^, ,,t^^. w \^ 1^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I l^|2^ |25 Ui Ui2 12.2 •u 136 warn i« 112.0 lU u L25 III 1.4 Mil 7# '^^ i^fe A3 5r ^>' >* '/ ] < V ink NEWFOUNDLAND A li JUAN AC, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1865, ^lINa THB LATTER PART O? THE TWENTT-EIGHTH AKD TKB JIBdlNNING OP THE TWENTY-NINTH YEAR OP THB RBIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA] I CONTAINING ASTROKOmCAL, STATISTICAL, COMMEB^ CIAL, LOCAL AND l^BRIVBD FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES. 'IWMieiXID, PBINTEX) AND BUBLiSHBJ) IT JOSEPH WOODS. ItUi bj f x#iUt MoCoNKAN, 212 Water Street, 8t. Joha'i. \-n iT. JOHlf'i, NEWFOUNDLANDS wmocQhxrr, ^^'\Ib NEWFOONDL/lNI> almanac. To the Publk The Compiler has much pleasure in submitting to the pa- tronage of the Public, The Newpoundland Almanac foe THE Yeab 1865 ; and though it may contain, and doubtless it does, pome inaccuracies, he hopes notwithstanding that the in- forraatlon it tmbodies will be found both useful and interesting. The Almanac for 1865 contains information never before embraced in the pages of any of its predecessors. Tlie Moon's Kislngs, from early evening to early morning, each month, which will be found in the Calendar Pages, will prove useful to many, especially to our Outport people. The work con- tains, also, the Tariff, with the Duties put in Decimal Currency as well as British Sterling, which cannot fail to be a convenience to the Trade. In the Appendix is a list of the Post Towns and Way Offices in the Colony, together Avith a complete Post Office Directory alphabeticary arranged. The undersigned is indebted to the worthy Principal of the St. •John's Nautical Academy, James CAMPBELL,Esq., for the Astro- nomical and Scientific information contained in the present No. of The Almakac, with the exception of the ** Meteorological Observations," furnished, as usual, by E. M. J. Delaney, Esq,, C.E, of the Board of Works Department ; he is also in- 'debted to the Heads of D rpartments, and others, for the kind- ness and avidity with which required information was supplied. The undersigned would express his acknowledgments to the public for the favorable manner in which The Almak^ac has hitherto been received, and hopes that the No. for 1865 will receive lilte favor and consideration. He trusts, also, that the attractive form and the conspicuous position given to the favours of the advertising patrons of The Ai.ma]fao will meet «their approval. Contents- Advertisements ...... Abstract from Newfoundland Census of 1857 SQ Appendix C4-75 Board of Revenue 2'S Board of Works 24 Boards of Road Commisnoners (Outsorts) 24 Boa.d of Health 37 Bairisters and Aitor nies of Supreme Ccui t 37 B'snisters and Attornies, Harbor Grace 37 Bar>ka— Savings' Dunk 35 Union Bank cfNeTrfouiidland 47 Commercial Bank cf Newfoyndland 47 Benevolent Inslituiions, Cht.ritable Societies, &c. 61) • alendav, Chronologiial Eras, &:c. q Calendar Pages — Moon's Phases, Sun's fvidi!^ and Seating at St. Jolm'a every day in the ycor, Sun's J3(^c!inalion, Equation of Time, High Water at St. John's ev^ry Murning and Afternoon, Moon's Rising, Meinorandrt, 0-20 Colonial Seor»f ary's Oiiice ....... 22 Customs Depaitnient .....,» 23 C'oui t Housf 3 and JCecjiers 26 Com?ris8ioners fr r Ertciion of PubrcV/hnrf (Catalina). ... 26 Commissioners for Erection of lire;ikuaiers 27 Commissioners of pDOi' , 35 Cotumiasioners ft)r R'Miuction of Public T.\ !>t 35 Commissionevs o f 1- iiuts arA U.ii t s of Pi : viUjjc ..!*.*. ". 30 Comin:8bioners of Wrecked Pivpctly 3h* CJerks of the Peace 39 Coroners ....!. 40 Commercial Schoo'.s ....!! 40 Coloi'iial aid Cuntiuental Cliureh Society and Sv^lijois..'.*! 41 Clergy of different Denomir utiuns 44 Con \ on is ^ 4g Chamber of Commerce (.Vt. John's) !!..*'. 47 Comniissiom rs cf Affidavits, I^q, in S. and C. C. Courti! *. i .' 88 District Sur^:eons ^^^ 26 l^clipses for the year IGGj .*!.'.*!! 6 Executive Council !!!"* 21 Fixed and Moveable Fes'Iv&l?, Anniwrsarles, Ccc. .....'. 6 J'inanci.l ^t;cretary's OCico ...... 23 Eoreijiu Coiisuls ..*.'.*.! 4S Govtrnor, < ommander-in-Chief, uod V.cv-Aduiiir*of Kewioiindland oj Gaols and Gaolers o« C, oil ...... 4il\} irammar Schools ^q House of Assembly • **.'.!! 21 Harbor Grace Free School (St. Patrick's) .,., 37 Her Majesty's Chief Officers of State (J3 rs of Vj eijjhts aua M^-asurea ...» 40 Inapt 4 THE NEWFOUNDLAIfD ALMANAC. Insurance Companies — Fire, Life, and Marine • • • • 6t ** Judicial Department • • • • n Juntices of ths Peace •. • • • 89. Joint Stock Companies, Public Societies, &«. • • • • M^ Latitude and Longitude of St. John's • * • •. a AH Legislative Council • « • • 21 alt Light Houses and Lights •l« • •- 87 2-. Labrador Court •,•• « 99 Laymen Licensed to Celebrate Marriage • • « • 47 fa Meteorological Observations for the years IBtl/dJi and '63. 7 Military EHtnblishment 49 de Note to Tide Tables a se Newfoundland Church Society 40 Fi Newfoundland Kifle Volunteers 50 F Naval Establishment 00 M Notaries Public L Newspapers published in the Colony 62 L Outfit for the Seal Fishery, 1864 .*•, 60 Private Secretary to the Governor • .• • • 21 31 Post Office Department,Postal Routes and Rntes of Postage 30 Police • a • • 40 Protestant Boards of Educatioa. •.• • • 42 > / Queen's Printer f.* •.• 4» VI Revenue Establishment •, • • •• 23 C Roman Catholic Schools • ■ • • 43 Roman Catholic Boards of Education • • • • 43 > Kevenue and Expenditure, from 1854 to lj86S • .• • • 55 p Royal Family of England Purveyor General's Bepartmont . Shipping Master and Emigrant Agent. • • • • 62. fi • .« • •.. 22 c • •♦ f 2a 1 St. John's Hospital *h.* *.* 2a St. John's Poor House • • ■ • 26 St. John's Lunatic Asylum- •v»*. • . 2a ] Stipendiary Magistrates • • • ■ 38 ] St. John's Academy • • • • 40 ] St. Jo tin's Presbyterian School •^« • • 42 S'. John's Catholic College of St. Bonaventure • • • • 45 St. John's and Newfoundland Bible Society •^* • ■* 64 Ships Owned and Registered in Newfoundland • • • • 60. 1 Sterlint; value of Imports and Exports from and to each t Country in 1863 • • • • 55 Treasury Department • -• *.fi. 23 Terms of Supreme and Central Circuit Courts • • • • 37 Theological Insiitution (Church of England) ♦ • •••■-. 4&. Table of Custoitis Duties, in British Sterling and Decimal Currency 9 • • m\. 6t t Table shewing Quantity and Value of Fish Exported frona. ' \ 1840 to 1863 • • * • 64 Vice Admiralty Court ^■« ■• ^ 37 Value of Imports and Exports from 1854 to 1862 64 Wesleyan Academy 40 ■Wesleyao School and Agency Society and Schooli 41 Wesleyan Academy ( Carbonear) 76 a Toong Men's Christi an Associatioa • n THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC at 37 39 a 21 87 89 47 7 49 8 45 60 60 i» 62 60 21 30 40 42 4a 23 43 43 55 62. 22 2a 2a 26 2a 38 40 42 45 54 50^ £clipses, 1865. In the year 1865 theie will be four Eclipses— jvro of the Sun, and T^vo of the Moon. The 1st on April the 10th, a partial Eclipse of the Moon, visible in NdwfoundUiid. If the sky nappeii to ba clear and the weither favourable, this Eclipse will be an interesting phenomenon, as the Moon will be above our horizon during its continuance ; fur on this day, the Moon will rise 31 minuted past 6, p.m., at St. John's, and set 18 minutes past 5, a.m. next morning. First contact with Penumbra, April i;)ih, at lOli 32m p.m. '\ §•>• First contact wiih Shadow A^ml 11th at Oli 14m 41s a.m. t ^.4 Middle of Eclipse at Ih 7m 17s a.m. ^^c"* Last contact with Shadow at Ih 59m 53s a.m. | g^ Last contact with Penumbra at 3h 4lim 358 a.m. j ^ -^ During these times the Moon will pass veriicaV.y from Iiongitude 31.46 W.of Greenwich to 107.8 VV. ; on the parallel of Latitude U. S. 9 The 2ad on April 25th, a total Eclipse of the Sun, invisible in the Northein hemisphere, as ii begins in Longitude 7(5.35 vV. of Green- wich, and in Latitude 31.21 S., and ends in Longitude 18.30 E. of Greenwich, and in Latiiude 4.25 S. The 3rd on Oct. the 4 th, a partial Eclipse of the Moon, visible iu Newfoundland. At St. JohnN the Moon will rise at 3d minutes past 5, p.m., on the 4th ; and will set '9 minutes past 6 a.m.^ on the 5th, so that the first contact of the Moon with the Earth's Penumbra cannot be seen in this Island : Moon's first contact with Penumbra, October 4th, at 4h\ 55m lis p.m. " first contact with Shadow at 6h 8m 29s p.m. Middle of Eclipse at 7h 9m lis p.m. Last contact wiih Shadow at 8h 9m 53s p.m. ^ La6t contact with Penumbra at 9h 23m lis p.m.y ^ ^ Moon^Btrue altitude at St. John's at middle of Eclipse 15.19. The Sun will set on the 4th at 40 minutes past 6 . t St. John's i so that at the instant the Sun's lower limb touches ch;; horizon in the We 6578. Fixed and Moveable Festivals, Anniversaries, &c. Epiphany January Septuagesima Sunday, February Shrove Sunday do Ash Wedaejday March St. Duvid do First Sunday in Lent do St. Prttrick do Annunciaiion — Lady Day do Paiui Sunday April Good Friday do Easter Sunday do Low Sunday do St. George do KogatioM Sunday May Birth Queen Victoria do GAacension Day May 2&- 12Pentecost — Whit Sunday Jur.e 4-. 26 Trinity Sunday do 11 1 ("orpus Cliriati do 15 1 Accession Queen Yiotoria dj 20 5 Proclamation du 21 17 St.JohnB -ptist-^Midsummer 24 25 Birth oi Prince Consort Aug. 26. 9 6t. Michael September 29^ 14 Birth Prince of Wales Novum. 9 16 St Andrew ^ do 30 23 1st Sunday in Advent Dec. 3 2'6 at. Thomas do 21. 2i Chris mas Day do 25, 24 ;o1^!*®^®"^*2** °' the Jewish Era commences on September 31; 1865. Ramadan (Month of Abstinence observed by the Turks) com- m snces on January 28, 1865. The Year 1282 of the Mohammedan Era commences on May 27, THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Inches. 30.30 28.50 29.40 86 => —a® Date. October 27th January 20th July 10th February 0th 58.630 NNW.&SSVV. the year The Wealhcr. Besult of Meterological Obsfarvations for the Years. 1801, 18Q2, 1863. taken from the Colonial BaiUliag, St. J ihn's, Newfoundland, by E. M. J. Delaney. Esq., C.E., Ooserver.— Lat. N. 47.34.30 —Long . W. 52.39.46—170 feet above Sea Level. 1861. Max. height of Bar. corrected to sea level Min. dp do Mean do do Max. height of Ther. do Min. do do 'Quantity of Rain and melted Snow in inches Prevailing Winds Rain fell on 108 days ; Snow on 40 ; Thunder andLightning 4 ; Fog 02 ; 30th June a large Comet appeared. 1862. Max. height of Bar. corrected to sea level. Min. do do Mean do do Max. height of Ther. Min. do do Mean temp, for year 'Quantltv of Rain and melted Snow in inches Prevailing Winds Rain fell on 98 days ; Snow on 44 ; Fog 70; Thunder and Light- ning 4 ; liarbor blockaded -with Ice from middle of Ap ril to middle of June* 186 Alax. height of Bar. corrected to sea level Min. do do Mean do do Max. height of Ther. Min. do do Mean temp, for year 'Quantity of Rain and melted Snow in inches Prevailing Winds Rain fell on 98 days ; Snow''on 66 days ; Fog 86 days ; Thunder and Lightning 15 dayd. "•Note— The algebraicsign (minus) befors a ^urt denotes below Zero. ■ :l ^ ;i 30.50 28.57 29.53 75 => —70 41® 63.670 NNVV.&SW. May 2nd January 3rd July 6!h February 1 8tk the y.jar 30.48 November 16th 28.80 April 1st 29.60 83° July 30th •—14i February 18th 440 73.650 the year NNW.&SSW. THE NEWFOUNDLiVND ALMANAC. St. John's. True Lstltude of Church Hill Longitude (Weit of Greenwich) 47.34.30 North 62.44.0 Wett. NOTE.— The Tide Tables (in the Calendar pages) may be rendered •ppliottble to various other places on the coast, by simply addirg or •uhtracting as the caxe may be. the difference between tue times of High Watfr or the Full and Change of the Moon at St. John's, and the time of the full tide at any other harbor; for example, to find the time of High Water at any of the principal harbors of Concep- tion Bny, add 45 minutes to the time at which it will be High Water at St. John's; for Plicentia, add. 2 hours; for St. Peter's Ih. 00m.; for Furrolie, on the French Shore, 4 hours, &c. — See Tablb LVII. of Norie's Epitome. A Table Shewing ike Difference of Time at various places on tht Globe, at compared with SI. John*s, Aeto/oundland. When it is Noon at St. John'a it is at Charlottetown, F.E.I. Halifax. St. John, N.B. Portland, Me. Boston, Mass. Quebec. New York. Pliiladelphia^ Washington. St. Francisco, California. St. Juan, Vancouver's Ist Greenwich. Hume. Constantinoplt. Jerusalem. Madras, E.L Canton. f 18 minutes pasi m c >'clock A. M. «• ' 17 do U do 13 do 11 do a 60 do 10 do 47 do 10 do 4- 46 do 10 do 34 do 10 do m 30 do 10 do k 23 do 10 do J^ 21 do 7 do .14 do 7 do . (33 ^ 20 do 3 P. M. do 4 do ►3^26 do 6 do ^ 62 do 5 do a 60 do 8 do H . 8 do 11 do fe- IN "s. "5> s»» S> e « K^ (^ Su. 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 Th. 6 F G S 7 Su. 8 M 9 T 10 W 11 Th. 12 F 13 S 14 Su. 16 M 16 T 17 W 18 Th. 19 F 20 S 21 Su. 22 M 23 T 24 W 26 Th. 26 F 27 S 28 Su. 29 M 30 T 31 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. D JANUARY, 31 DAYS. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarteii 4th day, Full Moon 11th day, Last Quarter 10th day, New Moon 27th day, Oh, Una, Evening 7h, 28m, Evening llh, 6m, Evening 6h, 59m, Morning fe- N Sun Sun ^ '^ rises seta 5» f^ at ^ St. John's. Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0. app time. Equa of time, add. Sun*a Decli- nation. h. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 '7, 7 m. h. m. 66 64 64 64 64 64 63 63 63 62 62 61 61 60 60 49 48 47 46 46 44 44 43 42 41 40 38 37 86 35 33 S 13 14 16 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 25 4 26 4 27 4 29 4 30 4 31 4 33 4 34 4 36 4 37 4 38 4 40 4 42 4 43 4 45 4 46 4 48 4 49 4 61 4 62 4 54^8 o 23 22 64 22 49 22 42 22 36 22 29 22 21 22 13 22 o 21 66 21 40 21 37 21 26 21 21 16 6 20 64 20 42 20 30 20 20 17 4 19 51 19 37 19 23 19 9 18 64 18 39 18 23 18 8 17 62 17 35 17 18 m. 4 4 4 6 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 8. 28 56 23 60 16 42 8 33 67 21 44 6 28 tligh Water at St, John a. Memoranda. P- 10 10 11 1 3 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 49. 9 1010 3010 4911 7^ 25 42 58 13 28 42 55 7 18 29 39 4810 m. 63 31 48 49 3 19 40 29 18 59 39 14 47 20 54 29 25 11 19 34 60 55 47 33 18 2 44 28 a. 9 10 11 11 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 1 o 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 m. 38 21 6 63 21 18 26 40 16 1 66 39 21 58 31 4 38 11 46 6 47 42 57 11 25 22 10 66 41 22 6 First meeting of Local Legislature, 1833. Epiphany. IstSun.nftcrEpi'phany R. Catholic Cathedral • [opened, 1850. Moon rises at58m past 4, evening. Moon rises at 3m past 7, evening. Moon rises at 6m past 9, evening. Moon rises at 6ta past 11, evening. Moon rises at 6m past 1, morning. Moon rises at 4m past 3, morning. Moon risesat 54m past , 4, morning. Moon rises at 28m past 6, morning. 2d Sess. 8th Gen. Ass. opened, 1862. 29— 4th Sunday after Epiphany. January. — January (Latin Januarius) was so called by the Ro- mans from Janus, one oi their superior deities to whom the first day of the year was sacred, and through whom they offered their prayers to the gods ; hence the name is used to signify gate of the year. Janus was represented with two faces ; one old and wrinkled, and looking backward; the other face young and smiling, and looking forward. •> :-^- ■^: 10 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. FEBRUARY. 28 DATS. MOON'S PHASES. ]'IB8T QuABTEB 2nd day, I^UllMoon Idth day, LastQuarteb 18th day, New Moon 25th day, 9h, 37in, Evening Oh, 55m, Evening 6h, 6m, Evening 4h, 32m, Evening ^ N Sun Sun V ■& rues sets ^ ?> at § ■^ St. John^s. 0. app. time. I Eqaa Smi*s Hon DecU- nation. W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su M T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 27 28 h. m. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 32 31 29 28 27 25 24 22 20 19 17 16 14 13 11 9 7 6 4 3 2 b. m. 4 55 4 57 4 59 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 5 7 8 6 59 6 57 6 55 6 52 6 51 6 49 5 10 5 11 5 13 5 15 5 16 5 18 5 19 5 21 5 22 5 24 5 25 5 26 6 27 5 29 5 30 5 32 5 34 5 30 5 36 o 8 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 time. S 1 44 26 9 50 32 13 54 35 16 56 36 16 56 35 14 53 32 11 49 28 6 44 22 59 37 14 52 m. s. 13 56 14 14 14 14 14 14 (4 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 High Water at St. John's. 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 3 10 15 20 24 27 29 31 31 31 30 29 26 23 20 15 10 4 58 51 43 35 26 16 6 55 44 p. m. 11 12 1159 47 1 52 3 11 4 38 5 51 6 29 7 6 7 46 8 22 8 53 9 24 9 56 10 26 10 55 1129 29 125 2 43 4 9 5 27 6 22 7 12 7 57 8 42 9 24 a. 10 11 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 U 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 m. 50 35 23 17 31 54 16 10 43 27 Memoranda. Candlemas Day. 5th Sun afterEpiphany 10— a Vic. mar.1840. Moon rises 52 minutes past 5, evening. Moon rises 54 minutes past 7, evening. Muon rises 55 minutes past 9, evening. i\]oon rises 52 minutes past 1 1, evening. 46 Moon rises 51 minutei past 0, morning. Moon rises 45 minutes past 2, morning. Moon rises 12 minutes past 4, morning. Moon rises 26 minutes past 5, morning. 