n. sp. — Form slender. I'ubescence close, rather coarse, short, sub-recumbiuit, evnly distriliuted, cinereous, with a slight fulvous tinge on the abdomen. Head robust, not twice as wide as long ; interocular surface very feebly depressed, twict! as wide as the eye ; longitudinal eleva- tion narrower than the lateral portions, rather feebly and evenly convex, distinct ; punctures fine, rounded, not coalescent, evenly distributed, and very close ; ocular lines meeting at slightly more than one length in advance ; antennae very slightly longer than the width of head, rather robust, piceous- brown, basal joint black, club very moderate ; third joint one-third longer than tlie fourth, joints four, five, and six uniformly and rather rapidly de- COLEOPTEKA. 4.1 creasing in length, six anil seven eijiinl in length, tlie latter nuich niore robust, eighth slightly shorter than the seventh, strongly clnliberl, jeiiits of elnb elongated, nearly i>f eciual width, ninth anil tenth e(|ual in len^'tli, last slii,'litly longer ; maxillary palpi long, jiiceous-hrown, basal joint llavate. Prothorax robust, arcuately widening to a point slightly in advance of the middle, where it is about as wide as long ; sid(>s nioderat(dy convergent posteriorly and nearly straight; anterior and posterior margins ecjiial in lengtli, tlie former slightly the more arci'ate ; surface feebly swolh^n near the basal angles, closely, finely, somewhat confusedly punctate; canalieula- ti )n nearly obsolete, more distinct just btdiiml the middh', feebly impressed. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides rather strongly divergent poste- riorly, longer than the width at base, feebly arcuate, much more strongly so toward the apices ; together broadly, somewhat angularly and distinctly emarginate behind ; suture nearly one-sixth longer than the pronotiim ; surface strongly imjiressed on the suture toward the base ; rather coarsely, very closely, and sonunvhat evenly punctate, intc^rspaces acutely convex ami very narrow. Abdom'. ' segments d(!creasing extremely slowly in wir sparse, bright fulvous on the abdomen, plumbeous on the remainder of the dorsal surface. Head large and robust, twice as wide as long; interocular surface slightly depressed, twice as wide as the eye; longitudinal elevation much narrower than the lateral jiortions, strongly and somewhat acutely convex, prominent, sulcations acute and prominent; punctures small, rounded, very closely crowded toward the eyes, where they 44 NOUTII AMERICAN :i4 1 '■ m ill arc extremely coalcseont ; ocular linos meeting at one length in advance, almost uniformly eurvate ; antennae V(!ry slightly longc'r than the width of head, slender, ehih distinct, hasal joint black, remainder rather pale piceons- lirown ; third joint one-half longer thnn the fourth, fourth and liftli sul)- eqnal, sixth and seventh ocjual in length, the latter slightly more robust, eighth nearly twice as long as wide, joints of club of nearly e(iual length, last two almost equal ; maxillary palpi long and very slender, j)alo piceoiis- brown, becoming i)ale piceo-testac(wiis toward tlie l)ase. Prothorax arcuately and gradually increasing in width to the middle, where it is scarcely three- fourths as wide as the head, as wid« as the elytra at base, and nearly one- fifth narrower than long; sides thence moderately convergent posteriorly and vi'ry strongly sinuate; anterior and posterior margins eijual ii\ length, tlie former rather strongly arcuate, the latter nearly straight ; surface strongly and longitudinally tul)erculate near the basal angles, and very feebly so near tlut apical angles ; central portions of the pronotum nearly Hat ; punctures rather fine, variform, extremely closely crowded near the base and ajiex where; they are confused and coah^scent, occasionally isolated ncsar the middle ; interspaces generally acute and polished ; canalicuhition beginning sliglitly before the middle, one-third as long as the pronotum, narrow, well- marked. Elytra at base much narrower than the heail ; sides strongly diverg(!nt jiosteriorly, very slightly longer than the width at base, ratlier feebly and eveidy arcuate ; together very broadly, roundly, and strongly emarginate behind; suture distinctly shorter than the pronotum; surface depressed, nearly Hat, very feebly impressed on the suture near the base, deeply, rather coarsely, extremely closely punctate ; punctures very much confused, interspaces acute. Abdominal segments uniforndy and very gradually decreasing in width, first just perceptibly narrower than the con- tiguous elytra ; surface rather coarsely punctulate, punctures vory close near the borders, finer and more distant along the middle and also behind ; trans- verse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps long and aciculate, lateral very short and somewhat rudimentary. Legs long and slender, pale piceo-fuscous above, paler piceous-brown beneath ; first joint of the posterior tarsi rather more than twice as long as the second, and nearly one-half longer than the last, second joint slightly longer thjvii the third, fourth much shorter. Male. — Fourth ventral segment very feebly impressed throughout its middle third, edge entire; fifth emarginate in its middle third at apex, emarginatiou evenly rounded, six times as wide as deep, contiguous surface rathe:' strongly and cylindrically impressed throughout anteriorly ; sixth segment triangu- larly incised at the apex, incisure one-third as wide as the apex, very slightly wider than deep, edges of notch rapidly thinned, so that it is bordered by a narrow, concave surface; seventh segment transversely truncate at tip. Female. — Sixth segment angularly produced and rounded behind. Length 3.2-3.7 ram. Grimsby, Ontario, 8 ; Maniuette, Lake Superior, 1. A very distinct species in form, sculpture, and sexual modifications. 26. S« illtrilSUS n. sp. — Form moderately robust. Pubescence very short, setiform, sparse, very flue and cinereous, becoming llavo-ciuereous toward COLEOPTERA. 45 till' tip of the .abiloitii'ii. Head large, twico as wide aa long; iiiterocular surfftct! very inodcratiOy oxcavatod, twicti as wide as tlio nyc, somewhat coai'stdy, cldstdy, aixl evenly puiiL'tured ; punetiiri'S imiiressed, interspaces IKilislied; e(|ually trilobcfd by the distinct longitudinal sulcations, between wlii(di the surface is evenly convex ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance ; antennae very slender, longer than the width of head, first two joints black, remainder piceoiis-brown, club slender; third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth ecjual in length, sixth and seventh (■(luai, joints of cdui) increasing in length ; maxillary palpi very slender, first joint jiale testaceous, next two darker testact^ous. Prothorax robust, widest at the middle, where it is threci-fourths as wide as the head, and about as wide as long ; sides thence moderately convergent posteriorly, and distinctly sinuate ; anterior and posterior margins equal in length, the former slightly the more arcuate; surface transversely impressed just behind the anterior margin, and slightly tuborculate at the sides near the base ; somewhat finely punctured, punctun-s rounded, impressed, and seldom coalescing, inter- spaces one-half tiieir width, highly polished ; canaliculation in the foim of a slight longituilinal impression, extending along the middle three-fifths, and scarcely noticeable. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides very moderatidy divergent posteriorly, but slightly longer than the width at base and almost straight ; together broadly and somewhat feebly emarginate posteriorly ; suture one-sixth as long again as the pronotum ; surfa(;e nearly evenly convex, punctures rather coarse, deeply impressed, rounded, and but seldom coalescing, intca'spaces one-half their wiiltli and highly polished. Abdominal segments decreasing regularly and moderately in width poste- riorly, first as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface rather depressed, highly l)olished, sparsely, very finely punctulate ; transverse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps long and acicular, lateral short, exjianding at apex, and inclined inward, intervals very moderately sinuate. Legs slender, dark piceous ; tarsi paler, slender ; first joint of posterior twice as long as the second, next three uniformly decreasing in length. Under surface of abdo- men clothed with long, recumbent, fusco-flavate pubescence which is very fine. Male. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment strongly emarginate in its middle half, emargination evenly rounding, six times as wide as deep, surface deeply impressed, sides of impression slightly convergent anteriorly, and in the form of acute ridges which terminate posteriorly in acute teeth, projecting over and beyond the emargination, fioor of impression fiat and almost impunctate ; sixth segment very narrowly, deej)ly, and triangularly incised, at apex, notch much deeper than wide, angle very acute, sides straight ; seventh segment deeply emarginate at apex. Female. — Sixth segment feebly bilobed at apex, cusp acute, arms widely divergent. Length 3.7-4.0 mm. Cambridge, Massiicliusetts, 28 ; Wliite Fish Point, Michigan, 1 ; Escanaba, Michigan, 1 ; Canada, 1. A fine, well-marked species, with excellent sexual cliaracters. The - Jl 46 NORTH AMKRICAN moilificutioii of the sixth SL-gmtMit in tlie ruinale is not noticeable; in some SfH-'ciinens. 27. H, crytlll'opilH 'S\t'\». — Fdiin inoileratoly rolinst. PulH'SCcnce ox- t't;L'(liii;;ly slioi't ;iii(l, tine, ^ctil'onii, and cincrcniis. Head robust, not twice art wide as long ; intfi'ocular surface! twicu a.-i wide as tin? cy*', distinctly excavated, rather coarsely, closely, and evenly innictate, interspaces one- fonrtli as wide as tlie jiiinctnri's, shining ; (equally trilobed by the sharply marked, longitudinal sulcations, intermediate surface evenly cons-ex ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance ; nnteiinai' long and very slender, longer than width of heail, ilark piceeuis-brown, basal joint black, club narrow ; third joint one-thirox, trinn^;lt' iMiuilatcral, Hiiylitly inon! than oiif-tliinl an wide as thti Ht-gTiiciit, Fiiiifilr, — Sixth scf^incnt iiarrowly inndiii'tMl and l)itii)M>d at tlin apex, ciiMj) small, distinct, vtry fctdily rounded, ann.s narrowly divfrj^cnt and ratln-r acHtwly rounded. Length % 3.5, 9 4.2 mm. Aliiniosii, Colonido, 2. Eiisily riH;() .1 rathi-r 11(1 very odcratcly iH. Head ce nearly i^leviition ' convex ; I'ouiideil, liU'Crt one- ular liiifs li of lu-ad, US-brown ; )ngt'r than ilh, ei^'hth nt slightly , hi'i.'oniing Prothorax (•, where it ong ; sides > ; anterior I'e arcuate ; , and more jly closely, Uion short, line-fourth l)erceptibly htly longer Tether nar- lird as long ;sed on the extremely il segments rower than ily coarsely not coales- 8 tricuspid, htly shorter )lack, tibiae le-fourths as long again an tlio 8t*cnnd, anil very slightly Hliortor than the last, Hwond distinctly longer than the third, third and fourth suli-ecjual in length. Mnli. — Fourth ventral segment having a small, triangular, impunctate spot at the middle of the apex ; fifth segment emarginate in its middle three- flftliH at apex, emargination evenly nniuded, and eight to ten times as wido as deep, contiguous surface impressiMl nearly throughout anteriorly, >.i vexatlis n. sp. — Form moderattdy slender. Pubescence mod«'. rat(dy long, semi-erect, somewhat close, pale picieoiis anteriorly, llavate on the abdomen. Head rather large, twice as wide as long; interocular surface slightly more than twic'e as wide as the eye, moderately depressed, finely and somewhat irregularly punctured, interspaces in some spots as wide as or wider than the punctures, flat, and shining; equally trilobed by the very deep and conspicuous snlcations ; intermediate surface strongly and evenly convex ; ocular lines nictating at two lengths in arly and very feebly areuate, slightly longer than the width at base; together broadly and feebly eniarginate be- hind ; Huture equal in length to the pvonotuni ; snrfaee depressed, coarsely, deeply, and very irregularly punctured and channeled. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and extremely gradually in width, first slightly wider than tiio contiguous elytra; surface rather depressed, very finely, closely, and evenly panctulate ; transverse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps very long, becoming aciculate toward the tips, lateral very short and rudimen- tary, intervals distinctly sinuate. Legs short, dark rnfoj)iceou,s, tarsi black ; lirst joint of posterior tarsi twice as long as the S'-cond, and as long as or longer than the last, second slightly longer than the third, lifth joint widest. Under surface of abdomen clothed w' ^ong, recumbent, cinereous pubescence. J/ri/f. — Unknown. Female. — Sixth ve>-tral segment very evenly rounded behind. Length 3.1 mm. Thurston County, Washington Territory, 1. Upon the above type of this very well-marked species may be seen nine large parasites, each nearly as long as the first three antenna! joints, very convex, polished, and witli ovfil outline ; tliey are of a pale ferruginous tint, and appear to be comparatively highly organized. i m] H 33. S. Scllivarzi n. sp. (Fanvel MS.). — Form rather slender. Pubes- cence sliort, fine, sparse, semi-erect, Havo-cinereoua, not conspicuous. Head moderate, robust, scarcely twice as wide as long ; eyes large, very convex ; surface very moderately excavated, scarcely twice as wide as the eye, finely, sub-variolately, and irregularly punctate ; jiunctrres rather dis- tant bi'liind, coalescent anteriorly ; longitudinal elevation scarcely more than one-half as wide as the lateral portions, rather acutely and strongly convex ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance ; antennae long, slender, much longer than the width of head, basal joint black, remainder dark piceous- brown, club moderate; third joint one-fourth as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth nearly equal, sixth and seventh sub-equal in length, the latter very slightly thicker, eighth elongated, oval, not as long as the ninth, joints of club v( nearly equal length ; maxillary palpi pale piceous-brown, growing Y>a.U'r toward the base, third joint nearly as long as the first and second together. Prothorax widest just before the middle, where it is three- fourths as wide as the head, and nearly as wide as long: sides thence very moderately convergent posteriorly and nearly straight ; anterior margin very slightly longer and more arcuate than the posterior ; surface rather strongly tuberculate on the sides at the base, feebly and transversely impressed just behind the anterior margin, finely and irregularly punctate; punctures widely separated near the middle, crowded toward the margins, interspaces feebly convex, minutely reticulated ; canaliculation strong, deenly impressed, oval, beginning distinctly before the middle, nearly one-half as long as the COLEOPTERA. 53 m. proHotiim. Elytra at V/ase very slightly narrower than the head ; sides rather I'oebly divergent posteriorly, just perceptibly longer than thressed throughout anteriorly, sides of impression distinct and feebly con- vergent ; sixth segment strongly, narrowly, and deeply sinuate at ape*, almost triangularly incised, incisure acutely rounded at the bottom, sides nearly straight, deeper tlian wide ; seventli segment broadly and fei-bly emarginate at apex, emarginatiou transverse at bottom, teetli short and setigerous. Feiiuile. — Sixth segment evenly rounded behind throughout. Length 2.8-3.0 mm. Cambridge, Massacluisetts, 8. Tlie convergence of the punctnlar channels toward the inner apical angles of t'le elyti-a is also mentioned as a peculiarity of miUtaris of the Lake Superior region. 34. S. pauper n. sp. — Form slender. Pubescence very fine, short, sparse, sub-recumbent, pale tiavo-cinereous. Head rather largo and robust, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface slightly depressed, more than twice as wide as the eye, equally trilobed by the very prominent sulcations ; intermediate surfuee evenly and strongly convex, punctures round, rather small, evenly distributed, distant by more than their own widths, inter- spaces flat, I'.ighly polished ; ocular lines meeting at less tlian one length in advance, lines of juncture strongly curved near the front; antennae slender, much longer than the width of head, first joint black, remainder piceous- brown, club moderate; third joint two-fifths a' long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth distinctly longer and more slender than the seventh, eighth sub-globular, joints of club increasing in length ; maxillary l>alpi moderate, first joint pale testaceous, remainder dark piceo-testaceous. Protborax widest just before the middle, where it is four-fifths as wide as m m m ■ '"It »^' tm 54: NORTH AMEUICAN the hcrtil, and very slightly narrower than long ; sides thence moderately convergent anteriorly and posteriorly, and nearly straight ; anterior and posterior margins suh-oqnal in length and curvature; surface very faintly tuherculate on tin* sides at tht; liase, liiiely and distantly punctured, i)unc- tur(!s somewhat irregular in outline, and slightly narrower than the inter- spaces in the middle, the latter Hat , broad, and rudimentary. Legs short and slender, fuscous above, femora rufous beneath ; first joint of the posterior tarsi one-third as long again as the second, and somewhat shorter than the last, joints two to foar uniformly and rather rapidly decreas- ing ill length. MiiIp. — Unknown. Fmiiilf. — Sixth ventral segment evenly rounded behind, broad. Length 2.1 mm. Cambridge, Massacliiisetts, 1. Tlie protliorax somewliat resembl<;s that of mendax in the nature of the sides. 3."). S. silbtilis n. sp. — Form slender. Pubescence rather sliort and sparse, lliu;, sub-recumbent, setiform, cinereous. Head rather large, twice as wiarall('l, slifihtly arunate, longer than the widtli at base; together broadly, very evenly, and feebly eniarginate posteriorly ; suture one-fifth as long airain as the pronotuni ; surfauo broadly convex, broadly and feebly inij)ressed about the suture at the base ; ratheY llnely, deeply, and soniiswhat irregularly punctate, punctures seldom coalescing, exceiit at a small spot near the centre of each elytron. Abdominal segments decreasing vory uniforndy and ([uite rajiidly in width, lirst somewhat narrower fliaii tlie contigncuis elyti'a; sur- face conv<(x, finely, and closely punctulato ; transverse carinae tricuspid, cusps quite approximattf, middle short, aciculate at tip, lateral broad, ex- panding at tip, intervals strongly sinuate. Legs rather long and slender, pale piceous and rufo-pieeous ; lirst joint of posterior tarsi twice as long as the second, joints two to four very narrow at base, decreasing uniformly in length, fifth very narrow at base. Mule. — Posterior edge of tin* fifth segment einarginate in its middle third, emargination evenly rounded, very feeble, twelve times as wide as deep; sixth segmcuit sinuate at apex, sinus and vertices eijual in width and curvature, sinus but slightly widt^r tlian deep ; seventh broadly and feebly emarginate at the vertex. FnmiJc. — Sixth segment rounded behind. Leiigtli 13.0 unu. District of Columbia, 1 ; Pennsylvania, 20; Selma, Alabama, 1. A very common species, abounding on tiie shores of Delaware Bay below riiiladelphia ; it also occurs under debris on the beach at Cape May, N. J. 30. S. ingratllS n. sp. — Form rather slender. Pubescence moderately short, sub-recumbent, coarse, rather close, pale fulvo-cinereous, sonunvliat conspicuous. Head moderate or small, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface nearly Hat, rather more tlian twice as wide as the eye, e(]ually tri- lobed by th<^ very wide ana(lly, roundly, and rather strongly eniarginate behind ; suture scarcely one-eighth as long again as the ])ronotuin ; surface I'ather ileprt^ssed, nearly even, rather coarsely, fee))ly, and evenly purictate ; punctures round, not .seimrated hy their own widths, occasionally partially coalescent in twos, but not completely so ; interspaces feebly convex . . shining. Abdominal seg- ments decreasing nearly uniformly and gradually in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface highly polished, rather coarsely, closely, and evenly pinictulate ; transverse carinae tricuspid, niiddli- cusps strong, be- coming finely acicular toward the tips, lateral much shorter and somewhat rudimentary; cus])S widely st!i)arated. Legs slioi't and slentK'r, dark )iice- (Uis-liidwn, iH^arly black above ; first joint of posterior tarsi tv.ici' as long as the second, shorter than the iifth, joints tw(j, three, and four \-i.'vy short, sub-eipial. Mtilc. — Unknown. * J-'imalc. — Sixth ventral segment rather elongated, very evenly, though rather narrowly, rounded behind. Length 2.8-3.1 nun. Detroit, ]Micliigan, 1. Ivcsoinbles parullehis somewhat ; the punctuation, however, is miK'li liner and of a diHercnt cliaraeter. It may prove (litriciilt, in sonic sjiecimens, to determine to wiiicii group it belongs, owing to the punctures being almost entirely isolatiid. 4l'. S. IieglectllS n. sp. — Form rather slender. Pubescence so sparse and fiije as to he scarcely visible on the head, prothorax, and elytra, longer (ui the abdomen, where it increases in length toward the tip, and becomes recumbent, cinereous. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface feebly excavated, twice as wide as the eye ; coarsely, somewhat evenly punctured, interspaces one-half as wide as the punctures, polished; equally trilobed by the very distinct sulcations ; intermediate elevation con- vex ; antennae much longer than tiie width of head, very shMider, first two joints black, remainder piceous-black, club very slender ; third joint one- third as long again as the fourth, joints four to six uniformly decreasing in length, eighth very small, elongated, joints of club increasing in length, last two of e(iual thickness ; maxillary i)alpi translucent, lirst joint rufo-testa- ceous, second darker, third almost black. Prothorax similar to that of S. iutnisus. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides divergent posteriorly and arcuate, more strongly so posteriorly ; together broadly and somewhat strongly eniarginate posteriorly; suture just percei)tibly longer than the pronotum ; surface somewhat impressed on the suture at the base ; very coarsely, deeply, and irregularly sculptureil ; j)unctures occasionally isolated and rounded, at other spots joined into tortuous channels, interspaces at some points in the form of acute ridges, at otliers as broad as the channels, very convex and polished, exhibiting at the same time a very minute reticu- lation. Abdominal segments decreasing regularly and gradually posteriorly, first nearly as wide as the contiguous elytra ; border strong ; surface convex, ■.-, T MM CO NORTH AMKRICAN polisliffl, very sparsely and finely piinctulate ; transverse carinae tricusjiid, middle cnsps fine and auieular, lateral nearly as long, dilated at apex, and inclined inward, intervals moderately sinuate. Under surface dark jjiceous. Legs rather slender, piceous ; first joint of the posterior tarsi twice as long as the second, second notably longer than the third. Miilv. — I'osterior edge of the fifth ventral segment feehly eniarginate in its middle third, emargination evenly rounded, ten times as wide as deep, con- tiguous surface sonn^what deeply and conically impressed, impression disap- pearing anteriorly at one-half the length of tlie segment, having llu» borders sharply defined and clothed with exceedingly long st'tae ; sixth si^gnient sinuate at ap'ex, sinus acutely rounded at bottom, twice as wide as deep ; seventh broadly and deeply emarginate at apex, provided with two long stiff setae. Female. — Sixth segment evenly rounded behind without any perceptible irregularity. Length 3.8-4.0 mm. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1 ; Grimsby, Ontario, 3 ; liliiiois, 1 ; Nebraska, 1. Resembles intrvsus somewbat ; it may be distingiiisbed at once from tbat species by its deeper, closer, and much more clianneled elytral sculpture, as well as by very decided dlHerences in tlie sexual characters. It appears to be much less abundant than intrusus, and is very slightly more elongated in form. 41. S. acubiosiis n. sp. — Form nearly as \n fenmratns. Pubescence very short and sparse, sub-recumbtMit, fine, pale flav -inereous on the abdomen, dark plumbeous on the remainder of tiie upper surface. Head robust, twice as wide as long; interocuiar surface scarcely twice as wide as the eye, dis- tinctly depressed ; longitudinal elevation slightly narrower than the lateral portions, rather strongly and evenly convex ; sulcations distinct ; punctures small, round, isolated,. moderately impressed, close; ocular lines meeting at slightly less than one length in advance; antennae distinctly long(?r than the width of head, slender, basal joint black, remainder dark piceous-brown, club slender, much elongated ; third joint slightly bent, more than one-half longer than the fourth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth and seventh snb-equal in length, the latter much the more robust, eighth one-fourth longer than wide, as roltust as the seventh, ovoidal, joints of club increasing very rapidly in length, last nearly twice as long as wide ; maxillary palpi long and slender, piceous-brown throughout. Prothorax arcuately, evenly, ronotum ; surface rather depressed, feebly impressed on the suture near the base, rather feebly, very closely and confusedly punctate ; punctures seldom coalescing, interspaces varying in width, moderately convex, and comparatively lustreless. Abdo- minal segments decreasing uniformly and very gradually in width, first very slightly narrower than the contiguous elytra; surfacie shining, extremely feebly, iinely, evenly, and rather distantly punctulate ; transverse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps strong, finely aticulate at apex, lateral much shorter and broader, acuminate at tip. Legs moderate, slender, i..scous above, femora rather pale rufous benciath, jxisterior femora long, slender, and very straight; first joint of |)osterior tarsi twice as long as the second, and dis- tinctly longer than the fifth, joints two to four decreasing uniforndy and rather grailually in length. Male. — Unknown. Fcmnle. — Sixth ventral segment very feebly and narrowly bilobed. Length 3.3 mm. Miiniuette, Lake Superior, 1. Tliis species bears a considerable resemblance to femorutus Say ; tlie similarity is superficial, however, as the punctuation is of an entirely different order. 42. S. vespertinus n. sp. — Form robust. Pulwscence moflerately short, fine, semi-erect, setiform, rather close, evenly distributed, pale piceo- cinereous. Head rather small, robust, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface nearly Hat, twice as wide as the eye, e(iually trilobed by the very strong rounded sulcations ; intermediate surface evenly and strongly con- vex ; finely, rather evenly, and somewhat distantly punctate, interspaces flat and moderately lustrous ; ocular lines meeting at two-thirds of a length in advance ; antennae very slightly longer than the width of head, piceous- black, slender, club moderate ; third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth and seventh equal in length, the latter one-half as thick again, eighth as wide as long, sub-globular, joints of club sub-globular, last slightly elongated ; maxillary palpi rather long and slen- der, piceous-black, first joint deep rufo-testaceous, third somewhat flattened and dcujely clothed with short, semi-erect, cinereous setae. Prothorax robust, widest just before the middle, where it is four-fifths as wide as the head, and as broad as long ; sides thence slightly less rajjidly convergent anteriorly than posteriorly, and nearly straight; anterior margin slightly longer and more ai'cnate than the posterior ; surface nearly evenly convex, very faintly and obliquely tuberculate near the basal angles ; finely, moder- ately closely, and rather confusedly punctate, interspaces flat ; canalicula- tion in the form of a very faint erosion, which is, however, clearly outlined, slightly nearer the base than the apex, and two-thirds as long as the pro- notum. Elytra at base distinctly wider thau the head ; sides very feebly 62 NOHTII AMKUICAN (livcrscKt ]instiTii)rly, just jn'rccptilily longer thiiii Iwaal wiiUli, mid ratlicr ft'(*My ai'c'UJiti' ; tn(,'t'tlu'r rntluT broadly niiil stroiifjly uinar);inat(! lichiiid; siitiiri' alidiit oiK'-tliird an Ion;; n^aiti as tlio i)roiiotiini ; Hurfaci^ ratlicr (•oiivcx, very lc(!l)ly iiniircsscd on the sutiiiM; unar the liaHc, rather Unely and moder- ately cloHely piuictiired ; puncture's confused near the exterior margins, mote distant and even near the siitnve, where they are Heldom eoa!esc(Mit ; inter- spaces nearly Hat, polished. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and gradually in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface Vi'iy broad, rather coarsely, closely, and evenly punctulate, much more linely so toward till! tip, and also finer at the apices of the segimmts than at the bases ; trans- verse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps strong, rather long and finely acumi- nate at tip, lateral scarcely one-half as long, broad, somewhat rudimentary. Legs rather short and stout, black throughout ; first joint of the posterior tarsi two-thirds as long again as the second, somewhat longer than the last, second much longer than the third, first four joints cylindrical and eijiial throughout in thickness, fifth ioint narrower at base than at tip. Mali-. — Unknown. Female, — Sixth ventral segment broad and evenly, though rather obtusely rounded behind. Length 3.1 mm. Tenino, Wasliington Territory, 1. This is a very distinct species. 43. S. couvictor n. sp. — Form very moderately robust. Pubescence short, fine, rather close except at the lij) of \.\w abdomen, where it is fine, long, sparse, and recumbent, piceous. Head robust, not twice as wide as long ; iuterocular surface nearly three times as wide as the eye, flat, closely, rather coarsely, evenly, and sub-variolately punctate, punctures often coales- cing ; longitudinal idevatiou narrower than tlie lateral portions, evenly and ratlier strongly convex ; ocular lines meeting at one and one-half lengths in advance ; antennae slightly longer than the width of head, slender, piceous- black, club raodei'ate ; third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, fourth very slightly longer than the fifth, eighth as long as the ninth, last joint much elongated, acuminate at tip ; maxillary palpi rather long and slender, first joint translucent, testaceous, remainder piceous-black. Pro- thorax robust, arcuately widening to the middle, where it is five-sixths as wide as the head and as broad as long ; sides thence rather strongly conver- gent, and very feebly sinuate ; anterior margin shorter and more arcuate than the posterior ; surface slightly swollen along the sides and at the edges of the canaliculation, transversely and rather strongly impressed just behind the anterior margin ; rather finely, very closely, evenly, and very confusedly punctate ; punctures sub-variolate, very irregular in outline ; canaliculation rather narrow, impressed, terminating at equal distances from the margins, three-fourths as long as the pronotum. Elytra at base just perce])tibly broader than the head ; sides very moderately divergent posteriorly, longer than the width at base, and feebly arcuate ; together broadly and very ftsebly emarginate behind; suture nearly one-third as lon^r again as the pronotum ; surface rather convex, impressed on the suture toward the base ; very closely, COLKOPTERA. 03 finely, and ronfiiHcdly ,sculi)ture(l ; iJinicturcH only isolated near tln^ inner basiil Mn},'l('H, eJHi'wliere coali'scent in very lonj,' eliannels, wliieh ace iisiiaily liingitiKliiial near Hit! Mnture. Abdominal McgmentH deert-a.-^iiig unit'ornily and moderately rapidly in width, first notably narrower than tlie (;ontij;u(Ui8 elytra: surface rather convex, liifjhly jioIIsIkmI ; feehly, finely, closely, and evenly pnnctiilate ; transverse carinae frii'uspid, middle ciisiis tine and aciculato, lateral broad, lar^e, and vary confusedly outlined. Legs ratlier short and slender. Mack above, jiieoous-brown beneath; first joint of the jiosterior tarsi four-llfths as long again as the second, slightly longer tlian the last, and eijual to the second and third together. Male, — Fifth ventral segment not nioditled ; sixth segment sinuate at apex, sinus and apiues eijnal in width and curvature, sinus twice as wide as deep; seventh segment feebly t-marginate at tiji, emargination evenly rounded and very slight, teeth not developed. Frimile. — Un k nown . Length 3.3 mm. Washington Territory, 1. 44. S. COnfllHll!^ n. sp. — Form moderately robust. Pubescence exces- sively tine, sparse, and short, sotiform, cinereous. Head rather large, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface feebly excavated, twice as wide as the eye, finely, rather closely, and evenly punctured ; punctures round and sometimes partially coalescing ; longitudinal elevation narrower than lati'ral I»irtions, strongly a'ld evenly convex, prominent, crest impunctate ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance ; antennae scarcely longer than the width of head, rather slender, club distinct, dark piceons-brown ; third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, fourth and lifth equal, sixth and seventh ecpial in length, shorter, eighth elongated, broader than the sixth, joints of club increasing uniformly in lengtli and thickness ; first joint of maxillary palpi rufo-testaceous, base of second darker, remainder piceous. Prothorax widest at one-third its length posteriorly, where it is three-fourths as wide as the head and very slightly narrower than long ; sides thence very moderately convergent and nearly straight; anterior margin more arcuate and just perceptibly shorter than the posterior ; surface faintly bitul)erculate at tlio sides, feebly and transversely impressed behind the anterior niaigin ; finely and somewhat evenly punctate, interspaces one-half as wide as the punctures, rather flat, shining ; canaliculation distinct, fusiform, deeply impressed, beginning just before the middle and extending posteriorly for two fifths the total length. Elytra at base distinctly narrower than the head ; aides moderately divergent posteriorly and nearly straiglit, longer than the width at base; together very broadly and triangularly eniarginate posteriorly ; suture slightly longer than the pronotum ; surface convex, im- pressed along the suture, strongly so at base ; each elytron also has a short longitudinal impression in the middle at the base ; finely and irregularly punctured, punctures widely separated near the inner basal angles, closely crowded near the middle and exteriorly, interspaces flat, poiished. Abdo- minal segments decreasing excessively gradually but uniformly in width, first somewhat narrower than the contiguous elytra ; surface broadly convex, 44 ■I W. Ill I'm 64 NORTH AMKHICAN flnnly ami ratii«r oloHcly puiictiilate ; traiinvfrso oarinno trieuspid, ciLsps widdly s('|i;iiiitf(l, slioif, iiiiilillt^ mn's aciciilatc at t>p.s ; iiiidtT siiiiacf lliicly and sparsi'ly puuctulati-, pi(u«>in-l)lack, deiiHcly ptiln-sciMit. Legs inodcrati', fuscd-pirt'oiis ; llrnt joint of the posturior tai'Hi twice uh long as the second socond very slif,'iitiy longi'f than the tliird. Mule. — L'lilvMown. Fcmule, — Sixth vt^ntral se>;uient Iiaving traces of a slight hilohation at apex, otherwise evenly rounded. Length 2.7 mm. Wliite Fisli Point, Micliigan, 1. 4r). 8. inorikatllH n. sp. (Sohwarz MS.). — Form rather slender. Puhes- cenco moderately close and long, semi-erect, setiform, cinereous, and rather conspicuous. Head moderate, slightly more than twice as wide as long ; inter- ocular surface nearly Hat, sliglitly more than twi(!e as wide as the eye ; closely, evenly, and linely punctate throughout ; interspaces one-half as wide as the punctures, convex, polished ; longitudinal elevation as wide as tlio lateral portions, evenly and moderately convex, very apparent ; ocular lim-s meeting at over two h^ngths in advance ; antennatt longer than the width of head, rather slender, piceous-Mack, chih small ; third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, fourth and llfth ecjual, sixth much longer and narrower than seventh, eighth elongated, nearly as thick as the seventh, joints of cluh increasing in length, last two equal in width, last as long as the eiglith and ninth together ; maxillary palpi dark i)iceous, first joint slightly paler. Prothorax widest slightly before the middhs where it is four-llfths as wide as the head, and very slightly narrow-T than long ; sides thence very moder- ately eonvei'gent posterioi'ly and very feebly simiate ; anterior and posterior margins equal in length, the former the more arcuate ; surface rather evenly convex, closely, rather finidy, and evenly ]iUnctur(Hl ; punctures polygonal in outline, interspaces one-fourth their width, convex, and polished ; canali- culation distinct, sotnewhat irregular in outline, roundly ini]iressed, begin- ning slightly before the middle, and equal in length to one-llalf that of the pronotum. