IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // //A V / >'■ c?. / s <^ Mi &"< Cp, y 1.0 I.I 1.25 ;f iiM iiM '^ IM III 2.2 It 1^ III 2.0 1.8 14 i 1.6 v] <^ /a OM ^;. <^ // y /a Photographjc Sciences Corporation 23 'Nlif MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SB0 (716) 872-4503 iV ^\-^ fd :\ \ f^' cv ^^% ^i> ij-'.'--- :.-:'«j-;^-^-.;«<|K(c^t< J^^7 "^-^ '*«•-►.<» Read before the Royal Society of Canada. Section II. At Halifax. ISI. S June 18 97. BY MR. BAILLAIRGE FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY. T)-l£ AB.STRACTy\ND CONCRETE E\ EDUCy\TIOX Till'; \V()i;i). TiiK i.M.\(ii:. ti!k i;i;Ai,rrv. Il is roiiiin^:' to 111' wi'li known, now n il;i\~. tli:it to cnsnri' |iliU'tic;il .'ind >|i('rily l'csull> in tin' iici| inii of 11 srii'nr.', ii- it, '■vi'n lli.'il ol' l:ii,'U;i;i;i% t lis' c. inci-cli" niii>t 'i'o li.iml in li;ini| wilh tli- iilisl I'iM't : I Ih' ri'iilil y oi' an iinau'f t Ilt^oI' wi i Ii i I|.' wor i cvin^'-s-.i vi- ol' till' lliiii'i I I't'i'ii'il !■). Till' wril'Ts lirst |i":-ri'^itio!i of ili ■ Imtli of this, was, wlii'ii. a 1m)\' a! srliool, ho i ii t iii I i vi'ly so in say. innl- liiins'll' a sut of .s)lii| roriiis. lip' siiiipliT oni' of wooil. ill.' olInT^ of |ia|ii'i' cut ont, anii sliii'k or si'Wcd t.o;^('i hor ,il iIh' i'iIm-.'s. to i-naliN' iiiiii, the i|iiii'ki'r ami iiioi'i' surely to tal\i.' in llo' I iMi'li I ii'.:'s of oiciiii'iilary '^coiiii'i ry .■iimI inal liriiiat h's : ill" woril or naiin.'-a coin', a |iy r.iiiiiil, a spliri'i', a cy lini|i-r — con vi'viii;.;' lln/ alistr.icl of tli',' form alimli'il to, wliili' till- inoilt'l itsi'll' was lli.i foncri'tion ol' liiat iilfa, ils finlio'li- iijc'iit. il^ ri'.aliiy. TIn-rr arc in;my il^'li ;i il ions of ih' two; ili,. ,,\\ ' ^\n■^ \n nils', ii/ir,' to si'pai'atc, t') draw t' ; tli' ali-itr.U'ti'in of a i(iia- litv inherent in anytliiiri i'r)ni iIp' lliiii'j; or entity ils.df; as of a, man. a tree, a line, an anii'le. a liL;':ire -ihe tail, ill ■ I' iiliid, ill •■ si|ilal'e, till.' sti'oiiL;. ihe ri:lil. the rurx'.'d. th".iciP', ihe h-autiful ill ueii, I'al ; or, witlioiii relV-rcMce to any mm or thiiiij, or t j any |ie|-,-on Ol- (ilijcci, illnsi ra: i \ e of the i|iMlity si'll'orlh — in fact as said II 'fore ; the mere name or a ppi'l l.a I ion of the lliinj' alluded to; whih- the concrete {■'indm/ e/-/.s.j,-' |iii:roW toLTether) is the thiic: itself; ilial man, that tree, tin- line \ 1!, the iiiaii'^le A I'. < '• — tile ahslraci |ii'o|io~ilion a III! its ciiiicrete ;i|i|dical ion lo a part icular ca-e; the word wind, rain, heat, cold as dist iiiei i \ i' iVoin the pin-no- mi'iioii it-elf or from some taiiirihle, realistic idi'.il of the ihiiej-. as a -en.-;ii ion. a ma nifeslat ion ilieieof ; or a piclnre wh ch renders ihe ihiii'j \i-ili|e: lor insi.'ince. an inllaled sail, an nmiirel la. ;i mnllled siiiinkiiri li'.:nre m' a persui i-iir^ man or 'I'll iicr^t iiii;- of an oliierwisi' jilistract day ofihe week ami year as •• .\sli Wednesday "(lood Fiidav" " Kaster ."»iinday,' I )omi nioii. arh ir, t liaii k' -ii'i \iii'_' da\'— a \i'ar; the year I'.IDIl, the year of siicli and siicli and eveni — aiiioiilh: the inoiil h ol' may ■ a sea-oii : aul n iin. winter. spriiiL:', Slimmer a million : a million doll.ars, :^ ihoiisand men —a iiiiliioii- nail'e : a (loiilil. a N'anderhilt — a minisirr of ihe ijospel : ,a l!>' Mel. ,'i lieecher. a I'arkhiirst ci- a TaliiLiL:'!' — a, sciciitisl: a i)awson. a .">tiipart. a Lallamme — a planet ; Saturn, X '|iiune, .Mercury— a star : A Ideharoii. .Sirius, (iamma ('assiopea — .a lo\ely woiii in : you and Mill and sou and all ol' yoii— an n^dy woman ; no, e\'.'ry ihinii' (lod mad ' is lieaiil il'nl of its kind. P? .^i i iil ('(im|iarc lljr \miv in which ;i chihl h'nrns tli( naiiic (il'a liall, a [ihitt'. lu'caiiSL- hi' liamllrs it. and has ii paiiilcil in his ry^^ : whilr, ndl sii till' la v< III' 1 hi' vvi'cl;.. licransc thi'V raniml hi'srcn, h"i Iclt, niir a lurMil'i' hr inaih' nl' ihrni ; ami (inl\ niini' lo hi' iilcn! i fu'il, cni- bmlii'i! in ihi'chihis' niiinl as Sniiihiy ; ihrilay we i^n to church ; Sa- lunlax. the ihi\ piTci'di nu Sunday, ircniTaily a iudiihiy at ; Wfducsihu' will l>t' ihi' ih.ii'd day alter Sunday; or, more sul'- I'l'stivi' in till' 'j,i'l'uiau ; til" iiiiddh' of tin' wck. Thi' (Juccn'- IJirth dav will !>'' n'uii'Uili 'icd on acciinl of it- parades and lii'e works, Cliristui IS hi 'CI use ol' Santa ( 'laus. Arhor day hfings itself iitu'k to one's renu'uihfanee as the word sn'^iicsts. and otlii f dius to olln-rs lur '.heir e|ad Ol sail le i einlii'ance-. The ditlicnliy III' illiisti ation consists more in hnni.;inu the mode of doiiiLi so or t h" simile to mi nil, than in apply in u it . l""or ins- tance when ioidviiiL: at ilic iris en or drixiii'j' snow or sleet or rain, you immedialely see in it an excdient modi' of oicl iiriim- the wind if not of actually I'eelim;- it ; while, wilh r'"j,aid to the heat of the sun, a stove, a lire, w hei'e there is no apparent motion, it nin.--l he felt to render it seiisihle, or pii'lure to one's self what it is, in' its action mnsi he noticed as excinpdlied in I he >,ofteliiii:;- of certain sulisiances. in the lii|Uefy iiii; of ice or r'dueinL;- it to water. I'mvideiice is full of modes or means co nip(uisator\- of missin'j' or iiliseiit faculties, a- with the hriiid. the ihaf. the diiinh. who ;ire ;i"iiei'allv endowed with other senses, made more sen.-it i \e as t hat of touch : the dwarf or hunchhaek is often tines more spiaLilit I v hoth of ininii and hilly ; theii^Iy and defoi-med more in telli'.;en t , (plickiT ''f pel'-eption. .\nd if 1 he coinpi iisai ion he not coex ist.i n t . it comes in time ■!< when-, th lU-h woman is the fairer, the prettier, or more handsicaie while yoniii;-. the man whai old has the advaiil- a'ji' nf les> oliliterated features. In th' s me way. m 'ii not endowed with the ■neiital facilitio for the ac.|uisilion of the hi'^iier iiial lieinat ics : liuxions 11.11(1 the like, enahliii^' them to de d w,lh and follow up or (dose upon the \-ar\in,e p.nli and velocity of motion of a Jet of water, a stone tJii-oWn from a sliii'.^ or from the hand, a hiillei. hall or --hcil from a. rille. t:un or mortar, the motion ol' a planet or a. comet — such ineu are sometimes endowed hy iiatnr' Wit h i n 1 lii i ve pi-oc'esses of eon ci'ption of the pli 'iiomeiion and of itsinode of ex posi t ion. and with a llicilitv of illustration which if ies- .-at isfactory to the truly scien- tiCic. is the more so to humanity in i.;i'neral. And to proof. a'.:ain. that the hrineiii'i of a thiiii;- t.> mind is sometimes more .lilliciilt. than the dealiiiL;- with it. when ihomiiit of, i.s the fact that so Ioiili' as. in readii:'..!' of the proposed Chicii,ti;ii dru-c. Canal, the writer did not look at the map, he saw iiothini;' of a.ii .'darmin.ii nalme in it, knowiiiL;' ('hicatio to he soiiie llDI) miles in- hiiid or away from onr (.'iiiiadiaii frontier line aloiiLi' ihe Lakes; hut. so soon as, he oiiv da\ diaiu-u'd to Innlv hehiiid him at a map of the I ii I'liilliniil'l :ll|il I'llilril Stilli.'S. il ,-tl'llrk him lll;ll liV ill • |>l'(l|li)SI'il t:l|i- liilli: n|' l;ikc MlrhiMiiM III ill" rxlrllt i>\' 111 IU,I II H I Cllliic I'l . cil' WaUT |H'r iiiiiiiili' ainl niiiiiiiij i t (ill' I nv ii'iis I li ■ ( iill' of Mi'xir i I liniiiLili llir Drs .Mdiiir-. Illiiidis ami .M issi.