^^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 U ■^ Ih 1111122 I^ lis IlilM IIU 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^_ 6" ^ V] %^ 'el '^., ■c^l ^C>/ '^ r '/ Photogr^hic Sciences Corporation i.«i' 1. I «^ V' ^ :\ \ ^ <^»< M > -HiclSOO** JAHOABY. FEfiBUAAT. MASOE. APRIL. 8n. - 7 14 21 28 So. - 4 11 18 3fi Su. - 4 11 18 36 So. 1 8 16 82 29 M. 1 8 16 22 29 M. - 6 12 19 26 M. - 6 13 19 86 M. 2 9 16 28 80 To. 2 9 IJ 33 80 To. - 6 18 20 27 Tu. - 6 18 80 97 To. 8 10 17 4 — W. 8 10 17 24 81 W. - 7 14 21 28 W. - 7 14 21 88 W. 4 11 18 ^ — Th. 4 11 18 25 — Th. 1 8 16 22 — Th. 1 8 16 82 99 Th. 6 13 19 86 ~ F. 6 12 19 2fl — F. 3 9 16 23 — F. 2 9 16 88 80 F. 6 18 20 97 — 8. 6 18 20 27 — 8. 8 10 17 24 — 8. 8 10 17 84 81 8. 7 14 91 88 — MAY. JONE. JULT. AHaUBT. Sa. - 6 18 90 27 So. - 8 10 17 24 So. 1 8 15 92 89 8o. - 5 12 19 26 M. - 7 14 21 38 M. - 4 11 18 26 M. 9 9 18 23 80 M. - 13 20 27 Tu. 1 8 13 22 29 To. - 6 12 19 26 Tu. 8 10 17 84 81 To. - 7 14 21 28 W. 2 9 16 28 80 W. - 6 13 20 27 W. 4 11 18 26 — W. 1 8 15 22 29 Tb. 8 lU 17 24 81 Th. - 7 14 21 28 Th. S 18 19 26 — Th. 2 9 16 23 80 F. 4 11 18 2fi — P. 1 8 IS 32 29 F. 6 18 20 27 — F. 8 10 17 24 81 8. 5 12 19 36 — 8. 3 9 16 23 80 8. 7 14 21 28 — 8. 4 11 18 23 — SEPTEMBER. OOTOBEE. H07EMBEB. DECEMBER. Sn. - 2 9 16 28 80 8o. - 7 14 21 28 8u. - 4 11 18 36 8o. - 2 9 16 23 30 M. - 8 10 n 24 — M. 1 6 16 22 29 M. - 6 12 19 26 M. - 8 10 17 24 81 Tn.- 4 11 18 26 —I To. 2 9 16 28 30 To. - 6 18 20 27 Tu. - 4 11 18 23 — W. - 6 12 19 26 — W. 8 10 17 24 81 W. - 7 14 81 28 W. - 6 12 19 26 — Th. - 6 13 20 27 - Th. 4 11 18 26 — Th. 1 8 IS 22 29 Th - 6 18 20 27 — F. - 7 14 21 28 — F. 5 18 19 26 — F. 2 9 16 28 80 F. - 7 14 21 28 - S. 1 8 16 22 29 - 8. 6 18 20 27 — 8. 8 10 17 24 — 8. 18 15 22 39 — ■MelQOl** JASTJARY. FEBRUARY. MARCH. APRIL. So. - 1^ 18 20 27 St/'. - 8 10 17 24 So. - 8 10 17 24 81 Sp. - 7 14 21 28 M. - 7 14 21 28 M. - 4 11 18 25 M. - 4 11 IB 25 — M. 1 8 16 22 29 To. 1 8 IS 22 29 To. - 5 12 19 26 Tu. - 5 12 19 26 — Tu. 2 9 16 28 30 W 2 9 16 23 80 W. - 6 18 20 27 W. - 6 13 20 27 - W. 3 10 17 24 — Th. 8 10 17 24 81 Th. - 7 14 21 28 Th. - 7 14 21 '28 - 1 Th. 4 11 18 25 — F. 4 11 18 25 — F. 1 8 15 22 — F. 1 a 16 22 29 — F. 5 12 19 26 - 3. 5 12 19 26 — S. 2 9 16 28 — S. 2 9 16 28 80 — 8. 6 13 20 27 - 1 »y j ww»»i»iwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnww»<^ww^^^wwwww»vw»i / i 552.^'6 THE STANDARD MERCANTILE AGENCY OF TORONTO, LIMITED Capital Stock, Subscribed Stock Paid up $80,000 00 43,000 00 21,600 00 H^EAD OFFICE: 30 WELLINGTON STREET WEST TORONTO i INCORPORATION. This Aoriicij wns iucorporalt'd on the 22n(l of April, ISUG, under the (Jrcat Seal of the Province of Ontario, with tho Capital Stock of .%S(>,On(>.()(> as ubove sot forth, uiul shortly after the iiMinn hnsincss is or are worthy of the six untnths expires, the retailer may have failed or his linancial position so changed that it would be absolutely unsafe to make any sales to liim yet his rating remains the same. We do not for one moment d<'sire to have the public think we are trying to run down, or in any way find fault with, any of these rating boohs, but what we claim is that the "STA.NDARI)'S KEF- KRENCE BOOK' will give you better and surer results for less money, and will very materially assist our Subscribers in deter- mining immp:diately whether a retailer is a safe person to do business with. The information is secured upon the spot, and from a most reliable and trustworthy source, and fntui on<' who has no object to make any statements but what are to the ucst interests of our Subscribers and the Agency. COLLECTIONS. We have special facilities for making collections not only in the Dominion of ('anada and the United States, but throughout the world. Our Solicitors and Collectors are all under special contract, and are secured from and admitted to be the best collectors in the different districts in which they reside, it being our object to secure only the best. Our rates and terms will be found upon page 12, and are fair and reasonable, and we believe will meet with your approval. Also see mention of our " Draft system " Ik- t SELECTION. Our Correspondents have been selected with special care and at great expense by a system of our own, and with the object of giving the best protection and the latest and most reliable information to our Subscribers, REFEREKCE BOOK. i RECOMMENDATION. The Agency hns silectod and Heciirod tho names of most reliable and trust wortiiy Corrt'Spondeuts in eviTy [)laoe of any commercial iniportuuoe in the Dominion of ('auada, and in the principal cities of the United States and Euro|M', and can recommend to their Subsc.ibers the names of the Correspond- ents contained in this Directory with all contidence that any matters entrusted to them will receive careful and prompt attention. INFORMATION. The Correspondents' services have been secured for the guidance, beuetit and protection of the Subscribers, and being under special contract with this Agency, are prepared at all times to give our Subscribers all or any information within their knowledge, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. CONFIDENTIAL. Any inforniaticn funiished by any of the said Correspond- ents, Agents, or this Agency, shall hi; given in strict conhdeiHc, and for the sole and only use of our Subscrilers to whom thp information is given, and same shnll be lor his own business dealings only, and not to be divulged or disclosed to anyone els'* RESPONSIBILITY. This Agency is not responsible in any way for any infor- mation so given, it being clearly uiiderstood that the Corre- spondent or Agent giving the information, is the Agent of the Subscriber anil not of this Agency, niid this Agency does not in any way become responsible for the information furnished or supplied oy the Correspondent, ( CHANGES. If there are any names upon the list that you would suggest should b© changed we would be very glad to hear from you, or if there are any places in which you may reriuire any services and there is no Correspondent op our list for that place, we would ^e pleased to have a reconimendation from you, and- will at once "« take steps to have the vacancy filled. YEARLY ISSIJE. This Agency will issue every year a new and revised list ot Correspondents for the benefit and protection of our Subscribers, and as a matter of fact this Agency will issue amended lists 8 REFERKNCR IU)UK I Wiirinx tli" ycur, wliincvcr it is I'uiuu! iicccHHjiry, ho thai onr Siiltsciilicis will know of any cluiiiKr, nnituflinrnl or i:ii|»r<>v«- UKiit in the list. AMENDED ISSUES. Karh Suhacribcr will lie dt'Iivcrcd ropicH of the ><'iiily issno and copies of cmcIi jidditionJil, sni)pU'irHMilary or iunendt'd issue durinjij the term of his subscription. BANKS, We also furnish you with a list of the chartered and privnt<' hanks doinf^ business thr<»UKhout the Dominion of <'ana«hi, and this, we feel, will be of {special interest and value o our Subscribers. LAWS. "VVo also have, with a great deal of caro and at heavy ex- pense, collected the commercial and bank laws of the different J'rovinces, and same will be found immediately after the list of Correspondents for each I'rovince. This also, our Sul)Ncribers will find, will be of great benefit und assistance to them. CERTIFICATE. The Agency issues a certificate um'-r the seal of the Agency, signed by the proper olllcer, and no certificate except issued and signed as above shall be authorized by or bin CO o 5- 00 CO rO CO o 00 O CO "^ Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Abbotsford, Westminster. Frank Miinro— Abootsford 200 Agassiz. Westminster Herbert White — Agassiz 300 Ainsworth, Yale J. Henry — Ainsworth 400 Alamo, Kootenay J. C. Pollock — Alamo 200 Alberni, Vancouver Is, . .Chas. F. Bishop — Alberni 400 do do ..A. W. Heath— Alberni. Aldergrove, Westminster. .Philip Jackman — Aldergrove 200 Alexandria, Yale A. D. Mclnnes— Alexandria 200 Aiivi^ Island, Burrard Fred. Keeling — Anvil Island 100 Armstrong, Yale P. C. Wolf enden— Armstrong 100 Ashcrofi, Yale Jas. C. Shields— Ashcroft 500 do do Dennis Murphy — Ashcroft. Balfour, Kootenay Jos. Barkerville, Cariboo .Tas. do do , Dennis Murphy- W. Gallup— Balfour 150 Stone— Barkerville 1,000 -Barkerville. Beaver Creek, Vanco'r Is. Chas. F. Bishop— Beaver Creek. . .200 Bella Coola, Cariboo H. B. Christenson — Bella Coola..200 Boundary Falls. Yale Thos. J. Hardy -Boundary Falls. 150 Brownsville, Westminster. Henderson & Keith — New West'r.lOO BRITISH COLUMBIA. 16 Town and County. Central Park, New West'r Chean, Westminster Chilcoten, Cariboo Chilliwack, Westminster., do do . . Clayoqiiot, Vancouver I. . . Clinton, Cariboo Columbia, Yale Coniox, Vancouver I Courtnay, Vancouver I. . . Cumberland, Vancouver I. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n W. M. Smith— Central Park 100 J. Pelley— Chilliwack 100 F. M. Becher— Chilcoten 150 Samuel Millard— Chilliwack 1,500 J. Pelley — Chiliwack. W. T. Dawley— Clayoquot 200 W. E. Fisher—Clinton 400 A. S. Sutton— Grand Forks 100 H. P. Collins-Union 500 J. McPhee & Son— Courtenay 200 H. P. Collins— Cumberland 100 Dawson, Yukon Isaac J. Hartman — Dawson. . . .20,000 Dewdney, (Westminster J. R. Wren— Mission 100 Donald, Kootenay Harvey & McCarter — Donald 500 Duncan's, Vancouver W. P. Jaynes — Duncan's 200 B. Wellington, Vancouver. Barker & Potts— Nanaimo 200 Erie, Yale Jas. R. Hunnex— Erie 250 Esquimault, Vancouver Fell & Gregory — Victoria 400 Fairview, Yale D. W. Shatford— Fairview 100 Falkland, Yale William Bell— Falkland 150 Ferguson, Kootenay McKinney & Sutherland— Ferg'n. 100 Fernie, Yale Hy. J. Johnson — Fernie 400 Fort Steele, Kootenay Harvey & McCarter — Fort Steele. 200 Galiano, Vancouver . . Golden, Kootenay Goldstream, Vancouver Grand Forks, Yale Greenwood, Yale do do . Herbert Macklin— Galiano 1 50 . Harvey & McCarter — Golden 500 ..Jas. Phair— Goldstream 150 ..A. C. Sutton— Grand Forks 2,000 . A. S. Black — Greenwood 500 .Thos. J. Hardy — Greenwood. Halcyon Hot Springs, Yale.Thos. McNaught— Halcyon H. Sp.200 Harrison River, Westin'r.C. W. Menton— Harrison River... 200 Hazelmere, Westminster .Hy. T. Thrift— Hazelmere 150 Howe, Sound, Burrard ...G. M. Gibson— Howe Sound 150 Hullcar, Yale David Crane— Hullcar 150 inecillewaet. Yale Alex. L. Stewart— lUecillewaet. . .GOO Irvine's Land, Vancouver. John West — Irvine's Land 200 Kamloops, Yale Jno. F. Smith — Kamloops 2,000 do do Fulton Whitaker — Kamloops. Kaslo. Kootenay McAnn & McKay— Kaslo 2,500 Kellowna, Yale Lequine Bros.- KeHowna 200 IG Town and County. Kitchener, Kootenay . Koksilah, Vancouver . Kuskanook, Kootenay BRITISH COLUMllIA. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n . Jno. A. Currie— Kitchener 150 .W. P. Jaynes — Quamichan 100 .W. A. Alexander — Kuskanook. . .liOO Lansdowne, Yale F. C. Wolfenden — Armstrong 100 Lillooet, Yale Robt. H. Brett-Lillooet 400 Louis ( 'reek, Yale Ino. F. Smith —Louis Creek 100 Lower Nicola, Yale G. li. Armstrong — Lower Nicola. .100 Maple Bay, Vancouver W. P. Jaynes— Duncan's 300 May wood, Victoria Wm. Graham — May wood 400 Midway, Yale J. P. McLeod— Midway 300 Mission, Westminster J. R. Wren — Mission 300 Monte Creek, Yale Wm. Plumm— Monte Creek oOO Moodyville, Westminster .Russell & Snider -Vancouver F.O) Mount Lehman, Westm'r. .Geo. A. Lee -Mount Lehman 10J Moyie, Yale F. Ireson Moore— Moyie 30(J Nanaimo, Nanaimo Barker & Potts — Nanaimo 500 Nelson, Yale J. A. Gilker—Nelson 7.000 do do R. W. Hannington — Nelson. New Denver, Yale Rashdall & Fanginer — N. Denver. 630 New Westminster, West'r. Henderson & Keith-N. Wesl'r. 7,000 Nicola Lake, Yale A. E. Howso— Nicola Lake 200 Nicomek 1. Westminster. . R'd. Ludlow, Nicomekl 150 North Bend, Yale J. & E. Lyons-North Bend 100 Northfield, Vancouver Banter & Potts — Nanamio 500 O'Kanaghan Mission, Yale.Lequine Bros. — Kellowna 150 Palliser, Yale W. C. Wells— Palliser 250 Parksville, Vancouver ... .A. W. Heath — Alberni 100 Phcenix, Yale .las. Punch Phoenix 100 Port Essingto'" Nanaimo. .R. Cunningham -Port I*'.issingtrii.500 Port Renfrew, Vancouver..!. W. Williams— Port Renfrew. . .100 Port Kusam, Vancouver. . .Theo. Peterson — Port Kusam 100 Quamichan, Vancouver . . . W. P. .Tayne?? — Quamichan 200 Quesnelle, Cariboo Jas. Reid — Quesnelle 500 Quesnelle Forks, Cariboo.. Wm. Stephenson— Quesnelle Fks.300 Quilchena, Yale A. E. Howse— ^Nicola Lake 100 Revelstoke, Kootenay Harvey & McCarter— Revelstoke.200 Rossland, Yale P. McL. Forin -Rossland 10,000 Salmo. Yale . Sandon, Yale .W. T. Beadles— Salmo 500 .M. L. Gnuxroet— SandoDL. ....... 2,00Q. bllITl.su COLUMBIA. 17 Town and CouiUv (.'orrospoiKlont and Address. i'op'n Sjivonius. Yale Ceo. V. Ogle— Savona.s 200 Shortreed, Westminster . . llobt. Shoitreed — Shortreed 150 SIdley. Yale Pieh, E. Sidley— Sidlcy 300 Sidney, Vancouver Lionel Dicliin^ron — Sidney 200 Silverdale, Westminster ..Arthur E. Skinner—Silverdale. . .200 Silverton, Yale Rashdall & Fanginer— N. Denver. 100 Slocan, Kootenay R. A. Bradshaw — Slocan 1,500 Sluggett, Vancouver Jno. Sluggett— Sluggett 200 Thomson's Landing. Ko'ty.J. W. Thomson— Thomson's L'd'g.200 Three Forks, Kootenay . . . M. L. Grimmet— Sandon 50t Trail, Yale F. W. Brown— Trail 2,500 do do , Lewis Bros.— Trail. Union, Vancouver H. P. Collins— Union 30?^ do do — L. P. Eckstein — Union. Vancouver, Vancouver do do do do Vernon, Yale Victoria, Vancouver . . Wellington, Vancouver . do do Whitewater, Kootenay . Whonnock, Westminster . I'M. C. Kenning— Vancouver 2,5CC .Russell & Snider— Vancouver. . McPhillips & Williams — Vancouver. . Fred. Billings — Vernon 500 , Fell & Gregory— Victoria 20,000 Theo. Bryant— Wellington 3,000 .?L A. Dillon-Wellington. Niven & Bell— Whitewater 100 L. Chas. York— Whonnock 200 Young, Vancouver H. R. Young— Young. ,100 r BOM BRITISH COLUMDIA. COMMERCIAL LAWS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. ! I I k I i T]h* rollowintr Is !i <^' •mpoiuliiim r»f tho (Niiiinnrcial Laws (his I'loviiKc. If :my rii'llicr and hidic comiilct*- itUoriDation is (losirod, tin* A^rt'iuy will be )»Ipmsc'<1 to liirnish saino free to its Sul)S(ril)ors. on aiiplication to the UvaO Olficc, as thf Affoncy lias scciirod tlie services (»f Solicitors for that pui- pose. * Arrest.— In civil procoedin>;s if the parties are about to leavi' the Province, when the del»t exceeds $100.00. Assif>:nments may he njarwise it. becomes void as against third parties; must be renewed every live years. Coiumercial Paper. — rromissory notes and bills of ex- change an' negotiable, and ar«» sub,ie!/l(ttiov. Brandon uO.OUO liiHoar 22,000 MucDoiuiUl 20.000 ManjiK'tte UO.OUO Proven<;lier 1 '),000 Selkirk r>:{,000 Winnipcj^ 2."),<;;3<) The following' is a list of Corrt'spondonU for this Province. 'J'hc names of tlio towns in capital lctU;rs arc the county towny lor their resijcclive counties. NOTE. In any p^ace where tliero is )io Correspondent the enquiry sliould be sent to the Hi:.\i> Ofi'km; of the Standaud Agk.ncy at Toronto, but the Subscriber may send to nearest C'orresijondent, although the Agkncy prefers same shouKl be sent direct to 1Jk/i> OiFlCE. Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Addingham. Macdonald. . .T. H. Metcalfe — Addini^ham 100 Alexander, lirandon las, F. Walker— Alexander 350 Almasippi, Dnfferin J. Lawrenson — Almasippi 100 Allamcnt. Rock Lake Hy. Mussell— Altamont .150 Altona. Emerson .John Funk— Altona 100 Assiniboine. Port. La P...J. F. Larry — Poplar Point 100 Atwell. Lissar Geo. .J. Doak— Atwell 100 Austin, Carberry W. Clifford— Austin 200 Baldur. Belmont W. V. Fowler— Baldur 400 Balsam Bay, I^isgar M. Craigie- Balsam Bay 100 Bardal, Selkirk G. R. Lusk— Bardal 100 Beaconsfield, Roek Lake. ..Chas. Sala — Beaconsfield 100 Beaver Creek. Norfolk. . . .S. Thompson - Beaver Creek 100 Beausejour. Selkirk T. S. Gray— Beausejour 100 lielmont, Belmont J. H. Standing— Belmont 100 Bird's Hill, Selkirk Geo. Chudleigh— Bird's Hill 100 m\ MANITOHA. n Town and County. Corrpsponclont and Address. Pop'u IMIITI.K, Hirtle DudhyA:' i .oeae Hirtle 500 niin'Ll':, lUnlo Mi( klo &- Tinuley- Uirtlo. Hlythflcld, Maniiu'tte W. H. Mellow- lilythnuld 'JOO Ht)lHsovaln, Hnissevain Alox. McKnight- IJoissevaln. . .1,000 IJoisaevain, Hois-ovaln. . . .N. P. HiukinKhani Hoissevain. IJonnle Doon, M:ii(iuolt«. ..Saiuiud Kiiu'i;aii Honnio Doon-.lOO Hiadwariline, 1) •nnit4 John I'arr liradwardino 101) IJRANDON. Hian«lon i). A. Hopper— l^randon (1,000 HRANDON. lirandon MAC'DONALl) & MA('I)ONALI). lirlerwood, I), Minis \V. II. (!r;iy lliierwood lOf) IJrokf nli( ad. Usgar (leo. SiiU'Wot loni IlroUeniiead... . loo liurnbank, Shoal I/ake. . . .Goo. AUison— liiunhank 100 Pop'n ...100 . ..SoO ...100 ...150 ....100 ...100 ...100 ...200 Calf Mountain. Dufftrin. . .Ferrib P.olion Calf Mountain. .. 100 Carberry, (^arberry VV. M. Loj;an -('arberry 1,000 Caibei-ry. Carberry (5. Harrett -Carberi'y. Cailin,i!;vil|p, Shoal IjUke. ..Thos. llaniilton CailinKville. . . .100 Carnuin, Carman \{. E. Robinson Carnum 1,00>) CartwrJKht, Reek Lake Andrew LauKhlin -Cartwriglit. . .'.{50 Castle Avery. Ru-sell fos. Du.^anCastle Avery 10!) Chatrr. Hi-andon .Mathew Armstrong ("hater 150 (Miortit/. La Verandrye J. S. Reinpel Chcjrlitz 100 Chuniah. Shoal Lake Jas. Clarridge -Chumah 150 Clearwatei-, Ro( k Lake |. A. McLaren Clearwater 250 Cold Si)rin,gs, Kairford J. C. Fidler-Cold Sprinj^'s 100 Coult< rvale. r.randon Franeis Coulter- Coulterval';. . . . 100 Creeford, Minnedosa Wm. F. Hrandt-CreefcM-d 100 Crrwe, Shoal Lak(» fas. Fa I loon Cr(>we 150 Cyprus River. Martjuette. . C. F. Hast in- (Cyprus River 300 ]);M:pliin. Minnedosa I. (}. Harvey- Dauidnn 1.000 fnU)i-aine. Brandon I. A. .Mather Deloraiue 800 Dominion City, Manchest'iR. \V. Dlek— Dominion City .500 Dry River. Rork Lake .Alfred Ea.«on— Dry River 100 Dugald. Selkirk l)u-.;:!ld C.illespie— Dugald 1,50 ..400 ..100 ..100 ..100 ..100 ..100 ..100 ..100 East Selkirk, Lisgar David S. Lyon— East Selkirk 300 Eden. Beautiful Plains S. D. Baxter— Eden 1.50 Flkhorn. Brandon W. M. Cushing— Elkhorn 600 Klkhorii. Brandon \. MeNAIi FRASER Elkh(u-n. FIui Creek, Lisgar Iose))h Rinn-Elm Creek 100 FIni Valley, Dennis I). W. Grimmett- -Elm Valley lOil Elton, Brandon Robert Johnston -Elton ' 100 FMERSON, .Manehtster. ..Duncan MeArthur - Emerson. .. 1,000 EMERSON, Manchester. ..David Forrester— Emerson, f^r 22 MANITOBA. 1^ i\ ii Town and County. Correapondcnt and Address. Pop'n FIndlay, IJrandon J. W. MarKay— Fiudlay 100 Fork River, Manim tte Thos. N. Hriggs- Fork River 100 Forrest, Brandon (MIfton Watknis Forrest 150 Fox Warren, Shoal Lake. .Albert Layeock — Fox Warren ,^00 Franklin, Beautiful PI A. M. Anderson- Franklin 200 Oeyser, IJsgar S. G. Nordal— Geyser 100 Ginill, Giinll G. M. Thompson- Ginill 1.800 Gladstone, Weslbourne. ... R. E. Broudfoot -Gladstone 1,700 Gladstone, Wt8tl)ourne — G. Claxton- (iladstone. Glenboro, Norfolk F. H. Mitchell— Glenboro 600 GI(>ndale. Beautiful PI V^'eedon Walker— Glendale 100 Glendennlng, Rock Lake. . Henry Knight — Glendennlng 100 Glenella, Westbourne Hugh N. Ray— Gler^lla 100 Glcnforsa, Minnedosa J. M. M. Geekie-Glenforsa 100 Glcnlea. Selkirk (I H. McWatt— Glenlea 100 Glenlyon, Marquette Duncan Cameron — Glenlyon 303 (Jonor. Lisgar John .1. Gunn — Gonor lOJ Grass River, Brandon James Patterson — Grass River... 100 Greenway, Reck Lake W. B. Cornock — Greenway 150 Gretna, Emerson Michael Long — Gretna (UIO (Irlhwold, Dennis II. A. Scarth— Griswold 300 Hamiota, Shoal L-rike Harperville, Lisgar Hartney. Turtle Mountain. Headinsly. Selkirk Heasllp, Turtle Mountain. Hecla, Glmll High Bluff, Portage La P Hlllvlew. Turtle Mountain. Hilton, Lisgar Holland, Norfolk Holmfield, Turtle Moun ain Howard, Marquette Hun's Valley, Beautiful PI. Husawick, Selkirk M. B. .Jackson— Haiuiota 300 G. H. Harper^Harperville 100 G. S. Hallam— Hartney 500 James H. Black— Headingly 300 S. A. Heasllp— Heasllp 300 Hegli Tomasson — Hecla 100 John Dilworth— High Bluff 200 F. W. Stevenson— Hlllvlew 200 Charles Brown— Hilton 250 H. L. Rlxon— Holland 150 James D. Orr— Holmfield 150 W. J. Grexton— Howard 200 Reuben Andre--Hun's Valley 100 W. B. Arason — Husawick 200 I Indianford, Norfolk H. Sturton— Indianford 100 Kemnay. Brandon John A. Scott— Kemnay 150 Kerfoot. Norfolk John Nesbitt— Kerfoot 100 TCildonan. Sclki'-k John H. Gunn— Kildonan 500 Kl Harney, Lisgar A. G. Hay— Killarney 500 Kinsmore, Dennis John McLaren — Kinsmore 100 MAN1TC»1IA. 23 Town and County. TiUkrland. Wi'Sibourno. . La Uivicro. Hock Lake. . liaiulor, Turtle Mountain rorrespondont and AddrosR. Pop'n .R. R. Tl:-oadfoot -CladBtono 100 . TaiKey & Swales La Riviere 100 .Cieoi'Ke 10. Moore — Lauder 150 Laurler. Carrillion A. A. Trottler -Laurior 100 I^Mia. Turtle Mountain ..Fred. Hurrows Lena 100 Letelller, Manchester JaequeH Tari'iit Letellier 100 Lldford, Russell (}eorp:e phi/.acklea— Lldford 100 Lillyfleld, Selkirk J. W. Phillips Lillyfleld 100 Llntrathen, DulTerln Angus Skinner Lintrathen 100 Llppentott, Dennis David Simpson Llppentott 150 ^^Ogoch, Shoal Lake William Angus -Logoch 100 'n^no Tree, Shoal Lake Robert Carsop- Lone Tree 100 Dundy ville, Fairford F. J. Lundy Lundy vlUe 300 l^yh'ton. Souris Andrew Lyle — I.yleton 100 Lyonhall, Rock Lake Samual Jones— Lyonhall 150 Margrogor. Carb^rry William M. Logan — Maogrogor. .500 Madford. Brandon William Madder Madford 100 Makinak. Manpicite Jos. E. D'Aoust- -Makinak 1.000 Manitou. Dufferin Joseph Huston Manitou 1,00'J Manitou. Dufferin W. F. Fllis— Manitou. Mariapolis, Rock Lake. . . .G. Landry — Moriai)olis 200 Mather, Rock Lake W. (J. Fulford- Mather 100 Melita. Souris John Crerar — Melita 1,800 Menteith. Brandon R. McRurney— Menteith 150 Methven. Brandon D. F. !<'raser & Co.— Methven 200 Miami, Carman Robins & 0111— Miami 200 do do Frank A. Collins - Miami. Middle Church. Selkirk. . ..Joseph Barron— Middle Church.. 300 Midway. Beautiful Plains. Henry R. Keyes-Midway 150 Millbrook, Selkirk G. 9. McKay— Millbrook 100 Minitonas Theo. V. Ireland— Minitonas 100 MINNEDOSA, Minnedosa.R. H. Meyers— Minnedosa 1.000 Minnewakan. Fairford Chas. M. Brault— Minnewakan. . .150 MORDEN, Dufferin James H. Dunsford— Morden. . .1,500 MORDEN, Dufferin McLaren & Black- Morden. Moropano. Rock T^ake John Cummings — Moropano 100 Morris. Morris Marshall Lawrie — Morris 1,000 Morris. Morris George F. Birney— Morris. Myrtle, Brandon p. H. Harrison— Myrtle 150 McGregor Stat'n, Norfolk. Wm. Hay— McGregor Station 2.50 McKenzie, Disgar Chas. H. Vrooman— McKenzie 100 NEEPAWA. Neepawa T. Wemyss Neepawa 1.000 Nelson, Dufferin las. A. Nelson— Nelson 1 00 Nesbitt, Brandon .John Watson— Nesbitt 100 Newdale, (Minnedc-a William Trwin— Newdale 100 I i 24 MANITOBA. Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Vup'n Oak Bank, Selkirk Hugh Wilson— Oak Bank 250 Oak Blufe, D'Iberville Wm. West— Oak Bluff 100 Oak Lake, Virden W. J. Mamby-Oak Lake 300 Oaknook, Russell John M. Dow — Oaknook 100 Oak River, Minnedosa E. Lund — Oak River 300 Oakville, Portage La P.. .W. V. Anderson— Oakville 100 Ochre River, Marquette. . .Edward Brook — Ochre River ....100 Olive, Norfolk GcO. J. Palmer— Olive 100 Oranp^e Ridge, Beaut'fl Pi.. Henry Bowe — Orange Ridge 200 Otterbourne, Carrillion John Rongeau — Otterbourne 200 Pierson, Soui is Pilot Mound, Rock Lake.. Pilot Mound, Rock Lake. Pip'^stone, Dennis Pleasant Home, Lisgar. . . Plvmpton. Selkirk Poplar Point, Port. La P. . PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE. Princess, Souris Purple Ridge, Beautiful PI J. F. Dandy— Pierson 250 J. M. Eraser— Pilot Mound 500 W. A. Donald— Pilot Mound. J. W. Crawford— Pipestone 200 James Madill — Pleasant Home... 100 Edward Hudson — Plympton 100 James P. Larry — Poplar Point... 100 W. J. Cooper— Portage LaP 4.000 W. H. Clement— Princess 200 Donald Scott— Purple Ridge 100 t 4 Queen's Valley, Selkirk. . .Wm. Hayes — Queen's Valley. ,100 Ralphton, Dennis A. W. Kent— Ralphton 1 50 Rapid City, Minnedosa R. A. Nellis- Rapid City 700 Rathwell, Portage La P. . . H. Woodman— Rathwell 250 Reaburn, Marquette George Main — Reaburn 200 Reston, Souris. . .• G. S. ^Munro — Reston 150 Riding Mountain. Beu. PI. A. H. Scouten — Riding Mountain. 100 Rosenf eld, Emerson Wiebe Bros. — Rosenf eld 100 Rosebank, Dufferin Alf. H. Baker— Rosebank 200 Rosewood, Carrillion Thos. S. Wilson — Rosewood 100 Rounthwaite, Brandon . . E. S. Shearer — Rounthwaite 150 Russell, Russell A. G. P. Stnellie— Russell 2,500 Russell, ^Russell Dudley, Leese & Searth — Russell. Russell, , Russell F. Chapman— Russell. St. Adolphe. D'Iberville. . . J. N. Camyre— St. Adolphe 150 Stt. Agathe. D'Iberville A. W. Dumaine— St. Agathe 200 St. Alphonse, Ro;'k T>ake..Thos. Chapdelainc— St. Alphonse.lOO S^t. Andrew's, Lisgar D. B. Anderson— St. Andrew's. . .200 St. Andrew's, N. Lisgar P. R. Young— St. Andrew's North. 150 St. Anne, St. Anne Richer & Co. -St. Anne 7{>0 MANITOBA. 25 P'n J50 100 00 00 JOO 00 00 00 200 20a )00 !00 (W .00 00 00 00 .00 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 »0 Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n St. l^oniface, Selkirk Ed. Guilbault— St. Boniface 2,500 St. Charles, Manchester Frank Ness— St. Charles 200 St. Eiistache, Marquette. ..Fred. Letourneau — St. Eustache. .300 St. Fr. Xavier, Marquette. Pat. McCaughan— St. Francois X.200 St. Jean Baptiste, Morris.. P. Parenteau— St. Jean Baptiste. .200 St. .Joseph, Manchester Louis Berard— St. Joseph 2^00 St. Laurent, Fairford Alf. G. Hepworth— St. Laurent.. 400 St. Lazare, Shoal Lake D. Chartier— St. Lazare 100 St. Malo, Carrillion A. Payment— St. Malo 300 St. Marks. Marquette Edward Cook— St. Marks 100 St. Norbert, D'lberville C. H. Pacaud— St. Norbert 400 St. Ouens, Lisgar H. A. Gibson— St. Ouens 100 St. Pierre, Joly Charles Ledez— St. Pierre 200 St. Vital, D'lberville J. Nisbet— St. Vital 100 Sandy Bay, Macdonald William G. Gow— Sandy Bay 100 S^eburn, Russell Otto Seebach— Seeburn 200 Seidell, Brandon Thos. L. Dawson— Selden 100 SELKIRK, Lsgar F. E. Stevens— Selkirk 1,500 SELKIRK, Lisgar Heape & Heape — Selkirk. Shoal Lake, Shoal Lak'^...M. W. Thompson — Shoal Lake... 500 Shoal Lake, Shoal Lake...R. H. Meyers— Shoal Lake. Shrubland, Brandon Edwin Pitman — Shrubland 100 Sidney, Carberry Thomas Babb — ^Sidney 100 Snowflake, Rock I^ke VAi Sbilson — Snowflake .100 Solsgirth, Shoal Lake. . . . J. C Anderson — Soisgirth. 400 Somerset, Manitou J. A. DeCosse— Somerset 100 Souris, Brandon , A. L. Young — Souris 1,000 Souris, Brandon J. A. Taylor — Souris. Starbuck, Marquette G. E, Dechone — Starbuck 200 Steinbach. Carrillion A. S. Friesen — Steinbach 300 Stephenfield, Dufferin P. Cracknell— Stephenfield 200 Stockton, Belmont H. J. Badam — Stockton 100 Stonewall, Stonewall Ronald Leslie — Stonewall 500 Stonewall, Stonewall Heape & Heape — Stonewall. Stoney Mour.tain. Ston'w'I.John Gunn— Stoney Mountain 200 Strathclair. Minnedosa R. H. Reed— Strathclair 100 Suthwyn, Selkirk P. K. Dickson -Suthwyn 100 Swan Lak.?, Rock Lake. ...John S. Rice— Swan Lake 300 50 )0 )0 )0 10 Tamarisk, Marnuette Th«> Nan'ows, Westbourne. Thornhill. Dufferin Treesbank, Norfolk Trrherno. Trehernc Turtle River. Macdonald,. Tumbell. RuHsell , Tupper. Westbourne Joseph Hatcher— Tamarisk 100 E. Kristjeinsson — The Narrows.. 200 W. Bradley— Thornhill .200 Jas. H. Clark— Treesl)ank 250 Andrews & Pitblado- Treherne. .500 George W. Would Peter McDougall William Horron— -Turtle River. 100 -Tumbell 300 Tupper 100 ■I I ! 26 MANITOBA. Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Two Creeks, Dennis Thomas Cripps — Two Creeks 100 Tyndall, Selkirk W. H. Henry & Son— Tyndall. . . .200 Umatilla, Marquette George Robb— Umatilla 100 Valley River, Marquette .. James Kennedy — Valley River... 100 Viola Dale, Shoal Lake. . .Robert Virtue — Viola Dale 200 Virden, Dennis John T. Madge — Virden 1,000 Viiden, Dennis ...Coulter & Singer — Virden, Wakeham, Dufferin R. C. Bayliss— Wakeham 100 Wapaha, Turtle Mountain. John J. Hymers — Wapaha 100 Wattsview. Shoal Lake. . .William Watt— Wattsview 100 Wavy Bank, Lisgar Cecil Herbert — Wavy Bank 100 Wawanessa, Brandon Russell & Snider -Wawanessa. . .800 Wawanessa, Branden .John H. Ingram — Wawanessa. Wellington, Westbourne. ..James Walker — Wellington 100 Westbourne, Westbourne. .McArthur & Co. — Westbourne 100 Whitemouth, Selkirk Jobs Monilaws — Whitemouth 500 Whitewater, Turtle Mt. - .Wm. Rolston— Whitewater 150 Winkler, Morden Valentine Winkler— Winkler 300 WINNIPEG, Winnipeg. . .Campbell, Crawford & Smith. .50,000 MACDONALD, TUPPER. PHIPPEN & TUPPER. J. T. Hugeard. Woonona, Marquette William M. Vidal— Woonona 100 m MANITOBA. COMMERCIAIi LAWS OF MANITOBA. i Tlio to)U»\vlng is a conipendiuui of llio Commercial Laws of tins I'roviiicc. If niiy fiirtliir aiui nioiv complete ifiform- •Miiiu is (l«»sire(l, the A;;t'iu.v will be pleased to furnish same free to its Snl^scribers, on application to the Head OfHce, as the Agency hfis seemed the services of Solicitors for that Itnrpose. Assignments.— (See Insolvent laws). Attachments.