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides nearly parallel, slightly longer than the width at base; together moderately euiarginate posteriorly; suture slightly longer than the pronotum ; surface evenly and rather strongly convex, deejily, very closely, rather finely, and evenly punctate^, interspaces narrow, convex, and polished. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and extremely gradually in width, lirst as wide as the contiguous (dytra ; surface convex, evenly, rather coarsely, and moderately closely punctulate ; transverse carinae i:ricuspid, middle cusps long and acicular, lateral one-half as long, broad, truncate at tip. Legs dark piceous above, rufo-pieeous be- neath, rather short and stout ; first joint of the posterior tarsi three-fourths as long again as the second, and as long as the second and third together, last joint longer than the first. Mah. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment feebly emargiiiate in its middle fourth, emargination evenly rounded, and ten times as wide as deep, contiguous surface flattened throughout anteriorly, and bordered with long, COLEOI'TKUA. or) siiiii-i'Odumbeiit, picoouH Hcitnti ; sixth Hogmcnt Himintt^ nt nju-x, HiniiH Home- wliiit iiioro brixiilly iouikIi'iI tliaii tln' iipid'H, four titni'H ah wi(l« hh ilci-p. l-'imiilf. — Sixth Hci,'iiiciil i'vi')ily rdiiinlcil licliiml throughout. I,i'ii),'tii :J.(!-2.!I mill. ('ainl»ritl<;»s ]\IasMiicliii8etts, -l ; Detroit, Micliiyim, 7 ; Wliite Fish Point, Lake Superior, 1. 4ii. M. llliK'idllH II. s|>. — Form moih'iatcly sit'iidiT. l'iih<'HC(!iic(> very niiort, tiiii', Nimrst", rt'ciirnhfiit, ciiu'rcoiin, Kcnrt'dy visilih-. Head rohiist, srarci'ly twice as wIiIh an loiij; ; intcroculnr «iirfacn twii:t> ah wide ax tho cyt', iiioilitratt'ly cxoavatt'd, equally trilolii^d hy tho I'ouiidfd, but coiiHiiiciioiis sul- calions ; iiiti-iini'diati' smlaff I'Vi'iiiy and rather stroiifiiy cdiivex ; imiietiires ratiier, ^l();^t•, and evenly distrilnited ; oeiilar lines meetinj; at one leiij^th in advanco ; antennae slenih-r, longer than tins widtli of head, tlrMt joint lilack, remainder dark pieeoiis-hrown, eliili distinct ; third Joint oiie- tliinl as loi:<^ a^'ain as the I'oiirth, I'oiirth and tilth siil)-e(|iial, sixth anil si'venth eiiiial in length, the latter tliieker, eighth slightly longer than wide, joints of cliih iinifornily increasing in length and tliiekness ; maxillary palpi ]iiceous-hro\vn, tirst joint llavo-testaceoiis. Prothorax rcdaist, widest just hefore tliH middle, where it is four-llftlis as wide as the head, and ahont as hroad as long ; sides theiictt very moderately convergent posteriorly and iii'ai'ly straight; anterior and jiosterior margins eijiial in length, the former niiii'li the more arcuate ; slirlace feehly tiiherciilate along the sides, especially towaiil the base, very closely, rather liiiely and somewhat uviMily jmnctate; canaliciilntion very obscure, being merely a slight, irregular erosion, coni- nieiicing liefore the middle, one-third as long as the i>ronotiini. Elytra at base just perceptibly narrower than tlu^ head ; sides rather strongly diver- gent posteriorly, very feebly arcuate, equal in length to the width at base ; together broam,'irginate liehind ; suture slightly longer than the pi(Uiotmii ; surtjUH' somewhat depressed, nearly even, coarsely, closely, irregularly, and sub-vai iolately punctured ; punctures more isolated near the inner basal angles. Abdominal segments decreasing uni- fonnly and somewhat ra)>idiy in width, lirst a little narrower than the con- tiguous elytra ; surface broaiily convex, rather coarsely, closely, and evenly ]>unctulate; transv(M'se oarinae tricuspid, lateral cusps short, broad, and nidiiiientary, middle long, finely aciculate, conspicuous. Legs rather sliort and robust, fuscous, under sides of femora nearly rufous ; tirst joint of jioste- rior tarsi two-thirds as long again as tlm second, as long as the last, second distin<'tly longer than the third. .!/((/('. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment just jierceptibly iiicur- vate in the middle ; sixth segment feebly sinuate at apex, sinus rather broad and extremely feeble. hamuli'. — Sixth ventral segment evenly rounded behind. Length 2.r)-2.7 mm. Detroit, Michigan, !). riie sexual characters of this species are very f'eeh' but still of such a nature as to be almost unmistakable ; the sixth segment is Stenini. 5 t i I \J .1 \ \ n m 66 NOUTII AMEKICAN ratlier narrow, .'iihI i ■ tnim-atcd ratlicr broadly at tlio tip, witli tlie side angle.-! rounded, and the tiuiu-i.tion slightly incurvate in the middle. Then! is before me a speeime.n from IMarrpiotte, INIichigan, which I have referred to this s|)ecies, althougii it presents a slightly diH'erent facies, and is ratlier more slender. 47. S. ineiiila.X n. sp. — Form ratlicr .silcndfr. Pnlx'soenpo as in iiulitjcns, but loiii^^cr iiiid more rccmiibeiit on thu alxlonii'n. Head ratlier rol)iist, twice as wide as loii^ ; interocular surface iiiodeiately depressed, very linely, inoder- jitely sparsely, and ratlier evenly punctate, interspaces very tlat, rather lustrous ; lonj^itudinal elevation distinctly narrower tlian the lateral por- tions, evenly and strongly convex, prominent, summit narrowly impunctate; ocular lines meeting at nearly two lengths iu advance ; lirst joint of antennae black, second dark jiiceous-brown : lirst joint of maxillary palpi and base of the second ]>ale testaceu.-,, i-'Uiaimler piceous, third joint not greatly exceed- ing the second in length. Prothorax widest at the middle, where it is three- fourths as wide as the head, and about as wid(! as long ; sides tlience equally convergent anteriorly and posteriorly, and nearly straight; anterior and posterior margins equal in length, the fornu'r strongly arcuate, the latter straight; surface rather strongly tuberculate near each basal angle, trans- verscdy and feelily ini])ressed just behind the anterior margin, finely, rather closely and somewhat irregularly juuictate ; punctures more isolated at the middle, interspaces highly polished, flattened ; canaliculation in the form of a very faint and just perceptible longitudinal erosion. Elytra at base some- what narrower than the head ; siid, n>id- s moderate, htng again i\t nearly as nlv rounded ,'0 joints. (lifft'i-ences ■vious study )nounc('il in eriensis untl jildcldus wore at first described as tlirec or lour distinct species, and I liave suppressed all but those here given in order to satisfy my mind more completely of the validity of at least these typical representa- tives. The series of specimens are scarcely large enough to admit of con(dusive judgment, but I am almost convinced that I have under- stated the number of species. 4s. S. erieiisis n. sp. — Form as in jilaridiiK. Puheseence short, fine, senii-ereet, s('tiforni, ratlier sparse, cinereous, coarser and longer on tiie elytra than on the ])rothorax and head. Head rohust, twice; as wide as long ; interocnlar surfaoe twice as wide as the eye, nearly Hat, liiiely, very closely and rather evenly pinictate ; punctures more distant along the middle ; longitudinal elevation as wide as latera' portions, broadly and feehly con- vex ; ocular lines meeting at one lengtli in advance ; antennae slender, dark piceous, basal joint black, club moderate ; third joint oncvthird as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth somewhat longer and narrower than the seventh, eighth very slightly elongate, as wide as the seventh, middle; joint of club widest ; maxillary palpi jiiceous, first joint much paler, Prothorax robust, widest at onevhalf the length posteriorly, where it is four- liitlis as wide as the head, and very slightly narrower than long ; sides thence moderately convergent and straight ; anterior margin longer than posterior, (Mjually arcuate; surface somewhat tuberculate at the siiles, finely, closely, and (Evenly punctate, Interspaces one-third as wide as the punctures, very convex, polished ; canaliculation just visihle as an irregular and short erosion of tht; surface just behind the middle. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides very moderately divergent posteriorly, very slightly longer than the width at base and feebly aroiate ; together broailly and vtu'y fe(d)ly emargi- nato behind ; suture nearly one-fifth as long again as the pronotum ; surface V(>ry feebly impressed along the suture, rather coarsely, very closely, deeply, and somewhat irregularly punctate ; punctures in contact longitudinally hcliind and near the suture, sometinu's isolated anteriorly. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and (juite rapidly in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface broadly convex, rather coarsely and irregu- larly punctulate, more distantly so in the middle of the segments, and more finely toward the vertex ; transverse carinae tricuspid, unddle cusjjs long and finely aciculate, lateral very small, distant, and rudimentary. Legs nuiderate, dark piceous-brown ; first joint of the posterior tarsi four-flfths as long again as the second, as long as the next two together, last joint ni-.ich longer than the first, as long as the second, third and fourth t()gether. Under surface of the abdomen dark piceous, finely punctulate. Body winged. Male. — Posterior edge of the fourth ventral segment emarginate in its middh; third, emargination evenly rounded and just perceptible, contiguous surface flattened and bordered with long setae; fifth se'"nent emarginate in its middle fourth at apex, emargination very evenly rounded, five to six times as wide as deep, contiguous surface flattened and horder(>(l with long setae • sixth segment sinuate at apex, sinus slu'.rply rounded, twice as wide as deep, sinus and vertices ecpial in extent. Femule. — Unknown. Length 2.4-2.6 mm. 1. (J8 NORTH AMERICAN Detroit, ^licliijian, .'3. Botli tcniniiiil joints of tlie antennae in the above type specimen are (U'e|)ly indented almost tiiroiigiiout tiieir lenjitli and breadth below, but I can find no sign oF such a malformation in the other specimens. This sjx'cies is quite distinct from these which most resemble it, in the elongated terminal joint of the tarsi. 49. S, sphacrops n. S]). — Form moderately slender. Pubesccnico rather long, reciimlieiit, elose, and abnndant on the abdomen, much more sjiarse on the remainder of the upper siirfa(.'e, llavo-cinereous. Head larg(^, more than twice as widt* as long; interoeular surface twiee as wide as the eye, iieaily tlat, finely sub-variolately, rather elosely and evenly punctate; longitudinal elevation wider than lateral ijortions, evenly convex and distinct; ocular lines meeting at three to four lengtlis in advance : anttmnae slender, much longer than the width of head, piceous-hlaek, paler toward the tip, dub moderate, slender ; joints thi'e(! to seven much elongated, third joint one- third as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth sul)-e(iual, sixth and seventh sub-eijual in length, shorter, the latt(>r slightly thicker, eighth three times as long as wide, joints of club elongated, increasing in length ; maxillary palpi long and slender, piceous-black throughout. Prothorax widest at the nuddle, where it is two-thirds as wide as the luvad, and dis- tinctly narrower than huig ; sides thence moderately convergent posteriorly and feebly sinuat(> ; anterior margin slightly longer and more arcuate tbau the posterior ; surface rather strongly tuberculate along the sides toward the base, liuely, very closely, deeply, and irregularly punctate; punctures crowded and transversely elongated near the margins, often widely isolated near the middle, along the middle throughout the entire length there is a narrow line sunken sliglitly l)etow the gi^neral surface, from which the imnc- tures seem to stream out. Elytra at base distinctly narrower than the head : sides feebly divergent posteriorly, equal in length to the width at base, very feebly arcuate, mort; so posteriorly ; togethtu- broadly and feebly emarginate behind; suture equal in length to the i)ronotum ; surface rather coarsely, very deeply, closely, and somewhat irregularly punctate, interspaces very convex, highly ]iolished. Abdominal segnients decreasing uniformly and rather gradually in width, sonunvliat narrower than the contiguous elytra ; surface feebly convex, rather finely, closely, and evenly punctulate ; transverse carinae strongly arcuate posteriorly, 4-cuspid, cusps very tine, rather approximate, aciculate, more coarsely so on the first two segments. Legs long and slender, fuscous, excei)t the under surfaces of the femora, which are rufous; (ir-it joint of the posterior tarsi two-thirds as long again as the second, as long as the second and third together, and somewhat longer than the lifth, joints two to four uniformly and gradually decreasing in length. Male. — Posterior edge of the fourth ventral segment emarginate in its middle third, emargination evenly rounding and just perc<>ptible, contiguous surface tlattened anteriorly ; fifth segment emarginate in its miscenoe short, fine, suh-reeumlieiit, s[iarse, setiform, and cinereous. Head moderate, more tlian twiec! as wide as long ; interoeular surfact; slightly convex, nearly three times as wide as the eye, coarsely, very closely, variolately, and evenly punctate; longitudinal elevation wider than the lateral portions, rather acutely convex and moderately prominent ; ocular lines meeting at nearly three Ic'ugths in advance: antennae very slightly longer than tlu^ widtli of head, bla(;k, club large; third joint one-half as long again as the fourth., joints four to seven decreasing uniforndy and very slowly in length, eighth slightly elongated, regularly oval, joints of club increasing in huigth and thickness, last nearly as long as the ninth and tenth together; maxillary palpi short, piceous-black, first joint very slightly paler. Prothorax robust, widest at the middle, where it is four-fifths as wid(! as the head and just perceptibly narrower than long ; sides thence equally convergent iinteriorly and posteriorly, and nearly straight ; anterior and posterior margins e(|ual in length, the former slightly the more arcuate ; surface transversely and very faintly impressed just behind the apical margin, and feebly tuberculate at the sides near the base, finely, very closely, souKiwhat regularly and sub- variolately punctured ; canaliculati )n in the form of a mere erosion in the middle, on(!-half as long as the pronotum, and very difficult of (diseivation. Elytra at base very slightly narrower than the head ; sides feebly divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than the width at base, feebly arcuate ; together briia- rally une-fouith as wide as the punctures, convex, p(dished. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rather rapidly in width, first as wide as the c(nitiguous elytra ; surface broadly convi'X, coarsely and distantly jinnc- tulate, iiiucli more fiiudy and closely so toward the tip ; transverse carina'e 4-cuspid, cusps closely approximate, short, equal, and stout. Legs robust, black above, piceous-black beneath ; first joint of the posterior tarsi two- thirds as long again as the second, longer than the next two together, and somewhat shorter than the last, tiiiid and fourth sub-e(iual. Under surface of abdomen coarsely and closely punctiilate, densely clothed with long, coarse, cinereous sv'tae, which are nearly recumbent. m ■fT^r^ (0 NOirni AMKKICAX : ill :i| Mall!. — Posterior odgo of the lifth vcntriil scgmont (nuarjiinato in its iiiid- rlle half, cmargiuatiou tiveiily romidtMl ami just |)('rct'i>til)li' ; sixtli scgiiKMit broadly siiiiirite iit apox, sinus very wide, somewhat auiitely rounded at the hottom, and eight times as wide as d'.ep. Ftinule. — Sixth segment evenly rounded behind. Length '1J> mm. Biitcliehwiiuunp; I5ay, Liike Superior, "2. ."jl. S. plllto n. sp. — Form robust. I'ubeseence very short and sparse, sub-reciimlient, pale llavo-einereoiis. Head very small, slightly more tiian twice as wide as long ; interoeular surfaeti distinctly convex, more than twice as wide as the eye ; longitudinal elevation wider than the lateral por- tions, fe(d)ly convex; suleations feelile, punctures coarse, rounded, evenly distril)ut(Ml, interspaces nearly one-half as wid<' as the punctures, very con- vex, polished ; ocular lines meeting at somtwhat less than two lengths in advance; antennae distinctly longer tlian the width of head, robust, club distinct, tirst and second joints nearly black, remainder rather dark piceous- brown ; third, fourth, and fifth joints uniformly and rapidly decreasing in length, sixth and seventh abruptly shorter, equal in length, cordate, the lattei- slightly thicker, eighth as thick as the seventh, glohular, joints of club increasing rapidly in length and thickness ; maxillary i)alpi rather short anssed on thc^ suture at the base, rather finely, v(>rv closely, rather fcel)ly, and very confnseclly punctured and chaiiinded. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and very gradually in width, first very slightly nar- rower than the contiguous elytra ; siirfai)ly impressed, two- thirds as long as the pronotum, terminating near the posterior margin. Elytra at base narrower than the head ; sides strongly divergent [)osteriorly and very strongly arcuate, as long as the width at l)ase ; together broadly and ratluir strongly emarginate behind ; suturi^ distinctly sliorter than tlu> pronotum ; surface broailly and feebly impressed along the suture, very feebly and somewliat distantly, but confusedly punctured. Abdominal seg- ments decreasing uniforndy, but very gi'adualiy in width, first as wide as the c(^ntiguous elytra; surface broadly convi'x, teelily and rather distantly puuctulate ; transversi; cai'inae not cusped. Legs moderate, llavate through- out ; first joint of th(! jiosterior tarsi tu ici^ as long as the second, and as long as the next three together, last joint very short. Male. — Unknown. Female. — Sixth v<'ntral segment acutely produced at apex, cusp prominent. Length 2.4-2.7 mm. Alaska, 2. This is the S. hrevipeniu's, of ^liikliii, and is so distinct tiiat, altlioiigii I liave been unable to describe tlie male cliaracters, its ideiititication will always be very easy. ■')4. S. COrvilS n. sp. (Schwarz MS.). — Form rather robust. Pubescence very short, sjiarse, sub-erect, rather coarse, jticeo-cinereous ; flavate on the abdomen, where it is much more dense toward tlie margins. Head moderate, robust, twice as wide as long; interocular snrface three times as wide as the eye, very modi>rately depressed, nearly equally trilobed by the longitudinal sulcations, which are rather feeble ; intermediate surfaci! rather feebly con- vex ; punctures extremely close and confused, surface evenly though coarsely roughened, lustreless ; ocular lines meeting at somewhat more than one length in advance, strongly curvate anteriorly ; eyes narrow ; antennae slightly longer than the width of head, slender, club large, basal joint black, second somewhat ])aler, remainder piceous-brown ; third joint one- third as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth and seventh !'-f(; COLEOl'TKKA. 73 <'(jual in k'lij^tli, the latter much tlie tliic-kcr, (lijihtli sli<,'litly loii;,'i'r than wide, Hlightly cordate, and jtiat perceptibly narrower than the. seventh, joints of clnl) incn-.'isiiig in leiii,'th, ninth small, tenth much the hroadest ; maxil- lary paliii (lark j)ici;(iMs-bro\vn, lirst joint diuk ))iciM)-tcstacc(ius. Prothorax arcuately, evenly, and vtu-y gradually increasing in width to the middle, where it it* seven-eighths as wide as the head and distinctly narrower than long; sides thence feebly convergent posteriorly and feebly sinuate ; auteiior margin slightly longer than the posterior, (Hjually arcuate ; surface trans- vers(dy and feebly impresseil just behind the apex, finely, extremely closely, confusedly, and very deeply sculptured, inteispaccs acute and lustreless ; canaliculation narrow, slight, beginning at the middle, nearly one-third as long as the i)ronotuni. Elytra at base slightly wider than the head ; sid(\s feebly divergent posteriorly, longer than the width at base, and nearly straight, except toward the ai>ici's where they an^ feebly arcuate ; together very narrowly and strongly emarginate behind ; suture nearly one-thinl as long again as the pronotum ; surface rather finely, very deeply, extremely closely, and irregularly channeled, interspaces acute. Abdominal si-gments decieasing uniforndy and rather rajiidly in witing at one length ; antennae as long as th(> width of head, rather slender, black, last fonr joints much paler, (dub distinct ; third joint one-half as long again as tlm fourth, fourth slightly longer than fifth, sixth much shorter, joints of club increasing in length ; maxillary palpi pale flavo-testaceons throughout, third joint scarcely longer than the second. Prothorax robust, sides strongly div(U-gent and nearly straight to a point one-third the entir(? length from the anterior margin, wher(> the width is nearly equal to the length, the sides thence converg*' rather rapidly, and are almost straight ; anterior margin much shorter than the posterior, nearly equally arcuate ; surface coars(dy and mo(lerat(dy closely punctate, punctures feebly impressed, interspaces very convex, polished ; canaliculation roundly . A- u i r .!iSu ^:ma^ 74 NOKTII AMKUICAN Iniprossoil, cliiUsliaix'il, wiili'st in front, l)n>;iniiinf,' slightly Vx'foni tlio niiddlo, oiu'-tliinl ,'is Idiij; as tli(! [H'onotiini. Elytra at bast! an wiilo as tlio lu'ail ; siilcs niddiiati'ly divergent jiosteridrly, just pereeptilily longer than the width at base, tetd)ly aroiiato ; together liroadly and strongly eniarginato behind; suture one-tenth as long again as tlie in'onnluni ; surfat^i^ of each elytrtui distinctly and longitudinally swollen in the middle near the base, very un- even, punctures large and feebly impressed, interspaces vory convex liighly polished. Abdominal segments (leer<>asing uniformly and very gradually in width, (irst as widi- as the (•oiitiguous elytra; surface liroadly convex, shining, very finely and remotely punctnlate ; transverse carinae not eusped. Legs slender, rather dark fuscous, paler at the bases of the femora ; lirst joint of the posterior tarsi twi(^e as long as the second, as long as the second and third together, last joint much shorter than the first. Male. — Fifth ventral segment eniarginato in its middle third at apex, einarginalion evenly rounded, seven to eight times as wide as deej), contigu- ous surface feebly imjiressed for a short distance anteriorly; sixth segmeiit sinuate at apex, sinus large and acutely rounding at bottom, but sligl'tly more than twice as wide as deep. FpiikiIc — Sixth ventral segment prominently and acutely eusped at apex. Length 4.2-4.ri mm. Sitkii, Alasku, 2; A'aneoHVfM' Islaiid, 1. TIk' above description was taken from tlie Vancouver female, tlie Alaskan specimens seem to be slightly immature, as the antennae are unit'ormly of a jiale pieeous-brown. r)(). S. nioiitaiillS n. sp. (Schwarz MS.). — Form slender. Pubescence rather long and sparse, recumbent, line, fnsco-cinereous. Head large, scarcely twice as wide as long; interocular surface Hat, punctured, inter- spaces one-half the width of tlu! imnctures, rather flat, shining ; longitudinal elevation narrow, in the form of an acute ridge rising far above the general level; ocular lines meeting at about one and one-half lengths in advance; antennae slender, much longer than the width of heail, piceous-brown throughout, club slender; third joint one-half as long again as the fourth, fourth and lifth nearly equal, sixth distinctly shorter than the seventh, joints of club (dinigated ; first joint of maxillary palpi testaceous, second darker, third very rolmst, fuscous. Prolhorax very short and robust, widest at one- third the length from tlie anterior margin, where it is as broad as long ; sides thence moderately convergent posteriorly and straight ; anterior and posterior margins sub-e(inal ; surface nearly even, rather coarsely and evenly punctured ; punctures round and impressed, interspaces eipial to them in width, shining ; eanaliculation rather feeble, narrow, commencing just be- hind the anterior margin and becoming extinct at the base. Elytra at base much narrower than the head ; sides strongly divergent posteriorly, longer than the wilij,'litly narrower tlian the contij^'iKius elytra; liordei' iiioilerate; siirt'aec con- vex, coarsely, feebly, ami very closely punutulale ; transverse carinao not cusped. Legs sU'iiiler, ])ale jiiceons ; first joint of tlie posterior tarsi twice as lonj^ as the second, second and third tMjual in length. I'nder surface of the ahdonien pic('ous-l)lack. Mall'. — Posterior ed<;(! of the fifth ventral sefrnn'nt very broadly and just l>erceptihly eniarginate ; sixth se<;nmnf sinuate at the ai)ex, sinus evenly rounded, as wide as deep, on<'-sixth as wide as the sej^^iuental apex. FciiKil)'. — Sixth segment broadly and very distinctly ungulate at tip. Length 3.U mm. New Ilumpsliire, Wliiti' IMountains, 2 (loicsts). Tliu compunitive shortness of tin; sixtli antennal joint renders this siiceies retidily distinguishable; it is also very distinct in other eliaracters. m\ •u. S. alpicola Fvl. — Form moderately slender. Pubescence extremely fine, moderately long and rather abundant, setiform, jiale piceoiis-ljrown, not conspicuous. Head rather larj^c, much less than twice as wide as long; interocular surface nearly fiat, two and one-half times as wide as the eye; (•(jnally trilobed by tb«! moderately distinct snlcations ; intermediate surface moderately and evenly convex ; very closely, rather coarsely, and evenly I'unctate, interspa<'es sliining; ocular lines meeting at slightly more than one length in advance ; antennae slender, slightly longer than the width of head, dark piceous-brown, club slender: third joint three-fourths as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth sub-equal, sixth and seventh e(jual, shorter, eighth slightly elongated and just ])erceptibly wider than the sixth, joints of club increasing in length, last nearly as long as the two preceding together ; maxillary ])alpi very long and slender, dark piceons-brown, paler toward the base. Prothorax rol)ust, widest very slightly ))efore the midille, wiiere it is three-fourths as wide as the In^ad, and as wide as long ; sides thence moderately convergent ])osteriorly and feebly sinnatt," ; anterior and IMisterior margins eijual in length, the former very slightly the more arcuate ; surface evenly convex, rather coarsely, closely, variolately, and somewhat evenly i>unctate ; canaliculation conspicuous, narrowly fusiform, deep, bottom cveidy rouniled, terminating at a distance from cither margin eia, 4. A 8i)eciinen from Uritisli Colmnbia is singularly defornu'd by an enlarjicnicnt of tiie Icl't eyo. TIk' idciitilication of tiiis s|)(;cies is due to Mr. Famed, and as it is a sonu-wiiat rare European species, its oei'urrence on tiic western side of our eontineiit is ratiier riiniarkable. In one spe(Mnieii llie apical joint of tiie iid't antenna is deeply exca- vated nearly tliroiitrliout its entire leniith and widtii, as if tiie sin-face liad been acciidentally cruslKMl in. The probable caus«! of tliis condi- tion, wiiicdi is of soinewiiat freipient occurrence in the species of tiiis genus, may periuips lie in the internal structure of the terminal joint. The interior fibres of the joint on drying contract, in number ; they are peculiar to the regions west of the Ilocky Mountains, and may be tabulated as follows : — COI.KOPTEnA. 77 ■ ' ' iti ^i J i I'rIO|iH. tildes of pronotuni strongly arcuate anteriorly; iirothoiax very slightly narrower than long f>2. 1 lie til OH US. 58. S. COStalis n. sp. — Form very robust. l'ubescen(;e line, close, semi- erect, rather short, i)iceous-l)rown, not conspicuous. Head robust, snuiU, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface n.ore than twice as wide as the eye, neaily Hat, eiiually trilobed by the very distinct sukations, lobes (Mjually mid evenly <'onvex ; punctures fine, very even and close, finer in the uiiddlu; ocular lines meeting at ont> length in advance; antennae slightly longer than the width of head, slender, club lai'ge, piceous-l)lack ; third Joint some- wliat mort* than one-third aa long again as the fourtli, fourth and (ii'th sub- ci|nal, joints six, seven, and eight sub-equal in lengtli, the latter oval in outline, joints of club robust, last two slightly wider than the ninth, last joint but slightly longer than wide; maxillary paljii long, piceous-black. Prothorax robust, widest distinctly before the iniildle, where it is nearly five- sixths as wide as the head, and slightly broader than long ; sides thence moderately convergent jiosteriorly and rather strongly sinuate ; anterior niaigin sliorter and much more arcuate than tlu^ postei'ior ; surface strongly swollen along the sides anil at the edges of the canaliculation, giving the apjiearance of four longitudinal ribs, strongly and transverstdy impressed just beliind the anterior n\argin ; liuely, very closely, evenly, though veiy confusedly and roughly sculptured ; canaliculation distinct, deeply impressed, terminating at ('(jual distances from the margins, two-thirds as long as the jironotum. Elytra at base much wider than the head ; sides very feebly ilivergent posteriorly, just perceptibly longer than the width at base, dis- tinctly arcuate ; together broadly, rather strongly, ami triangularly emargi- iiate behind ; suture onc^-half as long again as the pronotum ; surface ratlier bi'oadly and strongly impressed on the suture at the base, vt'ry finely, ex- ceedingly closely and irregularly sculptured ; punctures almost entirely coalescent in very long and devious channels, with occasional spots where tliey are confusedly broken up; they generally j)ursue a longitudinal or obli(iue direction. Abdominal segments very broad, rapidly and ariMiately diminishing in width, first nearly as wide as the contiguous elytra; surface shilling, feebly convex, rather finely punctulate, more finely so behind; transverse carinae tricuspid, ndddhi cusps short and tapering, lateral broad and somewliat rudimentary. Legs rather short and slender, piceous-black ; first joint of the posterior tarsi three-lifths as long again as the second, as m l im-nHiirnlily iiioilifltMl ; Hixtli Hcj,'ini'iit f*iiiiiftti< at (ipi'x, Himis ax widf uh tin' upict-H, and of fiiuHl eiirvatnrc, di'itp, two and ont'-h.'ilf tiiiicH as widi- as deep, cvonly voundiiiK at the Imtloin ; Hi'Vfiitli scfiiiii'iit fvi'iiiy and t'l-cldy ttniaininati! at tin- ti|i, wliicli is lliickly liristling witli sliort, coarsf, sftai-. /•'iiiiiilf. — Sixth scgiiiciit ratlii'i' narrow, evenly rounded hidiiiid. I^eiigtli 3.(t-:i.l nun. Lak«^ Tiilioe, Neviulii, I ; California, I'). Tiiis species is very nihiist, and is (lisliiif^iiislied liy its very laif^e elytra and tlie siiijfiilar ridj^ed appeafaiiee of tlie prolliorax. 'I'iie. sexual eliaracters .seem to vary siiglilly in dejrnfe. 59. H. iilvcolilf IIH n. sji. — Form ndiiist. PulH-seeiieo rather short, closit, snti-reeuiiilient, line, pliiinlieo-einereons. Head small, twice as wide as long ; intei ular surface nearly Hat, slightly more than twice as wide as the e- , coarsely, very dosidy, and rather confusedly puni'tate, esi)ecially toward the eyes ; longitudinal eh'vation slightly narrower- than the lateral portions, evenly and rather strongly convex ; ocnlar lines meeting at one length in advance; antennae longi-r thai, the width of head, l)la(d<, rather roliu.d, club large; third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth ecjual, sixth and seviMitli shorter, e(iual in length, the latter thicker juid oval, eighth very slightly elongated, as wi;ry robust. Prothorax small, arcuately widening to a point slightly in advance of the middle, where it is very slightly narrower than the head, and slightly broader than long ; sides thence mode- rately convergent posteriorly and nearly straight; anterior margin jiist per- ceptil)ly shorter and much more ar(!nate than the jiosterior ; surface; faintly tuberculate along the sides, feebly and transversely im])ressed just behind the anterior margin ; extremely closely, roughly, but rather evenly luini;- tate ; canaliculation rather broad, shallow, impressed, terminating at e(iiial distances from tht; base and ajiex, two-thirds as long as the jtronotuni, sides very slightl}' swollen. Elytra at base much w ider than the bead ; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than the width at base, nearly straight; together broadly and very fetdily emarginate bidiind; suture two- thirds as long again as the pronotum ; surface finely, deeply, very roughly, evenly, and extremely closely punctate ; punctures seldom coalescent ; lustre- less. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and ra])idly in width, first just perceptibly narrower than the contiguous elytra ; surface rather fe(d)ly convex, Unely, evenly, and rather closely punctulate ; transverse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps rather short and finely acuminate at tip, lateral merely a confused proje'^tioi., very broad, and often enclosing a large i)unc- ture. Legs short and slen'(l lii-hiiid, just jier- ceptilily and ohinsely i)r()diired hehiiid in the niiddlu. Length -.tif'llH n. s|>, — Form rohiist. rnhi'seence excesnivi'Iy short, rather sparse, iMect, ]ii<'eo-|i|uniliens, very in(c(ns[(icuouH. Head rather small, very rohust, much lesH than twice as wichi m long ; ititerocular surtaue distinctly more than three finn'S as wide as the eye, nearly tiat ; lon!,'itnr surface, wiiicli is very iiiucii coarser than in tliat species ; tliere are also many other minor differences. 61. S. adelops n. sp. — Form r(d)ust. f'ubescence very short, line, somewhat close, evenly ilistributeil, sub-recumbent, piceo-i)lunibeous, not conspicuous ; on the under surface of the abdomen it is more plentiful, short, and cinereous. Head very small, twice as wide as long; iiiterocular surface Hat, three times as wide as the eye, equally trilobcd by the rounded, rather d margins of the canalieu- lation ; transversely and rather strongly impressed just behind the apex ; punctures very line, closely crowded, and rather obscure ; between the tuberc'iliform costae and in the canalicuh'tion the punctures are more dis- tant, with the intersi)aces very feebly lustrous, elsewhere nearly opn(iue ; canaliculation nai row, fusiform, two-thiids as long as the pronotum, termi- nating at ('(pial dista.ices from tb.e base and apex, rather deeply iuiiuessed. Elytra at base one-thinl wider than the liead ; sidase, very feebly arci ate, more strongly so posteriorly ; together ratlier narrowly, sub- triangularly, HI ^. somewhat strongly emarginate behind ; suture about one- lialf as long again .as tlie pronotum ; surface very feelily imjiressed along the suture, and somewhat strongly, unevenly, and longitmlinally impressed in the middle of each elytron toward the base, finely, (dosely, somewliat un- evenly punctured ; punctures isolated near the suturii and the base, inter- sjjaces Hat and minutely reticulated ; coalescent, and closely crowded in the impressed portions. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rapidly Ste.nini. Ij 1^ '!. 82 NORTH AMEKICAN in width, first distinctly narrowcv than the contignons elytra; surface fcchly convex, coarsely, very closely, and evenly jmnctnlate ; transverse carinae trifusi)iil, niiildle ciisjts Ion;,', heconiing linely aciciilar at tiji-, lateral l)r(>ad, short, widening at ajx'X. Legs moderately long and slt-nder. Mack al><)ve, piceouH-black beneath; lirst joint of the posterior tarsi twi<'e as long as the second, as long as the fifth, second and third sub-tujual, fourth short and obli(ine, fifth V(>ry slender. Mule. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment feebly eniarginato in its middle fourth, eniargination evenly rounded, twelve to fifteen times as wide as deej), ('(Uitiguous surfaci! feebly and cylindrically impressed throughout anteriorly; sixtli si'gnient sinuate at ai)i'X, sinus small, equal in width to the vertices, somewhat more acute in curvature at bottom, about twice as wide as deep. Female. — Sixth segment rounded leliind. Length 2. It mm. Caliibrnia, 2 Cohuiibia, 1. Lake Talioe, Nevada, 3 ; T.akc Qiiesnel, British Subdivision B- (iroup III. The di^tinjTiii,*lnng feature of tliis small group is the minute size of the species, which ent'T it, tliej iiaving 2 mm. as a maximum limit of leugtli. It nuiy be considered nunatural to constitute a grcjup upon the ([luility of size alone, but as this serves to identity tliem readily, it is adopted for convenience. The following table shows the arrangement assumed for our three species : — Transverse carinae of abdomen not cusped. Head as wide as the elytra. Lake Superior to Massachusetts. Ii3. piisio. Head narrower than the elytra ; uku'c rol)UHt ; elytra relatively longei' and more n^ctangular. British Columbia (14. nailllllls. Transverse carinae tricusjiid : form much nwvc slender. ..