--i |ii |-i\-ci's : ihi' llnw (iscr ill" NiaLiara. woilil lie u'-^si'in'il liv .^u iiini'li ami liy su wiiirji i In' i'('>|i"i'i i vr (i"|illi- nf I lie (iTiMt Lak •> I) 'low Si 1 |i ■ I'i i iT, ami (if I III' M. i,awrcnci', lii'li.w ( (ntariu; tlm I'ili I In' lak"s may li ■ ila ii u al ii|i In I Inir rnriiiiT li'\rl. wliilc llii' ilr.nulil (if ill" Si. l,a \vi\Miia_' raa mil li,' imaaaisail This iiiiTc ai-riili'ii lal uiaiio' of his al \\i>' ma|i. ami wliidi iial him to lie I he lirsl. in Drr sii') •!■ 1^.' I. ill r illlll'i' lIp' a 1 i fli I ii ill (if iiill- fiiiVcni lllfll t In I hi' s|iiil ia I iiiii. iiiiihl hav- nccarrcd Id aiiul Iht, hut iliil mil iiml is lu'iMil' (if wliai is IhTi' ailvaiici-il llial llu' hriiiiiiiii^' (if a ihiiiu' In miml is iiiur.' illli aill lliaii ill ■ il 'iiiu' nl' it, when tlmii^^'ht di'; and as a iinTi' id 'a is or has h 'I'li >i iVaill'ul in citiirr casrs ; it't llif here ai'ml.' to tll ■ a;i|iar.'li t y cnmiiliral rd 'i iicst inii i,r riii-- I'l'iits and ire dril'ts alidiil I h • ! olrs (if I In' I'liilh a ml smli'^' 'Sl In such us an- slniUiiiL'' I he siili'p ct nl' |Milar travel ami dlscdVcry. to lake in '• cent rit'ii^al " liirri' or action, which im mitj as yt'\ seems in ha\i' lildii'jht df ddiiiL;'. as ( iic iirilic im|iirtaiit lai'ldTs lint td lie ncjih'ctial ill diailiiii; \\ i t h tin.' snl.jicl i.f al'clic ami ai.larclic di>- CdVt'iy . Aiiaiii in ihc -tiid\' dl'iimtidU in c.i him los li(|niil~. mi man can iimlcrslaml ill' lliiii:'. ai ica Ic^ r'ld.'i'it I'vM'nt t i dlli.'i-s, until llic idea dcciirs Id him (if Cdhirinir the 1 ipiids nr diic dl" tln'iii, xshcrelix' il> nidi iun may h- -.■en and rnliiiw.-d n|i and s ilcni 1 t>.'d to caciilaiidii, as when, with the (ihlT Slicam. ad\a:ilai:i' can he taken df its dill'cia'iict' df ti'nipi ralni c Id sliidy it as what il ri'aly i~, a li \ cr i n I 111' derail . ()t' |iriit'essd|- '1"\ iidall, Ileili'i't S|H'iieer says: "he was eml- dwed with cdiist riieti \ e i imi u i II a I idii in a liiuh deLii'ee. in cdiiimdii with sncce-rnl in\ e-tijatdf . in ■.;■ 'ii Tay li'ilis:ilayel il in ldiMiin'.i- true (■diice|itidns nl' iihysieal |iiMcesses previnnsly iiiisi ii t er|irek'd nr iinintei'|ireteil : amiaiiain in cmicei \ i n;_:' imides hy which iheacUial relaliniis df the jiheiidmeiia cdiild li' ilcnidiist ra 1 1 d. ami aLiaiii in dt'\isiu end. lie wa- an eMa'Ueiit expd.-i Im- ami u'l'dd e\|iii.-ii inn inqdies in icli e imsmmicI i ve iiiciLii nat inn . A |iri'|-eiinisile IS ilie t'drmiii'j: ni' tni ■ ideas nf the mental sl.ates df tlids,. whil arc In he lac;:lit. and a fiii'lhcr |iren'i|i,i-itc is, the imaeiniiii; nf iiictin ds ly which. In ,i;i iini iiix with < dncc|i! imis lhe\- iKissess, there may helmili up in there mimls. the ( ceptidns ill 'N- (Id mil p.isse.-s. Of c iiistriiclise iiiia-iiiaMdii as displayed in llii.s sphere, nieii ,at lar,:ii — says Spencer — ajipear td he almust devdid ; as willies- the alisiird sysleiiis nl tcaidiiii'.;' which in past limes, ami hiruclv tn lliisdav, have sliipelied and still si iipefy children , hy ]ircsentiiii; alislraci ideas liefurc they have any Cdiicri'tc cnicepl inns iVdiii which they can he drawn. Whether as a led nrer or writer, profosjsnr Tymlall carefully avuided th,-. vieidn- practice. i — \ lllixlcv ill his lii(i.jr;i|iiri,'i|l ..kctcl. nf 'l'\ ii(l;iil lllsii alllldcs t(|. Iliis wciillli iil'('\()t.'riniriit;il illiisi ral iun, ami of Lis inakiiii,' his wav '" :i piisitioii ill s f vos|u'cts iiiii((iie l)_v sliciir Inrcc; of cliiiractiT and inlcliccf, uilliuiil a(l\ iiiitaut's (if iMliicatiim or I'xti'aiiooiis aiil, '" :' |'l:i''i' ill till' lii'st rank imi u;i|y of sciciitilii' wnrlci'rs I) it of \\'iit('rs ami sprakcfs. Now, while a siirictv like ihf prosi-iit is not to iKv-cciid (o tip- roll »)!" impaitiiiL' knowledge direct lo the million, it hidmves It, thoiio-h, to put olhci's ill the way ofdoim: so, \,y hriiii^ ^iiirir,.. stive to th-m ol'the ways or at least of some of the modes of so doiiiL' in a quick ami iiileHiL;-ihK' niaiiner. Siadi siin-u'esi ions n ay l why i he writer's paprr on •• 'Irrlnii'-dl Kilii'iilinii ill l'i,t,Tliinr,tl iiiniihiij,:" ,if which Ills lv\- fidlei, cy said that it was" Aihiiirnl,!, ,uiJ iims/ ii,h ri.s/im/ " and(]fwhi(di llie Lurd r.ishop of t.Miehec, .M i; r He-iii ami th' t eeliiiolo:rists of i he I'fpartnieni o| l'nhli<' liistriiclioii have i'\press,.d iliems I, ,ul A herdeen iiimseif as patron of the sociiU v. Amuheri'ase, in p.iint, is when some ye.irs ajro, the writer suhiuitted a pajier (m " ll'mis In ( ;, ,,,nrl, rs h,r 'i )i>'ir r litim, of l-:,i,-l i,l " a most important suhject for consith-ral ion and discussion hv the world at hir,-u and whi(di if c;ii-ried oiil wonid ere this have" hen fruitful of a yearly economy of millions of d,, liars .saved to parents in tiif tuition nf tiieir (diildren l>y tlie ciiri.ailinn- ,,f | Ju,. time iiece.s.sarv for the This paper, it will hardly he credited, was referred for their repoi-l to niemh'rs of the ,S,,ciety, '|iioiid,i;u lu'ofes-iors at tiie Seminary of (>iieliec. totally niiacq nain led with Kiiclid. whi.di nover crossed the threshold of that I nsiitntion ami a more .synopsis of tlie contents ,,f the paper was triven hy th ■ ivport iuu^ coiiimi t tee. instead n\- leavin- that for the author to ,lo if the whole p„per could not he |iilhlished. thon^^h I ludeivc, of only someei-ht to ten paL'es. The writer iherefore aftei- til' |ire>.nl s.-ssi ,n had mav h.j I m I ''■■"'■I' l"<'iil'' 'III Iciivinu tlic r,iiik-i of she S(icir|\-, as il cdmics t ' ill'' ^.i.iir lliiii'i wiii-llirr lii> iisi'l'iiliicss lias (h'|iai'lci| >iv llicri' Ik? I'll line ill ihf Siirictv to a|i|ii'cciah> il. Ami yt tlpTi> is nn nnc to lilaliic Inr ihis, CNci'pl may lie ill.' fart |li,-,t in aiMilioii to lli.' luiir sfclidlis— Frcncli 1111(1 KiiL'lish l,;liTa!i||c. (mmiIuu'V, i'liv.-ir--. Clic- illi^l^_v ai;(l .Mailiciiialic.--, lli;'rc sIhmiIiI df m i- li I lir a lil'lli >riiiiiii i-niii|Mi>(>.| nf >iirii iii.Mi a- jlnxlry. r'aiadav, 'I'yiidall aiiil lln' like NVlii'li al llic iricc'|i|i,.|i (,r llh' SiMidy, ih,. wiitiT Was iiiaiji' liv I-di'il l;niaic aihl his ( 'naiocllors f ii- lumi'ia I Imh iiirnili.T.-. it iiiiisl have lircn fur mpiiic Mipimsial sijcciality — iircMiiiiaMy dii ac f'liihl (if hi,- 1 laliictiiin ill his liTaii>r of | sCit'i in ilir iMrnch laii^riiau.' t't' Kiu'lid'.s 1 .ii'nrciii.s 1(1 hall' liicii' ii iiiiihir, while sacriliciiii;- imne 111' llu' ciiiiclii- Miis lilllif (Irci'is (liMiini'hT. -it (ui acniiiiit iif his a]i|iliraliiiii cifllic |)risiii(iii |a I rorinnla In llii' cnliiiiL;- of allnnsl csci'V kliiiun (ir cniiiTi \ alilr rlciin'liIal'V \'i>rii\ ii[' spai'c-i licdsi li l;' li'^iiri' — with liir t'.\cc|itiiiii Hilly (it .