m III 2.8
,50 "1^
" m
1.25 1.4 i.-
(716) 872-4503
for special rate and sinking
fund or ir.stalments of principal
debt, 55 V. c. 42, s. 372, p. 367.
Surplus at credit of special rate
may be applied towards next
year's interest; or be carried to
credit of the sinking fund, 55
V. c. 42, s. 373 (1), p. 367.
Moneys levied for sinlcingr fund not
to be diverted to other pur-
poses, 55 V. c. 42, s. 373 (2),
p. 367.
Members voting for diversion of
sinking fund to be personally
liable for amount and to be dis-
qualified for two years, 55 V. c.
42, s. 373 (3), p. 367.
Treasurer to state annually amount
required for sinking fund, 56
V. c. 35, s. 9, p. 145.
Penalty for default, 56 V. c. 35.
s. 9, p. 145.
Liability of members of council
neglecting to levy amount re-
quired, 56 V, c. 35, s. 9, p. 145.
ACCOUNTS— ConM'nwed.
Cash book to be kept by treasurers
of counties, cities, towns and vil-
lages and cash receipts and dis-
bursements entered therein, 56
V. c. 35, s. 5, p. 143.
Inspection by members of council
and auditors, 56 V. c. 35, s. 5,
p. 143.
Entries, other than cash entries
to be kept in journal and not
in cash book, 56 V. c. 35, s. 5,
p. 143.
"Cash," meaning of, 56 V. c. 35.
s. 5, p. 143.
Moneys, where to be deposited by
treasurer, 56 "V. c. 35, s. 5, p.
Books to be property of munici-
pality, 56 V. c. 35, s. 5, p. 144.
Township councils may adopt
foregoing provisions, 57 V. c.
50, s. 4, p. 166.
Varying foregoing provisions by
by-law, 56 V. c. 35, s. 5, p.
Auditing and publication of annual
.statement — see Auditors and
To be kept by county treasurer
showing non-resident taxes — see
Non-Resident Land Fund.
ACTION, Recovery of taxes by, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 131, p. 610.
Not to be brought against persons
acting under by-laws, etc., 55
V. c. 42, s. 338, p. 354.
brouf^ht for acts done under by-
laws, ordc-rs or resolutions, un-
til after lapse of one month
from issue of order to quash,
55 V. C. 42, s. 338, p. 354 .
One month's notice of action to bi-
given, 55 V. c. 42, s. 338, p. 354.
If tender of amends made and
pleaded, plaintiff not to recover
costs unless verdict given for
more than tender, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 339, p. 354.
Tender of amends or payment into
court in action for negligence
to give costs to corporation if
no greater amount recovered,
55 V. c. 42, s. 430, p. 384.
Enforcing judgment by executions
against municipalities — see Ex-
ecutions against Municipal Cor-
porations (55 V. c. 42, ss. 428.
429, pp. 383, 384).
ADDITION, Of new territory to muni-
cipalities — see Annexation.
penses of, to be paid by town
upon withdrawal from county,
55 V. c. 42, s. 25, p. 255.
New award after five years,
55 V. c. 42, s. 25 (5), p. 256.
See Court Houses, Criminal Jus-
tice, Gaols.
AFFIDAVITS— see Oaths and Declara-
AGENT, When selling certain goods,
to be included in term "haw-
kers," 55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (3)o, p.
Personal property In hands of,
when principal out of the Pro-
vince to be subject to same as-
sessment or exemption as other
property, 55 V. c. 48. s. 10, p,
"When in charge of personal pro-
perty of person doing business
In municipality where he does
not reside, to be assessed for
same as well as owner, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 15, p. 572.
AGE^T— Continued.
Personal property in possession of,
may be assessed in name of
owner and agent in municipal-
ity where situate, 55 V. c. 48,
8. 33, p. 579.
To be assessed for personalty In
possession of, but owned out
of the Province, 65 V. c. 48, s. 39,
p. 581.
At Elections,
Candidates may undertake duties
of, 55 V .c. 42, s. 172, p. 309.
WTio intended in sections referring
to, 55 V. c. 42, s. 173, p. 309.
Non-attendance not to invalidate
elections, 55 V. c. 42, s. 173, p.
Powers and duties at polling — see
At Voting on By-Laws — see Voting.
of county councils to nominate
students for free tuition at.
Rev. Stat. c. 233, s. 8, p. 2535.
ments with municipalities as
to use of buildings. Rev. Stat,
c. 39, s. 81 (2), p. 420.
By-laws for granting money or
land to, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (9), p.
Licenses not to be granted to cer-
tain shows and the vendors of
certain goods for the times and
places of holding annual exhi-
bitions, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (25)rt,
p. 419.
Property of, exempted from taxa-
tion, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (10), p. 563.
Municipalities may grant aid to, 57
V. c. 17, p. 69.
SOCIATION, Agreements with
corporations of cities and towns
as to erection of exhibition
buildings. Rev. Stat. c. 39, s.
31, p. 405.
By-laws for granting money or
lands to, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (9),
p. 401.
Municipalities may grant aid to, 57
V. c. 17, p. 69.
possession of.
In name of
in munlclpal-
55 V. c. 48,
personalty In
t owned out
V. c. 48, s. 39,
ertake duties
72, p. 309.
ions referring
73, p. 309.
to invalidate
42, s. 173, p.
it polling— see
-see Voting.
LEGE, Right
3 to nominate
tuition at,
S. 8, p. 2535.
ETIES, Agree-
licipalities as
gs, Rev. Stat.
ig money or
s. 496 (9), p.
ranted to cer-
he vendors of
the times and
annual exhi-
s. 489 (25)rt,
from taxa-
7 (10), p. 563.
ant aid to, 57
eements with
ies and towns
of exhibition
tat. c. 39. s.
ig money or
42, s. 479 (9),
•ant aid to. 57
ALDERMEN, NumV)er to be elected
from fuch ward in cities, 55 V.
c. 42, s. GS, p. 271.
In c'itltH to be ex officio justices of
the peace, 55 V. c. 42, s. 415, p.
After tiiking oaths, not to require
I)roiierty qualification to act as
justices of the peace, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 417, p. ;!7i».
I'owers as visitors of public schools,
54 V. c. 55. sa. 184, 185,p. 162.
Remuneration of, in cities having
a population of 100,000 or over,
57 V. c. 50. a. 3, p. 106.
See Councils.
A LOOM A. Qualification of members of
couiK'ils. exception from gen-
eral provisions, 55 V. c. 42, s.
73, p. 273.
Provisions as to publication of an-
nual statement of accounts of
municipalities not to apply to,
55 V. c. 42, s. 263 (5), p. 332.
Act respecting the establishment
of municipal institutions in,
Rev. Stat. c. 1S5. p. 2020; 52 V.
c. 37, p. 144; !i3 V. c. 51. p. 128;
55 V. c. 45, p. 557.
Power to organize township muni-
cipalities, Rev. Stat. c. 185. s. 1,
p. 2020; 52 V. c. 37, s. 1, p. 144.
I'nion town.ship municipalities may I
be organized, withdrawal from
union. Rev. Stat. c. 185. s. 1 (2).
p. 2020; 52 V. c. 37. s. 2, p. 144.
Public meeting to form municipal-
ity, when to be called. Rev.
Stat. c. 185, s. 2, p. 2021.
Petitioners for meeting, to deposit
sum for expenses, Rev. Stat. c.
185, s. 3, p. 2021.
Judge or stipendiary magistrate, to
appoint a chairman, Rev. Stat,
c. 185. s. 14. p. 2021.
ALGOMA, Etc.— Continued.
Judge or stipendiary to pro-
vide for first election, Rev.
Stat. c. 185, s. 5, p. 2021.
Number of votes required at meet-
ing. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 5, p.
First council, how composed, quali-
fication, Rev. Stat. c. 185. ss. C.
7. p. 2022.
Nominations, how made. Rev.
Stat. c. 185, s. 8, p. 2022.
Election by acclamation, Rev.
Stat. c. 185, s. 9, p. 2022.
Notice of polling. Rev. Stat. c.
185, s. 10, p. 2022.
Poll book, how to be filled up,
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 11, p. 2022.
Casting vote. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s.
12, p. 2022.
Term of office of first members,
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 13, p. 2022.
Oath of voters. Rev. Stat. c. 185,
s. 14, p. 2023.
Declaration of election. Rev. Stat.
c. 185, s. 15, p. 2023.
Name of municipality. Rev. Stat.
c. 185, s. 15, p. 2023.
Tenure of office of councillors,
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 15, p. 2023
First meeting, Rev. Stat. c. 185.
s. 16, p. 2u23.
Appointment and remuneration
of clei'k, treasurer and col-
lector, Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 17,
p. 2023.
Powers of councils, application of
general powers of townships.
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 18, p. 2023.
Sewerage and drainage; driving
upon sidewal-ks; preventing
fires; removal of .snow, ice,
etc.; preventing obstruction of
roads; charging sewer rents;
Rev. Stat. c. 185. s. 19, p. 2024.
May lay out roads less than 66
feet in width, 55 V. c. 45, s. 1,
p. 557.
Closing road allowances, 55 V. c.
45. s. 2, p. 557.
Tavern and shop licenses. Rev.
Stat. c. 185, s. .35. p. L027.
ALGOMA, VjTC. —Continued.
Auctioneers, bill posters, hawk
era and pedlars, Kev. Stat. c.
185, H. 30, p. Ii027.
Assessment, council to appoint as-
sessors. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s.
20, p. 2024.
Who to be entered on roll — notice
of assc'f.sment, Kev. Stat. •.'..
185, s. 20, p. 2024.
Return of roll to clerk on comple-
tion. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 21,
p. 2024.
Appeals — notice to clerk, Rev.
Stat. c. 185, s. 22, p. 2024.
Council to hear and determine !
appeals. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s.
23, p. 2024. !
Appeals from council to .stipen-
diary magistrate, or- district
judge, Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 24,
p. 2025.
Appeals in Manitoulin, 52 V. c. 37,
s. 6. p. 145.
Time for appeal whon decision of
court of revision is delayed.
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 25, p. 2025.
Notice of appeal, Rev. Stat. c. 185,
s. 26, p. 2025.
Powers of Judge or stipendiary
magistrate. Rev. Stat. c. 185.
s. 27, p. 2025.
Revised roll to be final. Rev. Stat,
c. 185, s. 28, p. 202G.
By-law fixing time for assessor.s
to commence, Rev. Stat. c.
185, s. 29, p. 2026.
Rates and taxes, council to levy.
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 30, p. 2026.
Expenditure of taxes on roads
and bridges in township uni-
ons in Rainy River and Thun-
der Bay, Rev. Stat. c. 185, s.
31, p. 2026; 53 V. c. 51, s. 1, p.
Collector — his return and powers,
arrears and tax sales. Rev.
Stat. e. 185, ss. 33, 34, p. 2026.
Special provisions as to Muskoka
and Parry Sound— see Mus-
koka and Parry Sound, (52
V. c. 17, ss. 1-5, p. 78; 53 V. c.
52, p. 129; 55 V. c. 50, p. 652).
ALGOMA, Etc.— Continued.
Constables, appointmert and re-
moval and fees of. Rev. Stat,
c. 185, S. 37, p. 2027.
Lock-up houses, and constable
thereof. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 38,
p. 2027.
Certain general provisions as U>
municipal Institutions to ap-
ply, Rev. Stat. c. 186, s. 39, p.
Elections, after the first, who may
vote. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s.40, p
2028; 52 V. c. 37, s. 3, p. 144.
Married women not to vote, 52 V.
c. ?j7, s. 3, p. 144.
Qualification of members of
council, Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 41,
p. 2028.
Place and conduct of election.
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 42. p. JJ028.
Nominations, Rev. Stat. c. 185, s
43, p. 2028.
Nomination falling on Christmas
Day, Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 44,
p. 2028.
Clerk to preside at nominations
and be the returning offlcer.
Rev. Stat. e. 185, s. 40, p. 2029.
Polling day. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s.
46, p. 20'^:).
Term of office. Rev. Stat. c. 185,
s. 47, p. 2029.
Trial of controverted elections,
general law to apply. Rev
Stat. c. J 85, s. 48, p. 2029.
Vacancy, how filled. Rev. Stat. c.
185, s. 49, n. 2029.
Who to preside at council meet-
ings, Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 40, p.
Reeves to be justices of the peace
52 V. c. 37, s. 4, p. 144.
Police villages, erection of on peti-
tion to Lieutenant-Governor,
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 52, p. 2029.
General law to apply, Rev. Stat,
c. 185, s. 53, p. 2029.
Qualification of electors — elec-
tions. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 54,
p. 2030.
t and re-
Hev. Stat.
185, s. 38,
rms as Ui
IS to ap-
5, s. 39, p.
, who may
85, S.40, p
p. 144.
vote, 52 V.
mbers of
5. 185, s. 41.
f elecMon,
42, p. i;028.
t. c. 185. 8
185. s. 44,
ng officer,
4J, p. 2029.
c. 185, 8.
tat. c. 185,
iply, Rev
V. Stat. c.
ncll meet-
5, 8. 40, p.
the peace
f on peti-
p. 2029.
lev. Stat.
ors — elec-
185. s. 54,
ALGOMA, Ktc.—Cotitiniied.
Qualification of police trustees,
Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 55, p.
Annexation of territory to munici-
palities or union of municipali-
ties. Rev. Stat. c. 185, s. 56. p.
Withdrawal from union, 52 V. c. 37,
H. 5. p. 144.
Judge of district court to decldo
disputes arising as to validity of
by-laws in Algoma and Thun-
der Bay, Rev. Stat. c. 685, s. 57,
p. 2030.
Establishment of mining schools- '
see Mining Schools (54 V. c. 60,
p. 195).
Iron smelting works, bonuses to —
see Iron Smelting Works (55 V.
0. 42, s. e37(/. p. 524; 56 V. c. 35,
s. 32. p. 149; 57 V. c. 50, s. 17, p.
ALIENS, Disqualified from aexviiig as
jurors. Rev. Stat, c. 52. s. 9. p.
Not to be elected to councils, 55
V. c. 42. s. 73 (1). p. 273.
subscribed by members of
iH municipal corporations. Rev.
Stat. c. 15. F. 3, p. 227.
^ ALLEYS. By-laws respecting dwel-
lings in. 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (10«),
p. 432.
By-lan'S respecting the removal of
snow, ice and dirt from, 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (25) p. 433.
Respecting the obstruction or foul-
ing of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 486 (27), p.
Powers of councils with regard to
planting and removal of trees
on — see Trees.
See Highways.
ALMSHOUSES. By-laws for establish-
ing, on industrial farms or ex-
hibition grounds, 55 V. c. 42, s.
504 (11), p. 44S.
Exempted from taxation, 55 V. c.
48. s. 7 (9), p. 562.
adjoining municipalities, 57 V.
c. 50, a. 1, p. 166.
Of new territory to city or town
upon new division into wards,
55 V. c. 42, s. 22 (1), p. 253.
Land in another county so at-
tached to belong to same county
as city or town, 55 V. c. 42, s. 23,
p. 254.
Of village or town to adjacent vil-
lage, town or city, by proclama-
tion, 55 V. c. 42, s. 24, p. 254.
Lioutenant-Governor may erect
village or town to which ad-
dition made into town or city
and re-divide wards, 55 V. c.
42, s. 24 (3), p. 255.
By-law to be submitted upon pe-
tition of 150 electors, 55 V. c.
42, s. 24 (4), p. 255.
If carried, by-law to be adopted
by council, 56 V. c. 42, s." 24
(5), p.255.
Council of adjacent village, town
or city may give assent to an-
nexation by resolution, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 24 (6), p. 255.
Lieutenant-Governor to give ef-
fect to agreement by procla-
mation, 55 V. c. 42, s. 24 (7), p.
When annexation to take effect.,
55 V. c. 42, s. 89, p. 280.
Adjustment of debts and division
of property upon, 55 V. c. 42, s.
56 (1), p. 266.
Effect upon local improvements
previously undertaken in ter-
ritory annexed, 55 V. c. 42, s.
56 (2), p. 266.
Effect of, upon qualification for
municipal councils. 55 V. c. 42,
s. 73 (4). p. 274.
When taking place after comple-
tion of assessment roll, adoption
of former assessment of terri-
tory annexed — qualification of
voters, 55 V. c. 48, s. 52 (3), p.
• 586.
Alteration to be made in books of
county treasurer with respect
to arrears of taxes, 55 V. c. 48.
s. 153, p. 616.
Registration of by-laws, etc.. mak-
ing changes in municipal boun-
daries, 56 V. c. 21, s. 83 (3), p. 77.
ANNUAL RETURNS, To be made to
Lieutenant-Governor by coun-
cils borrowing money for tile,
stone or timber drainage. Rev.
Stat. V. c. 38, s. 19, p. 393.
Of accounts of earnings and ex-
penses of houses of Industry
and refuge to be transmitted to
Legislative Assembly, 55 V. c.
42, s 461. p. 393.
By clerks of municipalities to
Bureau of Industries, to be
made under a penalty of $20,
55 V. c .42, s. 248 (1), p. 326.
To be tabulated and laid before
Assembly, 55 V. c. 42, 248
(2). p. 326.
Moneys payable to municipality
by Province to be retained if
returns not made, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 248 (2), p. 326.
By treasurers to Bureau of Indus-
tries, to be made under a pen-
alty of $20, 55 V. c. 42, s. 251 (1),
p. 327.
Secretary of Bureau to make re-
port to Minister to be laid be-
fore Assembly, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 252 (2), p. 327.
Moneys payable to municipali-
ties in default to be retained,
55 V. c. 42, s. 252 (3), p. 328.
By auditors of Toronto to Bureau
of Industries, 55 V. c. -15, s. 250
(2), p. '.i'M.
By auditors of other municipalities
to Bureau of Industries, 55 V. c.
42, s. 263 (2), p. 331.
To Provincial Treasurer by treas-
urers oi: municipalities indebted
to Consolidaied Municipal Loan ;
Fund, to be made under a pen-
alty of $100, 55 V. c. 42, s. 381,
p. 369.
Particulars ci. corporation debts, to
be furnished to Minister of Ag-
riculture, under penalty of $20,
55 V. n. 42. s. 382, p. 370.
Particulars of assets and liabilities
to be forwarded by all cor-
porations to Minister of Agri-
culture, Rev. Stat. c. 186, s 5, p.
2032; .-)3 V. c. 12, s. 2, p. 42.
Form, Rev. Stat. c. 186, Sched. B.
p. 2036.
List of lands granted, etc., by the
Crown, to be sent to county
treasurers and by them for-
warded to clerks of local muni-
cipalities, 55 V. c. 48, ss. 1.38, 1.39,
p. 612.
ANNUAL RETURNS- Core/f/iaed.
By treasurers to county councils on
state of non-resident land fund,
55 V. c. 48, s. 220, p. 632.
What to contain, 55 V. c. 48, .s.
221 (1), p. 632.
Copy to be transmitted to Pro-
vincial Secretary for Lieuten-
ant-Governor, 55 V. c. 48, s.
221 (2), p. 632.
ANNUAL VALUE, For purposes of
business tax, to be seven per
cent, of the assessed value of
premises, 55 V. c. 48, s. 31a (2) p.
May be made by by-law for
next ensuing year in lieu of
special rate for that year, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 369, p. 3G5.
Certain funds, not otherwise ap-
propriated, may be carried to
credit of sinking fund, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 369 a), p. 365.
Sources and application of such
funds to be stated in by-law.
55 V. c. 42, s. 369 (2), p. 366.
When moneys so appropriated suf-
ficient, yearly rate may be sus-
pended for ensuing year, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 369 (3), p. 366.
Recitals in by-law, 55 V. c. 42, s.
376 (1), p. 366.
By-law to require approval of Lieu-
tenant-Govei'iior, 55 V. c. 42, s.
370 (2), p. 366.
May be made by senior municipal-
ity in aid of junior municii)al-
ity after dissolution of union,
55 V. c. 42, s. 371, p. 366.
to be ma:le by tender or given
to applicants at lowest remun-
eration, 55 V. c. 42, s. 278 (2), p.
To be during pleasure of councils,
55 V. c. 42, s. 279, p. :;:>,1.
In actions for injuries caused by
non-repair of highways where
more than one municipality lia-
ble, 55 V. c. 42, s. 531 (7), p. 457.
■I '1
t; ■.
: i
!■ !{:
APPRAISERS— see Valuators.
APPRENTICES, By-laws for prevent-
ing the supplying of intoxicants
to, without consent of employ-
ers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (3), p. 420.
Appointment of Arbitrators —
Appointment to be in writing,
signed by appointers, 55 V. c.
42, s. 385, p. 371.
Appointment by corporations to be
under corporate seal and signed
by head and clerk, 55 V. c. 42, s.
385, p. 371.
Arbitrators on behalf of muni-
cipality to be appointed by
council or by head, if author-
ized by by-law, 55 "V. c. 42, s.
386, p. 371.
Either party may appoint an ar-
bitrator and give notice to
other party to appoint, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 387, p. 371.
Notice to corporation to be given
to head, 55 V. c. 42, s. 387, p.
Two arbitrators, appointed by par-
ties, to appoint a third in writ-
ing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 388, p. 372.
Where more than two municipali-
ties interested, each to appoint
arbitrator, and if number so
appointed equal, another to be
appointed by arbitrators, or in
default by Lieutenant-Gover-
nor, 55 V. c. 42, s. 389, p. 372.
When two local municipalities in-
terested, and either omits to
appoint, or those appointed
omit to appoint a third, county
judge may appoint, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 390, p. 372.
Where cities and counties interest-
ed, and default made, Lieuten-
ant-Governor may appoint an
arbitrator, 56 V. c. 42, s. 390, p.
In case of real property taken or
Injured by municipal corpora-
tions, under by-law, persons In-
terested may give notice of ap-
pointment to head, who shall,
if authorized by by-law, ap-
ARBITRATION, Etc.— Continued.
point an arbitrator, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 391, p. 372.
Notice given on behalf of corpora-
tion to state what powers are
to be exercised, 55 V. c. 42, s.
391, p. 372.
Where notice served by corpora-
tion with copy of the by-law,
and person interested in lands
makes default, corporation may
apply to county judge to ap-
point, 55 V. c. 42, s. 392, p. 372.
Where several persons have dis-
tinct interests in the property
they may agree upon an arbi-
trator, 55 V. c. 42, s. 393, p. 373.
In case of default . of the corpora-
tion or of the persons interested
or of the arbitrators, county
judge on application of either
party may make necessary ap-
pointment, 55 V. c. 42, s. 394, p.
Arbitrator appointed by judge,
not to be a resident in munici-
pality where land in question is
situated, 55 V. c. 42, s. 394, p. 373.
Members, officers and employees of
corporation, or any person in-
terested, disqualified from act-
ing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 396 (1), p. 373.
Ratepayers in municipality inter-
ested not to be disqualified ex-
cept in drainage arbitrations,
55 V. c. 42, s. 396, (2), p. 374.
Arbitrators to take oath before
commencing duties, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 397, p. 374.
Form, 55 V. c. 42, s. 397, p. 374.
Appointment not an admission of
liability on the part of councils,
55 V. c. 42, s. 487a, p.410.
Award —
Award to be made within one
month after appointment of
third arbitrator, 55 V. c. 42, s.
395, p. 373.
Arbitrators to meet within twenty
days after appointment of third
arbitrator, adjourning from
time to time, and determine dis-
pute, and make their award in
writing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 398, p. 374.
ARBITP^ATION, Btc— Continued.
Award to be binding on all parties,
55 V C.42. s. 398, p. 374.
One copy to be filed with cleric of
each municipality, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 398, p. 374.
In cases respecting drainage works
awards to be made in triplicate
and one copy filed in registry
office of division where land
lies, 55 V. c. 42, s. 398, p. 374.
Costs to be in discretion of arbi-
trators, and be fixed at a lump
sum or ordered to be taxed, 55
V. c. 42, s. 399, p. 374.
Revision of taxation to be had in
usual manner upon one week's
notice, 55 V. c. 42, s. 399, p. 374.
Decision of majority to be conclu-
sive, 55 V. c. 42, s. 400, p. 375.
Notes of oral evidence to be taken
in certain cases and filed with
clerk, together with documen-
tary evidence, for inspection by
persons interested, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 401 (1), p. 375.
Arbitrators acting on their own
knowledge or skill, to put state-
ment thereof in writing, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 401 (1), p. 375.
Certificate to be filed by each ar-
bitrator, showing time actually
occupied at each sitting, with
dates and fees, 55 V. c. 42, s.
401 (2), p. 375.
In certain cases award to be bind-
ing on corporation, must be
adopted by by-law within three
months, 55 V. c. 42, s. 402, p. 375.
If not adopted, original by-law to
be deemed repealed and corpor-
ation to pay costs, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 402, p. 375.
Award not binding on cor-
poration until adopted, after
adoption to be subject to re-
view by courts on the merits,
55 V. c. 42, s. 403 (1), p. 375.
Motion against award may be
made one month after adoption
thereof, 55 V. c. 42, s. 403 (2),
p. 376.
I ARBITRATION, liTC.-Conthnied.
Awards to be made in writing un-
der the hands of at least two
arbitrators and be subject to
jurisdiction of High Court, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 404, p. 376.
Where notes of evidence required
to be taken and filed court may
consider merits and call for ad-
ditional evidence and may set
aside award, or remit matters
referred to the same or new ar-
bitrators, or modify award, 65
V. c. 42, s. 404, p. 376.
When required by either party,
award to state particulars of
compensation to be paid by
councils of large cities, and
amount to be set off, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 487 (7), p. 410.
Proceedings in respect of lands ta-
ken or injured by municipal
corporations — see Compensation
for Lands Taken or Injured,
Under drainage enactments — see
AREA, Limitation of, in regard to
towns and villages, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 10, p. 247.
Reduction of, in case of villages
and towns, 55 V. c. 42, s. 15, p.
Making additions to municipali-
ties, or detaching lands and
annexing them to other muni-
cipalities — see Annexation.
ARMS, To be provided by council for
police force on requisition of
commissioners, 55 V. c. 42, s.
444, p. 389.
AIUIESTS, By ConKiable without war-
rant for breiiches of the peaci
not committed in their pre-
sence, 55 V. c. 42, s. 449, p. 390.
ARTISANS. By-laws for establi h-
ment of schools for, 55 V. c. 42,
H. 495 (13), p. 429.
Appointment of trustees or mana-
gers of such schools, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 495 (13)ff, p. 429.
By-laws for aiding schools for, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 495 (14). p. 430.
Evening classes for— see Free Li-
[ r
] .
. ■
ASHES, By-laws respecting the re-
moval and safe keeping of, 55
V. c. 42, s. 496 (17), p. 432.
How to be kept, in police villages,
55 V. c. 42, s. 667 (10), p. 530.
tained — see Voting.
When required— see The Several Ti-
ASSESSMENT, Crown lands sold.
leased, or located to be asess-
able from date of sale, lease or
location, Rev. Stat. c. 24, s. 35,
p. 294.
Annual lists of Crown lands sold,
etc., to be sent to county treas-
urers. Rev. Stat. c. 24, s. 36, p.
For year previous to separation of
municipalities to belong to old
municipality, 55 V. c. 42, s. 58,
p. 268.
Consolidated Assessment Act, 1893, 55
V. c. 48, p. 559,—
Interpretation of words and terms.
55 V. c. 48, s. 2, p. 560.
Unoccupied lands to be denomi-
nated "lands of non-residents"
unless owner domiciled in muni-
cii^ality or gives notice rerjuir-
inff his name to be entered on
roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 3, p. 560.
Form of notice, 55 V. c. 48, Shed.
A., p. 638.
Owner of unoccupied land may
apply to be entered on roll by
court of revision or judge, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 4 (1), p. 561.
Owner of unoccupied land may
have his name entered on vo-
ters' list by judge, 55 V. c. 48, s.
4 (2), p. 561.
Railway company's lands to be as-
sessed as lands of residents un-
less company has ceased to ex-
ercise corport te powers, 55 V. c.
48, s. 5, p. 561.
Taxes to be levied equally upon
ratable property when no
other provision made, 56 V. c. 48,
s. 6, p. 561.
Lands used for farming purposes
in towns or villages to be as-
sessed as farm lands, 55 V. c.
48, s. la, p. 564; 57 V. c. 51, s. 1,
p. 171.
May be exempted from taxation
for certain improvements, 55
V. c. 48, s. 7rt (2), p. 505.
Persons waiving exemptions in re-
spect of income to be assessed
for full amount thereof, 55 V. c.
48, s. 8, p. 565.
Real property owned out of Pro-
vince to be assessed in same
manner as other real property,
55 V. c. 48. s. 9, p. 566.
Personal property in hands of
agent or trustee for owner out
of Province, to be assessed in
same manner as other per-
sonalty, 55 V. c. 48, s. 10, p. 566.
Salaries of ofUcers of Superior
Courts appointed after 5th
March, 1880, to be assessed, 55
V. c. 48, s. 11, p. 566.
Assessors and collectors to be ap-
pointed, — who are not to be
qualified, 55 V. c. 48. s. 12. p. 566.
Districts may be assigned to as-
sesors and collectors and regu-
lations prescribed, 55 V. c. 48, s.
13, p. 5G6.
Roll, what to contain, 55 V. c. 48, s.
14, p. 567.
Form, 55 V. c. 48, Sched. B., p. 639.
Names of residents and of non-
residents who have given no-
tice, to be entered with descrip-
tion of property as.sessable, 55
V. c. 48, s. 14 (1), p. DOG.
Enquiry and entry to be made of
births and deaths during pre-
ceding year, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14
(2), p. ^67.
Particulars to be entered in the
various cohmins of roll, 55 V. c.
48, s. 14 (3), p. 567.
Evidence upon which assessor shall
act in entering r.atepayers as
supporters of separate schools,
55 V. c. 48, s. 14 (4)„ p. 508.
Farmers' sons, entry of, 55 V. c. 48,
B. 14«, p. 569.
g purposes
1 to be as-
s, 55 V. c.
c. 51, s. 1,
Ti taxation
ements, 55
ions in re-
>e assessed
of, 55 V. c.
at of Pro-
i in same
I property,
liands of
owner out
Rsessed in
thcr per-
. 10, p. 566.
after 5th
3se.ssed, 55
to be ap-
)t to be
. 12, p. 566.
o'l to as-
md regu-
V. c. 48, s.
V. c. 48, s.
B., p. 639.
of non-
:;iven no-
il descrip-
ssable, 55
made of
ring pre-
48, s. 14
d in the
I. 55 V. c.
■sf.or shall
ayers as
V. c. 48,
ASSESSMENT— Continued.
Entry of manhood suffrage voters.
55 V. c. 48, s. 146, p. 570; 57 V. c.
4, s. 2, p. 14.
Land to be assessed in municipal-
ity or ward in which it lies,
55 V. c. 48, s. 15, p. 572.
Personal property in business car-
ried o.i in municipality in which
the owner does not reside, to be
assessed where situate against
both owner and agent, 55 V. c.
48, s. 15, p. 572.
Land occupied by owner to be as-
sessed in his name, but if owner
a married woman, husband to
' be entered as occupant, 55 V. c.
48, s. 16, p. 573.
Land not occupied by the owner to
be assessed against owner if
known, where no other occu-
pant, and against owner and
occupant when occupied, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 17, p. 573.
Land of owner not resident in mu-
nicipality, but in the Province,
if occupied, to be assessed
against both owner and occu-
pant, and if unoccupied and no
notice given thtn as non-resi-
dents' land, 55 V. c. 48, s. 18, p.
Land of owner who has not given
notice and is not a resident in
Province to be assessed against
occupant, but if not occupied
then as non-residents' land, 55
V. c. 48, s. 19, p. 573.
Lat;d purchased from Crown and
upon which lien for purchase
money or mortgage exists, to be
asse.ssable to extent of interest
of owner, 55 V. c. 48, s. 19a, p.
Not more than six years past ar-
rears of taxes to be collect-
able, 55 V. c. 48, s. 19a, p. 573.
When land assessed afvainst both
occupant and owner, assessor to
bracket names and mark with
letters "F." and "T.," 55 V. c.
48, s. 20 (]), p. E74.
Land owned or occupied by several
persons, whose nemes are given
ASSESSMENT— Continued.
to assessor, to be assessed
against all proportionately; if
owned in part by non-residents
whole to be assessed against
the names furnished, 55 V. c.
48, s. 21 (1), p. E:-74.
Member of partnership may be sev-
erally assessed for his share if
he so desires, 55 V. c. 48, s. 21
(2), p. 574.
Company may give notice desir-
ing to have lands assessed for
separate school purposes, 55 V.
c. 58, s. 21 (3), p. 574.
Lanos in respect of which notice
is given to be proportionate to
amount of stock held by Ro-
man Catholics, 55 V. c. 48, s.
21 (3), p. 574.
Form of notice, 55 V. c. 48, s. 21
(3fl), p. 575.
Notice may be given in pursu-
ance of resolution of directors
and to continue until with-
drawn in same manner, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 21 (3/0, p. 575.
Clerk to keep notice on file and
open to inspection, and as-
sessor to examine file and act
accordingly, 55 V. c. 48, s. 21
(3f'), p. 575.
Meaning of "company," 55 V. c.
48, s. 21 (2(1), p. 575.
Assessor to put letters "N.R." and
addresses opposite names of
non-residents wlio have given
notice requiring to be assessed,
55 V. c. 48, s. 25, p. 576.
Property to be estimated at actual
cash value, 55 "V. c. 48, s. 26
(1), p. 576.
Mineral lands and buildings there-
on to be valued in same manner
as agricultural lands, but in-
come derived from mines to be
subject to taxation, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 26 (2), p. 576.
Vacant ground or ground used as
a farm, garden or nursery in
cities, towns and villages, to be
valued at amount at which
sales can be freely made, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 27 (1), p. 576.
Council may direct land to be
valued as though held for
farming or gardening pur-
poses, with percentage added
for situation, 55 V. c. 48, s. 27
(1), p. 586; 57 V. c. 51, s. 1, p.
If surveyed Into building lots,
land may be entered on roll
as so many acres of block or
original lot, 55 V. c. 48, s. 27
(1), p. 576.
Number and description of each
to be entered, and each to be
proportionately liable for ar-
rears, 55 V. c. 48, s. 27 (2), p.
Vacant land connected with resi-
dence and not held for sale to
be valued at sum which at six
per cent, would yield amount of
annual rental, unless council by
by-law otherwise directs, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 28 (1), p. 576.
Islands in the lakes used as sum-
mer resorts not to be rated for
statute labor, 55 V. c. 48, s. 28
;2), p. 577.
Railway companies to furnish
statement to clerks showing
property of company in each
municipality, 55 "V. c. 48, s. 29, p.
Clerk to communicate statement
to assessor and assessor to
give notice of assessment to
companies at any office or
station, 55 V. c. 48, s. 29, p. 577.
Toll roads not owned by munici-
palities to be assessed as refl
estate in municipalities in
which they lie, 55 V. c. 48, s. 29fl,
p. 577.
Matters to be taken Into consid-
eration by assessors, 55 V. c.
48, s. 29rt, p. 577.
Roads, whether leased or not,
be assessed in minor munici-
palities in which the whole or
part thereof are situate, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 29 , p. 577.
Stock, shares and dividends not
to be assessed, 5r ■'^ c. 48, s.
29c, p. 578.
Lands of non-residents who have
not given notice, mode of as-
sessing, 55 V. c. 48. s. 30, p. 578.
Assessors to make a separate
heading of 'non-residents'
land assessments," 55 V. c. 48,
8S. 30-1, p. 578.
Land not sub-divided into lots to
be described by metes and
bounds, 55 V. c. 48, ss. 30-2, p.
When sub-divided each lot to be
designated by its number,
and quantity of land and
amount of rating to be shown,
55 V. c. 48, s. 31, p. 578.
Income to be assessed at the net
amount during the year then
last past, over and above
amount exempted, 55 V. c. 48, s.
31, p. 578.
Business tax,, council may pass by-
laws for imposing, 55 V. c. 48, s.
31a, p. 579.
Not to exceed 7 1-2 per cent, of
the annual value of the build-
ings in which business is car-
ried on, 55 V. c. 48, s. 31a, p.
Classification of different kinds
of business, 55 V. c. 48, s. 31a,
(1), p. 579.
Annual value of buildings to be
computed at seven per cent,
of the assessed real value, 55
V. c. 48, s. 31« (2), p. 579.
Beneficial owner of shares njt in
his own name to be assessed for
income therefrom, 55 V. c. 48, s.
32, p. 579.
Personal property of non-residents
to be assessable in same man-
ner as that of residents, 55 V.
c. 48. s. 33, p. 579.
Exception as to choses in action
standing in name f^ non-resi-
dent, 55 V. c. 48, , 33 (3), p.
Personal property of companies,
with certain exceptions, to be
assessed in same manner as
that of partnerships, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 34 (1), p. 579.
i I
ASSESSMENT— Co»»f/n7(erf.
Personal property of banks, gas
companies, water-works com-
panies, road companies, railway"
^ and harbour companies to be
exempt, but not income of
shareholders, 55 V. c. 48, s. 34
(2). p. 579.
Personal property of partnerships,
to be assessed at usual place ol
business, against the firm, 55 V
c. 48. S. 35 (1). p. 580.
Partnership property at brand
places of business to be assesses
where situate, election by firn
as to place of assessment
where this cannot be done, 55 V.
■c. 48 ,s. 35 (2), p. 580.
Person carrying on business In one
place to be assessed for all hip.
personal property there, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 36 (1), p. 580.
Person carrying on business at
more than one place, to be as-
sessed for personal property at
each, 55 V. c. 48, s. 36 (2), p. 580.
Person having no place of business
to be assessed at residence, 55
V. c. 48, s. 37, p. 580.
Salaries and wages of persons
regularly employed in munici-
pality where they do not reside
to be assessed at place of em-
ployment, 55 V. c. 48, s. 38, p.
Exception in case of clergymen
and municipal or government
officers, 55 V. c. 48, s. 38, p. 580.
Personal property in hands of
agents, etc., for non-residents,
to be assessed against such
aerents, etc., 55 V. c. 48, s. 39, p.
^ ; Ptirsonal property to be as-
^ 'iEcd proportionately against
ich owner, 55 V. c. 48, s. 39, p.
Personalty, in hands of trustee,
guardian, executor, or adminis-
trator, to be assessed against
him alone, 55 V. c. 48, a. 41 (1), p.
Repre.^entative character to be
inserted after names on roll,
55 V. c. 48, s. 41 (2), p. 581.
Persons assessable to give state-
ment of particulars of their pro-
perty to assessors, 55 V. c. 48, s.
42, p. 681.
Corporations whoso dividends are
taxable against shareholders to
furnish at request of assessor
statements as to shareholders,
their stock and dividends, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 43, p. 582.
Statements furnished to assessors
not to be binding on them, 55
V. c. 48, s. 44, p. 582.
Penalty for refusing to give state-
ment or making false state-
ment, 55 V. c. 48, s. 45, p. 582.
Notice of assessment to be given
by assessor to persons assessed,
55 V. c. 48, s. 47 (1), p. 583.
Form of notice, 55 V. c. 48, schd.
B., p. 635>.
Need not be served on farmers'
sons, 55 V. c. 48, s. 47 (3), p.
Notices and other documents — how
.served on farmers' sons, 55 V. c.
4, s. 47 (3), p. 583.
Meaning of "farmer's son" and
"farmer," 55 V. c. 48, s. 47 (5),
p. 583; 56 V. c. 38, s. 3, p. 153.
Notice to persons of their assess-
ment as public or separate
school supporters, 55 V. c. 48, s.
47a, p. 583.
Notice to be given to ratepayer of
change in assessment as public
or separate school supporter, 56
V. c. 38, s. 4, p. 153.
Assessor to be guided by index
book in determining who are
exempt from puVjlic school tax,
55 V. c. 48, s. 47fe, p. 583.
Roll (unless otherwise provided by
by-law) to be commenced by
15th February and completed
by 30th April, 55 V. c. 48, s. 49,
p. 584.
Assessor to make affidavit verify-
ing roll— form of affidavit, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 49, p. 584.
^ ^:
\SS]:8SMENT UOhL- Continued.
Requisite- Information to be inserted
afier diligent emiuiry, 55 V. c.
48, H. 14 (1), p. r»r.(;.
Form and contents, 55 V. c. 48, s.
14; lb., schd. R, p. 939.
To contain names in full of taxable
residents and of non-residents
who have applied to be placed
on roll, witli property assessed,
55 V. c. 48, s. 14 (1), \ 5C6.
Assessors in townships, towns and
villages to make enquiries as to
births and deaths during pre-
ceding year and enter same,
and if registered, 55 V. c. 48, s.
14 (2), p. 5G7.
Particulars to be entered in vari-
ous columns, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14
(3), p. 567.
Clerk of municipality to make an-
nuil return of number of steam
boilers entered, 55 V. c. 48, s. It
(3), p. 567.
Entry of se])arate school support
ers, evidence on which asses-
sors to act, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14 (4), p.
p. 5GS.
Entry of farmers' sons on roll, how
to be made, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14'/, p.
Peisoiis nifiking afTidavit undet
Manhood Suffrage Act to be
entered, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14rt (1), p.
Xot to be entered on I'oll in cities,
57 V. c. 4, s. 2. II. 11.
Temporary absence not to dis-
qualiry, 55 V. c. 48, s. W),
(2), p. .570.
Assessors to make ojuiuiry as to
who are entitled to be entered,
.W V. c. 4S, s. 14/y (:•), p. 571.
Students at colleges, etc., \\here
to be entered, 55 V. c. 48, s.
14/^ (4), p. 5"! I.
Who to be disqualified to be en-
tered, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14ft (5), p.
Entries to be made by assessors,
55 V. c. 48, s. Uh (6), p. 571.
Assessor to Tiake oath as to cor-
rectness of such entries, .55 V.
c. 48, s. 14ft (7), p. 571.
: i 1
ASSESSMENT HOhh- Continued.
Complaints respecting entry of
voters to be made to court of
revision or under Voters'
Lists Act, 55 V. c. 48, s. lib,
(8>, p. 572.
Voter obtaining qualification af-
ter return of roll may apply
to county judge, 55 V. c. 48, s.
Ub (9), p. 572.
Entry of name of reputea owner or
words "owner unknown ' to be
made against non-residents'
lands, 55 V. c. 48, s. 19, p. 573.
Land assessed against both owner
and occupant, — names to bo
bracketed and letters "F" and
"T" entered against them, 55 V.
c. 48. s. 20 (1), p 574.
Entry of companies as separate
school supporters when notice
has been given by them, 55 V. c.
48, s. 21 (3), p. 574.
Assessor to write letters "N. R."
opposite names of non-residents
who have required their names
to be entered, 55 V. c. 48, s. 25,
p. 576.
Number and description of each
lot in vacant block of land to
be entered, 55 V. c. 48, s. 27 (2),
p. 576.
Lands of non-residents who have
not required their names to be
entered, to be inserted in sep-
arate part of roll, how such
land is to be designated and
what entries to be made, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 30, p. 578.
Entry to be made of notice of as-
sessment having been given, 55
V. c. 48, s. 47 (1), p. 583.
Time for commencement and com-
pletion,— affidavit to be made by
assessor as to correctness of
contents, 55 V. c. 48, s. 49, p. 584.
To be delivered by assessor to clerk
on or before 30th April, 55 V. c.
48, s. 50, p. 585.
To be open to inspection at office
of clerk, 55 V. c. 48, s. 50, p. 585.
Enquiries to be made by assessor
In order to prevent creation
of false votes, 55 V. c. 48, s. 51
(1). p. 585.
Persons entitled to entry to be en-
tered without request on their
part, 55 V, c. 48, s. 51 (12), p.
Penalty for causing improper en-
tries as to voters, 55 V. c. 48, s.
51 (3), p. 585.
"Voter" to have same meaning as
in Voters' Lists Act, 55 V. c.
48, s. 51 (4), p. 586.
By-laws in cities, towns and villages
for altering time fixed by law
for taking assessment, holding
court of revision, etc., 55 V. c.
48, s. 52 (1), p. 586.
Where in such ca?es roll has not
been finally revised by Gist De-
cember, council may adopt as-
sessment for following year, 65
V. c. 48, s. 52 (2), p. 586.
Adoption of assessment of munici
pality from which annexed ter-
ritory has been taken, 55 V. c.
48, s. 52 (.3), p. 586.
Regulation by county councils of
time of commencement and com-
pletion in towns, townships and
villages, 55 V. c. 48, s. 54, p. 588.
List of lands in arrear to be de-
livered to assessors with, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 141, p. 613.
List to be examined by local
clerks and certificate given of
changes since return, 55 V. c.
48, s. 143 (1), p. 613.
Penalty for making false entries
or copies, 55 V. c. 48, s. 227, p.
What to constitute evidence of
fraud, 55 V. c. 48, s. 228, p.633.
Assessor convicted of fraudulent as-
sessment to be sentenced to
maximum penalty, 55 V. c. 48, s.
229, p. 633.
Penalty for assessor neglecting to
make return by 1st of Septem-
ber, with reference to Juror's
Act, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 230, p. 634.
lSSESSRIENT nOLL-'Continiud.
Annual examination by county
councils and equalization of as-
sessments thereon — see Equali-
zation of Assessments (55 V. c.
48, ss. 78-8C, pp. 598-600).
Revision and correction of — see
Court of Revision.
Selection of Jurors from— see Jur-
Preparation of voters' list from-
see Voters' Lists.
lSSESSORS.— Disqualified from mem-
bersliip in councils, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 77 (1), p. 275.
To be appointed by councils Im-
mediately after annual elec-
tions, 55 V. c. 42, s. 254 (1), n
Members of councils not to be ap-
pointed, 55 V. c. 42, s. 254 (1),
p. 328.
May be appointed to act for more
than one ward or sub-dlvislon.
55 V. c. 42, s. 254 (2), p. 328.
Appointment, in cities and towns
by assessment commissioner
acting in conjunction with
Mayor, 55 V. c. 42, s. 255, p. 32S.
Tenure of office in cities, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 255, p. 328.
To make declaration of office, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 271, p. 334.
Penalty for refusal or neglect, 5o
V. c .42, s. 277, p. 335.
To be deemed officers of the courts,
and amenable thereto as re-
sards executions against muni-
cipalities, 55 V. c. 42, s. 429, p. 384
To be appointed by every local
municipality, 55 V. c. 48, s. 12
(1). p. 566.
Clerks and treasurers not to be ap-
pointed, 55 V. c. 48, s. 12 (1), p.
Convicts and outlaws not to be
qualified to act, 55 V.- c. 48, s. 12
(2), p. 566.
Council to assign districts and pre-
scribe regulations for, 55 V. c.
48, s. 13, p. 566.
ASSESSORS— C'dHfinur./.
To make annual list of children be-
tween eight and fourteen years
of age and return same with
roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14c, p. 572.
To make annual census of children
between five and twenty-one
years of age, 56 V. c. 38, s. 2, p.
Report to school Inspector and
board, 56 V. c. 38, s. 2, p. 153.
To be furnished ."Ith yearly llsis
of land gran'cCiV etc., by the
Crown, 55 V. c. i8, s. 139, p. 612.
Penalty for neglecting duties re-
quired by Assessment Acts, 55
V. c. 48, s. 225, p. 633.
Other assessors may act when one
in default, and certify such de-
fault on roil, 55 V. c. 48, s. 226,
p. 6J3.
Appointment of successor in case
of neglect of duties, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 226, p. 633.
Liable to fine and Imprisonment
for fraud or wilful neglect of
duty, 55 V. c. 48, s. 227, p. 633.
For making fraudulent assess-
ments to be sentenced to great-
est punishment allowed by law,
55 V. c. 48, s. 229, p. 634.
Penalty for neglecting to return
roll by 1st September, with re-
ference to Jurors' Act, 55 V. c.
48, s. 230, p. 634.
Not to impair liability under any
other provision, 55 V. c. 48, s.
230, p. 634.
Mode of assessing property — see
Duties with regard to entries in As-
sessment Roll — see Assessment
Duties with regard to arrears of
taxes — see Rates and Taxes.
ASSIZE OF BREAD, By-laws for re-
pnlating, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (12), p.
'I I
i '
I (■
•5 !
ATTAC'EIMENT. To enforce perform-
imrr of dutit'S of ch'rkH, uhhi'H-
sorn and collectors reHpectIng
executions u^^uinst municipali-
ties, 55 V. c. 4-'. 8. 429, p. 384.
AUCTIONEERS, IJy-laws for licens-
ing and rcKulatltiK, 55 V. c, 42,8.
4D5 (2), p. 4:;t); 56 V. c. :{5, s. 19, p.
147; 57 V. c. fO, s. S, p. 167.
County councils may i)rovl<:le 11-
censt H foi" Hiile to ix-rsons ap-
plying, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 405 (3). P.
audit school accounts, 54 V. c.
55. s. 107 (11), I). 14:-.
Books, vouchers, etc., of deceased
county trcfiHiut'i' not to bo In-
tirlYred with until aftt^r audit
has been made, 55 V. c. 42. s.
250 (2). p. 327..
Every council to appoint two .au-
ditors at first meeting. 55 V. c.
IJ. s. 358 (1), p. 329.
One auditor to be nominated by
head of council, 55 V. c. 42, s.
258 (1), p. 329.
Members of councils, clerks, treas-
m-ers and contractors dis(iuaU-
fled, 55 V. c. 42, s. 258 (1), p. 329.
