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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. irrata to pelure, n d n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 A^ yA SMITUSONIAX INHTITITTION BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY: J. W. POWELL, DIRECTOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES I i i BY JAMES CONSTANTINE PILLINO .'I ■,i;l « * )i| WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1892 1 12494 tsi A 1 LINGUISTIC BIBLIOGRAPHIES ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. ^ 4 ^ Smithsonian institution — Bureau of ethnology. Catahtgue of lin- guistic manuscripts in the lilnary of the Bureau of ethnology. By James C. Tilling. » In Bureau of (;t.hii<)lop. 555-577, Washington, 1881, royal 8 . IsHueil Heparately with cover title as follows: Catalogue | of | linguistic manuscripts | in the | library of tiie Bureau of ethnology | by | James C. Pilling | (Extracted from tlie flrst annual report of the Bureau | of ethnology) | [Vignette| | Washington | Government printing ottice ( 1881 Cover title as above, no inside title, half-title as under entry next al)ove p. 553, text pp. .555-577, royal 8'^. One hundred (•oi)ics issued. Smithsonian institution — Bureau of ethnology | J. W. Powell di- rector I Proof-sheets | of a | bibliography | of | the languages | of the I North American Indians | by | James Constantiue Pilling | (Distrib- uted only to collaborators) | Washington | Government printing office | 1S85 Title verso blank 1 1. notice (signed .7. W. Powell) p. iii, preface (November 4, 1884) pji. v-viii, ititroduction pp. ix-x, list of authorities pp. xi-xxxvi, list of libraries re- ferred to by initials i)p. xxxvii-xxxviii, list of fac-siniiles pp. xxxix-xl, text pp. 1-839, additions ami corrections pp. 841-101)0, index of languages and dialects pj). 10i)l-llli5, plates, 4^. Arranged alphabetically by name of author, translator, or first word of title. One hundred and ten copies printed, ten of them on one side of the sheet only. Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnology: J. W. Powell, di- rector I Bibliography | of the | Eskimo language | by | James ConstJin- tine Pilling | [ViguetteJ | Washington | Government printing office ( 1887 Cover title .is above, title as above verso blank 1 1. i>refa('e (A]uil20. 1887) pp. iii-v, text pp. 1-109, chronologic index pj). lU-lU), 8 fac-siniiles, 8 . An edition of 100 copies was issued in royul 8". Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnology: J. W. Powell, di rector | Bibliography | of tJie | Siouan languages | by ( James C i h iiTirv # im m IV LINGUISTIC BIBLIOGRAPHIES, BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. 4 -j Smi>'».soi;iim institution | Bureau of ethuolojjy: .1. W. Powell, til- rector pJiibliojj^rapliy | of the | Iroquoian languages | by | .James Cou- stantine'Mlling | [V'iguetteJ | VVasliini^ton | Government printing oflSce | 1.S88 Cover title ,8 ahove, title as iihov.i verso )»)iiiiit 1 I. preface (December 15, 1888) pp. iii-vi, text ,>p. 1-180, addenda pp. 181-189, c^lironologic index pp. 191-208, 9 fac- similes, 8°. An (lition of 100 copies issued in royal 8'-. Smithsonian Mistitution | Bureau of ethnology: J. W. Powell, di- rector I Bibliogi rphy | of the | Muskhogean languages | by | James C(mstantine Pillin,.': | [Vignette] | Washington | Government printing office | ISSO Cover ^itle as above, vitle as above verso blank 1 1. preface (May 15, 1889) pp. iii-v, text pp. 1-103, chroii,ilo>!;ic index pp. 105-114, 8"^^. An edition of 100 copies issued in royal 8"^. Bibliographic notes j mi | Eliot's Indian bible | and | on his other translations and works ii; the | Indian language of Massachusetts | Extract from a "Bibliography of the Algonquian languages"! [Vignette] | Washington | Government printing office | 1890 * Cover title as above, title as abovv- verso blank 1 1. text pp. 1-58, 2>^#ic similes, royal 8^. Forms ])p. 127-184 of the Bibliography of the Algon(|iiian "r^.^iages, title of which follows. Two hundred and fifty copies issued. Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnology: J. W. Powell, di- rector I Bibliography | of the | Algonquian languages | by | James Coustantine Pilling j [Vignette] | Washington | Government printing office | 1891 Cover title as above, title as >ibove verso blank 1 1. preface (June 1, 1891) pp. iii-iv, introduction p. v, index of languages pp. vii-viii, list of fac-siniiles pp. ix-x, text pp. 1-549, addenda pp. .551-.575, chronologic index pp. 577-614, 82 fac-similes, 8°. Au edition of 100 copies issued in royal 8°. pr?:kace. ii \ I 1 Tli«^ series of biblioorajiliies (»f wliicli tliis forms tlic sixth iminber was startcMl in 1.S.S7 witii tlie Kskiiiiauan as the first issue. Tlie.v aie all based ui)oii the "Proof Sheets of a Biblioj^raphy of the Norfli Anier- i{5aii Languages," by the same author, jninted in l.SSo, in an edition of JlOeopies. Titles and eoUations of these works will be found on a previous ])<'ige. The next in order of ])nbli('ation are to be the Chinookan (ineluding the Chinoo4v Jargon), the Salishan, and the Wakashan, all of which are well under way. The name adopted by the Bureau of Ethnology for this family of languages (Athapascan) is that used by Gallatin in the American An- tiquarian Society's Transacti» is. vol. ii, 1. It has been objected to by a number of missionaries — students of various (Malects of this family in the Northwest — but ])riority demanded that Gallatin's name should be retained. It is derived from the lake of the same name, Avhich, ac- cording to Father La(in<|uian tribes. (In the south the Athai)ascan tribes extcmled to the iiiaiu riilfje between the Atha])asca and 8askatchewau rivers, where they met Al;;oiniuian tribes; Avest of this area they were bounded on the south by Salishan tribes, tlie limits of whose territory on Era- ser Kiver and its tributaries ai)pear on Tolmie and Dawson's uiaj) of 18H4. On the west, iji liritish Columbia, tiie Athapascan tribes nowhere reach the coast, being cut oft' by the AVakashan, Salishan, and Cliimmesyan families. The interior of Alaska is chielly ()C( u]iied by tribes of this family. Eskimo tribes have encroached somewhat n])ou the interior along the Yukon, Kuskokwim, Kowak, and Noatak rivers, reaching on the Yukon to sctmewhat below Shagduk Island and on the Kuskokwim nearly or ijuite to Kolmakotl' Redoubt. Ujion the two latter they reach (|uit<' to their hc;ids. A few Kuti'hin tribes are (or hav«> lieeii) north of the T( rcupine and Yukon ri\ers, but until recently it has not been known that they extended north beyond the Yukon and Komauzott" mountains. Explorations of m - ■i !ii > VI PKKFACE. Lieut. Stoiiey. in lHiC>, eHtiiiiliHli thr fiicf tliiit tin* rc^^ion to tlie iiortli of tlinno iiioiin- taiiiH i.s ociMipifil l)y Atliii|)!iH('iiii trilius, siuil tlir> iii;i]> is coIodmI iii-conliii^ly. Only in two ))lac<9H in Aliisl^ii ilo the Atliapiisciin tribes rcadi Mio coast: tlie K'uaia-libo- tunii, on (!<>ok's Inli-t, and tiif Alithcnii, of Cooper Uiver. I'iicijir (froiip. — Tnlike the ti'il)0't of tlie Noi'tliern );ronp, most of those of tlio Pacilio j^roni» liavo reniovoil from tlieir priscan lialiitats sincu- tlio advent of tlio wliite race. Tlie i'acltic jjronp ombraees the foUowiujj: K \vnlhio((ua, formerly on Willoj»ah liiver, Washington, near the lnvvor ('iiinook; Owilaitsh, formerly lietwoen Shoal water Uay and the heads of the ('huhalis itiver. \Vashinj;ton, the territoiy of these two tribi's being i)ractically eontiniioiis; Tlatseauai. formerly on a smiU stream on the north- west side of W'apatoii Island. (Jibhs wat informed by an old Indian that tliis tribe "formerly ownod the jirairies on thoTsihalis at the mouth of the .Skiikiimidiuck, but, on the failure of game, left the country, crossed the Colnml)ia Uiver, and occupied tlie mountains to the south." astateuiant (tf too wueortain chiiracter to lie depended njion; tlie Athapiseau triltes now on the (Jraude Uonde and Siletz Hesorvati17 have been .seen and des.n-ibed by the coinpiler, 42J of the prints and 95 of the maniiscrii)ts, 'f'aA'ing 27 as derived from outside sour(!es, l(J of the prints and 21 inanu scripts. Of unseen by the writer, titles and descriptions have been received in most cases from persons who have actually seen the works and described them for him. So far as passible, during* the proof-reading, direct comparison has been made with the works themselves. For this purpose, besides his own books, the writer has had at;cess to those in the libraries of Con- gress, the Bureau of Kthnology, the Smithsonian Institution, and to several private collections in the city of Washington. Mr. Wilberforce PREFACE. VII Raines has compaiwl the titles of works ccmtiiiiitMl in liis own lilnary and ill tlie Lenox, and reeoiirse has iK'en had to a nuinlxn- ofUI»rarians thionyliont tiie country for tracings, |)hoto;,'ra|)lis, etf. Tiie result is that of the .")17 works des -ribed //- nsu comparison of pr.tof has been malati(m of this catiiloffiu' tln' iiiin has Iwoii to inrhule evv'iytlJii'AniVit mI (•!• in inanusciipt, rehitiiiy to the Athapascan hin- jiiiay^vAV-m ljfo''i*'''*'t'^» artich's in ma^jazincs, tracts, serials, etc., anil sucii^^it v*'^^'*^! *' I annouinTnients of imhlicatioiis as seeincin not known. A cross-ieference is given trom ^he first wordfj. of anoiivn'"!'- ' itles when entered under an laithor ami rr«»m the tirst wvrds of all litles in the Indian hinguages, whether anon.\mous or not. Manii-cripts aie entered under tlie author when known, under the dialect to which'they n^fer Avhen he is not known. Each author's name, M'ith his title, etc., is «'ntered in full but once, i. e., in its alphabetic order. Every other mention of him is l»y sur- name and initials only, except in those riare ctases when two i)ersons of the same surname have also tlie same initials. All titular matter, including cross references thereto, is in brevier, all collatiiuis, descrij)tions, notes, and index matter in noni)areil. In detailing contents and in adding notes resjiecting c(nitents, the si»elling of ]noi>er mimes used in the jtarticulai' woik itself has been followed, and so far as ]K)ssil)le the language (»f the i<'si)ective writers is given. In the index entries of the tribal names the compiler has adopt>'d that si»elling which sj-eiiu'd to him the best. As a general rule i'.itial capitals have heen nsed in titular mattei' in only two cases: first, for propei' names, and second, when the woid actually ai»]tears on the title-page with an initial capital and with the remainder in snmll capitals or lower-case letters. In giving titles in the Geitnaii language the capitals in the ease of all substantives have been respected. When titles are given of works not seen Ity the compiler the fact is stated or the entry is followe^apiiler. Cliipi)e\vyaii jr, Cliiracaliua Apaclie. See Apache. Cook's Inlet Indians. See Kenai. Coi»])er Indians. See Alitinn*'. Co])i)erinine Ai>aclie. See Aj)ache. Coquille oA Coyotero Ai)ache. See Apache. Dene i,r, — tJ iJene Dindjie. See Dent'. I )og Kib o(j Faiaone. See Apache. Hare Indians. See Tean de Lievre. Haynarj^er. See Henaf^i. Honajfi 41 Hoopa. See IIui)a. Hudson Bay 1 1 llnpa ^i Inkalik ^., Inkalit-Kenai. See Kenai. Jicarilla Apache. See Apache. Kaiynhkhotaiia 4;. Kcnai 44 Klatskenai. See Tlatskcnai. Koltschane _ / ^g Kutcliiu ►y Kwalliiokwa rjQ 'i If If Xir INDEX OF LANGUAGES. Page. Lipaii 54 Lotott'ii. See Tiituten. Loiiclieux 55 3Ies(j»lero ^Vpuclie. See Apache. JMiduooski. See Ahtinii^. Mimbreiio Apiiclie. See Apache. Monta^jiiais 65 Nabiltse 74 Najjaihn- 74 Nahawny. See Xehawiii. I*f}ivaj(> 74 Xehawiii 75 ^Noithern Indians. See Athapascan. Js'nlato Inkalik. See Inkalik. Peau de Lievre 77 Pinalefu) Apache. See Apache. Kofi'ue Hi ver 90 Sierra JUanca Apaclie. Sec Apaclie. Sikani 04 Slave ■ 95 Shivi. Sec Shivc. Sursee 9g Sussee. See Sursee. Tacnlli : 97 Talikali. See Taciilli. Tahlewah 97 Takudh. See Tukiidh. Tenan-Kntchin. See Kutcliin. Teiiana. See Kutchin. Tcnana-lukalik. See Inkalik. Tinne 9,S Tlatskenai 9S Tolowa. See Taldewah. Tiikndli KCj Tututcn ]0;5 TgaU'iizen 1((;3 I'hihik-Inkalik. See Inkalik. Vnii)k\va lo.'i rnakhotana 1(»4 AVailakki 1()7 White ^Mountain Apa«'hc. See Apache. Willopah .• ! 109 LIST OF FACSIMILES, Pagf. Morice's Dene Syllabaiy (;7 Title page of Morice's Dend Primer 70 Title page of Morice's I)eii«'' Cateeliisui 71 Perrault's Montagiiais Syllabaiy 78 XIII € A ;;!' I< [An ,1 Abb Co ] the Till Ore att of: Ma iiig wit is ii Ada] con Ii rcn( sis 80. T hem an , tier I teen gnai a CO ' 'im I'lrtll Is E seiz Ada Pf I 25 Hi abov tabic Ml O) (}at8( Tr 6«.; ]S88, By James C. Pilling. ^m \ BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THE ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. [An asterisk within paronthosca indicates the compiler lia» scon no copy of the work referred to.J A. Abbott (O. II.) Vocabuliiry of tbe Cofniillo languii(j;o. Manuscript, 6 pages, folio, in llir library "f tlio Bureau of Ktlniology, AVa.sliiiif,'t(iii, 1>. 0. Taken down in 1858 at the Siletz Indian A gcney, Oregon, with the a.s8i»tance of the iiiteri)reter at that ageMcy,and recorded on oneof the blanks of 180 words issued by Mr. Geo. Gibbs. The blanks arc all filled and .about 20 worIais Nabajoa, pp. 179-180.— Short discus- sion of the Kinai. pp. 228-229.— Comparative vocabulary of tlu! Ugaljachmutzi (from Kesan- otf), with four Kinai vocabidaries respectively from DawidofF, Kesanort', Lisiansky, anil " Cn- geiiannten," p)). 230-231.— A few words in Sus.'iee (from I'mfreville), p. 254. — General dis- cussion of the Chepewyan, with examidea from Mackenzie anil Doljbs, pp. 419-424.— Vo- cabulary of the Chepewyan and Nagailer (both from M:' and the Hudson Hay Indians (from Dobbs), p. 424. Copies teen: Astor, Bancroft. British Mu- seum, Bureau of Ktlmology, (Jongress, Eames, Trumbull. Watkinson. Priced by Triibner (18.56). no. rm. U. 16*. Sold at the Kischer sale. no. 17. for M. -. another copy, no. 2042. for W». At the Field siile, no. 16. it brouglit .$11.8."); iit the So Buschmanu (.T. C. E.) Nunu'rals Allen (H.T.) Numerals I>all(W. H.) 1 'd t I AIU- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ll! I :,f '■.'i. AhtinnS — Continued , Numerals SenteneeB Tribal names Vocabulary Vocabulary \ocHbiilHry Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Words Words Words Words Words KlliH (R.) Alhn (11. T.) Lalham (R.O.) All.u(lI.T.) Bacr (K. K. von). UanciofKH. If.) ISuHcliniann (J. C.E.) 11all(\\Ml.i Gallalin (A.) jL'lian (L. !•'.) Latbam(U.U.) rinarl(A.L.) Wraiiij.ll (F. voii). T>aa (T,. K.) Elli.s (K.) IVtildl (K. F.S.J.) I'ott (A. V.) Scboniburjik (K. II.) Allen {TAcut. Homy T.) I'.tth CongrcsH, I 2d Session. I SiMiiito. | K.\. Doc. | No. 125. I Ke])ort | of | an expedition | to | the Copper, Tiinana, and Kdyukiik rivers, | in tlie | Territory of Ala.ska, | in I the year 1885, | " for tlie jmriioHO of olttaining all information which will I be valuable and important, especially to the I military branch of the govern- ment." I Made under the direction of | General Nelson A. Miles, CNminiaudiug the Department of the Columbia, | by I lient. Henry T. Allen, | Second United States Cavalry. | Washington; | Government printing otfice. I 1887. Title verso blank 1 1. contents pp. 3-8. cor- respondence pp. i)-I4, introduction p. Ut. half- title p. 17, text i)p. 19-172, 5 map.s and 29 plates, Sentences in thcMidnmiskv Ian linage, xi..">l. — Natives of Copper Kiver (pp. 12.)-Kl(i) contains some general remarks on their language, a vocabulary of .">lt words Knglish-Midnoosky, p. 134, and the numerals 1-10 of the Jlidnoosky and Aiwiche (tlie latter from Lieut. T. B. Dugan, U.S.A.) compared, p. Ki.i. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology. Eaiues. PiUing. Some copies am issued without the docu- mentary heading of five lines at the beginning of thetit'epage. (Bureau of Kthnology. Tilling.) Partly reprinted as follows : Atnatanas; natives of Copper river, Ala.ska. By Lieut. Henry T. Allen, U. S. Aruiy. In Smithsonian Inst. Annual Kepon for IKHO, )>art 1, pp. 2.'i8-200, Wasliinglon, 1889, 8". (Pilling.) Vocabulary and iiiimerals as under title next above, |(. 2r>.'>. Kepriuted as follows : Allen (H. T.) — Continued. Atuataiias, or nativesof Copper river. In Quebec Soc. de (i6og. Bull. lS8«-87-88-8», pl(. "9-90, (Quebec, 1889, H"^. Linguistics a.s under titles above, pp. 87-88. Ainerican Bible Society: 'I'liese words following a title or within parent iieses after a note indi- cate Unit a <'opy of the work referred to has beou seen by the conipiler in tlic library of that in- stitution, New York City. American Bible Society. 1776. Centen- nial exhibition. 187(5. | Si)eeiiuen verses j froui versions in different | langmigea uud dialects | in which the | holy scriptures | havt^ been printed and cir- culated by the | American bible society I and the | British aiul foreign bible society. I [Picture and ouc lino quota- tion.] I New York: | American bible society, instituted in the year MDCCCXVL | 187H. Title verso jiictiire etc. 1 I. te.xt pp.3-17, ad- vertisement p. 18, Iti^. St..rohn, iii, Iti, iii the Tinn6 language (syl- labi<' cbaivu'ters), p. I!(>. Coinci seen. : American Bible Society, Pilling, Trumbull. Editions, similar except in dale, appeared in 1879 (Wellesley) and in 1884 (Pilling). Si)ecimen verses | from versions in dilFercnt ] languages and dialeiits | in which the | Holy S-riptures | have been printed and circulated by the | Ameri- can bible society | and the | British and foreign bible society. [Picture of bible and ouc line iiuotutiou,] | Second edi- tion, enlarged. | New Y'ork: | American bible society, instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1885. 'I'itle verso note 1 1. text pp. 3-00, index pp. (11-03, advertisement j), 04. 10°. St. John, iii, 10. in tlie TinnC! or tMiippcwyan (ronian and syllabic) and Tukudh (roman), p. 47. f'npiei seeti : Wellesley. 'I'hereisiin edition, otherwise as above, dated 1888 (Pilling). Issued also with title as above and, in addi- tion, the following, which encircles the liorder of the title-page: Souvenir of the World's in- dustrial and cotton j centennial exposition. | Bureau of education: Department of the in- terior, I New Orleans, 188.'>. (rilling.) Muestras de versiculos | tornados de las versioues en diferentes | lengnas y dialectos | eii <(m> las | sagradas escri- turas I hail sido iniprcsas y ])iiestas en ci'tiilaciou por la | Sociedad bibllca ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. American Riblo Society — Continneil. a'licric.'inii ( y hi | Soc.icMlail liiMicii in- gi'-sa y oxtraiijera, | [Dcsif^ii iuitl out' lii.o (|iiotati<>ii.] Niieva York : | SocitMliul hililiiii iiiiio- riciaiia. | Fuiulada t'li fl Ano do 181G. | 1880. Titlf iiH iibovti vcrmt pintiirc etc. 1 1. ti>xl pp. .1-50, IiiHtnriciil iniil otlicr ol)»("rvatii)ii.s pp. .'il- 60, iiidi'x pp. lll-Oy, pictum iiml (ksicriplidii ]<. 64, 10°. St..I<>liii iii, l(i, in 111!' 'riniK'i (svlliibic. cliiir- nctiTH), (;iii|ii>('\v.viiii (ruiiuiii), and Tukmlli (, p. 47. Ciipiet mm : 1'illiii;;, \\'<'ll('sli. Gihhs, esq. IJy Alex. C. Aiuler.son,|., late of th<; hoii. 11. H. CO., anil rcail Ix'forc the New York Historical .Society, No- vember, lSfi2. In Hi.sforical Ma^. tlrnt Merit's, V(d. 7. pp. 73-81, Xew York >t bonilon, IW):), «iii.4". IiiclndoH a Hbort acconnt of tli(> 'I'alii'iilly.s, witli a few proper names with Kn'jtli.sli ,sijrniti- cation. ^ Notes I on I north-western America. I Hy I Alexander Caullield Anderson, J. 1'. I (Formerly of the Hudson's Hay (.'ompaiiy.) | Montreal: Mitchell & Wilson, Print - ers, 1912 St. Peter Street. | lH7t). ('over title as aliove. no inside title; text pp. 1-22, 12". Under the beading; of •■ Indians," pji. 20 I'L', is given a short Heeonnt of the natives id' tliat rejjion, inelndiii!; the ■ Cbipewyan race." wliieli inrludes a few Irilial names with Kn;;lisli si;;- niticittions. Copieii nei'ii : liiireaii of Kthnolony. Coiieordaiiee of the .\thaltasean lan- fjiiajres. Maimscriiit, s nnnnniliered leaves, f(dio, in the library of till' ISiirean id' Ktlinoloy:v, Wash in^toii, 1). ('. Keeorded at (,'ntlilamiit. Wash- ington Ty.. 24th Febriiary. 1858. Anderson (A. C.) — Continued. The tlrst four leaves, written on ono sldo only ntain a comiiarntive vocnbiilary of 108 words of tlie following; lanKimaes: KiikUhH, <"liipwyan, 'raenlly, Klatskaniii, \Villopah, I'lipcr rnip4ua. 'riH)tooton, .Vpph«({af« flreek, llojiah, and Ilaynar^er. The remaining four leaves, written on lioth sides and bonded .Vp- pendix, contain notes and memoriinda con- nected with the. vocabularies collated in the accompany in j; iihiitraut. Apache: (luueral diHciission .'n-c AdeliniK (•!. (!) and Vater(J. H.) Oenornl diHCiisainn General discussion lieniTal diseiissiini (leneral discnisslon ricni'nd discussion (ieneral discii.ssion • ieneral discussion (iciM'ral di.siuission I ieneral discussion lienles Bancroft (II. II.) I!er;;baus(II.) Hiisidiiiiann (.T. (J. K.) Oeiiiony (J. C.) J^han (L. ¥.} (»ro/,co y Herra (M.) rimentel het(A. S.) (iill>ert (('.. K.) Henry (€.(;.) Hi^Jllns N.S.) Hoflinan (W..f.) Loew (().) McKlroy(l'. I).) '}\ tiR 'i 'iH I iir > ii( ii is i. w "V^ BIHLIOGKArilY OF THE Apache — Continiu^il. Vociibiilnry Pnlnior (K.) 1 Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabular'- Wonls Words Words Words Words AVords Words Apache John. riiucutci (r.) Uiiby(C.) Schoolcraft (JI. K.) Sherwood (W. L.) Siiupsiui (J. I£.) Smart (C) Ten Kate (11. F.C.) Turner (W. \V.) Wliiiiplc (A. W.) White ( WilB(m(K. V.) Varrow (If. ('.) Hourkc (J. f',,) l)aa(L.K.) Kills (R.) Oatschct (A. S.) Latlium {11. a.} Tolinie ( W. V.) and Daw- sou ((>. M.) Wilson (K. F.) Soo Qatschet (A. S.) ApoBtolidea (.S.) L'oriiisou domiuiculc I en I Cent Liuigin.'n Diff^reiiteH; | pul)li6(! et vendue an prolit des | iiial- henrenx r61"n{;i(5s ("r^toiw, | aetnellt;- ment en Orfre. | C'oiiiiiilde j)ar S. Ai)o.s- tolides. I [Seriiitnre text, two lines.] | Londres: | iinitrim6 et pnhli^ ptir W. M. Watts, I 80, Gray's-inn road. | (En- tered at stationers' liall). [1869.] (*) Second title: Our lord's prayer | in | One Hundred Ditl'erent Lanttuaflis; | jjublished for the bcuetit of the | |u)or Crti.iu refugees. | now in Orcece. | Compiled by S. Aitostolides. | [Scripture text, two lines.] | London: I printed and luiblislied by W. M. Watts. I 80, Oray'slnn road. First title verso blank I 1. second title verso blank 1 1. dedication in Krencli verso blank 1 1. dedication in Kiij;lisli verso blank 1 1. preface (French) i)]). ix-x. pri'faee (Kngli.-di) jjp. xi-xii, imlcx pp. xiii-xiv, lialf-title verso blank 1 1. text (printed t, 10 unnumbered leaves, 4°, in the library of the liureau of Kthnolofiy. Collected on the Xavajo reservation in Xew Mexico, November. 1H7-I, with the assistamio of I'nif, A'aleuline Kriese and Hev. W. I!. Trnax. Recorded on . ('.: SiR: I have the honor to encloso herewith tho vocabularies of the Noh-tin-onh (or Uoupa) and Sa-ag-its (or Klamath) tribes of Indians. I have adhered as (dosely as poHsible to the orthography given in thi! Smithsonian instriio- tious, with the single exception of siibstitutiug the Ure«k x for "kk" iu roprescutiug the Azpell (T. F.) — rontimied. giittiinil iixpiruti', wliich letter I think repre- HeiitH tlie simiid bcller. The syllabir houiiiIm have lH><^ncaref idly com- pared in (lie proniiiK'iatioii of several Indians of eaeh trilie, and \ am aide to liold eommuniea- tion witli (hem by reading olf tlu- words as I have written lliem, seems to provi' tlieir accuracy. Tlie Indian languages in this vicinity are rapidly becoming eorriipteealiing in a ditl'ereut dialed fnim the elder ones, and probably in a generation or two will be no limgiT recognizable. Knowing this to be the case, I have endttavored to get the mi>st (cor- rect pronunciation from the older Indians, and this, being very tedious, must bo my apology for seeming delay and also for writing tne two tribes on one fiirm, as I have sjKiiled one by pencil marks. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, T. V. Azi-KLL, Ant. Surg. U.S.A.. B. Baer (Karl Ernst von). Statiatische und etbuugraphischu Nachrichtcu | iiber | die Russischen BositzuujLjcu | an der | Nordwestkiiste von Aiuerika. | ({esaui- melt I von deni ohemaligen Oborver- walter dieser Besitziingen, | Ctmtre- Aduiiral v. Wrauycll. | Aiif KoHten der Kaiserl. Akadeiaie der Wisseu.schaften ; herausgegebeu | nud mit den Berech- nuugen ans Wrangell'.s Witternnn;^- beobachtuugou | nud andern Zusiitzeu vermehrt | von | K. E. v. Baor. | St. Petersburg, 1839. | Buchdrnckerei der Kaiserlicheu Akademio dor Wissen- Bchaften, Fonns vol. 1 of Baer (K. E. von) and HelnuT- sen (G. von), Beitriige zur Kountniss des Jtusa- iachen Reiches, St. Tetersburg, isa'.t, 8°. Short comparative vocabulai'y of the Atua, TTgalenzen, and Koloschen, p. 90 Comparative vocabulary of the Aleut, Kadjack, Tsclmgut- schen, Ugalenzeu, Keuaicr, Atnacr of (Jupper River, Koltscbanen of Copper River, and Koloschen of Sitka, p. 250 (folding sheet). Balbi (Adrien). Atlas | ethnograpliiqne dn globe, | on | classification des pcn- plesj anciens et niodernes 1 d'apres leurs langnes, | ])r<5c6d6 | d'nn disconrs sur l'ntilit6 et I'importance de I'^tude des langues appliqnde lY plusieurs branches dos connaissances Inimaines; d'uu apercu | sur Ics moyens graphiqnes eni- Balbi (A.) — Continnod. ployds par les dill'orens peuples de la terro; d'un conp-il'iuil sur I'liistoire | de la langue slave, et sur la marche pro- gressive de la civilisation | et de la lit- t6rature en Kussie, | avoc environ sept cents vocabulaires des principaux idi- oiues connns, | et suivi | du tal IcfUu physitine, moral et politique | des cinq parties dn monde, | I)(^di6 i\ .S. M. I'Eiu- poreur Alexandre ; par Adrien Balbi, | aueieu ])<'nr de g5. | M.DCC(;.XXVI [1826]. | Iinpriind chez Paul llenouard, Kue Garcuciere, N" 5. F.-S.-G. Half-tithi 1 1. title verso Idnnk 1 1. dedication 2 U. talde synoptique 1 1. text jdates i-xli (single ami doubb'), talde plates xlii-xlvi, lulditiona plates xlvii-xlix, errata 1 p. fcdio. I'late xxxii, Langues du plateau central de rAmeri(iue du Xord, embraces the Apaches, with a list of the ]>riuei])al divisions.— I'late xxxiii, li^giim Missouri-Coliimbienne, em- braces the Sussee. — I'late xxxiv, Langues de la r6gii>n Alleglianinue et des lacs, embraces the Tacoullies. — I'late xxxv, Langues do la c6te occidentale de rAm6rii|Ue du Nord, indudea the Kinaitzi!.— I'late xli. Tableau polyglottedes langues am^ricaiuoa, includes a vocabulary of y^ t!i ! St 1 ■1 6 BlULlOOUAl'iiY OF THfi i;i i > Balbi (A.) — rontiniK-d, 2(1 woi'iIhuI'IIii' Siihhc'i'. ('lir|i|ii'W,viiii. Tiii'iillllii'H ur Ourrici'H, aixl Kiiiiii. (Uipieii nei'ii: AmIiiv, llritiitli MiimMiiii, Cull- grcHH, WalkiliHoii, WrllcMlry. Banorcft : '1'IiIh wonl t'olluwiliK a titlr or within tuii'oiitliuHcH iil'tcr a niitc ImliralrH lliat a ciiiiy iif tilt! work ri'ffrri!(l to Iiiih Ih'cii Hcm by tlio (uiiii|)tlt3i' in tlit^ liliraiy oC Mr. II. 11, ituuvrul't, .Sau Ki'unciHuo, (Jal. Bancroft (Hubort FTowp). The | native TUVA>H I uf I tlu! ['llcitiC MtlltOH I of { North Americii. | Hy | Hiiliftt Howe HiiiuToft. I VohiiiH- 1. I Wihltribcs[-V. Priniitiv*^ liistory]. | New York: | 1). Ai)i)lL»ton iind com- pany. I 1874 [-1876]. 6 vols, maps and iilatcs, 8°. Vol. I. Wild tribuH; II. Clvili/fil nations; III. Mvtlis and languages; IV. Autiquith's; V. rrimitivu his- tory. Some copies of vol. 1 arr dated 187S, Chapter 2 of v«U-r>!)0: of the Kenai, witli examples, pp. 590-591; of the TaciiUii^H, with examples, jip. 591-591!.— Numerals 1-lU of tlie Tolewnli, ilooimh, and AVihickee, p. 593.— General disenssion of the Apache and Naviyo, ^ith examples (from Crenmny), pp. 593-597. — Coitjngation of the Api!<;he verbs to be, tu do, to eat, to sleep, to love, and numerals 1-2000, pp. 597-(KX). — Apache sentences, p. 000.— Speech of (Sen. Caiieton in Apuclie, with inlerline;ir Eng- lish translation, pp. 000-002.— Lord's jirayer in Lipan (from I'imentel), p. 002.— Comparative vocabulary of 11 words of the .Vpache, Apache Coppermine, Atnah, Beaver, (;hei)ewyan. Dog- rib, lloopah, Inkilik, Inkalit. Kenai, Kolt- shaue, Kutchin, Ksvalhiocpia, Louelicux, Nav- iyo, Northern Indian, .Apache IMnalefio, Sur.see, I Tacnlly, Tenan ICiitchin, 'I'latskanai. rg;ilen7,e, i Tlmpiiua, I'nakatana. Xicarilla, Ap;iche Mes- calero, p. Oo:i. Vopie» nee II : Astor, liancrofl, Hrinton, I$rit- ish Museum. Hureaii of Kthnology, Congres.s, Eames, I'owell. Tho I native races | of | the Pacific states I of ! Norlii America. | Hy | Hu- bert Howe Hiincroft I Volume I. Wihl I tribeH[-V. I'rimitive liistory]. | Anthor'M Co]ty. | San Francisco. 1871 [-187tiJ. 5 vols. H°. Similar, except on title-page, to previous editions. Onelnindred copies issued. C'opieateen: Bancroft.Uritish Museum, Con- gress. Bancroft (H. FI.) — rontiimoil. In addilliin to tlicaliovc the work hait Ixxiii issued Willi till' iiiipriiit of I.oiigiiiiilis, London; Maisniiiiciivc, I'aris; and liroekhatis, Leipzig; none of wliicli liave I seen. The woiks I of I Hubert Howe Ihni- eroft. I Volume l[-VJ. | Tlie native raiu's. I Vol. 1. Wild tribeN[-V. Primi- tive history]. | San Fraiuiaco: | A. L. Bancroft & company, jmhlishers. | 1882. 5 vols. S'. This series incliiiles the History of Central America, History of Mexico, etc., <])ewyan .See Church. Baruhardt ( \V. I [. ) Com|mrative voeab- nlary of the lanf^naj^es spoken by the "Ump(iua," "Lower Hogiie River," and C'alapooia tribes of Indians. Manuscrijit, 4 iinnumbereil leaves (recto of the tirst and of the last blank), folio, in the library of the Bureau of Kthuology. lie- corded in May, 1H59. Each vocabulary (of which only thoUmpiina is Athapascan) ciintains ISO words, those con. stitiiling the standard vocabulary i-ompileil by the Smithsonian Institution. The vocabulary is followed by the "rules adopted in spelling." 'I'here is a copy of this maniiscrijit, 4 II. folio, made by its compiler, in the same library, and also a copy of the rmpqiia (0 11. folio), m-cord- iiig to the original spelling in one column and a revised spelling in a second. The latter copy was made by Dr. Ceo. (iibbs. Barreiro (Antonio). Ojcada | sobre Nnevo-M6xico, | qtH', da una idea | de siis prodiiccioiies natnrales, y |i. A I'.', .'tatistii'H 'J ILiilMMlilici' liall'titi)' iiiiil |i|>. 2-10 lit' Uxt, Mill. 1. Ten NiibiO<'<' wumIh ami r\|iii'HHiiiii». p. Ml of a|i6iiilii'i'. Cojneit ii'fn : (.'iiiiyrrHM. Bartlett (.loliii KiisncII). N'oi-aliultiry <>>' the ApiK^lH! liiiiKiiay;*'. In Whipple (A. W.) ami othors, Kx]il Miili- only, I'nliii, in tlii' lilii'ai',\ of tlir Bureau 111' Ktliniilujiv. "(Hilaineil liv Mr. Uarl lett I'riim MiUKiis('oliiniilii, rliiernl' tlie(Jiiii|>i r mine Apaches, July, infil. Tlie laii^iuane iibiiundH in Kuttiirals. Mr. 'I'lirnei' iilvutitled it as of the Chipewyan stoek." The voealmhiry i.s rci'onled on one of the SinithBonian foniimif ItiO KuhUhIi wonls, ei|uiv. alontft of nhuut I'lU uf wliich are hical society. In l^.'iO I'resident Taylor appointed him one of the commissioners to lix the boundary between the United States and Mexic'o under the treaty of liiiadaloupe Hidalgo. This service occujiied him until IH.i;!. when he was obliged to leave the work iiicom jilete, owing to the failure of the appro]iriatiiiii. He becanm .secretary of state for Uhode Island in May, 1855, and hebl theotlici> until 1872. He bad charge of the John Carter Ilrown Library in Providence for .several years, and ]ire]iareil a four-volume catalogue of it, of which one hundred copies were printed in the highest styleof theart. - .4/)jWfi>. of A m.Hitxj. Bastian(I'liilii>i. Willu'liii A;;lii|t)i\ illlil tl'iivol | liiiNi'il nil llfllwiilirN ' |)ii- Ki'ilciiinl ilirc VillktT' Ci'iiliiil Aimricii | tlic\\'«st Iii- ilicN and I Siiiitli Aiiifi'ica | Kditt'd and I'XtiMidfd I li.v II. \V. I{('oj;raiiIiii'al Noricty; I aiitlioi' III' ''riic natiirallHt on llic fiver Aiiia/iiiis' | With | t'thimlof?- Iial a|)|i<'iidi\ liy .\. II. Kcauc, B, A, | .MiijiH and illiiHtratiiiiiH | London | Kdwai'd Staiil'ord, 55, ('hur- iiijr cros.s, S. \V. I IS7S Half blank I I. front isiiicce I 1. title verso liliink I 1. preface pp. v-vi, coiitentH pp. vii-xvi, list of illustrations pp. xvii-x\ lii, list uf maps p. xix, text pp. 1-501, index pp. .'■03-571, maps, H°. Keane(A. H.). KthuogrHpliy <>nd philology uf America, pp. 443-501. Cojiiet teen: iiritish Museum. C'uugreg8, Kanies, Geidogical Survey, National Museum. Staiiford'H I ('oiupi'uditini tiC neoj?ra- jiliy and traxcl | buMfd on Itellwald's 'Die Kide iind ihre Volkor' | Central Aincrica | tin; West Indies and | South Aineriea | Edited and exteiided | Hy H. \V. HateH, I Author of [«&c. two lines.] I With I ethnologieiil uppondix liy A. II. Keiine, M. A. J. | Map.s and illnstra- tioiis I Secund and revised edition. | London | Edward Stuul'ord, 55, Char- ing <'roHs, S. W. I 1882. Half-title verso blank 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. preface jip. v-vi, contents pp.vii-xvi, list of iliustrations pp. xvii-xviii, list of maps p. xix, text ])!>. 1-441. a|ipenilix pji. 443-501, index jip. 5U3-571, maps, 8°. Linguist ics as under ))reviuus title,pp.44i < . Co]>ieg neen : Iiritish Museum, Harvard. Stanford's | (Jompeiidiiini of geogra- phy anil trtivel | hased on llellwald's 'Die Erde nnd ilire Viilker' | Central Anieriea the West Indies | and South America | Editeil and extended | Ity H. W. JJatos, I assistant-secretary [«&c. two lines.] I With | etiinulogical aj)- pendix hy A. II. Keane, M. A. I. | Maps nnd illustrations { Third edition | London | Edward Stanford, 55, Char- I ing eross, S. W. | 1885 { CoUatiiiii and contents as in second edition, I title and description of which are given above. j Copieg teen : Geological Survey. ■!i I m l( ■f i I* 8 DlBLlOGKArilY OF THE V. : if f; Beach (William Wallncc). Tho | Iiniiiiii iiiiNct-liaiiy ; i-DiitaiiiiiiK' l*a|>frH on tin- IliNtory. Aiiti(|iiiti<-M, Ai'In, l,aii){iiaKfH, ]{<'liKii)iiN, 'riitilitioiiHaiul .Sii|M'rHtiti<)iiH |<)t'| tiio Aiiicricaii aliori);iiicH; | witli | DfHci'iptioim (if tln'ii' DoiiicHtic lAi\\ MaiiiitTM, CiiHtoiim, | TraitH, AiiiiiHf- iiinitH and KxplnitH; | travt'lH anil nil- v'l'iitnri'H In tlii' Indian conntry; { Inci- dents of Kordcr WarCaic; MiHMionaiy K.dations, etc. | Ltlitcd liy W. \V. Keacli. I Alliany : | J. MummcII, H'2 Stato Htreet. I 1877. Titif venio bknk I l.tlmlicatinii vurao blank 1 1. ailvui'tiHt'iiu'iit vcrMii lilaiik 1 1. «'4iiilviitH )>|i. vll-vlll, text iiii.U-477, I'l-nita 1 j), \w\u\ pp. 47U- 4iK), H". Oatschet (A. S.), Intlian langiiagi'M of tlio I'aclllc Htati'H anil ti'i'ritiirlvH, pp. 410-447. Copiei teen : Aiiliir.Hriiitiiii, llritiHli MimiMiiii, Coiigri'HH, Kaiiii'ii,(ii>olo^iral Sarvt'V, MaHHacliu- m'ttHUI«li)iiial .Sucluty, I'llliut.', WistoUHiu His- turit'al SiH'U'ty. Prlcixl liy Lci'U'ic, 187H catalogac, no.'.'Ofi;), :iO fr.; tlio Murphy copy, no. 107, hroii^lit itX.'i'i; prii'tMl by (!larki< A ro. IHUd cataloc'ii', no. (1271, ♦3.50, auil by l,itth>lli-Iil, Nov. 1H«7, no. .'iO, iM- Beadle (J.H.) The | nndevehiiiod West; I or, I live yearn in llie lerritoiies: | |l)ein>i I " coniiilete liiNtory (if that vawt rej^ioii he- | twecn the MiNMisNiiijii and the Pacillc, | its I'esourcos, climate, iii- liahitants, natural cnriusitieH, etc., ote. I Life and adventure on ) jirairies, mountains, and tho I'acilic coast. With two hundred and forty illustrations, from original | sketches and iihoto- graphic views of the scenery, | cities, lands, mines, jieople, and curi- | osities of the great West. | Hy .1. II. Headle, | Western corresiiondent of the Cincin- nati Commercial, and author | of "Life in Utah," etc., etc. | Issued hy siiliscriiition only [&c. two lines.] I National ]iulilishino; (company, I Philadel]iliia, Pa.; Chicago, 111.; Cincinnati, Ohio; | and St. Louis, Mo. [1873.] Titlt! verso oopyriglit 1 1. jircfact' jip. 15-10, liHt of illiisd-ations pp. 17-22, coiitentH pp. 23- 32, U'xt pp. 3;i-«2;i, map, platen, Ho. Short vocubnlary, Nav;ijo, Mi'xican-Spauiah, and Knglinh, ]i. r)45.~NnnuTalH 1-20 of tlii^ Navi\jo. p. 545.— Navajo wonlx ;i(i««i»i . Vopiet Kce/i ; Boston Atliona>uni, Coiigri'Hn. Thi'ru JH ail ctlitiou, with titlu but Hiightly dill'iM'cnt from thu alMive, except in the imprint, wkiuh reads ; I'ubliabeU by | the National pub- Beadle (J. II.) — Continuud. IIhIiIiik r»., I I'hihiili'Iphlii, I'a., (MilcuKo, 111., mill .St, l.ouiri, .Mil. (llrouktyn I'ublic, Cuu- KITHH.) Bearer : llllilr, Mark Kibli' paNnaKi'! (yat<'('hiNI|| aa(r..K.) Beavor Indian jirimer. HeeBompas (W. C.) Berghaus (/>>•. llcinrich). Physikal- ischer Atlas. | GleograiihischeJahrhtich zur Mittheilnng aller wichtigern neuer Krforschimgen von \ 1)'. lleinrich IJerg- hauH. I 1K)1 IIL I Inhilt: | [&.c. twen- ty-three lines in double columns.] | Gotha: Ju.stns Perthes. [1851.] Title verso blank I 1. text pii. 1-00, 3 plates, 4°. TJeber die Verwniidtacliaft ilcr .SchoscUouen, KoniantHchen iind Ajiatiichen, ]i)i. 48-02, cuu- tainH general conimentn on the Apache language and its rehitloiiM to the others mentioned, but gives no examples. Cojiien teen : Congress. Bergholtz ((Sustaf Fredrik). The Lorrt'H Prayia- | in the | Principal Languages, Dialects and | Versions of the World, | ]irii»te(l in | Tyjie and Vernaculars of the I Different Nations, | compiled and imblished by | (}. V. Bergholtz. | Chicago, Illinois, | 1884. Titb' verso copyright 1 1. contents pp. 3-7, jirefacc p. % text ]ip. 11-200, 12°. Lord's prayer in Cliipewyan (from Kirkby), p. 37; Slttv6 (from liompas), p. 109. Copiei teen : Cougross. Bible : Genesis New test. New test. Matthew XactiUi See Morice (A. G.) Chippewyan Kirkby (W. W.) Tukiidh M'Donald (R.) Slave Keeve (W. D.) m ATHAPASCAN LANOUAOKS. 9 Bible — Cuiitiiiiieil. Murk Murk Mnik John (iimpi'lH (iim|H'li* (.rOHIM'lM .lulllll ill Blblt hlHtory : Miiiita){iiiUH 'i'ukmlli Bible luBHoii : l)6u« Bible iiaaaagea : Uuuver Chlppowyau UtNa6 Hudson 0»y Sluvo Slave Tlun6 TlnnA TliinA Tlnn* TiuD6 Tiikudh Xukiidb Tukudb Tukudb Xiikudh Tukudb Bible Society. HtiaviT Hlav«^ '1111116 'i'iiiiiA (iiirrlncli (A. I!) \W^M' (W. It.) Klikby (W. \V.) Kirkl.y (\V. W.) CliipiMwyiiii Kiikby (\V. W.) Kliivii lliiiii|iiiH (W. ('.) Tukuilh M'Diiimlil (K.) Tukudb M'lH)Uuld(K.) Sc<- LotfotI'd,.) M'UuUiild (It.) SooFitraud (II. J.) ScoOarrlocb (A.O.) Cliurc'li. Urouard (E.) liritlHh. liritiMh. Qllb«y tlie | Bible socit'ty. I [Design and o r line qnotation.] | Hible hoiistv | Corner Walnnt and Seventh Streets, 1 Philadelphia. [1871) f] Covor title us al>ove virso advert iHeuieiit, iiii iuaidu title, text |)p. U-IiU, iuilb*>rt »V Kiv- ington, WhitelVi.irs Street, and St. .Fohn's Sqiiar' . [lH7-f] No titb'-]i.tge, lieiuUug only; text (wltli lioiui- iuK's I". Knullsli) pp. 1-36, 1(P. I'rinted for llio Uoei 'ty for Promoting ('briMtiiui Kuii. 1-22, 10°. I'rinted for tho Society for I'romotiuK Christian Knowledge. Lord's i)rayei-, uiorniu}; prayer, creed, com- mandments, confession, prayers, etc., pp. 1-0. — Scripture texts, pi>. 8-10.— Uymus (double col- muns),:ip. 17-22. C'o/n'p* teen : Pilliug, Society for Promoting Cbristian Knowledge, AVellesley. [ ] Tiuu6 jtriiuer. Colophon: Loudon: Gilbert & Riv- ington, Whitcfriai's Street, aud 8t. John's S.itiarc. [187-f J lil •\ ; ''i If l.« io lillJLlOUUAi'JIY OF THt] Bompas ( W. ( '.) — Continnod. No tilli'iiiiKc, lifiiiliii;; ipiily; t<'xt(whli lii'iid iliftH ill KiiKli-ili) PP- i-^''' "'^- I'riiitcil lor the Society lor i'loiiioliiij; I'lirlsliaii Knowlcdjjc. Texts on mwiiitiirc Hilbjrcls, iiiii.\ ris, ftc. pp. 1-37.— Ciiterliiaiii, pp. ;J7-10.— (.Iiocd, coiiiiiiaiiil- aU'iitR, jiruyerH, etc., pi>. 4()-4S.— (, pp. 48-53.— Oeiitioii, patriiirvli.s. etc.. |)p. '>'>-tki.~ IlyiniiM (double eolinniiH), l>p. fi7-7tl. i Copies geeti .- l'illin)i;. Society lor rromotiii^ , Chriatiun Knowledge, Wellesley. I [ ] Tiikiidli i)riiiit'r. | I Colophon : Lonilon : (Jilhert «.V J{iv- iiigtuii, WhitclViars Street, ami .St. ; Johu'H Sciuiin-. [187-?] I No titlepiine. Iieiidiiii; only ; text (with Kn;;- lisU iieiMiin^s) pp. l-,")5, 10°. I'rintrd loi^ tlie Society lor Promoting; (Jliristian Kii" a li-d^re. Scriptnre Ie.s.sons, prayers, coMnuandiiienls, gos]H-lH, collects, catceliism, etc., jip. 1-51.— Uyinns (double colinnns). pp. .'i2-.'in. C'opiet neeti : Eanies, Pilling, Society for Pro niotiug (;iiristiau Knowledge, Welle.iley. [ ] Manual of ilcvotioii, | iutlio | Hea- ver ludiitn Dialect. (.'oiii]tile(l i'nmi the manuals of the venerahh^ | archdeacon Kirkl>y, | by the liislioj) of Athaha.s- a. I For the use of the lixlians | in the | Athabasca diocese. | [Seal of the soci- ety.] I London : ) Society for ])r()in()tinf{ christian knowiedt, 10 pa.ites. 4-. in the library of the Hiii-eau of Kllinology. Jfecorded in the early part of IHOO. In transcribing this mati'rial Bishoji Horden has given the Chipewyan wiu'ds only, using the numbers given in Powell's lutroductiiui iu lieu of the Knylisli woids there given. Souu> at h'asi of the words in each of the 2!) sclu'dules in the lutniduction are given, in some cases - tluKseof Hie sliorter scbedulis — equivah-nts of all tlic words being given, the viHubuhiry as a wlnde iiulu'aiing about SOU words. and sentences. The manuscript is clearly written, three ciduMuis to a pagi', f 1 \dcabiilary of the language of the Telle Indians of Mackenzie River, l»ciiig a dialectic variety only of (he Clilpewyan langnagt>, with the same linguistic sdiictiire. Maniisiripl, II pages, 4'', in the library of the liiii'ean of Kllinology, AVashinglon. I), ('. J{e- corded in I be early part of IStKI. T'.i' Micabularv proper consists of about 2,(KKl words, anaiiged alpbabelically by Kiiglish words, and is followed by the numerals, ailvcrbs of time, place, and i|uaulii,\. conjiini'tions, preposilioiis, iiitei ji'ctions, |u'onouiis, verbs, Willi i'on,j ligations. — See Kirkby (W. W.) ami Bompas (\V.(!.) Mr, liiiiupas. a son of Ibe l:iti> ('.(', Itompas, esij., sergeant at-luw, was born in Luudun, Kng- m ' IIIIClI. orit's. I l)i(U'<'s«> • rijjiht icvcreutl i()iiil»an, D.D. I I With uiap. I lin'ction of the for iiroinoting I Northninber- cross. W. C ; I troet, K. C; | 1 Stn-ct. I New <<; & CO. I 1888. I'lit.M vci'Mo lilank 1 Di'.s iiaiiii- i» mis- 1. 51-r)K). coiiHintM of I' laii};ua;!rs within (III. aiii.sho|i of Lincoln in 185'.). After serving Bcveral 1 iirach'S in tlic diocese of LiiH'olii, he came to (.Canada as a missionary of the (.'liiireh missionary .soeicly in IHtiS, having tiist received jiricstly orders fmni tho present lUsliop of Kiipert'8 Land ailing as commissary for the late Bishop uf Lonihin. In 1874 he was again sum- moned to Kngland to receive e)iiscopal orders BH Hisliop of Athabasca, and in 18M4, the iires- cut diocese of Mackenzie lieing jiortioneil otf from tliatof Athabasca, his title was changetl to liishop of Macken/.ic Uiver, the liight Itev. Dr. Young being consecrated as liishop of Ath- abasca. He has written and published material in the AlgiMKiuian languages, as well as a primer in Eskimo. Boston Atlieliaiim: These words following a title or within iiarenthcses after a note iiiilicate that a copy of the w ork referred to has bei'ii seen by the compiler in the library of that institution, lioston. Boston I'ublie: These words following a title or within parentheses after ii note inilieate that a copy of the work ri'ferred io has been seen by the compiler in that library. Boston, Bourke (Vapt. John Gregory). An Apache caniiiaio;n | in the Sierra Madre. : An aeeonnt of tho expedition in piirmiit of the I hostile Chiraeiihiui Apaehos lu tlie I .spring of 1888. | By | John G. Hoiirke, | (."aptain Third Cavalry, U. ^. Army, | Anthor of " The Snake Danee of the Mxinis." | Illnstrated | New i'ork | Charles Seritnier's son.s. I 188(i. Title verso copyright 1 1. preface p)). iii-iv.list of illustrations blank 1 1. text ]i|i. 1-112. 1«>^. Many Apache terms with English deliviitions Jiassim. (.'upii't set'ii ; Congress. N'csper hours ol' the stone age. Ky .Ichn G. Honrke. Ill American .\ iithroiiologi ;i. vol. 11, pp. .''I'l «;i. Washington, !««(,«'. (rilling.) Contains a iiiinilier of .\|iaehe terms passim. Notes Upon tlie geiitih- orgaiii/al inn t»f the Ai>acii('s of Arizon.i. Ill the , Journal of .Viiii'iii an Folk Lore. vol. :t, pp. 111-120, Boston and New Vork, IMiHl, s . (I'illing,) List of Aiiachc geiites. with Knglish mean- ings, eollectcil at San (!arlos .\gciicy and Korl Apaehe, Ari/.ona. in IHHI and IS.S'J, |i|i. Ill 112; of the Tonto .\paclies. p. 112; ot the Cliiiiia hiievis, p. li;i: of the .\paeli. Yiiiiias p. Il;i. " I'arcialidades" of the Apaches (fruiii K.srii dero), p. 125. Bourke (J. (<.) — rontiinipd. Notes on Aptiehe niytln)h>gy. In the Journal of American Folk Lore, vol. ;), ; ;>. 2(K»-212. lioston and New York. \S'.W, «". (I'illing.) SLiny .\pache tirios passim. Vocralniliiry «»f the Sierra Hhmca and Chiraealiiiii dialects of the Apiieho- Tinneh family. (*) ^ Maniiscri|it in possession of its author. Con- sists of 2.,")(K) words, etc.. and includes a voi-ab- iilary of the same language prepared by Lieut. \Vni. (i. Klliot, Ninth Infantry. During the time Captain Itoiirke was lui duty as aide-. 0.)— Continue.!. Titln viM'HO coin right 1 1. prcfiico pp. iii-iv, • cuutuntH pp. v-xii, t»!Xl pp. 17-407, iiitU'x of authui'M mill aiitliontioM jip. 4(lU-474, imlox of sul)j(!ct.s pp. 47,")-J89, H°. A riiUi'i'ti'd rupriut of Hoiiiuof Dr. liiiiitou'H more iiiijioi'taut I'HHiiy.-*. Tin; carlii'sl form of liuiiiaii spiTili an re- vcali'il liy Aiiii'i'iraii loiijiiir.'* (i-rail iH'fori' tlir Amoiii'iiii I'liilosoiihii'al SiM'irty in IKH.'i niiil piihliHlii'il ill tlii'ir pni!'iT(liiijin iimliT llic tilli' of "Tlio language of ]ialtuoUtluc man"), pp. 390-409. C'ummcnts on the TiniiO laiigiiagi', iip. !I94- 395.— Tinn6 worils, j). 405. Copie* teem liurcaa of Ktlmology, EaiuoH, I'illiiig. Tlie American Kacc: | A Linguistic Classiticatiou and Ethnograpliic | J)c- Hcriptiou of tlio Native TiiljcH of | North and South America. | By | Daniel (i. Brinton, A. M., M. D., | Professor [&o. ten linos.] | New York: | N. D. C. Hodges, Pub- lisLcr, I 47 Liifayettc Place. | 1«!)1. Title verso copyright notice 1 1. (U'llicutiou Verso blunk 1 1. preface jip. ix-xii, contents pj). xiii-xvi, text pp. 17-3;i2, linguistic apiiemlix pp. 333-304, additions and corrections pii. 305- 308, index of authors pp. 369-373, index of sub- jects jip. 374-392, 8°. A brief discussion of the Atlialiasoans (Tiuu6), with a list of divisions of the Atlia- baacau linguistic stock, pp. 08-74. Cuiiim seen : I'.ames, I'illing. Daniel Garrison JSrintun, ethnologist, liorn in Chester County, Pa., Jlay 13, 1S37. lie waji graduated at Vale in IH.W and at tlie .lellersim Medical College in 1801, after which he silent a year in Kurope in study and in travel. On bis retUi'i he entered the army, in .\ugust, 18(i2, as acting assistant surgeon. In February of the following year he wius couiiuissioncd surgeon and served as surgeon-in-chief of the second division, eleventh corps. He was present at the battles of ChanceUorsviUe, (jiettysbiiig, and other engagements, and was appointed medical director of bis I'orps in October, 180;!. In con- sequenceof a sunstroke received soon al'ler llie battle of (iettysbiirg hi' was disiiiialilicd for active service, and in the ai.luiiin of that year be became siipciintendent of hospitals at (jiiiucy and Spriii'^lield, III,, until August, 180'), when, tlie civil war having iloseil. be was brevetted lieutenant -colonel and discharged. He then .settled ill I'biladelpbia, where he became editor of "The Medical and Surgical Keporter," and also of the (luarteriy '■Conipcndium i i Medical .Science. ' Dr. Brinton has likewise been a constant eontribuior to other nicdiial .journals, chietty on questions of public medicine and hygiene, and has edited several volumes on tberapeuties and diagnosis, especially i\w pop tdarseries known as 'Naphevss MiKleru Tlier apeulics," which has passed through luitiiy editions. In (he medical cuutruveraies of the I Brinton (D. fJ.) — Continued. ! day, he has always taken the iiosition tliatme ya Chron- icles" (IMiiladelphia. 1882); "The Iroqnois IJook of Kites ' (1883); •The liiiegiieuce; A Comedy Halbt in the Nahuatl Spanish Dialect I of Niciiiagua " (18.s;!); "A Migration Legend of the Creek Indians ' (18.84) ; "The Lcnape and Their Legends" (188,'>); -'The Annals of the Cakchiqucls ' (1885). ["Ancient Nahuatl Poetry" (1887); Kig Veda Americauiis (1S90)]. iSeshles publishing nunieroiis papers, be has I contribiileil valuable reports on liis examina- tions of niiiiinds, sbellbeaps, rock inscriptions, andotheraiiliiiiiities. He is llii' author of "The I''loridian I'eninsuhi: Its I.ilciaiy History, In- dian Tribes, and .\iitiqiiilies " (Philadelphia. 18.')9); •'TheMythsoniic New World: ATroat- i,se on the .Symbolism and .Mytludogy of the Ked Uace of .Uuerica" (New Vo-k, 1808); ' The lieligiuus Sentiment: .V Contribution to thu Science ami i'liilosophy of Ueligioir' (1870); "American Hero Myths: .V Study in the Native Keligionsof the Western (,'ontinnnt" (Philadel- phia, 1882); ' .Vborigiii;il .Viuerican Autborsaud their Plod iicl ions, Kspecially lbo,seiii the Native Langiniges ■ (1883); and " \ (Iraiuinar of thu (."akclii(iuel Language of (iiiatemala" (1884). — ! A)ii>litoii'ii ('iirtiiii.i'/ -iin. Ilioij. «ll ATHAPA^IAN LANGUAGES. 13 British nml Koiclfjii ISildr Smiclj ; I'lu'sti wniil.s rnllovvlnj^ ii titi)' (It- witliiii i>iin'iitlii'S('.H aricr 11 iikIk iiiiliciito tliiit IV ropy of tlm Wdilc lia» liccn Mccii Ii.v tliccomiiilfi' in tlio lilinirvof tliiit iiisti- tulioii, 140 Queon Victoria Strcot, IjOikIoii, Kiig. Britishiiixl Foreign Biblol^orioty. Spoci- iiKMiH of nmnv. of the limgniigcs iind (liiilccts I ill wliicli I Tim IJritish iiml Foreign Jtiblc Society | h:\>\ printed or eireuliited | tlio lioly Hcriptnres. Colophon :ho\u\t)u : printed by Messrs. (iiil)ertA,Uivington,fortlie liritishiiiid foreign bihlo society, Qneen Victoria street, K. ('., where nil information con- cerning tlio society's work may lie obtained. [IHIM)?] 1 rtlit'i't, liivi;i^ riiliii, LM l)y :Wiii( lies, OcipIiiimiis. .St.Jdliii, lii, 1(1, in M4 lnnj;iiii};cs, among tlniu till' 'I'inno (syllnl)i(! I'lniractcru), uo. 128. royiiVo tivii: Dritisli ami Foreign liiblc Soci- ety, I'illinLr. Wcllcsloy. St. Jolm iii. 1(5 | iiisoint; of the | lan- gnage.s iuid dialec^ts | in which the | Hritish iV l''oieign Jiihlo Society | has jirinted or circulated tlio holy Herip- tnres. I [I'ictiiro and one line ([iiotii- tion.] I London: | printed for the Hritish and tVnvign hihlo society, | My fiilliert A Hivington, 52, St. John's Sfjuare, E. ('. I 1H75. 'rillcasaliovcvcrsoconlcnt.s 1 l.trxl iip. l!-;iO, liisloriial ami statistical icmail»s verso iitliccrs and ajfcnoies oftim society 1 I. St. Jolni, iii, Hi, in tlic Tinnc (syllaliic rlianu'- tcrs), p. 2!>. (' | in most of the | hm- gnages and dialects | in which the | Hritish & Foreign Hible Society | has printed or I'irculateil the hii't gei'ii : liritlsli and Foreign Uiblu Soci- ety, lirilish Arnsi'iini. I'illing, WeMesley. Enaiir. on. loaiiiiii, r.i.:)ii ct. 10. Oo|iii3nu| iicpcmudRii citHii|(Miiiiii'o luicaiilii, I ii.i.iHiniMXh | I iie.iiiKOfp|iriTaiici;tiMi, ii iuio<'Tpniiiii>iM'ii | (m6.K- \ iicmiMi. odiuocTiioin.. [Design and one lino (|Uotatioii.J I Ho-mTiiiio ,(.01 dpnT.iiin.-aro it iinocTiiamiaro iiiid.ioilcKaro | (n'mieiTBa, | y T.i.ii,6cpTa ii I'li- BHiiiTotita (Lniit(Ml), 52, Ct. .Imonci flKBi-pb, .loH.toiil.. I 1SH5. Lilcral trniiKlalinii .- The gospel by .Tohn, ad eliapter, lOtli vi'ise. | Samples I of the translu- tionsof the liid.v sirlpture. | pnblisbed I bv the I'.ritisli and foreign | bilde society, | "(iod'.s Nvord endiiretli forever." | Printed for the Hritish ami foreign bible [ society, I at (iilberf \-. Itivington's (Limited), .'i2, St..Iobn's Si|iiare, London. | 188,"). rrlnted covers (title as ali'ivo on front one \ erso i|Motalion and notes). eoiitentH )ip. 5-7, text pp. !l (is, 1(P. SI. dohii. III. 10, In Chippi'Wyan or Thine (syl- ' lalde characters). Slave, and Takudli, p. 37, j t'c^'it'tt ffi'n ; i'illiug. 11 ;^' 1 i 1 } !i| ■ '•: >i I ^ ! I ' 14 lUliLKKJIiArilY OK THE ' >l f i'i British iiiKl FoiTiKii ISihlo Socit-ty— Ct'd. Ks. St.. loll, iii. It>. I in drii meisttn (Icr S|triiclM'ii iiml Kijilcctc in wclclini dill I I!ri(i.s(li(nind Ansliindi.sclK! Hihcl- };t'Ht'llsrliiirt I dinlii'ilij^cSfhi'ift driickt iind \fi'l»ri'itrt. | [ Di-sif^n and iinu liin; iiuiitiilimi.] I Vcrinchito Anll!i;;i\ | liiindoii: HrillHi'lii' nnil AiiisliindiHclu' HilM'l^^fMi'Uscliiirt, I IIG C^ucca A'^ictoriii Slri'i't, K. C. I ISS.-). 'I'illr as iibovooii tovcr icvcrsi- ii i|iuitalioii. ciiMlcMtH pp. )-4, text iip-'''-*'7 .iH. Cnjiiit Ki'i'ii ! I'illiii;;. In tlii.s anil t1ii< rnlliiwin;; rilil imiH llir Ian yiiap'H air ai'iaii};! i1 alplialirl irallv . SI.. lean III. It). iVc. | S]nM'inn'n.s | dr la ti'adiii'liiin dc vt'^it dan,s lai ]dM- jiart I di'.s lan^iiii'S ct, diali'ctr.s ] dans lt'Ni(n(d.s la I S(>cif'l<> IUIilii|nr ISiilaii- niijno ct Ktran^'i-i't*. | a inijirinio on niin en I'ircnialiiin li's saintr.s tMTJInn'is. | [l)('si<;'ii and oiic lino qiiotalion.] { Loiidrcs: | Sorit't(5 ^ililii|iir liritan- nii|no el dtranf^iTr, | Mtj, (^luieii Xiv- toria Siifft, K. V. \ IW."). Tilli' on cdvi'i' as aliovc rcvi'i'siMiiKpladmi, I'lMiti'iitH )ip. 1-4, text pp. ."i-(i7 ( 111' p. liTiili .srrvaliiins), I'cinark.s rtc, li 11. 10''.^fniNtir cnnti'iit.s a.s in the (ii'iniaii ('dilion oC IHS,") titlril llrxt alliivc. Cnjiii'ii eeeii : Ui'ilisli and Kortij:!! liihlc Soci- ety, rilliiifr. St..lohn iii. ir>,A-o. | in of tho | lanj^nii^csanddiitlt'cts | in which the | Hi'itish and foreign liihlc .society | liass ]ii'iiitcfl or circulated the holy .scrip- tures. [Uesijju and one lineiiuotation.] I Knlaro;cil edition | London: | the British and Ibreijjn hihle society, | 111), (.^iiecii N'ietoria Street. Loinlon, E. C. | IKS."). Title as above verso (|initalion and notes, contents pp. IM, text ))p. .'MiT, remarks ete. verso ji. t'>7 and two f'ollowin;; 11. Ki". I.iiif.ritiHlie eonteiits as in the tierinan eilition of ISS.'i titled alwive. f'()jiiV« Ki'c/i : lirilisb and T'oreij;n I'.ilde ,So eiety. Kami's, nilinfi. Wellesley. Some eopies, otherwise iinehanfied. ale dated ISSti. (I'illiiiK.) St.Jolui iii.lfi, i^c. I in most of the | liin^naesio;n iinil one line i|iiot!i- tioii.] I Enlarged edition. | London: | the Mritish find foreij;ii bible siieioty, | 1 1(5. Qtieen Vicltn'iti Street, liondon, H. ('. | IWS. Fronlispieco (t'ae simile id' the (Queen's text) 1 1. title, IIS abovi! verso i|iiiitiil ion and notes 1 1. eoiilents pp. II I, text J>p. 5-07, remarks ete. verso p. 1)7 and two I'ollowins '!