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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 A partir de I'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ttiSmMmmimmmglie- ■■a "i D M GI ADVI 'vn i:ja;'„f, , !,L ' j. - .Kt:j^: ' riNGAL AND )^,LINTQN P . grtrn i^-f 4 0r IlPilOVEB €LIMAX DOUBLE 4) YLINDER \ lElil ii SPiii 111 Minis. CARTER'S DITCH IN G MACHINE ANP f- KTNDS OK AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS MAh-UFAlTl'ltKli KV MACPHKRS(>N,'(1I:ASG0W v^- CO., Fin«;ai„ Co. Ok Elcin. GLASGOW, MAC PHKRSON & CO, Clinton, Co. ok JlimoU, ADVKKllSKR RTKaM PRKSHK.S, UrfUMONf) Sl'REK'l', I,ON1)OX, ONTARIO, 1874. f. ^ -*" 1 E in umiFm m FiNGAL AND ClINTON IMPROYED CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDEK -♦ i»i ♦- CARTE R'S DITCHING MACHINE AND ALL KINDS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS MANVFACTURED BY MACPHERSON, GLASGOW & CO., Fingal, Co. of Elgin. GLASGOW, MACPHERSON & CO., Clinton, Co. of Huron. ADVERTISER STEAM PRESSES, RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONTARIO. 1874. 1" » 1 «e«!P^*-*»^at L ^ SLyj^--L2^t- '\ m THRESHING MACHINES. Iv presenting our claims for a continiuin<;c of the liberal patronage extonded to us during tlie long period of t^venty-six yearH, we beg to tender our thanks to our numerous customers who are uuw to be found in every county in Ontario tor their iavors in tlie past, and we feel confident that our long and varied expenence as manufacturers of threshing machines, and otlier agricultural implements will insure us the confidence -^nd support of the public in future. Our aim has alway.s been to keep up to this progressive age, and, as manufacturers ot threshing machines and other agricultural implements, we have taken a leading position and in our efforts to accomplish our object we have been favored with a degree of success beyond our most sangiane expectations. When we commenced the manu- facture of the "Climax D'ouble Cylinder" threshing machines some hvc years ago, and after thoroughly testing them, it was at once evident that they had only to be introduced to supersede all otiiers in the market. That we were correct in this view is amply verified by the all but universal admission that they are unequalled on the Continent, and unquestionably the Standard Macliines of the day. ilic proof of every excellency is shown in its mechanism, durability, light draught, 'ertainty of operation, and its approval and appreciation by .-.n intelligent puolic The fact that our business in threshing machines alone has more thav. doubled within the last few years, is sufficient, and further proof that th.ir superiority is freely conceded, both by threshers and the intelligent fanning .•ommunity. A. brief description of the position and operation of the second cylinder is we tlunk, all tliat is necessary to satisfy any person of its great utility in separating tlie grain from the straw. It is placed behind and in close proximity to the first or threshing cylinder, with an improved grate extending underneath, wmcli can be easily raised or lowered as may be found necessary, to save the grain from i^s- .ing through the straw. The grain drops through this grate and falls on the -rain-carrier and is carried directly to the fanning mill. The gram is thus so com- pletely separated from the straw that, comparatively speaking, no gram passes over the machine. There arc many other improvements peculiar to the Uimax that we have, by close obseiTat^ou and experimenting on the suggestions ot practical threshers, been enabled to make, the result of which has met with the approval of all who have used our machines, as the numerous tcstimouui s in our possession amply and conclusively testify. Our advice to all intending pur- chasers, is, buy the best made, the easiest running, and the macnine tliat will ao the fastest work with the least waste. These are points of great importance with- out which no threshing machine will commend itself to the favor and ratTonag.| of a discriminating public. We have no hesitation in asserting that the L Umax combines these qualifications to a i^ir greater degree than any other tl"-eshin|, machine in the Province. The many prizes awarded our machmes las. tail, hotii at the Piovin.ial Exhibition in Hamilton a,id at the "Central Fair m Ouelph, \ioHH^¥ KINIJAK AND Cl.lNiON I^M^rtal^liMtii AGRICULTURAL WOKivS. 80 fomplctoly estiblislio-i tlicir superiority in tho fstimatioii of eonipRtciit jmlgos ami till! public giMinniUy, tli;it compotitiou is looked upon ns a "forlorn iioiic." Our A; 1 .tlo ^ iNLi—— ■ ». iM,!^,!'' ^H mil r W-' I o!i\ 1 m% 1 of 1 'Bs !■ lin m Mni ■ iu 1 M ,! Jlil I, ■ 1 1 (01 in * M /. J 1 1 1 coi Fi Ml luL-^ — 55ililllllli|l'' W lmm\ lliWtv ■ ^«^BiQP P ■ y^ /innuHiiiifini /^ImlwlM ^ ^B JFJIP 1 ^^ipili^ c< 1 ■ otl iHir 1 irr i:itf/i ' H 1 ^ |j;«H, ! ' I KTPM If L 1 ^ ex ^kJkM ' , S5 ,| 1 O its M/Jm 1 f^ H sti JH||ff|| 1 1 '^ li "2 n ^^'' t-Bl sillillBili' JliillllH P JH oil 'JillPpI''' /JiiM III "^ "■ CO iWtHWiair i' HRJhh (xj ■ill f liil ill i iu _ 1 ilwINMwFr^i^^ 11 ^ Iffii'' iiHwJy^^gVi f ff^jl Hi ^ m J llWrHrwl liT '^ ■ ll^^ ■ ' 1 to . m ' i' di e; h( t( I' ' 1 yf^*°i J 1^1 1 A \ I nt % We have been building these powers for a number of years, and have, in sup- 1 i port of their superiority, the conclusive testimony of all who have used them. ■ 11 We are building them, when ordered, with double speed. Either end of the ■j power can be attached to the separator, as gieater"or less speed may be desired. ^H 1 •I. Wm n vlfei -J , m yy^^oj AGRICULTURAL WORKS. In till' cvonl of hiving to tluvsli (lunipgiM^a or huviiij? ii l).ic obtained in the market. We have no h«'sitation in saying that tliev are sntierior, both in eonstnietion ami material, to any other power manufactured in the Province, and in HUi>i.ort of tias we liave the testimony of many of the bent thresher* in the country, who have used them for years. Our liorse [lOwers huve been awarded First and i'!xtra Prl/es wdierever exhibited. THE MAGPHERSON PATENT SAFETY GEAR. Thi.H gear has now been in use on our tlireshing mHcbine-. for the past five year.*. Wo aro aow fully convinced that it is in all respects superior to any other kind heretofore manutaet.ired in the I'rovince. In couiiectiou with our own experience, we have the opinion of .some of the be.st threshers in the country in its favor as being HUjierior to any other they ever haw or u.sed. It combines strengtJi, speed, durability and complete elHcitMicy in its oiieration to a greater degree than we found any other gear of the many we have used to po3.ses.s. Its outward motion preveut.< the po.ssibility of neei lent, a merit tiiat will always commend it to the favorable consideration of cv. ly prudent e-. 1 enreftil thresher in the country. CHOPPING MILLS. We arc building a new patent Chopping Mill, which farmer.