In case of auditor refusing to act,
head of council may nominate
snme other person. 55 V. c. 42,
s. 2.58 (1). p. 329.
Head of council not to nominate
his employee, 55 V. c. 42, s. 25S
(2), p. 330.
Special provision as to city of To-
ronto, 55 V. c. 42, s. 259, p. 330.
^City council may pass by-laws
for appointment of audilors In
December, 55 V. c. 42, s. 260 (I),
p. 330.
By-law not to affect the audit of
accounts for the year in
which it takes effect, 55 V. c.
42, s. 260 (2), p. 330.
Auditors in Toronto and other ci-
ties to examin(» and report upon
accounts at the end of every
month, 35 V. c. ."2. p. 261, p. 330.
Coimcil may fill vacancies and per-
Bons appointed shall hold office I
for remainder of the year, GC|
V. c. 42, 8. 262, p. 330.
Auditors to examine accounts and]
report thereon for the year end-
ing on 3lHt December before]
their appointment, 55 V. c. 42. s.
263 (1), p. 330.
Abstract and detailed statement of I
finances of corporation to be]
prepared In duplicate and cop-
ies sent to Bureau of IndustilesJ
and to clerk. 55 V. c. 42. s. 2631
(2), p. 331.
Report to be made upon security]
Kiven by trea.surer and tlie bal-
ance in his hands. 55 V. c. 42. s.
263 (2a), p. 331.
Treasurer upon re(iuisltion togivpj
order upon bank, etc.. where
moneys deiKisited. for statement
of his account. 55 V. c. 42. a. 36;! |
(2^). p. 331.
Treasurer to keep moneys of muni-
cipality separate from his ownl
and dejiosit same to a separate!
account. 55 V. c. 42, s. 263 (2r),I
p. 331.
Councils of towns, townships and]
villages to publisn annual state-
ment of assets and liabilities. 55 1
V. c. 42. y. 263 (3). p. 332.
City council may direct the audit of I
all accounts before payment, 55|
V. c. 42, s. 264, p. 332.
Clerk to publish auditor's abstract]
and transmit copy to clerk of]
county, 55 V. c. 42, s. 265, p. 332.
Council to finally audit accountsi
and where charges not regu-
lated by law to allow what ls|
reasonable, 55 V. c. 42, s. 266, p.
County counsll to audit moneys!
paiil out by county treasurer, 55 j
V. c. 42. s. 267. p. 333.
Councils empowered to order ad]
ditional audits, 55 V. c. 42, s. 268,]
p. 333.
Form of declaration of office to be]
made by auditors, 55 V. c. 42. s.
272. p. 335.
11 hold omce]
the year, 55 ]
iccounta and |
he year end-
mbcr before]
55 V. c. 42. H.
statement of
iitioii to be
ite Hnd cop-
of Industrlt'S
c. 42, 8. 2t)3
pon ppcurltyl
and the bal-j
55 V. c. 42, 8.
iltion to Rlvf
etc., where
or statement
\ c. 42, s. 3t).!j
pys of munl-
•om his own I
n a separate I
;, s. 263 (2r),
vnshlps and]
nnual state-
liabllltles. 55|
the audit of
payment, 531
)r's abstract
to clerk of|
. 2fi5, p. 332
it accounts!
not regu-l
ow what is I
42, s. 266, p.
dit moneys!
treasurer, 55 1
order ad-
c. 42. s. 26S. I
office to be
V. c. 42. S.I
of corporation, 55 V. c. 42, .s.
2Jl, p. 341.
Form, 55 V. c. 42, s. 295, p. 432; lb,
Sched. J., p. 542.
Wheie no wards or polling .sub-ii-
vi-sions, clerk to provide himself
with material for marking, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 304, p. 343.
Certain provisions with regard to
elections to apply, 55 V. c. 42, s.
306, p. 344.
Directions to voters, as to marking,
form of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 307, p.
344; lb. schd. L., p. 542.
Form of statement to be made by
deputy returning officer at close
of poll. 55 V. c. 42, s. 313, p. 347.
Deputy returning ofllcer to note ob-
jections and decide questions
raised, r)5 V. c. 42, s. 314, p. 347.
Notice of birth to be given within
tliirty days thereafter. Rev.
Stat. c. 40, s. 8, p. 430.
Registry of illegitimate children.
Rev. Stat. c. 40. s. 9, p. 431.
Time for registration, Rev. Stat. c.
40, s. 10, p. 431.
Registration of birth after expira-
tion of two years. Rev. Stat. c.
40, s. 11, p. 431.
Alteration of name after registra-
tion, Rev. Stat. c. 40, s. 12, p.
Persons performing marriages to
make returns tliereof. Rev.
Stat. c. 40, s. 13, p. 431.
Particulars of deaths to be furnished
to division registrars. Rev. Stat,
c. 40, s. 14. p. 432.
Division registrar to give burial
certificates. Rev. Stat. c. 40, s.
15, p. 432.
F'orm of. Rev. Stat. c. 40, schd.
D., p. 439.
Returns of funerals, when to be
made by persons ofllciating.
Rev. Stat. c. 40, s. 16, p. 439.
Medical practitioners to transmit
certilicates of death to division
registrars. Rev. Stat. c. 40, s.
17, p. 432.
Form, Rev. Stat. c. 40, schd. E.,
p. 439; 57 V. c. 3, s. 11, p. 13.
Registration of death after expira-
tion of two years. Rev. Stat. c.
40, s. 19, p. 433.
Superintendents of cemeteries to
give notice of interments to di-
vision ro.!;lstrars in certain
cases, ll'jv. Stat. c. -SO. s. 19, p.
BIRTHS, BTC.—Contimtetl.
Correction of errors— report of di-
vision registrar to Registrar-
General, Rev. Stat. c. 40, s. 20,
p. 433.
Penalty for neglect of duty by di-
vision registrar, Rev. Stat. c.
40, s. 21, p. 433.
Registrar-General to keep and tab-
ulate returns in his office. Rev.
Stat. c. 40, s. 22, p. 433.
Publication of Registrar-General's
reports. Rev. Stat. c. 40, s. 24,
p. 434.
Lieutenant-Governor may make
rules. Rev. Stat. c. 40, s. 25, p.
Inspection of registration offices.
Rev. Stat. c. 40, s. 26, p. 431.
Penalty for false statements. Rev.
Stat. c. 40, s. 27, p. 434.
Penalty for neglecting to report.
Rev. Stat. c. 40, s. 28, p. 434.
Procedure on complaints. Rev. Stat,
c. 40, s. 29, p. 434.
Fees of division registrars, Rev.
Stat. c. 40, s. 30, p. 435.
BLACK KNOT. Provisions for prevent-
ing spread of— see Fruit Trees
(56 V. c. 42, p. 167).
BLASPHEMY, By-laws for pre-
venting, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (34), p.
BLINDNESS, By-laws for maintain-
ing indigent blind persons a: in-
stitutions, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (12),
p. 402.
Proceedings in case of incapacity
of voter by ri ason of, 55 V. p.
42. s. 149, p. 299.
Candidates not to be present, 55
V. c. 42, s. 172, p. 309.
Statement of votes so given to be
made liy deputy returning offi-
cer. 55 V. c. 42. s. 155, p. 301.
Statement of votes given by blind
voters on by-laws co be trans-
mitted by deputy-returning of-
ficer to clerk, 55 V. c. 42, s. 315,
p. 348.
1 i
BLINDNESS— Co)t//nH^/.
Provisions with regard to voting at
elections to apply to voting on
by-laws, 55 V. c. 42, s. 306, p.
BOARDING HOUSES, By-lavirs for re-
gulating width and strength of
stairways, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (16),
p. 403.
F'or preventing accidents by fire
in, 55 V. e. 42, s. 493 (2), p.
To prevent the importuning of
travellers by agents of, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 496 (6), p. 431.
Boards of Audit.
POLICE— see Police Commis-
BOAT HOUSES, By-laws for inspect-
ing and preventing immorality
in. 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (42), p. 436.
BOILERS, By-laws respecting the con-
struction or removal of 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (15), p. 432.
Entry of steam boilers on assess-
ment roll, and annual return to
Government, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14
(3). p. 568.
BONDS, N... to be issued by councils
for less sums than $100 each,
55 V. c. 42. s. 414, p. 378.
BONE STORES, By-laws for defining
areas within which they may
not be established, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 495 (12), p. 429.
BONUS BY-LAWS, In aid of railway
or waterworks companies — as-
;^ont required of one-third of
ratepayers entitled to vote as
well as a majority of voters, 55
V. c. 42, s. 320 (1), p. 349.
Clerk to certify to council whether
majority consists of one-third
of those entitled to vote, 55 V.
C. 42, s. ,320 (2), p. 349.
BONUS BY-L.kWS— Continued.
If dispute arises as to result, Judge
to have same power as on a
scrutiny, 55 V. c. 42, s. 320 (3), p.
Any elector or the council may pe-
tition judge and procedure to be
as on a scrutiny, 55 V. c. 42, s.
320 (4), p. 349.
Debentures to be valid without cor-
porate seal if signed and coun-
tersigned as directed by by-law,
55 V. c. 42, s. 406, p. 377.
By-laws for granting aid to har-
bour works, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s.
479 (8), p. 401.
Assent of electors required, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 479 (8), p. 401.
Security may be taken from per-
sons or companies receiving
aid, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (8), p. 401.
Aid to road, bridge or harbour com-
panies may be granted with
assent of electors, 55 V. c. 42, s.
479 (11), p. 402.
Aid to iron smelting works, by-laws
for granting, 55 V. c. 42, s. 637«,
p. 524; 56 V. c. 35, ss. 32, 33, p. 149;
57 V. c. 50 s. 17, p. 170.
Repeal of provisions respecting aid
to manufactories not to affect
certain by-laws already intro-
duced, 55 V. c. 44, p. 556.
Aid to mining schools — see Mining
Schools (54 V. c. 60, p. 195).
Aid from county to local munici-
palities purchasing toll roads-
see Toll Roads (52 V. c. 28. ss.
22-25, p. 105).
To persons planting trees on high-
ways, and boundary lines — see
Trees (Rev. Stat. c. 201, p. 2246;
53 V. c. 60, p. 141).
Powers of municipalities as to
granting aid to railways — see
Aid to Street Railways— see Street
BOOK-KEEPING— see Accounts.
BOOKS, Exempted from taxation, 55
V. c. 48, s. 7 (27), p. 5fi4.
\ 'I
BOOMS, By-laws for protecting and
regulating, 55 V. c. 42, s. 511
(1). p. 447.
BOOT-BLACKS, Children engaged as,
may be regulated and con-
trolled by police commission-
ers or where there is no board,
by council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 436 (3),
p. 387.
BOULEVARDS, By-laws for taking
or aciiuirlng land for, 55 V. c.
42, s. 479 (22), p. 405.
Owners to be compensated, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 479 (22), p. 405.
By-laws for setting apart por-
tions of streets for, permitting
owners to construct, and con-
lirming where already con-
structed, 57 V. c. 50, s. 9, p. 167.
For regulating the protection of.
57 V. c. 50, s. 9, p. 168.
For setting apart portions of
highways for, 55 V. c. 42, s. 550
(1), p. 468.
Assessment of property fronting on,
fur local improvements, 55 V. c.
42, s. 620 (7), p. 511.
See Public Parks.
to be kept for public Inspection,
55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (30), p. 434.
By-Laws for settlement of, by sur-
veys, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (31), v.
For ascertaining and marking, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (56), p. 423.
Township councils may pass by-
laws for declaring that marsh
lands shall be deemed enclosed
for certain purposes when posts
put up, 55 V. c. 42, s. 521 (13), p.
BOUNDARY LINES, Between private
properties, p'tincing trees upon
or near to — see Trees.
Between municipalities — bridges
thereon, etc., — see Bridges.
Between municipalities — highways
forming — see Highways.
BOUNTIES, For destruction of,
foxes and animals dangerous to
poultry. 56 V. c. ?5, s. 1, p. 146.
BOUNTIES -Cotitiiiited.
For planting trees on highways and
boundary lines — see Trees (Rev.
Stat. c. 201, p. 2246; 53 V. c. 60,
p. 141).
For destruction of wolves — see
Wolves (Rev. Stat. c. 223, p.
2.379; 55 V. c. 50, p. 670).
BOWLING ALLEYS, By-laws for pre-
venting or regulating and licen-
sing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 4S9 (26), p. 420.
constables, for acts not com-
mitted in their presence, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 449, p. 3!)0.
15REACH OF TRUST, By member or
officer, — council may order in-
vestigation by county judge, 55
V. c. 42, s. 477, p. 398.
I5READ, By-laws for forfeiture of, for
ligh^ veight, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479
(21), p. 405.
For preventing the use of impro-
per materials in making, and
confiscating when improperly
made, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (52), p.
For regulating the assize of
bread, 55 V. c. 42 ,s. 503 (12),
p. 442.
BRIBERY, What to consist of, 55 V. c.
42. s. 209, p. 317.
Candidate found guilty of, on quo
warranto proceedings, to forfeit
seat and be disqualified, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 213, p. 319.
PenalH-, .55 V. c. 42, s. 214, p. 319.
Recovery of penalties, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 215, p. 319.
By-laws may be quashed for, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 335, p. 353.
General provisions respecting
corrupt practices, at elections
and voting on by-laws — see Cor-
rupt Practices 55 V. c. 42, ss.
216-222, pp. 319-321).
BRIDGE COMPANIES, Assent of elec-
tors required to bonuses, 55 V. c.
42. s. 47n (11). p. 102
: i
,<■ I
' \
\ f
Rylaws for taking stock, or lend-
ing, or (with assent of electors)
granting money to. 55 V. c. 42,
.s. 470 (11), p. 402.
By-laws for granting permission to
construct bridges and levy tolls,
55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (7), p. 470.
By-laws for aiding, by takinp:
shares or lending money to, 55
55 V. c. 42, s. 55 4(/, p. 472.
Provisions with respect to granting
aid to railways, to apply, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 554«, p. 472.
BRIDGES, Meaning of 'bridge" in
Municipal Acts, 55 V. c. 42, s. 2
(8), p. 244.
Councils may purchase from Crown
and contract debts therefor, 55
V. c. 42, s. 349, p. 359.
By-laws for regulating riding and
driving over, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479
(14), p. 402.
Act to regulate travelling on, Rev.
Stat. c. 195, p. 2228; 53 V. c. 57.
p. 139; 54 V. c. 47, p. 95; 57 V.
c. 52, p. 175.
By-laws respecting the obstruction
or fouling of, 55 V. c. 42, s. ICG
(27), p. 434.
Responsib.'.ity of townships for in-
juries caused by want of repair
ar'sing from obstructions in
streams, 55 V. c. 42, s. 522, p. 453.
Council to have jurisdiction over,
when situate in the municipal-
ity, 55 V. c. 42, s. 526, p. 455.
In local municipality, vested in
municipality, subject to reser-
vations of right in the soil by
the person laying out, 55 V. c.
42, s. 527, p. 455.
By-laws for assumption of county
bridges by villages, and freeing
same from tolL^' anf '.^r paj'-
ment by villf ^ *ion of
cost, 55 V. c. B >_;■, .' ^Hb.
After passing ; xr, y-.-.'-'if^;: to
have jurisdi' !ir', r • . ab-
ject to liabilfOPf. ,i i, . Ige
to be toll free, 53 V. c. 42, s.
52), p. 456.
Liability for keeping approaches
In repair, 55 V. c. 42, s. 530, p.
Repairs, Liability for, —
Corporation to keep in repair and
in default to be civilly liable for
damages caused by non-repair,
55 V. C. 42. s. 531 (1), p. 456.
Action for damages to be brought
within three months after in-
jury sustained, 55 V. c. 42, s. 531
(1). p. 456.
Corporation not responsible for
repairs, when laid out by pri-
vate person and established
or assumed by council, 55 V.
C. 42, s. 531 (2), p. 450.
Corporation to have remedy over
when damage arises from act
or default of third party, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 531 (4), p. 457.
Party causing damage may be
joined or added as a defend-
ant and let in to defend, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 531 (5), p. 457.
Remedy over, in separate action
where party causing damage
has not been joined, 55 V. c.
42, s. 531 (6), p. 457.
When party causing damage es-
topped from di.sputing judg-
ment against corporation, 55
V. c. 42. s. 531 (6), p. 457.
What corporation must establish
when there is no estoppel, 55
V. C. 42, s. 531 (6), p. 457.
Apportionment of damages where
more than one municipality
liable, 55 V. c. 42, s. 531 (7), p.
To be under jurisdiction of county
council when erected over
streams, etc.. over 100 feet in
width in villages, or forming or
crossing boundary lines be-
tween local municipalities, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 532, p. 458.
Assumption by county councils, —
When situate within a local muni-
cipality and assumed by by-
law, to be under jurisdiction of
county council. 55 V. c. 42, s.
532, p. 458.
When assumed, to be built In a
prood and substantial manner,
55 V. c. 42, s. 534, p. 461.
Repeal of former enactments t-e-
specting contribution from
counties to the erection and
maintenance of bridges one
hundred feet or mnj-e in length,
by villages and tt-wns of undei
4,000 population, saving costs of
pending action.s and existing
contracts, 57 V. c. 50, s. 1-, p.
When to be erected and maintained
by county, —
Over' streams above 100 feet in
width in villages on main high-
ways, 55 V. c. 42, s. 534, p. 461.
Ovei" rivers forming or crossing
boundary lines between two
local municipaiities, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 5:55, p. 461.
Joint responsibility of corporations,—
On rivers forming or crossing
boundary lines between two
counties, or between a count;;
and city or town, to be erected
and maintained jointly, 55 V. c.
42, s. 535, p. 461.
Arbitration in cases of disagree-
ment, 55 V. c. 42, s. 535 (1), ]..
On boundary lines, —
Deviations in roads on boundary
lines, effect of. 55 V. c. 42, s. 535
(2), p. 461.
County coTincil may exclude by bj-
law, bridges over rivers, lakes
or ponds less than eighty feet
in width crossing or formin;jr
boundary lines, 55 V. c. 42, s. 535
(3), p. 461; 56 V. c. 35, s. 25, p.
If by-law passed local municipali-
ties to be responsible for erec-
tion and maintenance, 55 V. c.
42, s. 535 (4), p. 461.
Proceedings in case of dispute be-
tween county and local munici-
pality as to liability, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 535«, p. 462.
River or stream forming boundary
between local municipalities, to '
be kept free from driftwood by
county, 55 V. c. 42, 9. 535?>, p.
Riv:?r or stream forming boundary
between county and county,
city or separated town to be
kept free from driftwood at
joint expense, 55 V. c. 42, s. 535/>
(2), p. 462.
Arbitration in case of disagree-
ment, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 5356 (2), p.
By-laws not to take effect unless
councils having joint jurisdic-
tion concur, 55 V. c. 42. s. 53!),
p. 462.
Arliitratlon in case of non-concur-
rence, 55 V. c. 42, s. 540, p. 463.
Other powers of municipalities, —
Powers and duties of quarter ses-
sions prior to 1S50, transferred
to county councils, 55 V. c. 42, s.
541, p. 464.
When vested in the Crown as a
public worl<, not to be intei--
fered with by councils, 55 V. c.
42, s. 542, p. 464.
May be declared to be no longer'
under conti'ol of Commissioner
of Public Winks, and be thence-
forth controlled and kept in re-
pair by municipality, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 542, p. 464.
When vested In Dominion not
to be Interfered with without
consent of the Dominion Gov-
ernment, 55 V. c. 42, s. 543, p. 4(')4.
By-laws for preventing or remov-
ing obstructions from, 55 V. c.
42, s. 550 (1). p. 468.
For making and maintaining, 5,">
V. c. 42, s. 550 (1). p. 468.
For straightening, etc., rivers
and streams dangerous to, 5;"
V. c. 42, s. 550 (2a), p. ■169.
For raising money by tolls on, 55
V. c. 42, s. 550 (3), p. 469.
For leasing tolls, in consideration
of construction or repair, 55 V.
c. 42, P. 550 (4), p. 469.
S ■
;! i
i 1
t :
For granting permission to com-
panies to construct and levy
tolls, 55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (7), p
For granting aid to bridge com-
panies, 55 V. c. 42, s. 554a, p.
For aiding adjoining municipal-
ity In constructing or Improv-
ing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 554, p. 471.
For granting aid to counties to-
wards construction of, 55 V.
C. 42. s. 555 (1), p. 472.
For entering into arrangements
with other local municipalities
for joint work, 55 V. c. 42, s. 555
(2), p. 472.
County by-laws for construction or
repair of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 566 (2),
p. 476
For granting aid to towns, town-
ships and villages, 55 V. c 42,
s. 566 (5), p. 477."
Township by-laws for granting aid
to adjoining county, or to the
county in which the townshii)
Hep, in construction and im-
proving, 55 V. c. 42, s. 567 (1), p.
Penalty for injuring by removinj:
stones, etc., from bed of river
without consent of municipal-
ity, 55 V. c. 23. p. 156.
Exemptions from tolls — see Tolls
Rev. Stat. c. 196, p. 2230).
Over ditches and watercourses on
railway lands — see Ditches and
Over municipal drains — see Drain-
By-laws for the construction of, on
local assessment plan — see Lo-
cal Improvements.
Constructed by road companies —
see Road Companies.
On or over railways — see Railways.
BRUSH WOOD, By-laws for regulat-
ing burning, in the open air, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (24), p. 419.
■j:i 1
BUCKETS, To be provided by house-
holders in police villages for
carrying water In case of fire,
55 V. c. 42, s. 667 (2), p. 530.
BUILDING LOTS, Mode of assessing
vacant laid out but not sold, ri5
V. c. 48, s. 27 (2), p. £76.
Mode of assessing non-residents'
lands laid out into, £5 V. c. 4S,
s. 30. p. 578.
from taxation but not dividends
derived therefrom, 55 V. c. 48, s.
7 (19), p. 564.
BUILDINGS, By-laws for regulatlni:
the number of door.'i and other
m'l-ans of egress from churches,
theatres, hotels, schools, etc.,
and for production of plans, 55
V. c. 42, s. 479 (16), p. 403.
For regulating size and strength
of walls, etc., and for produc-
tion of plans. 55 V. c. 42, s.
479 (16rt), p. 403.
For regulating construction of
hoists, scaffolding, etc., and
protecting workmen employed
thereon and for inspection, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (16a) p. 417.
For prohibiting the erection of
wooden buildings within cer-
tain areas, and prohibiting
the use of any but incombus-
tible materials, and for re-
gulating repairs so as to ren-
der buildings more nearly
fire-proof, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(10), p. 431.
For regulating erection or occu-
pation of dwellings on nar-
row streets, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s.
496 (10(1), p. 432.
Respecting the erection of party
walls, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (18), p.
For compelling the use of scut-
tles and ladders on roofs of
houses, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (19),
p. 433.
For guarding against fires or
other risks or accidents, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 496 (20), p. 433.
For authorizing Ihe destruction
of. in order to prevent spread
of fire, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (23), p.
For ascertaining and prescribing
levels of cellars, 55 V. c. 42, s.
4% (32). p. 4^1.
For compelling the depositing of
ground plans, etc., before
erection of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(33). p. 4;!5.
In larRe cities fcr regulating tin.
erection of dwelling houses
and fixing minimum of Vca-
cant land to be used there-
with, 55 V. c. 42, s. 545«, p.
Regulations for prevention of flreti
in police villages, 55 V. c. 42, s.
667, p. 530.
Act to regulate the means of egress
from public buildings— see Pub-
lic Buildings (Rev. Stat. c. 210,
p. 2324).
P >wers of boards of health as to
entering, disinfecting, etc. — se"
Public Health.
BITRDOCK— see Noxious Weeds.
municipalities to make annual
returns under a penalty of $20,
55 V. c. 42, s. 248 (1), p. 326.
Secretary to tabulate such re-
turns and report them to Min-
ister of Agriculture to be laid
before Assembly, 55 V. c. 42,
S. 248 (2), p. 326.
Moneys payable to municipalities
by Province to be retained if
returns not made, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 248 (3), p. 326.
Treasurers of municipE^lities to
make annual returns under a
penalty of $20, 55 V. c. 42, s. 252
(1). p. 327.
Returns to be tabulated by sec-
retary and laid before As-
sembly, 55 V. c. 42, s. 252 (2),
p. 327.
Moneys payable to municipalities
in default may be retained, 55
V. c. 42, s. 252 (3), p. 327.
Auditors for Toronto to transmit
duplicate of abstract of ac-
counts to, 55 V. c. 42, s. 259 (2),
p. 330.
Auditors in other municipalities to
transmit duplicate of abstract
of accounts to, 65 V. c. 42, s. 263
(2), p. .331.
BURIAL GROUNDS, Exempted from
taxation, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (3), p.
By-laws 'o aid trustees in fencing
and making rejjairs, 53 V. c. 48,
s. 1, p. 102.
See Cemeteries.
BUSFC FIRES, Prevention of— see Fire;
Fire Guardians.
BUSINESS, When carried on by per-
son in more than one place, or
in a municipality where he does
not reside, to be as?essed where
situated and against person In
charge as well as owner, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 15, p. 572.
BUSINESS TAX, Councils may pass
by-laws imposing taxes on vari-
ous kinds of mercantile busi-
ness not exceeding seven and a
half per cent, of annual value of
the premises, and In such case
personal property in the busi-
ness to be exempt, 55 V. c. 48, s.
Sin (1), p. 579.
Annual value for the purpose of
such tax to be seven per cent,
on the assessed value of the
premises, 55 V. c. 4S, s. 31a (2),
p. 579.
BUTCHERS, By-laws respecting sales
and purchases of meat — see
By-laws respecting slaughter
houses — see Slaughter Houses.
BUTTER, Market fees not to be col-
lected on, unless convenient
place for sale provided, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 497 (2), p. 437.
BY-LAWS, Of existing corporations
continued, 55 V. c. 42, s. 3, p.
Of county council to have no effect
In town after withdrawal, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 25 (4), p. 256.
' I ! r. I
1 ■
BY-LAWS -Continued.
Of provisional oouuoil continued in
new corporation after tlis.soiu-
tlon of union, 55 V. c. 42, s. 48
(1). p. 263.
In force at time of erection of vil-
lape into a town or town into
city, continued, and council not
to have greater power as to
repeal than council of former
village or town, 55 V. c, 42, s.
5.3, p. 265.
Upon annexation of new territory
to municipality by-laws of such
municipality to apply except
as to roads and streets, 55 V. c.
42, s. 54, p. 2G5.
Cleik to have custody of, 55 V. c. ;
42, 3. 245, p. 325. !
Copies to be made by clerk when '
required and certified under
corporate .seal, 55 V. c. 42, s. 247
(1), p. 325.
Cleric's fee for making copies, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 247 (1), p. 32i5.
Powers of councils to be exercised
by, except when otherwise pro-
vided, 55 V. c. i2, s. 282, p. •:?,8.
Power to repeal, amend and alter
except ' where specially re-
stricted, 55 V. c. 42, s. 283, p. 338.
Whf'H unfinished by council of one
year may be completed by new-
council after election, .55 V. c.
42, s. 284, p. 338.
Authentication of, —
To be under seal of municipality
and signed by presiding mem-
ber and clerk, 55 V. c. 42, s. 282,
p. 339.
Copies when under corporate sonl
and certified by clerk and mem-
ber of council, to be evidence,
55 V. c. 42, s. 289, p. 339.
Recitals, wnen assent of Lieuten-
ant-Governor required, to be
proved by declaration, 55 V. c.
42, s. 290, p. 340.
Objections by ratepayers, —
Ratepayers to have an opportunity
to be present in person or by
counsel and object, and pro-
BY-hkWi^ -Continued.
duce evidence in support of ob-
jection, 55 V. c. 42. s. 2!)1. p. 340.
If council satisfied of fraud or ir-
regularity in connection with
application or notice, by-law not
to be passed, 55 V. c. 42, s. 292,
p. 340.
Submission to electors— see Voting.
Confirmation of, —
When assent of electors obtained,
to be finally passed within six
weeks thereafter, 55 V. c. 42, s.
327, p. 351.
Passing to be stayed on present-
ing petition, 55 V. c. 42, s.
328, p. 351.
To be promulgated by publication
with a notice appended of the
time limited for moving to
quash, 55 V. c. 42, s. 329, p. 352;
56 V. c. 35, s. 8, p. 144.
Form of notice to be appended, 55
V. c. 42, s. 330, p. 352.
If not moved against within three
months after third publication,
or not quashed on application,
then to be deemed valid, 55 V. c.
42, s. 331, p. 352.
Not to be quashed on any ground
where debentures were issued
prior to February, 1883, and
payments made theroon for two
years, 55 V. c. 42, s. 408, p. 377.
Informalities not to affect validity
of debentures issued thereunder
where assent of electors ob-
tained and by-law not quashed
within time limited, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 408, p. 377.
Offences against, —
Mayor, where there is no police
magistrate, may try offences, 55
V. C. 42, s. 416, p. 379.
Justice of the peace may try of-
fences where there is no police
magistrate, 55 V. c. 42, s. 418, p.
Justices of the peace to have juris-
diction to try offences when no
other provision made, whether
members of councils or not, 55
V. c. 42, s. 419, p. 380.
MaKlstrates not dl8quallfied to aot
by reason of their beinf? rate-
payers in municipality to which
lines will be paid, 55 V. c. 42, s.
419'f, p. 380.
Payment of penalties may be en- ,
forced by distress, and in de-
fault of distress by imprison-
ment, 55 V. c. 42, ES. 421, 422, pp.
380, 381.
Convictions not to be avoided for
awarding imprisonment in de-
fault of payment of penalty and
costs of coniniittal and convej'-
ance to gaol, 35 V. c. 42, s. 42'Ao,
p. 381.
Wlio m'liy be competent and com-
pellable vvltnesses, 55 V. c. 4:J,
SS. 424, 425, pp. 3S1, SH2.
How witnesses compelled to attend,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 426, p. 382. |
Convictions need not recite appeai*-
ance or non-appearance of de-
fendant or evidence or by-law,
55 V. c. 42, s. 427, p. 382.
Form of conviction, 55 V. c. 42, s.
427, p. 382.
By-laws for inflicting fines ann
penalties for breach, and en-
forcing same by distress or im-
prisonment, 55 V. c. 42, s. 47.') !
(17), (18), (19), pp. 403, 404. j
May direct that in default of mat- i
ters being done by persons di- .,
rected to perform same, council
may do the worlc and compel
defaulter to pay cost of same,
55 V. c. 42, s. 482, p. 407.
Of Police Commissioners, —
To be authenticated by signature
of chairman, and copy certified
by member of board to be evid-
ence, 55 V. c. 42, s. 437, p. 387.
May be enforced by penalties re-
coverable on summary convic-
tion in same manner as by-laws
of councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 438, p.
Proceedings to quash — see Quash-
ing By-Laws, Orders, and Reso-
lutions (55 V. c. 42, ss. 332-339,
pp. 352-354).
P.M. I. — 3
HT-LAWS- Continued.
Respecting yearly rates— requisites
of— see Yearly Rates (55 V. c. 42,
S3. 357-368, pp. 303-365).
For making anticipatory approprl-
atioi.s— see Anticipatory Ap-
propriations (55 V. c. 42, 88. 369-
371, pp. 365, 366).
Registration of by-laws for Issuing
debentures of municipal or
other corporations — see Deben-
Creating debts — requisites of — see
Registration of— see Registration
of By-law.^t.
Mode of obtaining assent of elect-
ors — see Voting.
For other purposes— see The Vari-
ous Titles.
laws respecting the use of fire
or lights in, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(13), p. 432.
CABS, Owners and drivers may be re-
gulated and licensed, or stables
prohibited within certain areas
by police commis.'^ioners, or liy
council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 436, p. 387;
56 V. c. 35, s. 11, p. 145.
By-laws to prevent the importun-
ing- of travellers by drivers of,
."> V. e. 42, 8. 40(5 ((1), p. 431.
By-laws for reit,ulating and licens-
ing owners and drivers of, 55
V. c. 42, s. 510, p. 446.
When county councils may license
and regulate owners and driv-
ers of, and regulate width of
tires, 55 V. c. 42, s. 512, p. 448.
CAB-STANDS, By-laws respecting, 55
V. c. 42, s. 496 (38), p. 436.
preventing growth of, 65 V. c.
42, s. 489 (22), p. 418.
See Noxious Weeds.
CANDLES, To be pnoloaed, when uned
in certain coinbuHtlhlc pliicea In
police vlllaKcs. 65 V. c. 42, 8.
667 (5). p. 531.
HpectlnK the use of fire or liRhts
Jn, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 496 (13), p. 432.
CARRIAGES, When kept for hire own-
era may be reguliiterl and li-
censed by police comminsloners
or where there is no board by
council, 55 V. c. 42, h. 436, p.
387; 50 V. c. .^1, s. 11, p. U7k
By-liiWH for rcptiliitiiiK' niid llceiiHlnn
persons kccpinir lor hire, ."m V. c.
42, B. 510, p. 440.
When county councils may license
and regulate owners and driv-
ers of, and regulate width of
tires, 55 V. c. 42, s. 512, p. 448.
CARRIAGE WAYS, By-laws for set-
,tins apart portions of highn. y
for, 55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (1), p. 4»i8.
CARS, By-laws for preventing child-
ren riding on platforms of .'5
V. c. 42, s. 496 (40), p. 436.
CARTERS. By-laws for regulating and
licensing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 510«, p.
CASH-BOOK— see Accounts (56 V. c.
35, s. 5, p. 143; 57 V. c. 50, s. 4, p.
CASTING VOTE, At selection of jur-
ors in local municipalities. Rev.
Stat. c. 52, 8. 24, p. 618.
Clerk to have, on equality of votes
for two candidates at elections,
55 V. c. 42, s. 157, p. 303.
May be given by clerk when re-
count results in a tie, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 163 (8-5), p. 306.
In case of a tie at election of war-
den, who may give 55 V. c. 42,
s. 227, p. 322.
Equality of votes at meeting of
council negatives the question,
55 V. c, 42, s. 241, p. 324.
Not to be given in case of equality
of votes for and against by-law,
55 v. c. 42, s. 319, p. 349.
CASTING \OTE- Cotitinucd.
Warden of union of counties to
have, on measures for improve-
ments In either county, 56 V. c.
42, 8. 516, p. 449.
To be given by chairmen or return-
ing otllcer on equality of votes
at eliictions of police truatees,
55 V. c. 42, s. 65, p. 528.
Ch.alrman of ineetlrg to elect road
commissioners may give, 56 V.
c. 48, 8. 107, p. 005.
CATTLE, By-laws for regulating the
driving of, on highways and
bridges, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (14), p
To prevent the leading or driving
of, on sidewalks, 55 V. c. 42, a.
496 (5), p. 431.
For prohibiting the driving of, on
particular streets in cities,
towns and villages, 55 V. c
42, 8. 496 (36), p. 436.
For permitting roads for the use
of, to be constructed under
highways, 55 V. c. 42, s. 550
(1), -p. 468.
Scale of market fees for, 55 V. c.
42, s. 497 (7), p. 438.
When owned and held by occupant
of farm, to be exempt from
taxation, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (14a),
p. 563.
Number of, to be entered after
name of owner on assessment
roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14 (3), p. 568.
Exemptions from toll on turnpike
roads — see Tolls (Rev. Stat. c.
190, p. 2230).
See Pounds.
CELLARS, By-laws for regulating the
construction and drainage of,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 489 (47), p. 422.
For ascertaining and prescribing
the levels of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(32), p. 435.
For compelling the depositing of
ground plans before com-
mencement of buildings, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 496 (33), p. 435.
CEMETERIES, By-laws for accepting
or purchasing land for, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 489 (11), p. 415.
CEMETE-RIEB- Continued.
Parpoae of by-law to be stated In
express terrriH, 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (11), p. 415.
Trustees or company may agree to
transfer property to munici-
pality, and where no burials
have talten place council may
dispose of lands, 65 V. c. 42, s.
489 (11), p. 415.
By-laws for selling or lea.^ing burial
lots, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (IJHf, p.
Village council may purchase or
acquire land within municipal-
ity with approval of boards of
health, 55 V. c. 42, s. 4S9 (l\)h,
p. 416.
Expenses of Provincial Board t»
(11)('. p. 416.
By-laws for taking or acquiring
land for the enlargement of, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (12), p. 416^
Consent of Provincial Board of
Health necessary in village or
town, 55 V. 0. 42, s. 489 (12), p.
Arbitration with owner of land in
case of refusal to sell or dis-
agreement as to price, 55 V. c.
42, s. 489 (12)«, p. 416.
Arbitrators to decide whether
public interest requJr?3 ex-
propriation, and if BO what
price should be paid, 65 V. c.
42, s. 489 (12) ft, p. 417.
Award to be registered and to be a
valid title, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(12c), p. 417.
What lands may not be taken
without consent of owner, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (12)d, p. 417.
Award to be in writing and de-
scribe boundaries of lands, 65
V. c. 42, s. 489 (12)c, p. 417.
Expropriations for the purpose of
enlargement, 65 V. ^ .42, s. 489
(12)A p. 417.
By-laws for preventing the viola-
tion of, 65 V. c . 42, 8. 489 (13), p.
By-laws to aid trustees of burial
grounds in fencing and keep-
ing la repair, 53 V. c. 48, a. 1,
p. 102.
Duties of caretakers and others
an to registration of deaths —
see Births, Deaths and Mar-
pose of property to municipal-
ities desiring to purchase, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (11), p. 415.
When cemeteries may be estab-
IKshed in vlllagos, Uev. Stat. c.
175, H. 1 (2). p. 1714; Rev. Stat,
c. 176, s. 1 (2). p. 1721.
Approval of LleutcnRnt-rjovernor
and municipal council and io-
ra\ and provincial board of
health necessary, Rev. St ir.
c.l7r», H. 1 (2), p. 1714: Uev.
Stat. c. 176, s. 1 (L*). p. 17:^1.
Payment of expens<'s uf Pro\!n''-
lal Board, Rev. Stat c. 176, s.
2 (3), p. 1714; Rev. Stat. c. 176,
s. 2 (3), p. 1721.
Real estate to be exempt from tax-
ation and execution, Rev. Stat,
c. 175, 8. 13, p. 1716.
By-laws for permitting expropria-
tion of additional land. Rev.
Stat. c. 175, s. 32, p. 1720.
Power to convey property to muni-
cipalities, 51 V. c. 27, p. 55.
CENSUS, For purposes of incorpora-
tion of village, to be taken by
county council, 55 V. c. 42. s. 9,
p. 246.
May be taken under town or vil-
lage by-law, 55 V. c. 42, s. 18, p.
Returns to be certified to Lieu.
tenant-Governor upon proposed
erection of village into town or
town into city, 55 V. c, 42, s. 19,
p. 252.
By-laws for taking, 55 V. c. 42, s.
479 (13), p. 402.
i !
' !
CENSUS- Continued.
Assessors to make annual litjt of
children between eight and
fourteen years of age and re-
turn same to clerk for use of
truant officer, 55 V. c. 18, s !4a
p. 572.
Form of list, 55 V. c. 4S, H. sohd.
M, p. 644.
Assessors to .'nake annual list of
children between five and twen-
ty-one years of age and clerk
to report same to inspe.tor and
school board, 56 Y. c. 38, s. 2, p.
CENTRAL PRISON, Exempted from
taxation, i)r> V. t. 4S, s. 7 (8), p.
CEREALS, "While in transitu, exemp'
from taxation, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7
(14), p. 563.
MENT ROLL — see Assessment
CESSPOOLS, By-laws for filling up, or
closing, when dangerous to
health, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (43), p.
llesiiecting the consti'uction.
diaining and cleaning of, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 489 (47), p. 422.
SIONERS, annual election of
57 V. 0. r)0, .s. G, p. 107.
muneration of, in cities of 1
000 or over, 57 V. c. 50, s. 3, >..
CHARCOAL, Not to be manufactured
In police villages, 55 V. c. 42, s.
667 (12), p. 531.
laws for maintaining indigent
perjons at, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (12),
p. 402.
By-laws for granting aid to, 55 V.
c. 42, s. .504 (11). p. 443.
Inmates not to be enierod as man-
hood suifrage voters, 55 \. c. 48,
s. 14^ (5), p. 571.
CHARITY, By-laws for granting relief
to indigent persons, etc., 55 V.
c. 42, s. 479 (12), p. 402.
Taking security for money loaned
to persons in destitute circum-
stances, 56 V. c. 35, s. 13, p. 146.
By-laws to prevent begging in
streets, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (2), p.
CHARIVARIES, By-laws for prevent-
ing, 55 V. c. VA. s. -INJ (40'/), p.
before proclamation setting
apart juni')r ( >unty of union tv>
continue in force, but renewals
to be filed in junior county
when goods situate therein, 55
V. c. 42, s. 49 (G), p. 264.
CHKICSE, Market fees not to be col-
lected on, 55 V. c. 42, s. 497 (1),
p. 437.
CHIEF CO.VSTAnf.R Disqi;a)ified
from membership in councils, 55
V. c. 42, s. 77 (1), p. 275.
In cities may be high bailiff if
council so directs, 55 V. c. 42, s.
439, p. 388.
To be appointed in cities and
towns, 55 V. c. 42, s. 440, p. 3S8.
To be appointed by police commis-
sioners where board established.
55 V. c. 42, s. 441, p. 388.
In towns, where no board estab-
lished, and in villages, to be ap-
pointed by council, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 445, p. 389.
May be suspended by mayor or
police magistrate and on re-
port of suspension may be dis-
missed by council, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 450, p. 390.
During suspension, not to act with-
out written permission of
mayor or police magistrate and
not to be entitled to salary, 55
V. c. 42, s. 451, p. 390.
When empowered to arrest with-
out warrant, 55 V. c. 42, s. 449,
p. 390.
CHIEF COtiHT ABLE— Continued.
May be authorized by by-law to re-
lease persons arrested for
drunkenness In case of first or
second offence, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(38), p. 421.
CillLDREN, When engaged as ex-
press messengers, vendors of
newspapei , and small wares,
and boot-blacks, may be regu-
lated and controlled by police
commissioners or council, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 436 (3), p. 387.
By-laws preventing the supplying of
intpxicants to, without consent
of guardians, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(32), p. 420.
By-laws for preventing riding be-
hind vehicles, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(40), p. 436.
Order of committal of person of
tender years, to designate mu-
nicipality chargeable with
maintenance, 53 V. c. 76, s. 5, p.
Act for the prevention of cruelty to
and better protection of, 56 V. c.
45, p. 173.
Licenses for employment of child-
ren over seven years of age in
circuses and places of amuse-
ment, 56 V. c. 45, s. 4(2), p. 175.
Council to appoint officers to see
that conditions of license car-
ried out, 56 V. c. 45, s. 4 (3), p.
Powers of officer, 56 V. c. 45, s. i
(31), p. 175.
Chief constable to perform duties
until other officer appointed,
56 V. c. 45, s. 4 (3), p. 175.
Shelters to be provided in cities and
towns having a population of
10,000 or over, 56 V. c. 45, s. 10
(1), (2), p. 180,
Children's Aid Societies to have
supervision and management,
56 V. c. 45. s. 10 (3), p. 180.
Maintenance of children in tem-
porary or foster homes, — liabil-
ity of municipality, 56 V. c. 45,
8. 12 (1), p. 181.
'J- V
\ '.
■ ■ 'i
i '.
r i
COASTING, By-laws for preventing or
regulating, on streets In cities,
towns and villages, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 496 (37), p. 436.
COLLECTORS, Disqualified from mem-
bership in councils, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 77 (1), p. 275.
Council to determine number and
prescribe duties of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 255, p. 328.
To be appointed by councils Im-
mediately after annual elections,
65 V. c. 42, s. 254 (1), p. 328.
Appointment by assessment com-
missioner and mayor, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 255, p. 328.
Tenure of office in cities, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 255, p. 328.
Members of councils not to be ap-
pointed, 55 V. c. 42. s. 254 (1), p.
May act for more than one ward
or sub-division, 55 V. c. 42. g.
254 (2), p. 328.
When council has passed by-law,
to return on oath on 15th De-
cember list of defaulters in
payment of taxes, 55 V. c. 42, s.
254 (3), p. 328.
For townships in junior cr nty of
union to be ex officio x.olIector8
for provisional council, and pay
over monies to provisional coun-
cil, 55 V. c. 42, s. 256, p. 329.
To be responsible to the union
for taxes, 55 V. c. 42, s. 257, p.
Union corporation receiving mon-
eys collected to pay over sami-
to provisional treasurer less ex-
penses, 55 v. c. 42, s. 257, p. 329.
To make declaration of office, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 271, p. 334.
Penalty for refusing, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 277, p. 335.
To be officers of the courts and
amenable thereto as regardu
executions against municipali-
ties, 55 V. c. 42, s. 429, p. 384.
To be appointed by every local
municipality, 55 V. c. 48, s. 12
(1), p. 566.
COLLECTORS— Continued.
Clerks and treasurers not to be ap-
pointed, 55 V. c. 48, s. 12 (1), p.
Convicts and outlaws not to act,
55 V. c. 48, s. 12 (2), p. 566.
Council to assign districts and pre-
scribe regulations for, 55 V. c.
48, s. 13, p. 566.
To pay over amounts collected to
treasurer weekly, in towns and
villages, and every two weeks in
townships, 57 V. c. 51, s. 6, p. 174.
Duties, under warrant of county
treasurer to distrain for taxes
on non-residents' lands, 55 V. c.
48, s. 158, p. 617.
To give security to corporation, 55
V. c. 48, s. 223, p. 633.
Bond to be given with two or
more sureties, conformably
with by-law, 55 V. c. 48, s. 224,
. p. 633
Penalty for fraud or wilful neglect
of duty, 55 V. c. 48, s. 227, p. 633
Not accounting for sums received,
treasurer after default for
twenty days to issue warrant
to sheriff to levy amount due with
costs, 55 V. c. 48, s. 231, p. 634.
Warrant to be returnable within
forty days, 55 V. c. 48, s. 231,
p. 634.
Warrant to be forthwith delivered
to sheriff, 55 V. c. 48, s. 232, p.
Slieriff to execute warrant and
pay over moneys levied 55 V.
c. 48. s. 233, p. 634.
If sheriff neglects to make return
to warant, treasurer to move
for order nisi, 55 V. c. 48, s.
2:!4, p. 634.
Order nisi, when returnable, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 235, p. 635.
Matter to be determined In a
summary manner, on return
of order, 55 V. c. 48, s. 236, p.
If court finds against sheriff, fl
fa to be issued to coroner to
levy amount, 55 V. c. 48, s. 237.
p. 635.
COLLECTORS- Contiuued.
Writ to direct coroner to levy on
sheriff the sum to be collected
under the warrant, — return of
writ and fees of coroner, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 238, p. 635.
Penalty for sheriff omitting to
perform duties, recoverable by
treasurer, 55 V. c. 48, s. 239,
p. 635.
To be liable for collection of Pro-
vincial taxes, 55 V. c. 48, s. 240,
p. 635.
To pay over moneys collected for
county purposes to local trea-
surer, 55 V. c. 48, s. 241, p. 636.
Securities of, to extend to county
and Provincial taxes, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 242, p. 636.
Duties, with respect to executions
apainst municipal corporations
— see Executions against Muni-
cipal Corporations (55 V. c. 42,
ss. 428, 429, pp. 383, 384).
Duties, as to collection of rates and
taxes — see Rates and Taxes.
.sert amounts to be levied for
county purposes, 55 V. c. 48, s.
85, p. 600.
To be made out by clerks of local
municipalities, 55 V. c. 18, s. 119,
)). 607.
Foim and contents of, 55 V. c. 4S,
s. 119, p. 607.
Taxes i;aj able to Province, to be
entered in separate column, 55
V. c. 48, s. 120, p. 608.
Clerk to deliver roll with certlflcatf^,
to the collector on or before Isi
October, 55 V. c. 48, s. 120, p. 60S.
Clerk to make out rolls for lands cf
non-residents who are not t)ii
assessment roll and transmit
same to treasurer of county, be-
fore 1st of November, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 121, p. 608.
Date of notice or demand to t>f
entered and be prima facie evi-
dence, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 123, p. 608.
Entry to be made of notices poster!
to non-residents, 55 V. c. 48, &.
125, p. 609.
COLLECTORS' ROLi^S- Cnntiimed.
Production of copy certified by
clerk to be priintt facie evidence
in suits for taxes, 55 V. c. 48, s
131, p. 610.
When to be returned by collector.
55 V. c. 48, s. 1.32, p. 611.
Collector to make oath as to truth
of certain entries, 55 V. c. 48, s.
132, p. 611.
Amounts collected to be paid over
to treasurer weekly in towns
and villages and every two
weeks in townships, 57 V. c. 51,
s. 6, p. 174.
Duty of collector as to returning
not affected by the appointment
of other persons upon his de-
fault, 55 V. c. 48, s. 133, p. 611.
City councils may fix the time for
returning and enlarge same, 55
V. c. 48, s. 134, p. 611.
Clerk to insert amount of arrears
against occupied lands, 55 V. c.
48, s. 143 (3), p. 614.
Entry to be made where there i.s
not sufficient distress, 55 V. c.
48, s. 144. p. 614.
Statement of taxes appearing as
unpaid on return, to be sent to
county treasurers, 55 V. c. 48, s.
145, p. 614.