— An order for attachment may be obtained in case of a resident debtor who departs with intent to de- fraud his creditors, or those having just cause of action against him, or to avoid being arrested or served with pro- cess, or who keeps himself concealed in the province with a like intent, or in case of a non-resident debtor when he Tn legally liable to a resident creditor on a contract or obligation to be performed in the province, or liable to be compensated for in damages, or when a debtor, whether a resident or non- resident, is about to transfer or remove any of his property from the province, or has already done so, with intent to de- lay or defraud his creditors, or those having just cause of action against him. Bills of Sale and Oliattel Mortgages.— Sales and mortgages of personal property not accompanied by an im- mediate delivery, and follows.;! by an actual and continued change of possession, are absolutely void as against creditors and subsequent purchasers in good faith for value without actual notice, unless bill of sale or mortgage be filed with clerk of the County Court in the judicial division where the goods and chattels are situated, with proper atfldavits ot execution and bona fides. Mortgages must be renewed within thirty days preteedint; the expiration ot two years. Commercial Travellers require no licenses. Distress.— The mortgagee can only distrain mortgagor's goods. A landlord can only distrain as against a tenant for three months arrears if rent is payable quarterly or more frequently, or for one year's orrears when rent is payable less frequently than quarterly. Executions.— No execution against lands. Certificates of judgments tan be obtHin"d uiid registered. Writs of execu- tion iigainst goods can hv issued after judgment, bindin;; the goods as soon as placed in tlu- sheriff's hands. No priority iii rt'spcft of writs. The sheriff gives notic, of having made the money in the (iazette, and after three months proceeds to distribute ratably amongst those having executions in his hands. MANITOBA. L: £xemptiers«'U other than a farmer, of ••$!, 500.00. No contract or bargain whether under seal or otherwise can deprive a man of his rig'ut to exoniption. Garnishment.— Money may be garnished on ex parti ap- plii^ation upon arlidavit thr.r the account is correct and due and owing, and that there is reason to believe that a third party is liable to the defendant, and an order may be made that all debts shall be attached. An order may be issued im- mediately after the coramencement of the Action. Innolvent "La-wh.—A debtor can make a voluntary assign- ment to the tnistee for the benefit of his creditors. The majority of creditors can compel a transfer of an assignment to an official assignee. Interest.— Six per cent, where no special agreement is made. Limitation of Actions. — Actions must be brought with- in six years on an oihmi account, i)romissory note, simple con- tract," etc. Within, ten years, on mortgages, bonds or other, documents that are sealed, or within a like time in either case from last payment on account cr acknowledghient ia writing. Married Women may hold and enjoy property free from the debts and control of their husbands as fully as if un- married. There is no dower, but the wife takes ♦he same interest in the land of her deceased husband as if it were her personal property. Notes and Bills must be duly protested^ ejy<\ notice thereof sent to endorser to hold him liable. Replevin may be issued upon an affidavit showing to the satisfaction of the court or judge the fact of a wrongful tak- ing or detention of property, and that the person claiming is the owner thereof, or where it is shown that the property has been wrongfully taken under color of distress, etc. County nir BRUKSincK. COUNTIES AND COUNTY TOWNS. County Tovm Pop'n Albert Kopewflll Cape IIOOO Carleton Woortntock 22550 Charlotte St. Andrews 23300 Gloucester Bathurst 24975 Kent Richibucto 23900 Kings Hampton 23000 'ladawaska Fdraunaton 5550 Northumberland Newcabtle 23000 Queans Gagetovm 12500 Restigouche Dalhousie 8500 St . John St . John 52500 Sunbury Oromocto 6000 Victoria Grand Falls 13500 Westmoreland Dorchecter 41000 York. . . - , Fredericton 31000 The following is a list of Correspondents secured for this Province. The names in capital letters are the county towra for the respective counties. The letter (S) following che name of Correspondent, denotes a Solicitor or Finri of Solicitors. NOTE. In places where there is no local C Agency has endeavored, for the convenience of give the nearer.t and most convenient place th Correspondent will be found, but the Sub3cribe in such cases to the Correspondent mentioned nearest and most convenient , but may apply to dent of the Agency in the neighborhccd.from w the jame reliable anformatxon.and hi:; buslres attention, as if made to the particular Corres by the Agency. omspondent ,the the Subscriber, to ereto where a r ir, not restricted by us as being the any other Correspon- hom he will receive 3 the same careful pondent referred to Town County Correspondent Address Pop'r. mn Albert Albert W.A.Trucman (S) Albert Albert Mines. . do Ed.Woodworth ... .Albert Alma do ...... .Willlatn Romirel Alma Ancover Victoria Titus J.Carter (S) . . . .Andover. . . Apohaque Kings. J.Prescott & Son Sussex.... Armstrongs Br.Keatigouche. .John Cal^-^san Jacquet Rl Aroostook Jt. .Victoria Titus J.Carter Andover. . . Avondale Carleton John E.McCready Avondale. , Back Bay. . .-. . .Charlotte. . . .Andrew McGee. . . Back Bay. . Barachois Westmoreland. Jamt a McQueun Shediac . . Bamaby Rivor.Northumb'd. . .T}iom.as Gill Barnaby Ri Barnesville. . .Kings Robert Simpson Barnesvill Bass River. . . .Kent George Gilbert Bathurst. . Bath Carleton Thomas Bohan Bath BATHURST Gloucester. . .George Gilbert (S) .... Bathurst . . Bayfield Westmoreland . C .Harper & Co Bayfiela. . .E.W.Cross Beaver Kar .F.E.McNally Boechwood. .A.G.Bell Belleville .C.E.K ith Berry's Mi .Daniel Sullivan blackviJle .Henry Swim. Doakt.own. . .G.H.Stokoe Bloomr;ie'id Beaver Harbor. Char 1 otte. . . Beechwood Carleto.n. . . . Belleville. ... do . . . . Berry's Mi lis. Westmoreland Blackville. . . .Northumb'd. . Bllssfield. . . . do Bloomfield. . . .Carleton do . Kinfcsi Jajr.es E.Price Norton. 250 es 350 . 500 . 400 . 300 ver250 . 500 . 150 . 200 . 300 ver500 e 300 300 500 150C 50 250 50 IOC GOG 45C 275 4CC 200 il ^ Tovm County NEW BRUNSWICK. Correspondent Addro38 Pop*n Boieato'tm Norttiunb'd. . Bon Accord. . . .Victori.i. . . . Bonny River. . .Charlotte. . . ErifiBs Cor':i. .Quoens Eriatol Carlcton. . . . Buctouche Kent Bumfrau Carloton . . . Burden York Calho\ui Weatmoreland Campbellton. . .Reatigouche. 250 900 200 150 200 500 100 125 200 do .Charlotte .Weatmoreland do do do Campo Bello. Canaan Sta. . Cape Bald. . . Cape Spear. , Cara^uet Glouceater. Carla-.Y Carleton. . . . Centreville. . . do .... Chanicook Charlotte . . . Charlo Reatigouche. Chatham North vrnib ' d . . Chlpman Queens Church Point. .Northumb'd. . Clair Madawaaka. . . Clearvlew Carleton. . . . Cocaigne Kent Coldstreaun. . . .Carleton. . . . Coughlan Northumb'd. . Covered Br, . . .York Coverdale Albert Cross Creek. . .York '. DALHOUSIE Reatigouche. Debec Jxinc .... Carleton .... Deer laland. . .Charlotte. . . Doaktovm Northumb'd. , DORCHESTER. . . .Weatmoreland Dunbarton Charlotte. . . Durhajn Centre. Re stigouche. E.Florencevle. Carleton. . . . Edgetta Land. .Albert EDMUNSTON Madawaaka. . . Elgin Albert Florenceville.Carleton.^ . . Fox Creek Westmoreland FREDERICTON. . .York. . . do ... do . . . do June . . . Stinbury French Lake. . .Sunbury GAGETOWN Queens. Gaspereaux. ... do Gibson Yorkv . . Goose Creek. . .St. John .V/. Richard.! Boiestovm .James "E.Adam Bon Accord .E.L.Stewart Bonny River .R.D.Richardson Chipman. . . . .G.A.Brittain Bristol. . . . .H.H.James Buctouche. .Thomas Bohan Bath .E. A. Hammond Kingsclear. .T.:^. Calhoun Calhoun. . . . .A.E.Alexander Campbellton 2000 •McAllister & Mott (S). do Campo Bello ICOO .C.D.Connler Canaan Sta. 50 .Cliarles F.Acard Great Shemogue .C.Harper & Co Bayfield... 100 George D.LaRlche Caraquet. . . 2000 .Thomas Bolian. . Bath 300 .F.G.& H.S.Burtt Centreville. 1000 .F.H. Grimmer Chamcook. . . 150 • . .James Reid Charlo 200 .W.E.Wlnalow (S) Chatham 5000 .R.D.Richardson Chipman. . . . 150 .Jamea Anderson Church Point 50 .Thomas Clair... ..Clair lOD .Thomas Boh&n Bath 50 .John B. Grogan . .Cocaigne. . . 900 .John Barratt Hartland. . 300 .Daniel Sullivan Blackville 100 .John A. Humble . .Stanley. ... 20 .John L.Peck Hillsbord.. 250 .John A. Humble Stanley. . . . 150 . Jos . C . Barberre Dalhousie . . 610 .Fisher & Connell Woodstock.. 200 .Henry F. Lloyd Deer laland 1500 Henry Swim Doaktown. . .Hon.H.R.Emerson(S). . . .Dorchester .G.F. Beach Meadows. . . .W.R. McMillan Durham Cen John W. Kearney. .Florencev'le 200 400 800 100 150 .Gloucester. .Victoria. . . .Charlotte. . .Victoria. . . Grand Ansa. . GRAND FALLS. Grand Maijan. Cirand River. GreatShemogue Westmoreland Hammond River . KinRa Hammond Vale. . do HAMPTON , do Hartland Carleton. . . . Harvey Albert Havelock Kings Hd.ofMillstream do Hillaboro Albert.. , Holmesvllle. . .Carleton. ... HOPEWELL CAPE. Albert , do Hill, do , .John L.Peck Hillaboro. . 300 .Stevens & Lawson (3^ . .Edmunston. . 1200 .W.B.Jonah. (S) Elgin 252 .John W. Kearney FlorencevilleSSO .Dennis A. Bourgeois. .. .Fox Creek.. 500 .A.F.Randolph Fredericton 6000 .G.F.& A. J.Grec;ory(S). . do do June 750 .George E. Armstrong. .. .French Lake 150 .A.W.Ebbett (S) Gagetown. . . 1200 .R.D.Richardson Chipman. . . . 550 .B.H. Babbitt Gibson 1500 .J.Preacott & Son Goose Creek. 50 . J.'W.Dundas Grand Anse. 705 .W.F.ICertaon (S) Grand Falls 500 .Frank Ingeraoll Grand Manan 2700 .Michel Label St. Leonards 2QC .Charles F.Avard. . . .-. .G. Shemogue. 300 .R. LeE.Tv/eedip. . ' . . . .Hampton. . . . 300 , James E.Price Norton 200 ,R.LeB.Tweedie (S) ...'. .Hampton 2000 John Barratt Hartland. . . 400 W.M.Barbour Harvey 2000 H.A.Keith Havelock. . . 50 A.J.McPheraon Hd. of Mil stream John L.Peck Hillsboro., 900 F.E.McNally Beechwood. . 300 James H. Dickson (S). . .Hopewell Capel50 Charles A. Feck do Hill 500 NEW BRUNSWICK. Tovm Jacqxiet P.ive •lemaeg Johnsvill*'. . j:ilburn Kincardine. . Kir.B3cle.ir. County Correspondent Addreno Pop'n -.Pij.itlgouche. .John Calliean Jaquet River 500 Cueenn A.W.Ebbctt Gaeoto'^n. . . IbO . v';nrl(!ton ThOTrar? i'.ohan BaUi SCO .Virtcria BenJ. Kilburn Kllbum ICO .Virtcrin do :inc:!tcr. do H.M.Ferpuaon Kingaton. . . 500 I,akovi:ic,' Carloton Colin Klnp. Lakeville. . 150 tetreaujc Charlotte. . . .G.K.IJarri;;on I.epreaux. . . SCO LcgglftVille. . .tTcrthiW.b'f'. . .A.& R.Loggle LogGioviile 400 LowerCcverdale Albert Chandlur A Robinson. . .Moncton. . . . 150 do Norton. . .liiriga R.LoIM'.'reedie Hampton.... 50 do Fr.V/r, . . .Yor.k Jarad W.Smith Lov.er Pr.ffm. iCO ^ doSouthnir.p'n do J. Oldhair Southampton 200 McAdam do G.T.Baakin McAdam 400 .McLeods Millu.Kert .V.'. D.Carter Richibucto. 250 fdaiiuapit Lnkc . Sv,nbury George F.Armatrong. ., .French I.ake 100 • Kinga Jair.en E.Price Norton 300 ,Vork •. .A.F.Randolph Fredericton 3C0 Meadows Charlotte. . . .G.F.Eeach Meadtfwfs. . . . 100 Millidgeville.St.John Blair & Blair St. John. ... 50 Vid.Sirrjr.ono. . .Carleton John Earratt Hartland. . . 450 MiliCreek Tent H.H. James Buctouche. . . 100 .Voncton Wectr.oroland.Cluxndler A Robin3on(S)Moncton. . . . 3000 Moores Mills. .Charlotte. .. .William Douglasa Moores Mills SOO Markhcunville, .Marysville. Musnac Victoria. . . Nappan Uorthumb-'-d. Nelson do Nl^'CASTLE do .EenJ.Kilburn Kilburn 60 .V/.C.Vrinalo'.v Chatham. . . . 150 .E.P.'/lilistcn Newcastle.. 200 do (S) do . 2500 E.Price Norton 200 700 200 Norton Kings Jamc Oak Bay Charlotte. .. .Janes C.Stevens St. Stephen Oak Point Xings Inch Palmer & Co Oak Point. PelletlerMill..V.adawaska. . .R.S.Felletier Pellotier M. 100 PonobSQuls. . . .Ki.nga Ar.atis & Mills Penobaqui.-;. 400 Perth Centre. .Victoria Thomas Lawscn (S) Perth Cen. . 200 Petitccdiac. . .Westmoreland. H.H. Horseman (S) Petitcodiac. 650 .J.K.Yeomans (S) do .S.Des t^isey.... .Petit Rochor 200 .Blair & Blair St. Jolm 150 . J.H.Good-.vin Point DeBute 200 .Jam.es McQueen Shodiac. ... 150 do . . do Petit Rocher. .Gloucester. . Pleasant Point St.Jclm.... Point De Bute. We str.ore land do doDe Chene Point Wolfe Red Bank. . . Red Rapids. Renous RICHIEUCTC Kent Richmond Cor. . Carleton .Albert V/illiam Rommel. .Nortliumb'd. .Victoria. . . N9rthumb'd. • Alma 150 .Daniel Sullivan Blackville. 175 .T.'J. Carter Andover. . . . 200 .Daniel Sullivan Blackville. 200 .W.D.Carter (S) Richibucto. 1600 .A.G.Bell. , Eellville. . 275 Riverside Albert Charles A. Feck Hopewell H'L 250 500 1800 200 300 100 Sackville. . St. Andrews. St .Anthony. St. George. . St. Jacques. St. JOHN St. Leonard 3 .Westmoreland. POWELL BENNET & Co(S) .SACKVILLE. . . Charlotte . . . . F . H , Grimmer ( S ) St . Andrews . .Kent Theodore Langis St. Anthony. Charlotte. .. .Charles Johnson Jr. .. .St .George. , .Madawaska. . . .H.U.Daigle St-Jacque^s . St. John Blair & Blair ;s) St. John 45200 .Ttoriawaska. .. .Michel Label St.Leonards»1000 St. Louis Kant W.D.Carter Richibucto. 400 3t. Martins St. John J. & J.S.Titus St. Martin.. 3000 St. Paul Kent C.D.Cormier St. Paul. . . . 600 St. Stephen. . . .Charlotte. . . .James G.Stevens. fS) . . . St. Stephen. . 3000 Salisbury Westmoreland. Alexander L.Wright. . . .Salisteury., 300 William Fruing Shippegan. . 500 James McQueen (S) Shediac... 5000 H.V.Daigle St.Jac«jues. 100 Oldham Southampton 300 F. Randolph . .Fredericto.'? 125 500 Shippegan Gloucester. . Shediac Westmoreland Silver Stream. Ifedawaska. . . Southam.pton. . .York J Springhl 11 York A Stanley do John A.Hujr.blo Stanley. «r'~ 8 I Town County MBW BRUVSWICK. Corroapondent Addrona Top'n Sussex Kingji J.Proacott A Sona Suasex 15^0 do do Whlto Allinon 4 Kin«(S) do Tracadio G loucoator. . . Tracadle... 26D0 Welaford Quoenn H.W. Woods Wollafcwd. . 200 Weat liranch. . .Kent A. J. Jurren Went Branch 500 Wiiton Cove. . .Queens CH-Wlilte Whites Cove 500 WOODSTOCK Carleton Fisher 4 Connell (S) . .Woodstock. . 35D0 .'f P'n 6D0 200 500 500 5D0 1 NEW BRUNSWICK. COMMERCIAL LAWS OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Tho following is a ronipondiuin of the rommorolal Tiaws of this J'rovincc. If any- further and iiioro romph'to inform- ation is th'sircd. tho AKM'ncy will he i»K'as<'«l to furnish sanio free to its Suh«crihors on application to tho Iloail Onico, as tho Agency luis secured the services of Solicitors for that purpose. Arrest.— Where a claim is for a lir^uidated amount over $20.00. arrest can be had in tho Supremo or County Court ho- f(»re jndKnient, on alllflavit stating that amount is duo and that tho arrest is not heing njade to vex or harass tho deb- t<»r. It is not necessary to allege that tho .(I0 shall be exempt. Garnishments. — Debts du(>^ a judgment debtor nuiy be garnisluMl on judgments in County and Supreme (Courts. Insolvent Laws.- Assignments for the general btnelit of creditors must be made to sheriff of county, or with the consent of two-thir0 is the law. Replevin lirs iu cases of unlawful detaining' (U* taking of any k<>"*'^ <"* (Imttels. Statute of Frauds. --^hitcrcst in land «an be crcntctl ]»y writitij,' only, cxci'pl leases not e.sceediu'.: llircc years. No a<'- tioii <'an t)v Jiron^zht to ds worth $'10.(H» or upwards j;ood unless iu writing:, excei)t) there bo partijil delivery or part payment. Married Women may hold real or i)orsonHl pi-oi)erty as if she were " ftine-sole,'* and nuiy fiue and be .sued iu like mannvr. Notes and Bills.— The Dominion Rills of Exchange Act of 18JH) is the law. Replevin lies in cas(s of unlawful (htaining or taking of any k""<'s or chattels. Statute of Frauds.— Interest iu land can bc^ created by writing only, excejit leases n<»t exeecdini;- three years. No nr- tion Oan be brought to charges au executor or defendant to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another unless nomcthiug in writing. No contract for sale of goods wni-tU $10.00 (II- upwards good uidess in writing, except there hit partial delivery or part paynu'ut I NOF-ilH WEST TERRITCP.y. EI.F.CTOKAI, DISTKICTS AND POIL'LATION. ElecloVdl Di^tiirt.s. Pi /nihltiui. Alberta '2r).277 Assiiiahoia I ] 20, IS'2 AHsiiialjuia W '.),K'.)U Saskatchewan 11,150 NOTE. In any p'aco wluno tliere is no (!orrespnn(lf>nt tlie einpiiry bIiouM bo Hcnt to the lli:.\i> OKricK of tli<3 Sr.\Nh.\M) Aof.ncy at Toronto, but the Huhscriber tnay seiul lo nearest ('orrespondent, althou^li the Acsicxcy prefers same should bo sent direct to Head OktlCE. I'owr and County. Correspondent and Address. I'op'n idair, Assa Alex. Floininej— Adair 100 igrifola. Alta Thomas O. Pearce — Agricola K'O ilamoda, Assa L W. Wilcox— Alameda 100 Jma, Assa F. Z. Gayne— Alma 100 i.ngus Uidge. Alti liobert Angus— Angus Ridge 1!.0 {algonio. Assa. . . lattleford. Sask. . leaver Lnke, Alta. Mle Prairie. Assa. Mrson, Sask Inscni'vi.s', Assa. . {rice, Alta l]-uadvie\v, Assa. . . Hawke & Westbrooke — Balgonie,300 • J. A. Fraser— Dattlpford 500 ■ F. W. W. Fane— Beaver Lake luO • F, A. Pavis-Belle Prairie l.^>0 . C . A . Mar .vley- Birson 150 . Williuii) Galloway— Boscnrvis 200 • Henry Brice — Bricc 100 • W. C. Thorburn—Broadview 300 Jalgary. Alta S. l^anrendeau— Calgary 3,500 do do Lougheed & Bennett-Calgary. Janninglon Manor, Assa.-N. Maltby — Cannington Manor.. 200 ^ardston, Alta H. S. Allen— Cardbton 100 86 N'OUTIl-WKHT TKIlUnvmiKH. i I Town and County. Carievulp. Aa^a. , CprnMiiff, Assji. . Carmcusti''. A y i. Cu ion. A 'sa Church liiHlgo. AnH-. Ccrrei-pondcnt and Atldress. Pop'n .Stoplirn lUshop Carl^ vale 20 J .A. H. FouhiB- Carnduff :.'/) . A. M OunrriP— Carnouitio 1"») .'A illinm Robinson - Caron r >) . ;. 1). W^stman ('liiirch liri^'K '. . . iOO Cotcau, Ansa "!>• MrDc)n:i:all— Cotoau 10!) Coviby-Hask ! liilip 'I'uTiier— Coxhy 1"' CreseVnt L.;k •. A'-.;. -. . •. i'.< 'dinrdt Creo-put. I/tk'\ . .IL'U Dawton. AUa. . .' '•'r^v\ ^•mscp.lV n—Daw ^on 10.000 Drnnington. Ars.« Icfii-in H-ociv— D nnlnfj'o'^. '00 Dr Wintc^^, Alt' M,i»rb M<-N(-^i]— Dp Win"Nf^iiK Dnh^un^l 1^::) D'.indurn, Assa Rolicrt Mcr'ortii'. Iv -D'ndu 'i ^0) l)i;r1'^'ifb. Ahs-' Colin Moplo'>y Dwl-^a' h '00 Dunmore, Assa hnnes S illowd— Duiimoio i* )0 Fbfneze.'. Aksi. Edpnworld. Assa. Kdgeley, Assa. . Edn-'ontou, Alva. O. Ftnidypv — Khpn-^r^pr 100 1 M Bredt— F 'f'^MVold 175 . C Cfnr^'r.'ni-Kdgp^ey 1oO r . Hir-chiiif^- EJmonton 2 O.iO do d J - ck &' EiT'ery- Fdnionton. Edwell, Alt?. . ElmoT-p, Ass'i. Eblevan, Assa. Tames Compr -Edw 11 ino .^iv'ob Pni'kr - Elrroro T>0 M. H. King -E^tevan :iO0 FairnTPdo. Aspa 'ohn ]\idd- Fairniedp 100 Fit Mvn. rice, Asaa Folm Ovans- Fit/niauilfo 10 i Fit i"ing, Asm 0(:crt':e J. .Tupp — Flpmin:? 400 do do vV. J. Dnrmick — Flrmipg. Fcit a la Cornr, Sask.... AtiKUS M( Kay — Forte a la Cornp.2"0 Vcv\ On Ainx^ll-^. Aftsa H. IT Mavwood— Fo'-t On' \pp^l^.^On Fort Saskatchewrn, Ai;a...G. T. Montgomery— Ft. Saskat'h'n.300 Gainsi)oro, AsSc; William Sboarer — Gai^sboro 200 Cleicbcn. Ai; i D. F. Knl^bl - O^^m ^'^ n 200 Glen Adelaide, Aspa W. H. Brllam-Glen Adelaide 100 Gordon, Assa Norman MacDonald -Gordon 100 Grenfel, Assa Wcolnongh P(?el— Grenfel .500 do do Edward Fitzgerald— GrenTel. Hill Farm, Asna. Horse Hills, Alta. George Cook- Alex. McLay- Hill Farm TOO Horse Hills 100 Innisfail, Alta S. F. Pream Tnnisfail . do do N. W. Stiles — Innisfail. ....300 N.ouTii-\vh:«T Ti:uaiTuuii:ri. 87 ;. Pop'n 20) >:/) IIM) KO l<^g'...lOO 10!) 1" .•o " ..!... 300 100 10) 400 Corne.2-0 \pi)^l'^.?00 vafh'n.300 M-o 200 200 Ido 100 on 100 500 el. TOO 100 300 Town find County. Corrrsiionflont and Ad»lrrss. ]»op'n .IiinipiiiK Pond. Alia W. W. Stiuirt - .liimpliiK' Pond 10) Kf^nliM. A^"^a \. O Hiooks K iili^ 100 Krnnrll. Ansa I'\ \V. ICvf^tts K.nnf 11 10.) l.aconibc. Alta Wni. P.iirrlH — Lacombp 300 l.anicrton. Al*a VV. O. HMtchlsou-T/imerton 100 LanKt'iihiir^!, Ass i f':uil I'lrirh — LanK;c'nl)iir« 'JOO L«'l)r»'t, AHsa 1. P. Ma^nan— I.,el)rin oOO Loduc. Alta \lv.\)\. DcMtrkk Lpdu^ 250 L'thlTiduo. Alti ('. I'\ K. Conyb. aif Ivthbtidgt .2,5'iO Lily IMain, S'lsk Ian. iMackir Lily Plain 10:) LfjUhiUK. Aoisa I';,!'arn»H Einai-!son LoRbiirg. . . . 15) Loon ('rook, Asaa Thrs. Maxtor— Loon Crpek 150 Lorllc, ABsa H. M. Aldona— Lorlip '■<){> Lyndon, Alta <'lias. A. Lyndon — Lyndon luo Mnrjpod, ATa I. Towdt y- Maclood 1,0:)0 do do .VicKeii/.ic Ar F.rown — Mnckod. Maple Crt-ck, As-a Dixon Pjoh.— Maple Creek 200 Medicine Hal. Assa Clias. K. MKehell Medicin^ Hat. 100 Midnaporu. A let!, .Kuniurl W. Shaw Midnapoii.-. !00 MoffaU. Ay^.i Alex. K i nd r-Hl— Moffat t 150 Millarviho. A't- M. T. M.l'ar - Milla.vire 2;!0 Montgomiiry. A sa Jno. Dcrmody -Mo-il/cmpry 200 Moobtj Jaw. A-...a Hitch'.uck & McCulloch-M. J'w.2,000 do do K\ L. Mocrehouse — Moo£e Jaw. Moosomin. A:-sa Tik;. J. Donald— Mocsomin. 1.000 do (!o White, Klwood 8r. Gwillcn — Moosomln Morley, AJt.a Wm. Graham— Moiley 200 Mountain View, Alta S. J. Layton— Mountain View 150 Mulock, AtSA A. F. Thomas— Mulock 10) Knmao. AUa O. B. Arnold Namao 100 New Oxley, AlUi Fied. W. Kiliott— New Oxley 1')0 Northern, AUa !'. N. Jevnine;— Nor:hern 100 North pL'i'ia!, Assii i. A. Wood — North !'• i a! . Okotoks. Alta Tno. Paterson— Okotoks 200 Olds. Alta I. W. Silvorthorn— Olds 250 Pakan, Alta Wm. Buchanan — Pakani 200 Penhold, Alta Geo. Fleming— Penho'.d 100 Pense, Assa S. G. Marling— Pense l.jO Perley, Assa Frank Nieholson — Perley 200 Pinrhrr Creek, Alta H. R Hynde -Pineher Creek 500 Point Elnia, Assa Chas. E. Rigden -Point Elma 100 =^= i !) 38 XOUTM-WKS'I- T !■: F{ !: 11 i « I ; 1 1'.-'. I li (!l Mi I 'I I J :\\ Town and County. Correspondent and Aildrp^^fi. Pop'n Ponoka. Alta V. E. Algar Ponoka If)!) Princo Albort, Sask Mannon i^ T>nniont— Pr. Albert. . .150 Puckahn, Sask B. Brewster — Puckalin TOO Qn'Appelle Station, A^sa-.S. H. Caswell— Qn'Appelle, .800 Red Deer, Alta G. W. Green— Reu Deer 5^0 Red Jacket. Assa Blake Anderson— Red Jacket 5^0 Regiiia, Aisa McKenzie & Brown— Rosiirja 1 5^0 Rncanville, A^sa. A. H. R. Bastien — RocTnviile 20^ Rothbury, Assa Jas. E. Normington— Rothbury . .150 St. Albert. Alta A. Prince— St. Albert .^Oa St. Louis, F^ask . . . .Franz T. Hanson— St. Louis 20n Saltour, Assa F. W. Anderson— Saltour 100 Saskatoon, Sask R. w. Dulmase-Saskatoon 300 Shell Brook, Sask M. McTaggart— Shell Brook 100 Steep Creek. Sask R. c. Smyth -Steep Creek 100 Stoney Plain. Alta 1. L. McDonald— Stoney Plain. . . .100 Sumner, Assa Wni. Cosgrave— Sumner 100 Tindastoll, Alta Tno. Bjornson— Tindastoil 100 Touchwood Hil'is, Asst. ...N. M. McKenzie— -Touc'lnvood H..200 Tregarva, Assa Tno. E. Petrie -Tregarva 150 Urquhart, Alta A. Urquhart— Urquhart TOO Valley. Assa Wm. Bruce— Valley 1 50 Vegreville. Alta E. l. Paulin— Vegreville 100 Wapella, Assa T N. Snthorland-Wapolla TO"* Wawota, A?sa p. J. M'-Pherpon- Wawota. . .\ 10 ) Wetaskiwin, Alta p. a. Miquplon-Wctn-kiu in 2i'0 Whitewood, Assa a. B. Cillis— Whitewood 100 Whitford, iJra Arch. Whitford— Whitford 101 \'vnndlaw, Assa A. K. Brown- Wiiidlaw 1 50 Wishart. Assa Gill)ert Cook Wisharl 150 Woolsley, Assa Levi Thompson VVoolslcy r,00 Yorkton, Assa Gifford Elliott— Yorkton . . . .301 iili I NOP.TH-WEST TERKITORV. p op'n ..150 ,v lert . . . 1 50 ..TOO ..800 . . 500 ,1 et... ..5% a. . . . 1 500 # le... . .20^ X bury ..151) 4 ..5oa ■1 4 . . 20^ 1 ..100 1 . . . . . . 300 'i ..101 ;^ ..100 li n . . ..100 ..TOO ..100 >flH pd H . . 200 ..150 . . 1 00 .150 . . 1 00 . .\ . ..ro^ ..101 1 . . . .2:*0 ..100 '^ffl . ,100 ''^ . .150 ■^jffl .J 50 ..::oo .301 COMMERCIAL LAWS OF NORTH-WEST TERRITORY, T^he following is a fompcndiiira of the Commercial Law* of this I*rovin(c. If any further and more complete inform- ation is desired, the Af,'( ncy t'ill be pleas«'d to furnish same free to its Subscribers, on api)l"cation to the Head Otiice, as the Ajjcncy ha-s secured the services of Solicitors for that I>uri)ose. Arrests. — No provision for arrest under civil process. Attachments may issue after commencement of action where claim is in rec«ive>-y of a debt, upon alfidavit of plain- tiff that the debtor has absconded, leavini: personal property liable to seizure, or has attempted to remove with intent to ilefiiiud th(^ creditor, or kt eps concealed to avoir, .lanuary, February, March and April, harness lor three animals^ wagoTi, one n ower, two plows, har- row, horse rake, .sewing iwa''hin(», reuper or binder, tools and necessary implements to the amount of .$200.00 used by de- fendant in his trade, seed gniin to sewl all his ground under cultivatidu. not to exceed eighty acres, at two bushels i)er acre, a h.ymestead of eighty acros, not to exceed in valuer $2,000.00. house and buildings occupied by defendant, the lot or lots upon which they are situated, to the extent ot 9500. v^ ^ I I 1 ! ■MX lii ' Mil NORTH-WEST TERRITORV Gamishment. — Money ni.'iy 1k> ^'firnisho/l «'xropl ;i l, duo or nrrriiiiif; duo to n moohiini*', <'tr., for or in nspiTt ^»f his \vjitr«'s or salary, unless tho dolit «xfoo«JH Jp'i.** (K), ami tlioti only to tho extent of the ex* ess. Insolvency.— There nro n<» Itankrupt or insolvent laws. Voluntarv assignments are sotnetinies made to a trustee for tho benefit of ereal and personal |»ro- pcrty as if " feme-sole." has no dower in her husband's estate. Hor husband is not entitled to any estate " by the courtesy " in her real px'oporty. Notes and Bills nuist be protested :>> hold endorser, three days grace allowed. Replevin.— A plaintiff claiming that property has been unlawfully taken or detained mav oV)tain a writ of replevin \ipoli affidavit. I Statute of Frands.— Interest in lands car r>r > v.ated by wiiting only, except leases not exceeding three years. No action can be brought to charge an executor or ^defendant to answer for the debt, .default or miscarriage of another unless something in writing. No contract for sale of ;goods worth $40.00 or, upwards good unless in writing, excopt there be Dartia! ddiver.v or part payment. iU. NEWFOUNULANU. NlEWrOUNDLAND. DISTRICTS. Electoral JJintrictg. Count!/ 'fou^ivM, ■n liay (le Verde VV extern Hay. lijuavistji lioiiuvista . . . . Burjffu i.ud La Poilt- Channel liunn lUirin Carbonear C'arlK>near. . . . Ferryland h'<;nyl.in.l . . . Fojfo V'j^'j Fortune' Hiiibtir Hriton }Iar\xniie liay Population. . . '^ lO.WK) lH,tMH> G,5(H) 10, 000 6.00O G.OOO 7,000 7,fiOO 14.000 10,000 13,000 . . '^: 8,000 . -C G.bOO St. <;e(.r»r«; Codiuv # 6,800 St. Johu'.s St .luhn 8 "% nfi.lOO- Trinity Triiiirv € 10,000 Twil'ingatf TwillinK»te : 17,000 The loll^iwin^' i.s the list uf the Correspondents secured by tlic Standard Menanlile At'»'iuy for this I'rovince. . .v,>«*' . Tht' i)aiiu'.< in (ni)ital letters are the county towns for the HOTr. .■•• :) • • 111 |)Iaie.v where th^rt> is no loeal Correspondent the Agency has endeav(»re,'eney in the nei>;hhorh«)f>d, from ^vhonl he will receive the tsanic relialtle information, anert8 Harbor Oraco . . See Harbor (.Irace . . 2,1'00 Bonavista lion>\vista .See .St. John's Ti<'nnt. Bay St. Bart»e . . . . S«e St. John'n . . . . Tirij^u.s l'(.rt 1><- < iravn . . . See Harb«»r Grace. BurtfHi. Biirjfeo A La I'oile.Ste ^^t. John's .. . . Biinn Riinn See St. John's . . . Carl>on<-ar ^arbniiear .Sec Hark)or (irace. *")at.alinM 'IVinity See St. .lohn's . . . . f'haiin«l Buij/e».^- Lu Poi? • See St.. Johirrt . . . . < -'Kbiiy St. ( I !>.'••• . . Se*' St. .lohn'ft . . . . Cupid.- Port I>e fiOO 1,200 f'K' .Kog-o Sec St. Johu'9 1,000 ■ ' |!m ' 1 ^fi I \ Newfoundland. ^ TovM. County, Comsjxyndtnt. Pop'n, " Fortune Fortuno v^w St. .Tfjhn'a 800 Grand Itauk Burin .Se« St. John's 1,200 (irand Kiv«.r (Jut .St. (Jjrorgo S«*>>)fr. .lohnM 1,000 (inM'najxnid lionavisln S«« St. .Tohn*8 1,400 llarlK^r r Graco . . . .See Harbor (tracts. . 2,500 COMMERCIAL liAWS. The following i^ u comp'^ndiunj of the Commercial Laws of this Province. If any furth'iT and more complete inform- ation is desired, the Agency will be vleased to furnish samff free to its Subscriber.^, on application to the Head Office, as the Agency has secured the services of Solicitors for that purpose. Iy iLa^ya. rroce^'dir.gs by p»'tilion nmy be taken to dei'lare parly insolvower;i of inquiry as to property of insolvent, and puni'jhni'jut for fraudulent con- cealment of proj">erty, and of otfaor improper aets, are given by statute to the court or judpo. There are several ranks of ;?rivilegcd creditors evented by statute. Provision is made for giving etiect to arrangemenls and eompositions entered into between the insolvent and a certain proportion of his ereditors. The insolvent may obtain a certitieate of discharge either by consent of a majority i:i uumbtir and value of bis creditors, or if such consent is unreasonably refused, by hearing beiore the Suprenoe Court. Interest. — Legal rate of interest is G%. but any amount may be charged by agreement made between parties. liixuitation of Actions are as follows:— Upon recovery of real estate, bond, covenant, or other si)ecialiy, twenry years; assault and trespass to the person, four years; for penalties or damages under statute and for slander, two years; all other actions, six years. ^ Married Woxuen can acquire, hold or dispose of all kinds of property, and are capabU' of entering into contracts, and may sue and be sued as if unmarried. Notes and Fills of Exchange.