St. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1^128 g25 ■^ 1^ 12.2 1.1 Ui Hi u I* u 14.0 2.0 IL25 i 1.4 III 1.6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporalion 1 ^ til ^1 w ■'I # \ without HopCf and nvUhoui God in the IVorld : Upon this mourr^ul Confideration it was thought proper to add many Things, which, through the filefling of God, might be of Ufe to awaken fuch miferable and tmthoughtful People.'* mmmmmmmmmmammKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmm E'-"»5ag^as»^, I I I I ( . I / Lately TulUJhed, Short and Plain Instruction FOR ' The Better Underdanding OP THE L O R D's SUPPER WITH THE Neccflary Prepar ATION For the BENEFIT required of YOUNG COMMUNICANTS, AND Of fuch as have not well confidercd This Holy Ordinance. To which is annexed, THE Office op thf HOLY COMMUNION, With proper Helps andDiREcriONs, for joinini^ in eveiy Part thereof with, UndcdtantUng and Benefit. ' ?, >- By the Right FeveiTp.d i'aihcr in GOn, Thomas, Lord Bifho^p 6^ Scdor'^.wK Man, The Twenty.sixth'Edition. LONDONi; ii.' Printed for F. rnd C. PrviNOTOif, No. 62, St. PauPs Church -J ard'y and fold by all the Bookfellejrs in Towi\ tnd Country. « • •»■» .. » .. ,.. .^* ^^r> ...iito<.4t5-fe< ■ THE KNOWLEDGB AND PRACTICK or CHRISTIANITY Made Eafy to the Meaneft Capacities : o R, A N ' E. s s A y- • TOWARDS AN INSTRUCTION • -.- '■ i ' '■- ' *°^ THE ■ ; ' ^. ^. "':::(: INDIANS.. '-;'«■■ Which will likewifc be of Ufe To all fuch who are called Christians, hut have not well confidered the Cleaning of the Religion th^y profcisj Or, who pro/efs to kno'^ GOD, but in li^orks do de/i^ Him. IN TWENTY DIALOGUES. m Together with DIRECTIONS AND PRAYERS. FOR The Heathen ,World, ] Missionaries, Catechumens,, Private Persons. Familie^j Of Parents tor their Children, For Sundays, &c. THE SEVENTEENTH EDITION. By the'Right Rev. Father in GOD, Thomas, Lord Biihop of Soefor and Man, Lo Ko on: PRINTED FOR F. AND C. RIVIMGTON, •OOKIXLISR* TO THB COCIITV FOR MOMOTINO CHAtSTIA* ,^ KMOWfciBoa* MO. 6a, ST. rAUL'A cuuncu VARa. Printdl b7 jgy« wi4 Law, St. JoWs Squats, ClwkaiweU. i TO THE .Mod Reverend Father in GOD, T H "if A S Lord Archbiihop of Cd7i/cr^Mry, &c, P R E S I D E N T; And the reft of the ■'. 1 Right Reverend, Right HoNOURAfiLE^ and Worthy Governors and Members or TMX TWO SOCIETIES, "•f^ •.'',J*.' The One for the Propagation of the Gofpcl in Ford^n ^{frfs^ The Other JUi,;" -- Promoting of Chriftian Knowledge at Hoine^ This ESSAY Is infcribed bjf , The AUTHOR, A Member of both thefe Societies* m .ii. 1 hi .-'*. ,; -tv: : ; (.:■ -■» .. t,i, t ADVERTISEMENT. Vl.. : t^- ' V ' .*; .1 i\- I . ! il^ ^pHIS Book, and the Biihop's Phm X Tr^atife upon the Sacrament of the Lord's Suppery are in the Catalogues of fuch Books as are recommended and difperfed by the Two Societies for propagating the Go/pel in Fo- reign Parts: — and for Promoting Chrifiian Knowledge at Home: — ^^And there will alfo be a large Allowance made by F, and C, Rivington^ to fuch chapitable Perfons as are difpoled to buy ahy Number, above Half a Dozen at a Time of thefe Books, to give away, either at Home amongft poor Families^ Children, ana Servants, or to difperie in our Plantations in America. ^ ; a. O-j A^'isl^i"^ ; f i ■ -.■<>."■' 1 - i! CONTENT S. Dial. ^ Pack 1 , PARTI. Which is in order to Chriftian Baptifm, . «. - - i ibid. 9 »7 II. Ill IV, VI VII. IX. X. xr. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI, . 26 35 4+ 54 65 7.6 Of the Corruption of our Nature, The Proofs of the ChriiUan Religion, The wonderful Succcfs and Progrefs of the Gofpcl, whdn it was firll preached to the World, - - - ObjeftionK Hgainft the bad Lives of Chrif. tians anfwcred, ... The Holy Scriptures both necelTary and fulHcient for the Salvation of Men, An Account of the Fall of Man, and what followed thereupon, till the Coming of Chrift, - - T 1 1 r. Jcfus Chrift the Mediator and Saviour of the World, and the Head of all Chriftians, - Being an Abftraft of the former Dialogues and Inftrudionni^ _ _ * Part ii. Of Baptifm and the Lord's Supper : The Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the l-cn Commandments, explained, 90 Of Baptifm, - . - ibid. The Conditions required of fuch as arc to be baptized, - > - The Articles of the Chriftian Faith prac- tically explained. The Commandments of God pradically ex- plained, Part I. Part II. Duty towards God explained. Duty towards our Neighbour, explained, - XVII. xvin. Of Prayer and Thankfgiving, being the Means and Conditions of obtaining" the Grace and Blefling of Godj - 182, 193 " A 4 XIX, This 99 "5 137 »5i 165 172 1 . n u .1 > < I, .u TllXt XX. jppci C O N TENT S. The Sacrament of the lord's Si explained, - - _ 204 Tlic iX'lnfion, the Danger, nnd the Mifchicf, of being Chr'flians without Chrillianity, 218 237 238 239 Sclctfl Scriptures ;iiid Priiycrs, A Supplication on Behalf of the Heathen World, - A Ivli/fionary's Prayer, A Prayer proper for fuch as dcfire to be intruded in the Chriftian Religion, ... 240 Private and Family Prayers, Sec, • , . 24J A feafonable Inftrudion, - - -ibid. The Duty and Benefit of .Morning Prayer for any Pcrfon in private, - . . 24S Morning Prayer, - ■ - . - ibid. Some fl.ort Meditations for fuch as are well dif. pofed, and have Time to fparc, - 251 The Duty and Benefit of Evening Prayer for a Pcrfon in private, . - - 253 An Evening Prayer, . » . ibid. Short Meditations for fuch as have Time, and are well difpofed, . . . - 255 Morning Prayer for a Family, . - 257 Proper Meditatfons for fuch as have Time, and are devoutly difpofed, *. . • .261 Parents for Children, . ' ., tf \ - ^^3 Evening Prayer for a Family, . " .ibid. Seledl Scriptures, and Meditations upon them; which may teach us how to profit by reading the Scriptures, .... 267 A Ihort and neceffary Inftruftion for the Lord's Day in the Morning, ... 170 A ihort Prayer at your coming into Church, . ibid. A fhort Prayer before you leave the Church, - 27a A Prayer for Sunday Morning, - . 273 A plain and ufeful Inftrutf^ion for Sunday Evening, 274 A Prayer for Sunday Evening, - - 276 A ihort Admonition to all, and efpecially to Mafiers of Families, . . - 278 Grace before our Meals, and Grace after our Meals, . • • .279, 289 > p- T/^^ Zori Bifiop of London'/ Lefter to his Clergy i recommending that Branch of the D^- ftgn of the' Society for Promoting Chriftian Knowledge, which relates to dijperftng among the Poor plain TraSls on'religious Suhje£ls. ■' ■ . "k . ■. ■ ^ " :. ■ • " ■ ■ . • ' THE Suhfcribing and Correjponding Mem- bers of the Society in Great-Britain and Foreign Parts, are about 500 ; to wliich were added, in the Year 1740, Twenty-two Sub- fcribing, and Twenty-four Correfponding Members j an Increafe, which has been in good Meafurc owing to the Lord Bilhop. of London's Recommendation of their Defigns,, in the following Letter to his Clergy : y; * Good Brother, fTBiubaif, j4/n/ 3, 17^0, * 'T^HE Decay of Piety and Religion,' and « X. the Increafe of Sin and Vice, are fo * vifible in our Days, notwithftanding the En- * deavours of the Parochial Clergy to prevent * them i that no additional Expedients ought. * to be omitted, which may help, in -any * Meafure, to preferve among our People a *' Scnfc of Duty, and a Spirit of Devotion.: * A 5 * Oni •■.i '* i t M fi; C ii ] * One of thefe Expedients is, the putting into their Hands, as Occafion fhall be found, (omejhorl and plain TraSts upon Religious Suhjehs \ fuch as being /&or/, they are like to read, or may eafily procure to be read to them } and being alio plain^ they cannot fail of underftanding ; and moreover, being always at hand, and read over often, they will naturally make a deeper ImpreJJion upon their Minds', than Inftrudions and Admoni- tions, either from the Pulpit, or by Word of Mouth. * It was with this Viev/, that feveral Bifliops, Clergymen, and other ferious Perfons among the Laity, did long fince form themfelves into a Society, for printing and difperfing fuch pradical Trads in great Numbers. And for the difperfing them more cffecr tually, they have from Time to Time ad- mitted, and continue to admit, feveral Per- fons in all Parts of the Kingdom, whom they call Corresponding Members; and who are intitled to have a Supply of them, to be difpoled of among fuch of the Neigh- bouring Clergy or Laity as dcfire them 5 the Bound Books, mentioned in the Society's Catalogue J at the prime Coft in ^ires, the Society being at the Charge of Binding; and the Stitched Books, at one Half of the Price there fet down, as the prime Coft of each; the other Half of the Charge being born by the ftanding Subfcriptions of the * Mem- ' [ Hi ] . Meinbers of the Society, and by other oc- cafional Benefa6tions. And the Privilege of fending for and receiving thofe Books and fmall Trafl-s, on the Ttrms before- mentioned, is common to all the Corre- sponding Members, as fuch, whether they be Subscribe'' s, or not; on account of the Trouble they are content to take, in an- fwering the great Ends of the Society, by conveying the Tracts into many Hands, and. on the fame eafy Terms ; without any Ad- vantage to themfeives, befides the Pleafure of doing Good. ' , '.'•:/' * * This Society has fubfifled many Years,- under the Name of the Society for Promoting Chrijlian Knowledge. And, as by their En- deavours in that Way, great Good has been already done to Religion, fo much mgre would probably be done, if tlie Defign, and their Methods of carrying it on, were more generally underftood and attended to. And becaufe Ibme of the Clergy may not know that there is fuch a Society, and many others may be unacquainted with the true End and. Manner of it ; I defire that thole in your Neighbourhood may have this Ac- count of it communicated to them, as you* have Opportunity. — ^At the fame Time it is left to every one's Judgment, how far he has Occafion^ within his own CurCj for fuch Afliftances as thefe, to co-operate with his own Pafloral Labours.. A6 "V « Iam If: 5Mi V %vV i I I. !■ r f f ' ,■> i ■> t [ iv ] • \ * I AM not without Hope, that when this * Method of doing Service to Religion is * known and confidered, Perfons who are of * Ability, both among the Clergy and Laity, * will be difpofed to become Su^fcribing Mem-- * herSy or occaOonal Contributors, for the better * Support of the Society in carry inoj on the * Work, and to make the good Effcds of it * more and more extenfive. And fo com- * mending you, and your , Labours, to the * Blcffing of God, 1 remain^ . >, v i. - ' ' SIRy • ^ * > ' - ' ■ * li ' * Your Faithful Friend and Brother ^ t J * EDM. LONDON.' N. B. This Book, and the Bijhop of Sodor and yidxC 5 "plain Account of the Sacrament of the^ hordes Supper, may he had by all the Cor^ re/ponding as well as Subfcribing Members, upon the Terms of the Society for Promoting Chriftian Knowledge, who meet every Tucf- day, at their Houje, No. 5, Bartlett's-Build- ings, Holborn. , ^ : ■.{ " *' mmk v-ar iip} r THE Author's PREFACE. ('. W. 1 1i'* i I IF the following EfTay doth in any IMeafure anfwcr its Title and Defign, the Reader muft know, that it was, through the divine Diredlion and Blcffing, owing to a Ihort, but very entertaining Convcrfation, which the Author, and fome other Gentlemen, had with the Honourable General Oglethorpey concern- ing the Condition^ Temper^ and Genius of the Indians in the Neighbourhood of Georgia^ and thofe Parts of y^merica -, who, as he affured us, are a tradable People, and more capable of being civilized, and of receiving the Truths of Religion, than we are generally made to believe -, if fome Hindrances werfr removed, and proper Meafures taken to awaken in them a Senfe of their true Intereft, and of their un- happy Condition, while they continue in their prefent State. And though this may be thought a very difficult Work, yet God, w^o would have all Men to bejavedy and to come to the Truth as it is in Jefus, hath, purfuant to his gracious Defign, made all Men capable of receiving fuch a Mea- fure of Chriftian Knowledge, as will be fuffi- cicnt for their Salvation* 8 Accord* 0< VI PREFACE. » k < ■ r '■ ( Accordingly, fome Inftances may be given of Heathens in the darkeft Corners of the JEarth, who have, even at this Day, been awakened ^nd converted, by the BlefTing of God upon the Labours and Converlation of fome very moderately learned, but pious Per- fons. Thefe haneft and well-meaning Chrif- tians, by their good Examples and Patience in explaining the great Truths of the Gofpel, have engaged Wvn of very brutiih PaiTions, and fuch as before were fuppofcd to be of an unconquerable Ignorance, not on-y to acknow- ledge the true God, and his Son our Lord Je^^iis Cbrift', but alfojoin with them in endeavouring to convince and convert others. And how this Grain of Muflard-Jeed may groWj and. in- creaje 2Ln^ fpread, God only knows : — But bleffed are they that have l<)wn it ! -- (• As to this Performance, the Author will fay little in its Defence j it is called an EJfay only j —-and indeed, it v/as finifhed amidft other Bufinefs of Moment, which hath occafioned fo many Defcds in it, that he has been fome- times ready almoft to wifh it had not gone. Abroad. But he hopes thefe Defe6ls- may fet fome better Hands, at workj to perfcdV what hath here been attempted. — ^And if even that Good be done by it, the Author will be very thankful to God, for having enabled him> in any Meafure, to promote a Work of fuch Importance, as is the Salvation of Souls, which Jefus Chrift has purchafcd with his moft pre- cious Blood. / There P R E F A C E. va There hav^ been, it is true, many excellent Books publifhed, which give a larger and more learned Account of the Chriftian Religion : But then fome ofthcfe have heen written in a Style above the Capacity of the Itfs Learned ; and others mixed with Concvoverfies, impro- per for fuch a Work, as being too apt to dif- traft the Minds of both Teachers and Learners, and to divert them from attending to the great and faving Truths of Chriftianity. It will eafily be feen that the Author's Dc- fign doth not lie this Way j he has taken what Care he could, to give no Offence to any fe- rious Chriftian, who may have different Sen- timents from himfelfj and to exprefs his Thoughts in Terms fuited to the meaneft Ca- pacity. And, indeed, he hath failed of his Purpofe, if the Truths, here recommended,, have not been made pl^in even to the Under- ftanding of an Indian^ who fhall be defirous ta learn the Things that concern his immortal Soul, and is dijpqfedfor eternal Life. His chief Aim was to follow the Example of our great Mailer, — by giving Inftrudions fuitable to the prefent Neceflity and Strength of fuch as were to receive them, - p And if this fliort and plain Attempt may but ferve for a Sort of Index or Common-place y of the Heads that arc proper to be infilled on, and which may be more largely explained, it is I to be hoped it will be of fome Advantage to fuch MifHonaries, or others^ who fhall thbk fit Itoconfultit. • Had •ff|' .4 '? _w . » tin-. (J m'f'- ■Hi/ i vm PREFACE. (i',< I < !!|. ! It f ! , * Had this EfTay been Intended for the fole * Ufe of Heathens, many Things might have * been omitted : But when one fees, even * among the Profeflbrs of Chriftianity, of al- * moll all Denominations, too many, who with * refpe(5l cither to Knowledge or Practice, * are not much better than Heathens, — who * underftand not why they arc called Chrif- ' tians, or what need they have of a Saviour j ^ * but as the Apoftle defcribes the then Pagan * World, are without Chriil, cxpedling no \ * Benefits from his Sarrifice, and therefore Xi * without Hope and without God in the World: . '^ —Upon this mournful Confideration, it was ' thought proper to add many Things, which, * through the Blefling of God^ might be of * Ufe to awaken fuch mifcrable and unthought- * ful People/ With refpedt to the Manner of the Perform- ance J — as the Holy Spirit, by Mojes, did not begin the Hiftory of the Creation, nor St» Paul the Cohverfion of the Gentiles, with Proofs of the Being of God, fuppofing, that every Man, >yho had the Ufe of Reafon, would acknowledge, that there muft of Neceflity be fuch a Being; it was not thought neceflary nor convenient to begin thefcInftrud:ions with fuch Proofs, which might confound, and have often daggered the Faith of fimple Men. There may be in the Chrillian World Athe ids, at lead fuch as would wilh there was no God, to punifh them for their wicked Lives : — But , ■ ,'""■-■- ' % . " ' ■<•--*/. w we I I PREFACE. m we have ho certain Account, that there are any fuch among the Heathens : —The very \ Hottentots i who are fuppofcd to be the duUeffc of Mankind, even thclc, as we have been in- formed by thofe who have been amongft them, do very naturally appeal to One who is above thole who injurioully treat them. — And we have been lately told, that fome of thefe very People have been awakened and converted to ithe Chriftian Faith. The Proofs of the Chriftian Religion, made life of in this Eflay, arc not founded upon fuch I Arguments as are above the Capacities and Reafonings of plain and unlearned People,— but upon what they know and feel within jthemfclves; — Upon the Corruption of human Nature; — Their Pronenejs to Evil j — The \ Fears that attend fuch a fad State ; — And upon the Experience of their own utter Inability to deliver themfelves out of this State of Bond- age i— Arguments which every thoughtful Man, though never fo unlearned, yet-awakcn- |ed, feels the Force of. And fuch Convi6bions as thefe will very na- Iturally lead Men to defir-e, and confequently clofe with, any reafonable Propofal of a Way to free them from the Doubts and Fc^ars that attend them j and difpofe them to embrace fuch Evidence, as fhall be brought to prove the [Truth and the Pleflingof Chriftianity.— Indeed the Conversion of the Hea- [thens may appear at firft Sight, a very difcou- raging : ■ .' ii (iU,Si! ^r.' rTr, li |i i! Ml Ml ■ m " • .1 r ^ !, Ill !■ « i,]| f ' X PREFACE. raging Undertaking, confidering the many DifEcukies fuch a Work is like to meet with. —But God, whofe Kingdom ruleth over all, having given his Son the Heathen for his Inhe- ritance ^ and the uttermoft i-arts of the Earth for his Pcffeffion-i — and having affured us, that all the Ends of the Eart'^ fhould remember themjelves^ and turn unto the Lord — as he is able, fo He will moft certainly perfcA this in his own good Timt^, and by fuch Inftruments as Ihall be moft proper for accomplifiiing this great Event. But whether the Churches of the Gentiles ^ which at prefent arc fo far departed, not only from the Zeal and Practice, but many of them from the Truths of primitive Chriftianity, fo that even themfelves want to be converted: — • Whether, thefe f>:all be made the Inftruments of fo glorious a Work is much to be doubted. Or whether, when the Times of the Gentiles fjjall he fulfilled t Luke xxi. 24. — that is, as the learned Grotius underflands the Prophecy, when God's Patience and Long -Juffering with the Churches cf the Gentiles, whom, when he rc- jedtcvl the Jcjos^ he made his peculiar People, floall be at an Endy and they fhall have' filled up the Meajure of their Sins , — whether God will not then look upon his everlafting Covenant with Abraham and his Seed, Gen, xvii. 7. and caufe the Jews to be converted, and make THEiM the Inftruments of publifhing the Gof- pel to all Nations of the World, amongft whom his Providence hath already fcattere.d them; i-t ■^'■- : / ' :' '■ -'.:' ^ ' is. PREFACE. XI \i Matter worthy of Confi deration, and fccmcd ^0 the very learned Mr. Jo/epb Mede *, no im- )robable Suppofition. He fiippofcd St. Paur^ Convcrfion to be a YPE of the Calling of the Jews^ when their nbulation and long Difperfion lliail be end- ?d J and that the fame Almighty Power and Grrace which converted him, and from a moft )itcer Enemy and Pcrfecutor of Je/us Chrifty md hlo Church, made him an Apoftle and 'rcacher of the Gofpcl to the then Gentile ^orld,— that the faa":c Almighty Power and rrace can, and it is probable may» after the [ike Manner, make tne Jews, though never fo ;reat Enemies to Chrift at prefcnt, Preachers the Gojpd to the yet unconverted Nations ;— • md endow them as he did St. Paul, with fuf- icient Powers, to convince and convert all ich as are difpojedfor eternal Life, But this mull be as it (hall pleafv* God.— - In the mean Time, whoever among Chriftians u'ars God, and loves the Lord Jefus Chrift in bincerity, cannot but dcfire ana endeavour, Ihat ail Nations may come to the Kno\ylcdge )f their Maker and Redeemer, and adore and tlorify him. rV'vi'^:,3»-f»i;F?Hl^T' - ' * ij/n ^'*•«-^'-l? This is indeed what every Chriftian prays )r, when he fays, Thy Kingdom come ; — but to low little Purpofe, if he does not, by fome l61s of his own, and as far as God hach put Mr, Mede's Works, fol. Book v. Chap, 2, Hee there \ii Reajons at large. Xlf PREFACE. i i m it into his Power, endeavour to gather and inj creafe the Number of Chrift's^ Subjedls, anij enlarge his Kingdom, by the Convcrfion the yet unbelieving Nations ? We know it will be natural for People tJ a(k, What can be done by mod Men, morj than to pray,*— -That fuch, as fit in DarknefJ and in the Shadow of Death, rnay be delivereil by what Ways God Ihall think fit ? Morel much more, moft certainly, may be done, bjf almofl all good Chriflians, towards the pro moting of fo glorious a Work, ^werc thej only to remove the Stumbling-blocks whic] lie in the Way of the Heathens, and hindc their Converfion. For Inftance :— It cannot but be acknowJ ledged with Shame and Sorrow, that the litclf Progrtfs which the Gofpel hath made amon| the Indians and Negroes in the Wcftcr Parts of the World, had in a great Meafur been owing to the bad lives of many of thol| Chriflians with whom they have fo long con verfcd: — For, let the MifTionaries, or ani other good Men fay never fo many true anj affefling Things of the Excellency of ChriJ tianity, and the Ble flings attending it ; thoj People will always judge of the Religion zealoufly recommended to them, by the Liv(| of the Generality of thofe who^ profefs which, if wicked, give fuch a Wound Chriftianity, as all the Arguments to recor mend it cannot heal. - ' - kU PREFACE. xm Its to rccor If thefe poor People, inftead of feeing the )od Fruits of the holy Faith and Religion ropofed to them, fhall fee little or nothing, a general Corrupticn of Manners ; fiich as ttemperanccy Injufticey Co'uetoufnefSy Oppreffiony I Love rf Pleajures and all worldly Delight Sy a ^ant of Compajfton for their Fellow-creatures y 'Hat red y Malice y and Revenge y-^t will be jmoft impoffible to reconcile them to a Re- fc;ion which hath no better EfFeds upon its frofeflbrs j — or to make tiiem fear a God who ifFers his Worfliippers to do fuch Things, and Ireak with Impunity thofe Laws, which they |y h^ hath given them for the Conduct of leir Lives, --vv-^"- -'--; ''-y^: ^•^-^^-• , . ■ Heathens can reafon as well as Chriftians, Matters of fo natural a Confequence ; and fill make this plain Conclufionj — That if ich Chriftians as they converfe with, do jally hope, as they pretend, to be happy when ley die, no Pcrf<)ns need be much concerned >w they live here, or fear being mifcrablc ?reafter. Such Men as thefe would do well to confider le fad Doom pronounced by the Son of God jainft thofe who give this Offence, and hereby :cafion the Lofs of fo many Souls. All L hriftiafis, who live in the Neighbour- ed of the Heathens, ought to conclude that iey are placed ther6 by a fpecial Providence, fhich doth nothing by chance, or jp vain, to jive thofe People an Opportunity of coming to % »■*•<( ■«•• XIV PREFACE. r' H I IS fait ESH>^ ave r cafon lipid ] reed to the Knowledge of the true and only God and, by their infl:ru(5live Convcrfation, an| good Lives, to difpofe them to receive t Gofpel that they may be faved, — that G may be glorified, and his Kingdom enlarge and bis Name become excellent in all the EarthM-^^^ Qo Then indeed thofc Heathens will have ReJ^at H fon to fay, what Mofes fuppofcd the Natioi would fay of tiie Ifraelites, Surely tbeje are wife and an underjlanding People^ who have I Lord Jo nigh unto them^ in all they call upon hi for i-^and what Nation is there fo great y 'h hath Statutes, and Judgments Jo righteous ? It was certainly for fuch great Ends as thefftonfly that Jojeph firft, and afterwards Jacob, ^Ayc cap his whole Family, were brought into Egy^ by unforefeen Providences, that the Egyptii Nation, which was given altogether to Idol try, might have a favourable Opportunity i coming to the Knowledge of the trae and on God. , For this Reafon alfo it was, that the fan Providence of God, who alone can bring go )ecom( ^Japh out of Evil, did afterwards p.unifh the Sins K^nce t jrced .and, ndeav nd W pirits ejavei ns. his own People, by fending them Captiv into Babylon \ and at the fame Time that 1 punilhed them, and effcdlually cured them the Sin of worfhipping Idols, he gave ithe Conquerors a merciful Occafion of jppn^iing the Knowledge of Himftlf,^.and of his glor pus Attributes j: — and by the wqpderful M racks which, he publicly .wrought, deliyjerin . . h eirD e Go And chC nd by le He ious 1 heir I ccfi^e As lam a he mo P R i: F A C E, xr iis faithful Servants Daniei., Shadrach, [eshacH) and Abedneoo, from Death, he [ave many Nation^ and Kingdoms fufficient Icafons to fee the Foily of their abfurd and Kipid Idolatry, when their very Kings were )rced to declare, that there was no God but lie God o^ Ifraeli '<\\o was able to deliver after |iat Manner j and forbad all the People of leir Dominions to fpeak any Thing againll lie God who could do fuch Wonders. And how earneftly is it to be wilhed, that ich Chriftians, who by the fame Providence, |nd by various Ways, have been fent ajnongft he Heathens, in thefc latter Days, would fe- [ioiifly confidcr what great Good or Evil they Ire capable of doing, by their virtuous or vi- jious Behaviour, the one hardening them in leir Unbelief, the other difpofing ihcm to [ecfi^'e the Gofpel ! ^. . '-, •- ' *' As to the Negroes, the Defcendants of \[am and Canaan, who, according to one of ic moll ancient Prophecies (Cen. ix. 25.) are )ecome Slaves to Chriftians, the Defcendants \{Japhetb: — furely the only righteous Recom- mence that can be made them, for having been )rced from their native Country into a ftrange .and, and for their Labours there, will be to Indeavour to bring them to the Knowledge [nd Worfhip of the true God, the God of the \pirits of all Flejhy who would have all Men \efaved, and with him is no Rt/peSl of Per* ms. iiH'i ( ' I m t:i And , I ! > as have dcfpifed the Fro- ■ii^ P R E F / C E. xxiii to be cafy irdon, and , let them laker hath as to fend ke himlelf, -To make Death for ropofals of the Gofp .1, led carelefs and |^vicked Lives in this Vorld, and have not ruly repented, and - .ended their Ways, all be doomed to everlafling Fire, By fuch Hints as thcfc, and a thoufand ther Truths, which the Good Spirit of God ill put into the Hearts of fuch pious Chrif- ians as love God, and defire to have him ;nown and glorified, by fuch Hints as thefe they ought B^ ^n j^^ proper to raife in their Minds a Fear [aker ; and ■r^j. thcmfelves, and a Defire to know more vour, whenlf ji^g ^jH of God j To know what they to difpleafe Inuft believe, and how they mufl live, fo tha^ attentive tt>B}^gy j^iay be happy when they die, )d did affure ■ And certainly, they who have Negroes in ot the only Servitude, will find it the bcft Way to fecure 'or, bwt thatft^^jj. Fidelity > — Firft, to convince them,^that land that tnemgjj. g^-^^g of Bondage, even in a ftrange Land, rial, ^'vhichBj^Qj^gf^ People who are governed by I^ws, better Liie,§ f^j. better than always to have nved in their n Country, where no Man .can live in fety, except a few lawlefs People, who kill make Slaves of all whom they can over- me ; whereas now they may live in Secu- y, and have it in their own Power to come ding as theyl ^j^e Knowledge of the true God, who wiH ; all fucH. aslfyj-gj-Uy make them full Amends in the next irift, and ledlrorld, for what they want or fuffer in this, enfible they|they fiiall bear their Condition, in which his cnted of i^jl-ovidence hath placed them, with Patience, uch, whether! J Qj^^y j^jg Commands. dcfpif<&d_^^^|And now, if any Thing in the following VtQ-^ay Ihall be of Ufe, cither to fuch well-diP pofed —For God hat he hath have ever! o Account^ Happinefs orl II li it.:- » . m. %m •B. XXIV PREFACE. fi pofed People as we have been fpeaklng of^ or to any of the Miffionaries fent by the So- ciety, or to thofe who have called thenifelves Chriftians, though they have hitherto lived without Fear of what mud come hereafter : — In a Word, — if it may ferve in the lead Degree to enlarge the Kingdom of God, which we daily pray for: — Let all the Praife he to Him, for whofe Glory it was undertaken, and who by the weakert Means can, when he pleafes, do the greateft Good. AH the Author defires for himfelf is, — That he may have the Prayers of all fuch as fhall receive any Benefit by thefe Papers ; and in return he will not forget to pray for them That we may one Day meet in the Paradije of Cod^ to praife Him to all Eternity. t''- '^- I ' n J* s. .*^' * * . ' r y f N - * '. ' • •• '■-■,■'*- » - ESSAY ^; ' ■• TOWARDS AN •. V--^-- .1 ' \ INSTRUCTION FOR INDIANS. PART I. Which is in order to Cbriftian Baptt/m» ^'\S> . / . DIALOGUE L ^ Indian. WHY are you fo earned in pcrfuading me to become a C'hnflian ?* MiJ/ionary, Becaufe I know for certain, that |{ is the only surk Way to preferve you from [jfery, and to make you happy both here md hereafter. Ind. « I lliall be very thankful, if you will be fo kind as to explain what you Jay con- cerns mc fo vry much.' Mijp. That I w.U moft freely do; For my [leart's Defireis, that all Perfons may have the ime Knowledge of God, and his Will, as wc B Chrif. -If ■MM yln Injitruction Dial. i.Bpial. i 'p ; i i Chriftlans have ; and be fides, by in(lru6ting| you, I myfelf Ihall be a very great Gainer. Ind. * I do not underftand >yhat you mean| * by that.* ' • - Mijf, I will tell you then : The GreatI God, whom we Chriftlans worfhip, He who made the W''orld, and all Thinp;s in it, and in v^hofe Hands our Breath and Life is *, and who would have all his Creatures to be happy,- He has promifed an exceeding great Rewardl to all fuch as fhall endeavour to make Him\ ^nd His glorious Perfebllons^ and His mo(] gracious PurpoJeSy known unto men, cfpeci ally to fuch unhappy People as you, whi know not for what End you were made am Jent into this World ; who know not what Du\ ties you owe to your Maker, nor on what Con\ ditions He will keep you from Mifery, am make you for ever happy when you die. Ind, * Be pleafed then to tell me what yoi * know more than we do, concerning the Go( * you worftiip ; for we know and believe thai * there muft be fome Great Power abovj * us, who made us and does govern all thinj^ * here below.' Mijf. But we Chriftiians know much more ol that Great Power above, than you in your pre fent State of Ignorance, can poflibly do. W( were indeed once as ignorant of Him (and our mod unhappy Condition on that account! as you now are j but He has been fo good to ma lour v Iwc ca |as haj their J ireafon Lid * did " youi well Mil •>oor ( iREA': ;very nougl ood ar be c )r lat< very {quit At ( now is Wi imfe] Ind. to in MiJ. nowlc ion of efs of Firft Dial, r for the Indians. make liimjelf ^i^d^ his Will known to us, to lour very great Comfort and Happincfs \ and Iwe cannot but defire, that every one may be - las happy as all true Chriflians are in knowing Itheir Maker's Will, and honouring Him, as Ireafonable Creatures ought to do. . . ♦ hid. * May I aik you one thing ?— Wh7 I* did not that good Being, whom you call I' your God, make all this known to us as well as to you ?* - ».. v '.''.vs j. ; 'a^- M[(j\ I nuill tell you once for all, that we ||y)or Creatures ought not to expedl, that the iREAT (ioD fbould give us an Account of ;very thing he has thought fit to do *. It is Miough for us to know for certain, that He is \ood And juft in every thing he does or 'permits to be done. And be alTured, that fooner pr later, every Tongue Ihall confefs, and very Soul acknowledge, the Justice and f^lquiTY of God*s Proceedings with Mankind. At prefent it concerns you much more to :now what we Chriilians believe of God, and lis Will, according to the Account which he limfelf hath given us. Ind. ' This, Sir, is what I now defire you to inflruct me in.' M'tjf. That I will moll gladly doj for the jiowledge and Belief of God is the Founda- lion of all tRie Religion, and of the Happi- liefs of Men. Firft then, We know the God we fcrve to ' * Job xxxiii. 13, ■': ■■.■ B 2 . ■-' ■ • 'be I if "I 4 y/« Instruction Dial, i.l be the inoft ptr(c6i of all Beings j ami thatl there is no other God bcfidc to be feared] loved^ or worjkipped, • • ■ » That it is he who made the World ; andj that he prejerves and go'vernsy and oi'ders all {hings by his wonderful Wildom and Powcr.l That amongft other Creatures he ma^lc Man\ to be Partaker of his H^ppinefs j in order tol which, he gave him Rcafon, that he might| underfiand^ and adore ^ and obey his Maker. And that Men might know him more per. fe(5tly, and love and fear him as they oughcj he has given an Account of his Government of the World ever fince he made it. By| which Account it appears, — That he is M- mighty, i. e. is able to do whatever he thinks fit: That he is exceeding fFife^ and Good J and Jufl j and therefore can com- numd nothing but what is for our Advantage; and will moft furcly reward fuch as complj with his Laws, and pmijh thofe that dilbbey them. We thereby alio know, that he is al""^^ mod Holy Being, and has ever been difpleafcdj" "^^'^^ with wicked men. He is alfo moll kind andl"'* ^^^ tompajjionate to tho(e, who, havii?g ofFendedJ"^'" him, are truly lorry for it, and reiurn tofr^^ "^ their Duty : -That he fees and knows allff ""^^ the Adions of Men, whether good or badjlj?^^^ ^ and that even our very Thoughts are knownj ^^^ g" to him : That he not only knows thingsl^^^^ 'i paft and prefenty but even all things whichl^^P^^ (hall ever happen hereafter : — Lafily^ That hel ^^^^^^ isle Day >ial.' s mo le hi ood j ill a« hd and Rca dcri: rcacci ccou eaior iich a e ano lappij nown Iml I Wh flial Mifn u ■ t < r; lial. ir for the Indians. J Is m^^Sk faithful ro his Word, fo that whatever ic ha J prcmijed he will moft furely make ood ; and whatever he has threatenedy he ill as lurely execute. Ind. * I confer^ this Account of the Gri'at and Good God Teems moll agreeable to Rcafonj now you have put mc upon conli- dcring it i'o particularly.' A'/ljf. But there are other Truths of the rcatcll Moment, which God has ailb in that ccount made known to us, and which our cafon could never have clearly discovered j bch as thefe that follow -, — That there will e another Life after this; — and that the true lappinefs or Mifery of Men will not be fully nown till after they are dead. " , > 'l^' Ifjd. * Till after they arc dead. Sir .?— — . Why do you Chrlilians really know what Hiall become of Men after they are dead ?* Mijf. Yes, we do, and that moft certainly. -We know, that this fhort Life is only a Life ' State of Triali in order to change and mend iir corrupt Nature, that we may be fit for a uich better World when we die; and be for vtT happy therey if we behave ourfelves as we lould do, while we live here. — For God has lade known to us, that after Death the Souls all go Hi People go to a Piace o{ Refi, and eace and Happinefs . — and the Souls of wicked cople to a Place of Sorrcw and Mtferyy there remain till ihe End of this World, and e Day of Judgement. B z Ind. ^ ^1 t! - I ...» 'l,lVi m ./I s y^// Instruction Dial. i.B^^^^'* r. * Ind, ' Prays what do you mean by the End * OF THE World, and by the Day of Judg-| ' MENT ?* Mijl Why, God has afTured us, that this I World fhould have an End; — that then tberel tuill be a Rejurreciion of the Beady both of the Jujl and Unjuji *, both of good and bad Men j that all who have ever lived fhall then be I raifed to Life, and give an Account for what- ever they have done in this World, whether I Good or Evil:- — And that fuch as have done Good fhall be made happy for ever^- and fuch as have done Evil, that is, have led wicked Lives, and have not repenped in due| Time, fliall be for ever miferable. Ind, ' Thefe indeed are Truths which wcl * know nothing ofi and if they be really true, * it certainly concerns me, and every Manl * living, to think of them in good carneftjl * and to order his Life accordingly. But! * let me aflc you, — Do all you Chriftians know] * thefe things, and believe them to be true ?' Mi^. It is at the Peril of their Souls, ii they do not. — But I know why you a(k thaJ Queftion, and I proirife to anfwer and fatisfyl you upon that Head hereafter. In th( mean time, it is certainly your beft and wifel| Way to take care of yourfelf, in an Affair oj the highefl: Importance to youj and not tc negledi this Opportunity, which God of h\i Mercy and Goodnefs gives you by me, o| comir and o fclf, J hereai n:ilR Ind But Lea thel^ Mil you a thefe f iTime, I you ht neft dc you m; |own F; jcr anc )ofed 1 [for the niuil a that yc or mi \(knowi ippear 'eceive lone in e, fuade 1 live an 'fcape * Aits xxiv, 15, comiJii Dial. I. /or //^ Indians. *JP coming to the Knowledge of your Makier, and of the Duties you owe to him, to your- felf, and to all others, left they fliould be Ihereafter for ever hid from you, to youreter- Inal Ruin and Deftrutlion. -^ . hid. ' I hope I fhal) take your good Advice. ' But in the mean time you will give me I* Leave to afk you, — How did God make thefe things known unto you Chri*«ians?* MiJ". That you fhall know in due Time; for lyou cannot know all Things at once. — And thefe few Truths only I have told you, at this Time, that you may know and con fider what you have to do; — that you may in good ear- neft defire to be further taught, and told how lyou may be for ever happy (if it is not y *Lir |own Fault ;) and how you may avoid the Dun- ;er and Mifcry which you and all Men are ex- )ofed to, who are not very ferioufly concern( J [for their own Safety.— For once and again I Imull aflure you, as certain as there is a God, [that you and every Man living (hall be hapj. y ' )r miferable when they die. — fVe therefore Vkmwing thefe things ^ and that we muft all appear before the Judgement feat of Gody and,' ''eceive a Sentence according to what we have''- ione in the Body, whether it be good or bad*,) ~\, knowing thele Things, endeavour to 'per^ ■ fuade Men to be afraid for themfelves, and to live an holy and virtuous Life here^ fo as to * :fcape being miferable hereafter* ,, .v-,,^. . • 2 Cor. V. II, B 4 What m i^ $? uin Instruction Dial. i. ' What therefore I would recommend to you at prefent (for I would not overburden your Memory at once") is this: — That you would pray to God to give you an Heart dif- poied to hearken to the Truth : For he has promifed to enlighten the Underftanding, and open the Hearts, of thofe who humbly and devoutly pray to him for his Diredtion and Afliftance. hii,* I hope I fhall follow your Advice j ' and . I believe, I fhall hardly forget the * Things you have told me.' ''>r Mt/f. Farewcl for the prefent j and may God keep you in this good Difpoiltton, and give you a teachable Temper ; and for this Purpofe join ^ith me in the following Prayer. 'l-rn^imiTht PRAYER. ■ ^^^n^ INLARGE thy Kingdom, O God, and deliver the World from the Dominion and Tyranny of Saian,{^Hsi^€n the Time, which thy Spirit has foretold, when all Nations, whom thou haft made, fhall worfliip thee, and glorify thy Name. — Blefs the good Endea- vours of thofe, who flrive to propagate the Truth, and prepare the Heart.t of all Men to receive it. To the Honour of thy Holy Name, ^metj, DIA. Dial. i.BDial. ^.t for the Indians. ■nmend to (verburden -That you Heart dif- 'or he has erftanding, 10 humbly Direction ir Advice ; forget the and may fition, and id for this ng Prayer. God^ and ninion and me, which 1 Nations, p th^e, and od Endea- pagatc the alfMcn to thy Holy DIA- .K - -■I- •Uitic' • DIALOGUE n. . ;q >« ^ Cj/* /i'^ Corruption of otfr Nature\-^.,,^ ,../i,.. i-.,,= Indian- ; .: •, I AM come again, kind Sir, for your further Inftrudtion. Your laft Words have made* me very thoughtful and uneafy, when you told me with ib much Earneft- nefs,^ That Happiness or Misery WILL BE THE certain Portion or every ONE after Death !*/ ^xf^wM^i'h^-.- Mijf, I told you nothing but the Truth ; id I am not forry for your Uncafinefs ;— jnce tifat msLy prov€ in its Gonfequence the; rcateft Blcffing of your Life. Ind. * I do not underfland how that can be.' Mijf. But this you can eafily underftand, ■That they who are in Healthy and think them* Ives in no Danger, will not look out for a Phy^ dan aud other Help-, hut they that are Jieky. id fenjihle of their Difeqfe, will be glad of ^dvice, and will bt apt to follow it *, — when- ICC you arc fcnfible, that of yourfclf you are ignorant y helplefs^ Jinful Creature •f,,\ncsipa-' [c of either knowing or performing the Will your Maker, or of reconciling yourfelf to* im, whenever you have offended him. Bcfidcs, I muft tell you another Truth, -That the more you are afraid for yourfelf^. * Matt» ix. 12. f Rev. iii. 17. . B5 , the :"/ It'. 4 I : I I: H i * 1 1 Ti'> lO ^« Instruction Dial. 2.BDiaI. the more will the Great God be difpofed tc pity you, and to deliver you from the Dangel you are juftly afraid of* -, and to enable yoJ to attain the End for which you were madtj and fent into the World. Ind. * Will you be pkafcd to let me knov^ * wh:^ the End is for which God made us, and * fent us into the World ?* Mijf, God made Man, that he might havJ a Creature upon Earth endued with Reafonl and capable of adoring his Maker, and ol imitating his Perfections ; and fit to partakj of his Bounty and Happinefs. /W. * Pray what is the Happinefs yoi| « fpeak of?* Miff, It is the Happinefs of going to Place of perfed Knowledge, Goodnejsy Lovi^ Joy, and Peace, which is to laft for ever. As nothing is more defirable than Lifel nothing ftiould more forcibly work upon Huj man Nature, than the Hopes of Evcrlaftin| Life. Which Life God himfelf has fet forth to by all fuch Things as we are mod tommonlj affeftcd with : As a Crown, — a King! DOM, a Treasure, — an InheritancI nndefiled, that fadeth not away, — and a Statj of everlafting Joy and Plcafurc. Ind, * If God originally defigned Men fd * this Happinefs, how came they to forfej * their Title to it?* ♦ Jfat Ixvi, 2. Dial. sBDial. 2. for the Indian s. II difpofed tc I the Dangel enable yoJ were made! let me kno\ made us, and i might havJ with Reafonj aker, and o] it to partakj appinefs yoi| f going to wdnejsy LoVi hr ever, le than Lifel ►rk upon Hu f Everlaftinj fet forth to u oft tommonl N,— a King [nheritanc -and a Stat ^ned Men f( hey to forfe Ml Mijf, They do it by being guilty of Sin ; [this is, by tranfgreiring the Law which JGod has given them. Ind. • Has God given us any Law ?* Mijf. Yes, furely. — He hath given you and lall Men Reafon, which is inftead of a written Law or Rule, by which you ought to live, and may, in fome Meafure, know what is Good, ancf what js Evil : what will pleafe, and what [will difpleafe, an holyyjufty and ^W God. Ind. * But -it is too plain, that People do 1^ not always obferve this Rule or Law.* MiJf. It is fo, and that is their Sitty by which' Ithey difpleafe God, and debar themfclves of his greater Favours, and are in Danger of being miferable, even beyond what they can (imagine. ^ Ifjd» * But is not this the Cafe of many I* Chriftians, as well as of us ?' MiJf. It is furely fo, and they muft fufFcr fcverely for itj God having given them' plainer Rules, and greater Helps, to overcome and cure that Corruftion of Nature y which is One great Occafion of all the Wickednefs which we fee in the World. Ind. * Pray what do you mean Ijy The * Corruption of our Nature*?* MiJf. That I will now tell you> — —and what by your own Reafon and Experience you * // is our Religion nuhii'h hasfrji taught i That Man is horn in fin ; no Se£i of Phik/ophers ever /aid this, and there" ye no Se£i enjer /aid the Truth, Monf, Pafchal's Re- igious Thoughts, /, 63. B 6 muft ■^::m 'rm rt An Instruction Dial. 2. B)ial. c I ! \ ■; U lit ! ^ i t; ■ 1 I n ^ ? mufl: acknowledge to be true. ' By the Cor- ruption of Nature vft mean, a ftrong Inclina- tion to Evil, which we not orXy fee and blame\ in other People, but very kn^ibly feel in our- Iclvcsj that is — fomcthing within us, which often oppofeth our Rcafon (and the other | Laws which God hath given usj) fo that we are often tempted and prevailed upon, to do what our own Judgement condemns us' for, ac| the Time of doing it. Ind, * This indeed is too plainly the Cafe. ■ * — Men follow not their Reafon, but their | * PaJ^onsr their Inclinations, and their own * pervcrfe fFills j and which too often they | * have Caufe to repent of.' Mijl You cannot but have obfcrved, that this Inclination to Evil is often fo violent, that| Men commit all Iniquity with Greedinefs j and 1 this is the Occafion ofall the Wickednefs which I we fee and hear of; All the Cruelty, the OppreJ/ion, the Pride, the Injuftice, the Malice, the Covetoufnefs, the Lewdnefs, the Impt'trity ,\ Murders, Drunkennejs, and all other Sins, by| which Men difhonour their Maker and them- 1 felves, and are a Plague to others; infomuch that it is found neceflary to have fevere Laws made, even by Men, to hinder Wicked People from hurting one another; — of which Laws there would be no occafion, \( Reafon had been fufficicnt to govern Men ; which fad Experience fhews it is not ;— there being too many, whom| no ReqfoH, no Jdvicty no ProJpcSi of Danger, '^'■•4 ■ - >>• .