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Lat ditrilt da cat ai'. □ Coloilrad covart/ Cpuvartura da toulaur ["^•y^ovart d a m a fid/ I ^ Couwartura andommagia □ Covart rattorod and/or laminattd/ Couvartura raataurto at/ou palliculfa □ Goiiar titia miniitf/ 'La titra da couvartura manqua □ Colourad maps/ ' Cartas gfographiquat art coulaur ^ □ CiHourid ink Ua. otiiiar than Mua or Mack)/ . Encr* da coulaur (i.a. autra qua Iplaua ou noira) □ qolourad platat and/or iHuttratiom/ Planchaiat/qiu iHuitrationf ait coulaur □ Bound WHth otharmatariai/ RaM avac d'autras documinti D □ •■..„„A ■"■■■ ■ ■ Tight binding m«y causa shadbsvs or distortion along intarior margin/ La raliiira sarrte pcut tausar da I'ombra ou da la distorsion la long da la marga intiriaura Blank hkavas addad during rasto^atii^ may appaar within tha taMt. «Vhana«*r possiMa, thasa hava baanomittad from filming/ ^' II sa paut qua oartainas pagas blanehas ajoutias k>rs d>na rastauration apparaitsant dans la taxta, mais. lorsqua cala Mait possiMa, cas pagn n'ont pas M f ilmias. /- □ Additional cCMnmantsi# Commfnt«ir«s suppMmantairas: ■ ' ■/ ■. ^J?**'^' . ■■■..■■' -■-■■V /■ ,.^^^--- "^::-- "•■•/■.-■■■-■;, ' This itfm is filmad at tha rMuction ratio chackad balow/ Ca dociimfht ast f iimi au taux da rMuction indiqui ei-dassous. 10X / 14X ' 1»X □>€olourad pagas/ ragas da cqulaur □ fkgH. Pagn fndommagMs ^ □ Pagas rastorad and/or laminatad/ Pagas rastaurtes at/ou pallicul4n HI Pagn discolourad. stainad Of foxad/ ; ftign dteolorlas^ tachatin ou piquin □ P«gn datachad/ Pagnd*tach«8s f~7V^ho«wthrough/ I- t Transparanca ' ' H'; buality of print varin/ f Qualiti inigala da I'imprnsion □ Continuous pagination/ P^iMtion continue □ Includn indax(n)/ Coflfiprand un (das) indax Title onhaadar taken from:/ La titra d#^'an-t*ta proviant: □ Title paga of issue/ Page da titre de la livraison □ Caption of issue/ Titre de depart de la livraison r~~| Masthead/ Ginerique (piriodiques) df la livraison m 22X 26X 30X 12X lix »x 24X II / 28X ^ 32X ■ • ; ■ :■ ;;■ '"•;__ ■v. ■'. "^:-. ' . .-,._, -• y Tht oopy fllmtcMttrt Km b«»n rtproductd thtnki to thf otntroifty ofi ; .. M«tropol I t«n Toronto Reftrenc* Llbrtry Baldwin Room lit f ■ ' Th«}lmtgOT apptarlno hart ara tha bast tjuf Ht^^ poailbia oonildarlng tht condition and Itgibim/ of tha original copy and In kaaping with tha filming contraot apaoiflcatlonii. Original ooplaa in prlntad papar covart art fllmad baginning with tho front covar and anding on tha laat paga wit.h a prlntad or tllustratad impr«$v aion. or tha back covar whan appropriate. All * otbar original copiai ara. fllmad beginning on the .firtt paga with a prlntad or iliuatrated Impres- alon, and ending on the last page with e printed Or llluatratad Impreieion., Tbe laet recorded frama on each microfiche thai! contain the eymbol —^(meaning "CON- TINUEO"). or the eymbol y (meaning END"). whlohavar appllaa. Mapa, plates, charte, ate. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thota too large tp be entirely Included In one exposure era filmed beglnnlng-tn the upper left hand corner, left tw right and top to bottom^t^if many frames as required. The followine|||||grama illustrate the method:" . :-. m >: ■ ;• '. i'ajcannpieira film* fttt rapro^ult |r|«i A la ■ "--^- ■ - ' ganaroalti da: , .,.