r^si 1$^ AWMMlMfwMH »Mita«i»aMM«i Ji*' i^x# %k. Yi, A* C«ntim«t»r 12 3 4 ^ 10 11 12 13 14 IS mm 1 M L"** Rbb ■■■ Iv ->* i5>i,ti>,' 4s 4^ 4^ ^ ,,^ V^"-'*.-""^---;'^- •■:/. r^ Microfiche (Monographs) 1- 'i.-^/- aM««M lmiln# tor KMiiiii^mimiini Collectloh do microflchos (mohographios) ■■■r ■'a,>?(^ ■;.:' ■'' - 4> ■'■ ' . ., ». 1 '■C'^^. l-r ^ a i |lllMlt*lt bMRMaiM II M PfWt «MI MrtiillM PifM MiMll TMm on nMMif ttkMrffOM:/ □ TitteiMp % lOftCMW MSPMNnTwit □ CtptlMI af iMiM/ Titra * 4ip«t * to HvfaiMii D v^ OfaiAvtelM |^^^*^|^M«^I ^^ Ia liMVAlAilM 0«« l i U j i in^li w iii Ml i w nttmrnk mmJHitm n iMi H tw mn ' ttx 2fX 30X 30X n* mmm 2tX 32X /■^ . ', m- % 32X r r TIW M|PV, IHWtfl IMW IMS I f^^^^^^^^^^ gl^^^B A^ft ^^^^^^Ajg^jkgjIjM^^M' £ ^ p09MM9 OMMMMlflf 1119 M of ttw •rifiiMl oopy mrf in tSMi flO HI it it ptf It pftMitf pwt tv tn TMItlM itHpWlt ■/■ - -N ^ inv IMC fvoovow iTVfffw on spsn nHVrwfioifv ihtM oomalii tht •ymbol ^^^a^ (mttninf "CON* TINUlOa or tht tvmlMl T imttninf "IMO'l^ tUflt ttK it l y m fctl t «*^ oUnWIt "A lUIVIir*. it It fNintd tt dIffOfOflf fOOllOtiOII ftlltt« TlMOO ttt' itfQt tt 00 onmiy moHMOo m oiw ri^fht tiid tot M bociofii* to roquiffod. Tho followkig dlogfomo motliod: 01 to noiiti oil ttOt flhittfoiit lo tn^tlioit* Hoti 1 y *■ -■m ^' JAir AooouMY 09 I^mi^ ttelHM AMI MiiiBBia/ Amvww «m lloMi JtaMm I;, , 1, J: I / jgy TMBMAl^A WJOt 1^^^. mmmf^i^mmm f^y)^' """W ."». ■ -- . \; ||iMiiMii9Mliiy«ofid4li^^ both slnfl* and rMumlaM Imi luMd>i«t* ticktta, appllMtlON IHtfat ba D * ¥ 4 ifiw#i*i»i fS^^:^'A i i^jjftj" %^. i^ ■ ■( •-.,'1 t mUrjOP t « SAIILT StE. MARIE BlUfl Id rtturn^ «i« iMutd to bom f^ cttioffi «iiftt bo fiMUio to th# dobfiUpMoii iittloro #om any ototioti on tho Oonodkifi M ttio OoitictlAii PiM^ RaMwiy» IN it .•■'r*'" ik^ •p" '■l ^- I. « ^.Vf «K". ?»*'*'«»*■ MARie wkim^is ofXHtctmcm V - pw fmm IM^lFiO,jAILWAy ANQ tH£ AOJA^KT r\.. . .Ingl. .nd ftum. .« I..u..«)on M-nt of th. C.n«li.n Pacific R.llw*^ 8 pir 4fTE. 1(1 AH iiE bhanom^if 1 ■-."'■*■.■ ; . ■■-■■( 1, .« ■^■.•« '^^l^-; ;■•.!■ ■ '^: ':" : ■ ■ . "■'^'''■1 . ■ *- 1- -••■■'-"■-''■' -^ ^^' ♦' ^■■■■.:--: .^;;-: ,■:;'.;.■•;, -■■■;_ * '. ■ . ■ . •■ ■■■.*,'■.. -<- '. :■ ■■'■-■. ■ '. :■ ■ 'f' Ife'^' ~ '.■ ^^>>,^i^)ib^ii mmm~"mt m&ieMi iif2£3aJ;nJiiiE on on tho Canadian PacWc Railway aatt of Smith's Fall*. In ordar to procura thaaa ►|w;Mlc Rallwi^, aw 8t. Jamaa St , Montraal.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ AND THi ADJACENT COUNTRY. }m^ . ' I , ■■i T'-'.' ■■ ' ^ '-./'<>:■• • f . '-"-^^^kt r^'" ^Ef|^» *f AnOUND LAKM NIPiaUlT^, ChlalftoMi OB AMomioC lh« teal tlMfcilM Nortb«nk naiw«fboaB4i ito9 tiM wwSIiidaMOMMidUii PMlfleontlMiioilh. TliM^jkiAtaMdyft rwidy M«rk«i for Ml •ffrlmUtanl prodiieto til tiM IIIM7 liMM »* yyMoyo ZSlLL «-A«.M4.