IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) />.i A :v'.f % I V .-..(Ht U: ■ ( .1 - ■• « • • VrUil <'", OFFICERG OF THE SOCIETY. I k . FalroH. His Excellency Major General HASTINGS DOYWi, Licutinant Oot- ernor of the I'rovince of Now lirunswick. The Right Rev. JOHN, Loiil Uighop of t^redericton. %Ure-M*re»titeut», V . ,, Thu Ilonoriiblc NEVILJ.K TAKKEH, ]»iu3tor of the liuUa, , The Honoral.le JOHN S. SAUNDKUS. FREDKRICK A. WIGGINS, Esqiilro. H. BOWYER SMITH, Esquire. Colonel JOHN ROBINSON. TIjo Honorable SAMUEL L. TILLEY, C.^B. Vreasitrer, SAMUEL J. SCOVIL, Esquire. tMttditori, Q, II. EAIiJWEATHEK, Esquire. W. H. A.^vEANS, Esquire. '•I V ^. •■ wn ; * ■ n^iH % • ,..,;..,fi ■; :• 1* y-if -.fljfi . .rfl .vMh • Mioau VomimtHlm; , , SAMUICL J. SCOVIL, Esquire. '"■'•"" Kcv. W. SCOVIL, M. A. B. L. PETERS, Esquire. C. H. FAIRWEATHEH, Esquire. W. JACK, Esquire. The Rev. W. Q. RETC;HUM, M. A., St. Andrew«. MSxerulirc CoutMittcc. (/ »,:i» ■ ■■! Allen, Hon. Judge, ...Fredurieton. Berton, S. D. St. John. Carmnn, W Fredericton. DeVeber, J. S. Boies St. Jolin. Daniel, T. W., St. John. Frith, H. W St. John. Foster, Samuel, King.ston. Hazen, R. F. . . . ^. • • ■ St. John. Jack, W St. John. Jarvis, W. M.. . ► St. John. Miller, S. R Freuericton. Peters, B. L St. John. I'eteis, Ilurd, St. John. I'erliins, D. C St. John. '' Roberts, George. . ..Fredericton. Robinson^ J. M St. John, Robinson, Mtij.VV.B., St. Jolin. Robinson, R., Canterbury. Street, G. D St. Andrews. Sinionds, Edward. .Fredericton. Wilkinson, J ..Fredericton. SmitlijJ.Woodforde Fredericton. Weldon,Hon.Judge,St. John. Wilmot, Hon. R. D.Bclmonfc 1^' y jyiiii PRAYERS OF THE SOCIETY. .!) ,)i BEFORE THEY COMMENCE BUSINESS. PiiEVrsT iiH, () Lord, in nil our dDlngs, with Thy most Grucious lUvor; and furtlu'r \im with Thy continiml help : tliat in all our works hf(?un, continued und ended in Thie, wo may glorify Thy Holy Name; and finally, by Tliy mjicy, obtain everlasting life, thruuKli Jesux Phrist ou; liOrd. — Amkx. ' O Qon, from whom all holy dc.drcs, all good counsels, andall workH of piety and eharity do proceed, wo beseech Thcc to visit with Thy favor our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, and so rule her heart tiiat siie may in all things seek Thy honor and glory. Prosper with Tiiy blessing tlic designs of this Society. Comfort with thy grace tliose benefactors wlio contribute to its suppcrt. Bless tlie ministry of Tliy servents, tiio Clergy ; the endeavours of all who arc engaged in spreading the knowledge ol true religion in the dominions of out Sovereign, '>nd the labours of tiiosi Missionaries wlio are proclaiming tlie same in this Province. And may the Holy Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Tliy glory and the good of Thy Cluirch, througli Jesus Christ our Lord. — Asit-.x. MKKcuai. (.}T .:; .-i:'.!.}' . ......I A r.-i t nothins tliai & CONSTITUTION OF THE SOCIETY. The Society shall bo called the Diocksan Ciiuhcii Sociktv 0¥ Nkw Brunswick. ir. Nu alteration shall be inade in tho Coiisiitutiitit ol' thin Society, nor shuJl any Bye-Law, Rule or Regulation of tho 8ociety be re- pealed, annulled or altered, except ut n Muetitig of the Ueneral Oomniittec, by the vote of at least twothiriis ol" tiio members pre- sent, nor until it shall have received the 8uncti»n of tho Lord Bishop of the Diocese, which sanction must be yiven in writing, and delivered to the Secretary within six months of tho said Meeting. ' - '-r■■■^ --^ ■■■ — ■ ■ III. No alteration or amendment in the Constitution, nor any repeal, cancellation, alteration or amendment of any Bye- Law, Rule or Regulation of tho Society, shall be proposed or tiade at any Meet- ing, unless notice shall have been given in writing at the next previous Anniversary Meeting of such proposed repeal or cancel- lation, nor unless the terms of such proposed alteration or amend- ment shall have been stated in writing at such previous Meeting ; from which, without tho unanimous consent ol the members present, no deviation, except of a mere formal nature, shall bo permitted. tp IV. No repeal, cancellation^ alteration^ or itnondment, shall bo pro> Sosed, except by a member quaiii|d »'• v.>f8 at the Anniversary leeting, whose name shall bcK'iJlitercd o i the Minutes by the Secretary, together with the said proposition. 1*1 The payment at any one time of a sum not less than Ten PoundB, shall constitute a Life Member; and the payment annually of any sum, however A small, shall constitute the person paying the same, a Member^of ' the Society. Provided that no member shall bo qiMMfe^to vote at any General Meeting of the Society, unless of thlHil ago of twenty-one years, nor unless he be a Life Member, or shall have subscribed and paid at least five shillings during the Year preeeding iiuch Meeting. ^ ^ ./.I: ' - , VI. ^Jf^^ Officers. 1. The Officers of the Society shall be a President, two or more Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, one or more Secretaries, and two Auditors of Acoounte. ^ It. jjiij 2.. The Lord Biahop oi'tho Diocc.-^u .shtiU bo the I'reHidunl of the Society, and tho Arohdeuoon tho Stjiiior Vice-I'residcnt; and unj Life Member may, at any ADnivorsary Meeting, bo elected a Vice- Prcsldont ot tho Society. 55. Tho TrcuNiucr, Secititary, or Secretaries, and tho A uditor8,8hall bo annually elected at the niccliiig.H of the tienerul Couiiuittee; and in cftsc of tho death, resignation, or removal frotu tho Province, of any such Officer, the vacancy hIihII he tilled up by the Executive Com- mittee, at its next or any subsequent Meeting within tho year; and tho Lord Bishop shall, if ho see fit, call a Special Meeting of tho Executive Committee, for the purposeof filling anysuch vaoanoy. i... .,.,. . VII. , • . ; {Executive Committee.') 1. There shall also be an Exocutivo Committee, to be composed, of the following Members, \\i : The Officers of the Society as provided for in tho next preceding Article. All Clergymen resident in the 1 iocese, duly licensed by the Lord Bishop, and Subscribers to tho Society. And twenty-four Jjay Members of the Society, being Life Mem* bers, or Annual Subscribers of at least One Pound; to be annually elected at the meetings of the General Committee, provided that no annual Subscriber shall be qualified to be elected, unless he shall, during the year preceding Meeting, have paid his subscription of at least One Pound. 2. Five Members of the .1<]xccutive Committee, three of whom to be Laymen, shall form n quorum. / 3. !|?ho Executive Commity|! shall meet cither at Ficderictoa or S'aint John, on the first Wcaflesday in January, on the dov next fallowing the Annual Meeting, on the first Wednesday in March, on tho first Wednesday in June, and on Wednesday after the first Tuesday in October. VIII. i','.'- '^"' ""'f^'"" /'"■■^ ; (Objects.) ., i. y. The Sooiety shall embrace the following objects, and none other, via:— **ilfc ■ 1. Missionary Visits to .places where there is no settled G1RI7- man, and aid to new and poor Missions. 2. The establishment of Divinity Scholarships; and assistance, l^ben necessary, to those, who n^ay be under preparation for the Ministry, especially Sons of Clergymen. 8. Aid to Sunday and other Nchools in which Church principles are taught, and the training and encouraging of Schoolmasters and Cateobists. 4. The supply of such Books and Tracts as are on the Catalogae siOD, consii /»- of the Soi'ioty tbi* L'routoting Chriatian Knuwlcdjj^c, uuil noiiu other. 5. Aid to tho building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels. 6. Aid to tho building of Parsonage IIouacH. 7. Tho oroation of a fund towards tho augmentation of the stipondti of Olorgymen who are poor ; and towards tho education of tho children of such Clci'gynion ; and towards tho making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by ago or iufiirmity. 8. Tho creation of a fund for the Widows and Orphans of tho Clergy. 0. Aid to tho Endowment Fund in Particular Parishes. Thp Sooioty will employ no Clergyman on Missionary serviow frithout the Bishop's license and appointment, and will submit its choice of Divinity Scholars to his Lordship's approbation. X. It shall be compotcut to any member of the Society to limit his aubsoription to any one or more of the objeotH above recited, whiob be may be most anxious to promote. I '--(.V^l ' t'l ■. ' . '-1*1'. ' ! ''. ■ XI. ' , '-\ :, {Local Committee.) 1. The Mcmbera of the Society in each Parish, or in each Mis- sion, consisting of two or u)ore Parishes, shall, at the discretion of the Missionary of such Mission, constitute a Local Committee ; and so also tho Members residing in any District of a Parish set off under the authority of the Lpr^ Bishop, with tho concurrence of the Rector and Church Corporation of such Parish, (there being in such Pistrict a Churoh duly consecrated, and a resident Clei^gy- man licensed thereto by the Lord Bishop,) may, at the desire of such Clergyman, and with the approval of the Bishop and the Bector of the Parish, form a separate Local Committee ; and in that case the District shall, for the purpose of the Society, be con- sidered 01^ a separate Parish. 2. Each Local Committee shall hold an Annual Meeting on some convenient day, previous to the Anniversary Meeting, wneto the recommendations to the General Committee of special objecto shall be determined on. 3. Each Local Committee shall bo empowered to depute two Lay Members of the Society to be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Committee, to assist the Missionary in submitting the recom- mendations of (he Committee- to tho consideration of the Geneitt) Committee. 4. It shall be competent to each Committee to recommend any of the above recited objects to the special consideration of the General Committee, in the appropriation of the funds of the Society. I. t i i ^:t^-iiJ XII. I 1. Tho Sooiotv hIuiII luildits Annivorhiirr Mooting at Fredorioton and Suint John oftoniutoly, on tho fir»t TUurHdiiyinJuly in oncliyoar. ii. A Speuinl (}onorul'Mootin,!< may Ik> uiillod iit any tiino by tho Prosidont, or in his nbsoaoo, by uiiy two or more of tho Vice- Froaidonts, lour wcvkrt' notico being tirat ^iwan thoroof by advor tliomont in ono or more ncw.spnpers, publislied in Fredorioton and Saint Johu respootivoly. xiii. . i ' {The General Committee.) 1. Tho Qoneral Committoo of tho Society .^hall be oomposod of the following Members, vis : Tho Lord Bishop of the Diooese, who shall be tho Ohairman ; but in the absence of tho Lord Bishop, the Oommittoo may eloot a Chairman, the h'ocretary or Secretaries who shall also serve in that capacity at the Meeting of the General Oommittoo, tho TreasurflV and the Auditors, the Kector or Mission- ary of each Parish, or of a Mission oomprittiug two or morejParishes, and the Clergyman of any separate District of a Parish (provided that in the absence or sickness of the Rector of any Parish, the duly licensed Curate or Assistant Minister shall be considered pro hoc vice a Member of the General Committee,) and the Lay Depu- ties elected by the Looal Committees as before provided ; all such persons being Subscribers to the Spciety. Proof of tho election of such Deputies, by each Local Committee, to be the Certificate of the Chairman or Secretary thereof. ^ 2. The General Committee shall meet on the two days next pre- Tioas to the Anniversary Meieting, to make the Annual appro^ia- tioD of the funds of the Society ; and a report of tho proceedings of each Meeting shall be made at the Anniversary Meeting. 8. The Order of Business in Geaeral Committee shall be as follows : — Firttfy. Production of Certificates of La_v Deputies. Secondly. Secretary's Report to be read, and also a report of the proceedings of the £)zeoutive Committee for the past^ear.| Thirdlu. Report of the Auditors to bo read and laid before the General Committee. Ihwthfy. Such appropriations or disposition of the funds to the objects of the Society as a majority of those present may determine. -XIV. The Clergy are requested to preach annually two Sermons in their respective Churches, with a qoUeotion on each occasion for the General Purposes of tho Society. ) RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Kt) Ilmt in futuro no njiitiication for graiitH Hlinll )ii< cunsiiloix-il which is Ht mnde on the ilrst day of tlio meeting of the Cjcnoriil ('onnulttw, or rcviously. (18th Kei>ort, imgo 24.) That cAcli Missionary, receiving a salary from tliis Souicty. Iki i-iujiicst* to make tin annual rcturiv to tliu 8ecrctnry, tu bv IiiukKmI in l>y him nt ) first meeting of the Ocnorai Committee, m follows, \h, : — I The number of Chi'. chcs under his clmrge. ' i ".,' ii Tlio number of weekly or other stated scrvici-s liclil in xuc'i '!luirchc» titations. Tho nun^ber of Communicants. -. ,v ^' • I Tlio average number of attendants. *^ "'' Tho amount contributed in each I'arish towards tlu' .-«iii>port of 8U0h Kiisionary. (19th Kpport, page 24.) I Tlut when a Missionary is absent iVom his Mission ou account of ill ilth, with loavo from tho Lord Bishop, Iiis Lordship bo authorized, ia idiscrotion, to pay to him tho whole, or any part of the sum granted for lich Misssion. (23rd Bcport, page 83.) I That if any alterations shall bo found necessary in tlie Nclicdule of Mis- Jonsry Salaries, granted by tliis Committee, hy reason of the death* biencc,. or removal of any Missionary named therein, tlie same shall made by the Lord Bishop, with the concurrence of the Kxccutivo !ommittce. I That all grants by this Committee for Missionary salaries, and all sums ced at the disposal of the Lord Bishop, shall bo for the service of the ical year in which tlio grants nro made, and shall oxpirtvwitli it. (25th leport, page 30.) I That all vouclior;if for tlic payment of any siun of money whatever must 8r on tho face of them tho authority under which tlicy arc paid, and the |criod for which they arc claimed, together with the ser^'iccs performed. I That the Treasurer be directed not to pay anj^ monies after the first Wf of May in each year, until authorized to do so by tho General Com- hitteo at their meeting in July. That the following be the form of draft for a Missionar>-'H salary, to pmc into effect on tho first of October, 1861, and that no draft be paid by Treasurer, tinless presented in person, or endorsed by the person to hom it is made payable, the Treasurer to take a receipt from the party Dwhom the payment is made on the same. jgl ly-ai ) 1 10 FOKM OF DRAFT. $ ,••,' - / 18 Sir,— IMoasc pay U> ; or order, th^ sum of beinK a salary due 1 me as Missioniniry at Arom 18 ,tJ 18 , under a grant of the General Committee of the Diocesai Church Society of 18 (.-'■i' ;;.< - l.<; V To the Treasurer of Treasurer of > "■•• • •> • ■ • thoD. C. S. ofN. B. J ' , • - N. B.— The blanks for the dates must bt! carefully flUcd up. (2t;tli RopJ That for the future, the Clor«ty and other collectors of the funds ol the Diocesan Church Society, jo required in their lists of anbsoribeif handed to the Secretary for publication in tlic Report, to insert in gocl lists the names of such persons only as have paid the amounts subscribcif Whereas, The grants made by the Diocesan Church Society from it; annual income (exclusive of the grants received from the Society for t Propagation of the Gospel), are made in aid of local contributions fort sapport of the several Missions : ; Therefore Resolved — That in f\iture grants from this Committee i i)0 made mainly with reference to the ability of the members of tlic Cliarcj in the several Parishes to support their own Clergymen, — the amount d local contributions ibr Church objects in such parishes, and the sumspii in aid of the general objects of this Sooit^ty. (Slst Report.) That all bequests made to the Society be funded as heretofore, and tlil interest only applied to the general or ispcial purposes for wliich the are bequeathed. (31st Report.) • v -i:i. '> ti- 1-,'of till! . > A- ' i! fi irr. . ■ 'i JjM. CI' 1 i,i:i-.'c«; .>-. ■.ini ffifiv! i;. , ,., I.. ... ol (•Otl'HJ -jtii r/' i' .c-^t .'«(:-i is; ,*7o I'li (I> b lii ■"■'■■'", i^-VtiKr .fv'.ie*'. '(• dup. (2t)thRop. ■■(•IP Clergy in the Diocese of Fredericton. — ^1867. ""^- Right Rev. J. MEDLEY, D. D., Bishop op Frederictos, ,j Fredericton. i h ttSTRONG, Rer. a. M. . . . Rector, St. Mark, St John. •»'•!■' <^'!-* USTRONG, Rev. W Rector, St. James, St. John. |lC02i, Rev. 8 Reotor, OhathAm >- Dean Awo/. '' ACK, Rev. J Rector, Kingtelear. "^ S, Rev. 0. P 33, Rev. D. M Reator, Westmorland. ' '.tV. // OYER, Rev. W.N Rector, Moooton. ^ jtKEY, Rev. O. T Rector, Grand Manan. ' BIER, Rev. N. A. . . .... Rector, Richlbncto. : ii>o/\i>T -a T }Sub Dean, Cathedral, Fredericton, and |PEARS0N,Rev.J J Missionary at New Maryland. OBERTS, Rev. G. O Rector, Sackville and Doreliester. IHOQBRS, Rev. G .' Missiooary, Springfield. CHOFIBLD, Rev. GEORGE. . . Rector, Slmonds. "Ti!' II ■^ -12 ' ■ ' ■ SCOVIIi, Rov, W. B Rector, Kingston — Dean Rural, SOOVIL,Rov.W St. John. *3HA\7, Rer. B Missioaary, Grand Lake. •3IM0ND3, Rev. RIOUARD. . . Miuionary, Studholm. *3MITH, Rctr. R. E St. Aadrewt and Chamoook. 8TREBT, Rer. S. D. LBE. . . . Rector, Woodstock — Dean Rural. STREET, Rer. W. U Mitaioaary, Tubiqae and Grand Falli. 8WABET, Rev. M Rector of St. Jade, Victoria. SHERATON, Rev. J. P Beotor, St. Andrewi, Shediao. •THOMSON, Rev. J. S Rector, St. David. .:,.r5- •TIPPET, Re^. W. H Rector, Qqeenabury. , .j/i TILLBY, Rev. W. HARUKON. . . Curate, St. Luke's. . U ./; > TTARNEFORDv Rev. B. A. . . . llector, Norton. . '.l., WALKER, Rev. Wm. W Rector, Hampton. WALKER, Rev. WILLIAM. . . . Rector, St. George, Caileton. WALKER, Rev. GEORGE. . . . Hamptoh. ... ..i^,. •WEEKS, Rev. A. U. ...'.. Curate,' Cooai^nej .r '• , •WBTMORB, Rev. D. J. . . . . Klngjjtoft. •WILLIAMS, Rev. J. S Missionary, CAmpobello. WOOD, Rev. A. ...... . Retired Missionary, St. Jolin. WOODMAN, Rer. E. S. .... Missionary, Westfleld. "* Rcceivii^g stipends from the Diocesan Churnh Society. " \ . • , ..." -iii.;— ,: ■_■ .• • •>-r-l/-'-'' ■■■,'- ■ '' . ' .1'..!,- !ji •;!'.' .!•:>> M .. -. . . .•if>n/;> .-.'^ii ,V. .- . :i. -M .v/--' WTio eisiiiO . . . K- .: . . .i.,'.;'.V iinvVV. — .•.r-->^))te- ,lS .liiooJf . . , .y .\Y .v»Ii ,'•' . . 5>:!i> .,;^,:;.,;:..n . . ^ . .vrii:pt;.,«);^/Kijrr7 -<■.■<• 'f*ii. (ir-BOi.'ii'BiK f'..' W .'ro't , ■ , , ■ ' ^ ■> •-< ■i''^ ■'< ■ , • 1!')' ;»tj«};> ,vv,. f.^;'' . . , ; .■','. v it' Vi- . .1 'lii. '.::'■■ .-itfUinUf, i'iUal:: :. ..... 'I' .V* .ivfl ,Sii. .r,^•i:^•■^>^W >an tJ- 'i ■,|(*s'»Lf ,viitMiii,oiJe ';,' .U , •_•■..;{ ,';!>. .ri;- ffcil Jtf.'.' ^ ,js' 'i -'.'I boa ellivBffcfl .wJofiij . , , , ,■ ^i) ,i) .^tH ,'di i iU Dean Rural. ike. , I. - '-] monok. - Dean Rural. and Qrand Falli. '^iotoria. Sbediac. /ail«ton. '■ .'V ■ >IIo. St. John. h Society. 0)1 .' ,• .o't ,J' A ■;^ •-ft,;.' . -nil M' 'J:-. . ...(1 ■ j.'-- > * .