■ ; \ . •'■■. ■ ■ • ■ Matropolltan Toronto1tof«r«nct library ^ Baldwin Room # -Laa Inrtegaa aulvantta ont «t4 raprodultaa avao la plva^rend •oln..obnlpta tanii do la eonditton at # d9 la netteU daf axampjaira fllm«rat an conf ormita avao faa oonditlona du oontrat da fllmaga. ' . ^ Las axemplairea orlginapM dont la oouvartura an papier ast imprlmaa aont fllmia an oonmrnenoant / par le premier plat at an tarminant aoft par la damiare page qui comporta una ampralnta d'impression ou d'llluatratlon. aolt par la saoond plat, salon le cat. Toue laa autraa axamplairae Ofigineux aont ftlmas an oommangant par la pramiara paga qui oomporta una ampraln,ta d'ImpFeselon ou d'llluatration at an tarminant/ la darniare paga qui oomporta una talla ampralnta. , Un das symbolas aulvanta apparaftra . darniare image de chaqua mioroflcha. cas: )e symbole — ^ signlfia "A 8UIV aymbole ▼ algnlfla "FIN". Lee certee, planchaa. tableaux, ato./palivant Btra fHmas a das taux da raduotlon dlffiranta. iorsque le document est tropgrav^ pour atra reproduit en un eeul clicha. Ilaatyfllm* * partir da I'angle suparleur gaucha. da taucha i drolta, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'Images nacesaalra. Laa diagrantmaa aulvanta lllustrant la mathoda. ' :•:••''■■• ■ ■■2/': 3 ■ /■ .m ■■ :9.:- : ' m » . f 1 3_ -^^. W. C. CHEWETT & GO'S CATALOGnOE ^f. .1 xPHOTO&RAPHlC ALBUMS ILLtJSTRATED GIFT? books; &o. 1863-4. <^gf^ > > TORONTO: .■,iJ-jtc:-'? 'i-* tji'f ^lC:;.'.1>>■X'>•?'''•»;'• . m' % ■ * *" W. a (JHEWETT b ca, 17 it 19 KlTXQt STRtfBTNEAST, TOBOITTO. ■_.- ■ » ■ -t-- .. ^UST OF BEAUTIFULLY TLLUSTRATEpWClRI^S, ,'..,, !k l1> .1' • i; I'll"! surrAjBLE ro» * , , ■-■■-.'--■ ■ ' ' ' Christmas aiiJb ^tk ftar (lifts, Also OV JUVENILE BOOKS FOB FBESENTS. Our Stock of JUVBNiLB Books is this year much larger than usual; they are principally firom English Publishers, whose names are a guarantee of the character of the books they issue. We have, in addition, a large stock of the Standard Authors in various styles of binding, together with 1 choice selection of THEOLOGIC Ali AND EDUCATIONAL WORKS, FICTION, SCIENCE, Ac. «kc. All in the first list are in ELEGANT GILT CLOTH BINDING, ^ except where stated in Slorocco. ^ i'i»*! 'TuriV' hn) •t/n '<■'••. '♦Qi' '•" ''■■'■ 6n.'f C/(? ° .'.I'-'V >■]■!,. . ii 1 i I 1« \^.^. PmOilQiQiM^U AilLiilMlS. w^^ We were the first in Ganada to'rpduce the price of th^fo elegant atid useful novelties, which are becoming an indis- {lensable adjunct to every house. Wo have imported argely, and have a stock which we believe to bo one- of the most extensive, as it is certainly the cheapest in the Province. ' All our Albums are in Morocco binding r*ith deep antique embossing. We now import no other styles. PRICKS MoroccQ, with two clasps • • •••••'•' with two loDg clasps " ^ superior with two clasps and eilt rim. " and ivory band.. . " heavy rim, gothic. Oblong, with two clasps .... to hold 80 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 100 100 It (4 <( (I |0 88 1 00 1 26 1 87 1 76 2 60 2 76 2 76 8 25 8 60 " with two