<\y.. <^.:4^ -^ «# Q ..^%^^^o.^ vO. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 !!U 1.25 '-IIIIM IIIIIM 2.2 ■^ iillU I: i4£ 1.4 2.0 .8 1.6 V] <^ /i A 'c ""^ ;> signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmds it des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est tiop grand oour gtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 --• • I • ^ ! - < Polite ConpimiK^^^^ U^^^^J^^,^^^ 1860-1872. THE GOLD YIELD OF I^OVA.-SCOTIi^. BY A. HEATHERINGTON. Compiled from Corrected Official Becords. "Mineral Resources nre but one factor, which must be Joined with labor and intelligence to make the product wealth." — Rossitkk W. Uvymond, Ph. D., U. S. Cvmmmkmer 0/ Mining Sfatntics. ( TheMinesofthe West.) "Reliable Statistics cannot fail to result bcreficially to the country and ; goTernnient."— J. Ross Buowm:, U. S. Sptcial Commissioner. ( litport \ on the Mineral Resources of the United States.) '. "The history of nodern gold discoveries presents itself to us under one uniform aspect; a long preliminary working, and then a sudden publica- tion and recognition. "~J. Cal-^ekt. (Gold lioch of Great Britain ami Ireland.) EfaiitJ) Year— jrfftfetj) CJjousanU. LONDON : "Mining Journal" Offick, 26 Fleet Street, E. C Truebner & Co., 60 Paternoster Row, E. C. 1873. Nova Scotii Printing Co., Corner Sackville and Granville Sts., Halifax. ,V -~ ''V ,.i J'SJ a 'f • i . o "4 TT-'T^T^ » NOTARY, COMMISSIONER, &c., &c., (Sic. nE^SLEi^r iti ir.i>i.^'<;. iioi;lis «trki:t, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. :o:- Mr. Gkav iitteiiils to loj,^al luisiness ot" all kinds in the Domimon of Caxad.v and in the United States. A. HEATHERINCTON, Vail Address, Box 323, G.P.O.; Office, Somerset House, -:o: A rio,i:,ir5t(.'r kopt of every description of Mineral Lands, andlMining Shares lor sale. Properties viewed and reported on — and their purchase or $ale, when re- qnired, neji'otiatedjfor a viioderate connnis&ion. The services of Explorers. Overseers, »S:c., engaf^ed lor Mine Owners. Maps, Diagrams, Statistics, and ii.seful information regarding each I)istiiet sniipl'cil. Returns made for ahsent Proprietors. Mk. IIkatiikiunoton'.s Statistical Keview or Chart of the .iold Yield of Nova Scotia has been approved of and largely circulated l)y the Mines Department and the Paris Kxliiliitiuii Committee, besides being favorably meitioued by the leading Mining Journals. His returns and tables ;" ."om- parison, therefore, may always be relied upon as pccurate and substantially agreeing with the ofhcial records. A GiiiDK TO THE Goi.i) Imkuds published liy Mr. II., and procurable of all Booksellers will be found extremely u'sefnl to Tourists, Miners and Livestors. ^' A v 11 k'. .rr^'i^ w^ fm^mmmmm '\ ^1 "^ C ^ C /^-^ 1. .. ,y^ ^^^ J A. <*t. ^^ f I J . 1 .. i '?°'^g"^;ag °-i a' Ji-i-w. '1 .a -"I "li ' iplit u i ' I ; 18G0-73. GOLD Yll rnOM THK SIRST WORKING Or <' o M :' 1 1, K B N'. n.— TIkm' Talilis ari' iipprovoil liy tin; Groi.odio.u. Siii:vi-.Y Oi'fk !■: oi- ('anai>a, i as a SiAMiAiiLi or liri i.i;i.M YIELD OP GOLD. Ykau and iMHriiU r. BHKUHUdOKE WIVERLEV. . RF.NFRKW . , I I •^ I to WLSE HAUIJOK. UONTACiU OLDHAM., TANGIEU. ITOHMONT. 1802 :i 4 r> ('. 7 8 TO 1 1871! ' 18C2 3 4 r, r, 7 S 9 70 1 11872 f 18C2 ;) 4 6 C 7 8 <1 70 1872 1802 ;t 4 5 G 7 8 9 70 1 1 1872 isea 4 6 c I K 9 70 1 1872 f 18G2 3 4 S C 7 » 9 70 1 1. 1872 18G2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n 70 1 1872 1862 3 4 5 6 7 « it 70 1 1872 1860 UNIACKK Oz. dwt gr. 2.oj:i u 3,:!n4 14 12 ,'!.41'.l 14 20 ;).424 1 21 n.h'jii i;i 8 9,41'.:! IH 7.070 n ,1 ,S..04O 11 10 7,i.;i 4 0,.'i7;i 1!) ~ 4,1(18 H 21 1 ,';o7 2,;'..«o e,4io 14 404 8,(U2 3,'.M2 2.:i87 l,5:il 14 10 811 3 21 1,427 18 12 1,047 17 (1 3 4 22 4 1) 17 11 n If 8 22 308 78.5 7 7 1.172 6 r. 1,008 10 IS fi.42.'. 15 U 7.004 19 2 3.373 14 3.007 l.l 7 1.171 18 11 1,170 17 Ifi 323 3 8 1.088 3,718 2 4,033 3 2.200 r, 1,012 8 84.5 18 1.218 I) 719 8 014 15 14 l„5:i8 6 10 2,572 10 18 300 14 ir. 1,0,52 10 14 !K12 12 23 400 1.5 10 4,36 1& 16 584 14 22 805 i3 14 3,831 9 5 3,1.52 8 15 1,793 10 6 .M 1,223 3 21 1,7.50 5 12 1,126 11 20 9.50 12 20 1,100 3 14 719 4 1,304 16 2,051 15 3 1,718 12 12 1,014 11 10 865 404 607 644 206 601 14 021 8 1,192 1,814 2,003 829 8 21 7 H 7 13 5 21 7 9 3 10 2 ID 7 S 15 KIJO.M 38 6 16 2,572 10 18 ;i66 14 16 1,052 10 14 002 12 2.3 406 15 10 436 15 16 584 14 22 805 13 14 3,831 9 5 3,152 8 15 Oz, *l\Vt. ffT. 28 b 10 1.703 10 6 1 51 1,223 3 21 1.750 5 12 1,126 11 20 956 12 20 1,100 3 14 719 4 1,304 16 2.051 15 3 1.718 12 12 1,014 11 10 865 494 8 21 582 2 20 548 2 1 268 G 21 033 11 7 020 13 9 1,192 3 10 1,814 2 10 2,003 7 829 8 15 397 1,.587 13 12 1.510 4 21 1,696 6 2 1,254 17 1,266 16 15 6.55 2 17 227 13 578 5 15 559 7 21 470 11 72 16 n 1,622 13 20 3.247 3 17 lJi!