^ consider superior to any in the market. It has b-en awarded a number of tir.st prizes at our " I'roviuciid IvKhil)itions." It it nuide entirely of iron, except the hopper, dispen.siiig with the wood frame u.sually made, and substituthig a neat and .strong cast frame. The Mill is capable of grinding from 30 to 60 bushels of grain in an hour. It does not heat the grain in grinding. It takes from three to six hor.ses to drive it on the ordinary sweep ho:\se-power. It is geared to suit cither the I'itt.s I'l.inet or PeUon hor.se-power.s, and can be driven either by belt or gear. We are Iniilding a .small, compact horse-power, which is well adapted for driving cither Cliopping Mills or Straw Cutters, to which we would direct the special attention of the farming community. STRAW Gutters. We are manufacturing the " Dondniou Champion " Straw Cutter, which is uuc(iuallod by any other .straw cutter in the market. It is driven by any of the ordinary horse-powers, either by belt or gear, by one span of horses. The knives FINGAL AND CLINTON are two feet long, and attached to a revolving cylinder. The length of knives and Its capacity for feeding make it the fastest straw cutter ever oflered to the public. We invite the attention of farmers to an examination of its merits before pur- chasing elsewhere HI ill 5* ill Si I SAWING MACHINES. Our Sawing Machines are now so well and so favorably known throughout tho country that It is almost unnecessary to present their superior merits to the public Ihey were awarded lirstpri.es at the Provincial Exhibition iu Hamilton, and at the Central Fair in Guel].h in 1872, and in 1873 they were awarded f.rst prizes in Gue^,h, London and Hamilton. They are strong, substantial and durable machines, and can saw more wood in a given time tlian any other machine in the market. We ask an examination of their superior merits before purchasing else- wlicre. Satisfaction guaranteed. " READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONL'iLS. The following are a few of the many unsolicited testimonials we have received frcm all parts of Ontario from threshers who have used our threshing machines and from iarmr-s who have had their threshing done bythem. They require no comment from as; they speak for tliemselv... We have given the vj Office address of all who have kindly favored us with testimonials, in order that any person havuig any doubt as to their genuineness may have an opportunity of com- municating with the parties themselves, and have their authenticity directly and satisfactorily established. The comoination of superior merits that our threshin- machines un.iuestionably possess warrant us in saying that they are the Standard Macnines of the day, and without a rival in the Dominion. Confident cx tlii-, laet, eveiy machine sold is warranted, under proper management, to give entire, .^atistaction. Public opinion is an impartial judge, and upon Ihat W(> rely for a contmuaace of tlu^ patronage extended to ns for upwards of twenty-six venrs. TiiETFORD, Michigan, U. S., Sept lO, 1872. ME.SSK.S. Ma^piiersox, Glascow & Co., Fingal. Gentlemen, -Our Climax Double Cylinder Threshing Machine works as well as ever. The farmers in this part of the country say that the " Climax " is the l.istest thresher, the most perfect separator of the gmin from the straw, and tlie lightect running, of any machine that ever came into the State of Michigan. We are thinking of getting another machine from you next season, as we find it impossible to do more than half the threshing that we could get mth one machine. J here art eleven machines in this section of the countiy, made by different manu- facturers throughout the Union, but all have to yield to the supeiior merits of the Climax, ■'^\e. ofl-ered 'to thresh against any machine built in the country for one hundred dollars a sido, but could find none who was willing to take us up. Yours respectfully, THOMAS FLETCHETl. JOHN FLETCHEK. LiNWooi) P. 0., C'o. OK \Vatkbi,oo, Sept. 4, 1872. Messrs. MACPUEuyon, Glasgow k Co., Fingal. (tFNTLBMEN, — 1 notice in the Globe ne\v.si)apt;r a vory flourishing advertisement of Mr. Abell's, claiming wonderliil merits for his own madiine, anil running down the '• Climax Double Cylinder." He says the judges at the Provincial Exhibition in Kingston said that the "Clima.x" was not worthy of a prize. I think that tliis is false. 1 am in a position to contradict such a statement, as I know from experience that the "Climax" stands uncqvialled in the countiy for doing good work m all kinds of giain. Ycnirs truly, JAMKS HOWKINS. Aurora P. 0., Sept. 16, 1872. Mbbsrs. Macphekkon, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Gentlemen, — T now write yoa with regard to the sueoess of the "Climax" Threshing Machine 1 sold to Thomas Howard, Stauffville P. 0., County of York. It is a good thresher, and by far superior to any other machine in this township. He is well pleased with it, and is getting a good nm. I have several sales in view for next season. Yours traly, F. WIXSON. DuNViLLE P. 0., Co. Haldimand, Sept. 7, 1872. Mebkrs. Macmjekson, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Gentlemen, — The Vibrator Tlireshing Machine 1 purchased from you this sea?on works splendid. It is unquestienably the best Vibrator Threshing Alacliiue built in the country. y .)ars respectfully, CYRUS RUNCHEY. Sutherland's Corner.s P. 0., Co. Lambton, Aug. 13, 1872. Messrs. Mactherson, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Gentlembn, — The Vibrator Threshing Machine that we got from you this season is all that could be wished for. It threshes fast, cleans well, and gives good satisfaction to all who have had their threshing done by it. Yours ever. ROBERT McAUSLIN, HENRY TULLY. Coi.LiNcjwooP, Co. Ghky, Dec. 22, 1872. Me.'jsrs. MAcriJERHON, {'las(;ow & C!o., Fingal. Gentlemen,— The "Climax" Separator, named " iFUd Irishman," that I sold for you to Mr. John Lennox, Black Bank P. 0., gives splendid satisfaction. 