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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 . 5. 6 '■«;;■■- •..■l,>^-i.i'\i'%: li 1«V [«1 h ?• ' ^|. i,ii',iii'ii mm mamm f Pttimi^ J i U I I I' H^ i CIARTER AND BY-LAWS OF THE ST. GEORGE'S 1 OF TORONTOi INgTIfOTBU ton THS RBLtET OF BJC» AKp OTJTVWI SSTAB|.ISH£Z> 1636. INOOBPOBATia) 1858. TO WHICH IS ADDED THR ^# »l m ^vmvMu t^x I$65. TCM»lTHltR vITH.A LlSir bF OfFlCJ3lllS AN^ MlMBlt^ TOEONTO Hi ^1 S^XiL. CHARTER AND BY-LAWS OF THB ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY OF TORONTO, INSTITUTED FOR THE RELIEF OF SICK AND DESTITUTE KNOIilSIIMEN AND THEIR DESCENDANTS. ESTABLISHED 1836. INCOEPOHATED 1858. TO WHICH la ADDED THB [tpvt 0t th^ ^nmmitiu im Hfi5. TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. TORONTO: PRINTED BY HENRY ROWSELL. 1866. CONTENTS. PAOB. List of Office-bearers, 18G5 , 3 Past Presidents, from 1836. 4 Act of Incorporation 5 By-Laws 9 Annual Report for 1865 15 Treasurer's Statement 22 Contributions for Christmas Relief 23 List of Members 26 i 3tf sua ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. OFFICE BEARERS, 1866. President : Wm. T. Boyd. Vice-Presidents : iBt-O. L. Maddison, 2nd— Geo. Chanter, 3rd— Alfred W. Otter. Chaplains : Rev. Provost Wuitarbr M.A. Rev. R. Sandabb. Dr. Berrymaii, Physicians : Dr. Barrett, Dr. RowELii. Treasurer : E. Bradburnb. *. Secretary : H. MORTIUER. Committee : liEBSRS. John Tbrrt, Joseph Hurd, H. P. Brumell, Wm. Rowland. Messrs. Jas. Younq F. J. Joseph, John Whitlbt, Stewards : Messrs. F. W. Cumberlvnd, Messrs. S. B. Harman, T. C. Patteson, Capt. Clark, C. J. Blomfield, John Crickmorb. Auditors : Messrs. H. Pellatt, and J. Masters. Marshal : R. Parker. Standard Bearers : MK8SRS. W. Dbnybr, and E. Tbrrt. PAST PRESIDENTS; 188ft— Hon. Col. Wells. 1836— Capt. Macaulay. 1837— Hon. Wm. H. Draper, C. B., C. J. 1838— Hon. Wm. H. Draper, C. B., C. J. 1839— Hon. R. S. Jamieson, Vice-Chancellor. 1840— Hon. R. S. Jamieson, Vice-Chancellor. 1841— Hon. R. S. Jamieson, Vice-Ch.%ncellor. . 1842— William Wakefield, Esq. 1843— William Wakefield, Esq. 1844— William Wakefield, Esq. 1845— Geo. P. Ridout, Esq. 1846— Geo. p. Ridout, Esq. 1847— Geo. P. Ridout, Esq. 1848— Hon. R. S. Jamieson, Vice-Chancellor. 1849— Frederick Widder, Esq. 1850— Frederick Widder, Esq. 1851— Joseph D. Ridout, Esq. 1852— Joseph D. Ridout, Esq. 1863— Joseph D. Ridout, Esq. 1864— Joseph D. Ridout, Esq. 1856 — F. W. Cumberland, Esq. 1856— F. W. Cumberland, Esq. 1867— Geo Bilton, Esq. 1868— Hon. J. B. Robinson. 1859— Thomas Brown, Esq. 1860--SAMUEL B. Harman, Esq., B.C.L. 1861— Robert Dodqson, Esq., 1862 — James Beachell, Esq. 1863— W. B. Phipps, Esq. 1864 — Wm. Kinqsford, Esq. 1865— Robt. Spratt, Esq. I T ANNO VICESIMO-SECUNDO VICTOHliE REGINiE. -♦-•♦~ An Act to Incorporate the ISt. George's Society of Toronto. WHEREAS, Jolm -Beverley Robinson, Thomas Brown, George S. Jones, Robert Dodgson, F. W. Coate, George T. Walton, George Bilton, George Thomas, Henry Godson, Julian Sale, Isaac Faulkner, B. Saunders, Frank John Joseph, and others, have, by their petitions to the Legislature, represented that the Association, of which they are members, known as the St. George's Society of Toronto, has for many years been formed for the benevolent purposes of affording pecuniary, medical, and other relief to such natives of England and Wales, and their descendants, as may from sickness or other causes have fallen into distress, and have prayed that for the better attainment of the objects of the said Association, it may be invested with corporate powers, and by reason of the good effected by the Association, it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council And Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. The said John Beverley Robinson, M.P.P., Thomas Brown, George S. Jones, Robert Dodgson, F. W. Coate, George T. Walton, George Bilton, George Thomas, Henry Godson, Julian Sale, Isaac Faulkner, B. Saunders, Frank John Joseph, and such other persons as are now members of the said Association, or shall hereafter become members thereof, under the provisions of this Act and the By-laws made under the authority thereof, and their successors, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by • ST. George's sooiett of Toronto. the namo of the St. George's Society/ of Toronto, and maj l>7 that name sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all Courts of Law and places whatsoever, and by that name they and their successors shall have perpetual succession, and may have a common seal, and may break, change, alter, or renew the same at pleasure, and shall have power to purchase, take, receive, hold and enjoy such real estate, as may be required for the actual occupation of the said Corporation, and to alienate, sell, convey, lease or otherwise dispose of the same, or any part thereof, from time to time/ and as occasion may require, and to acquire otherinsteud thereof; Provided always, that the said Corporation may ac(iuire any other real estate or any interest therein by gift, devise or bequest, if made at least SIX months before the death of the party making the same, and the Corporation may hold such estate for a period of not more than three years, and the same or any part or portion thereof or interest therein which may not, within the said period have been alienated and disposed of, shall revert to the party from whom the same was acquired, his heirs or other representatives ; And provided also, that the proceeds of such property, as shall have been disposed of during the said period, may be invested in the public securities o°f the Province, Stocks of Chartered Banks, Mortgages, or other approved securities, for the use of the said Corporation. 2. The affairs and business of the said Corporation shall be managed by a Committee of Management, consisting of a President, a first, second, and third Vice-President, a Secre- tary, or Secretaries, a Treasurer, two Chaplains, three Phy- sicians, and seven other Members, to be elected annually at a General Meeting of the members of the Corporation, held m conformity to the By-laws thereof, and any five members of the said Committee shall be a quorum for the dispatch of business. 