24 — Napoleon Lescap- ed from Elba, 1815. 26 — Shrove Sunday. 38 10 41 11 40 11 6 56 27 51 57 46 36 19 4 Ffbruary. — February (Latin, Februarius) received ita name from Februalia, a feast of sacrifides and purifications held by the Romans in this month, in the vain hope of being cleansed from the sins of the whole year. It corresponds to Adar (Ezra vi. 15,) the ^ixth civil, and twelfth sacred month of the Jews. By the Saxons ^t was called Sproutkelet as cabbages begin to sprout now ; and also Bol^nath, the month when paaoakes were offered to Solj or the Sun. W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Sr. M T \V Th. F I'-l THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. U MARCH, 31 DAYS. H i Ki MOON'S FH\SES. First Quabteb 4th day, Full Moon 12th day, Last Quarter 20th day, New Moon 27ih day, 8h, 47m, Morning 7h, 10m, Morning 9h, 5m, Morning Ih, fi7m, Morning ^ N Sun Sun 0. app. time. \ 1 Equa High Water at '^ ^ rises sets Sun's of Memomnda. i* 1* at Decli- time. St. John's. »§ <5) St. JohrHs. nation. subt. h. m. h. m. o m. s. p.m. a. m. w 1 6 45 5 39 S 7 29 12 32 19 8 9 46 Ash Wednesday Th. 2 6 44 6 41 7 6 12 2010 50 10 29 J. Wesley died 1791. B. & F. Bible Society F 3 6 42 5 42 6 43 12 7 111 35 nil S 4 6 40 5 44 6 2011 54 1158 established, 1804 Su. 5 6 88 5 45 6 67 11 40 61 24 1st Sunday in Lent M 6 6 36 6 47 5 34 11 26 2 1 23 T 71 6 34 6 48 5 10 11 12 3 17 2 24 7th Gen.Ass dissolved W 8 6 32 6 50 4 47 10 67 4 53 4 10 by proclamation, 1861 Th. 9| 6 30 5 51 4 24 10 41 5 57 6 29 F 10 6 28 5 63 4 10 2G 6 46 6 23 Moon rises 44 minutes S 11 6 26 5 54 3 37 10 10 7 23 7 5 past 4, evening. Su. 12 6 24 6 56 3 18 9 53 7 57 7 41 Moon rises 43 minutes M 13 6 22 6 57 2 49 9 36 8 28 8 13 past 6, evening. T 14 6 20 6 58 2 26 9 20 8 56 8 42 Moon rises 45 mmutes W 15 6 18 5 69 2 2 9 2 9 26 9 12 past 8, evening. Th. 13 6 16 6 1 1 38! 8 45 9 58 9 42 17— St. Patrick. F 17 6 14 6 3 1 15 8 27 10 28 10 13 Moon rises 35 minutes S 18 6 12 6 4 51 8 10 11 10 43 past 11, evening. Su. 19 6 10 6 6 27 7 62 1139 11 19 M 20 6 8 6 7 S 4 7 34 2 T 21 6 6 6 8 N 20 7 16 53 25 Moon rises 20 minutes W 22 6 4 6 10 44 6 57 2 8 1 26 past 2, morning. Th. 23 6 2 6 11 1 7 6 39 3 36 2 52 Moon rises 37 minutes F 24 6 6 13 1 31 6 21 4 57 4 19 past 3, morning. S 25 5 58 6 14 1 55 6 2 6 58 5 29 Moon rises 61 minutes St\ 26 5 56 6 16 2 18 5 44 6 48 6 23 past 4, morning. M 27 5 54 6 17 2 42 5 25 7 32 7 10 25— Lady Day. T 28 5 52 6 18 3 6 6 7 8 17 7 54 W 29' 5 50 6 20 3 29 4 49 9 8 39 Th. 30i 5 48 6 21 3 62 4 30 9 45 9 22 Peace with Russia F 31 1 5 46 6 23 ■N 4 15 4 12 10 30 10 8 1856. March. — March (Latin, Martius) was so named by the Komans in honor of Mars their god of war. In this month the Gothic tribes :went out on warlike expeditions. It answers to Nisan, or Abib (Neh. ii. Ij Deut. jrvi. 1), the seventh of the civil, end the first of the sacred year of tao Jews. By the Saxons it was named Blyd* monaili, the loud or windy month. s r, I * si I f 12 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. APRIL, 30 DATS. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter 2nd day, 9h, 47m, Evening Full Moon 11th day. Oh, 56m, Morning Last Quarter 18th day, 7h,49m, Evening New Moon 2dth day, lOh, 42m, Morning Svfti rises at St John's. Sun sets O. app. time. Sun's Decli- nation. Equa tion of time h. va. 1. m. s 1 a 44 6 24 Su. 2 5 42 6 25 M a 5 40 6 27 T 4 5 38 6 28 W 5 5 36 6 30 Th. 6 5 34 631 F 7 6 32 6 32 S 8 5 31 6 33 Su. 9 6 28 6 35 M 10 5 26 6 36 T 11 5 24 6 38 W 12 6 22 6 39 Th. 13 5 20 6 41 F 14 5 18 6 42 S 15 5 16 6 44 Su. 16 5 15 6 45 M 17 5 13 6 46 T 18 5 11 6 48 W 19 5 9 6 49 Th. 20 6 7 6 50 F 21 5 5 6 52 S 22 5 4 6 53 Su. 23 5 2 6 54 M 24 5 6 66 T 25 4 58 6 57 W 26 4 56 6 69 Th. 27 4 55 7 F 28 4 53 7 2 S 29 4 51 7 3 Su. 30 4 50 7 4 N N o 4 38 6 1 5 24 6 47 6 10 6 33 6 65 7 18 7 40 8 2 8 24 8 46 9 8 9 30 9 51 10 12 10 33 10 64 11 15 11 36 11 56 12 17 12 37 12 56 13 16 13 35 13 65 14 14 14 32 14 51 m. s. 3 54 3 36 3 18 High Water at St. John's. 42 25 8 50 34 1 1 45 29 13 2 16 31 44 58 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 23 36 47 58 9 19 29 38 47 65 P- 11 1 2 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 m. 14 29 34 55 17 24 14 62 25 67 28 30 2 37 18 35 48 10 25 30 20 8 66 41 26 10 63 a. m. 10 62 1137 3 59 2 14 3 36 4 52 5 51 6 34 7 10 7 41 8 13 8 44 9 14 9 47 10 19 10 56 1141 7 1 9 2 31 3 48 5 1 5 57 6 45 7 31 8 17 9 3 9 48 10 31 Memoranda. 5th Sunday in Lent Abdic. ofNap.1,1814 Prince Leopold born, 1853 Palm Sunday. Moon rises 40 minutes past 6, evening. Moon rises 36 minutes past 8, evening. Moon rises 30 minutes past 10, evening. Easter Sunday. Moon rises 15 minutes past 0, morning. iMoon rises 36 minates past 1, morning. Moon rises 46 minutes past 2, morning. Moon rises 50 minutes past 3, morning. Moon rises 2 minutes past 5, morning. Moon rises 26 minutes past 6, morning. 23 — St. George- 2d Sunday after Easter Equation of time to be added to apparent time to the I4th, and to be subtracted the remainder of the month. April. — April (Latin, Aprilis) is so called from apenre, ' to open in allusion to the opening of the young buds of trees and fiowQi;* i^nd the general development of vegetation at this season.. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. J3 MAT, 31 DATS. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter. 2nd day, Full Moon 10th day, Last Quarter 18th day, New Moon. 24th day, Oh, 33in, 4h, 51in, 3h, 8m, 7h, 18m, Evening Evening Morning Evening L • JN Sun Sun G. app. time ^ Equa High ^ ^ rises sets Sun's of Water at Memoranda. ^ ^ at Decli- time. St. John's. 5^ St. John's. nation. suit. h. m. h. m. o m. 8. p. m. a. m. M 1 4 48 7 6 N15 9 3 3 11 41 11 16 T 2 4 47 7 7 15 27 3 10 7 General Election, 1861 W 3 4 45 7 8 15 45 3 17 1 6 34 13— 1st Sess. 8th Gen. Th. 4 4 43 7 10 16 2 3 23 2 16 139 As8.op'd,1861— Riots. F 5 4 42 7 11 16 19 3 28 3 26 2 54 S 6 4 40 7 12 16 36 3 33 4 36 4 1 Su. 7 4 39 7 14 16 53 3 38 5 32 5 6 3d Sunday afterEaster M 8 4 38 7 15 17 9 3 42 6 14 5 55 T 9 4 36 7 16 17 25 3 45 6 54 6 34 W 10 4 35 7 18 17 41 3 48 7 27 7 11 Moon rises 28 minutes Th. 11 4 33 7 19 17 56 3 50 8 7 43 past 7, evening. F 12 4 32 7 20 18 12 3 52 8 35 8 19 Moon rises 22 minutes S 13 4 31 7 21 18 27 3 53 9 8 8 52 past 9, evening. Su. 14 4 29 7 23 18 41 3 53 9 44 9 25 Moon thea 58 minutes M 15 4 28 7 24 18 55 3 53 10 22 10 3 past 10, evening. T 16 4 27 7 25 19 9 3 52 11 3 10 43 W 17 4 26 7 27 19 23 3 51 1153 1126 Moon rises 14 minutes Th. 18 4 24 7 28 19 36 3 49 20 past 0, morning. F 19 4 23 7 29 19 49 3 47 125 50 Moon rises 19 minutes S 20 4 22 7 30 20 2 3 44 2 43 2 4 past 1, morning. Su. 21 4 2i 7 31 20 14 3 40 3 56 3 19 Moon rises 20 minutes M 22 4 21 7 32 20 26 3 36 5 3 4 31 past 2, morning. T 23 4 19 7 33 20 38 3 31 5 59 5 32 Moon rises 33 minutes W 24 4 18 7 34 20 49 3 26 6 52 6 26 past 3, m&rnirig. Th. 25 4 17 7 35 21 3 20 7 40 7 17 Moon rises 10 minutes F 26 4 16 7 36 21 10 3 14 8 27 8 3 past 5, morning. S 27 4 15 7 38 21 21 3 8 9 10 8 49 24-Q.Vic.born 1819. Su. 28 4 14 7 40 21 30 3 9 52 9 30 M 29 4 13 7 41 21 40 2 53 10 35 10 14 T 30 4 13 7 41 21 49 2 45 1120 10 57 25— Ascension Day. W 31 4 12 7 42 N21 67 2 36 1143 May. — May (Latin, Maiu^) is so denominated from Maia, the most beautiful of the constellation Pleiades, and the fabled mother of Mercury i one of the fals^e deities. The corresponding Jewish month was SiVAN (Esth. viii. 9,) the ninth of the civil, and third o( the Mcred year. - 1 lil 14 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. JUNE, 30 DAYS. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter 1st day, Full ^Ioon Sth 4ay» Last Quarter 16t)i day, New Moon 23rd day, First Quarter. 30tb day, 4h, 50m, Morning 6h, Om, Morning 8b, 22 qo. Morning 4b, 26m, Morning 10b, 9m, Evening ft^ • i:^' Sun Sun Q. app, iime. k Egua High '^ *fe» rises seta Sun's tion Water at Memoraruta, at Decli- of St. John's. ^ q St. JohrCs. nation. time. h. m. h. m. m. 8. p. to. a. m. Tb. 1 4 12 7 43 N22 6 2 28 32 8 F 2 4 12 7 44 22 14 2 18 167 125 S 3 4 11 7 45 22 21 2 9 3 3 2 31 George m. bom, 1738 Su. 4 4 10 7 45 22 28 1 59 4 4 3 33 Whit Sunday M 5 4 10 7 46 22 35 1 49 5 4 4 35 15 — Magna Charta T 6 4 10 7 47 22 41 1 38 5 55 5 30 signed, 1215. W 7 4 9 7 48 22 47 1 27 6 36 6 15 Th. 8 4 9 7 48 22 53 1 16 7 17 6 57 Sir Alex. Bannerman F 9 4 9 7 49 22 58 1 6 7 56 7 36 arrived, 1857 S 10 4 8 7 50 23 3 53 8 33 8 16 Moon rises 66 minutes Su. 11 4 8 7 51 23 7 41 9 12 8 53 past 8, evening. M 12 4 8 7 61 23 11 29 9 60 9 31 Moon rises 17 minutes T 13 4 7 7 62 23 14 17 10 33 10 11 past JO, evening. W 14 4 7 7 52 23 17 4 11 20 10 57 Moon rises 22 minutes Th. 15 4 6 7 63 23 20 8 1145 past 11, evening. F 16 4 6 7 53 23 22 21 39 Oil 15— Corpus Christi. S 17 4 6 7 54 23 24 34 142 110 Moon rises 23 minutes Su. 18 4 5 7 54 23 26 47 2 53 2 17 past 0, morning. M 19 4 6 7 65 23 27 1 3 59 3 26 Moon rises 34 minutes T 20 4 7 7 55 23 27 1 13 5 6 4 34 past 1, morning. W 21 4 7 7 55 23 28 1 26 6 5 5 37 Moon rises 59 minutes Th. 22 4 8 7 66 23 27 1 39 7 6 33 past 2, morning. F 23 4 8 7 56 23 27 1 62 7 50 7 24 Moon rises 52 minutes S 24 4 9 7 56 23 26 2 5 8 35 8 14 past 4, morning. Su. 25 4 9 7 66 23 24 2 18 9 18 8 58 2nd Sun. after Trinity M 26 4 10 7 56 23 22 2 31 9 58 9 38 24— Midsummer. T 27 4 10 7 56 23 20 2 43 10 36 10 16 1st Sess. 8th Gen Ass W 28 4 10 7 56 23 18 2 56 U 16 10 56 prorog'dbypro.1861 28— Cor. Q. A^.ct. 1838 Th. 29 4 11 7 56 23 14 3 8 1157 1135 F 30 4 11 7 56 N23 11 3 20 19 29— Sr. Peter. Equation of time to be subtracted from apparent time to the 14th and to be added the remainder of the month. June. — June, (Latin, JuniWt) was so named from Juno, one of the fabled Goddesses of the Bomans. Jt answers to the Jewish Tammuz, the tenth of their civil, and fourth of their sacred year. k N '^ 'fe* »k ^ Q « C) f^ S 1 Su. 2 M 3 T 4 W 5 Th. 6 F 7 8 8 Su. 9 M 10 T 11 W 12 Th. 13 P 14 S 15 Su. 16 M 17 T 18 W 19 Th. 20* F 21 S 22 Su. 23 M 24 T 25 W 26 Th. 27 F 28 S 29 Su. 30 M 3ll| THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 1& <* ■.-I. . ■■ 1 JULT, 31 DAYS. MOON'S PHASES. Full Moon • ••••••••■••■•A 8th diiv. 4h. 57m. Plvflfiinff Last Quarter . . . .••^•••••.••••* 15th d&v. Oh. fiSm ISvfininflr New MooNr !2<2n(l Hav. 2!i. fiRm 17.vanin • N Sun Sun 6^. app. time. \ 1 b Equa. Hlgt '^ 'fe* riaes sets Sun*s of Water o,t Memoranda, ^ §^ at Decli- time. Si. Johu^s. ^ ^ 8t. JohrCa, nation, add. 1 h. m.^h. m. h. m. p. m. A. m. S 1 4 12 7 65 N23 7 3 31 1 3 41 Sir R. Peel died, 1850 Su. 2 4 13 7 55 23 3 3 43 159 127 3rd Sun. after Trinity. M 3 4 13 7 54 22 58 3 54 3 5 2 33 T 4 4 14 7 54 22 53 4 5 4 10 3 37 An. Independ. 1776. W 5 4 16 7 54 22 47 4 16 5 13 4 43 Th. 6 4 U 7 63 22 42 4 25 6 5 5 40 Moon rises 58 minutes F 7 4 16 7 53 22 35 4 35 6 50 6 27 past 5, evening. S 8 4 17 7 53 22 29 4 44 7 3;i 7 12 Mc on rises 35 minutes Su. 9 4 18 7 52 22 22 4 53 8 17 7 55 past 7, evening. M 10 4 19 7 51 22 H 5 2 8 58 8 27 Moon rises 53 minutes T 11 4 19 7 51 22 6 5 10 9 37 9 17 past 8, evening. W 12 4 21 7 50 21 j8 5 18 10 21 9 59 Th. 13 4 21 7 50 21 49 5 25 11 6 10 42 Moon rises 27 minutes F 14 4 22 7 49 21 41 6 3211 56 1130 past 10, evening. s 15 4 23 7 48 21 31 5 38 22 Moon rises 33 minutes Su. 16 4 24 7 47 21 21 5 44 119 50 past 11, evening. M 17 4 25 7 46 21 11 5 49 2 25 1 49 Moon rises 12 minutes T 18 4 26 7 45 21 1 5 54 3 38 3 2 past 0, morning. W 19 4 27 744 20 50 5 58 4 52 415 Moon rises 44 miuutes Th. 20 4 28 7 43 20 39 6 2 5 58 5 25 past 1, morning. F 21 4 29 7 42 20 28 6 .5 6 53 6 25 Moon rises 39 minutes S 22 4 30 7 41 20 16 6 8 7 39 7 16 past 3 morning. Su. 23 4 32 7 40 20 4 6 10 8 22 8 1 Prince Wales arrives M 24 4 33 7 39 19 51 6 12 9 8 41 at St. John's 1860. T 25 4 34 7 38 19 38 6 13 934 9 17 W 26 4 35 7 37 19 2J G 13 10 9 9 52 Prince Wales leavesSt Th. 27 4 36 7 36 19 12 6 13 10 42 10 25 Joha'sforSydney,1860 F 28 4 37 7 35 18 58 6 10 11 16 10 59 S 29 4 38 7 34 18 44 6 10 1156 1136 French He volu., 1830. Su. 30 4 39 7 32 18 29 6 8 017 Ig. Loyola died, 1556 M (3ll 4 41 7 31 N18 15 6 6 1 37 July— July (Latin, Julius,) was originally called Quintilis, being the fifth month of the Roman caleindar. Marc Antony designated it JuUus, ia honor of OaiuS Jalius Cttsar, dictator of Rome, who was born in it, and who reformed the calendar. It answers to Ab, the eleventh month of the Jewish civil year, and the fifth of their sacred yett. ii 'i t M 'i -^a 16 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. AUGUST, 31 DATS. MOON'S PHASES. Full Moon 7th day, Ih, 58pn, Morning Last Quarter 1 3th day, 6h, 1 1 m, Evening New Moon 2l8tday, 3h, 46ai, Morning First Quarter 29th day, 8b, ISm, Morning T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S &u. M T W Th. F S Su. M T Th. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sun rises Sun sets at St. John*s. G. app. time. b. n. 4 42 4 44 4 45 4 46 4 48 4 49 4 50 4 51 4 53 4 54 4 55 4 57 4 58 4 59 6 1 5 2 5 3 5 5 o G a 5 22 b 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 h. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 9i 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 m. 29 28 27 25 24 22 21 19 18 16 15 13 11 9 8 6 4 3 1 59 57 55 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 8un*s Decli- nation. Equa. time, add. N o 18 17 44 17 29 17 13 16 57 16 40 16 23 16 6 15 49 15 32 15 14 14 56 14 38 14 19 14 1 13 42 13 23 13 3 12 44 12 24 12 4 11 44 11 24 11 3 10 42 10 22 m. 6. 6 5 5 5 5 5 2 58 54 49 43 36 10 9 1 39 N 9 18 8 67 8 35 5 29 5 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 22 14 5 55 46 35 24 13 1 49 36 22 8 54 39 24 8 52 36 19 1 44 26 7 iligk Water at St. John^s. p. m. 2 1 3 14 4 28 5 38 6 30 7 14 7 57 8 39 9 22 10 2 10 45 1132 49 156 3 19 4 42 5 46 6 41 7 25 8 4 8 37 9 9 9 41 10 12 10 44 11 16 1156 18 1 11 2 28 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 m. 29 37 51 5 6 53 36 8 18 9 1 9 42 10 23 11 8 11 55 22 121 2 36 4 1 5 19 6 15 7 4 7 45 8 20 8 53 9 25 9 56 10 29 11 1135 42 147 Memoranda. Emancipa. of Slaves inW. Indies, 1834 [laid, 1858. Atlantic Tel. Cable Prince Alfred^. 1844. Moon rises 1 minutd past 8, evening. Moon rises 6 minutes past 9, evening. Moon rises 15 minutes past lO evening. Moon rises 44 minutes past 11, evening. Moon rises 34 minutes past 0, morning. Moon rises 30 minutes past 2, morning. Moon rises 38 minutes past 4, morning. Moon rises 41 minutes past 6, morning. 22— Found. Stone St. John's Wes. Church laid, 1856. 26— Birth Prince Con- sort, 1819. J. Bunyan died, 1688* AUGUST.--August was originally called by the Romans, Sextilis, or the sixth month ; which was afterwards, by the senate, changed to Augustus, m honour of the Emperor. It corresponds to the Jewish Elul (Neh. vi. 15), their twelfth civil, or sixth sacred xnonth* I F S Su. M t W Th. F S Su. M T Th. F S Bu. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S \M .f SEPTEMBER, 30 DATS. | MOON'S PHASES. 1 IPttl'L Moon...... .k^.. 6th dav. lOh 21m Mnrnif)# ^B T^AflT OttaRTER. . w*> . . . . ...'. l*iTh dziv. Ih. 2nm Ufarninir ^B NE'W Moon ISth dav. 7h. 14m. F.i-Aninv ''^ First QuA&TRn - 27th day, lib, 1dm, Evening A AAliO* lHgiW«»AJ>A • ... . .1 Bun Bun 0. app. time. 1 X fe ^ Equa High , •^ "^ rises sets Sun's M. Hon Water at Memorandeu , \ i 1 at Decli- of St. John's. i St. John's. nation. time id; h. m. h. m. o m. 8. p. m. ^* '"'* Wt F 1 6 23 6 36 N 8 31 11 3 49 3 9 8^Sir A.Bannermse M S 2 5 25 6 35 7 51 30 6 3 4 28 left-Hon. L. (>'- 1^ Su. 3 6 26 6 33 7 29 50 6 1 5 33 Brian sworn iu Ad- ; S M 4 5 27 31 7 7 1 9 6 51 6 28 ministrator. M T 6 6 29 6 28 6 45 1 29 7 34 7 13 Moon risesSS minutes m W 6 b 30 6 26 6 23 1 49 8 16 7 56 pa6t 6, evening. ,9 Th. 7 6 31 6 24 6 2 9 9 8 38 MoonrisesSSminutee W^ F 8 6 33 6 23 6 38 2 30 9 42 9 20| past 7. everinip. 11 S 9 5 34 6 21 6 15 2 60 10 25 10 2, Moon rise'00N 10th day, Oh; 56m, Fjkst Quartkr.... 27th dav, Oh, ISm, Eveninf Morning Efenin^ 1^ I 6v. M T W Th. P B 8u. M T ,\V Th. 8 8u. U T W Th. F 8 8u. M T W Th. P '8 ; Su. T N I Sun ^ rises Sun sets at St. John^s. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26; 6 27| 6 28; 6 29' 6 3{)i 6 31' 6 h. & 6 6 6 6 6 G 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 G 6 m. 4 5 G 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 IS 20 21 22 24 25 27 h. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 u 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0. app. Sun^s Decli- nation. ti me. Kqtia. of time, add. Jligh Water at St. John's, m. o 3&d 3 281 5 80 31 33 34 36 87 39 40 U 43 45 46 48 33 31 21 27 25 2 22 20 J8 16 14 )2 10 8 6 1 2 58 57 55 53 51 50 4S 46 45 43 41 40 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 G 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 U 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 IS 14 m. 1610 4010 3I1I 2611 4911 1211 3/J:12 58;12 2112 4413 7 29 13 13 5^13 1413 36:14 59;i4 2114 4214 4|14 261 15 "15 23 42 1 19 ii7 55 12 29; 45^ l] 16! 4.JI 12 p. IP. 4 33 5 35 6 22 7 8 7 61 835 9 21 10 6 iao210 114211 9 1 14 2 36 3 57 5 5 Memoranda^ 47 9 30 51 15 15 15 1115 32ri5 5216 13|i6 3316 52 12 16 16 37 48 5.9 19 28 36 43 50 56 2 6 10 13 16 5 5i> 6 36 11 42 13 4«3 16 46 1020 10 68 1144. 