IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. fePx ''/ .■^ ^ i< CP< i/i y. 1.0 I.I 1.25 " 11^ ||||Z5 ■• ;IIII3_2 IIIM 114 IIM 1 2.0 111= U III 1.6 V] ^ 1 r CflliiS ii OF CANADA COXTAINIXa The portraits anl autographs of His Excellsncy tho Oovernor General, the Members of the Cabinet Commons of Canada, with a biographical sketch of members of both Houses : also a Siagraa of the floor of both Houses indicating the position of the seats • an eztraot of the B. N. a. Act and of the rules, regulations and ' rou.inos of both Houses as well as many valuable informations for strangers visiting Ottawa and for the public in general. PUBLISHED BY F. R. E. CAMPEAU. OTTAWA. )^^\Sf=tt- -«— "-'^'SjH'z^laOr— '- OTTAWA: PRINTED BY A. BUREAU, SPARKS STREET. 1879. \ F ^ o o 9 2 8 2 213 Entered according to Act of Parliattiont of Canada, in tlie year 1870, by F. R, E. Campeal-, in tlie Office of tJie IMinister of Agriculture. hv ':• 4 PREFACE. In prosoiitin^' this book' to llie i)iiMic, I lecl ccrtuin that it will ,i;'ivo entire satislactioii iiiasmiicli as it contains all the ini- ])ro\ c^ineins promi.vcd at iho time of }jiblishiiii;- the tij'st volmne, in IStT) : liioyraphies Auto. V. ; V) I 1 WHS li'iiits, I'.'llluM" cotn- IIOR. ! i i HiS EXCELLtNCY, Sir JOHN DOUGtAi, SUIMfcRLANO CAMPBtlL. (COMMONLY CALLED THE MARguiS OF LORNEl. KMGHT Of THE MOST ANCIENT AND MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE THISTLE. KNiGHT GRAND CROSS OF 1 HE MOST DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GF.ORGE. GOVERNOR-GEN- ERAL OF CANADA AND VIOE-ADM RAi. OF SAM£. ETC., ETC., E TO. B G G B B I c C) X T i: N rv s 1 I'A Addenda Alphiilu ticul lint of Mfinbers of tlu- lloiiso of Coininoiis 41 to do do do Senate 11 to Arrival of difl'crent mails do do steamLrs 144 it do do trains 1 :!7 to Banlvs in Ottawa 1 2tt k Biograpliical sketches of Members of the Ifonse of Commons f)") to do do do Henatt! 17 to British Nortli America Act Ill to Cabinet of the Dominion of Canada 8 & Canada Central Railway 1 4J & ( 'anadian Express Company Carter's Tariff .' 124 k Changes Churches and hours of service 1 2G to Commission on money ordi'rs 141* & Constituencies of tlie House of Commons 55 to Departure of mails ... do steamers 1 ■ 137 155 133 110 39 153 154 146 128 102 40 52 i i y 52 If) 150 145 PAOBa. Hull Fciry 146 IlitiTist 'liililc 150 Iiitcrtsiiii;^^ ).liiit's ill aiiii anniiid Ottawa 1 16 to r24 List (if McihIkts of tiir Caiiirict H& 9 (1(» do House of Coiinuoiis 41 to 52 (I(» iis(Mif ConunoiiH Cliamltcr 53 do ilo Siiiatc CliainlitT 10 Loi iition of fire alarm Ki^qial Iioxlk 137 do sti-ft't letter Inxes 148 Mas:iiii(' fraternity 130 to 132 Moetiiif,'S of FdieKters Koeieties 133 do Masonic fraternity 130 to 132 do Oddfellow.^ I,()dj,'es 133 do ()r;in,ue Assorijilions 134 to '36 do Teniiieraiiee Soeitdics ] "^ Mfinliers of tlie Doniini(»n ( 'aiiint;t 8 i do ijoiise of Conunons 41 to do Sei^ate of ( auiida 1 1 to Money Crders MU i Montreal and Ottawa lliver Naviication Coniiiany 14 1 & Montreal Ti'lej^ra|ili Conii)any , 146 Oddfellows Lodges ' 133 Ollicers of the House of Conunons Clianilier 53 do Senati' (iiamiier 10 Oil i>ortraiti< of Speakers of ]>otii Houses 1 17 to 119 Orange Assvxiations 134 to 130 Ottawa Churches 1 26 to 1 28 do Fire Alarm Tele^iraph 137 do Foresters Societies 1 :>3 do Masonic Friiternity 130 to 132 do Oddfellows Lodges 133 do Orange Associations 134 to 136 do rolie'e Force 1 37 do lliver Navifration Company 144& 145 do Temperance Societies 128 IMaces of interest in and around Ottawa 116 to 1 24 Plan of the floor of the llousi; of Commons Chamher 4 ' do do Senate Chamher 16 Police Force 137 Postaj^e Kates 148 3c 1 49 Post-Office money orders 149 & 150 Precedence within the Dominion of Canaila 114 Private Uills notice 1 "'7 Proceedings of the House of Commons 105 to 110 do Senate 35 to 39 Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Piailway 13ii to 141 Rates of Postage 148 & 149 Regulations of the House of Commons 105 to 110 \ to to & to 14t> . ir)() rji ! '.» 15 53 10 13T 148 i:rj i:;3 132 133 '36 15 ■; 150 ',; 145 •; 14 ■ 111 ! 137 ■ 149 : 150 114 l:i7 110 39 141 149 110 & to to to & to PAaEfl. Pt(M,'iilivtioi)s of tlio Senate 35 to 39 Udiyions Services 12(5 to 12S Utiiiarks 40 Koiitiiies of tlie Koiise of Coinnioiis lo*) to 110 do SLtiate 35 to 39 Royal Black Kni^lits of Ireland ]:va Rules of the House (jf Conitnous 105 to 110 do Sniiite ;•„") to 39 Stiiiuii Duties 147 Statistics eouceruinK Meinliers of tlie House of Counuons loS & 104 do do do Senate 34 St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company 1 i'.H Street Letter Uoxcs ". " 148 Talile for reducing currency into francs (iml vice rrrs'i 152 & 153 do " the calculation of interests l'){] do of close season for puue and fish 1 54 NovemluT, 1878.) (1) Mhiintfr of tin; Interior nihl Priiiir Minister. Iki^-Iit IIoiiMi-alilc Sir John Alkxandkh ^fAcitoxAM), \\A\ !>., K. C. ('. 1., I). C. L., LL. I)., Q. ('., >r. r. i2i )linistfr of Fiixinrr anJ h'tceirer Gonertil . ironoralilc Sir Samikl LKdXAini Tir.r.KV, K. ('. .M. (i., (\ H., .M. \\ 3 1 .Vininlrr of liailiritjiH and Ciuiuh. IIoiioraMc Sir Ciiaklks Tii'i-kh. K. (\ M. (1., (J. T... M. I)., M. \\ '■\' Miiiis/i'r of Ai/ririilfiire anil Slatixlicx. lIoiiDi-ahk' John I[kni{Y Popk, M. P. 1 5) J'renident if Pririj Council.' .loiiN O'Connor, (^ ('., >r. P. (0) Minis/f'r of Jiistirr and Altornrij (icnrra/, lloiioniblo James MAcr>oNAi>r), (}. C, >r. P. i7) Minister of rulilic ll'o/'/r.s. llouoi-ablo Hector Louts LANdEViN, C. \\., K. C. St. (J., Q. c, :,r. p. (8) Secretary of State. Iloiioralilo James Cox Atkins, Senator. (9) Minister of Militia and Defence. lloi)oi'al)lc LoT'is FiiANTois Hoi)RI(;i:e Masson, M. P. Ml (10) Miimter of Marine and Fisheries. \ Iloiioi'uble James Colledge Pope, .U. P. I (11) Minister of Customs. > Honorable MacKenzie Bo well, M. J>. > (12) MiniMcr of Inla7id Revenue. \ IIoiioi'nMc Lours FiiANfors (Ieorcje Rxhy, Q. C, M. p. "; t [\^) Posimnster General. \ JIoMoi-ablo ,Sii' Alexanueii (.'ampbell, K. C. M. (r. (J. C : Senatoj". ' "' ;•; f U I Speaker of the Senate. ( uHthout portfolio. ) V JIoii(»rablo PtoiiEiiT J^CNCAN WiL.MOT, Soiiator. i V I \ < ■•.-.-S.-v.->, '"^-'■.•»>"^-'.,'.v'-..'< 9 *«»•■. ^^.►•^^'^»^-»,'-x^.v^^ oF^rrcK lis OF THE SENATE CHAMBER il, S/ifr/ker of //ir Se/mff. II()lH«i:il>!(.' IJ(»!!KUT .I)l'N(.'A.N \Vil,.Mi>T. Siiiihurv, X. W. ( 2 1 Chiiphiin IJevi'iciid Canon Johnson, Ihill, \\ (^. (3; Cli'i-k of the Semth'. IfoiU'UIT IjEMoinK. 8e'li;H(\ 1 4) First Clerk AsKhfitiU. rENNiN(js Taylor. Seiiati'. 1 5) Second Clerk As.iisinnt. James Aha.mson, Senate. (6i Third Clerk A.^xisfAinf. AnTOINE a. BoiTHKR. Sc'liutr. (7 1 ikntlemnn Usher of the lUack Hod. ItENfi Hdward KiMiiKR, .Senate. 1 8 1 Sergea»t-at-Arms. ,1, DE St Denis LeMoine, Senate. (9 1 Deputy Ser(/eant-al-Arm.^. IVANHCt: Tach^, Senate. 10 " -'■-'■■-•••■••■-•■•■■•■•-■•-■■•■•■■■- I I >S'- 0. .! I: li .» - I u ALriFADF/nCAL LIST OK THE SKX A T') US () F C A X A DA . 'i^ ^'^ll''|'''|('J 'li'' T^iiy'sion iriiir/i ihcij represent, their Post Office ell. A K'avrall, II. \V. W... lOjCIialVcvs, W. il 7C]ia])ais, .1. (" (! Ciiiiiic, M 5 Christie, J) l^iCoehrane. M. 11... . T S 11 8 8 CJonnior, C Cornwall. C. F Qe ]>i)uc'liorvil!o, Dcvei", J Dickey, l{. P* Dickson, W. II . Dunioucliol, li..,, Fabre, II.R Pre-coll Prescotl. O Lanihton Toronto, O P)Urlin_ij;t()n Hamilton, () Do riOriniit'r .Mt)Mtreal, (^ (\itara(]ui 'I'oronto, O I]a>kervillc Barkorville, IJ. C. lioii<;'eni()nt St. Cesaire, (^ Ladnrantayc St. DiMiis, j\a- [niouraska, (^. (;uir '(^)uebec, Q Krie Paris, U Wellington Coin])ton, O Ivenneliec Plessisviile, (^.... Ashcroft Ashcroi'l, B. C... Montarville l^oiicherville, Q.. St. .lohn St. Jolm, ^\ JJ... Amherst Amherst, N. S..., Xiag-ara 'Nia;;-ara, O Miile-lsles Ijongueiiil, (^ i La Salle (Quebec, (^ 10 77 -il .') !» :;2 51 T2 74 07 (if) 5") 4 51) 52 12 Ad- a (i;; 10 ^i K Il- ka, (l Q... C... n. s.. 511 :;2 51 12 Tl 74 G7 (10 5") l^.. !; 4 For^-iisoii, J N 10 l*\'rrioi', .7 l)ivisi(»ii>. Pest Oflicc A.l- Hatlim-sl IJiitlmi-st, N. 15. .SliJi\viiiii:-;iii .Moiitrciil, <,|.... 77 ;; 11 Flint, IJ :: 11 Girar J^aniiltoii, .1 'Iiikoriuaii 7 llainilldii, .1 Iviii<;-sl(»n •ij'l Sol-L'l, (I Uawk'esliiiry. O. Ivinu'sloii. .") llavilaiid, T. Jl CharloUctowii k'liarlotiolown, P. I) Uavtlionie, Pi. I'... (Queen's (\. ICliarlottetown, P, I I [M. 1, (I Hope, A II am il toll ^Ilainiltdii, () 4 llowlan, (i. W lAlbertoii lAlbcrloii, P. K. I 8 j^anlhacli, 11. A. X. Lunonlniru' riUiieiilmr^-, N. S 5 Lediianl, I<] liOiuloii London, () I . I 7 Lewin, ,1. .1) ;Lancas(ei' f! IVIcClclan, A. P...; Hopewell S MeLolan. A. AV.... Londonderrv ... 8:.McMus1er, W Midland St. John, N. H... Ilopeweii, N. B. , Londonderry, i?s. [S. Toronto, O i 28 33 (iS 23 7(5 34 1(1 1 17 35 37 3() 4!) 33 31) - 1 47 57 13 ■f 3 IT Xiiiiics ol' Senators. 12 .Mticdoiuild, W. J... 12 MacliU'laiic, A 10 .Macj)lu'r,s(jii, I). I^. !) Miller, W 1) Montgomeiy, D... Muii-liead, AV" 1(»0>1^11. W. 11 8|paquet, A. II GjPolletiei-, (J. A. P.. 4: Penny, K. (J Power, L. G Pozer, C. 11 7 Price, D. E I) Read, R Ileesor, D Pyan, T Scott, R. W Seymour, 13 Simpson, J Divisions. Post Oilice Ad dresses. 11 9 8 4 Victoria City. Wallace Saii^een Pielimond Park Corner... Chatham Pock Wood La Vnllici'e ... 42 !■ 7-) > » ' '; 43 i; 0-) i ce A(l- es. U. C... N\S... O LH.... iier, P. [K. I. :N. J3... ert, Q. I Q N . o. . .. iiu-e, C^. Xiiincs orSciiiildrs.i Divisions. 4S i; < -,■ ^ c' .'4 !^ 10 (iL' ^ 44 j 4 ^-1 O. o. Q. ) e, O.... iUe O. :5^ y t-i 11 •! (!:i •• >>i .'. 43;- I'nst Oftico Ad- I • Ircsscs. % l"'^lt, I^ I> !p>elin(.nt Ottawa, ().. I 70 ' T()i-(Mit(., () j 51 : Waterloo, Q ! i;> '] Ivildonan, .M I 73 ; Montreal, (j I 2() :' Montreal, (^ [ 71 > 25 Sarnia. () Fi-ederieton, N. BJ I4 ,• Suidiliiy, N. H... .... ^ 15 f i 'i J [TT i i «/// ///f 10 // v/u/z/f r/ ///< •/v//^//v r ^/ /-//// //^ ; y ^hi/'iii/ iii\ hi IK) ''/'III ili/i/>/i»/iiyi' rf/r/r/' /l/iK(iifiili MmMvt //i^fri/itifi A''/r/'f/' ,S/iiiiii'iViiik Sm/iiiV III '/I J/r/r//w/fA>//\ I llU/Vll/fl i .\'llH//t/ll\ 'i/iiw. .:■ : ! S'iii//i,i riiifs . <'fM//j/ll/l I 'ii/ii/)ii/'i/ . Si i/DiiWtS ' ///i///. V Jiv< i/\//l'' //o///f :'o .l/i:iiifid'/\ UlM'l/s/f^'A I //■/f/y/o . A //ii/i A'lr.snr /i'i/i//'s (Jt/r// J\'oiAitt/iiii S'/M/KIIII ( /f/tZ/Mi/.W tiiir,'itim'i//i ■ /^f/ii'iii>M^ii yy, /» fi/f/wr ///>v//y/ X-'iifii//'r,\ /,/i/ti/i/o/t .l/z/l/MY/l f/ll/f/l. ir/iY/M /hir , '/if/iii \ /.ttifri'ti//i/t\ ' I , \y,/„/ Sii,-,/iti. f/^i/irr//lt ilh/iiii//nn . }6 " J?) ~ Ih^/i'i/ih/if X/ri'ivis /t'ii/i/,i// JJri//iirri. ''J 7 //..iri' '■'•tnf^y/ H.IJ.m/wi>« r 'I ,S J nil tiff /{./.fj/o'llf, ( 'h'lA- 11/ IheSriititr /.' '/i/i/Ziir, .H ■ //IS . /t/tllll.\llll,i '"''//life. Il\f, /■>'(hiA Av/y' r/if.l/fiir. ^1'^<'/ei*.ls\/ C# .■i././iniu/iri; J/ \('llllfill /li/lllstill, ( '/ll'/l/'llll (//firm/ /ti/nir/ei\. I /(//ni/// \ /ii/^inmii'i^. --■.Tr-\ i,iii/>ii/f/\ /,itiii/i II I I ■ •'>" 'i (/ins//i- Ki'ir. ' ^-/irr j ./ri/i//lii/m .1 M-i/iiir\ ll, Hi(ii,/,fk J/iiiihirti/M, n/rAn: , /iii/ii,\/. Sill// I "//'iiifi I j/'.t/lis/l/! J/lr//lllll/\ 7// S/yiWi Kn/iiiii. ./I///i/.\ YiirA. ! I 'f" \ ^lfi/IJ//////W//\ .\lll/>/lfH\ 'J/'/ I (/ll//'///\\ fi'iii/ifiiiiiiiiA //ii/inii/iM \m/r/s/,:i^^ r /,,/ 1 /Jrir/\ X'. /fi/i/i.\ \ '•/ ' t M/cifiv/m i'/i-/iirin(i'M 7/ 7h/i/,/\ f'/iii/iirr A''iiiii/iri' ■ ,S'u//ii Ml/Ill^ /i'i/r/9/mm - , Ji "] /ii/y/HU/A . /.•Jl lTll/l'.\ ^/i/fS'//J.»M„u ,Viri/i-f/ii/ii/\ t/iti.\ ■" ;:> ; /v///yv ln.Sii//, \ /.'. /:/\i,iit„r. ' ■/ ! , -/> /'/it///i/ l,,ilii//iiTr /i.i , /ir/yt/.sf .Pnxrit/f, />i'/.fr /.riuiiw . ■ -7/;- /'/■/iiif /'/r/oil. \^4////ii/i ./r."ff^/fi. /^//r/till//nll ~^ '//./- >> 1 i — — -'i-i-i:-.- ,:«•»,., i! * 1 .1 >LHI-I-;T(JN ALMA !i''iv;^'-.'*j'.'-" \MHEHbT ?*'■*■?'<" 1 1 /<^ . ..>.>- . , . ^t>»i.,,. » >. . . v..,M .. . ■,.. ■ :. ■ v.. w ;;.:^- ,£■ 's i HL:DF0KD S\@jfvi^ I.LI.M ON ! a 1 1 )vv MAN V 1 1-Li .yaMJ .■« fT^ v^ .1 \ijmmn HH ) Slii) •; ]!• i tin' '-, uiili, h i i' Pkh- ii 1 AI.Hl<:ilTON. Hon. (IKOIJCM WILIJA.M IIOWLAN. Mcrcliant and Sliii»-()\vner, AUxMioii, P. E. 1. iJoni :ii U'alci'foi-d, Iri'laiul, 111 Ma\', I'^ii'). Ivlucatc'il tlicro. A late nuMiii»cr of the Executive Council of P. E. I. and a ilelei;-ate to Ottawa Id settle the tei-nis of Union witli ('ainida. Sat in I'l-ovincial Asseni]>ly until IS7;}, when called to the Senate. — .1 (hnscrrdtivc. AT. MA. Hon. I-:!)WA1J1) (iOFF PKX.W. Advocate and Journalist, Montreal. I^u-n at lloiMi^ey, J^ondon, i'aiifland, \7) May, 1S20. Educated in Mnuland. Called to the Senate in IS74. A Doniiiuon Coiuuussionei' at the i.M!iladel})lua Ccnteiiiual I'^xhihitiou in 187(J. — .1 Liberal. AMIIJUiST. Hon. IIOHFirr I^AIHJY |)ICIvI-:Y, Q. C, l^an-istcr, Amiierst, X. S I>oin at Andiei'si, X. S., in Novoniher, 1812, Etlucated at \Vindsor Aeadenn'. Called to the Senate, hy JJoval Pr(tcianiati(ni in ISCT. — A Conscrvatice. ASirCUOFT. Hon. CLKMKXT VXCIS COP.XWALL, H. A., Bar- rister, Ashcroft, ]}. C. liorn in I'jin-land in IS:!!;. Kducated at Trinity Collei;-e. Canihridu'e. Sat in Leu'islative Council ot" B. C, in" 18(14, i8(;r) and 1871. Called to the Senate, 13 December, 1871 on B. C. entering- the l>oininiou.- -^1 Consercaticc. BAllKCUVTTA.r:. H..N. ROBKirr AVI Lid AM WEIJl CAIMiAL]., M. D., Physician, Victoria, H. C. Born at Carrall's (Jrove near Wood- stock. Ont.. in 1" !). Kducated at Trinity Colle-v, Toi-onto, and Mc'iill Univei'sity. Montreal. Was a nu'niher of the Ivxeeiiti Council of British Cohunlua. from I87O until called to ti. .'; Siiiate, i;j Deceinher. 1871. Was one of the (leleii:ates to Otta\va, '; tO;settle terms of Uiuon with C'ana(K'i. — A Conservative. i i a ? ..\A.----. -■..•..■..•,.-,-■..-..-..•..-,.-..•..•..•..•..-,.■..-..-..■..-.•,.-..■,.-..•.•,.■-■.•.-■-•.•.■■• .- .- ;' 17 r^ mmmmmm '1:1 ir ■.!!■ I LiEUT-C'oi.. llo.N. .lOlIX FIvKCrsoN. Mci'chaiit. IJathiiisi. X. -B. lioni in Ayrsliifc, Scotlaml in ISlo. Iviiicali'd (licix-. Sa! ill Leii;islutiv(' Coimcil .\. !>.. IVom ISiU until May, l.SFr)in>. Uos. (iWlDSVAl <;1M-:1-:N STKVKXS, Watei-l-.o, p. (,) Horn in l>rani))ton, 1^. <^).. in Is! I. Ivlneateil there. Called to tin Senate, vice Hon. A. I>. Foster, rvsiniu.,!, }') l-'clmai-y. ISTC— A Liberal. BK T.MONT. Hon. JlOIlKirr DITXCAX WILMoT, SuuKiiry, X, B Born at Frederieton. X. I!.. IC Oct., ISO'.). Fdacated in St .lojiii X. 1). A inemher of tlie Fxecutive Coiiiicil X. \].. tVoTn iSal ti IS")-!-, and ISCi; lo ilic I'nion. Mi'inher I'or St John (city aii': eoMiity) in X\ !'),. Leuislat nrc, IS-iC to ISCl and ISC") to tlit Union. Called to the Senate, by IJoyal Proclamation, May, ISiil, Sworn Memlier of the ]>i'es(M)t Adiniiuslration and aJl])ointo^ Spcak'or of the Senate, October, IS7S. — A Consercative. I^()\VMANVri.T.K. Hon. .lOlIX SlMl'SOX. I'.anKer, ?,owinanville. Ont. I'.or at Eotlies, Scotland, May, 1S12. Ivlueated in Canada. Was: member of the Le^Mshiti\-e Council of Cana(hi, from IS,")!) iinti the Unu)ii, when ajjjiointed a Sonatoi', May, 1S(!T. — A Lihcrnl. IH 1! % i 1 . Ball iur>t. [av. . S:it ISCT, . \jimr- loo, W (t 'ailed to tlu' u'v, isT*;.- ii-y. X. R in Si .loliii I'om IS;')! t< 111 (cily am: ISC') to till , May, KSti; I ai>pointO' Out. P)Oi" (la. Was: IS.")!) iinti LI hem I. i~*.l.i* %. K t. vS.V '>i'®5Sls3SiS53S?Si:' '■■ j i y»w i i ii i i i«i i| n.i' i- ■■^ i i j .i i iii i i U .ii ^j tt j i i|^ i .LtJ. i , L -^'j ''^ X ^.^^{?M4<{(<'r n, i /^!^'"'^^Mr;"^, I I N M D 1 I D I tj -ii 1 1 L) ->ALAhLHH'l f J M. I iSLDLKlLlUN AHTOTYI'R ■"Tzr- , ■ :i: i it. ' i; i: •! ill 1 1 !• ( 'oiii JI.'ll'l the < TlKMl I'lli,' Call. (u'lH A Cf ClKll from to A to so 18 U Ship 18i:» Com to Ih J. P. Eopr 1803 from Date, BTTlIIJXriTON. Hon. llAIJCorirr UTULANI) HTLL. Major or ravnliy, Vi>liiiit(.H'r .Mililia. IlainiltDii, Out. l><>rii in Iivlaixl. I'Mncated in hviaiul, Kn.u'laiid aiul Caiiaila. l-lioctud in 1S(U, to lA'^nslativo Coiiiicil («t' Canada, and caliod to ilu- S^Mialc, 1st Mairli. LST'.'. — A LUnrdl (hnscrrdiicc IIox. SiK AL!:XAN1)K1J CAMlMiKLI.. K. ( \ M. (1., (i. C. Jlarri-lt'T. Toronto. Ont. lioi'n in ^' orksluix', X^-'l'l. Ivhu-ated at tlie ColU'.uT of'St. Ilvacinthe. 1*. (^., and at Kin,u->ton, Ont. A TnctnluT of lv\(.'ciitive Council of Ontario, tVoni l>;(!t until tlic I'liion. Post nia.>tc'i' (Jcnc-al, from ISI!" to \^~\\ and Minister of tin' hiU'i'ioi', iVoni 1st .lidy to alii Xo\(Mniii.'r oi' same year. Called lo tin' Scnalc, -May, iSilT and .Sworn in as J^•(•ei\•or General, October 1S78, and" l^l-^-^[a^^tcl• ( Jencral, 20 >ray, ISTS. — A Conner catice. cirAiiLoTTiyrowN. ILox. TUOMAS llKATll IIAVII.AXD, (^ (\ Barrister, Cliarloitetown. J'. \\. I. Horn at ( Miarlottotown. Ilduealeil at Brus-el>, 15e!u'iiirn. A nien.ilier of Ivxeeut ive (Council, I*. \\. I. from April. lsr)10o Xovember, 1S(;2. iMili to 1S(]7 and 8e])t.. ]S7(I to .Vjiril. 1:^72, and April, 1S7)5 to 1S7(;. A deU'icale to Ottawa to settle the terms oj' Cnion with Canada, ap[)ointcd a tSen.Uor, 18 OcIoIa'i-, 1S7.5. — A Comcrratice. CHATHAAI. IToN. \VlIJdA.^r .MUIIJIIKAL), .Mcreluint. Ship-Builder and Ship and Mill-Owner. Chatham, N. \\. P>orn at Pietoii, 4 Ajuwl, ISlIi. deceived his educational .Miramiehi. Sat in lie;.;-islative Coiineil. \. li.. from 1807 until 4 ,Januar\-, 1S73 when called to the Senate. — .1 Liberal. II e I . A N A I ^ n n : 1 i k . LiKiT-CoL. Hon. .lOSKPJl IIYACIXTIIF. BKLLEPOSi:, J. P. St Vincent de Paul, P. Q. Born at Tiiree- Rivers. 1S2(I. EepresiMited the Couiity of L.aval in Canadian As^emhly, from 18(!;) uniil ]Sd7, and sat for the same J>ivision in the Commons, from lS(i7 until Octoher, 1873 when he Avas called to the Se- nate, vice lion. L. A. Olivier, elevated to the Bench. — .1 Conser- vatlce. 19 •^m" mmm iJ< ii IM! i ' M l>o IX)1JIMIKH. Hon. .JAC(^in-:S ()I.IV!Kli lU'lM-lAr, Notary Piihlio, ]\rontr('al. Hiu'ii at TliiTo-Uiv<'rs, Fcliniary, 1^20. I'Miicutod at tho Colk'^'o ol' NicoU't. .Mciiiliri- of Ivxeciitivo ('i)iincil (•aiiada, from January to May, 1S(;;{. A|)])oiiite(l a Si'iiatoi-, l»y IJoyal Pi-oi'hunatioii, May, ISG". — A /iifcnncr. i^o sAi.Ain:iuiv. llox. F!{AX(;01S XA\ IKIJ AXSKL.MK TRTDKL, (,). (', Advocate Moiili-cal. lioni at Ste. Aiiik' dr la IV'i-ade, 28 April. 1S38, Educated at the Collc^'i' of Xicoli't. Sat for v'hainplain in (Quebec Loi;-islatnro, from 1S71 to IS7;; wlaMi called to tlieSeiiato. 151 October. 1S7;>. — J Conscrrdtirc. Hon. J)AVrD CiriJISTlK, Ai-rioulturist, Paris, Out. Born in I'Minbnrnii, Scotland. Octobei'. iSlS, and (Hlncated at Ili^'li School there. Was meml)er of the Privy Council, from No- vember, 1s~:\ until 1) .January, 1S74, date of his a])))ointmeiU as S])eaker of the St'iKite. C/alled to the Senate, by JJoyal I'l'o- chamation. Mav, lS(i7. — ^1 Lihc/uil. niEDEKICTON. Hon. DAVID WAPK, Petired .Merchant. Fredericton, N. B. Horn near Londonderry in Ireland in 1S()-|-, and etiucatcd there. Member of the Executive Council, X. 15. from ISoS tn 1S(J2 and Ibr a short ])erio(l, Pi'ceiver (ieneral. Sat for Ivent, in N. B. Leii'islature, from 1842 to 1850 and was a memlier of tlio Lei;MsIative (JcMincil of Canada, from 1851 until called to the Senate, ^lay, 18(i7. — A Liberal. % 20 icaletl at (yaiKuhi, y IJov 2S April, inplain in lie Senate. )iit. Horn 1 at -Ui,u-li iVom No- pointineiil voval L'ro- •ederictdii, ediicateil n 18r)S t(i 1- Kent, in liter <»1" the (.■(1 tt) tlio ' > TI •I J;i '{ La > lal < tll( :• ^li \ •; on ,4 < ter, •• Cnl Hal at Edii in I 187- Nor Wos Jam bit r II. ,N. (MlAin.KS AMMIOXSi': I'ANTALKoX IMOLIJv fsTlMIJ. I.. 15., <^ ('., and ('. M. (i. AdvocMtc, (^iU'l)oc. I'.(.rn at •\ JJiviorc-OiitlU'. I*. <}. "Jl! .laiiiiiiry. is;i7. Ivliicatcd at Sto. Anno •! Tja|K»catitii'(' and at liaval I'nivcrsit y. <^Mud»i'c. Was KV'|ti-t'S(>n- > tativo of Ivamouraska County, from Isiilt to 1S71 and sat for 'I (^ikdit'c Ivist in Fiocal liC'n-islalure, from IS7;; (<» 1S74. Calloil to < tlic St'nato in 1S7.'). Sworn a nK'ml)oi' of tlic l'ri\v Council as ;• ^Iinl>lrr of Aii-i'icidturc. .lanuai-y. IS77, wldcdi otlicH' ho resii^-ncd ;! C)<'loli('r, lS7,s. C'iiairman of Paris Ivxposition oi' IS78. — .1 '"■. Lihcral. > OUI.F. ;: II. 'N. KTCEXH CJIiNIC. Morohant. (;>uol.oc. IJorn in fs Qiioi.oo, IS ()ct(d.oi-, ISIS. CallcMl to tiir Senato, 1(» April, ]S7;; •; on riovalion of lion. l'. J. Tossior to (ho Hon(di. — AConaerratice. .J I I AIjTP.AX. ''^EN'K^I' Mrmber.! \ Hon. LAWIJKXf'K (iKOFFIiKV I'OWKH. L. L. 15.. Harris- > ter. Halifax. N. S. Horn at Halifax, Aiiii'iist, ISH. Kdncatod at ;• St. Mary's Collo^-o, Halifax, (-ai-low ('ollo;,^' and Calliolio I'nivor- '), sity, Iroland, and Harvard J/isv School, ('amliridi;"o, Mass. \ Called to the SonatOj '1 l*\d)ruary, IS77. — ,1 Ucfnnnvr. > I !j % HATjTFAX (Junior Member.) •; Hon. WIT.LIAM .JOIINSTOX ATAIOX, M. I)., Physician, > Halifax, X'. S. Horn at H.alifax, in tho year ISKJ. I'idncatcd !) at Ivinii's t'olleii'o, Windsor, X'. 8., and at tho LTnivcrsitios of I Edinhiir:j,-h and (ilasn-o\v, Scotland. Sat for Halifax, Co., X". S., •| in House of Common.^, from I.S72 up to the i;'onoral olodions in ;• 1874 and called to the Senate, April, 187!>, vice Hon. .Jeremiah ;.' Northup, deceased. — .1 Cl,i|, ' ufTor.Mil(». I'ccl. Out.. ;;(i .Maivh. ISlJ;;. IvInciiUMl ;ii I'liivcr^ily (•! V'ictoi'iii ('ttll(';.''i'. ( 'itli'Hii'ii'. ^V;ls a iiuMnlirr ol' ilic Iit'i..i>lai ivc Coiiiicll Ml" ('aiia^la, IVoiii ISilii until tlir riiion. St'cn-tary di Slate of Caiiaila, tVoni ;> I V'i'tMiilicr, 1>^'!1I to ."> .XoN-cnilx'i-, IsT-l. and ay'ain aj»|t"liiiiM| to tlu'>anK' ollicc in I he ( 'aliihfl. 1!M )ci(«ln'i', l>7>i. ('allrM Id tlic St'iialc. I>_v 1,'oyal Prodatnation, May. ls(;7, — .1 ( 'on .Vfadi'niy. Sackvillc. .\ nu'nilicr ol' Ivxrcutixc ("ountil X. I), from Ajiril I ^'i. iVoni 1 -■.""> I until callrd tollir Sc-naic, May, 1.^07. — .1 Lihcrdt. ixivi.mrAx. Uo.v. .lOllX ll.\Mli;r()X. lainilicr AN-ivliani. and Saw .Millrr. llawkcsl'Ui'y, Out. I'orii at Xi'w Livri])oid iioai' (^ in 1"-'J7. Ivlncaicd in .Montreal, Sat for jirc-^ent hivi^ion in liOLcisiativi' ('Mitncil oi' ( 'amida. from isdll until called to tlit Senate, hy IJoyal I'l'ocdania! i\ ille. \\ q JJorn at St. ( ire^-oire-le-* irand. 'I'l .liini'. ISIIJ. and edueateii there. Sal ior Ivennelfee in Lei^islative Comndl of Canada. IVoin lS(i2 nnlii the Cnion, when called to the Senate in 1><(I7.— A lAbcral IW i)>> 1 I AiCntTYPK. ■H I 1 1 1. ;■ ;;'■ - i ' 1 1 !i 1 i 1} i 1 1 i i i > aiH ^ Bill I ti -■! I tlic j:Er| ? fro I ;: p,., t s I' I ' Don and diiiii thf •;se IK in I Ed ill unti imp* Lion 16 1) ■'J KIT.DOXAN. lIcN. .lOlIN sr'lMIMK'LANM). Kildonnii, Miiuilul.a. r.<.rii and cdncatcd in lln' North (tf Scoi laml. ScttK'.i at LVmI IJivcr since ISL'l.and wa.- a incnilx'i- (d' I lu' ( 'nuncil ol' A^^inilioia iVoin iStli;. CalliMl li« llic Si'nati\ I."; I (iTcniluT. ISTI. — Xif/'^itiil in Vnlitii'.-i (ln>l /lidi'/il'lt'/i'tlt. KINCrS. IImx. DAVID in-:i-:S()K\ Markliam. Ont. llcrii in 1S2:;, in t\\c 'r(>\vn.-lii|i of Markliam, On!., wIktc lio \v:is educak'(l. Ei'|HH'-('ntt'i! I\ini;'s Divi>ion in Li'i;islat i\(' ("onncil, Canada, fiNnn |S(;i» until the I'nion. Called to the Senate, hy U'oyul Proclamation, -M :iy, ISilT. — .1 Lih,rnt.. iSOl, and ('dueatod there. Was a lite mendier of the Leu i.-^lal ive Council of Canada, from IS4i until the I'nion. Called to the Senate, -May, L-^dT. — -1 Coit.-o'rcnt'iw. ;• T.AniJUANTAYK. \ Hon. .II-;AX CIIAKLKS ClIAI'AIS, \\ C., Merchant. Si. = ;i Denis, Kamoiii'asUa <'o., 1'. (^. Uorn at IJiviere-Ouelle, 1'. <^>., ': •; anil I'ducated at Nicole! ColleiiC Sat for Kamoiiraska in (^ana- ; ) dijm A>seinl>ly. from IS;")] until the I'ldon, and was a meniher ol' ! ;! tht' l'lxi'cuti\e Council, from 1S()4 to I^Tw Appointed to tiio / ''; Senate, i."! .I;muar\-, iSiiS. — J Con&crrniicc. ■; I. ■( :: i.AMirroN. ; :j Hon. (iKOIICI': injOWN. Duhlisher, Tor(Uito, Old. Horn; > in lvlinliui'ii:h, Scotland, 1:1'.' Noveinhi'r, ISIS. Ivlucati'd at : •.; Bdinliuri;h lli<;'h Sciiool. llasheen l>e|)resentat ive, from lsr>l ;■ •| until the rnion, and after haxinu' tilled iiiany ollices of i^-reaL ;, ;. importance and tru>t under the late ( ioverniuent. )'efu>ed the .' |, Lleuten;int-( Jovel■nor^hip ot'Ont.. lS7r). Calleil to the Senal(.\ ; > 16 l)eeemlier, 187.">. — .1 Liberal. :• 23 I i ' a I) i! ill!' =' J1.)N. .lAMKS DAVII'.S LKWLN. St. .lohii, N. H. liorn at Womaslou, Ikjidiioi-.siiii'c, \V:ik's, in ISlii. Kdiicatod at Kill<^^t()ll (iraininar Sciiooi. (\nllc'i>i'n in Montreal, !• Aii<;Mist, ls;-i-k Ivliiculed at the C'olle^'es of r/A>s()in])ti(>n, St n_vaciiitlie and at St. Suljucc ('olieii'e, MontiH'al. ('allv'ent seat on resignation of !Lieul-Col. C. \\. I'aiiet. — .1 XatioimUst. I.AITIIKNTIDKS. LiEiT-CoL. Hon. J)AyiI) KJ)\VAJU) V\\\C\\. Lumher MeiH-hant and Mill-Owner, AVolfestield, (^)iieliee. Horn in (^lic- hee in 1S2(». Kdiicaled at Classical (.'olleu'e. (^Miehec. Has siieees- sively l>een ]i('j)resentative for Chieoutimi and Tadousae, and Cliieoiitimi and Saii'uenav Conslitiieneies in the (^hiehee Le^'is- laturc and was a nu-mlier of the Tie^ishitive Coiineil of (panada, from IS.").") until -May, iMIT, when ealled to the Senate.— A Liberal Conner cat ice. T.ATTZON. llox. CIIRISTIAX llKXJn- l\)7AU\, Barristei-, St. Ge(n-c, Beauce. P. (^ Born at St. (ieoi-ii-e d'Atihei-t-(;allion, P. (^.'^i! Deecniher, IS;!.'). I^dinated in (^iiehee. Has re])i'esented tlio County of Beaiiee in the <,>iiehee liei^nslatnre and afterwai'd in the House of Conunoiis, fVoni 18(17 until 2t(>ii 1(1 Joiiv- Ivlucateil t. Sul)>i»'^^' IST.'), tor jfi /■/:■/. ../. y//y//u.(r^. \ LUNENHl'l I, (I ^-^' ^^- I in QiK'- as succos- )usa(', ami IjL'f lA'.u'is- SeiuUe.— Cleoru'c. P. < ^.^^/^ MONTAHVILLE ■•■•^^■■■■^■■■■■■■■■ii 1 M -i ,„/.^.,iK Nl \V( ASTLE / /'/,,,■,■ . c N : A< : \ - ^ nutii \ III .. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm \ i: |"M 1 1 msB^ssias .; and Su ■ U'lnlior ■: (^ Sa :; 1S(!7. a ; until !) ■: Malliio [^iik'(l Canada, by Roy I To (k'rry, ^ .MiHinf . Cold I OS I and tliei -1 June Lie J^ACll, : Lunenhi I nivi'i's 1S(!:> III It A Conser IIo.v ISil. J Canada, : Tun-al P I.a VAl.T.IKRK. Hon-. AXSKLMK llOMKIM': PAi I. Si. C'litlihort. J'. (^ Horn in that Parisli, L'T Sep- t(.-nil>er, ISiJO, and odncatcd at tlio (\>lIou-e of L'Ass()ini)ti<)n. W (J, Sat tor l)Ci'tlii('i- ("o.. in Canadian Assein lily, from ISii:} to 1S(!7; iin I :l! 25 m M 1 It'li: ■III J ■ i| ' MII.T.K-IST.KS. Lieut-Col. Hon. LEAXDIJK J)LTM()UCIIia, M. I)., Phy- sician, Moiilreal and St. lienoit. Boi-n at St. IJonoit, P. Q., 2!> March, ISII. Educated at the Colloi^o of .Monti-cal. A TiCii-is- hitivo Councillor of tlic Province of (^uel)ec, from 18(54 to ISCT, when calletl to the Senate, hy lioyal Proclamation, — .1 Conser- vatice. MONTAllVIT.I.K. Hon. CHAPLES EOJEXE liOUClIFJJ De BOl'CMIEP- YlLLh:, M. 1)., Piiysician, Bouchervilie, l\ Q. Born at Boiicher- villo, P. (^, 1S20. E.— ^ Conser- vatire. NE^WCASTLE. Hon. BEXJAMIN SEYMOUl?, Seymoui- Place, Port Hope. Ont. J^orn in Fredericksburg-, C)nt., 180(1. Educated at the Royal (irammar School, Kingston. Was a life member of LeuMslativc Council Canada, from 1855 tnitil the Union. Called to the Senate, by Poyal Proclamation, May, 18(J7. — A Liberal. NIAaAKA. Lieut-Col. Hon. WxVLTER IFAMILTON DICKSON, Bar- rister, AVoodlawn, Nia,i;-ara, Ont. Born in Upper (\-inada, 1805. A life mcndjer of the Legislative Council, Canada, from February, 1855 until the Union. Called to the Senate, by JJoyal Procdamation, May 18(57. — A Conscrvatire. 26 (» ; L ..^i^ !*<■ L MiiM. L-.^^'"'''^— IM.ATK l.\ UtToT^I'K 11 : I :'.!li I 'I, 11 t ■>•■ 1 i>; i lii ' i-i-i ' 1 i ;i| j :! ■ 1 I H lit '! ' ; , 1^ L NOIITH SVl^NKY. ]I(.N. TII()>rA8 J)irKS()X AIK'IIIP.AJ.I), MinrliJiiU, Xortli Svdiiey. C. l'>. Hoi-n nl Onflow, 1S];{. Kdiu-atcd at Pictoii Aciidomv. A nu'ml)Oi' of Loi:;islative Council, N, S., iVom lsr>(I iiiilil \]\v I'liion. MeinliC'i" oftlic Ivxociitivc Council X. S., from ISliO to ls to 1863. Called to the Senate, 2 February, 1877, on death of Hon. John Holmes. — A Liberal. PllESCOTT. Hon. WILLIAM HEXPV BPOUSK, M. A., M. l\, Physi- cian, Prescott, Ont. Born in .Matilda, Out., 1824. Etlucated at Victoria Colleij^e, Cobourj;-, and McCill (College, Montreal. Klected for South Grenville in 187^ and 1874. Called to the Senate, 1878. — A Refvnner. o h 1 ) i: if : . I I: 27 ( i •' i i1 ■]■:'; , ^ i^; 1 : 1 ! S : f^i i<:i:n"s cv>. j; IFoN. llOP.Kirr rooUM IIAVTIIoIJXK. Miirshllcl.l. (M.;.!