-|iilii|Kvs. thri'- I'riista ami nl' iliii;-iilar ; 1 hill I ^h r\cii I'or I hrsc t III' antlliir's sysliMii hi'i ni^s (nit a cIdsit a|i irii\- iiiKili'iii III ra-k L'liaiiaiiu- I'm' i nslaiicc. than a ly ii'iiaii'iiiL; rml I'a ii ihi : ■-iiiri' till- mil hilt iiirasiiri's tin' ilislaiin' Ih't wtimi ill' hiiiii:- ami lieail with. nil any ii'l'iTcnci' tn t he ciii-val un' hetwi'eii ilu'iii. whih' tin- |iris iilal I'lriiiula takes in as a fartMr tli" hall' w i \' il\a']i,'lei- h't- wei-ii the Iiiiiil:' ami heail ami reiliices r he '.', tn i |i t e'lit nrerrnr h\' the I'l'il to a 111 Te I'lMrl ina ,i;' ,i ,,• p n' (''ill In I 'i ■ aill il ir's pi'.iivss. ALiaiii. may he the aiilhnr's simplilieil trealmeiil nl' sph.'rics Was mil lA'erlii 'ki'il hy the ni'iuinal hnacil aiel I'.niiiiiii t lee, iinr hii new ami ciii'la, ieil pnieess nl' ai I'l \ I iii:' at spherical areas. I)\- the sn eilleil sphiTleai excess, lahillati'il I'nr ih':^ri'es. iiiiiiiltes. sccunds ami ilji In a 1 liiiu>aiii| I h nf a ■ecu ml nr le--. i h a \va \ In render il pn-i-i Me li\' mere addilinii In allive al the area reiplireil nl'ailV pnl'linii nl' a sphere, nl' nl' a le>>'l' pnrliiill nl a >j'hernid ill le^s ihaii ^> miiiutes. liiii likely, the Siiciely since that, ahsiirli 'd in tie' iii ire inter est iiiu' .-I ndy nl' (lei lunly, .Xaliiral lli-lory, Uinl i-y , IMi \'sic-;. I'liem- isiry and I'dcci .m iiy . aid llm wi'il'-r ii'ini nii!' ni' ,'~^ir i'iliirind Head's, ■• inl'erinr rac'.' " Ids Wiuk wa-^ iicxcr theri.'al'ter In, iked al nr e\ I'll dreaine I nl' .\nd ihiiiiLih the anllidi's .Mma .Mater, t he ,{' the nuitli star nr |hiIi' nl' tiu' licavtMis, walk aroiin I llic imaginary >nn. irvolsini; llir oiMmrc ax yoii go, n|Hin its axis, tliiis ilhist ratin-' day juil niu'lit. and the wcascins and the year, sliowini;- the while Imw the (ililii|ue ravs spreadiiiu over a laruer surl'aee temper t||c at imis|ihiM'e. renderinj: it void or ('Old or rather not so hoi ; while when they stiike more |iei'- ]i 'ndicularly as at the ai|Matoi- and the trn|des, the heal is more! intense. (>!■ the doiiMe rotation may h- pi'tiiri'd hv a vehide or bicyele around a rill^^ a jet d'eau or th' like -ihi. forward motion of the wheel, the yearly —that around i Is hnhor eenire, t hu diurnal ; while the smaller or sleerinir wheel may re|ir.'seiit t lie moon, sine •. thoi:i,'h it does not appear to eireiilal" aroiiid the uartii, it die-i so ill reality hy, on aeeoimt of the d life re nee in \ elm'ii v of its rol at ion, lireseiiting itself sueecssividy toevery portion of the ei(uallv roiaiimf Eartii. And in another must striking inaiiner can the rot.alion of the' earth iipou itsidf he made visilde. to wit : ,i ttdieai'sal of Koiieanlt's fXlierimeiit in the i'aris i'aiitlieon hiit on a smaller scale— suspend ftii iron or otle-r heavy hall to aswivelhil hook in the eeiliiiLi' over yoiir dining room or olllee tahh'. .Srt it (,-eillating in a direction parallel in one >idc ,,{' the room, to a join t of I he II lor tn' lahle and in less than an hour you will find it oscillaliiu' in a plane i|uite dill'er- ent lV(Mn that in which you started it. .Andlhatthe ml il ion of I he siispendinir sh im'. with the house and earih. has had no (dl'ect in chang- ing the |daiie of o.seillatiim, you can see loi- yours(df hv holding' out your waUdi ,at arm's length, it.s chain hel ween your thumli.anil linger, and after starling it to oscillate, ivvcdve the (dialii which will revidve the watch hut have not the least (df^cl in altering its |)lane of oscillat iim. Now I he writer does not propose to repent here his pap.-r on " 'I'echnical eificai KMi of llie pciiph'. in u n I eidinica I lain;'uatie " as read hy him in .May lMi| hefcjre sect imi II of I he .Societ v at Olta wa ; hnt merely to give yici an idea of how to cimcei \ c a mode of i llust rat imi (d' that wliii h you dc-ire to learn cu' to impart. In the-*; ideel ric ila vs of vcdocilies of pulsati(ms or v ihi'at ions, hv the mill imi mi llions in a siiiirie second of time, (if tiny and e\i'ii microicipic niicrohes ; we are at a loss to sec or to helieve ; liut wleoi the ^dld heater swcdis out his i " ciilie of the precious metal to ,a n .irca of 20 ft. Iiv 211 or ll)(> t"t. in aiea. the calciilal ion i.s (de.m'ii tary that its thickness is reduced to the four mi llion I h of all inch or that it takes or would reipiire 'Jolt.nno such thickness, 's th ■ upon tin; other to make an inch ; and if there he IDU leivcs in an iu(di liouk, von then are forced to the ( 'lusi.i-i that, ihiu as is a sheet of paper, the •tOOtli. of an imdi in t hick iiess, yet is- e.ndi such leaf CilMI times the thickness. ^iini mmmt I L_ "I till' Ic.'iC III' j^olil ; and tliiil is mhiicI liiiiu vmi can lake lM'tW(.'i'ii \i)iir liii'icr.M ami Icrl, N'lnv as 111 an a|i|ifi'ciat inn nt'tlic iVactiun nf a sitihhI ; vmi <'iiii call all niinil In ini in hall' a sit I nr tn Iwicr ten liftwcon two sncccssivr lirats nt' a s.-cn.nls |n'Millllinn. I iln mil S:i v In iwt'iily hilt to iNvirr ten. ihiis a\iiiiliiii;' ihi- I \vn sy I la lih-'il wnnis i hi rlri'ii, rniii-ti'cn , Iwcnly uliicli wniiiii he lnn;:i'i' in the sayiiiL;. irmilhc (.,>nt'iii's IJirtli ilay Villi slaiul al iinr rinl nf a lanj;- • nl' nill) ini'ii I'lrin;,' a \iil!('V iiliil as ihi' sniiiiils will reach ymii- cai' succcssi \ el \' - siiinnl travcllili;; say llMlll fl |iiT siTdnd—lhcn ii» the nilll men at sa v '2 ft. centres, will <'tiV('i' that distance theii' liiaiiL; will In \'nii|- ear ili\ide tin? secnml inti) •"illll di>;iiiclly sepaiale inlervals. Nnw I'n a -tep rnrlhcr. takt; lip a linnk III' say nlHI shei t > nr lea \es In I he i ncji, ymi can lillL'er it and teel each sii(M'eL'i'iiii(is nr a IlilllUli' il aiiv iiliirct i.f srfio ii|' (iliirc|> in Inntiiin 'I'lii'so arc rcilnrcil m h\/.v ami [laiiit '.I mi a st ri|i (if suinr I raiis|ian'ii I ami [iliiilil'' HI' i'la--lii- ^iililai a^ ri'l In I niil . rapaMr iif li.nnu' wminil iiinl iiiiiviiunil at |i!i'asiiro. Well it iiiei'ih' fiM|niri's that llic nn wimlillir III' at lIlc fate nf at least S In 111 |ier s eoinl ( til.' imire. the llinrt' lierfeel I he i 11 ii -ii 'U ) a llil li\ a li I i if I li e m ra Hi 'd ' ' liia;^ ie la II I iTli " priijecteil (HI I'l a >r|-eeii with thai veli,,'jtv 1 n |ire\ en I | he t I'a lisi I inn riiiiii the uiie III llie iheV rvnlii lieiiii: liiitiie'.l, and cause the ini- iii'e>siiin nf I'Kiit i II mms ninl inn. lietnni \\ e niiw !u mir iheine nl' the al'slract ami ennerete in eiliiratiiiii. An exhiliil s.ivs ihe •■ .V'/V, ,/////' A >ii' rii'iii " w hieli in the edncat innal depa rl men t iimie;' llie head nf e\|i.)S|| inn i|e:iis ('liii'aL:n atlfaeted nineh alteiilinn fl'nni leaeh.'i's. i> tin' mellinil nl' leachili'i- mat heiiiaties as ex|diiiti'd in the Wa^hi mjtnii |iiililie srlimd at llacken- ^aek. New .lersev, hv |Hiil'esMir Nelsnii llaa->. The General |ii'im'i ph'S of this .svsteln were >linwi.' in the New Jers.'v edncatiniial exhihit. the fnlimlalinli idea lieliiL'' In enmliine the alisliM.'l with, ihe en/ierele sn that the |in|iil can eniii|ir.'hend in a |iraelical w.iv what he i i Ii'\iiim- tn dn. In the pll nia r V m'ades w heir ch i Idl'eii fmni .>-i\ lnei'.^hl \('ar,^ nid are taii'^lil I In- iildinieii n nf mat heina I ics, ihe [iii|iil adds In m- wilhilraws iVnm a Inl ti\' a|i|i|es. hall.^ nr marhles. mils. eii'.. ih,' niinihei' In h.- add"i| nr sniilraeleil . sn that he ha^ liefnre him a nrac- deiiiniisl rat inn nf the prnlde.n. In ihe luni'e advanced urailes. |in|iils are a-ked In liml Imw manv vards nf e.i rjii'i i n.,.- of ,ji vcn width ivniild he ri'i[niri'd In cnver a llnnr, nr hnw inncli jdasteriiiLi' In cnver the walls, ul' nl' paint fnr the ceiliii;: and siinilai' praelical prnhlenis. In each case tji" rnnm n\- r.ilher siilijeel nf the |iiM!dein is mil- lined ill a. di' I wini:. Sn as in |i it he fnr.' I h ■ "V-'S i)\' the I Ml 1 1: 1 a iial lira 1 deinniistrati"!! nf what is w. unci. Tii,' s\-s! mi ii a|i|ie.irs |MMceil SI) elllcieiit that I lie cadet shi |i,< i n t li.' di^l rid nf \'.' w .lerse v, hilh Annapnlis and W'.'