v^ \^ ^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) . ^ //M^ ^^^ <^>.%" <; 1.0 1.1 ltt|2|2 |25 ■tt I8hI 12.2 2f HA ■" 12.0 ■4.0 ||25 |U |L6 6" ^^<*^ Tracts to the amount of ;C106 9s. 4d. sterling, were imported last Year. The Bboks remaining on hand of fornter importations, amounted to £S4 5«., currency, composed chiefly of the Bibles presented to the Society by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. All of the above have been disposed of except 1 Family Testament*. 19 Bibles, 81 Testaments, 94 Prayer Books, S3 Bound Books, amounting in value to dSflS lis. 4d, All the grants made by the Executive Committee amounting (with one of 1839) to ;f 111, have been suf^lied except one of £5. V. Churcrbs. Of all the grants made for Churches there is only one with respect to which no proceedings of any kind hav« been taken, viz., 1839, Welford, £10. Of the grants of 1838. All have been paid. 1839. All have been paid except Wielford, and one to Jackson Town ; the Church in the latter place is in progress. 1840. All have been paid except Dundas,.S.W.Miramichi, £20 each, and Bay de Verte, £10. All the Churches are in progress.. 1841. All have been paid except Airther grants to Dundas and S. W. Miramichi, iQ20 each, and Chamco^, £20. The unpaid Grants to Churches (exclusive of Welford), stand thus : 1838, - . . £0 1839, • 10 1840, . . SO 1841, . . . 60 t1 8 V 11 £120 Reports from the following Local Committees were laid before the Committee, via., St. Andrews, St. Stephens, Woodstock, Kingston, Springfield, Miramichi, Glenelg, Bathurst, Shediac, and Bay de Verte. Applications for aid to the building and enlarging of Churches were made by the following Committees, for Churches in the under- mentioned plaoo;. For tlie Chapel at Chomcook. For St. David*s Parish Church. * For the Tobique Church. For the Riyer^e Chute Church. For-iiie Jackron Town Church. For the Church at the Long Roach. For St. Paul's Church, Chatham. For Glenelg Church. For Chjirch at Nelson. For New Bandon Churcli. For Church at Cocaigne. St. Andrew*. St. St^hetu. Woodstock, u l( Kingston. Miraniiehi. irlenelg. u Bathurst. Shediac. RESOLUTIONS OF APPROPRIATION. Resolved f That such sums be take. /?'om the Collections for General Purposes, as will make up with the Collections limited to that object, ttiesum of £50 ; the same to be added to tlie Fund for " Mis- oionary Visits ;** and that a sum not exceeding £100, be placed at the •disposal of the Executive Committee, for ** Missionary Visits to nog- iected places." Resolvedt That such sums betaken from fhe Collections for Ge< neral Purposes, as will make up with the Collections limited to that object, the sum of £90 ; the same to commence a Fund, to found Divinity Scholarships ; to be put out at interest by the Treasurer. Resolved^ That the sum of ^175 be placed at the disposal of the Executive Committee, for the '* Building and enlarging of Churches «nd Chapels," and that it be an instruction to the Committee, to comply with the recommendations of th j 8e\'>eral Local Cummitiees. Resolved^ That such supi as will purchase a Bill of Exchange for;^50, sterling, be transmitted to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, for a supply t>f Prayer Books of various kinds ; and that the balance of the Society's available Funds be applied to the pur- chase of Books and Tmcls, suitable few Distribution, Librarief, and Schools. 6 ANNIVERSARY MEETING. Thurtday, Februarjf 10, 1842. PRESENT. The Venerable The Aichdeacon, V. P. The Honorable The Chief Justice, V. P. Mr. Justice Botsford, V. P. The Master of the Rolls, V. P. " " George F. Street, V. P. " " A. Edwin Botsford, V. P. The Reverend Jerome Alley, D. D. " *' Skeffington Thompson, L. L. D. Christopher Milner. Raper Milner. Frederick Coster. S. D. Lee Street. John Black. James Hudson. ' William E. Scovil. J. Sedgefield Thompson. John M« Stirling. James VV. Disbrow. ti It tt (t i( «t tt tt tt tt tt tt t« tt tt tt tt tt tt (t tt tt tt The Archdeacon opened the Meeting; with a few remarks upon the benefits which had been derived from the past proceedings of the Church Society. The providing for Missionary visits to destitute places