-- ■: lottotoWll. \)n\-\\ ;|1 ('lifloll, IJristol. 1 ,^ 1 ."» Ivl llc'll ci 1 tlicrc. A ':■ iiuMiiln'r of llu' l''iXi'iMitivi* Coinicil. tVon. isiij t«» \^1i). Prcinici' ■;! of P. I'l. 1., from 1>7- li> 1S7.",. A iiu'iiiiM-i- <»f L(>u-is|;itivc ( 'oimcil !' oi'I?. K L, from ls(i(j to lS74. Callnl to tlic .S^'iuitc, IS Oetol.or, :• 1 STU.— .4 Libmil. ) QITTXTi:. .•; Hon. IJODKirr KKAD, lU'll.-villc. Out. IJoni :il Fi(«.s>ii,M-. ; field, Fiiii;:l:nul, 11 Deccnilici-, 1S14. A incmlcr of Loi;'isl:Uivt' '; C'oiincii of ('aii;i(la.l'roin OcloltcM", lSi;2iiiiiil llu' riiioii. Satin ':■ tlu' House of C'oininoiis lor Kasl ilastiitus. IVom Iscj io 24 •'•, February, ISTl, wlien called to the Senate. — .1. ('um^crrdtlrc \ iii:pi:ntigny. ;' T.rKi:T-("oi.. Hon. .lOSKIMl FiiANCOlS A KM AX D, iJivi(Mv i' (les Prairies. P, (^. JJoi-n at ivivicsre des Pi'airie>, 1S2I>. I'.diu-ati'd ;" al St. llyacintlie CoIk\i!,'e. A meniiier of the Leuishit i\e ("ouiicil !; of ('auaila, from IS.'jS until ISii", when cailed lo the Senate, I'v '• lioval Proclamation. — J Coioicrritticc. iiicirMoxi). Hon. WILLIAM .^rlLLl•:I^ (I C, Larrister, Ualifax. 15orn at Aiitiii-onish, X. S. 12 Fehruai'V, IS;).'). Ivliu-ated at (rrammar School. St. Andrew: and AntiL^'onish Academy. Sal in N. S. As!!icml)ly, IVom ISiJo to lS(i7. wIumi calleil to the Senate, hy liO^'al Proclamation. — IiulcpciuJud. 28 I *liki ••I.VTK ^\ ii-;i|i HI I . I I n. ATK X. \i:i"l\ : 1 , f , I" I r «-;il(« ^ In iM I )i:Ar. Tr..\. .lAMKS SKKAD, LihhIkt McivIimhI. ()tt:i\V!i. H-.i'ii at ('uiiil»('riiiii(l, l"!ii;^'liiiiil, ;iii(l cilucatc^il tlu'iv. Sat in \\\v lit'^'isliitivi.' CniiMcil (ifCanada. iVoiii 1 -^ iIk' Senate, li\ Kn\'al rniclaniat ion. — .1 ('"/t.srrriitirc. uraAiJi). IIi.N. .TOSKPII ll()SAn?K TlIIi'.Ari)lv\lT, win. le- gale .Moi-c'liant ami Iniiioitei", Monti'oal. l>i>iii at ('a|i Sante. 1*. (^. 1st ( )ct(ili(.'i'. is;;7. Ivliicati'd at till' t^iu'ltoe Seminarv. C'allt'il to tiic Senate. .Ianinir\-, iSTS. — .1 Lihcrnl. IJOC^IvWOOT). IFox. WILLIA.M IirXTKlioDKIJ.. l?arris((M-. ll<.(lii>ii'rrntlrc. IlOTTCr F.MONT. LikitCoi.. Hon. WILIJAM JIKXRV CIIAFFKUS, .Mer- eliant. St. (V'saire, I*. (^ Horn in (^>, 1S:5(), and ednealetl at Cliandily and Montreal. JJepresentotl IJoMvilii' in the ( anadian Parliament, from ISod until IS.'iT. Sat in Leiiislative Council of (^'anada, from Janiiaiy 1S(!4 until the Uinon, w'.ien called to t!ie Senate, by J'oj'al Proelamation. — .1 Liberal. SACKVir.T.K. LiEiT-Cor-. A.MOS EDWIX BOTSPOlJl), Saekville. X. 15. 15oni in St John, X". 15., ISOl. F.dueated at Saekville. Was a member of the K.xeeiitive Couneii X^. 15., tVom 1S;5S to 1S4<) and a member of lA\i;'islative Couneii of same Province, from 1S:5I> until the Union. Called to the Senate, by Royal Proclamation, May, 18(!7. — ^1 Causer vat ice. 2d I, i I i M IE ' ■ !■ -f ■■i\ j|.'"lf i;:Ji SAllNIA. LiKUT-CoL ir(..N. ALK s.AXi)KI{ VI DAL. \\ L. S., Saniia, Out. P)()i'ii at Iiorksiiiro, Kii!;iaiul. -4 Aii,<;aist, isl!). Ivlucato*! at J^>yal .Matln'inatic-al School, Tiondou, Kiim-Iand. Sal tor Sto. Clair hivisioii in jA'i;islativt' Coiuicil of Canada, from Supleiulter, 18tonil>ei-, 181S. Kdiicatod at the Inveiness Koyal Academy. Sat for Sauiieen J)ivisi(»n in the Leiiislative Council of Canada, from Octolier. 1S74 until the I'nion Avhen called to the Senate, \iv JJoval I'roclamalion. — ^1 Consercatice. SHAWINlCrAX. LiEiT-CoL. Hon. .IAMKS FKIIMIKI?, .Merchant. ^Montreal. Born in Scotland ISOO. Kducated in Fifeshire. AVas a life memher of the lieuislative Council of Canada, from 1S47 to -May KS(!7 when called to the Senate. i»v Iloval Proclamation. — .1 Coiiaerc'iiivc. Hon. .IFAX-HAI'TISTF (iCKVHKMONT, Soiel, P. Q. l^orn at La Visitation, Isle du Pads.]*. (^ 4 Se}>temhei-, 1H27. Kducated there. J^epresented llicdielieu in (^anadian Assembly, from 18r)4 to isrx!. and sat foi- Sorel in Le_i;'islative Council of Canada, from 1S58 ujitil a]»|)ointed to the Senate, May, 18(17. — A Conservative. 1 30 \ I n t Boni Nic'o J. \ M ■ I J ; Mani > at tin ;■ Coim \ Mtm'] ': J>ec('l ] for ]y ^ »K' !l[ Banlvt Can ad of Coi ir St. Jol Kdueal —A Z, Sunhiir Septoni in N. March, : _!k;' STAI>ACONA. Hon. PIF.RRK BAILLAIKJF.ON, M. 1)., Dentist, Quebec. Boni ut, Ch'aiie Jslaiid, P. Q., 8 Novomhei', IS 12. Ivliicatod at Nicolet ('()lleii;e and received J)eii;i'ees at Harvard University, Conn., U. 8. Called to the Senate. 2(i March, 1874, vice Hon. P. J. (). Cliauvean, resier, 187(t until March, 1872, and Premier of that Province, from 8 July to '^ J)ecemlter, 1873. Apj)ointed a member of the Kxecutive Council for N. W. Territories in Decemhei-, 1872. Called to the Senate, December, 1871. — A Liberal Conservative. St. CATHARINES. Hon. JAMKS TIEA BENSON,. Retired Merchant and Banker, St. Catherines, Ont. Elected to represent Niai>;ara in Canadian Parliament, 1867, and Tjincoln Division in the House of Commons, from ISl!" until called tf> the Senate, 14 March, 18(i8.— A Conservative. St. JOHN. Hon. JAMES DEVER. Retired Merchant, Chii)man'H Hill, St. John, N. B. Horn at Hallyshannon, Ireland, 2 >[ay, 182,'). Educated at St. John, N. B., Called to the Senate, .^^arc'h, 18(18. — A Liberal. SUNBURY. Hon. JOHN GLASIER, Lumln'r Merchant, Lincoln, Sunburv, N. H. Boi-n in Tiincoln, Sunburv Co., N. J^. 3 Se})tember, 18(10. Educated thei'e. Rej)resented Sunbury Division in N. B. Assembly, from 18(U until called to the Somite, 14 March, 18(j8. — A Liberal Conservative. 31 J I 'i I ' i'lli 1 ^1 11 i \ i '' svt>nm:y. LiF,rT.-('..L. II. .N. .lOllN IU)IIJIX()T, Sy.liic.v. Cni.c i^rclou. Boni at i-.l;ni(l ol' .Icrsey, 1.") .^la^(•ll, 1.S14. I'liiucatcd tlu'i'i'. A iiiciuln'r ot the Nova Scotia Jic^'islatiiro liu' Cape Hrctou ('()., I'roii' IS.")!! until iSdT. wlicii called to the Sfiiate. Iiv lioN'al l'ro<-lainatioii. — A ('(nit^crcniicr. T< )IK>NTO. Hon. FI.'AXK S>[rni, WlH.K-alo ^rcivhaiit, Toi'rQ_ Canada, f by Jioval WWU ViCTOKIA CITY. IToN. WILLIAM JOHN ,MACJH)NAL1). F.^ru in County of hivernc'», Si'othnu!. Is.'llj. iiml t'diuiitt'd iIkti-. ll^•jl|•^'^unto(l Soi)l<(.' in ^'i(■^<)l•ill, \';;n<-(mvi'r I>lanil ,\>>c'niMy ^ini o 1^;V.', ;in(l sat in LcLcishiiivo Cduueil of JJi'itisli Columbia until \'.t Do'-cniliei*, LSTl, nlicu culled to the .Senate. — liuU: iiemknt . WALLACE. Hon. ALKXAXIM:U MACFAULAN!-:. Q. (". Banister. Wallace, N. S. Jiorii at Wallace, N. .S. June, 1.^17 and educated in N. S. Iie])i'eseiited (.'uinberland J.)ivi>ion in Nova Scotia Asseml»l\-, iVoni l>r)(I until the Union and sat in the Executive Council of Nova Scotia, fi'r)m IS^J') to ISGT. Called to the Senate, lU October, 1^:70.— .4 Comtrcatice. WEI.T.TXCrTOX. Hon. MATIIKW IIKNliV CUCURAXK, Cattle importer and lireeder, Compton. P. (^. i^oi-n at Coni])ton, P. Q. 11 i)ecenil)ei-, 1824. Called to the Senate, 17 Octobei-, 1S7l*, in the place of Ilttu. J. S. Sanborn, t^. C, elevated to the Ijen If I' ill ' !|t H m ill 1^ Statistics concerning the Members of the Senate of Canada. Tlici'o iii'C TT Meiiil)LM's in the Seiiatv ; 25 Ijoloiigini;' ti» the Proviiu-e of (.)nt:iri('. 23 10 10 2 3 4 Total. 77. u u ii u Now lirmi>wi(. k. Xi>v;i Sci)iia. Msmiiolxi. i>i'iti>l) C'<>luml)ia. Pfiiic'v' lv.lw:ii(l l-himl. ii tire civer o5 ami umk-r -K) years of a;;c. U " 40 " 4.') ' '• 6 45 i( 5 50 • fc 18 55 14 GO 17 (15 4 «• 70 4 (( 75 50 55 CO 05 70 75 80 NoTA : — Tiic yomi^"est mciiilior i.s 'iS and the oldest 79 years of age. Married 6*7. — Widowers 5. — iJatehelors 5. Barristers, Lawyers and SoUieitors L'o Farmers 5 Ijiniiberiiien oi" engaged in Lunil)er Trade 4 Mereiiaiits or engaged in Mercantile Persuits 15 Millei's or ^[ill-Owners I Notaries Puhlie or Conveyancer 2 No Pnjfession IS Physicians or Surgeons 7 Iietired Merchants (> Total i 4 Classitied as to P( ;■ nthul'wi-r (>!'il'.'roJ. ;•! ( ('[,Kii\' t'K 'iiiF, Sknatk — Tilt' Clerk ct'tlio SimimIo, who liiis iilso ■; '.[ Ilii' title ofCliTk' of l*;ii-liaineiits, Ims ilie >;iine powers jis those •; ;. li'iveii to tlie Clerk of llu! Hoiim' of" Lords ill I'Jiii'hniil. His •• •; duties idWnriU tlu' Si-naie ;ii"e ideiilical with tlio-.e ot' the Clerk •'! '■] oi'the lloii-i. of Coinnioii«; to\v;irody. ■ ;• Ci,o.S[N(i. — See I'roroii-ation. • '•. ])KUA'i'KS. — I'lviTv Senator (lesirini;' to sju-ak is to rise in his •, !; jilace, niirovered. and adilress iiimself to t he rest of (lie Soiiatoi's, ' ; and not r(>fei' to any other Si-nator hy nanie. V No Scnalof may speak twict' to a (Question hefore llio Senate, ;. ■: oxeojtt in explanation or i'e])ly, where ho has made a siihstantivo :' !; motion. ;• ;• Any Senator may require the (^U(>>;tion niider diseussion to l)e ;' •; read at any tinu> durinn' the Dehate, luit not so as to interiaipt ; ) any Senator while sj)eakiii_i!:. ;! When a (^)iiestioii is under I)(d»ate, no motion is received, '• < unless to ameixl it ; to commit it ; to ])ostpone it to a certain : .; day ; for the ]trevions (Question; for readiiii; the Orders of the ■ ■;. day, or for the adjonrnmeiit of the Senate. ''. ';• ("siiKR OK TiiK lU-AcK lioD. — This oMice was ; '. ereateil l»y kinn" Henry \'ll and the occii))ant i-anks anionic; the i ■; hiirh diu'iiitaries of State. The essence of ihi' ottice is that tills ■ '.[ otticer is the medium of communication lietween the(^iieen. and '■ ;'; the pC()|)le represented hy tlie House of Commons, when the ; ■; latter are summoned hefore Her. IIo is one of the ])rincii)al ; ) officoi's of the Senate, and Master of Ceremonies there on all State* ;• '•. occasions, is responsihie for order in the House duriiiii' the ;■ •!; sitting's of the Senate, whore ho has a seat on the Floor of the •: ;■ House. He is ap]iointed hy the Crown and is a ^lemher of the :■ ;. Housohohh ;', :• .^^EKTrx(! OF THE SENATE. — The time for the Ordinary mcotinijj ,. ( of the Senate (hiring- the Session, is at tliroe o'ch)ck in the ■ I aftei'noon, unless some otlier time shall have ])i'ovi'Msly hoen ;; ) ordered. The dehr.tes are oj)en to the ))ul»lic on ])i-oduction of u ■ ;; card sii^ned hy the (Tontleman Usher of the Black Itoil. ! •: Members of the Senate. — Sec Senators. '• Ml > the ( : Xc; J Parli; • ojic-ut. : prayo /' from 1 ;; of I'ri (M'E > I^toi ■ I'i'occe <,>Uol • I'crs iji ■ nieetiii; • .•idjoiii-ji '■ Seiiatoi Skna' ■■ Provi>i( ■■ who sh; ■' The ^'in-ht, u the nun Hions of Viw't's si) At pr Hs foiloM ]0 lit i ' 4 ; • •> I The I' ; exercised '} h'nod hv '■: exceed 'ill 36 MiNCTEH. — A (•<']>>' of'tlu^ Miiuiti's of Proceed in i;s, cei'tified hy the Cli-rk, i> to he li-ai">mitU'fl dnily to the (loveriiDr (lenenil. Xkw I' — On the tii>t day of the ineetinu- of a New T'arliament, or of an_\' suhsc'(|nent Session, His Mxcelh'ncy haviiii^ o|H'ned the Se>sioii l>y a LCi'aeiitiis Speech to hoth Houses, and ■ prayei's liein^;" said, some Hill is read pro fonnd ; tlie Speecli from the Throne is repoi-led l»y the Speaker, and a Cmnnntteo of Pi'i\ik\i;'es. consistini;' of all the Senators pi'c>cn1 dui'in-- iUo S(.'ssi(»n. is appointed. Oi'KXiNo OK Paki.ia.mknt. — See Xew Pai-liament. PitoitooATioN. — The Pi'oroH-ation is the po>tponement of the l*i'oceediii,i;"s to another speeitied (hate. <,)uoiir.M. — The Quorum of the Senate consists of tiflei-n mem- her> inchidini;- thi- Speaker. If thirty minutes after the time C)f meetini;", there is lU) (Quorum, the Sjieaker tai the chair and adjourns the House till the next ^iltiui;' day ; thi' names of the Senators jn-esent heini;' lak'cn ih)\vn ly tlie Clerk. IJrr,Es ANO OimEits ok the J)av. — See Business of the Senate. Senate. — The Senate or Tpjter House shall, sul)jeet to the Provisions of the P> X. A. vVct, consist of Seventy-two Members, who shall l)e styleil Senators. Tlie numl)er of Senatois shall not at any time exceed Seventy- ei<;"ht, uidess in case of the Admission of Xew i'^oundland, when the number can be raised to l'a:L!;hty-two and the Thi'ee Divi- »ions of ('anada : viz: Onfdn'n, Queber an(i the Maritime Pro- viiurs shall be ef[ually re])i'e>»'nteil in the Senate. .\t ]nesent the Senate i> composed of Seventy-seven >Men\bers as t'oUows : 2") for the Pr('vince of Ontario. \>{. Division. 2:1 (}w\ )ec 2nd (( X'^ova-Scotia N ew-l)i-unswick. I'lnce I ;^rd Division. ward I slant British (Columbia. Manitoba. The Privilei;-es, Immuiutie- ant I P< )wers lield, enjoyed and exei'cised by the Senate, ai'e such as are froin Time to Tinic de- fined by Act of Ptii-lianient of Canada, but so that the same never exceed those at tiie jiassiim* of the 15. N. A. Act, held, enjoyed «7 . 1 I m :\i m I V 1 ' !i" 1' w EXPLANATIONS. Persons desirous of tiiuliiiij; the seui or (.'oiistitiioiK-y oC a mcnilier of either House, will loolc at the alphahetieiil list, for the iKune wliieh ])reeee(ls the iminher of the plale coiitaiiiiiiii; the portrait, followed l>y tl e name of the Division or Conr^ti- tiieney wliich he rej)res('nt.- and the nuniher of his seat. The [dates arc all nunihercHl, IVotn 1 to XXXV^I on the leftdiand side at the hottoni ; tlic Constituencies or Divisions are alphahetieally arran f 'iiiinii 1 Vo j ■ " 7'/? ' I ^/ " \v-y7' I /■.'//I'r/// j \./(li/;!ini, ■ >'/ j Sfrillli/P 1 //f'\Sll/l V- 0.7 I 'i/ii ( ''i//i/i,rf i ■- --,■ i /ii/i//f>iii'/i\ 'll'f///>/f/f.':\ "7,7 j A-.y. ! />/!/ ! /// A'/r/rrr/. Orfn/i .\frf'ri//iuii \>9 /.l/f/r ^,7/ ■ /'/// 1 .•: '/9 \\'/li/r I A'rii/'rrn: , til I'll An / ll/li/l T?// Itiirmi/fiin /\'iiAi//ii//i .JO I .J.J /.T \ O'f'm/iior /i,/ii : /)'iii\-i// Jfi//iiiiri/iA /'I'llnll. Sfip/irm^'l y/ I /l'ii/lls/ri\ / /ii//ii/ ; , l/i/.\.'iii/i M J,i7/i//irm JfflttffitMM 7> y'i//ri/ •f-(M'lllllldJm\//i/,,y,/y,/f„,f Ml >/ ::^j /■ii/Zl/l j il'iif/ii'i .\hllrlH, \ ■J v 7 I .1/,1'rli-fhiA Ji'iHyMilifA ' (I'ltiif/ ' f I 'l/S/lf 7'i/v.\r' Sfmi.ysffm llVii/r fiirf/nt'// ^ ///////// j 9 //nifi/ll/if /fJ /Mn/isnil I S/u/ir. -Jinulfiiec A'r/M/'/ Ji'fftft/tttf/t /J/I/I/IV/ \ ' 7// .]', ' :i9 J/i- /.rmiiifi , //iii/rfr j .7:7 ' ^^O ^JfrfiifiirA fi'f// CiimiViiii , Vii/ririti />'rrf//fi J/iiii.iii, i/ // f/iii/iir^ 7^ 'M/iiiiii/i't^' A'r/w//ir' rW/rA*//*-// L_ _ 'i 7 'll/s // ■ Sr/i ' // \ '^ Vhi" ' // /u7/, I 700 ^. IR r /rj/ r. r//////r //'J (r'ft ^/t / // . I i .IIA ~l' /, /«/ : //i/ii/im//>)ii ! ; /\'/////f// 1 .////A- /^9 \ ^////ff/r/r ' /'/'/ /y'ti/tmiufi ^~/Vj 1 \ /07 \f,'ufhr/'i- I A I ^^^" i \Tfo I S'.ltihii I ' ^ 'rlKfif \('ii/ni'rtiii \ //urmi I I /.VavV ! V'JT-J \ U'ri'f/tf J ; /I'l'i /iiin/ ' /If 7 /■7'/ \ /hii'/i i f'oi'/ifi/\ '• i \ ]'/,/>,/■///.] / J' /III III, /\ /.y(/\ '/'row \( 7iiir/^ii/i\ ; \rn'\-iT P"7fir] /irftti / . ! (>ii/iii , /''Ayr// ,l/,/\ii,/r . I .S'lioif/iii/i /77 y] /.',// ^/'/.7 , /,ii/ir//iy \ /.rr \/'/(Aniif \7^7 ; A>v : /!J'/^ I /r.:i ! A'tif/rrK ',lfoni/fniir. y/iriii/rrrit ; ■ /! (lirfirr '• fll//r:ll \~/.f/i f,'f,f/lll// \ /'/7 •/Jisiiii/iiiin \/llllSrr A/r/ilfii-y J \Jfi/,-ini/ / 7S /,^i//i/r^ ftra.,\ !'4 ^1 ,1 iiii; i. * e Xaiin"- nfMriiilu'Vs. ( 'oll'^l ilUi'llcil's. Post Olli.v Ad- (h'es.ves. 9 irill. S. T. I{ 1 '^Muh'h's. (\. S. j...l].iviM']»<>()|. X. S. . pit ;: \ ■ 2;] niniiciioi, ii'.ii..i.(i I^»'vis L(''\ is, (^> .... ;,; • 14 IJol.liic, .1 licaucf Si. N'iciMf (|(> Ti :• :■ -l-l n.M'dcii, l-\ \V [Ti-in,.-. (I. Iviiii;'>, (N. S.j ,< "aiiiiinii-. ^. S. ,. 13!) ': \ ?A\ HoultU'e, A 1 V(M-k. (().} i:. IJi-lT.. route. (.» 2s ;'. •; 32 i5.,urussi, [■ 1 UA I ;■• IS 1}()iii-!h>:iu, O. I).... hrnniinitnd «.V' Ai-- \'i(t(>ri:iv;',;i\ (^. . I-' . tli:il»asl<;i ; 20 l}.)\vell, 11.. 11. .M.... ila.>tiiiu-s, N. lii- (Mtawa. (.) is } '■■. ;]<) P>recli\. ' [!•:. 1. ;; ;}2 Hi-ooks, !•:. T SlK'r!)i'()okv Sliei'ltriiokc. n 32 ;: \ 20 IJi'DWll, .1 IIastiii--s, AV. Hi- Ik'llovilk'. () 125 ;■ ':■ ''-^ BimsU'i', A diiii;'. Vaiii-ouvur Islaml. \'ict(iria. l). C 177 ■ \ '6', IJmitinu-, C, W "Wolland Torrtnto, O 1)4 '■;. ■: IS IJurk, 11. W l)iirhain, "\V. lii- BowuKinville, 0. 148 > ;' 28 IJiU'iihain, J [diiii!,-. Petorlxji-ouuli, K. Aslibunihani, (). ()!) ;■ • 33 Bui'Deo C [Iiidin:.;'. Sunhurs' . .. . .Sheffield X. B 132 '• ■; 31 Hnrpeo, lion. I Si. John, (N. B.)...St. John, N. B... 118 \ ;: 31 QjUlHM'Oll, 11 Victoria, (O.) X. Ton^nlo, riiidini>;. 25 \ ■; -1 Cameron, .M. C Huron, 8. IJidini;'. .I(ioderich, 120 \ 42 Naiiu's (il'-M fill lie 1'^. ( 'i)ii>t i I lU'iicir-i. )'..-t Oiiici- A. 2 i ( 'iii'liiiu'. IIdii. ,I.... London I.iukIdh. () 24 io'C.'.-iriiii, A. I' <>iulH"f .C'Miiitv ). (»iu'l HT 21 (.'ai't wriizht. I Ini!. II iii-(,n. '. '. Iiiiliiii;' . Kinn-vtun, (). iSCiisc'V, ( 2 I ( 'as^^Mill l.VCIiaiidl.M 2i! ( 'll!!|-Il(ill [Sir I J. .1. M(, ;ii>' 10, 17 Ciiuon. I . I'. i; I I . .1 . 1 :iii. W KMlli! i;i>iri lilvilIU' iiiii'al OlU'lu'C ( ). ;|} roiiH'. < > , Xorlolk. X. Iviiliiiif LviK"k..I i 27 < 'u(d Otia, (). [i^ oino, S. r(>iirs(>l, C. J Moiilreal, Kasl. Currior, J. M Ottawa, (City), 15:Cntlibort, E. O iBcrlhioi' Xajiiervillo, 'J. >roiitival, < > .. Ottawa, (), Bortliiord'n 11 ) <, (11 ll!> lOS 1st 1:5.") \W Ti) mo 110 00 1!»2 41 171 .)■> 43 k n i 1 1 ll ^ 1 1 1 'J 1 I mi ,. iNainesoi'Mt'inlior: 4 C'oiislitiiuiit'ius. Post Olticc Ail- a 4! 20 Daly, M. n [li Daoiist, J. H I 14 hawson, S. J 34:I)i'('()snios, A 'A- I)i'saiilniers, L. L. [L. Desjarcliiis, A 21 'Ml Dewilney, I*' 22jl)()invillo, J 2SI),,ull, II o'i Difw, (i. A 2!> Dubiic, .1 2.') DiiHjis, F , 22.1>imi(jnt, J , 2S 21 23 31 15 If) llaliiax 'llalil'ax. >.'. S.., Two Moiiiilaiiis St. I'ai-. C... Iviun-s, (N. iJ.) St. John. X. 15.. Pictoii I'ictou, N. S \Velliii_i;"ton, ( X. iki- I'.lora, O [din--. I Proveiiclier St. Boniface, M. Elliott, W pai-row, T FernMison, C. F Fiset, J. B. Pi Fitzsiminons, W... Fioniinii'. (J M(^)ntcalni Montcalm. (^.. .. Kamoiirasku St. Andi-e, (^ Peel ll>rain}>ton, ()... Huron, (X. Pi- Bluevale. C) [diui;. Leeds k (Jrenville, Kein})tvil!e, O... [X. Pidini;-.j Jiniouski Riniouski, HrocUvillo (^ Ikockvillc, (), Brant, (X. Riding.) (Jlen ^lorris, () 44 (57 85 12S -IS 1!>7 111 12() : 35 28i 14-^ 172 80 188 in <>3 GG 145 8() 178 2'> n:, 2!' 30 23 iiiil r>: ;{:j o< IT 24 :J2 2:j lil Xjinu's or^rc.'iulii'rs.' ('(»ii>t iliu'iitic: I*.. -I Ollico A(l- liny, 1 1 Tc^roiilo, ( \'iit it Twronio, ( ) . .. Ih'ssoii, S. \l I\mmIi,X. Iv'i.iiiiu'... SiratlWnl, (). Ililliiii'd, (! IVtcrltoi'oii^Ii, W. I'l'U'iIioroiiwIi, ( ). I [llidiiiu' Holt Ml I, lloll. L. II. ('liJitfUMHUJlN' iri»ti|K'i', I'! iIa'Iihox , Hondo, !•' Maskiiioimv Iluiiliui^toii, lloii.'.Slion'onl lliirti':iii. II L"Ass<»mi>tioii I |vos, \V. \] ,Uichiiioi„l ,^ WoIfV Jat-ksoit, (J (ii'i'V. S. I'idiiiL;' 2;5JoiK-s, I). F Leeds, S. IJidini;-.. 24 27 2(1 80 IK 8.-) 25 |^aull)a(di, ('. I'l — I.iiiKMiliiii'i;- Kccl(3r, J Nortliiniiliei'laiid. K ilia ID, V Varinoutli 1 Kilvort, J'', M illamiltoii Kiiiij;, (r. (.' (^iioi'iTs, (X. P>.).... Kii'kpa(ri(d<, (J. A. I''i'oiit(Miac .Moiiliral, <^> . Xapaiitc, ().,.. Montreal (}.... Ottawa, () St. I/m, (i SherlnooUe, <^> |)iii'liaiii. <). .. (iaiiaiio(pie, (J. liUlUMllMll'i;", N. S. Jol'toiiie, () Yarnioiitli, X. S. Hamilton, O ('liipiiiaii, N. B... Kin<;-.8 TM lot; 15-; 8M 102 1!»8 142 77 80 S2 (il 112 1 55 1(](; 8 100 178 i r.i ;ja :j2 Xaiiu-s (»r Mc'iiiluM's. ('(iiivlitiuMicii',' Lain-. S. .1 (Jri'v. X. Iiidini;".... IiiiliiJ-r\ ill, lldii. II. Thic'i' liivcrs [ij r.a'ilitr. .1. I' SituIjiiin'C's l.'jlIiMI'lK.', A l)clUullil>M.' \\»\ onicc A.i- ( )\vcMi Soiniil. ( ). Ottawa. () Si. rolvcai'in'. (). (^iicln'C is:; !l 2l>;Lauriri-. II. mi. W... (^iioIk'c. I^a-I Vrt lial.a>I•; liOiigloy, A Aniia]i()li> JVIac.l.Hial.l. A. ('.. Kino".-, (P. ll. I.).. Paradise, X. S ...VX) ! .M(»nla_<;MU' IJri.l^e IS,"! [1'. K.'l. Ottawa. O ' .') 'M .Mac'.l..iial.l. lU. \'ict.)ria. (H. C.) [ll.m. Sir.I. A. | lil .>racI).»iiiK'll, S hiveriK'-s Port II.)(»(1. X. S. i:;i 22 .Mackenzie. 11. m. A TiaitiMoii Toronto, () ho.') 25 Macniillan. I» Mid.lleM'N. K. Hi- London. O. [ding. (Jnt'licc, Ccnlro 2!t .Maloiiin, -I ;>.'] Masson, Hon. L. F. *{0 Massiie, L. II 2r).MeC'allinn, L. [IJ. •{2 McCarthy. D. 2!) MfCiuiiu-, J. S. UMci)..nal.l. I). TeiTclioniic. ... JJiclu'licu Monck Sinicoe. X. ]Jidiiis;' Prince Ivlward X'ictoria. (X. .S.).., (^iieliec Ottawa, O Varcnnes, (^.. Stromness, O. 11 lU'i'ie. (), Picton. O, 4!t <•> 47 i)0 KiiU-Ii.^HTown. X.ilT") 'I- ! ''' !il I ; i 47 i| (. I i " 's 4 28 i<; 20 211 Naiiu'> ofMfiiilioi's. Coiistitm-ncies Mc-Douiilcl, lion. .1 M('lN)njil(l, W .nc-D.)ii,i.-iill,Jlt.ii.W Arc'diiovv/r I'oxt Ollir*. Ad- (l|■t's^C'^. 2(JMcIimo^ T. J^ 14 17 !!► k; Melsjuu', A McKay, T MeLonnan, J McLeod, II 3r)ii[fQiiado, A 14 35 20 15 34 1(5 14 22 31 Pictoii lOllawa, O Cajio Ijiotoii liidlc (ilatc \\\\\, I [\. S. llaltoM Toroiilo, U (2iu4)oc, U'est (^iiclicc I NoAV Wcsdiiiii.ster. NowWestniinstcr [15. ('. Aiili/i:()nisli Anti.n"()nisli, N. S Colchester Tniro, N. 8 . ({leii,i:;arry Laneasler, O Ca])e Jireton iSydiiey, N. S McJi()i-\', J Merner, 8 Methot, F. X. ().... Mills, Hon. D Moiiiijeiiais, J. li... Montphiisir, II Mousscan, J. A Muttart, K. B Q'Connor, lloii. J. Victoria, ((^.) S.()ineinee, () [IkidiiiiL;'.' Addiii^loM ILoun-hlioroii^Ii, O Waterloo, S. I{iding;NewIIanil)ur^, Xicolet St. Pici-re los Hec Both we 1 Vaudreiiil CIiam])laiii Ha_i^()t Klni.-'s, (P. E. I.).. Kussell [qiicts, Clcarville, O... Eii^aud, (} Cap de la Arai:;do- [laiiie, il Montreal Souris, P. E. I., Ottawa, O Ill 13 12 45 143 1(14 27 54 14 (10 158 100^, 41 116 1(57 SI 38 ISO 15 i 17 2S 20 24 20 32 R< 48 :nj niu'--i>f'.Mt'iiilK'i's.l ( 'rtiistitiiciicit^i. Post Ollico A.I- I I Mi'i;'aMtii llM)^-(loii, A 27 Oliver, T lOxfonl, N. IJidiii^- 24()Iivi(M-, L. K I 35()ri()ii, (i. T I 2:]()ninu't, J. A 15|paters<)M, W IS' Patterson. .1. (^.. 17 IVTi-aull, .1. S ;](; i'icUard,,) I 21} riiiMtiiiKjault, A.. ;];:]Tiatt, s I 2(i!pitiml., J. li 3(1 Pope, Hon. J. (^. . 17 28 20 24 20 32 Pope, lloii. .1. II... Poupore, J RK-i'oy, M. ii Rinfi-et, C. I Robertson, T. (in^-sbonniii-li Ctiiic Canso, X. S'lSO \VoO(l>lu.-|<, ().... 121 St. Ferdinand, (,). IS!) \Vellini(lon, C. Jx'i-,Feri;-us, () j 4(] [dini^.j I Laval [Montreal, (^ 11 IJrant, S. JJi.) ,Fresi's. 1«) 14 2.") IS l{(»liiiis()ii, lloii. .). Toronto, Wost Toronto,!) [11. Ikohitaillc, lion. 1\ iJonuvcnt nrc (^iie'lioc Id Ixochestcr, .1 Carloton (O) Ottawa. () I -Jl Uo^i--ors, A All.ert llopi-wi-ll Hill. N Uoss, (;. W UMiddk'sox, W. JJi-Strathro.v. (). [Uinu'. I loss, ,1. S jj)unilas lro(|iiois, (). . [15 IS liouleau, F. F Dori-liostcr (^lu-licc 21 1 24 Koulliior, F iFi'osc'ott IJyan, J |.Mar(iuotti' 25 KyJin, M. L* I.Monlri'al. Centre... 24 IJvkert, J. (' Line(»ln i>.') lv\ inal, J Wi'iitwoi'tli, S. IJi- I ['I'lii;"- 24|S<''l>>»lt^'; •'• ^' I.isi;-ar VankleeU- Hill, () 1 ;).j 122 141 SO il'orla-e la Frai-1171 [rie, .M. .Moiilrejil. (^ 21 Seriver, .1 l(;|Shaw, A 2S;Skinner, J. A — ::{2 Smith, J). A ;-i(j!Smitli, Hon. Sir A. i ■ [.I. 27 Snowhall, .1. 1> Iliintini^don Bruce, S. Ividin^... Oxford, S. Jiidini;-. Selkirk Westmoreland Xortluiml)erland. «o ' St. Cathei-ines, O Uiirton, O W i n n i J »e_u", M.... liemmintifoi'd, (} Walkei-ton, O.... Woodstock', O 11 11 d so n J^ ay nioii>e, Mont.,(). l)oi-clicsier, N. \i. Oliatham, N. 15... 11.') 1(11) i:;i; lis Kit) io:{ Et9BtfC li,> lit •>•> .)<• :iT 1!> K in Xi mu's of'.Mt'inliors. ( 'itiistiliu'iicii's. rosi Otticc A(l- <11H'S!>0S. SiM'oiiIo, T. S (Iivv, K. Jfidiiii.-, Stoplicn.-*)ii, I' K('m(, (O.), Stnin-o, P. \V York, (().) X. Ki- [diiiiC. Xassc, .1 Ottawa, (City) i Tollior, L St. Ilvaciiitl.o rii ri ompsoM, loniiisoii, I). II ildiinaiul J. S....C iiriDoo Tilloy, lion. .Sii'S. St. .lolm, (N. 15.). •>s 'V ITT [I- row minor ahii. I'" P. V III. Sir Perth, S. IJidiiiir. .Marl<(hilo. O l::() (Miatliaiii, O liO Toronto, () (Vl Ottawa, () ■ H7 St. Hyacintlie, (^ Ul\) iVans, O, li: Mark-orvillc. li. C. lliT Ottawa, O. (Jinnlierland Mont nioiviu' Slialvcsiioarc, O. . K54 Otti iwa, O. Qiud lOC 2:»lValI(r, II. P Portneiif IT Vlfado, J. C... ;{<; Walhu'o. X. C 'Di-hv On IMItM Diiiliv. N. S. 170 7!) 2(;,\VaIIa('o, ^V ;iljWeldon, ('. W 27,WlioIcr, (i 20 Wluto J. :Ul White, P. York, (O.) W. Ili-^Woodhrid.-v, O...' l><> b^ in; XorColk, S. Pidini--. Simeoe, O ' ."X: St. John, (N. 15.), ..'St. .John, N. B Ontario, N JJidinsi; Uxl»i'id^-e O Ilastinics, K. Ri-|Tloslin, O , [•Ji'i.iX- rjontVew, N. Piilinu- IV'inliroke, O, 1200 17:J ^1 \ Hi i i ill t iXjiinc'sol'.Moinlic'r.'^. ('i>iistitiK'iuio: Vi»{ Otlico Ad- I K; Whito, T Car.lwell iM(.iitn-:tl. (}.. I iSWillitmis A. T. 11. Durham, K. Ui.lin,-:r<«i't 1I..ih>. O 1!) Wiser, J. i' 2:j r,'2 27 Wri-l.t. A I t 2!»;y^'*>^ .1 (Ireiivillc, S. I{i-i Pivscct t, () \\Vrl [dill--; ()tt:i\v;i. (Couiily). lr..ii-i.!(>. 1 1 nil. (^jl^:! IViiKv. (P. K. 1.).. I'ort Hill, \\ K 1 1T»! 11 !, : ' UWA c- I'lJ'l kit l>l..tTK XIII. amtxvn II 'I '■ 1 I't: f ItMrlllBMillWl I OFFICEES OF THE HOUSE OF CO:rXONS. The Hi'eak'kr. lii'v Is, I . (J. Cj.euk ok the IIoirsE. Allivt! I>atrick, ofCcnmons Ottawa. KiHKT Ci.EUK Assistant. Joliii (u'(n-o(. PxMiriiiot, House (.fConuiu.iis. Sec(.M) Clklik' Assistant. Jean Pliilipi.e LepiolioM, Advocate, House of ConimoMs. Seuoeant at Akms. Lieut.-Col. Doual.l William Ma.-,lo„oll, of Common... Deihty Sern I'l w i 1. 1 i 1 1 i i 1 ;■ h ADDINCrTON. .fOHX McUOKV, .1. 1'., Fnvuwv of tlio, uf ] L()iii;-lil«>i'(»iii;"li, Out. J)(>iii ill tlie T<>Nvii>lii|» of Kin^'stoii, Co., ; l''roiiteiiJic, in IS.'JI. I'Miicati'd at tlu' Kiiiustoii i\ca(lemy. •• l-'irsl i't'liii'iK'(l to I'arlianu'iit for |mv>c'IiI scat at last i;-t'iic'ral i ck'ctioiis of 17 .Se|itoiiili»'r, 1S7S, wlieii I'lt'cted ovci- ScliiiyU'r ; Sliiltlcy, lato i-i.'|)iv.sontativt.', I»y a majoi'ity of 41-. — .1'rrdtict'. ;• AIJ^KllT. ALKXANDIli: KOCKIJS, McMcliant (.f iloiK-wi'il Hill. ;■ N. IJ. lioni at llopcwi-ll Hill. All.crt Co., N. li., 12 Fo- :•' lu'iiaiy, 1S42. i'ldiicati'il at .Mount Allison, Saekvillo, N. H. •; Kii-st ix'tiirnt'il for tjie Local Lciiislatiirc, \. !>., in 1S74, and •; for Ifoiisi- of CoiniMons at last licncral elections of 17 ; Sc|»tcnil»oi', 1S7'^, when elected over .lojm Wallace, former ; re)ti'esentati\e. I>y a inajority of l-iS, and over .lames W. '; homvilK' li\' a majorilN of I'Jli. — A hiheral. i Al.aOMA. SIMON JAMKS J)A\VS()X, Civil Kn-ineer, Tlumder ;• Bay. Ali;(>ma, Ont. Ji(»rn and educated in Scotland. P'irst • leturned for present Constiliienc}' in the Jjocal Le<;islature, ■' Ontai'io, in 1S75, and for House of Commons at last n'eneral •• elections of 17 Septeiiiher, 1S7S, whei. elected over (Julonel ;■ Arthur Ijankin, hy a majority of 40"). — Indi'pcndmt. ANNAPOLIS. AVAIII) L()X(;LI':Y, J. p., A-ricnlturist of Paradise, : Aiiiia|tolis Co., X. S. Born at Wihnot, Annapolis C'o., X. S., .; 'I'l F(d)riiary, 1S2.). Ivlticated at the Disti'ict Academy. ; Kirst returiu'd for the Locid Jiei;islatiire, N. S., in 1S51>, ; and for the llcmse <»f Commons at last n'enerid elections of ; 17 Septemher, IS7S, when elected (»ver \Vm. 11. liae, former ■ representative, l>y a majority of !• undei" recount of votes. — A \ Ct^nscrvatire. ■: ANTTODNISir. AXdl'S McISAA(\ Barrister, Antii;-onish, N. S. Jiorn •'. at Anti<;'onish, X. S., in 1842. Ivlucated at St. Frau(;oi.s .; Xavier Collet;"e, X'^. S. First returned to Parliament for > ]irescnt seat, Decemher, 1S7I>, on resjn^nation of lIuL;h ;■ McDonald, i-eelected on 17 Se[)toniher. 187«S, hy a majority of: l.'U over C. B. Whidden and J. J. McKinnou. — A Liberal. 55 X I I ' 'I Mm MWj. II ■Jit' . ]H [lili Mm ll "i. Hi 'ri: 11 ■ t ill ■ Ai:ici!.ii. Ln.lml.', P. (,>. I'.oni ill (Jlasuow, Sc()tl:iii(l. s .M;ii'cli, 1S2-1. I-Mticalcd .-it McliiU's ColU'u'i', .Monti'i'iil, 1*. (^. First rctiinu'd to I'ai'liaiin-iit tor ]»it's«.'iil >raU .'II I )('ct'irilicr, 1^7.'). FU-cicd at last uciicral elections of 17 Scpti'inher, is'i^, over Jlonlile .1. ('. ('. Abltott, liy a iiKijority of 71'. — .1 LihtrdL UA(i( >T. .lOSKl'Il ALFKKI) Mol'S.SKAU, (,». (\. IJaiiisni-. .Montreal, P. (^ Horn in Hertliicr. I*. (^, .Inly. isi'.S. ivhicaud al till' Hei'tliicr Academy, l-'iisl rttnineil to Parliament tor jiresent seat in l'^74 and leeleeli'd al last ;,a'neral eU'ctionn oi" 17 Septemln'i', 1S7S, l.y ;i miijority of \i\\ ovei- Dr. .1. ]>. C'liaii'iion. — A ( 'oiiturcdtici'. HI :A I ICE. .K^SKPJI r.Ol.Dl'C. Notary. St. Victor de Trin,-'. P. (,». liorn in St. Vietor de Triiiu', ("'o. I'.eanee, P. <^)., 22 June. IS 47. Iviiu-ated in Stt\ .Marie. Co. Ileance, P. <^» , and at l.aval llniversity, (^iieltec. I*'irst retwrnei! to Parliament for pre^-ent seat in ()ctober, lS7n, and leelecteij at last ^-eneral elections of 17 Seiiteinlier. IS7S, over (letirLie Lessard, li\' a major-ilv of 1122. — A Consernificr. hi: A nil A UNO IS. .lOSKPir (lEDEON llOliACK mOIJCJKJJON, B. C. L., Advocate and Hai'risler, Monti'i'al, J*. (}. I>orn at Pii;-aud, Co., Vaudreuil, ]'.