3. All deeds, sealed with the Common Seal of the Corpor- ation, and signed by the President or Vice-Presidents, and hj XA lOT OF INCORPORATION. 7 •ome other member of the CommittcD of Management, and counterdignod by the Treasurer, and none other, shall be held to be deeds of the Corporation ; Provided always, that the Treasurer, for the time being, may receive all moneys payable to the Corporation and grant valid receipts therefor. 4. It shall be lawful for the said Corporation to make By- laws for the admission and expulsion of members, and for the proper administration ot the property and affairs of the Corpo- ration, and to repeal or amend the same from time to time ; and such by-laws and amendments shall bo proposed and seconded at a previous Quarterly Meeting. No number of members less than one-fifth of the Corporation (including the presiding Officer) shall form a meeting for the purpose of altering such By-laws, nor shall any alteration be made therein unless two- thirds of the members present agree to it. 6. The General Meeting of the said Corporation shall be held in such manner, after such notice, upon such requisition, and at such times, in the City of Toronto, as shall be directed by the By-laws of the Corporation then in force. 6. The usual place of meeting of the said Corporation shall be held to be the legal domicile thereof, and service at such place of any notice or process of any kind, addressed to the said Corporation, shall be held to be sufficient service of such notice or process on the Corporation. 7. The By-laws of the said Association, ia so far as they may not be repugnant to this Act or the laws of this Province, shall be the By-laws of the Corporation, hereby constituted, until they shall be repealed or altered as aforesaid : Provided Always, that no By-law shall impose a penalty or forfeiture exceeding two dollars. 8. Until others shall be elected according to the By-laws of the Corporation, the present officers of the Association shall be those of the said Corporation, that is to say, the said John Beverley Robinson shall be the President, the said Thomas Brown shall be the first Vice-President, the said George 8. Jones, shall be the second Vice-President, the said Robert 9 8 ST. George's society of Toronto. Dodgson, the third Vice-President, the said F. W. Coate shall be the Treasurer, the said George T. Walton shall be the Secretary, the Reverend J. Beaven, D,D., and the Reverend H. Scadding, D.D., shall be the Chaplains ; Edward Hodder, Francis Badglej; and William Hallowell shall be the Physicians, and the said George Bilton, George Thomas, Henry Godson, Julian Sale, Isaac Faulkner, B. Saunders, and Frank John Joseph, the other members of the Committee of Management. 9. No person, otherwise competent to be a witness in any Buit, action, or prosecution, in which the said Corporation may be engaged, shall be deemed incompetent to be such witness by reason of his being or having been a member or officer of the said Corporation. 10. All subscriptions of members due to the Corporation under any By-law ; all penalties incurred under any By-law by any person bound thereby, and all other sums of money due to the Corporation, shall be paid to the Treasurer thereof, and in default of payment may be recovered in any action brought by him in the name of the Corporation in any Court of competent civil jurisdiction ; provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any member from withdrawing at any time from the said Corporation, after pay- ment of all arrears due to the funds thereof, including the annual subscription for the year then current. 11. The said Committee of Management shall yearly, in the month of January, insert in some newspaper published in the City of Toronto a statement of the amount of the funds and pro- perty, debts and liabilities of the said Corporation, certified by the Treasurer and two Auditors elected at any General Meeting of the Corporation. 12. Nothing in this Act shall effect any right of Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, or any party or person whomsoever, such rights only excepted as are herein expressly mentioned and affected. 13. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act. L »p- BY-LAWS •P By-Law I. The Society shall consist of such persons of English birth or descent, in the male line, as shall be elected members thereof, according to the regulations hereinafter made ; and until a Sister Society of St. David be organized, Welshmen and their descendants shall be considered as eligible to become members of this Society, and to stand in the same position therein as Englishmen and their descendants. II. The objects of the Society are to unite Englishmen and the descendants of Englishmen in a social compact, for the promotion of mutual and friendly intercourse ; and for affording to such persons of English birth and descent as may stand in need thereof, advice and counsel, and such pecuniary assistance as the funds of the Society may enable it to give. III. In addition to the officers named in the Act of Parliament Incorporating the Society, Six Stewards shall be elected, who shall arrange for the celebration of the Annual Festival on St. George's Day, and report such arrangements at the quarterly meeting next preceding, for adoption. Also, a Marshal and Standard Bearer shall be appointed by the President. IV. The officers of the Society shall be elected as follows : Any member may nominate a Candidate for each office, in succession 5 and in the event of more than one nomination for any one office, the decision shall be by ballot. V. The President and Vice-Presidents shall not be eligible for re-election to the offices respectively filled by them for the next succeeding year. VI. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be holden on the third Friday in January each year. In each 10 ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY OF TORONTO. year there shall be holden four Quarterly General Meetings,. viz. : 1st. The Annual General Meeting, and one each on the first Friday of the months of April, July, and October.. Monthly Ordinary meetings shall be held on the first Friday of each month throughout the year, excepting in January, April, July and October, as otherwise provided. VII. Any gentleman desirous of joining the Society shall, at a General or Ordinary Meeting, be proposed and seconded by members, and may be elected by a majority of such meeting, on payment of the first year's subscription, and not otherwise. VIII. The Annual Subscription of Members shall be Two Dollars. The Subscription year shall be from 1st January to 31st December. Any new Member elected between the 1st of January and 30th of September shall pay the full subscrip- tion for the current year j any elected on or after 1st October, may be admitted on paying for the current quarter only. IX. A Subscription of Ten Dollars shall be a Life Subscription, and the same shall be invested at interest and form a portion of the Permanent Fund, the yearly interest on which only shall be applied to the Charitable Fund of the Society. Life Members shall have all the privileges of Ordinary Members. X. The Annual Meeting shall order the investment of such proportion of the surplus funds (if any) as may appear desirable, and in such manner as may be then determined^ and the annual subscriptions, with the interest of investments, shall constitute the ordinary funds applicable to the charita- ble purposes of the Society. XI. The Treasurer shall be authorized to advance to a distressed individual a sum not exceeding Two dollars, upon the written recommendation of the President or either of the Vice-Presidents, or of any member of the Managing Com- mittee by them appointed to grant such relief: provided always, that such recommendation do not involve the payment BY-LAWS. 11 •of more than two dollars to any one person or family. In cases demanding more than the ordinary relief thus afforded, the same shall be referred for further enquiry and action to the Managing Committee as hereinafter set forth. XII. The Managing Committee shall meet weekly, and any five members thereof shall form a quorum. It shall be their business to direct the affairs of the Society, generally, under this Constitution ; to determine all matters referred to them by the Society, and to prepare for each annual meeting a Eeport of the proceedings of the Society for the year, to be submitted previous to the Election of Officers. XIII. The Managing Committee may make loans (not exceeding twenty dollars to one person or family,) from the ordinary funds of the Society, to persons in temporary distress or trouble, upon receiving such reasonable security as they may deem expedient, provided the period of such loans -do not exceed six months. It shall have power to grant extended relief in particular cases at discretion, the orders upon the Treasurer being in all such cases signed by two Or more of the Members of the Committee. XIV. The anniversary of St. George shall be celebrated by a dinner, or otherwise, as may be determined at the General Quarterly Meeting in April. No expenses of Anniversary Festival, or of any social entertainment what- ever, shall be charged against the funds of the Society. XV. The President (or in his absence, the Senior Vice- President,) shall direct the Secretary to convene a special General Meeting of the Society, upon requisition (stating the purpose thereof) from any five members, and the Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Managing Committee, either by direction of the President, (or, in his absence, the Senior Vice President,) or upon the requisition of any two members of the Committer. XVI. The Chair shall be taken thirty minutes precisely after the hour appointed for meeting, and if there be not X2 BY-LAW3. then a quorum of at least ten members present, the meeting shall be forthwith adjourned. XVII. Any member in arrears of subscription for two years shall be considered as having withdrawn from the Society, and his name shall be erased from the list of mem- bers without further notice, and it shall be the duty of the Manawino" Committee to sue and recover the amount due, in any Court having competent jurisdiction. No Member shall be entitled to vote at the annual election of officers, or at any subsequent meeting, who shall not have paid his previous year''s subscription. XVIII. The annual subscription shall be considered due and payable in advance, on or before the 23rd day of April in every year. XIX. Any member elected to fill any office, refusing to serve, shall be fined one dollar — and any member of the Managing Committee, absent from the regular Committee Meeting three times in succession, (unless absent from home, or in consequence of sickness,) shall be fined one dollar, and it shall be the duty of the Managing Committee in all cases to see the fines collected. XX. The duty of the President shall be to preside and pre- serve order at all the meetings of the Society, and generally to watch over and superintend its concerns to the best of his ability. In his absence, the senior Vice-President present shall exercise the authority and duty of the President. In case of the absence of the first four officers from any meeting, the members present shall be empowered to elect a chairman out of their number. XXI. The Secretary shall have charge of the Seal, Banners, and other Insignia of the Society. He shall keep a fair regis- ter of all proceedings, orders, rules, and regulations, and manage the correspondence. He shall issue certificates of admission to each member on his having signed the Constitu- tion, to which he shall affix the Seal of the Society. He shall, I ;/■' ST. George's society of Toronto. 