- -v'^^^ > no I Dial. a. fcial. 2. for the I n d i a K s. l:^^ 13 5y the Cor- ig Inclina- and blame I ^^(?/ in our- us, which the other! fo that we pon to do IS us* for, at jr the Cafe. , but their j their own often they erved, that iolcnt, that dinefi\ and inefs which Iruelty^ the the Malice^ c Imparity i\ cr Sins, by and them -I infomuch evere Laws kcd People i^hich Laws J?« had been j Experience lany, whom I of Danger, no I ,..■ ^^ 10 Hopes of Happinefs, can keep from ruin- ing themfelves and ottiers. Ind, * I confefs there is Truth in what yoi^ fay. But furc this is not the Cafe of ail People.' Mijf, I muft tell you,— That the Wicked- lefs of others ihews us plainly what all Men ire by Nature. — All Men have the Seeds of >il within themfelves, which would fpring [ip and appear upon every Temptation if not lindered by fomething more than their own l.eafon j and they that arc not fo wicked as )thers, may be thankful to a Power ahove, who iftrains them. — And your own Heart and Ex- \erience muft tell you, that fuch as are not fo Mckcd as thcfe we have been fpeaking of, are [breed to ftrive hard againft the Temptations jhey meet with, before they can follow what (heir Reafon tells them they ought to do or \voidi — that they are but too often unwilling (o follow the Light of Reason, which God )ath gitcn them j and too too often make ulc ^f it only to hurt and over-reach one another. -All which fhews, that our Nature isfirangely [orrupt — fo that no Man can fay he is free I'om Sin, or not guilty before God. Ind, < 1 muft confcfs, indeed, that, accord- ing to my beft L^^nderftanding, there is Truth in every Thing you have told me.* Miff, Well then, let this 'Truth fink deep ito your Heart : for without a firm Belief of lis, you will never have any true Notion of * the i m^ 'i'lS-ij^> V t 14 An Instruction DiaK 2,1 the Goodnefs, Juftice, or Mercy of God to I Men i nor will you ever know the Value of| Chridianity. Ind. * But how Man, the Creature of Jo holy\ ' and good a God, fhould come to have a Na- * ture ib corrupt and diforderedy and prone tol ' evil — This, indeed, furprizes me.' Mijf. Far be it from any Man to imagine,! that a good and holy God, who hateth Sin, Ihould be the Caiife of this Corruption of our Nature, and of the Evil it occafions ! — No, — He made Man at firft upright, holy^ jufi and good, and capable of doing every Thing that became a reafonable Creature : but how hel fell into this wretched and diftempered Con- dition, you fhall know in due Time. Ifid. * But fince Sin and Wickednefs arel ' difpleafing to God, why does he fufter Sin| * and Sinners to be in the World ?* M > ■r MiJf. You do not confider, that, all Menl being Siijners, God muft either fuffer Sin tol be in the World, or deftroy the Sinners 5 that! is, all the Race of Men — B4Jt when you cornel to know the Chriftian Religion, and what Godl has done to cure this great Diforder of our Na-| ture, you will find, that God can take occafior from the Sins of Men to difplay the Greatnefs| of his Mercy and Compaflion for Sinners ;- and you will have Reafon to admire and adorel his wonderful Wijdom, and Mercy, 2j{^Gmd\ tiefs^ to all ilich as fhall lay hold on the OfFcrsI y*. . »•. k:yf^.it\ i>n ' Mijf. God has made known to us, that there are Creatures, both good and l^ady which we call ' Angels or Spirits, and which are ever about us, though we do not fee them, they having no-' Bodies, as we have. — The Good Spirits are ap- pointed by God, to take care of his Servanrs j and the Evil Spirits are fuch as have r/s- belled againft their Maker, and, having utterly loft his Favour, ftrivc to tempt Men to all manner of Wickednefs, that they may be as miferable as themlelves. — And through their Temptations the Wickednefs of the World was grown fo great, — that God was provoked at one Time to drown all the People of the Earth except ONE Good" Man, Noah, and his Household *j — and at another Time, to * Gen, vi. 7, 8, ^r, deflroy .' ;i ' H Yii I i ..I* i6 jfn Imstructiom Dial ^.Bal. 3. i ■ i V:i ' Mi' deftroy feveral great Towns, Sodom and Go- morrah, with Fire from Heaven, for the\ IFkkednefs of them that dwelt in them *. Ind, * Thefe, indeed, are reafonable Proofs I * of the Power which Evil Spirits may have * over wicked Men, and of the great Danger | * we arc in of being ruined by it/ * Miff. But it is neceflary that you Ihouldl know thefe Things; for whoever is not a lVor'\ Jhipper of the only true God, whom Chrifdansi icrve, is a Slave to th^fe evil Spirits, and too I often is a Worjhipper of them, though hci does not know it. — When you confider thefc Things, you will have Reafon to be con-| cerned. and afraid for yourfelf Ind. * And fo indeed I IhaM be,, if this is * our own Cafe/ Miff. This is, in Truth, the Cafe of every; one who is ignorai>t of the true Goi5> aiid of I the Way of Salvation wjiich he has revealed [ to his unhappy Creatures, the Way by which they may be prevented from ruining them- 1 iclves, and lofing that Happinefs which he has provided for fuch as bve and obey him.. Ind, * I do moft earneftly intreat you, that I * at your Leifure you would give me an Ac- < count of the Chriftian Religion,, which you • fay is the Way that God has revealed to| • fave all Men from ruin/ Miff. That I will do, through the Favour of I God, the next Time we meet: In the meanf • Gin* xviii. 19,1 ' . x , .. . while! Dial. 2.Bal. 3* for the luDi ah s, 17 ilc remember— what I aflurc you of, — that M and Go- en, for the iable Proofs 's may have cat Danger you fliould 5 not a JVor- 1 Chrifdans its, and too though he nfider thefc to be con-1 ^( >i if this is ife of every; roD, and of I las revealed ly by which ining thcm- 'hich he has| him.. at you, that I me an Ac- y which you revealed to le Favour of I n the mean • while Is Life is the Time, in which you are to jufe whether you will be happy or miferablc ever: * and that your Happincf, or Mifery /ill depend upon your embracing or rejedt* fng the Offer now made you, by Almighty rod, of becoming a Chriftian.' You ought :refore to pray to the Great God, to enable lu to lay hold of this Opportunity of being )py, ( i . . .c. ." i. i ' The PRAYER. GOD, the Fountain of all Wifdom, I moft humbly befeech Thee to enlighten Mind, that I may come to the Knowledge thee, and of thy Goodnefs. — Give me a irious, an Underftanding, and a Religious :art, that as I grow in Years, I may grow I Grace. — Blefs all the Means of Salvation iich Thou hall afforded mt- , and efpecially \5 InftruSiioUy that it may Hnk into my Heart, bring forth in me the Fruit of Good Liv- , to the Honour and Praife of thy Holy ime. Jmen, DIALOGUE III. The Proofs of the Ch. iftian Religion, Indian. AM come again, Sir, to trouble you, fooncr, I believe, than you tx; cfled. — 'ou laid, tkjt it was goodfsr me^ that / was i( )•) i'i m la j^n Instruction Dial. ial. 3* 'I ! I I ! I* <( <( iod ma fets b Ito whi are 1 f ape t iws b lat Me in Fear for myjelf\ I cannot chiife but be fol r^'-^^^ \^ fiiiCL' you told me, ** That my Happincfs i^ Mifcry will depend upon my embracing rcjedting the OiFcr now made me of becoml " ing a Chriflian." — I own I am not fatisfkl * with my prelent Condition j— I am coni * vinced by my Rtafon, as well as by wha * you told me, that we were made to be an Hi ^ nour to the Being that made us, by living 'iijcordir * cording to tiiar I.ii/ht and Reafon which hath given ub — For my own Part, I ft' I have not done foj and if he fhall be di pleafed with me, I know not how to hel| myfelf, or make my Mind eafy.* Mijjf, * AlTure yourfeU, this is the Cafe every thoughtful Perfon, who has no Kno^\] ledge of Lhriftianity. — And therefore oi great and good Creator, in CompalTion to tho unhappy Men who labour under fuch Doub - ^n r^ and Fears, has gracioufly pointed out the Wa - - by which they may be freed from them ; 'vv, •^By embracing the Chrijlian Religion, Ind, 'What does the Chriftian Religio * propole to us, to cure us of thofe Fears ?' Mijf, I will firll tell you in Ihort, and afte wards explain myfelf more fully. — In the firB" 'corre Place,-— It will lead you to the Knowledge ( ^ding the true God, the Maker of the World, an jyi^^ convince you of his great Love for his unhap you h py Creatures, and of his carneft Endeavours keep them from ruining themfelves. — It ihe\ ■■.\ , * Heb, xii, 15 ftored Rule die, cc to e Cou e Pare en ^0 \x Sins affure hrijliai ijordet e are the I :fs in jly fur .' Wi explai ial. 3. for ihe Indians. 19 alfo how we mud anfwcr the End for which |od made us, and fent us into the World.— fets before us the miferable Circumflances |to which we arc liink by Nature, the Dangers are liable to, and teaches us the Way to ^-ape them. It makes known to us thofe ws by which God will judge the World, at Men may order their Hearts and Lives cordingly. — It flicws us how we may be ftorcd to the Favour of God. — It gives us Rules neceflary to make us happy when die, and promifcs us all neceflary Aflift- cc to obfcrve thofe Rules. — It dircdls us in e Courfc of our Lives, how we may obtain e Pardon of God, whenever we fliall have? en fo unhappy as to have offended him by r Sins, which we are but too apt to do.— affurcs us, 7 W God is a bountiful Rewarder allfucb as Jeek to fleaje him'"'. In fbort, Wiftiatiity is the only Remedy to cure all the Worders and Dangers^ and Mijsries, which (e are fubjec^ to in this Life j to fupport us the Hour of Death, and fecure our Happi- :rs in tlie future State ; in ftiort, — it is the )ly fure Means, where it x^jerioujly embraced, correSfing and reforming this World, and iding Men to a better. Ind. * This is. Sir, a mod: defirable Account |you have given me of the Chriftian Religion -* Will you be pleafed, as you promifed, to [explain thefe things more fully?' . * Heb. xi. 6, ? ' MiJ. n^m n]h w is. He aflured them that he came as a Peace- maker "betwixt ^od and his rebellious Crca-I tures, who by their Difobedience had Ir^ft hisl Favour J and forfeited the Happinefs he had] prepared for them. And in order to reconcile them to God, and! to the Duty and Obe iience which they owedl to him, He brought them this moft graciousl Meflage ; — * That all fuch as became fcnfiblcl • of their Error and Mifery, and were willingl • to give themfclves up to the Son of God asl • thcirl lial. 3. for /^ ^urredi" the Storms, and the /. * J Word. — He raifed to Life thofe that haa .^rticula fome time been dead. — Fie convinced thmonderf with whom he converfed, that he knew t»/"^ J very Thoughts of their Flearts, which noBed witj but God can do. — Laftly,— the great GI Sight himfelf did more than once, by a Voice (rmHeave} Heaven, declare, — That he was his belo Son i and commanded, that as fuch he Jhould heard and obeyed. Ind. * Indeed thefe are moft fure Proilpure * that THIS Divine Pep.son was what he imrt, to * he was J and that whatever he taught niBto be 1< *'be true.* Ihe Coj Mijf* But I have other Evidences to giio all ft you, in order to confirm your Faith or BclBng the in this divine P erf on, and his Meffage. — I) Ten Amongft many oth. * Things, which He fojvcn, . . . . . t ,He woul in the i/!l Dial.»l'3« for the Indians. n \ their Eyft his FoHowers, this (Irange Thing was one i that in Hifrhat notwithftanding the wonderful Works ;ad bodily M^^ he had done before their Eyes, his Ene- mner of ♦S'ws would put him to Death ; but that with^ F his VicivMf^r^s J^^y^ he fhculd rife again to Life.—^ horn blindM^oxfXm^yy after they had treated him with he fyave tfthe evil Ufage that Spite and Malice could andl^^ WMBent, they did mod hdixhsLvowdy murder and fatisfied vmify him. — And after Three Days he roje pie more tli'^^ /r(?w the Deady and convcrfed with his Fijhes, whil-'iples and Followers, — with no jefs than Eyes, fo t» Hundred at one Time-, many of whom d very long after, and bore Witncfs of his urredipn, at the Expence of their Lives. vL * I Ihould be glad to know fome more rdculars relating to fo Divine^ Holvy and nvinced thWonderful a Per Jon: he knew tBf^. Jesus Christ, after having con- which noBed with his Difcipies many Weeks, and in le ereat g1 Sight of many of them— — He ajcended a Voice {\\lleaven,-~^\xiy before his Departure from IS his bek'%iy He promifed them, that He and his Ea- ch he Jhould ■ in the Form or Fafliion of a Man, but) \ fure Pro(lpure Spirit to dwell in them j to guide and IS what he morty to injpire them with all Truth necef- le taiia;ht mjto be known by them, and to enable them, he Confirmation of fuch Truths to Others, all fuch mighty Works as he had done g them : According to which Pro- Eye-ivitnej id the fy^ ey obeye« that hao lenccs to g lith or Be Mejfage. vhich He foj Ten Days after he had afcendeJ into [vcn. That Divinp Spirit dcfccndcd ■ - / ^ upon 'H ii-a :\Mm miii.-,'k,:s,s.-i-sn 'i ': IS .:.< :< 'M i I : ^4 ^n Instruction -I^islnia]. i 1 upon them after a moft wonderful Manj and enabled them to underftand and fpeakl the Languages of the then known WorldJ which they went in order to carry thofe gq Tidings : — whereby we and many other tions were brought out of Error, Ignorar and Darknefs, into the clear Light and Knowledge of Gedi and of his Son Jejus Ch\ and of that Holy Sprite which enabled thei preach this joyful Doctrine to all the Worj —That Chrift has made our Peace with Gj if we fubmit to be governed by him, and| his Laws, and put our whole Truft in hir Ind, * Well, Sir, you have given fome * to my Mind. 1 believe, that what * Holy Per/on faid muft be certainly true j * I fuppofe all that know thefc Things * Chriftians/ Mijf, Indeed they are not; and you not wonder at it, when you confidcr whi is that hinders People from being Chrrftii — There are many who never think of t] Maker, or what muft become of them w| they die. — Many indeed hear thefc thii but their AfFcdions arc fo fct upon this fVo\ its Pleafurei and Profits, that they do not! them fcrioufly to Heart. — And too many| fo fond of their own pcrverfc Ways, to vi\ they have been long accuftomcd, that thcyl not the Truth of what is propoled to th( — BefiJes all thisi^thc Apostles tai many Things, which wicked People wouldl \ ii ( f- 8 X>ial,k;)ial. j. for the Indians* 25 ear with Patience: tor Example, ■ that iurderersj Drunkards, AdultererSyOppreJforSf 'Qveious.Perfons, the proud, malicious , and re- engef ul Ftoplc, all Lovers of Pleafures more ban Lovers of G^^^— that all fuch who were uilty of thofe things, muft forfake them, in rder to become Chriftians, Ind. * Well, Sir, I am convinced, that notwithftanding the Proofs of the Truth of the Chriflian Religion, there might be Peo- ple who would not become Chriftians.- ■ • But I fhould be very thankful, if you would let me know, ho^ the Chriftian Religion did prevail at the time the Apoftles of Chrift made it known to all Nations?' Miff, That you Ihali know when you com« fe Things (gain to me.— In the mean while, forget not beg of God to give- you an Heart always ifpofcd to receive the Truth; which you ay do in fome fuch (hort Prayer as this llowing, , ; , , ,. .-• The PRAYER. >r V .q rful Man and fpeak vn World,! ry thofe g my other ' ir, Ignor; ight and n Jejus Ch labled the ;U the Wor| ace with Gi J him, and >uft In hi iven fome that what ainly true ; and you mfidcr wh :ing Chrifti: think of tl of them wi thefc thi pon this fVo\ they do not too many Ways, to w i-^'f4--«'» TErciful God, and Lover of Mankind, 'X enliven my Mind with faving Faith*; able me to withftand the Temptations c^ e World, 'the Flefh, and the Devil,, and •d, that thcylith a pure Heart to follow thee^ the only pofed to thmc God, and thy oely Son the Lord JeJus »osTLES taiifcn/, Jfnen. coplc wouldf m -i: \v< ■!r7r ) 26 .n- An Instrwctiom Dial. 4,B)ial. 4. D I A L O G U E IV. The wonderful Succejs and Progrefs of thi Gojpely when it was firft preached to th\ World. ! t 11 ill! -'I.*- \i* n Indian. * WT^EN I left you lafl:, Sir, you pro *' W mifcd to let me know what folj *. lowed the Df scent or Coming down ol ' that Holy Spirit upon Chrift's Apoftles * and how the Chriilian Religion was recciveJ « in the World.' Mijf, You muft know then, that when thij kappcned, there were People out of all Na| tions at Jerujalemy the City to which they werj come to worlhip the great God*.— No^ when all thefc heard the Apostles of ChrisJ (who before that Time knew ho Langfiage bij their own) declaring the wonderful Works God, ia the Language of every Nation thej prefent, they were aftonilhedi and being cor vinced that fuch Men muft have been divinell iafpired, they therefore gave heed to thei while they declared Gcid*s moft gracious Piii| pofes — of Mercy, Pardon, and Happinefs, all fuch as would obey the MelTagc he had fcr to them by his Son j-*— infomuch that left than Three Thousand embraced tr Chriftian Religion that very Day, and Fr • AOsu. * .-!.>. ». ■ ~» \ Thoi Dial. 4Aial. 4,' for the Indians. iaking kno^'n [en, ' HOusAND more immediately after; and efe Converts became lb many Witneffes of efe wonderful Things to the feveral Nations, m whence the'y came thither to woffhip.— fter this the Apoftles went into all Nations, ' joyful Mefiage of God to Tha. ic would have U Men to I be faved, and to come to the Knowledge of [the Truth, or the Chriftian' Faith/ — thac' was ready to be reconciled to all fuch as lid offended him; and that he would make [em happy for ever, if they would be per- |aded to forfake their evil Ways, believe in rfus Chrift, and be governed by fuch Rules he had given them. — So that, in all Na- )ns, all fuch Perfons as were truly concerned Ir themfelves, and difpofed to receive the |ruth, became Chriftians ; and very great IS their Numbp*- every where. And in- |ed Chrift ii.infclf foretold it would be fo;, [though at that time it feemed the moft un-* ply Thing in the World,— that all Nations )uld receive a Religion oppofcd by their TLERs and Philosopheks, upon the Preach- V of a few POOR Strangers, who had no )rldly Fewer, Riches, or Learningy to in- |ce People to believe and follow them ; and 10 at the fame Time required all Men to for- :e the Cufloms and Religion o{ their Fore- Ihers, to. embrace the Salvation propofed by |s divine Meflenger Jefus— to reftrain their )pctites, and govern their PalTions, — to C 2 • r leave ,1 ^ . ;!' a8 jin Instruction . Dfal. ^g^'^** 4 kave their impious Ways of living, to lead fober, honelt, and good Lives, ar to lufFer Death, rather than deny the Trutlj they t^ld them : Now does not the mir\ culous Succejs they met with in propagating fuc a Religion under fUch Circumftances, demoJ ftrate it to be the Work of the Great God ?| ' Ind, * Pray will you inform me how I ma « be fure that thefe Miracles were pcrforme * by the Apost£es of Chrift V '' Mijf. The Miracles recorded in the N^ Tefiament recommend themfelves to our Bj lief upon many Accounts. They were wrought by Perfons who a| pealed to God, and declared beforehand tli th*tY would perform them. i They were' performed in a public Mann^ and by Perfons known to be of a low C( dition, dcftitute of great^ Friend: and powerj^ patrons. They were wrought in a learned Age, fore Enemies or Unbelievers, who w^re cafiry to be impofed upon, or deceived. Tht Writers of the New Teftament, wl they relate the Miracles,, often name the Tii the Place, the Occa^on, the Di/ea/es that m removed, the Perfons healed or raifed fr(( the Dead, the Perfons who were prefcnt, the Things that were faid and done, by Frie and Fcesy on tiie OccaHon, giving Men fail Opj-ortunity to enquire into the Fa^ and to diiprove them^ it they were able. ThI vfT' >ial. 4» /f^r /^^ Indian's. ' 29 Thefe Miracles were wrought for noworld- Advantage, but, on the contrary, fubjccSlcd le Apostles of our bleflcd Lord to many /«- (ries, Affli£fions\ PerfeciUionSy and cruel Deaths, They, were wrought in Contirmation of loftrines good and ufeful to Mankind, and ^ere intended to deftn /, — AH Atheifm^ IdolU" [*v, Profanenefs and Immorality. They prevailed upon many People to quit le Religion in which they had been cdu- |iued — I'o forego Eafe and Pleajure^ and lorldly Conveniencies, and to leave their \riend$y Relations^ and Country ^ and to fufFcr |1 kinds of Temporal Fa'i.Is, and often the .ofs of Life itfelf. Thefe Miracles were likewife atteftcd by Iroper Witneffes. — The Dijciples of Chrift p the Miracles of their Mafter, and died in fonfirmation of the Truth of them, particu- [dy of his Resurrection from the De«d. They vfcrc/oretoidAgcs before by the Pro- [ETs, that they were /uch Miracles as the lews e'xpe(5lcd, and had Reafon to expedt froui neir Messiah, when he did appear. --'":< Laflly, the Perjons whofe Miracles are re- )rdeci in the Gofpel, foretold many Events, [me of which did not jome to pafs till a con- lerable Time after the Books of the New [eftament were written, and the Writers them- Ives were dead. — And this is a flill ftronger [onfirmatiori of the Truth and Certainty of le Miracles related in thofe Books. C 3 , ; Ind. \ / • iiJ.I m ! JO An Instritction Dial. 41 Ind, * Pray, Sir, what became of thcfij * Apostles afcr this?' Mijf. As they had taught all others to fuffcj Death, rather than deny the Truths whiq they had received from Goo hy Jefus Chrijli fo mofl: of them laid down their Lives foj thoTc Truths they hacl preached. But, bc| fore they fufFcred, they appointed others t fucceed them in publishing thefe Truths ti all Nations; — by which Chriftianitjt has con •tinued unto this Day; — and we are alTurcd b; Ghrift himfelf, will continue unto the World End. And a very great Change for t better has been made in all Nations wherl it has been received. Jnd. * You will oblige me, if you will \i * me know in what the World is become bd « ter by this Religion ?' Miff. In the firft Place, it gave thd Thoughj ful and Penitent Satisfacflion how their Sir might be forgiven, and their Perfons acceptl cd and faved by a righteous and holy God.-j They who then embraced the Chriftian Relr gion prbfefTed that they were Strangers in thl Worldy and therefore looked upon this Lil only as a Journey to a much better, whicj they expeded after Death. — This made ther content with any Condition, which G( ftiojLild tirink fit to place them in — This ke(| them from being covetous, or over much cor cerned for the Things of this World i — the! believed, that if they were por^ or in MiJeA Go ^ H^'l' iai. 4. for the Is Di AS i, 31 od would abundantly make up in the next ife, what was wanting, or they had fufFcred lf« this. Their great Rule given them by hrift was this, * That they should DEAL WITH ALL OTHERS AS THEY THEM- SELVKS WOULD DESIRE TO BE DEALT WITH.' — This made them very juft in all their Adions,— and careful not to wrong or }fpprefs any Pcrfon. — Defrauding , Cheating, and Lying, were not fo much as known among ^hem. Their Religion obliged them to K at Peace with all Men as much as poflible, -So that parrels, and fVars, and Murders, [hey utterly abhorred. — On the contrary, they /ere kind and comp * In the firft Place, they made a Jed of my ' Purpofe; — but I told them, that if v^hat I had been taught was true, as I did believe it was, it concerned me fo much, that I fliould? not be laughed out of my Intention^ ' Then they told me plainly, — The Chrii^ tians would have you believe what they do not believe thernfclves.— For is it likely, [that People, who are fully perfuaded of iuch Things as they tell you, would lead fuch Lives as th2y commonly do? — What, faid they,. does it figoify to know the God which cFiey jworihip^ and the good Rykft he has giyen !'): (fei! ■i:U m ! :(' m iiili!: in :i I- (i V m 58 ^n IM$TRucTIO^f Dial, d « them, if thofe Rules are not able to makJ ' them better than other People ? — Are the! * not as carelefs, as I'^'they were fure that no] * thing is to iae fear d or hoped for after thil * Life? — ^You may be certain, thatifChrifl * tians did really bt eve what they told youj « there would not b/ a wicked Man amonj * them J — and yet many of them are as bad] * if not worfe, than thofe who know nothinf * of the Religion they pretend to, or of thj * Happinejs or Mifery they fpeak of. — Are nc * the fame Wickednefles fcen among thei * as among the Word of us ? — They make * Confciencc to cheat and defraud even ol * another: — And where they have Powej"^^^ * they opprefs without Pity. — Whoredom ar * DrunkennefSy Faljenejs and 'Deceit^ Zj/«J * Curjingi and Swearing, and calling upon t\ ■' God they worfhip to damn each other, up<\ *^every foolifh Occafion: — Thefe and man * others are the Crimes common among thel «* very People who tell you, that the great C! "« will call all Men to an Account, and rj '« ward or puni0i them according to thj * Works. — Can you think that they thei -• fclves believe this?' Mijl Well, what Anfwcr did you gij sthcm ? Jnd. * Why, indeed, I gave them no ' • fwer. — I confidered, that what they faid h|"j"' * too much Truth in its and I held my PcaA,^- .'«"/ « my and doubted with myfelfj whether I fhoij trouble you any more ornot/ r i 'ill, Dial. 5 ble to mak( > — Are the fure that no for after thli that if Chrif] icy told you| Man amoni 1 are as badl in' jW nothini to, or of th| . of. — Are n among the rhey make dud even o have Powei Whoredom a Beceity Lyin\ illing upon t ch other, up lefc and mai m among the! t the great G count, and ri )rding to th lat they the 39 ial. 5. ~ fir the Indiai||. Mijf. I hope however, that you will change our Mind when you have heard what we ave to fay to the Objedtions. In the firft Place, ail good Chriftians know his, and are grieved to fee how much the hriflian Religion mud fufftr by the bad ives of fuch People, by whofe evil Doings, he Name of God and of Chrift is blafphemed. However, fufFer not yourfelf to be too bon difcouragcd : — Nor judge of your Rcli- ;ion by the diforderly Lives of thcfe People ou have mentioned; — for, aflure yourfclfi that all are not true Chriftians who go under hat Name. — There are too many who live a fhameful Isrnorance both of the Truths nd Duties of Chriftianity j and will not be at ny Pains to confider the Religion they profefs, or the fad Danger they themftlves are in.— nd many there are, who have been inftrudled the Way that leads to cverlafting Happi- efs J but the Cares of this World, the Deceit'^ Inefs of Riches, or the Love of worldly Plea- res, have blotted the Remembrance of the rutiis they had learned out of their Minds.— ay, theric arc too many, who even ftrive to rget fuch Truths, becaufe they condemn their ngodly Lives. — They therefore endeavour caft off all fear of God, and provoke him to ivc them up to a Mind void of Judgement, to :nem no i^Qj^j^jf all Iniquity with Greedinefs. ,| they laid l« Laftly,— Af^wy profefs to know Cod, ' did you gv ft thetn no lat held my Pea but m . ^VZ^W^^^ ^-:j I '!^ I'i i m i\ \n'\ I'li i ^Mi 44 jin Instruction ' Dial. 5] Ind. / It may be, they will tell me, Tha * if neither Reafon nor Chriftianity can kceJ * People from being wicked, I need not bJ ' at the Pains of learning the Chriftian Rdi| ' gion, or hearkening to Reafon.* V Mijf. Well then, I will fhew you in a fe\ Words, that of all Means the Chriltian Relij - gion is moft likely {even better than Reajdl itjelf-ever can be in its prejent State) to maki Men wife and good, unto their Salvation anj Happinefs. iji. Your Nature is corrupt, and prone t| Evil; and Experience convinces you, tha your Reafon alone cannot mend and cure tlii| Corruption : But the Chriftian Rcligioii where it is firiccrdy embraced, will mo.^ furcly do this. zdly. Your Reafon will indeed accufc ar condemn you when you do amifs, but canno give you any certain AfTurance of God's Pa don:— But the Chriftian Religion will (hcj you a furc Way to ht forgiven and reftorl to the Favour of your Maker, ;vhenever yoj ^ have offended him, j^/y. We are but too apt to think everi thing very reafonable to which we have a grel Inclination ; and this is the Occafion of vei] jnuch Evil and Mi/chief m the World, wh« Men make tbdr own TVill the Meafure of whj they ought to do; — But the Chriftian Relj gion, and that only, will inform you whj ^ h right in the Sight of God, and wh| >ial. 5. for the Indians. 43 f-'t! [ou muft do on Pain of his mod fev,crc Dil- ilcafiire. Laftly, your Reafon cannot inform you /hat will become of you when you die j — (ut the Chriftian Religion can alRirc you, as I lave fhewn you already, that fuch as live ac- lording to the Rules of that Religion will be lappy for ever; and that fuch as do not fo lall be moft unhappy and miferablcj— and [lis will be a very powerful Means of obliging |ou to live as becomes a good Chriftian. Ind, « Sir, I do moft heartily thank you. You have given xtic great Eafe of Mind}— and I hope I fhall meet with no more fuch Difcouragcments from hearing your Inftruftions— But fomc few Things I have to afk you, for the Confirmadon of the Truths I am to believe.* Mijf, Come when you will, I fliall be ready inftru6l you. And may God blcfs my En- lavoiirs with Succefs j— and do you pray for )urfclf in the following Words : The PRAYER. ORD, the Frailty of Man without thee, cannot but fail: — In all Temptations, jerefore, I befeech thee to fucconr me, that Sin may ever get the Dominion over me 5 -Give me a falutary Dread of the Corruption ' my own Heart ; — Make me truly fenfiblc the End of Sin, and mindful of my own [firmities i— Make me afraid of thy Judg- ments, |M "TTT" 44 An Instruction Dial. ments, and give m^ Grace and Streogth break my Bonds; — Correct me in MerJ when- 1 goaftrayj — Make mc ever mintitj of my Latter End, and fix in my Heartf lively Senfe of the Happinefs and Mifcry t\\ DIALOGUE VI. The Ilcly Scriptures loth Necejfary and Sh cient for the Salvation of Man, .f * Indian. '\7"OU have convinced me, Sir,. X thdt our Reafon alone is not fufficie to make known to us the things which yj fay are mod furely believed among Chr tians J — That Reafon cannot tell us — wj what fVorJhip the Great God will be pleafJ — nor give us any Certainty of the Ham nefs or Mifery of the Life to come 5 — whi( to be fure, makes Men lefs concerned hi they lead their Lives here. — You have tj me, and I am convinced of it, that Reafon alone cannot afTure us^ wpon w] Terms the Great God will pairdon us, wl we have offended him, as all Men are to do J and we know and feel, how hj it is even to follow what our Reafon tell( we ought tp do. — Of what Ufe then is fn to us?* Man, I Sir, not fuffici [igs which f among Ch tcU us— w vill be plcaf< of the Haf\ omci— whi :oi>ccrned hi You have t f it, that us, upn w ardon us, w' Jl Men are •eel, how hi Reafon teU JJe then is lial. 6. for the Indians. 4>| Miff. Of very great \Jk mod: certainly — will keep you from being impofed upon, en any thing is propofed to your Belief, as ming from God ; you will be able to Igc whether you have fufficient Proof to reive it as fuch : — And then, if you find )u have, your Reafon will conv* k'C you, that jniuft be neccflary for your Happinefs, be- lufc a God of Truth and Goodnefs cannot ;ccivc his Crtatures, or require any thing of [em but what niufl neceflarily be for their )od. Ind, ' It is on this very Account, Sir, I am low come to you, not only to learn from ou, by what odier Ways God has made is "Will known unto Chriftians j but to nquire wliether thofe Ways be fuch as no 'an of common Senfc and Reafon ought :o call in queflion.' Miff, I hope I iliall give you all the Satis- ion in thofe things, that unprejudiced Rea- can dcfire.-— Ycuwill remember then what »ld you before, — That the Great God, in mpaflion to his poor bewildered Creatures, it his own Son to let them know how far y were departed from the Ways of Reafon [1 Truth J and that they w ould be for ever fcrable, if they did not return to the Duty ;y owed tlieir Maker : — AnJ, laflly, that " was in Cbriji reconciling the World unto ^elf^ and would pardon Mankind upon [ndition of their Faith in him^ their Repent ^ ^ s ance H i., ! ( n 46 An iMSTivjcriow Dial. 6BaI. 6, ' n I iiii'i I ; s ance and future Obedience. — I told you alfoj that he gave them fuch Evidences, that thi MelTage came from God, as could not juftly called in quellion by any Man, and] among the reft, this very extraordinary one[ —He declared, and his Enemies knew it| They will put me to Death, and after Thn Days I will rtfe again from the Dead-, whid alfo came exadtly to pafs. Ind, * I do remember all this. — But hoj ' can you be fure that this was really fo, * being fo very long fince thelc things werj « done V Mijf, You yourfelf (hall judge — You mul know then. That Divine Person, when ii| was on Earth, appointed feveral Perfons to Witnejffes of every thing which he did, fail taught or fufferedy and that the mo( necclTary of thefe things were put in Writing and publilhed by fome of them, even at i\ Time when great Numbers were alive, wl^ had been Witncfles of his Words and A6lionj and while his Enemies, who had put hij to Death, were alfo alive ; amd yet no or charged them with having written any thinl that was not true. Now, thefe f^ritini we call THE Holy Scriptures of the Nei Testament. Ind. « But how are you fure, that the Pe(| * pie did ftt down in Waiting that Mefla^ . * of God to Men, and iU'othcr things, jui ':'-¥?.^^:Jft. M. -■'•*-• f> *■■■■■'■ • Dial. 6Bal. 6, for the Indians. 47 you alfofts That Divine Person had done and old them ?' A;'^. We are well afTiired they did fo ; be- fe they were directed and alTifted to write fe things by God himfclf, who bore them *s knew iM^fJ^fii h ^^S^^* ^^^ fVcnders^ and Miracles^ after Thrtm other Gifts of the Holy Spirit^ that be was " ' h them*, And they were themfelves fo that th lid not Vlan, and; linary one sadi whid — But hoJ ■ealiy fo, things wer| —You mu N, when hi ^erfons to b 111 convinced of the Truth of what they had ]tten, and what they taught, that they chofc fuffcr any Death, rather than be filent or vf what they had feen with their Eyes, and W with their £«rj. hd. * Pardon me for afking you one Quef- ion more:— How can you be pfliired, lat thofe Writings, which you now have t^ did, fa'tMlv^ eall the Holy Scriptures of the New the mo! in Writin even at t alive, w and A£tioni ESTAMENT, are the very fame which thofc erfons who converfed with Chrift, did then rite ? May they not have been altered fincc at Time V 'ij. We have this Aflurance, that they ad put hiiB^he very fame, and that they have not been yet no ow^d: — Those Writings were copied at :n any thin»Time by many Chriftians, and carried mth efe IVritinm^ into divers Countries, and diftant Na- )F THE Nf|s which had no Knowledge one of another, were put into their fcveral Languages 5 :hat the Peil they all continue to be the fame in Sub' hat Mefla*^, wherever they arc found to this Day. : things, juf And Ujj'1 fit mmh ?; J!.i :,Ml!; I :. : '!!!• ■ ! i.f: i 48 *^« LvsTRucTiON Dial. • And that thcfe FaSfs were fo as they are ported to us, we have the credible Relation thofe who were Eye-Witnesses of them, ai{ who approved themfelves to be faithful tor tans y Lovers cf Truth, even where it Ihei their own great Weaknefles; — delivering Things plainly and naturally without any 1 leaft Appearance of Difguifc. — They mer oned thefe FaSts with all the Circumftancesl Time and Flacey and fo foon after the De/ of their Lord and Master Je^us Chri that if they had not been exaftiy true, woi| have been /i??u come to know what he hab commanded ^em to believe and do. Ind, ' But is it true, Sir, that Chriftians Ithemfelves are not agreed about them ?* Mijf, Pray, confider,— that as long as Men ive corrupt Heart Si and different Capacities^ id Inclinations i and hiterefis^ they will differ D . with I - s ■■■■ <; ; \%- W^ fti:H i i i I ! i! 9^ An Instruction I^ial. A)iaL 6. t'i .<'!' with one another, not only in what concer Chriftianity, but in all other Matters. Bij affure yourlelf, that all Chriftians are agree in thefc neceflary things :—- That thefe Scri[ tures are the very Word and Will of Goij being the Revelation of his Holy Spirit. Ind. * In what is it then that they diffc| * among themfelves V Mijf. Some differ about Words only, anj often about Matters of no great Moment.- Many are of a contentious Spirit, and exerl cife their Wits about foQlifo ^^efiionsy whi\ minifter Strife *, rather than the Defign of G( in his Word, which is to fave us from Ruir —Many take upon them to be Teachers others, without underftanding what they Jay, \ whereof they affirm f ; Many will expound thj Scriptures as will beft fuit with their own pril vate Opinions, or corrupt Ways, inventinJ Wa-ys of ferving God, which he has not com] manded. — And laftly, too many are broughl up in grofs Ignorance, and either are not per] mitted, or will not be at the Pains, to fee ana know the Truths which concern their Salva) tion. — Thefe and many fuch are t-he Caufesoj Chriftians differing among themfelves. BuJ be afTured of this, — That an All-wife andGoo(| God can make thefe very Differences ferve mof blefled Ends ; His Glory and the Good of hi! chofen and faithful Servants,-^For hy thefe hJ tries their Faith, whether they will give Credil * 2 Tim. i:. ij»: ^^^v^ >■» f 2 Tim. i. 7. lial. 6. /(?r /i>f Indians. Jl his Word, or to the Delufioiis of thofe Evil Ipirits, which lead the Simple into Error. — h theje he makes his true Servants more care- ful of their Ways, and to place their whole bependance upon him, and his Grace, which [hey therefore pray for more earneftly. .aflly, theJe Differences have had this good ifFed, that forafmuch as all Parties of Chrif- jans do aclcnowledge thefe Scriptures to be rom God — they have ever been jealous of Ine another, that nothing he added, omiUed, |r altered, by any Party of Chriftians. And remember what I tell you for a certain ruth, — that the Differences amongfc Chrif- jans are not always of fuch a Nature as to leprive Men of God's Favour.— For he knows 11 our Hearts, and the Reafons of Mens* [iftakes ; — and no doubt will pity and par- Ion fuch Errors and Miflakes as arc not wil- |il, and do not plainly tend to deprave their m Manners, or the Lives of oi* : • People. Ind. * I have only One Fervour -ivorc to a(k I you concerning thefe Scriptuv*es : — fVhat is \the great Ufe and Neceffity ^f them ?* Mj^ In the firft place, They are g.aciounjr Iven by God to fupply the Defeats of our [eafon, and to hinder us from abufing and jrverting that great Blefling and Gift of God^ |hich, through our Luiis and Paflions, V7c ve It too apt to do, to the Hurj of ourfclvci and thcrs, ""^ D 2 la (' % i:^ ■',. Y\ ^ 'imRi" ij M,j' 'w 14 ' I*': ! ..'It;' ; II 'f?\ 'I :@ W I 1 hl!M i^ . ' Jn InstrIjction Dial. 6| In the next place, be affured — that yoi can have no full and true Knowledge of t Great God, or of his IVill and Purpo/esy ani gracious Defigm, but from his own Son, an from what He has made known to us in thefi Scriptures*. By thefe Scriptures, as in thofe of the Oli Teftament, wherein holy M^n/pake and a^e^ as they were moved by the Holy Ghofty we lean— how Sin and Uukednefsy Sickne/Sy Miferic^f}^^}^ and Death itfelf came into the World;— am how Men loft their Innocence, and forfeits that Happinefs for which God made them. And in the Scriptures we have alfo a mo pardcular Account, how God in Mercy to hi unhappy Creatures, in his own good Timej fent HIS OWN Son, to fhcw poor Sinners the! miferable Condirion ; to deliver them out ol it ; and by a molt wonderful Way, as I flialP^S**^* jfliew you hereafter, to reconcile God to thenilfjl^ -^^^ and them to God. — And in order to awake all who come to the Knowledge of thele thing; and engage their Attention to them, thcl( Scriptures give them the utmoit Afllirance,- that God has prepared for them who beJicv in his Son, and are willing to receive Salvatioi at his Hands, and who can make Uns appea by loving him, and obeying his Commands, a Happinefs which palTcth Man's Underftant ing i and that fuch as will not regard thel^ Things, fliali be miferable for ever. — And for ... * Matt. xi. 27. elfare Ind, Script and ui Miff. lat De your ) your f him ^ afmucl ^^^ Ha Dial. A for the Indians.' S3 —that yoi dgc of thi irpofesy ani n Spfty am :e ial. 6. fmuch as in .ue, this Happinefs and Mi- ry will dept . upon Man'^ goo4 ^^ ^^^ ^^^ aviour in this Lire,— -thefe Scriptures contain at Law by which God has determined to us in theffr^o^ ^^^^ World, that all Men may order leir Lives accordingly. — They teach us what of the 01(ff^^^^^^ ^^ ^"^ ^'^^"^ reafoiable Creatures to and a5fell^^'^^^^^^^ * — ^^^ ^^ ^"^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ pleafc I/? we learM'"^*""^^**- *^ ^^"^^ j"^' ^^^ go^^j ^"d ac- ^ ' JVfi/'^n- l^P^^''^^ ^° his Divine Majefty j — as alfo, what orld ----anJ wrong, and what he lias forbidden upon Pain id forfeitew^ ^^^ everlafting Difpleafure. — They contain de them f^^^ wonderful Examples of God's Care of alfo a moll^^^^ ^*^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^"^* ^^^^ ^^ ^"^ ^^^■" lercy to hift^^^^^^ againft fuch as neglcdt or defpifc his rood Timel^'^"^^"^^* — ^ Aort, thefc Scriptures are a dinners theiff^^ i«i;«to^/? Blefling, without which we them out oF^^^^ ^^ ignorant of thofe things that are of y as I flialP^ grcateft Concern to the Glory of the great k)d to theml"^ eternal God, and our own everjafting I elfare. ^ ;itTTi . Mijf. You muft give God tlie Thanks for at Defire, if it be fincere.^-I can only Ipeak ' to awake thele thing: them, thtii Lflurance,- who belicv vc Salvatioi UnderftamI regard theii r. — And for unmands ai ^ ^^"^ Ears-, it is \3.0i\ alone that can Ipeak ) your //«J.fef ■ ri I * 'XTOJJ affured me. Sir, when I was la| * X with you, that God had made knowj * to you many Things, which our Reafon car * not account for :— I am now come to pij * you in mind of one Difficulty, which I bej * you would explain to me : — " How Man ** the Creature of an Holy and Good Go^ ** came to have fuch a ftrangely difordere] •* Nature, and fo prone to Evil ?" ^' Miji I am obliged to do fo j for, withoi the Knowledge of this, you can have no inj Notions of the Jufiice, and Mercy, and Gooi nefs of God. A far the In DiANS, 55 What therefore he has made known to us ia [he Holy Scriptures, is : — That after he had lade this World, and all Things in it, in Six )ays, and that he might have Creatures capa^ )k of praifing him for hVs wonderful Works, le made one Man and one Woman, called |fVDAM and Eve, determining to make of one Mood all Nations of Men to dwell upon all the '^ace of the Earth * j all which are the OfF- tpring of that one Man and Woman. — He las alfo made known to us, That thefe Two "^erfons were at firft made after the Likenefs )f their Creator, being endued with Reafon Perfeflion, and other heavenly Gifts.— We learn alfo, that thefe our Firfl Parents, being jhus perfe^ a,ndgoodj and capable of liv- ngfor ever f, were placed in an happy State, [ailed Paradifey with a Promil'e of Life, and Tappinefs, as long as they continued obedient their Maker's Commands. Now thefe Two ^erfons were in a State of Trial and Probation, we all are at this Day, though in a Manner juitc different from ours: — For they^ coming Jut of their Maker's Hands perfect, that is, [ncjued with clear and ftrong Apprehenfions of icir indifpcnfable Obligation to perform all ic great Points of Morality, could not well fuppofed to lie under any Temptation of [iolating that chief Part of their Duty. — Ic ^as therefore neceflary, that fome other Test jitable to the Place and Circumftances diey ♦ Afts xvii. 26. D4 f Wif. ii. 23. were J III 5 lit'' \::'%' VH{. t 1 I; n rii. I ^ # ;u 'U lii! !| M 56 -I'w Instruction Dial. ylDial. 7 were in, fhould be required of them, to ptoveHwho le what was in their Hearts j and whether theyBoft the would chufe, under the moft tempting OfFers,pn whicl to break an exprcfs Commandment of God,lcame fa their Creator, Preserver, and GovERNOR;lChildre even though the Reajon of fuch a Cb/».iborn of mandment was not made known unto them. parents ou fee IRST f hemjehi Itwa iid Ben A pojitive Injun ffion of this kind, God wa pleafed to give them;— at the fame Time] enforcing their Obedience to it, by Threats a moft dreadful Penalty^ if they fhould cvcrl tranfgrefs it. I . And we are to confider the Command givenl^e juft to Adam concerning the Forbidden Tree, notice Con as if God only fpoke concerning Thaty but \m^ ^^s fr herein commanded him this One thingy Obey my Voice : — That is. You are to do| whatever I fhall declare to be the Duties your Life : — For» it was neceffary that Man fhould obey the Divine Being, and never be left to his own Guidance, but to be always kept in the Hand of God's Counleh How long our Firft Parents continued ' in their Duty, we areno-whefe toW-, but at length by yielding to the Temptation of an Eyil Spi rit, and not regarding the Command of; rheitj^ gi^ci JMaker *, they did/?