(1.5. atoiliai'ills. eting at one length in advance ; antennae scarcely as long as the width of head, rather robust, piceous-black, club i)rominent ; tliird Joint one-fourth as lonj,: again as the fourth, joints three to five uniformly decreasing in length, s'x and seven oval, eighth globular, narrowei' than the seventh, joints nine a'ld ti>n broader than long, last as wide as long, feebly acuminate ; maxillary palpi 1 COLEOPTERA. H3 jiiccous, translucent, first joint and liasn of the second rufo-testaceous. Pro- thorax robust, widest at tlie middle, where it is four-iifths as wide as tlie liead, and sliphtly broader than long; sides tlitnice rather stronjrly conver- gent j)osteri(irly and feebly sinuate; anterior niai'giii slightly lunger and more arcuate than the posttM'ior ; surface slightly and obliijuely undulated at the sides above, rather coarsely, veiy closely, somewhat irrt^gularly and variolattdy punctate : canaliuulation almost entirely absent, only faintly seen as a feeble erosion at the middle, and close to tln^ base. Elytra at base as wide as the head, sides moderately divergent posteriorly, very slightly longer than the width at base, almost straight ; together very broadly, tri- angularly and moderately eni.irginate jMisteriorly ; suture nearly one-fourth as long again as the pronotum ; surface nearly evenly and moderately con- vex, somewhat coarsely, very closely, rather deeply, and evenly punctate. Abdominal segments decreasing arcuatidy in width, first as wide as the con- tiguous elytra ; surface fetddy convex, coarsely and very (dosely puncuilate ; transverse carinae not ousped, finely and unevenly undulated. Legs shoi-t and stout, dark jiiceous-bro^t-n aliove, paler and rufo-jiii.'eous beneath ; first joint of posterior tarsi four-fifths as long again as the second, as long as the last, second very slightly longer than the third. Mule. — I'ostiM'ior edg<' of the fifth ventral segment entire ; sixth segment broadly bilobed at ajiex, cusp very slightly rounded anne-half as long again as the second, three-fifths as long as the last, joints two to f(iur uniformly and very gr;idually decieasing in length. Mull'. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment very feebly etnarginate in its mi(hlle fourth, eniargination evenly rounded and just perceptible, contiguous surface feebly fiattened ; sixtli segment sinuate at apex, sinus as broad as the apices and equal to them in curvature, evenly rounded, some- what more than three times as wide as deep. Fvmttlfi. — Sixth segment evenly rounded behind. Length 1.7 mm. Detroit, ]\Iicliip:an, 1 ; Cainbriiljxc ^lii.asaclmsctts, l.T. TIk! slender jTraeel'iil form of tliis species, tlio most minute of llic genus, will retulily distinguish it from the two preceding ones. Subdivision y. Prothorax not canali(uilated. Elytral sculpture as in subdivision |3. In order to tell whether the jtrotliorax is caualiculated or not, the insect should be held in such u way that the light may pass very obliipiely or tangentially across the highest point of the pronotum, and perpendicularly to tlie longitudinal axis. If there be a deeply impressed or excavated channel, it will, of cotuse, be evident without this test, but if, when held in the position above described, there lu* no sign of even a narrow longitudinal shade, the pronotum will be '•'m :>it ■ ! 1 ' '■ y. } ■ ' -A > '■ iii,i k m Wj; \n i|i|| HI \i m .1,- 80 NORTH AMERICAN considered not eiitijilienliited ; on tlie, contniry, lio\V(^ver, it" tliere be a t'jiint siiiidow extending:; aloii;^ the middle o\' the disli, giving ii decided suspicion of n I'eehle iinfu'ession in tliiit direction, the student should consult the tables given under subdivision )3. This minuteness of detail is rendered necessary, for the reason that there is no natin-al tlivision of species according to this character, and forms gradually blend from one subdivision into the other, although tlie character is nearly constant in individuals of the same species. The following tabular arrangement may be ado[>teust and more convex ; punctuation much coarser, deeper, and more distinct ; legs almost black 77. gravidlis. rOLKOl'TERA. 87 Klytral suture much longer than the pi'onotum ; hoail iiiiU'h iiarrowiT. I'i'othorax distiiiittly huigt'i' than wUh' 7>. a llillliltim. Prnthovax as wide as h)nij ; sides very strongly and nearly evenly areiiate 7!'. tiiiitiicollif;. Transverse earinae of ali(loni(;n not cusped. Prothorax liaving throughout its basal lialC a narrow, (devaled, longitu- dinal carina. Laki' Superior 80. csiriiiil'ollis. Prothorax without carina. Colorado 81. iiisigiiis. (in. S. VirgilliaD n.sp. — Form ratine- robust, sides parallel. Pubescence rather long, coarse, uuxlerately abundant, semi-erect, pale I'ulvous on the abdomen, cinereous on the remainder of thc^ upper surface. Head rol)Ust, leather large, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface distinctly depressed, bari'ly twice as with; as the eye; ery dark piceo-testaceous, paler at their distal extremities. Prothorax large, widest slightly befon' the mi(hUe, where it is more than live-sixths as wide as tlie head, and one-sixth narrower tlian long: sides thence very moderately convergent jxisteriorly and strongly- sinuate ; anterior nuu'gin slightly longer and more arcuate than the posterior ; surface strongly tubereiilate at a short distance from each basal ang'.e ; rather finely, deei)ly, very closely, and extremely confusedly punctate, inters})aces very fe(dily lustrous. Elytra at base slightly nari(.wer than the head ; sides very strongly divergent jiosteriorly, as hnig as the width at base, very strongly and evenly aii'uate : togetiier very broadly, roundly, and strongly emargi- nate behind ; suture e<[ual in length to the i)roiiotum ; surface convex, feebly iinpr-'ssed on the suture at the base, somewhat coarsidy and closely, deeply, and very irregularly punctured and channeled ; interspaces minutely graj.'u- lose or scabrous, very feebly lustrous. Abdominal segments decreasing uniforndy and just jierceiitihly in widtli, first distinctly narrower than the <'ontiguous elytra ; surfac. — Foiin robust, sides pjiialli'l. I'libi'sci'iicf iiioili'- riilfiy inly distriliuted, close; ocular lines meetiiij,' at aliout two-tliirils of a length in advance; second joint of antennae distinctly shorter and narrower than the first, third oMe-lialf as Ion?; ;ii;ain as tlie second, all piceous-lirowii. Prothorax uniformly and arcuately wideniuf; to a point two-thirds of thi' lent,'tli posteriorly, wlieie it is live-sixths as wide as the head and clistinctly narrower than Ion;;; sides thence moderately converjient, short, and distinctly sinuate; anterior niar;,'in niiK'h shorter and very mich niort? arcuate than the jxisterioi' ; sur- face feebly tuberculate near th(! li;isal angles, a)id very feebly swollen near the apical angles, also very feelily and transversely imiiri'ssed just hi'hind the anterior margin, rather finely, very closely, and extremely irregularly punctured and channeled. Elytra at base slightly narrowei' than the head; sides feebly divergc^it posterioi'ly, about equal in length to the widtli at base, strongly arcuate ; together very broadly, roundly, and rather strongly emar- giii.ite behind ; suture very slightly shorter than the jironotuni ; surfac(f very feebly and narrowly impressed along the suture toward the base ; coarsely, in general closidy and very irregularly punctured and channeled ; near the suture and in front of the centre the channels are very close and outwardly oblique, behind the centre inwardly oblitjue ; the punctures are usually isolated by their own widths toward the outer ajiical angles, and coarser, distinct, but polygonally compressi'cl toward the bases, interspaces jxilished. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly in wiiltli and with extrenu^ slow- ness, first very slightly narrower than tin? contiguous elytra ; sides nearly parallel ; surface moderately convex, coarsely, rather closely, and evinily punctate; transvt^rse carinae 4cus}iid, cu;ips equal, short and rudimentary on the first two segments, longer and more acicular on the third and fourth. Legs rather short and slender, dark piceous-brown above, rather paler rufo- piceous beneath; lirst joint of the posterior tarsi three-fourths as long again as the second, very slightly shorter than the last, second joint nearly one- half as long cagain as the third, fourth short, thin, and obliijue, tiftli much narrower at base than at apex. Mule. — Unknown. Female, — Sixth ventral segment abruptly much narrower than the fifth, evenly rounded behind. Length 4.0 mm. Columbus, Texas, 1 ; Western State- (locality unknown), 1. Tiie antennae and ptilpi are missing. This species greatly resembles vir(jitila>, but ditiers from that species in the somewhat longer elytra, which art; much more narrowly emar- COI.KOl'TKUA. 8i) giiiiitc! ht'liiiid ; in its iniurli more I'obiist form, aiitl in tin* nion* sijiirse and li'fis conspicuous piilx'sccnce. (i8. S. veiillHtllS 11. sj). — l-'iirm slender. Piiliesceiife sliort, seini-erei't, line, ciiicrcdiis, very sixirse, ex<'e(it ut tlie sidi's iuiil tnward the tip cit' tin- ubiloinen, wliere it in sli;,'lit]y iimre i)leiitit'ul. Head sin.'ill l)iit rubiist, scnrcM'ly twice as wide as lonj,' ; iiiteroeular siiit'Mee ueaily flat, very slij^litly more tliau twice as widi^ as the eye; "(lualiy trilnlied l>y tlie ratlier teidile longitudinal sulcations ; iiiterinediato surface very l'e(ddy and evenly (Miiivex ; punctures extreiu(dy coarse, moderately close, dee]), rounded, and evenly distriliuteil ; interspaces narrow, very convex, and vei'y lii^;lily jxilislied ; ocular lines meeting; at about one and two-thirds lenjiths in advance; antennae longer than the width of head, dark iiiceous-lirown, neai'ly black at base, slender, club distinct; third joint one-fourth as long again as the fourth, fourth and (Iftb eijual, seventh thicker and very slightly shorter than the sixth, eighth distinctly elongate, oval, thicker than th(^ seventh, joints of club increasing uiiiforinly in length, last two (Hjiial in thickness, last joint acuminate at tip; maxillary palpi slender, dark piccons-bniwn throughnut. Prothorax wiilest slightly behind the middle, whcic it is nearly four-lifths as wide as tln^ head, and ;ib(iut one-sixth nairower than long ; sides tlienci) feidily convergent jiosferiorly, sinuate ; siiles undulate throughout their length: iinti'rioi' margin slightly shorter and much more arcuate than the posterior; surface rather feebly and longitudinally tubeiculate near the basal angles ; juinctiires (dose, unevenly distriliuteil. coarse, impressed, somewhat irregular in outline; intersiiaces highly iiolished, moderately con- vex. Elytra at base about as wide as the head; sides moderately divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than the width at base, almost straight : together broadly, somewhat angularly, and rather strongly eniarginate behind ; suture ecpial in length to the pronotum ; surface somewliat depressed, fe(d)ly and narrowly inijiressed along the suture ; outside of the sutural impressed area the punctures are very feebly impressed, somewhat distant, nearly evenly distributed, seldom coalescent, interspaces feebly convex and very highly polislurd ; within the imju-essed area tlie surface is rather clostdy and con- fusedly chamnded. Abdominal segmcnits decreasing uniformly and extremely gradually in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface highly polished, moderately convex, finely and very distantly jjunctulate along the middle, more closely so toward the borders ; transverse carinae 4-cuspid, cusps eiiuidistant, etiual in length, long, very finely aciciilate, rather jn'omi- nent. Legs short and slender, bla(-k, tibiae and tarsi pieeoiis-black beiu'ath ; first joint of the posterior tarsi three-fourths as long again as the second, very much shorter than the fifth, joints two to four uniformly and rather rapidly decreasing in length. Mule. — Fifth ventral segment not modified ; sixth very broad at apex, broadly and feebly sinuate, sinus and apices about equal in width and cur vature, sinus eight times as '^■'ide as deep. Female. — Unknown. Length 2.8 mm. Locality not given ; marked 558 (Schwarz). 90 NORTH AMKItK AN III fliis form Mic clytnil s('iil|itiir<' ditVcrs tVoiii iiiiy yd oxamiiu'd, iiiid it ciinnol, I'ail to lie readily (lisliii;j;iii>li('d. 'I'lio eyes arc very |ialf : till' fxplaiiaiioii ul tliis (■(iiidilioii, wliicli a|i|)oai's to lie more or less 8|M'cilic, is somewliat obscure. tlO. S. occideiltulis n. sp. (("rotdi MS.). — l"' '/ '9. ^^> % 5^^^ ^ entire extent of the segmental ai)ex, more acutely rounded at the bottom than along the sides, between five Hud six times as wide as deep. Fiwdle. — Sixth segnu'ut narrow, broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length 13.4-4.0 nun. Arizona, 17; Columbus, Tvjxas, 1. This species may be easily distinguished from incnlttis by its much mofe robust form. The elytra in the female are relatively much shorter than in the male, and tiu^ pronotum sometimes bears traces of a long canaliculation. The anterior margin of the prothorax in the type bears slight evidences of a small median sinuosity. 73. S. integer n. sp. — Form very moderately robust. Pubescence very short, extremely sparse, semi-erect, setiform, fine, and cinereous. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surfaci; feebly convex, slightly less than twice as wide as the eye; equally trilobud by the very feeble, rounded sulcations ; intermediate surface feebly and evenly convex ; punc- tures very coarse, deep, rounded, moderately close, more isolated in the middle; interspaces nearly Hat, shining ; ocular lin(\s meeting at one huigtli in advance ; eyes hemispherical ; first joint of antennae black, second dark piceous, equal in length ; maxillary palpi dark piceons-brown, first joint rather pale piceo-testaceons. Prothorax widest slightly behind the middle, where it is four-fifths as wide as the head, and distinctly narrower than long; sides thence moderately convergent posteriorly, and just perceptibly sinuate; ant(M'ior and posterior margins nearly equal in length and curva- ture: surface very feebly and minutely tuberculate near the basal angles, very broadly and feebly swollen in the region about the middle of the pro- notum, punctures rounded, deejj, variable in size, very close, and in some portions rather lionfused. Elytra at base as wide as or just perceptibly wider than the lieail ; sides rather feebly divergent posteriorly, longer than the width at base, moderately arcuate; together broadly, evenly, and some- what strongly emarginate behind; suture one-fourth as l(Uig again as the pronotum; surface deeply impressed on the suture at the base; rather coarsely, very closely, deeply, and very irregularly i)unctured and chan- neled. Abdominal segments decrt^asing uniformly and very gradually in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra; surf .ce broadly convex, rather coarsely and feebly punctulate ; transverse carina 4-cuspid, cusps nearly equal in length, moderately long and finely acuminate, lateral often double, or strongly and widely bifurcate, at other places broad and gradually becom- ing amalgamated with the general surface of the segment. Legs moderate t' • 4 !■: ■ lan ibly ll.'UI tht- tluT an- il! ther arly ible, jom- >rate COLEOPTERA. »•• In length, rather slender, pieeous-black ; fii>t joint of the posterior tarsi short, scarcely more than one-third as long agaMi as the second, :nuch sliorter tlian the last, joints two to fonr uniformly aiKl rather rapidly decreasing in lenj^th. Male. — Unknow n . Fntuile. — Sixtli ventral segment verj evenly rounded behind throughout. Lenj,>!i 3.4 nun. Winchester, ]Massaehiisctls, 1. Tlie type lacks tlie antennae, witli exception of tlie basal joints. The species is broader and nnicli more robust, and with a much narrower bead than those to wliicli it is more closely allied ; the elytra are also proportionally longer. 74. S. floridaillis n. sp. — Foim rather slender. Pubescence ratlier short, sparse, eoarst^, send-erect, cineri^ous. Head robust, distinctly less tlian twice as wide as long ; interooular surface nearly flat, twice as wide as the eye; longitudinal elevation narrow, feebly convex; punctures rather coarse, very close, deep, somewhat irregular in outline ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance ; antennae slender, mucli longer tlian the widtli of head, piceous-black, club slender; joints tliree, four, and live decreasing uniformly and somewhat gradually in length, joints of club of nt-arly e(iual thickness ; maxillary palpi long, slender, jiiceoiis-black, first joint translu- cent, much paler, and piceo-testaceous. Prothorax 'videst sliglitly before the middle, where it is four-fiftlis as wide as the head, and nearly one-sixth narrow(!r than long ; anterior margin distinctly longer than the posterior, equally arcuate; surface transversely impressed just behind tlie anterior margin ; coarnely, closely, deeply, and irregularly punctate ; punctures generally confusedly coalescent ; interspaces very narrow, convex, and very liighly polished. Elytra at the base as wiile as the head ; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, much longer than the width at base, feebly arcuate; together broadly, angularly, and strongly emarginate behind; suture about one-tenth as long again as the pronotum ; surface strongly and narrowly impressed on the suture towarf p scarcely more tlian one-half as long as the seventh and soniow hat leas robust, oval, joints of club increasing nnifornily and very gradually in length and thickness ; maxillary palpi piceoiis-Mack, slender, first joint translucent and dark piceo-testaceous. Prothorax widest at the middle, where it is five-sixths as wide as tin- head and distinctly-narrower than long- sides inence feebly convergent jxisteriorly and very feebly sinuate ; anterior margin very slightly shorter and distinctly more arcuate than the posterior ; surface obliquely tuberculate at the basal angles, fetdily and transverscdy iiripressed just be- hind the anterior margin ; punctures sn\all, feeble, eonfuseiUy coalescent near the margins, more isolated in the middle, where the interspaces are nearly flat and minut(dy reticulated. Elytra at base as wide as the head; sides moderately divergent posteriorly, longer than the width at base, nearly straight, slightly sinuous ; together broadly, angularly, and somewhat strongly emnrginate behind ; suture one-eighth as long again as the pro- notum ; surface imj)ressed along the sutur:; toward the base; punctures small, rounded, feebly impressed, rather close, and confusedly coalescent. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and very gradually in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface coarsely and somewhat closely punctulate, soinewhat more finely so j)osteriorly, and sparsely so along the median line; transverse carinae tricuspid, middle cusps strong, finely acumi- nate at tip, lateral distant and so rudimentary as to appear simply as broad and very feeble protuberances. Legs short and sleiider, piceous-black above, •lark piceo-fuscous beneath ; first joint of the poster'.oi- tarsi three-fourths as long again as the second, longer than the last, second joint as long as the third and fourth together, fourth very small, oblique. Mule. — Unknown. Female. — Sixth ventral segment broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length 2. (J mm. Marquette, Lake Superior, 1. This species belonfi;s to an extremely common type of tlie genus, and has numerous affinities with various species in tlie group with caualicuhited pronotum ; it appears, liowever, to be distinct, as far as tlie very limited material at hand will allow of judgment. 79. S. tlimicollis n. sp. — Form moderately slender, sides parallel. Pubescence rather short and sparse, sub-recumbent, fine, pale flavo-cinere- ous. Head moderate, robust, scarcely twice as wide as long ; interocular surface tiat, more than twice as wide as the eye, equally trilobed by the very feeble, rounded sulcations ; intermediate surface feebly and evenly convex ; punctures rather coarse near lli« eyes, much finer along the middle, very close, rounded in outline, not coalescent ; ocular lines meeting at nearly one and one-half lengths in advance ; antennae equal in length to the width of head, very robust, piceous-black, club distinct ; first two joints equal in length and thickness, third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth distinctly longer and more slender than the seventh, eighth small, sub-globular, joints of club increasing rapidly in length, last two of equal thickness ; maxillary palpi long, piceous-black, C'OLEOPTKUA. 101 first joint translucent and pal« pieeo-testaoeous, tliinl robust, noarly as long an tlii> first and sroond toj^t^tlu^r. Prothorax widi'st sli},'lit!y in advance dl' thu miildlt;, where it is five-sixtlis as widt; as tlni lu-ad, and distinctly narrower than long ; sides thence rather rapidly convergent posteriorly and distinctly sinuate ; anterior niar),'in slij^litly li>nj;er tiinn the i)osteri()r, ecuially arcuate ; (surface broadly llatteiied above, feelily tuberculate near tlie liasal angles, and broadly swollen throughout the length and breadth of the anterior half of the ])ronotnni ; punctures rather sniall, somewhat variform, generally Kiunded and very clos<', interspace's feidily convex, distinctly granulate and feebly shining. Elytra at base just i»erceptibly narrower than the heail : sides moderately divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than the wiiltli at base, nearly straight ; together broadly, roundly, and rather strongly eiiiar- ginate behind; suture one-seventh as long again as the pronotnni ; surface feebly impressed on the suture toward thi! base, coarsely and rather closely punctured ; i>unctures seldom coalescing, round, very variable in size and distance, being sniall and widely isolated near the inner basal an),'les, anrl very large and closely crowded behind the uiidtlle. First three abdominal Segments sub-equal in widtli, and as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface coarsely and clostdy punctnlate, much more lluely so toward the tip ; trans- verse carinae ..licuspid, cusps rather long, linely acuminate, and distant, lateral slightly shorter and incline punotato, very foolily nhining ; feehly and minutely tnliercutatH near tho basal angles ; transversely swolli<4i near the middle, from which jioint, extending posteriorly nearly to the hase, there is a narrow, fine, acute, and promiTient carina. Elytra at the hase very slightly narrower than the head; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, eijual in length to the width at base, nearly straight ; together hroadly, somewhat angularly anil deeply emargi- nate hehind; suture equal in length tiv the jtronotum; surface rather de- pressiMl, feehly impressed along the suture, more strongly so toward tho hast), also longitudinally inij)ressed nt>ar the hunn^'i ; closely, rather coarsely, very feehly, and irregularly i)Unctured and channeled. First three ahdominnl Begments equal in width, and as wide as the contiguouH elytra; surface coarsely, exceedingly closely, and feebly punctulate ; transverse carinae not cusped. Legs moderate, ])iceous-hlack, femora dark j)iceo-rufous ; first joint of the posterior tarsi two-thirds as long again as the second, second as long aa tho third and fourth together. Mule. — Fifth ventral segment emarginate in its middle third at apex, emargination (evenly rounded, feeble and almost nnmeasurable, angles rounded, contiguous surface feehly impressed throughout anteriorly, sides of impressed area slightly convergent ; sixth segment sinuate at apex, sinus and apices nearly equal in width and curvature, five times as wide as deep ; seviMitli feebly and roundly emarginate at tip, surface minutely granulosa ami lusti'eless. Fciniilc. — Sixth segment angularly produced at the apex. Length 2.3-2.8 mm. IVIivniuette, IMichigaii, 4 ; Gargantua, Micliigan, 1 ; Mioliipicoten River, Luke Siiju'rior, 1. One of tlie most distinct species of the genus, and the only one known to me, Imving a carinated pronotiim. All the chai'acters are good. The palpi ai'e veiy slender, piceoiis-bhick, witli exception of tlie fifst joint and the base of the second, which are paler and piceo-testaceous ; the third joint is very long. The above description was taken from tiie female, except that of the antennae, which is drawn from a male specimen. 81. S. insignis n. sp. — Form moderately robust. Pubescence rather long, sparse, recuml)ent, and cinereous. Head rather large, twice as wide as long ; interooular surface nearly flat ; sulcations rounded and conspicuous ; intermediate surface very slightly wider than the Lateral portions, evenly alid rather strongly convex ; punctures small, very sparse, feebly impressed, and not distinct, interspaces highly polished ; ocular lines meeting at scarcely one-half a length in advance ; antennae slightly longer than the width of head, basal joint black, second a little paler, the remainder pale piceous- brown, rather robust, club distinct ; third joint one-fourth as long again as the fourth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth and seventh equal in length, the COLKOPTERA. 103 latter very gliglitly tlie tliiiikcr, ninlitli distinctly elongatod, oval, joints of cliilt incrnasiiig nliglify in Icnglli, tlu' last two of m-arly cinial tliickiicsH ; inaxillai'v |)iil|ii ratir 'i' long ami mliust, ])irc(iiiH-l)la('k, first joint ]ii('f(i-tfsta- ceouH. Prothorax .ircuatoly, evenly, and giailually widening to the middle, where It is as wide as the head and one-sixth narrower than long ; sifles them'.) very niodiTately convergent and feehly sinnate ; anterior and posterior Margins ecpial in length, the former the more arcuate ; snrfaee very feehly airl minutely tuheroulate at tins hasal angles, otherwise very evtnily C' vex, rather llnely, very sparsely, nnevenly, and feehly (lunctate; punc- tures i.npressed and varying greatly in size ; interspaces tlat, ohscurely ami minutely retiuulateil, highly polished. Elytra, at base very slightly narrower than the iiead ; sides moderately divtM'gent pcsteriorly, distinctly longer than the width at base, moderately arcuate ; together hroaiUy and very fi'ehly emarginate hehinrc.eptihly emargi- nate in its middle third, emargination evenly rounded and scarcely measur- able ; sixth very broadly sinuatti at apex, sinus occupying nearly the entire segmental apex, evenly rounded throughout, about twelve times as wide as deej). Female. — Sixth ventral segment evenly rounded behind. Length 2.9 mm. Oiik Grove, California, 1 : Los Angeles, California, 4. The very S|)arse and peculiar punctuation of the head and prothorax 8ej)arates this species from several closely allied forms. Suhdivision >. The sjtecies of thi.s subdivision are nearly always easily recogni- zable ; they are generally small, highly polished, except in the first group, and more or less pubescent. There are two groups indicatf^d : — Punctures rather deep, closely crowded, hut usually not coalescent ; inter- spaces not shining or very feebly so ; pubescence very coarse, more or less fulvous, abundant I. Punctures more or less deeply impressed, rather more distant ; interspaces highly polished ; pubescence usually fine and somewhat dens", though sometimes very sparse, varying in color from cinereous to piceous, very seldom ilavate II. I l"l "FW^ ■ft 104 NOUTII AMERICAN Subdivision >. Group I. Tliis group contiiius but two specln, both very abiindiint, well kfiowii, and of very distinct appearance. They are nearly opaque, and have n roughly tiiougli evenly Ludptured surface. The robust, fulvous setae are very cons|)iciious. .S'. eorvits might be placed here, but it lacks the fulvous pubescence to a great extent. Our two species may be recognized by the following characters : — Longitudinal sulc.ations of liead distinct ; form slender 82. stygicilS. Sulcatioiis of head obsolete ; nterocular surface flat ; form more rnlmst. S3, egeiius. 82. S> stygiciis F^ay. — Form rather slend(;r. Pubescence short, very- coarse, abundant, semi-erect, and setiforni, pale llavo-cinereous. Head UKxbirate or small, scarcely twict^ as wide as long ; interocular surface scarcely more than twice as wide as the e^'e, nearly flat, very densely punc- tured ; jiunctures shallow and sub-variolate, interspaces very narrow ; ocMilar lines meeting at one lengtli in advance; longitudinal sulcations distinct; antennae somewhat longer than the width of head, dark fusco-piceous, base bhick, club small but abrupt; third joint just perceptibly longer than tlie fourth, sixth very slightly longer than the soventli, eighth sub-globular, very small, joints of club nearly equal in size, tentli slightly tlie thickest ; maxillary palpi dark fusco-piceous, lirst joint fusco-testaceous. Prothorax widest notably before tlie middle, where it is five-sixths as wide as the liead, and one-fifth narrower than long ; sides thence feebly convergent posteriorly and almost straight ; sides anteriorly evenly arcuate ; posterior margin slightly longiu' and less arcuate than the anterior ; surface evenly convex, rather coarsely, very closely, somewhat evenly, and variolately punctured, interspaces very narrow, minutely granulated, and feebly shining. Elytra at base very slightly wider than thti liead ; sides nearly parallel and strongly arcuate, much longer than the width at base ; together broadly, very evenly, and rather feebly emarginate posteriorly ; suture one-fifth as long again as the jironotum ; surface evenly convex, coarsely, very closely, and evenly punctate ; punctures wide, shallow, variolate, interspaces about one-fourth their width, feebly sliining. Abdominal segments decreasing very gradually in width, first slightly narrower tlian the contiguous elytra; surface convex, shining, rather finely, and somewhat distantly punctulate ; punctures im- pressed ; transverse carinae 4-cuspid, cusps very short but distinct, intervals feebly sinuate. Under surface of abdomen shining ; pubescence long, fine, and recumbent ; rather coarsely and distantly punctulate. Legs moderate, dark piceous, tarsi paler ; first joint of the posterior one-half as long again as the Second, second notably longer than the third. Mole. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment just perceptibly emargi- nate throughout its width ; sixth broadly sinuate at the apex, sinus sonie- wliat strong, evenly rounded, about six times as wide as deep. COLEOPTERA. 105 Female, — Sixth aegmont very broadly and triangularly produced poste- riorly, soinetiines nearly evenly rounding. Length 3.0-3.7 nun. Michi|ticoten River, Lake Superior, 7 ; Batclieliwaiuing Bay, Lake Superior, 1 ; Lake Superior, 7 ; Columbus, Texas, 8 ; Topeka, Kan- sas, 1 ; Western States, 2 ; Selma, Alabama, 3 ; Southern States, 1 ; Middle States, 4 ; INIarquette, Michigan, 1 ; New Jersey, 2 ; District of Columbia, 2 ; Pennsylvania, 2 ; Long Island, New York, 4; New York, 3; Cambridge, Massachusetts, ] ; Unknown, 13. This common and well-marked species seems to vary to a consider- able extent ; the head is narrower between the eyes, the third joint of the antennae is much longer than the fourth, and the jialpi are entirely black in tiie Texas specimens, and the elytra are seemingly shorter in those from Michigan ; there also appears to be a slight variation in the relative lengths of the second and third joints of the posterior tarsi. The punctuation docs not appreciably vary. There may be two or more distinct species indicated by these characters, but they are so cl"se, and seem to have so many intermediate forms, that I do not feel warranted in describing them. It may be readily recognized by the unusually long second joint of the posterior tarsi. I beWeve this species has been identified as chierascens Kr., by Mr. Fauvel, but, on reading the description of that species, and com- paring it carefully with that of stygicus Say, as just given, I am unwilling at present to make the change. 83. S. egeniis Eriohs. — Form rather robust. Pubescence exceedingly sparse, short, coarse, semi-erect, flavo-cinereons. Head niorhfrate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface flat, three times as wide as the eye ; deeply, rather finely, and exceedingly closely punctured ; no trace of sulcations or elevation ; ocular lines meeting at about two and one-liaU" lengths in advance ; antennae rather slender, as long as the widtli of head, piceous-black, paler toward tip, club small, but distinct ; third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, joints three to six uniformly decreasing in length, six and si>ven sub-equal, joints of club successively increasing in length, eleventh acumi- nate at lip; maxillary palpi piceous-black. Prothorax robust, widest just before the middle, where it is five-sixtha as wide as the head and but slightly narrower than long; sides thence feebly convergent posteriorly, and just perceptibly sinuate ; anterior margin very slightly longer than the posterior, equally arcuate ; surface evenly convex with a very slight transverse impres- sion just behind the anterior margin-; rather finely, evenly, and exceedingly closely punctured, interspaces just visible as acute ridges, lustreless. Elytra at base slightly wider than the head ; sides slightly divergent posteriorly, feebly and evenly arcuate ; together broadly and very feebly emarginate behind ; suture one-fifth as long again as the pronotum ; surface convex, !^'«l m It I i ji Wi s w 10(5 NORTH AMERICAN together with a slight depression at the middle of the base, very deeply, evenly, rather coarsely, and exceedingly closely punctured ; j)unctures deep, polygonal in outline ; inttirspaces very narrow, minutely granulate, without lustre. Abdominal segments decreasing regularly and (juite rapidly in width, llrst nearly as wide as the contiguous elytra; border proniin(!nt ; surface finely punctulate, minutely but very distantly granulate, not shin- ing ; transverse carinae 4-cuspid, cusps broad, short, wider at the apices. Under surface of the abdomen piceous-black, paler toward the tip, more lustrous than the upper surface and more finely punctulate. Legs moderate, piceous-black ; first joint of the posterior tarsi one-half as long again as the second, second but slightly longer than the third. Male. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment sinuate ; sinus vijry narrow and feeble ; sixth broadly sinuate at apex, sinus evenly rounded, five times as wide as deep. Female. — Sixth segment very broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length 2.8-3.1 mm. Michigan (Escanaba, Marquette, Grand Ledge, Monroe), 51 ; Topeka, Kansas, 1 ; Pennsylvania, 2. One of the most distinct species in the genus by reason of its sculp- ture. The surface under a hand-lens seems absolutely without lustre. Subdivision >. Group II. The characters of the present group have been sufficiently stated above ; the following diagnostic table will, perhaps, distinguish the species nior'* ar less satisfactorily : — Transverse carinae of abdomen 4-cuspid. Prothorax canaliculated. Longitudinal elevation of interocular surface distinct. Prothorax widest distinctly before the middle, somewhat cordate. Small si)ecies, 2.7-3.0 mm. ; pubescence rather long and conspicuous. Somewhat slender ; ocular lines close and very convergent. Colo- rado 84. dolosiis. More robust ; ocular lines distant and almost parallel. California. 85. villosiis. Larger species, 3.8—4.0 mm. Pubescence almost completely absent ; elytral punctures small, evenly distributed, and widely isolated. District of Columbia. 8(3. sectilifer. Pubescence rather long and conspicuous ; elytral punctures large, deep, rounded, and often semi-coalescont... 87. Illilleporiis* Prothorax widest at the middle. British Columbia. ...88. jesiliilis. Interocular surface nearly Hat; sulcations and longitudinal elevation obsolete. COLEOITERA. 107 Prothovax much elongated ; punctures separated hy at least their own diameters ; pubescence very sparse and inconspicuous. 89. viniiillus. Prothorax very robust ; punctures very close, never separated by mure than one-third of their own width. Third joint of antennae much sliorter than the fourth. Alaska. 90. congener. Third joint of antennae much longer than the fourth. Massaelui- setts, Michigan 91. canaliculatus. Prothorax not caualiculated. Legs pale ; body densely clothed with very long, erect, bristling setae, which are very prominent 92. c'ai'Oliliae« Legs black or nearly so; pubescence short, sub-recumbent, moderately prominent. First joint of posterior tarsi twice as long as the second. ..93. ageilS* First joint distinctly less than twice as long as the second. Joints three to five of antennae uniformly decreasing in length. 