13 '^- when necessary, summon the Society to its various meetings, and shall sign such cards of invitation to the Anniversary Celebration as may be required of him by the Stewards. He shall also, at all meetings of the Society, and of the Managing Committee, enter into the respective minute books the names of the members present at such meetings. XXII. The Treasurer shall have the custody of the funds. Ho shall countersign such certificates of admission as may be issued by the Secretary. His accounts shall be fairly kept and exhibited to the President and the Managing Committee, whenever called for, and shall also be laid before the Society at its January meeting. XXIII. Incase of the death, riesignation or removal of any of the officers during the year for which they were elected, the Society shall, at the next meeting, choose others in their places to serve for the remainder of the year. XXIV. To preserve order, and to expedite the business of the Society, any member who may have proposals to make, or observations to offer upon any proposition, shall rise and address the President ; and no person shall interrupt another when speaking, if the speaker be in order. XXV. The introduction of political or religious subjects, or their discussion, shall never be allowed at any meeting of the Society, and in the event of any member introducing or speak- ing on such subjects he shall pay a fine of one dollar. XXVI. The members of this Society shall faithfully observe and conform to all the rules and regjlutions that shall be made by the Society, and entered in t/ir ' ^^ks thereof, on pain of being dismissed from it and having .eir names erased from the list of members. XXVII. If the majority of all the members present at .ny general meeting shall vote for the expulsion of a member, his name shall be erased, and he shall never afterwards be admitted to any meeting of the Society, unless again elected by ballot, as in the first instance : provided always, that no proposition fc-MOMiiil^ 'itHJVIi W ^ ' *i i «» WBW W 'a 14 BT-LATfS. for the expulsion of a member shall be in order, unless one clear month's notice has been given of an intention to submit it at the then next ensuing quarterly meeting. XXVIII. The Banners and Flags of the Society shall not be used except on occasions where the Society, as a body, takes part in the proceedings, or where the Society is repre- sented by its Officers. , XXIX. That at any Quarterly or Annual Meeting the members present may, on one month's notice previously given, elect any one of its members an Honorary Life Member, in consideration of services rendered the Society, and also may elect any distinguished person eligible to become a member, in like manner for services rendered either to the Society or the country, and such honorary member shall be entitled to all ' the privileges of an ordinary member. XXX. An Obituary Record shall be kept by the Secretary of any member of this Society who may hereafter die, stating his birth and parentage, if known, dale of admission as a member, his position, general character, and such other facts in regard to him as may be interesting to chronicle. Such Record to be published with the Annual Reports. XXXI. All fines collected under these By-laws shall be paid to the Treasurer, to go to the general funds of the Society. XXXII. All donations of Twenty Dollars and upwards shall be invested by the Managing Committee, and form a portion of the permanent fund, the interest on which shall alone be applied to tVe ordinary expenditure of each year, unless such donation is made for a specific purpose. REPORT OP xnu FOR 1865. The Committee of St. George's Society beg leave to lay before the Annual Meeting of the Society their Report for the past year ; and, in doing so, have the satisfaction of being able to congratulate the Society on the flourishing Btate of its affairs, which has enabled the Committee to dispense their charity on i more extended and liberal scale than heretofore, and at the same time to meet punctually all their liabilities. The total amount of Receipts, (including balance of last year, of $390.34,) is $2794 88 Of Disbursements 2346 55 Leaving a balance in the Treasurer's hands of. . $448 33 Of this amount the sum of $30, received for three life- subscriptions, remains for investment ; $154.35, being a balance of Christmas distribution fund, to be disposed of hereafter; and the balance, $263.98, is carried over to the general fund of the Society, for charitable purposes. The above will be found in detail in the Treasurer's balance sheet. The present investments of the Society are as follow : — City Debentures, $125, paying interest at 6 per cent. Canada Permanent Building Society, $1000, upon which dividends amounting to 11^ per cent, have been declared for the last year. Yorkville Debentures, $100: interest at 6 per cent. Government Debentures, ''Phipps Fund," $1000: interest at 5 per cent. St. George's Day, the 23rd of April, 1865, falling on a Sunday, was duly observed, in pursuance of a resolution of the Committee, by the attendance of the ofiBcers and 16 ET. GEOROB'S society op TORONTO. members of the Society at Divine service, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, in the afternoon of that day. A special choral service was, by permission of the Rev. Dr. Scaddmg, the Incumbent, held on that occasion. The prayers were intoned by the Rev. G. T. Carruthers, and the Rev. R. Sandars, (one of the Society's chaplains,) preached a very eloquent and suitable sermon ; and the choir performed the choral service in a very eflfective and impressive manner. 1 he church was filled in every part ; and at the close of the sermon, a collection was taken up, and resulted, after pay- ment of some small necessary expenses, in an addition ot $46.15 to the funds of the Society. The Committee have the gratification of reporting, that the two entertainments held under the auspices of the So- ciety during the past year, proved in each case a decided success, and, after all expenses incurred were paid, resulted in a very handsome increase to the funds of the Society. The Promenade Concert and Annual Ball were held on Monday, the 24th of April, at the Music Hall, in the Me- chanics' Institute. The attendance was most numerous, the principal residents in Toronto shewing by their presence the interest taken in the Society and its charities ; and the amount carried to the charitable fund, after payment of all expenses, was $131. oG. The annual Pic Nic was held on the public holiday, the 14th August, at Mimico Grove, and was also very successful. The cash received for tickets sold was $319.50, resulting in a pro- fit to the Society's general funds of $142.28. The large tent belonging to the Society has been much im- proved in appearance, and its value increased by the purchase of a canvass wall, as suggested in the Report of the Committee of 1864. The canvass (120 yards) was bought in England by Mr. Hurd, at an expense including freight and duty, of $37. 