-«■ |. .lU^. REPORT. .TiW Oii .1 l'ri>i /.';ii •If The special call made by the Lord Bishop last year upon members of tho Society, was responded to, as may be seen the Slst Report, by increased contributions from very many the Local Committees. Though with great regret the Gen- ii Committee felt compelled to make no grants in aid of lurch building and ftr books, tho usua,l Missionary expen- iture was provided for. The Treasurer'^ accounts, made up to 1st May, show a con- lerable cash balance in favor of the Society* In this, however, included the legacy of the late F. W. Hatheway. This lount, together with other sums paid on a mortgage, is to be ivested in Provincial Securities. It will be noticed that, in this way, the Society is gradually viding an Endowment Fund. All those who may desire to this object, and thus secure for future years the maintenance the Church in this Diocese, have only by donations or be- lests to increase the funds invested by the Society for Mis- inary purposes. Care and attention have of late been specially iven to the state of these investments. They are found to be feotly secure. Under the Constitution of the S(5ciety, the eds of this Fund must always bo appropriated to carry out e object for which it has been provided. i The following is an abstract from the reports of the Mission- ries and Local Committees, which give an indication of the lork of this Society and a prospect with regard to its finances t tho present time : — Andover. — Rev. W. H. Street reports an incrensc in the contriba- bs for this MiRsiorr. During tho visit of the Bishop in October Inst. 24 persons were eon- tintiij, tho Chnruh iit the Fulls contocrated, and uleo a liurinl Ground tSf. LttonardH. A Cii)>»riet Orgiifl hus h\telv been purcbusod for tho Church at the Irand FhIIp.' Cuiitribittiuna amount to $li7.i>0. tht* f. V ,9 c* kJt^ I ( m 14 llATfiuRST, New 13andon, &o. — Rev. W. LeB. McKiel writes follows: — '*1 am hnppy to be able to report that the vfork of Church is, in thia Mission, steadily going on, and that members of same are becoming more alive to their responsibilities and their prij egfiB. Owing to the great depth of snow last Winter, I found it impi aible, sometimes, to go to the distant Stations in the Country, generally speaking, I have been able to fulfil my appointments' 1| Services, when the weather was favorable, were well attended. 11 number of Communicants was increased to 53. Among those bapti/ are included 4 adults baptised at Shippega? Island. 1 generally t^ Shippegan and Miscou Islands during the winter, ns ,thoy aro th more easy ot access. Thq Bay is (rozen and the journey soon perfoni on the ice. In the summer the Islands can only bo reached in a \)o\ which cannot alway&be obtained, as they are used in the fishery. •• The Protestant piirt of the population numbers between 40 and I Owing to their isolated position they enjoy very few advantages; oobools, no churches, and in Miscou. no roads. The journey from end of the Island to the otijer must be made in a boat or in a cartulol the beach. ** Your Missionary is the only clergyman who ever visits them, &\ they are always delighted to see me, and flock to the place where I form service. " In Bathurst, last Winter, through the exertions of the ladies, sum of $34 was raised for local church purposes, and they are still \ wearied in their exertions for the good cause." Contributions amount to $70.87, virhioh exceeds the amount of iij by $28.82.* BvcTCUCBE ANB CccAiGNE. — Sro. A. 11. Wecljis is gratified in bell able to send to the Society, lor general purposes, a somowbnt lava sum than last year, about $20. .. .■ CAUnRiDGE. — Rev, B. Shaw writes that the usual services have bd conducted with regularity and have been well attended considering tl distance numbers have to travel. " In March last," Mr. Shaw iidl " I suffered from ill health and was obliged to cease working for neaJ three weeks. I am thankful to say that I am now able to resume tl full duty. ■ " Although we are not making any rapid steps either in churl building or increase of church members, yet we have reason to thankful for many mercies and some signs of improvement. Sevej new communicants have come fo: ..ard since last year, and wo Imvet pdnded some money (though not so much as wo hoped) upon t| churches and in building a Parsonage house." Canieubukv.— Rev T. Hartin reports contributions to tlie iimou| of $36.37. Caupobello. — Rev. J, S. Williams has inclosed the following resolj tions passed at a meeting ot this Local Committee : — 1. That the Campobello Local Committee begs to assure the Society j its continued interest in its welfare^ and desire for the success ot i operations. They desire a renewal of the gr.ints o the Mission, and observe tiJ the Church School has been mora la.',,.iiy attended (jluring the pastjej than at any previous time. ' ' . >!i),'! i •Additional contiibutioiis Ijavo ijooii ivccivcilfroiiHNcw-lianfton, amoiintinst)?^ It If) or in a cartalo 10 amount of la 08 to tl)e iimoul iimountlnitto?!*. "There is a Service, "^ Mr. Williams adds, "on Wednesday and Iftiday through the Summer, and this year on the vigil and eve ol every Ifestival. On July let, ISGO, thu Bishop confirmed 10 persons, 8 of Ifhom are uummunicants. Since the comiminccmcnt ot the present jjear. the Holy Cuiiimuniun lias been celebrated on every Lords' Day lind Festival, whi*' the '• three at the Icastt " remained to coinmunioata Irith the Priest ; with the exception ot one Sunday and one lloly Day |lD which I was absent from tiie Parish, on both ol whioh I celebrated |in other places. On one Sunday and two Holy Days there was no jcelebration through lack of company. Oarlkton. — Rev. W. Walker reports contribution to tLo amount of |t66.40. CuATHAM. — Rev. S. fiacon reports that at the Annual Meeting of this [Local Committee the (ollowing resolution was adopted : — I " That this Committee having hitherto invariably expressed their ■deep conviction of the inestimable benefits arising Irom the Diocesan ICburch Society, they can only on "the present occasion declare that leTery succeeding year tends to increase the convicti>)n, that, under iDivine Providence, the very existence of the lyhwrcb in this Province I depends upon its continued prosperity, and moreover, 4hat every one Ivbo really prays for the extension of the Redeemer's Eincdom cannot l&il, by every possible means, to promote the interests ol a society ivbich |liu the salvation of immortal souls for its object." Contributions amount to $130.33. DiRBT, Blackville, &c. — Rcv. W. Crnden writes that strong efforts I ire being made to paint the Church at Derby and therefore the contri- balion to the Society will be less than that of lust year. They will be I horn $18 to $20. Douglas. — Rev. Theadore E. Dowling has forwarded the following I report : — »' The chief feature of interest to record about All Saints Church, Gross Roads, is that the debt on the building has been entirely removed. I Since January 1st the congregation raised the sum of $191.00 for this Eorpose. It may seem p. small amount to some of our city merchants, at it is a large sum for twelve families in Douglas to provide. 1 am I glad to mention this, and with great thankfulness. " The congregation at the Upper Keawick are working in good ear- I nest at the new church ivilh their own hands. It will be ready for con- I secration in the first week of October. " These two churches have received no grant from the Diocesan I Church Society, and therefore I trust that the application which was made last year on behalf of a Lay Reader will not be considered unrea- lonable, if repeated. Since the last Report, Mr. James Vroom, of St. Stephen, has offered his services fonthis post. He is willing to throw himself into the work — and an arduous one it will certainly prove — provided that a decent maintenance can be secured. Our first want in this part of the Parish is a weji-worked Sunday School ; a room is at- tached to the church for thii purpose. Within the last two weeks 16 children have been baptized, and the number will be largely increased infore long. Now, if ever, is the time to train them in *• the old paths where is the good way ;" but without some such aesistanoo as proposed r ,„,.ji^ 16 they muHt he. lolc to uthers who will not neglect them. If, theroforcl the Sociotj's funds poriuit, I ret^pootfuUy usk Xor tbo eum ot iiSO.OO io| a Lav Reader at Keewiok. " Before its oompletion, the Keswick Church has lost the asHistanc of a very dear (riend who has just (alien asleep in the Lord. Through her untiring exertions, new church plate has been provided and dailj expected rrom England ; and other parts of the Parish can speak oi he loving interest. "The Tay Settlement was visited with u grievous mortality ainona the children during tho winter months, and abo\i»-. the sam'a time il pleased God to rcmovu from our midsit u young womtin who wur iin or] aament to thu oongi'egntion and u good exiimplu in her Itimiiy. Fron the first nhc wan ona of uuv roost rc;>i)liir oononiunicunts.' "Tho collections from oach of these three districts f(;f tho Socictjil have increased, and tho uum of $100.8G, contrilmted by the w!iii1q| Parish, is larger than usual." Glenelg, Nuwcastlk, &C;— Rev- J. Hudson has the batistactiou ut ac-l quainting tho Society ttiat during the p;u-t twelve uionthH— that i», t'luml July 3rd, 180G, to the present date, July Ist — ho has received and lor-F v?arded to the Society's Treasurer, from the little flock of faithful onesl in his scattered mission field, the sum of .$l(i(), and that this offtiringl has been contributed by the following Parishes, and no doubt uccom-f panied with the best wishes of nil for the Society's continued iirosperi- ty,— Newcastle, .$44.80; Glenelg $37.98; ^oithwatk, $2.85; l»i-\ low, ,$14. 3U. .:. i: ,^ . ,:j\'.- Grand Manax. — Rev. G. T. Carey has forwarded to the Treasurer $20, us contributions to theTSociety. GuEKNWicii, &c. — Rov. D. W.,Pickotb writes that during tho past year the Bishop visited his mission and confirmed 23 candidates— 10 in tireenwich, 9 Un Petersville, and 4 in Wiekhum. Thcro have been 20 baptisms, 10 marriages and 19 funerals during the past year. " Tbf. lossot my horse," Mr. Pickett writes, " in tho early part of last winter interrujjted in some measure th*} work ot visiting t!>roughout the mission ; but thiS/loss has been atuply made up to mo hi^ thn liberality of tho people, particularly in VVickham, wfieru they very promptly hand- ed mo $Cl) to assist in purchasing another. " The services in the several churctics ar.d stati(ms have been rcgujar- S supplied when tho stjvte of the travelling permitted. Tiio Parish lurch in Petersvillo has been opened once a lurtnighc ; )>ur in order to do this I hhve i^cen obliged to omit a scrvien in WiCkham, us the liif- tanoe betM day. " Peters church uie and will gl this year mlary, so t The con t be less thai Haupton $103.06, Orphans' F ^KlNOSCLE Fredeuicton. — Itev. C. Lee reports contributiors to the amount olH $70.32. : $902.19. '^' ^ixr J\I«t»w« PetersviHe is an estcnsive parish, containing a Iirgo number of church nieiiilierM, who are very desirous to have a resident Clergyman, and will gladly pay $'500 towdrda his support. I trust the Society may this year havo iIm^ means at its disposal lu provide tlie tmiancc of the niary, so that the vacancy may soon be tilled." The contributions from this mission, exclusive q/ Petersviilo, will not be less than $75. The whole amount is $80.G4. Hampton. — Rev. W. Walker reports contributions to the amount of $103.06, '•' vM '. the sum ot $10.11 is limited to the Widows and Orphans' Fiu.ii. ^EiNGScr.EAR. — Rev. J. Black reports contributions to the amount of $70.32. EiKOSTON. — Rev. W. £. Soovil reports contributions to the amount of $150.50. rft'C'^' Lancaster. — Rev. W. S. Covert has forwarded the usual returns, and itates that the contributions for this local committee will amount to $30.36. Macgerville and BuRTON.^Rev. H. Pollard writes that during an absence of six months Irom his mission his place was supplied for five months by Rev. E. Hanington, and the rest of the time through the kindness o( the neighbour! ii;^ clergy. During that period a confirma- tion was held, when 21 candidates wore presented, some of whom are now communicants. During the summer months the Sunday Schools in Maugerville and Oromocto were hettur attended than usual, and a greater interest seem- ed to have boon taken by the laity. Mr. Pollard adds that the grant of books formerly made by the So- ciety is mucii missud in his mission. He also recommends that a grant be made by the Society to reduce the prico ot the Diocesan Hjuin Books, tbat they may be more goherally used — especially in Sunday Schools — or else that a cheaper Hymn book, such as that ot the Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge, be substituted. r •>•'■■ •:.'i MoNCTON. — Rev. W. N. Boyer has enclosed post office orders to^the amount of $41.00, from which ther^ was a deduction of 40 cents, owing to a mistake in thid direction of one ot the orders. Mr. Boyer attributes the deficiency, compared with the contributions of last year, to the fact that the latter was made for a specific object ; also I to tbe^ depression ut business from thu fuiluro of the b^ink at that place. "Iheld," Mr. Boyer writes, " Divine Service at Havelock and Peti- codiac once a month, 33 miles distant from Monctnn ; and I havo ad- I ministered the Holy Communion in the Parish Church o( Havelock four times ; average attendance is 10." Norton Rev. E. I amount to $88:85.^ A. Warneford reports that the contributions m ,>.,.-, PpfiTLAND.—UoT. Canon Harrison writes that " notwithstanding the «ztrome scarcity of nionoj, and tho loss of Mrs. Simonds* subsoriptioo of $20 (wlio is' now in German v), our contributions to the Society arc oonsiderably in excess ut what they were last year, amountin); to about $150, of which $15 are limited to the Widows aodjOrphans' Fund. " I regret my ioability to be present at the meeting, and I pray tliat I the Lord will airect you in all your consultations for the promotion of His glory, and the peace and prosperity of our beloved Ziou." Princb Williau, Ddhfries, &o.— Rev. E. A. W. Hanington writesau I follows : — " My short time of Iktle more than sis months in this mission | has not enabled me to record any important chanees in these parishes, I There has been but little sickness, and few deaths have occurred among my people since my appointment, though very many of the younger members passed awuy during the preceding year. [ " There has been one adult baptism in tho parish of Dumfries, and 1 1 pray that this may be the first fruits of a general increase to the num- Der of our small congregations." Contributions amount to $85^29. " This is," Mr. Hanington writes,! *i an excess of more than one-quarter over last year's subscriptions, andl those of last year exceeded previous collections. This increase has becal made chiefly in the back Settlements, and the Society owes much to thel earnest and zealous co-operation of T. Jones, Esq., who year after yearl assists most effectually in making the collections," QuEXKSBURT. — ^Rov. W. H, Tippet writes as follows : — *' I have muchl pleasure in reporting toat the oolleotions and subscriptions from Cjueens-f bury amount to $61.36, which are a little more than they were last yearj and tvoice as much as the were a tiaw years ago. The contributions to myself during the year have amounted to $80, part of which were given me towards, the purchase of a new wagon, my old one having su^redj like its owner, a good deal of wear and tear in tho missionary service, " I have baptized four, married three, and buried five persons durind the year ; have held about 100 public services, and travelled about 1509 miles in the discharge of my duty. The heavy sitows of January comi pletely shut me out from one part of my parisli for more than a month] But, with this exception, the Sunday services have been sustained witn their usual regularity, and on three Sundays out of four the Holy ComJ munion is administered in one or other of my churches. f " My little Sunday School at the parsonage suffered a oonsiderablJ diminution in numbers in the fall of the year, in consequence of onfl having been opened in a Baptist meeling-house not far distant ; but wJ are gradually recovering, and probably by the time of holding ou| School festival in September, we shall stand as well as usual. " One cheering event during the year has been a visit from oui Bishop, and the administration of the rite of confirmation in one otmj river churches to a small but interesting class of nine young persons, air of whom became communicants. With one of them it was both iid first and last communion on earth, for it pleased God very soon afteij wards to call her to himself. I "I cannot close my report without adding that the missionary aD| missions have suffered a severe loss during the year in the removal I death of Mr. and Mrs. Morehouse. Mr. Morehouse was our prlncip warden for many years, and one of the chief agents in procuriisg anj Austaining a resident clergyman and building the parish church, fit VL 19 adyioe and experience were invaluable ; liis liospitabie house was always open to mn and my brethern, and your laifisionary Is glad of an oppor- tunity of publicly and perninnnntly recording in the pages Of the So- ciety's report his eensp of Ins own and the church's obligations to him and his amiable wife. The latter was long and painfully afflicted, but bore her suffering with the most oxemplury patience, and was an en- couraging example to us all of faith and hope and love. They died within a fortnight of each other, universally honored and lamented, and have left a gap which we can hardly hope to see filled." RicHiBucTo. — Rev. N. amounting to $79.68. A. Coster has forwarded a subscription lisk Sacktillk and DoRcnESTER. — Rev. G. G. Roberto hopes in a short time to send a li^t of subscribers amounting to $160. " The usual duties of the miesion," Mr. Roberts writes, " have, with scarcely any interruptioh, been performed during the post year. The congregation and communicants, 1 am thankful to say, continue gradu- ally and steadily to increase, and my three Sunday Schools are kept up Urith unabated interest and success. I am now" very busy preparing oandidatee for confirmation, and hope to have a goodly number to pre- sent to tbo Lord Bishop in September next." St. ANDRiwa and Chaucook. — Mr. Geo. D. Street reporto contribu- tions to the amount of $130. The members of the Society in this place are making great efforts to finish the parish churob, now in course of erection : and at Ohamcook a considerable amount is required from the people for thn necessary re- pairs of St. John's Chapel. These pressniK local claims, it is much re- gretted, at present hinder larger contributions to the Soci^y. Through the kind assistance of the Rev. 11. B. Smith, the scrviceA are regularly kept up at Chamcouk. Thei-o is a constant attendance at church, and an increasing number of cummunicarts. Mr. G. S. Grim- mer-continues to render invalnnblo assistance hdkh with reference to tho choir and the Sunday School. St. George. — It is deeply regretted that the Rev John McGivern, Rector of this parish, and one of the most devoted friends of this Society, is very unwell, and has been nonfincd to his rooib since tho week before Easter The following is tho report of the local committee : — " This branch has to regret so small a sum in their collections for the 8 resent year. This has arisen partly from the severe illness of the .eotor, who could do nothing personally to aid a cause in which he has always felt tbo deepest interest, and partly from the' scarcity of money with those who are always steady supporters of the cause. We trust the Society will accept the amount of our present offerings in the spirit., in which they are given. They amount in all to $113.52, for the gen- eral purposes of the Society. " It is to be noticed that there was an addition to the cotitributions last year of $61 from the volunteers ; this ardount could not be expected this year." ' The local committee exprcsis their heartfelt sympathy for the Rector in his present affliction, and they speak of his regret at not being able to attend the anniversary meeting. ,!