94. pudicus. • Ant-innal joints four and five equal in length, abruptly shorter than the third. First joint of posterior tarsi very short, scarcely one-half longer than the second df>. minor* First joint much more than one-half longer than the second. Form somewhat slender ; head rather large. Massachusetts. 9(). rigitlUS. Form more robust ; head small. Nebraska 97. incertus. Transverse carinae of abdomen tricuspid ; lateral cusps very small and rudimentary 98. parallell'S. Transverse carinae not cusped. Prothorax very feebly caualiculated ; body depressed, elongated ; species rather large. White Mountains, N. H 99. noCtivagllS. Prothorax not caualiculated. First joint of posterior tarsi very slightly longer than the second ; punc- tuation extremely fine. California 100. lUCUlenttlS. First joint of posterior tarsi from one-half to three-fourths longer than the second. Very small species, not exceeding 2.2 mm. in length. Elytra much longer than wide, distinctly narrowed toward the base, distantly punctured, very highly polished 101. jUTencUS. Elytra nearly quadrate, very densely punctured. 102. panperculus. Larger species, not less than 2.8 mm. in length. Antennal joints three to six u.iformly decreasing in length; form of body sub-cylindrical 103. liaplus. Antennal joints three and four ecjual in length ; suture of elytra but slightly longer than the pronotum 104. enOflis. Antennal joints four and five equal in length and distinctly Shorter than the third. Ii i I ...'♦>• nfi n 108 NORTH AMERICAN '1: Piotliorax distinctly elongated, widest at one-third itd length from tlie apcx ; abdominal segments very rapidly dei'reasing in width lOr). dives. Prothorax very robust, just perceptibly narrower tlian long, widest very near the middle ; abdom'nal segments broad, decreasing very slowly in width. First joint of posterior tarsi one-half longer than the second ; body coarsely punctured 10(J. silbgriseilS* First joint two-thirds longer than the second ; body much more finely and closely punctured 107. terricola. First joint of posterior tarsi twice as long as the second. Large species 3.7—4.1 mm. ; body excessively minutely punctate ; pubescence long and recumbent. Wasliington Territory. 1U8. inunduliis. Small species not exceeding 2.9 mm. in length. Prothorax widest before the middle ; pronotum remarkably tuber- culate. Florida 109. tubercillatll8. Prothorax widest at the middle ; surface of pronotum very even. Antennal joints four and five equal in length, one-third shorter than the tliird 110. indistiiictlis. Antennal joints three, four, and five uniformly and very rapidly decreasing in length ; body vt-ry densely and conspicuotisly hirsute 111. briiiiialis. 84. S. dolosus n. sp. — Form rather slender. Pubescence long, fine, rather dense, sub-recumbent, pale flavo-cinereous. Head small, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface equally trilobed by the very distinct sulca- tions ; intermediate and lateral surfaces nearly equally, rather strongly, and evenly convex ; punctures rather coarse iind very close, nearly even ; ocular lines meeting at about four lengths in advance ; antennae about equul in length to the width of head, piceous-black, very slightly paler toward tip, club moderate; third, fourth, and fifth joints decreasing nearly uniformly and very gradually in length, sixth and seventh sub-equal in length and much shorter, last two joints much thicker than the ninth ; maxillary palpi short and robust, piceous-black, first joint paler. Prothorax robust and somewhat cordate, widest well before tlie middle, where it is three-fourths as wide as the head, aiui nearly one-sixth narrower than long ; sides thence moderately convergent posteriorly and slightly sinuate ; anterior margin slightly longer and much more arcuate than the posterior ; surface somewhat longitudinally ridged at the sides toward the b.ase, finely and irregularly punctate; punctures impressed, very distant in the middle, closer toward the margins ; interspaces very convex, highly polished ; canaliculation nearly as long as the pronotum, narrow, deep, equally wide throughout. Elytra at base distinctly wider than the head; sides just perceptibly divergent poste- riorly, as long as the width at base, feebly arcuate ; together broadly and very feebly emargiuate behind : suture one-fifth as long again as the pronotum ; surface somewhat uneven, rather finely and evenly punctate; punctures im- pressed ; interspaces nearly as wide as the punctures, very convex, highly COLEOI'TERA. 109 polislu'd. Abdominal segments rlecieasing nniformly , recumbent, fine, cinereous, and conspicuous. Head small, twice as widt; as long ; interocular surface two and one-half times as wide as the eye, very slightly convex ; equally trilobed by the moderately strong siilcations ; intermediate surface evenly convex, summit impunctate ; punctures ratlier coarse, variolate, rather distant, evenly distril)uted ; ocular lines meeting at three to four lengths in advance ; iirst two joints of antennae biack, mandi- bles fuscous at tips. Prothorax widest before the middle, where it is four- fifths as wide as tlie head, and one-fifth narrower than long ; sides tlieiice very moderately convergent posteriori}-, and very strongly sinuate ; anterior margin shorter and much more arcuate than the posterior ; surface faintly swollen at the sides, particularly toward the base, finely, distantly, ai;d evenly punctate ; punctures deeply impressed ; interspaces wider than the punctures, convex, very highly polished ; canaliculation as in millv)ii,rus. Elytra at base distinctly wider than the bead ; sides rather feebly divergent posteriorly, much longer than the width at base, rather strongly arcuate ; together broadly, roundly, and just perceptibly emarginate behind; suture about one-third as long again as tlie pronotum ; surface rather strongly impressed along the suture toward tlie base, and also feebly, longitudinally, and somewliat indefinitely impressed toward the middle of the l)ase of each elytron, finely and evenly punctate ; punctures deeply impressed and very seldom coalescing, much smaller toward the base ; interspaces as wide as the punctures, convex, very highly polished. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rather gradually in width, first very slightly narrower than the contiguous elytra ; surface broadly convex, highly polished ; finely, ratlier sparsely, and evenly punctulate ; transverse carinae 4-cuspid, cusps equal, rather approximate, finely aciculate and prominent. Legs stout, pic(!ous-black, femora black ; first joint of the posterior tarsi one-half as long again as the second, distinctly shorter than the fiftli, second and third sub- equal, fourth very slightly shorter. Male — Fifth ventral segment very feebly fiattened in its middle fourth throughout, edge scarcely modified ; sixth segment very broadly sinuate at i 1 I if ' w no NORTH AMKRICAN ■ f; w ■ If ;f '-m apex, siinis evenly rounded, extending through nearly the entire segmental .tidtli, ten to twelve times as wide as deep. Feiniile. — Unknown. Length 3.0 mm. Ciilitbrniii, 1. Tlie antennae are missing with exception of tlie first two joints, ami tlic maxillary palpi are also wanting. Tlie sj)ecies somewiiat resembles iuilfeporns and ri'nnuliis, but differs from both in the relative lengths of tiie elytra and prothorax, and from tiie latter in addition, by its much narrower head and dense pubescence. 86. S. sectilifer n. sp. — Form moderately robust. Pubescence of head, proiiotum, and elytra so line and sparse as to be scarcely visible, cinereous; that of abdomen also very fine, semi-erect, and exceedingly sparse, cinereous. Head small, scarcely twice as wide as long ; interocular surface nearly flat, ecjually trihdx'd by the longitudinal sulcations, which are just apparent; evenly jtunctate ; punctures small and impressed ; interspaces slightly wider than the punctures, highly polished ; ocular lines meeting at one and one- half lengtlis in advance ; antennae slightly longer than the width of head, slender, dark fuscous, club moderate ; third joint one-lifth as long again as tlu! fourth, joints four to seven gradually dettre.asing in length, joints of club gradually increasing in length, ninth much narrower than the last two, eleventh acuminate at tip; first five joints nearly glabrous ; maxillary palpi slender, flrst joint testaceous, second darker, third black. Prothorax widest slightly before the middle, where it is much wider tlian the interocular sur- face, sides thi^ice nearly parallel posteriorly and sinuate, length one-eighth, greater than the width ; anterior margin shorter ai ' much more arcuate than the posterior ; surface evenly convex, with a nam. , shallow and equal, longitudinal canaliculation, terminating at a very slmrt distance from either margin; rather finely punctured and transversely regulose ; interspaces highly polished. Elytra at base much wider than the head, sidijs almost parallel and slightly arcuate, more so posteriorly ; together broadly and very feebly emarginate behind ; length of suture slightly greater than that of the pronotum ; surface gencu'ally convex, with a slight oblique impression just before the middle of each, and anotlna- near the outer apical angle; quite evenly punctate ; punctures small and dee])ly impressed ; interspaces much wider than the punctures, highly polished. First three abdominal segments nearly eciual in width, and almost imperceptibly narrower than the elytra behind ; surface highly polished, finely and distantly punctulate ; transverse carinae acutely and finely 4-cusi)id, intervals sinuate. Legs short, black, femora .and tibiae nearly glabrous, tarsi slightly paler ; first joint of posterior three-fourths as long again as the second, second much longer than the third. Under surface of the abdomen punctate like the dorsal surface. Mole. — Unknown. Female. — Posterior edge of sixth ventral segment evenly rounded. Length 3.8 mm. District of Columbia, 1. COLEOPTKRA. Ill 87. S. inilleportis n. sp. (Fan vol MS.). — Form moderately robust, males more slender. Pubescence very long, erect, moderately dense, dark cinereous. Head very small, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface very slightly convex, eriually triloiteil by the conspicuous sulcations ; interme- diate surface evenly convex ; punctures largo, round, impressed, and close; interspaces very convex and highly polished ; ocular lines meeting at three ■ ir four lengths in advance; antennae slendt^r, much longer than the width of hea in li'iif;tli. Head sini'll, scarci-ly twice as wide as long; intorouular biirl'acu Ihn, a little more than twice as wide as the eye, finely and ratlier closely punctate; sulcations Hhallow, 'lut distinct; ocular lines meeting at about two luiigths in advance ; antennae very short and robust, scarcely as long as the width of head, dark fuscous, sparingly setose, club distinct ; joints three to live equal in h-ngth, six and seven e(]ual, last twoe(iual, very large, sub-globular, ninth very uiuch suiiiUer; maxillary palpi slender, piceous-black. base of first joint slightly })uler. Prothorax widest just before the middle, wh(^ro it is four-liiths as wide as the head ; sides thence convergent slightly posteriorly, sinuate ; length slightly greater than width ; anterior and j)osterior margins ecjual in length and e(iually arcuate; surface rather evenly convex ; deeply, rather finely and irregularly punctate ; interspaces moderately shining ; a long, narrow and equal medial canaliculation extenvenly punctate ; punctures impressed, intersi)aces generally wider than the punctures, shining. Abdo- iTjinal segments decreasing moderately and evenly in width posteriorly, first narrower than the elytra ; very finely and rather closely punctulate ; surface m«'j lerately shining ; transverse carinae 4-cubpid, cusps having the points expanded, intervals strongly sinuate. Legs moderate, dark piceous-black, tarsi very slightly paler; first joint of the posterior about twice as long'as the Second, second slightly longer than the thinl. Under surface of th(f abdouu'u much more coarsely and distantly punctulate than the upper, having the surface more liighly polished. Mule. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment very broadly and feebly bilobed ; sixth very broadly and strongly sinuate at apex, depth of sinus equal to one-fifth its width ; seventh segment deeply emarginate at apex. /•'eiiuile. — Unknown, Length 3.0 nun. Bt'itisli Columbia, 1. 89. S. vinilUlUS n. sp. — Form moderately robust. Pubescence long, semi-erect, fine, rather abundant, piceo-cinereons on the elytra and abdomen, shorter and erect on the head and prothorax. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface Hat, more than twice as wide as the eye ; equally trilobed by the scarcely perceptible sulcations ; intermediate surface evenly and feebly convex ; punctures closely crowded, small, polygonal, and some- times coalescent ; antennae much longer than the width of head, slender, coarsely setose, basal joint black, remainder piceous-black, club not con- spicuous ; third joint one-fourth as long again as the fourth, fourth slightly longer than the fifth, sixtli and seventh of equal length, eighth twice as long as wi COLEOrTKRA. 113 lu'l'orc till' iniddli', wlu-rc it is tlirci'-t'ourtlifl as wide as tlir liciid, (uid oin'- foiiitii iiMi'iowt'i' tliaii Idii^ ; Hi(i(!S tliiMic" iiiodcr.'itcly coiiviM'f^cnt and sli^litly simioiis ; anterior and posterior inar^'ins eunetures, very convex, liighly polished. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rather rapidly in widtli, first scarcely as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface very convex, highly polislicil, sparsely and (iuely puuctulate ; transverse carinae 4-cuspid, cusi)s equal in length and equidistant, aciculate and prominent, intervals but slightly sinuate. Legs slender, moderate in length, black, tarsi piceous-black ; lirst joint of posteiior tarsi foui'-lifths as long again as the second, second and third sub-ecjual, fiftli as long as the first. Under surface of the abdomen densely clothed with long, piceous, sub-recuuibent setae. Male. — Posterior edge of the fourth ventral segment emarginate in its middle two-fifths, emargination evenly rounded and just ]iercei)tible, con- tiguous surface feebly impressed for a short distance anteriorly ; fifth emar- ginate in its middle third at a])ex, emargination feeble and evenly rounded, contiguous surface flattened throughout for the same width anteriorly-; si.\th segment sinuate at tip, sinus broad, evenly roundcid, much wider than the apices, six times as wi('ci('s of lliis snbdiv i;rKin lliiis far coiisidfrctl have cost nioro time anil trouble in tlieir s('|iaration and d(•^4cri^)tio^ than in any other portion of the penus of eipiul extent ; one or two of them may sid)se(inentiy be found to be varieties, bnt with tlie present material before me I can see no other eoiirse than to consider them as species. OO. S, COiiK<'iiCl' Miikl. — Form very nioiluratidy rolniHt. I'libi-si-ence moderately loii^', close, tine, semi-erect, very jic'ile Ihivo-cinHreoiis. Head moderatt^, robust, twice as wide as long ; jaliruui very lai'gf ; interociilar Hurface Very slightly convex, more than twice as wide as the »»yo ; rather tioarsely, very closely, and evenly jmnctate; hearing no evidences of the sul- cations ; ocular lines meeting at slightly more tlian two lengtlis in advance ; nnttuinae sliglitly longer than tluf width of liead, rather slender, ciub distinct, dark jiiceous-brown, hjisal joints black ; third joint shorter than the fourth, sixth and seventh e([ual in length, eighth much elongated, oval, joints of club robust, increasing in length, last two very robust; maxillary jialpi dark piceous, l>aHal joint testaceous. Prothorax robust, widest at the middle, where it is nearly live-sixths as wide as the head, and just j)erce|)tibly narrower than long; sides thence moderately convergent jiostcriorly and dis- tinctly sinuate ; anterior nwirgin slightly hmger than the posterior, enually arcuate ; surface indistinctly tul)erculate near each basal angle ; deeply, very idosely, and evenly punctate, intt^rspaces minutely granulate ; cauali- cnlation as in cuiuiliculdlus, but more indistinct. Elytra at base as wide as or very slightly wider than the head ; sides moderately divergent posteriorly, feebly arcuate and much longer than the width at base; together broadly, roundly, and moderately emarginate behind ; suture rather more than one- fourth as long again as the pronotum ; surface feebly impressed along the suturi', more strongly so toward the base, linely, moderately closely, aiul very t;venly punctate ; interspaces tlat, distinctly reticulate. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and very gradually in width, lirst as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface broadly convex ; rather minutely, closely, and evenly puuctulate, minute reticulations not evident, interspaces polislo^d ; transverse carinae 4-cuspid, cusps equal, equidistant, moderately api)roxi- mate, fii'ely aciculate. Legs rather short and slender, black, piceous toward tips, tarsi slender , first joint of posterior one-third as long again as the second, and scarcely three-fourths as long as the last, first four joints almost uniformly decreasing in length, fourth moderately thin and oblique, densely clothed beneath with long, cinereous setae. Mule, — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment just perceptibly and not measurably sinuate ; sixth sinuate at apex, sinus rather more acutely rounded at the bottom than the apices, about three times as wide as deep . seventh segment rather feebly emarginate at tip. , . Female. — Sixth segment evenly rounded behind. * / Length 3.0-3.2 mm. ' , " Alaska, 2. . ■ COLEOl'TKJtA. ii:» I am not certuiii us to tlie t»;iiiiik' st^xuiil cluiiactors, the ly\w l)ciiieciea is very distinct from cunaficnfiitns : tlicy iVitthv in tarsal strii<;tiin', in llic rciativti Imjrtlis of (lie proliiorax ami elytra, uiKJ, aitlioii;^li till" cliaractcr of >Au'. stxiiul niotlifications i.s the same, they (lifli-r conspiciioiisiy in degree. in. §. caiialicillatUH (Jyll. — Form ratlicr rolaist. l'iil)csccnci! moilc- rntc in l('iij,'th, ratlifr conrsn, doso, Hub-rt-ciiinbiint, j)nl(' iiicno-cinercdiis. Head Ifirgi- and rdlmst, twin' as wiilc as loiijj ; inti-rociilar siirfjicf t'ccMy CDiivi'X, twice as wide as tlie eye, ratluT tiliely, deeply, very closely, and evenly punutate, witlioiit a trai^e of siiluntions or longitudinal elevation ; ocular lines meeting at raflier more than two lengths in advance; anti'unae scarcely as long as the width of head, hiack, slightly paler at tip, slender, club vrry moderate; third joint one-llfth as long again as the fourth, fourth and lifth eiiual. sixth and seventh eiinal in length, the latter thicker, eighth oval, very small, naiTower than the seventh, joints of cliih increasing in length, the last two of ecjual thickness ; maxillary palpi piceous-black, tirst joint and base of second pale testaceous. Prothorax robust, widest slightly before the middle, where it is three-fourths as wide as the head, and dis- tinctly narrower than long ; sides thence moderately convergent jjosteriorly and slightly sinuate ; anterior margin very slightly longer than the jxisterior, e(jnally an'Uate ; surface nearly evenly convex, very closely, finely, deeply, and evenly punctate; cajialiculation narrow, e(jual in width tliroiighont, as long as the pronotum. Elytra at base slightly narrower than the lica*!, and but very slightly wider than the prothorax ; aides moderately divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than the width at base, and feebly arcuate; together broadly and moderately emarginate behind ; suture about equal in length to the pronotum ; surface convex, narrowly and feebly impressed along the suture; deeply, (dosely, and evenly punctate; punctures very seldom coalescing ; interspaces narrow, convex, minutely reticulate. Abdominal Segments decreasing uniformly and very gradually in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra; surface broadly convex; finely, very closely, and evenly punctulate ; transversi; carinae 4-cuspid, cusps nearly eijual, rather approximate, finely aciculate. Legs moderati.', black above, piceous-black beneath ; first joint of the i)osterior tarsi three-fourths as long again as the second, as long as the fifth, joints two to four decreasing uniforndy and rapidly in length, fourth thin and obliiiue, having long cinereous setae beneath. Body winged. . Mull'. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment very feebly emarginate in its middle fourth, emargination <^venly rounded and just percejjtible ; sixth sinuate at apex, sinus very broad and evenly rounded throughout, about eight times as wide as deep, surface piceous-black. Feiudle. — Sixth ventral segment broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length 3.2-3.4 mm. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2 ; White Fish Point, Lake Superior, 2 ; Lake Superior (locality unknown), 1 ; Grimsby, Ontario, 3. }' n i 1 1« ■I: 116 NOHTIl AMKUICAN TIm' iiltova description seems to iijirce in all essential points witii that jiiven hy ICriclison for the European ratKilicnhitns, hut having no s|)cciniens of the hittiT for eoniparison, I cannot state that tlie idenlilieation is eonelnsive. vr ij'i rj [i. i' 02. S. rarolinap n. sp. — Form rntlicr slfudcr. PiilinHctMicc iiKKlcrnfcly done, cxti't'ini'ly loiijc, conrst^, erect, pjile hiseiiiis in cdIop. Head riitlier siiiiitl, iidt twice (IS wide ns long ; inferocnlar surface flat, coarsely nnd (dosely |>iiiict;ite. two (111(1 oiie-lialf times as wide as tli(^ eye ; loi)j;itudiiial elevation veiy slij;lit but rattier aliniptly limited at tlie sides; antennae slen ageilS n. sp. — Form rather robust. Pubescence somewhat sliort, cinereous, evenly distributed, sub-recumbent, flue, and rather close. Head nioderate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface more than twice as wide as the eye, feebly convex ; sulcations almost obsolete ; punctures very deep, f COI-KOITKKA. 117 I'loHc, iiiriili>riit(t ill H\/A', romiil, not lioaliMctMit, evenly ilinfi'lliiituil ; iiittirn|)aii'rt fi!<>lily HliiiiinK ; cxiulnr liiit-x iiio'tiiif; iit onHniid ont'-liair l<«ii|^tliH in ndviinct); anti'nnai' Hiinicwliat limber tlian tlic wiiltli of lioail, rullnT slfiidiT, pii \\a- h\iu:k, dull iiMMliTutc ; tliii'il Joint onc-liaif lon^'iT tlian tlic fourtli, ronitii and flftli snli-cijnnl, xixth distinctly lon);<'i- and Iomm rolnixt tlian tlio s*>vfnth, cifflitli sli;,'litly lon>;cr tlian wide, as hrond an tin' scvcntii, rcKiilarly oval, joints of clul) incrcasiii); very sli^litly in Icn^itli, last two notalily inort' robust than tilt) ninth and (-qnal in thickiu'ss ; niaxillai-y palpi iiiodi'iati' in li'ii^tli, first joint picu'o-tfstat'cons, rci ..indcr piccoiis-hlack. Prothorax rolmst, widest slifihtly liffori' fln' middle wliere it is seven-eij,'litlis as wide as tlio head, and very slij^htly narrower than loiij; ; sides theiKe feiddy and evi'iily areiiate anteriorly, ratlu^r moro strongly eonveffjeiit posteriorly and nearly strai;;ht ; anterior margin slightly long(^r than the posterior, e(|nally arcuate ; surface very evenly convex, tlnely, very (dosely, and evenly punctate; punc- tures roniul, not coalescent, deeply inipresscil ; interspaces fcchly convex, scaruidy one-third an widii ax tlio punuturoH, niinut(dy retiuulato and somu- what feeldy shining. Elytra at base nearly as wide as the head ; sides moderately divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than tlm width at base, distinctly and evenly arcuate ; together broadly, roundly, and strongly emarginate ludiinil ; suture one-fourth longer than tin- pronotum ; surface impressed on the suture at the base, and viM'y feebly so near the humeri ; evenly, rather llnely, and closely punctate; punctures round, deeply im- pressed ; interspaces generally two-thirds as wide as the punctures, slightly convex and minutcdy reticulated. Abdominal segments decreasing very gradually in width, lirst as wide as the contiguiuis elytra ; sides feiddy arcuate ; border distinct on all the segments ; surface very coarsely, moder- ately closely, and evenly punctate, much more linely so posteriorly ; trans- veise cariuae 4-cusiiid, middlt! cus])s very closely approximate, shorti-r than the lateral, finely acuminate; lateral large, flntdy acuminate, sides straight. Legs rather short and slender, jiiceoiis-black ; first joint of the posterior tarsi twice as long as the second, second much longer than th ('(inal in ler^'tli, tlic latter nne-lialf as thick a^ain, ('ii,'litli as liniad as tlie seventh, suh-triangiilar, joints of ^ilub increasin}; in length, last two of eijnal thick- ness , maxillary i)al])i dark piceons-brown, first joint and base of the second niui-li ]>aler, piceo-testace'ons. Prothorax arcnately, evenly, and moderately rai)idly increasing in width to a point jnst perceptibly in advani.'(> of the uii(hlle, where it \a four-fiftlis as wide as the head and slightly narrower than long ; sides thence moderately convergent jiosteriorly and feebly sinnate ; anterior and posterior margins ecjiial in length, tlie former Vi'ry slightly the more arcnate ; surface feebly and minutely tiib-^rculato near the basal angles, transversely and very feebly im])ressed jnst behind the vertex ; pnnctnres small, ronudi'd, and irregularly distril)Uteil, more crowded toward the base and apex. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides very moderately diver- gent posteriorly, much longer than the width at base and rather strongly arcuat(% more particularly so posteriorly ; together broadly, roundly, and strongly emarginate behind ; suture one-thini as long again as the pronotum ; surface convex, narrowly impressed along the suture, more broadly and strongly so toward the base ; punctures round, feebly impressed, and evenly distributed, (>xcept in the basal regions, where they are closely crowded ; intersj)a(u^s gener'iUy as wide as the punctures, distinctly reticulated, feebly convex, shining. First two abdominal segnionts equal in width, very slightly nari'ower than the contiguous elytra ; surface (;oarsely, feebly, and somewhat distantly punctulate at the base, becoming nunOi more linely so toward the tip ; transverse carinae 4-eHspid, cusps nearly equal in length, somewhat ob- scurely delined, tliougli rather long. Legs short and slender, dark piceous- browii ; first joint of the i)osterior tarsi thi'ee-fonrtlis as long again as the second, equal in length to the last, second somewhat longer than the third, fourth very oblique, fifth very slender at the base. Male. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment emarginate in its middle fifth, emargination evenly rounded, and nearly ten times as wide as d(!ep, contiguous .iirface cylindrically and rather feebly impressed throughout anteriorly; sixth broadly and transversely truncate at the apex. FiiiKite. — Sixth segment broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length 2.r)-2.7 nun. White Fisli Point, Lake Superior, 2. T had sepaiateil the nvAe of tliis 8i)eoie8 under anotlier name, but afterwards concluded to unite the two specimens, as tliere might remain a doubt as to their distinctness, due to ti'e difl'erei.ce of sex. The male diHers from the female in the much coarser aiul more even punctuation of the elytra and pronoluui, in the pubescence, which is very much longer and denser, and in the structure of the antennae, the male having the fourth and fifth joints equal in length. The description is drawn from the female. m Of). S. minor n. sp. — F(/rm slender. Pubescence fine, moderately abun- dant, rather short and recumbent, cinereous in color. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface very slightly convex, more than twice m COLEOPTERA. 119 as wide uh tlio eye; coarsely, t'losely, and sub-variolately punctata; longi- tudinal filevation modttratt'ly duvelopcd ; ocular lines meeting at three lengths in advance; antennae slender, niiich longer than the widtli of liead, dark piceous, cluh distinct and paler in color; third joint one-half as long again as the fourth, fourtli and lifth equal, also the sixth and seventh, joints of club gradually increasing in thickness and length ; maxillary palpi uniformly dark piceous. Prothorax robust, widest at the middle, where it is just pur- (H'j)tibly narrower than long and but little wider than the interocular surface ; sides thence feebly convergent posteriorly and very slightly sinuate; surface evenly convex, rather evenly punctured; punctures sub-variolate and shal- low, wider than the interspaces which are moderately shining ; anterior and jxisterior margins ecjual in length, the former slightly the mor(! arcuate. Elytra at base as wide as th(! head ; sides very slightly divergent and arcuate ; together broadly and distinctly emarginate behind ; suture one-aixth as long again as the p* .lotum ; surface strongly and evenly convex, very evenly punctate ; punctures sub-variolat»!, shallow, broa(b'r than the interspaces, which exhibit a minutely granular texturt!. Abdominal segments decreas- ing regularly and rather rapidly in width, lirst distinctly narrower than the contiguous elytra; surface convex, minutely granuKte, finely j)unctulate; border rather narrow ; transverse carina 4-cuspid, cusps extremely short, rudinu'ntary, and expanded toward tip. Legs dark bi'ownish-piceous, mode- rate in lengtli, joints of tarsi cylindrical ; lirst joint of posterior one-half {is long again as the second, next three uniformly decreasing in length. Under surface of the alxbnuen minutely granulate and finely i)unctulate. Male. — Surface of fifth ventral segment feebly impi'essed in the middle fourth of its posterior half, coarsely ])ubescent, posterior edge broadly and almost imperc(!ptibly emarginate; sixth segtnent broadly truncate at tip; seventh bearing at apex two well-marked lateral teeth, and upon each a long coarse seta, longer than the breadth at tip. Fenuile. — Unknown. Length 2.3 mm. Detroit, IMichigtin, 2. Tlie sexual chanicters in tliis species are very feebly developed. if' ; f'\ i 1 ill m J? m m it? i 'I ■ 90. S. rigidlis n. sp.-- Form moderately robust. Pubescence cinereous, rather short, and moderately close, nearly uniform throughout. Head moderate, more than twice as wide fis long; interocular surface Hat, two and one-half times as wide as the eye, evenly and rather closely punctate : longitutlinal elevation rather prominent, raised above the general hn-el of the eyes ; ocular lines meeting at about two lengths in advance ; antennae nearly black, coarsely setose, rather sleudtM', a little longer than the width of head, club distinct; third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, joints three to seven gradually decreasing in length, ten and eleven nearly equal, much thicker and longer than the ninth ; lirst joint of the maxillary palpi rtavo-testaceous, next two nearly black. Prothorax thre(!-fourths as long agaiu as the head, widest a little before the middle ; sides thence gradually convergent posteriorly and very feebly sinuate ; anttU'ior and j>osterior mar- gins equal in length, equally and rather strongly arcuate ; length but slightly 'I if Bt| WP i Ij.! 1 1 4i| 120 NORTH AMKKICAN gr(\ati'r than tlic width ; surface evenly convex, rather closely and somewhat unevenly punctate ; interspaces polisheil. Elytra at base a little wirlitr than the head ; together liroadly, evenly, and rather Htron>;ly eniarginate ante- riorly and posteriorly ; sides very nioderatidy diverj^ent and arcuate ; humeral angles well developed ; surface evenly convex and punctate ; interspaces polished and about equal in width to the punctures ; suture one-fourth as lonj^ ajiain as the j)roiiotuni. Abdominal segments decreasin,' very gradually in width posteriorly ; margin rather riarrow ; surface finely find rather closely punctulatu ; transverse carinae 4-cuspid, intervals nc^arly straight, cusps very short, obscure at tip ; first segment as wide as the elytra at base, Legs rather stout, dark fiisco-piceous, tarsi short ; first j«:>•: COLKOPTEUA. 121 moderate, fuscous ; first joint of tlu^ i)osterior tarsi three-fourths as long 'igain as the second, second notably longer than the third. Miih'.. — Unknown. h'liiKili'. — Posterior edge of the sixth ventral segment evenly rounded, but slightly produced in the middle. LtMigth 2.5 mm. Nebraska, 1. 08. M. parallelllS n. 'sp. (Si dark piceons-brown, very slightly paler toward the base. Prcthorax widest just before the middle, wln're it is nearly five-sixths as wide as the head ; sides thence convergent jiosteriorly and nearly straight ; anterior and posterior margins equal in length, the former much the more arcuate; surface rather evenly convex, closely, somewhat irregnlarly, and variolately punctate ; interspaces seldom wider tlian 'he punctures, shining ; a shallow medial depression extends longitudinally along the middle half, widest at the middle. Elytra at base as wide as the head, sides slightly diver- gent posteriorly and nearly straight ; broadly and rather strongly emarginate behind, and almost (jqually so at the base ; suture scarcely perceptibly longer than the pronotum ; surface coarsely, somewhat closely and unevenly ])unc- tatt^ ; ])unctures slightly variolatt! ; inttuspai'es shining. First thre(' abdo- minal segments nearly equal in width, ami as wide as the elytra ; border modiu'ate ; surface polished, punctulate, more fini-ly and closely so poste- riorly; transverse carinae uuicuspid, cusp very slender and aciculate. Legs moderate, dark castaneous ; first joint of th(! posterior tarsi two-thirds as long again as the second, second distinctly longer than the third. Under surface of the abdomen finely and ratlier closely punctulate. Male. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment sinuate, sinus feeljle, and one-third as wide as the segment, surface feebly impressed tlu'dUgh the same width anteriorly, "-npression rather densely pilose ; sixth segnient sinuate at apex, sinus nan, w, alxuit twice as wide as ex. Ftmtile. — Posterior edge of sixth segment very broadly angulate at ai)ex. Length 3.3 mm. New Hampshire, probably White iMountains, 2. The description of tliis very distinct species has been drawn from the female, the male beinj;; in an imperfect condition. It has a superficial resemblance to r/ijficifis, but the absence of cusps from the abdominal carinae, well developed in the latter, will serve to distin- giiisii them. 100. S. lliculeiltus n. sp. — Form very moderately robust. Pubescence long, rather close, line, sub-reoumbent, cinereous. Head moderate, slightly more than twice as wide as long; interocular surface very feebly depressed, distinctly more than twice as wide as the eye; etjually trilobed by the very feeble rounded sulcations ; intermediate surface nearly fiat ; punctures very wmm •1! COLEOPTERA. 123 small, widi-ly S(^i)arat('il, round, aiul evonly distributtMl ; iiitt^rspacps nearly Hat; (iciilar liiu's iiuM'tiiig at fully tlirco K-uf^tlis in advanot; ; first joint of antennae black, second jiiceous-black and more slender; first joint of maxil- lary ]y.i]\>\ tranriluoent, pale i)if'eo-t(^'; maxillary palpi moderate, pale piceous-brown, first joint i)aler and testaceous. Pnthorax widest at the middle, where it is four-fifths as wide t J •I fftiil iil Mti ■M ^p^ 124 NORTH AMKUICAN as the lii'ail, anil slightly narrower than long ; sides thence almost equally convergent anteriorly ainl posteriorly, slightly arcuate in the former, and feehly sinuate in the latter direction ; anterior margin very sliglitly longer and more arcuate than the posterior ; surface very evenly convex, rather finely, distantly, and evenly punctata ; i)nnctures rounded and deeply im- pressed ; interspaces feehly convex and very highly polished. Elytra at base distinctly narrower than the head ; sides rather strongly divergent ])osteriorly, much longer than the width at hase, and feehly arcuati^ much more strongly so toward the apices, almost straight near the hase ; together broadly, roundly, and very feehly emarginate behind ; suture from one-fourth to one-fifth as long again as the proiiotnm ; sui'face rather dejjressed, very even ; finely, vrry distantly, anreous, j)ronii- nent. Head moderate, rather more than twice as wide as long ; iuti-rocular surface nearly Hat, twice as wide as the eye ; punctures rather small, deep, close, evenly distributed, and irregularly polygonal, somewhat confiuent anteriorly; interspaces narrow, very convex, and highly polisheil ; longitu- dinal elevation somewhat narrower than the lateral portions, rather acutely ridged ; ocular lines nuieting at about two lengths in advance ; first two joints of antennae piceous-brown, sub-iceo-testaceous. Prothorax arcuately, (n-enly, and vi'vy graolished. Elytra at base as widt> as the head ; sides rather feidily divergent posteriorly, much longer than the width at base, and somewbat feebly arcuate, most strongly so posteriorly ; together broadly and very feebly emarginate behind ; suture one-fourth as long again as the ])ronotum ; surfa(!e lincdy, feebly, and evenly punctate ; interspaces much narrower toward the base, generally fi'cbly convex and highly polished. Abdominal segments decreasing nniforndy and very gradually in width, first nearly as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface very finely, somewhat closely and evenly jmnctulate ; transveise carinae not cusped. Legs moderate, piceons-black throughout ; li:'st joint of the poste- rior tarsi one-half as long again as the second, much shorter tban the tifth, joints two to four uniformly and rapidly decreasing in length. Hody winged. ^f(tll'. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segnunit feebly emarginate in its middle third, emargination (evenly rounded and sciHOt-ly measurable, con- tiguous surface very feebly Hatteninl ; sixth sinuate at apex, sinus narrower and much more acutely rounded than tbe apices, sides m^irly straight, slightly more than three times as wide as deep ; seventh segment trans- versely truncate at tip. Juiiiale. — I'nknown. Length ;i.] nmi. Nortliern California, 1. 10(t. S. SUbgriHeilS n. sp. (Schwarz MS.). — Form rather slender, sides parallel. Pubescence sligiilly more plentiful on the head and elytra, through- out rather long, tlavc cinereous in color. Head moderate, a little more than twice as wide as long ; interocular surface nearly Hat, rather coarsely punc- tate ; punctures distinct and setigerons ; longitudinal elevation broad and scarcely visible ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance ; antennae short, equal in length to the width of head, third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, joints four and five of equal length, club well developed. ,t,. '•Us 'in € I T^ 128 'NOKTII AMKUICAN ti'iitli aiifl oli'vcTith jdintrt loiii^cr anil tliirki'i- tliaii tlic ninth, I'qnal, of a dark fuscous tint ; lirst joint of tlm maxillary palpi dark llavo-ti'staccous, second and third dark hlackish-fuscous. Prothorax short and rohust, three-fourths >ng again a in as tliK head, di'st h till' iniildii', whi-ri' it is ncarlv as widf as long ; sides tlienee eouverging vory gradually and very fetdily sinuate ; posterior margin slightly narrower and more areuattf than the anterior ; sur- face evenly convex, rather finely |>unctate; interspaces ahout eipial in width to the ininctures. Elytra at liase eijual in width to tlie head ; together rather deeply einarginato at the hase, very broadly and feebly so behind ; sides hut slightly divergent, arcuate; suture onelltih as long again as tlie pronotuiii ; surl'aei' rather convex ; punctures ratlicr tine, ini|iressed, setigeroiis ; inter- spaces slightly greater than the width of the punctures, highly polished. Abdominal segnii-nts decreasing vi-ry giailually in width, lirst almost as wide as the elytra: surface vi'vy sparsely and linely punctate, shining; border of lirst four segments moderate ; transverse cirinae not euspinl. Legs [liceous- black, tarsi a little paler, rather robust; lirst joint of the posterior one-half as long agi'.in as the second. Under surface black, abdomen very finely and rather closely iiunctati-. ^/tll,t. — Posterior edge of the tilth ventral segment very feebly sinuate, sinus one-third as wide as the segment, surface evenly convex ; sixth sinuate at apex, sinus o lie-half as wide as the segment, twici e as wiile as deep tiguous surface feebly and longitudinally impressed. Female. — Sixth segment broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length 2.8 mm. Calit'orniii, 1 ; IJritisli Columbia, li"». lt'7. S. teri'icola n. sp. — Form rather rohust. Puhescence erect, rather short, line, moderately abundant, cinereous. Head scarcely twice as wide as long; interocular surface a little more than twice as wide as the eye; nearly flat, very closely, finely, and regularly punctate ; punctures variolate ; nearly e(i\ially trilobed by the shallow sulcations ; ocular lines meeting at nearly three lengths in advance; antennae slender, dark reddish-black, coarsely setose, third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, joints four and live equal in length ; tirst joint of maxillary palpi dark testaceous, second and third black. Prothorax widest slightly before th6 middle, where it is live- sixths as wide as the head, and almost as wide as long ; sides thence con- vergent posteriorly and straight; posterior margin slightly shorter than the anterior ; equally, feebly arcuate ; surface evenly convex, closely, somewhat evenly and finely punctate; j)unctures sub-variolate; interspaces narrower, moderately lustrous. Elytra at hasi' wider than the head ; sides almost im- perceptibly divergent posteriorly, and very slightly arcuate ; together broadly emarginate anteriorly, and vvvy broadly and more strongly so posteriorly ; sutur*! nearly ont!-fourth as long again as the pronotum ; surface evenly con- vex, rather evenly and linely punctate ; punctures feebly impressed, some- what wider than the interspaces, which are lustrous. First three abdominal segments as wide as the elytra at base; border strong; surface rather Hat, and very linely j)unctulate ; transverse carinae not cusped. Legs modt^rate and rather slender, piceous-black ; first joint of the posterior tarsi two-thirds it COLKOl'TKUA. 120 ns loll;; a;,'niii ns tlic sccoiul, sccfuiil iiiiicli ImifiiT tluni tlic third. UikIit Murfnco of tlid aliiliiini'n sliiiiing ami somcwliat iimri) (joarscly iimirtiilatc tliaii t)i(t u|)])('r, Miilr. — I'ostt'rior 0(1^0 of tho nixtli ventral scgnu'iit Hiiiuatt<, siiuis oxft't-il- iii^'ly fiH(l)lH, one-third as wido nH tliH Hfgiiiciit. FeiiKilr. — IJllkllowil. I.i'li^'th ' uilii. Iiiii\(^ 'I'lilioe, Neviulii, 1. The iuiteniml dubs im; inissiti},' in (lio only known specinion. Itis. S. .:lllli«lllllis II. sp. — Form moderately rohiist. Piibcsuciu't' rathor short, cinereous, more abundant on the head and elytra. Head small, three- fourths as wide a^'ain as long; interocular surface very moilerately excavated, strouijly l)isulcat<', three times as wi(h^ as the eye; llnely and variolately punctate; interspaces wider than tlie punotures, shiniuj;; longitudinal ele- vation as wido as the eye; ocular limis meeting at o\u\ length in advance ; antennae! longer than the width of head, piceous-hlack, rjither slemler, clul) large ; third joint twice as long as the fourth, fourth and fifth e(iual, sixth and seventh e(iual, much shorter, eighth almost globular, joints of club very gradually increasing in length, teiitli slightly thickest ; palpi and lU-al organs entirely piceous-black. Prothorax very robust, widest a little hel'ore the middle, whert^ it is four-lifths as widi; as the head ; sides thenuo convergent posteriorly and slightly sinuate; surface with a broad transverse impression just behind the anti'rior margin, and a ratlier deep (ibli(iue iini)ressiou on each side near the middle ; vei'y I'-iely punctate ; punctures very shallow and variolate; interspaces wider than tlie punctures, shining; anterior margin slightly longer than the posterior. 151ytra at base hroadly and rather deeiily emnrginate, slightly wi;ituiliiial clcvatiDii very iinnniiH'iit ; ftuti'iiiiiir slfiiclcr, ('(iidiI in Iciijitli to till' width i'd ; tliird joint but vi'ry xliKlitly Idngt-r tlinn tliK fourth ; joints of (dub griidniilly in- cn-asinj; in hMi^tii and tliickncMn, lant j<.int acuniinafoat tip; ;etlier broadly and very fenbly omarginato behind ; Huture one-liftli as loiif; aj;ain as the pronotuni ; surface coarsely and irregu- larly puni'tate ; punctures impressed; iiitersiiaces hif,'hly iiolished ; on each elytron there are threts tuberculiforui tdcvations. Abdominal sugmnntfl (b'creasing very moderately in width, first nearly as wide as the adjoining elytra; border prominent; surface shining and rather coarsely punctate, tranH"HrHe carinat! not cusped. Legs short, fusco-testaueous, hirsute ; tarsi very jiale in cnlor ; first joint of the posterior efjual in ItMigtli to twice the second, second e(|ual to the third. I'mU'r surface of the ahdoiucn lilackish- piceous, coarsely and distantly punctate, bristling with long erect setae. Mule. — Posterior edge of the sixth ventral segnusnt broadly and trans- versely truncate ; seventh deeply emai'ginati^ at apex. Fiiiitilr. — Sixth segnu'iit broadly and triangularly produced posteriorly, with the apex rounded. Length 2.3-2.G mm. Florida; Siiiul Point, "> ; Enterprise, 1. Tliis sjHiL'ies niuy be very readily recognized by tiie irregularities of the siirtace, there being ten very apj)arent tubereiilations — tour on the pronotinn and six on the elytra — as well as by its very bristling and hirsute a|)i)earance. 110. S, ilidistiliclus n. sp, (Sclnvarz MS.). — Form moderately slender. Pubearenc(t rather short and close, ciner(!ous in color throughout. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interooilar surface about two and one-half times as wide as the eye, very feebly excavated and closely punctate ; jmnc- ture« variolate ; longitudinal elevation scarcely evident; ocular lines meeting at one and oi>(!-half lengths in advance; antennae nearly black, modi^'ately robust and rather linely setose, club moderate, third joint one-third as long again as the fourth, joints of club gradually increasing in thickness and length; maxillary palpi reddish-brown, first joint a little paler. Prothorax widest at one-third its length from the anterior margin, where it is four-fifths as wide as the head ; sides tlionce rather rapidly convergent and almost straight ; length one-fifth greater than the breadth ; anterior margin slightly longer than the posterior, equally arcuate; surface very slightly and trans- versely impressed near the anterior and posterior margins, very closely punctate ; punctures variolately impressed ; interspaces narrower than the ',« COLEorTEIlA. 181 piuictnrcs, Hliininfj. Elytra nt Iimhv somcwluvt nnrrowvr tlian thf li;<'iit, an-iiatu ; Hutiirc oiu- i'ij;litli a.s loiii^ again tin tlic prnnutiun ; Hurfaco convex, iinpnvstxl along tliu sutuiv, .-vcnly {Mnu-tnti' ; l)un(tiir<'rt iiiiprfSHcd ; intci'.x|>a('<'.-i alioiit <'<|iial in ui* wi as tin* (^onti^'UouH clytia ; iKirdcr \v<'il luarkoil ; Hurfaro Monicwhat clo8«'ly and very finely ]iiin('tiilati', MJiiniii^'; transversa carinao not cnsiicd. Legs ratlior slciidci', {tii't'otis-lilHi'lv ; lirst joint of tliu posterior tart*i e. — Form moderately elcmj^ated. I'ubescencu of entire body loni; and aimndant ; palo fusco-cinereoiis in color on the head, ])ron<>tuin, annien. Head moderate, slightly more than twice as wide as long ; interocular surface about twice the width of the eye, very slightly excavated and closely punc- tate ; jtunctures not coalescent ; longitudinal elevation well marked, carini- form ; ocular lines meeting at alniut one ami one-half lengths in advance; antennae rather short and stout, densely and coarsely setigerous, dark piceous-brown, al»out e Transverse earinae tricuspid. , / COLEOPTERA. 133 Elytral suture not more tlian one-fourth longer than tlie pronotuni. Coalescent punctures of elytra forming long tortuous channels. Base an.l apex of protliorax ecjnal or suh-eiaial in length. I'rothorax widest at the middle. Hides of elytra strongly arcuate 117. vestalis. Sides of elytra nearly straiglit 118. talioeiisis. I'rothorax widest l)ehind the middle 110. iiiilllllO>US. Protliorax widest before the middle 1:20. piigetl'lisis. A]>ex of protliorax longer than the base. Under surface of the abdomen polished, minutely and distantly punctulato lUl. TilCUlls. Under surface! of the abdomen coars(dy and closely punctiilate, interspaces granulose and fe»d)ly shining 1:22. amicus. Punctures of elytra not coalescent in long and tortuous channels, and not joined in sets of more than two or three 123. exilis. Elytral suture two-thirds longer than the pronotum. 124. californiciis. 112. S, gratiosiis n. sp. — Form very robust. Pubescence long, dense, rather coarse, sub-recumbent, cinereous. Head small, very short, mucli more than twice as wide as long ; interocular surface twice an wide as the eye, convex; sulcations feeble, rounded ; intermediate surfice very strongly and somewhat acutely convt^x, conspicuous ; punctures very closely ci'owdcd, irregularly polygonal, very coarse; ocular lines meeting at two lengths iu advance; antennae slightly longer tlian the width of h(»ad, robust, dark piceons-brown, darker towai'd the base, club large ; third joint one-fourth as long again as tlie fourth, joints four to seven uniformly and vvvy gradually decreasing in length ; seventh slightly thicker tlian the sixth, eighth one- half hunger than wide, as thick as tin? seventh, joints of club increasing nniforndy and rapidly in length and thickness ; maxillary palpi somewhat short and rohust, dark piceous-black, first joint translucent, dark piceo- testaceous. Prothorax robust, arcuately, evenly, and rapidly increasing in width to a point distinctly in advance of the middh!, where it is live-sixths as wid(? as the head, and as wide as long ; sides thence rather rapidly conv(M-gent and distinctly sinuate ; anterior margin slightlv shorter and more arcuate than the posterior ; surface very feebly tiiberculate near the basal angles ; coarstdy, ratln^r closely, and evenly punctate ; punctures r'uiiid, deeply impressed; interspaces one-half as wide as the punctures, convex, highly polished. Elytra at base as wide as the head; sides rather strongly diver- gent posteriorly, equal in length to the width at base, modtu-at<.'ly arcuate, strongly so toward the apices ; together broadly, roundly, and strongly emar- ginato behind; suture one-sixth as long again as the pronotum; surf'i;e strongly convex, very feebly and narrowly impressed on the suture at the base; coarsely, rather closidy, and evenly punctate ; interspaces one-half as wide as the punctures, c(nive.x, highly polished. Abdominal segments de- creasing uniformly and rather rapidly in width, first slightly narrow((r than the contiguous elytra ; surface very convex, coarsely, clos; til'tli not apprt'c'ialily modilicd, l-'cimilc. — Cnknown. LtMigth nun. Dtdroit, ^Ii(dii. S. niOIlticolit n. sp. — Form inoilfratidy robust. I'ubcsccnfc inodc- raicly hmi,', cxcci'din^jly fine and sparst^, more plentiful on tln^ alHlomen, cinereous. Head two and one-half times as broad as Ions,'; interoeular sur- face two and one-half times as wide as the eye, eoarsely and iceous-l>laek, about eipial in len;,'th to the width of head, club rather l;ir;,'e; third joint oue-fourtl: as huig aj,'aiu as tlie tdiirtb. joints four to eijrht i;radually and uniformly decreasing in length, joints oi' elub increasing in length and thickness; maxillary jialpi short, pici'oiis-black. l>asc sliglitly paler. Prothorax rolnist, widest at or sliglitly liidiind the middle, wliere it is four-lifths as wide as thi heail, and just perceptildy i\ai'rower ilian long; sides thence convergent posteriorly and feebly sinuate ; posteri(U' margin shorter ancl slightly less arcuate than tht? anterior ; surface evenly convex, coarsely punctate ; punctures deeply impressed ; interspaces gentu-ally eipial in width to the punctures, highly lustrous. Elytra at base very slightly narrower than the bead ; siiles very slightly divergent posti^riorly and dis- tinctly arcuate ; together broadly, rather strongly, and evenly eniarginate at the base and apex ; suture just ptu'ceptibly longer than tli(> pronotum ; sur- face evenly convex, very coarstdy, and somewhat distantly punctat4!; jjunu- tures dei'iily impresseil Mnunctures round, impressed, and not coalescent ; interspaces as wide as the punctures, very convex, highly jiolished. Abdonninal segments decreasing uniformly and very gradually in width, first much narrower than the contiguous elytra, cylindrical ; surface rather coarsely, closely, iind evenly punctate near the base: punctures di'eply impressed and becoming so fine toward the tip as to almost disappear; interspaces very highly polished; border nearly obsolete except on the first segment, where it becomes rajjidly narrower toward the segmental ap(>x ; transverse carinae tricusj)id, middle cusps long, strong, and finely acuminate, prominent, lateral very rudimen- tary. Legs long and very slender, tlavate, femora clouded with jiiceous toward the tip, tarsi very long and slendt^r ; first joint of the posterior nearly two and one-half times as long as the second, twice as long as the llftli, and as long as the second, third, and fourth together, fourth scarocdy one-half as long as the third, fifth much more slender than the i)receding. Mule. — Fifth ventral segment very feebly emarginate in its middle third at apex, emai'gination not measurable, evenly rounded, contigucuis surface cylindrically and fi.'ebl^ Imjiressed throughout anteriorly, pubescence very coarse; sixth triangularly, narrowly, and very deeply incised at ai)ex, in- cisure fully twice as deej) as wide, angles somewhat rminded. Fciudlc. — Fifth segment emarginate in its middle eighth at apex, emargina- tion evenly rounded, and abont eight times as wide as deep ; sixth segment narrow, rather obtusely rounded at apex. Length 3. 2-3. 7 mm. Cediir Keys, Florida, 1 ; Columbus, Texas, 1 ; Arizona, 5 ; Colo- rado, 2 ; Southern Illinois, 2. The specimen of this well-marked species from Texas differs from the one from Florida in no essential feature ; it a[)pears, however, to be slightly more mature, and the basal joints of tlie antennae are j)ale piceo-testaceous, the remainder being nearly piceous-black ; it is the smallest of the entire number, and is a female. The above description was ta'ken from the Floridan female. ^ COLEOPTERA. 137 110. S. Ilil'81ltlis 11. sp. — Form r.athor robust. Piibt'sconco very long, close, senii-creft, rather coars", cinereous, conspiouons. Head ratlier small, slightly more than twice as wide as long ; interociilar surface feebly convex, scarcely twic(i as wide as the eye ; longitudinal elevation distinctly wider than the lateral portions, evenly and rather strongly convex ; sulcations very feeble; punctures round, deeply ini])ressed, evenly distributed ; interspaces nearly as wide as the punctures, very convex and highly jiolished ; ocular lines meeting at slightly more than one length in advance ; antennae^ much longer than the width of head, moderately robust, very coarsely setose, piceous-black, club abriij)tly piceous-brown, rather well developed ; third joint one-fourth longer than tin; fourth, fourth and lifth equal, sixth much shorter than the seveiitli, equal in width, eighth one-half longer than wide, scaritely enlarged, cuneate, ninth longer than wide, tenth as long as the ninth, broadei' than long, eleventh as wide as the teutli, acuminate, m/avly as lo. "S the ninth anil tenth together ; maxillary pal})! short and robust, piceous-black, first joint pale piceo-testaceous, third but slightly thicker than the second. Prothorax robust, widest at the middh^, where it is four- fifths as wide as the head and just pcu'ceptibly narrower than long; sides theiici! very slightly convergent posteriorly ami feebly sinuat(? ; anterior margin slightly longer ami more arcuate than the i)((sterior ; surface very even, very feebly tuberculate muvr tlu^ basal angles ; puncturi^s small, round, deeply impressed, evenly distributed; interspaces slightly wider than th<> punctures, convex, highly polished. Elytra at base as wide as the hea-tourth as long again as the pronotum ; surface convex, feebly impressed on the suture at base, coarsely, closely, and very irregularly sculptured; punctures very seldom isolated, generally joined in (?oalesceiit channels. Abdomen nearly cylindricjil, segments decreasing slowly and uniformly in width, first much narrower than the contiguous elytra; border very slight ; surface v<'ry coarsely and closely ]>uiH?tulate ; transvers(? carinae tricuspid, eiisi)s ratluu- approximate, long and aciculate at tips, very prominent, inter- vals strongly sinuate. Legs long and slender, black above, dark piceous- browii beneath : first joint of the jiosterior tarsi one-half as long .again as the second, much shorter than the fifth, joints two to four uniformly and very gradually decreasing in length. Mule, — Unknown. Fi'mnle. — Sixth ventral segment rather narrow, very evenly rounded be- hind. Length 2.4 mm. Kern County, California, 1. A very distinct species ; it seems to come naturally in a position intermediate between the division with bordered abdomen and in which it is not mariiined, the border only being distinct ut the bases of the first two segments. UOLEOI'TKKA. 139 I i US. S, talloeilHiH ii. sp. — Form very niodoratcly robust. Pulifseonce very uliort, si'ini-ci'citt, si>ai'sn, soiiu'wlint uoarsc, jmli- fulvous on tlic aliiloiiKMi, almost invisil)lt> on the n-mainilcr of tin; dorsal smfiK^c. Head iiiodiTato, twico as wido .as long; int(>rocular surfai'c? feelily doprcssfd, slightly more than twice as wide as the eye; equally trilobed by the rounded and distinct sulfations ; intermediate surface feebly and evenly convex ; jjunetures fine, extremely close and confused ; interspaces almost lustreless ; ocular lines meetiiijjr at less than one length in aarallel, slightly longer than the width at base, nearly straight, very feebly arcuate near the apices ; together broadly, roundly, and strongly eniarginate behind; suture one-lifth longer than the pronotnni ; surface nearly evenly convex, deeply, somewhat coarsely, extremely closely and irregularly luuic- ture(l and channeled ; interspaces acute and very feebly shining. Abdominal segments decreasing nearly uniformly and very gradually in width, first slightly narrower than the contiguous elytrii ; surface very convex, coarsely, closely, and evenly punctulate ; transverse carinae tricuspid, cusps long, strong, finely acicular toward the tips, nearly equal in length, conspicuous, intervals strongly sinuate ; lateral border almost obsolete, except on the first segment and at the bases of the others. Legs mod(!rate, slender, piceous- black al)ov(% femora blackisli-fus(^ous beneath ; first joint of the posterior tarsi one-half longer than the second, as long as the second and third together. Midf. — Unknown. Feimi/i'.. — Sixth ventral segment just perceptibly and very broadly angulate at the apex. Length 2.6 mm. Luke Tahoe, Nevada, 1. •s, % m no. S. ninibOSUS n. sp. (Fauvel MS.). — Form rather slender. Pubes- cence very sparse, rather short and coarse, sub-recumbent, very pale flavo- cinereous on the abdomen. Heid moderate, twice as wide as long; inter- ocular surface strongly depressed, nearly three times as wide as the eye ; 140 NOUTII AMEUICAN lon;?itU(linal elevation sli<;litly iiarrow<'r tliaii tin' lateral portions, foobly ami evttnly fonvcx ; Hiilcations romuliMl, distinct ; puiiotnri^s rather fino, round, Koniewliat shallow and confused ; int('rsi)aei's very strongly and eons])i('iionsly granulate, t'eelily sliiniiif; ; ocular lines nieetinj; at slij,'litly more than one- half a leiiffth in advance; ant(*nnae Very short and robust, S(;ari;ely as loni;; as tho width of h(\ad, ])iceonR-l)la(!k, cluh niodcrattf ; third joint very short, scarcely one-fifth longer than tlui fourth, joints lour, five, and six dec-reasing nnifornily and just perceptihiy in leiiojl^ .six and stn-eu ecpial in leiij;tli, the latter scarcely perccptihly thicker, eighth very slightly elongated, suh- glohular, as thick as the seventh, joints of cluh very sliort, tenth slightly tho hroadest ; maxillary jialpi rather long and slender, ]iiceous-hlack, first joint dark piceo-testace(nis. Prothorax arcualcly, evenly, and very gradually in- creas'ng in width to a jioint slightly hchind the middle, where it is slightly more ihan three-fourths as widi- as the head and much narrower than long; sides tl ence Very feehly convergiMit j)osteriorly, very short and fi'ebly sin\iate ; anteri'ii and posterior margins equal in length, the former very arcuate, the latt.r veiy feehly so ; surface tuherculate near the hasal and apical angles, distinctly swollen along the sides of the (•analicnlation ; sculiture similai' to that of the head ; canaliculation broad, deeply impressed, nearly equal in width throughout, terminating at ('(jual distances from tho base and apex, four-lil'tlis as long as the jironotum, conspicuous. Elytra at base as wide as the head; sides vt'ry feebly divergent postt^riorly, longer than th(^ width at bas(^ and strongly arcuate; together broadly, rounilly, and strongly eniargi- nate behind ; suture one-fourth longer than the pronotum ; surface nearly evenly convex, very closely, deeply, rather finely, confusedly, aTid coales- cenfly punctal(i ; interspaces very acute, coarsely granulate, feebly shining. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rapidly in width, first much narrower than the contiguous elytra, cylindrical ; border obsolete exi'ept a very obscure one on the fii-st segment; surface very coarsely granulose, coarsely, very closely, feel)l\ , and variolately punctulato ; transverse carinae tricuspid, cusps closely approximate, long, rather fintdy acuminate, promi- nent. Legs rather long and slender, iiiceo-fuscous, paler and ruious be- neath ; first joint of the posterior tarsi two-thirds longer than the second, as long as the second and third togetlnn-, and as long as the fifth, joints two to four uniforndy decreasing in length. Main, — Unknown. Female. — Sixth segment small, very brojidly and just perceptibly augulate at tip. Length 2.2-2.5 n.m. Fort Garland, Colorado, 2. 120. S. pilgeteiisis n. sp. — Form slender. Pubescence rather long, coarse, abundant, recumlxMit, ajid cinereous on the abdomen, very short, spar.«e, and inconspicuous on the remainder of the npper surface. Head moderate, robust, scarcely twice as wide as long ; interocular surface very moderately depressed, two and one-half times as wide as the eye ; evenly, rather finely, and somewhat clostdy punctate ; interspaces flat, minutely reticulated, somewhat shining; longitudinal elevation distinctly narrower COLKOPTERA. 141 m tlian \\\t^ Literal iiorfioiis, evenly and ratlier strongly convex ; oenlar lines nieetini,' atone and one-lialf lengtli.s in advance; antiMinae slightly longer than the width of liead, i)ieeons-l)laek, very slender, with exce|)tion of the llrHt two joints and the club, which are tliick ; third and fourth jointH equal, fifth jnst iiereejitihly shorter, sixth and seventh e(iiUil in length, the latter nincli thicker, eighth as wide as long, cordate; l;ist two joints nnnh more robust than the ni.ith ; maxillary jialpi short and robust, first joint llavo- testaceons, second and tliiid piceous-black, thiid nearly as long as the lirst two together. Prothorax widest slightly before the middle, where it is three- fourths as wide as the head, and distinctly narrower than long, sides thence very moderately convergent posteriorly and slightly sinuate; anterior and ])osterior margins nearly eiinal in lengtli and curvature ; surface rather coarsely, very clos(dy, evenly, but rather confusedly punctatt; ; canaliculation very broad, deeply impressed, long and prominent. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides nearly i)arallel, as long as tho width at base, moderatcdy arcnrte ; together broadly and just perceptibly eniarginate behind; suture nearly one-liftli as long again as the pronotum ; surface evenly convex, coarsely, very closely, irregularly, and confusedly punctured and channeled, isolated jiuucturos being S(ddom seen. Abdomen nearly cylindrical ; seg- ments uniformly and extreuu-ly gradually narrowing behind, lirst slightly narrower than the contiguous elytra ; border of first distinct at base, that of the remainder extremtdy narrow, and to be seen with difficulty; surface coarscdy and closely punctulato at base, more finely and sj)arsely so toward ti]) ; transverse carinae tricuspid, cusps rather approximate, long, stout, aciculate toward tips, prominent ; lateral slightly inclined inward. Legs rather long and slender, piceous-black ; lirst joint of the posterior tarsi one- half as long again as the second, slightly longer than the last, second and third sub-equal, fourth thin and obliijue. Male. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment just perceptibly sinuate near tho middle ; si.xth broadly and deeply sinuate at tip, sinus more acutely rounded at the bottom than along the sides, about four times as wide as deep ; seventh narrowly truncate at tip. Female. — Unknown. Length 2.1 nun. Thurston County, Washington Territory, 1. This delicate little species bears a considerable resemblance to vestalis ; it differs in the structure of" the elytra, in the sculpture, in the tarsal structure, and in size. Tiie remarks made upon tlie abdominal border of vestalis will a[)ply with almost equal force here. 121. S. TacllUS n. sp. — Form ratlier slender. Pubescence short and coarse, rather sparse except in the medial portions of the abdomen, plum- beous except along the abdomen and on the head, where it is conspicuously fulvous. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface mode- rately depressed, more than twice as wide as the eye; longitudinal elevation much narrower than the lateral portions, feebly and evenly convex ; sulca- tious very feeble; punctures rounded, ratlier close, evenly distributed, and • '•J 142 NOUTIl AMKIUCAX soiiicwliat obscure ; ociilnr lines iiieetiii),' at fully (uio leiij^th in ddvance ; aiiteniiiie very slightly longt^r than tho width of hearonotum ; surface feebly impressed on the suture at the base, tinely, deeply, extremely closely and irregularly channeled ; channids generally strongly arcuate out- wardly, having a generally longitudinal direction. Abdominal segments uniformly and r.'ipidly decreasing in wi; ocular lines nieetin;,' at one lenj;tli in advan(H); antennae as long as the width of head, rather roliust, ])iceous> Mack, club distinct; jointH three, four, live, and seven Hub-eijnal, the last sli(;htly the thickest, sixth slightly shorter, eighth slightly elongated, as wide lis the seventh, club coriipact, last two joints distinctly broader than the ninth ; maxillary (lalpi moderate, dark ])iceoim-br()wn, first .joint iind base of the second |piceo-testace<)us and rather pale. Prothorax widest Just before the mi ' He, wlirre it is six-sevi'nths as wide as tlie head, and one- eighth narrower than long; sides thence very slightly convt-rgont posteriorly and I'eclily sinuate ; anterior and postericu' margins ctjual in length, the former distinctly the more arcuiitu ; siiifaie dls'inctly tubercul'ite near tlut angles, broailly and rather feebly inii)resHed on the Hanks near the midtlle, with two rather small distinct im|)ressions near the a])i"al angles, llnely, clos(dy, ratlier evenly (nmctate ; interspaces roughly granulose ; itanalicnla- tion beginning at one-tliiril the len;.;tli from the apex and extending t(. within oiu'-fourth tlie length of tlu! base, narrowly impressed, nearly eiiually wide throughout, not vei'v strong, though distinct. Elytra at base wider than the head ; sides parallel, distinctly longer than the width at base, rather strongly arcuate, more so posteriorly ; together narrowly, strongly, and roundly enjar- ginate behind ; suturu one-fourth longer tlian the pronotum ; surfaiu! ftu'hly iniiiressed on the siitlirii at the base; limdy, somewhat feebly, closely, and rather tn-enly punctate ; punctures impressed, seldom coalescent, no uhaniiela present ; interspaces rouglily granulose and shining. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rather rapid!/ in width, first mndi narrower than the contiguous elytra, cylindrical ; border obsohite except on the first seg- ment, where it is narrow and obscure; surface very closely, coarsely, and evenly pnmtiilate; interspaces granulose and feidily shining ; jjuncturiis liner and more distant toward the tij> ; transverse carinae tricuspid, cusps closely ap- proximate, sub-equal in length, finely acuminate, rather long and prominent. Legs rather short and slender, blackish-fuscous , first joint of the jiosterior tarsi scarcely more tha' ''-ird longer than the second, and distinctly shorter than the fifth, ' and three nearly equal, fourth much shorter. Under surface of en coarsely, closely, and evenly puiictulate ; interspaces rati a, not visibly reticulated. Male. — Fifth . segment just visibly and evenly emarginato in the middle, surface vei^ narrowly, tylindrically, obscurely, and feebly impressed throughout anteriorly ; sixth sinuate at tip, sinus rather more feeble in cur- v>;ture than the apices, and equal to them in width, evenly rounded, about .!i'3ven times as wide as deep ; seventh segment very narrow, truncate at tip, truncation very feebly arcuate. , FeiiKile. — Unknown. Length 2.8 mm. . ' Calitbrnia, 1. - > Tliis species is distinguished among its near neighbors by its very narrow slender abdomen, by the more uniform character of the elytral 1 COI.KMITKUA. I I.'. s(Mil|)tiiri>, iiikI liy the stnirfnrc of iIic imtfiiimr. 'llw pnilliorux licars It jjn'iit n's«'iiil)liiiicri'ssioiis lujir tin- iintcriot' aii<{les. 124. S. C'alif<»l'lii<'IIM n. wp. — V«i\\\ very inndiM-ntt'Iy i-dliUHf. I'iiIm'm- ctMKMi hImii'I, liiii', riilliiT Himisi'. (iml incdnHiiiciiiiiiH, Huli-i'ci'Uiiilii'iit, \tti\i' tlnvo-ciiiiTt'oiis. Head ijitliir Hinall, twice .ih wUU iih loii)^ ; iiiti'iociilnr «iir- faci' iii'iirly tl'if, ^^l;L,'ltly iimrf tliaii twi.c us wide as tin? cyi- ; liiiif,'ilii liiiiil I'lcvatioii vi'py slijilitly wi'li'i' tliaii tlic lati-ral |iiiitii>iis, cvi-iily ami Icflily p:>iiv«x ; siilc atiniiH liroailly rdiiiicli-il ; iimu'tuics ilc'f|), very clitscly crowilcd ; iiiti'ispaci's I'daiscly giiuuildM' ami liislrclcss ; dciilar liiii's iiin'tiii^j at diic liMi^'tli ill a;lilli suh-uidlnilar, as tliick as the seventh, jdints of chill iiicrcisiiii' in length, last two ei|iial in widtli and nincii larjicr than tlie ninth ; ni:i.\illaiy palpi slend(M', deep black, llrst jdint dark lilactkish- testaicons. Prothorax small, widest slif^litly heliind the middle; sides thenco very I'eidily convergent anteridily and posteriorly, aiviiiate, liecdinini,' niiicli more strongly so in the fornn'r case, slightly sinuate in tlie latter; anterior margin slightly shoiter and nidie arcuate than tin' posterior; sur- face very t'eelily and transversely impressed JwU lieliind the apex, etherwise nearly evenly convex ; jninctnres small, polygonally crowdiMJ, ih'cp, rather evenly distributed ; interspaces coarsely graniilose and sdiiiewhat lustreless ; canalicnlatioii well marked, two-thirds as long as the proiiotiim, terminating at a slightly less distance from the base than the apex. Elytra ;A base dis- tinctly wider than the bead ; sides nearly i>arall(d, much longer than the width at base, sommvliat arcuate at two-thirds the distance towar tip, where it is dcjeply bilobed ; cusp .slightly rounded ; seventh segment narrow at the apex, where it is trans- versely truncate. Female. — Sixth segment evenly roundtnl behind. Length 2.1-2.3 mm. Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 4; California (Calainas, Gilroy, San Buena- ventura), 5. ... .J Stenini. ■ ' 10 ,'■'-. * \ Ti 140 NORTH AMERICAN A very distinct form ; it is distinguishable at a glance by its very long elytra. Subgenus MUTINUS iiom. nov. The two following species are separated as a subgenus under the above name, on account of certain peculiarities in the antennae. These organs in the male are long and slender, and have the ninth and tenth joints no thicker than the seventh, or but very slightly more robust ; the terminal joint ' qual in thickness, but is much shorter than the penultimate. Jn the female these characters are not striking, the club being of nearly normal formation, except that the last joint is about equal in length to the tenth. The general form of the body is slender ai\d sub-cylindrical, and the abdomen is not mar- gined laterally. The integuments are highly polished. The tarsi are normal, the last joint being very short, and the first very long. The only species thus far discovered within our territory may be distinguished as follows : — Larfje Sjwcios, 4.4 mm. in length ; punctuation close. -Arizona. ..12r). gilaD. Smaller species, 3. U-;5.S mm. ; punctuation nuicli more distant. Massachu- setts to Texas 126. dispar. w^ ^'M: I'i"). S. (Itl.) gilsie n. sp. — Form moderately slender. Pubescence sparse, short, line, piceous, inconsincnons. Head robust, much less than twice as wide as louj^^ ; interocular surfac(^ strongly dej)i'essed, twice as wide as the ej'e ; longitudinal ehivation very narrow, strongly convex, impunctate, and highly jn.lished ; punctures moderate in size, rounded, rather evenly dis- tributed ; and very closely crowded ; ocular lines meeting at one-lialf a length in advance, strongly curvate anteriorly; aut(uinae one-third longer than the width of head, slender, basal joint black, remainder dark piceo-testaceous, club very sbuider ; third joint very long, one-half longer than the fourth, fourth slightly shorter than the fifth, sixth distinctly shorter and more slender than the seventh, eighth and ninth equal in length, the latter dis- tinctly thicker and slightly niore robust than the seventh, tenth joint just jxMceptibly shorter than the ninth, cylinri slightly greater than the distanc^e between the apieal angles : together narrowly and stroi^gly emarginate behind ; suture distinetly longer than the jironotum ; surface narrowly impressed along the .suture; punctures largii, round, deeply iir pressed, somewhat variable in size, nearly ev- distributed ; interspaces nearly as wiihs as the jiunotures, strongly eonv(!X, highly jiolisbed. Abdominal segments of nearly e(jual width, muidi narrower than the contiguous elytra; nearly cylindrical ; surface; nearly as in (dace)-, though rather more distantly punctulate ; transverse carinae tri- eusi)id, midille cusp narrow, rather strong, acuminate ; lateral nearly as long but much broader, rounded at the tip ; lateral border almost obsolete except on the lirst segment, where; it is very narrow. Legs very long and slender, jiale llavate throughout ; tirst joint of the })osterior tarsi twice as long as the secMind, as long as the next three together, second as long as the lit'tli. Mdlf. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment very feebly and triangu- larly incised in its nnddh; l'o\.rth. incisure five times as wide as , coarse, and piceous ; sixth segment very deeply and narrowly incised at apex, angle of i)icisure slightly rounded, sid<'S ne^arly straiglit, depth one- half greater than the width ; seventh transversely truncate at tip, without lateral te.dh. Feiiuilc. — Fifth segment very feebly emarginate in its middle (burth at apex, emargination evenly rounded and not measurable ; sixth segment very narrow, somewhat obtusely rounded behind ; seventh truncate at tip, lateral teeth strong and porrected. Length 3.0-3.8 mm. Ciimbridge, Massacliusetts, 7 ; Soutliern States (locality unknown), 1 ; Texas, 1 ; Wasliington, District of Columbia, 1 ; Topeka, Kansas, 1. A very interesting species, varying greatly in size. Tlie above description was taken from the male, witii the exception of that of the antennae wiiich was drawn from a female. Tiie male antenna is unlike anything else in the genus with tiie exception of (,ilce, and is tiliform, nearly two-thirds longer (hnn the width of head, and having the three outer joints no wider than the seventli, all very elongated, except the last, which is scarcely more than one-half as long a.s the tenth. It seems to be widely distributed. 1 COLEOPTERA. 140 Unrecognized Species. Tin? following species I liave been unable to identity, altliougli several of tliem may, i)erlia|)s, liave been unwittingly Iiarallelopipedlis Motscluilsky ; plumboo-nigor, creberrimc pnnctatus, palpis articulo jirimo tr.staci'o, jx'dilms piccis, t'cinorilius dihitio- ribus, picoo-rufis ; t'rontu obsobito bisub'ata, iutorstitio perpariim couvexo ; thorace latitudino parum huigion^, posttu'ius angustato, sub-inai'(£uali ; olytris thoracis loiiijioribus, inttjr i)uiictui'aui rugulosis. Longit. 1^ lin. LiUit. li lin. Habitat in insula Sitkha sub cortice arborum rarissime ; D. I'ip- pingskiild. In vi(!initate Steni humilis Ericlis. ponendus (" Miiklin"). 120. S. cai'illiceps Miiklin : cyliiidriuus, robustus, nigor, nitidus, palpis fuscis, basi tustaueis, i)arcus, abdomine inmiarginato, apicom versus vix angustato, parcissime subtiliter puiictato; tarsis artieulo quiU'to siinpliei. Longit. l-j lin. batit. fei'e i lin. Habitat in insula Sitkha rarissime; D. Frankenhaeuser ("Miik-. lin"). . 130. §. iiiiinai'giiiatlis Miiklin; cylindricus, niger, nitidus, palpis fuscis, l)asi testaceis, ])ari:e profnnde punetatus ; cajjite in medio eariiiato, lUrinque latius sed minus jjrot'undo imi)resso; tlioraoe basin versus subti- liter obsoletiuRque canaliculato ; elytris thoracis longitudine ; abdoiuine im- margiuato, pareius subtiliuscjue punutato; tarsis artiuulo quarto sim2)lici. Longit. 1-1| lin. Latit. ^ lin. ii 150 NORTH AMERICAN Hivbitat in insulii Kaiit. 10. agiiafiis. Protliorax widest slightly lietorts tlio middle, wluM'o tlu^ sides are evenly and stron^^ly arcuate 11. MayL Legs not black tlironghout, sometimes nearly uniform in color ; gener- ally, however, having strongly contrasting hands of paler tint. Legs unit'orndy ])ioeons- brown thi'ougliont Il2. UlliaUilis. Logs almost uniformly pale piceo-lestaoeous throughout ; bead nuich larger, slightly broader tliau tin* elytra 13. flavicoi'llis. Ijcgs black with ])aler band cu" bands. Legs black, with exce])tiou of a narrow, strongly marked baud of reddish-testaceous near the bases of tlio femora. 14. aiiiiiilai-is. Legs lilack ; bases of the tibiae distinctly and rather abruptly paler. Elytral j>uuctuatiou very sparse, coarse, deep, and irregularly distributed. Arizona tfi. |ierf<>ratllH. Elytral punctuation liner, sparse, evenly distributed. Florida. 10. iiiteHci'iis. Legs black, generally clothed densely with plumbeous or cinereous pubescence ; tarsi alone paler. Elytral punctuation very coarse, deep, and somewhat Pronottim strongly, obliipudy, and conspicuously swollen near each basal an-^le ; pubescence long, coarse, anu prominent. Anterior and posterior margins t)f the protliorax e(iual in hnigth ; sides somewhat angulate near the middle. Washington Ter- ritory 17. pollens. Anterior uiai'giu longer tlian the posterior ; sides ev(udy iMunded near the middle. Colorado 18. pateilS. Pronotum very feebly swollen near the basal angles. Prothorax eiiually wide at the bast> and apex. Pubescence short, coarse, and rathtsr j)rominent ; sides of prothorax arcuate 19. recouditus. I'ubescence short, line, and inconspicuous; sides of pronotum feebly angulate ; body iiuire depressed and slender. 20. iii-oiiiiiq litis. Protliorax distinctly wider at the apex than at the base. 21. canadensis. Elytral punctuation very line, closely crowded, and very evenly distributed. Very rcduist species ; head narrower than the elytra ; prothorax short, robust, sides arcuate. Put sconce line, short, and very inconspicuous. British Colum- bia, Colorado 22. pingnis. Pubesc(uico long, rather conspicuous ; ])unctuatioii much more sparse ; interspaces more highly polished. Colorado. 213. utenis. Species more slender ; sides nearly parallel ; head as widt; as the elytra; tarsi much paler ; sides of prothorax rather angulate. m COLEOI'TKRA. 153 Humeral angles of ulytr.a not prominent ; siiventh segment of the abdomen 9 broadly rounded behind to the immediate vertex, which is somewhat aiigiilate 24. f I'iljcctlis. Humeral ..jj^les of elyti'a very prominent ; seventh scf^nicnt 9 abruptly and obtusely truneate beiiind, tinneatioii in tlie form of a very broad triangle, angle at the immediate vertex ol)tuse, but not at all rounded 25. |iai>a{;oilis. Smaller species, not exceeding 3.4 nun. in ItMigth. Legs not black. Very slender species. Elytral punctuation fine, close ; legs very dark brownisb-fiiscous. 2(j. obsolt'tiis. Elytral punctuation coarse, rather more sparse, legs pale piceous- brown. Anterior margin of the prothorax much shorter than the jxiste- rior 27. ai'tus. Anterior and posterio'' margins nearly e(iual in length. Interocular surface nearly twice as wide as the eye ; larger species. Louis'ana 28. dillltlis. InteroiMilar surface but one-third wider than tlu; eve ; very small species. Florida 2!). lucridioiialis. Species more rolnist. Legs j)ale llavo-testaceous, variegated with dark castaneous. Third joint of maxilhuy (lalpi very long, rather sliMider, tl/ivate ; femora having the distal tips darker 30. calloHUS. Third joint of maxillary palpi shorter, very slender at base, strongly and somew hat abiiiptly clavate, jiale i)iceo-testai'eous above; femora darker in their distal half 31. varilies* Legs dark fuscous in color tlirougbout. I'rothorax distinctly longer than v.'ide. Elytral jjunctuation very coarse 32. ai'CllIlIS. Elytral punctuation fine and close. Sides of elytra moderatcdy convergent near the humeri ; sidles of jirothorax nearly straight behind ; punctuation finer and closer 33. puiictatus. Sides of elytra nearly parallel toward the luimeri ; humeral angles more- jirominent ; elytral j>unctuation coarser and more distant ; prothorax distinctly sinuate toward the basal angles, rather prominently angulate just behind the middle 34. dissent ieiis. I'rothorax as wide as long 35. Illlbbai'di. Legs black or extremely nearly so. Punctures of the pronotum extremely large, deep, and sparse. Pacific Coast. Head as wide as the elytra at base 36. lactllllis. Head vi-ry small, much narrower than the elytra ; elytral i)unc- tuation slightly liner and more regular 37. leviceps. Pronotal punctures small, close, and nearly evenly distributed. Ij I' t . 1 I im\ lo4 NORTH AMEKICAN F.lytral punctuation vory coarse, uuicli coarser than tliat of the pronotum. Sidt's of tli(^ prntliorax distinctly angulate bcliinil tin' iniildlt!. Vancouver Island :iS. politllllis. Sides of i)rotliorax rounded. Lake Superior. ..HI*. sillli<»lllH. Klytral inmctnation niucli finttr, but slightly (roarser than that of tlu^ l)ron()tuni ; body move robust. Pubescence clos(! and conspicuous, plumbeous ; punctuation of the abdomen extremely dense. Wyoming Territory. 40. pei'tiiiax. Pubescenc(> v(U-y inconsfiicuons ; abdominal punctuation sparse, much liner. California 41. lllcidllS. 1. A. I'Ctril8IIS n. sp. — Form rather less robust than that of friiteinii.i. Pubescence somewhat long, fine, evenly distributed, sub-recumbent, close, and moderately consiiiciums. Head moderate, twice as wid(^ as long; labrum very ](roiuiiient ; interociilar surface three times as wide as the eyi^, sliglitly conve.x ; siilcations moderate though very distinct ; intermediates surface twice as widci as the latttral portions, broadly, rather strongly and evenly convex ; punctures very minute, round, fecibiy impressed, distant by twice their widths ; ocular lines meciting at two hnigths in advance ; antennae ratlier short and robust, as long as the wiiltli of head, basal joint black, renniinder pale testaceous, club moderate, slightly infuscat(! ; third joint scarcely one- third iong(!r than the fourth, eighth distinctly shoi-ter an apices, where they are feebly arcuate ; together broadly, roundly, and very moderately emarginate behind ; suture nearly one-half longer than the pronotum ; surface depressed, narrowly and feebly impressed along the suture ; elytra not undulated, smooth ; punc- tures small, round, evenly distributed, feebly impressed, distant by nearly twice their widths ; interspaces flat and minutely reticulated. Abdominal segnuMits decreasing gradually and somewhat arcuately in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra ; surface feebly convex, very minutely and feebly punctulate ; lateral border ])rominent ; transverse carinae not cusped. Legs short and rather slender, black, tarsi uniformly pale piceo-testaceous ; first joint of jiostcM'ior nearly as long as the next two together ; third and fourth joints strongly and narrowly bilobed. Mule. — Unknown. Female. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment abruptly more strongly arcuate in the middle ; sixth produced at apex in the form of a cusp, with the point slightly rounded ; seventh segment bilobed at tip. Lengtli 4.1 mm. \\k COLEOPTKRA. 155 Vancoiivcr Ishind, British Columbia, 1. Easily distinguisiied Crorn unihratills by tlic punctiiution, jiiid by the hick of the very distinct undiilutioiis of the elytral surfaces in tiie hitter, as well as by its pale tarsi ; it a[)proaches the Kuropean />/«/<- taris Erichs. 2. A. fraferilllH u. sp. — Form cloiipatfd, modt'rately robust. Pubes- ceiuj(i long, dciisi', siilp-rci'iiinlit'iit, ovciily ilistrilmtt'd, very coiispicurms, cinereous. Head nuxU'ratidy small, robust, twice as wide as long; Ial)rum prominent ; intcrouular snrt'aco near'' tlirce times as wide as tbe eye, feeldy convex ; sulcations very feeble ; intermediate snrfaee l)roadly and feebly convex ; punctures round, deep, eyenly distributed, small, distant by less tlian their own widtbs ; ocular lines meeting at about two lengtlis in advaiUM- ; antennae! rather sbort and robust, as long as the width of head, basal joint black, joints two to six pale testaci'ous, remaining livc^ darker, club moderate ; third joint one-third longer than the fourth, eighth but slightly shorter and more robust than the seventh, joints of club elongated, densely setose ; maxillary ])ali)i short, second joint swollen in the middle, third fattened, dark piceoiis-brown, paler at the base, second joint piceous-brown in the middle, becoming paler at base and tip, basal joint flavate throughout. Prothorax widest slightly beliind the middle, wheri^ it is but little narrower than long ; sides thencf^ V(!ry feid)ly convergent posteriorly and slightly sinuate; anterior and posterior margins eiiual in length, feebly arcuate, the latter very feebly sinuate in tlic^ middb; ; surface strongly tuberculate near each basal angle, each having a distinct oblique impression immediately before it ; punctures small, very feebly impressed, round, evenly distributed, distant by their own widths ; interspaces Hat and tincly granulose. Elytra at base as wid(> as tbe head ; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, nearly straight, much longer tban the width at base ; together rather broadly, roundly, and somewhat strongly innarginate behind ; suture two-lifths longer than the pronotum ; surface depressed, broadly, and feebly imi)ressed along the suture, especially toward the base, each elytron longitudinally triundu- late ; punctures small, round, evenly distributed, feebly impressed, distant by their own widths ; interspaces flat and strongly granulose. Abdominal S(>gmeiits (h'creasing uniformly and moderately in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra ; border of lirst four segments very strong ; surface de- pressed, finely and evenly punctulate ; transverse carinae not cusped. Legs short and stout, black, tarsi dark piceous-brown ; first three joints of the posterior decreasing almost nniforndy in liMigth, fifth short; joints three and four strongly bilobed. ]\fale. — Second ventral segment feebly fiatttmed in the middh; fourth ; tbird and fourth feebly emarginate in the middle fourth at apex, emarginations evenly rounded, very abruptly terminated laterally, contiguous surfaces strongly impressed for a short distance anteriorly ; fifth segment scarcely perceptibly modified ; sixth broadly and dcply sinuate at tip, sinus much narrower and more acutely rounded than the apices, somewhat more than twice as wide as deep, surface feebly flattened in the middle; seventh seg- ment rapidly narrowed toward tip, where it is roundly and rather strongly m htji. ii p. 1 !!*■' lit a NOUTII AMKHICAN <»tnarj;innto, lati-rnl tcftli small, Idti'ral sctao Htrong, Hurfdce liaving a loiigi- tudiiial (carina in the uiiddlo toward tlio baHo. FiiiKilf, — Sixth si'f,'tiii'iit Htniii),'ly id'dchiccd at njicx, jiroloufjations in tho form of a cusp with the point slij,'htly roiindi'il ; scvi'Mtli very narrow at tip, wlmr(* it is strongly and trianj,Milarly (Miiarginato, Antennae nut hu distinctly infiiscate toward tip as in the male. Len^'th (extended) f , 4.1t mm. ; % , T).;} mm. AVyotning Tcfritory, 2; ^liiniiictto, Lake Sujn'rior, 1. Very closely jiUied to iinibratilis, iiiul (liilering tVoin tlmt species in tin' f'()Il()\viiily iniprcsscd, fvi-niy di;nnctnlate, shinin;,' ; transverse cariiiae not <'uspeil. Legs rather short, jiiceous-hiaok, tarsi much pah'r, the latter very rohust ; lirst, 8econd, and thiid joints of the posterior iinil'orndy dcci'easin>,' in len;,'th, fourth very strongly hilohed, lifth small. Miih', — Posterior edges of the second, tliiril, and fourth ventral segments feehly eniarginate in the middle fourth, emargiiiatioiis very feehle and round, contiguous surfaces (^vlindrically imjiiessed, the fourth most strongly so; lil'tli segment transverse and entire at apt^X, surface not appreciahly impressed ; sixth strongly sinuate at apex, sinus more acutely rounded than the a])ices, about twice as wide as deep; seventh segm<'nt broadly and evenly I'ounded bidiind, dorsal armor very strongly developed, projecting beyond the veuti'al portions. FciiKilr. — Sixth segment very strongly and acutely, abrujitly ami narinwly produced at ajiex ; sf^venth broadly, strongly, and angularly eniarginate at tij). Joints of antennal club more robust, increasing in length ; last joint of palpi longer, first and second paler. Length 4.3-4.8 nun. Luke (iuesnel, British Cohinibiu, 10. Tills species is extremely elosely iiiiied to tins Eiiropeiin A. pJaii- taris (Krieiis.), but dirters (Voin it in several clianiclers wiiieli should undoubtedly be con.sidered specific ; among tliese are tlie following, drawn from the females of the two forms respectively. In tlie IbrnuT the dub of the antennae is moderately rol)iist, and not darlM', Hii)>-r<'(;iiinlii-iit, vury coarwe, I'iiu'rt'oiis, ratlier liiii<;, iiiiicli liner, iiioro n-ciitnlxMit, mid lc:iis on tlii' uliiliiiiii>n. Head nuMlcniti', twic'i! nn wide as long; intfrotiilur «urlaci« twiei- as wide ivs tlm eye, very ttudily convex, very fe«d)ly Msuli'atH ; punoturns rather toarse, Honii'wliat evenly distrilmtecl, sli(;litly irr.'iinlar in sliape, deeply impressed, interspaees nearly llal, varying lioni one-tliiriit poly- gonally erowdi'd ; ocular lines nietttin;,' at aliout three lenj,'thH in ailvaii<;e ; eycH small ; antennae slender, about one-third longer than the width of head, basal joints Mack, remainder rather dark i)iceons-hrown, clnh very jtronii- nent ; third joii.t one-third longer than the fourth, eiglitli much elongated, shorter than tiie seventh and vei'y slightly thinner, joiiitn of cUihof nearly equal length ; maxillary i)ali>i long and slender, hlack, ha^al joint iii(!eou8- lilack, third joint stiongly llatteni'd. Prothorax aicuatelv, evenly, and very gvae, strongly and evenly arcuate; togethm- broadly, roundly, and extremely strongly emarginate behin8 n. sp. — Form slender, sub-cylindrical ; sides behind tlie liefid nearly iiiirallel. Pubescence very s))arrte, more ])li'Utiful on the abdomen, piceo-cinereous, inconspicuous. Head very large, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface very feebly depressed, not twice as wide as the eye ; wulcations rather feeble ; intermediate surface slifjhtly wider than tin; Literal portions, moderately and evenly convex ; punctures coarse, de(!])ly imint'sseil, rather close and evenly distril)uted ; interspaces very convex, highly polished ; ocular lines meeting at two lengths in advance, very feel)ly convergent ; antennae distinctly longer than the; width of head, ti'ansluoent, piceo-tesla- ceous, nearly black toward the base, slender, club moderate ; joints nine, ten. and eleven in-'reasing rapidly in width and length, slender; maxillary pali)i rather long and slender, Havo-testaceous, darker toward the base, very translucent. Prothorax arcuately, evenly, and rathe' raiiidly increasing in width to the middle, where it is much narrower than the head and sliglitly narrower than long ; sides thence moderately convergent posteriorly and feebly sinuate ; anterior au'i posterior margins e(iual in length and curva- tui'e, moderately arcuate ; surface fei-bly and narrctwly tuberculate at a short distance from each basal angle, also longitudinally canaliculatea ; punctures coarse, irrt'gularly distributed, not crowded, deeply impresset appreciably impressed along the suture ; coarsely, rather evenly, and somt;- what distantly j)unctate ; interspaces wider than the punctures, convex and polished. Abdominal segments as wide as the contiguous elytra ; scarcely perceptibly decreasing in width ; border extremely narrow, rather depressed than reflexed ; surface convex, very highly polished, deeply, somewhat finely and evenly punctate ; transveise carinae not cusped ; lateral spiracles very distinct. Legs pale i)iceous-brown, slender ; first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the next three together ; fourth joints narrowly bilobed. Mull'. — Sixtli ventral segment narrow at apex, where it is sinuate, sinus occupying tlie entire apex, evenly rounded, very feeble ; seventli rouiully emarginate at tip, toothed laterally. Femithi. — Sixth segment evenly rounded behind. Lenstli 3.6-4.0 mm. 1 '[f kt Crescent City, Florida, 10. This species is rennirkable for its very large head and the r'^culiar structure of the elytra ; it snould, perliaps, be placed in a subgenus together with eiiro/)s. The sexual characters are very slight. 8. A. iMgeilS n. sp. — Form slender, sub-c irical. Pubescence short, sub-erect, sparse, and inconspicuous ; surface of the body highly jiolishi d. Head large and very robust, scarcely two-thirds wider than long ; interocular Stemm. 11 ■m ! , \ 1G2 NORTH AMERICAX surface very narrow, scarcely one-third wider than the eye, lUu ; aulcatioiis almost obsolete and very obscure ; punctures rather fine. rl';;litly confused and irregular ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance ; eyes extremely large and prominent, twice as long as wide ; antennae slightly longer than the width of head, rather 'slender, piceo-testaceous, becoming much darker and piceous-brown at the tip, club rather prominent; third joint scarcely one-third longer tlian the fourth, eighth as wide as long, intermediate in width between the seventh and ninth, joints of club robust; maxillary palpi long, piceo-testaceous, becoming nearly flavate at the base, third joint rather robust. Prothorax arcuately, gradually, and evenly increasing in width to a point nearly three-fourths the length posteriorly, where it is about one-fifth narrower than long: sides thence feebly convergent and distinctly sinuate ; anterior and posterior margins equal in length, the former slightly the more arcuate ; surface strongly and nearly evenly convex, finely, closely punctate ; punctures round and moderately imjiressed. Elytra at base much narrower than the head ; sides feebly divergent posteriorly, much longer than the width at base, rather strongly and evenly arcuate ; together broadly, roundly, and very deeply emarginate behind ; suture very slighUy sliorter than the pronotuni ; surface nearly evenly convex ; coarsely, deeply, closely, and evenly punctate. First four abdominal segments equal in width, very slightly narrower than the contiguous elytra, cylindrical, strongly con- stricted at base ; border obsolete ; surface densely and rather coarsely punctate. Legs rather short and sl'uder, piceous-brown, distal tips of femora and basal tips of tibiae very slightly darker ; first joint of the poste- rior tarsi as long as the next two together, second slightly longer than the third ; fourth joints strongly bilobed. ^fale. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment just visibly, ncarrowly, and roundly emarginate in the middle, emargination indefinitely terminated laterally; sixth narrowly and deeply incised at apex, incisure one-half deeper than wide, having the anterior and exterior angles very feebly rounded, sides straight; seventh segment narrow at tip, where it is very feebly and roundly emarginate. Female. — Unkuown. Length 2.8 mm. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1. This is a very distinct species, allied by the form of the head and elytra to europs and megalops ; apparently intermediate between them and the usual type, but having a much greater affinity with the former. 9. A. plicipenni» n. sp. (Schwarz MS.). — Form rather slender. Pubescence excessively sparse, fine, moderately long, and very inconspicuous. Head moderate in size, robust, about twice as wide as long ; interocnlar sur- face two and one-half times as wide as the eye, slightly convex ; sulcations rounded througliout, rather strong ; intermediate surface much wider than the lateral portions; punctures moderate in size, round, sparse, very irregu- larly disposed ; medial regions with but one or two punctures ; iuterapacea COLEOrTKUA. ir,3 convex and vevy liighly polinlied ; ocnlar lines meeting at about two lengths in advance; mtennae much longer than the width of head? very slender, hasal joint hlack, second piceous-black, remainder piccouH-ljrown, club prominent, very loose; joints three to five very long, unif'orndy and gradu- ally decreasing in length, joints of club increasing in length and thickness ; maxillary palpi long, black, piceous-biack at the base, third joint ratlier robust. Prothorax widest just behind the middlti, where it is distinctly narrower than long ; sides thence nearly straight and very slightly conver- gent anteriorly, moderately convergent and feel)ly sinuate posteriorly ; ante- rior margin much longer than tlie jiosterior, nearly ecjually and feebly arcuate; surface with an elongated, obliipie, iiupunctate tulierculation near each basal angle, and a median fusiform impunctate and slightly elevated area, beginning slightly in advance of the luiddle, and extending nearly to the base ; punctures rounded, very deeply impressed, somewhat distiint and irregularly distributed, entire surface extremely highly polished. Elytra at base very sl\,htly narrower than the head ; sides rather feebly divergent posteriorly, longer than the width at base, rather strongly arcuate, more strongly so posteriorly ; together broadly, roundly, and rather feebly einar- ginate behind ; suture about one-eighth longer than the pronotum ; surface slightly uneven near the middle of each elytron, feel)ly impressed on the suture at the base ; punctures round, deep, small, sparse, nearly evenly distributed; interspaces convex and extremely highly polished. First four abdominal segments equal in width, cylindrical, slightly narrower than the contiguous elytra; surface polished, somewhat rugulose, very sparsely and indefinitely punctulate ; border obsolete ; transverse carinae tricuspid, mid- dle cusp alone prominent. Legs rather short, slender, black throughout; first three joints of the posterior tarsi almost uniformly and very rapidly decreasing in length ; fourth strongly bilobed. Mala. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment emarginate in its middle fifth, emargination rounded, very feeble and very unevenly outlined ; sixth segment very narrowly and deeply sinuate at apex, siuus very acutely rounded at the bottom, nearly as long as the entire segment, much deeper than wide ; seventh broadly emarginate at tip. Female. — Sixth segment very obtusely rouiiued behind, almost truncate. Length 3.7-4.0 mm. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, 7. This very fine distinct species is cons[)icuous for tiie longitudinal impunctate carinilbrm swelling of tiie pronotum, and the excessively liigii {K)lish of the head, pi-onotum, and elytra. 10. A« agnatus n. sp. — Form moderately robust, feebly depressed. Pubescence K,ng, coarse, sub-recumbent, rather sparse, cinereous, and some- what conspicuous. Entire surface liighly polished. Head rather small, robust ; labrum large ; interocular surfaci^ much more than twice as wide as the eye, convex ; sulcations narrow and mcxlerately distinct ; intermediate surface wider than the lateral portions, strongly and evenly convex ; punc- tures rather large, evenly distributed, deeply impressed, rounded, distant generally by less than one-half their widths ; ocular lines meeting at some- f *.;- I I 'ii 1G4 NORTH AMERICAN wliat more than two liMigtlis in advance ; eyes smnll ; antennae slightly longer than the width of head, sleiidor, basal joint Mack, remainder dark piceouH-hrown, clnb distinct ; third, fourth, and fifth joints nearly nniforndy and gradually decniasing in length, eighth slightly less robust than the seventh, joints of club of nearly e(iual width ; maxillary palpi short, -sixths as wide as the head ; sides thence rather more rapidly convergent posteriorly and straight ; anterior margin slightly longer tlian the posterior; somewhat strongly arcuate, the latter nearly straight ; surface above nearly flat, with two feeble tubercula- tions on each side just above the Hanks ; punctui'es very small, impressed, very evenly distributed, distant by nearly twice their own widths; inter- spaces rtiit. Elytra at base just perceptibly narrower than th(i head; sides moderately divergent posteriorly, distinctly longer than the width at base, straight to within a very short distance of the apices, where they are feebly arcuate ; exterior apical angles very acute ; together broadly and somewhat strongly emarginate behind ; suture nearly one-third longer than tiie pro- notum ; surface rather depressed, confusedly, and irregularly undulated throughout, impressed on the suture, more broadly so toward the basi- ; punctures small, deeply impressed, round, nearly evenly distributed, st^pa- rafed by twice their widths ; inters])aces nearly flat. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rather gradually in width, first as wide as the contiguous elytra, feebly constricted at base; surface slightly depressed; border obsolete except on the first segment, where it is very distinct; pun(v tures small, evenly distributed, as large as those of the pronotum and eiiually distant ; transverse carinae not cusped. Legs short and slender, black, tarsi distinctly paler ; first joint of the ])osterior nearly eciual in length to the next two together; third and fourth joints strongly and nearly e(|ually bilobed. Male. — Posterior edges of segments two to five emarginate in the midille fifth, emarginations rounded, those of second and fifth segments v(>ry feeble, not measurable, not terininat(!d laterally by pronounced angulations, those of the third and fourth stronger and terminated lateriilly by ))rononnced, though rounded callosities, contiguous surfaces feebly and cylindrically im- pressed ; sixth segment broadly and ileeply sinuate at apex, sinus occupying the entir(( apex, in the form of a broad triangle in which the anti'rior angle is rounded, and in which the sides are inwardly curvate, twice as wide as deep ; seventh broadly and evenly roundi^d at apex. Fimali. — Sixth segment very narrow, evenly, and strongly rounded be- hind ; seventh emarginate at tip. Length 4.2-.'). 3 mm. 1 I I! I 166 NOUTII AMKKICAX Ciiliforniii, 10. A reniiirkiible species, apparently quite local. It may at first sij^fjit he confounded witli tarsalis by the color of the legs and tarsi, but may be distinguished by its peculiar punctuation and sexual ciiarac- ters. It is one of our largest species in this group of Stapliylinidae. The geiuie of the liead being visible beiiind the eyes, renders it dis- tinct from any other occurring in our fauna. %\ ■ft .■■ ■f !/■ I y\ 12. A. amabilis i». sp. — Form somewhat slender, siih-cylinilrical. Pubescence sparse, evenly distrilmted, cinereous, and inc()nsi)iciious. Entire surfai;e very highly polished. Head moderate in size, robust, not twice as wide as long ; iiiterocular surface one-half wider than the eye. Hat ; suloa- tlons almost obsolete ; intermediate surface very slightly wider than the lateral jxirtions, very sparsely i)unctate and very feebly convex ; lateral portions closely and rather coarsely punctate ; ocular lines meeting at about one length in advance, almost exactly straight ; antennae distinctly longer than the width of head, slender, pale jjiceo-testaceous throughout, very uni- form in color, club small ; third joint about one-lifth longer than the fourth, fourth, fifth, and sixtli decreasing gradually in length, eighth elongated, slightly mor(; robust than the seventh, joints of club slightly elongated; niaxillaiy pali)i long and sliMider, jjale piceo-tcstaceous, gradually paler toward l)ase. Prothorax arcuately, evenly, and moderately r,a])idly increas- ing in width to the middle, where it is nearly one-sixth narrower than long ; sides thence rather less rapidly convergent j)osteriorly and just visibly sinuate ; anterior margin slightly shorter and more arcuate than the poste- rior, the latter nearly straight ; surface transversely and feebly impressed just behind the apex, otherwise evenly and rather strongly convex ; })nnc- tures small, deeply iuipressed, close, generally tending to coalesce trans- versely. Elytra at base about as wide as the Imad ; sides feebly divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than the width at base, moderately arcuate poste- riorly, nearly straight toward the hunuM'i ; together broadly, roundly, and very strongly emarginate beliind ; suture about one-eighth longer than the pronotum ; surface rather convex, just visibly and very narrowly impressed on ihe suture to'vard the l)ase, rather coarsely and closely pijnctate ; punc- tures deejjly imi)ressed and somewhat unevenly distrit)uted, generally sepa- rated by their own widths ; interspaces very convex. First four abdominal segments nearly ecjual in width, and but very slightly narrower tlian the contiguous elytra, cylindrical, feebly constri(!ted at base; border obsolete; punctures evenly distributed, clos((, deeply impressed, equal in size to those of the prcuuitum ; transvers(> carinae obscurely and broadly tricuspid. Legs slender, pic<'ous-brown thoughout without variation in tint; first joint of the posterior tarsi much shorter than the next two together ; fifth as long as the flr»t two tog(?tlier ; fourth joints strongly bilobed, lot)es long and narrow. Male. — I'nknown. Fi'inah'. — Sixth ventral segment very broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length o.(J nan. I \ COI.EOPTERA. 167 Delaware, 1. Altlioiigh somewhat resembling arculus Er., tliis species may be distiimiiisiied bv the slriieture of the antennae and tarsi, as well as by the punctuation and general structure ol" tiie interocular surface. 13. A. flavicorilis (Er.). — Form rather sl«nder, very feebly dopresaed. Pnliesceiice ratlic^r sjiarse, iiioihM'ate in Icnt^th, cinereous, fine, more reeiiin- l)(!iit, and dense on the abdomen. Head laige, robust, scarcely twice as wide as long; interocular surface very ft-ebly depressed, three-fourths wider than the eye, rather finely, uniformly, very closely, and deeply punctate; punc- tures not coalesciMit, round ; surface most deeply impressed near the eyes, gradually rising to the middle, which is l)roadly and rather feebly convex ; ocular lines meeting at three or four lengths in advance, very feebly conver- gent, nearly straight ; antennae long, very slender, flavo-testaceous through- out, club moderate ; third joint much more than oue-balf longer than the fourth, eighth much elongated, all translucent ; maxillary palpi very long and slender, piceo-testaceous throughout. Pfothorax arcuately, evenly, and ratlier rapidly increasing in width to a point distinctly in advance of the middle, where it is nearly one-eighth narrower than long and about three- fourths as wide as the head; sides thence rather strongly eoiivrergent poste- riorly and nearly straight ; anterior and posterior margins nearly equal in length, very feel)ly and equally arcuate ; surface nearly evenly convex, nearly evenly, closely, finely, and deeply punctate, nearly impunctate in the middle. Elytra at base slightly narrower than the head ; sides very feebly divergent jtosteriorly, distinctly longer than the width at base, feebly arcuate, more strongly so ]iost(friorly ; togethiH- broadly, roundly, and some- what strongly emarginate behind ; suture nearly one-fourth longcu" than the pronotum ; surface very feebly impressed on the suture toward the base; punctures round, rather small, deeply impressed, nearly evenly distributed, often distant by more than twice their widths; interspaces nearly flat, polished, finely reticulated. First four abdominal segments equal in width, distinctly narrow(!r than thi? contiguous elytra, cylindrical, criistrii^tcd at the base; surface finely, closely, and evenly punctulate, nin.;a more finely so toward the apex ; border obsolete except on the first segment ; transverse carinae not cusped ; the second segment is perhaps very slightly narrower than the fourth. Lsgs very robust, pale piciio-testaceous, tips of the poste- rior femora darker, tips of the tarsal joints slightly darker ; first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the next two together ; fourth joints very strongly bilobed, lobes robust ; coxae piceous-black. ifale. — Posterior edges of the second, third, and fourth ventral segments very feebly emarginate in the middle fifth, emarginations extremely feeble, rounded, and increasing in strength posteriorly, hiding nearly straight on the second, and very distinctly curvate on the fourth ; fifth segment entire ; sixth deeply sinuate at apex, sinus narrower and more acutely rounded than the apices, slightly deeper than wide ; seventh vt ry broadly, roundly, and some- what strongly emarginate at tip. Hi •i'B' 108 NOHTFI AMERICAN Fimolr. — Head mnoh narrower ; iiittM'ofnlar snrfaco relafivoly lirnadi-r ; oi'iilar liiK^s iiiori' (•(nivcrgoiit ; sixth scjjnu'ut vury ohtiisuly and broiuily rounded Ixdiind. , Li'nj^Ui 4.