Occupied lands of non-residents
which have become liable to
sale not to be included, 55 V. c.
48. s. 146, p. 614.
Entry of lands which have been
omitted from asses.sment in pre-
vious year, 55 V. c. 48, s. 154, p.
Copies to be kept among the re-
cords of the county, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 187, p. 624.
Penalty for making false entries or
omissions, or false cojiies, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 227, p. 633.
COLLEGES, Teachers, officers and ser-
vants of, exempt from serving
In councils or as officers, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 78, p. 275.
By-laws for regulating means of
egress from, 55 V. c. 42, s. 47J
(16), p. 403.
i! i
■I !■
, t
I n
COIjIjEQES— Continued.
To be liable to assessment for local
improvements, 55 V. c. 42, s.
626f/, p. 516.
Exempted from taxation except
for local improvements, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (4), p. 562.
for granting aid to, or towards^
building or improvement in an-
other municipality, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 509 (2), p. 446.
See High Schools.
COMBUSTIBLES, By-laws for regula-
ting the keeping and transport-
ing of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (24a), p.
COMMISSION, Treasurers may be re-
munerated by, 55 V. c. 42, s. 249,
p. 326.
issued where council of city hav-
ing population of 100,000 refuses
new division into wards, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 22 (3), p. 253.
Duties of commissioners, 55 V. c.
42, s. 22 (4), p. 254.
Expenses to be allowed by Pro-
vincial Treasurer and be re-
coverable from city, 55 V. c.
42. s. 22 (6), p. 254.
FINANCES, May be issued by
Lieutenant-Governor, , on peti-
tion of one-third of any council
or thirty electors, 55 V. c. 42, s.
383, p. 370.
Commissioners may summon wit-
nesses and take evidence, 55 V.
0. 42, s. 383, p. 370.
Expenses of commissioners to be
certified by Provincial Treasurer
and be paid by the corporation
within three months after de-
mand, 55 V. c. 42, s. 384, p. 371.
To transmit to county treasur-
ers annual lists of lands sold,
leased or located. Rev. Stat c.
24, s. 36, p. 295; 55 V. c. 48, s, 138,
p. 612.
COMMISSIONER, Etc. -Cimtinued.
Monuments marking boundaries of
concessions, lots, etc., to be
placed under authority of, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 491 (1), p. 424.
Consent, unnecessary to tax sale of
interest of lessee, etc., of Crown
Lands, 55 V. c. 48, s. 171, p. 620.
WORKS, Roads and bridges
under the control of, may be
transferred to councils, 55 V. c.
42, s. 542, p. 464.
See Railways.
COMMISSIONERS, To make declara-
tion of office, 55 V. c. 42, s. 271, p.
M.iy \ appointed to carry out cer-
' rainage works, 57 V. c. 56,
•••.. "l, / 225.
May be appointed, on request of
councils, to try juvenile offen-
der? 51 V < "0, s. 7, p. 97.
For purciiase jf tiW -oads — see Toll
Roads (52 V. c. 28, p. 101).
See Road Commissioners; Water-
Police Commissioners.
COMMITTAL, Of offenders in default
of payment of fines and penal-
ties imposed under Municipal
Acts, 55 V. c. 42, s. 420, p. 380.
Of offenders convicted under by-
laws, in default of distress, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 422, p. 381.
Convictions not to be avoided by
direction that offender be com-
mitted on non-payment of fine
and costs of committal and con-
veyance to gaol, 55 V. c. 42, s.
423(/, p. 381.
"Including costs of committal."
means and includes costs of con-
veyance to gaol, 55 V. c. 42, s.
423a (2), p. 381.
COMMITTEES, Empowered to act for
lunatics in resperc of arbitra-
tions, agreements or convey-
ances where lands injured or ex-
propriated by councils, 55 V. c.
42, s. 4S4 (1>. p. 408.
COMMITTEES- Continued.
Remuneration of chairman of
standing committees in cities
having a population of 100,000 or
over, 57 V. c. 50, s. 3, p. 166.
COMMUTATION, Of Statute labour-
Statute Labour.
Tolls (57 V. c. 46, p. 159).
COMPANIES, Shareholders in com-
pany having dealings with cor-
poration may sit in council but
may not vote on questions af-
fecting company, 55 V. c. 42, s.
77 (2), p. 275.
Stock, when exempt from taxation,
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (18), (19). p. 564.
May give notice to clerk requiring
property or some part theroof
to be assessed for separate
school purposes, 55 V. c. 48, s.
21 (3), p. 574; see also Rev. Stat.
C. 227, 8. 52, p. 2486.
Form of notice, 55 V. c. 48, s. 21
(3rt), p. 575.
After notice given, assessor to en-
ter company as a separate
school supporter, 55 V. c. 48, s.
21 (3), p. 574.
Amount of property so assessed
to bear same proportion to
whole property of company as
stock held by Roman Catho-
lics bears to whole capital, 5'.
V. c. 48, s. 21 (3), p. 574.
Notice to be sufficient if given in
pursuance of resolution of di-
rectors, 55 V. c. 48, s. 21 (3b).
p. 575.
Notices to be kept on file, and be
examined by assessor before
making up roll, 55 V. c. 48, s.
21 (3r), p. 575.
Meaning of "company," 55 V. c.
48, .s. 21 (3f/), p. 575.
On written request of assessor, to
furnish a list of resident share-
holders, etc., for preceding year,
and list to be certified to by
head officer, 55 V. c. 48, s. 43, p.
Personal property, with certain ex -
ceptlons, to be assessed In same
manner as that of partnerships,
55 V. c. 48, s. 34 (1), p. 579.
Personalty of banks, or gas, water,
road, railway, harbour compan-
ies or companies Investing their
capital in real estate, to be ex-
empt from taxation; but income
of shareholders to be assessed,
55 V. c. 48, s. 34 (2), p. 579.
EN OR INJURED, Owners to
be compensated by council, 55
V. c. 42, s. 483, p. 407.
Arbitration in case of diffei;ence aa.
to amount, 55 V. c. 42, s. 18.?, p.
Claims for damages to be made
within one year, 55 V. c. 42, s.
483, p. 407.
How title acquired where lands held
by corporations, tenants in ta'l,
etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 484 (1), p. 408.
Where there is n ' person to re-
piesent properly taken, judjre
may appoint, 55 V. c. 42, s. l>4
(2), p. 408.
Application of money by ruune'l
where party acting has tiot an
absolute interest, 55 V. c. 42, s.
4S5, p. 408.
Money paid by council to be sub-
ject to same charges and limi-
tations as the land, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 486, p. 408.
When amount claimed does not ex-
ceed $1,000 in cities, county
judge may act or sole arbitrator
may be appointed, 55 V. c. 42, s.
487 (1), p. 408.
In cities of 100,000 when claim does
not exceed $1,000 sole arbitrator
to be appointed by judge of the
Court of Appeal, or valuators
may be appointed to determine
claim without taking evidence,
55 V. c. 42, s. 487 (1), p. 409.
Fees of valuator or appraiser to
be determined by Master In
Chambers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 487
(4), p. 409. ^
i t-
t ■
i • :
\\ w
COMPENSATION, Brc.-Continued.
Costa of arbitration or valuation
to be fixed and paid as di-
rected by master, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 487 (5), p. 409.
Appointment of valuators, not to
be deemed an admission of lia-
bility by council, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 487 (6), p. 410.
Arbitrators, at request of either
party, to give particulars in
award of compenbatlon or
amounts to be deducted there-
from, 55 V. c. 42, s. 487 (7), p.
Notice of desire for sole arbitra-
tor, and notice of application
to be given, 55 V. c. 42, s. 487
(2), p. 409.
Fees of sole arbitrator, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 487 (3), p. 409.
Appointment of arbitrators not an
admission of liability on the
part of councils, 55 V. c. 42, s.
478fl, p. 410.
If damages have been tendered by
council and no greater amoimt
1h recovered, costs to be given
to municipality, 55 V. c. 42, s.
488, p. 410.
Amount agreed upon or awarded to
stand in the place of the lands.
5.') V. c. 42, s. 488rt, p. 410.
Payment into court when convey-
ance cannot be executed or un-
determined claims made or
feared, 55 V. c. 42, s. 488fi, p. 411.
Copy of conveyance or award to
be filed with accountant, and
title to vest in corporation, 55
V. c. 42. s. 4SSh, p. 411.
Notice to be published calling
upon all persons entitled to
file claims, 55 V. c. 42, s. 488f.
p. 411.
Claims so made to be adjudicated
upon, and adjudication to bar
all claims, 55 V. c. 42, s. 488c. p.
Co.sts to be subject to court, and
If order made within three
months proportion of interest
to be returned to corporation,
65 V. c. 42, s. 488(7. p. 411.
COMPENKATION, F.-rc— Continued.
Judgment of court to bar all
claims, including dower, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 4SSf'. p. 411.
ANCE— see Truancy (54 V. c. 56,
p. 169).
CONCESSIONS, Surveys for fixing and
marking boundaries of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 491, p. 424.
laws to be promulgated by pub-
lication for three weeks with
notice as to time for moving to
qunsh, 55 V. c. 42, s. 329, p. 352;
50 v. e. 35, s. 8, p. 144.
Form of notice, 55 V. c. 42, s. 330, p.
By-laws to be valid if intra vires
when not niijved against within
three months, 55 V. c. 42, s. 'ai,
p. 352.
By-laws imposing rates not to be
quashed after a lapse of three
months from promulgation, r.5
V. c. 42, s. 334, p. 353.
FUND, Ti-easurers of munici-
palities indebted to, to make an-
nual returns to Provincial Trea-
surer, under penalty of $100, 55
V. c. 42, s. 381, p. 369.
Special provisions in Acts respect-
ing, for levying rates to pay In-
terest on county debentures not
to be affected by General As-
sessment Acts, 55 V. c. 48, s 86,
p. 600.
CONSTABLES. To assist in preserving
the peace at elections, 55 V. c.
42, s. 101, p. 283.
Presence in polling places of, to
maintain peace, authorized. 55
V. c. 42, s. 151, p. 300.
To make declaration of office, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 271«, p. 334.
Lockup to be placed in
charge of, 55 V. c. 42, a. 457, p.
County councils to provide for fees
of, when in charge of lockups,
55 V. c. 42, s. 456, p. 391.
Aiipolntment and fees while attend-
ing ccurt for revision of voters'
lists, 52 V. c. 3, 8. 24, p. 21.
See Police.
specting notices of, and for pre-
venting contagion, 55 V. c. 42, s
489 (55), p. 423.
See Public Health.
ANIMALS, Action to be taken
by health officers, 54 V. c. 49, s.
2, p, 96.
Action by officers of Provincial
Board, 53 V. c. 61, s. 1, p. 141.
Penalty for keeping animals for
sale, 53 V. c. 61, s. 1, p. 142.
Scientific examination of tissue
etc., on prosecution, 53 V. c. (1,
s. ], p. 142.
By-laws for inspection of horses,
etc., to prevent spread of ven-
ereal disease, 53 V. c. 65, s. 9
When new election of all the mem-
bers of council ordered writ for
new election to go to sheriff, 5r.
V. c. 42, s. 199, p. 315.
Disclaimer on the part of the per-
son moved against, except for
corrupt practices, may be sent
to clerk in Chambers or Judge
of County Court, 55 V. c. 42, ss.
200, 201, p. 315.
Form of dlHclaimer, 55 V. c. 42, ss.
200, 201, p. 315.
Disclaimer or envelope to be in-
dorsed "disclaimer" and be re-
gistered if sent by post, 55 V. c.
42, s. 202, p. 31fi.
Disclaimer before election com-
plained of, may be sent to
clerk by any person elected, —
form to be used in such cases,
55 V. c. 42, s. 203, p. 316.
To operate as a resignation and
relieve from costs, — person
obtaining next highest num-
ber of votes to be elected, r.E
V. c. 42, s. 204, p. 316.
Duplicate of disclaimer to be de-
livered to clerk, and communi-
cated to council, 55 V. c. 42, c.
205, p. 316.
Costs not to be awarded against
dlsclaimant unless he con-
sented to nomination or ac-
cepted office, and then to be
discretionary, 55 V. c. 42, s. 206,
p. 316.
Judgment to be returned to regis-
trar of court, to remain of re-
cord and to be enforced by man-
damus and execution, 55 V. c.
42, s. 207, p. 316.
Rules may be made by judges for
settling forms and regulation of
practice, 55 V. c. 42, s. 208, p.
Application of foregoing provisions
to elections of police trustees, 55
V. c. 42, s. 654, p. 527.
CONVENTS, Act to regulate the
means of egress from public
buildings not to apply to, Rev.
Stat. c. 210, s. 6, p. 2325.
CONVICTIONS, County council to call
for tenders for publication of
lists of. Rev. Stat. c. 18, 8. 3, p.
Returns of, by police magistrates,
Rev. Stat. c. 77, p. 812.
May be made on oath of one
credible witness and penalty Im-
posed may be levied by distress,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 421, p. 380.
In default of distress offender may
be committed, 55 V. c. 42, s. 422,
p. 318.
To be valid notwithstanding that
imprisonment ordered in default
of payment of penalty and costs
of conviction and conveyance
to gnol, 55 v. c. 42, s. 423a (1),
p. 381.
"Including costs of committal," de-
clared to have always Included
and meant costs of conveying
to gaol, 55 V, c. 42, s. 432a (2), p.
Need not recite appearance or non-
appearance of defendant or
evidence or by-law, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 427, p. 382.
Form, 55 V. c. 42, s. 427, p. 382.
CORN, Market fees not to be collected
on, 55 V. c. 42, s. 497 (1), p. 437.
CORNER LOTS, Assessment for costs
of local improvements, 55 V. c.
42, s. 620 (4), (5), p. 511.
CORONERS, Medical practloners giv-
ing evidence at Inquest to be
paid by treasurer, on order of.
Rev, Stat. c. 80, s. 10, p. 822.
Investigation of fires, when fees
payable by municipality. Rev.
Stat. c. 217, s. 9, p. 2352; 54 V. c.
37, 8. 1 (2), p. 69.
Appointment in provisional coun-
ties, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 46, p. 262.
Exempt from serving in municipal
councils or as municipal oflicers,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 78, p. 275.
Writ of fi fa, to be directed to, for
levying against sheriff for non-
return of warrant, 55 V. c. 48.
8S. 237, 238, p. 635.
To 1:
I i'
CORPORATE SEAL, To be afflxed to
certified copies of documents by
clerk. 55 V. c. 42, s. 247 (1), p. 325.
To be affixed to by-laws, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 288, p 339.
To be affixed to debentvires and
other instruments executed on
behalf of corporation, 55 V. c.
42, B. 405, p. 376.
Not essential to validity of railway
or other bonus debentures, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 406, p. 377.
CORPORATIONS, Existing, continued,
55 V. c. 42, s. 3, p. 244.
By-laws, officers, and contracts,
etc., continued, 55 V. c. 42, s. 4,
p. 245.
Names, 55 V. c. 42, s. 5, p. 245.
Municipalities hereafter erected to
be, 55 V. c. 42, s. 7, p. 245.
P()\v(>r.s of, to be exerciaod hv coun-
cils. 55 V. c. 42, 8. 8, p. 245.
Enforcing judgments against — see
Executions Against Mimlcipal
Corporations (55 V. c. 42, ss. 428,
429, p. 383).
Matters consequent on formation —
see New Municipalities.
See Cities, Counties, Provisional
County Corporations, Towns,
Townships, Villages.
for appointment of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 504 (12). p. 443.
consist of giving, lending or
promising anything to voters, or
to persons for influencing voters
or receiving for such purpose,
advancing money for bribery,
receiving bribes before, during,
or after an election, and hiring
or letting for hire horses and
vehicles to carry voters to or
from polls. 55 V. c. 42. s. 209, p.
Penalty to be fine of |20 and
disquallflcavlon, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 214, p. 339.
Recovery of peralty, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 215. p. 319.
COIillDPT PRACTICES— CoNf«nu«w councils
orpanlzed, 55 V. c. 42, s. 60, p.
How composed. In counties — see
County Councils (55 V. c. 42, ss.
64-67, pp. 269, 270).
In cities to consist of mayor, anrr
aldermen to be elected from
each ward, 55 V. c. 42, s. 68, p.
In towns — see Town Councils (.^)3
V. c. 42, s. 69, pp. 271, 272).
In vlllag-es, to consist of reeve
and four councillors or one
deputy reeve to ne elected In
place of councillor for every
500 voters, 55 V. e. 42, s. 70, p.
COUNCILS— C'()H««<'rf.
In townships, to consist of reeve
and four councillors, or de-
puty-reeve to be elected In
place of councillor for every
500 voters, 55 V. c. 42, s. 71, p.
Of provisional county corpora-
tions, to consist of reeves and
deputy reeves of Junior coun-
ty. 65 V. c. 42, 8. 72, p. 273.
QiialUlcatlon and disqualification
for membership— see Qualifica-
tion (55 V. c. 42. 88. 73-77, pp. 273-
275; m V. c. 3.1, s. 3, p. 142).
Exemption from service, who may
claim, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 78, p. 275.
Who to be the heads of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 244, p. 325.
Duties of heads, 55 V. c. 42, s. 245,
p. 325.
In any municipality except town-
ships salary may be voted to
head, 55 V. c. 42, s. 232, p. 322.
To appoint assessors and collectors,
immediately after annual elec-
tions, 55 V. c. 42, s. 254 (1). p. 32S
In cities iuid towns may appoint
assessment commissioner, 55
V. c. 42, s. 255, p. 328.
Jurisdiction continod to municipal-
ity represented, 55 Y. c. 42, s.
282, p. 338.
J'owers to be exercised by by-law
when not otherwise provided, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 282, p. 338.
(Jeneral power to make regulations
not contrary to law .and repeal
same, 55 V. c. 42, s. 283, p. 338.
To be continuing bodies so that af-
ter elections new members may
complete unfinished business, 55
V. c. 42, s. 284, p. 338.
When authorized to pass by-laws
for licensing trades, etc.. such
by-laws may fix fees for li-
censes and their duration, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 285, p. 338.
Granting monopolies or Imposing
special tL aCs on any person ex-
ercising a trade, etc., prohibited,
66 V. c. 42, 8. 286. p. 339.
Mny Kvant cxcIuhIvc! prU'lofffs
fcnlt's, n(tt Intcnintlonal
liitfi-pi'iivlru-lal, 55 V. c. 41i,
2S7, \}. ;VM
A|ii)(tlntinent of nrbltrntors by — set
Ailiitratlot.a ami AwiirdH (55 V.
c. 42. HH, a85-:i'Jf), pp. a71-374).
May lendor ninemlg or pay same
Int' rt In actions for nc»g-
llRt iiid bo entitled to oostf
if no Krcati'C amount recovered,
55 V. c. 42. 8. 430. p. -.m.
In cltleH. to oxei'clae ceiialn imwers
vested In police commissioners i
if no, board established, ,'i5 V. c,
42, H. 436 (4), p. 387.
In lownH, may dissolve Imarda of
conmilsslonei's of police and ex-
ercise theii- powers, 5;") V. c. 42,
8. 445, p. 38!t.
May order the lnve8lif;atiiin by
county jud>?e of charges ot
mis-conducl against members
and oincera, 55 V. c. 42, a. 477 (1),
p. 398
When y directed to lie done un-
der vs, etc., provision may
be m.. .^- that in case of non-
performance, council may do the
work at the expense of the per-
son in default. 55 V. c. 42. s. 482,
p. 407.
To hold office until succeeding body
elected and organized, 55 V. c.
42, s. 88, p. 280.
Municipal corporations to
their powers by, 55 V. c. 42, s. 8.
p. 245.
Constitution, officers, and powers of,
in c aties — see Pro-
visional County Corporations.
Members, —
Seats to be vacated by crime, in-
solvency, or absence, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 177, p. 310.
Proceedings may be taken by quo
warranto to unseat member for-
feiting seat or becoming dis-
qualified, 55 V. c. 42, s. 178, p.
May resign with consent of ma-
jority, 55 V. c. 42, s. 179, p. 311.
D.M.I. — 4
COV^VILB— Colli in>ie V. c. 42,
s. 223, p. 321.
No business to be proceeded with
until oaths of office and qualifi-
cation taken, 55 V. c. 42, s. 224,
i p. 321.
May '
p. :i?:'L
Ordinary meetings to be open to
the public, 55 V. c. 42, s. 233, p.
Majority to constitute quorum, 5r)
V. c. 42, s. 234, p. 323.
When consisting of only five, ma-
jority must concur, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 235, p. 323.
Head to preside, 55 "V. c. 42. s. 236.
p. 323.
Special meetings, 55 V. c. 42, ss. 236,
237, 238, p. 323.
Who to preside in absence of head,
55 V. c. 42, ss. 238-239, pp. 323-
Election of president in absence of
mayor, reeve and deputy reeve,
55 V. c. 42, s. 239 (1), p. 324.
Chairman may be appointed in cas-
ual absence of head, 65 V. c. 42,
8. 240, p. 324.
Head or chairman to vote and
equality of votes to negatlv
question put, 55 V. c. 42, s. 241,
p. 324.
COVSC^hS — Continued.
Power to adjourn from time to
time, 55 V. c. 42, s. 242, p. 324.
In outlying districts— see Algoma,
COUNSEL, For plaintiffs In action
against corporation not to be
members of councils, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 77 (1), p, 275.
Employment by council at a salary,
not to affect recovery of costs,
55 V. C. 42, s. 278 (3), p. 336.
COUNTIES, How formed by proclama-
tion, and annexed or united, 55
V. c. 42, s. 35, p. 259.
Seniority of, when united, deter-
mined by situation of court-
house and gaol, 55 V. c. 42, s. 36,
p. 260.
Laws applicable to union to be
same as in counties except as
to representation and registry
laws, 55 V. c. 42, s. 37, p. 260.
After separation from union to re-
main liable for debts of union.
55 V. c. 42, s. 55, p. 260.
After dissolution of union, deben-
tures to be Issued for debts to
bind old and new municipalities,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 57, p. 267.
Collection of arrears of taxes on
non-resident lands at Incor-
poration, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 213, p.
Withdrawal of towns from, and re-
uniting towns to— see Towns (5;')
V. c. 42, ss.25, 26, pp. 255-257).
When junior county may be sep-
arated from union, and how.
constitution and powers of coun-
cil thereafter and adjustment of
assets and liabilities and other
matters consequent thereon — see
Provisional County Corpora-
tions (55 V. c. 42, ss. 38-52, pp.
"COUNTY," Meaning of, 55 V. c. 42, s.
2 (4), p. 244.
place and manner of auditing
criminal justice accounts. Rev.
Stat. c. 84, ss. 5-11, pp. 846, 847
COUNTY BOARDS, Eic— Continued.
To be appointed by county councils
and have powers formerly be-
louKin^ to Quarter Sessions, 65
V. c. 42, 8. 513, p. 448.
Remuneration of members, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 514, p. 448.
"COUNTY COUNCIL," Iiuludcs prc-
visional county council, when
used in Assessment Acts, 55 V.
.-, 4M, s. 2 (;{), p. 500.
COUNTY COUNCILS, To consist of
reeves and deputy- reeves of
townships, villages and towns,
55 V. c. 42, s. 64, p. 269.
Certificates of ele«',tion and num-
ber of voters In municipality to
be filed before member takes
his seat, 55 V. c. 42, s. 65 (1), p.
Names of voters not to be counted
more than oncii In same muni-
cipality, 55 V. c. 42, s. 65 (2), p.
Form of certificate as to election,
55 V. c. 66, p. 270.
Form of declaration as to number
of voters, 55 V. c. 42, s. 67, p.
To hold first meeting: on fourth
Tuesday in January, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 223, p. 321.
Vacancy in office of warden, how
filled, 55 V. c. 42, s. 180. p. 311.
To organize themselves by electing
a warden, 55 V. c. 42, s. 225, p.
Clerk to preside at election of
warden, 55 V. c. 42, s. 226, p.
Reeve of municipality having
greatest equalized assessment
to have casting vote, 55 V. c.
42, s. 322.
First meeting to be held at county
hall or court-house, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 228, p. 322.
Place of subsequent meetings may
be fixed by council, 55 V. c. 42
s. 229, p. 222.
May hold meeting and keep ofllccs
in a city, town or Incorporatcl
village in the county, 55 V. ''.
42, s. 230, p. l!22.
Members may receive not more
than $3 per day and five cents
per mile travelling expenses, 55
V. c. 42, s. 231, p. 322.
May vote a salary to warden, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 232, p. 3?2.
To have regulation and auditing of
all moneys in treasurer's hand.s,
55 V. c. 42. s. 267, p. 333.
May regulate time for taking as-
sessment and holding court of
Revl3ion In local municipalities,
55 V. c. 48, 8. 54, p. 588.
Equalization of assessment by — see
Equalization of Assessment.
ment in provisional counties, 55
V. c. 42, s. 46, p. 262.
Disqualified from membership in
councils, 55 V. c. 42, a. 77 (1), p.
Duties with respect to drainage
trials— see Drainage.
qualified from membership in
councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 77 (1), p.
COUNTY JUDGES, Appointment, in
provisional county, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 46, p. 262.
May suspend constables appointed
under Municipal Acts, 55 V. c.
42, s. 447, p. 389.
T', hold investigations into charges
against members and officers,
when directed by council, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 477 (1), p. 398.
Fees to be the same as on a re-
ference under Judicature Act.
55 V. 0. 42, 8. 477 (li), p. :il»s.
Appeals from county council's
equallzatk.n of assessment— see
Equalization of Assessment 55
V. c. 48. sb. 73-86, pp. 598-600).
Powers and duties, as members of
boards oi commissioners of po-
lice — see Police Commissioners.
! 'I
1 !
f il
; i:
M !'■
COUNTY JUDGE -Continued.
Appeals from court of revision to- -
see Court of Revision — Drainage.
Duties and Powers, in connec-
tion with various municipal
matters — see The Several Titles.
ty councils to provide accom-
modation for libraries of, in
court-houses, 55 V. c. 42, s. 4et;.
p. 395.
Contribution from cities and
towns, 55 V. c. 42, s. 469, p. 395.
see Police Magistrates.
COUNTY RATES, Equalization of As-
sessments and apportionment —
see Equalization of Assessment
(55 V. c. 48, ss. 78-86, pp. 598-600.
Collection of — see Rates and Taxes.
"COUNTY TOWN," To mean city, town [
or village where as&izes are
held, 55 V. c. 42, s. 2 (fi), p. 244.
death, warden may appoint
treasurer pro tern., 55 V. c. 42,
s. 250 (2), p. 327.
Moneys collected by local munici-
palities for county or Crown
purposes to be paid to, 55 V. c.
42, s. 241, p. 636.
May enforce payment by stopping
funds, by action, or by war-
rant to sheriff to levy amount
due, 55 V. c. 48, s. 244, p. 636.
COURT OF APPEAL, Appointment of
sole arbitrator by a judge of
where claim in respect of land?
taken or injured by cities of 100,-
000, does not exceed $1,000, 5r;
V. c. 42, s. 487, p. 409.
COURT-HOUSES, Rights of judge of
Exchoquer Court as to use of
Rev. Stat. c. 42, s. 3, p. 444.
Rights of judges of maritime court
as to use of, Rev. Stat. c. 43, s.
1, p. 444.
Use of, for division courts. Rev.
Stat. c. 51, s. 11, p. 542.
Any elector may complain of the
assessment of any other person,
55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (3), p. 590,
Notice to be given to person con-
cerned, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (3), p.
Clerk to post up notice of com-
plaints—particulars to be given,
55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (4), p. 590.
Appeals to be entered and heard in
the order in which they are re-
ceived, 55 V. c. 48, e. 64 (5), p.
Form of list of appeals to be posted
up by clerk, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (6),
p. 590.
Time of sittings to be advertised by
clerk, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (7), p. 590.
Clerk to leave list with each asses-
sor of the complaints respecting
his roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (8), p.
Clerk to send notice to each com-
plainant,— form, 55 V. c. 48, s.
64 (9), p. 590.
How served, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (10),
(11), p. 591.
Notices to be complei«.;^ at least six
days before sitting, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 64 (12), p. 591.
Clerk may call )n assistance In ser-
ving notices, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (13),
p. 591.
Party complaining of assessment of
personal property to make de-
claration, 55 V. c. 48, s. 74 (14),
p. 591.
Forms. 55 V. c. 48, schds. C— H, pp
640, 641.
Court may amend roll, or may take
further evidence before confirm-
ing or amending roll, 55 V. c.
48, s. 64 (14), p. 591.
Procedure In case of complaints
other than as to personal pro-
perty and income, 55 V. c. 48, s.
64 (15), p. 591.
Court to hear complainant and as-
sessors and other evidence ten-
dered, .55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (15), p.
Land values in neighborhood may
be considered, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64
(15), p. 591.
Court may reduce, or increase as-
sessment, or change it by as-
sessing the right person, 55 V. c.
48, s. 64 (15), p. 591.
Four days' notice to be given to per-
son assessed by court, 55 V. c.
48, s. 64 (15), p. 591.
When evidence to be taken on oath,.
55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (16), p. 592.
If parties fail to appear court may
proceed ex parte, 55 V. c. 48, s.
64 (17), p. 592.
Extension of time for making com-
plaints, for correction of pal-
pable errors, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 '^ S),
p. 592.
Roll to be finally revised by 1st
July, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (19), p. 592.
Exception where council authorized
to extend time for taking as-
sessment, and in the case of
Shuniah, and municipalities in
the districts, 55 V. c. 48, s. 64
(10), p. 55)2.
Power to re-open the whole ques-
tion of the assessment when
complaints madfe, 55 V. c. 48, s.
64 (20), p. 592.
Roll as revised to be valid and bind-
ing, notwithstanding errors in
it or in notice sent to persons
assessed, 55 V. c. 48, s. 65, p.
To have power to reduce or remit
taxes on vacant property, or
where person assessed too
poor to pay, or in case of
gross error, 55 V. c. 48, s. 67, p.
Apportionment of taxes unpaid and
chargeable against block which
has been subsequently sub-
divided, 57 V. c. 51, s. 3, p. 171.
Appeal from apportionment, 67 V.
c. 51, s. 3, p. 172.
Clerk to notify county, city or
town treasurer of apportion-
ment, 57 V. c. 51, s. 3, p. 172.
Treasurer to enter amount charge-
able against each lot, 57 V. c.
51, s. 3, p. 172.
Appeals to County Judge,—
Appeals to county judge, to lie
against decision of court, or re-
fusal to decide appeals, 55 V. c.
48, s.68 (1), p. 593.
Notice of appeal to be served on
clerk or assessment commis-
sioner, 55 V. c. 48, s. 68 (2), p. 593.
Exception as to time for appeal In
case of Shuniah and municipali-
ties' in the districts, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 68 (2), p. 593.
Clerk to forward list of appeals to
judge and judge to fix a day
and place of hearing, 55 V. c.
48, s. 68 (3), p. 593.
Clerk to give notice to parties ap
pealing, 55 V. c. 48, s. 68 (4), p.
Clerk to post up list of appeals, 55
V. c. 48, s. 68 (5), p. 594.
Clerk to act as clerk of the court,
55 V. c. 48, s. 68 (6), p. 594. j
Judge may hear appeals and ad- |
journ, but all appeals to be de- i
termined before 1st August —
exceptions, 55 V. c. 48, s. 68 (7),
p. 594.
Subpoenas to be issued by clerk of
county court, form of, 57 V. c.
51, s. 3, p. 172.
Roll to be produced at hearing and
alterations then made to be in-
itialed by judge, 55 V. c. 48, s.
69, p. 594.
If decision deferred clerk may make
alterations and sign same, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 69, p. 594.
Po»vers of judge as to evidence,
witnesses, production of docu-
ments, etc., 55 V. c. 48, s. 70, p.
Where question of fact involved,
new evidence may be admitted,
57 V. c. 51, s. 4, p. 172.
Proceedings, how to be styled, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 71, p. 595.
Costs to be apportioned by court
or revision or judge, and en-
forced by execution, 55 "V. c. 48,
s. 72, p. 595.
What to be chargeable, 55 V. c.
48, s. 73, p. 595.
Judges to receive same allowances
for expenses as on revision of
voters' lists, 55 V. c. 48, s. 730, p.
Decision of judge to oe final and
clerk to amend the roll accord-
ingly, 55 V. c. 48, s. 74, p. 595.
Copy of roll as finally revised to
be transmitted to county clerk,
55 V. c. 48, s. 75, p. 595.
large amounts iu-
Appeals where
volved, —
When property assessed amounts
to $50,000 or more, appeal from
court of revision to He to the
judges of the county court dis-
trict, 55 V. c. 48, s. 76 (1), p. 596.
Appellant to deposit $50 with cler«c
to pay expenses of judges, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 76 (1), p. 596.
Clerk to notify judges and send
them list of appeals, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 76 (2), p. 596.
Judge of the councy where the as-
sessment was made to fix a day
for hearing and notify clerk,
and clerk to notify other judges,
55 V. c. 48, s. 76 (1), p. 596.
In districts or provisional counties
appeal to lie to stipendiary
magistrate or jud^e of the coun-
ty to which the provisional
county or district is attached
for judicial purposes, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 76 (2), p. 596.
Sections relating to ordinary ap-
peals to county judge to ap-
ply, 55 V. c. 48, s. 76 (3), p. 597.
Where two judges hearing appeal
differ, assessment to stand con-
firmed, 55 V. c. 48, s. 76 (4), p.
Clerk to pay to judges amount cer-
tified as their expenses and re-
turn balance of deposit, 55 V. c.
4S, s. 76 (;")). p. i>97.
1! iM
I n
Foregoing provisions to apply to
property amounting to $20,000
when questions of law Involved,
55 V. c. 48, s. 76 (6), p. 597.
S*^ Mng fiiHe for Court of Appeal, —
County Judge may prepare state-
ment of facts, in any case of
general Interest, and transmit
same to Lieutenant-Governor,
who may state case and refer
same to a judge of the court
of appeal, 57 V. c. 51, s. 5, p.
Lieutenant-Governor may state
case without action by county
judge, 57 V. c. 51, s. 5, p. 173.
Judge to appoint time and place
for argument, — notice to be
given, 57 V. c. 51, s. 5, p. 173.
Judge to hear argument and cer-
tify opinion to Lieutenant-Gov-
ernor,— publication of notice, 57
V. c. 51, s. 5, p. 173.
Security for costs, 57 V. c. 51, s. 5,
p. 173.
Rolls then in course of preparation
and collections thereunder not
to be affected, 57 V. c. 51, s. 5, p.
Judge may direct notice to be given
to parties interested, 57 V. c. 51,
s. 5, p. 173.
Reference to full court, 57 V. c. 51,
s. 5, p. 173.
ApiH'iils by non-residents, —
Non-residents desiring to appeal
may petition council, and coun-
cil to hear appeal and decide
same, 55 V. c. 48, s. 77, p. 597.
Appeal to lie from councils to coun-
ty judges, as in other cases, .>5
V. c. 48, s. 77, p. 597.
Roll not to be amended when com-
plaints have already been dis-
l)i)stMl of in the sauK' manner as
in the case of residents' lands,
55 V. c. 48. s. 77, p. 297.
Council to act In hearing appeals
in respect to lands which have
been omitted from assessment
and afterwards rated, 65 V. c. 48,
s. 154, p. 516.
Appeals from drainage assess-
ments—see Drainage.
Appeals from local improvement as-
sessments — see Local Improve-
COURTS, Officers exempt from serving
In municipal councils or as of-
ficers of corporations, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 78, p. 275.
Clerks, assessors and collectors to
be deemed officers of, iu carry-
ing out provisions relating to
executions against municipali-
ties, 55 V. C. 4L, s. 429, p. 384.
County councils to provide accom-
modation, fuel, light, stationery
and furniture for, except as to
division courts, 55 V. c. 42, s.
466, p. 394.
Contributions from cities and
towns, 55 V. c. 42, s. Kd, p. 395.
Exemption of salaries of certain
officers, abolished as to appoint-
ment made since 5th March,
1880, 55 V. c. 48, s. 11, p. 566.
Appointment of officers, execution
of process, pending actions, ven-
ue, where to be held, etc., in jun-
ior county after dissolution of
union — see Provisional County
COURTYARDS, By-laws In large cities
for fixing minimum area to be
used with dwelling houses, 55 \.
c. 42, s. 5450, p. 465.
COWS, By-laws respecting the keeping
of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (45), p. 422.
CRANES, By-laws for erecting or rent-
ing, to load or unload vessels in
harbours, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (7), p.
For regulating the construction
and inspection of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 496 (9«). p. 431.
CREEKS — see Rivers, Streams and
CRIERS, By-laws for preventing the
practice of their calling on
market places, streets and va-
cant lots, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (4),
p. 441.
CRIME, Conviction of member of coun-
cil, to cause forfeiture of seat,
55 V. c. 42, s. 177, p. 310.
Duties of constables as to preven-
tion of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 443, p. 389.
Councils may offer rewards for ap-
prehension of guilty or sus-
pected persons, 55 V. c. 48, s. 481,
p. 407.
Persons convicted not qualified to
act as assessors or collectors, 55
V. c. 48, s. 12 (2), p. 566.
Persons undergoing punishment
not to be entered as manhood
suffrage voters, 55 V. c. 48, s.
146 (5), p. 571.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE,— Act respecting
fees of certain officers in the
administration of justice, Rev.
Stat. c. 83, p. 833; 54 V. c. 37, s.
1, p. 68; 56 V. c. 5, ss. 16, 17, 19,
p. 25.
Schedule of fees payable to certain
officers by county councils sub-
ject to re-imbursement by the
Province, Rev. Stat. c. 83, sched.
p. 836; 54 V. c. 37, s. 1, p. 68; 56
V. c. 5, ss. 16, 17, 19, p. 25.
Fees payable by counties except
fees for services for private
benefit of individuals, Rev. Stat.
0. 84, s. 1, p. 845.
Cost, in felonies, to be paid out ot
county funds. Rev. Stat. c. 84,
s. 2, p. 845.
, Fees for services to person charged
to be paid out of county funds,
Rev. Stat. c. 84, s. 3, p. 845.
Costs of prosecutions for misde-
meanours, how payable. Rev.
Stat. c. 84, s. 4, p. 846.
Former duties of sessions trans-
ferred to board of audit. Rev.
Stat. c. 48, s. 5, p. 846.
Accounts to be sent to the clerlt of
the peace quarterly. Rev. Stat,
c. 84, s. 6, p. 846.
How and when audited. Rev.
Stat. c. 84, s. 7, p. 846.
Duties of clerk of the peace at au-
dit. Rev. Stat. c. 84, s. 8, p. 846.
Orders or cheques given to specify
Act authorizing payment. Rev.
Stat. c. 84, s. 9, p. 847.
Items disallowed by Provincial
Treasurer may be deducted
from next accounts. Rev. Stat,
c. 84, s. 10, p. 847.
Deferring payment of doubtful
items, Rev. Stat. c. 84, s. 11, p.
Duty of treasurer. Rev. Stat. c. 84,
s. 12, p. 847.
Order of paying accounts. Rev.
Stat. c. 84, s. 12, p. 847.
Act respecting accounts payable by
the Province, Rev. Stat. c. 85,
p. 848.
Act respecting expenses of admin-
istration. Rev. Stat. c. 86, p. 852;
56 V. c. 5, s. 19, p. 26.
Act to provide for the payment of
Crown witnesses. Rev. Stat. •\
87, p. 858.
Act respecting the appropriation of
fines and forfeitures, Rev. Stat,
c. 89, p. 866.
Cities and towns to contribute to
expenses payable In first
instance by counties, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 469 (1), p. 395.
County councils to appoint boards
of audit, 55 V. c. 42, s. 513, p. 448.
Remuneration of members of
boards 55 V. c. 42, s. 514, p. 448.
CROWN, Persons in civil service ex-
empt from serving in councils
or as officers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 78, p.
Councils may purchase public works
from, and contract debts there-
for, and give security, 55 V. c.
42, s. 349, p. 359.
By-laws and securities to be
valid although no annual
rate settled, 55 V, c. 42, s.
349, p. 359.
Councils may impose rates for
payment, 55 V. c. 42, s. 350,
p. 359.
Roads laid out by, to be public
highways, 55 V. c. 42, s. 524, p.
1 ;
; 1
1. i
5 1
! f
! l-
■ 1
i f
i !
' I
; i*
i i*
■'' . (,'
1 ^1
CROWN— C'on^iHMtfrf.
Freehold In highways vested In, 55
V. c. 42, s. 525, p. 455.
Public roads and bridges vested In,
not to be Interfered with by
councils, 55 V. c. 42. s. 542, p. 464.
Rights preserved In trees, etc., on
Government load allowances, 55
V. c. 42, s. 550 (6), p. 469.
Property exempted from taxation,
55 V. c. 48, 8. 7 (1). p. 561.
Occupant to be assessed when
property not occupied in
official capacity, 55 V. c. 48.
s. 7 (2), p. 562.
Officers to be assessed for salaries
at place of residence, 55 V. c.
48, s. 38, p. 580.
May enforce responsibility of muni-
cipality for misappropriation of
moneys by treasurer, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 249, p. 637.
CROWN CLAIMS, Moneys payable to
Crown by municipalities, to be
assessed and levied In same
manner as local rates, 55 V. c.
48, s. 120, p. 608.
Rates for payment of, to be levied
in same manner as other taxes,
55 V. c. 48, s. 240, p. 635.
Moneys so collected In local muni-
cipalities to be paid over to
county treasurer, 55 V. c. 48, s.
241, p. 636.
Bonds given by collectors and •
treasurers to apply, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 242, p. 636.
Local treasurer to pay over mon-
eys within fourteen days after
return of collectors' roll, 55 V. c.
48, s. 243, p. 636.
Mode of enforcing payment by local
municipalities at Instance of
county treasurer, 55 V. c. 48, s.
244, p. 636.
Levy by sheriff, 55 V. c. 48, s. 245, p.
County, city or town treasurer to be
responsible to Crown for sums
collected, 55 V. c. 48, s. 245, p.
CROWN CLMUa-Continued.
County, city or town to be respon-
sible for Treasurer, 55 V. c. 48,
8. 247. p. 636.
Treasurer and his sureties to be re-
sponsible to county, city or
town, 55 V. c. 48, s. 248, p. 637.
CROWN LANDS, When sold, leased or
located, to be assessable from
date of sale, etc., Rev. Stat. c.
24, s. 35, p. 294.
Purchase of wet lands by town-
ships, 55 V. c. 42, s. 521 (12), p.
Annual lists of lands sold, etc., to
be sent to county treasurer,
Rev. Stat. c. 24, s. 36, p. 295; 55
V. c. 48, s. 138, p. 612.
County treasurer to forward lists
to clerks of local municlpaU-
ties, 55 V. c. 48, s. 139, p. 612.
From what period liable to taxa-
tion, 55 V. c. 48, s. 159, p. 617.
Rights of Crown not affected by
taxation, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 159, p.
Treasurer to sell for taxes only
the interest of the lessee, li-
censee or locatee, and consent
of Commissioner unnecessary,
55 V. c. 48, s. 171, p. 620.
Assessment where mortgage given
by purchaser or claim exists for
unpaid purchase money, 55 V.
, c. 48, s. 19fl, p. 573.
! Liability to sale for taxes only
in respect of the interest of
the mortgagee or purchaser,
.".."'. V. c. 48, s. 171«. p. 620.
Timber on Government road allow-
, ances, rights of licensees and
I municipalities — see Highways
(Rev. Stat. c. 28, ss. 3-9, p. 315).
CROWN WITNESSES, Act respecting
! the payment of. Rev. Stat. c. 87,
j p. 858.
! prevention of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(14). p. 417.
By-laws respecting pounds and ani-
mals running at large, etc., not
to conflict with Dominion enact-
ments, ^o V. c. 42, s. 490, p. 423.
CULVERTS, On toll roads, to be kept
in repair by municipality 55 V.
c. 42. 8. 531 (3). p. 457.
Limitation of action for dam-
ages caused by non-repair,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 531 (3), p. 457.
Powers of police trustees as to con-
struction and repair of, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 663a, p. 529.
By-laws for construction, on local
assessment plan — see Local Im-
Over • drainage works — see Ditches
and Watercourses, Drainage.
On railway lands — see Ditches and
Watercourses, Railways,
CURFEW-BELL. To be rung in cities,
towns and villages passing by-
laws for preventing children
from being on the streets after
nightfall, 56 V. c. 45, s. 31 (1),
p. 190.
may authorize head and trea-
surer to borrow necessary funds
pending collection of taxes, 56
V. c. 35, s. 10, p. 145.
Regulation of amount to be bor-
rowed, and security to be given !
therefor, 56 V. c. 35, s. 10, p. 145. |
Borrowing moneys required by pub- I
lie or high school trustees, 57
V. c. 50, s. 5, p. 167.
Moneys raised to be paid over in
monthly instalments to trea-
urer of board, 57 V. c. 50, s. 5, p.
Instruments not to be given for less
than $100 each, 55 V. c. 42, s. 414,
p. 378.
Exception as to drainage deben-
tures, 57 V. e. 56, s. 19, p. 204.
CURTILAGE, By-laws In large cities
for fixing minimum area to be
used with dwelling houses, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 545«, p. 465.
CUTTERS, By-laws for regulating
width of runners used on coun-
ty roads not to apply to, 55 V.
c. 42, R. oll(/ (1), p. 448.
DAIRY PRODUCTS, By-laws for pre-
venting forestalling, etc., of, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 503 (6), p. 441.
By-laws respecting purchases by
retail dealers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503
(7), p. 441.
DAMAGES, For expropriation or in-
Jury to lands by corporations —
see Compensation for Land«
Taken or Injured 55 V. c. 42, sa.
483-4880, pp. 407-411).
For trespass by animals— .see
DAMS, Power to construct, and im-
prove, for running electric light
machinery, 55 V. c. 42, s. 4790, p.
Council empowered to acquire title
under drainage Act for re-
moval of, when situate wlthm
tlic nitiiiWiiMility, r»7 V. c. 5(J. s.
80, p. 225.
Uonioval of, when causing obstruc-
tion to drain, ~u V. c. 56, s, 78,
1). 224.
making regulations as to, for
protection of travellers, 55 "V. c.
42, s. 550 (5), p. 469.
DEAD STOCK, While in transitu ex-
empt from taxation, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 7 (14), p. 563.
DEAF MUTES, By-laws for mainten-
ance of Indigent persons at in-
stitutions for, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 479
(12), p. 402.
DEATHS, By-laws for directing the
keeping of bills of mortality, ^5
V. c. 42, s. 496 (7), p. 431.
To be entered on assessment roll
by assessors in townships,
towns and villages, 55 V. c. 43,
s. 14 (2), (3), p.567.
Registration of — see Births, Deaths
and Marriages.
1 I
DEBENTURES, When Issued after ais-
solution of unions for debts pre-
viously contracted to bind
old and new municipalities, 55
V. c. 42, s. 57, p. 267.
Priority, when issued before 1S67,
how rates to be levied and ap-
plied in payment, 55 V. c. 42, s.
365 (1), p. 364.
Rate for sinking fund, 55 V, c. 42,
s. 365 (2), p. 364.
Lieutenant-Governor may direct
the application of sinking fund
In redemption of, 55 V. c. 42, s.
374, p. 368.
Investment of sinking fund In, 55
V. c. 42, BS. 375, 376, p. -368.
Inve.«tment of moneys set apart for
educational purposes in, 55 \.
c. 42, s. 373 (1>, p. 369.
To be under corporate seal and
sigrtd by L^iad of council, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 405, p. 376.
When issued in aid of railways
or for bonuses, and signed as di-
rected by by-law, to be valid
without other formalities,, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 406, p. 377.
To be binding on corporation, not-
withstanding informalities In
by-law, if assent of electors
given and no motion made to
quash, 55 V. c. 42, s. 407, p. 377.
When Issued before February, 1883.
and payments made thereon for
two years, not to be set aside j
on any ground, 55 V. c. 42, s. 408, |
p. 377.
When Issued for local improve-
ments, to be marked "local im-
provement debenture" and re-
fer to date and number of by-
law, 55 V. c. 42, s. 409, p. 377.
Consolidation of local improvement
debentures, mode and effect of,
55 V. c. 42, s. 409, p. 377.
By-laws to state when local im-
provement debentures Issued
thereunder are subject to con-
solidation, 55 V. c. 42, s. 409, p.
May contain provision that they
will not be transferrable except
by entry In debenture registry
book, 55 V. c. 42, s. 410, p. 378.
Form of provision, 55 V. c. 42, 8.
410, p. 378.
Debenture registry book to be kepi
and copies of certificates of
ownership, and entry of trans-
fers to be made therein, 55 V.
c. 42, B. 411, p. 378.
Authority in writing to be given
for entering transfers, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 411, p. 378.
After certificate of ownership en-
dorsed, to be transferable only
by entry authorized by the last
owner. 55 V. c. 42, s. 412, p. 378.
Not to be Issued for a less sum
than $100, 55 V. c. 42, s. 414, p.
Exception as to draiuiiKe deben-
tuifs, r»7 y. c. 5t>, H. 11), p. 204.
By-laws of county councils for
guaranteeing the payment of,
when issued by local munici-
palities, 55 V. c. 42, s. 511 (2), p.
When issued for improvements in
either county of a union to be
issued as of such county alone,
but to be under seal of union
and signed by warden, 55 V. c.
