Paper V.~TIIE ARCHIVES OF CANADA. Br Dr. W. J. ANDERSON, Presidknt. A good deal of inlcresl has been shewn of late on this subject, and some action taken to induce the Government of the Dominion to appoint a Record Commission; but as the part which the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec has always taken in connection with our Archives is not generally known, I have thought well to give a statement, so far as the records of the Society which have escaped the fires will enable me. The charter states that one of the chief objects for which the Society was established was the prosecution of researches into the early history of Canada, and the recovering, procuring and publishing of interesting documents and useful information in connection with the natural, civil, and literary history of British North America. That such was the object of the Government is evidenced by the numerous special grants made to the Society, and which originally formed the basis of the " Historical Document Fund." The first reference that I can find is in the Report of the Council for 1833, as follows :—" The liberal vote of jesOO, appropriated the year before last by the House of Assembly, for the purpose of aiding the Society in the research after ram and interesting documents connected with the history of the Canadas, slill remains in the bank, at the disposal of the president and committee of Historical Documents, with the exception of about £40, which has been placed in the hands of our zealous and faithful corresponding member, Mr. Gould, of London, to meet any incidental expenses which he may be requested to incur in promoting the objects of the Society." The next allusion is in the Report for 1837: "An important addition to the deposit formerly entrusted to us by P 118 THE ARCHIVES OF CANADA- Lord Aylmer^for the beneft of the public, has been contributed by the Record Commission, consisting of thirteen folio volumes and four octavo of that valuable publication." Lord Aylmer succeeded Sir James Kempt, in 1831, as patron of the Society, and perhaps did even more than its first patron, Lord Dalhousie, to advance its interests, by placing in its custody the documents here referred to. The Report for 1837 also says that the efforts of the Historical Document Committee bad only been attended with partial success : — " Unforeseen difficulties have hitherto baffled its eflbrls to obtain information in Elngland, though it has been led to hope that these difficulties may at length be surmounted, its attempts to obtain information Irom the Biircau de la Marine, in France, have been equally unsuccessful ; and the last accounts seem to indicate that the Records from which this information was expected were destroyed in the Revolution of 1789 and '91." The committee, how(!ver, had in the press a document communicated by Colonel Christie, illustrating the history of the Province from 1740 to 1760. And it ought to be specially noted that, in addition to other very liberal offers, " another donation of highly interesting works" was made by the Right Honorable Sir Charles Grey. By the Report for 1833, wc learn that the Rev. Mr. Holmes had transmitted from Paris " a large addition of scarce book.?, both printed and in manuscript." Those printed related to the discovery of the continent, the first colonies, and voyages; and also supplied a want by furnishing the history of Canada from 1750 to 1779. The manuscripts related to the same periods. In the Report for 1839 the Council congratulates the Society, among other things, on the additions made to the Library "by the splendid donation of the Earl of Durham and the books procured for illustrating the history of the country." The donation was worthy of this munificent patron of the Society, and consisted of ninety-four volumeis THE ARCmVES OF CANADA. 119 of the finest and rarest edilions of the Greek and Roman classiics. There were also procured in London, through the agency of the Honorable A. W. Cochrane,^ " rare and unique maps and atlases, books of travels, and voyages to America ; descriptions of the manners of the nations; the proceedings, wars, and sufferings of tlie first colonies ; and histories of various subsequent periods." The Councillor Macedo^ Secretary of the Royal Academy of Lisbon, presented a publication of his own, on the navigation of the Atlantic ocean at remote periods. And again, the Record Commission of Great Britain and Ireland sent a large contribution of their publications. The Report concludes its reference to the Historical Document Committee . as follows : — " The publication of important historical documents has been advantageously continued. By the influence and public spirit of His Excellency ihe Karl of Durham, some valuable manuscripts have been procured for us from Versailles, which the committee on that subject had in vain striven to obtain through any other channel. The greatest part of them have been printed, and are now ready for distribution. They contain important information relating to the statistics and events of the Province in former periods. The others remain in the Society's archives for future disposal." Four hundred copies of some of the valuable manuscripts transmitted from Paris in the previous year were also printed. In November, 1839, the Society, by request of the Legislative Assembly, conveyed by its clerk, VV. B. Lindsay, Esq., became custodians of the specimens of Natural History belonging to the Province, and was thus enabled to restore and preserve a very valuable collection from the destruction into which it was rapidly falling. The Report for 1840 informs us: — "The Committee on Historical Documents has prepared a second small volume, which is now printed and ready for distribution. It consists of manuscripts presented to the Society by the Earl of Durham and the Rev, Mr. Holmes. They are eight in number, and contain new UO THE ARCHITE9 OF CAKADA. and interesting information on the slate of Canada under the French Government, which will serve to fill some lacuna in the early history of the Western Provinces. In 1843 the Council reports, that, as there still remained a balance of the £200 