-.7 3 12 2240 i.iis, OK ytAUTZ. Oz. cint. cr. 2 12 15 1 r, 8 M 10 13 5 18 25 00 4 12 B 12 19 3 15 18 1 1 1 2 1 8 17 15 23 10 19 14 9 10 15 17 21 IB 13 1 5 18 11 12 8 10 8 D 9 t) 6 22 11 13 13 " 2 8 1 10 13 1 1 9 1 4 11 1 3 ,■1 1 4 12 12 14 13 8 2 10 17 8 11 o 2 23 1 2 20 1 1 21) 12 •JO 12 1 11 8 9 12 5 21 9 16 11 18 4 23 18 17 3 6 12 13 1 C 17 10 11 12 13 15 3 5 2 18 19 PKK guAU'i (Irnin .56 40.0: 30 17 11 15 11 13 14 6 17 17 12 11 7 2 4 8 8 15 21 18 17 1 8 1 8 1 7 16 10 18 16 19 B 7 14 19 14 8 10 1 18 14 16 U 2 5 3 7 13 2 13 3 1 IB 12 12 II 16 4 S 1 1 8 11 . 6 U 19 10 29.: 18. 20.1 20.1 8. 20. ,30.. 21. 19.! 17. 12.: 43. 72.: B6.I 30. 13.: ,38.1 26.: 9.; 9.1 6.! 20.1 2 17 5 61. .T. 18 11 I 19.7! 18 18 20.11 13 4 i 14. r. )LD YIELD OF NOVA SCOTIA; CKST WORKING Or THE GOLD MINES IN 18G0. TO TXE CLOSE OF THE YEAH 1872. c o .11 c 1 1. »: i» iKOM 4 oiiKi:('Tr.i» offkial iei:( ouiim. By A. HEATHERINGTON, HALIFAX, N. S. ritvKY OrpicF. OK Canapa, ami lili'd liv tlic I'sii i:i> Siati.s liriMvMi <>i- Siatisius, all (N>n.sii,ah Ai.ihouitiks, ami tlio I.Ni)i:sTrirAi, I'ckhs of t">lh lu'iiiKiihcTC! s II SiANKAiiH or lli'.i Kui.MK, ami ihr'uuli/ ciiiiiiinliuii^ive Kxliihil iiiiljli^lu-il ol' Xovii Scdlia'.i Ijnlil rroiliut. 1800-72. YIELD OF GOLD. ilwt. nr. AVKICAOK. i'i;r, li'Jin i.i(.«. OF 4l.Ar.TZ. I'KIl 100 l.llS. 12 21 l(i 18 2,'t 17 6 i;i 1 10 12 15 5 19 1 1 2 1 8 15 18 17 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 13 14 C 17 17 12 n 7 2 4 8 21 9 15 10 M! :iiio 22.7fi7 ;io.iii5 ;12.7I8 49.fl:i0 30.798 17.173 11.574 15.,VJ0 11.375 19.173 9. COS 8.457 10.052 27.fil5 12 340 9.002 8.992 9.7.'iG 7.433 12 301 14.252 43.229 32.789 22.892 20.109 25.081 20.207 13.5117 10.243 8.071 11.495 9.071 40.003 24.485 23.400 13.777 12.912 12.156 10.195 0.333 9.315 12.011 20.739 62.913 46.348 35.199 31.170 42.874 40 090 ;«.784 100.344 89.141 t;;!.u22 14.571 28. OH 18.704 12.091 23.702 30.423 17.0,57 19,293 18.623 3n.mB 30.700 7 10 18 10 19 5 7 14 19 14 8 10 1 18 14 10 1 11 10 7 13 16 12 12 10 4 8 14 8 11 0.0 11 19 10 363 103 020 578 133 990 400 480 934 179 273 113 3R5 923 124 307 8.14 308 235 098 929 844 2 17 5 61.321 18 11 I 19.791 18 18 20.112 13 4 1 14.129 28 1 33 32 13 40 8 80 17 82 2 27 20 20 29 1 2 14 1 13 9 1 18 23 8 18 13 10 9 23 12 14 39 14 30 17 18 4 2 11 11 15 5 10 31 9 24 11 31 34 8 10 11 12 29 18 15 21 15 5 62 10 40 4 20 11 10 27 18 4 32 13 33 11 17 15 22 11 41 « 9 30 5 54 14 23 41 7 10 36 16 18 19 14 10 10 4 10 19 9 35 10 12 42 14 15 90 15 22 2 19 4 28 10 18 22 15 3 26 , 13 21 8 ■ 17 24 14 28 2 2 79 2 17 01 14 5 53 13 10 3 12 20 14 14 18 14 7 19 4 20 5 9 9 9 15 3 18 17 22 30 16 10 9 13 14 31 15 2 18 4 15 20 17 13 34 18 18 31 16 8 3 12 20 10 18 14 11 11 17 2 16 35 9 12 30 7 .(; 112 132 130 r 185 323 328 148 s. 10 2.54 10 40« 10 545 7 990 8 912 15 718 84 1.025 10 2,174 10 2,275 19 995 13 8 9 15 070 13 1,810 10 3,22(1 1,340 17 572 707 055 10 078 fl 720 944 17 885 18 725 5 1.112 3 3.3.54 13 H. 70.0 221.4 103.8 218.3 '2.'i3.H 422.9 340.0 .538.5 407.0 .540.0 274.2 1.59.9 231.5 2*1.4 280.8 339.1 400 7 3.39.0 3,50.0 380.9 317,0 2M).3 31 3 183.3 193.8 2S0.5 '2.50.0 ,305.8 411,5 .531.3 204.0 2,50.5 137.5 1SK.4 .■)59.9 402.1 427.0 288.5 209.7 .329.9 620.3 620,0 627.0 94.9 99.5 128.1 05.9 110, 122.0 1.32.0 114.0 103.8 38.7 79.2 114.7 •249.0 175.2 112.8 244.0 •209.4 318.5 198.7 i;i;).3 .30.3 35 82.6 110.4 208.2 •2.58.1 124.0 l.'i9.6 2'28.8 210.8 178.8 34 6 67.5 65 9 80.3 306.7 123.0 101.0 247.4 4.35.8 840.0 331.8 103 7 ;io2.4 301.3 roiirt. c wt. 801. 3,4.54. 2 2.073. 2.511. 14 2 853, 12 7.378. 1 9.X80. 4 11. .500. 11 11.428, rt 13.8h2 10 6,^243. 3.741 0,754 19 9,2;!8 9 12,518 1 li:.7.50 10 510 6,372 3.915 15 2.019 2 772 10 1,701 TiHl- ll'. 8. 8. 9. 23. 31. ;!0. 30. 44. 10. 171. 574.17 1.2'29. 1 9^27. 1 6,00:!. 4 7 22^2 .5 .57l94. 5 7.2.58. 9 3,213.15 2.4 3.10 855. 880. 3.r,14.10 4.130 9 3.8:12.18 1.881.15 lOTO. 2 2.9:m.u •2.720.12 2,927.10 2,309, 139.18 .545. 5 015. 9 ;i82.10 244.10 3.50. .572. 7 910, ,H 848.15 083. 84. 1.0^25. 10 2.2;f8.12 2,230. 900. 870. 1,011. 1.735. 2.014. I.:t74. 793. 707. 6,55. 10 097.17 639. 5 791.17 '•24. 8 7'25. 5 1.3:i2. :! ' 2,924. 1,022. 221. 520.11 0;)6.15 1,040.11 '2.'2,53. 2 782.10 696, 5 690. 1„526.10 1,937. 9 643.10 28.10 1.967.15 3.h74.15 11. 99 21. 05 29. 01 40. 12 ,50. 80 ;i,3. (8 20. 42 12. .55 8. ;i9 X. 8« 5. 04 0. 55 1. 84 :i. 94 2. !t7 19. 24 23. 15 19. 21 2;t. '20 40 MILLS. 10. 11. OS 13. '25 12. '28 0. 03 5. 35 "J. 41 8. 74 7. .55 9. ;)S 7. 40 0. 45 1. 