42, s. 519, p. 449.
Per.sonal property Invested In, ex-
empt from taxation, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 7 (16), p. 563.
When Issued by counties, special
provisions respecting levying
rates to pay interest not af-
fected by general Assessment
Acts, 55 V. c. 48, s. 86, p. 600.
Act respecting the registration of.
Rev. Stat. c. 186, p. 2031; 54 V. c.
43, p. 90; 55 V. c. 46, p. 557.
Short title to be The Debentures
Registration Act, Rev. Stat. c.
186, s. 1, p. 2031.
Certified copies of all by-laws un-
der which debentures are in-
tended to be issued, to be tran-
smitted to registrar. Rev. Stat,
c. 186, s. 2, p. 2031.
I f
DE BENTU UES-( oHf //M(f-/.
Not to apply Id by-laws leglstered
under Municipal Aels, f>4 V. c.
43, p. ItO: 55 V. c. 4(5, p. 557.
Form of rei:urn to be transmitted
wirh by-law, Rev. Stat. c. 18b,
sched. A, p. 2035.
Registrar to file by-lavs and keep
books with copies of the returns,
Rev. Stat. c. 186, s. 3, p. 2032.
Hesistration of namf!S of holders
of debentures, when so required.
Rev. Stat. c. 186, s. 4, p. 2032.
Annual returns of assets and lia-
bilities to be made by munici-
pal and other corporations to
Minister of Agriculture, Rev
Stat. V. 180, 8. 5, p. Ii032; 53 V. o.
12, s. 2, p. 42.
Form of return. Rev. Stat. c. 186,
sched. B., p. 2036.
Mode In which by-laws required to
be registered shall be certified
and authenticated. Rev. Stat. c.
186, s. 7, p. 2033.
By-laws, returns and books of en-
try to be open to inspection.
Rev. Stat. c. 186, s. 8, p. 2033.
Registrar's fees. Rev. Stat. c. 186,
s. 9, p. 2033.
Meaning of "final passing," as to
by-laws to be submitted to the
Lieutenant-CSovernor, Rev. Stat.
C. 186, s. 10, p. 2033.
Act not to extend to railway com-
panies or ecclesiastical corpora-
tions. Rev. Stat. c. 186, s. 11, p.
Penalty for neglect of duties Im-
posed on officers, Rev. Stat. c.
186, s. 12, p. 2034.
Debentures not to be impeachable
in hands of bona fide holder for
value without notice, Rev. Stat,
c. 186, s. 13, p. 2034.
Issue of, on credit of non-resident
land fund— see Non-Resident
Land Fund (55 V. c. 48, ss. 215-
221, pp. 631, 632).
For Local Improvements — see Local
Guaranteeing or issuing on behalf
of railways— see Railways.
Issued for cost of drainage works
— see Drainage.
DEBTS, By-laws for creating, may be
passed for any purpose within
jurisdiction of council, 55 V. c.
42, s. 340, p. 355.
By-laws to state when they are to
take effect, 55 V. c. 42, s. 340
(1), p. 355.
Unless contracted for certain
works, to be payable in twenty
years at the furthest from date
of by-law taking effect, 55 V. c.
42, s. 340 (2), p. 355.
If for railways, harbours, gas or
water-works, sewers, parks or
public school houses, to be pay-
able in thirty years at furthest
from date of by-law taking ef-
fect, 55 V. c. 42, s. 340 (2), p. 355.
When contracted for construction,
etc., of street railways, to be
payable in not more than thirty
years, 55 V. c. 42, s. 504 (14), p.
"When contracted for gas or water-
works, to be payable in not
more than thirty years nor less
than five years, 55 V. c. 42, s.
564 (13), p. 443.
By-law to settle sums to be raised
yearly for principal and inter-
est, 55 V. c. 42, s. 340 (3), p. 355.
When annual rate to begin, 57 V.
c. 50, s. 12, p. 168.
Interest on investment of sinking
fund to le estimated at not
more than five per cent, cap-
italized yearly, 55 V. c. 42, s. 340
(4), p. 355.
By-law to provide for levying an-
nual rate on all ratable pro-
perty, 55 V. c. 42, s. 340 (5), p. 356.
If for work payable by local as-
sessment, by-law to provide for
rate on property benefited, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 340 (5), p. 356.
1 'J
i \
; i
p. 368.
Council to regulate manner of
making Investments, 56 V. c. 42,
s. 375 (2), p. 368.
Sinking fund may be used In taking
up unsold debentures, 55 V. c.
42, s. 375 (3), p. 368.
Surplus moneys may be carried ♦o
credit of sinking fund and in-
vested therewith, 55 V. c. 42, s.
376. p. 368.
Income derived from works, or un-
appropriated money, or money
raised by additional rate may
be transferred to sinking fund
or applied In paying instalments
accruing due, 55 V. c. 42, a. .377,
p. 369.
Members of council not to be par-
ties to unauthorized Investments
on pain of personal liability, 5.1
V. c. 42, s. 380, p. 369.
Treasurers of municipalities in-
debted to Municipal Loan Fund
to make annual returns to Pro-
vincial Treasurer under pen-
alty of $100 for default, 55 V. c.
42, s. 381, p. 369.
i ■-
i %
I ^1"
\i ^^
DEBTS— Coutiinted
Councils to make annual returns
of particulars of corporation
debts to Minister of Agriculture
under penalty of $20 for de-
fault, 55 V. c. 42, s. 382, p. 370.
By-laws for reduction of sinking
fund, or amount required to )e
levied annually, 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (5), p. 414.
May be contracted for extension or
Improvement of gas and water-
works and street railways with
;,pproval of Lieutenant-Gover-
nor without assent of electors If
by-law passed by three-fourths
vote, 55 V. o. 42, s. 505, p. 444.
May be Incurred by townships for
purchase or drainage of wet
lands, 55 V. c. 42, s. 521 (12), p.
Anticipatory appropriations, by-
laws for maki:ig — see Anticipa-
tory Appropriations, (55 V. c. 42.
ss. 369-371. pp. 365, 366).
For improvements in united coun-
ties -see United Counties (55 V.
c. 42, ss. 515-529, p. 449).
DECLARATIONS— see Oaths and De-
DEFAULTERS' LISTS, Persons named
in, to be allowed to vote on
producing certificate of pay-
ment of taxes, 55 V. c. 42, s. 81,
p. 278.
To be prepared before nomination
and verified upon oath, showing j
persons in default for taxes in I
municipality, 55 V. c. 42, s. 119
(1), p. 289.
To show («) income voters, and (h),
where by-law has been passed,
persons voting on real estate, In
default for taxes, 55 V. c. 42, s.
119 (1), p. 289.
When municipality divided Into
polling sub-divisions lists to be I
made out for each sub-division,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 119 (2), p. 289.
Certified copies to be furnished on
application, 55 V. c. 42, s. 119 (3),
p. 290.
Names appearing In, to be omitted
from list provided where no vo-
ters' list prepared, 55 V. c. 42, s.
131 (1), p. 293.
To be delivered to deputy-return-
ing officer by clerk before poll-
ing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 132, p. 293.
To be evidence upon which deputy-
returning officer to act in ascer-
taining as to whether taxes paid
or not, 55 V. c. 42, s. 134, p. 294.
To be prepared by treasurers by
20th December when councils
have passed by-laws, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 251, p. 327.
To be prepared by collector under
oath on the 15th December
where council has required
taxes to be paid by the 14th
December, 55 V. c. 42, s. 254 (3),
p. 328.
prevent the exposure of, in
streets, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (2), p.
Disqualified from membership
In councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 77 (1),
p. 275.
see Police Magistrates 01 V. c.
29, p. 98).
DEPUTY REEVE, To be included in
the term "reeve in Municipal
Acts, except as respects the of-
fice of Justice of the peace, 55 V.
C. 42, s.2 (10), p. 244.
Office to cease upon wlthdiawal of
town from county, 55 V. c. 42, a.
25 (4), p. 256.
To file certificate of election and
declaration of number of vot-
ers before taking seat in county
council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 65, p. 270.
Form of certificate of election, 55
V. c. 42, s. 66, p. 270.
Form of declaration as to number
of voters, 55 V. c. 42, b. 67, p.
When to be elerted, in towns, 56 V.
c. 42, 8. 69, p. 271.
In villages, 55 V. c. 42, s. 70, p. 272.
In townships, 55 V. c. 42, s. 71, p.
In junior county to be ex offlrio
members of provisional county
council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 72, p. 273.
Mode of trying right to elect— sei
Controverted Elections (55 V. c.
42, ss. 187-208, pp. 312-317).
To be appointed by by-law for
respective polling places, 55 V.
c. 42, s. ft7 (1), p. 281.
To make returns to clerk as retJ^n-
ing ofHcer for whole municipal-
ity, 55 V. c. 42, s. 97 (2), p. 282.
Death or absence of, provided for,
55 V. c. 42, s. 99, p. 282.
To be conservators of the peace, SF)
V. c. 42, s. 100, p. 282.
May swear in special constables, 5r
V. c. 42, a. 101, p. 283.
Clerk to perform duties of, wli'-n
municipality not divided iiit(.
polling sub-divisions, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 98. p. 282; lb. s. 136, p. 294.
To make declaration of office, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 271«, p. 334.
l>utlos at and after poll— see Votln;.^.
DEI'l^TY SHERIFFS. Dlsquallfiod
fr^im tnenibershii^ in councils.
.% V. c. 42, s. 77 (1), p. 275.
DEIt!{TrKS, ]^y-laws for erecting or
rciitiuiu- to load or unload ves-
sels In harbours, 55 V. c. 42, s.
479 (7), p. 401.
engaged as, may be regulated
and controlled by police com-
missioners or council, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 436 (3), p. 387.
County councils to make pro-
D.M.i — r-
vision for support of, in gaols
or other places, 55 V. c. 42, s.
520, p. 449.
Examint'tlon at instance of head of
municipality. Rev. Stat. c. 245,
8. 11 (1), p. 2592.
Councils to pay e.xpense. Rev.
Stat. c. 245, s. 11 (2), p. 2592.
At I01«'<'tioiiH, —
Clerk to furnish deputy-returning
ofiicers with copies of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 126. p. 291.
Form to be posted up, 55 V. c. 42, s.
127, p. 291; 55 V. c. 42, sched. B.,
p. 537.
At voting t»n by-laws, —
To be delivered to deputy-returning
officers by clerk, 55 V. c. 42, s^
307, p. 344.
Form, 55 V. c. 42. sched. L., p. 542.
Soct'ons relating to elections to ap-
ply, 55 V. c. 42. s. 306. p. 344.
lURT, By-laws respecting tho removal
of, fi'om roofs and sidewalks,
streets and alleys, .'55 V. c. 42, s.
".Hj (25), p. 43:!; 57 V. c. 50, s. 10,
T). 168.
For directing the removal of,
from sidewalks, etc., or
charging cost of removal as a
fi'otitagi- ta.N, 55 V. c. 42, s. 6:!9
(1), p. 518.
filed within one week after serv-
ice of notice of motion on person
whose election is complained of
on other grounds than corrupt
practices, 55 V. c. 42, s. 200, p.
Or within one week after service
of writ of quo warranto, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 20!. p. 315.
Endorsement on, .55 V. c. 42, s. 202,
p. 316.
To he registered at post office where
mailed, 55 V. c. 42. s. 20.'. p.
IN It ]
May be delivered to clerk before
election complained of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 203, p. 316.
To oin.,ae as a resignation and
person receiving next highest
number of votes to take seat,
55 V. c. 42, S. 204, p. 316.
Duplicate to be delivered to clerk,
and by him communicated to
council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 205, p. 316.
To relieve from liability to costs
when filed before election com-
plained of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 204, p.
Cot-ts not to be awarded when fllel
after proceedings unless de-
fendant has consentetl to nomi-
nation or accepted office, and
then to be discretionary, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 206, p. 316.
prevent the exposure of, in
streets in order to excite char-
ity, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (2), p. 431.
suppression of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 489 (35), p. 421.
DISORDERLY PEFSO',^, Bi '^wsfor j
committal to houses of correc-
tion or Avorkhouses in cities and
towns, 55 V. c. 42, s. 462 (2), p. \
393. I
Until houses of correction estab-
lished, may be committed to
gaols, 55 V. c. 42, s. 463, p. 394.
By-laws for restraining and punish-
ing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (38), p. 421.
tw(\ from serving as miinicipiil
ooniicillors oi i)s ofKcers, 55 Y. c.
42, s. 77, p. 275.
Exemption from taxation not tn
disqualify if remaining property
liable to taxation is sufficient,
56 V. c. 35, s. 3, p. 142.
Member retaining seat in council
after, may be unseated by quo
warranto, 55 V. c. 42, s. 178, p.
Of candidate found guilty of cor-
rupt practices on quo warranto
proceedings, .'^i". V. c. 42, s. 213, p.
DISQU A I -IFIC ATION— Cniitiii iicd.
Of persons convicted of corrupt
practices, 55 V. c. 42, s. 214, p.
Judge who finds candidate guilty of
corrupt practices to report same
to clerk, 55 V. c. 42, s. 216, p.
Book to be kept by clerk shewing
names of persons found guilty,
55 V. e. 42, s. 217, p. 320.
Members of council voting for mis-
application of sinking fund, 55
V. c. 42, s. 373 (3), p. 367.
Members of council neglecting to
levy annual rate for sinking
fund, 56 V. c. 35, s. 9, p. 145.
Members, officers and employees of
council, or person.s interested
not to be appointed arbitrators,
55 V. c. 42. s. 396 (1), p. 373.
Ratepayers, except in drainage
arbitrations, not to be dis-
p. 374.
55 V. c. 42, s. 396 (2),
electors for non-payment of
taxes, by-laws for, 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (2), p. 413.
Of criminals, lunatics, and inmates
of charilable institutions from
entry as manh
V. c. 48, s. 135, p. 611.
Proceedings when there is not suffi-
cient distress on occupied
lands, 55 V. c. 48, s. 144, p. 614.
May bo Issued by county treasurer
when satisfied that there ar»
goods on the lands of non-resi-
dents, 55 V. c. 48, s. 158, p. 617.
Treasurer before effecting sale of
lands need not entiulre as to ex-
istence of distress, 55 V. c. 48, s
162, p. 618.
pointment, powers and salary
of, 54 V. c. 49, ss. 5. 6, p. 97.
DISTRICTS, Act respecting municipal
instltiitiins in, not affected I)*.-
Consolidated Municipal Act,
1892, 55 V, c. 42, s. 672, p..5:i2.
Munlclpnl Institutions in— see Al-
goma; Muskoka and Parry
By-laws for the prevention of,
55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (46«), p. 422.
DITCHES— see Drainage.
Council to remunerate clerk fur
services performed under Acts
respecting, 55 V. c. 42, s. 278 (1«).
p. 336.
Application of provisions to piunlci-
pallties until they have passed
by-laws for regulating division
fences, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (i3), p..
Provisions respecting, not affected
by powers as to extension of
sewers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 492 (2), p.
Act respecting, 57 V. c. 55, p. 178.
Short title, 57 V. c. 55, s. 1, p. 178.
Municipal and government works
not affected, 57 V. c. 55, s. 2, p.
Interpretation, 57 V. c. 55, s. 3, p
Every council to appoint engineer
by by-law, 57 V. c. 55, s. 4 (1), p.
Form of by-law, 57 V. c.
Sched. Form A., p. 191.
I'l'ovlsion to be made by by-law for
remuneration of clerk and en-
gini'or, .'>7 V. c. 55, s. 4 (2\ p. 17'.".
Oath to be taken by engineer, 57 V,
c. 55, s. 4 (3). p. 179.
Ditch to be constructed tn outlet.
')~ V. c. 55, s. 5 (1), p. 179.
Work must not be carried into more
than seven lots, 57 V. c. 55, s. 5
(1). p. 179,
When council may extend limit,
57 V. c. 55, s. 5 (1), p. 179.
AVork not to exceed $1,000 in cost, 57
V. c. 55, s. 5 (2), p. 180.
Lands lying within seventy-flve
rods to be liable for construc-
tion, 57 V. c. 55, s. 6 (1), p. 180.
Certain lands not liable except
where directly benefited,, 57 V.
c. 55, s. t> (1), \>. ISO.
: i
Extension of limit to one hundred
rods In counties east of Fron-
tenac, 57 V. c. 55, s. 6 (2), p.
Declaration of ownership to be
filed before commencing pro-
ceedings, 57 v. c. 55, s. 7, p. 180.
Form of declaration, 57 V. c. 55, I
Sched. Form B., p. 192. j
Owner taking proceedings to notify \
other owners affected to meet
and agree, 57 V. c. 55, s. 8, p. 180.
Form of notice, 57 V. c. 55, Sched.
Form C, p. 192.
Agreement, if arrived at, to be re-
duced to writing and filed with
clerk, 57 V. c. 55, s. 9 (1), p. 180.
Form of agreement, 57 V. c. 55,
Sched. Form D., p. 193.
When lands lie In more than om-
municipality, 57 V. c. 55, s. 9
(1), p. 180.
Mode of enforcing agreement, 5';
V. c. 55, s. 9 (1), p. 180.
Municipality to keep printed forms
for use, 57 V. c. 55, s. 9 (2), p. 181.
Informalities in calling meeting oi-
in proceedings Ihereat not to
render steps taken invalid, 57 V.
c. 55, s. 10, p. 181.
Amendment of agreement, 57 V.
c. 55, s. 10, p. 181.
Adjourning meeting for purpose of
adding parties, 57 V. c. 55, s. li.
p. 181.
Head of council may sign agree-
ment for municipality, 57 V. c.
55, s. 12, p. 181.
Requisition for sending on engineei-.
if no agreement arrived at, 67
V. c. 55, s. 13, p. 181.
Form of requisition, 57 V. c. 65.
Sched. Form E., p. 194.
Clerk to notify engineei and en-
gineer to appoint time and place
for attendance and examina-
tion, 57 V. c 55, s. 14, p. 181.
Clerk to file notice of appointment
and send copy to person com-
menclng proceedings, 57 V. c. 55.
s. 14, p. 181.
Service of notice of appointment
on other owners interested, 57
V. c. 55, s. 14, p. 181.
Form of notice, 57 V. c. 55, Sched.
Form F., p. 194.
Notice after service to be left
with engineer, 57 V. c. 55, s. 14,
p. 181.
Mode of serving notices required
by Act, 57 V. c. 55, s. 15 (1), p.
Occupant when served to notify
owner, 57 V. c. 55, s. 15 (2), p.
Examination of locality by engi-
neer,57 V. c. 55, s. 16 (1), p. 182.
Taking evidence, .57 V. c. 55, s. 16
(1), p. 182.
Adjournment of proceedings to
permit notice to be given to
persons not already served, 57
V. c. 55, s. 16 (1), p. 182.
Power to adjourn examination, 57
V. c. 55, s. 16 (2), p. 182.
Award to be made within thirty
days, 57 V. c. 55, s. 16 (2), p. 182.
Form of award, 57 V. c. 55, Sched.
Form G., p. 195.
Each owner as far as practicable
to do work on his own land,
57 V. c. 55, s. 16 (2). p. 182.
If ditch to be covered award to
specify material, 57 V. c. 55, s.
16 (3), p. 183.
Power to direct the opening of
ditch across lands not bene-
fited, 57 V. c. 55, s. 17, p. 183.
Award and plans to be filed with
clerk or clerks, 57 V. c. 55, s
18, p. 183.
Notice of filing and of amount re-
quired to be done or contri-
buted, 57 V. c. 55, s. 18, p. 183.
Engineer may continue work into
other municipalities, subject to
limits as to length and value,
57 V. c. 55, H. 19, p. 183.
Certificates as to lands and roads
affected to be transmitted to
clerk of ench municipality, 57
V. c. 55, B. 20, p. 183.
Council and railway company may
agree as to construction of work
on lands of railway by company
and payment by municipality,
57 V. c. 55, 8. 21, (1), p. 184.
Assessment of cost on lands men-
tioned in the award, 57 V. c.
55, s. 21 (1), p. 184,
Assent to be obtained in writing
of two-thlids of owners liable
to assessment, 57 V. c. 55, s.
21 (2), p. 184.
Cost of work to be exclusive of
limit of $1,000, 57 V. c. 55, s. 21
(3), p. 184.
Appeals f/om award to county
judge, — time for appealing, 57 V.
c. 55, s. 22 (1), p. 184.
Notice in writing to be served
upon clerk, 57 V. c. 55, s. 22 (2),
p. 184.
Clerk to notify judge and judge
to tlx time and place for heat-
ing, 57 V. c. 65, s. 22 (3), p.
Judge may order deposit to be
made for costs, 57 V. c. 55, s.
22 (3), p. 185.
Clerk to notify engineer and
owners of time and place for
hearing, 57 V. c. 55, s. 22 (3),
p. 185.
Appellant may have locality in-
spected by another engineer,
57 V. c. 55, s. 22 (4), p. 185.
Clerk to be clerk of the court, 57
V. c. 55, s. 22 (5), p. 185.
Judye to hear and determine
within two months, 57 V. c. 55,
s. 22 (6), p. 185.
Powers of judge as to setting
aside, altering or affirming
award, taking evidence and
inspecting premises, 57 V. c.
55. s. '?2 (7), p. 185.
Costs, how to be disposed of, 57
V. c. 55, s. 22 (7), p. 185.
Engineer guilty of misconduct
may be deprived of his fees,
.".7 V. c. 55, s. 22 (8), p. 185.
Foes and disbursements of judge,
57 V. c. 55, 8. 22 (9), p. 185.
A /ard as affirmed or amended to
be certified by clerk 57 V. c.
55, s. 22 (10), p. 186.
Enforcing award as amended, 67
V. c. 55 s. 22 (10), p, 186.
Clerks of other municipalities and
owners to be notified of
changes, 57 V. c. 55, s. 22 (10),
p. 186.
Awards not to be set aside for
want of form only, but to be
amended or referred back, 57
V. c. 55, 8. 23, p. 186.
When to be binding notwithstand-
ing defects, 57 V. c. 55, s. 24, p.
Powers of judge as to taking evid-
ence, and compelling attend-
ance of witnesses, 57 V. c. 65,
s. 25, p. 186.
Clerk to have like powers as clerk
of division court as to Issuing
subpoenas, 57 V. c. 55, s. 26 (1),
p. 186.
Fees of witnesses to be as In di-
vision court, 57 V. c. 55, s. 26
(2), p. 186.
Municipality to pay charges of
engineer and judge and col-
lect same from persons liable,
57 V. c. 55, 8. 27, p. 186.
Engineer to lns{)ect work on expiry
of time limited by award, 57 V.
c. 55, s. 28 (1), p. 187.
Letting work to lowest bidder if
not completed within time
limited, 57 V. c. 55. s. 28 (1), p.
Security to be given by contract-
or, 5Y V. c. 55. s. 28 (1). p. 187.
Four clear days notice to Im>
posted up and sent by regls-
teied letter to non-resident
owners before letting. 57 V. c.
55. s. 28 (1). p. 187.
Engineer may extend time f^r
compliance. 57 V. c. 55, s. 28
(2), p. 187.
O'vner in default, doing work af-
ter proceedings to let, to be
liable for charges. 57 V. c. 5i,
s. 28 (.1). p. 187.
I! I
' . ,
I 1
i *
.-. *
Work may be re-let until com-
pleted. 57 V. c. 55, s. 28 (4), p.
EiiRineer to Inspect work on com-
pletion and certify amount
due, to contractors, 67 V. c. 55,
s. 29, p. 187.
Form of certificate, 57 V. c. 55,
Sched. Form H., p. 196.
Council to pay contractor and
collect amount from owners
liable, 57 V. c. 55, s. 30, p. 188.
Uock-cuttinK or blasting may be
let out to contract by engineer,
57 V. c. 55, s. 31 (1), p. 188.
Award to fix fractional part of
cost to lie borne by each own-
er, 57 V. c. 55, s. 31 (2), p. 188.
Collection of amounts due from
owners, 57 V. c. 55, s. 31 (1), p.
Council to pay contractor and en-
gineer, 57 V. c. 55, s. 31 (2) p.
Owner desiring to use ditch after
construction to drain other
lands, to take proceedings as
for construction, 57 V. c. 55, s.
32, p. 188.
Proceedings for deepening, widen-
ing or covering existing ditch
to be the same as for construc-
tion, 57 V. c. 55, s. 33, p. 189.
When ditch may be covered, 57 V.
c. 55, s. 33, p. 189.
Miiintt iKiiicc of ditch to bo in the
proportions fixed by the original
or any subsequent award, 57 V.
c. .^S, s. 34, p. 189.
Notice to owner making r'efault
to repair within thirty days, 57
V. c. 55, s. 35 (1), p. 189.
If work not done complainant to
notify engineer, 57 V. c. 55, s.
35 (1), p. 189.
Proceedings for inspection, etc.,
to be the same as on non-
completion of work on con-
struction, 57 V. c. 55, s. 35 (2),
p. 189.
p. 401.
DOCKS- («/WiMMf«/.
Ki»r compelling the removal ol
obstructiuns from, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 43B (1'6), p. 433.
When vested in Dominion not to be
interfered with by by-laws
without consent of Government,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 543, p. 464.
D0CI;MKNTS, in possession of clerk to
be open to inspection, 55 V. c.
42, s. 247 (1), p. 326.
Copies to be furnished by cleric on
payment of fee, 65 V. c. 42, s.
247 (1), p. 325.
Aflf.r original produced, copy cer-
tified under corporate seal may
be filed as evidence, 66 V. c. 42,
s. 247 (2), p. 325.
Clfiks fees I'ur copying to be fixed
by by-law. 55 Y. c. 42, a. 278 (lb),
p. 336.
l>OGS, By-laws reyulating; the running
at large •>!', and Imposing a tax
on keepers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (15),
p. 417.
I'Vjr klllliif,' or impounding and
Helling when running at large
«'(tnlr;ny to regulation, 65 V. c.
42, s. 489 (Ifi), p. 417; 66 V. c. 35,
s. 17, p. 147.
I'or appointment of inspectors of
sheep worried or killed by, 55
V. c. 42, s. 479 (2), p. 400; 56
V. c. 35, s. 12, p. 146.
Entry to be made on a.sse.ssment
roll agair^Ht namt' of owner, 55
V. c. 48. s. 14 (3), p. 568.
.\ct to Impose a tax on, and for the
protection of sheep, Rev. Stat,
c. 214, p. 2335; 53 V. c. 62, p. 142;
55 V. c. 55, p. 659; 56 V. c. 46,
p. 191.
Annual tax, 53 V. c. 62, s. 1. p. 142.
Owners of kennels it>glstered In
"Kennel Register." may pay $10
on kennel In lieu of tax, 53 V.
c. 62, s. 1, p. 142.
Council on petition of twenty-flve
ratepayers may declare that tax
shall not be levied, 63 V. c. 62,
s. 2, p. 143.
Duty of assessors as to enterina
dogs on roll. Rev. Stat. c. 214,
8. 3, p. 2336.
Owner to give particulars to as-
sessor, Rev. Stat. c. 214, s. 4, p.
2336; 53 V. c. 62, s. 3, p. 143.
Entry of tax on collector's roll. Rev.
Stat. c. 214, 8. 5, p. 2336; 53 V. c.
(;2, 8. 3, p. 143.
Failure to collect; requiring dogs
to be destroyed. Rev. Stat. c.
214, 8. 6, p. 2336; 53 V. c. 62, B. 5,
p. 143; 66 V. c. 46, s. 1, p. 191.
Formation of fund for damages,
application of tax, Rev. Stat. c.
214, s. 7, p. 2336.
Application of tax where council
does not wish to apply procee''l
DOGH (•ontiiiiinl
Dogs known to worry aheep to bf
killed by owner on notice, Key.
Stat. c. 214. 8. 16, p. 2a:{9.
Penalty, Rev. Stat. c. 214, s. 1«. j).
Wlu-n penalties not to be in-
loreed, lie v. Stat. c. 214, 8. Ui,
p. 2339.
Conviction, but distress insulllcieiu,
Rev. Stat. c. 214. s. 17, p. J:i40;
53 V. c. 62, 8. 7, p. 143.
When owner of dog is unknown.
Rev. Stat. c. 214. s. 18. p. 2340.
Claims when paid by munloipaiily
to belong to it. Rev. Stai. e.
214. 8. 19, p. 2;;4U.
When owner of sheep not to be com-
pensated, liev. Slat. c. 214, 8. 20.
1). 2340.
Llabilily of do^ owner to sheep
DU'iicr wlu'ie lux not iinjiosed,
Rev. Stilt, c. 214, 8. 21, p. 2310;
53 V. f. 62, s. 8, p. 144.
Dogs; Pounds.
speiliuK iMteHiKeiice ot'iees, 55
C. 42, s. 479 (24)-(28). p. 405.
reiiulred to by-laws interfering
with Dominion lands and public
works. 55 V. c. 42. s. 543. p. 405.
DOORS. By-laws for regulating, in
churches, theatres, hcUels. etc.. '
55 V. c. 42. s. 479 (16). p. 403.
Af't respecting egress from pul>lic
buildings— see Public Buildings
(Rev. Stat. c. 210 p. 2.124).
DOOR-STF]PS. By-laws for removal of,
when obstructing wharves, etc..
55 V. c. 42. s. 479 (5). p. 401. |
H.v-lavvs for removal of. when ju'o- '
Jecting into a public way, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 496 (28), p. 434.
County by-laws for making anJ
keeping open, t>5 V. c. 42, s. 56G
(4). p. 476.
Act • respecting — see Snow Roads
(Rev. Stat. c. 197. p. 2231).
DOWER, Lands dedicated for high-
ways to be free from claim of
wife of person dedicating, 56 V.
c. 42, s. 527f/, p. 46B.
.MiscelliincoMs Provisions.—
Time williln which arbitrator to be
api)ointed by municipality af-
ter receiving notice, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 390, p. 37:;.
Ratepayers in municipalities in-
terested, not to be appointed,
55 V. c. 42, s. 396 (2), p. 374.
Award to be made in tripiicute and
be tiled with ch rks, and regis-
tered. 55 V. c. 42 8. ;^9S. p. 374.
protection of
42, 8. 479 (4), p.
Hy-laws lor the
tiraiii.s, 55 V. c.
Por rtniuving obstructions from
draiiis. 55 V. c. 42, 8. 479 (5), p.
Foi- opening, cl( sing, improving,
etc., drains tmd water courses,
and aciiulring land therefor,
55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (5), p. 403.
I'.ir ((iniiieiliii^' erection of v.attr-
gales upon drains where'l by fences, and pre-
venting i)l)Struction, 55 V. c.
42, s. 4S9 (ai). n. 418.
For compelling removal of ob-
structions by persons respon-
sible, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (26), p.
p. 433.
sewer rents Hiul
mode of piiying
c. 42, s. 496 (34), p.
Fur chi.rging
same, 55 V
For acquiring lands in adjoining
municipality when necessary,
55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (35). p. 435.
Consent of . municipality In
wiiicli iiiiids iirc situnti' to
be first obtained, 55 V. c.
42. 8. 496 (35), p. 435.
Respecting the cleaning and
draining of cellars, sinks, wa-
ter closets, etc.. 55 V. c. 42. s.
483 (47), p. 422.
Respecting the clearing and
draining of vacant lots, pri-
vate drains, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (48). p. 4;:2.
DRAINACn-: Conthnml.
Kur making ivKultitlons as t<»,
wln'ii macssiiry fur sanitary
purposefl, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (4!t),
p. 422.
For borrowing money for pur-
poses of tile, stone and tim-
ber drainage, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 509
(1). p. 446.
Extension of newer by townnhlp,
city, town oi- incorporated vil-
lage Into adjoining municipality,
r.5 V. c. 42, 8. 4J2, p. 424.
Wet liindB purchased by town-
ships — power to raise or appro-
priate funtls for draining, 55 V.
c. 42, s. .'.Jl (12), p. 452.
Powers of jiollce trustees as to con-
Mtractlon and repair, 55 V. c. 42,
s MVMt, p. 529.
Removal of stones, etc., from beds
of streams to injury of drains,
etc., prohiblletl, 55 V. c. 23, s. 1,
p. 156.
Submission of plans of sewerage
system for approval of Provin-
cial Boaro of Health, Fiev. Stat,
c. 205, s. 30. p. 22(17.
Works constructed under Tile,
Stone and Timber Drainage Act
— see Tile, Stone and Timber
Drainage (Rev. Stat. c. 38, p.
390; 53 V. c. 11. p. 42).
Mode of assessing costs when sevv-
eis, etc., constructed under lo-
cal Improvement by-laws — see
Local Improvements.
Act to conhomdaik ask amknu tiik
Drainaok Ltws, nl V. c. ^^^y, p. 11)7.
Short title, 57 V. c. .'')«, s. 1. p. 197.
Interpretation, 57 V. c. 56, s. 2, p.
Initiation of procee(lin;:s, —
What work may be undertaken, 57
V. c. 56, s. 3 (1), p. 198.
On petition of majority of resident
and non-resident owners within
area described, council to order
examination, report and assess-
ment by engineer or surveyor,
'u V. c. 56, s. 3 (1), p. 19?,
When pumping nr embanking
wj'rks required, petition to be
DUAINACil — Cull I i mini
signed by two-thirds of own-
ers, 57 V. c. 66. H. 3 (2), p. 198.
Wlien wiiter caused to How
upon and Injure lands, lands
from which it is caused to
flow to be assessed for "injur-
ing liability," 57 V. c. 66, s. 3 (3).
p. 198.
Owntu-H of lands so assessed not
to count for or against peti-
tion, 57 V. c. 56 8. 3 (3), p. 199.
When work will provide outlet or
Improved outl«t for other lands,
such lands to be assessed for
"outlet liability," 57 V. c. 66, s.
3 (4). p. 199.
Owners of hindt" so assessed not
to count for or against peti-
tion, 57 V. c. 56, 8. 3 (4), p. 19it.
Form of petition, 57 V. c. 56, s. 4, p.
Engineer— Examination and Report,
Oath to be taken by engineer or
surveyor before entering on his
duties 57 V. c. 56. s. 6, p. 200.
Assessment — may be placed on
whole lot or subdivision Instead
of only on part affected, 57 V. c.
56, s. 6, p. 200.
Amount of assessment may be de-
signiiied in money, 57 V. c. 56, s.
7, p. 200.
Plans, etc., to be prepared If re-
(lulred by council and Included
In cost of work. 57 V. c. 56, s. 8,
p. 200.
lleport to prf)vide for construction
of bridges and culverts on high-
ways and apportion cost, 57 V.
c. 56, s. 9 (1), p. 201.
llriilges ro(iuire7 V. c. 56, s. 9 (3),
f I
' ; i'
' *.
i ■ I
^ 1
THi-: MirNiciPAL inukx.
DUAINAGE < i.nHinud.
Neither drHlimK>-' wi)rk nor munl-
clpaltty to be liable for main-
tenance, &7 V. i;. 56, 8. a (3), p.
i'rlvate or award drahiH Incorpor-
altMl In till' drainage work to be
allowed for, In report, 07 V. c.
C6, H. » (4), p. 201.
lleport to delfrinhu- manner of dlH-
poHlnfi; of nialerliil taken from
drain, an («). p. 201.
Decision of referee to be llnal, 5"
v. c. 5t;, s. it (6), p. 201.
Cost of spreading earth and remov-
ing timber on road allowances
to be included in the report and
to be borne by municipality, 57
V. c. 56. 8. 10, p. 202.
C(»vering drain, — particulars to be
given in report, 57 V. c. 56, s. 11,
p. 202.
When drain may not bo covered,
57 V. c. r.ij. s. 11, p. :<02.
Different classes of assessment to
be distinguished in report, 57 \'.
c. 56, 8. 12, p. 202.
Pi'ior assessments may be consid-
eied find allowance made there-
for to be stated in report, 57 V.
c. 56, s. 13, p. 202.
Report to state whether cost to be
borne solely by the municipal-
ity sending on engineer or by
several municipalities, 57 V. c.
56, 8. 14, p. 202.
Report, plans, etc., when com-
pleted to be filed with clerk of
municipality, 57 V. c. 56, s. 15, p.
Consideration of report — Withdrawals
from petition, —
Clerk to give notice to all parties
assessed of particulars of as-
sessment and date of meeting
miAiaXUV:- Vuntiniinl.
to consider report, 67 V. c. 66, •.
16, p. 203.
Council to cause clerk to read re-
port, etc., to those present, at
meeting, 57 V. c. 56, b. 17, p. 203.
Opportunity to be given to with-
draw from petition, B7 V. c. 56,
H, 17. p. 203.
Withdrawals to be In writing and
to be llled, 57 V. c. 56, a. 17, p.
New signatures may be added to
petition, 57 V. c. 56, 8. 17, p. 203.
If number of signatures sufflclent
at close of meeting, report may
be adopted, 57 V. c. 56, 8. 18, p.
After adoption no one to be per-
mlttetl to withdraw, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 18, p. 203.
If number of remaining names not
sudlcient, liability of persons
withdrawing and other origi-
nal petitioners, for expenses, 67
V. c. 56, 8. 18, p. 203.
May be passed by council If of opin-
ion that work desirable, 57 V. c.
.56, 8. 19, p. 204.
For providing for work being
done, 57 V. c. 56, 8. 19 (1). p. 204.
For borrowing necessary funds
to defray the cost of doingr the
work or the municipality's
share thereof, 57 V. c. 56, s. 19
(2), p. 204.
For assessing and levying special
rate on lands and roads bene-
fited, 67 V. c. 56, B. 19 (3), p. 204.
For fixing time for paying assess-
ments. 57 V. c. 56 8. 19 (4). p.
For determining property bene-
fited, 57 V. c. 56, 8. 19 (6). p. 204
Form of drainage by-law, 57 V. c.
56. 8. 20, p. 205.
Publication of by-law once a week
for four successive weeks in
newspaper designated by coun-
cil, 57 V. c. 56. s. 21 (1), p. 207.
Notices to be appended, 57 V. c.
56, 8. 21 (1), p. 207.
DHAINAOE Continued.
PubllHher to Ht-nd copies of first
two iHsui'H to iKhlresses of all
persiiiis'Bsoil, 57 V. c. 56, s.
21 (2), |). 207.
Cdiiticil tnay dlrert service of by
li(W and notices In lieu of
publication, 57 V. c. 56, s. 22, p.
Mode of Mervlce, 57 V. c. 56, 8. 22.
p. 207.
Statutory declaration to be made
by pcirton effectluK Hervlces.
57 \'. c. 56. 8. 22, p. 208.
If not (luashed within time llmltet'
by-law to be valid, 57 V. c. 5(1,
. 8. 23. p. 208.
<'ourt ot Ucvision. —
Council of not more than five mem-
bers to be, 57 V. c. 56, s. 24, p.
Council consisting of more than five
members to appoint tlve to act,
57 V. c. 56, 8. 25, p. 208.
Oath to be taken by persons ap-
pointed, 57 V. c. r)6, s. 26, p. 208.
Three to constitute a quorum, 57 V.
c. 56, s. 27, p. 208.
Majority to decide questions aris-
ing, 57 V. c. .56, s. 27, p. 208.
Members not to hear appeals in
which they are Interested, 57
V. c. 56, s. 27, p. 208.
Clerk of municipality to act as
clerk and summon witnesses, 57
V. c. .56, s. 28 (1), p. 20!).
Form of summons, 57 V. c. 56, s.
28 (2). p. 209.
Witness fees to be on division court
scale, 57 V. c. 56, s. 28 (3), p. 20:i.
Power to meet and adjourn from
time to time, 57 V. c. 56, s. 29.
p. 209.
Taking evidence on oath, 57 V. c.
56. s. .SO. p. 209.
Penalty for witness falling to at-
tend, 57 V. c. 56, s, 31, p. 209.
Notice of appeal,— who may give.
57 V. c. 56, s. 32, p. 209.
Time for holding court.— notice to
be given, 57 V. c. 56, s. 33, p. 210 !
DRAIN At} K ('oiitLiiucd.
Time for giving notice of appeal, 57
V. c. 56, 8. 33, p. 210.
Form of notice of complaint to be
given to person Interested, 57 V.
c. 56, B. 34, p. 210.
Service of notice, 67 V. c. 56, s. 35,
p. 210.
List of appeals to be made by clerk,
— appeals to be taken up In their
order, 57 V. c. 56, s. 36, p. 210.
Form of list, 57 V. c. 56, 8. 37, p.
Court may take into consideration
prior as.'^essments, 57 V. c. 56, s.
38. p. 211.
Adjournment In order that notice
may be given to persons af-
fected by alteration of assess-
ments. 57 V. c. 56, s. 39, p. 211.
Clerk to notify appellants of result
of appeal and date of closing
court, 57 V. c. 56, s. 40, p. 211.
Appeals to county judge,— when to
lie, 57 V. c. 56, s. 41, p. 211.
Notice to be filed within ten days
after closing of court, 67 V. c.
.56. s. 42, p. 212.
Clerk to notify judge, and judge
to fix time and place for hear-
ing, 57 V. c. .56, s. 43, p. 212.
Notice to be given to persons ap-
pealed against, 57 V. c. 56, s.
44, p. 212.
When judgement to be given, 57
V. c. 56. n. 45, p. 212.
Clerk of municipality to act as
clerk and issue subpoenas to
witnesses, 57 V. c. 56, s. 46 (1),
p. 212.
Witness f".)^-. 57 V. c. !>6. s. 46 (2),
p. 212.
Powers of judge on appeal, 57 V.
c. 56. s. 47, p. 212.
Costs to be apportioned by judge
and enforced by distress or
execution, .57 "V. c. 56. s. 48, p.
What costs may be awarded, —
taxation, 57 V. c. 56, s. 49, p.
Fees and expenses of judge, 57 V.
c. 56, s. 50, p. 213.
DRAIN A( Hi- Continiivtl.
Decision of judge to be final, F)7
V, c. 56, 8. 51, p. -lU.
Clerk to alter assessments con-
formably with result of ap-
peals, and by-law tf) be
amended accordlnxly, 57 V. c.
56, s. 52, p. 21C.
May be Issued for amounts not less
than $50, 57 V. c. 56. s. 19 (2), p.
Principal and interest may be in-
cluded in one sum, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 53, p. 213.
When assos.snuMit paid before de-
bentures issued, amount of de-
bentures to be reduced, .^iT V. c.
56, s. 54, p. 213.
Informalities not to Invalidate, 57
V. c. 56, s. .")5, p. 214.
When no application made to quash
by-law, debentures to be valid
to extent of amount advanced,
57 V. c. 5G, 8. 56, p. 214.
Work not continued Into another
What lands may be assessed for
work not continued Into a
;:yunici|)a».ry, other tiitiii tli<'
initiiitinp niunicipniity, HT V. t.
."iij. s. ."(7 ( 1 1, p. lilt.
Work not to be deemed to be con-
llnu('y re.'ison of its beini? construct-
ed on I'ond fonniti^T boinidary
lin« r.7 V. c. ^6, s. 57 (2). j), 214.
Conv.tiiictloii of diain on towr line.
— huw ccist to be borne, '',1 V. c.
r,G, s. 58. p. 214.
Wnrjt continued into another munlcl-
JMllilV. —
Ennineci" riiiiy continue work to n
siifliciciit outlet rctfiirdless of
municipiil boundaries, 57 V. c.
.16. s. .'.;). p. 214.
Report to coiitnin separate estimnto
of COS. of work in each mtmici
pality r^^ V. c. 56, s. 59, p. 215.
NelKhboiM-lr k municipalities mny
lie '. hiTfrei' if lands or roads
DRAINAGK- i-oiiliniud.
therein benefited althouwh drain
does not enter them, 57 V. c. 56.
8. 60, p. 215.
Settling assessments between munlci-
palilies, —
Council of Inltatlng municipality
to serve head of municipality
benefited with report, plans, etc.,
57 V. c. 56, s. 61, p. 215.
Municipality served to raise and
pay over necessary amount
within four months, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 62, p. 215.
Court of revision for settling as-
sessments on ratepayers, 57 V.
c. 56, s. 62, p. 216.
Appeal to referee, notice to be given
within thirty days from service
of by-law, 57 V. c. 56, s. 63 (.),
p. 216.
Cirounds of appeal when assess-
ment a?^ainst appealing munici-
pality exceeds $1,000 or the esti-
mated cost of the work in the
Inltijitlng munlclpollty, 57 V. c.
r.6, s. 63 (2). p. 216.
In rases not otherwise provided
for, r)7 V. c. 56, s. 63 (2), p. 216
What order may be made by re-
feree on ai)peal, 57 V. c. 56, s. 61
(1). p. 216.
i Appeal to lie to court of appeal
I whose decision shall be final.
! 57 V. c. 56, s. 64 (2), p. 217.
j Initiating ininiicipiilily mny abiiii-
i don work after determination
! of appeal, 57 V. c. 56. s. 64 (3), p.
i 217.
.XsseHsnieiit for cut off,—
I Lands or roads from which water
I cut off may be assessed for
I benv?Pt, 57 V. c. 56, s. C.'S, p. 217.
.*. nicndiu^r Hy-I'i^'.—
: By-law which has been acted upon,
I and which does not piovide suf-
ficient funds may h*.-. amended
anil further debentures issued,
67 V. c. 56, s. 66 (1), p. 217.
' Where liiiids mid mnds in iinothci-
i municipality are assessed fo'"
, work. r>7 V. c. 56. s. 66 (2), p. 217.
DRAINAGE- Conthninl.
App-^al to referee. 57 V. c. 56, 8. 6'j
(2), p. 217.
By-law providing more than suf- ;
ficlent funds, to be amended and
surplus distributed, 57 V. c. 56.
s. 66 (3), p. 217.
I'ubllcatlon of amending by-law,
57 V. c. 56, s. 67, p. 218.
Ajiiilicatlon of provisions as to pur-
chase of debentures by Gov-
ernment, 57 V. c. 56, s. 67, p. 218.
Mnintenniicf of Work, —
Work not continued into another
municipality to be maintained
■ by initiating municipality at ex-
pense of lands and rtjads liable
to jisscsxiui'iit for cdiistnn-d)!!!.
!is (Irtcnniiicd liy report, niilli j
varied by new I'eport, 57 V. c. j
r)fi. s. 68, p. 218. I
Work continued into another muni- ,
cipality to be maintained by in- j
itiating municipfiity from point j
of commencement to point at
whirli it enters another munlci- \
jiality, and by every other muni- j
cipality from the point at which
it enters such municipality to I
tlie jioint at which it enters an- i
other municipality or to the out- ,
let as the case may be, 57 V. c. I
■"ifi, s. 69, p. 219. I
(lovornnuMit or county drains not I
extcndiuK beyond one munici- '
pality to l)e maintained by such j
municipality, 57 V. c. 56, £?. 70,
(1), p. 219. I
When continued beyond the lim-
its of one municipality, 57 V. I
c. 56, s. 70 (2). p. 219. I
Work commencing on road al- !
lovvance betwetn two munici- i
pallties, 57 V. c. 56, s. 70 C'.), p. :
220. I
Municipality undertaking rei)airs i
to serve head of eveiy mmdcl- j
pality liable to contribute with i
copy of by-law, 57 V. c. 5fi, s. 71
(1), p. 220.
Api)eal from by-law, 57 V. c. 56, s.
71 (1), p. 220.
Council served to raise and pay |
over amount reciuired within I
DRAINAGK— ' o;(/(»iHcd.
four months, 57 V. c. 56, s. 71
(2). p. 221.
Assessments may be varied from
time to time on report of en-
gineer or surveyor, 57 V. c. 66,
s. 72 (1), p. 221.
Proceedings oii report, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 72 (2), p. 221.
Appeal from report to referee, 57
V. c. 56, S. 72 (3), p. 221.
Appeal by owners to court of re-
vision, 57 V. c. 56, s. 72 (4), p.
Power to compel repairs by muni-
cipality — by mandamus, 57 V. c.
.=56, s. 73, p. 221.
Application to referee to set aside
notice to repair, .'J7 V. c. 56, s.
73 («), p. 222.
Notice given without cause, party
givir< CO pay costs of appeal
to rf feree, 57 V. c. 56, s. 73 (6),
p. 21:2.
Costs payable by municipality to
be paid out of general funds,
57 V. c. .56, s. 73 (r), p. 222.
Appeal from referee to court of
appeal, 57 V. c. 56, s. 73 (d), p.
Powers of court of appeal, .57 V. c.
56, S. 73 (f), p. 222.
Thirty days notice of motion for
mandamus to be given to
municipality, m Y. c. 56, s. 73
(/■), p. 222.,
Repairing without report,— limit of
cost of work, .57 V. c. .56, s. 7!. p.
RpT ailing upon report of engineer, —
proceedings to be the same as
on construction, but without pe-
tition, 57 V. c. 56, s. 75, p. 223.
Work constructed ont of general
funds, or under illegal by-la. .•.
to be repaired on report of engi-
neer, 57 V. c. 56, s. 7,5, p. 223.
Engineer to assess property bene-
fited, 57 V. c. 56, s. 75, p. 223.
D'lientnres issued for maintennnce, —
When work of repair too expensive
to levy cost In one year, coun-
cil may Issue debentures, 57 V.
c. 56, s. 83, p. 226.
i ,1-
f i^
: i
1 .
DR \
DRAIN AGK fonliuiuil.
Debentures to b<» payable within
seven years, 57 V. c. 56, s. 83, ji.