had always been a favorite object with the Members of this Society, and two Visiting Missionaries had been for a considerable time engaged in that service, to whose zealous and successful exertions ample testimony had been given at the meeting yesterday. The impulse which both had given to the building of Churches, in their respective Districts, was indeed of itself sufficient proof of the value of their labour. One of them has three Churches now in hand, the other two. The people, it has been stated, did not require excitement to engage in such undertakings. They were of themselves anxious to set about them ; in fact, could not easily be restrained. The advantages derived from the appoint* mcnt of these Missionaries had cost but little to this Society, as tbe Society for Iho Fropogation of the Gospel, with fhcir accustomed libe- v.- 4 1 V ipon the mys iting rice, leen iven ieed has >een ngs. Duld >int* tbe libe- rality, provided their ulariei, and left to lu only the payment of their actual expenses in travelling. In the settled Missions also, the building of Churches was going on with great rapidity. The little aid which this Society was enabled to afford, had acted powerfully as a stimulus to such undertakings. Apprehensions indeed had been expressed, that this work was going on too fast, and that Churches were being built, which there would be no Clergymen to serve. But it was hoped that this would not be the case with the Churches assisted by this Society. Whenever grants of this kind were made, the Committee acted upon a' reasonable proba> bility that the buildings would at least occasionally be used ; and there was good ground to hope that the number of labourers in our vineyard would soon be considerably increased. A large quantity of valuable Books and Tracts too, had been dis- persed throughout this Province by means of this Society. During the last two yean fifteen hundred copi(>s of the Common Prayer Book in particular, had been imported and disposed of. The foundation of several Lending Libraries had been laid. Not a few extremely va> luable publications of the Society for the Promoting Christian Knowledge had become known for the first time in this Countiy, and we know better than we did before what help to the cause of true Religion might be derived from our connexion with that great Insti- tution. The last yearns importation had been so managed, as to place means of religious information within the reach of all classes in the Community ; and the Society could not, he thought, do better than pursue the same course in future. Read the statement of the operations of the Society during the past Year. Read the Resolutions of Appropriation of the General Committee of yesterday. Read the Treasurer's Accounts. Read the Treasurer's Account of the Visiting Missionary Fund. Resolved^ on motion of the Honorable the Master of the Rolls, That it be recommended to the General Committee at their next meeting, to take into consideration the expediency of at once esta- blishing one or more Divinity Scholarships in King's College, Fredericton. Resolved^ on motion of the Rev. S. D. Lee Street, 1. That in future all Local Committees do send in their Annual Reports (or Ab- 8 ■tnieti thereof) to the Executive Committee on or before the itOth day of January, in each and every year; 8. That in order to make the General Report more interesting and eiplanatory, and to prevent eon* Aisioo at the Anoiveraary Meetinga, it ihall in future be the duty of the Executive Committee to prepare from the aeveral Reports so to be sent in, one flill and General Report of all the proceedings, and state of the Society, and its diierent Branches throughout the Provincet with any other matter that the Committee may think important to in* troduce into such Report ; 8. That no Report of any Local Committee shall be introduced in the General Report of the Society for that year, unless sent in within the time prescribed by the above Resolution; 4. That the Secretary do transmit a copy of the foregoing Resolutions to each of the Local Committees aa soon as possible. Reaolvedt on motion of George Botsfoid, Esquire, That a Com> mittee be