.^i-I'. .in t areiik.'ii hv si mli'ii t s iv lin wer.' ediicaled amler tins s\s|ein. 'Ihe same ]iriiici|i|es are carried niil in the hi'ili 'I- 111 itli. 'Ilia ic^ nn a similar |d,iii. si that ]iiiiii Is fr i;ii I 1 in |S years nfa;;'e seem In ha ve a clear c eii|irehcji-i.lHl#i-7^k 'ClI ^' .y^ 1*h^J!/*«C^ f«a !l : know, \\>v \-vv\ iiiiiny |ir.ilili'iiis in livilniulics that :i ciiluc luoi cif wiitcr \vci;:lis frJ* His. jukI tlint tlicidiin' an iiii|ii'rijil t^alldn islOlhs ii-- I liii'c an' ti I iiallnns td I lie foot, iiiid that a hnrsc |i()\vit is i'<|iii- \alc'nt to ly.'A) |I)S. I'aiscd td a hri^jit ol' jDII I'l. in r.iic iniiiiilr itv In .'):;,- (iilll Ihs raiscil In ihi' hiM'.:iit oldiif Imit in him- minute nl' liinc. ami thil thus wr can (Mnipiilc the water imiksct \\,y instance dl' i hi' falls i>r .Miintnini'enev. i>v Niagara, nr u!' the llamilinn nf iialirailnr. Ii\' mul- ti|il_vin;^- the al'ea in I'ei'l ut'eiciss si'etion nl' the river alin\c the rail-, Uy the mean velneiiv dl' sti.'am. thus ^ri t ini;' the nuinlier n|' enhie I'l- pi'i' minute (^thc Niauaia eurn'ul hein^;- I S,()(}ll,lli)l) euhie ft. in thai inter\al nl' lime) ami as this niimhei' nl' euiiic I't. mulii|ilie(i intn 02* Ihs, the wei.uhl nl' water, ami the result intn the hei-ht nf fall iiivcs what we call I'nnt pnunds; ami asa II. !'. is ;;;!,IIIIU ft. ||,s., it js ihel'el'nre evident that diviilin;: ihe tela! I'nnt |inu; (Is li\- ih' .\(i. nf them in a 11. I'. We ir 't th.' tnlal [inwer nf the stream. Well then a cnli.e f i . n'' ;.•,,., j.s .|,s(| 11,^. reiuemhei' that and nnthiuL'- t'l-t' nf what I am li'idnj i- tell ynu. I'ni' as \n i shall see, it will take von less time In n , i ihinu:^!i the process nn'ntailv than In cnnjnre n|) vonr rem lu'auccs of other i|ua:itities, J.MI ihs. divid- ed into twelve slici:S to I'.e culiie fi. Lnvesvon 1(1 11, . to ihi. ineh tliick and a It. si|nafe. Then. J an inch is HII |hv. |=|(i|hs. i ."> ihs., I „,■ -JMhs. ' ,_, I J Ihs., '„,'ihii'k -ives'Jh. an-;muill('i.' lias recent Iv laid liefuru- till' jiiiMie. Tlii.v repiirt is |i,ihli,-iieii i>\ I lie U'i I't'iiii (if I'lilileiM ioli , W aslii n^- tuii. i).(j HI 1(1 Id Iteolilaiiied ,)ii re,^!i 'st. I'li' ini.'iul>ers of l\: • e, (imnil lee were: prosiilenl I '. W . VAlni nl' I larv arW l' nlvei'sity . eliaiiinan ; l>r.\\' T. Ilal'ris, ecinilllis-iiiiiiT ^ r ( ilicat inn ; ]>l''sii|eiit ,1 aaili'.-' I>. Aiiuell, nl tiie l.'inve!v-il_\ t>i' Mieliinali ; |U'<'siileii 1 ,1. W. Tavlni. nl' \a>s;ir('ii|- ie'Ze . Mr. .Iclill Letliiw, 111' iKe ...m'Is' liiuii scllnol, llistdli Mass.; Mr. I). I). Itivhi s.'ii, Mf (111. .VIImiiv .\. V 111::!' .SvIiimiI; ivresideiii .lalili'S II. I'ml-ier, ot' the Uiiiver-ity ol' i '.'Iium,i|.> : iiresiiient 1!. 11. ,Ies-e. i>l '.lu' L'lli ver>ir '. Ill' .\Iiss(( ii'i : .Nlr .'. < . Melven/ie, (iriln- I.awrenee- \;lle X. .r. .-seiiiiiii ; and ] • n i|'.' -s, ir Henry C Kini:, of ( )lierlin ('id\. I']ii>;li~li ; one mi "ther inudei'ii laii iniajie.- ; .i r.itii'erenee nn I'liy,-:''-. .\ ■! i' einau' a: i d ' 'lieiiiisl ry ; one uii Natiiial (listnry, i iielndi III;' liiiii(':jy, ll'tiny. Zi;ilo:;-y and I'll \>ii >lri.;y ; au- "tlier Mil !Iis;i)!y. (iiil ( inv (■niniini t and I'ldilied Keonniiiy ; ihe uillth lei ( l.'ii'i'M j.'iy. I'!;il ( le. ';j r.i piiv, (MMloiV, Mi.'t eiiroliljy . Aniniij:- tile ni!ie;_\ n.mie- will Ke riniii.l in my t'.ial st ind in tlie ('■reniiist ran k^ nf .Vnieri.ean ^clinlai '-hiii. and iin nin' nt liie ninety was vvitliniit valii.aMi ■■ lue.iti.nial e.\|vertenee of smne kind. 'L'kis I'a't lit" Itself e'ives ereat W'eiM|i| tn t llei r reeinnm.Mld 1 1 i. m < and lkeire.\- l'..insti ve rejiiirl - w kiidi are a|>|iended (,) the re pin t nl' t li' ( 'nmniit tee e!'Ten..ire a iiuii' .4' edaea.t iiii!.i.l inl'.irai.;i | inn and -iiL!'i:e>t imi "f the nlllMist V.lllle. Siiiii ■ of the, ;ir;(\el at liiav h • s iinaia ri/,ed as : -liiiiteii in;:' whil" i-nrielii ii'.' ik.e seli'iid i II iiifii 1 11 111 : the aetnal aiirid- -inu "t" tli>' till-' iHv.v d.'\ >;,. i 1.1 aril 11 ii't ie. al,uel>r.i, I'.enmetry. w kieli r.lli he dune Uy inelirillLl llUlliy | 'Vi>|h isi t iull s ilitn die, lli.lkillL;' eii- rii!larii'< u| niliers, making u.^ • of instead (vl' di-e.irdini.' the nierhan- i.eil iih'a nrniiiiiiei a.s in ih" sii]K'r|i.i>it inn ul" lejin-.s [\u- nne iinon '.he nth''!- I 1 pi'ix e (' inalil les iitid nther pruperlies set I'lil'th ill the ennneialioii.- ; tiiil tii'tin' ii,,w -p-nl mi i^edMraphv in thesehuid- '■- nnl of .all priv|) iftini; te the \aliii' nl' tin.' fe-nh .■"eelireil. dne ti> I ml iinin d lately I'nner.' I i nu or einhnilv j lej; t In' iiirni' inn nh- '■ i!'i"'l ;i;id r.'ndi'riiiL; it peiaiau'iil or lastiin.'' hy the siiinilla neons lindmi: or li.\inji on the .napev»i\ leealitv, lake, sin. river, inniiiit- iln chain or oi Imr r,!ature alliid d to in the text, and only toihe exi.nit re(|nired, or ,-o iniu h .a- ineiuniy can taki.' hold, ol'aiid store lor '•line IIS' ; and ninh'r this li,;id | u,,iild advi-e thai an alias, he always at h.ind ami tiii't v\ iienev er re.idiiie- hisio; \ , a, liierar\- ■vnrk, a iiewsp iper ai Mele, nri'Ven a r.Mii.inee. \ h\ uol :t siimh' iialii'^ of a pi; , or T'li'i;".' of ih • I'lar ill's sni lae ■, with- out st,,p|ij||n I,, |,,,.]^ jt |||, 1,11 ii,,. ,||.|p .||^,| |,ic;|te it ill y.iiir mind in its r ■i;r.ti\(' po-iiion lo niher places kimwii to ymi. (.'hildr.-ii kick a.l L-. - li - ''''■' ■!> i!lt''rni|lti\r ,,tlllr s,M|,l;,| n,'|l!V:|ll uf 1 1 , , ■ si .„• \ aV ;,r,irl.. ''"'.'•■ '"'" ■" ; '"'I- il "I"-! I"' iil-i-tr,l ,„| l,v til.. kMrll, ■!■.-, ,,'r ll,,. |,:,,,,,ll ••'-^ 111.- nlily u.l.v ..l','.Mlciv;ill- 111,. iiir.r:,i:,tioii .,iv,. • nr., !li i v j l,\- ' I''''""-'' "I' lli>' nrth'l,' ill (|:i..sli ,:i ; ,ii,,| ,h. not I, ■ alV; i.l h, ■!;,-. to '"''■'■''"I" }'"•>■ iVii'liii- cvrii .,(■;, !,-.|,, A l,'.|.. l,.tu-,-i, I u,, lov. ■!■..; |1„, '•"■'''■■' ^^''" -"ill '" '1' •'■'• \^ii ■" yo.i iviiini IVo;n your a!l,-,s, aiiYvo:. ^'' '11 "'il> 'll'' iiiori' a|.i.riTiatf llie -.ili.ilHiii. A,L'aiii i!ir .-.|,cllin- !)ook i> . For f,vo L;..,i.MMii„iis, says |{i,|..r. tl,.- s, tuIKmI •ii-anuniir sHiooi. !i ... ,; ,„s|,iiv,l will, tli.. j .u- t ,„• iM-iii,arv ..Tal.s to "•'•"■'1 'Ik' iiiK'li-'iMil |,ro-n-- ,ft!i,. p i|,;| ii, (I,,, int."r,..-t nfil, ,. '■""-''"■■-■■^- '''I"- i^'l^nn 'li.' ol iua:,y iMi//.|,.,. ih>. toriiial ■.•/a naia r ;".'l fh- spdiiii- l,.ol. will, it. Ion- lists of <'!iiM-rn-lil,Mii,i- liavo l„on its woajioi.s. >iov\;y ami u i i i, a st im-.;!,. tlo.-.,. aiviii,,- >vn;.r,.,l iVon. ,t. ,\,.u- k •,ow..-.lj-o i> l,..i,i^ i.itro.lar.,| to .11 aai, nat." "!'l. liiid iii-licr [),„...-,•. to ,.x|,laiii ill.. I ,u-,.T. 'i'lio ,.,Hit\.i-,.|ir,.> ,,ii laii-iia,-.. ai>. a unit in ilr.-i, in-- roa.lin.^- '';'""' '" ll"' i.-iii^nii.-... 1 , I,. MihlirJ aii.l III., wriirr wo.,l,| a.M : sto.,"- I"'"-- '■" ''■■"■!' ■' "1 "■'•'■y ^^■'"■'!- 1--I 'in;,- it. t,. Innilra;.. its |,r .|,..|. aii',1 ''""■""-!' i':"^'iioci: lion a. Ill to ,..N|,laiii it-, nn-an ni;..-. as of all tin., mi- nu'n.iis ahoivviaiioi.s u-:,i,.|, aro in..; wiiii i,, ij,. iva-lin- ot' a n<^^^■s. l'.i!"T ai'tii'le tor ii,.