• l"^. Liiijini-itie contents as in the (ieni.aii edition of IS.s.'i titli'd above. CdliicH Ki-i'ii : I'illiiiK, Wellesley. St. John iii. Hi, iVe. | in most of the | lan<^na.;reHaiul. ('. Buschmaun(.lohann('iirl Eiltnird). (J'bcr den N.'tturliint. Von Hrn. Bnschinann. In Kdnijjiiclie .\kad. diT AViss. zii lierlin, .\bbandlnni;eii aiis deiii .lalire IKli. pt. ,'), pp. Ii<,tl--4'.'l!, lierlin, 1K;->I), 4^. Contains a few words of Tacullie*. Kiuai, I'^alenzisih, and Inkilik. Issued separately as follows; (?ber I den Niitnrlaiit, | von | ,Joh. Ciirl Kd. Bnschinann. | JJerliii, I In Ferd. IMiininler's Verlags- Bnchhanillnng. | 1S,">;{. | Oedrnckt in der llrnekerei der koniglichen Akade- inie I der Wissenehaften. Tit Ui verso blank 1 I. text (ip. I llll, Inhalts- tUiershditp. [IMj, 4''. Cniiifu mvii : .\stor, liritisli MiiNeimi, Eaines. Translated and reprinted as follows; ATH APAS( :A X h A \(J UAGES. 15 BuBchmann (J. ('. K.) — ('(intimnMl, "On Niitural SouihIh," 1i,v I'rofc.ssor J. C. E. HiiMclmiiiim. 'l'r;iiis|iittMl by Campbell Clarko, vt*i\., from tlio Ali- haiiflluiifjoii (l(!r koiiinlichfii Akii(loiiiit» (lor WisHiJiiHchaftcu zii Urrliii, atis di'iu Jaliro 1S52. Ill Phili)loj;k'al Soo. [<>f r^iHnliPiil l'n>i'. vol. n, pp. 188-200, London, 1831, H '. Verwiindt.sclialt askiscIic. .S|irarli.siamm, (lar;;('.>, r.iiliii, 18.'i(i, t". l)i\ i.sions of Hit- .Mliapa.scan family, pp. \!>6- Kil. Xiinu>ralM 1-Oof Ilii- Clu'piMvyan and Iviit- chin, p. IfiS. — AVordfi in tlio Clicpmvyan, 'I'ali- kall, ICiitcliin, Siiuhoc, I)o]i;ril), 'riat.skanai, and Unipqua, pp. 1(10-108. — Vocaljiilary, Knj;lif li and Clicpowyan (from Kicliard.son), jijt. 174-177.— A f(>\v words of tlio 'I'avnllii's (from Jfai'konzic), p. 177.— Vocalmlary of tlir 'raciillir.s (from liar- inoii), pp. 177-170.— .V fi'w Kutchiu word.s (from Iticliardson), p. 170.— Vocalmlary of t\w Ho;;- ril) (from Tticliard.son), jip. 170-180.- A short vocalmlary of tho t'mpipia (from Tolmic), p. 180. — A idiort Clu'pcwyan vocalmlary (from Mackenzie), ]ip. 180-181. —(,'hcpcwyan voralm- liry (from Thompson in l>oId)s'), pp. 181-182.— A few (^liepcwyan wonU (from Archaolojiia .Vmcricana), p. 182. (.'hcpowyan vocahidary (from Itichardson). pp. 182 -18:!.— Short vocah- ularyof tlio Dogrih (from Miihanlson), p. IS.f. Short oomparativo vocabulary of the Cliepe- wyau of 'Chomp.son, Mackenzie, and liiihanl son, p. 183; of tlio (Jhepcwyan (from Dnlilis, Mackenzie, and Kichardson) and Taenllie (from Harmon), p. 184; of (he fhejiewyan (from Thompson) and Tahkali (from HarMion). ]>. l.S4, of the ('hepcHvan (from ilaekenzle) and T;ih- kali (from ilanuon), p.l84j of the Chepewyan (from liicliard.son) and Tahkali (from Haniioii), p. 184. — t'oniparativo vocalmlary of the Chip- ewyan and ICnIchin (Snssee), ji. IS.'i; id' the (Ihepewyau and 1>oL;rili, ]ip. 1.8">-!8i); of the ("hepewyaiumd rnipi|iia, p. 180; of the Tali k id i and Kiilihiu, p. 180; oflhu Tiicnllies jiiid Doj; rill, lip. 180-187; of tho Tahkali and rmpiiiia: Kiitehiii and l>ourih; Siisseo and riapiiua: l>o;;rili and Umpiiiia, \t, 187; of the Tlatskanai iHid l'iiipi|na, |i. 188.— Comparative tables of word.s of tilt) CUcpowyau, Tahkali (from liar- Buschinaiin (J. f. E.) — ContimitMl. iiKin), Kiileliin, I)o!;rili, Fmpiina, TIalskanrtI, Tahkali (from lt;ile), .Siissee, p. 188-107. Com- )iaralivo vocalmlary in 10 p;irallel coliinins of the (Jhepewyan of Dobhs, Mackenzie, ;md Kichardson; T;iciillies of Harmon and Halc; Kiilchin, Siis.see, I)o;rril), Thitsk;inai, and rnipqiia, p. 108200. -Alphahetischo iind sy«. temali.sclie Veizeielinunj^ziidcn AV'orl vcrzpicli- iiis.sen ih'r ;ithapaskischeii Sprachen. pp. 210- 222.- CoiiipaiMtive lahles of words of the Kiiml lan«iiaj,'e of l);i\vydow, IJcsiUiow, Kiiiaize, W'ranKcll, and I,lsi;insky, jip. 2.'i;i-24,'i.-- ,\lpha- lieli.seho Verzeichiiiin^' zti den ICinai-Wortver- zeichnissen, pp. 24.'i 210. Divisions of tho Atli- apaskisidie and Kin;ii, p. 20il. (Miersicht dor kinaialliapiiskisi hen Worttafelii, jip. 201-266 Alphiihetisehe VerzeichinKiirzii den Wort tafeln des atliapaskischen Spi;iihsl;uiim.s, jip. 200- 208. - (.'ompariitive voi-ihiihiry of llm (Jlicpo- wy;in, TalMuili, Kiilchiii, Snssee, I)oi;rili, TIatH- kanai,Uni)ii|iia, Xavigo.'I'icorilhi, Kinni, Alnali, UKaloiizen, Inkilik, Inkalit, KollHchanen, and IColoschiscIi, pp. 200-272; of the (;he|iewyan, T;dikali, Kiitchin, Sus.soc, I tonrib, Tlatskanai, ITmpipia, Niiv;ijo, T'icorilla, Ivinai, Atnah. VgnX- enzen, Koltschaneu and KoloHcliisch, jip. 273- 282; of theChepewy.'in, Tahkali, Dourih, Tlat.i- kanai, Ump(|iia, ICinai, Atnah, tTnalenziHch, In- kilik, Inkalit, Koltschaneu, nnd Koloschisch, p. 283.— (Oomparativo tables of «ords from the above-named languages, pp. 284-312. [ssiied .separately as follows : Dcr I atliapaskisrlio Sprat-listamm I (largt'Htcllf I von | .loh. Carl K<1. MiiMclimaiiii. I Alls (leu Abliau(), 10 fr. ; the .Murphy i npy. cataloj;iio no. 2850, broiiKht 12; liriiid by f^iiarilch, no. 30031, 7#. OtJ. Die S|»nreii der azteki.selien Sjiraelio im iiiirdlielien Mexico iind liiihereu amerikaiiiselien Norden. /iigli-ieli eine Miisteningdcr Viilker nnd Sjiraelien des niirdiielien Mexieo'.s nnd der Weslseite Xordanierika'8 von ftii.-idiilaxarar an Ida /.nin Kiwineer. VonJoh, Curl Ed, Bimch- uiuuu. t !l ! 5 5^ in BIBMOGRArHY OF THE , I 11 1, t Buschmann (J. C. E.)— C'ontimuMl. In K<>iii};liclio Akml. dcr AViss. 7.11 Uniiii, AbliarKlliiiiKi'ti aiis dciii .Tiihro If') I, ZwcittT Sii|ip.'Hiiii<1, pp. 1-Hli) (forms tlio whole vol- ume), I5ciliii, 18."i0, 4". Ociuiriil tlisiMiHMion of tlio Nsiva,jo, pp. 29.'l- 293; of tlin Apailio, pp. 2!)H-322.— (Vnnimrativo vot'aljulary (42 words) of tlio JfaviO" aii'l 'I'i- corilla (from Simpson), p. 320,— fJoneral iliscns' .sion " Alliapa.skischor Spraclistamni," pp. .'(22- ;t23.— Uomar'. 1 on tlio lloopali, witli a short vo- cahnlarv, pp. 57r)-!)70. — Rcmarlcs on llah^'s Ktli- no^rapliy and Philoloj^y, with linpfiiistic classi- tlcation of langnafios, pp. ()02-008.— Itriiiarks on tlio Atnalis, pp. fillO-fiOl .— ■\Vortv0r7.cichnissd0r Atnah am ICnpfi'rtlnss, nach Wraiif^cll, pp. 001 Wrj.—Ufinarks on tht^ Iviiiai, pp. fi!)r>-()'.m.— Kt'inaiUs on tlio Inkililc anil Tnkalit. 11)). 704- 707 Wortvcrzeii'hnis.s dor iiikilik nacli Sajios- kin und WasaHJew, i)p.707-708.— Wortvcrzoicli- niss di;r InkalitJnu-t'l.jnut, nach Sut'oskiu, p. 70H. Issued separately as follows: Din I Spureii tier nztckiHchon Spracho I ill! iiordlichoii Mexico | iiiul hiiluneii iimcrikaiii.sclicii Xordcii. | Zunlcich | eiiio Mti.stcriiiijj; dnr A'olkor uiid Spra- chon dcH niirdliclit'ii Jfoxico'H | niid dor Westscito Xord.'inici-ika's | von (Juadal- iixara an bis /11m Ki.suit'or, | Von | Joh. Carl Ed. RiiMtliniiiun. | Berlin. | Godnickt indor Bnchdrnrk- crciderKonisl. Akadeuiic der Wissfn- schaftou. I 18r.<>. llalf-titlo verso blank 1 1. "onoral title of tlie series verso lilank 1 1. title as above verso lilank 1 1. ab^ekiirtzte liihaltsCliersicht i>p, vii-xii, text pp. l-7l;l, Kinleitiinn in ilas neoKiapbischc Register pp. 714-7tH, };''"fl>''il''i'selii' Uef;ister PI). 71S-81.'i, ViirniischteXaehweisuiiKenpp.HlC- 818, Verbesserunaeii, p. 810, 4°. Copies geen : Aster, Hrinton, Eanie.s, Mai.^on- nenve, Qnaritch, Siuithsoniigi institution, Trumbull, rilling. Published at 20 Marks. An inient half-mo- roeeo copy was sold at the Fischer sah', eata- lo^niMio. 209, to tinaiitcli, for 2^ lie.; the latter pri<'es two copies, eataloj;iie no. 12.M2,oiie 2?. 2a. tht^ otlier2J. 10«. ; the Pinarleopy, eatalogtie no. 178. brought fr.; Koehler, latalogno no. 440, priei's it KJ M. 50 pf. ; priced aj;aiii by Quaritcli, no. 30037, 2?. SyMtenmtisdio Worttafol des atlia- Ijimkisciit'ii Siirit('li8taimii.s, iinlgestoUt :ind crliiiitprt von Ihii. Biischmaun. (Dritto Abtlioilim;! dcH AjJiH-ho.) Ill Konifiliehe Aknd. der Wiss. 7.11 Herlin, Abhai01-.-|8(!, lierlin, 1800, 4"'. (ieneral discussion, with examples, pp. ."lOI-^ .'ilM.-t'oniiiarativo vocabulary. ICiiKlish ('hep ewyaii (two dialects), Uiber (two dialects) and Siccai'i (all I'l'wu Uowsc), pp, 020-527) of the Buschmann (J. C. E.) — Cnntinnod, Chippowayan and liiber (both from ]McI,ean), pp. .129 -f),'!! . - (ieneral discussion, jip. 531-.54.'>.— Systematische Worttafel des athapaskisilien Spratdistamiiis, including words of the Apnclie, Apaohcn dor Kupferjirubon, Atnah, Kiber- Indianor, C'hepewyan, Dogrib, Hoopah, Inkilik, Inkalit, Kinai, KoKschanen, Koloseben, Knt- cliin, Kwalhio(|iia, Ijonclienx, Navnjo, Northern Indians, rinaleno, Snssee, Sicani, Tahkali odor Tacullies, Tlatskanai, rgaleiuen (nler ITgal- achmjiit, I'^mpiiua. and Xiion8chaften zu Berlin 18.")l». | Berlin. | Godrnckt in dor Druckoroi der kitnif;). Aktidemio | dor WiHsen- selitiften. | 18(!0. | In Connnission von r. ])iiiiijider',s Verl!ij;.s-Bnchhaudlnns. (Niver title as above, title as above note ll.t-.'xt pp. .-.01 -.-.81, Iiilialts-tfber,sicht pp. 583- 58."i, liemei'kiiiifren 11. .")8(), P. Linguistic contents as under title next above. Copifs neen : .\stor, Eames, Pilling, Trum- bull, Watkinson. Published at 7 M. 80 pf. ; a copy at the Fischer sale, catalogue no. 277, iirougbt 13«. j priced in the Triibner catalogue of 1882, .3». Die Viilker nnd Si>ra(lion im Innoru do.s liritisehen Nordanierika's. In Ivonigliilie .Vkad. der AVis.s. zu Berlin, Monatsberichte aus dem .Talire IS.H \ pp. 405-480, Herlin, 18,59, so. (National .Museum.) Mainly devote|>. 'Jraoh.stamiii.s. | Ersto Al»- tlitiiliing. I Aiw (Icii Al)liaii(lluii2, 4''. Linguistic contentsas under title nextabovo, Cojiici seen : Bancroft, i'illing, Wutkiusou. I r t I r 0. Campbell (.Tobn). Tbo affiliation of tbe Algonqnin languages. By John Camp- bell, M. A. In ('anadian Proo. new series, vol. 1, pt. 1, pp. 15-.">H, Toronto, 1879, 8^. Comparison of cbaracterislic forms in Algnn- .] No title-page, text jip. 1-41, 8''. Linguistics as iiiidor title next above. Copift seen : Shea. Th(^ unity of tbe bnnian race, <'onsid- ered from an American Htandpoint. In ISritisb and Foreign Kvangelical Iteview. new series, no. :t7, (ip. 74-101, Liuidiui. .laiiiiary, 1880.8". (IMIIing., lly a copious exhibition and cnmpnri.son of grammatical and lexii':il forms, Ibis arlicte prn- fesses lodiscover in .Xiiierica two main families of speep. i-xxxiv, (;iiel...e, 1882, 12'=>. (I'illing.) The (irst jiart of this paper is an endeavor to show a resembliince bi-tween various families of the Ndv World and bet ween these and va- rious iieoples of the Old World, and contains words in sevi'ral .\merican languages. Com- )iarative VDcabularv of the Tinneh and Tiiugus languages, about ",") words and phrases, pp. xii-xiv. Issued sei)aralely as follows: Origin | of tbe | aborigines of Can- adii. I Ai)aper read before the Litera-y and historical society, | Qutdieci, | by | l»rof. ,F. CamiibcU, M. A., | (of Mon- (H'al,) I IX^ldgii^; (Ji^neral do I'lnstitn- tion Ethnographii|iie de PiiriH. | (^iiebei^: | ]>riiitcd at the "Morning cbronielu" office. I 1881, m rr 18 mnLIOORAl'HY OV TllK 1 i V ' :.■ h ,' ] Mi Campbell (J.) — f'^nti'iiirtl. I'i'liilod cover nn jiliov r, title a« iiliovc verHO blank I l.dcMUratioii viTHii liliiiik I 1. text |i|i. I-IIH, and apiM-ndix iip. l-xxxiv. 8'^. Twi'iitytlve copies printed. LlngiiiHtie coiiteiitN a.s iiihIim' tilliiii'xt aliove, Oopifl teen : Wellenley. AHiiitic tribt's in North Aiiii'ricii. Hy Joliii ('siin]il)cll, M. A. In t'aiiadian IiihI. I'roc. new werteH. vnl. 1, pp. 171-200, Toronto, \HH^. g^. (ienoral commeiitH on ll»^ Tiiineli family, witli a list of trIbeH and exiiiiiplex, pi>. 172-I7;i, 174-17.'>. -ConiparalivevtM'almlHry oftlio Tinneli Hiid Tiin^OH laii^iiages (about 80 words, alplia- befieally arranged l»y ICnglisb words), pj). I!t0- 1!11.— Numerals 1-10 of (bo Tiniieb compared witb tlio IN'niiiHuliir, p. 102. Issued separately, repa^ied, as follows; ■ ANJiitic I tribes in Xortli Americii. | KyJohii ('aini»1»(ll, M..\., | I'roCesHor of Cbnrcli Hi.story. I'rt'sliytoriiin CoUoji;!', Montrciil. [Toronto, 1884.] Half-titlo reverso blank 1 inside title, text pp. 3-:W, 8\ Kxtraet from tlie I'roeeed- ings of tlie (Jauadian Institute. liingiiisties as under title next above. |ip. I-. 5,0-7,22-2:1,24. Copies tee )i : liriiitcui, Pillinj:, Wellesley. Csmadian Indian. Vol.1. October. 1890. No. I [-Vol. I. Snb- lisbtMl nnder tin! An.sjticcs of | t]io(!ana- dian Indian Hcscarclnil [x/cj | .Society I Contents | [A-c. donbbi colnnnm, cacb eight lines.] | Single ('oi>icH, 20 cents. Animal Subscription, $2.00. | Printotl and Pnblisheil by ,Ino. Knth- orford, Owen Sound. OfJtiirio fOanadii]. [1890-1891.] 12 numbers: cover title as above, text pp. 1- 350, 8". A continuation of Our Forest Cliildren, described olsewhert^ in tbis bibliograpliy. Tlie publication was susiH>nded witb tbe twelftb liumlK'r, with the intention of resuming it in January, 1892. The word " IJesearehal " on the cover of tho first inunber was corrected to " Kesearch " in the following iPMubers. Wilson (K. I''.), A comparative vocabidary, vol. 1. pp. 104-107. CopicK leeti : Kamcs, Pilling, Wellesley. Carrier Imlians. See TacuUi. Oatechism : Beaver See Hompas {\Y. ('.) Beaver (iarriocli (A. (,".) Chippewyan Kirkby (W. \V.) Chippcwyan Kirkby (W'.W.) and Horn- pas (W. C.) 1)6116 (Jlut (J.) D6116 Morie«^ (.V.G.) Pind Seguiu (— ). Catechism — C'ontiniiod. Moiilagnais I,c r-'lV (L.) Mcuitagiiais I'errault {d.O.) Montagnais W^greviUe ( \'. T.) Slave Kirkby (\V W.) Tnkiidh .M'Donald (K.) Catlin((}t)org<0. North and S(nith Anu-r- lean Imlians. | Catalognc | dcscriptivo and instructive | of | Ciitlin's | Indian Ciirtoons.' I'ortraits, types, and customs. I 600 paintings in oil. | with | 20,000 full length ligurcs | illustrating their various games, religiou.s ccrcrnoiiies, ami { other customs, | iiml | 27 ciinvas ]iaintings | (d" | F^asalle's discoveries. | NinvYork: | Bilker & Godwin, Print- ers, I Printing-house s(|uarc, | 1871. Abridged titloon cover, title as alMive verso blank I 1. remarks verso note I I. text pp. 5-02, eertiricatcs))p.O:)-n!l. 8>. I'ropcr names with Kiiglisli sigiiitleations in a iiiimbi'r of Ameriean languages, among them the Xaviiho, Copper, Atliajiasca, Dogrib, and (Jhippowyan. Oopies »^en : Astor, Congress, Karnes, Welles- ley, Wisconsin Historical Society. Chapin (Col. (J.) Yociilmhiry of the language of the Sierra Hlanco Apaches. .Maiuiseript, 10 iinnuinbered leaves, 4°, in the librar.v of tho Ilureaii of Kthnology. CoUected lit ("amp (loodwin, .\ri/.oiia,.ruly, 1807. Keeorded on one ',.) AdeluiiK (J. C.) and Vater(.I.S.) Duncan (I>.) Taclie (.v. A.) (iallatin (A.) (irandin (— ). Hancroft (II. II.) Kirkby (W.W.) ISompas (W. C.) Kirkby (W. AV.) Kirkby (W.W.) and liompaa (W. C) Petilot (K. F.S.J.) Apostolides (S.) IJergbolt/. ((i.F.) Unmpas (W. 0.) Kirkby (W.W.) Lord's. Host (R.) ItuMchmann ( J.CK.) (Ma.ssical. Kllis (K.) Haines (K.J.) .Tames (K.) Kirkby (W. W.) Pott (A.F.) Tolmie (W. F.) and Dawsim (O. M.) Kirkby (AV. AV.) Kirkby (AV.AV.) and Itompas (AV. (J.) Bompas (W. C.) Tnttle (C. I!.) Uomims (W.C.) (Jatlin (<}.) Pelilot (K. F.S.J.) Syllabarium. Tultle ((M{.) liomjias (AV. C.) Kirkby (W. AV.) Pelitot (K. F. S..T.) Anderson (.V. C.) AdelunK (J. C.) and A'ater(.I. S.) Ander.son (A. C.) I5albi(A.) Hancroft (U.H.) I!om|.as(AV.(,;.) Musi'1unanu(tr.C.E.) Callatin (A.) Howse (.1.) Jelian (L. F.) Kennicott (U.) Latliani (K. (i.) Lefri.y (J. II.) Mackenzie (A.) Chlppe'viryan — C'oiif inniHl. A'ocabulary MI.ean (.1.) A'lsabulary Mrl'berson (H.) A'iMiibulary FJervi> (W. I).) A'ocal)ulary Kicbardson (.1.) A'ocabulary HiMliriK (F. L. ().) A'ocabulary Koss(Iv. H.) A'ocabulary Tliomps(ui (K.) A'.Kububii > AVblpjde (A. AV.) A'ocabulary AVilson (IC.F.) AA'orda (!liarencey (H.dc), AVorda Kllis (IS.) AVords Latbam (li. t;.) ^ AA'ords Lesley (J. P.) AVords Scliombur^k (K. II.) AVords Tolmie (W. F.) and l>a\vson ((}. M.) See also Athapascan ; Montagnais ; Tinntf. Chiracahua Apacbe. See Apache. Church MiHHioiiary (ilciiiior. liJiiifriitigoH of N. AV. Aiiu'iicii. In Cliurch Atissi(mary Olcaner, no. IK). Lon- don, 1RR1,4'''. (AVeUeslcy.) ('ontains St..I(din, iil, 1((, in (Ohippewyan or TinnC^ in both roman and syllabic cliaractcrs, and in Tukudli. Keprinted from tb<> British and Foreijni Bible Society's Specimens, etc. Church ^tissioiiary Society: These words follow- ing a titl)> or inclosed witliin parentlu'ses after a note indi(tate that a copy of the work referred to lias lieen seen by tbe coniiiiler in tlie librur^- of that institution, Lonilon, Kn^land. Church Missioiiiiry Socioty. | Diocese of Miickoii/.io live!-. | X. \V. T. | Otic lord, Olio fuith, oiii> Imntism. | Matt, xwiii. 19. I Horn of Water | aud | Of the Spirit. I Liiko XA'iii. IG. | Xaiiic I baptized liy tin* H«'v | at on I S])oiisorH | I I [Scriptnri' text from Mark XVL 1(5. two lines.] [l.oixlon: Chitrch nii.ssionary .soci- ety. lS7-f] Card, fij by .'> iiudies. verso picture of bap. lism. Prepared for use amon}; the Chippewyan Indians. Ciiliim tceii : Fames. Pillinj;. [Oin? lino syllabic charactorH.] | Church MisHionary .Societ.v. | Dioceso of Mackenzie river, | N. W. T. | [Oiio line Hjilaltic chartictors.] | Ir lian Name I liapti/ed Name , •|By the Kev | on , 18.. I [One line sylla1>i(! characters.] [Londini: Chnr«h miHsionary .soci- ety. 187-?] (.'ai-d. 4J by ;ij inches, verso picture of bap- tism. Prepareil for amou); the Ohippewyai) Indians. Copies teen .- Fames, Pilliui;. M '' ! •/ 20 lUliLKMiHAI'llY or TIIK '■•I Classical, 'I'Ik- | clnHHiral JouniMl; { I'lH |Si-|iti-nili<'r iiikI DiMrinlMr | IMI. Vol. IV. I (Two liiirs )|n(itiitiiiii in (Jrcck iiiiil a iniiiio^rriiiiiiiiatir ilcvict'. j | liiMiiloii : I printiMl liv A. .1. Valpv, | 'l'iM>k's I'inirt, Clianccry lane; | .solil l>,v I SlicrwoKil, Nccly, I and .Joiicm, I'atiT- iiohIit io>v; I uuil all otlior booksi'llcrM. llHll.] Tilli- vorHo lilnnk I 1. nmti'iilH (oC im. vii) |i|i. ill-iv, trxl Jip. I "I'.Ml, index pp. M" rill", viTso p. Ml coliiplKiii (.'ivilii.' iliilr IHII.H'^'. NiiiiicnilM 1-in ill ('liiiipt'W.vaii ((roin Mar- kinxlc), p. 110. ( 'npU't tei'ii : ( 'onjjiv sh. [Glut (.lnlihinli<>it .F.)J ■losiiH-CliriMt NiViaiikaiinwcri, wddzf'/iaiiy^^iiik'Ct'aii I lawalcsHJ nii/.iit a\vo<16 y(^niw<'ii h\ tin, ih'iKii.vt'' Mokni | HaW' Alaco /jaiiiiiyat- ' ini"(ni 'i; ckkwaaddi : [I>avt<)ii, Oliio: riiilip A. Kcinixr. IHHHi] A Riiinll cnnl, fthont ;i l>y fi incliofl in M/.p, Ik'ikIciI an aliiivi'anil I'linlainiiiK twVlvn "I'roni- iMi'M (if Our r.iinl t[ari;ari't Jlary" in tlin Doj: Kilt (■'l'lals<'nl<'>.i ") lanjriiaj,'c. On till' icviTsi- Ih a niloifd piilurr cil' (lie Hacri'il lu'ai't, witli vcisf in Knfili.-tli. ^fr. Kcnijicr lias ]inl)lislii'il tlii^ saini- )ininiiMi's on xiniilai' larils in many lan;;iia;;rH. Copim gi'i'ii : Kanicw, I'illin;.'. \)t'u6 (IfiHtor catt'cliisiii Ity 1{. P. J. Cliit, l>i,shni) of Kniiidcl. (*) ManiiHi'i-ipt in |li>v<'lo])iii«*i)t of Liin^iiii);*-. I Hy I AfiiicM Ci'tmc. [Itrijilitoii: .1. (i. liiHliop, I'riiitiT, "H.'iald"()niany, i)ii1disliciH. | New York: 27 How- ard Strc<'t. I 1H(W. 'I'ith' verso eopyri^lit I 1. dedieation verso hlank 1 I. contents pti.,'» lt», prel'aee pp. 11-12, text pp. i:!-:i'2'2, 12^. Apiiehe niimirals 1 -KKK). pji. 2:i8-2.1i». — A short aeeoiint of the .Xjiaelie hin;;Ma);e, with exaiii]des, ]ip. 2:itl 2411. ('o/ileii neeii : (leoloijieal Survey. Vociiliiiliiry I ol" llic I MoHcalcro ] .\paclic I laiifrnafj''- | l*.v | .John C. Crc- inony, | capt. l'. S. A. | IXfiS MMiinseri|it, iip. 1 "H, 4^, in ihi^ llancroft lilirary. San Kraneiseo, (!al. Voealiiilary of words in roinmon use, 352 worils. pp. 1-15.— Present, imiterfeet, and future tenses, indicative iiioikI, verb In be, ji. 16. .Author unahle to continne investipitioii liy I reason of the lack of aliilily on the (mrt of the I interpreter. Personal |ironouns, p. 17. — Pres- ent, imperfect, and future tenses, indicative mood, and present of siilijiinclive niixHl, verl) to (/<>, iiji. IX-Mt.— .VU the tenses of indicative ni I. part of siilijiinctive and all id' imperative miKiils, verl) to lore. pji. "20-22. — Indicative and ini|>erative moods, verl) to eat. pp. 24-'20. — Same iiidimIs, verl) to uleep. )ip. 2(i-'2H.— List of 1'25 verhs in common use, ]i]i. 28-40. — Vocabulary of Hfty-foiir miscellaneous words, pj). 40-44 Thirty-eijihl short in ordinary use, pp. 48-54. -Niniierals to 20, irregularly to 100, for 2tM), 1000, 2000, )))). 50-58 A|)ache and Spanish names of thirty-six nun and thirteen women of the trilie, with si;ini' cation in Knglisli, pp. (i0-(i4. — Mode of liesto« ill}; names on jiersnut), p]). OI-li(i. — Additional words and phraHCH, pp. ti8-78. j Vocahnlary of tlic hin^nap- of the I Mcsciilcro .Vpachc.s. Manuscript, U unniimhered II. fulio, in the { library uf the Bureau of Kthnolugy. Obtaiued ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 21 Cremony (J.C)— Contiiiui-il. by <'a|il. Oi'iiuiiiy iil l''i>rl Siiniiicr, IIchi|iii' KtMloiiilii. (Ill tint I'l'cim Klvi r. N. Mcx., in ISi;;;. Ui'i'Di'di'il nil lino III' llio lilaiik I'oiiiih of IHO woi'iIm iMNiinl by till' SiiillliMiiiiian liiHliliition. Tilt) A|mrli() i'i|iiivab'MlM iil' iibuiit UM o( tlir Kiik"xI> woi'iIh an> ^ivcii. 'I'liU iiiaiiiiHri'i|il U II itopy, by ]>■'. (iKii. liilibit; thn wbrrralHiiitK iil' tbi> original, wbirli was fiirwariliil !■> Ibi- Siiiilh Hiiiihiii IiiMlitiitiiiii by liri;;. (irii. .laini's II. ('luii'ton, tlirn riiiniuaiiilin^ tliu Ut>|i»rtliK'iit nl' Nrw Moxii'o, I ibi lint know. Crook (dfii. . ('. ('ollHiMtM lit' ablint I'll) WIII'iIm Ht'll'l'tl'll I'i'lllll tliiisu iiHiil by till' Sinithiiuiiiaii un it.i blank I'liriii III' IKO worilH, Vocalmlary of t lie Talnwa lanjjija)j;<'. MaiiiiHi'ri|il, :i nniinnibi'ri'il Iravrn, t'liliii. in tlio library iil'tlic liiiri'UU nf KtliniiUiKy. Wasb- iiiKtoo. H. <-'. Kci'.iirib'il on oiii' of tbi- SniitliKonlati I'orinM Ihhiu'iI for tbti I'lilliTtion nl' Aiiii'riraii liii;;iiis- tirs. Till" Knglixli wniils yivrii imnibi'r ISO, aiitl tliu ron'i-H|ionilin^ blanks in this vnrabu- lary art> all tilli'il. Jn the saiiii' library in arii]iy nl' lliin viK^iibu- lary, inaiU' by Dr. (ii'n. (iibbs. (!i'nrj;«>CriM>k, Molilii'r, wiiMbiirn, ni^ar Daytiin, Ubin, .Sitjit. H, IK'JH. Itn \va.s Ki'ailiiati'il at tbi' U. .S. Military Acaib'iny in lKr>2. anil \va.t nn iliily witli tliii Fnurtli Infantry in California in IH.'i'J-lHfil. Ho ]iartici|iati'il in tlir ItiiKUi- rivir i'X|ioilitiiiii ill IH'iO, anil t'lnnnianili'il tbr I'll! riviT rxprilitiiiii in 1857, wlirro In- was I'li^jay;!'!! ill Hox't-ral actlonH, in nno nf wliirli lin was wniinib'il by an arrow. Ho bail risoii to a ra|i taiiii'y, wliin, at tbo bojiinninj^ of tbo rivil war, bo rotiirni'il to tlio oast anil booanio onlmu'l nf tbo Tliirty-sixtli Ohio Infantry, llo aftorwaril sorvoil ill tbo Wost Virjiinia ('ain|iai;:n.s, in ('iiniiiianil of tho Thiril iirovisional bripiib'. I'rniii May 1 to Au;r. l.'i. 18(12. anil was wniiiiiliil in tbo aotinii at I.owisbiir;;. Ho i'n;;ai;oil in tho northern Virginia anil .Marybinil i'aniiiai;;ns in August aiiil So|itoinbor, l«(i2, anil for his sorvioos lit Antiotani was brovottoil lioiitonant- onlnnel, I'. S. Army, llo sorvoil in Toiinossoo in I8(i:!, aiitl nil July 1 b" was transforriil to tho oniiiniaiiil nf tbo Soonnil ravalry ili\ isinn. .\flor variout) iiotioii.s, oniling in thobattloof (.'liiok- aiuuiiga, ho piirsiioil Wboolor's (^iiifiHloralo oavalry I'riiin tbo Ist to tho lOtli nf Ootiibor, ilofoatoil it, anil ilrnvo it aornss tbo Toniiossoo wilb jfioat loss. Ilooiitoroil upon thoonininauil of tbo Kanawha ilistriot in wostorn Virginia in Kobriiary, I8(i4, iiiailo ooiistant raiils, anil was ill iiuniorons ai'tinns. }Io tiHik part in Sliori- ilan's Shoiianilnali oanipaigii in Ihoautnninnf thatyoaranil roooivoil tho brovots of brigailior- gonoral anil iiiajor-gonoral in tho I'. S. Army. Mui'vb U, liOXt. Uvu. Crook hail uoiumaud uf Crook ((«.) — ( 'oiitiiiiied. tho oavalry nf tbo Army nf tho roliimao from Miii'ob 20 till .Vpijl !l, iliiring tvhlib tiiiio bo wiiH ongagoil at IHnwiililio ('niiil llouso, Jottors \ illo, Sailor's Crook, anil Kaniivillo, till tbo siir loliilor at .\ppoiiiattnx. llo was aflorwtiril traiiHlorroil to tbo onmmaml nf Wilmiiiglnii N'. <;., whoro ho romainoil froiii Sopt. I, 1811.%. till •laii. l.'i, I8tlll. whin ho was iiiiisloroil out nf lliu viilnnloor sorvioo. .M'torasix wooks' loavo of absoiiro ho was asslgni'il loiluty nn tbo bnaril apjiointoil In oxamino rillo taotios, was oiiiu- missioiioil lionti'liant'Onlniiol of tbo Twonly- lliiril infantry. I'.S. .Vrmy, nn .Inly "28, 18tJfi, unil assignoil to tho ilistrii't nf lloiso, Iilahn, wlioru ho romainoil until 1872. ml ivoly ongagoil agaiiiHl tholnilians. In 1872 lion. CriMik was assigiiuil In tbo .Vri/.nna ilislriil In i|ui'll tbo Iniliaii ills- tiirbani'os. llo sonl an nil i main in In I ho obiufa to roliirn In thoir rosorvalinns iir"liowipoa IndiaiiH, llooiui Valley, Orofjoii. J Manusoriiil. 101 pp. 4°. in tb«> library of tho IJiiroaii of Kllinnbigy. CoUoi^toil in tho Honpa Valloy. Deoombor, 1888 -Jana.'.ry, 188!). Ho. cnrili'il in a onpy nf I'nwoU's Intrniluotion to tho Study nf Imlian Languages, Hoeiiml eilitinn, lip. 77 10-2. lofi. Km -111. ii;)-r2,">, 127-1:10. i:i2-i;io, 184-187. 18!t-'2'28, ami 5 niiliiunlioroil Jiages at Hie oml. Of Iho srhoilillos given in the work iins. 1,2,:!,4.5.«, 7, 8. ii,-Si, 24. 25, 20, 27. aud 28 are iJ II 1;!-' i,«' lUIJLUniKAIMfY OF TIIK Curtin (.1.) — CiiiitiiiiitMl. rli-l>'ly tllli'il. IKM. id. IJ. It. III. 17. IH. III. 'JO. 'Jl, mill J'l urn imrll.v llltcil. unit huh. I). II. iiuil JTi nil' liliiiik. 'I'liK iil|iliiilirl iiiluptril liy tlir lliimill iil' Kill iiiilii){y i'* ilHi'il. ■Inri'iiiiiiii Ciirllii ttii.s liiini In Milwiuikri', WIh., aliiiiit. IHII.'i. hi^ liiiii null' nliii'itlluii ill I'liililliiMiil. lull III tlii-aui'iir twi'iity III' l\M'iil> iiiir |>i'i'|iiiri'il liiiiiMi'ir III I'lili'i' I'liillijiM Kxrlir Ai'.iilriiiv. iiliiIk rvlraiii'illiijirv |irii(;ri'Mi, iiml HiHiii I'lili'i'i'il lliirviil'il ('iillr;;!'. wliiTC lin wilM Kriiiliiitti'il in IHD.'I. Ity llii.s limi' lin liail Ix'i ii' lliitril aiiiiiii;; IiIh i'IiishiiiuIi'.s iiiiil ai'i|UiiiiiluiirrH I'lir liix wiiiiilri't'iil I'lirillly im ii liiitriiixl. On Ixaviiit; I'lillr;;!' Im liiiil ari|iiii'i'il a ({ihhI kiiowl I'llur III' Krriii'li, S|iaiiiHli. I*i>rlii;;iii'Hi', Italian, Uiinialilaii. Diitrli, Danisli. .Swi'illsli, Iii'lanillr. liiitliir, (ii'i'iiiaii, anil KinniHii. lii'siilrH tii'iik ami liatiii. lln liail al'^n niaili* riiii.siili'nilili< lirii^i'i'Hs ill IIi'lii'i'W. i'l'i'sian.anil .SaiiMkiil. iinil was lirflinniii;; In Nprak KiiH'iian. Wlirn Ail- iniral LLssiilMky'!* Ilirl vislliil lliis rimnlry. in IHIII, Ciii'liii lii'raini'ari|nainli'il with llii'iitlii'iTH ami a<'riiiii|ianii'il lint rxpi'ihl inn ini il.s iiliirn to KiiHHia. In Si. I'oti'i'.sliiir^ lir nlilainril i'lii|ilii,Miit'iit iiH a tiaiiHlatiir of iinly^lnt Itli'Knijdiir ili.s|ial('lii'H, lint lio \j:iia);(')«, anil iiiailr a lic};iiiiiiii;; in 'I'lirk IhIi. Ki'iiin IM(W till 1877 hr liavi'Icil in i^ni Kiiriipi ami in \nui. appannlly in tlii^ Hi'rvicc III' till' ItiiMHian ;;iivi'i'iiini'iil. In l.'<7:i. at till' rcli'liratiiin at I'raifiir iif tin- r>lllllli aiiiii- MTsiiry lit' Hill birth iil' John Hmm.s, hr ili'livrrril tliK oration, spi'akin^ with l cliKinriiii' in tliii Itoliriiiiaii laiijt'iiaKi'. During; liin travi'ls in tliu Daimliu coniilry hi< li'iiriii'il to .spi'ak SUivi'iiiaii, (^'roatian. Si'rviaii. and l!iil;{arian. Ill' livid lor Nonii' tiiiir in tin* Caiica.sii.'*, wlirro III! Ii'arni'd Min;;ri'lian, .Uika.sian, and .^'iiii'- liluil. .Vt till' hr;iiiininj{ III' tlm KiiHsn-'r'u'kish wurin 1M77. hi' lilt tliiv KiiH.iian doniiiiion.s. and, al't'.r !i yi'iir iu i^nniliin, rrliiriird to liin iiativr cimiitry. Simi' then ho ha.-i liri'ii Htudyin^ thu liiiit;iiH>;rs of till* Aiiii'rioaii Indian.'* and has iiiudo valiiahhi r<'.si'ai'rhi'H iindiT tho aus|iirrs of Mi^j. Joliii \V. Powi'll and tho Itiiroaii of Kthnolo^ty. llo is Haid to lit' ari|naiiiti'il with iiiiiro than lil'ty lauguagi'H.— Jy ('iiiinty. I'a...liily '."J. IHri7. lli> iiiaiii' fi'sli'il III I'lirly I'hililhoiHl a lovo for airhroln^' iral piii'Hiiits, and at tin' ayi' of i'IkIiI yrars bi'^aii to I'lilli'i'l fossils and iniiirrals iiiiiiIk ii roiiipli'li' Indian riistiiiiii'. and livi'il In a bark liiif in tlio wimmIh. Ill' li'iirni'il that wlii>ri'onii'll rnlvi^rHity, lint laliT spriit most of his tiiiii* as assistaiil to Dr. (.'Iiarh's Kan in llii' prrparation of tlii' Indian rolli'i'lionsof till' National Miisriiiii fur tlii'l Vn- triinial I'Xpositlon at I'hiliidilphia, and wiut riiialoriif Ihri'iiliri' rolhrtion until (hi' ilosu ttf thr exhibition, w lirii hr Has appointed I'liratorof tlio i'lliiio|ii;;ii'al drparliiiriit of thu N'atiiiiial Miisi'iiin. Diiriii;; llii'siiinnii'r of IH70 III- K»ii><'°* III''*) knuwii'd^i' of tliii I'lii-blo Indians, and in 187!) lir joiiiid M:iJ. •). W. I'oHi'll in his I'xpi'ililioii to Ni'W .Mcxii'o. Tin" I'Xpi'dilion spi'iit two iiiiintlm anioiit; tlm /iini Iiidian.4. and Mr. (.'nsliiii;;. at his owu rci|ni*Ml, was left tlii'ii'. Diiriii;; tlii' seroiid y car of liln siijunrii Im had so far niaile hini.self one of tlm tribe ami ;;aiiieil the csleeni of the. chiefH that he was fiirnially adopli'd and iiiillated into tlm sat'l'ed esoterir soi'iety, the " I'l iestliuod of the How. " III IH82 he visited the east with a parly of nix Znnis, who canm for the iiiir))i)se uf takiii;{ water frum the 'Oiean of Sunrise," as a i'i'li;;ioiis eereinuiiy. earryin^' it to their temple ill tin: I'lieldos. I'"onr of the Znnis ri'turned, while Mr. Ciisliinj; remained with tho other two iliiriiijj thu Niininier in Wasliili^ton, for tiie purpuse, uf w ritiiiji, with their aid, a paper nil /iifii fetiches. In Si']itt'iiiber uf tlm same year he returned tu /iifii; hilt in the spring of 1884 fail in, health oblij;ed his return fortwo years to the 'ii ' . A;;ain he had with him for suiiie liiite I hie if the /iifiis, to aid him ill thu preparatiuii ' :' a dietiuiiary and ^raininar of their l4i:^'.ir '^f and in translations of myth and beast stories, songs, anil rituals. In 1886 Mr. ('ii»liiiij;or(iaiiized tlm Ilemeiiway Archii'oloi;- ical Kxpedition, and as its direitor discovered and excavated extensivii buried cities in Ari- zona ami Xew Mexico ; but in 1888 he was again prostrated by illness. He is now writing con- tiiliulions I'm' t!m Ihireaii of Ktlinology on thu relation of |>i'i,iiitivc drama tu cruatiuu luruuud other /uiii workii. ■'\ T ATllArAbCA^N LA:iUUAUE3. 2a a Daa(Luilwif; Kristonnen). On the artiii- itit-N ht'lwt'fii tilt- liiii){(iii^<'s of till' iiortlici'ii trilM-Hol'tlifold anil iwav coii- tiiuMitN. Hy LtnviH Kr. I Mm, Kn<|., of Cliristiuiiiii, Norway. (Ki'utl Uuccmlior thf L'Otli.) Ill I'lillutogicnlSoc.Inf Lonilon] Trntm. 1H50, p|.. 'jr)l-a»4, L Ion (lxr)7),H . (C.HiKn'MH.) (^'•iin|iiii'alivi' lalili's slmwiii^ itllliiillt'rt be- twieii AHiiilii' mill Aiiiri'ic'Mii iiiiif^iiaj^cH, |i|i. lilM-'-Wi. niritaiii uiiiiIm rniiii iiiiliiy Noi'tli Aiiiii'icaii laiif;iiiit;iiH, tlio Alliiipiust'iiii liciii^ ax I'iiIIowm: AtlialiaMca. Ilcavi'i', Kiilrliiii. Sikaiiiii, Talikall, NuvjOu •li'nirilla. 'I'laUkaiiul. Kiiiai, l.oiK'lii'iix, Atiiali, lI);alL'U^. Uiukwu, Dugrili, N'aviOi). ami Apat'lic Dall (William llraloy). Aluflka | and | its ivsoiirii's. I l{y | William II. Dull, | ilinctor of tlit^ si'ii'iitirir roi'|iH of tho late WtstiTii iniioii | tfli';^rai»lj expedi- tion. I [^rn. I I liimton: | Lee and .Sliepard. | 1870. K|-milis|ii('(c' 1 I. litlo vitmo i'(i)iyilfjlit ami Iiriiitei'H I l.tU'ilii'atiim vuNu blank I 1. iiili'o- iliK^liim pp. v-viii, (•--m\, iniU'X jip. ()10-0-.>7, iiotOH otf. p. 102«|, map.'* ami platr.s, H'\ Ci>nijiaiiitivi> viiialnilary of 20 wonls nnil tlir niiHii'ialM 1 lOiilllir U;;ali'iiit.ii, Alitrmi, Kfiiiii- ti'iul, 'ri'iuin'Kiilrli'iii, Kiitclia'Kiili'li'ili, Kiii- .Viibkbatiiiia (I'liiUiik), Kaiyiikliatana (mirtli- faMli'in) anil I'liaklialiUia, pp. .Viil-.l."!). — "Wnril.s tiiwaril.s vui'abiilai'ics of tlu' 'riiimli tribes," rniiHtitiitiii;; a roiiiparativo vuraliiilary of tlu' NuliUo In'j,'alik. Ulii'kuk ln'},'alik, 'I'anaiia Iii'galik, I'liakliatiiuu, uml Tcuun Kiitcliin, pp. 500-575. C'opifn m-eii : lIuMton AtheiliCiiiii, Hrilisli Mii- 8CUUI, Coiijjri'ss, Eaiucs, I'owi'll. Truiubull, AVutkiusuii. A copy nt the Fk'ld salt-, cataliijj;iie no. 480, broiif;bt $1.50. Some copies have the im|irint, Lonilmi : | SainpHou Low, Son, ami Maratuu, | Crown Biiililiugs, 188, Fleet Street. | 1870, (British Miiauum, Jlureau of Ethnology.) On the Distribntion of the Native Tribes of AlsLska and the adjacent ter- ritory. By W. H. Dall. Ill .Vmcrican A.-4«. Adv. Sci. Proc. vol. 18. pp. 20:i-27:i. anil '.! tbhliug shcots,C'iimbri(lgc, 1870, 8^. Contaiii.t, on a folding Hhcct betwtH'n jip. 272- 27:1. a viM'abulary of 20 word.-i and the iiiiiiiiralM 1-10 of the rgalentsi, Ahteiia, Tenau-kutchiii, Kiitcha-kutcliin, ITnakhatana, Kaiyuhkbotiiua of Ululuk ltivt»r ttud Kuiyuli liivcr. DalKW. H.) — ContiniUMl. Addre.sH by WilliaiM H. Dall. Vioft- pi'esideiit, HiM'tiiin II, aiilliropolo^y, The native tribeH of .Vla.ska. Ill .VtiK'i'ican Ahh. AiIv. SI. i'mc. vol. :U, pp. noil ;i7ll, Salem, I8H(1, H . (l'illinu'.> (ii'iicral dlMciisMioii of till' liabilat uml alllii- ilicK of the 'riiiiii'b or .VtliabaHkanii, p..'l70. - I'ribal ilivi.sioim of the Tiiimli, pp. U78-:i7U. 1h!4ui'iI Hcparutcly iix folloWH: The native tribe.s of Ala.ska. | An | luldreHH I before the | Meetion of unthropolo^y | of the | Aimrieau a^Ho- eiation for thuadvaneemeiit of seienee, I at I Ann Arbor, Aiiniist, IH'C). | \iy | William II. Dall. | Viee pre.sident. | (From the Proceedings of the Amerieiin Association for the Advaneemeiil | of Science, Vol. xx.MV, Ann Arbor Meet- in};, Angnst, 18«.">.) | I'rinted at the Salem press. ( Salem, Mass. I 1H«5. (.'over title iw iibovo, title an above verxo blank I 1. text pp. :i It). 8'. (ieiiural reiiiarkM ii|iiiii the habitnt and allin- itieH of the Tiiiiieh or AthabiwkaiiH. p. 10.— Tribal divl.'tionH of t lie Tiiiiieb, pp. 18-l'.i, Cojileii mvii : Kanii'H. IMIlin^. William Ilealey Uall, was born in lioHtiui. .Ma.sH., Aug. 21, I84.'>. He was eiliualeil at tlie Huston public Hchools, ami then beeaiiio a special pupil in natural sciences under Louis Agassi/, and in anatomy and iiiedicine under •retl'ries \V,vnian anil Duiiiel Itraiiiard. In I8li,'i be was appointed lieutenant in tbe Intcrualioiml teb'grapb expedition, and in this capiu;ity vis- ited Alaska in 1805-1808. Eroin 1871 till 1880 be was assistant to the I'. S. (Joast Survey and iinilerits direction spent tbe years 1871 to 1874 and 1884 in that district. His work, besides the exiiloration and description of the geog- rajihy, iucliided tbe aiitbropology, natural bis- torv, and geology of the Alaskan and adjaeent regions. Kroiii the tlchl work and collections have resulted maps, memoirs, coast pilot, and papers on these sub,jects or branches of them. [Since 1884 ho has bei'ii| paleontologist to the IT. S. tit^ological Siirviy, and since 1800 he has lieeii bonorarv curator of the ilepartmeut of inolliisks in the I'. S. N'ational Miiseiini. In this ottice he ha.s made studies of receiii and fossil inollusks of the world, and especially of No.'.li America, from wbicb new iuforniatlou has beuii derived uonccrning tliu briwhiopoda, putelUiIie, chitouidui, and tbe molhisk fauna of the deep sen. Tliese studies have grown out of those devoted to the fauna of northwest4;ru America and eastern iSilKiia. Mr, UuU lioa Ueoa liouoreU if 1 , 1^' M ' i\ ■■ ■f ! Y h U BlBLIOGUAfllY OP THE 'i t Dall ( W. H.) — Continued. witli I'li'cHoiiM til iit'ui'lv all llic Arientiflc Hoci- <^lio.i h\ lliis I'liiuiiry. ami ti> many alimail. In IHH'J anil In ISH.') hr was vlrn ]ii'i'Hiilriil of t\w Aniui'ii'an As-iiirialii)n lor tin', Ailvanii'ini'it of Soifnci', atiil ini'siilril over tlir siTliiins iif liiiil- ugy anil antluoiiitliigy. ILii srirntitii^ pa|ii'i'.s inrlinli^ aliont two liiiinlri'd titles. Ainon^ thr Heparalo liiHiks arc "Alaska anil its Ki'soiirri's" (Boston, .aIO); •' Triliiw of tlui Kxtivnii^ Nortli- Wi'st" (Wasliingtoii, 1S77); "(.'oast Pilot of Alaska. Ajipi-ndix 1, Mi'tiioroloi^y anil ISililiofi- rapliy" (lH7il); "Tho (Jni'i-onts anil Trnipura- tiiri's of lioi'iujLi; Sea anil tlu< Ailjacciil Watris" (1HS2): • Pacillr (Joast Pilot anil Islands of Alaska, Dixon Kntrani't^ tu Yakntat Kay, with U\v Inland I'assajj;*'" (188^); " Pivliistorif. America," by tlii' Mari[iiis iln Xadaillai', iHlitml (Xow York, 1HS5;; and " Kroort on the Mol- liiaca, Kracliiopoila, and Pch-cypoda " of tho Blaku driMltjinj; expedition in the West In- dies ((JamhriclKO, l6>i6),—A2iuMon's Cyclop, of Am.Iiioij. David vi p.salmiit Tukudb. See M'Don- ald(K.) Davidoff (Gavrilalvanorich). AByKpatHoc nyTeunvTBie ( Bb AMcpiiKy | .MO|)CKH\'b miiiic- POBI I XBOCTOBU II ,(llBbi,IOBa, | IIIICUHIIUV ('U.M'b niRMtjiiiiMb. I 'lacTb ijepBUH [-BTopaa]. ( Bh G. llt'Tt'pKvpi'li I no'iauiaiiu Bb Mui)C'i;uii Tiiitnrpa*iii 1810 [-1812] vn.xa. Traiih'iation.~'Vv,i^ voyafjes | to Ainorica | hy the naval otlirers | Kliwostotf and Davidotf, | written hy the latter. | Part ltr«t[-.seei)inl|. i At. St. Pi'terslmry; | i)rinted in the. Xaval PrintiusOlliie in the year 1810[-lKr.'|. 2 vols. H I. V K'almlary of the Keiiai (of tribes livinu on Keuai Uulf, Cook's luk't), vol. 2, pp. siii xxviii. Vopift teen : liritish Miisennj, Congress. Thedernmn edition, Uorliu, 1810, 8' coutaius no linguist ies. Davidson ((Jeorj.?o). Report of Assistant (teofije Davidson relative tit the re- .soiiret^s and the eoust feature.s ol" Alaska Ti^ritory. In Coast Snrvoy Ann. Kept. 1807. pp. 187-;i2fl, Washin^ilon. IHtiil, 4'^. ((Jeologiial Survey.) Voeahnlary of the lansiiajre of the natives of Kenai (ahout IKK) 'vonls), alphahetieally nrranxeil by Kiiglish eutriu!) (from Lisiausky), pp. •J!>:i-2!)8. KepriiitiMl ax follows: Report of Assistant Oeor«eof Rppro- Benlalives. Kx. Doe. \o. 177, Kiisslan Anieriea, MessH^e from the President of the Cniteil btuteii, ill auiiwvr tu u runulutiuu uf thu Uuuao Davidson (0.) — Continued. of IBIli of Deeeniber last, transmitting; Porre- spoiiileni'e in Illation to Uiissian Amurivu. |Wa.sliin;;liin, 18li8.| Pp. 1-301, pt. 2, pp. 1-19, 8'=. ((ieoloj^ieal Survey.) Mr. Daviil.son's report oeenpies pj). 21!t-.)Ul, and eontains, |)p. ;)28-:i;i:), a vixabnlary of thu Keiniy (from Lisiansky)of IIUO words, ulpbttbi-t- ieally arran),'ed hy Kiif^lisli cutrica. lieprinted as follows: United States coast survey. | Benja- min Poiree, superintendent. | Ptieilic coast. I Coast pilot of Alaska, | (first l)art,) I from southern Itoundary to Cook's inlet. | By | (Jeorge Diividson, | assistant coast survey. | 1869. | Washington; | Goverument printing offltte I 1«89. Title verso blank 1 1. introduction pp. 3-4, text pp. 5-192, a])poudii'es pp. 193-240, indvx pp. , 247-2r)I, HP. Lin;^iiistic contents as under titles above, pp.21,>-221. Copies seen : Pilling. Davis (William Watts Hart). El Gringo; I or, I New Mexico and her peojde. | By I W. W. H. Davis, | late Unite«l Sttites attorney. | New York: | Harper & brothers, piildishers, | Franklin s(iuare. | 1857. Frontisjiieee 1 1. title verso eo])yright 1 1. ded- ication verso blank I 1. preface verso blank 1 1. contents p)). vii-xii, text pj). 13-^32, 12°. " Voiabulary of njiward of sixty words in Navajo and Knglisli,' |ip. 419-420, funiished by Captain II. L. Dodge and a young Indian. Copies sien : liritish ^luaeum, Congress, Kamcs, Geological Survey, Pilling. Dawson ((ieorgo Mercer). Geological and niitnral history survey of Canada. I Alfre.l K. C. Sehvyn, C. M. G., LL. 1)., V. R. S., Director. | Rt port | on tin exploration in the | Yukon district, N. W. T., I !iud I adjacent northern j)or- tion of I British Columbia. | 1887. | By I (ieotge M. Daw.son, 1). S., V. G. S. | [Coiit of arms.] | Published by author- ity of ]>arliament. | Montreal: | Dawson brothers. | 1888. In (leoliigieal and Nat. Hist. Survey of Can- ada, Ann. Uejit. (new series), vol. 3, part 1, report H, Montreal. 1889. Title as above verso blank I 1. letter of transmittal vc"80 blank 1 1. text pp. 011-27711, 8°, Appendix II. Notes on the Indian trilies of the Yukon district and adjacent northern |)iir- tion of Hrilish Columbia (pp. 191 li-2i;)li), con- tains a general account of the languages of the rugiuu uiid "SUurt vocabularies [about lUU T ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 1888. ( 'an- lirt 1, |v<'rm> 1 1. lies nf pipr- I, I'Oll- 'iltlie DaWson ((J.M.) — Contiuiiod. wiinls I'iW'li] of tlu' Taliltiiii, 'ritslio-tiiiii, iiinl Ta-Ki.-ili, nbtiiinnl in 1SK7, ' pii.'JOSH L'WI!. Coiiivn teiii ; (i<'(il<)!j;iiiil Siii'vi'v. 'J'lic ii)i|i('iKlix wuH iasui'd .sfpauittly as t'nl luWH : Notes on the Iiuliaii triln'is of tlif Yukon district and adjacent northern port ion of Ifritish Cnlninhia. JSy Georj;!' M. Dawson, 1». iS., 1\ G. S.. Assistant Direetor, (ieolojfi<'al Survey of Canada. (Repriiiti'd from tlie An- nual Rej)ort of Geologieal (Purvey ot Canada, 1887.) No titk'iia^;!'. liiailiiij; us above; text ii|i. I- 2:!. H-->. I.iii(;iii!jtii'H as limit r litU- mxt above, ji;i. If- 23. Copiet nei n : I'illiiig. SeeTolmie (W. F.) and Dawson ((!. M.) (ii'orpe Mercer DnwBOii van born at ricton. Nova Scotia, Aii(;iist 1, 184". ami in the eldest Hon of Sir "William Dawson, ])rini>i)ial of McGill I'niverslly, Jlontreal. He wa.4 eilu- 'jated at ilc(iill CoUeso and the Itoval School of Mines; held tho Duke of Con. wall's bcIpoI- arship, given l)y tlio Prince of AValcs; and tooli tlie Kdwaid l'"orbes medal in iiaheoiitohigj and thu llnrchison medal i.'i geology. He was a]!- pointed geologist and natnralist to Her Majesty's North A nuM'ican Boundary Conuiiis- sion in 1873, and at the close of the coniiiiission's ■work, in 1875, he ])ublished a rci)ort nndir the title of "Geology and Kesotirccs of the Korty- nintli I'arallel." In July, 1875, he received an apiiointiuent on the geologica' s'lixev of Can- ada. From 1875 to 1879 he w as o,(ii)iieil in the getilofiical survey and ex]ihiration cd' lirilish Colo mbia, and subscciuentlv engaged in siniiliif work both in the Northwest Ternt(uy and British Columbia. Dr. Dawson is thcauthorof nnnierons i)a)ierson geology, natural history, and ethnology, i)ublishcd in the ('anadiai\ Nat- uralist, Quarterly .lourmd of the (ieohigical So, icty. Transactions of the lioyal So( ic 1y nf Camida, etc. He was in 1887 selected to t;ikc charge of the Yukon expedition. De Meuleii {L'.ent. K.) Voeal)ulary of tho Keuiiy (Kai-ta-na) laugua}!:i' of Cook's Inlet. Manusciipt, lc> loniindiereil leaves, folio, in the library of the liurcau of Ethnology. Ob tained in 1870. itceovdcd on oiu' of the bUink fonns (no. 17li) issiuil by the .Smithsonian Institution, contain- ing t hi' standard vocabiihiry of '21 1 words, eiiniv- alents of all of w hich are given iu the Keuay. liible lessons See Farand (H.,).) liilile passages Orouard (K.) Calecliism Clut (J.) CatvvUiHUi Moricu(A.U.) Dene — Continued. (,'atecliisiii Diclioiiai \ l)iilion;ii> (iraniinar Seguin (— ). Moilie (.\.(i.) IMilol (K. F.S.J.) Moii.e (.\.ti.) (iraiiuiMlic coioiiieiits Moiire (A. (t.) (;r;»nimalic ticalise I'clilot (K. F.S.J.) Hvmns I'rayer book I'rayers I'rimer Sernioim Songs Text Tribal names Vocabulary Words .See also Tinne. Den^ Dind.jie. See Din^. Morice (.\.('i.) Morice (A.Ci.) Moiice (A. (i.) Morice (.\.(i.) Morice (A. (i.) .Morice (A.G.) .Morice (A. (!.) Mori(e(A.G.) retilol (K. F.S.J.) chureucey (U, de). Dictionary: Dene Dene Kcnal I.oiichenx Montagnais Montagnaid Navajo Peaii de I.ievrc See Moriro (A.G.) I'ctilol (K. F.S.J.) l:adloir(h,) IMitot (i:.F. S.J.) I'ctito' (JO. F.S.J.) VeLirevillo (V. T.) Matthews (W.) Petitot (K. F.S.J.) Dobbs (Arthur). An | account | Of the Countries adjoin lug to | Ihnlson's liiiy, I in the | North-west I'art of Anieiiea: I coiitaiiiinti(m of tlieir Lakes and l^ivers, the Nature of the | Soil ami Clinnites, and thiir Methods of Coiiiineree, Ac. | Shewir.o- the Henefit to 111' made liy settliiiji; (.'olnnies. and | opening a Trade in these I'arts; whcre- liy the I'renih will lie | deprived in a great Measure of their 'rriillick in Turs, and I theConnnnnieation hetween Can- ada and .Mississiiipi lie cut off. | With | .■\ii .Vlistraet of Captniu .Middlrtoii's •lournal, and ( )h,servatious upon | his Iti'hii-. iiiiirdiiring his \'oyage, and since his Ivetiiru. I To v hich are added, | L .\ Letter from JSartholouit w de Fonte, I Vicc-Aduiiral of I'crii and Me.xico; | giving an .\ccount of his Voyage from | Lima in rem. to prevent, or sei/.e upon I any Sliips thai should attempt to lind I a North-west l'a.ssage to the South Sea. I IL An Alistrai't of all the Discov- eries I which have lieeu }iuh]ish'(l of tho Islamls I and Countries in and iidjoin- iis;' to the | Great \V"steru Ocean, lic- twi'eu.Vmo- | riea, India, ar. . China, iVe. pointing | out the Advantages that may he made. | if;» short I'assrige nIiouIiI lie I'ouud thru' I Uudauu'ii Slrcigbt to that !■ i ''i '■1 1 1 1. i 11! ■^!l I/' T" m BIIiLIUUKArilY OF THE Dobbs (A.) — Continued. Oc4:au. I III. The llnilson's Hay Coni- pany's Churter. | IV. The Standard of Trade i;i tliosf | I'artstif America; witli an Aeeount | of the KxiJortsand I'rolits niaile an- | nually l>y the Hndson'M Hay (,'onipany. | V. V'ocal)ularies()f the I^an- }^iiane.s of He- I veral Indian Nations ailjoinin^ to IFinl- | son's liay. | The wliole intended to sliew th(! f^rent Prol)- altility of a North-west | I'.issat^e, so lon ^"• Thompson (K.). A nliort vociilmliiry of t'lc laiifiuiige N|iokcii aiuoiK "'t' Noi'tlii'ru Imliiuis, pp.aOO-'Jll. ('ojilrii Kern: Astor, I!(wtoii Allifiiiriiin, T.rit- isli .Miisiiiiii, ( 'iiiifji'i'SM, (U'olc);i«, brought .$2.50. Prici'il by (Juaritoh, no. IIClIO, U. 5(i., largo paper. At the Murphy Male. no. 804, a eoi)y brought If:!.!;.',, rikeil by Quaritch, no. 28278, U. I». Dodge {Vuj)t. II. L.) See Davis (W.W. H.) Dog Rib: llynuis's pr.'iyer XuMierals I'rayers I'rinuT Proper names SeoHomp.t. (.\. W.) Woi'ils l)aa(I.. K.) KlIis(K.) AVonls Tolniie ( W'.F.) and Daw- Hon ((i. M.) Dog Rib primer. Sec Bompas ( \V. C. ) Domenecb (Ahbe Knianiu'l Henri Dieii- donne). Seven years' residence | ie. the fjn'at I deserts of Nor'li Ainerica | 1-y thu I ubb6 j'.iu, Duiucuccii | Apuytolical Domenecb (E. II. D.) — Continued. iMissionary: Canon of Montpellier: Meniher of the I'ontitical Academy Til)erina, | antlof the (Jeojrraidiiealai.d Kthnoyrai>hieal Societies of Fra lit i ,«Slc. j lliiistratcMl with lifty-eight woodcuts by A. .loliet, three | jjlates of ancient Indian niusie, and a map showing the actual situation of I the Indian tribes and tlie country described by theaiithor I In Two Voliimes | Vol. I[-II]. | London | Lono;man,Ciroen,Lon;;inan, and Roberts | iJSfiO. | The right of traus- latioii is reserved. Hall'title verso jirintcrs 1 1. titlo vrrao blank 1 l.drilication jip. v-vi, preface \t\>. vii-xiii, con- tents pp. xv-xxi, list of illustrations pji.xxiii- xxiv,text pp. 1-44.'); h.ill-titlo verso printers 1 1. title vvry^ blank 1 1. contents pp. v-xii. text pp. l-lfir>, coloidion p. (4fi6|. mai), plates, 8". List . 44IM45.— N'ocabularirs. etc. vol. 2, pp. 1C4- 189, contain 84 wonls of tl»' .Vavtyo. (.'i>]iii'/i sivn : .Vslor, I'o.ston Athena'uni. Brit- isli Museum, feugri'ss, AVatkinson. At .WO, brought $2.37, and at the I'inart sale, no. :)28, C fr. Clarke Si CO. 1881), no. 541.5, jirice a co]iy $.5. Enumiii'l Henri Dic\ulon ne Donicnoch, French author. Mas born in Lyons. France, Xovcmbi i'4, 182.J; died in France in June, 1880. He bccanu) a i)ricsf In the Roman Catlioli, &0.— Km«Lii> ivrius, \>. 58. ij ATliArASCAN LANGUAGES, 27 I if •ill I*. JDorsey (J. O.) — ('ontimu'd. The gentile systuni of the Siletz trilieH. Ill Juiii'iiiil i>{ Aiuui'ican Folk-I^ore, vol. :i, i)|i. 227-237, Boston aii]). 232 23S.— ("haHtu (.'iistii villasi-s Ci:!), with iiKiaiiinj;^. P- 234.--Alliapa«raii villajri'M (21) south of Uo)i;iio Kiv«;r. ])p.2:!5-2:i6.~ Atha- pa.srau villaKeuiii uorthwost California, pp. 21)0- 237. [Voealmlary of words ami i)hraHes ill the dialect of the Chastti C'ostfi . «'diuon, pp, 77-79, 97, 122, 131, 182-184. 192- ".■>, 228. Uf the Hchednlcs given in the work no, 1 is tilled and iioa, 2, 8, 12, U, 18, 24, 25, and .30 arc jiartly tiUed. [Wortls. phrases, and seuiences in the language of the Chetco (Te^('-ti- ^iln-ne) formerly of Chetco Kiver, Oregon.] Mniniscript. 32 pp, 4^, in the liliraiy of the Bureau of Kthnology, Odleeted at the Siher, 18><4, with tho a.ssistanco of Baldwin Faircliild, ii <'hctiy of I'owell's Inti'oduction to tho Study id' Indian Languages, second edition, pii. "7-22,S am! 7 extra leaves at tho end, many of the pages hei'',g 'e '• hlank. Of the sehi l.i'i < ;:iven in llie work uos, 1. 2, and 30 are 'ille.l , lios. 3, ,">. 7, 8, 12. 18, 24, 2.'>, and 27are;iai>'' 'ii'eO : ;.•! the remaining nuruhcrs are hlu" . • ■- i.yuiir'ibered leavi's at t lie end .. '>..t '' f .."ts id" the l)iidy in great detail. di'iMS ui" '. .>!iij, nts, tho coiyngation of a number of veri . ' ' Vi of dassiliers, and prouonus. 'I'll'- *otai i-.ii'ierof entries is 480. - — [Vocahnlar.,' of words tind jdirases in the language of tlie Dii-kn-lie tt^'-di^, formerly living on Applegate Creok, Oregon . ] Manuscript, 9 pp. 4°. in the library of the Bureau of Kthnology. Cidlectod at the Siletz Agency, Oregon, October, ]f'!4,wiih tho assist- ance ot . ,.'»ue Kiver ,Tidii' a 'rakeliua, whose moth':' .1' ■. Oil ku-b<) tC -de, Itecorded in a copy oi ; ■• r-ifrniluetitm to the Study of Indian I,:.- •• _. a sei.iiid edition, pp. 77-^79, 184, 19G, 228, uui^ 3 .inuuinbered pages '•'. the uud. Doraey (.!.(<.) — Coutiuued. of the schedules given in Ihi- work no. 30 U tilled anil nos. 1. 2. 1H. and 2.'> uiu partly tilled. The final iiiinuiubercd pages :it the end give the parts of the body ill detail. [Vocalniliiry of words and rdira. ?s in the Kwii-ta'-nii or Hixes dialect of the 'rfi'(|\ve-t'a''}fln-nr'', formerly living ou .Sixes Creek, Oregon.] Manuscript. 23 jip. 4^, in the library of tho Kiircau of Kthnology. Collected at the Siletz Indian Ageiu'y. Oregon. .Vngiist-October, 18H4, with the assistance of Jake Kooney and Jake Stuart. Becorded in u copy of I'owell's Intro- duction to the Stmly of Indian Languages, sec- ond edition, pp. 77-78. S2, 97-102. 109-112, 115 116, 19(i, 20(!-2O7, 210, 220, 228, and three nnnnmbered l)ages at the end. Of the schedules givtai in the work nos. 1, 2, 3, «, 12, 2.-I. 27. 28, anil 30 are partly tilled, tho remainder being blank. The entries sum ii|i a total of 3.")0. Thetbree pages at the end contain a uuinbcr of partial verbal coi^ngatioua. [Vocahiilary of words and phrtisosof the Mi'-kwu-nii' ji'm-ne' triln' or gens, formerly living on the Lower Hogiie Kiver, Oregon.] Manuscript, 10 pji. 4", in the library of the Bureau of Kthnology. (Collected at the Siletz Indian Agency, Oregon, Oi'tober, 1884. with the aasi.stanee of William Simpson, a native. Kecorded in acopyof Powell's Introduction to thtiStuily of Indian Languages, sei'ond eilition, pp. 7(1-81, 97. 190, 220, 228, and 8 unnumbered pages at the (Mid. Of the .schedules nos. 1. 2,8, and :'.0 are ji .rtly tilled; the unnumbered pages at the en eon- tain an extended list id' the parts of the body, lironouns, iiimns used as classitiers. partial conjugation of a number of verbs, etc. I [Words, phrases, and sentences in the langnage of the Niir-tftu-iie'-^ftii-uC gens.] Manuscrijit. 75 pp.4-, in the library of the h.ireau of Ktlimdogy, (JoUeeted at thi^ Siletz Indian .Vgiucy. (»regon, October, 1884, with the assistance of Alex Boss, chief of the gens, .ind a fuUblood. Becorded in a copy of I'liwell's IntriMiuition to the Study of Indian Languages, .second edition. p|i. 77-228, and 5 unnumbered leaves at the end, a number < f the pages being left blank. Of tlie lis's of words '.'iven in tliis Work schi^dulis 1.2, .. 4, 5, 8. 1(1, 1'.', l.i. 15. 18, and 30 are completely tilled ,.-"1 scln doles (i, 7, 9. 14, 17, 22, :\.id 24 partly tilled. The extra leaves at the end contain tin' parts of the body in great de- tail, a list of pronouns, verbal classitiers, cor- rehitives, and the conjiigatiou of a numlier of verbs. There are 1,345 entries in all, f Vocaliiilury of tlie (/a'-am-o'te-ne', f«irinerly li\ iiig at the mouth of Smith liivcr, Ciilil'oruia.J J 28 ISllJLIOGRArHY OF TIIK Doraey (.1. 0.) — (.'ontimu'd. MiiiiiiM(ri|it, 7 )>|i. i , ill llir lihrarv i>t' tlir Kiil'i'ilii of Ktliliiiliiijy. Ciillci'tril at tlii< Silit/, riKliiili l{i'sci\:ilinii, ()ic;;()ii. Sept., 1S84, with tim assiMtiiiKT of Smith Kivcr •Tohii. KiTonU-d in ii copy of I'owcH'h Iiitrodiiction to tin- Study of Iiiiliaii Liiii<;iiai;i's, .sccoiul t'llitioii. pp. T7-TS, H'_'. I'JL' 11!;), 1K2, 1K4, tile leuuiiiiiiij; patrcs of thi« work hiiiiij; left hlaiik. Of tho scIk iliilt's K'vt'li ill the work lion. 1,2. ami 18 aru partly Ulled. ThototaUiutrioKHinouiit to 57. [A vociilmlary (if words and pliraHos in the dialect of tlic Tal'-t'ftc-fftti tft'- de, or Oalico Cri'4'k Indians who formerly lived in Jo.sepliine Connty, Oref^on, 30 uiile.s north of Kerby.] Maiiimoi'ipt, 10 pj). 4°, in tlic library of tlu« Unrmiii id" Ktliiiolo-jy. ColU'ctod itl llic Silt'tz Indian Aaency, Orcjion, Octoht'r, 18H4, with tlm assiMtaiKui of Yiu^l'-tfin or (laliio Creek Jim and I'ctcr Miij;};iiis. Kceorded in u copy of PowiiU's Introduction to ilio Study of Iiii. i Lailgiuif^e.s. Horoiiil edition. pi).77-'J'JSaiid2exi loi.ves at tUo oud, luauy of the pages bein;; Ici. blank. Of the schedules given in the work none is completely ilUed, and nos. 1, 2. ;i,4, H. 12, IH. 24. aud :tO are liut jiartly tilled. The 2 leaves at the end contain the parts of the body in great detail, a few jiossessivo ])ron(iuns, and the eon jiigations in brief of the verbs to di'nire and tn know. The ontriu!, as a whole number 254. [Words, sentences, and f^raniniatical material in tlieTn-tu'tftn-ne', orTn'-tn lanfrintffe (dialect ofsc^veral villa;i;es.)] Manii.seript, I'l') l)p.4°. in tlie library of the Itiireail of Etbnology. Odlected at the Siletz Indian Ke.servation, Oregon. August-October, 1H84, with the assistance of twelve members of tbeTil'lii tribe. KeeordiMl in a copy of Powell's Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, second edition, jip. 7G-S(i, H,S-89, !)5-10.'