1 was lately down through the neighborhood in which the machine worked, and i 10 FINGAL AND CLINTON tbuud that every person speak, of it in the highest terms, and say th.i .v> otu rlhine need come near there next reason. The " WiUl Irishman ' threshed fortv-five bushels of wheat in fifteen minutes. This is a fact that can be proven at any time by those present. I will be abl. to send you a large number of orders for next season. Yours, &c., K. F. DUNSEATH, Agent. CANBono v. 0., Co. MoNCK, Sept. 30, 1872. Messus. Macimieksok, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. CxrxTLEMEN-,— I have much pleasure to inform you that the "Climax" Threshing ilachine I sold for you to Chas. Roberts goes first-class, and gives lum and others good satisfaction. I would be glad to see yon down this way soon, as I wish to learn i)articulars about your Combination Threshing Machine. Yours truly, THOMAS BAY LIS, Agent. Chatham, Co. Kent, Sept. 16, 1872. Mks.sus. Maci'HKRsox, Glasgow & Co., Fingal, Gk-N-tlemkk,— The " Climax" Threshing Machine, with horse-power on trucks, that I sold for'vou to John Bishop, gives entire satistaction. He is well pleased with its work in every particular. Farmers for whom he has threshed speak of u in the highest terms. Having the horse-power mounted on trucks is considered -^ great improvement. Yours truly, -JOHN McPHEKSON, Agent. MuLMEi:, Co. Gi;ev, Dec. 8, 1872. Messks. Mac I'll ekson, Glasgow & Co., Fingiil. GENTLEMEV,-We, the uudcrsigiied, do certify that we had Johu Lennox to do our threshing with the Climax Double Cylinder Threshing M..hinc purchased from you this season, and were highly pleased with its work, and were present at Eobert Lennox's place when it threshed 115 bushels ot wheat in one hour, and cleaned it ready lor market. This was done on lot 31, con. 3, township of Mai- mer, County of Grey. For lightness of draught it cannot be surpassed. In sliort, we would sav to farmers, have no other to do your threshing; and to threshers buy no other if you want to make mon(>y, and give satisfaction to those for whom you thresh. We never saw its espial here or elsewhere. Yours respectfully. IJOP.EKT LENNOX. JOHN MARSHALL. RICHAPvD LENNO.X. LUKE DEATTY. ALEX. i'Ei^liV. SAMUEL NEWEL. SAMUEL OKR M T tl tl til fa i AGRICULTURAL WORKS. II of Miil- f % Caistorvii-le r. 0., Co. Lincoln, Deo. 21, 1872. Messrs. Glasuow, Macphkrsox & Co., Clinton. GENTLEMEN,-We have worked one of the celebrated Climax Doiible Cylinder Tlireshinc^Macliinesfor the last two seasons, and can truly say that as a last thresher and a grain-savi-g machine, it cannot be surpassed in the Province. It threshers fast, mns easy, cleans well and separates the grain from the straw better t])an any other machine we ever saw work. We cheerfully recomnrend it to both farmers and threshers as the best in the Province. Respectfully yours, JAMES CROWN. GEORGE ROSNELL. Logan, Co. Perth, Nov. 21, 1872. MrssKS. Glasgow, Macpherson k Co., Clinton. GENTLEMEN,-We, the Undersigned, fanners, residents of the townships of McKillop and Logan, do hereby certify that Smith and Edmondson have thresl^d for us with a threshing machine of your manufacture, called the Climax Double Cylinder, and we consider the said machine in all kinds of grain, lias no superior in th.e Province, and would recommend it to every person in want of a hrst-class machine. Yours truly, PATRICK WOODS, JOHN ROWAN, PETER HALFPENNY, FREDERICK BETTGER, JOHN KENNY, ^_ ^,^^^_ WILLIAM BYRNE, JAMES NELMES, FRANCIS O'BRIEN, JOHN DARCEY. EDWARD ROACH, Matlock P. 0., Co. Lambton, Feb. 28, 1873. Messrs, Maci'herson, Glagow & Co., Fingal. Gents, -I am quite happy to inform you that 1 am highly satisfiel in every point with the thresliing machine I got from your firm, and I can positively say that the "Climax" excels all other threshing machines that I ever saw. All parties for whom I have threshed were highly pleased with its work. Wishing you success, I remain. Yours truly, WILLIAM HELPES. Baillieboro p. 0., Co. Durham, Sept. 25, 1872. Messrs. Maci'hekson, Glasgow & Co, Fingal. GENTLKMEN,-In reference to the Climax Thresliing Machine 1 bought from you, I would say that it cannot be surpassed. It will thresh more and do its work better than any otlier machine in this part of the country. I have threshed through four difJereiit townships, and every person who saw it work say there isjnotliing built in the country that can equal the 'a'limax." Yours truly, W. J. FISHER. 13 I'-INGAL AND CLINTON H.vv P. O., Co. HuKON, Jan. 28, 1873. Messrs. Glas-.ovv, MAcriiisKsux &. Co., Cr.rxTox. Gentlemen, —Being at present i-unniugoue of your " Climax Double Cylinder " threshing machines, and this being the second of your manufacture that I have owned, I take great pleasure in recommending your machine as giving maximum speed with mininmm power, and satisfaction to grain owners and threshers to a greate- degree than any other machine now before the public. The undersigned farmers, on whose grain the machine has been tested, testify to its intrinsic value and general merits. Ilespectfully yours, CICERO ALDWORTH, THOMAS WEIR, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, DANIEL McCOLL, RUSSELL 1. ROSS, JOHN MUNN, WILLIAM STONKMAN, JOHN FITZOERALD, HENRY GLAMILL. Loo.\N, Co. Perth, Nov. 23, 1872. To Whom it may Concern. I have much pleasure in tcstilyiug that, having frequent opportunities for these last two years of witnessing the threshing of different machines in this neighbor- hood, I consider that the machine run by Smith and Edmondson, and manu- factured by Messrs. Glasgow, Macpherson & Co., Clinton, has given, I believe, universal satisfaction. I also state that if they had two machines instead of one, they could have been fully employed. JOHNWAUGH. Loo.VN, Co. Peuth, Dec. 12, 1872. Messrs. Glasgow, Macimieksox & Co., Clinton. Gentlemen,— This is to certify that Smith and Edmondson have threshed for me the last two seasons with your Climax threshing machines, and I never saw faster or better work done by any other machine. "■ Yours etc. , WILLIAM ROBB, J. P. '4^ 4 BoNDiiEAD P. 0., Co. SiMcoK, Feb. 25, 1872. Messrs. Maci'iieuson, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Dear Sirs, — It is with pleasure I write to let you know about the "Climax" threshing machine I bought from you last year. It has given good satisfaction this season, and would have done so last, had I known (Miough to keep men who were favorable to the Abell machine away from it, tor they done all they could to keep it from working salisfacitorily. This season I got two good hands to help me, and kept Mr. Abell's patroni^^ers away from the maeliine. We ean easily beat any machine in this locality. We could thresh more, and clean it better, with, less waste, than the best Abell's machines. We oft'ercd to thresh against the AGRICULTURAL WORKS. 