long clasps^ VsaT ScPBRioE Finish, holding from 60 to 100, at various prices. • , Ivory and gilt mounts^ holding from 60 to 100, f $4 00 to $10 00 ■>■. CARTE DB VISITES FOR THE ALBUMS, From 16 cts. to 75 cts. each. The Royal Family, including sonui beautiful English Cartes of the Prince and Princkhs OP Wales, and the Royal Princesses, in Bridal Costume, CAJJitotAWX^JEL^BRITIESl^" * '\.cy Leading Genbrals, Federal and Confederate, \? ■ I)iviNE8, Poets, 4c. Views IN Toronto and klsbwhbrr. .n .'. 1.'^. «■ ./■ >4&/ f.,.; .:»'•■•. IlMSTItATl^ft GITfT B,0OKS \ ■ iti.tji "fe > America and Europe, steel engravings, cl. f^^^^-^\^ American AnnuaJef, bonnd in French morocco, Ijom f 1. Blair's Grave, with iUustrations by Birket Foster and Tenniel, $2: ^^ " V .„ * *, British Empire, by B. S. Creasy ; maps and illustrations, full morocco, $4.50. nm ah Birds; siii! plates beautiftilly coloured, 75 cts. '^Bnush Moths, 72 exquisitely colohVed plates. ^ Btyant's Poems ; illusti^tionis by Harvey, Kelly and others, ■K- $4. ■ ■■ '■ '■ ■ ^- o Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress ; illustrate by Millai|, and others, cl. ^It, $6. morocco, $8. ^ | /^r/,^ Do. ilUistrated by Bennett, cl. gUt, $6, miiitoccA, |8. Byron»8Poemsj illustrated by Kenny Meadowsand others, cl. gilt, $4 ; half morocco, fo; morocco antique, *8. CanadlanSceneryj a series of steel engravings, with des- criptions by N. P. Willis, 2 vols., $8.50. Cabinet Pictures of Modern Paintiers, 134 wood engravings, fancy boards, $8. . , Christmas with the Poets, witl^ 58 tinte*. illustrations by Birket PioBter, $6.50, Choice Editions of Choice Books, illustrated by Oope, Creswickapd others, cl. gilt, $1 50, morocco, $8. Bloomfieicl's Farmer's Boy. cJ|>Ven'f Pleasures of Hope, Coleridge^s Ancient Manner. ©ray's %\f^ in a Oiurphyard. Keats* Eve of St. Agnea. > Milton's L' Allegro. r> ': ,H>iii.l t;^ .t^•!'•;■■'■' »Fp^, ^^w*^ W «>*;"*^**^ ■'■ / r Choice Edltloiui of Choice Books, Ac, eontmutd. Warton'B Odo, The Hanilei Worduworth'H l»a*lor»l PoeniB. ted specimens of her beauty."— ^M*n«»«m. Cloud Crystals; A Snow Flake Album The niu.t«tiod« are enlaiied literal pictures of Snow.flike^ 200 in number; cloth, $2 50, morocco, H,^.^; *.,. ..^.^. Common Waynido Flowers, by Thorny M^. illbstrated by BirW Foster, hand coloured, f 5. _ Cook's (Sliza) Poetical Works; illustraj^dby Gilbert and others, d., *fi» morocco, $8. ^^ t^*J *o OyclopwSa of Universal History, ipapa atid plttea, f 8. E^gliSi Poets, London editions, bound m morocco, antique or gilt at $2 50 per Tol. : Akenslde and Dyer, ^ Burns, Byron, Cook (Blita), Chaucer, Cowper, Crabb, UrydWH V »*rbe*t, Hunt'CLeigh), i^ngfrtlQW^ Wordsworth, White tftirke). AM of the .iM.. hMM M Mh, fill, »l M jw "'• ^ m M hal/ aUf at SI n par ml. FuTourite EngUBhP6**» of «h*1UtlOp years, thomBon to ^. JrCrfy:;'^tS"i^ *^Wv^-* «^^^^ Maen"£ir-"?r^m**re w.rfa of Poet. ^ P"^^^ edited by Robert Bell; one targe vMume, ncMy Keats' pSii*W«l*#|S^WJ;'«»*^ *^ fcith^s PiSSSi ^ w^ m ^^m^'^ puts, 4 vols., iWl cfli; 123. .., ^ ^,i,|,^ J ^ ". ': \ . ■* ■ '-. r ■ A.' ■■■ ,l N^: ' Vfc * ± ; ■ '.; ■ " ■.' ■' ■•■.■. ■■-■ "';■.■- : .'■'■''■■■' 'v- ' ■ ^ "^ .■.