!, lOli, 1(),H- 12'.>, i:il 147, 140-155. 102-171!. lHn-lH5, 188-199, 20(V-2i:;. 220, 228, and 4(i unnumbered pages at the end, with many intercalated ]>ages passim. Of the schedules given in the work iios. 1 2. II, 8, 12. li. 14. 1,5. K). 18. 22. 2:!. 25, and :10 are tilled; nos. 4. 5. tl. 7, 9. 10, 17. 19. 21, 24, 20, 27. aim 28 are partly tilled, and nos. 11. 20, and 29 are blank. The total entries number .'I.9li2. besides a text with interlinear and free translation. Voeabnhiry of the Ujijier Co(|uille or Mi-ci-<|Wt\t-nie tftn-ne. Manuscript, 118 pp. 4'^, in the library of the Hiii-eaii of V.UiUology. Collected at tim Siletz Iiiilia'i .gency, Oregon, .\iigust October. 1884. w itii the assistance of ('oi|uille Thompson a., i (SH|uille Solomon. Ueconled in a copy of I'owell's liilrodiiction to the Study of Indian liangiiages, sei'ond edition, jip. 77. 81. 84, 88-89, IM! <.I8, lOO-lOII. 109111, 128 129. I:i2-l:t0, 18,1-184, i()2-198, 2'J8, nud 4 iiuuuuibered Iciives at tho end. Doraey (J. O.) — Continued. Of the schedules given in the work no.s. 1, 2, 18, 24, and ;)0 are tilled, ami nos. 4. 5. (i, 7. 8, 9, 12, l:t, 14, 10, 17, 22, and 25 are partly tilled; the remaiiiiiig numbers are blank. There is a total of 745 entries. A vocalinlary of 4he Yn -ki-tc6 or Yii'-ki-tce' ti1i;-ne dialect spoken liy tin Indians fovinerly livinjr on Kiichre Creek, Oregon. Maiiuserijit, 11.4°, written on one side only, in the library of the Hiireaii of Ktlinology. Col- lected at the Sllet/. Indian Agency, Oregon, .September, 1884, with the assistance of .lames Warner, sr., who coiihl speak a little Knglish. The entries number 2.'IG, ami are arranged in the order of the schedules givea in I'owell's In- troduction to the Study of Tndian Languages, second edition. .lames Owen Dorsey was born in Italtiinoro, Md., ill 1848. lie attended the Central High School (now the City College) in 1802 and 180:i, taking the classical course. Illness oaiiseil him * .ibandiiii Iiis studies when a member of tho md year class. In a counting room fnini 1804 800. Taught from Siptember, 1800, to.Tiino, 1 u". Kntereil the pn'jparatory deiiartment of the Theological Seminar; .d" Virginia in Sei>- teniber, 1807, .mil tlie junior class of the semi- nary in Seplemb'-r, 1809. Was ordained a deacon of the Protestant Kpiscopal Church in the Cnited States by the bisliopof Virginia, Kaster day, 1871. Entered iijioii liis work among tho I'oiica Indians, in Dakota Territory, in May of that year. Had an attack of scarh't I'lver in April, 1872, and one of typlio-malarial fever in .Inly, 187;). Owing to this illness be was oliliged to giv^ II)) the missiim work in August, 187;t. soon alter he had learned to talk to tho Indians without an interpreter, lie returned to Maryland and engaged in parish work till .Inly, 1878. when, under the direction of M:vj. .1. W. I'owell. In^ went to the Omaha reservation in Nebraska in order to increase bis stock of lin- guistic material. On tho organization of tho lliireau of Ethnology, in 1879, be was ferred thereto, and from that time he has been engaged continuously in Ii:;guistic and socio- logic work for the I?ureau. lie remained among tlieOmaha till April, 1880. when ho returned to Washington. Sini'O then he has made Sv'veral trijis to Indian reservations for sciciititie pur- jioses, not only to occupied by tribes of the Sioiian family, but also to the Siletz re.sor. vatioii. in Oregon. At the last jilace, which ho visited in 1884, he obtained vocabularies, grain- niatie notes, etc., of languages H]ioken by In- dians of the Athap.iHcan, Kiisan, Takilmnn, and Yakonan stocks. The rejiorts of his otlice and tield wmk will be found in the annual reports of the Hureaii of Ethnology. Drake (Samnel Gardiner). Tho | Abo- riginal rac<'8 I of ( North America; | comprisiug | biographical Bketchou of Eai r t Ea ATH Al'AISCAN LAN(i UA(iES. 211 Drake (HO.) — ('(mtimu'il. oiniiu'iit iiiilivitliiiils, | and , an liiHtor- ical account of tlio (lilicrcnt trilics, | from I tlio first (lincovcry <»f the conti- nent I to I the i)rcs('nt iicriod | willi a (liHscrtation on tlicir | ()ri<;in, Antiij- uiticN, Manners an, )mlftitl« vor.^o blank 1 1. text pp. 10-707, index p]>. 7(!«-787, HI. Cratschet (.\. S.). Inilian langnagos of tlic I'ncilic cal'd »iiil liTriloric't, iij). 74H-7('i;t. Cnplfs ifen : .^Htor, CongreMS.WiKConsin His- torical Socioty. (:;iark(> & fo. 18M. no. 6377, prioo a copy $:i. Duflot de Mofras (Euf;^Iu>). Explora- tion I ar M. Duflot de Mofras, I Attaeli6 ii la L^ij^ation de Franci' i\ Mexii'o; I ouvrai^e publir'- par ordre du roi, I sous les auspices de M. le nuire- chal Soult, duo de Dalmatic, | Prrs 1 I. title vrrsn blank 1 1. ileilieatidn blank 1 1. avant- propos )ip. vii-xii. avert i.sse!Mi'nt verso miti' I 1. nolii verso blank I 1. text pp. l-MS, table - nirnni, Hritlsh Museum. Con^russ, (teolonical Survey. Dufoas^CE.) Anu-ricana | ('atalogue de livres I rcliitifs ii IWiiK^ricjUe | Euroi)e, Asie, Afrittue | et Oc<5anie | [&c. thirty- four lines] I Libniiric ancienne et niodcrne do E. Duf()ss6 I 27, rue (Jucm'^fjaud, 27 | prcs 1« Pont-ncuf I Paris [18H7] I'rintcd cover as above, no inside title, table des divisions 1 1. text pp. 175-422, 8 '. Contains. i)assini. titles of works in various Atliapasian laiif;iia};es. Cojiiet m'fn : Karnes. Villinu. This series of eataloK"es was bemin in 187G. Dugan (Liriit. T. B.) Numerals [1-10] of the White Mtunitaiu Ajiachc. In Allen (II. T.). Jii'iiort of an I'xpcdition to the ('opper. TananA and Koyukiik rivers, p. ir>. Wasliin^'toii, 18K7, K\ Kei)rinted in other articles by Allen (II. T.), q.v. Danbar: Thin woril foUowing a title or within parentheses al'tera note indicates that a copy of the work referred to has been .seen by the com- piler in the library of Mr. John 15. Unnbar, lilooinfield, S..T. Duncan (David), .\ineriean races. Com- I)iled and abstracted by Professor Dun- can, M. A. Fonns Part of Spencer (H.), DeHcriptive sociolo^ry. I,oii(hin. 1878. folio. (Conijress.) I'nder the heading " KanjjnaKe." pp. 40-42, thi're are fiiven comments and extracts from various .iiithors upon native tribes including examph's of the (^liippewyan. Some I'opies have the imprint New Vork, D. .\j>j)leton & CO. [n. d.) (I'owell.) Eamei: This word following a title or within parent hese-i altera note indicates that a copy of the work referred to has !mi ii seen by the com- piler in the library of Mr. Wilberforei' Eiinies, Brooklyn. X. Y. Eaton {('apt. .F. IT.) Vocabtilary of the liin^Uii^jeof the Navajo of New Mexico. Hy ('apt. .1. II. Eaton, V. S. A. In Schoolcraft (II. I'.). Indian Tribes, vid 4. pp.4in-i;il.niiladelphia. I8.->I, 4 '. \ vocabulary of 300 words and the numer.ui J-IOO.OOO. E. Elliot (7">icM^ William (•.) See Bourke (.).(}.) Ellis (Robert). On | numerals | as sifjus I of ])rlm(. 10,11; Talilfwali ((.'HliCornia), pi>. 5. 10,24; Takiilli, pp. 8. n,.'>4; Tlatskniiai, p.K8. OopieH teen : Eaiiics. I'»!ruviii Scythica. | I'lio | Qnirhua laiij^iiii^o of J't'iii: I its | ilcriviitioii from central Asiii with tlio Aincrican | liiii^iii'ijcs in fjcniTiil, and with tho Turanian | and Ilx-rian hin}{nag«>H of tho old world, | imdndiiiK | thcBasquo, the Lyrian, and the Trc-Aryan | lan- gnagt! of Ktrnria. | Hy | Hohc^rt Kllis, H.l)., i author of" ThoA.siatic atfinitii'.s of thoold Italians", and latf ft'llow | of St. John'.s ooll<'}?(>, Caiubridfjp, | [(^no- tation, tlircts linos.] | London: | Trillnior & co., ;'7 &. 5f>, Lnd«ato hill. | l«7r.. | All ^i^'hts re- scrvfd. Title vorso printer 1 1. preface pp. iii-vii, eon- tents i>p. ix-xi, i'rrat;i p. |xii|, tex! pji 1-210, S'. AVord.'^ in Atna, pp. TH, HI. K,V in.-i, 117. 131; Athabaskan, p. 120: Apalsli, pp. lO.'i, 12:i: C'liepewvan, pp. 02. SI. flfi. 00; l)r)<;-I?il), ].. 127; Hoiipali, p. 78; Kenay, pp..'>f),78.01.104,10(i. 117; Kntsliin, pp. 104, lOfi; Navalm.pp. fill. OK, SI!, 101, ]().-., lOn, 107. 120, 122 IM. i:!4; I'ill;itero, p. R^i; Slave, p. 10,'); TakiiUi, pp. .11, .")4, 01.78, 01, lO.*!, 127; Tlat8k;inai, pp. H:!, 85; I'liikwa, pp. 81,8:1, 89 104. 120. "opii't gee» : Uritisli Mn.senm, Kanies, AVat- kinw.ii. Ktrnscan nnniorals. | Hy | Kohert Ellis, n, I)., I late fellow of St. Jfdin's collogf, Caniliridfio. | London: | Triihner & ro,. 'u & ;")0, LndRat«" hill. | IXTC. | (All Hi-thts Reserved.) | Price Two Shillinfjs and Six)ience. (Viver title a.s alinve, inside title (a.-< aliove, oniittinjj the last twoline.^) venso printer I 1. reni;irks on pronuneiiition erratum and addeniliim 1 1. text pp. l-.">2, 8'. A few ninneral.s and words in Atnah, pp.0, 13; lloiipali, p. !). iieniarkrt and criliciMni.s on Dr. J. 11. 'rrnniltuH's eH.say on uiimcnils in In- dian liinfjniiKeH, tip. I2-1;!, note. Copies tetn: Eanu'H. Ellis (R.^ — Continued. Sources of (he Ktrusoan and Rasque I langua^'cs. | Ry | Robert Ellis, R. I)., I lato fellow of St. .lolin's college, (^iniliridfje. | London : | Triihner & ec, Lndgato hill. I 18^t). I (All rights reserved.) Title verso printers 1 1. prefatory notiee vemo blank 1 1. eontents pp. v vii, remarks cm pro- nunciation p. [viii], text p)). l-1flfi. S". A few numerals and words in Atnali. pp.13, 17; Hoopali, p. 0. Vopien leeii : Kames. Brman(Ge(ngAde(embor, 1882. Iteiorded in a copy of Towell's Introduc- tion t(. the Study of Indian Laniiuap'H, second edition. " 'I'ninslitenited at the request of the Director of the liure;iu of Ethnolopy from vol. 22 of [Kverette's] Iiidi;in Lanjiuages of North Anieriiii, Into the ' Hiireau alph;iliet ' at Wash- liijlton, ■Inly 1, 18,'<3. and at Fort Simcoe. Wash- iiiSton Ty., .Inly 23. 1883. Completed Auguat 20. 1883. ■■ Almost everv word, phrase, and sentence {riven In the 30 schedules of the "Introduction" has its e(|uivalent fiiven in Tu-tu tfne, and nearly every schedule hiis explanatory notes. On the blank pafres foUowini; the schedules Mr. Everetle has given the phonetic alphabet with notes and explanations. Ewbank (Thomas). See 'Whipple (A. W.), Ewbank (T.), and Turner (VV.W.) F. Fairchild (Baldwin). See Dorsey (.J. O.) Faraone. See Apache. Faraud (Mijr. Henry .7.) Dix-hnit ans | chez les Saiivages | Voyages et mis- sions I de yif Henry Faraud | eveipio d'Aneu'our, vicairo jipo8toli()uo de Miic- Faraud (H. J.) — Continued. kensie, | dans rextrcme nord de I'Am^- rii|in> lSritanni(|iie | d'aiircs les ilocn- ment.'i de M"'' I'Evetine d'Anenunir | par I rernand-Miiliel | mcnibre de la So- cicte Gdiivnne | Avec la biographic et le portrait de Mgr Faraud | T ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. dl Faraud (11. J.) — foiitiimod. Jjiltrairii! (•atli()li(iiitMl(' I'orissofnTrs (iiouvcllo iiiaiMon) | Kcgiw KutlVt ct C''', Miu'(!es8ciira | Paris | ,SH, rno Saiiit-Snl- pico. I RruxoUi's | ]>la(0 SMiiit('-(iiiiliilo, 4. I 1866 I Droits dc traduction «'t dorn- prodiictioii r(^s('rv«5s. Hiilftitlts viTMo liliink I 1. porlrail 1 1. titln vprso blank 1 1. jircfacn pp. vii xvi, toxt p]). 1-447, taWo i)p. 449-4.')n, «^. '^^il)ll^^ Hauvaf;cs, ]>p. 3.'lH-:ifl3, contains nnnii^s of tril«'«, witli nicaiiin;;s, scattcri'd through. Copie* seen : Astor, Hritish Mii.setiiii. Slii-a. Dix-luiit aiis | (diez | los Sauvagfs | Voyages ft iiiissions | dans l'i>xtr«'nit) nord t Classi- qnci I [«Sr.e. livelinf,s] | 1K70 | Droits dc traduction ct di' rt!i)rodu('ti(ui reserve's. Printed covor, titli? 1 1. y\t. i-xix, l-;tn4, 12'^. Iiing\ii8tio», an iu earlier edition titled next abov.', pp. 260 312. Copies teen : British Museum. Abridgment of tlii! liil)lo in Dbufi Tohippewryan, l)y Mj;r. Faraud, Vicar Apostoliquo of Mackirnzie. (*) In a letter from Vatlier fiiiiile Potitot, dated from Mareuil, France. .\i)ril 24, 1889, Iw tells ine that anions the manuseiiptM li'I't l)y him at lii.s Inst residence, St. I{a|ihael des 'I'diijipewayans, Saskatchewan, wa.s a copy, written by hiin.sell', of tlie above-named work. S. 1877) verso i|HotatisiM pp. xiii-xx, t<'xt pp. 1 2.'>6, ))ooka consulted jip. 2.")7"2fl(l, hall'-titlo (Families of S|ieech,etc.) vi^rso dedication 1 1. iirefap. 20.') 207, text pp. 209-40:), table of languages p. (104), index iij). 40.")-411, verso jointers, two maps and two taldes, 12^. .\ few Tlatskanai words, pp. ;)!»0-397. Ciijiies seen : Astor. Language and languages. | Being | "Chapters on language*" | aud | "Fam- ilies of spe siMcind edition (.\ugiist, l^^^) list of illustratliins 1 1. cinileiits pp. 20.">-2()'', text pp. 209-40:), table of liinj;ua;;es p. [404], index pp. 405-tll, verso luinlers, two maps, and two tables, 12'\ Linguistics as under the next preceding title, jip. :)90, :)97. Copies seen : Kaiiies. Faulmann(Karl). Illtistrirte|(iCHchichte der Sehrift | Poiiuliir-VVissenschiiftlicho Darstellnng | der | Kntstehiing der Sehrift I der | Sjiraclie und iler Zahlen jsowieder | SehriftsysttMiie aller Volker der Krde | vmi | Karl Faulmann | Pro- fessor der Stenographic [&e. two 1 ines.] iMit l.'jTafeIn in Farben- undTondruck I und vieleu in dcu Text gedruckton w 32 laULKUJKAl'llY OK THE I', raiilmann (K.) — Ciintiiiiifd. Scliriri/.cirlicii mill Scln-il'tiirolxMi. | [ I'rililrr's oiiimiiii'IiI . | | Wii'ii. i'csl. I,ii|)/.in-. I A. Ilmtlclifii's VVi-l.ix. i IW- I Alli'. Ucchh^ voilM'hiil- i It'll. I lliiiriitli' liliiiiU I 1. lilli' vcrHci |)riiitfiM I I. |iiTra:'i>|i|i. v-x, (((iilriilH |)|i. xi xvi, ti'Xl pp. I (WJ, H<\ Sell lilt ilrr 'riiiiii' liiiliiiiiir, ]>. 'SM. ('iiliien mvn : Aslor, liiilisli Miisiiini, W'iil- kiiisiiii. Feathermaii ( A . ) Social Iiistory | oftln' I races of iiiaiikiiiil. | I'^irst iliviMioii : | NijLjritiiiii,s[-'riiii(l division: | Aoiiuo- MariiiioiiiaiisJ. | l!y | A. Fcathcniiaii. | [Two lines i|ii(>tati(iii.] | London : I Triiliiicr iV co., I,iidi:jat<« Hill. I l«Kr.[-8«»J. (All rij;lits reserved.) 3 vols. S"). A ^icTicral di.'iriisaioii iil' i\ iiimilM'r of Nmlli Aiiicrican laiiiilics occurs in vol. :i, anion;; tlicin : tlic .\paclic.i (pp. ISI 1!VJ), inchiiliin;. on p. IHK, II liricl' sketch of Iticir );ranniiar, with a few examples, aiiioni; tliciii the vimI> tii ifiiiik: Xav- igos, pp. 19;i 'JIMI; and 'lai'iilles. i>p.;;7t<-;iH|. ('()/»u'« »■('(' 11 .- Congress. Field (Tliomtis Warren). .\n essay | towards an | Indian hildioj^rapliy. | Heinjja | etitidoi^ne oC hooks, | relatinjj; totlie I history, iintic|nities, liinirtiiijjes, enstonis, relijL;ion, | wars, lifeiatnre, !ind oris^in of the | .\nieiican Indians, | in the lihrary of | Thomas W. Field. | With l)ihlio>;rai)liieal tind liistorieal notes, and | syno]ises of the eoiitents of some of I the works letist known. | New York: | Serihner, Arinstronjj:, and eo. | 1«7.'<. Title ])riiilcrs 1 1. ]irct'a<'c pp. iii iv, text pp. 1-4:10, 8°. Titles ami ilcscript ions o( works inoi relating tu Atliapa.scan laiiKiiaj^cs |iassim. Copiet si'i'ii : (.'ongress, Eamcs, Pilling. Field ( r. \V. ) — ( 'nntitiuod. .\l I lie Ficlil s.ilc, no. CiHH.acopyhroilglit $4.2.5; at t he Mcn/.ics sale. no. 71H, a " half criislicil. red levant niorocio, ;.;ilt top, iinciilr copy,' hioii^liL ifS.MI. I'riceil liy l.mlcrc, I87S, IH IV.; liy (iiinr- itch, no. Iimm, i:,ii.; at the riiiart sale, no. :ilis, it hroiiKht 17 IV.; iit Iho Murphy sale, mi. UtU, .•ft.riO. I'riced hy (Juarltcl IIO'JL'I, U. ('iitaIo<;ne I ofllie I lihrary | helon^- iiij? to I .Mr. Thtniias W. Field. | To \m sold at iiiietioii, I hy | Ilaiifjs, Merwiu Si. CO., I May 21th, 1875. and foliowiiif; diiys. I New York. | 1875. (Jovcrlitle T2 liiuw, litloaHnhove verHo Itlank 1 1. notice etc. pp. iii viii, text pp. l-;i7tl, list of (irices pp. :i77 if'.llt, supplement (ip. 1 .VJ, H '. tjom- pileil hy .loscph Saliin. mainly from Mr. Field's Kssay, title of which is k'vcii ahove. Contains titles of a nninhcr of works in various .Vlhajia.scan lansnancs. ('iijiicii Kceii ; JSureaiiof Hthnolojiy, t'oiiKreas, Kaim^s. At the Sr|iiier .sale, no. 117H, an uncut copy brought $1.2.'i. Four {j;o,spels . . . Slave hmgiiagc. Seo Bompas (\V. ('.) Friese ( I'rof. Valentine). Sec Arny (W. F. M.) Froebel (.Julius). .\ns Amerika. ( Er- falirtingen K'eisen iind Sttidion | von | .Fnlitis I'roehel. | Ihster [-Zwoitcr] Hand. I Zweite wohlfeile Aiisgahe. | Leipzig I Dut'sehe Ihiehhaudlung. [18.-),S.J •-' vols. \2^. \ short Me.scalero-Apnclie vocabtilary, vol. •J. p. If.:!. (■opifxxceii: Ti.anoroft. Hritish Musoiiin. First edition, r.eipzi^', 1S57-1H,')8, 2vols.«'i. ( ) Tluie is an I''.n;;lisli edition of this work, London, Mentley, IH.'iit, 8^, which does not tnm- tain the vocabulary. (Astor, llancroft, Itoston Athemi'iim. liritish Mii.seum. Oonsress.) Sahin's Dictionai y. no. 25991!. titles an edition Bruxelles, 1801. 3 vols. 12^ G. Oabelentz (Hans (loorg Conor von dor). Die Spraehwissensehaft, | ihre Aiifga- bon, Method(Mi | nml | hishcrigen Ergehnisse. | \'on | (Jeorg von tier tJahelentz. | [Vignette. J | Leiji/ig, I T. (). Weigel naehfolger | (Chr. Heriii. Taiiehnit/.). | IXitl. (!over title as above, title as above verso blank 1 I. Vorwort jip. iii-vii. liihalts\'er/eich niss i>,i. viii-xx, text pp. I Kii'i, Kegistor jip. A67 '•-', Buritjbtigiinacn p. 502, 8^. Gabelentz (H. G. C.) — Continnwl. liricf discussion and a few examples of Ath- ap.iscan, ]). 402. Copiet teen : (latsehot. Galice Creek Jim. See Dorsey (J.O.) Gallatin (Albert). A synopsis of tlm Indian tribes within the rnitetl Stiites east of till" Iloeky Mttniitains, and i-i the Urit ish iind Hnssian jitissessions in North America. Uy tUo Hon. Albert Gallatiu. ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 83 Oallatin (A.) — Continued. In Anioricnn Antiiiunrlun Sw. Trnii8. (Ar- ohicoIn);ln Aniorlrann), vol. '.', pp. 1 Vi2, Cum- liridco, IHHR.H^. SiiliCtlii' AlliiipHHcii.s. pp. 1(1 20.— Indian liint;iiii|;<'H, willi Kraminaticiil I'xainpli'H of llic< Olicpprynn, p. 170. — (iranmiiilicn! notiiM'ft, AtlinpaHt'aH, pii. '21,'i 210. ('Iicppcvan oi>ii,jin;ativ..i'), pp. :!07 :!07. -Vix'ali iilary of 44 wordu of the Susmi- (Ironi I'lnfrr- villo), II. ;174 Vo( iiliiilary of i:i words of tho Atnnli or Cliin. p. .'I7H. Hjjle's Iiiiliiiiis of north-west Amer- ica, iinil VDcahnliiricH ol' North Anicrica ; witii an introduction. Hy Albert (lal- latin. In Anioririin Kth. Soc. Trans, vol. 2, pp. xxlii- clxxxviii, 1-130, New York, IRIK.H". Uricf rofon>n('i' totlm Atliapascas, thoir hab- itat, ('to., p. 3,4". Ini'h\dt'H the Atbaiiascans, |>. 401. Albert (iallatin was born in(lva, Switzer- land, .laniiary 29, 1701, anil died in Astoria, I.. I., Annus) 12. 1849. lie was ile.seended fronian an- eieiit patrii'ian family of (Jeneva. whose name liiul louK been honorably roniueted with the history of Swit/.erlaiul. Vouns .\ll)erl had been bap- tized by the name of Abraham Alfonso Albert. In 1773 be was sent to a biiardiu); sehool, and a year later entered the t'niversity of (Jeneva, where he was jiraduated in 1779. He sailed from li'Orient late in May, 1780, and reaeheil Hoston on.Iuly 14. He entered Ooncress on I)eeember7, 1795, and eon tinned a number of that body until bis appointmentasSeeretary of the Treasury in IHOl. which office he hehl font inuously until 1813. His services were rewarded with the appoint- ment of minister to France in February, 1815; he entered on the duties of this office in .lanu- ary,181fi. Inl820, at the solicitation of Presirlent Adams, he accoptiMl the apimintment of envoy extraordinary toGreat liritain. On bis return to the I'nited States he settled in New York City, when', from 1831 till 1839, be was )iri'sident of the National Hank of New York. In 1842 he was asHiH^iated in the eslablisbmentof the American Ethnological Society, becomint; its Hrst presi- dent, and in 1843 he was elei ted to hold a simi- biroffice in the New York Historical Society, an honor which was annually conferred on him until hisdeath Applcton'i Cydop. of Am. liiog. ATH 3 Oaniooh {Rev. Alfred Campbell). The gospel according to | St. Mark, ] tranH- lated into the | Heaver Indian lan- Kuage I by | the rev. A. ('. Oarrioch, | niiHsionary of the ('hurch uuHHionary Hociety. | liondon : | FtritiHli anil Foreign lUble .Society. I IXXfi Title verso blank 1 1. text entirely in the Hea- ver language (roman characters) pp. 3-79, colo- phon p, |8(l|, lt!'\ Copiin KPen : Hritish and Foreign Uible So- ciety, Kinnes, Pilling, Wellesley. Issued also in syllabic characters as follows: [One line syllnbie character.s.] | The go.s|ieI I according to | St. Marl\. | Translated liy the | Kev. Alfred ('. fiarrioch, | missionary of the Church missiouary society, | into the | lan- guage of the Heaver Iiidiiins, | of thti diocese of Athabascii. | [Seal of the S. I'.C. K.] I London: I .Society for promoting christian knowledge, | Northnmber- laiid avenue, Charing cross, \V. C. [18«6.J Frontispiece I I. title verso printers 1 1. sylla- barium verso blank 1 I. suitplenu'utary syllaba- rium verso blank 1 1. text (entirely in syllabic charaelers) pji, 1-47, sq. 10". Copie» seen : Kames. Pilling, Society for Pro- moting (.,'hristian Knowledge, Wellesley. Manual of devotion | in the | Hetiver Indian langiiagt^ | Hytlie | Hev. .\lfrcd (Miiirrioch, | niissiouiiry of the Church missioniiry society. | [Seal of tlii' S. P. C. K.] I liondon: | .Socii-ty for ]iromoiing christian knowledge, | Northnmbcr- lanil avenue. Charing cross, W. C. | 18W. Frontispiece 1 1. title verso printers 1 1. sylln- bariuni verso blank 1 1. supplementary syllaba- riuni verso blank 1 I. text (in syllabic characters, with some headings in Fnglish and Latin) pp. 1-87. 10". Order for morning jirayer, i)p. 1-23.— Order for evening jirayer, pp. 24-39.— Prayers, etc., pp. 40-,")2.— Watts's first catechism, pp. .')3-57.— lirace, ten comninndments, prayers, etc., pp. 57 -87. Cnpiet teen : Kames, Pilling, .Society for Pro- moting (Jhristian Knowledge, Wellesley. See Bompas ( W. C) for other editions of this work. A I Vocabulary | of the | -Heaver Indian Languag<5- | consisting of | Part I Heaver-English | Part II Euglisl^- It! )■ ; I ' '■It ■' .i 34 HIin.IOGKAl'IlY OF TIIK ; : h (S^aiTloch (A. C.) — ContiiiiKMl. JliMvcr-Crct;- I Uy t\w Kov. A. ('. (Jiir- riorh I MiHsidiiiiry of the | Climcli Mih- nioimry Society- | Society for I'roiiiotiiiK Cliristiaii Kiiowlcii^c. Lnndoii. NortlniiiilMTliiiiil Avcmic. Cydostylcd liy | I''„ S. Micwcr. I J'rinlcd liy M" (iarriocli | iHHr)| Tltl« VPFHo liliilik 1 1, text ((HI (iiic side of tlm leaf only) 11. M;i8, 1". Pari 1 Hciivrr-KiicliHJi (alplialu'lically ar- ranged liy licavcr wurcls m iloiililc culninns), II. l-iinv('t;aii, I'cacc Ki\cv, was liorn in St Paul .s I'arisli. Kcd IvivcrSclllinic nl. or Manilolia. Krli. 10, IKtH, xnil is ol' Scolcliaiid I'.iifili.-iM parciilagr. Ho was for Hirer years a student at St.rlolin's College, \V;niii|iej;, and in l'<74 was engaged as selioidmaster by Itisbop lioiiipas for IbeCliiireb ^lissionar.v Sociel.v. 'I'be winter of 1H7,') '7li lie spent, in study witli Hie bisliop at Kort Simp- Hon. McKen/.ie liiver, ami was admitted to dea- ciiUH lu'dens, and in tlie niitiinin of IHVCi be pst.iblislied a ('liiireb Missionary Society station at Kort Vermilion under the name of I n.jaga llission. Mr. (iarriocb siibsei|iiently visited Canada and Kngland. wliere lie saw bis trans- lations printed; lint in tbe spring of IHHti be returned toiuiMsion work aiiiong tbe Heavers of I'eace liiver. but at Ibinvcgnii hiHtcad of Ver- milion. Galschct: This word following a title or williin Iiarenlbeses altera note Indieales that a copy of Hie work referred to has been seen by tlie com piler ill tbe liliiary of M r. Allieii S. ( latscbil, \Vasliin]^ton. Ii ( '. Qatschet (All)crt SuiumcI). ZwoH' Sprjiclu'ii I aiis (lent | Sildwcstcii Xord- iimcrikii8 | (I'liebloH- mid Apiichc- Mimdarten; Tonto,Tonka\va, | l)i;j;>jei', ITtali.) I W(-rtvcr/ | licrans- f;em>l)cii. eiiiititcrt iiiid iiiit ciiicr l-^iii- leitiiiif^ iibcr IJaii. | IScorilfsliildmijr mid locale (iriipiiiriitij;- der aiiiei'ikaii- i.sclu'11 I Spraclieii veiselieii | von | Albert S. (Jatuchet. | [Vi^riiette.] | Weiiiiiir I lleriiiniiii [{(Uiliiii | l«7(j. Cover title as above, title as alio\ e verso note 1 l.Vorwort pp. iii iv. Inlialt p. v. iMiibitiing pp. I -1. I.aiitbezeicbniiiig p. 4, IJteratiir ]i]i. Ti fi. text i>p. 7-li8, illuatrHtiuuD pp. 149-150, liirgu Oatnchet (A. S.) — Con tinned. Die Spraclien de* SUdwe«teiis (pp. .17-88) con- tniiiN ApacliL' and N'ilviO<>, 40. ft'.', .'i.'i, .Ml, Ol'; general discussion of tlio Apnclic, lingulstii' divisions, etc.. with com- parison of A pacbeaiid >i'iVvii,|ii words with tboHc of Die /iifii. Kiowa. Comnncbe, anil Siioslione, pp tlJ-(H»: 'riiiii(' (.\paclie, Nilva,jo, lloojia, and 'raciilli) words, p. 7!l. Sammlnng von AViir- tern nnd Siilzen (pp. 87 01) contains a Hliort Apaclie viKiiliiilary and om of tlio Nrtvitio, p. 88i an Apaclir vocabulary (from Wbile and Henry), p. 88 80. Answalil von Siitzcn aim den Spraclien iler 'I'cliiias. .Vpacbes, Tonka was illiil AconiaN (pp. It! U.''i| contains '.Ml pbrases in Apaclie (froiii I.ocwi. Worltabelleu der /.wiilf Spraclien iind Dialeeti' (pp. 07-1 l.'i) conlaiiiM a vocabulary of '.'00 uords of tbe .\|iaclie (from I. new), (from I,oew), iiiid .\paclie (from While).- .Anmerkiiiigen zii den Worttaiiellen (pp. 117 i:i8) eijiilaiiis eiiiiimi.|ils upon tbe vari- ous vocabiihiries. Zalilwiirler (pp, IDO 14.'l)eoii tains the nunierals I 1(1 of the Nava,j() (from Kaloii) and lloopa (from SelioolerafI). ('iiliict Hint ; .\stor, I'rinton, Hritisb Miiscnm, Kanies. (iatHcliet, Pilling. Trumbull. Wellesley. Indian lanonaneH of the I'aeitic states and terriloiies. In Magazine of .\merican History, vol. I, pp.14.' 171, New York. 1877.4". (Cougress.) A general discussion, witii exani|iU's passim. The Tiniie family, with its linguistic divisions, the lloopa, Kogiie Kiver, and I'lnpijua, iii I icateil on pp. 1 (j,'i- 1 Wi. Issiieil separately as follows: Indian !:«n;;niifjes | of tlie | Pacific Htiites and territories | liy | Alltert S. (iatscjiel I h'einitited froiii Miireh Niini- lier of Tiie Ma>;a/ine of AiiuTieiiu His- tory. [New York. 1K77.J Half title blank 1 I. text pp. 14:>-17l, 4'^. ( 'd/di* Kf )i : Astor, Congress, Karnes, Pilling, Welbsby. K'eprinti'd in the Inllowing: Beach (\V. W.), Imliaii Jliscellany, |ip.4I0- 447, Albany, 1877. 8-'. Drake (S. (!.), Aboriginal IJaces of North America, pp. 748 7«;i. New York 11880|, 8". A later article, with the same title, appeared in the April, 188l>, iiuiuber of tlu> same peri- odical, and was also issmd sejiarately. It eon- tains no Atbajiasean linguistics. r. S. ge()};riii)liieul surveys west of the one hnndredth nieridian, 1st Lieut, (ieo. M. Wlu'elor, Corjis of Enj.tiueorH, V. S. Army, in Charge. Appendix. J.inK:nistiis. Prefaced by a elansiticjition of western Indian languiiges. Hy Albert S. (iatschet. In Wheeler ((i. M.), Report upon I'. .S. Geo- graphical Surveys, vol. 7, pp. 399-485. Washing- tun, 1879, 43, ATHAPA.M AN J.ANOUAGKS*. 35 OatBchet (A. S. ) — CoiiliniH'il. Art'im unci llllllfltx nl' lllr hi'MIi lill,'iiisllc MtiM'lt.^ (|i|>. KMM'JI). iiiiliniri'.t tlir riiimV pp. 4n« 4IM. ^(ri'iicral let. pp. lH" 4Hr,. Qllbort (.), N'ocaliiilary iif the .\riv.ii pa, pp Vocalinlaiv III' llic Navajo, pp. IJI Ki.'i, 400. Yarrow (II (' i, \ im aliiilaiv nl' llic .licaiilla. Jip. U'l Mi,'., 1(1!) t7(l. Apaclic-'riniK^ liniinii;^!'. | Diiilccl nl' the Na-isliii liaiid. | ('<>llcclc(l at Kiowa, A])a('lit> and Cniiiani'lii' .V^ciicy, { Aiia- (larkd, Iiid. TcrritorN , | in Nov. and Dec. IHSI I l.y I AllitTl S. ( iat.Hciicl. Maiiii.script. pp. I 7l..siii. I '. in tin' liliraiv iit tlio Itiirraii of I')lliiiolo;;y. (.'onHiMtM of words, phrascH, ami mIioiI texts with intt>rlint>ur lr»nitlalioii into Kiii;li)() phraMcs. [Words, j)hrases, and sentences in the rmpkwa lan<^naf;e,] Munnxcript. 22 11.4°, in the library of the Bureau of JOthnology. Kecorclcjcl in a copy of Oatachet (.\. S.) — Contiiiind. I lit rod lilt ion to the Study of Indian I.anKiiatii'H, llrsi edition ('(dleitnl ai tlrandc Komlo .Vlfeniy. (»rei;iin. in 1H77. ( U'ords. phrases, and sentences in the lati;;iia;;e of the I'ilial .Vpache | Maniisi'i Ipt. pp. :i liiH, Mill. I , in posHCHHion of its lonipiler Colleitcd lioiii Naki, an A|mchc whiMc KnfjIJHli iiaine is llobl. Mclniosh, a student ,'it llaiiiptoii. \'a., in Aiiunst, Ms:i. t'oiitaiiis also a niiinber of tc\liwitli int.«r- liiiiar Kii;;li'4li translation. .\ Unit S.imiiel I iatseliet was Imrn in .St. licit- eiibeii;, in the Iterilcse ( )liei|.ind. Swit/erland, (li toliei :i. IS 12. Ilis propa'deiitlc edinalion wnw aeii Hired ill the lyeniiisof Xemliatel (IKIII l.'^l'i) lilidof llcrne(lSlt> I8.V.'I, ut'ter wliicli In' followed courses in llie iiiiiversilicM of Heine and Iterlin (I8.J2-18.'),S). Illsstiidies had for tlnir oliject flio ancient world in all its pliasci of religion, liia. tiH'y. lanjiiia;;c, and art, and thereby his atten- tion was at an early da.\ directed to pliilolonie researches. In ISli.'i he be;;aii the publication of a scries of brief niono;;raphs on the local ety- mology of his country, enlilled "I Irtsetymolo. ;;isrlie l''orse|iiini.'en aiis dec Siliwei/. " (|8(i,">- 1SH7). Ill 1X1)7 he spent several iiiontli,-i in London pursuing antii|iiarian studies in the I'ritisli Museum. In 18(W be settled in New Vork and became a contributor to various domestic and forei),;n periodicals, miiiiily on selt-ntitlc siib- .jects. Drifting; into a more attentive study of the .\nierlcan Indiiin.s, he piiblislied several coiiipositions upon tlieir laiii^ua!.'c.s. the most important of which is ■ /wiilf Spracbeii aiis item Siidwesteii N'ordaniei iUas. Weimar. Is7t!. This led to hi.,, a)ii>oiiiinieni to the <^ii>sition of i'lhnolot;ist in tlie I'niled States ( ieolouiial Survey, under Ma.j..Iohn \V. Powell, in March, 1S77. when he removed to \Vashiii;;loii, and tirst employed himself in iu'ran;;iiiK the lin;;uistie manuscripts of the .Smithsonian Institution, now till' property of the liiircaii of Kthnolo;;y, which forms a (tart of the Smitb.sonian Institu- tion. Mr. tlatschct hasever since been actively connected with that biirciin. To iniTcaso its linyiiistic collections and to extend his own studies of the Indian laiu;imL!cs. he has mado extensive trips of lin;xuistii' and etliiiolo;;ii' e.x- lilorat ion anion;; tlie lii'liansof N'ortli .\iueiiin.. .Vfter returning; from a six monllis sojourn amoiiK the Ivlaiualhs and Kalapnyas of Oregon, settled (Ml both sides of tile ( 'aseade KaiiKc. ho visited the ICataba in South ( 'arolina and the Cha'hta and Shetimasha of Louisiana in 1881 '82. the Kayowe. Comanche .\paehe, < ■■'• tiMscc. Caddo. N'aktche, Modis', and otluM-ti .: < in the Indian Territory, the Toiikawe and l.ipans. in Texas, and the Atakapa Indians of Louisiana in 1884 '85. In I88li he saw tho TIaskaltei'sat .Saltilhi, .Mexico, a remnant of tho Nabua race, broiiylil there about \i^J'i from .Vnahiiac. and was the tlrst to discover the athnity of the liiloxi lan;:iiaL:e with the Simian family. He also coniinitlcd to writiiif; tho Xuni;(kaui'TiniicaIaugua)j;t;or Louisiaua, nuvvr I ) ] h ii 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THK t'i i Oatschet (A. S.) — ContiiitiPil. tii'Cciro invcMHuHtod, iiiiil furiiiina ii llliKHlNtlr fiiiiiily >if ilHi'ir. Kxi'ii'Hiiiim liiiitlicr pitrtM nt tlir c'ciiinti\ liniii^lit til IiIn kniiwli'il);i' iilhrr Imlinii liiiiumiuiH. till' riiHkiiniia, CiiiikIiiiii wiit'ii, I'riinliHi'iit. mill Kiininkiiwii. Mr. (iitlsrliit liii.M writlrn iiii fTli'iisivf r<'|inrt cmliiiilviiii; liiM fi'sranlii'M iimniia tlir Kliiiihitli l.llki' mill Miilliir IniliallM at ()l'l';:iill, wllirll I'liiinn Vol. It of "(Ninli'ihiiliiMiH In Niiilli AiMi'i'iinn KthtinliiKV." II Im In iwn |iiiiIm. « IlirllllKlIIrKaIr l,.VJt< pilUI'M. AllliillK llir I rilliH mill lmi;;iiiiurH iliMiiissril by liitn in tjinili' |iiil>liratioii.'4 nil' llir 'riniiiriia (Klmiihi). 'I'ml kawf (TrxaM), Viiina (('aliriuniii, Aii/mia, Mrx- Icii), Clii'iiiii'lii Ciiliriiinia), lli'iilliiik (Niw I'liiiiiillaiiil). I'iri'k anil llitiliili (Alaliania). Mis niinirniiis piililii aliniis air Hcatlrrcil tliiiuiiili inaca/inrs anil uiimtiiihi'IiI ri'|Hiit», Hiimr liriny iDiilniiicil in llir I'liHicdinuN 111' till' AniiTirmi I'liiloHiipliiriil Sorii'ty, I'hilar|| (.1 .) Atiiapa.Tan (ialirjinl/. (II. i i. (.'.) Atliapaxran Kranr ( \. II.) Atliapasran Sroiilir (.1.) Atliapa.iian 'rniiiilmll (J. II.) ('liippi'\v\,in Aili'liiiig (■!. (_".) anil \'alrr (.I.S.) Cliippi'wy an Dnnran (I).) Cliippiwyan 'I'ailir (A. A.) Iliipa (iatsilict (A. S.) Hnpa (iililis |i;.) Iliipa I'liwii.i (S.) Inkalik Itii.sriiiiiann (.I.e. K.) , Ki'iiai Adi'lun); (.1. ('.) ami Vatrr (.r.S.) KiMiai lialliilA.) KiMiai nancrul'l (H. 11.) Kriiai Hii.siliinann (.!.('. E.) Kiitrliiii Maniriil't (II. II.) (Hl)lis((i.) Navnjo Aili'liiiiK (.!.(;.) anil Vatrr (.!.S.) Navigii Hanrrol't (II. II.) Navigo HiiHrliniann (J.C. E.) Siir.sci' Hallii lA.) Taciilli Hall. i (A.) Tai'iilli Ham (H. H.) Tahlcwali (iihlin ((}.) Tinnr li.imrol'l (11. H.) Tinn6 Honipa.s (\V. CJ.) General diNriisHinn — Cnntintiprt. Tinn<^ TInn* 'rukiidh I'tnpkwa rnipkwii Oentea: Aparlii' Niivii,|«( Tarnlli r pink Ha Oeographic nanicH y\tlm)iui4ran Oeological Survey Src llrlntnn (I). •'..) Kaiilmann (K.) KiimpHH (W r.) liiillatin (A.) (liltmliet (A.S ) Si'v Hiiiirki- (.I.Pr.) Maltlii'W^ (\V.) Hair (H.) Hair (II.) SrcIVIilot (E. V. S..I.) Tlirsr worilH (olliiwinc n tltln nr witliin parent Iii-^i'm after a mite imljrate that n eiipy of tile work referreil to IniH lieeii Hei'n liy the roni|iiler ill the lilirary vif f lie I'liiteil Stalen (Jeiilodiial Survey, Wa«liiii);liin, !),('. Oibbs ((ifoi'f;)'). (JliNcrviitionsoii Muinonf llic Imliiin DialcctH of NorthtTii Cali- fiiriiiii. I!y (i. (iiltltH. In Schoolcraft (II. It ), Inilian TrilieH. vol. .1, pp. I'JO l:':i, IMiilailelphia, IHr.l, I. Iiu'lmle.s hriof reniarkHon the lIoopali.Talilo' wall, mill XahlllMe. Vociibiiliirii'H of Imliim Liiiifriiii^itH i.'i iiortliwcHt Ciilit'oriiiii. Hy (Jeorge (JiliWs, csii. fn Schoolcraft (II. U.). Imlian Triho.s, vol.3, |ip. t'JX 4l.'i. I'liilailelpliia. lM.-.:i. r\ .Vnion;; tliise voraliiilarie.H are niu' of tlio lliiopali anil one of the Tahlewali. pp. 4111-445. Notes on tlic 'riiiiicli or ('licitcwyau Iiiiliaii.s of Mnli.sli aiiil ItiiNsian Amer- ica. Coiiimiiiiicatfil liy (icorfTc (Jihlis, In the Sniilh..lete. There are in the same library two partial copicH (IKO wordM each) of the llopa. mado by Dr. (riblis. incliidin); only the words jiiven in the early issues of the Smithsonian Institutiou "standard vocabulary." ATHAPAflPAN LAXaUAOEft. 87 Olbb' ('iiiiliiMM'il. \ . .ii>iiliii'.v<)t'tli<< NiiliilN<< liiiiKiiit^r, MiiiiiM<'ri|>l. I IriiC. I '. Ill till' llliiiiiN III' Mix lliinaii III' Klliiiiilio . I'liiitiiiiiM iiIhiiiI Hill uiirilx. ViH-ahiilary ol'llic \Villo|iali ( 'riilirally AllialiaMra ). MaiiilHri'l|il, ti iiiiiiiiiiilii'ir I liMVtM, I'liliii, ill tlir lilii'ai'\ III' llii' lliiiiMii III' I'!|IiiiiiIii|;n . (Nil li'i'tfil " t'i'iiiii ail liiilliiii at S S. Kiinl'M. Fell, 1800. ' Illrliltli'H IliK IMI woi'iIm kIvi'Ii III t lii'Hiaiiilai'il mi'IikiIiiIk InsiiimI liy tlii< Slilitlisiiiilaii liHlilll- lion anil aliiiiil 'JU wni'ils in uililitluii. lii'iii'^rii (illilm, tliii Hiili III' I'lil. liriH'K" (iibliH, wiut liiii'ii on lliii I7lli III' •liil.v, IXI.'i. at SiiiisNk Irk, Loll;; Ulaiiil. iinai'tlii' \ illa^i' iil' lliilli'tls (!ii\ i>, now kiiiiwu aH AHtorla. At Hi'vriitcrii lie wan tiiki'ii III Kiii'ii|ii', wlii'i'i' III' rriiialiiril two vcai's. On IiIm return t'niiii Kiiiopo lir rniiiniiiiri'il tlin rt'iullnu III' law. anil la IHIIH timk IiIh iIi'^ich of liarlirliir of law at llarvaiil rnivriMity. In 184K Mr. liililm wi'iit iivi-i'lanil t'liiiii St. I.oiiIm to Ort'Kon anil cstalillHliril liiiii.'ii'lf al I'liliiinliia. Ill IH.'il 111- roroivt'il tlii)il|i|iuilitliii'Tlt of rolli-rtoi' of till' port of Astoria, wliirli IikIii'IiI iliirini; Mr. Killnioru'H iKliniiilHtnitlon. I.ati'i' Im ri'iiiovi'il fi'oni Orrj^on to \V'iisliin;;ton Ti'iiitiiry. ami nvt- (It'll ii|iiin a ranrli a I'i'W iiiile.s I'loni Koit .Strlla t'iMiiii. lliTi' III' liail IiIh la'ailqiiai'ti'i'M I'm' scvi'i'iil yearM. ili'votin^ liiniHi'lf to llio Htinly of tin' In- iliaii lan;;iia|i;rH anil to tlio I'lillitrtionof voraliii' liii'ii'.'tanil ti'iiilition.> wasattailnil lo the Uniti'il .Statrs (fOviM'iinu'nt ('oinnii.H.sion in lay ill); till' lioiinilai'y, a.** tlio ^'i'olo;;ist ami liot- auirtt of till' i'X|ii'ilitioii. ({i' waK also attinliril as ;;t'iilo({ist to tlm siirvcv of a lailvoail roiiti' to tho I'acitir, iiiiili'i- Major Sti'vriis. In IH.'iT he wiw apiioiiiti'il to till' nortliwi'Mt liomnlary siir vey iinili'r Mr. Anliiltiilil ('ain|ilii>ll. ah roiiinils' sioiicr. In ISllO Air. (iilili.s ri'tiiriii'il to N'rw York, mill in IHlll wan on iliity in Wa.sliinjjton in giiariliii); tlm Capitol. Latrr lii' ri'Hiiii'il in WanliiiiKtoii. I«'in« iimiiily I'lnployi'il in tlio UiiilHon Hay Clainis ConiiiiiM.sion. to wliirli Ik- was Ht'i'ii'tary. llr was aUo riii^aiii'il in tin- arran;;;riiiijiit of a lar^x iiia.sK of nianiisrript litniriiij^ ii]ion tlii'i'tlinolo^y ami |iliiIolo;;y of tlii> Anu'iiian Inilians. lli.s scrvici'.s wi'ro availnl of by till! Siiiitli.siinian lu.stitntion to Hiipi'iin- tenil its labors in this lidil. ami to Ills I'm'rjry anil voinpli^to kiiowli'ilifo of till' siiliji'i'l it ;;iiatly owes its sucress in this bramli of the serviie. Tlie valiiablo ami laborious servire wliirli he reiiilt-reil lo the Institiitiim was entirely };ratii- itons. anil in his .iuatli that establishment as well as thoi'uiiH >of si'ieiice lost an anient frienil and important eontribiitor to its ailviineeinent, In IRTl Mr. (iibbs iiwirrieil his eoiisin, Miss Mary K. (iibbs, of N'ewport, K. I., ami removed to New Haven, where bo died on the 9lli of April, 187H. Gilbert (Grove Karl). Vocabulary of the Arivaipa language. Gilbert ill. K. i ('utilii I. Ill Whoi'ler iti .M.I. I!i |Mirt upon I'. H. (iinu. Surveys, vol. 7. pp. »'.;i Ht.'i, \V.isliliiutoii.l»':il, J ' I'ollei'ted at I 'aiiipt ii.iiil \ri/oii,i, hi iriiibi'i', IH7I. It I'linlains '.'I I winds, Gilbert ( -I ami RiviiigtoiM -). SpiTi- iiiiMis I III' liii' I Laiii{iia;;is of all Nit- lioiis, I aiitl ihi' I iii'ii'iital ami rot'i'iuii lyprs I iiuw ill UMi< ill I till' pi'iiiliiiir olllics I iif I (iillicil iV itiviiigloii, I liiiiiti'il. I I Klint'ii liiii's i|ii'2. .St. ,loliirs N<|iiari', (.'hTki'iiwcll, K. ('. I IMMti. I'riiitiiil itover us ikbove. no inside title, loii' tents pp. :i I, text pp ..'> tMI. Ill . St..Ioliii lii. II!. ill Slave of .Maiken/io Klver (syllable and roiimnl. p. .'i'^; 'I'liine oi Cliepe wyun of lliiil.soii Itay (syllitble), p.ll'J. I'likiidll of Viiiikoii Itiver. p. I'll. Till' sii vailed TiiiiK' speriiiien in loin. in rliar- ai'tei's on p. II t Is reallv ('liippewa. Viipieii iii'en : Kami's, i'illinc. Gospel ai'ciiriliiig to Saint .loliti . . . Tiimi- laii^iia;;!'. Si-i' Kirkby ( \V. W.) Gospel of St. .Mark traiLslatttil intu the Slavi- lau;rmiir,.. ,Snn Reeve ( \V. D. ) Gospel of '"^t. .Mat till! \v traiislatml Into the Slavi' l;iiiLCliai^<». Sen Reeve (\V. 1). ) Gospels of thf lour nvati!;clist,s . . . ill till! lan;f|iao;i' di' ihr Chipewyaii In- ilians. See Kirkby (\V. \V.) Government George. .Si-oDorsey (.1. O.) Grrammar : Dene .See .Miiiicc (.V. (t I Moiitaiinais I.e_'oif (L ) Mont.ijiuais Venieville (V.T.) Nav;i,io Matthews (W.) Qrammatic coninionts: .Vpailie Apavhe .Vpai'bi .Vthapasiaii .Vthapaseaii .Vtba|Kisi'aii ('liippewyan Chlppewyaii Deiif Kill li I. Iieiix Nav;i,io Xav;i,|o N' I'eaii de LiiNvre Siii'seo TaeuUi Tlalskenai I'nipkwa Orammatic truutise Apaelie Apacbo Se,' l''n.itlieriiian (.V ) Mollir (K.) While (J. li.) Dor.sey |. I.O.I li.illatiil i\.) liia.ssiiie I IJ. lie la), (i.illalin i.\.) (■raiidin i -). Moriii'(A. (r.) M idler (K.) Kadlolf (I..) .Miiller (K.) I''i':itlieriiian (A ) Miiller (F.) Wilson (K. V.) Miiller (F.) Wilson (E. F.) Muller (F.) .Miiller (F.) .'.filler (F I S«u lianiToft I II. II.) Cremouy (J. C.) II ■ I I >4 ! .V' 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE I V] I Oramniatic t rcaf inr — ('untiiiiii'i] (;iii|i|ii'w\iiii Sr.' itiiiiiiiit'i u. H.I I,(rirlii>!l\ M'liiliitjriilis I'iM'l di' Lii'V 11' IVtitot (E. F. S.J I IVCti.t (K. F, S. .1.1 I'"litol, (K. F. S..I.) I'ctiint (K. F. S..I.1 Qrandiii i IHslniit — i. Son.i' fiti'int of tilt' (Mii|»4'\v\:iii vit1». Nhiiiiisi'ri|it. I iiiiiiiiiuIii'I'imI Iimvc-i. wrillrii III! mil' ^iiili- mil \ I'liliii. ',v llii' lilirary of tin' liiii'i':iii III' I''lliiiiilii'.;\ . CiiiitaiiiH tliii iiiiliralivi' iiri'.-tciii, t'liliiii'. :iii.l past 111' till' vi'i'lis til cut. tit ii'nlk. ami In bink. Tlii.'t iiiaiiii.'4rri|it i^ a riijiy iiiailr liv l>r. (Ji'ii. (iilili.s. Orasserie (itaoiil de l:i). r.tiidi-.s di^ ^r:imm.iii'i! cDiuparco. ( l)r l:i coiijn- ;jaist)ii t.'»Je-.-tivi> | par | Kaoiil dc l;i (Ti'a.ssi'ric, | .liictfiir tMi droit, iiii^f lui tribunal do Jf.cuiit'.s. | iii<-iii)iri' .i ' iilijiiilivi' poly.'r. | 18!K> I'riiili'il I'livi'i'aM aliitsi'. Iiall'titir vt-rso lilank 1 I. titir a.'< aliovr vrrMii lilaiik I I. tli-tliratiuii vor.sii lilaiik 1 l.trxt pp. 1 :il4. ritnt(Mit.s pp. tll.'i- :!.".!. 8'^'. Kxiini]ili's I'i'oiii .'41'vcral Nmtli Anicrioan lan- Kiia^rsarr niaili' iim-ot'liy tluiaiitliiir: Xaliiiutl, Dakota, Ollioini, Mnyti, Quiolio, TotiinnqiiL', Ti'liiToktiss. Al;;oii<|iiiri, Tanisiiiio, KM(|iiimaii, Inii|Uiii.H, \tliapa»k<', ('hiapaiii>i|iii-. Salia])tiii, Ti'liiimk. Choitaw, pi>. 17, tW,(i!», 70, 71, 7''. 7;i. 74, 84, i'.'9-i;!2, i:t:!, i77, ;ti->-:i'J«. ;t',M, ;t<.»,-., Vopii'K seen • (iatsrlict, Grouard ( /'(■»■«■ l^inilo). Altridj^nu'nt of the hiblo, in tho l)on<5 Toliiiti>o\vyan liini^uaj^o. 8yH;il»i(' I'haraotors. (') In aU'ttir t'l'iiiiitlii' Ui!V. I^niili' I'l'titol, iliri<;inal wax in nianuxrript or in Iirlntril form In' f.iilcil to inform mr. In aiMwer to fiirllii'V :ni|iiirlr.'< on tlio siiltji'ct, FatluT I'i'lllot wroti' nil- nnilir ilatc of .linn !,1S91: " Ivcfririu^ to you," qiirHtion.s. I ri'itt'iuti' that till' ali!'iili:m lit itf till' lillili', a ropy of which wat li'I't li. III' at St. Uapliai'l .MisMimi, in the work III' .Mi;i'. Faraiiil |i|, v.|. inaili' wliili' lir was a siiiiplr missionary at Atlialiasra. liit'ori' my arri\.il in tin- missions of t lie far nortli in IHti'i. Till' saiiH' work i>rh\teil in Inilian chaiuc- ters\>\ IVrotirouaril at Imi- la IJi«ln' in lS7ri-'7!», as wi'll as a now ami niori) ooiii|>li-ti> cilition of till' Iti'iir-Trliipprwyan piav rr Imok, another Intriiilril for tlii' Di'nil.iic. a tliiril intiuili'ii lor till' Crci', ' H. i ! Haines (Kliiali MiddlolM-ook ), Tlio | Amorioaii Indian | i l'li-nisli-iii-na-l>a>, I Tlio Wliolo .Siilijoi't ('iint]>loto in Ono Voliiino I llhistrafo 1 willi Nninorous A]»priipri:ito Kii)if.ivin;;.s. | My iCIijali M, llaiin's. | [ I >osi!,;ii, | | CliioUiio; I tlio .Mas-sin-iia-ijan roni- p:my, | IHSS, Titlo \ irso i'opyrii;lit notir. itr 1 1. prrf.i r pp. vii viii, I'ontiMils ami list oi illiislrations pp. it 2:!, ti'Xt pp. 2:1 S2I, lai ^11 K . diapti-r vi. Indian triln's, p)i. 1211T1, ;;ivi's spi'Oial lists anil a alplialn'tir list of till' trilii's of N'lii'tli Aini'rii'i. ili' ioiix of tfilial niiiii's li.'iioj siimi'timos itivrii. - N'liini'r- als I lirj of till' \u\ ifioiii Calliiil, )i. 44:t; of thi' Apai'lii', pp. 44t-U.'i.— NumuraU l-loof the Haines v K. .M.) — Continnod. Cliippi'wsan (four si'ts. oiii' " from a (iiTinan iiiti'i pri'liT, " mil' ■■ fi'om MrKcnzii', ' mii' ■ from a woiiian. a nalivti of Churrliill," anil imu " from ,1 Cliippcwyan '), p. 4.'i(i. ('i>l)ies seen : Connri'ss. Kami's. I'illiiii;. Haldeman I'^^ainiiol Stoliman), Analytic oi'tliiio;rapliy : I an | i);atiiiii of tlio Hoiinds o/' tlio \liiiitn- Icr. I IHtM). Hiilt'tillr '• 'rri'vclyiiii luizi' ih.h.iv ' blank 1 1. litli' vithii blank I ). pii'lan' pp. \ -vi. ; contfiits pp. vii-viii, .slip of aiblitimiul riirrcc- tiouH, text )lp..^ 147. nin'i'ction.s ami avl-. lie niaile evlinsi\e rese rehes anion}; Indian iliulects. and al .i in Pennsylvania Dntcb, brsidi's invest i;;ations In the KnjjIish.tJhinese. ami other biii^'iiaK*'>*' — A;)- plelon't (.'jicUtii. II'' .. n, liioij. Hale (Iloriitio). rtiiti^d States | exp'oi- iug eKpiMlitidii. I l)iiriii}r tlic vo:ir8 | 183S, 18S9, IHIO, IKll, 1842. | rii.l.T the (■uiuiuiiiid (if I (^harle.s Wilke.s, l'. S. N. I Vol. VI. I Ktliii<>i.jriiiihy atiti jJiilol- ; ogy. I By I llorati' Halts, | jiliiloldfjiHt (if tins CXlKMlitioll. I I'hiladnlpliia: | iiriiitcd liy C. Slusr- niiiii. I 184(>. Ilalf-tillu ■ Unileil Slates exploring expedi- tion, by aiiiliority ut' ('ongTes-s ' blank I 1. title verso blank I 1. contents pp. v-vii, alpha- bet jip. ix-xii, liiilt'-tille verso blank 1 I. text pp. W-tm. iiiiiji, 4 = . tieneral ivniarks on tln' I'ahkali I'nikwa family, incliidiiijr a list of < laiis, pp. L'ol-JOl \'oi'iibnlaries of the Tlalskaiuit ( Tlalskanai and Kwalliioiiiial and I'mkwa 1 1 iii|i<|, lliiis l>. ('. pp. ,"i7(M!2!t. Anderson (A.tM. X'ocabnlary of the Talikali (t}arr:erw>, line .\ iip. .%70-G2'.l. Copii'H Hivn : .Vstor. liritisb Miiscmiii. Con Ijress. Lenox, 'rrninbull. At the >ii|iiiir sale, no 4H>. a iupy lirim;;'u $i:i: al till' Mniphy sale, nn, ll'..'!. half maronii morocco, top eil:;e uilt. iV':. Issued .tlsii with the folliiv, in.; title; rnilcd Slates I cvploriiio' cx-piMJi- tioii. I Diuitijr (lie yeai-.s | IKiH, I8:«l. 1840 '841, 184l>. I I'lidci tlic ('(iiiiiiiaiid Hale ( M. I - ( ■luiliiiiieil. ia|iliy ami pliili)lii<;.\ . | My ) i'f H'^ti. Table of the pninoiins [, IIkiii, wi' (inc.), we (exc), III'. aniUAcy in tlie lan}:iia;;i«(of I'lilyn- sia and of western .Vine ica, pp. Ilfili -.'iH7. includes the Tiune. lss,ied separately as I'nllows: Was Alilclica )iiMiplei| ffdiii I'dly- ncsia f I A Hliidy ill cdiiiparativc riiiliil- o>iy. I I5y I Jldiaiid Hale. | Ftdiii tlio ri'dcccdiiii^.s (if till" Ititcriiatidiial C-'dii- ^fcs.s df .VniericaiiistM | at Merlin, in Oetdbef IS88. | Berlin 18!t.», | IVitited liy II. S. ilef- iiiaiiii. 'ritle verso blank 1 I. text pp. ;!-l."i. 8^. rronouns in the laM;.'Mai;cs of Polynesia ami of western .Vnieric a. iucludiu;; IhoTiiini-, p 14. Cnp- n aei-ii .- Pilliii:;. W'elleslcy. Horatio Hale, ethnologist, born in .Vewport, X. II., May :t, 1817, wa.s ^r,-,uluatpdal llarvaid in lrt:i7,and was appointed in the same year ]diihd- ogist to the I'nited States cxplorini; expedition under f'apt. Charles Wilkes. In this capacily he studied a lar^e niimbiM' of tin' lani;uai;es of the Pacilic islands, as well as of N'ortli and South America. .Vustralia, and .M'rica. and also invesli^ated the history. traditions, and custoins of the tribes speaking tliose lan;;uai;es. 'riio results of his innuiries are i;i\en in his " Kth- noiiraphy and Philology' (I'liiladelpliia. 1840), which forms the .seventh volume of the expedi- tion re|HirtM. He has published nuMienius me.'iioirs on anthropolo::y and ellinolo<;>, is ii iiienilM'i' of many Icarneti societies both in Kinoiie and in .Vincrica, and in l.'<8(! was vice pi'esidcnl of the .Vmcricaii .\ssoci-iiion for the I .\il\ .inci'meiit of Science, presidini; over I ho ] section of anthropnloKy. — .1/)/'' 'mi'ii .\iii.Iiioij. : Hamilton t .Vlex.'indnf S Ntiealmlary df lite llaynaf;;er. .Manuscript. .'> uiiniimliereil le.tves, folio, I w.-itteii on biith sides the sheets, in the librarv of the linreau Ktlinolo::\. Si'iit to the Smith soniaii Institution b.\ its cnmpder from ('iisccnt CiU. t'al.. N'li l.H."i(i. Ki riled on oiii' 111 the I'urms of 1-'iH wiirils. » nil an of I Cnailt'N Wilken, r, S, N, | Kilitnij;- phr-.^-s. added leaf. Hie w iiole i!iiin,iri.siim aboul 2-'U words and !i I ' 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Hamilton (A. >S.) — Coiitiniirtl. Till) Hanio liltrarv liaH two Cl>)>il^s of tlio orig- inal iiiaiiiisi'ri|it,. iiiailii liy i)r. Oho. Giblm. Bare Imliaim. Scit Peau de Li6vre. Kaiinon (Dfmicl Williuiiis). A | journal I of I voyajjtis ami travels | in tho | iiit<>rioiir of North America, | ImtwtuMi flic t7tli and "(81 h de^jrctts of north lati- tude, extend- in^ from Montreal nearly to tht\ I'acilie. oiu^an, a distance | of about i>,(NX) inilcH, including an account of the prill- | cipal oecurrenceH, during a reHJdence of ninete(>n years, in ditl'er- ent jiarts of the country. | To wlricli are lidded, ' aeon(;ise deHcriptionof tlie face of tlu! country, its inhabitants, | their niaiini;rs, customs, laws, religion, etc. and coiisiilei'u- Ido speciiiiens of the two laiifjua^e'i, most extensively | spoktMi; toirctlier witli an account of i he jtrim-i- I ])al animals, to be found in .he forests and I )(rairies of this extou.iive rejjion. I llliistratiMl by a map of the country. I Ity Daniel Williams Harmon, | a jiartncr in tlie north west coiii))aiiy. | Andover: | itriiiicd by Flajfjj and (iould. I 1820. Halt'-titlo verso Itlank 1 1. portrait '. 1. titlu verso ooi>.vri<;lit 1 1. jircfiMH) pp. v-xxiii, text pp. 2.')-4;i2, map, «'. A Hpt'i'iiiifii of tli« Taciilly or (Jarrirr tonjiiio (» voi'almlar.v of 2S0 words), pp. 40:)-412. — Tlio numerical t^rrms of tlio T:u'ullii'» ( I-100<)I, p. 4i;i. Kxlra^'t.s from tliu Iiii};iii!)ti<'. portion of thin volnmo aro ftivcn by many authors. Oupieii sfen : Aslor. Uani'roft, Uottt^in Atlii'- nieiim, British Miiscnm, Coii<;rt)ss, Diinlmr, Eamiis, (lOolojiical Survey. At till- Field salt", no. iKW, a half- morocco copy bron<;lit $'^.'>»: at the Krinley Si'.e, no. 408,'"), $:>:2:>: at the Murphy sale, no. 114ti, i|i'2.2'i. Harrard: This word follow^in^ a title or wfthin parentheses after a noti- indicates that a copy of the work roferreil to has been seen by the compiler in the library of Harvard University, Camliridtfe, Mass. Haynarger. See Henagi. Hazeii (r. tieo. (iibl)s. from Kt. V'amhill. t>re- t;on. .Ian. 10. IS.'iT. Ui corded on one of the Smithsonian forms of IXn words, all the blank spaces lieiii^ tilled. William Kabcock Hazen, wddier. born in Went Hartford, Vt., Septenilier 27, IStU, died Hazen (VV'. H.) — Continued, in Wiishinjiton, I). C, .lannary Ifi, 1KS7. He wan a descendant of Closes Ila/.cii His parents removed to Ohio in lH:t:i. William was fjriulnated at the U. S. Military Academy in 18.5.'), and after servinj; against the Indians in California and ()re};on Joineii tlieSth Infantr\ in Texas in IH'iT. He commanded snciessfiiUy in liveengajjements. until, in December, I S.'it), he was severely wounded in a personal encounter with the ('omanehc.'i. He was a|>pointed assistant i>rofessor of infantry tactics at the U.S. Military .Vcademy in February, IHOI, 1st lieutenant, A|)ril 0, and |)ronioted captain on May 14. In the autumn of IHtil he raised the 41st Ohio volunteers, of wiiicji In' became colonel on Oct. 2'.), ISCI. He was a|ipointed brlt;- iulier-i;eneral of volunteers Xov. 2!t, ISti2. lie assaulted and captured Fort McAllister, Ui'C. i;i, lWi4, for which service he was |)rth army lorps from May lit till Au^. 1. IHI.-,. \t the end of the war he had received all the brevi'ts in the n-^ular army np to major-^ener.d. He was madi' cidonel of the 'tSth infantry in ISli*!: was in France during the Franco I'riissian war. and was l^. .S. military attache at Vienna duriii}; the Kusso-Turkish war. In the interval between those two visit.s. while .-itatiiuied at Fort lluford. Dak., he made chariues of fraud against post- traders, which resultiil in revelations that were damaifin!; to StM-retary Ui'lknap. On Dec, X, 18S0, he succeeded (Jen. -Vllx-rt .1. .Meyer as chief siiinal-olUcer. with tht^ rank of liri;iadier-(;cn- e,rul.—Ai>pleton'ii Cijclop.itf Am. Hioij. Hearne (.Samuel). A | journey { from | Prince of Wales's Fort in lludson'w Bay, I to I the northern ocean. | rnder- taken I by ordt'r «)f the Hudson's Bay c(mii»aiiy, | for the discovery | ;)f coji- per mines, ii northwest jiassajje, »fcc. | In the Years 17(!9, 1770, 1771. A 1772. j By Samuel Heiirnc. | Lon4loii : I Printed for A. .Strahan and T. (^adell : | And Sold by T. C'adell .Tun. and W. Oavies, (Successors to | Mr. ("adell,) in the Strand. | 17!l.">. I'cddi-d map. tilh- verso blank I I. dedication pp. iii-iv, prefact? i>p. >-x, ciuitenls pp. xi-xix, errata ii. jxx]. introduction i>p. xxi-xliv. fohled plate, text pp. 1 4.">H, li't of biMiks vi'rso ilircc- tions to the binder 1 1. .even other maps and plates. 4 \ A number of .\thapascan terms and proper names jiassim. "To conclude. I cannot sutlii'iently re;:ret the loss of a considerable Vocabulary of the Northern Indian I,an^uaue. containini; sixteen tolio paues. Wiiiih was lent to the late Xtr. Hutchins, then I'orrespondin^ Secretary to the Company, to copy for Captain Duncan, when he went on discoveries to Hudson's Ituy in the 91 ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 41 I till' Mr. (I tlio rll liu tllU Heariie (S.) - Coiilimitd. M'ar line tlKiiisiiiid .si'vcii liiinilii'il anil iiiiii'lv. Itiil. Mr. liiitcliiii.s (lyiiii; nimii :il'li r, llic V ili- iilmy wii.s (liken awj.v witli llir nf IiIh vIlL'ct.s, anti can not nnw Ih- ri'ci>vfii'il ; and nifni- ory, at thin linn', will by lui nn-ans utTVf ti> n'i)lai'i' i t . " - ~ I'lf/aee. I'o/nes xeen : hi'niix. A I Joiiniey | from | rriiice of Wak's'H fort. I ill Ihulsou's Imy, | to | tho Nortlifrii Ocean. | riicUrtiikeu | by order of Mu; Hudson's bay cDiniiany. I For till' discovt-ry of | comirr iiiint's, a north went pas.sajjo, A-c. | In tin- Years 17(i9, 1770, 1771, & 1772. | Hy .SaniiU'l Hearnt'. | Dnblin ; I i»iintt'd for P. Byrne, No. lOH, mid .1. Kice, No. HI, | (irafton- street. | 179G. Hall'titio vtTHo blank I I. titlu vctso bin.:! 1 I. ili'>n jip. lii-iv. pri-lacc jip. v-x, coiitciit!* xl-xxv, niti'iiiluc'tiiin jip. xxvii-l, text jiji. 1-4.W, «Uivcti()n« Ici the biuili'i' ji. 14(10), niajw. (ilati's,}jui8li(iiinii'nt.fas u-nloi' title ni'xt almve. ro/iicK *('( )i . (leiiliijiieiil Survey. Henagi : Noeabiilary See .Vnderson (.V.C!.) Voeabniary Ilaniilton (.\.S.) Henry ( I>r. Charles (".) Voeabniary of the Ajiaehee lan;rua7.H-r)H'.l, Pliiladelpliia. 1.<.Vp, 4 '. Tlu> voeabniary,}; of about 4U0 wordu, i)i>. STS-.W?.- Xunn'rals 1-1(M)0(X)00, \t\i. r>S7-."iH!l. CoUeeted in New Xtexieo in ISoll. Herdesty (\V. L.) [Terins of relation- Hhij) of the Knteliin or l..