— The Engusn Bills of Exchange Act has been enacted here, anJ is the law. It covers the whole law relating to bills and notes, and is too ex- tensive to be quoted at length. Foreign blllH must be pro- tested for dishonor, but inland b-ills o'^ exchange and promis- sory notes need not be protested. T]&ree days of grace are allowed. Replevin.— Whon any goods or < battels have been un- lawfully taken or r'istrained, an action of replevin wili lie. Statnte of Frands.— The Statute of Frauds as ii. Eng- land is in existence. Taxes.— There is no direct taxatioii up^-m property with the exception of municipal farces, upon real estate in St. John's, I-Iarl)or Grace and Carbonear. Tbe revenue of the colony is raised by indirect taxation through the Cua?tom House. ^■' Warehonse Receipts may be acquired and held bv a"^ bank doing business in Newfoundland as collateral security for a debt. If the debt, for which receipt Js takf:n is not' paid at maturity the bank may sell the goods at public .uuc^ tion, by giving ten days notice and advertising I . JJ_JI 11 Pop'n Anncpollc Aimopollo .19^00 Antigoniah Antlgonlah .16200 Copo Breton Sydney 34500 Coloho3ter Truro 37000 Cuaiborland Ainlieret S4600 OlBby Dlfiby 19000 Otiysboro Guya joro 17500 HallfcJc. , . F.allfeLX 72000 Hanta Windsor 32500 rnvorr.cea Port Hood 36000 Kincn. Kuntvillo 23000 LunonbUTR Lur.enburg 31100 Pictou Plot ,u 35000 QueoHB Livorpcol 11000 Richmond Arichat 15000 Sholbumo nholburae 15000 Victoria Baddeck I250C Yarmouth YarmoutJii 22500 Tho roilo'irg is a list of tho Corro-opondents secured for th •this frovlnco. Tho minoB in capital letters are the county towns for the roapective countioo. II^Q latter (3) following the name of Correspondent denotes n Colicltor 0-- fina of Sol-'.cJ.torB. HOTS. I i i ! 1 i I I.; In pls.coi3 vrhore thore la no local Correspondent, the ngeney has r.ideavoredjfor the convenlenco of tho Subscriber, to give the nocroRt & nost convonlent place thereto where a Correspondent will bo frundfbut tho SJbaoriber is not restricted In such cases to tho Correy^pcndont mentioned by us aa being tha nearest and TvOfct CGDVcniont.^t v;t mtvy cp:;5ly to any other Corroapondent of the Agency in the neighborhood, fron nhoa ho will receive the same rollablo .lnrcr7rir.tlon,ahd )ila bur.iness the sajne careful attention, &:; if inacio to tho particular Cori'ospondent referred to by this /.goncy. , . , Totm County Acadia Mines. .Colchestrr. Advocate Ilarh Cusbarland. Alaa Pictou AKH3R3T Cujnberlana. do do ANWAPDLIii /. xapolis. . ANTJGONlSn. . . .Antigcnlah. Apple Rlvor. . .C'jKberland. Arcadlc, Yjirmcuth. . . ARICHAT P-ichnond Aapy Eay Victoria Athol Cumberland. , Avon MiUri. . . .Hants Auburn S.ia. . . i Kings , Aylesford Kjngs PJVDBSCK Vlctoi ia ixilay'o Rr, . .Pictou. . . . , , Earrington. . . .Gh3lburns. . , BaaaKivar.. Colchester.. r:,-/ricld. .... ,Ai;tigoni3h. . Corroapondent '' .T.M.Dumphy .R.LiOatsr Dewls .S.G.Rob(5rt3on .W.Ii. Ormond ^ToYTTiSond A Rogera(.S).. . J.M.Owsu. (S) . V.Ernost Gregory (S),. .R. Lester Dovria .Corning & Chipman .E. Cutler, Q.C.(S) .A.J. McDona Id .Town a end & Roger a .W.M.Chi-lHtlo .F. 5;. Harris ,F.E. Harris .A. J. McDonald (S) . V.Kmest Gregory ,Wiite & Blanchard (S). .S.G.Dickie , V.Ernest Gregory Address Pop'n Acadia M. . . 1800 Advocate H. 600 Weatville. . 100 Amherst. . . . S800 do Annapolis. . 1200 Antlgonish. 2000 Advocate H. 800 •Yarmc uth . . . 500 Aric)iat. . . . 1100 Baddeck, . . . 1200 Amherst. . . . 100 Windsor. . . . 50 Aylesford. . 200 Ayleaford. . 400 Baddeck 9D0 Antigonish. 850 Shelburne. , 1000 Bass River. 300 Antigonish. 250 Hbell, . . 300 i,t;^^ .„ ..-^ .-.:::;. i:i;:v:;. ^y .,..^r;::-a :-- .t.... 200 Chealey'a Cor, iVUiorxburg. . . .John P.Choaley. ,• Chtr.:iays Cor. 300 Choverie Hants Roanan Pratt Cheverie. . , 200 Church Point, .Digby Isaac LaSlanc Chvirch Point 200 Clark's Harb, .Shelbxime. . . . J.L.Hickerr.on Clark's Har. 800 Dartmouth Halifax Eorden Ritchio & Co. . .Halifax, . . . 6500 Deacouse Richisond David Qruchy Deaccuse. . . 1200 DICEY Digby T.C. Shrove (S) Digby 2100 Bastem Harb. .Invemesc. . . .Georga LeBrun Eustem Har, 300 Economy Colchester . . , J. S. Graham Economy. . , . 400 Freeport Digby M.G, Crocker Freeport. , , 800 Oabarous.... Capo Groton, ,¥illiam Grant & Son. , ,Gabarou8. . . 1800 Oaspereaux,. Kings J.T7,Wallace Wolfeville. 200 Goldenville, . .Guj'sboro K.N.McDaniel Shorbrooke 400 Grafton Kings Thomas Lawson Grafton 500 Grand Pre Kings J,ff,WallE.co Wolfeville.- 1000 Granville Ferry Annapolis. . J.M.O\.'en Annapolis. . 300 Great Village.Coichefster. . .Arthur Fulton Groat Vil. . 2500 QUYSBORO Guysboro A.H.McGillvi-ey .Q.C. . . .Guysboro. . . 1000 HALIPAX HALIFAX BORIHn RITCHIE A CH1SH0I2!! (8) . . .40000 Hantsport Hants .T.W.lrfiwrence HaJitsport. . 1000 Horton Land, . .Kings J.W.Wallace Wolfaville. 200 Joggins Mine 3. Cumber land. . .F.G.Melanson Jogglna M. . 1500 Judiqu e Inverness. . . . J0«3J a.McKAY( S) JUDIQDK, . , 300 KBHTVILLE KIITOS SHAI-'^'MSR A ROBSRTaOKC S ) 2000 Kingston Sta. .do John F.Reagh Kingston Sta.200 Roderick Ferguson T.'Ardoise.. 2000 J.M.Owen Annapolis, . 150 do do . , 150 A.^.Macdonald L. Glace Bay 4000 J.G.Pyka (S) Liverpool.. 3000 W.o.ParBons Middleton, . 200 .E.A.Capstick Lockport. . . 1500 ,G, H.Elliott Pictou 250 L'ArdolSf} Richmond. Loquille. . ; , , .Annapolis, . . Litchfield do L. Glace R'\y..,Cape Breton. LIVERPOOL Queens Locha)or Antigonish, . , Locxport Shelbume. Logansvllle. . .Pictou Lorway Minos.. Cape Breton. ,A, J.ffeicdoriald L. Glace Bay 1200 Louisburg^ . . , , Cape Breton, .Roderick McDonald Ldmisburg. , 1200 c,..;-_^--,_- . .Georgo T.MacNutt Low.Stewiack 700 4000 200 800 600 600 2500 600 700 500 100 ^fcyL ow.Stew iacke. Colchester iVJ LOHKNBDRI LUKnJBUaj CHAKLKS W. LANB{S) LOMIHBUM. . • Lyons Brook. . .Pictoa G.H.Elliott Pictou.. Mahone Bay Lunenburg J, Pickles Mahone Bay. Maitland Heints Frieze & Roy Maitland. . . Margaree Harb. Inverness. , , .John CMunro Wirgaree H. Meteghan Digby William German Meteghan, . . Mld.Musquodoboit.Halifa; Robert Kaulback Mid.Muaq't. Middleton. . . ..Annapolis W.G. Parsons (S) Middleton, . Mll.ord Hants James A.Kirkpatrick. . . Shub-^nacadle Millvilie Klnfit«. .P.E.Harris .AyUii'ord. NOVA SOOTIA I! Town County Corroapondont Addreas Pop'n Milton Quoena Mt.Denlaon. . . .Hanto New Germany. , .Ltmenbvrg. . New Glasgow. . . Plctou Newport Hants New F.C33 Lnnenburg. . Nictaujc Falls. Annapolis. . N.BrooWiold. .Quoei.s North n\dney..Cape Eroton Old Bridgoport do Parrsboro Cumbarland Fetlte RlviefeLurionburf/ PICTOU Plrtou Pt.Haatlnga. . .Invarnoss. do Hawkeabcry. '^o do Hllford. . . .Quysboro. PORT HOOD Inverneaa do fteltland. . .Yarmouth do Morion Cape Broton. . do Mulgrave. . .Guyciboro Prjston Rd. . . -Halifajc Pl-03pect Halifax Pugwash C\unberland. . . Rockingham. . , .Halifax St.Croiz lianta . . St. Peter 3 Richmonc: Salem Road. . . .Cape Breton. . SHEIiBURNE ^h.'»'' burno Sherbrooko. . . '.uysboro Shubenacadio. .Colchester. . . Somerset Kings Springhlll. . . .Cumberland. . . Strathlorne. . .Inverness. . . . Summerville. . .Hants SYDNEY.' Cape Hreton. . Sydney Mines.. do Thomson. .... .Cumberland. . . Thotburn. . . . Pictou TRURO Colchester. . . Wallace Cumborlaoid. . . Waverley Halifax West Arichat. .Richmond Westville Pictou Weyaouth Bridije.Digby. . . . . . Wllmot Annapolis. WINDSOR Hants Wolfovllle KingH Wootis Harbor. .She Iburne. ■YARMOUTH Yarmouth. . C.E.Morton Milton J.W.i^wrencc Kant sport. . John F.Cherj'.-'V f''^^* Germany Frasor JennituJi & Graham :..'..... '>-'"- Ne-.vport. . . . barkhouse ) ... Sydney bSOO Murray & McKenr.ie North Sydney2500 Alexander a.Rorva Thomson. . . . 500 William Tj. Oi-Diond Thorburn. . . 500 Campbell &. Camvl.ol] (S) Truro.... 5000 J.La/ronce McKiin Wallace. . . . 500 B.C.Wilson Waverley. . . 600 R. Cutler Arichat 100 S.G.Robertson (S) Westville.. SOOO J.A.Crierson (S) Woymouth Br. 500 W.G. Parsons .MiddlOton. . 200 W.M. Christie. (S) Windsor 3000 J.W.Wallace (S) Wolfeville. 1000 Arthur C. Homer Woods Harb. 500 Corninc & Chlpman (S).Yarmoyth„ 7QO0 1 NOVA SCOTIA. COMMERCIAL LAWS OF NOVA SCOTIA. Tho f(>llM\vin>; is a compendium of the ('r)inm«»rc'ial Laws of this I'lovincc. If any I'urUior ami iiwirc toinpK'tt' inform- ation is desired, tlie AgPiuy will l^c pleased to t'lirnisU Kanu free to its >Subs<'riJierx, on applit alion to the Head Office, as the A.tceney has secured tiic services of Solicitors for that puriKjse. Arrests. — Phiiiitiff must swear to tlic iudel»tacluoss, nature of tli-' %, but a c(*'>}tract may be niade in writing for any rate not exceeding 7% when the security i!< I'eal estate, or J0% wh»>re security is personal property oi responsibility. Limitation of Actions.— On all contracts not under nefll six jrears, judgments anvinK value of property. Statute of Frauds,— Interest in lands can be created by writing only, exeejn leases not exceeding three ye-irs. No action can be brought to charge an executor or defendant to answer for the debt, default and miscarriage oi anoiher un- less something in writing. No contract for sale of gocxls worth $40.00 or upwards good unless in writing, exceiit there b«> partial delivery or (^art payment. ONTARIO. l>tf COUNTIES, AND COUNTY TOWNS. County. . County Toum, AddinRton Napanee Algoma District Sault Ste. Marie Krant Brantford Bruce Walk<>rtou Carleton Ottawa Dufferin < )ran^eville '. Dundaa M< »rrishurpr r. . j Fort Hopp, K.R \ ^^^'^^ tBowmanville, W. R / Klgin St. Thomas EflHex Sandwich , . . Fronten^ic Kingston , Glenffarry Alexandria (Jrenvillo PreBot)tt ,^,^„ / Owen Sound, N. R i ^^^y iDurham. S. R f Haldimand Cayuga Halton Miltfm Hastings Belleville , Huron Goderich Kf'.nt Chatham Lambton Sami.* fitiiiark Alraontfi Leeds Brockville Lennox Napanee Lincoln St. Catharines Middlesex London Muskoka District Bracebridgo ,.,,... Nipissing District North Bay Norfolk Simcoe , . , , . Northumberland Coburg, W, R., Colborne ¥*. JR. Ontario Whitby , . . . Oxford VVoodstock , , . Peel .... ... Brampton , . Pp_f K f Stratford. N. R. » ^^^^^ (St. Marys.S. R f Peterboro' Peterl^oro Prescott li'Orignal Prince Edward Picton Renfrew Pembroke Russell Russell Simcoe Barne Stormont Cornwall Victoria Lindsay V/aterloo Berlin W^llaiul . . , Welland VVollir.gtoii . .' Guelph, S. R., Arthur, N. R. WontH'OijJi I lamdton York Toronto Mil-. 1. Pfyp^n. 28,000 4l,00<) 4(),f) 22,r)()o 26,500 75,500 22,00() 31,500 4H,000 81,200 3H,.500 15,000 22,000 102,800 26,600 14,200 37,500 37,000 58,700 49,000 31,000 46,500 38,000 2*,30O ID.OOO 4r.,80f> 32,000 85,000 27,5(»0 37,5(X) 5(»,50O 4<).5 73.0 278,500 I r Wi 1,1 ()KKr( i; of tli«> Stanhaiiii A(.i;s( v iit Toroiiti*, out the 8ul)Hcriber may Heiwl to n<':inst ('ointHpontlcnt , altliou^li the Aokncy prefera bamo should bo Hent direct to 1Ikai> (Ji kk ic. Vown and County. Corrospondent and Address. Pop'n Aberader, T^ambton 1). N. Sintdair — Aborarder 150 Aberdeen. Grey T. W. Crawford - Aberdeen 100 Aber(U)ur, Firuce Donabl Christie Aberdour 100 Aberfoyle. W^'llliiKton . . . H. FaleonbridKe -AberfoNde 150 Abingdon, Lincoln A. W. Spears— Calstorvi lie 100 Aeaela, Norfolk lames McHride (Jlen Meyer 150 Aetinolite. Hasting.s . . . R. W. Miller- Aetinolite 150 Aeton, Halton A. J. MeKinnon— Aeton .'. 1.500 Addison, Leeds Adelaide, Middlesex . . Adolphe, Middlesex . . . Adolpbustown. Lennox Ailsa Craig, Middlesex J. I. Qhinn Addit.on 300 H. J. Miller— Adelaide 200 John J. Wrinn — Adolphe 150 J. B. Allison— Adolpbustown 300 Joseph Rosser — Ailsa Crai^'; ..1,000 Airlie, Dufferin R. H. Little— Lisle 100 Air Line J., Welland George Arnold Ridgeville 150 Albury, Pr. Edward John G. Peek— Albury 100 Aldershot, Wentvvorth ..Hugh Thompson — Waterdown ..100 ALEXANDRIA. Gleng'ry. Angus MeDonald— Alexandria.. .1,800 do do . . Mii'tloticll tt C(i>>t('ll(» Alfred, Prescott b)seph liriseboi' Algonquin, Grenvillo ....Charles H. Bist Allanburg, Welland Barueh Tueker— AUandale, Simcoc Oliver H. Lyon Allenford, Bruce Richard Murran Alfred 750 Algonquin ..300 Allanburg 150 Barrie 1,200 -Allenford 300 Allenwood, Simcoe J. A. Henderson — Allenwood 100 Allisonville, Pr. Edward.. B. C. Ainsworth — Allisonville ..100 Alliston, Simcoe W. M. Lockart— Alliston 1,800 do do McCarthy, Pepler & Co.— Alliston Alloa, Peel William Harding- Alloa 150 Alma! Wellington Anthony Grifbn— Alma 200 Almonte, Lanark P. -T- Grace— Almonte 3,000 do do Jamieson & Greig— Almonte. Alsfeldt, Grey Henry Ziegler— Alsfeldt 100 Alton, Peel William White— Alton 650 Alvinston, T^ambton E. Donnelly -Alvinston 1,300 Amberley, Huron W. G. Murdo(di — Amberley 100 Ameliasburg, Pr. IMward .Edward Roblin-Ameliasburg. .2.500 Amherstburg Essex l^'alls Bros.- Amberstburg 1,500 Amiens, Middles(>x lacob Marsh— Coldstream 100 Amigari, Welland A. B. Hurrell -Amigari 300 Amulree, Perth A. M. Fisher— Amulree 200 Ancaster, Wentworth Edward Kenrick— Ancaster 300 M ■:i I M ON7AUH). 61 « jtt ouUl out the AOENCY Pop'n 150 100 100 150 100 ....150 150 1.500 300 200 150 1 ....300 ..1.000 100 150 100 wn ..100 ia... 1,800 ""....750 uin ..300 150 1.200 ....300 M, ....100 ille ..100 1,800 Alliston 150 200 3,000 te. 100 ...650 ....1,300 ...100 ur.^.. 2.500 ..1,500 ...100 ....300 ...200 r" ....300 Town nnd County. An(lr«'\vsvlll«'. Lanark .... Annan. (Jr«'y Ansonia. Al^oina Antrim, Carlrton . Al)l)ln, IMiildlcso.x .AppU'by, Halton .Xpplcdoro. Kent Apsloy, Peterboro Apto. Sliucuc Arclier, Dtindas Arden. Front mac Ardoi'h, Frontcnac ArMvIc. Victoria Arlu'll. \VcllinKt(jn Arlvona. I.aniblon .Arivwiii^lit, liruco Arlington, Sinicoo Arncr. F.ssc.x .\rnprior. Kcnfrcw .ArMiur, Wellington do do .\rva, Middlesex Aslil)urn, Ontario Aslidown, Parry Sound . . Asliton. Carlet(jn .\^illvvorth, Musis ua Aspdin. Muskoka .\tha. Ontario Athens, I.eedt, do do .\tlierley. Ontario Atli( rton, Norloik Athlone. Simcoe At hoi, (Jlengarry Attercliffe Stii., llaldiin'i'. Alwood, I'erth -. . . . And ley. Ontario Anltsvillc, Storniont .\urora, York do do Avening-. Simcoe Avonniore. Storniont . . . Aylnier (West). Klyin do do . . . . Aylsworlh. Algoma Ayr. Waterloo Avton, lirey Correspondent and Address. Pop'n V. A. Tallnian Morrlckvlllo 100 A. C. Sloane Atnum LMr Nurst & Hurk- Tliessalon loo Alex. Miiri)liy— Antrim 100 Ml'.ion H. Ilrown Apidn 200 A. W. MeCraney nroiit«» l.'.O Theo. McKerrall - Appledore .... 100 C. U. I). Hoolh A|)sley KM) II. ONeill Ai)to 200 • Geo. K. llnliaiid- Beechwood ...100 . Jc s. Wright Be(>toii I 000 .W. S. Morrison— Sprucedale iO -se Belfast, Huron Hugh Morrison -Lucknow l50 OMn-ARlO. 53 ip n .800 .100 .'>,riO .3:0 .200 ^.201 ..150 ..150 ..100 ..150 . . 1 r.o ..100 ..200 ..200 ...300 . .150 ...100 .5,500 ...300 ...250 ...100 ...250 ...250 ...500 ..250 ...GOO ...200 ...200 . . . lOO ...400 ..600 ..125 ...150 .1,000 '..150 ...100 ..200 ..1,000 ..300 ..150 ..100 , ..100 . I 000 . ..150 Town find County. CoriJ^spondont and Address. Poi)'n Hflfoi-nUiiT.. I Vol ('has. I'cl'JiMVo. Hinon (Mias. I'riliriv^'U. York .... . 250 150 ....7. K. Bollo River, Ess^x BFA A jKXW A. K. Hastings do do do Pcllrofk, I'r Imont, }')( hnoro, l?elwood. do do do Frontcnac \'\ V. .1. l\ c\ Utt^. F. E. P. M. W . H l'\ P.yaniUciroiintain McCiclland Pclgnvo Sutton Keswick 250 P.()ntilli(M' Belle Rivrr 700 Wills-I^cllovillo 10,500 Williams & Morden. O'Flynn. Frederick. Reynolds — Verona 250 Middlesex W. H. Odell Belmont ilOO Bruce 1). N. McDonald- Belmore 200 Wellington ... R. V. Blyth - Belwood 100 rpii?iingtou. Oxford ]]. L. Sutlierland Benningtcn ..150 BKRIJN, Waterloo W. H. Becker- I^erlin 8,000 do do .T. V. Clemens — Berlin. Rerriedale, Parry Sound .S. T. Evans—Burks Falls 100 Bervie. liruce Wm. Henderson — Bervie 250 Bethany, Durham Robert McGrath - Bethany 500 I^elhcl. T'r. Edward .. T. A. Mills -Demorestville 150 Bickford. Lambton W. A. Cathcart -Courtright ... 200 Pig Lake, Algoma j. H. .Johnston- Big Lake 200 liillings Bridge. Carleton . (fiii^ji Mason- Billings Bridge ..400 I.inbrook, Went'vvorth ...\y. B. Switzer- Binbrook 125 Piingham Rd.. Ualdiniand. Colter & (joodman — Cayuga 100 P.inkham, Wrllington Wellington Hull- Erin 100 P.irdsuils. Peterboro' h. M. Foulds-- Birdsalls 125 P.irds Creek, Hastings ...Fair & Sargent— Bancroft 100 Birnam. Lambton [os. Wilcocks — Arkona 150 iJirr, Middlesex ]. H. McRae -Ilderton 200 Bishops Mills. Grenville ..j. K. McCargar— Bisho])'s Mills.. ''oo Bismarck, Lincoln D. C. Holmes— Wolland Port ..100 Bismarck Station, Elgin .Hugh McCalluin — West Lome ...50 Black Creek, Welland . . j,^. \\r. Krafl't- Stevensville 150 Black Rivei-, Tliundrr Bayj,' E. Walker- Schreibei Black Rock, \Vellanoston, Norfolk H. J. Boston Mills. Peel F. P. Bosworth, Wellington ...Alex. Bothwell, do Pearcey— Bolton 900 McCullough— Harwood ..100 Ogilvie — Bondliead or)0 Cahill, Jr.- Bonfield ....:U»0 Mcintosh— Bookton 100 Pushelbnrg — Brodhagen . .100 Barber — Boston 100 Haines — Cheltenham ... .100 Malcolmson— Drayton ... .100 Kent Wm. H. Bradley— Bothwell 1,000 do w. ^l Hickey— Bothwell. Boucks Hill. Diindas w. C. Strader— N. WMlliamsbnrg.lOO Bonter, Hastings w. D. Parkhnrst- Boultor 100 Bowmanville. Durliam ...j. K. Gal])raith~-Bowmanville .4.000 do do ...J. ('. Vanst(me — Bowmanville. Bowood, Middlesex Tos. Rosser — Ailsa Craig Boyne, flalton H* mstreet Bros.— IVHllon 100 BRACFBRHKiF. MnskokaA. C. .Salmon- Bracebridge ..2,000 do do ...Mphaffy &■ Ashworth — Bracebridge. Bradford, Simcoe T. W. W. Evans— Bradford 1,000 do do ivi. & A. E. Scanlon— Bradford. 1.000 Braemer, Oxford lames Mnnro — Embro If.O BRAMPTON. Peel Ceo. R. Andersnn- Brampton . .3,200 Branchton, Wate)-lf)o ....M. Laing — Branchton 200 Chas. .Tarvis— Brantford IS, 000 C. K. Buchanan— Brantford. Thos. Woodyat -Bi'antford. A. J. Wilkes. Q.C. -Brantford , W. K'\arns. iiiirlington 1^0 Brechin, Ontario Jos. Barker — Brechin !00 Breslan, Waterloo Fred. Schaefer — Breslan 350 Bridgeburg, Welland Jno. T. .Tames — Bridgel)urg ....1,000 do do ....Hy. Emrick— Bridgeburg. Bridge End, Glengarry ..D. C. MiRae- Bridge End 100 Bridgenorth, Peterboro' .Stratton & Hall — Peterboro 400 Bridgeport, Waterloo T. H. Zinkan — Bridgeport 000 Brigden, Lambton W. J. Ward— Brigden 000 Bright, Oxford Edward WilG'jn— Bright 350 Brighton, Northumber'd .J. H. Morrow — Brighton 1,900 do do ...las. W. Cordon — Brighton. Brightside, Lanark J, H. Rintoul— Tatlock 100 BRANTFORD, Brant do do do do do do Brant House, Halton Brimsley, Middlesex Jos. Rosser— Ailsa Craig TOO ONTARIO. 55 )l)'n .200 1,000 ..300 . .ir>o ..900 ..100 ..'\m ..300 ..100 ..100 ..100 ...100 ..100 .1,000 rs.lOO ... 1 00 .4,000 .100 .2,000 ,1.000 1 ,000 ..ir.o .3.200 ...200 IS, 000 . . 1 ^^o ...500 ..3r)0 .1,000 ..100 ..400 ..000 .000 ..350 .1.900 ,100 .100 Brinston's Cors. Dundns .J. .T. Payne— Rrinnton's Cornpr.s.200 Hrisl>an<\ Wrllin^ton \V<'llinKt')n r^l|■ll ICrin too Hritainvillc, Algonia lliiisl Ai Hiirk (Jorc |{ay 100 nritfinnla, I'ecl •!• .1. MaliatTy ~ St rcctsvliln loO Hroadbent, Parry Sound . Kd. Broad htrnt— Broad ben t^ 200 Brock Road. Ontario Coo. Kerr— Pickennff 150 Brockton. York STANDARD AGENCY— Toronto BROCKVILLE, Leeds Geo. H. Weatherhead— Br'kv'lle.9,000 do do Brown & Fraser — Brockville. Brodhagen. Perth W. F. Pushelbnrg— Brodhagen ..100 Bronson, Hastings Fair & Sargent— Bancroft 100 Bronte, Halton A. \V. McCraney— Bronte 400 Brookholm, Grey Kilboiirn & Kilbourn— Owen S'd.750 Brooklin, Ontario W. A. Holliday— Brooklin 300 Brooksdale, Oxford E. I^. Sutherland— Bennington ..125 Brougham, Ontario M. Glee.son— Greenwood 500 Brownsville, Oxford J- Corbett— Brownsville 300 Brucefield, Huron Wm. Scott— Brucefleld 300 Brudenell, Renfrew I. Costello— Brudenell 200 Brunner, Perth R. .1. Ranney— Milvertoii 150 Brussels. Huron Donald M. Scott — Brussels 1,800 Bryanston, Middlesex . . . W. R. Westlake— Arva 100 Bullock's Cors., Wentw'h. H. C. Gwyn— Dundas 200 Bumbury, Pr. Edward ....Edward Roblin— Ameliasburg ... Burford' Brant T. H. Ross— Burford 700 Burgessville, Oxford W. H. Case— Beaconsfieul 300 Burketon, Durham Wm. Cowan— Burketon 150 Burks Falls, Parry Sound S. T. Evans— Burks Falls 800 Kerns Burlington 1,400 J. Wilson— Marshville 150 B. Ferris — Canipbellford iOO H. Shaver— Cooksville 250 F. Macklem — Chippawa J. Ranney — Milverton 100 Burnt River, Victoria ...Sam'l Suddaby — Burnt River ..200 Burridge, Frontenac Jas. McNeil — Burridge 100 Burritfs Ra'ds, Grenville.Thos. A. Kidd— Burritt's Rapids. 350 Burwell Road. Middlesex. C. H. Lockwood— Mount Brydges.lOO Buttonville, York J. S. Davison- rnionville 150 Buxton, Kent B. G. Burk— liuxton 200 Byng, Haldimand \V. F. Haskins— Dunnville 200 Cache Bay, Nipissing 0. Lafrance- Stur.t,ton Falls ...300 Cadmu.s, Durham las. Parr— Blackstock 150 Caesarea, Durham las. Parr— Blackstock 200 Cainsvillo, Brant Edward Foulger- Cainsville 300 Caintown, Leeds o. s. Mallory— Mallorytown 300 Cairo, Lambton i). m. Smith— Cairo 250 Caistorville, Lincoln A. W. Spear.s— Caistorville ... 200 Calderwood, Grey Hy. Zieglcr— Alsfeldt 100 Burlington, Halton W. Burnaby, Welland P. Burnbrae, Northumborrd..J. Burnhampthorpe, Peel ..H. Burning Springs, Welland J, Burns, Perth R. ¥ f '' 56 Town and County. OMTARIO. Corroppor.jlpnt and Address. Pop'n Caldwoll, Peel Roht. Stewart Inglowood 100 Caledon, Pool T. K. I.eslie— Calodon foo Calodon East, Pool P. C. Campboll— Caledon East ..400 Caledonia, Haldimand . . .1). McGregor— Caledonia 1 noo do do ...Harrison Arrell— Caledonia. Camden East, Addington.J. S. Hayden— Camden East 700 Cameron, Victoria J. P. Cunnings — Oakwood 125 Camilla, Dulferin Armon Soper— Camilla T25 Camhichie, Lambton J. K. Cairns — Camlachie 'M)0 Campbellford, North'b'd .J. B. Ferris— Campbellford 2,300 do do ..A. L. Colville— Campbellford. A. J. I.eitch— Button 100 Beattie— Campbell viile 350 P. Haines— Cheltenham 125 Albright— Campden 150 W. Hartman— Thornljury 100 —Canard River ..150 Canboro 200 M. F. Campbellton, Elgin . . Campbellville, Halton Campbell's Cross, Peel Camden, Lincoln D. Camperdown, Grey C Canard River. Essex T. D. Lagancspc- Canboro, Haldimand ....R. E. Johnson- Canfield, Haldimand Thos. Cannifton, Hastings L F. Canning, Oxford \V. H Cannington, Ontario ....Hugh do do .... It. M. Cardinal, Grenville Magnus Cormack— Cardinal Cardholm, Norfolk Jno. Murphy— Silver Hill Brown - Canfield 250 Wills— Belleville 400 Meldrum- -Paris 100 Wiloon- Cannington 1.300 Noble — Cannington. . . 1 .200 ...175 Carleton Place, Lanark .Tlios. T^. Nagle— Carleton Place. 4, 500 do do . .Patterson & Findlay. Carlsruhe, Bruce Ernest Seeber— Carlsruhe 250 Carmanville, Addington .J. D. Wagar — Enterprise 100 A. Smith — Millbrook P. Hart— Carnarvon 100 W. McDougall— Carp 300 A. E. Switzer— Richmond Hi 11. 100 S. Davison — Unionville 100 Middlesex Wm. H. Bradley— Bothwell 100 Simcoe A. H. Watson — Creemore 120 Carmel, Durham A Carnarvon, Haliburton ..G, Carp, Carlton H Carrville, York J. Cashel, York J. Cashmere, Cash town. Cass Springs, Dundas D. F. Sutherland — Winchester ..100 Cassel. Oxford Geo. Steedman— Ratho 150 Cr.ssrlman, Russell J. C. Markley— Casselman 700 ^" • lederg, Peel David Pearcey— Bolton 200 ( Ju:^ Icmore, Peel N. Cr,' leton, Northumber'd .S. Cai;.ract, Peel C. T. Cataraqui, Frontenac W. J. CAY I G A, Haldimand Geo. do do Colter Harrison — Castlemore 100 L. Purdy— Castleton 500 Byam— Belfountain 200 Northmore — Cataraqui 300 Goodrow — Cayuga 1,200 ' & Goodman — Cayuga. Podardale, Ontario Thos. Morris — Oshawa 400 Cediir Grove, York Jas. W. Kennedy— Cedar Grove.. 300 .^**''*-'' ONp'AUKj. 57 Pop'n . ..100 . . .100 ..400 . . 1 .",00 . ..TOO ...125 ...125 . ..?M ..2,300 ....100 ....350 ....125 ....150 ....100 r ..150 ....200 250 .... 400 ....100 . . . 1 .;>oo ..1,200 ....175 ?.e.4,500 . . 250 ..100 "..100 . . 300 lill.lOO ,..100 ...100 ...120 r ..100 ...150 ...700 ...200 . ..100 ...500 ...200 ...300 ..1,200 ...400 )ve..300 Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Cedar Mills. Peel fno. ('(Mlar Hi)ringH, Kent J. E. (^MJarville, Grey I. F Centralia, iluron Ino. I Centreville, Addington . . VV» 7 McClelland- Palgrave . . . . 100 M. Taylor- Cedar Springs ..200 Mcl.achlin— Cedarvillc 250 'arsons — Centralia S50 Whelar»— Centrevijle 350 Chambers, Lennox Fred. A. Perry— Chambers 175 Chantry, Leeds Hii>-ell IJnx., D.^'ta 250 Chapleau, Algoma J. M. Austin — Chapleaii 500 Chapman, Hastings Robert Gordon— Tweed 125 Chard, Prescott My. MolTatt— Pendleton 1.50 Charleston, Leeds A. Parish & Son — Athens 125 Charlinch, Muskoka E. W. Taplin— Novar CHATHAM, Kent W. E. Merritt— Chatham ....10.000 do do Chats worth, Grey . . . . Chatterton, Hastings . Chaudiere Jn., Carlton Cheapside, Haldimand Chelmsford, Algoma . Cheltenham, Peel Scane Houston, Stone & Scane, Jno. McDonald— Chatsworth 000 A. C, Faulkener— Foxboro 150 .Hugh Mason— Billings Bridge. .. ,R. .1. Winyard— Selkirk 250 ,P. Castonguay— Chelmsford 300 ,F. P. Haines— Cheltenham 300 Chepstowe, Brnee L W. MeNab— Chepstowe 200 Cherry Valley, Pr. EdwardWm, Moore — Cherry Valley 300 Chesley, Bruce C. .T. Mickle— Chesley 1,800 Chesterfield, Oxford R. McKie— Plattsville 200 Chesterville, Dundas C. Casselman — Chesterville 900 do do VV. B. Lawson— Chesterville. Chetwynd, Parry Sound .S. T. Evans— Burks Falls Chevalier, Essex F. P. Chippawa, Welland J. F. Chippawa Hill, Bruce . . . N. B. Chiselhurst, Huron MacArthur & Co.— Hensall Chisholm, Pr. Edward ..A. B. Saylor— Bloomfield 1.50 Christie, Wentworth H. C. Gwyn— Dundas 100 Churchville, Peel C. W. Switzer Meadowvale 100 Chute a Blondeau, Presc't.Jas. McAllister— Chute a Blondeau400 Clandeboye, Middlesex ...W. McDiarmid— Lucan 350 Claremont. Ontario P. Hutchison— Claremonl 500 Clarence Creek, Russell .T. Perrin— Clarence Creek 300 Clareview, Addington Jno, E. Murphy— Erinsvillo 125 Clarksburg, Grey Chas. Pye— Clarksburg 800 do do C. W. Hartman— Clarksburg . . Claude, Peel Robert Stewart— Inglewood 125 Clavering, Grey D. M. Jermyn— Wiarton 150 Clear Creek, Norfolk . . . . C. W. Smith— Clear Creek 200 Clear Lake, Muskoka Albert Taplin— Clear Lake 100 Clifford, Wellington j. W. Scott— Clifford 800 Clinton, Huron Wra. Coats— Clinton 2,500 do do Wm. Bry done— Clinton. BouLillier -Belle River ..100 Macklem— Chippawa 800 Zinkan — Southampton ....150 ...125 W,-Ji- If V. t ' 1; i ;1 ll n ) ■ + ; ■ i I il : i! I '■ 68 Town nnd CViiinty. oirrAUio. Corroftpondont and Addross. Pop'n Clovor Hill. Siniroo IL Ccjicnian f'ookstown ... rioync. Addiiiston \V. l-'rank Arnislion^ Cloyni; ColxN'u, itcnfrcNV Dfdaliy Hids. ('olxlcii ... Cobourj;, Nortliunihcrrd .A. J. Armstro,ig— Coboiirg .. Colborne, Northumberrd.rreo. Koycs- Colborne 1,100 do do ..Frank \j. Webb— Colborne. Colchester, Essex Chas. Bell— Oxley 150 Cold Springs, Northiimb'dAlex. Hoskins—Cold Springs ...300 ..Jacob Marsh — Coldstream 200 ,..) C. Hi(»kovisI Crcditon. Union Win. I.cwi.s Crcdilon !!!..TmM) Crck J5anl;. \\"<'llinjj;t()n .Anthony (Ji-ifHn Alma loo ('r(M'nu)n\ Sinicoo A. II. Watson- Cro(Mnoi{> SOO (.'res-.sy. Pr. Kdwai'd ('. Hnrlhui't Ci-cssy 100 CrewKon's Cors.. Wcllin'n A. .1. IVIcKinnon- Acton lOO CroHshill. Waterloo \. Hoonior — Linwood 200 C'roton, Norfolk T. !•'. l-'crirn-sonOdlii rrowland, Wclland .1. !l. Hnr^ar Well and 125 Crnicksliank. (Iroy Wni. CniickHhank Ti iii{ kshnnk.lOO Crysler. Stormont .Tar-. Wright- Crysler :'>00 Crystal, noach. Widland . . H. N. Hihhard - Ri(lji;(<\va\ Cnllodon. Oxford .1. rorheit- nro\vns\ill(> 20,) ('ullttii, Ronfi-ew riias. Ross -Donslas 100 Cultus. Norfolk C. W. Smith— Clear Creek 150 Cnmherland. Russell W. W'. Dnnnin.e:- Cumberland . . .'M)0 Cui-ran, Preseott !■'. 'r(uir:nm(>au- Curran 'iGu Cyprus, I'ai-ry Sound R. W. Taijlin- Novar D'Arey, Frontenae F. J. LaChaneo- D'Arey 150 Dai'lins' Road, Haldimand Vhos. Hrowii Canfuld 2S0 Dashwood, Hui'on F(/S. Snell Dashwood 500 Davlsville. York .Tno. .1. Davis — Davisville Dayton. Algoma Hurst r!cton I). J^ JVlacIaren Dirleton 100 Dixie, Feci Chas. JI. (Jill— Dixie aoo Dixon, Stormont A. T Dixon's Corners, Dnndas..J, J. Dobbington, Bruce Jas. Dominicnvillo, Glengarry. Jas. Doneaster, York Goo. Doon, Waterloo ,..Jno. . Shaver — Lunenburg 100 Payne--Brinston's Corners. .TOO Douglas — Dobbington 200 Clark — Dominionville 250 Brooks — Doncaster 1,500 Tilt "Doon Or.M Dorking, Wellington A. Boomer— Linvvood 2r)0 Dorland, Lennox J. B. Allison— Adolphustown 125 Douglas, Renfrew Cl.as. Ross— Douglas 500 Dover South, Kent M. Caron- Dover South 100 Doyles, Kent B. G. Jiurk— Buxton 100 Drayton, Wellington Alex. Malcolmson— Drayton 000 Dresden, do Drunibo, Dryden, do 00 Kent G lOGRGE 10. WEIR -Dresden do .T. W. Sharpe- -Dresden Oxford C. K. Curry— Drumbo 700 Algoma G. M. Yeomans— Dryden lOO do 'I'll OS. W. Thomson— Dryden Drysdale, Huron Jos. Snell — Zuricdi 125 Duart Kent J. H. E. Jones— Duart 'JOG Dublin, Perth M. Williamfc— Dublin 500 Dudley, Mu^kcka Hy. C. Guy— Dudley 100 Dumbland, 13ruce Donald Christie — Aberdour 100 Dunoarton, Ontario Geo. "Kerr- Pickering 100 Dunboyne, Elgin Wm. Warnock — Aylmer 200 Duncan, Grey M. R. Hammond^ — Kimberley ...125 Dunchurch, Parry Sound. Arthur Buchanan— Dunchurch ..300 Duncrief, Middlesex J. H. McRae — llderton 125 Dundalk, Grey E. G. Lucas— Dundalk 850 do do Jas. Lamon — Dundalk Dundas, Wentworth IT. C. Gwyn— Dundas 4,000 Dundela, Dundas Jno. W. Cooper — Dundela 2. 