-iaiir,.. aii.l liosi.of u-.r-h u-;,i,.|i tli,. ], i|,il |,,,s in'V.T s,....n l>,.caiis.. tii-y s..l,lo:,, or novrr ocnir i n lii,.ratar.. of anv kind: acon<,T..tion of th. woi-.l to I h,. ,.ar a. i t. ■Aiattoi, r..|nv.„.n tat ion 1^ !■> tlio <.y,.. lIiMor\ |ir..fanr or sarr-.l. ->.o_:fa|,|, v. cat,.- ''I'i'^'i' "1' in a noV(.| or iia ir.i I i v.- ol' w iiatr vrr iiaiur,-. 'I'liHl lal.ofat..r\ l.-ai!iin- i< ii-tli-r i|i;:i trx; i,:„,k t,.ac!iiii^- uhicli iiionns .i.^aii, that i li-. ...nin n,- niiiM u.ilian.i in iiaml v.ill, tlio ■|''-'''"'f •■ ''^ if in disc --in- ol tlir invssnr.. of i ],,. at lii.,s|,i, .f,., tli' '■"'' "'"'d.! not ll . iMor,. (.a.-i!y in, I ..idrkiy civdit -,1 and !i.ti,.r r..- '""'"'"■'•'•'I l'"i''dl tiin,. V, iili lliaii will,,,,, i li-. ..\ i„.ri ;,,.,, i,,] i,,-., ,f ,,t' ill'' |iln nonii'iion rnunfiat.'d . 'I'll,. (•onf,.r..|H\. on History \vidi to Ini \ i. t hat s dij,.,'! aUvaV- ='■•^-'"■••""'1 ^^''li tin. st.idy of ,;■, o.;|-a|,liy. a.,d tli.. f.ivnc,. ontji,. '■'"'''■ ■^"''i'' ! 'II''' "T III.!' niiiion : a Ii.'r iiImt of tip. ,.,,:,,.|.,,, ,. "I'l' 'I"' :di-tract and a i,io-| in!|i.irlan! oiio \, iiiili any on,, ran |Mit to til,. ; l.y rndnaxonria- to I, 'all, or t..a..|| tli,. liistor>- ,il' a |, .,, ,|,. v\ i til ami wil hoiit til). nia|i. What uoni,; ill, lii-i,ir\ of a r:\\ Ul>' London. I'aii.. IJ.inii. or cviMi Halifax- animiiit to in lli. ali-vm... .,f a iiiaii or rallmr niii-s "I'll Hi 'll" sn((\,. |i>.|iods of i;s .'xislt.m.,., virv.s ,,fi;s i,i|!,|i,. '"'ddiii'^- and oiliiT c iilic.s wli, I-,. 111,. |iis!,,r\ unfolds its,.|r L,„,k •'I' 111" \V'dlii "I" illusliati..n now a days: ..vcii t lie coininon ,.v,.rvdav n.'Ws;>a|H.r, t,.niii-^ wiili |i,iri ra its ot ind i vidua 1 ,if noir alindnij to. dill-rams, .N|,lanalory of ,.v,m y li,.|,| ofacli,Mi; and -.Twliat faith ^^■'' li'^''' i" ii'i'ildiii' illn-^iralio., of li, . kiml, ||,,w |.r,.dulons ,,f ih,. 1-J ti'Mllifiiliu'ss tlu'l'fnr. ulii'M We il,i mil even st(i|i Id |i hhIit on tin' fart, lliat ill the a ji|i:ii('nl 1 y r.Mlisii.' rc|>rf-iciiiatii>ii nf a lial t Ic ln'twern the li'diuaiis and tin' ( irrcks. t Ii'M'c cdulcl liavc ln-i'ii no iiliiitn'.M'aphois at Iiaiiil to Hri/,c it (III the iiisiaiit. as at tlie [H'oslmiI tiiiiL' \vc ciiii d". Look at the wcalili nf illii.-t ra ! idii in all iMir ^tory books. aiiiU'Von iiiilo till' cliiliis A r. ( ', every letter iias its jiirtiire. a jiictiire of wliicli the sound ot' the letter is siiiit'esl i \ e as A ol' ajje and lieiiih and liny. 1) the verli to lie ami hee and insert, ('of to see and sea the oecan and so on of all the oiIht letti'r- of the aljihahet ami if tlie letter be a eonsoiiant with no homonym, then it is the initial letter of some name or word or ihiiiLi'. some [irettv and suir^estive (Miihodi- iiient of the let t er or of t he word and siirh as to li\ it in the meiiiiiry and cans., it to be (piiekly taken in -another e\am|ile of the holp the eoiii'reie is to the abstract in almo-i e ver\t hiiiLi capable of beiii^' illustrated. Allot er princi|i!e 1^. that ea< h year of the School course, lie MS I'ar as ]i(issibh co!ii|dete in it-elf. and sidt' siillicieiit. and not Tiiade dejieiidanl on what i- to follow. 'I'liis. say the conference, is essential because thousands of [iu|ii|s an.' obliired to leave the Hjirh School after one or two yiMrs and durinu^ that time ling-iiisiic. Iiis- torical, niMthematie.d and -ci,:n till' s nj 'cts shoild bj iiroseiited to them in an adri|uate manm-'r. ainl nunc than one foreiu'ii lanirua,i;'e -lionld not lie taunht at tlieemer or joiner m- intelli"-ent imadianic. This is due to the fact that ueoiir'try is not tauulit. as it sliou'd be, diii'i'iM- (he ver_\ lirsi year- of th' coarse; it is put oil' i i te y . u» J rj i ^Tjr-^s!W-.'«'.T'r''i'''^-'^^"-'i^'ti»^^i'".~;.:-'t*»^"'5Js:.*i-' ^:-''i'^Tip(jr-i'f«»v-.-:'''7>::Ar'ji:5:?.i«rv'.f"^»5ii^Ji^-5«a ''"'■"''■'■'"' i"l"""ly "'■n M"i'"i''Hi,.- ,,„ il,. t;„„.,|, ,„. |ir,|, v..:,r„|- """""•'■"■"'""""' ^""'i'-- 'I'l'i-^ i-^ ^' ^1 scTinns, ,„ust important ■n.itr.rlorcn,.<„l..n.ion a,p| ,■, si,,,, .i„H,l.| l„. ,,„. .t unr. to sn..|, a Y'";';'-.'"'" ^''"'" f""^i-l^""n. ,„. I),.,.:,,-,,,,,.,,! „ri>ul,lu. In.lnirlM,,, ''""'''' ""^■'■^"' ''int.TfVn. in ,|„. |„vn,is,.s ; ,l,„„d, it i. t„ ''■'■ '"'"•^"'•1' "I liisMhiii,,,. .,,, sn l,li,„| ,„ ,|„. i„,,.r,..l. „r ,|„. ""'''"" '" "'iMM-li-iinr^aiwis,.,.!,,.-,!,;,! |Hn il. nt tliat „^,. tak. -., inurl, ,,,.„•.■ ,,nM.klv t„ anvil, in^i,, ||,. ,I,..,.ni,| , ^ ,. „, ..„n.| n„.n v,- '"'"■"■'"■'■'■""> '■^"' l'-"'l,. ,■:■!,.,■. |,..nnl.,lui,|,.,-ss,.al..s i olh-r in.slrniijfnts Im ilicii' oivat drljolir. This is wi.v ,.,lM,.;:,i„„ i„ L„uvr Canada, ll, i,„-aii ,f,|„. I^-'PK., .snnt rl,. |,rar,„.al,.,|n,.ali„n il„n^l,l I., I,, and .s,.:. na 1 1 v iu *!"■':'■'• '"'''"'^■'^'^"'"^ I.Tit..inris,li..,i„,| wl,i,.|, In """"";" ''''^■" '" 'I'r-^'.Mid lillr.nlinn,. t„ lak- llnnr rin,. iVun. ""■'""""■'■ '"•^'■'""^"""l' li'" "I'l-H rai.itai. .^aininu• r.,r„fe., =" ""■ ''^'"• '"unninnMns. an, I llnis .ain-l milv throe •'■'■'"'■- ^■'""■^"■'•'' '" ^^1'^" I ^^""I'l. h::,| I in ih. ,d',| ,„l of (■i,nsfi\ alisiii. ''"'■': ^''>- ' ^^i''' ''"• ^n,li„„,,v ,,f on.. ui,„kn,,u-s|Vo,n '""-'■''"■'"■'''•"^ "^"1' n:alh,.nn>nr, or li,. ,|,.:n,.nN HnTrof IV,,.,, ""■ ^■'■'.^ '""-" ofih.. n,niM., a,ldi.,^ol,i,.,.; i,.ssons on .h,. kin,hn- irniirn s.xsl,,n and ~- noi hn^Hlin^ as | m.v,. hini.] at hHoiv "^^"'"' I''-'"-" l"-Hs,oi„. |,,„a„.d In n.adin^ al | uilh sonu^ """ ""■'"■'■'■'■' v • |,rononnnalion a; rarh wo.d. and ,.x|,lain ih,' ""•'"""■'■-• ''"■ ''^'y ■■'"" "i'"M-.nv of ih,. ihin. as for in.,,,,, ,■ ""■":'"''■ "^'" ''"ll^l"-'l-"-'''".ii:nrtnHn„sorano,.,.anlinnr- u„rds 7'"'"' i'"''"-l —""V i', hn^nn.^s. in ,.v,.rv ,lav l,r.;uo,,|. '"'. "■'■""^^■''"■"•^"•''■'■|^""^^-ll'"'" ("-inav In. nni) h,. n,.v,.rhas "'■ "'"^ '1'^"-I.n,.lh,.,n.o|-|, , his xonnulVi.n.dsih.iH, nils - ^^■'"■''^"' •"■'■'■'"^ ""l'"i-i ^1- ^'""V. ra-liann.nt.S.n,al,. Con^ K.i..hs,.,.,- 7""""; "' '""■'l'--<'"y uanis and n,nniu|,al ,v,„v.,.n tat i .vs of 111.. |Ho|d. -tiR. n:nrii.nsaiid ,lnt„.s of , |i,. „|i ,.,_ ,,,,„. ,,,^.;| .iii'l'''i:il. ''hTical -|ilainliir and d.d'i '"''"' '■ii''iiii, sn|,rrior, ii|i|,nal, ""■'""I"';''"'"' ^"l""'""' '■'""■'■^ ^""1 piivv ,.onnnl. lh.„- riiMrtions p.vro,al,v..s ami j nn.lir, ,on. as iIms,. of ih. srv,.,,.! ni,iiistri..s' nniHTial, local, I'cdrral. rolonial |not,.cl ion. IV,.,. tra.l,. li,.,.ns.s ,|r' A''Mi' '/> ' <>♦■ '■, i.>M>\;:'iir '***'«-l«s«' 11 'I'lit' siili'n'ct is si)\:i>!. Si i-(i-iiiii|ii)lii;iri !li;M I iiiii u fitidi'riiii;: I'll in iiiv t'lvini' •■|ln' ;ili,-li;irl :iii(l ci ii< ri'Ic in i-(|iic;il inii " llioiiurh Id 111' sure ; I :Ull still ill line. I'liT I lir \ .TV i-x [illiliMt inn (if ;i Wnl'il, is ill 1 iiiiiig't'. ;i iiii'iMrc. II rdinr.'iion nl' ii. It is sinunliir imIim-iI lliis iiiT<'.--il v dI' lilrinlini,' tlii! riijii'rctc rciiliiv with tlii' iiific iiann nr jili-t i ;ii;l iiji'iil of a I lii n^ shiiiilil lia\e hot'ii so liiiij^- in fakiiiir iimiI, in a'-'Ttin^i: its*-!!' iis a spccily nuidi? ol" ti'Mciiiii Li. liarniii'i alinii-.i f\i'iv lliiiiu' I'lincri vaiilu. WliiTc and liow did wt' all li'arn llial this is a laid"-, that a (diaif, a knitV, a hail, a windnvv nv a dmir ; hut in the \fvy ,-aiiii- wav that wt; always have and always will tcath idi Idrcii — nut In- a incre repetition of till' won!, wdiii'li to thciu would he ni; aninuii.'n.s, hut hv as ortcn and as coiiMtantly jiointini;' to till' t hiii^ alludi.'d to, in fart taUiiiiraml Iniiidl- iiii;' it. a.H iihi -tfal i \ c id' the meaning ol' lii'; word, Ilcru then is till' coin'rctc with thr ah~Iract t'roin nur vi-ry infaiicv. and what was rssfiltial then, wdiy not in al'tfr lite. Ill t iiiu's i:oiii' hy tliiTi' Wen- nu olh.