94. Expenses of adding same to tent and other incidental expenses, $27.36. If COMMITTERS REPORT. *• The revision of the By-Laws recommended to bo made m ■the Committee's Report of last year, was intrusted to a Spe- cial Committee at the monthly meeting of the Society, held on the 3rd March last; and such Committee, after several meetings on the subject, agreed to a draft of the Revised By-Laws, to be submitted to the Society ; but in consequence of the necessary proportion of the members of the Society, viz., one-fifth of the corporation, not being present at any subsequent quarterly meeting, no action could be taken in the matter, beyond the reading the Report of the Special Committee, which was done at the Quarterly Meeting, held on the 7th April last. During the past year the relations of three destitute Knglish persons dying in Toronto were assisted in the expenses of the burials, at a cost of $11 to the Society. The members lost by death during the past year are— J. H. Gibson, Henry Warmington, Enoch Turner, and Robert "Winsor. The Committee regret that the Annual Subscriptions of Members have not been more punctually paid than in pre- vious years, atid that a large amount of arrears still remams due. The total number of members who have paid their annual subscriptions for 1865 is only 152,— Realizing the sum of - $389 50 Arrears of subscriptions received are on nn Payments by new Life Members are 30 00 The Committee have, at their weekly meetings and by the hands of their Sub-Visiting Committee, dispensed charity during the past year amounting to the sum of $464 75, and $22.50 from the "PhippsFund," and have also loaned $46.00 to destitute families. The persons relieved have, in many s, seen not only better davs, but have moved in ranks of society generally far removed from want; and it is gratifying to be able to state, that, in many instances, while relieving their immediate wants, the advice and recommendations given by members of the 18 8T. George's sooiett of Toronto. Committee to the applicants, have resulted in their obtaining 8ome permanent employment. The Committee have rigidly declined to afford giving con- tinued relief to the same applicantii, or encouraging in any way would-be pensioners on their bounty. The annual distribution of (Christmas Cheer took place on Saturday, the 2lkd ult., at the store of Mr. T. D. Harris, in King Street East, which was very kindly lent by him to the Society for the occasion. The Society is also indebted to Mr. Hiram Piper for the use of a stove and pipes, and for the labour of putting them up, and to Mr. J. H. Richey, for Platform Scales. Collectors of Special Subscriptions for the Distribution Fund had been previously appointed, and had canvassed the city in each ward. The result was the receipt of $1,030.07 in cash, and of a large amount of meat, tea, sugar, bread, and vegetables, in kind. As the collections were made from persons of all nations, so was the distribution of the Christmas Cheer given to all parties seeking relief and properly recom- mended, without regard to country or creed. The number of families relieved was 868, comprising on their own represen- tations, 3,812 persons, averaging upwards of 4 in each family. These 868 families consisted of — 312 English, 432 Irish, 30 Scotch, 41 Canadians, 18 Americans, ♦ 16 Colored, 3 Germans, 16 other nations and unknown. 868 The quantity of provisions distributed was Beef, 11,864 lbs. Potatoes, 310 bush. Mutton, 350 '' Tea, 50 lbs. Bread, 1115 loaves. Sugar, 24 lbs. The distribution commenced at 10 o'clock, A.M., and con- tinued without intermission until late in the evening. on ooumittek's repobt. 19 An analysia of the nationalities of the persons contributing to the fund, and of the amount collected, shews the foliowinir result : ~ * English $475 15 ™ 130 70 Scotch 119 00 Canadians HG 20 Americans 29 25 Unknown 48 97 Other Nations 65 80 Licensed Victuallers 25 00 Subscription from Bradford 20 00 $1030 07 A consideration of the above figures will convince every reader of this report, that the dispensing of Christmas Cheer to persons of all nations, with the necessary previous col- lections, issuing of recommendation papers, and of tickets, and the selection and purchase of provisions, entail on the Committee an amount of labour and expenditure of time, which can be but very inconveniently bestowed at Christmas, a period of the year when every business man feels that his time is more than usually precious, and his personal super- intendence more than ever required in the management of his own affairs. The relief now regularly afforded°for more than ten years past, and consequently generally looked for, has gradually increased to such dimensions, that the proper and judicious distribution of it becomes annually more diffi- cult, and indeed nearly impossible, in the limited time appli- cable for it, having a due regard to the recommendations of the subscribers to the fund, and to the comfort and satis- faction of the recipients of the charity. The Committee would, therefore, suggest to their successors in office, the prudence of confining (on the recurrence of Christmas) both their solicitations of subscriptions and their distribution of provisions to the English, or their immediate descendants. In making this suggestion, the Committee beg most cordially to thank the contributors to the late Christmas distribution fund, not only for the handsome donations received, but JO ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY OF TOROKTO. especially for tho kind and friendly spirit in which such donations were given, thereby relieving the Collectors ro.n much of