// from that holy and hap py Condition they were inj and by that mod grievous Crime (for fo it appears by the Pu nifliment a moft righteous God inflidled on them for it) they highly difpleafed their Maker, who inefs w /W. « Sin an( and Wi count, in his Miff, nd the wnExj f it. — . nd yoi f Difo as, and Ind, know I Dial. 7. for the Indians. 57 |who left them to themfelves i-^and, having loft their Innocence, and that Image of God in which they were created *, their Nature hc- :ame fadly changed for the worfe.— Andthe 'hildren which they afterwards begot, being )orn of finful Parents, became even like their 'arents, difobcdient, and prone to Evil, as ^ou fee they are at this Day : All which thefc iRST Parents of Mankind broyght upon ^oemjehes^ and their Pojierity, vf),I- , .(i It was thus that Sin and Evils of every kind, md Death at lafty entered into the World, as [he juft Punifiiment of their Difobedience to [he Commands of God j — by which all Right [0 his free Promife of eternal Life and Hap- mcfs vfus forfeited SLixd loft,- .fiir>;>:wi 7«^. ' This is indeed a plain Account how Sin and Wickednefs entered into the World ; and we ought to believe it to be a juft Ac- count, fince God has made it known to you in his Revealed Will.' Mijf, As to the Corruption of our Nature, id the Sin that docs fo eafily befet us, your Iwn Expeiie«ce will convince you of the Truth If it. — And no other rcafonable Account can |e given how it came into the World. ind you will learn by what followed this Aft If Difobedience, how difpleafing to God it >as, and the Punilliment it deferved. Ind, ' Will you be fo kind as to let me know what followed this fad Calamitv ?' ■y.' * Gen. V, D 5 ., !!■ .' /'. 1 SI?' I - •' i "l ■ 1.1 a^'i !'f'7 iiijif 1 N 5S ^« Instruction Dial. yJ . Mi//'. You will cafily conceive how miferj able the Condition ^^ thefc our Firfl Parents\ was now become :— — They knew that thcj hsidi failed in their Duty to their Maker :■ their Rcafon could not inform them how to help themjelves : The Lo/s of their Inno] cence, and of their Maker's Favour j — thcil Forfeiture of the Happinefs they had enjoycdl —with their dreadful Apprehenftons of thai Death which was threatened; — the Senfe ol .1 thefc Thirigs would mod certainly have ovcrj whelmed them, had not the Goodnefs of Goif immediately interpolcd to keep them fror Dcfpair.— For though his perfect Holinell could not but bate the Sin, yet his Goodnefj inflined him to have Compaffion on the Sinj nerj and from thence he took Occafion t| make known another of his moil glorioi Pcrfedions, bis infinite Mercy » Ind, « I am moft dcfirous xo hear how xh ,f was done.' Miff. Why, as a Remedy for what had beel done amifs, and could not be undone, the! Maker was pleafed to enter into a New CoviI ' NANT widi them j—fo that neither they, no any of their Pofterity, fhould, on account ibeir Difohdiencey be ruined, except it w^ purely their own Fault. Jnd. * That was indeed a moft kind Off| • * of their offended Maker i Pray, wl • was that Covenant?* ^. MiJ/". It was this :— — That on Account One^ who would in due Time fatisfy his Dj vif iSiif Dial. 7,B Dial. 7. for the Indians. 1^ low miferJ 'ft Parerjts\ that the^ akcr :• mi how tc their Inno| )ur i — theil ad enjoycdl wj of thai he Sen/e ol have ovcrj lefs of GoJ them fror a HolincI IS Goodnefl on the Sinl Occafion t] iofl glorioi ear how thii hat had bee ndonc, then New CoviI ler they, ni n account xcept it yn ft kind OffI —Pray, wJ El Account ^tisfy his D| \iif vine Juftice for their OFfcnce (and take Ven- geance on that Evil Spirit, that had tempted them to difobey his Command) he would r Ind, « You will now be 'ind, a", to let * me know what followed this Promife of God * to his finful Creatures.' Mijf. You muft know then — that fome of Itheir Children and Pofterity, exercifing them- Ifelves in Repentance of Sin, depending on this promifcd Saviour, keeping up a Senfe of thefe Things, and an Expe6tation of this Promife, |livcd in the Fear of God f . — But many others if them, through the Corruption of their ature, became exceeding wicked : One of :heir own Sons murdered his Brother \ for 'hich' God,, to keep others from committing Toch horrid Crimes,, banilhed him from his 'refence, and he fpent his Days in Mifery. At laft, Wickednefs increafed to fuch an [eight, and became fo general, that God vi^as irovokcd to deftroy the whole Race of Men >y a Flood (except one upright Man, whofe ^amc was Noah J, together with his litdc 'amiJy) as I hinted to yoia before.. • John iii. 16. and i John iv. g, ia» f Gen^ v. 24^ Qeiuvu* 4[ Ri' • Li ^W •\i it*. m m W^ ^>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 £ Hi Ktuu |2£ 12.5 2.0 ^ III— 1'-'* ''^ - . ^ 6" ► V] \ 6o An Instruction Dial. 7. 1 Dial. By this good Man and his Family ^ the whole Earth was again tilled with People, as it is this Day — ^And while his good Inftruftions, and the Memory of that dreadful Judgment laftedJ Men lived in the Fear of God : But too fbon fell into Wickednefs again:— And moft of thefc, lofing the Knowledge of the true Godj fell into Idolatry ^ a Sin which GodI principally abhors, as moft difhonourable tol his Nature, Authority, and Glory, and as| leading Men into all other Wickednefs *. Ind, * Pray what is that Sin of Jdolatry\ * which God fo hateth ?' utt Miffl It is the giving that Honour and Worftiip which is only due to the true God,| to his Creatures, to the Sun and Aftf^»j and to evil Spirits — and to the Images reprefcnting thefe. Notwithftanding this,— ^-God never IcfJ himlelf without Witnefs -I* j but gave conriJ nual Proofs of his Hatred againft Wickednefs] and of his Favour and ProteAion of good Men> in all Ages, and amongft all Nations] even unto this Day.— And thus it is, — tha Calamities of all Kinds are brought upoij Earth; that one Nation makes War upoij another; thefc being only Inftruments in thj Hands of God, and by his wife and juft A] pointment, for the Punifhment of their Sins. Ind. * Pray, had. any of thefe Nations eve * afterwards an Opportunity of coming to thj , ^ f Rom. i, 28. tAftsxiv. i7« Dial. 7. ' for the Indian's. (ft ' Knowledge of the true God, and of the * Worftiip due to him ?* i^. ^ c guiltjr of any Lewdnefs : — That they ^oiild notfteal, or lye, or har falje WitneJSy r C9vety oY/et their Hearts upon what was notber Man's — ^And remember what I tell u,*— The Subftance of thelc Laws was given on after the Flood, to Noah and his Family ih whom the prefent.Race of Mankind is lerivcd, though the greateft Part of their bfterity (bon forgot them. Soon after God had given his peculiar Peo- d BondagcBk thefe Laws, he fettled them after a mod ler Nationwondcfful Manner, and in a fruitful Land, ^2X tWhich he had long before promifed to Abra- '^rfhrppc«AM their great Forefather, and blefled them was no Gojtcecdingly, while they obferved his Laws.— even thelc People, through the Corniption Nature, often tranfgreflcd his Commands, dwcrc fts often punilhed, and upon their cpentancc pardoned; till> at laft, they Family^ 01 RAH AM, iltiplied tM d gave vei , how thej ker, and nc ou^t moil cs, when rs and Dfr€ and Nation re thcfc t ler have m ^^'"S incurably wicked, he permitted their who hacldoiit^niics to deftroy moft of them, their Cities^ : they (ho Acir JUmd, and their Place of JVorfhip ;— . t Exod» XX. I ? Exod, XX. 12. * -■ and i l '■ *'t 1-';'^: h: m 'i V 'mm m Ifi; k IgM] 1; bK^^^^Hs^^HS I ^mM ; HHRi^' ftS vBH' vl'R ' ' KffiiwM^ '0^1 ^'' IBmllM^"':! P^H II^^KHR u I' I . H I l lli WU II f ' IJi . ^4 AnlusTR ucTiON Bia!. ypial. I and they arc at this Day difperfed over th] Face of the Earth, widiout any fure Settle] snent. Now, a few Years before this happenec the Time was come whea the Great Goi was pleafed to fend into the World — * Tha • Person or Frophbt, whoni he had pre * milcd to our'firft Parents,, and who had eii| * gaged ta make Satisfadlion to the" Divir • Juftice, for their great Offence.*- ■ But! pardcular Aceonut of this Person and Ble\ SING will: tjdce up moEe Time than I belies you have now to fpare : Lfhall> therefoi:e, d\ fer it till you come nejtt t-ame. In tjie mea Time pray earncftly toGod,, that he may fuffer youp Hearst to be hardened, but thaty^ may ever believe his Promifes,. and^ il^d Awe of his Judgments.- !SUS ( I •\; ii ( The FRAYEK. Believe : Lord, incKafe my Faith> onth< 1 Believe : Lord, incKafe my Paith> affftyou give me Grace that with a holy LifAgmor may adorn the Religion I profefs.— Keep A come fiedfad in this Faith, that no Errors may Ad, as i parate me from thee ;— But that thy: Lojlat Tii O merciful God j— -Thy Grace,, O bleiAft ofF Jefusj— Thy Fcllowfhip,. O Holy GhAd fo rj may defend and comfort me in all Danglove tl and Adverfities,^ until I attain the End of A^ | Faithj even the Salvation of my Soul, jimm Pc-f^j Jdition Dir ■■ .,JI. Dial. 7l)ial. 8^ d over thi furc Scttkl .;?-,■ for the Indians. f^JStilALOGUE VIII. •ji 65 . \ i^ jsus Ch|iist, /;&tf Mediator the Divine J uftice for their Tranfgrefljon> d for the Qfoices of all^ their Pofterity, on the moft merciful Conditions.— *And I Y Faithj aftftyou with a more car neft Defire of know;^ a holy Liftlgmore of that Sacred. Person, who was fs.— Keep w come into the World for that End j— ^ Errors may ftd, as you intimated to me, did come about hat thy: Lojat Time, when God had, for their Sinsy cc,» O bleilft off that People, whom he had (6 ho/tQ Holy GhAd fo remarkably, favoured and pr^ote^cdi in all Danglove the other Narions. of the Wtoitldjx » j.- the End of Wfjf. I told .you before,— -That thia'Di« ^Soul. ^««4Perfon knowing into what aiiniferable Idition the iwofirfi Parents of M0tkivd had Dll brought ^;!ii f hi ,' '. ■■. ■■■'■-■ W- ■; .' 11 -'.I ■■■!■■ . ■ ' ■ 1 I -i ■'■ '^ t n> ••i#! '•'till "i 66 An iNSTRucTiaw Dial. /!' •: iai. 8. iUfce ighG caveiij en fro Divir M! brought themfelvcs and their Pofterity, their Difobedience to their Maker; — hoi dreadfully fad their Puni/hmcnt would be, ai of what an invaluable Happincfs they woi be deprived j — He, by God's mod gracioi Appointment, undertook to fatisfy the DiviAjng ^jj Juftice, by fubmitting to fuch Sufferings lye fucj Ciod was pleafed to accept by way of Aton«render mcnt for the Sins of Men. lent to t •, Ind, * Pray,( Sifi how did Jcfus Chrift (lAfter \ ' this?' Ircd the 1 Miffl As I told you before, he, out of Lofl fu^i, j. to his otherwife loft Creatures, took the pclconvini £c6b Nature of a Man,* botl* Body and Soils /^^ ^^ into Union with his Divine Nature, and \« Patj^g,. born of a pure Virgin that he might be fcA] of G and coriverie with Men, and in their Nature Ithe Di^ capable of luffering^or the Sins of Men. lj]cj ^jq : Now, in that' Body, here upon Earth, p, fof the firft Place, he let Mankind know G wonderful Goodnefs and his Readinefs to (i give OfFcnders, f even the grcateft Offend upon their Repehtance, Belief in him and Undertaking, and Return to their D«|tyj ^fo, how- they ought to live fo as to plfppofe God, and be an Honour to their Maketle Cau And by his moft wife and holy Life, lake a. Do6trine, and Example,-— He fhcwed viejufti an cxcellentrCreature Man was, before he Ire per his Innocence, and fe(l into a State of Sinl/^ ^ Corruption; as alio how hateful to Godl^T Q muft be, ftnce fo Divine a Perfon, which, lice wa I m f'f:i'' " Dial. Wial. 8. for the Indians. 67 bll fee hereafter, was the Sm of the Mod [igh God, was obliged to come down from .ftcrity, tcr ;■ — hoi uW be, a they wov ad gracioi the Div* ufFerings caven, to fatisfy God's Juftice, and to favc en from the Punifliment it dclervcd. — For Divine Nature, tho' it could not fufFer, yet ing thus divinely united to his Humanity, ^ vc fuch a Virtue and Value to the Sacrifice, y of AtonB rendered it a proper and fufecient Atonc- Knt to the Divine J^rftice for our Sins, us Chrift ^After he had in his public Miniftry fully de- rcd the DeHgn of his Coming, and perform- out of LoBfuch miraculous Things as were fufficient 00k the pelconvince all well-difpofed People> that he )dy and Soils /i&^ Sm of Cody andfent by him ilO'declare ture, and m Father's Will to Meni-*-afccr'this, that, ai light be fc4i of God, he might make full Satisfa6lion leir Nature Ithe Divine Juftice, fince no Jefs a Sacrifice of Men. nld do it, He willingly laid down his ownl )on Earthjle, for his otherwife undone Creatures, ^ know Gofe^. < I begin now to und^rftdnd what l>e- adincfs to fire I was amazed at. Why God "mould Jujfm :eft OffcndtlrV own Son to be put to Death by wicked. Man % in hitn and Bid why his Son would chufe to be fo dealt leir D^tywith, when he could have hindered it: I as to plAppofe it was becaufe he. had undertaken heir MakeiKe Caufe of Sinners, and fuffered Death to loly Li^c> wkt an Atonement for them, and tofati&fjr e (hewed >« e Juftice of his oficnded Father^ who there- i, before he ire permitted him to be put to Death.' katc of Sinl/^ You underftand it right.^— And the ful to GodlAT God, to convince the World, that his fon, vhich,|icc was fatisfied by this moft worthy Sacri- fice, ''0M mmm> i , .(I W -^« Instruction -Dial. ffce^raifcd him from the Dead, the Third Da after he had been crucified and buried i—j which he was in the moji convincing andpcwe Jul Manner y declared to be the Son of God* j all which the Holy Scriptures give us a pa . ticular Account, — and, for our Comfort, d| clare,— '/^^^ God had kid on him the Iniquity\ us allfi that he tafted Death for every Man, i, e, for every penitent Sinner, from the Man that was made, to the lait that fhall born into the World; — laftly, that he faved us by his Bloody out of every Kindred^ Tenguey and PeopUy and Nation \, Ind. ' It feems then, that we alfo havei wintered and Right in the Bleflings which i * has purchafed by his Death/ Mtff, Mod certainly you have j— for (olfched in hath declared, — that the Gentiles, fuch as wAall fuc Strangers to the trutGodyJbonldbe Fellow bMmcr an with 'his cho/en People, and of the fame Bm Soci^ mid Pwrtakers of his Promije in Chrift %. m, be( ; t-ifey. . * Pray what is meant by the GenmQovti ' *■■ being of the fame Body ?* if all t| Af^ The Meaning is this : That wd ; J ^oukl'be of the fame holy Society with Gclit proi eholen People ; and that as we are the CiftVay tprcS' 6f t)neiand the fame Gody and Childlche grj ef lowe and the fame Father, and redemScr'w by the'fam^ §aviour> you ihall now be nilt be Members ofj the fame Body, an koly Socil cxpl *» Rom/if4; i Ifa. liii. 6. || Heb. , ^ J'Riirvv^gv ' § Eph. iii. 6. f J^^i^\ Dial.Bial. 8. for the Indians. 69 V God* i ve us a p :omfort, fib^ Imquitj every Ma rom the that fhaU that he r Kindred, ; Third Dmch is called the Church of God, of which buried i— Hsus Christ is the Head and Governor. andpoivMlnd. * I Ihould be very thankful if you ould explain that to me more parcicu- arly.' Mijf, You muft know then, — That after iion of God had by his Death made an ncment for. the Sins of Mankind, he com- nded his Apoilles to offer the BlelTings he purchafcd unto all the Nations of the th, in order to take out of them a People for Glory of God* j — ^^and to let all Men know merciful Favours which the Great God alfo have ftred them by his Son, which were, — ^^- ings which ifaw^ on Mens Part, and Forgivene/s of Sins mhe Part of God-, and that this fhould be re .—for fol?fi?>^^ in his Name among all Nations f ; and r fuch as wv all fuch as would receive him as their Re- he Fellow hmncr and Lawgiver, fhould be entered into the fame Bm Society, called Jhe Church or Body of Chrift %- lj^> becaufe he is the Head of this Body, by the G^wflGovernor of this Society, which i.s made l)f all true Believers in all Nations of the Thatwldj that as he had redeemed them, he icty with Gclit protest, and govern, and keep them in e arc the CifcVay of Life and Happinefs ; and laftly, \ atid Chilclthe great Truths of Chriftianity, and the f and; redeem Scriptures, in which they are contained^ ,U now be tmx. be prefcrved, being to be conftantly an holy Socil explained, and prcaclicd among them. |Heb ph. iii. 6. -•f ■'Vf.H-A.'S » + Luke jcxiy. 47, 'i 1 , 1* i \n m % n^ u m Ind. 70 An Instritctiom ill fp I ' \. ij Ind, * But, good Sir, — how can People B of * fo many diftant Nations, and different Lav/^ * and Languages, be one Society?* wward Miff, They are all of One Society y as theyfto do agree in One Faitb, and profefs to be goycmufitib , cd by One Law of Jefus Chriftj— as theym»tane engage to renounce the Devil, and all the fVMyou w of an evil World, and to worjhip the One aj« 0/ only true God; — as they all profefs to red the holy Scriptures to be the only Rule of their Faitb and Manners j as they all are deemed by the fame Sacrifice j — as they riftt 'pirit t ur D thci pray to One and the fame God, in the NaiBghout ty bei Bod) inV Ilyot * you 1! and for the Sake of the fame Mediator Advocate ;— as they are all received into fame Society, by one and the fame Ordin of Baptifm ; and are under the Direction Influence of the fame Holy Spirit ; — and as tl all hope to meet together hereafter in the fw Life Place of Joy and Felicity, the KingdorM ' Tj Heaven, m Mi Ind. < I think I underftand you very Je a M| * — I fhould be thankful therefore, if f to d * would let me know what are the PrivilJinftia ' or BlefTings of being a Member of this jthat * ciety.* 15"^^' MiJ", The Bleffings arc many and greaj^ Th fuch as thefe following :— Ydu will be enal TVu to anfwer the End for which we were tmgoo, and fcnt into the World.-^If you enter §"«, A this Society with true Repentance of your J^/ ^Ut true Faith in Jefus Chrifl, and a fmccre t ! Dialtf''^' f^^ ^^^ Indians. ft People V ^^ l^^i^S ^3 ^ Chridian ought to do, all ffcrcnt LaB^^ «?/«/ wiV/ he forgiven yaw, — and, if you L M-wards fall into Sin (as you will be but too as they »^ ^^») ^^* ^^^^ ^^'^^ J^J^^ Chrift an Adm* /'. c,QyJmtfitb bis Father for your Pardon, upon your ?^2&t\itym"^^^^^ ^^^ i^^/«r;i /o your Duty *. — Befide ' \ all the f^My°'^ ^^^^ '^^ under thtfpecial Care andPro^ n of God\ — you will have the Minifters rift to inftruft you, and God's all-power— pirit to dire£fyfupporty and comfort you in ur DiftrcflTes. — You will have an Intereft the Prayers and BleJJings of that Society ghoutthc World; every Member of that ty being bound to fcek the good of the Body, to relieve the Neceflities of fuch in Want, or in Miferies, and all being lly obliged to pray for each other.— , you will have a moft fure Title to 1 Life and Happinefs after Death. ' There is no Man, fure, who is in his t Mind, but would moft earneftly dcfirc a Member of fuch a Society if he could to do what will be required of him as "^thc PnvilJ''^ft^*"* — For, as I remember, you told ^^her of thisV^*' a Chriftian has many Enemies and ^ ■culties toftrivc with.* and ercarf* That is true, — ^But then take this moft fu will be enal Truth along with you,— .72^^/ a Rigbte- good Godwin not require any thing of his Tf vou enter f^J> ^*' what be will enable them to do, if ' ce of your |f^^ ^«^ Hfi ^^^'^ ^^* Endeavours -, — every • I John i. 9. ii.^ i. .., ;, Pcrfbn, d all the p the One fefs to recj y Rule of ;hey all are .—as they in the Na Mediator ceived into fame Ordin .e Vire^fion ]( . — and as tl iftcr in the fj the Ktngdo you very lerefore, it ind a fmccre *^Ai 11 A imam 72 Jfi iNStRucTiON DiaJi^ial. Pcrfoii, who fincercly pr6po(cs to bebomj Cbnftiafn, having a moft furc iPromifc of j - ing affiftcd by God's Holy Spirit* t6 plcafcj Maker, and to keep his Commands. And, forafmuch as we mud be made ,bol)l ever we hope to be happy, it is this Good Holy Spirit, that muft make us lb.— Wl he doth, — by putting into our Hearts Dcfires and Purpofes of plcafing God, ar Fear of offending him ;— by convincing that nothing is required of us but what is folutely neceflary for our Good and Happir — by helping our good Endeavours, andl fending us againft the Malice and Powei| evil Spirits j-— by fetting home upon our He the Joys and Happinefs that arc propofeij us, and the dreadful Mifery which Will be | Portion of fuch as defpife them:— AU wli * that Holy Spirit doth perform in us by a {\ though an invifible Power. . Ind, * How can you be fure of this, • you fay he is not to be (ecn ?' * Miff", Can you fee the Wind? Ifid, « No.' -f-r Mt/f: How can you be. fure there is fuj Thing? .rt: ' v^ -^ -h ' Ind, * Becaufe I ihear the Sound of it, * fed the fbrctf4>f,it upon myfclfl*^*' ' ' JVfj^Areyou fure that yoti hiaVe a or Spirit wittSn you, which ;g03?crns all Asians?, c-,-..;' \ .y :-''\'^^ -.rr^' ',fe;';i-1 *i$.L ,' )*i iDial. 8. far the Indians. .7j( /»«/. * I cannot but be fenfible and furc of I* that, bccaufe I feel fomething within mc, I* fomctimcs accufing, fometimes excuiing^ V according as I do what is good, or ocher- \ wife.* ■ I- Mijf, Yet you never faw that Powcfi you ire fure of it only by its EfFeds, , Ind. * Pray niake that plain to me.* '. Miff, Do not you know a Tree by the Fruit [t bears ?--^Doth not a good Tree bring forth rood Fruit F^-'Doth not a corrupt Tree bring forth bad Fruit * .'*— Juft fo, when a good Spi- rit governs any Pcrlon, you fee it plainly by lis Life and Converfation j — as alfo, when you [ce any Man lead an evil Life, you may be jure he is governed hj an evil Spirit. Ind. * I undcrftand you very well ; — and would be thankful, if you would* let me know what are the Fruits which diftinguifh a good Spirit from one that is evil?* ;, Miff, The fure Signs, that the Holy Spirit if God governs any Man, are thefe follo\ving uuits: A Love of God, and of Men for his [ake i-^~Living in Peace as much as poflible, ^ith all others f; — Forgiving thofe that have bjured us, as we hope to be forgiven our many wenccs againft God;— A Readinejs to do )od to all Men ; — A conftant Endeavour to fortify Qur corrupt A ffedlions, our Lufts, and ril jDefircs ; — Being content with our Condi- mi— Being humble, meek, and temperate-, — ^ • Matt. vii. i%* t Cal, v. zz, '^.- ; E And. /• . ii Vm} «; iVM il-!i: ' that * tianj recei a nc" Mil ut th nfluen ;ompl< ill wc \h an< ne wl ho, b '^4 yf« Instruction Dial. ■Dial.l And in all Improvements in Knowledge, FaitMharde] Holincfs and Obedience, making an hiimblBdcrftai Acknowledgment of our Ui^worthinefs, givB Ind ing Chrift the Glory of our Salvation, and t r ^ Holy Spirit the Honour of our Improveme in vthcfc Things : — Thefe, and fuch as thef( are fure Signs that a Man is governed by t cHoly Spirit of God *. 'I On the other Hand,— the fure Signs of jMan's not being under the Influence of t ^ood Spirit, arc fuch evil Fruits as thefe fol .lowing: Adultery y Fornication, Idolatry, f^^ita traft. Envy, Hatred, and Malice-, aDifpofiti to Revenge and Murder, Drunkennefs, ReVi \fhigs, Hardnefs of Heart, Unbelief, and C 'tcmptof the Gofpel, and fuch Sins as thefMplrrt, J— God having exprcfsly declared, that thAiption ' who do fuch things (hall never be happlo Jive but (hall have their Portion with thofe em Ind, Spirits, by whofe wicked. Siiggeftions thlandl ■Jiad been fcduced to commit them. I now Ind. ' One would think that fuch as knc you, * the dreadful Punifliment denounced agaii will b| •• rWickednefs, would never perfift in it, b baptii * immediately endeavour to cfcapc from ciety, « dangerous a Condition/ many I Mtf. They certainly vould do fo;-^b GreatI having wilfully forfaken whe Ways of Go A*f^ they have grieved the Holy Spirit, 'and fore do i him to depart from them, and to leave th( ; nie 10 themfclvesi— fo that their Hearts give ♦ Rom. vii. 14. 5*b>if |Cand| > 7 * ;^ / hardpni don, and t uprovcme ch as theft crned by t e Signs of I Dial. ■Dial. 8. • for f he In diahs. '75 edge, FaitM hardened, and their Minds arc void of Un- ; an humbllderftanding. ' ^'J - ' ' » ' thinefs, givj Ind. * If I remember welJ, you told mc, « that all Men are fubjedl to Sin, even Chrif- tians, as well as others, though they have received that holy Spirit for a priricipJe bf a new Life.' '^^* Miff", I told you fo, and I told you nothing ut the Truth j for fo they are, until, by the uence of tlMnfluence of that good Spirit, they are made as thele follcomplctely holy, which is not to be cxpefted olatry, ff^^it AWl we die, and go to Heaven. — I told you a Difpofitioiiiro another fTruth ;— That a Chriftian iis not mnefsy Revmnt who has no Failings; — but he is one, lief, and CoErho, by the Power and Favour of that Holy Sins as thefftpirit, watches and drives againft the Cor- ed, that thftjption of his Nature continually, fo as never er be happio live in any known Sin whatever. ^ ^J^H nth thofe em Ind, * I remember you told me fo before*; ;geftions thl and I am convinced of the Truths you (layc em. I now explained to me. And I mud beg of : fuch as knolyou, at your Leifurc, to let me know, what ounced agaiilwill be required of me in order to my being rfift in it, blbaptized> and made a Member of that So- fcape from Iciety, to which you have convinced me fp many Bleflings have been promifcd by the 1 do fo ;— blGreat God.* Ways of GoIm/^ That 1 will very willingly 'cndeivbtif nrit, and forc| do the next time you come to me.-^In mean time, forget not to beg of God— i> give his Blcffing and Succefk to fiich as de- and drive to indruct you in the Ways o£ harden! E 2 Life \ to leave thl cir Heart9 WMM ^kl, ■ fjifln )^^t Tor'T -^^ Instruction Dial. 9J Life and Happinefs, and to give you Grace follow their godly Inftru6lions and AdmoniJ ti0t)s^ in Words to the following Purpofc. '/^'^■^/ Tht PRAYER. OMerciAil God, an^ Loyerof Sonls, blef the pious Endeavours of-fuch as are a[ pointed ;o inftrud me in the Ways of Trut| and Godiinefs : — Leave me not to my oW Choice, but give me a Heart always open tj receive the Truth, and a conftant Refolutioj ^0 pbferve and obey it: And that I may rel member thee my Creator all my Days, cheaiT fully embrace Salvation by thy Son our Lor(| ^nd fubmit to his Government, let tli Holy Spirit ever accompany me, and in Ipire me with found Principles of Virtue, RljV^f ligion, and Holincfs, for thy Mercy's Sake I »Si Chrtftjefus. Jmen. ■ ^^^^ 'J iJifhet (nUreJ Ind d icandf rnptt Icultie |mplcs lU ^rop. m i I DIALOGUE IX. Being an AhftraSt rf the former Dialogues Injiru^iians. Indian. tilXIND Sir, r am come to put you « JV. mindof your Prom ife to inftrud »• li t , b^w I may become a Member of itj\^f/ * Societyi to which you Sold me fo many Bkjimc^ ^^ i^ Jo belongs' Pial.^l ou Grace id Admoni- i^urpofc. f Souls, ble :h as are a ercy iaL ^. for (be In DiAiiS, 77 ^ij'. I wouldf'now do it, but upon fecond houghts I am of Opinion, it will be b^ft ■or you, that I put you again in mind of the ruchs you have already learned, and afientcd 0, that you may be able to anfwer it to your wn Rea/oriy and to every one who fhall afk ou, — * Why you chufe to be a Chrifti^n ?* - _ And that your Faith being furely efla- lys of 1 '^"^mlilhed, you may be convinced that it is your to my ^"^Wnterefty as well asDuiy, to make fuch a Choice; ways open t«j^ J that you may not hereafter become a nt Relolutio|^^jj^^l ^^ ^,^g Chriftian Religion, or be hat I may re|e,,j^pfe(j t^ forfake it, on account of any Dif- Days, cbeaj^jjj^-gg y^^^ ^^^ meet with, or the bad £x- >on our Lo^lmples of wicked Men who profcfs it. ^-''^^^ tj- "1^^ ^M Ind. * I heartily thank you for fo kind a I me, ai^^^ fl Propofal : and I wiU hear you. mod wil* 3f Virtue, R|jmy> — "'- Sake I j^ijjrYoM have declared already thafyou e fully convinced, that there is but one God all the Nations of the World ;— that is-:-ta eing moft w//^, moft powerfuly moft bofyy ■ oft juft and good, — who after he had made ^ eWorld, and all Things in it, by his great lower, made Man, and endued him wlth'Re^-r,: ^t and Underjiandingy to the ^nd he might,) ve a Creature on Earth capable of know- j and honouring his Maker, . to put you I Ind, i I am moft fully convinced of ;his, to inftru6t rjand do moft firmly believe it.* ^,i Memhr of ^mMi/f, How then do you think it comes to^ fo many Blejfims, that fo many People, endued with Rea- E 3 fon. IX. r Dialogues ai 1^ 1^ % II !i I Ind, this I ma neve MiJ^ u be this If whi< 7I' Jn ijrsTRucTiON \ Dial, 9.KaI. forty 'ait fo far from being an honour to that Gdd' on whom they depend for Life and Breath and all things which they enjoy, or hope for, — that they neither fear^ nor lovCt nbr hcnoury nor are concerned tafleaje him? Indy^ I ha\re not. Sir, forgot the Account you gav« me, — how .this cametopafsj— how the firft Parents of Mankind came to fall from that happy Temper and ConditionP^ ^X in which they were made,— by yielding tow<^ ^ thie IVrtlptation of an evil Spirit, and break -|"^^PP ing & ftrift Command which their Makc*"^ & had given them for a Trial of their Obe-i^ be] dicnce :— And what a fad Change ; and Dif- order ^as thereby made in their Nature, an in the World, infomuch that both they, and| their Pofterity, which inherited their cor rupt Nature, became prone to Evily zxi ibbjeA to Sin and Deaths and to all the Sor rovosy MiferieSi and JffliSiions which lead t * Death; — and that this was the true Occa * lion of all the Mifchiefs and Wickednc * which we fee and hear of in the World/ "Miff, I zm very glad yoti remember thil^ende fo well.«^Fof indeed, without the Knowledgftd un of this unhappy Fall of Man, and the Corfod a ruption of our Nature, which followed, yoi can never fully undcrftand, nor truly value the Wijdom, \kt,Juftic(6y the Mercy ^ and th Goodnefs of God', nor would the Chriftian Re ligton appear to you fo gresit a Blefllng as i really is. nger ito cGol All oice '^' t Dial. 0.1'^— 9' /or /^^ Indians. ygi « « */,f>ijfl -^«^' * You will, be fp kind as to cxplaia our LvJ iiidLM '111 Life andl^^^'^ ^® me a little more particularly j that I may embrace it with full Satisfadtipn, and never forfake it/ , > r^ Mijf* You will remember then what I tolci u before : That we know and are aflured this by a Writing which came from God, r enjoy, or , nor lovei afe him? ne Account ' J ilmp mlf which we have moft undoubted Proofs, incl came toa . i • • • r j i t i d Condition^" "X ^"^C" w^ ^^^ mtormed, how mcitcitul yielding tow^ ^^* ^^ fparing the Lives of thefc our ^nd break -P^^PPy P**'^"ts which ;hcy had forfeited by ■heir Makcr^^^ 8^^^' ^^^"^^> ^^^ ^^^^ ^^'" ^^^ ^^^® °^ f their Obe-i^ beloved Son, who undertook to fee his 12C and Dif-P^^^*^ ^^^V' ^^^isfied, and to ufe all proper •Nature andf^*^* ^ make Men fenfible of their Offences, )th they,' andp *^ring them back tp .?b^ D»ty they.Q>«e :d their corf *^ir Maker. ^; ' .v.,^ ,q ,;,,,. to Evil andl^^^f* ^^ order to this, HiS Sqn, who is o all the ^^r#^^^^ Christ, and from whom we. Cbrifiims which lead tolpv^ W iVjw^, came down from Hei^vcn to true Occal^^, and was made Man, and converfcd [ WickednclJ^^ Men : — and declared unto them, as he e World.* w^ the Son of the Moft High God, and had emember thil^c"^^*" Gompaflion for poor Sinners, fo he ke Knowledgl^ undertaken to be a Peace-Maker between;^ and the CorfO^ and them;-- — and that he was a Mef- foUowed yoiPgc** ^^^ ixom him to make his Will knowfi r truly valucfto Mcnj— and that God had committed ferci and thfc Government of all Mankind to him. V\ di'- Ciiriftian Rel AH which God himfelf confirmed l>y a t Bkfllng as iPicc from Heaven*.— And his «yfl», when. I • Matt, iii. 17, ; T*i^i? Inm £ 4 ^ Oft & ■I ('' 1 H I I'! Ill > 1 80 »\ J. An Instruction D?al. 9. on: parth, convinced all who were difpofed to recc-Jvc the Triith, that thefc Things were truel by , his doing fuch wonderful Works as none] bviic (iod could do J; — by the Holinefs of hisl lite ^ by the moft righteous taws which hel gave unto Mcnj — and above all, by his Rifingl again from thp Dead, after he had| by wickedl Hands, been murdered. ' • jtnd, < All this I remember, and only de- • • jirc yqu .will repeat the Meffage which thiA * Wonderful Person brought from God tA ^'J^lf. In the Firft Place, i>^ made knowr to thcrp their miferable Condition by Naturc| an^f Praial. 9» * /or the Ihdia^s,, Si;.. lat their Happinefs or Mifery would depend, Ipon their good or Ifad Behaviour in thii^- 'orld. For tl^at God had appointed a Day^ which hc,\vquld judge the Wo^^d itioft- tghteoufly, — reward the truly bcnittnt, artd\ Tod, and punifli thofe that continue Qbllinatc ' wi^iced*, ^ V .f'^^r'i'l rl^^'i^ /»^. ' Will you now. Sir, be fo good as to* let me know the Way which this Wonder- '' ful Perfon did make ufe of to prevail witli Men to embrace this mod kind MciT^c of iGodtpMen?' '"'r^riX'- Miff, In the firft Place,— he fh^we^j^^rttK lat a tender Compafiicjm God had for bis ihappy Creatures, whp were wilfully gpirg?, 1 in the Way of Ruin, livithout perceivirigY |: — And that he was fo good as to iend hi^^ m Son from Heaven to favc them' fijonaii; lcftru6iion. '^:7.^>^3r}' [He told them further,— That tKe Siri^'^br'' [en were fo- many, fo great and univerikl^^;^' It no lefs a Satisfadion would be acc^ptecV. ^ * their Pardon than the Death of his o^n- hi that therefore he had taken upon Iiiifn^-'!? [fthe Caufe of Sinners, and put himftlf* IH^!^ iir Place and Stead, that he might ftjfFci''^,^ " die for them. ^'-^ lAnd God, to (hew Men how wellhewai^'l Isfied with his Son's Sufferings for the Sihi*"^ ;Men, raifed him from- Death, and fet hini!^ lis. plvn Right-Haiid j when be, liv6tb fof, '' 5;. ■ tuery." H *f H^ An Ii^s'TRtfi^TTOhr Dial. 9.B)ial 9 \\\ : 11 ■(! ll^ iViTy to kake Interceffion for all Juch as con\ imt6 GodJ^ bim*. 'lunii '^ui Uuj u^ Ind^ * AH this I remember, and I cannot bd ' admire the great Love of God and Chrift foj *! fuch unworthy Creatures. — ^-Pray, have an)| * other Ways been taken of bringing Men toj * Senfe of the Duty they owe to their Maker] * and of promoting their Happinefs V M^ffll hope you have not forgot what I tolil you,— that Chrift, after his Afcent into HeaJ yenj fent down the Holy Ghoft upon hi[ Apollles in a mod wonderful Manner, whj cftabliihed that Society which we call th| Church 6f Chrift, as the moft proper Means bringing Men to the Knowledge of the tri^ God— k)f Salvation by his Son,— -and of er ^ging in the regular and faithful Difcharg of the (everal Duties they owe to God, themielves, and to all Mankind. For in that Society he has appointed certaij Pjerlbns his MinifterSy who are to watch for t\ Souls of Men as they that muji give Account \ tkem^i — to let them know what they mi do to be^favedj — ^to minifter to Men tl| Means: of Grace and Salvation ;^— 4:0 i/j^r* the Ignorant i—^to comfort and help the JVea and raije up them that fall\ — to offer \x^ God Supplications, Prayers, Intercefftonsy ai| Thanks for all Men ; — and, in •'one Word, endeavour that all Men may attain that Haj pinefs, which Jefus Chriji has purchafed iiis moil;. precious Blood. ♦ Hcb, vii. 25. + Heb. xiii. 17. 1 >ial 9- /?r /-&e Indians, iv 83 Ind, ' This I have not forgot :-^Nor what you told me further, -That forafmuchas^ God had determined to judge Mankind ac-"^ cording to their Behaviour in this Life^ he has given ta Chridians certain Laws arid Rules, by which they Ihall be judged to Happincls or Mifery, at that great Day ; and that thefe Laws and Rules are to be found in that Book which you ca^ The Word ofGody becaufc it was written by Men ap- pointed of God. May I beg yoU to giyo me a (hort Account of that Book?*^; 'i'^orj | Miff, In the Firft Part of thofc Scriptures/ |illcd The Old Teftament^ we have an Account the Creation of the World, and of God's inite Power, Wifdom, Juftice, and Good- pfs in the Government of it:— We have theft. 1 Account, as I told you, of the ori|;inal fappinels of our Firft Parents, and of their inil Fall from that Condition j — —we have fo encouraging Notices of the Recovery of lankiod from this fad Condition j and arc [formed how, in air Ages, God has often )tefl:cd and blefled- the Good, and punifhed |c Wicked J — In order to convince Men, that fees and ordereth all Things for his own lory, and the Good of his Creatures. [In that Fare of the Scriptures which we call \i Gofpeli-^^t have a particular Account of Life of Ghrift i— his moft perfect Exam- j--his moft holy Precepts i — fome of his Imberlcfs and wonderful Miracles 5— how he- E 6 was --:*' ^1^^ *.*! n y/» iNstk'ucTiON Dial. ol)ial. .1^ was a|^provcd of Cod to be his Son, and thSrou McfTcngcr of his Will to Men ; how he wA onl by wicked Hands crucified and flain : That h aiedy was buried, and that all thefe his Suffer irigs wci'^ a proper Atonement for our Sins:- that Ke rojif again the Third Day from the Beac^ ■^con*verJed with his Followers, and in tht| Sight afccnded into Heaven i from whence fent down tfcc Holy Ghofl, who enabled theJRerr to fp^ak all Manner of Languages j — that thtwhich mi^t by this aftonifhing Miracle prove thcp refti MifTion, arid be able to teach all Men thel Woridcrifgl Things, and bring them to tff Kriowlcdge ofthe Truth, that they might fevcd ;— knd laftly, how great Numbers of i the then known World embraced the Chriftij Religidn J— ^that is, all fuch as feared G( and were concerned to fave themfelves frol that wicked Generation, faw plainly, that t| Chriftian Religion was mod agreeable to R( fon, and the Blcffings it propofcd to M( greater than all the World bcfides could gij them. Ind: * Will' you be fo good as to rcp(| *' again the thief of thofc great Truths, af n o i the Blefling you (peak of?* ' ' ^. Mijf. The Truths which concern us know, ahd which the Chriftian Religion, aj that only, teaches us, are fuch as thefe : — Tl we ire fallen under God's Difpleafure, and may be rcflored to his Favour, and have ©ur Offences pardoned thro* the Satisfadil d yol IndA I wol lfwcr[ I/hall 'ohei ! I :ii: »/• 1 Dh\. cV^^^' 9* for the luDiAHS, - 85. ■son and thjf our Lord Jcfus Cliiift^ ; — that our Life here how he v/A only a State of Trial, aiul a Pallagc to* a ain : That hl'^c cither of Happincfs or Mirr our Sins:-»''y will be according to our Behaviour here, om the DeaM-^^^ that we Ihould fo live, as to glorify God, and in theln^J be Blcflings to ourfclvcs and others. Dm whence ll I'^ fliort, — the Chriftian religion propofes enabled thel Remedy for all the Evils we arc fubjcdl to> ,5 that thwhich we cither feel or fear; — and is defigned le'prove thA reftore Men to that holy Temper which is all Men theffolutelyncceflary to fit them for Heaven and them to tftappincfs; — that is, to make them truly good they might m^^JHAi '^\f^ ^or themfclves, kindji^ber^ chaftt^ . lumbers of Jj temperate^ peaceable y and ufcful in their ^d the ChriftiJ^'^c^'^f^on. — And it will be purely their owa as feared Goiault if they are not fuchj for this Religion lemfelves fro ^<^rds them all the Encouragement and Af- lainly that tl ftance, that their Cafe can poflibly demand,, reeable to Re ' ^heir Hearts can reafonably dcfirc. Ind. * You have, Sir, fully convinced me of the great Bleffing of being aChriftianj for which I heartily thank you.* MiJJ', Give God the Thanks; k is he only n open your Eyes, to fee bodi your Danger,. id your Intcreft. Ind. ' If I fhall not be too troublcfome, I would only afk you at prefcnt, what An- fwer I Ihall give to fuch of our People as fhall prcfs me to tell them, — fVby lamre^ folved to become a Chrijlian?* ' \ ... MiJ. pofed to Me ides could gi jd as to rep :at Truths, a concern ns n Religlbn, a as thefe : — T jleafure, and ur, and have the Satisfad i^:..'liW'' MH if St t6 An Instruction V ill w m ^i^^ Dial. 9. Miff. Mitt what you have already learned^ you can tell them with Truth, — That you found you wanted fomething which you had not in yourfelf, to make your Mind eafy, and your Condition fafej — that your own Reafon convinced you, — that fuch a Creature as Man could not be made, and fent into the World, only to eat and drink, and live and die, as the Beads of t^e- Field ; — that you had often wiflicd to know for what End the Great God made Mcni — what Service they owe himj -^-whether the Way you were in was pleafing | or difpleafing to him ; — and often wiihed to know J — JVhat becomes of Men after they die \ and leave tbisWorU. ;^rYou can tell them, that none with whoml you had converfed could give you any rcafon- able Satisfa6tion concerning thefe Matters,^- until, meeting with fobcr People among Chrif- tians, you have bqen convinced, — ''Fhat you\ and many other People and Nat ions , had lofi the\ Knowledge of the only true God, who made thel Worldy and all things in it j— and that Chrif-I tians have among them a Writing, which! gives them a full and mod worthy Account of] that great and good Being j — how he made oj €ne Blood all the Nations of the Earth * -, — what! excellent and innocent Creatures he made the! Firft Parents of Mankind f ; and how thcyl and their Pofterity came to be changed fo muchl for the worfe, and fubjed- to fuch evil Difpofi-I f Afts xxvii. 2. :lt' -^ ; i Gen, i. ii. iii. tii:H litions,! Dial. 9. J learned^ rhat you you had eafy> and rn Rcafon re as Man le World, die, as the had often Great God owe him; as pleafing wifhed to ter they die )ial. 9. ■ for the In DiAVisi'^'^^ ^f fitions, to (b many Miferies and Afflit^lions as lowwe fee they are.^ — By whofe Writings you lean tell them, Ghriftians are affured how worw |dcrfully good and kind God will be tojuch »s iiligentlyfiek him*, and defire to pleafe him* j *and that all who are not Enemies to them- fdves, may be as happy as their own Hearts lean wifh. You can tell them moreover, That God as made known in thefe Writings, what Men ndued with Reafon ought to do, and what to voUy if they hope to pleafe their Maker, and heir Lord; — what great Ha ppinefs they will eprive themfclves of, if they ftrive not to now, and do his Will ; — for ihat fuch as jvith whomB-cpent of tJ.eir Sins, believe in the Satiour any reafon- Bic has fent, and obey his Commands, will. Matters,— Bvhcn they die, be happy for ever;— free fr<»nl nongChrif-fc?flr; — from the Malice of their Enemies,— — That youmom Pain, from Sorrow, from Cares, from , had loft theWpppreJion, from Sickne/s, and from Mijery iho made thtwafter heath ; and enjoy all the Bleflfcdnefs of that Chrif-Bvhich their Nature is capable. And that^ boh as have not been careful to pleafe their' iNG, which r Account of y he made th*', — what aker, fhall be conuemned to evcrlafhng lifcry.-' • w'-m' yr-^- If they a(k you, as to be fure they will,— he made theliow Chriftians can be affured, that thefe Writ- id how thcylngs and Truths came from God f-^Yoxx may- iged fomuchMffure them, — that if any Man fincerely defires evil Difpofi-|o know God's Will, he fhall find fuch Proofs as all convince him, that thefe Writings, and the 1. 11. IH. fitions, * Heb. xi, 6. i BoHrines ■ii.\} Vtf ■t - O'Sf' 'J An Instruction. Dial. 9. Do^rines they contain^ are from^ God, and mt\ of Men'*, im i^li^■i^^\{f{\^ ^. : ■ If they tell you, as they did before, thati many who call themfelves Chriftians live as ifl not one Word of thofe Scriptures were true:[ you may afTure them — that all good Chriftians are much concerned for the Offence thefe give to you, and to others; — That indeed they are] not true Chriftians, but fuch,, as being unwil- ling to forfake their Sins, and refolved to fol-l low their Lufts without Difturbancc, — ftrivel to forget the Truths they have learned, becaufe] the Remembrance of them makes them un- cafyj — and being by ajuft Judgment of God| left to thcmfclves, they have at lad loft all Senfc of the dreadful Punilhment which hangs] over their Heads: — That this falling' away\ of Chriftians fcora their Holy.Profeflion, am turning the Grace of God, which teaches then to deny all Ung(^dlinefSy and worldly Lujis., int!\ Wantonnefsy is fo far from being an Objedioii to the Truth of Chriftianity, that it is. an Ar. gumentfbr itj — fince this was foretold by the divinely infpired Penmen of the Holy Scrip- tures, — .that there woukl be/(?W£, who wouli hold the Truth in Unrighteoufncfs, — and other \ that would draw back to. Perdition^ and, quite forfake the Holy Commandments.. 7 '. Ind. * Kind Sir,, your Repetition of thefd * Things, for which I am moft thankful, ha{ « confirmed me in my earneft Defire anc * Purpofe to become a Chriftian. A nd ^ • Jphnvii* 17. ^ '*'* * bcleecli tial. ej Jbefee what Jmade call T me hich h ;ep yc •t youi ly pel fgun in 1 |ial. ^'i^^ for thelrjmAV%,9i. %^} ibefcecli you once more, to inftruib me,-^C what will be required of me in order to be" made a Member of that Society, which you Icall THE Church of Christ.* Lfrt Mi{f. That I will gladly do when you comeon. me again. — And may that Good Sprit^oi liich has put this Purpofe into your Heartpi'^ ^ep you in this good Difpofition — And do y^ [t yourfelf forget to beg of God — That He ^a ly perfeft the good Work which he hast'':f [gun in you. - ^ *iliyJ.. li^idjlwol axi. fJpii*rj^e P R A Y E R. { sdt Lmighty God, who alone canfl: order thc^^^ unruly Wills and Affedions of fmfiil^*^ *n, grant me grace to withftand the Temp-^-^ fons of the Devil, the World, and the^o :ih, that I may never follow, nor be led by t^t [m i— Keep it ever in the Heart of thy Scr- it, — That it is indeed an €vil and bitter X\ ig to forfake the Lord, that I may never im to the Sins I have repented of.— Make ig ever mindful of my Infirmities, that Imay^-^ib |k up to Thee for Help and Affiftance j— *: uj grant that we, to whom thou haft givea v^ [hearty defire to pray, may, by thy mighty; ~ 1, be defended and comforted in all Dan-*.' [s and Adverfities, — through Jefus Chrift Saviour and Redeemer. Jmmv * AN kt f^A ?Mi v:i M i.™d;l ESSAY J!t.J '^'»^(i INSTRUCTION FOR INDIANS! TOWARDS AN PART II. 