79 1. 97 1. 22 0. 78 1. 12 1. 83 2. 93 2 72 2. 19 0. ^27 3. 28 7. 17 7. 10 3. 08 2. 79 3. 2. 20 '2. 10 2. '23 2. 05 2. n:i •^ 32 2. 32 4. 27 8. 75 9. 37 5. '20 0. 76 1. 08 2. 04 liiMi 33 22 2. 60 i. 91 1. 89 4. 89 6. 21 1. 74 0. 09 0. ;)n 12. 4 CO » 13 AT TIIK KNl) OV TIIK V i: A IL 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 I 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 Q 2 3 No. 4 5 5 4 4 5 10 11 11 12 12 No. 12 X 12 10 i:! 12 10 12 8 10 10 4 10 6 9 8 30 7 5 6 8 13 10 12 4 .5 4 10 4 4 2 3 11 VKAII ami |ll-TIll(T. 18021 * a 6 ) T ■ 8 9 70 1 1872 . 1X02 ;! 4 5 6 8 70 1 1872 1862 3 4 B 8 9 70 1 1872 J 18021 3 4 5 ? 8 9 70 1 1872 1803 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 1 1872 J 1802 ■ :i 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 1 1872 J 1802 ' 3 4 ,5 7 8 9 70 1 1872 J 1806 'n .SUKUItKOOKi: .WAVKUI.Klf .HKNFREW .WINE HAUBOU l^\ MONTAGU 9 70 1 1872 J 180-. ' .OLDHAM .TANGIER ..STORMONT :! ^ N I I I i L'MACKE. •fm IIP? r, 7J 111 II t I,c.22 l:l 211 8 3 247 .-1 17 fl 1.KC17 3 12 m;ii 11 •T 1 .■;i;o 17 3 ■.' 241 10 (\ UNCI-A.s.->IK1F.|) fAniiior. ISfifl 70 _l 1862-72. Declared QuuntitiCB. SiiKiil'.ltooKK ycni» II Wavkui.ey " Uk.nkrkw '• Wl.VK tlAKBOII.. . " MoNTAdU " (Ir.DMAM " Taniiikh " KniiiHosr " I'.MACKi; " II.NCI.ASHIKIKU.. . " C'AimiDi " II II 11 10 II II 11 lij 11 ;'; Annual Summary. 1,%2 18i;3 18i;4 1805 I8(i« 18(;7 1H«8 1801) 1870 1871 1872 TOTAI.. . . 431', II 111 3 2 lii! I'J 47 3 8 24H 10 III 3!l (1 17 3IB « 22 421 12 n .178 B 1.1 112.2 ID 402 13 l.OOI 2.1 r.13 11 2 .104 n 2.'1 2011 l.> .■.7.(M 7 II 41..V23 ir, 2r,,74:i 7 22 20,4ill C 8 13 12.1 14 21 13,111,3 12 20 10.4111 7 1 10.222 1,1 111 7,078 IH 18 2,012 4 7 2,3211 3 7.27.) 14,001 14 17 20,022 18 1,-1 25 4.->4 4 8 2.'5.204 13 2 27.314 11 II 20,541 10 17,8118 10 l!l,8(Ki ,'5 ,-) 10,227 7 4 13,004 17 G _ 72 111 l.r.22 13 20 .1,217 3 17 1,8117 3 12 IVM M n .1110 17 -.1 241 10 12.5 HI 3 2 15 3 21 30 12 II 227 8 12 11 2 312 2 (1 21(1 14 4 201 II 103 II !l 328 a 7 1,001 23 <1I3 II 2 .504 1.5 2;t 200 1.3 57,040 7 14 41.523 II 111 211,740 7 22 20.4111 (! 8 13.423 14 21 1.1.106 12 20 10.241 1 10.204 1,5 16 7,078 18 18 1,743 13 !l 2,320 3 fi,0f.4 13,073 14 17 10,0311 5 22 2,5.341 7 18 2,5,1,5.5 11 7 27.220 12 20 20..5I8 (! 18 17,000 2 8 10,(180 8 14 10.218 4 21 13,021 e 311 .51 8 3 in 11 2 21 2 1!» 211 15 1.5 4 4 10 177 IR 11 17(1 10 1.5 it 2 7 73 11 (1 ,-)8 • 208' 6 18 SOS 10 22 311 28 80 12 1.5 112 10 14 40 1 10 84 18 15 22 10 I« 177 18 11 170 10 15 2 7 73 11 17 r, IH II 18 18 4 13 7 H 23 U l4 20 17 II 17 14 13 II I 7 S 8 1.1 5 21 14 4 18 4 1 3 14 U 12 18 1 3 2 18 III 1 20 3 17 14 I) II 14 i;. 17 10 10 s 7 23 1 209,870 18 23 I 21 08,738 1 1 1,132 17 22 10 20 61 321 10.701 20.112 14.120 7 «7!t 9.023 15.023 40.n«|lL 7.210 21.7m) 18.831 14.448 7.778 .5.0.54 8.708 3.081) 15.178 10.400 25.2.58 13 080 10,405 13.880 17.870 10.038 00.831 21.0011 18.100 22.000 15.825 7,428 17.5.50 24 . 707 10,725 22.323 24 002 18.772 20.822 15. 204 12.079 15.328 14.070 18,282 18,037 28 3 23 112 l.'i 10 29 8 14 117 II 4 fi,! 2 17 212 10 10 20 10 : no i7 o II 1 8 !l 3 II II 5 17 '2 10 08 10 ;w » 12 141 ]H .TO t 145 5 2(1 9 2 105 10 28 l» ■1 113 10 25 18 14 103 14 ,'IH 12 19 164 11 10 10 8 70 n 14 10 2(1 17 4 3 1 10 13 r> 10 4 23 10 17 20 08 3 '1 9 1 9 10 1 10 A 31 4 8 1 14 32 u 10 10 59 12 9 4 40 10 O.J 3 1 88 1.1 44 H 11 177 13 20 10 17 100 2 32 1 128 4 31 11 4 138 4 30 8 10 121 14 ■ ».* 11 10 ;k) 5 in 23 111! 3 22 14 12 no 18 31 18 2 127 12 10 17 13 43 10 31 19 14 127 18 14 11 n 58 4 1,5 19 1 ti;i 17 24 14 9 08 17 37 f) 10 149 3 ;i7 ■J It 148 10 .■18 18 10 155 14 20 10 20 mo 3 20 8 14 105 14 ,'15 13 18 142 15 30 10 2 147 4 30 11 145 5 11 1,.120 14.274 41 27,8118 >-■ 22.0J2 71 0.214 -" 4.342 II 1,9.)0 801 .»» 0.,5.52 VI 4.902 10 2,470 8 4.. 5,50 15 4.902 10 12,0:10 41 15.444 40 7.900 20 2.80. 9 5 ■ ..8 18 11,070 35 0,,5(KI 21 2,1M14 10 2,IM 1 407.2.38 118 52:1,484 152 2iio,:ioo 70 18.|,01I0 54 i:i7.oi8 44 1n1,1(18 ,53 I4o,:M8 41 78.02 i 40 22,721 19 1,50,000 ,5(10 2V:i,(124 877 2.52,720 810 212,000 (i8:t 211,700 070 218. 804 7(12 241.4112 771 2l0.0;i8 070 173,1.80 557 1(12,904 523 112,470 3hO 2,227,5.50 019 1860-61. 1862-72. * uleii, and not Total. Oz«. 1,308,20; 1.077.O7.'l 2,545.783 GENEEAL SUMMAEY. KKtinialeil Qddiitily taliK'J befoio n(ln|itio lietiirns. • (iold ol)- u of »« orii ToUl. Oz«. 0,000 Declared Quaiiti iea. Total. Oz«. 7,275,0(.0 14.001,7:15 20 022.1 '27,217 25 204,051 27,:il4,.57:! 20,.54l.:i21 17.808.040 10.800.200 19.227. :t.58 13,001 803 200,870.948 Kstiuiateil Qnantltie* «! reported. Native. Fioin Quarts. Ozs. 4,000 Annual Yield. 