the thankless oftico of begging, and mvestnig them with the more congenial duty of becoming dispensers of their charity. ^_ , a, or 'in It will be observed that a balance of $154.35, less $85.37, accounts still unsettled, remains in the hand, of the Treasu^ rer for distribution: a balance which, considering the objects for which the fund was raised, the Committee consider is not fairly applicable to tiie general fund of tho Society, from which the English only are relieved ; and as part ot this sum (viz, $25 received from the Licensed V^etuallers Association,) was given with a special request that it should be laid out in the purchase of wood for the poor, the Com- mittee bog to suggest to their successors, that no be ter means of applying the whole sum can well be found unless it be thought, that (considering the extreme difficulty ot a fair distribution of a limited quantity of wood amongst a nearly unlimited number of poor of all nations and creeds), the division of the remainder of the fund between some of the charitable institutions of the city, to be by them dis- pensed in fuel to the poor and destitute, would not be the more satisfactory way of fulfilling the intentions of the con- tributors to the fund. The Society's Office, in Victoria Hall, is open every day, and the Secretary t've. ready to afford nformation to the public generally, ana »> applicants for reaef, as tothe rules and hours of meeting .. the- Society. The Committee con- tinue to find their oifice a most suitable and convenient place for holding their weekly and monthly routine meetings, and for any other matters connected with the Society; and wish particularly to call the attention of the public, and especiaUy of the fair sex, to the fact, that they have a respectable office where gentlemen, and even ladies, wishing to communi- cate such cases of distress as can be legitimately relieved by the Society, need not doubt of receiving respectful attention and any information that they may require. COMMITTEE a REPORT. 21 The Committee regret that so many En<,'H8hraen and persons entitled to become members of tho Society, still refrain froni join! ig tlieir countrymen in n work which can- not but be conbi I'ired as good and praiseworthy, whether as regarr' , i(s charitable objects, or the promotion of that mutual and friendly intercourse between our countrymen, which is expressly stated in the Society's by-luws to be ono of its principal objects. The Committee, on a careful consideration of the Society's ways and mean.s, of its funded property, and of its probable income from members' subscriptions, and the surplus to be anticipated from its annual entertainments, cannot conceal the fact, that with the exception of the small income derived from its permanent funded property, all its resources are of a very precarious nature, and dei)end on the personal and con- tinual exertions of its ofTicers and members, and on the inter- est which the inhabitants of the city take in the Society, and the confidence they feel in the trustworthy and judicious management of its affairs. This interest and confidence can only be kept alive by a simple and plain statement of the Society's transactions on all occasions ; and the Committee would therefoiu suggest that an account of the total weekly expenditure in charity during the past year, and of the distri- bution at Christmas, be prepared and inserted in the Globe and Leader, in anticipation of, and in addition to, the usual annual printed Report. It would be well to add the co dial thanks of the Society for the liberal contributions accorded them by the public; contributions to such an extent as to justify a remark made at the close of last year's Report: — " That the Society holds a high place in public estimation ;" and, in order to keep this high place, the Committee feel that the continued and- syste- matic exertions on the part of all the members are very essen- tial. "Were every member to induce another Englishman to join our ranks, the result would be very important to our financial condition. ROBERT SPRATT, President. HERBERT MORTIMER, Secretary. so CO H P P5 W EH P3 O H H <1 02 CO S ^ d tSw »« © 00 ift © © © © >-i "* iC O (N © t^ © "« 5?5 tC-^icOOMrHO^lr-lr-IW (N {3^ © CI CO (M (N (N iH t^ OOCJ ?H t>-© »0 tH 00 ^ C (3 « S e3 •C g O m 73 O S u (O CO bo .5 u "o O CO 3 o u o <1 bo ■■B •4-3 c o '•♦3 I— < o O I X cs.2 ■* "5 to «o 0000 c o •t-t O -"^ o o s § © 03 o ^^ Wo «Pm . r»l © © M 00 h- O CO »0 CO »-l rH M 0©©C5rHo2 «0 6fi O500C<5rH*< ■»!* © 10 M T-t M M I-- © © M © o > o -§ a> 8 E" o 1^ S3 Pi3 "2 CQ SI ,< JPii Ml Fb Br €h r« «o r 03 ^ p P 3 < C4 H W r-4 P^ •* JE s o H SUBSCRIPTIONS. 23 STATEMENT OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BT TUK ST. GGORGE's BOCIETT, IN AID OF THEIR CBRIBTMAB DISTRIBUTION TO THE POOR, VIZ : — DONATIONS IN KIND. Quarters of Btff. — Captain Dick, Mrs. D. Mitcliell Macdonald, F. Pierce, Wm. Denyer. Pwiei of Beef.—^^T. Thompson, 135 lbs., Jas. Ward, 118 lbs., C. H. Dunning, 60 lbs ,G. and II. Bird, 30 lbs .A. J. Thompson. 24 lbs., Robinson, 21 lbs., — Carter, 20 lbfl.,T. Dexter, 151b!>., — MallonjlOlb,"., —Willmot, 4 pieces, — Brown, sundry pieces, Mrs. Dunn, 2 piece-s — Jones, 1 piece, Messrs. Bigham, 2 pieces. Mutton — W. Tucker, 2 sheep, — Grainger, 1 sheep, J. Britton, 1 sheep, — Bright, 1 sheep, T. Best, 1 sheep, G. H. Dunn, 1 sheep, T. Pidgeon,! sheep, W. Dever, 1 sheep, A. K. Boomer, j sheep, T. Compton, i sheep, W. Gray, 1 piece, Wickson, I piece. Jbrfc.— Messrs. Davies and Co., 200 lbs., Pigs' Heads. Bread.— U. J. Boulton, 5 doz. loaves, T. Webb, 1 doz.. G. and W. Colen, 1 doz., A. liattray, 1 doz., G. Coleman, 1 doz., J. and W. Kinainger, i doz., F. Middleton, i doz., John Bain, | doz, Oroceries.