When Mniiiciinv DrMintiue Aid .\ri
t(» iii)|»l}' to (lel.f'iitiin's, 7*7 v. c.
I'aying bark advance.s made out of
j^ciU'iiil fiiiidfc, —
Amount advaiK^ed in anticipation
of levying rates to be repaid ;i'
soon as collected, 57 V. c. 56, .■
77, p. 224.
Removal of obstructions caused by
priviite persons, —
Notice to be Klven to person re-
sponsible to remove obstruction,
57 V. c. 56, s. 78 (1), p. 224.
Removal by municipality on de-
fault of owner or occupant lia-
ble, 57 V. c. 56, s. 78 (1), p. 224.
I'ower to .i|)point Inspector d
drains, 57 V. c. 56, s. 78 (2), p. 221.
CoUertion of cost of removal by
municipality, 57 V. c. 56, s. 7X
(■■i). p. 224,
Penalty for obstructing or injurtnK
worlds. 57 V. c. 56, s. 79 p. 224.
Removing obstructions to course of
drain:! ;,'(' on constru<'tion, —
Council with consent of owner and
of municipalities liable to assess-
!iient, and orf payment of com-
Iiensatlon, may remove danis
and other artificial obstructions,
57 V. c. 56, 8. 80, p. 225.
fn default of agreement compensa-
tion to be determined by re-
feree, 57 V. c. 56, 8. 80, p. 225.
Cost of removal to be part of cost
of construction, 57 V. c. 66, s. 80,
p. 225.
Operatiiiy; i»innpin^j works, etc., —
Power t.) api)oint commissioners
from among owners assessed, 57
V. c. 56, s. 81, p. 225.
Powers of commissioners, 57 V. c.
56, s. 81, p. 225.
Hy-lawR for defraying annual cost,
.'>7 V. c. 5(;. s. .Si, I). 225.
DKAIN AGJ:- iontliiiml.
On petition «»f two-thirds of persons
Interested in pumping works,
etc., ■c(jnstru(\. H. S4, p. 22i).
Work on railway Iiuids, —
Power to agree with railway com-
pany for construction or en-
largement of work by cn, etc., of by-law, and
other incidental expenses, to be
included In assessment as part
of the cost of the drainage work,
.57 V. c. .56, s. Sn, p. 227.
L.ii(llor>I ;!inl teii.iMt, —
(\)venant by tenant to pay taxes
not to Include assessments for
(iialnago unless "xr>ressly In-
clu, p. 2L's.
To determine validity of proceed-
i'ii-' and make necessary
iimen'sients, r>7 V. c. 66, s. 8'J
(o, I,. 228.
Not to exercise powers of court
of revision or county Judge,
57 V. c. 56, a. 89 (3), p. 228.
Interlf)cutory api)licatlon8 to be
inaarty. 57 V
c. 66, a. 93 (2). p. 229.
Notice to be filed with county
court clerk within one yeai-
from catise f.f complaint aris-
ing, 67 V. c. 56, 8. n (3}, p. 229.
D.M I. — G
DRAIN AGE— Continued.
Actions for damages, may be re-
ferred to referee by courts, 57 V.
c. 66, s. 94, p. 229.
Jurisdiction of court when no ap-
idicatlon or order for refer-
eru'c made, 57 V. c. 56, s. 94,
1). 229.
Procedure upon reference, to be di-
rected by referee, 67 V. c. 56, s.
96 (1), p. 229.
Clerk of county court to act as
clerk to referee, 57 V. c. 56, s.
95 (2>, p. 230.
Absence of clerk of county court,
67 V. c. 66, s. 95 (3>, p. 230.
Subpoenas, 57 V. c. 56, s. j (4), p.
When referee proceeds on view or
on special knowledge or skill,
57 V. c. 56, 8. 96, p. 230.
Damages and costs payable by
municipalities, — to be assessed
pro rata on lands liable for ( on-
struction, 67 V. c. 66, s. 97 (1), p.
When council or officers In fault
referee may or. 230.
Short-hand writer to ije appcdnted
by Lleutena'-. L-Goveruo., 57 V. c.
.'■)6, 8. 98, p. 231.
liemuneratlon of, 67 V. c. 56, s.
98, p. 231.
Clerk of cf)urt to give notice of fil-
ing report to i)artles interested,
and to clerk of municipality, .")7
V. c. 56, 8. 99. p. 231.
Copy of report to be sent to clerk
of each munici|)allty Interested
and to hf kept f)n tile by him, 67
V. c. 66, 8. 100, p. 231.
Decision, In cases other than ap-
peals from assessmcTit or ap-
peals t< referee for damages or
compensation, to be In form of
order for Jurlgment, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 101. p, 231.
' i 'V
' 'J
DRAINAGE- Gontinued.
Court-houses, rig^v of referee to
use, 57 V. c. 56, s. 102, p. 231.
Sheriffs and peace officers to assist
and obey referee, 57 V. c. 56, s.
103, p. 231.
Fees, 57 V. c. 56, s. 103, p. 231,
• Practice, 57 V. c. 56, s. 104, p. 232.
Evidence, when to be written out
at length and filed, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 105, p. 232.
Appeal to court of appeal, time and
manner of, 57 V. c. 56, s. 106,
p. 232.
Rules and tariffs of costs, may be
miuif by judp's of Supreme
Court of .ludictiture, 57 V. e. 56,
s. 107, p. 232.
Jlay be framed 1 y referee sub-
ject to approval of Lieutenant-
Governor, 57 V. c. 56, s. 108 (1),
p. 232.
To be published In Ontario Ga-
zette and to have the force
of law, 57 V. c. 56, s. 108 (2),
p. 232.
Tariff of county court adopted
until other riovl^ion made,
57 V. c. 56, s. 109, p. 232.
Taxation of costs, 57 V. c. 56, s. 110,
p. 233.
Fees, how payable, 57 V. c. 56, s.
Ill, p. 233.
Fees of referee, not to exceed four
dollar.s a day and to be paid In
stfimi'S, 57 V. e. 56, s. 112, p. 232.
Tfeports not lo be given out until
stamped, 57 V. c. 56, s. 113, p.
Repealing and rrving clause, 57 V.
c. 56, s. 114, p 233.
Commencement of act, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 115. p. 233.
Act respecting, Rev. Stat. c. 37, p. 386;
53 V. c. 11, p. 42.
Act may be cited as "Munici-^a.1
Drainage Aid Act," Rev. Stat,
c. 37, s. 1. p. 386.
Duties assigned by original act to
Commissioner of Public Works,
transferred to Provincial Trea-
surer, 53 V. c. 11, s. 1, p. 42.
Authority to purchase debentures
extended to county debentures,
53 V. c. 11, s. 2, p. 42.
Townships and counties undertak-
ing works under Municipal Act
may deposit plans, etc., and a
copy of the by-law and apply
for the sale of debentures. Rev.
Str..*. c. 37, s. 2, p. 386; 53 V. c.
11, s. 2, p. 42.
Application to be in writing signed
by head of council. Rev. Stat. c.
37, s. 2 (2), p. 38.
Aflldavits of head and clerk to ac-
company application, Rev.
Stat. c. 37, s. 2 (2), p. 386.
Form of afl^davit of reeve. Rev.
Stat. c. 37, sched. A., p. 388.
Form of affidavit of clerk, Rev.
Stat. c. 37, sched. B., p. 389.
Provincial treasurer to report upon
Investments, Rev. Stat. c. 37, s.
3, p. 386.
When Investment not to be deemed
proper. Rev. Stat. c. 37, s. 4, p.
Purchase of debentures out of Con-
solidated Revenue Fund, Rev.
Stat. c. 37, s. 5, p. 387.
Lieutenant-Governor may advance
par value of debentures or re-
tain jien-cntage until works in-
spected, Rev. Stat. c. 37, s. 6, p.
After investment made, deben-
tures to be unquestionable. Rev.
Stat. c. 37, s. 7, p. 387.
Amounts payable under by-law to
be remitted aimually to Pro-
vincial Treasurer, Rev. Stat. c.
37, s. 8 (1), p. .387.
Seven per cent, to be payable on all
arrears. Rev. Stat. c. 37, s. 8 (1),
p. 387.
After default, treasurer not to pay
out any sums except for cur-
rent expenditure until arrears
and interest have been paid.
Rev. Stat. c. 37, s. 8 (2), p. 388.
Liability nf treasurers and mem-
bers (if lou noils for neglect of
duty, iiev. Stat. c. o7, s. 8 (3), p.
Tile, stone and timber drainage de-
l)entures— st-e Tile, Stone and
Tinibur DraiiiriH^e (Rev. Stat. c.
:J8. p. 2M); 5\i V. c. n, p. 42).
See Drainage.
DRAYMEN, J?y-la\vs for rogulatint;
and lict using, 55 V. c. 12, s. 510»/,
p. 448.
DRESSED HOGS, Market Fees not to
be collected on, 55 V. c. 42, s.
4'J7 (1), p. 457.
By-laws for Imposing market fees
on persons selling in adjacent
streets not to apply to, 55 V. c.
42, s. 498 (3), p. 439.
DRIFTWOOD, Duties of councils with
respect to preventing accumu-
lation in streams, 55 V. c. 42, s.
535/>, p. 462.
DRIVES, By-laws for actiuirlng land
for, 55 V. c 42, s. 47lt (22), p. 405.
Council taking land in adjoinim?
municipality to lay out, and re-
pair same and provide police
protection, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (23),
p. 405.
Assessment of property fronting
on, for local improvements, 55
V. c. 42, s. 620 (7), p. 511.
See Public Parks.
DRIVING, By-laws for regulation of,
55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (14), p. 402.
By-laws to prevent driving of
horses and cattle on sidewalks,
etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 4H6 (5), p. 431.
Townwliip by-lnwH fiu- itroliiiiitiiiir
riding or driving on footpaths,
55 V. c. 42, s. 567 (4), p. 478.
Regulation of travel on highways
and bridges. Rev. Stat. c. 195,
p. 2228; 53 V. c. 57, p. 139; 54 V.
c. 47, i». 95 ; 5.' V, e, 52, p. 175.
DRUNKENNESS, By-laws for com-
mittal of drinikarJs to houses
of corretiion, etc., in and
towns, 55 V. c. 42, s. 462 (2), p.
Institutions for reclamation and
cure of habitual drunkards may
be established by cities of 50,-
000, 5". V. c. 42, 3. 462 (:!), p. 394.
Who n.>:y be committed, 55 V. c.
42, s. 462 (4), p. 3;H.
Provisions relating to private
lunatic asylums to apply, 55
V. c. 42. s. 4G2 (5), p. 394.
By-laws for the prevention of, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (34), p. 42L
By-lMws for restraint and punish-
nu-nt of persons found drunk In
public places, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(38), p. 421.
Pcr.sons arrested in cities and
towns, in case of first or se-
cond offences may hp released
by officer in charge of police
station, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (38), p
I'dsons cliarjicd iiiny uive evidiMHe
in their own behalf, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 4S9 (38), p. 421.
DRY DOCKS. Companies for construc-
tion of — scis Piers, Wharves,,
Dry Docks and Harbours (Rev.
Stat. c. 161, p. 1521).
DRY GOODS, Agents for the sale of,
when to be deemed hawkers,
55 V. c. 42, s. Wo (3)rf, p. 427.
two hundred yards of, not to
be taken for enlargement of
cemeteries without consent of
owner, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (12)ff, p.
By-laws for regulating the erection
or occupation of, on narrow
Htrr-ets, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(lOf/), p. 432.
By-laws In large cities for fixing
minimum area of vacant land
to be used as curtilage, 55 V. c.
42. s. 545(/. p. 4(55,
By-laws In large cities for regulat-
ing mode of erection, within
defined areas, 55 V. c. 42, s. 545a,
p. 465.
! ::
Publication of by-laws with no-
tice of meeting for consider-
ing name, 55 V, c. 42, s. 545('
(2), p. 466.
Regulations for preventing acci-
dents by fire in police villages^,
55 V. c. 42, s. 667, p. 530.
BY-LAWS— set
EARTH CLOSETS. By-laws for regu
Inting the construction, cleans-
ing and drainage of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 489 (47), p. 422.
Township by-laws for regulating
the construction and compelling,
the use of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 521 (15),
|.. 453.
EASEMCNTS. To be included in tormr
"land," "lands," "real estate,'
or "real property" In Municlpa:
Acts, 55 V. c. 42, s. 2 (7). p. 244
EOOS, Market Fees not to be collected
on. unless convenient place for
sale provided, 55 V. c. 42, s. 49V
), p. 437.
By-laws for preventing forestal-
ling, etc., of., 55 V. c. 42, s. 50::
(6). p. 441.
By-laws respecting purchases b>
retail dealers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 50,
(7), p. 441.
laws for regulating doors,
staircases, etc., in certain pub-
lic buildings, 55 V. c. 42, s. 47 i
(16), p. 403.
See Public Buildings.
"ELECTION," Meaning of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 79 (5), p. 277; 55 V. c. 48, s.
14ri (1), p. 56S*.
ELECTIONS, Electors, who to be— see
Electors (55 V. c. 42, ss, 79-8V.
pp. 276-279 ; 57 V. o. 50, t^. 2. p.
Oaths to be administered to voters'
—see Voting (55 V. c. 42, ss. 102-
106, pp. 283-286 ; 57 V. c. 50, s. 2
(2). p. 166.
E LECTIONS— Contin iicd.
Nominations— see Nominations.
Time and place of holding, —
By-law separating township from
union, to name returning officer
and place of holding first elec-
tion, 55 V. c. 42, s. 29 (1), p. 258.
In municipalities other than coun-
ties to be held on first Monday
In January, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 88, p.
Where municipalities newly erected
or extended or new divisions
into wards made, to be held
on first Monday in January
thereafter, 55 V. c. 42, s. 89, p.
In cities, towns and villages places
for holding to be determined by
by-law, 55 V. c. 42, s. 90, p. 280.
County council to provide for hold-
ing first election in junior town-
ships, 55 V. c. 42, s. 91, p. 280.
On dissolution of union of town-
ships, election of councillors to
he by general vote, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 92, p. 280.
Reeves, etc., in townships and vil-
lagv_»s to be elected by general
vote, 55 V. c. 42, s. 93, p. 281.
Township to be divided into wards
upon petition of electors, and
deputy-reeves to be elected by
councillors. 55 V. c. 42, s. 94, p.
To be held in nuinicipalities to
which they relate, 55 V. c. 42, s.
95, p. 281.
For township councillors, not to be
held In cities, towns or villages,
55 V. c. 42, s. 96, p. 281.
Not to be held In taverns or other
places licensed to sell liquor,
55 V. c. 42, s. 96, p. 281.
Returning officers and deputy re-
turning officers. —
Councils, where wards or sub-dlvi-
slons exist, to appoint places
for nominations and polling, re-
turning officers and deputies, 55
V. c. 42, s. 97 (1), p. 281.
ELECTIONS— Continued.
Clerk to be returning offlcer for
whole municipality, 55 V. c. 42,
B. 97 (2), p. 282.
Where no wards or sub-divisions,
clerk to act, 55 V. c. 42, s. 98, p.
Death or absence of returning of-
ficer or deputy-returning olticer,
55 V. c. 42, s. 99, p. 282.
When municipality not divided into
w rds or polling sub-divisions,
clerk to perform duties of de-
puty-returning offlcei's, 55 V. c.
42, s. 136, p. 294.
.Certificates entitling deputy-retiirn-
inp officers, poll clerks and
agents to vote where stationed,
to be furnished by clerk, 55 V
C. 42, s. 141 (1), p. 295.
Right to vote theieon, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 141 KJ.), p. 295.
Deputy-returning officers and poll
clerks may vote, 55 V. c. 42, s.
157, p. 303.
Preservation of the peace at elec-
tions, 55 V. c. 42, ss. 100, 101, pp.
282, 283.
Dofaultcrs' lists, —
List of tax defaulters, to be pre-
pared by treasurer, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 119 (1), p. 289.
List to be prepared for each polling
sub-division, 55 V. c. 42, s. 119
(2), p. 289.
Certified copies to be given to per-
sons applying, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 119 (3), p. 290.
To be evidence of non-payment of
taxes. 55 V. c. 42, s. 134, p. 294.
IJnllot l)oxi's, —
To be procured and delivered by
clerk to deputy-returning offi-
cers, 55 V. c. 42, a. 120, p. 290.
How to be made, 55 V. c. 42, s. 120
(2), p. 290.
To be furnished to deputy-r<'turn-
ing officers two days before
election, 55 V. c. 42. s. 120 (3), p.
To be preserved for future use, 55
V. c. 42, s. 120 (4), p. 290.
Penalty for failure to supply, 55
V. c. 42, s. 120 (5), p. 290.
When to be procured by deputy-
returning officer, 55 V. c. 42, s.
120 (6), p. 290.
Hiillot papers. —
Clerk to procure necessary number
at exi)ense of muiilMpality, 6a
V. c. 42, s. 12 (1), p. 290.
Names of candidates, how ar-
ranged, 55 V. c. 42, s. 12 (2), p.
Different set to be i)repared for
mayor and aldermen, or for
mayor, reeve and dei)Uty-reeven
and councillors, in cities and
towns and townships divided
into wards, 55 V. c. 42, s. 122, p.
Forms, 55 V. c. 42, Sched. A., pp.
Disposal of, after election, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 162. p. 304.
To hv inspected only on order of
judge, 55 V. c. 42, s. 163 (1), p.
Order may be subject to condi-
tions, 55 V. c. 42. s. 163 (2), p.
How to he marked and dealt with
at polling — see V^oting.
riillin^ places.—
Clerk to furnish deputy-returnini;
officers with materials, 55 V. c.
42. s. 121, p. 291.
To have eomp.-irtments for voters,
55 V. c. 42, s. 125, p. 291.
Directions to voters, —
To be furnished by clerk to deputy-
ret uining officers, 55 V. c. 42, s.
126, 11. 291.
To be phicarded \>y deputy-return-
ing officers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 127, p.
N'oUm'h' Tiists, —
What proper to be used, 55 V. c. 42,
H. 12S, p. 292.
ELECTIONS -Continued,
For first election in new munici-
pality. 65 V. c. 42, s. 129, p. 292.
What to bo usod where new terri
tory adih'd before voters' list
certilled, 55 V. c. 42, s. 130, p.
Form, 55 V. c. 42, s. 130 (2), p. 293.
Clerk to prepare lists for deputy-
returning odleers where no list
certilh'd, 55 V. c. 42, s. 131. p.
Omi.s.slon of names of tax defaul-
ters, 55 V. c. 42, a. 131 (2), p.
Copies may be prepared by clerk
or procured from clerk of the
peace, 55 V. c. 42, s. 133, p. 293.
Clerk to deliver lists and poll books
to deputy-relurnlnB ottlcers, 6'.
V. c. 42, s. 132, p. 293.
Interrupted by riots, —
Will n I'terrupti'd by riot to be re-
siiiiK' I and cnnlimicd until poll
iiiiH Ijeeii opt-n for twelve hour,'-
in all. 55 V. c. 42, s. 158, p. 303.
Wlu n piovented for four days poll
books to be returned and new
election ordered, 55 V. c. 42, s.
159, p. 303.
Clerk to cast up votes and make
declai-allon of election, .55 V. c.
42. s. 160. p. 304.
MIsccllji neons I'rovisions, —
Certificates as to the assessment
roll, 55 V. c. 42. s. 135. p. 294.
Where electors may vote, 55 V. c.
42, ss. 137-139. p. 295.
Penalty for votin;< twice for mayor,
reeve av deputy-reeve, 55 V. c.
42, s. 140, p. 295.
Proceedings at and after poll— se<
Voting (55 V. c. 42, ss. 142-157.
p|t. 29«-;!03).
Persons elected to make necessary
declarations and assume otllce,
55 V. c. 42, s. 161, p. 304.
Recount of votes, mode of obtain-
ing and procediire, effect of,
costs— see Recount (55 V. c. 42,
ss. 163 (:;-8). 1G4. 165; pp. 305-307).
ELECTIONS - Continued.
Production of documents to be
evidence, 55 V. c. 42, B. 166, p.
Oflicers and clerks to be liable to
penalty for misfeasance or ne-
glect of duty, 55 V. c. 42, s. 168,
p. 308.
Agents,— Candidates may undertake
duties of, 55 V. c. 42, a. 172, p.
Who to be deemed, 55 V. c. 42, s.
173, p. 309.
Nt)n- attendance not to Invalidate
proceedings, 55 V. c. 42, s. 173,
p. 309.
Computation of time, 56 V. c. 42, s.
174, p. 309.
Not to be Invalidated for Irregulari-
ties when result not affected, 55
V. c. 42, s. 175, p. 310.
Expctiscs incurred by otficers to be
refunded, 55 V. c. 42, s. 176, p.
Not to affect existence of council
as a continuing body, 55 V. c.
42, s. 284, p. 338.
In townships may be held at town-
ship hail in town or village, 55
V. c. 42, s. 521 (10), p. 451.
Suspension of, during prevalence
of epidemics, etc., Rev. Stat. c.
205, s. 38, p. 2268.
To till vacancies in councils, —
ro be ordered by council to fill va-
cancy, 55 V. c. 42, s. 177, p. 310.
Warrant for new election, 55 V. c.
42, s. 181, p. 311.
When vacancy in oflice of mayor
occurs after 1st December, 55
V. c. 42, s. 182, p. 311.
Persons elected to hold office for
residue of term, 55 V. c. 42, s.
183, p. 312.
Issue of warrant when vacancy
occurs before organization, 55
V. c. 42, s. 184, p. 312.
New election to be held within
fifteen days after receipt of
warrant, 55 V. c. 42, s. 185, p.
ELECTION— Continual.
Mode of appointing council when
election neKlected altogether or
in part, 55 V. c. 42, s. 186, p. 312.
(Jf wiinifiiH, —
To take place at first meeting of
county councils, 55 V. c. 42, s.
225, p. 321.
Clerk to preside, 55 V. c. 42, s. 226.
p. 322.
Casting vote in case of a tie, 65 V.
c. 42, s. 227, p. 322.
Controverted elections — see Con-
troverted Elections (55 V. •;. 42,
ss. 187-208, pp. 312-317).
Corrupt practices, prevention of —
see Corrupt Practices (55 V. c.
42, ss. 209-222, pp. 317-321).
Disclaimer of election — see Dis-
claimer of Office (55 V. c. 42, ss.
200-206, pp. 315, 316).
Hy-l)i\vs rcspcctiun polling subdi-
visions—see Polling Sub-Dlvl-
sions (55 V. e. 42, s. 489 (1), p.
Of trustees of mining schools — sec
Mining Schools, 54 V. c. 60, p.
Of fire trustees, 55 V. c. 42, s. 630
(4), p. 518.
Of public school trustees, use of
ballot— see Public Schools (54 V.
c. 55, s. 103, p. 138).
Of road commissioners In unincor-
porated townships — see Road
Commissioners (55 V. c. 48, ss.
102-111, pp. 604-606).
Of police ti'ustees— see Police Trus-
In outlying* districts— see Algoma,
ELECTORS. Meaning of "electors," in
Municipal Acts, 55 V. c. 42, s. 2
(9), p. 244.
Meaning of, in relation to voting
on by-laws for dissolution of
village corporations, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 16 (1), p. 249.
Who to be deemed qualified as, 55
V. c. 42, s. 79, p. 276.
Must be men, unmarried women or
widows, of twenty-one years of
age, British Fiibjects, and rated
to necessary amount, 55 V. c. 42,
a. 79 (1), r. 276.
Freeholders, 55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (1), p.
Householders and tenants, 55 V. c.
42, s. 79 (1), p. 276.
Persons with an Income of $400 per
annum from trade or calling,
55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (1), p. 377.
Farmers' sons, F3 V, c. 42, 8. 79 (1),
p. 277.
When more than one son resident
on farm, 55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (2),
p. 277.
When father living and assess-
ment not sufficient to qualify
more than one person, 55 V. c.
42, s. 79 (3), p. 277.
Temporary absence for not more
than six months not to dis-
qualify. 55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (4). p.
277; 57 V. c. 50, s. 2, p. 166.
Meaning of "farm," "son," "farm-
er's son." "father." "election,"
"to vote." "((Wiier," 55 V. f. '^2.
s. 79 (5), p. 277.
When leaseholders to be deemed
"owners," 55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (5).
p. 278.
Amount of rating nece.ssary, 55 V.
c. 42, s. SO. p. 278.
Persons in default for taxes dis-
qualified, 55 V. c. 42. s. 81, p. 278.
Must be named in voters' list and
list to be conclusive, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 82, p. 278.
Qualification in new municipalities
where there is no assessment
roll, 55 V. c. 42, s. 83, p. 278.
Where new territory added to
municipality and no voters' list
includes such territory, 55 V. c.
42, s. S4. p. 278.
Qualification where new territory
has been added to municipality
since return of roll. 55 V. c. 4X.
s. 52 (3). p. 586.
When owner and occupant to be
deemed rated, 55 V. c. 42. s. 85,
p. 279.
f ■-
I 'I
... I
ELECTORS— Cmtimicd.
When Joint owners or occupants
rated, 65 V. c. 42. s. 86. p. 279.
"HouHPholders," who to be deemed.
55 V. c. 42. 8. 87. p. 279.
By-laws for dlsciuiillfylnpr. on non-
payment of taxes. 55 V. c, 42, s.
489 (2). p. 413.
QualKloutliin. In poUce villaRes, 5i»
V. c. 42, a. 644, p. 52C.
ELECTRIC LIGHT— see Light; Light
and Heat: Steam Heating and
Electric Companies.
see Street Hallways.
ELEVATORS. Ry-laws for erecting or
renting in harbours. 55 V. c. 42.
s. 479 (7). p. 401.
For regulating the constructlim
and Inspection of, 55 V. c. 42.
8. 496 (9(0. p. 431.
respecting intelligence offices,
etc., .15 V. c. 42, s. 479 {24)-(2S), p.
ENOTNEERS. To make declaration of
office, 55 V. c. 42. s. 271. p. 334.
By-laws for appointing, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 495 (1), p. 426.
Appointment and duties with re-
spect to ditches and water-
courses — see Ditches and Water-
Duties with respect to drainage
works, payable by local assess-
ment — see Drainage.
Examination of roads owned by
companies to ascertain state of
repair— see Road Companies.
ty Councils may recommenn
places for holding, 54 V. c. 57, s.
38 (1). p. 188.
questions put 'to the vote in
councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 241, p. 324.
See Casting Vote.
As til real property, to be made
by county cnunclls, upon basis
of valuators' report, for a per-
iod of (Ive years, 55 V. c. 42, 8.
269 (1). p. 333.
County council may extend such
period for a further period of
five years, 55 V. c. 42. 8. 269 (2).
p. 333.
County councils to annually ex-
amine rolls and readjust the
valuations of assessors, for the
purposes of county rates, 55 V.
C. 48, s. 78, p. 598.
Aggregate valuation not to be re-
duced, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 78, p. 598.
Municipality dissatisfied with
eiiuallzatlon may appeal with-
in ten days thereafter, 55 V. c.
48, s. 79 (1), p. 598.
Notice to state whether appellants
(liHire that county judge shall
settle eiiuallzation. 55 V. c. 48, 8.
79 (1), p. i")98.
County council at time of equallza-
tion to state whether they are
willing that appeals shall be
settled by county judge, 55 V. c.
48. s. 79 (2), p. 598.
If either party unwilling that
e((uallzatlon shall be settled by
county judge, clerk to notify
Provincial Secretary, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 79 (3), p. 598.
Lieutenant-Governor on receipt of
notice may appoint sheriff or
registrar of the county, the
county judge, and the judge of
another county, to settle equali-
zation, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 79 (4), p.
598. a
Allowance for fees and expenses
to be paid to members of
court by county, 55 V. c. 48, s.
79 (5), p. 599.
Two members of court to consti-
tute a quorum, 55 V. c. 48, s.
79 (6), p. 599.
Procedure where parties have
agreed that county judge shall
settle equalization, 55 V. c. 48. s.
79 (7). p. 599.
lU>;ht of appeal to exist whether
iMiunty vjiluatoi'H uppulnted uv
lint, und valuut<»'8' report to bn
open t(j review, &5 V. c. 48, H. 7U
(8), p. 6U».
CostH to be paid as directed by
court and be subject to taxation
on county court Hcale, 55 V. c.
48, 8. 71) (U), p. 599.
Jf assessment reduced or increased,
court to notify cleric to reduce
or increase rate accordingly, 55
V. c. 48, 8. 79 (10), p. 599.
Omission by clerk of local munici-
pality to transmit assessment
roll, not to prevent equaliza-
tion by county council, 55 V. c.
48, s. 80, p. 599.
Valuators to attest their reports
on oath, 55 V. c. 48, s. 81, p. 600.
Ajiportionment of rates to be based
on amount of property returned
on assessment rolls or reported
by valuators, 55 V. c. 48, s. 82,
p. 600.
When new municipality erected
within a county and no assess-
ment or valuators' rolls made
therefor, 55 V. c. 48, s. 83, p. 600.
County council to apportion
amounts to be levied for county
imrposes, 55 V. c. 48, s. 84, p.
Couiily clerks to certify to clerks cf
local municipalities amounts to
be levied in each for county
purposes, 55 V. c. 48, s. 85, p. 600
Special provisions for levying rates
for Interest on county deben-
tures not to be affected, 65 V. c.
48, s. 86, p. 600.
EQUINE SYPHILIS, By-laws for in-
spection of horses to prevent
the spread of, 53 V. c. 65, s. 9
(1). p. 147.
When township or village may
pass by-law, 53 V. c. 65, s. 9
(2), p. 147.
ESTIMATES, To be made by
councils annually of sums re-
quired during the year — allow-
K8TIMATEH— Continued.
ance to be made fo- costs of
colleitiiin and non-paynn-iit of
taxes, 55 V. c. 42, s. 359. p. 363.
Councils to strike rates to meet
sums requiri'il, 55 V. c. 42, s. 360,
p. 363.
Dedciency, if any. to be made up
fr»»m some unappropriated fund,
55 V. c. 42, H. 361. p. 363.
May be reduced when there is no
unappropriated fund from which
dellciency ecial local object,
55 V. c. 42, s. 363, p. 364.
To be published with by-laws for
establishing gas and water-
works and street railways, 55
V. c. 42, s. 505, p. 444.
Tf) be prepared by police trustees
for expenditure for current
year, 55 V. c. 42, s. 6G3, p. 529.
EVIDENCE— See Witnesses and Evi-
EXECUTIONS, When In hands of sher-
iff at time of dissolution of
union of counties, continued, 55
V. c. 42, s. 49, p. 263.
Powers of sheriff, 55 V. c. 42, s. 49,
p. 263.
Exemption of waterworks property
on which corporation has ad-
vanced money, Rev. Stat. c. 192,
a. 26. p. 2074.
Sale of roads held by road com-
panies — see Road Companies
(Rev, Stat. c. 159, ss. 124-128. p.
be endorsed with direction to
sheriff to levy amount by rate,
55 V. c. 42, s. 428. p. 383.
Sheriff to deliver copy of writ and
statement of claim and costs to
treasurer, 55 V. c. 42, s. 428 (1).
p. 383,
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WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
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EXECUTIONS, Etc — Continued.
If amount not paid within one
month, sheriff to examine as-
sessment roll and strike rate
necessary, 55 V. e. 42, s. 428 (2),
p. 383.
Sheriff to issue precept to collect-
ors, annex rolls thereto, and
after reciting writ and default,
command them to levy rate
with general annual rates, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 428 (3), p. 383.
Collectors to add a column to their
rolls, and enter amount pay-
able by each person, and levy
amount and make returns, 55
V. c. 42, s. 428 (4), p. 384.
Sheriff, after satisfying writ and
fees, tc pay over surplus to
treasurer of corporation, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 428 (5), p. 384.
Clerks, assessors and collector to
be deemed officers of couits and
amenable thereto, 55 V. c. 42, s.
429, p. 384.
EXECUTORS, Personalty in joint pos-
session of, to be assessed in
equal proportions against each,
- 55 V. c. 48, s. 40, p. 581.
EXEMPTIONS, From service as jur-
ors, Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 67, p.
From serving in councils or offices,
55 V. c. 42, s. 78, p. 275.
From distress for taxes, 55 V. c.
48, s. 124 (1), p. 609.
BOTl, Persons in military and
naval service exempt, and non-
commissioned officers and pri-
vates in volunteer force when
not assessed for property, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 87, p. 601.
Tenant farmers' sons, 55 V. c. 48, s.
97 (2), p. 602.
Municipal waterworks. Rev.
Stat. c. 192, s. 27, p. 1,074.
Powpr tn exempt street railway
property, Rev. Stat. c. 171, s.
12 (3), (4), (5), p. 1687.
EXEMPTIONS, Y.TC.— Continued.
By-laws for granting, not to ex-
tend to school rates, 55 V. c. 60,
s. 4, p. 672.
By-law3 may be passed to exempt
manufactories and waterworks
for ten years, except as to
school taxes, and exemption
may be renewed, 55 V. c. 42, s.
366, p. 364,
Council may exempt property speci-
ally assessed for improvements
on courty roads, from general
asst'ssuient for similar purposes,
55 V. c. 42, s. 611C', p. 502.
Property specially assessed for lo-
cal improvements, to be ex-
empt from general rates, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 624 (1), p. 514.
Exemption may be for period
c«cocified in the petition and
eij to by the council, 55
. c. 42, s. 624 (2), p. 514.
¥i&v X period by arbitration, 55
V. c. 42, s, 624 (3), (4), p. 514.
Crown property and Indian lands
when uiiui-cupicd or occupied of-
ficially, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (1), p.
Occupant of Crown property not
occupied officially to be as-
sessed, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (2), p.
Churches, church yards and burial
grounds, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (3), p.
Land on which church stands or
used in connection therewith to
be liable to assessment for local
improvements, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7
(3), p. 562.
Public educational institutions, 55
V. c. 48, s. 7 (4), p. 562.
To b(> li.'ililc to taxation for local
improvements except when re-
ceiving public aid, 55 V. c. 48,
s. I (4), p. 562.
Public school houses, municipal
buildings and hospitals, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (5), p. 5i2.
Highways and Squares, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 7 (6), p. 562.
EXEMPTIONS, Ere— Continued
Municipal property, except when
leased or occupied by person
not a servant of the corpora-
tion, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (7), p. 562.
Property, in one municipality,
owned by another, and held for
park purposes, 56 V. c. 38, s. 1,
p. 153.
Provincial prisons, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7
(8), p. 562.
Industrial farms, etc., and lunatic
asylums or reformatory insti-
tutions, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (9), p.
Scientific Institutions, libraries,
etc., 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (10), p. 563.
Property of companies formed for
erecting exhibition buildings,
when municipali*^y consents, 55
V. c. 48, s. 7 (10), p. 563.
Personal property and income of
Governors, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (11),
p. 563.
Land (to extent of $2,000), pay and
per.sonal property of military
and naval officers in actual ser-
vice, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (12), p. 563.
Pensions, etc., from Imperial Gov-
ernment, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (12), p.
Pensions of $200 a year or under, 55
V. c. 48, s. 7 (13), p. 563.
Produce of the farm or field while
in transitu, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (14),
p. 563.
Live stoclc of farmers, 55 V. c. 48.
s. 7 (140), p. 563.
Income of farmers, and others de-
rived from capital liable to as-
sessment, 55 V. c. 48. s. 7 (15), p.
Personalty invested in mortgages
on land or in Government or
municipal debentures, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (16), p. 563.
Shares in banks, etc., but not in-
come therefrom, 55 V. c. 48, s.
7 (17), p. 563.
Stock in companies whose property
is sub.icft to assessment, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 7 (18), p. 564.
EXEMPTIONS, Etc.- Continued.
Railronrt or building society stock,
but not the income therefrom,
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (19), p.564.
Personal property owned out of the
Province, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (20), p.
Personal property to extent of
amount owing thereon, except
when debt secured by mort-
gage on land, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7
(21), i- 534.
Net personal property under $100,
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (22), p. 564.
Personal earnings to extent of $700,
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (23), p. 564.
Income from other sources to ex-
tent of $400, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (24),
p. 564.
No person to have in respect of in-
come a total exemption of more
than $700, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (24«),
p. 564.
Income from real estate, except in-
terest, 55 V. C. 48, s. 7 (26), p.
Household effects, books and cloth-
ing. 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (27), p. 564.
I Vessel property, but not earnings
thereof, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (28), p.
\ Farm lands in towns and villages
■ may be partially exempt, 55 V.
j c. 48, s. 7(1, p. 564; 57 V. c. 51, s.
' 1, p. 171.
Person entitled to exemption on ac-
count of income may waive ex-
emption so as to vote at muni-
cipal elections, 56 V. c. 48, s. S,
p. 565.
Ilealty situate within, but owned
out of the Province, to be sub-
ject to same assessment and
exemptions as othei realty, 55
• V. c. 48, s. 9, p. 566.
I r
Personalty in control of agent for
non-resident owner to be as-
sessable and exempt in same
manner as other personalty, 55
V. c. 48, s. 10, p. 506.
EXEMPTIONS, Etc.— Continued.
Salaries of persons appointed to
offices connected with tlie Su-
perior Courts after 5th March,
1880, not to be exempt, 55 V. c.
48, s. 10, p. 566.
Stoclt in toii roads and income
therefrom to be exempt, 55 V. c.
48, s. 29c, p. 578.
Personai property in mercantile
business to be exempt when
business tax imposed, 55 V c.
48, s. 31« (1), p. 579.
Personalty of banks, coal, gas, wa-
ter, road, railway and harbour
companies, or companies requir-
ing to invest their capital in
real estate , to be exempt, but
not the ii.'come of shareholders
therefrom, 55 V. c. 48, s. 34 (2),
p. 579.
Not to disqualify from membership
in council, if property remain-
ing liable to taxation is suffl-
cient to qualify, 56 V. c. 35, s. 4,
p. 142.
Tolls (Rev. Stat. c. 196, p. 2230).
GROUNDS, Agreements be-
tween agricultural and arts as-
sociations and cities or towns,
as to the use of buildings. Rev.
Stat. c. 39, s. 31, p. 405.
Agreements between municipali-
ties and companies or associa-
tions. Rev. Stat. c. 39, s. 81
(2), p. 420.
MuQicipalities may take stock in
oompanies for the construction
of buildings. Rev. Stat. c. 162,
s. 13, p. 1530.
Mayor, etc., may act for munici-
pality, Rev. Stat. c. 162, s.
13, p. 1530.
Payment of calls. Rev. Stat. c.
162, s. 13 (2), p. 1530.
Municipalities may lend money
to cornp.-nles, Rev. Stat. c.
162, 8. 19, p. ir)31.
Lands and buildings of companies
to be exempt from taxation if
council consents thereto, 66
V. c. 48, s. 7 (10), p. 563.
By-laws for acquiring lands, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 504 (8), p. 442.
For the erection of buildings, 55
V. c. 42, s. 504 (9), p. 442.
For the management of lands
and buildings, 55 V. c. 42, ■ a.
504 (10), p. 442.
For leasing, for not more than
three years, lands not im-
mediately required, 56 V. c. 35,
s. 21, p. 147.
For establishing almshouses, etc.,
un ij;vinuuls, 55 V. c. 42, s. 504
(11), p. 443.
City or town councils may establish
workhouses and houses of cor-
rection on grounds, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 462, p. 393.
EXHIBITIONS, Of wax works, cir-
cuses, etc., by-laws for licens-
ing, regulating or preventing,
55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (25), p. 419.
Licenses not to be granted for
times and places of holding ex-
hibitions of agricultural socie-
ties, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (25)a, p.
By-laws for regulating, licensing
or preventing, when kept for
hire or profit, 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (26), p. 420.
laws for making provision for
expenses of high school and
public school pupils competing
at Toronto University or Upper
Canada College and at high
schools, 55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (7), (8),
p. 428.
By-laws for endowment of, at To-
ronto University and Upper
Canada College, 55 V. c. 42, s.
495 (9), p. 428.
EXPLOSIVES, By-laws for regulating
the keeping and transporting
of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (24o), p.
EXPRESSMEN.In cities, may be re-
gulated and licensed by police
commissioners or (where there
is no board), by council, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 436, p. 387.
EXPRESSMEN- Continued.
By-laws of police commissionere
defining: localities In -which sta-
bles shall not be established, 56
V. c. 35, s. 11, p. 145.
engaged as, may be regulated
and controlled by police com-
missioners or council, 55 V. c.
42, 3. 436 (3), p. 387.
EXPROPRIATION, Compensation— see
Compensation for Lands Taker
or Injured (55 V. c. 42, ss. 483-485,
pp. 407-411).
Right to take lands for various
purposes — see The Severa
FACTORIES, By-laws respecting stair-
ways in, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (16), p.
For preventing accidents by
fire in, 55 V. c. 42, s. 493 (2), p.
For regulation and inspection
of hoists, etc., not to con-
flict with Ontario Factory Act.
55 V. c. 42, 8. 496 (9«), p. 431.
FAIRS, By-laws for holding fairs for
sale of cattle and agricultural
products, 55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (10).
p. 429.
FALL WHEAT, Number oi' acres of,
to be entered after name oi
owner or occ lant on assess-
ment roll, 55 v. c. 48, s. 14 (3)
p. 568.
FAMILIES, Number of members of
to be entered on assessmen;
roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14 (3), p. 568.
"FARM," Meaning of, in connectioi
with franchise of farmers' sone
55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (5), p. 277; 51
V. c. 48, s. 14a (1), p. 569.
FARMERS, Income derived from farm
exempted from taxation, 56 V.
c. 48, s. 7 (15), p. 563.
Exemption of live stock, 55 V. c. 48,
B. 7 (14«), p. 563.
FARMERS— CoH?/n«frf.
To be assessed for personal pro-
perty where business is situate,
55 V. c. 48, s. 36 (1), p. 580.
When more th-in one place of
business, 55 V. c. 48, s. 36 (2),
p. 580.
Qualification as municipal electors, —
Residence on farm for twelve
months prior to return of roll,
55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (1), p. 277.
Who qualified when more than one
son resident on farm, 55 V. c. 4Si,
s. 79 (2), p. 277.
When father living and assess-
ment not sufficient to qualify
more than one person, 55 V. c.
42, s, 79 (3), p. 277.
Temporary absence for not more
than six months not to dis-
qualify, 55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (4), p.
277; 57 V. c. 50, s. 2, p. 166,
Meaning of "farm," "son," "far-
mer's son," "father," "election,"
"to vote," "owner," 55 V. c. 42,
s. 79 (5), p. 277.
When leaseholder to be deemed an
"owner," 55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (5), p.
Oath of persons claiming to vote,
55 V. c. 42, s. 105, p. 285; 57 V. c.
50, s. 2 (2), p. 166.
Assessment, —
Entry of letters "F. S." after
names on roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14
(3), p. 567.
Meaning of "farm," "sons," "far-
mer's sons," "father," "elec-
tion," "to vote," 55 V. 0. 48, s.
\Aa, p. .'i69.
When father is living and is owner,
to be assessed as joint owners,
55 V. c. 48, s. 14ff (2), p. 569.
When father is dead and mother
is owner, to be assessed as
joint occupants under tJ\e
mother, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14a (2), p.
Occasional or temporary absence
not to disqualify from assess-
ment, 55 V. c. 48, s. 140 (2), p.
' i
Js'ARMERS' SONS— C'nH/ni«e(/.
T^'hen value of farm not sufficient
to qualify all, father and elder
sons to be entered, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 14« (2), p. 569.
If father living and only one son,
and value of property not suf-
llcient to qualify both, father
to be assessed alone, 55 V. c. 48,
s. U(i (2), p. 570.
When entitled to assessment, may
require to be placed on roll, and
be liable for taxes, 55 V. c. 48, s.
14rt (2), p. 570.
Initial letters to ho placed attei
names on the roll, 55 V. c. 48, s.
Ua (2), p. 570.
Notice of assessment need not be
given to, but notice to father to
shew what sons are assessed, 55
V. c. 48, s. 47 (3), p. 583.
How notices may be served on, 55
V. c. 48, s. 47 (4), p. 583.
Meaning of "farmer's son," "far-
mer," 55 V. c. 48, s. 47 (5), p. 583;
56 V. c. 38, s. 3, p. 153.
When entered on roll to be liable
for statute labour, 55 V. c. 48, s.
97 (1), p. 602.
Tenant farmer's son resident on
farm to be exempt to sarne ex-
tent as owner's son assessed
as joint owner, 55 V. c. 48, s.
97 (2), p. 602.
FARM LANDS, Assessment of lands
used for farming purposes in
towns and villages, 55 V. c. 48, s.
7rt (1), p. 564; 57 V. c. 51, s. 1, p.
Council of town or village to pass
annually a by-law declaring ex-
tent of exemption from taxes
for certain Improvements, 55 V.
c. 48 s. 7a (2), p. 565.
Persons claiming exemption to
notify council within one
month after return of roll, 55
V. c. 48, s. la (3), p. 565.
Appeal from terms of by-law to
lie to the county judge, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 7fl (4), p. 565.
Procedure on appeal from court
of revision to apply, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7a (5), p. 565.
FARM LANDS -Cottf/Mnct?.
Amendment of by-law upon ap-
peal, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7(1 (5), p. 565.
Right of appeal direct to county
judge not to affect appeal
from court of revision, 56 V. c.
48, s. 7(1 (6), p. 565.
In cities, towns and villages, how
value to be calculated and as-
sessment made thereon when
held for sale, 55 V. c. 48, s. 27,
p. 576; 57 V. c. 51, s. 1, p. 171.
Lieutenant-Governor may detach
from city, town or village and
annex to adjoining municipal-
ity, 57 V. c. 50, s. 1, p. 166.
Arbitration in case terms not
settled by agreement, 57 V. c.
50, s. 1, p. 166.
FARM PRODUCE, Regulations re-
specting the sale of— see Mar-
Icets and Market Fees.
FARO BANKS, By-laws for seizure
and destruction of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 489 (36), p. 421.
"FATHER," Meaning of, In connection
with franchise of farmers' sons,
55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (5), p. 277; 55 V.
c. 48, s. 14rt (1), p. 569.
FEES, Of certain municipal officers,
by-laws for regulating, 55 V. c.
42, s. 479 (3), p. 400.
Imposition of, on goods sold on
markets or in the streets — see
Markets and Market Fees.
FELLOWSHIPS, By-laws for endow-
ment of, at Toronto University,
for pupils of high schools, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 495 (9), p. 428.
FELONY, Conviction to cause forfei-
ture of seat in council, 55 V. c.
42, s. 177, p. 310.
Convicts not to act as assessors
or collectors, 55 V. c. 48, s. 12 (1),
p. 566.
FENCES, By-law for settling height
an*^ description of lawful fences
and for maintenance or laying
down of fences on highways
and for compensating persons
affected, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (17), p.
FENCES— C'0Hiid of council to give in-
formation and make recom-
mendations to council, 55 V. c.
42, s. 244, p. 325.
Treasurers to receive, take care of
and disburse all moneys, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 250, p. 327.
Books to be kept by treasurer and
receipts and disbursements en-
tered within, 56 V. c. 35, s. 5, p.
143; 57 V. c. 50, s. 4, p. 166.
Half-yearly statement of moneys
at credit of corporation to be
made out by treasurer, 55 V. c.
42, s. 251, p. 327.
Commission of inquiry may be is-
sued by Lieutenant-Governor on
petition of one-third of council
or thirty electors, 55 V. c. 42, s.
383, p. 370.
Commissioners may summon wit-
nesses and take evidence, 55
V. c. 42, s. 383, p. 370.
Expenses of commissioners to be
certified by Provincial Trea-
surer and be a debt due by
corporation payable within
three months on demand, 55
V. c. 42, s. 384, p. ?71.
Head of council and treasurer may
be authorized to borrow neces-
sary funds to meet expenditure
pending collection of taxes, 56
V. c. 35, s. 10, p. 145.
Councils not to issue bonds, bills,
notes, etc., for less than $100
each, 55 V. c. 42, s. 414, p. 378.
How deficiencies arising from non-
payment of rates and taxes are
FINANCE— Continued.
to be supplied, 55 V, c. 48, s. 203,
p. 628.
Auditing accounts and publication
of annual statement— see Au-
ditors and Audit.
Accounts to be kept of receipts and
disbursements, etc. — see Ac-
Investments of sinking fund and
surplus moneys— see Invest-
Formation of non-resident land
fund and dealings therewith —
see Non-Resident Land Fund.
Provisions relating to debentues —
see Debentures.
By-laws creating debts — see Debts.
Annual returns to Government —
see Annual Returns.
specting the appropriation of,
Rev. Stat. c. 89, p. 866.
See Penalties.
FIRE, Councils may rent or purchase
hydrants and other appliances
and contract for water supply,
55 V. c. 42, s. 480 (1), p. 406.
By-laws for regulating the burning
of wood, refuse, etc., in the open
air, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (24), p. 419.
For providing against accidents
in factories, etc., 55 V. c. 42,
s. 493 (2), p. 425.
For prohibiting the establishment
of wooden buildings and pro-
hibiting the use of other than
incombustible materials in
main walls within prescribed
areas, and regulating repairs,
55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (10), p. 431.
For appointment of fire wardens
and firemen, and promoting,
etc., fire and salvage com-
panies, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (11),
p. 432.