1800-01 Old. 2,000 Oz». 31 i .000 28.000 80.031 ]12.8.:0 49.089 84.031 22.08.3 177.923 170.831 9.115 73.503 Oz.. o'.9('i4!o(io 13.o:j7.7:i5 10,0:10.200 25.34 l.;i87 25.1. 5.5.. 505 27.229.042 20,518, :i; 18 17.01K1.117 10,080.429 10,218 213 13,021,300 ,39! 000 22. Olio I3.;iii9 37.170 .50.011 15,009 27,017 22,077 23, 109 00,885 20.437 080 ! 000 1.370.205 1.90:1.704 2.5(18.013 2,544. 4 :t5 2.070. :i.58 2,031.002 1.809,883 2.1 10, 571 1.781,7.57 1,278,700 » .. 4 .5 6 2,505. :14( 7 8 2,685.427; 9 1.8.3l.iHW 70 1 2,1,3:1.741 1.872.' 42 2 1,305. 137 1860-72 2,000 4,000 0.000 1,132.800 2(I8,73H,052 307.104 2(1.701,948 21.129. 0,5L District Yield. SllKltimOOKB Wavkrlev Kesi'kkw Wink Hauuor Mo.MAdU Oldham TANOIKIt iiroUMONT Uniackk OAlllliOU OVKNS Unclassifihd Lawkk.ncetown (!kani> Totat.. .. 250 1,700 " "50 2,000 1,100 1.0.50 200 750 ioo 300 300 150 "50 4.000 1.100 i .0,50 200 750 ioo ,550 300 1,850 ioo 38.000 208.3.50 18.000 3 1.000 650.771 .775 87, 44, l> 20! 13 13, 10, 10, 7.! 1.17 94'!, .523, 749, 49 , 423, 00 241, 204 178, 129. 131, 171, 441, ;i70 o;);( 30i! 317 744 tH2 002 78:! 0:17 ,,50 4 2 001 251 0,000 I (.1:12,800 1 208,738.0,52 .57.984,370 | 44.523 0:13 28.749.390 1 20.49 317 13.423 744 13. 00 042 10.449 :i,52 10 222 783 7.978 037 2.:)29.150 1 442.4 2 1 1,727 772 44 031 ;09.870 048 2.000 21.C.50 2.000 l81l (IOO 14:1.229 9.225 > t 104 20.70 1. 0-18 .7C3.fl2I 5,7 5 .45 .9>;7 4.45. 075.104 2.075 04».fJ^3 2.048 ..34 .261 1.34 313.;t58 1.3 3 .023.998 1.045 .020.217 1.022 790.00.3 700 2;i0.8.50 2;(fl 18. 588 207 28 , 099 172 48,744 67 ,C21 ,00' ■ 01 iK ,2.5t .;t5i .i'4> .211 .0 ; .8.5( 58( .221 .0,1 21.120.05'. Marked tiy a total alwni-c of speculation, excitement or new dinooveries, tlie p"ld mininu industry of 1872 still priv-eutn some intere Tliey are as follows: — 1. Srarciti/ oj Lnbar. The liiiildint; of the Iiiteicoloiiial liailway ami (he aciiviiy at llii' Coal iiiiip-s inade lahor soarre, wtijic: natiiiaily lessened the yeiii's ^old product. The economic results were on the whole saiisiiictory and as i.suul in ail\:ii^ of tli"'!-f i4>taiiied in nu mining in the Province, h.iil a quielini; tendency. Having wioiiyht to a depth tlint reipiireil new iiiaehinery, ami the Khaivholileis bein^ unw e.xi;4eiicy. the iiiines were either closed or let on liibnte. 3. T/te Kfftiirtion of Knt/n'ti/, in May last fioin :i p'-r cent, on tlie ounce valued at £'.\ i increased cost ol labor and supplies and tlii' standard price oi' ^old. to be of sensible iienetit. The total abulitiju of this riiinoxinns tax is bein;.' iiiTJ U on a permanenl footiiijj. 1. Apiieumure of " ^otts anti (ibsrrvations on the. iloitt Fituls iif f.^iubtr aivt l^' irn Srotia," an oHicial report by t liositio'i in Victoria, .-Vustralia, renders his advice valuable and his opinion on the subject of ;,'oUl miiiiii'.' aiiilioritutix'c. Mr. Ski.wvx'h views ari' . thf ■ ' ttist/iits nf Canuftit (luring Ihr pa.^t suttinur /,s. as rmnrcts thtir natural cnpiihilititi, fXrtfUhi^liI favoratiU, aiuf t'/ualty ti}i/'avnra/fi' a^ r'i;t tliis i. ,i.irtant publication ran be had of .Messrs. TRl'liXKit & Oi)., London. 5. Succnn of nn iiMij/n'i Miiir, The Ki.doiiaih) at Wine Ilarb Cap.aiii Spia;;ue. It i.s to be hop. d thai tlx' Company has entereil upon a Ion;,' career of prospcrit.x, and that ils ex: ni] b' ot invislin;; llrili>li < Wine Ilaiboi IVistrict Ibr l.'^72 Ihou^^li exeeptional arc worthy of comment. The yearly earnings per inaii ainounte I t.) L':tii;i :js. 8d. ;in excess o(' 112: ol' .to. 0. .Sn/.' i|A OV.W jl/iiic.v 1/1 homlon. I he well-known properties ol Messrs. lleWolfe & Co., at Waverley an I MoiWagn, werestoekc.il: fair aiuouiit in hand, and tiie gooil iliscovcries which liavc bei'ii made subseipient to the transfer, the prospects of this Company too are ei.coiira Monlas:u Disliict, maintaiiieil for years, and exemplitieil by the returns of the Al-IiiON mine. 8. The Conviclion of n Uolil SItnUr : the Orst Assayer of Ilalilax. the notorious Ulnckie, alias Smith, alias Black, was arrested, i-tolen gold and battery |ila es louiid on hi- preniisea, and the fello the gold is obtained by milling a coar.=e conglomerate or cement, conflinis the freipiently expressed opini.ui in these reviews of a further source of pi above cited Keport ol tl:e Ulicctor of the O'eologieal Survey, 10. H.port on the Vninrkr, Otilhnxi and lUnfrno Vislricli, by I'rofeasor Hin licpurts ol 1808 ol (lie I'. S. Conimissioi er of Mining Statistics, and the works of Kl'sTKL, I'lilI.l.ll'B and other iiiithoriiies. 11. Expeiiment. 41 ozs. of gold ami 70 ib-. ol .|uieksilver. and thus proving what value lies buried in (he tai ii gs yet ricoverable in other ilistricts. 