\ Octolier, IHo-i. Fdin-ated at the Jesuits Collcice, Montreal. First i-eturncd to Parliament for jjiesent seat on i> .Fannary. I'^T!^ over Seers and St. Amour, by a majority of 13. — A Consercaiice and Profectioiiist. 56 ll ' II *ai Trirrnji'' iV ';ti i !■! \ 1 1: \\ , .'iii...,l,i'f-H-W?$ai''': , .1^ 1 'i'>Kr\ i:i-" >^ Photographic Sciences Corporation ^1 ^ # \ \ % V 6^ o .V* ^o -^ V 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 Q'.x. ^>^ w^ t I Jcai KM II Ji.'iir %• i: ' ! 11, tliioi •.) \k 1875 1H78 vatlv m ■ n Boi'ii Mode of St- Univ Consi elceti 189 n ;: I .'; ville, ) Marel ;! elocte ;• elect i( :■ 1*1 ty oj G. : Co., Bi ; June, liamon electio joi-ity ( BKI^I.ECHASSE. ACIIILTiP. LAKUE, Advocate, (iuel)cc, P. Q. Boni at St. Jean, Isle d'CJi'leans. C'o., MontinoreiK'y, P. (2-, -7 Oct()l)ei', 1S49. Kdiicated at Laval University, (^ueltec-. First retiinied to Par- liament tor jii'esent seat at ii;eneral elections of 17 September, 1878, ovei" (riiillaunie Ainyot, l>y a majority of 52. — A Liberal. BERTIIIER. EDWARD OCTAVIAN CUT1]B1<:RT, Seig-nior of Ber- thiei', Parmer, Born at the Manor Jlouse, Bertliier, P. Q., M Decenaher, 1827. I'Miicated at Tiortliier and at Chamhly Col- lcij;e. Pii'st retui-ned to Parliament for present scat in February, 187"), and reelected at last general elections of 17 September, 1878, over Pieri-e Bellivcaii, by Ji majority of 220. — A Oonacr- vative. BONAVENTUHE. Hon. TllEODOlilO POBITAILLE, Physician, Quebec. Born at Varennos, P. i^, 21> January, 1834. Educated at the Model School of that place, in the T'litcd States, at the Seminary of Ste. Thcrose, P. Q., the Laval University, (Quebec, and the University of Mcdill's College, Montreal. Pepreseuts this Constituency since 180^, and was reelected at last gein.i'a»l elections of 17 September, 1878, over W. II. Clapperton, by 18'J majority. — A Conscrcatlce. BOTHWEEL. Hon. DAVID MILLS, L. L. B., Gentleman farmer, Clear- viUe, Out. liorn in the Township of Oxford, Kent, Out., 18 March, 1831. Gi'aduated at Michigan Lirnversity. Was tirst elected to represent Hotlnvell Co., in the House of Commons, at general elections of 1807, and was again elected at last general elections of 17 Sej^tember, 1878, over Mr. Hawkins, by a majo- rity of 285. — A Liberal. BRANTj I North Riding.) GAYIX FLEMING, J. P. Retired Mercliant, Glenmorris, Co., Brant, Out. Born near Falkirk, Sterlingshire, Scotland, 5 June, 1820. Educated at Falkirk. First returned to Par- liament for present seat in 1872, and reelected at last general elections of 17 Sc|»tember, 1878, over J. S. Crawford by a ma- jority of rJ7. — A Liberal. 8 ' 67 •••■••••••■ i fell ' I h 1 I' V I k BRANT, (South Riding.) WILLIAM PATlvIiSON, Manur:utnivr, J'.rantfonl, Out., Born in Hamilton, Out., 1!' Se})teml)er, 1H'6\K Ivlucated at lia- iniltoii and Calc(l(^nia. lias sueeessivel}' reproscntod that Cons- tituency since 187-. Was a^'ain elected at last i;'eneral elections of 17 September, 18TS, over Alfred Watts, by a majority (.)f r.>8. — A Liberal. BIIOCKVII.I.K. AVILLLVM FITZSLMMOXS, lluilderand Contractor, IJrock- ville, Ont. Jioni in the CcMinty J)onei.';al, Irt-iand, ''ducated at Perth J)isirict (Jrajnmar Seliool. Sat for J>ro(dvville in Ontario Legislature, from 18G7 to 1875. i^lected for present seat on 17 September, 1878, over J. I). lUiell, by a majority of 127. — .1 Con- scrcatice. BROME. EDMUND LEAVENS CllANDLEP, Merchant, lirome. P. Q. I^ '.Ml at Freli,Khsburo-, P. (^., 21 Deceinbor, 1821). Edu- cated inkM«*«biMMM*h .-H-.- • -i-. *: I'l *TI- W I « n 11 f, 11 I I li ': I i II \ w I'i ■(-■ :-(■ ; In E4iiM !i It BRUCK, (SODTH RiDINO.) ALHXAN1)I':JJ SILVW, P.niTistoi-, Atlorncy and Sollicitor, Walkci'toii, Out. liorn in Ihc Townshij) of IJamsay, Out., 115 January, 1883. Ivlucated in the Town ot'Pei'tli. First returned to Parliament, IT iSe])teinl.)er 1878 by a majority of To, over his o])ponent the lion. Ivlward JihU-cc. — A Li.biral Conservative. CAPK BKETON.-i) WILLIA:\r McDonald, J. p. Mercdmnt, Little rilace Bay, N. y. jjorn at I'iver Dennis Eoad, Inverness Co., N. S., Oetoliei', 1887. l']diicated at St. Fi-auQois Xavier Collci;"e, Anti- i;-oni.sli, N. 8. First returned to Parliament for jn-e.sent seat in 1872 and reelected at last _ii,-enei'al eleetions of 17 Se])teml)er, I878, over N. L. McKay and Walter Youno-, by a majority of 805. — A Conservative. CAPE BRETON. -2) HUGH McLFOD, B. A. Barrister at Law, Sydney, Cape Breton. Born at Lo^-ie Faster, Scotland, NovemlCs" I II • -npx'WAi t II Ml Wll /.///////... . /- rOLCHESTr I y rUMBFRl.ANn ]- ■iMniMtaitMMMM* ^ /t7/rry7vi. '"OMPTON .^- 1^-. • -i \i:i'>n ri 1 I ■" ■■ i\ w K P: Ci ill m G C( in lo ov I! I. in W .M; sei in .M[ 18i in do Ee elc cat Un 17 of reti eloc ma CHAinj<:vorx. .lOSKl'ir STANISLAS PKIMJA IJLT, L. L. 15., r.iuTislcr, Miirray I'ay, T. <^ Horn at L'Assoiniition, 1:5 May, 1S4(;. I'idiK'aled at the Colloi^o of L'Ass()in]»ii(in. l-'ir^l rctiii-iuMl to Pju'liaivKMit lor pri'seiit srat, 1.) I'V-ln-uai-y, IS711, dotbaliii!;' S. X. Cimon, l»y a majority of I7II. — A Cansen'aticc. CI I A p T r)'^rTL^ i^ ARTirUIi iriLL '<;iLLM:oii, jl-. Mill-Owncr, St. ru'oi'i;-e, Charlotte Co., X. 15.. where he was l)(>ni 12 .March, 1S21-. I'jdiieated at St. Andrews' (irainiiiar School. Sal lor Chai'lotte Co., in N. B. Asseini)ly, tVoiii ls,i4 until ISiiu, ;md was in the interval appointed J*rovineiai Secretary in ISii,'). First returned for present seat in 1M74 and reelected on 17 Se])teinl)er, IS78, over lion. John MeAdani, liy a majority of 2'iS. — .1 Liberal. CHATEATTCtTTAY. Hon. LUTIllvlJ HAMILTON IIOLTOX, Montreal. Born in Souih Leeds. C)('tol)er, LSI7. Was Coniinis>ioner of I'uMic Works fi-oni 2 to (i Aui;'ust, 1858 and Finance minister, from May 18(>l:i to .^^arch 18(;4. Sat for .Montreal in Canadian As- sembly, from IS.')! till 1857. Wa.s member i'or Victoria division in Le,L!,'ish\tive C'ouncil of Canadti, from Septemlier, 18(!2 to .May, 18011. Sat i'ov (yhatcau,i;niay in Legislative Assembly iVom 18(j;} until the Union. IJeturned to Commons at [urray Bay HO March, 184!). Educated at St. Ann's College, (^uel^ec Somimiry and Laval University. First returned to Parliament, 1874 and reelected 17 September, 1878, over J. A. (lagne by u majority of 21>5. — A Conservative and a supporter of Sir John. COLCHESTER. THOMAS McKAY, .A[erchant, Trui-o, N. S. Born in Co., of Pictou, X. S., 8 January, 1830. Educated there. FirHt returned to Parliament 1874, and reelected at last general elections of 17 September, I878 ovei" A. C. Page, M. 1)., by a majority of 870. — A Supporter of the present Government. 61 ! , i. I ! i: II. ) ■ 't i^r COMPTON. Hon. JOHN IFKXKY I'Ol'K, C.oksliiiv, I'. (^ l^oni in Kiistoi'ii 'J'owii^liiiis. I*. (j|. IK'M tlic olllcc of MiiiistcM" ofA^-ri- ciiltiu'c, IVdtn 25 OcIdIk'i-, 1S71, milil .'> Xovcnilioi", 1S7.'>. l-'ii-st sat ii> (."aiiadiaii AsmmuMv, i'rom l-^.")" utitil tlio Union. Uolurncd to (commons \>y acchunalion nt ^'oniM-al clc tioiis, 1S(J7 and on liis aji|i()int nicnt fu olllcc; at .'j,'i'tu'ral olvctions l(S7li, an(l a^-ain at i;'on(>ral cln-tions, 1S74. ili'dt'ctcd at last ^I'licrai c'loctions, 187>^, and >\\"»i-n of tlio l?ri\y ('oiincil as Minislor of A<^i'icultiuv, 17 ()('f(dior, IS7S. •A Liberal Conservative. COUNWAI.I.. DARBY BKIJdlX, y\. !>., Cornwall, ()iil. I5oi-n in ToiY)nto, 7 S('|>toini>or, iM'i). KdiicakMl al V A\ Colle«;-(!. (Ji-aduatod as M. J), at University of.Mcdill Collouv. 1S47. Fii'sl roliirhcd to Parliuincnt lor pi'csont scat, l>y ac(daniation at n'enoi'al elections, LS72. J)eteated J). 11 ^[('Lcnnan at last i;-oncrai election.-. 1878, by a majority or:>8. ^4 Omscrratice. ClTMBElM.ANn. Hon. Srii CIIAIJLKS TUPPKII, K. (J. M. (v., C. I)., Phy- sician, Ottawa, Out. Porn in Aniliei-st, Ctimliei'land Co., X. .S., 2 Jnly, 1821. Kducated in Jfcn'ton, X. S. and Kdinl.nrn-h. Has been a re])rescntative since 1S55. AVas a nienihei' of the Mxe- ciitivo Council ofXova Scotia as Pj-ovincial Secretary and i'rinio ATlnister, Cal)inet Minister I'oi- the Doniiinon, from June, 1S70 to 5 Xovember, IS7;}. and occu])ied dnrinf;: that period the jxisitions of President of the Privy ('ounoil, Minister of Inland Pevenue and Minister of Customs. Swoi-n as Minister of Public Worics, October, I878, and afterwards Minir^ler of Jlailways and Canals 20 May, 1870. — A Liberal Conservative. niGBY. JOIIX CTIIPMAX WADE, Q. C. Barrister at Law, Digby. N. S. Born at Uranville, Annapolis Co., in 1818. Educated at Annapolis Koyal, Sat foi* sixteen years in Nova Scotia Par- liament during;" which jjcriod he w^as Speaker of that body, from 18G3 to I8G7. First returned for present seat, 21 January, 1878, and reelected at last general elections, 17 September, 1878, over Pcleg W. Smith, by a majority of 18. — A Liberal Conservative. 62 « t ^.i./v#^i>'>«^>4B "' "''!'^" a^'i^fcJi.tCJji a i'x ^ i' »■!»' ■i«£Z' ,.<'»'M»m'«Mj I]lfiai«blM|| 'I i ' ,'m i: " "I ■ .^;^:\i:c'-:^ i:i.r.i: I ,1 '''X^ /^rj^.r 'r't^iiillii'ilA'lMililJliiii nil ' r.LGIN. w •.*.^,.. i; .V-v;-.V.y.J, MMHiAMUliMMMM i^ii'iiiiiif ■ .j.-i>...f.-i... i ^rti ^ vf ■\- ih i- Bhi .-.i^i-iXXXX-'* iKSSi .Vf^V'JKl'-S-.'..-'. ;m:. ^^tS?&■{•>^;:•;•;*■ /. \ f., , ,/^^ '/AfK' •'-^1 /L /* >'. ..<" /' I ill \\ III. vl:i"n II. I l\: 6 ; I (! in if w i^i I >f^- nORCHESTKR. FOETUXAT EOULHAU. B. 0. L. Advocate, (Jiu'boe. Born at Ste. (Ilairo, JJeaiU'c J)isti'it't, in IS,")!!. Ivluoatcd at (Quebec Normal Seliool ami Laval rniversity. Sat tor ])rcNont Constituency. IVom 1S7-4 until last i;'eneral elections wln-n re- turned over !•'. Jl. .Marceati, I)}' a niajorily of (JTo. — A Liberal Conservattce. ORUMMONi:) iSc ARTHABASKA. DESIIJK OLIVllOJi BOUKBKAU. J. P., :\[erchant, Vieto- riaville, P. (^. Born at St. Pierre les l>ec([Uets, 21 Se))tenil)i'r, 1S;>4. I'iducated at Three Rivers and (,)ueliec. First returned to Parliament, 27 (X'tobei', 1877 arid i-eelected on 17 September, 1878, for ])resent seat, over Ij. liainville, by a majority (»t' IGi . — ^4. Comervativc and ProU'ct/oniat. I^UNIOAS. JOIIX SVLV1':STFB- ROSS, Grain and Produce Broker, Iroquois, Out, JJorn in Aultsville, Co.. Stormont, 1821. Edu- cated at xVultsville and Cornwall. IJepresenled Dundas in Tpper Canada Leu'islat\ire and i, »minion (iovernment, from 18(;i to 1872 and au'ain reelected for ])rescnt seat on 17 September, 1878 over A. J. Laflamme, by a majority of 17'.'. — A Cresent Constituency in Local Lei;'islature, Ont., since 18()7 and elected for present seat at last i;'eneral elections, over the former repre- sentative Lewis lios.s by a iiajority of 4lK>. — A Conservative. DURHAM, (We3t Riding) WILLIAM IIARVF^^Y BUJiK, Farmer, BowmanviUe, Ont. Born at Darling-ton, 1822. Educateil there. First returned to Parliament, 1874. Jfeelected for present seat, 17 Septemlter, 1878, over liis opponent F. Cubitt, by a majority of 42. — A lie- former. 03 fi : w ll-f i IW Ml' 111: ill it r' ! ' • ! ill- I t - KI.aiN, (East Riding.) THOMAS AIJKKIJa 3Ieivliant. S(. Thomas, Ont. ]',oi-n ill I']iii;'l:iii(l. Mdacatc'l in ('anada. I-'irst, rotunie(l to I'arliainoiit i'ov |)i'(>sent s(>at on 17 Sv^pteiiiiiei", 1S7H, wlicii cloctcd over Colin Ma<'(Iou^-alI, by 40 loajorit y. — .4 (ofiHercntirc. KI.CrlN, (West Hiding.) (;i'OIJ<;i<: KLLIOTT CASKY, H. a., J. p. Farmer. Fiii- txu]. Out. iiorn in tlio Towiis]ii]i of Soiulnvold, Out., 24 Murcdi, 1850, Educated a1 Si. Thomas (ii-a:iimar Stdiool and Toi-onto Univor>ity. Firsl rciurnod ro dominion ParliaincMit, for jii'osont scat, ill 1S72 and a^ain in 1874, and at h-ist general el(MMions, when he defeated his opponent M. Ci. Miinro, hv a majority of 112.— J Liberal ESSKX. JAMFS COLFdVUOOlvF PATTI':I^SOX. Barrister, Wind>oi-, Ont. ]}orii at Aiinagh, Ireland, in ISHI), Fdiicated in |)ul»lin. Sat foi" Fssex in tiie fioeal House, Out., i'roin IS75 until 17 Scj)- temher, 1878 when eleeted for present seat, over Win. Me(;Jrei;'oi', hy 278 majority, — xi Cuim'rcative. FP.ONTKNAC. Liei:t.-Col. (iFOiMF AIUFY KlRKPATlHClv, L. L. P.., Q. C. l]arrister, Kingston, Out. Born in J'Cini^-ston, • D) Sep- tenilier, 1841. Fdneated at Kingston (Iraminar School, St. Johns lliii;h School, P. (^>., and Trinit}^ CoJle,u:o, I)iil)lin. Sat for )>resent seat, from Ajiril 1870 imti! Last u'eneral elections when reelect(^d by 81l-{ majority over his opj»onont J. Y. Feries. — ^1 Liberal Cau- ser catice. 64 ■■■■ ik <\./,^'/ !!• l< /c. .^•!;M., |•|.^^l \l\ !.'! BBHW r •■ i ' .1^' ii rVASPE. PII<:RRK FORTIX, M. D. rhysieian inul Sm-.-'oon, Quebec. Born at Verclitji-es, P. (}., ])e('emlier, 1S2;J. ivlucated at the Montreal Seminary and McClill Colk\i;'e. Sat for present seat, from 18(17 until 1875. and tor same Constituency in (^hieltec As- sembly, from 1S(>7 to 1878. Was diii-inii; tiiat ]toi'i()d a member of the Kxecutivc Council and Commissioner of Ci'own Lands P. (^., and S|teakci' of the (Quebec Tx'.u'islature. Was v lee fed by a majoi'ily of 7!>7 at i^cieral elections of 17 Soj>lenibei', 1S78 over Ids (»pponents 1'. Lelioutillicr and M. Trembhi}'. — .4 Conscrrative. OT.ENOAKUY. JOIIX M'"il. Kducated in Countv Common Sehool. Fii-st I'cturned for r,re- sent seat, ;it last ii'cneral elections ot' 17 Se|»tembei-, 18;,>, over A. McXab, b\' a majority of (II. — .1 Liberal Come rvat ice. ai.OTTCKSTER. Hon. Tr.ArOTIIY WAFJPKX AX^-CiLIX, St. John, X. B. Born and educated in Ireland. Sat in Local xVssembly, foi" St. John Co. , N. B.. from ISOI to 1800 in wliich yi ai" he was a member of the Executive Council, N. W. Peprescnted (ilou- cestcr, in House of Commons since Confederation and Avas elected Speaker, 25 Marcli, 1874 Avhicli ])()sirioii he l.ehi until dissolution of Parliament. PetuiMied to present seat on 17 Sep- tember, 1878, by acchunation. — .4 LiberaL ailEXVrEEE, (South Riding.^ JOIIX PHILIP WrSLPt, Distiller and Stoe Prescott. Om. Pxn'n in Trenton, IJaiser, Oneida Co., X. Y Educated at Ilobart Hall Institute, Holland, Patent, N. Y. First returned to Parliament at last i:;eneral elections of 17 Septembei", 1878, over Ins oppo)ient John Dumbrille, by 27 majoi'ity. — A Liberal. O-REY, iEast Riding.) THOMAS SIMPSOX SPROULE, M. I). Physician, Mark- tlale, Ont. Born in the Township of Kin<^, Co. York, Ont., in October, 1841]. Educated in Victoria University and Uiuver- sity of Michiujan, Ann Arbor. Elected foi* ])resent seat on 1" September, 1878 over Alfred (litford, by a majority of 581. — A Conservative. ' illi A: CtIvEY, (North Ridino.) 8AMUKL JOHN LANE. Banistei-, Owen SouihI, Out. Vxn-n :iii(l cducalcil in Kiii;'Iuiiil. I^'irst rotm-ned tor present .seat at last genei-al elections oi' 17 So])temlier, 1S7H, over his opjionent (Jeoi'^e Snidei' I'oriner rej)rcsentative. l)y a majority oi''2l',]. — ^l Liberal Conaervatlre. GrllEY, (South Ridino.) (rEOJJGF. .lACKSOX, J. P. Retired Merchant, Hrewcr and Malster, Durham, Ont. Born at lliitton. York Co., En_<;-Uind, and ethicaled there. Sat for Clrey, from 1S54 to IS,')!, for Sontli (irey, from Confederation to 187- and reelected on 17 Se]itemher, 187S over George LanderUin, l»y 8(5 majority. — A Consen'atice. aiJYSBOKOTJOH. ALFJMvl) OdDKX, :\rerc]iant and Mannfacttu'er, Canso, (luyshoroiigh Co., X. S. J^orn at Port I'^lgin, X. B. I>1 Deceniher, 184r> and educated there. First retui-ned to present sent at last general elections of 17 Septemher, 1878, defetiting his opponent John A. Kirk]>atrick, hv a majority of liM. — A Liberal Conser- vative, HAI.r>IMANr>. .Major DAVID TKOMPSOX, J. P. Miller and Farmer, Ivuthven Park, J)eans, Ont. Born 7 Deccn\her, 18P>G, in the Township of WainHeet, Co. AVelland, Ont. Kducated in Ha- milton (Irammar School anil U. C. College. Sat for Iluldimand ill Local Legislature, Ont., from 180;5 until Confederation and for ])resent seat since 18(57. His majoi-ity over his opponent X. F. Davin at last elections of 17 Septemher, 1878, was 106. — A Reformer. 66 f » r* 1 1 ■": t > r Nl HAMILTON i! 1 lUt HAT.TFAX,-!) MATITKW nKXKV III('I[KV, (I C. Harristor at Law, Halifax, X. S. IJorn in Windsor, N. 8., 10 June, 1S2S. Kdu- fated at the Colleuiate Sfliool, Windsoi-, N. 8. and U. C. Aca- (Umuv, Coltoiii-u; ; U. (J. ('<>lle,i;-c T )i*ont(> and (^neon's Oolle^-o, Kini;'st()ii, Ont. Fii'st I'etiirneil to )>i'eseut seat on 17 Sept(Mnliei', 1S7S, l»y Ji majority of (»(»!> over the foiMuer i-")>resentatives Hon. A. rALACIlY BOWKS DAIiY, Barrister at Law and Notary Public, Halifax, X, S. Born at (^nebee. Kdneated at St. ^[ary'8 (Jolle,:^e Oscott, En«;land. First I'eturned to jtresent seat at last ;i:enei'al elections of 1" September, 1S7S, ovei* Hon. A. (f. Jones and P. Power by a majority of (!0!> over the foi-iner. — .4 Liberal Conservative. HAT.TON. Hon. WILLLVM MeDOUCALL, (\ U. Attorney, Toronto, Ont. Hoi'n in Toronto, 25 January, 1S22. Ivlucated in Toi'onto and at Victoria University, Coboni'ij:. Was a >[inister of the Crown, from I8(i2 until October, 18()9 when appointed Lieutenant (rovernor of Xoi'th West Teri'itories. Sat in (Canadian Assembly, from 1858 to 180!}; in Local Legislature of Ontario, from 1803 until the Union an' in House of Commons, from Confederation up to 18l!!>. His majoi'ity over liis opponent W. ,Mc(Jranley at last general elections, 17 September, 1878, was 18. — A Conser- vative Liberal. HAMIT^TON-ii) FRANCIS EDWIN KILVERT, Barrister at Law, Ha- milton, Ont. Born \n the Township of Hamilton, Co. Northum- berlaml. Out., 27 December, 1838. Educated at the Cobouri^ Grammar S( hool. l^'irst returned for present seat on 17 Sej)- tembcr, 1878, by a majorit}' of 2-15. over the first of his two op- ponents Aemilius Irving and A. T. Wood. — A Conservative and Protectionist. ITAMII/rON,-(2) THOMAS EOBKRTSON, Q. C. Attorney, Hamilton, Ont- Born in the Village of Ancaster, Ont., 25 January, 1827. Edu- cated at the London and Huron District Clrammar School and the University of Toi'onto. First returned for present seat, at last general elections of 17 September, 1878 over his two op- ponents Aemilius Irving and A. T. Wood, by a majority of 207 over the former. — A Liberal Conservative and Supporter of the Na- tional Policy. 67 ! 1 m h \ ! I' HANTS. WILLIAM JIKMJV ALLISOX. Mantiui, Xi'wjx.rt, X. S, Born ill Xowpoi-t, X. S. and oilucntod in SiicUviJK', X. Ji. Sat tor Hants In Li'uislativo AsscniMy, X. S., tVotn ISTI until January, 1S74 anent seat on 17 So|)tomI)i'r. 1S7S, over W. U. (loiuli;^, by a majority ot'iJ.SL — ,1 Conservative. T r A s T r N r; s, ka^t ridint.. i JOIIX WIllTi':, Foundry Froprioior, l{>>slin, Ilastinii-s, ;, Co., Out. l)(»rn in the C'oimty |)i)neual, Ireland, C .May, ISiJ.'j, : Kdueateil at PuMic .Srhool. liallintra, l)()neij:;al Co., Ireland, lias.; Ijoen a iJepresenlative since 1S71 and was r(>turned on 17 Sep- :• tenilter", 1S7S l>\- a majority of 74 over Willard .1. I'arley. — '. A (''i)isfrr((tire. '■ \ HASTINas, (NouTH ruoixo.) ; \ LiEUT.-Coi-. Hon. MacKFXZIK BOWFLL, .1. P. Printer ; !;• and Publisher Belleville Out., and Ottawa. Born at IlicUin^-hall, •; :•! Suttolk. Fnii-land, 27 Deeemher, 1S2;5. Fdueated in Fno'land and • •i; Canada. Sat for ])res<>nt Constituency in House of Commons ;■ ;• since ('onfedorjitioii in 1S(;7, and swoi-n a momhei* of the Privy ', V Council, as Ministi'r of Customs, l!l Octohei", 1.S7.S. At last i;'e- ■; ;; neral elections of 17 .Septemher, IS7S he defeated his opponent ;. ;• E. J). O'Flvnn, l>v a majority of 25-1. — A Conserraticc. •'- HASTINOS, iWkst Eim.vo., ■; Lieut. Col. JAMES BPOWX, Belleville, Cnt. Born in • Scotland in 1S2(!. Fducated in Canada. First I'cturned to Par- •. liament foi* present seat in 18()'7, after the Union and success!- ■:, vcly reelected at ireneral elections of 1872, 1 874 and tinally on J; 17 Septemher, 1878 when defeating lion. L. Wallhridge, by 251 :■ niujoi'ity. — A Conservative. " " i 68 ■^ n *i|»» ht-^ft^ft^^i^^^m im^^tmmt^n^^^i^ ' M I"!""" npi!?9*^ * jimw '"iiuii i H i' g i| !i I HOCHl.T.ACrA. ALPIIOXSK DKS.IAIJDIXS, K. P. IX., A-lvMcato ati.l I'Mitor, Moiitivnl, P. (^ Horn in 'l\'i'rel»()imo P. (^ (» M:iy, IS41. EdiicatcMl Jit tlio .Ma.xson folli'uv Tt'ri-i'l)()nno and Xii-olel ('nlk\i(('. I'Mrst n.'tiirnc'(l to JIouso ot Coninions at u'oncral flections of 1S74 and au'ain on 17 -Soptoinlirr, 1S7S, over L. (). David, l»y :i majority ot'(I!>S. — A Comernitivr. IIT^NTINanOX. .IlTLli:S S(;illVFJ{, IIcMuniin-tord. P. Q. I5nrn at llonr ndnii'ford, 2 and elected for llousi> (tf Commons in 1S(J!) and returned to present seat in 1S72. 1S7 I- and finally by acclamation on 17 Septembci", 1S78. — .1 Lihcnt/. HtTlON, (C'ENTUB RlPIXrt.l Hon. Srii PICJIAHl) JOIIX CA IJTWJJKi IIT. Iv. C. M. (J. Kinii'ston, Ont. Born in Kini^^slon. 4 December, ISiJ,') and edu- cated tliere. k!lat for Lennox ar.d j\ddini;'ton in Canadian As- sembly, from 1S08 until tlio Uiuon and in tlic Ifonse of(!om- mons, fi'om 18(57 to 187S wben electerl foi' ])resent. seat on "J Xovember, 1878, over 8. Piatt, by a majority of 401. Was a member of Privy Council as ^^inister of Finance, fi'om 7 ^'^o- vembor, 1873 until Oct(.ber, 1878.-^1 Liheral. HURON, (NouTH Riding.) THOMAS FAIlPtOW, Farmer lilnevale. Ont. Born in the of A^[uml)y, Tjinconsiiire, hjii^dand, 8 Marcli, \^'.V,\ and educated there. First returned for present seat in 187- tmd reelected in 1874, and at _<;'enei'al elections of 17 September, I878, over bi^? op))onent AVm. Sloan, M. J), by a nuijority (tf 84. — A Conservative and supporter of all sound measures. HURON, (South Riding.) MALCOIjM COLIN CAMFliON, Q. C. JJarristei- at Law Godericb, Ont. Born in Perth, Co. Lanai'k, Ont., 12 April, I80I. F^ducated at Knox College, Toronto. Sat for present Constituency in House of CJfmiinons, from 18(57 to 1878 and a.ii'ain reelected on 17 Septemlter, 1878 by a majority of 1(55, over Eobert Porter. — A Liberal. 69 I: ■ m it'i! r lHi:UVIT.l.K. MA.IOR FIJAXrOlS liEClIAHl), Fiinuoi-, Mount Johnson, P. Q. Born in St. Mary, Co. ilouvillo, \\ il IS Ajjril, ls:}(). KdiU'JittMl ill St. Jlyacintlio Col lone. First rcturni'd lor present seat in ISilT and rcoleeti'd in 1S72, IS74 and tinaliy at last j;;e- noral oloctions of 17 Sojitenilicr, 1S7S when ho doteaiod his ()))})onent (;li;;rlcs Thihaiilt hy a majority ot'22!). — .1 LibrrdL tnvj:rnkss. SAMUFL M.uDOXNKLL, (I C. Barrister, Port-Ilood N. S. Horn at St. Andi'ows in Ai)ril, ISIU and educated al the (irauunar S(diool there. Sat for Inverness in Nova Scotia As- serihly, from lSt»") to the Union and from 1S71 until Au-Mi^t. 1S72, when elected for ]»resent seat which he successfully contested at last ii'oneral elections of 17 Se])temlter, IS7S, defeatinii* his op- ponents II. Camei'on and A. McJ^ennan, hy a majority ot" lO'J over the fornier. — .1 Conscrratlfc. JACQITES-CAKTIKli. DESUJE (MIJOUAIM), Q. (\, D. C. L. Barrister at Law Montreal, liorn al St. Timotlie, Co. Beauharnois, P. (^. 7 .lidy, ISliO. Kducated at the Montreal Colloue and MctJill Univer.sity. First i-eturned to Parliament for ])i'esi>nt seal, al last ;;eneral elections of IT Septemher, 1S78, hy a majority of 2 after u recount of votes, over the old re])resentative Hon. \l. La- flammc. — A Conner caiive. JOI.IETTE. Hon. ].()U1S FRAN(;0IS (JFORdF BABY, q. C. Lawyer, Jolictto, P. Q. liorn in Montreal on 2(1 Auj;ust, 1S34. Fducated at Monireal (^oUeije and College of Joliet.te. First returned to Parliament lor ]»resent seat in 1872 and reelected in 1ST4 and a<;ain on 17 S(,'plemher, I878 over Jiis opponent F. B. (Jodin. hy a majority of :{*J5. Sworn a memher of Privy (council, as Minister of Inland 'levcnue, 2(5 Octoher, 1878. — A Comervative. 70 >4v .i,V i' . i>'' Jj^ I* I > n I I wmmmmmrmmn^ in i.i V-ft.-*S!Sii'-;;v..- .., II Klt^" P iji HJi KAMOURASKA. JOSEPH DLLMONT, Mcrehunl und Farmer, St. Andre, Co. Kamourjiska, P. Q. Born at St. Andre, l!> April. 1S47. VaIu- cated at Ste. Ann's College. First returned to Parliament, for ])resent scat on 17 September, 1H78, over C. F. Iioy, by a ma- jority of 4. — A Liberal Independent. KENT, N. B. GILBERT ANSELME (lIPvOUARD, General Mercliant, Buctouebe, Kent Co., N. B. Born at St, Mary's, Biietouobe, X. B. Educated at St. Jose])li's College, Memramcook. First elected on 17 September, 1878, over bis four o])])onents : J*. B. Cutler, (ieo. McLeod, II. O'Leary and G. Y. Mclnverney, by u majority of 74: over tbe former. — A Liberal Conservative. KENT, Out. nUFUS STEPHENSON, Editor, Cbatbam, Ont. Born at Springfield, Mass., U. S. Educated at Grantbam Academy, St. Catbarines, Ont. Has represented Kent Co., in House of Com- mons, from 18(57 to 17 Se]>tember, 1878 wlien be was again reelected by a majority of 553 over Hugb .McMabon, (^. (.'. of London, Ont. — A Liberal Conservative. KINO'S N. B. JAMES DOMYILLE, Mercbani, St. Jobn, N. B. Born 20 November, 1842 and educated in England. First returned to Parliament for ]>resent scat at general elections in 1872 ; again in 1874 and tinally on 17 Septerabei", 1878 over Levi N. Sbarp bis opponent, by 334 majority. — A Liberal Conservative. KING-'S, N. S. FREDERICK WILLIAM BORDEN, B. A., M. 1)., Pby- sician, Canning, N. S. Born in Cornwallis, King's Co., 14 May, 1847. Educated at King .^ College, Windsor, N. S. and Harvard University, Boston, Mass. U. S. Sat for present seat since 1874. Defeated D. B. Woodwortb at last general elections, 17 September, 1878, by a majority of 2U5. — A Liberal. \ i?i jtm; ! Kixas, p. K. i.-i ) (Japtain AUdUSTINK COLIX ^[ArDOXATJ), J. P. .Mon- tague. P. K. J. lUn-n at Pammu-e, P. K I., liU Juno. iSliT. hMucateti at (rramniar Scl)(»ol, (ieoi'uctown and (.'oiitral Aca;'s(j). in Local Assembly, iVoni ISTU to the lime P. !"-. 1. entcreil (/onfeiiei'atii,!! and from that time to November, lH7-> in of Commons. Klecleil for |)i-esent seat on 17 Se])temher, IS7S over Mv. .Mel-'ayden and Dr. McJntyre, l)y a majority of 1013 over the formei'. — A Liberal Cotiservative. KINGS, P. K. 1.-2) EPJIPAIM BKLL MUTTAIJT, M. D., Phvsieian. Souris, P. K. 1. Born at Cape Traverse, Prinee (^o., P. '\\. I., 7 .Afarch, IS-}!). Kdueated in P. K. I., Sackville, N. B. aner, IH78, over Messrs. MeFa3'den and Melntyre by a majority of 57'^. — ^1 Liberal Conscrcadre. KINOSTON. AJ.KXAXDIvU (iUXX, Merehant, Kin-ston, Ont. Born at Burns, Caithness, Scotland, 5 October, 1S28. Educated at Fors.s School, Caithness. First retui-ned to Parliament, for])rescnt seat, at last u'eneral elections of 17 Septemlter. IS78, by a majority of 14(», over his o})j)onent Sir John A. J\[acJ)onald. — .1 Liberal lieformer. I^AMBTON. Hon. ALFXAXDFll M.vrKFXZlF, Toronto, Ont. Born near Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland, 28 January. 1822. Edu- cated at the Public Schools of Moulin, Duidceld and Perth. Sat for present Constituency in Canadian Assembly, fi-om 18(11 until the Union and represented ^Yest Middlesex in Ontario Legis- lature, from 1871 until Oc^tober, 1872 when he resigned. Fii-st returned to present seat in 18(J7 and consecutively reelected in 1872, 187^i, 1874 and at last general elections of 17 September, 1878. Was a member of the F.vecutive Council and Treasui-er of Ontario, from 21 December, I87I, nntil October, 1872, and Prime Minister of the Dominion (iovernment and Minister of Public Works, from 7 November, 1873 nntil October, I878. His majority over his opponent John A. MacKenzie at last ge- neral elections, was 146. — A Jjiberal. 72 I, UI'H"M;lt L Lt:LU:3. a LLNNOX K LEVIS . 1 -*^^^..-T I'l.VTK Wll ■ill ,11 I'.s ■ T^ANAllK, iNoKTii Riding.) DAXIHL (lALBIJAlTJl, Fanner, Almonte, On:. lioni in (Jl!isii;()\v, Scotland, in the yetir 1813. Eclncatotl in the Townsliip of J^unsay, Ont. Sat for jiresent Constituency in Local Le^'is- Intuie Out., from l^ill until 1872 Avhen i-etm-ned foi- present seat, reelected in 187-I- ly acclamation and on 17 September, 1878 over his opponent Joseph Jamieson, by a majctrity of 41^. — A Reformer. I^ANAUK, iSocTii Riding.) .TOIIN (fKAlIA.M ]IA(H1AKT, Saw and Cn-ist-^lill Owjicr, Perth, Ont. Born in Perth, Ont., l-i Novenihcr, 18;](;. First returned to Parliament, for in'esent seat, at i;'eneral elections of 1872 and reelected in 1874, and in 1878 when opposed by F. T. Frost who was defeated by a majority <>i' 'i24. — A Liberal Con- sernitice. T.APKAIRIE. LiEUT.