-r schmhv's to toaidi or h'arii than tdfiiiioi I ary liciiinri ry , nr iKMiiiiat ies, no idfftririty, no |diotun raph v, cm,, could tln-n airord the time to dwell on siu'cnlali ve pioposit ions ; Imt life is |i)o .liiort I'or ihat ill lliis T'di I'eiitnry of ours, aiid no liiiie eaii h'' ;;ivi-ii to a inrndy theoretical jii'oposition, or t hat has imt hi nu idse lo I'-'oininend it I han the ainiise- nient it atVonls. X.i iiKirc time i.- now uasl'-d on the ui.'omet rical solution of the '^i|UariiiL:' of the circh-. ih" Iris'ction n\' an ani:ie or I he duplicat mil nl I he ciilie, since i hci c ari' so many ot her and (|uii kcr modes ut' arriviiic :ii tInTii \\ 1 1 h all lie- aci'iiracv re(|iiired. It liecoines nhsiird or iiseles- now a ijav to -av that iiiire ireoinetry repudialcs the lie ch.i meal idea of ii.otion, since Ivicliil hiniselt" eniild nut L'^'t on willcml li. as 1/ vide need in one of the first pro[iositioiis (if t lie fust h'lok 'A here In; pits oil" fiL'iire on iiiiotlier to deinon^trate their c'luality, aid since lie di 1 it inice, «liv not ii;iain and airaiii whiidi would iia \e en;; Med hnii tosinipiily his deinonslra- lidiis and reduce the iium'ier n{ h - propositions. Sec for instance the loiii; and ro:iii(l ah ml way of hi- diowin(r liow the aiiiides at ihi! ha 'c of an isoscelo t lian ul.' are \vhile, hv .•(Mpposiin.' the anule at llie sum mi I lii-ected and fdid 1 iic mic' ii.alf of t he ti;.'uri,' over on I he (illier a \i'ry lew w (ir is sullice Id show t||c I nil h of t he ennneiatioii. Aiiiiin i'.iielid makes fnur sep irate pr.ipoii I ions of wdial can he exprcssetl 111 one, to wit tliiit : |) 1 ra 1 hdou raui s and Irian^'les upon tlii; same or eipial has'-s and hetwecii the nun: parallel hi'c ei|ui vhIlmi t 111 area; hy merely suppoiiiii^ th | nil hiise-s siiperiinposed and reniemlnjrin,:,' : 'at t'Very Iriaiiiile heinu- ijn! hiilf of its eorrus| ondiim parallelogram, and tliil wlial i^ true (d'llie wholes is triii' of the halves, tlierefiire must the tiiilli nl' iln- four M'para te eniincial ions becoiiio apparent . .Ami how mmdi more .ihor! and faeiie would 11, it liiive heeii, Kiiclid s whole theory of paralli.ds and ot" alternate, j.xto- ■■""■•""I i'l'iTlnr ail-l.'S. l|;i,i I, Iv (mILmI atl-Mtiuli luth,. \\u-[ nv in.iilu;! CMrullary of his (lrliiiiii,,ii.s |„ il,e fllVci tliat (jnuiil iiicliiialioii "I :i line tu otiiris LL-ivcs or implii's t'i|ual m||;;I('s, riii'i-c is nui. Ilii'ii. can imt Ijc tin^ saiii'; iiitcn-st iiiiuiit'e.Mtfd or '■veil Crll l,\ aiiv uiir III (I . stiidv ufa iIumiivih wIhmi Ii.' docs not sea jii-l (il'ulial use Mirli llicdiviu mav l,o, wliurc it can liavc iHappli- witioii; I. Ill llic iiiumciil iIjc .^ildcnl sees llic trend of t In; siilpj.;ct under consideration, lie iinincdiatel y I livcs t,, ii aiid especially .so if it ■"'I' ' 'li'ii "II 'li'^ priilessional ui.rk. 'I'aUe fur instan<'i; the thenreiu thai '-tlie taii^-ent is a mean jiropnrt iuiia I lietweeii (lie wind-' secant and the portion thereof which lies uilhonl the circle. 'I'liis the •Mir^'ineer would look iipoii as a uu're t;.\ercis(; in geoiiietrv niid likolv not tr.Hihle hiinsidfahHit i ts deinoiistratinii, if not tohlliow itapplie.i III 'lie .solution (;f the prohh'ni of riinnin-a rai I way curve lliroiiH-l) lu-o pidiits .,1- cities in sieli a w.iy as to hecoine tanu'eiii to and c miiect ivitii or hi-aiudi into an e.xisiin-- I'a i I w;iy . Here again then von sec 'lull \vliile the tlnM.ivm is tin- ahstract of the tliiiii; nf proposition, its Mpplicalion to a case in praelie,.. is its ciniciv. ion, its eiiih.d imen t into real life. U'hy also is any interest nnnil'ested in lh^>«triuioii of iln- fact the parts of t wo secants wit lioiit llnj ciivle are reciproc- ally jiroportional lo the entire s.'ca'its? Sinply h-cmseit is ins- 'I'l'iiiental ill the soliilioii of the case i:i t ri-'oiioMnt r V wlii?ro the ''"'''■ ■''ides ar.> f:iveii lo lind the an^iles S.-e llic interest that cnitres ill what is called the s.piare of the liy pot lienns,.. th,- so called I'"'" ■'■'' til" JTih of t!i' lirst, h-iMirse of iis appiic.itioii to Ihe soinlion of so ina:iy ca-e-^iii pr;i.'< i.-i 1 en-i neeriii-. arcdii tect lire and land siirveyin-, as in the ereclicni of mie line i>erpeiidiciihir to another; liiidin-- lor instance what leii- li ofhidderit take.s to reach I" .■! certain lieitrht on a h iiise or w.ill. with its to it .it a ^'iven dis- lancc lli"r.'frt, ■111 CCS In I ho -^iiii ami hk.dh ^hmI [ilaiii'ts, niliiiinal i iiu' in (Hir kiiciu-|f(l-c ^<\' hr.itii'Ics and |nn-ii-,i(lc< ami nf (he liLnirc ol' ihc carili »iiul liiiw In liinl (Mir wav ali(aii il and I raci.' nil I llic I ra jccldrv ot a I"""'' "II the ('(d.'^tial ciiiicavc. wiih 1 lie same facilitv the ciiLiinc'cr nnikcs piddi' nf ill iiinniiiM a sti-aiLrlil nv cnrvcd I'oad aniiiUl llic li'|-c>^ls and w atcis n\' l\\r cai |||, And wiili (ii licr cniA I's I liaii llic ci i clc, as I lie |iaral)(>la : tlnTc i> inilliiiiu s(i iK'anI ifnl a- tn ciitr; ical its iiutc a |i[icai-aiic(.! nr nil iMiisidciiim- its |n(i]MTlic< in the alistract : hut linw all this warms inin aihiiirat inn. uIi-mi wc lind that a stiidv (d' its loriii |HTmiis us witli uiuM-rin,-- acnracv tn I iimw a sludl iiiln the Inrli-css nl the ciiciny — to iMlciilalc li i\v, Il <\v far a jet nf waicr IVoiii a rcsiivnir. iVn ii a lire hn-c will rca.di ; and when uindicd to a speaking lrniii])cl will (■..nccii I rate the vnicc and allow it tn h" |'i".i''*'li'd tn a distanr-. n:- ili ■ curve suiicd tn a rcllcclnr wiiiidi m a li-ht iiniist! -athcr- tiic ra v-^ nf liiiit ami mmkI- ihciii idl' tn-'ctiicr (Ui i licir errand nl huiuanit v. And nil a -^indlcr scale, a iimre inndest and cleiie n tarv : if V" «"iild int(u-c-t ihc |iu|ul in ihc dc>(U'il)iii '.:■ nl' a circle in a tfi- iin.^le, tell hiiii iinw IJiis wil; n\- uwy li • sniiie da\ ulili/,cd li\- liiin in his trade nf tin ni- cn|.| cr smiih nr |iliiiii her. in ciiitiii: t'rniii a triaimillar piece nC metal ;lie hiL;.;csl hittnui nfaii n\sler can nr water |iill. the piece my 1,.. sil^ceptihle nf ; nr a milliner ihe ci-nwii "' 'I 'ill' '"■ hmiiie! frniii a ihr.-e cnviiered [iice nf paste heard. (U' I lie hnllnm nf a hask -t. ^" iidcpiale i.iea can he fnrnied ( f the d i tl'eieiice in (he time "'' '•■•'I'liilf^ II >li:il.^ I','. dniliLi II ,uic>,df instead nl Iileivly heiii- Inld '"'^^ t'idnil, \n (huiht the lliere hckill- at the li eu r- nf W ha I is '"'"''' as. tn descnh' a Illan-le n\' which iiie three sides a I'e I'lveii, tn hi.cct an .iii-le. in erect (M' let fall a perpendicular, the (nllnwm- up the psnc » ^K^]\\i ry lut-Ult is a step tnw.ard the full uiuhu-siandm- nf ih • thiiiu tn he done ; hut Imw mindi re tlin '""i~'''h\' i~^ 'Il ■ !hin^ lint under>ln(i(l. when ynii pill \(uir hands In It, yniir nwn hamU ; a< had ynii in j iiiier\ to si match two hoai'ds as In imiki' a perfect j(nnl, nn amnunt nf i.dliiiM-, nntliim; hut an nft re- 1"-"'''' 'I'lil II' '11'' 'liiii.i: «'ouid r, iider you siiccc^>fiil in ilsaccom plishimuii. 