1 Jioints three hundred mi cs :ipart, the general results of gold mining in Nova Scotia, as detailed in ihis annual exhibit, are still mch as to favorably ilr. SELWV^'t^ excellent advice " not to invest an amount beyond what tliey can aflbrd to lose nithoiit serious embarra.s»ineiit," have both uptitud HALIFAX, N. .S., January, 1873. London: Mining yournal Office, 26, Fleet Street, E.G.; and Trii ElUUTU YKAR. (COP-YHia-HT.) M 10 H HI IH n i^^ ft '» 11 1.1 1(1 4 11.) m 4 1(1.1 H 4 1(4 u - -!• n 4 irt IT H 16 13 'J •ri IH N M 3 4 !l in H .11 4 in .'U l> 4 B!l (i H 4!l 1(1 X HM l:l 'J 11'.' Mi in 117 M 4 '.'i:; 10 Id ll'J 17 (I 177 1.1 11 KMI U'H 121 14 !I0 ft m n 1(0 IH 127 12 4.1 10 127 in B« 4 c;i 17 2 !i8 17 t; 140 3 14S 10 ir..i 14 inc. .1 in,-, u 142 15 147 145 117 11 6 1 .,12(1 11.271 27,M»* 22,1(22 li.2I4 4..U2 1,11.50 (I MM n..M2 4,!t'i2 2,470 4..1.V) i.'.i'M I2.(i:m l.\444 7,!I5(I 2,K0, r,'.,H II. "7(1 2,!Ni4 2.184 4n7,2:w fi2:i,lHl 2i:n,:i!io 1H-1,!I'.)0 i:i7.(ii8 IXl.lC.H 21 ,c.;i2 l4().:iiK 7f.(i2 i 74,!i;i2 22.721 I 40 Ml 71 2(1 14 22 '.'1 10 H l.'l in 41 4il 2(1 il IK 3.1 21 1(1 118 1.12 7(1 .14 44 ,13 ('..'I 41 4(1 ,100 H77 SKI ch:) fi7!l 7(i'J 771 (;7(i ,i.-,7 ,123 3t.(l 2,227,550 (J I a IflH 10 2,ir)H 1.1 4 2(12 1,1 3,3.1H, r> 1,111(1 1(1 K17 16 3'Jlt. 75. n 225. 12 21.10 lOH, 5 :i,'IO. ,'I(I5. H81. 8 1,1118. 817.17 281. 2,(;40. 1,. 182. 17 7(14. 4(18. ;i 180. (1 71,ll;l8. R 7(1.143.1(1 34,0(14 18 30,111. 7 .1..122. 12 1.1„i7(l. fj I.l,(;8;!. 4 11,8,10.15 12.!iKl.l(' (5.8Mil. 17 3,(12,1. n r,,740. 17,(1(11,15 21.43.1. 2.1,0(11. 5 31,7(10. 7 3.'f.321. !) .■(.•l.d-lO. 17 3.1,124. 7 .32,0(13. in 30.214. 10 1(1,245. 2K2,:)87. 103 7 ;iii2.4 301.3 304 (110. !l .'IM.O 400.2 ,17.8 174.2 11.3 87.0 147.8 122.2 285.1 307,4 20,1.0 200.1 031.5 285,8 244.3 315. U IUI.4 .1.12,3 200,0 208 ,120.0 803 1(10.2 120.3 1(8. !l ,1,12,8 1n;i II 200,2 M.4 124.3 100.(1 234.8 .100.(1 304.. 1 2MI.I 33,1.0 .Kiil.fi 3711.7 2K8.8 28 1(1 1.007. 1,1 3.87 1 M .1.171.13 l,rol.ln 00(1. u .104. U 75. n 225.12 38. !) 101.18 2,10. 1(1 10 n 51N.I7 701.10 812.17 281. (1 2,5,12, 1,582. 17 7.15. 470. 13 308, 71,000. 70,1(53. .15.042. 2o;;(H. 5,208. 14,070, 1.1551.15 10,1,13. 3 12,101. 3 5,0,13. Ill 3,185.10 0,740. 17,001.15 21,4.13.17 24,42,1. 32.11.1. 4 31,3K6.10 ;iL',L' 1. 1.1 3.1,147. 5 30,828. 12 .10.701. 17,0113.10 254.0 270,208. U 0. 00 1 1 ., 0. 30 ;( 3 7 12. 42 5 B !•. 10. 10 5 I n II 5. 75 5 1 (1 4 2. 88 ,1 1 4 1 1. to .1 1 4 2 0. 24 2 o « n 0. 72 '2 II 'J 0. 12 .» n .» 4 0. .12 .» n .. 3 0. 80 1 1 .» J 0. 05 1 1 li 4 1. 00 B •i 7 4 2. 44 3 B 8 !_' 2. 00 4 4 H ■J 0. 00 5 4 1) 1 8. 18 5 4 »l 2 5. 07 1 1 .. .1 2. 42 1 1 ;; .1 I. .1,1 1 1 •J 3 1. 18 1 1 - - 20. 85 n 3 12 1(1 22. 42 2 I 3 2 10. 47 '> 3 5 '^ 8, 51 4 1 .1 1 1, 70 3 n .3 '2 4, ,15 1 ,. 3 1 3. !I5 3 1 4 3, 10 I •J ;j 2 (1, 20 3 1 4 2 1. (14 5 4 2 -. )* ' 1 " - 21.002 IH 12 .10 (J 54,403 25 10 :i.l (1 08.0118 27 II 38 s:i 78 285 25 to 35 f.7 103,(IMl 20 10 ,10 tV) ton. ,1115 20 8 .14 •13 103.403 38 14 .12 (7 112.051 .17 18 53 87 08.800 35 18 .13 52 08,1 00 34 10 53 51 54.786 34 10 .13 o.» 80.035 34 19 .13 O.J 1X06 U.VIACKI'. . ..rNCI.A8.SiriKl) TO I 1H72J Ih02 ' 4 5 7 H ft 70 I lh72J IMIO) Ih72j 1862-72. Declared Quantities. .CAKlIioi; 11 V. II 11 II 10 ' II II II C'i II ,. .RllKOIIOUOKK " W.WKKI.KV '• UKNF(U.W " . . ..NVlNB llMUIdll " MllNTAdli " Ol.im.VM " TAVOIlill " SriKLMONT " l'NI.\ 1,781.7.17 1,872.' 42 100 21.000 21,100 8.002 84.400 .4,17 1,278.700 1,305.137 100 14,300 1 4,400 1 6.079 57,600 .104 20.761. !M8 1 21.129, U,12 1 3,500 233.500 1 237,000 1 100. MS.OOO .000 .CIO .000 I (1110 1.220 .104 5.7«3.fi2I 4.45 ,907 2.675.1 M 2.048.083 l.,14 .251 1.313.358 1.023.008 1.020.217 796.06.1 18.. 188 28.0iK) 48.744 .7 !> .45. .675 .048 .34 .3 .1 .045 ,022 700 230 207 172 57 C21 007 104 i8;i 250 358 (•48 217 3 850 r.88 •228 9,9 40 480 20 2.200 700 00 04,81(J ,10.025 2fl,(J25 '23 200 14.7f5 14 ,,120 11.565 1 1 .525 8.775 2, .160 300 1.200 540 M.8,10 60,025 29.(125 '23.21MI 14.7(15 14.,''i20 12.(145 II. ,145 8.775 2.5 2,50(1 1,!KM) (MO 27.. 160 259,400 21.108 200. (Kl 12.500 118.500 9. 827 '.tl.lUO 6.230 59.0 6.i'2T ,18.080 6. 082 48,180 4.870 46.18(1 3.7(y2 35.100 1.080 10.240 1.054 10.000 .807 7.600 .253 2.400 20.7(1 l.!M8 21.120.05:; I 3..100 2.1,1.,100 1 1 2.17.000 100. 948.(881 OENEHAL SDMMAEY. Annual Yield. 1800-1 2 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. '.'.'.'. 3 4 6 n 7 8 9 TO 1 '2 1860-72 ,1. .rict Yield, Si(Ki;ni;ooKR Wavkhi.kt Hknkui^w Wink Hakihui MliNTAdC Olihiam TANOim Stoismont Uniackk C'Auiimu UMCLASKIKIIiI) OVENK Lawrkscetowm .nK.