-CoL. ALFPtFl) PINSOXXAULT, J. P., Farmer, St. .7ac(]ues le Mincur. P. (^,. Horn at St. .Jacipies le .Mineur, and educated at the Primary School thei-e. Sat for ]>resent seat in ('ai.adian Assembly, from 18()8 until the Union. Petui-ned for House of Commons in 18t!7, 1872, 1874 and auain reelecte lly ' I h: I'l I.Ei:i^S t^- OllKNVlI.T.F., (NOUTH KlIMNO.) CMIAIILKS FKM'IDKKMCK Fi:K(JrS()\. M. I)., Physifiaii, K(.'in]ttvilU', Oiil. I>()i-M ill llio Towiisliii) of Killcy. Ia'cmIs, Out. ami cdiu'utod tliere. lilectiMl ibr pi't'seiil seal in IS74. and a^-aiii on 17 So])tcniljor, IS7S hy a iiiajority of IJO ovoi" F. Jones. — A Liberal Comervatkw. .T.KF."nS, 'South Ridixo.'; Major, DAVIJ) FOIJD .lOXKS, A«;i-i(Miilura! Tm]iloincnts >raiint'a(.'tui'ei", (ianano(|Ue, Out. l>oni al l)rockvilie, Onl. in 181S. l<](lu(.'atenil»ly, from ISCI until tlio Union. First voturnod for jtrosent seal in 1S7;J ;nid reelected over W. 11. Fredenliur^'h, at u'eiieral elet'tions of 17 Septeml>cr, IS7S, hy u majority of 121.-^1 Comcrciitice. LENNOX. Captain KDMUXl) HOOlMvU, .Merchant. Xapance, Out. Boi-n in J)evonsliire, I'ji^'land, 7 July, ISlS. Educated in (Quebec. First returned to Parliament on 17 .Seytteniher, 1878, when elected over his opjionent lion. .Sir. 11. J. Cartwright, l)y a majority of TIK — A Comnvaiivp. I^EVIS. Liei:t-Col. Hon. .lOSKlMl (JODEIJIC r.LAXCMlET. ^\. IX, Physician, Levis, P. (^. Uoi-n at St, Pierre Piviore du Siid, 7 June, 182I>. Fducated at the (^uehec Seminary and St. Ann's Collef;'e. Sat for ])i-esent C'onstituency in Canadian Assembly, from 18()1 until the Union and for the same Division in (Quebec Legislature, from 18(17 to 187"), during \vhi(di period he was Speaker of the House of Assembly. First returned for ]>rescnt sent in House of Commons at general elections of 1807, then for Bellechassc in 1875 and again for IjOvis on 17 Sej)teml)er, 1878 in which instance he was elected over L. II. Frechette, by a majority of 118. AVas chosen as Sjteaker of the House of Commons at the opening of the Session 14 February, 187i>. — A Liberal Conservative. •si 01 an, >, Ont. I ai;-iiiii )llt'S. — cniciits )iit. in present U nion. ver W. ^TH, 1)}' Ont. in ted 1878, vi'iuht. M. IX, Slid, 7 1 s Am .Mil 111 y ^iieb CO ic was •resent len for 1878 by a use of ii T.IXCOT.N. JOnX CllAIJLKS IJVKKilT, Bnmstor nt Law, St. Cntliai-iiies, Out. Wnvu nt St. ('uiliariiios, !(► .\[arcli, \x:V2. Ivliu'ati'(l at L'jipoi- Canada Collc^i'. Sal toi* Lincoln in Canadian As.xcniltly, I'roni lS(il until \xi'>'.i and then elected for Ontai'io lieiiislatuio, in ls«i7, 1S71 and jsjt;. First iTtiii'ned Inr jn-esent 8eat at last i;"eneral (dections of 17 Se)itenil)er, lS7Sj over .lames Noi'i'is, by a majority of ll(». — .1 '.^onm'rvniicc. T.TSaAR. .lOllX SCirULTZ, .M. J). AK'i'eliant, ^VinlU'l>.'^^ Manitol.a. Hoi-n in Anilicr.stbiiri;, Lssox Va)., (Jnt., 1 ,1 , Miaiy, 1S40. Fidtu'ated in Arts, at Olieidin, Ohio, II. S. and in .dedccine, at (Queens Col loi;"o, I\ini;'ston. and X'^ictoi'ia Colleu'iN Toi'onto, Ont. and li'i'aduated in ISCd. Appointed a Memlier of the l*]xeenlivc Couiudl for the Xorth-West Territories, in 1S72. First returiu'd to Parliament for present, seat in ^Farcdi, IS7I, mid ai;"ain in 1S72, IS7;}, L'^74 and linally on 17 Sei>temhef, 187'^, when elected hy acclamation. — A Jjtbcrdl CotistH'catice. PirTLlPPF BABY CASriJUrX, *Q- C., Advocate, (^lehec. Born in the City of (^uehec in 1S27. Ivliicated at Ste. Ann's Colle,i;'c. First I'etiirned to j)resent seat in House of Commons at genei'al elections of 1S72, reelected in 1874 and ai,^ain on 17 September, 1S7H, when deleatini;; his opj)onent C Foui-nier, by a majority of (j(i. — .1 Liberal. I.ONnON. Hon. JOIIX CAHLlXtr, Brewer, London, Ont. Born in the Townshi]) of London, ^Middlesex, Ont., 23 January, 1828. Sat in Canadian Assembly, from 18 December, 1857 until Con- fedei'atioii anddurini;- which period was Receiver General in 1872. Was returned for London Division in Ontario Legislature in July, 1807 and held the portfolio of Minister of Aicriculture and Public Works, fi-om that time up to December, 1871. Fleeted to present seat in 18()'7 and aijain in 1878 over J. Walker, by a majority of O'-l. — A Liberal Conservatice. I^OTBINIERE. COME ISAIE RIXFEET, M. D. Physician, Ste. Croix, P. Q. Born at Cap Sante. Educated at Quebec Seminary. First returned to Parliament for ])resent seat in House of Commons, at last ,t>:eneral elections of 17 September, 1878 over ' A. Cote, b}^ a majority of 111. — A Liberal. 75 1 1 i.uxi:nhi MO. Taptain-Aimi TANT, CIIAULKS KhWlX KAriJJACir. FjUMucr and Slii|t-()\\iu'i-, IjuumiImii'!;', N. S. IJoni in liinuMilmrii;, lo.hily. 1S;U and iMlncati'd ihcri". l-'Jcctcil for lloiix- ofCuni- iiioiw at last uiMioral idoctinns (»f IS7S, hy n majority ()l'T-<» o\cr his o]i]»onont ('. Iv ('liurch. — .1 (\jnsi'rriitir>'. JOSKIMl ()■('( )NNKI;L IJVAX, Harristor, Porta-v La I'rairio, .\Ianitol»a. Born al l)iinn\illo, Ont., IS Doccmlu'i", ISU. Ivlncatod at lJe<,no])olis Collouc, Kinnston. I''ii'^t vc- tui'ned for in'cscnl scat, in IST') and ai;ain I'ouici'tod hy accla- inati(;ii on 7 iK'coinln'r, IS7S. — A Lihernl. MA SKIN ON OK. rinvDKIIlC llOUhK, .loumalist, Montreal. I'.oi-n at Iiiviuro-du-Lonp (on liaiit), 2l> Scptemhor, lS-17. ivlucatcid at the Coilt^uv ot Xicolot, l-'irst rolurnod to present seat at last general »'le('t ions of 17 Septeniher, lS7So\tM' A. L. J)esanlniers and (J. II, Vale, l>y a majority of 542. — .1 Xational Conserrtdive. M ROAN TIC. LOUIS KIMIJJKM OLlVIIvlJ, M. I). Physician and Sur- ,i;'e()n, St. Fei-dinaud d'llalifax, Co. .Mei;'antic, P. (^. J]orn at St. Nicholas in IS4S. Educated at (Quebec Seminary and Laval L^niversity where he was i;-i-adiiated. Elected foi' ])resont Cons- tituency at last neiiei'al elections, 17 Septemher, IS78 hy a ma- jority of MIU over his o]iponent X. Tin'<;'eon. — A Lihcral. 76 /' ; I . ;l^ i-i 1 1 'iii ( 1 1 "(i I ! ! i, I I f; ^1 r MONTCAT.M. FIRMIN DUCiAS, A.-rrii-uUni-ist and Miller, >r.)i>tcalin, P. (}. Born jit IJawdon, V. q. in IS.'iO. Kducatod at Ihc Colloico of L'Assoin])tion. Sat for Montcalm in (^)iiel)oc Asseinlily, IVom ]S(]7 until February, 1S74. i-c^tiirncd to jti't'seiit seat in IS72, i'ecIc('to;]7. — A Cunservaticc. I ArONTMAONY. ATCJUSTF CIIAin.FS PiriLIlM*K IJOliFIiT LANDFiY, B. A., J. P., Farmer, St. Pierre J\*iviore du Slid. Born at (^iielice 15 January, 1S4(). Ivliieated at (^>uel»ec Seminary, l^lected for same Consiitneney in Ijocal House in 187,") and for present seat on 17 September, 1878 over J. (). Carl.'onneau by a majority of 88. — A Comcrcatloe. M O N T xM O U K X C Y. PIEBRF Vi^X'FNT VALIN, .Merchant and Ship-F.uilder, (Quebec. Horn at Chateau- IJiclior, P. (^>. in 1827. Fdueated in (^iiebee. First returned to J*arliament, foi- (^)uebee i^last in Pro- viiieial Assemldy in 1874. Fleeted for jtresent seat in House of Commons on 17 Sej)tember, 1878, by a majority of 22(] over the former representative, Jean Lanj^lois. — .4 Conservative. MONTKKAI., Centre Eidino.) Captain .MICHAEL PATRICK liVAN, J. P. JJotired Mereiiant, Montreal. ]iorn at Pallis J)onohill, County Tippe- raiy, Iindand antl educated there. Sat for j)resent (V)nstitueney in House of Commons, during;; the Parliaments of 18(j8, 187'- and was a.:;'ain ]'eeleeted on 17 Septemiier, 1878 by a majorit}' of 8O0 over the former representative B. Devlin. — A Liberal Conser- vative. i 78 "■ W 'l .'.M. ' Hi . n Ml \ \\ I. ??^fer- 1 AoiM^My//* K-vssv.rsr'-.-v... • ■■•..■ ■ -^ ■i IJ!i i! ''f t1! I;- I ii |i i 1 MONTIiKAI., East Ridinc , LiEUT.-CoL. MICJIKL .lOSKIMl CIIARLKS COURSOL, K. C. III.. Q. C. Luwyer, Monlroal. horn at AiuluM-stlmrii:, Out., 8 Oc'tolioi-, iSr.l. "^Kdueatcd at the .>r<)ntroal Colleuo. Fir^i vctiiritMl to Parliament tor ]>rcseiit seat, on 17 S('])teiiilter, 1878 when eleetetl over his opijonent J'\ X. Archaiiihaull, liy a iiia- ioritv of 131)2. — A Conncrcata'e. if V MONTKEAI., West Ridinc.) .MATJIKW IIAMIT/roX (fAULT, J. I'. Broker and In- surance A_i;'eiit. .Montreah J)orn in Strahane, Co. Tyrone, Ji'eland and educated thei'e. First returned for present seat, at last jLCeneral elections of 17 8e))temhei-, 1878 over Wni. l)arliTitc, by a majority of 1737. — A Conservative. MUSKOKA. ALKXAXDKTl VFIYVAl COCKHURX, Steainhoat-Owner and Foi-warder, Gravenhurst, Ont. Horn in jjerwick. Co. Stormont, Ont., 7 April, 1837 and ediu-ated tlu're. Sat for Xoi-th Victoria in Ontario .Lc,ii;islalure, from 18(;7 until 1871. i^lected for present t?eat in the House of Commons, in 1872, 1874 and au'ain at ii;enei'al elections 17 8e]»temher, 1878 when defeat- ini;- his op|»onent W. K. OVBrien, i)y a majority f)f f)3. — A Jjiberal. NAPIKUVII.T^E. SrXTF COUPAL (lit LaPl'llXF, Farmer. Xapierville, P. (J. Born at 8t. Cy]trien, 1 May, 182,") aiul received no edu- cation. Sat for Napiei'ville in ('anadian Assembly, from 18(!3 until C'Onfederation. i'ilected for ])resent seat in House of Com- mons, for Sessions, from 18(17 to 1871 and reelected in 1874, and au'ain on 17 Se])teml)er, 1878 over Kusebe J5ureau, b}' a majority of 132.— .4 Liberal. NEW WESTXriNSTEl^ THOMAS EOBKTiT McIXXES, ,M. f)., C. .M. Physician and Suro-eon, Xew Westminster City, 1). C. Born at l^ake ', Ainslie, N. S., 5 Xovember, 1840. Ivlucat. • at X'oi-mal School, ; Ti-uro, X. S. and Harvard University, Boston, U. S. First re- turned for present seat on 2)) Mandi, I878 and reelected on 17 ; Se|)tember, 1878 ovei' James liobinson, by a major! ly ol" 80. — Thoroutjlihj fudejicndent in Politics. •« ^i 5 11 ii y ! J n ' iiii; ly. i«j;i^! |if I'ii, llill ^i' I : shii ; i ll i ' '- i\ XIAaAHA. JOSrAlI BUR 11 PT.UMB, Nia^':n:i, Out. Born at East Havcti, Conn., U. S. in I'^K!. Kdiicatcl in United Siato. First ri'tui-ncd to |ii-os(.'nt seat in Jlouso of Cominons ll> Occomlior, 1S74 and aixiiiii iveleriod at last ircnei-al ol('cti<»ns of 17 8op- tenilier, 1S78 l>ya majoi'ity of li votes after recount, over J'atrick Jliii^lies. — A Con8erc<(tift\ NICOI.ET. I-IL\X(;oi.S XAVIIMJ OVIDK MP:TI10T, Fanner, St. Piei're ies l>erSat for Nieolet in (Quebec l.en'i.-^latnre, from IS7I to 18 Deceniliei-, I877 wlien eleeted to ))resent seat in iloiisi* ot" ('oninions and reeleetetl at i^-eneral eleetions 17 Sejtteniber, 1878, over (Justavo Tiireotte, M., J), by a maioritv of 7'jO. — .1 Cvmervatire. NORFOLK, 'North Riding., JOHN ('IJAlM/rOX,— Timber and Uumber Dealer, Lyne- doeh, Ont. Born at Caledonia, Xew York, II. iS. 3 July, i82!>. Educated at Cale(b)nia and Sj)rin_i:lielil, C S. Sat for ])resent Constituency in lIou^e of Conimons >inoe 1S72 and i-eelected at last elections of 17 September, 1878 over A. Wal.sli, by a majority of 142.— J Li.hmtl. NOUFOT^K, '«ouTH Riding.) VILLI AM WALLACE, Editor, Siincoe, Ont. I^^orn near (ralston, Avrsliire, Seothmd, 4 Febrnar\-, 1S20. Fducaied at the T^arish School of Whithorn, Wi_^^ton>liire. Scotland. Eleeted for House of Commons, in 1872, 1S74 and ai;'ain on 17 Se]>tember 1878 (leleatinj^ his ojtponent S. MeCall, by a majority of 307. — A Conscrcative. 80 t J'y-^, 9) /t^<»*-' Z^ ■y TTry <~. A e-.^ ^ i i i i JAT.KZ lU'NTIXir SXOWHALL. Tiinlu'i- .Nlonliatit, ' - --,-..._. .,..-_ ..» , Chiitliam. Miiamiclii, N. H. iioni in liUiicnlnii'Li,' N. S. 2t Scp- toinlier, ls;{7. Iviitcatcil at tlio Weslcvaii Collc^-e, SaciUTITl^MHI':iU.ANi:>, Out., Kast Riding.) ALA.JOli JOSIOIMI KKKIJ'MJ, .J. P. (ientleman Farmer, Kelwood, T()\vnslii|» ot' C'ratnalie, Co. X'ortliinniierlancl, Ont. liorn ill Coll»orne, 24 >[ay, I.Sl'4. Kdiicated at Victoria Coileue, ColxMii'i;; and L jijK'r (y'anada ('(dleiro, Toronto. Sat t'oi* present C'onstitneney, diiriiii:,' tiie Parliaments of ]Sil7 and 1872, and aiA'ain ri'electe I'Ydiruary, ISl!). I'^lueated at IxTwicdv (irammai- School and U))]>er Canada Colieu'e. Sat in Canadian Assetaiiiy from isfil until tlie Union, and was S(tlli- ciioi- (ieiieral of Cpjiei' ('anada and Memlier of the Privy Council, fiom ISu4 to 1X17. First returned for ])iesent seat, in July. 18(57 and au'ain in 1872 hy acclaiaation. Was elected first . Sjieaker of the Jlouso of Commons in 18(17 and reelected to the ! s;.ime Otiice in 1S74. lieelocted on 17 Septemher, 1878 over his • oi)ponent AV, Ken* l»y a majority of 88. — ,1 Liberal Conservative. ONTAKTO, (^oKTn Riding.) (rFOPCF WIIFLFR, .>[erciiant, Miller and Lumhcr Ma- nufacturer, VillaLTC of C\hrid<;-e. Co. Ontario. Born in MarUham, Co. York, (^nt.. 2 Sejitember, 18o(». [educate*! at Torontresent seat in House of (commons, on 17 September, 1878 by a majority of 54 over W. 11. Gibbs of Oshawa. — A lie- former. ONTARIO, 'South Riding.) FRAXCIS WAYLAXl) GLFX, Agricultural imptcments ^ranufarturer, OshaAva, Ont. P»orn near Albany, Xew York, U. S. Educated at Pochester, N. Y. First returned to Par- , liament at last i;'enei'al elections ol' 17 Sejitcmbe)*, 1878 over lion. T. X. (ribbs, bv a majority of 2U(j. — A Reformer. 11 ^ ' ---.-•-...-".•- I I 1 ll|: ?: * 'X m 1 I m li ^ift'i OTTAWA CITY,- I) .TOSKiMI MKiniILL CUIJRIKIJ, Liinihor Morcliiinl, Now I'Miiiliiir--li, Out. Ui)\'\\ ill tin; United States, in l^liO. Iviiicatc'l jit Xorlli 'Vvoy, V. S. Sat ihv ])resoiit seat in Canadian As- senihly, i'roni ISCI} until the rnioii. lias represented Ottawa City in House ofConuiions, from iSd? until last ])tenil)er, 1S7S when i-eeleeted (»vei- hr. P. St. Jean and C. AV. Bani;-s, hy a nnijority of r>l>l. — J Libera} ('ouKfrratirc. OTTAWA CITY,-^^ JOSKPir TASSK, Journalist, Ottawa. Horn in .Montreal. 2'A 184S. Mdiu-ated at P.ourn-et's Colie.j^o, JJi.i;-aiid, Co. Vandreuil, P. (^. First rctui'ned to Parliament for pi'oscnt seat in House of Commons, on It Se])temhoi', l>i7>^ l)y a majority of o!)') ovei' his ()])])Ofients, J)r. P. St. Jean and C. W. Pani^-s. — .1 Cotiserrntire. OTTAWA, County, LiEUT.-CoL. ALONZO WIMCHT, .Mill-Owner and Timber Mereliant, Ironside, Hull, P. (^ P>orn at Hull, P. (}. 2() Fe- bruary, 182"). Ivlueated at Potsdam Academy. X. Y. First returned to Parliament, in 18()2 and sat in Canadian Assembly fi'om that time until Confederation, Avhen elected to House of Commons. Jieelected in 1872, 1874 and tinally in 1878 by a majority of 1(52 t over J. A. Cameron. — .1 Liberal Conserratire. OXFOlil ), iNoimi Riding.) THOMAS OLIYKE, Retired Merchant Woodstock, Ont. Born in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, and educated thei'e. Sat for present seat in Canadian Asseml)ly in 18(J(>. Fleeted to House of Commons in 18 May, 1874 and reelected ovin* ,los. (J ihson on 17 Sejileinboi', IST'S, liy a majority of Mill. — .1 Rcfonncr. Captain WII.LlA>r KLLIOTT, .Meirhani, Meac of'Comnions at last ,j.^cneral elections of 17 Se|>- tembcr, lcS7H when elected over llobert tSmith, l>y u majority of 81) . — A Conscrcdticc. PERTH, (NoiiTu Riding.) 8AMUb:L ROLLIX JIKSSOX, J. l\ Merchant, Stratford, Ont. J5orn in (bounty Antrim, Ii'eland, 25 Septemher, 1S21). Educated at the Dundas (Ji-ammar School, (.)nt. First I'eturnod to Parliament at last ti-eiieral elections, 17 Sei»temliei', 1S78, hy a majority of bl] over James Fisher. — A Con&ercativc. PKllTII, (South Riding.) JAMRS TPiOW, J. P. Conveyancer, Sliakes].ear, Ont. Eoi'n in Newtown, Monttjomeryshire, Xortli Wales, 1(> J)e- cember, ]S2(>. lOdueated at Xewtown and Livcr|)ool. Sat foi- present Constituency in Ontario Legislature, from 18G7 until 1871. Elected for Ifouse of Commons in 1S72, 1874 and a^ain in 1878 against Doctor E. llornibrook, b}' a majority of 77. — A Liberal. PETEKBOROUaiT, Eart Riding ) JOirX BURX^HAM, Barrister, Ashburnham, Ont. Born at St. Thomas, Ont., 8 December, 1848. Educated at Peter- borough and (4alt (Irammar Schools. First returned to Par- liament at last general elections 17 Septembei", 1878, defeating Thomas Buck by a majority of 23. — A Conservative. 83 / ( :; m § M 'i:M'' illtil i (il'XVKCI-: IIILLIAKM), l,innlHM--^'rn ;it M()ri>!,iii'n'|,, {',,_ DuikI.-i-. OiiI., in May, ISliT. l-'irst ret unicil lo r;irli;iiiu'iit foi- |)rt'.>t'ii! xmI in llmisr •>!' Corn- nioiis. ;it L'ist ncnora! «'U'cii(»Tis of 17 SrptcinlHT 1S7S, \>y a nia- joi-jty of r.'T <'\i'r his (i])}i()?n,'iil .loliii Drrlriim. — .t Consfnurtict;. l^ICTDl 1, II(.N. JAMi:s MACDOXALI) <). T. HaiTistiT, Halifax. \. S. and ( )t!a\va. xini at r.a>t IJr . r, I idoii. X. S. 1 .liilv, 1S21). Ivlin-atod al Xrw (ila.- <^(»w, X. S. Sat for I'ictou in Xo\a Scotia x\s.-H'nil»ly, from IS,')'.* until tlio I'nion and from 1S71 until July, 1S71*. I'iU'ctril for ])rt'.si'nt scat in 1S7l! and a^'aiii at last i^hv iicral elections 17 Scptcmln'i', 1S7S, defeat ini;" his o]»|)oiients ,1. W. ('arnnch;iel and .lolin .\ . haw.-on, hy a majority of ."Jl t ami !5(!!> respectively. Sworn a .Memln'i- of the Privy C'ouncil .as Mi- nister ol' ,Iu>tice in (.)etoiier, 1S7S. — .1 ('on.n'rrdtirc. prcT()l^--' LiF.rr.-Coi,. Ilor.I'lilT DOl'LT., .1. I'. Merchant, Pictou. N. S. IJorn in the Town of Wick, Caithness, Scotland, in 1S2S. Kducated in tlu' Pictou Aca(h'my. Islected for |»rcsent seat in House of Commons in l^l'J. and au'ain on 17 Septend)er, 1S7si. hy a !iiaiorit\' of 2r)() ovei' J. W. ( 'armichael and .".(>.') ovtM- .John A. J); iwson. — A l.iln'iwl Conscrrnt irr PONTIAC. I.(E1T.-C<.[.. JOIIX POrPOlJK, l-'anner. [jimher Manu- i'acturer and Miller, Chichester, Co. Poutiac, P. <^. P>oi'n in lvlward>hiiru-, Crenville, in 1S17. I*!ducated in l'ot>dam, State of New \'oi'lc, V. S. Sat in Canadian .\ssemhly. tVom ISdl until the l^nion. liepresenley a iiiajority of '.','.'> over i>r. K. A. I)c St. (ioorgcs the fonnor i-ej>reseiitativo. — A Catholic ('i)n.^ercafii}e. PKESCOTT. MA.IOIJ FELIX POrTlllKIi, J. \\ Maiiiifaelin'er, Vaiik- leek-JIill, Out. l^oni at St. Placide. 'Jl May, 1S27 and e«liicatere- vious to the Union, and was also a .Menihei" of the M.xeeutive (Vmneil of P. \\. 1. i^lected for jiresent seat in 187^5, on I*, i^. i. entering tlie J)ominion, ayain in 1S74 and linally on 17 Se)»- temlier, 187S hy a majority of 111 over C. Ilomatt and 22,") over S. F. Perry. — .1 Liberal. PRINCE, P. E. I.-'^> FDWAPl) UACMvKTT, Tii^nish, P. K. 1. Porn af Ti-ni^h in 1840 and ediu'ate. JAMKS SIMKOX McCUAKi, Steamboat-Owner and For- warder, Picton, Unt. Porn at Picton, 2!> Se)»tembei-, 18P.> and educated there, i^lected for present Constituency in Ontario Lt'U'islature, in 1871. Fii'st retui-ned for ])rescnl seat on 17 September. 1878 over J. M. Piatt, by a majority of 2!M).— /I Cnn- servatice and Protectionist. 85 i< ■ • i l|i| m I ! iMiovi:x(uri:H. .lOSKlMI nrr.rC, p.. C. L. Hanistor, St. I5.)iiil:ico, .Mniii- lol.u. Horn at S'c. Mariino. I*. (^ , L"" iK'cc-mlK'i-, !SK). Ivln- ('.•UcmI at MoiitiiMl Collcm' and ^Tadiiati'd at _Mc(Jill rnivcrsii y. Was a tuiMiiltcr of tlir Ivxcciilivo ('ouncil of Xorth Wo>t 'I'l'rri- ini'irs in 1H72 and Attornex' (ionci-al of Maniloiia, troni S.)iil\- until L5 Decoinbor. 1S74. .Sat t'oi- Baic St. Pan) ii. I^i'ovincial Ji('<4islaiui(', Manitolia, tVoin 1S7t returned lor present seal, on 4 ^'ovi'mher, iS77 and reelected at last i^'eneral el^'(•tion^ 17 Septeinher IS7S, 1>N' a inaioriiv i>r2]I> over .lames (!ilil» Jvoss. — lioiiiicndt'ht. I I. t»'*! I', W ¥ QUi:i^i:c, kast) ]loN. WILKJill) LAUKIKR, B. C. L. Barrister, Artha- haskaville. P. (^>. Born at St. Lin, L'Assoiiiption, 20 Xovemlicr, 1S41. "dueated at J/Assonij)t ion ('(tile^'e. Sat I'oi- Drununoiui and Arthahaska in (^Miehec Assemhiy, from IS7I until 1S74. Mleeted for Drummond and ArthahasKa in House olCommous, in 1S74, and for ])resent seat, on September, 1.^77 on acceptance ofOiti<'e in the ('ahiiu't as ]\[inisterof hdand IJevenue. and aL;'ain on 17 Septemlier, IS78, by a majority of 77S over I*. Vailierc\ — .4 Liberal. QUEBEC, West.) THOMAS Mc(iRh:KVY, Contractor and Cai.italist, Quebec. Born in Ireland and educated there. Sat for Stadacona .l>ivision in Ijei;islative Council ol' the Province of (Quebec, fr()m ^'o- vember, 1S(;7 until 1S74. Klected to ])resent seat, in 1S(I7, 1^72, 1874 and auain by iicelaniatiou on 17 September, 1S7H. — A Liberal Conservative. 86 t il r 1 . i R T • 1 ill 11 V: I f QTTEnKC, (County.) JOSKPir IMIILIPPK KKXK ADOLPIIl': rATU)X, P.. ('. L., Q. C JJnrristoi', (^uel»o(-'. IJoi-ii in the City of (^lU'licc, in 1848. l'](hR-ato(l at the (^Miehec SiMiiiiiary, (^nehee Laval rni- versity and Meiiill rniversity, Moiiti-ral. Fii-st j-etiii'iied I'oi' present seat in lS7i5, I'eelecled in IS74 and ai;-ain at last i^eneral elections of 17 Sej^tenihcr, 1S7S hy a niaj(ji'ity of (ili'J over Hon. I. Thihaiideau. — A fjiheral Comercaiice. qiji:i:n"s, x. b. rJKOlJGK (rKlL\LD K1X<;. Merrhanf, Chipman, Queen's Co., N. H. Jjorn in S|)rinorn in Liverpool, N. S., !> September, 1842 and educated there. Elected for (Queen's Division, N. S. in Jlouse of Coiu- iTions, on 17 Scptemhei", 1878 liy a majority of !>;> over his op- ])onent I). Ft)rbes. — A Liberal Con^crvatice. QUEEN'S, P. E. I.-(i) Hon. JAMES COLLEIKIF POPF, Merchant, IJavenwood, Charlottetown, P. E. I. liorn at J)edo to 1870 during- which |)eriod he was Premier oi' the Executive Council, from 18(i;") to 18()8, from I87O to 1872 and in IS73. IJeturned foi* present seat in the House of Commons, November, 187(5 and a,i;'ain on 17 ScplemlxM", 1878 over P. Sinclair and W. Mctfill, by a majority of88;>and KlO.'i res])cc- tively. Sworn a Member of the Privy Council as ^Hnistcr of Marine anil Eisjieries, October 1878. — A Comervatlve. QUEEN'S, P. E. I.-(2) FEEDEIHCK De Ste. CJJOIX BHFCKFX, il C. liarristcr, and Attorney, Charlottetown, P. E. L P)Orn at Charlottetown, 9 Decemb( r, 1828. Fducatcd tit the Central Academy. Sat in 87 it'' Fi'i)viiu'i:tl Assonilily, i*. K. I. lV<";i ISdIi to ISji; an. I diiriii^c ilial jiiM-iod Ik- Iu'!T''. I'^k'cttMl to ])ro>(MiL seat on IT Si']itcMnlitM-, 1S7>! Iiy ;i'-iit y oi'TlWovci' 1*. .Sin(d:;ir and ^hlO over \V. Mc(iill. — A Cntisj rrdiirc. nr:NFHi-:w, 'North kiding.) PKTKIJ WliiTi:, Liiiiiln- Mc^icliaitt, I'miluoko, Out. IJoni at Poml'i'oki', ot, HiJS ami rdiicati-d tliere. Sat. for prcMMit i-i-at, fi-om ISTM milil Xovctiilior, 1S74 and icclecicd at last general I'loctions of 17 Scjdi-niNor, IS7S ovci" James l^'indlav l)\' a maiorjiy of ;},"),']. — A Const /•(■(itirc. 1 { i: N Fl { I-:\V, (•^^]i of Kildoiian, Sntlicrlantlsliiie, Scotland, 5 Novcinlicr, 1^'U. I-]dii(.'atc'(l in Ilchnsdale. h'irst rotiiriK'(l to Parliament, for |)rt'M'nt scat in House ot"(.'omnn»ns, on 17 Sc'|)toml)iM', l"-!^, I'V a maj.^j-ity of 224 over \i. C-amj>lie!l. — A CoHtienuitire. KKSTiaOUCHF. (JK(JK(;K JLVDDOW. Merrhant, Dall.onsie, X. II. Born in I)(tit;j;!asto\vn, .Miramielii, \. 1). Id December, 1>^.")8. Kdiieated at Nortliiim!ierlant general elections of 17 Sej item her, IS7H. — I niJe pendent. KTCHKT.IETJ. LOUIS IIUKT MASSIJK, (Gentleman Farmer, Varenncs. P. (J. Born at Varenruss, IJ Novemher, 1828. Kducati'd at the Colloije of St. Jlyacinthe, P. (^. Fii-st retui-ned to Parliament, foi- l>resent seat, on 17 Scjitemiiei', 1878 wlien elected over the foi'mer rejM'escntalive J. (t. BarLlie, by a majority ot IK). — A Liberal Conservatice. 88 Ml B ^m&i^ ROi-VILLE If:;^^ 5^$; ft/::^;^w»7:" •■■■■■ :• ■ vi ST HYAriNTHF f -^ »■ . ) ii«ii>ci I >l It I i! Ill ' ji lUCIIMONn, N. s. i: DM TNI) P()WK1[ KLVXX, MoicIimmI, Aiichat, \. S. Hoi'ii at Ai'iclial, 2S Aiiuiisl, 1S2S and cliu-att'd llu'iv. Sat tor Kiclmioiid ill Nova Scotia AsseiiiMy, from IS.'iT until .lamiary, lS74aiiponeiit II. Heiioit, ly a niajority of 114. — .1 Reformer. liiciiMONn &^ WILLIAM lUJF.LOCK IVKS, A,i?ricultnnst. Sherhn.olvo, VAl- l)oni in the Township of Coinpton, J*. (2- 17 Xovemher, isH. I'Mucated in Coinptoii Academy. I'^irst ri'turneil for present seat in the of Commons, on 17 Se|»temlter, ls!7S hv a majority of(il5 over lion. 11. Aylmer. — A 'Johacrcaticc. IirMOLTSKI. JKAN-BAPTISTK ROMUALD F1S1<:T, .^[. I>. Physician, irimouslvi, r. (l liorii at St. Cuthhert, P. (I 7 Fehruary, lH4:i Educated at Montreal Collei;e and Laval University, (^nelxK'. First Fleeted to ])resent se;it in 1S72 and reelected in 1S74 and at last ixeneral elections 17 September, 1S78. over Hon. IL Ti. Lang'evin, by a majority of 449. — A Liberal Independent. HOTTVII.T.K. G FORGE AUCJUSTF GHrAULT, Notary, St. Cosaire, P. Q. Jiorn in St. Mathias, P. (i, 2;j November, lH4o. Edu- cated at St. llyacinthe College. Elected to re])resent ilonville Constituency in House of Commons, on 17 September, 187'*^, by a majority ofliS over G. Cheval. — A Conservative. RUSSEI.T^. Hon. JOHN O'CONNOR, Barrister, Ottawa, Out. Born at Boston,, U. 3. in January, 1824. Educated in Fssex Ont. Sat for Essex in Canadian Assemlily, in 18b'8. First re- turned for present seat in 18(^7 anlloi^o of .loliotte. I'^irst rotiiriiod to Ilotiso ot'C-oiiiinons, at last u;t'nci'al elections of 17 Sopteniber, 1S7S, when elected over 11. Merciei", \ty a majority of (>. — A Comer rat ire, St. JOHN, N. H. (CiTY-i) Hon. ISAA(; JiUIiPKK, Retired Merchant, St. John, N. H. Born at Shettieid, Kn^'land, 28 Xovemher, 1825. Educated at the C/<»unty (Jraniniar School there. First retui'iied to Par- liament for ])re>ent seat, in 1872 and i-eelected in 1874, and a^ain on 17 Septemher, 1878, hy a majority of 50(1 and 7l>5, over G. K. Kini;' and A. L. Palmer respectively. Was a inemhor of the Privy Council and Minister of Customs, iVom 7 Xovemhor, 1874 until IC Oetoher, 1878.—^ Liberal. St. JOHN, N. H. (CITT.-2) CHARLES WRSLKY WKLI^OX, M. A., Q. C. Barrister at Law, St. John, X. B. Born at Richihucto, X. B. 27 Fehruary, 181)0. luliicated at Richihucto (frammar School and Kinj^'s (Nd- leu;e, Windsor. N. S. First elected at last {jjeneral election 17 Septemher 1878 over ^fessrs. Ivinuj aiid Palmer hy a majority of 'SCtO. — Opposed to present Government. St. JOHN, N. B. (City AND County.) Hon. Sir SAMUEL LFONAIH) TlLIiKV, K. C. M. (f., C. B. Jietired Chemist and Dru^ufist St. John N. B. Born at Gagetown, (Queens Co , N. B. 8 Ma}', 1818. Educated at the County Grammar School. Sat for City of St. John in Jjei>isla- tive Assembly of Xew Brunswick, from June, 1854 to June. 185(>; from June, 1857 until March, 18G5 and from 18()i; until the Union. Durinjij which period was a memher of the Exe- cutive Council as Provincial Secretary, from November, 1854 to May, 185t) ; from July, 1857 to Marcli, 1805 and from April, IStlO until Confederation. From March, 18()1 to March, 18()5, was Leader of the Government. Elected to present seat in House of Commons, from 18'iiir « « \ ^ . If./, , , pf*' ^/>' ^ $«< MMMNirik M ; rrr-iup r-N| ( 1 1 •!.!., ■,-,!.: • />l.<^it ' ' // w; ' ^^: ' ■ ^ I 'M^A'k ' " p I II \ M \ \ Ml \ yrrim ■■■.•:.:i St. JOHN, Q. KRAXCOIS noUllASSA, Fanner, La^adie, P. Q. liorn at Lacadie, Juno, 1S1;{ and educated ihei'c. Sat li»r present Cons- tituency in Canadian Assembly, from IS54 until the Union. Eeturne7 over C. Loupret. — A Liberal. St. MAURICE. LiKrT.-CV)L. LOUIS LEON LKSIKUR DRSAULNIEKS, M. J)., J. P., Physician, Montreal. Born at Yamachiche in 182IJ. Educated at Seminary of Nicolet. First retui'ned to Parliament in 1854, and reelected lor the Hfth time 17 Sep- tember 1878, over C. J. I^emington, by a majority of 80. — .4 Con- servative. SELKIRK. DONALD ALEXANDER SMITH, Ex-Ciovernor of the Hon. Hudson Bay Company, Montreal. Born in Scotland in 1821 and educated theie. Ajipointed a member of the Executive Council for North-Wcst Territories, October, 1870. Sat for Wijinepeg and St. John in the Manitoba Assembly, from 1871 until January, 1874. Fii-st returned to present seat in House of (Commons, in 1871 and reelected in 1872, 1874 and aj^jiin on 17 Septembei", 1878 when defeating Jlon. A. Morris by a majority of !>. — A Liberal Independent. SHEFFORn. Hon. LUCIUS SETII IIUNTIN(rTON, Q. (V Barrister, Waterloo, P. (l Wn-n at Compton, P. Q., 2(; .May, 1827. Educated in Canada. Sat in Canadian Assembly, from 18(51 until the Union and was a member of the Executive Council of Canada as Sollicitor General of Lower Canada, from Ma}', 18()3 to March. 