(niehieiix, nd- leeted by W. L. Herdesty. Fort I.iard, Hudson's Bay Ty.] Ill MorganlL. II.). SyHleiiLt oriiuiHaiiuninity and atlinity of llie liiiniaii faiiiily. |i|i. L>!t:i-:ihj, lines li", Wasliinuton, IH7I. 4 . See Ross (H. B. ) HiggillB (\. .S.) Notes (III tlie Apaehe tribes inhabitin" Ihe territory of Arizona. Manu.seri|it, iiji. l-Mii, folio, in tlie liluarv id' the llurean of Ktliiiolo;;y, Wa.sliinutiin. |). ('. TraiLHiuitled b\ its aiitlmr to (he Sinitlisiuiian IiiHtitntion. April 21. IS(i(i. On lip. l-'2 is uiveii a list of the names of the Apuehe trilies with eininaeiits theriKin. I'p.U-- '22 eontain a ift^neral di.senHsion of these In- ilituiM, their niiniber, physieal eoiistitntion, pirtnre wntiiiji, dress, ete. I'p. "JI-'.!!! eontain a viM'abiilary of alHinl KM) words and phrases itrruui^eU by elusaes. Hoffman (/>r. Walter .lames) Ainabti- lary of the .liearilla .\)i;ielie lanffiiajfe. .Maiiii.siripl, J II. 4 . in the library of the Kiireaii of Kthnolouy. ('olleetid at Wasliin;!- (on. I). ('.. in issd Consists of 5(1 words and seveial solids set to inusir. Hoopa. See Hupa HoTXTse (.Iose]di ). Vocabularies of cer- tain North .'Vinerieaii laii};iiap>s. By T [M] Howse, i:.s(i. In I'liilolo;;ii'al Soi. [of l,onilon|. I'roe. vol. 4, jiji. I'.tl-.'dCi, London, 1S,")0, S . (( 'onj;ress.) Voeabiiliiry (words, phrases, and senteiiees) of the ('hipewyan (1), Chipewyan ('J), Heaver (1|. lieaver (2), and Sikanni of New (.'aleiloniii, lip. I'.n-lit:!. Hubbard {Dr. — ). Voeabniary of the Lototen or 'rntataniys ( IVoni I>r. Hub- bard's Notes, lS."it!. ) In Ta>lor (.\.S.). liidianolii;xy of Californin, in California Kariner. vol. III. no. I(i. .luiie H, ISO*). (I'owell.) List of rani'herias and clans (i:i| of the Totu- ten, and vocabulary of (il woiils. Hudson Bay; Uible passages Voeabularv .See Itritish. Adelniifr (.I.e.) and Valer (.1 S.) Whipple (A. \V.) \'ocabiilary Hupa: (iencral diHrns»ion See (;a(sehel (.\. S.) (ieneral discussion (iiblis ((!.) (leiieral di.senssion .N'linierals Niiiiierals Niiinuruls Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocaliulary Vocabulary Vocabular\ Vocabulary Vocabulary Xocabiilary Vocabulary Voialmlary Words Words Words Hymn book; ( 'liippewyan Slave Slave 'riikildh Hymns ; Heaver lieaver (■lii|>|iewyan Chippeuyan ('lii]ipewyaii Di^lU- Powers (S.) liaiicrolt (II. H.) (ia(scliet(.\.. S.) 'I'lilinie (W. F.l ami Dawson (( i. M.l Anderson (.V. (' ) A /.pell I r. K.) I'liirofl (II. H.) li i- In., anil 1.1. C.E.) Cnitii |(i t r'nrtiu ( I I (iulscbet (A. S.) bathain (K. iitii|;ii.'i!M Sliivr TiikiDlli Sic |{iimi|i.i4 I \\ f I I,.i:ciM (I, » rcniiiill ((■ (I.I Kirv.( (\V. 1».» M'Doniilil (K.) Hymns | in tin- { Tt'iiiii or Sl;i\i l.iii- ;rii:ij;c I of tlrt' | liidiiiii.s nt' Mackfiizic river, | in the | nortli-wrsl li-rrifnry of t'auada. | (Seal of tlic S. \'A'. K. \ \ Hymns — ContiiitH'd. I I.dimIom : I SiH'icI;. fur |iroiiiotiDK ••liiisi i:in knuwli'dn^c, | Nortlnunln'r- land aMMiUf, Cliarin;;' crosH, W. C. [ISiKX] Tilli' vi'i'Hii lilaiiU 1 I. Ic'\t ill tlit< Teiiui laii- i.'iiaL:i' (I'lt li\ iiiii.x wiili l''.ii;:lisli lii'niUiigH) |ip. 1 IIH, I I. Ill to lilaiiU viisii luintiirt. \6\ Piis- sililx liy iicv. W. I>. Krrvc nr liislui|l BonipUH. CnpieH teen : Kiiiiii's. I'illiiig. ■-it'>,d>. A.v.:^^:(. ^PC'^', 'f'^if-f^ iii^Aiisd-:-*; T-.l. Inkalik: (iciHTiil liisniHsioii Sif Hiiscliiii:imi (J.C. E.) Viiilibilliirv ll:iiiriip|t (II. II.) ViM'iilmliii'y itii.i liniiiiiii (.IC. K.) Vociihiilaiy l):ill ( W II. i Viwaliiilaiy Siliull (\V.) Vtiialmlary /aiinskiii (I.. A.) AViii-iIh iiiiHt'liiiiaiiii ('I.e. K.) Inkalit-Kenai. Sir Kenai. Isbester (.I.A.I On a Nlioit vur;ilinlar.v t)l" the Limk'Ik'Iix lan^uanr. liv .1. .\. iNllCStlT. Ill I'lilliiliiijiral Sdi'. |or l.iiiiiluii | I'lur. vol 4. )(]). ISI lH."i, LiiMiliiii, 1H.")(I, s . Viiraliiilarv (Hfi woiils) iil' tlii' l.iiiirlirii\. In wliii'liarradilcil riiri'oiii|inii.'4iiii a I'mv wniil.-* (Ill »»t' till' Ki'iiay, ]i. IS.'i. James (Ih-. Kilwin). A | iianati\c | of I the cajitivity iiiid iidvcii tines | {ii { to tile Woel[. 1 1. | Kditor of an Ac- eoiiiil of Major l.oii;;'s Kxpedition from I'itlsliiirirh to tile koeky Mountains. | London: | llaldwiii A Craihiek, Pa- teiiiosler K'dw . I 'I'lioi ,as W'aril.Hl nij;ii llolliorn. I is:t(l. Pp. 1 4'-'(!. poll rail. .■« . 'I'lir .\iiirrii'an eililiiHi Hilh a iir« 1 illi- pai;i' mil, . Ciiliiin fi'ii : .\stor. Tninilnill. Clai'ke, Issil, no. (i(!."i2, prircM a ropy In lioiiril.s Sahin's Din ionary. no. ;i"i(i."<."). titlr.t an ilitioii ill tii'i'inaii. I.i'ip/.i);, IH4U. R^. aiKloiii- in Krench, I'ari.i. IS'm. •_> vols. M". Kihviii Jaiiirs, jii'ohtjiist, horn in Wcyhriilgp, Vl.. .\ii;;iisl 27. 17!I7. ilii'il in ltiii'lin>iton. Iowa, (lelohii :'.■;. 1,' vol.s. withatlas, I'liilaililphia ami I ion. ls'i:i). He then I'i'i'i'iM'il the ap|iointiiii'iit of siii'<;eon ill the I'. S. .\riiiy. and loi six years was stationed at fionlier "iit|)osts. In 18SII lie iesis;iii'il hiK riininiission and ri'liiined to .Vlhaiiy. In IH:I4 he a^aiii Willi west, anil in IH:i(! si'ttled in the vii'inity of l.iirlinnlon. Iowa. ~.l;(/, ( (iVe. t weiily-four lilies] | jiuhliee | jiar M. l"altl>i'' .Mi;jiie I [iVe. six lines.] I 'roiiie treiite-i|iiati'ieine. | DictioiiintirH de liiinuistii|iie. | Toiiie iinii|iie. , Prix: 7 I'raiieH. I ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 48 Jdhan (I.. 1". ) — CtiiitiiHicd. S'liii (riniiM't Mr \ i-iiil t'lii'/.l I '.Mimic, rditcu,-. I mix iilclicis ■■;itli(>lii|iifs, Knc (, :iM I't'lit-Montrmific, | Miir- rii-ri' iVvnfvr (If riiiis. | ISTiK. .S'ccoik/ lit'.f: Dii'tioiiiiairc i ri;;iiir it a la tiliatiiiii ill's lauKUf'*. a li'iir I'ssi'iir ' oi);aiiU|m' I I't a li'iiiH ra|i|iorls avrr riiisloii'i' ilin lari's luiiiiaiiii's, ill' li'iiis iiii;;iaticiiis. ctr. \ I'ii'timK' il'iiii I KsHai mil' li' nili'ilii laii;^a;"'ilaiis li'Viilii- tiidiili'riiitrUidi'nrrlmiiiaiui-. i I'av i..K..7r'liaii (il" Saiiit-Clavirii). i .Mi'iiilnr ili' la Siii-i6t<' );rii- liifjiiliu' ill' Kraiu'i'. ili' r-Viaiir-iiilr niyali' ilt'H xririiri'H ile Tiiiiii. I'ti. j IQiiKtatlidi. tliii'i' liiirs.) ! I'lihlir I par M. lAlilii- Mljniii', | I'lliti'iir lie la liililiiitlii>i|iii' iiiiiviTsullif ilii rli'i'p'. | on | ili>8 luiiil'M coin|>l«tH Kill' rliai|ilo liraiulii' ilr la srii'iiri" I'rrli'sia.stiiiiii'. ] Tiimi' iiiiii|ii('. | I'rU: 7 tram-M. | S'liiipriiiu' It Ml' vi'iiil I'lii-z .1.1'. Mi);iii'. t'llili'ur. I au\ ati'lii'i's catliiiliiiui'M, liiii> ilAiii- liiiisi'. ail I'l'til-Mmitniuiri'. I I'laiiii^ri' il riiirr ill' Paris. ! IHfiH. Outslil'' titlr I 1. tillr.'« a.-* aliiivi' J II. riililiiilis (two In a pajir) '.I 141S. larm' s . Coiiii'K tiivii : Itrlll.sli MiiHi'iiiii. Slira. A lali'r rililiiiii as liiUnws: 'rniisit'iiii; ''t ili'ii ii'fi' I Kticycloiti'ilii' I tlicolD^iiqiic, I iMi t riMsii'iiic I't ili'i- niiTc I si'iii' ill' ilii'tiiniiiairr.s siii' titiitrs h's jiartii's di' la scifiiii' frlifiii-ii'^i', | (irtVaiit I'll trauviii><, ct |>ar orilrc alplia- l>ctii|iic, I la plus I'lairc. la )iIiih facile, la jiiiLs riiiiiiiiiMlc. la |iliiK vai'icc | ct la plus complete lies tlii''iiliiy;ics : | [Ac. si'\cii(ccii lines ] I piililiec jiMf .M. I'abliu Mi^jiie. I [Ac. six lines.) | 'rniiic Ireiite- i|iiatriciiie. I I)ii'tii)iiiiaiic ilc tii|iic. I 'ri»iiieuiiii|iie. I'lix: S francs. | S'iniiiriine et se vcnil die/ ,1.-1'. Mij;iie, «^»liteiii', | iiux ateliei's callio- lii|iies, nie (r.Viiiln>isi',20.aii I'l'tit-Miint- roiific, I iiutrefois Harrierc ircnfcf ile raris, niaiiiteiiunt dans I'aiis. | IStJI Jehaii ( 1.. 1".; — Cnnliimcd Sicmitl mil' : Kii tiiiliiiiilir | ilc I liimillstii|U(' I I'l ! ill' |ihiliiliiL;li'riniii(an't'. I Ulstoirc ili' tnili's li'slaii^ins iimi trsi't \ ivanlrs, t on i traitr I'oiii. pirl iriilioiii(i!ji'a|iiiii', I I'liilirassaiit I Irsaiiii'ii iritli|lie ill's sysli'iiii'S it ilr toiilrs Irs i|iii>sliiiim qui SI! rattai'liriit I a I orii^iiii' it a la Ulialioii ill's laii)riii-s. a li'iiri'ssi'iiii'iirjjauiiini' i i-t a Icurs rapports aver riiisliilii' ilis rari's liiimainrs. ilo Iriirs iiiiuratioii.s, dr. | rri'ii'ilc il iiii i Ks.sai siir li' roll! ilii laii;;ajL!it ilaiis ri'voliitioii ilc lliiti'lli' Ki'iii'i' liiiinaiiii'. I I'ar l..h\ .li'linii (ili' .Saint- Clavii'ii), I Mi'iiiliri' ilc la Sorli'ti' ;;t'olo^ii|iii! ilu Kraiiii'. ill' r.Vrailuinii' royali' ili's srifuri'S lie 'I'liriii. I'll', i [(^notation, tlirri' liiii's | | I'lililii' | par M. ralibu .Mi;;;iii', I I'llili'iinli.'la Hil)liotlii'i|iin iiiiivi'i'.si'lli' ilii ili'ri.'('', I on I ill's ronrs niinpli'ts siirrliai|iii' liraiii'hi'ili' la siii'iiri' icrU^siastiiinu. I 'romc niiii|ni'. ] I'rix: 7 I'raKis. | S'inipriiiii' i't si' vciiil rlu'/. .f.l'. .Millie, cili- ti'iu', I aiix atrlii'rs latholiiini'S, rue ilWiulioisi', 2(1, ail I'i'tit'Moiitron;;r. \ autri'lois ISarri^re il'i'iiler lie I'aris. inaiiiti'iiaiit ilaiiH I'arls. | 1804 First litli' verso "ax is iinportaiit " 1 1. seroinl title verso printer t 1. iiitroilnilion nninliereil l>y I'olniniis tl-'.'iis, ii-xt in ilonlile lolninns '.'Uil-l'.'.'iO. notes ailililionnelli's eoluinns l'_>4'.l- U:I4. talilu lies inalieres eiilninns I4:i't U4S. larj^je H'^ . Talileaii )iolyulolle iles laii<;ni's ile la I'eifioii alli"4lianii|ni' (.Vineriiine ilu Norill. rolninns '.'Ct :;4H, eoin prises a i'oinparati\e voiabulary of twenty-six worils in tliirtylhe lanjinages, of wliiili lines ;i4 nnil :i'i are ('liepi>ewyan (Cliep- jiewyan propi'i'l ami Taeimillie or farrier. — 'fa- Ideaii lie reiiiliaini'ininl :ri'o^rapliii|ni' lies laiifjnes ainiriiaines et asialii|iles. roliiiiilisl.".K)- '.".t'.t, rimtains a lew worils in Kinai - 'I'lie arlirle -Vpai'lies. roliiinii !iliS. eontains L^eneral reinarUs on the trilial ilivisimis. Talileau poly^lotte ilis lan^Mes lie laroleoi'i'lilentiil lie ! .\iiierii|Ui' ilu Noril. roliiniiis44.">-t4S, eoni|>risi's aioinparative voialnilary «t' twenty six wonls in twelve lanj;naj;i's. of wliirli line \2 is Kinal or I'Cinai't/.e. I.ennappe. on Cliippawass- Dela- ware on .\lKoni|iiinoMolie;;ane. eoluinns T'.H}- 824, eontains in loliiiiiiis HU4 anil HO.'i remarks on tile lannuaues of the ( 'lieppewyan propre anil Taionlliis. Talileau polynlotte ile la re<;ioii Missourit iiloinliienne, enlumns Hfl'.l '.K!U, eoni prises a romparative voi alinlary ol' twenty-six minis in ten lani.'iiaui)s, ot wliirli lines 1 uuil -i are ."^lls■ ' .\tnali. , IH'JS. His ])ai'enlH einiirraleil t:> tlii.H ecinnti'.N in IX'JS. anil j Heltleil ill Hiown ('iiiint\. Ohio, in IKIl-. 'I'lie , Hon .serveil as a |irix ate in tlii' 1st lesiiineiil ol' j Oiiio voliiiiteeis in the Mexieaii w:ir. anil on lii.s | (liHiliar;!!' was ii|i|iiiiiiteil to the I'liileil States ] Militinv Aemleiny. where he wiis liiailiiateil in IS.V.'anil assi;;neil to the II li iiiraiitr\ . lle.seiAeil ill Orej;oii anil Washington leriilon till the civil war, ami in llie Kii;;ne Kiver wars ol 1K;'i:i- j.'i. unit was woiiiiiletl in the latti-r. ami in the IikIiiiii war on l'ii;i(^t Soiiiiil in IK'iU, -m wliieli lie was aNo woiinileil. In IS."m he w - pi'oiiioteil IhI lieiilenaiil, ami In IH.'iVeoniini nileil lor (lallaiitry liy (leu. Siott. In IS.V.t (in lie traveleil in Kni'o)ie. lie was a|i|iiiiiiteil laptaiii ill tlielilli U. S. eavalry in 1'<()1, anil serveil with the i'e;;inient I'roin its or;j;aiii/.ation tliroii};li tlie ]ieiiiiisiilar eani|iai;.'ii of IHliJ, <'oinMiamliii<; it art in the eniitiire of ^^ontil'ello. Ky May 1, IM(i:i. ami on •Tune il was lirevetteil ni:i,ior for eoniniamlliiL: in ail action near there. II vas eiitfa^eit in the |>iii\siiit ami eu|itiire of .loliii Mor<:aii. in •Inly. IHiil, iiievenlliii; him from enissiny: tlie Ohio, anil aflerwaril serve. I as chief of cavalry of liie 2 111 corps. On Ma\ 7. Ij'1i4. he was mule liii;;.i- ilieri;eueral of volmiteeis ami as.- was hrevelled colonel in tlie regular Rerviee for Si'"""' '""' meritorious service ill action on the Itarhytown road. Virffiniii. Oi'tober 7, 1804. Also lirii;adier and iinvjor general for gallant ami meritorious services in the Held diirini; the war. Mar. l:i. lS(i."<. (ten. Kaiit/. was appointed lieiitenant'CiiIonel of the ;i4tli infiiitry in Isiiii. transferred to the I'ltli In IXU'.I, and conim:indi'il the rc:;iiiieiit on tlie New Mexican frontier till l.s74. Ileor;,'aiii/.cil several successful evpcdilioii'i imaiiisl the Mesralero Ap.iclie-i, wlioh id lied froai tle'ir rc-icrvaliim in lS(i4. and in 1S7II-71 succeeded in estaldisliii. ■ tile tribe on their reservation, where I hey have Hince remained. In •Iiine. 1874. lie was pro inoted colonel of the 8th infintry. and in 187.'i was idai-ed in eonimaml of the departinent of Arizona. Heserved in California froiii 1878 till 188(i. and is now (18871 in Nchriska. -.ijiiitr tun'i Cyeliip. nf Am. liiixj. Keane(.\iii,'ii,sliis H.^ KdiiHi^^raiiliy iiiid liliilidooy ol .\iii(ii«a. liy A. II. Kcuiie. Ill Bates (II. W.). Central America, tlie West Indies, etc. pp. I4:t-.'i(il, London, 1878, 8°. (ieneral scliemi' of .Vmerican races luid Inn- liua-ies (pp. 4(i(Ml>7) inilmles u list of the liranches of the .Vtlialiasian or Tiiiney family divided into lanf;iia;;es and dialects, pp. 4i"l- 4(i.'>. Alplialietical list of all known American tribes and laiifjiiagcs. pp. 4'.l8-.j(il. Ueprinted in the 18,82 and 18s,') editions of tile Hikiiie work and on the same (la^es. Kenai : Dictionary Sei (ieneral iliscnssion (ieneral discussion (ieneral discussion (ieneral discu.ssion (iranimatic comnients Kaillotf (I.,.l (irammatic coinments Miiller (F ) KmllotriL.) AdeliniK (•!. C) a Vater (.1 S.) lialbi (A.) liiincroft (II. H.) Itiisclimann (•!. C K.) nd Numerals Numerals Tribal names Tribal iiaiiius Vocabiiltiry Vocabulary Vocaliiil.iry Vocabulary A'oi'abiilary Vocabulaiy Voealinlarv Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabul.iry Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vcicaliiilary Voiabiilary \'oc lb ilary Vocabulary Vocabulary Words Words Words Words Words Words Worils Words Kills (U.) Krman ((!. A.) (iailatin (A.) Latham (U. (i.) Adeliinj; (.1. C.) and Vater (.I.S.) Hair (K. K. von). • Halbi (A ) Itancroftlil. II,) Ituschniann (>I. C. K.) D.ill (W.U.) l)avidoir((i.I.) Davidson ((i.) Dc Meiilen (K.) (iallatiu (A.) •lehan (L. F.i Kriisenstern ( A..I.voni. Latham (K. (i.) Msiansky (C.) I'richard (•I.C.) Koelirisj (R LA).) Statl'eief (V.» and Put- rotfd.) WoMddsky ( — ). liiischmanii (.I.C. K.) Daa (L.K.I Kills (K.) deliaii(L. F.) Lalhain (M.G.) Toll (A.F.I Schombursk (U. II.) Wilson (D.) Keiiiiicott (Uiilii'it). Knlch-a-Kutcliiii vocii'iiilury. Worils rioiii tlic laii^Uii<{u ■ji Uw Kotcli-ii-Kiililiiii — the Imliiiiis of Yukon liivcr, at tin- iiioiith of l*or- I'lipiiii' liiviT. ill iiiii'tlifi'ii Alu,skii. In Whymper (F.), Tr.ivel and uilvonturc in .\laska. pp. :i'.'2 IJ-i. London. 18(18, 8 '. Consists of I7.~> w.u'ils and plirnses and tliu numerals l-llil. This vocabulary also iippeiirt in the reprint of WliMiipcr. N. v.. ..8(l!l, 8', pp. :i4,'>-:ij(i. ami ID A1 "fAPASCAN LANGrAGES. 46 tliu Kennicott ( R. ) — rontinned. till" siinir, X v.. 1S71, H^. same iiayc!*. It t« nlsii printed in WlivniptTM article ini I{u.s8iaii Anu'fioa, in Eth. Sue. dC Lunilon, Tran.'t., '. ol. 7, pp. 183-185. London. 18(i!). 8\ Issncd also liy the SinitliHoninn InHliliition, an follow.'*: Kntili-a -kiitcliiii. | V onlH from tlif lanjiiia^coftlir Kiitcli-; -Kutcliiii — tlw IiuliaiiH of Yoiikon river, at tlif inoiitli i>rintcil on one side only, folio. i ('ontains alioiit '.'no H-ordx. | f'opirx tern: IJiireail of Ktlinolocy. KanieH. PilllnK. j Tlie original niann.-jy, | Wa.shinclon, I>. *'.. ."> 11. folio; also a ropy liy Dr. (ieo. (iilili.'t. ."ill. folio, from wliicli the printed copy was >*f\ M|>. j I A'ocalnilaiy of tlic) Slave IiKliaiLs, ; IVmie. [Wasliiiifjtoii, 1). ('. : Smitlisoiiiaii IiiHtitiitioii. mVM] Xo title. pa^e. heading only, text 11. (i-li; printed on one side oidy : contain.'t ahimt °Jil(l words. "Slave Indians of l.iard Itivir, near Fort Liard. Thi'V call tlii-niselves .\ ehetoe tin -ne, as dislin^inished from the other Teniie. 'Ache tlie tin -ni is ' I'eople of the low lamls.' or ' I'eoide livinu out of tlii' wind. ' Copiet tffii : Kanies. I'illini;. The ori;;lind niainiscript of this \ ocahnlarv is in the lilirary of the Unrein of Kthnolojiy. [[li<)<;rai»liy of Roliert Kemiieott j ami oxtrai'ts from his Journal. J ! In ('hie.'i^o .\eademy of Sciences, TrnnHVoI. | l.part 'J. p|>. i:t;t--_'J», ('liicaj.'o. IHti'.l. H\ ((ieo- j lo);ieal Survey.) Xtiinerons Athapascan terms, proper names, etc. passim. [Terms -)f relatioiinliips of tlie Slave Lake Imliaiis CVeliaot itiiie). Tort Liard, Mitekeii/ie river district, Itiidsoii's hay ty.l In Morgan (I.. H.). Systems of consaiiKninlty and allinily of the human family. pp.29:!-;i8j lines <», Washinuton. 1871. 1'. The schedules were tilled in March. IHtiO. \'oeal)iilary of the Chipewyaii of Slave Lak<' Maiinseript. li nnnnnihered leaves, tVdio. in the lilirary of the Ihircan of Kthnolo^^y, ("i-l lected in isti'.', < 'oiilains alioiil Illil words. There is in the same lilirary a copy of this vocalinlary. (i II. tcillo, with corrected «|ielliiiK. made liy l)r.!{,v. ('ol- lected in 18(1'.', ( 'ontains aliout 17.'i words each In the same lilirary is a copy of this iii'.nil- script, made liy Mr. Kennicott y W.M.Walts. I St), (iray's inn road. [IX(}-r] Title as aliov.' p. 1, text in roiiian cliaraelerH with headintis in Kn;;lisli p]i, '.'-il'i, ItP. Ilyiiins pp. •.'•J 2 (paye 'Jl lilank). — Tilt) apostles' creed, p. lit. 'I" he ({eiieral confe*siiin. |i. 'i.'i. -I'rayer of St. Chrysostoiu, prayer for it child, p. J(>.— The l,oid s player, the lienuciii:- i , ' t i li V) l,» r 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE i : !i i I Kirkby (\V. W.) -Continiu'd. tiiiii, |i. 27.— Siiiidiiv iiHiniiiit; imiyiT, p. 28.— SiindiiN I'vtiiiiiK. \> -0. MiiniiiiK pniyfi',)!. III).— Kvriiiiii; pr;iyci, j). 111. — Mciriiinm'iillcc!. ]>. :t2._ KvfiiiiiK idllcit. p. IK!. - Tlii> il('iiilii;;i'c. pp, lU i)H -Ciit.iiiiMMi. pp. ;t7-i;;.-(if (iiiil. p. 44. -of Hill. p.4.">.-(M' pMiviili'iici', ]i.4l!.-()l' irdciiip fiiili, p. 47. -'I'li(> liOrdM iliiy, p. J8.— Tlio r.iird'M book. p. 4'.>. - Of hiwi'ii, p. .'.(1. -Of licll, p. Jl. Tlie Saviour. p.52.-'riii' ('liriMtiun, p. ."i;(.— Tim way til lioavcn p. 54. — 'I'lii- .iiidniiiiMit. p. .i5.— Tile riralimi. p. Tifl.- Tlio fall. p. .'i7. - Tlic rt'cov !). Hiilli iif '', p.liO liaptisiiKd'Cliii-il. |i.l'il. I.ifriif Cliii.-tl. p. (!'J. ~ Mi'alli i>f ''liri.'*!. p. . Ii4. .\srciiniiiii iif Clirist. p. (!."); end- in;; ivitli ciiliiplinii. ' W. .M. WatlH. Hi), (liays- Jnii Knad." Copies tceii : Kaiiics, IMIlin);. A iiiiinn:il | of | (Icvotidii iind iii- NtriK'tioii I for till- I Sl:i\r liiiliiin.s of M'Krnzii- Kiv.T. | 15y | Ktv. W. \V. KiikL.v. I homloii: I iM-iiili'il liy W. M. WmHs | 2S, Wliitrfriiiis .str.'ft, city. [1S70?] Tilli' vi'iso lilaiik I I. till' alphalii'l fsylla liai'V I p. 11. text (ill syllaliiccliaiiiiti'iM willi lirad iiiU.'< in Kiiylii«li) p]i. 4-7(i, IK". Hany wind.'*, p. 4. — Dilllrull wnrd.s. p. .')._ HyiiiliH. pp. iiai'v Smirty, KaiiioM. I'i)lin;r. A lllilllllill I of I (Icvotioli iiiiil in- stniction I for tin' | Slave liiiliinis of MiK.Mizii' K'ivcr, | liy rev. W. W. Kirkli.v. I [Seal of tin- "C. M. S." for '• tlir flioci'Nc of Ix'tipcrf's ImimI". | With till* ii|i|)roliiit ion of I tlif. lord liLshop of tlic dioccsi'. I liOinloii: Cliiircli iiiissioiiary sociiMy 1X71 ?1 I'itlt' pa;;r viisii alplialirt |.> 1'.'. Sunday in-fninjc si'rvico. pp. Ill ■.Ml.-- Daily iiioininK Kfrvici'. pp. Jl-'JS. — Daily I'vrniiiK Hi'rvict'. ]ip. 29-41. -Till' alplialirt. p. 411.— I'layci'.s. cli'.. pp. 44-78. -(.'ati'\vyaii lan^iia;;,-, | for till' I Iniliaii.s of Clmnliill. { |{y flu-, rrv. \V. W.Kirkl.y. I Loiiilon : I Cliiirch iiiiNsioiiary Ikhisc. I Salisbury .sunari'. [187lifJ Kirkby (W. W.) — Continued. Title vcrmi lilaiik I 1. alplialict [nyllnhary] p. II, text (in Hyllaliir ilianictirs with licudiniJH in Knu'liHli) pp. 4-1111. pictnii' ni "The hible of tlin worlil " I 1. IH . 'Tilt' Maiiii' a.-* llir prt'irdillK ( I-oniliill. 1871 f| tiaiiHlili'i'atrd into tlir ('liipi'\\ yan dialrrt, aH .•spoken at Chiiri'liill, ll,i)i)() miles fioin M'Keii- /ii'.s River." -Khkiiji. Dilliriill words, p. 4.— XniiieralH 1-20, p. .">.— .Vddri'Hs. p. li. -ItyiniiH. pp. 7 2I>. - Prayers Cor childri'ii, 111 I'd. eti'.. |ip. IKI-IIH. I'rivale morn inKilevolion.*. pp. 117 III). I'rivali'iveniimdeMi- lioii.s. pp. 41) I'J. I''amily moriiiii;; ilevotions, pp. 411 -Hi. — !'■ imily cvi'iiiii;; devolioiis. pji. J7 riO.-I'ulilie 11 oriiiiiK scrvii'c. pp. .'il 111). -I'lililic eveiiiii;; .seivirr. pp. Ill -(iU.-~Siriptlire le.'isoiiM, pp. li7-iMi. Caleehiton. pp. !)7-l(»!). — Iliuial ."erviie. pp. 110-1111. Ciijiiin KPi-ii . liritisli Mii.'ieiiin, (.'liiirih Mls- sionar.v Soriilv. Kami's. I'illin;;. Maiiiial I of I di'votion and liistriii'- tion I in tin' | Cliipi'wy an lan;iiia>;i', | I'o!' till' I liidiaiLsof Cliuri'hill. | Dy the ivv.W. W. Kirkliy. | London: | Society for [iroiiiotiliK christian kno\vl(>d;><', | 77, (treaty nren Street, LincoIir.s-Inii-l'iel(|.s. [187-f] Title verso syllaliaiiiim I 1. text (in sylliiltic eliaraiteis with I';ii;:lisli headings) pp. 3-148, 18". Dilliriilt winds, p. II. — Xiimirals l-'JO, p. 4.— .\ildress. p. .->. Hymns (l-HO), )ip. (i~41..-Tlie ei'ei'il. [,ord s prayer, and lieni'dietion. pp. 4'.^- 411. -Deraloyin'. pp. 1 1-4(1.- Prayers for children, p. 47. Private morning ilevotions, pp. 48-.'>0.— Private evening divotions, |ip. ."il-.Vl. - Family inornin;; devolioiis. pp. ."it- J7. - Family eveliiii;; devotions, pp. .">K-(il. Public morning service, |ip. 02 711. -Public eveliiiijj; sci'N ice. pp. 74-80.- Public baplisMial .service, pp. 81 81. - Service for holy lommiiiiion. etc., pp. 8.'i !)1. .Marriage seivice. pp. '.)2 !)J. Iliuial .service, pp. !)."i 07. - Scripliiie lessons, pp. Dti 13i). Calt'chisui, pp. HO 148. ('•ipifti Kieii : I'illin;;, Society for ProinutiiiK Clirisiian Knowlcdjie. [ 1 The oosjiel | aceordin;; to | Saint .John. I Translated into the Timid Ian- Kllilfje. I [Three lilies syllahic elianic- ters.) I London: | liritisli and foreign hihlu .society. I 1H70. <'iil(ii)liiin : W. M. Walts. 80. (iray's Inn Road. The tiaiislileniljon of the three lines in sylla- bic eharaelers on the lillepaKeis ; NewsgixMl | saint ,lolin by | Hi;; river Indians l:>ii;;na;;e in. Title verso blank I I alphabet |i. e. syllabary | verso bhiiik 1 1. text (in syllabie I'liuracters with chapter lieadiii;;s in Fiislish) pp. Il-!)ll, Itr'. ('iijiii'ti mill : llritishand Forei;;n Hible Soci- ety, Churcli Missionary Society, Xutiuuu) Mnxeuiii, Wellcslev. ATHArASe'AN I.ANOUACJKS. 47 Klrkby (W. \V,) — ('(niiiiiiicil, [ ] Natsim kiHitlict iiakf kcndi | J«'SUM Clirist I he kiillilc nc/n I Siiilit Mark | ckiioiitc iiiliklt-s | 'riiiiif yatii' kcsi. I LoihIoii: I IK7I. Trainliitiiiii : dm- liml (Hir .-<;ivii>r j .Icmii.h Clirinl . his news ;:ii(iil i S^iiril MiiiU i \i\ liiiii wiilleii 1 Iniliaii liiiiv;ii>' ai rnnliin; In. 'I'lllc M'l-sn priiilriM I 1. Icxi ill llii' Tiiim- liiinimim' (i'i)iiiaii cliiiiMriiiH) pp. :> 1)1. l'» . Ciipivii Hern: liiili.sli mill I'lirri;;!! liilili- Sini ftv. Wfllr!i;. 1j< . 'I'lir iliali it i.s llial wpokrii liy lln Imli iii.-i nl Fl. Siiiip.siiii. f' . [ ] Tlic fl<>s|irl.'< I of I till' I'dlll i\ aii;;rl- iftts, I St. Mattlifw, St. .Mark. Si. I.iiki'. land St. .Iiiliii. I 'rraiiNlalril iiiln llir Iaii;;iia('| Tlir ('lii|i('\\y:in linli.iii.-^ I of I iiortli-wcst .Vnii riiii. | Ijondiiii: I prinli'd riir till' l{iiti.>li and iV.nd^n liilili' sorictv . | \xix. Tillr vnrHiiprintcfxi'lr. 1 1. m\ llaliailiiin mish bluiik 1 1. Ii'xl (fiiliii'lv ill .s.vllaliir iliarailns) j)|i.5-;iU, KP. Malllii'W. pp. .'i-liMl. Mark, pp. |ol-lti|, - Liiki'. pp. KV.' L'lW. -.liiliti. lip. -JlW-llll. Ciijiiev neeit : llrilisli anil I'"inii(.'ii liiMr .Smi ety. l!riti»(li XIiimi'iiih, Kanns, I'illini;. [Thrt'f lines xyllaltif iliarariiTN. ) | Th»' new tcstaiiiriit. I 'rraiislatcil into I tin' ('lii|if\vyaii laii;;ti.i>,'i', | l>y tlir | VDii. archi). Maik, pp. .''iti-KT.— T,iiki-, pp. 87-141. -.lolili. Iip. Ill-17'.(.- AilH-Ki'Vila tioii. pp. lS0-;i9fi. Copiet sren : KaiiirH, Villili;:. I'ortioM.s I of till' I liook of roininoii prayer, | llynin.s, Ac, | in the | Cliip- ewyan lan}i»HS«'- I 'Vv arehdtsacoii Kirk1>y. | Printed at tin- reijiiest of | tin- of Rnpeit's land, | l»y the | Socii-ty for prumoting chiistiaii knowledp-, | 77, Kirkby ( W. W.) — Coiitimied. (ireat (^neeii Street. LincoJn'M-Inn- IMeJds. London. [lS7ilfl Tillr vir«ii alplialiil |ri\ Ijaliiirvj I I li\l (in H.vllaliii' rliarartrr." willi I",ii;:linli liiailiims) pp. fi-l'l.-.. I'liiiipliiin p |I!M)]. IIV. Miiniin;: pi-.iyrr. pp. !i- 18. - Kviiiiii^ pni.vrr. pp. I'.i:il. I.ilaii.w pp. .'I'.'-lli, I'ia,vrr« pp.41 l!>. Iliilv riiiiiiiiiiiiiini. I'll' pp..'>iisil IlvniiiH. pp. .11 118. Snipliiii' li'.isiniM. pp. i:i'J 181. _ Calri liiMiii. pp. 18'J-1'.»2. ilii.sir I'm' liyiiiiiM. pp. i;i:i I'.r.. <'(i/ji(««(i'ii ■ lli'iti.-ili Mii.11'11111 I'illin;;. Siirii'ly fur I'riiiiiiilliiix Clii'i.'ilian Knii« liili;r .S'l' Kirkhy (W. \V ) anil BompaH (W (' ) 1h liiw I'm' .111 I ihliiin III' tlii.n wink ailaplril tor I III' iisr 111' till' .Slavi Iiiiliaii:*. (<>iii' lliii' HvHaltie cjiai'ai'tel'.s. I I rmt ioii.s I of ilie I liook of I'oninion inayer, | and | adiniiiiHtiation of the isairaiiu'iits, | and other ril •n and cere- iiioiiie.s of the I'hiii'i'h, I .Xei'oiding to the of the Chilt'eh of Kii;;land. | TiaiiNJated iiilo tiie laii^lia};e | of the | Chipi'wyan Indians of N. \V. .\iiiei'i('a, I liy I lie I \eii. al'clidearoii Kil'kliy. | (Seal of the S. r. ('. K.] I Sdi'iely foi' pi'oniot liii; eliristiaii kiiowieil;^!', I .N'ortiiiinihei'land Avemie, Charing Cross, London. | IKSl. 'I'illi' vi'i'.iit priiili'i's I 1. alplialii'l |«yllaliary| vii'sii lilank 1 I. text (in syllabir rhaiat'trrs Willi lirailiii'.;'* jiai'lly in syllaliir iliaiarterw anil pailly in I'^iiili.sli anil Latin) pp. ."i-liiii, 10^. I'rayrr.H. rli-., pp. .">-8t!. -Tin' nnli'i' iiC the ad niiiii.slraliiin iif the horils mippir, iir Imly riininiiiiiiiin. pp. 87-101!. _ 'I'lir iiiinislraliiiii of piililii' liapti.-iiii of infants, pp. KWi-Il'J. -'rim ininistraliiin of liaptisni to siiili as are of riper wars, pp. Ii:t-rjl.— A latcrliisin, pp. rj'j-i;il. — Till' orilrr of roiitinnalioii. pp. I.'ll-l.'l,5. -Tlio form of siili'inni/aliiin of m.-itrinioiiy. pp. 1.15- I I'J. Till' visitatimi of the sirk. p|i. I I'J 117.-- Tlir iii'ili'i' for till' liiirial of the ilrail. jip U8- l.iil. rill' iliiiri hinu of woniin. pp. I.'i7 ItKI. I'lijiiif m'i'ii . Kami's. I'illin;;. llyniiis, I prayeiM and in.strti<'li<»n, | ill the I Chipewyan laiiynage. | By th« I veil. afi'lidea<'i>ii Kirkby. | [.Seal of tlie S. 1'. C. K.l I Society for iiroiiotinjj ehrintiaii kiiowledjie, I Nortliiir.iherland .\ venue, ("hiirin.ii ('ro.sK, London. | IHHl. Title vi'i'so lilaiik I I. text (ill syllnliii' eliar alters with Kiii;lisli Iii'mUh^s) |ip. ;i-91. eolo- Iihon p. |!C|,nP. Hymns in iloiihlei'iiliiMiis. pp. II iK'i - I'rayers, pp.:i7-lii;.- lii'ssiiiis, i)|> (iH 01. <'vpii'K ft'fii : Kanies, .Society for I'ruruotiug (^hrUtiaii KuowlcUge, i I! il 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ■? Klrkby ( W. VV. ) — Cniitimu'd. H«io Bompas ( \V. ( '. ) 1111(1 Bompae (NV, (',) rortioiiH [ df tli(* I Itdiik ot'rDiiiiiioii prayer, | llyiiinH, •Jkc, I in tlio I Cliipcwyiiii IiiiikuhK''- I My nrclidfncoii KIrkliy. | Ailiiptcd for tln> use Ml" I tlic Sliivi liidiiiHH | liy tlu> I ri},dit nvcrnid \V. ('. Hoiiipiis, I). D., I llJHllllp (if AtllilllllMI'll. I I'rlnlrd liy llic | Sorirly lor jmo inoliii); cliriNtiiiii kiiowlcd^jc, | 77, (irciit (^iicni Street, Liiicolii's-liiii- Kields, London, [1H7!»T] 'I'illr vi'isii syllali:iriiiin 1 1. trxt (in Hvlliiliii' clmiiicti ^^< with liiiiilinKH in Kiiylislo |i|i, :)-17ri. riil|). :t-1."i. — KviMiiiiK praviT, li|i. 10 '.'« -Tlif lilaiiy, )>p. 'J7-:tl, — I'niycr.s. pp. li.'i IJ. Iliily riiiniiimiiiiii, rtc, |ip. 411 IIH.-- Ilvmiis. pp. I)!l rj'i.- Siiiptnii' li's.siins, pp. T-'l- ltl.">. Ciili'iliisiii pp. Kill IT.'i. Citfiirg n'Vii : lirilisli Miisiniii Kiiiiir.x, I'illint'. Society lor' riipiiinliii;; ('liristimi KhmwIciI;:!'. Sec Kirkby (\T. W.) iilii>\r lor tilli- nf llic ori;;iiiiil I'diticm nf llii.s wmk. I.sHiicd iilsii ill nuiiiiii cliiirintrrs lis Inljiiw.-i; rorlioiis of tile I liocdv of eoni- Hioii jiniyer, | hyitiiiH, ete., | m tlie | Cliijiewyim liinKiitiKe. | liy iirelidcii- con Kirkliy. | Adiiptt'il for the use of ilie Sliivi Iiidiiiii.s I liy tlie | ri;ilit rev. W. ('. Boiiipiis, 1).1»., I l»isiioi» of Atliit- llllNI'il. I l.oildoti : I Soeiety for |>roinotiii^ <'hristiaii kiio\vl<'d;,ce ; | Nortliniiilier- Iiiiid ii venue, Churiiiji cross. [ISH2?] Title vcrsi) Kylliibiiriiiin in riiinim 1 1. text, (t'lilircly ill niinaii cliaiactrrs) pp.1! 1T.">. W'. Mnniiii;; prayer, pp. It-I.'i. Kveiiiii!; prayer. pp. |(>-2)!.--'l'lie litany, pp. L'T-^il. - I'layeiN, pp. ;i.')-lU.-"Servien (or lioly ('oniiiiiliiioii. eti., pp. 4.'MW. -llyiniis, pp. Il!l-l'j;i. .Seriptiire le.ssons, pp. l"t-l(i."i. (;aterliisin. ]ip. I(i(i-17.'>. Citpien sriti : Kaiiie.x, I'illiii;.;. Soriety lor I'ro- inotiii^ (Miri.Hlian Kiio\vle(lj;e. Welti sley. See title next aliove lor tlie Hame work In .■iyllaliie rharacters. Part of the | liook of eoninion ]>riiyer. | and adininiHtration of | the Hacrainent.s, | and otiier | rite.s iind ceri'inonieK of the ehnrch, | aeeordiii";' to the use of | The Chiireh of Kn};laiid ; I Iransl.'ited into tlu- laiiffnafie of the I ("hiiiewyan Indians of the <|iieenis dominion ( of Canada | liy the | ven. arehin|iany's ship, takinsi his liride of a few days with him, for Ked li'ivcr The voya;:e was made in safely and the yoiinfi loiiple reachi'd their destinatiim the 12th of October, ami in a tVw days at'tei;- ATllAl'ASCAN LAN(JUA(JK8. 49 Klrkby (W. W.) — ('(.nlimud. wiirilH )ii' I'lilt-ri'il ii|Miii liJM iliitii'M. On I III* Villi of Diti'IiiImt, IH.'Vt. Mr. Kirkby WitM »i'ililliii'il t>' llii' lili^ht Ii>linir.vr|iiii^i' iit Hi. Atli Ml'. Kiikliv Nmih iipiHitnli'it lit ilir liiisfiiiill III' Itril Itlvrh iiirlviiiji ilirn' in llii' iiiiti'iiilt III' Hull .Mill'. i\\* iliiltrs wiiT Id taki; I'liiir^iMil' II iiiihIi'I |riihilii)( .siliool iiiiik In hii- lii'riiiti'hit lliit Work Itf I'lliiraliiiii in llii- coliiiiy, lit tliiHi^ pariitlii'M bi-liMiKiii;; In llir i liiiriii iiiUMliPiiaiy Hiirii'ly. Sliiiiily al'liiwaril.s Mr. Kirkliy. ill iiilililioii ti> IiIh nllirr iliilirs. wa.s appiiiiili'il a»sis|aiil iiiiiii.sirr nf SI. .ViiiIkw!*, Ilii'ii III!' lar;,'!'."!! pa:i.sli in tlic .si'llli'iiiriit. ami I'linliiiiii'il llicir t'liiir yrarH. In llii' iiiiaiiM liili' tlio rliiinli liail xpirail linrlliwanl.'* anil wikI warilH In Kaii't'iinl, I'liiiilii'riaiiil, la ltnii;;t'. nnil llin Kn}:li.'>li Itivir. Timi iiiIIih rrmii liril Klvi r, iinil llii'ii III II iinli'il Mr. Kirkliy In lake iliar^i' nt' llir »nrk. ileal mur prni'i'i'ilcil llii'i'i'. anil inaili- Knrt SiinpHiin his lii>aili|iiarti'i'M. 'I'lii.s I'nrl HlainU ill lalitinli' Ii2 N'., Inii^ilnili' 1'JI W., al lln- rnnllilrnrr nf tlir Liard niiil Slavi- livrrn. llr lirjjaii lii.s wnrk Willi iiiiirli I'lirniira^^rini'iit anil Impr. 'I'lir llrHt rarii wan tlii< laiii;iia;;r, anil linn llir rirctiini nl' Hiiitaliln linililint;.i I'nr iliiinli anil mlmol pur- poiiCK. 'I'lirMi- latliT wi'iT Hdciii Hiipplii'il liy tlii" kinilnrHH anit lilirralily of lliit llnilsiin Hay ('onipany'H oDiri'i'.s, wlin Innk an intii'i'sl in llir wnrk. Ill llii> Hiiininrr nl' Iwti'J Mr. Kirkliy rcsolvi'd to carry tlit> (icwprl williin tin' .Viriir Ciri-li', anil if pimMililo intn Ala.sUa. Si'niriiiK u ^ooil raniioaml tworiljaliln IniliallM In'.'tct oil', foUowin;: till' iri' iloWii llio MrKin/.ii' to I'im'I Uivi'r Kort. till' last trailiiiu post ol' tlii'mni tiiiny iitiil a i;rrat ri'iiili'/vons of tln' linlians. AfltT a slinrt »lay lirro lii' Irft liix rannii anil, ncfiinipnllii'il liy t wo ;;ii!ili's, srl out In walk uvpr tlii> nioiiiitiiin.s. Up iiml down llwy wi'iit, over Hi'Vcral riilKi'n rising from "no to •j.rtimfiTl, and at IiihI, liy a sudden ili-sri'iit of I, Dili) fed into tlin valley, In' narlieil l,a rierre'H lioiixe Hiid anotlier of lliit Kiir (.'oni|iaiiy'.'4 fortn. Here Mr. Kirkliy reiiiailied unlit MKilillii of ,Iiim>. in- RlriuiiiiK llie ImliuiiHandlcarnin;; tlii-Tiikudh fo'n);iia(;i',.a kiiidrt'ilinne (u Hut Tinn<'i. He lliitii (<>nLiliirked iu tlio ennipany'H lioat'on tlie Kat IJlVTer, anil Ihitn ditwn tlie rorciipine liiver, a IriUntaryiif tbn Viiknii. Two iiiileH aliovu the i'(iMl1|M'ni;e of tliiise Fnrt Viikon .ttanilH. TIiIh jiiiiriiriy ueeiipied three niontliM, and at the rlone of it Mr. Kirkliy writeM: " I have liaveled over at least II.OUO niile.s; have lieeii honored of tiod to earry the ;;ospel far within tlie .\relie (.,'irele and tna people wlin had never heard it liefiire. " The work al the Yukon wa.s tlien ^iveii to the l<,uv. U. Melhiiiald and Mr. Kirkliy devoted liis I inn.' at Korl .SiiiipHon liillielaii,^iia;:e. KetraiiH If t« for thn ilNi^ nf litherA. The iiei|iiiHilioii of the liiliuiiiiuii wiiA lliiis reiMlered eanler for fiitiiie niissioii- aries who iitii;ht enter tile Held. In IHIi!^ Mr. Kirkliy, Inniii); lieeii seu'iilnn jears in the lletil, Hint In Kii^land to phne his i hildreii at Hi'liiHiI. rpon his return to the eoiintry. In 1H7I), he wa» appointed to York Kaetory, IIlliI- Hoii Hay, that he iiii;;lit meet the l'lii|H'wyanit of ('linrehill. Here he laliorid lor nine yearM, and then retired froin the niission to niaUe a home for his ehildren in the i i\ ili/ed world . and this III' liaH done, liein;; now stalionid al Iho X illax'' of Kye, near New York. Klatskenai. See TIattkenai. Koltichane: Trilial iiaines See l.athain (IMi.) Voealinlary llaer (K. K. von). Yoealiiilary Itainioft (II. H.) Voealnilnry Itnsc'hinanii (■).(.'. K.) Voealinlary l.athain (K. til Kovdr (/')•. I'^iiiil). IcImt llir Uiili'iiiiinn lIl'H pilH.SCSSiviHrlll'll I'l'dlKIIIU'll fiii' (lit) Aiisiirnekswi'' iIi'h HiiliNtaiiliv i.srln'ii Attriliiitt's. In ZeitHrhrifl fiir VnlkerpHviholoKie iind SpriK'hwiNHenmhaft. vol. in, pp. :iHti :i!l4, Iterlln, IHHtl. (') Kxainpli'A in a niiiiilier of Anierieaii lail |tiiilK<'''<< niiionu them the AtliaiiaNian, p. II'.MI. Title from I'rof. A. K. Clianilierl.iin, from ropy ill the lilirar.v nf Toronto I'niveitiity. KrUsenstefn (Aditm .lohaiiii vmi). Wiir- tcr-SaiiiiiiliinKcii | aiis tliii Sprarhrti I ciiiifii-r Viilkcr | iles | iistlirlu-n AsiciiH I iiud I diM' Nurd", i-ni-!iilKti' vmi AiniM'ikii. I Mi-kaiiiit •{t'liiiiclit | vnii | A. ,1. V. KniMcnstrrn | Capitaiii dt-r liiis- HiNcli kaiscrliilicu Maiiiu-. | * St I'i'ti rslHirji. I (icdnickt in dcr Dniiki'ii'.v diTAdtiiiialitiit | XHV.i. Title Verso Hole 1 1, Vorlieriilit pp. i-xi, half' title verso hlunk 1 1. text, pp 1 lix llriickfehhT, vef'jio WUiiik 1 1.4. \Viirl«'rsaiiMiiliiiut; nun tier Sprache iler Kiuui (from Dawidotr. Kesaiioll', and I.isiansky), pp. t'uiiii't n'fn : .\stor, lianeroft, llrii)ton, Itrit- ish Miiseuni, Kames. I'illin^, Trnmbull. 'Wat kin.son, Welle.sley. Kiitchiii. Viiraliiilary id' tin- lloii}; Kiit- I'liiii laii^iia};!'. Mann.seript, 4 iiiiniimliered leaves, folio, writlen on one sidi- only; in the lilirary of the llnreaii of Kthnolojjy. tJoiitaiiiH alioiit KlU words, eiiti'red on iiiik nf the SmitliHuniiiu furiiiH ol tUu ittiiudard vocubn- lary. Il i f 50 HIMLKXJKAI'HY <)l' TIIK Kutcliln tti-tii'i'iil iliHi'iiHHiiin Src Ham riil'l (II, II.) I! ' I Niiini'riil'4 NllTIIITaJM lIl'lillioMMllilllt Ti'ilial iiaini's Viiraliiilal'V ViK aliiilarv Viiraliiilai'V Vdraliiilary V'liraliiiliiry Viiraiiiiljiry ViK'iilmlary l!iiH('liniaiiii (.) llaii.rMl'l III. 11.) ItiiHc'liiiiaiiii (.1. ('. 10.) Dill! (\V. II.) Kl llllicKit (li.) Kiiti liiii. Miir;;iiii (I,. II.) Miirrii.v (A II.) Kittchin ('iiiitiiiiicd. V.MiilMiliiry Sti' rillint (K. F.S. J.) Viicaliiilury Vim uliiilary Viiraliilliiry Wiirilw WcppiIm Kwalhiokwa: \'iM almlars VciralMilary Voialiiilary Vocalmlury KiN>lirtu(K. I,.0.) ItONNdt. H ) \Vliyin|MT (K.) Daad.. K.) l-:iliH(l{.) Sir llaniriil'l (II. H.) ItiiHiliniaiiii {•I.e. K.) Hall' (II.) Latlmni (l<.(t.) T.. L. J. C. et M. I. TillcH of iiikhi.mikmih workH lii-Kiiiiiiti^ with llirHo lt'tt<>i'Hai'i< nitrri'il ill litis l)ililin)rra|)liy iindi-r lli<> next lolliiwiiij; wiiril ol'lillc Latham ( K'dIh'I'I of wnnl.s NlinHiiiit allitillir.^ Iirtwrrii tlii> Aliiii'iiiiiiii ami a iiiimltir of iillii'r AiiiiT- iiaii laii(;uaK<'s, aimiiiu IliiMii tlir Kriiay. pp. ;iy- 111. < )ii Ihf l;iiif^ua};<'« '••" lln' < >ri';;ini ter- ritory . Hy K'.(i. Liitlia)!!. M. 1>. Head Ix^foro tliii Society on tiic lltii DcifPin- 1)rid<;e; | one of the vice-i>residenls of I he Kl linolooical soci- ety, Ijondon; | corresnondin;^ nieinlier to the Kllinoloojcal society, | New- York, etc. I [Mono;;rani in siiiidd.j | London : I .lolin Van. Voorst, l'at(^r- uosterrow. | M.S>.':<.'(U. L1«^0J. Latham (R.t!.) — Conlinned. Half title vermi Iihiiik 1 1. title vermi printers I 1. ih'iliralion viTKo blank I I. preOu'e pp. vii xl, bibliouniphy |ip. .viii-w, explanation of pluicM verHo blank I I. coiiteiitN pp. xix \ xviii, text pp. 1-.''(M), itiil.'x pp. .'ill" .">7I, lint of workH by I»r. Latham mi-m blank I I. H". Division I'', Ameririiii Monuoliilie (pp. '.'H7- 4t'i(l), iiii liiib M : ('oiniiaratiM' voiabiihiiy ('IS witiIh) of llie I.iiiirbi'iix ami Keiiay, pp. 297- 29H; i'oninieiit.s on the northern AthabaHkanH, pp. .'lO'J'KW; romparalive viHabiilary of the ('hIppevN'yan, TlatHkanai, anil I'liikwa (flO woril.s), pp. ;iil«-;)lll; of the Heaver anil Obippe- wyaii (.lo vvorils ami pbra.HrM), pp. Il7e, ""' i'ojiim mrii .• Miiri'aii of KthnobiKy, ('(iiiBreHH, Eames. The I cthnolo^jy | of | the HritiHh colonies I and { de|iendeneieH. | I{y | K, a. Latham, M. I)., F. R. S., | corre- Hpondin;; memlier to tlie Kthnoio^icjil society. New York, | etc. etc [Mono- };rain in shield.] | London: | .John Van Voorst, Pater- noster row. I M. DCC'C. lil [1H51]. Title verso printerH 1 I. eontentH pp. v-vi, prefare ver.'io blank 1 1. text pp. l-2tM. IJHt of vMirks liy Dr. Latham etc. 1 1. It!'^. (^'lia|)trr vi, Depeiulencies in Anierien (pp. 224-201), I'ontainH a li»t of llii.> iliviMionK anil Hubtlivi.sion.4 of the AtliabaskaiiH, pp. 224-227. ('opies neeu : AHtor, liritiMli MiiHeiini, Ibireaii of KtliiioloKy, < 'oii);reHH. RaineH. 'the I niitivo riiees | of | the RnsHiaii emiiire. | By | R. (J. Latiiam, M. !>., V. R. .S.,&c.. I aullior of [&e. tvMt lines.] I With a iarf^e coloured iniip, | Tiiken from that of the Imperial (ieo^raphical Society of St. lY'tershnrg, | ami other illnstrations. | Lomlon:| llippolyte Hailliere, 219, Re-,'ent street; I and 2i)0, Uroiidway, New York. V. S. | I'aris: .1. H. Hail- liere, rite llaiitefeiiille. .Madrid: liailly iJailliere, callc I t, litli' vri'sii Itlank I I iiollii' viTHO lilinik I I riiiiti'iitM |i|i. V vili, liil'UK liia|i. ti'xl pp. I :il(). I'.' . Tim trilii'w III' HiMHiiui Amci icii (pp. '.'Hit '.".t7) inntaiiiNa lirl> riu'cuiiiit nl llii' liiiuiUHl ir iillin ilii'H of tlir viiriiiiit ilivlxiciii.t, iiirtiiiliiiu till' Atliiil)aNkiiim, pp. '.'ttl ^'111. <'i>iiir»trrn: lliirniii of KtlilinliiKy. CimKrt'Hs. l''.aiiirH. On tlio l.iiii^iiatri'H of Ni'w ('iilir<>r- iiiii. My IMi. Liitliiiiii. M. D. Ill I'lilliiliiKiial Sim. I III' I, I null III I . rnii'.viil. II. pp. "'J-Htl, l.nniliili, Ifi.M, H . (rmmil'.ss.) (.'(iiiiiiK'nlHiipon tliii AtlialiiiMiaiiH. pp. 71 '.''i. X f«!W worilH of IIiHipah, Navi^jd, iiiid ilirmllla, p. M5. On till' liiiiKiiiiHt'H •'<" NiirtliiTii, Wi'Htirii, iiiiil (riiliiil Aim rirji. Il.v l\'. (i.l.alliiiiii.M. I>. (Ki'.id Ma.vllM'lMli.) In riilliilKKii'iil SiH'. |iil' I.iiiiiliinl, I'ranH. iHStI, pp.S" U.'i, l.iiiiiloii I lH."i7|, H '. (Ciiimri'MH.) Till' Atlialia.iraii (iniiip (pp. tl.'i 7ll) rmitnlnH JlxtH of trilial 'livJNiiiii.s of till' 'rakiilli. p. fill; KiitHliiK (I. fi7i Kiiiai, p. (17: .\fiia, pp.CwflU; KoIIhIi iM , l'(;nli'iitH. .\tiia, p. tW. (liiirral ilix- iMiHNinii III till' AtlialiaNkaii. pp. '.). IIIO. OiiiiHcula. I KHsa.VH | cliii'lly ( pliiln- lo^ical aii'l i'tliiiiiKra)ilii('al | Ity | Uoli- iTt (loriUni Latliaiii, | M. A., M.D., F. R. S..i'tc. I late fellow of Kin^s iiilli'jjii, CainliriH;!', late profcs.soi- lit" Kiifjlinli | iit 1 .'ivo ity colli'fii', Loniliin, late aHHiHtaiil ]iliyNi('iaii | at the MiHox h(iN]iita). I Williams iV Norj^ate, | It llciirii'ttii Htri'i't, Covont jranli'ii, Liiiiiloii | and | 20Si>iitli KreiliTii'k strcit, Kilinliur;;h. I L.'ip/.iK, K. Ilartiiiaiin. | IWIO. Tilli) viTHo priiitrr I I. pi-rfai r pp. lii-iv, rmi tenlH pp. v-vi, ti'Xt pp. 1-1)77, ailili'nila anil riir- rlRi'mla pp. :t7H-4IK, 8''. A ri'print ofa niiiiilirr nf papnis rrail lirfori' till' I'tliniiloKical anil pliilnlnKiial sorii'tii's of Liiniloii. Ailili-nila anil loiTiKi'iiila (IKlfl) (pp, ;I7H-4I8) i(Mitain.i: ('i)nipnrativi' vmaliiilary iil'tlir N'liv aim anil I'IiihIi'Ihi, p. ilH'i: nl' tlii' Ik-aviT Iniliaiis anil Clilppi'wvan. p. ti:). Coiiii't tren : Antiir, ItiiHliiii I'lilillr. Iiriiitiiii. Iliiri'aiiiif Ktlinoli>j;y, Conjtri'ss. KaniPH. rilllri;:. WatUiii.son. At tliH Si|uli'r Hall' a pri'Hi'nlatiiin ropy, no. 6:m, liriiii«lil ♦•.•.:17. Tlif Murphy ropy. no. U:iK. Hiilil Tor $1. KltMiii'lits I of I riiiii|i;iriil i\ I' |iliilii|- ouy. I U\ I li.t;. l-alliaiii. M. A...M. I>.. F. U.S., &c., I lat«) fellow of Ivin^'H Latliam i K*. (i.) — I'luiliiiiii'il. riilli';{i', ( 'aiiilirii|>;r ; ami l.ili< profi'MHor of I'.iinliMJi I ill I'liivi'inity rollt'j;!', Lon- iliiii. I l.omlon: | Walton ami Malti'i'Iy, | |f|ipri' (iowrr .stri'i'l, ami Ivy lann, l*atri'mi.sti'r row;| l.oiiKnian, (ircrn, l.oiiKiiian, ({olicrtN, anil (ii'i'i'ii, | I'litt-r- iiihstiT row, I IHiiL'. I rill' \ini\\\ of 'ri'ailNljitioll in Ivr.siTX I'll, Hall lli'i' rr.Ho prinli'i-N I I. tlljn vitho lilunk I I. ili'illratloii vi'i'Holilank I I. pri'l'iirrpp. vli \i, riiiili'Titt pp. xlll \\, taliiilar virwol' laiiuiiap'H anil ilialcrtH pp. v \l xx\ ili. rliliraiitlinrillrMpp. \\i\ \\\ii, I'irat I mtmo lilank I l.trxt pp. 1 ■ 7.VJ. aililriiihi anil roirifriiilii pp. 7.VI 7.'i7. iiiili'X pp. 7."iM 771, list 1)1' HoikH liy I>r. Lalliaiii > ithh lilank II. H. I'liaplir Iv. I,ani;iia«i'i< of .\iiiriira 'I'lir K.h- kiino. Till' .Vllialiaikaii ilialn l.s |itr.| (pp. ilMI- 4li:i).riintaiMS: lllvlNJoMsof t hi' 'rakiilll, p.:>HM; of llir Kiil.ililii with Kiiullxh ili'lliiltioiiM, p. 'iA\t. .Vthalia.ikan trilial iiaiiirs with iniaiiinKN, p. :iiKl. - f'oiiiparalivi' vuralmlary (it,") wiiriN) of Ihr Ki'iiay, ICiil.'*hiM, Slavr. anil Dun lih, pp. :i!Hi:i<.i|; of Ihi' Chrpi'wyan ami 'I'akiilli (17 hoiiImi, pp. :ilil .III'.'; of till' r;,Mli'ntM Ainu, ami pp. :i<.l'.' :i!i;i ; of tlii' 'I'lal.'ikanai. Kw.iliokwa, anil I'liikwa i.\u wuiii.i), p. It'll; of till' N'av alio. Apatnli. ami I'iiialrmi ('J7 x.oiiIh), pp. ;i<.)4 :i<.l.'>: of till' lloopali ami .Iriorilla (I'.! wonlMl, p. Hit,''). <'<)/)ii'« Mfi'it ; .Vslor, Miili.HJi'iiin. (,'ori- <;rrHH, Kann'H, Watkinnon. KolH'rt (ionloii Ijatliani, tho I'liluat aim nf the lii'v . ' L.tliiain. »a.'< horn in tlu' viraraifn of itillin;;.ilMirou;:li, I.incoln.'ililri'. Manli L'-t, IHI'J. In ISl'.lhf waHi'iiii'irilal Kliiii. TwoyoarH allirwaril.M ho was ailniiltril on tin* fonnilii- tioii. anil in IK'j'.l wmt to Kiiiyx, wlirrr lii' took lii.s fi'lliiw.^hip anil ili';;ri'i'M. Kllinolo^y waa liiM lirst paH.iion ami his last. tlioiit,'li forhotan,v 111' hail a viTV slroni; taste, ile iliril .Marrh 9, \>iHH. ^Theodore WatU in The Athi'inmm, March i:. l'ai' ordre alplia- lu'liiliie ill' iioiii.s dWiili'iifs, I l{eili;;(5 part:)). 1,1'i'li'ri'. | [I >i'sijri,.] | Paris I Maisomieiivi! &, (''•• | l."), ipiiii Voltaiie I M. I). CCC. LXVII [lSti7| (.'ovrr tilli' aa alwivi', halflilli' vnrsoili'tails of sale I I. title as aliovi' virsii hiaiik I I. prefiten pp. v-vii, ratalo^ur pp. I-I(i7. s '. Iiirliiiirs lllli'sof a niinilM'r III works riinlain- in<; niatrrlal irlalini; In tin- .Mliap.i.sraii lan- Sjuayrs. »'i>;/i<'.« xcr'ii ; ('ontfrcss. Kami's, Pilling. At tlin KLseher sale, a copy, no. '.HO, brinight I) I /' ll? 52 IHBLlUGKArilY OF THK -; ■ 1 ii fi Hi i '. Leclerc (('. )^(;<»ntinin'.v, un. 145'2. bruuj^lil »'j.7r.. UililiotluMii I anit'riciiiiii | HiHtoirc ;;(''();;i'!il>liic, | voya^^fs, iir<'ll(^()lo<^ic rt liii;ruistii|ii(' j ilfs I (lcii\ Ainorii|iii»s j ft I (h's il«v>* riiilippiiu's | r. | 1S7H Cover tillf 118 iilmvc, liiilflitlr viTso blank 1 I. tillf ii.M u'xivii viTmi blank I I. iivant |irii|MiH |i|v. i-vvii, table (lf«(llvi.Hiim« |>|i. xviii x\, rata biifui' |i|i. t t>4:i. Hii|i;ili'inrnt lip. lilTi ti!t4. hiili'X |ij>. OW 7:i7. loliiiibiiii viTsii blaiiU I I H\ Tbi' linjcnirttir (tart iit' tbis vohiiiie iM'fii)i!<>M l>|i, ri:f7 lit;i: it i.H arranui'il \iiiib'r niinii'.s nl' bin- jiiiayi'M unil nintailiM titles of liimkH reliitinc l« tile f'llbiwini;:;.;iie.sanierirainesen ;;eiieral, jip. "1.17 -Viil; Ai:aelie, p. .Viil; At'' •^asea,p. 'irM ; Pene. (»p. ">7m ."iVit. ('ii]iii's Kri'ii : lli.vitiin .VilienaMini. I'»n;;ress. KaiiieH, llai'val'il. I'illi.i;;. I'rieeil by a|MT. \l. l.i. I,ie|.Tr« Kuppleinent, |KH|, nil. ',;f*ll, prbe.s it I.'i t'r , anil IKI. L'p^'i-. a ropv tin Kiillanil p;i|HM, iltl I'r. Alar;;.' p»|ier i'ii(iy it priieil liy t^iitritili. no 11023(1, 12*. Atifi^onneiiv" in 1Hjri<'aiia | lliHl, ^jrotiraphie, j v(iya>;i>.s, ar<'heiil(i)ri(> <>t liii(;t)isli«|iii' I lies I (l<-ii\ Ami'rirnte.s | Stt|i|tleiin'm j N" l(-21. Niivfiiihrt' 1881 I |lb'si«n.| I I'iiris I .MaiNiitiiii'iivi- iV C'". lilirtiir<>H- \{ |ip. :i 127, H' i'b"«e Mninib iin bate no xeparate Heetiiiri (ievnteil to woiUh relalini; »o .\nii'riiaii Ian ({iia^re.-i, but t'lle.s nf workn riinlainitii; inaiirial relatini; to .Vtbapaite.iu lanjrnanei* apiifot ]iai>tnn. < 'itfiifx fi'fn ■ t'oimiesx. K,iiiii»<. Pillinu. Mai.ioiDieiive, in l*Slt, Jiricei* eaeli of Ibe two nn)ipliiiieiitH '.\ fr. [ 1 t'aluliio;tH' ( ties I livn-M dc fotirl.s I ot «Mi iifniiWrc I nisi'»ir«',.\rchi^ol rKiitttiic. ! (Ic IWhic. i|i> r.Vt'rifptii, I lie I'Aiiiorii|t(i'it (Icroii'.aiiif. | Ifi'wijjii. j | I'ariH I Maisiiiitii'iiM' fren's <•> Ch. Lci'li'I'i', r-ililcilfH I 27t, ipiui N'ollaifc ■ i|ii!M Malai|tiaiH, .'i | ( .Vticii'iiiix iiiaiMinn •'U. IJarruitt) j ll«*7H anil 1H«7 iil.-.o. (Kaines.) Lefroy ( Sir ,! «lt'iii''a Imiiv/li/i, lla veil /.iyi- j fiailsi.i'iiKMiilchii \vatt'-s,-«t. I ton ai;i-ltt»' Hiii: Ailili : |l>ayiiiii, (Miio: I'liiliji A. Kftii|icr. I?<.'<8. ) .V Hniitll eai'il. 'A by ,'i iiielie.s in siiK, beml<<iir j ie n-\ . jiefi- Kfijiiii, I'lre I iililat ili' M.tvii' )iiimjn'iil«-r j Mmitrfal | itiiptiini'Ht* J. Fiitiniivr, K'C'. iiK' MoiitcaliM ' IX8>I ("over title IIS abo',. letter to p- le I,i".;iiir from ( Vital .1. !•'• . ile Si ,VIIm-1 II. M 1. di.itnl from Ilea ia < rosfte. b> '.111 sept inbre isx;. a;i pntvlni; tbe wiirklreero bliiiik I 1. title itH hImim- serso blank I I. text tin riHiian eburat ters with some s|H ebaniet<-rs. In iiliiius in I'lvneb) {•p ,1 411 t ible lies iiiati'irs pp. i v errnta |i. Ivil.K 8yiiiboU' ileii a|H>lres, .Mvsteie ib- la .■»!« tri ree ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 53 rt LecP/f f') — Contitiiitd. iiilr, iT^'atiori, dr. (iiiHtriirtiiiii.-* I~I7|, |>|). H aill. -l>fcculit){ii(i niilis (.'iT .')!»), |>|i. -(i:i 274. Sill' la iiiirri' (III) (i7). |i|i. 1:74 -;I07. (ii-auili-rt viM'il.-s (HH ."il), |i|i. ;i(l7-;i70. .Si'niniiis ili'larlu'M i>ii tli- cindii ■iHii.c (H-'-lOD), iiji. :!7l-ll4. f'li)j;y, Kunn"*. <;at.*'liit. rilli!:,'. Wi-lh-tlry. (Jranitiiiiiic i ilf \;\ \ laiifjuc iiKiiiti^- Kuiiisf I pill- i Ic iiv ])fi'c [yuiiri lit Lt'irotV, pti'i' I iililat do .Marie iiiiiiia- ciiIpo j Mtiiitnal I 50. me Ctiltc, 50 | 18S!» Ci.vii' lilli' a.H uliovf, liairiilli' .trHH lilaiik I I. Hill' as aliiiM> vi'i'su liliiil. I I. liUlmp^t a|i liiiival vi'i'.->ii lilaiik I I. iliiliiati'Di \<'i.sii lilaiik I i. inlniiliK'liciii |i|>.0 Jl, lixl |i|>. 'J.v:il°J. laMi- nl' I'lintciils |)|>. :M;t-:i.'il. errata vi'r.-to Idaiik I 1. l'iililili'4 lalili- of vi'ilis lirl ,vtrii |i|i. HO- ill. H . (■•'iKTal I't'iiiarks ri>iii'i'niii4'4 tln' Mmita^nai.H ami tlx'il lati;;iia'ii-, pp. U-IH. — ^[(llllau:naU atpliaix-l ami wonl.t. pp. 1.1-24. -Ol' Ihr iirticlc ami i>llu-r ilctrniiliialivis, pp. '25-28. — Xoi 111 nr MiiIi.Ml.iiiliv<'. pp. L".t-I4. I'riiiioiinrt, jip. 4r> (tl. .\ilvfrl>.s. pp. ('.|-H(>, I'ri'piixil loii.H ami p ■-.i tiiiin pp. ."■(■ !•.'>. ( 'cuijiimtiiiiis. pp. !Mi '.).s. Ill (I'l-ji cliiiim, jip. IKIlill. .\il,ir.livi-i. pp. lo:! U7. VitIw. pp. IlJ* i:!i!. TrriiiN <>r r.'lalinii Mliip pp. .'l-7-ril. N'aiiii-i 1)1' p.ii't.-^ <>r till- l>iiiiiiiiiiil\ I'lnpliivi'd ill ruiiMrxalioii, pp. •x.»a\k:'.. r'ii/nV« writ: ItiiriMii 111' Klliiiiiliiiiv, Kaiiii'" I'illliiK W.-llisli-.v. I!r\ ii-wnl liv Qalnchel (.V. S.), in llr .Viimt ii'.iii Viiti<|i'ariiin. II p. :iSU, N'.iv.. IHSII. (I'llliii;;.) liistiiirt' I lie I 1 aiifii'ii ti>staiiii-iii | riiroiiif'r .'iiix .Miiiita;.riiais | jiar j 1>' nv. |i< I'l' l.aiii't'iit ].<'>;itlV. |ilri- { oiilal miisii'. pp. Il'.i.'i ;iiw. t'lipiniiifn : Kaliirs.lialsi liil. i'illiiiL;, W'l lUw- li'y. liivi'c I ill- jiriiTi'.s I I'll laiiiiric iiiiiii- ta;iiiaiMi' | [Our iiiu- Kylialiir riiarac- I.Ts] I I'ar 1.- 1{<^\. r.'ii- l,t•^'^llV. 0. M. I. I [Twii lines Freiirli ; t wn liiif,'< sylla- hii' cliaractfr.s] | Moiitrc'-al. I ('. (I. l(<>aiirlii'iiiiii A- lils, I>il»raii'cs-Iiiip! iiiii'urs, | ^.'il! i-t 2.">S run Saiiit-Paiil. I |X!MI I [ Two liiii's syllaliic flianicliTs ) (NiMT lull' as uIhivi', titli' v< I'sii appinlialliiii III" I Vital .1. tJranilin O. M. I. Kv^i|ii.i ilr St .MImtI I I. niiiiaii alpli.ilii't p. :i. sysleini- iitplia- lii''tii|iii> miiiitauiiais | syllaliaiy | pp.4 ,'i. ti'\l|iii <\llaliii' ijiarai'tirs, willi l-'ri'iicli ln-ailinus) pp. 7 4;t.!. talili' pp. 4:1.'. 140. Hi ''iiiitiiits as nnilir tin ni'\; jiriviniis lillii <•■% iipt tliat lliiTi' is nil apprmlin " III tln'calo- I'liisni. anil tin' I'lmr paiiisnl ninsir ari- uiniltiMl. Viiiiirtiwen • Kaiiit-s. I iaisriii'l. I'iliiiiL: UrIltiS' liy. I'«>n' l siini- niii liin-il, I'vri'pt ilnrini: tlir liim' s|H'nl in Mniitri-al whilu Uiit buuks wtirv guiu)( tliroiiKh Ibu prvnit. i %k I'l ! '■ i i» ! ( 54 HIHLIOOUAPHY OV THE I 1 111' < • !i f M ^a ill 1 lii' ] iHirtli xvt'sl iSfiil of tlio S. Lenox: 'i'liix wmil riilli>wiiii:ulill''i>r within |i:in ii IlliMi H iillrr' J mill illillrali'M :i rii|iy nl lllr Wlll'lv II III II ll III It.lM lll'I'll MI'I'll !l\ till' rlllll|lli' I ill till' l.riiiiN Ijlir.ii.v, NiH Viii 1\ City. Iiesley (.losi'iili I'rirr). < hi t lir iiiM'iiHiltli- j^railaliiiii iil' words, li\ .1. I'. Lesley. Ill .\nirriraii I'liilii:4o|ili. Siir. rnir, vol. T, |i|>. I'-ll l.'i'i, riiilaililphia, in.l.K . (<'iiii},'ri't»-) Ciiiilaiii'- a ('i'» wiinls in I 'lii|iii''svyuii. LesBoiiti and prayfrs | in tlu' | 'r<-iini or Sla\i l:iii,y:iiauc | id' tlir | Indians ot' Markcn/iii rivi tcrritorv of Canada F.C.K.JI [Liindiin:] Socii-lv (or |ii'oiiioliiii.^ cliristiaii knowlcd!.!;!'. N'orlliiihilM'ilanil it\riiiii% Chai'ini; rros.s.W. ('. | iNiMl. | Till)' v<■^^«l lilaiik I I. tr\l In tin- Triiid \:iu Kiiav.ii with Kiii.r|iMh hi'ailiii;;.s |i|i. ;i XI. lu . l'iM.silily liy \iv\\ \V. 1 1. Urrvr. or liinhiili liiiiii- |iaH. Ur»soii-i (I on), |i|i.:i liCi. I'aiiiilv iiiayii ■■<, pp. 07 TO. I'rivatf inayris. pp. Vii .^l. Ci/iii-s .vci'ii ■ Kaiiits. I'illiii;;. Lipaii : I.Dril'.i prayer Sre I'aiirriiri (II. II.) 1,111 lis piayrr rciltiiiiiii. LiUiI'm pia^iT I'iiiii'iitil (!•'.) Vucaliiil.iiy (iai.sihrl (.\.S.) WkiiU Itiillaiil (\V.) .IIICllIICKlii (loPlii). [Lisianeky {r,ii,i. ri't'y).] Ih iciili'crHli' I uui.'iii'li riit.iii iii. { 1M0:<. 1.5. II IHIXi m.iavi,, | no iiniK'.itiiliii | ciO imiirpaTiipi'HiUii iic.iiricrrBa | .\.ii'i;raii,i|i.i lifpHiiii), I nil I Ui'iil., I iiii.iii iid'taiij; TBOH'b I 'ii.ioiii Kaiiiiiniii.ii'ihciinina, iiiiiiil; liutiiiii'iiia I 111) pa ma ii K'Un.ii'pa | lopiii .Iiiciiii(;i;ir'. I 'lactii tiii)Hait[-itropaHl. j CauKiiiiii>pi'i\pi'L, i,b iiiiioi pa't'iii <). ,lp<'\- I'.ii'pa, I IK 1 2. Tiiiiislntiiiit. \'iiyat:i' I aniiiiul I In' wnihl I in lliir \iai-.s I.HiCt, I,. ^ anil IMiMi. i \t\ uiili-r ul' i his iiii|iri'ial ina.ji'^y ! .Vlivainlrr I. | un tin- .-^liip | Neva. I illiiirr roninianil I ul' raplain liriiliiiaiil of Ihcinivx, iiiiw raplain | nl' llif Isl laiik ami kniKliI I I'l-i'.v l.iMiaimky. | Vul. I| II |. I St, I'i'IitsImii'!!, ill till' printing iitlii I 111' 'I'll, lliii'hsl. f. I \X\\1. •J M.N.,S . \'iiralinlary (alxiiit .'iiHl wiiiilr.) nl thr Ian- ({iiaiii's III' till' iiiirlliHrslcin pails ul' .Vini'iica, JtiiHsian Kailiak Ki'iiai, Mil. 'J. pp. IM IHI. ( '>i/ii'>'« jari'ii .' Iti'itish Miisi'iiin ('i>ii)!n'Ms. .\ I \ ovarii' loniid llir world. | in | tlif yrars iMli:!, I, ."i, \ (>; | pfi I'oi im'd | byordcnif liisiiii|M>riiil iiia.jt'sty | \U'\- uiidrr till' l-'irst,('iii|i)'roi' of KiiMNia. | in I tUealiixt NevU) | by | I'rey LiHiutiaky, LisiaiiHky (I".) — Continiit'd. I lapiain in tlic K'uHsian navy, and | kiii;L;lil ol' ! Ill- ordi'TN of .v{, (ft"oi>i».' .ind St. \'ladinii T. I l.iiiidoh : { l'i'iii)i-d I'or .lohii lioolli, Uiiki' Htri-rl, I'oi'tlaiid ))la('<>; iiiid | l.onirni,')!!,, Kft's,<»rnic, A Mrown, i'airrno.stiT rovv;|liy S. ll.-iniilliiii, Wcylirid;;!-, Surn-y. | 1X11. rp. i-x\i, 1 I. pp. i 3«X, inajis. 4o. Mliifiiistii' 1 onti'iiis as iinili T next )ii'<'V|imis titii'. i.p. ;i'.;!i-:i:i7. ( 'ii/ii<'.« .M'.')i ; Astiir, lliistim .Xthi'iiiiiini, I'.ril i-li Miisrinii. Ciiiicrcss. .\ 11. p\ al till- riiiart sah', uu. Iir/'J, liroiinht .'•. ir. Thi'si' Miraliiilarii's rcprintiil in Davidson ((!.). Ui'piiit ri'iativi- III ' ' ' AUiska. iii('iia-^t Siirvi'.N, .\iiii. K'pl. 1.S07, pp. 'J.i:i •-".IS. Washing' Inn, 1.^0'.), 4'^; uiiaiii in Da"idson ((!.). Itrpm I iilafiM 111 ■ * * Alaski , in Kx. l)i;•. Osiar). Vnialiiilary of tlu A|iai'lit' and ot'tlii- Navajo. In Gatschel (A. S.i /»iiir Sprat'luMi uiis llrlll SiiilHi'Sli'll N'niila.Mi'I'Iklls, pp. ilK 11,^, Wi' 1K70, H'. Ciintains .iliiiiil 4IHI wmils rarli. Sraltrrril llimii^hiMil Ihi' sanii wink arc many phi' I'i'iiiai'ks nil uraninialir rnnslrticlinii. rlr.. all riniii Dr. I.m'w's nianiisri'ipls. Voialiiilarv of tlii' Arixaipa lan- In Wheeler (<>. M.l. Ifiipiirt ii|ini: I'. S. Iii'ii>;. Siirxry, Mil. 7. pp. 4:14 lO.'i. 40!i, WasliiiiKtiili, IsT'.l, 4'. ('■iiilains 'Jll \Miril.. in thriirsl illvisinn ami XII nviiI'iIh ami Nrnlinrrsin thi'srniml. Cnlh rlril ill .\riziiini, .St-pli'inliri'. 