\M> TllTAI.. of lh72 still pr(.>cnt« .«omr intefefili(i;i ft,atnrfft wliicli, hrieliy ntlvcrti'ii dj below, will he ni-ir,* fully di!.ous.s«.(l iit a ...pfmiutc Uovicw. il iiiin,-s iiiadi- labor srarre, wajjes lii;;lu-r ami the niiuer.s vt-i y indfin-i tlrot. Tlii..- n'stiicic,' ilu niuiiKr t''mpIo\"e,i a, ^,il,i iiiioiii;.,' and 1 aihaii^' of llit.st- iJilaiiu'd ill many , du'i" cumilrii'fs. 2. 7Vi' Wilh/rftwiif o; Ajnnicaii ( 'jwi/>rtH<',<, hitii, i u- ili.- inain.^i.iv ol l'oUI and (he Kliaci*Iui1i|i'i-K lii-in;.^ nnwillini; to pay rall.s to lU'oviOi' lor tlio >:;ni''. Ami no i-t'scrvc ol piolits lia\ in-/ i'.*,-ii ina,!,- t*i iiicft llm I'eiif. on tlie ounce valiiid ai iu.l ;8.<, Oil, to 2 [ii'i- i'cn(. on (lie oiii.ir. valiiid at til n.-. 1 Jd. wa.. too trilling' a ivii.-i »-ion. in vi,-«- m' llio ■ lliis oOnoxiiiiis tax i» bfin;; a^'ain nrj.'i'd n|iciii th,, I,iL;i>lalini', a iicfi-sacy strn if it i- \vi.-li,'d i,i ifvivo tin imlo (ly and t iiimiir>,i up liiU'- : " Th' a- H' i-nf itni'i-issinn itrot'Uicf'f t>t% nnj min'' '■> ffuit I 'mi'.' :. '■•^ t I THE GOLD YIELD OF NOVA SCOTIA. Introductory. — The accompanying Tallies published annually shice 1865 show the gradual development of the Tiovincial gold in- dustry ; and it is to be hoped that they afford useful data not only for the statistician and political economist, but also for the cautious investor who vrould naturally seek assurance for the stability of any enterprise in which he proposed embarking in an unembellished statement of results extending over many years. Readers who care not to wade through a long array of figures may take interest in the subjoined summary. General Results, — Making allowance for quantities stolen and otherwise not reported — approximately ten per cent, of the whole — the value of the total gold yield from the autumn of i860 to the close of the year 1872 was ;^948,ooo. The traceable and officially recognised yield for the years 1861 to 1872 inclusive, is 215,871 ozs., or ;,^S63,484 in value; of whigh ;,^I2,532 (3133 ozs.) from alluvial washings, and ^850,952 (212,738025.) from quartz treated in the mill. The largest declared yield in any one year for the whole Province was /"i09,258 (27,314^ ozs.) for 1867 ; the largest annual yield of any separate district ^'57,617 (14,404! ozs.) for Waverley in IS65 ; the largest annual yield of any single mine ;[^34,9io (8,727^ ozs.) from the Tudor mine at Waverley in 1864 — not reckoning about 3.000 ozs. known to have been stolen ; and the largest bar of gold ever cast was in June 1865, from the same mine, the property of Mr. Leo- pold BuERKNKR, the weight being 1,200 ozs. and its value ;^4,8oo. The largest aggregate amount produced from mines owned by com- panies, is ;[^220,ooo from the Ophir at Renfrew, the Wellington and Palmerston at Sherbrooke, and the American at Waverley. The largest amount produced from a mine owned by one person is ^^72,000 from the Tudor at Waverley. The largest return in proportion to the workings, is ;if 72,000 from the Wellitigton mine on a 13 inch lode, opened only 180 feet in length and 500 feet in depth. Promoters of public companies have received about ;^ i, 000,000 stg. for claims. The largest price ever paid was ;iC4500 for two free claims at Waverley of 150 feet each. The largest capital of any mining corporation, proportioned to their holding, was that of the Tipperary and New York Company, who owning only 300 feet in one and 150 feet in another district, organized for the amount of ;£"5o,ooo. -AiirtSin f i.-'iWttf^''"-^'--"- -^tiii-tlt'iirfffliitr"-"'*^'^'-'-'"'^'^""-' The Provincial Government has received about ;^5o,ooo for rents and royalty. The cost of 2,227,550 days' labor, estimating wages at five shillings a. day — which is higher than the average of the first five years — was ;^556,888. The cost of 55 mills, the greatest number at any time in operation, may be given as;^77,200; allowing /"i 600 each for 37 steam, and j^iooo each for 18 water-mills. The cost of supplies, rated at 5 sh. for each ton raised, amounted to ;^56,478. Incidental expenses reckoned at 10 per cent, on the totals for labor, •upplies and machinery, were ;^69,434. The total legitimate cost, then, of eleven years declared yield. Government exactions included, was ;^8io,oco, leaving a margin of ^^29,484, reserves comparatively intact, and plant and recoverable tailings worth ;[C75,ooo. The production of the several proclaimed districts, from the quartz mines alone, continuing developments on lodes now actually worked to a mean depth of 1000 feet, and confiniag them to present lateral bounds