««i«r^hi«.K te o*. ifw MiftivAilMi. &MB« of lIUo Bond 'roonltobOTO tlioNipto. .'■■1 .. olac Ikim^ **to rioh In pIno forooto, Uio rodnetfoa of whiofi to ■uAotoblo formo wlU giro omplogrBiont to thonoon^ of Idto hnndi for fluuiy yoort to eiMM^ . . TIM fookiiienl fbrmoUon wlitoh eontaino tho moot Tolnnbto mlnorato fouid on tbtocontl. BonnoeofO in o torgt port oC tkto torritoiT/Md dMbtkM wl^^ lo^ Hold Ito lNoo£«oto tho dlUnnt ond okUlod ooylow r. JHio «StrT*hio of tbto tomtory toBatootod tiy Uio ytforoiio oflbtto i^Uoh oto now boinf inodo to toiproro tlio nnTigolton ol thonpiMr Otinwn by to^ down oonnootlng Unoool itoMnon ond t^^^rm. bMwoM l£3toi^ ond tlM QttlnJw mpldo^ U tojnoroovor tndl. bl ttM tonnotton of o eompony in Ontorio to^eonstmot o Iwi^Wwoo^ North Btr and ioM* bur by way 1^ .„g, iS wbtehaehirtor bM boon gtMit^ ^^Sf^'lff'^ tObo liko that of tho Ottowa vnlloy, with tho adTantafo o( boinf tomporod br a tok«* naTlgablo tor 78 niitoo, and Iqr a rivor navi* itorSBmitoo. I^r Olio of tbodiotrietoopon tor oetttomint whkAi hnntoro for freo liflmttt^*^* wOnMdowf«tooxpkifo toti^oC WahMiitao,whieh fUM Ihioagb thto r«0on and n ototton, namod frbm tho Htot, W^rrttf^ ** «i^S;>.i on tfa^ line noar ito eraoilnff of tho '>v »a^' .IT. TUB WABNAPJTAM MMGiON, tmm§mmJmi « ^ n mwUmh— »— ^mmI TlM eovntry aIooc Um mUw^ In tirokm Mid roeky, twt mom ^^ ^ . to U fo«nd A tow mllM oMmt loTko BOKtk.of ooaUi tt»i o( two bUm wk«* would BMko a^oiii i^ftooa thfoo hwidMd -•- i m o dtot i iplodwitliliianiBfo OB htmmoi iJEIgrto thraa Imndrid itm imh ^8y ■»«iiil»W* ^ *«>'^» howotw. Mid to>lwjl5«f!a,if«H of tho rUwto 011) north or wmth, Miy MMmat of opbiPd iMd •U bo obHOaod. tlmb««d with yiiM ol diio WiM^^I^ ^ Urm iliM, b«reh Mid olhor hardwood, Arooiid tho kA(^ too^ ^iTSEli Um aboot ilstooik aUloo north of Umi town, tiu M^ ■M^bwlMido olo^lng nn from tlM ahorot, totom wTSbrohnraSiinSIiMb^ oiMiltil raofUi^ todUtlMjddnfivtt 'Am town of WMmMiltM i4i n farlhor nItmetloiL 'npniiltMltMtf Is Ml nqt rolBEMdbyoitUoniwh workiaiHrbo«oofljobl|^Mdb7«iU^^ — todoVotothoinMlTOOotttlrifartothilrfnrflMk XlMW Moetod whteh will g|¥o oinpbfMll to n grwa "My '•— *- -^iho pliiMnroMudo«# to InerMM thoir nwnlitor fSrnChoVory tohitonoi to Mttloni In tnUnf np hu^d ; d in tho kMMl pMteMMtMr. who wm tho plM&r Mtttor, ■trang«ra wUl And n wiIling|Rildo, whoooozporlw^ nndoitOMlTO knowlodco of tho murronndlnff conntry onnblo him to onpply Ml nrc< M i r y lnfonn>tilW|> ,.