For providing rewards for per-
sons distinguishing them-
selves at fires, and gratuities to
firemen, and for assisting wid-
ows and orphans of persons
killed by accident, 56 V. o. 35,
s. 22, 1). 148.
Fmi:- Continued.
For preventing or regulating use
of file or lights In certain
places, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (IS), p.
For preventing or regulating
dangerous trades, 55 V. c. 42,
S. 496 (14), p. 432.
For preventing or regulating the
construction of chimneys,
flues, lire-places, boilers, etc.,
55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (15), p. 432.
For regulating the construction
and c'leiining of chimneys, and
compelling use of smoke con-
sumers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (16),
p. 432.
For regulating the removal, etc.,
of ashes, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (17),
p. 432.
For regulating and compelling
erection of party walls, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 496 (18), p. 432.
For coiuiu'lling the construction of
scuttles and ladders on roota,
55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (19), p. 433.
For causing buildings, etc., to be
put in safe condition, 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (20), p. 433.
Respe )ting Are buckets, 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (21), p. 433.
Authorizing inspection of Dre-
mLses to see if regulations
carried out, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(22), p. 433.
For making regulation for sup-
pression of lire and preventing
its spreading, 55 V. c. 42, s.
496 (23), p. 433.
For regulating persons present,
and enrorcing their assist-
ance, and for preserving pro-
perty, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (24),
p. 433.
By-laws in townships and villages
for purchasing appliances for
protection against, and charg-
ing cost on property benefited,
55 V. c. 42, s. s. 630, p. 518.
Provisions requiring cost of re-
pairs, etc., to be paid by
municipality not to apply, 55
V. c. 42, s. 630 (3), p. 518.
n.M I —7
Election of fire trustees when
such by-laws passed, 55 V. c.
42, s. 630 (4), p. 518.
Duties of trustees 55 V. c. 42, 8.
630 (5), p. 518.
Acts respecting the Investigation of
accidents by, Hev. Stat. c. 217,
p. 2350; 54 V. c. 37, s. 1.
When municipality to be liable for
expenses of investigation. Rev.
Stat. c. 217, s. 9, p. 2352; 54 V. c.
37, s. 1 (2), p. 69.
Act to provide niciins of extinguish-
ing forest fires, 53 V. c. 64, p.
County councils may provide for
lire guardians, fence viewers,
etc., calling on persons liable
for statute labour to assist In
quelling fires, 53 V. c. 64, s. 1, p.
Where no county council, town-
ship may pass by-law, 53 V. c.
64, s. 1 (2), p. 145.
Work done to be allowed as statute
labour, 53 V. c. 64, s. 2, p. 145.
On default of townships, county
may provide for payment of
work, 53 V. c. 64, s. 3, p. 145.
Penalty for refusing to assist in ex-
tinguishing fires, 53 V. c. 64, s.
4, p. 145.
Appointment of fire guardians and
prevention of bush fires — see
Fire Guardians (52 V. c. 46, p.
169; 53 V. c. 63, p. 144),
Regulations for the prevention of,
in police villages — see Police
Villages (55 V. c. 42, s. 667 (1)-
(12), p. 530.
FIREARMS, By-laws for preventing
the firing of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
46f/), p. 422.
FIRE-BUCKETS, By-laws respecting
IH'ovision for, and for inspec-
tion, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (21), p.
FIRECRACKERS, By-laws for pre-
venting the explosion of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 489 (46(/), p. 422.
; 11
■ i
1 ■
'■ 'i
■ . f
i 1
. 1
FIRE ENGINEERS, By-lawB for ap-
pointment of, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 496
(11). p. 432.
FIRE ENGINES, By-laws for purchas-
ing in townships and villaRes
and charging cost on property
benefited, 55 V. c. 42, s. 630, p.
Fire trustees when elected to have
care and control of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 630 (4), p. 518.
FIRE ESCAPES,By-laws for providlnp
for the adoption and erection oi
upttn certain buildings when
more than two stories high, 5ri
V. c. 42, s. 493 (2), p. 425.
Act to authorize the appointment of,
and for the better prevention of
bush fires. 52 V. c. 46, p. 169; 5!^
V. c. 63, p. 144
Apiiointment may be made on peti-
tion to township councils, 52 V.
V. 46, s. 1, p. 169; 53 V. c. 63, p.
Leave to be obtained before settlnp
(.ut fires, 52 V. c. 46, s. 2, p. 169.
Effect of leave or want of leave or.
action for negligence, 52 V. c. 46,
s. 3, p. 169.
Inspection before granting leave,
52 V. c. 46, s. 4, p. 169.
Remuneration, and penalties for
neglecting duties, 52 V. c. 46, s.
5, p. 169.
Penalty for setting out fire without
leave, 52 V. c. 46, s. 6, p. 170.
Application of fine, 52 V. c. 46, s.
7, p. 170.
Act not to apply to fire districts, 52
V. c. 46, s 8, p. 170.
County by-laws prescribing duties
as to prevention of forest fires-
see Fire (53 V. c. 64, p. 144).
FIRE LIMITS, By-laws for determin-
ing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (10), p. 431.
FIREMEN, Exempt from serving in
councils or as officers, 52 V. c.
42, s. 78, p. 275.
By-laws for appointment of, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 496 (11), p. 432.
YUIEMEN— Continued.
For promoting, establishing and
regulating companies, 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (11). p. 432.
For granting medals or rewards
•to, for Kfi'ilinK gratuities on
retirement, and for assisting
widows and families of, 56 V.
c. 35, s. 22, p. 148.
For making grants for superan-
nuation and benefit funds for,
55 V. c. 42, s. 504 (7), p. 442.
Act to exempt, from certain local ser-
vices. Rev. Stat. c. 188, p. 2042.
(Jouncils, boards of police, or in de-
fault Justices In sessions may
consent to formation of Are
company and discontinue or re-
new same, Rev. Stat. c. 188, s.
1, p. 2042.
Members enrolled may obtain cer-
tificate of exemption from jury
service. Rev. Stat. c. 188, s. 2, p.
Dismissal for misconduct, exemp-
tion to cease, Rev. Stat. c. 188,
s. 3, p. 2043.
Members who have served seven
years entitled to certificate of
exemption from service as con-
stables or municipal oflices,
P.ev. Stat. c. 188, s. 4, p. 2043.
City councils may pass by-laws for
granting certificate of seven
years' service. Rev. Stat. c. 18S,
s. 5, p. 2043.
Exemption from statute labour
and jury service thereafter.
Rev. Stat. c. 188, s. G, p. 2044.
FIRE PLACES, By-laws respecting the
construction or removal of, 55
V. c. 42, s. 496 (15), p. 432.
FIRE TRUSTEES, May be elected in
townships and villages purchas-
ing fire appliances, 55 V. c. 42, s.
630 (4), p. 518.
Election to take place at general
municipal election, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 630 (4), p. 51^
Who may vote, 55 V. c, 42, s. 630
(4). p. 518.
Duties, 55 V. c. 188, s. 630 (5), p. 519,
FIRE WARDENS, By-laws for ap-
pointment of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 4%
(11), p. 432.
FISH, Ry-laws for seizing and destroy-
ing, when unwliolesome or
tainted. 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (50), p.
For inspection of, wlien offered
for sale, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (53),
p. 422.
HcspectinR place and manner of
selling and weighing, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 503 (4), p. 441.
For preventing forestalling, etc.,
of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (6), p. 441.
HeHpecting purchases by dealers,
55 V. c. 503 (7), p. 441.
FISHEIiMEN, Temporary absence not
to disqualify from entry as
manhood suffrage voters, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 14^i (2), p. 570.
FLOODED LANDS, By-laws for re-
claiming and raising cost by
local assi'ssnient — see Drainiigc.
Wet Lands.
FLOUR, While in transitu exempt
from taxation, 55 V. c. 48, .s.
7 (14), p. 563.
FLUES, By-laws respecting the con-
struction or removal of, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 496 (15), p. 432.
FLUMES, Power to construct and im-
prove, for running electric light
machinery, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479«, p.
FODDER, Market fees not to be col-
lected on, 55 V. c. 42, s. 497 (1),
p. 437.
Not to be weighed on market un-
less vendor or purchaser so de-
sires, 55 V. c. 42, s. 497 (5), p. 438.
By-laws respecting the place and
manner of selling and weighing.
55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (4), p. 441.
Not to be placed in dwelling houses
in police villages, 55 V. c. 42, s.
667 (9), p. 530.
FOOD, By-laws for seizing and de-
stroying, when unwholesome or
tainted, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (50), p.
FOOD— Cont in iinf.
For preventing or regulating
sales of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (51),
p. 422.
For inspection of, when offered
f(jr sale, 55 V'. c. 42, s. 489 (53),
p. 422.
FOOT PATHS, Township by-laws for
setting apart and prohibiting
riding and driving on, 55 V. c.
42, s. .'■j67 (4), p. 478.
I'^ORESTALLINO, By-laws for pre-
venting, 55 V. c. 42, S. 503 (6), p.
FOREST FIRES, Act to provide
means of extinguishing— see
Fire (53 V. c. 64, p. 144).
FORFF]lTURE, Of seat in council, by
crime, insolvency or absence,
55 V. c. 42, s. 177, p. 310.
Of seat in council, by candidate
found guilty of corrupt prac-
tices, 55 V. c. 42, s. 213, p. 319.
Treasurer refusing to give auditors
an order on bank to exhibit
state of his account, to forfeit
his office, 55 V. c. 42, s. 263 (.2b).
p. 331.
FORMS, Affidavit of head of munici-
pality on application for sale of
drainage debentures. Rev. Stat,
c. 37, Sched. A., p. 388.
Affidavit of clerk on application for
sale of drainage debentures.
Rev. Stat. c. 37, Sched. B., p. 389.
Affidavit of head of council on sale
of tile, stone and timber drain-
age debentures, Rev. Stat. e. 38,
Form 2, p. 395.
Affidavit of clerk on sale of tile,
stone and timber drainage de-
bentures. Rev. Stat. c. 38, B'orm
3, p. 305.
Agreement between adjoining own-
ers as to line fences. Rev. Stat,
c. 219, Form 4, p. 235^
Agreement between owners as to
construction of ditch or water-
course, 57 V. c. 55, Form D., p.
1 1
Amonrlmont to honltli l»y-lnw, Rev.
Stilt, c. lio.^i, Schcd. It., p. 22!)3.
Amiual r»'tunis to be made >)y cor-
lionitloiiH to Minister of Aki'Ic-uI-
turo, Ht'v. Stat. e. IStj, Sehed. li..
II. UOUt).
Apjdlcatloti for loan to construct
tile, .stone and timber dralnnKf'
works, liev. Stat. c. 'AH, Form
4, i>. :i!t6.
Application for entry of voter.s
iliialllled since revision of as-
Hessment roll, 52 V. c. 3, Form 5,
p. 2!t.
Aiijillcatlon to enforce performanoe
of clerk's duties as to voters*
list, r)2 V. c. 3. Form 21, p. 38.
Assessment roll, 55 V. c. 48, Sched.
H., p. 63!).
Attestation of declaration ol In-
capacity to mark ballot paper,
55 V. 0. 42, Sched. F., p. 540.
Award of fence viewers, Rev. Stat,
c. 21!t, Form 3, p. 2359.
Awjird of enpineer as to construc-
tion of ditch or watercourse, ^1
V. c. 55, Form G., p. 195.
Ballot papers at elections, 55 V. c.
42, Sched. A., pp. 533, 536.
Ballot papers to be used at voting
on by-laws, 55 V. c. 42, Sched.
J., p. 542.
By-law imposing rates for tile,
stone and timber drainage
works. Rev. Stat. c. 38, Form 7,
p. 397.
By-law for appointment of engineer
for ditch and watercourse pur-
I)oses, 57 V. c. 55, Form A , p.
Cei-tificate of completion of work en
ditch or watercourse, 57 V. c. 55,
Form H., p. 196.
Certificate of clerk on printed vo-
ters' lists, 52 V. c. 3, Form 2, p.
Certificate of judge as to altera-
tions in voters' list, 52 V. c. 3,
Form 17, p. 36.
CertKliate of election of reeves and
ileputy-reeves, 55 V. e. 42, s. 06,
p. 270.
Certificate of action calling validity
of by-law in (luesllon, 55 V. c.
42, s. 356 (1), p. 3t;2.
Certificate of dismissal of proceed-
ings against by-laws, 5B "V. c, 42,
s. 356 (2), p. 362.
Certificate as to assessment roll, for
use at elections, 55 V. c. 42,
Sched. D., p. 540.
Certificate of assessor to be at-
tached to lists of lands In ar-
I'-ar for taxes, 55 V. c. 4,S, s.
142. p. 613.
Certificate of assessor as to ex-
amination of list of lands In ar-
rear for taxes, 55 V. c. 48, s. 142,
p. 613.
Citation of clerk for neglect of du-
ties in relation to voters' lists,
52 V. c. 3, Form 22, p. 39.
Collectors' roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 119, p.
Complaint against entry of dls-
qaiilified per.'-'on on voters' lists,
52 V. c. 3, Form 4, p. 29.
Con 'ictions under by-laws, 55 V. c.
42, s. 427, p. 382.
Debentures made transferable only
by entry in debenture registry
book, 55 V. c. 42, s. 410, p. 378.
Declaration as to number of voters,
entitling municipality to elect
deputy-reeves, 55 V. c. 42, s. 67,
p. 270.
Declaration of qualification, 55 V. c.
42, s. 270 (1), p. 33.3.
Declaration of qualification In
townships, 55 V. c. 42, s. 270 (2),
p. 334.
Declaration of Incapacity to mark
ballot paper, 55 V. c. 42, Sched.
K.. p. 540.
Declaration of office, 55 V. c. 42, s.
271, p. 334.
F0RM8- Conflminl.
Decliiratioii to be taken by election
olIlciTH. 55 V. c. 42, 8. 27\il, p.
neeliiratinii to lie iiiiiile by iiiKlitorK.
55 v. e. 42, h. 272, i». :i:{5.
r>e(liiriiti(iii IIS to propel" nse ol
vottTH' listH at electlmiH, 55 V. v.
42, Sched. O., p. 541.
Declaration of aeereey at voting, 5r,
V. e. 42. Kched. II., p. 541.
Declaration of Interest of aKcnts at
votliiK' on by-lawH, 55 V c. 42,
Sched. K., p. 542.
Declaration of secrecy at votlnj? on
by-laws, 55 V. c. 42. Sched. M.,
p. 350.
Declaration of ownership before
commencing proceedlnRS for
construction of ditch, 57 V. c. 55,
Form B., p. 192.
Directions to voters at elections, 55
V. c. 42, Sched. B., p. 537.
Directions to voteis at voting on
by-laws, 55 V. c. 42, Sched. L.,
p. 542.
Disclaimer of election after com-
plaint made, 55 V. c. 42, ss. 200.
201, p. 315.
Disclaimer of election, before com-
plaint made, 55 V. c. 42, s. 203,
p. 3". 6.
Drainage by-law, 57 V. c. 56, s. 20,
p. 205.
Execution for costs on voters' list
appeals, 52 V. c. 3, Form 19, p.
Free library by-laws and deben-
tures, Rev. Stat. c. IS!), Sched.
p. 2050.
Health by-law. Rev. Stat. c. 205.
Sched. A., p. 2286.
Index book of separate school sup-
porters, 53 V. c. 71. oched. p.
Jury rolls. Rev. Stat. c. 52, Sched.
A., p. 658.
List of appeals to be heard by court
of revision, 55 V. c. 48, s. .54 (6),
p. 590; 57 V. c. 56. s. 37, p. 210.
Names of municipal corporations,
55 V. c. 42, s. 5. p. 245.
KOHMS-f ow//;»»f7/.
Niirnts of provisional county cor-
porations. 55 V. c. 42. H. 6. p.
Notice of tll»'. stone and timber
drainage by-iuw. Rev. Slat. c.
;is. Form (i, p. :i97.
Notice (»f public meeting. Rev. Stat,
c. 187, Sched. A., p. 2041.
Notice to repair line fence. Rev.
Stat. c. 219. Form 1, p. 2358.
Notice to fence viewers. Rev. Stat,
c. 219, Form 2, p. 2358.
Notice to ow.iers to meet and agree
upon construction t)f ditch or
watercourse, 57 V. c. 55, Form
C, p. 192.
Notice to persons affected by work
on ditch or watercourse, 57 V. c.
55, Form F., i 194.
Notice of posting up voter- ' list. 52
V. c. 3, Form 3, p. :•
Notice of appeal un omission from
voters' list, 52 V. c. 3. Form 6,
p. 29.
Notices to be given by clerk on ic-
ceising itppcals as to etitries in
voters' lists, 52 V, . 3, Forms
7-12, p. 31.
Notice to be published with by-
laws, 55 V. c. 42, y. 330, p. 352.
Notice of special meeting of county
council to consider certain by-
laws, 55 V. c. 42. 8. 345, p. 358.
Notice of registration of by-laws,
55 V. c. 42, s. 354. p. 361.
Notice of local inipiovement by-
laws and sittings of court of re-
vlsl(jn, 55 V. c. 42, s. 618 (4), p.
Notice to be given by company de-
siring to be assessed as sup-
porting sejiarate schools, ,")5 V.
C. 48. s. 21 (3^0, p. 575.
Notice of assessment as public or
separate school supporter, L-5 V.
c. 48. s. 47f/, p. 583.
Notice of sitting of court of revi-
sion to be sent to api)ellants. 55
V. c. 48. a. 64 (9). p. 590.
;1 ;!
! i
Notice to attend court of revision
on drainage by-law, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 34, p. 210.
Notice to be given by non-resident
land owner desiring to be as-
sessed, 55 V. c. 48, Sched. A., p.
Notice of assessment, 55 \. c. 48,
Sched. B., p. 639.
Oath of selectors of jurors. Rev.
Stat. c. 52, s. 21, p. 616.
Oath of county selectors. Rev. Stat,
c. 52, s. 51, p. 624.
Oath of voter at public school elec-
tion, 54 V. c. 55, s. 103 (6), p. 139.
Oath of freeholder voting at muni-
cipal elections, 55 V. c. 42, s. 102,
p. 283.
Oath of householder voting at
municipal elections, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 103, p. 284.
Oath of income voter at municipal
elections, 55 V. c. 42, s. 104, p.
Oath of farmer's son voting at
municipal elections, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 105, p. 285; 57 V. c. 50, s. 2 (2),
p. 166.
Oath of freeholder voting on by-
laws, 55 V. c. 42, s. 310, p. 345.
Oath of leaseholder voting on by-
laws, 55 V. c. 42, s. 311, p. 346.
Oath of leaseholder voting on local
improvement by-laws, 55 V. c.
42, s. 312, p. 347.
Oath of member of police force, 55
V. c. 42, s. 441, p. 388.
Oath of engineer before commenc-
ing drainage works, 57 V. c. 56,
s. 5, p. 200.
Oath of engineer appointed for
ditch and watercourse purposes,
57 V. c. 55, s. 4 (3), p. 179.
Oath of assessor as to entry of vot-
er.s on roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. Uh (7),
p. 571.
Oath of assesso'- to be attached to
assessment roll when returned,
55 V. c. 48. .s. 49, p. 584. Continued.
Oath of person sitting on court of
revision, 55 V. c. 48, s. 57, p. 588;
57 V. c. 56, s. 26, p. 208.
Oath of voter at election of road
(Oiiiniissioucrs, 55 V. <■. 48. s.
110, p. 605.
Oath of person complaining to courtj
of revision in person, 55 V. c. 48,
Scheds. C. D. E., p. 640.
Oath of agent of person complain-
ing to court of revision, 55 V. c.
48, Scheds. F. G. H., p. 641.
Oath of person requiring to be en-
tered by assessor as a manhood
suffrage voter, 55 V. c. 48, Sched.
L., p. 643.
Order as to costs on voters' list ap-
peals, 52 V. c. 3, Form 18, p. 37.
Order on voters' list appeals as to
payment of taxes by persons
added, 52 V. c. 3, Form 20, p. 38.
Petition for construction of drain-
age works, 57 V. c. 56, s. 4, p.
Placard to be affixed to house by
jihysician attending case of con-
tagious disease in township, 56
V. c. 44, s. 1, p. 171.
Poll book for use at elections, 55 V.
c. 42, Sched. C, p. 539.
Prescribing mode of transfer In de-
bentures, 55 V. c. 42, s. 410, p.
Register to be kept by persons re-
ceiving infaiic children to
nurse for hire. Rev. Stat. c. 209,
Sched., p. 2324.
Requisition to engineer in case of
difference as to work on ditch
or watercourse, 57 V. c. 55, Form
E., p. 194.
Report on application to judge to
certify voters' list, 52 V. c. 3,
Form 14, p. 34.
School debenture, 54 V. c. 55, Sched.,
p. 168.
School census, 55 V. c. 48, Sched. M.,
p. 644.
Statement of judge as to altera-
tions in voters' list, 52 V. c. 3,
Form 16, p. 35.
FOB-MS— Continued.
Style of proceedings on appeals
from assessment, 55 V. c. 48, s.
71, p. 595.
Summons to witness to appear be-
fore court of revision on drain-
age by-law, 57 V. c. 56, s. 28 (2),
p. 209.
Subpoena to attend on revision of
voters' lists, 52 V. c. 3, Form 13,
p. 34.
Subpoena for attendance of wit-
nesses on appeals from court of
revision, 57 V. c. 51, s. 3, p. 172.
Tax deed, 55 V. c. 48, Sched. K., p.
Tile, stone and timber drainage by-
law. Rev. Stat. c. 38, Form 1, p.
Tile, stone and timber drainage de-
benture, Rev. Stat. c. 38, Form
5, p. 396.
Voters' lists, 52 V. c. 3, Form 1, p.
FOXES, By-laws for giving bounties
for destruction of, 5o V. c. 35, s. i
14, p. 146. j
Milk. I
alty for making, 55 V. c. 48, s. I
227, p. 633. !
What to be evidence, 55 V. c. 48, s. ■
228, p. 633. I
Assessor found guilty to be sen-
tenced to highiest punishment
allowed by law, 55 V. c. 48, s.
229, p. 634.
specting sales for taxes in, 56
V. c. 39. p. 154.
Limit of quantity of land which
may be purchased, 56 V. c. 39, s.
1, p. 154.
Sales not to be made for less taxes
than $10, nor when no improve-
ments have been made, 56 V. c.
39, s. 2, p. 154.
Terms and conditions under which
3, p. 154.
Sep Crown Lnnds.
PREEK.OLDBRS, Qualiflcation as
municipal electors, 55 V. c. 42,
ss. 79 (1), 80, pp. 276-278.
Qualification for membership in
municipal councils, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 73, p. 274.
Oath of persons claiming to vote
as. 55 V. c. 42, s. 102, p. 283.
Qualification for voting on by-laws,
55 V. c. 42, s. 308, p. 344.
Oath to be administered, 55 "V. c.
42, s. 310, p. 345.
I'^REE LIBRARIES, Transfer of pro-
perty of mechanics' institutes
for purposes of, Rev. Stat. c.
173, s. 22, p. 1704.
By-laws for granting money or land
to, 55 V. c. 42. s. 479 (9), p. 401.
Act to provide for the establishment
of. Rev. Stat. c. 189, p. 2044; 52
V. c. 38, p. 145; 55 V. c. 47, p. 558;
56 V. c. 36, p. 151.
Short title. Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 1, p.
Establishment in cities, towns and
villages, Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 2.
p. 2044.
News room, museum, branches, and
evening classes for artisans may
be established with library, Rev.
Stat. o. 189, s. 2, p. 2044; 52 V. c.
38, s. 1, p. 145.
Powers of board as to management
of classes, 52 V. c. 38, s. 2, p. 145.
Upon petition and assent of elect-
ors, by-law may be passed. Rev
Stat. c. 189, s. 2 (3), p. 2044.
When by-law may be finally
passed. Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 2 (4)
(5), p. 204.^,.
By-law not approved by electors,
not to be re-submitted in the
same year. Rev Stat. c. 189 s. 2
(6). p. 2045.
Appointment of board of manage-
ment. Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 3, p-
Member of appointing body dis-
qualified. Rev. Stat. c. 189, s.
3 (2), p. 2045.
Annual retirement of members,
Rev. Stat. c. 189. s. 3 (3), p.
■ .)■
. ! f,
■ '
i i
Term of office of first members,
Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 3 (3), p.
Term of office of mem.ber elected
to till vacanry caused by death
etc., Rev, Stat. c. 189, s. 3 (5),
p. 2046.
Term of office generally, Rev.
Stat. e. 189, s. 3 (6), p. 2046.
When apiioiutments to be made.
Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 3 (7), p.
Chairman, Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. o
(8), p. 2046.
When meetings to be held, Rev.
Stat. c. 189, s. 3 (9), p. 2046.
Summoning special meetings, Rev.
Stat. c. 189, s. 3 (10), p. 2046.
QiKtnim, Rev. Stat. e. 189, a. ['.
(11), p. 2046.
Record of orders and proceedings.
Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 3 (12), p.
Records signed by chairman, to be
evidence, Rev. Stat. c. 189, s.
3 (13), p. 2046.
Board to procure buildings, pur
chase books, etc., and appoint
and dismiss officers. Rev. Stat.
c. 189, s. 4, p. 2046.
Board not to purchase land or
malie improvements to extern
of $2,000 without authority from
the council. Rev. Stat. c. 189, s.
4, p. 204G; 55 V. c. 47, s. 1, p. 558.
Board may malte by-laws oi rules
and impose penalties for breach
thereof, Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 5, p.
Publication of by-laws. Rev. Stat,
c. 189, s. 5 (2), p. 2047.
Right to recover damages not af-
fected by recovery of penalties.
Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 5 (3), p. 2047.
Yearly estimates to be submitted
to council by board, 55 V. c. 47.
s. 2, p. 558.
Accounts to be kept by lioard. Rev.
Stat. c. 189, s. 7. p. 2047.
Councils authorized to levy rate not
exceeding half a mill on the
dollnr, Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 8, p.
Limit in cities of $100,000 to be a
quarter of a mill, 55 V. c. 47, s.
3, p. 558.
Submission of by-law to electors af-
ter rejection by council, 55 "V. c.
47, s. 4, p. 558.
Power to issue debentures. Rev.
Stat. c. 189 s. 8 (2), p. 2048.
Provision for interest and sinking
fund. Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 8 (3),
p. 2048.
Duty of treasurer as to moneys
collected. Rev. Stat. c. 189, s.
8 (4), p. 2048.
When by-law not to require as-
sent of electors, Rev. Stat. c.
189, s. 8 (5), p. 2048.
Admission to be free. Rev. Stat. c.
189, s. 9, p. 2048.
Penalty for disorderly conduct, 52
V. c. 38, s. 5, p. 146.
Appointing janitor a special con-
stable to i:)reserve order and
protect property, 56 V. c. 36, s.
1, p. 151.
Transfer of property of mechanics*
institutes, art schools and li-
brary associations, for purposes
of the Act, Rev. Stat. c. 189, s.
10, p. 2048; 52 V. c. 38, s. 3, p. 145.
Government aid to library after
amalgamation with art school,
52 V. c. 38, s. 4. p. 145.
Government aid upon amalgama-
tion with mechanics' institute.
Rev. Stat. c. 189, s. 11, p. 2049.
Incorporation of Act with Munici-
pal and Assessment Acts, Rev.
Stat. c. 189, s. 11, p. 2049.
Museums not to be established by
board in cities of 100,000 with-
out assent of electors, 55 V. c.
47, s 5, p. 558.
Forms.—petlticn for by by-law,—
by-law establishing library,—
by-law for issue of debentures,
—debentures. Rev. Stat. c. 189,
Sched., p. 2049.
FRONTAGE TAX— see Local Improve-
FRUIT, By-laws for regulating an'l
licensing places for sale when
sold to be eaten on premises, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (7), (8), p. 414.
Rt'spi'Ctlng the sale of, in streets
and luijneent vacant lots, 55 \ .
c. 42, s. 503 (3), p. 441.
For preventing forestalling, etc.,
of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (6), p. 441.
Respecting purchases by dealers,
55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (7), p. 441.
FRUIT TREES, Act for the better pre-
vention of certain diseases af-
fecting. 56 V. c. 42, p. 167,
Short title, 56 V. c. 42, s. 1, p. 167.
Former provisions repealed, 56 V. c.
42, s. 2, p. 167.
Owners and occupants of land to
cut out and burn black knot
found on plum or cherry trees,
and destroy trees and fruit af-
fected by yellows, 66 V. c. 42, s.
3, p. 167.
Appointment of inspectors and
board of fruit tree inspection,
56 V. C. 42, s. 4 (1), p.- 167.
By-law for dividing municipality
into districts and appointing
division inspectors, 56 V. c. 42,
s. 4 (2), p. 167.
Inspector to proceed on written
complaint, 56 V. c. 42, s. 5, p.
Inquiry and annual report by in-
spector, 56 V. c. 42, s. 6, p. 168.
Clerk to forward copy of reporl
to Minister of Agriculture, 5i
V. c. 42, s. 6 (2), p. 168.
Appeal from inspector's decision,
on complaint made as to yel
lows, to board of fruit tree in-
spection, 56 V. c. 42, s. 7, p. 168.
Notice of r.ppeal, 56 V. c. 42, s. 7
(2), p. 168.
Notice to board to attend and ex
amine trees. 56 V. c. 42, s. 7 (3),
p. 168.
Examination by board, 56 V. c.
42, s. 7 (4). p. 169.
Decision by board, 56 V. c. 42, s. 7
(5). p. 169.
FKUIT TREES— rv*/(//Hi/ed.
Fees of board, 56 V. c. 42, s. 7 (6),
p. 169.
Penalties, neglecting to comply
with directions of inspector, 5ft
V. c. 42, s. 9 (1), p. 169.
Selling or offering fruit affected,
by yellows, 56 V. c. 42, s. i) (2),
p. 169.
Inspector neglecting to discharge
duties, 56 V. c. 42, s. 9 (3), p.
Application of penalties, 56 V. "
42, s. 10, p. 169.
Councils to see that inspectors per-
form their duties, 56 V. c. 42,
s. 11, p. 169.
FUEL, By-laws for regulating the
weighing and measuring of, 55
V. c. 42. s. 503 (8), p. 441.
FrKNACES, In police villages to be
connected with chimneys, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 667 (3), p. 530.
Not to be erected for making
charcoal in police villages, 55
V. c. 42, s. 667 (12), p. 531.
GAMBLING, Licenses not to be
granted for times and places of
holding of agricultural socie-
ties' exhibitions, 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (25)(l, p. 419.
By-laws for the suppression of, and
for seizing and destroying faro-
banks, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (36),
p. 421.
GAME INSPECTORS, By-laws for ap-
pointment, reniiineriition and re-
gulation of. ni') Y. c. 42, s. 479 (2),
(;{), p. 400.
GAOLERS, Disqualified from member-
ship In councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 77
(1), p. 275.
To receive and keep prisoners com-
mitted to county gaols from
cities and towns, 55 V. c. 42, s.
454. p. 301.
{■ t
. I
: I
1 '
GAOLERS— Continued.
To be appointed by sheriffs, and
salary to be lixed by county
council subject to revision by
Inspector of Prisons, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 464 (1), p. 394.
Appointment and dismissal to be
subject to approval of Lieuten-
ant-Governor, 55 V. c. 42, s. 464
(2), p. 394.
Salaries, to be in lieu of fees, and
no fees or perquisites to be taken
from prisoners, 55 V. c. 42, s. 465,
p. 394.
GAOLS, Removal of prisoners to other
institutions, — payment of fees of
slu'ritt", Rev. Stat. c. 83, s. 10, p.
Act to provide for inspection, — pow-
ers of inspector. Rev. Stat. c.
250, p. 2650.
Sheriff of Toronto to have control
of gaol for the city and county,
51 V. c. 6, s. 5. p. 16.
Expenses of conveying prisoners
from, to Provincial institutions
to be borne by municipali-
ties, Kev. Stat. c. 242, s. 5, p.
2587. I
Application of earnings of prison- '
era, Kev. Stat. c. 242, s. 6, p.
Amount to be paid by town for use
of, upon withdrawal from
county, to be settled by arbitra-
tion, 55 V. c. 42, s. 25 (1), p. 256.
New award after lapse of five
years, 55 V. c. 42, s. 25 (5), p.
Erection in provisional counties, 55
V. c. 42. s. 41, p. 261.
County councils may pass by-laws
for erecting and repairing, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 452, p. 390.
County councils to k^ep in repair
and provide necessary supplies,
55 V. c. 42. s. 452, p. 390.
In counties, to be gaols for cities
and towns therein which are
not separated, 55 V. c. 42, s. 454,
p. .",91.
GAOLS— Continued
City councils may pass by-laws for
the erection of, on lands of
municipality and for making re-
pairs, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 455, p.
To be houses of correction until
separate houses of correction
established, 55 V. c. 42, s. 463, p.
Sheriffs to have the care of, and
appoint gaolers, 55 V. c. 42, s.
464 (1), p. 394.
Salaries of gaolers to be fixed by
county council, but subject to
revision by the Inspector of Pri-
sons, 55 V. c. 42, s. 464 (1), p. 30}.
Appointment or dismissal of gaoler
to be subject to approval of
Lieutenant-Governor, 55 V. c. 41,
S. 4G4 (2), p. 394.
Gaolers to have a yearly salary,
and not to receive fees, perqui-
sites, etc., from any prisoner, 55
V. C. 42, s. 465, p. 394.
When established in a city, to be
regulated by by-laws of city
council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 467, p. 395.
Regulations, continued in junior
county upon dissolution of
union, 55 V. c. 42, s. 468, p. 395.
Cities and towns separated from
counties to contribute to the
erection and maintenance of, 55
V. c. 42, s. 469 (1), p. 395.
County councils not to be liable for
furniture, etc., unless ordered
by their authority, 55 V. c. 42, s.
470, p. 396.
Counties, and cities and towns
therein, to have an insurable in-
terest, 55 V. c. 42, s. 471, p. 396.
Liability of cities to contribute to
cost of brilding commenced
since 5lh March, 1880, to depend
upon concurrence in expendi-
ture or upon jiwuril, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 472, p. 30(5.
Council of city liable to contribute
to have a voice in selection of
site, and in case of disagree-
ment site to be determined by
arbitration, 55 V. c. 42, s. 472. p.
City or town making use of, to con-
tribute to cost thereof, and lor
the maintenance of prisoners,
such amount as may be agreed
upon or awarded, 65 V. c. 4Z, s.
473 (1), p. 396.
Matters to be considered by ar-
bitrators, 55 V. c. 42, s. 473 (2),
p. 397.
After Ave years, Lieutenant-Gov-
ernor may order new settle-
ment, 55 V. c. 42, s. 474, p. 397.
W'lien used as lock-ups by county
towns not separated from coun-
ties, compensation to be paid
therefor as agreed upon or
awarded, 55 V. c. 42, s. 475, p.
Exempted from taxation, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (o), p. 562.
GAOL SURGEONS, By-laws for ap-
pointment of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 495
U). p. 426.
GARBAGE, By-laws for preventing
persons from depositing filth,
etc., on streets, 55 V. c. 42, s.
i&J (23), p. 419.
GARDENS, Not to be taken for en-
largement of cemeteries without
itmsent of owner, 55 V. c. 42, s.
4t)J (12;(/, p. 417.
Carrying fire into, in police villages,
55 V. C. 42, s. 667 (7), p. 530.
Acreage of, to be entered on assess-
ment roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14 (3), p.
When held for sale in cities, towns
and villages, how to be as-
sessed, 55 V. c. 48, s. 27, p. 576;
57 V. c. 51, s. 1, p. 171.
Mode of assessing when enclosed
and not held for sale, 55 V c. 48, i
s. 28 (1), p. 576.
Public gardens— see Public Parks.
tlticn to council, and by-law
granting authority to lay down
pipes, Rev. Stat. c. 164, s. 4, p.
Municipalities may take stock or
loan money, Rev. Stat. c. 164,
s. 51, p. 1544.
By-laws for authorizing and regul-
ating the laying of pipes under
highways, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(30), p. 420.
For lending money to, or taking
stock in with assent of elec-
tors, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (31), p.
When head of municipality to be
i\i--()fficii) a director. Rev. Stat,
c. 164, s. 52, p. 1544; 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (31), p. 420.
Municipalitle.s may transfer to com-
panies their compulsory powers
under Municipal Waterworks
Act, Rev. Stat. c. 164, s. 58, p.
Application of foregoing provi-
sion. Rev. Stat. c. 164, s. 59, p.
Municipalities may acquire works
of company on payment there-
for, Rev. Stat. c. 164, s. 98, p.
Arbitration in case of disagree-
ment, Rev. Stat. c. 164, s. 98,
p. 1553.
Mode of computing value, Rev.
Stat. c. 164, s. 99, p. 1553.
Time within which value to be
paid, Rev. Stat. c. 164, s. 100,
p. 1553.
When council may take proceed-
ings to determine value with-
out assent of electors, Rev.
Stat. c. 164, s. 101, p. 1554.
Settlement of amount by agree-
ment, Rev. Stat. c. 164, s. 102,
p. 1554.
If payment not made, rights of
company to revive, Rev. Stat.
<•. 164. s. 103, p. 1554.
Existing comi)anies may consent
to be bound by foregoing pro-
visions, Rev. Stat. c. 164, s. 104,
p. 1554.
Limitation as to resolutions for
acf|ulring works, Rev. Stat. c.
164, s. 105, p. 1554.
f . r
3 ■
1' -
m I
4 ;■
I! ;' *'
Iau the Ontario
Gazette in Assessment Acts, 55
V. c. 48, s. 2 (1), p. 560.
GEESE— see Poultry,
constables to have charge of
lock-ups, 55 V. c. 42, s. 457, p.
GIRLS. Expense of conveyance to In-
dustrial Refuge, how to be paid.
Rev. Stat. c. 240. s. 18. p. 2576.
Seats to be provided by employers
in shops. 51 V. c. 33, s. 3 (7), p.
Protection of, when employed in
places of business other than
factories— see Places of Busi-
ness (55 V. c. 54, p. 658).
GOATS, By-laws respecting the keep-
ing of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (45), p.
ing fund may be invested in, 55
V. c. 42, ss. 375, 376, p. 368.
Moneys set apart for educational
purposes may be invested in, 55
V. c. 42, s. 378 (1), p. 369.
property and official income ex-
empted from taxation, 55 V. c.
42, s. 7 (11), p. 563.
GRAIN, Market fees not to be collected
on, 55 V. c. 42, s. 497 (1). p. 437.
What fees may be charged for
weighing on markets, 55 V. c. 42,
S. 497 (8), p. 438.
By-laws imposing fees on persons
taking advantage of markets by
selling in adjacent streets not
to apply, 55 V. c. 42, s. 498 (3).
p. 439.
By-laws respecting the sale of, in
streets or adjacent vacant lots,
55 V. C. 42. s. 503 (3), p. 441.
Regulnting the place and manner
of selling and weighing, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 503 (4), p. 441.
For preventing forestalling, etc.,
of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (6), p. 441.
Respecting purchases by dealers,
55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (7), p. 441.
While in transitu exempt from tax-
ation, 55 V. c. 48. s. 7 (14) 5C3.
GRAND JURORS, Selection of— see
GRATUITIES, May be paid to munici-
pal officers retiring after twenty
years' service, 55 V. c. 42, s. 280,
p. 337.
GRATUITIES-- CoH/i»(f"/.
By-laws for granting to members of
tire brigade or their widows, 5G
V. c. 35, s. 22, p. 148.
GRAVEL, By-laws for preserving and
selling, on road allowances, 55
V. c. 42, s. 550 (6), p. 469.
For acciuiring gravel beds when
necessary for repair of roads,
55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (7(0, p. 470.
For searching for and taking,
when required for keeping
roads in rei)air, 55 V. c. 42, s.
550 (8), p. 470.
For taking in adjoining munici-
pality, 55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (8), p.
Not to be taken in adjoining
municipality until price settled,
55 V. c. 42. s. 550 (8(/). p. 470.
GRAVEL ROADS, When county coun-
cils may license and regulate
owners and drivers of vehicles,
and regulate width of tires to
be used upon, 55 V. c. 42, s. 512,
p. 448.
See Highways.
GRAVES, By-laws for protection of, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (13), p. 417.
GROCERS, By-laws respecting pur-
chase of marketed goods by, 55
V. c. 42, s. 503 (7), p. 441.
GROUND PLANS, By-laws for compel-
ling the depositing of, before
commencement of buildings, 55
V. c. 42, s. 496 (33), p. 435.
policies of, may be accepted as
security for municipal officers,
55 V. c. 42, s. 281, p. 337.
^JUARDIANS, Empowered to act in
respect of arbitrations, agree-
ments or conveyances where
lands injured or expropriated by
councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 484 (1), p.
To be assessed alone for personalty
in their hands, 55 V. c. 48, s. 41
(1), p. 581.
Representative character to be
shewn on roll, and assessment
entered in separate line, 55 V. c.
48. s. 41 (2), p. 581.
GUAKDIANS- C'o»/i»»'./.
To be assessed for full value if
alone, and if assessed in con-
junction with others then for
due proportion, 55 V. c. x8, s.
41 (2;>, p. 581.
CUESTS, City councils may provide in
estinnites for receptions, etc., 55
V. c. 42, s. 520(f, p. 450.
What amount may be provided,
55 V. c. 42, s. 520«. p. 450.
CUNPOWDER, By-laws for regulating
the keeping and transporting of,
and [ov erecting magazines, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (24(/), p. 419.
Regulations for keeping and sale
of. In police villages, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 667 (13), (14), p. 531.
GUNS, By-laws for preventing the fir-
ing of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (46«).
p. 422.
tions for reclamation and cure
of, may be established in cities
of 50,000, 55 V. c. 42, s. 462 (3), p.
Who may be committed, 55 V. c.
42, s. 462 (4), p. 394.
Application of provisions relatlnir
to private lunatic asylums, 55
V. c. 42, s. 462 (5), p. 394.
HACKMEN— see Cabs.
IIALIBT'RTON, Excepted from general
laws as to (lualification of mem-
bers of councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 73,
p. 273.
Provisions as to publication of an-
nual statement of accounts of
municipalities not to apply, 55
V. c. 42, s. 263 (5), p. 332.
Payment of bounties for destruc-
tion of wolves, 55 V. c. 59, s. 3,
p. 670.
Act respecting the provisional county
of, Rev. Stat. c. 6, p. 40.
Limits defined. Rev. Stat. c. 6, s. 1,
p. 40.
' : 1
I ./
I '
i !•
HALIBXTRTON- Contiinivd.
Certain to\vnshli)s united as a sep-
arate municipality, Rev. Stat. c-.
6, s. 2, p. 40.
Rights, liabilities and powers ol'
corporation and council. Rev.
Stat. c. 6, s. 3, p. 40.
Limitation of powers as to aid t<>
railways. Rev. Stat. c. 6, s. 4, p.
Council, how composed, Rev. Stat,
c. 6, s. 5, p. 41.
Aleetinffs of council to be held
where registry office is kept,
Kov. Stat. c. 6, s. 5, p. 41.
Annexation to county of Victorin
for certain judicial purposes,
Rev. Stat. e. 6. s. 6, p. 41.
.Jurisdiction of justices of the peace,
Kev. Stat. c. 6, s. 7, p. 41.
Appeals from justices to lie to Gen-
eral Sessions of Victoria, Rev.
Stat. c. 6, s. S, p. 42.
Returns of convictions. Rev. Stat,
c. 6, s. 9, p. 42.
Gaols and lock-ups, erection of.
Rev. Stat, c, 6, s. 10, p. 42.
Gaols to bo common gaols for Hali-
burton and Victoria, Rev. Stat,
c. 6, s. 11, p. 42.
Power to commit to the gaol at
Lindsay, Rev. Stat. c. 6, s. 12,
p. 42.
Appcjintnient and salary of gaol'H",
— constables. Rev. Stat. c. 6, s.
13, p. 43.
Contribution towards expenses of
administration of justice, Rev.
Stat. c. 6, s. 14, p. 43.
Division courts, application of ;^en-
eral law, Rev. Stat. c. 6, s. 15, p.
Limits of divisions. Rev. Stat. c.
6, s. 16, p. 43.
Alteration of divisions. Rev. Stat,
c. 6, s. 17, p. 43.
Times and places for holding
courts, Rev. Stat. c. 6, s. 18, p.
HALIBURTON— Co»i. 370.
When authorized by by-law may
act with treasurer in borrow-
ing funds to meet expenditure
pending collection of tax^s, 56
V. c. o5, s. 10. It. 145 ; 67 V. c.
50. H. 5, I). 1G7.
To be ex ofllclo justices of Lhe
peace, 55 V. c. 42, s. 415, p. 379.
To be ex ofTlclo directors and vote
on stock where corporation
holds stock to .$10,000 In any
gas or water company, 55 V. c.
42, s. 489 (31), p. 420.
May administer oaths on hearing of
disputes respecting roads, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 548. p. 467. j
To be ex officio director of railway j
company, where corpore ti^." I
holds stock to $20,000, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 635, p. 522.
Powers and duties with respect to
oaths and declarations — see
Oaths and Declc*rations (55 V. c.
42, ss. 270-277, pp. 333-335).
Duties with respect to public meet-
ings — see Public Meetings (Rev.
Stat. c. 187, p. 2037).
HEALTH-see Public Health.
HEATING, Construction of works by
municipalities — see Light and
Heat (Rev. Stat. c. 191, p. 2063).
See Steam Heating and Elec-
tric Companies.
HIGH BAILIFF, Disqualified from
membership in councils, 55 V. c.
42, s. 77 (1), p. 275.
To be appointed by councils In
cities, — may also be chief con-
stable, 55 V. c. 42, s. 439, p. 388.
May be suspended or dismissed
from office by council, 55 V. c.
42, s. 451, p. 390.
During suspension not to act with-
out written permission or draw
salary, 55 V. c. 42, s. 451, p. 390.
High School Districts,—
Present districts continued, 54 V.
c. 57, 8. 6 (1), p. 176.
Changes when made not to relieve
lands from charges previously
incurred, 57 V. c. 58, s. 1, p. 236.
By-laws of county councils prior to
1st January, 1878, 54 V. c. 57, s.
6 (2), p. 176.
Right of appeal as to validity of
by-law revived, 54 V. c. 57, s. 6
(3), p. 176.
By-laws uniting portions of muni-
cipalities for high school
purposes. 54 y. c. 57, s. 7 (1). ii.
^^'ithdrawal from union, 54 "V. c.
57, s. 7 (2), p. 177.
Certificate of clerk to be evidence
as to number of ratepayers, 54
V. c. 57, s. 7 (3), p. 177.
New High Schools, establishment
County council may by-lav/
for any municipality having
1,000 inhabitants, 54 V. c. 57, s.
8 (1), p 177.
Approval of Lieutenant-Governor,
54 V. c. 57, s. 8 (1), p. 177.
Power to discontinue, 54 V. c. 57, s
8 (1), p. 177.
When high schools may be estab-
lished in villages Fx V. c. 57, s.
8 (2), p. 177.
City councils may establish high
schools subject to approval of
Lieutenant- Governor, 54 V. c.
57, s. 8 (3), p. 177.
Trustees, —
Appointment by county councils
and councils of municipalities
forming high school districts, 54
V. c. 57, s. 11, p. 178.
One appointed by county and one
in each municipality to retire
annually, 54 V. c. 57, s. 11 (1),
p. 178.
Where county composes a district,
council to appoint six, and two to
retire annually, 54 V. c. 57. s. U
(2). p. 178.
HIGH SCllOOhH— Continued.
City and town councils, to appoint
six for each school, and by-law
to provide for annual retire-
ment, in rotation, 54 V. c. 57, s.
11 (3), p. 17S.
When county council may ap-
point additional trustee, 54 V.
c. 57, s. 11 (4), p. 179.
Appointment by separate school
boards, 54 V. c. 56, s. 11 (5), p.
By public school boards, 54 V. c.
57, s. 11 (6), p. 179.
Vacancies, how filled, 54 V. c. 57, s.
12 (1), p. 179.
Notice to be Klvon to clerk, or
board of trustees, when seat
declared vacant, 54 V. c. 57, s.
47, p. 191.
Qualification, 54 V. c. 57, s. 12 (2), p.
179; 65 V. c. 60, s. 6, p. 672.
Disqualified from membership in
councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 77 (1), p.
Municipal grants for maintenance,—
County councils to make grants
equal to amount apportioned by
Minister of Education, 54 V. c.
57, s. 30, p. 184; 57 V. c. 58, s. 2, p.
No abatement to be made because
of fees paid by county pupils,
57 V. c. 58, s. 2, p. 236.
Further grants may be made pro-
portionate to attendance of
coimty pupils, 54 V. c. 57, 8. 31
(1). p. 184.
Grants for maintenance of county
pupils in city or town high
school, 54 V. c. 57, s. 31, (2), p.
Council and trustees may agree
upon amount, or disputes to
be settled by county Judge, 54
V. c. 57, s. 31 (3), p. 185.
Particulars to be furnished by
trustees If disputes arise, 54 V.
c. 57, s. 31 (4), p. 185.
Costs of reference to county
judge, 54 V. c. 57, s. 31 (5), p.
D.M.I.— 8
IIIGFI S(H()()LS~(;onN;iM«(/.
Rates to be levied by county
council, 64 V. c. 67, ■. 31 (G),
p. 185.