would, according to the average of declared yields, amount collectively to ;^27,ooo,ooo. Quardz Mining. — It will be observed from accompanying Tables that quartz is the chief source ot gold in this Province, and that th« proportion per ton varies considerably in each district. There are not only patches in every district, but there are entire districts (as in Australia), where the quartz is exceptionally rich ; but to counter- balance this, the veins are narrow and more expensive to beneficiatt . ^i. 8s. per ton is the present lowest cost of raising and reducing 2,000 lbs. of quartz from a lode one foot in width, running in slate. The attention of quartz miners here has been too much confined to narrow lodes ; but when it comes to be understood that it is relatively cheaper to operate on large quantities of low grade ore than on picked lots of rich ore, wide veins yielding five to ten pennyweights, which might be profitably worked on an extensive scale at a cost of only two or three pennyweights, will cease to be disregarded. Small veins, however, will never be wholly abandoned so long as it is remembered that in Grass Valley, California, seven million dollars' worth of gold were produced from a lode only averaging fourteen inches in width. — {See Mineral Resources of the United States^ 1867.) Alluvial Mining. — With the exception of beach washings at the Ovens, which were prosecuted during the years 1861 and 1862, alluvial mining has been almost wholly neglected. Professor B. SiL- LIMAN and Mr. Campbell incline to the opinion that the auriferous "r^*"^-*^^"-- '1 ' ■ " dehris of this Province have been swept beneath the ocean ; but M. M, J. W. Dawson, J. A. Phillips, T. Sterry Hunt, the late Auguste Michel and A. R. C. Selwyn, who in the succession named have examined and reported oa this region, consider that systematic search for alluvial gold might well repay the prospector. At Tangier Harbor a nugget weighing 27 ozs. was found in 1862 ; and at Middle River, Cape Breton, and Gay's River pieces of gold weighing from 10 grains to 17 dwts. have been washed. At Nine-Mile River, Stewiacke, Indian Path, and Gold River, the alluvions are deep and impregnated with iine gold From the last mentioned district Dr. How obtained very remarkable results, which are cited in his Mineralogy of Nova Scotia, and in Dr. Dawson's Acadian Geology, aud were to a great extent, practically sustained by Mr. Michel's subsequent experiments on the ground. Recent trials on an extended scale at Gay's River gave very satisfactory returns. Average per Ton. — The eleven years' mean from the crushing of 249,346 tons British, is 16 dwts. 20.005 grs., against which Victoria, Australia, reports a thirteen years' mean of 10 dwts, 11.39 grs. per ton, and a further yield of 2 dwts. 14.91 grs. from after treatment of the tailings. The highest average for the whole Province in any one year was i oz. 3 dwt. 6 grs., in 1865, and the lowest 13 dwt. 23 grs. in 1 87 1, The highest yearly average of one district was 4 ozs. 13 dwts. 15 g'*s., for Montagu in 1870, and the lowest 2 dwts. 3i grs. for the Unclassified Districts in 1872. The highest district average for the whole period from 1862 to 1872 is 2 ozs. 16 dwts., 8 grs. for 4370^ Brit, tons crushed at Montagu ; the lowest 6 dwts. 22 grs. for 5030^ tons crushed in the Unclassified Districts. As concentration of the tailings takes place in only two mills, and that but recently, the above average does not represent the gold contents of the quartz that has been crushed by a large per centage. Average Earnings. — The mean yearly average for all districts amounts to ;^ii7.ii.6 ; Victoria, Australia, showing a mean of £"^0.- 1 1. 5-38d for twelve years ended 1871. The highest average for the Province was ;^ 1 55. 14.8 in 1867; the lowest ;£"38. 4.0 in 1862. The highest in one district for the whole period is ^177.13.11 for Sher- brooke, the lowest ;^43. 10.2 for the Unclassified Districts. The high- est district average for one year is;^363.3.8 for Wine Harbor in 1872 ; the lowest ;^9. 16.8 for the Unclassified Districts in 1867. The daily provincial mean for the period covered by this review is 7s. 6-44d., and for each district as follows : Sherbrooke, lis. 5-i8d. ; Wine Harbor, 8s. io-34d. ; Renfrew, 89. 2-62d. ; Caribou, 8s, 2-46d. ; Uniacke, 8s. 2-i7d. ; Montagu, 7s. 9-64d ; Waverley, 6s. 9-65d. ; Stormont, 5s. 9-92d. : Oldham, 5s. 9-45d. ; Tangier, 3s. lo-jod. ; .