1X7!). \'iii'altnlary of tlir Navajo laiiy;nay;f. In Wheeler (Ii. .M.). Uipml^ iipini l'. S. (ii'iii; Siirvi'V. Mil. 7, pi- 4J4 4ii."i, 4tii), U a-iliinclnn, l«7!t, 4 . ( 'nnlaiii'" 'JI7 wnnls in thr llrsl i|i\ isinii ami '-'0 aihliliniial wiii'ils ami wnli'iii'i's in the serninl Ciillei'leil in Ne» Mi-Nieii, .1 line, I87:i. Lord's. 'I'lir Lord's I'r.ayi-r | In oin- linn di'cdand tliirly-onc loiiiriii's. | I'onlain- iii^all the ]>ri!iri|ial lanj^iia^fs | Hpoki n I in KiiroiM',ANi,'i.Afrifa, and Ann'riea. | London : | .'^t. I'aiil's l'iil)lislun)r Com |iiiiiy, I 12, 1'liti-nioKtiT Si|iiai'i*. |ii.d.| Tilli' M'isii lilaiik I 1. piifaie (siuneil K. Tin riill. Irllnw nl' thr Kiiyal .\>ialir SiH'ii'l\ I pp I 2. tents pp :i I. Ii'vl |ip..'i ir.>. IL* . LiM'irs prayer in llie Chip|H w\an nr I'iiine (riiiiian ami syllaliir). p. 01. CujiitH letik : ('liiirek MiMiuBary Suclsty. A TMAPASf AN LA? l!ii;;lii.ll/. (<;. v.) I' (W. ('.) Kiikl.y (W. \V.) Lonl'H. Itost (It.) T.diiipas (AV. W.) liaiiciDl't (II. II.) (Vili'irioll I'ilM'lllcl (K.) iilIJ,'ln)llZ (ti. K.I Kirkl.y (\V. \V.) H.-i'Vf (\V.1> ) liiisl (It.) Iloiiipas (W. ('.) ItoiiipaH (W'.C) i{«wt(l{.) Lototpn. S'l' Tututen. Loucheux : Dictionary Sh' I'clit*! ( !■;. 1". S. .(.) Griimiiiutic coiiiiiient.'i Mi'illrr (K.) (iruiiiiiiatii' trcatist,' I'l'tilot (K. F. S..I.) Legends Hrlatioiisliips •Soii-iH Tcitt Voi'abiilary ViH'aliulaiy Viiralmlary Voialiiilary WoiiIm Wiinl.s Wortli* P.titot (K. r. S..)., Mui;;aii 1 1.. II.) I'i' (!•;. K. S ,1.) I'rnmi.-'sidiii'.s. ISaiKTolt (II. II.) Hiiscliiiiaiiii (■). ('. Iv Islifsirr (.1. .\.) I.alliaiii ( If. tl.i l)a.k(l.. K.I (lililis ((i.) J>Htitiit(K. l'.S..I.) Lubbock (Sir Joliii). 'I'Ik' | origin of civiliNtttidii { amt tin- | |ii'iiiiiti\i' ciiii- (litidii of man. { Mi-iital and social i-on- dition of Hava^fN. { My { xir .lolin Ijili- bock, Harl.. M. I'.. V. U. S. | author [&v. two lint-H.] I l.,oiHlon ; I Loii^fniaii.s, (iri-ni. and co. llall'tillc vrr.sii pi'iiitci'M I I. triititi.spii ri' I I. tillo Mi'sii blank 1 1. pi'il;ii't< pp. V viii, run- trills p. is. list III' illiisliatioiiH pp. vi \i!, list lit' pi'ihi ipal winks qiiutiil pp. \iii \\l, li'.\l pp. 1 :i:i:i, appt'iiillv pp. :i.j.'i iiti'j. iintis pp. :i)!:i :i<'>ri. iiiilt'X pp. :!tiT :MI, I'liiirolliir plairs, H . \ I'i'W wiii'ils ill 'ralikali rial-anai. ami Atlialia.sraii, |i. 'J8S. Ctiliii's .ICC 11 ; Astor, llriti.sli .Mitsiiiin. ('mi gri'Ks, KaiiirH. ——The I origin of civilisation | and tlio I ]ii'iniitivc condition of man. | Mental mid social condition ofNava^cs. | ISy | Ijil.lioik. Mail.,. M.r., F. U.S. I AlltllOl l&C. two lillCN.] I Ni'w Viirk : I l». Applclon and t»il pp. xiii xvi, text lip. 1 ll'.M, ap- piiiilix pp. ;t'J.' :i(i'_', initi's pji. liti.'!-.'!!!.'!, iiiili'x pp. :M'>7 M."!!, I'miriillii r jiliid'H, VJ . I.liii^iiislii's as iiiiili'r 'tie next almve. p. 'J((8. Cuj.ieii seen : I'illini;. The I origin of eivilisuiion | and the I |iriniitivii condition of man. | Mental and .siieial eondit ion of sava;.;('w. | My | .sir.liilin l.nlilioi L.Mart.. .M. P., I'. H. .S. I .\lllhor f\c. two lines. I | Seeoud eilit inn nil li addil ions. { London: { Longman.s, (i reen. and co. I 1X70. I'p. i-xvi. l-t2ii. H . I.ili^^llistirs as iiiiiii'i' titles almve. p. IIL'T. Ci'pien feen : IJritisli Miisemn. -The I origin of eivilisat ion | and th« I ]irimiti\<' condition of man. { .Mental anilHoeial condil ion of savages. | My | sir .liilm l.nliliock, Marl.. M. I'., V. \i. S. I \'ice ('haneellor (Ac three lines.] I Third edition, with numerous .-iddi- lioiis. I London: | l.on<;nians, ( Ireen. and co. I 1S7.-.. I.iiiuaistirs as iiiiilii' tillis alii>M'. pp. 41G- 417. rii/iicv .vir/i .' Ilritisli Miisi'iiiii. The I origin of civilisation | and th« I iirimilive condition of man. | Menl:il .'iiiil social condition of savages. | My | Sir .lohn Lnbhock, Mart. M. I'. 1'. K. S. I 1). ('. 1-. M.. I». I I'resideiit |\c. tivc lines.] I Ponrtli edition^ with iiiiiiierimH additions. | London: | ijingnians, /Sreeii. and eo. I \XX'2. llalt'tilli' vrrsii list i>l' uuiks "liy tlie same aiitliiir " I 1. ri'iiiilispii re 1 I. lille versii piiriters 1 I. pretaie pp. v viii, riinteiitH pp. i\ xiii. illiistratiiiim pp. xv-x\i, list ol' tlie piiinipal winks i|iliiteil pp. xvti-XX, text pp. I 4X11. apprli iliv pp. 4X1 .vji, iiiiti's )ip. r>'j.'> ,'i:!:i. imiex pp. .'■i;i.'>" .■'■4S, live iitlur plates. K'\ I.iiil^ilistirs as iiiiHir tillis alinv e. p. 4".'T. Ciijrii'ii Ki'ni ; Kaiiics. The I origin of civ ilisalion | and tin; I ]iriniitive eondilion ot' man { .Mental and social eondilion of savaires | My { sir .iohii Liililioek, litirt. | M. I'.. W U. S., I>. C. L.. LL. I>. I .\nlhor [Ac lour lines] I Filth Kditiou, with nninerouB AdditioDB I Ml <>■ 5(5 ninLtoaRApnv of tiipI :ii u f Lubbock f.t.) rmttiiiiii'il. Loililon I L ii X. loiitciilrt \t\i. xi xvi, illiistiiiliciiis i)p. xvii xviii. lisi ul' iiriii(l|(iil wmkM ijiuili'ii pp. xix-xxili. ti'xt pp. 1 Ixtt, iippiiiilix pp 4-H< Ji'Jf.i, iKiK'A pp. i<^l 530, inili-x tip. Ml '.I'.U, list of worUi* liy th. NMni- nnt^of vofMo lilaiik I I. livi' \iHiiT pl:it>*i». t*'\ iiiijliilstirii itM iiiiiliT titU'K iiliiivc, p. 4:i2. i 'ofiiiK Keen : Kiiiik'h. Lucy-FoBBarieu(M. 1'. ilt). Kxirait | hilolo^i(> ('tliiHi, | |iiir M. 1'. •'c liUf.v-FoHsaricii, | iiifmhri" I'laiicc. I (l)rsiK».J I I'aris. I Iiiipriiiirrii' iiatioiiali'. { M IX'CC L.\.\\1|1SS1). ("oVlT tilli- lis aliovr. llllll-lillr vtTHO Mllllk 1 1. title ii.H iiIhivi'Vitso liliiiik I I. text pp. ^i r>.'i, S . Voi'alnilary ni'llii- l.iilotiii or'I'iitiitainyH, pp. 80, 24, 2H, 3'J, :ifi, 411. 4 1 . 4K. ,->'.', ,'>4 . Ciipien feeii lli'itiloii. I'illiiii;. |«udewig( Mriiiianii F.riist ). TIk- | titir- (itiii't'. I of I Aiiiiy l»i-(il'c,sHoi- Win. W. 'riirinT. I lOclitcil l>y Nli'tilas TriiliiHT. | Ijtiiiliiii : I 'ri'iiliiicr aiilii>tli)>rapliiral liieiiiiiir |ip, xiii xiv, iiilriHliirtdry liililiii;;rapli- ieal iiiitiees ji] . xv xxiv. tixl pp. 1 '.'ll!l, ail- ileiiila pp. 2ll>.'J4n. iiiilix pp. 247 LTili, errata pp. 2r>7 2.'iH, H . Arraiip'il alplialielieally li\ laii- gunceH. Aildeiiila liy Win. W. Turner ami Nienlax 'rriiliiier. pp.210 24fi. ('iiiilaiiiHa IihI ul'i'raiiiiiiarMaiiil voeaWiilariex, Bllil aiiiiiii); iitliei'.H iit'tlie l'i>llii» iii^ ]M'oples: Aliierieaii laii|;iia;:e>i K'eiierally, pp. xv xxiv; Apnelies, pp, K, 211; AtliapaHcaii. pp. 14,211: Atiiali, )ip. I.'i. 212; Heaver, |i. IS; ('lie|H'\vyaii, |ip. :irv.a(l, 21.'> 2111: mitirili, p.lW: lliHtpali, p..s2: IIiI'lHiin .H llav, pp. Kl K4. 22:1: Kiliai. pp. !I2-Ii;i. 22.'>: Ki IMit 24i , 'Mat:<- kanai, p. IMl: riii|ii|na. pp lo.\lMI. t'opivK «■(■» ■ lSiiK-i«l III Ktliimlii|j;y, < 'iinj'reHd, KiiinrM, I'iiliui;' .\t, »J»<> Kii»e)ier sale. no. !C.K), a eopy lirou|;li( ft«sfi(t.; at the Kielil s:ile, no, UOIt, *2.(;.'! ; at tlie Sipiiersale, no. tilKI, $2.02; another eopy, no. lUOli, r2.:i«. Trieeil l.y l.eilere, lX7x. no.2o7."i. 15 fr. The I'iiiart eopy. no. rit!r>. solil lor 2,'> IV . anil the Murphy eopy. no. l.'ilO, for .f 2. 50. Hr. I.iiile« if; li:is hiiiiHeU no fully iletaileil llip )ilan anil piirpoil of Ihi.s work that little iiioro reiiiains for nie to atlil lieyonil the mere Htato- nieiit of the origin of my eonneetion with the IHililiealion. :iiiil the mention of .siieli .iililitioi^s*, forwhieh I ,'im alone respoiiHilile, anil wl\Mh, iliiriii); its progriHs throiiKli the Ijave. );niiliially :iieiiiniilateil to alioiit eii.c .sixth of- the whole. This is lint an ael of iiistice to the iiieiiior> of Dr. I.iiilewi;;: lieeaiiKMat tlietinieof ; liisileath, in lieeemlier, IS.'ti; no more than 172 pa^is were printeil oil', :iiiil these roust itnte, the, only portion of the work wlileli hail the lienelitt of liis valiiahle )ii'i, ami tinal revision. .Similarity oi., purMuits leil, iliirin;; my stay i|i| New Vork in 1H.'m, to an intiniaey with Dr.. T.nilew i^, ihiriii^ whieti he mentioneil lliat he,, liki, inyself, li:iil lieen making' liililioKnipliiral; memoranila for years of all hooks whijli si.rvw tiiilliistratetlie history of siMjkt^nllinmiape. \m a first seel ion ofaiiiore vxreniteil wiirk on the lit crary hiwlory •>? ian^'iiat;ej.'eiierally, he hail pro- pareif:ilii'iIiofrraphieaI memoiinf the remaiim of thealHiri;;inipl\ to pro- iliii iny aiovreel eopy of my I'rienil'suianiisrript, Hut it soon lieiMllie ohviolls tli:ll the Iranselipt IliiI iH'eii hastily m:iile, ami Imt for Ihe valu- :ilile asHistaiiee of literary frienils. Iiotli in tliirt eoiintry ami in Aineriea, tlm work woiilil )iroli. alilyhave lieen ahamloiieil. My thanks are more parlieiilurly iliieto Mr. S|iiier. ami to I'rof. William W.Turner, of Wasliin^iton. hy w Iiokii eiinslilerate anil valualile eooperation many ilif- tieiilties were eleariil away anil my eilitorial laliors jtreatly liuhleneil. Thi- enioura^ieil me to Kpaie neither personal lalior nor expense in the attempt to leniler th" work aM perfeet ax pos.silile: with wh:it NiieeeNK niUNt Ih> left to the.iuil^liient of tliime nhoeaii fairly nppreeiate Hie lahorit of a iilinntT in any new Helil of liter- ary researeli. K)':i aiheitixeiiKnt. Dr. l.iiilewi^, though hot little known in thin eoiinlry |IOliul:ili ill n» lu al« IT- liin liUi I Ill- ill ta Lutlewtg (11. r..) Coiiliiinril. i.siili- ill lii.i iMlivr lilv until l>U, wlicii In- i'iiij'4r:ili'il to Aliii'iii-i : hut, tlmiii^li in Imlli riiiiiilii('.'« iir inacliiiil law as ii prolVHsicin, liin Uiiit wax tliu sillily 'if literary liiHiury . wliii-li wan cviili'iu'iid liy liis " Livrr ili-s Ana. ICssui (U> CiitaliiuiU' iMuiiiii:l, ' piililiihi'il at liis nwii rost ill IH:iT, ami liy Ilia " ISililiiitlirkiiiiuiiiii-." wliiili appiMi'ril u fow yours IuIit. ' lliit.fviiiHliilsl tliiisi'iiiia;;i'il, hi'iU'ligliti'iliii lnvi'Mti;;atiiit; tin' risr ami proKi'i'SS of llir liiinl III' liis siilisi'iiiniit ailiiptiiiii, ami his ivsi'arrlics into thr vi'M'il i|iirstliiii III' till' iiriulu ul' llir ]iKopliiiil of Anii-rira j.;aim'il htm tliu lii^lii'st ciilisiiU-ratinii, nil Imlh siilrs of tho A tlniltii', lis a man of oiiiiiiial ami iiii|niriii;; mind. il>' was n coiitriliiitor to Naiimaiiii's ' Si-rapiiiini ;" ami , anioii;;st tin' cliii'f of his roiitriliiitioiis to that .joiiriial may Ih> iiifntioiii'il tliosi' on " Aiiii'riraii I.ilirarios, " on tho "Aids to Anmrican Hibllog- rapliy," nml on tho " IJunk Trailu (if thu I'lilti'il Stalii.sof Aim;rii'a." In * H4ti uppcarod hlH"Lit. (Tatiirn of .Xmi'riiaii Local History." a work (if iinu'h imporlaiice and wliirh required no hiiiiiII iinioiint of labor and jii-rseviTarn'O, owiiij; to thriii'i'essityof cniiMiiltiiijj 111.' many and widely scnlteri'il materials, whirli had to lio soiijjht out from apjiarintly the most unlikely ehaiiiiels. These stiiilies formed a natural iiidiK'tioii to the pr«seiit work on ' The I.iteratiireof Aiiieri ean Ahoriiiiiial LantiiiaK' s," wliiili oeiiipied hisleisiiii- roiii'iirniitly with tlieolhers, ainllhe printinnof wliiili wis loinineneed in August, |H.'ili. Init » liieli III' dill not live to see laiinelied upon the world: for at the ilateof his death, on the I'Jlh of lleieiiihi'i' following;, only IT'.' padres ivere ill type. It had lieeii a lalior of love with him for years; ami if ever aiitlior were mimlfiil Liidewig (. rr. F,.) ('(hiIiuiuhI. of the uf II II III ini'iiiiitiir initiiiiiiin. Ii<>nns « lieii lieilepii'.Lli il lii.siiuiiiiistTipt ill thelilinary of the Aiiierivaii I'ltliiiotii^ieal .'^oeiety, lUtlideut him- self IWH lo its merit H anil value on a .siilijeet of such iiiiruiuoiiiit interest . lie had satisfied liiiii self that, ill due time the reward of his patient indufitry iuit;hl he the )iroilnrtion of some nioru cxteiidul national work on the siilijeet. nml with this he was eontented; for it was a ilU- tin^Cuishiii;; featiii'u in his ehararter, iiolwilh' standing his f^reat ami varied kiiowled);e and hrilliaiit at'iiiiireiiienls. to ilisre^'ard his own toil, even ainouiilint; to ilrnd;;ei'y if needful if he eoiilil in any way assist in the |iroiiiiili:alioii of literature ami seieiiee. Dr. laidi'wi;; was a lorrespoiiilin^ niemlii'r uf many of the most ilistiii;:iiisheil K.nropean and Ameriean literary soeielies. and few men were held in ;;i'eater eoiisideratii^'i by seholars both in Aiiierii'ii and (iei'inany. ii'i will readily b« lii^kiiowledpMl shoiihl his viliiminoiis eorre- spomleiice ever see llieliuli*. In |iii\ ate life lic< was ilistin;:uishid '.y the lust qualities wliieh endear a man's iiiemory to those who siirvivei him: he was a l-.':.i! .mil all'eetioiiale husband nnd a sineere fii'-nd. ;\hv:iys arre.ssible andi ever ready toaiil and eonnsel those who applied' to him foradviee upon matters appertaining tin literature, his loss will loiii; be felt by a most extended I'ii'i'h' of friends, and in him ii.«niuiUi,iir mourns one of the liest repri'M'iitali,\vs.uJI lutn- learned niiii ill .\nierii':i. :i ^'eniilne type uH :u elass in wliirh, with Hin;;ular feliiity, to ;;eiiiui« of the highest order is eombiiied :i painstakiu)! and ]iloililiii;! perseveranee but seldom met with heyoiiil the eontiiies of " tliu Katliur- land." Uiiiyraphic ini'iiioir. M. IMcDonald ( liir. Kolicrt). [Tenim (if Milutiiiiisliip (if tlic Ttikiithc, (•ollect(»(l by U. Mi'l>(iii:il(l. vm\., :i t'uctur (jf tlii^ <(iinii!iii\ , I'fcl Uivtir Fort, HikIisou's Muy 'I'cn'itdiy, .Iiiiic, IWiT).] In Morgan (L. 11). Systenisof eimsaiiKuiiiily and atlinit,\ of the hiimaii family, iqi. 3:i-'JH'J. lines tis, \Vasliin;.'ton. 1K71.4''. A ni'lcctioii I iVdiii tlic I liodk ofcoiii- iiiou jtiiiycr, I iiccordiiifi to the ns« of tlic I riiiti'il Cliiirrli of KiikIuiiiI uikI Iri'ljiiiil. I 'rriiii.slut»(l into | Tiikndii. { liy tli«^ rev. It. M'l»otiul(l, I iiiissioiiiiry of the Cliiiri'li iiiiNNiiiiuiry nocicty. | [Seal of tlui .S. 1'. v. K.\ I Loiidoti: I Society for Froiiiotinn ('iiristiiiiiKiiowlodjfc. | 77, (JnMit (^ticcii Ntrcct, I^iiicolirs-iiin-ticldH; | .(, Koyitl cxcluyijjc; inxl l><. I'icciidilly. | IHT.l Title verso priiilerM I I. t«ixt with heiidiuns iu KnKlish pp. 1 rj:i, Ih>. OrUiT furiuurulug prayer, pp. 1-U. — t>rU«4- UO: of adults, pp. Iil>-7S. Soli niiii/.atioii of iiiat- rimoiiy. pp. Tt)-'.):i. -Itiii'i:il of the dead, pp. 04- KU. Chilii.' (hymns, mis. i wx], pp. li)5-li;:). Tii/jicv «('.■;( ; Churili Missionary iioriety, K:imi's, IMUiU};, Sueiuty fur I'roiuotinf{C'hrisliiui Kuowledne. I ] Nuwlicli kitkwadhiid .fcsii.s Cliiist I vili kwtiiidiik iiirxj | Mattlii^w, Mark, liiikc, .loliii I lia rsiotitiiiyokliiii kirrc I kwitiiiyitliiitliitli kwikit. | .loliii rHidtitiiiyoo vili ctttiictU; | ti^ liii | Tiikiidh tslia /it | tlilclctcitaxyu. | l.diidoii. I lH7t. i'tiUtfihi.ii : Loiiilon: printed by Win. Clowes iind sous, Stuiuford street i ,.:.\ c'Uurin){ ('ro«n. I.iti-ral Irannlatiiin, Our lord Jobus C'hriHt | the i!im|M*l of I Miitthew. Mark, Luke. John | by tlium written i epistle first of | .loliu written by liliu I iutotlie | Tukudh t'luguu | truaaUttNl. ■I 68 Binr.KXiUAl'HY OF THE K ^tl McDonald (R.) ('Kiiliinicd. 'I'illi' vrrHO lilaiik I I. text (» itii i'h:i|>trr lill< < ill Kiiylisli) jiji. .1 'JtiT, JH". Milltlirw, |i|i. ^ 75. -Miiik.|i|i. 7t> r.'l. l.iiKr, 1»|>. 12L' !!»!».-. Iiiliii, ii|i. lim-'.'.'iT.- K|iii«lli-« 111' •liiliii i iii, )i|i. L'r>7 'J(i7. Cojiii 1 nei a : ICuiiii-m. I'illiii);. WiOIi'hIi'V. Kttiiiicfl(« chilli I kwMiiiliik I iiyiik- wuii InOtrtci. j K'cv. M. f)Mti'iviiM,-'| kirkhi!. | Vni. an ijilcinoii .Mi'Doimlil, I kiiklii; tlilclrtuitti/.ya 'i'tikiidh t8bii zit. I fSfiil S. I'. ('. K.] I I..0111I011 : I Sociftj' I'lir |iroiii(itiiii; (^liriHtiiin kiinwlt'dj^c, Niti'lliiiiiilicrlaiiil avfiiiif. Cliiiriii^c < r<'««. W'.C flSS.".. ) Title VflHO lllllllli 1 I. tfXl ((».slrlW;ll(l s Kbritl(;iii<'iit III' III!' liiNtory ul' tlii' liililv; willi till- i'\re|iliiiii III' rlmpliT tilliim neen : Kaiiirs. IMlliiij;, Siiricly f»>i" I'l" iiiiitiiiK (Miiinliaii KiuiwIimIuc. WrllcHli'y. — Kttuiietli' I tiittlnig <'iijit j?i Psaltiir, tlie Form I of I'lnyi-r loliunnwl at S]Hir loamiiiH etc. 4 11. tublcD and riilen 4 II. text (with the exception of a few heailiiiKH in Kngliab, entirely in the Takiidh lan^uaije) pp. 1-2-21, lO-J. Vitpxn urn: KanicN. I'illin);, StM'iely for I'ro- luotini; (Miriatian Kniiwleduc. WillcHley. Souiu uupiM differ in title-page and collation, M follows: McDonald (\l.) — Contiiiiicil. I'ilhiiiitli' I luUliiij^tn.jil t^iiliiiH'hik I ako I .sakraiiM'iit rNikotitinyoo | ako ( lii/i { llili'li'liil iiiiliiKl)' ako kiiiili | kwiiiil tint lit li I IiiKlaiid tlilclchil j tuiiiW."».] Kii'ilitli lille; liiiiik of coinmon prayer] :inil I ailiiiiiilslraliiiii of tliii HacrniuentH | and ntlirrl riti.s anil I'L'i'eniiinii'H of the church | aiciirdiiiK In llic of the | fhurch of Eng- land. I (The ri'i'l'iicc and Talilox are printed in KiiKliHh, and the KpiHtlcH and (iimiH'lH are nut iiiMcrtcd, except th(i«" taken from tlio '>U1 | Testaniint, which are nivcn at the end.) | TruiiHlati'il into the Takiidli ton;:ne | by { ven. archdiai'iin Mcllunahl. D. I>. | (Seal of the IS. I', r. K.) I I.iiiidiin : I Society fur )iruniotiii}: chrJHtian kiiuwIcdiLte. I Niirthuniberland iivenun, Chariug cnisH. W.I'. [\HK,.] Takuilli title veiHO I. 1 rectii blank, KngliMh lilli- rii 111 l.'J versii lilank, text (with the excep- tiiin Hi' ,1 lew iii'ailiii;;H in KngliHh. entirely in till' 'I'aknilh laiiKnauel pp. 1-'J:>1, in '. The ]irel'ace and tablex iii' lioiied on the Kii^iliMh litle-paKc are uiiiitt< iruiu the only cupy I liave hccii. Cujiiis seeit : l'illiii<;. Ochiktliiiil I'ttnnotle trootttliid, | ako I cttiiiiftlc clioli trorzi ochiktliiid | I'ltiiiK^tle I ako I tlilnkwijiadliiin ket- cliid trorzi kali | dr. Watts, | kirklm. | Tliltit-i'tcitazya | archdeactm McDuu- ald, D.D.. I kirkhe. | London : I ]iriiilcd by the UuligiuuH trad .society. | 1S>C>. Title verHii lilaiik I I. text (entirely in the 'I'akiidli laii$:iiaui') pp. ^1-17, ID'. CalichiMin, Jip. IIH. Old Tegtaiiieiit paH- Na;;rN. pp. 11-1:1. New 'I'eHtuiiielit pu.iaugcH, pp. 14-17. • 1'iifiift m'fn : i'llling. I J Tiikiidli liyiiiim. [London: Society clu'iHtian knowledge. Culoi'lioii .' rrinted by Williani ('lowos and HoiiH, limited. I.ondun and litu'clra. Nil litle-pat;e iir heading, title alMive from oiitHidi' ciK-er. Hylluliariiim pp. i-iv, text (en- tirely ill the Tiikiidh lanttuage) pp. 1-74, 10°. (y'hili)! Ihyniim, huh. i-Kxvi|, pp. 1 Or<.— INixologicM, iiiM. i-iv, p. 59. — Canticlea, pp. - 65.— Catechiaiu, pp. 0&-74. • ' for in-oinotiug 1885.] AT'IAPASrAN LANOITAOES. 59 McDonald (H.t — Contii I. Cii/iiV* jririi ■ KaiiD'H, Villiii';, Socifly lor I'm- liiiitiiiu ( 'lirisfiiui Kini»li>"!>;<', \Vcllt'.sli'_v. A Inter t'tlil ion, wilii tilli<'|iii|L;r. im IoIIuwh: t'hiUji I TiikiKlli tHiiali /it. | HyiiiiiM I iiiTukiidli lan^iia^o. | ConipoHiMl nu, Nortluuu1i«TluuiI aveiiin'. Cliariiifj « tosh, \V. C'. | IWtO. t'uUiithiin : I'riiiti'il h\ Williaiii Clowfs ami MOIIH. lilllill-ll. I I.llllllllll IIIkI Ki'I'iIi'M. 'I'itli- (III niMT "Takiiilli hyiiiiiH. " iiiHiilu titln UH all I' Vfi-sci blank 1 I. syllaliariiini |i|i. iii-vi, t<-xt (t-nlircly in (lie TakiKlh laii^iiatfi*) lip. I-HO, fitliipliiiii p. |!M)|, Mi'. 'I'liii Ifxtiial iiiattiM- ul' pp. l-.'i)*aviil vi imaliiiiiiil. | Takiiilli t.sliu /it tliU'tftcita/ya | M'Ii. aii'lKlracon M'Doiiahl, 1». 1). I kirkli.-. | [Si-al of tii«- s 1'. c;. K.] I Wiiiiii|ii'K, Mail.: | I'riiiftMl hy Uoltt. 1). UicliiirilNon I for tin- | Soi'i<>ty for Proiiiotiii^ (.MiriHtiaii KiiowIhiIko, | LoihIoii. I 1XM>. Title verwi blauk 1 1, ti'xt (with the exi't-ptioii ul' liuuiliiiuH in Kiiiiliali ami Latin, eiilirely in tlieTukutlh luii);iiUK>') pp. l-l'-T'. U!^. Copiti leeii : GuineH, Pilling, Soisitily for I'ro- moUui; Christiuu KuowleUgu, WuUealuy. McDonald (K.) — Coiitiiiiifil. - — 'I'ln' I new tfstaiiifiit | of | our lord and Navioiir | .Icsii.s ( 'IiiImI , {'i'laiiMlalt'd into Takiidli Ii.n | vt-ii. art-lidinu-oii Mi'Doiiald, D.I). I L«iiidoii:| jiriiitcd for the liritiNli and foifijfii liihlo society, | IMStJ. Title verHii blank I I. text (with iliajiti-i' (Ira- ilfuutlon.H in Kn;;liah) pp. .'■ '<'6, Iti°. Matthew, pp. 5-7ti. — Mark, pp. "~12'2. — I. like, pp. r.>:i-20o. -Joiiii, pp. :;(H) 'rN.— .Vets, pp. 'J-io- XUI. — EpixtleM. |>p. :i:iU-5;!7.- Uevelatiiin. pp. 5;t8- 570. Viifiim nffii : KaiiieM, I'illint;. Wrllesli'y. On page li.'il nl' his work enlitli'il "The lu- tlian.s," Tiiriinto, IHHll, I{<'V. .lolin MeI.eaii eiini- liientHtiii aHyllabary by .Vreliileaeon .Mi-lHinalil ax I'lilliiw.s: '• .S(!Veral yi-arH a);(> the Venerable Are Inlen- I'.iin .MeDiinalil, wliiiMe nils.'tiou is iiii tlic Vukiin ami whii fur u teiai of years ilwelt oni' mile witliin llie ..retie Cirele, inventiKl a very elali- orate syllabary, wliieli licajiplieil totlii' Tukuilli lan{;iiaj;e, oiKMif the I'ainily of the ily|Mirhore:iii languages. The syllabary eousisteil of 40(1 syl- lables, whirh, when thoroughly ini'mori/.eil, I'lialileil the Tiikmlh Iiulians to read their own laiigiiaj;;e with perfret rase. Ilavingtraiislati'il llie .N'ew Ti-stamenl anil I'laycr liook, he iitiliM'il his syllabie sysleiii. ami so aeenrale was its eonstnietion tiial in four iiionlhs the natives eoiihl reail tlie Wonl of lioil. lireat bem-litstloweil totliept-opli' from this invention, iLs they siH'eilily Irariicil tlie truths of muralily ami religion for tlieiii.'telvi's." Having never seen any piiblieation in the Tukiidh language printed in what is usually teriniMl a s.yllabary, my interest aroused, and under dale of Mareh U, IHSy, 1 wrote .Mr. Ml Lean for siieb farther jiartienlars iw liu might be able to furnish. I'mler ilateof Mareh 'Jrt he replied as follows: " My statement is baseil upon the following: The areliileaeon was in Winnipeg three or four years ago ami was interviewed by a reporter of the Manitoba l''ree Press. The re|iortof that Interview was a long one. wliieh I ha\ e pre- siM'vi'il in my seraplsHik. In lliis report is the , following: '.V sylbiliary lias been made of tliu syllables made use of in the l.-ingiiage. Whih) the .syllables of the (,'ree language luiMiber only alxiut :i'J, tlie syllabary rei|uired for the Tiikuilh I'ontains about 50(1 syllables; and this, not with- standing the appaD'Ut ditlieiilly, some of the Iiulians have learned in a fortiiigbt. These syllaldeH are written out in Unman b'tlers. Some of till' more intelligent have Iciried lu n^ul the ^uspi'ls fi'irly within three months,' I have an iutttrview held with thi' anhdeaeoii's brother, ami several refureiiei^s to the archdea- eoii ill letters whieh lie wrote himm'lf and wei-u printtHl ill the liewspa|H-rs; also letters and uutes of travel by Uiidson Uay Compauy'a oHiceni. Tliis, liuwever, iit the uuly refi)reuv« I i 1' 1 GO mnMocnAniY of titr '. McDonald (t{. ) ('niiliniHil. til till' MjlhilKirv: lull, ns It \v:i< mii i'\|iliril. I frll tlllll sliri'ly IIkM' i'oiiIiI Iik iiii llnlllil run D^niiii;; it. Sliiiiilil vim llml il In lir lin'iiriirt I woiilil I'lH'l iilili;;i'il if yiiii vrniilil kiiiilly li't mi' Iciiiiw.iiM I mil vi'i'yili-Hii'iiiiHiil' liriii;; ari'iirativ" I'liili-r (liitK <>r n, IHIH), Mr. Mi'I.iaii nKilili wroti' nil', dm I'iiIIhwh : " Wlii'ii Ili'Hl I ri'Uil tluiiiri'oiiiil iil' Arrliilcaroii MrlKiiiiiiir.s Hylliiliiiry I wan iiiidir tlir iui|ii'('H Hiim that it wa.s niiiipiiHt'il iirrlianicloi'H Hlinilai' tw till) KvaiiH cliarai'tcrH. ill IIik TiiIoiiIIi Ian t!iiii);c. I am mil imw ul'tliat ii|iiiiiiiu. I lliiiil; liu iiiiiHt ai'raii<:i- I lie Ifiiiiiaii I'liai'.ii'Irrs in tlir furiii i>r il M\llal>ai'\ ami liy IIiih iiiimii'i ti'arli tliK IiiiliaiiH til nail rapiilly." Ill his li'tliT wax iiicloNral ai'li|i|iin!; rnim Mii> l(«>!!iliu I.iaili'i' of .Inly K, IH'M, imlilliliid at ]{«t|;iim, AsHiiiilHiia. N. W. T., rimiliii); a.i fnl- Iuwh: " Over oiiu year iigo u riiiiioiiH Aiiii'i'iiaii I'l li DuliigiMt wntlu to till' Ki*v. Dr. MrLraii, .MniMr Jaw, culling in i|ii('Htiiiii miiiiii Htatcmriils iiiaili' by liliii ill liiH book on Tliu Imliaint of Caiiaila, relutini; totlio I'xiMlcncn of a Kvllahaiy of tlin Tukiiilli lanuiiat^f. Dr. Mi'l.i'uii ii^plii'il thai In^ liHil rxi^'llrnt authority for liiit Ntali'iiii'iil, lint thut hi'woiihl writ4Mil:Oiiri- to Dr. U. .MrDoiialil, of IVi-l Itivi r, iiiVKiitor of llii' Myllaliary, ami iKUrii iiartii'iilurn. .A.s Dr. MrDoiiuld'H iiii.H.sioii for a tiiiio was mii' iiiil<> within the Antir (/'iirli- it wan i'vihtIiiI that it wonhl lakitwo jfaiM to r> ivi^ a rrply to the Icttrr. .\m an HWri EniH .inst lii'cii iitii-ivi'il, williln tliiitrrn niontliN, anil a ('o|iy of tho Hvllaliary, tin) ion. tcntH of the h'tti'r rorrolioratiiiK Dr. MrLran's HUilunit'ntH in hix hook ''I'lii' Inilians of Can- a4la,' ami in his lali'st work, jiiHt iiiililLslinl. 'Junii'H KvaiiM, Ilivi'ntor of tho .Syllahiu SyH- ttiui of thv('rm) Laiignagv.' 'i'htt followin'.; Is a copy of till) lctt.iT ; " 'St. Ma'itiiew'm, ••'I'KRI, UlVEIl. ./((;ll((lci/.'.', ''.HI. '"Thf Itfv.Juhn McLean: "DK.VItSlU; 1 si'iiil yon a I'opy of thi'Mylla bary rrfi-rivil to. Von will'rvc that very IVw of tin) rowrt after the llrHt l»a;:n aro I'lmi- ph'ti', Hiniply thronuh want of N|inri>. 'I'IiIn will hIiow that there i.s in> exaggeration. An to I he time taken in learning toreail in the 'I'akmlh tongue by ineanM of the Hyllahary, iiiMteail of uxuggurathig, the fact in it lit iinilerHtateil rathiT tlinu uthprwiNu in mime eases; for inslaiiee, tber«) is one that learnt the syllabary in tlirei) . (luyH unil to reiul the gos|ii'ls in ahont a inontli. 1 may say that I do not elaiin great i-redit for the invention of the syllahary. It wim Hiig- gu8t<.Hl by KvansH Hyllabie eliaraet^jra. '"With high eonMideration, " 'Yours res|ieelfnlly, "K., 1). D., " 'Archdeacan.' ' Mr. MeLeuii vraHnorrert as to tho make. up of tbe Hyllabary. Inthe" rnkmlh llyinns, "titled above, the "syllabariiim " is given in the pre. Uiuiiutry p4gvii ituil euuHlHtit aimply of conibi McDonald (li.) ~ ('uiitiiiin-d. nations of two, three, foni-, and live Uoni.'in rliar.ii'lei's. mih li as lia, lie, lii, y.oo, /.mi. /.li,, /.it, IHiiio. ni Iljiei, Kdlia. I.ll , Ktlion, eti'. l''or a lengthy description and a faesiiiille ol the Kvans s\llaliary relVrnd to, seethe Uili liography of the Algoiii|uiaii l.aii;;nages, pp. !.'<(> I'l neij. McBlroy (I'lihiek D.) Compai'ativo viiciilniliiiy of tin) Kiij;lisli ;iiiil .lioii- I'illti A)>u<'lii> laii!;;iiii^()s. (.'iiiii|iilo(l iit Cimiiri'oii, CiilCax ('iumty, Nt-w .Mtixiro. Hy I'atiiik l>. .MrKln.y. l,S7r>. .Maiiiisi'i'ipt. II niinniiiliered l«a\eM, 4, inthe library of the linreaii of Klhnology. Washing, ton, I I.e. 'I'he lir-il .'i II. of this mannsri'lpt riiiisi>:t of n hitter from till' aiilhor. in wliirli In' Inrlndes a "Voealmlary of nmni'ials as tar as sivin thoiiHaml." 'I'lii) siu'reediii;; t) II. ciiiiipriM) the " Comp.iratlve voealmlary" issin'd by the Institution toeollrrtors, known as " lllank no, ITn. ' eontainini; L'l I words (in I'^iig- lisli, .Sptiiiish, l''reueh, and l.atin), of wliieli ei|nivalentM were desired, nearly all of wliieli .Mr. MeKlroy has giv en. I'niler the lille on the tli'Hl (lageislhe fol- lowilli; eel'lllieate : " The within was prepared by 1'. D. MiKlroy, interpreti'r at llie t.'iinarron Indian Agency, .S'ew Mexiro, anil been lesled and found to he eorreet. •■ Al,KXK. (1. IKVINF., " I'. S. lailiiiii Aijrnt. ■ W. K. M. AiiNV, "I'. S. liiiliiin .\ijntt. .\in> Mejrieo." Mclntoah (Uolicrt ). See Gatschet (A. S.) Mackenzie (■'<»)• Aloxaiidor). Voyu^cH | IVoin I Montreal, | on tlit) rivrr St. Iwaiiroiicc, I llll'on^ll tlie | rolililU)lll ol' North Aiiici'ica, | to tlic { l''i'o/.i'ii ami I'arillr oi'oaiis; | In tlir VciiiH 17K!) iiiiil 17!i:{. I With a pri'liiiiiiiary iicroiiiit | ol' t\n'. rise, J ,mTss, ami iire.seiit Htaff of I till* till- ti-ailc I 111' that fomitiy. | Illii.s- trati'il with iii:i|>n. | Ky Ali-xaiiiU'r Miirkcii/ii), t'sq. I Loiiiloii: I )iriiili'il I'oi' T. C'aavi»'.s, StramI; Colthi-tt anil MorKiiii, I rail-mail; ami W. ('rcccli, iit KiliiilMii};!). I My U. N„lil<>, Olil-liuilvy. I M. ])(•('(;. 1 (1H()1]. Half title verso blank 1 I. (lortrait 1 I. title verso blank I I. dediejilion verso blank I I. preface pp. iii-viii. <:eneral history of the fur trade etc. pp. i-<'xxxii, text |ip. l-tl'J, erratii I I. :i maps. 4 '. Siiiuu uccuniil uf thu (Jhupvwyun Imllauit (pp. ATlIAI'ASrAN liANCJlIAOKS. Gl Mackenzie (\.) — ('onliniiril. rxvi-i'xwii) iiiiliidcs • Kv;tin|ili'H of tlm Clu'ii- I'W.viiii liinuni'. " II vciralmliiry i>t' UU wnril.-i iiinl ])1irUM(M. pp. cxxix rxxxil. - ViM'iilMiliirv C.'l wiirtLx) (il'lliK Xii!;iiilcr or ('liiii IiiiliaiM, iiiiil >it' 4I111 Atiiiili iir ("arrirr ImliaiiM, ]ip. 'J."i"-'J.'i.-i, Tlii< Aliiiili ;;ivi'ii licrc ix Salisliaii, imt, Allisipa>iraii. Ciiph-K mm: A KimliiT Hiili', no. 11)0(1, it hroiiulil .".v.; aiiollicr copy, no. 'J.~i:t:.'. '_'ii. <)>/.; at the Kiclil hmIc no. 1417, fi:M: at tlic Sipiiri' Hali', no. 7u!), ^; at tlio Mnrpliy .sale no. l.'ilS. .fj.i.'i. I'rirod liy tiiiaritrli, no. IJ.'mi, Is. ti,l.; no. 'JSK.VI, a hall' riiHsia nipy, U. ; Clarko .V. fo. liWO, no, 404'1. $,'>.,'iU; SIcvclLH, IHH7, ll.'s.M. Vi>yiij;t',s I from | Montrriil, | on tin- river St. liUiiicinc. | thiinio;li tlic | t'lintiiiciit of Xortli Aiiifi'ica, | to llic | Ki-cKa-iiiiiiil l'iii'ilicoc(';iiis: in the yriirs 17H!» iiiid I7!«. I Willi ;i i)r('liiiiin:iiy iKM'oiintof I tlii-risn. |ii-o^i'i;,s.>t, and prcs- nifc Mtiiti^ ot'l tin-, Ciir trade | of | that 'oi>ii'.i Kfeii : .VHtor, Mii-tloti .Vtliiiia'iini. N'oyays^ I fVoni | Montreal, | on th.' river St, hanreiiee, | lhroii;;h the I ciintiueiit, of North .\nierie;i, | to the { l''ro/.eii ,'ind I'aeiliir oeeans; in the years 17S:> and 17!t;{. I With .1 lucliininaiy aeeoiint | oClheriMe, pro of lim roiinliy aiiil a portr.iil of the iiiitlior." ('1 Al the l''iii|il Hall!, u i!opy, no. M4H, brim);ht' Mackenzie (.\.) — Continiind. VoyajieH I d'.Vlex.''"" Mnck«n/.ie ; | dans rinterienr | do | TAiiK^riqiie S«?p- tentrioiiiile, | FiiitM en 17Hfl, 17!»2 «t 17'J.S; I L.)l.',deMontn1iil an fort Chi- ]>ionyaii et i\ la inert tlaeiahi; | lie 2.'"", iUi fort ('liipiouyiui,iiiH«|iraiix ItonlH do rOeean | ])aeitiiiiie. | Pr(^e<5do« d'niiTa- lileaii liistoriqiie et politique Hiir | lo <-uiiiini!r(;;enieinen Karto iinddoui IJild- I iii,sso des VorfasNiTH. | Herlin nnd Hambui},'. ] 1802. I'p. i i\, 11 »08, map, » '. l.iiiKiiislicH as nnilcr titlxs above, pp. 133-135, ;ti;r>. CupieH si-e.ii: Ih'itiHh M1I81MIIII. VoyanoN I from | Montreal, | on tho river St. Laiirenre, | throujrh tho | <'ontii'eiit of North Amerioa, | to the | Frozen and Pacitic oceans; | In tho Yearn 178!) and 17!)3. | With a j.relim- iiiary aeeoiint | of tho rise, progress, ami present state of | tho fur trado | of that loiintry. | With original notes hy Mongainville, and Volney, | Moinhersof tho Freiieh sonato. | UIiLstratud with maps. I l?y Alexander Mackenzie, osq. I Vol.I[-lIJ. I liondon: | jirinted for T. Oadell, Jiui. and W. Davies, .Strand; | Cohhett and Morrti»». K'all-iiiall; and W. C'reeeh, | at i:iliiihni-«li. I Hy It. Nohle, (Hd-hailey. M.DCCLMI [18il. v«i-itr' iii'ii pp. -ii xiv. ti\l pp. I JXJ. iiiiilciilH pp. '.'Hri- -J1NI; hall'litlo vi'i'Hx liljiiik I I. till« (viiryiiiK MiiiiH'wIiiil ill piinrliiiitiiiii friiiii that of vol. I) viir«o liliiiik I I. Ii'xi. pp. .'i-;ilil (wri)iit;l,v iiiiiir iM'n'il L'lii). iioii'K pp. :iM :ii2, iipiH'iiilix pp. :ii;i :i'j.'i. riiiiii'iiiH pp. :rjo iKi'j, nmpH. x'. l.iii;:iiiMll(: riiiitriitH a.s ill tlio (IrHt iMlilliiii titli'il aliovn, viil. I. pp. l.'Mv IlL'. vol.'.', pp. IIH ll!t. < 'ii/p.v, iin. IliriU, .t:i..'iii. N'oyiiKtiH I from | Moiitrt^iil, | on (In- iiv:t. | Willi ii rrcliniinary .Vri'onnt of | tin- riHc, jiro^^n^HH, and l>ifsrnl, slalr of Hid I fiir Iradi- | of lliat connfry. | IlliiHlrattMl with a map. | Hy Alexander MacltiMi/.if, cHq. | Third Aiiicriran I'dition. | Now-Yori\:| piililisluMl by Kvcrl Hiiyrkimk, Itooksrllcr. liewinNicliolM, |triiit<.M. Tjildcaii ( liiMt(tri<|iir el |>olili<|ii<' | dii roniiiii'ri'c di'M pt'llrtcrics { daiiH !•' Canada, dcpnis ItiOS jnsiin'a iion Joiii'n. I Contrnant licaiicoiip do di'lailH niip Ics nations Haii- | vaj^i-H i|ui I'iialtitcnt, ct Hiir IcH viwtoH contfot's i|iii y | sont (•oiili;;ii('s; I Avri! iiii N'ocaliiilairc do la lan^iK^ do |)liiNioiirs ]ionploN do cos | vasttw contrt^oN. | I'ar Aloxandro Mao- koiixio. I I'radnit do I'.'Vn^lais, | ]iar.l. Cawtira. Orin^tlii portrait do Taiitour. | Paris, I l>oiitii,Iin]trini.-]^ib.r'', riiudii ronl-do-l.ody. n." :?. | M. D.CM'C. VII 11X07]. lliiirtillo t 1. tilb- vi-i'Nii blank I I. text pp. I 3ltl. tabliMli'H mat i)'i°r.'4 1 iiiiiiiinilii'i'fil pa^i'. ^ '. All I'xtrart from vnl 1 of Ibi' I'aiix cilition of I80-.', titliMlaliovi". I.iiiKiiiHtii' I'onti'iitM an in (irm ioiiA itililioiiH, pp. ;il)4 ;iiti. ( 'ojui'K »«'d> ; ( 'o'lari'"*. 1 ItTc, IHttT, solil a rop.v, no. !I2<), for 4 fr. ; prifiMl li.v him, 1X7H, no. 7,'iti, ai fr. VoyajjoH I from | Moiitfoal, | on tlio rivor St. Laiironro, | tlironoit th,. | ooiitiiiontof Norlii AnuTii-a, | to tlio | rro/on and I'acilio oooaiin; | in tlio yonrH 1789 and 17!t3. 1 With a prolimi- Mackenzie ( A.) - ConliniKid. n)tryiti!ooiint | of tlii-riMo. proKroKM, and proHoiit Htiito I of I tlio fur trado | of that ooiintry. | IlliiHlratod with niitpn and a portrait of (lio author. | Hy hit Aloxandor Maokon/.io. { Vol. U-II]. | Now-York: | pnldi.shod l.y W. H.tJil- loy. I 1811. '.'vols.: ;l p. II. pp. i viii, i I'XXvi. I li;i; I I. pp. II,'. :i'.i'.>. H . l.iiiKiiixtii iilrtilM iiH iiiiili'r provioiiH litloH, \nl. I, pp. rxxiii-cxxvi. '.'17. CnpifHueen : ('oimroHH. Sir .XIi'xaiiiliT M nknizir, I'xploriT. iMirn tii IiivrriM'HH, Si'ollanil, about I7,'i.''>: ilii'd in Dnl- hoiiHit', Si'otlanil. March lU, IH'Jii. In biH youth liii I'liiilirati'il to Canada. lM,riini', I7H',), hf Hi't out on biH I'xpi'ilition. At tin* wi'Htt-rn riiil of lirrat >Slavo I.aki> hi' ontcrcil a rivir. towliirh bofiavc biniiaiii)', anil I'xplori'il it until .riily 12, « lii'ii Ik* rrai'liril tlii' .\rrtii' Ori'an. IIi' thon ri'liirni'il lo Kiirl ('bippfwvan. wliiTo ho arrivod on Sipti'iiibir '.'7. In Octnbir, 171)".'. In- iiiiiliT- tiHik a nioro haxanloii.s rxpoilition totho wchI. orn i-iia.'^l of Nortli Ainxrira, ami niii'ci'i'iIi'iI in ri'arbiii;;<'apr McnzicH.on tbi" I'acitir Druail. Ho rotiiriii'il to KiiKl'imt in 11*01 auil naM kniKhtcd till' fiillowin>j vfar. -Afiplclon'i Am. Itiiiii. M'Leau (.lohii). Not."< | of a | twonty- livo yoars' Horvicr i tlio | llndHoirH liay torrilory. | Hy .loliii M'Loan. | In two volninoN. I Vol. I[-IIJ. | London: Hiihard Hontloy, now Hnr- liny;toii Mtroot, | rtildishor in Ordinary lo I lor Majesty. | 181!t. '.i voIh.; half litli< vrrso printer 1 I. title vitro blank I I. prefaredlateil 1st Marrb. ISJO) pp. v- viil, i'iiiiti'iit.'4 pp. ix xii. text pp. I:t-I10H; title viTHO printer I I. eoiiteiitx pp. iii-vii. text pp. U- :iL's. r-'\ Voeahiilnry of the ]iriiieipal IinUnn ilin|pi'ti< in use anioim the tribes in the IIiiiIhoh'ii Itay Territory, S.iiiteii, or t);;iliiii,s, free. Heavor Tiiiliaii. ami Chippowayan, in parallel loliimn*, about i:i(l woi'iIh each, vol. 'J. pp. :i'j:! ■.'I-JH. < 'iijuVii »«•«■»» : AHtor, IttiMlon .Atbi'ii.iiini, Hrlt- IhIi .MiiMi'iini, (.'onKi-o.>:i. Toronto, ItW.'i, 8°. (Pilliii)>.) .\ ueiieral aeeoiint of the siilijeet. ineliKlinK relVreiii'i'H to a number of » ritciH anil workM on the .Vthapaxeali. Indian lan^iiajros :iiid litoratnro in Maniloha, Norlh-wost Torritoritis antl Hritish (.'oluiiihia. ATHAPASCAN I,AN(irA()KM. (13 McLean i.l.) <'oiitiiiii<> '.'IH, Tiiriiiilc. liwx. H' riiiiliiiiio III IihI III' liiliuniiUi'^ ill Miiiiiliilm, Kn-wiiliiV iiiiil N'nrlli west 'I'l'iillnriii; (-) Inn KiinucH ill llrlliHli I'liliiiiiliia; iiml O) tlii< I'lii ICnaui'K III' »liii'li viN'iiliiilai'irs iiiiil ;:niiiilii!ii'M llHV)' Iti'i-ii iiiililJHliril, till' iiillliiiM ;iliil |iliiri' III' piilillfniiiiii. till' latlrr rnHtiiliiiiis; ii iiiiiiiIh'I' nl' riTi'i'i'iiri'M III till' .Vtli.'i|iii;iii><. I Ky I .loliiiMi l.i-iiii. M. A. .I'll. I). I (Koliiii liiiHllt-r. ) I With Ki)r|ii iii fiill-piiKi' llliiNlr:itii)ii.>i. Toronto: | Williiini I?ri-;K>*. 7K A XO Kinji Htrrrt cast. | ('. W. ('oiiti'M. Mon- treal. S. K. lIu.stiH, lliililjix. I IX«!». Kl'iillliHpircr 1 l.lltli' vii'sii riip\ I iu'lil iiiilirr t I ili'ilii'iitloii viTHii lihiiik I I. |in I'ai I |i|i. vii vlji.riiiiti'iitxjip, Ix-x, IInI III' illiislraliiiiiM miho liliink I 1. text pp. i:i DM, I'.". ('liapl)'r \ ii. Iiiiliaii l.iii^iia):rsaiiil jiliniliirr. pp. ■.'Il.VJ.'ifl. I'lliNriillslNlH HikI 111' II mil irr III' till' (l<>v<>lopiiii-iil III' liiiliaii liiliciiiiurH rniiii pirtiin writillK llil'diiu'li iili'ii;;i'iipliir hviiiIhiIm In pliii. lii'tU' HiuiiN rIaHHJIiril in al|iliiili<'ls. riirii llii' lli'li) iif lili'iatiiri' In ;;i'iii'iiil ili'Voti'il In llir IndiaiiH In Hrannril. i'Iiiiiih rating umk.i nl oprrial iiiti'ii'Ml In tlii' Hliiilriit iif |iliili>liit:v. I'oniinclK'in;; nil p '.'41. TIiih iiirliiilr-. tillii nf w(irk:4 in a niiiiiln'i' of .Viiiiiiraii lall^ll i::i's. aiiifint! Iliciii till' 'I'liltiiilli. Iiiiliaii nWlHliicN (TiiUikIIi. ClitTiiki'i'. Cn i'(, pp 'J.'iI 'J."i;i. Cojnet $erii : Kami'M, Pilling. I'owill. Krv. •Inhn Mrl.i'nn wiim iMirn in KlIniariiiH'li. AyrHliirc. Stnllanil. (Irl.lin. IS.VJ; rami' in Can aila in IHTM, ninl »as ^railiiatril II. \. rnnii Vir toria I'ni vcrsily. < 'nliiniri;, I Inlariii .Smm' \ I'ais aflirwaril lii» alma iiiatiT I'lint'ii'i'ril mi liiiii tlir ilfdrft'iil' ^^. A. In IK74 lii'i'iilcri'il tliiniinistiy iiftlii' Mi'lliiMlisI I'Inirrli. In li^Sii, at llainillnn. Onlariii. Iii' wan nrilaimil I'nr Hprrlal umk anmni! tin- Ularkfnol Imliaiis. Iiiivin;; in .liini' iif lli<> wiiiK" vrat' fur Kiirl Marl.i'iMl. Nnillnvr.'tt 'IVrriliiry, in rmnpaniril liv lii« wilr. A I lliis |M(int >vi-r<> uatlii'i'i'il aliiiiil Tiki IIIchhI Inilian^. whirli niinilx'r wax snli,st'i{iii'ntly iiiiri'aNiiI by the arrival III' liliimls ami Itlarkl'irl I'lntii Mon- tana III .'(..Mill. Mr. Mrl.raii Mitlli'il iipmi llii- ri'Hi'rvi' Hi't apart I'nr IIii'mi' ImliaiiH ami ilili Konlly Hol to wiirk In miiMlri' tin ir lain;iiam', llinlnry. rlr., ami nn llirsr siiliji'i'ls lir jia.H piili- liolit'il a niinilirr III' artii'lrs In tin' ina^a/ini'.s and wirii'ly piililiratiniis. .\l tin' ii'i|iir>t nt'lhr niltlir laii|!liai!i'. ciiHlnniH, anil IraililiniiH of the lllni'kfiMil I'nnri'ili'i'ai y. ami llir rr.siill.s nl' IIiIh lalMir art' partl\ tfiviii in mn' nf ilif ri'pnrls nl' llif rnniniillri' .\ltliiiiiuli Iniriliiiiil »ltli tin- lalMirxnt a niiHHiiiiiarv lii' fniiinl timi' Inprrparr n |MiMl urailiiali' rmirsi' in |ilstnr\ ami Inik llii' ilegrep of I'll I>. al llii> WcMlcyan rniviiHlty. McLean (. I I (ontitinnil. ItliHHillllKlnii, III. ill INMM. lU'Miili'M till- art irIpM wliii'li lia\i' appiairil iinili'r IiIh own iiaiiii'. I>r. Mrl.i'an liaM Mrillin nxIrnNivi'ly for IIik pri'M* iiniirr till' Hum i/c /I'loiii' nf Kniiiii ItiiMllrr. Hi> JHinin' (Ki'liriiary, IMfJ) Nialinnril al MiHiHi'.Iaw, N'nrlli\vi':- ri'fi'rri'il In IniH liiiii Mirii l'\ till' rnnipili'r in I In' lilirarv nf llial HiH'irly. Itn.'^tLli. MaHH. Matthews i /'/-. WnHliin^toii ). A part tif till- Navajo's inytlioIoKy. lly W. Mat- tln-ws. In .Aini'riran .\nlii|iinrian. vol. .'■, jip. 207-334, • liiiaun. isx:i. H''. (Riiri'iiii nf Kthiiiilouy .) Cniilain.s many Navajn IcriiiH ami nanii'H nf inytliir piTHiiinmiM imxrini. Issiiiil siparalrly as InllnnH: .\ Part of Mm Xhvhjom" Mythology. | Ity W. .Matthi'ws. I From tin- .XintM'iraii .\iitir. \V. MattliuflfKr. .<. .\. Ih AinflrtoM* KiiliiriiliNl. veil, '.'(i, pp. 7tl"-777, IlkiiliDtKVhi*- \HH(I. H^. (IMIIiiiK.I ■Mwiiy Nlivuld wiirilH witli KiicIIhIi liii'iiniii;,'H 'llllll'('\)>1illllltill|IN. — 'J**!!!!!' llritil'H Mill) (IclnOIIN (if till' N.»va,ji)H. Hy l»r. W. Muttlii'WN, l", S. Army. Ill .ViiirririiM NiitiiriiliMi, vol. •JU, |ip.)4tl-M0. riiiliiilclplilii. lX8lt H\ .\ iiiimiImt of Niiviijo wniils mil) nntiiPH of liiytliir iHM'HoiiiinfH, //rtuKim. The. iiioniit.'iiii cliiiiit: u NiiviiJo ri-rr- iiKiny. Hy I>r. \VaHliiii;i»iiii Mattlii-ww, r. f*.A. Ill Itiii'i'iiii of Klliimlocy. Kit'tli .\iiii. Ucpt. pp. ;i71t 4(17. Wa.sliinjjinii. 1HK7, royal H'. (I'll liiijil (IrlKiiiiil Irvl* mill triiiiHliitiniiM ol' hoiikh, |ip. 4.'')r>-lti7, mn I 1HS« CoviT tilli'iiH iiliovc. Iiiilf-tltlx verHo liliink 1 I. no iiiHiilit (itl«>. conti'iitH pp. ',)81-;iH2, illiiHtrn- tioiis p. :is:i, trxt pp. ;)H.'>-407, royal 8'. (»iin hiiiiilri'd riipii'M is.siii'il. lray«T | of | a Naxajo Nliaman. I Hy I Dr. WuHliiiiKtoii Mattln'WN. | I'. S. army. | From tin- Aiin>ri<'ai» Antliro- poloKJBt, Vol. I, No. li, April, 18WI. WnHhiiiKtoii, D. ('.: I JikUI &. Dii«ltti' itlmrt »oiii;s m, i-iirli I'lillowvil ti,v tianHlalion ami notuH. Imhiki) i«>parati'ly. almt, without ohaniti'i (I'illi>i;£.) Noi|oilpi, till' gamhliT: a Navtijo iiiytili. In.Iiiiirnal of Aiiirriran Kolkl.orf. vol. 'J. jip. HO-IM, anil Ni'W York IH«!». H . (IMIIinjj.) .\ niiiiilM'r of Nava,jo tcrnis. immiiiii. Ihhiii'.I Hi'piirat.'ly. alHii. Asilhoiit I'hanui', (rillinK) Tim nfiililo MyHtcm of tlio Navajo liiiliaiiH. Ill .Toiiriial of .Vnifri.'aii l''.ilkl,.ir.', ;i. pp. H'.l-IKI, ILiHt. Ill anil Ni'W York. IHiKl.H '. (I'llliii^.) Mm! of till' Navaj.icrnt.'M (.'ill, with iiii'aiiiii;;^ ill Knulixli, pp. Il);i 101. riiratri.'s.iftlii' Nav a.jiM (from Tall t'liantcr, anil a Mfronil list froiii t'apt. Iloiirkfl. p. I'll. Many Nava,io ti'iins panxiiii. IsHiii'il iii'parat.'ly. with tith'pajii'.aH lollows: The g«Mit.ilr HyHtrm | of | tlm Nav;ijo liiiliiins I hy | WiiNliington MattliewH, M.D.. LL. D. I major ami HiirKiMiti, I'liiteil Statt'H army | DelivcriMl as a Lccltirr hcfori' tin' .\iitliroiiolo;^ii'al | Socii'ty, WaMliiiiKton, D. ('. [Ho«ton ami New York: 1«90.] Half titlit on covi-r an alHivr. no insiili> title; text iip. 89-110, 8". Linciiixtir rnntrnlanH iiikIit titlr next ahovit. Copifii tern : I'illin;;. [Tt'Xts, yritmniiir, ami ilictioiiary of tin' Niivajo lanj^naK'". I C}) Maniisrript. I>r. Matthews, wlioi* itniw; (I8IK.') HtatloDiil al Ft. Wiuicat.-, N. M), ji tol: lii'tinc maftrtal fur amnnotcmpii'on ilhhiKitvi|,triiuig tiih liUKiiKitJR ppr|i<)n'iil' ' wrot4> nil' iiniliU'tlitli^'Ot' SitptoinliiT S'^i'liflll.iaH . follows : " M.v \viirJ< .III fin- .\'avH,ji| languagi' is i;i:ow.i JHt;. Ixit it H ill a I'hiiotic stutn as yet lliuL I can not ^ive yon ti vi'iy satisfai'tiiry acroiiiit of it. I havi', I thiuk, grauiiiiatiu iiiuterial tn^ ATIIAPAWAN I.AN(JrA(SKS. f?r> '.)'» (if ('») mr?r; . ol II 111- . I.'IIH , Matthewa (W.) — CoiitiiiiKMl. till 'J<)'i III- '.Till |iriiil<'ll|{H, |ini>>T«. iii,vlli^<. I'M iinlx, I'll', uiiiilil Imiii ii uihkI Viillllllf III' llll-lll)ll'l\<'H. It H III t.lkr tilllr mill li'Uiirr III jiiil llii'iii III Nliii|M'. liiiwi'ViT. Dr. \ViiMliliit.'li>ii M iIIIh'W'* \\:\it Ixirii in Kll lllii>,V, Ik Hiiliiirli or lliililiti. Iri'liiiiil. .Iiil\ 17. 1K4;I. ilix liinllirr il.N iiiu. IiIk I'iillii'l 'rliiluiiil<' wiih yrl ill liU Inrillli'V. unil. al'li'i' I'Xti'liHivii liiivi-l ill AiiHM'ii'ii. m>lllril HrHl ill WixniiiHlii, Ihrf ii Icrrilory, anil liil< r In liiwii. lliMviiM i;riir llii' Sliid* I'lilvi'ioiU' i>( liiwM ill tlii>H|iriiii; III' li«>l. iinil in IfMX ri'i'ilviil thit liiiniM'iiry ilcKriM- III' 1,1,. I>. I'liiiii tlir hiiiih' nnlviTHily in rrrniinitlnn nl' his |iliiliiliii;ir Ntililli'x, In IMIt liiTiiti'ii'il Mil I nilnl Sliili-» mirvii'i' iiH an iirliii;; iissIhIiiiiI hiii'^coii. anil m-rv-il iiM Miii'li iinlil IIk' rliwi' nl' llii< tviir. In tliK Hiininii'i- iif HH.*! Ill- iij;ain I'lih'i'ril llii'iiiili tnrv Mi'i'vici' anil laiiH ninlinni'il llii'iriii iiiilil tlii> pri'Mi'iil liiiii'. Iiavini; Ih-i'ii riinnniHNinni'il niii.jiir iiinl Hiiriti'ini •Inly HI. liWII IIIh hitvIii' lias I'arriril liiin hmt all tlir Stalt'it anil Trrii tnrifM wcMt iil'llir MisMiNMipiii anil IhiiiikIiI IiIiii lull! riintai't willi a nnOnrily ol' tin' trilH'H iil thill i-xIriiMlvi' ri'>:liiii. IIIh IIi'kI Ni'iimis mIiiiIv of IliK IniliaiiM lii'isan wlii'ii In- aHt'riiili'il tlic U|i|M'r MiMHiiiiri ill IHil.^. In llii> aiitiiinn nl'tlial .Vnar III- wi'iil til Kurt lli'i-llinlil, Dakota. wIiiti' III' laiiii' in riiiilart witli Arlrkai h. IliilatHan. anil ManiliiiiH. IIi> ri'Niili-il, willi hhiiii' iiili'i' rii|itiiiiis, ill till' iii'IkIiIhii'IhhhI iiI' tlii'Hi< tliri'c trilH-H for aiNiiil hK vrarx, anil uavi- n|h><'IuI •ttHitliin lollii'ir laiiKiia>:i'i< anil ■■tliiiiit;ni|iliy. Ill t\w wintiT III' 1XT(I-'TI liU iiiaiiiiHrri|itH nnil noloM on tlii'Mii trilit'H Imil iiMitiiini'il i-xli'ii.tivt* liniiMirtioiis i lint mi lln- 'JKili ul' .laiinary. 1X71, IiIh i|imrti|ii'i' MiK^iiiiri. nrrr run- HniniMl. In li<7'J hi' wt-iit i'a.'|iai'('il a hi-i'v:::) ^'ilithin of IiIh work. niiiltT tlio titli' ol' Ktlino).'ra|iliy anil I'liiloloKy or tlii< lliilatsa IniliaiiH. wlih'h waa [.'♦siii'd from tlm linvi'rniiii'nt I'rintiiii; OHIrc ill 1877. anil .spi-nt hoiiii' 11 vc yi'arn in I he niori' ri-nioto ]mrtH of ralifnrnia anil on ram- pnlKiiK aK»iniit lioHtih- IniliiiiiH, in tlir ronrxi'iif whlrli ho tnivi'loil ••xtoimivoly Ihrmiuh Noviula. Ori'Kon. Iilaho, anil WaHhiliKton, ami mot many Willi trilH'H whimo hin);imi;oH anil oiiHloniM lio iioloil. In 1(W0 ho wont to Now Moxioo, wIhto ho lii'Kan to Htnily tlio Navajo InillanH. In IMII ho wont to WaHhiimlon, I>. ('..anil ri'inainoil thoro on iliity in tho .\rmy Moilioal Miihoiiiii until May, IHOO. Krom Wi>N|iin){toii ho ninih< two oxoiirNlona into tho SoiilhwoMt in tho (iiir Hiiil of nrolni'oloKh; anil i'tliiio|;ni|iliii' invoHti Kiitioiirt -ono In tho intoroHt of tho lliiroaii of KthiiuluKy, tho othor in tlm intun-vt uf thu ATU 5 Matthewa ( VV. i - ('oiiliiiiictl. Ilonionnay .SoiiIIihohIi'Iii .\ irlholouiral Kxpo- ililion. Wliilo in llio .Vrniy Miiliial Mimoiini liH llmo WIIH lai'itoly ili'Miloil to mmintoloKionl sInilii'H. |iarliriilar allonlion Ih'Iiik ({Iton lolho laruo riillorliiiii of oniniii uml olhor lininan Imiim'm ill Iho miinriim anil ho Ui>y wrillon nii rxli'iiHlvo illiinlratoil nimioi'nipli on "I'ho lliiinati lloiioM of Iho lloiiionway Colloolimi. " v« liirli ix yot iiiipiililJHiirtl. In IHlil) ho i'i'liirno4| III Now Moxioo. nlioto ho nlill roniaiiiM. Mocalero Apache. Si < Apacho. Miilnnniikl. Si'o Ahlinni . MHhaui /'< . Joliii .1,) \'.) I.oKofl'(F,.) \Viur«villo(V.T.) I'orraiill (CO.) 'I'on oominaiiilniontx l.o(;oir (I..) Toxl la'colfd,.) 'I'rilial naiiiox rotilol ( K. I'' .S. ,1.) Vooaliiilary .\ilani (I..) Wonlx IVtitot (K. K.S.J.) .S<>o alxo Athapascan ; Ohippewyan ; Tlnntf. Morgan (LmviH lli-nry). SiuitliHoniaii ('(tiitrilmtioiiH to Kiiiiwli^lKe. | 21M | SyMtHiim I of I ciiiiHitiii^iiiiiily iiiiil iiniii- ity I of tlii> I limiiiiii liiinily. | liy | liRwiH II. Mor^riin. I WaMliiiiKton i-ity: | |MibliHlii<!. i'illi' t iiInivi-, iiiKiilc lill<* riMU friHii hImivc ill i(ii|ii'iiil viTioi lilitiik I 1. ii' tiNPiiioit p. ill \e-iKti liliiiik. pn'fiu-f |i|i. V i\ vi-rmi l»l;ii>U. I'linti'iitH jui. . M'. .->1NI. 14 |>lHti'n. r. .\]mi fiiriiii* vi>!. 17 of Sinit ^iioiiiliiii <'::iitr41r t)ii> ni-rifii anil n o^hcr prt'l. II. jiH" i> '-'■■• III'.' iiiH'>ii<' iitlf. ClmjiItT V. .SytM.i uf iv'liiliiiiiwlil)) iif Thf <}.iiiiiwiiiiliiti rmiiilv i-itiitiiiiii-'i. .VI)iit|i'.MrK Kill. :iiii| Ki'llrliiii Hill' lliiri' lnlt<i' liiilliiiis, lii.i'x IM. McDoi,:ii»iim. )lnii-aii of KlI.iiiiliiKy. fonuri-HN, Kniiii'i IMItliit: 'rriiiii iMlll. .Vl tlii« .'(l (jiimitrli, nil. lUl'.' 1. jirtifil it cupy 4/. I.fwlii II. Mii.'Knn t mini ii< .\ iinirn, I 'iiyiiitn tNiiiiily, N. v.. NiivniilMT •.'!, IlilH (ti> w.m Krnil.iiiltil liy riiiiiii ( \,\,<%< . ^-h in-i imly. in i |i. rliiitNiir IHjii. Ki'tiiriii-iirrri'ii', I'liSii'Ui'lii .Viinini. Mr. Miirumi .IiiIiiimI » iM'ii>ly •'iiiii|MMr>i ni' till- .MMiiiK iiiiii lit t'lr \ llliij{f •nil', kniiM II iifiili.. UriMiilt* li'i lit' till- I-imniiit i'liiH liiiil II yriiil illlllli'ili'i' iipiiii liiK tiltiiri' riiii'iT iiiiil Htiidii*. Till iinliT »wiH iii'<>iiiiii'i| fin n^mri ainl iiiiiniai' iii«r" mil, iHj.'i. mill iM4fl. Id r,.,!,) n m.rii.H'if pii|M'r« nil till' lriN|iiiiiK. nliii'li wi'ii' piilili.«hi'it iimlrr tliK niiii^ iiiitnr\ initi'M: till' Mi'i'iiDil pr<'H"iil» S!nkci. mitioii" I Hy .'. I''ri«'inl | Hiitl iianu'st Hyiii|iiiilii/.fi. \ Stimrt''* l.aki- MisHinti I'riiit No. U. I IHIM), j I li'iif, vi'rii't liliitik, ••". " I'll < xtiiiiiilx iitiil iirtlmtirtipliv nl i|ii> hImivo «ii< lliiwn lit' till- Clii'i'tikii' .Mpli'ilu't nikIi nit iv|inH|iii'i't| III I'llMni: H Irniiiiniitii ili!iUii):rti|ilu •Slinlitil llii'v li-.i Int'iilllplrli-iir llrrri'tiii', I iw UvW Sjllnlmry I'.tii I'liitily Iw riiiiiplcd^S nr 1 ■iriivtvd nut nl till' lli'iii'' .Vlpli:ilwt. frniii n tiiili it U I'Xtrnrliil. ■ *'";;'>« »>f (. Kuiiii'K. I'lllliiK' Wi'|lt')i|»-y. ( •— j l'r<'ci'« I I'lmt, itriviiiuiii .MiiMiiiii r««'itiiiini liiii< Hvllitoii • liiirar liT.t. j |Stiiui'('H l.iikit iiiiHNiii:i, K.C. IMN>. | I Ifnf, M'lmi liliiiik. >* . .\ prii.'iT ill till' IViii' Iniiifimiji' »ytliiltir rli'i- •ii'tiTH I'lilinvt I il In » pniyi-r in I.«rlii, mnitiii rllHnilttTH. I'liyiin tmi KiiiiD'H I'illiiiu. Wi'llfulfy. •- (Two )iiii>H Hyllaliif i'liiira<>t<>rM. j | ll'ii'tiirc of th«« viri^'iii ami fhilil.) | I'l'lit't'i' liiM-M Nyllaliii' I'liai'M^torn. ■ I St it.krfs l.akf iiiisnioii, H. ( '. l«W). ) Tritnrlil'inliiiii : I'h tii'Htln'ii iMAt(i>W-h | i' /.I Kli llUiN'/tll I't llV IllKIIII { Khii! IHimi iniliwiti 't ' NnkrHXili ft I |N'I Miili< iiylnlii ''rn»t.W«i/n»i Willi paper inii- li'iirii" ."r»u» I'lirlm « i» iMirii linn uliici- | Witli it IHtw niiiiH II iiiiii.i,i!!.'. n'Mit\iil lyi'urj ' SliiHrlN l.uki' tlii-n> ! fuMipr Mnrim iiiiiil)' 11. Tltli' vi'rMii lilaiil. I I. U'\\ (I'litln'ly in tlin Iti^lit' liilii;!iiiui< mill III nylliiliii' riniritiii mi pp I t'-V Kij in S.I- llli' fill xliiiili' III' 111- litli' ||.IU'" nn P "" III llitn li.liHiiur'ipIiy . Tl'.' llrHt iHiiik pr'iiti'il in tlii'm- ilntriti utk II ',» f. Hiirt 111' priiiii'r I'liiitiiliiini.' i<(*lliii« unit • n'iii<'iiliir\ I'l iiilliiu li'HHiiuK f'li/n'id iK'i-n Kiiiiii'ii, rilliiiu VN'i'IIpkIi'\ . -(Two limrM Nyllaliii' cliaiaiitKrM. ) | (OltliiUi xnitl.) { (Thn-)' liiinN f.llahic ••I'.iirai'ttTM. I |Stiiai't°H l.aki'iiiiHHiiiii, It. ('. I^N<. | TiHimUd'inlii:-! l.ii'k.ili'nlilnMii ki-iakii-il. | 'li'rl Kli li'iKi'i-MI 1 1 Imnlaii'ii { (Sunt | 1 H-nii li-lKIt iniliwnliui'l | XulirNltll «l j |Mil Mnlie 11} IuIh. ATHArASCAN LANdUAGKS. 67 The New Methodi-^al, Easy and Complete DENE SYLLABARY. EXPLANATORY NOTES. (1) TheiM» loUcrs aro notdiflbrontiatfid in Done. (2) « is the nnsal n. (3) » is the Froriohj. (4) g is p)jonetii:ally intermediate bt'tween £ and a. • Th« vowt'ls as in Italian, excopt a ne lh« e in Fr.;>, te. — The r of A>, A> iR hanlly pprccptiblo. j/. .y ar« very guttural. B is the result of uvular vibra- tions. Kh, Tfi =k+h, t-hh. Q almost =t ty /• is a peculiarly hihilant /. Tho dot nocompanying consonant* represents the Rxploding sound (rendered by < in- corporated in tho signs) '>• is protixed to proper names, and o is sufllxed to iyllables the vowel of which it is ntcesaary to r»M>dcr long. The rebt ab in Engl. 1 With A (E E I ^ m<;i X (E E f U u 1 ACE&c. <3 > > t> A "7 Alone \ Y Q 9 9 9 Q \Q Alone \ » < > > > A V h Q a 10 »9 J9 Q 5 :; H < > > > A V // Q a y9 i9 >2) 9 Q ! R < > > J> A V II It < > ^ > A V L C O 9 Q I 1 ' Wtf < > > > A y Tl C D D D n a '• r C 3 U i. TD(1) C D 3 3 n u T Tf a D D Q ■ 1 Pi a D D D Q Tf G Q Q n C3 f a D D D Q (3) : :i # c 3 3 3 U 2 « PB(n a D ID D P 1 Ti Dz G O Q (4) m .13 W 6 3 3 3 JP KG. Kr E =3 3 3 M. Kh a B B B m uj > ah a B B B « a) « m DO V Ch s B B B (R ® i K, K'- a 8 S 8 C» CO V Ts e 3 3 3m u. 1 (2) Tb 2 B B B 03 ffl i N C J J J u ) w i e. 3 J J 'n lu ( Hiatus - Acctssohea: • » 68 Mim.iuijKAi'iiY or riiK SOMK OK THE Adviintages of the New Syllabary. ' I I. — Tlio direction of the curve or nnc;lo of each sign /w/(///i7;/^ determines tlio nature of tho vowel addetl to the fiui(innien(al consonant of each syllable, and this diiwtion is always perceived willtout the lejtst ettbrt of the mind. In the Creo Alphabet such as given in Peti lot's Grammaire raisoimee, this direc- tion on which depends the vowel of the syllable is either difficult to discern or governeil by no fixed rules. Thus, in that Syllabary, ^ poinds to the right, b <" 'he left., ^ upwaixls, »-^ downwanls, though the consonants expressed by thmc (lifi'rnith/ turntd sitjns arc all i>i connection loith the samk vowel a. Hen- a» confusion — with co-relative difficulty — for tho mind of the pupil. II. — All the cogmite sounds are rendere < «), &c. Note also the transformation of S into «, sh\ L into 2, zh orj\ etc. through the insertion of the 1 or modifying h of the large characters. — The old Alphabet not only lacks this method and resulting simpficity, but it would seem as if its inventor had purposedly con- trived to render its acquisition unduly diflicult to the white student by giving to s the value of /, to z that of g, to h that of/, etc. V. — The new Syllabary is complete, while it is universally conceded that the Ci'eo Alphabet lacks about half a dozen sets of syllabic signs which are in- dispcnsflble in such delicate languages as the Dene. Those v;ho know the num- berless and most ridiculous contresens this scarcity leads to need no other rea- son to reject the whole system as practically worthless. Besides, in connection • -'•. f- me of its signs is there any provision for such important vowel sounds as those of ae (Fx*cnch c mud) and m (00, Fr. ou). Yet in several dialects (E characterizes the present tense and e tha past, while the distinction between o and u is no less essential. VI. — Lastly, we claim for our Syllabary a greater synthesis which renders the writing shorter and, by avoiding the accumulation of non-syllabic signs, makes the reading easier. For instance, the Chippev/aya;) woid intan-chare, "leaf" which with the old syllables cannot Ix! written without three consecu- tive small signs (A\Ci^'E^) »» simply t>>G^SJ> with tho new system. In conclusion, we may bo permitted to state as illnstrativo of the practical worth of the new Syllabary that through it India/'s of common intelligence hjjvo learnt to read in one week's leasurcly study before they had any Primer or printed matter of any kind to help thein on. We even know of a young man who performed the feat in the space of two ovenings. ! ! 