^. ! 20, St. Jauu. — Rev. W. Armstrong writes that he is sorry that theoon- tributions from this parish fall short oi thuttu ot last year ; this is partly owing to tho soaruity of motm^. 'lliu amuaot at present is $l82.— Be hopes to be able to make this up to $200. St. John— Trinity. — Mr. II. W. Frith reportsoontributionsat present to the amount of $354.12. He has not much doubt but that tliis will naoh to $400. St. Mark.— Mr. C. H. Fairweather reports oontribations to the amount of $204.GO. St. Padl. — Rev. VV. 11. DeVeber writes :— «• 1 am hapjpy to report oontribations from this parish amounting to $510 — $oO more than last year. ** For various reasons 1 was led to anticipate a considerable reduction rather than an inoreaso. With a faint heart I apjpealcd to my parish- ioners to avert the anticipated evil by adding to their subscriptions.— They responded to my appeal with more than their aocustomod liberal- ity, and with an alacrity worthy of all praise. " I heartily thanit Gud who enabled them to offer so willingly for His ■ervice, and to give enoh a pleasing prOof ul their sympathy for their more needy brethren. May Gud put it into the hearts of all His people in like manner '< to bear one another'm liurdens, u,nd so fulfil the law of Christ." St. Mary's, Stani.kv, &c. — Rev. W. Joffrey" reports contributions to the amount of $51.92. v St. Stepbbn.— Rev. lil. S. Medley, in consequence of serious illness, has been obliged niuMt reluctantly to give up fur a time the arduous duties he had undertiken, and is now in iBngland. ' No report has, therefore, yet been received from this Mission. y SuEDiAC, — Rev. G. S. Jarvis, D. D., writes that: — Notwithstanding the separation of a |yrt of thisi Parish, tlio cOnerihutions exceed in amount chose of any previous year. Owing, however, to the suspension of the Westmorland Bank, whicli took place after the collections were \ made, there was a considerable discount on some ef the paymentis. which reduced the amount from Shcdiao and Duodas, &o., from $64.08 to the sum ot $57.33. SiMONDS, — Rev. G. Schofield has forwarded the following Report : " During the lust year we have painted the Church at Black River, and by the kind assistuniH) of a lew friends at St. John, we were enabled to defray the expense — $G2 — us soon as the work was completed. At Loch Lomund, Mr. Francis has superintended the erection of a ■table and wood-huuse, and also a new fence in front ot the Church. Be has also obtained th>puit, 1 have commenced two new stations ; one at Willow Grove, witli nn average congregation of 35, and the other at Golden Grove, with an attendance of about 70. During the months oi the present Summer, my arrangements are as follows :— :0n one Sunday, service at Iho Penitentiary at i past 8 ; at Bltick River at j| pnHi 1, and at Willow Grove at i piist 4. On tho alternate Sunday at the Penitentiary at |} post 8 ; at Looh Lomond at 11 ; at Guhicn Grove at 2, and at Quaco Road at i past 4. Ibav( ytarlh Theaa There is, eipressei aiafstrai all truth IwlvDrir and San< made wil Contril Sparwoi "Myd the flame Nur Tho Ch worship, cause has I tionofthe the distant the actual necessity i Thus both Although . been abfo, i past I have field. lini Moh from was held di May 5 12 19 26, Itaffdrds the first Su Johnston, ■ttuotion in ^r beloved is mainly dc ■»eo, whose twenfy-five who, by dial wise be ezc nport I cot toy one iote oy a present ••Ting Bobo tributions to I fiave also a aerTico evwy Tueadiiy at the Alms Uouae. During tha jMr I hare had 44 baptisms, funerals, and 4 marriages. Thesa few facts record the external historj of the Parish for the year. There is, however, another record of the year's labors which cannot b« expressed by words or figures ; a record of the blessed influence of holj Binistrationa on the hearts and livea of our people, — guiding them into all truth, preserving them (rom sin and folly, fostoring each g«rm of holv principle, and training them by the serrioea of earthly w^bbathi and Sanctuaries, for the Evorlasting Sabbath, and the " Temple not made with hands." Contributious not yet completed. Sprinofield and Johnston, — Rev. 0. Rogers writes as follows : — *' My duty during the past year has been, with but little variatioB, the same as heretofore. My register records ns follows : Number of services, 116 79 137 22 16 sick visito, - *' parochial visits, . - • • ■ " baptisms, ..... *' burials, ...... The Church at Johnston has been regularly kept open for Divine worship. 1 am happy to say that neither from illness or any other oause has this part of my Mission suffered from neglect of the ministry* tion of the Word and Sacraments. I have often bad occasion to regret the distance of this Church from the Church at Springfield, not from the actual labour required to accomplish the journey, but from the necessity of dosing the Parish Church on every alternate Sunday. Thus both Parishofl suffer, and the evils unfortunately are too apparent. Although laboring under the disadvantage I have alluded to, yet 1 have been ablo, to some extent, to surmount the difficulty* For some months past I have given three, out of every four services performed, in Spring* field. I insert a list of the Churches and places, with the distance of each from the Parish Church at Springfield, i|^ which Divine servioe was held discing May : 11 A. M. 3 P.M. May 5, Trinity Church, Soovil's, 8 miles. 12, St. John Church, 16 miles, McLeod's, 5 miles. 19, Trinity Church, ' Irish Settlement, 9 miles. 26, St. John Church, 16 miles, Colina Corner, 10 miles. It affdrds me much pleasure to report upon my Sunday Schools. Oa the first Sunday in May two were openea in Springfield, and one io Johnston. All are in good working order, in which the religious in- struction imparted is in accordance with the doctrines and principles of Ojur beloved Church. The success of one of the Schools in Springfield is mainly dependant upon the zeal and energy of two young Church- men, whose exertions are deserving of the high<9st praise. Some twentnr-five or thirty^ohildren are thus receiving religious instruction, who, by distance from the school at the Parish Church, would other- Wise be excluded from its benefits. If through the medium of my report I oonld enlist the benevolence of the Society, or the charity of any one interested in the work of Sunday Schools, to second my efforts by a present of books or tracts as rewards to the most diligent and de- Mrring scbolan, I should feel enoourugement in the worit, as well •§ .4 M m 9h- m •! < Ji0 •fllnrd MioouragMBeiit ud pleuure to the ohiidran. I hfty* ventuNd » Moond timu to appeal to the Sooioty, lut it Is one of the objeeti to which it profencA support. Lnst July tho Bishop viait«d Springfield and held a Coofirmation wrvice. Fourteen oandidates presented themselTes as reoipients o< that holy rite. The Toliowing day his lordship proceeded to Johnston and confirmad eleven. It is very gratitying to see thai the good resolutions of seveml ol these Toung portions' were nut as *' the tnorniDg cloud and as tlie curly dew," but they have been /constant attendants ot the moans of graco and frequent communicants of tho Holy Supper of the Lord. ft is with tho deepest regrut. that I have to mention the loss our Church has sustained in Springfield in the death of one of her warmest and most devoted members. Mr, E. G. N, Raymond, altera protracted and painful illness, was taken from us. As a member of tho Vestry, his opinion was valued and his usefulness prised. Four months earlier bis aifcd and venerable father, at the advanced age of 94, also departed this lifo. I omitted last year any mention u( the repairs and painting done npon tho Church. At contiiderablo expense, — some seventy dollars,— the fiihrio has been put in good cunditiuu. New fences were made : all is in good repair. The Reatory is now undergoing repairs." SruoDOiJf.— Rev. R. Simonds report $71.30 as paid to the Treasurer of tho Society. Sussex.— Rev. 0. P. Bliss having been obliged by ill health to resin ibis Mission, his snooessor. Rev. 0. S. Modley, has only very lately assumed the duties, and has had no time, as yet, to make any report to the Society. Upham.— Rev. S. J. what exceed $100. Hanford writes that the contributions will some- Wkstmoklano. — Reva, D. M. Bliss writes that he hopes the Sooietv will receive as much from this Parish aa they did last year ; the fuU returns will be forwarded as soon as possible, Wkstfikld. — Rev. E. S. Woodman reports the tbb ]tbM B)ftdx«i'th9 ooQtrjhul|ors have either loft^thu pl^oe,,, orafo^not ip a positjion to enable tliem to give now, fdo thijik it is a.) matter bfoO^ratuIfknoil tliat so large an amount hitve been obtained,. ' piMieularlir wneh'«(^ little money is In ciroulatloo. This Mrely mani» ^ Mti an inotoaaliqfiJntflrMt in thtt welfare of the Hooiety. I hare eotf«tvoT«d, both publioly and privately, to impress n^ tho^epoberi), of my floek the neoeasityor dping to the utmwt of their at)ility'in sup- port of the Society, u^i.n wUioh'the contInua!tIon of thi^ Churqn as it ii ^ vOW'. or its extension, aofeiy'depehdii. If ehrety sabacriber irould bat add a few shillinga evtry year to hit . lilt yearns contributloa, it would enable tito Sooj^tyto increase the namborof its missionaries in like proportion. Without BomeinoroasQ. of aid yearly, it is quite impossible to expect that the Ohurvh oaa be' Webavbdone oar bett'iiere'tooarry out .thifi principle, aod'I hope'' I other portioni lt>f the Xtiipm liayio^on^ likolwjsp, During, the pastyeftr, endins on Easter Monday, the sum of $337' wilB obtained m WoodMe^k atSne 'by offerto^ ooIleetiunB for Church Ipwpoees. besideaot donation of '$i'17 for.tbe Ker. R. V. Nelsdn.on; bii(' iQ^VjDgfhta, Curacy^ AJarjg|k^|p;^oit^t hi^also be^n contributed towairds . tliepew Cnuroh, wnibh I-hope will be ready for consecratidn in Ooto-' I btt' oett. It is wortby of roib^Tk that the contrlbtators of tlie lar^tist' : imount to that work are among the most liberal >sabs'cib:ibet« to the> iaddtief itbe XMoosmi Ofauxch!Siaoi(aty." Th& f9lloTringiTeaolutV>p wa«,p«M8ed at the .meeiting,of tie Woodstock,. Looar Committee : Tbit this* ComiA^tted wotkld ngath ' press^ upon tbO Soci^ the. 6}$,im ofiEMHtndnd for ia'MilBiOnaltyj as setm as one caii be obtttined for tbftt I purpose. ^ .; ,,.,.. J.,., , ,, ,,_ Contributions amount to $^31. 19. ^,. v^^ , ■r'? ;-;!;:;;) ■y.ii-li-n .ay . <\t Pf. ..»}u- The sum total, as compared Trith last year, shewsia fCoxeid«i^- abfe deficiency. The present position of the Mission^ in this Dioeese require a &r large): amount than has been received. For what is it, after alV compared with the means t>f the Church, the abundance God haiii given to many of its members ? What onnpared with the woi^ the Society stands iiwaiting to sup- ply ? DiflScnlties iiideed are presented. In some instances Ofiimohs dififor as to i the mode of canying^ on this work. Bat Botmld these obstacleiB be thought sufficient to hinder the pro- gress of thift Society; onitiw offerings of the people of God?- Ha» anything been done, in connection with this Society, — anything wmch may not (if necessary) be amended, which should hinder Churchmen from working together and giving together, to ex- l( . ■%.i jg^i 24. tend to present and future generations those blessings, which, during the past have come down upon all through the Church of Christ? ■"'''",.'•'':';:""'. In these matters there is something truly fedi^ful in the idea of standing still or going back. Worse in a Society than in an individual's christian life. Every year there is an increasing need of New Missions in the country portions, and the bade Settlements of the Province. In many towns and larger parishes the duties are beyond the power of any one Clergyman. Sad instances are not wanting of failing health in the case of several of the Clergy whichy^rest or timely assistance might have averted. It is also well known, that of late years the expense of living has greatly increased, without any increase in the stipend of the Missionary. How much must this often add to those cares and anxieties, which, in the charge and work of a Mission are necea* sarilv very great ! The Society may justly present these points for the earnest consideration of every member of the Church, — commending them to their prayers and their united zealous exertions: — 1. That the Society may enable the Lord Bishop, either by the appointment of travelling Missionaries or otherwise, to ex- tend tbe means of grace to the Country Districts and Settle- ments of the Province, and as^stant Ministers in \he larger Towns and Parishes. hr>r . oj - 2. To provide stipends, which with local resources may be more adequate to the necessary expenses of the Missionaries. 3. To supply by importation from the Socie^ for Promoting Christian Knowledge a sufEcient number of Bibles, Common Prayer Books, and works of devotion and instruction. 4. As far as possible, year by year, so to add to the in- vestments, as to secure at least a partial endowment for the Church in this Diocese. The Society will not&il to give expression to its fedlings, with reference to the death of the late Rev. Canon Coster. He, it is well known, in conjunction with has brother, the late Arch- deacon, was mainly instrumental in the* formation of this Society ; for many years he gratuitously performed the duties of Secretary. Until prevented by that illness which preceeded his death, the late Canon Coster was ever pesent at the Meet- ings of the Society, — taking an active part in all its proceedings. A tribute of grateful respect to his memory is therefore justly due. • " ,|!;.i. 'lii ijirr:;|.) i\-j\d'V ,!!'»!>;; (X^i:'-^'ym'i'i) iC)!.}^(j'm doi 'Xo •■} ,\>iv.viVjnS v.m")*^i\i. V>u» ..u»i\i-)i v,^\j'.v»«»t ;a^■/' oa inniim %\ •jaoddH 03S ^ •wodaa oog / •Vi;odoa aag p •99, 'AOit 581 oouig 9 joqvi pnB snoisiAOjd at eSaijaj^o }o 0A!8npx3[ q £8 S3 00 s .s O O OsoS i-< cai-H <&o»e§: Sect /f.iU'l li I <}npj099aB0i Jojjad a| p>| §8 d to © O O Q « t- O Q >0 O CO O >0 U) 1:^ >0 M 04 i-H wl o SI JO jaqmnd 00 '•|a«o -imaiuioo jojsqianii b- (N ?C O 00 CO o o 00 CI -ri aiaoovpm) •1« aHjaAy QOO OOO o 10 000 o »0 rt t- 00 IS eo 00 ^o CO ^ CO 1-1 i-t >o o eo o •»»B a> V 'Jt M CO « 'J' O rt ■Nqa, ©4N iH«»j««« 6 4 I tf i,..>L-r'' •\ V:'-'^ K l-j mOEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL COMMIHEE. x.iii:\ ,.; jirpov ["fCr - ' '.i(i',JgfFREDmo*. W. Pickett, "J< Blacky " W-E. Scovil, " H; Pollardr " J.- Pearson, . " B.AiWarnefbrd, " E.A.W.Haning- " W.H.TippetCton " N. A. Coster, " "W. Q. Ketchum, " W. Armstrong, " G.M.Armstrong " W. Jaffrey, " W. H. DeVebdr, " G.S.Jarvi8,DD., "6. Rogers, " K; SimondSj " C. S.Me^oy, " S. J. HanfoJd, " B. Shftw, " K. S. Woodman, " S.D.Lee Street, flon. R. D. Wllmot, C. H. iciowci. B. M. Sykewan*, R. Orchard*. Hon, J. J. Robinvon, Hon. Judge ABeOi Hon..At{orncy CFencrad, R. RobiniOB, E. Pldgeon*, J. DeL. RnViliBon. S. A. Akcrlcy, J. S.'Bdek. W. Carman, Hon. J. S. Saundera. L. B. McEiel, J. li. Wilmot.* Oeorge.GMdon, A.W. Raineford. Jnatas B. Wctmore, Samuel Foeter. J. S.CoTert, Thos. Perlcy. J..B. Ss Raymond, D. Hoyt.* Dr. Bay»r4f, Joseph FcrklnB."' James Henry, Thomas Jones. a. D. Slre«t, B. Blmonds. O. Fcnety, J. M. Rohineon, Hon^ Attorney General, G. J. BUbb> J. Hcrbfall, 0. H. Falrwcather. J. W. Smith*, ThoB. Barker.* Major Rohtnaon, W. M. Jarris. B. L. Peters*, W. L. T. Soelcy. Ei Mi Raymond*, 0. Marvin-* n; H^lmcB>», Vincent Wiggins, fc F.iHozen, U. H. DoVehcr. JfTortlii Bosi*, James McCoy i* jibe Secretary read the following reports : — From the Mis- ries and Local Committees, — the Executive Committee, ithe Auditors upon the Treasurer's accounts. Ifiev. C. L^e suf>mitted a statement of the bbok d^poSitdry »nnts, shewing a balance in hand of $28.61. V '■ • ' ' ' [On motion — Resolved, That Mr. Lee be requested to pay ^ 1 balance to the Treasurer, and that the Treasurer be iauthor- to pay p, claim of Messrs. J. & A. McMillan for Hymn |)b, to the amount of $87.73. .^a^\ni^'u^^> ;*o».l n^isi JTtie Secretary read a list of applications to this Committee. Ifbe Lord Bishop read the Missionary Schedule. |0n motion of the Bev. C, Lee — ^Resolved, That a Comtnittee^> sting of Major Bobinson, Mr. W. M. Jarvis, Bey. H. Pol"' d, together with the Treasurer, Secretary and Auditors, be. ointed to report to-morrow evening on the available funds of Society, tne Missionary Schedule, and the several appli« tons. , iThe Committee adjourned till to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock. X '1 ^ri-y ..'■ ,■;'••: .:v,tpr:'..[.- .■■ ■■ ■ ' I : J .-.;■ I r , ■ ■■ 'i ■ 'Tj . .• ■ .-k-: .- ,:. Lf: 'i 1: -;■- -i '■; ''V ;',' ■.urto['> (n! '.Mu . . ■■-, r 'f .!■ > u.iV n .i-iiir'Mi"! i;;l .\' '■>■!,!'■ <: /■ i!t :! • '»•(>.( s ■ ' t. . ■■ I - ,.•' i jUl'VHf ■•■'' .)■•• • ,■ •;•■ ' ).!".;r-.'.l'.' Ill !K . ■ .■. I .'in Jtij i, ^ ,(.f -'^; V' (uvtij-n; >-:|;(' '«!!'; If;! mi; :. .'•;>Sf»I.) ;■,_. 1 ^'■i■, . .•^l; i-, ■1 t L r,. I . '•!,!{ 'io -.'"■ :.' ■ ■Ai J/i) 4 , 28 ^ --.V'' • ,u*rA- -. ... Wednesday Bvbninq, July 3d, 186| , The Bight Eeyerend the Lord Bishop in the chair, the Clerg atid Lay Delegates. j.,; ^^^^^ , .n^-Tod? •::rf:i'>H^: '^-yMik't -i^ h^ oD.r/ifr. Read minutes of last meeting and further reports from eel tain local committees. On motion of Mr. Carman — Resolved, That reports as red by the Secretary, together ■with those of the proceedings of tn Executive Committee, be received, and on motion of Mr. Jarv it was — Resolved, That the Auditors' Report be received ad entered upon the minutes. BSPORT OF THE AUDITORS UPON THE ACCOUNTS OF THE TREASURER OF THE DlOCESl ' CHURCH SOCIETY FOR THU YEAR ENDING FIRST JIAY, 1867. The receipts as stated in the accounts have been — For coUcctions and subscriptions, . . . . . . • • $G,805 Proceeds of cxcliange sold £2860 sterling, 13,982 Interest on investments, 1,098 Bequest of late F. W. Hatheway, 2,000 i Amount of note collected by Bank of New Brunswick, being proceeds of £125 sterling, 622 i $24,5071 The payments have been — Balance due Bank of New Brunswick per last audit report and note thereto, • • . . 91|138 49 Contingencies, . . ' 187 62 Missionaries' Salaries, 20,042 80 Salaries, 200 00 Pensions, 300 00 Miscellanies, 80 00 $21,948 ' Leaving a balance in the Treasurer's hands of $2,558 i The usual vouchers accompany the accounts, agreeing with the sami The accounts are not made up on the printed forms. [ The rule which declares that all approprfations from the funds of tU Society are made for the current year in which.thcy are granted, and ci pire with it appears to 'be violated in the case of the payments totn Parishes of Queensbury and St. Andrews : those parishes having drawn during the ycat just closed, a portion of the appropriation of the previou year, left undrawn until after the close of the year. J The auditors have again to repeat the remark of last year in respect Ij the invest^lent8, no report of the state of which is before them. C. H.'FAmWEATHEB,> .„^..„„, '; . • ' W. H. A. KEANS, J^««»wn. On motion be indemn , and th( e Auditc but not di J. referenc rt and a I On motion jit the same ort. (Se IMr. C. H. ning. subi iTailable fun including Propagat Jary appi Schedule iThe Commi bg more ti ries for PaJ de. I On motion a [Resolved, tb IThe Lord B amended by arately to K unanimoi fthe Mission Idover, ' "' purst, pickville, .1,, abridge, npobello, itham, ! r etown, |enclg, itnd Manan, [eenwich, mpton, -, , aterbury, bsclear, ":' pgston, 'f'.