61 Tf)wn and County. Correspondent and A^dresa. Pop'n Pop'n . . .2r»(i . . .KM) . ..uno . . .100 . ..;;oo ...lou S..100 ...200 . ..250 ..1,500 ...G5\) ... 250 .... 1 25 . . . 500 ..100 ....100 00!) ..2,500 ....700 100 .'."..125 .... 'iOO .... 500 ....100 ....100 ....100 ....200 ..125 1 ..300 ...125 ...850 ...4,000 . . . 2 SO ...100 ...400 ...125 ...100 n ..150 .2.100 ...300 .1,000 ...100 ...150 i:a(ly, SimcoG T. D. Robinson- -Moonstono 100 Eastman's Sp'gs, Carlton. .laa. Hoyd- Eastman's KprinRs ..1.50 Eaaton'a Cors.. Grenville.H. A. Watts— Easton's Corners ..200 East Oro, Simcoe Thos. Linton — Hawkestone 125 East Toronto, York Thoa. Gibson— Coleman 1,500 Eaii Clair, Nipissing .Tno. Moore— Eau Clair 150 Echo Place, Brant Tho.s. Woodyatt— Brantford 200 Eden Mills. Wellington ..Hugh Black— Rockwootl 175 Edgar Mills, Essex \V. I). !5oaman- Eysex 150 Edge Hill, Grey Jus. Edge Edge Hill 100 Edgeley, York Kraucis Lindsay & Co. Th'uhill.lOi) Edys' Mills, Lambton ...Alex. Johnston— Oil Springs ....150 Ej^aiiville, Renfrew .riio. A. Kitts — Eganvillc DOO do do -Ino. Channonhouse- Eganville. Egt)ert, Simcoe S. R. Thrown — Thornton 100 Eglinton, York W. A Egmondvillc, Huron ....(t. E. Ell)a. Dufferin L A. EUho. Lincoln H. C. Elder's Mills, York J. G. El ford, Essex T. R. l']lgin, Leeds J. R. Elginhurg, Froutenac; ...J. H. lOlginfield, Middlesex . , Klizabethville, Durham Clarke— Eglinton 1,200 .lackson Egniondvilh) 200 Love—Stanton 100 Holmes— Wellandport 100 Hallett— Woodbridge 100 Flood-Harrow 100 l):ngavel— Elgin 400 Lake Elginburg 150 W. McDiarmid — F^ucan 175 J. R. Smith— Port Hoi)o t25 Ellaton. Norfolk Edward Robbins— Ellaton 100 Elh ngowan, Bruce N. MacKcchnie— Pair-ley 100 Elm. Carleton H. W. McDougall— Carp 100 Elml)ank, Peel Daniel Allan— Malton 100 Elmira, Waterloo Ptatz Brr s.— Elmira 1,300 do do Tno. H. Ruppel — Elmira. Elm Tree, Frontenac N. H. HJnchley— Elm Tree 100 Elmvale, Simcoe J. C. McKeggie— Elm vale 700 Elunvood, Bruce I. S. Lawrie — Elmwood G50 Flora. Wellington Edward Burns— Elora 1,700 lOlsinore, Bruce Richard Morran — Allenford 130 Eml)ro, Oxford Jas. Munro— Embro SOO Embrum, Russell T. Bruyero & Son--Embrum ...400 Emerald, Lennox t.^. W. Armstrong— Bath 125 Emo, Rainy River C. R. LangstafC— Emo 100 Empire, Haldimand ..... ..John Emsdale, Parry Sound . .,). \v. Enfield, Durham Fred Enniskillen, Durham . Ennismore, Pcterboro . Ennolviile, Wellington Enterprise, Addingion Epping, Grey Senn— York 350 Mcijonaid Emsdale 100 Rogers— Enniskillen 100 , Fred, liogers — Ennlskil'cu 150 J. F. Collins — Ennismore 150 'I'. 1. Hamilton Fergus 100 ..J. D. Wagar— Enterprise 3')0 • Geo. Crabtree— Rocklin i2y "^ 02 ONTAUIO. r Town and County. Epsom. Oiitiirio Kramosa, Wfllinsj^lon . . . . ErbKville. Walorloo ..... Erie, njildimaiul ........ Erie View. Norfolk . . Erin. \V'«'lllnK<<)U • • Erinsville, Addln.ijton . . . . Einstown Station. Lennox Escott. L( «m1s EHkdale, lli'iice .......... Fsquesini;. II alt on Esse.x, Essex . . . Ev( lyn. Middlesex Everett. Sinicoe ......... Eversley, York .......... Everton. Wellin.nton . . . . . Exeter, Ihii-on do do CorreHpondent and Address. Pop'n David Adams I'ort I'eiry ....125 Ihijih Hlack Kockwnod 175 Hiirker & Diebol Watj.rloo 100 .1. Y. Miirdrx'h .Tarvis 100 ('. W. Smith (^lear Creek 100 Wellington Hull Erin 700 .Ino. E. IVlurpliy — Erinsvillo 250 t'\ \V. Arn)stron« I^atli \\m I). S. .Mallory .Mallorytown 200 |{. \V. Harrison (Jlammis loo .1. C. iJrokoviski Coldwater SOO W. !). Heaman Essex 3.000 II. V. McCarty Thamesford 100 Thos. Watson Everett 200 .1. C. Stokes- Kin.u: 100 \\\\\r\\ Hlack Uo(d<\vo()d 200 (Jeo. M. nissett Exeter 2.000 DickscHi & Carting Exeter. t I |) i Fairbank. York h^TANDARD ACUCNCY— Toronto. 400 Fairlield Eisl. herds S. I). Walker Fairlield East ..2.50 Fairground. Norfolk .. ...\. Cameron -Heecli Lane 150 Fairmount. Crey ........"<(). Crabtrce liocklyn 100 Fair Valb y, Simcoe T. IX Robinson —Moonstone 100 Fallbrook. Lanarlv ........I. II. Wilson— Lanark 200 Fallview. Welbnid Ino. U(d)inson Niagara Falls ..150 Farewell. Wellin'Tto;! .. W. .1. Kinney — Kenilworth 100 Fargo. Kent ............. H. L. Cosnell Rlenlic-'m 175 Farquhar, Huron ....... ..Tohn Cole— Russeldah^ 100 Farran's Point, Stormont .Geo. Kerr — Farran's Point 400 Fassifern. Glengarry ....Angus MeDonald— Alexandria ..100 Fawn, Ontario ......... ..Ino. Waldron Fawn 100 Fellows. Lennox ....). A. Timmernian— Odessa 100 Felton, Russell ... ...Kelly l?ros.— Russell 100 Fonaghvale, Prescott .....I. H. Mnclnnes— Vuikleek Hill.. 100 l<''enella, Nortliunil)erland..Ias. McCullough- Harwood ....100 Fenelon Falls. Victoria . . F. A. McDermid-Fenelon Falls l.r>00 Fenwick. Welland ....... (Jeo. Arnold Ridgeville liOO Fergus AVellington ......Thos. T. Hamilton — Fergus .... 1.(100 Ferguslea, Renfrew .......I. II. Rochester — Renfrew 100 Ferguson. Middlesex Tno. V. Reeve — Hvd(> Park 125 Fergusonvalo. Simcoe . . . ..T. C. McKeggie— Elmvale 200 FernhilL Middlesex ......1). T?. Owen— Fernhill 100 l<>ss( I'ton. SiuK oe W. II. T. Russell Waubaushene .1.50 I'^ellu rsion. Parrv Sound .Andr«^w Crustier ^^'(ll(M•stou l''ev( isliam, (J rev .Idsjah Cauiev Maxwell Id!) 150 Fingal, Elgin .......... ..lames Hall Finu:al 500 Fintona. Simcoe R. Henderson- Arlington 10) s ONTAUIO. (t3 .125 1 (it , . 1 00 ..100 . .100 ..700 . .2r.o . . :?oo . . 200 . . IHO . .soo :5.ooo ..100 ..200 ..100 . . 200 .2.000 (..100 . . 250 ..150 ..100 . .100 , . .200 . . 1 50 .100 ..175 . .100 . .loo . .100 ..100 ..100 . . 100 . . 101) . .100 1 .coo . . :m) I .(iOO . . 1 00 . .125' . .200 . .100 . 1 50 . KIO ..150 . . 500 Town and County. Fl«h Lake. Pr. Kdward . Fitzroy Frth Fulton, l.incoln Fulton's •'(ills, Wellington Correspondent and .\ddreaa. Pop'n P. H. Fox-Northi)ort 250 \V. Macfarlane Fir/roy Harbor. :}00 Robt. McCirath Hethany 100 (J. H. Shreve -North Huxton 150 W. H. Perry- Flinton 200 Ratz Pros.- Klmira 250 Isaac Cnsworth l-'lorence 500 ({eo. Arnold RidKeville 400 1^ S. Cook— Fordwich (100 W. .]. Porte— Forest 2.100 nelahy Pros.— (\)b(leii 200 C. H. Spen<'er - Roblin 100 McCall & Mason St. Williams ..200 .1. T. (Gallagher- Newboro 100 .Julius Noll Formosa rs (lalt 7.500 GamebridKc. (Jntario C. A. Patterson Heaverton ....150 Cianauo(ine, L<'eds Robt. Sh(M)Pai'd Cianauo(|ue ..1,000 (iarden Hill. Durham 1. R. Smitli-Port Hope 30(» 10 > Garden Island. Froiilcnuc. Richard Ravmond Garden Isrd.G50 64 ONTAItm. Town nnd County. Corrospondont and Address. Pop'n ii II i| ^f I I I CJarnt't, Haldlmarsd Jno. Roulston (iarnet loo Garretton, Crrnville J. J. Marsh, Sprncervillo ...... ..M)0 Carry Owen, Grey Jno. Thonison—Woodford !lOO Gelert. Haliburton D. J. Hartte & Co.— Minden 200 Georgetown, Halton Jno. Ballantyne GoorRftown ..1,000 do do O. S. GoodwllUe— Georgetown. .. . Germanla, Muskoka D.ivid Cairns— Ufflngtrn 100 Germanicn.s, Renfrew ... Jno. A. Kitts -Eganvll.e 100 German Mills, Waterloo. .John Tilt Doon lOO Gesto, Essex J. A. Coulter— Gesto loo Gibraltar, Grey H. A. Fi. Flusk- -Ravenna 100 Gibson, Sinicoe r. A. Henderson— Allenwood ....125 Gilbert's Mills, Pr. Edw'd.T. A. Mills- Demorestville 150 Gilead, Hastings Anson j.atta— Corby ville 100 Gillies Hill, Bruce N. Maekeehnie— Pal.«ley 100 Gilmour, Hastings R- M. Nornian— Mill Bridge 100 Glammis, Bruce R. W. Harrison— Glanimis 250 Glamorgan, Durham Geo. Sootheran- Millbnjok 100 Glandine, Victoria T. H. Morton— Little liritaln 300 (Jlanford, Wentworth Robert Murphy Glanford 100 Glanmire, Hastings R. M. Nornian- Milll)ridge loo (Jlanworth, Middlesex Jno. TurnbuU Glanworth 150 Glen Alda, Peterboro ...Thos. Nugent— Coe Hill 100 Glenannan. Huron K- T.. Dickinson Winghnm 100 Glen Becker, Dundas F. R. Chalmers— Morrisburg 100 Glen Buell, Leeds N. R. Gardiner— Lyn 300 .J. H. Lake— Elginburg 150 .M. G. Carruthers - Avening 100 Harrison — Glencoe ....1500 Glenburnie, Frontenac Oilencairn, Simcoe . . . Glencoe, Middlesex Geo. M. do Stewart, do Stewart & Ross. Warnock — Aylmer 100 Abranis — Sumnierstown. . . .100 Reynolds— Veronn 100 Perry — Mount Forest ... .100 Dickinson — Wingham 100 Glen Colin, Elgin Wm. Glen Donald, Glengarry .Wm. Glen Dower, Fronte. ic ..W. H Glen Eden, Grey W. C Glen Farrow, Huron E. L. Glenfield, Addington Jno. Lane— Denbigh 100 Glenhuron, Simcoe R. T. Gray— Duntroon 250 Glen Major, Ontario Jno. Dafoe, Sr.— Iltica 200 Glen Meyer, Norfolk Jas. McBride— Glen Meyer 300 Glen Millar, Hastings O. H. Bonter— Trenton 250 Glen Morris. Brant Wm. Flemming— Glen Morris . . . .200 Glennevis, Glengarry D. C. McRae— Bridge End 125 Glenorman, Glengarry ...J. F. Cattanach — N'th T'.ancaster.l25 Glenora, Pr. Edward '^. a. Mills De'norestville 200 Glenorchy, Halton Hemstre(>t Bros. Milton loo Glen Robertson, GlengarryAngus McDontild Alexj'ndria ..1oo Glen Ross, Hastings Jno. S. Black— Stirling 250 Glen Roy, Glengarry Angus McDonald— Alexandria ..150 O.N^l'AUlO. G5 Pop'u 100 100 100 ....200 ..1.000 Nn... . 100 100 10(» mo 100 I ....125 150 100 1 00 . 100 250 100 n :^oo 100 100 1.50 . . .100 1 ....100 •g ....100 ...:?oo ...150 ...100 ..1500 . .100 |wn...-100 100 t ...100 100 100 250 200 ?M .. .250 is ....200 125 caster. 125 200 100 ria ..100 250 via ..150 Town and County. (;|( nsli'. (', Norfolk . . . (11*11 Sniail, (tiJ'iivllh' (lien Stcwait. hiMidas. (JItiivalc. Frontrnan . (;ix (Jol)l('s. Oxford (lODKKICII. Huron . do do (lodfrt'.v. Krontcinic . . . (loldciiluii'KJi, .AlKonia . (;(dn Malton 125 .los. SnelD Dashwood 200 Will. Melntyre -Grand Valley ..750 .1. A. V. Prcst(m— Grand Valley. Geo. Dodds Primrose 100 I*eter Stewart — Grant 125 (\ Casselman— Chesterville 100 .1. K. Murray— Granton 400 .T. R. Reece- Hunts ville 100 nw^m. W. Kidd -Grimsby 150 Chas. Ross— Douglas 75 W. H. Farrell— Monekland 100 H. H. Ardagh -Gravenhurst ..2,500 \V. H. Dickinson— Manotick 75 Edward Phot nix— Greenbank ..200 .r. I. Qiiinn Addison 200 .las. A. Cluff Greendeld :i50 W. S. Gould VValkerton 200 T. A. Mills— Demorestville 125 ^ If i! ; I 66 Town and County. ONTTARIO, Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Oreen River, Ontario . . Greensville, Wentworth Green Valley, Glengarry Green View, Hastings. .. .J. P Greenway, Huron Wni M. Glecson — Greenwood 230 H. C, Gwyn— Dundas 200 Angus McDonald— Alexandria ..200 Tait— L'Amable 125 Lewis — Crediton 125 Greenwood, Ontario M. Gleeson— Greenwood 300 Gregory, Muskoka Wm. Hanna — Port Carling 100 Gresham, Bruce N. Mackechnie — Paisley 100 Gretna, Lennox Jas. Daly — Napanee 150 GriersvJlle, Grey C. W. Hartman— Clarksburg ....100 Griffins Corners, Elgin ...Jas. McRride — Glen Meyer 150 Grimsby, Lincoln Wm. W. Kidd— Grimsby 1 ,000 Grimsthorpe, Algoma Hurst & Rurk — Gore Bay ..125 Griraston, Grey las. Douglas—Dobbington 100 Grovesend, Elgtn Thos. Thomson— Port Bruce 20A Groveton, Grenville J. J. Marsh— Spencervillt; 100 GUELPH, Wellington ...McDonald & Drew— Guelph ..12,000 Guilds, Kent R. L. Gosnel— Blenheim 100 Guthrie, Simcoe Thos. Linton — Hawkestone 125 Guysboro, Norfolk Jas. McBride — GTen Meyer 250 Habermehl, Grey Wm. Irvine — Habermehl .100 Haddo. Dundas Adam Harkness— Iroquois 100 Hagerman's Corners, YorkJno. S. Davison— Unionville 150 Hagersville, Haldimand . . S. E. Lindsay — Hagersville 1,500 do do ... J. H. Salter-^Hagersville. Hainsville, Dundas Thomas Scott — Glen Stewart 100 Haldane Hill, Parry S'ndW. S. Morrison— Sprucedale 110 Haliburton, Haliburton ..Wm. Prust— Haliburton 300 Hallow:.y, Hastings A. C. Faulkener — Foxboro 150 Hall's Bridge, Peterboro .C. R. D. Booth— Hall's Bridge ..175 Hall's Glen, Peterboro ...A. F. Choate— Warsaw 125 Hall's Mills, Lanark J. H. Rintoul— Tatlock 100 Hallvfile, Dundas W. T. Cleland— Hallville 150 Halston, Hastings J. C. Henley — Read 100 HAMILTON, Wentworth .Mewburn & Ambrose— H'milt'n.52,000 Hampden, Grey Peter McLean — Ayton 100 Hampstead, Perth Jas. Brown — Nithburg 100 Hampton, Durham F. A. Cole — Hampton 350 Hanlan, Peel Chas. W. Switzer— Meadowvale . .100 Hanover, Grey Duncan Campbell — Hanover . .2,000 Hardings. Frontenac W. F. Armstrong — Cloyne 100 Harold, Hastings Peter Welsh— Springbrook 100 Harrietsville, Middlesex. .W. H. Odell— Belmont 150 Harrington, Oxford W. R. Anderson— Lakeside 325 Harrisburg. Brant J. p. Lawrason— St. George 300 Harrisons Cors., StormontA. T. Shaver— Lunenburg 100 Harriston. Wellington ...A. J. Stewart— Harriston 1,900 ^o do A. G. Campbell— Harriston. Pop*n ...230 ...200 ia ..200 ...125 ...125 ...300 ...100 . . .100 ..150 f^ ...100 ^ ■ ..150 " ...1,000 ..125 ..100 ..lOtJ ,h". .12.000 ..100 ie"....125 ^, 250 ..... .100 : . . .100 me "....ISO le ....1,500 tvart....lOO ale ....1^^ ...300 o ••••••■'^? ridge .-l^'^ . . .125 ..100 ...150 '"....100 imUt'n.52,000 . . .100 ...100 ".'.....350 wvale ..100 ■)ver ..2,000 e 1«0 ok 100 ..150 de" ■.*..... 325 ep ....300 e ' ....100 ..'....1,900 on. ONTARIO. 67 •Sj^: Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Harrow. Eysex T. R. Flood— Harrow 750 Harrowsiiiith. Fronlenac. Chas. S. Stewart— Harrowsmith. .350 Hartford, Norfolk B. \V. Thomas- Hartford ^00 Hartington. Frontenac . . . lU^nj. Campsall— Hartington 5bO liar.lty, Victoria 'IiiO. A. .Jackson — Ix)rnovill(> ....125 Hartsmere, Addington ....)ohn Lane--Denbigh 125 Harwood, Northunib'd J. R. McCiilloiigh- Harwood 300 Plains, Carlton. 11. W. McI)ougall--Carp 150 Northumb'd I no. Collins— Hastings 1,000 do P. M. Howard, Hastings. Station, Brant. .Marshall Lefler — New Durham ..100 Peterboro A. V. Fuller— Havelock 950 Harwood Hastings, do Hatch ley Havolock, Ilawkcsbury. do Hawkesto'ie, Hawkesvlile, Prcbcjtt ...J. G. Higginson-Hawkesb'v i.' .3,500 do ...M. J. Costello— ^Hawkesbi .. Siiiicoe ....Thos. Linton — Hawkeston . . ..300 Waterloo ..Peter Hufner — Hawkesville 300 Armstrong — Bath 100 Mason — Billings Bridge 150 McFarlane— Otterville 150 Enniskillen 150 Millgrove 100 Hawley, Lennox F. W Hawthorn, Carleton Hugh Hawtrey, Oxford Alex. Haydon, Durham Fred. Rogers Hayeshuid, Wentworth ..Chas. Foster Haysville, Waterloo W. R. Plum -New Hamburg 225 Hazeldean. Carleton Tas. Butler — Stittsville 125 Hazzards Cors., Hastings . B. O'Hara — Madoc 100 Headford. York T. A. K. Switzer— Richmond Hill. 200 Hcathrote, Grcv u. A. L. Rusk— Ravenna 200 Heather, Lambton E. Donnelly — Alvinston 100 Hci-ldlniL'. \\mI("I.m, W. H. Winkler— St. Jacobs 400 Hemlock, Norfolk Hios. H. McCord- -Hemlock 15) Hensall. Huron MacArthur & Co.— Hensall 700 Hepworth. Grey E. do do R. Hcreward, Dnfforin R. Hermou, Hastings J. Herron's Mills, lianark . . .T. Hrspeler. Waterloo A. W. Geddes— Hepworth 7O0 Russell — Hepworth Y. Blyth— Bel wood 1 50 R. Tait— L'Amable 150 H. Wilson— Lanark 100 J. Brewster — Hespeler 2,0'H) Heb'son. Perth Jno. Ritter— Millbank 175 Hiawatha, Peterboro .....T. R. McCullough — Harwood 100 Highgate, Kent .Tno. D. Ellis— High gate 500 Highl.nd ''nek Y fk .Tas. Duncan — Highland Creek 300 Highland Grove, Halib'rt'nA. Atcheson — Highland Grove 100 Hillier, Pr. Edward Stephen Nease — Hillier 200 Hillsboro, Lambton W. .T. Porte — Forest 100 Hillsburgh. Wellington . .Donaldson & Carmiehael 500 Hillsdale. Simcoe P. .T. Frawley— Hillsdale .500 Hills Crreen, Huron R. Nellis— Kippen 150 Hilly Grove, Algoma .,..W. J. Tucker — Manltowaning 100 uim i I) Hi i 68 ONiTARIO. Town and Caunty. Hilton, Nortliunil)'. rliin 1 Hindi. Tynnox Hintonbiii-g', ('uiic' t n . . lloMsic, Dimdas Hobart, Siincoe Hockley, r3;i<"ferin H()ll)ifJok. OxfoiMl Hoi'dav Oxf')!-*! Holland Ceniro, Grc?y . . . Holland I.andinj;, Y rk Holicfnrd. J'^'rontoifa • . . Uc;il' n. Wf'lliimton . . . Hclnisville, Hnrcin Holiitt '!i Gi'^y Holt, York Holyrood, Hrncc Honeywood, DulYrriii . . Honora, Algonia Ho;)p l>ay, [{nice Hope fir Id. U nfrcw .... Hope Town, Laiiar'c .... Ho))evillo, Grey Hornby, H.-ilton Horninss Mill;-, DalT; rin Hotspur, H;iliburtoii .... Houghton. Norfolk Howlett, Middlesex 1 lumber, Vork ihimberstone. W« 1 avid . . Huntley, Carleton Hunlsville, Muskoka ... do do . . . . Huttonsville, Peel Hyde Park (^)rs. Middle Vx Hyndi'ord, Renfrew ('orrespondent and Address. Pop'n J. H. Morrow— T3ri5i;bton Wni. Whelan — Centreville J. Shannon — Hintonbui-g W. C. Strader— Nortl! Willianisb T. D. Robinson — Moons^tone M. H. Donton— Mono Centre A. Stevens — Salford Jas. Munro — Embro ,]no. McDonald — Chatsworth W. T. C. W. Peter J. A. R. R. W. 15. J. G. J. H. O. Lloyd — Holland Landin?^ Benj. Campsall — Hart ins ton A. Maleolmson — Drayton Wm. Coats — Clinton Petric — Holstein Davidson — Mount Albert. . . Corrigan — Holyrood Ivove — Stanton MeKissotdc — Little Current. Moshier — Lion's Head Gnrney — Rocdvingham Wilson — Lanark James Lamon — Dundaik Hemstreet Bros. — ^Milton W. L. Roberts — Hornings Mills.. .T. W. Gould— Gooderhani Jos. ( 'ollinson — Hou5^1iton Geo. Kelly — [..ambeth J. G. Hallett--\Voodbridge W. A. Sehooley — Hum])orstone. . . Jas. Butler — Stittsville J. R. Reeee— liuntsvill'^ 1, D. M. Grant- Hnntsville. P. H. Co})( land — Huttonsville.... Jno. V. Reeve- Hyde Park Cor... Chas. Ross — Douglas 225 100 500 urg 10) L50 125 15 J ;^oo 10) U)') 50) 150 350 10") 15i) 175 125 1 («0 100 150 20 :) 20) 10) 175 101) 175 9)0 250 50 :) 250 3!U) 100 rfe Ida, DiM'ham Jas. MeT.rean— Mount Pleasant 100 llderton, Middlesex J. TL McRae — llderton 250 llfracombe, Muskoka ....E. W. Taplin— Novar 100 Ingersoll, Oxford A. N. Christopher — Ingersoll. . .5,000 do do Jas. Stevens — Ingersoll. {]o do J. C. Hegler — Ingersoll. Inglewood. Peel Robt. Stewart — Inglewood 500 In.glis Falls. Grey Kilbourn & Kilbourn — - Owen i Sound 100 rey \'\ I'^reeman — Proton lOu Dundas A. J. Corrigan — Inkeruian 400 Inistioge, Inker man, ON]TARtO. 69 Pop'n 225 100 500 10) 150 125 15'J , ;^oo ....40) 1 100 50) 150 350 firt-.-lOO ....150 17.-> rrent. 125 1 100 ^ 100 150 20) 20) Mills.. 300 ....10) ....1T5 100 ....175 one... 910 25!) , ...1,500 \v 250 .Ujr...300 100 mt....10O 250 1 00 oll...5.00(» 500 - Owen 100 lOii !!.... 400 Town nnd Ooimly. Corrospondont and Address. I'.jp'n Innrrlvii). Oxford J. A. Ilo^g -Innerkii) 100 Iiiinsvillp, I,annil< W. fl, Clnirchill- Tnnisville 12"< FnvrriM/. Frontenar* . . . . Chas. I?. Oarratt- Sunhnry 15(i liivorhKron, linico HumIi Murray — Underwood JOO Invernmy. Finice A. Necdands — rnvermay 3)0 Inwood. Lambton Tno. Lillie — Weidman . . .500 lona, Elgin Edgar Sileox— Shedden 300 Irena. Dundas Adam Harkness — Troouois 150 Iris, SiuK'oe Andrew Ronald — Minessitig 125 fr n r.iidff, Al^'-oma . Hurst ^ Burk--Thess:ilon 100 Iroquois, Dundas Adam Harkness — Iroquois 1.500 Islurwood. Rainy Rivrr . . Jno. O. Stewart — Fort Francis ..100 Islny. Victoria C. E. Weeks— Wood ville 150 Islington, York J. D. Evans — Islington r»00 Ivy. Simcoe S. R. IJrown — Thornton 150 Ivy Lea, Leeds I. D. W. Warling— Lansdowne. . . . 100 .Tack Fish, Alg -nvi J. E. Walker— Schreiber \01 .'ntTn. Elgin Wm. Warnock — Aylmer 125 .lanetville, Durham Jno. Burn — Janetville 250 .iarvis, Maldimand T. A. I^.urwash — Jarvis do do J. Y. Murdoch— Jarvis 1 ,00 ) Jasper, Grenville H. S. Motfatt— Jasper 300 .Iranettes Creek, Kent ...J. A. Tremblay— Tilbury 100 .Itricho. LamDton Robt. Rae— Thedford 100 Jersey ville, Wentworth . . R. D. Dayman — Lynden 200 .fccdyn. Algoma E. ftubbs — Marksville 100 Johnstons Cors., Carle o.i.W. 13. Dickinson — Manotifk 100 Jordan, Lincoln Cla 'ke Snure — Jordan 300 Junctown, Leeds D. S. Mallory — Mallorytown 10 ) Kagawong, Algoma Tno. furs. Carlf ton C. G i\utrine. Parry Sound S. T, Ke(niansvi.ie, Simcoe .... Geo. Kecne, Peterboro Wm. do do ^ewatin. Rainy River Hilliard — Kagawong 200 Lindsay— Kars 3')0 Evans— Burk's Falls 150 Gordon — Tottenham 150 ('an^id)ell - Keene 200 R. M. English — Keene. T. J. Cherry— Keewatin 1 352 K Iso. !r.lon Matthew Beattie— CampbellvillclOO K. ivin, Norfolk D. II. Smith— Kelvin 200 Kemptville, Grenville ...Oliver Bascom— Kemptville 1,500 Kendal, Durham W. TTnderwood— Kendal 200 Kenilworth. Wellington ..W. J. Kinney— Kenilworth 150 T''<^>more, Carleton Kelly Bros.— Russell 300 Kent Bridge, K^nt A. J. Pesha— Kent Bridge 250 Kepler, Frou'ena- Jos. Cramer— Glenvale 100 Kerrwood, Middlesex . . . Jno. Mills— Kerrwood 300 70 ONTAUIO. Il Town and County. Corrospondent and Addrrss. Pop'n Keswick, York T. C. Moi irk, 30) 150 75 Crediton 75 ton — Kf!sv; Walton— Kettleby. Miller — Adelaide . , Kettleby, York J. M Keyser, Middlenox H. J. Khiva, Huron Wm. Lewis Kilbride, Halton D. A. Vanfleet— Kilbride 250 Killaloe, Renfrew Martin Roche — Killaloe 500 Killarney, Algoma J. J. Noble — Killarney 400 Killyleagh, Simcae S, R. Brown — Thornton 100 Kilmanagh, Peel .Tno. uJudge — Mono Road 100 Kilmarnock, Lanark .... H. S. Moffatt — Jasper 100 Kilsyth, Grey Tas. G. Grieve— Kilsyth 100 Kimball, Lambton W. J. Ward— Krigden 100 Kiniberley, Grey M. R, Hammond — Kimborley 250 Kinburn, Carleton E. D. Osborne — Kinburn 100 Kincardine, Bruce John Boyer, Kincardine 2.500 do do Rol)ert Baird — Kincardine do do W. (/. Loscombe — Kincardine. .. King, York J. C. Stokes— King 350 King Lake, Norfolk Hy. Walmsley— King Lake 20O Kingsbridge, ?Iuron . . . . M;irtin Whitby Kintail 100 Kingscourt, T^ambton .... Alex. Saunders — Watford 150 Kingsford, Hastingi ....Alex. Winters Lonsdale 100 Kingsmill, Elgin Win. Warnock — Aylmer 125 K]>;.aS'rON, Fronten-r.. All)ert E. Smythe— Kingston.. .18,217 do do . . Chester T... Curtis — Kingston. do do ..Mills & Cunningham — Kingston. do do . . Tsaac Simpson — Kingston. Kingsville, Essex B. Jasperson — Kingsville 1,500 do do W. A. Smith — ^Kingsville. Kinlough, Bruce P. Malcolmson — Lucknow 100 Kinsale, Ontario M. Gleeson — Greenwood 100 Kintail, Huron Martin Whitby— Kintail 150 Kintore, Oxford Elmer Day — Kintore 250 Kintyre, Elgin J. D. Shaw — Rodney 100 Kippen, Huron R. Nellis — Kippen 200 Kirby, Durham R. Moment — Orono 150 Kirkfield, Victoria Edward Mosgrove — Kirkfield 800 Kirkton, Perth S'amuel Ford— Woodham 300 Kirkwall, Wentwoith ....A. E. Bond- Sheflield 150 Knatchbull, Halton Hugh. Black— Rockwood 100 Kohler, Haldimand Colter & Goodman — Cayuga 100 Koiiiokii, Middlesex Jas. Finch — Komoka 300 Kossuth, Waterloo C. R. Hanning — Preston 125 Lafontaine, Simco? W. LeCamp — Lafontaine 100 Laggan, Glengarry Angus McDonald — Alexandria. .. .125 Laird, Algoma F. H. Schoales — Laird 105 , .*! ONfTARlO. 71 Town and County. rorrGspondent and Address. Poi)'n T^akofiold, Peterboro I.eslio Shorrin— Lakofiold 1,.'»00 Lakelet, Huron A. Dulmage — Lakelet 2!M) Lakeport, Northumb'd ..Geo. Keyes— Colborne 800 Lakeside, Oxford W. E. And - n, l/i! e^d 125 Lake Talon, Niplssing . . . . W. T. Gale— Lake Talon 100 Lalonde, Prescott Jos. Belanger — Plantagnet 100 L'Amable, Hastings J. R. Tait— L'Amable 200 Lambeth, Middlesex Geo. Kelley— Lambeth 300 Lambton Mills, York J. D. Evans — Islington 750 Lanark, Lanark J. H. Wilson — Lanark 1 ,000 Lancaster, Glengarry .... Duncan Fraser — Lancaster 600 Lang, Peterboro .'. R. M. English— Keene 175 Langbank, Lambton .... Jas. C. Wood — Langbank 100 Langford, Brant Ed. Foulger— Cainsvilk- 125 Langman, Simcoe J. ('. McKeggie — Elmvale 100 Langside, Bruce H. D. Henderson — Whitchurch . . .200 Langstaff, York J. A. E. Switzer— Richmond Hill. .200 Langton, Norfolk Jas. McBride — Glen Meyer 250 Lansdowne, Leeds J. D. W. Darling — Lansdowne. . .500 Lansing, York Lindsay, Francis & Co. — Thornhill. 150 LaSalitte, Norfolk Jno. Gibbons— La Salitte 200 Laskay, York J. C. Stokes — King 300 Lasswade, Peterboro J. W. Ratcliffe— Lasswade 100 Lavant, Lanark Thomas Lee — Lavant Station . . . .100 Lavant Station, Lanark ..Thomas Lee — Levant Station. .. .150 Lawrence. Elgin Edgar Silcox— Shedden 200 Lawson, Simcoe J. C. Brokoviski- Cold water ... .100 Leadbury, Huron M. E. McEwan — Leadbury 100 Leaside Junction, Yoik ..Jos. H. Lea — Leaside Junction. . .150 Leamington, Essex W. C. Coulson — Leamington 2,500 do do A. T. Boles — Leamington. Leaskdale, Ontario Doble & Co.— Sunderland 100 Leesboro, Middlesex C. R. Walker— Thorndale 100 Lefaive's Corner, Simcoe. W. LeCamp — Lafontaine 100 Lefaivre, Presfott Hector Chauvin— Montebello, Q..40;) Leskard, Durham S B. Dobson— Leskard 250 Lime Bank, Russell W. B. Dickinson — Manotick 100 Lime House, Halton Jno. Ballantyne — Georgetown ..300 LINDSAY, Victoria Robt. G. Cornell— Lindsay 6,500 do do Jas. A. Gillogly— Lindsay. Linwood, Waterloo A. Boomer— Linwood 500 Lion's Head, Bruce W. B. Moshier— Lions' Head 400 Lisbon, Perth Jas, Brown— Nithburg 100 Lisburn, Bruce Angus Martyn— Ripley 100 Hall— Trafalgar 100 Little -Lisle 300 Lisgar, Peel fjhas. Lisle, Simcoe r. h. i 1 ^f s 1 i i ' i 1 lp"i I n I 1 i ill 72 Tdwn and Coun^^^y. Listowfl. Peril) do do Utile Hrifaiji, Viftoria . Tjittle Current. Als "lui . , Little Rapids, Al^onia ... TJttlewood, MiddleHPX . . . , Livingstone Cr'k, Algonia Lloydtown, York i^ol)o. Middlesex Loehalsh, Huron Jyocklon, Peel Locust Hill, Y'^-k Tjodi, Stormont T^ombardy, Leeds LONDON, Middlesex do d( . . . . Londesboro, Union Long liay, Algoma Longford Mills, Ontario . . T.,ong Point, Leeds Longtinville, Russell Lonsdale, Hastings Loree, Grey L'ORIGNAL, Prescott do do Lome, Bruce Lorneville, Victoria Lost Ch'^nnel. Hastings . . Loitus, Durham ,. . Louise, Grey Lovat, Bruce T^overing, Simcoe Lovett. Northumberland. . Lowville. Halton Lucan, Middlesex Lucasville, Lambton Lucilla, Dufferin Lucknow, BrucG do do T^unenburg, Stormont . . . Teuton, Elgin Lyn. Leeds Lynden, Wentworlh T^yndhurst. Leeds T^ynedoch, Norfolk Lynn Valley, Norfolk . . . . Lynnville, Norfolk oN7rAuio. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n , \Vm. Bright- F.istowel L',8()0 .1. \V. Scott i.istowel. T. H. Morton- Little IJritaln 700 R. R. McKissock- Little Current. 800 1 1 urst & I^>urk— Thessalon 100 Geo. Kelly— Lambeth— lOO Hurst & Burk-Thessalon 75 A. Armstrong- -Lloydtown 20f) Jas. Finch — Komoka 200 Alex. Finlayson — Loehalsh 100 Wm. Wh'lan- -Centreville 10:) T. H. Speight— Markham 200 W. J. McCart— Avonmore KiO M. Dooher — Lombardy 250 R. K. Cowan— London ?,3,000 E. S. Jarvis — London East. \V. L. Ouinette -Londesl)()ro P.OO Hurst & Burk— Gore Bay 100 E. liannigan — Atherley :'>00 Russell Bros. Delta 'AOO Outer Maheu — Longtinville 100 Alex. Winters — Lonsdale 175 H. A. L. Rusk— Ravenna 100 E. A. Johnson— L'Original 1,000 .fno. Maxw(,'ll — L'Original. W. C. Loscombe— Kincardine 150 Jno. A. Jackson — Lorneville 150 Robt. Gordon— Tweed 100 Jas. Williamson— Ballyduff 150 J. S. Lawrie — Elmwood 100 Hector Cowman— Paisley 100 -Lovering 150 Lovett 150 -Kilbride 200 -Lucan 1,000 — Sarnia 150 Lucilla 100 E. W. Kitchen- G. A. Harris— n. A. Van fleet— W. McDiarmid- W. A Wiggins- R. G. Canning- Hugh Morrison — Lucknow 1 ,600 P. Malcolmson — Lucknow. A. T. Shaver — Lunenburg HOO Wm. Warnock-Aylmer 150 N. R. Gard iner--Lyn 500 R. D. Dayman — Lynden 5 )0 Russell Bros.— D'v'ltM '^'X) Jno. F. F'erguson— Delhi "0") H. M. Groff— Simcoe 2f>l Ed. Robbiis— K'liitun 200 r 1^ Town ;ni(l County. Lvons, r01t;iii ... ONfTAUIO. Corrospondont and Address. Mcar. M. Hlack -Springfield 73 I'op'n . . . . 200 Mrrormick, Glongarry ... McCriiiimon, (Jloiigiriy . .McDonald'^ Or.rs., Lanark Mclnncs. Middlci^ex Mclntyre, Grey McKellar. Pairy Somd .. McLaren's Depot . Ad.7gt'n Alabee, Norfolk Maberley, Lmark Manton. Wellington Islacville, Peel Mngnetawan, Parry H'd.. Aladoc, Hasting.s do do Maidstone, Essex Mair's Mills, Simcoe Malakoir. Carlelon Malcolm, P.ruce Mallorytown. Leads Malton, Peel Mahvood, Carlolon Manchester, Ontario Mandaniin, Lambton . . , . Manion, Lanark ^Fanitowaning. Algonia . pvlannheim, Waterloo .... Manotick, Carleton Mansowood, Halton Mansfield, Dnfferin Manvers, Dnrham Maple, York Maple Grove. Middlesex . Maple Hill, Bruce Maple Tjodge, Middlesex . Maple Valley, Sirncoe Mar, lirnce Marathon, Carleron Marburg, Norfolk Marchhurst. Carleton . . . , Marden, Wellington Markham, York do do Marksville, Algoma Marmion, Grey Mrrmora, Hastings Macdonell fcCTostello- AI('xan(li'ia.L''n) i). I). Mcl/Hxl— McCrinnnon loO Waller Geddes- -McDonald's Cor. .1,')0 Wni. Dickson— Parkbil! 100 Josiah Gamey- iMa?c\vell liOi) G. B. Lee— McKellar 200 W. .f. Ri'bard.s- McLarens Depot. 2r)0 Jas. Mt Ijride— Glen Meyer 100 .1. A. Huclianan — Maberley 2r)0 .Ino. H. Riippell— Elmira 100 David Pcarcy— Bolton 100 1). G. Host- Magnetawan 4r.0 B O'Hara-Madoc I.IWO R W. O'Flynn -Madoe. W. D. Beaman— E.=:sex 125 Hy. Robertson — Collingwood 100 Thos. Wiggins— MalakolT 2."»0 J. S. Lawrie— Elmwood 100 D. S. Mallory— Mallorytown 100 Daniel Allen- Malton 800 H. W. McDougall" Carp 100 Wm. Spence— ^Manchester IJtiO A. Westland — Wyoming 1.^)0 Hy. 1'ay lor— Perth 7.^) W. J. Tucker— Manitowaning 00) Jno. Tilt— Doon 1.