« * . ?» Sndbuiy, nt tho oMtom tonninoo of thoAlmm line, otoada In tho Mntre of tho townihlp of MeKlm. Tho ▼WaM la rMoldly adTandna* thraogh tho bnak haslnooa oarrlod on with railway employaoo, Inmbormon and oottloft adja^t ; and ataroady auuiy subotantlal imiiroTonionto are eomnlotod; l. . ^. ^ . . Tho minoial wealth <«f tho Ttotnl^lsnoweuillelantlydmlppod to Jnttlfy Very pooltlTo atatomenta ; enovtth has lOroady bssn dlsooTorod to enooaraoe farther ezaminatton and lead tohhm hopes. Copper, niekel, allTor. aold. tin, and probabl/ bismafh, haVo bean found In tho ores'sibroady proapeeUd* and donbtless other eoonomle minerals will be brought to ll^t SoapstOM and aabestos oeeur In some pUioes, and mlea is fraqiMntly matirlth la usofid deposits. A branch laUway oonaeots tho^town with^tho Big BeaTor eopperlodo at tho point known as the8tobtomiM, wRro two InnersoU drills dre worked by ec g n pr rfa se d alrto mijk- ing erasseuto thiottghthe hilL A seoond braneh mnao^jnilo tol^heOopporCaiir property, f6nrinileasoutiiw«s^ _^ JBretyihliig hai been done by the Canadian Copper CoomMit in a substantial manner, whleli shows the implicit co nlMe itfis thoyja^ in the pannanonos of tho minea. ^. , ^ The Ontario Froapeeiinf Connany bMNjkme agood dart of work at polato sonthwei^? tho Obiiwr O^ lodaisooEiiiuofua. AseeoBdh)daaxtsndaaottthto^ttnir»n^ whidi the oia is in a brighter ouartB.,Thotwp^loteaaom to eonverge on tha proporty Of tho (hitaHo BroapeainiiOompaay. * ''TlMtN»olM«bl«lM4tiith«Tl«iiiltyoC8«4k«r]rliniiloUmt -19 MiMMrt m rmX pop^UftHoirBumlMHiif M^tnU thoqa«n d> , and mmh 9i thk tpeka poHkNi will ll«iliiltayU« for gmiiig m upot m wiMi tl—rtd. To* alOM of tiM taamtaj IboUbm luitly tonlb- WMd, It MiUy dff«ai«a, and tb* aoU eonalsto of day or mm$j loMB. with tNK|iMiit bhilb of ^look, and mmnj maaXL Uikm •m rapid straaaa oonnaetlng ilia lakaa Tba growth of tlmolby and rod oloYcr alone iha wanoh- road*, and «po* tha rallwiur ambankmenta, la anaolntaly mar r^lona. and tliaraUi oompalant jndfoa aaa good opportanltlaa fortlodi- •ralalnit. Tba **tota** road mada to bring ■npplte to tba eontraatota of tMok^lagriag baa baan aown, by tba dropplnai of boraaai witb botb mm and icnaa. ao tbat wltboat a braak from flnmvj to Port Aitbmr tbara la an annnal arop oi gralaa, rod Mid wblta davar and tlmotbir, iwoTfaif tbal anavt from mtaiaral aad ttm b a r l aao nr eaa , tba Lika 8a|Mrlor oonatrr wUl ba a won- dailnl paatnra aoantij, aqnal. If not anparloiv to tba baat por- Mbnaof tba ITae^iain Townablpa of Qaabaa. Tbara ara alao ln> mnnambla banrar maadowa, wbleb wiU fomiab an Abvndaaaa of bay for wlntaringatoek, aeoompanlad, OTon In tba vooiribtaat part of tba oonntry, m conaldarabla atratabaa of good loTel land, fraa Iroai atona, for tba boma form, n : . 'v . > \. WItb tba raUwaar at tba dii6^ tlia temboHng oiibpi. ijiliiaa. lie*, for markata and /m lan4 atook-ralalng ooftbt to poy. aa wau In tba Laka Snparlor ooontaT aa In anj portion of Am) la Ut of land naar a wTlalonal point on tba C. i^traot for '^^^S^^^ff^f^**^^ onrnins on tna lami zrom wnieii tna tliloidbr (wltboat toning or regnlar gottitookMBoon aatba gram tak^ _ i-ralringand a Tahiabla propbrty #111 b»iaaac«d. Jlwvlill^^lOOof^lNi^ tba mtiwaj i; w6M la takan, .