voted by the Legislature in 1832, it had applied a portion of it to reprinting the journals of Jacques Cartier, which had long been out of print, and of which few copies were extant, even in the public libraries of France, The reprint was from a copy obtained by the Society of a manuscript in the Royai Library at Paris, supposed to be a transcript of the original journal of Jacques Cartier himself. It also published a tract relating to the first discoveries on the shores of Canada, from Hakluyi's collection, where alone it was known to be found. The Council also received from a gentleman in Paris a communication, proposing to obtain for the Society copies of documents relating to the early history of Canada, both before and after the period comprised in the works of Charlevoix^ which are to be found in the archives of the Bureau de la Marine and the Ministdre de la Guerre. Former attempts to obtain access to these having failed, the Council was glad to avail itself of this opportunity, and entered into a correspondence to procure an analysis of the manuscripts and the probable cost of transcribing them, in the hope that the Legislature would be again induced to grant its aid. The Report of the year 1844 records : — '' The Historical Committee have published a pamphlet, being the third of the kind, bearing on the early history of Canada. It comprises the three voyages of Jacques Cartier^ Le Routier de Jean Alpltonse, Voyage du Sieur Roherval^ and Lettres de Jacques No'el^ with appendices." Copies were sent to the public authorities within the Provinces, and to corresponding literary and scientific associations beyond. The Council also reported that the Historical Docunient Fund being exhausted, it applied to the Legislature for a new grant, but did not THE ARCHIVKS OF CANADA. Itl obtain it, owing to the untimely closing of the session ; consequently, it was unable to make arrangements with M. Margry, the gentleman referred to in a previous report. In the Report for 1845 the Council states that it had renewed its application for a grant to the Legislature, and hoped to be successful, and refers encouragingly to what had been done by the " Historical Society of N«w York," which, partly by State aid and partly by their own resources, had been enabled to send an agent to Kurope, who had been allowed to transcribe from the archives in Paris many volumes illustrating the early history of C'anada, From want of funds the Council had not yet been able to employ M. Margry ; but he had transmitted a copy of an ancient and interesting plan of Montreal, made in 1729, by M. Chaiissegro'J de Lery. The Report of 184G says that the Council had laid before the Government an estimate for £1,000, which they proposed to expend in connection with the Historical Document Committee ; but the Legislature only granted £200. Finding this sum totally inadequate to carry out its proposed plans, the Council decided to transcribe from the Broadhead collection at Albany ; and having obtained permission from the State authorities, by the kind i.itervention of Mr. Barclay, the British consul, it made a contract with Mr. Felix Glackemeyer to proceed to Albany ; and by the end ^ of November, 1845, that gentleman had forwarded to Quebec complete copies of the correspondence between the sovereign and minister of France and the colonial authorities, and also of other interesting public documents, from 1631 to 1684, Mr. Glackemeyer did not expect to complete his work for six months more. In 1847 we have a most satisfactory account. The Executive had, in compliance with an address of the Legislative Assembly, advanced to the Society £300 to aid in the completion of the service it had so well begun ; and 12« THE ARCHIVEI OF CANADA. during the ensuing summer Mr. Glackemeyer had furnished seventeen folio volumes in manuscript, being copies and extracts from those of Mr. Broadhead, procured by him in Paris and London. The Society found it expedient to send to Albany the Hon. A. W. Cochrane, a member of the Historical Document Committee, who examined thirty-eight volumes, and marked the portions to be copied. Since then it had received 1,220 pages of manuscript extracted from twenty-six volumes, bringing down the history to 1636. Mr. Glackemeyer hoped, with the aid of his assistant, to have the work completed in a lew weeks. The Council acknowledges the courtesy and facilities ortered by the State authorities of New York, and its indebtedness to Messrs. Cochrane and Faribault. In 1852 the Council availed themselves of M. Faribault's visit to Europe to open communication with several learned societies. The Historical Document Fund was now reduced to £115 4s. Id. In 1854 we find :-— " The Council have learnt, with the greatest satisfaction, that no less than 600 pages of manuscript documents have lately been received from Paris, containing the official correspondence which took place between the Colonial Government and the Iniendants of Canada and the Mother-country, during the period when the colony was under the French dominion. These documents were obtained from the different public archives in Paris by M. Faribault^ during his mission to Europe in 1851-2. They are a continuation of another series of documents of the same nature, copies of which were obtained in 1845 from the collections made in Paris by Mr. Broadhead, an American agent, bound up in seventeen volumes, and are now on the shelves of our Library. The newly-acquired documents from Paris, now being bound, will form elevenlnrge folio volumes ; and should the Legislature permit these also to be deposited in THE ARCHIVES OF CANADA. 