70 BIBUOWKAPHV OF THK •an aga B3'9 >aD E>^ AB> il At 1890T CA30 ca»D o^ c<;<;;<;;q;83«.. /^^ \i B3 >«D ^' AB> I ||» 189 'fl ! I CA30 'ca'D E>T Di 'nrDH > 0>c FAC SIMILE OF TMl TlTLE-PAliE or MORICE'S DENE CATECHISM 72 BinUOrWAl'IIY OF THE I't I i Morloe (A. O.) — C'oiitiiiiH><1. Trannlatioit : Tlivliltlo fiiti'diimii ilniwiioii (wrrltti'ii). I ili-HiiH li,v. i'oiiir$ tftii : KiiiiicH. I'illlni;. Wi-IIi'mIi'v. Mtiiiitt coiilim III' tliiH ratwIilHiii ilillVr in I'olla- tliiii: TltlxiiHiilMiVK vcrMo lihiiik 1 1. text P|>.4I- Ml. TIki iiiitliiir iiifiiriiiH iiii> that an imIIIIiiii iit' TilHI III' tlii-HK wfiH priiiti'tl "til I'liriii part of a 'Ui'i'iii'il ill' 1'rii'ri'H' wliii'li I Hill not \i't prr- jmnil to |lllllli^|l." (Kunii'H. rilliiii;. Sliir A. (J. Moricc, (). M. I., Stmiit'M I.ukc, H. ('. Ill Caitailian IiimI. I'iih'. tliiril hitIi'M, vol. 7 (wIiiiIk no. vol. J.'i), |>|>. Iil!i-I7.|. 'I'lininto, IMW.H^. (Itiiiiaii of KthiiiiloK.v. I'illiiiu. WkIIi-mIkv.) (MiiMNltlrAliiin of till' IK'iii'' trilit'i. |>. 11:1 — IWiliii Hiiii;!)* with niiiMir. I.Vl I,'i7. Apolo|{ili* (tlirif lliii'H) III till- lanuuiiui' of till' (Warrior tn- illiins (" \ri'itti'ii Willi till' iii'W MiifiiM " will' iiilrrlini'ur tramtllti'i-atiini anil followt'il liy KiiuIIkIi IninHlatiniil. p. IIUI. Ili'niarkH mi tlii' lanifnaKi' of tln' wi-nIi'i'Ii Di'-iu'h. pp. llMI-in7. Thl' DdlK) IlllljrilujriiH. CoilNilhTHll ill TlifiiirM'lvi'H mill Iiiriili'iitally in thi'ir Iii«liiti<>ii.>4 to Xoii Viiiorii-iiii lili:>inH. Hy tt«! K.'v. FiitlH-r .\. (J. M<>ii«!<-. ( >. M. I. %\ ('aniiilian IiihI. TranH. vol. I, |i|i. I7II-2I'.'. Toronto. IHtll. M'. (I'illint;.) Inti'iHliu'tion, pp. I<" '.71. -IMioni'lirH aiiil urajiliir .'«lt;iiH (iiji. l7°.'-IT.'i) inrliiilcii "iIikhi'W iiK'tliiHlical I'aHT anil roiii|ili'ti' Itiiii'' ityllaliarv. p. I7.'i. -lii'Ui'i'al rliararti'riMlii'rt of tin- Ili''ni'' litiiKiiatfi'H. pp. 1711 IHI -'I'lii' iioiinH: tliiirvan I'tii'N anil iiillirtiiiiiM. pp. IMI IHt Till' ai|,|i'r tivi'Haiiil till' pniiiiiiiiiM pp |K.'i l'.'i '.tHI '-V;irii'lirH of M'rl>'<. pp. 'J(Hl All. MiHi'i llaiiii" .1 iili'i pp. 'J01-'.'I2. Inhiii'iI M«piirati'h Willi half lltir 1 Tin' lli'iir laii(;iia;:i'H), oil tlii' vrrno of whirh Iii'kIiih Ihi" trxt. panii'il ax ill till' original arliili', 170 'JI'J (Kidiii'N. lialHi'hi'l. I'llliiiK. I'owi'll.l It li.iH almi lii'rti IraKMlaliil into Ki'riirh ami Ih ill roll I'mi' of |iiililiratioii in ilir .MinMlonsili' la I'linurr'eatiiiii iIth MiKxionnairrH iMilalx ili' Marii' liiiniai'iili'i'. I'arln. \a' I |M'til r.'i|.«'i'liismi' I ik riiMa/ji' | iIi-n Haiiva^frt iiorli'^irs | Ti-xti' A- 'I'railiir tiiiiiaviM- Nttli'.s I Miiivi ilcs { (irici'i'.s ihi matin | i-t ilii Hiiir | I'ar If li. I'. Miirii'f. i)| I MiNMiiMi I till lao miliar! I I8M1 OotmfkiiH t>t|H|crHplii<'ilr lit MiMioiiilii Mtuitm \ti. III. Morloe (A. (1. ) — ('oiitiiiiu'il. Half I nil' (l). lalili' ili's in.ilirri'ii p. 144. mi|. 1)1 . On rarli pa;;!' of tin' work arr tfivrii liMitiiott'H I'xplanatory uf |M'<;iiliaritii'H in llii' Carrier text anil of the iranHlatioii. l.'stei'hiHin, pp. 7 41t. -PruyerH for the iiiorn liiK. pp. .VJ-UH. - I'ruyer for the evening, pp. 7ll- 7:i. -IHvem pruyiT't (pp. 74-B;I); Prayer on ariainK, p. 74.— I'rayer on retiriii);, p. 7.'i.- 'I'lie Tnynterli'H of the roHiiry. pp. 7tU7tl. Salve, iteuina, p. Wi. l'riiyerti>.st..IoNepli. pp. Kl ><;i. _ I'rayer for .he ileail. p.H4.- Ai'tx for the hene. ilielioil of the holy Haeraiuent, pp. i^.VU.'l. verno a Hole ill Kri'iii'li hy the author. ('iiiilii|iieH (pp. Il|.|4:i|: 't'oihe Hiiernl eiiehariNl. pp. tW lu:i. ■ TiitlKi Holy.S|iiril.p. 104. to the Holy Virgin, pp. IIV'.-11'J. To .S|. .loNeph, pp. Illl-ll.l. To the Holy .\u);<'1h, pp. lin-117. For varimiit iK'caMionM. pp, IIH-U.'t. Ooiiim xccii ; Kanii'M. I'illiiiu. I'owell. ['rii'rttlr'N-NiiliwiM'liHi'k, 111' Carrii't Ki'vii'W. Stiiart'H l.ake. IXtM. | I'p. tt-:r.', K- . .Vn el)(lil-paKi' periiHlh-al. priliteil entirely in llie I>«'. Mi.tHiiin { ilii hir Willitkiii. I Ami! 1XS4, I •) ManiiHKript . litle miso lilank \ I. text pp. 1 1711. tlllllllle I'ollllllli^ '4 • '•intaiiiH alHiiit > oini woiiIk. whirh meil reaiT.iimi'iiii'iil anil I'llraiiMrriplion. Il hat heeii prepari'il for piililicalion An far ux the let- ter r I I I'l- I Kilt i-NilHil ill | |mi>^«!|mii | ^^ yati}oltliik. |IW1,| (') liiteral lranilalii>n : Willi i .VlHiM'-Chief |liiNl| I liiH'Woiil I aller one Hpeakit. Maiiimeript : pp. I '4'J. I'.' . I'oiil.iinx "> Mel IIIIIII4 In I'hilkiihtin. lii ATHA1'A.«(AN LANOUAOES. 78 Lr|4 Morioe (A. r..) — (< I 1»«'M VimIh'm I I»t> la l.iiii^iir riirti'M- I |ii)i' I li> l{. P. A. (i. M- Stiiarl I 1KH7-1X . . (•) MiiliiiHrri|)l : tillr vi'imi iiiiil I'liliowiiiic li'iil' liliMik. It'Xl |i|>. I I'JH. ilitiililf riiliiliili. Hiimll i ■ A-C'iin\\ lliiiMlii'il. f ] (traiiiiiiairc | Itvm I'arli. <(iujii- Kalili's (III niHciiiirH | il<> In l.iiu^iif Portnir. 18H7. (') MuiiiiNrriiil : |i|i. l-0*i.(l roliiroii,l>nHiH. [ ] Mninicl I Hii Sauvaj{<' | ••otitt'iiaiit I I'rii-rt's, IiiHtnirtioiiH, <'aiitii|iii*s { Kt <'at<^fhiHini'. | MiHsioii ilii Luc Stuart | \XKH. {') Mitiiiim-ri|il : tilU* viMHolilniik. tt-xt ]i)i. 1-12(1. tit', in till' Ciiri'li'i' laii|;iiiii;f. CoiitiiiiiH: I'lirt 1. Miiriiinu itiiil rvi'iiliit! pruycrH, fxiuiihialiiiii i>( ruiiMcifiiri'. ik'Ih lH>ri>ri' mill iiltiT ('iiiiiniuniiiii, in't^ ami liyiiiti tor llii- lii'iiitlii'tiiiiiaiiil (liviTMiniHi'i'llaniHiii.iiiniyiTH. I'art II. liiHlriK-liont nil iiiiilVKNiiiii iiiiil niiii' iiiiiiiiiiii anil till' ri'rf|itiiiii<>r HaitriiiM'ntH ui'iii'i'- ally. I'art III. 4.'i Ii>iiiiih. all i>rii;inal. I'arl IV. Till' uliiu't rati'i'liiNiii III' ('lirlxliaii iliirtrim. [ ] VaV*t)) I"'" tii'stlii'H ra tata liiil>- \va>ii iiatHii'hwii-liiii-k. [IXHil] (') Liti-rnl trnntlatiim : SkymiHitM |(iiNl| IiIh )ia|)i'r aft "r nlil-lhiii' ,iIhi>i* inii'iiarrali'M. MiiniiHrript : |i|i. I -,V'i. I'.' Im-Iiii; a fror traiix lallon anil ailaptal inn III' llii' luMik nl' (iiiirMiH. in till- Carrirr iliali'it. \M'\\<' rootH I Ity tin? Kt'v. h'lttluT A. CJ.Mfiriri', O.M.I. [iIkJM).] c) Maniisri'ipt : .'10 paifrH. riiliii. kiitriHliirtiiiii. l:i pp. ViM'aliiilnry i>r :i7(i Kntf- IImIi uiinirt wliirli art' riMits in |t<-nA, willi tlii-ir i-i|iiivali'iilii ill IT III' IM Iti'iii- iliali'i'tM. IT pp. L«>H Kvaiiuiivs | I'niir tons Irs DiinaiiclM's | Kt | I'Vtfs irohliyiitimi | I).- rAiiiiOf I Tiatliiit.s I Par 1.- K. P. A. (i. M<)ri<'«^ O. M. I. | MiNMimi ilii Lar Stuart I 1S!H). ( ) ManiiHi'ilpt ; tilli' vrrsn lilank I I. trxt TM pa^i''*. Mull' paprr hi/.'. I'linliiiiiH till' Hi'lri'liiin-i rniiii tlir i;imprl» rrail in Itiiiiiaii I'atliiilii' rliiirrlii's nn nil Siiiiila.\M anil I'i'aMtN nl' nliliualinn llirniiuli tlir ulinlr yi'nr. IriinHliitiil iiiln iln' Carrii r lununaui'. f 1 'I'wi'lvi- I Sliirifs III' ailvnp<-r Hir.i'. Ih-Iiik IraiiHlatiniiK anil ailaplatiniiHul' tin' iiiohI tliiill inu xtiii'ti'K I'liiinil in l''n);liHli (ii'iiiiiliralH miil ili'Mliiii'il li> till' IraiHlaliii' I'lir piililiraliiin in a priiji'i'ti'il niiiiillilv rr\ ii'» in llii' iirsv HyllaliirN. ^S<■<' INIK** Td I'D' tilli' 1)1 till' '!i'« iru . Morlcs (A. (J.) — ('iiiitiniii>(l. f )T\vcl\i' I Sliort hivi'softhiiSuiiitH. 1H9I. (•) ManiiKi'i'lpt : '.Mi paui'M. 4'. fWurds, jilirasfs, ami 8rtit«ii<>«'H in till' Di-iio laiiKiiaKc. 1H«)I.| (') Maniisiript in iKiH.srMHinii nl' itHaiitlmr. » Ini lias pi'i'panil it I'nr tlir iihk nl' tliii Itnrnaii nf Ktliniiliiuy. IttM'iirili'il in » iiopy iil' I'ltwi-ll'it InlnNliirlinii In till' Ht iul> nl' Iniliaii laiiftiiiiui'^. (■ruiiiiiiar | of | TLc Carrier Kiiagf I With .Notes | On Loral IViiil- iaritii'H anil liliotisiiis | lly licv. A. <•. Morici', O. M. I. (') ManiiHi'iipl, 7:i paKi'N. Iirniul H . iHitsiin in Ki'liriiary. IHlll, ami yrt iinlinlitlii'il: in |mwmi'M- Hinn III' itH antlinr. wlin ti'lls iiii' Im lia^ ii-hi' lii'il till' rliapti'i' nil llir pmnniiii. Ar«' the Carrirr Soniolojjy ami Mytliolo);y iiiilii;i'iioiis or i-xotirf (') .\lai|i|m'ript. IMI imiki'M I'lilin. ii'i rlitly pri-pitiuit liy itH antlinr I'nr piililinitlnii in thi< 'rniiiMiiii- tiiMiM nrtlii' Kityal SiH'ii-ty nl' Caiiiulu. (Niiiti'UlH: IntriHlni'tnry KtlimiliiKiial - SiH'liiln)>ii'al Curriir Hiiriiilnuy i'\ntir: ci'lirial aruiiiiii'iitH CarriiT Mnriiilii|;y I'Xntir; priiM'il liy I'ai'tM Carrirr mytlinliitty purtiall\ i-xntir — f 'ri'aliiin my tin*. 'I'lii- inaniiHrriptH iltlitl alHivi- nr<- in tlm IHiHMi'HHinn III' tlii'ir itiitlini'. wlin Imih kinilly rnrniMlii'il iiii- inl'nrniiitinii rnnrri iiini: llii'iii. as alnn till' nnli'H I'lnlll wllii ll I liaM' rnlllpili-ll tlm t'nllnwin;; liinurapliir niilii'i': Katln'r .Mnriri' waM Imrn nn llir 'JTtli nf .VliUilHt. IR'i!!, at ."Niliiit Mur.HHili' ('nlliiniil, Kram-r. .Vt'trr llii- iiHiial ili'ini-iilnrx Htiiilii'H at thi' ('liriNtiiin Hi'iiiIiith' hi'IhmiI at (tiKHiMiii, wlii'i'i' IiIh l'aiiiil.\ Iniil ninnviil. In' was Hrnt, V. Iii'ii i:; yi'ari nl' ayr. In tlir Ki rli'siiiMliral (.'nlli')ii' 111 Mayi'iinr. with a vii'« In pri'parc liiniHi'ir fill' till' prii'NtliiKMi. Kri'lin;: ralliil In till' I'lirfiun iniHHinn.s. Iir .'. ami ^Ivi'ii rliarui' nl' tlir I'liilkntin In- iliaiiH, wliiHi' laii|{iia){i' In- iiiiniiil,.iii'ly pni- .'iHiliil t>' Irani, .\l1i-r t'.vn yraiM ni Htmly ho t'niiml liiniHi'li' alili- In pn-ai'li In IIu'Mi witlnnit till' aiilnl' an inti'rpii'ti'r. In I.SM.'i lir wanHint In IiIh pii'Hriil Ntatinii. Sliiarl's I.akr. wlii'ir liii i'i'|H'atiil li'll u illi li "ft ililliriilt\ . iiw iiiu In tint Urainimitiral allinilN nl' lln- Iwn latiuiiiiKi'H liin linKiiiMlir Htiiilii-H in tin- ilialii't nl' tlir(.'urri<-r. Ifi 74 HIMMOORAI'HY OK THK ; MUller (Frioilricli). (iniiiilriHH | '. FricM- ri*:hMlilli-r | l'riiN<'lial't|-n'. nnml. I I. AlttliuiliiiiK. Nnelitriipninil- riHHiiiiHduii Jikhreii | 1K77-1KX7]. | \Vieiil87fi[-l888]. Allied Holder I K. K.UnivorHittttH-Uuclihiiiidlur. | Uotheii- thiiriiiHtruHHtt 15. 'tvul*. (vol. 1 in 2 imrtH, vol. 2 oriulnidly in 4 liiviHiona, ml. $ uriuiniilly in 4 iliviHinn.^. vol. 4 part 1 all iiuIiUmIiimIi. no'li ]iart iiml ili\ IhIom with an oiitHlilr titin ami two initiilu tillt-H, 8°. Vol. 1!, ]mrt 1, which Inclniln* tin- Anii-rinin lauKiiaKi'H, vtiiM oriKiniillx Ikhui'iI in Iwo ilivi- HlonH. i-acli Willi the lollowiiiK Hiiitiiil tilh': I)iu SpriU'hi'ii I iliT I Hi'lilirlitliiiiii'iui'ii Kukhi'II I von 1 1>'. Frii'ilrirli MiilliT | rmlrwHur |\r. (ii|!ht linrH.] I I. Alitlii'iliiii);. | Dii'Spnii'lii'iiilir •iiHtrallHrlit'ii. iIit liyiHTlion'iHrhi-ii | iiiiil ilrr amorikitniiu-lit'ii Kuhhu. | Wii-n lMTli|-IKHL'|. I .Mfrt-il lliihli-r | K. K. Ilof mill I'nivi'i-MitiilM-Kiirliliiinilli-r | 'totlirii' thiinnHtriiMMc l.'i. Dii- Sprarlirii ilcr iiiiii-ril'li\cM. priiiioiiiiH, vitIim. anil liiiiiii-nilN. iiiakini! iiki- ut' i-xjiinpli'M IVinii llir 'rxt'liipiM-w van. 1'i'aii ilf liovri'. LoiiiIiimix, 'I'lilikali. 'riatNkanai.rnik wa. .VpalHlie. NaviOo, llii|Hi. anil Kiiiai. Cu/iifii Hfrii : .VhIiii'. llriliMli MilMi'iini. Iliiroitii III' Kiliniihiifv. KaiiD'H, WulkhiHon. Murray (Alexander II.) Voeabiilury of tlie Kiiti'liiii itt° the Viiknii or Kiitelii- Kiitelii, ilrawn up liy .Mr. M'Miirray [nii'l; to whieli tlie <'lie|te\vyitii Hyiio- iiyiim were addtMl liy Mr. M'I'lierNiiii. Ill Richardnon (J.), Arrlii- Hitarrliinu e\pi-ili' tiiiii. viil.L*. pp. :m'.>-:iH.'i. I.iinilon. ih.m.k . ,\ lixl III' alHiiit llNl wiii'iIh anil llii> MiiniiTal.i UIINl. KeprinlKil in llir later i-ililliiiiH of the Haiiio work : lan^uaKes. In Ricbardaon (•!.), .Vrrlie Heari'liinc i'ximi lilt ion. vol. I, pp. limMIKI. Lonilon. IH5I. R^. A voealmlar.v of 'J'J worili. Iteprinleil in the later eililioiiM ut the nuimh work; Hee Richardson I.I. I N. Nablltae : (jeneral ilim-iiHHion Voeuliiilary Vp.alMiliiry ViH^abiiliirv ViH-aliiilary Nacailer: ViM'aliiilary Viiealiiilarv See tiihllH (or«e.\ (.I.O.) liillllH Mi. I lla/en (W.ll.) Si'e .VileliniK (.1. t'.) anil Valer (.I.S.I Mai'kell/.ie (.\.) Nahawny. See Nohawni. National Museum: 'I'lieNe t\iii'iin fulliiwini: ji title or within parent lieies alter a mile inilieale that a eopy of llle work lelernil to liaN lieell H(.) Katun (.1. II.) liatHi'het (A.S.) I.oew (*).) .MattheWH (\V.) NielliilH(.V. S.) I'etllot (K. K.S.,1.) l>ino(IM(.) Powell (.I.W.I SehiHllerilftdl. K.) Sh.iw (.1. M.) .SJinpNoii (.1. II.) 'riionipKiin (A. II.) 'I'lirner (\V. \V.) Whipple (.\. w.) Whipple (\V. I>.) Willunl (<;. N.) 1 ATHAI'AS(!AN LANUIIAOHS. 75 Navajo — Cunt tiiii<*iil»rv S.'f WiUoii (K. F.» KiiiTi'irii (A.) Dim (I.. K.) KlliHdt.) tiiilxi'lii'l (A.S.) Lai ham (K. O.) MaltlixWH (\V.) Tiiliiiii" (\V. K.) Dawmiii (O.M.I WiUoii (l>.) S4>« Ki-iinii'iilt (It.) KoHMdt. It.) ami Numerals — CoiitiiuiiMl. ('Iil|i|(fwyaii Sr Klrkliy (W. W.) <'lii|i|M■ S«>(> Un- Nlohola (A. Siiliii'v ). Vonilnilnry of the Niivajo litiifriiuKc. MaiiiiH)'i'i|>t. 10 uiiiiiiiiiIhti'iI ItMivox, 4*^. In tlH< Ulirnry lliir<wyan IliiM'limaiiii l-l.!'. K.) ('liiplH<\vyaii (MHNHical. <'liip|H-\vyan KUis(K.) ('Iiip|>4>wyaii llaini'M (K. M.) CliipiH'wyan Tiamrs (K.) .Miillird-'.) I'oll (A. K.) 'rolmif (W. V.\ I Haw H'MI «i.M.) Toliiiic (\V. V.) ami Haw Hon Hi. M.) Itam roll (II. II.) lialxrlii't (A.S.) MUlli'i (K.) Toliiiic(\V. K.) ami .*»w- Hon |ii. M.) Dall (W. II.) KlliHdt.) Knnaii (IS. \.) Mi)lli'r(K.) ItiiHi'liniann (■!. I'. K.) Hall (\V. II.) Miinir(K.) ltaw- Hon (fi.M.) Itunrrol'l (II. H.) KlliH (It.) Tolniii- (\V. K.I anil Daw- mm ((}. M.I ramplu'll (.T.) KlliHdt.) Miklli-r(K.) Hall (W.ll.) Diillol ill) Miil'raH (K.) Miillir(K.) Toliiiii' (W. K.) ami Daw. mm (If. M.) Dall (W.ll.) Ilamrolt (II. Ill 'rolinii' (\V. K.) ami Daw- Kon (li. M.) Nuwhehkiikwailliiiil .If.simClirirtt . . . Tiikiiilli. Si'i* McDonald (K.) Diiu Kill lliipa lliipa lliipn Iliipa KaiyiilikliiiliuiH Ki'iial Ki'iiai KiMiai Kiili'liin Kiiti'liiii Liiiii'linix NjiviOo \avi^|o NavtOo Navi^o NavnJii I'eini ill'^vri' Slavii SlIHHfl' Taiiilli 'rai'iilli Tariilli Tanilli Tiu'iilli Tahlewuh Talilfwali Tuliliiwali Tinn« Tlalnki'iiai TlatNki'iiai V|{ali'iir.un Tnipkwa I'mpkwa rnipkwa rnakliolana Wailakki Wailakki 0. O'Brian (— ). A Voi-iiliulury of Fmt O'Brian (— ) — Continiii'il iSiiii|iMiin Dii^-Kili, liy Mr. O'ltriun. of till- lluilHiMrN Ktiy (!iiiii|>iuiy. In Richardson (.1.1. .\rrlir Hrarrliinii i-\|H-iii lion, vol.2, p.;iiw, Lomlon. mil. x . CoiilaiiiH alMiiil '.I woi'iIh. Iti'prinli-il in llii' lain- i^ililioiis of llir ;>aiiii' work: Mif Richardson (.1.) — Viiriiliiilary nf llir laii^iia^i' ul' a trilii- ilwiilliii^ iiiiar llir HoiirrrM nt' tlio Kivi'i- iif till' .Miiiiiitaiiis, ami known to till' viiya^rrs hy tin- iiaini' of' " Maiivais Miinili'," anil of tin- DoK-iili iliali-i-t, ilniwii up liy Mr. O'ltrian, nl' the lliiil- Hiiii's Hay Ciiinimny's siTvii'r. In Richardson (.1.). .\ri-lir Hi-arrliinii i-xpo- ililion. vol. J. pp. ,'HiU- 4IMI. I, Ion. lH.'il.n'. (JiiiitaiiiM ulioiit 5U woiiIh hi kiwU ilialmiU is ill 7fi lUIU-fodKAI'HV OF THK in i f O'Brianf — ) — ('ontinuoil. IIi>|ii'iiit<'il ill llii' liilir I'llilliiiiH of till- Hiiini' aiii'k ^ xi'<- Riobardion l>l I Ochikthud fttiiiicllf I'l'ukiiilli]. | Sfi* McDonald ( \i. i OroKCO y Berra i Muinirl ). (ifOKinnit il)> hiM IfiiKiKi'* I V I I'lirlu i'lii)i^riilii-ii { ili- MiWii'o I itrtM'iMlhlaH ili- mi ciiMiiyo il** i-liiHitlc:i<'iiiii ilf liiH MiiMiiiiH li-iiKHiiH | \ lilt ii|)iiiiti'H |iarii liiM iiiiiiiKriti'iiHii'N ilc luM tnliiiM I |iiir <>l lii-. I MiiiMifl Oroxcii y ItiTia I fKivi' lines i|iiiitali<)n| | [Dc- «'«"'■ I I M/>\i<'ii I iin|ii')-iilii ill- .1. M. Aiiilraili' y V. Ivsialaiilf I |('|alli' ili' 'riliiirrin .1!) I IStil llairiilli- Mrnii liliiiik I I. titlr viTMi liliiiik I I •li'iliratliiii M'l'Hii liliiiik I I. Iiilriiiliii'tliiii |i|i. vii \iv. hair lilli' (prliin'rii piirli'i mimh liljink 1 I. ti'M |i|i. .1 :iHT, liiilrv |i|> :iHi) :iii-.>. iiiii|>. I'oliii. <'liii|il<'r viil. Kiiiiiiliii jiparlii' ■• viivi|iiil. |i|i, 4<)~ll, rrl'i'i'M Id llii' Yiiiiiiiii. Si'i'tiiiii viil Ilf rllH|it<'r \ii. Kiitiiiliii ti|iiirlii'. p. .'ill. ii'I'itm ImiIIi lllllli' .\tllll|lllnrall Illlil VuillJIII. ('llJI|lli'l' x\v, Alllli'ili'x. pp. ^UW :IH7. Ik II ui'lli'l'lll illxrllnitjiill nil till' uriimiipllir ilistl'llillliiili III' tlii'rti' pi'opli'M Hllil ilirlllllrx llli' 'riillliix. < 'liiriraitllix. < illrl'lim. Mliiiliri'riiiM. ■■'iiriiiilii-H. Mrsriili'i'iiH. I.laiirliii. l.lpaiii'N. Na\ii,|ii». riii'iiii'iiiii' |SliiiMliiiiii'aii|. Villa |Sliiii llii'ii liavlii;: III pp.4 . anil lH-iim |irn\ iili'il wllli a rnviT. Till* laxt Uxiii' that I'lir .Si-pti'inlM-r, IMINI huvh: "Am han alrrail.v Iwi'ii iiniiiiiiiii:i'il, llli* in till' IiimI ixniii' nl' 'Our Kiin'Mi ('hllilmn.' Ni'M iiiniitli. I niiiIh r. » III appi'ar tlii' lirnl iiiini. hi'i- III' till' Canadian linlian.' Iv-''-! Soevo(W. I>.i. Thr Chipi'H \aii liiiliaiiH. vol. ■.'. pp. Il 7. Wilion (K. K.I. Till' .Sai'Hi'i' ImliiiiiM, vnl. 3, pp. 117 in-.'. — Till' NiiviOn ImliaiiK. viil.:i. pp. Ii:i 117. VoiiieimrrH : Kanii'M. IMIIlnx, Wi'lli-Hli-y. P. !i Palllser (Ciipi. .lolno. Kx|ilorittiiiii.— Ilrilisli Niirtli.\iii<>rii'a. | 'I'lir | Joiiriials, ilrlailtMl ri>|ioi'lN. mill iiliMiTvatioiiM | n-l- ativi' III I till' i-\|iliiraliiiii. | liy ra|ilaiii ralllNi'i', I III' I that |iiii'liiiii of Itrilinli NiU'tli .AiiifiirM, I wliifli, I ill laliliiili', lii's lii-tvvri'ii till- HritiHli liuiinilai'y liin' anil till* I lici;;lil III' laml ut' wiili-rslii-il ul' tlif northern | or t'ro/rii oi-ran n'H|M-r- ti\'i'ly, I anil | in loiiKitinli-, In-lwi'i'ii the WeMteril sliiire nl' lake Sll|ieriiil' ailil I the I'aeirii' iieeaii, | I >iiriii^ I he Years l>Ci7. IK'iK. IKTitl, anil IMMI. | I're.selileil In Initli lloiiMeNiil' I'arlianieiit liy ('oiiiiiiainl of Her Maje.sty. | l!*lli May IKIki. | I Kn^lisli arniH. | | Liiniliin: | printeil liytieorKe Kilwiinl Kyle anil William S|iolli.s\viiiHle, jirinl- el-H III the i|neeil'.s liinsr . xeellelit lll.'lj' eHty. I For her niiijeHt,\ '•. Htiitionery ol'- liee. I IS4>:<. I (l>rii' ) Palliser (.1.) — Continneil. ri'illti'il rnvrr ill alinve. litlr an aliiivr (niiillllnt: till' pi'li'i'l vi'i'mi liliink I I. ti'\l pp :i :i:.'.'i. inlnlihull I p. I'nlin. Sullivan (.1. W.), ViM'aliiilarirH nl' the Niirlli- wi'hI Iiiiliani, pp. '.'(I7-2III. f'li/iii'X Hirn : llimliiii .Xtli.'niimni, < ■•■nliiKirill .Siirvi y. I'liii'il h> liiirimHM>ariH, lHK7,iio.'.>4UII. I'Jfr. Packard (Knliert l.a\vren('i<)-'l'*'>'>ii'*"t ■'*'- latiouHhip iisi'il liy the Navajo Iniliaits. MiuiiiHi'i Ipl. I liavi'i. I'nlin. in tin- llliiaiy nl' till' lliiri'iiii III' I'^llinnliitfy. Cnlli'i'tiil al the NaviOn IIi'ii'l'Milinli. Ni'W Mrxirn. in \'0'{. 'I'Wit inaniiHri'ipt hiix liri-n inrnrlril anil HiippIr nii'iiii'il li,\ Or. WiixliliiKliin MalllirwH. tin I Winuati'. .N. Mex. Palmer (/»»•. Kilwinil). Vocalmlary nl llie I'iiiella ami Ariva Apache laiiKiiii^e. MaiiiiHi'i'ipl ; .'■ iiniiiiiiilii'riil pa((i'n. 4 . in Ilie lilirai'.x III' till' lliiri'iiii III' KlliiinliiK,\ . Il lirarii till' Smith nniiiiin Inxtitiitinii iiri'ipl Hliiinp of 1 til'. 'J I. 1W17. A THAI'AHrAN LANtJlAtHX 77 Paliiior 1 1'). ) ( 'onliiiiD'il. I'oiiljiiiN Ihi' I'MMtiinU.iiliiiili'il li\ III!' Siiiilli I' 'i^ili IiihMIiiIIiiii iii4 .1 Nliiiiiliiril MH iliiihii > . A rruliuol tniir iiiIiiiiiim Im IIm' |m;:i IwoiiC KiiulUli mill l»ii III' \|iiii'lii'. 'I'lii'ii' U II rii|iy III' lliix viN'iiliiiliir> In llir H,uili< lilil'ill'\. Mlilili' l>\ 111 riilll|lilrl . )> lllMllllll liiiril ii'ini't. fiiliii, « ' Urn tin iiiii' »l , Pnjii lie LiAvr* |)ii liiiiiiiry S'l' I'l'lihil iK. K liriinMimtir riiiniiii'nlH MIklli r (K.| lii'iimniiilii' tri'iiIKi I'lillut iK. K. S. .1.) l.ri;rniU |{rllllliilli).| ],. J. (■. A M. .1. I I'l'ii ri'H. I ('iiiitii|iif!4 I «•(, <'iit«i rliisnii- I I'll I liili;;!!)' .Mi)|ilii);iiiiiN<< nil ('iliprwrvilll. I |OlH N,vlllltlir I'lliir- IK'Ifl'N. I I |(lllllll*l HCtll.] I Moiitriiil: I Iiii|iritiii-rir ill- l.oiiiN I'lT- riiiill. I I«ri7. ( ■) TItli' viTMii ii|i|iriilKilliin iif I Ali'xiiiiilrr. Kvi^ i|iii'ili' SI. Itiinll'iiri'. M M. I. I I. li'Xl |i|i :i III U . I'liiyiis. rlr.. |i|i. :i 411. --Sylliiliiiry, \>. 17. <'iiiilii|iirM|'.'-.>l |i|i.l!> V:. ('iitii'lilMiM |i|i.ti:i Ml. 'I'illi' I'liiin Dr. .I. II. 'rniMiliiill rriiiii rii|i\ in IiIm |HiHMrHnliiii III I'lrrln;; In llii-imlr iinilrr Ilir iii'vl Niii ri'i'iliiiu tllli'. ili'Hi ri|iliM' iif till' iiilili linn III' |l|>. II."' Iftl. Ill' bii.\h; "My I n|iy In In llii' nriijIiiMl liliiillni:. I'rrKli ninl luinHi'il, iiiiil U I'Vlill'lllly •'illll|llrtl' IIH litMlli'll " I 1 L. .1. ('. A M. .1. I I'rirn-H, | niii- lii|ii*'.Hi>l I'litcrliiNiiii' { I'll ItiiiKHf I Moii- lilKliaiNii nil ('lli|ii'wryiiii. | |Oiii' liiii> Nvllilliii' rli^irilrtiTM. I I [Olilali- Ni-!ll.| | Mtiiilri^al: | iinpriiiu'rii- ili- l,iiiri>« I'l-r- rsilllt rl riiiiipiiKllir. | l^tlM. Tllln MIHli ll|i|il'lililklinn III • .Mi'Xilllilli' KviSini- ill- SI. Ilnllll'llri'. M. M. I. I I. "i|ili'li|iii'M nnli'1 " BiaiHil ('ii-<. Ilvlili- I'rirniill |i|i. I \l, lixl ill nylliiliii- rlliinirlrlH « llli Kri'lirli lii-jil In^H in ilalii'M pp. :i ITI. tiilili- ilm riiMlli|iii'M (iillrriMlr liiii-H Mniiliiunai-* in ny llilliir rliarar liTKaiiil l-'imrli in ilalirn) pp. I7.'i- 1711, IK . Sla iialiin-H iilli-rinitrly in turhi-n ami nIxi-m. Si-r III)- rar-HlMiilK III' I III! Myllalian . p. 7H. In llii- prrliiniiiary ' iinli-n ' llii- aiillinr In iliiilrH a li'llrr. ".'. Mi'hmIi urn livi llrilartriirn ilii I'ayx " » liii'li riinlainn lln- alplialHl Inylla liaryl. p. iv.iiiiilaii ivi'iiiplr nl' tin- rliarai- li-r-i Willi IraiiHlili-ralinn ami ' lii.'ullnn Inln l-'niirli, p. <■ . .Mini a ■■ l.rlli' -i- ■'. <«i-i){in'iir Karaiiil, Kvi'ipn- ir.Xnriiiniii a r!i:< O. IVr- raiill, Krr , .\\iMal ili- Mmi i-it! ' |.ii. vll-«, Uiviiiu I'vaniplrx ami ixplaiia 'ii n." (Iiii Myl- lalilr I'liaiartrr.H "i|iii- nomt rut loyi'M ;Hmr It-it luiiKiii'H HuiivaKi-H." Perrault (('. iir ilillir fmni lln- nllii-r Iwii. I'lii'y lark tlii' Ki\ pri'liminary li'avi'K pajit-il I \l: ami rnllnninu paur 171) an- paUi'M li.'i IMI iKlitniiliirrM It in Ini'lvi' anil Inln nix). I'aui- liri Ik III aili-il l-Apllrallnlii ilr i|iii-|i|nri< tniauiN pinprrN a I iiiNlniitlnn ili-s Miinlaunai-" inilnariiii; liyiiinx mm. I Tl in nyllaliir I'liariirli-r- u llli lii-ailinun In l-'nni li in Italii'H. 'I'lii'Ki- riipli'H art' in llir miulnal lilml IliK anil Ki'i'til In III- an innllril Irniii llii- pIrNn. II lit plnlialili' llial Mil' rn|iirn nl' IIiIh killil an- III' I III' I'lirllrr inHiir. 'I'lii' llr»l hImiI Ik rum- pli-lc ; llii'lillr Iral il riilitii I'll il » II II lial' pnui-il '.'.'I -.'4: llii'Niinml li'il wlllitial'pai-i'il'.'l L'-J. Ac. Tin- h'.xtiliratU'in ap|M-ar In lia« i' Imtii prinlril im a nllpplrnirnl In lllr rililinnnl' IN.'i7. Till' rnpil-N li-n iiMr wrri' liniiml up »llli I In- I'llilinii nf IHil'i SiiliHri|iii'ntly. I pii'niiiiii. Ilir nix li'avi-R rniilaininu llii' 'iinl'ium iin/muiii' iii«rrli'il ami llin iMHik Immiii'iI wIiIiiiiiI IIh' A.'j'/ilii-iifi'iiiii. A uliiiilar rnpy wan prii ril liy l>iiln»»i' In lt«- • iniliir. IKKIl (Mil. :ill7:i{)|, III II' . ami anniliir in .liiiii-, IXlHi (nil. mull I. Ill I III' nanii' IlKiiri'. Petitot { I'iir r.iiiilt- l-'nrliinr'- StitninluH .liiHt-|i1i). r.liiili' Hiir hi iciliiiii iiioiilii- UiiiiiHt- iiiir It! I{. I'. I'l-lilol lit- 111 ('(III- nro)riilion iIi-h OlitntH ili- Miirir liiiiiiit- i-iiKt-. Ill l.i'H MlMHliinii l'allii>lii|nrii, Mil. I. pp. 12ft- •JHl; vnl. 'J. pp. I III. I.yilll. IMW IHIllI, Injill. inillim'.) I.Ul nl' iiiiiiM"* III' illviHiiiiiHnt' llii- .VlliapaHi'an fainlly . wllli KiiuIIhIi Hi^nilli allnn. vnl. I. p. i:in. I.ancni- iminlaunaiHi' luiinral ilii|i' '•'I'V'JIll. Naiiii'H III' I III- ninnlliH in Lniirln-ux, I'l-aii ili> l.ii-vn-. anil Mnnlauiiain. vnl. 'J. p. -IH. Many VtliapaHran »nri|H. pliraHcn. jinil hi'mIi'Ik-i-h />iM«i'm. IxHiii'il Mi'parati'l> : I'arin. .\. Hi iiiiiiy rnl Illn, I'ariH, |(*IW. ri:i pp. I'.' . (I Ilt^iii' Diiiiljifs. Ill rnn::ri-N Inl. ilix .VnirriraiilHti'H. ('nniptti- n'liilii. prrtiiii-ri' «r»slnii miI.'J, pp. 11 :i7. Nanry il I'arli, IH7.'.. -< . (Kanii'.'«. I'llllniil CnMiparlNniinr III' III' lllml.jii-ti'i'niHwilli Ihimn III' \ariniiM nllnr laiiuiiaci'M. pp. D l.'>. I 'nin paralh I'lllliil' Navi^n, l>i''iir (ilitVi'ri'iil ilialrrlal, ami I>iiiil,ili-. pp. -Jll '.'I. OiiIIIh t-ll pii'lTi' ct I'll iiK till Mllf- Ki'ii/ii' (ri-i'i'li- piilaii'i- iin'lii|iii' ). Ill Mali'riitiix pniir I'liiHlniii' prinilllvi- i>t natiiri'lli- ili- riininnir. pp. :it'M lii.'i TniilniiN)-, IHltt, H\ (rilliiii.' ) Cnntaili.H a niiinlH'rnr < 'liippmy an .mil Kitkl- iiiaiiHii naiiii-Miir linpli-iii<-iilH />aii« s w- ^ ^^ mi/. 1.0 vj. \m, iM lllll'^9 " IM 2.2 "• M ""= :-" illiS 2.0 1.8 I.I 1.25 1^ — 1.4 1.6 1 „ 6" A

' / y /^ Photograpliic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV V 4^ -^^ o ^\- ^\- 78 RIHLIOGKAPHY (W THE iV 41 ALPHABET. o |">"A ^an '^en A in C>on •Ech bo 'S'p^ Cda Ude Odi Ddo >u-od> bka qke pki dko ^135* a la "Ule ilH. bio <*b7 |_ma Pme r.nii _Jmo •LV "One OTni J] no + VUL+ Kj^ 0|re pri Jro 'OhCL. Ssa S»e J«i r'so •[r>'r' ^ya 4ye ^r '^yo •>i> L^tha O the pthi. Oiho tt^dha 'Odhe *pdhi «>Jdho •V'*C« Ctla LTtte n'tti I^tto ' WW OlUia tJtthe n\m 3ttho iii(1ji(^ I ilialoctcs | Moiitii<^ii!UH on L'liij»i)6\viiyan, Pcaux do Liovro vt l.oiicln'ux I rtinferinaiit eii oiitro | iin fiiaiid iiuiiiltro tlo tiTJiieH piopies a sept aiities tlialw'tes (lt> la iii/^iii« langiic | I»r<5r6(l6 ( (Viiiic im iio^rapliit; 'Ii'h Df-ni'- l)iii(lji(5 I (I'uiio graiiiiiiaii'o ft tl«'. ta- bloaiix 8ynoiiti([Uc.s ties conjii<;ai.soiis | par I lo R. P. E. Petitot | MisMioiiiiaire- Olilat dc Mario Immaciil(^<>, Officior d'Acarti^iiiio, Momltro oorrcspoiidaut dti rAcad(^niio do Xaiu'y, | do la S(n'i«5tt'^ •rAuthropoloijio et Memliro honorairo d«! la SocidtiS do Pliilolo;j;io do Paris. | [Two linos quotation.] | [Kosigti.] | Paris I Ernest Loroux, oditour | libra iro dos soi'iotds Asiatiques do Paris, do Calcutta, do N«i\v-HavcH (fitats-Unis), de Shanghai (Cliiuo) | do I'ficolo des langues Oriontalos vi vaiites, do la Soci(5t6 pliilologi(iuc, eto. | 28, ruo Bonaparte, 28 | Maisoiinouvo, quai Vcdtaire, 15 | San Francisco, A.-L. JJau- croft and C". | 1876 Cover title as almve, omitting the design, and with the addition of flvn lines at the he- ginning (Biblioth^qiut | de | lingiiistiqiio ct d'ethnograi>liioaniericaines | PiiblieoparAlph. L. I'innrt | Volume II), half-title verso notes I 1. title as ahovo verso blank 1 1. d(!dication verso hlank 1 I. preface pp.vii-ix, avant-projMis pp. xi-xviii, monograpliie dea l)i^n»VI)indjie pp. xix-xxvi, essai siir rorigino des Dent"'- Uindjio pp. xxvii-ylv, ahreviations ]>. [xlvi|. prt'cis de graramaire eoinitaree des trois prinei- paux dialectes Di^n^-Dindjie j)p. xlvii-lxxxv, errata pp. Ixxxvii-lxxxviii, text pp. l-ItHT, colo- phon p. [368], 5 folded tables, 43. Comparative gi-aniniar of the Montagnais, Pcaiix-de-lievre, and Ijonehenx, i)p. xlvii- lxxxv. — Dictionary of the Dem'^Dindiie in four columns, French, Montaguais, IVaux-de-lievre, and Loucheux, arranged alphabctieally by French words, pp. l-3(i7. — Tabh>au general des verbes Monlagnais, folded table no. 1. — Suite descon,jugaisons des verbi'slftonta^'nais, folded table no. 2. — Tableau general des verbes Peaux do Lidvre, foldep. 7-22) includes a short comparative vocabulary, French, Latin, Monlagnais, Peaux de Li^vrc, an. l(i. — A comparative vocabulary of (he Xabajo, Denis (de divers dia- lectes) and Dindjie, p. 22. — Comparativo viM'abulary fif the Wakish (Tetes-Plates) and Yukultas (Tfites-Loiigues), i>. 104.— Compara- tive viMialmlary of the languages of the Hai'daa (KoUouches, lies (y'harlottes), Tonguaa (Kol- hmches, Alaska), Yukultas (Tetes-Longucs, Colombie britanniiiue), AVakisli (Tetes-Plates, Oregon), Dnalne (Atnans, Ala.ska), Diniljie (Mackenzh-), and D(>n6 (Territoire du No. ■<).), ]). lO.'i.— Also scattered ])hrases and terms with significations. Copietseen: Astor. lirinton, Eamcs, Pilling. Six If^gcndcsanidricainosidentiHi^esa I'histoiro do Moiso et du pouplo hdbrcu. In Les Missions Catholi'jues, vol. 10, pp.47(i-C24, vol. U. pp. 1-100, Lyon, lS78-'79, folio. (Pilling.) A legend from each of the following people's : Chippewyan, I'eaux de Lievre, Loucheux. Sixi- caqucs on iMedsnoirs, Chaktas, Tzendalcs, in all of which native words occur j)a»»im. Do I'origino asiatiquo dos IndienB do rAinori(iuo aretiquo. Par lo K. P. fiuiilo P(!litot, <). M. I. Missionnairo ail Mackenzie, otlicier d'Acadeniie, etc. In Les Missions (^'atlioliques. vol. 12, i)p. 529- 011, Lyim, 1H79, folio. (Pilling, "Wellesh-y.) Many Athapascan terms >)a«*im. 1)0 I'origino asiatiquo des Indions do rAnicriiiuo arcti(iue. In Soeiete Pliilologii|ne, .Vetes, vol. 12. ])p. 30- 70, Alenvon, 1883, 8°. line version de la legende nationale de la femnn^ aii nu'lal . . . chex les Denes (par- allel columns French and Deni^), jip. 41-40. On tin* Atliaiiasca District of tho {!ana. (>«7-701, I'lirirt, 1884, 8'^. (Ofolo^iinil Siiivcy, I'illiTi;:.) Coiitiiiim I'MiiiiplrH in ii iiiiiiiImt of North Aiiiorican ]aii;;iiii<;t'H, aniiiii;; tliciii tint l)6n6 Atnan, ii.ii! Diinljii'. Lil fi'l'lliif. (Ill (siTjioiit. LoK»'"''''' 'l'"'* Dciio. r'liiinK^wi'.yaiis. In Mi'iliiHiiir, Jtfviii! a8cii distrirt of thti Caiiailiaii North-west Territory. Hy the Rev. fimih) I'etitot. Ill Montreal Nat. lliHt. Soc. Koconl of Nat. Hist, ami IJc.oloKy, 1>1). '21-o.i, Montn^al, 18H4, 4°. Contains niiiiitiroiiH namcH of riviTH, lakes, etc., in (Jhipprwyan. Ueiiriiited with tlie Hanii> title in: Montreal Nat. So<'. Canadian KeiMinl of Seieiice. vol- 1, pp. 27-52, Montreal, 1884, H°. TliiM latter mana/.ino took the jilace of the Iteconl of Natural Ui.story anil (^eolofjy above mentioned, only one niinilier of that serial hav- ing been iH,siied. Paralli>h» ties coiilmne.sct dcs croy- anees de lufaiiiille Caruibo-Esquimaiido avec t'elles d«ervos CoUiphon : Aeheve d'inipriiiier le 11) Aofit 1860 { par G. Jacob impriuiuiir ii Urlcaus | pour Petitot (i;. F. S..I.) — Coiitiiiiied. MaiHoiineiivii fr(\re8 ( el Cliarles Leelerc | U- braires editeiirs | a I'aris Half title of the series (I,es I litteratiires po- piilaires I tome xxiii) blank I l.titleof the series vi'iso blanii 1 1. half-title, verso blank 1 I. title as alMivo vciso blank 1 I. dedieatioii verso blank 1 1. iiitriHliietion pp. i-\vii, i'eniai'i|iie p. [xviiij, text pp. 1-507, index et concordance pp. 500-.">14, table desniatieres iip..")15-.">21,indji6 on I.oiichuiix (pp. i:i-lU2), besiilu.s many terms pamiim, contains: Texte et traduc- tion litteralo ile la jiremierc l(!j;eiidc (inter linear!, iiji. 95-100. -Ileros et divinit<^s des Dindiie, i>p. 101-102. Troisit'-mo partie, Legendea et traditions des Denft reanx-de-I,i6vre (pp. loa-aoflj. besides many terms jmnrixi, includes: Texte et tradiic- tiiiii litteiale (interlinear of a legend), jip. a02- aoa.-- Liste ih's heros, des diviniti'-s et des monstres I'l^aux-de-Li^vre, jip. a04-aO-414. -Observances et superstitions (1-17), pji. 415-447.— Contes et notions physi(|iies (1-10), pp. 448-4tia. (jiiatriAme partie. Triulitions (1-9) des l>uii6 des Fluucs-de-cbleus, pp. 405-503. ATHAl'ASCAN LANOUAOES. 81 Imp. Iin & 17 -614, lllIllUB, 1) (loB IVnder- lirt'H ot ItcH et l)uu6 Petltot (K. V. .S.J.) — ('"iitiiMH'tl. Cinfinimimpirtin, Trailithins (1-I7)<1<'h I)«''n^ TfiliiitpfWHyiino, pp. j05-r)H»t. l8Hiu-(l Ncpiirnttily, iilso, an fViIlowH : TriulitiouM iiKlirmms | du | Caiia, Menibni doia | 8oci. et Lith I Place d'Ariiios,,'). | 1KK7 Cover title; Kniiln ri'fitiit I TnuIiliniiM IndienneH | n, 5. | IHHK Cover title as above, hall'title vpr»o print- esH 1 1. title a« alwvo verso " Kxtrait ilu bulle- tin " etc. 1 1, introduction i)p. i- vi, 1 blank 1. text pp. 1-439, table (Ich cliapitres p]>. 441-440, colo- phon verso blank 1 1. 8° Linguistic cont^^ntsas under title next nl)ove, pp. 7-85, 87-246, 247-279, 2K0-29,'). 2!»7-;i:!.'>, 3;)7-t20. Copies teen: Bureau of Rtlinolo):.v, Ennies, Gatschot, Pilling. The original niannseript of this work has title as follows : 1862-1866 I Textes oiiginaiix vt \ tradtictiouH Littoralos | dcH : Traditions et LcgendoH | doH | habitaiiH du iiord- onest I div Canada | rectioillie.s et tra- dnites ] par | Eniile Fortimi! Stanislas Josopli I Petltot I Ani'icii [&«■. two lines] Manuscript, pp. 1-321, folio, in tlie library of the Conite do Charcneey, I'aris, I'raiu'e, under whoso ausjiiccs the work was published. En route | ponr | la wwv glacials | par I £mi]u Petitot | Ancieii inission- naire, Offlcier d'Acaik5ini<>. | Latirnat des Socidtds do googriiphio do Paris et do Londres, | Menihre do pliisieiirs Soci(*tr. (') 24 pp. 12'^. 'I'ille from the same author's Antour dn yraiid lac den Ktclai'ct. Cjuinxe ans | sons It; | forole polaire I Mackt'nzic, Andoison, Yonkon | par I l-lniilo P(4itot I Ancion Missionnairo, Ollicior d'Acad«'inio, | Lanrc^at 2, notes pi>. 45;>-462, authors cited pj). 463-468, index pp. 469-488, table of contents pp. 489-490, (-rrata and omissa pp. 491-493, 12". Many I)^^ne-Dind,jie wonis pa*tim — ('osmo- gonic table of the Mexicans, p. 460. Cnpien »ccii ; ISureau of Eflmology, Kamns, (;atsehct. Pilling. Origiuo Asiatiqno I dos Esiiniinaux I NouvoUe Htudo otliinigrapliique | Par Uuiile Petitot | Ex-Missionnaire et 1 ; 1! 82 HIHLlOOUArilY OF THE I L!l 1 1 Petitot (E. F.S.J.) — C<>"ti»>i»'»l- Explor.'itour iir«'ti(|iu',('iii('«lo Miintuil- Ics-Mofiux (S.-ot-M.) I [Two linos qiio- tation] I [Vij;nt!tt»>] | Koii<;n I iin]>riiii<;ri«) . :I-;J3, 8! ■.4°. On J>p. 25-33 are given tables of words show- inj; Hiniilaritics l)et>veen the words of various lanKiiages of the Old and Now World. Anions tlie North American languages a number of examples are given from the Diniljie, I'eau- de-Li6vro, lugalik, Slave, Tchippewyan, and Apa<:bo. Copii'ti teen : Hureau of Ethnology, I'illing. Aittonr a««im. etuitains, -.'J.'>S, includes many native terms patsim. — Nomenclature des peuplades Danites, pp. 3red leaves, 4°, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Recorded at Fort Norman-Franklins. Great Bear Lake, Jan. 11, 1869. Entered on one of the Smithsonian forms (no. 170) of 211 wonls, to which a score of words have been added by Father Petitot. The blank pages of the form have been ruled in four columns, headed respectively : l)6n6 (homo) Chippayananok (des Crees), Chippewyans (des xVnglais), Montagnais (des Franijnis) ; D<'n6 (homo) Kkayttchano otlin6 (des Cliii)pewyan), Hare Indians (des xVnglais), Peaux de Li^vre (lies Fr.an9ais) ; Diuilji6 (homo) Dehkewi (des Peaux de Li^vre), Kutchin (de Uichardsou>, Loiicheux (des Frani^ais) ; Innok (sing.) Inuoit (plur. homo) AViyaskimew (des ('rees), Otzelna, Ennahke (des D6n<>s), Hoskys (lies Anglais), Esiiuiniaux (des Franijais). [Manuscripts in tlie Athapascan languages.] (*) In response to a reqiibijt for a list, with de- tailed description, of his unpublished manu- scripts. Father Petitot wrote me from Mareuil- les-Meaux, France, April 24, 1889: My linguistic manuscripts still in my hands are us fuUowa : A I>i^n6 (Peau-de Li6vve)-Fi'ench vocabulary, not comprising verbs. This I had not time to finish while at the mission. A work ou the l)6n6 (Peau-de-Li6vre) roots, in alphabetic order. A work on the tbrmation of language by jux- taposition of roots .Hyuouyiiious but heteroge- neous. 'I'his subject I treated cas\ially at the Koueu meeting of the Kreiieh Association for the Advancement of .Science. Aug. 23, 1883. .\ biKik of prayers for the use of the Indians among whom I worked. It comprises CathoUv I 1 ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 83 igo by jux- hetorogo- »Uy at tlie :iatiou for , i88;j. 10 Indians I CathoUQ Petitot (K. F. S. J.) — inil,|i)i hy R. 1*. Scgiiin; Demi (Trlii|)jmwyiiii)i l>y Arrlibisboj) Tai'lio; and Dantt caotor by U. 1'. if. Clut, now Idsliop of Eriiidfl. An KMi|iiiiiiau Tvlil);lit catitchiHiii. I waH obligiMl to li'uvo at my but n'Midt'iui', SI. Ilaphacl, SaHkatclii'wan, 75 b'aciii'it iiorlb of J't. I'ltl, Hcvcral mauuHt^riiitH by iiiyxUf, aiiioii}; tliem Ihn lolbiwiMK: A (".nnpluto coiirMn of inHtriictionH and nvr niohH ill tlio I)t*iit) I'caiido-Licvrt', and many iuNli'iK'tioiirt ill I)t>ii(N 'I'cbippcwyan. A copy , written by iiiyMclf, of tlm nliridj;imint of tin" bibb) in lK'ii6 'r<:liipp». 1.— DcniN T<'bipi>cwayaii Hoiigs, pp. 2-il. — Di>n«\ Esclavo soiifiM, pp. It-Ti.— IJniit) riancH-dc-CIiioii Hon;;s, pp. t)~7. — Done I'cau-dc- Licvro Hong«, pp. 7-10.— I)iii(Uie or Lonchenx songs, pp. 11-15.— Ks(iiiimaiix Tchiglit aongs, I»p. 15-16. Itniile Fortune Stanislas .Toseph I'etilot wa.M born, December il, 1H;)1», at (ifanceyleCliAleaii, de]mrtment of Ciir»iied at MarsciUes, tlrst- at tbe Institution SI. Louis, and later at llie liigberscminary of ^larseilles, which he eiilered in 1857. He was made deacim at Grenoble, and priest lit MarseiUes March 15, 1802. A few days thereafter lie went to Kngland and sailed for America. At Montreal he found Moii- seigneur Tach6, bisho)i of St. Boniface, willi whom he set out for tlie Noiihwesl, whtu'c lie was continuously engaged in missionary work among the Indians and Kskimos until 1871, when he returned to Franco to HU|Hirvise the publication of ^oiiie of his works on lingnislics and geograjiby. In 1870 be returned to the missions and spent another )ieriod of niNirly six years in the Northwest. In 1882 he once more rotiirnt>d to bis native cjnintry, where he has since remained. In 1880 he was appointed to the curacy of Man-nil, near Meaiix, wlilih he still retains. Tbo many year.--, he spent in the inbospitableNorthwest were Imsy and eventful ones, and afforded an opporlunity for geo- grapbi<', linguistic, and ethnologic observations and studies such u» few have eiijoyes. He was the Hist missionary to the Kskimos of the Northwest, having visited tlieiii in 180,'i, at the mouth of the Anderson, again in 1808 at the mouth of the Alacken/.ie, and in 1870 and again in 1877 at Fort Mcl'hcrson on I'eel River. In 1870 his travels extended into Alaska. In 1878 illness caused him to fetiirn south. He went on fimt to Athabaska, wheni^e be passed to the Saskat- chewan in a bark. In 1870 lii< established the mission of St. Haphael, at .Angling Lak", for the t.'hippcwyans of that region; there he rcinained until his final departure for France in January, 1882. For an ai'coiint of bis linguistic work aMiong the Kskimanan iriiiicri>[-HeK"»<'"J" I "'■•'*'«"• I I M<^xi«i) I imi»rtiiitii ni)i>.v lii, liiill'-lilleHVer»oM blank '1 \\. text |>p. r>-r):)i(, index ver«(i Idaiik 1 1. ; half-title verso workH " ilel niiHino alitor" 1 1. title verm) blank I 1. mlverH'neia iip. v-vi, liall- title verso blank I I. text jip. IM'.'T, note verso blank 1 1. index verso blank 1 l..<'. lionl's jirayer in tbe Li)ian (los Apac'lies son una naeion biirbaraiiiie reeorren las iiriivimias del Xorte de Mexieo), vol. 2, \i. 251. i'lipifn Keen: Hancroft, Hoston AtheiinMini, British Museum. Congress, Eaines, Watkinson. Ciiadro desoriptivo y comparativo | de las I lengtiaH indfgenaH de M6xico, | tratado de Alologia mcxicaiia, | por | Francisco Pimentel | inieinbrodovariaM I'sociedades cientitica« y litorariaH dc Mdxico, I Eiiropa y Estados L'nidos do America. (Sogmidaedicioiiuiiica com- plota.) I Toino Prirnero[-Tercero]. | M6xico. I Tipografia do Lsidoro Epstein | C'alle de Nuevo-Mexico N". 6. I 1874[-187r)]. ;i vols. : printed i^over nearly as above, hall- title verso notices 1 I. title as aliove verso blank 1 1. l»roloi;o ])p. iii-xvi, text pi>. 1-422, en at as verso blank 1 1. indiee pp. 42.')-42(!, ]n-intetiees on back cover; printed cover, halt-title verso "obras del niisnio alitor" 1 1. title (187,')) verso blank 1 1. text pp. 5-40H, erratas verso blank 1 I. iiidice pj). 471-472, notice on back cover; printed cover, halt'-titltt verso "obias del niisnio alitor" 1 1. title (1H7,")) verso blank 1 1. text pp. .')-.')(!.'), erratas pp. ;'i()7-.'>(i8, indiee pp. 5«i)-57U, copyright notice verso blank 1 1. notice on back cover, H^. Kl -Vpaclie, vol. li, i)p. 4H;i-,7J4, contains a ({eneral account of the .Vpaclie laiif;iia};es and dialects, iiu'liiilini; a coiii|)aiative vocabulary in Spanish. Apache, and Othoiiii (pp. 4HO-4HS), a vocabulary of thl^ Apache Mexicauo with S|ianisli detii.itions (pp. .512-314), the Ajiache numerals 1-2(X)0 (pp. .'ilS-.TlH). a <'ompari.son of forty words iu eijjlit Apache dialects, viz, Apache norte-americano, Apache lucxicano, Mimbreno (Copper mine). IMnalefio, Nava,)"'). Xicarilki (Faraon), Lijian, and Mescalero (pp. 510-521), and the Lord's prayer in Iiipan(|).,'i22). Copien >H'i-t\, : Kanies, Pilling. Pinalenc Apache. Se(< Apache. Finart (Alphonao L.) Aljili. Tiiiait | Snr I IcsAtnahs Extrait do laUcviiedo Pliilologie ot d'Etlmographie, ii" 2. | Paris I Ernest Leroiix, <^ (Jover tilhi us above, no inside title; text pp. 1 H, »". 'rhe dialect treated is the .Vtnaxthyiine. (tcncral ri'inarks, ]ip. l-ll.— Vocabulary of 275 words and plwiises, al|ili!ilM!lioally urraii^i^d by Atiiaxlhynim words, pj). 3-8. Vojtiet uren : rilling. Vocalinlary of tho Atnah lan- gnago. (*) .VlaniiHcript, ',M» pp. folio, iu possession of its aiithur. Jtiissian and Atnah. Collect^'.d at Kadiak in 1872. May (U- may not biiluug to tliu Atlia]iascan family of lan^iia^cs. Some years ajjo. in response to a rec|uest oi' mine for a list of tho manuscript linguistic material collected by him, Mr. IMnart wrote me as I'ollows : '• I lmv(! eollect4id, during my tifteeti years of traveling, voirabiilaries, texts, songs, etc., gen- eral liiigiiistii' materials iu the following lan- guages or dialects. It is imiiossible at jiresent to give you the uiimlier of Jiages, etc., as most of it is to be found amcuig my note-books, and has not been juit in shape as yet." Among the languages mentioned by Mr. rinart were tbi^ Tlatskenai, (.'hiracahua Ajtache, ami White Mountaiu Apache. Pino (Pedro Bautista). Exjiosicion | Siieinta y StMicilla \ dti la Pro vine iiu del I Nnevo Mexieo: | liecha | por sn dipn- tado on Cdrtes | Don Pedro Bajdista Pino, i eon arregloa sns instruecioncs. | Cadiz: , Iniprenta del Estado-Mayor- (ioneral. ] Alio do 1812. (*) 51 pp. HO. '•iJel Naba,)oe,' ten words and phrases, pp. 40-41. Title from the late Dr. J. G. Shoa, from copy in his ]»o88ossion. — Nolieias | historicas y ostadisticas I do la antigua provincia del | Nnovo- Moxieo, I prciscntadas por sn dipntado en tortes | D. Pedro Bautista Pino, | en ('adiz on afio do 1812. | Adieioiiadas por el Lie. D. Antonio Barreiro on | 1889; y nltimamento anotadas por el Lie. I Don Jo86 AgnstiiidoE.scndoro, | l»ara la (-oinision do estadisticia niilitar I d(^ la I rt^pnblica Moxieana. | [Five lilies qnotation.] | Mc^xieo. I Iinpronta do Lam, eallo de la Palniannin4. | 1849. Title verso blank 1 1. dedication pp. i-i'-, text pp. 1-08, indiee 2 II. map, sni. 4". Del Xaviyoe, pp. 8.")-8t). contains a short vocab- ulary (ten words) with definitions in Spanish. Copii'tucen ; liritiak Museum, Congress, Shea. ' ATHAPASCAN LANOlJAGIiS. 85 Pope (.1/(1/. V. L.) Vo(!iiliiiliuy of \vi)r«>.'>. Cl>llt:lill^4 alioiil '-Mil wiii'ilHaiiil pliiusi'S. in tliii hiiiKlu'i'itiii^ of Dr. (iiio. (iililis. 'I'lir wlicri!- uliiiiitH of t,h(! Di'lgiiial r ill) not know. On tlii' ilritt |iU);o in lliu folliiwiii;; nolo: "Tliu ti-iho kii.iwn as tlio Sii^uannios inliuliit tliii tract of f.oiiiitry lyiiij; to tliu norlliwoHl of LukuTiitla, in lii' ('iilniiiliia, anil tlii'lr Ian- giia^i' is nitai'ly tlio saino as tliat spokoii liy tint Connonaylw, or Xalumii's, of tlio Upprr Sli- kiiie." Pott (Aiiffiist Krioilrich). l)io | ([niiiiiro und vio;('.siiiiiilc | Ziililmi^thodt! | hoi Volkoni iillur Woltthoilc. | Nobst aiis- fiilirlic.lmroii IJuriiu'rkmiijtcii | iibiir ilic. ZiihlwiirkTludoiVtii'iiiiiiiisclmuStiiimiies I und oiiiem Aiihiiu;;c, iihcr I'Miiijoriiii- iiKMi. I Voii I Dr.Aiiyii.stFriiMlrichPott, I ord. Prof. [&c. four linos.] | Halle, I CA. SchwotscUko und Soliu, I 1847. Cover title nearly as aliovc, title as above verso liliMik ' l.ileilii'.atiun verso blank 1 l.ileili- catury uotiL>. 1 1. preface jip, vii-viii, text pp. l-tllM, 8°. Many North American languages are ropre- Heutod by nuini'rula, finger names, etc., among them the Chippewyan (from Mackeuiiie) ami Taeoiillies (Carrier), p. (iti. Copies seen: Astor. IJoston I'ublir, Kritish Museum, Kaiiies, Watkinson. Doppclnng | (Reduplikation, Gomi- utition) ; als | cine.s dor wicliti«;.ston Bil- duugSiinittel dcr SpiiU'lio, | l)(deuclitet. I au8 Sprachou allor Wclttlmile durcli I Aug. Fliedr. Pott, Dr. | Prof, der Allgomeinoii Sprachwi.s.s. au dcr Uuiv. zu Halle [ifec. two liucM.] | Lemgo «fc Detuiold, | ini Verlago der Meyer'schiMi Hof buchhandluug 18(>2. Oovertitle as above, title as above verso i|uo' tation 1 I. preface |ip. iii-iv, contents pp. v-vi, text pp. 1 -1104, list of books on verso of back cover, 8". Contains examples of reduplication in m.-tny North .Vmerican languages, among them the Athapascan, p. ;!7; Atnali, p. 42; Keuai, pp. 42, 54, 12U : Tahciili, pp. 42. ti2 ; Tlatskauai, p. 41, ami TTmkwa, pp. 37, 42. Copieii teen : Astor, Kritish Museum, Eamcs. Kiiiloituiig in die allguineiuo Spracb- wissonscbaft. In luUfrnationale ZeitHClirift f Ur allgemidue Sprnchwissenschaft, vol. I. pp. 1-(W, ;i2it-:(r)4; vol. 2, pi>. ,">4-ll.'), 2((9-2.'.li vol. H, pp. 11()-120, 249-275; Supp., pp. 1-19:!; vol.4, pp. 07-90; vol. 6, pp. .1-18, Leipzig, 18H4-1887, and Hoilbrouu, I880,largu8°. (Bureau of Ethnulugy.) Pott (A. F.)~Coutiinied. Tliii literal iireof .Vmerlcaii linguistics, vol. 4, )ip. 07-90. This pint ion was piililisbeil after Mr. I'ott's ileatli. wbiili oi'ciirreil .Inly .'i, 1H87. Tlie general eililiir of the /eitHihril'l. Mr. 'recliiner, states in a null' that I'litt's p;ipi'r is continued from them;inuscripls wliicli he left, and that it is toi'Iose with the languages of .Australia. In the seclion of American liiigiiislics publications in till the more important slocks of Xortli Amerh^it are mentioned, with brief characteri/.atiou. Powell: This word following a title or within parenllii'Mi s after a note indicates tli:it ii copy of the work referred to Ii:im bein seen by the com- piler in the library of Major ,1. W. I'owell, Washingloii, I). ('. Powell (.1/rt/. .John Wesley). Indian lin- giiistie f:iiui]ie.s of AnK-rica norlii of Mexieo. l$y .I.W.Powell In ltui'e;iu of Kthnology, Seventh .Vnniial Report, pi>. 1-142, Washington, 1H91, royal 8 \ Ath;ipascan family, willi a list of synnnynis and principal tribes, derivation of the niune, habitat, etc., pp. ol-.'iO. Issued sepiirately ns follows: Iinlian linguistic families of America I iiortb of Mexico | lly | .J. W. Powell | Extract from tlieseventb iiiinual report of tlie Hnreauof ethnology [Vignette] Washington | Goverumcut printing office I 1891. (Jovertitleasabove.noiuside title, half title p. 1, contents pi>. ;i-0, text ]>]>. 7-142, map, royal 8°. Linguistic con tents as under title next alwive. Oupiex neen: Bureau of Ethnology. Kai.ies, I'illing, I'owell. [Vocabulary of the Navajo language.] Manuscript. 8 II. folio, written on one side only. Collected at Fort Detlance, Now Mexico, in 187U. In possession of its author. Contains about IIK) worus and the numerals 1-lUUU. Pow^ers (Stei>hen). The northern Ciili- foriiia Iiulians. In Overland Monthly, vol. 8, pp. :i2.-.-3;i3, 425- 4:t.'>.;")30-5:i9; vol. 9, pp. I.m-104, :)U.-)-:ii:!. 498-.'i07, Ai>ril-I)ecember, 1872. Continued under the titleof " The (/'ulifornia lnilians."no. 7to no. 13, vol.10, pp. 322-333, 5;).'i-,-)45; vol.11, pp. lO.VllO; vol. 12, pp. 21-:il, 412-124. 530-.J40; vid. 13, pp. .'142-550. April, June, am; August, 1873; .Tiinu- nry, May, June, and DecemlMT, 1874. .Sau Fran- cisco, 1872-1874,8°. (Karnes.) The tlrst series consists of six articles, scat- ten;d through whh'hare a few native terms. Ar- ticle no. iv.vol. 9,pp.l5,'i-164. relates to the Hisipa urHoopaw IniUaus, and contains, on pp.l.'>7-1.58, some remarks on the lIiHipa hinguage, a S|)lace. Vol. 1 was reissueil with a new title containing the worils " Koiirfh edition ' and hearing the im- print "London : I SlK!rwo(Ml,(Jilhert, and Piper, I Paternoster row. | ]h*41." (Astor) ; and again '•Fonrlli edition. I Vol.1. | London: | lloiilston and Stiinemaii. | (),"), Paternoster row. | 18.51." (Omigrens.) According to Sahin's Dictionary (lu). (TitTT. note), vol. 2 also appeared in a "Fourth edition," with the latter iiii|irint. several issues differ only in the insertion of new titles in the places of the original titles. Of the Languages of the Nations inhaliiting the Western Coast of North Anu'rica (pp. 4;t8- 441) contains on p. 440 a short com)iarative viMiahnlary of the Esi|uiniaiix. Kinai, and ITgal- jachmnt/.i. Copies tern: Bancroft, ISoston Alhena>iini, Congress, Knnies. The earlier editions, London, IHl;!, 8°, and London, 1820, 2 vols., 8°, contain no Athapascan material. Priferes, c!intii|iii's ct citPcliisnn' en hiii),'nr nionta;,'nai8<'. .Set- Perrault (('. Primer: Heaver ,See Itoniiias (W. C.) Cliippewyan lti>ni,ias (\V.(;.) I»elie Miiriie (.\.(1.) "■•K I'ih l inehes in size, headed as ahoveand coiitaiuing twelve 'Promises of Our Lord to lilessed Margaret .Mary" in (he Loiielieiix language, on the verso of which is « colored picture of the siiernl lici.rl, with in- scription in Knglish lielow. •Mr. Kemper has ]iiihlis)ied the same ■• prom- ises" on similar cards in many languages. 0(ij>ieii wni : Kames, Pilling, Welh'sley. Promissiones Domini Nostri .I«wn Christi factai^ 15. Marjf. M. Ahico(|n«. | Na' ott- Hefikasowt'r.It^Miikri lifkayt^ Maryiicritc I Mariti Ahicoqiio pa kiidozi; mf^nik'c? Hcdz^d I tt.sch NokIU'l'lltlll'SIV4 llltei' II lllltc illllil'lltl'M tlllll II copy (if tlxMvork rct'tiiTi'd to liitx Immmi Hrcii by till' roiii|iili'r in tlii< IxHtkHloro oC Itcriiiiri! Qimriti'li, I.oiiiloii, Kna;. Quaritch (Horimrd). A KtMioral | cntii- lof^iuwtf hookN, I ol)Vr<>il tt» flic ]iiil>lic at tho ullllxtMl pricoH | )iy | Moniard QiiMiitcli. I Lomloii : I 15 Picnulilly. | 1880. Tlllc v('r«o ])rInt<>rH I 1. itritl'iicn (tliitt'il July, IKHO) |(|l. iii-iv. tnl»l« of <'Olltl>lltM ll]!. V X, Clltll- lojiiic )>ii. 1 -'.'Kill, (icntriil index pp. ^lOT-Silftri. H '. Inrliiili's III!' piirtM i«surcl with the niimliei'M IIOO 3:10, IVom .Iiilv. 1S77, to N'ovcMilicr, lH71t. Ainnririiii tiiii);Ma;;i>M, pp. 1201 1201). rontiiiniH tilli'M of II fi'w works t'oiituiiiini; ninleriul relatin); to tint .\lliii|>ii.srnn lani;na;;('.s. <1nf>ip» tern ; Hnnnm of Etlinoloiiy. ('on;;ri'MM, Eanii'H. (.'ntiilofi;ii(> I of bonks <»ii tlif | liistoiy, jj('oaek : Ql'.VRITCIl's I (IKXKRAI, | CATAI.OOfE | PAKT XII. i I VOYAdHS I AND I TRAVKLS | AMKIIICANA | AND | OIlIENTAt.IA I LO.VDO.V ISStI, TIlis voUiimi com- priHes noH. 362-1104 (.Inne, .Tnly, and Angu«t, 1HA">; of the paper-eovered Merles, witli theaildi- tion of 11 .spei'ial title ami a jieneral index. Ainurieiin laii<;iia<;eM, pp. :i()21-:i042, contains Quaritoh (H.) — Contiiiiicd. titles of luHiks relating! to the .Mhapasean l:in- ;;iia|!eM. Theroinplet.' "(ieneral Catalocne,"' of wlilch tin' above is a part, comprises l,'i Miliinu's boiiml in red cbith, pajred einisecntively 1 -4onti. Kacli volume has its own s|H'cial title and index, with the title of till' series and the niimhei'of thi' p;ut lett"" d on the h, ck. It was oriitinally i.-;i'ni'ral | catalojjtic of books | of- fered to tlio public iit the atlixi'il prices I by I neriiard (/iiaritch | Vol. I|-V1] | LmuIoii: I 15 Piccadilly. | 1S87. (I vols, royal H". .\n index vidnmi' was an- lionneed. but it has not yet (March. 1M1I2) ap- jieared. American lanjrnaces. as under the preceding tith', vol.,'), iip. :i(ill~mt2. f'o/nVd «('('» : Lenox. This edition was piihlished at \'tt. for the set, incliidinj; the seventli or index volume. Xo.WJ. London, Deceiiiber, 1887. | A ronjrh list | of | valnablc and r.ire books, I coniinisinc; | the choicest inir- tionsof Viirioiis Libraries, | jinil many very cheap works of evi^ry cliiss of Lit- erature, I at {greatly rednccd i»rices, | otVered by | Hernard Qnaritcli, 15, Pic- cadilly, W. Printed cover (with title: ''The niiscellane- oils and the musical library of Mr. William ('happell," etc.). cataloj;ne with licadinu as above, pp. 1-128, K^. American languages, )>p. 1-i:i. contains titles of a few works giving information relating to the Athapascan languages. i'opiet »een : Knmi'H, Pilling. t R. Radloff (Leopold). Einific kritischj' j Heinerkniifjen iiber llrii. Ibischnninn's Heliiitidlnnold Hadlotf. I In .\cad6mie Tmp. des Sciences. Melanges riLsses, vol. 3, )ip. ;il>4-:t»ll, St. I'etershurg. 1S.''.7, 8°. (Kames.) The granimaticiil sketch of the Kinai in this article is extracted from the works of Lisi- aniiky, Uesiuiow. Dawydow. and Wrangell. At the end of the article is the note: (Alls dom Bull, hist.-phil,, T. xiv, No. 17, 18. Jilj. Radloff (L.) — Continned. Mdinoires | de | I'Aead^^mie iinp<5- rialc des sciences de SL-Pi'tersboiirfj, VII- s.i|i/i;r: | M. Lt'ii- iHild VoHH. I Prix: JO K. — lU Nur. Oiivt'i' litli< iiH alicivi', litlr iiH iiliiivK mihii lliitit'i'H 1 I. lurl'iiiT (liy A. St'lilt't'iD'i) |i|i. i N. Ii-xl |i|i. t :i:i, 4 . IIi'IkI' Kraiiiiiiiitii' hUi'Ii'Ii, witli miiii;;n, |i|i. i X. ~ (ii'i'iiiiiii'ICiiiJii ilirliiiiiar\ (ilciiilili< fill- iiiiins), |i|i. I ;i'_'. NiiiiirniiH, I Kiiiii, ))|i, :i:! .'i:i. Ciijiiis MCfii : llrlliMli MilHKiiiii, CiiiiKrtwH, Kami's, I'illiiiu. Reeve (Arihilvatum \\ . \).) 'Y\w \ IoiiI'h ]>myfi-, tipostloH' cntt'il, | «Vc, | in th*^ | Hliivi laii;;iiii;;c. | C'oiii]>il*Hl | liy tlif niv.W. D.h'tM-v.'. I liOiiilon: I Cliiircli iiiiHMionary ]i. 1^1 lliii vfi'Hii )). |4J K'^''"!i tlx' xylla- Uaiy, '• Syllalianiim" in roiiian cliaraftfi'H ]i. |ri{. \{'\\ (allrriiatr |ia;;r.i HvUabiit anil ronian charai'liTH) |i|i, (1-11, W'. (!|iriHt'H liivi' (liynin) in Myllaltii' t'liaractt'i'M, ]i, 0; Hanii- in iiiniaii. l> 7.— Tin; lan'ilM jtraycr, li'nriininiandnii'ntH in lirifl', Hyllaliir. ji. H; Nann< in viiinan, ji. !>.