^^ diwp>Bwl|fy to wtlwBortibtnidbonMidMMMt IM wSSii Owniifttt iN^r, A^ #y«h M« alO* t» ran bM^lr noM .Mmrtm rallwaft «omIm| fMlWMd tttim Om Mtthm Mln- nMMMllwaraluiv* «M^ MidliMM !• * thmamk lljM btfewtn IfoBtNAl Md IflMtfapolik wUek forms Um noiil divMt imito from tlm wliMt Itoldai *ad mmMHoc or mlalng dtotrteto, of tlw vpper MiMlMtppI and NorliMm MleliigMi and tbo Amsftomi Weii lo the AttaiitMooMt This roAd will tunkk « IliMNmihfiN to tiM Algom* eOMbo glflagt^lltanMi inlot for mmiSlrm, tlMlr food*, miiOdBcrr MidHV« dtoek. And an d^tira to oNnfe tlietr IMuMtofti loealitjr* ftnd yiC iflali lo otay in a tniali oountry. ':'^,:, 19iaadltovB hate thanlora hoonattha paine ii ol^iibi 'OMwa land aaomle and othar'flti^amea <)ff>«H^> with oi paHa oT^i^dietriflt bilot Mworato^^ tim nature and prwe^t neonnee of Oa oow^tiT r^md to. Thooa writere Jura ao^ tih^tt^dBown meai ji fionlai JTrMd ol Sodhorr. w. f . VIdMda of of ^roei Ifinea, aiid ' lrti>iistworthyletterawahttfe r« BfOWtt 11 ; f •>;'•'(:,■' fr- ttU* -•"-"^■••*^.r'^ ■dttf TiifT twtl y toh< — ^ aor&r^ MOMterr, wHIi iMm lOMda ftii4 k towaakips mmmi Um « M nMrttMn liMi of fafrlMik m •teoToiilidiloB: mim Sm «mMm m« tote Mm H '^aten iiiid Of«bMn lymihl^g, oft tt>» railway, ara Mid I teMlffd In tte WMUftriTlndlMi wi— m > aad ara nnoo- .. TIM ffmatttiMr of bock towMld|M la raAiar roagh r. wtth Am irall«y% and cood llalili« In tlia WbltaAaK 1 vamUllon Htir. ^Ite nttwagr braMh eraaaaa Ilia yaradUlo|B naar tte oantia ^ ciMla, or iMokaMlMieadartejrloc * bOl^of ateot II CmLm onoarn atei^ona mlla and a lu^teic, i^ SaimUulrbraBaliortlia ^nillliioii)w Aa iwltod atnama ' ^ 1 lakaa at anothar ehuta, and oaaeadaa laada va .^ , to fwliitwliaraltiiiiltM river, on tha aaatarn boundary d Kanrltt A eon* o( food land may te found along the aoutharn bai^ t-/ flow out of tha aoutlnraatamooniar ol tha lakaaat anothardiuta, akd a anooaaakNi ol^ptetureagua lakia ar^ ^-- '—' di Xonlaa, Lorna and Ma 98 to tha rhrar. ,fh ■ ;\\'- 'mk Shrer* i ■ **\* ^•.f'^K* lloUowJtaffiiia Una of rail waotward from VarmOUon, w# oroaa thaaovthiiirWtt of 0annlaoD( fhloh ia dU^rbomt l*&d oom- gtWag ttipMl oTftna tfiv loain, teu^^r maad^Va aiid<^ nuMh, MWill ao wmm ooppar-baiurlng roaka on tha flfth oonaaa; ' -K - --^kwaat eofnar mmtatna a^ma green ttmbar, and .,,.,^jite and V the Offth- row MaiuL heni wtfuatty ef the peatiwmUi •ii4 tlie wntirn — d id. From Ibf Ftttt DttNAt lo L» Gteobe Om tmtf!^ olAlfd In to IrrtfuUr^My l»d«iit«d I7 dMp lM]PtMi4.