13 bedt of th«m, but uoue wrn-e \\Liling to take rp the challenge. One of my neighbors got an Abell machine to thresh for him this season, and when they got through he told them that if he had employed a "Climax" it would hare done the same work in half the time. If you want any testimonials from parties for whom I liave threshed, I car get them from the best farmers in this section of the country. If you or any of your men will be down this way, we would be glad to hawc you call and see us. Wishing you success, I remain, Yours truly, ADAM BANNERMAN. Logan, Co. Perth, N'ov. 28, 1372. MEssKd. GiAsaow, MA(!i>iiKUi)ON k Co., Clinton. GiiNTLEMEN,— We luive mach pleasure in stating that the machine which we purchased from you, a Climax Double Cylinder, gives us entire satisfaction, and performs its work superior to any we have ever seen during ten years' competition with other machines. We have therefore much pleasure in recommending any ]->erson in want of a finit-class machine to patronize you. Respectfully yourd, JAMES SMITH. MARK EDMONDSON. Cha.1uAM, 29th April, 1371. Messrs. Maopheuson, Glasgow & Co. Gentlemen-,— In acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 25th of Febru- ary last, in reference to my opinion of your Climax Double Cylinder Threshing Machine, I must beg to explain that I was not aware of the existence of your let- ter, until yesterday. In looking over one of the local papeis (the Chatham Plamt) I noticed my name among the list of Advertised letters, and to my suri)iise found it to be the letter above referred to. The mistake or delay may have been caused by your having directed your letter to Chatham P. 0. in.stead of Louisville P. 0., township of Chatham, where I am now living. I should have had much pleasure in sending you my own testimonial, as also for others for whom I have threshed last year; and yet it seems hardly necessary, as your Climax Double Cylinder Machines need no recommendation from any one, «s they must commend them- selves to every one who may use thenx as the liest ever used in the Dominion. And I believe every one for whom I have threshed will not hesitate to certify to this fact, that last season was the best in one respect and in another the worst, to test the capabilities of the machines, we^have ever had in this quarter. I threshed grain with the Climax without the ie.ist difficulty that I could not have threshed with any other machine I ever li.i^' uot even the one you formerly made. With be.-^t wishes, I re.ttiain, gentlemen, V'ours truly, / L. H. ARNOLD. 14 FINGAL AND CLINTON TowNsiiu' OF Chatham, April 29, 1872. Mks.sms. Macpiikrson, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Gentlkmen, — "We, the itndersigned, having had our threshing done last fall hy L.H. Arnold, with one of your "Climax" Threshing Madiines, have the satisfaction to state that he did the work more expeditiously and with less waste than any one we ever before employed, though the grain was not in the bemt condition, owing to the continued rains during the harvest season. We are satisfied tliat your machines are all you claim for them. JOHN A. HAllDY. JOSEPH FRENCH. ■a CooKSTOWN, Jan 19, 1872. Messrs. Macpiierson, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. . Gentlemen,— This is to certify that 1 have used the Double Cylinder Thresh- ing Machine last season and part of this, and I am highly pleased Avith its work. It is a strong, substantial and well-finished machine. It tiireshes fast, cleans well, and separates the grain from the straw better than any other machine I ever saw work. Fanners would actually gain in getting their threshing done by your machine at the usual charge, than by other machines if they did it for nothing, I heartily accord the merits you claim for it, and recommend it to all intendiyig purchasers. Your tnily, JAMES KIDD. CooK.sTOWN, Co. SiMcoE, Jan. 24, 1872. To Whom it may Concern. We hereby certify that we had our threshing done last sca«on with the justly celebrated Climax Double Cylinder Threshing Machine. We were well pleased with its work. It thveshes fast, and wastes no grain. We hesitate not in saying that it is sui^erior to any machine we ever saw. W^e would say to threshers buy no other, an.! to farmers, if you wish to save your grain from being put on the straw-stack, employ no other. WILLIAM WATSON. JOHN SUTHERLAND. DANIEL R. ROSS. To THE EDIT9R OF THE New Era, Clinton : * Sin, — There has been a great deal of talk about different kinds of machines this last fall. So it will not be a crime if I give my opinion also. I noticed a letter in the 6r7oJf, written by an " Old Countryman," who appeared to bo disgusted with our Canadian threshing machines, on account of the belt flying off, and other delavs too numerous to mention. But I think if the Old Countryman could "et one of the Clinton machines to thresh for him, he would soon forget about the short runs of " twenty minutes, "etc. 1 have run one of tliem for five years in AGRICULTURAL WORKS. 15 9, 1872 last fall Ijy latisfaction an any one ion, owing [ til at your ARDY. ENCH. T Thi'esli- its work, leans v.ell, ever saw i by your othing. I intendijig KIDD. 4, 1872. with the ^vere well tate not in ) threshers ig put on SON. LAND. ;hines this il a ic^tc-r disgusted and other could get about the ; years in succession, and I would not now change it f«r a " Brampton Machine" that has only run one short season. I firmly believe that Macpherson, Glasgow & Co. manufacture the best, least liable to get out of order, and the most durable machine made in Canada. I may also state that 1 have used one of their sawing machines this last year, and I can cut from eight to ten cords of wood in an hour. I sawed last week two cords of maple in seven minutes, and 1 would advise any one in want of "machines" to go to the Clinton Foundry, and support home '""""f'"'"^'^- ^ W. HAIIRIS. Eelgvave, Jan. 1st, 1872. Froiii the Clinlon Kcv Era. February 1st, 1872. Mr. V.'m. Greivo, of the 2nd con. McKillop, lately threshed on the farm of Frank Fowler, Huron Road, near Harpurhey, eighty-one bushels of oats in fifteen minutes. Mr. G. says the oats were of the finest quality— in fact, the best he had c\-er seen. The maciuue used was the Climax, manufactured by Glasgow, Mac- jiherson & Co., Clinton. This undoubtedly was good threshing, but Mr. Greive did a still bigger thing on the farm of Mr. John Greive, si.v miles north of Sea- I'orth, without intending to do it, as it was not even intendi'd to meaiure the wheat ; but some of the bystanders suggested that they should do so, as Mrs. Greive, the mistress of the house, had kept the time without informing Mr. Wm. tU-eive, the owner of the machine, that she was doing so. After measuring the spring wheat in question, it was ascertained that INIr. G. threshed one hundred bushels in forty-five minutes, the wheat being so clean that it was ready for market. We believe this can hardly be equalled— certainly not beat— in the country or out of it. Camdicn, Co. Kknt, Feb. 6, 1872. Messrs. MAcniEK.soN, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Gents,— The Climax Double Cylinder Threshing Jilachine bought from you last season gave in all respects the best satisfaction, both to ourselves and to all for whom we threshed. For lightness of draught, fast threshing, and for separa- ting the grain from the straw, it is not equalled in Ontario. V\'e have threshed one hundred bushels of wheat in one hour, and on another occasion sixty bushels in thirty minutes. For thresliing damp grain it cannot be equalled, or for durability and completeness in every respect. "VVc cheerfully accord the n.erits claimed. . . Yours truly, ANDKKW M'ELDON. JOS. HAINAN. KiNO.-roN. Jan. 1(3, 1872. Messrs. Glasgow, Maophersok & Co., Cmntox. Gents,— The Climax Machine purchased from you last fall at the Provincial Exhil)ition at Kingston has given us every satisfaction, and also to those for whom we liave threshed.