10 117 2 4(. 3 58 5 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 1 3 4 in.. 55 3i— Governor Mus« 8} grave arrived. 59 5 > Sytota ialo office. 46 30 Moon riisei minute* 13 past 6, evening. 5B Moon ) iatis 35minttte» 43 past 7, evening. 28 \loon rises 21 ininutet lo past 9,. evening, ^: con risoa 22QQinute» 38 pnst 11, evening. 52 Moon riaes 23o)inutes 17 pa*t 0, morning.. 34 Moon rises 25a)inutes. 83 piist 2. inorning. 15 Muon risesSSininulet ,^4 past 4, morning. 2.5 Vloon rises 25minute» 58 pa&t 6, morning. 29BHitieTrata)gar,1805: 1 11— Steatn Com. eata. 31 bHahe.l in Concejw U tion Bav, 1852. 38 l9~Free Trade Aet 19 received Royal at*. sent, 1S55 St.biuiu& andSu Jud6» 41 57 21 34 Hallow Eve. O.CTOBEii. — October derives its nam'? from tha Latin wbrj orio^ •tH^hc," inlicatiog the pbre ii held in the Itiman caUndviir, and I* mbe^% or " hliowe-.'* To the J-ws it W!»« knowii as BUL, bgnitying dec 7, a» in the fall of the Itnf (1 Kings vi. SS,) or MAftOiX& M'trninip First Quarter. 2jth day, llh, 2Sca, Evenintf ., T 0. app, time. Equa Hon ,■■'' time. Decli' nation.. EigJi Water at St. John*s. W 115' 7 Th. 16 7 V 117, r7 8 It* 7 Bu. 19 M m T i21 W:22 Th.23 F S Su. 24 25 26 M 27 T W 28 29 Tb.30 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 57 59 2 3 5 6 8. 10 11 12 14 15 17 la 20 21 I'd 24 26 27 23 3'.) 31 32 36 3o 33 32 3i» 29 27 26 25 24 22 21 29 19 18J 16 15 14 13 12 U II 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 o m, 14 3110 14 50 16 15 910 15 2816 15 48 16 16 416 16 22 16 16 3d! 16 16 57116 17 14;]5 17 3;)|15 17 47, 15 18 315 18 1915 18 34* 15 18 49; la 19 4il4 19 18114 19 32 14 19 46,14 19 59.13 20 1213 20 25 13 20 37|13 20 4 9; 12 21 1112 21 I2I12 11 S.jp 17 18 18 17 10 13 10,10 611 1 65 48 1 40 3 32 4 23 5 12 6 1 49 37 23 9 56 '.3 an 17 1 48 36 23 47 r 11/ 16 43 17 4li 21 Memoranda. 9. vn. ■' 6 30AllSaintii 6 20 3 -Free Sf. Andrew's 7 7 ChiKcb opened, 185^3 7 53 Moon rises 9 D)iiiutei 8 39| pi9t 6, eveninjf. 9 24 Mocn rises 4 minutes 531 9 28 37J10 2110 311 45 21 22 21 33 S21 42 11 11 2(3 6 46 25 3 44 20 62 a 18 28 28 10 It 10 59 1149 16 1 21 2 33 3 3i 4 48 6 41 6 22 7 ^ 7 32 8 5 8 37 911 9 44 10 22 11 6 1154 22 1 26 2 41 3 63 5 past 8, evenitig Moon rises 14 titinutei pabt 10| evtiuiDg. Moon rispg 19 mrnuiet pasr 0, morning Moon rises 17 minutes past 2 morning ' Moon rises 17 mir^uteS' past 4, morning K Vloon rises 13 minutes past 6, morning Duke of W^ellington's Funeral»1862 -' '*■>. Princess Koyal bom, 1840 ■ '•■■^ r ;t.^| M Peace with U.S., 1814 Kars capitUl&tedilSdff CM67 Wes. Church opened* St. Andrew ." ~~ November. — Xovember is so named from the liStin no!:em *' nine,* it being the. ninth mjnth of the Kooian calendar. It correspoads.to VbfvJie^l^ish < 0isi.ii;u (Nuh. i. 1), ^hich signifiei c&ij^fic^ the ihir^ nittnth of their civil, oud uiutb of their sacred year. i :i ^! ;l m mi II iil r| :4. i rj THE NEW FOUND LAl^JD ALMANAC. D£C£MB£R, 31 DAYS. MOON'S PHASE8. fuLL Moon 2na day, 3h, 13m^ Erening Last QuartEb 9th dby, 8h, i2m, Eveniog New Moon IStfa day, lb, 14m, Morning FiRst QuARTEB \. w . . 25th day, 9h, Om, Morning Is; I I Sun rises Sun sets at St, John's. F Su. M T W Th. F S 8u. M T W Th F S Su. M T W Til. F 8 Su. M T W Th. F S Su. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 h. m.) h. m. 30 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 61 51 52 52 53 53 53 Mi 54 54 54 55 55 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 * 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 G. app. time. 8un*s Decli' nation. 2 7 10 11 S21 52 22 1 22 9 22 ]8 22 25 22 33 22 40 22 46 22 52 22 67 23 23 23 11 23 15 23 18 23 21 23 23 23 25 23 26 23 27 23 28 23 28 23 27 23 26 23 21 23 22 23 20 Equor 0/ time. High Water at 8i. John'i. m. B. 10 40 10 17 9 54 9 9 29 5 Jlmorofufov p. m. 6 24 7 13 8 2 8 49 9 34 8 39 10 18 8 7 7 13 23 23 .. 23 1213 23 17 14 10 6 47 20 6 53 6 25 57 29 60 31 1 32 2 32 2 32 2 32 2 28 58 28 67 26 65 24 11 2 1149 13 1 4 2 8 3 17 4 23 5 19 6 8 6 48 7 27 8 3 8 39 9 14 9 53 10 34 11 18 31 1 30 2 42 3 57 5 7 6 7 7 1| d.ni.Ol 5 59 6 47 7 36 8 22 9 17 9 50 i0 4a 112 38 134 2 42 3 50 4 52 5 45 6 28 7 7 7 44 8 21 8 56 9 33 10 ]3 10 55 11 40 5 59 2 5 3 19 4 33 5 38 6 34 3~St. Andrew's Kirk opened, 1843 Moon rises 47 miimt»t past 5, evening Muon rises 54 minutet past 7, evening Moon rises 3 minutet past 10, evening Moon rises 19 minutea past 0, morning Moon rittes 6 minutes past 2, morning Moon rises 5 miqutas past 4, morning Moon rises 2 minutes past 6, morning Napoleon IIL proci'd Emperor^ 1848 St. Thomas 9— Sons of Tem. or- ganiz'd in St John's, 1850. CHRisiTtfAS Day St. Stephen St. John Innocents' Day 16— C. Wesley bora, 1708. Equation of time to be subtracted from apparent time to the 24th, and to be added the remainder of the month. I -...-■—.'.... - -.1... — Deceicbeb. — December derives its name from the Latin deeemt "telni" as, in the Boman year, instituted by Romulus, beginniof whk Maroh, it wat tha tenth month. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. ii COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. * Oovemor, Commander-in-Chief, and Vice-Admiral — His Excellency ANTHONY MUSGRAVE, Esquire. Private Secretary — James Sheriff Musgrave, Esquire. Colonial Aide-de-Camp — Edward L. Jarvis, Esquire. The Executive Council. Hon. Laurence O'Brien — President in the absence of the Governor, Hon. Hugh "W. Hoyles — Attorney General. Hon. Robert Carter, R.N. — Acting Colonial Secretary, Hon. Nicholas Stabb. Hon. John Bemister — Receiver Oenerdl. Acting Clerk of the CounciZ— Hon. Robert Carter, R.N. The Legislative Council. Hon. Laurence O'Brien, President, St. John's. Hon. John Rochfort, M.D.. do Hon. Edward Morris, do Hon. Nicholas Stabb, do Hon. Robert J. Pinsent, do Hon. Robert Kent, do Hon. James S. Clift, . do Hon. Richard O'Dwyer, do Hon. Edward White, do Hon. Peter G. Tessier, do Hon. James Cormack, do Hon. James O. Eraser, do Master-in-Chancery and Clerk — Hon; George H. Emerson, hold- ing, by Her Majesty's patent, the rank and precedence of an Execu- tive Councillor; Usher of the Black ^orf— William F. Rennie; Door Keeper— idkvaen Walsh ; Assistant Door Keepers and Messen- gers— J AmtB Corcoran and Ambrose Ronayne. House of Assembly. Speaker— "Fredebick B. T. Carter, Esquire. District of St. John's East — John Kent, Robert John Parsons, and John Kavanagh, Esquires. District of St. John's TTe*^— John Casey, Thomas Talbot, and Henry R«no«f, Esquires. II 'I 22 THB NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Diatriet of Harbor Orace— John Hay ward, and Henrj T. Moore, Egquires. District of CaH>onear -John Rorke, Eiquire. District of Harbor ifatiM— Patrick Nowlan, and Thomaa Byrne, Esquirea. District of Port-de-Orave— John Leamon, Eiquire. District of Bay-de-Verds" Hon. John Bemiiter. District of Trinity— Ste^^hm Rendell, John Winter, and Frederick B. T. Carter, Esquires. District of Bonavista— John H. Warren, Stephen March, and Frederick J. Wyatt, Esquires. District of TwUlingate and /V)jfO— William V. Whiteway, and Thomas Knight, Esquires. District ofFerryland—ThomBM Olen, and Edward D. Shea, Esqra. District of Placentia and 8t. ilfary'«— Ambrose Shea, Richard McOrath, and Pierce M. Baron, Esquires. District of ^urtn— Hon. Hugh W. Hoylei, and Edward Evans, Esquire. District of Fortune Bay— Hon. Robert Carter, R.N. District of Burgeo and ijaPoiZe— Daniel Woodley Prowse, fisq^ Clerk — John Stuart ; Clerk Assistant— Richard Holden { Solici- tor— Thomas J. Kough; Sergeant-at-Arms— Hugh J. Furneauz | Librarian —Mrs. Feehan ; Door Keeper — William Coady ^Acting) i Messenger— Edward Kennedy ; Under Door Keepers— Philip Brown, William Doyle ; Assistant Messenger — Peter Higgios } Fireman- John Higgins. Colonial Secretary's Office. Acting Colonial Secretary- Hon. Robert Carter, R.N. ; First Clerk — Joseph Crowdy ; Second Clerk — Michael A. Kent ; Office Keeper and Mes»enger — James Dunphy. Surveyor General's Office. Surveyor General— John H. Warren, Esq.; Deputy Surveyor — Edward M: J. Delaney, C.E. ; Chainman — Richard Ryan. DEPUTY SURTETORS IN OXJTFORTS. Northern District — — — — — , Carbonear; Patrick Brine, Brigns ; Benjamin Sweetland, Trinity ; John T. Oakley, Qreenspood ; , Bonavista j , King's Cove ; Q. W. Hierhhy, Harbor Orace; Wm. Swansborough, New Perlioan, (Trinitjr Bay South ;) William Christian, Bay-de-Verds ; James Peyton, Twillingate. Southern District— Ihomu Mookler, Bay Bulla ; Michael Kelly, Ferryland; John W. English,. St. Mark's and Placentia i Henry Camp, Fortune Bay ; Jamea Harney, Burin ; Thomas Winter, Fof^ tune Bay ; Josiah J. Blackburn, Grand Bank. nmgt shew. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 23 Revenue Establishment. BOABD OP REVENUE. Preiident — Hon. John Bemi»t«r,KeoeiTer Oensral ( Hon. Laurtnoe O'Brien, Stephen Rendell, £s(^., Hon. Nicholas Subb, Hon. R. Kent, and Ewen Stabb, E«q. REVENUE SSTABLIBHMINT. Receiver General — Hon. '• Bemister. Assistant Collector — John Canning, E»^ Landing and Tide Surveyor— James S. Hayward. Landing Waiters — Edward L. Moore, Thomai E. Oaden. First Clerk and Warehouse Keeper — Wiiiiain Doutney. Seoond Clerk — James Winter. Third Clerk— William Oill. Fourth Clerk and Looker — William Reddin. Looker — John Hickey* Authoriied Broker— Joseph R. Mullings. OUTPORT SUB-COLLECTORS. Fogo, John 0. Lucas. Greenspond, William Larg. Trinity, Robert Bayly. Carbon ear, John McCarthy. Harbor urace, — — ; Clerk and Landing Waiter, Johnstone F. Burrows. Brigus, John C. Nuttall. Burin,Thomas Winter. Lamaline, Henry Ben- ningt Harbor Breton, Thomas Birkett. Oaultois, Richard Brad* ahaw. LaPoile, Thomas Read. Twillingate, Joseph J. Pearoe. PREVENTIVE OFFICERS. Green Bav (North Side,) Patrick Power. Bonavista, John Mif- flen. Bay culls, John L. MoKie. Ferryland, Luke Brown. St. Mary's, James Murphy. Trepassey, John Devereux. Grand Bank, Josiah Blackburn. Fortune, Thomas Rogers. LaManche, Richard McGrath. Little Placentia, Thomas Freeman. Channel (Port>auz- Basqae,) Horatio H. Read. St. Lawrence, Hugh Vavasor. English Harbor, (Fortune Bay,) Albert Sterling. Bay Roberts, George W. Hierlihy. Pushthrougb, (Fortune Baj^,) Henry Camp. Hants Har- bor, James L. Mews. Burgeo, Francis A. Parsons. Great Plaoen- tia, William G. Bradshaw. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. Comptroller— Hon. J. Bemister. Surveyor of Shipping— Edward L. Moore, St. John^s. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Receiver General— Hon. J. Bemister. Clerk-'— Geo. F. Hayward. Labrador— Co22ec^ton of Duties under Aat 2^ Vic, Cap, X and 2. CoUevtor, James Winter, (Sub-CoUectors appointed by Collector, Bubject to control of Governor in Council, undei: Act 26 Vic, Cap. 2, 6eo. 10.) Shipping Master and Emigrant Agent— James Finlay. Financial Seeretary's Office. Acting Financial Secretary ^Richard Howley, Esquire* i ii 24 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Board of Works. For the manai^ement and superintendence of Government House, Colonial Building, Court Houses, Gaols, Custom Houses, Hospitals^ Lunatic Asylum, and all other Buildings and Property belonging to the Colony ; Light Houses, Buoys, and Beacons erected or to be erected within the Colony and its dependencies ; supervision of Com- missioners of Roads, Highways, Bridges, &c., &c. Chairman — lohn H. Warren, Esquire; John Kavanagh, Thomas S. Dwyer, Terence Hallern, Stephen Hendell, James B. Wood, and William Boyd. Esquires. Secretary— John Stuart. Superintendent of Public Works and Buildings— John T. Nevill. Road Surveyors and Inspectors — Thomas Byrne and John Maher. OUTPORT BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Brigus to Port-de- Grave, both places tncZusice— John Leamon, James Tarrahan, Rev. E. O'Keefe, John Wilcox, Philip Bennett f Thomas Butler, and John Bartlett. Port-de-Grave, Northern side of Northern Gut Bridge — Doctor Brown, Thomas Butler, Kenny, James Keeping, Samuel Daw, jr., (Ship Cove) John Butler, (Sand.) Bay Roberts — W. S. Green, Richard Cormack, Isaac Bartlett, John McStravic, Robert Daw. Upper Island Cove, Bishop's Cove, and Bryant's Cove— Jamea Crane, Joseph Drover, jr., James Drover, (Island Cove) John Bar- rett, Israel Gosse, (Bishop's Cove) Thomas Stevenson, (Bryant's Cove.) Carbonear- J onu Rouke, John McCarthy, Michael Bolger, Michael Gould, John F. Ap^^oy, Nicholas Nicholle, Benjamin T. Gould. Bay-de-Verds {r per Division) ffom Fresh Water to Northern Bay, exclusive — itev. John S. Peach, Wm. Joice, Wm. Buit, Fierce Hanrahan. Bay-de-Verds, (Lower Division) from Nortliem Bay {inclusive) to Grates Gove — John Lewis, Rev. Bernard Duffy, Rev. Oliver Rouse, and Jobiah Garland. Trinity (North Side) to Bagged Harbor — Benjamin Sweetland, Robert Bayly, Alexander W. Bremuer, Gilbert H. Cole, Patrick Murp'y. Trinity (South Side) from Grates Cove to Hani's Harbor — James L. jMews, John Sheehan, Thomas Cooper, Jabez Tiiley, William Mea- dows, William March. New Harbor — Charles Newhook, William Miller, Joseph Pretty, Edgar March, Smith (Chance Cove ) HanVs Harbor (to the head of the Bay)— Rev. George Gardner, Reuben Benuster, Michael Howley, William Sooley, and Eliaii Warren. Bagged Harbor to Bird Island— A\ex&nder Bremner, William Abliford, William Walsh, Robert Tiiley, John Cameron, John Jeynes, Benjamin Snelgrove. 1 P. THE NliWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 1^ \ Bonavista — Alexander Bromner, John G. Skelton, James Saint, l*eter Ward, John Lawrence, Patrick Keough, and William Brown. King's Oowc— Michael Murphy, David Candow, jr., George Brown, Rev. M. Scanlan. and James Brown, br. Keds and Tickle Core— David Candow, James Eagan, (Keels) Andrew Mullowney, William Penny. Salvage— ISt. Kelligrsw, Thorop.a Oldford, Henry Wills, (Salvage) 7ames Bendon, James Pike (Fiat Island.) Creenspond— George Skelton, M.D., James L. Noonan, John T. 'Oakley, Williain Lanj?, Michael Curran, William Tough, (Pinchard's Inland) and Darius Blandford. Twillingate — John Peyton, Joseph J. Pearce, Charles Edmond, Joseph Minty, Thomas Manuel. Fogo — Hay Findlater, M.D., Richtird Power, Thomas Humphrey, John Barks, and Walter Williams. Tilton Harbor— 'Rev. Patrick Ward, William Burke, John Brine, 'John Dwyer, William Greene. MoretorCs Harbor and Tizzard's Barbor — William Osmond, Jchn Forward, (Tiazard's Harbor,) Henry Knight, John Taylor, John Cantwell, (Moreton's Harbor.) Burntisland, Exploits — William Menchinton, Edward Dowton, Thomas Butt, William Sevin, Andrew Pearce, and Josiah Manue'. Fortune Harbor— J&mea Hamilton, Michael Bryan, Michael Byrne, Matthias Glaveen, Patrick Carroll, William Carroll, (Indian Cove,) James Lyver> (Waldron's Cove.) JacketVs Arm, to Head of the Bay — John Knight, J. CampbelJ", and John Rowsell. Shoe Cove to Nipper* s Harbor — lamQ^ Gray, John Stark, William Noble, and John Walshman. Leading 2tcA;Ze.— James Alcock, Edward Butler, William Rowsell. Ferryland and Fermews—'RQ\. ZoxacB Murphy, Edmund Hanra- han, William Carter, (Ferryland,) Richard Cashin, (Cape Broyle,) William Johnston, (Renews.) Bay Bulls to the GowZcfs— Martin Williams, Martin Driscoll, Thomas Mockler, Cornelius O'Brien, Dr. McKie, and Very Rev. P. Cleary. Placentia and St. ilfart/'s— Francis L. Bradshaw, Rev, Edward Condon, and Thomas Freeman, Thomas Keites. Sound Island, (Placentia Bayj^Jcmea HoUett, Philip Brown, ^un'n— Francis Berteau, Owen Pine, George Bishop, Michael Gorman, James Oalton, William BurStt. Lamaline — Robert Bonnell, John Pitman, John Collins, George Cake, George Butt; Grand ^anA;— Edwaid Evans, Jonathan Snook, George Lake', and William Burfitt. Harbor Breton —Samuel Howe, Clement Mallett, Thomas Birkett, i^hilip Hubert, Jamei Hardy. 36 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. JBeUdr(tm—B.ev. John Marshall, John Cluett, John Orandy, Patrick- Rose, Thomas Rose. English Harbor— -T. R. Bennett, Hall, Fiander, T. Evans. Oaultois—liev. E. Colley, John Lee, itichard Bradshaw, H. Shephard, William T. Gallop. Eose Blanche ami Harbor ieCoM— Philip Sorsoliel, John Hanhan, Meshech Parsons, Thomas Bidout, sr., George Thomas. Burgeo — Rev. John Cunningham, William Anderson, Stephen Vatcher, Walter Ford, and George Hunt, M.D. La PotZe— Thomas Read, Kev. G. Hooper, Philip Clements, Wilf liam Thomas, Frederic Cox. Channel (Port aux Basques )^'Re\. W. W. Le Gallais, Rev. Jimei> Howie, John Gilman, John Bragg, William Gillman, John G. Brock. GAOLS. 8t. John's (Penitentiary)'— Keeper, Richard Brace ; Turnkey,, Samuel Shaw ; Surgeon, Charles Crowdy, M.D. Harbour Grace— G&oler, David Rogers ; Surgeon, William^ Dow, M.D. Tnni/y— Gaoler, Charles Granger. « Ferryiand — Gaoler, Francis Geary. Placentia — Gaoler, Samuel Collina. Burin — Gaoler, John Murphy. Bonavista — Gaoler, Michael Fennell. Twillingate and Fogo — Gaoler, James Rice. Harbor Breton — Gaoler, John Garvey. Brigus and Port-de-Grave—Gsioler, James Butler. COURT HOUSES. irlf. John's — Keeper, John R. Jeans. Harbor Grace — Keeper, David Rogers.^ ' Ferryiand — Keeper, Francis Geary. ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL. Medical Attendants — Hon*^ John Rochfort, M.D;, and Thomas McKe.i, M.D. ; Matron— Mrs. R. Holden ; Keeper — John Piowse.- ST. John's poor house. Medical Attendants — Hospital Doctors; Keeper — JobnDowney; Assistant Keeper — Joseph Score. LUNATIC ASYLUM, (ST. JOHN'S.) Resident Physician — Henry H Stabb, M.D.- DISTRICT SURGEONS. St. John's. (Eastern Ward)— Charles Crowdy, M.D., Charles H. Renouf, M.D. (Western Ward) — Frederick Bunting, M.D., James- ^^ Fraser, .M.D. Conception Bay — William Dow, M.D. COLONIAL BUILDING AND GROUNDS. Keeper — Mrs. Born. COMMISSIONERS FOR ERECTION OF PUBLIC WHARF. Ca<«/t/i a— William Walsh, James Murphy, John Diamond, Joh» Jeynes. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 27 V!' COMMISSIONERS J'-Oa ERECTION OF BREAKWATERS. Fortune — George Lake, sr., Elias Major, John Lake, John Spence, sr., Thomas Kogers, sr., John Fors^'y, sr., and Edward Bennett. Grand Bank — Robert Forsey, William Burfiit, Henry Hickman, Wilson Lovell, Heniy Nicholle, George Tibbo, George Forsey. Light Houses. Fori Amherst Light at the entrance of St. John^s — A Light was 'first established at this station in 1813.; in 1850 a new House, Lan- tern and Apparatus were erected. The Light burns at an eleva- tion of 114 feet, is produced by a treble argand burner placed in the focus of an annular lens of the fourth order, and in faVorableweUlier can be seen 16 nautical miles. When Cape Spear is enveloped in fog a heavy piece of ordnance is also discharged at this Fort every hour during day light, to assist vessels in making the harbor. It is situated in lat. 47.33.54 N., and long. 52.40.18 W. John Sheppard, Keeper ; Austin Sheppard, Assistant. Cape Spear Light — This Light was first exhibited on the 1st September, 1835 ; it is produced by seven argand burners and sil* vered reflectors burning at an elevation of 264 feet — it revolves, shewing a bright Light, every minute, and in favourable weather can be seen 26 nautical miles. It is situated in 47.31.11 N. lat., and 52.36.59 W. longitude. James Cantwell, Keeper; Denis Cantwell, Assistant. Harbor Oraoe Island Light — First exhibited on the 21st Novem- ber, 1836 ; it is a FWed Light, has fifteen argand burners and reflec- tors, shewing a steady bright Light from N. to S. W. and by W. seaward, elevated above the level of the sea 151 feet, and can be seen in fair weather in rounding Cape St. Francis or crossing Con- ception Bay, on ihe intervening space between N. and S. W. and by W. 20 nautir^al miles ; on the land side the light is more f< eble. It is situated in lat. 47.42 45 N., and long. 53.8.15. Ausiin Oke, JCeeper ; Charles Snow, Assistant. Cape Bonavista Zt^rR— Situated in lat. 48.41.56 N., long. 53.5.20 "W. ; is a Kevoiving Light, shewing alternately every 90 seconds a white and red Light. It is produced by sixteen argand burners and reflectors, burns at an elevation above the sea of 150 feet, und in favourable weather can be seen 18 nautic.l miles. By kenping •this Light open with Cape Largent, it will carry you clear of tn« Flower Rocks; first exhibited 11th Septembe-, 1843. JeremiuU White, Keeper ; Nicholi^ White, Assistant. Cape Fine JAght—Tkis Tower is of iron, built ty the Impprial Government in 1849-50, and first put in requisiuon on the Ist Jan- nary, 1851. It is revolving, and shews a brisk flash every thirty seconds — has 12 argand burners and reflectors— elevated above the level of the sea 314 feet— situated in lat. 46.37.4 N., and in long 53.31.45 W. In a favourable state of the atmosphere it can be seen- 2^ nautical miles. H-iury Herder, Keeper; bamuel Austin, As- sistant. Harbor Grace Beach Beacon and Light— "Sn^^ exhibited Ilih i1 'A S8 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. September, 1850 ; stands on the Point of Beach at the entrance of Harbour Grace. It in a double Light, as a disiinc ion from Harbor Grace Island Light, one being placed above the other, preserving thai appearance fur six miles ; exceeding this distance up to ten miles the two Lights appear blended into one. In sailing into Harbour Grace with a fair or leading wind, bring the Beach Beacon to bear W. or W. by S., and by keeping the Light or building a little on the stai board bow it will carry you clear of the Bar, on which at low water there is not more than 8 feet uf water. It is situated in lat. 47.41.28 N., and in long. 53.12.33 W. ; elevation above the sea level 40 feet; in clear weather it may be seen at a distance of 11 UBUtical miles. George Brown, Keeper. Oreen Island Light, at the entrance of Catalina Harbour, Trinity jBay- Situated in lat. 48.30.16 N., long. 53.2.40 W. This is a fixed white Light, burns at an elevation of 92 feet above high water, and in favourable weather will be seen from E.N-E.i seaward, to S.W., 15 nautical miles. Vessels bound Northward by keeping this Light open with the North Head of Catalina until Bonavista Light opens with Cape LeJean, will give the Flowers Kocks an ample berth — or when coming from the Nonhvyard and bound for Catalina, by giving the N. Head a moderate berth, you will clear the Brandies Kocks by steering for Green Island Ligut. It was first exhibited in 1857. Putrick Houlahan, Keeper ; William Houlahan, Assistant. Cape Bace Light — Exhibits a fixed white Light, from sunset to sunrise. The Light will be visible to seaward from N.E. by £., round by the S.E. and S. to W. The Light is elevated 180 feet above the mean water level of the sea, and may be seen in clear we^ither 19 nautical miles Irom a ship's deck. The tower is striped red and white vertically. It stands close to the old Beacon, whicn has been cut down. The Light house is in lat. 46.39.30 N., long. 53.4.30 W., and was first exhibited in 1856. William Hally, Keeper; George Hewett, Assistant. Dodding Head, Great Burin Island Light —This Light was put in requisition on the 3rd August, 1858, and is exhibited every night from sunset to suiiri!>e. It is revolving, cato-dioptric of the second orUer, producing a brilliant white Light every minute, with inter- mediate flishes at intervals of twenty seconds, burning at an eleva- tion of 430 feet above rtie level of the sea, and in favorable weather csan be seen 29 milts— situated in 47.0.26 North Latitude, 55.8.43 West Longitude. Martin Sparrow, Keeper; Thomas Doran, As- sistant. Offer Wadham Island Light.-^W&B first exhibited on the 4th Oc- tobe', 1858, and is L^hteu every night trom sunset to sunrise. The Light is a steady, fixed lens-light, burning on a circular Brick Tuwer 100 fett above the level of the stia, and can be seen in a favourable state of the atmosphere 15 nautical miles. Situated in Latiiuae 49.36.0 North — Longitude 53,45 6 .West. Chanes Prowse, Keeper ; Pctir Woods, Assistant. Baccalieu Island Light — This Light is exhibited every night from the going a A ay oi da\;igut in tue evening to the return of daylight i'u th« morning. Tne Ligiit House is situated on the Northern end THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 3» of the Island-^Latitude 48.8.51 North, Longitude 62.47.50 West, - the tower is of brick, the keeper's dwelling a square building de- tached from the tower, painted white, with the roof red. The Light is a cato«dioptric first class Hoiophotal revolTing white Light, shewing a flash every twenty seconds. It is elevated 443 feet above high water, and can be R«en in clear weather 30 nautical miles, and a lesser distance according to the state of the •tmosnhere. When the Southern end of the Island bears N.N.E. the Li^ht will not be visible when nearerer the Island than eight miles. It was first exhibited in 1858. James Ryan, Keeper} John Byan, Assistant. Gape 8t. Mary's Light. — Was put in requisition on the 20th Sep- tember, 1860; it is a revolving cato-dioptric Light of the first order, producing alternately every minute a brilliant red and a white Light, burning at an elevation of 300 feet above the level of the sea, and will be seen in a favourable state of the atmosphere 26 nautical miles from a vessel's deck ; situated in 46.49.30 N. lat., 54. 11.34 West long. The tower is of brick, and on each side of which stands the dwellings of the Keeper and Assistant, the sides of which are painted white, roofs red. John Reiley, Keeper j Wil- liam J. Collins, Assistant. 8t John's— Tvfo red lights are exhibited every night from sun- set until sunrise, intended as leading marks for vessels entering the Narrews. The lower light on the roof of the Custom House — the other 400 yards in the rear, on a white post, within a few yards of the N.E. angle of the Congregational Church, and 180 feet above the level of the sea. These Lghts will be readily distinguished from other lights in the town ; and keeking them in a line bearing N.W. % W. will lead in the largest vessel clear of all danger. To serve as leading maVks also during the day, the pediment of the Cus- tom House has been painted white; this is to be kept in line with the upper lantern, also painted white. Exhibited Jst September, 1863. Oalantry Head, Island of St. Peter's— The Fixed Light on Gal- antry Head, (Island of St. Peter's,) since the 10th August, 1862, has been replaced by a Flash Light, with intervals of twenty se- conds, and by one red flash after two white flashes ; situated in lat. 46.45 '30 N., loug. 58.27.0 W. Elevation above high water 64 mnres. Distance at which the Light is visible 18 miles. The Light is hidden at the Northward by the highland of St. Peter's. Light at the South entrance St. Peter's— Since Ist October, 1862, the entrance of the harbor of St. Peter's, called South Channel, has been marked by two small Fixed Lights, one of which is a white Light illuminating three fourths of the horizon, and placed on the Battery — and the other a red Light, on the plain at the North of the town. The white Light has an elevation of 11 metres, and is visible 6 miles. The red Light is eleva.ed 19 inelres, visible 3 miles distance. Th^ line connecting these two lights indicates the Middle Channel. The position of the red Light h\i also been so determined that as soon at it is seen on ths left of Cape l^agle, vessels coming from 30 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Columbier in beating into the N.E. entrance will have nothing to fear from the shoals of Cape Rouge, lioberl Oke, General Inspector of Light Houses. Light Dues— One Shiling per ton on all vessels entering any por^ or harbor of the Colony, except coasting, sealing, or fishing vessels:; but not to be levied more than once in any one year. Sealing and coasting vessels — Sixpence per ton on registered vessels of 40 tona and upwards; Fifteen Shillings per annum on all vessels less than 40 tons. The 19th of Victoria, Cap 6, Sec. 6, enacts — " That no greater sum than £25 sterling shall be in any year levied for Light Dues on any steamer or vessel entering any port of this Colony ; and no Steamer plying between Europe and any port of North America, and enteiing any port of this Colony as a port of Call, shall be liable to pay any Light Dues or other port charges except pilotage.^' Post Office Department. Post Master General — John Delaney, Esquire. Chief Clerk and Accountant— James Healy. Superintendant Money Order Office — James Healy. Second Clerk and Assorter— John Freeman. Third Clerk and Assorter — James Furlong. Assistants — E. Soloman and George K. Lilly. Letter Carrier and Messenger — George Gaden. Office hours, from 9 o'clock, a.m., to 4 p.m., Sundays excepted. POST MASTERS. Harbor Grace, Andrew Drysdale ; Carbonear, Nicholas Nicholle?; Brigus. Sarah Stentaford, (Post Mistress); Trinity, Anne Ccoss, (Post Mistress); Bonavista, John Lawrence ; Greenspond, William Lang; Fogo, James Fitzgerald ; Twillingate, Joseph J. Pearce; Bay Bulls, Martin Williams-; Ferryland, John Morry ; Trepassey, John Devereux ; Placentia, iVlary Morris, (Post Mistress) ; Burin, Thoma« Winter; Harbor Breton, Thomas Birkett; Burgeo, Francis A. Par- son; Little Placentia, Alexander Burke; New Perlican, Francis Howell. WAT OFFICERS. Port-de-Grave, Matthew O'Rielly ; Bay Roberts, James Fitz- gerald; Blackhead, William Butt; King's Cove, Vlichael Murphy.; Old Perlican, William Christian ; Portugal Cove, Mrs. Dooley, (Way Mistress) ; St. Mary's, James Murphy ; Oderin, Andrew Murphy ; Paradise, John Power; Salmonmr, John Hurley; Harbor Maine, Mrs. Brick, (Way Mistress) ; Hermitage, Richard Bradshatr; Cata- lina, John Jeans; Garnish, Grandy ; Bay-dc-Verds, Elias Picco ; Lamaline, Jacies Pitman ; Grand Bank, Jonathan HicKmao ; Fortune, Dr. Haddock; Channel, Horatio Read; Jlolyrood, Jobr. Veitch; Topsail, James Moyse; Hauts Harbor, Thomas Smithy Cats Cove, Timothy O'Brien. POSTAL ROUTES. Summer— Between St. John's and Portugal Cove, every day, ex- cept Sunday and Friday,Jby waggon. • 1 * 1 dise • ' THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 9V Between Portugal Cove, MriguR, Harbor Grace, and Carbonear, by steamer, tri-weekly ; Bay Roberts, weekly. Overland, by waggon, for Carbonear, via Topsail, Kelligrews, Holyrood, Harbor Maine, Brigus, Port-de-Grave, Bay Roberts, Spaniard's Bay, and Harbor Grace, four hours after the arrival of the Steamer from Halifax. Winter — OVerland Mondays and Thursdays, between St. John's and Carbonear, calling at all the intermediate places. Between Carbonear and Grates Cove, (calling at Heart's Content, New Perlican, Hants Harbor, and Old Perlican,) weekly, by mes- senger. Between Carbonear and Bay-dd*Verds, weekly, by messenger,, calling at intermediate places. Beitween New Plsrlican and Trinity, weekly, by boat. Between Trinity and Bonavlsta, and between Trinity and King's Gove, weekly, by messenger. Between Bonavista and Greenspond, fortnightly, by boat, touch- ing at King's Cove or Tickle Cove. Between St. John's, Fogo and Twillingate, monthly, by steamer, or on such other days as the Pbst Maf^ter General may appoint. Between St. John's and Ferryland, weekly, by waggon, during summer months, and fortnightly in winter. * Between Ferryland and Trepassey, fortnightly in summer, and monthly in winter, by messenger. Between St. John's and Placentia, by waggon, at 4 o'clock, p.m., on the Tuesday after the arrival of Halifax steamer. * Between Placentia and St. John's, by waggon, in one hour after the arrival of the Packet Boat from Burin. * Between Salmonier and St. Mary's, by messenger. * Between Great and Little Placentia, by messenger. * Between Little Placentia, LaManche, Sound Island, Harbor Bu£fett, Red Island, Merasheen and Burgeo, by boat. * Between Great Placentia and Burin, by boat, touching at Para- dise and Oderin. * Between Burin and Garnish, by messenger. * Between Garnish, Grand Bank, Fortune and Lamaline, by mes- senger. • * Between Garnish and Harbor Breton, calling at English Harbor,. by boat. * Between Harbor Breton, Burgeo and LaPoile, by boat. Besides the above-mentioned routes, intermediate Mails are madt up and dispatched by Steamer Arid. Routes marked thus * are fortnightly during summer, and month- ly during winter months. Newspapers posted in this country, when addressed to any place kt Nova Scotia, Canada, P. E. Island, Bermuda, the United States, OK ekewhere,. must be prepaid, by Mail, ^otherwise they cannot>he ^) THE NEVVFOU.S'JjLAiND ALMANxiC. forwarded, except deposited in the Government Agent's Eag as merchandise. All Correspondence addressed to the United States, must be pre- paid, or it cannot be forwarded. INLAND postage; For Letters— Under i oz 5 cents. Under I oz 10 cents. 5 cents for every additional ^ ounce, ^or book packets, pamphlets, magazines and periodicals, not ex- ceeding three pounds In weight, transmitted by post within the Is- land, are charged four cents for every quarter p&und of their weight. PARCEL POST, Parcels closed at the ends and sides may be posted at any Post Office in Newfoundland for Conveyance to any other Post Office (not Way Office) in the Island, at a rate of postage subject to the follow- ing conditions t— 1. — No letter or letters shall be concealed. 2. — The parcel shall not contain any explosive substance, glass, liquid, or other matter likely to injure the ordinary contents of :h0 mail, under penalty of the forfeiture of the parcel. 3. — Xhe weight of the parcel shall not exceed 3 lbs, nor the siks exceed one foot in length or breadth, or six inches in thickness. 4. — Parcels must be prepaid at the following rates : — If weighing .3S8 than 1 lb 24 cents. Over 1 lb. and not exceeding 21b ...48 cents. Over 2 lb. and not exct eding 31b 72 cents. 5. — The parcel may be registered on payment of a fee of 10 cents in addition to the j-ostuge. 6. — If the name and address of the sender be written on the par- cel, it will, if delivery should fail from any cause, be returned un- opened to the sender on payment of an additional rate of 20 centa for the return conveyance. 7.