«ov«%wkleb *" by Bonps of loilB» tow \h »• idaIb thont And p«rti M« 9«rnellf lMid-lo«k«d •Bdii*no# tolMdi ramiiic MUfmltol wilh rniy; Aflbtdliur MiMUeiit ptofiw of tlMltor for all under eiOMMt eny nlrniineteiinei Thfihllto bordcrlacoa 8|Muitoh rlrer trldon Altoia* lMi|ditoC OTer no feet, batttiebiuike of the Hrer Iteelf are fr«|n«itiyMld, pffedpitoneeiidroeky* AtthegreatfelU^ietwwntteadiflipQilBi rugmdneee prerefto. A rVlge of emoothly ponahed here rpei riiiee In roonded knoUe, eo eCeep In pUusee ae to be l n e e obetraetlng the eonth nrfTwa Aow of the Hror.and epUtttttf ii Into two piiirte, of whtoh'one tvme e little to the Mfthwnra ef east, while the other lo deieoted to a preelaeljr opfiealla affuae. Thelalter, afterninnla9abOTeaqaarterofa«ifla.to Ihrowtt la a beavtlfol oaeeade otot a preelpiee thirty feet hlab, and thatt tominc abmptlj to the eaatward mahee ▼ l dleii t& ter IhHr ehainain thai dlreetloo, faUInc In a rertleal aheet over three BoeeeeetTe atopa of five feet eaek. when it to a#ialn anitod to the other dIHrion of the etreaiw in a wide pool of nearly etill water. Mneh of the ooantry for eonse dtotanea baek frona the north < elde of the rlTor to flat or roUinf land« and to alnoat oTerywhare covered with a huciiriaat orowta of red and wliito plna. The extent and Talne of the pine floree^ in thto region, the facu- lty oflbred bf the river for aaviffatlon, the water-power tone found on the main atream and all Ito tributarlee. and the oaipabllltiea of ^ aoU for ralatas mMt of the neeeeaariee of Ufa. afl tend to Indtoato a probability that It to deatlned to beoomeMeilmniarQlal importatioe to the prbvinee. .•£ <. The vaUey of tna Wahnapltaa rirar contalna many oonalder^ abto traota of flat land, mvoh of which to of food quality, bearing hardwood and large Whlto ptne In ahnndanea, biit a gnat pvo- portioii of the fli^a are low, wet and awattipy. The Vermillion river to a flue broad etreaoi With deep water and a nmid current which, flowing oenerally aouthweatarly, empdoa mto Ven^iUon lake, and tiSance ruBntiv aout|»riy, Joina the OMt btaach df tiia lE^aaiah river ahhnt flva milea eaai of Whitefli^ lakai tlto baidw of the Vermillion river pfoafttt a very inviting appairaaee both aa regarda toll immI tlmb«^ jna former bJag aH^attuvial dapoalt vrith a aubaoa el mUtoh Una clay, M the latter prineiiMllyflne and thrilbr J^rdwood, Inland for a opHaldeiabie dietGniee from ito bmBa the aama ■ppaaranae prevalla, whito aak« Om, and whlto aah hudff ahpn- "daat ■ ■••,'■■'•"■1 '^-i"^''- ■ •■■.■:■..■■:..■■.;,'■■■■ '-'• The ri^vir taicaa lb riee near the Hal^t of Xiad, and unMka imi of thft at^Mto in thto country, to unbtdken aav^by tha one M Si^^H^SSS^H^l^iS^^Sl^S^^^^ M -port lor «., pi ».« mm <» % Miking • of » iiiBb«r •H In- tttlon >i^^ ^S^ kfad^p^i^tiMSrito^ ymn dNd M anADtoh mvttiBiito tw^B tii« •••*•«"» ^LiSS ^£S«^ 100,000 LomlMr UWQpfd .