^ Bcaster, ing with the sami K; 29 On motion of Major Robinson — Resolved, That the Treasur- be indemnified for having paid to the incumbent of Queens- , and the assistant Minister at St. Andrews, as referred to e Auditors' Report, the portions of their salary duly grant- but not drawn for before the close of the fiscal year. [Rev. J. Pearson, from the committee appointed last July 'ih reference to the Widows and Orpins' Fund, presented a irt and a scheme prepared by the committee. On motion of the Rev. S. D. Lee Street — Resolved, That it the same be received and printed as an appendix to the rt. (See appendix.) )Ir. C. H. Fairweather, from the committee appointed last iDiDg. submitted a report to the following efiect, which he |milable funds of the 3ociety from all sources, including thp grant from the Society for the ' Propagation of the Gospel, $21,350 OO aary appropriation, including the Missionary Schedule, $21,'793 58 iThe Committee recommend this appropriation, the deficiency ng more than counterbalanced by grants for Missionary ries for Parishes to which appointments have not yet been ide. » • lOn motion of Mr. Foster, seconded by Rev. G. M. Armstrong, [Resolved, that the Report be received. I The Lord Bishop then read the Missionary Schedule as re- itnended by the Committee, and each grant having been put arately to the meeting, the following quarterly payments unanimously passed, making in all the sum of $20,532.28, rthe Missionary services of the year. ■dover, Ithurst, pckville, mbridge, iipobello, ladiam, letown, belg, jind Manan, pnwich, Unpton, [nterbury, pgsclear, pgston, incaster, K'Vf, 'h> •1.1 . ev. H. Street, §122 50 11 W. B. McKiel, 151 87 n W. Cruden, 120 00 (( B. tShaw, ',, . 158 00 ii J. S, Williams, 122 50 <( S. Bacon, 183 75 (( T. E. Bowling, 141 26 <( J. Neales, 122 50 t( J. Hudson, 188 75 ' 151 87 l( W.Walker, .;).. : 183 75 (( T. Hartin, f '■),■ 131 87 (( J. Black, 183 75 (1 W. E. Scovil, • 122 50 « W. S. Covert. Ul 25 m ...i — .-^ 80 MfiugerTille, Moncton, Hew Maryland, ' , - Norton, ■" ... Petersville, • i Portland, St. Luke's, . ,; Prince William, Qoeensburjr, Biehibucto, i, ., St. Andrews, &c., t. David, • ' St. Geqrge, St. Mary's, Sackville, '' Shcdiac, Simonds, ,.. r , ,,,fr'^ Springfield, ^■ : ,, . 'Sussex, cj •''"'• '' Studholm, &c., Upham, Westfleld, ' '"'•■ Westmorland, ij i >; \>' • Woodstock, " Curate, Richmond, (in case of a re Buctouche, Clifton, &c., ?.'f.r Rev. H. Pollard, 191 " W. Boyer, 30 " J. Pearson, 40 " E. A. Wameford, 122 ifurr 50 " W. Harrison, CI " E. Hanington, 133 " W.H. Tippet, 151 " N. A. Coster,! m-^. 122 , " R. E. Smith, . . 30 " .T.Thomson, ^'•'• 161 " J. McGivem, c • 122 " W. Jaffrey, 151 " G. Roberts, ' '\ 73 " G. S. Jarvis, J 188 ," G. Schofield, , ir 161 " G.Rogers, ' ' 13G f " C. S. Medley, 122 " R. Simonds, 75 '• S. J. Hanford, 122 " E. S. Woodman, 122 " D. BUss, 91 " S. D. Lee Street, 183 " J. Dinzey, 100 t Missionary,) ( » A. H. Weeks, w. v 60 . 80 " D. J. Wetmore, 15 i.i.j • On, iDowling with the Iservioes Iport at W. M. J iReyvW. Oanu litwasrie ling be te lierTices Igentleme $20,582 On motion of Mr. C. H. Fairweather, the following gva "were unanimously passed : * 1: To the Widow of the late Canon Coster, S321, being $7t) from the date of Mr. Coster's death, Dec. 8th, '66, to April, and one year's pension to I'st April, 1868, $245. To the Orphan Children of the late Bev. T, ^cGhee, p able to their guardian, $100. ,,; :. , rr . : !.. f,Sm.i.!.. To the Executive Committee for contingencies, $200, To the Secretary and Treasurer each, $100, payable qu terly. To the Widows of the late Revs. J. M. Stirling, T Robertson, each, $100. To the Rev. J. S. Williams, in aid of a church school Campobello, $40. To the Lord Bishop for Missionary purposes, $160. On motio ' of "/lajor Robinson, seconded by Mr, Fenety. Resolved, that the sum of $80 be granted for a Lay Reader the Parish of Douglas, provided that when the collections the year are fully reported, the funds of the Society appeal the Lord Bishop sufficient to afford the same. Andt |jCommitt I "V I S J E J E . g On m( CoDstitut mously a Rule ^ Frederict writing, : HisL< the Rev. Where thanks of ship for 1 WlLLIAi 81 On.KQotiop of Mr. Jarvis, seconcled by the Rev. T. E. iDowling, — Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to confer jlfith the Lord Bishop as to the best means for securing the lierrices of a Travelling Missionary in this Diocese, and to re- irt at the next meeting of this Committee^ and that Mr. K M. Jarvis, Mr. H. W. Frith, Rev. G. M. Armstrong, and iBeVw W. Scovil, do compose the said Gammittee. On motion of Rev. B. Shaw, seconded bv Mr. E. Simonds, iji Wft9 riesolved unanimously, that the best thanks of this meet- ing be teudered to the Officers of this Society for their efficient lervices during the past year. And further, that the following gentlemen be the Officers of the Society for the ensuing year : S. J. Scovil, Esq., Treasurer. ifrf.r Rev. W. Q. Ketchum, M. A., Secretary. ' jiT 0. H. Fairweather, and ^ Audita W. H. A. Keans, Esquires, S ^^' And that the following gentlemen do compose the Executive dommittee : R. F. Hazen, W. Jack, tlit^■ W. Carman, E. Simonds, S. Boies DeVeber, J. Wilkinson, H. W. Frith, w^' ;ohe; J. M. Robinson, ' Hon. Judge Weldon,. S. D. Berton, J. Woodford Smith, R. Robinson, On motion of the Rev. C. ■U;-' I ;3 G. D. Street, George Roberts, S. R. Miller, R. D. Wilmot, ; B. L. Peters, Hon. Judge Allan, Samuel Foster, Hurd Peters, W.M. Jarvis; Major Robinson, T. W. Daniel, ■Yi D. C. Perkins, Lee, the following change in (the Constitution, of which due notice had been given, was unani- mously adopted : RuleVHL Object 2. The words "at King's College, Fredericton," be expunged : which said alteration has been, in writing, approved of by the Lord Bishop. His Lordship left the Chair, and on motion of the Secretary the Rev. G. M. Armstrong took the same ; Whereupon it was, — Resolved unanimously, that the cordial thanks of this Committee be respectfully tendered to his Lord- llhip for his kind and able conduct in the Chair. J. FREDERICTON, Chairmn. William Q. Ketchum, Secretary, .',. ^ ^ ^, jto.[,{w i jn'/j M \*m V Ot ANNIVERSARY MEETING. r > * .vT.^ T,;..'j iM;-' vi4ii;',y;s»;iJ' .(i, Ji/ lu &.;:..•( FttBDBRiCTON, July 4th, 1867. l'_ The^ Anniversary Meeting was hold in the Madras Sohooll If! »; (1;. i, Room at half-past 7 o'clock. • "Present. ■ ■^^■^>nb:i.c. . ..j j:..!..t|. ■ 'I..- '•ii. -fi The Bight Reverend the Lord Bishop in the Chair. The Clergy, many of the Lay Delegates, and other memberi . .'i, ,, ) of the Society. Prayers. ,, . The Lord Bishop read a letter from His Excellency tho Lieutenant Governor, expressing his regret at not being able| to attend the meeting. His Lordship then addressed the meeting, and called on the| Secretary to read the Report. On motion of the Hon. the Attorney Gene^l, seconded byl Mr. W. T. L. Seeley, it was — Resolved unanimously, that thel report be received, and printed under the direction of th^| Executive Committee. On motion of the Hon. R. D. Wilmot, seconded by the Hon Mr. Justice Allen, — Resolved unanimously, that this meeting] desires to record its sense of the valuable labours of the late! Canon Coster in behalf of the Diocesan Church Society ; as he was one of the first to assist at its formation ; for thirteen years he gave his services gratuitously as Secretary, and, to the close of his life, continued to labour in its behalf And that the Lord Bishop be requested to communicate this resolu- tion to Mrs. Coster. : .;.-,i ■• I ;■ •! The following notices were given of proposed changes in the Constitution of the Society : r Mr. W. Carman : for an additional object of the Society as follows : "10. The formation of a fund for receiving money or securities to be held ^as special trusts." Rev. E. A. W. Hanington: " 11. Aid to the establishment ftnd support of a Provincial Church School." ILJl- trAi fTflflllHl', \ called on thel Rev. B. Shaw : An alteration in Rule XII. 1 : to substi-^ tate after the words " alternately," the following, " on the First Thursday in October, and that the fiscal year shall close (A the first day of September." Mr. H. W. Frith gives the following notice of motion : — ^That the tiipe for holding the Anniversary Meeting be changed to the first Thursday in October, or such other period as may be determined on when the notice aforesaid is taken into consider- •tion. The Lord Bishop left the Chair, and on motion Rey. S. I)». Lee Street t*ok the same ; „jii. [. ., nJjxJat; Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. Frith, andlresolved unani- I iMusly, that ike best thanks o! this Society be tendered ^to his I lorduip jfor his kind attention in the Ohair. JOHN FREDERICTON, Chairman. < |W. Q. Kbtohum, jSfecretory. ,' .:•;':.[•>/• £»iaHO« ft! I.':M;f is:' > ■ '>l.iii.'in 1 "'"^ ">''i' 1 ■^■«^•'■ - ' ■'•■• '^:r> ^i&i.f'r<-' .^^> thT •'■'/.'•:''jj^'; .-..Si > :■■ r^'^y-i •'■■'• ::!■!;? (Tmi! -'ij-'i.- nlyr ■ Jfx- ••'!, no bn.*!" % }ijH\. .V7 .-rlf :r: " S-.-:- -.', Ml P ^ ''*^ •^ s • >!.«!. . ■/ 'i<^..::>.:in5' ■•[i fiV 5M ",, .D'U'U"i ')'l! ""sjli'l '^f f' ^i- J.V l^h'V ij a<' I'i^ir-vi^Aiidi hi ii')Ui Jn gif : iA _^t^ m A REPORT OF THB PROCiyEDINGg OF THE EXECU- ITIVB COMMITTEE OF THE DIOCESAN CHURCH SOCIETY FOR THE PAST YEAR. ' JiiiIT-- : noitor:. lo ooiJoji pjnfrc\UA n.l^ 'fiU^ lUbl ,W I) .'iM ' Qflie niinutcs of xlio meeting of this' Commikee Bold in St. John oh the, 6th Jaly) 1866, wore published ih the Slat Jte- 1 Dort. (See page 86-87.) .*' (the n4xt ttifeeting of thia Committee was held at Frcdericton October 8rd, when the account of BaiVies ft Co., for printing the iMt AnmuaLRepoAl, an>puntipg,^Ji^;2.QA. ?^«^ J;oad,.aBd ordered to'be paid. -." ■,;.(; -iV .. ■,:,,:!> -...^f; .,.u ■ . <■ _„- , A statement of th« Treasurer's Aocount mode up to the lit| of October was presented. A report of the Oommittee apperinted in July last withl reference to the DeWolf Estate, was read,- and the Lord BishopI was requested to act in accordance with the redommendalioal contained in the said Report. An Account of the Secretary for incidental expenses fron July to October, amounting to $12.60, was ordered to be paid.! The Committee met at St. John on the 2nd of January, 'G7,| when a lette* from the Secretary was read, acknowledging the[ receipt ftom Mr. W. Jack of a bond on tho part of tho Trea surer in conjunction with the Rev. W. E. Scovil and Majoij W. B. Robinson, in the sum of $4000, and also reporting cerJ tain subscriptions unpaid. The Treasurer's Account made up to 1st January last wa submitted. The Loan Committee was directed to invest tho sum ol $2,000 received from the estate of the late F. W. Hathewayl and the ^rtion of the principal paid on the Arnold mortgager A correspondence between Mr. W. Jack and the Lord Bislioi and Mr. E. W. Miller, on the subject of the Miller Mortgage] having been read, it was referred to the Loan Committee. Mr. W. Jack's Account for services rendered, amounting $14.70, was ordered to be paid. The Secretary was directed to write to the Local Cemmitteej referred to in his letter, and to urge the immediate payment ( the sums due to the Society. At the meeting of tho Committee at FKcdericton on tho 6tj m of March, the Treiisuicr's Account maJo up to tho 27th of February was submitted. An Account for printing Notices in tho '* Royal Gazette" for the past year, amounting to $8.10, was ordered to bo paid. At a meeting of this Committee held at St. John, June r)th, 1867, tho Treasurer's Accounts were laid before tho meetine, and afterwards transfered to the Auditor's, — the balance in hand up to 1st May being 82,559.89. A report of tho proceedings of this Committee for the past year was received, and tlie Secretary was directed to add thereto an abstract of the Minutes of this meeting, and lay the Report before tho General Committee. A Report of tho Loan Committee was submitted by Mr. W. Jack, which was ordered to be received and filed. Also a Report of the Committee appointed last summer to consider a claim of Messrs. McMillan against the St. John 3ook Depository, amounting to $87.7o. On motion; it was, — Resolved, that the General Committee be recommended to pay tho said amount. Jt was — Resolved, that the Rev. C. Lee and Mr. W. Carman be a Committee to make necessary arrangements tor the meeting of the Society in Fredericton in July ne.\t. . .? \i •> An Account of the Secretary for incidental expenses from October 1866 to June 1$67, amounting to $15.06, was or- dered to bo paid. The Committee mot at Frederioton July oih, 18G7, when the following Accounts wore read, and ordered to be paid : Expenses in attendance, &c., at late meetings, S4.65. Treasurer for Postjifj;c, o 5. Secretary for Travelling, Postage, &c., ?11 83. On 'motion — Resolved. That o,00i) copies of tho Annual Report be printed, and that the "Rev. W. It. DoVobor and Mr. H. W. Frith be requested to assist tho Secretary in that duty. On motion — Resolved, That the Treasurer of this Society, Rev. W. Scovil, Mr. B. L. Peters, Mr. C. II. Fairweather, and Mr. W. Jack, be tho Loin Committee for the ensuing year, and that they be voquestod to render a detailed account to the Treasurer of payments luul ainounts due on the invest- ments before the closo of each fiscal year. •4 '41 K • w , p:. _^vL»' 86 ) lit f'HUy i 1 ^ 5 8 $ 8 CO Q ^ w i-i W © ffl 0 OD M Ut 00 OS ^ 94 M 00 C4 la OO CO 90 CO ^ » COS bo; m I e 5 :5 o Si Wgco O MW(»»aEH(i<'*:Ww ^11 I O > "O . u o §n Woo^JziiS ^^><^pq Ph oJH l-8>-8l-s dfi^HHi^^K^» <§ = itili llill a i M t • tt r .rfi***^ f :t 38 II S8: 1 ift b- ■* n S S8SS,8 QC o o ao o •* o o -««.o O © Ir^ P !>• ■* >(5 b-.»« US-* * o as'co o-* » o *«■ 'o i-( » ■^ « Jl W to «0 ■^ iH •* •* CO S8S.8: ' «o S 00 « o ns OO >r) tn If) »-- h- o o 00 CO O O 58 00 00 GO t« Cd O O) B.5. a ^ o SO? S 3 ■ p4^ H 00 «i»-H CO rH 04 CO CO 10 0& o©b»©ti-o>nt-«5 uj©co>qdbujl>oO0 e-aS CO 04 ud 04 04 eo N NO* 04 CO t««o S ^ ^ I oo 1 W O O >-< t- <-i p cocoeo«ao'*«e»o^ 88 s SS s OJW ' ^ ») s^ CO<0 t« 8SB 88S- * •2* --ays PI 1= ' |»i > ^ •>.' N 8! 11 : «0 Woo •««:!: # ^ 1 CO Oi ill CO ' f memm ^ -^ > i t i; 09 40 toi ea q> t~ to ^ \i) ■^ •.* ^ e* ^mco^usom ocoo w la 4< rH r-lfiSl >a ^ C4 iHi-4 1-4 rH rS iH CO i 0410 8- 1 1 ^^^ >*'^»^/*''^\ 9 > » §.00 23 » lO Mi 00= i^ 01 I CO 04 ..•<» 8\s ■*o o ... $^8 <»« 2! . "»o S^ «»«» S^ ,s 00 *^^i, l^^gi VO MM' to oon B5 S'EEII S8 «s o iooco o8 lf»CO «» «» >s 8 I 0» 3 •a '8 o ») • o ^. •fc ..0. St) t« iT H 03 CO B a d S -^ 5 -a ® a5 a * •«lfi 8& (L| A^PH^Snnw ^ 3 :: QQ i|f|illl 09 OS 09 03 09 00 09 oo 09 & PP^ 80 C4<-IC0 O eg N rH 0> o ;::8S88S8SS8S88SS! (Nooo CO 04 phco e> o> iH o i> 00(0 o b«S6od90>o tH ko 'OojrH'^ CO t- la o fh 1-4 00 o i-i e«i !>. 1-4 lo CO o> >a/H iQ CO ffi o US r-<4iC0O CO >0 W t* »1 00 91 M -H CO 04 04 -o o o eg 10 *■"• >a< •OJ CO A ? a » • s •s CO o ,1 09 8 '^ ^^ .8 • 0» 58 S '^co .* 8* 8 0000 I 04 b-O 00 01... ...o ' ©01 O "9 o to »a 10 a> 1-1 a»4» ._ 8 %' .3 0» «i -fi « o |lllli|ldl V*^ O "O >s mil o S & e> 1838tol8J 1853tol8i 1857. Se 1858. Se( 1859.. Set %, : L859 I860. Set 1861. Set 1862. See 1863. See 1864. Sec 1865. See 1866. See 1867. Mis si^ K> Con Wid Wid & Offi Sch X •^Hatiii 7&1i%^ o> eooaoi as**! § O • <3» •a ^ S 'o .8' ■|.' •^^•5'^i oooo >o to ./:J '4- H CHURCH SOCIETY OP NEW BRUNSWICK.' r m |l838tol853. See 17th Report, page 38-42, £9,988 15 6 11853 to 1856. See 20th Report, page 44, 13,891 4 1 - 11857. See 21st Report, page 45, 1,400 0' 11858. See 22nd Report, page 50, 1,600 |1859. See 23rd Report, page 50, 1,550 1%, 1859. See 24th Report, page 83, 895 11860. See 25th Report, page 51, 1,352 15 8 11861. See 26th Report, page 49, 1,789 2 6 |1862. See 27th Report, page 50, 1,851 6 11863. See 28th Report, page 51, 1,726 15 8 11864. See 29th Report, page 52, t $7,437 76 |1865. See 30th R^ort, page 49, 6,240 00 11866. See 81st Report, page 45, 'i^ /' i. :\ • / 7,098 06 ^ 11867. Missionary purposes, exclu- v, . /: >nvoui v />t sive Society for the Propa- - ' -^ ^' ' ■' ■ ' gation of the Gospel grant, $6,550 08 Contingencies, 200 00 Widows and Orphans, ..... 360 00 'r^il^nui '^^i Widow of late Canon Coster, jivo**. ' from date of his death, ... 821 00 ifif'^j ^ ,r Officers, 200 00 aviXii '.^.^^' School, 40 00 ,;j;^«^ . Special grant Hymn Books, • j -: na Messrs. McMiilan, 87 78 H-' J^ '' " ?ii .o>itif.' , ' I'l " $7,698 81 ,' . y. .K.6•!ic;^'!a ..k:kj;=.u?i il ,.ll J .;iaiT'-IV:;',) , i<*-j 4 / ' ! I 1 42 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE DIOCESAN CHURCH SOCIETY OP NEW BRUNSWICK. t By the payment of not lesa .%}^ Ten Pqunds at any one time. Those marked with A. S. are also Annual Sabscribere. 1830. 1839. ^'j:- WSTMORE, JUSTUS, Esquire, A. S. ROBINSON, Hon. F. P., A. S. SCOVIL, Rev. WILLIAM, A. S. 1840. PARKSRI, Hon. NBVILLB>,l{ajt«r ef Rollf, V. P., A. S. ROBINSON, Col. JOHN, V, P., 4, S,, < m;, ;• 1842. RATOBFORD, B.I). W'.miire'.'l^' '^ ^ ^^' 1W3. SMITH, HENRY BOW YER,BeqiiiWi v. P; i ; -: . 1845. OOLBBROOKE, His Esoellencr Sir \V|lLLI AU, Jtf . Q., (0. B. K. H., l»ti Lteatenant GoTernor and Oommaiider-in^Ohief. FRBDX^IOTON, the Right Rev. J0^^^, Lord BMop of, PrMident, A.S. GILBERT, GEORGE©., Bsqulre. .,,..,..- ,. .. ,y. ,,.., BAUNI>BHS,non. JohnS.,V.P. * ' SMITH, G. SIDNEY, X 5. ;«'f 1846. ?; h 1847. .tieuoJI ii:"i; TILLBY, Hon. S. L., V. P., A. S. . -^.n fWul Ajl WiaaiNS, FREDERICK A., V. P. ■„" '' , ;,' ., ,,.■ ,r IV i \iii. RE ADS^' ALFRED, Esquire. SBAI^y^WARD, Esquire, A. S. WIGGtlrS, Mrs. STBPHBN, A. S. HBNDARSON, EDMOND, Captain, R.^. :;Cii: ',Jll rf!fr fid':.; 1849. HSAD, His Ezeel|enoy Sir EDUUNi) :WjAIiKBf^'6^6 J'K< T.4 tot^ientenank Gore^nor nad CoDi|iiander>in-Ciiief, fto., f ,, , V/roInY^ THOMSON, Miss AITOE • :--^'^'<"i •'- ';-' '' "^/.V/, SOOVIL, Miss AMELIA B., Ai «!> nonfj'.^ 9i'f VJ vrOUi. ff BEDELL, ReT,;G.Lul. -S. ,i'r i, --hi 'lii • Iru r-fort 1857. HANINaTON!l)iNl^LL.,Bs4ni^6,''A'. A}*' ^" ^^' "'^.■.L 1868. HALL, S. S.,Bsquli^A. -S. ■..OOntU FAIRWBATHiB&)Q. H., Esquire, A. 5. { )(JifdH SOOVIL, 8. JOHN, Esquire, A. &■ " V," I , .. % SHORTLAND, Captain, R. BTJ (fcrYjUnf;;?:^ UuOf^vf^ SCOVIL, MiM AMY. ; . , .a;uIiI^oM .=-.ta«oM SOOVIL, P. LUCRBTIA, A.S. (3KARBDTT, HENRY, Esquire. DONALDSON, L., Esquire. DAmBIi, T. W., Esquire, A. S. GORDON, The Honorable ARTHUR H., late Lieutenant Governor ana r..u.< Commander-in-Chief, Ao., Ao. 1866. BEST, NORRIS, Esquire, A. u'l').ii . Ij-I •nni'o- ' lo' 1 1' RUNSWICK. ■•^ H SUBSGRIFTIONS FOR 1867. 4 < : rr >&«' vja t^' I ■ ■ . '■' ^' ^•■■■'".'^' ! 9 time. Thoee ' ' • :i'i!!l.' /vffi-n'lisaCi ■i-Mtt )TB. ISDOVER & GRAND FALLS. Ltidgate, Frances ' ' • "la|'r m • ! ! ' ' Imireaux, Allen $1 00 Ludgate, jr, Hannalii lSit\ Uccrly, Edwin 50 McKeen, Robert 60' iz Iterly, Mrs Edwin, v .,,; 50 McKeen, Mrs Robert 60 Uierly. Willidm 50 Miller, Andrew 60 % Ml, George 1 00 Miller, Mrs Andrew . < i / . i 50 ; ^!^ ■ *•■■'■ town, Mr and Mrs P W 10 00 Miller, Herbert B :• ; 12* '^^ 1: ;y:v .^v'.w laird, Henry 50 Miller, Henry A 12*' > *w D. B. K. H., Itti lardj Mrs Henry, , . 50 Miller, Stanbey P 124 ■•■ laird, Adam :( , ' . • 50 Maclauchlan, William M 2 00 1 President, ^.5. laird, Mrs Adam I ' ' 50 McCrea, William ' 1 00 ■^ 1 laird, George 50 McAlce, Mary *£ v... 12i i. '.'• Afi/^l tl. laird, Mrs George 50 Nelson, George k... 100 ' laird, George Thomas 25 Nowcombe.WR '•' . ' 1 00 laird, Annie Maria 25 Newcombe, Mrs 10ft m "1: &9b .•::■ leckwith, Charles 2 00 Newcombc, Annie B 80 1- :•. fc„l^ •:';:i' iTrao, Oliver - i,, n?. 1 00 Newcombe, Agnes Beveridge 60 i; V. 1 '— S7V • ' • ' lyran, George 1 00 Perley, Allen flO i ■; jy': lyran, William ■, Ji.i'v"- . '. 1 00 Perley, Wallace ..-mi.'. 60^ ie«, Ifttii'Lteateti^ yran, Edwin 1 00 Pickett, Lewis, !;'.:1. 