— The parcel should have the words " by Parcel Post," phinly written over the address. It should be well and strongly put up, and be legibly addressed to the Post Office address of the intended re- ceiver, including the name of the district in which the Post Office is situated. The following is an example of the mode of address recommended : BY PARCEL POST. To Post Office District of Sent by District of PROniBITARY CLAUSES No written communication shall be inclosed in any circular, peri- •dical, pamphlet, book, book parcel) or parcel for tho Faroel Post i P U THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 9S find no oommun^catioiA shall be Avritteu upon any circular, periodU tal, pamphlet, book, book package, or parcel. No letter, or any writing, or any marks to serve the purpose of a letter, shall be written upon or enclosed in any newspaper posted to pass as a newspaper. Books, pamphlets and magazines, for Great Britain, are charged the following rates — the postage in all cases must be prepaid :-— For a packet not exceeding 4 oz 6 cents. not exceeding 8 oz 12 cents. over 8 ozs. and not exceeding 1 lb. .24 cents. And 10 ODi adding 12 cents for every additional 8 ozs., or fraction thereof. TabU of Postage Bates on Letters posted in Newfoundland for thi following countries, viz : — Africa, Ascension, Australia, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, Belize (Hon- duras), Ceylon, China, Costa liica, Cuba, Cape of Good Hope, Gray- town, Guatemala, Hayti, Labuan, Mexico, Montevideo, Natal, New fiouth Wales, New Zealand, New Granada, Fenang, Forto Rico, St. Helena, Surinam. Singapore, Sweden, Tasmania, Turkey in Europe, except places speciSed, 34 cents per h oz. Aden, Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Belgitim, Belj;rade, Bremen, Bor- neo, Bourbon (Isle of,) Brunswick, Egypt, Falkland Islands, Fer- nando Fo, Frankfort, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Hamburg, Hanover, Hesse, Liberia, Lubeck, Mauritius, Mecklinburg, Olden- burg, Prussia, Saxony, Sierra Leone, per h oz. 22 cents. Azores, Canary Islands, Itnly except Papal States, Maltti, Naple4, Portugal, Sardinia, bicily, Smyrna, Spain, Switzerland, per j 02. 22 cents. France, Algeria, Madeira, Cape-de-Verds, per 4 oz. 16 cents. Bolivia, Chili, Ecuador, Feru, and places on the West Coast of America, per ^ oz. 58 cents. Lanarca, Seres, Tehesme, Tenedos via England, South America (East and West coast of) via Bermuda, per h oz. 32 cents. Confttantinople, Dardanelles, Galatz, Gallipoli, Moldavia, Myte- lene, Khodes, Samsonn, Salonica, Scutari, Syria, Trebizond, Tulche^ Tunis, Varna, per i oz. 20 cents. Greece and Fapal States, per i oz. 28 cents. Denmark and Jassy, per ^ oz. 28 cents. India and the Ionian Islands, per i oz. 30 cenit. Helligoland and Holland, per i oz. 26 cents. Norway, per i oz. 38 cents. Launberg, per i oz. 24 cents. Poland CLERKS of the PEACE. ' \fv St. John's, (for Central Di8trict)--Robert R. W. Lilly. Harbour Grace — John Fennell. Carbonear — John Mackay. Brigus— John C. Nuttall, Trinity — Robert Bayly. Bonavista— John Lawrence. Twillingftte— Aaron A. Pe»roe. Burin— Edward Morris. Harbour Breton — Samuel Howe. 40 tHE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANA8. COBONERS. St. John's -Joseph Shea, M.D. Harbour Grace— Joseph Petera* Bay-de-Verds— John Lewis. Trinity — Benjamin Sweetland. Greens- pond — Dr. Skelton. Ferryland — John Stephenson. Bay Bulls — Martin William?. Trinity Bay (South Side) — Michael HowIey« Bonavista — John Lawrence. Harbor Maine — Patrick Strapp. Her" mitage Bay — Thomas Winter. POLICE. General Superintendent of Police Constabulary for Newfound- land — Timothy Mitchell. St. John's— Sergeants, William Fergusoa and James Kenna. Harbour Grace — High Constable, Luke Fallon. Carbonear — High Coastable, Peter McBaie. INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Thomas S. Dwyer, St. John's. William Meagher, Harbor Graov. Peter McBaie, Carbonear. Nicholas Jeynes, Brigus. Educational Institutions. ST. John's academy. Directors— Church o? England Board— Right Her. Dr. Feild, Thomas Bennett, Hon. Robert Carter, lion. Hugh W. Hoyles, Hon* Judge Robinson. Masters— Rev. Joseph Phelps, Rev. Charles F. Jagg. Roman Catholic Boircl— Right Rev. Dr. Mullock, John Kent« Hon. John Rochfort, M 1)., Hen. Laurence O'Brien, Hon. Judge Little. Masters— Rev. \(. Walsh, Rev. R. O'Donnell, T. Talbot, M. Fenlon, P. Comerhncl, E. Bennett. General Protestant Board — Walter Grieve, Thomas McMurdo, John B. Bulley, Hon. James O. Eraser, Hon. Peter G. Tessier, Wil- liam Boyd. Master — Adam Scott* NEWFOUNDLAND WESLETAN ACADEMY. Directors — Rev. John S. Peach, James J. Rogerson, Hon. Nicho- las Stabb, Hon. John Bemister, Joseph Woods. Head Master — Alexander Simpson Reid, M.A. Assistant Teacher — Corlett W. Shenstone. GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. Directors — Harbour Grace — John Munn, William H. Ridley, John Hayvvard, Hugh W. Trapnell, John Ryan, D. Greene. Mas- ter — John L Roddick. Carbonear — Richard Berny, John McCarthy, Edwari T. Pike, Michael Bolger, Moses Wiltshire. Master- COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS. Commissioners — Brigus— James N. Leamon, John C. Nuttalli Thomas Kelly. Teacher — William Greene. Broad Cove (Bay-de-Verds)— Rev. J. S. Peach, Rev. W. E. Shen^ itone, John Lewis, William Butt, jr. T«aeh«r— Alexander M'Kayi THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. «1 Trinity — Benjamia Sweetland, A. W. Bremner. Teacher — Old Perlican — Rev. John Watcrhouse, Jatez Tilly, and Stephen K. March. Teacher — William Christian. Bonavista — Peter Ward, Jamei Saint, John Lawrence. Teacher- Sam ael Kowsell. > King's Cove — Rev. M. Scanlan, Michael Murphy. Teacher — Ferryland — Rev. James Murphy, Robert "Carter, Luke Browu, Michael Devereux. Teacher — Patrick Flannery. Burin— Episcopal Branch, — - — -, Teacher ; Roman Catholic, Michael O'Donnell, Teacher; Wesleyan, Jonathan Parsons, Teacher. Harbor Breton— Rev. W. K. White, Rev. Eaward CoUey, Cle- ment Mallett, Samuel Howe. Teacher — -. Twillingate — Rov. Thomas Boone, Rev. James A. Duke and John W. Owens, John Roberts, William Lethbridge. COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL CHURCH SOCIETY.— [Incorporated.] Patron — Her Most Gracious Majesty the Qupen. Vice-Patrons — His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace the Archbishop of York. President — The Most Hon. the Marquis ot Chohnnndeley, and 80 Vice-Presidents, consisting of Peers of the Unitticl Kingdom, English and Colonial Bishops, Colonial Governors, Members of Parliament, &c., &c. Corresponding Committee in Newfoundland— President, Hon. Hugh W. Hoyles; Vice-President, Dr. Winter j Treasurer, E. L. Jarvis ; Inspector and Organizing Master, J. W. Marriott; Secra- tary, James Bayly ; Rev. T. M. Wood, F. B. T. Carter, Hon. R. J. Pinsent, Hon. J. S. Ciift, Theodore Ciifl, D. W. Prowse, John Bowring. Bankers, Union Bank. Teachers — St. John's, Mr. Marriott and Mr. John Bishop, Boys School; Mrs. Burke, Girls' School; Training Pupil Tfochers of the Society, Misses Winter and Saunders; Infanis' School, Misses An derson and Marett. Belloram, Kev. J. and Mrs. Marsball. Petty Harbor, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. Portugal Cove, Mr. Ward. Brigus, Mr. and Mrs. Mills. Port-de-Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Maddnck and Miss Collier. Spaniards' Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Karle. Bisbop'ii Cove, Mr. S. Earle. fiarbor Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner. Heart's Content, Mr. Thompson. Trinity, Mr. Collis and Miss Lockyer. Bonavista, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Salvage, Mr. and Mrs. Kilii- grews. Greenspond, Mr. Edwards. Swain's IslanU, Mr. Bishop. Twillingate, Mr. Crosby. Fogo, Mrs. Plomer. WESLETAN SCHOOL AND AGENCY SOCIETY. Committee — Rev. J. S. Peach, Chairman and Treasurer ; Rev. J. Dove, Secretary ; the Ministers of the Newfoundland District, and John Munn, James J. Rogerson, John BuUey, sr., Joseph Woods, Israel McNeil, James N. Leamon. Teachers— Pouch Cove, Joseph Baggs. Carbonear, James Hud- •don. Brigus, Francii Skeanes. Purt-de-(irave, John Browu. 42 THi: NE'VrOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Blackhead, Joseph Thistle. Old Periican, ■William Christian. Bonavista, Miss Snelgrove. Burin, Joseph H. Parsons. Sound Island, Charles Downs. Green's Harbor, Simeon Beed. Qaria» Francis Scott. FBE8BTTERIAN (ST. ANDREW'S) SCHOOL, ST. JOHN'S. Committee — John Boyd, Secretary; Gilbert Browning, John B» MeLea, Alex. McKay, Andrew Thomson, Alex. MitchelL Teacher —Robert Scott, MA. BOARDS UNDER EDUCATION ACT. St. John's— Rev. Thomas M. Wood, Rev. P. Prestwood, or the Senior Wesleyan Minister, Rev. Moses Harvey, Rev. George M. Johnson, Rev. D. McRae, Rev. John Maze, Hon. Nicholas Stabb, William H. Mare, Hon. James Q. Clift, John Winter, M.D., and W. V. Whiteway. Harbor Grace.— Rev. Bertram Jones, Rev. James Dove, and Richard Anderson, John Munn, William H. Ridley, John Hay ward, and Rev. "William Meek, (Island Cove.) Carbonear— Rev. John Winterbotham, Rev. William J. Hoyle*, and John Rorke, Edward Pike, James Forward, jr., Israel McNeil, and Benjamin Gould. Bay Roberts — Rev. Martin Blackmore, William S. Green, Rev. James C. Harvey, Rev. Joseph Pascoe, and Thomas Marten, jr., Isaac Bartlett, and John M. Maddock. Brigus— Rev. Thomas Harris, Rev. Robert H. Taylor, and John Leamon, William S. Mills, Christopher Norman, James Wilcox, and Jonathan Peroey, Bay-de-Verds— Rev. John S. Peach, R( v. Oliver Rouse, Rev. W. E. Shenstone, and John Lewis. Trinity Bay North— Rev. Benjamin Smith, Rev. Charles Ladner, and William Kelson, Benjamin tiwreetland, Robert Bayly, Alexander Bremner, jr., and Uilbert H. Cole. Trinity Bay West— Rev. George Gardner, and Robert Ollerhead, James Moore, Robert Rockwood, Heart's Content ; Charles New- hook, New Harbor; James Wiseman, Hearts Delight; Reuben Bemister, New Periican, Elias Warren, Joseph Harnum. Trinity Bay South— Rev. John Waterhouse, Rev. O. Rouse, and James iMews, Jabez Tilly, and Dr. Joseph Coultis. Trinity Bay East — Rev. William Netten. and Alexander Bremner, William Norman, John Daymond, Robert Tilly, jr., and Benjamin Snelgrove. Bonavista Bay North— Rev. William J. Milner, and John T. Oakley, George Skelton, M.D., James Noonan, Darius Blandfordi Charles Edwards. Bonavista Bay South— Rev. A. E. C. Bayly, Rev. C. Comben, and Alexander Bremner, James Saint, John G. Skelton, William Brown, and Stephen Abbott. Bonavista Bay West— Rev. William Kirby, David Candow, Tickle Cove ; John Shears, Open Hall ; and Samuel Coffin, William Han* cock, jr., and David Candow, jr. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 43 Fogo — Rev. KeginalCi M. Johnson, Rev. Thomas Fox, and Hay Findlater, Peter Carter, Charles Willis, Henry Simons, — Williams, (Bar'd Island Harbor.) Twillingate — Rev. Thomas Boone, Rev. James A Duke, and John Peyton, Charles Edmonds, William Letbbridge, and Rev. Josiah Darrell, Herring Neck. Moreton's Harbor — Rev. G. S. Chamberlain, Rev. Jabez. Rogers, and Robert Small, Josiah Manuel, Exploits; Job Stuckless, and William Barnes. Ferryland — Rev. Robert Temple, Robert Carter, James H. Carter, James Carter, John Morry, Peter Winser, Daniel H. Winser. Placentia — Rev. John Kingwell, James Butler, Thomas E. Collett» George H. Bennett, Thomas Collins, (Odean), James HoUett, and James Chalmers. Burin — Rev. S. T. Teed, Rev. William Rozier, Francis Berteau, Owen Pine, Richard Willie, George Goddard, and WiUiam Paul. Lamaline — Rev. A. E. Gabriel, George H. Evans, George Cake, James Pitman, George Bust, and Thomas Laskey. Grand Bank — Rev. John S. Phinney, Edward Evans, Josiah Blackburn, James Hickman, and Jonathan Snook. Fortune Bay— Rev. Wi liam K. White, Rev. E. Co'ley, Rev. John Marshal', Samuel Howe, Arthur Drever, Clement Mallett, and W. J. Gallop. Burgeo — Rev. John Cunningham, Rev. Edward Colley, George Hunt, M.D., William Scott, Stephen Vatcher. LaPoile — Rev. George Hooper, Rev. John M. Pike, Thomas Read, William Thomas, Thomas Anderson, and Philip Sorsoliel. Channel — Rev. W. W. LeGallais, Rev. Isaac Howie. John Gillam, John Pike, William Gillam, John LeBrock, and Edward Genge. Protestant Inspector of Schools — John Haddon. ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. St. John's — Orphan Asylnm, (Boys). Teachers— Thomas McGrath, Francis Grace ; Industrial Department, Bartholomew Connors. Sr. Patrick's, River Head — Teacher— John Dalton. Harbor Grace — St. Patrick's Free School, (Boys), Teacher — Hamilton. BOARDS UNDER EDUCATION ACT. St. John's— Right Rev. John T. Mullock, D.D. ; John Kent, Hon Laurence O'Brien, and Richard Howley. Harbor Grace, Carbonear, Bay-de-Verds, and Trinity South and West — Right Rev. Dr. Dalton, John McCarthy, Pairick Devereux, James L. Prendergast, and Michael Bolger. Brigus — Rev. E O'Keefe, Patrick Nowlan, and Richard Corm ick . Harbor Maine — Very Rev. Kyran Walsh, V.G., and Patrick Strapp, William Holden, Richard Woodford, Chariea Furey, and William Woodford. Trinity Bay North — Right Rev. Dr. t)alton, Rev. J. Scanlan, and John Murphy, F. Murpbyr Robert Lawler, i^ 44 THB NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Bonavtsta Bay South— Eiglit Kev. Dr. Dalton, Rev. M. ScanlaOr and William i^artei-y, James Ccunora, Aiichael Murphy, John Ryan, and John Murphy. Fogo- Righl Rev. Dr. Dalton, Rev. P. Ward, and J. Fitzgerald, Miles Durkc, (Joe Bat'ii Arm,) William Green, Daniel Bryan, (TiU ton Harbor.) Ferryland—Hev. James Murphy, Rsv, William Forristal, and Henry O'Neil, Philip Jackman, Nicholas Power, Richard Caahiov Gerald Jackman. Bay Bulls— Rev. P. Cleary, and Martin Williams, Martin Driicoll. !V ichael Driscoll, J. Blackier, Michael Carey, (Wit'ess Bay) and Thomas Gatherall (Bailine). Great Placentia—- Rev. E. Condon, F. L> Bradshaw, Maurios Power, Ttiomas Rielley, Michael binnott, and John Sinnott. Little Placentia — Rev. Pelagius Nowian, and Thomas Freemanr Alexander Burke, John Riehey, and Thomas Kbits. Placentia West — Rev. James Wn'sh, and Thomas Sullivan, Tim- othy Connors, Daniel Ryan, and De:jis Ryan. St. Mary's— Rev. J. Ryan, and J* Walsh, John Grace, William Burke, Michael Fagan, James Murphy, and John Whtlan. Trepassey — Rev, John Ryar, and James Waddleton, John Tobin^ James Dovereux, John Neiil, jr., and John Ueweit. Burin — Rev. John Cullen, Patrick Morris, Richard Marshall, John Power, Matthew Marshall, Edward Mo iS, and William Fitzpairick. Fortune Bay— Rev. E. Brennan, Rev. John CuHen, and P. Burk•^ W. Burke, P. Burke, jr., T. Kinshella, and T. Hearne. Roman Catholic Inspector of Schools— Michael J.. Kelly. Icclesiastical Department. CHURCH OF ENGLAND, The Right Rev. Edward Feild, D.D., Lord Bishop of New* foundland. (vacant,) Archdeacon and Ecclesiastical Commissary. Deanery of Avalon— Rev, John M. Noel, Ferryland, Rev* George M. Johnson, Petty Harbor. Rev. Benjamin Fleet, Fox Trap. Rev. t,. Paiairet, M.A., Topsail. Rev. F. C. Jugg, Portugal \;ove. Rev. C. tt. Medley, B.A., !St. Mary's. Rev. Thomas M. Wood, (Rural Dean) Sr. Thomas's. Deanery of Conception Bay — Rev. M. Blackmore, (Rural Dean) Rev. W. C. Saears, liay Roberf}. Rev. James C. Harvey, Port-de- Gravo. Rev. VV. J., lloyles, Carbonear. Rev. Bertram Jone^, Usr- bor Grace. Rev. Oliver Rouse, Bay-de-Verd. Rev. R. H. Taylor, BrigUH. Rev. William F. MeeK, Island Cove. De'inery of Trinity Bay— Rev. Geori^e Gardner, Heart's Content. Rev. T. Dobie, New Harbor. Rdv. W. Kirby, King's Cove. R*r. W. J. Milner, Greenspoud. Rdv. William Netten, Oatilma. Ra?. A« C C. 3ayly, liouarista. Riv. Benjamin Smith, (Riral Ddaa> TB£ MEWFOUNDLAMD ALMAMAa Trinity, Rev. Charles R. West, Salvage. Rev. John 0. Cragg, Pinchard's Island. Deanery of Notre Dame Bay — Rev. Thomas Boone, (Rural Dean) Twillingate. Rev. Josiah Darrell, Herring Neck. Rev. R. M, Johnson, Fogo. Rev. George S. CbamberlRin, Moreton's Harbor. Rev. R. Temple, White Bay. Deanery of Placentia Bay —Rev. William Rozier, Burin. Rev. J, Kingwell, Harbor Buffett. Rev. A. £. Gabriel, Lamaline. lais, Channel. Rev. John Marshall, Belleoram. Rev. William K; White, (Rural Dean) Harbor Briton. Labrador Forleau. Rev. George Hutchinson, B.A., Battle Harbor. Theological Institution — Principal — Rev. G. P. Harris, M.A. Students^Ulric Rule, vx.Oakley, Epiphanius W ilson, Theophilua Neiten, Henry M. Skinner, John Lockward. Newfoundland Church Society — Patron —His Excellency the Qo- Ternor. President — The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Newfound- land. Vice-Presidents — The Rural Deans. Treasurer — William H. Mare. Secretary — Rev. George M. Johnson. Committee— John Tunbridge, F. B. T. Carter, J. C. Withers, C. Crowdy, M.D., Hon. H. Sv. Hoyles, K. McLea, jr., John Winter, M.D., John H. Warren, Henry K. Dickinson, T. Bennett, J.P., Geoige J. Hay- ward, Hon. Judge Robinson, W. V. Whiteway, Q. T. Kendeflr H. LeMesBurier. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. DIOCESE OP ST. JOHN'S. Tlie Bight Rev. John Thomas Mullox, Lord Bishop of 8t. John's. Very Rev. P. Cleary, Dean. Very Rev. K, Walsh, Vicar-General. Very Rev. A. Belanger, Vicar General. St. Bonaventure's College— Rev. M. Walsh, Rer. R. HowIey,D.D« T. Talbot, M: Fenelon. St. John's Cathedral— Right Rev. J. T. Mullock, D.D., Rev. Jere« niah O'Donnell, Rev. John Vereker, Rev. D. O'Donnell. StrPalffck's— Rev. J. Conway, Rev. W. Walsh. St. Bonaventure's— Rev. M. Walsh, Rov. R. Howley, D.D* Torbay— Rev. Edward Troy. Portugal Cove— Rev. Tbomat O'Connor. Witless Bay— Very Rev. Dean Cleary, Rev. J. 8«otl. Ferryland— Rev. James Murphy. Termtosf — R«v. J. Fonistall. 40 THK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. St. Mary'a— Rev. John Ryan. Trepassey— Rev. M. Hannebury. Flacentia— Rev. E. Condon. Little Flacentia— Rev. Pelagiua Nowlan, Rev. D. O'Brien. St. Kieran'a — Rev. James Walsh, Rev. M. McGrath. Burin — Rev. Richard O'Donnell, R»v. M. Berney, Rev. Jamea Cullen. St. Lawrence — Rev. Richard Dunphy. Harbor Breton— Rev. E. Brennan. St. George's Bay— Very Rev. Alexander Belanger, V.G. Harbor Main— Very Rev. Kyran Walsh, V.G.,Rev. P. O'Donnell. Brigus— Rev. E. O'Keefe. College, 1 ; Convents— St. John's, 4 j Witless Bay, 1 ; Ferrvland, 1; Fermeuse, 1; St. Mary's, 1 ; Flacentia, 1; Burin, 1 ; Efarbor Main, 1 { Brigus, 1 ; Belvedere Female Orphanage, Orphans 64. DIOCESE OF HARBOR GRACE. The Right Rev. John Dalton, D.D. Lord Bishop of Harbor Grace. Rev. John Walsh, Very Rev. H. Carfagnini. * Carbonear — Rev. John O'Connor. Northern Bay— Very Rev. Bernard Duffy, V.G. Bay-de-Verds — Rev. J. Cummins. King's Cove — Rev. Matthew Scan Ian. Bonavista — Rev. James Brown. Tilton Harbor— Rev. F. Ward. Convents — Harbor Grace, 1 ; Carbonear, 1. rOXGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Rev. John Maze, Queen's Road Chapel, St. John's. W IvSLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH. The Rev John S.Peach, Chairman of the District. The Re? James Dove, financial Secretary. St. John's— Rev Paul Prestwood, Rev Alfred W. Turner, Rev Joseph Gaetz | Rev Adam Nightingale, Supernumerary Harbor Grace— Rev James Dove Carbcinear — Rev John Winterbotham, Rev John S. Allen Brigus — Rev Thomas Harris Port-de-Grave — Rsv Joseph Pascoe Blackhead — Rev John S. Peach ^ Island Cove — Rev William E. Shenstone Old Perlicati— Rev John Watierhouie Hani's Harbor— One to be sent Trinity— RcT Charlei Ladner THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 47 Bonavista— Kev Charles Comben, Eev John Goodiion Twillidgate— Rev James A. Duke Burin -Rev S. T. Teed Grand Bank — Rev John S. Phinney Missions of Conferenee, Lahrador— Supplied during Summer by the Rev John S. Allen Petites^Rev John M. Pike Channel— Rev Isaac Howie jBxploits, Burnt Island — Rev Jabez A. Rogers Fogo and Change Islands— Rev Thomas Fox Greenspond — One wanted Little Bay Island — To be supplied by Chairman. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. The Rev Donald McRae, St. Andrew's Church, St. John's FREE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Rev Moses Harvey, St. John's The Rev. Alexander Ross, Harbor Grace. LAYMEN LICENSED TO CELEBRATE MARRIAGE. Charles Harris, Gooseberry Island. George Goodridge, Labrador Chamber of Commerce, St. John's. Stephen Rendell, President ; Hon P. G. Tessier and John Bow- ring, Vice-Presidents } Henry K. Dickinson. Secetary and Treasurer; Frederick J. VVyatt, Augustus Harvey, Robert Alexander, Robert L. Muir, Hon Nicholas Stabb, Hon James S. Clift, John B. McLea, William H. Mare, Robert Thorburn. Manager of Commercial Rooms — John B. Bulley. Banks. UNION BANK OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Directors — Hon L. O'Brien, Robert Grieve, Robert Alexander, Robert Thorburn, A. W. Harvey. John W. Smith, Manager. Randal Greene, Accountant and Tel- ler. Charles S. Pinsent and Alfred G. Smith, Clerks. Hon Hugh W. Hoyles, Q.C., Solicitor. Discount Days— Mondays and Thursdays, from 12^ o'clock. Hours of Business — From 10 a.m., to 3 p.m. COMMERCUL BANK OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Directors— Stephen Rendell, John Bowring, John B. McLea, Frederick J. Wyatt, James Goodfellow. Robert Brown, Manager. Peter P. LeMessurier, Teller. William 41 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Walth, Clerk. William B. Dryer, Clerk and Mesiengen F. B. T. Carter, Q.C., Solicitor. Diioount Dayi— Tuesdays and Fridays, from 12| to Ih o'clook. Hourt of Busineii—From 10 a.m., to 3 p.m. Notaries Public. Bt. John's— Hon George H. Emerson, Hon Hugh W. Hoyles, Robert Prowse, George F. Bown, Frederick B. T. Carter, Robert R. W. Lilly, Hon Edward Morris, George J. Hogsett, W illiam H. Mare, Matthew W. Walbank, Thomas J. Kough, William V. White- way, Hon Nicholas Stabb, Matthew H. Warren, Hon Robert J. Pin- sent, D. W. Piowse, Richard B. Holdeo, Samuel G. Archibald, John B. BuUey, Prei.eott Emerson. Outports— Harbor Grace— John Hayward, Andrew Drysdale, Henry A. Clift, Lewis W. Emerson. Carbonear — Henry C. Watts. Twillingate— John Peyton. Brigus— William S. Vi ills. Bay Rob- erts— George VV. R. Hierlihy. Lamaline— Clement Beauing. Burin— Francis Berteau. Foreign Consulates. United States of America — Convers O. Leach,''.CoD8ul for New- foundland. Kingdom of Spain— Don Hfpolito de Uiiarte, Consul of New- foundland. Vice-Consuls- CharlfS F. Ancell, St. John's; T. Harri- son Ridley, Harbour G»ace. Consular Agents— John Peyton, Twil- lingate ; James L. Noonan, Greenspond ; Israel McNeil, Capo Charles; Nicholas Payne, Dead Island; U illium Junott, Long Is- land ; Dr. Hay Findlater, Fogo ; Gilbert Humphrey Cole, Trinity. Kingdom of Portugal— Charles F. Bennett, Consul General for Newfoundland. Vice Consuls- Thomas R. Smith, St. John's j John Munn, Harbour Grace; William Junott, Burin ; Charles Ed- monds, Twillingate and Fogo ; T. Howe, Harbor Breton and. Gaultois. • Kingdom of Prussia— Robert Prowse, Consul^ for St. John's j D. W. Prowse, Consular Agent. Hamburgh— Robert Prowse, Consul ; D. W. Prowse, Consular Agent. Empire of France— J. C. Toussaint, Vice-Consul for New- foundland. Kingdom of Italy— Horace le Boutillier, Consul for New- foundland. Kingdom of Denmark— John Kent, Consul for Newfoundland. QUEFJ^'S PINTER. Johs CoUitr Withers, Ssquira. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 49 Military Establishment. Coiamandin,? the Troops— Colonel Fitz William Walker, Royal Canadian Kifles. byteiian. Gariison Scrgt. ivipjor and Staff Clerk, M. Oilligan. Royal Engineer Department — ('Ommanding Royal Engineer, Capt. T. A. L. Murray. Clerk o! Works, W. f earse. Clerk, (tem- porary) L. Uanmer. Office Messenger, Pensioner 0. Clarke. Commisoariat Department — Assistant Commissary General, H. Moore. Assistant iStoie-keeper and Issuer, J. Devlin. Clerk (tem- porary), C. F. Wilbell. Military Store and Barrack Departments — Assistant Superinten- dent of Stores and Acting Barrack Master, J. Tunbridge. Deputy Assistant Superintendent of Stores, N. i 1 anmer. Uanack Sergeants, H. Hawkins, P. O'Connor. StorehousC'man, F. Scott. Warder, W. Hammond. Whar^nger, (Queen's Wharf,) Pensioner W. Francis. Oflice Messenger, Pensioner A. Devanna. Royal Artillery, 8th Battery, 10th Brigade— Cantain C. Wright, Commanding. Lieutenants, D. N. Taylor, C. J. Nf . Prother. As* sistant Surgeon, A. I^.. Rickards. District Clerk, O. Scarlet. Detachment Royal Canadian R'fles— Colonel F. Walker, Com- manding. Captains, J. F. Campbell, E. Whyte. Lieutenants, W. Gillmor, W. Cavanagh, T. H. S. Donovan. Ensign, W. E. Har- ness. Assistant Surgeon, L, O. Patterson, in medical charge of Troops. Acting Pay Master, W. Cavanagh. Corps of Armourers, Sergt. F. W. Kilpa trick. Army Hospital Corps, Sergt. J. Ansell. Posts and Works— St. John's, (North Side) — Forts Townshend and William, Signal Hill, (including Barracks at these posLs) Store* houses, Magazine, and Armoury; Queen's, Waldegrave, Chain Rook, and Qaidi Vidi Batteries; Military Hospital; Engineer House, Office, Workshops and Yard , Commissariat House, Office, Fuel Yard, and Garrison Bakery; Military Store Houses, Yard, and Offices ; Queen's Wharf, Engineer, Commissariat, and Military Store Depdts ; South Side, 6t. John's— Fort iimherst, ana Magazine. A Gun is fired daily fiom the Queen's Battery as follows :— At 12 o'clock Noon, throughout the year. From the 1st of May to the 30th September, at 9 p.m. l*'iom the 1st of October, to the SOth April, at 8.30 p.m. Fort Amherst fires a Fog Gun every hour, from Sun rise to Sun set, during foggy weather. Likewise, two Guns fur Vessels when in distress at Sea. When Practice is carried on by the Royal Artillery, a Flag hoisted as a signal at Fort Amherst. » THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Newfoundland Uiflc Volunteers. Commander-in-aief-nin Excellency ANTHONY MUSGRAVE, ESQUIRK, Governor, &c., &o. Deputy- Amstunt-Adjutant-Oeneral—dpialu W. J. Co«n, Uaat- taohed, H. P. lute 14th Foot. BAINT JOHN'b volunteer RIFLE DATTALIOIf. No. 1 (•• Prince of Wales") Company— Captain, H. K. Dickiawa. Lieutenant, Nicholas Mudge. Ensign, George T. Rendell. No. 2 ("QueenV) Company— Captain, Matthew W. Walbank. Lieutenant, Thomas R. Smith. Ensign, John B. MoLea. No. 3 (" V'cioria") Compnny— Captain, William B. Bowring. Lieutenant, Thomas R. Job. Ensign, . No. 4 ('* Terra Nova") Company— Captain, Henry Renouf. Lieutenant, . Ensign, Robert. J. Parsons, jr. ^c^wfanf- Lieutenant Robert Dicks (No. 3 Company.) Surgeona—JAxaet N. Eraser, M.D. ; William C. JSimms, M.D. CONCEPTION BAT. No. 1 (Harbor Grace) Volunteer Rifle Company— Captain, John Hayward. Lieutenant, Henry T.Moore. Ensign, Robert S. Munn. Naval. Commander-in-Chief on the West India and North American Station —Vice- Admiral Sir James Hope, K.C.B. rni" ••■•■ - " — 1. ■ ■ .,. ■■ ... .. . .. ... — " •'■ ■ — •■' . . . ■ II 1 Oullit for Ihe Seal Fishery, 1864. Vessels. Tons. , Men. St. John's 41 6246 2277 Harbor Grace 49 6136 2480 Carbon ear 27 3295 1346 Brigus 84 4097 1890 Bay Roberts 17 2206 981 Trlnitv 6 706 310 Catalina 9 1082 561 Heart's Content 2 377 115 Greenspond 17 202 1597 637 24742 10597 iShips Owned and Registered in Newfoundland Number of Vessels i .429 Tonnage 89,603 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. m, ruble of Customs Duties. Stg. Articles Ale, Porter, Cider, and Perry, viz : £ In Huttletf, the dozen of 2 gallon* In Casks, the g illon Baoon, Hams, Smoked fi?ef and Sausages, the cwt () Beer, laltoi and cured, the burrul of 200 IIjs and 10 per cent thereon 3 I 1 8 2 Biscuit or Bread, the cwt Butler, the cwt n and 10 per cent thoreon 3 0{ and 10 per cent thereon, i 5 1 ^ and 10 oer cent theruon. ^ 11 W and 10 per cent thereon. ^ Coals, other than such as come under tho Provi- sions of the Reciprocity Treaty, the ton 10 Feathers and Feather Beds, the lb 1) and 10 per cent thereon. ^ Flour, the brl 16? and 10 per cent thereon: ^ Cheese, the cwt Chocolate and Cocoa, the lb Cigars, the M. Coffee, the lb Fruits, dried, the lb Fruits, other desciiptions, the £100 Confectionary, the cwt Packages in which Drv Goods are imported, 11 per cent ad valorem Molasses, the gallon Oatmeal and Indian Meal, the brl 11 13 H 9 2i 6/ Pork, the brl of 200 lbs and 10 per cent thereon. ^ 3 0/ and ten per cent thereon. \ 6 Salt, the ton Shouks and Staves, manufactured or dress* ed, the £100 11 Bpirifs — Brandy, Gin, Whiskey, or other Spirits not herein defined or enumerated and not exceeding the strength ot proof by Sykes's Hydrometer, and so in pro- portion for any greater strength than the strengtti of proof, the gallon 5 All Spirits of greater strength than forty- three over proof shall bo deemed to ba Undefined Spirits and subject to duty accordingly. Cordials, Shrub and other Spirits, being sweetened or mixed so th.it the degree of strength oannoi be ascertained as aforesaid, the galloa S $ eta 24 8 1 9S 48 6 72 1 32 2 2 64 2 21 2 36 3 3 30 5 12 72 12 llpct 1 20 I ■n 72 bi THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Rum, not exceeding the strength of proof by £ a d Sykes's Hydrometer, and so in propor- tion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon 2 6 Sugar, Loaf and Kefined, the cwt 12 > and 10 per cent thereon. \ Unrefined, the uwt 8 3 Bastard, the cvt 10 Snuohcng, Congou and Bohea Tea, the lb 4 All other Tea, the lb 5 Tobaccoi manufactured and leaf, the lb 3 and 10 per cent thereon 2 0( and 10 per cent thereon, y Vinegar, the gallon 3/ and 10 per cent thereon. \ Wines of all kinds, in bottles (except Claret,) the gallon 6 Port, Madeira, Hock, Burgundy, in wood or other vessels, not being bottles, the gal. 5 Sherry, 12i per cent ad valorem, and, the gallon 3 Claret, in wood or bottles, the gallon 2 Tobacco Stems, the cwt '.\ 6 :| > 6 10 and 12^ per cent ad valorem. ^ All other Wines, the gallon 2 6 and 12 j per cent nd valorem Anchors, Barley and Oats, Canvass, Cordage *) and Cables, Copptr and Composition | Metal for Ships, viz :— Sheathing, Bar ' Bolt, and Nails ; Corks and Corkwood, Fishing Tackle, Indian Corn, Iron, viz : —Bar, Bolt, Sheathing and Sheet, Wrought Nails J Medicines, Oakum, Pease, Pitch, Tar, Turpentine and Rosin Poultry and Fresh Meat, the £100 j Goods, Wares and Merchandize, not other- ] wise enumerated, described or charged i with duty in this Act, and not otherwise . exempt, the £100 j Fish, salted, dried or pickled, for every cwt imported LOCAL DISTILLATION. Rum, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes's Hydrometer, and so in propor- tion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon Brandy, Gin, or other Spirits, not herein de< fined or enumerated, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes's Hydrome- ter, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon a 11 5 6 1 8 $ cts 60 a 88 1 98 2 40 8 10 6 48 1 44 1 20 72 60 60 U &< \a I ^1 1 S2 40 48 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. TABLE OF EXEMPTIONS. Printing Presses, Printing Paper, (Royal and Demy) Types, and all other Printing Materials Printed Books, Pamphlets, Maps and Charts Coin and Bullion ; Hemp, Flax, Tow Plants, Trees and Shrubs Specimens illustrative of Natural History Works of Art, viz :— Engravings, Paintings, Statuary and all other Articles imported for Keligious purposes and not intended for sale Manures of all kinds Arms, Clothing, and Provisions for Her Majesty's Land and Sea Forces Passenf^ers' Baggage, Household Furniture, and Working Tools and Implements used and in the use of Persons arxlving in this Island Befuse of Rice Seeds for Agricultural purposes Vegetables of all sorts ; Animals of all kinds Articles of every description imported for the use of the Qovernor Donations of Clothing specially imported for distribution gratuitously by any Charitable Society Cotton Yarn, Pig Iron, Coke Sulphuric Acid, when used for the Manufacture of Manure Materials for Sheathing the bottoms of Vessels, such as Zinc, Copper and Metal, together with Nails, Paper or Felt, which may be used under the same, shall be free and exempt from duty when imported in the Vessel on which thny are intended to be used, and entered as Ship's Stores ; such Sheathing and Materials to be so used be- fore the Ship again leaves port, or the. same to be entered for duty in the ordinary way. TABLE OF EXEMPTIONS UNDER THE TREATY WITH THE UNITED STATES. Grain, Flour, and Breadstuffs of all kinds Animals of all kinds Fresh, smoked, and salted Meats Cotton, Wool, Seeds and Vegetables Undried Fruits, Dried Fruits Fish of all kinds Products of Fish, and all other creatures living in the wateif Poultry, Eggs Hides, Furs, Pkins or Tails— undressed Stone or Ma:ole, in its crude or unwrought state ; Slate Butter, Cheese, Tallow, Lard Horns, Manures Ores of Metals of all kinds; Coals Pitch, Tar, Turpentine ; Ashes Timber and Lumber of all kinds, round, hewed and iawed->^aa- manufactured in whole or in part Firewood, Plants, Shrubs and Trees Pelts, Wool ; Fish Oil ; Rice, Broom Cora and Bark Gypsum— ground or ungiound Hewn Or wrought or unwrought Burr or Grindstones Dye Stuffs; Flax, Hemp, Tow— unmanufactured Vnmtnufootured T«h*mt« ; Rai^f §4 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. So long as the said Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, in the sold recited Act mentioned, shall remaia in force in this Island. And similar Articles, (except Coals) being the growth, produce, and manufac'ure of the United Kingdom, lirili«h North Aroericaa Provinces, or of the Lslaud of Prince Edward, or the Channel Islands, shall be admitted DutyFree, notwithstanding any kw to the contrary. Biscuit, the produce of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and the North American Provinces, imported direct from these places, shall be admitted Duty fVee, notwithstanding any law to the contrary. It shall not be lawful for any Importer of Fish, salted, dried, or pickled, not exempted from duty by any of the provisions of this Act, to Warehouse the same in any of the ports of this Colony or its dependencies, without the payment of the Duty hereinbefore im- posed ; and the provisions of any Act of this Colony with regard to the Warehousing of Goods on the first Entry thereof, or to the al- lowance of drawbacks upon exportation, shall not in either case apply, or be construed to apply, to such Fish. All Yachts sailing under Warrant of the Lords of the Admiralty, or belonging to the Royul Yacht Club, shall be exempted, on view of the said Warrant, from payment of all Local Duties whatsoever. Value of Impoi'ls and Exports From the Years 1854 to 1863. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. 1854 £ 964,627 £1,019,672 1869 £1,324,136 £1,357,113 1855 1,152,804 1,142,212 I860 1,254,128 1,271,712 185G 1,271,604 1.^38,797 1861 1,162,857 1,092,561 1857 1,413,432 1,651,171 1862 1,007,082 1,171,723 1858 1 ,72,862 1,318,836 1863 1,077,272 1,233,363 Table Shewlnj i'le Quantity and Value of Fish (dried) exported from New- foundland for the years 1840 to 1863, incliisive. Yrs. Qtls. Value. Yrs. Qtls. Value. 1840 916,796 £576,245 1852 973,731 £463,741 ]841 1,009,725 605,014 1863 922,718 661,100 1842 1,007,980 661,960 1854 774,118 517,818 1843 936,202 632,194 J 856 1,107,388 680,283 1844 852,162 482,480 1866 1/268,334 789,124 1846 1,000,333 636,994 1857 1,392,322 1,006,129 1846 879,005 1868 1,038,089 766,101 1847 837,973 489,940 1859 1,105,793 894,966 1848 920,363 491,924 1860 1,138,544 846,238 1840 1,175,167 688,728 1861 1,021,720 668,263 11850 1,089,182 532,969 1862 1,074,289 75'A002 1851 f 1,017,674 493,014 1863 811,777 761,275 y (8 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. -H«CieO»O00t- coc4i-iC4>o «o >o © i-ic^eo CO eo gaiBUia J JO '0^ »owt^©wa)t^oo»o©ffi©'«**c»^ OSO»©^00«3^^'^>O«3©©IOS00 1H © •aiBpj JO -ox r"»-"©©»o»o^0D»ot— ©'*»0'^»-« »cooo^oot-t^i-(©oi-w©cn© oo©wcooweo»o-^»ow^eoi-n-t © 25 •8)UB)TqBl{UI JO jaqmn^ ciooao©eoo©©GO©>oxioeoeo 1 09 V.\ 1 1 St. John's, East St John's, West HarborMaine(ConceptionBay) Port-de-Grave ditto Harbor Grace ditto Carbonear ditto Bay-de-Verds ditto Trinity Bay Bonavista Twillingate and Fogo Ferryland Placentia and St. Mary's Burin Fortune Bay Burgeo and LaPoile 1 1 a The Census of the Labrador was cursorily taken by the late Su- perintendent of Fisheries (James L. Prendergast, Esquire,) in 1856 and 1857, but it is not sufficiently correct or full to form a part of the foregoing Returns. The number of permanent residents, as given by that gentleman, fiom L'Anse Sablon to Sandwich Bay, both inclusive, including Belle Isle, is 1650, of whom 1331 are Pro- testantf and 319 Catholics. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. if Fire, Life and Mariae Insurance Companies. Fhodnix Fire Insuranoe Company of London — Established 1782. Agents for Newfoundland, W. & G. Rendell, St. John's. Agents for Lloyds— Hrooking & Co., St. John's. Hidley & Sons, Harbor Grace. Philip DcQuettevilie, Labrador. John P. FrecRer, St. Pierre. Colonial Life Assurance Company — Registered and Empowered -under Act of Parliament 7 and 8 Vio. Cap. 1 10. Capital, £500,000. St John's Branch, Hon. L. O'Brien, W. H. Mare, , Direc- tors ; Agent and Secretary, Frederick J. Wyutt. Alliance Hritish and Foreign Life and Fire Assurance Company, London. Capital, £5,000,000 sterling. Brooking & Co., Agents for Newfoundlind, The Royal Insurance Company, for Fire, Life and Annuities. — Royal Insurance Buildings, Liverpool; and 29 Lombard Street, London. Capital, £2,000,000 sterling. Job, Brothers & Co., Agents Newfoundland Branch. Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company — Estab' Hshed 1836. Capital, £2,000,000 sterling. Invested Fund, £1,' 417,808. Income, £570,000. Bowring, Brothers, Agents for New- foundland. Britannia Life Assurance Office, London— St. John's Branch, D. W. Prowse, Agent. Queen Insurance Company of Liverpool and London, for Fire and Life. Capital, £2,000,000 sterling. General Agent foi- Newfound- land, D. W. Prowse. Sub>Agent for Conception Bay, John Hayward. NewfoundUnd Marine Assurance Company. Ciipital, £25,000. Directors — Alan Goodridge, President ; llun. James S. Clift, Uuii. P. G. Tessier, Robert Thorburn, Hilliam B. Bowring, Robert Grieve, James Goodfellow. Edward L. Jarvis, Secretary. W. Kel- ligrew. Surveyor. International Life Assurance Society, of London. Capital, £500,- OOO sterling, in addition to about ^100,000 currency, of reserved profits. Directors— Hon. Hugh W. Hu>les, Chairman ; Charles F. Bennett, Ewen Stabb, Ambrose Shea. Hon. Nicholas Stabb, Gene- ral Agent for Newfoundland. Imperial Fire Insurance ("ompany, of London— Established 1803, Capital subscribed and invested, £i,600,OJ0. Agent for Si. Johu'«, Thotnas 0. Morry. Star Life Assurance Society, Chief Office, 48, Moorguto Street, London. St. John's — W.C. Simms, M.D., Medical Referee. Agent for Newfoundland, Joseph Woods. Baltimore Underwriters, Boston Underwriters, Trte've Offices. — — Boards ot Underwriters of the Cities of New Yorii uud Philadelphia. ——Lamar Insurance Company, New York. Capital, $300,000.— Coniinenial Insurance Company. Capital, $500,000— Surpl us $616,674. Market Insurance Company, New York. Csipiial and Assets, ^288,260. Howard Insurance Compattv, New York • THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. American Lloydc Attorney and Agent for Newfoundland, W. H Vewaaan. Represented by C. T. Ryland. Liverpool Underwriter!' AisociatioD— Ridley & Sons, Harbour Grace, Agent*. Life Association of Scotland. Local Directors — H. E. Dickinson, Hon. James Cormnck, Robert Grieve. Dr. VV. C. ISiinms, Medical Officer. E. L. Jarvis, Secretary and Agent. Northern Assuraoce Company, of London. — Established in 1838. Capital, £2,000,000 sterling; accumulated Funds, upwards of £700.000 ; annual R'^venue, over £230,000. Ageot for Newfound- land, Augustus O. Uayward. North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. — Established 1809. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parlia- ment. Agent fur Newfoundland, Ambrose Shea. London and Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Companies.— Fire Capital, £1,000,000; Life Capital, £100,000. Agent for Newfoundlar d, Matthew H. Warren. Canada Life Assurance Company. — Establisued 1847. Capitali $1 ,000,000. Dr. J. N. Fraser, Medical Adviser. Agent at St. John's Newfauitdland, James Bayly. Commercial Union Assurance Society, 19, Cornhill, London. Marine Branch, — 5 Royal Exchange Avenue. Capital, £2,500,000. Agent, St. John's, Ewen Stabb. Albert Medical & Family Endowment Life Assurance Company, with which is combined the Kent Mutual Assurance Society, London. Established 1838. Bankers, Commercial Bank of Newfoundland. JSIutual Marine Insurance Club of Conception Bay — Johh Fitz- geiaid, Secretary and Treasurer. (Mutual Insurance Society of Brigus, Conception Bay-^Jonathan Percey, Treasurer and Secretary. ■-'■■■— ■ — ' . ' ' — ' — Joint Stock Companies, Public Societies, &c. New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Company — Di- rectors in New York, Peter Cooper, Mosss Taylor, Cyrus W. Field, Marshal O'Bobert*, Wilson G. Hunt. I'eter Cooper. President. Cyrus W. Field, Vice-President.— Mose« Taylor, Treasurer. David D. Field, Counsel. Alexander M. McKay, Local Manager, St. John's, and Superintendent. ' St. John's Gas Light Company — Directors, Stephen Rendell, President; John Bowring, Vice-President; J. B. Wood, Hon. Kichard O'Dwyer, Hon. Laurence O'Brien, David Sclater, Robert H. Prowse. William F. Renuie, Secretary. General Water Company, St. John's. — Incorporated 1859. Direc- tors — Ambrose Sliea, President; Hon. Laurence O'Brien, Ewen Stabb, (Government Director.) Hon. Hugh W. Hoyles, Q.C., So- licitor. Pierce M. Barron. Secretary. John T. Nevill, Assessor of Property. Robert J. Pinasct, Collector of Rates and Assessmend. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 19 Harbor Grace Water Company. — William H. Ilidl«y, President ; Henry T. Moore, Secretary} 11. Walsh, Joha Munn, John Hay- ward, and O. Rutherford, Directors. St. John's AthensBum— Hon. Nicholas Stahb, President. William Boyd and Hon. R. J. Pinsent, Vice-l^-esidents. E. L. Moore, Cura- tor of Museum. F. R. Page, Curator of Apparatus. D. W. Prowse, Secretary. E. B. Moore, I'reasurer, Librarian and Superintendent of Rooms. Committee — Hon. R. Kent, John Bovrrinit, T. R. S nith, James Baird, John Meeban, A. bcott, H. Bevins, O. Lash, C. T. Ryland. Commercial Bank of Newfoundland, Bankers. Catholic Institute— Right. Rev. Dr. Mullock, Patron. R'>v. R. Howley, D.D., President. Hon. E. Aloriis, Vice-President. Francis Blundoo, Secretary. Richard Wahh, Treasurer. Richard Hat'tus, Librarian. Council — Rev. J. Vereker, C. Rcddin, J. Casey, Robert O'Mara, M. Fenelon, R. J. Kent, E. M. J. Delaney. Masonic — Hon. James S. Clift, D. P. G. Master. John G. James, P. G. Secretary. St. John's Lodge, No. 679— Nicholas S. Stabb, W. M. George G. Gedd«8. S. W. Thomas McKenzie, J. W. George Lash, Trea- surer. Henry T. B. Wood, Secretary. Rev. Donald McRae, Chap- lain. Henry Cook, S. D. Wiliiam Peurse, J. D. John .Mabin, George Dicks, Stewards. Adam iartin, L G. John Wilkinson, Tyler. Meetings on the first Friday in every month, at iMasoaio Hall, British Square. Avalon Lodge, No. 1078— W. V. White way, W. M. A. F. Sher- ron, S. VV. Adam Scott, J. W. J. F. Cliisholm, Treasurer. L.N. Gill, Secretary. Thomas Soper, S. D. Henry Snow, J. D. George Rendell, L G J. Alexander and William C irnell, Stewards. John Wilkinson, Tyler. Meeting? on the first Tuesday in every month, at Masonic Hail, British Square. Agricultural Society— His Excellency the Governor, Patron. Hon. Judge Robinson, President. Hon. Judge Lhtle, m. W. Wal- bank, Hon. R. J. Pinsent, Vice-Presidents. Joseph Crowdy, Trea- aurer. W. F. Rennie, Secretary. St. John's Floral and Horticultural Society — President, Thomas Bennett. Treasurer, Robert Brown. Secretary, John. C. \\itherH. Harbor Grace Agricultural and Horticultural Society — Henry T. Moore, President. J. J. Roddick and R. Walsh, Vice-Presidents. . , Treasurer. H. Clift, Secretary. Newfoundland Fishermen's Society— Charles Power, President. William Coady, Vice-President. Pairick Ryan, Assistant Vice-Pre aident. James AlcLaughlan, Treasurer. Thomas Jackm tn, Sec ind Treasurer. Thomas DutF, Thiid Treasurer. Liurence Barron, So- •retary. Michael Costigan, Assistant S^ecretary. Fishermen's Society, Heart's Content— Rev. G. Gardner, Presi- dent. Richard Penny and t Charles Readell, Vice-Presidents, vv . H. Thompson, Treasurer. Will-am Swansbarongh, Secretary. Henry Lind, Assistant Treasurer. James H. Moore, Assistant Secretary. JohaEyall, Medical Adviser. «• THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Floating Dry Dock Company — S. Kendeil, Presiden.t. L. Tessier, P. Feehan, '. Ooodfellow, J. jMcLoughlan, 11. Grieve, W. Buw- jring. Directors. Vail's Joirib Stock Company for Ship Biscuit Baking— S. Ren- ^ell, President. VV. Grieve, R. L. Muir, N. R. Vail, J. Bowring, Directors. William W^heatley, Manager. St. John's Phcenix Volunteer Fire Company— Francis Boggin First Diiecior. William Mullowney, Second Director. Patrick Reardon, Treasurer. Philip Ilally, Secretary. Cathedral Fire Brigade— William McGrath, First Director. Thomas Brine, Second Director. Charles Gamble, Treasurer. George Thomas, Secretary. Harbor Grace Volunteer Firo Company — Michael Hartery, Cap- tain. Ist Section — John Strathie, First Lieutenant ; Edward Vass, Second Lieutenant. 2nd Section— William Tapp, First Lieutenant ; Michael Jones, Second Lieutenant. Srd Section — John Keefe, Fir>t Lieutennnt ; John Harry, Secona Lieutenant. P. Walsh, Tteasurer. J. Filzg<;ralJ, Secretary. Manufactori^-s, Mills, &c., St. John's— 2 Corn Mills, 2 Saw Mills, 1 lione Mill, 1 Gas ^ianufactory, 2 Iron Foundries, 2 Distilleries, 1 Brewery, 1 Water Works, 4 Bakeries, (by Aiachinory) 1 Patent Slip, 1 Floating Dock, 1 Oil Manufactory, 1 Fish Manure Manu- factory. Brigus — 1 Corn Mill. Harbor Grace — 1 Corn Mill, 1 Gas Manufactory, 1 Water Works. Exploits Bay— 2 Saw Mills. Mid- dle Arm of Green Bav — 1 Saw .Will. Exploits (Burnt Island)— 2 Saw Mills. Hali'a Bay— 2 Saw Mills. I'rinity Bay— 5 Saw Mills. fiencYoient and Charilable Societies. Benevolent Irish Society— Founded 1806. The Right Rer. Dr. Miflock, Patron. Hon. L. O'Brien, Vice-Patron. Hon. Edward Morris, President. , Vice-l^resiJent. Thomas S. Dwyer, First Assistant. John 'Hundun, jr.. Second Assistant. John Power, Treasurer. UobevtJ. Kent, Secretary. Williaiu Doutney, Chair- man Orphan A!>ylum. Michael Rice, Chairman of Ch-^rity. Juhn Rawlins, Chairman of Review and Correspondence. Henry Born, Secretary Orphan Asylum School. Church of England Asylum for Widows and Orphans — His Ex' celleucy the Governor, Patron. The Right Rev. Dr. Feild, Visitor and Presiden . The Venerable the Archdeacon, R«v. T. M. Wood, Vici-Presidenis. The Right Rev. the Visitor and Pieadent (ex o^io^, Henry K.Dickinson, Juhn Winter, M.D., Trustees. Hon. rfames S. Clilt, Treasurer. Rev. G. M. Johnson, Honorary Secre- tar>. Charles Crowdy, M.D., Physicitn. Committee — Philip Hut- chtas, Jjbn Tunbridge, John H. Warren, Rev. John Pearson, Judge Robinson, Hon. H. W. Hoyles, W. H. Mare, John Hogsett, Kcnuetn McLa, John Bowring. St. John's Factory — Honorable Laurence O'Brien;. Thomas Gleoi James J. Rogerson, Eimund Hanrahan, Trustees. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 61 St. Oeorge's Society— William V. Whiteway, President. Hon. JaiTiet S. Clift, and John Bowring, Vice-President?. Henry T. Wood, Treasurer. A. 0. Hayward, Secretury. Committee of Char- ity-— The above-named officers, and the Reva. T. M. Wood, P. Prest- wood, G. M. Johnson ; Geo. T. Rendell, Geor^^e F. Bown, Henry "Winton, Charles K. Ayre, Thomas K. Smith, F. J. Wyatt, J. C. Withers. Physif ian -Dr. H. H. Stabb. St. Andrew's Society— Robert Grieve, President. John B. MoLea, Vice-President. James Baird, Treasurer. R. Stott, M.A. Secretary. Committee of Charity — Charles Rankin, Robert Blackwood, and Robert Peace. >!edical Advisers, Drs. McKen and Fraser. Newfoundland British Societ^y — Samuel Carneli, President. James Furniss, Vice-President. Henry W. Seymour, Treasurer. William H. Charles, Secretary. British Society of Conception Bay — Henry T. Moore, President. James Hippesley, Vice-President. George G. Rutherford, Treasurer. James Godden, Secretary. . Society of St. Vincent de Paul , President. Valentine Merchant, Vice-President. John Rawlinr, Assistant Vice-President. Laurence Maccassey, Treasurer. William Doutney, Secretary. Grand Division of Sons of Temperance— L. T. Chancey, G.W.P* G. Bishop, (Burin) G.W.A. h. Brace, G. Scribe. J. Rooney, G* Treasurer. J. English, G. Chaplain. J. Hughes, G. Con. D. W. Morison, G. Sen. Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarchs in lie Outports:— Edward Genge, Port-au- Basque, Division No. 38. George Robinson, Pe- tites, Division No. 39, and Rose BUnche, Division No. 40. John Lake, Fortune, Division No 19. Jonathan Hickman, Grand Bank, Division No 9 Dr. Robert White, Trinity, Division No, 2. John Weare, Olive Branch Division (Burin) No; 1 . Philip Pine, Ray of Hope Division (Burin) No 12. George Bishop, Star of the East Division (Burin) No. 7. J. T. W. Crosby, North Star Division, Twillingate, No 15. Free St. Andrew's Total Abstinence Association — President, Rev. M. Harvey. Totfil Abstinence and Benetit Society — CharlesKickham, President. Patrick Hynes, Vice-President. W. Ferguson, First Assistant.— J. Kavanagh, Second Assistant. William McGrath, First Trea- surer. Patiick (.oonan. Second Treasurer. Patrick Reardon, Sec- re .ary. Mechanics' Society— Valentine Merchant, President. John Power Vice-President. Wi:liam L. Mullowney, First Assistant. Richard Hanley, Second Assistant. William McGrath, First Treasurer. John iViockler, Second Treasurer. William Kelly, Third Treasurer. John Trelegan, Secretary. Henry Shea, M.D., Physician. Shipwrights' Benefit Society— Garrett Dooley, President. Thomas Soper, 1st Vice-President, Joseph Raines, 2ad Vice-President. Edward Knight, Treasurer. Jeremiah Hickey, Secretary. Dorcas Society, St. John's— Mrs. Finlay, President. Mrs. Bemii- ter, Tredsurer. Mrs. Christopher Brown, Secretary. Mrs. Smith, J I i 62 THR N£WFUUNDLANB ALMANAO. Mri. Mrs. Rendell, Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. Macpherson, Collectors. Brown, Mm. Reid, Dispensem. Dorcas Society, Harbor Grace— Mrs. Drysdale, President and Treasurer. Dorcas Society, Carbonear ■— — . President and Treasurer. Benevolent Irish Society, Conception Eoy — Founded in 1814.— The Right Rev. Dr. Dultori, Patron. John Fiizgerald, President; Patrick Deyereux, Vice-Presi eut. Andrew T. Drysdale, First As' sistant. William Howl ett, ISecond Assistant. RcbeitWaltih, Trea- surer. James Bolder, Secretary. Jotin Byrne, Chairman of Charity. Patrick VVulsh, Chairman of Review and Correspondence. Trinitv Benefit ( lub^Instituted 1838.