■-■,»■' iffikMoalltlMl O^cnmIaii iiSd . mUl oy^A^^ . .1^ ' Ik'lalk* octafl** Btapuir of th* AWaajr ' *^.5^toSl.S!d on j«C^*«JSC12iSlI: I for th« •iwo* »• JB»?" •» Hn too» tli« mMMgeoMnt am urylac oTtlM lambemai. fanproTttth* morttl c o ad l lifl M ■V«,.' IIMr Ui< ■lUk Alflonft ManUa iJs^piSi:^.»i!si&>22t."': In front. _^^ IIIUb to- Blind 'ftSllSnESBfflBr^wiaSg"^^ from aijcmmi mu. u^f^ li* Aw , Thompson. Bright. OUd«U««. W«lk apd ParkliMoo U9 aU Citty mllo«c«pl«d alone thmjti^ Jf *»^'?*'**»~ ••^1*^ ^^ w vnrmn Um ooontry to b« proflUM* for a«rkoltor«. •ad nhow hj thoir cniic tmmm and oomforUbU booMa what «ii k| dooa Ui ^ Hflff*-*^ A gov«nimaa( road and Iron brldft oT«r tM HTor In Oladatona Kara dona a good-deal to ^Mlai aad^MMomga tha plonaara In tha atrnnia InaWUbla to MW a^Ulii^ ^^^ ZlUareiranai* atoraa anSTa fair aattlamant ; and KM wood Md form a ▼ary woaparowi aommnnlty, bavtac doeii% (taieladliigd(Detor month of Thaaaal ehtafly haaTj elay, wl both ara wau aatllad. tha goTammant landa haw ara acrfd at 10 oaata P^ Mf^ *>«* •atUara' olalma of jiartlaUflmprorad lota oan tra ow tty bapot- chaaad at from fto to ffaoo par acra. Tha prfjai^prc^ hava baan rary good, aa baretofora thara haa baan mora than aaflMaat daaumSTaf homo for aU pradpoa ralaad. «^ t^J lombarmMi vnicsbaaa from Iba aattlaraaU tha bay and ooaraar gratnathattbaynaad. iSa ooallty o« baal^ la dxoallant ; matton, aapaclally, iMing ui a llnar kind than that raiaad la mora aoatbam latltndaa In the prorlaoa. Tbesninaral raaojiroaa of thia PMjo«,^r tba mannfaeturar. are found in abundance. «k"^7JP^||3M^ mixed timber of hardwooda, aprooe, balaam, oeda^ and otter wooda. oeenra, ao that a fomltnra factory wouki And good materlai here. Tbii PiMTt of the eoantry la pretty waU anppliad with gown- meat loada. and aa aettlemtnt advanoea the «?7«^inM»t pjurtiea theee loada into the new townaWpa. The am, ei|yiy eleared. and y««H%» <2?*4,5Srth2 am Ontario wUl And mw* to l^jMm Mid yiO^rj la^^ Otttn^ The ebaraeteraad ««^y «* 522! J^iiS!^iiiil tmSSkW loeal ajcparienea, and ••Sjnf .P^^i^JSSff^S! wldilylfcim tha ^original foreat thnt.irmuit ba atudiad. For ' * J C ^ ^.^ dia aec an^ * • pmt' «• eai . i.^%l'^ let 'i ^ . tto *£ ' ■ - . m la P»« jm t<»i-. ■'••• ex 8a I ■■ :'■ ■ ■ an ]■■■'•"■ m ■ •, vi . , aa] ax ba V -4 >' all & A ■ up . :;ijbiM-»» ■'k^^ f*':'.' ;. 'as UKfril * ■'« ¥\'- K^- ■ oa .!»» £*■'•'■•■■ tb ... f** *'■'• di '.> Al* • • ■«. ' M r ah ■ '.. . ' |4^'.'- :m ■ -I-- ■ P pr- t :.N. 1 . B: / rmth% •» H » |»« W^ y f: And arelftM» alonla Mpvir- roano« • tlUUi XMfMr tdh«r« BMtpl^MMBOoiitetttodMidprtMMiroiM. .nMJR^U*^ ^'^^'Tv CaT liutofliiiuly Md » iMSt aomoiMlty wlU fd ooov^lM Alsirkt and d«v«loo itM rmann*^ nM^sunuMnjM not to MOMhlimUi tli^riM«tt|ilmOBUHo,Md t^RK^oCjP*!; lAdVii^totato^ to T«7 nfAd. TIm •m^!K!1£!