1804. Ueturned to present seat in House of (Nimmons, in 18(17, 1872, 1874 and reelected at last general elections of 17 September, 1878, by a majority of 228 over J{. Nicol and 1142 over M. Auger. Sworn a member of the Priv}- C-ouncil, 20 January, 1874 and was President of tliat body uj) to M October, 1875, when ap|)ointed Post-Master General, which position ho held until October, 1878. — A Liberal. 91 ^il ff ri SlTKr.BURXE. TJIOMAS IJOHIvlJTSOX, Ban-istor, lian-in^-ton, Out. Born at Barriiioton, Shelhiinio Co., N. S., IIJ So])teiiil)ei', 1852 and ediicarod tlioro. I'^ii'sl retiii'iiod to Parliament for pi-i'sent seat, at last gonoi'al elect ions of 17 Se|)tejnlier. 1S7S hy a majority of 770 and (»!> over lion. T. Coffin and U. V>'. Freeman ros](ect i vely . — .1 Jjibcral. SHEIIBIJOOKE. KDWAIM) TOWLF BBOOKS, M. A., Q. C. Advoeate, SlierhrooUe, V. Q. Btn-n at Lennoxville, Co. S|iei'l)rooke in IS.'JO. Educated at Dartiunoutli Colle<;-e. Xew Hani|)sliiie, U. S, First returned to Parliament foi* jn-esent seat, in 1S72 ulien electelin, Ireland and in Barrie, Ont. I"'irst returned to Pai'lianient for Cai'dwell, in House of Com- mons. 14 Decemlier, 1S7(!. Filected to jn-esent seat on 17 >Sej)- temher. IS7S over 11. II. Coolc. — .1 Comervatirv. STMCOK, (South Kidimj.) .M.\.j(.» WILldAM JAiniUTIIFBS LITTLK. .1. P. Agri- culturist Allandale, Ont. Born in Kni;land. [educated at Ik'di'oj'd (ii'ammar School. Fii'st returned to ]>resent seat in 1S(!7 and reelcctet retnrned to Parliament at last general elections 17 Sejtteniher, 1.S7S, over Cyril Archi- bald, b}' a majority of 107. — A Liberal Conservative. SITNIiUIlY. CHAR' ''.S lUJlU^KK. Farmer Shettield, X. J?. r>ov)i at Sheffield. .Iiine 1S17. I'Mncatcd thei-e. Sat for ](rcsent (M)nstitnency in ]lonse of Connnons since Confei(rpose. TEMTSCOUATA. PACL I^TIFXXK (JKAXDBOIS, M. J). Physician, Fras(>r- ville, P. (i- IJorn at Ste. Philoniune, Co. of Chateaug'uay in 1S4rity of 127 over Ali)lionse Poidiot. — A Conservative. TKHHKHONXE. LiEiTT-CoL. JfoN. LOUIS FPtAXCOIS JJODIMCn: MAS- SOX, ]}arristei', Tei-robonne P. <^. Porn at Tei-rebonno, 7 Xovember, ]K>1]. Kdncated at the Jesuits College, (reorge- town, Worcester, U. S. and at the College of St. nyacinthe. First retnrned to ]>resent seat in House of Cojumons at general elections of 1807 and reelected by accdamation in l>i72, 1874 and at last elections of 17 September. 1878. Sworn a jnember of the Pi'ivy Council as Minister of Militia and Defence, October, 1878. — A Conservative. 93 1*5 likV 1 i.l It IC!l|l TITKEK KIVEK^^, Hon. JIKCTOJJ LOUIS LANCrKVIN, 0. B., K. C. 8t. G., Q. 0. JianiNter. (^iieltec. Horn in llie City of (^ucltcc, 25 Aui^iist, 1S2(>. Hdncatod at the (Quebec Seiniiiaiy. Sat foi* tlio Comitv of J)or('liostt'r in the Canadian AssemMy, from 1857 until tlic Lnion and in the Loeal L< t!;ishiture of tlie Province of (^ueltec, from 18(17 to 1871. Was a nieniher of the Executive (Joiincil of Cana November, 1875 and reelected on 17 September, 1878 over Thomas llodgins, by a majority of 637. — A Conservative. a ii. 94 imiil 10 (I :85 f»T •c of itive :iiid N)st- Dor- ior ■iont u-il, I lie : and • oni .' 1) of ;' ntil '•■. in of in !)0 18 ^I'- ll o, 21. / I J ' I [' I \\ I t iii;: 0'; TWO MOUNTAINS. JHAX BAPTIST!-: DAOUST, J. I». A,ixii«Miltniist. Jere- hidc St. Kustnclio. P. Q. Horn at St. Kiistacho. IS .Itiiiuary, 1S17. Solt'ediu'atod. Sat tor present Constituency in Canadian Parliament, from 1H54 until the Union and I'eeleeted 1)V accla- mation to House of Commons in 18(17; 11 March, 187(5 and a<^ain at last i^enera! elections of 17 Septembei-, 1878 ovei* his o]>ponent Jt)se[)h C'hagnon, hy a majority of 81(5. — 4 Conser- vative. VANCOUVER ISr^ANI). J; ARTHUR BUNSTHU, lirewer, Miller and Farmer, Vic- ; toria, H. C. Horn in (Queen's Co., Ireland in 18;}H. Educated ; in Duldin. Sat in Bi-itish Columbia Le,resentseat in House of (.\>mmons at i>;eneral elections •, of 1874 and reelected on 17 September, 1878 by a majority <»f • 98, 2(52 and 2!M; over D. W. (ioi-don, A. J. McLellan and John :' Jessop respectively. — .1 Liberal. VAUnREUII.. I LiEUT.-Cor,. JFAN HAPTISTK MONdENAIS, J. P. Ke- I tired Merchant, liiiraud. P. t^. Horn in Rigaud, 24 Novembei", !; 180H. Fducated at Hii^aud. Sat in Quebec Assembly for Vau- ; dreuil and Soulanges, from 1848 to 1857 and from 18(j0 to 18f>4. ; First returned to ])resent seat in House of Commons at last ; general elections of 17 Se])tember, 1878 when elected over 11. '\ llarwood by a majority of (J2. — A Conservative. j VERCHERES. Hon. FELIX (JEOFFRION, Notary, Vercht.res, P. Q. Born tit Varennes, P. Q. 4 October, 181^2 and educated there. Sat for present seat in Canadian Assembly, from 18();> until the Union. Returned to House of Commons in 18(>7 and reelected in 1872, 1874 and at last geneial elections of 17 September, 1878, by a majority of 5(5 over M. Ducharmes. Sworn a member of Privy Council as AEinister of Inland Revenue, 8 July, 1874 which office he resigned in December, 1870*. — A Liberal. 95 VICTORIA, H. C.-il J{i(iiiT-Il<..N. Sir .lolIX ALKXAN'DKIl M.ACDOXA LI). K. C. Ji., K. (i. ('. .1,, I). ('. T.., L. li. ]).,(,». C. Banistrr, Ottawa l>oru in KiiiL-'stoii, 11 .lainiary, li^l.'). j'.diu-ati'd at tlu' I{«>yal (ii-aminar School, tlii'i'c. Sal for l^ill,i;•^loll in (Canadian As- HiMnltly, from 1S44 until tlio L'nion, dnrin;;' wliicli jn'iiod he tilled tjio t(>ll(»\vin<;' oHicos in tho Ivxt'i-iitive Conncil of Canada: llccrivci- ])ci' Canada, from 11 Sc]itcmlioi', IS.") I to21>Jiily. iS.jS; I'ost-Mastcj- ( Jcncral. IVom (i to 7 .\iimist 1S5S; Attoi-ncy (lenoral for LppiM' Canada a M'cond timo and Minister of Militia, t'rom 7 August, 1S5S to May, 1.S(j2 and a/^ain Attorney (Jeneral for Cpper Canada, from Aiii^nsl LSC,') until the Union First returned to House of Commons, for Kingston, at general elections of 1M()7 atid I'ee- lected in 1S72 and 1H74. On 1 .Inly l.S(;7 he was called to foi-m the first (iovernment for tJie New Dominion and was sworn a memher of the J*rivy Council and ap])ointeil ^Minister olMiistiee ami Attorney (leneral of Camida, which ollice he helil until 6 Xovemher, 1S7.*>. Klected to [ire-^ent seat on accept.'ition of (Jttice us Pi'ime Miidster and Minister of the Interior, iU Oc- toher, 1878 hy u majoj-ity of 4l(i over J. J'. Davies. — A Conser- vative. VICTORIA, B. C.-2) AMOIl J)eCOSMOS, Journalist and Editor, Victoria, B. C. Born jit Windsor, N. S. Educated in Windsor and Halifax, N. S, lieprosented Victoria in Vancouver Ishuid Assembly, after it.s Union with liritish (.'olumhia. Sat in Leiiislativo Council almost uninterruptedly, from 18islature of British Columbia antl llouse of Commons at the Union of British Columbia witli Canada. Sat in Execu- tive (Council of British Columbia as President of the Council, from 2IJ December, 1872 until February, 1874 when he retireil from local politics. lieelectcd for present seat in llouse of Commons, in 1872, 1874 and finally on 31 October, 1878, by a majority of 58 over J. P. Duvies. — A Liberal. 9G ..iiiiiiiii m VICTOIUA, X. U. .lOlIX (*()STI<;AX, .1. V. U.-in-istoi', (iraiid Falls. N. H. ]\nvu al St. Nicholas, V. (l 1 Fol.i-iiary, IS:)."). KducatcMl at St. Aim's Col loijt'. Sal I'or present Const it iiency in Now-Unmswifk Asscmltly, tVoin lS(;i to ISdd. Rftiiriu'd ((» House ofConunons ill IS1I7, IS72, 1S74 ami a^'iiiii at last n-oneral elections ol' 17 Septeinlier. IS7X ;it wliicli latter date he was elected l>y a ina- ioiitv of-Kio over V. JJ. iJernier. — A Coiiscrcatice. VICTOHIA, N. S. J)UXCAX McDOXALI), Merchant, Kn-lisIi-Town. Vic- toria Co., X. S. IJorn at Harris, Scotland, 15 May, l^.'J'J and educated there. I'^irst I'eturned to Parliament, lor ]»resent seat in House oft'omnions, at last iz:eneral elections of 17 Se|»teinl)er, IH7S when elected over his opponent C. J. (Jainpiiell, hy a ma- jority ol' lOiJ. — ^1 Liberal. VICTORIA, f)rit.- NoKTii Ridino.i JIKCTOIJ (.'A>rKK()N, M. A., Q. C, Barri>(er-at-Law, Toronto, Out. J>orn in Montreal, o .June, 1832. Ivliicatetl at King's College, London, England and Trinity College. Dublin, jrcdand. First returned to I'arliament for ))resent seat in House of Commons, 4 May, 187,') and reelected at last general elections of 17 September, 1878 by a majority of I7t^ over Jus. Maelennan. — A Conservatice, 13 07 hti ■m i' m •-'■^•t:: 1 WLl-LAM W I. I.LIN IWULLINOION N IV. I u:l••l^ t'l .■ ) ••, ( V 1 ;• t VICTOIIIA, Out. (Sorri. Kioi.NG.i l.iKiTENANT AIITIIl'li M(< J T A I )!•:. F.irnuT. OiiK-mec, Oiil. l)oni at ('avail, ji'daiid, in I'-^IT and cv'-raU'il tlicro. First rctiiriK'd to I'arliaimMil for prost'iit scat in 1S74 and ive- U'ctoil at last n'ciu'i'al elect ions, 17 Scplcinhcr, IS7S l»y a niaj«>- riiy of 424 onht liis o)>|»onciit Mr. ('onnolly. — .1 (^nscrrafirr. WAT I : 1 M.< )( ), NOKTII Rll.INd IirCO KIJANZ. .Merchant, Herliii, Out. P)or!i in the (Jrand Duchy of llessia, (lerniany, l."» June, is;>4. Ivliicated at hannstadt, (ici-inany. First retiiriieil to Farlianieiit for present seat in lloiisi^ of (.!oniiiioiis, at last liciieral elect ions of 17 Si'p- leniher. 1X7"^ l»V a niajoritv <»f l.'iiJ over tlu' foi'iner reproeiitativo J. E. Jiowinaii. — .1 (^onscrraiiri'. WATKULOO. ^Ol-T" KUM.NG.l SA.MrKT. .MFIJXFIJ, Fanner, Xew-Ilainhiir-c, Ont. IJorn at Canton Berne, Switzerland, li'.i .laniiary. 1S2."), and educated there. First retiirnod to Farliameiit, for present seat in House of ( 'oinnions, at last. ,i;"eneral elections of 17 Septendier, l.'^7!^, hy a majority of 14 over his opponent .lames ^'oiiiiu". — Itu/cpentlcnf and Protectionist. WKI.I.ANI>. C111{IST()IMIF1{ WILIJAM UrXTIXii, Merchant and Publisher, (,'lifton and Toronto, Out. Dorii at Ai'iiiifan. Iiimeri(dv Co., Ireland, Se]»temlier, l.'^.'i7. Fdiicated in Tiimericdv and To- I'onto. First returned to l*arliai;iei!t lor ]U'esent seat in House of Commons, at last general eleetioiis ot" 17 S('ptemlter, I.S7S when elecied over JI. Ivlwin, l»y a majority of 1 K!. — A Jjilicntl Conscrcaticc. WKT.LINOTON, CB5TRR Riding.) (;FOR(iF TUKXIvIi OJiTOX. M. I). Physician and Sur- geon Feriius Out. liorn in (Jucljih, Out., l!l January, 1S.'{7. Ivlucated in (Juelph (Jrammar Scdiool, Colleg'e of Surii-eons, Ireland and St. Andrews University, Scotland. First elected for ])resent Constituency in House of ('ommons at li'enerai elections 1S74 and aji'ain I'eturned on 17 September, IS7S |»y a majority of li over his o|)ponent John Itohinson, — A Consar- vative. 99 vn- 13 f'-' E-''J i' !' wr:i;i.ixaT()N, iNomn i:n.iNu) (ii:()Tj(ii': AFJ'iXAXDi'ii; i)i:i-:\v, <^ c. u.-iiii^uT, i:!..i-;.. •: Oiil. liorii ill ( '(>. dl' (ikMii!,;ii'ry, 2;; !'\'lini;ii'\-, \>'2>>. \'A\\\vvAvi\ '■ :it Williainstowii. < l!(.'iii;;irry ninl ('oi'nwnll ( i i-;i!iim.'ir Schools. ; Sat ill llou>t.' ot' Commons tVom lS(i7 t<» jsjii and reel octet I 17 • Se|iicmlHi', 1'>T>'', over ('. 11 ii;inliotliam liy a majority ot IDS. — ! A'iTnl Conscrriitiri'. ;' WI-M.IJXrJTOX, Sorn. Uimsr,.. l)f)XALI> (ir'rniJII':. (,>. C. llaiTiMcr-at-La^v, CucI])!). Out. r)oi'n in isdinliiiriili, Scot land, S May, IS 10. Iviucatcd tliei'c and in Toronto, h'irst ictui'ned lo ll(»n.-e oT Common'^ I'or jiresenl ( 'on>i it iicncy r).lnly. isyd and av;ain rcidc<'tt _ii;eiici'al elections of 17 Sc|iicm!ier, I.S7S i>y a majoritN' or.'!(i;> over James (loldic. — .1 LUivnti. W i:X TWO I VV H , ' N^OKTI. IJlDINO. TilO.MAS IJAIX. Farmer, Stral.ane, West Flatnl.oro, Ont. J IJorn at l>(>nny, Stirling-sin re. Scotland, II Decemlier. ls;)l. ; Ivliicated in Canada. First I'ctnrned to {'arlijiment ls>72 and ; I'celccti-d 17 St']tt«'ml>er ls7s, over Tiioma^ Stot 1< !>y a luajority > t)i' 1(17. — A h'cf'oniirr. ■', Wl^XTWOP/J^IT, SOUTM KiDINO.- V .lOSKIMl UV.MAL, Fai'mei-. Township of P,art..n, ('... '; Wciituorth, f)nt. l)orn in Wentworth, Co., 17 Xosendier, iS'il ; and educated in the CNnnmoii S(dM)ol there. Sat in Canadian ; AssemhlN', iVom 1S."')7 until the Cnion. IJetui-ned for present ■ seal in IIouscm)!' Commons in lSi!7, 1^72, 1 >7 1 and uu'inn on 17 ' Septt'inher, IS7S at which lime he defeali-d his opponent !•'. M. '. Carjienler, iiy a majority of 75. — .1 Jicfdniitr. •; 100 '!;,.:. tdti^mm wmm »V ai^ !i . i ij| i ..- i .U. i ..l ii' ' Mi l ^ 11 II I r * ii "n il 1 1 1 I i iHJ || @ *'s! l iii i.UL I I ii m i f i i i- ■X^-M VAUMu III V 1 NoHlx '^'IfWWP''"" ?!?!i m;i m. yokk. lo.i n • , \ u n a w a Jj^^^jj^M, Jj^Bii AKTOTVJ'K. : * ' j r I § it T I Wi:STMOHi:i.ANi:>. TI(.N. Sir AIJUIUT JAM IIS SMITH, K. ('. M. .'>li until tlir I 'nion and was a nu-inhcr ol' I Ik' Mxccutivt,- Coiuicil X. 15., from 1^.")(! to iSfii; jind in lMi(! as Allornvv ( ieni'ral. IJcliirncil to JIousc of Cotninons in ISIJT and rcclccUMl in 1S7-. ISTI- and aii'ain on 17 S(.'|)teiiil)t'r. 1S7,S. Was a uuMul'tM' of tlic Privy Conncil and .Minister of Marine and l-'Isliei'les, tVoin 7 X<»\einlK'r, ]S7;5 to Oetoliei', 1S7S. Majoiity over II. A. Ciiapnian a! hist U'enera! elections : (1 14, — .1 Librnil. YAI.K. KDCARDKWDXKV, Civil Kn-inecr, Hope. Co- Iniuhia. l5orii in I U'voiishire, Mntdand, is;;,') and educated llu're. Sat for Kootenay in Local AsseniMy. 15. ('. in IsiiS and ISii'.i. IJt'turned to Jloiis(>ot (\iininons for pi'esent seal, in 1S71\ 1S7I and aii'ain reelected hy ac(daination at la>t giMieral elec'tion>, 17 Septeiiiher, 1S7S, — J iJ/icnd ('oii.^crrntici'. YAMASJvA. ('1IAIMJ:s (ilLL. L. L. 15. A.lvocate Sorel !'. (,). 15orii at Pienvville, Co. Y;iniasl;a. I*. (,)., 12 Mai'cli, IS-U. Ivlucatt'd at the Colleii'o of Nicolet ami [^aval rniversity. (^U(d>ec. Sal in the (^ueliec Jjeii'islative Asseinhly, from 1.S71 until 1S74 wlien elected to Ilouse of Commons. Reelected t(» present- seat at last ii'eneral elections of 17 Sepleinher, IS7S hy a majority of '.]'2'.l over F. (iouin. — A (^onscrrniirc. NoTA : — Siiue tlic coinpilin^'' of tlicsc; liioLrriiiilii'ul skctclics Mr. Gill lias rcsigiiod liis scat and was jippoiiitccl a Puisne ,Jii(l;^>' of tin; Suin'iior C!owrt, 20 May, 187'J. Mr. F.' was clfL-tcd 7 July, isTK to lill tlic vacancy. YAIIMOUTH. KKAXK KlLLA>r, Merchant, Yarmouth, X. S. l5oru in VarMKUilh, X. S. in 1^4:5 tind educated at Sa(d!()i> when 101 ~ r i ( iil i i m n i .. Ill oIocIcmI \\y ncciimiatioM to IFoiiso of (\)inin«)ns. I'ocloctod in 1S72, IS74 and Jiu-aiii on 17 .Scjitonilu'i*, \A'>^ l>y a nKiJority oi" (15(1 over ('. J I. I). I'^islior. — ^1 Lihu'iil Indefniulcnt. YORK. Out,. Kast Riding., Captain ALFIJKD nOULTBKK, IJai-ristcr, Nowtnarkot, Onl. IJorn in ^'ork County. Onl. and edncatotl in Toronto. Sat in Ontario lii'iii^lativc AssoinI>l_v, tVoni IS7I until IS75. First I'otiinuid to House of Coninions at last ii;onoral ekH-tions (»r 17 'S(!|)t(MniM'r, 1S7S wlicn elect od over the tbi'nior represen- tative James .Metealfe, li\- a niaiorit\' ot'(!(). — .1 Coxserratit'c. YOIlIv, Ont. iNoHTH lIiniNn.i Captain FKKDlvRK^K AVlI.T.I.V^r .STKAXdF, Pkysician and l!5uri;eon, Toronto, Ont. Horn in J}erk>liire, I'aig'iand. Kdncated at Batk, Winchester, and Tiiver))ool, and at Uni- ver.sity Colle^'e, L(^ndon. Kn_i;-kind. First returned to Par- liament, for ])resent seat in Jlouse of Commons, at last ^'cneral elections oi* 17 Septemlier, 1S7S when elected over A. II. Dymoml, ky a majority of Kk — A Liberal Conserratirc. VOl^K, Ont. (>Vest RimNG.) NATJIANIKL CLAIJKK AVALLACF, Merchant, Wood- l>ridii;e, Ont. Born in \Voodl)ridii;e, Co. York, Ont., 21 May, lS-14. Ivlucated at the J^ublic School thej-e and at AVestoii Grammar School. First i-eturned to Parliament on 17 Sej)- temker, I878 defeatins;' his oj)ponent J). Bkiin, by a majority of 202. — A Liberal Consercatice. 102 f\\ f JI. \ statistics concerning the Members of the House of Commons. Di visroN HV J'U -VINCES. ; Tlirro are 2 m; .Mumi)L;i •s in the s House (»f Commons. ;'; )S.s lor tht !'i-()viiifc of Out a rio. ,' ;■ (55 " " ik '' (^uol )ee. '\ 21 " " (( " Nov I JSeotia. i; l(i " •' ' a " New 15runs\vie k. ] (1 " " (i " lirit sh Coluini >ia. •!; ;. (1 " " it " I'riiK'o lvl\\'{ir( Ishiud. .;■ 4 u u i. " J\Ianitol)a. i i ToUil . 2(K). ) A(iEs OF AIembeus. 1 is III id er 2r» } ears of a^"e. V 4 arc ) over 2.') and under oO years ()fa!;-e. )'. / 17 a 80 '• 85 " !' ';. 24 i( 85 40 a { 47 u 40 45 a / ;5(; u 45 50 I ( V 21 > (f 50 55 " ;• I 27 u 55 (iO a 'I ',' 12 (1 (;(» (55 < •' '.' 7 ti (55 70 ( ( s 1 is n 70 75 u ,J •! 1 is u 75 \ ■■ Xota: The y oiin i;-cst .1 (v. IL liericeron will he 25 yearn ": ■'•, old on i:] Oetobci 18' ri>. \ ;; The eldest J. Ji. Monu'eiiais will he 7<5 years old on 24 ;■ ;■ Novcir iber 1871). 8() [i'E. ( ;• CIAL L iclors : 2(5. \ Married : 1()(5 . Wid owers : 14.— Bate 103 \. '.') a ill j % 111 i' 1 1 1 1^ li . ' li. i< m -I' . i-^ m' I I'llOFKSSlON.S AM) TuAIiF.S. Aa'riculf ni'isls timl FariniM's ']l Arc hit re Is 1 Attoriirys. lian'islvrs, l^awyers and Sollicitors 52 r)UiliU'r> iiiciiiiliiiii' Sliip-I^iildfi's aii'l (-DiHracloi's !• C'ivil i']iii!,iiiiH'rs 2 (ic'iuM'al A^:;('nls and brokers 1 .I(>iiriiali>ts ai«l X('\v>-l'a)i(.M' Pulilishcrs 1(1 JiUinliormcii and LiiuiIkt Mcrchaiils incliuliii^' .Mill-Ownei'sl') Maimtartiircfs of all kinds and Ijrewci's 7 Ai("rc!ianf-> oi- (Mii;-aii'(Ml in .Mercantile Pursuits ;■>() Notane- I'uMic and C.'(>nve_\'ancers .'> JMiysiciai.s and .Siii'i;ciuis IS iictiied IVoin Itusiness and S|»eciilati»rs 7 Witliotit l'ri'r(>s>i()n or Ti-ade 15 Total 2()(; PoLTTrcAli Cl-AssIFirATION Conservatives 71> liide|)eiiiieiits S Indcjiendents Conservatives .'{ J^iberals 51* Ivilieral ('onservative.s 51 Naiionalists 1 lielornurs 12 Total 20(1 Nationalities The House of Commons is conij^osed ol" 10 American born members. 1 Danish " " 1'! Descendants iVom U. E. Loyalists. 42 Eni;"li>h born members. 54 French " 4 German '* " ;-^(l Irish " 42 Scotch " 1 Swiss " Total.... 200 "' " ibi EXTRACT OF UULKS, ORDERS — AND — FORMS OF PROCEEDINGS — OF THE — HOUSE OF COMMONS OP CANADA, Absence of Memukiis. — Kvcrv Momher is hound to iittend the 8CM'vioe of Tlio House, unless leuve ol' absence has heen lijiveii him by the J louse. Absence of Si'Eaker. — If the S|»eak'er leave the chair lor 4S consecutive liours, the House is then at liberty to elect one of its Mcmbei's to take his place duriui:," his absence. Ai).TOi:iiNMENT. — The adjoufiiinent is a ])ostj)onement of the proceed inii;s of a Session to a spocitied date. If at the time of the nieetinii; there l)e not a (iuornm, the .S|)eaker may take the chaii" ami adjourn. When the House rises on Friday it shall stand adjourned uidess otherwise ordered, until the following ^[onday. Brr-Ls (Privitfe). — Xo pi'tition foi* any Private Bill is received by The House after the fii-st ten days of each Session ; noi* may any Private JJill be ]H'e~('nte 1 to The House after the tirst two week;- of each Session. All M])plicati()ns for Private I^ills sludl require a notice, clearly and distitictly sjiecifyinj^ the nature and object of the applicaion. To be inserted in Knanied by a sum of Two Humlrcd Hollars and the cost of printinii; the same tor the Statutes. ]iusiNEss OF THE HousE. — The ordinary Daily iioutino of Business in the House shall be as follows : — Presentiuii; Petitions. Keadino- and Eeceiviuii: Petitions. Presentinii- Tienorts bv Standiny-and Select Committees. Motions. U 105 '•■ '■ !:!"! :i 'i'l The oi'dor of Ijitsinoss for llio consideration of The IFouso, (hi}' by tluy, lifter the ai)uve Daily Jioiiline, shall bo as fullo\v« : — Monday. Private Hills. (Questions put by Members. Notices of Motions. Public Hills and Orders, (lovernment Notices of Motions. Government Orders. Tuesday. Govornn^.ont Notices of Motions. (lOvernment Orders. Public Bills and Orders. (Questions put by Members. (3tlier Notices of Motions. Private Bills. Wednesday. (Questions put by Members. Notices of Motions. Public Bills and Orders. {From half past seven o'clock, p. m.) Private Bills, for the first hour. Public Bills and Orders. (Jovernment Notices of Motions. Government Orders. Thursday. Questions put by Members. Public Bills and Orders. Notices of Motions. Government Notices of Motions. Government Orders. Friday. Government Notices of Motions. Government Orders. Public Bills and Orders. Questions put by Members. Other Notices of Motions. (From half past seven o'clock, p. m.) Private Bills, for the first houv. 106 Orders of'tlio Day for llio Tliii-d Jveudiiiii; of Hills shall take pi'occMleiice of all other Orders for tho saino tlay, oxcopt Orders to \vhi(di the llcnise has ]»reviously K'^'^'" l»i'iority. A Motion for llc^adiiii;' the Orders of the Day, shall have iM'elbreiiee to any Motion hetoro tho House. (Jaihnkt. — The Cahinet is ('oni)>osed of a certain niiniher of responsihie Ministers with or Avithoiit a J'ortfolio eondnetini^ tho allairs of tho I)ominion of ('anada. Kacdi Province is siip])Osed to have in the Caldnot, a nmnher of representatives in ])roportion to its jiopulation. The head of the Cahinet also called the Pi'oinioi', has the choice of his (Jollea/Ljues who together with him assume the titles of : " ^[iinster of Justice and Attorney '■ 23 W!EST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4S03 C'l w- 'Q. \ IM. I rii 'i I i IfSWi and any one distiirbiiit;' tlio House can be placed in the custody oftlie Serii'oant at Arnis. Dissolution. — The Dissolution of the House is the breakini; up of the Proceedini;'s previous to new elections. The duration of a Parliament beini; of Five years, the Hr-use is supposed to be dissolved every Five years only, unless it is the ])leasure of the Governor (Jeneral to dissolve it soonei* to malce a new appeal to the electors for the interest of the public in general. Elections. — The Elections for Representatives in the House of Commons take jilace after each dissolution of the Parliament and in this case they are called (leneral Elections, in otlier instances when to till vacancies, they take ])lace as sooti as the writs are issued and in each case, the votation is by secret ballot and seven days after the nomination of candidates. To be eligible for the House of Commons a person must not be a member of cither the Senate or any of the Pi-ovincial Legislatures and his Ileal and Personal Property shall be worth Two Thousand Dollars. House of Commons. — The House of Commons is actually com- posed of 206 Members, of which : — 88 for the Province of Ontario. G5 'I a (Quebec. 21 a a ]S'ova Scotia. 16 a 11 New Brunswick. 6 11 n British Columbia. 6 (( (( Prince Edward Island. 4 « a Manitoba. However the Number of Members of the House of Commons may be from time to time increased by the Parliament of Canada, provided the proportionate Reiu'esentation of the Pro- vinces prescribed by the Act is not thereby disturbed. The House has to meet at least once a year for the tlesnatch of business. The time chosen for that purpose is generally in February and the iSession lasts about two months. On its tirst assembling after a (Icncral Election, the House of Commons proceeds with all ^practicable speed to elect one of its Members to be Speaker. When all business is transacted and the Estimates voted, the House then is closed. The hour of meeting of the House of Commons is 3 o'clock p. m. and 7^ o'clock p. m. and the debates are open to the 108 custody luratioii posed to asuro of / appeal House •I lament In other n as the et ballot uust not •ovincial je worth lly coni- 1(1. 'ommons imcnt ol* the Pro- patch of 3i'ally in I its lirst ommons ^le in hers Isti mates 3 o'clock 1 to the public. Kowever a ticket of admission sii^-neil by the Sergeant at Arms is necessary to i)e admitted to hear them. Journal. — A Joui-nal has to be kept l»y the ("lerk of the House, a co))y of which is delivered daily to His Kxcellency the (rovernor (leneral. The Clerk of the Jlouso enters in this journal : the time of Ajonrnment and the nr.mes of the Membei's ])resent when the House adjourns for want of a Quoi'utn ; the reasons stateil by the Speakei- when he is ealled upon to i;ive a (Jastini^ Voice, and also the Yeas and Nays upon a Division ; provided a demand to that ettect is made by ") Memliei-s. Library. — No person shall be entitled to resort to the library duriui;' a Session of Parliament, excejjt the (lovernor (Jeneral, the Members of the Privy Council and of the two Iiou^es of Parliament, the Otficers of both Houses, and such other persons as may receive a written order of admission from the Speaker of either House. Membei-s may ])ersoiuilly introduce Strani;'ers to the Library during the da}' time but not after the hour of seven o'clock, p. m. Mace. — The Mace is the sign of the Legislative Authority which rest.s in the House. The Sergeant at Arms, who is i-esponsible for its safeding, ])laces it on the table at the opening of each Session. H remains on the table all the time of the proceedings of the House as a boily ; but it is taken otf when the House is in Committee and at the close of each meeting. Meetin*}. — See House of Commons. Members. — The Members of the House of Commons are the res])ective rej)resentatives of the Constituencies of tiie various Provinces of the Dominion. They are elected by the pco})le )»y Ballot, for a period of five years. Ministry. — See Cabinet. PoRTB'OLio. — The word Portfolio is used to ex])ress the Control of a Department in the Civil Service. There are Thirteen Portfolio or De])artments as mentioneil previously under tlio heading of Cabinet and each one is administered by one of the Members forming the Cabinet. Private Bills. — See Bills (private.) Privileoe. — Whenever any matter of Privilege arises, it is immediately taken into consideration. 109 '.I m ^ I) PRTVY-CoiTNcrr.. — The Privy (^oniicil is composed of all tlio past and prcscMit .Ministers ot'tlu^ Ci'owii since Confederation hut llioso only who form the Adniinisti'alion take }>art in its delihe- rations. Jt isactiiall}' conip(;sed of Fifty Two Memhers; Fourteen of whom form the Cahinct, One of them has no L'ortfidio. PRORoiiATioN. — The Prorogation of Parliament is tlie adjourn- ment from one Session toanoljier. It is nevei- proi'oijjued foi u Period ion^-er tlian Forty Days at a time. Tiie time during which Parliament is jn-oroguecl, is called the Ji'ecrss. (Ji'ESTioNs ITT «Y Me.mhers. — (Questions may he put to Minis- ters of the Crown relating to public atfairs; and to othei' mem- liers, relating to an\' Bill, Motion or other juihlic matter con- nected with the Business of the House, in which sucdi .NFemhers may he concernetl ; but two uoR['.M. — The Quorum of the Uouse of Commons is of 20 memhers. Wh i tliere is not a Quoi-um the Spt>ak"er can take the chair and Uien adjourn, the names of the ^femhers then })resent are inserted in t!ie Joui-nal. Recess. — Sec Prorogation. Seroeant — The Sergeant-at-Arms apjiointed hy the Crown, is res})onsible for the safe-kee]»ing of the Mace, and for the conduct of the .^^essengers and inferior Servants of tlie House, it is he who regulates the admission of Strangers to the House througli Memhers, by Ti(d Hi]! If. 1 ii ^ m I II ij ( ;l r:^ 5U The J)omini<)ii ot'CaiKula l;s actually devitUsi into .Seven Pro- viiR'CS as follows : Ontario, t^)uebee, Nov'. Scotia, ^iew lirui'swick, Maiiilolia, I'rince Ivlward Island, British Columbia. Elections of Me.aibkks. — See ])aife lOS. GoVf^RNoii (iKNEKAL. — TIic (Jovornoi' (Jenoral is the Supreme Authority which I'ules over Canada, in the Queen's name. He is a))]>ointcd by commission under the (iruat Seal of the United Kin_i;-(lom ofCJrcat Britain and Ireland, at a salaiy of £10.000 Sterlini!; |)cr annum. Jlis term of Oliicc is I-^ive years but he may be apjtointed for a soconas^cd by the Privy Council in ailniinist i-ativc matters; and thou^ii he i-eij^-ns and t;'()verns not, it is his undisputed riu'ht to go against the advice of his ministry in mtitters affecting the general good of the Count ly. JJe opens and closes ea(di Session of tlie Dominion l^arli;iinent by a Speech from the Throne and gives his sanelion to J'ublic Bills or I'eserves them for the sanction of ller Majesty. lie can dissolve the House and call for general e!ecti(-ns, dismiss Ids Concillors and i'e[tlace them by othei's, kc, Sic. IIoLTsE OF Commons. — See pages lOS and 109. LiEiJTENANT-CioVERXoRs. — They are ajipointed by the Go- vernor (ieneral at a Salary vaiying from $7,000.00 to' 810.000.00 according to I'rovinces, and for a term e'" I'^ive years. Kxcept for cause assigned thev cannot be i-emoved before the exiiiration of their term of office. Their duties and powers with i-egard to the Provincial Governments are the same !is tliose of the Go- vernor General with regard to the Dominion (Jovernment. Local Legislatuues. — The Local (Jovernment of each Pro- vince is composed of thi'co Branches, the same as the Dominion Government, viz : The Lieutenant (rovernor, the Executive Council and the Legislature which is eom])osed of the TjCgis- lative Council or Upper House and the Legislative Assembly or Lower House, except in the Province of Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia where there arc no Legislative Councils. 