■■■- -r ., ^■■ •i-.' . : : ■,..■.-■.•..■•. tf ., ■'°» ■ '■ ; jJBB|lilii '^&^''- - - ^ ^ id' - ■ . ■..-. 1 S^ES ^^. , \ '.■Ja II Monfp:t>mcry, (Jamos) Poetloal VVorkM, cl, ?6, morocco, $8. Moaello, Life of the ; with 70 engravings, el. t'i. Old EngliKh BalladM; a Kpl6ndid book printed on toned paper, elcgmtly hound, $7. Pictorial Sunday, Readings hv Rcv.W. Owen, 2 vols., $12. Poet's Witand4Wrtib\iyr'ricHiyiilURt^t'edlih'd hound, $5. PflalmR of David, illustrated by John Franklin, with co- loured initial letters and fancy borders, cl.„fO. Rhymes and Roundelays in praise of a Country Life, $4. Robinson Crusoe^ the new magnificent edition printed on toned paper, witfi one hundred illustrations, by J. D. Watson, $6. Scenes and Incidents in Missionary Labour^ many engrav- ' ings, $2 SOT-" Selections from the British Poets, cl., gilt, $1 25. Scott's poetical Works, steel engravings, morocco antique, $6 60. Shakspere's Works, steel engravings, full morocco, 18. fio. da Edited by Campbell, full calf, Mfe^' /&o. do. Edited by Staunton, illustrilp by / Gilbert, 8 vols:, $14. Tennyson's Poems, illustrated by Millais, Mulready and the / first artists, cl., 16, moi'occo, $8. Tarton's Hamlet, vith 14 etchings, by Birket Foster, $8 60. ^reath of Beauty, Edited by John R. G. Hassard, Sixteen Btetf^portraitsv bound in Tiurkey morocco, $1(1^ \ ,' ■■■■■■■ ■■■ ^- '■■ ' ' ■ ' - -.V- ; VOLUMES, 1868. - Churchman's Family Magazine, (2 vols, each), $2. Leisure Houi, $1 60; London Society, (2 vols, each), $2 26. Good Words, $1 75, Sunday at Home, $1 60. Chambers' Journal, (2 vols, each), $1 26. ..Ai;-BUMSlM;8eRii^ A Magnificen^toorimiBnVof ciptJI^^ in exqoisiS morocco bipOing j ,»|^ WLp. ftnd JPBAIJBR BOOKS in ^t variety. ^ - •^ ti:-^J$ 1 loll JUYElN'aii; HOOKS. /.. '* No man hnii n rM)>t to TvrInK up !>■<• ehll4r*n wlfhnat MarroniMlInt; lh«ni with B«ink». It In •WD'MK t« fniiilly. Il« nhxNtt th«ui. < lilldr>'ii Imrii to rt*'\ l>.T bfliiK In hfpivwK r% of B>>Oluiir mind U almott tk warrant iigaiuit tha lufarlor ctolttfOMut of panalona and ▼km" u \ All thq fallowing are illustrated, some of them very pro- fusely, and by the first artists. We invite an inspection^ as wo believe 'no house in the city has so extensive a col- lection of Children's Books: A Round of Stories for the Young and Good, coloured illus- trations, cl., gilt, $1 8fi. A. L. 0. E., Stories for Young People, 60 cts, A. L. 0. E., Pride and its Prisoners, 80 cts. A. L. O. E., Parliament in the Play Rootrt, 80 cts. ^ A. L. 0. E, The Young Pilgrim, 80c. A. L. O. E., IV Giant Killer, 60c. A. L. 0. E., My Neighbour's Shoes, 60c. . A. L. 0. B., Flora, a Tale, 75 cts. A. L.*0. E., Rambles of a Rat, 60 cts: A. L. 0. E., Story of a Needle, 40o. A. L. 0. E., Old Friend wi^ New Faces, 40c. A. L. 0. E., Idols of the Heart* 80o. A. L. 0. E.