18S the custody of the Society^ they will present a splendid and unique collection of twenty-eight volumes, replete with the most valuable information on the early colonization of the country, the history of the wars with the aborigines, and numerous thrilling events, aflbrding an inexhaustible source of information to the future historian of Canada." The Council recommended that judicious selections should be made, and a volume printed under the direction of the Society. Ka'' n the winter of that year, the Society, whose rooms were m the old 'Parliament buildings, sustained an inestimable loss when the building was CDnsuiufd by Jire. The estimated loss in the Museum and Library was iil,400. Many of the articles and books, being unique, could never bo replacMl ; but, through the gkcat exertions of some members of the Society, almost the whole of the manuscripts were saveJ. After this period the Legislature made no special grants to the Historical Document Fund, but increased the annual grant from £50 to £250 ; and it would appear that the Historical Document Fund, which had been reduced in 1852 to XI 15 4s. Id., now stood at £121 8s. 7d. At the close of the year 1862, the Society, whose Library and Museum had been removed to the rooms in John street, sustained another great loss from fire ; but again the manuscripts were preserved, and the Council, in their next year's Report, urged the continued publication, under its control, but on the advice of a sub-committee, who should make the selections. The Historical Document Fund is stated in the general account to be £209 17s. Od. I must now turn to Nova Scotia. As early as 1857, the Honorable .Joseph Howe, who was always foremost to advance literary research in his native Province, carried a 124 THE ARCinVE« Of CAHADA. rcsohUioa in llic fiCgisIativc Assembly to rtiisO the ancient records and docuinKnty, illuslralivc of tlic history and progress ol society in that F'rovinrc, " to be examined, proaorved, and arranged, cither for reference or publication," as the Legislature might afierwards determine. By another resolution, in 1859, the Lieutcnunl-CJovornor was authorized to procure from the " Slate-paper ollice, in Kngland, copies of documents necessary to complele the fylcs. And in 1859, ho was requested to procure from the (Jovernment of Canaila, from its archives, copies of papers relating to the early history of Canada. L'r. B. Akins was fortunately selected as the paid ' '".'>-nissioJier of Records, and Messrs. S. L. Shannon, J. Bourini '., ar.d A. G. Archibald, a joint committee of the Legiulalive Council and Assembly to advise with him." The proceedings of Dr. Akins were judicious anil successful ; and when I visited Halifax, in 18G1, I had an opportunity of seeing the result of his labors up to that dale, which I found so interesting and important that 1 felt it my duty, on my return to Quebec, to report to the Council what I had seen ; but nothing was done till the lOlh January, 186(), when the Librarian, Mr. LcMoinc, read in his ollicial report, at the annual meeting: — "The undersigned begs to call the attention of the Society lo the fact that several important documents for the history of Canada, according to the statement of Dr. Anderson, exist in the archives at Halifax." At a subsequent meeting of the Council the necessary sum was voted to enable mo to procure copies of the papers I might think most suitable. 1 at once entered into correspondence with the Hon. A. G. Archibald and Chief- Justice Sir Wm. Young, who both shewed readiness to meet my views; and after communication with Dr. Akins, I was informed by Mr. Archibald ihat if the Society could wait till the end of the year it would be unnecessary for it to incur any expense, as Dr. Akins had in the presy, under the authority THR ARCltlYVfl nr TANADA 135 of the Nova-Scotia (Jovornmonf, a volmno which would contain all the papers I wished, and that he would racpirst Dr. Ak ins to forward na the work when published. In duo time the promised volume came, and proved to bo a mo8t careful selection from 200 volumes, which Or. Akina had arranged and caused to be bound. Its impor'ance may be ostiuiated from the fact that it contained all the missing documents in connection with the most lamentable epocu in the history of Nova Scotia, the deportation of the Acadians, — documents wluch the Nova-Scolian historian, Halliburton, failing to find among the archives, after a <;areful search, had concluded dcsiroycdy because the (iovernmoMl were (is/iamcd^ as ihcy well might, of the whole frai^saction. Those documents, however, go to shew that, howivermuch humanity may regret so extreme a measure, there really was no alternative left unless Britain decided to abandon the country to the Acadians. I must acknowledge that since I have had liie pleasure Ir correspond with Dr. Akins, 1 have received from him very valuable information in connection with my own historical pursuits, and that the Society is indirectly indebted to his suggestion for the interesting ^■^ Journal of the Seegc," by General Murray, which I had the good fortune to procure from the Record-office at London, without any cost to the Society, through the courtesy of Sir Thomas Hardy and Mr. Kingston, and the kind agency of my friend Mr. Ralph Heap. I now return to Quebec and our Society. Though no ypccific grant had been made to the " Historical Document Fund" by the Legislature since its vole of JC300 in 1847, still, the Society justly thought that the increase of the annual vote from cC50 to No. 8. ^ A Bill to Secure the Pretervation of Histor'u-al Vnpe^'s in (he CctpUol Building, Whereas Ihtre nrc in the stockrooms and lofts o( tlit Slat# library large numbers of manuscripts and other documents relating (o lli« history of Virginia, which have been already greatly impaired in value and damaged by time, neglect, and spoliation : 1. Be it suacted by the general assembly, That Dr. William I'. Palmer b« and he is hereby appointed to take charge of the manuscripts in (he Slate library, under the direction of the librarian ; to assort, index, and prepare the same for preservation in such form as to them may seem best, with authority to publish such of the same as the executive committee of the Virginia Historical Society may select, in such lorni as may be suitable, trom copies taken by them, or under their direction, 2. That, for the purposes of this act, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated ; and the auditor of public accounts is hereby authorized to issue hia warrant upon the treasurer for the sum thus appropriated, upon the certificate of the State Librarian, countersigned by the QoTernor. 3. This act ehall be in force from its passage.