Maintenance of county pupils by
municipality outside high
school dLstrlct, by assessment
on ratepayers, 56 V. c. 52, s.
2, p. 209.
Councils in high school districts to
levy rates, 54 V. c. 57, s. 32, p.
Grants for permanent Improve-
menk". —
Applicfit)'-n to councils for asseas-
mcnt/i for imi)rovement8 oxceed-
irpi $500, 54 V. c. 57, S. 33, p. 186.
Issue of debentures by munici-
pality in which school is situ-
ate, 54 V. c. 57. s. 33, p. 186.
Submission to electors when coun-
cil refuses to raise funds, 54 V.
c. 57, 8, 34 (1), p. 186.
Power to pass by-laws without sub-
mitting same to elec'jrs, 54 V.
c. 57, s. 34 (3), p. 187.
Term of debentures, 54 V. c. 57, s.
34 (4), p. 187.
Power to raise sums in addition to
those required by law, 55 V. c.
57, s. 34 (4), p. 187.
Assessment for maintenance or per-
manent improvements, 56 V. c.
52, H. 3, p. 209.
Payment over of moneys to high
school treasurer, 54 V. c. 57, s.
36 (1), p. 187.
Treasurer of board to give security
and submit accounts to munici-
pal auditors, 54 V. c. 57, s. 36 (2),
p. 187.
Fees, —
What to be paid by county pupils,
54 V. c. 57, s. 37 (1), p. 187.
Of non-resident pupils. 54 V. c. 57,
s. 37 (2), p. 188.
Of resident pupils, 54 V. c. 57, s. 37
(3), p. 188.
Assessment to pay fees of pupils
from municipality outside of
high school district, 56 V. c. 52,
s. 4, p. 209.
I, !
B : '■'
HIGH HCUOOhS— Continued.
Other provlHlons,—
Entriinc<> cxMiiiinatioiiH to li(> holtl
at placfH recommended by coun-
ty louncllB, 54 V. c. 57, 8. 38 (1),
p. 188.
Council of united counties may pass
by-laws for apportlonlnK rate
for purposes of, among the
counties forming union, 65 V. c.
42, B. 495 (6), p. 428.
Borrowing moneys required for cur-
rent expenditure, 57 V. c. GO, s.
5, p. 167.
Moneys raised to be paid over In
monthly instalments to trea-
•surer of board, L7 V. c. 50, s. 5,
p. 167.
By-law3 for establishing, and for
electing trustees, and acquiring
necessary property, 55 V. c. 42,
B. 495 (5), p. 428.
Providing for attendance of pu-
pils of, at Toronto University,
and Upper Canada College,
for the purpose of competing
for scholarships, etc., 55 V. c.
42, s. 495 (7), p. 428.
Providing for expenses of pupils
of common schools competing
for scholarships at, 55 V. c. 42,
B. 495 (8), p. 428.
For endowing scholarships, etc.,
at Toronto University pnd
Upper Canada College for pu-
pils of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (9),
p. 446.
Tor granting aid to, or towards
building or Improving, in an-
other municipality, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 509 (2), p. 446.
Exempted from taxation, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 7 (4), p. 562.
"HIGHWAY," Meaning of. In Munici-
pal Acts, 65 V. c. 42, s. 2 (8), p.
Crown Timber on Road Allowances,—
Government road allowances to be
included in timber licenses, Rev,
Stat. c. 28, s. 4, p. 315.
Rights of licensees, Rev. fitat. c.
28, B. 4, p. S16.
HIGHWAYS— Co«t»«H«?r/.
By-laws not to prevail against li-
cense, Rev. Stat. c. 28, s. 6, p.
Townships preserving timber en-
titled to percentage of dues.
Rev. Stat. c. 28, s. 6, p. 315.
When townships not entitled. Rev.
Stat. c. 28, B. 6, p. 315.
Terms on which peicentage may be
obtained, Rev. Stat. c. 28, s. 7,
p. 316.
Percentage to be expended on high-
ways, Rev. Stat. c. 28, s. 8, p. 316
Time from which Junior townships
entitled to dues. Rev. Stat. c.
28, s. 9, p. 316.
Provisions Respecting Certain Mat-
ters Connected with High-
ways, —
Registrar not to register plan show-
ing streets less than sixty-six
feet wide without consent of
council, 50 V. c. 21, s. 06 (0), p. 81
Similar provision as to land titles
offices, 55 V. c. 24, p. 157.
Settlement of allowance for past
expenditure on roads and
bridges on withdrawal of town
from county, 55 V. c. 42, s. 25 (2),
p. 256.
By-laws in force In new territory
at time of annexation, con-
tinued, 55 V. c. 42, s. 54, p. 265.
Councils may purchase, from
Crown and contract debts
therefor, 55 V. c. 42, s. 349, p.
Police commissioners In cities, and
councils in towns, may regulate
or prohibit the playing of
music in streets, 55 V. c. 42, s.
436 (5), p. 387.
By-laws for regulating riding or
driving, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (14), p.
By-laws for maintenance or laying
down of fences upon, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 489 (17), p. 418.
Prohibiting the erection of barbed
wire fences on streets In
towns and cities, 55 V. c. 42, a.
489 (19), p. 418.
For rcinoviil of *'cnc»« uiKlcr the
Act rcs|i('(tih!r snow I'ciiri'w.
55 V. c. VJt, s. 4S9 (20), p. 118.
For t)i<'VfmliiK perHons from
throwlnx (llth. etc., on, 55 V.
c, 429. H. 489 (23). p. 419.
For dlrt'ctlnK removal of certain
obstructions, 57 V. c. 50, s. 15.
p. 169.
For rciidcriiip personH placing ob-
8tnictionH liable for tlu'ir re-
moval, 57 V. c. 50. 8. 15. p. 169. j
For providing for officers enforc- '
inK removal of obstructions, I
57 V. c. 50. 8. 15, p. 169. I
Worm fences, when not to be
deemed obstructions, 57 V. ,
c. 50, s. 15, p. 169.
For allowing abatement in sta-
tute labor to persons planting
sliade trees on, 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (27), p. 420.
For preventing begging or the
exposure of diseased or de-
formed persons, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 496 (2). p. 431.
For preventing driving on side-
walks etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 490
(5), p. 431.
For preventing the importuning
of travellers by runners, etc.,
55 V. c. 32, s. 4S6 (6), p. 431.
For setting apart portions of
streets for boulevards, and
regulating same, or permit-
tiuff owuens to construct
boulevards and regulating and
confirming those already con-
structed, 57 V. c. 50 s. 9, p. 167.
For the protection of boulevards
57 V. c. 50, s. 9, p. 168.
Respecting dwellings in narrow
streets, 55 Y. c. 42, a. 496 (10a).
p. 431.
For the removal of snow. Ice and
dirt, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (25), p.
433; 57 V. c. 50, s. 10, p. 168.
For sweeping, lighting and water-
ing and charging costs to pro-
perty benefited— see Local Im-
provements (55 v. c. 42, s. 629,
p. 517).
Respecting the obstruction or
fouling of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(27), p. 434.
HIGIIWAYH— t'«)H/ini/^(/.
For directing removal of door-
Hteps, etc., projecting into, 55
V. c. 42, H. 496 (2S), p. 434.
Regulating the user of r -oets, 5.'
V. c. 42, 8. 496 (36), p. 436.
Respecting coasting an, p. 467.
Arbitration upon disagreement,
55 V. c. 42, s. 549 (2), p. 467.
Powers of all municipalities, —
By-laws for opening, closing, etc.,
and for taking lands, and lay-
ing out drives, sidewalks, etc.,
and permitting subways for
cattle. .55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (1), p.
p. 468.
k: ; „
\i '
If ;■■
HIGHWAYS -C'o;ittJtucd.
For opening or closing, etc., roads
on railway lands, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 550 (2), p. 468.
For straightening rivers, etc.,
when dangerous, 55 V. c. 42, s.
550 (2«), p. 469.
Mill sites and water privileges
not to be interfered with,
55 V. c. 42, s. 550 {2a), p.
For taking tolls, 55 V. c. 42, s.
550 (3), p. 469.
For granting tolls for not more
than twenty-one years to per-
son completing work and
keeping same in repair, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 550 (4), p. 469.
For making regulations as to
places dangerous to travellers,
55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (5), p. 469.
For preserving or selling timber,
stone or gravel, subject to
rights of Crown, 55 V. c. 42, s.
550 (6), p. 469.
Allowing road companies to con-
struct roads and for declar-
ing when tolls may be taken,
55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (7), p. 470.
Procuring materials, —
By-laws for purchasing stone or
gravel beds and selling same
when no longer required, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 550 (7o), p. 470.
For taking materials, and (with
consent of such municipality)
for taking gravel in adjoining
municipality, 55 V. c. 42, s. 550
(8). p. 470.
Right of entry and compensa-
tion to be determined by ar-
bitration when not agreed
upon, 55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (8), p.
Gravel not to be taken in ad-
joining municipality until
price settled, 55 V. c. 42, s.
550 (8)rt, p. 470.
Selling road allowances, —
By-laws for selling road allowances
when other roads opened in lieu
thereof. 55 V. c. 42, s. 550 (9), p.
HIGHWAYS— Confinucd.
Owner of land laid out by him or
taken foi road in lieu of road
allowance without compensa-
tion, to be entitled to original
allowance, 55 V. c. 42, s. 551 (1),
p. 4V1.
Council to give conveyance of ori-
ginal road allowance on report
of surveyor that suitable road
laid out in lieu thereof, 55 V. c.
42, s. 551 (1), p. 471.
Council may sell road allowance
when useless, to adjoining own-
ers, and apply purchase money
in paying compensation, 55 V. c.
42, s. 551 (2), p. 471.
Possession of unopened allowance,—
Original allowance for road to be
deemed legally in possession
when enclosed by owner of ad-
joining land, until opened by
by-law, 55 V. c. 42, s. 552, p. 471.
By-law not to be passed until af-
ter notice given, 55 V. c. 42, s.
553, p. 471.
Aiding in making roads, —
By-laws for granting aid to ad-
joining municipality to open or
improve roads, etc., 55 V. c. 42,
s. 554, p. 471.
Agreements with owners of toll
roads as to expenditure of sta-
tute labour or money thereon
on condition that tolls be
abolished, 56 V. c. 35, s. 26, p.
Townships, Cities, Towns and Vil-
By-law? for aiding counties towards
opening and making, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 555 (1), p. 472.
Joint works with other municipali-
ties, —
By-laws for joint works with other
municipalities in the .«ame coun-
ty, 55 V. c. 42, s. 555 (2), p. 472.
For improvements upon streets,
etc., forming boundaries, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 555 (3), p. 473.
For apportioning cost between
municipality and property
benefited and levying rates, 55-
V. c. 42, s. 55E (3), p. 473.
RIGRW AYS— Continued.
Repair of township roads— how en-
forced, —
Townships may apply to county to
compel joint action in maintain-
ing boundary lines, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 556, p. 473.
Majority of ratepayers bordering on
township road may petition
county to enforce opening or
repair, 55 V. c. 42, s. 557, p. 473.
County council may consider and
act upon petition, at session
when presented, 55 V. c. 42, s.
558, p. 473.
County council to determine lia-
bility of each township, 55 V. c.
42, s. 559, p. 474.
Commissioners to be appointed to
enforce directions of county
council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 560, p. 474.
If townships interested announce
their intention to execute the
work, reasonable time to be al-
lowed, and, in default, com-
missioners may perform It, 55
V. c. 42, s. 560, p. 474.
Sums determined upon to be paid
on order of commissioners and
retained out of moneys coming
to defaulting townships, or
levied by county rate, 55 V. c.
42, s. 561, p. 474.
Townships unable to agree on joint
action with respect to a county
boundary line, may apply to
wardens to apportion cost with
county judge, 55 V. c. 42, s. 562,
p. 474.
Wardens to meet within twenty-
one days from application, 55
V. c. 42, s. 563, p. 474.
Warden of county from which
first application came to be
convener, and call meeting,
55 V. c. 42, s. 563, p. 474.
Wardens and judge to apportion
cost and appoint commlsslon-
c>rs, 55 V. c. 42, s. 564, p. 475.
Township treasurer to pay order
of commissioners, and path-
masters to obey directions of
commissioners as to statute
labour, 55 V. c. 42, s. 564, p. 476.
HIGH WAYS- Co?i(/«i/«>rf.
Counties and Townships.
Sale of minerals,—
County and township councils may
sell or lease right to take min-
erals on or under roads, 55 "V. c.
42, s. 565 (1), p. 475.
Notice to be given, 55 V. c. 42, s.
565 (2), p. 475.
Conveyance or lease to contain
provisions protecting public tra-
vel, 55 V. c. 42, s. 565 (3), p. 475.
Counties. —
By-laws for closing and disposing
or original road allowances sub-
ject to general provisions re-
specting notice, 55 V. c. 42, s.
566 (1), p. 476.
For opening, closing, etc., roads
running through or between
two or more townships, 55 "V.
c. 42, s. 566 (2), p. 476.
Trees obstructing roads,—
By-laws for directing trees to be
cleared for twenty-five feet on
each side of road, by proprie-
tors, or. In default, by county
surveyor, 55 V. c. 42, s. 566 (3),
p. 476.
Trees removed by county officer
may be used on road or sold, 55
V. c. 42, s. 566 (3). p. 476.
Double tracks in snow roads,—
By-laws for providing for maklns
and keeping open double trark=(
in snow roads 55 V. c. 42, s. 55G.
(4), p. 476.
Aid to local municipalities, —
By-law for aiding local munioipall-
tlcH when county at larj:*' in-
terested, and for guaranteeing
debentures of local municipalty,
55 V. c. 42. s. 566 (5), p. 477.
Repairs by local municipalities, —
By-laws for requiring local muni-
cinnlities to open nnd miiiiitain
county roads within their limlta,
55 V. c. 42, s. 566 (6), p. 477.
By-laws for abandoning or dispos-
ing of county roads. 55 V. c. 42,
s. 566 (7). p. 477.
■• H'
4 i
HIGHWAYS— Co«., ■\ 131.
StH I'. >t'i;.'ii.t:.< ji^ir;aors.
HOUSE OF COS:.!, :•• ' .-mbers ex-
empt frum seiviiio .n councils
or as officers, 55 "V. c. 42, s. 78,
p. 275.
from taxation, 55 V. c 48, s. 7
(27), p. 504.
HOUSEHOLDERS, Qualification as
municipal electors, 55 V. c. 4:i,
ss. 79 (1), 80, pp. 276, 278.
Who to be deemed, so as to
qualify as municipal electors,
55 V. c. 42, s. 87, p. 279.
Oath of persons claiming to vote
as, 55 V. c. 42, s. 103, p. 284.
of, disqualified from meiiiiK'r-
ship in eouucils, 55 V. e. 42, s.
77 (1), p. 275.
County councils may pass by-laws
for erecting and repairing, and
shall thereafter keep in repair
and provide necessary supplies,
55 V. C. 42, s. 452, p. 390.
To be houses of correction for cities
and towns not separated from
counties, — prisoners committed
from cities and towns to be re-
ceived and kept, 55 V. c. 42, s.
454, p. 391.
City councls may establsh, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 455, p 391.
May be established on industrial
farms or exhibition lands, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 462 (1), p. 393.
Who may be committed to, 55 V. c.
42, s. 462 (2), p. 393.
Gaols to be, until separate estab-
lishment provided, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 4eJ, p. 394.
When establshed by county, city
or town to compensate county
for use of, in amount agreed
upon or awarded, 55 V. c. 42, s.
473 (1), p. 396.
Matters to be considered l)y
arbitrators in settling amount
55 V. c. 42, 3. 473 (2), p. 397.
Amount may be readjusted by
order of Lieutenant-Governor
after lapse of five years, 55
V. c. 42, s. 474, p 397.
Exenint«>(l from taxation, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 7 (5), p. 562.
imposing imprisonment for non-
payment of fines, may Impose
imprisonment for six months in
case of by-laws for feupresson
of, 55 V. c. 42, g. 479 (19), p. 404.
By-laws for the supresslon of, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 489 (35), p. 421.
councils may pass by-laws for
erecting and repairing and
shall keep in r- lair and pro-
vide necessary supplies, 55 V. c.
42, s. 452, p. 390.
City councils may erect and main-
tain, 55 V. c. 42, s. 455, p. 391.
Councils of counties, cities and
towns may acquire land for,
and establish, and provide for
inspectors, keepers, matrons,
etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 460 (1), p. 392.
Two or more counties, or city or
town and county may unite in
maintaining, 55 V. c. 42, s, 460
(2), p. 392.
Inmates may be compelled to work,
and wages may be applied in
maintenance, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s.
460 (3), p. 392.
Two or more local municipalities
may unite in establishing, and
arrange for admission of other
municipalities, 55 V. c. 42, s. 460
(4), p. 392.
General provisions with regard to
t'stablisliiiij;. to iipply, 55 V. c.
42, s. 460 (5), p. 393.
Inspectors to keep accounts of ex-
penditure and earnings, and
render statement to council,
and copy to be presented to
Legislature, 55 V. c. 42, s. 461, p.
Who may be sent to, 55 V. c. 42, s.
462, p. 393.
By-laws for appointing inspectors,
55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (1), p. 426.
Exempted from taxation, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (9), p. 562.
Aid from province In establishing
—see Houses of Refuge, 55 V. c.
78, p. 167,
counties, cities and towns may
iic(Hiiri' land for and establish
and provide for necessary offl-
cers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 460 (1), p. 392.
Two or more counties, or city or
town and county may unite In
maintaining, 55 V. c. 42, s. 460
(2), p. 392.
Inmates may be compelled to work,
and earnings may be applied in
maintenance, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s.
460 (3), p. 392.
Two or more local municipalities may
unite in cstablisliint.', and may
arrange for admission of other
municipalities, 55 V. c. 42, s. 460
(4), p. 392.
General provisions with regard to
establishing, to apply, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 460 (5), p. 393.
County councils may provide for
maintenance by local munici-
palities of inmates sent by
them, 65 V. c. 42, s. 460 (6), p.
Inspectors to keep accounts of ex-
penditure and earnings, and
render statement to council,
and copy to be presented to
Legislature, 55 V. c. 42, s. 461,
p. 393.
Who may be sent to, 55 V. c. 42 s,
462, p. 393.
By-laws for establLshlng, on indus-
trial farms or exhibition
grounds, 55 V. c. 42, s. 504 (11),
p. 44;{
Act respecting the establishment of,
53 V. c. 78, p. 167.
Aid from consolidated revenue fund
to counties acquiring industrial
farm and establishing house of
industry or refuge, 53 V. c. 78,
s. 1, p. 167.
Aid to contiguous counties uniting
in establishing, 53 V. c. 78, s.
2, p. 168.
Aid tc two or more local municl-
paltles, 53 V. c. 78, s. 3, p. 168.
Inspection, 53 V. c. 78, s. 4. p. H\8
Aid to municipalities where already
established, 53 V. c. 78, s. 5, p.
•I *
^'1 .1-
HOUSES OF liKFllGE— Continued.
Report of Inspector, 53 "V. c. 78, s.
6, p. 169.
Orders In council to be ratified by
Assembly, 53 V. c. 78, s. 7, p.
HUCKSTERS, By-laws respecting pur-
clinse of niarkotod j^oods by. 55
V. c. 42, s. 503 (7), p. 441.
IirSRANDS. May qunlify for member-
ship In councils on property
held by ther wives, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 73, p. 273.
Of persons Interested In prosecu-
tions under by-laws, etc., to be
competent and compellable wit-
nesses, 55 V. c. 42, s. 424, p. 381.
To bo assessed ns occupants where
wives assessed as owners, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 16, p. 572.
HYDRANTS, Councils may rent or
purchase, 55 V. r. 42, s. 480 (1),
p. 406.
ICE, Powers of boards of health as
to reprulatlng supply. Rev. Stat.
c. 20.5, s. 55, p. 2271.
Regulations of Provincial Board
of Health, dated 27th .Ianuar.\.
1S!>2. juul 11th April. 180.'}.
contirmed, ">,"» V. c. 44, a. 4. p.
By-laws respecting the removal of,
from roofs and sidewalks,
streets and alleys, 55 V. c. 42, s.
4{)(5 (2.")). p. 4;i;{: .'7 V. c. 50. s,
10. 1). 108.
For cleaning streets and charg-
ing cost as a local assess-
ment, 55 V. c. 42, s. 625 (3), p.
Diroetinjr the
of removal
55 V. c. 42,
removal of, from
or charging cost
as a frontajre tax.
s. 629 (4) p. 518.
Liability of municipality for acci-
dents arising fro.n non-removal
of, from sidewalks, 57 V. c. 50,
s. 13, p 168.
when unable to mark ballot, 55
V. c. 42, s. 149, p. 299.
Candidate not to be present, 55 V. c.
42. s. 172, p. IJOO.
Statement of votes so given to be
made out by deputy-returning
officer 55 V. c. 42, s. 155, p. 301.
Provisions with regard to voting at
elections to apply t'. voting on
' by-laws, 55 V. c 42, s. 306, p. 344.
Statement of votes so given on by-
laws to be sent to clerk by de-
puty-returning officer, 55 V. c.
42, s. 315, p. 348.
IMMORALITY, By-laws for prevention
of — see Public Morals.
laws for prevention of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (6), p. 431.
IMPRISONMENT, For period not ex-
ceeding thirty days, may be iin-
posed. in default of payment of
fine and costs, 55 V. c. 42, s. 420,
p. 380
May be imposed on convictions un-
der by-laws in default of dis-
tress, 55 V. c. 42, s. 422, p. 381.
Convictions not to be avoided by
direction that offender be com-
mitted on non-payment of fine
and costs of committal and con-
veyance to prison, 55 V. c. 42, s.
423(1, p. 381.
" IncludinR costs of committal."
meaning of. 55 V. c. 42, s. 423«
(2). p. 381.
By-laws for enforcing payment of
fines In default of distress by,
55 V c. 42, s. 479 (19), p. 404.
rMPU()VK:\IKNTS. Assessment of cost
on property benefited, — see TiO-
cal Improvements.
TIES, Council of union may
provide funds to enable either
county separately to make im-
provements, 55 V. c. 42, s. 515, p.
None but reeves and deputy-reeves
of county Interested to vote, but
warden to have casting vote, .55
V. c. 42. s. .-10. p. 440.
IMPROVEMKNTS, Etc.— Covtitnted.
Application of general provisions
with respect to raising money
by loan or directly by taxation,
55 V. c. 42. s. 517, p. 449.
Treasurer of union to pay over
amounts raised without any de-
duction, 55 V. c. 42, s 518. p. 449.
What property to be assessed, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 519, p. 449.
Debentures to be Issued as of coun-
ty for which debt Is incurred, 55
55 V. c. 42, s. 519, p. 449.
Debentures to be under seal of un-
ion and signed by the warden,
55 V. c. 42. s. 519. p. 449.
TAL," To mean and Include
costs of conveyance and com-
mittal to prison, 55 V. c 42, s.
423« (2), p. 381.
INCOME, When derived from bank
stock to be liable for taxation,
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (17), p. 563.
When derived from stock in rail-
ways, building or loan societies,
to be liable to taxation, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (19). p. 5f4.
When derived Irom i.Tm, or other
capital liable to assessment, to
be exempt, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (15),
p. 563.
From personal earnings, exempt
from taxation to the extent of
$700. 55 V c. 4?. s. 7 (23) p. 564.
From any other source than per-
sonal earnings, exempt to ex-
tent of $400, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (24),
p. 564.
Total exemption in favour of any
one person not to exceed $700,
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (24rt). p. 564.
When derived from real estate to
be exempt except Interest on
mortgages, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (26),
p. 564.
Earnings of vessels not to be ex-
empt, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (28), p. 564.
Person exempted need not avail
himself of exemption, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 8, p. 565.
When derived from mines and min-
eral liinils, how to ])v iissesseil,
.">5 V, c. 4.S, 8. 'M {2), i>. 57U.
When derived from trade, etc., as-
sessment to be based upon
amount of receipts for preced-
ing year, in excess of amount
»'Xeiiipt('d, 55 V. e. 48, s. 31, p.
When derived from shares in banks
and certain companies requir-
ing to Invest their capital in
real estate, to be taxable, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 34 (2), p. 579.
Where to be assessed when de-
rived from work performed out
of municipality in which rate-
payer resides, 55 V. c. 48, a. 38,
p. 580.
How ascertained by assessor when
derived from dividends or bon-
uses on stock, 55 V. c. 48, s. 43,
p. 582.
I INCOME VOTER, Amount of qualln-
j cjition rccinired, 55 V. c. 42, s.
79 (1), p. 276.
I Oath of person claiming to vote as,
55 V. c. 42, s. 104, p. 284.
INCORPORATION,— see Corporations;
New Municipalities.
houses of correction establish-
ed, may be committed to gaols,
55 V. c. 42, s. 463, p. 394. '
INCrMBRAXCES, Petitions for local
improvements not to be a viola-
tion of covenant against, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 624rt, p. 515.
INDECENCY, By-laws for preventing
the posting of indecent placards
or writings in public places,
55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (33), p. 421.
For the prevention of, 55 V. c. 42,
S. 489 (34), p. 421.
For supression of houses of ill-
fame, 55 v. c. 42, s. 489 (35).
p. 421.
For preventing Indecent exhibi-
tions. 55 V. e, 42, s. 489 (.'iO), p.
For preventing or regulating
bathing in public places, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 489 (40), p. 421.
■: !
, i
,) ii
KM. '.
INDEX BOOK, To be kept by clerk,
and contain the names of sepa-
rate school supporters, 53 V. c,
71, s. 1, p. 159.
Assessor to be guided by, 53 V.
c. 71, s. 3, p. 160; 55 \. c. 48, s.
ill), p. 583.
Form of, 53 V. c. 71, Sched. p. 162.
INDIAN LANDS, Roads passing
through, to be public highways,
55 V. c. 42, s. 524, p. 455.
INDIANS, Property held In trust for
tribes exempted from taxation,
65 V. c. 48, s. 7 (1), p. 661.
committal to houses of industry
in cities and towns, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 462, p. 393.
By-laws for granting aid to, and
for maintenance of, at charit-
able institutions, 55 V. c. 4l!, s.
479 (12), p. 402.
Taking security for money loaned
to, 56 V. c. 35, s. 13, p. 146.
cities and towns may establish,
and provide for officers and re-
gulate, 55 V. c. 42, s. 460 (1), p.
Inmates may be compelled to work,
and earnings may be applied in
maintenanoo, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s.
400 (3), p. 392.
Two or more local munlcialities may
unite in acquiring laud and es-
tablishing, and aiTange for ad-
mission of otlier municipalities,
55 V. c. 42, s. 400 (4), p. 392.
Provisions with regard to establish-
ment in other municipalities to
apply to union municipalities, 55
V. c. 42, s. 400 (5), p. 393.
City and town councils may pass by-
laws for erection of work-houses,
etc., upon, and for making re-
gulations, and committing per-
sons thereto, 55 V. c. 42, s. 462,
p. 393.
By-laws for acquiring land for, in
cities and towns, 55 V. c. 42, s.
504 (8). p. 4.42.
INDUSTRIAL FMiUti—Coiitimted.
For the oreotion of buildings, etc.,
55 V. c. 42, s. 504 (9), p.
For the manngement of. 55 V. c.
42, s. .^04. (10), p. 442.
For leasing, for not more than
three years, lands not immedi-
ately required, 5(J V. c. 35, s.
21, p. 147.
For establishing almshouses, etc.,
on. 55 V. c. 42. s. 504 (11), p.
Exempted from taxation, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (9), p. 5G2.
Aid from consolidated revenue in
the erection of houses of refuge,
etc.,— see House of Refuge 55 V.
c. 78, p. 107.
Expenses of conveying girls to.
to be paid by county, city, and
separated town, Rev. Stat. c.
240, s. 18, p. 2570.
municipality for sHpi)ort of chil-
dren, at, 51 V. c. 40, 8. G, p. 97.
Commitment of persons of tender
years — liability for maintenance,
53 V. c. 70, s. 5, p. 10«».
Committal of children guilty of vici-
ous or immoral conduct, 54 V. c.
5G, 8. 6, p. 170.
Liability for maintenance of children
in homes outside of schools, 54 V.
c. 59, 8. 4, p. 195.
tablished by cities of 50.(X)0 popu-
lation, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 4G2 (3). p.
Who may be committed, 55 V. c. 42,
462 (4), p. 394.
To be subject to provisions respect-
ing private lunatic asylums, 55
V. c. 42, s. 462 (5), p. 394.
INFAMOUS CRIME. Conviction of
member of council to cause for-
feiture of seat, 55 V. c. 42, s. 177,
p. 310.
Act for protection of. Rev. Stat. c. 209,
p. 2321.
INFANT CHlLDlU'.a—l'oHtinHed.
IlcHtriction as to rt'coiviiij? infants
to lit' nursed for hire, Uev. Stiit.
0. 209, H. 1, p. 2.'{21.
Hc'Ristration of houses for reception
of. Uev. Stat. c. 209, h. 2, p. 2321.
Refusal of n'j{istration. Rev. Stat. o.
209, H, ;{, p. 2;{21.
Register to be kept by person keep-
ing tlie house. Rev. Stat. c. 209,
B. 4, p. 2.'{21.
Forms to l)e supplied. Rev. Stat. c.
209, s. 5, p. 2:522.
Obtaining registration by fraud, Rev.
Stat. <•. 209, 8. 0, p. 2; 522.
Revocation of registration. Rev.
Stat. c. 209, s. 7, p. 2^22.
Notice of death, Rev. Stat. c. 209. s.
8, p. 2322.
Inspection of registered houses. Rev.
Stat. c. 209. s. 9. p. 2322.
Inspection by Superintendent of neg-
lected and dependant children.
".(> V. c. 45. 8. 9 (f). p. 179.
Inspection by chiMren's visiting com-
mittee, 5() V. c. 45, s. 11, p. 180.
Peniilties, Rev. Stat. c. 209, s. 10, p.
Expenses of enforcing Act, Rev.
Stat. c. 209, s. 11, p. 2323.
Trial of offences. Rev. Stat. c. 209,
s. 12, p. 2323.
Application of provisions, Rev. Stat,
c. 209, 8. 13, p. 2323.
Form of register. Rev. Stat. c. 209,
Sched. p. 2324.
See Children.
specting notices of the existence
of, and preventing infection, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (55), p. 423.
Duties of school teachers, 54 V. c.
55, 8. 131 (11), p. 149.
See Public Health.
INFORMALITIES, Not to invalidate
by-laws when intra vires and no
motion made to quash, 55 V. c.
42, s. 331, p. 352.
When not to affect del)entures is-
sued under by-laws, if assent of
electors Mitained. ."» V. c. 42, s.
407. p. 377.
INFORMERS, One moiety of penalty
to be payable to, 55 V. c. 42, s.
423, p. 381.
To be competent and compellable
witnesses, notwithstanding inter-
est in jjcnalty, 55 V. c. 42, s.
424, p. 381.
INNKEEPERS. Disqualified from mem-
bership in councils, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 77 (1), p. 275.
See Intoxicating Liquors.
mission may be issued by Lieu-
tenant-(iovernor on petition of
one-third of council or thirty elec-
tors and cause shewn, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 383, p. 370.
(*oniinissioners nmy comi)el attcntl-
ance of witnesses ami take evi-
dence, 55 V. c. 42. s. 'AH:\. p. 370.
Expenses of commissioners to be cer-
tified by Provincial Treasurer and
be a debt pavable by cor|)oration,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 384, p. 371.
INSANE PERSONS— see Lunatics.
INSOLVENCY. To cause forfeiture of
seat by member of council, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 177, p. 310.
licensing transient traders not to
affect the sale of. 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (9). i;9(/). p. 415.
ment, powers and duties — see Po-
lice Villages.
of gaol officials to be subject to
revision by, .')5 V. c. 42. s. 4r>4
(1). p. 394.
Powers as to inspection of gaols,
Rev. Stat. c. 250. p. 2650.
INSPECTORS, Of licenses, disqualified
from membership in councils, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 77 (1), p. 275.
- r
■ 'f:
I ;»
:' : i
Of houHeii of induBtry or refuge, by-
liiWH lor apiioiiitiiu'iit of, 5") V.
«'. 42, H. 460 (I),' p. 392; BB V. c.
42, H. 495 (1), p. 426.
To koep accounts and render an-
nual statement, S5 V. c 4'J,
H. 461, p. :$93.
Of hIh'<'P wctrricd or killed by i\<*,
rCt V. c. 42. H. 471) (2), 50 V. c
.T., 8. 12, p. 14(5.
To prevent npread of noxious weeds,
by-lnwH for Jippointiii« and reKii-
jiitiim fees of, r)5 V. c. 42, s. 489
(22), p. 418.
Of HciifToidinjr. by-laws for appoint-
ment of, r>r> V. e. 42, 8. iW)
(10a), p. 417.
Of pnl)lie sehools. powers of eonnty
councils as to appointment, nee
Tublic Sehools, 54 V. c. 55, h.s.
ir)0-l.f)3. 158. p. 154.
INSTRUMENTS, When ceeuted on
behalf of eorporatioiis, to he
under eorporate seal and sijjiied
by head, ')'} V. i-. 42, s. 405, p
Council may authorize execution of
promissory notes, covenants, etc.,
for current expenses. ,"»(» V. c. liS,
s. 10. It. 145; .')7 V. c. .")0, s. 5,
p. 1<;7.
Not to be j,'iven by corporation for
less Kuni than ."j^lOO. .''>5 V. c. 42,
s. 414, p. 78.
Exce|)tion as to draina^'e d«'benturch.
57 V. c. 50, s. 10 (2). I). 204.
Debentures, see Debentures.
for prevention of, 55 V. c. 42, s.
524; 50 V. c. 85, s. 32, p. 140;
480 (2.H). p. 421.
for licensing and regulating the
keepers of, 55 Y. c. 42 s. 479
(24) p. 405.
By-laws for re^rulation of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 479 (25), p. 405.
For li">itii)'_' '>r i-orokiticr license.
oS V. c. 42, s. 479 (26), p. 403.
For prohibitinjr, when unlicensed.
55 V. e. 42, s. 479 (27), p. 405.
For fixiii),' fee for liei-nse al not
iiioi-e ilinu $!(► a veiir, 5.'t V.
c. 42, s. 479 (28), 405.
INTEREST. See Debts.
INTER.MIvXTS. Inclainied liodies to b«»
Interred at expense of munici-
pality. R«'v. Slat. c. 149, h.17. p.
gistration, see Births, Deaths
and Marriages.
INTERrRETATION-s..e Words and
INTERI'RETERS, Appointnu-nt of, for
local courts, on rccommendatio'i
of <()nncil. Rev. Stat. c. 40. s. 24.
p. 500.
for preventing the snpplying cd".
to children, apprentices or ser-
vants witho\it consent of their
guardians or employers, 55 V. c.
42, s. 4S0 (.-{2). p. 420.
Dealers diKqualified from member-
shii) in councils. 55 V. c. 12. s.
77 (1). p. 275.
Elections not to be held in liceiis-el
houses. .") v. e. -12. s. 00. p. 281.
Elections of police trustees not to
be held in taverns, etc., 55 V.
c. 42. s. 047. |». ."20.
Acts respecting the sale of fermented
or sj»iritnoiis liquors. Rev. Stat,
c. 194, p. 2160; 51 V. c. .%. i>.
73; 52 V. c. 41, p. 1.53; 53 V. c.
50, p. 13.3; 54 V. c. 40. p. 93; 55
V. c. 51. p. 652.
Councils may authorize agent to
appear to oppose the granting of
licenses. Rev, Stat. c. 194 s. 11
(10), p. 2166.
By-laws limiting number of tavern
licenses. Rev. Stat. c. 194, s.
20 (1), p. 2170.
Copy of by-law to be sent to com-
missioners. Rev. Stat. c. 194,
8. 20 (2), p. 2170.
It to
ig of
Is. 11
|4, a.
intoxic;atin(j liquouh- r,>((/;»/',/. |
By-lawH prcHcriliing n'quirfiufiils an
1(1 iircdiiiiiiodiiliun ill liivcnis,
Ui'V. Slat. <•. ISH, H. liJ», p. 217;;.
l/niiiliiiK imiiiluT i»t' simp licciiscs,
Ufv. Stat. c. r.ll, H. :V2, p.
Iiiipnsiiij: incrciiscil licciiw feoH.
Itcv. Stat. c. 11)4, H. 42, p.
AHMt'Ilt of cltctorH. UrV. Stui.
c. I'.M. H. 42, p. 2171).
LicciiHf (liiticH ill certain casi-H not
to Ik- iifi'«'('ttMl, Ucv. Stilt, c.
I'.tl, s. 4:!. p. 2171).
Uijriit to lix (liiticH Holcly for use
of iiiiiiiiripniity, U<'V. Stat. v.
1U4. s. 44 (.'{). p. 2 ISO.
Muiiicipaiitii's Hharo of lifonsc fuii'l,
H<'v. Stat. c. 11(4. H. 4r.. p. 2180;
r,2 V. o. 41, s. ;{, p. in;}.
IMaces for sale of to be closod on
poMintr (lays. U«'v. Stat. c. 104, a.
]SInnicipMl oHicors to forfoit olficp on
(•onvictioii of violiitioii of the law,
Ilcv. Stat. c. 1J>4. N. (5S. p. 21SS.
.Application of jM-naltios, when pay-
able to luunicipality. Rev. Stat.
c. 194, K. 80. p. 2104.
One-tlinl to bo set apart to carry
out law. Rev. Stat. c. 194, s
00. II. 1.M0O.
Alunicinalitios under Temperance
Actn. provisions respecting. Rev.
Stat. c. 194, ss. 141-ir).^. p. 2212;
r.1 V. 0. .•{(>. p. 7.".; r.2 V. c. 41. p.
1. -..'{; T).^. V. e. .^)1. s. W, p. 65.^.
Local Option Ky-lnw8 —
Powers of councils as to proliihitiiiK
sale of liquors, 53 V. c. 5(5, 8.
IS. p. i:iS.
Meaninjr of forepoiuR provision de-
clared, 54 V. c. 40, s. 1, p. 9.'5.
Reference of question of constitu-
tionality to Court of Aiipcal. 'A
V. c. 40, s.s. 2-7. pp. 94-0.-).
Priority of hearing, 54 V. c. 40. s.
:i, p. 9-t.
Re-hearing when by-law alread."
quashed, 54 V. c. 40, s. 4, p.
n.M I.- 9
INTOXICATINC LI(,)r()l!H Contlnind.
Time for appeal. 51 V. o. 4(1, b. 5,
p. 04.
E.\tenHion (»f license until (|ue.stioiig
referred are deterininetl, 54 V.
c. 40, B. 0, p. 95.
SiisiK'iiHiiiii of pi'iidiiii: procceiliii>;>.
to (|uasli l>y-laws, 54 V. e. 40.
H. 7, p. 05.
Sale in imiiiicipnlities in Winh by-
law is ill luice til ii" a contra-
vention of certain provisiouH, 55
\. c. 51, s. 1.'{, p. (loo.
Ity-law not to be repealed except by
liy-lnw piisscd in s.iiiic nianiicr
.'liter expiration of lliree years
from diite of orit;iniil by-law. 55
y. c. 51. s. 14, i». 055.
I.WKSTKJATIO.NS. My ("iiiity jiidt;(?
into diaries of misconduct in I'e-
liition to miiiiiripjil niiitters, 55
V. c. 42. s. 477. II. :!1>S.
Into financial (onditioii of munici-
pality, .55 V. c. 4L', ss. |{S.'{, i{81,
p. 370.
I.WIOST.MIO.XTS. Interest not to be
estimated at more tliiiii (ive jter
cent, in settling annual rate for
sinking fund, 55 V. c. 42, s. 340
(4), p. 355; Jl). 8. 489 (5), p. 414.
Lieutenant-Uctvernor may direct that
moneys at credit of siiecial rate
or sinking fund lie applied to re-
deem delit on debentures, 55 V.
c. 42, s. ;{74, p. 308.
Surplus uKuieys at credit of sinking
fuinl and special rate may be in-
vested in mortgages on real
estate, and in certain other se-
curities, .55 V. c. 42, 8. 375 (1),
p. 3(58.
.Money invested in mortgages not to
exceed two-thirds of the value of
tlie mortgaged proi)erty, 55 V. c.
42, s. 375 (1), p. 308.
.Mode f»f making investments to be
regulated by by-law, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 375 (2), p. 3(J8.
Sinking fund may be used m taking
up unsold debentures, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 375 (3), p. 368.
Suri)hi8 inoiu'ys may be credited to
siiikiiiK fund and invested, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 37G, p. 3G8.
Surplus income from works or other
unappropriated funds may De ap-
plied to payment of dei)t, 55 V,
0. 42, 8. 377, p. 3G9.
Surplus derived from Ontario Muni-
cipalities Fund may be set apart
for educational purposes and in-
vested, 55 v. e. 42, s. 378, p. 369.
Surplus moneys so set apart may be
loaned to school trustees or
granted to poor school sections,
55 V. c. 42, s. 379, p. 369.
Members of corporations not to be
parties to unauthorized invest-
ments on pain of personal
liability for losses, 55 V. c.42,
s. 380, p. 389.
of all municipalities may grant
aid to, 55 V. c. 42, s. 637a, p.
57 V. c. 50, s. 17, p. 170.
Assent of eK'ctors necessary, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 637fl, p. 524.
Persons interested in company not to
vote on by-law, 55 V. c. 42, s.
G37«, p. 525.
Municipality may take security for
fulfilment of conditions of bonus,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 637a, p. 525.
When debentures may be issued, —
postponement until conditions of
by-i'w have been fulfilled, 56 V.
c, 35, s. 33, p. 150.
Municipa'.lty may acquire lands and
convey same to person estab-
lishing works, 56 V. c. 35. s.
33, p. 150.
ISLANDS, When used as summer re-
sorts, and not exceeding ten
acres, and uo statute labour done
thereon, owners and occupants to
be exempt from statute labour,
55 V. c. 48, s. 28 (2), p. 577.
JEVVELLERY, Agents for the sale of,
when to be deemed hawkers.
55 V. c. 42, 8. 495 (3«), p. 427.
JOINT OWNERS, To be severally as-
sessed for shares in personal
property, 55 V. c. 48, s. 40, p.
.lOISTS, By-laws for regulating strength
of, in certain buildings, 55 V. c.
42, s. 479 (16), (16a), p. 403.
JUDGES, Disqualified from member-
ship in councils, 55 V. e. 42, s. 77
(1), p. 275.
When not disqualified exempt from
serving in councils or as otiicers,
55 V. c 42, 8. 78, p. 275.
JUNIOR COUNTY, Separation from
union — See I'rovisional County
JUNK SHOPS, May be licensed and
regulated by board of police com-
missioners in cities, or if there
is no board by council, 55 V. c.
42, s. 436. p. 387.
By-laws for licensing and regu-
lating, 55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (11),,
p. 429.
For d«'fining areas within which
they may not be established,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 495 (12), p. 429.
Jl'RORS, Qualification, Rev. Stat. c.
52, s. 3, p. 611.
Parting with property after assess-
ment not to disqualify. Rev.
Stat. c. 52, 8. 4, p. 611.
Joint proprietors, to be deemed
equally interested, Rev. Stat. c.
52, s. 5, p. 611.
Exemptions from service, Rev. Stat,
c. 52, s. 67, pp. 611-613.
Services at Division Court not to
exempt, Rev, Stat. c. 52, s. S.
p. 614,
Aliens disqualified, Rev. Stat. c. 52.
s, 9, p. 614,
Attainted persons disqualified, Rev,
Sint. e. 52, s. 1(», p. 614.
p. 429.
. Rev.
iStat. e.
T. Stat.
not to
^2, s. S.
It. c. 52.
Id. Uev.
If lists not made at time appointed
Lieutenant-(joV('rn()r may appoint
day for selection. Rev. Stat. c.
52, s. 01, p. 027.
Selection Iil of separation of
united counties. Rev. Stat. c. 52.
ss. (52-05, p. (527.
Omission to observe directions of Act
not to vitiate the verdict. Rev.
Stat. c. 52. s. l;{(5, p. (54S.
Fees — and mileage of jurors, Rev.
Stat. c. 52. s. ^4^), p. 04S; 55 V'. o.
20, s. 1, p. 512.
Fees allowed, Rev. Stat. c. 52, s.
141, p. (541 1.
I'ay list lor petit jurors. Rev. Stat.
c. 52, s. 142, p. 045).
Treasurer to pay accordinj; to list.
Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 14;{, p. G4i>.
Allowance to sheriff payable by
county. Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 144,
p. ()4vide funds.
Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 151, p. 051.
County treasurer to notify sheriff
when funds ar(> provided. Rev.
Stat. c. 52, s. 15;i, p. 051.
Coutriluition b.v cities and towns,
Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 154, p. 051.
Arbitration in case of disagree
meut, Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 155,
p. 051.
Necessary sums to be raised by
assessments in cities and towns.
Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 150, p. 051.
Fees of selectors, Rev. Stat. c. 52,
s. 157, p. 651.
JURORS— CoHMnue^il
Of county selectors. Rev.
Stat. c. 52, s. 158, p. 652.
Of clerk of the peace, Rev.
Stat. c. 52, 8. 159, p. 652.
Of sheriff. Rev. Stat. c. 52, s.
100, p. 053.
How number of names on list
reckoned, Rev. Stat. c. 52, s.
1(51. p. (553.
Payment, how made. Rev. Stat. c.
52, s. 102, p. 053.
Penalties, assessors not returning
roll. Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 171 (3),
p. 050; 55 V. c. 48, s. 230, p. 634.
Municipal olhcer not producing roll.
Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 171 (4), p.
Selector's wilful dereliction of duty,
Rev. Stat. c. 52, s. 171 (5), p.
Clerk of thv» peace Deglectiug duty,
Stat. c. 52, s. 171 (0). p.
How levied and applied, Rev. Stat,
c. 52, 8. 172, p. (557.
Recovery of. Rev. Stat, c 52. s.
173, p. 057.
Committal for non-payment. Rev.
S In jun-
ior county after separation, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 47, p. 262.
Power to summon suinmai'ily jyersons
committing a breach of the peace
at elections, 55 V. c. 42, s. 100,
p. 282.
May swear in special constables to
preserve the peace at elections or
voting on ])y-laws, 55 V. c. 42, s.
101, p. 283.
Heads of councils and roovos and
aldonnon to be ex-otlicio, 5."> V. c.
42. s. 415, p. 379.
Mayor whore no police nianisfnite.
may try offences arisin;^ under
by-laws, and prosecutions for
penalties on refus.-il to accept of-
fice or take oaths, ."> V. c. 42, s.
41(1. p. Pil'X
Wardens, mayors, reeves or alder-
men, nut lo reciuire i)r.)perty
qualifitation to act, Tt.^ V. c. 42,
s. 417. p. 'MU.
To have .iurisdiction tlirou^'hout the
county to try irffcnces a^'ainst by-
laws where there is no police
maj;istrate, 'm V. c. 42, s. 418,
p. .",S(>.
To have jurisdi<'tion in offences
a^jainst by-laws whenever no
other provision is made, whether
members of councils or not, 5r>
V. c. 42, s. 41!), p. ;5S0.
Not disqualified by reason of beinfi
ratepayers in municipality receiv-
ing.' the fin(>, ."> V. c. 42, s. 419rt,
1,. ."{HO.
May attend at police othce and act
there at request of police ma]L{i-
stnite, 55 V. c. 42, s. 4;{:{, p. .'iS.').
Exclusion of jurisdiction where po-
lice uiaKistrate :iiipiiiutfd — see
Police Mat;istrat(>s.
JUVENILIS OFl'EXDEKS—see Indus- Schools.
LABOrUERS. By-laws respectini; in-
telliueiice oliices. ."> V. c. 42, s.
479 (24)-(28). p. 4(r».
LADDERS. By-laws for compellinp the
construction of. in connection
with roofs, 'm V. c. 42. s. 49(i
(19). p. 4;«.
To be kei)t in connection with roofs
of houses in police villages, .'>."»
V. c. 42, s. (507 (1), p. r»;io.
Ii.\KES. Muuici|)al jurisdiction over,
with respect to bridges— see
I.uwcring the water of. etc.. by drain-
jige works— see Drainage.
L.XMl'S, To be enclosed when used in
certain combustible places in po-
liie villages, ."> V. c. 42, s. (jt'>7
(.-.). p. ,-.;u.
L.VND. meaning of "land," "lands," o."*
V. c. 42, s. 2 (7). p. 244; 55 V. c.
4.S. s. 2 (9), p. 5<)0.
By-laws for acquiring, when neces-
sary for ('orporatinu and disposing
of when no longer required. ."> V.
c. 42. s. 479 (1), p. 409.
Tor accpiiring real property for pub-
lie school purposes. 55 V. c. 42, s.
4S9 (1(1), p. 415.
For le.Msing, for not more than three
years when not immediately re-
(luind, .5() V. c. 35, s. 21, p. 147.
I'or acquiring land outside of muni-
cipalily. for jiublic purposes, 55
V. c. 42. s. 4.S9 (57), p. 42:{.
When so HMiuired not to form part
of nuinicipality by which it is
taken, .55 V. c. 42, s. 4S9 (57).
p. 42.'{.
By-laws i)assed by township coun-
cils before 2.3rd April. 1S,S7,
contirmed, .55 V. c. 42, s. 4S9
(57). p. 42.3.