'I hi.^ >ysl,mi the wi iler durinj- his Inn^' career in the ediicMtlnii I'l' Ins f(dl(iw> has alwa\ s carried nut llavinn fnr year> liad as iiiaii\ IIS a dn/eii sliid.;,,i> in hi^nHice, ill prepar.itiou as 'I'l'ch mdo.; ists, in Knc-incerine. A rcliile, l ure. I.and Survi^vinc-, ,,\t.,-y (Uie of I hem wa.s '"■•"''■ '"'I" 'II'' llii'i- ic(piire,L li uid lint sutl'ice for one nf them to lonk nil while aiiniher ledd the 1 11 1 ( r, a nni he r tiie dividers and a third III'' poiicil ; no! each of llnun hid to p.Mlnrm the operatiou. In ihi- \va\- three mmilhs silliced fnv Ihe uh,,h. ten, hint; (d' plane and spherical ureniiietr} and 1 1 iiidnoniet ry , the ineii-uratii full areas and the '' \ - 17 - ii|)Iili(Mti()ii of tlif |irismciul;il lurriiulu Tor solid (•(intiMitH to ovltj iin!i;ri!i!ililc t'lciiu'iiliirv solid us illiMtrMtcd on ii iio'ii'd of soiiii' two liiiiidrcd iiiodids. ofuliiidi tin- writer, had tin' honor of i-;iti'rliuiiing tiic liiti'i'iin' and IlistoriL-al Socii-'ty Qiioht-c in 1S72 or sonic 'J'j ytvir.s iigo, nndcr the iiciidinf.' " (leoiiiL'try and the StereoiMetricon." 'riu- solid ll^rnn-s now used ovcrv whi'ix* and c )nsidt'red e^- wcntial to a proniiit nnderstandin.n' n\' 1h)\v to nicaimo tlioir areus and Holidities, and tiioiii;ii llii'v may theniselves lie lixiked ii[ion in the abstract as similar ligures of any other size, have their concretions or enibodiineiits : t he one, tiie middle IVnstuni of a sp'udle, as a ciisk of any size or curvatui'e — tiie frnstiini of a cone on its larj^er base, a salting t'.ib or when re\'ei-se(l a butter (irkin, a waste paper basket, a tund)ler or drinking' s^oblet, a brewery vat, a bncket— its pi'isms, tiie forms of solids of conslrnctiou —its pris;noids, roofs ot" everv kiiul, bins and other vessels of capacity, railway ombinknients and exca- vations. — cones, pyramids and their fiusla, the sphei'e and sdieroids and their sections; illustrative for instance of the facility, with the one (|narter of the heimsphere at hand and its tri rectaniridar triiin- ilal •, tli" acuti' tiii'^ula nl a M.herc, llic iairiL'o (ifoin' nt ili.- cumiitiiu'ii t .-ii'ci imis (ir iMiinla' ut' tin' niantl' wliirli w 1 11' 11 perl I'd nH' ii'\ i'al~ In I In' ast( ill i slircl a In I adaiii'iiiir rvt' till' \t'i'\' jiiu'lrv (if 'Ui'oiiirl rical ruiiri'i'l imi. V.'s I lie uraii^'c iM' ii-,u>k iiiclnn wii h ii.s lifiaitilull \ rililicii v\[v- ii iiitn ;j,riiil|iiiii:s i-i' land and water luni lln. I'l'iistt'lliitiniis, and wln'n iiiln'r lines ai'o drawn acrn.-s tlii'-e eiiiiidistaiit tVdin tlie iinii's and the ('niiatnv. ]iaral els nt" latitude Ml railed, eireles iil' di'dii.iii inn, nii>>iiiLr 1 lie meridians at right angles and the ill trrserliuii iil' tin.' twii, ii,iiieali\e III' the exact im^iliuii i,il' anv point niioii the >nrrai'e. Again there is the ijiiarl iT->]ihe re reinindt'ul nl' tlie vaulted apsis (if a ehiinh, the head nl a nieh; prisiimids i llii>t rat i \e nt' a sijiiare liased tiiiviT, riml' ur ul her st 1 iieliiie terminated li\ aiMietagou at tii|i, iir hv a Hi|nari' turned angle-\vi>e In the oiln-r i r liy a circle; the wedge illnstratn ■' ul'the iiii|dement id' that iiaine ur w lien ui'eet, of a ridge-|aile-caliiliing tent or hut; the twisted [iiisiii or parallehi- pipedmi to cut a hand rail froui for the well hole ol' a sla ii ease ; tin; eiirveil cone a:.d twi>teil as ol' a horned animal or (lowder-llask or eoinii-cii.pia. eti'. '! hiTr al'.' also the eoiiU'ouiid solids or which iiia\ he dceoiii- po.sed into a evliuder ami hemisphere or other t'rnstuni ot' a sphere iiliist i'ati\ e of a murtar or engine ol' war for throw iiig shidis -ihe heiiiisplnre and I'rustuiii of an e.oiigati'd coin' : a gun. a cone and frustam of a sphere, .i lnio\ — or the gas hmn composed of tlu- hest portion of a sphere or s[i|ieroid (that is more than half) Mirinount''d liv a hollow or eon-a\'e cone or the fru>tiim of one and ih ii.--l rat i ve agiiii of a tnrkish or a nioori-li dome or hiiial i.r in. iiaiei ; hill t In"-!- I'l,' \v comp i and li^rnrcs are nu'relv sug- Lfestive (if ho w ol hers Ilia y I )■ grouped or a pp lied the one to t he ot her ; till' cone to tin' cy I inder or to the I'm -I nm of a cone as the iunnje of a tower with \i'rtieal or haltered side- and a conical roof, or ol' a ha iv -lack. The sections or I'ru-ta of I ho cones and conoids, straiiilit and curved eive the iiiigula of ho if. the lunette Inaded opening intcr- sectinir a curseii or \Mulled ceiling or a doiiie, while llie plane >ecIioiis illustrate the lriaiii;le. ellip.-e. liicle, patiiliola, h\ perholu Now, 1 here are compound .-olnls illustrative of the lines of penetration or of iu let .-vciidn thei-cof ; or tin! frusta ol' cones and cylinders and spheres can he |iiil logeier ur held hv the piiiiil in ju.vta position in a way to show the projections of said li nes of peiie- tialion as looked at iateralh or endwise or from ahove : as of t\\'o ('\liiiders representative of intersecting \aiil t s or sewers or drainage pipe-i, water or other ooiiduits which wiieii ot' e (inal diaiiit ter, gi ve ■ I - Ill - .straight liih's ut' li iii/miliil \u\(\ (;;iiiii; and wlii'u ciii'Vi'il nmii' or U'ss iiri' iii'irc 1)1' Ic-s iiii:'rp Mict rat i ir: a:^ tln' iliaiiu.'U'iN ari' more or lliu'ijilal. Milt ulnTc till' (iii'iosii V, ilic inliM'i'st. tlio ciiiMlalinii ut' tlic |r,i|iil CDiiu's in, i.-i ill till' >lnil\' nl'ilii' (Irvclniiiiu'iit ut' -iiirrac-'-i ; anil in verity iiolliiiiji can Im' iinii^ini.'d mi iiist rn<'l i \ r In tlu'iii as iliis, su siiiTurst i VI!, Mil I'diirati vt' nl'ji is a|i|irrn I iri'slii ji III' fill iiri' t radi'siiia iislii |i, t'iiluT ii-i till or i'(ii>iuM' Miiitli, iir jil muIkm', cuiiium', juiii-M', tai or, iiiiili- ncr, dri'ss maker mid wiiut-not ; I'u:' as the tin ami eiiji|ier sniitli and iiliiinlier. iiinst kimw what shape t.i eiit his lu'lal tn, tn I'uriii an (dhow, sii in, 1st the arl isf eharu' 'd with roliini;- ih-'hiiinii loriii »ii\ilie he aware ot'liij peeii iarlv doiihly eiir\-ed or eeiea vn-e in vev; outline which a sh eve iim.-t h« iir to lit it to I he hody ai t he sliiHilder, niid so of oilier coiiioiir^. and ihe niilliiier to iiiak ■ a hit, or hinnet, iiiiist he all I' to descrili..' I he circu ar or (dliplic crown, as well the more or less spla veil la ho'a 1 'Oi \' iroimieii I and liiially the rim which, nil. Ill list lit the one the (it her ami should do ho il' artistically diaiiiNl, without the help of scissors to liriii'^' 1 hem into c intact iIhwi till! liov or air! or [iiipil or aoprentii f tlm •• Kin- der^^arten" lie taiulit to lak" a eoae fir inslaiic.'. ami a pply iiiL' :o i i a, piece of paper in a wa\ lo have an edi;'e of it iiin slrai'^hl froin the apex to the hase, eii\iron il. eiividope ii. iii\cst it, wra|i it ify in like, (lose liltiiiiily and ill. '11 ciil tilcli('d, or i;diied. or pasted, and von have the iiiiai;!' of the eoiic. of liie e\ t i iiu'ii isler. of the cornet, of ihe spire iif a lich :\ . '['he smi I h see- mid notes this and makes unto himself a pallerii or patterns of ihit ih'velopeil shape which when iis ed,--'s are m id ' lo ai •■■I, will repro lace th',' c m.'