112 Newfoundland. — Id caso oi' the A(linissii)n of Xewfoundland ill tlio Dominion, it shall Ito entitled to a I'epresentation in the Senate of Canada oi' Four Menil)ers. Privy Council for (Canada. — Its duty is to aid and advise the (lovernnient of Canada, it is styled tlie (Queen's Pi-ivy Council for Canada ; and the Persons who are to be .Nlenihers of that Council are from time to time chosen and summoned by the Ciovornor (Jeneral and sworn in as Pi-ivy (younciliors, .'ind .Members thereof may be iVom time to time removed by the (Tovernor General. Seat of (Ioverxments. — Until tlie (^ucen otherwise directs, the Seat of Covernment of Canada sliall be Ottawa. Unless and until the Executive (iovernment of any Province otherwise ilirects with respect to that Province, tlie Seats of Covernment of the Pi'ovincos shall lie as follows, namely, — of Ontario, the Cit}' of Toronto; of (iueliec. the City of (Quebec; of Xova Scotia, the City of Halifax ; of Xew lirunswick, the City of Frede- i-icton ; of Prince Fdward Island, the City of Charlottetown ; of Manitoba, tlie City of Winnipeg-, ;u)d (jf British Columbia, the City of Victoria. Senate. — See page 37. ir 113 I' ,« 1 ,Y I 1} m i J 111 ! %: m > I - i il!' i: I ! ;! TABL3 or PHECELENCE AVFTIIIN THE n O M I N I O N OF CANADA 1. Tlie (roveiMior-denoral or Offlci-'r tidmini.sterliig" the Go- ; vcriiinent. 2. The Scnioi- Oificcr coininundini;' IF. M. Ti'oo])S -vvitliin the '■ Doniiiiion, if of the rank of u (u'licral. and the ollicor com- ; muiidini;- 11, M. Naval Forces on llic B. X, A. Station, if of the : I'ank of an Admiral. Theii- own relative rank to he detcrmlneil ; by the Queen's IJe^nilations on this snhject. 3. The Lieiitenant-Clovcrnor of Ontario. 4. " " (^lehcc. 5. " <« Nova Scotia. 6. " " New Brunswick.-^ 7. Archhisho])s and iJishops accordinii; to senioi"itv. 8. Members of the Cahinet according to seniority. 1>. The S])eaker of the Senate. 10. The Chief Judg'es of the Courts of Law and Equity aecoi'd- in<»; to seniority. 11. Meinbei's of the Privy Council, not of the Cabinet. 12. (renei'al Officers of 11. M. Ai-mv servini!- in the Dominion, and Officei's of the rank of Admiral in the lloyal Navy, serviui;" on the li. N. A. Station, not beini^' in the Chief Command, tlie relative rank of such officers to he determined hy the Queen's ol'tlie ITousc' of Commons. IS. Memhers ol' the Ivxeciilive Coiuu-il ( Provincijil) witliin their Province. 1!). S]H'ak-er of Leii'islative Counfil within his Pi-ovince. 20. -Memhei's of lA\i;-islalive (N)iuicil within their Pn>N-ince. 21. Speaker of LeLrish'itive Assemiily within his Province. 22. .Members of I.e^'ishilive Assemhly \vii]iin (heir Pr()vinee. TABLE OF TITLES Tn accordance with Jiej>roLrmc iiO iiadran- oi' inaiii tmeiital c OtllO)' ;'s, I heir I lie SU I'- ll ; C'oia- i on this or mtikc iml IHth la. The 's are of i-t'olorod jpean, u and the upper lie-work, II r, very uulstoiie alford a 1 the gc- ! body ol' 1 street, lie : even rroin the body of rises tlie ntal iron crt'slinu'. The buildiiii,^ is 472 feet ioiiu' ; and lhede])th frrai'y is ')7(> fi'ct, eoveriiii;- an area <»l' S^.SSi) sii])crticial feot. ll >taii(ls at a dis- tance of <)()() feel fr(»m Weliinuton street, so that the (|ua.lraiinie formed on three sides by the !5iiildiiio's and on the foiirth liy t!iu street, is T''i> IV'el fi-om east to west, and (100 tiH't from noi'th lo south ; thus atfordiiiij; a very sjtaeious s(iiiare. The «;'roinid upon which the building's stand varies somewhat in ek'valion. that lorminix the site of the Parliament lUiildinn' beini'; the hi^hesf. The bascnnent tloor of the biiildini;'s is a>Minied to be liiOfeet above the; ordinary summer level oi'lhe rivei', while that of the Eastern and Western blocks is 115.") and 1 12 leet respectively. The increased elevation, however, it iproves ver\" much t!ie _i;e- nei'al etl'ect of the buildini;'s. Ti)e main entrance is throuu'Ii the pi'inci]»al tower, tlio spacious ai'ches of which admit ot' a carria:;'e way under them. The ]tiers which supjjort the lowi'r are ornamented \vith pillars ofpi>lished Arnprior mai'ltle. Passim;' throiin'h it v.e enter a iari;'e hall, ]»aved with tiles, and also surrounded with marble ])illars. In tliis large lobby is ])Iaced a life si/.e oil portrait of the popular jiredecessor of the [iresent (lovernor (Jeiieral '• Ijord Dutl'erin, former Governoi" (leneral of C'anada." The Senate Ciiamheu. On the rigiit of the jMain entrance is the Senate Chamber. The fiooni measures S2 by 45 feet, the ceiliiiL': beinu' over 50 feet h!<;'li, and formed of tine o[)en woi'k. The sloii. Williiim Siuilli. JollilM .luiics. .IiU'(iiio.s Baity. Jji-ft hand side Ifidi 1 ]J()ii. I>avilmsley. On the Left. 1 Sir Kdmntid ITead Bai't liate Gov. [e(iill. Jonathan Sewell, William J)iimnier Pc^well. The of Co:m.mons. On the lel't of tlio ilain enti-aneo i.s the JLouso of Commons Chamber alike in evei-y pai'tienlar to that of the Senate with the exception of the disposition of the seats. Jn the lobliy and lialls surroundiiig the Chamber are placed tiie remainder of the oil portraits formin,^; the gallery of Canada Statesmen in the following order : Lobby, left to riijht. 1 J. A. Panet, 17i>2-1815. 2 D. W. Smith, 17:»7-1804. 3 L. J. Papincau, 1815-37. 4 Alex. Macdonell 1805-1801). 5 J. Wilson, 1825-21t. <) J. E. Vail lores de St. Eeul, 1823. 7 A. Cuvillier, 1841-44. 8 Archibald McLean, 1831-35-30-37. 3 u 4 u 5 .( u 7 a 8 u 118 ; n: ■ ' Ciiiiudii /Oiniiioiis with tlio placed r Canada Uinht hand siiJe Hall, On the Left. 1 C. do TiOlliiiiioro, 17!'4. 2 L. P. SluM-wood, 1S21.25. :-] L. V. sici.tto, isr)4-r)T. 4 J. S. Mafdoiiald. lsr)L'.r)4. On tlw riijht. 1 Sir A. X. McXal), Dart., 18:57-40-44-18. 2 II. nuttaii. 18;;7. 'd M. s. iJidwoii, is2!)-;{i -;{.")-:!(;. 4 A. N. Moriii, lK4H-:)2. 5 Sir Jlenrv Smith, iS.lS-fll. a J. F. Tiir'cotte, lS(;2-i;;}. 7 Ja-. (.'(xdvhm-ii. lS(;7-74. S T. "' Aiio-liii, iS74-7:>. l) L. "\Vallbrid,<>-c, IHli.'MiC. The LiiutAitv of ]\vui,ia.ment. At tho time oi'tho Uiuoii of U|)|)er and Loumm" ('aiia, it had ,i;-i'own up, by [)urtdiase and ii;ifts, to 2.'),000 voliunes, all ol' whi(di. s;ive al»oiit 200 vo- lumes, were destroyed liy tire in .Montreal, on the -.")tli of April. It was reconstituted, and on the first of February, bS")!, it was, for the second time, desti-oyed by tire, in (Quebec. At that date, the library contained 17,0011 volumes, 8000 of whiidi were sav(Ml from desti'uction, l)y the students of the Qut'bec Seminary. At the time of the removal of the seat of the (Jovernment from (Quebec to Ottawa, the library numl)ored about 5."), 000 volumes. The librai}' buildinn,-, then in course of construction, not beint;' ready to receive the library, the j)icture :;;dlery ap- jtarlments, were tem|)orarily fitted ujt foi* its use and it remained tlius until 1870, when it was finally removed in the present library buildin<;\ This buildiiii;' is of circtdai" form, and has a diameter of 80 feet, its heiu'ht from tloor to top of the inside of the coupole is 100 feet. The tVamiiii;' of the two u'al- leries around the libraiy is in cast iron, covered in tine richly sculptures. The tlooring- of the galleries is niadc oi' o-lass one inch thick. Thei'C are 31)3 i;-as lii-dits in ten rooms. The main ]Iall contains about (50,000 volumes. There are rooms i)etween the interior and exterior walls, all tilled up with books. The old library has been fitted up for the use of the Supreme Court, but the gallery has been kept for the use of the library. 11» i m ^ if i i 1 <;;; • w flf' Mm 11 If hhi K tt h M; '! .:llr' M ^ The lil>r:iry start' is eomposod of ono librarian, one as>^istaiit, five clerics and four inessenij:;ers. The lil)rary is opened eveiy day, except sundays and ieu-al holidays from 1> A. .M. to 4 1^. M. during;- recess ot' rarliament. antl durini;- session, every day, from it A. M. until the lli>use adjoui-ns, u'enerally idiout niidnii^'ht. The annual u'rant for the jturchase of hooks is 87000. The main ])orli(/n of the works comjxjsini^ the lihrary, belonii!;s to Law ; Pai'liamentary ])a])ers and records of all counti'ies; Science and Art. Classics althoii_<;'h well repi'esented ai-e not so comph as (he Law de]>artment. But a ])articular attention is ])aid U) works on America and more particulai'iy on Canada. The Victoria Tower. On the top of this Tower the Tourist c:ui see at a ifreat dis- tance the surroundiui;" country and he has a s])lendid hirds-eye view of the City, its heii;-ht beini;- very near HOO feet above the level of the Ottawa Kivei'. From the u'round, their are 287 steps to the to|) which is crowned with an iron railinensated ]iendulum. The leni!;ht of }>ondulum is 14 feet and its weiu'ht is aOdlbs. It has a remontoir train to move hands every hal f minute. It is driven by wei,i;'hts of oOOlbs. lor time ]iortion and 7001bs, for strikiui;- power, it strikes every hour with a 501bs. weia'ht on a bell of one ton weiirht situated about (>(• feet Indow the mechanism. This bell was manufactured by ^[eneely and Kimbur>, Troy, New York, XJ, S. 1875. The dials, four in number are matlc of l)lack slate \h thick with i>-ilt fii-'ures and they ai'c 8 feet diameter. Mr. J. J. Kadfoi-d wlio has char"-c of this clock savs it is one of the best timedvceper. The Government Patent Office. In the upper story of the central win<( of the Western Block, contains over 10,000 nnniatui-c models of all inventions patented in Canada since 1824, nicely assorted in rich glass cases of large 120 iUSO bol()Hii;s uiilrios; c not so 'iition is ad a. •eat (lis- irds-oyo >ovc the arc 287 .^et hii;"h oautit'iil 'liaincnt ock-spur !>_y (rco. luissons' tonsatcd eiii'ht is ivy hal t' tiou and a 501!)s. 't below oly and Ibur ill ires and t is one I Hloek, patented of lari^e diiuensioiis. In a room adjoinini;' ai'e ])laced (lie ditlerent sjie- ciinens, of nunerals, woods, ^-rain Arc, sent to the Centennial lvKhil)ition of l'liiladel[iliia in 1S7(I by the Dominion CJo- vei'iinuMit. ']'lIE I>()VEKS ^VaLIC. A eharmini;' |)rome,iade hidden on the side of the roek on whieh the Parliament biiildinus ^land. '^Fhis road whieh is ovei' a (|iuirtei- of a mile in leii^ht is wide and Icept in u;ood order, seats ai'c ]daeed here and there for the convenience of jtersons who want to enjoy a solitary rest. I-'rom that ])hice the toiii'ist has a ^jtleiidid view of the Ottawa river, in all its yrdiKhuir in- eludini;- the ehaiidiere Falls in the distance. The EfDEAU Can'aI; Lock's. F/ii;'ht in numbei', are situated at the extremity of the IJideau Canal. They are IIU feet loiii;- and ."{.'I feet wide each. Their construcl.ion was beii'un in the sprini;' 1^2' by Colonel Uy, who ;i-ave his name to this city formerly called liytown. On the Idth Au;;-ust of the same year, the ci>rner stone was laid by the celebrated traveller Franklin who liaopened to be visitiiii;' this l)arr of the country, and the wh(»le \. n-k Avas tci'iiiinated in the b^;5l. Their" cost is .tSOiJ. 774. 5. 5 Sterling-. Their object is to estahlish a communication for navii;-ation |)ui'j)o>e between the Ottawa river and the Rideau Canal which talces its source at Jvingslon, on r>ake ()ntario. The Fire Alarm Tet,eurapii. Of winch the i^rincijial Otiice is situated at tiie City Hall. FJi^'iu St. was erecteil in b^74 and serves as in otlier cities to transmit from one part of the city to another b}' means of elec- tricity, the alarm in cases of tires, i^-iving the locality of the C()ntla!i;ratioii. ]\rAjoRs TIiLE Park. Fxtendine; from Sussix Street Fast to St. Patrick Street West on the Clitf this side of the Iiideau Canal opposite the l*ai'- liament Buildini;-s. Altlioui;-h not quite completed, still it ]^vo- seiits a nice as])eet with its tine wall:|;i' ■■ ! I li the Ottawa iVom a liei^lit of alioiit ",0 feet, 'lividiiiLi,- its vv'alci-s as it goes down Ibniiiii^' two siieets of w aiei" h:i\iii<;' the a])j)o:i!'aiieo of a jiaii'of lai'ii'o cniiain^. (These falls liave to he seen in the >]>i'in^', for ill any otiiei' .--(lason tlie water> are not Iiigli enoinili to <;'ive a connect idea of ihein). I'ei'sons ean i;'o down under the Falls whore shower hatlis are to lie i»ad. Tnii Wat i; II Wohk's. Were consti'Ueteii in IS74. M'heir hydi-auiie ])ow(M's are >i- tniitcd at about thi'ee (luarter of a utile troin tiie l'arliain(Mit Biiildiui^'s, at the exti'enu' end of Wellin_i;'ton street. The watei" whieii they sn|)j)ly in immense (luaniity to the City come from above the Chaudiore L-'alls and is considered the purest in Canada. The Si.inEs. Were constructed in ■'.s:>2 by MV. (Jeo. Iluchanr.n. to avoid the Chamliere Falls and thereby facilitate the drivinii" of the lumbei- goiiii;' down towarils the luarhets of Montreal and (^lU'boc. They ai'e 20 feet wide and S74 teet in len^-th. and their slope is ren- dered nearly insensilde by sto])s. ])laced at disiances, tVoni oil feet to 8S0 feet between each. In summer the amateurs of sensation, find ii;reat j)leasure in iroiiii;- down the'^e slides on iho rafts. This liitle trip althou^-h very ai;-reable, mi;j;ht prove dangerous if not made with prudence. The CuAuniERE Falls. 80 called, l>v the first travellers in this count rv, on account of its basin resembling a huge-kettle {cliaudiere lieing the fr(Mich of this Avord.) It is situated at the western extremity of the Cit}' at a distance of about two miles from tlie Parliament Buildings, at the terminus of liie street railway line, J Is height is only n't) feet l)Ut its immense volume of water nearly I'ipnds that of the Xiagai-a Falls, and whirls as in a vast funnel, the width of tiio Ottawa rivei", immediately over, being about 500 yai'ds whilst below, it measures oidy about 50 yards. The Union Suspension Erld(;e. Was erected a little below the Chaudiore Fall in 1843-14. An interesting ])eculiarity is that a pers(Mi standing halfway on this bridge has a foot in oacli of the Provinces of Ontario and (Quebec, the Ottawa river being the division line between the two. J. 22 I 1 atci's us oaruiico 1 ill the ciioiiuli i(U>i' the arc si- liainoiit e water no tVoin ires I in v(Hil the lumlicr c. 'Vhvy is I'oii- IVoiu "')') tears of s on 1 ho t [)r()vo eoinit of 1-0 noil of the Citv iiilcliii^'s, only a tine rcssoi't in siinunci' time for ])a:'ti(^s rowing- down the river. The ])ro|)rit'lor 3Ir. K. J. O'.Neill has a little ferry- hoat plyi iiij; e\-ery hour to and from the city ior the accomodation of jiic-nic parties, etc, Iaoueiit's Sur.i'iii r Si-Rrxos. .Situated at a little distance from the Montreal IJoad aliout 5 miles from the city. The water IVom these sjtriiiu's contain a >i-reat (luaiitily ( 123 !' im m I •;;!.■' ,il vy v*' f The Grotto of "Wakefield. An immense njitural cavern in u mounlain at a distanoe of twenty-one miles iVoin Ottawa, in tlie Townshij) ot' Waketicid, .Mr. Pelissier, on whose i)i'0])ei'ty it is sitnated, declares himself not to iiave been ai)Ie to asceitain the dejith. The interior is divided int(^ com])artments of i)-reuhs(M|ueiit (juai'tor of an hour ll) And for each additioiuil passenger for tlie tii-st hour 20 Aii;cr fi'oin any of the Carter's Stands, or iVom one jjart of the city to one or more phices consecutively, in said City, provided the time occupied in convt'yini;- and waiting- for such i'assenu'cr. J)o not exceetl iifteen minutes 80 25 Ami lor each additional passen:;-ei' 10 If time occujtied exceeds 15 minutes hui not ."JO minutes 40 And for each additional ])a>senuer 15 And tor each suhseiiuent 10 minute> after first /}0 minutes ]0 And foi' each additional passen^u;er 05 But if the time occuj)ied continuously whilst any sucli vehicle shall he in the eni])loy ol the same jiei'son oi" ])ersons ((mounts to or i'.rcacdd one hour, then the J'ates hy the hour as aforesaid shall only he proper and le,i;"al, and no higher rales shall he len'al. 4. That each Passen^-er shall he entitled t.,^ take with him or her (Jiie Trunk or otluu- ])a,n'i;'a<;'e to u reasonahle extent, free of chai',n'e, and it shall he the duty of the ])erson in chai\i4'e of j^ny such vehicle to load and unload the same tree of charge. 5. That children under tive years of age shall not he chai'ged for .18 additional Passengers, and childi'cn over tive years and under twelve yeai-s of age shall not he charged for as additional Passengers more than half Jititt'8. TAlilFF OF CMIAlUrES — FOR — Licensed Carts, Trucks, Sleighs or other Vehicles for the Carriage of Loading iL'ithin the City of Ottawa. XIV. That the following Scale of Charges is hereby esta- blished for the Loading, Unloading and the Carting of Goods, 12; ":i ■'H IT 1 >ii- r '' 1 fi i 1 ;-^ [ 1 ; 1 B i 1 ;. I : :■! "i ■!' • I 1 I ill! Wares Mercliaiulizc, l-'ircwDD'!, aiul all other Iy)a*!inij,-. Ii\' Liceii-ed (barters wiiliiii llu-. ("ny ol'Ddawa : 1. l''i'oni any |iai'l of IJppei' Town Wi-sl of lianK- Sti'eet, to any part ol" Jiower Toud \v.\>i ot'Nelson Street or North of Cathoart Sti-eet, and dec rcrsa 8'> 40 To any oilier ])art ofTiOwer Town, aiul dec. crnia 'I't 2, i''ioin any jiai'tof Lowrr Town Mast of Nelson Sti'eel or North of Catlicart Stri-et, to any ]»art of Tpper Town .Mast of Bank Street.. '. 'I') o. Fi'oin any other part i>{' the City to anothei', exeept as aforesaid 20 4. Thai the lioadinu' referi-ed to in the jirei-edin;;- seetion of this liy-Law shall eonsist ot Twelve Hundred Pounds, oi- Six Barrels of j-'lour, oi- l"'our l>arrels of I?oi'l<, or Haifa Cord of Wt)od. c II u II cn i:s. Baptist Church. — Maria street, eonior of l''la-in. I^ev. A. A. Cameron, pastoi . JIoui-s (d'sei'viee, 11 a. in. and 7 p- ni : Sunday sehool, 3 p. 111. B(isil><"(i (li. C.) — Sussex street, cast side. Tit. IJev. .loseph Thomas Duhamel, I). J).. bislio]> of the J>!o''ese of Ottawa ; Ilev. .M. .AToUoy, (). M. I ; JJev. Ti. Cain))eau, hursar to hislio)» ; Rev. M. .1. Whelan, seeretary to hisho]); He',-. ','. Bouillon, ])roeurator to Jiasiliea ; Rev. Josejih Ouhaniel, assistant seci'elary ; iiev. JI. S. Marion, vicar. IIoui-s of service, *> a. ni. U) a. in. and ?> \). rn. week . in ; week days at (! a. m. and 5 p. m. Eucharist service everv Sunday and every fourth Tuesday, at 10 a. in. Christ Church, (Church of Mrifrland). — Sparks street, south side. Jiev, J. S. Lauder, M. A. archdeacon of Ottawa, reet(n'. Jlours of service, 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni. Free seats in the evening*. Church of St. Alhnn the Martyr. — (Clmrch of lMip;land). Free seats. Daly sti-eet, north side. Rev. Canon T. B. Jones, M. A. LL I), rector. Jlours of service, 8 a. m. 11 a. m. 7 p. ni ; Sunda}' .school, 8 p. m. Holy Communion every Sunda}' and on the Church festivals. Daily service at I) a. m. and 5 p. m. 120 t, vi er ., I) 25 »t; ... 20 c'tioii of or .Six .\)\-d oi' V. A. A. Siiiuhiy .losoph a ; Uvv. ]> ; Rev. x'lirator Kov. jr. o p. m. lo Ill's of ') ]). m. sday, lit • south rector. !veniiit>;. ). Freo S M. A. p. m ; tuul on f'on'jrcgniloihtl church. — Cornei- ol" Aliiert and VAix\\\ si reels. l!ov. John Wood, pastoi'. Hours oi'service. 11 a. in. and 7 ]». in ; .Sa!)liath school, [0 ;i. ni. and ',\ p. m ; Ihblc clas>. Moiid;;v, S [>. in ; led me and jnayei' ineetin;;-, Wednesday, S p. m. DominJ'jii Methodist Church. — .Metcalfe street. Rev. \-]. A. Startbrd. ]ia>tor. Hours oi'service, 11 a. in. anil 7 ]». m. EiuiiiOHim! Church (Jvefoi-mud M]iiscopal). — Cornei" of I"'li;'in and (i loiicestc!' --ticets. IJev. (i. ^V. 11 nnt ini;-ton, recior. Hours of scM'vice, 1 ! :'.. in. and 7 p. ni. EfiiscojKtl Mctho'li^t Clmrch. — Ih'idj,-e street. Vacant. /'Jj'l.icuj/d/ Mcth(^t Church. — C'oi-ner of York and Dallioiisic streets. Hcv. W. A. lMiilli[)ps, jcistor. Hours of - orvice, 11a. in. and 7 p. in. French Methodist Church. — iiev. John Syvret. conier Hridice and (^iieen sii'cets. (.'handiere. French Frabyterian Church. — liov Maiv Ami, .^^. il. Churcli corner York and Dallioiisio streets. Ifoiir of service, ij p. in. Geriaan Lutheran Church. — Wilhrod street. Rev. An,i;'usic Senile, inini.^^ m'. Jfonrs of service, 10 a. in. and '.\ p. in. Methodist Church, J'Jastern. — St. i^anl street, nortli side. Rev. M. Jj. i'eai'son, -pastor, Rev. W. L. Jiaii^'rell, assistant. Hours of service, 11 a. in. and 7 \>. in ; Wednesdav at 7 p. m. Methodist Church JF.vv/c/Vf. — Ricdim.ond" Road. .Rev. .1. T. l'ii(dier, pastor. Hours oi' service, 11 a. in. and 7 p. ni. Aof/v; Diime, du S((<'rt- Ccur. — .Murray street. Rev. M. 1']. Harnois, U. M. 1. service at 7 a. m. Freshijteridn Church. — litinU street, west side. iJev. Wm. Moore, pastor. Hours of service, 11 a. in. and 7 p. ni ; Wednes- day at ~h ]). m. Preshijterian Church. — Daly street, south side. Jiev. Win. Arinstroni!;, pas[(.)r. Hours of service, 11 a. in. and 7. i». ni ; Wednesday at 'Jh p. in. Presbyterian Church (lviir>x Church). — City Hall Sijuarc. Rev. F. W. Farries, ])ast(u-. Houi-s oi'service, 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni ; Wednesday at 7 V ]». in. St. u4ndrew's Church. — Wellin,<;'ton street, south side. JJev. I). M. Gordon, B. 1). jiastor. Kours of service, 11 a. in. and 7 j). m ; Sabbath school at ii ]>. m; prayer meeting- and lecture on Wednesilay at 7^ p. m. St. Anne's Church. — St. Patrick street, south side. Very Rev. L. Jouvent, P. P. Hours of Service, 7 a. m. 10 a. m. and 7 }>. m. week days 7 a. in. 12; 1 1' I. 1 ■ i 'r; 1 ':l V- i.';( fcl ':1' 1 ii If! i? Si: I ■■ l' if. •:. i fi-i ': i'.'ft i (lift i ^1 ,;idi! ;S!ll»ii 1 ii ;!i .^i; I 1 ''1 ■;:i! St. Jmii Bdj/tlste Cfiurrh. — Lc Bivtoii Flats. Mw. M. SMiivf', P. P. Hours of s('r» ici', S a. in. 10 a. lu. I) p. in. week days 7 a. u\. *S7, ./6»///i //((' Kruniiclid ((,'liiircli ol' I'ln^laiid). — Sll^^('\' street. west side. The rin-Iii Rev. ,1. Ti-avers Lewis, I ). D. LL D. bisli()]> ot' tlie Dioeose ol'Ontario, i-eetoi', rcsideiiee \' ictoria street, Rev. 11. J'ollard, assistant iniiiistor. Iloiirs of sei'xiee, 11 a. in. juid 7 ]). in. JIolv coiniiiiinion aiternatei\' at S.l") and 11 a. in. *SV. Jim'pk Churrli.—\\\\\n-. ni. week (hiys mass at (i and 7} a. m. »S7. Pairii'ks C/iurr/i. — Corner iCent and (ilouei'>ter >n'ei'ts. Ptov. Dr. (^'Conner. P. J'; Rev. M. J. Whehm, assistant. Hours of service, S a. ni, 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. week (hiys 7 a. m. T I^: M P !•: Ji A N C K S O C T K T \ K S . Bi/tou-n Division A^o. '1'14, Sons of Temperance. — J. T. Barti-am, W. P. Chan Here Division Sons of Tcmpcrdnce. — AVm. Sfcwai-t. W. P. EWoit Lodqe No. 41!) / G 7'.— Afects evorv Tue>(hiv eveninij. in the J)uko Sti'cet S;'hool H()iis(>. This is one of the most ]U'()sj)er()ns temperance h)(lii;es in the (Jity. The ollieer.s for the ])i'esent are Bro. S. F .('ox, W (' T; Bi-o. Samuel AsliHcld, W. Secretaiy ; Bro. James AsJiHeld, W F S; Hro. Jiol.ort Feri-aison, W' T ; Pro. Thos. McFarlane, W. ("hap; Bro. AV. .[.'Powers, W .M ; iiro. (leort>-c lN)weis, W () (J ; Sister J^hoda >rasson, \V V T; Sister 'M. (;il)son, W D M\ Sister Lavinia 15ouluer. W 1 (J ; Jiro. Thos Kenny and Hro. S F Cox, Trusteefs ; Bro. Harry Neeland, P W C f; Bro. W J Powers, Lodge Deputy. Members of the order always welcome. Enierprizc Janeville Temjde. — Jolm Cli fiord, Superintendent. Meets every Saturday evening in Morrison's Hall, York Street. Enterprize Temple I G 2\— D. :Morrison, L D; Robert .lamieson, W (J ; (leo. .laekson, P W C T ; Sister Carleton, P. V. Meets every Monday evening in Morrisons Hall, York street. Trish Catholic Temperance Society. — Founded in 1845. Ilev. M. MoUoy, ])resident ; John ileney, 1st vice-president ; John O'Reilly, 2nd vice-president ; P. Brady, treasurer; P. (1. Le^'dcn, recording-secretary ; W. Fiiilay, tinance secretary. Committee 128 . Smuvo, S 7 M. 111. \' street. . LL I). i;i .street. 11 n. ni. 11 ii. m. (). .M. I, (>. S ;ill(l 111. >i reets. . Hours 111, Barli'uni, rt. \V. P. TuesdMv ne of the ollieei's Samuel S ; Hvo. '. ('ha|>; i' () (i ; r 1) M ; (1 j^ro. S ;i-o. w J ivcleome. itendent. V Street. ; Robert letoii, P. 11, York Rev. M. t ; John Level en, )mmiltee of inaiiau'eiiicnt : II. V. Sims, Thos. I.aeev, W. Mcdratli, IF. l)ii,U^:;-an,' .1. .1. Kehoe, W. Doi-aii, .M. Dolaii. \\ Fiiiaii, .1. \\ Draiiiu'ii I-'aI. Haml»rick, .lolin .Miilliu ; 10. .). Mcl-]voy, .Marshal ; Thos. Kehoe, Custodian. Off,nra rifij Te.mj>(<\ I G T No. 411:;.— Bro. .las. 15. llali.ett. W T ; Bi-o! R. U-low, V \\ V, T ; Sister Mau-irie .loiies, W l{ X S; Si-ter Annie .lones, W L N S ; Wm. Stewart. W S; V. (i. Allan, W 1' S; John lvean(>, W T; \{. (,>ueale, W C; Sister Telford, W V T; K'ohert Crain, T J). .Meets on Tuesdays in lleney's Bloidc, 15 (J'Connor street (up-stairs). Uiiiit'd T. Chanihers, nianaii'er ; II. M. lireedon, aeeountant ; J. C. "Welsh, teller ; J. (1. Taylor. Alf Diill'us, (r. A. K'ol.inson, elerks ; James Larden, inessen:;-ei'. JiAXK OF !MoNTHEAL — Ottawa Bmnch — Otliee, 144-14(! Wellini;-- ton street. And J)riimnion(l. manager; J W tie C. ()'(ii-ad_\', aecountant ; D. J. Cam]i!iell, teller; J. >raitl;\nd assistant teller; (t. a, Henderson, lediierdcceper ; John M. (rreata, A. B. ^Monk, J. S. Fraser, elerks ; S. O. Richards, discount clerk ; J. C. Kearns, Juhvartl Ashe, messcnjj;ers. J3aniv of Ottawa and Savings' Banic — Office 142 Weliino-ton street. P. Robertson, maiuii^cr ; E. D. Arnaud, accountant ; W. J. Christie, teller; John A. Ban^s, ledi^'er-keeper ; John JJ. Monk, discount clerk ; Jnmcs .Martin, mes.senger. (Unadian Bamc of Com.merce — Ottawa Branch — Office, Victoi'ia Hotel Block, i;]4 AVelliii,u-ton St. JJohcrt (Jill, manai'iM' ; Wni. Maynard, accountant ; J, 11. Thompson, teller ; Edward Corridan, messenger. L.A Banqub Rationale and Saving's Bank — Ottawa Branch —Office, 1U(J-10S Wellington street. S. Benoit, manager; A. -.............-...-..-.,-..---.-.... .^ ] i ■■,-1 iiii pt"l if I ;| \ ' ,.'! Ik t|i: I.,:; 1 Nil ■Ms I- f! i; J . 3 «l ii"J 'III ' I I'l j I I |:i:i I ; '■' lip! fill J i id p. A. JiiiilVot, ;i, S2 Wolliiiu'toM street. .1. II. Woodmaii, iiiaiiaii-ei- : ANK — Ottuird. Ih'aHch — OtHee. 122-12 4 Wellinu-toii sti-eet, II. V. Xoel inaiia.uvr ; W. M. Jiicliards, accoiintaiit ; C \. Noel, paying- and i-eceivin^- teller; V, A. Mooi'e. tleposit lodi;-oi'-lvee])er ; .1. II. Piidu'V, iliseouiit iderlc ; (i. A. Siiaw, (dork ; IJoliei-t Millei", nu'ssoiii^er. U.NtoX I'AMv of \i C AND SAVINMis' 1)A.\K — Ottdird BrmirJi — Ofliee, 42 Hideaii street. M. A. Anderson, niana^-ei-; 11. E. \Velil>, accountant andt(dler; C. \\ Arinstroni;', ledu'erdveejier ; John Martin, messenger. M A S O X I C . Diistrlct Dcpufi/ Gnind Master for t/w Otftuni. Distn',i.— U. \V Dro. J. Pickup,' ^r. I). ]')ro(d loliii J \V ; W cretarv ; IS, M I ; )l)orls()ii, i»r ovci'V ip P. X. rail is, .1 ; 11. S N; voiiiRMJ y. , janitor. \'0 A. A. lill, J W W iti'o .loliii OliviT, cjiaplain ; W Iu'd .laiiu's (Ji-aiit. Ircasiirci- ; W liro I*. X. .Mas(ni, sccrctarx- ; \V ln-o \V. II. .Mdriraii, S I); \V l.n. .1. II. Ward. .1 D ; W l.ros S. Mix and F. H(, stewards; \V lu-o W. I>. Jmu's, I (i ; W lno John Mi.* iilli\iay, lyliT. MiM'ts tirst .Monday in each month. Ciril Siirlrc Lo. IdS. A AM.! M, (} /,' r.—\\i^y hp(, AV. (1. lilylh, W .Vl ; W In.) \voi-tli. .1 W: K'cv. .lolni .M;iy, cliaplain; hi'o .1. \V. Ilai"])<'r. lix-aMircr; hro L. F. A. Main^N', st'oretary ; hro (i. IJ. .Major, S J); hi-o ('. V. F. Uliss, .1 l') ; Iti'o C Caiiipholl, I) of (' ; i*\ A. l)i.\on, oii;'anist ; In-o Fdwin JMant, .1 (1; l'\ K. Hcnut'f, l"\ W. Lcnnatt, stowai'ils ; .ln of W;P 111 com]) \Vm Kerr, treasurer; 111 comp J. D. Wallis, recoi'der, 111 comp J)r W. !Mostyn. chajdain ; 111 comp Dr C. Church, captain of the i;uard ; 111 comp Jas (irant, conductor; 111 comp W. .II. Tracy, master of ceremonies ; 111 comp Dr. Wm. Mostyn, ori^aiiist; 111 comp 11. P. Harris, stcwart ; 111 comp John Sweet- man, sentinel. Lodge of Fidelity X). 