^>S%^ t*""** rtald. •Ariy •?«!• tout wi«kof aSU. , ^ - in* Md «k»M •boat Nov. iOthK .. TIm * froai 10 to as baahoto por MnLwhlto MtolQiMid MMfvomVtotl; bp4 la laiiw of (MUrfo Apoi pMdotDlBating toll. Imt (N«vl«fttloa'o^MM.AMi — "^ »▼«««• tM■ il- ?■■ '.'- turn W; nrtbom ft to bo llbrooo 1 For f.i -p^ ^ ,«, «-. by th^ Boult Sto. Mario •ffonoy. tbo following dotalled Informotlon to fnrntobod fay Mr. a P. Brtfwn, tbo ogont of Crown londo at that point t Awer€9,-rh» portlonf loeotod m fwo Bittto to tbo north - oaotorn oornor of tbo towuhlp nro thoboit toriwnlQjKpipp^ Tbo moro •outhorW part to vory roonntalnooo.ond ■flror^of^- ooUonfc qooUiy hat boon found. A ohato of tokoo jr^wnnA Sot^^oWlH which abound to troat, oaQghtbr tbo wt^orolii Stf^omtowtotorbymottioofhotoi^anntholoo.^^ ▲ good deal of ▼oldaMo ptoo yot romalns. *; FoMtoMaMMt.— That portion Mmthward of tho Oonlato rijror, •hip. Hio tokoo and riTtn avo toontog with dab. ^ J«r^ 2l^rwiW.«c.--ThoooportidMbo»dorlngVaii^^^ H^roro aay thai thoy aro protty w#U tlmb«!Od with piat^ 17 •4c \ % to ■■wirtiilihii tvoofol lit fltU^ a mod rateni ter •ay blB Imv« ol tU thii AJj, ■afc-Btk^pJtt wf l, kiMMH troat mmI pw«li telat th« . . ^tgimm, ru OMM yi i t i of mooM. «iHbo«|riid bv, ¥Mr, fox. bMW, oltor, iaiMr, iMrtoii, mimk, mmaktm^ ««ii ; A^wotfto vfrj nrafar Mi* wHii. Iwt ll^ lyni rallMf Bitoaiiv ftrlrMgM mi4 nbMte art mnm&nmm. Thm moom mi4 tlM tear •!« Um BMMMreiM o< lh« ■ollttid*, tmd»thtd nn ■pari to tfM «itorprlBlnc Jisntar. Th« fodUIlM lor rateMsf tlMdkitrtei, tiM low priM of iMdiL liOiTTt Ol flMi, tmd wo iMgO MUOIlBt of IllBllMrilia U»A Mrki foUig on U diflbrtiit parto of tho distrtoi, r«iid«r U f wmn dtilwihli bI«m for mon of mmUI bmmm, wIioIiato (%BUts to proTldo lor, to oottlo la. f* « '"' Tb« MMtraeUoaof Um omIb Ubo of tho Gaoadlaa Padflo BiilwTtoa M to tiM diooororf 4tf ▼aloahlo ooppor ndaoo la tho aolKhlMrlKiodoC SadlNiry aad olhor looaHtlfo, la tito do;ok>|^ ■Mai off wklek larn ouaio of moaoy horo oota lavootod oad aiitflMrty, tim ooaotraottoa of t>0 Atooiaa braarh fodlit ito d MtolacaxpSaailoao whleh lod to Um dfioovory loot Munaor of ^(iMMftttod sold mlao lattjo kNraalilp of Doaaltoa, nowownod •"f'^y^ ^rf-^- m i»*^ wapooid i u ».■■;-■■■*■'« '■■■■■ m iiiiSi w \ „ . Iff f' H.M t ki 'm^ lUiimiAi'i ■-^^m-. ra n9 ImimmI MMl4 •porl id«rlt Br Awh kifiUfl llMlNii^ ifid taultlKkKltrlA, •» w*"* t/^ I #w^r « •• ♦« i'j.kt .fin .?» Wa\ l^»,.*f *«"-■»• ,.|t'tj.|«| ;N..# Vl««»'i*i' *«^to*^f ** LftNDS FOR SEtTLtMEKT — AND — .■,r"i,f,}j.,f .:i.«f,S^^>ii ♦'i'll**** ; ESTERN r ■ » '4i£1: <%( "ii 1 ' -j"^- % ."1. '^ .* t r» tI I -Si^'i O