— Patrick Murphy, Presi. dent. l)r. White, Vice 'President. W. D. Cross, Treasurer. Jame* Collis, Secretary. Newspapers Published in the Colouy. Couner— Published every Wednesday and Saturday morning. JJaily News — Published every morninf^, Sundays excepted. Day-Book— Fubli&hed ever morning, Sundays and Holidays ex« cepted. ^ew/bundZan^er— Published every Monday and Thursday morn- ing. Newfoundland Express— VuhVihhed every Tuesday, Thursday and SaturUby morning. Public Ledger — Published every Tuesday and Friday morning. Pa/rioi— Published every Tuesday afternoon. Boyal Oazeite — Published every Tuesday. Standard (Harbor Grace)— Published every Wednesday morning; !ZHt(/rf7^/i— Published every Wednesday morning. Time* — Published every Wednesday and Saturday morning. The Royal Family. ALEXANDRIXA VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, only daughter and heir of ihe late Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, fourth son of King George III. Her Majesty was born at Kensington Palace, on the 24th May 1819 ; baptized on the 24th of June 1819; ascended the throne nu the demise of her uncle, King William IV., 20th June 1837 {-proclaimed 21st June 1837 ; and crowned at Westminster, on the 28th June 1838. Her Majesty was married at St. James'* Palace, on the 10th Feb. 1810, to her cousin, his late Royal High* Bess Francis>Albert*AugustusJCharles-£mmanuel, Duke of Saze THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 6S Prino* of Coburg and Ootha, who died at Windsor Cattle, oa tht 14th Deo. 186! . Children: — Victoria- AdeUirle-Mary-Loaiaa, Princess Boyal, born 21 it Not. 1840; married 25th Jan. 1858, at the Chnpel Roval, to His Royal Highness Princb Frederick- Uilliam-Nicholas-Charles of Prussia. Albert-Edward, Prince of Wales and Earl of Dublin, born 9th Nov. 1841 ; married 10th March 18C3, at Windsor, to Princess Al- exandra, daughter of Prince Christian, of Denmark. Alice-Maud- VI ary, born 25th April 1843 ; married Itt July 1862 ; at Osborne, to His Koyal Highness Prince Frederic-William-Luuis of Hesse-Darmstadt. Alfred-Ernest-Aibert, born 6th August 1844. Helen a- Augusta- Victoria, born 2oth May 184G. Louisa-Caroline-Alberta, born 18th March 1848. Arthur- William-Patrick-Albert, born 1st May 1850. Leopold-Oeorge-Duncan- Albert, born 7th April 1853. Beatrioe-Mary-Viotoria-Feodore, born I4th April 1857. Her Majesty's Chief Officers of State. THE CABINET. First Lord of Treasury— Viscount Palmerstoa, K.O. High Lord Chancellor— Lord Westbury. President of the Council— Earl Granville, K.Q. Privy Seal— The Duke of Argyll, K.T. Chancellor of the Exchequer -Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Secretary of State for the Home Department- Sir George Grey. Secretary of State for Foreign Department — Earl Russell, K.Q. Secretary of State for the Colonies — Right Hon. E. Cardwell. War Secretary— Earl de Grey and Ripon. Secretary of State for India and President of Indian Coun.'sil— Right Hon. Sir C. Wood, G.C.B. First Lord of the Admiralty — ^The Duke of Somerset, K.G. President of the Board of Trade— Right Hon. T. Milner Gibsoi. Post Master General— Lord Stanley of Alderley. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster— Earl of Clarendon, K. G. President of the Poor Law Board— Right Hon. Charles P. Viiliers. IRELAND. Lord Lieutenant^Lord Wodehouse. Lord CAanceWor— Right Hon. M. Brady. Chief Secretary— B.\g\it. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bartw , .4«omey General -Right Hon. Thomas O'Hagan Solicitor General— J. A. Lawson, Esq. Commander of the Forcee—Oeu. Sir George Brown, G.C.B. •4 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Appendix— Post Office Department. POSTTOWNS. Those marked thus * are Money Order Offices. Name of Office * Brigui * Bonavista * Burin * Burgeo •Bay Bulls * Carbonear * Fogo Ferryland * Greenspond. . . . * Harbor Grace... * Harbor Breton.. Little Placentia.. . * riacentra * Twillingate * Trepassey •Trinity New Perlican La Poile District. Port de Grave Bonavista Burin Burgeo and La Poile. . . . Ferryland Carbonear Fogo and Twillingate. . . . Ferryland. Bonavista.. Harbor Grace Fortune Bay...... Placentia and St, Mary's Placentia and St. Mary's Fogo and Twillingate. . . St. Mary's and Placentia Trinity Trinity Burgeo and La Poile. . . . Name of Postmaster ■ I - - - - r I ■ Mrs. Stentaford John Lawrence Thomas Winter Francis Parsons Martin Williams Nicholas NiohoU James Fitzgerald John Murey VVilliam Lang Andrew Drysdale Thomas Birkett Alexander Burke Miss Morris Joseph L. Pearoa John Dttvereux Anne Cross Francis Howell Thomas Kead WAY OFFICES. Name of Office. Bay Roberts Blackhead Bay de Verds . . . . Catallna Cats Cove Channel.. Fortune Grand Bank Harbor Main.... Hermitas:e. ...... Hant's Harbor. . . Holyrood Island Cove Kings Cove Lamaline Oderin Old Perlican Paradise Port de Grave. .. Portugal Cove. . . Salmonier St. Mary's Topsail..... ... District. Port do Grave Bay de Verds Bay de Verds Trinity Harbor Main Burgeo and La Poile. . . . Burin Burin Harbor Main Fortune Bay Trinity........ Harbor Main Harbor Grace Bonavista Burin ..*.• Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's Port de Grave. St. John's East St. Mary's and Placentia Placentia and St Mary's Harbor Main ...,•• Way Office Keeper. James Fitzgerald William Butt Eiias Picco John Jeans Timothy O'Brien Dr. Haddock Jonathan Hickman Mrs. Brick Kichard Bradshaw Thomas Smith JohnVeitch John Crane Michael Murphy James Pitman James Murphy William Christian John Power Matthew O'Eiley Margaret Dooley John Hurley James Murphy John Moys» N Adar Amh( Amhi Apsej Aqua Adoii Angel Arnol Amos Belle : fiallini Broad filackt Broad Bacon Burnt Broad < Bull Cc Blow«n fiarene( Brigus Bryant' Bishop' Beachy Blow-m Broad ( Blackbi Bayde Boney Bird Isil Bircheyf Barrow f B»ck u\ Broom Bloody Bonavisi Bragg's Burnt Is Battertol Bloody Beaver Bard Isll Blackhe/ Black Is) Burnt Bi Birchy Bet's CJI B«7 Bul( tHE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 65 Alphabetical List of Towns, Villa£;oSy and Sottlemonts. Name! of Places. Adam'i Cove Amherit Cot«, opptr Amherit CoTe. lower Apaey Cove Aauk Forte AamiraraBetoh Ang«'rs CoTe Arnold's Cot* Amoi Cove Belle Isle Balline Broad Cov» Blackhead Broad Cove Bacon Cove Burnt Head, (Cupids) Broad Cove Bull Cove Blow*ineliu Cove Clark's IJinch CVi.t.ii liuibcr Coxsh iolov's Poiiit < ur be near Clouji's Cove Ca|/Un Covo Dliricts. Ferrylaml do do Placentia and fit St. Mary'i Placentia and St. Placcntia do do do do do do do do do Burin Fortune Bay do do Trinity Fortune Bay^ do do ilo do do do La Poilo do do do do do do do do St. JohnV Enst liaibr Mala do do do Brigua do do Harbor Grace do do Ciivbcnrar Bay de Verda do Tritity Mary'is Mary 'a Poat Tuwua. Bay Bulla d» Ferry land Trepnaaey St. Mary*i . Placentia do Li.tle Ptaoentii do do do do Great PlacMtiA do do do Burin Harbor Breton do do Trinity IJiaibor Bretoa do do do do do do Burgeo do do La Vcila do do do do do St. Jchn^s >i. John's Tliiibov Mula Biigus do do do do Hutbor Gract do do CarhOncar do do harbor Oxu* THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 67 Names of Plages. Chance Cove Cat Cove Cuckold's Core Cataliiia Cotterell's Is and CobbUr's Island Cape Island Cape Free Is Cat Harbor Cann Island Cape Fogo Change lalanda Caplin Cove Caplin Bay Cape Broyle Cape Race Cape Pine Colin et Cape Dog Cuslett (.lattice Harbor Corbin Conn Coa Harbor Corbon Coomb's Cove Connalgre Bajr Cul de Sao Cape La Have Coppett Cotieau Cinque Serf Channel Dock port de Grace Dock-point Daniei'n Cove Diido Cove Deer Inland Dead Man's Bay Doting Cove Dog Bay Distress Dog Harbor Divis's Cove Duriell Diwson's Cove Djspair Bay Draguii Bay Doer Island £tploit8*Bantt Island English Harbor English Harbor, near Bellorata District. Trinity do do do Donavista do do do Fogo do df» Twillingate Fogo Ferryland do St. Marj's and Placentia do do do do do do do do do do Burin Fortune Bay do do do do do do do do do Btirgco and La Poila Urigus U-jrbor Grace Trinity do Bonavista Fogo and Twillingate do do do do Placentia and St. Mary's dr> do do do Buriti Fortune Bay do Burgeu and La Potle do do Fogo and Twiilingatt Foitune Bay do Post Towns. Harbor Grace do Trinity do do Bonavista do do Fogo do do Twillingate Fogo Ferryland do Trepassey do St. ;Mary*» do Great Placentia do Burin Harbor Breton do do do do do do do do do La Poile Brigus Ilnrbor Grace Carbonear Hubor Grace Bonavista Fogo do Twillingate Placentia Little Placentia do Burin Harbor Breton Uo Burgso do Twillingate Harbor ii:ei.w Point Lance Cove Lion's Den Lo< m Bay LcndinK T'ckles Lilt eBay I Wl LHtle Island Little Salmonier Leai's love Little Placentia La Manche Little H'lrbor Little Bay Lawn Lamaline Lonjiue de Serf JboliKter Cove Lolly C«'ve Little Ji y Lan^lt \l\ Passage ]jiu e KiVer Liit.c bay— LaPoile La Poile La Plane Aisdiiox ur District. Burin Fortune Bay d(» ConcRiition Bay Innity . do do do Fo«o and Twillingate Hurjfeo and La Poile St. John's Kast Harbor Main CO Port de Grave Bay de Verds do Trinity Fogo and Twillingate do do do do do do ^t. Mary's do Placenliaand St. Mary's ^0 do Iooti's Face Margaree North'^rn Gut New Per'iicau New Harbor Nf w Boirarentnre Newman's L'ove New Harbor Newpll's Ireland Noggin Cove New Bay Nimrod NippwrN Harbor Nwrth Harbor Norih Ihrbr.r New Harbor New Hntbor Outer Cove Olterburv Ochre Pit Cove Old Perlican Old Sliop () d Uonnventure Open Hall Oliver's Cove O lerin Old Man's Boy Pouch Cove Portugal Cove Petty Hirboc Port de Grave Perry's < ove Plate Cov« District. Fogo and Twillingate Ferrjland St. Mary'a and Plaeentia, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Buria do Fortune Bay do Burgeo and La Poile do do do do Fort de Grave Irini y do do do do do Fugo and Twillingate do do do do do do St. Mary's and Piicentia do dd Fortuae Bay do St. John's Ea«t Bay de Verda do Tri.ily do do Boniviiita Placeutia and St. Mury'is d» do HurKCo and La Puile fit. J.>lii»'s, E»si St. Jolin's, E-ist d> Weat Port de Gnve ltd)- dtt Vuids Bunavisttt do Post Towns. Twillingate Bay Bulls St. Mary's do do St. John's St. M iry's Little Placeoiia do da Great Placentia do Burin Burin Harbor Breton do Burgeo La Puile do Bii^us Carbon-nr Harbor Grace Trinity do do do Fojjo Twillingate do do St. Mar>'s Lit'le Placentia Harbor Bruton Bii goo St. John's Caibunear do do Harbor Grace Tiiiiity do Placentia do Dursjfo S( Jo.'u's do Pai'lCovo do do B i^uj C.iilioaear 'i'iiniiy B%faavitU TL' THE 2^WF0tJm)LAND ALMANAC. Names of Places. D.vtriot Post Towns. ( poors Island Bon-wista Boaavista Pinchaid's Island do do Pig Island do do Fund Head do 1 Greenspond Portugal CotB St. Mary'a and PlsoeDtia Trepas?/ * Poiitt La! lay© do do St. Mary's Patrick's C^va do do Great Plucsnt!* roi;:l Verd do do do Placentia (Oreat) Placentia and St. Mary's do Placeutia (Lilllu) do do Little Placenth Poioi Mail do do do Pr ):qu8 do do Great Placentia P&radise (Orest) du do do Paradise (Littlf ) do do do Paradise Sound do do do Petit Foft do do do Pickaree Fortune Bay Harbor Breton • Pilitc* Borneo and h% Poile La Puile Qjiili Vidi Sr. John's, East St. Joba'a Hip Uip Port de Grave Brigus Ked Cliff Cove Bay de Verde ' arboneat Bandf>ni Sound Trinay Trinity Kider'.i Harbor do do Rigged liarljor Fogo and Twilliugate Fogo Ragged Harbor Tti itjr Trinity }l or do do Rchard's Harbor Burg'^o and La Puile | do K nontr* do dc do Rmieo do do Burgeo Red Mand do do do Rock Harbor, West do dj do Rot to do da La Poile Rose Blanche do da do Seal's Co? e Harbor Main St. John's, Topal Salmon Cove do Harbor Main Sdmon Cove (S. Out) Port de Grare Brigus Ship Cove do do Sandy Cove Spaniard's Bay Salmon Cove Head do do Harbor Grace Harbor Graee Bay de Verde Oarbonear • THE NLWrOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 78 Names of I'l icc.<. Dia i;rict*. Post Towns. Spout Cove Hay de Vcj •ds \ L'aihonear Sciily's Cove Triniiy do SealCove do do . Shoal Harbor do do Sill Down do t frinity Selby's Cove do do Suaniard's Bay S*nip Covo do do do do Salmon Cove do do Spill ard's Cove do do Stook's (Jove Bonuvista do Sandy Cove do do Salva(*e do do Shoe Cove do Bonnvista Swain's Island do do Ship Island do da Beldom-ccme-by Fof^o and Twillingate Fogo Shoal Hay do do do Siocking'Harbor do do do Snook'b Arm do do Tvullingate Shoe Covo do do do St. Sholts Placentia and St. Mary's Tiepa8?ey St. John's St John's St. John's Ship Cove Plactntia and St. Mary's Great Placentia St. Lawrence (Great) Burin Buria St. Lawrence (Little) do do Silencer's Covo Placentia and St. Mary's Little Placentia Seeveley's Cove do do 1 do Southern Harbot do do do Sandy Harbor do do Great Piaceotia St. K)ran*8 do do do South Kast Cite do do do Spanish Rooni Burin Burin Sagona Island Fortune Bay Harbor Breton ' Stones Co'.-e do do Si. Jacques do do S. W. i3:iinsway do do Sam Hitches do do ^Vfo'ii' Cove Burgeo an d La Poile Burgeo Seal Idaud Itithoi do do jLa I'oile Topsail Harbor M ain iSt.John'tfjTops'l Turk's Gut Port de G rave Bii|4us Turk's Cove Trinity arbonear Tickle Harbor do Harbor Grace Trinity do Trinity Trinity do do Tilton Harbor Fogo andTwillingate jFogo Three Arms do do 1 do Twillingato do do Twilliogate Tory Town do do do' Tizzard's Harbor do do do Tiit Cove 1 d« d6 ttd 74 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. NamcH ot Places. TrepasMfy Titck's Beach Tosc'lo Upper Small Point Virgin's Cove Vere Island Whitemonday Hill Western Ray White I'uint Warren's Harbor Wesl'n Arm«llockyBay Western Head Waldron's Cove Witless Bay Woody Island Wreck Island Western Point District. St. Mary's aud Placentia do do do do Bay de Vcrds Plucentiaand St, Mary's liormvista Harbor Grace Hay de Verds Trinity Honavista Fo<;o and Twiiiingate do do do do Ferryland PJacenlia and Sf. Mary's Burgco and La Poile do do Post Towns. Placentia Little Placentia Great Placentia (/ai-boncsr Little Placentia Bonavista ?Iarbor Grace t arbonear Trinity Bonavista Fogo Twill in gate Fogo Bay Bulls iittlo Plaoentia Burgpo Lsi Poilo The following nolif^cations und appointments have hecu made since the foregoing sheets went to press : — Martin Williams, to be Preventive OfHcer of Customs at Bay Bulls, in the room of J. L. McKie, retired. John M. Maddock, to be a member of the Board of Road Com* missioners at Port de Grave, (North side of Northern Gut Bridge.) Road Board, Boy de Verds, Upper Division— Maurice Walsh in- stead of Pierce Hannihan, Gazetted by mistake. The following are the limits of the Road Bfards for Trinity Bay South and West, under Act 27 Vic, Cap. 3. Old Perlican nnd Grate's Cove Board, from Grate's Cove (inclu- sive) to Scilly Cove (inclusive.) Heart's Content Roa.l Board, from Scilly Cove (exclusive) to Green's Harbor (exc'usive.) New Harbor Road Board, from Green's Harbor (inclusive) ta head of the Bay. John Peyton, John W. Owen, and John M. Hurse, to be Com- missioneis for the erection of a Breakwater at Twillingate Rev. R. H. Taylor, and James Tarrah;in, to be Couamissioners of the l/ommercial fc'choo), at Brigus. W. J. S, Donnelly, to be a (.ommissioner of the Harbor Grace Grammar School, in the room of W. Donnelly, Ksq., deceased. To be Justices of the Peace for the Novihern District of this Is-r land, Patrick Nowlan, James Tarrahan, J. M. Maddock, Berja- min T, H. Gould, and Michael Dwyer. David Candow, to be Stipendiary Magistrate at Bonavista, in the room of Alexander Bremner, resigned. James Moran, M.D., to be Stipen'liary Magistrate at Burin, in the room ol the late Willie m Hooper, deceased. John Mifflon, to te Preventive Officer for the collection of Col-r cnial Revenue ut the port of Catalinn, in the District of Trinity Bay. John Mifflen, to be Inspector of Weights and Measures for that part of the District of Trinity from Ragged Harbor to SpiUer's Cove, inclusive, under Act 27 Vict., Cap 14, Sec. 14. THE NEWFOUNDLAXD ALMAXAO. U in Jol. ■t^ Henry T. B. Wood, to be an Attorney onil Solicitor of the Su- preme Court. llobcrt J. Farsons, Jr., to be an Attorney and Solicitor of the Supreme Court. Young Mun^s Clirislian Aasor.iaiion — Chairman of meetings, D. Blalker. Treasurer, 11. Ulackwood. Librarian, K. Gisbonic. Sec- retary, J. K. P. Pe'ers. Committee— Geo. Whitten, J. P. Heath, Jas. Winter, and W. li. Slowe. Wcsleyan Academy, Carbonear—Tlcv. J. Winterbothim, Chair* .jflnn, I. L. McNeil, John llorke, B.T. H. Gould, J. Maddock, Capt. Williara Penny, W. F. Taylor, J. H. Taylor, and John E. Pike, Directors ; J. ¥, Ajiacy, Secretary j John Webb, Principal. Erratum— VngQ 2S, "Shipping iMaster and Emigrant Agpnt— Jornvs Finl'iy,'' should be— Superiiitoudent of Mercantile Marine Office — James Finlay. LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 4S, Moorgate Street^ London. Trustees : William Betts, Esq. I "NViltiam Skinner, Esq. Frederick Mildred, Esq. | Qcorgc Smith, LL.D. &c. DIRECTORS: Chairtnan : Charles Harwood, Esq. F.S.A,, Judge of the County Court of ]^ent, and Recorder of Shrewsbury. Deputy- Chairman ; John Churchill, Esquire. ifv, , Repor •t of llie Directors presented ai the 4-nnual Meeting held at the Society* s Souse, March llhy 18C4. rpHE Directors of the *« Star Life Assurance Society," in X again meeting their constituents, have great pleasure iu being able tQ present a most gratifying report, at this, the twentieth annuiil, or fourth quinquennial meeting* The Directors have to report, that during the year 1863 they received l,19o proposals for assurance; of this number they issued 956 policies for the assurance of £353,310, yielding in |tfmi^ pcmiums £13,; 14 16s. Id.; the highest amount paid t6 THE NEWF(^UNDLAND ALMA5