't' ViK' Of Baptism, anJ the Lord's Supper; T^ Cr£Ed, the Lord's Pray£R> and Jk C0MMANDM£NT3> explained^ iO i(v ill DIALOGUE X. ^^/ Of Baptism. and open the Hearts, of fuch as are in Fear themfelves, and would gladly know the ill of God, and the Way to pleafe him. — m only his Mejfenger to you, and, 1 hope, your everlafting Good. ^nd, * I hope fo too. — And therefore am ow come to be inftru(5ted, — " How I may ^TTM axtqI^^ admitted into the Society of Chriliian iijf. You mud know then, that Christ Son of God, and the Head and Governor that -Society, has appointed Two Holy TA DIN A NOES, which we call Sacraments, imht of perpetual Ufc in his Church, — as NS, Seals, and Pledges of God's ful- ng his Promifes of Bic fling upon our Com- ncc with the Rules of our Duty j and by r»d ii Jch he has determined to bcftow his Fa- )aj&> |irs and BlelTmgs on fuch as are worthy of Im :— The one is called Baptism, or the ^iftv mhing of Water, a Figure of Regeneration, ii ,j Hiiii Iwhich all that are well difpofed and qua- igain fo fooftd are to be received into his Church, in earneft,ailch is the Society of all Chriftian People, a Chriftian. l)Ughout the World : — The other Sacra- n. You hawit is called — The Lord's Supper, and Intereft as w^inted by Chrift himfelf as an efpecial ns, by which that Society is to keep up ) be under fulRemembrance of what he has done and iune that coifcred to redeem them from Mifcry. d Sprit of G w| By .X 'T $2 An Instruction Dial, id v\ ial. 1 No\ ve yi rft,- dree e W< By the Sacrament of Bapfifm, God is gn croufly pleafed to enter Into Covenant wii his poor Creatures, whereby he promifcs, his Pars, to take fhem under his efpecial Pi teftion, and to give them all that is necefiai to fit them for Heaven and Happitiefs, wheBjjjjl^' ^ they die j — and Chrijlians, on their Fart, biiBj^ \^ themfelves to become Chrift's feithful Seft^y^y- vants unto their Lives End. Bftinati Ind, ' Sir, you often mention our beil Q^r * God* s' Servants, and Jerving ^^^*-^JDomobfei * God want any Service that we can do him?B j^j^ » Milf. No, truly : he (lands in no need l^,]^ ^^^ our Prayers, our Praijes, or our Service s,W^^^^ ^ They cannot prcjit him : — But he having givM^^j^ c us certain Commands about our addrefiiiBj^^^ ( ourfclves to flim in Adorations, SupplicatioMj^-'jr' and' Thankfgivings ', when we obey thefc ^oflpourir mands (though purely for our own Gor" He is gracioufly pleafed to deem it fervi honouring, and glorifying him, though Truth wc only profit ourfclves fiercby. Ind, V You will be pleafed to let me kn(iJ2^'^ j and how ("hrift appointed the SaciliQj of Baptifm ?* P//yf Mijf. Juft before he left this World, he %M (^L his:'Apo{lles, who were his Minifters, 4thy i dommand: — * Go ye, and make Difcipleslj^^ yi * all Nations, baptir.nv. them in the Namfl^j^ ^ *; the Father, and of the Son, and of the H(l/g ^^ * Ghoft i-fteaching them to obferve altThiiK^ • , ' whatfoever I have cdnmanded you*.* 1^^ | fM; . • Matt, xxviii. 19, 20. fame tize t the S( W. * when * 'mcnt )ial. loJ for the lutifiya" * . ^3 Now here are fcvcral Thin ^s which I would ive you carefully obferve a '^ »-emen)ber:— . 'ifj}^ — The abfolute Nc ty of believing id receiving the Meflage, which God fent to [c World by his Son : — Secondly y — The Ne- [flity of being joined to his Church by Bap- im, when that Blcfling can be obtained:— irdlyy — The dreadful Condition of fuch as ftinately continue in their Unbelief, when : Gofpel is preached to them/. — And laftly^ Goi:-^Dolobferve the very ftridt Command of Chrift, candohimJljiis Minifters, firft to teach y but then to n no need l^h onlyy whatever he has commanded ; by ur 6'^r'u/V^i.*ich true Minifters of Chrift arc to be e having givjown from falfc Teachers. 3ur addrelpii/^;^, < How is Baptifm adminiftered ?' SupplicatiomMiJ'. By dipping the Pcrfon under Water, ey thefc CorBpQy^jjjg qj. fprinkling Water upon him, at ir own Gocm fame Time pronouncing thefe Words ; " I em it ferv^^fctize thee in the Name of the Father, and m, though |the Son, and of die Haly Ghofi:* ' fiereby. mnd, * What do you mean by being bap- o let me kn«zed in the Name of the Father, Son, and ted the Sacftjoiy Ghoft ?' miijf. It is to fhew that Men, who through World, he gal Corrupnon of their. Nature are no more Minifters, /1-thy to be called the Children of God, are- ke DifciplesltheWalhing of Regeneration, and Renew- in the Namelpf the f^oly Ghoft, born as it were again, and of the V fe new Creatures, and thus admitted into jferveaJlrThiilew' Covenant, on Condition of their en-, ied you*.* Ing into a folcmn Engagement to believi Jk and M 20 ■.\ > I / An iNSl-RlJcf WN M: 54 An iNStR^^cf ifdN Dial. \\ and obey whatever is commanded in the Gd pel of Chrift, in the Name, or by the Authj rity, of God the Father^ who created then . of God the Son, who redeemed them j 4iid| V God the Holy Ghoft, who enlightens, and fan tifies them. Ind. * Are all Perfons capable of Baptifm) Mijjf. Yes : — Both Infants and grown Pc| fons. '*M^ Ind. * What is required of thofe Perfd * who are grown to Years of Difcretion,] * order to their Baptifm V ' '\';; Mijf. Faith, and Repentance-, that is, believe fmcerely all the Doftrincs of the pel, and to repent of all former Sins. ■ Ind. * But what if he fall again into Sin I [ MiJJl It is then neceflary that he fhoj reftore himfelf to the Benefits of his BaptJ • by a Renewal of his Repentance. Ind, ' But why are Infants baptized, ^ are not capable of thcfe Qiialifications ?'| Mijl Though they are not capable of i^^ and Repentance, they are capable of being; mitted into Covenant with God, as the C( dren cf the Jews were, by the efpecial ' pointment of God, by Circumcifion. Ind, ' What is meaiit by walhing * Water fuch as are baptized V MiJf. It is an outward Sign or Token, Cn fying, and alTuring us, from Chrift himj that as pur Bodies arc made clean by Wi fo furcly the Sopk ^f all, who arc true liei Dial. \W^^' ^^' ^^^ ^^^ Indians. , . :vers and Penitents, being thus dedicated to ^od, are clean/ed from all pad Sins, and are K into the Way of Salyadon, by being ad- [itted into the Church of'Chrift, and made lembers of his Myftical Body, which is the lefled Company of all faithful People. — id laftly, — we are, by the Words ufcd in lis Ordinance, made to underftand, how our jilvation is brought about; — That is to fay, rBy God the Father ^ who loved us, even af- we had rebelled againft him : — By his Son, 10 purchafed Salvation for us j — jind by the ^ly Ghofty "who JanSiified us, \Ind. * Pray, Sir, explain this a little clearer jnd fuller to me/ ^t^ VMiff, You muft know then, that— The Ifhing with Water, in the Name of the \tbery and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft^ Irms and /eals to the Pcrlbn thus wafhed^ Covenant of Repentance for the Rcmif- |n of Sins, of which Covenant Chrift is the ^diator; for by him only we have Accefs [the Father. — ff^e are horn in Sin, and liable the Difplealbre of our Maker; but by pacing and complying with the Terms of Gofpel, we become Children of God, ac- [ding to the new Covenant*; — and by out- jd (enfible Signs or Sacraments are con- icd in the Hopes of eternal Life, the free cf God, through Jefus Chrift our Lord: fut then remember y If you do not endea- w;.: L. * Gal. iv. 7, Koin* viii. 15. ■i . .f vfi vour 96 An Instruction Dial. ilDiaJ.r- vour to live In Obedience to the Comman of your Heavenly Father, it will be no Pro to you at all to be called the Child of God.j Laftly^ By Baptifm you are admitted in the Hope of everlafting Happthefs, and \\ Title to the Inheritance of the Saints, uj your believing, embracingy and obeying the cious Terms of the Gofpel of the Blejfed Je]\ —God will then treat you, as a Father dij the Child he loves j — —He will, upon y(| hearty Repentance, and fiiieTere Return to yi^ Diity, pity your manifold Infirmities, forgive all your pad Offences. He will con youln Mercy when you do what would hj yourfclfi and will upon your Prayers, $he Sake of his Stn Jefus Chrijf, give you Grace of his All-powerful Spirit, to gu\ ajifty comfort, and fupport you in the leading to everlafting Life. Ind, ' Had I no Right to thefc Bleflir '* before I was baptized ?* Mijf, — Confider what Favours they and you will find nothing in yourfclf that deferve fuch *. Can Sinful Duft and Ajhes pretend to vcnly Privileges— The Favour of God, the Graces of his Holy Spirit? • '-' Can corrupt Nature think oideferving, of capable oi Glory, and Honour, and Immortalit Endeavour to know yourfelf better, ri being truly humbled with a Scnfc of 1\:(. r *.Rora. iiU'Z^' .X Dial. ilDial. lO. /^r /^tf Indians. ^y wn Vilentfs and Mifcry, you mny thank- iilly accept of Help and Mercjf from God.-^ or they that are whole need not a Pkyjiciutt^ ut they that arejick*. j.f i ; ; / ^v ,^^ ^ ,r^ And feeing God has promifcd to do fo much for yoH, be pcrfuadcd to do fon\etiiiAg for ourfclf. y • .i^A a IhiL * What can fo mifcrablc a Creature do for himfelf ?' " ; , , ^.^ifji Mijf. You can lament your own Unwof- incls, and pray God to pijty .^^X You can ufc the Graces he bellowech upon oil, and be thankful for his Favours.*— You can do your Bcfl:» and las Goodnefs. ^ ill expeft no rnorc*. riv/youB ^^^* "** ^^^ ^^^ Sacrament of Baptifm-jor-y.- !)\rit, /« ^wl^iiiriedby Chrift himfelfJ* ^..vC^t^t Miff. It was> in thefe Wor(ib — Go ye^ njjff acb all Nations, baptizing th^m in the Numd cf e Father y and the Son ,, and the Holy Ghfiji f.» * — Which Command the ApofUes of-Chrift fervcdi— They preached the Gofei, ^nd' many as believed, them they baptiixed^, , v- — By this Sacrament; adding to thje Chuich h as Jhould be Jasoed ||.— -r^HcAling. it ne- ■Vk c Comman be no Pro ildof God.^ dmittcd in icfs, andt(j Saints, uj eying the e Bleffed ^i\ a Father doT n, upon yd Return to yd firmities, ^c will con lat would hj Prayers, u in the V thefe Blefli /ours they ourfclf that pretend to jr of God, ' dejervingy o id Immortalit elf better, I Scnfe of Iflary to baptize with Watt/ c veil chofc thai \d received the Holy Choft^. , ■ ■Teaching that this Command of Chrift, yi\\tvt it: ly be duly obfervcd, is. not to be n^gledcd any Account whatcve|f..;i latt, ?3t.'i 2. t Ibid; XxvVil. ft). 'J kdi H.'4i 7 II Ibid. ii. 47. V Ibi**' *' 47« F Ind. ■f!' k'^ ^r I ■'I* ^■■■; ' V ', r r til, ■! M n ..iv 1%r !^<; M ;f-^ '>i. 5* ^ Instruction Dial. loJ Ijiii*. iM, * What further ufc am I to make of| * this Sacrament ?* ^ Miff, It ought always to bring to your Re-I inembrance, that you are a Cbriflian : Thatl you have a NcW Name, and New Power si given you, on Purpofe that you may beconicj a New Creature. If you arc indeed a Child of God, you wil\ think what a dutiful Child ought to do.> You will /^ and be thankful for what he gives ; and you will own his Affcdlion when he £orreth\ as well as when ht /miles upon you* If you look for an Inberitojtee in Heaven your Thoughts will be oktn there: For wber\ your Treafure is, th$re will your Heart be alfo And you will not be too eager or anxioi for the Things of this World— You will nej ther be mueh afraid of its Troubles, nor c( fond of its Vanities, remembering that bo\ -mW ibon have an End. And as you ever hope to go to Heaven t yoj will endeavour to Jit yourkli for that gloriol Pi^^^.;-,.«^Remembering,^-^-«7'i>/i/ witbsi UoHnefs no Man Jhall fee the Loi^d-f. The furcPromife of God will not fufFcr y( to defpair :< • And the Joy that is fct befo] you will encourage you to prefs forwards. You will be thankful to God for calli^ you to itiib. State of Salvation : -And g\ac * Matt, vif'zi. t* I(ieb;xii.'i4i. undel Dial. 10 J Dial, ir; fir the Indians. # make of! undertake the Condition he requires of you, I What thcft^ Conditions are, you (hall know ) your Re.|(hc next Time I fee you. But firft. with a tan: That! j^ankful Heart, fay, ^■'^"" tw Powersr lay become' The PRAYER. to do.' 1 truft in hiJ ALmighty and everlafting God, heavenly Father, I give Thee humble Thanks thac Thou haft voUch'fafcd to call mc to the Know- ledge of ihy Grace and Faith in Thee; In- or what yojcreafe this Knowledp;e, and confirm this Faith e gives i an(| r he correth\ DU. ce in Heave) e: For wbet\ eart bealjo*, er or anxioi You will nei uhleSy nor t< ing that bol\ :o Heaven, yo| or that glorio\ *Tbat witbQ\ or^\» 1 not fuffcr y( lin me evermore. Heal all the evil Inclina- |tions of my Soul ; and create in me an hearty )ve unto Holinefs, that continuing thy Ser- vant, I may attain thy Promifes, and be made Partaker of thine everlafting Kingdonv through Jcfus Chrift our Lord, Amen. DIALOGUE XL The Condiiions required ofjuch as are to he baptized, '"F^HE laft Time I waited upon you, X you were pleafed to promilc to in- lat is fct betoi ^^^^ ^^ .^ ^^^^^ Conditions that Perfons' Is torwards. ■ ^^ j,^^yj^^^ ^^ j^^^^ and promife to per- iod ]o'\^^/"l form, in order to be baptized.' — -Anag^c| ^^ I fhall gladly do this. ^As Chn'V ;bi xii.' 14- lill moft furely keep the Promife he has made , ""*^l • Fa- of 8 I I .:( f ^)i f, N^ ^■'^i 100 ^« Instruction Dial. ii. of many great and valuable Bleflings:'-^^^ — So you mud on ycur Tan promife, To renounce the Devil^ and all his' Works : The World y and all its evil Ways and Cujloms: And the Flejhj and all itsfmful Lufis, . And fecondly, ;^ ' -, ^ That you will receive and believe the Truths and Mejfage which Godfent unto Men by his Son, which are contained in the Holy Scripures of the New Teftamentt andjummedup in what we call The Apoftles Creed. And laftly, — -" Tcu mujl promife to uje the utmoft Diligence^ and fincere Endeavours ^ /^ keep the Commands tf God all the Day % of your Life, ' :\. And here, as on one Hand I would' not I difcourage you, fo on the other I muft tell you the Truth, That theje Things are notfo\ eaftly performed as promifed, Ind. ' I fee I mufl: give you the Trouble of I • explaining yourfclf further:—— I Ihould be • glad, therefore, to know what fort of Life isl • required of a Pcrfon that is come to Years ofl ' Diicretion, after he is baptized, that I may[ • not promife \^hat I do not pcrfeftly undcr- • ftanci, nor undertake more than I am able io| • perform* Mijf, You remember, I hope, what I have! often told you, — * That this Life is a State of • Trial',* that God having prepared thel grcateft Happinefs for fuch as beMeve in himJ y'crks : ' Cuftoms: (Is. he Truths hy his Sort) ires of the bat we call Commands would not I 1 muft tell ^sarenotjo\ Trouble of [ fhould be rt of Life isl to Years ofl that 1 inay| iftly undcr- am able lol whdtlhQve| is a State oj ireparcd the ieve in hini5 lovei Dial. 1 1; ■ for thelsDiA^s. ^ loi love, honour, and ohy him,*— that he may make them fit for the Reward he intends them, he hath determined to try their FaHb/ their Love, and their Obedience. — Not that he is ignorant of their Hearts, and their Sincerity; — but his Defign is by thcfe Trials to fhew them to themfelves, and to humble them by feeing how much they muft depend upon his Grace and Help j and to (hew the Power of his Grace over the greateft Adverfaries of their Souls. — He has therefore permitted evil Spi- rits to make this Trial, by tempting Men to the Sins which they renounced at their Baptiim, Ind. ' I remember I what you told me con- * cernlng the Devil, and his evil Spirits j— * that they'are fuch as rebelled againft their * Maker, and for that Sin were caft out of ' Heaven ; — that their evil Nature leads them * to tempt and dra'jj) Men from the true God ; * —and that God permits them to try the Faith of Chrinians, and to execute his Judg- ments upon Sinners. — Bcfides thefc Enemies of our Souls, I remember what you told me, and what I find true by Experience, that we have an Enemy within ourfelves, even our own corrupt Nature, very prone to Evil ; and that we have alfo an evil World, and evil Examples, to lead us to forget or to negleft God, and our own Promife.' Mijf, I am glad you remember thefc Things Ifo well.— I muft, therefore, now give you the \necejfary Advice, which our Lord Chrift has Fj' given 4 1-5 i m 4 ii ,' « ■ I < I0j2 Jn Instruction Dial, u, given to all fuch as dcfign to become Chrif- tiansi — that is, — :o do what alwife Men will do, who have any Thing of Moment to un- dertake, — * To lit down and confider, what * it is, to be a ChYiftian*.*— -Left afterwards you expofe lyourfelf to Shame, and difgracc the Religion you profefs, as too many do. Ind, *■ I heartily thank you, Sir, for this ' Cautioa and Advice :-v^and beg you will * let me know the Sins I may be tempted to; * — and how I may oppofe and avoid falling * into them.' > Mijf. The Sins to which the DeVil and his evil Spirits are moft .eagerly bent to tempt Men>^ — are firft of all, to ibrfake the true ancl| only God, to trufi in themfelves, and to fea^ and worjhip other 5««^j.— This is calle JuoiATRY, and provokes God to give fuchl Perfpns up— /^ a Mind void of Judgment i-^ti commit all Iniquity with Gr^^wj/i j-.<— Thii is the fad Cafe of all the Nations, of the World! who worlhip not the true God.— -They arJ under the Power of Satany his Angels, and hi^ Agents-, and fo are you, until through thj Favour and Mercy of God, and in the prope Exercife of Faith and Obedience, you are re| ceivcd into his Church and Family. Revenge, and Murder that too oftej follows it, are Satan's darling Temptations by which Millions pf Souls have been fentoi of t^is World. — This is what you muft rcfoh ♦ Luke stiv. «S. f Kom. i. « ^'M al w;. againi Dial. U.I Dial, i r: for /^J'^IndiaWs. ioj ne Chrif- 1 againft, as a Sin more cfpeirially hated of God, Men will I — if you arc injured^ or opprejfed; you mud »nt to un- 1 leave your Caule to God : — He, and he only der, "whatl knows what Punifhment every Injury and //r- afterwards lyKy^/V^ require : and will call Offenders tp an d difgraccl Account in his own proper Time. — It is true, any do. I Revenge is fweet and tempting to our corrupt ir, for this! Nature ; but corrupt Nature you muft not fol- T you Willi low, if you rcfolve to be the Servant of God. :mptcd to;i Another Sin^ which the Devil tempts Men roid fallinglto, h Lying: He is The Father of Lies, and would have all Men like himfelfi becaule: evil and his! he knows that God has declared, t\\2Xjuch as ^t to ttm^mlovf and mah Liei^y (hall have no Inherit- :he true andlance in his Kingdom. This you will confider and to /^fl^and rcfolve againft, as you hope for the Favour his is callc(l|of God. b give fuchi There is another very dangerous Error, to t/^g«itf»/>r- which Men are ft rongly tempted :- that is, ]efs f,— TWlto be proud,, and to have an high Conceit oF t the Worldlthcir own Reafin^ Wifdom^ and Ability to know . — They affcid to do what is good, and beft for them- Kgels, and hifclves. Now this Pride and Self-Conceit takes through thfc^ert off from their Dependance Upon God, his in the propcfc^/// and Wordy by which alone we can know s, you are rely^^^ ^^ muft do to be faved ;— upon what ily. iTerms God will pardon a Sinner j and what lat too oftelwill become pf us when we die. Now nothing Temptationslan provoke God more, than for us poor ; been fent otreatures to think, that we want not his Help, u muft refolvlis Grace, and Light. [• Rom. J 'agaim • Rev. xxii. ly, F4 Laftly^ It f^ffpp'i'i r fu • II 1 1 iii i'U- t 104 jfn Instruction Dial, ii.l Dial \ Lafily^ Y()U- muft know, — that the Devil hath his Agents in every Place: — ^-Thefe are them Lov( ' km They -ail Men ^f wicked Liv£Si and wicked Principles : — who make a mock of Sin y who fy. e and laftinfcb/«A?7, /Fi/ri'^/'^//, Brunkennefsy Hatredy \\ meet witifcftf//V^, Revengey Strife^y Seditions y Murders, h will tcmpK^^//r«^j f , and Juch like. — ^Now, however lew of Hai«mpting maay of thefe Sins may be,! — you lived to avoi|iuft fit down, confnder,. and refolve againft cm, or never hope for the Favour of God. *: I Johnii. i6i ^ f Gal. v. 19, 20, 21. r S ; 1, "I' .-M- ^t ?w ^ I ■» 'H B atfer Seed holy arc w 106 * ^tt Imstructiow Dial. 11. .r j&r^. * You will now let me know what is .« meant by-r--" The Luft of the Eyes." i Mfffl I told yon before, that it is the eager aod ;X:ov]etous Defines of Hiches. And that you may be convinced how dangerous a Sin this is, you may hear what Chrift himfelf has! jj^^j j {aid f-'^That it is very hard for rich Men to hm ^^ good Chriftians* i becaufe they are fo niuchlpypp expofed to many Evils and Temptations,-- — " ' iuch as thefc following : — — They that have RicJbcsarcapt to/tfX'^ them too much-^^/tf their Truft in them, and to f&rget their Depend] ance upon God j to lard it ovsr and opprej\^ their Inferiors ;• — and to make Provifion forti Fkjbi to fulfil the Ijtfts thereof: — ^And this maj ^!iri(t tells you howj— « Charge (fays he) them quired, towai «;i>o are rkh in this World, that they be not making ids Cm high minded, ftor truft in uncertain Riches^ hut in the Living God, who gives us ri€hfy all * Matt, xiii, 21, Bef4 F 6 ♦ things ioB is a gr •d without ■ii-i i^:. H* io8 ^w Instrugtioji Dial. II. ■ Dial. * things t9 enjoy :-^That they do Goody that they * be rich in good fForks, ready to diflribute, ' willing to communicate ; laying up in Store ^ for themfehes a good Foundation againft the ?' Time to ccme^ that they may lay hold on eternal * Zf/Jf *. — But ftill they are dangerous Things; — rThey are fluftuating and precarious ; — the Meansy not the End of Happinefs : They may be Inftrumcnts of giving large Scope to Virtue; Great Bleffings in the Hands of the Upright ; to the Good of his own Soul,- and the Welfare of Mankind ;- But They anti . Thorns and Snares in the Way vf the Fromard \\ Jnd. * What Advice will you give me, that * I may neither defire nor enjoy them too| * Eagerly ?*HV- -ih'^^'c-- wrsH Mijf. That you may not endeavour by un^ juft Ways to better your Condition, you will| .find thefe Words of Jefus Ghrift in his Gof- pcl i-^Wkat will it profit a Man if be Jh&uU\ gi^in tbi whole World and hje his own Soul"^ ? To moderate your Defires,. confider that ihi\ mc^eyouhavey the more yon muft account for, VAiTq make you more conLentedy you mui know, that Men are not happy, bccaufe the] have a greac deal, but bccitule God givej tli^iji Power to enjoy what they have, be thi more or lefs. -^ .That the Favours of God may not tern] yqu CQ Idlenels,. remember,— 71?^/ Slothfulnej cafietk infenf and in An hinder keep Depmi Thouf is only Ind, * avoi( MiJ) fhort a Let the wc will ha but Sin Rea Ito Stn, land the And |Strengi To for HeJ ♦ 1 Tim-, vi,. 17, 18, 19.. % Mark viii. 36* + Prov, xxii; 5| ca^etX Dial. II. that they dijiribute, I in Store tgainfi the on eternal IS Things; ous; — the -They !: Scope to nds of the Soul,- and t rhey m Dial. II. for the l^DiAYt^, . 1091 cajietb into a deep Sleep-, that is, it makes Men infenfible of what concerns the next Work!, and in this World-— toi;^rj them with Rags*, And, laftly, if you let no worldly Bufinefs hinder you from fcrving God daily, it will keep in your Mind a conftant Scnfe of your Bepmdance upon him, and make you fet your Thoughts upon another Worid^ to which •//&/> is only a Pajfage. ^i '-i i^'» ' o * •. ^ Ind. * Pray inftruc^ mc how I may belt * avoid Temptations.' v.. t^' ■ ^k. , »: ^^"J' '*:.^ M^ The Directions I g^vte' yoii fKalf be 7c me, that them too ^our by un- ^n, you will Froward^^^onan^ plain, and fuited to your Condition.. Let this be ever in your Mind, that Sfn ii the word of all Evils, — For all other Evils will have an Endy at fartheft when you die ;; but Sin will make you miferable for eVer. Remember that you arc rvaturally inclined in his Gof-|to Sin, that the Devil will tempt you to it^ if ibtf y^c«/fland that God only can fave you. wn Soul%? I And then you will never truft in your owii fider that /itflStrength, but in the living God.. ' ccountfar* I To him therefore you will conftantly pray you miiflfor Help; - 1' 1? 4 >'• ' V i 1 i 1 * !■ ;i'i. ■{; ;'•' ■if- \[ 1 ■-.'('■ :u m m f^ 8" is, '-'•k:. •A: iv i , 'Illlj ll 1 'h m ill j) I 1 ^ :! I ' ; / 1 1 ji 1 * 'Ji •' 1 'uR ' 1 1 ,. ! ll i'J (j 1 1 i 1 ' 1 • f^H |H ■ i ^ In I ' ill 1 1 ' |||i 1 ' 1 'M' H • 1 '^ iff ffl 1 j 1 III ' J * 1 li' H 1 1 1 1 H ■ ji i ■ 1 1 i 1 ^ :! •■ H n i ;i ■ j ' IP ; : ' ' Vlfin ■lil !■ ■ ', ■ '1 1 V ^fi Irii ,.!: 1 • 1 i 1 i i I ■i •! , i; 1 ■ 4 1 *M^im ,\-i' I'l ulM ; V IfO //« Instruction Dial ii.lDIal. i If you fall into €vil Company, ybu muft go out of it immediately, and not walk in the Way with tbem, left God forfake you. When- the Holy Spirit of God puts into your Mind good Defires, or checks you for doing 111, you muft obey the Voice of God ; and he will love yoir, and prefcrve you from your fpi- ritual Enemies, and from everlafting Death. Ind. * You will now be pleaicd to explain to • me THAT PRtDE OF LiFE, wliich a Chrif. * tian renounces at his Baptifm.* ^iS- ^y the Pride of Life is meant,— that great Opinion, which through the Corruption of Nature, all People are apt ta have of them- selves j—^^ith an eager, reftlefs, and immo- derate Defire after every thing that may dif- tinguifh them from others, which msiy fct them high in the Eft<^cnfi of the WorU. Now this Pride of Ufe is the Occafion ol many Evils, which are highly difplcafing ti God, and rtiuft be refolved ^ainft by ever good Chriftiaii. The Evils are thefe that follow : — They wh are under ^hs Power of this Vice, arc more con cerned for the Efteem of tlic WorW, than ho to pleafe God :— They are, therefore, too ofte temipted to fupport the good Opinion of thi World, by laying th^ out on Vanity, whicf filoukl be the Support of their Families, or the P Miff, Nothing but the Grace of Gody and Ipoflelfirtg your Heart with "Things of greater [oment. "^^ Confider, that you are liable to Eternal \Mifery ;■ ■■' That your great Bufmefs in this [World is to prepare for a happy Death; and Ithc Day of Judgment i and you will be ?ery indifferent about fcveral Things whkh ^ou ROW take too much pleafure in* ■ . .^^ .. For which Reafon you will neither ftudy to )e -iw/», and foolijh in your Drefs, nor JingUlar ctmeited in your Opinions, but imitate ich as arc fober-«>inded ; as knowingj; 72> . " W 114 An iNSTkncTiow Dial. 1 1. iDial. \ia r, *.me the Particulars of the Chriftian Faith -a * but with your Leave I will wait on you| * again very foon.* Mijf' As foon as you can. — In the mean I time, I muft put you in Mind To beg ofl God to deliver you from the Attempts of thel ,- Devil and his wicked Agents, who will try all Ways to divert you .from your good Purpofesl And may God keep you in the good| Difpofiticn you feem to be in! • r ■,,..,•■■■"• . .-^■■i-',' The PRAYER. • ■': i • \ , ■ ■ ' A Lmighty and moft merciful Father, pre- j\. ferve me from all the Temptations ol my Advcrfary the Devil, who goeth ah ^ fecking whom he may be permitted to devour, —Give me holy Kelolutions and a watchfi Spirit that I may pcrfevtrc in the Way -^^ Godlincfs, and my Life cotTcfpond with tb Purity of my Faith. — Oh I let me never difi • Jionour fo excellent a Title as that of Chrij\ ^Umi but do thou reign in my Heart, by tb Spirit of Grace guiding all my Anions, ai: dircAing my Intentions, that I may be t^ Servant of thy divine Will here, and be ad' - mitted to the Holinefs arkl Glories of th Sta'te, where thou reigntft for ever and cvei and art All in all. Ansn^ Dl^ |'/2^tf JrfUes of the Chrijiian Faith praiHcally -plained. rt C 'i- n In^diak. \y^< . 5 4-*^^ ^v. YOU told me. Sir, when I left yoq lafti i — That viithGUt Forth no Man cztnfleafe God*y nor otighc to be admitted into the Society of Chniftians, — J am therefore now come to learn of yoq, PFbat that Faith iSy — which Chriftians frofejs io Mieve, before ihey are baptized.* MJ^. You mud know then, that there are my Things Which Chriftians believe, and irhich you will know hereafter, when you hear lie Holy Scriptures read and explained. — the mean Time there afe certain Truths iry to be known and believed, before |ou can be baptized. tnd. ' How fhall I know what thcfc Truths arer ;"' ' ' ' "'^^ Mijl For the benefit of young Beginners, ' for fuch as cannot read or remember mar^ Things, Truths of the greateft Moment arc )ntained in ibis following (Dort Account, [hich we call the Creed, or the Art ioles |f the Christian Faith j and I muft pre- ail with you fo to fix them in you^ Memory, ♦ f*jb. xi. 6k . that iill)^^ rvr 1 1 |H!| . e a powerftommunion of Saints ;- >^"^^-''^«ivenefs of Sins ;— the Refurrec- pn of the Body ; — and the Life erlafting. Amen. ,5 .■,•r,,^^:A Ind. * I will endcavQur to learq them by Heart; — and I hope I fhall remember them as long as I live. — And now I iliall be very ;aven anlthankful, if you will Ihew me, — How the pi^j.j/1 VjiKnowledge and Belief, of thefe Things fire Ineceflary to make Men good, as you very OWaSCOnluftly faV, all Chriftians ought to be ?* ^{^ -;— hoTl-'^!^ ^ member then,-^ 7i&• V .;.; f Afts ;iiv* fj. ■ * V. , Wifdom, flfered tii 5crucifi( defcend( )ay he roi -he afceni i fitteth od the F| 1 thence \ Quick ai [yGhoftv urch V — H CoJ VL ''%M •■%:■* m 4' w ;;',« US' An iKsajRuctiON' Dial. ijP^- '^ !»% ♦ For his Power* is mighty to reward hisi far ftil Servants, and punifli the Difobcdlent J. I ^ny th That ht is juf in all his Waysj commanBX*®^i eth nothing but what is for the Good of ■ g'*^^^*^ Creatures: and never punifhcth, but whl^'^^ H< they tt^uly dcfervc his Difpieafure §. f X ^rcj r'That he is Long-fuffemgy and ready toiffC^^h Ccivc all that are fcnfible of their Mifcry 4. W^^ ^^ And, That he is a faitifui God j whaceJ^i^ft he ha« prOmifcd, will certainly be performcj* — ^'^ whatever he has chrcaxcned, will furely coii^9f<^> lopafs**: f^ti For hegoverneth all Things, both in Ha''^^^ ven and Earth; and nothing is' ico bard^^^^ ^i bim thai be thinks Jlttodo%%. Now the Selie/ofthtk Truths hnetcf*^'»/A togive us fuch worthy Thoughts of the G;i Jt; and Glorious God^ as may- bumhiem in out Eye^i — anci m^ke \\sfeaffuf of offendlhg, i :|: Gen. xvii. i . *• Deut. Tii. 9, rof,i Affei § Ibid, xviil. 15. 4. 2 Pet. iii Dial, i: rved it cvd li?/f^i and< njoy*. I requires vc are, a y to Him' ye are furti yard his fai' >bedicnt J. commai id to pkafe, one who has Power to reward \funijh fuch 2i%pleafe or <9/^w// him* — -On the )er Hand,— we (ball be difpofed to linje him |ove all Things, becaufc we believe him to the Giver of all the Good we t\thtT enjoy^ lever hope for.- And he having made jown to OS, ■■> that bis Eyei are^ in every jc^y beholding the Evil and the Good^ j and from him no Secrets arc hid; — -thisCon- iration is proper to make us careful of our ards and AAionSj-and afraid of doing otjay^ any thing which may difpleafc fo great and |y a Being.^— And as for his Jufiiee^ we have greateft Reafon to fear it ; becaufe he has [the Holy Scriptures, made known to us ly dreadful Examples of his Difpleafuny [inft thofc who have no Regard to Rcalbn^ lis Commands ; by which wc learn what our t Good of th, but wh^ re§. ' i ready to rod; whatei"^"? ^aF^^'u ""^ '^'r''^^ ^""L^^. • be pcrfomcl •~"^''-^v>-- when we fee, as we iind it m Mlfijrclv col^°^^^» '^^' ^^^^ Great God has been fa * 't* L l^ ^ to fpare Men, even when they have both in Hl*^^^^ Puniftiment, we are hereby power- ' too hurdrn^^^ ^^ adore and admire his Goodnefk !f . * IPatience, wMcbdotby or ought to lead Men '^l^P^vJk^^ ' Why. is God called the Father?* htscrmc ^^ Becaufe he is the Maker and Pr^^ T of all Creatures^ which, with the Gare AfFedion of a Fathcr> he watches over nually. Ho ^em in out oi rfoffertdlhg, ,5. +,2Pet.ui| t '- 1^ ; r ;;; .v ^ i\ i i! il +t '! \ ' :»- i 'M'' ■t 'ii V.IB K H;. '-.,1 vils can c of God : is not mo Things a God is take you -'He is the Father of Man. WM«J/' fvils can c ,' kim aft^hi, ««;« y^;,^ Knowledge ;- "^ --'' • W«f* him when he d°f J"'Vj., providml^ ■ r_v « What IS meant byooasi^r » {i^ir rhTmdm and Pew^r of God, Mfff. ine fri/M" -.un^ every thi which he *»«««« ^"t t^tettC whole Cr., »tion is t*^*^*^ « ^^°'^^^ gU'^ Uave. either|//^««r . - W. ' Whx then do EvUs be. ^^^I,,,^,,^ *X AftJ. Very often » ?f\„; w-*,«W/4w/V«/, bringVm, to ReP*"""^'^^ • ^„"o fond of I In all ^J our Hearts I""""; °^7|.„\ ^f, ^iigi( lomfort Life; and that we may <*>»« > ^ f ^ ^^ ^^ and f r 'T^^^do-ButS«n.toputMA.?... M#. —Y-^r^.A upon Go|iven them I /»rf. , ^Mif.'Tistrue-Qodhamg ip^^g.^ till . ! . . • Dial. wDial. 12. for the lifDiAns, lai rledge ;- 's ; — and Providmi of God, ' every- thii ; whole C i He creatl^oi God aflures us. That neither Men nor De- vils can do the lead Hurt, without the Leave of God :— and this is the Reafon that there is not more Mifchief in the World, and that all Things are not every where in Ccnfuiion*. * InJ. * Of what U'> i^ to believe, that God is our Father . Miff. If you indeed believe this, you will ake your Father's Word for what he promil^ meaneft CrMtth; be pleafed for what he ordercthi — Cajl ive, citka mil your Care upon him, for he carethfor you\, ^ You will never abufe his Goodnefs and Long" fal Men V Wufering; — for tho' he hath the Compafion of a them, ^r\^w'aiher, yet if his Children are obftinatcly dif- )z efpeciallymedient, he is a God terrible in Judgment J. ) fond of tl In all your AfBidions you will have this of, dilightW'Om^OTt', *Tis good for a Man to be in Trou^ me §, and to bear Chaftening, if it fo Jeemetb e Seafons ? mod to his all-wife and rracious Father j not ng and Hainkx his own Tleajure, La our Profit , as it may >inted Timciiake us Partakers of his Holincfs, and yield 1, to put Mcfctf peaceable Fruit of Righteoufnefs to them that od onfyi andlr^ exercijed thereby ||. lily Bread,-! Laftly, If God is your Father, your Inhe- ithout its iltance is in Heaven j which you ought fre- ts Fru^tfulntmxtnt\y and ferioufly to think of, < Thai [en, and y^imwhere your TVeq/ure is, there may your Heart 5 Mifchief ?J^^^^H.' given them gl Ind. * I am convinced, and do believe thefc icked, and toJPerfcdlions of God j and I fee howneCeflary -.But the vlj, j^^ .^ ^ ^^ ^. J p^,^ ^ ^^ ^ p^^j^ ^j^..^ ^^ \ 2 Sam. xv|Ibid, cxix. 71, )| Heb. xii, 5, &c. 4. Matt. vi. 2 1 . G they :|fi iffi 1 \\ #1! I'l' mm 511 <-. 1122 y^« Instruction I^^^J* 12. iDial. i * they arc to be known and believed, in ordef I ;i^// * tamake Mtnfear before bim,-^and to /cu^lto r^p, * and>3^ him.* Ihave t( Mjff. But you have not perhaps confideredlpARBM —.what little Comfort the Belief of thefclpavrour Things /will be to a Man who knows himftifl^/^ g^^ to be a Sinner, and that as fuch l>e mufl needs iQod in be under the Difpleafure of this holy, juft, ^^^Mone wh powerful God i'^aind yet knows not how to bclfjonour reftored to his Favour. . Ireftrain Ind. * That is indeed a perplexing, tor-fcad j^jj^ * mcnting Thought j-^and I remember whatl isJq^ * you told me before, — That until God wasl;/^ '^^ ^ * pleafed to let Men know upon what TermsLhen w< * he would accept of their Repentance, andl^^ ^^^ *. pardon the the wifeft Men on Earth couldl p^^ ^ * not find it out, fo as to make the Minds oflvjcl^^^j ' Sinners eafy.' . jhjs his*< Mi/f, This will convince you of the gream^i^^ \yy Blilfmg of Cbrifiiamty, — and the great Goodie m'ighi nefs arid Mercy of God in delivering Manlf |^g^ kind from the fear of Deathy and what ^m^orld certainly follow j — which without the Gofpelon^ ^^jj was the Torment of Sinners, and kept them h Accoi Bondage all their Life long*. — How God ha fthePt delivered us from this Bondage, you will un orn anc derftand in the next Article of the Cbrijlia jckg^j Faith, -/ioj . iGE of I Ind. * You will be fo kind a$ to explai od, anl ' that to me,-* ..4itj:iafivmtiw • -^jlito^ Tured t( Tiid.'kJiu <.iiU> • ey alfj • Heb. 11. 15. Dial. II. I Dial. 12. /^r /i^f Indians. iftj , in ordw I M]f. That I will do. — But I mufl: be obliged nd to k'^t Jto repeat fome Truths cf Moment, which I have told you before : — That after the First lonfideredi Pare NTS op Mankind had loft their Maker's of thefci Favour by their Difobedience, and brought ws himfcKl^Z/f, and Miferyy and Dedthy into the World,— nuft nccdslGod in great Pity pfomifed them a Saviour ; UJ^fiy andlone who would fatisfy his Juftice, for the Di^ how to bc|honour done to him by their Sins, and would leftrain the Power of that evil «Sj^>/V, which :xing, tor-|had tempted them to (o great a Sin. ^^'^ mber what! Now this _^r^w^^^ Saviour is the veryFer- I God wasfc», in whom we Chriftians profcfs to believe, /hat TermsLhen we fay,— /^^ believe in Jefui Chrift, stance, andfc^ only Son of our Lord. ^ '; * Earth couldl For when the World was grown exeei^dftig ic Minds o(|?icked, and ignorant of the only true God, his his Son took upon himfelf the Nature of of the gre&M2iX\y by being ^or« of a Virgin, that as a Man ;rcat Goodie might be capable of fufFcring fJr\he Sins ering Manlf Men for which from the Beginning of the d what yj'^orld he had engaged to fuffer *, to iave us : the Golpelom being loft for ever. kept them il Accordingly, the Rulers and the Generality'' ow God haifthe People ofthe7-?«;/,amongft whom he was you "will unlorn and lived, being grown ver> corrupt and the C-2?ri/?<<2|icked, did not only rejed Him;, and the Mes- E of Salvation that he brought them from od, and the Holy Rules of Living which he "bred them were neceflary to pleafe God; but ey alfo uied him moft barbaroufly, and aC * Rom. xiii. 8. IS tQ cxpja .}0-J m *A I'i! m .-joiq i '\ 124 y^« Instruction Dial. 12. laft prevailed with Pontius Piiafe, the Roman Governor, to put him to Death, even againji his Con/cience i^-^vfh\ch Death the Son of God fubmitted to j for he could eafily have delivtred himjelf out of the Hands of his Enemies, — Now, by willingly offering himfclf to Death, he be- came a Sacrifice acceptable to God for the Sins of the whole World ;— and refiored Mankind to the Favour of their Maker, upon moft rea- Jonable Conditions.-^ And that all fuch as do believe in him might be aflured of this — God raijed him the third Day from the Deady and fhewed him openly. — And by this moft power- ful Frooft^declared him to be his Son ;'^and that whatever he had faid, or dcne^ or taught^ was agreeable to his Will and Appointment. After this, in the Sight of many. He ufcend- ed into Heaven,, and was fet at the Right -hand tf Gd?^, having all Power granted him for the Benefit o#ftis Church, to give eternal Life to aU fuch as fhall believe in, and obey him *. — And lafiy We believe that this our Saviour fhall come Again at the End of the Worlds to judge the Living and the Deadt Ind, * You will now be fo good as to (hew * me,— what EfFe6ls this Belief ought to have ' upon thofe that know thefe things/ Miff, You cannot but perceive the powerful influence, which the Belief of thefe things muft needs have upon every thoughtful Chriftian. The Pcrfon in whom we believe is the Son of the Most High God ; his true, and f\we\ * Joh]>x^si» a. proper, ial. 12. I Dial. 12. for the Indians. 125 f .' i Roman I againfi of God ieli'Vtred — Now, , he be- the Sins Mankind noft rea- :h as do lis — God )eady and ft powcr- m ;— and 3r taughty itment. /f ujcend" ight'hand m for the al Life to ♦.—And fhall come judge tht IS to fhew It to have •. powerful hingsmuft| Zhriftiarv. ire IS theI s true, and I proper, proper, his only hegotten, and Jearfy beloved ^e»,— Surely, (aid God himfelf, they will re^ verence my Son*, — And have not Men all the Reafon in the World, to reverence and obey him, lince, for us Men, and for our Salvati- on, he came down from Heaven, — to redeem us, — to fuffer for our Sins, to declare to us his Father's Readine fs to pardon Sinners,— and to put us in the Way of Salvation. In the next place, — we receive Jefus Chrift: for our Lord', — we are therefore no longer our own Majlers j — but we are to do what he hath commanded.— iV•. If Godrai/ed Chrijlfrom the Dead, thch are we mod fure, that whatever he taught was truei—- whatever he promijedy will be perform .yhich they will be ruiaeduforlchrifHa ever. " 1 ought al 'And this is the Reafon why you fee fo many ^11 C even among Chrift ians,-^upon whom neither fig j^^^y the Fear of an Almighty and juft God, ^d as nor the Love of Chrift his Son, who has iaved me wid them, has any Power to keep them in their lody ou Duty.^— And altho' they have liad the Holy Tq ^^ Spirit loMreSfyJanSfifyy and govern them, yet jife^j jj^ him they grieved by their wilful Sins, and Icpcntai forced hi^ to forfakc them, fo that they cam' Xo th mifall Iniquity^ with Greedinejs f. ^ ^ort^i ^ir ladc km Ind* ' 1 ou will now be fo good as to let me ^ ]y^ad -t IM. . 3unt of • Jlom. i. *8, m!^s know Dial. 1 1. you have his Quel- [lians, are err not their in to mc HRisT has favour of ition, that s done for as well as hemfelves im in their id with the Und voidof] f their own ruined for| ee fo many om neither God,' hasfaved in their d the Holy them, yct| Sins, and •id. know Dial. I n. fort^elnmAits,^ - t2^ * know what Ghriftians believe concerning, « the Holy Ghost/ ^^ ^':-^:'~r'*K;^^''*^'^:', Miff. I have already fhcwHy that before Jesus Christ afccnded into Heaven, — ^He promifed his Difciples-to fend another Divine Perfon, the Holy Ghost, to fupply his Plate and Prefence with them. — Accordingly, thi§ Holy Smrft defcended upon them in a moft wonderful manner, and enabled them to fpcak: all Languages,, as alfo to remember the Truths which Chrift had taught, and the Works which he had done, aad to write them truly for the Benefit of Mankind. ^ >vi He alfo affifted and directed the Apoft les of Chrift to lay the Foundation of the Society of Chriftians, which are now fpread over the whole Earth, and are called the Holy Ca- THOLiCK Church, becaufe it confifts ^oC [Chriftians of all Nations and Languages, who ught all of them to be holy.. All Chriftians,. thus dedicated to God, are ne Budy, under one Head, the Lord Christ ^ nd, as iuch, arc obliged to koU Communiorf ne with another, as Membecs of the fame ody ought to do. To every Member of thiis Society is pro- ifcd the Forgivenejs of Siniy upon his true epentancc, and return to his Duty. To this Church the fame holy Sph-it has ade known,, that all Men fhall rijk again from f Diead with their own Bodies, and give Ac- unt of their OMffl WorkSii-And thst after * ^ Gs this •tt, ; (ill t ' 6 . i; m :li ■% Bi ^» Instructiom goc 130 - o .<^ rrr n ^ ^ In4, '^ Will you, Sir, now be pleafed to * make me underftand, what are the natural * Fru&s of fuch a Faith, and what fuch a Be- * lief obliges Ghriftians to do?* -: Miff. Remember then, — That the Holy Ghost is he, to whom, with the Father and the Son, all Chriflians are dedicated in Bap-lf]ijence tifm ; — that it is this HoLt* Spirit who is to I then the fit Men for Heaven and Happinefs; —which I our evi he does,*— by convincing all fuch as are difpoJeiW^yH ^pjy for eternal Life y and will attend to his holyloffuchj Motions,— by convincing them that they arelander hi Sinners i that, as fuch, they (land in Need of (i\ /;;^^ Redeemer :— As alfo, by putting into their Dial. 1 who ai to that Holy Si all Spirit, BieHing And you, th Hearts the Fear ef God^-^a Love for his Laws,\ ^^and a ferious Concern for t^eir Souls;— by rejiraining them from Evil,-^ — —and changing to' con their Difpofitions from Evil to Good • Ind. ' But it is plain-. Sir, that this Holy * Spirit doth not thus govern and direct al % Slave * Chriftians.' A/Mff. That is too true;— -but then, iw I tol( you before, th^ Fault is purely in thcmfelvcs prever MiffA Mind th rizedj a he ouffh left. di being a I/haH (re recc — They^;iegle6t to ufe the Means God has be Effed it flowed lipon them> and the Graces he has pro ijm we 1 vided for them > and then they become ufcicfmherefore and be often lakej them awayK Too mant-and th crieve the Holy Spirit by their evil Deeds^anlrhefc Si force him toforfake them i-*^And very man] wcMiid co u- ' >^# i 1. 4 !fMatt.3EXV.2^ '^^. Wh )ial. 12. I Dial. 12^ f^r the InOians. 131 who are not fo wicked, do yet never lay Claim to that Promifc of God, — that ht "joill give the Holy Spirit to theni that ajk him* :-^Whcrczs all good Chriflians do pra^ for this Holy Spirit, and do find the wotiderful' Effe£b and Blefling of his Guidance and AfTiftance; ■>^i^ *' And here take Notice of a Truth I now teU you, that every Soul of Man is under the In- fluence either oi good ov evil Spirits: — But then thefc good Spirits may be provoked by our evil Lives to forfake usj and then- the tvil Spirits are always ready to take Pofleflion: of fuch as thev find forfaken of God- and not under his immediate Proteftion. - • k -i: IjI hid, * And pray, Siri how is this to be • prevented j^*^ . . <^wm*^>t'^ l^J. Ev^ry Chriftian mud keep in hiJs; Mind the Promife he made when he was bap- tized j and, in every thing wherein lie fails,> he ought forthwith to beg Forgivenc{s of God, left, continuing in Sin wilfully^ he becomes Slave to Satan and his Angels, inftcad of being a Servant of God, i - I ftatl only mention another Blefling wliicb e receive from the Holy Ghoft, and the ffed it ought to have upon us. — It is from im we have the Holy Scriptures^ whkh are ercfore very truly called ttic Word of God ; and the Word op ou^r Salvation.— hefc Scrtpfures, therefore, every: one who ouid condnuc in the Favour of God, muft f Lukexi. 13,. ^ . G6 reaip ;!,: 'f lit ^' ',r t,i i P^ -i , V 13^ ^» Instruction Dial. n. I Dial. li r/^adp or bear them read with the greatcft Re- verence and Attentions and conform his Be- lief ^ndPra£l;ice ftridlly to them, j- -ihtm^A^ .,; Jnd, * I dcfire youwould€xplam more par- * ticularly what you mean by the Holy * Catholick Church, — and th Commu- *NiON of Saints.