* ^^. '■IPJiLH^H mi%iyw Unclassified, 2s. 9-47d. The daily average for Wine Harbor last year was £i 3s. 3-37d. per man, while his ordinary wages only amounted to 5s. or 6s. a day. Number of Miners. — The total numlier of days labor declared for eleven years is 2,227,550 ; equal to the number expended in thirty- four days in Victoria, Australia, in the year 1871. The greatest number of miners employed in any one year by the whole Province was 8S7 in 1863 ; and by one district 317 — in Waverlcy — in 1866. The daily provincial mean for the whole period was 649 ; the highest district mean, 152 for Waverley, and the lowest 19, for Caribou. Quartz Raised. — The aggregate returns give a mean of 254 lbs. for each days' labor, but allowing one third of the hands as employed elsewhere than at the pits, it would appear that it required, on average, 6 men to raise 2240 lbs. of quartz. Quartz Crushed. — The total quantity crushed is, in round numbers, 250,000 tons British, or no more than has been treated in four years ift one mine in Australia. Mills. — At the close of the year 53 mills were standing, but hardly a dozen in constant operation. They arerage ten stamps apiece, and their aggregate capacity i» 530 tons a day, or 165,000 tons a year, which could even be doubled by the previous use of patent crushers. So far the mean quantity treated, per day, is slightly in excess of 72 tons. General Remarks. — This condensed Review is chiefly for the pur- pose of directing attention to a new field for the profitable employ- ment of European, more particularly British, capital. The noble efforts of the Royai, Colonial Institute, are teaching England the value of her Atlantic possessions, whose denizens should also take pride in making known resources of interest or benefit to the Empire. The proximity of Nova Scotia to the Mother-Country, its accessi- bility '"''I'm all points by land or sea, its excellent harbors, innumera- ble rivers, immense forests, extensive deposits of coal, iron and geld, and above all its wholesome climate and law-abiding population, are claims worth considering by capitalists who invest in mining ventures and who would give a British colony the preference if reasonable assurance were offered that the risks there would not be greater than in distant alien countries. An eleven years' abstract of returns made under oath, presented in the accompanying Tables gives that assurance, and at the same time practically refutes any imputation of bias or imaginativeness that might otherwise be raised against an advocate of Nova Scotia Gold Mining. A. H. Jamiary, 1873. '" " ' ' Not€. — The detailed review of" Gold Mining in Nova Scotia," refeired to in the Stfttistical Chart will appear in April next. ^ L----" LOVfjLL'S DOMINION km mmmi directories. NOTTOi:. Learning that my name has been unwarrantably used in connection with Directories now being canvassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works, and that in other cases it has been stated that my Directories have been abandoned, I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to sec that persons representing themselves as acting for me are furnished with satisfactory credentials. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. The CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY, and SIX PRO- VINCIAL DIRECTORIES, prove a correct and full index to the Dominion of CANADA, NEWFOUNDLAND, and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, and a combined Gazetteer, Directory and Hand-book of the six Provinces. SUBSCRIPTION TO DOMINION DIRECTORY: Dominion of Canada Subscribers $12 Cy. United States do 12 Gold Great Britain and Ireland do £t^ Stg. France, Germany, &c. do £t^ Stg. SUHSCRIPTION TO PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES/ Province of Ontario Directory $4 00 Province of Quebec Directory 4 00 Province of Nova Scotia Directory 3 00 Province of New Brunswick Directory 3 00 Province ot Newfoundland Directory 2 00 Province of Prince Edward Island Directory 2 00 N0 money to be paid until eaeh took is delivered. 2^=" Rates of ADVERTISING will be made known on applica- tion to JOHN LOVELL, rublisher. Montreal, Jan. 1873. "THE CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS," A Weekly Journal of Current Events, Literature, Science and Art, Agriculture and. Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. PUBLISHED EVERY SATUEDAT, AT MONTREAL, CANADA, liy GEOJiGH E. DESBAItATS. Subscription, in advance, $4.00 per annum (including postage). Single . .. Numbers, 10 cents. ', ' 7 / r TRUBNER& CO. 8 and 00, PATERNOSTER ROW, 00 and N, LONDON, E, C. Me.^srs. Trlkunkk 0R]WA9IENTAL. primtino. -:o: Books, Pamphlets, Reports, Cards, L»w and Commercial blanks, &c., &c., irint^d to order on reasonable terms. JE6w-