(J-4.f? nun. IMicliiffiUi and Lake Supoiior (various points), 2 1 ; Middle Stutt's, 4; Canada, 2; Cambridjie, Massacdiusetts, 2. A very common, wld(dy diffused species ; the female is much more robust than the male. ' i"M: 14. A. annularis (I'"r.). — Form rolmst, sub-cylindrical. Pubescence ratlier jjlcntilul, somewliat louf;, suli-rccuiiibi'iit on tlie alulouien, nioiv sparso and erect on tlie reniainiler of the (h)rsal surface, cini'reoiis ; entire liody very hi<,dily polistied. Head moderate, twice as wide as long ; interocular surface two-tliirds wider tiian tlie eye, tint ; sulcations rather feeble, rounded, inter- ni(!diat(! surface nuicb broader than the lateral portions, having at its l)as(( a large imi)uiictate area; ])unctnres moderate in size, closely and polygonally crowded ; ocular lines meeting at nearly three lengths in advance; antennae but slightly longer than the width of head, slender, piceous-brown through- out, club robust; third joint more than one-half longer than the fourth, tenth slightly broader than long; maxillary palpi very long and slender, piceo-testaceous throughout, translucent. Prothorax widest just in advance of the middle, when^ it is just ]ierceptibly narrower than long ; sides thence arcuate anteriorly, feebly sinuate posteriorly, slightly more convergent in the former direction ; anterior margin shorter than tlie posterior, equally and feebly arcuate ; surface rather tinely, very closely, and somewhat (onfusedly punctate, evenly convex, having in the middle of the disk live rather small and irregular impunctate spots. Elytra at base very .slightly wider than the liead ; sides parallel, equal in length to the width at base, strongly and evenly arcuate ; togetht^r broadly, roundly, and strongly emarginate behind ; suture nearly one-fourth longer than the prothorax ; surface of each elytron very feebly tuberculate near its inner basal angle, ])uuctures round, rather small, very deeply impressed, nearly evenly distril)uted, generally distant by slightly more than their own widths, interspaces very convex. Abdominal segments decreasing scarcely jierceptibly in width, first very slightly nar- rower than the contiguous elytra, sub-cylindrical ; border obsolete, except on the first segment, where it is very evident, especially toward tlie bas joint of posterior tarsi as long as next two together ; fourth joints very strongly bilobed. Ahde. — Sixth ventral segment strongly sinuate at apex, sinus narrower and more acutely rounded than the apices, but slightly wider than deep, evenly and narrowly rounded at the bottom ; teetli of seventh segment dis- tinct and acute. Female. — Sixth segment broadly angulate at tip, angle broadly rounded. Length 5.0-5.5 mm. COLEOPTKKA. 169 Ciimbi'idjrt', IMiissiiclinsc^tts, () ; Nchniskii, ') ; Detroit, ]\Ii('liif,'aii, 1 ; Illinois, 1 ; Soiillicrii Stiit(!s, 4; Griinshy, Oiiturio, 12. Tliis sufH'ic's is ptirimps the largest williiii our territory, iiml one of tlie iarjiest of tiie ^roiip. It is very eoniinon ami widely liilliised, altlioujili I iiave not yet seen it from tiie i'at'ilie coast. Tlie liiird and fonrtli ventral segments in the male are very feebly emarginate in the middle at the apices. In many respects (iiiiiiihir!s reseml)l(!s the KiM'opean vtrindrhniles; it difli'rs fiom it in tlie relative width of tiie interocular surface, and in iht^ disposition of the red l)and about the. femora, liiis being nnudi |)aler in tint, broader, and extending furtiier from tiie coxae on tlie latter. The elytral sculptiu-e is almost exactly similar in tiie two species. IT). A. perforatlis n. sp. — Form ratlior slender, sub-cylindrical. Pulicsccncc siiarsf, seiiii-erect, irregularly distributed, moderate in leii;;tli, cinereous, inconspicuous; entire surface extreiut'ly highly jioli^lied. Head rather small, robust, much less than twice as wide as long; interocular surface nearly Hat, scarcely one-half wider than the eye ; sul<;atioiis rather strong; intermediate surface about equal in widtii to the lateral j)ortioiis, evenly and strongly convex, imjiuiictate ; juinctiires sparse and vt-ry irregu- lar in shape, indelinitely coalescent in tlie sulcations ; ocular lines meeting at more than one length in advance ; antennae longer than the widtli of head, nnifoinily jiale i)iceoiis-liii)wn, except the ilub which is dai-kcr, the latter nuMlerate in size ; third joint very luucli elongated, three-fcuirtlis longer than the fourth, eighth more robust than the seventh, joints of club <'loiigated ; maxillary palpi very long, tiavate throughout. Prothorax widest at onivthird its length from the apex, where it is much narroiver than long; sides nearly parallel, rather strongly and evenly arcuate from the apical angles to a point slightly beliind the middh^, thence very fetdily convergent jiosteriorly and ratlitM' strongly sinuate, arcuate at the basal angles; anterior and posterior margins equal in length, equally and moderately arcuate, nearly equal in length to the extreme width of the pronotuin ; surface (ivenly convex, sparsely, very irregularly and strongly punctate, a fusiform sjjace in the middU! of the disk impunctate ; interspaces convex. Elytra at base distinctly wider than the head; sides rather feebly divergent posteriorly, about equal in length to the widtli at base, strongly and evenly arcuate; together broadly, roundly, and rather strongly emarginate behiinl ; suture very slightly longer than the pronotum ; surface very coarsely, deeply, sparsely, and irregularly punctate, a large irregular space near the middle of each elytron impunctate ; punc- tures rounded ; interspaces convex. Abdominal segments decreasing scarcely perceptibly in width, first much narrower than the contiguous elytra, nijarly cylindrical, each segment strongly constricted at its base; border obsolete ; surface very sparsely, finely, and irregularly punctulate ; transverse carinae very rudimentarily tricuspid. Legs slender, rather long, piceo-fuscous, tarsi I 170 NORTH AMKIIICAN ■ft ':h I': I: and bast'H of the tiblno paler ; first joint of tin- posterior tftrsi aa long as the next tlu'i'c toRotlit-r ; foiirtli joints narrowly l)il()lM'(l, lolws long. A/ale, — Unknown. Frimilf. — .Sixth vt-ntral sfgrnunt very, narrow, obtusely roundtMl bchinfl. L(*n<'tli 4.1 miu. Arizona (Morrison), 2. Tlic entire sinface of tlie body is of an hlauk, and is very highly polisluHl. Tiie very s|)ars<', coarse, deep pinurtiiation, taki'ii ill eonjiinetion with tlie cyliii,'bly polished. Head moderate or small, nearly twiee as wide as long; interoenlar surface tlat, very feel)ly and irri-gnlarly convex in tiie middle, where it is almost impunctate ; sulcaticms ol)solete ; punctures moderate in .size, round, deeidy impressed, very clos»» toward tlie eyes; ocular )ines meet- ing at slightly more tlian two lengths in advance ; su])i'a-anteunal tul)ercu- lations ])rominent, elongated, impunctate ; surface between them confusedly rugulose ; antennae short, scarcely as long as the widtli of head, somewhat slender, very dark jiiceous, basal joint somewhat paler, club UKnlerate ; third joint one-h;ilf longer than the fourth, eighth more rolmst than tlie seventli, joints of club slightly elongati'd ; maxillary i>alpi rather robust, dark piceo- testaceoHS throughout. Prothorax arcuately, evenly, and rapidly increasing in width to the middle, where it is distinctly narrower tlian long ; sides thence ratlier less strongly convergent jiosteriorly and very feebly sinuate; anterior margin very slightly longer than the posterior, eiiually and rather feebly arcuate; surface strongly convex ; punctures rather large, deeply impressed, round, rather irregularly distributed ; a narrow fusifoiiu space in the middle imjiunctate. Elytra at base about equal in width to the head; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, slightly longer than the width at base, nearly straight near the humeri, strongly arcuate i)nsteriovly ; together broadly, somewhat angularly and strongly emarginate behind ; suture alwut one-sixth longer than the pronotum ; surface very strongly convex, feebly and narrowly impressed on the suture toward the base ; punctures rather large, round, very deei)ly impressed, evenly distributed, generally distant by more than their own widths ; interspaces convex. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rather rapidly in width, first distinctly narrower than the con- tiguous elytra, cylindrical, feebly constricted at b.'iso ; border obsolete, except at the base of the first segment, where it is very narrow ; .surface deeply punctured ; punctures round, nearly as large as those of the pronotum, evenly distributed, distant by more than their own widths ; transverso carinae not cusped. Legs slender, piceous-black, basal extremities of the tibiae piceo-testaceous, tarsi rather slender ; first joint of the posterior slightly longer than the next two together. Malt'. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment just perceptibly and narrowly emarginate in the middle ; sixth narrow, truncate at tip, lateral COLEOITEKA. 171 anKl«'H rounded, niicCdlo of truncation HomotirneH jn»t perwptilMy ttinuntu ; turutinnl twtae of sevontli Hoginont vary loiin and Hlrong. Fimiile. — >Sixt i H»>giu)'ikt roundvd behind at tht> iunukxlinto a\mx, tatvral portions of tip f(ti>l>ly Hiniiate. Length 3.G-4.0 luiu. Floridii, (3. In tills spci'ie.s th«' sexnnl ohnrnrtPrs b«'('r>m»t v<'ry ('••roiiiiiient ; iiitcrorular siirfaec two and one-lialf times as wide as tike eye, fet^lilv eoiivex ; suleations somewliat feebly roitmied, ink- pressed ; interntedinte surface much wider tlian tlie lateral ix)rtir>iis, rather str()iif,'ly and evenly «>nvex ; i>mictures round, evenly distributed, rather Hiiiall, distant by tlieir own widtlis ; ocular lines meetini; at nearly three lengths in advance; antennae rather short and robust, as long as the width of lii^ad, pale brownisb-testawjous, basal joint nearly black, club just visibly darker, moderate in siae; third joint two-tliirds longer than the fourth, as long ase ; also longi- tudinally and feebly impressed near each humeral angle ; punctures mode- rately coarse, deeply impressed, evenly distributed, distant by two-thirds their own widths; interspaces feebly convex, shining, grayish-black, minutely reticulated. Abdomen very jiromineiit, segments diminishing just visibly and evenly in width to the fifth, sixth narrower, all nearly cylindrical, bor(b>r ol)Solete (;xcept on the first : surface polish(>d, minutely, sparsely, and evenly punctulate ; transverse caiinae not cusped, ciliate; cilia alwent from a small space in the middle of each. Legs rather short and slender, black, tarsi piceons-black ; first joint of the jiosterior much shorter than the last, scarcely as long as the next two together ; third joints less strongly bilubed than the fourth. , ' ' " :ii nr^ 172 NORTH AMKIMCAN Af(ilp.—PmU'Y\nr (•(!}{« of tliH third ventral f twelve times as wiilo m dt't'p, terminated laterally liy I'cinnded |)n)minen(.'es, eonti^jnons surfaetf im- pressed for a short distaii<:e anteriorly; lifth scarcely perc'eptihly modilied ; Bixth deeply and hroadly incised at apex, incisure occnpyin}; nearly the entire tip, anterior anyie narrowly rounded, siih's strai<,'ht. alioiit twice iis wide as deep; Hcveiitii sej;ment very large and prominent, roundeil hehind, lateral H])innuH Has*i nli^'htly wi ; puin'tnit'S roiiiHl, catlifr dt-fply im- jii'i'SfttMl, Hciiiicwliat cloHc ; iiiti'i'.s|(»rt'n 'arly llat, iiiiiiiiti-ly itHiciilattMl. First four nliilDiniiial Mf^jnu-ntH decnvwinj; Hcarctdy pcrci-ptibly in witltli, lirst as widi" ha tlic (.■oiitinuou.s tdytrn, Hiili-cyliiidricnl ; liordcr appan-nt on tlif llirtt only ; tranHViTMo cariiiai! very (disciiicly fiirt|itMl in the middle, wliere tliey are more free fi-om jjiilieneenee tliiiii laterally ; Hiirface rather elortoly, evenly, and very Htroiif^ly piinetiilate ; piinetiireH nearly as larjje an tlioHu of Iho elytra. Legs short ami rather .^lender, lilaik, tarsi very dark piceou.s- brown ; first threi' joints of tliti posterior almost nniroruily decreasing in length ; all the joints very densely pnheiicent beneath. Miilr. — I'nknown. l-'iiiiiilr. — Sixth vi'iitral segment hmg, rather narrow, ra]d(lly becoming narrower posteriorly throughout its length, narrowly rounded at the lip, Hurface having a broadly rounded, rather feeble canaliuulatiun traversing imarly its i-ntire length ; Heveiith Hugnient bilobed at tip. Length .').(' nun. Alamosa, Colonulo, 1. This .species greatly resembles pollens, but differs specifically in tlie strncliire of the palpi and sixth ventral segment, also most decidedly in the stronger punctuation of the abdomen above and beneath. f t 19. A. recoiKlitllS n. sp. — Form robust, slightly depressed. I'ubes- cenee ratliei' olose, evenly distributed, semi-erei;t, short, cinereous, somewhat conspicuous. Head rather small, robust, not twice as wide as long; inter- oeular surface slightly convex, slightly more than twice as wide as the eye ; sulfations broadly rounded, feeble; intermediate surface evenly and mode- rately convex, slightly wider than the lateral portions ; ]>unctures small, round, deeply impressed, evenly distributed and very close, separated gener- ally by less than one-half their own widths : ocular lines meeting at two lengths in advance; antennae slightly longer than the width of head, rather robust ; basal joint black, second joint and funicle pale testaceous, club castaneoiis, larg(! ; third joint one-half longer thaw the fourth, joints six seven, and eight decreasing in length, the latter more robust, joints of duo slightly elongate, last two much larger than the ninth ; maxillary j)alpi piceo-tesf;u'eous, paler toward the base, infuscate toward the apex. Pro- thorax arciiately, evenly, and very gradually increasing in width to a point slightly behind the middle, where it is slightly narrower than long; sides thence more rapidly convergent posteriorly and distinctly sinuate; posterior margin slightly longer than the anterior, nearly straight, the latter very feebly ar<'uat(! ; surface feebly and distantly tuberculate at the base, other- wise very evenly convex ; punctures very tine, deep, round, close, and evenly distributed ; interspaces one-third as wide as the punctures, acutely convex, 174 NORTH AMEKICAN f ;■' sliininp;, grayish-blapk. Elytra at, haso as widtA as or just pi^rceptJIAy wider than th<-' iK'ad ; sidos nearly jiarallel, lonpT than the width at base, f<*td)ly artniate, slightly iiior« strongly so postt'i-iorly ; togi^ther broadly, roundly, and somewhat feebly eniarginate behind ; suture one-third longer than the jtrouotnni ; surface very tWd)ly impressed on the sutdre toward th<' base ; punetures mui-h larger than those of ])ronotiim, deeply im)>ressed, sonle^vhat polygonal or roundbust, tenth much the most robust, terminal joint much ■nailer and slightly shortek than the tenth ; niaxiliary pal'ii very short and robust, very dark piceous, slightly paler at the basu, third joint sti-ongly flattened. Prothorax areuately and very gradually increasing in width for two-thirds the length posteriorly, where it is much nari-ower than long, and three-fourths as wide as the elj vra at base ; sides thence rattier mon^ rapiilly wmvergent posteriorly and distinctly sinuate ; anterior margin slightly longer than tlve posterior, equally and very feebly arcuate ; surface feebly tuberculate near each basal COLEOPTERA. 175 H angle ; punctures rather coarse, round, evenly distributed, very deeply impressed, distant generally by less than one-half 'lieir own widths ; inter- spa'cs t'et'bly convex. Elytra at base about as wide as the head ; sides very fe<'bly divergent posteriorly, nnicli longer than the width at base, feebly arunate, very slightly more strongly so toward the apices ; together broadly, roundly, and rather feebly «'marginate behind ; suture on«'-third longer than the pronotuni ; surface feebly impressed along the suture, niuuh more liroadly and strongly so toward tlie base ; punctures large, round, very deeply impresseii, nearly evenly distributed, distant by nearly their own widths ; interspaces feebly convex, scarcely visibly reticulatevi. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rather gradually in width, first a« wide as the con- tiguous elytra, cylindrical ; Iwrder rather strong on the first, nearly obsolete on the remainder; surfact? coarsely, closely, evenly, and very deeply jiunc- tate ; ))unctures is large as those of the pronotum, but more distant ; trans- v<-i-se carinae tricuspid, cusps l)econiing very obscure and indefinite licyoiul the second segment. Legs short and slender, black, tarsi dark ]ii ]iali>i long, joints one and two sli'nder, the former tlavate, the latter slightly darker, testaceous, third joint slennie\hat unevenly arcnatt^ anteriorly, more rapidly ci>if/uus, but is much thick(!r and siiorter, especially toward the tip. ' rouTiiled imiiitc to 1(1 deeply 22. A. pillgUiH 11. sp. — Konii very rolmnt. Pubescence short, semi-ereot. evenly {listril>iit(Ml, rather dense and moderately consiiieiious, cinereous. Head siii.ill, twice as widens long; interocular surface very IVeldy convex, two and one-hair times as wide as tin; eye; sulcations very feeble; inter- mediate surface broadly and evenly (^)iivex ; punctures rather large, round, dee[)ly imju'essed, evenly distributed, very close but not coalesceiit : inter- sj)aces nearly acute; ocular lines meeting at more than two lengths in iidvance; antennae ratlier short and robust, as long as the width of iiead, basal joint black, remainder jiaie testaceous, club very sliglitly darker, not prominent ; tliird joint onedialf longer tlian tin; fourth, seventh much longer than th(^ eighth, almost equal in thickness, last two joints much wider and longer than tin' ninth: maxillary palpi rather long, testaceous, tliird joint tlatteiied, iiifuscate toward tip. Prothorax arcuutely and very gradually in- creasing in width to the middle, where it is distinctly narrower than long ; sides tluuice moderately convergent posteriorly and just perceptibly sinuate : anterior and posterior laargins nearly e([Ual in length and curvature, teebly arcuate; surface feebly swollen iw.iir each basal angle, evenly and very closely punctate ; punctures deej), not coalesceiit, near the base almost poly- gonally ciowded, rather coarse. Elytra at base slightly wider than the head ; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, very feebly arcuate, longer than the width at base; together broadly, somewhat angularly and rather strongly emarginate behind; suture more than one-third longer than the pronotum ; surface feebly impressed along the suture, more broadly so towaril the base, very closely and eviuily punctate ; punctures round, very deep, rather coarse ; int(U'S])aces very narrow. Abdominal segments decreasing uniforndy and rajiidly in width, first slightly narrower than the contiguous elytra, nearly cylindrical ; border obsolete except on the lirst segment, where it is rather strong ; surface closely, dee]>ly, and evenly punctate ; interspaces very nar- row ; transverse cariiiae not cus})('d, unevenly undulated. Legs short and slender, black, tarsi dark piceous-browu ; Hist joint of the posterior not as long as the next two together, sliglitly shorter than the last ; third joints muidi less strongly bilobed than the fourth. jl/(//c. — Third and fourth ventral segments just perc(>ptlbly nioilified in the middle fourth at apex, being feebly flattened; fifth segment not modified, posterior edge very minutely spongy ; sixth broadly incised at apex, incisure occujiying tin; entire ajiex, antcuior aiigh^ nninded slightly, sides nearly straight, fully three times as wide as deep ; seventh broadly rounded behind. FeiiKilc. — Sixth segment acut(dy rounded at tlui immediate apex, sides thence slightly sinuate anteriorly ; tip of the seventh segment truncate, liaving a narrow eiuargination in the middle of the truncation. Length 4.0 mm. Uritisli Columbia, 1.']; Tiiursloii County, Washington Terriiory, 1 ; Oregon, 1 ; Lake Tuhoe, Nevada, I ; Culit'ornia, lo ; Colorado, 2. Stenini. 12 'I 1 i I I if 1 [ ! I. m^i--'- ': ij 178 NORTH A.MKRICAN The s])Ocimena associated above tlirt'er among themselves to a sli^lit degree in several particulars. In the Calif'oniian specimens the punc- tiii'es are not so closely crowded as in the typical male, which is from Bi'itish Coininbia. Tiie Southern specimens also appear to iiave paler and much more pubescent tarsi. Tiiere is one male from Colorado, in which the sexual modification is sligiitly difl'erent, tlu; incisure of the sixth segment being relatively deeper, and having the sides of the nolcii distinctly arcuiite ; in this specimen, also, the seventh segment is more strongly and narrowly rounded behind. 'liiese specimens resemble each other so closely, that the most careful scrutiny wilii a hand lens fails to siiow any difference which may not be accidental, and I have, therefore, concluded to unite tiiem all. The tarsal claw of this species is sliown on tiie plate, fig. 14. 23. A. lltenis n. sp. — Form robust. Piilx'snmice sliort, rather sparse and L'oarsc, Sfiiii-ert'ct, evenly (listiiliiited. very daik eiuereoiis in (.olor, not very conspiunoiis. Head moderate, slij,ditly more tlian twice as wide as long ; lalinnn very protninent ; intevociilar fiurlace nearly tliree limes as wide as tlie <'ye, very teel)ly convex; suliations narrow, very feidile; intermediate surface twice as wide as tlie lateral portions, liroadly and feebly convex ; punctures ratlK'r stnall, round, deep, nearly evenly distributed, distant by less than one-half tlunr own widths; octilar lines convergent, meeting at about one length in advance; antennae as long as the width of head, fiinicle rather slender, club elongated, not prominent, compact, basal joint black, remaind((r translucent, dark testaceous, <;lub distinctly darker; third joint one-third hmger than the fourth, seventh much longer tlian the eighth, nearly er than the wi|iroxinial<'s more closely to tiic Eiiropcaii fursiifis Ljuiigli tlian any otlicr wliicii I iiave been able to examine; it dirt'ers from tliiit .species as follows : — Tlie elytral punctuation in tdrxalls is more even in distribution and in the size, of tlie [junctures, tlie elytra lojiether are shorter iind more strongly emarginate behind, and the maxillary palpi are shorter and more robust than in uteuis. In the former the tarsi are less robust, less strongly pubescent, and have the first joint relatively longer tiian in the latter. The sixtli segment in the female o\' tars(dis is more obtuse behind, and more acutely and abruptly produced as a cusp-like point at the immediate apex than in the like sex of ntenis. There are other differences, especially in tlie more robust shape of the American s|)ecies, wiiicii might be given, but the above will serve to show tliat the two species iire almost umiuestionably distinct. The tarsal claw as figured, plate, fig. IT), is seen to be more abrui)tly bulbous at the base than that of tarsalis. The (jonforin- ation of this appeiulage does not vary appreciably witlt sex, as far as I have been able to observe. 24. A. trajecfllS n. sp. — Form robust. Pubescence rather long, fine, evenly distriluited, sub recumbent, dark cinereous, moderately conspicu>ius. Head moderate in size ; biljrum liroad, rathor prominent ; interocular surface two and one-half times as wide as the eyj, flat ; siilcations narrow, conver- gent, rather feeble ; intermediate surface twice as wide as the lateral portions, very feebly and broadly convex ; punctures rather irregular in outline, close, aluKvst evenly distributed ; ocular linos nu'i'ting at two lengths in advance ; antennae rather longer than the width of head, somewhat slender, cluli moderate, basal joint piceous-black, remainder pale testaceous, club just visibly darker ; third joint one-halt longer than the fourth, joint.-, of club f 180 NORTH AMERICAN ''m ; -^ ! 1 I ' increasing rapidly in lenj^tli, clcvciitli almost ns long as tlio ninth niu\ tenth togetluir ; maxillary palpi rather long and Hlunder, translucent, pale testa- ceonH throiijrhoiit, reddish towanl the tip, more tlnvate toward the hase, third joint much shorter than the lirst two totjether. Prothorax widest at the middle, where it is distinctly narrower than long ; sides thence rather feehly convergent and slightly arcuate anteriorly, slightly more strongly convergent posteriorly and nearly straight; anterior margin slightly longer than the posterior, hoth nearly straight ; surface nearly evenly convex, very closely, rather coarsely and somewhat irregularly jjunctate ; ])unctures irregularly polygonal, M'ry closely crowded at some points. Elytra at hase about as wide as the heail ; sides fe(d)ly divi-rgent jiosteriorly, very slightly longer than the width at hase, vi)ry feel)ly arcuate, nearly straight towaid the humeri , together vcT'y hroaressed oil tilt! suture at the hiise, tdsewla^'e evenly convex ; jiuiic- tures evenly distributed, nearly round, deep, distant by slightly more than one-half their widths ; interspaces rather strongly convtix, polished, very feelily reticulated. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and rapitlly ill width, cylindrical, first just perceptilily narrower than the contiguous elytra; first very narrowly margined, remainder not margined; surface deeply, closely, (evenly punctate ; punctures round, smaller than those of elytra, distant by less than their own widths. Legs short, black, tarsi pale tiavate ; lirst joint of the posterior elongated, as long as the next two together, slightly longer than the fifth ; second nearly twice as long as the third ; fourth joints moderately bilobcd, third moderately emarginate at tip. Mull!. — Unknown. Female. — Sixth ventral segment very obtuse btdiind, very broadly angulate at the middle, angle not rounded, sides nearly straight. beiiyth ;5.!--4.ri mm. Vetii Pass, Colorado, 2. Very readily distinj^uislied from any otlier in this vicinity by the peculiar .structuiv of tiie tarsi. Tlic tarsal claws are nearly simple and very slender, as may be seen in tlie figure. f '1 25. A. papagOIlis n. sp. — Form robust, somewhat depressed. Pubes- cence rather short, evenly distributed, somewhat dense, and but moderately eonspicutnis, cinereous. Head rather large, twice as wide as long ; labruin moderate; eyes promimmt ; int+n'ocular surface slightly mort^ than twice as wide as the eye, slightly convex ; sulcations very feeble ; intermediate sur- face more than twice as wide as the lateral portions, broadly and rather strongly convex ; jiunctures round, rather small, very deep, evtMily distri- buted, distant by less than one-half their widths ; ocular lines ratlier con- vergent, meeting at less than two lengths in advance ; antennae moderately robust, scarcely longer than the width of head, basal joint black, remainder pale yellowish-testaceous, ••lub scarcely darker, not vt'vy prominent; third joint two-thirds longer than the fourth, not as long us the next two together, COI.EOPTERA. 181 rapidly seventh niunli longer and Hli)j;litly less nilmst tlion tin- ('i;,'litli, ninth nearly as large as tin? tenth ; maxillary palpi long and sleny less than one-half their widths. Elytra at hase ahout ecjual in width to the head ; sides nearly parallel, distinctly arcuate, very slightly longer than the width at hast! ; together hroadly, roundly, and rather strongly emarginate behind ; suture one-fourth longer than the pronotum ; surface somewhat de- pressed, very feehly impressed along tlu^ suture, very even ; ])unctures rather coarse, very close, evenly distrilnited, deep, distant hy ahout one-half their widths ; interspaces nearly Hat, highly polished, very intense black. Abdo- minal segments decreasing uniforndy and very gradually in width, lirst as wide as the contiguous elytra, sub-(!yliiidri(^al after the first ; border nearly obsolete, except on the lirst where it is prominent ; surfact^ very deeply, closely, and evenly i)unctate; punctures as large as those of the pronotum ; transvei'se carinae slightly cusped in the mi' 182 NORTH AMERICAN !• ::i' m w)iii'li arc scan^cly visible! ; piiiietiires large, rduiid, deeply iini>ri'sse(l ; evenly ilistriliuteil, distant l)y alxiiit one-lialf their own widtlis ; iiitersi>a('es ])()lislied; ocular lines meeting at abont oni! length in advance ; antennae nuidi longer than the width of head, i)ale testaceous, darker toward tip, slender, ( Itih moderate; third joint oius-lialf longer than the fourth, eighth moris rolinst than the seventh, joints of dub slightly elongated ; maxillary palpi slender, l»ng, llavate, tliiid joint slightly dnsky toward tip. Prothorax arcnatidy, evenly, and gradnaily incieasing in width to the nnddle, where it is tour- fifths as wide as tiie head and distinctly narrower than long; sides thenc« rather more vapidly convergent postiM'iorly and feebly sinuate; anterior and posterior niaigins equal in length and curvature, ratlua- teebly arcuate; surface closely, finely, deeply, and evenly punctate ; interspaces convex and iiolished. Elytra at base about e(iual in wiilth to the head ; sides ratlicr feebly ilivegiMit posteriorly, slightly longer than the width at base, rather strongly arcuate, more strongly so ])osteriorly ; together broadly, roundly, and rather strongly emarginate behind ; suture nearly one-fourth longer than the pronotum ; surface convex, slightly impressed on the suture toward the base, closely, nearly evenly, rather linely, and very deeply ]iunitate; intei'si)aces narrower than the punctures, very convex, jiolished. Abdominal segments cylindrical, decreasing uniformly and rather raj)idly in width, tirst distinctly narrower than the contiguous elytra; border obsolete; surface very closely, coarsely, deeply, and conspicuously jiunctate ; each seg- ment strongly constricted at base ; transverse carinae not cusped, finely un- dulated. Legs rather long and slender, piceo-fuscous, femoi'a much pahir beneath ; first threi! joints of the posterior tarsi uniforndy decreasing in length ; fourth joints strongly bilobed. Mull'. — Sixth segment very narrowly and deeply incised, angle of incisure very slightly I'ounded, nearly acute, depth more than twice its width ; seventh segment narrowly and feebly emarginate at tip, emargination rounded, teeth small, acute, iindined inward. lu'iiKilc. — Sixth segment broadly and ohtusely roundiMl behind. Elytra at base usually slightly wider than the head ; foru) more robust ; abdomen wider. Length 3.0 mm. Grimsby, Ontario, /), Tlii.s s|)e(!i('s hcurs ii jfieiit reseml)liiiicii to piinctatus (Er.), und also to infiis. It (liHi'is from the former in its more slender form and finer punctuation, and especially in its much more slender prothorax; from iirtiis it (lilfcrs in the form of tiie pronotum, which in that species is very slender and notai)ly narrowed anteriorly. Ik 27. A> an'tlis n. sp. — Form very slender. Pubescence sparse, very fine, semi-erect, dark j)lunibeoiis, scarcely visible ; entire surface of the body highly polished. Head rather small, robust, nnicli less than twice as wide as long; interocular surface nearly fiat, one-half wider than the eye; sulca- tions narrow, not consi)icuous ; intermediate surfact^ as wide as the lateral portions, very feebly convex ; punctures large, round, deeply impressed, nearly evenly distributed except in the sulcations, where tliey are slightly COLEOrTERA. 188 smaller and iiiori! crowded ; su|iru-!intfiinal tiilM-rciihitioiis l<>iig, narrow, ini- punctate, iironiiiiciit ; ocular lin<'s iiicctiiif,' at scarcely oiio Icnjjtli in advance; antennae inncli lon;,'er tlian the width of head, rather pale itii^eouH-hrown, slightly darker toward tip, liasal joints paler, opacjnc, ochri^jns ; third joint one-tliird longer than the fonrtii, seventh nnich lonf;er than the einlitli, less rolnist, ninth and tenth scarcely lonf^er tiian wide, last iiioi'(' elongated ; maxillary jialpi very long and slender, pale llavate, third joint very slightly cloiidud toward tip, very slender, uiucli shorter than tli« first and second togi'tlier. Prothorax ar<'nately and rather rapidly increasing in width to a ])oint slightly 1 'hind tliemiildle, where it is much narrower than long; sides theniu- very fee, )ly convergent ])ostHriorly and distinctly sinuate; anterior margin distinctly shorter and more arcuate than the posterior ; tlie latter nearly str.'iiglit, and lint very slightly shorter than the grc^atest wil(». Head robuHt, less tlinii twice ns widons Idiif,' ; iiitfi'oi'iilar siirl'iiof ll;it, twu-tliinls wider ttiiiti tlic fyc ; siilcatifnis very narrow, I't'clili' and ol)s(.'nrc ; intcniiccliatc snrlaci' i-xccssivcly ffdily coiivi'x ; lUinctiiri'M ratlicr coarse and deep, nearly'iif aloiif; tlie iiiiildli', iiiorr crowded in tlie snlcatioiis ; oenlar lines ineetiii;,' at one leiifitli in advance; antennae distinctly loiif^er than the widtli of head, rather pale brownish- testaceous, club distinctly darker, rather proiniiieiit ; third joint one-third l(iiif,'er than the fonrtli, eiyhtli scarcely loiif^er than wide, very robust, iniicli shoiter and thicker than the seviMith, joints of (dub increasin;,' iiiiit'orinly and rather },'radnally in length; maxillary palpi long and slender, llavati", third joint slender, nearly as long as the lirst two together. Prothorax widest at. the inidille, where it is nmcli narrower than long; sides thence etinally and extremely feebly convergent anteriorly and ]>ostericrly, nearly straight in both cases ; anterior and jMisterior margins c(|nal in length, the former rather strongly arcuate, the latter very sliglitly more feebly so; surface evenly and strongly convex, nearly cylindrical : j)unctiires deeply impressed, very close, rather unevenly distiibuted, somewhat .small; interspaces strongly convex, liighly polishecl. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides nearly parallel, distiiicliy longer than the width at base, nearly straight towaril the biinieri, very strongly arcuate towanl the exterior ajiical angles ; together broadly, somewhat angularly and strongly emarginate behind ; suture about one- tenth longer than the pronotnm : surface strongly convex, narrowly and feelily iin|iri'ss('d along the suture, more strongly so toward the base,' coarsely, deeply, and closely punctate, pieeous in color; luinctures soiiks- what irregular in outline, distant by less than their own widths ; inter- spaces strongly convex, highly polished. Abdominal segments decreasing nearly uniformly and just percc^ptibly in width, first iiinch narrower than the contiguous elytra, cylindrical, strongly constricted at base ; transverse carinae broadly and strongly undulated ; surface strongly, closely, and evenly punctate ; interspaces convex, polished, not as wide as the punc- tures. Legs slender, pale brownish-testaceous throughout, tarsi short; first joint of the ])osterior nearly twice as long as the second. Mti/<'. — Fifth ventral segment scarcely perceittibly, roundly, and narrowly emarginate in the middle at apex ; sixth narrowly and deejdy incised at tip, incisure more than twice as deep as wide, anterior angle very narrowly rounded, exterior angles narrowly rounded, sides slightly arc^nate; seventh segment broadly and feebly emarginate at the vertex, emargination nearly transverse at the bottom, lateral teeth short, stout, and straight. Ffjiuile. — Sixth segment very broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length 3.0 mm. Louisiana, 2. The piccoiis color of the elytra and portions of the abdomen seen in the above-described species, and also to a certain extent in the li COLKOrTKKA. 1H5 elylm of nrtim, is not, to tlie best (»f my knowlcdp;*', due ontin-Iy to iintniiliirity, lint is :( f'ctitiin' of the inatiirc insect. Tlic (listinjinisliinji cliiintfttrs licldii^inj; l meriilioiltllls n. sp. (Sdiwarz MS.). — Form slender, sult-cylin- driciil. l'iilii'-;cciiii> iMtlhT simrse, slmrt, evenly ilistrilmteil, siili-rei'miiliciit, cinereous, ratlicr ineonspicnous. Kntire liody nioderatidy Hhiniti>;. Head ratlier roliust. srareely twice as wide as loii}; ; interoriilar surface scarcely ime- tiiivd wid<'r liian IIk' eye, nearly tiat ; snications almost entirely olisolcte ; punctures rather sparse and irre^jularly distrilmted : ocular lines meeting at less than one hinsjth in advance; eyes very ])r(iminent ; anti'Unae short, scarcely lonf;er than the width of head, i)iceous-l(i'own, ilarker toward tip, slender, clul)stron<,' ; third joint one-fourth loUfrer than the fourth, eii;lith more rohust than the seventh, last joint of ciuh as long as the eighth and ninth together; basal joint of antenna slightly paler ; niaxillaiy )>ali)i very hing and slender, almost as long as the antenna, tiavate, tijiof third Joint slightly darker. Prothorax arciuUely, evenly, and v<'ry gradually increasing in width to the middle, wliere it is one-eighth narrower than long and scarcely thi'ee- fourths as wide as the heail ; sides thence equally convergent posteriorly and feehly sinuat(> ; anterior and jHisterior margins snh-equal in length and curvature; surface finely and somewhat confusedly punctate; punctures tending to coalesce transversely. Elytra at hase e(|ual in width to the head, or hut very slightly narrower ; sides ])aiallel, slightly longer than the width at hase, nearly straight toward the humeri, slightly arcuate toward the a]>ic<'S ; together roundly iiud rather strongly emarginate hehind ; suture slightly lunger than the pronotum ; surface rather strongly impressed on the suture toward the base; punctures large, close, nearly evenly distributed, distant by about one-half their widths. Abdominal s(>gments decreasing uniformly and just percejitilily in width, first much narrower than the con- tiguous elytra, cylindrical ; border obsolete; strongly constricted towjird the base ; surface coarsely, closely, and evenly jmnctate ; punctures larger than those of the pronotum, deeply impressed, almost polygonally crowdeil ; trans- verse carinae not cusped. Legs somewhat long, very slender, uniformly pale piceous-brown ; first joint of the posterior tarsi not as long as the next two togt'ther ; fourth joints strongly bilobed, lobes very narrow. Mule. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment just visibly emarginate in its middle sixtli at apex, emargination ronnd<'(l and excessively feeble ; sixth segment very deej)ly and somewhat narrowly incised at apex, incisure extending anteriorly througb two-thirds of the segment, angle sligbtly rounded, sides nearly straight, exterior angles slightly rounded, slightly more than twice as deep as wide ; seventh triangularly emarginate at tip. Fi'mule. — Sixtli segment strongly, broadly, and somewhat angularly rounded behind ; seventh acuminate at tip. Length 2.3-2.7 mm. I !■ ^^^^( IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) y // A u. ■4. 1.0 I.I IA£|^ 12.5 150 1*^^ M^^K 40 Hill 2.0 22 1.8 11-25 i 1.4 i 1.6 %. 7a '/ //a I *, rr ifT 18G NORTH AMERICAN Floridft (various localities), 13. ' ' Tliis is the smallest species of" the genus, and is remarkable for the large eyes and strong punctuation of the doi-sui suri'ace of the abdo- men. >: ^ii! \4 r: 30. A.callOHUS (Er.) — Form rather slinidi^ riilicsctciice ratlicr sparse and ine(ms|)i('iious, loiif^cr on the alxlonieii, wliere it is slightly denser, einereons. Hoily very liighly polislied. Head small, twice as wide as long ; interoenlar surface tM'ice as wide as the »>yt% Hat ; sulcations broadly rounded, rather faint; snpra-antennal tuherculations elongateil, iiiipunctate; surface between the sulcations highly polished and inipunctate ; punctures small, confusedly crowded in the sulcations ; ocular lines meeting at about one length in advance ; antennae distinctly longer than the width of head, slender, i)ale piceous-brown, distal ends of the joints darker, club modt^rate, much darker; third joint nearly one-half longer than the fourth, joints of dul) increasing in length and width ; maxillary paljii very long and slender, tt;".at(! throughout. Prothorax arcuately, evenly, and extremely gradually increasing in width for two-thirds the length jMisteriorly, where it is very slightly narrower than long ; sides thence very feebly convergent and dis- tinctly-sinuate ; anterior and posterior margins nearly equal in length, the former distinctly arcuate, the latter nearly straight; surface rather tinidy and evenly jumctate ; i)unctures generally separated by less than their own wiiUlis, a fusiform spact; in the middle of the disk inii)nnctate. Elytra at base slightly wider than the head ; sides nearly i)aralt,'lily polislied. Head uiodtM-ate or ratlier small, dlstincttly more than twice as wide as long; lahrnm prominent ; interocular surface nearly three times as wide as the eye, very feelily convex; sulcations nearly obsolete; intermediate snrface bi'oad, very fi'ebly convcix, broailly impunctato in the middle; punctures elsewhere rather coarse, deep, close, and irref^ular ; supra-antennal tubercu- lations elmigati'd, impunctate ; antennae much longer than the width of liead, rather slender, piceo-testaceous, darker and opaque toward tip, translucent toward tlie base, clnb slender ; third joint fully one-third longer than the fourth, fourth and fifth equal, sixth much longer than the seventh, the latter sliglilly more I'obust, eighth very slightly longer than wide, joints of club nearly cylindrical ; maxillary paljii long, first two joints and base of tin; third very slender, third rapidly and very strongly enlarged toward tip, no longer than the second, all j)iceo-testaceous ; the third joint is distinctly darker abovi^ than beneath ; first joint on(^-half as long as th<^ S(?cond. Pro- thorax widest slightly in advance of the middle, where it is distinctly nar- rower than long; sides thence very feebly convergent posteriorly and rather strongly sinuate throughout ; anterior ami posterior margins long, equal, and nearly transverse; surface coarsely, closely, and deeply punctate, having a rather large; impunctate area in the middle of the disk. Elytra at base just perceptibly wider than the liead ; sides jiaralltd, strongly arcuate, most strongly so at two-thirds the length from the humi^ri, much longer than the width at base; together rather narrowly an^ated, inipun(!tate ; j)unctures coai'se, deeply iiu])ress«>(l, nearly (evenly distributed, close; ocular lines meeting; at one and one-half lengths in .idvance ; antennae rather short, scarcely longer than the width of head, stout, ])ale piceo-testaceous throughout, club moderate, joints beyond the first slightly darker at their distal extremities ; third joint one-half longer than the fourth ; maxillary palpi very long, tirst two joints very slender, llavate, third infuscate toward tip. Prothorax arcuately, evenly, and gradually increasing in width for two-thirds the length j)n.sterioi'ly, where it is narrower than long, sides thence moderately convergent and very strongly sinuate ; anteri ir Miargiu slightly shorter and more arcuate than the posterior ; surface rather cotarsely, very closely, deeply, and some- what evenly punctate ; a median lini! is generally impunctate. Elytra at base just perceptibly *ider than the head ; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, aa long as the width at base, very strongly and nearly evenly arcuate ; together broadly, somewhat angularly and very strongly emargi- nate liehind ; suture about one-eighth longiu- than the jjronotnm ; surface very convex, very feebly and narrowly impressed on the suture toward the base, coarsely and rather closely punctate ; ])unctures very deeply imprissed, round, rather irregularly distriliuted ; iiitersj)a(!es very convex. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and very gradually in width, first much narrower than the contiguous elytra, cylindrical, rather strongly constricted at base; bonier obsolete; surface strongly, closely, and evenly i)unctate ; punctures but slightly smaller than those of the pronotum ; traiTsverse carinae not cusped. Legs shnider, piceous-brown, bases of the tibiae j)aler ; first three joints of the posterior tarsi much elongated, uniformly and gradu- ally decreasing in length ; fourth joints moderately bilobed. Mall-. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment narrowly, roundly, and rather feebly emarginate in the niichlle ; sixth narrow, sinuate at apex, sinus small, acutely rounded at the bottom, slightly more than twice as wide as deep. Female. — Sixth segment broadly and evenly rounded behind. ' ' Length 2.8-3.4 mm. Michigan, 7 ; Nebraska, 1 ; Middle States, 7 ; District of Columbia, 5; Canada, 2 ; Cambridge, MiUisachusetts, 4; Texas, 2. The under surface of the abdomen is more densely pubescent than the upper. The species resembles ca/losus (Er.), hut is separated easily by the male sexual characters and color of the legs. I COLEOI'TKRA. 189 ^ 33. A. Iltinctaiflis (Er.) — Form inodcratfly robust. Pulx'sccnco very, fiiK^, short, evenly di.strilmteil, (birU ciiieieous, scarcely visible; entire surface shiniiif;. Head somewhat small, nearly twice as wide as Ion;; ; inter- ocular surface Hat, nearly three-fourths wider than the eye ; sulcations almost entirely obsolete; intermediate elevation very feebly convex ; punctures rather coarse, st:ialler and much closer in the depressed portions, a very narrow ir- regular median line is almost impunctate ; ocular lines meeting at one length in advauci;; antennae distinctly longer than the width of hefvd, rather slen- der, ))ali' testaceous, darker at tij) ; basal joints twice as long as wide, club jiromiuent ; third joint two-lifths longer than tbe fourth, eighth shorter and much niort! robust than the seventh, joints of club much elongated, increas- ing rapidly in leniith, (deventh as long as the eighth and ninth together; maxillary j)al[>i long, first and second joints slendcu', translucent, pale tlavo- testaceous, tlm latter slightly darker toward tip, third nearly as long as the first two together, becoming gradually robust towanl tip, sliglitly darker, very slender at base. Prothorax arcuately and very gradually increasing in width to tbe middle, where it is just perceptibly narrower than long; sides tlience slightly convergent posteriorly and distinctly sinuate ; anterior and posterior margins eijual in length and curvature, feebly arcuate ; surface evenly and strongly convex, rather finely, closely, deeply, an; punctures rather coarse, deeply ini])ressed, rounded, close ; ocular lin(!S meeting at one length in advance ; antennae very slightly longtu- than the width of head, rather robust, jticeo-testaceous at base, becoming dark piceous-brown at tip of tdub, the latter compact and distinct; third joint slightly more than ont-tbird longer than tlie fourth ; maxillary palpi v^'ry long, slender, piceo tlavatt', becoming slightly darker toward tip. Prothorax arcuatety and evenly increasing in width to a point nearly two-thii'ds the length posteriorly, where it is slightly narrower than long ; sides thence feebly convergent and slightly sinuate ; anterior margin slightly sliorter and distinctly more arcuate than the i)osteri(ir : surface nearly evenly convex, very feebly and transversely Impressed just hehind the apex ; punctures moderate in size, round, rather deeply impressed, very close, evenly ilistri- butcd. Elytra at base as wide as the head ; sides paralbd, slightly longer than the width at base, rather strcnigly arcuate toward the apices ; together broa.irsi', dark ]i1uirilK'oiis, scarcely visililc ; entire surface very lii^lily polished. Head small, twico ns wide as loiijj ; iiiterociilar surface twice as wide as the eye. Hat ; snlcatioiis hroailly rounded, narrow, and fetdtlo ; intermediate siirfac(' narrow, acutely convex, very narrowly iiiijuinctate aloiii; the middle ; j)\inctnres rather coarse, deei>ly impressed, round, nearly evenly distributed, distant by nearly their own widths ; interspaces conv(?x ; ocular lines meetinij at nearly two lengths in advance: lalniiin small; antennae very slii,'htly lon<,'er than the width of head, transltic<'nt, dark piceo-testawous toward bast^, iH^coniing black toward tip, club rather slen- der ; third joint one-half longer than the fourth, Joints of club increasing rapidly in length, sparingly<'nt ; maxillary i)ali)i long and slender, first joint rather dark piceo-testact-ou.", remainder ilark piceoiis-brown, tliirral angles, strongly arcuate toward the aj)ic<'s ; outer apical angles very acute and i)romiiient ; together broadly, roundly, iiid rather feebly emarginate Itehind ; suture one-third longer than the pronotuin; surface strongly conv<'x, very feebly impressed on the suture toward the base; punctures round, very deeply impressod, nearly evenly distributod, distant hy much less than tlieir own widths; interspaces very convex. Sides of the abdomen slightly inwardly ourvate; lirst segment slightly narrower than the contiguous tdytra, third and fourth equal in width, narrower than the first, all strongly constricted at base, cylindrical ; transverse carinae not cusped : surfac(? very strongly, closely,- and evi'uly punctate ; punctures nearly as large as those of the elytra; int<^rspac<>s alniut one-half as wide as the punctures, very convc^x. Legs rather short and robust, very dark fuscous throughout in color ; first joint of the posterior tarsi two-thirds as long as the fifth, much shorter than the second and third together ; lobes of fourth joints very long and narrow. Male. — Fifth ventral segment very narrowly emarginate in the middle of its posterior edge, emargination more acutely rounded at the bottom than at th»> sides, minute, alwut five times as wide as deep ; sixth segment narrowly and very deeply incised at the apex, incisure nearly twice as deep as wide, sides straight, exterior angles very feebly roundtnl ; seventh segment broadly, roundly, and strongly enmrginate at tip, edges of emargination undulated at the bottom, lateral teeth strung, broad at base, straight. /■hndle. — Unknown. -■'/-• Length 2.8 mm. Batclieliwauung Bay, Lake Superior, 1. The distinguishing features of this vefy distinct species lie in the very robust prothorax, proportionally long elytra, antennae black in \ i Hh ,'i'( % if 192 NOKTII AMERICAN llic distal liiilf, uiid in tlie very strong punctuation of tlie under surface of tiie tilxlonicn in tiic males. Dt'(licat«Ml to Mr. II. (i. Iluhhanl, to wlioso scientific collecting in this portion of tin; country, a great deal of the existing material is due. 3(1. A* laetlllllH II. sp. — Form rattier slender, sul^cyliiidrieal. I'libes- cenct) riKideriite in leiiu'tli, .sllli-rci'iinilM'iit, excc.i.sively spiirse, i>lmiil>e(>-ciiu'- reoiis. Head moderate, twice as wide as loiij; ; intiToi'iiiar snrt'act! tlat, twice as wide as tlie eye ; longitudinal elevation narrower than the lateral [vortions, very stronj^ly and evenly eonvex, entirely iutjunu'tate and very lii^lily jioIIsIkmI ; sulcTtions eonver;j;ent anteriorly, stronj; ; lateral loWs cfinvex with a very few widely seiiurated, small, deeply impressed punctures; inter- spaces very wid«, convex, and highly polished ; su])ra-nntei)nal tubercula- tions very pron\inent, highly polished, and intpnnctatc!, separated from the eyes by short sulcations ; ocnlar lines ineeti)ig at one length in advance; antennae longer than the width of head, very pale rwldish-testaceous throughout, slender, club moderate; third joint one-third longer than the t'(;iirth, fourth and tifth sub-eijual, sixth much longer and very slightly narrower than the seventh, eighth distinctly shorter than the seventh, equal to it in width, joints of clul) increasing in length, elongated, sub-cylindi'ical, v(My sparstdy jiubescent ; maxillary palpi elong;Ued, i>ale j>iceo-testaceous throughout. Prothorax widest at the middle, where it is four- tilths as wide as the head and slightly narrower tliau long; sides thence very fetdily con- vergent posteriorly and feebly sinuate ; anterior margin slightly shorter and more arcuate than the i)osterior ; surface evenly convex, very sparsely and uueiiually punctate; punctures very deej)ly impressed, round ; intersj)aces convex and extremely highly polished. Elytra at base very slightly wider than the heail ; sides very feebly divergent posteriorly, as long as the width at base, very strongly and evenly arcuate ; together broadly and rather strongly emarginato behind ; suture one-sixth h)nger than the pronotuni ; surface strongly convex, very feeldy and narrowly impressed on the. suture at the base ; sparsely, coarsely, and somewhat evenly punctate ; punctures round, wid(dy isolated, very deeply impressed ; interspaces very convex, wider than the punctures, highly polished. Abdominal segments cylindri- cal, (hx-reasing uniformly and rapidly in width, tirst much narrower than the contiguous elytra ; surface very highly polished, very finely and sparsely punctulate ; border obsob'te, except along the llrst segment ; transverse cariuae tridentate, teeth very broadly rounded, short and rudii\ieutary. Legs slender, piceous-brown ; first joint of the jxisterior tarsi distinctly longer than the next two together ; fourth joints deeply bilobed, lobes slender. Mali-. — l^ixth ventral segment very narrow, truncate at tip, where it is bilobed, cusi) small but distinct, acute. Fimiili'. — Sixth segment very broadly and evenly rounded behind. Length 3.0-3.1 mm. California (S. Buenaventura), G. , '. ;. ;>' The under surface of the abdomen is very sparsely punctate, more densely so on the last two segments ; extremely highly polislied. COI.EOPTEUA. 193 more 37. A* leviceps n. Hp. — Form rather slender ; abdomen large. Pubes- cence short, erect, fine, extremely sparse ; surface polished. Head very small, twice as wide as long; iuterocular surface very feebly convex, nearly twice as wide as the eye; longitudinal elevation feeble, crest broadly ini- punctate, slightly wider than the lateral portions ; sulcatioiis very feeble ; punctures coarse, sparse, deep, closer .n the depressed portions ; ocular lines very convergent, meeting at about one length in advanct^ ; antennae ratlier short and robust, piceous-brown, slightly darker toward the clul), the latter not abrupt ; third joint scarcely one-third longer than the fourtli, eighth mon^ robust than the seventh, slightly elongated ; maxillary jialpi long, slender, third joint strongly clul)l)od ; piceous throughout, basal joint very slightly paler. Prothorax small, robust, widest slightly behind the middle, where it is as wide as long ; sides thence very feebly convergent posteriorly and very slightly sinuate ; anterior anil posterior margins very long, sub- equal, strongly arcuate ; surface coarsely, rather loosely, and very irregularly punctate ; interspaces convex. Elytra at base distinctly wider than the head ; sides feebly divergent posteiiorly, distinctly longer than the width at base, strongly arcuate near the aj)iccs ; together broadly and very strongly emarginate behind ; suture one-third longer than the pronotum ; surface very narrowly and feebly impressed along the suture ; each elytron is also impressed just in advance of the middh; point, and also very irregularly so just behind the middle and near the exterior margins ; coarsely, very deeply punct.-'.to ; punctures round, nearly evenly distributed, distant by slightly more than their own widths ; interspaces convex. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly and somewhat rapidly in width, first very slightly narrower than the contiguous elytra ; surface cylindrical ; border obsolete except on the first segment, where it is very narrow ; punctures round, deeply impressed, rather sparse, evenly distributed ; transverse carinae strongly and finely undulated throughout. Legs very slender, black above, tarsi and under surface of the femora and tibiae dark fuscous or piceous- brown ; first joint of the posterior tarsi about as long as the next two together ; fourth joints bilobed, lobes rather inconspicuous ; claws very slender, sti'ongly curvate, bulbous at the base. Male. — Unknown. Female. — Sixth ventral segment very obtusely and evenly rounded behind. Length 2.8 mm. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, 1. Very readily distinguished from IcRtuhis, which it somewliat re.^em- bles by its very small head, and somewhat finer and closer elytral punctuation. 38. A« politlllus n. sp. — Form rather slender. Pubescence very sparse and inconspicuous ; surface very highly polished througliout. Head small, about twice as wide as long ; interocular surface scarcely twice as wide as the eye, nearly flat ; sulcations obsolete ;. longitudinal elevation very narrow, impunctate and rather distinct ; punctures very coarse, deeply impressed, nearly evenly distributed, close; interspaces convex; ocular lines meeting at one length in advance, nearly straight ; antennae as long as the width of Stesixi. 13 ;' 194 NORTH AMERICAN i lioad, (lark piceous-brown, pivliT toward tlio bant', somewhat slender, club modcratis tliird joint sdijjbtly niori' tliim om'-bnlf longer than tlic fonctli ; maxillary palid well dovulopod, dark pict'oiis-brown, gradually becoming Kli<,'litly juiler toward the base, tliird joint robust toward tip. Prothorax nvciily ariMiatcly and very gradually increasing in width to tho middle, wlicre it is as wide as long; sides thence very feebly convergent posteriorly and rather strongly sinuato ; anterior and posterior iuargins equal in len;,'th and curvature, very feebly arcuate ; surface di'uscly, coarsely, deejjly, closely, and nearly evenly i>unctate. Elytra at base slightly wider than the liead ; sides parallel, slightly longer than the width at base, rather strongly arcuate, esi)ecially toward the apices ; together broadly, roundly, and moderately emarginate behind ; suture slightly more than one-third longer than tho pronotum ; surface narrowly and feebly impressed along the suture, espe- cially toward the base, coarsely and evenly punctate ; ])unctures very deeply imju'essed, round, distant by slightly less than their own diameters ; inter- spaces strongly convex. Abdominal segments decreasing uniformly aiul extrtimely slowly in width, cylindrical, first slightly narrower than th(* con- tiguous elytra, eaoli distinctly constricted at base ; border obsolete except on the first segment ; surface uniformly closely and coarsely jnmctate ; intervals moderately convex ; transverse cavinae not cusped. Legs rather short, slen- der, piceous-blaok at the coxae, gradually becoming slightly paler toward the claws ; first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the next two together, second and third equal, as wide as long ; fourth joints strongly bilobed, Aldle. — Posterior edge of the fifth ventral segment feebly, narrowly, and roundly emarginate in the middle ; sixth very strongly, deeply, and rather narrowly sinuate at tip, sinus rather acutely rounded at the bottom, more than one-half deeper than wide ; seventh segment broadly, roundly, and distinctly emarginate at tip, lateral teeth well developed. Female. — Sixth segment very broadly and obtusely rounded behind, with indications of an obtusely rounded production in the middle. Length 3.0 mm. , . Vancouver Island, British Columbia, 5. II 39. A» simiolllS n. sp.—Form robust. Pubescence very short, sparse, rather fine, dark piceo-pluinbeus, scarcely visible ; entire body very highly polished. Head small, robust, much less than twice as wide as long ; inter- ocular surface nearly fiat, obscnre ; intermediate snrfaoe rather strongly, narrowly, and acutely convex; punctures rather large, evenly distributed, deeply impressed, round, separated by much less than their own widths ; interspaces strongly convex ; ocular lines meeting at nearly two lengths in advance ; eyes large, thick ; antennae short and robust, as long as the width of head, rather pale piceous-brown at base, becoming almost black at tip, club rather prominent ; third joint one-third longer than tho fourth, seventh three-fourths longer than the eighth, equal in thickness, eighth as wide as long, nearly sub-quadrate, ninth and tenth nearly equal in length, eleventh much longer ; maxillary palpi moderate in length, very slender, rather pale piceous-brown, becoming slightly paler toward the base. Prothorax robust, widest at the middle, where it is about as wide as long ; sides thence equally COLEOPTKUA. 105 convergent anteriorly and postt>riorly, sli<;litly arcnntc In tlio former, nearly Htraiglit in tlio latter diniution ; anterior ami juisterior niar^'ins es very convex. Abdominal segments decreasing at first rather rapidly, then more slowly in width, cylindrical, first very slightly narrower than the contiguous elytra; surface rather closely and evenly punctate; punctures as larg** as those of the pronotum, distatit by slightly more than their own widths ; interspaces convex ; transverse carinae not cusped, finely and strongly undulated posteriorly. Legs short and slender, femora piceous- Idack above, dark fuscous beneath, tibiae dark fuscous, distal extremity and tarsi very slightly paler, the latter slend(?r ; first joint of the posterior nearly as long as the next two together, shorter than the last ; claws strongly cur- vate, slender, abruptly enlarged at the base. Mule. — Unknown. Female. — Sixth ventral segment broadly rounded behind. Length 2.9 mm. White Fisli Point, Lake Superior, 4. This species can be ilistinf»iiislied from Ilnhhardi and punctatiis by its relatively miicli more robust form and smaller iiead. in addition it differs from the first in its relatively shorter elytra, which are also mncli more stronj^ly emarginate behind, and from the latter, in its I |i* 19G NO; ni AMKKICAN punctunm Hinall, roiimltMl, riithcr olose, oucnRionally cunlcHcnnt on tlio flankH ; iiitcrHpncutt IVoltly uoiivt'x, liit^lily {lolislii'd. Elytra iil bunt* iiioro tlian one- fourth wider than th»i hcail ; wiih's jiarallttl, I'l'ijhly arcMiate, morn Htrongly HO jiorttt'riorly, alxnit (-(lual in hHigtii to tho widtii al hano ; together hrondly, angularly TvUiI sonii-wiiat Htrongly eniarginatu htdiind ; outer a]>i('al angles aeiite ; suture ahdiit two-lifth.s longer than tlio jironotuni ; surlaco convex, broadly and di.stincily impreMst-d on the suture at the base ; ininctures HUiall, round, evenly ai!h elytron ohliqiii'ly mill Hoiiii'wliat ffohly iniprt'HMHd in front of the middle; ])uiii'tnr<>!4 Hiiiall, round, di'i-ply inipri'ssi'(l, distant liy more flian ttn-ir own uidtliH, iii'arly I'vcniy distrilpiilcd. Abdominal s('i,'nii'nts ilfcircasiiij^ nnifnnidy and rntlier rapidly in wiiltli, flrwt tdifjlitly narrower than tin* contijjnoim elytra, nearly eylindrical, each segment rather stron>,'ly constr' -'ed at Imito ; Kiirface very coarsely, rather elusely and evi-nly pnnetnlate; > ctnres at hase na larjje as those of the elytra ; Imrder olisnlete ; transverse . arinae not cusped. Lega short and slender, femora anil tihiae l)la(^k, tarsi pnler, piceons ; lirst three joints of tho jiosterior »;niformly and very rapiilly decreasing in loiigth ; fonrth joints stron^jly hilohed, hdn-s narrow and very lonjj. Miilf. — Unknown, Fi'vidle. — Sixth ventral segment very obtusely and somewhat angularly rounded hehind, Len^'th 2.9 mm. Oak Gr<)v«, California, 2. Tlu! above-described type lias been lost; tbe second 8|)ecimen is believed to represent tlie species, aUbong!; i; is more slender than the original fy|)e. The species cannot, however, be very readily inis- ^ taken for any other of that region. Unrecognized Species. The following is the only species which I have not succeeded in fully identifying. The original description of lioheman is transcribed without alteration, except in the portions between brackets: — [Areiis] clialybeus Boh. Res. Engen. 1858, p. 33. Caeruleus, nitidus, glaber; antennis palpis pedibusque dilute flavis, illis antrorsum leviter infuscatis; fronte plana, punctata, medio cari- nata ; prothorace confertim punctate, postice leviter carinato; elytris prothorace nonnihil brevioribus, fortiter, crebre punctatis ; abdomine immargiuato, coracino, parce subtiliterque punctulato. — Long. 4J, lat. ^ millim. Patria : California (St: Francisco). Caput prothorace sesquilatiiia, obscure caeruleum, nitidum, crebre, sat distincte punctatum, antice subtiliter albido-pubescens ; fronte plana, medio linea longitudinali, laevi, modice elevata. Palpi dilute flavescentes. An- tennae modioe elougatae, tenues, dilute Havae, extroraum leviter infuscatae, articulo tertio quarto nonnihil longiore. Prothorax elytris fere duplo angus- tior, ublongus, latitudine duplo longior, apice rotundatus, basi truncatus, li " 198 NORTH AMERICAN latoribus medio panim rotumlato-ampliatus ; suporiio convexua, caerulous, nitidus, crebre, sat profinule punctatni:, dorso jiostico obsolete, longitudi- iialiter carinatus. Souti'lluin v.>: ooiispicuuni. Klytra protliorace dui.lo latiora et illo vix breviora, lateribus recta, apice truncata, superne leviter convexa, oaerulea, iiitida, profiiudo, crebre punctata, hunierirt fere rectangu- laribus, e'o' itis. Abdomen elytris aiignstiiis, immarginatnm, eloiigatnm, cyliiidricmu, iiigro-caeruleiim, nitidum, . iibtilissime, crebrci punctuliftuui, segmentis qixatuor primis coiistrictis. Pedes modice elongati, dilute llavi, coxis anticis concoloribus ; tarsis longioriburi, articulo quarto profunde bilobo. As tliis description is full, clear, iiiiil succinct, and does not corre- poond witii any I'orm known from tiie Pacific Coast, even in its general character, I am strongly inclined to believe that tiie locality is erroneous, and consequently no number is attached, it being pre- ferable to consider it at present as a doubtful species. Total number of species described 172 Total number of specimens enumerated 1497 Number of species described from 5 or more specimens 70 Number described from 4 specimens 4 Number described from 3 specimens 7 Number described from 2 specimens 28 Number described from 1 specimen HS Number not seen ; description transcribed 5 .-.i : K COLEOPTEUA. 109 ruleus, gitudi- iiiij,!o loviter :tiuiga- Ij.atum, Ifftuni, B llavi, bilobo. corre- in its )cality g pre- . * ■ 'ii. ' LIST OF SPECIES DESCRIBED. SyXONYMV AM) ]}lULIOORAPHY. Note. — Tli« names denoting tlie localitiea are indicative of regions, and are self-explanatory. DIANOUS. 1. D. nitldulua Lee— Proc. Cost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1S74, xvi. p. 272. Atlantic, Rocky Mts. 2. D. chalybeus Lee— New Sp. Col. L 1863, p. 49 Lakes. 3. D. zephyrus n. sp Pacilic. STENUS. A. 1. S. puuctlger n. sp. — (Fauvel i. litt.) Rocky Mts. 2. S. b'punctatus Kr. — Kiif. Mark. I. p. 530 Athintic, Lakes, Pacific. comma Lee. — New Sp. Col. I. 18l!3, p. iiO. 3. S. oolon Say— Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. IV. p. 458. ..Atlantic, Cnilf, Lakes. 4. S. renifer Leo.— New Sp. Col. I. 1863, p. 50 Gulf, Arizona. 5. S. semicolon — 1. c. p. 50 Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes. 6. S. gemmeuB n. sp Atlantic. 7. S. bilentigatus n. sp Atlantic. B. At 8. S. sculptilis n. sp..., Pacific. 9. 8. laccophilus n. sp Lakes. 10. S. juno (Fal).)— Syst. El. IL p. 602 Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes, Pacific. 11. S. verticosus n. sp Pacific. 12. S. tristia n. sp Pacific. 13. S. Austin! n. sp Atlantic, Lakes, Pacific. 14. S. ranopa n. sp. Atlantic. 15. S. delavrarensia n. nn Atlantic. 16. S. sectator n. sp Pacific. 17. S. zunicua n. sp Arizona. 18. S. femoratUB Say — Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. IV. p. 459... Atlantic, Lakes. 19. &. tacomae n. sp Pacific. 20. S. strangulatUB n. sp. — (Fauvel 1. litt.) Atlantic, Lakes. 21. S. tenuis n. sp Lakes. w J-4 200 . NORTH AMERICAN 22. S. angUBtuB n. sp Atlantic, Lakes. 23. S. difflcilis 11. Hp.— (Sdiwaiz i. litt.) Atlantic, Lakes. 24. S. Pettiti n. sp Atlantic, Lakes. 2'). S. BoriipeuB n. sp Lakes. 20. S. intrusuB u. sp Atlantic, Lakes. 27. S. erythropuB Mels — Pioc. Ac. Pliil. H. p. 40 Atlantic, Lakes. j'linci/tf's Mcls. — Cat. 1:?4.'). 28. S. rugifer ii. sp. — (Faiivel i. litt.) Rocky Mts. 29. S. anaBtomozanB ii. sp. — (Crotch i. litt.; Atlantic. 30. S. BhoshoniB ii. sp Pacilic. 31. S. inBulariB n. sp Pacific. 32. S. vexatUB ii. sp Pacific. 33. S. Schwarzi n. sp. — (Pauvd i. litt.) Atlantic. 34. S. pauper n. sp Atlantic. 3"). S. BubtiliB 11. sp Lakes. 3G. a. indigenB n. sp Atlantic. 37. S. simplex n. sp. — (Crotch i. litt.) Pacific. 38. 3. vicinuB n. sp Atlantic, (iulf. 30. S. ingratuB n. sp Lakes. 40. S. neglectUB n. sp Atlantic, Lakes. 41. S. Bcabiosua n. sp Lakes. 42. S. vespertinus n. sp Pacific. 43. S. convictor n. sp Pacific. 44. S. deductor n. sp Lakes. roiifiisits — This work, pp. 38 and ()3. 45. S. IhornatuB n. sp. — (Scliwar/. i. litt.) Atlantic, Lakes. 4(). S. placiduB n. sp Lakes. 47. S. mendaz n. sp Atlantic. 48. S. erienBiB n. sp Lakes. 41). S. sphaeropB n. sp Atlantic. r)0. S. militaris n. sp Lakes. .Ol. S. pluto n. sp Atlantic. r)2. S. incultUB n. sp Arizona. 53. S. pterobrachys (f. ami 11 Pacific. hrfripniiiis Milkl.— Hull. Mosc. 1852, II. p. 318. 54. S. corvus ii. sp. — (Schwarz i. litt.) Pacific. 55. S. maritimus Mots.— Hull. Mosc. 1845, IV. p. 35G Pacific. 5(5. S. montanuB n. sp. — (Schwarz i. litt.) Atlantic. 57. S. alpicola Fvl.— Faun. G.-Rli. III. p. 230 Kocky Mts., Pacific. 58. S. coBtallB 11. sp Pacific. 59. S. alveolatuB n. sp Pacific. 60. S. ellipticUB n. sp Pacific. 61. S. adelops n. sp Pacific. 62. S. luctuoBUB n. sp Pacific. 63. S. puaio n. sp. — (Schwarz i. litt.) Atlantic, Lakes. 64. S. nanuluB n. sp Pacific. 65. S. atomarlua n. sp ......Atlantic, Lakes. it '■'' !: COLEOPTERA. 201 66. S. virginisB n. sp \tlantiu. 67. S. texanus n. sp Gulf. 68. S. venuBtUB n. sp Lakes? 6£>. S. occidentalla n. sp. — (Crotch i. litt.) Pacific. 70. S. pacificuB n. sp.— (Crotcli i. litt.) Pacific. 71. S. obstruBUB n. sp Atlantic. 72. S. arizonae n. sp. — (Crotcli i. litt.) Gulf, Arizona. 73. S. Integer n. sp Atlantic. 74. S. floridanuB n. sp Gulf. 75. S. colonus Krichs. — Gen. p. 699. ..Atlantic. Gulf, Laki^s, Arizona, Pacitic. 76. S. mammopB n. sp Atlantic, Lakes, Rocky Mts., Pacific. 77. S. graviduB n. sp Atlantic. 78. S. animatUB n. sj) Lakes. 79. S. tumicollis n. sp Lakes. 80. 3. carinicoUis n. sp Lakes. 81. S. insignia u. sp Pacific. * 82. S. stygicus Say— Trans. Am, Phil. Soc. IV. p. 458 Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes. 83. S. egenuB Erichs. — Gen. p. 698 Atlantic, Lakes. 84. S. doloBUB n. sp Rocky Mts. 85. S. villOBUS n. sp Pacific. 86. S. Bectilifer n. sp Atlantic. 87. S. milleporuB n. sp. — (Fauvel i. litt.) Atlantic, Gulf. 88. S. jejunus n. sp Pacific. 89. S. vinnulua u. sp Atlantic, Lakes. 90. S. congener Miikl.— Bull. Mosc. 1853, III. p. 192 Pacific. 91. S. canaliculatuB Gyll. — Ins. Huec. IV. p. 501 Atlantic, Lakes. 92. S. caroUnae u. sp Atlantic, Gulf. 93. S. ageus n. sp *. Atlantic. 94. S. pudicuB n. sp Lakes. 9.''). S. minor n. sp Lakes. 96. S. rigidus n. sp Atlantic- 97. S. incertUB n. sp Lakes, Rocky Mts. 98. S. parallelus n. sp. — (Schwarz i. litt.) Atlantic. 99. S. noctivagua u. sp Atlantic. 100. S. luculentua n. sp Pacific. 101. S. juvencUB n. sp Lakes. 102. S. pauperculua n. sp Lakes? 103. S. hapluB n. sp Lakes. 104. S. enodia n. sp Rooky Mts. 202 NORTH AMERICAN 105. S. dives n. sp Pacific. 10(5. S. Bubgriseua n. sp. — (Scliwarz i. litt.) Pacific. 107. S. terricola n. sp Pacific. 108. S. mundulUB n. sp Pacific. 10!1. S. tuberculatus n. sp Oiilf. 110. S. indistinctus n. sp. — (Bcliwaiz i. litt.) Lakes. 111. S. brumalis n. sp Lakes. C. 112. S. gratioBUB n. sp Lakes. 113. S. monticola ii. sp Atlantic. 114. S. curtus n. sp Lakes. 115. S. alacer n. sp Lakes, Gulf, Arizona, Rocky Mts. 116. S. hirsutUB n. sp Lakes. 117. S. vestaliB n. sp Pacific. 118. S. tahoensia n. sp Pacific. 119. S. nimboBUB n. sp. — (Fauvel i. litt.) Rocky Mts. 120. S. pugetenais n. sp Pacific. 121. S. vacuuB a. sp Pacific. 122. S. amicus n. sp Rocky Mts. 123. S. exilia n. sp Pacific. 124. S. califomious u. sp Pacific. Subgen. MutinuB. 125. S. (M.) gilae n. sp Arizona. 12(3. S. (,M.) dispar n. sp Atlantic, Uulf, Rocky Mts. chalceus FvL i. litt. Unrecognized Species. 127. S. adspector Makl.— Bull. Mosc.1852, IL p. 316 Sitklia. 128. S. parallelopipedus Mots. — 1. c. p. 317 Sitklia. 129. S, cariniceps Milkl.— 1. c. p. 317 Sitklia. 130. S. immarginatua Miikl.— Bull. Mosu. 1853, IIL p. 192 Alaska. AREUS. 1. A. retruaus n. sp Pacific. 2. A. fraternuB n. sp Lakes, Rocky Mts. 3. A. umbratiliB n. sp Pacific. 4. A. croceatus n. sp. — (Fauvel i. litt.) Atlantic, Lakes. 5. A. advena n. sp ; Lakes. 6. A. europs n. sp Atlantic. COLEOPTERA. 203 7. A. megalops n. sp Gulf. 8. A. lugena n. sp Atliintie. 9. A. plicipennlB n. sp. — (Schwarz i. litt.) Pacific. 10. A. agnatUB n. sp Pacific. 11. A. Sayl u. sp Pacific. 12. A. amabilis ii. sp Atlantic. 13. A. flavicornls (Krichs.) — (leii. p. 7'?.? Atlantic, Lake:.. i/fiiinil(iliis Say — Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. IV. p. 458. 14. A. annularis (Kiichs.) — (len. p. 73,') Atlantic, Lakos. 15. A. perforatuB n. sp Arizona. IG. A. nitescenB n. sp CmU. 17. A. pollenB n. sp Pacific. 18. A. patens n. sp Hocky Mts. 19. A. reconditus n. sp Atlantic, Lakes. 20. A. propinquus n. sp Atlantic. 21. A. canadensis n. sp Lakes. 22. A. pinguis n. sp Pacific. 23. A. utenis n. sp Kocky Mts. 24. A. trajectus n. sp Ivocky Mts. 25. A. papagonis n. sp Arizona. 26. A. obsoletus n. sp Lakes. 27. A. artus n. sj) Atlantic. 28. A. dilutUB n. sp Gulf. 29. A. meridionalis n. sp. — (Scliwarz i. litt.) Gulf. 30. A. callosus (Krichs.) — Gen. p. 737 Atlantic, Gulf. 31. A. varipes n. sp Lakes. 32. A. arculus (Kriclis.) — (iren. p. 744 Atlantic, Jiakes. 33. A. punctatUB (Ericlis.) — Gen. p. 744 Atlantic, Lakes. 34. A. dissentiens n. sp Lakes. 35. A. Hubbardi n. sp Lakes. 36. A. laetulus n. sp Pacific. 37. A, leviceps n. sp Pacific. 38. A. politulus n. sp Pacific. 39. A. simiclus u. sp Lakes. 40. A. pertinaz n. sp Rocky Mts. 41. A. lucidus n. sp Pacific. Unrecognized Species, ? A. chalybeus Boh. — Res. Eugen. 1858, p. 33 California. In considering geographical distribution in the following table the only regions taken into account are those of the Lakes, the Atlantic, and the Pacific, not only because they are the only ones which are at all thoroughly explored, but on account of their continuity along the ! :!; 204 NORTH AMERICAN > same latitude thoy are likely to give the most \iseful result. We have, tlieret'ore, not counting tlie unrecognized species: — Peculiar to tlie Atlantic Kegion 82 Peculiar to the Lake Region 33 Peculiar to the P.icilic Kegion .">0 Common to the Atlantic and Luke Regions only 24 Common to the Lake and Pacilic Hegions only Common to the Atlantic, Lake, and Pacific Regions. . . 5 A few species peculiar to the Gulf, Rocky Mts., or Arizona faunas are omitted, and if included would not tend to render the table more significant. It should be mentioned, however, that there are three species peculiar to the Lakes and Rocky Mts. only. It is also to be observed that the Rocky Mts. constitute an almost insuperable barrier to the intercommunication of the various species, only five being common to the two slopes. I" ERRATA. Page 1(5, 1st line after descrii ion, /oc " Peiiinjiton" read " Pennington." ' " 29, 1] til lino from top, /or "several" rem/ "sexual." " 47, Ifit line from top, /;