appointed to collect subscriptions in the City and County of Saint John, to the purpoaes of this Society ; and that the following Gentlemen be nominated as such Committee, viz., H. Bowyer Smith, Alfred L. Street, and George Wheeler, Esquires. Read Uie following Letter from the Secretary to the Ai^hdeacon : " CarUton^ January 18, 1842. " Rev. Six, ** I have the honor to acquaint you, for the information of the Executive Committee of the "Church Society," that in the eourse of the last summer, two American Clergymen, the Rev. Mr. Jones and the Rev. Mr. Carder, visited Saint John, and that I had the pleasure of making their acquaintance, and shewing them such attentions as Minister^ of the same Church have an undoubted right to. On their return home, I received a letter from Mr. Carder, from which the fol? lowing is an extract, dated New York, October 6, 1841 : *■ I have just returned from a meeting of the Board of Managers * of the Tract Society, and remembering the kindness which you ma- * nifested towards Mr. Jones and myself, and the interest you seemed * to take in onr dmngs, I took the liberty of making a statement of my * visit to the Province, and my agreeable intercourse with you; and * moved the following Resolution, which was unanimously adopted : * Resolved^ that Ten Thousand pages of Tracts be presented to the * Church Society of the Archdeaconry of New Brunswick, through * the Rev. Frederick Coster, Secretary, as an expression of kind and * brotherly feelings on the part of this Society. Another Resolution ^ t ' wa lilio'adoptfld, roqueitiog me to be tlw medium of eomniunieating a * through you to your Society, the Mmiments expretied in the ilrat * Resolution, and to forward the Tracts to you. I need not eay that I * discharge this office with the most sincere gratiiioatioo. I shall di> rect the Tracts to be put up to*morrow, and they will accompany this * letter; only regretting that Mr. Jones, not being able to attend the * meeting, was not associated with me in this firiendly office. 1 shall * add a few copiei of the Church Aln^anac, which I hop« the Clergy * of the Archdeaconry of New Brunswiclt will consent to receive from * the Editon as a friendly token.* ** I will thank you to state to the Executive Committee, that the Tracts so kindly presented to the Society, were received, and that they are in my hands awaiting the ordera of the Committee. " I have the honor to be, ."Rev. Sir, - ** Youf obdt. servt. ♦* F. CosTBB, See'yJ** Retohedf unanimously. That Mr. Coster be requested to return to the Rev. Mr. Carder, the grateful thanks of the Church Society, to be by him communicated to the Board of Maqagera of the Tract So- ciety, for this valuable and acceptable expression of kind and brotherly feeling on the part of that excellent Society. The Rev. Dr. Thompson gave notice of a change of the day for the Anniversary Meeting. Resolved^ on motion of the Rev. Dr. Alley, That the thanks of this meetiug are justly due to the Rev*. Frederick Coster, for the ^ery efficient manner in which he has hitherto discharged, gratuitously, the laborious and important duties of Secretary to the Society. • Resolved^ That the thanks of the Society be given to the Rev. John M. Stirling, for his zealous services as Assistant Secretary, and Secretary to the Executive Committee. Resolved^ That the thanks of ihe Society be given to William J. Bedell, Esquire, for his valuable services as Treasurer. Resolved^ That His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor be -re- quested to accept the office of Patron of this Society. William J. Bedell, Esquire, was re*elected Treasurer. The Rev. Frederick Coster was re-elected Secretary. The Rev. John M. Stirling was re-elected Assistant Sepretary, and Secretary to the Executive Committee. 10 The following Gentlemen were then elected Members of the Executive Committee : Gsorge Botsford, Esquire, Fredericton. George J. Pibblce, Esquire, Fredericton. Henry Dibblee, Esquire, Woodstock. Charles Lee, Esquire, Kingsclear. William M'Leod, Esquire, Greenwich. William Pyewell, Esquire, Kingston. John Robinson, Esquire, Douglas. John Ambrose Street, Esquire, Miramichi. Robert Watson, Esquire, St. Stephens. Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, Fredericton. George Wheeler, Esquire, St. John. Benjamin Wolhaupter, Esquire, Fredericton. (Signed) FREDERICK COSTER, February 10^ 1842. Secretary 1 p of the I. 1. IS. I. I. cretary. APPENDIX. JVtf. I. The Treasurer's Account, The Church Society of the Archdeaconr}' of New Brunswick, in Account with W. J. Bedell, Treasurer. Dr. 1841. Paid for Bills of Exchange, remit- ted to the Society for Promot- ing Christian Knowledge, for Books, • • £139 5 6 Paid the following Grants to Churches, viz. : Loch Lomond, - 24 10 Oak Point, - - 7 15 Grand Manan, • 25 Carleton, • • 10 NowBandon, • 20 St. Patrick's, - 40 Glenelg, • • 15 Jackson Town, 20 Paid Grant to Visiting Missionary Fund, 100 Paid for Printing : John Simpson, -076 Durante Co. • 16 10 Balance in huad, • 187 1 4 Cr. 1841. Balance in Treasurer's hands last year, - - - ^^2 15 4 7 Received Collections from : Rev. J. M. Stirling, 108 19 Rev. Dr. Alley, Rev. J. Hudson, - Rev. S. Bacon, • Rev. F. Coster, • William End, Esq. D. Ilanington, Esq. Z. Wheeler, Esq. 23 16 11 21 200 1 7 7 17 10 5 13 1 10 6 1 10 4 ^G05 9 4 Balance in hand, JS187 Is. 4(/. {Signed) W. J. BEDELL, Fredericton, January 1, 1842. i:605 9 4 TUEASUUER. No. II. Abstract of Monies belonging to the Church Society set apart for Missionary Visits. 1841. Feb. 9. Amount due this Fund, as per abstract rendered, viz. : This sum out at interest, .£549 Cash in hand, . • 17 0— i:566 Grant from General Fund, - - . 100 1842. Feb. 9. Accumulated Interest, ■ • • • 44 16 1 Carried forward , £710 16 1 13 Broaght forward^ • - • - £710 16 J 1849. Less. Feb. 9. Paid Rev. J. Hudson his expenses as Travel- ling Missionary, • £12 6 6 PaidRev. J. S. Thompson's ditto, 20 0— 32 6 6 £635 10 7 42 19 0— ;£678 9 7 Now out at Interest, Cash in hand, Due the Society tm this Fund, £676 9s, Id, {Sigiffd) W. J. BEDELL, Fredericton,Feb. 9, 1842. Treasurer. JVb. III. List of Books helonging to the Church Society^ in the hands of the Secretary t with the prices in Currency. 1 Family Testament, • • • £0 14 6 . 11 9 1 4 15 0^ 6 13 8 1 19 0^ £25 11 4 FRED. COSTER, Secretary. 19 Bibles, 91 Testamems, 94 Prayer Books, 23 Bound Books, 228 (Signed) February 1, 1642. No. IV. Schedule of Appropriations made by the Executive Committee. March 6, Aug. 13, Oct 9, Studville, New Bandon, Jacksontown, Norton, New Maryland, Ringaton, Springfield, St. Stephens, Sussex Vale, Fredericton, Dundas &, W. Brunswick & S. St. Andrew*, ' Waterborough, Woodstock, Grand Manan, Fredericton, W«atfield, {Greenwich, jSt G«orge'fl, 10 Completing a Chapel, 90 Building a Church, Building a Cliusch, 10 Enlaiging the Church, 20 Building a Chapel, 4 Sunday School, 4 The same, 4 The same, 4 The same, 4 The same, 5 OThesame, 3 6 OThesame, 4 Books, 8 OThesame, 8 OThesame, 5 OThesame, 3 OThesame, 5 OThesame, 5 OrThesame, 5 OlTltesame, Paid. X Paid. Paid. Paid. a Paid. Paid. Paid. Paid. Paid. Paid. i Paid. Paid Paid. Sappiied, Supplied. Supplied Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. "w Supplied. 13 16 ) 6 6 9 7 RER. e hands < RETARY. necutive 1839. St. Aadrawa, £3 March 3, Graanwioh, 33 5 Killgiolear, 33 5 Jaokiontown, 10 Norton, 10 Richibueto, 10 Welford, 10 0' Kingaton, 5 10 June S8, Chatham, 4 St. Patriok'a, 3 Kingaclaar, 3 Woodstock, 8 Woodatock, 7 Kingaton, 3 Springfield, 3 Suaaex, 5 Butternat Ridge, 4 Hampton, 3 Norton, 3 Gondola Point, 3 Weatfield, 4 €tfeenwioh, 4 Gagetown, Grand Lakp, 4 5 Sackvilie, 4 Shediae, 4 Chatham, 5 Richibueto, 3 Weldford, 3 Camjpo Bello, St. Andrews, 3 4 St. Stephen's, Pr.WilUam&D. 4 5 Fredericton, 3 Portland, 3 1840. Carleton, 3 ITay 16, G^reenwich, 7 16 Kingsclear, 17 15 Norton, 5 Studville, 5 Grand Manan, 36 It. 86 Dundas, 80 » ti 30 St. Pitrick'a, 30 (t 30 S.W.Miramicbi, 30 •»> 30 Carleton, 15 Bay de Verfe, Fredericton, ao. 10 3 14 Woodstock.ike; 3 14 Pr. William, &e. 3 14 St Andrews, dec. 3 14 StStephena, &e. 3 14 Chatham, «o. 3 14 We«tfield,&c. 3 14 Kingston, dec. 3 14 OIBooks, Supplied. OBebuildlnf th« Church, Paid. Building a Church, Paid. The same, EnUrgiog the Church, Paid. Building a Church, Paid. The same, Enlarging the Church, Paid. Books, Paid. The same. Supplied. The same. Supplied. The same, Paid. The same. Supplied. The same, Supplied. The saase. Supplied. The aame, Supplied. The aame. Supplied. The.same, Supplied. The same. Supplied. The same. Supplied. The aame, Supplied. The aame. Supplied. The aame, Supplied. The same. Supplied. The aame, Supplied. The aame. Supplied. C The same. Supplied. The aame. Supplied. The aame, Supplied. The aame, Supplied. The aame, Supplied.