— Tin' ajiiiHlli'N' ci'immI, anil a prayi'i', Hyllaliir, ji. Ill; Hann' in rianan, )). II. Ciipien teen : Clinrrli MixHiiinary So( 'nf.v, Kann'M, I'illin;;. Tlw (lliipewyiiii hidiaiiH, In Our KiniMl ('lii'nlri'n, vol. -. |iii.U-7, Sliin^- wank llinni' (Siailt Stf. MarU'. Ontario], April IK««, 4'"'. ContainH a list nt' ('lii)Miwyan trilx's'anil twi'ntyniint (Miipi-wyan worilM anil Hliort Hon- toui'fH with Knjrlirtli niitaninj{M. Sc i'l the Addenda. Tliu inili'x untriuH unili^r Bible, pajjH 8, rufur- riu^ to this autlior aiv inrorriM-t; tln\v Hhoulil mill "IJonipaH (\V. V.) anil Uitnii (\V. 1).)" Titli'H of till' work.s ri^furrtnl tu will bu I'oiiml in tint AtliUoiila. See Hymns. See Lessons. Relationship*: A pai'hii Apacln' AthapiiHoan' Kntcliin T.oni'hrux NuviVl" I'eau ill' Lii^vro Slavu Slavn TnkniUi Tnktulli Richardson {Sir J iiig expeditiuu Si't' Mori;an (L. H.) \Vliite(JB.) Dorxfy (J.O.) lIi'nl.'Hty (W. L.) MorKiin (LH.) Packard (U. L.) Morjiaii (L. H.) Kinnii'ott (K.) Morgan (L. H.) Mvl)oiuiliI(U.) Miirfian (L. H.) obn). Art'tir | searcli- I a I juiirnul of a boat- Richardson (J. ) — Continued. viiyani' I t.liitiii>i;li Itnperl's land to the Ari'tirHca, I in seart'li oi' I Hit' dinrnxuiy Nlii|iH niider roinniund of | Nir .lolin Franklin. | Witli an Mpiiindix on tlii' idiyMJcal o<'o;jrji|diy of Xortli .\ini'rli':i. I MyHir.loiin Itii'iiardHon.C. lt.,F. U.S. | inH]iei'torof naval liO'^pitalH and llcctH, I eti'. etc. fit'. I III two voliinii's. | N'ol. Tr-II|. I i'liidiHlieil hy aiitlioi'ity. | London: | LonKinan, Mrowii, (irreii, and Koii}j;iiians. | IS.'>1. 'JviiIn.: t'l'onlJNpiiM'i' 1 I. litli' vrrHiiniiliri' anil prinli'i-M 1 l.ronti'iilM pp. iii vlil. ti'xt pp. l-li:i vi'i-so prinli'i'H. i'i){lil otiii'r jilali's: IViinliHpiii'i' 1 I. litlr viTHO pi'ilitrrM I l.riinli'llls pp.iiivii, ti'xt pp. I-I.'i7,appi'nili\ )ip. I'l'.l 40'.!. i-xplanalion III' plalt'M I i!t II pp. 4o;t-41li. poMlHrripl |ip.4l7- 4'.'(l. I'lilili'il map, H^. I^'liap. xii, On tlir Kiiti^liiii or I.iiiii'lii'iix, vol. 1. pp. :I77-41.'I. rontaiim a niiinlii'niririhal iianitM Willi Kn;;lisli iiicanin^fH. -('Iiapirr \ili,OI'lliii 'Tinni' or ClicprwyaiiH, vol. '_', iip. 1 -'.Vi, rontaiim a iininlii'r ol' trilial nanii'.s witli ili'liiiitioiiH.— ViN'aliiilary of tlii' ('ln'iicwyan of AtlialiaHra (alioiit :i:i(l woi'iIh anil pliraHi'H rollt't'tiil from Mr«. Mi'l'In'r>*iiii). vol.'.', pp. ;i»7-.'lil.">.- Do^rili vocaliiilary (:i- words, rolli'iti'd liy Sir dolin Uii'ljarilHoii at Ft. (NiiiHdi-ni'r), vol. 2, pp. :i9.'i- IllMI. — I»o){ril> vocaliiilary (tinwords coUi'i'ti'd liy an otliri'r of tlii' ItiidHoii liay Co. at I''l. Simp- son), vol. '2, JI. II!)". (,'ontains aLso tlio fiiUiiwinj;; Lefroy(.r. H.), Voralnilary of Clieiiewyan and Do-j-iili words, vol. 2, pp. 4(10-402. McPherion (M.), ViK'abiilary id' tin' ('lii'|ie- wyaii, vol. 2. jip. ;i«2-;i8r). Murray (.v. II.), (^omparativo via'alinlary of till' Kiitiliin and Dogrili, vol.1, pp. llDO-tlMI, Voi'alinlary of tlio Kntcliin of the ViiKcin,vol. 2, iip.;)«2-;)85. 'Brian (— ), Vocaliiilary of Fort Siin|isou l)o;;-rili, v^ iiiKlcr nMiiiiiaiiil of I sir.loliii Ki-itiikliii. | Witli an a|)|wii(li\ on lln> |ili,VHiraI nvtirnx- \ l»liy 'if Norlli Aniciica. | Hy nir .Inliii |{icliai'y;ii('. no. 11171. iiii'iil ions tin tiililiiiii, Ninv Vork, Harper \ llrollicr.i, IMr>l), TilU pp. I'J \ Rivington (— ). !Sott), the Slav^ Indians (ai'cordin^ to Kcniiirott), tli<) llaro Indian.s of Fort (iood Hope (accordinjj to Konni«^ott), and tlio Hai o Indians of (Ircat Hoar Lakt» (ucrordin;; to I'otitot), with n-niarks on each l>y V. L. (). Uoi'liri^. January 15, 1874.] Miii-'wcript, 'i'i iiiiniiinlii'n'il It'ikviM, 4°, in tliti lilirary of tliii Itiiri>iiu iit' Ktliniiln^cy. Tlid vocabuliirieH, 180 wonts cacli (eoi.icil t'niiii Iiiimiii4<;ript!4 at that tiiiiit in tlio llbniry of tlid SiniMiHOiiiau IiiMtitntion), aro in ]iarallcl coliiiiiiiH and ocenpy '■) l(>avt>H. Thesis are I'ol- lowi'tl liy 1:1 liaKf.s of '• I't'inai'liM, " eiiili vocab- iiliivy liein;; tn«iliHl of sc^iaratoly. [A cuniparativi- vocabulary of the langnag<^» of tin* Kntcliin tribes, ein- bracin^j the Kut-rinted copy of Kennieott), with remurkM by F. L. O. Koehrig. January 15, 1874.], 17 unniimlHTixl leaves, 4'^, in tlie library of the linrean of Ktlinolo;;y. Tlie Ibree voealiularie.s, of ISO wonts eaeli (eopietl from niaiiiiseripts tlien in the blirary )iap's. Follow iliK lliese are '> partes, riiiitainiiiK two selHof " remarks," also by I'rof. Koeliri;;, tsvo pa^eH of wliieli refer to tile viiiabiilary of K>'iinieotl anil (liree to tlial of Koss, — ; A comparative vocabulary of the 'laliculli (according .to Anderson, in II. lie's exploring «t\peditioii) and of the Keiiai (from the governor of Kiis- siaii America), with remarks by V. L. (). IJoehrig, February. 1874.) .Maiiu.seri|it. 14 nniiiimbereil |iii<;es, in tiie libniiy of tbe lliiieaii of Ktlinolo;;> . TUe voeabiilaries (tbe llrst of 180 wonts, 'lie .seeiiiiil of (ill) are in parallel eoliiniiis anil tie- ciipy 10 pa;;es, 'IMiese are followeil by 4 pa^es eoiitaiiiiii^ two sets of " r< marks," tbe llrst tliree pa^es relating to tbe voeabiilary of .Viuler- son anil one to tiiat last iiientioiieil in tbe title. [A com|>arative vocabulary of the Ilong-kntchin (with the original spell ing of tlie auonyntoiis vocabulary ), the Natsit kntchiu (according to H. H. ]{uss), and iinother Kiitchin dialect (not specified; lU'cordiugto K. H. H<»ss), with remaiks by F. I.,. O. Koelirig. August 17, 1874.] Maiin.seript, l.'i nnnnnibered leaves. 4', in tlie library of tbe linrean of KtlinoloKy. Tbe voeabiilaries, IHU wards eaeli (eopied from niannseripts tlien in the lilirary of llie Sinitbsoiiiaii Institution), are in parallel eol- nnins, oeenpyin;; leaves, followeil by tbe remarks, by l>r. Itoebri);, eiieb set of words iH'inij; treated of separately. [A comparative v«»ciibnlary of the iSikaui tuid ISeaver Indians, embra(;iiig the Si-kau-i (iK'cordiug to I{. R. Koss) ; the Si-kan-i (according to F. L. Fope); the Kikani of the mountains south of Fort Lianl; and the lieaver Indiuus of Peace Kiver weut of Luke Athabasca I: 1 90 BIRLIOGRAIMIY OF THE • * II' Roehrig (V. L.O.) — <'tt);witli remarks l)y F. r.. (). liochrif,'. Aii« 20, 1S71.] MiillilsiTi|(l. l(i iimiilinliri'cd leaves, 4^, ill tlio liliI'Mi'V ;liout tliecoiintry, in order that he mi;i;ht have the lieiietit of their kninvleilKe of the siili- ,iecl. In iiiirsiianeeid' tliis )iolicy Prof. Uoehriy; was called ii|ion for assislaiic>'. ami tlie col- liM'tions relating to a niiinlier of families in the northwest were sent to him for criticism, anioiij; them the Athapascan. The various maniiscriiits noted above uniler llio head of " Hoinarks " are the result id" this plan. Rogue River: \'ocaliiilary Vocaliulary Ti'ilial names SeeHarnhardt (W. H.) Dor.m'y (J. ().) Oorsev (.1.0.) Rogue l\iv(iJ(iliii. StM'Dorsey (J. <^.) Rooney (.Jake). Soci Dorsey (J.(X) Ross (.Mfxainler). See Dorsey (J. O.) Ross (1{. |{.) A'ocalmlar.v of tlu» ]n\rr ('liiiM'wyim.orlaiiffniigtMif tln'Ciiiihoo- ciitrrs anil Vcllowkiiivt's. Manuscriiit. (i iiiiiiiiiiiliered leaves, written on one side imly. fidio, in the lihiary id' the Miirean of Ethnoloiiy. Uecorded on one of the "standard vooabii- lary " forms ol the Siiiithsonian Institution, con- taiiiin;; ISd words, eiiiiivalentu of all of which are j;iveu. Tlie manuscript is in the band- writiim of Dr.tieo. (iililis. N'liialtiilary oC the Kiitcha Kiitchiii, Ross (H. H.) — Ooiitiiinod. simian Institution's standard vncabulary of 180 words, nearly all the blanks beini; tilled. The handwriting is that of Dr. tiibbs. Vociildilary of tlic Ncliamiiiy of Yukon River. Maiiiisciipt, (i unnumbered leaves, f(dio, written on (me side only, in the library of the hiireaii of Klhnidoiry. I'loiured friiiii Mr. Ili^rdesty, who had resided aiiionj; these Inilians about ten years. Uecorded im one of the Sniillisoiiian Institu- tion's stamUird vocabulary forms of ISd words, e(|uivaleiits of nearly all of which are jjiveii. The hand writ ill;; is that of Dr. (iibbs. — \'oeiiliiilaiy of tlie Natsit Kiit.cliin (Stioiif^ Men) laiij;iia;i;e. Manuscript, li iinniiiiibered leaves, folio, writti'ii on one side only, in the library of the Hiireaii of l'ilhiiolo;;y. I'rocured from an Indiaii who had been several years in llu' Hudson May (Jompanys .service. Kucurdtxl oil uue of tUu tonus of the bmith- Xehiiimay Uiver. ^fallllscript, (i ininumbi'i'ed leaves, folio, wiilti'ii on one side only, in the library of the Uureaii of Ktlin(do;;y, ('ollectcd from a mem- her of one of the tribes residini; in tlie inonii- tainoiis I'oiintrv between the Kiard ami Mac- kenzie rivers. Recorded on one of the Smilhsoiiiaii Institu- tion's Htandard vocabnle.rv fcuiiis id' ISO words, ci| iiivalenls of nearly all of which are ;riven. The niaiiuseript is in the bamlwriliii;; of Dr. (iibbs. — Voealmliiry of the Si-kaii'-i Itm- jliiage. Maniiscnpt, t> unnumbered lea- es, ivriif^iion one side only, folio, in the libiaryid' the Itiireaii of Kthnoloniy. Kei'orded on one of the Siiiitli.Mmiaii forms of ISO words. ei|iiivaleiils of all of which areuiven. Voeitbulary of a ditih-et of the Tiii- lioilii hin^iiivjie. Manuscriiit. fi iiniiiiiiiliercd leaves, folio, written on one side only, in the library of the Miireaii of Kthiiolo^xy. Uei'oriled oil oiii' of p. 1-8H, 4'. The Lord's prayer in a inimher of AmericiUi laii;;ua;;cs. ainoiii; them theChippewyaii (sylla- bic), p. 14; Chippewyan or Tin lie (roiuaii), p. 14; Kl;ive-Iiidi;iii (roiii:iii), ]i.7.'i; .Slave-Iiidiaii (.syl- labic), p. T.'i; Tiikiidli. |i. 84. i^oiiiet Hi't'n : Kaiiies. — Tlio I lord's jirayer | In Tliiee Hun- dred Lanirna^es | eoin|ii'isiii^ the | leiiiliiifr liiiiiriiiiircs and their jirineipal dialects | tlironohont the, world | with the places where spoken | Willi a (iref- :iee liy Ki'inhold Host, | ('. I. K., IJ..I>., I'll. I). I Seeoiid edition { Luuduu I (jlilbert uiid Kiviugtuu | ATHAPASCAN LANGHAOKS. 01 Rost (R.) — (!oiitinn«fiU"t( 'J 11. «'(iii ton * 1 I. text li|i. 1-88,4=. l.iiiuiiislic. tMiiiU'iit.s iisiinilnrtitleiiextabuvt). Copien tiulit^ liiiifiun};;*'. Maiiii.Hi'ri|>t. tt uiiiiiiiiilH'rcil lunvrs. loliii, written on one Mitlo niily. in tin' lihriiry iit' tini llnrcaii of Ktlinc>li>;;y. lIiMcinlnl. Si'pt.. ISHIi, with tin' as.slstiinc'c dl'Mirlii'v Krcc. intcrprc- ter. s. Sabin (.Joseph). A | «lictionar.v | of | liooks if^l.'itiiifj to Aiiiot'ica, | from it.s (liscov<>fy to the ]»iM'S(Mit time. | 15y ,lo.s<'|ili Saliiii. I Volume I[-XIX]. | [Tlii-ee liiie.s (iiiotatioii.J | Nt'W-York: | Jo.sojih Sahiii, HI Nassau 8tre<'t. I 18(JS[-1S(H]. lil viils. K'. Still in conrsii itf ]Milili('ation. Parts cxv-cwi, now in in't-sx (Miiri'li, IH'.i'J). liavr> I'l-ni'luMl the iMitry " Smith, "' anil will coni- iniMn-i' vol. 2t). Xow eilitisl hy Mr. Wilhurt'ori'i- Kiinn-H. (Nmtains tillp»f>l'maiiy liookH in ami rulatinj; to lilt' .Vtha))as<'aM hui^ua<;t>s. iUipies seen: (Ninitrt'wa, Kann>.s, ( ieiilof^inal Snivcy. Lenox. See Field (T.W.) St. Mark [in the 'riiiiii^ laiigiiafte]. See Kirkby (\V. \V.) Sayce (Anhibahl Henry). IiitroAnetion to the I seieui't^ of lanfjuage. | Hy | A. H. Sayee, | (le]nity jirofessor of ('om])ar- ative ]ihilolo^y in the university of Oxford. I In two volumes. | Vol.l[-II]. I [Design.] I London : I C Kej^an Panl & eo., 1, Paternoster s(iiiare. | 1880. 2 vols. : lialf-titlo vtTso hlank I 1. title verso (|nolati(Mian(l notice 1 1 ]>rel'ai'ep|>. v~viii, table ol" eontent.s verso lilank 1 1. text pp. 1-441, eolo- jdion verso lilank 1 I.: hall'title verso blank 1 1. title verso (piotation anil notiee 1 I. table of contents verso blank 1 I. text jip. 1-:),")'J. selerteil list 111" works lip. .'li:i-:ifi;t, imlex pp. :tti.V4'.'l. Ii; '. A I'ew lliiii]iah nnil Navaho wiinls, w itli ex- planations, vol. 1, p. 121. Copies neen ; ISnreaii of Etlinnliifry.Eaines. Bchomburgk (Sir Robert HerniMii). Con- tributions to the Philolo}!;ieal Kthnof^;- raphyof South Ameriea. Ry Sir R. H. Schombiirjj;!:. In i*hiliiloi;ii'al Sue. fiif Limilonj I'roe. vol. ^, p|i. 22K-2;i7. Lonilon, 1S4K. 8o. AHinity III' wonls in thetJninnn with other lane ""(."'s ami ilia'eels in Anu-riea. )ip. "JIIO-'j:!", rontains. annul!; others. exainpU's in .Vtnali. A voeabiilary of the Maianj^koiifj laii^fuatje [South .Ameriea]. In l'liilolo;;ieal Sue. |iit' [.oiiilonj I'roc. vol. 4, pp. 217-222. LuuUuu. 1850, 8'>. Schomburgk (R. H.) —Continneil. Contains the wiiril Cor giin in the lanKiiaKes of the <"hi|iiiewyan. Kiiiai, anil "Tribes of the iiorlbwest eoast of .Vnierira. " Kobert lleriiiaii Si'lionibiiruk. a Cieriiian ex- plorer, was lioi'ii in Kreilmr}; on the rnstriith, I'riissia, .liine 4. 1S()4 : ilieil in Sehiinelier^. near lli'T'lin. Afareli II. ISIm. lie entereil eiimniereial life, anil in IH'.'ti eanie to the I'liiteil States, where, alter working; as a elerk in lioston anil I'hilailelphia. he beeaine a paitiier in IS'JH in a tohareo niaiiufaetoiy at Itiebiiionil. Va. 'I'he faetory was biirneil ami Sehoiiilmruk was niineil. After iinsiiieessfnl ventures in the West Imlies ami Central .\Hiiriia. he weu( to the ishiml of Anei-aila, one of the \'ir;;iii );roup, where he iiinlertiNik t# make a survey of the .Vlthoii^h he iliil not |iosses.s the speeial knowleiljie that is ri'i|uireil lor siirh a work, he perfornieil it well, ami bis reports pro- eui'eil him in 1S:!4. froni the *ieii<:i'aphieal Siie.i- ety of l.oniloii anil some botanists, means to exjilore tlie interior of Itiitish (iiiiana, which was then entirely unknown, .\fler a thoriiu;;li exphiratiim ilurinir 18;i;i-18:ii(. he went to Liimlon in the sunimerof 18lt!t with valuable riilleitions of animals ami jilants. mostly new species. Schonibiirjik saileil a^'aiii from Lomlon for (ieor;;itown in Deeemlier. 18(0, as presiclent of a I'onimissiiin to iletermiiie the boiimlary line between Hritisli Ciiiana ami Hra/.il. ami In make fiiither >;eii};rapbical ami ethnolo^iial iihservalions. He was .fiiineil there by his brother. Moritz Itieharil. On tbcir leliirn lo Lomlon in .liine. 1K4I. Schomliur<;k luesinteil a repoit of his .journey to the (Jeonrapliieal .Society. I'or whiili t.bec|Meen kni^hleil bini ill IH4ri. .M'ler a few months' rest he was yiveii an appointnient in tl oloiiiiil ilepartmciil ami sent toniake researclies upon the iiliomsii# the aboritiiiies of South .\mciiia. In \>^i>* Me reail before the Urilisb Association a |i,'iper in which be iiropo.seil an alphabetical system for the Imlian (\Ui\wiH.—At>pleton'ti Cjiclup.itl' Am. Itiiiif. Schoolcraft (Henry Rowe). Hist, riial I iiiid I stiitistieal information, I re- spei'tin^ tile I history, eondition and )iros|)eets I I'f the | Iniiiiiii tribes of th<« IFnited Stntes: | eoUeetetl iind ]ire)iaret('<)iij;i«'.ss. | Part I[-VI]. | Phila<1('I])hia: Lii>]>iii<;t.V cany, | (successors to Ciri};g, Elliot & <)o.) I 1851 [-18.57]. Kniirntrd litle : | Kii;;r;ivinf;.] | Historirul | anil I MtaliHlical iiilni'iiiiilioii | iTHiit'ctiiiit' tin- | liisliirv. t'liiiililioii anil )ii'iis|M'rls | ol' tlii'l In- ilian ti'ilii'M iil'tlic rnitcii .States: Ciilli'rti'il nnil pi'i'iiai'i'il iiniliT llir I illi'i'i'tion iit' tlic iMirran of Inilian allair.-t iicract iir('iinKri!.Hs | of Manlil!"' 1K47, I liy lli-nr.v U. Sclii.iilirari L.L.I). I lUiis- trali'il lij I S. Kast man, rapt. r. S. army. I ICiiat of anus. I | riililislii-il by uiithorily id'fNinyress. I I'arl II-VI). I tMiilaili']|iliia: I Li]i|nn('i>tt. (iraniliii &- ri>. (■> viils. 4". ISi'^iniiin;; with vol. 2 llic wiinls " Ilislorical anil statistical" arc left iitt' tlit) titlc-l)am's, Itotli I'lisinvcil anil printcil. Siiltsc- i|ucntly (lH.''>:t) vol. 1 was also issiicil with the abriil){cil title hcj^inniiij; " Infoiniatiiin respect- in;; the history, conilition, and |>i'ospi'Cts of the Inilian trilH!s," nnikiii^ it nniforiii with the other parts. TwiieiUtions with these title-pages were piili- lislieil by the .sanie house, one on thinner an.? .somewhat snniUor paper, of which but vols. 1-,') were issnetl. Part I, 1851. llalf-tillu (Kthnologioal re- searches, respect injj; | the reil man of America) verso blank I 1. cngravyil title as above verso blank 1 1. priiitcil title as above verso blank 1 I. iufroiliictory ibtcnnn-nts i)p. iii-vi, preface )ip. vii-x, list of plates jip. xi-xii, contents \>\>. xiii- xviii, text pp. 13-524, appi lix jip. 525-508. ]ilates. ciilorcil litliogruphs iliul maps uiimbcreil 1 70. Part 11, IH.W. Half-title (as in part l) verso blank 1 1. engraveil title (Information resjiccting the history conilition ami prospects, etc.) verso bhmk I 1. iH'inteil title (Infiuination lespcctin;; the history, conilition anil jirosju'cts, etc.) verso printers 1 l.ileilicatinn blank 1 i. introiluc- fory ilociiment pp. vii-xiv,contentsp)>. xv-xxii, list of i>lates pp. xxiii-xxiv. text pp. 17-ClW, plates anil iiiajis niiinhereil 1-29, :)1-7H, anil 2 plates exhibiting thuC'herukee alphabet ami its §p)ilicatiou. I'art III, 1853. Half title (an in part i) verso blank 1 l.cngraveil title (as in partll) blank 1 I. printeil title (as in ])art II) verso printers I 1. tlnr-l report pp. v-viii, list of divisions j). ix, contents |)p. xi-xv, list of plates ]i)i. x vii-x viii, text ])p. 19-035, plutusaud maps uumbepjcl 1-21, 25 45. I'nrt IV, 1854. Half-title (as in part I) verso blank 1 1, engraved title (itM in |iart II) verso blank 1 I. printed title (as in )iart II) verso blank 1 I. dedication pp. v-vi, fourth report pp. vii-x. list of divisions p. xi, contents ]>p. xiii-xxiil. list of plates pi>. xxv-xxvi. text pp. ]9-(KJ8, plates uuil nwps niuubereU 1-42. Schoolcraft ( 11. R. ) — ContiniU'tl. I'art v, l.M,"i. Ifalf-tille (as in part I) verso blank 1 I. env;raved title (as in part II) blank 1 I. printed title (as in ~ art II) verso blank I 1. dedication pp. vii-viii, liftli re])ort pji. ix-\ii, list of divisions ]i. xiii, .synopsis of genei'al conti'iils of vols. I-V ])p. xv-xvi, contents pp. xvii xxii, list of )>lates pp. xxiii-xxiv, text pp. 25-02.5, appendix i>p. 027-712, plates and maps numbered 1-8, 1U-;I6. I'art VI. 1H.57. Halft itie (General history | of the i North Indians) verso blank I I. portrait 1 I. ])riiiteil titli (History oftlie Indian tribes of the United Slates: | their j |ire.sent condition and pros|iects. | and a sketi li 'if tbiir I ancient status. | I'nblislied by order o,' Cou- uress. iiiuler the direction of the Ilepartnient of Iheintcrior — Indian biircau. | l!y | Menryltowe Schoolcraft. LL. 1). j Jlember l\c. six lines.] | ^Vith Illustrations by Kminent Artists. ] Inone volume. I Part VI. of the series. | I'biladelphia: I iI.IS. Lijipincott & co. | 1.S57.) blank 1 I. inscription verso blank 1 I. letter to the I'rosi- lUnt jip. vii-viii. ii'iiort pi>. ix-x, preface pp. xi- xvi, contents jip. xvii xxvi, list of plates |i|i. xxviixxviii, text l>p. 25-744, index i)]i. 745 750, tifty-seven l)lates. partly selected from the other volumes, and three tables. Eaton (J. H.), Vix;ahulary of the Navajii, vol.4,pp,410-4;il. Gallatin (A.), Table of generic Ind-aiikfami- liesof languages, vol. II, pp. 397-402. Gibbs ((■.), Ob.servations on .some of the Indian dialects of northern (California, vol. 3, pp. 420-423. Voi-abularies of Indian languages in northwest California, vol.3, fi]). 42H-445. Henry ((". t'.), Vocabulary of the Apache, vol. .5, pp. 578-589. Copiet aeon : Astor. Hancroft. lioston Atlm- na'um, British Museum, (.'ongress, ICameti, National .Museum, I'owell. Shea. Trumbull. At the Fischer sale. no. i.')81, Quaritch bought a copy for 4/. lO.i. The, Field cojiy. no. 2075, .sold for $72; the Menzies cojiy, no. 1705, for .$132: the Squier copy, no. 1214. $120; no. 2032, $00; the Kamire/. 773 (5 vols.), 5i.;"M(. ; the I'inart copy, no. 828 (5 vols, in 4). 208 fr. ; the .Miiridiy copy, no. 2228, $09. Priced by Qinuitch. no. 30017. 10/. 10,<. ; by (-"larke & co. 1880, $a"); by Quaritch, in 1888,152. lieisHued with title-pages as follows: - — Archiviis^ of Aboiijj[itial Kiio\vl»>(lfi;o. I Containing all the | Original Papers laid before Congress | respecting tlie | History, Autiqiiities, Langiiiif.'e, Kth- nology, Pietogfiipliy, | Kites, Kiijiersti- tions, and Mythology, | of tht^ | Iiidiuu Trihesof the ITnittMl States | liyj Henry U. Sehoideraft, LL. I). ( With Illustra- tions. I OnaMidiin ih ieu iniiit;{inyegiiu nil. — Algoni|iiin. | In six vuIuuicm, | Volume I [-VI]. I ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 93 Schoolcraft (M. R.) — t'oiitiiiiuMl. Philii(lol])hia: | J. li. Lippiiicott iV. Co. I ISJM). Kmjraveil title : ion | rosiwctinj; tlin I HiHlory. Oiiidilioii iiiid I*r<>s))c(;.' | of the | Iiiiliiiii 'I'rilM'M of till' I'liilnl .Sliitt's; I CoIU'iIimI anil ))rr|iai')'il iiiiilcr tlir | liiircuti of Iiiilian Affairs | li.v Ili'iiry H. Schoolcraft I.. I.. I). | MtMii: Koyrtl (ri'o. S<»fioty, Loudon, lloyal An- li(|iiiirian SfH'irty. Copenhagen. Kthnolo<;i('al Sy | C'a]).' S. Rikstniitn, U. S.A. andotheroinim^nt artistH. i (Vijinetlo.] | I*ubli«hcd by antliority of Con- gress. I Pliiladelphia: | J. It. Lippineott &. Co. li voIm. nia]i8 and platen. 4'^. TliiN edition a/iivi'S in the text imfje for paye with the oriffinal tith'd above, and coutnius in luhtition an index to oaeli volume. <'o)iie» teen : ConjireH.s. J'artially reprinted, with titlo aw f(dlow»; [ ] Tim I Iiidiiui tribes] of the '\ UiiittMl Stiitf.s: I tlu'.T I liistory, iintiqiiitit's, (Mistoiiw, roligioii, arts, liUi;?iiaK<', | tra- (litioiis, oral Iiiji;<'ii(ls, iiiid mytlis. | Kd- it«!. :i-6. list of plates i>. 7, text pp. !)-44."i, index p]!. 447-45,'), plates. 4". "In the foUowiu}; paj;es the attempt has bi'en made to jdaee before the public in a convenient and accessible form tlie results of the lifclon;; lal)ors in tlie ticld of abori<;inal resi'arch of the late Henry K. Schooh'raft.' Cbai)tcr II. I.anjinaKe, literature, and pic- tonraphy, vol. 1. j>i). 47-t);i, contains general remarks on tlie Indian langua;;cs, <\>l>ies t.een : ( 'ougrcss. Piicid by Clarke ,V, co. l«8(i. no. f.;i7(i, .f2.".. Henry liowe SclMHiIcraft. ethnolojiist. born in IWatervliet! .\lbany county. N. Y. March 28, I7!>:i; died in Washington, D. C. December 10. lK(i4. Was educated at Mi(hllebnrv Od!e);c. Vermont, and at I'nion, whi'n^ he pursued the studies of cheiuistry anr. .Tolin). Oliservatioim on I the indifj;enons tribes of the N. W. I coast ot Aineriia. U\ .lohn Seoiih'r, 1 M. D., F. L. 8., &.C. 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY OV THE I i Scouler (J.) — C'oiitiiiiuid. Ill Uiiynl .IH>-.l'A, Loiidc ., imi,S3. ((JiMilo),'icHl Sur- vey.) Voi'iiliiiliiry of llie UiiilM|ilii: h|ioI«-ii on the Kivt'i' ('iii]M|ilii. about IIKMvoi'iIm (olitiiiiii'd IVoiii Dr.Toliiile), |il>.2;i7-241. Oil tint Iiiiliiiii trilx's i!iliiiliitiiij{ tin- iKii'tli-wcst, coiist of Aiiicricii. liyJoliii SccMilcr, M. U.,V. \j. S. Coiiniiiiiiiiiitt'd Iiy Mm Ktliii||. ItW l!»J. KillllbiiiKli, lM4ti. «'^. Iiicluili'Mii Itrit'l' (liHt'ii.>|(. 170-171. Ki>|iriiitf.) K, IS.) L»iia(L.K.) Simpson ( l/niil. Jiuiics Hcrvt^v). .loiiriiiil of a military ri-<'oiiiiiii.sHati(-*' from Saiitii VtS, \t!\v Mexico, totho Naviijo cotttitiy, iiiadf with tho troops inHha- thi' coiii- iiiiiiid of Brevet Lieiiteiiaiit Colonel John M. Wa.shinirtoii. chief of the iltli military de]iartmeiit, and froveriior of New Mexico, in \HH), hy .lames H. Siiiiji- son, A. M.. First Lieutenant Corjis of Toitoj^r!t]>hieal Kiij;iiieers. In Iteports of .Secretary of War: Senate e\. doc. No. 04, ;ilst C'oilj;., Isl scss.. pp. .Mi- 168, Wa,shili};loii. 18."(0, K^. (Eaiiies, rilliiiju.) A comparative vocabulary of woids in the lan^ua^ies rece<;rapliical engi- neers on July 7, IHilS, cnj;aged in surveying the uurt lieru (hHus uud t l(o w .dteru pUins ; waa pro- ATHAPASC'AN LANGUAGP]S. 95 Simpson (J. H.) — Coiitiiuifd. iiidIimI captiilii on Miircli ;i. 1M,'>;!; Hcrvril iiscliit'l' t<)|Hi};rii|iliiriil ('ii<;iii('i'r with llii' ann.v in I'Inli, iiiiil in IHriUcxpliiiiMl a new riiiitt^ I'niiii Salt l.ako Uity t« llii^ I'arilic (Miaitt, tlir rt'imrtu ol" which hi! waH l)iiMy ill ]MTiiariiijr till thr lii'ifiiiiiiii;; iit' IIitM'ivil war. Ht^scrvt'ilaMrliirt'tiipographiial <'lij;;iii('cr lit' till! Drpartini'iit ol'tm! Sliriiaiiiliiah. was pniiiiotnl iiia,j<>t' mi Aii);- '!, Mil. was iiiaih- coliilK'l lit" thr 4th Xinv Jcrsry viiliiiitriMs iiii AiiK- 1-1 IHiil. anil tdok )iart in tlii! pi-niiiMiilar caiiipai;;!!. Iiriiij; eiiKup'il at Wi^nt I'liint anl. ('litti'li-H). Ncttt's <>ii llui " 'riiiito" Aiiiichfs. Hy Cliiiiit'a Siuiirt, lii'cvft ciiiitaiii ami aissiNtiiiit Miir<;flii>;y. Col- leclcil .Sept. i:!, IXiMi. at Kort McDowell, Ariz. Contains 17o worils. 'I'liere is in the same lilirary a copy of lliis maiiiiscript. recorileil on one of I lie .'.lamlaril viicaliiilarv forms of the Inslitii* tion.fill. folio. Smitli K'ivcr .liilm. Sir Dorsey (.1. <>.) Smithsonian Iiistiliilioii : 'I'liesc worils folliiwiii^ a lilleor incliiileil within parenllieses after a mile inilicale that a ciijiy of the work referreil to has liecn seen liy the compiler in the lilirary of tli;it institution. \Vasliiny;tiin. I). C. Smithsonian Iiistitiitinii. Siiiitliisoiiiaii iiiisecllaiiootisi'ollcctioiin. 211) | I'lioto- i^fajiliir jiortrails | of | Xortli .\iiu'ricaii ItiiUaiin I ill tlic oalli-ry of tin- | Siiiitli- soiiiaii iii.stitiitioii. | [Seal of (lir iii.sti- tiitioii.J I WaNliiiijitoii: I .Siiiitlisoiiiaii institu- tion. I lH(i7. Title verso lilaiik 1 1. texl jip. :)-4'J.Ki. Names of persons of a nuiiilpcr of tiihes of American Indians, with iletinitions. anion;; them the Navigii. Coyii'i'* «('('» ; Hiireaii of Kthmihi;iy. I'illin;;, Smilh.sonian Inst it iit ion. .Some copies are prinleiloiionesiile of the leaf only, (liiireauof l';ilinolo;;y, Karnes. Smilhsoii- ian Institution.) Society lor Promoting Christian Knowleil;:e: These worils followiii;;a title or inclmleil within parentheses after a note imiicate that a copy of the work referreil In has lieen .seen li.v the com- piler in the lilirarv of that institution. Liinilon, Kn;;lanil. Solomon (('oi|uil!c). Set- Dorsey (.!.<).) Songs: ( 'hlppewv an See Pel itiit (E. F. S. J.) Heiie Morice(.\.(!.) I cl X Petitol (K. I''. S. J.) Monta'.:nais Veareville ( V. T.) Matthews (\V.) s|avo J'et»tut(E,p,S.J.) ! / 96 mniiKKJlMI'llY «)!•' TIIK I |!! i Staffeief (Vliiiliinir) iiml Petroff (I.) [Words, jtliniHiis, jiiid Hciittjiicrs in tlit! liuiKiiiiKu of tlio Kaiikiina or Kiiiikii- iiatH KoKtiiiiii, on tlio nIiod^s of Cook Inlttt, Hontli of North Fon^Iand.] MaiiiiHrript. \>\t. 77-2i;7, 4", in tlir libniry of the liiiritiiu of Ktliiil' I'iiwhIPh IiitriHliirtioii to tlioStiKlyof Iiiilian l^niiKuaK'^x. mHM>iiili«litioii, moMtr of tho Hcllt^lllllflt of Wlllcll. l'X<'«|)t tllOHC, n'latiiiK to r^latioimliips. arc aInioKt (;ti>l.v llllixl. TIkt*^ am srvcral tlioiixaiiil oiitrifH, in a cI. .'i9. Coiiien neen : Bureau of Ethnolojiy, Karnes, Geolofjical Survey, Pillinj;. Powell, Smithsonian Institution. Steiger{E.) Stei}i;pr'8 | bihliotheca glot- ti(^!i, I part first. \ A catahtsue of | Hic- tiouaries, Grannnars, Readers, Exposi- tors,ete. I of mostly iriodern lanf^nages I spoken in all parts of the earth, | exctipt of I English, French, German, and Spanish. ; First division: Abenaki to Hebrew. | E. Steiger, | 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, I New York. [IS71.J Halflitleoncover, title as al)ovevors4»print«ir 1 1. notiiM- datml S<^pt. 1874 verso blank 1 1. text i>p. 1-4U, advertisonuuits 2 11. colophon on liack cover, 12°. Titles of works in Athapascan, p. 14. The seci>nd division of the first part was not published. Part second is on the Knjjlish lan- guage and part third on tbederinan langlnige. In his notice the compiler states: "This com- Steiger (E.) — Continned. pilation must not he regarded an an atteni) tat a complete liugiiislic bibliography, but soli y a.^ a bookseller's catalogue for business purposes, with s|MM'.ial regard tutliustudyot' philology in America." Copien nei'n : Kames. Pilling. Stuart (Jake). St^e Dorsey (.f . O.) Sullivan (.fohn W.) Indian tribes and voeabnliiries. In Palliser (.!.), .Tournal. detailed re|HtrtH . . . Uritish North xVmerica, pp. ll»»-21«, Londmi. IK Chippewyan lan- gnajre]. [Loudon: Society for pnnnotinj; ehristiau knowled;j;e. 188- f] 1 sheet, 2.') by 20 inches, with lu. 250. | 1809 Cover title as above, titlti as above verso blank 1 1. text \>\>. a-140, 8^. A abort accoiiut ot tbo Faiiiillo iles Tscliip- pewcyaiLs on Montagnais, pp. 80-91. Copiet teen: ItritUh Mimoiim, I'ilUiijr, Shea. Sketch I of the | North-west of Atneriea. | By M^r. Tachd | Bishop of St. Boniface, | 1868. | Translatea from the French, hy Captain 1). li. Cameron, I Royal Artillery. | Montreal: | Printed hy John Lovell St. Nicholas Street. | 1870. Pp. l-2lfi, 8". LiugiiisticH as in tlio French edition titled next above, p. 123. Ccpiet teen : Qnebec Historitial «';c;ely. See Petitot (E. F. S. .J.) Alexandre Antoiue Taebo, Canadian R. C. lirclibisliop, born in Rividre du Lonp, Canada, Jnly 2:t, 182:i, was graduiitcd at the eollogo ol' St. Ilyaeinth and studied tlioology in tlio Sem- inary of Jlontreal. Ho returned to St. Hya- einlli as ]irofe.saor of niathematie.s, hnt. after teachinj; a few mouths, went to Montre.'il and became a monk of the Oblate order. He vol- unteered at once for missionary service amon;; tlie Indians of the Red River, and reached St. Itoniface on August 2.'). 1845. He was rai.scd to the priest liciod on October 12 following. In. July, 1640, he set out for tie il hi, ami. after speeding a few months at this mission, he went to labor among Ihi! In.'ians that livi'd around tlie lakes, .--everal hundrv'd miles to the north- west. Although only twnty-six years old, he was ree(innnen(ied for I he |)osl of coadjutor bishop of St.lJon'face ii lH."iO. lie was sum- moned to France by *'»■ suiierior of tlie Oblate Fathers and C(m,secrated bislioj) on November 23, 1851. After a visit to Rome bo returned to Canada in February, 1,S,')2, and on Se]iteniber 10 reached lie a la Crosse, which ho had deter- mined to make the center of bis labors in the northwest. Hi* became bishop of St.Roniface June 7, t8l};t. SI. Honiface was erected into a uu)tropolitan see on .Sept. 22, 1871, and liishop Tiiclie was appoinli'd archbishop Appletou'u Cyclop, (if Am. liiiiij. ATH 7 TacuUi. [VocabnJaricN of siMne of (ho Indian tribes of northwest Amcricu. | ManiLHcript, 2 vols. 82 pp. folio. Seen at ( lie sale of the library of the late Mr. Oeo. Ilrluley, the sab> catalogue of whitdi says they came fnun the library of I)r. John i'i<^keri':^, to whom, probably, they were presented \,y Mr. Duponceau. They were presenleil " to I'eler S. l)upon(!cau, Ksti., with .1. K. Towiisheml s respects. Fort Vancouver, (Joliunbia K'lvcr, Si'ptember, 18:i5." Anumg these is (V(l,.) Kirkli.v (W. \V.) Itcivo (W. I»,) Sci> Kutchin. Tenana. Sck Kutchiii. Tonana Inkalik. Sii' Inkalik. Ten Kate (/>»•. Hcrmim Frodtvick Ciiv- \G\),Jr. Koizcii on Oiiilcr/oi^kiiifjcii | ill I Noord-Aiiierika | vun | 1>. H.F. ('. Ten Kiito .]f. | Mvt t-i-ii lliitcn. { Leidon, E.J. Hrill. | 1HH5. (Jovcr tillo iiM above, lialftitlf vcNcisr lilaiik t 1. title iiM iibovr reverse blank 1 1. :i otbt'ri>rcl. 11. PI). 1-41)4. errata 1 |). iiia|), 2 ])lal('H. K \ duller (li> .\paelie.s (](]i. l(i.'>-20S) (cript, .'> 11. Ill", and H 11. V, in Die library ol'tlie linreau of Ellmolosy. CoiitainH nbo\it 27.') words. Thompson (('oquill(>). Sec, Dorsey (.1. O.) Thompson (Edward). A wliort vocalm- lai'.v ot'tlio Iiaiio:iia. In Uobbs (A.). An acconnt ol' the count rie.s ad.joinin}{ to Hiidson'.s Hay. ]>}i. '_'(Mi-'Jl I, Loniloii. 1744, 4°. About. 280 words and i)lira»e.s of tlie Cliepo- wyaii lan(;iiajr<'. 'I'be main portion U nlplia- betieally airan;;eil by Kiiylisb woid.s, followed by "Tlie Norlbeii) Indian Way of Connfins" and "Tbfi I'arl.s lielonKinjj; to a Man." I'lirlly reprinted in Whipple (.\. W.), Explo- rations and .Surveys, i)p. S4-«.'), Wasliington, 1855, 4°, Tinn6. Vo( almlary of the Tiihko for Taliko-'riiiiM'] laiijjnage. >Ianiiseiipt. I leaf folio. ^vritteIl on both side.H, In tlielibraiy ol'llie llineaiiof Ktlinoloyy. Keeordi'd on a prinlrd form eontainin;; i>•) Vociibtl- oii tho lie IihUk- Jour, vol, |. ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 99 Tolmle (W. F.) — Oontiniu^l. 11, pp. 237-a41,Lonilon,lH41,H^.((lfM»loRl(al Sur- vey.) OnntftiiiH nliniii KM) wnnlH. V'odihuliuy of tlio Tfiliko Tiiinoh MuiiiHt'.rlpt', 1 loi.f I'oli'), (10 words, in the library of tho Bureiiu of Rthnolony. anil DawBon {('». M.) G(M>logii'iil tmil initural hmtory survey of Cauiidii. I Alfr.Ml U. C. 8ohvyii, F. K. S., F. «. S., Director. | (JomparativM vocabulari[., F. G. S.,&c. I [Coat of arms.] | PublisUod by authority of I'arliamoiit. | Moutr»«al : | Daw.sou brotht-rs. | l>ttU. Covrr title noiirly lis iibovo, titlo ii« aliovo verso bliiiik I 1. lotUir of trnnsinittiil nism'il by G. M. Dawson blank 1 1. pri>falt(Ml his native land, hut returnml in 1843 overland via the plains and the CoUimhiii, and was placml in ehar^it of the Hudson's Hay posts on I'liget Sound. He here t^Mik a ]irnmi- nent part, during the Indian war of 18."» ','>tl, in pai'ifyiiig the linlians. lk>ing an excellent lin- guist hehadaei|nired a knowledge of the native tongues, and w:ts inslriiinent^tl in bringing about poa<'e between the whites and the Indi- ans. He was appointed chief fai't^ir of the Hiid- Hon's Bay Company in 18.'>5, removed to Van- couver Island in IH!")!), when he went into stisik- raising, being the tlrst to intriMliice thorough- bred stock into British (/'olnmbia; was a mem- ber of the local legislature two terms, until 1878; was a member of the lirst board of ediica- thm for several years, exenising a great intlu- enee in educational matters; held many otHcea of trust, and was always a valued and respeirtt'il citizen. .Mr. Tolmie was known to ethnologists for his iMmtribiitions to the history and linguistics of the native races of the AVost (Joiist anil lated his interest in ethnological matters from hiseontact witli Mr. Horatio Hale, who visited the West (Joast as an ethnologist to the Wilkes exploring expedition. He afterwards trans- mitted voeahnlaries of a niimher of the tribeH to Dr. Scoiiler and to Mr. (rcorge Gibbs, .some of which weio |iuhlislied in (Jontrihiitions to North American Kthnology. In 1881 he pub- lished, in con,iuiiction with Dr. (}. M. Dawson, a nearly cniniilt^t^i series ou ]iuhliciiuestions and events now historical. Tolowa. See Tahlewah. Tribal names: AhliniiA Apat^he Apache Apacln .Vpaibe .\.tlia|iasiMn .Vthapa.sean Athapascan ('hippewyan (;oi|uille Df-ne Keiiai Kenai Koltschane Kiitchin Montagnais Kogne River TaciiUi Tinne Tinno T'inne ITgalen/.en Truax(VV.B.) See Latham (R.G.) Balhi(A.) Higgiiis (N. S.) Jehan (L. F.) White (,I.B.) Gallatin (A.) Latham (U. G.) Petitot (K. F. .S..I.) Anderson (A. ('.) Dorsoy (.J.O.) Morice (A. G.) Gall.atin (A.) '' Latham (R.G.) Latham (It. G.) Latham (R.G.) Petitot(E. F. S..I.) Dorsey (.I.O.) Latham (R. G.) Dall(W. H.) Richardson (J.) Tuttle(C.R.) Latham (R. G.) See Arny (W. F.M.) 100 BIBFJOGIIAPHY OF THE Triibner & ('o. A ctitiilo^iii! | of | an «xl.t'nHiv«M'oll«M'finii I of I valiiuliltMicw aiiil Hccoiiil-hiiiiil liookM, I KiikMnIi iiikI f(>r(M;{ii, I in | iiiitii|nitirN, arcliitt'i-tiiris linoks of )ii its, liistory, | natnral IiIh- tory, an(».J Cover til 111 iw iibovii vi'iso cuiitt'iiU rtf, no iiiHiili^tltlx; text pp. 1-15U liiplioii |i. [Iltol, K>. Aiiii'riciiiiliui;;u!it;('H, pp. -44-47, rmitaiiix tilled mill pl•i^•^'^4 of a tew worku relating; to the Alii- apaMcan laTiKiia!;eM. Ciipien teen : Hiireail of Klliiiolox.v. -^ — A I cataloging | of | a larj^ti ansmii- l)lat;ti of ImokH, | nppoitainiiij^ to | lin- giiistir. litiu'atiiro, | (many of thrni vrry raro), | in tlm | Ancient and Moilcin LaiiKiiagOH. | [I)nsiy TriihiitT & lo. | t>(), J'atorno.ster row, London. | 186(). | (I'riro (^no Sliilliii}^, whicli will bo allowod to Piiroliascrs.) Cover title as above, no IliHido title, text pp. 1-100. «=>. ■'Amei'ioan lan,i;iiaj;e.s," pp. ltl-22, ini'liiilex titles of a few works in Atliaiiasean. ('(ipieii neen: Harvanl. l{e;;ipit(!ri'd for'rranHiiiiM.sioii Abroad. I TrlibiH'r'.s | Ainorican and Oriontal Literary Rocord. | A inontlily roo;i,stcr I Of tlio inoHt "important Works piib- li.shoil in Nortli and .South .Vniorica, in | India, China, and tho British Colonics: with occasional Notes . Vol. XII. Nos. lliV 12). March U>, ISO.". [-Doceinber, I«7!IJ. Price Gd. \ Siibscrii>tiim | ."Lf. per An- iiiim, I Post Free. [Lmidon: Triibner Aco. m!.->-l87!».] 12 vols, in 9, large 8'^. No title-pagesj lieiul- iiiKw only. No. 1 1« nos. 211 .t 24 (March HO, 1W)7) are paseil 1 424; no. 2.'> (May 1."), 18(i7) to no. (iO (.Aiijjiist 2.">, ISCOjare pa^eil 1 810. Tlieniimlier- '"K 'i.V volumes li,>;;ins Willi no. 01 (Septeitilier 20, 1870),wlii(^li is iiiaikeil vol. VI, no. I. Vols. Vlto.XIIeontalupp. l-imi; 1-272; 1-204; I-ISI; 1-170; l-l.')2; l-IOI. Ill ailililioii there i.s ;i special luinilier for .Septeiiiher, IH74 (pp. I 72), ami au uitra uo. 128* lor October, 1877 (jtj). 1-10) ; Triibner &. Co. — C«>ntinii«d. alsoMiipplenientary anil other leaves. Continumi nniler the followin;j; title: Triiltner's | Ainerieaii. Kiiropean \. driental I Mteniry lleeoril. | A rej^lsler of the nioHt iiu- portant works | piihlisheil in { North anil Hoiilli .\inerira,Iiiilia,China, Kiirope, | anil the hritisli colonies. I With Oceasional Notes on (iernian, Diileh, IKiiiIhIi, Kreiieh, Italian, Spanish, | I'or- tii^iiese, Kiissian, ami lliiiiijarian Mteratiire. | New .series. Vol. I[-[K|. | •laniiary to Deeein- her, 1H80| -January to DeiM'inber, 1888). 1 tionilon : | Triibner Si. eo., .'>7 anil 59, Lmljrate hill. llSHO-1888. I U vols. lar;;e 8 '. Ineliiilin;; no. 147-8 lo no. 2(2, each volume witli a sep.irate title anil leaf of eonteiits anil its own pa^iinitioii. t'ontiniivil as follows: Tri'ibner's recoril, | a Journal | ih'voteil to I lie I Mteialiireof the Kast, | with notes anil lists of current | American. Knropean anil (Nilonial I'ublications. | No. 2»;i[-2'>ll. Tliiril suries. Vol.1. I'art l[-Vol. II. Part:i|. I'riee 2». Ilioniloii: Triibner & eo. March, 188lt-.Vpril, 18IM.I 2 vols.; printeil covers iis abovi', no title- p;i!;es, larjje K '. I'lihlisheil irregularly. Titles of works in anil relating to the Atlia- Itascaii lan){uages are scattered through tho |ieriofiiay,aiid tho Ar- Kcntino Reptiltlic ; | and of | Portii^inoso books printed in Brazil. | Followed by a collection of | works on the al>ori<>;inal lanV'tiW** I "t'Amorioa. | On Sale at tho athxed Prices, by — rrllbner &, co., | IH Jk. 6<), Patia-iiostor London. | 1870. | One shillin. 1-184, colophon verso advertisements 1 1. UP. Works on the ;iboriginal langu;iges of Amer- ica, pp. 102-184. (contains a list of liixiks (alpha- lielically arranged by laiigiiiiges) on this siih- ject, ineliiding the AtliapiLscan, pp. 108-109. Copies teen : Kames. Pilling. A I catalogue | of | dictionaries and graniinars of the Principal Laugnagos and Dialects | of the World. | For salo by I Triibner tV co. | London: | Triilmor A- co., 8 &, 60 Pa- ter uostor row. | 1872, ATHAl'AacAN LANOITAOES. 101 Triibner A Co. — ContiniKMl. (Nivcr III III im iiImiV)'. Ill Ik iim a)Hiv«< vci'mu liiiiiliTM I I. iiiilii'K I'ovrrNc liliiiik I I. i'iitiili>i;ii < pp. 1 til, ailili'liilii mill nil'i'lui'iiilii I I. lulvurtiHi' iik'IiIh vi'I'hii Itjiiiik 1 I. » IIhI III' wiirkH rtOiiliiiu to till! Ncii'iiri- III' liiiiKilit){i> •'(<'- PP' l-tn. H°. ('iiiitaliiH II few titloi) uf workH ri>l:ttiiiK tii tht< AtliapiintMiii liiiiunugi'H, p. 0. Copim nfm : KaincH, PillinK. A Intor ('(lit Ion uh folliiWH: Tiiihimr's | catiiloK»<' | of I rtictiona- t'wh autl graiiiiiiiirs | of tlio | Principal LaiiKuaf^oHaiKl DialoctHot'tlic World. | KiiiilarK«Ml anil ritvimiil, with an alphahetical in- dex. I A ^[niilo for HtiiiluntH anil book- BelliTS. I [Monogram.] | London: | TrIlliner & vo,, 57 and 59, Lndpiti) hill. | 1882. Cover title as aliovn, litli- an almvo vofHo Hut of cataloKOlM 1 1. noticii ami pn^l'iu'o to tlio hi'c- onil edition p. ill, inilfx pp. ivviii, text ]ip. 1-108, atlilitioHH pp. 160-170, TriiliniT's Oriental & Linuulstio Pilltllcations Jip. l-!).">, 8^. (^ontaiim titU'H of wnrkH in Aniiiriran Inn- gnages (Ki'iii'ral), p. .1; AtliapaHcun. p. Iri; Kinai, p. 94. Copietneen: Eami-H, Pilliujj. No. 1[-12]. January 1874[-May, 1875]. I A catalojrno | of | clioico, rare, and cnrioiiH books, | Htdeotod from the Btock I of I Triibner & Co., | 57 & 59, Lndgate hill, London. [Loudon: TrilbiKir & po. 1871-1875.] 12 p.trtH: no titli')«, lii-ailiiiK'S only; ratalnKiin (pa{;«. 1-102, larj{e 8". This HtsricH of calalo)!U('H wa» jn'i'pareil by Mr. Janif h linorjie Stuart Uiirgi-.t Uolin. .S'.'<, at liainburg, and in 1842 to AVilmaun's, at Frankfort, who had a large foreign trade, espe<;ially with Kngland. Here ho met the late Mr. William Longman, who oll'ered him a situation iu the London bouse. This he accepted, and accordingly went to England in 1843 as foreign (!orresponding clerk of Me».srs. Longpian's. In 1851 Mr. Triibner 8(arte4 business on his own account, and soon Triibner (N.) — Continnnd. ii('i|uired n widely spread repiilation In the liter- jiry Wiirlil by his piibliealionsof iir'ienliil »iiiks. lie did miii'h for Ameriean bibliiigraph\, also for I hill of Aiislraliii, and was eleilml ameinlier of several learned sorielles in Hie I 'iiiled Stales. He dieil suddenly March ;i0, 1884. Trumbull: This word following a title or within parentheses after a note Indicates that acopyof the work referreH, and till* Indian ModiMif Coniit- in^. By J. Hammond Trumbull, of Hartford, Conn. In American Phihilog. As*. Trans. 1874, pp. 41-76, Hiirtford, 1875, 8°. Examples in l^hejM'Wyan, Navi^lo, and Apachn. Issued separately, also, as follows : On I iiiimnrals | in Amorican Indian lauKnnKi'8, | and tlio | Indian niodt^ of (■r)iiiitin>r. I Ity .1. Hammond Trumbull, LL. D. I (From the TrauHai'tion.s of tho Am. Philological AHsociation, 1874.) | Hartford, Conn. | 1875. Ilulf-title on cover, title us above verso blank 1 1. text pp. 1-36, 8°. Ciiiilains numerals, with comments tliereon, in many American languages, among tlieui a number of the Atha|iasciiii. Copiet seen : Itrinton, Itrilish Museum, Eauies. Pilling, Powell, Trumbull. Priced by Qiiaritcb, no. 12I)6.'>, 7*. Orf. Indian languages of America. In •lohuson's New Universal Cyclopajdia, vol. 2, pp. 11.55-1 Ifll, New York, 1877, 8". (Bureau of Ethnology, Congress.) A general discussion of the subject, in- cluding comments on the Athapascan family. [ ] Catalogue | of tho | American Li- brary I (I ulato I mr. (Jcorgc Hrinlcy, I of Hartford, Conn. | ParM. | America in general | New France Canada ntc. | the HritiHli ccdonieH to 177G | New Kng- land I [-Part IV. I PHalms and hymuH inii.sic science and art [«St.c. ten Huch] | Hartford | Pichs of the Cawe Lock- wood & Brainard Company | 1878 [-188()] 4 parts, 8°. Compiled by I)r..T. H. Trumbull. Tlie tiflh and last part is said to lie in prepara- tion. Indian languages: general treatises, and col- lei'tions, part 3, pp. 123-124; coast, p. 141. < 'opiet seen : Eames, Pilling. James Hammond Trumbull, pliilqlogist, wi|S born in iitonington. Conn., December 2U, 1821. 102 BlHLKUiUAI'HV OF THK f Trumbull (J. H.) — fontiniuHl. lliM'iiti'n'il Yalx in IKIH. aiiii)(lit "wiiiK tn III lii-ullli, liK >viiH mil Ki'ixliiiili'il Willi IiIhi'Iiihh. IiIh naiiiii mw iiinilli'il aiimiiK Uh hh'iiiIh ih in IHS<), anil III' witH Kivi'ii III!' ili'Ki'i'i' iil' A. M. Ili' H Hartl'iiril liujiiini'il tlir ('iinniM'tiriit IliHioriral Siwliity, wai IIh citrri'' HpiinilinuNrrrKtary in IH4l)'1Hli;i, anil waHnli'rlfil ilH iirrHiili'nI. in 1H||;|. Ilii Inm lii'i'n a triiHti'n iil' tliK WalUliiHon I'l I'll library of Hart lord, anil itn lilinirian Hincr IHtW, ami liiw lii'i'n an ulHri'r HiibjiM't of tint Imlian lanKua^trHol' Korlli Aini'rini, Ho IniM |)r«|>an'il II ilirtioiiai'v anil voraliiilary to Jobn Kllol'x Imlian lliblo, ami ix |>riilialily tho only Ainrr- iuaii Hi'liolar tliat in now abU< to ri'itil tliat work. III l87:t iiK wax rliiwi'ii locturi'r nil Imlian laii- KUUKi'x ol' XorMi Anii'rira at. Yalo, but Iomh of liDultii anil otbor laborH .'^imhi roinpi'lliMl lii.s rvA- innalioii. Tlio ili'(;ri'i> of LL. I), wan ronfrrri'il on liiiii liy Yalo in 1871 ami by Ilarvaril in 1887, wiiilii Coliiinbia pivn liim an L. H. I>. in 1887.— ApplHon'u Cyclop, n/ Am. Biog. Tukudh : Hibli", Nnw tnHt. llilili', ^ospi'la Bibli', .lolin i-iii, niblo liislory Biblii pasHaKi^H ]{il>li< iiaM.sagi's Uibit) i>as.sat;t'H Kiblo paMHjiKtis liililt' puMHa^i^n Jiiblo paHsaf{UH Cati'i'liisin Cii'ni'ial illsrUNHiou Hymn bmik IlyinUH liOrd's iirayor Iiord's iirayi'r I'raycr book I'rinii'r P.saliii book KidatioiiNliipH Kulatioi^sliips Text Wordu S«H' McDonald (R.) Mt- Donald (R.) Mi'Donald(R.) Mi'Donald (K.) Aiuiirii'Hn. HIblo Society. Huni)iaH (W. CI Hritiiili. Cliurcli. (iilbcrt <&. Uiviii^tou. McDonald (R.) Kunipius (\V, C.) McDonald (R.) McDonald (R.) HompaM (\V. (J.) Rost (R.) McDiiuald (R.) I!oni)iaH (W. C.) McDonald (R.) McDuiiald(R.) Morjjan (l,. H.) McDimald 0. Ho came to New York in 1818, and, altera public. Hcliool ediicatiiin, wim appreiilieeil to I lie car- pcnter'H trade, but Hulmei|uently iiecame a printer. At tlieat'eof twenty-Hix be wasmaHtor of tbe Kreiicb, Latin, (iermiin, and Hebrew. Aflerward beNtmUed Arabic witli I'rof. Ihoiio Nordbcimer, and tliey propoxed txi writo t<>j{ctber an Arabic (jramniar, but, receiviu)j[ no eni'ourayemelil, they |ii'eparcd iiiHlead A Crit- ical Onimmar of Ihe Hebrew LiiUKuajic (2 voln., New Vork, 18:18) and ( 'brent oniat by ; or Atiram- matieal AualyHixof SelectiuuH frointbc Hebrew Scriptures, with an Kxcrcisein Hebrew (.'ompo- Hitiiiii (I8:i8); alHO a Hebrew and Chaldeis Con- cordance to thi'Old TcHtament (1842). In order to Niiperintend Ihe (irintiii); of tlicNe books, Mr. Turner removed to New Haven, as tbe only HiiHicieiit supply of oriental tyiie was to be fonnd there and at Amlover. He was euga);ed in settiiiK the type during the day, and spent his eveninj^s in preparing the manuscript. Ou tbe completliin of the works, Mr. Turner added to bis linuuislic altainnients a knowledge of Sanskrit and iiiost of the othercbief Asiatic Ian- Knaves, and later he turned his attention tothu laiiKnajics of the North American IndiaiiH. He edited a Vocabulary of tbe J argon or Tiiule )!Ua<;i' of Oregon (185:i), and Orammarnnd Dic- tionary of the Vornba Langiia(;e (lR"i8), wliich wiisLssued by the Smithsonian Iiistitutiou. In 1842 lie was elected professor of oriental litcrn- ture in Union tbeolo;;ical .semimiry, New Tork city, and be continued in that iittice until 18S2, when he was called toWasbniKton by thucom- iiiiHsioiier of (latcnts to take charge of the library of that de)inrtmeiit. He was a inenilier of the American oriental six'iety and secretary of the Natiimal institute for tho ]ironiotlon of Hciemie. Mr. Turner was considered in Ills day the iiiitst skillful proof-reuder in the Uniteti States. In addition to the literary labors that have be*ii already mentioned, lie translated from the (ieniian Friedrii'h L. (}. von Runnier'g Auiurictt i|ud tUu Awerjcuu I'e<»{>le (New Vorfe, ATlfAI'AHCAN LANdlFAOKH. 103 Turner ( W. \V.) — ('oiitiinud. 1^45), atiil \M|H iisNiii'hili'il hIIIi Dr. I*. J. KiimI'' niiniii III llii' li.iiixliilliiii III till' twi'lMli < ii'i'iiiiiii )<'v'Mriiiii|ii'iiilliiiii of Miiilirn ('i\ II l.iiud.iiiiiliiii, IKiri). Ilo nlsn ti'iiiiNliili'il Wlllliiiii l''i'i'iihi|'s l.iilln (ii'i'iiiiiii I.i'xlniii III!' Ktliiiii A. AiiiIi'i'Wh'm l.iitlii I''iikIIi(Ii LhxIiiiii (N'i'» Viiik. Inril), Aiiiilitmi'ii <'iiclui>. of A HI. Itiiijl. Tuttle (('liarli'M IM Our niiilli liiiiil:| lifiiifT a lull at'couiil nl' llir | I'liiitMliiin nlll'lll-^^('sl iiiiij lluilson'.H liny niuto, | logollicr witli I a iiniriilivf of tlio cx- |H'i'ioiiri',sol' tlic HuiInoii'h litis I i'\|i)'ili tiiiiMif IHHl, I iuclinlin;.r I iiilcsi riiitidii of till) cliiiiiite, rfNoiirccH, imtl llicchni- ui;t«*'ii tlll^ noth )iiinillia I iiiid thi' Arctic circlf. | Hy ('liinl.s |{, Tiittlc, | Of the Hiidsmi'H Hiiy KxpiMlitioii [&v. Tuttlo (('. R.)— ConliiiiuKl. twtiliiii-s. I I IliiiHtnili-il Willi MiipNiiiiil I'lii^iiu iii;{.><. I Tititiiito: { ('. Itliii'krtt ItoliiiiMoii, 5 •lordaii Nti-i'fl. I IMH,'!. Iliiirtillr (lliir iiiirlli laiiil) vithii iilmik I I. Iltic vi'i'Hii ciiliyriKlil 1 I. iii'i'larn |i|i. v vi, iiiii- tl'llU |l|l. Vil' XiV, illlll'\ III illllhll'lltlllllH |l|l. \v \\l, (I'Xl |i|i. l7-riKI,it|i|i)'iiill\ pli. W;! fiHlt, tvvii 1II1I|IM, H '. .* iiiimIIi'w' rni'il in ( 'lii|iin'wv:iii, Hylliilili^ I liunirlrrx, |i. t:i!. \.\»i iif Tliiiiili liiiilii'lM, |i|i. ;tlMi -.llll. -('JiililiinvMiii Mvlliiliiiriiliii. p. :i7!t. I'li/Hiii Hffii : KiiiiiiM, I'illiiiu. TulUtOll: Viiciilitiliiry V'liriiliiilaiy Voraliiilnry \'oruliiilnry X'liralililiiiy Viiraliiiliiry Sen AiiilrrHiiii ( A. ('.) lliilsry (.r.O.) Kvrli'tli'(\V. K.. iliililiani ( ') Kiiiil/, (A. V.) I,iii'y-i''iiMsarli'ii {\X. I", ilc). u. ttgalenzen : NmiirraU 'I'rilial llallll'^ Viiialiiilary SiK l)all(\\.ll.) I.atliarii (K.all(\V. II.) laitliaiii (It. li.)'liiiiaiiii (.1. ('. I'!. I Daad,. K.) SiM) Inkalik. Valir Viiialiiilary Vii Vocabulary Viicaliiilary Viicaliulary Worils Wiiriln Ululnk Inkalik. Umfreville (Edwiinl). Tim | ]ireH(>iit Htatc I of I HikInoii'h bay. | Coiitaiiiiii;;' a full (Icscriiitioii of I that scttlciiifiit, and tlio adjacent coiiiitiy; | and like- wise of I the fur trade, | with liiiits for its inii»roveiiient, iVe. Ac. | To whieli arc added, | i-cniarlvH and oliNervatioiiH iiiadi^ in the inland { parts, during' a rcHidciu'c of near four years; | a speei- nien of live; Indian laii^iia<;es; and a | Journal of a journey from Montreal to New- I York. | Hy Kdwaid riiifreville; I eleven years in the service, of the Hnj.ion's bay coin- | pany, and four year.' in the Canada | fur trade. ) London : | priiited for ( "harles Stalker, No. 4, Wtationers- | <'ourt, Ludfjatt) -street. I MDC'CXC[1790]. Half-tillo viTso Iilaiik 1 1. lilln vermi blank 1 l.i'.uiiteut.H pp. i-vii, di'dicatory rciiiarks pp. 1-2, prefatory a;lisehen. | Mit I eiuer eii^eneu neiieii Cliarte, eiiier kiirzendeoiirajthie | diesi'i' Liiiub-r nnd inehrereii Krliiiit«aiinfj«!ii | heransofoje- beii I von I E. A. \V. Zinniiernian, | Ilofrath mid Profe.s.sor in Hraiiii- Bchwcii^. I Ih'lnistadt, bey Fleckeiscn. 17!U. Title verso blank I 1. introdnction jireface eti'. pp. iii-xxvi, text pp. 1-104, map, 8". Vocabulary of the Susseo, ji. 148. Citpics sffn : Brown, Iliirvard. Umpkwa : (ieneral discnssiuii Seo OuUutln (A.) General discussion (tatschet (A. S.) (Jentes Hnlo (H.) (iraniinatic comments Miiller (F.) 104 BIHLlOGKArHY OK TIFE I I I UmpkTva — N'liiiifiiils NiimtriilH l'r()|)i'i' iiaiiii^s \'(pr:iliiiliii'v \'i>(almliirv \'iii Mltiilary Vol iibiilary Vocaliiilarv Voralmlary Vncaldilary Viicalmlary Vdiabiilui'v Cniit iiiiinl, Smt DiiMiit il)3 Moli'iiM(K.| Tolinic (\V. 1''.) and DawMiiii ((i. M.) Staiilfy (J. M.) Aiiilorson (A. ('.) KaiK'nit't (H. H.) KaniliariU (W. II.) iSiisi'liiiiaiili (J. ('. K.) (iallatiii(A.) (iatsihi't (A.S.) Malo (II.) Lalliaiii (li.C.) Milliaii (.I.J.) Umpkwa — foiitimn'd. Viicalmlary St'O Scoiilcr (•'.) \'iiraliiilaiy ViH'aUiilary Viiraldilary WonU Won In Words \Vordn Unakhotana: Niiiiicrals ViK'almlary Vocahiilary 'r>•. .ToLiuiii Soverin)- Tjinfjuiirniii tol.iii.s orhiin I Iii(1*-x I alpliiibcticii.s, { (|iiai'niii I (iriiiiiiiiiiticiio, Lcxica, | rol- IcctioiH's voriilinlorinii | rccPUMciitiir, | |>,'itria 8i<>;iiiii(^atiir, histoi'ia ailiiiii- ln'atnr | a | Joaiiiio .Stn-nriiio Vatoro, | TIh'oI. lloei. t'tr Prtift'.ss. IJiliiiotlu'Ciirio HiK-., Onl. I S. Wladiiiiiri e<|iiit.-. | IJt'ioliiii I In oflicina lihiaria ]''r. Nicolai. I MDCCCXV [ISir.]. fiecDiiil title: LiMi-ranir | dcr ] Graiiiinalikt'ii. T.Kxit'a I mid { AViirli'isaiiiiiiliiii^t'ii | allcr S|irai'li«Mi drr Krdii | iiarli | alplialK'tischcr Ord- iiiiii); ilcr Spraclii'ii, | iiiit ciiu'r ! m'dr.-iiititt'ii Ti'tit^rsli'lil I dcs Vatcrlandcs, dir Sclilcksalc | niid VfrwaiMll.sclial't di'r.scllM'ii | vmi | Dr. •Toliaiiii Si'ViM'iii Vatrr | I'rot'i'ssor iind llilillii tlickar zii KiiiiijiHlxT}; dfs S. Wladimir- | Or- din.s KiKcr. | Itcrliii I in dcr NIciilaLschcn Itiiclilianilliin;;. I 1S1,-|. Latin litlt: vcrsii 1. 1 rcclii Idaiik.Cicrnuni title rcctii I. 'J vcr.sii Idank. dedication vcrNo blank I 1. address to the kiii^ 1 l.)>ret'acc |>|i. i ii, to the ri'aili'r ]i]i. ill iv. hall' title blank 1 1. text ii|i. .'! '.'.V.l. H . Al|diahetieally arraiijied by names of laniina;:es, diiiihlt^ columns. (Serinan and Latin. Notices of works in ('he|ie\vyan, |>ii.-l:i-4ll. Coliiin tci'ii : ISiireau of KlIinolo^N . Kanies. l'illin«. A later edition in (ierman as fidlows: Ijittri'atiir I (liT (iraiiiiiititikeii, Lcx- ikii I iiikI I W<"n'tfisaiiiiiiliino;eii { tiiliT HiirMchcii (Icr Knic I von | Jolitiiin Sc- vi'i'in Vatfi'. | Zwtsitf, viillifj nnij^t'sir- boitt'tt' Aiisfrabc | von | It. .Ilil^. | Mfrliii, 1KJ7. 1 In iliT Nicoljii.sclu-n })u('hliaii(lliiii^'. Title' verso blank 1 1, dedioatloii verso Idank 1 1. )ireface (sinned 11. .liilj; mid dated 1 Ucci'tn- lier IK4li) |>|i. \ X, titli'S of general wmks im the subject ]i)i. xixii, text (alplialietieally urranp'd Vater (J. S.) — Ccmtinnod. by names of lan;:iiaKcs) ))p. l-JfiO, ndditinn»nnd corrections )ip. 4ril .■)4I, subject index jip. 54*2- .'iO:i, author index pp. :>CA ')'.)1. errata 2 11. K\ N'otices of works in Atnali (KiiinTndianer), pp. :iS.4rili: Atiiaer. )i.4.")>.li (Miepewyan, jip. O'l, 4~:i; Inkiiliicliliiaten, p)i. 4'.t7 498; Kiiial (rcalJaHchniuIzi). ]Pii. 'J04. ."idl; Siisseo (Snrsec), li.riH,">; Taenllii's. p. :!H!t; I'mpiina, ji. 427. Ci'itifH spi'ii : Conyrcss, Fames, Harvard. At till''liersale. no. 1710, aciipy sold fori*. V^greville ( Prir \'ali'titin 'J'h^orloie). [Manii.'scripts rt'latiiio- to tlio Moiita- ^nais, ('liii>]n'\v\an or J)cn<^ lan- fjnaKc] (») In response to a rcipiest for a list of liis papers relatinj; to the Athapascan lanj;uii(;es, Father \V'}{icville, under date of Apr. 2.i, ISIM, furnished me the follow inif: 1. Atonoi;rapli on the Den^nindjie. Kthlio Kraphie notes. I'oiiitsof ri'semblance or imn- resemblance with the other initions, savafje or civilized. 2. (iranimarof tlio MonlaffiiaiH, Oliipweyan, or Dem''. This jrrannnar is eonipo.sed of three jiarts: The tirst, after the pridejjomena, treats of the nonn. the iidjective, tlio verb, etc., and of their" accidences; the second (jives the ayntax: tlu' third. or etym(do};y, t real. s of tliu composition and decomposition of words. It HiTVeH to abridge the dictionaries considor- ably. The tables of verbs, thoujih miicli less com- plientcd than in the Assinniboine and tin Cree, are yet of cimsiderable extent, for two reasons : First, bccansi' of the great nnmber of para- digms priHinced by the tinion of the ]icrsonal termination villi the preccdinj; atlix; and, .secoinl, tin' irrei;iihirity of the terminal riKit in the immense nia,jorily of the verbs, which 1 had to arrange in ;;roiips that divide and sub- divide. ;t. The Monta);nai.H-Frun<'U dictionary, con- taiiiin;; about 18,U(MI words, out of which one nii'zlil form more than l(i(l.