—J. E. Smith, 15 lbs. Tea, — C. Moore, 6 lbs., G. Pears, 10 lbs , Coffee, R. Dunham, 10 lbs. Sugar, E. La wsou, 30 lbs Cake, W. Henderson, 3 lbs. Tea, T. Ceswick, Tea and Sugar Mrs. Lawrence, Tea and Rice, T. Miller, Tea and Bread. A. Milligan, Tea and Coffee, M. J. Bell, Tea. — Bearficld, Tea, J. Burns, Tea. J. & i). G.Sinclair, Tea, G. H. Stewart, 4 lbs., Raisins, R. Davis, Tea and Sugar, R. Jordan & Co., Tea, T. Spence, Tea, — Happer, Tea, J. Lawrence, Tea. Vegetables Mr. Davis, 75 heads of Cabbage. J. Goedikc, 1 barrel of Apples, C. Beckett, Carrots, Potatoes and Turnips, Swan Bros., 3 bushels Potatoes, T. Flyn, Turnips. Potatoes and Onion.s, Mrs. Wright, Turnips and Onions, C. S*hipway, Turnips, A. Patterson, Potatoes, J. H. Jones, 1 bushel Apples, Mr. Grainger, Potatoes, W. Armstrong, Potatoes, Fleming & Co., 1 bag of ^as, U. Tasker, Apples. Sundries. — Thos, Davis, Cask of Beer, Mr. Colwell, 3 Chickens, T. Rimes, 1 Codfish, Bunting & Brothers, adorning paper. DONATIONS IN CASH. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS.— The Licensed Victuallers' Association, $25. TWENTY DOLLARS.— Collected by W. II. Thome and B. Barnard, of Brad- ford.— $20. TWELVE DOLLARS.— John McDonald, M. P. P.— $12. TEN DOLLARS. -Wm Cawthra, (half of this sum for general fund,) Mrs. Foster, Qooderham & Worts, F. U. He.\ard, A Mercer, McMaster 4 Brother, General Napier, F.& G.Perkins & Co , R. Snelling, Robert Walker and Son.— $100. SIX DOLLARS Wm. Elliott, G. M. Hawke.— $12. FIVE DOLLARS. — Hon. Geo. Brown, Blake, Kerr & Wells, O. L. Beardmore, Boyd & Arthurs, A. Bostwick, Hon. H. J. Boulton, fBM. -24 ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY OF TORONTO. i,W. T. royd, John Crawford WCCl^-eU & Co Ca^ | r. W. CurBberland. Ja.. Eves C fe ^^Zt^l.luTUis, L Moffatt, , J. Worthingtou— $180. .OUR vo,.L^ns~.l«. B^ch.n J-d * ''r'HuSrrrc''., mM^?. J.J. Vickers— $56. THREE DULLARS._J. Baylis & Co., Mrs. Bi.coe, Gordon & McKay, Mark Irish Rollo & Adam, W. Tobey , Wallis.s & Moss-$21. TWO AN^-A IIAJ.F DOLLARS.-Colonial Securities Company, Col. Lowry, A. Miller, II. Severn- $10. TWO DOLLARS.-J. R- Armstrong, J. Austin, Beaty & Ch«'3wick, R. B. Blake, CJ^Blomfield, Jas. Browne, Rev. Dr. Beaven, 'Ih"^- ^li^^yP' ^• cSy & Co., J. tanavan. E. J. Chapman, M C. Cameron, i.F.Carru- thert^J. B. Caulkins, Wm. Clarke, G. & J. W. Cox, G.AV. Carlisle, J. CrSmoreT J. S. Crocker, Dalrymple Crawford, J. Carter, J. Charlesworth A Oo Cash J Dug-ran, A. Wxon & Son, R. G. Daltoa, C. A. Dredge, II P.'Dwight, J A. Dobbie, C. Daley & Co., Dodgson t^hields & Co John Eastwood, J. E. Ellis, G. L. Elliott, C Fischer, VI. ^ill'^ger, Fnend, G. A. GUber?, Ihos. Gundry, W. R. Griffith. >V;Galbraith, Hughes Brothers, E ilarris, T. Ilaworth, H. »., A. McL. Howard, L.Hcyden, Senr. W. Hewitt, lion. W. P. Uowland, R. C. Hamilton, H L. Ilime, W. Hope, G Ha"ue, John Hendrie, W. Hessin W. Hamilton, David Higgins, Stephe°n lleward, Edward Jones. F. W. Jarvis, F. J. Joseph J. Jacques, Lvnian, Savage & Co., W. Latch, Thos. Laiiey, Lovel & Gibson, .las. McLennan, 11. J. Morse & Co., W. A. Murray & Co, G. & H. B Morphy, T Miller* Son, Angus Morrison, Thos. McCrosson, D. Matheson, C. iiagrath. B. Morton, J. H. Mead, J. Mills. Jas. Masters, Clarence SlSberlv, A. & S. Nordheimer, Patterson, Harrison & Co., P. Fatter- Jin & sons, Thos. Palmer, Rev. 'j. H. Plowman, G P. & J- D. R.dout, !! Robinson, II. Rowsell, J. H. Rogers, Hon. W, B. Robinson Jos. Robinson, W. H. Staunton, F. H. Stayner, J. Severs, Smith & Wood, D. A Sampson, Sargant & Shaver, Rev. R Sandars, R- Spratt, A. Shack, Sessions, Carpenter & Co , E. A. Smith, John Seels, J. A. Sutherland, Jas. Sutherland, T. W. Taylor, Thompson & Burns, G. T., W. Thomas, W. Thorne, Bis'bop of Toronto, 0. Wardell, T. Woodside, R.S. Williams, J \V hitley, Mrs. Williamson, W. Wharin, C. & W. Walker, J. E. Withers, Vicar General Walsh, G. H. Wjatt, Jas. Young— $444. ONE DOLLAR 70cts.— Adam Crooks— $1.70. ONE DOLLAR 20cts.— Matthew Yankoughnet-$l. 20. ONE DOLLAR.— Dr. Adlington, J. Anderson, A. Andrews, Thos. Barry, C. K Brooke, W. Black, W. H. Burns, J. W. Brent, A. R. Boswell, Brown, Brothers, T. W. Birchall, F. Barwick, G. A. Barber, J. Boxall, R. Brampton, A W Buell. G. Beyers, W. Boulton, H. P. Brumell, J.P.Bolton, 6.F. Brvson, Philip Brown, Capt. Burnett, R. A., C. Boeckh, F. Biscoe, 0. Bansley, J Bond, J. S. Burnett, E. G. Bennett, Dr. Berryman, G. Booth, Mrs Charlton, John Cameron, W. C, Angus Clarke, E. M. Carruthers, F D Cummer, J. Carr, J. Catto, J.Cornell, A.Clarke, Alex. Cameron, W W Cleary, Hon. J. II. Cameron, G J. Campbell, E. Crombie, Duncan Clark' J B.Carter, P. M. Clark, Frederick Clark, H. C. Clark, Thomas Coyne Hon. W. Cayley. J. A. Djnnovan, Dunspaugh A Watson, A. DeGrassi, J. E. Day, Darling & Reynaldson, J. A. Donaldson, Dickson, Crawford & Smith, W. U. Uow, J.P.Dunn E. Dack, J. Dewe. Q. L. Dennison, J. Dunn, John Evans, Mrs. Emsley. John Ellis, W S. Finch, H B Forbes, Friend, Fiemming, J. F. Feilde, Fulton, Michie 4 Co, Scotch Fr Co.. J. Fr J C Grif IHiilli-tt J. M 111 R ilnliliii F. W. Ho Bnici' Mi llonbon, lloiUl.-r. Jeiminsxf Jewell, V Kenned J Lfish, II. Leitli, i. Matheso Jladdiso Morrisot T. G. Ma McFarlii C. A. Ml T. Mos,<( H. O'Bri Peel, C. — Frest Reid, W J. B. R Roberts Skynne M. San( Small, ( J. Jsiras G. Stori W. Scac & Son, D. Thoi V. Tate Vance, Westm Warnc B. Woi Sums und^ Total Amo The folh of the Soci Mrs Cap NoTE.- all expel mendiiti* SUBSCRIPllONS. 25 tain Clarke ,, lloskins L. Moffatt, calf, W. B. Co., A. W. E. Turner, v. Copland Hon. 11. II. rt Stanton, Kay, Mark Col. Lowry, (vick, R. B. Brown, E. ;\ F. Carru- Carlisle, J. tiarlesworth , A. Dredge, &Co., John riend, G. A. es Brothers, 1, Senr. W. ;, W. Hope, id Higgins, J. Jacques, Mbson, J as. B. Morphy, atheson, C. :a, Clarence I., P. Fatter- r. D. Ridout, binson, Joa. AWood, D. t, A. Shack, lerland, Jas. rhomaa, W. 3. Williams, . B. Withers, OS. Barry, C. iwell, Brown, fl. Brampton, Bolton, G.F. F. Biscoe, 0. in, G. Booth, :. Curruthers, ex. Cameron, nbie, Duncan lark, Thomas ; Watson, A. on, Dickson, Dewe. G. L. W S. Finch, Michie & Co, Scotch Friend, Do. a-. .'.J^Jo*;- ^'JZiX,"'. SS. aa' oSor, Bn.c llavinan W. 11. nouA\sti.|ld,^ .las.Jlendci^son,^AUimr^_^^^^^^^^ ,^^^ KenniHty,.!. u. i.ewifs, "• ... -'"^ ' ; ,„' . . "x, n i^ove. Hush Leach, A. Ln.h, 11 W. Laird, II. Lodyard B. j^^^ 'G^^^'lA^^d}, E. Morphy. H. Leith, E. Ludlow A. W. '''if ''J"- f.™^" rMHrce?, ' H- Mason, G. L. McFarlane, W. T. McK.;n/-ie C. 1 .McK .V^A^ l.TSon Thoa. Metcalf,. & Son. Cliarles Thompson, .las. "l''"''r;.