T E M P E R A N C E M I S S I O N. -I- (To ll}t paii)Sl}ioner!S of jp, Seouge'js (Jfljurcl). Mv DiiAK Kkiknds, Our HishoiJ has given an earnest call to the members of our Church in loronto to join in the great 'I'emperance Movement of the present day. We have lain too long under the rejjroach of doing nothing in the cause of Temperance, wiiile the sin of intem- |)erance has been making rapid strides and has rendered many homes unha[)i)y and destitute. We all know this, and while we deplore it, we ought to embrace the o|)portunity of doing .somethmg to lessen the evil. 1 need not now point out how we may aid in this good work ; but we can all do something. How we may do it will be told us in the Temjierance Mission which will begin on .Advent Sunday, December 3rd. A Sermon on Temperance will be jjreached on that Sunday evening in all our Churches, and during the week Meetings will be held in the dififerent School-houses for the j)urpose of bringing the subject before all our Church people,'and of forming in every Pari:ih branches of the Church of England Temperance Society. Another Sermon will be preached on Sunday evening, the loth, to close the Mission and report progress. You are cordially invited to these Special Services, and your earnest prayers are desired on behalf of the movement. On Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, a Meeting will be held in St. (jeorge's School-house, at which the si)eakers will be the Rev. Canon Dumoulin and Mr. Rohkrt (Graham. Canon Dumoulin has been connected with temperance work for many years in Mon- treal, and Mr. (jraham is now working for the cause in our Church in the United States, after having been for many years an indefatig- able advocate of the Church of England Temperance Society at home. Both are eloquent speakers, and will have much to say to interest and win our sym[)athies. Pray come to the meeting yourself. Invite your friends. And show this to any who may be interested in the temperance cause. I am, Yours faithfuUv, j'. I). CAYLEY. Toronto, No?', jo, 1882. P. S.- Since the above was written the Bishop of Algoma has also kindly i)romised to speak on Monday evening. H