- C The same, Supplied. The aame. Supplied. The same, Supplied. The same. Supplied. The aame. Supplied. Rebuilding the Church, Paid. Building a Church, Paidii Enlaniag the Church,- Paid; Q Building a Chqreh, Paidl. pUbuilding the Church, Paid. Ditto, Paid. Building a Church, Paid. Ditto, Paid. The same, Paid.^ Ditto, Paid. The same, Paid. Ditto, Paid. Enlarging the Church, Paid. Buildinc a Church, 4 Prayer Books and Testa- Supplied-. 4 The same, [laenta. Suppliedi. 4 The aame. Supplied.. 4 The same, Supplied. 4 The same, Supplied.- 4 The same, Supplied. 4 The same, Supplied^ 4 The same,. (Suppliedi 14 1841. 51'rcbl3 Aug. 12, 1840. tHampton, &c. £3 14 May 16, Suwei, &c. 3 14 Waterboro', &c. 3 14 Riohibueto, &c 8 16 Gagetown, dto, 2 15 Carleton, 2 15 Portland, 2 Grand Monan, 2 Sackvilie, 2 Sbediao, 2 Carleton, 10 Looh Lomond, Glenelg, Chamcook, Fredericton, &c. Woodstock, Sco. Tobique, &c. Kingston, &c. Hampton, &c. SuMex, &c. Gagotown, Ate. Grand Lake, Weatfield, &c. Carleton, Portland, St. Andrew8,&c. St. Stephens, t&c Grand Manan, Chatham, &,c. Miramichi River, Bathurst, 2 Shediac, 4 5 1842. Sackvilie, 4 5 July 6, Chamcook, 20 New Bandon, 20 Glenelg, 15 Kingston, 20 Tobique, 25 River de Chiite, 20 Jackson Town, 5 Seo'nd Westooek 16 13 Prince William, '16 13 Nelson, 16 13 24 10 15 20 7 9 10 4 5 12 10 9 9 10 5 3 5 2 2 2 5 7 10 2 5 8 10 4 5 4 Prayer Bookd and TastO' 4 The same, [monts 4 The same, 9 The same, 9 The same, 9 The same, 8 The same, a The same, 8 The same, 8 The same, OEnlaning the Church, lami mpTe The same. The same, The same, The same. The same. The same, The same. The same. The same, The same. The same. The same. The same, The same, The same, The same. The same. The same. Finishing the Church, Finishing the Church, Enlarging the Church, Build. Church, L. Reach, Building the Church, Building the Church, Finishing the Church, Building the Church, Building a Chapel, Building the Church, ^''upplicd. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Paid. Paid. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied. Supplied- Supplied. Supplied. «t Feb. 1, 1843. (Signed) FRED. COSTER, Secretary. 15 ARir. No. V. Extract from the Minute* of the Eaecutive Committee of the Church Society of the A-chdeaeonry of Hew Brmewick. Wednesday t July ^f 18^2. PRESENT. The Ven. the Archdeacon, The Rev. J. W. Dtsbrow, The Hon. the Master of the Rolls, Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, The Hon. the Solicitor General, Charles Lee, Esquire, The Rev. J. M. Stirling, Geoi^e J. Dibblee, Esquire, Benjamin Wolhaupter, Esquire. Resolved^ That the sum of ;f 175, set apart for aid to the building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels at the last General Meeting, be appropriated as follows : To the local Committee of the Parish of St. Andrews, to assist in finishing the Church lately erected at Chamcook, in that Parish, the same to be paid when it shall be duly certified that the building is comi)letely finished, and is erected on land held in fee simple, by or for the use of the Church, the sum of - ;f20 To the local Committee of the Parish of Batliurst, to as> s(8t in finishing the Church at New Bandon, subject to the same conditions as the grant to St. Andrews, the sum of • • • - • • - 20 To the local Committee of the Parish of Glenelg, to as- sist in enlarging the Church in that Parish, 8ubje.ct to the same conditions as the grant to St. Andrews, the sum of 15 To the local Committee of the Parish of Kingston, to aid in building the Church at the Long Reach, in that Parish, subject to the conditions of the grant to St. Andrews, the sum of • • • • • 20 To the Rev. J. S. Thompson, Travelling Missionary, to assist in building the Church lately