\'„;^ Tailor M. A. Thomas, T. D. Thompson, .l^^P ■ '^IJ'^K^'^,.^;: u' Varcoe? S. Vankoughnot, J.J. V. Tate, Kivas rally, S. ihompsnn, li. v , ^ Williams. W. Suras under One Dollar-$G4 17. Total Amount of Cash Subscriptions, received $^030 07 The following contributions have also been received for the general funds of the Society. ^^^ Mrs. Biscoe ^ Capt & Mrs. Hewitt, 11. E _^ $10 S'eS3EnoV;rrpoHr £S.e='cxpe„a,:i i„ wo.a. I LIST OF MEMBERS, Honorary Life Members. Bilton, W. G. Carter, John Phipps, W. B. Prince, Colonel Rowsell, Henry- Williams, Sir Fenwick Bart, K.C.B. Life Members. Beardmore, G. L. Betley, M. Boyd, W. T. Brown, J. F. Buckland, Prof. Cayley, F. Chanter, Geo. Charlesworth J. Clarke, Capt.' Crabb, S. Crompton, Arthur Cuff, W. K. Deniord H. S. Deniaon, G. T. Deniaon R. B. Denison, G. T. junr. Dodgaon, Kobt. Dredge, A. Eaglea, John Godaon, Henry Gooderham, Geo. Gooderhara, Wm. Gossage, B. W. Harnian, S. B. Jarvia, 8. M. Jewell, F. Kelly, R. Kerby, U.J. Kingsford, Wm. Limmer, Lionel Marah, Robt. Mason, J. H. MofiFatt, L. Moor, J. Mortimer, H. Patteson, T. C. Perkins, P. Perkina, G. Ridout, G. P. Ridout, J. D. Sadd. J. Scaddirig, Rev. H., D.D. Smith, L. W. D.C L. Snelling, R, Storm, W. G. Thompson, T. Tucker, Wm. Whitaker, Kev. Geo. Williams, J. R. Worthiniton, Jas. Worthington, John Worts, Jas. Ordinary Members. Adams, Jas. Adams, Jos. Alcock, Geo. Altman, H. J. Ambrey, Rev. J. Anderson, J. T. Ansell, Jas. Archer, G. P. Avaim, W. A. Baker, C. Bakewell, R. Barley, Alfred Barnard, B. Barrett, M., M.D. Barrett, R. G. Beaven, Rev. Dr. Bertyman, C, M.D, Best. Thos. Bilton. John Birch all, T. W. Blachford, A. Blackbird, Geo. Blackburn, John Blake R. R. Blomfield, C. J. Bolam, John LIST OP MEMBERS. 27 Ordinary Merabera— continued. Bond, John Boustead J. B. Boyd, Geo. Bradburne, E. Brampton, Kobt. Brent, J. W. Briggs, W. 11. Brooke, Geo. Brown, John Brown, Kichd. Brown, Thos. Brown, W. R. Brown, W. Brumell, H. P. Burgess, Thos. Burgess, Thos. J.W. Butters, E. L. Carlisle, G. Carlisle Jos. Carruthers, F. F. Carter, W. H. Cayley, lion. Wm. Clarke, John Clewes, John Coate, F. W. Coatsworth, E. Coleman, Geo, Collier, Thos. Cook, Edwin Cooper, J as. Copland, W . Copp, W. W. Coullliard, J. Cox, G, II, Cox. Wm. Craven, Wm. Crawford, D. Crickmore, John Crocker, Jas Crocker, las. Sidney Cumberland. F. W. Curgenven, Jas. Darling, Rev. W. S. Davis, Wm. Day, Jas. E. Denyer, Wm. Dewe, John Dexter, Thos. Doane, Henry Dockray, Jhos. Douglas. G.B. Eastwood, John Edwards, J. Ellis, Jas. E. Ellis John. Esten, Hutchinson, Evans, John. Fawcett, J. C. Feilde, Jas. Finch, W.S, Fowler, lien. Fowler, I'obt. Francis, Thos. Eraser, G. M. Gaviller, Alex. Giddings,Oeo. Gilbert G. A. Givins, Rev. S. Goodall,Chas. Gordon, Lewis Gouldring Geo. Grand, Jas. Granger, John Gravely, S. Gray, W, Gray, Geo. 11. Ilarcourt, Geo. Hardy, Jas. Harnian, S. Bruce Harris, W. R. Hawke, G. M. Ilaworth, Thos. Ilayward. Lyster Hennessy, Jas. Ilenwood, Wm. Hessin, \V. llibbert, J. G. Hill, Wm. Hodg,«on. Roht. Ilodson, Robt. Hogben, Uen. Holcomb. S.P. Holmsted. A. Hookey, Thos. Hooper, E. Hooper, C. E. Ilorrocks, Jos. Hoskins, R. A. Howard, J. G. Howarth, John Howson, Jos. Dr. Hubertis, W. L. Hulme. Geo. Humphreys, J. D. Hunter, 1^. U. Hurd, Jos. Ilurd, Jas. llussey, Eli Uutty, Fcter Jackman.H. Jackson, H. Jackson, Thos. Jacques, J. James, Q. D. James, Jas. Jacques, Wm. H. 28 LIST OF MEMBEES. ordinary Members-continued. Jarmnn, ^V• Jarvia, B. J- Jessop, D. John, VV. Jones, W. W. Jones, P T. Jones, J.U. Jose,.F. II) Joseph. V. J. Joseph 11. Kinzinger, Jacoo Luiley, 'I'hoa. Law lord, J. M. Lei^h. E. O. Leith, Alex. Lloyd, Ben. Maddison. Geo. L. Marston, W. P. Martin, Hen. Martland, J. Mason, Thos. G. Mason, A. J. Masters, J. Mead, J. H Mercer, John Metcalf, Tlios. Me leal f, J as. Mi'igley, A. Moberly Clarence. Moore, D. Moore, Wm. Morrell, M S. Morion, Ben. Muckleston,nobt Murray, VV. D, Musson, G. W. Newcome, Jas. Dr. Orris, Frank Osier, Fealhoraton Otter, Alfred VV. Owen, John Paling, Wni Parker, J. I^. Parker, lUuhd. Parsons, Ben. Pears, Geo. Pellatt, lien. Pidgeon, Wm, Pierce, Felix Piper 11. Plowman, Rev. J. U Rattle, J. M. Rawe, Jas. Rawlin, T. VV. Rawlinson. Read, D. B. Roberta, Hen. Robins, VV. Robinson, Thos. Robinson, Christopher KoV)inson, R. Hubinsou. Thoa. Junr. Rodders. Samuel Rodiera, Geo Rordana, J. Ij. Row ell. .T as. M.l>. Rowland, W. Russell, Frank. Russell, Jaa. A. Sandara, Uev. R. Saunders, B. Scott, Hugh Severs, Jaa. Shackell. Samuel Shaw, Thos. Shipway, Chas. Short, W. M, Skeltiwi, Samuel Slatter, Jas, Smitli, J, G, Smith, II, T. Smith, Thoa, Smith, J. Thos, Smith, Thos. Spooner, Jas, Spratt, Robt. ;rtoers, Wm. Steward, Wm. Stikeman,J.C. Symonds, John ^ Taylor, Watson Terry, John Terry, E. Thompson, Chas. ThOK'pson, t*. Thompson, Hen. Thorp, Wm. Tinning. Richd. Tinning, Thos. Tinning, John Viircoe, Richd. Vernon, Norton Walker. K A. Ward; Joshua Ware, Geo. B. Warwick, J. Warwick, F. Webster, .John Wells, Robt. West, James Wharin, W. White, Geo. Whitley, .lohn Williams, Phihp Williams, Rev. A. Wickson, .las. Wood, S, G. Wyatt, G, H. Young, Jas. Young, J. W, THB DESCENDANTS OP ENGII&HMEN, ■! ■■ " , J ■'■■'■■ '- ;■' • IHTO WB08B mmfi THtt BOOK mAlL FAU The Managing Comjiiltte© of the " St. George's S?*eit|^ of TcyrOitto" Iierel}^ pace yoa in possession and refteei^ your perttsal of tiie Constitwtion of the Society, "w^th the f*arly Statement of the work it iv^ accomplishing in tlH> cause of charity. This re£[nedt is made with the hope that you witl become at once a member of the Society — if you are not 30 already • The annual Sttbsoription for ardinary members k Two I><:^aTB, or Ten Shillinga, a year 5 while a payment of Ten Dollars; constitutes you a Life ik£em6er, without further payments. - ' j-» ^''" AnnuaV Sabscription* are appliejJ to the Kelief Fnnd of the jSociely. Life Subscriptions a««f*«i?«i!^M »«^ ilieinttrek only from such investment 80 applied. Ponations tn aid, and memberalap Subseraptitins aa above, will be thankl^lly received by the undersigned, W. T. BOYJ), PBE8IDBHT, Toronto, E. BEADBtrBNE, Tbeasueeb " •*^^