^ \Ve hn^5r threshed barley at the rate of three bushels per min- i 16 FINGAL AND CLINTON ute, iind othor grain accordingly, without waste. 'JTiere were several other nmchines introduced here last year, hut all those who saw the Climax at work declared that hereafter they would employ no other, 1 might add a great deal more but I deem it unnecessary, as all confess that the Climax Double Cylinder Threshing Machine beats the world. Yours truly, P. E. WARD. Bayfibld, Co. Huhon, Sept. 19, 1872. Messrs Glasgow, MAOrnEiiKON & Co. (Jentlkmen,— The Climax Machine purchased from you this seaaon has given entire satisfaction. The Double Cylinder is a decided improvement. It separates the giain from the straw perfectly. It threshes long damp giain better than the single cylinder machines, and is not near so liable to choke. It will thresh peas faster and better than any other machine we ever saw. It runs easy on horses, and *here is no trouble in keeping up speed, li' threshers only knew the superi- ority of the Climax no other could be sold. ROBT. RUSSELL. JOHN WESTON. ■», „ ' Plympton, Feb. 20, 1872. Messrs. Macpherso.n, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Dear Sirs,— The Climax Threshing Machine I bought from you last fall works to perfection. It threshes fast, wastes no grain, and cleans it fit for market. The double speed on your horse-power is a great improvement. If threshers knew the benefit of these they would have no other. Yours truly, JAMES THOMPSON. VIBRATOR THRESHING MACHINES. London Township, Feb. 7, 1872, Messrs. Macpherson, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Gents,— This is to certify that your Vibrator Threshing Machine peifoi-med the most satisfactory work for me of any machine I ever had on my fai-m. Yours very truly, WALTER BROWN. WHO CAN BEAT THIS? Clinton, Dec. 8, 1871. Messrs. Glasgov^t, Macpherson & Co., Clinton. Gentlemen,— This is to certify that I have threshed with a Climax Threshing iVlachine, bought of Glasgow, Macpherson & Co., Clinton, 1,188 bushels of grain in eight hours. There were 900 bushels of oats and 288 bushels of barley. This ACIRTCULTURAI. WORKS. 17 were several oth er e Climax at work Id a great deal more Double Cylinder ruly, P. E. WARD. , Sept. 19, 1872. 1 seaaon has given nent. It separates n better than the It will thresh peas IS easy on horses, , Feb. 24, 1872. To Whom it may Con'ceuj*i. Tliis is to certify that I have tlireshed on the farm of Mr. Baird, Township of Stanley, County of Huron, 350 bushels of oats in one hour and ten minutes. This Avas done with a Climax machine purchased from C.lasgow, Macpherson & Co., Clinton, 1 consider the C'lima:: tlie best machine in the Dominion. Respectfully yours, JAMES AlKENHEAD. M ALTON, Jan. 30, 1872. Messr.s. Macthekson, Glasgow & Co., P'ingal. Gents. — The Double Cylinder Separator 1 bought from you last fall is in al respects equal to your recommendations. 1 run it with eight horses and it worked easy. 1 have used Abell's gear for five years, and consider yours far superior, Eveiy person who saw the machine work considers it superior to a!iy they ever saw. Yours resj)e(:tfully, TOWNLEY B1;0CKLEBANK. SfAKTA, Jan. 31, 1872. Messrs. Maci-heiison, Glasuow k Co., Fiiigal. Deau Sj!:s, — I liave liad 1,400 bushels of grain threshed with one of your Climax machines this past season. It threshes faster and does better woik than iiny machiiie 1 ever had on my f.inn. I am yonrs, WILLIAM BUTTERWICK. iMMi^imk'f^.&L^^Mi. m i8 FINGAL AND CLINTON J I Tdwnshii' Kixo, Ci). VoiiK, Fob. 3, 1872. Messus. MACi'HEKHoy, (IbAsdovv ii Co., Fingal. Gents, — The Cliiiiix iSeiJaiutor purchustfd from you lajt auumun- surpasawl your recommendations. We cannot say too much in its fiivor. All for whom we threslied consider it the best machine that ever came into this part of the country. We formerly run an Ahell machine. The Climax mns easier and docs better work in every respect. Wi; cheerfully recoinmond it to both farmers and threshes as the best in the Province, and in comparison to which we consider the Woodbricigc machine nowhere. Kewpect fully yours, JAMES KAAKK. JOHN IT.INOLK, G«AaAMsvii,r,r:, Jan. 25, 1372. Messrs. Macphkk.son-, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Dkar Siks, — We, the undersigned, do certify that we have had our threshing done last fall with the celebrated Climax Double Cylinder Threshing Machine, bought from you by Mr. Brocklebank. It is the best machine in this .section of the (^ountiy. It separates the grain from the straw perfectly, runs light, and threshes with eight hors(!S as easy as other machines do with ten. We were entirely pleased with its work, and recommend it to every person intending to purchase. Yours truly, JOSErH DROWN. STEPHEN GARBUT. Warkwokiii, Co. NoraitUMBCuiuVNu, Ai-zul 3, 1872. To Faiimeks and TmuisHiiiis. To satisfy my curiosity I have within the last six months corresponded with six of the leading threshing machine manufacturers of the United States in reference to their machines. The result of my investigations is that there is a threshing machine built in Canada, called the Climax Double Cylinder, which can compete successfully with the best threshing machine manufactured in the United States, and unquestionably has no equal in the Dominion. When I say this I speak from experience, having used these machines for the past two seasons. The manu- facturers are thorough go-ahead men, daunted at nothing, and appear fully deter- mined to maintain a position as threshing machine manufacturers that will defy competition. I would therefore recommend all intending purchasers to buy either from Glasgow, Macpherson & Co., Clinton, County of Huron, or Macpherson, Glasgow k Co., Fingal, County of Elgin. JAMES CARLOW. Newton RoDrN.soK, Co. Simcoi:, Feb. 1, 1872. Me!5.sus. Macpiiekson, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Gentlemen, — I have threshed two seasons with the Climax. It has given entire satisfaction both to myself and to all for whom I have threshed. There arc a number of Abell machines in this section, and there is considerable AGRICULTURAL WORKS. 19 Fob. 3, 1872. surpasawl yoiw lom wethreshpd country. We better work in thresluM as tlie lie Woodbridfje Ca KAAKK. s' PRINOLK. an. 2.', 1372. 1 our tbroshing si;!s. (Ji,A.sc,o\v, M.V( iiir,i;,Miy \, ('..., (-Huton. (Jems,_Wo thicltcd c.a t!..- r.iin of Mr. .roliii Dawson, 3nl .