^ The Roby F«mily^ 60c A. L, 0. E., Precept in Practice, 6Cl!B. ' ' A, L. 0. E., The Robber^s Cave, 6©c. * ' Adventures of. Rob Roy, by JaoMi Grant* $1. ««-« A^(>b,><»itheWkyted'Wlrtllf«f6W df Llf^ Arabiati^NiiA«0^Eiit .,4f> • • Oraecfl, a Tola. Book (The) of Ohndrin'ft Hypins and Bhymes, 7^ ctt. Boy Tar, by Captain Mayne Reid,s75 cts. Boyn at Home, by Charlotte Adams, 75 ots., gilt, 11. Boy's Birthday Book, nearly 100 illustrations, f 1.50. Boy's Own Boqk of Natural History, by Rev. J. G. Wood, 75 cU. Boy's Play Book of Metals, by J. H. Pepper, nearly 800 engravingA, 1.75. Boy's Play Book of Science, by J. H. Pepper, 4T0 engn- vings, $1.50. Boyhood of Great Men, by J. 0. Edgar, 75 cents. Bruin, or the Grand Bear Hunt, by CapUin Miyne Rcid* 75 ct8. Castaways, or AdTentures in Africa, by Jane Bowman, 75 . • els.. ■ , /^ Cats and Dogs, poloured illustrations, by tlrs^ Hugb MU- le«*» •*!. Celebrated Children, by Masson, 76 cts. Chambers' Library for Vonng People, 26 ots; each : Midnummer at Hay Lodge ; Qraodmatnma's Pocketa ; History of England; Stedfast Gabriel; Poems; Undo Sam; Moral Songs; History of ScotUnd; Swsn's Egg ; Fireside AmuHements^; Duty and Af- fection ; The Whisperer; Old England; Alfred in . India; Truth and Trust; Little RobinHon ; History of France; True Heroism; SelfDenW; Alice Errol; Orlandino; CleTor Boys. , Children's PictureBook; the Sagacity of Animals, 76o. Children's Picture Book ; Quadrupeds, 76o,^ Children's Picture Book ; Birds^ 7d cts. Dawningj^ of Geniiw,.T6^ct|j^^,, I uUfiurij^uiUiUHlf \ uaipd Desert Home, by Cap^l|l, mjD^ *e!a» 7q pfe.,..^ / / ... !T MckioQA' CkMn His^ry of ;«ngiwA « ▼«!*•, 0f^- ^ ^ j|Diok Bodnev, or the. AdTentim ^ttan Etoi> ,%»y;, |1.26. "Digby 9e«thoQ(ibi» BI^ for Boyfl» by W. G. WngstQii, |1. Dogs and Their Ways, by Rev, Charle» WUHm[i% $1. vii ■ ■ '7 \ X 1* M' Don Qnizoto, Htuntiited hj John Gilbert, ft.SOr* Clifton, oi ** .,-.... 75 cU., d Rdgar Clifton, or Right and Wrong, bV Oh*rh>ite Adimifi. ""-^^ -lit,!!: * ■ A» ifc ^. Kdnworth, (Mifw) Popular 1>leg, 75 c(«., gilt, $L ^ Dft. Moral TalcH, 75 ctn., gilL $1. • ' "'D^ "' «^"Parontii' AMtstant, Vb bi, ritf; |i T)o, •^. Early LesMonH, 75 ctH., ^IC, fl. English Boy in Japan, (like) by W. Daltoji, |1. EveningR at Hume, 75 eta., gilt, $1. * Every Boy'g Annual, beautmilly illuArated, $1.75. Every Boy'g Book, upwards of 600 illuAtratlong, $1.50. Every Little Boy'g Book, many illuttimtiOna, 87 eta. i ' Every Glrl'g Book, 75 ctg., gilt, $1.^^^^^--^ ^ Pairy Footstepg, by Alfred Orowqulll, 1150 illustraUonA, ' gilt, 11.26. , * > Fairy Gold for Old and Young, 76 eta., gilt, fir Fairy Talei, by Alfred Cfowquill, 75 ct«., or With illusttm- tions colou'rcd, $1.25. Father**! Coming Home, by the Aothor ^T ' Vllliigfl MiXsldri- arieg, 76 ctg. Favourite Pleaaure Books, coloured illustrations, $1.60. Flounced Robe, (The) and what It cost, 50 cts. Footprints of Famoua Men, by J. O. Bdi^, 75 tiM. Four Sisters, (The) Faith, Hope, Humilitjr and Lotd, t5 eta. Friendly Hands and Kindly Words. 75 ctii Forest Life ; a Fisherman's Sketches, in^ Norway and Sweden,^^75 eta. \ '\ Gav's Fables, $1. \ Gold Thread, by Norman McLeod, 68 ctii. ^ \ . \. v \ Golden Rule, by the Author of a Trap to Catch IteonWamj ^*' 76 cts. \ ^ «» Great Battles of the British Army, gilt, $1. V \» * Great Cities of the Middle Ages, by T. A. Bbcklew 75 cta^ Grimm's Home Stories, 76 ctg., gil^ $t. ' "• V •* Grimm's Household Stories, 240 illu«tratloh$, gni,^l:t5. Guizot (Madame) .Piipular.Taleii, 76 oty: ' v • Harry's Sumiber in 'Mc*i6fti f^O'iehi." ' >^ \'h»'V,}I .