* 4- m^ ^i. Mijf, It is plain from the Holy Scripture, That it was the Defign of our Lord Jefus Chrift to deliver to Mankind the whole Will ofGQd, fo far as their Salvation was concern- ed in it. — All thefc thinsrs which were thus revealed, is called the Chriftian Religion: — ItheG^/zfe And this Religion was taught to the World I the who] by our Saviour, and by his Apostles j and I the Woi this Religion was put into Writing by infpirecl I and enjo Men, and is now extant amongft us in thelSacrame Books of the fJcw Teftamcnt.— It was our I live, or By t Multitu Gentiles tian Re Means Society, This CI World, Ind. * Churci Mijr. SAL, fo felves, m which wi The Membei the grac — /« be h imLiedia Lord's Defign, that all who fhould embrace this Religion of his, fhould be united among themfelves, and with this Head Jesus Christ^ and fo become One Body by the Means of One Holy Spirit, which Ihould a6tuatc and in- fluence them. — And it was our Lord's Defign, that all Believers^ all that profcfled his Religi-| on, ihould be admitted to the Participation of a rotten this Spiriiy and fo be made Members of this mt off, Cpmi;non Body, by the Sacrament of Bap- tism* and receive continual Influence from ^erfon a the feme Spirit, by eating and drinking in the le is a I Sacrameitt of the Cornmunion of his Body and^f Cli|-ifti Blood i or what vyc call the Lord's Supper. I. \ *' )f the Gc 'i ilal. 12. I Dial. ii. for the Ikdiaks. iJJ cripture, )rd Jejm lolc'Will conccrn- vere thus :iigion: — I he World I LESj and I ►y infpirctl us in the' ; was our embrace ed among 5 Christ, ansofOne tc and in- *s Defign, lis Religi- ipation o" :rs of thisl E of Bap-I nee fro Ling i:i the] Body ak Supper* Bi By the Church then is meant the whole Multitude of thofe Perfons, whether Jews Or Gentiles i that do embrace and profefs theChrif- tian Religion, and arc joined together by the Means of thefc Sacraments^ in one Body or Society, under one Head Jesus Chrift.— This Church was to extend throughout all the World, and to be made up of all Nations, Ind. * Pray what is meant by the CathoUck * Church?* o^ t^yu *u v»i Avi^v?- ■ Mijf, By Catholick is meant Univer- sal, fo that whenever we name or fpeak of the Catholick Church j we mean by thofe Words> the whole Multitude of Chriftians throughout the World, that profefs the Common Faith» and enjoy the Adminiftration of the Word and Sacraments.— All thefe People wherever they live, or by what Name foever thty call thern- felvcs, make up together that one Body of Chrift,, which we call the Catholick Church. The Church is called holy^ beeaufe every Member of that Society obliges himfelfy by the gracious Afliftance of God's Holy Spirit^ \—to be holy. He that is not fo,or does not |imr.4ediately repent, and become fuch, is but rotten Member, and is in danger of being ut off. As to the Communion of Saints :'-^As every 'crfon owes fomething to the Society of which le is a Member, fo efpecially in the Society f Cliriftians, every one is bound, by the Lxwji f the Gofpel, to ufc the Tsdcnts and Advan- ti|gC5 n'iiS I 'i^lu I ' 7- i mm V 1;. 1 1- 11 1 ' ' ^ ill a f '1 ' III 1 '34 -rf» iNStRudTioii Dial. 12. I Dial, r tages which God has given him, whether of Knowledge and Leamingy or Power, or Riches^ ot-Grac^y for the Good of the whole Body: — To pray for them j^ — ^to affift thofe that are in Want J — to inftru(!t the Ignorant, and them that are out of the Way; — and to ftitdy the Things that make for Peace, and for mutual Edi- fication*, '^Jnd. * You told me before, that in the * Church of Chrift there is a Promife of the * Forgiveness of Sins.* 'Miff. And a mighty Blefllng fure it is,— That Men, who on account of their many Sins, are liable to the Difpleafure of God, — may be aflbred, that in the Church of Chrift they will obtain the forgivenefs of their Sins upon moft merciful Conditions j — upon a true Repentance, and return to their Dutyj -^and a ready Difpofition to forgive others, as they themfclves do hope for Forgivenefs from God. The Resurrection of the BodvJ -and An everlasting Life after Death— Thefe are Truths which Jcfus Chrift has made kndwn to his Church; — And they are as cer tain as God himfclf is true. And that they may make the greater Impreffion upon your Heart, I will repeat to you the very Words of Chrift:— * The Hour is coming, m which * all that arc in their Graves ft^ll hear his Voice ^ and tome forth; they that have done Good) * Rom. xiv. 19* ■^•Si ,.-. * untgl * untot ' have * Dam know t the onl are to t away th lowed t Ind. * why e ' fhmk MiJ. laft be them or for warn con fide r he was c Ind. i * many * canv be * vation tinue fo,. mean T foins, w. the Proi thefc:-— they fall ought t( iDuty,m 3- ! I Dial. 12, /^ Indians. 155 * unto the Rcfiirredion of Life ; and they that ' have done Evil, unto the RcfurreClion of * Damnation *.'— -So that all Chriftians .who know this, may be adured^ that this Life is the only -Time to chufc where and what il[itY are to be for ever; and may learn not to trifle away that precious Time, which is chiefly al- lowed them to prepare for Eternity. Ind. * Well, Sir, I plainly fee the Reafbn * why every one who de fires to be a Chriftian * fhould believe thelc Truths.* . t^rd^ ' Mijf, Thefe Things are true, and will at laft be found to be fo, whether Men believe them or not.— And if a Man is lofl for ever, for want- of giving Credit to them, or for not con fide ring them, it will fignify little whether he was called a ChriftiahyOx: an Heathen, Ind, * Indeed one would wonder, that fo * many Chriftians, who know thefe Things, * can be foieafy, and fo carelcfs of their Sal-, * vationi' ' Miff, fie ycu careful for yourfclf, and con- tinue ioy when you are a Chriftian. In the mean Time, I tell you again, — the true Rea- fons, why fb many among Chriftians forget the Promifes they made at their Baptifm, are thefe :-^Through the Corruption of Nature they fall into Sin j — they do not what they ought to do, that is, repent and turn t$ their Duty,mmdfatelyi — ^^and continuing in. Sin, Shift jPti^MMxeUH^ to thtr^^ they put it iJ-' Myi ■i.t 1(1 4 I i5 I '\ good may ever may die ] oufnefs:- lafcend t( dwell J— that we J comeft to ^O I Coming v pay of R The Co YOU ch< lify me I miietOG Co keep J to THE IE Son, [E Holy b(linate> .ife. . Holinejsy of God, e favcd^ them in Dial. 1 J. /?f /^^ IndiahS. 137 good Living, to his Glory and your own Sal^ xathn. Amen. .jLfihfkk The PRAYER. \r\ Saviour of the World, who by thy Crofs and precious Blood haft redeemed us, fave us, wc moft humbly befeech Thee. — Grant that the Belief of theic great Truths may ever be prefent in our Minds, — That wc J, which I may die from Sin, and rife again unto Righte- — and ofloufnels :— That wc may, with joyful Hearts, e Reafonlafcend to thee, and with thee continually ore they Idwell J— That we may judge ourfelves, and lown and Ithat wc may not be condemned, when Thou id Long. Icomcft to jud£'c the World in Righteoufnefs, I to Re- 1 — rrO Lord grant that we may expcdl; thy ^aith wiV/IComing with Joy, and find Mercy in the Great i». n. lat thcfc s, where ligc Men lay of Recompence, jimen, ,;,*£^^ ; DIALOGUE XIIL Bands ofl The Commandments of God praSHcqllj the Days I ^u .*.' v explained, I mc was I ^f W ^■>-''" ^ . « ^ , hChrif^l -^V- PART L Indian. i>-i which I n I come ioryouw > confirm isChrift: ; Fruit of good YOU told mc. Sir, that my believttig the Truths of the Gofpcl will not quar Itfy mc; to become a Chriftian, unlels I pr^ ^ mifc to obey the Will of God^ and endeavour \ to keep his Commands^*^ ^ i I; '38 yfn IiisTRtjiSTiON Dial. 13 And Chrijiiah we may •ny. i^. ► Miff. I told you the Troth: —For altho' wc firmh believe, that it is only on the Ac- count of what his Son Jefus Chrift has done and fufitrcd for us, that God will pardon o\}Mmfirmed Sins, and receive us into Favour; — yet itisBC/ofpel.- on this Condition, that we repent and forfakclas//&f/rj^ our Sins md obey his Commands. iHoufeof Ind. * I hope you will continue your \i\ivmDarknefs * Inftrudions, and let me know what his WilMunto God ' and Commands are.' I Ifid, » Miff. We learn from the Holy ScripturesJ' thefe ,C that when almoft all Mankind had loft thcl Mtff, 1 Knowledge of the true and only God, and thcliifil of wi Way of worfhippine him, which he had apJ » ' f pointed, it '^leafed him to make himfclf anA •*'• -4. his Will knowajgain, at firft to one ManlThou { whofe Name 4iflfAhraham'^y and aftcrwardliy*. : to his rnoft numerous Pofterity, after he haJ^ *"^ convinced them, that he was the true and onlJ Tnd. < God, by mai>y amazing Miracles and Judm thefe W fjjents upon their Oppreflbrs, and by delivcrl Miff", 1 ing them out of a moft cruel Bondage anileceivc hi Slavery. After which, in order to prefervfcrw, jitte this Knowledge among them, and to keel When them from being corrupted, he gave thcit^^ and certain Commands, in a Manner fo dread/umear, and and ajlanijbingy diat they could not but bLbecaufe convinced, that they were the Commands J TheDc a moft holy, and an all-powerful God, in di obeying of whom they were fure of cxpofm Jod j He themfelvcs to the greateft Punifhments. * Gen. XX. Ar ejlore and • Mi Mai. 13. ■ Dial. 13. for fhelsDiAVS. ijp or altho'B And that thcfe Commands belong to us the AcMchriJiianSy as well as unto the People of Ifrael, has doncBwe may be fure of, — bccaufe Jefus Chriji has rdon o}^'Mionfirmedi explained, and inforccd them in the -yet it isBGofpel.— — — He is the Lord our God, as well d forfakclas//&^/rj*. He brought tbem out of the Houfe of Bondage : And he brought us from rour VmM^^i^^nefs to Light, and from the Poix/er of Satan c hts WimntQ God'\. Ind. * You will be pleafcd to let mc know Icripturesl* thcfe .Commands.' v ' I loft thcl Mj^ They were Ten in Number. The d, and thJiirft of which was this : c had apl j^ J ^ ^^^ Lord thy God.— Thou {halt have none other Gods mfclf aw one Man laftcrwan er he ha< e and onl lUt me. Ind. * Why do thefe Commands begin with md Jud^t thefe Words,-^ lam the Lord thy God?* )y deliverl Mijf, That we may prepare bur Hearts to mdage anilcceivc his Commands, with the greateft Con- :o prefervi^rw. Attention, and Reverence, \ to keel When the Lord o( Heaven' and Earth, of yave thett/y>, and Death, fpcaks, fure his Creatures will o dreadfumear, and obey, for Confcience-fakc — that h ot but bl-becaufe God commands them. — -- nmands J The DefignofthisFirft Command was,---to od, in dil(/?or^ and preferve the Knowledge of the frue f cxpofin iodj He having a Right to bt honourtdifear- d, and loved; a& the Author of all the Good ents. Ar • Matt, V. vi. t Afts xxvi. i8. WC |!| I 1' ■ ' t \l ■ nwm .ii!- II,: m :.3! I i )ial. n 1 40 jfn Instruction Dial, ij wc enjoy or hope for ; — by which therefore w are forbidden to expert our Happinefs fro any other, or place our Dependence on, or ex crcife our religious Fear towards, any othc Being in Heaven, or on Earth. The full Import of this grand Firft ComM ind, ' V mand is, That wc fhould have the LoRiltliis Corr for our Godi and that we fhould have imMi/K Y other befides him. Icfides the Ind, * What is it to have the Lord for ouf /»^. < i God?' Ilord?* ry Thii im Than this wit WjK GeJ^i ;nown to - Mif, It is to think of him, and to worjbi him, as God. Jrni. * How ought wc to think of God V Mtffi As o{ an Eternal zndAH'perfi^ Bern Artd, the -the Maker and Preserver of all Things )rfhipped and our mod Gracious and Merciful Father! in and through his Son Jejus Cbrift our Lord. you are forbidden by this Law to depcnie Great C upon yourfelfi upon your own Labour an Care for Profperityt ^on your Friends fo MiJ. - ommandr ut, when the Firl them, ily, Iftp Security ; upon, your Wealth for Happinefs ; For thcfe arc Rlefliiigs, only when God pleafed to make them fo. Tkis foil You arc alfo, by this Command, forbidde to murmur at God's Dealings with yourfelf ( II. Tt otheirs 5 for he is Lord of aU, 1 f o n M. « What is further commanded ia th !; ^"7 • Law r ikenefj Miff, Yoii are hereby Gommanded to lii eaven • always as ijt the Sight cf God i^-^r-^To pray fi his Blcinog in pubUck and in private, up( €VC i I aiii, o Dial, ij rcfore w ncfs fro n, or ex any othei )ial. 13. for the In D fans, :ry Thing you undertake ;• 141- -And to give im Thanks for ail his Favours : — And to do 1 this with the Heart, as well as the Lips and ^ily Geftures : — For whatever you think,. \& nown to him, as well as what you Jpeak, V irft Coml Jnd. ' What is the other Thing included in the LoRiltliis Command f* , have im Miff. You are forbid having any other, Itfides the Lord, for your God. ird for oul M, « Is there any other God, bcfides the ■Lord?* to worJh'mMiff. No, there is not; nor does this |ommandment at all fuppofe that there is, )f God ?' jut, when thefc Commandments were deli- ^if<5? BeinAred, the World generally believed in, and lU Thingsfcrihipped, OTHER Gods befides the Lord, il FatherIio was almoft utterly forgotten by them. our Lord\i^ therefore, it was highly neceflary, that to depcnie Great God of Heaven and Earth ihould, aabour anithe Firft Place, caution his People, and. Friends (mthem, all future (fenerations, againft this 'afpine/s ••-ftily, ISipiety, and Idolatry, en God | v ' t* .* This following was the Second Commands , forbiddcl yourfelf III. Thou (halt not make to thy- d'ed in t|f ^^y graven Image, nor the kenefs of any Thing that is in ided to lifeaven above, or in the Earth bc- iv^/r^upl^) or jn the Water under the c^c| Earth : !l 1 ■ h 1 ' \ .1 '■■ I at 1 11: • i ill 'P t' Ki! :;tli (i fit- T' ' -V » n i> I J . . !( It '^ . :' / I ■'+: I'l ft r ^ Ji 142 y/» Instruction Dial. ij.I Earth : Thou flialt not bow down to them, nor worfhip them ; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, and vifit the Sins of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth Gencrationl of them that hate me ; and fliew| Mercy unto Thoufands-, in thei that love me and keep my Com- mandments. ) ■ I. M^ Ind. ^' You will be fo good as to let mJ * knoW the Meaning and Reafon of this Coriij * mand/ MiJ/l You muft know then, through thj Suggeftipns of the Devil, moft Nations had been led into a vile Cuftom of reprefentinJ and worlhipping God by Images; by whici they came to have mean and ^unworthj Thoughts of the Divine Majefty, as if hewer .like any of his Creatures. Now, by this Command, God has forbij all that love and fear him, even to attempt rcprefent him by any Image or Picture, or worfhip him before fuch; and this on Pain his mofl high Difpleafure upon them, ar r their Pofterity, who fhall difobey this Cor mand i— prcmifing an cfpecial Bleflihg ill 13* for the IviDiAiiS, - 143 em and their Children, who Ihall take care worihip him as he has commanded. Ind. * What is the pqfitive Duty required of J ^ . ■ ^/^ You are to worjhip God, after a Man- r fuitable to his Spiritual Nature j — God is a mty and they that worjhip him miift worjhip lerationS'' f« Spirit and in Truth * ; — That is to fay, -with Sincerity y LovCy and Purity of Heart i— ith the. Inward Devotion and Fervor of the ind, without which the Outward Exercrfes Prayer and Adoration will be of no Worth. Ind, * How mull 1 behave myfelf in God's Houje and Prefence P* ^ I- MiJ/l Confider ierioufly — That you go to lurch to a(k fuch Things, which you can- it want without being miferable,— - Therefore your Behaviour muft be fuch as hroun of yourfelf.- Dial. 13.1 N downl m; fori of the *n unto icration id ftiew in the ly Com \ to let m f this Corfi^ by whicl You muft with great Humility afk God's unworth rdon and Blefling, and praife him for his is if hewer orks and Favours. You muft carefully attend to what is read has forbi ^ explained to you out of the Scripture r // is the Word of God, And then you will return home with God's ITing upon your Selfj your Family ^ and V Labours ^^^ — attempt Ifture, or. on Pain them, ai this Co •Bleflihg the pH ^^i :t John iv. 24, ■i:. • ' r the Goo( ations : can receivi ing : )t careful Dial, i^lpial. 13. fbr the t^iDi.ifiS. 145 rd any fur J j^^.\ i^^^ly, when they fpeak of God, or of ;iny thing that bclg^igs to him, upon any ftrious Occafion. fiid. ' Why are People obliged to take an ' Oath before a Magiftratc ?* Mt/f. It is to put an End to Strife amon^fi Men ; — it being God's Pleafure, that the Truth fhould appear, and Jttjiice be done to every mandmenWjj^^^ — ]SJq^ j.|^g likelieil Way to come to the nty. Blruth is this, — To put Men in mind, when they are going to fvvcar, — That they are in the Prefence of that Great God, who has declared take tlll'^-^'^^^^ ^ Curjejhalt enter into theHoufe of him J \^^t f^sareth falfly hy his Name to confume it *. CiOd. llwhich is, furely, fufficient to oblige every not holl^^s^j who believes and fears God, to fpeak IV tVi hw'^ ''dohole Truth J and nothing but the Truths as ,Ketn ni^h^y j^^pg J.Q efcape that Curfe, and God's 'engeance. — As for thofe who out of an evil uftom dofwear or curfe^ blafpheme^ or fpeak to pflightly of God, fiich Perfons have no other en ought Choice, but Repentance and Amendment y or to fpeak Oamnation.'-~'-^And where thefe Sins are be- me, witho ome common, and are not punillied, th; ^ Nation and People-vnzy expert public and hecv^ Occafic udgments to fall upon them |. ' ' - r the Name /W. ' What is the Meaning of that Ex- pfeffion. The Lord will not hold him guilts him, whi kfsf* ■: ^- • verence a Mijf. The Meaning is, that tlijs Sin fliaU |a lawful A srtainly be punifhed, and that in a Manner " * Zech, V. 4. t Jer. xxiii. 10. Mai. ii. 2. * ' H more )[' Oath.— A 1 ^ 1 « In'R^^Hiw 1. ■ i i i 1 1 Hit niiwi 1 ' 1 M 1 ^ '1 ^fl'^ 1 11 B" 1 11 M : I 1 mm I, i 1 ■^ ' 1 h i i ' 1 ■ 1 '■ ' '■ 1 i ! '1 ' ♦' ': ■■.'• ;■ i iff J' i^-' l'jin| 1 1 iiih * ■ ill fill I H f If Jvffl ^Hl 1 1 1 I f M^^^HI i^^H ^1 1 "*' III 1 1 146 yfn IifSTRucxroN Dial. more dreadful than Words can cxprcfs j how-B i„^ ever common it is, and little regarded. 1^ ^j^^ ^ Ind, ' What are we commanded in this I ][^i/r ' ^^-^ l-That Mijl To fpeak of God, and of religious mi^ j)^. atters, after Juch ajerx is Manner, thatPeo.|g.Ja:-^^ Matters nee pie may learn to have the nod devout and re-l^^;^ r\ vcrend Thoughts of Him, and his Service, We come now to the Fourth Command : Mem( nd Mai Now, rough ccame i n. and IV. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath-Day; Six Days {halt thou labour, and do all that thou haft to do ; but the Seventhl'^^y ^^ Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thyl But wl God ; in it thou (halt do no Man-lf^ from ner of Work, thou, and thy Sonlfj,^;;;^' and thy Daughter, thy Man-fer-ld Earth vant, and thy Maid-fervant, thyr^"^^^^^ Cattle, and the Stranger that i^iMif ci within thy Gates:- — for in SixIf^^eLaw Days the Lord made Heaven and ; i^^^.^ ^ Earth, the Sea, and all that in ad i— a them is, and refted the Seventl fj.jjr^'^^ Day ; Wherefore the Lord blef refore fe Seventh Day, and half^'^ Day nftians d lowed it, M Dial. 13. B Dial. 13. for the In di/ H7 Ind. * You will be fo gc>od as to fhew mc |f the Reafon and Intent of this Command.* ' Miff, Remember what I told you before, |»-That after God had made this World in ISix Days, and Man the Governor of it he Jordained by a perpctua' Law, that the *$>- utand re-fc;j/;^ Day Ihould be fet apart, and kept holy Memory and Honour of him, the Creator nd Maker of all Things. -- ;^ -^^"^ '^^ Now, in Procefs of Time, this Command, through the Corruption of Man's Nature, ecame negledled., and the true God forgot- all thatlen, and Wickefihcis and Idolatry increaled n vpntlir^''y where, which is the miferable Cafe of ^even 1 ^.^ ^^^y Nations to this Day. ^ u jOrd thyl But when God feparated the People ot If' o Man-r^^ ^^^"^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ Nations, he renewed lis Command, fo that the Knowledge of the oonxiy |.,^ue Oodif the great Creator of Heaven axi-fer-fd Earth, has been prcferved among them :fsi how- 1 :d. ;d in this • reIigious\ that Peo- lervice. mand : 3U keep ix Days :hy im, ^^mind. ^ Do Chrif ians obferve that Day ?* that IsIm^ Cbriftians do, according to the Defign in Sixp^^^ Law, obferve One Day in Seven, which ■■ call the Lord's Day, becaufe on that Day Lord Chrifl; our Redeemer rofe from the ad i — And on the fame Day fent down the fy Ghofiy to guide his Church unto the prld's End j — The Apflles of Jefus.Chrift refore fet apart that Day, calling it — The en an that \ levent Ird blef Ind hal' ^ "^ ^^y' Since which Time a!) good riftians do or ihould lay afide ail worldly H 2 Bufmcfs, ;: f, V 1 '111*1 CI iivMiu iiii ! i' I \ \ •^^!: ■<^ • ... 4 ii ti ; «. ml m\ Dial. 148 ^Instruction Dial. i?.B ^, ^ ■ Thr Bufincfs, Cares; and Pleafurcs, and meet to- ■nets, a gether — to give public Honour to -God, tol L^jl acknov^le^ge \i\% Power y fViJ'dotny Jtijiicey ancll million CQo4nAfs, — to praije him for the BkJJings hel^Tha has given tliem,— and to pray for the Bleffinism^W our they Avant. ^^ . I jful . Jnd. * Why arc we bid in an elpecial MarJ Miff, ^'jier to kepp this Law ?' Iff^e Gr Mijf. Becaufe if this Holy Day ihould belneo|e6l forgotten, ,all Religion would foon be forgot-lnot me( ten with it^ and the very Knowledge of tliej^v'/d', w true God (as it is in many Nations) would bel//V;-_b lf>{l amongfl us, were not *i;^A qv^nce bq^Ii to ,91111: prefent and cyerlaftin J ^^ Intereils. '. i "? ' ^ not th ; . Ind, * Are all bound to obfcrve this Day ?' ; MiJU. Yes — all that can be fpared from tli RECESS ARY Bufinefs of ihe Family. '" Childreriy — That they may learn their Duty and from their Infancy to fear God. f r. Servant Sy—Tl^t they may not forget th; they have a Mafter in Heaven. - > . ♦V.And the very Beafts are to reft, unlefs Ntfbr the L ceffity requires it to be othcrwife, tliat tw^abour. WHOLE Creation rruiy rejoice m the Mercitf One I of God. ... dnisrox Ind. ^ Why is it faid — Six Days flialt th( ')ays with Mabour?' MiJf. To put us in mind, that it is G( ' it, whc which enjoy t MiJf, ittle Knc 5der the f his So) who gives us cdl our Time : \ TI I I ;> ' Dial 13.! meet to- » "God, to Hjlicey and (kjjings he be Blejfinii ecial Mad Dial, iji /d;r /^ing the ( *$*(?-; kell ' Con(tMricufne/s of the' Day, arid of GhTiftianityl- '^^ '* everlaftin J hd, < It is well, if too many Chriftians will not think this a hard Command, and negl^dl his Day ?'!< it, when they mud lofe fo much Tinie, in ed from thj which they might increafe their Wealth, or enjoy the ir Pleafures. ■ * ; ' ' ■* - ♦ ' ^ • T, -s their Duti Miff, They mud be Chriftians then of very d. ll^^^^ Knowledge and Faith ; - and do not con- forgct th|jder the Power and the Promifes of God, and bis Son *, to make them fufficient Amends unlefs Nlor the Lofs of their own and their Servants that tl/abour. And efpecially when the Refpite the Merci|f One Day in Seven would enable their Ser- ints ro perform the Bufinefs of the other Six s flialt th( ^ays with more Chearfulnefs and Vigour, It it is G( ' ^rr. 'vi: • Matt. vi. 33. r uT ^^ ^ ■ Tl ■ -^ ;it H • V. ', Ml m ^ W U '1' ir: ; t i 150 jfhlitsTKJjCTios Dial. 13. Thefe four Commands have refpefl to Go^, and the Honour due to him.— The Six fol- lowing concern our Neighbour y and the Feaci and Welfare of Mankind in general. Ind* * You will be pleafed to let me know • what they arc' Mijf, Remember what I have at prcfent told you, and the next Time you come, I will explain to you the reft of the Commands :— - In the mean Time pray to God in the follow- ing Words. . ,. „ Dial. I I V The PRAYER. OGOD, who alone art worthy of our Love, give me Grace that I may never forget Thee, nor thy glorious Perfcftions: but that I may ferve Th€C According to thy Word, in Sincerity and godly . Fear ; — That I may -never mention thy facred Name with- -'♦• Reverence J — That I may not Ipend thy Holy Day in Y:?!^"! ^"^ J^^^^^^^S', "^r i" ^ cuftomary Attendance at thy Home only j but that 1 may ftrve Thee with my Soul as new Hon 11 as with my Body, through Jcllis Chrift «^henwe| AI m< 'Duty MtJ. V. Moth( long i; thy G( M. « mands ' of ther Mif, • —to teac wc our Lord. Amen, 'M(. ;'Vf ''}: '. I •( /: md honoi effs may nay obey fteem tli -And th niich dep ations, t DIA. Dial. ij. \ to Gody ;C Six fol- the Peace me know at prcfent )me, I will mands :— he follow ly of our may never erfcftions : ing to thy ir i— That me with pend thy nor in a e only y Dial. 14. for the Indians. ;a. dialogue XIV. Part II. u :3:n '..>,. 0;" . Indian, ""' ^ - '5* I AM come to dcfire you to explain to me thofe Commands that relate to my Duty to my Neighbour.' i^^ni .-r i Mjf. The Fifth Command is this : if> / x»r^ to our Parents i that fus Chrift ^^'^^ ^^ grow up, we may know how to refpedt ind honour all who are our Betters j — that Sub' t5fs may honour their Governors j — Servants nay obey their Mafiers ; and all may love and fteem their Spiritual Paftors and Teachers. —And the Peace and Good of the World do To niich depend on the Difcharge of thefe Obli- jations, that God for Encouragement hath D 1 A- ^4 promifcd 1 1, ii m m ^ 'I; !'■! ;![ ill 152 ^-/w iKSTRucTroM Dial. 14. promifec! an cfpecial BleflTing to {ivh as fhall cbfcrve therti faithfully." v \ . ^ /W. * Why is the Duty of Children to their * Parents only mentioned?* '^^ MfJK Btcaufe that is a Duty /r/^ learned, and ^>/? underftnod \— Children very naturally love their Parents^ and are generally, kept in Subjedion by them, and therefore when they art commanded /o to hotjom- Others y as they do their Parents, they eufily know what That meaneth, and will more readily pay the Din ties' owing to all their Superiors. Ind. * How muft I honour my Father and * Mother ?' . . Miff. You mud la all lawful Things chear- fully iubrnit to them, be careful not to grieve them by ftubborn or evil Courfes : — You jrAifl: fiiew them all due Refpedl, and thank- fully acknowledge their Kindnefs to you ;— hear with their Infirmities,— ^/V^ their Fail- ingSi— /apply their Wants, — and pray for their prefent and everlafting Happinefs : — Which if you do, in Obedience to the Command o( God, you may expc6l to live to be a happy Parent yourfelf. ' ^" -^^'^ '^ " ^ -^^ ' Ifid. * What would then be my Duty ?* Miff The Duty of Parents is, to bring v\ their Children in Obedience, and in the Feai of God J — To take Care that they be inftrufl ed in true Religion j — To provide for them b) all lawful Ways ; — To admonifh and correif them when they fay or do Things which ar ^^'^^'■■'^^l \ .:« «-^ , . . '^^ : amiis in he of ov Oi ab bu an( ne^ Icf ' h for fak ihe pra Inil Dial. 14. for the Indians. I5J I • >^ hildren to their amifs J —To be Examples to them of "Piety y Sobriety, and Diligence \ — And, laftly, to blefs them, and pray for them. All which— Parents will be careful to do, if they confider what a dreadful Thing it will be fliould their Children be miferable in this World, and the ncxty through their Negligence, Countenance, or Example. Ind. * What is the Duty o( Servants .?* Mijf, The Duty of Servants is, to be obe- dient to their Mailers, diligent in their Bufi- nefs; — Not with Eye-jervice, as Men-pleajers, -r-But to ufe the fame Induftry and Integrity in their Mafter's Abfence, as they would do if he ^yas prefent with them j — To be as careful of their Mailer's Goods, as if they were their own; — Neither wafting them, nor fuflering Others to do fo, — To be no Tale-bearers ; but, above all, to. be honefty not only for Conjcience, but for Credit's Sake -, — Deceit and Pilfering, and Stealing, being abominable Qualities, never forgotten by others, and very hardly left off by thofe who give Way to them. Ind, ' What is, our Duty towards them that * have the Rule and Government over us V Mijf^ Your Duty is to obey them, not only for Fear of Punifhment, but for Confcience- fake* \ — Not to fpeak Evil of them, but to ihew them all becoming Refpc;^.^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) "^. 1.0 I.I ia|2s ■so ■^™ IIS lit u 14.0 I 111 2.0 L8 ■ \ " |l.25 |U |,.6 ^ 6" ► FhotDgrai^c Sciences CorporatiGn 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WIUTM.N.Y. 14SI0 (716)«72-4S03 >v^ ^ V %0 I ' 11^ 154 jin Instruction Dial. 14, 1 Dial. 1 For Men in Authority, fearing God, are a great Blefling ; — Their Duty being to keep the People in Peace and ^ietne/s ; — ^To defend \ the Perjons and Rights of honeft Men ; — To funijh the Unruly 5 — ^To advife them that have no Counfellors ; — ^And in all Things to pro- mote the Glory of God, and the Welfare of I all below them. / Ind. * What is tlie Duty of People to their * Minifters and Paftors ?* Mijf, To reJpeSi them *, for their Mafter's Sake, and for their WorlCs Sake. Your Duty it is to attend at the public Service of the Church, and hearken to their Inrtruflions j — and to pray that God may blefs their La- bours. For it is their Bufiriefs and Duty, to ftudy all Ways of teaching you how youjhould walk andpleaje God-, — To reprove you^when you do amils j«— To pray that you may do well j •—To be whokjome Examples in Word and Deed : — And they have much to anfwcr for, if they are not fuch. ^^ «v Jnd. ' Whom clfe muft 1 honour ?* "^ '^ MiJ", All that are your Superiors, by rea- fon of their greater y^|;^,— their Learningj— their Places and Stations^^Xo whom you muftf ihew a juft Regard, t' j4nd it is their Duty, not to be high-minded, but to be grave, courteous, eqfy to be fpoke tb; and ready to help all that want their AlTiflancc % .^ I Theff. V, 13. M Dial. 14. for the Indians. 155 Ind. ' What is the Meaning of the Pro*. * mife which God hath made to fuch as keep ' this Command V Mijf. That God will blcfs them in the Way they Ihall go, which will be a Means oi pro- longing their Lives : — On the contrary, — Ha that defpifeib his Father and Mother the Ravens jhall pick out his Eyes* ; — that is, this Sin has a Tendency to lead Men into fuch Pradices as will bring them to an unnatural, untimely, and ignominious Death. . ^. .^^^ ^y ; ji Vf, Thou (halt do ho' murder. This is tht Sixth Command 'y — and is intend- ed to fecure the Life of every Man from the ]\falieet Revenge^ and Violence of others.— This is a Sin moft odious to God, and a fure Ven- geance has been frequently oblerved to follow thofe who fend Men out of the World, by ^a violent Death, iboner than God and Nature intended. — And for the lame Reafon we are not to Ihorten Mens* Lives by Oppr^ion^ In- jufticCi or any other evil Dealings, — for a Man may be murdered, and his Heart broken, by theje ns well as by Violence \-^-^ alfo h^ Intemperance, Gluttony, and Drunkennefs.-^^y thde we may fhorten our own, or other Peoples* Lives, which is abfolutely forbidden by this Precept. Self-murder is alfo forbid by this Comniand. For confider, Ihat the Great God, the Maker af all Things, has ajfumedto himfelf the Po'wfr~ mdLordJhip of Life and Death, — ' 1 kill, arid I :.V. • Prov. XXX. 17. «6 make "\: \ 156 An Instruction Dial. 14. * make alive *:*— It is God fends us into the World, and //n of that :o appointl lis Order, ven us for is highly remember^ ommit it , the Guili inner, thm Salvation , too com bndcncy t( ibme itica gh the Sin ICC againl tiicious ani and othe ills, ever er Part h you mu elf J fdr 1 It is highl s of evci to the bo cftroycr. whi Dial. 14. /or //?tf Indians. 157 which Jo many make tbemf elves away y'ihd remove it at Icaft out of the Reach of the laborious, induftriotts, and ujeful Part of Mankind. Ind, « What is the Duty required in ilhiS 'Commandment?* j^^ < .;.ji: i»^wf Mijf. It is your Duty; as much as frt f6n lieth, — To Kve peaceably with all Men * ; — — To avoid the Company of angt^y, pafllohate, and contentious People j — To deliver the Oy- prejfed •\ ; To be merciful to Juch as are in WJery ; — To forbear and forgive one another^ ^ —And be well pleafed with the Welfare -and Happinefs of all Men. -- mj ./^ v-i' v:R\ VII. Thou flialt not commit Adultery. ;v , v , . v^ This is the Seventh Command » In order to undefftand the Reafonof this, you mu(t know that God, at the Beginning of the World, did appoint Marriage j for the Increafc of Man- kind, and for the Society, Help,. and Comfort of a Man and his Wife. — — Now you cannot byt obfcrve the great Goodnefs of God in commanding, on Pain of his Difpleafure, That neither the Man nor his Wife, ihould be un- faithful tp the Marriage-bed i — ^which would occafion infinite Troubles and Calamities in Families, and, after all, a very bitter Repent- ance, or Pamnation. — By Virtue of tWs Com- mand we are likewiie bound to abdain from * kojB. 3ui. l8r t Pf9y* XXU* 22. I Ephef. iv. 33. ^ Fornix N»l i iii •^vi Mi [; If I t 158 y^» Instruction Dial. 14, Fornication^ and from all Manner of Lewdnefsy Wantonnejs and Debauchery ; from all Lajci- vious A^ionsy immodefi Words ^ and impure De- fires y and whatever elfe has any Tendency cowards the heinous yiccs of Whoredom andj Aaultery, ., .,-;\ . , ,,. ■■,;,,; ...oy ^^i-'i* ..•-ittu VIII. Thou (halt ilot fteal. •> I Dial. I. and yet juch De Ind. ^ keep Miff, Calling, out tak what G( or wick( to live b Tob< This is the Eighth Command: — And is in- tended by a righteous God, to fecure to every Man what is his own \ — He having declaredJjieving, That a Curfe Jhall enter into the Houje of a ThieMne/s, thm, and a Robbery even to confume \t* j and whichi Laftly^ IS worft of all, fuch Perfons muft not expedldcnce w to go to Heaven, but to Hell. Iwijl certa Ind. * How is this Command further tranfjchufes to ' greffed?' heal. Miff, Notbnly by Theft y which is a bafef Jnd, « Vice, and openly abhorred; — but by Oppre/Mf f^jic q fon. Deceit y Concealing of found Goods j — re4' broken ceiving Goods knowing them to be ftolen ;— I- Miff, defrauding the Public by running of Goodslmdi if h ' and buying or receiving fuch as wc know AreUmends ti run, and for which the King's Cuftom is noi Andt paid -y— wearying Men out of the if lR.ights bXery hare vexatious Law-Suits y by Power, Interefty Brifhame a ^leryy or Craft -,> w hich are Crimes too ofteinakt Re committed by thofc who never exped to ^raud In punilhcd for the Breach of this Commandj * • f;'? 4.I5 * Zcch, Vt 4.k ./*;.> io» r .. Dial. 14. lewdnefsy lU Lqfci- ipure De- rendcncy edom and teal. Dial. 14k for the IsviA^^^ 159 and yet God is moft furcly the /Avenger of all jucb J^e^ds*, <^3v\os.vs,.v.A.'.iHUi .M.'A^^ivY •* Ind, * What is required of us, that wc may * keep this Law ?' , .yn. Miff, It is your Duty to be diligent in your f^i. ■Calling, that you may be able to live with- u lout taking unlawful Ways j to be careful of what God has given you, left, having vainly or wickedly thrown it away, you be tempted ^nd is in- 1 to live by Deceit. I to every! To be contented with your Condition, be- declaredjlieving, 'Ihat better is a little with Rigbteonfr nefs, than great Revenues without Right f. Lttftfyy to depend upon God's good Provi*- dence^ which takes Care of all Creatures, and will certainly reward the hone^ poor Man, who chulcs to beg, if he cannot labour y rather than Ind, * What is the Duty of one who is fen- * fible of his Sin, and forry that he bath of a Thiej and which lot cxped ther tranf- is a bafe 3y Opprej- ods ; — re- ' broken this Law ?* ftolen ;— - Mijf, He muft confefs his Sin unto God, of Goodslndi if he can poffibly do it, he mp^/i make know ^rcUmends to the F erf on he has wronged \. . om is nol And this is that which makes this Sin fo lElights bwery hard to be repented of 5 beeaufe, through terefty Briishame^ and Stubbornnefsy People will not s too ofteilnakt Restitui?ion of what they have got by ped to b Vraudy htjufUce^ Violence^ and Oppreffton^ Command U TJ - i. 1 Thefl*. iv. 6. - f Prov« 3^vi« 8. J Levit, vi. 2. U.i.iv Ezck. xxxiii. 15. .;. , - an ^# ►^I ;iirv.f^[ ^ and ,f ■• III' !'■ n w ;l:' mil l6o ' y/j» Instructiok Dial. 1 4. 1 and yet they hope to be Xivcd : — But this is the] Hope 0/ Hypocrites, which Jhall perijh *..,^ 'IX* Thou (halt not bear falfel Witliefs againft thy Neighbour. *'» This is the Ninth Command :-^ — Aad whc )ia]. 14.' ff'trit *, as th Ibowrhood, an This Sin p fome Peop he more thci imes from a "M Dcftgns ;- iverfion.' fiver confidersrthe Mifchiefs Men arc capable! of doing to the Lives and the Eftates of theirteds it is a Si Neighbours, by falfe Oaths and Perjuries , oiVj{ of others concealing or dijguiftng the Truth, when them^/V own t( zvt lawfully CdXlt^ upon to declare or atteflp/)/Vi? is more it; muft fee how kind ^, and good God h; bcfen to Men, to forbid, on Pain of his Dif- pleafure, fuch Sins as thcfe> which are thi Occafion of fo much Sorrow and Lofs to t unhappy SufFerers.?oii,'j'^"\-,' <*+ **«> /»^r»!?i>/Vj J— To make their Faul onfider worje than they are j are all condemned by th Law, and in many other Places of the Ho Scriptures 5 ■ -as the very Work of an e% fet Friends a 'me and Ua^ 'ore Revilers at, without ^eaven J. Tnd, « Whd Miff. It is '»f' t' re upon your Oath j — To be tender of your X |heD Neighbour's Reputation j — To be difpofed to %- Tr , lear, to believe, and to fpeak the beft, and i;theni lever to take Pleafure \nfoolijh, malicious ^ and ' 'PaU oicked Stones : — And we fhall be difpofed to 'o put] ibferve thefe good Rules the better, if we Faul onfider ^* What a fore Grief it is to our- by th fclves to be abufed, by Lies, Calumny, and e Hoi Defamation,*' ^i'^'t ^^^ -^a m-oni: ,;Wb.x John viii. 44. f Prov, xxii. i. J i Cor. vi. lo. ■ ^ ' ^-' ^ X. Spir I'*, ■ I m i6i M! ' An Instruction Dial. I4.|dIuI. 14. Gaming: .X. Thou {halt not covet thyl^o"^^^^'^^-- Neighbour's Houfe ; thou ftialt|vvifliVs"(kvc not covet thy Neighbour's Wife;f f'^^-f; ande nor his Servant, nor his Maid, norl brin/j^^^ his Ox, nor his Afs, nor anyK^^^^ryt and Thing that is his. r'^^P^^ of o :.;^ oj ^- Creatures to This is ^t Tenth and lafi ofthefe Commandsm^^\^^i^\^ y —Now the gracious Defign of God, in thisErt of their/; Command, is to lay a Refiraint upon the vcrylays been on< Dejires of our Hearts, which are all knownlat miferable to Him, forbidding us '.o covet, that is, to fcti Jfij^ c ^j^^ our Hearts upon, that which is anothcr'sl j^/jyr xhat • Sight, and >yhich he is not willing to part ^/it^gftct' hecaufe .—for an ««>^ Deiirc, through thc Temp| f^f,^,^' tation of the Devil, has too often been folJ ■^'hat you b( lowed by an mjuft Attempt to get what A ^^^^ ^^-^^ ? defire, either by Fraud or Ftoierjce,'-^So kinmfj^ q^^ is God in putting a Stop to the very Beginninfflj^^i^j^' j.. of Sin, which is in the Heart*, -^r -:,... ly ^jL' r ^ Jnd, * But may not a Man defire to bujt2j.j j ' what belongs to another V >H-^t>r ^^i^ h Appetites Mfjl Yes, no doubt of it, provided thlj^^^\ j * w other can laufuljy diipofe of it. and that hLf ^^^^ x^ Willing to do fo i-.But if he is not willingfc^^^^/j^ ^ then to contmue to defire it, is a Sm agaml|„^ neceflarv this Law. -.-.V, . . ^ (Af^ Butir thefe Cottman • f / , * Matt. XV. 19. ■..^^r- s»s*iy "c ••■ ^/^ •■ *i ;' »*" « Gamin • ■', . ' 1 \ ^ ^ - '♦ '' ' 1. i4.lDi'iiJ' H» /'^ ^^^ Indians. I«3 ! > thy Gaming is certainly a Violation of the Tenth Command. — It is a Vice that has always its - —Root in Cove toil fncfs, and which in its greedy haltlvVifhes devours — its Neighbour's Houjes and Ife M^^^^^y ^^^ every Thing elfe that is his, ^1 This Sin is often found to go dill further, I ^^^lo bring Men at lad to downright Stealing, ZXiyWo^^ery, and Murder: — and when the near rofpcdi of Death obliges thefc wretched features to confcfs the Evil of their Ways, it may be obferved, that a Caution againll this »tf« a. • i ' ,,, The PRAYER.'^. :'. > I 1 OPEN mine Eyes, O Lord, that I may fcj that thy Law is holy, juft, and goodj and that I may keep it with my whole Heart f -^that I may love and honour all thofe whor thy Providence hath made my Betters j- That I may do Violence to no Man ; — ~Tha I may abhor all unchafte Defircs, Words, anj Actions i — all Deceit f.nd Opprcflion j— i the Evils of a lying Tongue, all covetoi Defircs, and firft Beginnings of Sin. Lord have Mercy upon me, and write thefe Laws in my Heart, I moll humbly bc| fcech thee. Amen. . , ,^ i Duty THE la mifed Duty to G( Mijjr, You To beli io love hi ith all yc >ouI, and o worfh hanks, t him, t onoiir hi [V^ord, anc e Days c Now this fh ^. i\ •4") 4 s !-^-. ■ ;'h;-W-i^rr\:J^, llcmory, fb .4^^ ;^/c>Y4p;ji;»/^ lill diredt you h]-^' ^^^'iii^^ ": 1) as to pleafe ...^.... i4i:iv *^^ •# fptated, ami ill alfo awak D I *y Timd, you 1. ij n'\ alll rMi- Ducyl jnder- JDial. 15. for the Indians, ,[' i •■>[. 165 ;1^' D i ALO cue' XV; '"^'^^ Duty towards God expkmeJ/ ''^'^^'-^ -'* *.fl .-i-t' Tin -f •'- i--^* "* VtA ' L^. ,/> Ihav iC ney me ufd THE lad Time I was here, you pro- mifed to explain \,o me what was my Duty to God.* ,, MiJl, Your Duty to God is, .k Ia^ To belieye in him, to fear him, love him, with all your Heart, ^^y jMith all your Mind, with all your good! - ^1 • 1 11 o 1 Hcartloul, and with all your Strength : whoAfo worfhip him, to give him ^l-halrhanks, to put your whole Truft ds,ann him, to call upon him, to ^ lonour his holy Name, and his 7ord, and to ferve him truly all ,i^^/^ he Days of your Life. ''^•** ' ly be , yj/^vf, y . ' Now this fhould be fixed flrongly in your cmory, fo as never to be forgot; and it ill dired you, qn all Occafions, how to live as to pleafe God : Thefe Words, often ptated, and imprinted upon your Memory, ill alfo awaken your Confcience, when, at D I fy Tim^, you do amifs, that you may repent, . , and !(' i, I Rt! 1 66 An Instruction Dial. i5#al.^5. and amchd, and obtain Forgivenefs of youiB /^^* * ^ ^^^ Sin, through God's infinite Goodncfs amf"^"^^^""^^" Mercy, and the Merits of our Lord Tefui ChriA:. - ;:: - Ind, * — Is a Chriftian's Duty hard to b * underflood?' Mijf, Bv no Means; — Religion being th Rufinefs of all Men. A plain Man, if he \ Mijf, Your at is, to ke( jlind, Th \ly, Juft, Mi our Thought m him j — tl lore to be fea Love and G ■wcll-difpofed, may know his Duty, and be abl to perform it, as well as the grcateft Scholar. _ Ind, ' This is a comfortable Truth : PraJcKnowledgm ' make me fenfible of it.' J r ^" ^'^ Miff. Do you not fee, that all neceirar]*^^^^^^^^ ^ Knowledge lieth in a very narrow compafs m, ,° ^^^ ^ ' Your Dutv to God, — and to yourJv ^° ^^Y ^' Neighbour, is contained in a few Wdrds,ff .'5" y®" '^"®, very eafy to be underftood and rememberedMr ^P" "^ "^^ where People truly believe in God, and hear*r ^ "^^ ^™^ tily defire to be faved. |or muft you Ind < Then I truft I Ihall not perifli ; fo Jj ^ "^^ ^^^ * I do believe in God,^ind I heartily wifh tof 9f^^»5/2^* * be faved.' f '"V^^ ^^ fhc uMiff You muft not be deceived in a Mattef ^^}^« ^^I'S^ of fo great Moment. — It may be you do not P'^*^ "*"^" believe in, nor fear, nor love God with all your Heart, though you are pcrfuaded you do. Ind, * Can you, Sir, direct me how to * know for certain, when I do, or do not my < Duty V ^ Mif You muft confult your Life to knovi ^ ^^^^,^1 this, — and compare your Way of Living witl ^ ^°" * -^^ thcfc Rules of your Duty. Ind i honoured, honoured by It may be yoi Things J- 'p his Laws, ll. 15. Fyour Jefu3 to be )ial. 15. for the luDi ASS, 167 Ind. ' I wifh you would fhew me how, by llbme Inftances/ r Mijf. Your Duty is to believe in God j— jiat is, to keep thefe great Truths in your pind,- That God is moft Powerful^ moft igth fhei hlyy Jufty Merciful, and Good-y and that none our TboughtSy tVordSy or ASlionSy can be hid m him j — that therefore his Dilpleafure is ' "A^j Jore to be feared than all Things ;— and that I » Love andGoodnefs to us require allpoflible p Acknowledgments on our Part. Now you will very eafily fee, that you do 5t fear God as you ought, if you are more aid oi Men than of God; or if you wil- ceiTar)' npafs ? YOUR Vbrds, tberei, hear ; for ifh to Vlatte Uy do any Thing which he h^s forbidden, or liich you know will difpleafe him ;— or laftly, if you do not immediately repent when you ve done amifs, and return to your Duty. — or muft you fay that you Ipve God,- if u do not often think of him, of his Mercy , d Goodnefsy and of the Happinefs he has omifed to them that love him -, — If you do t take Delight in doing what you believe "do mi '^ P^^^^^ him— rejoice to iee him obeyed 11 your :>. V to ot my IS witl Ind i honoured, and be troubled to fee him honoured by his own Creatures. It may be you think- Tou love God above Things J— but if you are not concerned to :p his Laws, and angry with yourlelf when 1 1 break any of them -, — then you do not ^"^^ God i— For this (fays the Apoftle St, John) I . , ) i , ,i f I H I! i II ' K- ,.J,^r. i6g /» LvsTRucTiON Dial. iMDiaJ'.i Jebn) — is the Love of God, that -we keep h\ Commandments * Ind, * I fee it is my Duty to put my ivk\ * Truft in God j but is it poflible for mc ** do lb, when he fufFers me to fall into A ' fliaion ?' Mijf. Good Men have always done fo "Jljough hijlay me, yet will I trufi in him, fai holy Job, Remember —Ti?