2:il, .1 7^ d- A AJ, G B C.—\V F. Plant, W M; V W hro W. Pea, f P M; bro W. Bice, S W; bro F, W. Leii^gattt, J W ; bro T. A. Campbell treasurer; bi-o A. Cliattield, secretary; bro W. Teajjjue, S J); bro AV. Jackson, 131 ,'•, il i Ur. vn M in * .U'^ Ij ' ,..:i!i' ij ■ i ste\v;ii(i>; lii"() .laiiio"* Lrainy. I (i; luo .MclJai'thy, lylcr. .Mcu'ls sc('(iim1 WetliH'sdav of i'vitv inniitli. Priiou- of II'//,,s A'«A/c A' /> ^• /,', (\—V \V Saiuiicl Iio-'crs; W .M ; i';o A. Jl TnyUn; S W; hro .1. W., .1 \V; in'o .1. Stc'wai't, Ircasiii'i'i' ; Itro W. Xortliwood, M-ci'i'tars- ; hi-o Will. Mills, cliaijlain ; l.r<> T. Portor. I (! ; lnc L. K. ciisl.y. S i); l.r.. 1'. A. .Mci)..iio-.,ll. J I); hros II. I.ctcli iukI \l. .1. Cook, stc'wai'tU : I'i'o .\[. r-orlliwick. M ('; Id'o Joint Swrolinaii, Ivlor. Meet-' si'coiid Tliurs(la\' of cadi tnoiitli. London .Mahonip ^rrrcAr- I'iinkkit AssorrATioN. — I''stal)lis]K'd. Deci'inlxM- 2T!h. l^T*' ; iiic(,r))oratcd liiid .Mai'tdi, 1S71. Ximdior of dcatlis ill oii;lit voars aad .six iiiontlis, 1;.'(I. Aiiioiint d('])o>itod towards rosci'vo fund, $27,000,00. Xumlioi- of nu'inhoi's at dale, 1,0 no. Total Jimount paid to heirs at dati — Juno. 1870, .S2r)1.7f)2.00 '* " six Disal.Iitios - - - - (1. 118. (Ml Total, - - S2r)7,880.()l) Xuinbcr of doatlis lirst six ontliN of 1S7II were 4 1 iio olijoc-t of lliis A>s()cia'..(»n is to jirovid'j for tlio AN'id.ows and Oi'jilians of JJoccasud MoiiiIkts, and alx) for Moinln'i's who may aceidontally hecoino st of sii;'lit. hand, arm, or lou', or from severe sjiinal injurv 'J lie tariff of Fees for Admission Is as follows: — For a))])lioants hetwoeii 21 and \M) Years of ai;-c. S;J ; IJO and Ijo, 85 ; ;>5 ami -U), 88 ; 4(1 and 4."). STJ ; 4r> and 50, 820 ; 50 and ()0. §30. William Rea, Local A^ent. P. O. Box, 3(10. 250 FricI Street, Ottawa. Ottawa Masonic Board of IJelief. — "Wor bro Wm. Mills. Prince of Wales, chairman; wor i>ro C. S. .Sc<^tt, Dalhoiisio Lodi::o 52 sec-treas ; hi-o John Moore, Civil Service Lotlue 148; hi'o (feorno Cox, Doric Lodge 58 ; Kt wor hro F. C. Bariter, Fidelity Lod,i;e 231 ; wor hro Dr. Jlonderson, Chaiidiere Lotlge 2(!4 ; bro J, C. Kearns, Builder's Lodi^x- ITT. 132 •Moore, IiOL''('i's ; i'\- ; liro •iisl>y. S . Coolc, 11, tvlt'l'. iMislu'fl. Xumln'r ('posited at tlalc, lis. oil SSO.OU AN'iddWs lioi's who it. liaiiii, /•Vv'.v for 30 Vcili's ! ; 45 aiul Ottawa. in. Mills, )ailioiisie (lii'c 148 ; Barhei', re L()dii"o fORKSTKUS AND ()I>I)ri:iJX)\\ S, Anriinf Order (if h'nri'sfri.< llDH'jif Snclcfi/. Cmirf •• f*i'>)ii'ir " Xo. .'^(17. — Jlold at l-'o:i'-trr>' Hall, next .lour to ijie I'Valliers llottd, William >treet ; nieetini:' niuhts ^'vel•^■ alternate Tiie^da\-. \V. II. Adain>. C K: W. ' .MeDi ide. S (' iJ ; Ciinvll. S W; T. I'ollocU, .1 \V (i. (iiiy, Sr,; T. (). Low, .1 li; K ('li;ini|.ne»', trea>urer; ('. .M»'dlow, sccrclary : 1 >r .Me hoii^all, Miru-eon ; l)i- Gi'aliain, clieini.-t : I>i(»s \V. .M<'r.ride and (i. tiny, auditor.-. L(>!j(tl M,'troj,n/;f,m /.o,/>/i\ CO () /•' Xn. .")().— I). .Mowat, V N G; Thos. iliicK.II, X (i: W. S. Wooier, A IJradley ; l>ei)iity Master. F. Toms; J'enistrar, T. \V. ivenny. Grand Hlarh C/nij'ter of Briti.^lt Ainemut. — (irand .M:i>ter. Sii' F. T. Scott; J)e|)iity (irand Master, Sir T. \V. Keiiny; (irand liei;i.>ti'ar, Sir .1. T. Jones, itox S;5,'J, Toronto, Out. (rrand Black Oltajdrr of CV^/;,/ /,^— (irand Master, Sir A. F. Graham, Ottawa; be])iity (Irand Master, Sir ,I;inios .Mar>hall. Jving-ston ; Jv Dejtuty (irand .Ma>tei'. Sir M. Cowley, Port;!^-e dii FurL ; Gi'aiid JJe,i;isii'ar, Sii' (ieori;e I''orde, Ottawa. Grand Black ha pier of Ontario Eaat. — (irand Master, Sir T. W. ]\cniiv; Deiaitv (ir.ind Master, Sir (ieo. .1. I'otts, M J); Grand Jie,I,nstrar, Si'r F. M. Clarke, Ikdleville. Grand Chaj/tcr, City of Ottaicn. — (irand Alaster, Sir A. Hi'adley ; Dojiuty Grand Master, Sir I'\ Toms ; Gi-aiul KeiL^'istrar, Sir T. W. Kenny. Grand Chapter, ?uanty of Carlrton — Grand Master, Sir Jas. (i. Baird, M J); l>c]>uly (irand .Master. Sir (i. W. Monk, M F J*. '• The Star'' lloyal Black Frece/dory. — Worthy Master, Sir J(jhn Clau.-on ; J)e[nity W. .Mastci', Sir A. F. (iraham; J{ej;istrar, Sir Gooruo F'orde ; Treasiii-er, Sii- 11. Ken-. Meets in llie Odd Fellows' Hall, on the 2nd Thursday ol'eaidi month. IS.'J • ill ' *-i!i ?'■• I . «;;! ' ■:u LOYAL OlJAXdK ASSOiIATIoX OF P.. N. A. The Moxi Worsh'/'ful (iraml Lvdijc »/ /! .1.— Llio M()^t Wor- sliipl'iil (iraiid ]\l:t,->ioi" and S()vt'i'oi::'ii. Homy Meri'lclc, ^[ P P, Morrickvillc ; l)(.']»iiiy (iraiid >Ma>tcT, \\n\ Pai-Ilii)>liil (iraiid JMasicr, j>a^■iti'ii't J)ej)utv blaster, Wm. Porter, No. Ill) ; Listi'ict Ti'casiirer, William Ohei-ry. Xo. 221 ; Tyler, (ieori;o Turner, No. -17 ; J)istriet Secretary, .1). Donaldson, Xo. IID. Meets quarterly. \m Private Lodoks in tiik City ok Ottawa. Lod'je So. 41. — \\ M, AV. 11. Lewis; Seeretaiy, Jl. Morton, fleets in Orange Jlall, tirst Moisday. Lod(/e No. IHK— WM, I). Donaldson; Seeretary, A. Suther- 1 k1. Meets in OraJii^e Hall, tirst Tuesday. 'Odye No. 12(;.-W AL AVm. Cairnes; 1) M J. J)oherty i Seeretaiy, (leor^e J(jhnson. .Meets in Orani;o Jlall, second Monday. Lodge No. 22L— W M, II. (irant; I) >r, (;eori.-o Clarke; Secretary-, W. J. MeKwen. i[eels in Oran^^-e Jlall, llrst Wed- nesday. Lod(je No. 227.- -W M, J)onald Hohertson ; D M, W^m. Chitty ; Seeretaiy, X. Loverin. Meets in Oraiii^e JJall, second Wednes- day. Hoi/al Scarlet Chapter, meets in Oi-anu^e iTall, Ottawa, on the 14th f>feach monih. Worshipful Com]) in (yommand. Companion James Clarke; Excellent Comji in Command, Companion Wm. Cheriy ; Companion Scribe, Companion \V. JL Lewis. 1»4 |^t Woi-- M J^ 1?, la, Out ; I,0(Iiiru-li ; ('lia]»lain. (ieor^o Workman, Now Ivliiilmruh ; Si'erctaiy, (i. 11. Allan, Xcw l'Minliuri;li ; TivaMi ri-r, John CIum ry. Now ivliiil)iiri;'li. Et > East.~ : II()|io; (1 .lanios yjeniow ; taiv, W. i Fordc ; •y. 1). .1. •, James S^). 11!) ; C J eori^o S^j. 111). Moi'ton. Sutliei- )()lierty » second Clarke; «t AVed- Chitlv; Wodnes- , on the iipanion on Wm. LOYAL OUAXilK VOCXii r.KlToXS ASSO* 'lATlOX, OTTAWA. ; Disfrirt J.fH/.—\\. C. MacA--y, Dl W M : Wm. A>li, Di D; M;J. Woi.dland, J)t (Mia]»lain ; [j. J. .McCilton. Dl Secrclary ; ;■ (iordon O'Xeill. l^t Tri-asnver ; Wm. Ilulett, Dt l> of Cere- •: nH>iiios; J. v'yoss, Dl 1 T; IJ. Turner, Dt O T. Moots in Ui'an--e ; Hall, qiiai'tei'ly. : PillV.WK LoDDKS IN THK OlTV ol' OTT.WVA. ] " Boipw " Y /)' No. 4S.— A. 11. Smith, W M ; James Tirant, : ]) M ; (ieoi\i;e Annand, ('ha|)hiiii; J. (iaiTi-lt. Secretai-y ; < 1. ; Dowlor, Tivasurei- ; 11. O. Woods, D of Ceivmonie.-. .Meets ■ Orange Hall, Hillin«;s Hridi^v. Fntnn's Gnihain ' Prentice Bui/s Xo. 240.— W. Jackson, W M; (lofdon O'Xeil, D M; A.J. Sliort, Secretary ; (i. lluson, Trea- ; surer; Ale.x. JJaker, 1 T; D. Hmitei-, OT; Samuel Nicholls (Mi:iplain; Phil. Wi-i<;-ht, Marshall ; Committee : Wm. I'eterkin, W. D. Jones, W. J. Jackson, Wm. Heven, ('has. Fulton. Meets' in ()i'an,«;'o Hall, first Thursday in eveiy month. llackett Lodqe O Y H No^ Vli\.—\ . .M. Fisher, W M : W. J. .Me(Jilton, D Al ; Wm., Chajilain ; W. J. Thieke. Secre- ; taw ; llarrv Christie, Finance Secretaiy ; W, J. Chi'istie, • Tieasurei- ; "W. J. 'Joherlson, J) of Ceiemonies ; W. Fortei-. ■ (iuardian. Meets in Orange Hall, last Tuesday of e.-ich month. Ottawa Y B Lo()n, A. J. Short, J. Taylor, ('. Allan. Committee ; , '■'. Guardian Meets in Oran^'e Hall, thinl Friday. Porter Lo Y H l.odje N<». 1:52.— William Hulett, W M; ; John Mulligan, D .M ; James Woodland, S(>cretary ; J. Cross, :■ Treasurer; James Murphv, Cha))lain ; Uichard Mathews, D (.f V Ceremonies ; (Jeor-e Davis, 1 T; J. Slack, O T; (J. O'Xeill, .• l I - : M 1 ri HI !;;■ if! : f , Prince of Oramje Rliiiii ; ]S". l^oyd. Seci-otary ; F. J^>.\l")|•(Hl:;•ll, Trc'a.->tirer ; J. MflMoiiae'lia)'. J) of CcM'ciin)iiit3> ; .IdIiu William, Tyler; (Joi'doii O'Xeill, (nian;::!!). Star of fJtr East Tra- 7?/(/f;s Xo. 20.— .lolin ^fcIuMily. W ?^r ; William Ai-instroiii;-, I) .M ; Donald Mcli'tosh, Secrct.'ii'y : .ln.-lnia Little, Treasm-ei- ; Wni. Cheney. Chaplain ; James Ik'atly, U oj' (.V-rcmonies ; Wm. Vickerry, 1st ('(imniitteoman ; (u'oi'ue '^^i'lU'rit'!-, Tylei-; Ilany (li-ant, (iiiardian. Meets in (Ji-an^e Hall, ihinl ^londay. Sfcphm S. Stratum Y B Xu. 41.— Wm. Ash, W .M ; C. Iloss, ]) .M ; ]^)hei"t Laa^':hton. ("ha)>lain ; Jvhvard Xoi'ris, Heeretai-y ; II. MeCormiek, Ti-easurer; J. Sutheiland. J) of Ceremonies; A. W. Jones, I-:. Loveday, T. :Manlon, T. Wi-i^'dit, X. Ash, Com- mittee ; 8. Stratton and X. Irvine, Auditors ; l)v. Chui-di, (rnardian ; George Tiirnei', Tyler, fleets in Orange JIall, third AVednesday. T1IEATJJK8. Cathoiie Littei'ar_v and Jk^ievolent Union llali, Sussex Street, o]»|»osite the Jioman Cathoiie liasilica. ivntertainments ove;y Fj'idjiy evening, during winter season. Admission 5 cents. Freneli (Canadian Jiistitiite. — York St. Litei-ary, Dramatical and j\lusical entertainments every Wednesday evenings during winter season. Admission Idcts, Cowan's 0])era House, — Alhei't Street, iietween Mctcalf and O'Connor Sts, Salle des Francs-Canadions, near St. Ann's Church, St. Patrick Street. St. James nail, — Ahovo J. L. Orme & Son's music store Sj>ark.s Street, between Metcalfe c^ O'Connor Sts. St. Patrick's Hall. — Sussex St., opposite the Poman Cathoiie B'(,"(inn(ir. Klf-'iii and (ilouocster. (»'(,'(iniii)r and (Jloiicester. Miiriii and Uinik. Wellington and Ivent. 2 Fire Station. Sally 8t. Vittoria. and Sally. ]!ay ami Maria. FIccU'ii Foundry, AVellinKlon .«t, ^.'ciican and ('onces.-;i(in, A.-li- bnrnhaui Hill. Albert and Peroy. ])nko and (^ueen. west. Ivichniond Rund and JJroad. liroad and (iueen. west, iiriiiid and Oretr(in. JSoothV Ollicc \'ictoria Island. J5ronson and W'e.-ton's do. Sussex and Hideau. Rideaii and IJcsseror. Wilhrod and (;uml)erland. '11 '* rsicliolas and Theodore. I'rivate Alarm connects .)ail and C .McKay .V ( St. Chares Ladies' Col o Cor. ."l '• 4 " 5 11 8 No. () Cor VI *' ].S »* 14 4* ^t, bt ](i it 17 ti IH k» 1<> ti 21 '* 'S\ ii L>4 • » or tc 2)5 *• 28 \o. 3 Fire Station. St. Paul .«t. 'M Cor. Hideau and King. • IL' •' IJideau and Friel. ;i! '• J>aly and Chapel. .'!;") •' W'ilbrod iind Nelson. S() I'rotestant Hospital. Hideau st. .S7 Currier's .Mill. <^anal Hasin. 41 Central Fire Station. York at. 42 No. 4 Fire Station, Cumberland st. 4.'! Cor. Clarence and Susse.v. 51 " Sussex and Water. 52 " lialhousie and Church. M " Cumberland ami Cathcart. .'")4 Dalhousie aiul Railway Jtepot. (U .McLaren's Mills. ()2 Cor. St. Patrick and Nelson, (i:; " Chapel ami Clarence. tU " St -Andrew and St. .Joseph. 71 " St. I'atrick and Cobourp. 7;^ Nicholas Street, southern end. 81 Cor. Kent ami Lispar. 82 " Somerset and Arthur. ourt House with No. '^ Fire Station. 'o"s Mills with No. 1 Station. Home on Holton Street with No. 4 F'irc Station, lei-'e. Albert Street, \\\\\v No. 2 Station. OTTAWA POI.ICK FOPCE. M. O'dARA, Police jtlagisli-atc. A. P. Sherwooi), Chief oi' Police W. P. Lett, Cleric Police Coiu-t. O. CJroulx, Detective. >S'cTym/i!^s O'Keet'e, ILoriiid^jje, McV« Xo. 1 Constal>le .lohtistoii. 4 5 (; 7 8 11.05 *11.18 ^11.81 12.00 12.80 *12.52 ^1.22 2.00 2.10 2.15 A. M. A. M. 7.50 11 Chaiidiere Junction (Iloucester 15 23 Manotiek Osiroode 3U Kemntviile 87* Oxford 45" Snencerv i 1 1 e 52 Prescott Junetion 52i 54 Preseott Jun. Switch Prescott Wharf 10.00 A. M. FLAG STATIONS. 138 /V15LK. ivos a^am ■ -*— ' . v: :: 1' I = O p-t ^ ^^5:^ ^ ■** -*-' in A. M. ) 10.45 ) 1.00 ( I. r. M. > ^I. A.M. ;: }() 7.50 )5 IS 81 m 30 52 o.> ^•J DO 10 15 10.00 M. A.M. •-^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^4«« ' i 2 - ;. cc ct ( 1 J* ', d CClC^COC-fCO 1 cr I- C O O O ,'■ 1 C — iC lO — — C-1 M o M -t C- — -^ O •, 1 -»3 I~ I- 1- 1- 00 cc 00 « C5 i ".C CC 1^ t- t- Oi - ? > \ \ '. \ \ '. '. ^ * u C! ^ \ \ \ \ \ . .< 1 '1 «ii -1 1— t ; --^ < '.'.'.'.'•'.'.'.'' 1 1 C5 < O c • ^ ^ o ','','•'.'''• ! . t— 1 < 1— ( o5 o ■••■ z • • . '. K c <1 1 1 M S '• \ '. '.'x '•'•'■ : 1 '' ■*-* y. ■ r. ' '-J CH o t .«—••, . ^ H-* •J ^x; « . ^) • ^_ • • . . 1 yA O U3 Ee] "• • '■-' c ^ -i- ss : 5 I 1 i »-5 U3 -tJ •4-' -1- -i^ -*-'' ^ -tJ' i^ >i ! C-l 72 c S = ''* ^ .5 • *^ • o • ^ •' ^-v cc x «} X :c K x rt — ' . 1 X 1-1 X 1— 1 X »Jh - ■• W -ij a:J 1> C '^ M X' t- fO 1-5 00 c a ! 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S 1.-) ri 1^ (M 00 i~ M X 00 00 ci c- 00 s^i 'm 'M c-i m c r* C' — c c c o H--r o i.T c o — ' ci 01 -t" 'n — ' ci m -*• i": o ci n -t i ~ o -- ci o: o " ■* •-i c-i e-i c liT C C "1 re CO O C I— 1 C^l CO "* O ^^ Cl M -r U-; C — » M CO Tl ") g O -+ M -*• ^ ?-3 -t '-"l O CM c-1 M o-: 00 CO — c-1 CO '": I" i.T n c-i m i.t co co o ?■■: i^ c '.t co o ~ I— r- lo ri -t o " KT CO -f o rt m — CO o .— i.o c ci -t* o CO c". y. -t -t '-0 1.0 o CO CO CO I- I- oo X Oi o o o c c — • — *] — -1 ^-1 — M -?i So CO O 00 C-. 'O 00 CO — CO 01 t- • 00 01 oi 1- fi en CO 00 c<) 00 (01 t- r;i — — r-Heo ■ oot-i'-oooocsoc::; — — 3 — — 1 ^- -H ffiSxc:? E si '^ So 00 oo o B-.-O M -^< O W^ ^ Tt »« . 1! V: 03 X 32 J J ?? :5 6.S a. ,z H 03 P5 J a o in >o 00 CM M c^i c>i M e-i CO CO c^i >ft i.o -f oo m >s c^ i^- ri tC O O C^l 01 -^ -f O r-i iM CO -t lO O >— ' c^ c^> lC5>OlOCOCOCOCOCOt^t-L^t-t-l--OCOCOCOOOCOO o s ^ = 3 T a. CI o CO -f .-J (T3 '3 O OC 00 o a _ M CM Tf 00— ^,— iC>1~5roi— onlnril^COOI-COOlOO o ci c^i -t in o —''•'''+'*'-'' '^ ^ OCJClClOOOOOOr— I— I,— I.— ip-ir-cCMClC-IC^JCMC-l— <■-< o o lO O E CO o r— I C"l M O 3 CO CI CI CO CO CO 00 CO M t- — I O O 1— I I* t^ CI O C 01 ~ o CO i.o r—i CO o c^ T}< C7 -t o — 1 in c -f o CI in 00 i.o »o 'O CI in O CM l.O — 01 rti O O r-i Tj-Triooiococoi-t-t-oooociciooooo — — ' ri '-•n — ci — ri r-M — ■! "JO-rfCllOOl-^OOlOO '*'rl O O ' CO 01 ^ CO t- o c — — — I fl 2 1 S3 ^ 5 £ ' "cs " r h (3 cs ■ -' • r:; o ^ 5 3q IS ffi •(!n StiioS pini ii.svop jitiiraoo tpoq (.'////f 9unijn([ ptn! piou/pff 'xv (To;s Xotfx '« tl yjK pint iii « gk 8 )!'//"// ii">'J niipuj Siumfd.ip ■^aoiu o; 111 d (jf;^ :)|> -lu v 'Ji s \v .uiui/i]-' .)A«.ii A',H|) ti.wop jjuiuiof) HI (1 o?,G 5P ()()?; ivu9m]/iy ;w pini iiiiuj^ .Ji //o/jr JO [■BAi.i.ut joyi! Ajiiiniip.iiimn iioi/n/j^ JP'/f '^aimj jf)vij/iy joj himhij, • (S ^ a. Q. ^ i^ o in i-~ s iM CI c- i.o o 1.0 o lo ~ o lo o i.o m m •< : t, c — I ci lo o -H M ct Tf o c c fl CO •+ 1.": o lo 10 re u lO — ■ ^ M -f. o 1- ci I C3 c) CI CI CI CI ^- ri ■— 1 »M i-< CI CI CI d CI CI CO CO n cs c" r*. O lO c- o c -^ -t -t -t - U . . t- irt CI h- — • I- — • lo CO 55 CI 'o -* 00 -r r> r> ^^ I— I CI CI CO CO -t -r irt 1.0 to t— • t- « Ci Ci o c — ' — r : CI c; CO -r -f uo 10 JT 1 - c - - c o i; 3J ^ < .-) -o — :j — ■y. X ci - O ^. .w i; u M ui "d oi) 9 '^B ooqoiif) III i^TnAt.i.iw 'o.Mi.uih aoj utiJ.ij, ssLulx^j n;iA\ 's-Ci!pju;i!tj jy sA'i!ps.un|j, 'sA'tjpsaiix uo uoiimihc uij.ivi^ "iS ^'w «V>,Mnio.) 'ut v oi'G }v. sAiipuiis i^'tindoax.) *A"[n!p \v,.\\\ -iioiv -loj tVAviq^o Il»H >?"!AiMl iiiiuj, U^'K ^ <>N— [-LLOM oJ^noH-VOd 'o.i.H)o.iA,>ii,)v ■ 'ouuv .);s! ''nMsi) -i;a 's.u.TiAi^j-siojj^ 'dno'i up ojoiAiy '.i.niij.i.tji 'onuoun'x ',)i-nM[d!j^ |ij A*[uo do;s iiJA^ U]v,.i} sw.udxa X|>(00A\-i.ij, aqj, ui -d uo fi 115 IpiH "I ^;alAu.^^' (uAvit^o) lU'H -icj "P'-'lL saxidx^i g o^ q^ 'uopoTinf up.iiiit ^s IV. sio.iuuo) m v, oo 1 1 l« '•''iU>!k'I P'"! a'i!|)s,)ii -poA\. '-^ijpuoiv uo '[i?ai;uoj^ .loj ooqoiit) .VJiiiAt>o[ uiuij, sh,>.i(Ix[.[ . E d Q. " O oo '.O O lO C 10 ^ m t^ 1.0 O CI O O O O O ift O lO lO i-'l O lO Cl O 00 i-O C lO c y-Cl Cll.OOr-cCJCO'^lOC-HCIC'3'tOC— 'CICO-flO— -t "^ -t «0 lO lO lO lO C3 ru ^ocoMoocot^io- Cl 05 CI «5 O 1.0 O Cl oc cs CI C — ' ^ CI CI CO CO -^ -^ 1.0 "J tS 1- "&cr i c"^- S-.H i'^^S 2^=^3 5?:; , , ^^ ™ Ji ^ ,^ ** jT ^^ ^ ij .4^ Lj r^ "i . : '"^ • o bo i3 =2 o - 9 -J _ • ^ . .;; cj oil V, M-i y <; cS cS :j tCSosxE-iXiJiJi-Si-lpaaJCAJ b ^ - -a - '^r i^ -r S .1 'ci e: -i = ~ -^ § -5 1 r =^ ^ ^ i -^ 141 |(;|! Hi !ii CANAL )A CK> riPtAL PAILW AY TIMlvTABLH. ^ ^FaIN JilNK. 'Trains West. Trains East. Pead Dowjiward. Road Ujnvard. ■: 5 c X Ch r- b/. 1— ( STATIONS. X i: •A I 00 -r Leave Leave Arrive Ai'i'ive P. M. A. M. P. M. V. M. 4.45 10.45 Ottinva. 1.20 7.25 4.51 1(1.52 ^Skead's. -2 1.1:; 7.18 4.5S 10.58 •'^irittania. H 1.07 7.12 5.07 11.00 Ik'U's Coi-nei's. 8f 12.5!) 7.04 5.27 1 1 .20 Stittsville. ^HMeary's. m 12.45 0.50 5.47 11.40 Aslitoii. 2U 12.20 0.30 5.54 11.10 ^^■Vppletoii. 20 12.12 0.22.. AO.OO L0.20 All 55 L12 05 1 U. P. June. 1 28-1 1 LI 2 05 L(J.15' A 11 45, A 5.55 Carieton P. 2!) 0.40 12.25 Alnionte. 35 11.28 5.37 0.50 12.35 '•-Sneddeii's. 38^ 11.15 5.25 7.05 12.50 Pakenliam. 44" 11.00 5.10 7.80 1.15 Arnprior. 52 io.;;5 4 50 7. as 1.22 =''Braeside. 55 10.22 4.38 L(!ave 1.30 ^.Sand Point. ■] 4.30 Ai'iMvc ■; P. M. 7.48 P. M. 57^ 1(».15 P. M. P. M. ■■ ;j.2o Arrive Leave 2.20 ;•; 8.03 '•^^Casllelbrd. ^Pusseir.s. o;]J- os 0.55 '•, 4.40 8.35 Renfrew. 70J- 0.30 1.30 ;: 5.15 0.00 Haley's. 'H 0.05 12.45 ;; 5.45 0.15 Cobden. 8(1 8.50 12.20 ; 0.35 ^Graiuim's. m 8.25 a. ni. :■ ()45])ni 10 p. in \ 1 8. A..M 11 15 I Arrive Arrive j Pembroke. ( 105 lieave. Leave. > 142 t. CO rr . o z y. ' 1 1 ) 1 ) 5 I ) ) 1 ) Arrive [. P. M. c 2.20 1 .80 12.45 12.20 a. ni. 11 15 Leave. CANADA ri'XTIJAL PAIT.WAY TIMIvTAlUJv Trnins Aorlh. |p,i.ocKVILLE DIVISION^ J''"!"' ^'""\ Read Downward. / \ Kcud Upward. id ^ ' — Z{. W'' Zi 'A r^ Le ive A. M. ().30 8.30 9.30 A10.05 L10.20 11.00 A. M. Arrive 4.18 4.23 4.30 4.35 10.03 10. OT 10.15 i 10.20 ' 4.40 10.25 ' 47 10.32 1 5.00 10.45 1 5.08 10.52 5.20 11.05 5.28 11.12 5.40 11.28 5.50 11.38 (J. 05 11.50 P. M. A. M. Arrive Arrive! Brock vi He. G. T. .rune. 'i'FairHeitl. =K:;iark's. Bellamv's. 'Meliv's. ^i^iU'll's. 'i^Woltord. Irish Creek. *Story's. Sniitl.'s Falls. ^!^^Yelsh's. Fi-anktowii. ^Boekwitli. V. P.June, o i i\ \ z\ 6 't 5^ I 7 ! 10 : 12 : 131 10 21 25 28 M 37 41 45^ Ari'ive Ari'ive Ari'ive \\ M. W y\. P. M. 2.15 I 8.05 1.50 L. 2.10 i A. 2.05| I 1.52 1.48 1.40 l.:55 1.32 ; 1.27 ; 1.15 '' 1.03 12.55 12.42 12.30 12.13 12.05 P. M. 7.53 ! 7.18 7.40 7.35 7.32 7.27 12.50 15 .03 .55 () .42 (] .30 0.20 0.10 P. M. 12.00 LI 1.1 5 A10.45 10.05 0.15 A. M. Leave. Leave. Jjeave. PERTH DIVISION. Leave P. M. ().05 0.20 6.40 P.M. Arrive Leave P. M. 4.20 4.38 5.00 P. M. Ari'ive Leave A. M. 10.15 10.33 10.55 A. M. I Ari'ive I ) Perth. =it • ; '> . ^ •, H ^ '^ ' '. ;■ ^ n »^ 7t ^^ ; ,'■ ^ \ K^ VM «W i'T ^ » w ^ w iC I'Z ^ ^ -^ -*^ '•' 1^ "^ 1^ 1^ "^ I "^ ;■ ^'^ < -r -f '— rt o ro -t ^ o r-: -m o 'M ro o o o rt ; :r : ■:• < 1- X r. c: c: c: ^ <— ^ -ri »- -^ Ti 'Ti ri ro -!■»-: : '^ : ;.; P;- -^ »— 1— i •— t T— t r— 1 . ^*^4 '» /"^^ ; ^ •■ ^ ■i >^ ;; o ■". H -^ '; "^ ■i ' r r,-^ '•^ /^-• -^ •-^ ;•■ > H ■: < • '^ '< ^ y: ! '^ • / '•, ^^ H \7z. • •' (—1 -^^ . ;^ 2r ;■ ^ -^ H • »^ ■ — -■ ;' ^ in < r ; '•' -^ > '^ • • — ZI V •i "* , 1 ^ -**'.' ': > .^ * ,« • . if. : • 7t ^•'' '< ■1 H H O ; _^ C - o X • / : 1"^ ^ .'. ^ i" :_( — ".- -'■ ':: ^ "B ^iT.t 3 "^ i, - '= .1 i . \ Til 6:^:5d^E:^»3:£i!::^^-^o^:Cn:^;j5:7:uJ:^ ;• * ^y ;• 3 X S 1- X -f r; I't r:- '^ -^ r-. ^? — -M X M rt -f re — :o o ''■ o ■*- i^ ri ■>! -M ro -t -t -t o 12 1- X X — c: C-. — iM ro ^: ;. '•' ^ ^. -i= — I— 1 T— 1 1— ( 1—1 <--< ; ..-^ •i^ 1—1 •': ^ ^^ i' ^■^ J 11 5 ~ 5 " •f;OnT \\ lO OOIIl.l.T . ■.. ^Q " 144 ti »o 1 1' .- x = '-> ? _ — o /: '6 ! "M rt ro -t -t lO -c < H O -^ re r": -r 1-4 ^ I- X -r :: re ri -^ -t •« e ~ — iq i~ t? ^ — I "M "-I M -M ^1 r-j c r- *o !'• X M X re tr >— 1 -t< ~ c: ic — ' ii 1-1 rt o M r>^ ro ro ■+ -t i« — L- X cc r; — e o — ?! rt •ssoj.iooj .TOiuuo}*;j 19 O 145 r- -/: tr. brj 'J a q q J M >• o - o O .-J * ■ — « <0 >3 r. ',J ■•■ '£P •A y2 O ■r. 72 o s b ■ i I 411 iii'LL Fi:i:iiv. :i J^M^ I ;'Si ;4.jh-« The Stouiiu'i' Si'UAV leaves StiM'liM,i;-'s Wliiirf, fool (.f Si, Patrick street, evei'V tlt'lceii iiiiiiutes IVoiii (! a. in. to '• |». in, Uui'inij; woeU days, and IVoni 1 to !l i». m. on sundays. tiATlNKAU VVAl\l\ The Steamer G.vtinkai: leavi's foot of Jolin street. New Ivlinl)iiri;'li, (>very Inilf hours dnriiii;- week days, Sunday ox- C'e])tod, tor Cialineaii l*oint. MOXTRICAL TKI.HdKWlMl COMPANY, fnrorporattul 1S47. James Dakers, Sir Wnni Allan, hecretarji. Presiiiildini;'s. Metealle Street. Branch Offices. I'arliainent Ilonso. ]{ussell House, corner Sparks A: I-'lnin Street. Union House, coi-nor (^ueen k Mli;-in Street. Jolin Cass, Susse.K Street. Hamilton Bros., Sussex Street. St. L& O. Lower J)ei)Ot. " Upper " Canachi Central, Ivaihvay Dej)ot. POMINION TKLEURAPH COMPANY. F. EoPER, T. Swi.myard. Hon. T. N. Gikbs, Secretary. General Manager. President. Main Office, 17 El^-in Street. Branch Offices. Parliament House. Russell House, corner Sparks & Elgin Street. 47 Rideau, near Sussex Street. 335 Wellington Street. Windsor House, corner Metcalfe , 2 i-onts ; over §.")() to $1(H>, • 8 cents. On cvcrv jn-omissoi-y note, tlr:ii't. oi- l>ill of cxcl)iini>:e, oxe- . cutcd sinii'l'v, for tlic first SKH). [> cents; for every additional $100, or traction of a SlOt>. IJ cents. On evervy stamps atHxed to each promissory note, draft, or hill of exchan,ue : i)nt the person atlixin^ such stani)) shall, at the time of allixinu- the same, wi-ite or stamj) thereon the date at whicii it is attixcd, and each stamp shall oe held pn'ind facie, to have heen atHxed at the date stami>cd or written thereon, and, if no date he so stamped or written thereon, ssnch adhesive stamj) shall be of no avail. Penalty for ne^ii'lectini-- to atlix stamps, or for wilfully writin.ii; or stumpini^- a false date thereon, 8100. The Governor in Council may direct stamped paper to he pre- pared for the purpose of this Act. :i^ ifi: ill '!(!■ i'. ^\h !" I J, f »),'■' 11 il 1^1 fin I 'ii ii i ■1: !j(. :■();. STRKKT LETTISH EOXIvS. Uppe?' Town. Conici" of O'Connor and Sparks streets. " Wel!irii;-ton an:n(l. United States, 3 cents — must be ])i-e|)aid. Great Britain and Irelaiul, by ^anadian Pack'ct, 5 cents. Great Britain and Ireland, l>y New York Packet, ;') cents. Registration Htani]), 5 cents. ON NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Ti'ansient Newspapei's, 1 cent per 4 o/-. — must bo prepaid. Printed and ])ublislied in Canada and posted fi-om otlice of publication, 1 cent ]>er pound. Transient newspaper to (ireat Britain 2 cents each. BOOKS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, AC. To any place in Canada, Newfoundland, or the U. S, 1 cent per 4 oz, prepaid. No furthei' charge will be made in the U. 8. Book-packets to the United Kingdom, 2 oz. 1 c, 4 o/.. 2 cts., G oz. 3 cts, and so on. PARCEL POST. • Not to exceed 4 lb, to any part of Canada, 4 oz. cts, 8 oz. , 12 cts, and so on, G cts. per 4 oz. ; Money orders can be obtained on all oflrtces in the Dominion, : Newfoundland, Great Britain and India. COMMISSIONS. ON ORDERS PAYABLE IN ONTARIO, QUEBEC, NEW BRUNSWICK, NOVA SCOTIA, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, AND MANITOBA. On orders up to $ 4 2 cents. Over $ 4 and up to 10 5 <' 10 " 20 10 '< 20 " 40 20 « 40 " (iO 30 «« no " 80 40 " 80 " 100 50 I®* No single Order to he granted for more than no half cents to bo introduced in the Orders. 149 a lUO. and l:i: illi! 1 1 ! Mi' ' lis * ^ ' fM i ■ ;i ON ORDERS ON NEWFOUNDLAND. Draun in Sterllruj Moti"t/. On onlci-s w\) to £ 5 25 cents. Over £5 jukI up to 10 . 50 • 1(1 •• 15 75 " 15 " 20 1.00 On orders PAVAiu.E IN THE United Xinodom. On Orders up to £ 2 25cents. Ovei' £2 and up to 5 50 5 " 7 75 7 " 10 1.00 Xo single Ordor lor ovei- £10 to be granted on the United Ivingdom, or for more than £20 on the Lower Province named, and no halfpence to be introduced in the Ordei's. No Oi-ders lo be uiven on credit, and lianUabie Money to be exacted for tlie Orders. On orders payable in the United States. On orders uj) to S25. 25 cents. Over $25 and up tt) 50 50 No siiio-lo order granted for more than ^50. m 150 •enls. u u a M. •cuts. he United ec luuncd, mcy to be s o CO c c c t- c o o c o c o c T'. ?■: r'. ri JO o ~ o o o o c- r*. c r s-x ui e-j ro o o •r ^ rf Tt ■* M- IM M fC fi en S > •< Q si o e c = = M c o C O O =r c f: :o CO cc CD cc 00 cc «3 ^ i-c X O) — — —I —1 ^ l-H ri t->4 r^ .^ ^^ H ■ O i| < 1 hH ! <1 ! a l^* 0- M i ^ I t> ; cc l«5 O ::= • ^ - o o o o i: t; ^ -n ?^ ?^ J. -^ ^ .ij ,3 ^' _>. J-( o?J -♦-» «^- «- O * = cS CS h-1 O «w M C O !z; O .2 "3 '3 a o o ^:z *-&: "^ ■S S *- ^ d s ? c .= S -^ :i-3 a: r an — 5 fe -B >. ?-^l •* c ^ .-= g rt ^ 3 i^ « -r tE ,T3 o :/: es O iJ >: i; C r; O !*- t- £ ~ Si ^ =* 5 - > c « .-A o cS — - ^ - ^-N 05 2 TO ^ - rt ^^ J3 s fcl o e - o" o >» ^ 2 C = jc ^ H ^ - ti -■ ;, t- 2 !!* 2 -1 ^ _ ^ ~ o s o '^ '^ (^ -^ _ ^ fl -M c -»-i ^ -*-- ^5:^1 :c • :; > i- . -• ^ O - . = S ~ ' •C c^i; : I = .« = tl 1 1 , . u i) '^ ■ ■ X X bo '/: CS fl _• -3 O "it .- .5 ii O :« cu t: x; '^ j5 o c s o o 00 00 o o o o 00 X o o o o o o fcT S sfS 7< \ -z ">. fl *j a - C ^ 'JO CO C O o o o o c c o o o o o CO c o o o o o o o o © o o o o o o c- O O ■* ■'J' ■* O O 05 'Ji J5 © o o c o rf O CO O O Ifl © © © •»)• CO CO CO 05 ID Ci X Ci o> — — -^ ■n 151 P'' '■ I-!;' $ .Uiittcr jiostod u]) to i*.50 p. m, will lio ibrwurded Kiist and West ill snppleinonliU'y })acka_gcs the same night, British Mails. Via New York, close every Monday and Tuesday, at 8 p. m. J'er (y'anadian Line, tdose every Friday at 8.00 p. ni. A su))plenientary bag for Canadian steamers will be (dosed at i>.25 ]). ni. in which only unregistered matter can be sent. TA]i].K OF FEANCS AND CENTLMFS EFDUCED INTO STEIILINC;, ALLOW]N(; 25 FllANCS TO TlIF £ STERLING. EXPLANATIONS. Exchange on Paris is calculated at Sterling rates, adding jiowever ^i u f'oi' tliti'crence between Paris and London. Thci'e- fore if a draft on London at (JO days sight woukl be sold at 10 ^ " the same on Paris would cost 11 „ })retnium. Example. — Kequired the sterling amount of Fi'cs. 21(;.0r) according to the jjresent table. Frs. 200 00=£8 K; 00= 12 "'/o ths 05= it,*;, ths s luo Fi's. 210 :nto Stkiu INO. (Sec preeccdhKj P a.jr.) : '^ •H. Stri;-. 1 rs. St ^^•. Fis. Str^-. Kr >v. Si I'i;-. ; r.s £ s >• (\ .£ -S ( /| /•/> (\ ,c tS '/ ■/. /•/VN '^.s ■C 1 .S ( X / i ■ 1-H 0.') 4.^ 12 00 !i- •20 41 00 1 12 , i 'K! 71 00 •> 10! KiO • 10 !»(; 18 !I0 IOh ISO 42 00 1 18 7 2(1 72 00 2 17- • 20 '. 15 1 n 14 00 11: i K) 4:1 00 1 1-1 1 S(. 78 ;MI 2 is 1 SO ■• 20 1 1)2 15 00 12; lOO 41 00 1 15 •} 1(1 71 00 liii i 10 ; 25 •} 4( Ki 00 12. lOli 45 00 1 Ki 0(1 75 00 .) IK )oo ; 80 •> ^^ 17 00 18- ■20 4(1 00 ] Ki :l tid 70 00 8 0! 100 • 8.*, 8 ;{(. 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' — i - CS tt, tt c c o cc » O C o E O ■J < > W c fr .if o C o tc -p 5.0 5 •■J o w C C8 S3 c= -^ Sii ti 6-5 -« O S p3 >> ^ o u es te is ci 2 = r^ O £ 5 o > C y .1: .2 cc cc C a •- ■43 ~ ■::: '^ — cc "^ cc o c "C cS = o '■c X. cc 5 S o xti " t. 3 >-..^ .3 cc « O -3« ■♦- ^ D cS .3 a J o ti " 1) ,3 *- a r/^ ^ •/■ ^ 5"= J -3 S « •j: S cc -r 5'> f o tc eS jsi t eVr .5- «» ^ '-" ^c ce cc « f^-3.ti S ^ "y "o 3 ^ O y .S A c tc-o . C y ■*- « x « "^ 2 o cc ^ - ^ o tc a o i) cc 3 M 3 3 O -^ -^ -^-* u a> V •M -4^ C-* ^ .S T3 •3 -w ^ ^ o >X "^ TZ ^•'-' -£ '3 q; — d tc a s y _ ■/. X c -3 ^ c !! ..; 'p — -H o !s c! O O X « .2 .E. ^ ,£■ 9 Hi ^i .3 t 155 i. f^ ' I w — ^'- '! ^^ _• -* rt 1.-; -« -t^ rt :t ri - -r i-: "^ '^ * ^ V rt o 1 — 1- — /. o ?' •* -c *— 7C c «< c: :: -M -M -M ^ — -- r: — "O — c »o * , ^ — ! 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"^i ,' < C ^> ^^ _^ _ ,, |. ----- , •^i , '-. oi X -^ ri v5 rt i i- ^- -^ x i-^ — i '< ''• T-i r--: :■: r-: ri -m 'm --' — ^M • •e M '^ "il p^. 'il :r C-. ^ •-: o -f -f ^t -M c-i ^ r- I— 1 o ~ ' ;. ^ 1—^ c: o :■■; v; re z: i- -r — > oo o ri ^-* X O • "" 1 < re ?■: ro -M (M 'M 1— ^ ri ^ 5^ =" ^ ^ _, ^'^ ■'- s ~ ' '— ;jl-' c; X in -*• -t :■•: re ei — • '- o o ■r. r. W o 5>i -^ re — > — r — X 1^ ei — K% "* o -— I^ 1^ :e re re ei ei -m ^h ^ r-. rW ,^ _3 i JS ^^4 w* W X-rf * ^^ ^i ^ • ^-" .^fc. ^■4— t aw C ii ?— »— 1 if^ 1— *c ^2 it is -t re re ei ei ^ i^ ^ f^i ;■ --- re - re c^ i- -t- — x »-^ 'm r. -^ ^ M *''^'* tj re re re "M ri .— i « r^ ^ c 9 o Iju ^ c^ '. ^ '— ^ — , — , 1 -* — -4— ' *-' >~ -t" '-C ir: ir? -+ -f re e-i n ^ '— ^ o "^ T! ■■ ■5 ifi — re — I- --t- — X i': ei r; '-c re re re re 7\ 'm ei -— i i— r-i ^ •^'^III !•! .