•on. Kinlo.s,H witl. nCliinnx Doul.Io ('ylind.i' Thivslii,,- Marl.ino, 1,100 LiLslieU of Knin iu eiKht li(.ur8-(i() I.usIkIs of wi.oi.t, ;tO(> of l,;.rlcy, and 800 bu-shols of oatn. WV would say to all tl.r(..sl.c-r,s, Luy .a Climax Macliiiio tliat will «ivo both satlsfactiou to yourself and to all for whom you tlircsli. Voura truly, itOMEirr I.K(J(}ATT. ■I<)HX HICKS. Subtedly .superior to any in the I'roviiuu-. Yours resiKictfully, .rOHX CAMTUELL London TowNsurr, Feb M, is7l'. Me.s.sks. MAcriiKii.sON, C,i,A.s(io\v& Co. Gentlkmiw,— I beg to say that the Vibrator Thresiiing Machine purchased from you at the Western Fair is considered by all who saw it work to be sui-erior to any of the kind manufactured in the country. I have threshed 984 bushels of oats in one day, without any effort. I am satisfied that I could have threshed 300 more. It is remarkably light on horses, cleans the grain tit h.r market and wastes no grain in the straw. The Chatham Vibrator is nowhere in .•omparison to it. ^ Vuurs very t '„!v. EDWARD TOWE. St. V.-NiiiNT, Co. (liiEv, Marcii 24, 1872.. Messrs. Mv-i-ukiisun, (ii,.v,s(;')\v k Co. GENTir.Ti;v,_Wt, the undei.sigued farmers resident iu the Townshii-s of St. yinuc iv K,;j.hrv;.v and Collingwood, do hereby certify that we ha.l Messr.^ Andru.'>^,&,X\-.. do.ui,,- tiireshing witii the Vibrator they purchased of you last AGRICULTURAI. WORKS. at i'«'i). n, 187';. 3ril I'oii. Kiiilr).s.s, islielg of Kniii in »(•!« of o;it:-t. \Vc both Siitisfaetiou rr LKOdATT. HICKS. t''<-h. 13, 1872. iu^'hly testc(l tlm ts work in every lit oil horses. I ion. All iMfticH I will cmiiloy no f wlioat ill forty 1, and my mlvieo iction is, Imy at ic Province. CAMl'BEL!.. IVo M, 187-'. (.'hine purchased k to be sujiorior . 984 bushels of five threshed 300 or market, and ;! in comparison AlU) TDWE. uvh 24, 187:2.. j\vn8hi['s of St. If had Messiv, sed of yon la.st season, mid wo hud nil kind.'* of >;rain tliro^hc 1, and wcr* in every riM|)cct highly l»leii«i'd with till' work don:* For Ut?hUiess of dnught, thrtvshin^ \n'r- I'eetly cdeau, and thorouj{liiy .i«'|)iiriitinfl5 ^1»'' Ji'iin 'roni the straw without wiwto, gf we havo no hesitation in saying tlmt it is the host tliroshing machine ever brougltt into this part of the country. Yours truly, .rAMH.S.I()H\STONK. THOMAS HAMILTON. .JOHN DKVINS, .lOHN N. MULIda?. HI It AM 1). AN^DRIJS. IJuM) Em, Co. Kkm, Aiiq. 7, 1871. Mk.>.si!.-». Macimikuson, Oi.v.viow & Co. Oknts,— 1 find by the re[iort in the ftl'>l)C of the trial of threshing machines at Paris, that the Ayr A^'itator tlueshod twenty -eiglit Ijushels in 18 niinutes, and tlv OUmax eighteen Intsliels in seventeen minutes. Tliinkingthat there was something unexplained in llie report in reference to the hitter machine, I determined to satisfy myself in regard to the merits of these two nuichiues in this respect. The Urst oppor- tunity I timed my Climax, running it exactly eighteen minutes, and tlireshed forty and a half l)ushels of fell wheat ; and if the sheaves could only have be(!n handed to me I could have threshed a few bushels nlor(^ And while threshing at this rate it cleaned the grain well and sei>arated it from the straw better than any machino I over n«'d, and I have owned a great many, having thresheil upwards of twenty- four y«>ars. The ('Umax hi-- certainly no rival in the Dominion. Voiivs respectfully, IJICHAi;i) HUCHSON. Clf.VTi!.V.M, Feb. 14, 1S72. Mlisslts. MAOl'IIliUSON', Ctl.AS(-,0W & Co. Gest.s, — Your Climax Threshing Machine is luidoubledly the best machine in Ontario. It threshes fast, runs easy, cleans remarkal)ly well, and throws no gi-ain on the stack. If you pass through a .settlement where you see green stacks, you may rest as.sured that there is no Climax Machine in that neighborhood. The second cylinder is a sidendid improvement. It saves the grain and keeps the other cylinder always clenr. It never clogs or chokes. Our advice to threshers is buy no other. Vours trul}', GALLO\VA^' .^ r.LACKi3URN. IJocKTOX, Co. Wi-;nt WORTH, Feb. 27, 1872. Mks.sus. Maci'UEUson', Ui.a.soow k Co., Fingal. GiiNri^KMKN', — The Climax Double Cylinder Threshing machine I got from you last fall works to my entire .sati.sfaetion. I recommend it to all threshers who want to give satisfaction to those for whom they thresh as being the best machine ill the eountry. ^'l>Ul•s truly, •' HENKV FISHEK. 22 FINGAL AND CLINTON Enxiskillen, Co. Lambton, Feb. 3, 1872. Messrs. Maopherso.v, Glasgow & Co., Fingal. Dear Sirs -I liave farmed in this towiiship for upwards of twentv vear. B«nngtlns^,nio I have had a great number of differeent kinds rtL^hn: tins season with one of your Climax machines, and I cheerfullv aeer,r.l tl,« :rr'' '° ^"" ^""--^ °'" ™^ °"- "-"'»^ - - ^X ' .::* *: Yours respectfully, JOHN ARNOW. rLYMPTON, Co. Lambton, Feb. 1 ],872. Messrs. IMacfiierson, Clascow & Co., Fingal. Dear Sirs, -In reference to the Climax Threshing Machine bought from vou a season, we have gre^: pleasure in stating that in all respects It hscnvn satisfaction beyond our anticipation. We have threshM. i,050 bushels of oats "X SIX hours, and while threshing at this rate it cle..ned the grain Tnd separated It fijom the straw perfectly. Every person in this locality spTaks of he CHmlt as the only first-class machine in the Province. JAS. DENNIS. ALEX. McLaughlin. t RoND Eait, Co. Kent, Feb. 1, 3872. Messrs. Macpiiersox, Glasouav & Co., Fingal. ChW tI^^p liave no hesitation in attesting to the superior excellence of your 1 nn ^^^^^^^"« ^^•'^f ^7- it threshed in one day 950 bushels-800 of oats and 50 of barley I threshed eighty bushels of wheat in forty minutes. I can„o speak too highly of your machine, ana have pleasure in recommending it to all threshers as the best machine made. Yours truly. ARCH. LAIRD. Ramsay, Co. Lanark, Jan. 1, 1872. Messrs. Glasgow, MAcruERsoN & Co., Clinton. Dear SlRS,-The Climax Double Cylinder Threshing Machine I bought from you I have now fuUy tested, and find it fully sustains the character you gave it It IS considered by aU who have s^en it work to be the best machine ever brought ;! : '^ ^r'^ i^r '• ^'^^ ^^^^ "^^ '^^ ^* ^°^^«^^"-^ - «^^- *« 4- sede all others. Wishing yon a happy new year, 1 am, truly youi-a, JAMES REA. : to ill j! i' so nt a . 1 -r- «l>»»<''<'«nW<^.'Vk*- !ti« J****: N, Feb. 3, 1872. I of twenty years, inds of tlireshinir 1 threshed for me jrfully accord the »yed. I wish you )nN ARNOW. r, Feb. 1 ],872. AGRICULTURAL WORKS. 23 A TON, Co. H ALTON', Oct. 31, 1871. Messus. GiuVsaow, Macpi[er.son & Co., Clinton. Gents, — The Climax Dou^ilc Cylinder Thresliing Machine bought from you at the Guelph Central Fair gives us the most entire satisfaction. We threshed 1,000 bushels with it in one day. It is easier on four span of horses than any other machine we ever saw is on five span. Every person for whom we threshed say that it is far superior to any other ever owned in this section of the country. Threshers owning other machines are afraid that they cannot get any work next season, as the farmers declare that they will have no machine to thresh for them but a Climax. Youis veiy truly, ALEXANDER MANN. JOHN MANN. jought from you cts it has given bushels of oats II and separated s of the Climax NIS. "LAUGHLIN. Feb. 1, 1872. :cellence of your -800 of oats and lutes. I cannot ?ndiug it to all CH. LAIRD. Jan. 1, 1872. I bought from sr you gave it. le ever brought inler to super- LMESREA. Manxiiestek, North Oktauio, Jan. 18, 1872. ItlE.