. And now for ilo' developed lateral snrface of the IV istnm of a cone. Wraii as h 'fore ami then Miiwnp the solid, and spread ont the oi'.velope on a lahle ami yon will have a sia'tion or poi'tion of the aniiiilns of a circle, wliudi when its straijith or lateral edges aie ii'^ain hi'oiiellt tonelher will h.' s i!.;;i'e-t i \'e to yon of the lamp shade, the lateral pirlion of a pail, a pie dish, or a L'-ohlet. of the ordinarv milk lareen of onr farmers, of i he siirronndiiiij: of a hai or lionnet, of a collar or spl ^- (1 sleeve, cull', etc.. and in the same wa,\ as. to draw the cnr\a'd portion or hase of the s"ctor to form a c me, voii mnsi take for' of the curve or cirelf the sanimit or apex of the com- wlii(di thus makes know the radius reiinired ; in the sime wav, to draw tiie lateral envelope of the friisliim of a cone, the splav hein,<;' iiiveii or as-iiiii d and the diameter : you miisl proloim' or iirodiic • the sid 's t i ai.'ct in a p.iint wliiidi will In; the apex of the cone of "hicli th' iVusiaiu f.irms a piiriioa. and the ffav«rffl«rT?irff>riiWfw-' ^^t^'^fr'^'? i"i-i^' I'iit'^^if'.Tt'-i'tiril. — -Jd ■- ciiiicfiitric ii|i|M'i' :iiii| liiwor or inin'i- .iinl (tiittfi' I'lii'scs diinvii iVoiii tlii.-< |Miiiit. witli ciuiiigli to simn' for ov«rlii|) at Joint, will solve tlii; [irolili'm. Ami ifllu' IntiTtil portion of a Imlii'H hat, I uioan that lu'twiMMi the oroNvn ami luini is, to liivo it a jaunty look, to he higher on the one Hide than on I he other, tin; milliner will not l)e slow at seeing or if she (Iocs not. inn St he tohl ol' it, that in such ease the n|)|ier ami lo\^•er lines of tiie annulns heing non |i:irallcl and therefore noii concentric, they ninst eaehoflheni b- descril>ed from dill'erent points, oi- c(;ntres the further apart, thi? greater the dilVerence of the hight or breadth of rim of one side us compared with the other. P'lhows can of course \\ ■ also traced out and at what ever nngie : right, acute iw obtuse. l)y simple rnle.s thongh too lengthy to dwell on in a paper which does not pni|iorl to teach the mode of doing, hut is merely suggestive. ilin>tralivc to the teacher of the value of models for the purpose, and of the extent to which the con- crete forms or realizations of the abstract ideas of certain shapew, quicken and facilitate ihe intelligiuice thereof and tin- modus o|ierandi. lint the ]u-ettiest solution, most dillicult of conception had not nature itself led the way by suggesting it in the orange and ribi)ed structure of the Tuelou, most ditlicnlt of execution, and where the concrete form is most lielpful to the alistract idea of how the tliiii"- is to be done, is that of the deve!o|)ped •lurface of a s|)here or sphe- roid n8 for tlie covering; of a liall to play with, or the formaticm of one fur geographical or urauographical purposes, or the ii.ill of n (diurch steeple, or of an observatory, etc., or of any portion thereof as for ii dome or vanltid ceiling, and the only ami best model for this is the Bkin or peel of lb' orange, wliicli can be divided along its e(|Uiitor into eiputl parts tlie more the lietter. lor a more pert'ect develo])e- ment of the double curiature— with lines drawn from the poles oi- opposite emls of the stem or iuniginary axis. These lines beiipj: cut through, except at the e(|uator. the skin or peel can with the help oftbecnrved bowl (U' hand e of a tea spoon be reinovi"(l without ii (law iuid the whole spread out upon a plane, and exactly illustrative of how to proceed in shaping the semblance of a ball, a dome or a balloon. "N may be averred, without the fear of contradiction that this concreting of the abstract, reduces in a ten fold maimer the study of geometry and trigonometry l)oth plain and spherical and thus re- duces it to the mere endeavour of as many months, as without it would reipiire years to nnister and even then mit understand so thoroughly, ami not, s) p(!rni;iueutly ap|)rehond and easier or more liki ly to would be the mere word-painting of a landsCiipe or of a hunnin foiin in the absence of the thing itself or of its picture paint or photo. And just here is proof of wliat the writer has advanced as to I'M'ii cliil.iiTii iii.iiiil'f-liiii; nil inlfit'-t III kiiiiuiiij; (.r Iriiniiii-- ii tlilli;: llial liiis mi |iriictic;il ii|ilil|c;it inu ; AllMh' dun.: llt always int.'rcsti'.l in. Idcikiiii;- nii ami wiiitiiiH |iati(.'ntly till it was lone ami why : h 'imiim' it wiis the r<'- liroHiiitati \ (• of ,-iinict 111 lit; in ri'al litV. 'I'liif tiiiif I -tarl'Ml at a siinai'f- wliu'li 1 was sululi vidiiiL;- iiU'> siiuilliT M(|iiarcs. Not 1 hat , said slu-. siiiiiinsini: I was >tartiii'j, at a tic-tnc til in whli'ii she had li.'cnim' tnuld alr^'ady tntaki- t'lirth'T iii- torest. .Nut thai. sIm' -aid ; mi mmsi'iisr ; lull, wait a liil 1 said and lK■^'an t(i t.dl her Imu tin' littlf .■.i|iiart's wvvv the iiattiTii ol'thfciil- (dnth ill the passa-i' Oh y.'>. sli" said: ll'iW liiak'' t he ma! liii! S'lnari's and tih's that Isiw in thfllnDi' iil'tln' lirwrhaii.d uftllti liasilicii. an I 1 I'lit tlu- iMfm'is nl' tin' si|iiari's and tiirn.'d theiiiiiiti) iicta^'iins and sniian-s and ntlirr |iattiTns, and nh h )W didigiiti'd sin" was whfli I iiiadi' a lot dI' !i vv u' >ns, wliirh hi.ik'Ml sn jn-i-tty In hrr ovc, and liuw iiiiirh |ir.'ttirr win-ii I shiiWfd her jiDititiii nf a liecs Mild tnld hiT Iniw th^ h -.s hiiild thidr iitth- ci'lls in this shaji.', iiiid Imw tiii'ir iiistiiirt and (ind nivm 1 nt idliLiTiiri' iiianit'i'sts itsidt' in iisiiii;- this iiartir'ilar six sided ti-nr". tlie uiily mii' wdiiidi, while ae- ciiinimidatili^' itself til the li,i ly , if the insect, lil.s the lUieiiitu the other witliiiut loss nf -paee. as in the nelaLinn where there are iiitM'- veiiiiifT Mqiiares, in the s.inare whei'e I here are use, ess eiirners, and 111 the eirele where there are also iisu ess spaees and ul' which imiremer not oiilv is Ih" iieripliery u-reater than that nf the hexaL'nn, li:ll where a whole circle would In' reiiuired for each li.'.^ and the reiiuireil i|naii- titv of wax thereliy douMed. while, with ihe li-iire chosen each iMii- nouelit side does doiiiile dill \ . In eonclu.-iou the wr.ter w,iuld reiiiurk. that as already stated, the I, aval Cour-e in his liim- was and is still in .ereal im asiiro ,„,,r,. conducive to clerical re,|uireineMts or to theolo-ical lore to which may he added the h .eal and medical sciences. 1 han adaiitedfor Kn^rineirs. Architects. >cient ists Surveyors ; nor have many of tlio-c who received their education there l.eeo.iie hriliiant in the e.xercis- ,,r the lalter s|iecialit!es, and due as stall il to an ah-eiice or oiiiissiou , if the concrete toi;ellier with the ahslract I heori.'s taii-ht ; while of ihe fornior. where no iiiatliematics were riMiuirci, there liavO keen manv tuK'iited professors and pra^ti t ioiier>. It may also he said as a tiiial allusion to the colicietioii of a snhjecl that in treatises on malheimitics. and as carried out hy the author in hisl'hineand Spherical Ceom. and 'rrii;. piihlished in I.SIir,, much valuable «pace is niine 1 hy, insti'ad of ^iiivinii- the eniineial i ve of a proposition in the ali^trac! and iheii rej. eat 111,1; it in tlieuiiierete, so writili.ii' the eliuneiation with the letters of re fereli ee id the te.xt, hnt in darker or ditlVreiilly coloured or formed lype. that it may he reail lirst witliout the let ters refe rring to the concrete example "■iviii", and then will. 1 hem.