^.0 Wm. B. Dickinson— Manotick P.r.o E. W. Boyd— Milton 1 00 J. A. Love — Stanton 125 Wni. Porter— Manvers 200 .T. B. McLean— Maple 450 .T. E. Murray— Grar; ton 100 D. Campbell — Hanover 100 JosepJi Rosser— ^Ailsa Craig 100 D. G. Mitchell— Dunedin 150 Jeriuyn — Wiarton 200 Osborne -Kinburn 150 McCalL -Vittoria 10) McDougall Carp 100 .Jos. McDonald — Ma 'den 12;» T. H. Speight— Markham 1.200 Alex. Mairs — Markham. E. S'tubbs— Marksville ^ . . 500 Samuel Palmer — Desboro 150 J. F. Wills -Marmora 950 D. M. E. D. M. .T. H. W ON,TARIO. II ' i1! Fowri nnd i'AnuUy. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Marnoi'h, Huron Marshville, Welland .. Marston, Norfolk Martintown, Glengarry Marvelville, Russell . . . Masonville, Middlesex . Massey Station, Algoma Mattawa, Nipissing . . Maxville, Glengarry . . . Maxwell. Grey Mayerviile. Russell . . . Mayfair, Middlesex . . . Maynard, Grenville . . . Meadowvale, Peel Meaford, Grey do do Medina, Oxford Melancthon, Dufferin . Melbourne, Middlesex . Melrose, Hastings Melville, Pr. Edward . Melville Cross, Peel . Merievale, Carleton ... Merlin, Kent Merrickville, Grenville Merritton, Lincoln Merton, Halton Metcalfe. Carleton .... Metropolitan, Perth . . . Micaville,. Lanark .... Michael's Bay, Algoma Middlemarch. Elgin . . Middlemiss, Middlesex Midhurst, Simcoe Midland, S'inicoe Mildmay, Bruce Milford, Pr. Edward . Millarton, Bruce Millbank, Perth Mill Bridge, Hastings . iviill Brook, Durham . do do Millvir Lake, Bruce . . . Mill Grove, Wentworth Millhaven, Lennox MILTON, Halton do do ... ('has. McClelland— Belgrave 100 ,P. J. Wilson -Marshville 300 , Wm. F. Anger- Marston 125 , A. R. Foulds — Martintown 400 .Kelly Bros.— Russeli 100 , W. R. Westlake— Arva 100 ,1). M. Brodie— Massey Station 400 Jno. McMicking— Mattawa 2,000 .Clias. McNaughton— Maxville 750 , Josiah Gamey — Maxwell 300 ,.T. C. Markley— Casselman 100 , Jno. Cooper — Melbourne 150 .J. K. Dowsley— Prescott 200 ,Chas. W. Switzer— Meadowvale. .250 Jas. A. Stewart— Meaford 2.000 ,R. P. Williams— Meaford. . W. E. Andison — Lakeside 125 , Jas. Brown — Melancthon 250 . Jno. Cooper— Melbourne 350 .Alex. Winters — Lonsdale 150 , B. C. Ainsworth — Allison ville 150 , Wm. White— Alton 1 50 J. Shannon — Hintonburg 125 J. A. Halliday— Merlin 300 F. A. Tallman— Merrickville 1.000 .F. N. Hara— Merriton 1900 .A. W. McCraney— Bronte 100 . J. A. McGregor — Metcalfe 500 . J. E. Murray — Granton 100 .P. J. McParland— Micaville 100 .W. W. Chisholm— Michael's Bay. 100 • Andrew J. Clark— St. Thomas 100 .M. C. Campbell— Middlemiss 300 .Geo. Sneath— Midhurst 200 .H. J. Craig— Midland 2,500 .E. O. Swartz— Mildmay 1,500 . D. D. McKibbon— Milford 400 .W. C. Loscombe — Kincardine 100 .Jno. Ritter— Millbank 400 . R. M. Norman — Millbridge 150 . Geo. Sootheran— Millbrook 1200 .A. A. Smith— Millbrook. .W. B. Moshier— Lion's Head 100 . Chas. Foster— Millgrove 200 .Jas. Franklin— Millhaven 200 . Hemstreet Bros. — Milton 1,500 .E. W. Boyd— Milton. ONITAUIO. 75 Town jui'l County. Corrospondont and Addrosp. Pop'n Milvorton. IVrth R. J. Ranncy Milvprton 7(tO Miniico. York A. Worden Minii((> !MK» Mindomoya, Algomti VVni. VinitT- iMindciriuy.i 30) Minden, Halibnrton D. J. Hartte — Mindon 50) Minessing, Simcoe Andrew Ronald Minossing 400 Mississippi. Frontenac; ...Norman (Mark— Mississippi 155 Mitchell, Perth T. S. Ford— Mitchell 2,3j0 do do Dent & Thompson — Mitchell. Mitchell Sq., Simcoe James Ball— Rugby 100 Mitchelville, Leeds J. D. W. Darling -Lansdowne 100 Moffat. Halton M Monckland, Stormont Moneymore, Hastings Mono Centre, Dufi'erin Mono Mills, Peel . . . . Mono Road, Peel . . . . Monsell, Muskoka . . . . Monteagle Valley, Beattie— Campbellville 20 H. Farrell - Moncklcnd 150 Elliott— Thoma«l)urg 100 H. Denton— Mono Centre 200 J. Mills— Mono Mills 350 Mono Road 300 A. C. Salmon -Bracobridge 100 Ha-t'gs.Jno. Spence— Monteagle Valley.. 100 W. ,E. M. W. Jno. Judge- Montrose, Wolland Jas. F. Macklem -Chippawa lOi) Moonstone, Simcoe T. D. Robinson — Moonstone 100 Moore. Lambton W. A. Cathcart — Courtright 250 Moorefield, Wellington ..A. Malcolmson — Moorefield 350 Mooretown, Lambton .... .Jno. Morrison — Mooretown 100 Moose Creek, S'tormont ..J. Lacrosse — Moose Creek 700 Moraviantown, Kent Wm. H. Bradley — Both well 300 Moray, Middlesex Wm. Dickson Parkhill 100 Morewood, Dundas Jno. McCormick — Morewood 300 Morganston, Norihumb'd..S. L. Purdy — Castleton 150 J. Kearns- Bay view 150 C. Nation— Morpeth 600 R. Chalmers— Morrisburg 2,000 .Johnston & Bradfield — Morrisbug. .Wm. Nicoll — Morriston 400 Morley, Grey S. Morpeth, Kent J. MORRISBURG. Dundas ..F. do do Morriston, Wellington Mortimer's Point, Muskoka Hy. C. Guy — Dudley Morton. Leeds J. R. Leake — Morton 300 Morven, Lennox Fred. A. Perry — Chambers 200 Moscow, Addington Z. Vanluven — Moscow 150 Mosgrove. Carleton J. Shannon — Hintonburg 200 Motherwell, Perth Jno. Cole — Russeldale 200 Mountain. Dundas W. T. Cleland- Hallville 300 Mountain Grove, Front'n'c.N. H. Hinchley — Arden 150 Mountain View, Pr. Ed.. .Edward Roblin — Ameliasburg 200 Mount Albert, York C. W. Davidson— Mount Albert.. .600 Mount Albion, Wentworth.J. C. Moore— Stoney Creek 150 Mount Brydges, Middlesex. C. H. Lockwood — Mount Brydges.500 Mount Charles, Peel Daniel Allan— Malton 150 Mount Chesney, Front'nac.J. H. Lake — Elginburg Town niid County. ton Moutil l']lu;in, Oxl'oi d Mount l-'orcst. \V«llin . do do Mouni Ilo.'ily. Iljildimand. Mount H()|)f', Hrucf Mount Irvin. I'o:('!l):)ro. . Mount Pl«^;isant. Durlrmi . Mount St. liouts, S'lnir)'->, Mount Vrrnon. HiMUt , . . Motint Wolf, Petd Muii'kirk, Kent, Mulgrave. Wolland Mulmur, Dufl'i rin Munro, l^crtli Mu!irof^s MillH. ClonsRvry MunKtor, Cnidoton Murr."^. NorMiuud)(M'lind , Myrtlo, Ontario , ONTTAUlU. Corrrspondcnt and AddroHs. ri)|)'n A. Stevens Salford :ir>() T. ClarUo fk^ Co. Mount Forest. L'.r»(M> W. C. Priry Mount Forest. Jno. Senn York 100 .las. M. Monknian Aikwii^lit 100 Fred. Train- - Kiumount 100 .las. M'liean- Mount Pleasant .. .250 P. J. Frawley— Hillsdale 100 T. H. Ross- Hurford 150 Jno. McClclhind -PaUn-ave 100 Daniel T. Cillis Muirkirk 150 F. W. KralTt -Stevrnsville 100 J. A. Love— Stanton 100 Dent -'Uio .. New Durham, Tyrant N(*w Hambiirj:;, Watrriro Newin^toi*; (Stormont . . New Lowell, Sinu'0'> . . . , Newmarket,, York New Park. Durham Newport, T3rant New Ross. Dundas Newry, Perth Newton, Perth Newton lirook, York ... Newton Robinson, Simeoe Nowtonville, Durham ... New Toronto, York D. A. Stewart - Nairn 125 W. L. McLean -Nairn C( ntre 200 .Tas. Daly -Napanee 8,500 Jas. Carscallen — Napanee Mills... 450 T r„ Henley Read 100 ! W. Springer -Nelscm 200 \V. T. Petrie— Holstein 250 .Tas. Parr— BlaekRtock 100 F. W. Krafft— Stevensville 100 .1. T. Gallagher— Newboro 850 D. S. Cook-Fordwich 200 Chas. Wellbanks Newbnrgh 800 Tlobt. Barfftt- Newcastle 1.000 Jno. 13. Barry— New Dublin 150 E. H. Thainer— New Dundee 300 Marshall Lefler- New Durham 175 W. R. Plum -New Hamburg 1.500 W. J. McCart— Avonmore 400 A. H. Carter — New I^ovell 400 W. C. Widdifield— Newmarket.. 2. 400 Thos. Stanton- Pontypool 100 J(;siah Woodley — Newport 150 Thomas Scott— Glen Stewart 100 Thos. Fullarton — Atwood I.'jO R. J. Itanney- Milverton 400 S. T. ITumberstone— Newton B'k. .2.50 J. E. Chantler — Newton Robinson 150 Chris. Reid— New Toronto, 200 •mm^.. ONTAUIO. 77 Sound . . N i piss ill ^■ Town iind County, Xiugara. Slnicno .... Niaptara Kail \, W.'Iland Nicolston, Sinn i«' Nile, Huron Nlpissinp:. l'arr> NipinslnK .lunc. Nitlibur.u;, Forth Nixon, Norfolk Norham. Norl linm'xrrd.. Norniandalc, NorfcJlk . . . , Noith Augusta, Gi nvillo, NORTH BAY. Nip ssln ., do C{) Noftli Brook, Ad('i:igt)n. North nruco, I'riu e Nortli liuxton. Km .... North Gowcr, Carloton .. Nortiifi(Md, S ornio.i', North Glanfc rd, Wo .t\v ft North Lanca-t^r, (Jlen:^'y. North I'olhani, Welland . Northi)ort. Pv. lOdaw rd . , North ilidge, E-;sox Norih Son- en. Weil vvor. li , North Valloy, Stornnnt., North Williamsb'K, IVnd's Norlhwood. Kent Nortonvillo, P(>tl Norval, Halton Norway, York Norwi(di. Oxford Norwood, Pctcrbor.) Novar, Pairy Sr>nn 1 Corrospondont and Addross. 1 )p'n .J. B. Socord Niagara 1.70i) Jno Hobinson Niagara l^'alls. l.r>00 W. iM. Lockhart— Alliston 200 .1. M, llohorts— -DuUMiannon 125 Wm. Malthy Nipissins ir»i> M. Ncliin— NlpissiuK .Fuuclion. . . . 150 .1.18. Brown Nltliburij; !.'):» .Ino. H. I<\M*guson Nixon 200 Krank L. Wobl)- \\ urkworl h l.'.O M. J. McCall Vittoria Tir, J. B. (ioUamy- North Ain^'usta. .7(M) W. M-M-tin -North Hay W.Va)) Browning & Loask North Bay. W. Frank Armstrong ('loyno. . . . 12ri Donald Clirlstio — Abordour 2in» (}. B. Shrovo- North liuxlon 17r, Hiram Scott Ntjrth (lowor 300 W. .J. MrCart- .\vonmoro 200 Robt. Muri)hy r.lanford I0«) J. F. Cattanach North Ivancastcr.SO ( Geo. Arnold- Rid^'eville 30i) P. H. I^'ox North |)()rt JJOu Isaac .lackson — Cottani 300 1). McCJroKor— Caledonia 100 Oren Bi^jter Osnabruidv Centre.. 100 W. C. Strader N. Willianisbur^^ .400 S. H. Knlsht- Northwood ir.'> W. H. McFadden Rranipton 1J5 Samuel Webster — Norval 4r)() STANDARD AG10NCY--Toronto.700 James P.arr — Norwich 1,400 .lames (-alder — Norwctod 1,200 K. W. Tai)lin— Novar 300 Oakdal ■• Tiambton Oakland, Brant Oakville. Halton Oakwood, Victoria . . . Odessa, I^ennox Osemnh, Larablon .. Oil City, Lambton do do . . . . Oil Springs, T/imbto i Olinvla, Essex Oliphant. Bruce Oliver. Oxford Omagh, Halton Isaac Unsworth Florence 100 W. K. Hooker- Scotland 300 C. B. Patterson- -Oakville 2.000 J. F. Cunnings -Oakwood 30O .1. A. Timmerman — Odessa 300 D. N. Sinclair- Aberarder TOO G. W. Hentley- Oil City 100 W. T. Trott— Oil City. Alex. .Johnston Oil Springs. .. .1,200 ,B. .Tnspcrson Kin^sville lOO . 1). M. .J(M-myn Wiarton 1:.0 I'llmer Day Kintore loo Hemstroet Broa. — Milton 12o 78 ONTAlilO. Town ;in«I County. Correapondont jind Addn'ss. Popn .i 'r Oni() Oneida. Haldimand ..... S. K. Lindsay llaj;erHvlllo 20) OHANCil'lVILLIO, l)uff( rIn.Ah x. A. M ukIisou - Orangeville.ii.OUO do do ..(leo. IlobI) Oianu;(Hilli'. Orchard, Orry W. T. Pctrie— HolHtcin 200 Oriel. Oxford W. H. Cane— licaconsflfqd \{){) Orillia. Siiiicoo T. li. Lafferty— Oriliia 5.000 Ornioiid. J)undas D. F. Sutherland VVInchoHter 150 Orono, Durham R. iMonieut Orono 750 Orrville. Parry S unrl VVelLs Thonipson Orrvllle 200 Orton, Duffrriu Wm. Mor>ney — Orion 150 Orwell. I'^lKiu Wni. Warnock — Aylnier 300 Osceola, Renfrew Patrick Hart— Osceola 200 OsRoode Station. Carleton.C. G. Lindsay — Kars 20:) Oshawa. Ontario Thos. Morris Oshawa 4,500 do do .J. F. (Irlerson Oshawa. Oso Station. Trontenac . .Thornton & Avery— Sharbot Lake.175 Ossian. Tiamhton W. J. Ward — Pu-iftden 100 Ostrander. OTTAWA. do do do Otterville. Oxford Dowle)- & Sinclair— Tilsonburg. . .100 Carle'on Wm. A. C;;lt' Ottawa flO.OOO do W. E. Hrown Ottawa 60,000 do (\ R. Dou'rli^s— Ottawa do T. W. McOnrmott Ottawa. Oxford Alex. Mc Farl a ne- Otterville SOO Ouvry. Kent P. 0. Purk— Puxton 200 Overton. AddiuRton C. IT. Speneer — Rol)lin 125 OWPN SOUND, Grey Kilhuurn Ac Kilbourn 8.500 Oxenden. Grey 1). M. .Icnmyn — Wiarton 15') Oxford Mills, Gronvill ' ..Wm. Lindsay— Oxford Mills .500 Oxley, Essex . ( 'has. Bell— Oxley 1 25 0/nabru ck Centre, St')i m t A. T. Shaver — Lunenburg 500 Paisley, Bruce N. MacKechnle Paisley 1,200 do do Hector Cowan — Paisley. Pakenham, Lanark R. Scott & Son. — Pakenham SOO Palermo, ITalton T^. Hager — Palermo 250 Palgrave, Peel Ino. McClelland — Palgrave 300 Paliuerston, Wellington . .Anderson & Scott — Palmerston. .2,500 Palmyra, Kent .Inn. D. Ellis Hie;hgate 150 Panmure, C^rloton Alex. Murphy — Antrim 100 Paris. Brant W. H. Meldrum— Paris 3,500 do do Frank Smoke — Paris. Parkdale, York STANDARD AGENCY -Toronto. Parkh(>ad, Tiruce M. S. Rourke— Parkhead 200 I'ark Hill, Middlesex Wm. Dickson— Parkhill 2,100 do do Thos. O'Brien— Parkhill. Parmg., I^fCnnox D. E. Griffith — Parma 100 Parry Sound, Parry S'nd.J. H. Kniftcn— Parry Sound ..2,500 h ONfTARIO. 79 Town and County. I'anv Soiiml. I'arrv Soiiii 1 .. IValxKly. Civcy Po^M>J>l>»>n. Dnffoiin Prffcrliiw, York l»rliM> Island, EJ4H0X INlham Contrc. Wolland.. PIOMimOKIC. llnvlllo. Slnicoo ppnn, Dulforin Prrr.vtown. Durham I'F.RTir. Lanark do do T»ETHH1?0R0, Poterb )r >. do do Potorsl)urR, Watorloo . . . . Ppthortcm. WpUinston . . . Pt'troloa, Lambton do do potworth, Frontonao .... Phillipsl)urK, Watorloo . . Pliillipstown. llnatlngfl .. Pickoring, Ontario PICTON, Pr. Edward ... . do do Piko Bay, Pruco Piko Crock, Essex Pino Dale. Ontario Pine Grove, York Pino Wood, Rainy River, Pittston. Grenvillo Plainfiold, Hastings Plainvillo, Northum])erl'd Plantaganot, Presrott ... Plattsvillo. Oxford do do Playfair. Lanark Pleasant Valley. Dunda*^, Plevna, Frontenac Plum Hollow, Leeds Point Petre, Pr. Edward . Point Traverse, Pr. Edw'd Pomona, Grey Ponsonby, Wellington . . Correspondent and Address. Pt)p'n W. L. Haight- Parry S.iuml. Samuel Palmer I joshoro :j(),) .1. A. V. Preston Grand \ alley.. MO R. Sturtrldge Sutton l.^i) A. MoCormick Poh'o island 7(Ki (5eo. Arnold Kidgc ville l.^iO n. W. Perrett— l»eml)r()ke 5025 DoLahayo &. Reeves- Pembroke. Hy. Moffatt Pendleton 1,M) D. .1. Carniichael l»enetang 2,500 A. D. Thompson- Penetang. W. .R Ogilvie- Pondlioad 1.^.0 .T. A. Love -Stanton 125 .r. R. Smith -Port Hope 175 Henry Taylor— Perth 3.800 J. A. Allen-Perth. R. W. Errett— Peterboro 13.000 Stratton & Hall— Peterboro. W. H. Erbach— Paden 225 W. J. Kinney— Kenilworth 125 Wm. J. Clarke— Petrolea 5.000 Harmon Row — Petrolea. Z. Vanluven — Moscow 100 W R. Plum -New Hamburg 300 H. W. Gould— Plainfiold 100 Geo. Kerr Pickering 700 Wm. IT. Williams— Picton 3..500 C. H. Widdifiold Picton. W. P. Moshior- Lion's Head 1.50 F. P. Boutillier— Belle River 300 Doble & Co.— Sunderland 1.50 .T. G. Hallett— Wood])ridge 200 A. A. Snider — Pinewood 100 J. J. Marsh— Spencerville 200 H. W. Gould— Plainfiold 300 Alex. Hoskins — Cold Springs 1.50 .Tos. Belanger — Plantaganet 400 R. McKie— Plattsville 800 .T. K. Curry — Plattsville. .T. H. Wilcox— Lanark 100 A. S. Bowen — South Mountain 100 Geo. Wilson— Plevna 300 A. H. Parker— Frankville 100 D. R. Noble— Salmon Point 100 .Anson Collier— Point Traverse .. 200 .Tno, S. Plack — Pomona 150 Edward Burns— Elora 150 If 80 ON]TARIO. Vovi CvoiWi, F 1 I^brl I);ilh()iisi(\ L'nctjln Port Dover, Norfolk . . . Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Pontypool, Durliani Tlios. Stanton— Pontypool (\r.O I»oole, Portli A. Large Poole i>.-,o Poplar Hill. Mid'Ue ex . Jacob Marsh— Coldstream 2'>) Port Arthur. Thiindnr H..VV. F. Langworthy— Port Arthur.t/ino Port nruce, lOlgin Thos. Thompson— Port Ih-uee 1.') Port Hurwoll, Klgin W. backhouse— Port IJurwell 4r,',) Port Carling. Miiskoka ..W. Manna— Port Carling -100 Port (^o('kl)iirn. Pa r/ S';i.F. W. Asbdovvn-Ashdovvn 100 Port ('oll)orne, Welland ..1). MeOillivray— Port ('oll)orse— 1.300 U. 11. Shaver— Cooksvillo ilTA) Ed. Murphy— Port Dalhousie. . .1,100 W. I'' I'll'lK tt> —Port Dover 1,500 Atkinson & Petrie — Port Dover. R. Munrn Port Elgin 1 .500 Wm. Brydoiie — Clinton 100 Durham Tlios. Dong- Port Hone .",10.) do H. A. Ward— Port- Hope. Port Lambton. Lambton...!. D. McNulty— Port Daml)ton 100 Port Nelson, Halton W. 'Kerns- Burlington 300 Port Perry, Ontario D. J. Adams Port Perry 2,000 do do F. IM. Yarnold — Port Perry. Port Robinson, Welland .. Ceo. Arnold — Ridg^ville 500 Thos. B. Dedriek— Port Rowan . .1,00:) H. W. Anderson — Port Royal 200 M. J. McCall— Vittoria 250 Samuel Lowe -Portsmouth 2,000 jas. McKt nzio- Cnion 700 Dariicl Poucher— Poueher's Mills. 100 J. K. Dowsley— Preseott 3.100 F. J. French, Q.C.— Preseott. .Tno. McKenzie — Presque Isle 200 do P(jrt ]lgiu. Porter's Hi! Port Hope, do do Bruco . . 1, H.iron Port Rowan. Norfo^v . . . Port Royal, N(u-foIk Pori Ryerse, Norfolk . . . Portsmouth, Frontena". . . Port Stanley, Elgin . . . . Poiicb(M''.: Mills, Ha-tii gs PRE'S<'OTT, Crenviil^ .. do do Presque Isl(>, Grey Preston, Waterloo C. R. Hanning Preston 2,300 Priceville, Grey N. McKinnon — Prieeville 400 Primrose, Dufferin Geo. Dodds— Primrose 150 Prince Al])-rt, Ontario ...Chas. Follis — Prince Albert 400 Princeton, Oxford Thos. Logan — ^Princeton GOo Prinyer, Pr. Edward G ('. Umi h n t— ('res.sy 100 Prospect, Lanark ]. H. Conn— Ashton 150 Proton Station, Grey p. Freeman — Proton Station 100 Providence Bay, Algoma .R. F. Ogle — Providence Bay 150 Puce. Essex Wm. Miller -Puce 1 25 Puri)le Hill, Durham .Tas. Parr— Blackstock 100 Puslinch. Wellington Wm. Nicoll— Morriston 400 Putnam. Middlesex R. McKenzie — Putnam 175 (Juccn Inll. Bruce Hugh Miiiray— Uncbuwood 100 (juccnsboro, Hiis'ings . . . .Alex. Howe — (Jueensboro :-00 QuriMiston, Lincoln C. E. Fisher -Queenslon 25() Queensville, York J. H. Aylward— Queensville. . , . . .350 li ..!.'■) ..4.',;) ..-101) . .1')0 -1.300 . . (ir.o .1.100 .1,50(1 ..400 ..300 2,000 . . 500 .1,00;) ..200 ..2r)0 .2.000 . . 700 100 ,3.100 200 ,2,300 . 400 .ir,o .400 ..GOO .100 .150 .100 .150 .125 .100 .400 .175 . 100 .300 .250 .350 oNrrAHio. 81 Town and County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Raglan, Ontario W. Hodgson- Raglan 150 Railham, Haldimand R. A. Havill— Rainham 200 Randolph, Simeoe W. LeCamp — Lafontaine 100 Ranelagh, Norfolk D. H. Smith— Kelvin 150 Rankin, Renfrew Jno. Grey— Rankin 200 Ranr ch, Perth J. W. Graham— St. Mary's 100 Ratho, Oxford Geo. Steidsman— Ratho 125 Rat Portage, Rainy River..!. F. McGillivray— Rat Portage. 5.000 A. Tj. Rusk Ravenna 150 R. Reecs— Huntsville 100 E. Morton — Keswick 175 Ravenswood, L^mbton . Robt. Rae -Thedford 125 Rayside, Oxford Jas. Munro— Embro 1 00 Reaboro, Victoria Kennedy & Nichols — Omemee 175 Read, Hastings J. C. Henley — Read 150 Ravenna, Grey H. Ravenscliffe, Muskoki ...J. Ravcnshoe, York J. Reay, Muskoka H. H. Ardagh B. Moshier- M H. W. M. A. A. T H. Red Kay. Bruce W. Rednersville, Pr. F ; ard . J Red Rock, Victor' ; F. Reiiwing, Grey Reid's Mills, Duiidas . Relessy, Dufferin Renforth, Wentworth ...Robt RENFREW, Renfrew .....Tas. Renton, Norfolk Wm. Ren wick, Kent Tieo. Rhineland Norfolk J. F. Richmond, Carleton Wm. Richmond Hill, York J. A. Richview, Peel Daniel Allen Richwood, Oxford C. K. Curry- Gravenhurst 100 Lion's Head 300 Chislett— Rednersville 200 McDermid — Fenelon Falls.. 100 L. Rusk— Ravenna 150 Cleland— Hallville 125 Denton — Mono Centre 100 . Murphy — Glanford 150 K. Rochester— Renfrew 3,400 Blanchard— Renton 175 McLean— Wheatley 250 Ferguson— Delhi 300 McFlroy — Richmond 550 E. Sw^ zer— Richmond Hill.. 800 -Malton 100 Drumbo 250 Ridgemount, Welland ...F. W. Krafft— Stevensville 100 Ridgetowii, Kent D. Cochrane -Ridgetown 2,300 do do Jas. Rushton — Ridgetown. do do Ger McDonald — Ridgetown. Ridgeviile. Welland Geo. Arnold— Ridgeville 200 Ridgeway, Welland A. H. Kilman— Ridgeway 700 Ridley, Kent J. C. Nation— Morpeth 125 Ringwood, York G. H. Silvester— Ringwood 300 Ripley, Bruce ...Angus Martyn Ripley 700 do do F. ]j. Pearson- R ipley. River Bank, Wellington ..M. Wilkins— Arthur 150 Riverstdwn. Welling on .W. J. Kinney -Kcnilworth 100 Rjv( rview, Dufferin las. Lamon Diindalk 150 Robb. (Jrcy J. F. McLaciiliii (NMlarvillc loo Roblin, Lennox .('. H. Spencer — iloblin 200 Rob Roy. Grey ino Stinson -Singhampton 150 M(M-. (;. I \ ^ ^^ ! 1 If- i: .i r if I s1 82 Town and County. Rochefort, Renfrew Roikfield, Leeds Rockford. Norfolk Rockinghf.m, Renfrew . . . Rockland, Russell Rocklyn, Grey Rockport, Leeds Rockside, Peel Rock ton. Wentworth . . . , Rockwood, Wellington . . . Rodney, Elgin do do Roebuck. Grenville Rokeby, Lambton Romily, Simcoe Romney, Kent Rondeau. Kent Ron son, Norfolk RoK9(ia.le, Victoi la Rosehall, Pr. Edward . . . . Rosemont. Dufferin Roseville, Waterloo Roplin, Halting!? Rosseau, Parry Sound . . . . Rossmore, Pr. Edward . . Rostock, Perth Rothsay, Wellington . . . . Rouge Hill, Ontario Round Plains, Norfolk , Rowan Mills, Norfolk Rugby, Simcoe Rush Point, Peterboro ... Russeldale. Perth Russell. Russell . Russelton, Simcoe Ruth "ord. Ijambton . . . . Ruthven, Essex Ryckmans Cors., W'tw th, ON.TAUIO. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n Martin Roche D. S. Mallory- W. R. Shearer J C. Gurney— -Killaloe 100 -Mallorytown 126 -Villa Nova 100 Rockingham 200 T. Perrin— Clarence Creek 1,000 Geo. Crabtree— Rocklyn 250 J. D. W. Darling— Lansdowne. . .300 H. J. Barber— Boston 100 Wm. McDonald— Rockton 200 Hugh Black— Rockwood 700 S. B, Morris— Rodney 1,000 J. D. Shaw — Rodney, J. J. Marsh — Spencerville 200 W. G. Willoughby— Walnut 100 Geo. Gordon — Tottenham 100 Wm. Heatherington — Romney. . . .125 R. E. Gosnel — Blenheim 150 W. M. McKay— Courtland 125 F. A. McDermid — Fenelon Falls.. 100 Jno. W. Clarke— Wellington 125 J. A. Love — Stanton 250 W. D. Watson— Ayr 200 E. Elliott— Thomasburg 200 Wm. Ditchburn — Rosseau 300 A. J. Fitter — Rossmore 100 Justus Kreuter— Rostock 200 W. H. Lowes— Rothsay 400 Geo. Kerr — Pickering 250 Vv. B. Wilkinson— Waterford 20O Jno. Biddle— Rowan Mills 100 Jas. Ball— Rugby 200 A. V. Fuller— Haveloclv 100 Jno. Cole— Russeldale 200 Kelly Bros. -Russell 500 Andrew Ronald — Minessing 100 Jno. Prescott — Rutherford 150 A. T. Boles — Leamington 350 Robt. Murphy— Glanford 125 V St. 1 i 1- i St. St. St. k i St. i ST St. St. Agatha, Waterloo W. H. Erbach— Baden 250 Albert, Russell j. c. Marklay— Casselman 150 Amour. Prescott A. iTourangeau— Curran 100 Ann's, Halton u Hagar -Palermo 100 Ann's, Lincoln .jno. Roszel— Sniithville ..200 CATHARINES. LincnA. W. Marquis St. Catharines. 10.000 (^air Siding, Essex ..F. P. Boutillier— Belle River 100 Clements, Waterloo ..w. H. Winkler— St. Jacobs 350 I ONn'AKIO. 83 Pop'n ...100 ...125 ...100 ...200 ..1,000 ...250 ;...300 ...100 ,...200 ....700 ..1,000 .200 .100 .100 .125 .150 .125 .100 .125 Is ..250 ..200 ..200 ..300 ..100 ..200 ..400 ..250 ..200 ..100 ..200 ..100 ..200 ..500 ..100 ,..150 ..350 ...125 ..250 ...150 ...100 ...100 . . 200 10.000 ...100 ...350 Town and County. St.. David's, IJnroln St. Rlmo, TilcMigarry St. Eu^cno. l'rosc!;tt St. (Jcorge, Br;int St. Isadore, Proscott St. Ivos. Middhs x St. .Tafob's. WatorloD St. .John'!-. Wcllaiid St. La\vn>nt^(\ Front cnac . St. Mary's. Portli St. Ola, Hastings ST. T110M.\S. IClk-in .... do (If) . . . . do d'. St. William's, Norfolk ^'al( ni. Wclinston Salford, Oxford Salmon Point. Pr. Edward, Salt ford. Huron Sandfoi'd. Ontario Sand Hill, Peel Fandhnrst, L' nnox Sand I'oint. RiMifrcnv . . . . S.ANDWK'H. ICsscx S.\UN1.\. Lamblon do do Sanl)l(' Falls. Hi'uc;! ... SArLT-STK-.M.Mi!*:. .^lK do ('o Sanrin, Simooo Scarboro. York Scliomboi'^, York SVlirrilxr, Thundrr Pav . . i>voUh ni()< k. HalloM . .. Sv-otia, Parry Swunu . . . . S('(-tland. Bian^ Scugos, Ontario Sraforth. Huron Seasravo, Ontario Sobriiiht. Simcoo Sockcrtcm, Lamb On .... SV(d('y's Pay. L'hmIs Splby. Lonnox Sf'lkirk, llaldimand S<'Ui)li, Kriit S''!\vyn. I*( torbir,) Corre.spondont and Address. Pop'n 400 ( '. l\. Fisln^r Qneonston (^has. McNanghton— Maxviilo 100 Paul Labros.sp — St. KuKone 8l)0 J. P. Lavvrason - St. (leorRe 8(K) I) Sabourin— St. Isadoro .'?nO C. R. Walker— Thorndale lot) W. II. Winkler- St. Jacob's 500 (!eo. Arnold UidKcville 250 .Tno. Frit-nd & Son Wolfe Island. 150 .1. W. (}raham St. Mary's^ 3.600 .r. W. Ham St. Ola 200 A. .J. Clark St. Thomas 11,000 Wm. Newcoml)(> St. Thomas. J. A. Robinson— St. Thomas. MeC^ail &, Mason St. Williams. . .250 J. R. Wissler- Salem 500 A. Stevens Salford 400 I). R. Noble Salmon Point 200 Arch. Sandr, Saltford 200 Wm. Hamilton Fxbi'idgc 125 C. Hubble Sandhill 300 D. E. C ri (fUb Pa rma 150 .Tno. R. McDonald Sand Point. . .250 .Jno. Spiers Sandwich l,r.i;0 Tlios. H. Cook Sarnia 7,500 W. A. Wiggins— Sarnia. D. M. .lermyn — Wiarion 100 R(>bt. Liddle S'ault Stc. Marie. .!', OOl) Hearst & Mclvay Sault St*>. Marie. .1. C. McKeggie- Elm vale .125 Geo. \Chesier — Scarboro 300 A. .Armstrong Lloyiltovvn 500 .r. F. Walkor S(dir(Mber 30) Hemstreet Pros. Milton 100 E. R. Clearwater Scotia 100 W. E. 1 1()ok( r Scotland 450 David Adams ^ Port Perry 10 ) .1. M. Rest— Sea forth 2.900 Doble & Co.— Sunderland 230 E. H. Herring Sebright 100 ,1. Ward P.ri,g(h>n 200 Hrackrn Seolcy's Pav 100 Wartm.MU S('li)y 2.,0 Winyard Selkirk loU ,Folinston Tham( svilb' Km) SlH'rrin Likeficld 125 Shakespeare, Perth (Jeo. Brown —Shakespeare 500 w. .1 w. 1'^ 1). w R. .). II. L. L. -)i. # u ft ; i 84 Town ahfl County ON'.TARIO. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n KhMllow T.nko. Crey Trwin C.roli Khnllow T.Jiko 500 Shannonvillo. llMHlinj;-; ...A. B. Randall S'uun mi\ i!l(>„ 300 Shanty Kay. Sinicoo C. G. Arthur Shanty Bay 250 Sharhot Tiako. Fron'omc. Thomson & Avery- Sharbot Ty.ike. 500 Sharon. York A. J. Hup:hes Sharon Wi) Sharpton. Frontenar Jos. Cramer- (Jlonvale 100 SlKtldrn. Elp:in Edtrar Silcox - Shedden GOO ShoffK Id. Went worth . . . .Philip H. Green— Shenield. 260 Shcdburne. T)uff!e Carss- Smith's Falls. ^mithville. Liuenlu hio. Ros/el Smithvillc BOO Snider's C(u-s.. HaBon Chas. Hall Trafaljicar 100 Snvder. W< Hand F. W. Kr ifft Stevensville 150 Solina. Durham F. A. Cole Hampton 150 W. Stovor- Sombra 300 B. Zinkan- Southampton. . . .1.650 A. 1-;. Belcher— Southampton. T>. I). MeKibbon Milford 200 A, Havill— Rainham 125 South Dummei- Peterhoro. Tas Caider -Norwood 100 South End. Wd^and . , F. A. Hutt South End 150 South Gloucester. C.irb'i'.t.Wm. 15. Dickinson Manoliek 200 Sov.tb Indian, Russ«^B ...O'nov Mabtni Long-tonville 400 SMUlh f.ake, Leeds la- C. Ross Ganano(iue 400 South l>ancaster. Gb-n^'y. Duncan Eraser- Lancaster 500 South Middleton. Norfolk. Samuel A. Stage— S 'Ti^W.-ton. .400 Sombra. Tvamblon W Southampton. Brue;^ N. do do South Bav. Pr. Edward -oulb Cayufra, Hablioianti.R I if ON:rAHIO. 85 Town and County. Corrortpondont and Aildrosfl, Pop'n iO 500 550 00 25 00 50 00 loo loo loo loo I h*. South MonaKlian. Nor'd...J. I). IN'iiin Itailirlxno loi> South Mountain, Dundas .A. S. Hovvon South Mountain. . .5(n» South River, Parry S'nd... Uichard (^olo South llivcr 5l)() Soutliwold Station, lOlgin.A. Diiij^nian Southwold Station. 125 Soutli Woodsloc, Et^SiX . . VV. S. Cunnniford S. Woodslcy. ..400 Sowcrby, Algoma Hur.st & IJurk— Thossalon 100 Sparta, Elgin VV. \\. Cole-Sparta 500 SponcervillH, (Ircnvillc ...J. ,1. Marsh— Sponccjrvillo 500 Spring Arbor, Norfolk Ino. Murphy Silver Hill 200 Springbrook. Hastings. ... I'( tor W(>lsh Springbtook :iOO Springfield, Elgin Mac M. HIack Springfield 700 Si)ringfi(dd on Credit, J»eci.\V. .1. < 'aven Springfield on Cr..:{0() Si)ringford, Oxfoid II. A. While Springford :'.00 Springvale, Maldiniand . . E. M. P:()r Springvale. , . .200 Spring Valley, Leeds (^e(). If. W<'atherhe;ul- Bro( kvillo. 150 Spruee(lai<', I'arry Sound. W. S. Morrison Spry, liruee \V. P. Moshier Staffa, Perth fas. Stamford. VV(dland I. R Stanton, Dufferin T. A. Staidali; Pm^ colt Paul Starkville. Durham R(d)t Sprucedale 200 Lion's Head 200 Hamilton StalTa 200 M('Mi( king— Stamford liOO l^ove Stanton 150 Labrosse St. Eugene 150 Moment Orono 100 Stayner, Simeoe A. J. Sullivan Stavner 1,.50O Stella, Lennox P. W. Armstrong Hath 175 Stevensville. Vv^elland .,. . . P. W. Krafft St^vensville 700 Stirling, Hastings fno. S. Hhuk Stirling 1,00;) do do 0. O. Thrasher Stirling. Stirton, Wellington A. Mal(;olmson- Drayton 250 Stittsville, Carleton Jas. IJutler Stittsviile 300 Stockdale, NorthumbM Ino. Chapman Frankford 250 Stoco, Hastings Patriek Murphy- Stoco 250 Stokes Bay, Bruce W. B. Moshier— Lion's Head 200 Stone Quarry, Welland ..A. H. Killnian- -Ridgeway 103 Stony Creek, Wentworth ..T. C. Moore— Stoney ( reek 700 Stonffville, York . W. H. Todd -Stouffville 1,400 Straffordville, Elgin ....D. Stratton— Straffordville 200 Strasburg, Waterloo .Tno. Tilt- Doon 200 STRATFORD, Perth ....G. W. Lawrence & Son Stratford. do do ... ..John Brown— Stratford 11 ,000 Strathavon, Grey W, A. Dayman -Walter's Falls... 150 Strathburn, Middlesex ....Geo. M. Harrison — Glencoe 125 Strathmore, Stormont ...Donald Mcintosh — Strathmore. . . .100 Strathroy, Middlesex J. Folsenbee— Strath roy 3,500 Streetsville, Peel T. J. Mahaffy— Streetsville 1,000 Stroud. Simcoe Chas. E. < 'hantler— Stroud 200 Sturgeon Bay, Simcoe W. H. T. Russell — Waubaushene. .250 Sturgeon Fall::, Nipissing O. Lafrance — Sturgeon Falls 1,200 Its ill H 86 Town nnd County. ONTAUIO. rorrospondcnt nnd AcUlross. Pop'n Sndbnry, Nipissinu; W. F. Lomionx -Siullxiry 2.0)0 Sninnu rown S(:i , Cl"n..Wni. Abrams Siiinnirrstovvn St..20f) Siininu rvillp, IVm'1 J. I). Evans- Islington -100 Sun])ury, I'^rontcna • Chas. B. Garrat* Sunbnry 100 Sunderland, Onta'io Doble & Co.— Su lerland 700 Sun ridge, Parry Sound. . . .Jno. Carter — Sui, 'ridge 70) Sunshine, Huron Chas. Mi-Clelland — I'elgrave 100 Sutton, Sinif-e R. S'turtridge— Sutton 700 Swansea. York STANDARD AGENCY— Toronto. 200 Swoabnrg, Oxford Thos. Taylor— Beachburg. 