4 OOfi Hake, George .ui,... 25 ■ Pickett, Mrs L "i '; 4 OQ'' • Irozier, Thomas . • 4 00 Robinson, Mrs 1 601 ' ;rozier, "William rr" ;I 1 50 Rainsford, AW 2 00'^ 'rozier, Frederick ,•,,!• 50 Rainsford, Mrs AW 2 00 I > ' t ; ■■■fSfUt -.<''■ loombes, Abraham ih ,i.r.- 1 00 Raymond, Lizzie 2S> ■ 1 '■ \ )st9^Lieatenant loombes, Emma .i:. ,nt:. . 25 Rider, Reuben SO'i '\ loombes, Mrs ";■ .um: 23 Rider, Mrs Reuben 60 ' '^ 'c* olwell, Thomas 1 00 Reed, Duncan 1 00'' ■ I'i'iO'J immerson, John 4 00 Reed, Mrs D i^x 2 00" 1 ''■u:,i^;' ■ iverett, Mrs R r^ 2 00 Street, Rev WH -.11117/ 4 00).' luir, Arthur i- -■ '■ 50 Saunders, John trni'ol:. 2 00 i ' i -uiiLVT ruir, Mrs Arthur 50 Taylor, John Un^ih: 1 001' , .-!0A lammond, Charles, jr 60 . Taylor, Mrs *■ ■' -'.!i!'/ 60m . r 1 V. lammond, Mrs Charles, jr 50 Taylor, jr, John ■ 60^1- '■ lammond, Cooke 5 00 Tibbitta,MrandMjaThoe 6 OOmi H iOibrl lammond. Manse 1 00 Waddell, Alexandi*!. ■■■ . . 1 OttM' i ■••!:,"«! lammond, Mrs Andrew 1 00 Waddell, Sarah 609(1? ,• ^/l lammond, Mrs Charles 3 00 WatsoH, WiUiam ■ 1 00" ' 'I 1 '.t ,.fj lammond, jr, Cooke 2 OO i Watson, Mrs William ■ 1 Oa>" ' lodgson, John 1 00 Watson, jr, William 60>i' ^ letberington, Thomas 1' 00 Watson, James 60i<> ' adgate, Patrick 1 00 Watson, Samuel 00- '■ it GoTernor utd- ttdgate, Jas W . i 25: Wfttson, Mrs Samuel 2 00 • u%ate, Joseph -lo' .■ \K .. 25' Young, Mrs 60<' "i udgate, Michael P :uh-.- 25 : • Young, Robert ■> 50i' ■■; udgate, Allen W wi.,'ilv 25' Young, S Albert KUtali 28: ' • ., Patron, il. 5. ndgate, Robert Alonzd " 25' Ytfung, Frances L T "i r i ' ' 25( : %ate, John 25 Young, Mary J .i-illhi- 25 ^ ndgate, Margaret A 12i Collection in ChurcheBy" 11 88 'i / ■ y - adgate, Eliza 12i udgate, Katharine -i ; . 12i' ... . ,. #118 184. 44 BATHURST. Collected by Mrs. McKiel. Bishop, Joseph Binhop, Samuel A'dc Carter, J T Deblois, W J DcsBrisajr, Theophilus End, Florence Alua McKicl, Rev W L B McKicl, Mrs Miller, Mrs S ,. il Smith, Henry ■♦^ Sutherland, Mrs Ist collection in Church, 2nd " " tli... ■■■ " • I- 1 : • HEW BANOOK. Barker, Sarah Breckenridge, Mrs James Caie, Arthur Chamberlain, Isaac Dealey, Richard W Dealy, Richard Dempsey, Mary Jane M Eedy, Jonathan Eedy, junr, William Eedy, Anne Ellis, Susanna Ellis, Lizzie v<' A Forbes, Richard ' . ' Forbes, Mary :■.. Friend, A Good, Nicholas Good, Mrs Edward Good, Mrs William Hickson, Richard Jeffries, Edward Jennings, Mary Ann Jennhigs, Elizabeth E Knowles, junr, William Knowles, junr, John Knowles, R S Knowles, junr, Thomas Knowles, Hannah Knowles, Mrs William Norton, Maria Scott, William Scott, Mary 'v. Scott, Joseph Smith, Matthew Smith, Mrs Susan Smith, William T Wiseman, William Unaccounted for •100 60 50 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 27 84 .1 w". . ^28 11 ^ 25 ■26 25 25 50 50 50 1 00 60 60 40 40 60 60 60 1 00 60 24 50 60 25 25 1 25 1 00 1 00 1-00 60 60 i: --.'.;... 60 V^-f '•=»'/' 60 b-rJ 26 •n-.Ci 60 \r UK 60 h'jO.'H! 60 ... Tif, 1 60 -1 ■ , 17 'ISf 918 76 CARXQUET. Collected by Mr. E. Romeril. Bradford, AbeU Ic^ «2 00 Bree, John 100 Charlton, William 100 De La Perrelle, John 200 Egre, William 1 00 Fruning & Co., William 200 Jcandron, Frank 1 00 Marett, Capt. John P 200 Piert, John 100 Rabine & Co., Charles 400 Romeril, Elias 2 00 Romeril, George 200 Rive, Pliilip - "* 200 Sutherland, Adam 2 50 Sutherland, Alexander 200 Sutherland, George 160 Traverse, Andrew 100 880 00 In all, 870 87 CANTERBURY. .Blair, jr, John £0 2 6 Blair, Mrs 26 Boyd, Catherine 13 Cunningliam, jr, Thomas 50 Cunningham, sr, William 1 3 Cunningliam, Margaret 1 3 Cunningham, Thomas W 18 Cunningham, Andrew, 1 3 Cropley, Samuel • -• ^ ■ 1 8 Cropley, Mrs t- 7 1 3 Cropley, Marion L 74 Cunningham, sr, Thomas 13 Cunningham, Mrs T 1 3 Cunningham, jr, William 1 8 Cunningham, Mrs 13 Dougherty, Mrs 1 3 Dongherty, George f- ■^^- 13 English, James - '■■' 1 * 1 8 English, Mrs •■ ' i^l 1 3 Garden, Edward 1 8 Gardenj Mrs Edward 18 GrosVenor, S F J P 60 Graham, George '''•'' •?' ' 13 Graham, Mrs George 18 Graham, John 1 8 Graham, Mrs John 1 3 Hartin, Rev Thomas iOO Hartin, Mrs 10 Hartin, John Medley 2 6 Hartin, William Edward 26 Hartin, George F H M 18 46 E. Bomeril. e2oo 100 100 n 200 1 00 liam 200 1 00 P 200 100 log 400 ... ' 2 00 200 »' .'. 2 00 2 50 ler 200 160 ■ .:; ^ 100 Eartin, Charles G Coster 1 3 Hartin) Addinghani Cavcrhill 1 8 Bartin, Eliiea Ann, ' 13 Hamilton, James 1 3 Baniilton, Mrs James '13 Mackay, William ' '•'' 1 3 Mackay, Mrs William • 13 Vain, William 2 6 Main, Mrs William 2 6 McKay, Hugli J P 2 6 McMullan, George 1 3 McMullan, Ann ' ' 13 McMullan, jr., James 13 McMullan, sr, James 1 3 McMullan, sr, Mrs. James 1 3 McLauclian, Alexander 2 6 Robinson, J P, Bobt Esqr, 16 Bobinson, Mrs. Robe^ 10 Shannon, Bobert 1 3 Shannon, Mrs -*" W '13 Winters, Charles "18 Winters, Mrs Cliarlcs ' ' 1 8 Worth, Godfrey 18 [Worth, Mrs : 13 Wilson, Mrs 1 8 Walling, William 1 3 Walling, Mrs William 18 Walling, Hugh 1 3 Walling, Mrs Hugh 1 8 Collections after Sermons, 2 Total amount, £9 1 lOh CAMPOBELLO. . . * - * Batson, John ' '\ Batson, junr, Arthur Beatty, W collected by Batson, John H Brown, Colonel W Byron, Luke ^'^^ Byron, Mrs Browning, Mrs Chapman, Richard Cooper, Margaret Calder, Mrs James Dienaide, Peter Farmer, John Esq, Flagg, Price Owen Flagg, Mrs C i - Gregg, John GiUigan, William Johnstone, George Lank, Mrs Edward Moses, Mrs McNichol, Edgar Parker, James Rice, Isaac Robinson, Hon Capt ffO 75 2 00 60 75 90 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 26 75 'i. 76 1 66 82i 66 1 00 1 00 1 60 75 1 00 00 60 62i 10 00 2 1 Simpson, Mrs ^' Stimpson, Mrs ' ' Vennell, Daniel '' < Williams, John Williams, Rev J 8 Beatty, Estclla collected by Lank, Julia " In small sums, . Alms Boxes, . ^ '* ,, Sale of Books, ' . , Alms Box, I.. • :. . Anon, Collections in Church, i 975 00 CARLETON. Allen, Mr R . Avery, Mrs Boyd, Miss Card, jr, Henry Carleton, James Coram, Thomas Coster, Mrs Craft, Mrs T Craft, Mrs J Craft, sr, W H Donay, Mrs Drake, Mrs P Emmerson, C Earlc, Robert Friend, Ferguson, , Graham, Robert Griffith, Mrs C Griffith, James Griffith, jr, William Halford, Mr Handy, Mrs Harris, Mr Jinks, Mrs Ketchum, Mrs T Ketchum, Mrs C Lee, Mrs G " ' Lee, Miss A Linton, Patrick ' Long, Miss J Langen, William Long, Miss M Mills, Mrs Morgan, George McLacliian, J McLachlan, Mrs S McLeod, Mrs McQuade, Mrs McFrederio, M Perkins, Mrs Roley, Mrs «1 1 6 I. i} ■Li (:!!:;/. rl'l GO 00 00 60 00 25 00 40 20 00 20 20 60 80 03 60 00 20 feO 60 60 60 60 76 60 00 00 50 20 50 00 60 40 24 00 00 50 25 06 70 25 its _M-^' M Bob8on, Mrs ^,'> •, ,, 'lloo, Ilonry ^'^^f ,. ini,flO ' .20 ,Shani])L'r, Mrs 25 Sherwood. Mr 20 Stackhoupc, sr, J 1 00 Strange, Samuel ,yheull, MrsT ,.,,.,, 1. 00 60 Vail, Mrs J ,,„ ,, jj,, . ■ ea ,W«ilker,Dr.T ,,^;,;j Walker, Rev W .; .. jj 2 00 2 00 Walters, Samuel '' ' |^. ■• 24 Walters, James WAtters, Mrs ,,. ,,.; ,,,„:, 60 60 Opllections, ^ 27 48 (■ivT- $U6 40 (The following list was not received ,',;, in time for the Inst year's report.) Allen, Uobert ,„[{,' Avery, Mrs .. V Corr^ll, Mrs Samuel Coster, liev Canon ,, .. , Craft, Mrs JO ,.,i,'^ Davis, Mrs R ;' .^.,'1,;, Dodge, Mrs (, .'ji,^ Drake, Mrs J { 7; ■, , Ketchum, Mrs S ^ ,f; Lee, Mr. G ;' -..^u^ Lebnr.vd, Henry t ,„,,.. ,,, Mayes, ftirs D -s .'.f;:;! Saycs, jr, Samuel ^ . ayes, G — • .uMcLachlan, Mrs J, „f,ijl ,.. ilcLeod, Mrs T t f/df .. Morgan, G , Nase, Henry Noble, Isaac :^;iTase, W Olive, Mrs J Perkins, Mrs Phnir, Mr G If' $2 00 ,■88 1 00 4 00 1 00 CO . 60 60 I'OO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 .iiti'i. yiPitchie, J uSobson, Mrs J .^fehamper, Mrs •' Stackliouse, sr, J ( , Strange, Mrs .vThcali, Mrs T y Walters, Cli' 00 r m' I a^acon, llov Samuel 20 PO 4 00 60 1 00 GO 1 00 1 00 .^\■il- .> (iO At-:-(J« .:>■ ^--^ .'■n;jil, , 117/ .n. 1,"' ,! . M ■ .-.-i:/: .ffi CHATHAM. 2 00 1 00 r.o .80 ,§;}2 f)3 ■K--JI!. ,4:1 f)]Benson, Mr & Mrs StaflFord 1 10 ■ ■Benson, Mary .5 • Benson; Sophia Huruliill, George 10 | HiiKilu'U. Mrs Go.orge . lo 1 Brolmut, Tlios Smith, 6 < lialdwiii, sr, Daniel » 1 Italdwin, John 5 | Brown, Mrs John 1 Baldwin. William -. , i Benson, James mviV ai Bell, John £ Biildwin, Alexander 6 1 Burbridge, Joseph 6 Blair, Mr and Mrs ' 12 i Blair, Gordou.i :, ..,,_ ,„..; ., ,il,| Blair, Mary ■' .i- .; I'v"' 1 Blair, Charles, 1 Blair, Eaimy I : Cijiuird, Honry ,'j 1. ■; 1 10 I Copping, Mary .>r;M m., Church Woman, ,i.:il ,r.o Conday, Mrs \f:Ui .;... JTenety, Mrs T.-:ii';i .» Tenety, James •. .'" . , i Fenety, Mrs William !) . Flcigcr, Thomas ., i if Fleiger, John ^j U^ Fleiger, Henry iliitV/ . Fleiger, GE.i;ii77 •'.iH . Friend, A Ti . Gillespie, T F Goggin, JR A ,»ii. Gillcspii', Bessie Harley, .tohn ,u [■i:tt Harper. W N Harloy, Mrs William Hockc!!, liiohard Hockcn, Mrs, Richard Hoeken. John Hocken, Bessie, ,r,i\:i n ,,i' HuHon, Mrs a niioU „ • Howard, WB '.•a^.A--'.) ,n" Hunter, Mrs 'if.l Jackson, Stephen i'.^ Ji)!inson, Mrs Widow Johnson, Mr & Mrs H A j.Lotson, F G L;il)t!iorn, Samuel i iti'!'. ■.iMiiil ;6 Juoye Wm :i nctol, ,-i.'; Jjyn. Grace ('; •.•>K'i. ca ! .Maitby. John i. Miller, Mrs G I McCulloy, Sanmel > McLaughlan, Wm ; Mitcliell, Mrs Ncalos. Rev Wm Sterling, • Neales, Thomas 'Pallen. Mrs eiiv)''. Parlcor, G J !>r. , a .i'.',a ■: a .1:6 i(. 8 ,tl)'i: 5 .((■>"•,!' 8 V'.Ji: 2 ,„ »;;;;: 1 it •, !■; 6, a 10 1 5 10 10 3 .fill" 5 6 .•o '2 ■ 10 7 7 ■■' 2 6 1 1 h.r. .■>>; 3 .■ki.;i«r s v., 1/1 ..; 1 10 11 i) 7 ••!^t' .-^'j ^ i Parker, Mrs G J .loH ,ii>iHir 7 47 10 >rBe 10 lith, 6 cl ,.JJ '■ t."l8 . , er li B ' I .1 ,lf .i"i;-m!1 2 lam VfT-Jt . v> 7/ M 1 !1D ! 6, a 10 1 5 10 la > 3 .!■ •'if.f ,ru. low rsHA rh.I. ,v.. ■')'•• I. (i. ■ vii/! ,;: .i!t.l> ."'; .' .ftr,":; 5 ■ ,6 2 10 7 7 2 15 1 1 Sterling, 1 WA ,l.i.t'- 11 ••((til. .•!; 2 !1 ,i^-;8!. 7 Parker, Miss Ui.L'l't 7« |»ifker,'l:dni'< ' Hiyiiii-' ;^«i 6 Peck, Mrs 1 „i),;,|. ; ,„„ 2 Jatton, N ,,,. „.^,si. ,--n:, 2 (5 orcivnl. Mi«s i ., .,.., |10 (ciciviil, GcorKf „.',>/. '...,i 6,0 irk', Micjl^l •,,•, „',,sv' <> 3 rk>, JamM'.; ; ;,;_. y^. „,,„,. „; 2 6 ■Ml- Mrs ,mrll..-;2G 1th, Sarah /.,,r,„t .„,.n / " " .)• ^•1 17. . it«vens, lifrs 'ly>m8on, Mary 'raer, Sophia ; Uoek, Thotiitui flock. Anjju* Ilock, Mrs Wm Qiidy, sr, Tliomas . ondy, jr, Thomas . ,^ . . WUhston, Henry .^jj,- [^^ Mlson, John ,, ,,.,^u,,;> „ « iiWilson, James «v ry ■,..:■, " .Wilson, Mary ;, ;!)-.o1.'>;< wnght, Arthur . ./; ... Wilkinson, Wm "-r Wilkinson, Mas Wm inikinson, Eliza Bacpt^ l^kinaon, Wm Jamea Wflkinson, Mary Editli Two Collections, ,^,^2, 2 6 5 »,0 8 2 6 1 21 1 a 3 9 ''l'5 .••II lU -r.. I. ,d.)!V :* ,oi'ii' .iA .... 7 fi 1 .3 3 6 3 4 2 G 10 100 50 50 5 5 4 la .hv■^ :£82 a 8 • I ' ;' DOUGLAS ST. JOIIn'.S ClinjlCII, NASHWAAKSIS. Bailoy, Mr Gcorj^c , ,;, $0 25 urrldgc, James ,. '..'-{ij ,>r .. 2/> anfleld, Henry :) ' ,' .,.",rf ^^,2, (X) cjments, Major ;,. ., , '.,.il 00 Slcmcnts, George, d J.jV •> '/^ ®^ ■ '"" "Kilt ..jl; 100 '.iM .v.'ii ■<'lf .irofcf.. ;r.rii;T, .I'lrioo ti\,i:lA .ofioi- ■••:j()..;i .bri!. oments. J S B [ox, iirs Henry ox, Mrs Murray ox, Edward Kcone. Henry Koble, Joseph ?ugh, Itichard jBugli, Stcplien Bobinson, Jack DeLancoy Staples, JIrs H -j^ , Staples, Miss h -■; . y ,. ^ temple, Charles :■ jPhujch collection, May 19, 'U7, 25 20 1:00 1 00 60 I 00 4 00 50 , 30 ar, AI.I. SAINTS (!UUn01l, CnOM ROADI. Brown, l)r •jvin,;) .]/! ,•! 00 Brown, Mrs 1 ,00 Burt, Jarvis JSfi Dowling, Ilev. Tlieodoro K ^, w Fleming, Mrs 1 fO Gray, Mrs ^5 Hawkins, Benjamin Manson, Miss MeKcen, Captain McKeen, Mrs McKeen, Abraham ' ,■■'■'<'■■ ••'" ■ <, 1 20 .lol .vj, 1 24 McKeej, junr., John ,,T A ., X 00 McKeen, William • ' , 3 00 McKeen, junr., William oO Pickard) Mrs Abraham I ; OO Quinn, Thomas 70 Sloot, Mrs Benjamin 70 Sloot, Mrs Robert 1 00 Smith, Thomas 1 00 Smith, Miss Elizabeth 60 Smith, James W 1 00 Smilli. Saiimel James 3 00 " " (186G) 3 00 Smith, Thomas 1 pO Warren, Miss E - . ,60 White, George ;■ .,U. J (^ Wolbaupter, Mrs I 00 Yerxa, Allen 60 Church Col'ction, Aug. 14, 'C6, 2 24 " M^yia,'67, ai,67 —i'. M?.ifi 8T, I'AUl/S OUUUCH^'UVPpn K^^^J(^I{: a\r,iliV/r' .VH',})U\'-nlJ_ A. B. ^ :,-iit.:i friend, Garrison, Gordon, Gordon, Gordon, J Gordon, ] Gordon, . Graham, Graham, Graliam, L 6rcenwoo( Gregory. Gregory, Gregory, Gregory, Grieves, 1 Grant, Mrs Grant, Wil Grier, Mar Origor, Mr Hackman, : Hanson, £( Harris, Mrt Hart, V M Hannay, J Hewitson, -S Hopkins, M Holbrooke, Howe, John Hubbard, Mi Hugliey, Jol Humphreys, Hunt, Geo C Inches, Andi Jacob, Mary Jacob, M E hck, Mrs Jouett, B li Kelly, Miss Lawrence, VI Lawrence, ju -awrence, Ai Lee, Rev Chj ^ Lee, junr, Ch ^. Lee, G Herbc Lee, F Chail [«e, Mrs Gee Lee, Mrs Wil !gli, Mrs E -emont, W -ister, Tlie 2M '! Mrs jUlicr, William 91 00^1 Frascr, Mfm 0(yH Friend, A 25^1 Qarrisun, Miss' 4 OO'H Oordun, Mrs Dr ,'* 2 00^1 Qordon, Mrs Frank 4 00^1 Qordon, James Gordon, Mrs Samuel Qordon, Janc> Gralmui, Major (22(1 Rcgt.) Qraliam, John Qraham, Hannah Greenwood, Neville Gregory. T A (M ])) Gregory, Mrs Gregory, Miss Gregory, Charles C Grieves, Mrs Grant, Mrs Sylvia Grant, William , , Qrier, Maria ■'.'.' ',. Qrigor, Mrs ^"' ' Hackman, Mrs Hanson, Edgar and Mrs Harris, Mrs A Hart, F M Hannay, J ' Hewitson, Sergt J Hopkins, Miss Holbrooke, Miss Howe, John '' Hubbard, Miss . Hugliey, John . Humphreys, Mrs '' ' ' Hunt, Geo C. . .; ' Inches, Andrew Jacob, Mary N , ^ Jacob, ME / ••' 5;,; [Jack, Mrs ' ' • Jouett, B B ■ '' ' jKelly, Miss Lawrence, William \ ■ |lawrence, junr, William [Lawrence, Ann Lee, Rev Charles ILce, junr, Charles le, G Herbert [Lee, F Charlotte |Lee, Mrs George " le, Mrs William «h, Mrs E C mont, W 8ter, Tlie Misses cut. Gov., Gen. Doyle, ng, Charles, lUgrin, Mrs lUgrin, Miss [eneral) flftM'''K""i George 20 wmaunscll, Col and Mrs les 40^1 1 1 00^1 1 16 00H( rtory, 2 73^1 1 [rs 4 60^1 1 1 ooH 1 rd 60^1 4 87H }hu» 1 QoH 2 00H 4 ooH 20H ton. 80 00| 2 00B 4 OOH '^ ->■ 4 OOl • sol '*i''.j*— • '' *" '20^1 NCrslieterett n| 41V 100 ig l&O „ 000 100 200 60 40 00 25 or 13,00 kdMrs 800 20 20 1 Bt 100 w . 10» u ■"• 6 00 1 '' 100 1 60 1 200 1 100 1 100 1 26 H 40 H 24 H 46 H 20 H 100 H 100 H 100 H 200 Kb 12 00 00 00 10 CO 00 30 8.-. 30 W) 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 24 CO 40 60 00 00 50 25 00 00 00 00 00 30 50 00 50 00 00 8 00 25 00 00 24 12 20 10 GO 00 00 1 00 120 00 1 20 1 00 1 00 50 12 00 Mathcson, Mrs Miller, S R Mills, Joseph Merritt. Mrs Moore, Hugh Moore, Jane Moore, John Mofliitt, Mrs Mc'Luughlin, Sophia Mel'herson, Mfs Charles Missionary Boxes, Needluuu, Mrs Norris, Mrs Odell, Hon W H Odcll, Mrs Odell, junr, W H Odell, Ella , "., Odell, Fanny Odcll, Mary Puce, Darius Payne, Richard H •' Parker, lion Neville Parker, Mrs N Parker, Miss Pappe, Charles Pearson, Rov J Phair, A S Phair, J H Priestley, Major Puidie, 8 A Quinn, W H IJeetl. Ruth Roberts. George Hoberts, Emily UoWnson, Hon F P Robinson, junr, F P Roliinson, W H Robinson, John Robinson, H J Rowan, J T Rowc, Mrs Ryan, Mrs Rainsford, R H Scovil, Miss L r Segoe, W V Scgee, T W Shore, Mrs Sibbald, Alexander Simonds, Edward Simonds, The Misses Simpson, The Misses Swimm, Mrs Swimm, Elizabeth Swimm, Amelia Straton, F A H Street, Mrs Smith, Anthony Smith, Archibald SInite, S F 2 00 4 00 CO RO 4 00 s 00 00 20 50 CO 07 60 40 4 8t> 8 00 60 60 50 60 fiO 2 00 10 00 2 00 4 00 - 50 Huthoi-liind, Joseph Hunilay School, , TuttorsaH, Mrs Ti'inpU', Tliuiims Thoni :»■<, .Tolin ' Tlionia ;, Goorn" Tlinmii!<, John L Tllh-y/HonSL TiUoy. UU» Tyncko, Mrs , v - Vaviisour. Mrs "Wiilhico, Mrs ■Wnllaco, Jnmcs ^ . ■Walhu'i'. Miiry WaU-.. Willium Wlii'lph V. Mrs RiclKird Wholplcy, G P ■Williaiii.-, Etuina Wilinot, Mr and Mrs E II Wilkinson, J W Winslow, E Byron West, Mrs Ynrdy, Edward Ist Col. Christ's Churcli. 3d d« do Ist ilo Catliedral, ad do do 00 OG 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 1 MAliVLAND. Dunbar, William Dunbar, junr, Wm Dunbar, Elizabeth Duncan. Mrs Pisher, Lewis Fisher, Mrs L rislier. MaTgarot E Fisher, Henry Fisher, Mrs I[ Fleteher, Kdward Fletcher, Mrs Fletcher. .Tolm Fletclu r. David Graham, Elizabeth Graham, Tlioinaa Graham, AVilliam 'Graham. Mrs Thomas Hicklin. W Horneastle. Joseph Lipsett, David Lipsett, John LiniNay, James Lindsay, Mrs LimK'ay, Theodore C Lord, l)r Lord, IMrs Lor;!, John Lord, Jlrs John 00 00 00 r>o 25 95 10 fiO 00 40 20 00 6 00 2 00 a 00 1 00 17 00 11 17 5(i 00 CO 00 Total, $902 li) ■,V MacKnixlit, Sanmcl 1 00 MaeKniKlit, Mrs S / fiO O'Loary, Mrs GO O'Learv, Mary • 26 Riee, David Ht) Se^ee, Abraham i nO Whittaker, Joseph 60 Whittaker, Mra 60 Whittaker, Eliza 25 Whittaker, WillUtn 26 Collections in Church, 4 25 «27 48 ^ GAQETOWN. Collected by Misses Tilley and Bussio Smith. Friend Friend, McDcrmot, William Ncales, Rose Stirling Ncales, J Stanley Ncales, Mary Neales, Ilelqu i^nnth, C W Tilley, T M Wiggins, John ■[■>' ,iA' $0 40 100 CO 20 2 00 r.o 25 2 00 1 50 1 00 $0 {]i) 40 24 20 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 50 . 50 ' 25 25 " 44 60 1 00 50 1 50 '3 00 50 1 00 50 50 25 25 - 60 Collecteil by Misses M. Wetmore and H. S. DeVeber. DeVcber, N H DoVcber & Sons, Mrs G Friend, A Gilbert, II T (M D) Ilartfing, C A Harding, Mrs C A Johnston, Mrs Kincaid, James Law, John McMtilkin, Edward McMonagle, Miss ^IcClintock, James Milledge, J J Peters, Mrs Stiitt, Miss Ann Scovil, Mrs Tuck, Mrs Wood, Abrahivm $3 00 86 01 2 1 1 00 00 00 00 25 00 no 00 00 00 00 20 00 '20 00 Collected by Miss S. Dickie. 50 60 Cooper, Edward Dickie, Mr E M Dickie, Miss S Gilbert, Miss F E Gilbert, Miss L S $0 CO 1 01) 1 00 1 00 1 00 m $27 48 TI. i TUltsy and Ih. ./>• il $0 40 1 00 CO 20 2 00 50 25 2 00 1 50 1 00 M. Wctnioro Vebcr. rsG (3 00 2 85 1 01 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 25 a 00 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 20 2 00 20 2 00 i S. Dickie. $0 GO I 1 00 I 1 00 1 00 1 oo| Jolmnon, MrH T M • io». Rector, ' Wetinorv. Mrs C V lit Sumi-iinnnul ('ollt'ctioti. 2nd " it, i 1 r»o ' 4 no 2 00 I 'I ft 70 GRAND MANAN. £1 Cary, Ui«v G T Cary, Mrs I' Craig, Esi|r, C Chancy, Aloxandor Chancy. Mrs. Alexander Doj^^ett, Mr and Mr.t J Oom, Dr and Mrs Hall, Mrs 'Harvey, Ethel Hendorson. Win II • 'H .•!• Ingolla, senr. Win '' IngoUs, jiinr. Win Ingolls, junr, Mn Win IngoUs, junr, Cliarloa Nowtoi^, senr, I'luiii* Newton, senr, Mrs Wni BusscII, Eunice Russell, Charles fnnr. Win A Frimd. Collected mHit Seriuon«, 10 2 •) 1 n 10 1 2 2 2 k Ma bee, A .^1 M .U'^id, Es J, Mrs J Men;;!es, James Mileliill, Letitia Mon^C'in, liobert Nutter, Lee Paul, AVilliani Peatman, NT Vl,\vit. Ki\ i) W " Pi;4:ett. Lewis S ^ Pie:,<'tt. I.uey Pitt, iMai! ' '-'- V\u. JC'.izabetli ' 'ih''.l■'.•.■d^•. ( 'iiarles '■ '.'v'iehards. Zebulon ' yfieUard.!. Medley ■'^ie'iard.*. Josei)li Siior!, Mrs Bayes >• 'i\;it. ir, J;.mes • -1 !■ Wilmot. Esq. J L "''■ WK i;iIAM. iUiini, George i?l;relv-, K 00 1 00 25 2 00 ] 00 1 00 1 (10 }m $!,-)0 00 ^1 00 1 00 2 '**' 52 I PETKESVILLE. , Collected by Miss Griffltli. Griffith, Miss Perkins. Esq, J'^B 1 Perkiiiii, Charles 2 Smith, Vlatthew Tillcy, Willirtiu flOi OOj 00 ! 50. 50! GRAND LAKE. St. James', 1st Collection, 2nd " 1st " 2nd " 1st " 2nd " Ibi " and •' 1st " $80 G4 St. John's, St. Kowcnstle, Luke's, Trinity Ch. Mill Cove, 1st Rapids, 1st Cody's, 1st Bedford, Tower Uuzxa, Edir.und Crawford, James !;• Cox, Peter ■,' Cox, Mieab Cox, Il.nnnah Cox, Amelia Chnmbers, Mrs / Cox, Angustii Day, Abraham Dykenian, B M Dykoman, Abraham Dykemnn, Rebecca PyUeinaii, Gilbert H Dykenian, James G Dykoinsin, Mrs G Earlo. John R Fowler, Natlian Fosliay, Isaac Plinn," Walter Gale, Thomas Giilo. Jolin, Gc-orire Gale, Mrs Alexander Gale, Hot..