erected at the Tobique, in the Parish of Andover, the same to be paid when it shall be duly certified that the external walls arc completed, and that the building is erected on land held in fee simple by and for the use of the Church, the sum of 25 To the Rev. J. S. Thompson, to assist in building the Church at the River de Chute, in his district, subject to the same conditions as the grant to the Tobique Church, the sum of Carried forward, 20 £120 16 Brought forward^ .... To the loeal Coimnittee of the Perish of Woodatock, to ' eisist in finishing the Church at Jackson Town, the same to be paid when it shall be duly certified the building is completely finished, and is on land held in fee simple by or for the use of Ae Church, the sum of To the local dommittee of the Parish of Sackville, to assist in erecting a Church at Second Westcock, the ' same to be paid when it shall be duly certified, that the building is enclosed, and that it stands on land held in fee simple by or for the use of the Church, the sum of ....... To the Rev. J. W. Disbrow, to assist in building a Cba« pel at the Magundy Settlement, in his Parish, subject to the same conditions as thp grant to the Second Westcock Church, the sum of > > • • To the Rev. James Hudson, Travelling Missionary, to assist in building a Church at Nelson, in his District, subject to the same conditions as the grant to the Se- cond Westcock Church, the sum of • • • £190 5 16 13 4 16 13 4 (Signed) 16 13 4 £175 J. M. STfRLING, Sbcietaxy. mi A > :i90 5 lill^T OF COiVTRIBUTORS TO THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THB ARCHDEACONRY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. 16 13 4 16 13 4 16 13 4 sns tCIETAXY. tiift inembers, Dy tho pnyment of not len than Ten Pounds at anj one time.-— Tliosa marked with A. S. are also Annual Sabscribers. BAILLIE, Hon. THOMAS, V. P. BOTSFORD, Hon. Mr. Justk«i, V. P. (A. S.) CHIPMAN, Hon. Chief Justice, V. P. (^4. S.) COSTER, Ven. Archde^bon, V. P. (-4. S.) EMERSON, THOMAS, Esquire, M. D. HARVEY, Major General Sir JOHN, K. C. B. & K. C. H., late Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief. MACLAUCHLAN, JAMES A. Esquire. ODELL, Hon. W. F., V. P. (A. S.) OWEN, Capt. W. F. W., R. N., V. P. PARKER, Hon. NEVILLE, Master of the Rolls, V. P. {A. S.) PETERS, Hon.C. J., Attorney General, V. P. RATCHFORD, E.D. W., Esquire. ROBINSON, Hon. F. P., V. P. ROBINSON, Hon. W. H., V. P. ROBINSON, Col. JOHN. SHORE, Hon. GEORGE, V. P. SIMONDS, Hon. C, Speaker of the Asscmblv, V. P. SCOVIL, WILLIAM, Esquire, V. P. SCOVIL, Rev. WILLIAM. WETMORE, JUSTUS, Esquire. (A. S.) WHEELER, GEORGE, Esquire. Subaer^timts for 1841. FREDERlCTOxN. Bedell, Mrs. jCI Akerley, Samuel £0 10 Berton,W.J. 1 Allen, Colin M. D. 10 Berton, Miss Fatiny 5 Allen, Miss Sarah 10 Block, John 5 1 Allen, Miss Anne 5 Block, Mrs. 5 .1 Allen, John C. 1 Block, Alexander N. 5 M Bain, George 5 Botsford, George I 10 11 Barker, A. J. 5 Brannen, Matthew 5 W Bedell, W. J. 1 10 Brannen, Charles 10 18 10 2 6 Brannen, Mra. C. ^0 Branaen, Philip W. Colebrooke, Hi» Excel< lency Sir W» M. G. & Chalmers, J. H. Cheyne, George R. N. 1 Chipmant Chief Justice 10 Cooke, Miss Coster, Archdeacon 5 Dibblee, Georgu J. 2 Dibblee, Mrs. Ellegood, Jacob End, William 1 Eraser, Mrs. Peter Fisher, Charles Fbher, Mrs. C. Franks, William Franks, Mrs. Goodridge, Miss Grigor, Mrs. Grigor, Charles Grigor, Miss Anne Grosvenor, Willianv Hailes, Mrs. 1 Hatheway, F. W. Hatheway, Mrs. Hayne, Mrs. I Head, Mrs. Holbrook, James I Holbrook, Mrs. 5 Holbrook, Miss Isabella 2 Holbrook, Miss Grace 1 Holbrook, Miss Louisa 1 Holmes, Galbraith 2 Jouett, Beverley R. 10 Kerr, David S. 1 Lawrence, George F. 5 Lee, George, Jun. 1 Lee, DuVernet 5 Letcb, Miss Mary 2 Lockwood Anthony 5 Lyall, G. H. 10 McLeod, D. 15 McLeod, Mrs. 5 Mclntyre, Miss Sarah 1 3 Miller, £. W. 15 Miller, Mrs. 5 10 10 5 10 2 6 10 n 10 10 5 5 5 5 2 6 2 6 16 10 10 10 10 6 a 3 6 6 Miller, Miss Miller, Stephen Mysrall, J. O. Mysrall, Mrs. Needham, Mark Odell, Hon. W. F. Odell, Mrs. Odell, Miss Odell, Miss J. H. OdeYt, James Odell, Charles Odoll, William H. Parker, Hon. Neville, 1840 and 1841, Payne, JohnB. Pick, Mrs. Pick, Miss