•> ~l Eh c _N _^ ■., •lUO.l A c^ kl > '^ 156 z o o '^ aa = o - - ii ~ o •^ '."1 1> 2 y. ^ — - >i :f. o -— _■ ^ "■ /. cc ^ — ' >vX ■;/. C =! — -•«— 1 '/ '-' ^ ' .*^i /— ^^ K^* -*— O ..^f rW . JD X . ^j ^■^ \ ^ • r^ ^fc. *" '^ ^ -ix :• ^< ^— ', ^ •— ' -^^ ^ O '. ^ *■ ^ i.-^ ^H — IZ o ?: - ; ^ «-''.— ^ Is" ? i H 1— 1 '^ • • .« s: ^ > "C DOMINION PARLIAMENT. :-(>-:- f»aSVAt«: Btt.t.$ -(>-:■ PAIITII'IS iutcndiiiL;- to in:ikc' apj)lic'ati()ii to l\'trli:iinent for Pi'ivate Hills, rithoi" for ^ji'imtini!,- exclusive ]ii'ivi- le<;x's, or coiiferriii!;' coi'iiornti' jiowors tor coiiiinorcitil or other piirjioscs ot' ])i'otil, or foi- (loiii<;- tmytliiii ;■ leiuliiii;" to iitVoct the riiihls or ]»ro|)i'rty of oihei' |»urti('s. iiw hcrob}' iiotifif'il thai tht\\' are re(|iiireill Ot^cc of each House. All petitions for Private i}ill> nnist he pi-esented within the firaf fhrcr ireel:^ of the Session. The l''ee iu)\v ])ayal)le for a Private Tiill is two h)indird dollars. KOHi:PtT lkmolm:, ClerU of the Senate. ALFHMJ) PATPtlCK, Clerk of the H(juse of Commons. " 157 " " ' n '' '11.1 'ji I RULES OF BOTH HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT RESPECTIXG THE LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT, A ]iro])ci' C:it:il»)g-uo of the liooks helon^'iiii;" to the Lihi'arv sliall be kept hy tlie Librarian in whom the custody and i-cspon- sibiiity thereof shall be vested ; and who shall be retjuired to rei>ort to the House through Mr. Speaker, at the openinn' of each Sesnion, the actual state of the Library. No person sluill be entitled to resort to the Library durinijj a session of Parliament except the Governor (ieneral, the members of the Privy Council, and of the Senate and House of Commons, and the Officers of both Houses, iind such other persons as may receive a written order of admission from the Speaker of either 158 IT e:nt. c liihrary J nd res) ton- • c»iuirccl to ■;. peiiinii,' of : y duriiii;" a • members • Commons, . ins as may '■ V of either House. ^lemlu'rs n»;iy ])i'rs<)nally itiirodiice Stfani;'ers to th(> Iiil>r:iry (luriiiu; the (hiyliim', Init not afl(i- the hdiir of soven o'ehx-k, r. M. Diirini:; a Session of Parliament, no r>oollonu;in«;' to the Lihrary shallhe taken out of the IJuildinn-, except hy the au- thority of the S]>oall I lie .1 itiiii liiliriiry ( 'oininii tiv at tivory '• Si'^simi ( i|' I'ai'li.'tmtMit. llu' li lirariaii •«liall report a \\^\ of'tlui '} lioi»l<> ill )-«i'iit :it ilu' comiuciic ciiuiil. Ill" till' Scsviuii, spcrilyiii^: '' tin- iiaiiic> of any jx-rsoiis w'lo havo rt'taim-l llu! isanio in <'on- tra\tMiti<)ii ol' (.'illuT n|' ihr Ibri'ufoiniX Kiilcs, In addition to tlio t'ori-noin;^' rules, the .loint I-ilirai-y Coni- niittce have a^'i'eed to the tojlowinij; new Ifules, to wliieh the attontidii ul' persons tre(|iientinii- tiie Lil>rary, or niakiiii;' use o|' uny Jiook.s hulon^ij;'iiii^ thereto, is specially i'e(|iiested : — 1. It is strietly lorl>id(U'n to make any Jiiarlc. Ii_\' ])i'n('il or otherwise, in any Hook lieloiii^'ini;' to (he liihrary, or to turn down leaves therein, or otherwise di'laee tlu; saint'. 2. Xo person (other than a ni oinln'r of Parliament) is per- mitted to have aeeess to any of the (JalK'ries sui'roundin,<4" the Library, without the ex|)ress permission of the Librarian oi" unless aeeonipanied by an otlieer of the Librai'y. '.]. No visitor shall be permitted to I'emain in the Tiilti'ary with his hat on ; nor will smokinj,', orspit!in^• ontjie lloor or car])et, be ])ermit(ed, in any of the Libi-ary apartments. 4. No audible eoiivei'sation will ln' allowed in tht^ reailin^ room; nor shall any person be pei'mitted to partake of refi'esh- ments therein ; and no do^'s shall be allowed in the Libi'ary, IGO at tivci'v list of till' l>fciiyiiii;" c ill <'oii- ary Coiii- wiiii'li till' luiX use of ]»eii('il or 1- to tlll'll t) is pcf- iidiu^' the • rariaii oi' .^ Tjilirary li lloOl" OI' c reailiiig )t' refVesli- ijrai'V. Mnmm o D ip P\"/i ^ ii WESTERN BLOCK. •%i>rt-o' MiiiistiM' of Militia aiKlDi'lc'iu'i; n,,;,. L. F R M-ism.h J)i'liuiy of " '' Ll-(',)| (• y {>■ t' (JiMK-ral Ollicer (^,m.nall.lino. tl.e Militia'''':Si,' K. Sdhy SiwvtV Adjutant (.euoral (.,, ^^MlkeV INrnvll' Invatohoi-rotuiy to the .Minister Capt. Alpl,. Jleiioit. ''^^ce of Minister of MUitIa and hcfonrc. C!oi-l Aumoml, Oaj)t. A. Bonoit, K. Waldo, \V. H. Pambrun. " v Me8seMi,^ei-— N, Casanll. i; Adjutant General's Office. •; Chief Clerk— \V. ]i. Wri<.-ht. 'i ClerlvH— F. X. Lambert. C. Seviiiour, 'T. C. Laro^' (J E ^' M. Sherwood, C. Junot, C. CaMi])l)o!l. Afajor W. U. ;S. ^Va"in^i*■rht* ? Messengers— C. Dion and T. Jloberlson. "" ' J ^ * Store Branch. ;• Superintendent of Stores— Lt.-Col. T. Wily •"' Clerks— Charles Walkeni, Major U. (J rant, F. Jones] P. Clark. \ 21 101 '" 11 w r.. ,'; i: • !"; i. 'is „J I; m M ii^'l 1 1 ( 'i Dejiufy At/Jutnnfs General. '}. ; Militfiry Districts. ;■ ■: Xo. 1. Ll.-('ol. .1. li. Ttiyloi- Loiuloh, i)nl. > << »> W. 8. Diu-ie Toi-oiito " : u " B. Vtui Strawbeiizio l\iiij;*stoii " •; '!' " 4. *• \V. H. Jjiekson Jkookvillo " '!' " 5. " .1. Fletchor Montreal. Que. <' <;. " 0. A. (le L. Harwood.... " " ■; '•! " " T. .1. Duchosiiay ^leiiec " .; '! << s. " (;..!. Mnnnsell Frouei-icton, X. ]\. % '< {I. Col. .!. W. liaui-io Halifax, X. S. •, << 10. Lt.-Col. \V. 0. Smith Fort (larry, .Man. V " n. C. F. ir. .MaJ rC. (Juy, P. M .»t S Halifax, X. S. / <' 10. Lt.-Col. A. Peebles, P. :M. & S...Winnipe,<.-, .Man. : i' " 11. Capt. 11. J. MeDojiell, P. M. & S... Victoria, B. C. > 12. Major Pi. A. Cropley, P. M. & S..CIiarlotteto\vn, • [P. K 1. ;; 162 HOYAL MILITAEY COLLEGE — A T — KJ NGSTON c Lt.-Col. Ivlward Osl.orno lUnvott, R. I] Commandant. Major J. Bramloy Kidout, H. Ms. 0(1(1, lle<;\... .Captain of Cadets. Major J^d^ar KoiisiM-tou, U. A. | Pn>fcs,ors of Mathematics Oaptaiii S. Cr. ]^aii-(I<,ii-Ii, J{. A. j ,/„,/ Artillery. : Lt.-Col. J. R. Oliver, ]1 x,^^''''f'^''^^^>^(^f T'^'^rtificat ions, Geometrical : ' ^ " ( ^>raivin(j and Descriptive Geometry. ,, . ., -,, , (Professor of Jfiiitaru Tooonraidw ■ Major (,eo. R. Walkor, R. K. j Civil Surveyimj, Military History, ( Administration and Law. ; Rov. Geo. D. For-uson, B. A Professor of German. Forshaw Day Professor of Free-hand Drawiny [anil.()ba and tlio Xortli West Territories. The Hyoton? of survey is reel angular, (lie towiisliii) Iteiiii^ six miles square, it ted into ': h, on the •! ■e the lull ■ oinestead .; Persons desii-in^ to earr}' on Coal minini;' in unsurvej-ed terri- tory may ai)])ly to ]>iirchase, sendini;- forward Ihe des('ri})tion hy a J)oininion I.and Surveyor, settinij I'oi-th ;.';enerally tlie silua- and dimensions of the hind and acc-onii»anyin_ijj (he same h}' the j)i"ice thereof, estimating the numher of acres, which sliall not exceed 320, at the rate of One dolhvr per acre. The ^rinister of the Interior with the view of ])reventini^ undue monopoly in Coal lands, may in his discretion, (^n a town- ship beiiiii; siirveyeil, exem))t Irom sale and settlement, the lands in such township containiiii^' Coal, exceptin' mas' have been carrieposits so ; y, will be y may l»o ; child, in ' ;toe \intil ich time of both eposited, II the age lices maj' )ut notice 3 Savings stance, if jourg, he r through a, Brock- lether he place. 7. Ivich depositor is siii)plii'd with a pass-hoolc, which is t(» be ])r()duccd to the Postiiiasler every time the depositor pays in or withdraws money, and thosr.m paid in or withdrawn ai-e entered therein by tlie Posttnaster i-eceiving oi- paying the same. S. J'Jach depositor s account is kept in the Postnui^itir i'lcncmTn Ojficc in Ottnira, and in addition to the Postmaster's receipt in tli*' pas$.-book, a direct ncknoicledijement from the PoHtmai// letter, beinn eorefal to (/ire his address, . Every (depositor iniist send his hook once a year, dz : on the anniversary of his first t/eposit, for comparison with the Buoks' of the Department, and for insertion of interest. The Book will lie returned to him by first mail. At no other time should the dejiositor suffer /us book to be out of his possession. 10. When a (k'[)o>itor wishes to withdraw money, lie can (h) so by a])))lying to the Postmasfei* (rencral, who will semi liim by return mtiil a c!iet|iio for the amount payahk- at whatever Savings Btmlc Post Otllce the (le})ositor may have nanved in his application. 11. Interest at the i-ate of 4 pei* cent pei* annum is allowed on deposits, and the interest is aikled to the princi])al on the oOlh June in each year. 12. postmasters ai-e forbidden by law to disfdose tlie name of any depositor, or the amount of any sum de])osited oi" with- drawn. 13. No charge is made to depositors on ]iaying in or drawing out money, nor for passd)ooks. nor for postage or conimuiuca- tior,s with tlie Postmaster (renci'al in relatio!) to their deposits. 14. The Postmastei- (ieneral Is always ready to receive and attend to all ajjplications, complaints, or other communicati(ms addressed to him ly depositors oi- othei's, relative to Post Otlice Savings Bank husiness. 15. A full statement of the Ecgulntions of the Post Office Savings Hank may be seen in the Otticial "Postal (Juide, "ami at any Post Oltice in the Donnnion. ft- Post Office Department, Ottawa, October, 1876. 1C7 ^■1 1 r ij . 1 ' ■ '■ * f >■ ,.i ;' Li,; ), I 1:' I w Ill i| DEPARTMENT — OF THE — i SECRETARY OF STATE. Statutes of Caxad.^ , •'; Tlie ioUowiii,!;- volumes of .Statutes of tlu ■i Dominion of (-anadu, ; k(.'., UMiy he ]irocui'ed from the (^ueeiiV 1^'inler for Canada, •; Ottawti. vi/ Victoria. $ Cts. i' ;u Statute? , of 18(17, (1st Part).. ••••••«••••• 1 00 < a a 18(i8. (2i)d Part).. 1 00 •;• < 32 k 33 a 18(;i> 1 50 :• 33 a 1870 80 •■; .; 31 a 1871 80 / >, 35 3G 11 1,S72 1 00 •- * •r 1873 60 ^ < 37 <( 1874 • ■• • .••■•••• 1 00 ■: < 38 i( 1875 Vol. I ■••••••••••■• 1 50 u (i " Vol. 11 80 ■•: J- 39 tl 1870 Vol. I 80 •;■ «: i( i< '• Vol. J I 80 .; (( u " Vol. l&ll.. 1 50 ;. ^ 40 u 1877 Vol. T 1 00 < a <( " Vol. H 00 ;■ (( a " Vol. let II... 1 50 .; 41 (( 1878 Vol. T 80 •; u ortation of ;■ seventy per cent of tlie actual live weii^'ht of the swine as ()ri<^-i- ■. nally entered, in the form of }>ork, bacon, hams, shoulders and .■ lard ; and if a less (juantity than seventy per cents is ex|>oi-ted, '}. then duty shall be ]»aid upon the (juantity delicient, at the rate ■'• imposed upon the live animal in proportion to value. ■\ 4. Swine imported in the carcass to be cured and ])ackcd in '; bond may be entci'cd in the usual way for warehouse, and be ;. ])laced in the ]iremiscs established as a warehouse of this class ;•; for the special purpose of cui'ins well secured. Chain or J^ihand, 100 ft. \ " " SO " I The chains of iron .)r steel with solid Divitled into feet, f joints. " riiband, (id " / The Ribands may bo of steel, or of " " )Vi^ •' I metal Aviro woven with other fibre. J)ivided into links. / J)E VOMINATION feet measures, (1 " 5 " H " " or yi h y'^i'^^ 2 feet 1 foot h foot Common t.Mpe lines ai'e not to be verified. 172 n. at Ion. lo of any t i;rtiiuo(l iicls must llseeufod. with solid tool, or of ther fibre. WEIGHTS TO BE ADMITTED TO VERIFICATION. DOMLvrox \\::r(;iiTs. Wiai.HT?' 11) UK T(ii,kratki) till > 1st .Iri.Y l^so. 1 Iri'j' <"• Hiilliuii Avnii:i)|-iMiiH \\ Kimirs. | Weiiflits. AviiiKiiri'iijs WijriiiT.s. ; In llnmz.e nr fn Soft '' \ "Wtiifc Metal «it 111 Iron. .Mefiii ("ji- 111 limiizo 111 In Iron. ^"^} •^■e"i' '■ f eutiiil hanliie.-s. .-uil. Only. l!r>iii>.c. '""^"" C'a.«C(l. ■; 1 :; 1 (30 His. go lbs. I Go Ui.s ;"iou ozs. 50 lbs. 50 lbs. 5() lbs. ':■ j 50 '« ! 50 " 50 " 300 '< ■-'H " 28 " 28 <■ •; 1 30 << 30 " 30 " 200 '< 14 '< 14 " 14 ■' .; 20 '< 20 '• . 20 " 100 " 7 " 7 " 7 " :• 10 " 10 " 10 " 50 <' 4 " 4 " 4 " •■! 5 " r> " f) '• 30 <' ■) (1 2 " *> < • 3 " 3 <' :; " 20 " 1 " I '• 1 " :; 2 " 2 " 2 " 10 " \ 1 " 1 '< 1 '< 5 ' ' V 8 ozs. 3 " < ' 4 " 2 " ■'' ii 2 " I " •! 1 1 " .i) 8 drs. .3 " :•: 4 " , •> ( ( ' 2 '< i .1 " i 1 1 " .05 " :• ! 0^ " .03 " 1000 ijjrs. .02 " \ 600 " 1 .01 '< 300 " .005 " # > 200 " .003 " u 100 '< .002 »' ! 60 " ' .001 " \ 30 *< 20 " > 10 «' > 6 <« > 3 " :■ 2 <* ? ;. 1 " .6 " 1 .3 " .2 " .1 '« V .^,o " ; ) .03 " .02 " .» .01 " .'*.'** ^•"-"•-••.'•'•."•-'•-•" > 173 m r i 1 1 1 '^ 1 .' ' ' , SI ; '^^i i»,.i FORMS OF WEIGHTS THAT WILL BE ADMITTED TO VERIFICATION. DOMINION AVKKIIITS. At'oirJujioib Weiyhts. From 50 IIh. down U> one j^duikI, cyliiulrictil, with knob. Tho .sumo with r'wi'j;. Koc'tJin;L(uhir bh)t'l<, with ring or huudlo cast solid. Truncated s(jiiJiro ]iyr;imid. From 5 IbH. (hiwn to ono-half dram. Any of (ho above forms ; also flat discs in rjcsts. A GO lb. weit!;ht for the bushel of wheat, of some form suffi- ciently distinct from tho forms heroin described to ])revent tlie one being mistaken for tho other. Grain Weights. From 1,000 grains down to ton grains, Cylindrical, with a small rising stem and knob. Six gi'ains and under. Bent platinum or aluminium wire so hent as to represent the number of grains or decimal parts of a grain. In cverv case tlic denomination of the w^eights, when of sufficient size, must be cast, engraved, or stamjtod on them in bold legible numerals, of a size duly j>roportioned to the size of the weight. Troy Weiyhts. From 500 ounces down to one ounce, Truncated cone with knob. From 5 ounces down to .001 ounce, flat square plates. The denomination to be engraved or stamped on (he toji of the knob of each weight, in as large numerals as the size of the weight will admit; an, I, also, on tho fucoof tho smaller weights. 174 ID TO (^b. e forms ; !; rin sufli- v J vent the ■; ,1, with a J 1 wire so •! parts of a '( when of I them in he size of •one with the top of ■lize of tlie • weights. DOMiXlOX MMASrilKS OP CAPACITY THAT MAY WK AD^riTTI'M) TO VKIUKICATION. JJENo.M [NATIONS. A. — BUsllEL. Halt IU'siiel. Peck. Gallon. Matkiuals. May be made of— 1. IJronze oi' Riass, cast. 2. Hammered Sheel Brass oi- Copper, stroni>-theiiod by rimsof simiUir metal, and upright straps. 0. Sheet Iron, when of sufficient strength to retain the form of the measure under ordinaiy usage, cither with wood or iron bottoms. 4. Wood of any suitable quality — with iron or hardwood rim. When of wood, the iid^o to be sufficiently thick to I'eceive the brand. May be made of — 1. Bronze or Brass, cast. 2. Hammered Sheet Brass or Copper, with suitable rim of similar metal. 3. Hard Pewter. 4. Stout tin plate of apj)roved thick- ness. No measure of capacity, of which the sides or bottom arc in- dented, battered, or knocked out of the regidar form, will be ad- mitted to verilication, nor any whose bottoms are not sufficiently strong to carry the contents without changing their form. \ B. — Gallon. Half (iallon. Quart. Pint. Half-Pint. Gill. Half Gill. Inland Ke venue Department, Ottawa, October, 1879. '175' A. BliUNEL, Commissioner. I ! I'i :n ' 'si, IB li p. DEPA1IT3IENT OF RAILWAYS & CANALS. (Western JJlock.) Sir Charles Tui'I'ER MiiiislcrollJnilwaysjfcCjiiials T. TrUDEAU I)l'|Mll_V, F. Uraun 8ot rotary. John Page (JliiofKn^inoei" ol' Canals. S. Fi/iiiMiNO Cliiof l''iii;iiuH>f of the Ca- luulian I'acitic Kail\va\". C. SCIIREFHER Clliof I'lllijillOiM' of (lovt.-Kvs. ill ojK'iaiioii. J. ]Jaine Accoiiiitaiil & l^ook-Ivccpcr. II. A. FisHiAiLT I^aw Cloik. A. P. Bradley Private Secretary. F. 11. Knnls, F. a. Dixon & W.J. Tilley. Correspondin-i; clerks. J. .F X. Bonneville, C. F. Street, L. I[. Filteai:. ] ., , L. N. FoRTiER, L. 1). J)i()N .\: 1). J{. Stewart. j" ^ ''''■'^''• S. McLaughlin Photo_i^ra]>lier. J. Deslauriers and C. S. Neville Messengers. " 1 7G SALS. & Canals mals. the Ca- iil\va\'. ovt.-Jivs. :-Kcepcr i\ ;: F. A. Wise, Ilideau, Ottawa. ;• ': A. (J. .Macdonkli., Willianisljiirg. Morrisburg. v •; 1). A. Mackonald, Cornwall, Cornwall. ; ;; W. K Forbes, Carillor. & (Jrenvillc, Carillon. ;: .;• M. C.'ONWAY, Lachinc, Montreal. ':■ ••; J. F. Beique, Bcauliai'iiois, Beauharnois. ■■ ;{ W. M. Kavanacjh, St. Peters, St. Peters, C. B. \ ;, C. Ulric, ChaniMy, Chambly. > •i J. L. Daoust, St. Ann's Lock, St. Ann. :• '} L. Larue, St Ours, St. Ours. ;; •;, Super ntendcnt, Engineer Canal & Locks, Montreal, j; ; E. 11. Parent, " <' Ottawa I, Canals, Grenville. ':• ■; Alex MacNab Manager and P^ugineor P. li •;' lottctown. !. L Kailway, Char- ;• I D. POTTINQER SupC rintendent Intercolonial Railway, Moncton, ;! .,..,.....,..,. ..,.„.,K:..&..;: 177 m i'i (J !'? i: fr. ;i il'p , |i - - Ji ■ ; i s -;| J DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. (Western Block.) Hon. II. L. Lan(1evi.v, C. D Minister of Public Works. G. F. BAiLLAR(ifi I>o])nly. L. E. St. O. CuAi'LEAL' Secretary. II. F. Perley Kngiiicer. T. S. Scott Chief Architect. James Bowes , Assistant Architect. O. DioNiNE Accountant &, Book Keeper II. AiKiNS Asst. J. E. VERRKAirr.T " J. W. IlARrKR Paymaster. P. Cartier Piivate Secretary L. Lefebvre. T. if. Allen. E. P. Bance. ) ^^, ■ J. CoTfi. F. J. MacKav. II. Talbot. ^ ^ »erus. K. McCarthy DranghtHinan, A. PoTVEN and M. Walsh MessenuerH. << (( (< 178 :s. Woi'U.s. c Ivocper I INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY >.jr CANADA BETWEEN Point T^evi, dcinifbelltoii, ^Ioi|<5tor|, SHKOIAC, PICTOXr, •O'Mif^'T^oO^ ~ CLOSE CONNECTIONS MADE At Halifax with First-Class Mail Stcaiiicrs of the Mojilreal Ocean Steamship Company to and from Liverpool, making' th-; sliortest ocean j^assage between tlie two Continents. MAKING CONNECTIONS I")ui'in^ the Seat^oii of Navigation. At Campbellton witn Steamer "City of St. John," sailing Wednesday and Satnr(hiy Mornings for Paspehiac, I'eroe, (iaspe, &f., &c. — and at — rOIXTE I)U CHfiNE with Steamers for Priiice Edward Island, Is supplied ivith First Class Equipments in every particular. SMITH'S VACUUM BRAKES AND MILLER'S PLATFORMS ON ALL PASSENGER CARS. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS RUN ON EXPRESS TRAINS BETWEEN ST. JOHN. HALIFAX, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Baggage checked through to all Principal Points in Canada and Unites) States. This Lino oflers superior facilities for Shipments op Freioht to oi- from the Upper Provinces, the (Jange being the same us that of the Western Railways. C. SCHREIBER, Chief Engineer Govt. Railwayt in operation. 179 P|- ' 1 1 ' i' S 1 I - i! i Ml' ill' I m' f.. m ■ t ■ , . 1 1 ^'i-f: >/ , ( .^J!:,: Ml 1 1' A ni) i:ni) A. Pn^^e 47. after 10th line, insi;rt, 28 Macdonald Hon. J ; Pictou ; Ottawa, ; 19. " 49 9th lino from top, add Q. after Murray-Bay. C 1 1 A N a K s . Senate. Honble. T. H. Haviland, appointed Lit.ut-Governor of P. E. I., 10 July, 1879, «« K. W. W. Carrall, died 19 Srptem'jiT, 1879, scat still vacant. IfocsE OF Commons. C. Gill,^I. P. for Yama.ska, appointed Pui.>> - i"2 ^ £ 1^ ii 5i _ o ^s w ^ S V ^'^ I—' wm* It 00^ oj 2; 02 O re B By Special appi : .ent Carriage Maker for H. R. H. The Princess L01TI8S and His Excgllenct the Marquis or Lorne. B. LEDOUX, FACTOHY & OFFICE, 125 & 127 St. ANTOINE St., And Show Room, 131 and 133 St. Antoine Street, Montreal. Mr. BRUNO LEOOUX, Begs to inform tlie public, his friends, and strangers visiting Montreal, that he always keeps on hand a Complete Assortment of ELEQilHT FAMILY €AEBIAQ£S. suitivble for summer and winter. He has carried all honors at Provincial Exhibitions htsld in the last ten years. FIRST PRIZK Exhibitions of 1868 and 1870 AND THE DIPLOMA AWARDED AT EXHI- BITION OF 1870. — ALSO — 'I wo Silver Medals and Di- ploma for Carriage and Sleighs awarded by Canadian Commis- sion at Centennial, Philadelphia, 187G. M > i m m ll m '■AWJt JB >r C K HA 1.1^ . F(»r the past tliirty years this hotel, ihniiliarly known as the " St. Lfiwrenco," has been a •' liousehold word " to all ti-a- vellers on ilie continent of North America, and has been patro- nized by all the Koyal and noble personages who have visited the City of Montreal. This Hotel has been recently re-taken by Mr. Henry IIocjan, tlie former proprietor, who has handsomely and appropriately decorated and renovated the interior, and completely re-fittetl the whole of the apartments with new furniture. The Hotel is admirably situated, heinij; in the wvy heart of the city, and contiii^uous to the General Post Oftice, the pi-incipal Banks, Public Buildings, Law Courts, Commercial ivxchanyes, Eailway and Telei^raph Otlices, The Hotel will be manajj-etl by Mr. Samuel Mont(}omery, under the immediate personal supervision of Mr. IIouan, than whom no one is better qualified to conduct an hostelry of such magnitude as the St. Lawrence Hall, and than whom no one has gained a better reputation as an obliging, generous and considerate host. \ ■! i) r«, H'} 'i. M '•^Srf%,**.*N»/-»*-*-'».'*. '••^•»**».* "•./••/■••*•-**•*"•••••' ••#■•••' 276 NOTBE LAME St., ttrniiurr |(airr attj Hitnttfaciurer ARRANGED IN LIGHT AND SPACIOUS SHOW ROOMS. CONSTANTLY IN STOCK A Ijai'ge Assortment of Walnut, Oak, Ash & Maple Setts for Redrooins, Parlors, Dining: Rooms and Library, Office desks & Chairs of the best & latest Style. ABTI€LES WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. AH goods delivered free to Boats or Railways. 276 NOTRE DAME STREET 276, MONTREAL. '^ ARMAND BEAUDRY. IMPORTATEUR DE Diamants, Bijouteries, de Montres, d'Argenterie ET ARTICLES DE FANTAISIE, 269 RUE NOTRE DAME, Jl© N TR E AL^^ JOSEPH GOULD, AND _ .CABINET FORTES PIANO- ORGANS. Uo. 1 Beaver Hall Sq,uare, llontreal. CR, uimt 3US of X Rooms le. jiiterie srn INET ANS, I r-T--,- S€ L^ ^ -11 m THIS CHAHTERED COLLEGE Possesses many edufjitional julvanla^es ^vlllch recommend it in ji special manner to parents and students. IJNIVKIISITY nKOREKS. The University degrees it coni'ers upon students wlio have successfully completed theii' Classical Course, entitle those who study medicine or law to exemption from preliminary exa- minations. CIVIT. KNOINEERINa. Its excellent and ably directed Civil P^ngineoring Course pre- pares foi- the successful exercise of a profession whicli gives lucrative employment to so many in Canada, the United States, «S:c. COMMERCIAL. Its Commercial Course is such as to form successful business men, familiar with history, literatui-e, music, drawing, and the several natui'al sciences. MUSEUM & PHYSICAL CABINET. Its Museum and Physical Cabinet greatly facilitate progress in science and art. i:)RAWING. Drawing, so useful in all the mechanical arts, and so beautiful an accomplishment, is here taught with acknowledged success, and free of chai-ge. The situation of this fine, spacious establishment unites all the benefits of country atmosphere and aspect with the conve- niences of city life. N. B. — For particulars send for Prospectus. Very Rev. J. H. TABARET, O.M.I., D.D., President. B i I! 1'^ t.: ■ K '' ' m m •-'■*/'••*"«.'••/•»#•*•• PRINTING OFFICE OF No. 59 St. James Street, Montreal. Artistic, Mtliograpliic audi TjpograiJ'hic G^ P R I N T I N Cr . ^ Enoravino, ClIROMO & PlIOTO-LlTIIOaRAI'IIY, Zinc Etgiiin(», Die Sinkino, Kmbohsing, *c., &c. (3:^.C0MMERCI AL PRINTING, _ Hill Heads), Letter llendH, MemonuKla, Circuhirs, Bills of Exchange, Notes, Cheques, Bonds and Debentures, Catalogues and Price Lists, Business aii% e /r%- ,il STWV '^ ^^L^. 104 SPARKS STREET 104, OTTAWA. 10 BY APPOINTMEUT PHOTOGRAPHEE ms EMELL w TO u SOF — AND Her Royal Higliness the Princess Louise. •■•o«#Bafr-< Fcirtraits of tiie LeaiiEg meB in t]ie BoMiiHioiii. VIEWS OF OTTAWA ASI> VICINITY. lio ER I )iiise. lElMOB. I ^W 1 N^ D S O n II O T K L CENTS' FURNISHING STORE, The Clioicest Assortment of Fine (ioods in Ihe Dominion. BOY & THOMSON, vMNDSOR HOTEL. N. B. — Kntraiico fioia tlie' llotunda. ^•** ^ m> m f- Wi It^^" Manufacturer & Importer OF HATS, CAPS k FURS. INDIAN WORKS AND CUUIOSITIES, IMBRELLAS, RL'BBERCOATS, CANES, &c. 198 RIDEAU ST., NEAR NICHOLAS St. OTTAWA. It) /l?^. 'm' ^ MANUFACTURIER ET IMPORTATEUR — DE — Chapeaux, Casques ET PELLETERIES, Cun'osiUs Tndiennes, Parapluies, Caoutchoucs, CANNES. ETC. 128 KITE RinEAU, Prts de la rue Nicholas, OTTAWA. :li M^ ! ' "!j; \ >■ t m ■:: i :' t r^ -< .* rt n'Vt^ i^nf-^ ►;u~*'j'^*iiTj»* IMPORTER OF 5 *j^ ^'*g-'g&^ ■f^ f aai'f ■r-c? ('.'?»>»' ®©is f COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Paris, London and Hew York Pattern Bonnets, and Eats, Headdresses, Tissues, Frillings, Flowers, Feathers, Omaiiients, Ivenittg fjowfr| |ani| Ifa%r5, |air ||rttaiiirnt5. 662 & 664 DOBCHISTEB STBEET, WEST OF BFAVER HALl. cT-^ MONTREAL. ^^^3 Only 4 minutes walk from Windsor Hotel.! ■UiM leis f ; IN 'n Bonnets, Frillings, Itttawtntf, •• ^^» STBIET, from Windsor Hotel. ;. CLAGGETT & TAIT 226 ST. JAMES STREET, 2?S DIRECT IMPORTERS IN THE KEsT MAKES OF SILKS, POPLINS, KID GLOVES, REAL LACES. HALBRIGCAX AND SILK HOSIERY Cartwright and Warner's Underclothing UMBRELLAS & QENTLEMEN'S FUHNISHINa. SPECIALTIES. Dressmaking and First-Class Tailoring. Costumes & Oeiits' Suits made in a few hours. SAVAaE, I.YMAN & Cos OI.I> STAND ri:^ 22G St. JAMES STREET, 228, MONTREAL. D 9) ^\irift«?jlli« f MANUFACTURER OF Fire Proof and Burglar Proof, No. 49 St. JOSEPH STREET, MONTREAL. II . ^: i: ,:l 42 ELGIN STREET OTTAWA WW' 4^ :ir%m w ^ I ^iV^ BOOKBINDER. \ " T, • ^;.-k Prices Current, Prospectuses, < Circulars, Biank ^»™=' t\ ^ Bilk, Eowipts, Legal Forms, Bills "fj'^'^f ' Jjl ji,^a Bills, Catalogues, Cards, Tuneral Letter .^ana \ Posters, and every desoription of \ ^T THE VEBY LOWEST PBKEJ 1 blanT^ account books. \ ^UNa TO m PATTm KEWim ^^ ^ * s *> -i rent, Prospectuses, ^ Railway Forms, Is, Receipts, [and Bills, , of RlNfflG,! ESPATCH, iT PBICES.J BOOKS, ,DER, WELLINGTON STREET, OTTAWA. J \y^*VrN /-\./^y V The House is situated within three minutes' walk froui the Houses of Parliament, and in close itroximity to the business jxirtions of the city. Ft cojitains Parlors. F>ininK. Reading and Hed Rooms ; Rooms en suite, liesides Siecpintt Ai)iirtmonts pnivided with every convenience ; the Table is well appointed in every respect. 'i^ii';^t.Cla^>s^ ^anvplc 'i\oon\i^. (iBo. ACRES, Proprietor. CONVEYANCES TO ALL TRAINS AND BOATS. Oj .v.*«>''^ PRITCHJIIB & MINGABD, Engravers to the Dominlori, P. O. Dept. &.c. Mamifacturers qfJiraxx t^ Steel Stamps, Rubber Stamps^ Dating, Fac- simile Stamps, Door Plate,<, Stencil Plates, Post Office Pads, Key Checks, Bookbinders Blocks and Letters. RIDEAU STREET, Ottawa. '• li'^ 1 1 m OTTAWA lONOiEfinL $ mm marble c-^^ \V C) II Jv S . -^-^ RIDEAU BESSERER L St. PAUL Sts. ESTABLISHED IN I860, BY W. M. SOMERVILLE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Cements, Fike I^iucks, White Lead, Sewer Pipes, Oven Tii-ess. Turpentine, Terra Co.ta Goods, Fire Clay, Japans, Plaster of Paris, Watkr Lime, Varnishes, Land Plaster, Lime, Oils, &c. BUILDERS SUPPLIES, CARRIAGE PAINTERS FURNISHINGS, c.^=^ AGENCIES. ,:^, I E. B. EDDY'S, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, &c, RUBBER PAINT Co., CLEVELAND, OHIO. JdIi:!! E®gDrs3 Statiarj €1 romps, New Ym± F. Ccutts & Sons, Guaranteed Acetic Acid, For the Cure of Khiiinatlsin, Sciatica, Colds, &c. KOINBUliaH, SCOTLANO. Monumental and Mantle Work Manufactured in Canadian Foreign Marble. A LARQE STOCK ON HAND. RESIDENCE i6 BESSERER St. i I 1 JJL Sts. -LE, ill'ENTlNE, ';• Japans. :'. Varnishes, !■ lES, NI8H1NGS, \ JLINDS, &c. ;: }, OHIO. I .^ lew lori. ] Acetic Acid, Colds, &c. red in Canadian cr JAMES FINN, l^nmilf '^ J #t#i And I^ealer in FIM WIIES, LiORS, PEOIIlfiS, AC. 135 RTDEAU St., OPPOSITE NICHOLAS STREET, O T T AWA . FRESH EGGS RECEIVED DAILY, Cream Cheese & other delicacies received Daily. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDER ENTRUSTED TO MY CARE. .•*i,#-..»-^»,^-»^-»,*«,/",,**,»»^/«»,-»,-'%/» Goods delivered to any Part of the City, free of charge. .!.*■: J I r 1 .1 . OE®l@l Jlsi^tn®^ @a^E4l€z 446 & 448 RUE SUSSEX, O T T AWA - J Aui* CMAMfA'Q^^ FKOFBi:gTAIBE. De ii^raiules ameliorations ont ote faites a cet Hotel avanta geu8emcnt nitue an centre ties att'airos, de maniore a doniier entiore satisfaction an public vo^'ageiir. La Table et le Service ne laissent rien a desirer. VmS ET LIQUEURS DE PREMIER CHOE G:i£>PRIX mod£r£s.=5^z:) La voiture de I'Hotel est toujours aiix Stations Cheniin de Fer a I'arrivcJe des trains, ainsi qu'aux debarcadoj des bateaux a vapeurs. ^•4^1^^ iBX, » L-et Hotel Jivanta- ;^ do manioi'c a i; voyageur. ;. en a desirer. : ^lER CHOIX. 6 aiix Stations de qu'aux debai-caderes