^rt G-.ile, Jolm Holmes, Majjfiie Hobiies, .'Vnnie M Holmes, senr, Robert Lipsett, JNIrs John L;irkins, James ., McLean, Mrs C , Mowetl, Susanna ' O'Mar, John 92 V 1 a 2 3 1 1 1 •> 93 00 33 32 24 37 07 70 01 02 7 2 2!) 00 00 4+ 00 00 00 CO fO 20 ■)0 60 00 50 uO 50 50 50 00 aO Ot) 00 5(1 ()() 00 50 00 00 5(1 55 25 30 00 0(1 50 50 Oakley, John Orchard, .junr, Robert Orchard, Mrs Orchard, senr, itobert Orchard, Mrs Orchard, Samuel Porter, Porter Porter, John Palmer, Daniel Roberts, Mrs John Ralston, Mrs Smitii, G Nelson '■„ ' Smith, MrsG N Stjodjjrass, Robert Snodgrass, John Snodgrass, Isaac Smith, George Stewart, John P Scribner, Charles > • Scribner, Eben Scribner. Mrs Charles ■ Scribner, Elias Scribner, Clarissa Shaw, Rev B Shaw, Mrs Vanwiirt, Samuel H Vanwart, Mrs S H Wiggins, James R ■ Wiggins, Mrs James Wig,4ins, George Wiggins, Henry McF Wiggins, James B , Wiggins, Mrs B Wiggins, Mrs Jacob Wiggins, Vincent Wiggins, Thomas -i White. William V ' Wliite, Mrs V White, Mrs Samuel V Williams, Isaac Williams, Sarah Williams, Joseph M Wiggins, Susan White, senr, Wm Yeamans, Richard P Yoamans, Mary Yeamans, John Vi'amans, Mrs Yeamans, Mrs R P Yeamims, senr, Robert Yeamans, junr, Robert r\f i> 1^ HAMPTON. A Mrs ('rawford, Wm, and family, Clarke, Mrs 4"; nii>' ell, Mrs Charles Collections, ' 'V. ' 1 CO 1 00 1 00 1 60 50 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 26 , 50 50 50 50 50 CO 60 44 SO 26 ■ 50 n 00 :. 60 4 00 2 00 . no 50 50 • 26 26 1 00 56 26 1 00 ] 00 50 50 50 1 00 60 .40 1 00 ] 00 ] 00 '^ 00 25 1 00 25 ) 20 1 00 ! 00 !$!» 13 # 00 00 25 50 IK 30 Mf ■ 1 fiO 1 00 •■1.. 1 00 t .. . "( ■ 1 50 > 60 50 1 00 . 1 50 ■ ' '\ 1 00 25 )^f.V. 50 * A'''-' 50 . ,-t 50 50 50 GO 60 '..■3 ' 44 !'! 1 50 ',^•:).'■• ->:.. 26 50 1 00 .:. 60 «H 4 00 i'l -i . a.>;2 00 \V.' ' ■K.; 50 ^.'' -i : 50 , ,t ', 50 Ti',--' li 26 26 . r- .' 1 00 56 25 1 00 i 00 50 50 50 1 00 60 ,40 1 00 ] 00 1 00 ;; 00 25 1 00 25 ) 20 ■t 1 00 rt i 00 ■ — '■— 1 $!): 13 In. 1 ^; 00 nnu ly, ^ 00 w 25 Is 50 ■ 18 30 53 ^l Collection, W&O '^'''•' Deniill, Mrs Denill, Charity De:iiill, Mrs Rufus Bvinill, Edward Darling, Mrs Dodite, Mrs Wm Pli wwelling, Mrs George FoWKt, Mrs Joseph Intiiodew, Miss latif^atroth, Craven "•' Mcilrine, Patrick / Mo Brine, Mrs IfcManus, junr, Alex MeManus, Mary J McManus, Mrs Robert Otty, Miss Staunton, Captain '- " Sfinonds, Mrs "" Savings of three boyS, Smith, Chas J Smith, Mrs C J '^^ Smith, Newton Smith, Mrs Newton Smiili, William Smith, Margaret Smith, Isabella Sniith, Ebcnezer Sihiih, Joshua Saunders, Mrs Wanamake, Mrs W White, Mrs Gibbcrt Wri^riit, Esqr, John A Walker, Rev Wm W Walker, Mrs •> Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Rev George Walker, Dr T Waikdr, Mrs T Walker, Thos Dyson ;'ii 10 11 60 60 ^ 50 25 50 50 1 00 50 CO 4 00 1 00 60 50 50 50 1 00 4 GO 25 00 80 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 50 60 50 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 50 7 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 50 $103 06 KINGSCLEAR. Black, Rev J Bedoli, AR T Bedell, Mrs Wm J Burnett, John Burnett, Robert ( Burnett, jr, John Clarke, John ^j , Clnike, Mrs J Clo-iO, Benjamin ;J Cronkhite, H Duiipliy, Thomas Dunphy, Julia Garden, George Garden, James /■ -.ii.,..f 96 2 2 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 60 60 50 60 00 00 00 25 00 60 Garden, Mrs James Hall, James Hall, John '• ''' Hart, James Hawkins, Beverley Hawkins, Ludlow Hector, George Kelly, Margaret Kilner, Mrs Lee, John '. Leek, James Leek, Harriet Leek, George Leek, Wm McGibbon, Ludlow McGibbon, Mrs L Maclauchlan, Jas A Murphy, Hannah Murray, Isaac Murray, Jane Murray, Thomas Murray, Joseph Murray, jr, Thomas Nelson, James O'Hara, John Payne, Joseph Pickard, Mrs Rainsford, H B Rainsford, A W Rainsford, jr, H B Rainsford, Mary Smith, Wm Tabor, C C Vaughan, Catherine Vaughan, Margaret Venner, George Wangle, J Wheeler, Mrs Offertory, Total, $70 33 KINGSTON Appleby, John T '• Brien, John '' Bricn, jr, John • ■' Brien, James Cookson, Esq., -James ' Crawford, Mrs S Crawford, Frederick M Dann, Esq., John O Dixon, John Dixon, Thomas - ' Dixon, Thomas P Flewelling, W P Col Flewelling, G Hudson _>^' .5Q i50 '1 50 2f. .25 2, op 2 1 Fk'wolling, Ernest P Igtewelling, Merritt BJjwelling, Win J illi'^alliiig, riiobc Blewellinj!;, Susan E Eoril, Rolla A Faster, I Iloyt Foster, jr, I Hoyt Foster, JEsq, Samuel Gorhani, Natlianiel P Hoyt, Charles P Hoyl, Jarvis Hoyt, George ' Howe, John ]) Leinoreaux, Mrs G , Manger, Arthur M'Dougall, Daniel M'Farlane, ftlatthew • M>cAlary, Alexander Northrui), Daniel B Northrup, Eli S NorthrUp, Stephen = Northrup, Matilda Northrup, Philo Northrup, Wm Parker, John Peters, Augusta Perkins, Esq, E A Pickett, Mrs D Pickett, Justus S , ; Pickett, Horatio Pickett, Robert Piekbtt, James L Piersi William Piers, Charles ,. ! liaymond, William Siiovil, Mrs Scovil, Rev W E Scovil, T Lee Scott, Dr Sholdrick, Ezra SjJider, James Vail, Col Wetmore, jr, Dtivid Wctmore, D P ' f ; Wetmore, E Marshall Wetmore, Esq, James Wetmore, Esq, J S Wetmore, Justus S Wetmore, Wm Wallace Wholpley, George Wliqlploy, Mrs G Whelpley, James Whiting, William- Whiting, Mrs Whiting, Charles iirmi!']' . 1 00 Collections, '{ bjueu si l Gl 00 :,,') 'r w ■ ■■ ti mi SI mtbuH O il^O 50[ ■u\.n . : i! .!-,. •Mi ■Li,: ..: ■'ll.l'l ,u •nM 00, CO 00 00 00 2 00 1 00. ',' 1 00 .50 ; 2 00 . 1 00 1 X)0 • I. 00 50 50 50 . 60 50 50 i 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 50 50 1 00 50' 1 00 2 00 4 (K) 1 (X) IsOo 50 1 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 ' tANCASTBR. Bcimore, D , Balcom, Mrs M P ,|j|,ji . Bradley, Mrs Catherwood. William Clicssnian, Frederiq, Campbell, sr, 1> ,J,' ';.;; Carman, Mrs „t, .. j^,« Covert, Rev. W S f.^;>,: , Hargrove, Jolm .n-^-j ,[<. Hay\,anl, S (18CG>.h) T Hazen, C ; j/ Hargrove, J W ,]/ ^,i:,, ,^. Hargrove, Mrs J Wn^.k' - ■• Howe, Mrs ' r, , Lord, John Mawhin'ney, John 5?d, vh>whinney, I\Irs John 3d, Mau'hiuney, Susan ., ,ij ;,, . Mawliiimey, R J vicGowan, Jolm iVIenzics, A .. Mawhinney, Nelsoiv, / \la,whinney, John J .,, McAuley, A ftl y,|,;. Quinton, James .^^'f . Winn, Mrs John Collection in Parish Church, 80 60» 40 .1 00 .! 60 100 20 2 00 4 00 20 LOO 4 OO 26 26 en 1 00 60 20 10 10 40 4 00 40 40 50 J 00 26 4 20; «3o ae MAUGERVILLE AljJl) BURTON. MAUGERVILLB. 00 00 . 1 00. 1 00! 4i 00 .2 00 imVl 00 mil ,Ji«0 h:.'<: CO Rro\frn, John Brown, Charles Bent, William Carman, Covert, George B Covort, John Carrie, C D UeVebcr, Miss jM DcVeber, F A DeVeber, William DeVebor, Miss H Mdgoe, W Miles, T Mrtos, Mrs T Milner, Mrs Pcrley, Thomas H Scjholefiola, George Shields, Archibald Smith, Mrs R ^mith, Geo Smith, Mrs Goorgo Storliiig, G A Til if ,/. :W -iT-f H •'i' jiiiiit i-'iffijii $1 00 : '; 50 00 00 00 00 00 08 00' , . -fiOf ■' 60' 1 0(^' sa 1 00 1 50 2 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00'; 1 00 .11.. sterling, D A Sterling, Mrs D A Sterling, Miss Annie Sterlibg, Arob McL Sterling, Geo H Sterling, Walter ,/,,^ Beckwith, Thomaa A Brown, George Brown, Mrs G GJarkeon, J Clowes, Charles Clowes, G '• ' Gilbert, Bradford Gilbert, William Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Mrs S Gilbert, Florence L Gilbert, G S Hubbard, N ^ Hubbard, Mrs N Hubbard, Miss M J E Hubbard, Ambrose F Horton, E Pollard, Rev H Pollard, MrsH Street, Edwin White, James Wilmot, Hon R D Wilmot, John D Wilmot, Junr, Robt D Collections, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 $41 58 $2 CO 1 00 60 1 50 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 50 50 60 50 00 00 00 00 50 4 60 00 00 00 2 1 1 8 00 00 CO 03 yiCTORU SKTTIiEUENT. Cotfield, Mrs Brummond, S Fleet, W Gorrell, John Hughes, H Hughes, R Moor, D Morrow, Mrs Tottchbum, Mrs 50 60 50 50 1 00 1 00 40 60 50 f* $54 93 MONCTON. Binney, S Cbahdler, jr, E B Chaiidler, Dr ¥:Uiott, J :" $2 CO '■'';• 6 00 1 00 Cowie, Jas 1 ■'., ' 1 o(y ; ^J i 1 Harris, J :j , i /; , , 6 00 1 1M n Harris, C , ,,no:!T ,• ••■ King, P ^,, ,.() ,,.„ 3 po li&ii n King, D /- .,->f „^ 2 00 4iw ' ^ McKcnzie, M ,,, ) .,, ^0 Marr, J , . ■ ,• 1 00 ♦»•» Taylor, E .. , 10 00 ^ Torry, W 2 00 mm ■* . - m m m Xess charge on remittance, 40 ^■f^' : jv .' $41 20 % ' NORTON. ■*/ Briilgman, Mrs - $0 50 Bostwick, Mrs ' , ^ . 1 00 ^ Cother, Mr 30 I Dixon, Charles 5 00 Dixon, Mrs C 2 00 ''1 • Dixon, Henry 1 00 ; M i Dixon, Susan 1 00 1? Dixon, C E 1 00 Fairwcather, Esq, James 4 00 Fair weather, junr, James 1 00 Fairweather, Mrs Jam^s 1 00 Fairweather, Stephen 2 00 Fairwcather, Charles E 1 OO Fairweather, Edwin 1 00 Fairweather, Thomas 2 00 Fairweather, Jolin 50 I Fairweather, Miles B 1 00 Fairweather, Geo J 1 00 Fairweatlier, D 1 00 ' Frost, Cliarles 1 00 ,' ■ # Frost, MrsH ,- ^ 1 00 Hatfield, D . ^':> . . 2 00 , Hoyt, Edwin '. i 4 00 , Hoyt, Mrs .^ ,• ,; 1 00 Hoyt, Mrs Sarah 1 00 Ketchum, Robert • V , 1 00 i Ketchum, Charles i;. .' 50 ! Ketchum, Peter y- V , 25 i Ketchum, William -. ; ; j j,<^ \ 1 00 1 Ketchum, Thomas , „.), ■'{ 1 00 Ketchum, Geo " | 1 00 Mayhew, Mary ' .'y 30 McAvity, Mrs . ' .i".' , . 1 00 1 Raymond, JBS . ., i, i 4 00 Raymond, John 1 00 Raymond, George ^ 1 00 Raymond, Silas 1 60 Raymond, Miss Hannah . , ^ Seely, Byron 4a Seely, Rohert ;, 1 00 Sinionds, Mrs 10 00 Sharp, Mrs 1 00 Warneford, Mrs 4 00 66 Weldon, Eaq, R B Wctmore, Esq, E S Wctmorc, Mrs E S Wctmore, Mrs C H ^etmore, Thomas A "Wetmore, Oscar Wctmore, Mrs D B "Wetmore, H S Wctmore, Norton •Wctmore, W P "Wctmore, Charles E Wetmore, Mrs D Wetmore, David Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Miss OflTertorv, ■i ,1 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 60 25 25 50 1 00 50 1 00 25 1 00 50 25 10 50 $88 05 PORTLAND— ST. LUKE'S. ,-^!-r Austin, Miss Allan, Thomas B Armstrong, A Barker, Mrs T B Bcatic, James Brennan, Mrs Cunard, William '^ . Court, WillJam Connelly, John ,, , Ellman, Mr Ellman, Mrs Gregory, Robert A Harrison, Rev Canon Harrison, Messrs J & W F Horncastle, Mr Hamm, Mr Holly, Mr Hatheway, Capt .'■ , Hatheway, Thomas Jfarvis, Mr Kilpatrick, William & Son Laskey, Mrs Xawton, William Morrison & Sorrell, Middlemora, Robert Alorrison, William \l , ' Mason, George ' ' Morey, Capt Polly, John Buddock, Frances Buddock, Joseph Kivers, L Boberts, G Sweet, Robert dcoalcs, Mr & Mrs flhives, William Tapley, David Tapley, John .J $1 50 1 50 1 00 00 00 25 50 00 00 00 00 00 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 12 00 00 00 "■'0 00 25 1 00 10 00 10 00 Tilley, Rev Harrison Collected by Mrs Laskey, Collections in Church, ulM 1*0". $149 50 PRINCE WILtlAM AND DUMFRIES. m .b Allen, Miss Adams, Mrs Robert Blancy, William Blaney, Mrs W Blanvy, Ale;£ander Blancy, Patrick G Brown, William Brown, Henry Frown, scnr, John Brown, junr, John Brown, Mrs Wm Brown, Thomas Bain, John T Clemcpts, F W Clements, MrsF W Carruthers, Miss J Carr, Mrs Silas Coruthis, William Corutliis, Mrs Wm Davidson, Mrs W Davidson, Wm Davidson, John Davidson, Henry Davidson, Mrs H Davis, Josiah EUgood, John Ellgood, Mrs Wm Ellgood, Miss Eraser, Alexander Eraser, Mrs T Gaunce, Miss M Garitcy, John Garitey, Mrs John Garitcy, George Garitey, Andrew Graham, William Graham, Gilbert Graham, James Hanington, E A W, Hanington, Mrs Hazcn, Mrs Harper, John Harper, William Henry, scnr, James Henry, Miss M Henry, Thomas Henry, junr, James Henry, John Henry, John Arthur Henry, James Arthur ..IT, MO'.;:. T. ,ai fjltu.' . ■•J fill'". 1 1 S'il'I diwbl:!. !i9n' tiV. j.,>iO\:.' *£K 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 iV. rn. $0 60 1 00 75 25 50 50 60 60 CO 50 60 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 25 60 24 1 50 4 00 1 95 1 00 60 •ii 60 1 00 60 50 60 60 1 68 25 : 80 30 24 60 60 30 400 1 00 1 00 60 50 2 00 25 49 46 vo 62 ' 1 00 1 00 57 600 ■ Henry Mrs J 26 Ingrahani, Frederick 60 , My, 2 U ■ Henry, Arthur . '"^'l- . 50 Ingrahani, Sarah 25 t^j. 33 00 ■ Henry, Mrs Arthur "»' -• ' 1 00 Jackson, Mr ^ndMrs H 40 .'.v r ■ Henry, James J ' •' ^n-' :" ' 40 Knilar, Mrs 20 $149 50 ■ Henry, Prances -> >-i''' ' ' 60 KcUey, Mrs 13 ■ Henry, William 't'laj.'f'' 50 Miller, William " ' 1 00 AM AKD ■ Henry, Mrs Andrew 50 Miller, Joseph , 1 00 IS. Hood, George 50 Munro, Jas G 2 00 Hood, Mrs .-,„ ..; .: 50 Moor, Joseph , •..' 1 00 $0 60 Hood, Miss Eliza ij.,^ ; <^ • 25 Moor. John H 60 1 00 Ingrahani, George ,j^ 1 00 Mun.'li, Jane and Isanc 30 75 Jones, Esquire V • 4 00 Mori house, Mr and Mrs C 2 00 iT , 25 Jfones, junr, Thomas 2 00 Perley, Mr and Mrs R 45 ,m.'> 50 Jones, Miss E 1 00 Proscott, William 1 00 > wU- . 50 Love, James 1 60 Pn scott, Thomas 1 00 T, ,a<- 60 Love, William 1 00 Pruscott, Henry , , 1 00 lOuJ . 60 Love, George ^'■■'■'' 50 Pnrent, Joseph 20 '•> ,^ CO Lockart, Thomas 50 Parent, Isaiah 20 ti;j;^ti , 50 Lister, Jolm W i'." 4 00 Parent, Stephen and family. 45 •lli.'f 50 Miller, William 2 00 Itobcrtson, W S (M D) , 2 00 • !iV^.'X4 100 Miller, Henry •.../! 1 00 Sinnot, James 20 ^■*i RM 50 Miller, John 60 Tilley, Mrs 1 00 - kli' 1 00 Hoys, Mrs r..>; 20 Tippet, Rev H W 4 00 , .>il ■ 50 Bisteen, Israel 80 Tippet, Vivian 5 00 rV ij 1 00 Smythe, R T (M D') £0 Tippet, Mary V 50 / - 25 West, Mrs 5 00 Tippet, W H 1 00 f5lU'". 60 Collections. Tippet, A P 1 00 --. ^ ' *■'• 24 Prince William, , _ . 5 42 Tippet, C S 50 jui/ ,i> 1 50 Dumfries, '."-. '4 48 West, Lydia Ann 1 00 400 Magundy, • -' ''^ 3 G5 Wiggins, Wm 1 00 ' 1 95 1 00 60 Nsgaguadavic, ■ "■'■.■. 1 01 A Friend, A Friend, Collections in Oct. 1866 1 00 50 6 88 •.i!wjj;.i ht ••;: $85 29 - .Vj/j: ..V. 60 1 00 QUEENSBURY. < Collections in March 1867, 4 59 , il' 60 .\., \ ■ Total, $61 36 50 Allan, Joseph , f ' $1 00 * "it ;. 60 Brown, Abraham '-. />, ^,: 1 00 RICHIBUCTO. '1. . 60 Bowes, James . '.f, ^, '1 00 ' ' 1 68 CliffT James .■ ! '.. . 1 00 Brown, William " >:'. $1 00 25 CrippS, Mrs 24 Black, Joshua : ■,,■ 50 / i. •• 80 Close, Mrs James ' 40 Chandler, Mrs Wm 6 00 " 30 Dfeboice, Hefly ; 26 Chandler, Miss 2 00 24 Ebbutt, J W '' 24 Chandler, Botsford ,. 1 00 50 Karl, W and daughter, 45 Chandler, Edward 60 50 farmer, Susan '60 Cochran, Mrs John - 1 00 30 9ray, John 20 Coster, Rev N A , ' 400 400 Eoyt, Joseph i i./jl ■ 2 00 Carman, G C 5 CO 1 00 Hill, John •■ >v^ .• 50 Carman, T M 1 00 100 Horey, Mrs -i . • 10 Dibblee, T W 4 00 > . 50 Ingrabam, senr, Ira , 2 40 Dibblee, Mrs T W 2 00 50 bgraham, Hannah ' ■ , 1 00 Dickenson, setar, Jonathan 1 20 2 00 [ngraham, Benjamin / > 1 1 00 Dickenson, junr, Jonathan 60 25 bgrahara, Charles 1 00 Dickenson, John Dickenson, Mrs John 1 00 c 49 [ngraham, Henry 80 1 00 46 [ngraham, Jane and Annie 24 Forster, James 2 00 .; -,,,■ 62 ngraham, Geo W R 1 00 Forster, John B 2 CO ' 1 .'.; .,„;M 00 ngraham, Samuel 1 00 Forster, James W 200 ;, [1-1 00 !.. . i" ngraham, Susannah -^ ;' • 1 00 Forster, Miss ,;,,.•.. 200 Mt4 m ^ Forstor, Miss W A ' Hudson, Willinm Hudson, Mrs WlllJiim . ^ 'potluinglon, Miss fli ^ |,'^' ' if Hnl. tlolfnston, Jolin Moddy, J C Orr, Rl^'s. Jolm Pcaiiody, Mrs Perry, "William l^idmrdson. Miss Smith, Albert , Siimuel, S Smitli, The Misses Stephenson, scnr, .Tolin Stephenson, junr, John Stephenson, Tliomas Siiyre, C J \ ,: Tilton, JF . •;:. Wetmore, Miss " '.,",''' Ward, ftlrs Wlieten, John & Son, Ktr-^ 00 1 00 1 :>o; 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 48 G 00 $79 08 SAOKVILLE & DORCHESTER. .<■•<) SACKVILI.E. If I ■\n A Friend, ' Allison, U B •Allison, Mrs HB Bell, Robert Black. SF Black, Clarence Barnes, Julia Barnes, Rebecca Barnes, Mr and Mrs W A Botsford, HonAE Botsford, Mrs A E BoultenhouBO, John '; Carter, Thomas Cogswell, Edward *' Chapman, Helen Dixon, E B Estabrooks, MrsB' ^.j , Estabrooks, Ellen '.•/., Evans, Miss «• \ King, Mrs '.-,• j Knapp, Dr "r Lawrence, Mrs C Lindsay & Viokety, Milner, Mrs G Milner, Mrs Eli^a Milner, sr, Wm Murray, Fanny ' Palmer, Philip 'Ppwer, Annie 2 00 r.o 'i; ■■■: ■JHH .iT. .■>ii:: 00 00 50 'jr) 00 00 00 GO ^S 50 aO 00 bO 50 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 60 t) 00 1 00 ■.'50 f lool ool 4 001 2 0«| lOOl 1 ool m sol 50l 4 65| 3 401 Piirdy, Capt and Mrs John Puniy, Mrs James B'Jierts, Rev G G , Roberts, Mrs G G Robson, Thomas Russ, Charles Rush, Robert Wilkins, James Wilson, Richard 1st Collection, 2nd Collection, DORCHESTER. Backhouse, William $1 Botsford, Sheriff ' 2 Carter, Edward Card, George Chandler, Hon E B Chandler, G and Mrs G Ciiandler, Charles ^ Chandler, Joshua Chapman, Mrs Thomas Chapman, David Chipman, Minnie , Gilbert, Miss -.mi Gilbert, Guy 2 00| Gilbert, Bradford Gilbert, Ella Godfrey, Mr and Mrs R Godfrey, Charles Hanington, D L and Mrs D L Hanington, A fl Hiokman, Joseph Hickman, John Keillor, Thomas Keillor, Miss Ketchum, H G Milledge, Mrs Moore, J L Moore, Wm E Onlton, Alfred Peters, George Palmer, Gideon Peck, Joseph Robb, Alex Roberts, Dr J 1" ■ Sayi-o, Otho Tait, EN Tidd, John and Mra Joh& . Si] Weldon.MrsWm ;,n u„.,ul Wilbur, J H ;;;(^m!-' ' Wilson, Amos S 2 K'ur :] W Hi ■•'; I, K-rl , ■irii. 25 8 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 d9 n John 1 OOl 60| ■.■J'jIiJ.v'i MTV.!' ,1, '■ - •/"'«■• 2 ■ijl- ,>'*Jil I i Collection, I Collection, Itrchostor, iekville, (■'■V'. ' ' 8 70 6 40 99 20 58 75 uiK;'^!. |157 95 SAINT ANDREWS. 01 00, 60: 50 60 60 25 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 H ■v,t> 1 00 'V i 60 ' 1 00 60 1 00 J • 8 00 1 1.'. . ■. '2 00 ■>^',fpr ,on, . '0 kiKii\.> vOn, Ji. > ^gherton', Mrs James lexaiider, Joseph |l»ander, Mrs lexandor, Sarkh 11, Henry ia(lridge,|Henry |eny, Mrs Alexander mn, John ^ie, George upbell, George P |inghlan, Mrs ug, William |inley, Mrs (SeftVIslands— be- gproceeds of Mission Box) 8 00 ■y, Mrs Imley, Joseph snley, Mrs Bwson, Mrs DUgherty, James riend, A Idvc, Doctor leathead, N T Kmmer, Geo S pwell, Thomas bulton, Mrs pddock, Mrs Bouben V^ey, Mrs iock, jr, BiehardiBon ^ffard, Mrs tlieway, CEO ktbh, H H ch, Mrs W "'.' ^kson, Mrs hnston, Mary Ann "■ ■ "an, Mrs fctchum, Rev W Q '• ■• btthum, Bessie H ptchum, Charles J ' ee, John S - kCurdy, Thomas A jcQrotty, Miss ore, George jjrris, W B "^ " 3urdy, Mrs Thomas A Ibbrn, Henry Iburn, Walter ' Ibarn, William anlC VI !/: '■K .'liw.g 00 00 50 26 50 • 76 60 1 00 2 00 1 00 VI 60 • • 1 00 t . 50 6 00 1 , 1 00 iiV'l 00 chI : I.' ' • .iO :. • attj''. 00 00 62i 00 00 ^ 00 50 60 ;l ■iU I' Mil if a Osburn, Mrs Purton, Robert Pheasant, Edward Pheasant, Mrs Richardson, Edmund Street, James W Street, George D Street, Tnglis Smith, Rev R E Smf ' ""'^soano Siiu '■ • ..^hprino Stone, Mrs Stinson, Mrs J Stiiison, Angus Stinson, E ' ■ Stevenson, B R '' Storr, Thomas ■ Stickney, George F Stinson, Mrs Henry ''■'^^ Stinson, Fanny ''' Stinson, Marshall Stewart, George Stinson, Eber Turner, Mrs Whitlock, Wm Whitlock, Jaa H Waddoll, Mrs Wilson, Mrs T B Wilson, John D l8t Col. All Saints Church, do do Chamcook do do do do do (•r..:i ■.I .( i' ,.i! 60 60 00 60 25 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 60 00 00 00 50 00 25 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 60 00 64 2d 1st 2d 3d do do do do 14 54 2 79 3 00 2 50 •'Mi;ci)-! $134 82 Loss on diflference of curr'cy, 4 82 ,■■ iiin r $130 00 ST. GEORGE, PENNFIELD, &c. SAINr OEORGE. Andrews, Mrs S G $2 00 A Friend, 50 A Friend, , ,^ 60 Austin, B J :9iio.J, Barry, ThomM'-.^' .larir. . Barry, Mrs ThoolM Bovd, John Boyd, Mrs John Billings, Edmond . .i-.: Brown, Mrs W Clayburn, John Campbull, Ronald Campbell, Josephine Drake, Mrs Drake, Miss Bliott, Mrs \\ I I a . Gillespie, John .iJ 60 Hibbard, Goo F Irisli, Simeon C Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Charles Knight, Gideon Knight, B A Ludgate, Hugh Ludgate, Mrs H Moran, James A Aloran, James S Mann, Neil Mo watt, Mrs Mathcson, Hugh Matheson, Mrs Hugh Mathcson, George McGivern, Rev J McGec, Charles McGec, jr, Charles McCallum, John A McGce, Richard McGee, jr, Richard McCoull, John O'Brien, James Parks, Moses Parks, Mrs M , Randall, Mrs B Shaw, Bei^jamin Sutherland, Robert Sparks, Mrs G , • Shaw, WW Stuart, R A Sutherland, William Stein, Mrs James Stein, " Joseph Stein, " George Stein, " Crozier Spinney, James Thomson, Miss A J Tlic widow's mite, Wetmore, A J Williams, Mrs Young, L W i j'U'i .wft'.r. . i.a: .Ko '1 jiii VI ML -.mT ol i: ■.IVTi, rij. ft". M, if .'