Phair, W. B. Phair, Mrs. Phair, A. S. Poultney, Uriah Putnam, Mrs. Charles Putnanc, M»s Fanny Reade, Alfred (P. See*y.) Donation, Roberts, Georee Roberts, Mra. G. Roberts, Goodrfd^e Roberts, W. Gostivyck Roberts, J. C. Edward Robb, Dr. Robb, Mra. Ross, Mrs. Mary Ruxton, Major Ruxton, Mrs. Saunders, Hon. J. S. Shore, Mrs. Shore, Miss Shore, Miss Helen Shore, Miss Ariana Shore, William S^ Stephens, John Stirling, Rev. J. M. Stirling, Mrs. Street, Hon. G. F. Street, Mrs. Street, Miss £0 5 1 5 5 1 4 1 1 10 5 5 5 1 }« / 10 5 5 10 10 10 5 1 10 2 6 yO 5 5 1 6 1 3 1 3 10 2 6 5 15 2 e 1 3 1 3 10 10 8 1 10 L 19 ^0 5 1 5 5 1 4 1 1 10 5 5 5 1 3 10 'y' 6 5 10 10 10 5 1 10 2 6 \ 5 1 5 1 6 1 3 1 3 1 10 2 6 I 5 15 1 2 6 1 3 1 3 10 1 1 10 8 1 10 Street, Frank £0 10 Bedell, John £Q 10 StratoD, F. A. H. 1 Bedel), G. A. 10 Thomas, Mrs. E. 5 Bedell, Mrs. G. A. 5 Toldervy, Dr. 1 Bedell, Miss 5 Toldervy, Mrs. 10 Beardsley, Charles E. 10 Troughton, George 5 Beardsley, Horace H. Balloch, Mrs. John 5 Wallace, William 2 6 6 Wallace, Mrs. 2 6 Baird, Henry 10 Weldon, Hon,J.W. 1 Baird, William T. Welsh, Anthony 5 Brundage, L. F. Bell, William 5 Wetmore, Charles P. 1 • 10 Wetmore, Mrs. 10 Bell, William 5 Wetmore, T. R. 5 Bull, Mrs. George 10 3 Wilkinson, J. 10 Bull, Abner 5 Wilkinson, Mrs. 5 Bull, Warren C. 10 Willoughbv,W. 2 6 Coote, Capt. 69th Regt., Carville, Caleb G. 10 Wilmot, Bidward H. 10 5 % Wolhaupter, Benjamin 1 Carville, Isaac 5 Wolhaupter, Mrs. 5 Carter,Jamcs 5 Woodforde, Miss 5 Carter, John b Woods, George 5 Coombes, Leonard R. 10 D Woods, Mrs. 2 6 Campbell, Charles 5 Yardy, Edward S Collins, Thomas 5 Yardy, Mrs. 5 Dibblee, Frederick B. 10 Books sold. 10 7 Dibblee, D.L. 10 __ Dibblee, H. E. 10 £9b 10 10 Dibblee, Miss 10 KINGSCLEAR. Dibblee, William F. 5 Finmore, James £Q 5 Dibblee, Seymour X> Oarden, George It) Dalling, Thomas 5 Hay, William 2 6 Emery^ Charles 7 6 Lee, Hon. Thomas C. 2 Edgar, Joseph 5 Lee, Charles 2 English, Mrs. Richard 7 6 Lee, Miss 10 English, Charles 5 Leek, John 2 6 Flemming, William 5 Lawrence, Isaac 5 Furnace, Mrs. 10 Lawrence, John Allen 1 3 Gore, H. K. 69lh Regt. 10 Lawrence, David 1 3 Griffith, Benjamin P. 5 Murray, Thomas 10 Griffith, Mrs. 5 Murray, Isaac 10 Grover, Mrs. 10 Murray, Mrs. 5 Grove: , James 5 Miller, William 2 6 Garden, A. N. ' Garden, H. M. G. 10 5 3 £7 5 Hall, Samuel P. 5 WOODSTOCK. Harper, James 5 Atkinson, Willifftn jfO 5 Hamilton, Major 5 Amiraux, P. G. 5 Harding, Leonard R. 5 20 Hay, Walter £0 Irwin, Doct. 69th Regt. Jonea, Henry 1 Jones, John Johnnon, Thomas Ketchum, Richard 3 Ketchum, James Ketchum, R. Randolph Ketchum, Charles Ketchum, William Kbiley, Michael Morehouse, Frederick 1 liorehouse, Mrs. 1 Mclntyre, Patrick McBeath, John S. McLauchlan, Alexander M*Lauchlan, James M*Coy, James Newcombe, Georgo Nelson, Robert Peabody, Charles Peabody, Mrs. Charles Perley, Mrs. Charles Purringlon, Lewis Ray mond ,- Charles Raymond, Miss Reid, John Russell, Hugh Rice, Francis Street, Rov. S. D. Lee 1 Street, Thomas W. Street, Edwin D. Sawers, C. 69th Regt. Smith, Albert Smith, William D. Smith, Miss E. Simondson, John N. Tupper, J. Ri Tracey, Stephen Tolford, Amos Upham, James Upham, William Upham, William Jun. Wilmoi, William T. Wetmore, A. K. Smedes Weimore, Mrs. Wetmore, James P. 1 2 6 10 2 6 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 6 10 b 5 5 5 10 5 10 2 6 5 5 10 2 6 5 5 5 5 2 6 5 10 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 Winslow, J. F. W. £1 Wiley, William Wilson, John Wilson^ James Wilson, George Woodman, Charles Weeks, Winsate Cash for Books sold, 1 DeUuhmmit GOtk Regt, Houghton, Sergt. Geor^ Stockes, Sergt. Benjamm Buser, Thomas, Private, BroXirn, Richard Bush, Georc;o Baker, Benjamin Creech, Thotnas Couffhian, James Cardory, George Donnelly, James Douglas, Robert Hart, Thomas Hart, John Hughes, James Hughes, Michael Kcarly, Georgo Mariarty, John Roberts, Benjamin Webster, Giles Sunderland, John Tanner, Richard Kennedy, Michael Willey, Richard Crawes, Patrick 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 — 1 — 1 3 3 3 1 3 7i 7i 7i f^ 1 3 1 3 1 3 n ^ u 7i 1 3 7* 1 3 n £41 17 9 TOBIQUE. Akerley, Edwin Baird, George Baird, Mrs. Baird, Humphrey Baird, Isabella Baird, Adam Baird, Mrs. Mary Baird, George Bedell, William*^ Bedell, Mrs. Jane £0 5 5 2 1 2 5 5 2 10 5^ 6 3 6 6 31 10 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 1 3 1? 