^/ // is good he in Trouble f, when God fees meet. w[ You or Gre; under t Agai God, if" dencc, to what as the V You God as felf wid your H due unt i6cret R( ^emblies c Woi and daih don ;— t otherwife doth not delight in the Mifery any of his Creatures. It is therefore yo Duty to be patient under Aftlidtions j 1 confider your Ways;— To turn to God in mediately, and pray that he may make tl Troubles of this Life a Means to bring you a better. Ind. ' Muft I truft in God, and believe thl * he careth for me, though I am in Poverty iVor the I ^ MiJf. You muft do fo : For Riches al anc not always a Sign of God's Favour, nor Povemvtry D; of his Difpleafure. ? -t i I Ladly To comfort yourfdf, and confirm yofou iJ^^^ Faith, confider, that this is the Will of Go( akc ah —That he can make you fufficient Amen < ^ak in the next World, for what you want ^i-cr an / this, -or deli . Think of thefe Things, and you will — You c content with your Condition, and never c 'roper B< ftre to better it by unjuft or wicked Ways. 'Od all ^r. ♦ I John V. 3. f Pfalmcxix. 71. •^^- * V Y HolyNi bring 11 Dial. iB DiaL JS* for the Indians. iSf we keep hi tMI You will, therefore, neither envy the kich lor Great, nor queftion the Goodnefs of God, '4t my wiiiiJ under the greateft Difficulties of Life. . for mc m Again, you will not fay, that you trtifi in fall into ABGod, if you are not well pleafed with hisProvi- ■dence, lb far, at leaft, as chearfully to fubmit done fo J to what his infinite Wifdom and Goodnefs order in himf fail^s the very bcft for you, and for all other. ii is zoodM You will not imagine, that you wot-Jhip 5 meeit wW^od as you ought to dp, if you content youN e Mifery Ifclf with having an high Efteem for him in lerefore yolyour Heart, without paying him the Honour due unto his Divine Majeily> both in yoiir cret Retirements as well as in the public AJ" Mlies of 0&r(^/tf»x,— acknowledging before the World, that you are a miferable Sinner, and daily (land in need of his Nf ercy and Par- on J— that you owe him all poffibic Thanks 3ns to God i ay make tl bring you 1 believe t Poverty ?for the Bleilings you have received from himj r Ficbes al and that yoii want his Grace' and Help , nor PoT^/f very Day of your Life. I Laftly, You youriclf will not fay,— — »-That onfirm yofou honeur Goits Name and bis fFbrd, if yoii ill of Gofakc ah Oath without Thought and Fear; fpeak of God and of what belongs to him, tier an idle Manner, and without Reverence $ or delight in the Company of fuch as do ibi You cannot but know, diat this is not the roper Behaviour of one who purpoics tQ ferve od all the Days of his Life. Ind. * I find it is my Duty to bonotir God's Holy Name and his H^ord, ■ "How ihaU I tient AmenI rou want you will id never Led Ways. bring myfelf to do fo V Mif. \ I ''! Hi I mk 170 An Instruction Dial. 15, ' Mi[f, Take care never to fpeak of the Great Cod rf Heaven and Earthy but when you. are very ferious, Confider often that he fceth you, and io you will be apt to do what is moft for the Honour of bis Name, And if you often remember, that the Bible is a Book given. by Gody to teach us what we *t I Dial. 15 Ind. < \ \ truly all much as Miff, N lany Man it are tp believe, and how we are to Uvey that l^^v B^ wc may attain eternal Happinef&i and that i.^ ^^ ^^ your Salvation depends upon knowing what!,, i' ^ that Book containeth j ^you will often readljf .^* ^ ormng an raife God, en, wheW ^^ of yol oneft Indu e fervmgi Jn th u'nly it, or hear it read and explained, and when cyer yQu do fo, you will attend to it carefully, as the Rule of your Life j— endeavour to fol- low the Diredions it gives you ; never repeat any Part of it but to ferious and holy Purpofes; and fo you will delight in, and honour bis holy mrd. . g ,filnd, * Pray what is meant by loving Godl Jif - ^^ ' with all the Heart, and Soul, Sitid Mind, ^m tP\ % • ^ Strength r \Txdi^ Miff, This is for the great Comfort of fuch|^^5? 2^^ 9& fincerely ftrive to do their Duty j— .they qj.--^*' , fhall be accepted of God, though they attain |. ^'^P not to that high Degree of Love and Obedi- y^^^-^^^^ ^ ence, which God himfcif commands in hi! f!^^ ^ ^.a^v,.or even to that which fome others ar- rive ajt* provided they kve, and fear,^(\^ firve God, with all their Hearts, that is, as wei ^^ as they an able,". God will proportion thei ^^^cious R$w(trdi to their Endeavours* X lifcUi * • i i f3" Im ■ all our d pleafe th( "ly Hcarr Diai. iji for the Ifi 01 A^'s. lyV Ind, * You fay it is my Duty to Jerve him < truly all the Days of my Life, — But will not, ' neceflary Bufinefs hinder me from doing fo » ' much as is required of me ?* ''■' Mijf, No:— Whatever God requireth of any Man may be done without negledling his worldly Bufmefs. One DaY' in Seven, you are forbid to labour : -Do what you are commanded on^ that Day, and fpare a few Moments, in the orning and Evening of every other Day, to raife God, and to aik his BlefTmg :-«r— -And (en, wheri in the Fear of God, and a juft, nfd of yoiir touty, you arc employed with^ oncft Induftry,in your daily Labours, you e fervitig 'God'as truly, and you are as cer- inly in the Way to Heaven, — as they who ire at their Prayers.-i-^«^ this you may do all m '^'^^MteDays of your Life, ■fnay anal jj^^j, c Pi*ay-v^iU you fhew me itiy Duty to- ,1 ward? my Neighbour ?' . . jj of fuchl j^j^^ When you come next, I will endea- ^"^y|our to explain it fully to you.— In the mean ' y_^^\Time pray to God to enable you to perform ^°^, .i)ur Duty to him. 15, Ireat Li. are , you, iftfor Bible lat we f, that id that ; what in read when- refuUy, to fol- ' repeat irpofes; \bis holy God] IS m lers ar ^oTy an as wt The PRAYER. ' ^^theiP* ^^^^^"s God, who alone art worthy of ion tn pr ^jj ^^^ Service, grant that I may fcrvc; Id pleafe thee according to my Duty, with -. Imy Hcarrand Strength i— That I may I i% give ! i %' I** 17^ An Instruction Dial. i6. I I I is' I; i I 1 i I I give thee Thanks^ and do thee Honour; and that continuing in the Faith, and Fear^ and ,4ove of God, unto my Life's End, I may be made by him eternally happy, through the Merits of Jcfus Chrift our Lord. Afnen, ' DIA^LOGUE XVL ii:0 Hbe "Duty towurds^ our NEtctlBOUR explMtied, ■'■■■■■"■ ,1 • ■' Indian. :'5!l-, Dial. 1 6 ters ;- or De all yo Malice ---tot ing an from 1 Slande in Tej Chaftit other ] • T AM come now to beg that you would • jL teach mc my Cuty towards jipy Neigh- • bour.' . 'i Miff, Your Duty to your Neighbour is, < To love him as yourfelf, and toj \^^ do unto all Men as you would tjieyl that St fhould do unto yoii}'-**to love honour, and fuccour your Fathe and Mother ; — tp honour and ohe the King, and all that are piit ii Authority under hirii; to fubmi yoiurfelf to all your Governors Teachers, Spiritual Paftors an( MaAers;— to order yowfeU low ly and reverently to all your Be % ter and lal ihall pj Ind, « * much 1 * plain to * i^fi thmji ' as you X Miff, I isaRuJct — Thoujh God love // * we think Dial. 1 6. /(?r /i&^ Indians, 173 ters ; — to hurt nobody by Word or Deed ; — to be true and juft in all your Dealings; — to bear no Malice nor Hatred in your Heart ; — ^to keep your Hands from Pick- ing and Stealing, — your Tongue from Evil-fpeaking, Lying, and Slandering; — to keep your Body in Temperance, Sobernefs and Chaftity ;— not to covet or defire other Men's Goods, but to learn and labour to get your own Liv- ing, — ^and to do your Duty ia that State of Life, unto which it Ihall pleife God to call you. Ind. •*, Now, Sir, if it would not be too * much Trouble, I would beg you would ex- * plain to me that Ijovc which Chriftians owe ! * tfi themfelves and to their Neighbour y that is, * as you told me, all Mankind.* Miff, In the firft Place obferve,— That this is a Rule to fuch only as firft love ana fear God: — Thou Jhalt love thy Neighbour ^ as Men fearing God love themf elves-, — that is, * to do to others as * we think they ought to do to us in tht like Cafe,* 1 !,-:li i^' !li ^f ( An Instruction Dial. i6. I ^-^^ jg m 174 Now God being the God and Father (f Man- kind, he would have every one to be his Lifd and Eftate^ eafy in his M/W, good and holy while he lives, and happy when he dies.— For this Reafon he has given this Command, — Thou Jhalt' love thy Neighbour as thyjelf-, . which, if truly obi'erved, would have a moft happy and blefled EfFecl, and be a Diredlion to the moft unlearned, how to behave himfclf to others, fo as to pleafe God *. Ind. ' You will, I hope, explain this a little * more particularly.* Mijf. ConJuH then your own Reafon, and you will acknowledge the Juftice of this Command, — That Men fhould love and deal with others as fmcerely as they would have others to love and deal with them ;■ A nd that they (hould do nothing which they themfelvcs would con- demn as hard and unjuft,. if done by another Perfon. For Example ; your own Pffire i§, that all fhoulid ,refpe£l and love you j that none fl>ould ofpnejs, wrong, ox deal deceitfully with ybu i — -r-fhould take Advantage of your Jgno* fance, or Necejftties: — or fhould take tedious, Jfiteful, or expenftve Ways to keep you frotn "yoUi^ Rights. You would have nobody to bear Malice y or imagine jEwV in their Hearts againft ybii :- — -You are concerned for your o^n^opd Name and Credit ; — you grieve to be dcfpiied bythiofc above you, as well as to be •lilt 1? i difregarded defire youf ?eace of M you, and e towards hir condemned who does n this fhort ar Men can Supputt of proteft the their Childr Servants,"^ ofthejr F/i>, allthefear^ *^ould ever and^' wickCci other's, (hoi Ind, *Ar ' tet.dono^ Mijf. Yei better than that kve -fh A^e %<^re En< to^gtvehirt therefore he fhould lov&e Ifid, * H( * danTeririr miJf,Yb\ ing well, an nually exerc; ; none with frpm iy CO hearts • your to be CO be [\- dif. ■ ... V ....... \ Dial. 10. /or the Indian's, tjf difrcgarded by your Inferiors ;— you earncftly defire your own JVelfare and Projperityy and Peace of Mind, and Health of Boffy. Now as you, and every Man living, is thus affected towards himfelf, fo will every Man living be condemned by God, and his own Confcience, who does not thirs deal with others, and adl by this (hort and plain Rule. Men cannot live without the Afliftance and Siippunt of one another. Their Governors protect them. — The C'oncern of Parents for their Children, — the Care o^ Mafters for their Servants, — the Account that Pajiors muft give of their Fhck ar " - - ' miff. Y6u liiun: c&f alft5b&^l^p?ift^ ing well, and doing Good t6 Others^ ciiiti-. nually exerciling your Compaffion by reliev- '' ^ • . I 4 ing IP II M i! I 11 m::. Dial 1 6. i II II Hi Hi^^^B H^^ own Sill! Gainer b Ittd. ' ' to abu(( Miff, I thac be, v« our own and Comi jet lis an Steps, wb agaifiy lut 176 At Instruction Dial. 16. hig iht Poor, helping Tuch as arc in Diftrcfs, com^Hing the AffliScd, and mourning with ■fhein that mourn -, which will Jweeteri your Temper, and inure you to this happy Difpo- "^^ You mud beware of taking Pleafure in the Calamities of other Men, though your greatcft Enemies : For that would make you inhuman and hard-hearted. But above all, confider that this is God's exprefs Command, — That we lo'Ve one another: And it is greatly enforced by his amazing and w^^i^h ri^ condcfcending Love to us. I ^^^' * When you have gained thcfe good Difpofi- 1 * oblige m tions, you will find, that being ohedient and I . ^iH- ^ dutiful 10 your Governors ^ M^ers, and jP^/- l^^k of t terSy civil to yow Equals, and kind to your 1 6^^ ^^fl Inferiors, is the true Way of being cafy andl^^y ^^rin happy yourfclf. Ihave Autli Ind. * What is my Duty, if my Neighbour I ^^^hcrwif * fpcakcth 111 of me ?' p"^ as fuel MiJ", If you are indeed abufcd, you ought p'^ Offend privately to reprove him that hath done it J ^^^» * -^ and if he fhould not amend, your Duty is to bear the Injury patiently, to return Good for Evil, to forgive and to pray for him. For fo hath Chrift exprefsly commanded *. Arid, for your Comfort confider, that, by thus freely forgiving him, you may with the more Courage and Comfort plead the gracious ^^ thougl Ht-r^m'tC- flnA Vific mar?** r»f l-K/» Parrlnn rkf vniir ^ftlSnOt anfi ings^ and as I can i Miff. O deal with n Ignorance, wicked Tl Promifc God has made of i;he Pardop of your :t ,.a: • Matt. V. 44. f <- own a': not anA * Romt X iai. 1 6. ►iftrcfs, ^ with i your Difpo- Dial. 16. for the Indians. 177 own Sins, fo that you become the greatcli: : in the jreatcft ihuman 5 God*8 not her: Gainer by the Wrong that was done you. Ittd, ' But will not this encourage bad Men * to abufe their innocent Neighbours?' Mijf, If is probable it *a;i7/»c/*.— However that be, we are not to be more concerned for our own Reputation, than for the Honour and Commands of Je^s Chriftj who bath al/o Jet lis an Example, tbaf we Jhould follow his Steps, who, when be was reviled, reviled not again, hut committed his Caufe to Him that ing and \i^dgetb righteoujly f. I Ind, * Will my Duty to my Neighbour Difpofi- 1 * oblige me at all Times to conceal his Faults ?' tnt anil ^Hf^ ^°* Sometimes it is your Duty to id j9^/^ 1^^^ ^^ ^^^1^ i<— but then it muft be with a to your I S^ Defign of leading him to Repentance, afyandl^by bringing him before fuch Perfons as ■ have Authority to call him to an Account; igjjjjQUj. It— other wife you are a Slanderer or Backbiter, land as fuch, reckoned amongft the tnojl fcanda* u ought P" Q^»^r nc^i^* hat, by vith the gracious of your own .J' li bdi, i, ii ( li [ ' V ; ^^ 17? An Instruction Dial. 16. 1^ i JSWl, < What is my Duty if I have wronged J my Neighbour?* Mijjf, You arc bound to acknowledge your Faulty aad make him what Anpiends you can, to aflc God's Pardon, and then you may hope for Forgivenefs ; for this is what you would cxpc^b Trom others. — And this is the great Rule of the Gofpel : — * Whatfocverye would ' that Men fhould do unto you> do you even * ib to them *.* M* * But how (hould fuch poor, ignorant * People as we, know how to walk at ail * Times by this Rule V Miff, One of our Saviour's Apoftles faith, — i/ip that l9vetb\Jbij Brother i abidetb in the\ Ligbty and tbitrei^ no Occafion offtumhling in\ bim-fi that is^ kis . Love will always direct him what to do, and will not fufFer him to do others, either in Word or Deed. — For Lpv< workeib no Bl tO' bis Neigbbour\ tbinketb no Evii, and therefore/peaks nonei iearetb allTbings, believetb all Things y bopetb all Things, ,endureth all "Ihings if. Ind, * Muil I.always fpeak the Truth ?' Mijl Yes, fure; for if you confidcr whal Mifchlipf is dpne by.Fallhood, — how ill yoi take it to ,^ jicceiycd yourfclfi.-7-you will b( cqnvYficpd^i^six Lying is a bafc Vice, and thai ther^ iSgr9^(.Reafon for tbofc terrible Threat »2/r^j§» which mt find in God'& WoUid againf ^fuch as are guilty of this Sixu*^,^^ i ♦Matt. vl. 42».:t'i JtfbnU; lo.- % » Cor. xiii { ReT.xxi.Sy 27, '^ i Jnc \ Ind, * Sobe^ * to Wi MiJi Glory Name profcfs in thcfi Let Riotinz doth fc think o BefK fclves I ofdyinj Whd n?fhmc| Sweat c bcconie from al tive am be emp fore, if Eufinef: tiotts o/t Ind. ' tented Mif, tatnly tl of a w fupply Dial. t6, ytrthe In^dians. 17^ Ind. * What arc the Roles of Temperance^ * Sohrnefs, and Chaftity^ which a Chriftian is Mijf, fyhether yott eat or drkk,' d6 all to fVt Glory of God* ;— -that is,— Take care that the Name of God, anci the holy Religion yoa profcfs, be not evil fpoken of by your Exccfi m thcfc Things. Lt v'^i-' Let us walk boneftJy as in the Dtfy, not in Rioting and Drunkennefs f* For no Man that doth [0 balfituaify, can with any true Delight think of the Joys of Hcaveji. j - Bcfidcs, Aire it is, that they who givcthem^ fclvcs up to Intemperance, arc in great Danger of dying fuddcnly in their Sins unrepcnecd of* What was inflirtcd upon Man for the Pu- nFftiment of his firft Tranfgrcflion [That in the Sweat of his Face be fhoula eat Erfai\ i& now bcconic the n:K)ft likely Means of preferving us from all other Sins. — For our Souls are as ac- tive and uk]tti(^tlvc as ever, and muCt al^Qvays be employed one Way or other:— And therc^ fore, if we don't conftandy find fbmc proper Bufincfs for them — The Thottghf: andhnagina^ tions of our Hearts will be only evil continually^' Ind, * -i— What Reafon have we to be (on» ' tented y and not to defire other Men' i Goods t^' Miff, Becaufc our own Condition iaT cer- tainly the bed for us, being the Afpointmcnt of a wile, juft, and good God,-^who will fupply us with every Thing needful here, and • iCor.x, 3*; 16 t RotHtxiUi I3[« givr ' ( •*■ HiH \ lio Jn iNSTinrcTioK Dial. i6. I Dlsl. t' 1 IP" give us our Pgrtion w a better World, where we .fcaU not need theie Things, vv/i v Indi * But may we not endeavour to better 'pi|r Conditions ?• M^, Yes, by Gqd's BleHing upon your honeft Induftry -, but no Man fhould dclirc fo Jive in Plenty here, and hazard his Salva- don for it j nor (Iri > c to leave his Family a great deal> and be miferable for ever in ano- ther Life, for his Covctoufnefs, Opprcffion^ ^nd ill Dealing here. irjd, « May I do what I pleafc with what is * juftly my own ?' Miffi^ No: — But you mull do good with It — -Firft, liye decently yowfelf j provide for your o%vn Houfey that is, fuch of your Rela- tions as are in Want j and then relieve the Poor )vijth what yoii can well fparc.— And fo you will fliew your Thankfulncfs to God— and he will regard you for it * , ' m'-?^' . And this is the bed Security 'yow can have ihat you (hall never want. ^ >- «* -^ *. ^^ri^fj He that giveth unto the Poor, lendetb unto the Lord'y and that which he hath givetty will he p(ty him f^gainf, . .w .<^^ v/J CrV. « is-^ii h(m - 7ft^» * Sure, Sir, Chriftiansdo not believe •thcfc Duties to God and Man to be fo necef- * J9ry as you fay they are, or elfc they think it * w/>C^^/? to obfcrve them.* i> 01 hni-v^nn r Mif. Afllire yourfclf they arc the Duties wn<^ Poffdif ions on vfhkhthtir Happineis or .f Matt. 3«tv. 34. i Pxov. XIX, 17. Thin ipon your uld dciirc his Salva- Family a cr in ano- )pprcflioni 'ith.whatis good with provide for rour Rela- •clicvc the .—And fo God— and can have thuntoih |w, will be lot believe je fo fiecef- by think it ihe Duties >pine{s or Mtjery Dial. i6? fw ihe\»iiikii%i^ Hi Mifery everiafting depends; and they kudt^f this J but too many will not lay it to He^rt/ - — ^They know atfo, «hat God, to'whotii alt Things are poffible, will not let them >5S"t any Afliftance, which they iincerely d^enre^ and afk for. But they who are npt.willirtg ta forfake their Sins, arc not difpofed to- beg that Help of God which is neccflary to enable them to break their Bonds; and fuch Perfons, j by a juft Judgment of God, are often left to their own evil Difpofitions;— and this is the great Occafion of fo miich Wickednefs as is I ften among Chriftians. '^ ' - ■'^^'- '* - ' Therefore, as ever you hope to do the Will I of God, and by him be made happy, keep thefe Truths in your Mind and Memory:-— V That fijch is the Corruption of our Nature, ' and Pronenefs to Evil, that we cannot of r ouffelves, without God's ipecial Gsace and V Help, keep his Commands, and fervc him r as we ought to doj — That when we have V done our beft, we are but unprofitable Ser- vants; and that it is only through the Sa- I' tisfadion ofChrift we can be julliffied;— - \ and that God is fo good and merciful, that he has promifed uppi> our fincerc Delires and Prayers, to give us all the Help we ihall want to do our Duty, fo as to pleafe him, and to fecure otii" Happincfs for ever.* pRAVER, therefore, being appctinted by rod himfelf as a Means of obtaining allthef •"'i 'i'' m .■t.j i IW: III ;: lii Jn Ift'sfivchb^ Dial. r/. Bkffings wc ftand in nc^d of, you mud be iriftrufted in that Duty, how to afk of God, ib as to obtain his Grace and Help. '" •^^-''" ^5^^/^i. * rtannot in Reafon expcft that Favour * from you now; but I will wait on you as * loon as I can hope you will have Leifure.* "A Miff, It will be a great Pleafure and Bleffing t<& me, to be made an Inftrument in the Hand o^Godytd bring you from Darkne/s to Lights and from the Power of Satan unto God^y that you| may be liaadc happy for ever, ^-y^^-'^*^ The P R A Y E R. I, ip* . » .>. 0"[ LORD Jcfus Chrift, who haft loved I . us, and given thyfelf for us, give us Grace to love> and to fcrgive, and to do good ; — And that, running the Way of thyl Commandments, I may live and die thy Ser-I vant, and find Mercy at the great Day, when] wc muft all appear before the Judgment-feat o( Chrift. Amen, • ^:- : DIALOGUE XVD. "'*^' Of Prayer and Thanksgiving, hetrig th\ Means and Conditions of obtaining thl GkACEs tfw.:>_. * T AM come again, good Sir, for your fiji V A dierlnftfuftion.— ^ — You have cxplain< *. . .. ^ * ACks jfxvi. !?♦ Dial. Tj. miift be c of God, bat Favour on you as Leifurc* indBlcffing 1 the Hand '■, that you Dial 17. for the Ikdiaks* 183 *to ame the Commands of .God, and con- * vinced me of the Neccflity of obferving * them in order to be happy. — At the fame 'Time you. told me, That we cann9l obfrrve ' tbem as. w& ought to doy without th$ Grac^of ' Godt which I. muft Jkek by. diligent Prayir»* MiJlSo indeed it is : ■ n For fuch is the Difbcder and Weaknefs of our Nature, and the Temptations to Sin fb many, that neither our. Reajorii'-^viov the Goodnefs of God's Com- mands,— nor the Authority of fo powerful a Being, — nor the Happinefs which he propofcs, —nor the Danger of our Difobedience, are haft loved I fijfficient to keep us within- the Bounds of D uty us give usl w^ithout God's cfpecial Grace : which he is fo and to doiF^Q^^^ ^ to promife to all fuch, as beii^ fen- lA/^av of thyl^'^c ^^ their Wants, do pray for his Grace die thy Ser-p"<^ Afllftancc. . ys Day, whenl ^J^^- * Pray> Sir, what do you mean by the rmcnt-fcat ol* Grace of God?* *** i«ii i- %,^nT^»v^ii Mijl We mean every Favour which God freely bcftows on us, in order to make his Ordinances and Commands efFedual for our Salvation. ^^ For Example—God gives us his Holy -^^ (tj ,>^ioiJ- :1*'h.^:''.v;^A^- 5, being th btainifig th 'Mf^ y'i-V' for your vccx plauK v^. spirit' to be the Ailthor of a new and holy Life.— This Holy Spirit has made known to us in the Scriptures the Ways of Life and of eath, — the Bleffing and Happinefs of fuch love and obey God, — and the miferablc End f the Wicked and D^fobedient«T-Thcfe. are e firil; Graces and Fav<)urs^of God. . ".» Beiidcs 'i i- 81 ; ; m m i 11 11 HI iH ■1 184 jin Instruction Dial. 17, •ic;Befides thcfe, — to all fuch as are well dif- pofcd, and receive thefe Xruths, the Spirit of God enlightens their Undcrftandings ;-^ touches their Hearts with a Fear of God and with a Fear for tbemfelveSi on account of their Sins, and the Corruption of their Nature j— he (hews them the Neceflity of a Saviour i and| what he has done to deliver them from Mi- ftry, and to make them happy for ever. In Ihort, whatever faving Truths Men! know, whatever Good they do, whatever Evils\ they avoid, thefiy and many, very many more, arc the EfFedfcs of the Grace> and Favourl of God, and the eFedlual Workings of hisj Good Sprit on our Hearts and Minds. Jnd. * What do you mean by Prayer ?* '^Mijf, We mean,-7-the laying our Wai)tsj and Defires before God, and begging of himj to hear and help us, and particularly to givel us the Afliftances of his Holy Spirit^ Ind, * Doth not God know all our Wants,! * before we lay them before him ?— And doth| * not he give his Blcffings to many that never * pray for them V Miff. God doth moft fiirely know our Want much better than jWc ourfelves do; — He alfd often gives us thofe Things which we neithd defire nor ^^i Mijf. He hath^romifed to give- them what- Wantfver they afk agreeable to his Will, and what- lever he in his infinite WifdOm fhall think roper for them ** — And becaufc through our ommand^«^^^;;^^j and the Corruption of our Nature, re we left to ourfelves, we ihould be tempted pr^y for fuch Things as might hurt both our- IvGs and others, and which would not be for ♦John xiv. 14. Ibid, xvi, 23. Matt. xxi. 22. t the ■^ \ \\\ ;.'».,! f \\\ 1 ;• (■■ 'U%\ •\.::\' -■ 1 \ \ jr i86 An Instruction H m •Dial. 17. the Honour of God, or for his Goodnefs, t grant, therefore his Son^ and our merciful Sa\ viour, hath given us a Pattern of Prayer^ in order to dired us what to pray for, fo as t pleafe God. — And this Prayer is fo fhort, thai .the moft unlearned Chriftian may get it b heart, and, by a very little Help and Atten .tion, may undcrftand it fo well, as never t be at a Lofs what to alk of God. Inii. * I hope you will be fo good as to teaci * me that Prayer, and to explain it to me,* ^ Mi/f. I will do fo, and endeavour to mak( you underftand the Reafon and Meaning every Petition : — ^You muft know then, tha it is called the Lord's Prayer, bccaufe i .was given by our Lord Chrift to his Difciples for the Ufe of them and his Followers -, ani ^t is in thefe Words; Dial. I [not II us frc |KiHg( lory ■It ven :• Tie Lord's Prayer. Our Father which art in Hea -Hallowed be thy Name.— Thy Kingdom come. — Thy Wil be done in Earth, as it is in Heal' ven. — Give us this Day our da Bread. And forgive us our Trcr^^^^^i pafl'es, as we forgive them th trefpafs againft us,- — And lead j Ind, IfllhJ rouA me.' Miff. you, ' ^?r, bu he God Jove -And t ath tau^ urfelvcs glorifi at none bich li You w tted us at we IT |1( a-m » Dial. 17.I odnefs, tc erciful Sa- Prayer, in| r, fo as tc (hort, thai get it b and Atten IS never t [Dial, 17. for ihe liJB I A^s. - 1?/ not into Temptation, but deliy " |us from Evil. — Foi^\ thine is me [(Cingdom, the Power, and the rlory, for ever and ever. A77ien* uAi I as to teac t to me. )ur to mab Meaning ol V then, thai , becaufe ii Ind, ' I fhouid be much to blaiije, indeed, in fhould not get fo fhort a Prayer by h«art. You will now be fo kind as to explain it to me.* Miffl Before 1 do that, I miift firft obferve you. That we are not taught to fay Mv Fof er, but Our Fatber,- — becaufe God, who is :he God of all Mankind, would have all of lis • TWC ' 1 ^^^^^ ^^^ ^° ^^ conccrnecj for one aaother. lis Dilcip ^s| ^j^^ j^ incrcafc and confirm our Love^ he R^^'SA'^1*'^^ taught lis, when we beg any Favour, for "~ '"^ "urfelvcs, to pray for all others^ that he lijiay glorified by thm^ as well as by «jr;— -and at none may be. deprived of thofe Bledings in Heal^*^^ y^''*^ Cbriji hath pur chafed for Man- Name.-— I you will alfo obferve, that God hath per- rhy Wilfi"cd us to call him our Father, to the End ■ • pTpal?^ ^^ ^^*y P^^y ^^^^ an humble Confidence ^ ^^ .^ being kindly received : — '• — Being affured, 111* dailfc^/ as a Father piiieth his own Children^ fo ,^ '^r^fi^ J^ordpitieth them that fear him*, / *^jBut then we are to confidcr, — -That this em tha^xHpR, is the God OF Heav£n, who (ees d lead 1* i^olte »„., ...^ ; , ; ^ lu. 4.v.M>v» ^ > « Pfalm, ^ t'^ V* '' 'r. |1< Qur vl\ " III: 11 »•■ ii f^ . 1 I . i 1 88 An Instruction Dial. 17 L.. . 'mal. 17. .our Behaviour^ and the very Thoughts of oiM, . ' . . Hearts y which fhould oblige us to approacM "^"^?"cc ^J him with Reverenccy m^ godly Fear, — becaufM°^^^"^ ^^ He \^ in Heaven, and ^^e are upon Earth! Hallo which is his Footftool. ■ m • , . Now in thi Men may \t Divine M )ur:. ^Ani whom he 1 [nown by no wy honour h leading juj \t Children o )od Works, leir Father w Laftly,-— obfervc— That in the Three fr^ Petitions we pray for the Glory of God ; tha we, and all People, may know him, worfiil and ol^ey him, as we ought to do.— And in tl Three laft Petitions we pray for ourfelves,- for the NeceJJaries of Life, — for the Pardon our Sins, and Grace to do our Duty,— ani for God's Protection and Deliverana from th Evils wc cithcr/«^r, or fear, * And therefore I befeech Thee, O Hcm • ry ' vcnly Father, not for myfelf only, but Ci j:5%"^^^ < all thy Children, That we may all live wof'^^T i^"^ * thy of the Relation which we bear to '^^^Ek^^ * rr-That we piay not fin, knowing that y < t ^ J * a,re accounted thine, nor wilfully offend * great, fb good, fo tender a Father :-^B * that we may -love Thee not as Slaves y but * Children j— — That we may put our whd * Truft in Thee, and depend upon thine i * finite Powery Pf^ifdom, Goodnefs, and Prom * to take Care of us :■ — That we may leave * to Thee to chufe what is beft for us, a * bear with Patience and Refignation all t Fatherly Correftions.^ — And that we rr ferve Thee with Comfort and Pleafure our Days, in Hopes of the everlafting heritaj. '75d us c^ thou art GUI Lord, our n feeing Judge.' thy *atmighty ^^ncBy and th hundlejs Goo^ ■for thine inni hy mjdom I l^ame^ as loni 1. 17 f ou\ roacli :cauf(| iarthl Hal. 17. for the Indians. 189 heritance which thou haft promlfed to thy obedient children.* ' ' ' ' r**f . DHei but fi Hallowed be thy Name. ^ Now in this firft Petition we pray,— That Men may have a very high Regard for \t Divine Majefty of God, and for his Ho- 3ur : ^And efpecially, that all Chriftians, whom he has made himfclf and his Will |nown by no lefs a Perfon than his own Son, jay honour him, by a firm Faith in him, and leading juft and holy Lives, as becomes ie Children of God, that others, feeing theii* )od Works, may be converted,- ind glorify jieir Father which is in Heaven, — ^And^ for icir Encouragement in doing this, God hath cclared^ That them who honour him be will Woitr * ; that is, he will blefs them, and ^'^J^^lakc them happy. '^ y Let us ever remember, O God, That Jthou art our great Creators otir abfolute •7'"IZ©r^, our merciful Saviour^ and our alU but wh feeing 7/^ ^ thy Wijdom and Truths and call upon thy ^ ^" ^ Name* as long as we live I* i^l^^Hy Kingdom come. ^^^ '' th<)v' '■' • ^ Sam. II* 30. - In all re m ifure ting teritai !• 1 If f.lf; t \ 3 I \ j^ An iNSTRucTioif Dial. x'^mA 17 In order to undcrftand this Petition, yoJ We a muft know, — That wherever the ChriftjaiBon, — 1 Religion is received, there is the Kingdom ihateve Gody bccaufc God is there obeyed, feared, anfle woul loved. — We pray, therefore, in thefe Wordsfc by their good Lives, convince Unbe- may evcf«vers, bow happy they are in being under the jf God, anl'w;j and Government of their Maker. at every onl/»^» * But pray, Good Sir, how can that be le Kingdoilcalled the Kingdom of God, in which there ■are fo many wicked Subjefts ?* kingdom conrnMiff'. God permits it to be ^ for the pre- if Prop H Elf t, in this State of Trials to make all Men what they would be without the Afliftance Help of his Grace ; to fhew his Goodncls Patience, by which many of the fVicked brought to Repentance-, whereby alfo the wer of his Grace is both feen and glorified. y thefe alfo he tries the Sincerity of his mine of tlthful SubjeAs. — But a Time is coming, by rcfiftirlen a Separation will be made of the fVhedt himfclf rim the Tares y the good Seed from the bad, ofe aft; wli the Juftice of God will appear in the is Kingdoiadful Punifhment of all fuch as aow give for the Cojence to his good Subjects, and hinder the nconfiftenty^^^//»^ the Go/pel. Ka/H'^^J' Will be done in Earth, it is in Heaven; -^»^v^r--*5^^«f*- Thig end to eve every Man' t Days comi , or Schift ind (hall ho are call ;i; ' ! ' M t ) i!;! I!! I92 yfn Instri/ctiom This is the next Petition ; — Dial. I J^'^J- -by which wlj^ ^h pray, — That God by his Grace may difpotf"^^)" ' the Hearts of all his Subjeds to a chearfj^^^f^' Obedience to his Laws, and an erttire Su"^^^'^^ miflion to his Will and Diredbion j — and a Performance a( their Duty in that Staf Life, in which his Providence hath plac them ; — and this as chearfully as his Ange do their Duty and obey his Will in Heave —by which God will be greatly glorified, his Kingdom enlarged, — his Angels deligl ed, and all who obey him will be prepared eternal Happinefs. Now we come to the three laft Petiti( which concern otir own Wants, and whii none but God can fuppiy.— And thefe I explain to you th^ next Time you come, the mean Time addrefs yourfelf to the Thn of Grace in the following Words. I A Lord' Mff wn W; ippJy. rive I ^A- J- The PRAYER. Inwh plcaf ither nc Sup our S ry and Script er the ^*#*VIfpofe me, and all thy Children, O XJ and Father, to fubmit chearfully to wl ever thy Providence fhall order for u»: Hearken not to the corrupt Defires of own Hearts, but to the Voice of thine Wifdom, Goodnefs, and Mercy.— Give Je Nec< true Knowledge of our Duty> and an H preiTed difpofed to clofe with thy Will, wheneve Fu/ne/i Ihall be made known to us, and to obey it /xr^. ^ Pleafure. — Subdue in us whatever is cont Day by Dial. I ifpo Dial. 1 8. fir the Inn I A'^s, ^93 il^lj Pattern is, through Jcfus Chrift our blcflcd Saviour and Redeemer, yfrnen. 3V which wl*° ^^y ^°^y ^*^^' ^^^^' through thy Grace, we dTDoff"*^ ^' ^^^ become perfc has obtained not only Scripture, but in common Difcourfe all er the World, to be put very often for all Neceilarics of Life.— Thus, Poverty is prefled by /want of Ba£ad> and Prolpchc/ I whenevc|/N(f'\ .. Us» *■{ i >- n Zii bir u T LS Things,! Now in tHcfe Words we pray,-— Thit G^df ^^|for Chrift's Sake would be merciful unto us, nd forgive us our Sins, whether known or Junknown, and that he would not punifh us as s, thofclve d^ferve. And, to fhew our Tbankfulnefs, ith their q,. ^\{^^ great Mercy, we oblige Ourfelves to ■trgive, ?in(X hvdy and do Good to rhofe who lave any way injured us, as fincerdy as'wp lope for Pardon from God. Ind, ' And may a Chriftian be aflui^edf that God y»ill pardon his Sins, provided he W : K 2 « deals And d in the Account U/e and ih f i \\^- if'*' 196 -^» Instruction Dial, i 8. * deals with others as kindly as he defircs God * would deal with him V Miffl We have his faithful Promife by his Son; that; upon our true Repentance, he will do fo * : — By which he hath, as it were, put our Pardon into our own Power, and left us to gonfidcr, that there will be no Mercy for him who will not fhew Mercy. , * Forgive us thofe Sins, O Heavenly Fa- * ther, which feparate us froiii thee : For- * give us every Day of our Lives, for every ' Day we (land in need of Pardon j — Give « mc and all Chriftians, a forgiving Temper, < — that wc may fulfil the Condition of our * Pardon. Thou art good and merciful in * forgiving us j — Grant that we may all live * in the fame charitable Temper, in which we hope and defire to die.* — The laft Petition of this Prayer is : Lead us not into Temptation; but deliver us from Evil, That is, we pray that God would fo orde Things in the Courfe of his Providence, thai we may not be expofed to great and dangerou Trials, which may prove hazardous to oui Virtue. — That he would net Juffer us to k tmpted above what we are ahky Imt would wit the Temptation make a Way for us to ejcape^ th we may be able to bear it, • Matt. vi. i4« f-i K-*>'i v-A' Ind Wo Mi^ the JJ Maiik idly chat it paftO muft f the Wj fail aga And th ed for him, h< Power own CGi pies of ing M whatev And Lord e; not into l;is this ; To J are in I that we oftjen, are fev< of our J therefor but ou .'!*'■ ' M 'f 1- :» ' :> Dial. 18. fires God ife by his % he will were, put md left us Mercy for venly Fa- ice : For- Dial. 18. /of /^^ Indians, 197 Ind, « What rauft I underftand by the ' Word Eviir ' : ■ . ^v, > \^ /^v .j. Mijf, Firft and chiefly, the evil Spirit, /. e, the Devil, who is the great Tempter, of Mankind Co all Evil. 4^ . *? :-« ./q . « i^ .^i. i ai/y. Evil Pradtices, and evil Examples. "^; 3-c'?)'. Everlafting Mifery. .jutu Jj w Now you will obierve from this Petition, that it is not fufficient to beg Pardon for our paft Offences, — but that every good Chriftian - _ muft pray God to enable him to keep out of tor every I jj^g \Yay of Temptation, and not fuffer him to '^,»!r" I fall again into the Sins he has repented ^f; — ? Temper,! ^^^ ^|^^^ whenever he fuffers us to be te.mpt- ^°" ^* ?V1 cd for the Trial of our Faith and Truft. in mcrcifunni j^.^ he would in Mercy deliver us from the '*y ^.", IPow^r and Snares of the JDm/;— from our n which we| ^^^ corrupt Indinaiions j— fron* the ill Exam- ples of a wicked World ; — and from everlaft- ing Mijery^ the moft dreadful of all Evila whatever. And the Reafon why this Defire i§ by our Lord exprelTed in thcfe Words— yf»^ lead us not into Temptation^ but deliver us from Evil, ;is this : To admonifti us, that even the beft of us are in Danger of falling into the fame Sins, us to Ij\^^^^ ^^e have once, much more that we have would wim^^^^^> been guilty ofi and that, becaufe there efcape thA^^^ feveral 'Temptations, which in. the Courfe •^ * 'of our Lives we fhall furcly meet with 5 and therefore, that none of us are to be fecure, • Ibut ought always to ii;atch and pray, and ii\> is ptation; d fo ordei dence, tha i dangerou ous to ou K3 (land nr-T Eii; m 1 1 il 198' -*^» Instruction Dml. iS. (land upon our Gliard, and to look well to ourielves, that we be not overcome. -*^And yrni will be further convinced of the abfolute Neccflity of this Pedtion, when you fee fo many, even amongft thofe who bear the Name of Christians, running headlong into everlafting Ruin, for want of God's gracious Affiflanc^, which can only be obtained by con- ftaiit and diligent Prayer, • >"^ -- *> «' • p God, who hatcft Iniquity, and knoweft * our Infirmities, — leave us not to the Malice * and Poix)er of the Evil one the Devils to deal * with us as he pleafeth j— Leave us not, O * meiciful Father, to ourfelves, and to our ' Own corrupt Hearts and Lufts, left we ralhly * run into Temptations j— — Keep us always 'under the Protcdlion of thy good -Spirit j * fiifFcr us not to be furprizcd, nor off our * Guard, nor tetiipted above what wc are able * to be^Tj— Give us Grace to refift the World, ' the lefh, and the Devil, and to watch and ' pray daily, that we enter not into Tempta- ••tiori.' ^ Wc conclude this Prayer with thcfc follow- ing Words ; which are a folemn Form of Praijey and an Acknowledgment to Him to whom we have been praying. •'ap V? 4, *^-.^t V'f"!y,\ y^»_ . vFor thihe'is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever, uimefu . , , That That is ■:::orjhipy.^\ true, and, over all t 'can refift J I Aim and C I we want a I give us ou] another j— in the Hoi from the E -To The Prai/e, and World wou lad, rl r Prayers )v Mi/jr, Wj raoft earncf what we ha pelieve he \ ote his Gl uch as we ^i'uft in the appointed of iude all GUI 's ii, let it be Ind. * Ca RANT and Mi[f. It is ^an, howevi ■ .A. 11 to f the I you ir the into cious ' con- owe ft dalice ) deal )t, O > our -afhly Iways pirit i f our ; able rorld, h and ►llow- m of .m to the ever Dial. 1 8. Z&r /^^ Indian^ ^ 199 That is, in other Words — We praife-y and. M ■Torjhipy^nd depend upon Thee, tl]^ great, and true, and only God ; — whofe Kingdom ruleth over all the World; — whole Power nothing can refift ;— whofe Glory ought to be our chief Aim and Defirc ; — whj alone can give us what we want and pray for ;— who alone can for- give us our Sins, and dilpofe us to forgive one another j-^who C3in help, Jecure, and Jave us in the Hour of Temptation, and deliver us from the Evils to which we are daily expofcd. —To Thee, therefore^ we give klXHomur, Praife, and Thanh, and wilh that all the World would do the fame. ^men. ;'j<-r.ii^.. Ijjd, * I obfervc, that you conclude all yoiir * Prayers ->vith that Word— Amen.' M^. We do fp.— By which we exprefs our mpft earneft Defire, that God would grant us what we have prayed for.i — which we firmly believe he will do, fo, far as may really pro- mote his Glory and our ifeft Interefi j — foraf- npta- ^^ch as we are allured, That no Man did ever^ ruft in the Lord, and was confounded *, or dif^^ ippointed of his Hopes j and therefore ,we con- :lude all our Prayers with faying Jmen, or So ^^ '^e it, let ft he as we have prayed^ and do defire.^-^^ Ind, * Can it be expedtcd, that the Igno- rant and Unlearned fhould pray ?* » Miff. It is moft furely the Duty of every /Ian, however ignorant and unlearned, to pray * Ecclus 11. 10. . ' That 7't "V^ ../*: K4 and 1I: aoo w^ Imstructiow Dial. 1 8, 1 Dial. and give Praifc to God ; whereby he owns his Dependence upon him, for every Thing he wants, saidreturns bis Tbanks for all the Bleflir^s he receives. ^ ^f^' mu .- > i u v^^,- Now every Man, even the tnoft unlearned^ cannot but know, that he is fubjeSt to be tempted to Sin, -and that God only can deliver him from it. — ^Every one knows, that it is God only that can blefs his honeft Endeavours for I ^'^^ ^^ a Livelihood j— that God therefore ought to ^^^^ ^ be fought to for thefc Bleffings, and that every oncis obliged to be thankful to him when he receives them. A very Child can tell his Father w^at he wants } and you fee God permits us to call him Our Father, that we may lay our De- fires and Wants before him after the bcft Man- ner we at>e able, and }eave it to him to help us :— He knows our Wants, however impcr- fedly we exprefs them with our Tongues.— And we may be alTurcd, that, when we de ner, an it than voutly ufe this very Prayer, God will hear am he will anfwer us, not according to our weak Under, ftandingsj but in a Manner fuitable to oui real NecefTities, and according to the Love ^ towards 4i Father/or his Children. pleafed Jnd. * Do Chriftians think, that t!iey an ^ble of • bound to pray every Day ?' anfwer Mijf, They Ihould do fo ; and every goo( fr^ Chriftian will do fo : becaufe he knows h * ^H *1 wants God's Help and Pardon^ sirid Blejtngi every Day of his Life.- And it is chiefl , owini h owing fee fo amon( Day ij and o ging t often 1 delivei Jleepeth Ind. ' read, not rcj them f to kno^ God's can.- from h a(k it ii owe t Dial. ,8. 1 Dial. 1 8. he owns ;ry Thing br all the ■ Tjmi :(^ unlearned^ jeSi to he :an deliver fir the Indmns*., ap.i owing to the Qmiffion of this Duty, that wc fee fo much Wickcdnefs and Milchiefs cvea amongft Chriftians.—r— People venture every Day into a World full of Tcnipt^tions to Sjiff, and of Dangers innumerable^ without beg- ging the Prote^ion of God: — ^And they, too often lie down to fleep, without praying to be It itis God I delivered from the Powers of Darknefs, and avours forl^'^^ ^^^ Accidents which may befal them, , ought tQ\''^^^ft all Eyes are Jhuty but his only who never and that I A^^^^* j ■!:.} /: 3.fiyMoi ^^1- ful to him I ^^^' * Is it expe6led, that fuch as c^uiiwt * read, fliould pray?* ., j'lt> >^vr Miffl It is an Unhappinefs that People can*^ not read -, but God forbid, that (hould hinder them from praying ? — Whoever hath Senfe to know that he is a Sinner, or that he wants God's Help, is bound to pray as well as lie can. — ^Ii fuch a Perfon wants a Kindneis yer wSat he us to, call ly our De- t bcft Man- lim to help :ver impcr foBgucs.*- en we de from his Neighbour, he will find Words to a(k it in: — ^If he is to a(k it of his Bettexs, /ill hear anc he will think of doing it in a (>ecoming Man- ak Under ^^^^ ^^ will wait with Patience, and ^eceivy^ards his Maker -, and God, who is always pleafed with the Defires of a Heart tridy fen- lat tticy an ^i^^® ^^ i^ Mifery and Wants, will favourably anfwer his Requefts.— every goo( '^^^* ' ^ obferve that you make itank/gh-^ ► knows h ' ^^S ^1^0 ^ Duty> and a Service^ which you id BleJitigT i( ii' .! , 'i :'•! 3 cbi' j^H Instruction Dial. i8. iDial. i8. y^\ '^'^'Miffi Gsd himjelfhas made it Jo *, — and it is agrecafcile'to our Reafon. — Wc frxped Thanks from one another, when we have done a Kind- nefs.— And if Chrifiians would take Notice of, and give God Thanks for, the Mercies and Blefflngs they i-eceive daily from his Bounty, they wuld erigage the I3ivine Goodnefs to multiply \\\^ Favours, which they often hinder by tht'ir Ingratitude. — * But then they mull * ihew their Thankfulnel6, not only with t4ieir * Lips but by their Lives.* "' ' • '• ^^ Ind. * How often fhould we pray ^* - •'' ' Mijf. We fhould pray without ceqfeng f ; that is, we fhould let no Day pafs without beg- ging God*s Blelfing J and giving him Thanks for his Mercies; — for every BleJ/ing we receive; for every Danger we efcape j- — and for every AfHiflibn we meet with, and are fupported Tinder. Our Meals fhdtild put us in mind,— fbat we do noi live by Bread rhne ; that there- fore God's BlefTing mull make our Meat to da us good \. — ^In our Bufmefs wc fhould remem- ber, that it is but lofl Labour, ^o rije early ^ and take little Refty — if God bleffes not our Endeavours |. — In the Mornings we fhould pray to God to blels our Labours all the Day ; and, in the Evenings return our humble Thanks for all the Mercies of the foregoing Day, and pray for Prefcrvation, and the other Mercies of the Night. -*': v "^'^ ,', *., "^ " - _ • + Ibid, V. 17. X Deut. viii. 3: ♦ 1 Theff. V. 18. t Pfaim cxxvii. 3. Ind. < 1 ' that you * cerning 1 Mijf, O I you fay thi God, you c \\^Jenftbleo{ mjfion to G \ Attention of \ Heart may JaflJy, whic Imuft afk ev IjHE Sake c ling on his A \done and/uj IChildreh, or do Jo: MJf. Ind( tbat Jesus C IHOLY Ord hriftians, < emember the md the gr hem :^— Par ind the Bene he Pardon ain Hope of ^i*e, you eo] his t6 you rri 'nt for want 5 31/ '^^« Ind. ;:ri Dial. 1 8. /(?r //&^ Indiansl 20J. Ind, ' Are there ahy further Inftrudions ' that you tliink necelFary to give mc, con- * cerning this Duty of Prayer ?' , - - :; MiJJ', Only remember, •^- That whenever, you fay this Prayer, or beg any Favour from God, you do it with the Humility of one who xijenfihle of his IVants and Mifery ; — with Sub-m ?;;/^5» to God's. Willi with great Reverence^ Attention of Mind, and Deliberationy that your- Heart may go along with your Lips, — And ladly, which you mud never fprget,^-you muft afk every Blcfling you want of God, for THE Sak-E of his Son Jesus Christ j it be- ing on his Account alone, and/or w/&^/ he has lanks \done andjuffered, that God will own us for his Children, or grant us what we pray for. .,.\\ . Ind^ y I hope 1 iliall always reaiember /a . \doJo,* ^. f . ;, ■ .'