>SRs. Glasgow, MAcriti;;;sox & Co., Clinton. "\Vo, the undersigned, employed thi? Climax Double Cylinder Threshing [Machine during the last season, owned by Andrew Graham, and we have no hesitation in saying that it is the lightest running machine on horses, and the most perfect machine in all respects, that we ever saw or employed. WM. F. McBRIEN, M. D., WM. McGILL, JOHN MARTIN, RICHARD NETHERTON, ALEX. GRAHAM, FREDERICK GRAHAM, -lOHX KIRKFATRICIv, GILBERT WOOD, ANDREW GILROY, JOHN liARKE, THOS. GRAHAM, NICHOLAS DYER, JOHN GRAHAM, SAMUEL NETHERTON, Jr. CARTER'S CELEBRATED DITCHING MACHINE. THE ONLY iniACTKAL DITCIIIMG MACHINE EVER (U'FERED TO Till! FARMERS OF ONTARIO. Mr. Houry Carter, the patentee, is a Canadian inochiinic, and has spent years of patient labor and experiment in cflbrts to produce a machine that would facilitate and cheapen the process of draining, and relieve the laborer of the hard, toilsome operation of the spade and pick, ami reduce the cost to the farmer to an almost nominal sum. His cflbrts have been crowned with success, and he now presents to the Canadian prbl' , a ilitching machine as near perfect as it at present seems possible to make it. It is oH'ored at a price that places it within the reach of every enterprising farmer in the I'rovince. ^ 24 FINGAL AND CLIN'i«.>N DESCRIPTION. This niachim. was first introducea to tlio ].uWi. i„ tiu. summer of ]8tiy and has already taken ,„anydifreront prizes, l,othiu C^a.ada and the United States It has in every instance, when brought into eonipetitiou v.'ith others, proved itseJl' to ).e lar superior to any other niaeliine of tin- kind yet invented The annexed cut ^vill give a general idea of its appearanee. Its principal part, .ue an iron wheel lour leet in diameter and eight inches wide, with two flanges ol' .ve inches projecting from its edges, between tlie flanges on the eircun.er^.ce ol' the wheel are cogs hve inches long, arranged in rows of two at twelve inches j.!.avt around the wheel ; inunediately in the rear, and in close pro.xiniity to the b^ torn ot the wheel, is a plow-shaped cutter, arranged in such a manner that ai th continues Us npwar>] j ,rogi ess to the top of the wheel, where the cogs pass th.ough a comb, and the earth is discharged into a polished steel spout, and Lis at a convenient distance from the trench. The whole is connnected with a v,v upon which stands tlie driver, who has the power of regulating the cutter. The inaclune IS drawn to and fro in the same track, cutting from nvo to Ave incheo every time, until the ditch is the depth required. The machine is simple in construction, very strong, and not liable to 'get out of order It will work satisfactorily in the hardest, as well as the toughest and most adhesu-e clay soils, will also work admirably in saady and light soils and warranted to cut from 100 to 200 rods of ditch per day, three feet deep and eleven nches wu.e at the top, and eight fee^ wide at the bottom. Two men, and from two to iour horse.s are le-iuired to work it, according to the nature of the .oil t* ^.,tr.,m«:i»i,''rt vm itr m$ ^ > ip,W^m- e United States. ITS, ]>rov((l itself s iH'iiicipal parts h two flajiges of circmiijerence of .t twelve indies proximity to the I a maiDier that lere the cogs pass spout, anil falls 'cted with a ear he cnttei-. Tlie ) to five inehes able to 'got out le toughest and light soils, and Jeep and eleven men, and from ? of the ^oil. 26 FINGAL AND CLINTON From Anhihald McKellar, M. F. for Bot/mcll, Out. This is to certify that I have uswl one of Carter's Ditching Machines last fall, and in the spring of the present year, and can confidently recommend it as tiie best implement of the kind I have seen. With a little experience the bottoms of the ditch can be made; quite level and ready to lay the tile. With two pair of horses, a driver, and a nun to hold the machine, a ditch 150 rods in length, and from two and a half to three feet in depth, can easily be cut in one day. The machine being all constructed of iron is most durable and not liable to break, or get out of repair. (Signed) ARCHIIULD McKELLAK. Chatham, Aug. UO, 1870. From the Siq^criiitcndad of the Lunatic Asylum, London, Out. W. Weld, Esq. My Deau Sn;,— I willingly bear testimony to the value and efficiency of the Carter's Ditching Machine purchased from you. liast year we drained fourteen acres with it for our garden in very stony ground. In clear ground, whether sand or clay, it works well and rapidly, and saves labor to a large extent. Next year 1 hall be better able to give you the cost of draining by the machine compared with iiandlaboi, as I have nearly fifty acres to finish this year. Neighboring farmers v>-ho could join in the purchase of one would soon save tlie cost of it. 1 made a drain two luindred yards long and three feet deep in four hours. I remain, yours truly, HENRY LANDOi;. From Gidcoii LccLcr, E:iq., U'catminslcr, Uidario, f.o the EdUor of the Farmers Advocate. ' yii:,— As you arc anxious to know the result of all new implements and seed supplied by you, and as many farmers do not knov,- much about Carter's Ditching Machine, \ beg to state that, liaving given it a fair trial this spring, I ha\-e found the results to be most satisfactory, both to myself and to every one that has see" it working. 1 have tried it in hard clay ground and in [stony and g?'avelly land ; in both places it did its work efficiently. Every one that saw it at work Was highly pleased with it. Many wished me to ditch for them, but my time is occu- pied on my own fiirm. I can safely say it is a good and ellicieut implement, and it only requires to be known tn bring it into general use. GIDEON DECKER, Westminster. V. The follov:uir] Ccrlif cede, as to the .r.r!.-i,i:ii>i Ih, MackiM., nxidrcased I; U-. : Editor of the F'-'.rmer'H Jikoealc. Mil. P:i)ITuK,— Sir, 1 am highly plmseii \A\'. ilr,: nitcliu.-: Maeuuiv. It is dohig good work, and in this section all thai iiave .M'cn it .spea.^ highly of it, and believe it will be of great advantage to the coiuiirx . SAMUEL HUNT. AGRICULTURAL WORKS. 27 hiues last fall, ud it as the best Ijottoiiis of the ) pair of horses, 1, and from two 3 machine being :, or get out of McKELLAK. , Out. efficiency of the rained fourteen d, Avhetliersand t. Next year 1 ; compared with iboriiig farmers it. 1 made a Y LANDOR. if l/ic Fiu'i'dcr's nents and seed irter's IJitching I, I ha\'e found that has .see" g?uvelly land ; it at work was ly time is occu- implement, and 'KElt, Weslminater. ed i-j ii. : Editor Lambeth, Nov. 27, 1809. 