1 3 7i , ?;■ 7 7 1 3 1 3 1 3 7i 1 3 7* 1 3 n 17 9 5 5 2 6 1 3 2 6 5 5 2 6 10 5^w Beveridge, Beitjumin £1 Ballard, Simoa Butteler, John Campbell, Daniel Cashman, Eleanor Cashman, James Caughey, James Caughey, Somuel Curry, William Donoliy, James Evoritt, Samuel Evsritt, William Jun. Everitt, Mrs. Mortha Hammond, Mrs. P. Hammond, Mrs. M. Hallett, William Henderson, Robert Holmes, Patrick Holmes, Mrs. Anne Hutchinson, John Hutchinson, Mrs. Innman, Richard Irvin, Andrew Kerr, Robert Kergin, Ellen Killum, William Killum, Mrs. M. G. Millaf} Andrew Murphy, James Murphy, Mrs. Martha Murphy, Patrick McLaughlan, Thomas Pickard, Thomas Porter, John Reid, Duncan Reid, Mrs. Ritchie, George R(ffi8, Porter Sisson, Elijah Sisson, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Isabella Smith, Peter Tawlerton, Robert Thompson, Rev. J. S. Truswell, Thomas Watson, William"* W<^on, Samuel Watson, Mrs. £0 5 5 Wallace, John 2 6 2 6 Wallace, Mrs. Mary 2 6 8 3 Wark, David ft 2 5 6 ,' jei7 4 2 6 GREENWICH. ■^ 2 6 Bulyea, Benjamin £0 2 ^ 5 Bulyea, Joseph Brown, Charles L. 2 6 2 6 I 8 3 9 Butney, Catherine 1 8 6 Bulyea, James 1 8 5 Bulyea, Allen 2 6 5 Cartil, Samuel 1 8 2 6 Dwyer, Matthew 1 8 5 Francis, Georgo 1 8 5 Flewelling, Caleb 1 8 2 6 Flewelling, Thomas Goram, Elizabeth F. 1 8 2 6 1 8 5 Goram, Daniel B. 1 8 2 6 Goram, George W. 1 8 5 HaViland, Isaac 5 5 Jones, Humphrey 1 3 10 M*Leod, Colonel 1 2 6 M«Kee], William B. 5 5 M'Keel, Joseph 1 8 2 6 Nutter, William 2 6 5 Peatmata, Daniel 2 G 6 Peatman, Charles 1 10 10 Richards, William 2 6 5 Richards, Charlotte 1 8 10 Richards, Joseph A. 2 6 10 Richards, Charles L. 2 6 2 6 Richards, Barberie 1 8 10 Richards, James N. 2 6 5 Serls, Robert 1 8 5 Smith, William C. 1 3 5 CoIItiction, 4 4i 5 Copi-ers, 1 10 s 3 6 2 £3 11 3J 5 WESTFIELD. 5 Brittain, J. and family, £0 13 5 Belyea, M. A., W. and B. 1 10| 7 6 Belyea, Mary 1 3 10 Fowler, Stephen 1 3 10 Fowler, Miss 1 3 Fowler, Thomas Jun. Day, Abraham Hyland, Jghn Lyon, Leveret D. Lyon, Ann J. Lyon, Sarah E. Milner, the Muaea Purdy,H.W. Whelpley, Thomas Walsh, Mr. Waters, Joel Sen. Waters, Georse G. Wood, Jaiaes K. Waters, Munson jeo 1 1 1 1 I 1 6 < 2 1 r 2 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 % 6 9 9 9 9 9 ;f2 9 11 KINGSTON. Api^leby, J. T. iBO 9 6 Cbaloner, John 6 Cofiby, Richard 1 8 Coifey, James 1 8 Coffey, William 1 8 Crawford, Daniel 6 Crawford, Mrs. S. SO Crawford, Frederick 2 6 Dixon, Charles 10 Dixon, Thomas 4 Evans, Henry 10 Flewening,J.H. 6 Flewclling, David W. 6 Foster, I. H. 5 Foster, Samuel 2 6 Hatheway, Mrs. 10 Hoy t, Samuel 7 6 Hoyt, Charles 5 Hoyt,Jarvis 2 6 Hoyt, Georoe 2 6 Lyon, David and Mrs. 9 9 M* Alary, Alexander 2 6 M* Alary, Joseph 2 6 Nice, Mrs. C. 13 Northrup, loba A. SO Northrup, James and Mrs. 6 3 Nerthrup, Eli S. 13 Paddock, Mrs. A. 5 Perkins, Elijah 5 Perkins, Robert 5 Peters, William ^0 Pickett, David , 1 Pickett, Seymour Pywell, Wm. and Mrs. luymond, George Scovil, Mrs. E. Scovil.MissH.S. Scovil, Miss S. Simpson, William Smith, E. B. Stewart,^^es Wetmore, David Whelpley, Richard Whelpley, George Whiting, William Church Collection, 8 10 6 15 7 10 10 6 5 6 10 5 2 2 SPRINGFIELD. Adams, Joseph £0 Crawf6rd, James 1 Crawford, Joel Gr(>enslade, Wm. and Mrs. Huffjgard, Joseph KelTier, John Marven, Josiah 1 Marven, Philo Marven, Silas Marven, Mrs. Samuel Marven, Miss Eliza Marven, Miss Fanny Marven, Miss B. G. Marven, Miss G. B. Northrup, Eli Northrup, James Northrup, Gamaliel Scovil, Henry A. Scovil, Rev. W. E. I Scovil, W. B. 1 Scovil, Miss B. Scovil, Miss F. a Scovil, James Smith, Mrs. W. H. White, Vincent 1 Church Collection, 1 5 5 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 6 6 6 2 6 7 £18 13 6 2 6 6 5 2 6 2 6 3 6 3 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 5 10 6 6 2 6 15 £10 # 6 >i-4b: 28 £0 10 1 6 15 7 6 10 10 6 ft ft 10 ft 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 7 ;i8 13 6 D. JgO 2 6 1 ft Mra. ft 1 2 6 2 6 10 ft ft 1 3 2 6 I 3 1 3 I 3 2 6 2 6 5 10 i 10 2 6 2 6 ft 2 6 1 1 15 I •