*' gl> ■J. . 'r« ',r ; 1 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 4 00 2.00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 50 50 60 4 00 1 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 50 1 20 ,t. 1.00 i-th .r>: BO tivV ,if..'.;! ■ 60 ■'■. ,-^)i>i.l 00 fn ,!(■ f) 50 .Tt,' ,100 • . 60 ■■: 75 o„l «0 of 1 00 r.h 50 25 T2 48 1 OD 10 DO 53 4 00 1 00 1 00 •J'.f ttdo'.. 01 (.'-' PKNNTIELD. .Jii-j);-;*.] / Anderson, Robert Anderson, junr, Robfitt. a Anderson, Samuel:: niy aj^t". Boyd, R A Boyd, Simon Oarlye, John Oriokard, Geo Orickard, John Dunbar, James Porsjth, D Gillespie, James Qillespie, Hugh punter, Robert .fff^.t. r.iloT, ..'ti.'(i:li.'i. .'■• uiio'' ,i;? hui.i-'.l .if ■ til $0 50 60 50 .• 60 : 50 &■ 25 '■ 50 f 60 ":■' 50 1 00 ii 00 I 00 i'^"' 25 Hunter, James ..•,;:a.f J ustason, Isaao i Johnson, William Jack, W Kivel, Patrick Mealy, Malcolm i Menly, A B MoKiiy, James ,, i McDowell, James McKay, Hujjh MuFiirlane, David Frescott, Jesse -i^ ^;, Say, John H i^^,;„i, I Tutton,John Hi, ,.^. TiUton, William tL-juia ,t , .■ Trainer, Caleb vinjji , lohaf'-'ol/ |113 SAINT JAMES — SAINT JOhJ Andrews, Mrs Armstrong, Rev W Armstrong, Mrs W Armstrong, James Atkinson, Mrs Baker, Mrs W Baker, " T Besant, C Belts, Mrs Boyd, Mrs Boyne, A Brittain, Mrs Bunsworth, Miss Castow, Mrs , < Clementson, F Cox, Major (R E) ' Orockford, J Godard, Mrs F C French Mrs French, The Misses Friend, A Hatheway, W H Hay, Mrs Holden, Mrs Hunter, R Hutchinson, J Jordan, D Kee, Wm Kee, Thomas Kee, Mrs George Kerr, David S Kinnear, Miss A Kinnear, " F Saird, Chas Marjoribanks, Miss McKelvey, A MUlidge, Miss «1 25 6 1 •j'.Iv tllVl ,■•• P'«(i 1. .Til--' A. TK,fir- ?. 'jt. ; .' -■. 1 ..n'vVV .1: ' -^n:,-- - ■ f.\.' .::-' ■T^'.i'l.' ,i. RlM .M mN' .-■■ ■•(-,-!<,-'■ ses i ,v •■ II n 'fj>1 ,f.U' 7:>ii .ill ,c:jif ,!.■.. ■i f,'il. '■■ \ . Si I.e. ill- Bl : V' ■ouliinn, Jns ■oulson, Mis.s Uborry, F T Jtwhcrry, W lirnianscll, II VkLT, Mrs R fengilly, Mrs (itirs, lluril k, Mrs ^irtmore, Mrs Hce, James johertson, James lobinson, J M lobinson, F P lobinson, Mrs W H keds, Mrs jtevrart, Mrs J Kwnrt, W O nilis, Joseph hilis, George Jindiiy School Childron, IhomaS; BIrs U ■ ;' ; "■ ' • ■ liompson, Wm ' ' frnrd, Ass't Com. Gen'l letmore, A R [illis, E ■ -.", ^U^ lilson, J It semi-annual collection, pd do do 25 25 2 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 (10 4 00 2 00 50 1 50 1 SO 10 00 2 00 10 00 50 00 00 00 00 8 00 50 1 00 3 00 10 go '• I 00 17 '00 IS'OO 9186 10 Gillis, John Orindon, T E Green, JameB Hamilton, Dr O A Henderson & Lee, Hall, 8 S Irish, W M Irish, A W M Kcans, WHA ' Keans, Mrs Kuans, Miss- Keans, G F Knye, J J Lqc, Miss ' •' McCarty, Mrs Mc Arthur, John Perkins, G L Perkins, DC Huel, J R ^ Sliives, R Siufth, G F Sttfrtjon, Miss Slarr, R P Tul-nbull, W W Tiiylor, J P Vyurd, John Wt^more, O D 1st 'Collection, '2^.1 ". ^ '. '.') ' .. it X ■.A " 10 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 10 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 oa 1 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 60 2 00 5 00 3 00 1 00 4 00 4 00 AINT MARKS— SAINT JOHN. rmstrong. Rev G M $10 00 nnstrong, John 4 00 iitch, George . 4 00 urton, W J 8 00 urton, SD 'r.'', 16 00 tear, J ..f' f 1 00 ;5 00 2 00 a 00 40 00 4 00 5 00 a 00 1 00 40O 10 00 40 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 S 00 20 00 l\ oo 2 00 50 00 1 00 1 00 /4 00 3 ■1 ■1 <> i Oii •_ 0») (<:: 11 00 no 00 00 00 2 00 no 00 48 00 ^521 (to ST. DAYIl), ST. PATRICK, &c. A Ciinrehiuan, Bell, Tiionias Boll, Mrs Olive Benson, Mrs Sarah Benson, Sarah Benson, Augustus Benson. JiTrs A Bonsiin, Wilniot Bhu k, Mrs Aiin Black, Margaret I 1 . '.(0 (. . 00 00 .JO 50 oO TiD oO hi) r,o 60 Black, jr, Thomas Black, Mrs Thomas Davisi, Samuel Davis, Mrs ,/ Davis, Hiraiu Goddory, Jarvis Oeddery, Mrs Gilley, Walter Ollley, Mrs Gtegory, senr, William Gregory, Mrs Gregory, Laura ..j,!, ,|., (iregory, Matilda Hill, Ikfts William Uill, Jolin Johnson, Robert Johnson, William Mitchell, Samuel Mitchell, Mrs t i- ,, McBrit'e. James McBridc, Mrs Mc?Iurray, John McMuiray, Mrs Mowatt, William PoUev, Robert « , . PoUey, Mrs R '' Rolls, William / BoUs, MrsWm Rogers, Mrs Simpson, Joseph Esq, Sinjpson, Mrs Thompson, Frederick Thompson, Mrs F Tlionipson, Loren Tliompnon, Mrs L ,;^ ,, Tlionison, Rev J S ,'r, \^n Tower.i, William ,.^J .'"fi Towers, Mrs William Towers, George Towers, jr, Robert Towers, jr, William 'J'owers, \Margaret ^jf _, Tower.s, Herbert ' (• jj Towers, Frederiek /y 'j' Towers, Kobe rt .j: Towers, Mrs Robert Towers, Margaret Towers, Charles , jj ,.,j; Walters, Daniel > Walter.s, Mrs Daniel Weliber, James Weiiber, ]\Irs Webber, junr, James Webber, juur, Mrs J Wills, John ,,;j-,.I/l Wills, Mrs »T '/."^£' '.M Winshell, John ; i^li'. . $40 63 as 1 TQWKU niT.I.. luai Collected by Mr. A, Woodcoik. ■\ Carter, JamcR $1 00 Cirtcr, Nicholas r.o Csrter, Mrs ' 1 00 Cuncron, Dnncan .17 kVilliam 1 Doovo, Stephen 1 GO Doovo, Mrs Stcjihen ' 1 00 Dovre, Horatio 50 a Inringf, Hugh 75 Ltll 1 Irring, Mrs Hugh 75 1 Irfin, Wm ,50 t 1 Irving, Mrs Mary 60 m I Irving, James 10 el 1 Irvin, Ocorgo W 50 Irvin, Thomas , 50 ■< Irvin, Jarea '..!•.!« f,o Irvin, John 1 00 " ■.••i\f. ,, 1 Irvin, Mrs John 50 .1 - (• 8 Jf .<•> 1 Irons, Mrs John ^ 50 m 1 Johnson, Joseph , ,, . 1 00 Johnson, Mrs J ' ' ■ nO ••»■ .■: Ludi^atc, James 1 00 1 Ludgate, Mrs ' ' ', '.' 1 00 hifij }(■ KMi' Lud^ate, Horace ' '''■ 60 Loijan. Archibald 50 h Esq, 1 Logan, Mrs 50 MeFarianc, Samuel Esq, 1 00 iderick 1 McFarlane, Herburt 50 Mitchell, Gcorgo 1 00 •en 1 Mitchell, Mrs G '■• ''■ 50 ' L „; .,, 1 MitcheU, John ., /, ' 75 JS .r •..,.. 2 Merrill, William /^' , ^O ra 1 Merrill, Henry 75 '^illiam 1 Powers, Warren " ' 100 > tic. . ■ ^ Powers, Mrs ' 50 »ert ^ 1 ■ Powers, Harris M • ■" 05 liam Powers, Geoi'gc L . ■/ 25 rot Powers, Emma .' 25 •t ' T i] Reed, Michael Y * 1 00 iek Reed, Mrs 1 00 1 Reed, John . ' 25 jbcrt, .,1 Stuart, Charles """ 1 00 et H >i (i'f Scott, Theodore , < ■ - " 1 00 < , ■■ il'. .r,.-.. Scott, Mrs •'."■;"-■; 1 OO [ ..,.,.„/,•. Tofts, William ' ;• 1 00 laiiiol • Tofts, Mrs W '!•-■'■■■'■■•'. 00 Tofts, Warren T , _ / 1 00 Weeks, Mr&S ." ,: 1 00 aiiK's Weeks, Nelson II • "'• • 50 ^IrsJ Woodcock, Alexander 1 00 1 Woodcock, Mrs 1 00 f. i ' ■ ' Woodcock, Mary A M .• •;" ■■'■y'^j: Woodcock, IlerUcrt ' ' •' '' CO Woodcock, Martlia ^. , 50 \ . ¥'i Woodcock, Margaret '"i',i'! 50 Woddrdclc, John A Waller, William .'^ 50 60 ^•3>i 07 m HATNT I'ATRICK. Ai'liosifin, Willinm Ai'boson, John Robert Aclioson, jr, WlDiam A<'hoson, Mrs William Acboson, John Harris Adirson, Alexander Actipsoii, Snrali Acht'son, Mary Ann . Ci'iiinc, llavid Camac, I\rav,!.;arct Caiai\c, jr, Daviil Camac, Tliomas Carson, Charles ^ Carson, Mrs ' Carrel), Isabella J Carroll, Slary Ann Carroll, Evelina Dyer, Richard ' TXviT, Mrs V, , ; j Dyor, Sar:'.li E I Dyer. j'\I;ir\' Ann j Dy.'v, JaT)ies Ik'nry '. I J)v r, Ali'rauulcr i J)}\'r. :«Ir: A FulK'rton, Mrs Jane IluinpliVcys, Jolm ^ Irwin, Jolm Irwin, Thomas lveye«, Mrs Margaret Loel-.p. IJpI'ort .,,.,, V.ndirati.', Jclin ^ < Magniro, John ' /'. Miii^'uivv, Mrs Ma.^uivo, Mary Jane iMato'iro, ]Mar:v;irot E MiiHiiri', Cliarlos (3rd) riiiiniirc, William J iMa;;aire, Mrs Ann Mairiiirp ( 'hark-s L'tid) ?>ia;miire, Mrs C Mcl^nincli. Samuel MclMiincli, Mv iNrcl''''rlano, Ilciiry JIcFarlanc, Mrs K MfFavlane, IMrs Jnlia Mcl'arlanc, Daniel IMcFarlane, Jolm Mcl'^irlane, INIrs John McMinn. Alexander I McMinn. Mrs } 3rrKoo, David I jMopalian, Hugh •1 50 , 50 50 50 024 50 S74 CO £0 1 1** 60 J i",'' 50 , . }f 2 00 ','' 1 00 25 , 25 1 23 . A 50 50 !■• ■■>' 50 . 5p ',,. ' ■' 50 *' 1 00 . i' 50 r . 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 •■ ' 50 ■.■■■. ^, 2 00 1 00 50 25 25 ) . 50 50 50 ) 1 00 50 1 00 i:!j'.' 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50, . f 50 ,1 c:«'ii 1 00 _jl en Moiialuin, Mrs H\igli r.o Hinurt, Mrs Jamet I 0(i Robinsonj Allen 1 00 Younn, Levi W 1 oti RouUtin, John 25 KouUtiii, Mi'M J '25 eao 50 UoulHtin, Diivid 70 , Total, 9124 22 ,8t. David and St. 1'atmick.— 1 iibovu au*>acriptiun list, liiu inclosci the Secretary too lato fur insertion " Baplisnis, !)8. Marriages, 7. There are 10 more nominally so, tiod restore tliom to a better mind emigration more, but still there are iev. J. S. Thomson, in forwarding tlic I the tullowing returns, whioli. reached ill the usual placo : Durials, 13. Communicants, 40. but negligent and indifferent. May ! I have lost by death many, and by additions to malcc up partially the loss." 8,\INT MARY'S and STA^ LEV. Waugh, Andrew I 0*) Wctmore, E B • 1 00 Darker, Thomas F Fsq 91 00 Collection St Mary's 2 01) Barker, Mrs T F 50 76 Barker VVn> I 00 Stanley 41 Barker, Mrs A 1 00 •' • •• . ,: 1 12 Barker, Miss S 00 , i,,l ■ i:-:,if. Barker, " C 50 961 'M Blden, Mrs C 2S Carman Mixs SO SHEDIAC. Clarkson, ,Tamcs 1 00 Clurkson, Win >.< .lolin 1 00 BateraUn, jr, John $0 CO Cumming. Mrs 1 00 Dixon, Miss ,'iO Donald, George 1 00 Friend, 50 Donald, Mrs G .")0 Hanington, William 2 00 Donald, Richard ' 25 i Ilanington, Mrs Joseph and Donald, Mary 25 Miss Sarah ' 1 10 Donald, Mrs A CO Ilanington, S 50 Douglas, Andrew CO Iluoshman, senr, John 50 Estate Geo Walker, 12 00 iQgiis, Samuel 50 Estabrookji, Calvin 1 00 Johnson, Mrs D GO Gill, Joscplj 1 00 Murray, Archibald 50 Gill, Henry senr 1 00 Newman, Ambrose 50 Greer, Mary Ann 50 Scovil, senr, AW -\i\ ■.A 03 Hatheway, F W 1 00 Scovil, junr, AW 1 OC Holland, Jane , _„_ ^ 25 Scovil, R C 2 00 Humble, George 1 00 Stephens, William and Mrs 4 Oii Jalfroy, Rev Wm 4 00 Smitli, Mrs Tiros & Miss Cor- Johnston, Mr 50 delia 4 00 Johnston, Mrs . CO Toole, Patrick ,, 48 Maybee, Mrs 25 Welling, John 76 Peppers, Tliomas 1 00 Fifteen others, 3 78 Peppers, Robert 1 00 l8t Ser., August SO, 'GO, (sent Peppers, John • 60 in 1366), 4 00 2d do Octbr. 24, '66, (sent Peppers, Mra John 60 Peppers, Sarah 50 in 1866), 3 00 Peppers, Mrs 1 00 Discount on 27 Westmorland Patcliell, Wm 50 Bank Dollar Notes, G 76 Peters, Samuel ' "' " 1 00 Peters, George 1 00 927 96 Robinson, Mrs Annie 1 00 Spear, Edward 1 00 DUNDAS AND \VELU)lOTON/ Seward, Thomas, for 2 y'rs 2 00 8mith, J W, $20 to Endow • Atkinson, Robert 91 (><) ment Fund, ^ Bowser, John 1 00 CrawfoJ Crawfor Dixoii, DoiiKlaH GIndHtoil Iluningtl Riley, J| Seely, Cl Scely, J)[ Smith, ' Smitli, C| Smith, Smith, Ilk Smith, - Stephens! Weeks, Weeks, Wilbur, Wiseman Ml ^«S 1 (Xi 1 0(1 930 60 124 22 forwardini; tl)c , whlolv reached miunlcanti, 40. different. May 1 many, and by irtially the loss,' I 0«>l I 00 H 2 01) 76 yj> 1 42 ! '..ifi I [AC. scph and [olm 961 'M $0 CO r)0 f.O 2 1)0 ■ 1 10 m 50 r.o GO 50 60 4 OO 1 oc 2 00 4 Oil -M Crawford, Daniel Crawford, William Dixon, Mr8 H Doii^laH, Uobcrt Gladstone, W C Hunington, \V Riley, .Tamc8 Seely, Chariei Scely, .Tnmes / Smitli, Mrs U B ' Sinitli, C J Smith, A M ' Smith, Ido , Smith, Stephenson, Thonias Weeks, Rev A H Weelts, Mrs Wilbur, N B Wiseman, John land Mrs liss Cor- 4 00 48 76 3 78 I 'GO, (sent ' 4 00 I'GG, (sent ■ 3 00 btmorland ^8. 76 Iklmnoton,- $1 00 1 00 80 BO GO 1 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 2 OO • 1 00 1 00 17 10 BO 2 0*. 2 00 ' I 00 1 00 92» 37 8IM0NDS. lit Collection, 98 IS 2nd do '"■■ 2 80 Allan, Mr , 1 00 Armstrong, James >)-:^' i 60 Armstrong, John ■■'•' SO Armstrong, B Saiida > ' 2 00 Daley, William 80 Daley, Sarah A 25 Jordan, William M 1 00 Schofleld, Kcv George 2 00 Schofleld, S Arthur 3 00 Schofleld, Samuel 2 00 Scovil, Rev W (W & O F) 20 00 Quinton, Mr 2 00 Collected by Mr. and Mrs. Frnncis. Bunker, Mrs Burgess, Mrs I Collins, Sarali J Collins, Mary A ICharlton, John iFrancis, Mr and Mrs IHoward, J K iJackson, Qeorge iHurphy, William iPartlow, Mrn N ISIiclton, Mrs |8helton, Widow Blennie, J A Baunders, Wm Baunders, .Mrs W 1 00 .'50 25 2r, •80 4 00 50 25 25 50 50 60 1 00 60 60 Collected by Miss Simon. Brnydon, James Braydon, Thomas Braydun, James • I 00 Claudfleld, Mr 60 Charlton, Francis id Chcrlton, John M Fowler, Annie R (|0 Foster, Mr • • -^ Joltnitone, Mrs ' W Jones, Samuel BS Jones, F 8 I 00 Jones, Elizabetli 25 Robertson, George I* I 00 Rtttcliff, Joser h 25 Simon, Thomas I 00 Collecteu by Miss Moon Moore, sr, A ''^ >!oore, sr, Robert Moore, sr, William White, Henry ^ 'VO White, Jr. ;. : 00 Collected 'jy Aims Mary Ann Evans. Ambrose, B Armstrong, William Burns, Mr Burns, Mrs D.iley, Tiitrick Evans, Wm Evans, Mrs W Evuns, junr, Richard Evans, Tliomas Evans, senr, Richard Evans, Mrs Richard Evans, junr, Richard Evans, Kiuhurd Moori', ,)iiincs •looie, Samuel Moore, Jolm Morri.-on, Thomas Smith, W 00 1 00 60 1 00 CO 1 00 I 00 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 I 00 00 60 Collected by Miss Kirkpatrick. Baxter, .Tohn Braydon, .lames Hurst, John Keyti, Jaines Kirkpatrick, B Kirkpatrick, John Kirkimtrick, .Tames March, Mrs J >'arcli, Charles ijiurch, Daniel t' 25 25 1 00 60 BO 60 60 ^ •1 ll 66 March, Thoraaa Patterson, C A Scott, Andrew Scott, George , Simon, Akxiiuder Trainer, Wm Young, Andrew ]^'^■^■l^ ,;(:=t 10 40 25 25 50 1 00 1 00 Total, $87 28 SrKINGFIELD & JOHNSTON. L Boyd, H M Benson, EInathan • Benson, Wm , Crawford, A B ,, -., Crawford, Isaac Crawford, Stephen Crawford, Hamlin Cromwell, Samuel Cromwell, J Lemuel Cromwell, Eliza J Counsellor, Joseph £winK, Charles Fairweathcr, Abraham Trost. Smith Esq Greensladc, Wm Gillies, Elisha Buggard, Richard Huggard, Mrs Uichord Haggard, James Huggard, Stephen Iluggard, Mrs Stephen Huggard, Abraham Keirstoad, Mrs S Keirstead, Amy Marvon, Sturgess Marven,' Eliza Marven, Josiah ;., i , , ■ Marven, Charles ,, Marven, Philo '• ,,j Marvon, Mrs Silas Marven, Betsey J , > McNauglit, Elizabeth Menzie, Elizabeth Northrop, W J C Northrop, Geo T Northrop, jr. AG , Northrop, Geo D G Northrop, John Northrop, sr, A G Northrop, Lewis Northrop, David Northrop, J AV Northrop, Jarvis T Northrop, Harry (Colina) O'Neill, John Pickett, Harrriet Wni'..' > PickeU, MnryM r.fjr.J $2 00 25 25 48 2 00 50 60 60 17 20 50 20 25 1 81 2 00 1 00 60 40 1 00 40 40 40 50 50 ' 1 00 . 1 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 20 30 60 60 25 1 0I> 25 25 21 20 50 50 50 1 00 30 00 Pickett, Charles '.. ,j , 2S Pickett, MfB M Perkins, J D 1 00 Raymond, Caroline 1 00 Raymond, Mrs E G N 1 60 Raymond, P M, Esq 4 00 Raymond, Samuel 3 00 Rogers, Rev George 4 00 Scovil, W B Esq 4 00 Scovil, Ella 60 Scovil, Amy \. j , 20 Scovil, Hannah H, ' 40 Spragg, Robert ?1 120 Spragg, Azor 1 00 Spragg, Elijah '•■ m-.n: 26 Spragg, Sarah - U .k 40 Williams, Robert 1 00 Wilson, Christopher 1 00 Wilson, Mrs Cliristopher 1 00 White, Vincent 4 40 Wilson, Wm 60 Oct Col at Trinity Church, 1 68 June do do 4 10 $G9 20 JOHMSTOK. Cody, jr, Jas Cody, CF . „. 1 Cody, Geo '. Cody, Mrs Ccorgo Cody, Hiram CoUingtou, Samuel H Johnston, John .> , Keys, Thomas '-. i.- Langley, Matilda . K . ' Langley, Mary W / , . Long, James -i!' ■ Long, Samuel Murray, Elizabeth J Pearson, Thomas •,, ii>! Pearson, sr, Joseph Pearson, James Esq, Pearson, John Pearson, W Esq, Taylor, Miss Ward, Robert Oct Col at St. John's Church, J "no do do «1 00 60 im 60 1 00 50 100 25 60 10 2T 1(10 100 1 00 1 Oo 50 50 2 00 160 100 78 86 $17 ail STUDHOLM. Ellison, Robert Fenwick, M Foshay, Isaac Graham, John 87 pher Ihurdi, $69 20 OK. eioo 60 1 (10 60 1 00 50 100 25 ' . 80l io| 2T 1 (K) 1 00 1 (10 1 Oo 50 50 2 «0 180 1 00 Church, 78 $17 21 ^LM. 80 51 lOCi Hall, John 1 Johnson, sr, D i 1 McDonald, .lohn Musgrovc, Mfs W Pailee, Mrs II 1 Parlee, E 1 Parlce, W Farlec, T ~ Peiirson, Geo . . , 1 Pearson, R .i 1 ScouUar, Wm }» , > ! 1 SecQrd, senr, James i , .. 2 Secord, N x ^ .v -'a 2 Secord, John 1 Secord, Mrs Gilead 1 Secord, Geo Sharp, MrsR . -^ 4 Sharp, EN . ,. 4 Sharp, Mrs EN i, 4 Sharp, Mrs RS ,.„, Sharp, HS >.,,.. Sharp, Mrs S >'•: • ;v, Sharp; Mrs S J .;•,•, Sharp, Friscilla . ^ i: Sharp, Mary M ,* '' Sharp, Ann M '-^- ■■ m Simonds, Kev R • , Sinnott, J as A . ' Smith, Israel « > ;. Sproul, Mrs J B Saunders, John Esq, <. Wiles, .lames June Offertory, October Offertory, 12 1 1 10 1 2 r. 00 0) 41 1 51) 0) 00 5 It 50 0L» UO 00 00 00 00 00 40 86 86 86 50 CO 50 50 50 26 25 00 00 00 50 111) 00 t)2 50 (0 00 ) ..!.>;• .,' $71 311 TRINITY.— St. John. Allison, Edward and Mrs $4 00 Anning, George I 00 Bayard, W (M D) 4 00 Bayard, Edwin (M D) 1 00 Beacoll, G B 1 00 Beard, J W 1 "0 Brown, J C ., 2 "0 Carritt, T W (M D) ,, 1 <0 Causey, W 4 00 Clarke, CP i^^j. ^ 1 00 DeBlois, Thomas M 2 cO Devoc, John D 3 On Earle.jr, S Z (M D^ 1 Ok Frith, H W . ' 6 00 Frith, Mi.i 11 W 1 i'(» Frost, John - 1 00 Gilbert, 11 T ..*.,, 4 00 Hall, Mrs . .,. 4 00 Hanford, TT :- , „ 4 00 Haxen, Hon U L 10 UO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (!0 10 00 8 00 Haxen, Miss 4 Kirkpatrick, C 4 Lawton, W G 10 HO McColgan, Thomas McGivern, R P • McGrath, John Mj;Kay, Hugh McNichol, James McNicliol, jr, James Magee, John Manning, E Marvin, J 1 - Melick, C J ; ' . Melick, H Merritt, C Merritt, N'rs Thomas ^lontgomery, J Nutholson, J W Patton, Cliarles Patton, Thomas Perkins, Mrs A C Perley, Mrs Perley, W C Pine, Jury Parker, A Ranney, Mrs Kanney, H R Rawleigh, Mrs Raymond, C E Rol>!n?f;n. B S(':unnii-il. Walter Sears, Eilward Scars, .lohn Seely, WLT "r. Spurr, James DeW vStroot, W H , ,;, Stmdec, H L Tliomson, Niss ■ Thurgar, J V ., , ,.j Tilton, John g WcUlon, C W :; Whitney, George AViggiiis, Geo C __■, 1st Collection, , 2a Collection, : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (10 2 00 16 00 3 00 10 no 1 25 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 o (10 (0 00 dO 25 00 1 00 2 00 4 «0 10 (0 1 00 12 (lO 4 (10 40 00 4G DO ' UPHAM. HAMMOND, MARTIN'S. , Alexander, Chfirles Alexander, John Auxandei-, Mrs Thos ! Armstrong, John ! Aiiiistrong, Wui Aslo, James ! Baird, Mr and Mrs ! Bcyca, Mr and MrS . . 43 22 $387 12 AND ST. ;30 50 50 20 00 1 00 50 00 iiO 1 1 1 ml t • m m Brown, John 50 Ireland, Israel 60 Cassidy, Mrs 60 Ireland, jr, Israel >lhU. 50 Charlton, Andrew 1 00 hvliind, John 50 Charlton, Mrs A ' < .» ? ." 1 00 Ireland, Uobert 50 Connors, James • '■ • ■ . 50 Johnston, John 1 00 Cronk, Hattie ' > ] Oi) Ivilpatriek, Mrs 50 D. '■■ •24: Kilpatrick, jr, Mrs A 50 D. T. ' 4t» Kilpatrick, Mrs J 25 Debow, Wm . ' ' . 1 (IK Ivilpatrick, Martha 25 Debow, Mrs ' . ' 25 Kilpatrick, Benjamin 50 Bebow, Stephen 1 <10 Lackie, Samuel 50 Debow, Mrs Clias 5(1 Lackie, Kobert p''^- 50 Debow, Mr and Mrs E 1 00 Lisson, Thomas " < 60 Debow, VV H 25 Love, Crawford ' '="' ' ' 1 (10 Debow, Richard 50 Lyne, Jane 60 Debow, James 50 vcKwen, Mr and Mrs J 70 Dcmill, Julia 50 McEwen, Henry ' 20 Demill, Susan 50 McE wen, John 20 Dcmill, Charles 1 Oil McEwen, Thomas j 20 Dougherty, Mr and Mrs^ 50 McLeod, Alexander 1 00 Dougherty, John 25 McGowan, Mr and Mrs 1 01) Douglass, James 1 CO McGowan, Mr and Mrs J J 50 Douglass, Mrs .50 McGowan, Samuel 25 Drummond, Vi'm 1 00 Mallory, Mrs S , , - 25 Drummond, David 50 ills, John !