(l(l:l by means id' the rules laid down in the grammar, tliini part. ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 105 V^gr^ville (V. T. ) — Coitiiuiea. 4. All til)' tiiadi iai iicri-ssiirv I'or lliiM'iiiii|)o. siliiiii 111' llir l''ri'iirli-Mi(iitii;;iiiiis ilirlliiiiiirv, wliirli will li ' IIS lai'T as tlii' |ii'i'rrillii^. ."i. Si'vcral iilliiT works, Si>iiy;s, iMtxrliisiii, iiistnirtloim, lilslorir i>|iltiiiiii' iil' i'i'lij{liiii. It ni'ii'Vi'S nil' ti> liiivo to say that lor tlio pn'seiit all my sriciitilir anil literary work is Ht4i|i|ii'il. A task iiiorr sitIoiis ami moro iiii)>ortaiit Is iiiiposiMl ii|iiiii iiii-. ... I nm till' only jirirst to ministi'r at Kort Saskiit- chewan, wlirri< I ;;o i-vcry lortiiislit. ii 'li''- taiiPH of 22 mill's. On tlir iiititrvrnini; Siimlays 1 uin not-iti'il at Kilmoiitoii, wliiiri' tlir |iasti>r linilerstamis only Kn^lisli anil Frrnrli. ami li'avos to my ran' tliri'r-l'oiirtlis of Ills roiiKi'i'- (Ration, will) Hpoak Crri'. I am tlio only mis- sionary who spi'iiks Ihi' lan;;iia;ri' of tlir .\ssln- nilioim's, anil i a.i? iililip'il, iinri' or twirr rarli yi'ar, to s|ii'nil siimr, wi'i'ks anionn tlii'iii, somi' 40 mill's from lii'iv. Yon will not hi-. sur]ii''il, tlu'refiin, wlii'n 1 li'll yon that it is nearly two yoars hIui'ii I have hail any time to ilevole, to uiy manii.seriiits, anil very lilMeeven toiiiyi'or i't;i|iimili'nie. Father N'alentin Tlieoilore ^'ejj;reville, mis- Hionary, Ohlate of Mary Immai'iilat^'. was linrii at Chatri's. Canton of litvron, l>e|iartnii'iit of Mayeiine. Franre. Septeinlier 17, 1K'.2!). He maile his stmlu's siiieesslvely at T5vi'on. La'val, Le Mans, ami Marseilles, where lie was orilaineil priest in IX.VJ. lie hail alreaily lieeii maile an O. M. I. reli;;ioiis, when, liywayof liavie, New York. Montreal, Chiia^i), ami St. I'liiil, he went to St. Itouifai'e, then eapilal of all the North- west, III loinnienieil to exeriise the apostolie ministry in that Imality ami the euviiims anion<; the halfhreeils ami ]ie(iples of ilivers nationalities {1H.')2-IS,">:1) ami jirepareil to iieiie- trate more ileeply into the North. During; I8.");i-lH.'i7 lie ;;ave his atteiilioii to the Jliinla- H;nais ('rihi|)ewi'yans) ami to the Cris (Crees) of Jler'ilat'rosse. 'I'lie, winter of IS57-'.">S he pa.sseil a;{ainat8l. Itonifai'i'. In IH.'iS he ; itiiriii'il to tie a la Criisse, leaving; llierein I Slid to foiiml the mission of Lai' (,'aril>iin. in the niiilst of the Moiil i;;nais. ami visit i ni; theiu'e the ('rees fDiiml farther to the soiilli. IletiirMin;; soiitli to St. lioiiifai'e, he went in lH(i."> to I,ae la IJieiie, when' he miiiislereil In the Iiiiliaiis ami niixeil ]>i>pii|alliiiis speakin;; the, Monla^iiais ami Cree. Ii: IH71 anil iX~'> he .serveil the missiim of St. iliiarliim ( Kilniontiin). In 1H7.'>. lH7(i, iinil 1877 he jrave his attention to the Assinihoiiies anil to the persons speaking Cree ami Freueh of Lae Ste. Anne. In lH77anil 1H7« he Imilt N. I), lie Loll riles (Fort Saskatihewan), ami tlien ret', Alim'(lH7H-18S(»), InlXHDIie ilesi-eiiileil the Saskat.sehi'wan Kiver, Htii)ipiii!; at St. Laurent, wlienee he soun ileparteil to estahlish snieessivily the followiii<; missions: St. Eniitne (1H,>1I)), St. Antoilie ile I'ailime (liatii'hi'XIHHI), Sle, .\nnein thetownof J'riiii'e Alhert (1HS2), SI. Louis «le LanKi'Vin (1HH:1). The llrst half of the yearlHS,') foiinil him f;oit>;! '■'"■■> oue of these missions to another aeiui'ililiK a* V^greville (V. T.) — t!oiitiini«Ml. his ]iri'seni'e seeineil rei|iiiri'il in those times of troiilile ami war. In tjie month of .Inly. 1H8,'), he a.seemleil a;;aiii tiiwaril Kilmontoii, ami as- Hiiineilehan.;!' of the Mission of St. Christopher, Nnmeriins visits in the neiKlihorhiHiil of the posts ilesi<;nateil aliove lomplete the lists of wamlerim^s of this missionary. He is m>w sta- tioneil at St. Alhert. Allierta. Vocabulai y : Ahtinnu Ahtinn^ .\htinn6 Ahtinnt^ Ahtinn^i Ahtinni'i Ahtiniu- Ahtinne Ahtinne Ahtinne Apaehe .\paelie Apiu'he A pai'lie Apaehe Aliarhti Apai'lm Apaehii Apaehe .\pacho Aiiai'lie Apaehe Apaehe Aiiai'he Apaehe A|iaelii) Apaehe Apaehe Ai>aehe .\paehe Ajiai'lie A|iai'ho Apaehe Apaehe Apaehe .\piiehe A)iai'he .\pai'he Alliapa-- an Athaiiaseau Heaver Heaver Iteaver Heaver Heaver Hea\er Heaver Heaver Heaver Heaver (Jhippewyaii <;iiipiR'.wyan (/'hippewyaii C'hippuiryau See Allen (II. T.) Hair (K. K. vou). Hamroti (H. II.) Hiisi'hinann (.1, ('. E.) Dall (W. II.) tiallatin (A.) •Tehan (I.. F.) Latham (U.C..) I'inart (A. L.) Wranuell (F. von). Alhiidl.T.) Itaneroft (II. H.) Hartlett (.f, K.) Hiinrke (.r,(i,) Hiisrhmanii (hC, S.) (larrloeh (A-C.) (.1,) Kennleotl (U) Latham (U.d.) MLeaniJ.) Morgan (L. H.) Ui>elirit;(F. L. (),) .\ileliinK ('LC.) anil Voter (.I..S.) Amleri4uii (A.C) HalhKA.) JiaiicrolKU. JL) 106 HIBLKIGKAI'HY OF THE I 15 ■1 , Vocabulary — (Joutiinu'd. Vocabulary — -Cdiitiinicd. Chippowyan S(«i KonipaH (W. C.) Keuai Sec Latbaui (R.G.) Cliippitu'yaii Kusi'hniaun (J. C. K.) Kcuai Lisiansky (IT.) Cliippiiwyaii (iallatin (A.) Ki'uai Piicbaril (J. C.) Cliippi^wyaii How.sii (J.) K>!uai RochiiK (F. L.O.) Cliippitwyaii J»'liau(L. F.) Kunai Statt'eicr (V.) and Pctroft (Jliippowyiin KcuuiiotI ;R.) (••) Cliipptiwyaii Latham (U. p(i\vyaii MI-caii(.l.) Koltst'bano iliiscbniann (J. (J. E.) Cliippt'wyau M.Plursim (H.)'bauo Latbaui ( Cliii>pewyau R...v.-(\V.1>) Kutt'liiu Kaucioft(H. H.) C'liippcwyan Ricbardson (J.) Kutiliiii Ku.scbiiiaiiii (J. (,'. E.) C,Ui\t\H',wyan R<.nhiij,'(F. L.O.) Kutcbiu Ball(\V.H.) CliipiM!wyan Ri>s»(R. K.) Kutchiu Kcmiicott (R.) CliipiH^wyan TbouipMOU (E.) Kutcbin Kutcbin. Chipptswyan AVliippIo(A.W.) Kutcliin Mor'.'au (L. H.) CliipiMiwyan Wilson (E. F.) Kutcbin Murray (A.H.) C«iquillo Abbott (G.U.) Kutcliin Pctitot (E. F.S.J.) C DoMcy (.I.O.) Kutcbin Roebrij; (F.L.O.) I)i>u6 rL-tit»t(E.F.S..T.) Kutcbin Rons (U.K.) Dog Rib Kaii.ioftdl.H.) Kutcbiu \Vbyiuper(F.) D..K Rih Kuscluiiauu {J.C. E.) Kwalbiokwa Kancrolt(H. H.) Dog Kill Latbani (K. (i.) Kwalbiokwa Biuscbiiiaun (.T. C. E.) Dc.K nil» Li'froy (J. H.) Kwalluokwa Hab' (H.) DiigUili Moijtaii (I.. H.) Kwalbiokwa Latham (R.C.) It..}; Rib Muiniy (A.H.) Lilian (iatscbet (A.S.) Doj; Rib 0'Brlan(— ). Loucbeux Kancrol't (H.S.) Ih,)! I£i\. Ricbardson (J.) Loucbcux Kuscbmanii (J. C. E.) DoK Rib Whipple (A. AV.) Loucbeux Lsbester (J. A.) Hi'imjii AnilcrHon (A.(^) LiMK'bcux Latham (K. (i.) HiMiagi Hamilton (A.S.) Monta^uais Adam (L.) Hiulmin Bay Adi'lnng (J.C.) and Vat or Nabiltse AndiTson (A. C.) (J. S.) Jfi.-bilt8o Uorsey (J.O.) Hiiilsiin Kay AVhipplo(A.W.) Xabiltso Gilili.s"(G.) Ilupa Anderson (A. O.) Nabiltso HazcuiW. B.) Hupa A/,iM-n (T. F.) Nagailcr Adeliing (J. (,'.) and Vatei lliipa Kauiroft (H. H.) (J.S.) llii|ia Kuscluuanu (.1.0. E.) K jailer (A.) llii|>a Crook (O.) Navnjo Arny (W.F.M.) Ilupa Cuitin (J.) Navigo KaniToft (H. H.) lliii>a Gats.bft (A.S.) Navajo Kcadlc (J. H.) Hupa Latbaui (R.(i.) Navajo KuHchiuauu (J. C. E.) Hupa POWITS (S.) Navajo CusbnifiMF. H.) Hupa Turmr(W.W.) Navigo Davi.s (\V. W. H.) Hupa Wbippl.MA.W.) Naviyo Domeuecb (E. H. D.) lukalik Bancroft (H. H.) Navnjuii Kauciol'KH. H.) Nava,jo Simpson (J. H.) Ki'uai Ku.-«buiann(J.O.E.) Navnjo Tbompsoii (A.H.) Kcuai DalKW.U.) Navajo Turner (W.AV.) Kcuai l>avidort'(ti.l.) Navigo Wliii.ple(A.W.) Ki'Uai Davjdscui ((i.) Navigo Whipple (W.D.) Ivi'uai Ih' Mi'uli'U (E.) Nav.'XJo Willard (C. N.) Keuai (iallatin (A.) Navni" Wilson (E.F.) Ki'uai .I Lievri- Ivcniiicott (I{.) Tinnc Pt'iiii i\v J.irvi e I'elitol (E. K.S.J.) Tinue rt'iiu (If IMvt " Ri)eliri<; (E. L. ().) Tinne Itd^iiu ]Jiv«r Barulianll (W. n.) Tinni'i Kdfjup River I><.rse.v (J.O.) Tinne Sikaiii BuHchiimnn (J.C.E.) Sikuiii Howsc (J.) Tlatskcnai Sikaiii P.) Tinne. Tol'iiie (W. F.) Tolniie (W. F.) anil Daw- son (G.M.) Anilersim (A. ';.) Bancroft (H.H.) Husclnnann (J. ('. E.) (iallatiii (A.) Hale (II.) Latham (K.G.) Turner (W.W.) Anilerson (A. C.) Dimsey (J.O.) Everetle (W. E.) Hubbard (— ). Kant/, (A. V.) Lucy-Fossarieu (if. P. de). Aiielung (J. C.) anil Vater (J S.) Baer (K. E. von> .'Jancroft (H. H.) I'li.schniaun (J. C. E.) OalKW.H.) Latham (U. <;.) Amhrson {.\. ('.) Bancroft (H.H.) Barnhiirdt (W. H.) Ibisi'hniMnu (J. < '. E.) Gallatin (A.) (iatschct (A. S.) Halo (H.) Latham (R.G.) MiIhau(J. J.) Scouler (J.) Tolmie (W. F.) Turner (W. AV.) AVhipplo(A.W.) Bancroft (H.H.) I)aU(W.H.) Power.s (S.) Anderson (A. C.) Gibbs (G.) w. Wailakki : \umcrals Numerals See Bancroft (H. H.) Tolniii! (AV. F.) and Daw- son ((;. M.) A'ocabulary Powers (S.) Warner (Janios), »c. See Doraey (J. O. ) Watkinson: This word following a title or within parentheses after a note indicates that a cojiy of the work referred to has been seen by llic com- liilerin theAVatkinson library, Harttbrd.Conn. Welleslejr: This word following a title or within iwrcnthesesafter aiiote indicates that a copy of the work referred to has been seen by the com- piler iu the library of WelletUey college, Wei loitloy, MatM. Wentzel (W. F.) U-tU'iH to tlie Tlon. Rodt-ric McKeiizic, 1807-1824. In Masson (L. It), Lis bourgeois de la Coui- pagniedu noMl-oucst |part U'l, pp. (i7-l.'i,l, Que- bec, 18>*!», .sni. i<^. A'ocabulary ('JOO woids) of the Bcavir lan- guage, pp !)7-l()4. Wheeler (Capt. (ioorfre MoiitaKue). [Seal.] I KuKiiKMT di-i):irfni<'nt, I'. S. army. | Hcport | u])on | Tnitcd States i'rH, I'. S. iii'iiiy. I I'liltliHlicil )),v authority of tlu> lioiioriihlo ihi' Ki'crotai'y ol" war, | iii arcordanct' with ai'trt of Coiih;i'«'h.s of Juiu) 2:5, 1874, and FcUniary 15, IS'rT.. In Nfvi'u volnnicH and ont* Hnii]di-ni<>nt, a<'<'oni])ani('d by on(s | tu]Mil»- iral i('i>ort[-VII. — Aich.i'olo}jy]. | WaHhiiigton : { (iovrnnniMit printini^ (.ffl<•.^ I 18K9[187r>-188!>.] 7 v(i1h. hikI Hii)i])lriiii'iil to vol. .■), 4°. Till) ilat«8 of tliu n'»|H'<'tiv(i volumes are: I, 1889; II, 1877; III, W-l; III. suppltliii-Ilt, I>I81 ; IV, 1877; V, 187,''); VI, 1878; V1I,1K7«. Gratschet (A. S.). A]))M-ii;. TriiiiilniU. Whipple (Ainii'l Weeks), Ewbauk (T.), and Turner (W. W.) i-xpltnations and snrvey.s for ii railroad route fmni the Mi8HisNi])j)i river to the I'acilii- ocean. | War dei)aitnient. | Route near the thirty-tilth j)aralh'l, under the com- inaud of lieut. A. W. Whii)])le, | tojio- graj»hi,5. Title vi'i'.so blank 1 ]. coiitt'iitH lilaiik 1 1. illii.stratioiis VW.SO blank 1 1. text jtp. 7-I'J7, Hcvcii )(lat('s,4°. lui'hiilcd in "Ki'jiorts of t'x- ]ilor,'kti(inH antl Hurveys for a railroad from the Mi.ssisHippi river to the Pai'iln; ocean," vol. It, of wliieli it forms the tliir. 81-83.— Ucinarks on the vorahn- laries (hy Turner), pp. 83-85. — Comparative voeahiihu-y of 'i'l words of Hudson's ]>ay U'roiii Dohlis), ('lie])ewyan (from Maekenzie), Do^- liili(f>'oni llieliardson), Taeully (from Harmon), ITmkwa (from Hale), Hoopah (frmii School- fsrafi), Kava.j(> (from SehoolerafI), and Apin'he (from Bartlett'^4 manuseript). pp. 84-8i'i. IH>pi»» ni'i'ii .• iSnieiin (if I<:tlinoh)<;y, Kanies, At t lie sale of J'rofW.W.Tiiriier's library in JJew ViM'k, May, J8li0 (iios. '.".l4-'i',)fi), ei^bt copies of tlie separate editJKji \vere sold- Mr. T. W. ]f'ield's copy (nil. 2.523) sold in 1870 for $1.7.5. Amiel Weeks Wliipph-, solilier, horn in (iruen- Wi*>\i, Mm»n 'K W**i 'UbiI i't WttsUiugtou, 1), Whipple (A. W.)— Continued. )'., May 7, I8t;3. He studied at .\iiilierst; was :i';idiiatedat the V. S. military ac:idemy in 1841 ; .^as eii;;a(;ed immediately :iflerward in the hy3 he had charge of the I'acilic railroad survey along the 35th parallel. In 18,'>(i he wasaiipoiiited engineer for the south- ern lighthoiise district and superintendent of the improvement of St. Clair Hats in St. Mary's river. At the o]>euiug of the civil war he at once applied for service in the Held, and was assigned as chief to]iogra)ihical engineer on the statV of (ien. Irvin McDowell. — Appleton'i Cjldiip. of A in. liiiMj. Whipple (G<'H. Williaiu Deiiison). Vo- eabuliiry of the Navajo lan|>;nage by (ieneral William 1). Whi]>ple, stationed at Fort l)etian('<'. New Jlexieo. Manusi'ri|it, t! leaves, written on one sidu only, 4°, in the library of 1 lie Itureau of Ktbuol- <'gy- (Jmitains 40 words only. An apjiended note says: " Transmitted to (}eo. (iibbs. from Louisville, Ky., hy General (ieo. 11. Thomas, with a letter of transmittal dated March 5, 1808. " White (/>»'. .John li. ) Vociibnlary of tlio [('oyotero] A]ia('he. In Gatkchet (.\. S.). Zwiilf Sprachen aiis dem Siidwesteu N'ordanierikas, p|i. !)9-]15, Weimar, 1870, 8°. (/ontains about 4IIU words. ("lassilied list of the propositiona, ]ironf i^uuscrijit, 7 iinniimlfered leaves, 4°, wrjtte^i on onoside only, iu the library "f the liureuupf Jitlmology. ATHAPASCAN LANGUAGES. 109 White (J. B.) — Continued. Sentences in Ajmclic, with a claHsili- cation of men, women, aud children, with the Apache names. :Muiiii8cript, as pages, 12°, in the library <>f tlio Bureau of Ethnology. Rei-ordiMlin ahlank book. [Vooabnhiry of the Apache and Tonto hmguage, witli notes, by Dr. John B. White.] MaiuiHcript, pi>. 1-UO, 12°, in tlin library of tho Kurean of Kthnology. R<"Cortic(l in a blank b«M»k, tlie flrHt pago of wliii'h (Minlains an ulibnnialion of tho alM>vn titli'; pp. 2-:i aro blank. Xotcs, i>. 4.— ('iir- rent'y in uso by the Apaolics, |>. .'i — Indiiin wearing apparel, p. .1.— Tontm; numcnilH, p. — Apnelie numerals, p. 7.— Vocabulary of the Ton- toe and Apache, alphabetically arranged by Englinh words, pp. 8-8!).— The Tontoo words are on the outer margins of the versos of the leaves, the inner margin containing running notes and comments. Tho English words aro on the left-hanp. 9(MJI.— Imple- ments of war, si'n.sims of the year, p. 02.- I'ro- nouns, .idverbs, and adjectives, \i. int.— Anat- omy, pp. 94, Ofi. — Sentences in A]>iiche, Jip. 95, 97.— Trees, p. 98.— Animals.pp. 99-102.— Towns, camps, &c., pi». 103-104.— Vegetables, j). lOfi.— Musical instruments, p. 106. These manuscripts were collected by Dr. White while serving as agency )diysician at the San Carlos Indian reservation. New Mexico, from October, lK7;t, until NovcuiImt, 1875. White Mountain .Vpaclie. Si'e Apache. Whymper (Frederick). Travel nnd !id- ventiire | in the | territory of Alaska, | formerly Kiissiau America — now ceded to thi^ I United States — and in various other I i)arts of tlie north Pacirie. | Hv Frederick Whymiier. | [DcKign.] | With maj) and illiistraf ioii«. | London : I .lohii Murray, .MhiMimrh" street. I IHtiH. The right of 'I'ranslat ion is reser'-ed. Half-title verso blank 1 1. title verso printers 1 l.dedicaf ion verso blank 1 1. luefaie jip. vii- ix, contents po. xi-xix, list of illustrations p. [xx], text pp. 1-306, appendix pp. 307-331, map, plntes, 8°. Appendix V. Indian dialects of Norlberii Alaska (late Russian America), pp. 318-328, pontains: Co yukon vocabulary, words fi-oni tllti pi»-yukon dialect, s|ioken (with slight vari- ations) on the Yukon Uivcr fur at 500 miles of Its lower and middle (Ingcleli-, H variety of sanu' dialed), |ip. 320-321. Kennicott (K.),Kotch-a-ku'ehin vis'abulai'y, pp.a2g-a28. Whymper ( F. ) — Continued. Copiet neen : Rostxm Public, Ilrilish Museum, Congress. At tho Fiebl sale, (catalogue no. 2539, a copy brought $2.75. Travel and adventure | in the | territory of Alaskii, | formerly Russian .•Vmerica — now ceded to the | United States — and in various otlmr | parts of the north Pacific. | Hy Frederick i Whymper. | [Design.] | With niiip aud illiistratitms. | Nc^wYork: | llarpta* iV lirotliers, pub- lisliers, I Franklin square. | 186!l. Front is))iecc I 1. title verso blank 1 l.dedina- tion verso blank 1 1. pridioc pp. xi-xii, contents l>p. xiii-xviji, list of illustrations p. xix. text pp. 21-332. appendix ]ip. 333—353, map and ])lales, 8°. Linguistics asin Londcm edit ion, pp. 341-350. CdpifM neen; Haucroft, Host^in Atliemeum, rowell. Keprlnled 1871, pi>. xix, 2!-3r>3, 8 '. The French edition, Paris, 1871, 8", contains no Alhiip^'scan nintorial. (I'illiiig.) Russian .Vmerica, or "Alaska": the Nativ(ss of tlie Youkou River and adja- cent ccuintry. By Frederick Whymper, Esq. lu Ethnological Soc. of London Trans, vol.7, pp. Ifi7-18.'>, London, 1809, H". Knich-a-kutchin vocabulary, compiled by the late Major Kennicott, pp. 183-185. Willard (Celeste N. ) Vocabulary of tho Navajo language. Manu.scripl, 10 unnumbered leaves, folio; in the lilirary of tht^ Hn rcau of Ethnology. (>d- Iccled in 1809. Kc, r»uiel). Prehistorii' mini | Re- se:irches into the (U'igin of ci vilisatiun I in the old ami the new world | By | Daniel Wilson, LL. 1). | ju'ofessor of history and Kngiish literature iii Uni- versity college, Toronto; I tiiithoroftho I "Archa'(tIogy aud jtrehistoric iinuals of Scotland,'' etc. | In two vidiimes. | ; Volume I[-II]. I Cambridge: j Miicmillau iuid co.. | and 23. Heurii'tta street, Covent gar- den, I London. | 1862. | (The right of j ''■ .nslutiou is reserved.) I L 110 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE I'i^ u ' V ,(i t! Wilson (D.) — Contiiined. 2 voIh. : litilt'titlt! verso tlt>j4i);ii 1 1. colortMl frrintiMpieci' I I. (itlm'<>i'Hii|iriiit<'i'l l.dodiriitioii verso lilaiik 1 1. iircfiwc ]>|>.vil- xvi, roiitfiils )ii>. xvii-wiii, ti'\t]>|i. 1 4S«, )(lnii; Imll'titlo verso tlesi;;!! 1 1. eolored l'roiitl»)iieee 1 1, titld verso printer I I. eniiteuts |i|i. v vi, text \>\>. l-4Tr>, iip- ]>eii-4H9, vorso utlverlisoiiieiit, 8°. Word for " iiiothor, " in sovoral AmurirHii In- diuu langiinj^es, ini'liidiiifr thu Tlutskanai, Na- vajo, and Kenay, vol. 1, p. 71. Oopift Keen: Rritisli Mnsenni, Conftress, Kanies. Watkinson. I'rohiHtorif. iiiau | liom(im-lio,s into the origin of civill.-iiitiou | in tlir old iiu. xvii-xviii. prefaee to the tirst edition pp. xix-xxvi, lialftitle blank I I. t<;xt pp. J-(i2'J, index p|i. ti2:i -(«).">, 8^. Kin-^nistica as under previous title, p. 5!). Citpies seen : Uritish Mnsonm, Eame.s. I'reliistoric man | Researches into the Origin of Civilisation | in the Old and the New World | By | Diiuiel Wil- son, LL. D., F. R. S. E. I profos.sor [&c. two lines.] | Third edition, revised and enlarged, | with illnstrations. | lu two volnnies. | Vol. I[-II]. | London: | Macmillan andCo. 1876. | (The right of Translation is reserved.) 2 v Kov. H. W. GiblMin fjtwckon. Church of Eur- "Wilson (E. F.) — Continued. land missionary to tho San^noR, for inforroation and valuabfc notes. Report on the Snrcee Indians, hy the Rev. E.F.Wilson. In Kourlli I{c]>ort of tho committee . . . appointed for tln« purpose of investijjatlnj; . . lanjiiiaKCs . . . of the Nrn Tribes of the Dominion of Canada; in Hritish .VsH. Adv. Scl. l!e)iorl of the tifty-cighth nu«t- i">?, 1>P- 2:i;i-2,')"), London. 18H!», 8°. Vocahu'ary (KH) words and short sentences), Knglifh and SarccM', pp. 241»-2!J2.— Notes on tlm language, pp. 2.V2-25:i. Followed by notes by Mr. H. Hale. pi). 25.1-25.'). Tht! ccmunittee rejiort issued separately, without title-page, rejiaged 1-2;!. (Karnes, rilling.) [ ] An Iinlian history. [Sanlt Ste. Marie, Ontari«». 1889.] >'o title, heading as above, pp. 1-15, 8°. A. I'ireular distrlbutt'd for gathering information, linguistic and ethnologie, regarding any partii'- ular tribe of Indians. On i\w lirst page the author says he is "trying to eidleet material with a view to publishing a short popular his- tory of some one bnndred or so of the best known Indian tribes, together with alitthi in- sight into tho vocabulary and granunatical structure of each of their languages." Pago 2, pronuneiati(Ui; pp. ;!-7, words and .sentences, three cidumns, the Hrst English, the second ex- amples from various Indian languages, among them the Tukuth, Sareee, and Apache; the third is left blank for filling in the jiartieular language desired; pp. 7-10, iiuestions concern- ing language, with examples from severid lan- guages; pj). 11-14, questicms of history; p. 15, '•A few particuilars about the Indians." Copies seen : Eanu^s, IMUing, Wellesloy. The Navajo Inditins. By Rev. II. F. Wilson. In Our Fo-est Children, vaa (I.. K.I Ahtinne KIlis (K.) Alilinin') I'i'litot (K. K.S.J.) Ahtinnt' Pott (.\. K.) Alitinin:! SihomlinrKk (R. }l.) Apaebo lionrkit (J. (i.) Apachii Daa (L. K.) Aiiaidio KUis (R.) Apacho GatHrli('t(A.S.) Apache Latham (U. (i.) Apacho Tolmic (W. F.) and Daw- son (fl. M.) Apacho AVilson (K. F.) AthapaHCan Kriiiton (I), (t.) Athapancaii l)aa(l,. K.) Athapascan Ellis (R.) Athapa.>.) (Jliipjicwyan Ellis (R.) Chippcwyan Latham (R.O.) (Miippcwyan licslic (.1.1'.) Chiiijicwyan SchonihiirHk (I!- H.^ Chippewynn Tolmic (W. V.) and Daw- son ((r. M.) P*nc < 'Inircnccy (C. F. H. (I.) Dog Kih Daa(L.k.) Dojr Ril. Ellis (R.) Dog Rib 'I'olmic (W. F.) and Daw son (Ci.^f.) Hnpa Ellis (R.) lliipii (tatschi't (A. .S.) Hnpa Latham (R.C) Inkalik Uiischniann (J. C K.) Ki'iiai liii.sclinnuin (.T. C. E.) Kenai Daa(L. K.) Kcnni Ellis (R.) Words — Coutiimod. Kcnai Kcnai Kinai Kcnai Kcnai Kiitchin Kntchiii Lipan Liini hi'iix Lonchcii:. Loiichcux Montaguais Navnjo Nuvnjo Navnjo Xavi\jo Navajo Naviyo Navi^o Navajo I'caii do Lii'vri Pcan dc Lievri Sikani Slave Siirscc 'raciilli Trtculli Taciilli Taciilli i'aculli Taciilli Tmulli Tinne Tinne Tinne Tinne Tlatskcnai Tlatskcnai Tlatskcnai Tlatskcnai Tlatskcnai Tlatskcnai Tiikiidh Ugalcnzcn Ugaleiincn TTinpUwa TJ'iipkwa I'inpkwa Uinpkwa See J6hnn (L. F.) Lathnm(R.(L) I'ott(A.F.) Schoinbnrgk (R. H.) Wilson (D.) Daa(L. K.) Kllisd!.) Rollacrt (W.) Daa (L. K.) Oild)S((i.) Petitot (E. F. S.J.) Petltot (E. F. S.J.) Harrciro (A.) l)aa(L. K.) Ellis (R.) (Jatschcl (A.S.) Latham (R.) Matthews (W.) Tolniie (W. F.) and Daw- son (CM.) Wilson (D.) Clmrcncey (C. F. 11. (J.) Petitot (E.F..S.J.) Daii (L. K.) Ellis (R.) Addling (,T. ('. E.) and Vater (J. S.) Daa(L.K.) KIlis (K.) (latsclict (A. S.) Latham (R.(i.) Lubbock (.T.) Pott (A. F.) Tolmic (W. F.) and Daw son ((f. M.) Brinton (D. (J.) Crane (A.) Gatschet (A. S.) Hale (H.) Daa (L.K.) Ellis (K.) Farrar (F. W.) Lubbock (J.) Pott (A. F.) Wilson (D.) Wilson (E. K) nuschinaiin (.1. ('. K.) Daa (L.K.) Daa (L.K.) Ellis (R.) Pott{,A.F.) Tolmic {^Y. V.) and Daw- son (Cr. M.) Wowodsky {Gov. — ). Vocalmlary of tho [Koiiai] limguaK« of Cook's Inlet Hay. Manuscript, 1 leaf, folio, written on both sides, intlielibrary of the Bureau of Ethnology. RcciM'dcd on a blank form containing 00 Kiig- lish words, iiiuivalcntsof allof which are given Ml the Kenai. T'here is in the same library a copy of thi.>i vocabulary, 'J 11. folio, made by Dr. Glbbs. 112 HIIJLIOGKAPHY OF THE WrangpU {.trfmtr((M''<'rcl. HiTViltionH ItviicillicH par rAmira; ' In Nonvi'llcM.inniilcn den vnvimtH, vol. 1, 185.1 Wrani'dn 8nr !.•« lial.itiinU .!.« VoUm l(ialit/in. I iHiamUirH] niul tlmOnKnlautHi, p. 190. X. Y. Z. XicariUa Apache. Spo Apache. Yarrow^ (/'»•. Fltsuiy (!r6cy). Voiiiibnliiry ot'tho .Jicarilliii laufriia^t^ III Wheeler (<}. M.), Ui^pnt'txiipoii U. ■S.(i(Mi({. Siirv(\VH, vol. 7, i>p. 4'JJ-40,'>, 47(), \VaMliin;<;U)n, 1879, 4°. CoiiiiiHiH or 211 wordx in tlio fliHt il vJHion nnil hIx in tlin m^conil. Coll)M't*' (.IrHT. .liiRptMiTiii A-iKhclili). [Za- goskin (Lieut. Laurcnti Alexio).] Ili<- iiiPXojHiiii oiiucb I MiU'Tii pyccKiixb R.ia.vliniU | R1> AMcpiiKli. I Upoii3BC4ciiiinH I .I(>i)T(>iiiinroMi> .1. IJiinKKiiiibiMi, I B-h 1842, 1843 ii 1844 ro- ,Vix'b.' Ch MepKaTniM'KoNi KaproMi rpaRiiiHiiiaiiHONi Ha Jit.iii. — 'lacTi. iippBiifl[-BTnpjiH]. | CaiiKTHPTcpfivpri.. I ncviaraiio B'> Tiiimrpa*lll nap.ia KpaliH. | 1847[-1848]. Trannlation : Pedestrian exploration | of partH of the KimHian pim8e8HioiiH { in America. I Accomplished | by Lieutenant L. Za^ | in the years 1842, 18411 and 1844. | With a Mer- cator'H chart en)j;raved on copper. | Part tirst [-.second]. 1 St. I'oterMbiirg. | Printed in the piintiii}: offlco of Karl Krai. | 1847[-lH48j. 2voln.: 1 p. 1. pp. 1-I8a ; 1 p. 1. pp. 1-120, 1-1,'), l-4.">, 80. Vocabulary of the Inkilik and lukalit Yiigel- mat, vol. 2, appendix, pp. 17-20.— List of vil- lages, with pojmlation statistics, vol. 2, appen- dix, lip. I19-41.— List of birds in Koikhpagniiiit and Inkilik, vol. 2. a]ipendix, pp. 42-411. Vnpiin Kfcii; Bancroft. Rritish Miisemu. 'riie vocabularies are reprinted in Busch- mann (J. ('. K.), l)er atliapaski.sclie Sjirach- slaniiii, )ip. 2n!t-;H2. 3e.lKUUli (CcviMihil.iii'ii.) [Zelen6i(SeniI6ii Iliicli)].'K'niP ii.'i>< jnoBHiiKa.ioiiTCHaHTa SarocKiiHa, Re.ieiinaro rk ;)h'cuc,iiii|iii, coRcp- luei.doU HMi no MarepuKy ctBcpo-:iaua,\noik 3E.lEH0li (n. H.)— Continnea. AMcpiiKii. "iHTatio Rb coripaiitH P. F. 0. S''" llHRapn 1847 rn,u. (CocTaB.iomi 4. 'I.i. 0. 11. 3(>.inHUMV) Trannlation: Extract from the diary of Lieutenant /agoskin, kept diiriii); ii .journey made by him on the mainland of Northwest America. Iluad lu'lore the Itiissianticouraphic S,(tMiHaro Bh ;ii(riie4iiiiiii, cORcpiavn- I liolt HMi no MiTttpiiKy PliB(>|)o-;mna,|iioit I AMCpHKII. (CO(>TaB.ieilO 4. M.I.O. H. 3(MCMMMh.) ! In Geogr.iphical Simiety Journal, v(ds. 1 and 2 (second edition), pp. 21 1-26«, St. Petersburj,', 1849, 8°. C'oniparativeviMNibulary in parallel colunin.s, j KiiHsiaii, Inkalik proper, and Inkalit, pp. 2l(i- I 249. I AiiHziij; iHLs (lom Tagohncihe dus ] Licntcnauts Siigo.skiu iiber seine Kxpe- i (lition auf dein festen Lande dcs nord- westlichoii Anierikas. In Denkschriften der Kussischen (leogra- lihisch;:; "«osellscliaft zii St. Pettirsburg, Band 1, Weimar, 1849, 8^. (A translafi from the Russian, of voLs. I and 2 of the Mi-moirs of the Ilussian Cieonrapliiciil Society.) (') ; Linguistic contents ax under titles above, pp. iri!) -;i74. Title from Bancroft's Native races. I Zzehkkociijitirichiuchik [Tnkudh]. Stm 1 McDonald (Ii.) A r» n K N o A , lord- ItaiKl III) till) of tint (*» ,-.1, pp. . 8*10 Apostolides (S.) Our loril'H prayor | in I OnoHmulnMl I)irt«roiit, Lini};iiiig»)s. | Compilud hy S. ApostidiilfS. | [Text. from Acts ii. 8, two lines.) | .Secoiiil edition. | London: | priutod and piiltliitlK'd liy W. M. Wtttts, 1 80, (Sray's-inn roiui. [1871.] 'I'itlo vi'i'go iiotico (if ciiliy 1 1. iiiilrx I I. liaU'-litlti vri'Nii blank I I. text (priiilt'il on one side only) 11. 17-Ufi, IJ'. Lord's pniyor in (JliiiMiwyiin («yllal»io cliiir- attiMs), 1. :i'J. Copien teen : lOainrit. For titlt' of earlier )'ilitioii, Hue jia^o 4 of tliiH liil)lio<;rapliy. Berghaus ( />r. Meinricli). All{L;(Mncin(>r I (■thno);t-a]>lii8('licr AtlaH | odor | Atlas dor Volktir-Kiindo. | Kino .Saiiinit ing | von nuiln/.ohn Karton, | auf donen die, iini gra]diis(;ho Vorhrcitung al'ci, natli iliror Si»rach- verwandtscliaft gooid- | nctoii, Viilker dos ICrdhalls, iind ihre VortlKulmig in die Roiclio iind 8taat«Mi j dor alton wio derneiienWolt al)gol»ildot uiid vor.sinn- liolit wordon ist. | Kin Vorsnoh | von | W Heinrich Jiorghaiis. | Verlag von Justus Porthcs in (Jotha. , I 18.52. Titlo of (ho .scrieH (Dr. Iloiiuicji UornJiaus' physikalisciior Atlas.ctc.) vi'rsol. I rectolilank, (itlo as aliovo verso blank 1 1. I«xt pp. 1-08, l!» maps, folio. T. I)io iiordisi'lii'ii Vi'ilker, :i. .\tbapasi'a.s, treats of Mm lialiitat, tribal division.^, spoedi relations, eti'., of Mid .Sali-issalideinnihs, Ki- iHT-lndianer, Dalio-Diunnili, Idt.selialituwalit- IViniiili, Kiintsclni- Uuinnilm, TIeinKcliah Deinnilia, Tontsawliot- Doiniiilis, Talikali, Nauseud- Di^inniliH, Slimaciis- Deinnilis and Nojjailera, pp. 511-54. -Map no. 17 is entitled " Kthnojjrapliisclie Kart« v William (jarpentor).] 'I'lio acts of tlio apostles. | Translated into tlie 'I'oni (or .Slavt'i) langiiago | of tim Intliaim of Mackon/.io rivor, | iiortli-wost Canada. | My | Tho right r((v. tho bishop | of Maokcn/.io rivor. | LondiMi: | British and forttign bible sooioty. I 18!M). Title as above verso " 'I'lie ai'ts of Mie apos- tU's in Teiii" 1 I. text (entirely in Tuiii, ronian eliaraeters) pp.:i-H», 1(5^-. f.'opicn Keen : Kanies, rilling;. Fur title of tlie four gospels in Slav^i (ronian eliaraeters), by tliis aiitlior, .see page 10 of this Itibliograpliy. [ ] Tho opistlos [and revelation]. | Translated into tho Teni (or 8lavp. Ill 1.17. -Titus, pp. LIS 1 til. I'hilenioM, pp. Iti'.'-Ki:!. Hebrews, pp. 1ti4-l«7.— James, pji. ISH l!Mi. -I and II I'eter, pp. 107-'JI1. -I, II, ami III .lohn, p|i.'J12 2'.'4.— .Iiide. pp.'J2.'>-'.''.;7.— Kevelatioii, pp. 'Ji;8-'Jf)9. Cullies seen : Katiies, rillini;. ! [- and Reeve (\V. I).)] Tho | gospel of St. jiatthew | translated into tho | Nlavo langnago | for | the Indians .)1— ! ('<»nt'iiiii'«l. 'I'litN Kiiii|iiix iiiiil liMiislKmili'il Into Hvlliiblcitlmr- iirliiM liy Mr. Ifi'i'Vi'. i'niiiiH mm : Ili'iliHli illiil Kiirrimi llilili- Siici I't.v, Kaliir.'*, rilliii),'. Wi'lli'Hlfy. f J Tim I goHii.-l of St. Mark | tiiiusliiti'd into tho | Slavi- liinj^uuKo, | for I Inilians of iioith-wost Ann-rica. | In lilt' Syllahii' (^'hanictor. | IjoihIou: I |)rintildti Hociety, | Qnoen Vic- toria street. | 18Hf). Title vorHo bliiiik I 1. Iialt'titlii (mir liiii< in nyllaliii' rliiirai'tiTrt anil at Imtliiiu • (iosprl nl' SI. Mark ") on tlu^ veisi) nl' wlilrli lii';j!iii.t llir lixt (l>.Hli| III Hvilnliii' rliaiai'tiin rnllowoil Ity PI). H7 i:ili, \T. Copies Kcvii : liiintnii, I'.ann's, I'illin;;, Wi'IIi'H l.'.V. [ J '['lie I j^oMpcl of St. IjMke I translated into the | Slave language, | for I Indians of north-wnst America | In tho Sylliihic Charaetor. | London: | printed for tho Hrltisli and foreign liible soeiety, | (^iieen \'ietoriu street. | 18(10. 'rule as aliOM) vitho prlntrrs 1 1. liaU'tillf ("Tin' (lo.Hpi'l of Si. liiiki', ill Slavl "ami imr linn syllaliir rliararlrrs) verso brKiiiiiiii); of ti'Xt [p. ;;|, ti'xt oiilirrly in syllabic iliarauteis pp. L'-!I1.M'J\ Ciipifn .tpi'ii ; Kaiiirs, I'illiii^. ] The, I go8i)el of St. .lohn, | [- translated into tho | Slave lanj^uafje, | for I Inilians of north-west Aumriea. | In the Syllahie Charaeter. | Ijondon: | printed for the Hritish and foreij^n bible society, | (^neen Victoria street. | 18110. Titlf at* abovii vitho )ii'iiitei'.s 1 1. lialftitlr. <" The (iosjH'l III" Sl.iliilui, ill Slavi' ami oiii) liiir syllabir rlianuti^rs) vitho ln':;iiiniii^ of text (]). 2], ti'Xt I'litiri'ly in sylhibir, cliaractor« Jip. 2- ti7, 12~. Ciipicn seen: Kaint'S, Pilliiiy;. [ ] The I acts of tlm tipostle.s, | and tlm epistles [and revelation], | translated into tho | Tonni or Slavr h'.nj^naf^e, | for | Indians of Mackenzie river, north-west | Canada. | Hy the Kight Rev. | tho bishop of Mackenzie river. | In the Syllabic Character. | London: | printed for the British and foreign biblo society, | C^ueeu Victoria street. | 1891. [Bompaa (W. C.) and Reeve (W.!).)]— Coiitinimd. Tillii iiH aliovi' vi'i'Hi) |ii'lnli'is I'xt(eu> titrly ill Hylluliir. rliarailrlH) pp. 1 :I74. 12 '. AcIh, ]ip, 1~K7. Hoiiiaii.s, pp. HH I2:i. I anil It ('oi'liitliiaiiN. |)p. 124 IH2. (iaialiaim. pp. IKI 11)1. Kplir.slanH. pp. lU.') 2011. riillipphniH, pp. 2117 21 1. CiiliiHHiiinH. pp. 2l.'i 222. I anil II Tlii'MHaliiiiian.H. pp. 22:i 2:ir). I anil II Tiiniilliy, pp.3:Ul-2.Vl. -TitiiH, pp.2!H-2.1K. -I'hiln pp. 2r)U-2«0.— Hrbri'W;*, pp. 2(I1-2H». JaTiiiiH, pp. 2H7-a!»l. -1 mill II IVIer, pp.2117 1112. -I, 1 1, ami III .loiiii, pp. ;ii;i-:i2t). - Jmlr, pp. a27-;i2U . Uevi'laliiin, )ip. ;i:iiu:i7l. Vupies Deen : Kiiiiiiih, i'illiii);. Brmau ((ileorg Adolph), tditor. Archiv | fiir I wissensehaftliehe Kiinde ( von | Kii8.slanil. I Heransgegeben | von | A. Krnian. '■ Kr8ter[-Fiiiifnnd/.wanzigster] Hand.'1841[-18H7J. | Mit dreiTafelii. | Uerlin, I gedrnekt nnd verlegt vou (i. Heiiiier. [ii. d.| 25 vols. H". Schott (\V.), Ui'biT I'tliiiiiKiapliiAi'liii l-k'^i-b- iliT'lK'ii Ki'Iho, vol. 7, pp. 480- 512. Copies leeii ; CoiigrcsH. Hale (Ilonitio). Language as a test of Mental Capacity. By Horatio Hale, M. A. (Read May 26, 18!U.) In Jtoyal Siir. of CaniMla, Traim. anil I'nM'. vol.1), pp. 77-112, Montreal, 1H92 ( !), 4". A K'")"''"! (liHCiiHsion upon Aiiii'iiran anil Aimtnilian laiij;ua({i',s. Tho Athapa.sean I'ainily is tho most fully treated of the .Vnii'riran toii!{iii'S— tho D^ni) Dimljie, Ifavii,ii>, Tiniio, and Hiipa with many uxaniiHos, cuninientH upon prinmry roots, f^raniniatir. forms, etc. prini'ljially from J'i'titot. Is.sni'd si'paratvly a.s follows: Laiigtiage as ii test of nientiU capac- ity : I being an attempt to deiiioustrato tlm I true basis of anthropology. | By Horatio Hide, M. A., F.K.S. C.'| Hoii- orary Member [&c. six lines.] | From tho transactions of the Royal soci«'ty of Canadii, vol. ix, sec. ii, 1891. [Montreal. Dawson brothers. 18921] Half-title on covor ii-s iibovo, no insido title, text pp. 77-112, 4°. Linguistic coutunts as nndertitleuextubove. Copies seen; Pilliiif;, Powell. Klaproth (Heinrich Julius von). See Merian (A. A. vou) and Klaproth (H. J. von), on next page. McDonald {Rev. Robert). Mosis | vit ettuuettlo ttyig | Genesis, Exodtis, Lo- vitikus. I Genesis ettunettle. | Arch- deacon McDonald, D. D., | kiikhe thleteteitazya. | ATHAPASCAN LAN(UJA(»KS, 115 MoDouald (U.) — ('oiitiiimtil. I.oikIoii: I printed tor tlio ItritJHh anil fori'luu l»ibli> Hocioty. | \H\H). 'ritlc(vr|'H(>"Ai'. I'.Wj vri'Ho hlaiik, lni)iny, in 'I'ukmlli ") I 1, Itixt (mitlvfly in 'I'likiiilli, niiiiau iliaraclp. 3-103.— DiMitcionomy, pp. 104- 191. Coiiien Hee.m Kaiiioa, I'illiiif;. I'lidcr tion of tlii.s Myllabary sco pp. 59-60 of this hihlioj^raphy. Coji ivi seen: Pi 1 II 1 1 j; . Maisonneuve (J.) ('atahi^iut | d*'s | livri's des fonds | I't en iionitiri-. | llis- toiro, Archdologio | Kthno^frapliic, et Linguistiquo do. I'Kiiropo | dti I'Asie, de rAlriqui! I dr FAnu'riqui' ot do rOi'cani.', | [Vigin-tte] | Paris I J.Mftisoniieuve, lil)riiirr-6di- ti'ur I 25, quai Voltairi', 2."i | (.\ncionno Maison Th. Harrois) | 18i»2 (Jovor title an abovo of niamniar.s, tith* as abovo iioto 1 1. toxt i)p. 3 127, back covi'r vorso lint of cataUiguos, 8°. Lin}iui»tiqno t{6nrTalo (iiicludiuf; titles of a nniiibi-r of books rofoiriut; to Amcriciin laii- giniKi's), pp. 30-44. — Graniniaircs.DiotionuairoH, Textos ol Trailuctiims (pp. 4.')-l27) iiiclndo titles of works in Dijne Diiuyie, i>. 72; Montagnais, p. 111. Oopieit seen : Kaiuos, Pilliiij;. Masson (L. K.) Lcs | bourgeois | do la Couipagnic | du uord-oiiest | rocits do Voyages, lettres ot rajiports inddits Masson (L. H.) — Continni'd. rolatifs | an noi'd-mioHt caiiadion | Pii- lilios avoc lino | i'Hi|iiisHo histiirii|iio | ot dos Annotations | par | K. K. Masson | I'roniioro 8orio | [Monogram J | (Jliiobi'c I do i'imprinii'rio gr'-iKSralo A. t'otoot, C" I 18«y Cover tlllo as aliove, title as above verso lilank 1 1. inti'odiu'tlcin pp. iii-vi, iiinteiits pp. vii Ix, lialf title (Iteelts de voyage, letlies ot rapports iiiedits relatifs ait niird-oiiest eaiia dien) verso blank 1 1, eontents verso lilauk I I. half title (KemiliiMeenres by the lioniirablo Itodeile Mi'Keiiziu, being eliietly a Mynopsls of letters from Sir Alexander Maekeiizle) verso blank 1 1. text pp. 7-66, half title (Mr. W. h\ \Vent/,el, Letters to the Hon. Uoderir, MeKeu- /,ie, im)7-l824) verso bhiiik I I. text pp. 69 153, half-title verso blank 1 1. text pp. LVi^Wl, erratjv J). [4 14 1, announeenicnt of seeoiid series vermi blank 1 I. ina)i, sni. 4'', Wonfzel(\V. I'\), Letters to the lion. UisU'rlo Mi'Keiizie, pp. 67-1511. f'lipiet neeii : Mii,tor ICdniiind Mallet, Wiwh- iiiKtoii, 1). <;. [Merian {Jiaruii Andr«'as Adolf von) and Klaproth (H. J. von).] Triparti- tvni I sov I de analogia lingvarvm li- bollvs [Continvatio I-III] | Typis lliiyknlianis divondonto Ca- rolo Hoik I Vionnae MD(;CCXX[- MDCCCXXIII] [1820-1823] 4 vols.: title verso <)iiotation 1 1. prefator.y notiie vcrao quotatiou 1 1. text pp. 1-193, 1 folded leaf of iiiiinerals verso blank ; Continva- tio I (1821), title vorso quotation 1 1. ti'xt pp. 197-314, 1 folded leaf of niinieraU verso blank ; Continvatio II (1822), title verso qiiot^ition 1 1. text )>p. 317-585, 3 nnuumbered pajjes, one of whii'li Is on a folded leaf; <.!ontinvatlo lit (1823), title, verso <|not4ltion 1 I. text pp.589 8U7. 1 nnnuinbered pajie of uiiinerals, oblon>( folio. The work is a eoniparative vocabulary in various languages of words having a similar sound and nu'aiiing. Eacii one of thu four vol- lines is arranj^ed under a seimrato alphabet, and with five <^oliiiiios to a pane. The first column, lieadod Oerm., contains words in Gor- man, Dutch, English, Danish, Swedish, etc.; the second column, headed Slav., contains words in .Slavonic, Uussian, Polish, Uohoniian, etc.; the third column, headed Oal., contains words in Latin, (Ireek, French, Italian, Span- ish, Welsh, Irish, Bretim, etc.; the fourth col- umn, headed Mixta, contains words in miscel- laneous Kiiropean, Asiatic, African, American, and Oceanic Innguages ; and the fifth column, heivdod Xotulae, contains explanations. Among the American languages in which examples are given is the Kiuai. Oopiet teen .- Eames, , m ! CHRONOLOnin INDEX. ! 1744 Alliiipnxc'in 1744 (.'lji|i|irwyiiii 17IH» Siirsi'i^ 17ttl Siii'Mttti ]7»r. Atllulary Vocabulary Various Various Uibliograpbic Numerals Vocabulary Vocabulary Words (ieiieral discmssion Vocabulary I)obbs(A.) TbouipHOM (K.) tfml'revlllH (K.) Umlrovllle (K.) Ile.'iriie (S.) Hi'arne (S.) McKenzie (A.) McKen/.l«(A.) McKenzIo (A.) McKcU7,lo (A.) McKenzio (A.) McKenzie(A.) McKen/.ie (A.) Adeluu),' (J. (,'.) and Vater (.1. S.) McKenzic (A.) Uavidon'((i, I.) Classical. Lisiausky (IT.) I'iuo (P. ».) Krusenslt^rn (A. J. v«u). Lisiansky (T.) McKcn/io (A.) Vater (J, H.) Harmon (I). W.) Moriun (A. A. von). IJalbi (A.) James (E.) •Tames (E.) Karoiro (A.) Tar (J. S.) I'ott (A. F.) /elenoi (8. 1.) Zagoskin (L.) S«;homburgk (R. H.) Latham (R. G.) Anderson ;A. f ;.), note. 117 • i !!i 118 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 1R4H Various \'arinus IS4!) ClupiHiWVilll Vocabulary IHJ'.t liiKalik Vocabulary IK4'J lukalik Voraluilary 184!) Inknlik Voraliulary lK4'.t Niivajo AVorrts ISoO ('lii|i)>o\v,van, Kitnai Words li<5() KoiK'Iieiix Vocabulary isno Navajo, Aparlio Vocalmlarics 1850 Varioiin Coniparalivo vocabularies IMfil) Varioim \'«Ktabularii's IH51 AjiacIiK (icncral discussiou isr.i Aimcho Vocabulary i«r>i AtliapaHraii Trilial uaiucs IHSl C'liipiM^wyaii Vocabulary 1851 CUiiii)ewyaii, Don K''> Vocabularies 1851 DofT Rib N'ocaluilary 1H51 Dog Uib X'ocabulary 1831 Kiit(:)iiii A')cabulary 1R51 Kul.liiii, Dog Kil. Vocabularies 1851 A'arious Vocabularies 1851-1857 Various Vocabularies IHofl lliipa V(K'al)ulary 1852 Nava,jo, Aimnlie VcMiiliularies 1852 riiipkwa Personal names 1852 Various General discussion 1H52 Various Vocabularies isr«:t Atliapascau Tribal names I85:t 1Iu])a, Talililewali Vocabularies i85:t N'ariiius (Jeueral discussion i85;i Various W.uds 1H5;» Various AVords isr>4 Atlia])as(aii Triltal names 1854 MiiUioosky Vocabulary 1854 XaviMi) Vocabulary, numerals 1854 Various Vocabularies 1854 Various Words 1854 Various Words ISW Aparhii Vocabulary 1855 Apai'lici , Vocabulary 1855 AtliaiiascaH -. Coni|iarativo vocabularies 1855 Tutulru Vocabulary 1855 Various *i Vocabularii's 1855 1 y iHr>(i Alluii)as<'an JSibliographic l«5t! lli'iiagi Vocabulary 185ti rinpi|ua X'ocribulary 185(5 Various Various I85ti Vr.rious Vocabularies 185« X'ariouM Vocabularies 185t) ■Various Vocabularies 185(i Willopah VtM-abulary 1H"|7 Ki'iiai (iiannuatic treatise 1857 Miiutaguais Prayer book 1857 Nal)illsi' Vocabulary 1857 Nava,io Vocabulary 185V Various Words 1857-1858 Apailio \'ocabulary IN.>« Afliapasrau Pibliograpby 185K A|>a<'lu> Vo- ubulary 1858 AtliapaHcau C'oncordan.'fi i8r>rt Co(|uille Vocabulary 1858 Various A'oiabiilarieH lM5tt Al.hapasi'au (ieneral discussion 185H Various Vocabularies 185U \'ari(mii ViH'abularies - ! I[iipa Viicalmlary CriMik (G.) igr)- >. Nabiltsi' Vocatiiilary uibbs(G.) ICV ! Navajo Vocaliiilary Shaw (.1. M.) 185- ? Tahlewah Voi'abiilary Crook ((1.) 18«0 Apat'hn Nniiionils Ilaldenian (S. S.) 18«0 Athaitascan liiblio^rapliic Triibner &. ( Jo. 1860 AthapaHraii Various Ii;;.;:'.unann (.1. (;. K.) a 1860 Lipaii Lord's prayer Coleccion. ■ 1860 Navivjo Vocabulary Itimieiiccli (E. 11. D.) B 1860 f Tiiiiiu Scriiitiiro passaf?" Ibilisb and l''iireii;ii. M I860 'riituton Vocabulary Huldiard ( ). 1860 Vai'imis < "omi)arat ivo vocalmlarics Latham (U. G.) . 1860 Varioim Vocabularies lULschmann (.1. ('. K.) 1860 A'arioUH Voi iibiilarics Hiischuiann (.1. ('. K.) 1860 VarioiiH Vocabularies Sehoolcrart (11. U.) 1801 ApiM'lie Vo<" liulary Froeliel (.1.), not". 1861 Atliapascan Various !{^l^^■■llmann (.1. (!. K.) 1861 Clilppi'wyan Words Lesley (.T. V.) IHO'2 Heavor Vocabulary Kenuicott (R.) 1862 Cliiiijitiwyaii Vocabulary Kennieott. (U.) 1862 Nei'awiii Vocabulary ICciinicott (11.) 1862 Peaii de LiAvre Voi'abiilary Kennieott (1!.) 1882 SlavK I'rayer book Kirkby (W. W.) 1862 VariouH Various Latliaiu (R. G.) 1862 A'arioiis \V..ids I'otI (A. V.) 1862 Various Words Wilson (U.) 1862-1865 Lipan Lord's prayer I'imciitel (V.) 1862-1866 Various Leficnds I'etitot {E. V. S..r.) lH(t:t / parln> X'oiabulary Cremony (J. C.) 18611 Apa<'lio Vocabulary ('lemony (J. ('( 1863 ('liipjx'wyan VcHabulary I'allisou (J.) 1863 Siirseo Vocabulary Sullivan (.1. W.) 1863 Taculli Gt>neral discussiim Aiidcr.son (A. C.) 1863 \'arion8 Various Huscbmanii (J. ('. E.) 1863 Various Various Huscbiiiauii (J. <;. E.) 1.S«4 Various (icneral dia(Mi9sion (Iro/.co y Hcna (M.) 1864 Various Voi^abiibiries ■lehan (L. I'".) iHur> Mnntanuais General discuTssioH I'etitot (E. V. S..T.) 1865 MiuitaKUais I'rayer book Penaiilt ((.".().) 1865 Sikaui Vocabulary i'ope ( .■'. L.) 1805 Various Couiparalive vocabuli.rl's I'etilot (K. F. S. .1.) 1865 Various AVorils Wilson (I).) 1865-1879 Atliapascan Hiblioftraiibic Triibner \- i o. 1S(1« Ajiatliii Vocabulary Higflins (N. S.) j 1860 Apaclio Vocabulary Smart (('.) n 1806 Atliapascan Tribal names KarMiiil (11. .1.) ■ is«; Apaclm Vocaliulary Cliapiu (ti.) B 1807 A paelio Voca'iMilarv Valmer (E.) I 1807 Athapascan Hiblioi;rapliic Leclire (('.) flp 1867 Loucheiix Words Gibbs Hi.) P 1807 Nava^jo IVrsonal names Smitlisoiiiaii. ttta , 1867-1808 \ava,jo Vocabulary Nichols (A. S T^ isns Apiu'lio (ielieral discussion Smart (C.) 1868 Apaclio Numerals ('reiiiony (.1 0.) 18(W Inltalik Vocabulary Whimper (K.) 1808 Kenai Vocabulary David.son (G.) 1808 Knti^hiu Vocabulary Kenuicott (R.) 1808 Navajo Voi'abiilary Whipple (W. P.) 1868 TiniiA Sv'ripturo passage Ib'itish and Koreifin. 1 1808-1891 Atisapascaii Hibliojrrapliic Sabiii (J.) V 1868-1869 isn» Atlnpasc'in, Montagnais Various relitot (E. F. S. J.> Athapascan Woriis Kennieott (K.) 1869 fihippi'wyan General discussion Tache (A. A.» 1809 Oliippi'wyan liord s prayer Aposiolides (.S.) 120 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. m m 9-. • I I80S D^iiA ( -oraparat i ve vocubularius 1860 Inknlit Vocaltiilary 1869 Ktniai v'ocahulary 1869 Kdiiai Vorabulary I860 KiiU'.liin Vocahulary 1869 ICiitrliiii Vocaliulary 1800? Kiitclihi Vocabulary 1868 Iviitohin Vocatiulary 1860 Kaviyo Vo(^aliulary 1869? Slavn Vocatiulary 186- ? Cliippewyan (iraniuiatic. comments 186- r Slavti I'i'aycr book 1870 A(li!t])a...'.:i,io Vixaluilary, uumerals 1879 'I'latskPiiai Words 1873 Tukuilli Pi'ayer book 187:! Various Numerals 1«7.'! iR,r. Aparlie • ieuiral discussion ]H7;t-iH7r. A|ia('lio Oramuuitic notes 1K7:I-Irt7r> Aparljo Kelatiousbips i«7;i-iH7r> A piu'lio Sentences iH7:i-iH7ri A)m<'lie Tribal names l87;t-i*<7;'. Apai'he, Tontn Vocabularies 1874 A(hapas<'au Kibliograpbic 1874 Ki-uai (iranuuar dictionary 1874 Kuti'liiu (;omi>arative vo< abulaiies 1874 Kult'liin (!omparativo vocabularies 1874 Navajo Vocabulary 1874 Ncliawui Oomparativu vocabularies ]8T« Sikaui, Hi'aver Oomparalive vocaliularies 1«« 'raculli. Ki^iiui Ooniparativo viM'abularies im Tiiuu'i SI. Mark 1874 'i'ukudli Kour )!;ospels 1874 Various Comparative vorabularies lH74-lK7r. Apai'hi!, Li|>an Vocabularies. Lord's prayer Petitot (K. F. S.J.) Wlnmper(K.) Davidson (.) Kennicott (It.), note. Kennicott (R.). note. Kennicott (U.) Wliimper (F.) Willard ((,'. N.) Kennicott (U.) (iraudin (-). Kirkby (W. W.) Triibner & Co. Faraud (H. J.) Tacho (A. A.) Azpell (T. F.) DeMeulen(K.) Powell (J. W.) Tliompson (A. H.) Kirkby (W. W.) Kirkby (W. W.) Farrar (F. W.) Dall (W. H.) Dal I (W. H.) Lubbock (.1.) Lubbock (J.) Lubbock (.1.) Apost^dides (S.) IVillaert (W.) Henlesty (W. L. Kennicott (K.), iiolc. Kirkby W. W.) Kennii.iti (U.) McDimabI (K.) (Jatlin (<>.) Mor^rau (L. II.) Krnian (C. A.) Pinart (A. L.) Triibner \ Co. ilaslian (P. W A.) Kirkby (W. W.) Powers (S.) Field (T. W.) ISeadie (J. H.) lJeadle(.l. H.) Farrar (F. W.) AlcDimald (U ) Kllis (K.) White (J. 1!.) White (J. B.) White (J. B.) White (J. B.) White (J. B.) White (.1. B.) Steiner (K.) Kadh>ir(L.) Koehrifi (F. L. O.) koehrit; (F. L. O.) Arny (W. F. M.) Itoohrig (F. L. O.) RoehriK !*"• L- O.) Koehrijf ;F. L. O.) Kirkby (W. W.) McDonald (It.) lt.) Pimeutel *■ ! CHR0N()LOr.IC INDEX. 121 1874-1875 Atliapascan Bililiographio Triihner *. Co. 1874-1876 Viirioim Various l!ancroft(II. H.) 1874- 1876 Various Various liaucma (II. H.) 1875 AliUini^i Vocaliiilary Piuart (A. L.) 1875 Apaclic Vocabulary .MiElroy (P. D.) 1875 AtliapaMcan Itililiographic Field (T. W.) 1875 ('bii)pnwyan Words l*etit<)t (K. F. S. .7.) 1875 D^no, Navajo ViK'.ahularies JVtitot (K. F. S.J.) 1876 Tinu6 Scripture jiassuge British and Foreign. 1875 VariouM Words Kllis(li.) 1875 Various Words Lubbock (.T.) 1S70 Alitinii^-, Hiipa Numerals Ellis (K.) 1876 ApiMillO Vocabulary White (.1. 15.) 1876 Apache, Nava,jo Vocabularies Loew (O.) 1876 Athapascan Moiioirrapb IVtilot (K. F. .S. ,1.) 1876 Chiiipcwyan (rcneral discussion Anderson (.\. C) 1876 Di^uc Dictionary, sranimar Pelitot (K. F. S.J.) i87i; 1 'I'iiiiu't S^•■:,aJ?e 1876 'riiiiiA Scripture passage Anu^ricau. 1876 Various Various (iatscliet (A. S.) 1876 Various Worils AVil.son (I).) 1877 Athapa.scau General discussiou Jteach (W. W.) 1877 Atliapascan General discussion Trumbull (J. 11., 1877 Hupa Vocabulary Powers (S.) 1877 Tiiino Tribal names Gatschet (A. S.) 1877 Tiiin6 Tribal names Galscliet (A. S.) 1877 Unipliwa V^ot^abulary Gatseliet (A. S.) 1S77-1878 Atliapascau (icneral discussion Miiller(F.) 1878 AMiapascau bibliography Leclerc {('.) T878 Athapascan General disi'u.ssiou Kates (H. W.) 1878 Athapascan General discussion Keane (A. H.) 1878 Chippcwyan Four Kos])els Kirkby (W. W.) 1878 Chippen-yan General discussion Duncan (0.) 1878 Cbippewyan General discussion Duncan (1).), note. 1878 Monta{,aiais Grannnatic treatise Adam (!,.) 1878 Montagiiain Graniniatic treatise Adam (L.) 1878 Tinnw (O.) 1879 Apa<.:he Vocabulary Yarrow (H.C.) 1879 Apache, Naviyo Vocabularies Gatsitiict (A. S.) 1879 Athapascan ■lyords Campbell (J.) 1879 Athapascan Words (Jampbell (,1.) 1R79 Atliapikscan Words Petitot (K. F. S. J.) 1879? Chipimwyan Prayer book Kirkby (W. W.) 1879 Nav!\jo Vocabulary Loew (().) 1879 Slave Pra.i er book .■■rirkliy (W. W.) and Uompaa (W. C.) . 1879 Tinn6 Siv ipture passage American, note. 187- f Itoaver P imer Ucmipas (\V. (;.) 187- ? ChipfBwyan iiaptisnial card <;iiurcb Miss. Soc. 187- ? Chippewyan Bajitismal card (.'hnrch Miss. Soc. 187- ? Chippewyan Prayer book Kirkby (W. W.) 187- ? Cliippewyan Primer Bouipas (W. C.) 187- ? D6uA Bible texts Grouard (K.) 187- ? l)ojs Kill I'rimcr Bompas (W. C.) 187-? Tinu6 . ; Primer IJmnpas (W. C.) 187- ? Tukudh J,. Primer Hompas (W. C.) 1880 Apache VocubuUry floiriUttu (W. J.) 122 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. i 1880 Atlia|)UHCiiii Hil)liographic Quarilch (B.) 1H8(> Beaver Prayer liooli Bonipas(\V. C.) 1880 IIupa.KuvH^jii Words Sayce (A. H.) 1880 Tiunfi GoDural discussion Faulmanu (K.) 1880 'i'iiiii6 Words CamplM'U (J.) 1881 Cliippflwyan Hymn lK)ok Kirkby (W. AV.) 1881 CliipiKuvyan New Testament Kirkby (W. W.) 1881 Chippie wyun Prayer hook Kirkby (W. W.) 1881 Naviyo Relationships Packard (It. 1..) 1881 Navi\jo, Apachu Vocahularies (iatschel (A. S.) 1881 Slavo Prayer hook Reeve (W. D.) 1881 'nuii6 S('rii)ture jjassaue Ohurch Miss. n6 Text Petitot (E. F. S. .1.) i88;j Naviyo Words Matthews (W.) 1883 Navnji) Words Matthews (W.) 1883 Slavo Four gospels Bonipas (W. 0.) 1884 Apaclie Vocaltulary Gatschet (S.) 1884 AMiapascan General discussloa Sclio(dcrart (H. R.) 1884 AthapaHcaii Vocaltulary Dorsey (J. O.) ' 1884 AtliapiMcan Vocabulary Dorsey (.1. ().) 1884 Athapascan Vocabulary Dorsey (,r. O.) 1884 Athapascan Voc^abulary Dorsey (,T. 0.) 1884 Athapascan Vocabulary Dorsey (J. O.) 1884 Chilkotin Dictionary Morice (A. G.) 1884 Chilkotin Sermons Morice (A. G.) 1884 (;hil)powyan Text Petitot (E. F. S. J.) 1884 Chipp<^wyan Words Petitot (E. F. S. J.) 1884 Chippewyan, Slave Lord's prayer Bergholtz (CK F.) 1884 CtMiuillu Voctabulary Dorsey (J. O.) 1K84 DiNnC! Wonls Petitot (E. F. S.J.) 1884 Lipan Vocabulary (iatschet (A. S.) 1884 Naviyo Words Matthews (W.) 1884 Navnjo \'ocabnlary Galscliet (A. S.) 1884 Rogue River Vocabulary Dorsey (J.O.) 1884 Tinn6 Scripture passage American, note. 1884 Tinnt'> Voi'abulary Dorsey (J. O.) 1884 Tinn6 Vocabulary, numerals Campbell (J.) , • 1884 Tinn6 Vocabulary, nunutrals Campbell (J.) 1884 Tutaten Vocubulary Dorsey (J. 0.) 1884 Various Vocabularies Tolniie (W. F.) and Dawson ((;.M.) 1884 T .itcfi Vocabulary Dorsey (J. 0.) 1884-1889 Athapascan Bibliographic Pott (A. F.) 1H85 Apachw Vocabulary Ten Kate (H. F. C.) 1883 Apathascan Bibliographic McLean (J.) 1885 Athapascan Bibliographic Pilling (J. C.) 1885 Athapascan General discussion Bates (H. W.) I i CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 123 de). . de). . de). loiupas I I i . AtliapaHrnu 1885 Heuvor 1885 Chippewyan 1885 Navnjo 1885 Xavi^jo 188r. Siirsoo 1885 Tinni) 1885 Tiling, Tiikiulli 1885 Tiiinfi, Tiikiidh 1885 Tiikudli 1885 Tiikudli 1885 Tukiidli 1885 Tiikiidh 1885 Tukiidli 1885 Tukudh 1885 VarUma 1885 VariouH 1885 Various 1885 Various 1885-1888 A'arioiis 1885-1889 Athapascan 1SS6 Ahtinii6, Hupa 1886 Apache 1886 Apache 1886 Athapa8cau 1886 Atliapascau 1886 Heaver 1886 JJeaver 1886 Heaver 1886 Nava,jo 1886 NaviMo 1886 Slave 1886 Slave 1886 Tinn6 1886 Tukudh 1886 Tukudh 1886 Various 1886 Various 1886 Various 1887 Apaelio 1887 Athapascan 1887 Athapascan 1887 Atha])ascan 1887 Carrier 1887 Midnoosky 1887 Na\ii,io 1887 TIatskenai 1887 Various 1887-1890 C'liippewyan, Surseo 1887-1891 Carrier 1HH8 Athapascan 1888 Athapascan 1888 Carrier 1888 Cliii>i)ewyan 1888 Cliippewyan 1888 C'liippewyan 1888 ( Alonta}>nais 1888 Montagnais 1888 Na\i\jo 1888 Naviyo 1888 Navivjo 1888 Tlnn6 1888 Tinn6 1888 Tinne, Tukudh (rcneral discussion Vociihulwy Syllahics "Words , Worfls Voeahulary (icneral discussion ' ord's prayer Scripture passage Hymn book I'rayer hook Prayer hook Tract Tract Trac^t Scripture passages Scripture passages Scripture jmssages Scri])ture passages Various l!ihlii)grai>hic Numerals Vocahulary Words 15ihlio(;raphic Wonls Prayer hook St. Mark St. Mark AV'ords AVords Mark Mattheu' (icneral discuanion New testament Psalms Legends Scripture passages Scripture passages Numerals liihliographio Uihliographic Bihliograplih^ (irammar Various Songs, jirayers AVonls Legends Vocaliularies Dictionary liihliographic (iranuuatii' comments Player hook A'oealmlary Words AVorf's Text Text Songs, praj-ors A'oealmlary, prayers Vocahulary, prayt^rs AVords AVord* SiTipture passages Keane (A. II.), note. (iarrioch (A. C.) Tuttle (C. R.) Matthews (W.) Matthews (W.) Petitot (E. F. S. J.) Dall(W.H.) Anu'rican. Anuu'ican, note. McDonald (R.) McDonald (U.) McDonald (U.) MeDonahKK.) McDonald (K.) McDonald (K.) British. Hritish. British. Hritish. Feathcrman (A.) Leclen^ (C.) Ellis (R.) Ruby (C ) «4)urke (J. O.) Qnaritch (B.) Kovar(K.) Garnoch (.\.C.) (Jarnoch (A. C.) (iarrioch (A. C.) Matthews (\V.) Matthews (W.) liompas (W. (;.) and Reeve (\V. D.) Rompas (W. C.) and Reeve (AV. D.) DalKAV.H.) McDonahl (R.) McDonald (R.) Petitot (E.F.S.J.) Hritish and Foreign, note, (lilliert A- Rivingtou. Dugan (T. H.) DuCosse (E.) Qnaritch (H.) (iuaritch (H.) Morice (A.(i.) Allen (H.T.) Matthews (W.) Karrar (F. \V.) IVIitot (p;. F.S.J.) Our. Morice (A.(i.) .McLean (J.) (irasserie (R. de la). Morice (A.d.) Reeve (W. D.) Petitot (E.F.S. J.) Petitot (E.F.S. J.) Cliit (J.) r,egoff(L.) Matthews (W.) Matthews (AV.) Matthews (AV.) Hrinton (D. (}.) Hrintmi (D.(i.) American, note. 124 CHRoNOLOaiC INDKX. sill 1888 Tinni-. Tiikmlh Scripture passages Uompas ( W. C.) 1888 VarioiiH I.«g«ii:raplii(^ McLean (.1.) 1880 AthaiiuHi^iiii (intniuialic uottts Dcirsey (.!.().) im Mi'avfi' Vocaliulary Massou (L. a.) 188ft (-'arritir (ifiiesis Morice (A. 0.) 1880 I)fu6 llililiograpliii! Pilling (.r.<;.) 188ft lliipa X'ocaliulary (-'uriin (.1.) 188ft Mitlaonsky Various Allen (H.T.) 1880 Mitliiixmky Various Allen (H.T.) t 1889 1. iMoiitaKiiaiH Uildn history Legoff(L.) 1888 Aldiitagiiais (iraniMiar Legoff(L.) I88ft MoiitagnaiH Iiistruotiuim LeKotl(L.) ■I 1880 NaviO" SongH MattbcwH (W.) 1880 NaviO" Songs Matthews (W.) 188ft Slll-HM) (iraiuinaticnutos Wilson (E. S.) 1880 SiiMce Voiialuilary Wilson (E.F.) 1889 TiiiiU', I'likiiilli S l)Mu< Vocaljulary Petitot(E.F.S.J.),note. 188 1 NaviXJK Vocaliulary Cusbing(F.lI.) | 1 188 » riiin6 Worils Crane (A.) ■ 1N»0 Aiiaclid Gcutes Uourke (J. G.) I 189(1 Apacliu Words Bourko (J. tl.) 188U A|i!U:lio Words lJourke(J.G.) i 1800 Atlia])ascau Words (.irasserie (K. do la). '1 i 1800 Carrii'r liililii texts Morice (A. G.) 1800 (Jarrinr Stories Morice (A. G.) 1800 (;iilplM!W.vau VoeahulaVy Uouipas (W.C.) 1800 l)i',l\(; (.'ater.liism Morice (A.G.) 1800 mn() (xeneral diBeii^sion Moriee(A.G.) I 1880 miii) Prayer Morice (A.G.) 1 1800 U^IlO I'riuier Morico (A. G.) 1800 I).'n6 lioots Mo; ICO (A.G.) . 1800 Ut^iii. Syllabary Morice (A. G.) 1800 1)6116 Syllal)ary Morice (A. G.) 1890 Ui'ii6 Words Petitot (E.F.S.J.) 1800 l^tlUCluMIX Text Proniissiones. 1800 Monta|[;uais Prayer book Legotr(L.) 1 1890 Moiitat^nais Prayer book Legott(L.) 1890 Naviyo (Jentes Matthews (\. ., 1800 N'avigci \'o('aliulary Wilson (E.F.) { J 1800 I'liaii (lu Li6vrc Text l>roniissiones. ^ 1890 SlavB John lionipas (W. (;.) and Reeve (W. D.) 1890 Slavn Luke Itompas (W. (;.) and Keeve (W. D.) 1880 Tiuii6 Aets Bom pas (W. C.) 1880 'rintiA llyuiu book Hymns. 1800 Tiir.i6 Prayer book lessons. 1880 Tiiiu6 Pruuo\in8 Hale (H.) 1880 Tiuii6 Pronouns Hale (H.) im Tiiin6 Vocabulary l'6u6 Diniyie Moiitagiiais Mnutagnaix Moiita<;nais Aluutugnais MoDtagnaiH Navajo Tinii6 Tinn6 Tinn6 Various Various VariouH A'arious Various Varioti.-i Various Various Apa Kost (K.) Kost(K.) Maisimneuve (1.) Hale (H.) Hale (H.) Sherwood (W. L.) Athapascan. Lord's. Koss (U. ]{.) Karaud (H..r.) Clut(,r.) Seguiu (K. P.) Wowodsky ( — ). Kulcbin. (ii. M.) l!oss(R. B.) Uoss(K. B.) lioss (R. B.) Kirkby (\V. AV.) Koss (R. B.) Tinn6. I