.jn/-, ' MUf. Indeed it is ol'fo very great Moment, that Jesus Christ himfelf has appointed an Holy Ordinance to be obferved by all , Chriftians, on purpofe that they may always remember the wonderful Things he has done, ; )t our ind the great BlefTings he hath obtained for,. hould hem v — ^Particularly the Saarifice of his Death^ Day ; md the Benefits which we receive by it j viz. hanks he' Pardon of our Sins, and the fure and cer- and ain Hope of everlaftiftg Life. — When, there- ercies fJfe-, yoii come agaip to me, I will ^xplaia his t6 you rnoie tuilf, than I can do ae pre- *nt for want of^ Time, ' _ 18. it is mks ind- )tice and inty, [s to inder mull t4ieir beg- rcive; every orted id,— lere- to do hicm- earfyi • •• Vlll li i;' ( • ^ ' '■ I > 1 i ilii 1 i IihI '« InH 1 1 W i 1 ■ 4. ■I,. ( 1 UW>' !'? li' Ii ao4 * An Instruction Dial. 19. ,Jnd» * You have faid enough, Sir, to make « me return to you as foon as poflibly I can.' \\A The PRAYER. 13 r; ::»{): BLefled be thy Name, O God, for this great Privilege of laying our Wants before Thee, and 'for the great Hopes we have of being heard. — Make me ever fenfible of my Wants, and of thy Power and Goodnefs to help me, that at all Times I may call upon Thee, by diligent Prayer. — And hear me, O !King of Heaven, when I call upon Thee, in the tlame of our Lord Jefus Chrift j that I may efFedually obtain the Relief of my Neceffities, and ever give Thee Praife for the fame. Amen, jJtSiii DIALOGUE XDC, 'I ^ The Sacrament of the Lord's Sapper %^ li^u Mi :.. explained. -■-'- ■'^■^-■^'■ \( * ''^OUR Promife, Sir, to explain to me * X an Holy Ordinance, which, you * told me, all Chriftians arc bound to obfcrve « for a continual Remembrance of the Sacri- Dial. 19. Mijr. I remembei fore ; — th of the Ch crament ccflary M regularly ] Lord's Si duced into Time we wherein, < in him, to pays : — ^ into his I promifeth teSi us, wJ make us hi as his duti wtf give 01 Ind, * ' Milf. Bi vour hath to he called not for any but purely Chrift hatk He hath which Ave efore ve of )f my ohelp Thee, 'ing of fJame fhially id ever >trppER| in.r ':>"% to I 4 ' ■ ii 1 ■ I .. V ■ i, :! it;! m !:! 2o6 An fMSTR^CTiON Dial. 19; furchafe us to himfclf to be a People zealous of good Jl'orks. Ind. ' Why do you call this Sacrament * by the Name of the Lord's Supper?' '^)MiJ[f. Becaiife our Lord Chrift did appoint THIS Ordinance at his Laft Supper with his Difciples, the Evening before he was cruci- fied, to prefcrve the Memory and the Reajons of his Death ; the Kno-ivledge of which is the Fourvdatbn of the Chriftian Religion, and that on which the Happinefs and Salvation of all Men doth depend. . ^i^iu Ind. * You will not wonder, if I am very * dcfirous to know all that is ncceflary con- « ccrning this Ordinance/ ' Miff. That you may do hy you= muft carry your Thoughts back to what 1 have already told you of, the fir fi Barents of Mankind i ■ -that they rebelled againft rhcir Maker's Command J — that they ^ his Favour, and all Right and Title to the Happinefs which he kad promifed them ;. — that this -very Nature became prone to Evir;-^and both they ^raX their Pofterity became fubjed to Sin, to Mi- Jery^ and to Death .'—And, lallly, that the ^S"^, ^^ t\ \n0rance3 of (1 :»J lENT point \\ his ruci- fofons is the and on of very con- carry ready ikind y aker'& ", and ichihe Mature fy and ) Mi' ok to ufticei Sins} PrtMi^ «v that Dial. 19. /cr /^f Indians. . 207 In order to which he was made Mtin ; ajid, having put himfeJf in the Phice of Sinners^ he offered himfelf to fuffer Death. for .their. Redemption j by which he reftored them to his Father's Favour, and to a PofTibihty of obtaining the Happinefs for which tliey at firll were made. ;: m "rnitM-.-'ii By which wonderful Goodnefs, and mod worthy Sacrifice^ God was fo well plcai'ed,— that he hath, for his Son's Sake, promilcd to^ pardon all penitent Sinners, and to m^ke them happy for ever. s * ; :. if^ ni 'Ytif/ni Ind. « All this I now remember you ex- ' plained to me j and I thank you for putting ' me again in mind of it: and I hope now I ' fh all never forget it.* ..m.^^.A^-m kM^^rj Miff, It will certainly be your Intereft to^ remember it j for iadced your I-iappinefs de- pends upon it. * Ind. < Is it fufEcient for me to remember in this Sacramenty that there was fueh a Pcf-,.; fon as Jefus Chrift ?V 1 ' . . .,, Miff. No, furely ; much more is contained* n it. — We are to call to mind his wonderful? .ovc to Mankind, which engaged him to ake our Nature upon him, and to fubrnit ti> he Infirmities and Mifcries of it j which made lim content to live amongft us,, and to dit., 3r us : It is to call to mind his un weal- ed Patience and Biligetjce in dping Good 5. -healing -the DifeaJeSy and initruSing the?/ Ip inorance, of Men j and particularly his molt grievous- liil ;* ji m if i«r 20B An Instruction Dial^ 19, grievous Sufferings and Deathy by which he made an Atonement to his Father for the Sins of Mankind. — He was made Sin for us, who knew no Sin^ that we might be made the Rigb^ teoujnefs of God in him *. And if we truly re- member him, we fhall endeavour to copy the Example of his Virtues, and efpecially thofe which were moft confpicuous in his Life. *^ Ind, * Where fhall I learn the Hiftory of ' his Life and Aftions, that I may follow his * Example ?' um ^ly i >ij :ii: :*if^i rp?l{r M^ :i Dial. 19. he hath ( from Mife being hapj tfirs Hou or Evidei Death, th( Faith in it, Ind, ' 1 ' Hie knov OUR JEi Miff, In the Four Gospels, or in what i» M}^ ^^g cri .«- n i r-'.l called the New Testament. rfd Jnd, • What do you mean by the Gospels ?' » Mi/f, 1 mean Four small Treatises, in which the Life and Anions of our Saviour are written for the Benefit of all fucceeding Chrif- tians i and, when it fhall be your Happinefs to read them, you will there find abundant Matter and Reafon for the perpetual Remem- biance of Jeflis Chrifl.i *.^ 0]; ^ Ind. < What need was there of this Sacra- * 'ffienty fincc it feems impoffible for Men ever « to forget fo great a Benefaftor V Miff. Jefus Chrift, who knew our Nature better than we ourfelves do, and how very apt we are to for^^et the greatcft Favours of God,, has by this Holy Ordinance provided, thatl* GhrifHansi fuch as have any Scnfe or Regard for his Love J j^-jr ^^ or even for their own Happinefs, fhall neverl]^g M\m(tc want a proper Occafion of remembering whafce pieced • z Cor. V. 2U iPortion of and brak I'fndfaid, is given fJ I' of me r of Wine, I them, fai this is my is ihed to mifiion ol I' drink it, oft as ye I' Cup, ye '' come.' Ind. * Yl how this l^^9'BW^''9' for the luryiAns. . 109 he hath done and fuffercd to redeem them from Mifery, and to put them in a Way of being happy for ever :-*He likewife intended this Holy Ordinance as a Handing Proof or Evidence of this important Fadl of his Death, thereby to ftrengthen and renew our Faith in It. >^j*«' ^;. -!» .n*.; < Jnd, ' You will now, Sir, be pleafed to let ' ipe know how he hath done this/ Mif. Oar GREAT LORD and SAVI- OUR JESUS CHRIST, the Night before he was crucified, * took Bread, and blefled and brake it, and gave it ta his Difcipks> and faid. Take, eat j this is my Body, that is given for you :— Do this in Remembrance of me.— After Supper alfo took a Cup of Wine, and gave Thanks, and gave it to them, laying. Drink ye all of this;— for this is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is ihed for you, and for many, for the Rc- miflion of Sin. — Do this, as often as ye (hall drink it, in Remembrance of me. — For as oft as ye fhall eat this Bread, and drink this Cup, ye do Ihew the Lord's Death till he come. "-f ^.»;. ,',^sv^ t*.?^./|^'•;-^^nv ImL * You will now. Sir, let me Icnow how this Sacrament is obferved amongft Chriftians.' - .,., Miff', They do it after this Manner :— Firfti ^he Minifter of Chrift placcth, or caufeth to e placed, upon a Table in our Churches^ a Portion of Bread and fFineg in the Sight of all li ; if i ;! Jit i is- * '■ li u! h t ■:( ft i . ' d|!'.|jr 'IT', y4 2tO ^« Instructiopt ! ! Dial. 19, the Pcof)le. This Bread and fVi^ne, which are to refrejent the Sacrifice of Chrift's Body and Blood, tx^Jan^ifiedy ox Jet apart, for this holy Uf^, by giving Thanks to God for all his Fa- vours, and cfpecially for having fent his only Son to redeem us by his Death ; and by beg- ging of him, that when we receive, and eat and drink this Bread and Wine, we may be fo far made Partakers of the Sacrifice of his moft blefied Body and Blood, as to (hare in all the Benefits which he hath obtained for us by his Death. At the fame Time he breaketh Be /^^^^^ of t the Bread into Pieces, and poureth the "Wine f the Eody-^ into a Cup, to reprefent unto our Senles, by leive by a li thefe outward and vifihle Signs, the Death of pere fore, at Chrift, whofc Body was hroketty and Blood InowJedge tf poured out, upon the Crofs. *^ '^^ I the true Bt Ind, * Pray, Sir, how doth he, aftcrthis, ^/^*.—- y/t^?, * difpofe of this Bread and Wine ?' ^ ft gave him Dial. 19. Miff. N think that it is an hun 'to dwell ; — crament as tliemfeJvcs 1 ins which Jood. *^-i-^^:i.- T'hcy kn inecj for u< acramcnt i Miff. This Bread and Win^, being fan^i- fied by the Word of God and Prayer, he dif- tributes among thofe who are there prefent ; -^putting them in mind, that Jefus Chrift died' for them, and for their Salvation j — pre- ferring their Happinefs to his own Life ;— that therefore they ouglit never to forget fo great a Kindnefs, but t9 keep up the Remem- hrance of him, after this Manner, which he hath appointed, until his Coming again. Ind, * Is this all that is required of CRrif- * tians,— *^ To keep up the^Rcmcmbranc<^ of « Chrift* and of his Death?" ^ •eely give us Befides thi okuponthi id comfort id's Mercy c th an Oath given unto Every hui ^ Soul the 1 ^ againft tl Plefi, andf per Tijxe '*l0JlJl| :i il h arc 1 and holy s Fa- i only beg. id cat ay be of his in all us by Dial. 19. for ihe In Di All s, iii MiJJ'. No, furcly ; — no fcrious Clviftians think that alone fufficient. — They know thac it is an humble Heart in which Chrift delights to dwell J — they therefore look upon this Sa- crament as a proper Occafion of humbling Ithemfelves before God, apd of abhorring thofe ins which coft Jefus Chrift his Life and lood. ' , . , They know alfo, that the BlefTings ob- inecj for us by Chrift's Deadi, of which this acramcnt is a Remembrance, are as much aketh Jie Food of the Soul, as Bread and tVine are Wine P the Body — that ^^his Food or Support we rc- jSj by fcive by a lively < th in his Merits j and do ath of perefore, at this •■ ..^ic, more efpecially ac- Blood |nowledge the Efficacy .of his Death. — This^ the true Breads which nourijheth to eternal rthis, |y^^ "^.^^That God who Jpared not his own Sott^ t gave him up for us ail, will he not with him fak^f' \^b g^'^B us allThifjgs ? ic dif- 1 Befides this, every penitent Chriftian will cfent ; |o^^ upon this as a proper Time to remember Chriftf ^ comfort himfelf with the great Extent of d*s Mercy declared by his Son, and this even th an Oath,—* That all Sins fliall be for- given unto the Sons of Men f .' Every humble Chriftian alio, who feels in i Soul the Want of God's Help to (upport n againft the Temptations of the Worlds \ Flefi^ and the Devil^ will think this a very )per Time to beg of Cod his Son's Promife, : .* John vi, .. tMarkiii. 28. i — ' That — pre- ife i— •get fo lemem^ \t hath CHrif- anc^ of Mif[> _.<; 1 ffl:, ■ i ■1 ; i i , ' 1 , ■ ir J 1 ^yr--. - 212 j^n Instruction lift Dial. ip.lDial. 19. — * Tkat he will give the holy Spirit to them Bter; at \ * that afk him.* I' to make Laftly,— Every Chriftian maft be fuppofcdl* Faith a to receive this Sacrament in Token that htlexamine t acknowledgeth Jefus Chrift to be his Lord andlled a wick Saviour — to be his Lawgiver here, and hislwhether tl: Judge hereafter, - ^^ Ibecaufe th Ind, < I remark, that Chrift commandedlSacrament * this Ordinance to be obfervcd by his FolJo/Fcnces ai * lowers TILL HIS Coming again : Prayjpardon w * what is meant by that ?* |of Life** o Mijl Why, as I have told you before, we there but t Chriftians do know, and firmly believe, thai A Chrifl Jefus Chrift will come again at the End of the ful Senfc c World — TO Judge the Living and t^i \a^ Mercy Dead 5— to call all Men that ever have live( b, whom t to an Account for the Ufe they have made ijs Father the Favours which God has given them j aiK lappy, if it to reward or punijh thtm, as they have live( j\j^^ j^^ well or ill in this World. :ommandec And this Intimation he gave his Followers Jove one when he appointed this Ordinance, that the and given may confidcr, every Time they go to this Si |an is boun crament, what Account they will be able I nent (the < give of themfelves, ' when he ihall come l 1 Mind o] judge the World in Righteoufnefs.* ^ye evei Ind, ' Is there any Thing elfe required lonnder wJ * Chriftians, before they go to this Sacrljeait, com * n^ent?' Id Comma Mif. Yes : — They ought, in the firft PlacI j^^ < j^j to confider what Sort of Life they hive i| generally (ince they took on them the Chriftian Ghara (|,[j Q^^ii il. i9.Bl^i^l-^9* for the IsoiAUS. a 13 themjterj — at which Time they obliged thcmfelves ' to make the Laws of God the Rule of their ppofedl' Faith, and Life, and Adions:* — ^And to hat he I examine themfclves, whether they have not )r4 and! led a wicked, at leaft an Ule, ujelejs Life i — or nd hislwhether they now live in any known Sin j— becaufe they are bound, when they go to that :nandcdlSacrament,— -ferioufly to acknowledge tfieir lis Fol-IOfFenccs and Sins before God, and to beg his Pray,|Pardon, with a full Purpofe of Amendment of Life J other wife they will receive nothing fore, welthcre, but their own Condemnation. ^ ve, thail A Chriftian is obliged alfo to have a grate- ful Senfc of God's Goodnefs, by confidering is Mercy in fending his own Son to redeem , whom by his Death he hath reconciled to is Father, and put us in a Way to be for ever appy, if it is not merely our own F*ault. And laftly, Jejus Chrifi having cxprefsly ommanded, ' That all hi%Difciples (hould 'ollowcri love one another, as he hath loved thc^, that th« and given his Life for them*,' — every Chrif- 3 this S4an is bound, before he goeth to this Sacra- e able 4icnt (the chief End of which is to put him* come li Mind of this great Inftance of Chrill's •ve, every Chriftian, I fay, is bound), to :£(uired lonfidcr whether he hath any Thing in his us Saprpcarf, contrary to this Pattern of true Lovej d Command of his Saviour, irft Pla4 Jnd, * Do you believe, that Chriftians are have ll generally careful to prepare themfclves for n Gharajjhis Ordinance after this Manner V ^^ , • John xiii. 34. Miff. id of til ND TH ive live made ?m ivc livei ' 1/ IDial. 19. Either t ky mil n( r this fP^c ken fuch ] ave no Ti] 414 y/« Instruction Dial. 19. Mijf. All ferious Chriftians are fo : — But, too many, it is to be feared, are not. — And this is the Reafon why fo many receive no Benefit from this Sacrament \ — for otherwlfe, THIS Ordinance would be a moft powerful — Reftraint to keep them from leading a thoughts •rot what lefs and an m/ Life,— by affording them ^0^7*5^^^ many blefled Occafions of remembering andjj^ * ^"*^ ^ renewing their Covenant with God, Eying B^iJ" '7 ^ them under continual Obligations of leading f^^^ ^"^ ^* a new and Chriftian Life, and obtaining Graceif "* ^"^ ^ from God to do fo. f "^^ ^^^Y ^^ Ind. < What do you think of thofe Chrif-f "^^^ o^Pc * tians that never go to this Sacrament ?' P'^" ^^^ ^'' ^^Mtf, Why they are generally to be efteem-r'''*,^"*^ '^^ ed fn tUe Way of Ruin, without feeing theiri°"'!J refled Danger.— They do not confider, that, as thcyr^^j^^ediei are Sinners, God cannot be pleafed with themjF^ ?^7^. H -^and that there is no Pardon for Sinners, no|^.^, *" Salvation to be hoped for, but only throughP"^ ^ ^^^ the Merits of Chrift's D«ath, which is commeT^^^I^/^^^^y i»(7mW in this Sacrament. m Channel ^Ind. ' But fure, Sir, all Chriftians are nof ^^^^ ^<^ ^lir * fo thoughtlefs J— they muft have fome Rca-f °/^^"^e to * ibns for neglecting fo neceffary a Duty, aJ^J '^.^^^^ *^ you feem to reprefent it.' ' ' t^^v-i" r^^ l«^j ienxjus ^'iW. Thei^ may be Reajms zndi Scruplel^^^^^^^^^^ forWcming/<^e(aex. ^r he has bet ,1. 19. -But, -And ' vc no I rrwile, we r fill I ought- em fol ig and! laying leading Grace! [Dial. I g. /cr /i?^ Indians. 215 Either they live in fome known Swy which |lhey will not at prelent rcfolvc to forfake j— or this fVcrldi its Bufinefs or Pleafures, iiave aken fuch PofTeflion of their Hearts, that they jiave no Time even to think of their Souls, br of what muft come hereafcT \ )r lallly, -they delude themfelvcs *».Ji a .^.nt Pur- )ki that thus it fliall not always be with ^em ; that fome Time or other they will lake the Care of their Souls their great Con- ;ern. But fuch Perlbns fliould confider, that hile they thus defpife one of the greateft In- ^,./' lances of God's Love, they continue in a Sin , Ihich too nearly refembles the Dental of their n ^.l^'''^ and Saviour: More particularly they , . lould refled, that by perfifting in fuofj a wil- '^ , llDilobediencctoChrifl's pofitivc Command, , J^ley have no well-grounded Aflurance that ^ *ly of their Prayers will be granted : For as f ^^' , Ihrift's Death is the only folid 1 jundation of ° lavour with God, fo his Mediation is the ^^ ly Channel through which it is to be con- yed to Chriftians. Whether, therefore, thofe rcfufe to commemorate the one, can lay juft Claim to the other, is left to every ap's leriQUs Meditation : — And they fhould fider with what Face. they can hereafter ap-. Ir before their Saviour in Judgment, whom y i;efufed to remember in his Ordinance e on Earth; — it having been obferved,— - / whi^e^l keep^ a Man from the Sacrament , r he has been inftru^ed in the true Nature \of arc no' le Rca-| )uty, Scrvcph e net-all the trv. pon thi cmpr Eithe 1 \ I i,i. '• ■ ■ ■ 1 :' 1 .; ^i 1 ^ i i 1 « 1 ' 1 :[ l\u V% i 1; II ^■ lajll 2x6 An Instk^;ction Dial, k Dial. 19. Miff,l delude till all well ii that tho* yet tho/e of his Dej ity willy generally Jpeakingy hinder him from goini to Heaven, Ind, * Can a Chriftiani know whether h * hath gone to this Sacrament as he ought t * have done, fo as to hope for the Blcflin * attending it?' ^^ Mijf, That will bell be known by the Manl •micomm ner ot his Life afterwards :— If a Per{bn wenl there will as a true Penitent^ he will be very careful M Repencanc falling into the Sins he hath repented of.— ■ Life . ^^^j he was indeed grieved with the Rcmembranci or any oth of his Sins, and the Burthen of them was inl not avail tolerable ; — if he did in good earneft purpm dcavour tc to lead a new Life^ he will be more careful tl as it rcfp beg of God to enable him to do fo. — If J Ourselve went with a lively Fi -h in God's Mercy throum ind, ' I Chrifly that Faith w^ appear in a better ObJ ' for the dience to God's Laws. — If he had a tbankfm* ftrudt n^ Remembrance of Ckrift's Death, — the gratefl* Nature ai Acknowledgment of that invaluable BlefTi will conftrain him to live fo as to pleafe h| merciful Redeemer. — Laftly, if he went wii a truly charitable Difpojition to the Sacramenl he will afterwards make the Love of Chril the Pattern of his Love to all others,— he forgive y and give, and love as becomes a Dito be baptiz cij3c of Jcfus ChriH. \ the Dan Ind. ' Will not the Bleflings which Chif Chriftian * hath obtained by his Death, as reprefenti Jnd. « Jnc Lord's very defi nothing t Mif. I I— but that you fenfibk by this Sacrament, encourage Chriftians hope for Salvation without Amendment ^ Miff, I ivhen you rime, I lal. if| Dial. 19* fiy ih In diaus, ^'^ij Mijf. Ignorant and unthoughtful People may delude themfelves with fiich vain Hopes j but all well inftru6led Chriftians fhould know,— that tho' Chrift died for the Salvation of all, yet thc/e only Ihall aflualJy enjoy the Benefits of his Death, who live according to the Pf^ill and Commands of him who died for them j that there will be no Forgivenefs of Sins without Repentance, and a thorough Reformation of Life } and that the ftrideft Adherence to this or any other pofitivc Ordinance of God will not avail, w.itliout an earned and fincere En- deavour to perform the whole Will of God, as it rcfpeds Him, our Neighbour, and Ourselves. Ind, ' I cannot. Sir, but be very thankful for the great Pains you have taken to in- ftruft me, and to make me underftand the Nature and Benefit of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ; -and indeed, Sir, I am very defirous to be baptized, if you know of nothing that ought to hinder me.* MiJf. 1 would not hinder you one Moment • —but that I have one Thing more to make you fenfible of, before I would encourat^e you to be baptized. — And this is—* The Deiufion^ the Danger, and the Mifchief, of being a Chriftian without Chriftianityw' Ind. * Indeed, Sir, I do not underftand you.* Mijf, 1 will explain to yoa what I mean^ hen you come to me again.— In the mean ime, I fhall pray God to keep you in thia i- L good chChr prefenttj riftians dmcnt ./■• 1 ' f' f , ■ 1 r r: ^- i , '! 2l8 An Instruction Dial. I 2D, good Dlipofition, and from every Thing that fnay any Way hinder your true Convcruon. The PRAYER. ALMIGHTY God, who gaveft thine only Son Jejus Chrtft to fuffer Death for our Redemption, give me Grace to keep up the Remembrance of this great Mercy. CJrant that I may never be afhamed to confefs the Faith of Chrift crucified i — That I may never defpife the Bleflings he has purchafed for me, ^or the Means of Grace which he hath or- Gained j which I moft humbly beg for the Sake of the fame JeJus Chrift our Lpr^. Amen, DIALOGUE XX. . The Delusion, the Danger, and the Mis- chief, of being Chriftians without ChriJ- tianity, Indian. * TV /TOST kind Sir, I left you with a very Dial. 2 ftru(5l y ^^reft, a ing \t, J come to ^^^ jnn< you mig a ReJigic earned Defire of being baptized \ bu < you faid you had fomething of Moment t( bvirTlf « fay to me, before I was to take upon me tb ^^^ trueft / « Character of a Chriftian : For that Reafon mpft faV^f •am how come to wait on you.* Wives ' t Miff, To tell you- the Truth, then, not ^^^ ^^^^' withftanding the Pains I have taken to '^^MagiftrJel Profemn^ pod, noi for what be zfr^id ^ tempt you, and content y borrowed . Shadows i after that Man muft Ind.< ' ^or me, ' Jnftruai ' Prcventi Mif,y Chrift ian ly ^^ Corru]: Us happy ^ M Dial. 20. for fbe IsDiAVS, 119 ftriift you, and (hew you both your true /w- terefty and 'your great Danger m not follow- ing it, I cannot but be afraid, left, when you come to be more converfant with the World, and inftead of finding the good Fruits which you might naturally expe6l from fo excellent' a Religion, you fliould find amongil too many profefling that Religion, litde or no Fear of God, nor any true Concern for thcmfelves, or for what muft come hereafter; — I cannot but be afraid therefore, left, feeing this, you Ihould bt tempted to/u/pe^ the Truths I have told you, and {o cither renounce Chriftianity, or clfc content yourfelf, as too many do, with the borrowed Name of a Chriftian, and with mere Shadows of Religion, without endeavouring after that Juhftantial HolinefSy without which no Man muft ever hope to be happy. Ind, / I am very thankful for your Concern Mis-I * for me, and I Ihall hear with Attention the C^rj/-I * Inftrudions you will be pleafed to give, for preventing my pall.* Miff, You muft know then, that the [Chriftian Religion is intended by God to curti 1 a^ very|t}^e Corruption of our Nature, and to make Lcdi bii|us happy y by making us bolyy jufty and good% )ment tl — ^y making Chriftians the belt Neighboursy^ nie th|the trueft Friends,~t\\e kindeft M^/^rj,— the xafon Inpft faithful Servants y — the bcft Hujttands an4 'ii;^^,— the moft careful and tender Parents, [en, noti„^ jj^e j^q^. ^judful Children^ ^thejufteCl :n to ^"^jMagiftrateSy and the moft faithful and obc- ftrutl . , L2 dicnt 20, that )n. ; only )X our ip the Grant' fs the' never or me, I ith or- ,e Sake] men. ^e if If It' 'M!K ^20 ^ An Instruction Dial. 20. dient Subjects j— and, above all, the dcvouteft Worjhippers of the true and only God, and drift Objervers of his Laws. — Now my Fears are,— That when you fliall fee too many Chriftians live without any Regard to thefe Duties, pro^ f effing to know Gody but in their fVorks denying him * J — I fay again, I cannot but be afraid for you — left you Ihould forget the Holy Cove- nant you made with God, when you were baptized, — and fall infenfibly into the Way of the World, which leads to DeftrucSbion. Jnd, * Pray, Sir, what do you mean by the * n^ay of the World V MiJJ'. I mean, ' dial fad, but too common * Delufion, of being Chriftians without Cbrif- * tianity :* — That is, — of profeffi^ig to obey the Laws, and to follow the Example of Chrifl-, and at the fame Time leading carelejs and nnchriftian Lives ; — by which God is exceed- ingly diihonoured j the Gofpel defpifcd ; — and too, too many deceived to their ever- lafting Ruin J — the ill Confequences of which can never be fufficiently lamented :-< For the poor Heathens obferving, that thefe Peo- ple call themfelves Chriftians j and yet ieeing them corrupt in their Manners, Contemners of the God they worfhip, and his Laws i-^mind- ing neither his Promifes nor Threats : — but having their Hearts wholly fet upon their worldly Interefts or Pleafures j — they, feeing this, do very naturally conclude,— that if • Rom. i. 21. 8 fuch cure needs Heati Ind. ' be for ' me n * Chrif ' thefe * cither ' or de ' that tJ * a Chn ' the Fa ' Wple^ MiS Son of C take Nc ' calls hi ' Kingd ' Will o ' obfervj Ind, ' let me I ' and del * low th^ tnofe ami Conceits their Te\ their fA ) ' i Dy the mmon CbriJ- hey the Chrifl-, fs and xcecd- fpiled ; r ever- ■which —For ; Peo- : feeing nners ot — mind- 5 :— but .n their feeing -that if fuch Dial, 20. ' for ibe Indians. 221 fuch People as thefe can think themfclves fe- curc of H.ippinefs in the next Life, no one needs to be concerned whether he be an Heathen or a Christian in this. Ind. * You remciubcr, Sir, what I told you * before, that this very Thing had once made ' me refolve never to think of becoming a * Chriftian; till you affiired me, that fuch as ' thefe arc no true Christians j — but arc * cither wholly ignorant of what they proiefs, * or deceive themfclves with the Thoughts, * that there is fome thing in the very Name of * a ChriJiiaHy which may recommend them to * the Favour of God, and fave them from his * Difpleqfure, and their own Ruin.' Miff', I told you the Truth, and what the Son of God hath commanded all Mankind to take Notice of; — * That not every one who * calls himfelf a Chriftian, (hall enter into the ' Kingdom of Heaven, but fuch only as do the * Will of his Father which is in Heaven, and ' obferve his Laws *.* I»d, « I Ihall be very thankful, if you will ' let me know who they are that thus delude « and deceive themfclves, that I may not fol- * low them to my Ruin.' ' Mijf. I muft firft tell you, that there are thofe amongft us, who, being wife in their own Conceits t> will not receive the S^n of God as their Teacher, nor his Go/pel as the Rule of their F^ith and M!7»»^rj:— -Now thefe Men • Matt. vii. 21. f Rom. xii. 16. L 3 often !|i m 222 y/« Instruction Dial. 20. often lead into very dangerous Errors fuch People as do not know or confider, upon what certain Proofs the Truths of the Gofpel are moft furely believed arnongfi us. Ind» * I hope my Belief in the Gofpel is ' confirmed fufficiendy, both by the many and * wonderful Miracles of Chrift, ejpedally by his * Rejurre^ion from the Bead */ Miff. But you muft not forget, That your Faithy and the Increafe and Continuance of ity is the Gift of God 'y Vv'hich you muft pray for, as ever you hope to be preferved free from Error. Ind. ' Well,, it is ftrangc, however, that * People of Underftanding in other Things, ' who cannot but fee how much we are apt to * be miftaken in the common Affairs of Life, * fhouid, in Matters of the greateft Concern, * wholly depend upon their own Wifdom and * ToweVyt^tn where God hath undertaken to « dircdt and affift us.* Miff. You will not wonder at this, if you remember, what hath been fo often repeated and proved ; — that fuch is the Corruption of our Nature, that when any Man^ through a proud Conceit of his own fi^ ifdom and Strength, lliall provoke God to forfake and leave him to himfelf, that Man will be capable of believ- ing and doing the moft unrcafonable Things, to which an evil Spirit, or his ©wn corrupt Heart, can tempt him. * A^s ii. 22. Rom. U. 4. Ind* % ^ . V Dial. 20. for the Indians. 223 Ind, * Pray, Sir, what other Midakes arc * there amongft Chiftians, which endanger , * their Salvation V Miff. There are too many, who, for want of Attention to the good Inltruflions which are given them, confidcr not how they //-tv, nor what will become of them when they die ; —who know not the Evil of Sin, nor the Mis- chiefs it has brought into the World j — how hateful it is to an holy God, — how ftrift his Commands are to avoid it, and what the Por- tion of Sinners in the next Life is to be j — -and tlicrefore propofe no other End to thcmfelves, in this Life, but only to live and die as cafy as they can.- — Beftde thofe who walk in DarknefSy and know not whither they go *, and are fecure, b"6caufe ignorant ; — tliere are others, that arc even afraid of being inflrufled. Jnd, * That Is ftrange indeed.* Mijf. But it is true: And the Reafon is, becaufe, if we deal faithfully with Sinners, we mufl tejiify againft them, that their Deed^ ere evil f, and that they are in very great Danger, if they do not forfake their beloved Sinsj and Phen they will hate loth us, and thofe unwel- come Truths, which condemn them, and their Way of Life : — No wonder therefore, that both thefe Sorts of Chriftians, by their un- righteous Lives, furnifli Unbelievers with Arguments for perfiftmg in their Obltinacy,— and hazard their own Salvation. John xii. 35. L4 f John vii. 7, There \ ! ri ' n ; f; I ; ! M illH ')*• ,,.,.^. \ ?; -v/ •224 An Instruction Dial. 20. There are others alfo, who have been better informed, and perhaps well inclined j but, fufFcring their Hearts to be pofleffed with the Lovs of the World *, its Bufniefs^ RicheSy or PleafureSi they lofe thereby the Knowledge and Remembrance of the Truth, and forget their good Purpofes, and fall into the Way of Living which the Chriftian Religion con- demns, and which will be punilhed with the Lofs of Heaven and Happinefs, And there are too many, who, having not cafl off all Fear of God, and Concern for their Souls, do yet con- tent themfelves with a punctual Performance of the external ViLVX. of Religion, vainly think- ing that an outward Shew of religious Wor- Ihip will atone for the Want of that inward Purity of Heart, which is indifpenfably re- quired from every Chriftian. * Ind. * I would be glad to know ivho this •Sort of miftaken Chriftians are.' Mif, Befide thofc already mentioned, there are many, wh©, though they know themfelves not to be in the Way of Salvation, make their Minds eafy, by purpofing to repent, and be converted^ foolilhly fuppofing that Repentant is abfolutelj in their own Power ;— at rhe fame Time provoking God, who alone can give them the Grace of Converfion, to leave them to their own Choice and Deftru6lion. Others flatter themlelves, that Repentance, and a Change of Life, are only required, where • Matt. xiii. 22* People Dial. 20* for the Indians. 225 People have been guilty of great and Jcanda^ hus Sins, fuch as Murder y Adultery ^^ and the like J— not confidering that a Man, who is innocent of great Crimes, may be far from being a true Chriftian, and in the Way of Salvation ; the bed of Men ilanding in need of Repentance and Pardon, and of the Mercy of God. Ind, ' I have heard, that Chriflians do de- * pend very much upon the 'Goodnefs and «■ Mercy of God.* ; _- Mijf. And fo they may, and ought to do, provided they do not deceive themfelves, by abufing his Mercy, which is intended to lead Men to Repent ancey and Amendment of Life. Ind. * Pray, how do Men abufe this Mercy 'of God?' Miff. When they continue to live in any known Sin, or wilfully negled any Duty -y and yet hope, that God of his great Mercy will forgive them. ,^ - Ind, * You have often mentioned the Cor* * ruption and Weaknefs of human Nature ^ ' will not this plead bur Excufe, and prevail * with ^o good and merciful a Being to pardoa * fuch as have not done what he hath com- * manded ?' Miff. Yes : And he hath faithfully prt)- mifcd, that upon Condition of their Repent^ ancey and Amendment of Life (according to the Terms and Conditions in the Gofpcl) he will pardon the greatefl Sinnera, * L5 Ind. m » : I i f , \ I ■i < \ ) I ki !i iil ' (\\ ! i %26 An Instruction Dial. 10. ' Ind, * Perhaps they will fay, that they arc * not able to perform thefe Conditions.' "^ Mijf, What would you think of One who (hould make that an Excufe, and yet would be forry to be made able, only becaufe he is unwilling to part with his Sins ? Ind. * Such an one, to be - fure, complaini • without Reafon, and his Ruin will be from Vhimfelf MiJf. And yet this is the Cafe of all carelefs and wicked Chriftians. — God would have 'all his Creatures happy; — he knows that Man can never be happy, till his corrupt Nature be mended i — he has therefore, as I told you be- fore, appointed the Chrijlian Religion^ as the moll effedual Means of our Recovery from Sin unto Holinefs. By which we are taught to depend upon the Almighty Power of God, fu-// that Almighty Power which raifed J ejus Chrift from the Dead*, — to raife us from the Death of Sin unto the Life of Rightcoufncfs 5 by enabling us to fee, to refift, to overcome, and to root out whatever is evil in us, and to re- flore us to the Image of God, in which Man was at firft created. Chriftians, therefore, do but delude themfelves, and blafphemc God, when they pretend they cannot do what he re- quires of them, in order to their Happinefs. And to name no more Ways at prefent, by which Men deceive themfelves to their Ruin : — Very grcatis the Number of fuch as depend * Rom. vi, 4« ^■Y.wiiti lipOR K lipOR Dial. 20. for the Indians. 227 upon a Death-bed Repentance^ for the making their Peace with God, and fitting themfelves for Heaven ; — living in the mean Time with^ out God in the Worlds neither fearing his An^^ gery nor regarding his Promifes. Ind, ' Indeed, Sir, thefe are all fad Mif- ' takes ; and I hope I fhall not fall into any ' of them.* Miff'. I hope fo too ; — but then you muft be very humble y and always fear for yourfelfj, and beg of God to keep you from fuch Mif- takes, which are the Ruin of fo many, who- yet call and think themfelves to be Chriftians 5 — -otherwife your being made a Chriftian will not fecure you from Danger. Ind. ' Pray, Sir, what are the Things which; ' are mod likely to offend the good Spirit of * God, and to force him to forfake fuch as are *^ dedicated to him,, and put under his Protec-- ' tion ?'• . Mijff. In the firll Place,, Chriftians do grieve that good Spirit, — by negledlirig to improve the Graces beftowed upon them j — for, as I[ told you before, this is a Rule of the Gofpel,, — That to him who makes good Ufe of the Fa^ vours which God hath given him^ God will give more j and he that will not do Jo, fhall loje what he had *. * , Ind, ' I hope I fhall not forget this Rule of * Truth.' ♦ Matr,.xiii. 12* w - . t ■\ \.\ ' i i;:^ 1 1-. \V n ///• 228 An Instruction Dial. 20. 'i;l 1' Miff. In the next Place, a Chriftian runs the Hazard of lofing the Help and Comfort of the Spirit of God, by returning into that Way of Life, and to thofe Siris, which he re- nounced at his Baptifm i — efpecially when he falls into, and continues in, any known and wilful Sin ; — for then he will naturally, hate God, and God will forfake him. Ind, * Hate the God that made us !* Miff, Why, as monftrous a Sin as you think that is, it is certainly true >— For any Man, whofe Confcicnce tells him, that he is always doing that which muft offend an holy^ juft, and powerful God, cannot but wifh there was no fuch Being to call him to^an Account, and to punilh him ; nor can he poflibly love fuch a Being. Thirdly; — Another Way of grieving the Holy Spirit is by neglet-ting, which in Truth is defpifing, thofe Means of Grace, which Jefus Chuift hath appointed to bring Men intOy and to keep them /», the Way of Salva- tion. Ind, * I have not forgot what you have * formerly told me, — That the hearing and * ferioufly thinking of the Word of God, in * which a Chriftian*s« Duty is contained, as * well as the Promifes to encourage, and the ' Puni/hmcnts to deier us, is one of thofe I ' Means you fpeak of, moft proper to con- * vert Men, and to keep them in the Favour * of God/ MiM Dial. 21 dinances the one tht othe Now, with ear] cover w[ it out, is lowjhip Chriftian"! tjdom^ , our Suffci negled th ^ake fuch and to th( Spirits, w v/ill be his trufts to ar in the Sig Chrift has Ind. ' : ' nie neve ' and Safe; iorget to gi do-, for be] Reafonabler ^^y Sin, nc able you to\ \^o God J or l^^'ace, anc " vA-. Dial. 20. - for the Indians. 219 Mtjf, And the others are, — The Holy Or-- dinances which Chrift himfelf hath appointed; the one to receive Men into his Church, and the other to enable them to grow in Grace. / Now, as the \J^t of thcfe Means, joined with earneft Prayer to God, for Light to dif- cover what is evil in us, and for Power to root it out, is the fure Way of preferving the FeU lowjhip of the Holy Spirit j fo, when any Chriftian, depending upon his own Reafotiy Wijdom^ov Power, and forgetting that all eur Sufficiency to do any Good is of God *, does negleft thefe Means, the good Spirit will for^ fake fuch a Perfon, and leave him to himfelf^ and to the Delulion and Government of evil Spirits, which, without a fincere Repentance,, will be his Ruin. And mod of all^ when he trufts to any Thing he has done as meritorious in the Sight of (lod, inftead of that which Chrift has done and fufFered for him. Ind, ' This., I hope, will be a Warning ta * me never to negled thefe Means of Grace * and Safety.* Alijl And I hope top, that you will never forget to ^ive God the Glory of all the Good you do i for be : aflured of this, — That neither the Reajonablenefs j 'HANS WITI liable to a] oppofing tJ \^^' hh Son lilU, * that?' 'fhat he woi \come to the , I^ow, ai] |Chriftians, ^Ppo/e their ^ris, hrim I1 ^ *'■> Dial. 20. for the luDiAUi, ajl On the other Hand, — if you fee among thofe who call themfelves Chriftiahs, fuch as make no Confcience of their Ways, but lead carele/s, idle, or u/ele/Si diforderly Lives -, — ex- ceed ing^/ow^ of the World, and its Vanities', and ftriving to be rich and great, at any Rate ; —if you fee any that live in Adultery y or For- nication, or that are Drunkards, Spendthrifts ^ Covetous, or Opprejfors j — if you fee Parents unconcerned for their Childrens* eternal Welfare, — Hu (bands and JVives forgetting or breaking their Marriage Yo^S',-^Mafters and Servants afting in the Courfe of their Be- haviour, as if they were infenfible that they have a Mafler in Heaven ; — if you fee Men in Pozver regardlefjj of the Honour of that God, whofe Reprefentatives they are ,; — you may be fure, that thefe, and Juch as thefe, are Chris- tians WITHOUT Christianity, and will be liable to a mod fevere Judgment, for their oppofing the gracious Defigns of God, and of his Son Jefus Chrijl, Lid. « Pray, Sir, what do you mean by *that?' Mijf. Why, God is fo good and merciful. That he would have all Men to he Javed, and to come to the Knowledge of the Truth *. N^ow, all fuch as, ufurping the Name of - . |Chriftians, do lead unchriltian Lives, thefe • y. \ppfif^ their Maker in' his moil gracious De- ^^ ^ Jgns, bringing an evil Report upon Chrifti- • I Tim. ii. 4. 1 - , . > J anity. great g his "hing jufiy Re- love, when (t and them- have is, if On •■.%- K , i I' " • ■ !!■ U, . # I ' A A. 232 ^ Instruction Dial. 20. anity, as if nothing good were to be got by it — 'making the ignorant Heathens to take that for.Chriftianity, which is/^r from it,— by which they hinder fuch as might otherwil'e dff- fire to become Chriftiuns ; — they confirm Un- believers in their Infidelity, 2,x\^ Jerve all the ' Defigns o( Sat^,n in oppofing the Kingdom of Chriftj — and therefore muft of Neccflity be more hateful to God, and their Punifliment be greater, than that of the Heathens, as much as they now defpife thofe poor People. Ind, ' You have convinced me. Sir, of the " Danger of being a Chriflian without Chrif- *« tianity." — ^Will you be fo kind as to fhew * me how I may avoid falling into fuch a Way * of Life, as, it fecms, too many do ?' Mjjf, In the firft Place, confider what a BlefTing it is, that you are not ftill in Dark- nefs, but that you are come to the Knowledge of your Maker, and of the Way to pleafe him J whereby you will be happy when you die, whatever your Lot may have been in this World. And, in the next Place, keep it always in your Mind, That this God, whom you have chofen to ferve, is every where prejent-, fo that if at any Time you offend him, you offend in his very Prefence a Being, who hath Power to punijh you for ever. Be careful to keep yourfelf always Sober :i Drunkenness and Intemperajtce difordcrl our Rcafon, and make us forget our: befl Re folutions ibhmon pals us. Don HoNOUJ hefides ( will be £ gam or / Nevei ' leaft k, ' greater f>pirk of pable of ( Human A fiime in all tations ; — wc fhould to ourfelv foreicc, w be tcmpte unlooked'fk liimfejf wf meets witf For no |Pitch of ^ Habit beg\ |the lejs col \^hat Sin i\ continuino-J \Holy Spij^l [Providenc] Tind and ^aker,^ I J 20. t by take —by Un- l the »m ot ty be ;nt be much of the Chrif- ) fhew a Way what a Dark- Dial. 20. for the Indians. 235 folutions, and the Dangers which cncom- pais us. Do not fct your Heart upon this Worlds its Honours, Riches, or Pleasures} for, befides tliat you mull foon leave them, they will be apt to make you forget what you will gain or lofe by being a good or had Chriftian. Never fancy that any Sin is fmallj * for the ' leaft known Sin continued in, will lead to a * greater;' and, if you (hould provoke the Spirit of God to forfake you, you will be ca- pable of committing the very greatcft Crimes. Human Nature, as it is now corrupt, is the fame in all Mens — we are all fubjeft to Temp- tations j — and if ever, by our repeated Cr'imcSy wc fhonld force the Spirit of God to leave us to ourfelves, no Man can tell, no Man can wledge I ^^c^ce, what barbarous Wickednefs he ftiall Dleafe I ^^ tempted to commit j— nor what unwelcome^ fp^ yQiAnnlooked'for Calamities he may bring upon ;« tKulhin^fclf while he goes from Sin to Sin, till he meets with Delt!*uction.— — ways mi ■^^^ "° ^^^ continues long at one certain ^Qy I Pitch of Wickednefs j for not only one evil ./.J^^. I Habit hegets another, but the more a Man fins, m vour^^ /^i capable he makes himfelf of judging hohathl'^^^' «S'/« isy and the dreadful Confequenccs of Icontinuing in it. — And the Ir.iiuences of God's Sober :r ^'^'^ Spirit , and the gracious Interpofitions of 1-r ^^gjIProvidence, have ftill leis EfFeCl upon his eft Re-c^^"^ ^^^ '^o\Ai till he has quite forgotten his • 1 .^Qj^J^aker, — till he has filled up the Meafurc of his 1 " . t m ri «34 Ms Iniquities,* An Instruction Dial. 20. ■ ^^ai. 20. •and till he meets with Heaven an 'Will purify pentancc/ Li^e; and for this Fc. increa/e it j Ind, ' I ' fo neccfl; you in ordc youmuftan upon to ma tianity. And firn-. Deftrudlion, generally in this Worlds as well as the next. Whenever, therefore, you arc fenfible you have done amifs, delay not one Moment to beg of God to pardon you for Chri(l*s Sake, and to give you Grace to do fo no more. And forget not an excellent Rule, which I have formerly mentioned, to direct you in moll Adlions of Moment: — * Do not, at your * Peril, undertake any Thing, which you can- ' not with Confidence beg of God to blefs * and profper you in.* -• Laftly, and above all, remember, what can- not be too often repeated, That without Faith ^ V^ays o/Lifi — a Faith which depends on the Merits of Jejus W^'^ foncj ofj Chriji for Salvation, — a Faith which worketh fr^en you fl iy Love, which purifies the Heart, overcomes Prbidden by the f^Wdt and keeps the Commandments oft hd. * \\^ God\ you cannot poflibly live as becomes ai*ke m orde true Chriftian. I Mijf, W,j Ind, ' I beg you will explain what youf God the * mean by this.* pat you Mijf. By this Faith we mean — a deep, realhto your Li Senfe, and frm Belief, of the Mercy and Lovel fnd, < J of God, for his poor fallen SLud loft Creatures J and becomj and his kind Propofal by his own Son to rrtake Jyiffl WiJ them happy for ever. — This is that faving "vote your Faith, which will lead a Chriftian moft pow- ^^rift^ for yj crfully to love God, and obey his Son Jcfus irdon all y Chrift, to whom he hath given all Power h )ur, and to Heavsi Jue to obe Dial. 20, for ihl^tDiAiJS, • , ^3S Heaven and Earth : This is that Faith which will purify your Hearty will lead you to Re- pentance, and keep you in the Way to eternal Life ; and this is what you muft beg of God, \or this Faith is his Gift -, and that he may increa/e it in you unto your Life's End. /»5. * I hope I fhall never forget to pray for * fo neccflary a Grace.