200 Switzerville, T^ennox ....Chas. Wellbanks- Newburgh 100 Sydenham, Frontenac. . . .Chas. Ruttan -Sydenham 700 Sylvan, Middlesex Wm. Dickson— Parkh.ill 100 T li Treswa Thamesville, Kent W. L. Johnston — Thaniesville 100 do do J. Coutts— Thamesville. The Brook. RuH;^e]l T. E. Langlois— The Brook HOO Thedford. Lambton liobt. Rae- Thedford 800 dr. do Wm. Brooks— Thedford. The Grange, Peel Rf)bt. Stewart — Tnglewood 100 Thessalon, Algomi Jas. B. Dobie — Thessalon 750 do do Hurst & Burk — Thessalor.. Thistletown, Yo k Geo. Stewart-Thistletovvn 250 Thomasburg, Hastings . . V. li]lliott — Thomasburg 250 Thornbury. (Iiey Edward Rorke— Thornbury 1.100 do do C. W. Hartman — Thornbury. Thorncliffe, Kent A. J. Pesha— Kent Bridge 100 Thorndale, Middlesex . . . C. R. Walker —Thorndale 400 i •1 I'M i i ■ ON'/AHIO. 87 Town and County. Thornhill, Ycrk 'rhornton, SinuMje .... Thornyhurst, Ijumbton Thorold, Welhuul .... Thorpe, Lennox Tilbury, Kent Tilley, Leeds Tilsonburg, Oxford . . . do do Tioga, Simcoe Tiverton, Bruce Tobermory, Bruce . . . . Todmorden, York Toledo, Leeds Tormore, York TORONTO, York \ Toronto Junction, York Tottenham. Simcoe . . Townsend Centre, Norf'k Trafalgar. Hallon Trecastle, Perth Trent Bridge, Northumb'd, Trenton, Hastings do do Trout Creek. Parry Souuo Trowbridge. Perth Tuam, Sirr/oe Tullamore, Peel Turnerville, Kent Tuscart-tra, Brant Tweed. Hastings . do do Tweedside. Wentworth Tyneside, Haldiman^*. , Tyrone, Durham Tyrrell, Norfolk Correspondent and Address. Pop'n S. R. Brown— Thornton 300 E. H. Ruttan— Bechcr 200 . Collier & Benson- Thorold 2,r)00 .Lindsay, Francis & Co 700 .J. A. Tiramerman— Odessa 100 . J. A. Tremblay— Tilbury 1,800 .J. D. W. Darling— Lansdowiie 100 . Jas. McBride— Tilsonburg 2,400 . Dowler & Sinclair—Tilsonburg. .Thos. Watson— Everett 150 .J. S. Evans — Tiverton 450 .J. & H. Spence— Dyer's Bay 200 STANDARD AGENCY— Toronto. 2.^)0 . J. M. Edgar— Toledo 300 .David Pearcy— Bolton 125 THE STANDARD AGENCY. .250.000 30 Wellington St. W., Toronto. .A. J. Anderson — Toronto .Iun('t.5.000 . Geo. Gordon -Tottenham 1 ,000 .Walker Messacar Waterfcu'd 125 Chas. Hall— Trafalgar 125 A. Malcolmson- Moorefleld 150 V. Fuller Havelock 250 H. Bonter Trenton 4,01)0 J. Young — Tn'uton. .Gilbert Trussler Trout (?reek 3')n Chas. Cozens — Trowbrl((go 2iM) Geo. Gordon— Tott Mil hn ih 1 50 . Jno. Judge — Mono Road 200 Geo. E. Weir— Dresden 200 , S. J. M< Kelvey— Tuscarora 200 , Robt. Gorden— Tweed 1 ,000 , C. W. Craig— Tweed. Jno. Roszel— Smith ville IRO Geo. Tyler— Tyneside 125 J. C. Vanstone — Bowmanville. , , ,350 Wm. Blanchard— R«nton 200 A. O. S. 100 '50 '50 J, 50 100 100 100 Ildora, Ontario R. S. Webster- -Udora 200 Uffington, Miiskoka David Cairns— TIffington 200 Uhthoff, Simcoe J. C. Brokoviski— Cold water 200 Underwood, Bruce Hugh Murray — Underwood 200 Union, Elgin Jas. McKenzie — Union 300 Unionville. York J. S. Davison — Unionville 500 Uplands. Parry Sound ...Richard Cole — South Rivrr 100 Uptergrove, Ontario .... Thos. Mulvihill — Untcrgrdvo 200 Ursa. Haliburton Stephen Kettle— Ursa 150 88 ONrrAlilO. Town nnd County. Correspondent and Address. Pop'n i! M llticci, Ontario Jiicob Dafoe — IJtica 200 Utoxeter, l^anihton T). N. Sinclair -Aborarder UOO Uxbridg ou Id 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Walsin>sliiHn Con., Nor.. Walters Falls, (Jroy Walton. Huron WardsTille, Middlesex do (to . . . . Warina, Stormont Warkworth, Norihunib'd . Warminster, Simcoo Warsaw, Peterboro Washington, Oxford Waterdown, Wentworiti . Waterford, Norfolk do d(v Waterloo, Waterloo . . . . do do Watford, Laml)ton do do Waul)aushene, Simcoe , . . Waupoos, Pr. Edward . . . Waverley, Simcoe Webl)wood, Algoma Weidman, Lambton Welcome, Durham Wei land port, Lincoln WET.LAND. Welland .... do do Wellington, Pr. Edward . Wellman's Cors., Hastings, Wendover. Prescott Westbrook, Frontenac . . West Essa, Simcoe West Flanjboro. Wentw'th West Grove. Muskoka . . West Hill, York West Hunt'don — Ha^fiii'js.. West Lake, Pr. Edward . . WftBt Lome, Elgin We«^ McGillivray, Mid'sex. WwBton. York W«-«tover. Wentworth . . . Wf'5M LOO 'I (/wn nn»l rounfv. Corrc^pondont and Addn'ss. Popii \V()(Hlli.'tm, Porth K;iinu<'I Pvn-d Woodham 2.'>0 Woodliir Peel Danirl Allan Maitoii 20) Woodlands. Stornion* Joseph Iveri* — WalOH 100 Wo()dslo0 WOODSTOCK, Oxfor'l R. (5. Sa vtell Woodstock lO.OlH) do do ....J. Honry Hrown Woodstock. do do Finklf & Hicknoll-VVoodstork. Woodville, Victoria .1. C. Gilchrist— Woodvillc 900 do do C. E. Weeks Woodville. W.)()ler, Nortlumiler a '• T. R. (Jarratt - Wooler 400 Wroxeter, TInron Joseph Cowan Wroxeter 600 Wyandot. Wellir.K i A. Malcninison Mooreflrld 100 Wyecomb.\ Norfolk S. A. Stage South Middleton IHO Wylie. Renfrew r "'c'CTthv- Wylic 100 Wyoming, I^ambto i A. W^estlan 2^0 Youngsville, Oxford Jas. iMuni'o— Embro 100 Zephyr, Ontario R. S. Webster— Udora 3 lO Zimmerman. Hal on L. Hag(>r- ^^^lermo 150 Zurich, Huron loi-r-ph Snell— Zuiich 700 '.i * ^ r,^ J^ %.^.Z EMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) r 1.0 III I.I 1.25 ^U IIM ^ i- 12.2 ^ m ^ lis IIM .8 -1^. Ill '.6 <^ /J SSi>. w ^^ o^ ^# ^ ^^ o 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation .^ # ^^ % V ^^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.ir. 14580 (716) 872-4503 , COMMERCIAL LAWS OF ONTARIO. The follcvvinj,' is a conipondiiiin of tlic ConiiiHTciiil Laws of this rrovincc. If any further aiul more ioini»h't<' informa- tion is (lesi>(Ml, the Auency will he pleased to fnrnisli same free to its Snhscrihers, on apidii ation to the Ileatl Ollice, as the AKeiuy has seenred the services of Solicitors for that purpose. Arrest may V)e had in civil proceeding's if party about to leave the Province with intent to defraud, and the debt or damages must amount to $100.00 or upwards. Aasignmenta. -A debtor can make an assignment to the Sheriff of the ('ounty, or to any other individual, with the con- sent of the majority of his creditors. Assignment cuts out all attachments, jndgn?ents and executions. Attacliinentttc — An absconding debtor's goods (not exempt from seizure by law), may be seized, upon affidavit, that there is good reason to believe, and plaintiff does verily believe, that he is about to depart from Ontario with intent to defraud his creditors, or to avoid being arrested op served with process, that he has real or personal property liable to seizukv, and this njust be supported by attidavit of two other credible witnesses. Bills of Sale. — Transfers of chattels not accompanied by an immediate delivery and change of possession must be registered within five days from execution, with proper affidavits. If not registered it is invalid as against third parties. Chattel Mortgages must be under seal and registered within five days after execution, together with proper atti- davits, unless there be an immediate delivery of the goods and a complete change of possession. The mortgage must be renewed each year by filii»g a declaration showing amount then due, and must be filed within thirty days preceding the termination of the year. Commercial Travellers require no licenses. Divorce.— There is no Divorce Court in the province. Ai>- plication for same must ho made to the Senate, and is granted on the ground of adultery alone. Dower.— Widow is entitled to dower in all lands. She is also entitled in certain cases to elect to take in lieu of dower, a share in the husband's estate. Ezeoationo may be obtained immediately on judgment, binding the goods and lands only from time of delivery to the sheriff. The goods of the debtor have to be exhausted before the lands can be sold. Lands cannot be sold until after one year from the delivery of the writ to the sheriff. The property of a debtor which cannot be reached under comraon law writ may be reached by the appointujcnt of a receiver ONTARIO. by way of equitable execution. Under the Creditors Relief Act the sheriff distributes the proceeds ratably, provided claims nro established pursuant to the provision of the Act withiu one inoi>th after date of the levy by the sheriff. Exemptions.— Household goods and chattels arc exempt from seizure, wearing apparel and certain articles of furniture as set out in R. S. O.. not exceeding in value $150, necessary fuel and food for family for thirty days, not exceeding in value $40,00. one cow, six sheep, four hogs and twelve hens, not exceeding value of $75.00. and food for thirty days, tools and implements for debtor in his ordinary use. Garnishment. — In Division Court, claims may be gar- nishea before judgment, in the Higher Courts, upon affidavit, after judgment, sho.wing garnishee is indebted to the judg- ment debtor. All amounts may be cttached except in cases of the wages of mechanics and workmen who are entitled to exemption of $25.00, and oaly any amount over $25.00 ir attachable. Interact. —Legal rate is 6% in absence of any special contract. Liraitation of Actions.— On ail contracts not under seal, '.IX years, judgments and contracts under seal^ twenty years. Married Women. — The law is in such an unsettled state in reference to this matter that it is ditlicult to put it in this issue, but it can be stated that she may now enter into any contract, carry on any business in her own name, independent of her husband. The husband is liable lor debts contracted by his wife for necessaries. Notes and Bills.— All notes and biHo have three days of grace except those payable on demand. Notice of dishonor is necessary to hold endorser. Replevin. — Whenever any goods have been wrongfully distrained, taken or detained, they can be replevied upon get- ting an order from the Judge on allidavit. Statute of Frauds. — Interest in lauds can be created only by writing, except leases not exceeding three years. No action can be brought to charge an executor or defendant to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another unless something in writing. No contract for sale of goods worth $40.00 or upwards good unless in writing, except there be partial delivery or part payment. Wills must be made in writing, witnessed by two sub- scribing witnesses, who must all sign in the presence of each other. I ^'^Y^ i r i! ir County. FEUBCS Eir)7AXeD ISLAKT. COmiJ'lLS AND COTJMTY TuWKS. County Town. Pop'n Kings.. Prince. Queens. .Oeorgetovm 27 ,000 , SuTTjnerside 36,500 .Charlottotown 46,00C The folloiTlng Is a list of the Correspondents secured for thla Province. The names in japltal letters are the coiuiLy toirns for the respective coxmtles. The letter (S) following the nairiO of Correspondent denotes a Solicitor or flrr. of Solicitors.. NOTE. In places where there is no local. Correspondent the Agency has endeavored, for the convenience of the Subscriber, to give the nearest and most convenient place thereto where a Correspondent will be found, but the Subscriber is not restricted in such cases to the Correspondent r ontioned bv us as being the nearest and most convenient, but may apply to any other Correspondent of the Agency in the neighborhood, from whom he will receive the same reliable information, and his business the same careful attention, as if m.ade to the particular Correspondent referred lo by the Agency. Tovm County Correspondent Address Pop'n Alberton Prince Rattenbury & Tweedy(3) Annajidale Kings Jno.:.Uthieson Augustin's Co. Prince Geo. Buxton Bay Fortune. . .Kings A. J.B.Mellish jBedeque Prince Bell & Johnston. . . . Belfast Queens Jas.StC. Moore Bloomfield. . . .Prince Geo.F.Fornd Bonshaw Queens Wesley ^?yers Bothwell Kings Alex. Robertson Erackley PointQueens Rattenbury & Tweedy Breadalbane, . . do Samuel Kennedy Burton Frince Ingham J.Wright Caledonia Queens R, K.McKensie. ... . Campbellton. . .Prince .Robert Ellis Cape Traverse, do Geo Buxton Cardigan Kings Jno. Kathieson CHARLOTTETOWN. Queens E.H.Beer do do Rattenbury {,. TA'Gedy(S) Clark's Mills. Prince Bell & Johnston Clifton Queens Arch. Campbell Coleman Prince Robert Elliss Commercial Cr.Kinps Jno.Mathieson Conway St*. . . .Prince A.A.McCaull Crapaud Queens O.B.Wadman Dundas Kings L.Anderson Egmont Bay. . . .Prince J.G.Arsenault & Son. Ellerslie do A.A.McCaull Elliotts MillsQueens Samuel Kennedy Elmsdale Frince Rattenbury A Tweedy, Emerald Queens Albert Craig Alberton.. 800 Georgetown 150 Cape Trevers 130 Souris. . . . 100 Summerside .300 Belfast... 200 Mill River 50 Victoria.. 50 Red Point. 100 CharlottetownSOO Breadalbane 100 Burton 50 Flat River 200 O'Leary. . . 150 Cape Travers 300 Georgetovm 300 Charlot'n. 12500 do Summerside 150 Clifton... 100 O'Leary... 300 Georgetown 100 Ellerslie. 75 Crapaud. . . 500 St. Peters.. 200 Wellington 150 Ellerslie. 150 Breadalbane 50 Alberton. . 50 Emerald... ICO. PRINCE EDWARD ISIiAKD * 'lO-A-n County Corresponrtent, Address Pop'n F lat Rivar. . . .Queens R./.-McKennie' Plat River 300 T'orusT. Hill. . .King3 L.. Ander.-on St.Foteru. . SO mountain Mill. Queens r-eo.K. Found Fountain Mill 75 Froderickton. .Queens Samuel Kennedy Breadalbane 75 rrooland. . . .Irince A.A..V.GCfiull Ellerolie. 75 Frc«to-iie-third of her husband's Irechohl. lands, uulesn \lower is barred. A mar- riehe must aersouai property in their o^wn right, and U- enter into contracts, and to sue and be sued with respect tv> their separate property as if " feme-sole." Notes and BiUs.— Tfltee days of gracE are allowed. Beplevin. — Action of replevin may be maintained fot goods wrongfully distrained, or otherwise taken or detained upon affidavit of the facts, and stating value. Statute of Fraud.— Interest in lands cnn be created by writing only, excent leases not exceeding three years. No action can be brought to charge an executor or defendant t*- answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another, un less something in writing. No contract for sale of goods worth $40.00 or upwards good unless in writing, except there be partial delivery or part payment. ii Mer, Ii ' I! QUEBEC. T i\ QUEBEC. ' : COUNTIES, COUNTY TOWNB AND POPULATION. Coxnti/. , . Count!/ Town. Pop'n. j;irgenteuil Lachute 15,500 Arthabaska Artliabaskaville 25,000 Bagot St. Ungues 22,000 lieaiice St. Francois 87,000 IJeauhamois lif^auliamois 17,000 lielirchasse St. Michel 18,000 lierthier Herthier 20,000 Bonaventun- New Carlisle 21,000 Bi oine Knowlton 14,750 Cliainbly Longueuil 11,800 Cliamplaiii Batiscan 29,000 Charlevoix St. Piiul'.s Bay 19,000 ( 'h}'.t(!augimy St. Martine 14,000 Chicoutimi ChicontiTiii . , 28,000 (Join j)ton Cookshire . , 23,000 Dorchester St. Henedine 19,100 Dnnnmond Druininondville 29,000 Gaspe Perce 28,000 I IiK^heiaga Montroal 301,100 Huntingdon Huntingdon 14,500 Iberville Iberville 12,000 Jacques Cartier Pointe Claire 14,000 Joliette Joliette 28^000 Kainouraska Kamouraska 20,600 Labelle Papineauville 40,200 Laprairie Laprairie 11,000 L As.somption L' A.ssomption 13,800 Laval ,. .Ste. Rose 9,500 Lev?!- Levis 27,000 L Islet St. Jean Port Joli 14,000 Ijot()iniere Lotbiniere 2(>,800 Ma5?kinonge Louisevrlle. 18,000 Mogantic Leed^- 22,500 Ml Mis,sisquoi Freligtisburg 18,'500 Montcalm .Ste. Julienne 12,2<()0 Montmagny Montmagny 15,000 Montmorency Chateau Richer 12,500 Nupierville .' Napierville 10,200 Nicolet Becancour : 28,800 Pontiac Bryson 22,000 Portneuf . . : .• Cap Saute 2(),000 Quebec Quebec . 83,000 Richelieu Sorel 21,600 Richmond Richmond 19,000 Ivmio.iPki • Rimouski 33,500 Ruuvillo Sto.PVIafie St. Marie de Momioir ir>,10() Sa-MOiiajC ^, Tad^nisac '. . 10,200 Shcffonr : . Waterl(H) 23,.^>00 SlH'rl)ii>okc . . ; » ,. ,Shect)rooke 1(>.200 u QUEBEC. Pop'n. 15,500 25,000 22,000 87,000 17,000 18,000 20,000 21,000 14,750 11,800 29,000 19,000 14,000 28,000 23,000 19,100 29,000 28,000 301,100 14,500 12,000 14,000 2S;000 20,600 . 40,200 . n.ooo . 13,800 . 9,500 . 27,000 . 14,000 . 20,800 . 18.000 . 22,500 . 18,^00 . 12,^00 . 15,000 . 12,500 . 10,200 . 28,800 . 22,000 . 2<),000 . 83,000 21,500 . 19.000 . 33,500 . ir.,100 10,200 . . 23,5<»0 . 1(».200 Count ii. County Toun. Pop'n. Sr. Hvacintlie St. Hyucinthe 21.r.00 .Sr. John'a St. John's 12,r.00 iJt MunriiJP Thrtx' Kivvrs iL'/JfM) Soulanges ■ • .Cotcau LantJing 1(»,()(M) SMust.ad - Stanstead 1K,1.">0 Tfen.isconata Isle Vi-rte (Green I.) 25.800 'lVrr.'»»..iin.^ St. Jon.iiie 2.^200 Two Mountains St. SclioL-vt-tifjue 15,1(10 VandrtMiil Vaiulivnil 11,;m»0 V 2r>joa Yanuiska St. Frauct)is du Lac 16,100 The following is the list of the CoiTcspondonts secured by the Standard Mercantile Agency for this rrovince. The names in capital letters are the county towns for the respective counties. NOTE. In places where there is no local Correspondent, the Agency has endeavored for the convenience of the Suhscrihers, to give the nearest and most convenient nlace thereto where a Correspondent will he fonnd but the Subscriber is not re- stricted in such cases to the Correspondent mentioned by us as being the nearest and most convenient, but may apply tO any other Correspondent of the Agency in tlw? neighborhooil, from whom he will receive the same reliable information, and his Itusiuess the same careful attention as if made to the particular Correspondent referred to by the Agency. Town. Acton ' Acton vale Adainsville Adstock AuK^ui Ancienne Lorette. Armagh AHTHAnARKAVILLE Artiiurville Arundel Asbestos Aston Station . . . . Athelstan : Aubrey Auvergno Ayers Flats Avhnt?r Baie St. Paul Paldwhi's Mills. .. JUraoho^ d(! Mal- baig Countj/. Cnrrrspondnit. Pop'n . •Bagot T. M. Bordua 1,.^)00 St. Hyacinthe II. lAppp 2.000 Bronie See Slicfford .^)00 Beauce '* St. Kj>lireni de Tring 200 Rimouski " Macnider COO Quebec H. T. Patreot 4.000 Bellecliasse See St. Miiliel 3,400 Arthabaaka I. S. Doueett 2,000 .See St. Michel, Bellochasse . . . Argenteuil " St. Aprathe Richmond " l)anvillf> Nicolet " ArtliaV)askavillo Huntingdon *' Huntingdon . . . Chateauguay " Vallevfield Portneuf '* Cap Sante Stanstead " Magog OttawH T. P. Koran, Q.C . . . Charlevoix ...... .Pierre D'Autreuil-. . . Stanstead See Stanstead Gasj)e Mai Bay. v;-) 100 700 100 200 200 150 L 450 : 200 2.000 2,000 100 1,000 \ki 1 1 T 1 yUEhtC-- ffll » Li l| t |: I Town. 1V\''MSCAN * . . .Stiirist,«'ii(l . .< 'Ii,'irii|il.'iin . Hc.uiliiirtiuis f{<-aurn<)nt .... I^oH'cliasse ho iii|j(,it '^^iicIm'C . . . i'o;"U|irt> ... . . Montmorency l'Kr',VN«:0''f{ .... N'icolft .... I'ur(l Mi<>is(Hi()i . , |j»'l<>il Vi'icIktoh . . Hiiin't>i .... Hoclulagy. . . I'oltoa CVntie .... HLoine .... Bonloiiiix H6chrla[ja. . l5(jMclu'rvill(! Cliaiiibly . . . r.ri.-tol J'ontiac .... I'.KOMK Bromo I>r()m|)t.(>n Hicliinonfl . l^p>n;,'litf))i Sta. . . .BfHMC*; Biowdsbdrg Ar^ciitcnil . P.HVsoN I'oiitiau ... Jiuckitigliani. ... .LabdWf l*>ucUl,in(l Bcllcclias.so . Oii'"oiin,a .'l\'!niscv»uat.a Caluinct Island . . .Pontiac .... Caniphoir.s Bay . " C!a|M( (J()V(j G^spe Capf'lton ...... .iStu!rbro<>k(i . C'apliii River Buiiavcntiire Cap Ma^dolciiio . .( 'lianiplain . V'.\\) Roiij^o QucIm'C .... Cl^p Sr* Ijifiuice . . MoiUjiiaf^ny C w S.vNTK I'ortnt'uf . . . Carillon Arf.(viitinil , Carlf'ton lionavcnture . Laprairit'. . . KiiiK.iiski . . . Huntin}jf(k)n . Kiiriou.ski. . , •. Sotilanpres . . Chainbly . Canghnawapfa . . ('jiu.sapsoal Oazavilld Cedar Hall Cedar.s Clialnbly Pa^in (^liainlily Canton r'baiiibnrl . Chninp^aiM . •^^'Iiapcau .... . .Cbiroutiini . .('haiiiplain . . .Pontiac . . . Cliarleniayne . . .T/As:>(>nii»ti(jn Cliarlebourg C^nebt.;c . . . Cliartier ville ...... Coni[)ton . ,-- Corrc»pondrnt. .See CuTxicfKike .IjuiiiH Ueschaiuns . . .Bros^art, Q.C., & Bros- bart .S«'e «t. Charles .J. K. Bedard ..: .\. N. Vezina . ..I A. P>londin .2. H Cornrll .See Stanstead ..IP. M. Bedard .See Quebec .C. A. Cheveret .See St. Francois . •' Iliinouski .J. E. Chabot .See, New Fxiclnnond ... Artliaba.skaviUe . . . Montreal Knowlton Montreal .J, E. L. Normandin. . . . .See Bryson Knowltftn Windsor Mills St. Ephn-ni de Tring. Laeliute .... I). K. IWrv... ..' F. A. Ilaudry (Sol. for Bank of < )ttawa) See St. (vlair '* Kivieio du Loup. . . '••'' Bryson (C (< ( t l( i( << i( <> p erco Slierbrooke . . . .New Kichniond See Three Hiver?. . , " Lorettc . . . " Montmagny . . . , L. P. Bernard See Lachute " New Kichniond . " Lachine . " Macnider " St Auicet M. P. Label ge. . " Valle\Hefd . E. P. Bertrand . , ,Se«' Roberval Jos. E. Maichaml . " Bryson- , ♦' St. Henri ,C. N. Hamel .. .. .See Cookshire. ., . . Poji'n, 1,801) 2.100 200 4,500 000 000 1,C0(» MM 500 000 1,000 300 I,«00 .soo 1,000 1,500 200 300 670 3oo ' "^no 350 50O 2,000 300" GOO 5,100 400 l,7fi0 1,000 2.')0 1,000 1,050 1,050 400 800 4,000 1,500 650 700 2,000 200 200 800 300 80O 700 1,000 1,700 200 200 700 COO ii OUEBEC I'())>'n, 1,801) 2.100 200 4,S00 TiOO ()0(» 1,00(1 45?) 500 600 1,000 300 1,«00 :iOo 1,000 1,500 200 300 67<» 3oo ' *2no 500 . 2,000 300' 500 5,100 400 l,7fJ0 1,000 250 1,000 1,050 1,050 400 800 4,000 1,500 650 700 2,000 200 200 800 30O 800 700 1,090 1,700 200 200 700 COO Toirn. ('l.irmniffiiiiy < ' I'lsfil (Jl'«':>uvillt' ('lu'iry KivtT SlurhnMjko <'hiciio«t«!r. ('•twnfll. f'orrntpnndrnt. riiHti-ungiuiy Sr»' l'.tiiiili:ini(»iK. Mdiitr •irency . . . .C.-iltrirl f)ick . W'nglit So*,' (j:itiii«'im . . . . liiUH'lli' " rftf>in«;mvill«' .... '' Slu'i'iroctkt' . FNnitiac " iVinl»n>k« Cmcoi'TiMi Cliifoutiini I. (i. Bollry ClanMicj^ville Mis.siH(iii<>i Seti L.-iCollo r!()atic«K)ke SUnHtfiul W. L. .ShiirtW.-lT Compton Coinpton See Muk'o^' C()OK.'=;MmK Compton L,E. Cliarhoiuu'll . . . ('orbiii Hiintingdon See Hnninin^'fonl f'or. of the iiejcli "GasiH' '* IVrce ('((trau Landing . Soulange^ L. E. R. I)nnu'siiil. . . Cote (les Neige.s . . Hochelaga See Montreal Cote St. Michel .. ;' ". ** Covey Hill.. Huntingdon " Hemniingford .. . Cowansville Mis.sisquoi J. C. McC'arkill Cross point Bonaventure .... See Caniphellton, N.IJ. Cashing Argenteuil " St. IMiillipe. Dalesviile " " Laohutfj Danville St. Francois. . * . . .F. A. Hrien Dc^nville Ridnnond L. .louhert 1 )»>sohannbault . . . .Portiieuf R. G. LaHarrt^. Dewittville Huntingdon See Huntingdc/H I );fsraeli Wolfe " Weedon Dixville Stanstead " Coaticooke DougliiHtown CJaspe ** Mai, Bay DuuMMONDViLLK. .Dnuninond W. .1. Watts Dinidee Huntingdon See St. Anicet Dunham Mis< .'iOO 2,3(M» 250 3,000 .500 1,000 'J(M) 300 (>00 800 400 200 1,0(K) 3(J0 600 150 500 1,300 1,200 300 1,.500 (iOO 1,100 1,100 2,000 400 200 000 700 500 450 250 400 2,500 4(J0 2,soo 275 301.' 25(« 50<' 500 1,650 2(yi 1,37.> 400 375 i.200 ■:w 8011 800 2:0 QUEBEC. I Town. fount!/. ("J»'«»rKt'vill«' HtuiiMtcad*'. Som f'orrri^f)ontlrnt. ]ttK:k Isliiiid . St. .JoIid'h. , . Sutton CJookrtliiro . . Ottawa 00 500 100 f)00 l.'iO SfiO 05O 300 800 100 «00 250 400 .T. P. Koran, Q.C 13.(XM> Trois Pistoles . CookHhire . . . . Huntingdon Htuitingdon A. E. Mitchell Ibkhvillk , Iberville L, A, (iosalin . Invernes.s Megantic J. C. Noel . . . Ironside Wright See Ottawa. . . Island Hrook Compton '* Cookshire Isle Bizard Jacques Cartier. . . " St. Genevieve IsLK Vbktb Temiscouata . . Johnville Compton JoLiKTTB Joliette lF. O. Dugaa Kamouraska Kamouraaka Pf'V. Taclie. Q.C. . Kazaba/ua Wright See Ottawa Kingabury ....Richmond " Windsor Mills. Kingsey Falls . . , .Drumnjond '* Danville Knowlton Brome J.- E. Fay La Baie .Yamaska .J. L. Belcourt . . . LabeJle Labelle See St. Jerome . . L^Acadie St. John's " St. John's Lac a la Tortuo.. .Champlain ** St. Flore Lachenaie L'Assomption . . . " L'A.ssomption 1,200 2,000 2,000 300 40O 800 2,500 300 4,000 1,500 100 300 300 900 60O 100 1000 400 150 Lachino .Jacques Cartier. .Leon Forest 4,000 Lachute Argenteuil G. E. Hampton, Q.C. . , 2,000 Lacolle St. John's L. A. Rousseau 1,000 La Conception. . . .Labelle See St. Jerome 500 Latce Megantic . . .Con pton A. Becigneul 1,200 Lake Weedon Wolfe See Weedon 250 Lambton Beauce D. O. Castonguay 1,500 L'Ange Gardien . ,Rouville Francois Meunier 500 Lanoraie Berthier L. Poitras 600 La Patrie Compton See Cookshire 1 ,500 La Presentation . .St, Hyacinthe '* St. Hyacinthe 300 L'Assomption L'Assomption J. E. Faribault, Q.C. . . 3,000 Laurentidea ** , . . .-A. A. Lemiro 1,000 Lauzon Levis F. X. Coulliard 4,000 Lavaltrio Borthier See Berthierville 050 L'Av'jnir Drummond J. C. St. Amaut 1,200 11 UIJEBEC. (;iio 250 '20(» \,'MHi (i(K) DOO KX) noo mo 3r>o (>50 300 800 100 «00 250 400 3.0(M> 1,2(K) 2,0 L'Kitiplianie fjfs KlxjuIuinontM. . Ij«'s Kcureuild Lkvih liiiiiero l/iAift Littlf) Mntia fion^iKi Pointe. . . , JiONCUKUir LoTHINIKUR L'UnSKVILLE. . . . M;t5?(»j? Mai Hay Miiiisonvillo Matbletoii Maria Marieville Miirtinville Mascouche Masharn Mills. . . . Maskinongo Massawippi Ma-ison Mataiie . Mawcock . . MfJirantic Melbourim Meloch(jville Meta|)e(Jia Mongonais Montebello Mount Louis Moiitmagny Montreal Mt. .lohnsyn Murray Bay. . . Nanaimo NaI'IKKVIMK NkW C AltLlSLK . . New Glasgow. . . New Liverpool Newport New HiehiiuMid Nieolet North Hatley North Sf:iiil>ri 800 mio 000 3,000 200 7,3 3(K) 3,500 500 1,250 3,500 2,(M»0 l.iKK) 2.K00 300 300 400 1.000 1,360 20O 500 300 MM) 200 100 KOO 250 300 350 300 350 400 800 30^ H.OOO 325,000 4.50 3,000 100 1,000 1,000 3(»0 1,000 000 1,000 2,500 200 2.50 200 500 .S(»0 •Av > Fl : ; Vi 1 I m «jUEUt{ N. I). tUi.i lioi.. . . .(.'lonptoii ... N. fJ. ties .Slan III Klu'r M l-^.-.!.' i|ii<)l N. !). ! »ulao . . . . 'i'l-iiiiNLMUti NouveU« B(»ti;>v»'niin<' Okii 'I"\\u Mop.iitaip.s Orinstown ("I):it»';uiguay Outroiiiont H.*»clu'liigii. . . PAl'INKAHVil.LK . IjahcUf ... Pas|"'biiU' Hoiiavcnturf Pkiu E fia^iK^ ' 'oi'rrs/iomh'uf. P:>f,'n St'l' ( /IHtk.slllll- . . 7 '• ['..•.II. .1.1 •Jiiit,t' F )rLune. .". VaudreiiU Sec L'Orignal. . PoDt Cliateau . . . .Soiilaiig«is " VaMe.v field P(jrta'.,'e du Fort. . Pontiac S. A . McKay. . Port Daniel l^onaventiin- See Pa.spebiac. . . Portm^uf I'ortn. iif " Ville Marie Huntingd(»n Power.scourt llantinjj'don QuEBKC Quebec Quyon Malouin{Q.C.)Bedard, (Hor.T.(;.)& Duch- 1 esne (MP. P.). iTar.chereaP^Q.C.jLav- ^ erv & Hivard -' Pontiac See Portage du Fort. St. Maurice Joliette Had nor 3 Forges. . .Cli am plain Radstock .Toliette " Hapide des Joa- chim Pontiac " Rawdon Montcalm " Repentigny L'As.somption . . . . " Richmond Richmotul Sin.eon Fraser Rigaud Vaudreuil s. I.N. Lcfebvre. . . . RiMOUSKi Rimon>ki Ponliot Si Drapeau Pembroke . . . Joliette L'Assomption Ripon Labelle. ...J. B. nt. Pierre River B<*audette .So»dange-< See Coteau Landing Rivier Desert Wright " Ottawa Riviere Ouelle. .. .Kamonraska " Fraserville . . . Roberville Chicoutimi CO. Labrecque. , Robinson . Cfiminon Sec Cook.siiire Rochelle Shetfonl •. " Lawrenceville . Rockburn Huntingd. n '* Hunt-ngdon .. Rock Island Staustead il. M. Hooev 000 i,500 1,500 500 200 700 GOO 1,500 200 73,000 700 600 100 100 800 100 2,000 600 3,000 400 300 500 200 2.400 200 300 100 600 ^ * OUEBEC. \ ^ \ .U; L. Dick ^. .See Vandreuil .L. J. Berubd.. Toujn. County. Corrcipundent. Rougemont Roviville Se« Maxville Koxturi Fjills Shefford Jo». Ruicho . Koxton I*on(l " .Tos. (iingrtw . . Russelltowii Chateaugviay See Hemmingford Ste. Agapit Lotbmiere F. X. Trerablay Ste. Agatha, Terrebonne f. D. P. Ba^in Ste. Af;r.C3 Charlevoix See Murray Bay Sto. Anno Richelieu A. Durocher ^t. AJban Portneuf Leon St. Amand St. Albert Arthabaska 8«e Victoria ville St. Alexandre Iberville -.vT: E. Boivin St. Alexandre .... Kamouraska '0. P. Beaulieu St. Alexis Montcalm See Joliette St. Alphonso Joliette " St. Jer-n De Matha. St. Anaclet RimcuBki *' Rimouski St. Andre Kamouraska "" St. Alexandre St. Andre Avelin . Lnii) nt. Charl^H Iif>llecliass(^ P. .1 . It.i.I (.'harles St. Hyjicintln' . . . .S»'(! JSf,. .finirs. ....'. Ctiry.so.stoint . .Chiitfjiugnay *' Ilt-intningfonl . Claire DorolicstHr Loui.s .M. Ray Clement TeniiHC(iuatii See Fia'/erville Clet Soulang-e.s J. II. Tai-sdale- Clothilda Chab'aii^uay See St. Urbain Constant Lajnaiiie F. K. ArnouM Croix . Lothiniere Li)»ii.s L. Leniay L. J*. A. Robergo .Sec L' Islet. .Z. T. Marche.soaiilt .See St. ('lair (yuthbert l*.»Tthier Cyrille L'l.s!.;t Daniiise St. Hyncintlu! I)ann"<;n HellcH'liasso . . Daniien l^crtliier " Derthierville Davids Levi.s L. H. Comeau Denis Kanj()uraska See Kanionraska Denis St. Ilyaciiitlie . . . L. (). Dauray Didaoe M;>'=kin()Mge See Tjouisville Dominique. . . . B.agot " St. Pie Dorothe Laval " St. Kiistaohe ... Kdouard Napierville Jean Blain Eloie Temiscouata See Troi.s l*i.stoles. . . . Elphege Yama.slca *' La Baie El/.ear Bt'auoe " St. Marie E'rem do Tring " C. E. Pa<,'<' ICsprit \. .Montcalm Jos. H. T. Lafortune. Etienne de.s Ores St. Maudce . . , . . .N. lirunelle Eu'^ene L'lslet Sec L'Islet Eulalie Nicolet " Victoriaville Eustache .... .Two Mountains. . .(ieo, N. Fauteux Fabien Rimouski See Rimouski Faniille Montmorency.... " Cbatfau Richer. . Faustin Terrebcunu; " St. Agathe Felicien Cliicoiitimi " Robca-val ........ Felicite Rimouski " Macnifler Felix de Valois.Toilette P. C. Ducl.arme Ferdir.and .... M«'gantie A. .Seli;iviibier Fidele Char'evoix See Murray Ray . . . . Flavien liOtbiniere " St. Croix .Tlu),^. P.llctier Flavie Rimouf^ki Flore Ciuimplain M. C.'^rbonneau . . . . Fortunat Wolfe See VietDriaville . . Foye Ouebeo '' Quebec Fk.ancoi.s nu ^ % L.vc Yamaska Z . l>aril , FH.^N('OIS Beauce B. F. Letellier Frederick " See St. .) oseph Oabniel de Brandon. .... .l?ertliier J. E. ArcliamViault, (iiUeon Clncout ni . . . . . .See Ib'.bertville . . . (Jenevieve . . . ..laccjue ('artier. . .0. lioilrau (ieorge Beauct Albert Lemay Gcjniaino Drummoiul L. A. Ibien Ger\ ais Hollechasse E. M. Mackenzie . Giles Lotbiniere See Levis Pop ll. i,r)()o 350 250 1,200 2,500 500 1,000 200 1,000 COO £00 500 2. (KM) 300 1,000 400 300 <»00 300 .300 2,800 1,500 200 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,200 600 COO 1,000 COO COO 500 800 2,000 1,800 1,800 800 1,500 800 200 500 000 1,000 2,.50O 2,500 600 2,000 800 QUEBEC. Town. CiHtiifi/. Cnrrfapotulcnt. Sfc Cirf-LToire TlHTvillH Jos. (). F'ioi; 5(K> 1.000 ♦iOO 300 200 1,000 1,300 2,«00 2.'