■ ;.. .' ,; I 00 Drummond, Susan 311 Miller, Cutlip "" • i/l-' .:i 25' Drummond, Elizabeth SO >".issionary, SPG f */» rS 10 00 Drummond, Annie 80 Murphy, Wm 60 Fenwick, Ezekiel ■■ 50 Mylos, John 50 Ferguson, John , '',•'■ 5'. :Mylcs, Robert 50 Ferguson, Alatt 50 Osburn, jr, Wm '' :' 1 00 Ferguson, i:-, John 50 Osiiorn, Jane 50 Fletcher, Mrs Geo 50 rarlee, .Mr and Mrs Levi 40 Floyd, '• rs 511 P.itterson, John 1 (10 Forbes, Mrs " ■ 50 Patterson, Mrs (1866) 1 0:1 Forsytlie, virs 5(1 Robertson, Mrs 50 Forsythe, Frances J 50 Rolsten, Andrew 1 CO Forfythe, Eliza S 50 Romel, Fred 50 Fo:8yti:e, Sarah 5tl Rourke, • ■ t- 1 00 Fo:8.ythe, James J .. ' 50 Scott, Wm 1 00 Foisytl.e, Robert 50. Scott, Alexai)dcr 48 Fostei', John Esq, 2 00 Sherwood, Mr 2 (lO Fosle-, Arliiur I (M' Slicrwood, J Ford 1 00 Foster, E 11 i 1 00 Sherwood, R C 1 00 Fosie% A S 1 00 Sliei wood, Mr and Mrs A FowL-r, 'IS ]) 1 «4 Sniitli, \ir8 E 1 ()0 Fowler, Mrs Wm 58 Smith, Caleb GO Fowler, jr, J M 2 I'll Smith, Alfred '' 40 Fowler, jr, Mrs J M 1 0(1 Steele, Mrs N (;o Fowler, John 1 nil Stcv'Mison, Mr and Mrs R 50 Fowler, S Gilbert G' Stevenson, Mr and Mrs A 1 (lO Friend, A GO Stevenson, Jane 60 Goddard, Mrs 50 Taylor, Mr and Mrs 2 .'0 G.ant, Wm Gregory, lames 50 1 (III ^'lioiiip.son,Geo Tracy, Mrs 60 40 Gulliver, Geo (2 years) 1 11(1 Tuiteiiitt, Mrs ^ ■ 26 Harvey, James 5'i •^ allace, John 50 Hodgins, John 60 W,illace, Robert 5'1 Ingraham, Mrs r 1 00 Wallace, Joseph 80 V ^MMi ^\ 1 1 60 60 ' r>i) r,(i 1 00 • 50 50 25 25 50 60 50 50 1 tlO 50 70 20 21) 20 OO 01) 50 25 25 1 00 25' 10 00 50 50 50 1 00 50 40 ,1 00 1 O'.t 50 1 cO 50 1 00 1 00 48 2 #' 1 11 00 IV) 40 i;o 50 1 oo 60 2 «'0 60 40 liO 50 f.'> 50 "Wallace, Calvin • Walker, Margaret S Walker, Eliza R Wanamake, N P Warrell, Thomas Warrell, W J Warrell, Elizabeth J Whitney, H & Son, Whitney, Elizabeth Wilson, J Wilson, Wm Wood, Thomas Ist Sermon, if 2d do ?i im 12 9 40 00 00 60 00 25 25 00 00 00 50 50 U 83 $124 15 WESTFIELD. Apt, Mrs Henry Arthurs, Joseph : Baxter, John f Belyca, Mrs N Belyea, D W Bolyca, James A Belyea, Jesse Bmndage, A Bnundage, Mrs A Campbell, Samuel Caulfleld, J W Cheyne, Francis Craig, Abraham Crawford, G Crawford, Mrs G Cronk, Stephen Cronk, jr, Stephen Day, jr. Abraham Day, Thomas DeVeber, N H : >, Finley, Mrs Finley, Raymond Finley, William Hamm, David Harding, Qcorge Hayter, Charles Hazcn, R F Esq. Heightlc, William Hejglitle, Mrs Wm Heightlo, Rebecca Jones, William Linglcy, Abraham Lingley, Mrs A Lingley, J B Long, John Long, Alexander Long, James Lunney, Charles Mefieth, James McBeth, John $0 '. I'V 1 20 40 60 50 00 00 00 00 00 70 00 50 50 00 6" 50 00 00 00 50 00 40 00 34 00 60 60 00 7ft Anderson, Gains 91 00 Beardsley, Charles '''';'';';',• 1 0& Anderson, Mrs Gains 1 00 Beardsley, Ritchie ""'•;■" 1 00 Bliss, Rev D M 8 00 Beardsley, Mary 1 00 Bliss, Mrs D M 8 »0 Beardsley, Stanley 1 00 Bliss, M M E 1 no Bedell, P M 1 00 Bliss, AS 1 50 Bedell, Miss 1 00 Bliss, GCW 1 .50 Bedell, J Jarvis 1 00 Carter, Robert 37i Bedell, Margaret A 1 00 Carter, Mrs Robert 37i Best, Norris 40 00 Carter, Hazeii 50 Bourne, Henry ; ' 1 00 Carter, ^Irs Joseph 50 Bourne, Frank <;;..; 72 Etter, W B 1 OO Broderick, Mrs AM . -" 60 Ettcr, Joshua 25 Broderick, Henry H 40 Etter, Mrs Joshua , 25 Broderick, Helen M 26 Fowler, William > n 50 Broderick, Thomas B 26 Fowler, Mrs William : ' 50 Bull, Richard S 2 00 Fowler, Rufus 50 Bull, Mrs R S 'T' * . ' 1 00 Fowler, Mrs Rufus 5i» Bull, Charles H 2 00 King, James 1 00 Bull, Mrs CH 1 00 Lowerison, Mrs ■' 511 Bull, Birdsall 1 00 Lowerison, Jame& 50 Bull, Mrs Birdsall 1 00 Lowerison, Catherine I 00 Bull, Mrs Charles 60 Lowerison, Martin 1 20 Bull. Abner 1 00 Lowerison, Mrs Martin 1 Oo Bull, Mrs Abner 60 Lowerison, Howard 50 Bull, Sarah 60 Lov. erisf n, Howard 50 Bull, Frank 1 oa Lowerson, Mrs Thomas 50 Bull, Mrs Frank ■ < 1 oo Lowerison, Richard uO Caldwell, Mrs ■•'••■ 1 00 Lowerison, Mrs Richard 5(1 Caldwell, Robert '/ '• 2 00 Lowerison, George 50 Caldwell, Helen ■ • - 1 00 Lowerison, Mrs George 50 Clarke, Robert 1 40 Lowther, Mrs 1 Oi» Carman, Samuel J 1 00 Lowther, Titus .. .'50 Carman, Fanny L Carman, Charlotte 60 Lowthei-, Mrs Titus '■■' .'f 50 1 00 Moir, James G • « > 1 50 Clements, Mrs ■ . c . 25 McLeod, Mrs 30 Cluff, Richard ' ,:.,. 1 00 Miner, Harvey 25 Cluff, Mrs Richard 60 Miner, Mrs Harvey ft ''^ 25 Cluff, Mary Lavinia 60 Oulton, George , " <.' ' 2 00 Connell, Mrs r. • 48 Oulton, Mrs 2 (10 Connell, John '"' ' ' '"•. ■ 1 06 Oulton, T E 2 "0 Connell, Dr " i^J 1 00 Siddall, Ralph 1 00 Connell, William ,' 1 00 Siddall, Mrs Ralph 1 00 Cunliffe, Mrs E A 60 Siddall. Charles TWO 25 Cunliffe, Joseph G A 60 Siddall, Stephen 5 00 Cunliffe, Camilla 60 1st Collection, 4 00 Cunliffe, Isabella 60 2d do " " 3 00 Dibblee, John 1 00 Dibblee, Frederick G Dibblee, Henry E 1 16 1 00 »>'• ^' ■^>:-: 969 60 Dibblee, Delia 60 WOODSTOCK, RICHMOND, Dibblee, Charles T R 60 AND JACKSONTOWN. Dibblee, FR J (High Sheriff) 1 00 Atkinson, Robert ei 00 Dibblee, Mrs F R J 1 00 Atkinson, Mrs Robert 1 00 Dibblee, D Lewis 1 00 Atkinson, William 50 Dibblee, Mrs Frederick 1 00 Atkinson, Woodward -i. t 25 Dibblee, Levingston •■. . 1 OO Annan, Mrs • 1 00 Dibblee, William ^I'^'-O 2 00 a"*»! 11 ir 1 Wh 7ft 1 0» 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 40 00 1 00 78 60 iO 25 25 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 60 60 ' 1 00 1 oo 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 40 1 00 60 1 keriflf) 00 25 00 60 60 48 06 00 00 «0 60 60 60 L 00 I 16 1 00 60 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 Dinzey, Rov Job (Curate) 5 00 Dibblee, Jarvis 1 00 Dibblce, Miss 1 00 Donaldson, Robert 1 00 Donaldson, Mrs Robert 1 00 Coyle, James 18 Erskine, Mary 60 Edgar, William • ;,' • 50 Friend, A ' '*! ■ 72 Garden, HMG 1 00 Garden, Henrietta " ,'. 60 Gascojme, James ' ' ' 2 00 Griffith, Benjamin P " ' . 1 00 GrifflUi, Robert • - 1 00 Green, Thomas 1 00 Graham, Wm George 1 00 Grqver, James 2 00 Grover, Mrs James 2 00 Grover, Robert E 1 00 Grover, Rnpert W ' ^ ,! • 50 Grover, Mary L 1 00 Grover, Caroline M " ' 50 Havicson, Henry 1 00 Hayden, Mrs James 1 08 Henderson, Margaret 50 Jacob, Mrs John 1 00 Jacob, Florence ' . . 50 Jackson, Mrs John 1 04 Jordan, James 1 00 Ketchum, Mrs James 1 00 Ketchum, Mrs Ralpli 1 00 Ketchum, G R Randolph 60 Ketchum, Ada F 60 Ketchum, Richard B 2 00 Ketchum, Mrs Richard B 1 00 Ketchum, Frances M 50 Ketchum, T W 50 Ketchum, George H 6 00 Ketghum, John D G 00 Lcary, John 2 00 Marshall, John ' "^ 1 00 Marshall, Mrs John '[' ' , 1 00 Marshall, Henry '.'^: 1 00 Marsh, Samuel 1 00 Martin, Alexander ; ' - ". ' 50 Marvin, Mrs '' 1 40 Munro, David 1 00 McCoy, James ' ■.;):. 2 00 McCoy, Mrs James '' ' 2 00 McCoy, Margaret A 1 00 McCloskey, Thomas 25 McCloskey, Mrs Thomas 25 McCloskey, T Woodman 25 McKenzey, Alexander 2 00 McKenzey, Mrs A ., 2 00 McManus, William , •' ' 1 00 Nash, Mr and Miss 1 60 Northmp, Scovil 60 Feabody, Frank 60 Feabody, Stephen Feabpdy, Mrs Stephen Feabody, Allen Ferley, Mrs ChaHcs Frice, William Frice, Margaret " ,;. Frice, Elizabctli Raymond, Charles Raymond, Charles W Raymond, Mrs C W Raymond, Wm Raymond, C Lcc Street Raymond, R J B Raymond, Fanny L Raymond, EM Raymond, Fhilip Raymond, Mrs Fliilip Raymond, Lewis Raymond, Fred W Rutherford, Adam Rutherford, Mrs A . ' Saunders, Lewis Saunders, Mrs Lewis Saunders, Matilda Saunders, Evan Smith, Mrs Stephen Smith, B Smith, RE Guy \ . Smith, William D . " Smith, Miss Eli/.a .' '.. Smith, Henry B ' ,'.: Smith, Bei\iamin H Smith, Mrs Bei\jamin II Smith, Jacob Smith, Isabella Smith, Matilda „ i Smith, Charles R Smith, Mrs Charles R Stead, Herbert Speer, John ,.-,•/ Speer, Mrs John Specr, Joseph Speer, Robert ^ ,7 , Speer, Mrs Robert .. ;;' Speer, William Rankin Street, Rev S D Lee (R.eclor) Street, Mrs S D Lee Street, E A Lee Street, George Aubrey ,. Stokoe, Mrs > '.'\''. Upham, William Upham, Mrs William Upham, George B ., Upham, Mrs G B .^ Upham, Edward ,' Upham, Alice Upham, Henry Wetmore, Thomas C Wetmore, Robert G 3 00 1 a li.i ■ (4 Vi J \ Winslow, Mrs and Miss 1 50 Winslow, John C 2 50 Winslow, Mrs John C 2 00 Winslow, Norman B 60 Winslow, Minnie 60 Winslow, Jessie K 1 60 {■ Winslow, Bradshaw 1 00 Winslow, Mrs B 1 00 Woodford, Samuel (M D) 1 20 RIOUSrOND. Keartlsley, Alfred «0 50 Bell, Thomas 70 iJell, Mrs William 1 05 Bell, Benjamin 70 Bell, Mr? Benjamin 70 Blackmore, George 70 Carpenter, Birdsall 1 08 1 Currie, Andrnw 70 Currie, Mrs Andrew 70 Currie, William 70 Campbell, Mrs Thomas 70 Campbell, Charles 35 Cunliffe, Ellis GO Cunliffc, Mrs Ellis 60 3 Cunliffe, Harriet M 3Gi ■) Cunliffe, George Inglis 36i 1 Constance, Robert 1 00 1 Cunliffe, Nicholas 1-05 Dalling, Mrs Thomas 35 Dalltng, 'Mary Jane 35 Dalling, Charles ' . " 17i Dalling, James . ' "^ ' 70 Dennett, E J ■'■■■■- 50 Dennett, Mrs E J 50 Gartley, Thomas 1 05 Gartley, Mrs Thomas 70 Gartley, George 1 05 Gartley, Thoma« (2nd) 70 Gibson, WilUam 1 00 Gibson, Mrs Wm 6tf i Gibson, Helen Myra 60 P Gidn'ey, Isaac 1 40 f! Gentle, Mm 1 00 8 Hanson, John F 1 00 i Hanson, Mrs J F 50 1 Hanson, Allice B 20 Hanson, Duncan , ,, 50 Hanson, Otis 1 00 ' Henderson, Wm 70 Henderson, Mrs Wm 70 Henderson, jr, Wm 85 HUlman, John ' .„^ ', 70 Jamieson, Charles SrX'^"-' 50 Jamieson, Mr C S . . . 50 ' Jamieson, William 50 Jamieson, Mary Jano 60 Jamieson, Henry N 20 t Jamieson, B Lee Street 24 T2 Jamieson, John H Jamieson, C Onsby Leighton, John S Leighton, Mrs John S McBride, John , McBride, Mrs John McLellan, John McLellan, Mrs John McCulIoch, Bobert McCulloch, Mrs Robert McBride, Thomas McBndc, Mrs Thomas McBride, Arthur McBride, Mrs, Arthur McBride, Nettle R McBride, Robert McBride, James Mclntyre, Patrick Mclntyre, Mrs Patrick Mclntyre, Thomas . ,j^.,,, Mclntyre. Mury i ....'.• Mclntyre, Elizabeth Mclntyre, Isabell Mclntyre, Robert Mclntyre, Mrs Robert Mclntyre, Andrew Mclntyre, Mrs Andrew Mclntyre, James Freeman McKee, John McKee, Thomas McKec, Mary McDougal, Mrs . , 'j Nicholson, John Nicholson, Mrs John Parks, George H Parks, Mrs Parks, Marian A Parks, Eugene M , Parks, Hannah P Plummer, Mrs Piummer, Mary E Ray, Andrew Ray, jr, Andrew Reed, William Strong, Thomas Strong, Mrs Thomas Strong, Isaac Strong, jr, Alexander Strong, William Smith, Ebenezer Slater, Andrew Stokes, Wm Toms, John Tapley, John Tracey, George Wilson, Wm Wilson, Mrs Wm ; ; Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Eathorinc V,' •?.' 12 12 25 25 70; 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 85 35 1 20 50 1 00 60 75 60 40 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 60 25 1 05 70 50 70 35 85 60 26 ■J. f,,r. M ,11- ■ -'n ,13 12 1 00 60 62 52 60 70 36 7^ 70 1 05 70 . :,.ji^oo [fi ;-^.^^ «!(> // .kim 7P 1 00 20 -.1 ■■- L 7* 70 70 70 1 00 20 12 JAOKSONTOWK. Harper, Wni Fred 12 Harper, Ann Elizabeth 25 Emory, Charles 100 Harper, Alice Maud 25 Emery, MiM 26 Harper, Stanley H 70; Emeiy, Scott 60 Harper, Oeorge 70 Emery, Mra Scott 60 Harper, Mra William 70 Emery, Cbwlos 26 Picket, WiUet ^ 70 Emeiy, Annio 26 Picket, Mrs WiUet 70 Emeiy, Alou H 25 Simonson, John N 70 Emery, Bertha 25 Simonson, Albert 70 Emery, Hamilton 1 00 Simonson, John 70 Emory, Mrs Hamilton 100 Simonson, Ida May 70 Emery, Frank 60 Simonson, Clement 85 Emery, LeBaron T 60 Simonson, James 35 Harper, James - 60 Simonson, William 1 20 Harper, Mrs James 60 Two Col. St. Luke's. nn, 50 Harper, jr, John 25 Christ's Church, .>'. .100 Harper, jr, Aaron 26 St. John's Church, 0.' :}f ,t 50 Harper, Anne 12,^ St. Peter's Church, ,...■ 75 Harper, Samuel 12,1 60 Harper, James Hanford 12i 40 Harper, Jane 12i Loss on Bank Notes, 1 00 Hupcr, John 60 ' 1 00 100 60 Harper, Mrs John - 60 \ ' , 60 " ■• ^ ' nan 25 1 05 'I 70 / 50 - 70 . ^ 35 u 85 60 ■■' . \ ' 26 25 , * ' < !• . »:•■ 1^ : - ' - 1 00 60 52 *- ' 62 60 '' 70 -- -..;,, 35 > ', - _ 7f> ■-■*••■ 70 .- 1 05 \ 70 70 100 _^ \ T 40 25 2S w 25 1 49 1 75 1 76 1 00 60 1 00 121 Ml w 1 00 10 43 3 60 2 14 1 75 1834 06 2 87 $831 19 r >T •'•' 9'.: , Ih/kM ..♦-,;, \,, ..i:;,f; ; i: ' .' "■■* ..H.V'>Iiii;';'; ,1 •>;mU C.t \yr "^viooii) ,1 Oil e> / .•iii'.if ?■;'>/ sil/i ,•■ }uiX 01 3V r Mf[t7f'. 1 .!;^t•| . i.i: Rt t folUY/' iil.I , lv:-t')Ui z^: OC. i ■^t (tfioT, ,;i...i rcaii-)' vrt I."' ;..,i; ' . ■ ':>' f U ( '■ .r.v :'i'"^' • '' 1 AS! • ■* i .^M * <>.i , .;,■;;!, .:: u 1/)/;; .' . .. J : u' Jl s '■ft} \.J ;l'(l,l '. 't •)•' i 1 , ,•;■; f ' • , j"VriOi,^, ■■< AH-- ' J ;' ;^» ; 4^if '«A' « ft'iM, 7;,. ir r.{(th\ ,.t' :< . ' .^i:ot 3. StepHen Wiggins, St. John, $2,000. .' >.,.:.,,.-<«.:.,< ' Eliza Bell, Shediac, 980. vn > * m. . v,i ■<' ' J. F. Allison, Sackville, 8200. 6. F. W. Hatheway, St. John, $2,000. Miss Simonds, St. John, $l,G0O. tSACT FROU THE WILL OF THE LATE HONOBABLE OUIBF JU8TICB. PABKBB. I have already set apart certain bonds of the Mayor, Aldermen and nmonalty of the City of St. John, of over four hundred pounds, to- rds the Endowment Fund, to be raised for the support of the clergy of Church of England in New Bnmswick, subject to conditions, and if h conditions are not complied with, I still devote this part of my per> rI estate ^or the benefit of the said missions, as my Executors may m best, ai.d should they make no provision, I give the same bonds to Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick for the object of mis- u in the poorer parishes, on such terms as the Society may direct." FORMS OF BEQUESTS AND DEVISES IN WILL. A Biquest of a sum of Money, or Shares of Stock, or Paid Debentures /or the general purposes of the Society. give and bequeath to the " Diocesan Church Society of New Bruns- ±," the sum of rrency, Tor Shares of Stock in the Bank of ' ), standing in my name in the books of the said Bank, or (if bentures, describe them briefly,) upon trust, to he by the said Diocesaa arch Society applied to and for the uses and purposes of the said' titty, as specified in tlie Act of Incorporation, and none other. ^ A Devise of Real Estate for the General Purposes oj the Society, , give and devise unto the " Diocesan Church Society of New Bruns- !k," all and singular, &c. (Describe the Real Estate clearly.) To re and to hold the said, &c., unto the said Diocesan Church Society of ' IT Brunswick, and their successors, for ever : upon trust to hold and ily the same, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, and the pro- ds of the sale thereof, should the Society sell the same, to and for uses and purposes of the said Diocesan Church Society, as specified, the Act of Incorporation, and none other. .;, ,, ; . ; ,, •' 'i L 7« ArrENDIX B. To the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick : — Ifcrs, or fro Ihe Fund t'( gentioncd. mitti'il to w ItriiiH as til i. Thf iblc, nnd ( The Committco appointed to consider tho Widows' and Orphans' Fund, with a view to placint; it on' a 8i>lf-sustainint< basis, and to confer with tlu Committee of the Clerical Mutual Life Assurance Association, appointee to considiV the same suh.ivct, report that they have received from thi Conunittee of tho Cii^ricul A.^surance Association a copy of a propose Scliume suggested by tlicni for tlie ainalganiatlon of tliat Association witi the Diocesan Church Society, which is herewith submitted ; and havint considered the subject, are of opinion that it is not de^^irable for the Dio ecsan Church Society to intermeddle therewith at the present. They have also received from the Kev. J. Pearson a Scliome for tin formation of a Fund to provide Pensions for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the Diocese, wliich they now submit and recommend to tlie consideration of tho Society. In tho Dioceses of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Toronto, fundi for these purposes are in a tlourishing comlition, and reports from tiicso Dioceses might be of great imi)ortanco in tho formation of one among us. Tho cordial support and co-operation of all the Clergy will be required, and without this, success can hardly be anticipated. Supposing the number of tlie Clergy to be about fifty, and the average annual contribution /for each be three i)ounda, and the collections from i"^''! *" ^'' the several Parishes equal tho sum tho Clergy pay, three hundred pounds ". "*'),5"\ a year would be obtained ; and to this add tho interest of tho twelTeB"'*'.*".^ ^ '^ hundred pounds now at tlie credit of the Widow and Orphan Fund, three hundred and seventy-two would provide for ten widows at thirty- five pouuds each per annum, and as it is to be hoped that no suchHtur, and' tmu nuknbcr of claims will arise for many years, the accumulation of each year ons must be over and above the charges, together with increased subscriptions, dupn- tibns, &c., would form % permanent fund applicable to this purpose, and render the claimants perfectly sure of their Pensions. U nl ^.5THWf; i ".v.. ■'*)k- JOHN PEARSON, ROBERT F. HAZEN, MR, B. S. ROBINSON, C. H. FAIRWEATHEB. .•»J Of llh SCHEME. I'aIH' T' ! i.f(f.-ti. j.. "The Church Society of tho Diocese of Frodoncion, in the Province jj gj,^j'[ j.j,,,p of New Brunswick, shall have a special fund, to be called, " "rhe Clergjr, ,g child Widows and Orphans' Fund," which shall consist of tho present capital held by tho Society for this object, of all subscriptions, donations, legacie» and other contributions given and paid to the Society for this special pufppse, and of all prcmiuins received under these rules, and this fund shaft be applied to the assistance of the families of deceased clergymen, and to no otlior otuect. 2. ThU fund shall bo managed by the Executive Committee of the Church Society. 3. Every Clergyman in this Diocese duly licensed, whose widow is not it such incre alr^o^y entitled to a pension from the Society for tlic Propagation of the Gospel, wishing to sliaro in the benefits of this fund, shall witJiin six wontbi from (the date of its formation), or witliin one year from receiving Holy 0^ MB Ak;idered as forfeited, but may be gained at the ()i»tion of the Committee", and upi>ii such terms us they , ly prescribe. 8. Upon eomp'.ianee with the aliove rules tlie Diocesan Church Society idortakes to pay out of this Fund a yearly pension of $140 to the widow each Clergyman' holding a policy during her widowhood. 9. If the widow .die. or marry again, the pension shall he paid towards le support of such children of the deceased Cllergyman as may he under 10 age of si.Ktucn years (if buys), or eighteen years (if girls). In this e, when the children havi- attained tliese ages, the pension shall cease. 10. The Trustees named liy a deceased Clergyman shall be recognized y the Coninutt(.e in tlie event ot llie dcatli ir ininriage of his widow, nd shall receive the pi'n.--ioii to l)e applied by il'em for t)»e support of le child or children, hut if the Trustecu .so named are unwilling or Dable to act, or if Trustees should not iiavi- Ik-cii named, then the Bishop fthe Diocc'so shall act as Trustee, in the application of the pension. 11. If the wife die bofoi-e the husbi'.nd his child or children shall, at » death, receive the pensh)n under the limitation as to age expressed in ule 9. ' 12. If at any lime the state of the Fund will permit, the Committee lay increase the amount of pension to any sum not exceeding $200-,/ itBuch increase may he withdrawn if it cannot ivith safety be continued, id in any case the pension shall be of the sa^ne amount to all existing 78 13. Foniiunoiit rciiiovnl uf a Clory;}-nian iVom tlilH l)ioce»e, cxo under npuolnl eircumiitnncog, to bo eanL'tionod by tho KiHhop in writil and nppn.tod by tlio Coiumittoc, or (U'Kradation or HUMpunsion fromf MiniHtry, nliall forfeit till claim upon tliiH fund. 14. The pensions Himll bo payable iuilf-yeiirly, on January litandjl Ist in each year, and shall commence on tlio flnt of thoRo day* w)i| •hall happen nttor the docoaso of each jjcrson lioluinu a policy. 16. Tlio Treasurer of the Diocesan Cliuruli Society shall bo Trcarni of this Fund, And shall, ftoni time to time, under tliu direction of ] Committee, invest every hundred pounds of surplus money, and add same to the capital of the Fund. A yearly detailed Htatement of | income, pnyment» and invested money sliall bo publislied in tho Ann Boport