* MiJ'. I have only a few Qucftions to alk you in order to your being baptized, which you muft anfwer (to God) when you arc called upon to make a public Profeflion of Chrif- tianity. And firfl:,— -Confider whether there are any frays of Life, or Cufloms, which at prefcnt you re fond of, which you will not utterly forfake, hen you fliall be convinced, that they are orbidden by God, or dilpleWing to him. hd. « I know of none which I will not for- sake in order to pleafe God.* MiJ/l Will you fincerely devote yourfelf God the Father and Maker of all Things, at you may become his faithful Servant ^ f^fl/|nto your Life's End ?' 1 Lovel •^»^« * J purpofe, by his Help, to do fo, .^^yresjland become fuch.* o itiakcl ^^ilf' Will you, with the fame Sincerity, Aj^^'^^Avote yourfelf to his Son our Lord Jefus t pow-r^i/^> for whofe Sake God has promifed to n Tefusf ^^®" all your Sins, to receive you into Fa- ower iw^^i ^"^ to make you happy, if you con- H^avc^^^ to obey him all your Days ? Ind. 0. ith cU rou to ike, :hl J in j^our can- bkfs can- Faith, orketb rcomes nts of mcs a It you I SEJ aj6 An iNsTRifCTiON, (^c. Dial. 20. - In^. * This I fully purpofe to do.* Mt/f,. Laftly. — Will you dedicate and de- vote yourfelf to the Holy Gbofl, that good Spirit, that he may, by his all powerful Grace and Help, keep you from Sin and Wicked- nefs, and aiTift you in the Way of Holinefs and Happinefs, th^^t you may never be a Re- proach to that '"vcligion which you are going to profcfs ? InJ, * I will mod thankfully dedicate my- * felf to him, that, by his Alliftance, I may * be able to plcafc God and perform what I * have promiled.* Mi/f, You will not fail to do fo, if you often confider, that your evcrlafting Happi- nefs or Mifery will depend upon your ohferv' ing or negleSfing the ^owj and Promifes youlof his Chr make at your Baptijm, I Q Thoii And if, to this, you add your Kincere Pr«y^rj|of all, have to God, to direSi and hlefs you in the Worklmade and r you are defirous to undertake, he will moftlmakc them lurely hear your Prayers, and grant your Pe J which JtCu, titions, wjiich you may make in fomc fuchlmoft precic Words as thcfc followiog. ; .,, ^/^ Jieech Thee "^^ f lailPerfons Ipagate the ( jmay be rece iWays may fhy having f fhy Name n md reverent ire yet Strar SEMctions.— Hav M Mat AY con S ^^■. « [ ^37 ] SELECT SCRIPTURES AND "j ' *t;,:; PRAYERS. SeleC Matt. vi. 10. Thy Kingdom come. MAY the Kingdoms of the World be- >comc the Kingdoms of the Lord, and of hisChrift! O Thou who art the Maker and Redeemer of all, have Mercy upon all whom Thou haft made and redeemed j and grant that none may make themfelves incapable of that Happinefs which Jefus Chrift hath purchafed with his moft precious Blood. — To this End, we be- fetch Thee to blefs the pious Endeavours of lall Perfons and Societies which ftrive to pro- pagate the Gofpel; — Thac its Divine Truths may be received in all the World i— -That thy" Ways may be known throughout the Earth, :hy faving Health among all Nations : — That :hy Name may be great among the Heathen, ind reverenced and adored by all thofc that ire yet Strangers to thy moft glorious Perfeq- ions. — Have Pity upon all thofe miferabl^ . People ajB SeleSf Scriptures ':i prepare th they may Corruptioj Children People who ftill fit in Darknefs, and want the ncceffary Means of InftriidHon: And grant that, by the preaching of the GofpeJ, they may, in thy good Time, be delivered from_ l\it\t Ignorance, Idolatry, and the Bondage ofW^^^^ own Satan, in which they have been fo long en- BP.^I^on, an flaved. — And may thy good Providence re- 1 J''^^'^» ^^'^] veal the Means by which thy Kingdom mayl^^"^^^ 3n< be enlarged, and the whole Earth filled with|J^':^"^berar the Knowledge of the Lord. |Minin:ersi Grant this, O moft merciful God, for Jefusl}'^"^ with Chrift's Sake j To whom with Thee, and the|^^''<^> ^or Holy Ghoft, be all Honour, Glory, Dominionjf"^ ^^ ^hc I and power, for ever and ever, ^men. . - A SupplicatioQ on Behalf of the Heathen World. Matt. IX. 36. Jefus, feeing the Multitude, wat moved with Companion, becaufe they were as Sheep having no Shepherd.-^Pray ye the Lori of the Harveft, that he would fend Labourer, into his Harveft, A J\ ohn xvii, 2 but for al their JVon DN this ^ ^ „ I depei none to lead them where they may find Pafture king and M May thine Infinite Wifdom and Goodnefslve our FaitI O Lord, reveal to us the Means, by whicll Senfe of y^ . thy Gofpel may be preached unto them : Aniakc me an HOW many, O Jefus, of thy Sheep hav« no Shepherd ! — none to ihew them thcii [have been fully contril hy Divine Pirit, by t\ ^ily to the hrough thy ind Lover c ;^'5rul'i prej M ;r and Prayers. 239 [prepare their Hearts to receive the Truth, that I they may be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption, into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God! Send them Paftors after thine own Heart; full of Knowledge, Com- pafTion, and Zeal; that, pitying their fad'Con- didon, th^y may inftruft them in the Ways of JTruth, and of eternal Life. Increafe the \ tirTrllNumber and the Graces of thy Mcflengers and Minifters; and touch the Hearts of all Chris- tians with a true Compaflion, like thine, O - [Lord, for all fuch as are Strangers to Thee, land to the Merits of thy Death, by which they Ihave been redeemed, that they may chear- ully contribute to a Work fo acceptable to :hy Divine Majcfty. — And may thy Holy pirit, by the Preaching of the Gofpel, add iVily to the Church fuch as Ihall be faved, ^hrough thy Merirs and Mediation, O Lord, lid Lover of Souls ! y^men. It the grant they from age of] ig cn- ce re- a may^ ir Jefus ind the minion, the \were ai\ the Lor 11— A MilTiQnary's Prayer. bourcn^ohn xvii. 20. Neither pray I for theje alonej but for all thoje that fhall believe through their Word, N this thy efficacious Prayer, O Jefus, I depend for Succefs in this my Under- aftureiking and Minillry -— To this Prayer we all odnefslve our Faith and Converfion. — In a grate- whiclfl Senfe of which, I befeech thee, O Lord, to : Anlakc me an Inftrument of propagating thy pre! Gofpel, |ep hav; :m theii langer! 240 Sele£f Scriptures t after I ], or Mifc when I when J ( O'^ havinj muft gn incJined not how I'pon me T'hQu an ijpon Th- Sake of J wilt pard. Gofpel, and of converting others, and of ful filling thy Father's Will;^ who would have all| Men to be faved, and to come to the Know- ledge of the Truth. Teach me, O Lord, by thy Spirit, th Word, and thy Example, how I ought to teac others : — And, by thy preventing Grace, pre pare them for Inftruttion j — give them a grea Concern and Fear for themfelves, that, feelin their own Mifery, they may feek for Help, an thankfully accept it, when offered to them. On thy Almighty. Grace, O God, I rel for Succefs in all my Labours and Miniftr and foe a Zeal both prudent and fervent tj Favour -~ -promote thy Glory ^ the Interejis of thy KinJ Thee to dom, and the GW of Souls, for Jefus Chriftl deliver m Salie. Jmen. . I labour un< ^^^y Son C liow I raui A Prayer proper for fucli as Defire tl ward the be inftrudtcd in the ChiiistiaI ^^ ^o inflnj J^ill, that! A(5ts xvl. 3©. SirSy what muft I do to hejaveh which Th. And they Jaid^ believe in the Lord Jejus Chrit J^efend mi and thou Jhalt be faved : — Jnd they fpM^yil Spirits unto bim the Word of the Lordy &c. ^»^|ConveriiorJ was baptized, I Sake of Til GREAT God, have Pity on me; fol am in Diftrefs and Fear for myfelfj have been convinced, that I Ihall live for e^J Olid Pra/ Hfl 241 )f ful-l ave all! Cnow- it, th^ o teacl :e, prej a great , feeling elp, an(j :hem. , I xt\\ ^liniftry rrvent \\ w Kins . Chrifti eiire t [iSTlAl ?e/avei ius Chrt \hey Jp tc. and) for e^] after I leave this World, i. cither Happinefs or Mifery. — This gives me great Uneafinefs, when I confider wliat mud become of me when I die. My ov/n Confcience accufcth mc oF haying done many Things, which I know mull greatly difplcafe Thee. — I find myfclf indined to do Evil continually, and 1 know not how to help it ; fo that my Fears increafc upon me daily. Thy People aflure mc, that Thou art good and merciful to fuch as call upon Thee in their Dillrefs ; and that for the Sake of Jefus Chrift, thy beloved Son, Thou wilt pardon Sinners, and receive them into Favour. — In Confidence of this, I befeech Thee to pity my diftreflecl Condition, and deliver me from the Ignorance and Fears I labour under. — Caufe me to know Thee, antl thy Son Chrift, more perfectly i and teach me how ! muft live fo as to pleafe Thee. Re- ward the Endeavours of fuch as are fo kind as to inflrud me. Give me an underftanding Heart, a teachabk Temper, and an obedient Will, that I may thankfully ufe the Means which Thou haft ordained for my Salvation. — Defend me from the Power and , Malice of evil Spirits, which may ftrive to hinder my Converfion. Thefe Bleffings I beg for the Sake of Thy beloved Son^ the Lord Jefus* M 'M * h Dmi. ■i?' u \a^ 142 Sek£l Scriptures, , ' Dan. xii. 3. They that turn many to Rightcoufnefs Jhall /Jjine as the Stars for ever and ever. O Merciful God, increafe the Number and the Graces of fuch as are zealous for thy Glory, and for the Converfion of Sinners: Impart to them the true Way of Inftruc- tion, and may thy Bkfling go along Vvith their pious Endeavours ! . Tit. iii, 3., Por we ourjelves were Jometimes .; foelifljy difohedienty deceived, Jerving divers Lufis and Pleafures living in Malice and Envy, hateful, and hating one another. •^r^HIS, O Jefus, had ftill been our fad X Condition, hadft not Thou redeemed us by thy Death, and ble.ffcd us with the Light cf thy GoVpel. May this, O Lord, be the Fruit of our Faith in Thee, and of our Gra- titude for thy Mercies to us, that we pity the Miferies of the Heathen World, and endeavour to make them Partakers of the fame Bleffings wc our fc Ives enjoy i ■ / Aifbs jcviii. a. U'ljen' /Iquila and Prifcilla had\ beard dps'ksjpeaky whc knew only the Baptifm cf'John^ thtj took him unto }hem^ and expound^ edunt'o him the Way of God more -perfeBly, LET it here be obferved, — That thefe twol Perfons, both of the Laity, a Man and his Wife, were, by the Spirit of God, made 4 - InftrU' Inftrurr a Man fhcw C Paul te ./y of t ^gain, ti. Gran and Piei all good to prom Heathen amonglt of their I Chrift's [ T' ' ••• _ ^t- I!f. i confian may be GOD thei Power of w.ould ha- ^dd to th Examples be reform the Gofpe future Hai TVER^ woul( tiev. of G md Prayers. *43 fnefs I* • and , for lers: Iruc- thcir *•■; ■ " e tunes divers ■e and ^'S.'.■ ir fad ned us Light yt the Gra- lity the avovir effmgs ^la had lapiiftn )ound' Hy. 'fe two I m and made I llnftru-l Inftrumcnts of perfe(5^ing the Faith of Jpoilos^ a Man of othcrwife great AbiKties ' ' To fhcw Chriftians the Importance of what St. P as he did the Heathen World, to cGmJnit all Iniquity with GreedinefSy till they are lie for no Place but Hell. ^ o r-^- molt fur would nc one who in the f beg of G falling in The n dicate foi the Wor ledge ou! fcfs our ( ourfclv^cs fended Ii Protedio Th.-ttiks f By doi Kncwledgi FoundacK pineis : — deep Sen! —With a fil the Be/; an Eye tc for whole are reconc The fol that tliey may be dii ing and Ez i^Ytry feri( aik nr^tiy Prayers, ^c. * 247 I01V, N'^iVj if thefc be Truths of the Gofpcl, as moll furcly they are, one would hope, there would need no other Words, to perluade every one who is in his right Mind, and not already iji the fiid Condition before mentioned, — To beg of God to keep hiin, by his Grace, from talHng into fuch dreadful Circumllances. The moll fure Way to avoid it is, To de- dicate fome Time every Day of our Li vet "^ the Worfhip of God : — Humbly to acki. ledge our Dependence upon him :— To con- fefs our own VVeaknefs to help and govern ourlel^es : — To beg Pardon far having of- fended him : — To pray for his Grace, and Prote6tion, and BlefTmg : — ^And to give him Thanks for his Mercies and Favours to us. i\ < By doing this, zae Jhall retain God in our Knowledge: — This will be a true and iblid Foundation of Peace, and Comfort, and Hap- pineis : — Provided ic be performed out of a deep Senfe of our own Wants and Miferies ; —With a firm Faith in God's Promifes tofuU fil the 'Dejires of them that fear him. And with an Eye to the Blood of Jefus our Redeemer, fbrwhofe Sake, and thro' whofe Sufferings, we are reconciled to God, and God to us. The following Devotions are here added, that they who Itand in need of fuch Helps, may be dircdled what to pray for, every Morn- ing and Evening of their Lives. Not but that every ferious Chriilian will find Occafion to aik many more Favours and Blcffings, than M 4 can v\ . . ■ . c '->. »n^ "^o^ o^'^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) % // {./ ^ ^4i, A < ^' J /.. % 1.0 I.I lit Wuu ■2^8 |2.5 2.2 2.0 IL25 III 1.4 III 1.6 6" Vl Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (716)872-4503 o^ ^^ «p o^ 2J4S ' Private n ; . pRAYiTRs, Cffr.^' *:. /di^ Thanks and Glory be to Thee, my Gol\ and Father!' Gracious God, continue to me thcfe, and all other thy Bleflings, fo long, and in fuch a Meafure, as fhall be moft- for thy Glory, and my Salvation. Poflefs my Soul, I befeech Thee, with a true and faving Faith, and with -fuch a Senfe. of thy Goodnefs to me, .and of my Dependence upon Tbee, that it may be my Delight, as it is my Intereft and Duty, to fcrve and obey Thee. But that I may ferve Thee with a quiet Mind, forgive me all my Sins, I befeech Thee, for thy dear Son's Sake, and with-hold the Judgments of which my Confcience is afraid. Keep it ever in the Heart of thy Servant, that it is an evil Thing and bitter, to forjakt and offend the Lord. And, above all Things,- keep me from wilful and deliberate Sins y that I may never grieve thy Holy Spirit, nor provoke- Thee to leave me to myfelfl Let thy reltraining Grace preferve me from; the Temptations of the World, the Flefh, and the Devil; that I may fall into no Sin, nor run into any kind of Danger; but that all my Doings may be ordered by Thee, that I' may do always that which is righteous in thy Sight J — And that I may livt' aiid a^; as hav- ing Thee, O God, the conftant Witnefe 'of all my 'thoughts, Dejigns^ fVords^ and ^r-' tions. M £. May !-» ' iM % ^ ii$o Private and Family May I never render myfelf, by new Sins, unworthy of thy Guidance and Prote<^ion ! Suffer me not to go aftray, or bring me back by fuch Ways as to Thee fliall fcem meet. May I love Tbee with all my Heart, and all Mankind for thy Sake ! — And may I ever have this lure Proof of thy Love abiding in me, th^t I ftudy to pleafe Thee, and to keep thy Commandments I — And that I may forgive, and love, and do Good to my Neighbours, as becomes a Difciple of Jefus Chrift 1 Aflift me, by thy Grace, fliithfully to per- form all the Duties of my Calling j and thank- fully t6 receive, and patiently to bear, what- ever thy Providence ihall order for me. Preferve me from an idle and pfelefs Life 5 ev^r remembering, — That the Night cometb w^en no Man can Work : — And that noiv is the Time in which to provide for Eternity. And grant, O Lord, that no worldly Plea* furc, no worldly Bufmefs, may ever make mc Ibfe the Sight of Death, And may the Thoughts of Death oblige mc to be truly and fincerely good ; — To mortify all Pride and Vanity^— Covetoufnefs, Hatred^ Snvyy and Malite ; — To beferiousy Jober^ and wafckful,. whilt I continue in this State of 'lm\ I Hear mc, O Hcrivcnly Father, not accord- ing to my imperfe Petitions, but according xsiXk^jMU ]^&mmg of that holy Prayer, whichi /'^■=\-''.. thy.:. thyonly^ our Infir: \J Ha dom conr it is in E Bread. — forgive t lead us "; us from ] the Poive Amen\ Some fho: John %vu fn^er ye Jhall gii X^ Wi>er — '& the 1 Jeliis Chr Wants !',an finfulCrca daiiig wha O^Lbrd that I may as Prayers,. Cifr. '^^ 251 thy only Son hath taught us, in Compaflipn to our Infirmities. .^-^ «. < .tuNj/^ .... .. ryrifir: OUR Father, which art in. Heaven ;—* Hallowed be thy Name. — ^Thy King- dom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. — Give us this Day our daily I Bread. — And forgive us our Trefpafles, as wer, forgive them that trefpafs againft us. — And lead us not into Temptation. — But deliver^ us from Evil. — For thine is the Kingdom, and the Poiver, and the Glory, for ever and ever, Jmen* . ' ^;,' 'ti Some fhort Meditations for fuch as are wel^- •: difpofed, and have Time to fpare. j , John %v\. 23;* Verily J fay unto you, IVhatJo^ ^. wer ye Jhall ajk the Bather in my Name, He ^\ Jhall give it you, *^ EVEHYThing is promifed to this Duty>; "^Ken we pfay as we ought to do ; /. e, J^ — In the Nam^, and through the Merits,, of-^ Jcfps Chrilii— Out of a Senfe of our own t Wants ^ and Mileries j— with the Humility of * finfol Crcatqres j — And with a full Purpofe of «• doing wljiat we know will pleafe God. "^ O -Lord, vouchfafe me thefe Difpoiitions, ^that I^ may never afk Thee any Thing in vain, * M 6 or ■1 ¥ III (J m 252 Private ««<^ Family or render myfclf unworthy to receive thy Bleflings ' •) Prov. iii. 5, 6. Lean not unto thine own Under- Jianding j in all thy Ways acknowledge God, e.and hejhall direSf thy Paths, ' Do Thou, O God, direft my Paths, and teach me to guide my Affairs with Charity^ Dijcretion, ^fnftice^ and Tiety, Shew me the Way that I fhould walk in, and give me Grac.€ to follow the Condud of thy good Spirit, tor the Sake of Tefus Chrift. X Cor. XV. 22>* Evil Communications corrupt good Manners, , ,v*No Man muft fay, that he has any Refpedl for God, or Fear for himfelf, who chufeth the Converfation of wicked Men.-^ Their idle and profane Difcourfes will leave evil Impref- fions upon the Mind. — Their indecent Free- dom with the Name of God, and Things fa- . cred, will leflen the Reverence we pwe to the Divine Majefty. — Their filthy and lewd Talk ;Will deftroy Modefly, and every Grac£ apd Virtue; and will not fail to w^r blr 'the Thoughts and Fears of what mpy comc here- ^ after. -May thy Grace, O Gbdy keep mc from a Converfation fo difpleafing to Thee,^ and fo deftrutSllve to the Soulsof Mjjhi Sine this for Chrift's Sake 1\ / .v-;ai. % Petcf I Pete] > ; Accept, OLordy of my unfeigned Thanks, fcr tMs. thy cginftant C^rc over m ir— For dc- -.ya'i - , ,. -' ... ,l«vcnng i »HJ: ;U • ^54 Private and Family livcring mc from the Dangers of an evil World : and for the many undeferved Blef- fings beftovved upon me. Day after Day. Bleflcd be thy Goodnefs, that my Sins and Ingratitude have not prevented thee from bringing me fafe to the Evening of this Day \ O God, infinite in Mercy, pardon my Sins of the Day pad, whether in Thought, Wprd, or Deed, which I have committed through the Fraud and Malice of the Devil, or throVmy own Weaknefs and Frailty : And grant that they rmiyneverTife up in Judgment againft me. Prepare me, I befeech Thee, for the Con- tinuance of thy Favours^ by giving me, the Grace of a true Repentance, ahd a thoi'6ljg|i Amendment of Life. Make me truly fenfible' of the Weakrtels and Corruption of my Nature j and the Need I have of thy gracious Help, tliat I may jjfay for it cotitinuallyl May I ever make a right Ufe of ttie Time which thy Goodnefs fhall yet vouchfafe me, and not dare to abufe thy Patience and Long- iufFering. Make me ever fenfible of my tdttpr En^ that De^th may not overtake mc ijnpr^p^ and arc well-difpofed. Eph. iv. 26. Lef not the Sun go down upon . your Wrath, LORD, grant I may lie down to flcep„ with the fame charitable Difpofitions with which I defirc to. die. — I befccch Thee for all that are my Enemies j— Not for Judg-, meat and Vengeance, but for thy Mercy ;— • For i^ it lij 556 \ Private ^;/^ Family For their Pardon and ConvcrHon, and for their eternal Happinefs. ricb. iii. 7, 8. To-day, if ye will hear bis Voice, harden vot your hearts. This is the Day, and this the Life, in which God fpeaks to us in Mercy. — Lord, grant that I may not hardea my Heart againft this Truth J nor let me flip this Day of thy Pa- tience j that neither the Cares nor the Plea- fures of this Life may ever make me forget, . that this is the Day on which my Salvation depends, fo far, that I know not whether I Ihall have another. Rev. iii. 3. Thou fhalt not know what Hour I ■ :, will come upon Thee. Let me give Credit to Thee^O God, Ldi*cl of Truth, and not to my own corrupt Heait which would flatter me, that I might have Time and Warning fufficient to prepare foe Death ! — But give me Grace, O Lord, to be prepared for that unknown Hour^ by a fpeedy Repentance, a true Converfion, and an holy . Life. Matt. xvi. 26. What is a Man profited if he Jhall gain the whole World, and lofe his own How many live without thinking of this ! Wc admire, and we envy, thofe 'Who get great Eftate^ for themfclves, and for their Children i Childre Jighr, t ccrn am Lord Blindnc and in whole V Luke xii come J none, Groun that, i I adox towards O Jefus, May this me to R< ful Gra^e for Repej Morr Jo/h. xxi THI5 tior Chriftian *this, r^(g)< tiful Chi • / bis 'hich yrant : this r Pa- Plea- )rget, ration cher I lour I Lord Heait : have re for to be fpeedy n holy dif he 'm own f this ! ho get their lildren s Prayers, Cifr. " * i^'f Children; making their Riches their Dc^ light, their Happincfs, and the whole Con- cern and Bufinels of their Lives. Lord, deliver thy Servant from fuch a Blindnefs, as mud end in my everlafting Ruin, and in the Lofs of my Soul, for *which the whole World cannot make me Amends. Luke xiii. 7, 8. Behold^ thefe three Tears y I come Jeeking Fruit on this Fig-tree^ and find none. Cut it down : IVhy cumber eth it the Ground ? — Lordy let it alone this Tear alfo : if it bear Fruity well-, if not, then after thaty thou Jbalt cut it down, I adore thy wonderful Patience, O God, towards me; and thy merciful Interceflion, O Jefus, with thy Father, for fparing me :— . May this Goodnefs and Long-fufFering lead me to Repentance! — And may thy all-power- ful Gra and be an EKaitiplc to fhem of St>bricty> Juftiw, and Piety i and Chat we may be an Houfhqid fearing fearring them, ; their T] Eph. vi. in the Vy ch with he ^uk, ar rememb< ffay Grac tions of wanting But inftn a Chrifti Faults, O »heir Po World to Eve Let 0te cf follow BY the Even ftcarcr oyr .. » sand ercy, >alva- from FCo- len. in the d eaty lantedy ent cut I rprifed vere in ;his be Grace, on the s LifCj ddervly / Bay \srifants ig tt*t good I may [after i for the and uftiw, )Uihqid I fearing '^'Prayers, ^c, 265 • v _ fcatnng God.-^-And may thy Bleffing be upon them, and upon all my Affairs committed to their Truft, for the Sake of thy beloved Son. Parents for Children. ?. Eph. vi. 4. Te Parents, brin^ up your Children in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord, OGOD, the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, for his Sake, blefs my Children with healthful Bodies, and undcrftanding Souls, and fan^lified Hearts, that they ma/; remember their Creator all their Days. Let thy Grace preferve them from the Tempta- tions of an evil World, and may I never i»e wanting in any Part of my Duty to then*! But inftrud them in the Faith and Duties of a Chriftian Life; — Convince them of their Faults, and correal them in Reafon and Love. O be Thou, O God, their Father and fheir Portion in this World, and in the World to come ! Amen, Evening Prayer for a Family. Let jfne ;Anci rule, in Love < to plea Thee, San(! our Sp prefcrvi Lord J( Cont the Mei the fa vii iiid recc Vouc Prayers Day bee ^ Forgi give oui bour. Biefs, whom th Prayers, ^c. 265 rGocI h him sfrom e have :c may lich we Is Pro- Dm the ;ly pray. we ac- to us, in lent; in and in I ftcrLif'eJ :es, cor- lat as wel [ace, and ,nd, the I \ath, ' \j make [cape the! Take! Take from us all Ignorance, Hardnefs of Heart, and too much Carefulnefs for the Things oi this Life. Make us an Houlhold fearing Thee, O God, fubmitting ourfelves to thy good Pleafure, and putting our whole Truft in thy Mercy. Give us a true Knowledge of ourfelves;— Of the Corruption of our Nature ; — And the Neceffity of thy gracious Help to favc us from Ruin. \ And may the Spirit of Chrift ever live and rule, in us, polTefling our Souls with a (incere Love of Thee, O God, with an earned Delire to pleafe Thee^ and with a Dread of offending Thee. - f^^ '" Sanftify us wholly, we befeech Thee, that our Spirits, and Souls, and Bodies, may be preferved blamelefs unto the Coming of our Lord Jefus Chrifl:. < Continue to us/and to allChriftian Churches, the Means of Grace and Salvation j and may ihe faving Truths of the Gofpel be publilhed ihd received in all the World 1 Vouchfafe unto us an Intereft in all the Prayers of thy holy Church, which have thi3 Day been offered to the Throne of Grace. Forgive all that have injured us, and for- give our many Offences againft our Neigh- bour. . Ble fs, we befeech Thee, O God, all thoic whom thy Providence hath fee over us> whc- N . thcr \\ '*^- a66 PHvatc and Family ther m Church or State, and give us Grace to honour and obey them for Confcience Sake. • Defend us from all Adverfities which may happen to our Bodies, and from all evil Thoughts which may affauh and hurt our Souls,— and prepare us to receive with an humble Refignation, whatever thy Providence fhall think bed for us. And, finally, we bcfeech Thee to give us Grace, that we may lead and eryd our Lives in thy Faitb-and Fear, and to thy Glory, thro' Jcfus Chrift our Lord. Amen. ^ Hear us, O merciful God, for ourfelves and for all Mankind, not according to our weak Underftandings, but according to the full Meaning of that holy Prayer, which thy be- loved Son hath taught us. OUR Father, which art in Heaven:— Hallowed be thy Name. — Thy King- dom come.— Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven. — Give us this Day our daily Bread. — And forgive us our Trefpafles, as we forgive them that trcfpafs againft us. — And lead us not into Temptation.— But deliver us from Evil. — For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. jimen, THE Grace of our Lord Jtlbs Chrift, and the Love of God, and the Fellowfhip of the Holy Ghoft> be with us' all evennore. jitnen* . Sclcdl ScJc tf re Mati L' ^our C which fhouj Souls. Life: which knows proper cour t< but pit and thy we nev< divine ■ IX Luke i will c take t Ojei Means rit, thy daily ;— and Fon nay evil our h an encc ire us es in thro' :sand weak c full ly be- en:— ever. [ft, and [owlhip ]rmorc. Sclea pRAYERSr, (^C. 167 I Scleft Scriptures, and Meditations upon them; which may teach us how to profit by reading the Scriptures, Matt. X. 30, The very Hairs of your Hea/] are all numbered, LET this thy wonderful Providence, O God, and Care over us> be cvcrnwre our Comfort and Defence againft all the Evils ^ which may happen tp our Bodies, and all evil Thoughts which may aflault and hurt our Souls. Againft the diftra6ling Cares of this Life: and againft the Fears and AdverQties which may befal tis. Thine infinite Wijdom knows all our Wants and Dangers, and the propereft Means of conveying Relief and Suc- cour to us. Thy Fatherly Goodnejs cannot but pity us :— Thy Power is able to help us,—, and thy Faithfulnefs can never fail us. O may we never.render ourfelves unworthy of this thy divine Protcdlion 1 Luke ix. aj. Jefusjaid ttf^them all, if any Man will come after me, let him deny bimfelf and take up his Crofs daily ^ and follow me, O Jefus, who haft made this the Rule and* Means of our Salvation, enable us by thy Spi- rit, thy Do^rine, and Example, to obfcrve it daily;— To wean our Hearts from a Love and Fondncfs for this World, its Pleafures, N a . . Profits, '^i •H a6S Private and Family i^rofits, and all its Ilols; — To mortify our corrupt AffVdions, and to corrcd and amend what is amifs in us ; — That we may be meek and humble, and temperate j and learn to fub- mit our Wills to the Will and Law of God : —And grant, O Lord, that we may never lead Heathens and Unbelievers to have un- worthy Thoughts of Thee, and of thy Reli- gion, by our ungodly Lives, while we pretend to be thy Followers. Luke xiii. 24. Strive to enter in at theflraigbt Gate } for many^ 1 Jcy unto you ^ will Jeek to enter in, and Jhall'not be able. May we never flatter ourfelves, that the Way to Heaven and Happinefs is eafy, and that the Generality of Chriftian People are in the Way of Salvation, when Thou haft de- clared the contrary ! — O may thy Spirit con- vince us that our Salvation is not to be fecured without great Watchfulnefs and Care, without Labour, Pains, and Diligence : And that, on thefe Conditions, thy Goodnefs will Enable us to overcome all the Difficulties we can poffibly meet with ! Luke ix. 13. If ye being evil, know bow to give good Gifts unto your Children ; bow muck more . fballyour Heavenly Father give good Thing?, and His Holy Sprit, to them that ajk Him ! O Heavenly Father, let it bs unto us ac- cording to this thy Son's moft faithful Pro- mife,| nii'c to Jj ^ ourj tent T/ie< nevei hxs g Worth ^npwi Rev. 01 Kindn< Provid us fee t convin( fufFer i .without thercfoi thy Re And en this Lift nation t make ti SaJvatioi Prayers, ^f. 269 our lend neck fub- 5odi icvcr : un- Reli- ctend raight feek to at the ly, and p arc in ft dc- it con- 'ecurcd ithout at, on Enable e can to give ich more hings mm I us ac- ful Pro- miie,| mi'e. For his Sake, give us thy Holy Spirit, to live and a<5l in us, to guide and aflift us all our Days, and may we ever aik and be con- tent with Tuch good Things as it fhall pleafe Thee to give us ! — And grant that we may never grieve thy h6ly Spirit; — never rejeL^t his godly Motions, or render ourfelvcs un- worthy of his Abode with us, by living in any known Sin. Rev, ill. 1 9. As many as I love^ I rebuke and chaften^ O ! that wc may acknowledge thy loving Kindnefs to us, in all the Difpenfations of thy Providence 1 Our corrupt Nature will not let us fee this I — It is thy Grace alone which mud: convince us, that a Father fo good would not fufFer Afflictions to fall upon his Children, .without an abfolute Neceflity. Convince us, therefore, O God, that we ftand in need of thy Rebukes, to awaken and amend us : — And enable us to bear all the Afflidions of this Life with Patience, and an entire Refig- nation to thy Wifdom and Goodnefs, and make them powerful Means of our eternal Salvadon. Amen. N 3 A ihort I li i ti'j IS 270 Private and Family A fhort and ncccflary Inftruftion for the Lord*s Day J in the Morning. THE Lord, who has blcflcd One Day in 6'w^», blcflcth all thofc that keep it holy: and very terrible have been his Judgements Mpon them that have profaned it. It is your Duty therefore, on this good Dayy to lay afide as much as poflible, all worldly Bufincfs } all worldly Thoughts j all worldly Pleafures ; that you may honour your Creator to the beft of your Power j by owning your Dependence upon him ; by hearing his Word, and his Commands ; by afking his Bleffrngs^ and giving bim Thanks for his Favours. If then it is our Intereft and our Happinefs, to ferve God, it. is our Duty to be at his Houfe before his Service begins i to Ihew that we fear his Majefty, and dare not offer him a lamt Sacrifice', to fhew, that we do indeed defire his Blefling, and take Delight in ferving him. When therefore you come into the Houie of GTod, and firft kneel dLoytn^Jayfecretty this Jhor4 Prayer, AJhort Prayer at your coming into Church, MAY the good Spirit of God difpofc me unto, and aflift me in, his Service ! The Lord give us all a true and lively Scnfe of our Wants, and of his Mercy and Prefencc amongft Prayers, Idc, ay I the ly tn oly: lents Day, irldly ►rldly catbr your Vord» • pincfs, rioufe at we alami ire his m. oufe ly this irch, lifpofc Irvice I Senfc t-e fence amongft us, that we may fcrve him with our Hearts as well as with our Bodies, and that our Prayers may be heard, for the Sake of his Son Jefus Chrift our Lord ! Amen, After this, attend diligently to what is faicfT and prayed for; remembering that they arc your Prayers which are offered up to God; but that you have no Share in them, if you do not mind what is afked in your Name. That your Heart may go along with your Prayers, fay fofily, Ameny So be it, to every Petition. This is what the mod Unlearned ma;y do, and it may be the moft Learned can- not do better, to keep their Minds intent upon what they are about. When you confefs your Sins, do it with great Serioufnefs and Concern, remembering that you are for ever undone, if you are not forgiven. And then hear with Comfort upon what Condition God will pardon you : If you repent and believe the Gojpely you are furc to be forgiven. When the Word of God is read or preached, be careful to mind it, that you may knov/ your Duty, and the Reward of doing it -, th^c you may obferve the Way of God's dealing with Mankind, in punilhing the Wicked, and in prote<5ling and rewarding the Righteous ; that -you may know the Manner of our Re- demption, and the great Love of God in bring- ing it to pafs i that you may fee the Dangers N 4 you •"I aya Private and Family you are liable to, and the Bicfledncfs that is fct before you, ever remembering that Faiih, without which we cannot pleaje Cody cometh by Hearings and Hearing by the Word cf God, Rom. X. 17. And be fure to behave yourfelf with great Reverence and Devetion, while you arc in the 1 foufe and Prefence of God j for if, when you Hiould be on your Knees, aflcing God's Pardon and Blcflings, or ftanding to praife the Creator of Heaven and Earth -, if inftcad of doing fo, you fit and flcep away the Time, or carclefsly gaze, and think of other Matters, then you will return from God's Houfc with a Curfc, and not with a BlefTmg. And yet the very beft of us, after all our Care, have Caufe to beg Pardon even for the Faults of our Devotions. Therefore, before you rife from your Knees, fay privately this Jhort Prayer, jijhort Prayer before you leave the Church. THE good Lord accept of our Duty, and Service \ pardon our Sins and In- firmities; give us what is needful for our Souls, and for our Bodies; and keep us ever- more under thy Protection, for the Sake of Jefus Chrift our Saviour ! Amen, And now, God forbid that you (hould fpend the Remainder of this good Day, fo well begun, in Sin and Vanity 1 Rather think -f how how and li fclf, If teacl pray Aj of w folvc you I T[ you ij profpi Glared and tk 2 San o; ferve j happy I ments 1 in our . have ni and tir grant t very de what T God, th have fu( pR AVERS, i^C, ^73 it IS titht hby God, great [\ the \ you irdon cater igfo, :lci5ly 1 you Curfc, ill our or the Ibefore ily this irch, [Duty, jd In- >r our ever- like of lould ly, fo think how how you may do moft honour to your Crcaior , and Redeemer. If you can read, you can both Inftruft your- fclf, and them that will hear you. It* you have Children and Servants, you can' teach them how to fear, and to love, and to pray to Ciod. And if you are unlearned, you can think of what you have heard at Church, and rc- folve todo» to the bell of your Knowledge, as you have been taught. Then will the Lord be with you, to blefi you in the Way you go j to prefcrve and ip profper you. For this is what he hath de- clared, Them that honour me, 1 will honour j and they that dejptfe me, /hall be lightly efteemed* I Sam. ii. 30. A Prayer for Sunday Morning, OLORD, who haft confecrated this Day to thy Service, give us Grace fo to ob- ferve it, that- it may be the Beginning of art happy IVeek to us j and that none of thy Judg- ments may fall upon us for profaning it. Fix in our Hearts this great Truth, that here we have no abiding Place^ that we may Icrioufly and timely provide for another Life; and grant that this great Concern may make us very defirous to learn our Duty, and to do what Thou rcquircft of us. And blefled be God, that we have Churches to go to, that we have fuch Times fct apart for the more public - I Worlhip I At; m I ■ r h {m 174 Private and Family Worfhip of our Creator, and that we have Paftors to teach us I The Lord profper their Labours, and give us Grace to profit by them, that they and we may enjoy an evcrlafting Sabbath with thy Saints in Heaven, for Jefus Chrift*s Sake, j^mert. ' ■ ■ ■ ■ - . ' ' ' '■ ■•'.'• '■■■ ' . - 1 , >^ ; nrtifi ■, ^-• A plain and ufeful Inftruftion for Sunday Evening, Concerning the Providence of God, or his JVif" dom and Goodnefs in governing the World, THAT God is great, and to be greatly feared, we know by the World he hath made, and from his dreadful Judgments. That God is good, and to be loved and worlhipped, we are convinced from his Care of the whole Creation. For his tender Mercies are over all his JVorks^ Plal. cxlv. 9. Therefore have his Creatures the Comfort of the Rain and Sun, of Food and Shelter; the Earth yields Increale, and the Sea$ are ll;ored with Creatures innumerable. In the Hand of God are thefe and all other Bleffings, which he withholds, or giveth, ac- cording to his good Pleafure, to teach us, that we wholly depend on him ; that Man liveth not hy Bread alone^ nor by his own Induftry, but by the Providence of God, who ordereth all Conditions of Life for the belt, for thofe that cannot chufe for themfelves. . And Ai eaufe he wi Wor] be CO own J m them Virtue trufin God'y i tribute a real Lift. : If hi heispj hut he , opening return Death i If hi we mig our ow forH( f^ffer u. bear-y vours v^ \^ we to us ; i in his f us carcf Prayers, ^c. VS ave tieir em, ling efus de^ Wif- 'Id. ready z halik s. fd and Care VorkSy atures Food ndthc ible. I other th, ac- as, that livetb duftry, dereth thofc And if he fuffcrs fome to be poor, it is be- caufe that Condition is beft for them now j but he will make them a great Amends in the next World for what they want in this, if they will be content and honeft, neither murmur at their own Lot, nor envy that of others. pj^hen God giveth Riches y it is not to make them an occafion of our Ruin, but to try our Virtue ; for, if we are not high-minded, if we truft not in uncertain Riches, but in the living God; if we do Good with them, and readily dij- tribute to the Necejfity of others -, then are Riches a real Bleffing, and help to bring us to eternal Life, I Tim. vi. 17. If be bringeth us into AffliSiiow, it Is not that he is pleafed with the Mifcries of his Creatures, but he isjhewing them their Tranfgrejfion, he is opening their Ear to Dijcipline, that they may return from Iniquity, andjan:^ their Souls from Death eternal. Job xxxvi. 9. If he Juffers us to be tempted, it is not that we might tall, but to make us more fcnfible of our own Weaknefs, that we may come to him for Help, on whom we depend, who will not Juffer us to be tempted above what we are able to bear ; and who will reward our poor Endea- vours with unfpeakable Happinefs. If we have Friends, it is the Favour of God to us ; and, if we have Enemies, they are Rods in his Flands, cither to corred us, or to make us careful of our Ways. * ■-^^.^ 't'^-.:^ .'-■* .' . ^, -■ - \ ^ The ayfi Private and Family m The Devil himfelf, that powerful Spirit, is under God's Command, to execute his Judg- ments upon wicked Men, while they that truft in the Lord have nothing to Fear, for he hath no Power to hurt them. Happy are we, who know thefe Things now j and we fhall be for ever happy, if we live ac- cording to this Belief. For then W0 Jhall trufi in the Lord with all eur Heart, and not lean unto our awn Under^-^ ftanding, Wc fliall call upon him for what wc want, and thankfully receive what he is plcafed to fend. For Jhall we receive Good at the Hahd of Godi and Jhall we not receive Evil? Job ii. lo. Wc Ihall hope for his Favour when wc mean well, and never cxpcd his Bieffing when our Defigns are evil, , We Ihall look upon God's Time as the beft, and not grow impatient when our Defires arc not anfwered. We Ihall acknowledge his Hand in every thing that befalleth us, and hope for his Mercy even when he is angry, knowing, that alL Things Jhall work together for Good to them that love Gody Rom. viii. a 8. Thus Jhall we dwell under the Defence of the Moft High, and Jhall be fecure from fear of Evil, A Prayer for Sunday Evening, ALmighty God, by whom all Things were made, and are preferved, make us truly thankful, for thy wonderful Works of Crea- tion J tion\- fcrvii And Good) But a Love Son in fen to thy ceivetk have e hoiyi cious which ableL —We bywhi have known Name, Service membr Redem^ to pub that w< Love a tures t( befeech and laft Mercie! feigned thy Pra Prayers, ^c. ^11 it, IS jdg- truft hath low; e ac- . thall ndfr* want, "ed to attd of \u io« mean pnour beft, cs arc every Vlcrcy m that dwell Ml be :s were truly Crea- tion i tion\ — for thine adorable Providence in pre- fcrving every Thing that Thou haft made j — And for thine infinite Power^ fVifdomy and Goodnejiy in the Government of the World. — But above all, we acknowledge thine infinit« Lo'De in the Redemption of the World, by thy Son our Lord Jefus Chrift : and thy Goodnejs in fending by him this comfortable Mcflagc to thy diftrefled Creatures, — That whofoever re* ceiveth and helieveth in Him Jhall not perijhy but have everlafting £//^.— We blefs Thee for his holy DoSfrine and Example j — And for his pre- cious Death, and glorious Re/urreffion, by which our fad Condition, and thine unfpeak- able Love, have been wonderfully Ihewn to us. — We give Thee Thanks, for thy Holy fVord, by which thy Works of Mercy and Providence have been preferved, and thy Will made known unto Mankind. — We blefs thy Holy Name, for fanftifying One Day in Seven to thy Service, to keep up the Knowledge and Re- membrance of Thee, and of our Creation and Redemption i — And for appointing thy Minifters to publilh thefe Truths to us in thy Name, that we may render unto Thee that Honour^^ Love and Obedience, which becometh Crea- tures to pay to their great Creator. — And we befeech 1 hee, O God, to give us all fuch a deep and lafting Senfc of thy great and undeferved Mercies to us, that our Hearts may be lin- feigncdly thankful, and that we may fhew forth thy Praifc, not only with our Lips, but in our V ^ CLy% Private and Family fil: A' Lives, by giving up ourfclvcs to thy Service, and by walking before Thee, in Holinefs and Rightcoufncfs all our Days ; — And as we often hear how we ought to walk, and to plcafe God, we may conrinue to do fo unto our Lives End, through Jefus Chrift our Lord, jimea. jijbort ADMONITION to y^ll, and efpe^ daily to Mafiers of Families, Mongft the many growing Vices of this ^ ofane Age, one wretched and ung6dly Cuftom is too common j viz, of People's fall- ing to their Meals, as Bcafts do to their Fod- der, without any Thoughts of God, or Thanks for his BIcflings *. — And even too many of thofe who have not quite laid afide this Chrif- tian Diity, perform it after fuch a flight and negligent Manner, as makes it as finful as the Omiffion. When a Man, like ourfelves, bellows a Favour, we naturally give him Thanks.-^ Are not Food, and the Supports of Life and Health^ mighty Bleflings ? — Is not God the * Grace before Meals^ the Pra£t:Ice of the Rwians, Nee prius aut Epulas, aut Munera grata Lye ait , >. Fas cuiquam tetigtffefuit, quam multa preeatut In men/am, Sil. Italicus. • Nor touched the Meat, nor tafted vras the Wme, , f Till every Guell iinplor'dthe Pow'rs Divine.' 4 ^^% foIeG plain]] natura theD to bei Intern] All Exam fied G his Bie who w and in of H( Reafon omittin ferious God, il Daily I Now want \^ God's daily Fi of: I... Gifts W] Sobriety Chrift 01 Prayers, ^e. •279 rvice, 's and often pkafc Lives Amen. d efpe* of this tig6dly 1*5 fall- r Fod- r hanks any of Chrif- rht and as the tows a inks,-^ Afe and rod the fole Giver of thefe ? — Are they not worth afk- ing, and giving Thanks for? — ^This fhews plainly, that this Sin, being againft the very natural Notions of Senfe and Gratitude, is of the Devil, who makes the Tables of too many to" become a Snare and a Curfe to them, by Intemperance, Gluttony, -and Drunkennefs. All Chriftians who have any Regard to the Example of their Saviour, who always glori- fied Godj and gave Him public Thanks for his Bleflings j — or to the Example of St. Paul^ who would not omit this Duty, tho* in Bonds, and in the Prefence of a numerous Company of Heathens; — All Chriftians, feeing the Reafonablenefs of this Duty, and the Sin of omitting it, or of not performing it after a ferious Manner, will be inexcufcablc before God, if they negled to glorify Him at their Daily Meals. ''^^ 'J Now, that the moft unlearned may not want Words to cxprefs their Thanks, and beg God's Bleffing upon thcmfclves, and their daily Food, thefe following may be made ufc of, i miiin ' ' I, JOffX* fol^ Gkace hfore our Meals, OGOD wl\o giveth Food unto all Flelh, grant that we may receive thefe thy Gifts with thy Blefling, and ufe them with Sobriety and thankful Hearts> through Jefus Chrift our Lord, jfmen, \ . • Graci \\ K t \ flSo Private and Family, &c. Grace after our Meat. MAKE us truly thankful, O Lord, for our daily Bread, and for all other Mercies which we receive : And help us to love and fervc Thee, the Giver of all Good, for Jcfus Chrift's Sake. Amen, FIN IS. N. B. This Book has been lately tranjlated into the Wclih Language^ for the Ufe of the Ancient Britons i and printed for F. and C. Riving ION, /?/ No. 62, St. Paul's Church- Yard, and may be had upon the Terms of the Society for promoting Chriftian Knowledge, by any of the Members* ^ . ...... . > .i^f- I ^ Printed by Bye and L;»w,-St. ]oha*« Square, ClerkenweM- 19 d, for our r Mercies ► love and for Jcfus ^fxVY, ,■♦> trarijlated 'e of the 7. and C. s Church- 'ms of the nowlcdge, erkenweU.