1 hereby certify that Carter' .s I'atent Ditching Machine has been in operation on the ground of the Buifalo Central I'ark for the past week and its capacity for performing the work for which it is intended was thoroughly tested on :i soil com- posed of extremely tough clay, mixed with cobblestone. It cut 1,200 yards of ditch, two and a half feet deep, ready for bottoming and levelling in two working days, the same amount of dit'di left in the same shape, re(iuiring forty and one half days' labor f(n' one man. I estimate; the relative difference between the cost of ditching by liand labor and by machine, as thus : Cutting 1,. yards of ditch l>y hand, one man, -10^ days' labor at :?2per(lay • $81 ^0 Cutting 1,200 yards of ditch by machine, two days' wages of oper- ator, at $2.50—15 ; two days', with two teams and drivers, at .$.j— §20 25 00 Savhig liy machine on 1,000 yards of ditch §56 00 This test was made upon what I consider the most difficult part of the ground, and I can add, that the operation of the m iclune wa-, a complete success, and th'n'efore its best recommendation. ^Signed) GEORGE TROOR, Overseer of work on Central Park. RuiVulo, iiay 21), 1871. The foregoing are brief extracts from Canadian and American papers, relating simply to the working of Carter's Ditcher in the field. CARTER'S DITCHING MACHINE. Intending purchasers are hereby notified that we are the sole manufacturers of this machine in the western section of the Province, and all orders addressed to us will meet with our best attention. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED in every comity, to introduce and sell the above machine. Those who have had some experience in selling Reaper and JMower, preferred. W \RRANTY. Said machine to be capable of cutting a ditch three feet deep and eight inches wide, at the following rates, vis. : In clay or heavy soil, from one hundred to one hundred and fifty rotls, and in sand or light soil, from one hundred and fifty to two hunured and fifty rods per twelve hours. iJUcUuie. It is ighlv of it, and UEL HUNT. ^MmimUmMt. 28 FINGAL AND CLINTON (f AGRICULTURAL WORKS. 29 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVEUY COI'NTY IK ONTARIO. T>> ri'Uable, energetic and pushing agents who will devote their time to cauviw- sing for orders for our "Climax," "Combination" and "Vibrator " threshing machines and other agricultnral implements, we will pay a liberal commission. The superiority of our threshing machines is so generally (;onceded that agents have little or no difficulty in making a large number of sales tluring the season. Posters, pamphlets, blank orders, price, terms of payment, and all necessary information will at all times be promptly furnished upon apj^lication to us at Clinton, County of Huron, or Fingal, County of Elgin. NOTiCE TO AGENTS. Agents art! requested to take orders on our blank forms furnished for that pur- pose, and to bo careful in filling up the blanks proiierly. #he ceiiificates in blanks attached to the orders must in all cases he fdled, and to accompany the order when sent to us, which will be subject to our approval before acceptanc '. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS. Purchasers will please take notice that we do not hold ourselves lesponsible 01 accountable for any money paid to our agents, unless said agents have been duly enii)Owered to collect and receive the same. All agents authorized to collect and receive money on our account are furnished with a proper Power of Attorney. We caution all purchasers not to pay any luouey to any person representing himself our agent unless he produces his authority for collecting and receiving the same. This does not prevent or apply to the giving of orders or promissory notes to our agents when sales of our Threshing Machines or other implements are made. All orders received through our agents will receive careful and prompt attention. In consequence of the increased price of iron and other material used iuthecon- structi(m of threshing machines and other agricultural implements, we find it impossible to continue manufacturing at former prices. The following are the prices now charged, and it will at once be seen that we have not advanced our prices at all, in proportion to the increase in price of all kinds of material, which has still an upward tendency. PRICE LIST. Climax Double Cylinder Threshing machine, complete, with long Straw Carriers and Levers, and Iron Braces Climax Double Cylinder Separator, without Straw Carriers ,-.. Climax Double Cylinder Separator, without long Straw Carriers Vibrator Threshing Machine, complete, with long Straw t!arrieis Vibrator Separator with long Straw Carriers Vibrator Separator, without long Stra-\v Carriers Pitt's 10-horse power, with levers and braces, and one coupling rod Extra for double speed power Tracks for horae power Trucks for Separator $375 00 240 00 265 00 425 00 325 00 300 00 125 00 10 00 45 00 50 00 t ^ -m 3«> FINGAL AND CLINTON Separate parts of Pitt's Horse-Power. Master wheel rim 35 oq Bull pinion '.'.'.I'.'.'. i 75 Small traveller j)in \\ r,Q Small traveller. '.'.'..'..'..'.'..'.'..'.'..'... '.'..'.['.'.'.'.'.[ ijO Largo traveller under big wheel '...'..',''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 76 Fiarge Bevel wheel (turned rim) .,. '.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. C> 50 Bevel wheel pin '."!.'.'!! 1 25 Line shaft, without pinions (j qq Line shaft pinion .. j 00 Line shaft box j 25 Wooden rod wiih elutches 2 75 Coupling clutch (heavy) !!!'.!.'*'*. " 75 Iron rod (llA feet long)... .'. .[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[,, q qO Slip couplings ... ^^ gg Coupling rings (he/vv-y)...-!'" !.'.'..'.*.'.".".".!!."!.*.'*!! 50 ScparMe parts of the MacpUrson Patent Safety Gear. Spur wheel 4 00 Bevel wheel .*!...".'!."!!!;;!!."! 3 00 Bevel jimion 2 00 Cylinder pinion '^S^'""'J^'.'"'""^"'.^J"^'^V^/. 1 06 Uutehcup 1 00 Snap ^'J j^^f ":::::::::::::.:::^v:. 25 Clutch 2 00 Gear, complete '>8 00 Abell gear.. '.'.".".","."." ."."' ".'"* .'".'* .'."."." .'".'.* ."'.".' .'.'.['.'. 25 00 Separate parts of the " CUmaa: " Separator. Concave piece, 32 inches Ion" o or. 36 " ° ;"::".";::";::::::::::::::: 250 Concave cheeks, each 75 Cylinder box, not babbitted ........ .[ 1 03 Cylinder box, babbitted ['" 2 00 Cylinder teeth, per dox " 1 50 Grain belt 25 00 Picker shaft box ' 3g Fanning mill wheel .\!.Mi!! !*!!'.!!!!.!. *"!!!]!] . "' '75 " pinion ..'.'.'.'.'....'." 50 Canvas shaft boxes (each) -"--.. 1^1-' '!!!!!!! "] 50 Shaft raker boxes (each) '.'.'.'.'.... 38 Elevator star box '...'.'.'. 88 The above are the prices at our shop, or delivered on bourd the cars. TERMS. On(>-lialf payable on the 1st of January after purchase ; balance on the Ist of January following ; secured by approved joint notes, bearing interest at 7 per cent, from the time the machine is delivered. Agents will please remember that all orders must be accompanied with certificates of the responsibility of purchasers, and their securities. Orders will l)e promptly filled on the days mentioned therein, i>roviding the railway companies can furnish cars. ;■>■ AGRICULTURAI, WORKS. 31 / d. h fijikiiiijmMtAiiiii.mme^^^im