>0 1,300 OOO 200 300 f 8,000 1,0ertville . . *' St. Eustache ..P. A. Barrette St. Jude St. Hyacinthe . . St. Julie Vercheres ..L. A. L. Henruex. . . . . . . .N. P. Lapierre St. Julie Megantic St. Julienne Montcahn St. Justin Maskinonge St. Justin de Newton Vaudreuil .M.J Lhichesnay . . . . ..Jos. S. Sylvestyre ..E. M. ChajKlelaine. .... St. Lambert, Chamblv . .See Montreal St. Lambert Levis . . *• St. Isidore. .. . St. Laurent Jacques Cartier. . . A. Lecours St, Laurent d'Or- leans . Montmorency . . St. Lazare Bellecha.s.«;o .... . .See St. Jean d 'Orleans. . . '* St, Anaelmc ... . . St. Lazarr Vaudreuil St. Leon MfsUincnge . . *' Montr-^al . .L. N. (ielinas * 1: ii. !l I QUEBEC Town. County. ^ Corratpoynlnit. St. Ti«'«»iiar(i Nicolrt Joh. I'iehcr St. Fiiboiro B!ij,'()t 1'. S. iJtjiun-gard St. Li^juori MuMtculirii' S»'ti Jntn»:tgiiy St. Pl:ioid*i Two Mountains. . . A. BejuariL St. I'ulvcarpt) Soulaiitres L. A. <»l,idu St. Raphii**! Bellfchiissf . P. C. A . Fotfrnier St. Raymond }'ortneiif E. A. I'a'i^t St. Renu Napif-rvillti !>. Munt-t St Rob«-rt RMh«'liHU Oliver l»»iprH St R«.i b Richeheu . ..S».e St. R..l>«rt iSv Kupoii( Pof/'n. 2fiO 2. 2,000 1,400 2, l.liOO 50{» 1,4*J0 200 500 200 200 1,(M)0 1,000 500 3.0UO 1,200 .SOO .500 2,400 3,(M)0 l,2tK> 21X* 5n ^e Lamb*on KosF Lav.'vl A. A. Legault •ScHOLA^TKiUB.Two Mountains. . .F. X. Mathiou, Q.C. . . S(.'baL!tien Tbervijle. J. E. Godrean .... S-n'exe. ....... St. Mauricie See Yatnachiche ....... Simon Bagot F. X. Denis . .» Simop Rimouski Jos. Fournier. St. Sophia dc'Lev- jard Nicolet See Becancour St. Sophia deXcv- rard Megantic .See St. Ferdinand St. Stanislas Champlain J. E, Charbonneau St. Stanislas de Kostka Beaiiharnois .,,.., J. B. Laplante St .^julphice L'AsBoinption . . . ,See L'ABSomption. . . . Sb. Sylve.stre Lotbiniere. . . . , . ^ . J^ O. Gagne St. Telesphore . . .Soulanges , , ^ . See Valleyfield St. Theclo Champlain , ." St. Tite. St. Therese TerreUmne. . ... A, Filon St. Tlioma.^i^«ka. ... . . .L. H. Bellerose. .'.'.'. StansTb'aj) .*^ Stanstead k .M. F. Hackett, Q!C. . . Stonefield .... Artrenteuil .See Lachute Popn. 4,r)00 GOO 1,200 2,00<) 600 GOO 400 1,200 2,000 1,200 aoo 20C 200 800 200 1,200 1,600 1,000 1,00(1 450 3,000 800 1,000 800 800 300 200 500 2,000 1,200 1,200 200 800 3,500 400 1,000 400 200 200 100 900 11,000 450 2,000 7,000 500 200 400 1,60^ 900 l.OOp 350 i '• ■ I h Ji It' ^ I'- QUEBEC. Tovm. County. Correspondent. JBtoruoway Comnton . See Lambton Stottvilla St. John's " St. John's 8utton Brome C. N. R. Tarte Sv etnburgh Miwisquoi Hon . H. 'J'. Duffy Tauoubao Sajfuenay See Baie St. Paul Terrebonne. ..... .Torrebone K. S. Mathieu Thetfoni Megantio L Lalil)erte Thkkk Rivkrs. . . .St. Maurice ..<... .Arthur Oliver ThurHO Labello Spe Papineauville Tingwick Arthabnska F. V. LesRard Troia Pistoles TemiHcouata J. M- Michaud Troi« Saumons .... L'lalet See L'Islet Trout River Huntingdon ** Huntingdon Upper Melbourne. Rich njond *' Richmond ,. Va cartier Quebec ** Charlesbourg Valcourt Shefford. P. J. S. Peltier Valleyfield Beauharnoia . .. .Denis & Chaput Valracine Comnton See Megantio Varennes Vercneres L. J. Av Bissonnette . . , Vaudhkuil Vaudreuil '• " VKRCHKRKa Verclturee ** ** Viotoriaville Arthabanka. J. N. Poirier Village Riohelieu .Rouville See Marieville Villemarie Pontiac F. Belanger • Wakefield Ottawa Timothee Piche Warden Shefford See Waterloo Warwick ., Arthabaska K. H. Laliberte Waterloo Shofford C. A. Nutting Waterville Compton See Magog Way's Mills Stanstead " Rock Island Weedon Wolfo J. H. Botirget West Broughton . . Beauce See Victor de Trinsr . . W«».st Shefford . . . .Shefford J. A. Bonin Wickham Drummond Felix Cormier. Wilson's Mills . . . .Megantic See Inverness Windsor Mills Richmond J. P. A. Begin Wolfstown Wolfe See Thetford Wotton •• Jac. Picard Yamaohiche St. Maurice J. E. G. Heroux Yaniaska Yam'^ska See Sorel Popn . l.'iO '200 900 300 200 1,400 500 9,000 1,000 2,666 400 300 150 800 225 6,000 9,000 900 500 *00 2,000 300 800 2.0O 250 2,000 1,900 300 250 1-,500 500 300 1,200 300 2,100 150 1,800 1,800 200 COMMERCIAL LAWS. The following is a compendium of the Commercial Laws of this Province. It any further and more complete information Is desired, the Agency will be pleased to furnish same free to its Subscribers on application to the Head Office, as the Agency has secured the services of Solicitors for that pur- l>ose. » ^ LAWS OF QUEBEC. " ^ Arrests In Civil Aotlons.—A debtor can for the amount of $40.00 or over, be arrested on a writ of capias that he is secreting his property, or is absconding with intent to de- 8.II.A.-G QUEBEC. frniul his creditors. Dcbiors >vh(> nir iiutorioussly insolvent nnd who refuse to assign may also be arrested. Assignments.-- Any unseen -ed treditnr for the sum of $200.00 or over, may ni.iKe deniaiKl of assiKiHr<'nt, an assign- ment of all his property is thereupon made for general lit»ne- fit of creditors at the ulli«e of tlie rrothonotary of the Su- •porior Court. The creditor so demanding is appointed judiciaT guardian, of w'uch noli<'<' is given in ttie papers, as well as by sending a registered iK^tice, anut. who am not under contr.ict with tho-A^'oncy. KinKiV (" ■■, Limited. it ti ENGLAND. Ashhouine Derhy H(.lhvnd i^ Ki^'l)v. Ashford Kent I {.lUett. C'lveiy \' T... lUrnsley York \UA>t. h. .M;i(i(hs(.n. l?:ith Jiomerset Stmie, liirniinpham Warwick Stuhb- lihickhuru J^ancaster *' Ikiidfurd York '• lirighton Sussex " Brifstol (iloucester " IJursloni StatfonJ Wain Sc Harris. Cambridge ( 'anil)ridge h,hu K. Ko>ter. Canterbury Kent Kingsf(;i(l, Wi^dituick &. Cc Carlisle ('uniberland Wright it I'r(j\\ n. ChathaiTi Kent Iiass«'t iV I'.niuln r. Cheltenham (Iloucester (iriHiths. liyland k Co. Chester Chester (Janion. Frasr-r \vell. Exeter Devon Stul>bs, Limi' -d. Falmouth Cornwall I^eginald k H(>gers. (Gloucester Cloucester Tuinton 8' ns & Sivester. Halifax York Judd. P><.oHi & HeMiwell. Hastings Sussex Ijangham, S. .n vt Dougla-s Hull York Stubbs, Limited. Hudder.'^field " Owens & IJadie. Ipswich Suffolk Tackaman, S«>tiv ^\■, Mdler. Kidderminster Worcester Crouther ft r.oiiniug. Lancaster Lancaster Hall, Marshall tt Siewai t Leed.s York Stubbs, Liniit<'d. licicester Leicester * ' " Li\'crpool Lancaster ** " HLMIreshamSt. K.C.I London \'^ Princes Street • h " (Regent Street . . . . j Manchester. . Lancaster " " Newcastle on Tyne. .Nortlmndxrland . . " " Newport Monmouth Llewellyn & M(M^re. N'^rwi'h Stubbs, Limited. N"ttirigliani . Nctlirigham " " Oxf.rd Oxford M.nvt 11 k Son Plymouth , . Devon otubbs, IjimiteU. Portsmouth Hants Readinj?. . : Berka Bealo & Martin. Rochester • ^-mv* Arnold, Essell & Baker. Ji ^ 1 t 11^ T- ill Mi i .h' : * Hi KF.LIAHI.E tOKKlON CUMRKSJ'ONUKN IS. St. flelfiiB Lanoatiter Harniw A < "uok. 8aIiHbury Wilts \VilHo. ^V>ight. IDAHO. Boise City Ada .Wood & Wil.s( HI. ILLINOIS. Tilooniington McLean E. E.-DonneP . ^'""^'^f^« Cook Ferguson & G.jodnow. i M (l!i3 ' !:i i li" ij 11 m I'll RBLIABLE FOREIGN CORK ES PON DENTS." INDIANA. Fort Wayne AIl«n Nindo & Ninde. luoiunapoliB Marion Frank N. Fitzgerald. IOWA. De» Moines Polk CJuminins, Hewitt & Wright. KANSAS. ToiHika Shawnee Uc>s.sington, Smith & Dalla^i KENTUCKY. Louis villo JefiFtTson Saujucl Avritt. liOUISIANA. Now Orluuns Orleanti Pariah Chaff o & Bowcra MAINE. Portland Cumberland Jno. Howard Hill. MARYLAND. Paltimoro Baltinioro . Hodsonfe Hodaon. J*.oston MASSACHUSETTS. .Suffolk Morse & Lane. MICHIGAN. Detroit Wayno Cha«. B. Whitman. MINNESOTA. Duluth St. L(Miis Alford & Hunt. Minueajjolis llcnnj-pin liycrs & Wihitcomb. St. Paul Uanisey ifiischer & Morris. MISSISSIPPI. .Jackson Hinds J. C. Ward. MISSOURI. Kansas City Jacksoti Ames & Jones. MONTANA. Helena Lewis & Clarke Walsh & Newman. NEBRASKA. LiiKMili) Lancastvr Alfred W. Sc(;tt. Omaha |)(>iij,'Ia;s. I'rauo and Crane. NEVADA. Carson City . . . . .Onnsby Torrcyson & Sunimerfield. RELIABLE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ^'"f^*''*^ Meriiiuaok J«w. ph S. MattlicwH J^a'iliutt Hill8lx.ro' Win. J. McKay. NEW JERSEY. .TofBPy City HiuIhoh J. 1{«.. hort Poltn. Tateraon Passaic Kay tou K. Ilorton. NEW YORK. Albany AlWany LpwIs B. Tiall . i{'**f'»''> Krie Clinton & Clark. New York City New York Furlong, Whit« & O'Connd NORTH CAROLxNA. R»^p'gn Wako J. W. Hinsdalo. NORTH DAKOTA. Fargo Ca.s.s H. R. Turner. Grand Forks Grand Forks Jno. P. Galbraith. OHIO. Cincinnati Hamilton E. C. Fyle. Springfield Clark W. Webb Witnieyer. OREGON. Portland Multnomah A. C. & R. W. Emmons PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia Philadelphia Roljt. .7. Byron. RHODE ISLAND. Providence Providence Goo. H. Iluddy, Jr. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston Charleston Mordecai k Gadsden. Sioux Falls Minnehaha Bailev & Voorherrj. i TENNESSEE. Memphis Shelby Henry Craft. Nashville . .Davidson Hamilton Parka. TEXAS. T>a.UsLS Dallas Julius F. House. Galveston Galveston Arthur Keetch. ITAH. Salt Lake City Salt Lake Lee. Gray & Booth I ill ^i I', ''I ! 1 rl 3 I ■i ! CJ 1^ Burlingtt»u KKLIAELE I'OREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. VERMONT. (JhitU'iuKu . . ..I'owcll &, Fow(!ll. VIRGINIA. Norfolk Norfolk Fentress & Apfeiasto. Kichmond Ilcnriuo Anderson & Anderson. WASHINGTON. Seattle King Emmons & Pitnmons. Spokane Spokane J no, M. Gleeson. Tacoma Pierce W m. H. Pratt. WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling Ohio Atkinson & Flick. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee Milwaukee Chas. L. Aarons. Cheyenne . WYOMING. Laramie E. "VV. Mann. ■^ telechaphic code. I TELEGRAPHia CODE Prepared for the Exclusive use of our Subscribers and Correspondents Cable Address. - - - Stanmerao. t I Note. TRAVELLER TO MERCHANT. -/^Iwaya begin each message with the words "Standard Code/' MAB.— I will write you this evening full particulars with ijrices of goods sold, but as the purchaser waaits the goods as eoon as possible, you will please send the following name«{ goods at ouce to MAC.—Send by rail freight. MACAN.— Send by fast freight MACE.— Send by express. MACKLE— Send by boat. MACAS.-Send by mail. MACARONI.— I cannot sell the following named goods ^t the prices lixed. Can you not reduce the prices to the fol- lowing sums respectively: MAD.— I have demand for the goods named below. Can you nut furnish me with samples, and authorize me to sell them .IS follows: MADE.— I have demand for the goods named below. Can 1 sell them at the respective prices named, to wit: MADAM. — Let ine know what to do. I can sell the fol- lowing ^:oods to the party named at the price named, but not uiorc. \ii.: MADCAP.— Shall I ed to MAINOK. — I have carefully inquired into the standing of MAINLY.— I have been unable to get satisfactory infor- mation about MAIZE,— The party inquired about is regarded tis good. MAJESTY.— The p rty inquired about is regarded as fair. MAJOK.— The party inquired about is regarded as doubtful, MAKE, — The party inquired about is regarded as MAKI,— An assignment has been made by MAKER. — The party named below in reported to be in trouble. The name is MAKING.— Judgment has been recovered against MALADY.— Shall I employ counsel? MALAlt. — A fire has destroyed the property of the party named below. 1'hey have no insurance. The name is MALATE.— A fire has destroyed the property of the party named below. They are insured. The name is MALET.— Instruct me what to do. MALIC— Your instructions have been complied with. MALICE.— Ther'p' are unfavorable reports here regarding the stability of MALL. — Pro.'^pects very good. MALLET.— Prospects not very good. MALT.-Prospects bad. MAMMOCK.— I do not understand your telegram. MAN.— I have drawn on you for. $ MANACLE.— Send me by telegraph order $ MANAGE.— Send me by letter draft on MANAKIN.— On Monday I will be at MANAGEUY.— On Tuesday I will be at MANDARIN.- On Wedne.^dny I will be at MANDURE.— Oil Thursday I will be ai MANDORE.- On F;iday I will be at MANE.- On Satjuday I will l)e »t MANFUL.-On Sunday I will be ar for $ TELEGRAPHIC CODE. MANGER.— Answer at once. I am "waiting at the tel<» Krn|)h oIRce for u reply. M ANGLE. — Will give particulars by mail. MANGLER.— Give lowest quotations on MANGO. — I am detniued here by sickness. MERCHANT TO TRAVELLER. Note.— Airways bt-^in each mupsag^e with the words "Standard Code." MANHOOD.— You may sell the following named goods at the prices respectively named. MANIAC— If you c*n do no better sell at the price named in yours of MANIFEST.— Do not sell at. prices you name. MANKIND.— Sell 0Tily*at our prices. MANKS —If you cannot sell at our prices telegraph best prices you can get. MANNA.— Do not sell until further advised. MANNER. — Sell at the best off.r you can get. MANNING.— Sell part if you cannot fsell all. MANOR.— Accept the offer. MANSE.- Sell at once. C MANTLE.— Telegraph us half rate best prices you can get... '♦MANTO. — Telegraph us at once best prices you can get. MANUAL.— Write us best price you can get, and par- ticulars. MANY.— Advance the price of the follor/ing goods to the prices respectively named, to wit: r^ iP.— Reduce the following good? to the prices respective- ly named, to wit: MAPLE.— What is the 'lest price you can get for MAPLE-TREE. — If you can do no better buy at tlie prices named in yours of MAPPED.— What is the lowest price at which you can buy. MAR. — If our bill is not settled or secured*?* once em[)l<'y counsel. MARAI. — Use your best judgment in securing clann against MARAUD.- If you cannot collect secure the clajm a^y:^\t as possible against MARBLE. — Our claim against the pnrty namfd btluvs^ has not been paid. Inquire intathe umtter and report by iialf -jaT*' messrg^. The party's name is il • ^ ■I! .11 M 'if -1 TELEGRAPHIC CODE. MAIICH.— Our ciaim against the party named below has not*- been paid. InqiliPe into the matter and report at your discretion. The pnrtys- name is MARCIAL,— We aTe informed that the party named below is in troubh\ Invp^tigate the matter and report by half rate inessage. The party's name is MARB. — We are infornied that the party named below is in trouble. Investigate the matter and report at your discre- tion. The party's name is MAEENA.— Employ counsel at once in the matter of ' MARGAY. — See why remittance has not been made by MARGIN.— Go, inquire into and report by telegraph at once on alleged embarrassment o£ MARGOT.— Go inquire into and report by telegraph at once on alleged embarrassment of MARGODE.-^Go, inquire into, and report by half rate teleo-ram on alleged embarrassment of «MARIETS.— A judgment has been, recovered against the party named belov/. Inquire inlo their aflairs and report by half rate message. The party's name is MARIGOLD. — A judgment has been recovered against the party nanied below. Inquire into their affairs and report by half rate message. The party's name is ! MARINATE.— As soon as you can leave whore you are go to MARINE.— You will find letter of instructions a*- MARINER.— Answer by half rate message, MARISII. — Answer as quickly as possible. MARITIME.— Answer fully by letter about MARK. — Await our letter of instructions of this date at MARKER.— Will send you full half rate message to-night. MARKET.— Do not allow the claims of MARL.— Settle, but allow as little as possible on the claims of MARLINE.— The goods sent to the party named below must be right. They were packed and shipped with the utmost care. We refer to those sent to MAROON. — If there is anything wrong it is the fault of the transporters, not ours, and the bill must be paid by MARQUE.— Do not press the parties named below to buy too largely. We refer to MARQUEE.— Make all the iliquiry you cnn and report about means, character, promptness, and so forth of MARQUIS.— The bill of the parly nnmed below is too large. On what .iems can we best cut him down. We mean T TELLGRAPlllc CODE. tbo^^^^^^^' ^^'' ""^ '^^^^^ ^° '^^ "^ indirnkd ii; >ours of MAiniY.-IIavc stopped goods shippcMJ lo i)arty named bolow (,et them from Iransportor an you so situatod that you can represent us in a mattOiT against. MEAGRE.— Can you po at one*' to should we send same to you? Answer. MEAL.— Go at once to conveyance. MEAN. — is reported in trouble, attached, sued, failed, or is about to do so. Issue procoedin^s ininicdiately, if in your judgment tlj^'io is urgent need and prospcets of success are fair/ Furnish bond if required, wo will indemnify your- self ai'ii '3ureties against alDoss and damages. Advise us by mail, or wire if necessary. Firm is composed of MEANDER. — is reported in trouble, attached, sued, failed, or is about to do so. Investigate promptly, aAdL if possible get payment or pecur© our claim. Advise us by wire what action you deem necessary to protect our in- terests. Firm is composed of MEANLY.— Can you make clAira of $ against ? Wire answer. MEJAR.— Claim is. an open ar-connt, not due. MEASE. — Claim is an open account, past due. MEASLES.— Claim is a' note, not due. MEASURE.— Claim is a note, past due. MEAT.— Please telegraph at our expense the standing of MECHANIC.-t-Plcase vyrite us at once the financial stand- ing of Postage going by this mail. MECHLIN. — Is it safe in your opinion to extend credit to amount of $ If not, how much? MEDAL — Can you recommend of for a credit of $ On months? Answer by wire and follow by letter. MEDDLE. — Can you recommend of for a credit of $ on months? Answer by mail. MEDIAL. — Wire quick what in your judgment is fair credit for of Follow by letter. MEDIATE.— What is credit of of Answer by wir^ and follow by letter. MEDICAL.— Does dlsrohition of of affect Ih* ir credit? Wire fully and foHow by letter. MEDICINE.— We £re interested in cf Is he in any trouble? vVire fully aud follDw by letter. financial '! ill 1 f I ill 'iifi ■' ■ j ; k ■\\ i TELEGRAnilC CODB- MEDIKV'AL.— It is rumorod is tinnnci.illy onibar- rnssod. Please invc'Stiguto, and advise us by mail or wire. MEDITATE. — is reported ns having sold ont. Please investigate. Will it affeet hio or their solvency? An considered a failure. MILLET.— Receiver has been appointed for Particulars by mail. MILLINER.— has given chattel mortgage for $ Send claim at once. MILLION.— . of is a corporation; stock $ paid up .$ responsibility of stock- bolders $" Business is well managed. MIMIC. — of is a corporation; stock $ paid up J? responsibility of stockholders $ Business is not well managed. MINARET.— Thought to be in trouble. Advise creditors to give immediate attention to their claims. MINCE.- If interested in of wire claims at i^nrc. Understand contemplates making ^ransT'i- of pr<»iM'riy. Quick. MIND.- Tf iiil«?-«'st«(l ill of wire claims at ^Uf^e. Has bc« n disiiosing '')f prop^-ny. Mer. 9. TELEGRAP'UC CODE. MINPi.— If inttTPRted in of fidnd claims an «|uick us cj«n. Owos very InrRoJy. LnrRo iny next mail. ISIINITET.- Do not know that the party is in auy financial (rouble. MINX.- Will clients indemnify me if I obtain security? MlRACLE.— Thc'O i.^] a suspiciou of fraud. MIRE.— -There is no suspicion of fraud. RATINGS. NoTK. - Always boKi" each HicHsagn v,/,th the words "Standard Code." HIGH CREDIT -Lot. GOOD CREDIT.— Noah. F Al R CREDIT.— Pharoh. MODERATE CREDIT.— Nur NO CRliDIT.— Abel. PROMPT PAY— Aaron. FAlJi PAY.— Cleopatra. SLOW I*AY.- Job. N EVE R IWYS.- Adam. PAYS ONLY WHEN «UED. -S.wkim WOHTHLESS. -Cain. i TELEGRAFHic CODE. LINES OF BUSINESS. NOTB.-AIwayH b^^in ouch ^^.•»^a^'^ with th.- wmU "fltaadArrt Coaf>." AdlSrOVnT.-Am'u iilt.iral rmplvnicnts. B4;(;xcr\(;HAiVi.-iiiM. usmiiii. rROM\TKLl..^Hnotn and l\hoh%, FLA\i>F::i{S.~(:iothin^'. en AMIiKHLAIN-Crockory. liAKNKT.-lK'nfi.s*. I>Krir>S,-I>nit,'s. WOor.SKY- Dry Goods. nU'llMOSD -Viwy Goods. W0( H>LA\V\.-rur(iitiiro. W'OLFK.-Goiiorol Dvuk»rs. NKLSON.-Grof»'rie.s. BAN NOC KIW K\ - Un rdwaro. WIOLI-IXGTOX -Huts and Cups. rilJ'fMIEK.-Insiiraiur. .IGSIIHA -Jowelry. CONFUCIUS. -Lawyer. CLAHENCE.-Liquors rASrELLfcj.-Pt.ysiciun. HOTSPUR.- Stov,-3 and Tinwaro, NAPOLr-:(»N - Uud-rtakor STEPHENSON -Wagoa maker. Rabble . . , Rabid Racooon . . Raf^^e .... Raoiot^ . . . Rark.. .. Ra'-k'-t . . . Ra-idlM .. , R»dut 10 TELEGRAPHIC CODE. Cents. ■J ^1 m III Bi •ft ." itatio . . Kation Battle. . Bavagc Rave . . lliivA . . l?aveu . . Raw . . Ray.,.. Hi mh .. Reach . , Read .. .Kc^ader Ready. . Real . . Realm, . Ream . . Kea p . . Rear . , Itoason Rebate Rebsl .. Rebniid lieceipt Recent RecoKS ,, Recite . . Reck .. Rtickon Reclaim Recline Reed . . Reef . , Reek . , . Real .... Rennc. . Reflect - RofugG . l?.efU8G Rej^&id . Regent , Remake Remand RoraaVk Remedy Remit .. Remove Render Rent . Hepaii .. X 1 2 7 i> o <) V) n 12 13 14 15 10 17 16 1!) 20 21 22 :>■! 25 20 27 28 29 30 a I 8'i 3.3 U 85 .30 3V a3 40 41 Cents. Repeat , , 42 Repei\t i'd Repine 14 Report 45 Rc[»ose 4(» Rescue — 47 Resort 48 Respect 49 Respond ,50 Rest....' 51 Restore ". .52 Renult ,53 Retire 54 Return 55 Repeal r>fJ Revenge 57 llevive 6-S Reward 59 Rliynio ()0 Rib CI Ribbon,...'... 0-2 Rick (53 Rico 01 Rich , 05 Rid 00 Ride ., . 07 Ilidf^e , (58 Rife 09 Ritio 70 Rift 71 Ri^^ 72 Rij»ht 73 Riaid 71 Rill 75 Rim 70 Rimplc.. 77 Rind 78 Ring 79 Rinse ."^O Riot 81 R.ip 82 Ripo , . 8'3 Ripple 84 Rise 85 Risk 8(> Rite 87 Rive 8ft River 89 Road 90 Roam 91 Roai- 92 TELI-X.UAPHlc: ouu:. I.'ol). . . . t?obbor. Kobn .. Kook . Kg!) Konianco liomp. . . . Hood. . . Roof Rook .... Room . . . Roo.st Root Rope Rose ...... Rosetto ,. . Rosewood . Rosin. .. Rotary. . . . Rotten Round Rou^e ..... Rough Rouse. . . Rout Route ... Routine. . . Rove Row Rowell Rowlock . . . Roval .... Rub Ruhbage . . . Rubber Rubican. . . . Ruble Ruby Ruck Rudder . Rude ..:..[ Rudiment . . Rue...... Raff Ruffle^ Rug Ruin !>.{ (x; Dollar I 2 a 4 ;> C^ 7 8 f) 40 II ]2 18 14 )r> ir> 17 18 10 *J0 21 22 23 24 2f) 27 28 29 30 31 82 nu 34 35 3(; 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Ivoliin. . luibiis!. f-'>'lll>. nolo Saber S;(.l)in.f Sable . 1>7 99 Dolltirit 4(; 47 4S 49 AO 51 Hnlcr limn Riiiuin.'ite R;nnniagr [ Rujnoi-. . ••...... Rumple Rumpus.. Run '.''.'.'.]'.['.[ R'ln^ '.'....'. Runner.. . Rufiee . . r,' KupMon Rurnl ' Ru.so lluy.h ... Rusk ..'..['.'.[". KnssotL Rust 'A r.7 59 «0 (11 (13 R"stic ^'4 ()f» Rustle Rut Rnllileps ..,'", Ji7 Rutiie * /JO Rutted *' 09 70 71 72 Sp.bot ^ ^'j Stichel »7i Sack. . . '7'^ ,^-7^-^ 7« Sad 77 S{»ddie * 70 O c • " oaiO nn Saffron gj^ ^f'U .'.,,[ Sa;:;e Sago . . . Said ....' Sail .'.".'.'.'." Saint S&ke . . .[ Salad Qg 81 82 83 81 80 80 87 / : n "T?" TELEGRAPHIC CODE. ftallow. . Salt Salute . . . Salvage.. . Salve . . , Salvor . . . Sample . . Sanction Sand Sandal. . . Sane Sant^nine Sank .. . , Sap Sash Sat Satin . . , Sauce. . . . Dollars. 80 U(\ 91 02 o:j 04 '.)5 0(i 07 08 09 100 '200 HOG 400 oOO GOO 700 Savage Saw Sav ... . Scald .. Scale .. Scant .. Scar . . Scatter Scold. . . Scoop .. Scrape Scroani. Scrip. , . Scum . Sour . . Seal .. Sear . . Soar . . hollars 800 000 1 ,000 2,000 :5,0(J0 4,000 5,000 COOO 7,000 8,000 9.000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 100,000 1,000.000 1' BANKS A BANKINQ INSTITUTIONS. ino ]t;o >oo 1)(J0 JOO mo 000 ooo ooo 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ,000 Acadia Mlnen,NS. Merchant 3 m. Acton, ...Story Chrir.tie & Co. Allsa Craie,0. do Alexandria,©. . do • • do , . Josseph RocjHer . . Standard .Union . Ontario . Ottawa Alliston.O Ontario do GraJiair. & Knight Almonte,0 Montreal Alvin3to'n,0 Merchants do Mo 1 sons do Gordon ADouglaa Amherst, NS Halifsix Bk.Co. do Nova ocotia do .... Montreal Aniher3tl-jrg,0 Cuddy Falls lesherton.O. . . .George Mitchell Florence . . . . . .Isaac Unsworth Foi"dvfich,0. . -. .B.S.Ccok Forest, 0. . . Standard do .... . .L P.Smith & Co Fort Francis ,0. .Corjrerce Fon. William ,0. .Montreal Fort Will lam, 0. .Ontario do ..Ray Street & Co Fort Stool ,BC. . .ComjneTco Fraaorville,Q. . .Molaona do . . .PeAplea of H. do . . . Nationals Fredericton,NB. . Peoples of N.B do ..B.N. A. do • .Nova Scotia do . .Merchants H do . .frfontreal Qalt,0 Commerce do Im.perial do Merchants Gsmajioquo,0 Merchants do Toronto Georgetoym,0. . . .Hamilton Glace Bay, CB. .. .Union of H. Glenboro,M UnJon do R.Logein & Co. Glencoe,0 Traders do Harrit;on & Co. Goderich.O Commeroe do ..... .Montret.1 Golden, BC Imperial Gore Bay.O Hur«t & Burk Grariby.Q E, Townships Grand Falls, NB. .Peoples of H. Grand Fo rk 3, BC. .Merchants H. do . . E , Townahlpa Grand Val ley, 0. .Hamilton & Co. do ..A.Richardson Graveiihurst.O. . .W.T.Hamer & Co» Greenwood, BC. . . .Comirerce do B.N. A. do ... .Montreal arenfel,N,W,T. . .C.R.Tryon & Co. Gretna, M Union do M.Long do Ritz & Widmever Grim3t",0 Hamilton Guelph.O Dominion do Montreal do Traders do Coiranerce Guy3boro,NS Merchants H. Hager3Ville,0. . .J.H.Salter Halifax, NS Halifax Bk.Co, do B.N. A. do ...^. ..Nova Scotia ("c Union of H. do Merchaanta H. do Peoples of H. do Montreal do Jack & Bell do J. C. Mcintosh Kami Iton ,0 Haml Iton do Imperial do B.N. A. do Montreal do Merchants do Traders do Commerce do Molsons Hanover, Merchants Hartney.M Union Harrow, A.Siniaac Hanilota,M Union • do . . . . , .Haciltoa BA1IK3 A BAKKIBO INSTITUTIOKS. Hartland.KB Peoploa of H. Harrownrrith.O. . .Standard Pr-ir\tiJr.g.n,0 Union Haw)CT:5bury. G. . . . Cttiwa horryvllle,?^.. ...I^5cnd Frajicoif. Henaall.O. Molsona do ..".., .MoArthur & Co. Heapelor^.O Merchanta Highgate.O J.D.Gillier, & Co Hochelaga.Q D'Hochelaga Hoi land, M Uifion Hull.Q. .• Merchants Huntingdon, Q. . . .E.To'OTishlps Huntsville.O. . . .Domttiion Iberville, Q St.Hyacinthe Indian Head, KWT. Union Ingeraoll.O Msrchanta do Trtidera do ■ Imperial do A.N. Chri ntcphe? Iroquois, A. J.P.033 Jarvis.O Hamilton Joliotte.Q D'Hochelaga do Nationale Kamloop3,BC Columbia Keewatin,0 Ottawa Kaslo.BC B.N. A. do Columbia Kemptvllle,0. . .1 Ottawa Kentville,NS. . . .Nova Scotit. do .... Union H. Killerney.M Union do Ronald Leslie Kincardine, 0. . . .Merchants do ... .John Boyer Kingston,© Merchants do do do do do do , Standard .B.N. A. .Montreal . Ontario .Folger Bros, .Donald Fraaei do.NB Merchants H. Kingsville.O. . . .B. Jasporson do ... .F.Westcott do ... .Molsons Knowlton,Q. .... .Molsond Lakefiold.O Jaa. Linton & L'AsscmptiotttQ. .St.Hyacinthe Co, Lake MegantiCjQ. Peoples of Iiachine.Q Merchants Lachute ,Q Ottawa Lanark ,0 Ottawa H. H.H.Ethiel- .Maucon & Maxor .Thomas Pullei .Merchants . Vraders •Union of H. Laurent ides.Q. Leamington, 0. . . do do ... .do ... Lawrence town , NS L'Epiphanie,Q. . . Lethbridge.Alta. Union do . Montreal Levis, Q Peoples of Lindsay, .Ontario do Montreal dc Dominion Listowel.Q Hamilton do imperial do ^ -.;•..• "J. W.Soott H L.Gla'-o Bay, N3. .Union of H. Liverpco] ,HS. . . .Nova Scotia do Lockport,N;i. . . Londi-ii. ,0 do do do do do Londonderry, NS Loui3burg,NS. . Louisville, Q Union of H. .Halifa>: lik.Co. . ."op-jtt.Trco .B.N. A. .Merchants .Molsons r .Montreal .Toronto .Merchants H. .Merchants H. .D'Hochelaga Luc know, Hamilton 7jUcan,0 Merchants do R.& J. Pox do R.H. O'Neill Lucknow.O Mair 4 Slddall Lunenburg, NS. .. .Merchants H. do ....Halifax Bk.Co.' do ... .Peoples H. Madoc ,0 E.D.C Flynn do J.C.Dale & Co Magog, Q E. Townships McLeod,inrr Union Maitland.NS Merchants "H. Malbaie,Q. ; National© Manitou,M Hamilton do Union Markdalo.O Merchants do W.Lucas & Co. do McCullough & Young Markham,0 Standard llanEora,0 A. W. Caracal Ian Ma.ttawa ,0 Ottawa Meaford,0 Molsona do- C.H.Jay . .Wood & Kells Mii.ton,0 Hamilton Mllverton,0 R.Ranney & Co Minnedosa,U. . . . .Union Mltchell,0 Merchants Moncton,NB. Montreal do Merchants H. do Nova Scotia do ...... Oliver Jonei do ..... .G.B.Lutz Montague,PEI, .. .Merchants H Montmagny,Q, , . . .Nationale • Montreal,^. . . .