\ .. , ^ r-' f.4' c ■ i' r » '■ ■ ■ ■ ' -■ ■\ ■ Hildredf the Daughter, hy.Mri. Cro8BUuid,75 cts., gilt, |I, HistQry for Bpjra, hy Edgar, 75 cts. v • Holiday Book, let and 2nd Series, 76 cts. each,, gilt Hooker's Child's Book of UsTature, Air, Water, 4bc.« Plants, ^nlmats, 4Q cts. each. , \ How to Make the Best of It, hy Miss Bownum^ 75 cts J^ g»lt,$l. ; \ ^^ Jack Manly's Adventures hy Sea and Land, h^ James Granti $1. /^ \ Kangaroo Hunters, hy Miss Bowman, 75 cts. - V Keep a Good Heart, or Story for the Meirie Christmas l^ime, hy Cousin Carrie, 68 cts. , Kitty's Victory and Other Stories, 50 cts. Lamplighter (The) $1. Land And Sea Tales, hy the Old Sailor, $1. Leighs (Jhe) or the Discipline of Daily Life, 75 cts Lillian's Golden Hours, by Miss Meteyard; $1, gilt, $1.26. Lillieslea, hy Mary Howitt, 75 cts. Line Upon Line, by the Author of Peep of Day, 25 cts. Little Bird Bed and Little Bird Blue, a Tale of the Woods, illustrated by T. 0, Macquoid, 60 cts. Little Savage, by Captain Marryatt, $1. Little Songs for Little People, 60 cts. Long Holidays (Ine) by Harriet Ford, 75 cts. Louis' School Days, by E. J. May, 76 cts. May You Lil^e It, hy Rev. C. ^. Taylor, $1. Masse of Life, by the Author of the Four Sisters, 63 cts. Men who haye Risen ; a Book for Boys; 76 cts. My feathered Fnends, by Rev. J. G Wood, 76 cts. Nohle Traits of Kingly Men, 75 cts. • Ocean Child (The) 76 cts, gilt, $1. Odd People^ or Singular Races of Men, hy Captain Mayne Reid, 00 cts* andil. Old Stoi^feooks of Eng&nd, by Ambrose Merton, gilt, $1. Old Tales for the Young. Oriental Fairy Tales,_ tlf^-t IJi^iilJrl ^d^lty.mj.ri^orl^. -yifi T Wright, W cts. Peep of Day, 26 cts. -r J^ II ./A Pilgrim Uk Cbe Holy Lind, 75 els. r % Pilgrim's Progrvss told for Tcfntig People, dleHb^ |((ft, H.M. PUyhours aind Httlf-HoHdftrs; a Book for BoysL by B«t« i/ J. 0. Atkinson, doth, 11, rilt, fl.tiftT' r^: ; V Precept upon Precept, by the Aii^6r of Pe^ 6t DltV, iOtt, Quadroon, by Cant Unftk9 Held, tli cte; ' ' , , Riral *c)» ^ / War Trail by Capt Maylbe B«id/^<^ ctf« /« ; . ' Wee Davie, by Ilbnnan Ifao^jeod, 12kJ!^jp ^ i i^ Where there's a Will there's a W^ 68 eta. .- t ; Wild Man of the West (The), hy R. BallanWne, $1. ^ Wonders of Science, or the Young Sir Hiimphi^y Diyy, |1. Wolff's Fairy Tales and Stories, 15 cts. , , i . Young Artist (The), «8 cts, ^ . "^^ ? > Young Voyngetti^ by Capt MayriejReld, 75 <^> f < Young Whaler (Th^, by Gerstacker, 75 cts. ^ . ^ Young^YUgers, by C)apt.Mayne I^ejd, 75 cts. ir.l/.: Ot: t .!< /:■>,«. / ■f __ In addition to the feregoing^ we fiave a large 9tock • of TOY BOOKS of the newest iswies. Thoee'pHnted on Linen will be foand veiy darable, as they cannot be torn. . { »■ ■■*;r^-'Wi;*ai;^ Wot- wOnld call ^attiention to the i -m- f\ .» v.* ■■.'.VI'' \.i:-- ■^; . M fA ssf w.»,. f -r -*> tJi •^JV \j -* > v'« \ i , ss^U .. .V. w. 0. onawnn * co., noMTias, smo sfmm kaw, toE;>.mo,. ' L •• ,* i ■^ t • / ^!4 • '^ ». ■■ h m '. \ . V .i , '■ ' , ' ■ -4,- ! ■■ m, .■^w ■ -SJ:-/ ■ ^.. -. ■.-. , / . ■ ■■ ■■--*U'.V --—^^ - - - 1 « - , --'Mr ' ■ . ':"•■''-..■■:.':■' ' ■ ■ ■ 1 -^^ ■ / > ''-W'i ^^M^-^^i^:-i^:^ . ■ ,,■ ' -^ *" . - ^ 1. -. ^ •"■ ■uV~^ •