-., Montreal do do do do do do rdO Ac .Dominion .Merchants , Ottawa .; . Mo 1 sons ■D'Hochelaga . DuPeuple . Jacq.Cartier .Quebec . . Ontario. I BAWKS A BAMKIMO IISTIT-imOVS. F^or.tyfaal ,Q Commerce do do 4o do do do d6 do Mcoaimln.NTTT, . W'joso Jaw.NWT. do Imperial .Urion .B.N. A. .N.'itlonale .MorchantB H. .Nova Scotia .J.B.Plckem & Co .W.Woir & Son .Union . Union .Httohcock &. Co. UordenM Kaailton do Union do Haloy A' Sutton KorrlaburgjO. . . .Uolsons Mt.Poreut.O Ontario do T.Clark A Co. do J.A.Halstead Nanaimo.BC Br. Columbia do Merchants H. Napanee.O Dominion do Merchants Neepawa.M Union Co. hi do . . . . Miirrhan*.a No 1 son, B.C. .... Br. Columbia do Imperial do Montreal , do ■ erchanta H. New aiasgoYf ,NS. .Nova Scotia uLo . .Union of H. do ..Halifax Bk.Co. Newoa3tle,0. . . . .Trade'-B do ,NB . . . .Novp, rfcotia . . . .Merchants H. N. Denver, P" , . . . .Montreal N. Hamburg, 0. . . . .Western N.Wmstr. ,BC. . . . .Br. Columbia do . . . . Montreal Newmarket, 0. . . . .Ontario Niagara Fal Is, 0. Hamilton do .Imperial North Bay.O Traders N.Sydney ,CB. Union of H. do . . Nova Scotia Norwich, 0. . . . Mo 1 sons Norwood, 0. • • . . . Union Oak Tii.ke,M. . .Andrew & Co. Oakvllle.O . . .Merchants do . . C.W.Anderson & Son do . Andrew & Howarth Oil Spring 3,0 Robert Rao Or&naevlUe.O. ■ .Hamilton do . Commerce do • . L.Waugh * Co Ortllia,0. Dominion do Traders do W.B Tlsdale Ormistown.Q. .E. Townships Orono,0 . . . .J. Linton * Co 05hawa,0. . . . . . Dominion do . . .Western Ottawa, 0. . . . . Ottawa do B.N. A. do .... . . . . Montreal do . . . . Commerce do . . . . Commerce do .... . .. V'*r<:hants Ottawa, Merchants H. do Quoboc do Nationals do Union do Molsona ' Ottoi-villejC. . . .Paxton A Co. Cwen Sound ,0. .. .Merchants do .... Hamilton do .... Mol3on3 do . • . . Kllbourne A Co. do ... .Telfopd A Co. Oxford, NS Nova Scotia Palsley.O Western PackenhaJn,0. . . . .Wm.Halliday Palmerston.O. . . .Hamilton do ....Anderson A Bcott do ....J.W.Scott Pari 3,0 Commerce Parkdale,0 Standard do Merchants ParkhiU ,0 Commerce do T.L.Rogers Parrsboro.NS. .. .Halifax Bk.Co. do .... Comma re ia.i H. Parry Sound,0. .. Ottawa PaspebiaCjQ Nova Scotia Pembroke, Ottawa do Quebec Penetang. Western Perth ,0 Merchant* do Montreal Peterboro,0 Toronto do Montreal do Commerce do Ontario do Mullholland & Roper Petrolia.O Toronto do Vaughn, Fairbank Pickering, Western Picton.O Montreal do Standard Plctou,NS Nova Scotia do Merchants H. Pilot Mound, M. . .Eraser A Co. Pincher Cr.NWT. . Union Plum Coolee,M. . .Hamilton Pt. Arthur, Ontario do Ray Street A Co. do ..... Molsons Pt.Colbome.O. . . Imperial Pt. Elgin, Hamilton Pt.Hawk3bury,NS. Merchants h. Pt.Hood,CB Peoples H. Pt.Hope,0 Traders do Toronto Pt. Perry Western do Commerce Port.LaPr. ,M. . . . Imperial do Ottawa do Merchants Prescott.O Merchants Preston, Merchants do ... .E.J.Checkly ACo Pr. Albert, NWT. . .Imperial Quebec, Q Quebec ■■ do Molaons do Union do Nationals BAMxa A EAjnaifo institutions. Quebec, Q Montreal do D.N. A. , dc Merchants do D'Hochelaga do Peoples H. Rat Portage, o. ., Imperial fio . . .Otta\m Reg.ina,KWT, , , .^ .Montreal do Union Renfrew, Merrhanta do Ottawa Revelstoke.BC. . . Imperial do ... Molaons Richmond, Q E. Townships Ridgetowii.C Molaona do Traders do Elliot.t * Co. Rimouakl ,Q Natlonale Rivernide.ND. . . . A . R. McClonnan Roberval.Q Nationalo Ro33land,BC Montreal do B N.A. do Merchants H. do Toronto do Br.Coli'.mbia Sackville.NB. .. .Merchants H. do ... .Halifax Bk.Co. Sandon.BC Br. Columbia Sarnla,0 «. Coraoerce do Trade rn do Montreal do Thos. H.Cook S.Ste. Marie, 0. . .Commerce do ... Imperial Seaforth.O Dominion do Commerce Shawville.Q Merchants Bhediac,NE Peoples H. Shelburne.O Union do J.A.Halstead Co. do,NS Halifax Bk.Co. Sherbrooke.Q. . . .E. Townships do . ... .D'Hochelaga do ... .Merchants io ... .Nationale do,Nr, Union of H. Shubenacadia.NS. Merchants H. Slmcoe ,0 Dommerce do Molaons do Hamilton Skaguway.US Commerce Smiths Falls, 0. .Molsons do . .Union Sorel.Q Molsons do . . D ' Hoche laga Souris.M Union do Merchants dc ...... Young &. Van- Someren do,PEI Merchants H. Southanipton,0. . .Hamilton Springfield, 0. . .H. Johnston Springhill.NS. . .Halifax Bk.Co. Stanbridpe.Q. . . .A.J.Gllmour Stanstead,Q E. TownBhipa Stayner.O Toronto do J. C. .McKeggie Stirling, Parker Bros. 8t. Andrews. NB. . .Nova Scotia St. Catharinea.O. Imperial do .Commer^^o do .Toronto do .L.H. Col lard St.Cer!aire,Q. . . .St.Hyaclnt>'t St. Francois, Q. . . Nationalo St. George, Merchants do J. P.Txawrason do,Q Qxiebec St. Henri, Q D'Hochelaga do Quebec St . Hyac intho , Q . . St . Hyac inthe do . .E. Townships ' do . .Nationale St. J. Babti3to,Q. Nationale St. John, NB NowBrunswick do Nova Scotia ..do Montreal '"< do B.N. A. t- do ■ Halifax Bk.Co. do • D.C, Clinch do J. M. Robinson St.Jofins.Q Bk.de St. Joan do Merchants do Nova Scotia St. John'a,Nfd. . .Montreal do . . .Nova ocotia do . . .Merchants H. St. Jerome, Q Merchants St. Marie, Q Nationale St. Marys, Montreal do Traders St. Peters, CB. .. .Union of H. St. Rami, Q Bk.do St. Jean St. Stephen, NB. . .St. Stephens do . Nova Scotia St.Ttioma3,0 Merchants do Imperial ' ' do Molsons do J. P.Martyn Stellarton,NS. . .Nova Scotia Stonewall, M R.I^sllo .Stouffville,0. . .Standard do ... Stark & BamB Stratford, Commerce do Merchants / do t . . . .Montreal do W . Mowatt Strathroy,0 Commerce do Traders do E.Roland & Co. Sturgeon Fall ,0. Traders Sudbury ,0 Ontario do Traders Summer3lde,PEI. .Summeraide do . .Nova Scotia do . .Merchants H. Sunderland, 0. .. .Doble & Co. Sussex ,NB Nova Scotia Sydney, CB Merchants H. do ....... Union of H. do Commercial Ta-a,0 Wm.Vandusen Tavistock.O Western TeeBwater,u Gillies & Co. Thamesvillo.O. . .Mayhew & Hanac^r do ...J. AR.Ferguaon Thorold,0 Quebec fi i 1 1 1 S 5 1 j 1 ^ jfltj HH 1^ BAHKS A Thedford/' Jacob .P.ohert .Qviebec .D'Hoolielapa .Henry F.Hart .D.E. J'annoton dd Throo Rivor3,Q. (Jo do do Thetrord Vinen, .Qiiebor Tliombury.O Hartm.iji -l Co, Tilbury, Merchantn do Jamer. Stewart do F.M.SoarfT TilBonburgjO. . , .Tradera do ... .Wentnrn Toronto,© Coirirerce do Toronto do . Ontario do ...... .Imperial do ...... .Standard do Dominion do Trader.-, do Montreal do B.N. A. do Merchanta do Quel/ec do Ottawa do Mo 1 30.13 do Nova Scotia do Unioi; do Hamilton do John Morrinon Toronto June. ,0. Commerce do Molnona Trail, EC B.N, A. Trenton, Molnons Truro, NS Merchants H. do -Halifax Bk.Co do , .Comjnercial W. Tweed, , , .Ontario i .do Murphy & Gordon Unionville.O. .. .J.Stephenson Co Uxbrldge.O Dominion do I.J.Gould & Bro Valleyfield,Q. . .Molaon's .D'Hochelaga .Br. Columbia .Hamilton .Commerce .B.N. A. •Montreal .Imperial .Merchants H. •Molsons 1,0. D'Hochelaga BANKIHO mSTirJTlONa* fv.ller WaJKervll;'?,i'. . .Comnorca Hao Wallacebrrg.C. . ..V.ontreAl Wntorford.O N.H.Ccwdry Wf\t.erloo,Q F.Tow.mhipts Wattir 100,0 Molsonn xt of kin, to the Crown. No vife or child . I ^" '° ^^'^ "*-*** °' ^^^' ^^^ *° *^®''^ ^^^*^ " ' I rcpreucnt&tives. Child, children or their repre- .n * i • i *i ~ oo«+«*i..^c, - All to h:m, her or them Bcntetives ( ' Children by two wives Equally to all. If no child, children or repre- (All to noxt of kin, in equal degree to eentatives \ intestate. Child or grandchild by deceased ] Half !o child, half to grandchild, who child I takes by representation. Half to him and half as -f ho had pre- deceased intestate (R. " O. c. 108, { B. 5 ; t>ed vide R. S. O. o. i '. h. 23.) Husband and child or childron . . Ono-tbird to husband and two-thirds to li'e.thcr and mother HrJ.f to each. [children. Father, mother, brother or sister.. Equally to all. (R. S.O. c. 108,88. 5,6.; Mother and brother or sibter . . . .Whole to them equally. x\r-e „ ii. 1. J.I -A fHalf to Wife, residue ^ifo mother, brother, eistor, ^ j^ ^.;^^^^ ^,^^ ^j,,,,^ and nieces or nephews | „ephewB and nieces take per stirpes. Wife end father Half to each. -r^,.. ,, , , (Two-fourths to wife, one-fourth to vVife, mother, nephews and another, and one-fourth to nephews ^^^°^^ - I r^ndnienes. Husband only to mother, but Wife, brother mother or bister and Half to wife, half to brothers and sisterB and mother equally. (Stat, of Ca'-. II.) Mother only. . Tiio whole. Wife and mother Half to wife and half to mother. Brother or 'ster of whole blood, ( and V and sister of half ■{ Half to each. blood I Posthumous brother or si^t^*"' inelf to each and mother ; Pcathumoijrj brother or sister, | end brother or sister "bora in -' Half to each. lifc-tir.ic of father ( ^'ather's fatner and mother's («„!»*,, „^k mother , Halt to eacn. ^MiRH II; // the Inteitate die leaving ; Uncle's or aunt's children, and brother's or BiBt«r'B grand- children Grandmother, uncle or -i '^ES. Must be put up go as to admit ct inapection. Gco.is sent in oxocution of an order, howeviir email the qu- allty may be, or aiticloa aent by ono privato iudivlviual to another, n'^t being actuaUy Trade Patterns or Samples, ore not admiesible. PARCEL POST.— Caiiada-6 Cents per 4 Oances. United Kingdom fiarbadoos Uormuda BritJuh Guiana Qronada Jamaica LoBward Islands Newfoundland St. Lacia St, Vincent Hawaii Hong Kong & ShaDjlu-i. Japan Now South WaloB New ZeRland Qiieonsland South Aawtmlia Victoria Each Flrht lb. succe<»d- liiK lb. Cl8. eta. U 12 t>0 SO IG J3 '20 20 25 26 30 20 20 2!> .15 15 5.0 00 ?.^ 25 0-;) 20 10 12 £J 20 2i 24 20 20 24 ?4 21 et 24 2« Limit of walgb t. "IbT 11 7 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 11 11 11 11 11 ill ! «I POST OFFICK SAVINGS ll/VNKS \rc e«tabliiib«d ut the Genoral OtUce and uC tiiuMt of thu brauciiun Vuy ^um from Ol-OO upwardn cau bo doiiobited. loterudt 3 pur ctnit. MONISY OKDURS. lo tend Ids money by inAil it Is beat to traoHiult by Money Urdur when poHibi*. Money hitters should always bo loKiHturtM* CoBunisslftn on Money Ortlerit.— On money orders" foawn by any -honey Older oiAce in Canada on any othef money orae.!'blUc« iu thu Gtpminion, is aa followe :~ It not ezcoodiu%\ 3.33V2 4.00 I 1.00 2.00 2.331 2.66' 3.00' il.6G^ 4.00 5.00 5 6. 6.00 I 6.G6%i 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.«) 3.50 4.00 4.50 6.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.60 8.00 a.'iO O.CO ?5n bjQii 1 12.00 2.00 2.1 3.38 4.00 i 4.00%. 5.3Shi 6.00 i 7.ao>5i 8.00 1 9.38>^' lO.W I ii.:i;s>^| l--'.00 I 13.33,'.^ 10.00 2..';o l.l(i>a 5.00 j 5.8:iKi 6.CGj^ 7.50 i 8.33>' 10.00 1 ID.S:^''. ll.e.:' ' 12.f.0 ! i3.*i;.;\i 14. K ly.(Xi I l.'i-K. ■; 10.^.: ,' 2l».00 1 ■i.i..) h :i ^.')) "t .*:■'. C'.'.XJ ll.f^ Ifi.Cl i.3.C] ;6.00 .!7W Table ia baaod apon the cuiul calcnUUon 0! 10 houu to » cUy Mer. 10. EJX'IK^VOITLOIV W I. FROM CANADA. In Canada, as in all other British posBeesions, the Extradition oyst^m knc'vva as the "Judicial ayetem " prevails. By this eyetem, while tho Exec'cive Government decides finally the question of delivery and makeh' tlie delivery of the fugitive, tho judicial authohaes make the preliminary investigation of tho criminality of the person whose sor- render is sought. The authorities competent to make the preliminary investigation of tho crime are meptioned in B. B. C. cap. 142, "The Extradition Act," Hec. 6. These are in addition to the Judges of the Superior Courts and of tho County Courts of any province, all Commissioners appointed under the Great Seal of Canada to act judicially in extri^dition matters. Such comniiseioners have all the powers and jurisdiction of any Judge or Magistrate for the purposes of " The Kxtradition Act." The Extrndition Act proscribes the procedure to be followed and the delays within which exiradition may be granted after the fugitive has been duly couiniitted. H also prescribes what evidence shall be sufifi- cienir to justify tho committal. The crimes for which extradition may be granted are hunted to those specified in the treaties which Great Britain has on tho subject with tho various juntries of the world. It seems pretty certain that extradition without treaty caunot be yrunted under tho casting law of Canada. The prisoner having Vjoen duly committed for surrender, the com- mit*^al is notiiied by the Jiidgo or CommiBsioner to the Minister of Justice; but fifteen days must elapse before the Minister of Justice issues his warrant of ftnrrender (section 12), and this is not done in any case uutil the requisition for the surrender has beeu reiM'ivcd through ti)6 proper channel from tho foreign government. The requi tion generally states the name of the oflicer who is authorized to receive and take charge of tho fugicive and convey him to the foreign country, and the Minister of Justice's warrant is addresacd to such oflScer and to the sheriff or other otficer having the custody of the prisoner. II. .FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY TO CANADA. ... In connecticn with dtmaiuls for the extradition of fugitives from any country having a treaty with Great Britain, it may be stated that all Ht«^i',s Iiectssary towards securing the arrest of the fugitive and his committal fv)r extradition must be taken by the party seeking the extradition. Thin, of course, includes swearing out any information and obtaining any warrant and evidence requisite to that end. Generally apeaking, tho action of tlie Dominion Government is limited to maki-ng through tlie proper channel on the foreign Government the necessary demand or reijuisition under tho treaty for the surrender of the fugitive, aud to furnishing to the jiartics seeking the extradition a warrant of rccipias directed to tho orticcr who is to take charge of the prisoner. The demand or requiH>lion is niade at the request of the Provincial Govern- ment concerned, the Provincial authorities being charged with the administration of onniinHl justice; if made at the retjuest of an indi- vidual or company, the Dominion (jovernnient require to be indemiji- flod against any expense in connection with the proceedings. Of course any authentication of docuincnte or pftlcial signatured required is given by the Dominion; also, any certihcate, etc. .which may be necessary. It should be remembered that the sir^natares and seals of Provincial officers have to be first authenticated by tha Lieutenant-Governor. The Canadian Extradition Act simply gives the procedure in this country. The or 'mes for which fugitive offenders may bo extradited are contained in tho vartoua treaties in subjoined liat. III. FROM UNITED STATES TO CANADA. Fugitiv . ofifendurs may be extradited from and to the United States as follows : All persona who, beinfjchatged with the crime of murder, or assault witli intent to commit murder, or piracy, or arsoU; or robbery, or forgery, or the utterance of forged paper. Manslau^'hter when voluntary. Counterfeiting or altering money ; uttering or bringing into circula- tion counterfeit or altered money. Embezzlement; larceny; receiving any money, valuable security, or other property, knowing the same to have been erabez:jlod, stolen, or fraudulently obtained. Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or director or tutimber or officer of any company, made criminal by the laws of both countries. Perjury, or subornation of perjury. Rape, abduction, child stealing, kidnappin<». Burglary, housebreaking or shopbreaking. Piracy by tho law of ni^tion^. Revolt, or conspiracy to revolt by two or mors pereona on board a ship on the high seas, against tho authority of the master; wrongfully sinking or destroying a vessel at sea. or attempting to do so ; assaults on board a ship on the high seas, with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Crimes and offences against the laws of both countries for suppres- sion of slavery and slave trading. Extradition is also to take place for participation in any of tho crimes mentioned in this Convention or iti the Tentli Article in cub- joined list, provided such participation be punishable by the laws of both countries. Akin to the subject of extradition is the surrender of fugitive offenders from other parts of Hor Majesty's dominions. This is governed by K. S. C. cap. 143, " The Fugitive Offenders Act," which is almost an exact transcript of tlie Imperial Act upon the same subject. LIST OF THE EXISTING EXTRADITION TREATIES. DECLARATIONS AND CONVENTIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Argentine Republic 22nd May, 1889 (rat. 15tli December, 1893.) Austria-Hungary. . . .Treaty of December 3rd, 1873. Belgium Treaty of May '20tli, 1876. Declaration of July 23rd, 1877. " And Declaration of A pril 2l8t. 1887. Brazil Treaty of November 13th. 187vJ. Columbia 27th October, 1888. Denmark Treaty of March 3l8t, 1873. Ecuador Treaty of September 20t]i. 18^0. Frff.nce Treaty of August 14th, 187G. Germany Treaty of May 14th, 1872. • i Guetemala Treaty of July 4tl), 1885. Hayti Treaty of Decomher 7tli. Ib74 Italy Treaty of February r,th, 1m73. And Declaration <>( May 7t:,, 187;} Liberia Ifith Dr mber, 1H92. Luxembourg? Treaty > i Novembor 21th, IftrtO. Mexico Treaty of September 7tb, 18M0. Monaco Wth Decembor. ISltJ. Netherlands Treaty of June ]'.)th, 1871. Portufjal 17th October and 13th November, 1R02. Roumania 2lBt March, 181)3. Russia Treaty of Novemljcr '2Uh, 188(5. Salvador Treaty of June '2.}rd, 1881. Spain Treaty of June 4th, lH7(i. " And Treaty of February I'.Hh, 1889. Sweden and Norway . .Treaty of June 2(ith, 1873. Switzerland Treaty of November '2()th, 18S0. Tonga • Art IV. of Treaty of November 2'«th, 1871». And Protocol of July :kd, 1882. United States .Art X. of Treaty of Au-^ur.t '.)th, 1812. •' And Blaine-Paunco/ote Treaty of 12th July. liiB9, Uruguay Treaty of March 2()th, 1884. * TongouBubJcctB eHcaping to British Territory. 1:1 1^ In the matter of pardons of convicts in the penitentiarien, prisonn, jails and rcformutorie.^, the application for clemency ehould be prepared in the form of a petition addreefied to IHh Excellency the (Jo/ernor- CJeneral, staiing the a^e and name of the convict or prisoner, name of the Judge or Magistrate who tried and sentenced him, crime committed and date of sentcaoe, term of imprisonment, where incarcerated and reasons for seekint? the exorcise of the clemency of the Crown. This petition should bo uddreased to the Secretary of State at Ottawa and j-i^jned by one or more porsono, with any documentary evidence or letters regarding the previoua character of the i)riHoner, etc., etc. The matter 13 then submitted to the Department of Justice, where full en_^/ WHAT IT IS DOING. UP TO the present time the Merchants have been educated by the *' old line " Mercantile Agencies to rely upon their books of rating and their office reports, which ure often mouths and sometimes years old. WE BELIEVE the progressive Merchauts are tiring of these old reports and are sej>king Romething more reliable and " up-to-dat-*," and they are also desirous of securing some method by which they can reduce their losses to a minimum. OUR METHODS are intended to facilitate our Subscribers in getting speedy, reliable, and uiv-to-date information concerning the financial standing, character, credit, etc., of their customers, or intended customers, at one-half the cost now charged by the " old line " agencies. OUIl OBJECT is to furnish the Subscriber v/ith such informa- tion, or the material out of which information can be secured, as will assist him in determining with whom to do l)usiness, and t. what extent, and whether credit .should be given or not, and whether an order should be filled or rejected. THE INFORMATION by our system is obtained right on the ground, and from a reliable source, which is known to you and which is the very latest, and is not copied or taken from old rp;x>rts which have been on the files for months and even years in .some cases, but is new and up-to-date. ENQUIRIES can be made upon our copyrighted forms (and you get your report by return of mail) as well as by your traveller right on the ground. REPORTS on lawyers, doctors, local merchants, farmers, mechanics, and in faxit all classes of persons, firms or corporations. THE TRAVELLERS will find our system most beneficial and of very great service to them while on the road in determining whether they should take an order or not, or whether it should even be sent ic to- the House, if taken. t a n d a rd -ot^M r\ For the Promotion and gency fo&S^ Protection of Trade WHAT IT IS DOING. Hi! NO NECESSITY under our systom to ^ct a report of all the Merchants on a trav(>lU'r's ronto before he leaves the House, he chu get the same as he calls at each town. THE SUliSClUKER can ol.taiu iufornuition by mail, by KJmply nudnng an entiuiry on one of our copyrighted " enquiry blanks," and enclosing a stamped and addressed envelope for the reply. WE HAVE the largest number of Correspondents of any modern Mercantile Agency in Canada, and are con- tinnally adding to our list. NO LIMIT or restriction to the number of enquiries you may make, and all forms and blanks are supplied free of charge. FINANCIAL slatemonts can in many cases be obtained dircci from the customer himself by using our copyrighted *' linaiicial siutemeut" form, concerning the financial standing of the customer, and this could not be secured by you personally without prejudice to your interest. TELEGUAni CODE. It is the most complete and extensive in the Dominion, and by means of it our Subscribers can send a message to their travellers or correspond- ents of over one hundred words for twenty-five cents, or " visa versa, and this alone will save the subscrip- tion fee many times over. BANKS. We furnish you the most complete list of banks and banking institutions in the Dominion, the same having been carefully compiled, revii^cd and corrected to date. . -H' I 3 4 6 ^!.' Q20 33 63 93 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OS O INTEREST TABL,E. Six per O'Jiit. $1 $2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 5 3 6 3 6 4 7 4 8 5 9 5 10 6 11 6 12 $3 $4 $5 ^10 $20 $.00 ^lUO 1 1 3 5 1 1 r 7 1 1 2 6 10 1 1 1 3 7 13 1 1 1 2 8 8 17 1 1 1 3 5 18 25 1 1 2 3 7 17 33 2 2 3 6 11 28 55 3 4 5 11 21 63 1 05 5 6 8 IG 31 78 1 65 2 2 3 6 10 25 50 3 4 6 io 20 60 1 00 6 6 8 15 30 75^ 1 50 6 8 10 20 40 1 00 2 00 8 10 13 25 60 I 26 2 50 9 12 16 80 60 1 50 3 00 11 14 18 35 70 175 3 50 12 16 20 40 80 2 00 4 00 14 18 23 45 90 2 25 4 50 15 20 25 60 1 00 2 50 6 00 17 22 28 55 1 10 2 75 5 50 IB 24 30 60 1 20 3 00 6 00 $500 25 33 60 67 83 1 26 1 67 2 75 6 1^5 7 75 2 50 5 00 7 50 10 00 12 50 15 00 i; 60 20 00 22 50 25 00 27 50 30 00 D- id Bank Holidays. Ontario, New BRUNswacK and Nova Scotia.— New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monde^y, Queen's Birtbday, Do- minion Day, Labor Day, ChristDias Day. Quebec— New Year's Day, Epiphany, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension, Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, Labor Day, All Saints, Conception, .Christmas Day. Also, throughout the Dominion, any day appointed by Proclamation for a General Fast or Thanksgiving. Valuable Information for Businenri Men, I i I ; i-r NOTES. . Demand Notes are payable on presenta- tion without grace, and bear legal interest, after a demand has been made, if not so written. An endorser on a demand note is holden only for a limited time. A Negotiable Note must be made pay- able either to bearer, or be properly en- dorsed by the x>©3rson to whose order it is made. If the endorser wishes to avoid responsibility, he can endorse ''without recourse/' A Joint Note is one signed by two or more persons, who each become liable tea the whole amount. Thbbe Da^ys* Graoe are allowed on all time notes, after the time for payment expires ; if not then paid, the endorser, if any, should be legally notified to be holden. NOTES Falling Due on sundat, or on a legal holiday, are paid the day following. Altering a Note in any manner by the holder makes it void* Notes Given by Minors are void. The Maker of a note that is lost or stolen is not released from payment if the amount and consideration can be proven, but he is entitled to indemnity against the lost note. An Endorser has a right; of action against all whose names were previously on a note endorsed by him. i^ For tho Promotion and Prottotion of Trade. (ENQUIRY FORM-A) a Ul (0 (0 u (t Q O < u a. o (E a w 0. o id > z Id Z < Incorporated I896. -' ^«"gii Subscribed. Hl.OOO. Capital btock, WO.OOC). ^ifltff^l^ Paid-i.p. |2t.5()0. (< (ipj-rightt^) f (The Standard Mercantile Aarency, of Toronto. LImlted.i '■*10eST NUMBEROFCORRESPOHDENTSOF ANY MERCANTILE AGENCY, N CANADA USED IN ALL TELEGRAPH MESSAGES. COLLECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. STANDARD CODE CABLE Word "stanmerac.- ^^e^i/e. (Corresponih'nf .t Name) {Addreas) > > < 0) PI z o § > ■n O 9 The senders of this Form are entitled to your services upon terms of a your contract with this Agency. » THE STANDARD MERCANTILE AGENCY, Limited. < Per Stc. O Z I Dear Sir ■< O z Id « O Kindly favor us, per enclosed stamped envelope, with answers (as far " O as possible) to the enquiries set out on the other side of this sheet. This 5 u enquiry is made for the purpose of assisting us in determining the propriety ^ (0 of givuig credit to ■^ £ S ? ^ Name Busi nes.s P.O. Prov. . which information will be considered STRicrtv confidewtial. Yours respectfully, O z m > o z o •nl ( Subscriber' s Name) with it, only RELIABLE and TBUHTWORTOY m.n Inrt w» T i, ?k" ^B^ncy in to hsve a«8oclat«' Value of Real Estate (if .inyj and where situaie ? In whose name is the Real Kstale Y [f Amount of Mortgages on Real Kstate ? Any other Assets ? -« How much do you consider party worlh ? ... fi Has parly ever failed, if so, when and where, and what settlement made? \\ .Does party usually pay promptly r ... .^._ Is party worthy of credi' ? To whal amount '' Do you knov^ of an\ reason why credit shoiud noi he given ? Remarks : (Pii«M«'irive»ny iufunnktinn yoii Dunk wil'. Im- nf value ~ - } Thin mport iutx b«ee obtained in gixx) f«it)> front anthorittin- cfinHideml rttliablv but ii> . iriuknuiteed. It Is irivrn In Htrirt confldnnm^ and for «ul««-rih<'r>'' i-zcliutlv< vuie and bem^flt aw V term* of nontroct no» Jl U. 3 c o < > » M Ik GC a L, a o •1 z < e o U z u (A > < -I < Tor the Promotion nnd Protection of Trade. < ENQUIRY FORM B> Incorporated 1896. *^^^j^P^ Subscribed, 1^11,000. Capital Stock, >8o,000. 21, 500. y (Copyrlghfn!) ' '* iThe Standard Marcantllo Agenc)', of Toronto. Llmltsd.) ^ LARCeST NJf^BER Of C Jfif^ES ''0M:£ V TS DF AIJV MERCASTILE AOCNCY IN CANADA. ^ /'iT ANOARl: COOL" UitS IN ALL TELlOHAfH MF.5SA0ES. CABLE WOfO STAN'>'!:'^AZ •• COLL ECTIONS 7 H HOUCHOIIT TH E ^OKLD. " J V • •. > " ^— ^ iS ^CorretponJfiiF : ^•ai-ie\ ..„ ; JJ • : . • 5 titJJfCSS) _ ... • ^ O 30 The sender-; of this Forn^ .ire enfiikJ to your services upon terms of ^ your con^r.icl wi'h '.lii-, .Xj'cucv. f^ THE STANDARD MERCANTILE AGENCY, Limited. < z r •< O z m m z o c 3 ■< o z > o X •»» o s I DtAR SiK : Ki:idly Tavor us, per encloiivd stamped envelope, wiili .inswer.-; to the cnqiiirie.s set out on the other side of this sheet. This enquiry is ni;»de for the purpose of assistinjf us in dcti-rminiii^' the propriety of g^iving credit to Name . ■ Occupation Tp. Lot Con P.O. C'y .,.„. Credit wanted, $ in an-iual payments, which Inform-.tion will be considered STRICTLY co^fF^DE^•TlAL. ^'ours respectfully, (Subscritfr'- Xawe} tWNOTE— Our ButtmrilxTB will i t.nfer a favor upon thf- Agency. 1/ tli^j will f-pr,!'! the Damn of any *."orro«p»>ndfnt who h»« l)-< n at nil dciellct. The obji-ct of tbiH ARoncy U to tiavp «>«r)cl»te(l with 11, onl» RKLIAJiLE anJ TKUSTWOKTHY incii. «ud wo vik the ro-...v>*-r»tlo3. »r.(l aid of oach Hub*.ril>t'r1n the -.Mryinyi out < f thin ol'j<-vl and attainment jf thi*i ond. KINDUV WRITE REPORT ON REVERSE SIDE. 11 I! I •^y— !#«V" CORRESPONDENT'S REPORT. 8TRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. '■^m^ 1. Wnar is his age? (Ans.) 2. Do you consider the p ■ Thla report h*a b«eil obtAlned iu sood faith from anthoritiM cotiMdorcd r<r'a ezcloilTn nM itDd benefl', a» por « Csnjia of contract. j I FINANCIAL STAIilMENT FORM. Standard .r.^ JIgencf Incorporated 1806. '^^griiW^iT' Subscribed, $4^.000. Capital Stock. SSO.noo." .^^{^^^ Paid-up, J2l,5UO. iThe Standard Mercantile AKency, of Toro"hto, Limited.! LARGEST NUMBER O^C-OftRESPON DENTS OF ANY MER ANTILE t^rjENCY I N CANADA "standard CODE'' USED IN ALL TELEGRAPH MESSAGES CABLE WCRO "STANMERAC" COLLECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD S/'-M'Ji/r'j, Deati Sitft, We have been requested to furnish a confidential report as to your financial standing by one of our Subscribers, no doubt with the object of doing business with you, or granting or extend- ing credit to you. We desire to give as accurate and fair state ment of your affairs and position as possible, and with this object wc now ask you to kindly give us a statement on the back hereof and return to us by return of mail Our CorrcHpondent has already reported but we desire confirmation from you direct. If you desire us to assist you, you must give us a fair report and we can assure you it will do you no harm, but if you refuse or neglect to return this (when we enclose a stamped and addressed envelope) it "Certainly would be considered in our report. Kindly let us hear from you by return of mail, and by dr- ing so, you will confer a favour upon, Yours, truly, KINDLY FILL IN REPORT ON REVERSE SIDE. Financial Statement Form. CONFIDENTIAL. U Aame of Jirtn iTn'imdifal members^ vames and age Length of time in business Where A mount of stock Outslandinij accounts, (yood) , Outstaiulincf accounts (bud or doubtful) ■:, Personal yaods (not cx/'mpt ) C' . Stocks ( in BankSy etc.) i?. Real Estate 9. Real Estate (in wife's ruime) S. Real Estate (in husband's name ) C. Insurance on stock 0. Insurance on real estate •!;'. yearly/ sales or business p . LIABILITIES. To Bank ■$. " Whoh-salcrs •'■* . On Chattel Mortyaije C. " Stcck [; , " Rial Estate Mortgage , " Judgments From whom do you bug goods ?. . . . What time do yon generally grt ? . Do you deal in stocks on margin ? Remarks Dated at (Sign here). ( Business) . , (Address) . , I