Powers of townshiiis as to purchas-
ing and reclaiming wet lan peisons,
.^)6 V. c. :ir>, s. 12. p. 14(5.
Township by-laws declaring marsh
biinls enclosed when boundary
line ni.'irked by posts, Sii V. c. 42,
s. .521 (131. p. 4.52.
Mode ol (lete)'mining conqiensation
for, when taken or injured by
corporations — see ('onq)ensation
for Lands Taken or Injured (55
\. <•. 42, ss. 4S3-4.SSf, pp. 497-
Mode of assessing— see Assessment.
('*ons( ruction of drainage works — see
LAl!iD— Continued.
Acquiring, for park purposes—see
Public Parks.
Collection of Taxes— see Rates and
Sale for taxes— see Tax Sales.
Act respecting, 54 V. c. 9, p. 19,—
Payment of $53,704.92, authorized
to be made to municipalities en-
titled. 54 V. c. 9, 8. 1, p. 20.
Distribution of moneys, 54 V. c. 9,
s. 2, p. 20.
Adjustment of claims where munici-
pal boundaries have been
changed 54 V. c. 9, s. 3, p. 20.
Application of funds by tcouncils, 54
V. c. 9, s. 4, p. -M.
Deduction of costs of abatement of
nuisances from rent, Rev. Stat,
c. 205, s. 104, p. 2283.
Rights as to application of school
rates to separate school purposes.
Rev. Stat. c. 227, s. 51, p. 2485.
Liability for special rates to defray
expenses of night-watchmen, 55
V. c. 42, s. 496 (4.S)(f, p. 437.
Tenant's covenant . . pay taxes, not
to include drainage assessments
unless expiossly mentioned, 57 V.
c. 56, s. 87, p. 227.
Tenant exercising option to pur-
chase, to refund amounts paid by
owner, and pay future assess-
ments, 57 V. c. 56, s. 87, p. 227.
When tenant may petition for or
against local improvements, 55
V c. 42, 8. 616, p. 505.
Right of tenant to deduct taxes paid
by him from rent,, 55 V. c. 48, s.
24, p. 576.
Occ\ipation by tenant to be deemed
occupation by reversioner for
certain purposes connected with
tax titles, 55 V. c. 48, s. 202, p.
LAND TITLES, Tax purchaser may filo
a caution when lands registered.
Rev. Stat. c. 116, s. 56, p. 1104.
Notice to persons interested, Rev.
Stat. c. 116, 8. 56, p. 1104.
Completion of title of purchasers.
Rev. Stat. c. 116, s. 56, p. 1104.
Treasurer to give certificates as to
taxes due on lands when applica-
tion for registration pending,
Rev. Stat. c. 116, s. 115, p. 1120.
By-laws for extension of Act to
municipalities. Rev. Stat. c. 116,
s. 132, p. 1124.
County of York and City of Torouto
to provide offices, Rev. Stat. c.
116, s. 132 (2), p. 1124.
Plans, to be deposited with municipal
treasurer, 56 V. c. 22, s. 15, p.
Amendment of. 52 V. c. 20, s. 7,
p. 87.
Not to be filed without consent of
council when roads laid out
less than 66 feet wide, 55 V. c.
24, p. 157.
LANES, By-laws for preventing per-
sons from throwing filth, etc., on,
55 y. c. 42, s. 489 (23), p. 419.
Respecting the erection of dwel-
lings in, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496
(lOa), p. 432.
Respecting obstruction or fouling
of. 55 V. c. 42, 8. 496 (27), p.
Respecting the naming of— see
Streets (55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (31),
p. 434).
Powers of councils with regard to
planting and removal of trees on
— see Trees.
See Highways.
LANTERNS, To be used in carrying
lights into mills, etc., in police
\illages, 55 V. c. 42, s. 667 (5),
p. 531.
ROLL," In Assessment Acts
means last revised assessment roll
of a local municipality, 55 V. c.
48. s. 2 (16), p. 560.
LAWFTTL FENCES, By-laws for set-
tling height and description, 55-
V. c. 42. s. 489 (17). p. 418.
LAWNS, Mode of assessing when en-
closed with residence and not
held for sale, 55 V. c. 48, s. 2.S
(1), p. 576.
LAW SOCIIOTY, Members of, exempt
from serving in municipal coun-
cils or as otiicers, 55 V. c. 42, s.
78, p. 275.
LEASEHOLDERS, Amount of rating
necessary to qualify for member-
ship in councils, 55 V. c. 42, s.
73, p. 273.
Who to be deemed, for purpose of
qualification of members of coun-
cil, 55 V. c. 42, s. 74, p. 274.
When holding lease for twenty-
one years from corporation not
disqualified but not to vote
when leases affected, 55 V. c.
42. B. 77 (2), p. 275.
Qualification as municipal electors,
55 V. c. 42, ss. 79, 80, pp. 270,
Oath of person claiming to vote as.
55 V. c. 42, 8. 103, p. 284.
Qualification for voting on bv-laws.
55 V. c. 42, B. 309, p. 344.
Oath to be administered at voting (tii
by-laws, 55 V. c. 42, s. 311, p.
At voting on local improvement bv-
laws, 55 V. c. 42. 8. 312, p. 347.
Lessees of Crown or Indian property
to be assessed therefor, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (2), p. 502.
Lessees of municipal projierty to be
assessed thereon, 55 V. c. 42, s.
7 (7), p. 562.
LEASES, By-laws for leasing for not
more than three years, lands not
immediately required for public
purposes, 56 V. c. 35, s, 21, p.
bers exempt from serving in
councils or as officers, 55 V. c.
42, s. 78, p. 275.
LIBRARIES— see Free Libraries.
SOCIATION, County councils
to provide accommodation for. in
court houses, 55 V. c. 42, s. 460,
p. 394.
LIBRARIES, Etc.— Continnrd.
Contribution from cities and towns,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 469 (1), p. 395.
qualified from membership in
councils, 55 V. c. 42. e. 77 (1),
p. 275.
See Intoxicating Liquors.
LICENSED HOUSES, Municipal elec-
tions not to be held in, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 96, p. 281.
Elections of police trustees not to be
held in, 55 V. c. 42. s. 047. p. 526.
See Intoxicating Liquors.
LICENSES. When empowered to past
by-laws for granting, council or
police commissioners may fix fees
therefor. 55 V. c. 42, s. 285, p.
Not to be required to be taken un-
less exi)re8s authority given, 55
V. c. 42. s. 280, p. 339.
Council may direct payment of fee
of $1 for certificate of compliance
with by-lawB, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 286.
p. 339.
Powers of councils as to licensing
particular trades and callings-
see The Several Titles.
income exempted from taxation,
55 V. c. 42. 8. 7 (11), p. 503.
Annual returns to — see Annual Re-
Powers as to various mnnirip'il
matters— see the Sevtriil Titles.
LIGHT, I'ower to acquire wiuer-rightH
and construct dams, etc.. for sni>-
plying electric light, 55 V. c. 4«
8. 479«, p. 400.
Power to contract for supply of g:.H
and electric light for streets, 55
V. c. 42. 8. 480 (1), p. 400.
Councils to have certain powers of
gj)s comi)anie8, 55 V. c. 42, s. 480
(2). p. 400.
When works constructed, all build-
ings on line of supply to be sup-
plied on demnnd, 55 V. c. 42, s.
480 (3), p. 407.
' !
t.l ::
LIGHT- Continued.
Boforo supplying, corporation may
HMniiro security iroin consumer,
.") V. c. 42, s. 4S0 (4), p. 407.
Liiihility for failure of supply not
nffc-ted, r>5 V. c. 42, s. 480 (5),
I). 407.
I5y-Ia\vs respecting the erection of
poles and wires for electric
liLclit. 55 V. c. 42, s. 490 (3!)), p.
For manufacturing and supplying,
5.-) \. c. 42, s. 490 (1), p. 430.
For preventing or regulating the
use of lights in certain com-
hustihle places, 55 V. c. 42, s.
490 (13), p. 432.
Total or partial exemption of farm
liUKls in towns and villages iron-
taxjition for street lighting, i.ri V
c. 48. s. 7rt, p. 504; 57 V. c. 51, s.
I, p. 171.
By-laws for extending works on locril
ass(>ssment plan— see Local Im-
Rights of gas companies and muni-
cipalities respectivc^ly— see Gas
and Water Companies,
Act to authorize cities, towns and vil-
lages to provide gas and other
means of lighting and heating.
Rev, Stat, c, 191, p, 2003,
Short title. Rev, Stat, c, 191, s, 1,
p. 2003,
Toustruction of gas, electric or gal-
vanic works authorized. Rev,
Stat, c, 191, s, 2, p. 2063.
I'ower to sell coke, tar, or surplus
coiil. Rev, Stat, c, 191, s. 2 (2).
I). 2004,
Power to rent or purchase lands and
huildings. Rev, Stat, c, 191. s. 2
m). ]>. 2004,
i\,xi'iu])tion of propertv from distress.
Rev. Stat. c. 191. s. 2 (4). p, 2004,
Tower to break up streets, etc.. Rev.
Stat. c. 191, s, 3, p, 2004,
Carrying pipes and wires througli
l)ui]dings. Rev, Stat. c. 191, s,
4. p, 2()(i4,
Bn>!iking up passnges common to
neiirhlioring proprietors, Rev.
Stat, c, 191, s, 5, p, 2004,
Puliilc safety not to he endangered.
Rev. Stat, c, 191, s, 0, p. 20(;5. -
Buildings on line of work to be sup-
plied. Rev, Stat. c. 191. s. 7, p.
Bj'-laws for maintenance and man-
agement of works, Rev, Estai.
c, 191. s. 8. p. 2005.
Power to enforce payment of rates
by action or distress, Rev. Stat,
c," 191. 8, 9. p, 2005,
Rt>moval of fittings from premises
of consumers, Rev, Stat, c, 191,
s, 9 (3), p, 2005.
^'arrying works into adjoining muni-
cipality. Ri'V. Stat, c. 191, 8, 10,
p. 2000,
Restrictions as to laying mains in
streets used for the mains of an
e.y'' -ig company. Rev, Stat, c,
191. s. 11. p. 2000,
Certain iiosvers conferred upon gas
iiiid water companies to apply,
lit-v, Stat. c. 191, s. 12, p, 200'.),
Certain provisions of Municipal
Waterworks Act incorporate*!,
Rev, Stat, c. 191, s, 13, p, 2000.
Rights conferred by special Acts
preserved. Rev. Stat. c. 191, 8.
14, p. 20(50,
See Gas and Water Coni'ianies:
Steam, Heating, and Klectrie
Compa nil's.
MME, By-laws for regulating the
weighing of, 55 V, c, 42, s. 503
(8), p. 441,
How to be kept in police villages,
,55 V. c. 4,;^. s. 007 (11), p. 531.
When action mny be brought for
things done under Act respecting
Public Meetings, Rev, Stat, c.
187. s. 14. p. 2040.
Proceedings fov violations of sections
ndating to corrupt practices to
be commenced within four weeks
afti>r voting. 55 V. c. 42, s, 220,
1), ."20,
|t for
it. c.
?9 to
Claims for tlamnges to real property
by corporation works, to ho made
witliin one year, 55 V. c. 42, s.
4m:!. p. 407.
Action for damages caused by in-
juries to roads or bridges througii
non-removal of obstructions in
streams, to be brought within
three months, 55 V. c. 42, s. 522
p. 453.
Action for damages caused by non-
repair of roads and bridges to
be brought within three month-i.
55 V. c. 42. s. 531 (1). p. 4.j(;;
57 V. c. 50, s. 13, p. IGS.
Action for damages caused by non-
repair of crossings, sewers, cul-
verts, etc.. on highways, to be
brought within three months, 55
V. c. 42, s. 531 (3), p. 457.
Claims for compensation on opening
road allowances to be madt;
within one year, 55 V. c. 42, s.
54'J (2), p. 407.
Penalties for breach of regul.-itions
in police villages or neglect of
duty by trustees, to be sued for
within ten days, 55 V. c. 42, s.
G70, p. 532.
Tax deeds to be valid and binding,
except against the Crown, if not
attacked within cwo years, 55 V.
c. 48. s. 18'J. p. 024.
Act respecting. Rev. Stat. c. 210, p.
2:!.")3; 52 V. c. 48, p. 171; 53 V.
c. (t7, p. 152.
Short title. Rev. Stat. c. 219, s. 1,
p. 2353.
Interpretation. "occupied lands,"
"fence-viewers," "In which the
lands are situate." Rev. Stat. c.
210, s. 2. p. 2354.
Duties of owners of adjoining lands
as to fences. Rev. Stat. c. 219, s.
3. p. 23.54.
Disputes, how settled. Rev. Stat. c.
219, s. 4, p. 2.3.54.
Notice to adjoining owner or oc-
cupant. Rev. Stilt, c. 210, s. 4
(1), p. 2354.
LINE FENCES- Continued.
Form of notice, Rev. Stat. c. 210,
Form 1, p. 2358.
Notice to fence viewers. Rev. Stut.
c. 210, s. 4 (2). p. 235 K
Form of notice. Rev. Stat, c 219,
p. 2;;5S.
Notices, what to contain. Rev.
Stat. c. 210, s. 4 ^3), p. 2.354.
When judge to appoint fence-
viewers. Rev. Stat. c. 210, s. 4
(4), p. 2355.
Occupants, duty and liability as to
notifying owners, Rev. Stat. c.
210, s. .5, p. 23.55.
Feuce-viewers to examine premises
and take evidence, Rev. Stat. c.
210. s. (>, p. 2,355.
Award to be made by feuce-viewers,
Rev. Stut. c. 210, s. 7, p. 2355.
Form of. Rev. Stat. c. 219, Form
3, p. 2350.
Character of fence to be con-
sidered. Rev. Stat. c. 219, s. 7
(2), p. 2355.
Location of fence. Rev. Stat. c.
210. s. 7 (3), p. 2:r)5.
Empli' ing surveyor to make de-
scription of property. Rev. Stat.
c. 210, s. 7 (4), p. 2355.
To be deposited with clerk, evid-
ence of. Rev. Stat. c. 210. s. 8.
p. 2355.
Notice of. Rev. Stat. c. 210, s. S,
p. 2355.
How enforced, Rev. Stat. c. 210.
s. 0, p. 2:i5t).
If resjristercd, not to lie a ch.-inrc on
land. Rev. Stat. c. 210, s. 10,
p. 23.57.
Mode of registering, Rev. Stat. c.
219. s. 10, p. 2.357.
Fees of fence-vi<'Wers, surveyors and
witnesses. Rev. Stat. c. 219, s.
11, p. 2357.
Payment by municipality and col-
lection from person chargi'able,
52 V. c. 48, p. 171.
Appeal by person dissatisfied with
award, procedure. Rev. Stat,
c. 219 ,s. 12, p. 2.35«5.
Notice of appeal, mode of service,
R(>v. Stat. c. 219. s. 12 (1). p.
; i i
; i
K Ul
LINE FENCES— Co»to iiotifiod
and to notify .Tudpc, Rov. Stat.
0. 211i. 8. 12 (2), p. 2«50.
Judjio to fix time for honring—
notice to parties, liev. Stat. <•.
210, s. 12 (3), p. 2350.
Powers of jndgo, Rev. Stat. c. 219,
H. 12 (4), p. 235G.
Decision to 1k' final, Rev. Stat. c.
219, s. 12 (5), 2357.
Division court practice to apply.
Rev. Stat. c. 219, s. 12 (6), p.
Provision for expenses of judge,
53 V. c. 67, p. 162.
Registration of agreements between
owners. Rev. Stat. c. 219, s. 13, p.
Form of agreement. Rev. Stat. c.
219, Form 4, p. 2359.
Owners of division fence enclosing in
part another person's land, to
give notice before removing fence,
Rev. Stat. c. 219, s. 14, p. 2357.
Option of adjoining owner. Rev.
Stat. c. 219, s. 14, p. 2357.
Application of gen(>ral provisions.
Rev. Stat. c. 219, s. 14 (2), p.
Owners of trees thrown down across
fences, to remove same and make
good damages. Rev. Stat. c. 219,
s. 15, p. 2357.
"When injured party may remove
tree. Rev. Stat. c. 219, s. 15
(2), p. 2358.
Entry to remove tree not a tres-
pass. Rev. Stat. c. 219 s. 15 (3),
p. 2358.
Fence-viewers to decide disputes.
Rev. Stat. c. 219, s. 15 (4), p.
Use of forms. Rev. Stat. c. 219, s.
16, p. 2358.
Foregoing provisions to apply to
niuiiiciiinlities until they have
passed by-laws for regulating di-
vision fences, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(18). p. 418.
LIQUOR DEALERS, Disquo lifted from
membership in councils, 55 V.
c. 42. 8. 77 (1), p. 275.
LIQUOR LICENSES— see Intoxicating
"LIST OF VOTERS," :Meaning of. in
Assessment Acts, 55 V. c. 48,
B. 2 (17), p. 560..
See "\'oters' Lists.
LIVERY STABLES, In cities, may be
regulated and liceTised or pro-
hiltited within certain areas by
police commissioners, or by
council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 436, p.
387; 56 V. c. 35, s. 11, p. 145.
By-laws for regulating and licensing
in towns and villages, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 510, p. 446.
For preventing the establishment
of, in specified localities, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 510, p. 446.
County councils having gravel or
macadamized roads free from
tolls, may license and regulate,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 512, p. 448.
LIVE STOCK, Scale of market fees for
55 V. c. 42, 8. 497 (7), p. 438.
While in transitu exempt from tax-
ation, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 7 (14), p.
On farms, exempted from taxation,
55 V. c. 48. s. 7 (14rt), p. 563.
Nnniber of, to be entered after name
of owner on assessment roll, 55
V. c. 48, (3), p. 568.
Contagious diseases — see Contagioub
Diseases among Animals.
LOAN COMPANIES. Shares exempt
from taxation, but not dividends
derived therefrom, 55 V. c. 48.
s. 7 (19), p. 564.
LOANS, Taking security 'or, when
made to indigent persons by way
of charitable relief , 56 V. c. 35,
s. 13, p. 146.
proval of, required to establish-
ment of cemeteries in villages.
Rev. Stat. c. 175, s. 1, p. 1714;
Rev. Stat. c. 176, s. 1, p. 1721.
By-laws for acquiring cemetery lands
in villages to be subject to ap-
proval of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 48»
(116), p. 416.
,' t
Action ou neglect of council to pro-
vide for vaccination, Rev. Stut.
c. 20G. s. 5, p. 2290.
When drainage works may be un-
dertaken ou recoiumeudution of.
upon local ansessment plan, G'l
V. c. 42, s. GIG (4), p 50G.
Remuneration of eluiirman in cities
having a population of 100,000
or over, 57 V. c. 50, s. ;{, p. lUG.
See Public lit a It ii.
LOCAL COURTS, Appointment of in-
terpreters and shorthand writers
on request of councils. Rev. Stat
c. 4G. ss. 24, p. 500.
ions ns to del)ts contracted for.
and debentures. —
By-laws (contracting debts to provide
for le\ying ot annual rate on all
property rateable under by-law or
per foot frontage, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 340 (5), p. 350.
To recite amount and object of
debt, amo\int to be raised an-
nually, value of real property
rateable, and that debt created
on security of special rate, 55
V. c. 42, s. 341 (1), p. 35G.
May declare that payment of the
special rate is guaranteed by
municipality, 55 V. c. 42, s. 341
(2), p. 356.
Irregularities in form not to invali-
date by-law debentures or as
sessmcnt, 55 V. c .42, s. 352 (4),
p. 3G1.
Certificate of proceedings to quash
to be registered within five
weeks after registry of by-law,
55 V. c. 42, s. 352 (5), p 3G1.
By-laws illegal on their face for
non-compliance with certain pro-
visions not validated, 55 V. c.
42. s. 352, (6), p. 361.
By-laws in cities, towns and vil-
lages mny be registered or not
:it option of council, 55 V. c.
42. 8. 353, p. 3G1.
Investment of sinking fund in de
bentures issued for. 55 V. c.
42, s.s. 375-376, p. 368.
Debentures to be marked "local
improvement debenture," and re-
fer to date and number of by-
law, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 409, p. 377.
Debentures issued under several by-
laws may be consolidated but
lien not to be effected, 55 V. c.
42, s. 409, p. 377.
Provision to be inserted in deben-
tures when subject to consolida-
tion, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 4(M), p. 377.
Debentures issued and sold under
original by-law not to l)e in-
cluded, 55 V. c. 42, s. 409, p.
By-laws for reduction of sinking
fund, or amount required to be
levied annually for payment of
debt, 55 V. c. 42. s. 489 (5), p.
In fixing future rates, interest on
investments, not to be calcu-
lated at more than five per
cent., 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (5), p.
By-law to receive assent of Lieu-
tenant-Governor, 55 V. c. 42, s.
489 (5), p. 414.
In unincorporated villages, —
Powers of township councils as to,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 17 (3), p. 251.
How affected by annexation of terri-
tory to another municipality, —
Power to proceed with works, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 5G (2), p. 2GG.
Municipality to which territory an-
nexed to indemnify municipality
commencing, 55 V. c. 42, s. ijti,
(3), p. 2GG.
When lands benefited are wholly
within another municipality, lat-
ter to collect and pay whole debt,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 50 (4), p. 267.
When part only within another muni-
cipality, latter to collect and pa.v
its proportion, 55 V. c. 42, s. 56,
(5), p. 267.
Leaseholders voting on by-laws, —
Special provision with regard to
qualification, 55 V. c. 42, a. 309,
p. 344.
thf: municipal index.
1 ;i
LOCAL i:\IPll()VKMENTS —Continw,!,
Outli of Icnsclioldor, 't't V. c. 42, s.
.'51 L', I). .'U7.
Joint constructidn on iKiiiihlary lines,—
AKrci'incnts ami liy-liiws for works of
joint constrnction ninl n^pairs on
sfrccis, s(inan>s and drives be-
tween two ninnieii)alitie8, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. r.r.n (;{), p. 172.
On roads and hrid^es in townships, —
Owners of land abutting on roads
may petition council, 55 V. c. 42,
8. (ni«. p. 501.
Couiicil may procure examination to
bo made by enj^ineor, etc., 55 V.
V. 42, 8. 01 Iff, p. 501.
Council may pass by-laws provid-
'uifi for the work and borrowing
necessary funds, 5.") V. c 42, s.
i\\\ssiiient., 55 V. c. 42. s. 01 Ir, p.
Respecting the cost of. —
By-laws for ascertaining real pro-
perty benefited by proposed work,
and assessing cost there on, .55 \'.
c. 42, s. 012 (1), p. .50;!.
Right of appeal to bo the same
as under drainage by-laws,
55 V. c. 42. s. 612 (If. p. 50;j.
For assessing real property, bene-
fited for certain works. 55 V. c.
42, s. 012 (2), p. 50;{.
For regulating time and manner of
assessments, 55 V. c. 42, s. ()12
C!), p. 5o:{.
For doing work with funds provided
by persons interested, 5.5 V. c.
42. s. 012 (4), p. 50;{.
Council to |>rovide one-third of cost
of certain si wers, 55 V. c. 42, s.
012 (5), p. .5o:{.
Council which has not passed gen-
eral by-law to provide costs of
culverts, etc., and street inter-
sections and wiu-k done opposite
exempted i)roperty, 55 V. c. 42, s.
012 (5), p. 5o;i.
Lands benefited to be charge(\ ]>y
engineer with costs of local ini-
lirovenieiits on streams, etc., or
on ilrainage works. .5.5 V. c. 42, s.
(il2 ((!), p. .".04.
Certain provisions as to drainage
works, to apjtly, .5.5 \'. c. 42, s.
012 (.(■>). p. 504.
Rates to be assessed on property
fronting or abutting on improved
street or place, 55 V. c. 42, s. 6K{
(1), p. .504.
If assessment insulHcient additional
assessment may be made, and if
excessive, excess to be refundeil,
.55 V. c. 42. 8. 01 :{ (2), p. 504.
Assessment for works in townships
within five miles of a city hav-
ing .50.000 inhabitants. 55 V. c.
42, s. Oi;{ (.'!), p. .504.
Works .'ind improvements to be kept
in rei)air at expense of municipal-
ity generally, 55 V. c. 42, s. 014.
p. .505.
Council may pass a general by-law
to a|)ply to works thereafter con-
structed, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 015, p.
Cndertaken on petition. —
(.'ouncil may undertake works on pe-
tition of two-thirds of owners to
be benefited, .55 V. c. 42, s. 010
(1), P. 50.5.
"Owners." to include certain lease-
holders when they have agreed
to pay taxes. ,55 V. c. 42, s. 610
(2). p. 505.
When lessee has the right to petition,
owner not to have the right, but
not as to townsliii)s, .55 V. c. 42,
s. 010 (o), p. ,500.
On sanitary grounds,—
City or town may nnd(>rtako drain-
ago works on local improvement
l>lan when ri'coininended by local
board of health, ,55 V. c. 42, s.
010 (4), i>. .500.
1 im-
I leaso-
Is. 610
It, but
c. 42,
142, s.
Notices to itc (.'ivcii in s\ich ciiscs.
-).'. V. «•. 12. s. (ilt; (1), p. •'><><>.
On till' iiiitijitiv*',—
Work iiniy Im- iiii:ninst wmk
md incsfntrd, •')."• V. <•. 42, s. 017
(1), 1). ."(M).
ir suliicifntl.v »ij,MU'd petition pri-
sentcd. iKdicc of work not to
1h> ii^ain >:i\('n for two years, 55
V. V. 42. s. : nunilicr of jietitioners
and viilne of property representtMl
by tlieni, ."m V. r. 42, s. 017 C'.i.
p. 500.
Work iniiy lie completed before as-
sessment made, 55 V. c. 42, s.
017 (4), p. 507.
Owner whose name is not on tlie as-
sessment roll may pettion for or
against by-laws, 55 V. c. 42, s.
017«, p. 507.
I'nltlication of notice. —
Notice of sitting of court of revision
may lie served on owners in lieu
of advertising liy-law, 55 V. c.
42. s. 018 (1), p. 507.
(,'ontents of notice and mode of ser-
vice, Bj
s. tilS (2). p.
Ten days notice of sittiufr of court
of revision to lie pulilislied, 55 V.
c. 42. s. (518 (2), p. 507.
Wlien notice is jiiven under ^'enerai
l)y-law, and tiie special rate is
a frontajje tax, general descrip-
tion of lands sullicient, 55 \, c.
42, s. 018 (3), p. 508.
Council to procure measurements and
keep them open for insi)e<-lioii in
clerk's oHice for ten days before
undertaking work, 55 V. o. 42, s.
018 (4), 1). 508.
Notice of proposed work and sittings
of court of revision to be pub-
lished,— form of notice, 55 V. c.
42. s. 018 (4), p. 508.
Appeals to lie as in case of drainage
works, and procedure thereon to
\h> tlic s;imc MS \uidcr Assess-
ment .\ct, 55 V. c. 12, s. OlS (5»,
p. 50". f.
.\ssessmciit as linnl'y revised to be
con'hi>ive, .55 \'. c. 42, s. 018 (0),
p. 501 ».
'remponiry lo;ins and advances for
construction of works, —
Power to borrow funds from banks,
etc., until work compU'ted and
assessment made and issue de-
bent ims. 55 V. c. 42, s. out (I),
[I. 501 ».
Py-law to provide for repayment of
loan within life of work, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 01!) (2». p. 501).
When liy-law and assessments set
aside, new by-laws nuiy be passed
and assessments made if work
legally undirtaken, 55 V. c. 42,
s. (ill) (.•{), p. 500.
Works .lot to lie undertaken except
on report id health odicers. or
didy signed i»etition of owners
benelited. or after due notice and
no sullicient petition presented
agiinst by-law, 55 V. c. 42, s. Oil)
(,•{), p. 510.
Assessment, —
Assessment of cost of drains or sew-
ers may include cost of branches
from drain oi sewer to the street
line, 55 V. c. 42, s. 020 (1), p.
When sewer is cmistructed of larger
cai>acity in order to afff)rss the cost against
projM'rty benefited, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 020 (,'}), p. 510.
By-laws for providing for equitable
assessment of corner lots, etc.,
at intersection or junction of
streets, 55 V. c. 42, s. 020 (4), p.
1 1 1
AHHcHKiucntH to b»> Hubj«'<-t, to ap-
IM-iil, 55 V. c. i2, «. UliO (4), V.
Council on two-tliinls vot*' niiiy n'-
I'luicl portion of Hpociiil rati'H iin-
poBcil prior to yotii Murdi, 1H85,
on corner lots, t-tr., ij.') V. c 4:i,
B. (iliU (5), p. 511.
By-liiwH for provicllug amount re-
funded. 55 V. c. 42, 8. (WO (5),
p. 511.
No refund to be made where work
more tlian four years old, 55 V.
e. 42. 8. (i2() (5). p. 511.
When lands on streets iu cities,
towns and villages unfit for build-
ing purposes, council may deter-
mine pr()i»ortion of cost, 55 V. c.
42. 8. 020 lU), p. 511.
Laud fronting on parks, etc., to be
assessable to extent to which
they are specially benefited, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 020 (7), p. 511.
When lands on opposite side of im-
proved drive or boulevard are
a public park or square, munici-
pality to pay half the cost, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 020 (7), p. 511.
When it is inequitable to charge
whole cost of bridges, street ex-
tensions, etc., on frontage, coun-
cil to determine what lands are
benefited and proportion of cost
to be borne by municipality, 55
V. c. 42. 8. G21 (1), p. 512.
Debentures may be issued for muni-
cipality's portion of cost, 55 V.
c. 42. s. ()21 (1), p. 512,
Appeal to lie as iu othar cases, 55
V. c. 42. 8. 021 (1), p. 512.
If council assesses other lands than
those fronting on work, amount
to be levied by a frontage rate
on such lands, 55 V. c. 42, s. 021
(2), p. 512.
In townships, by-laws may provide
for levying special rate on lands
benefited in l:*'u of frontage
rates, 55 V. c. 42, s. 621 (3), p.
When owners have made local im-
provements, council on petition
may aciiuire works, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 021 (3), p. 513.
By-law to fix bow number of pe-
titioners and vahu" are to be
determined, and ai)peal to lie
to v'oiinty judge, 55 V. c. 42, B.
021 (3«), p. 513.
Council by two-thirds vote may de-
clare that certain works benefit
whole municipality and raise
share of cost to be borne by cor-
poration, 55 V. c. 4", s. 022, p.
Amount so raised not to exceed
one-half of whole cost, 55 V. c.
42, s. 022, p. 513.
By-law not to require assent of
electors, 55 V. c. 42, s. 022, p.
Council may permit owners to build
or improve sidewalks in front of
their lands, — owners to be ex-
empt from rates for same pur-
poses, 55 V. c. 42. s. 023, p. 513.
.Iu.Ikc on appeals in city or town may
add other lands benefited, and
cause notic(> to be given, and ad-
journ court for consideration of
appeal, 55 V. c. 42, s. 023a, p.
Councils of cities and towns on two-
thirds vote, may lay down plank
sidewalks iiud assess cost on
frontage, 55 V. c. 42, s. 0236 p.
Contribution to cost of permanent
sidewalks on principal business
streets of city or town, when lo-
cal improvement system not
adopted as to sidewalks, 57 V. c.
50, s. 10, p. 109.
Assessment of remainder of cost
on property benefited, 57 V. c.
50,, s. 16, p. 170.
Irregularities in form not to in-
validate by-laws or debentures,
57 V. c. 50, 8. 16, p. 170.
Property assessed to be exempt from
gen(>ral assessment except for
work at street intersectioua and
opposite exempted property, 55
V. c. 42. 8. 024 (1), p. 514.
)f cost
|7 V. c.
to in-
It from
tpt for
|)U8 and
Irty, 55
Wlu'ii work IH .lone »>ii lu-titloii.
period nf cxciiiptiou iiiiiy In-
HpcritiiMl )!• Iix»'il !•> iirliitrati.iii.
-».-. V. <•. tli, s. f.-Jl (li). Ct). p.
County jiitlKi' to I liosc M()U> iirliitra-
titr it' im oiii- MKi-ffd \ipMii, .'>."!
V. «•. 4:i, H. 0:^1 '4), p. r>i4.
Council to stato what portion of
V'ciu'ral nitt' is for saiuc py-lnvv i)!isHt>d uiiifral rah>
on proptTiy spt'ciaily aswi'Mscd
not to 1)0 iipplii'il to tlic spt'ciiil
purjioHo, 5') \. f, 4-. H. ()1!4 (0*,
J). 515.
I't'titioniiiK, etc., not to l)o dociued a
lircarli of cfivcnaut av'iiin«t cn-
c\ind>ranc*.'s, ,'m \. c. 4-, 8. G24(<,
p. 515.
Councils may direct, with nHseiit of
electors, tliat nil future improve-
mcMts be Miiide liy special assens-
nuMit on property benetited, 55 V.
c. 42, s. G-jr. (1), p. 515.
By-law not to ho repealed without
assent of electors, 55 V. c. 42,
s. (!25 i2>, J). 515.
Proi)erty specially assessed before
repeal to bu exempt from gen-
'■ril assessments, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 025 (2), p. 515.
IVriod of exenii)tion to be fixed by
arbitrator appointed by county
judKe, ,55 V. c. 42, s. 025 (2),
I>. 515.
After passinj; general by-law coun-
cil may define areas within
which work on streets may be
done by special assessment, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 025 (3), p. 515
Land on which churches stand, and
land used in connection with
churches to be assessed, 55 V. c.
42, s. 020, p. 510; 55 V. c. 48, s.
7 (3), p. 502.
Buildings and grounds of universi-
ties, etc., to be assessed, 55 V. c.
42. 8. 0200. p. 510; 55 V. c. 48,
s. 7 (4), p. 502.
Sdiools maintained liy legislative
grants or school ta.\es to be
exempt, .55 V. c. 42, s. 020«. p.
.'.1<'>; 55 V. c. 4M, s. 7 (1), l». 5l>2.
I'arui lands in towns and villages
may be wholly or partly ex-
empteil, 55 V. c. 4», s. la, p. 5t;i.
Cost of works at street intersections
or opposite exempted property
mav be paid out of general fumls,
.55 V. c. 42, 8. 02T tl), p. 510.
By-l.iw for issuing debenlurea not
to require assent of electors,
55 V. c. 42, s. 027 (2), p. 510.
T,aw with regard to mode of Is-
suing debent\ircH declared, 55
V. c. 42. 8. 027 (2), I). 510.
By-laws for raising money for pay-
ing municipality's share of cost
of works, 55 V. 0. 42, b. 028 (1),
p. 510.
Assent of electors not required, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 028 (1), p. 510.
By-laws not to extend general lu-
dei)tedness liyond legal limit,
55 V. c. 42. s. 028 (1), p. 510.
Debentures issued on security of
special assessments not to be
deemed part of general indebted-
ness, 5.") V. c. 42, s. 028 (2), p.
.Sweeping, Lighting and Watering
Streets, —
By laws may be pii.Msed on petition
of two-thirds of ratepayers resi-
dent in street, and representing
one-half of real property assess-
ment thereon, 55 V. c. 42, s. 020
(1). 1). 517.
By-laws for defining areas and im-
posing special assessments there-
for on frontage, or (by three-
fourths' vote) on the assessed
vahie, 55 V. c. 42, s. 020 (2), p.
5 1 7.
Cutting grass and trimming trees,
etc., may be included in by-law
55 V. c. 42, s. 020 (3), p. 517.
ily-laws for defining areas for re-
moval of snow, etc., from streets,
and imposing frontage rates
theref(,r, 55 X. e. 42, s. 020 (4)
p. 518.
¥ t
! •!
Light, Water and Fire Protection iv
Townsliips and ViiliiK*'S, —
By-laws in townships and villages
lor (((nstrnction of worka for
lighting, water, or tire protection,
on local improvement system, 5r>
v. c. 42, s. OyO (1), p. 518; 56 \,
c. 35. 8. 27, p. 149.
By-laws for defining real property
benefited and imposing rates
theret)n, 55 V. e. 42, s. 6C0 (2>,
p. 518.
(,'ertain general provisions not to
api)ly, 5(i \. e. 35. s. 29, p. 149.
When fire engine, etc., have been
])urehased, liy-laws for election of
lire trustees, 55 V. o. 42, s. G30
(4), p. 518.
Trustees to bo elected at general
municipal election by votes oi
those specially assessed, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 030 (4), p. 518.
Duties of trustees, 55 V. c. 42, s.
030 (5), p. 519.
By-laws for maintenance and re-
pair of abandoned toll roads in
townships on local inii)rovement
plan, 55 V. c. 42, s. 030a (1), p.
Certain general provisions not to
apply. 56 V. c. ^5. s. 29, p. 149.
I'owers of Counties,—
County councils may pass by-laws for
levying special rate on property
benefited in townships, 55 V. c.
42. s. s.
towns and villages, and levying
8p(»cial rates for improvt'inents
thereon. 55 V. c. 42, s. 033 (1), p.
By-law to state amount to be raised
and define locality affected and
provide for payment, 55 V. c. 42,
8. OcW (2), p. 520.
By-law, if ai)proved by reprt^senta-
tives of locality affected, to be
submitted to the ratepayers of
such locality, 5.5 W c. 42, s. 033
(.3), p. 520.
By-law only to apply to municipali-
ties in which it receives a ma-
jority of votes, and amount to be
borrowed to be reduced propor-
tionately, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 033 (4),
p. 520.
By-law, if defeated in any munici-
pality, i\'iy be passed with con-
sent of representatives of remain-
ing municipalities or dropped,
55 Y. c. 42, s. 033 (5). p. 520.
If i)assed, only representatives of as-
senting municipalities to vote on
expenditure of the money raised,
55 V. c. 42, s. 033 (5), p. 520.
General provision as to voting on
by-laws to apply, 55 V. c. 42, s.
033 (G), p. 521.
Cities and towns separated from
counties may pass simib.r by-
laws with assent of -.'lectors for
purchasing toll roads or abolish-
ing market fees, when r.iads freed
from tolls, 55 V. c. 42, s. 033 (7),
p. 521.
Special provisions relating to «lrain-
age works— see Drainage.
of, 55 \. c. 42, 8. 2 (2). p. 244:
55 V. c. 48. 8. 2 (7), p. 500.
toxicating Liijuors (53 V. c. 50.
8. 18, p. 138; 54 V. c. 40, p. 93;
55 V. c. 51, ss. 13, 14, p. 055.
LOCK-UP HOUSES, May be estab-
lished and maintained by county
councils. 55 V. c. 42, s. 457, p.
In every case to be in charge of con-
stables appointed by general ses-
sions, 55 Y. c. 42, s. 457, p. 391.
May be established and maintained
by council of city, town, town-
ship or village, 55 Y. c. 42, s.
458, p. 391.
Who may be detained in, 55 Y. c. 42,
8. 458, p. 391.
'1' f.i
oT, p.
f oon-
ll scs-
42, 8.
:. 42,
LOCK-UPS- Continued.
Two or more muuicipalitica mas*
unite in estaMisbing, 55 V. c.
42, s. 459, p. 391.
When established by county councils,
county towns not separated from
county to compensate county for
ust of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 474«, p.
When heretofore established not to
be affected by provisions of Muni-
cipal Acts as to lockups estao-
lished thereunder, 55 V. c. 42, s.
475, p. 397.
Expense of conveying prisoner there-
to and keeping them, to be do-
frnved in same manner as ex-
pense of conveyance, etc., to
gaols, 55 V. c. 42, s. 476, p. 397.
By-laws for imposing imprisonment
where fines for breaches of by-
laws cannot be collected by dis-
tress. .55 V. c. 42, 8. 479 (19), p.
Exempted from taxation, 55 "V. c.
48, s. 7 (5), p. 562.
LODGING HOUSES, By-laws for regu-
lating width and strength of
stairways, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (16),
p. 403.
For preventing accidents by fire in,
55 V. c. 42, s. 493 (2), p. 425.
LOGS, By-laws for regulating the burn-
ins of, in the open air, 55 V. c.
42, s. 489 (24), p. 419.
For protecting and regulating
booms, 55 V. c. 42, s. 511 (1),
p. 447.
LOTS, Surveys for fixing and marking
boundaries of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 491,
p. 424.
By-laws for enclosure of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 496 (4), p. 431.
For numbering, on streets, of ci-
ties, towns and villages, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 490 (29), p. 434.
Record of numbers to be kept
for public inspection, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 496 (30), p. 434
Mode of assessing— see Assessment.
D.M.I. — 10
LUMBEUMEN. Temporary absence
nut to turn of roll and be-
fore expiry of time for appealing
to judge under Voters' Lists Act,
55 V. c. 48, s. 14ft (9), p. 572.
In cities. —
Not to i>e entered on assessment roll,
57 V. «•. 4. s. 2, p. 14.
City to provide necessary accommo-
dation for registrars, 57 V. c. 4,
s. 1) (1), p. IS.
In case of default — board of man-
hood suffrage registrars to make
I>rovision at city's expense, 57 V.
c. 4, s. 9 til. i>. 18.
Buildings provided not to be tav-
erns or places of public enter-
tainment, 57 V. c. 4, 8. 9 (2), p.
Preservation of the peace at places
of registration, 57 V. c. 4, s. 33,
p. 25.
Fees of clerk of the peace for pre-
paration of forms and books to
be paid by city, 57 V. c. 4, s. 44
(2), p. 29.
Pees of registrars and registry
clerks, — payment by the city, 57
V. c. 4, s. 51, p. 30.
. MANUFACTORIES, May be exempted
from tuxation by by-law for ten
years, renewable for ten years,
except for school purposes, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 366, p. 364.
By-laws for regulating or preventing
when dangerous on account of
fire. 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (14), p.
By-laws for compelling use of smoke
consumers in chimneys, 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (16), p. 432.
Repeal of bonus clauses not to affect
certain by-'aws,, 55 V. c. 44, p.
MANUFACTURERS, When peddling
goods produced by them, not to
be subject to by-laws respecting
hawkers. 55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (:{),
p. 427.
To be assessed in muni^-ipality where
pliue of business is s'tuate, for
all personal property, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 36 (I), p. 580.
kmt of
tl4), P-
V. c.
44, p.
not to
1195 (:'.).
kte, lor
r. c. 48,
AHseaament of personalty where more
thun one place of business, 55 V.
c. 48. 8. 36 (2), p. 580.
MANT'Itl']. Exemption of vehicles laden
with, from toll, Uev. Stat. c. 190,
s. 4, p. 2231.
Fees not to be imposed on grain,
seed, wool, wood, dressed hogs,
cheese, hay, straw or fodder, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 497 (1), p. 437.
Fees not to be impoHed on butter,
ejrus or poultry, unless proper
place provided for sale, 55 V. c.
42, a. 497 (2), p. 437.
Fees not to be charged where articles
delivered in pursuance of con-
tract without being hawked, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 497 (3), p. 438,
Fees not to be imposed upon articles
bivught into municipality £.fter
ten o'clock a.m., and not sold on
the market, 55 V. c. 42, a. 497 (4),
|). 438.
By- laws not io require weighing
or measurement of hay, etc., or
wood, when contracting parties
do not desire it, 55 V. c. 42, a.
497 (5), p. 438.
Limit of time for enforced sale of
goods on market. 55 W v. 42, s.
497 («}), I). 438.
Scale of fees for articles brought
to market, 55 V. c. 42, s. 497 (7),
p. 438.
Scale of fees for weighing and
meiisurjng, 5o V. c. 42, s. 497 (8;,
p. 438.
By-laws for regulating the sale of
certain goods by retail in streets
or \ncant lots, and preventing
the blocking of streets by
vehicles. 55 V. c. 42. s. 497 (9),
p. 439.
For providing that fees shall not
be payable except when goods
sold on markets, 55 V. c. 42, s.
498. p. 439.
By-law may provide for imposition
of fees on persons voluntarily
using or tnking advantage of
markets by using adjoining
streets, .j5 V. c. 42, s. 408 (2),
(3), p. 439.
Sale of goods to stores in vicinity
of market not to be afiectcd, 55
V. c. 42, s. 498 (4), p. 439.
Fees imposed not to be grcnter
thin those in force on 1st
Maveh, 1882. 55 \ . «•. 42, ».
498 (5), p. 439.
Fees not to be charged on nuir-
Lets made \'i streets, 'm \. c
42, 8. 498 (b), p. 4AO.
Foregoing provisions not to apply
wliere no market lees wt p-
charged on 10th .March, 18S2,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 499 p. 440.
Regulation of sales where no fees
are charged, 55 V. c. 42, s. 500,
p. 440.
Market fees not to include fees
for wt'iirhing and measuring, 55
\'. c. 42, s. 500, p. UO.
Limit of time for enforced sale of
goods on market, 55 V. c. 4'J,
s. 500, p. 440.
Inconsistent enactment to be of no
effect. 55 N'. c. 42, s, 501, p. 440.
I'ower to sell, assign or lease market
tees, 55 V. c. 42, s. .502. p. 440.
By-laws for establishing markets,
55 V. c. 42. s. 503 (1i, p. 440.
For regulating markets, 55 V. c.
503 (2), I). 410.
Old m.'irkets nnd market reserva-
tions continued, 55 V. c. 42, s.
503 (2), p. 440.
For i)reventinp or regulating sales
by retail in streets or adjacent
vMcant lots. .55 V. c. 42, s. 5(t;>
(3). p. 44 L
For regulating place nnd manner
of sellinc and weighing 'ind
fees and preventing sales by
criers and dealers in small
wares. 55 V. c. 42. s. .503 Ui,
p. 441.
For licensing and regulating sales
of meat in quantities less than
a (luarter carcase, .".5 \. c. 42,
s. 503 (5». p. 441.
For preventing forestalling, n--
grating, or monopoly of goods
brought to inark(>t. wy V. e. 42.
s. 503 (6). p. 441.
' ■H
': 1
For pnvontiut,' and regulatiiiR pur-
i.basos in markets by hucksters,
vrorers, butchers or runuers,
55 V. c. 42. s. 503 (7), p. 441.
For regulating weighing ami
jnoasurinjr, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503
(8), p. 441.
For imposing penalties for light
weight, etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. 503
l9), p. 441.
For regulating and imposing duties
on vehicles used in market
vending, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503
aO), p. 441.
For sale of meat distrained for
rent of market stalls, 55 V. c.
42. s. 503 (11), p. 442.
For regulating the assize of bread,
55 V. c. 42. 8. 503 (12), p. 442.
For the abolition of market fees on
condition of roads being freed
from toll, 55 V. c. 42, s. 633
(7), p. 521.
MAllINERS, Temporary absence not to
disqualify from entry as man-
hood suffrage voters, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 146 (2), p. 570.
MARITIME COURT, Right of judges
to use court houses, Rev. Stat,
c. 43, s. 1, p. 444.
MARRIED WOMEN, When assessed
as owners, husbands to be en-
tered as occupants, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 16, p. 573.
MARSH LANDS,-see Drainage ; Wet
mine fees of valuators, and costs
of arbitration, when claim in re-
spect of lands taken or injured in
large cities does not exceed
$1,000; 55 V. 0. 42, s. 487 (4),
(5), p. 409.
I'owers in relation to controverted
elections.— see Controverted Elec-
tions (55 V. c. 42, 8B. 187-208,
pp. 312-317.
MAYORS, To be elected in cities and
towns, 55 V. c. 42, ss. 68, 69, p.
MAYORS— Co»5, p. 328.
Form of declaration of office to be
made by, 55 V. c. 42, s. 271, p.
Where there is no police magistrate,
may try offences against by-laws
and prosecutions for non-accept-
ance of office or neglect to take
declarations, 55 V. c. 42. s, 416.
p. 379.
After taking oaths, not to require
property qualification to act as
justices of the peace, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 417, p. 379.
To attend at police offices where
there is no police magistrate, 55
V. c. 42, s. 432, p. 385.
Powers as to suspension of police
officers, where board of commis-
sioners not established, 55 V. c.
42. ss. 450. 451, p. 390.
To possess same powers as sheriffs
as U) calling out posse comitatus.
55 V. c. 42, s. 478, p. 398.
To perform same duties as wardens
with resjiect to the collection of
arrears of taxes, 55 V. c. 48, s.
204, p. 629.
Powers and duties as members of
boards of commissioners of police,
—see I*olice Commissioners.
MEASURE.— see Weight and Measure.
"Aiimml value" of premiHPS for
purposoK of businoHH tnx to be
s<'V«'n por I'ciit. of assosHod val-
ue. 55 V. 0. 48, s, 31fl (2), p.
To be assessed in municipality where
place of business is. for all per-
sonal property, 55 V. c. 48, s. 36
(1>. p. 580.
Wlien business carried on in more
iliiin one place, 55 V. c. 48, s.
•M (2), p. .■)8(>.
.MILK-\<;K. May be paid to members
of county and township coun-
d for drill, or for aiding in
purchas«> of outlit. etc., .5.5 V. c.
42. s. 47{) (1»«>. p. 402.
IN'rsons cnjitipid in. to he exempt
from statute labour when not as-
sessed for ri'al jtropcrty, 55 V. c.
48, s. 88. p. 001.
MILK, By-I;iws for inspection of i^hen
opfi-red for sale, .55 V. c. 42. s.
48!) {r,:i). p. 122.
For licensinir vendors of. 55 V. o.
42. (s. 48;) (.54). p. 422.
Act to pn\ent Fraud in the Sale of,
56 \'
48. p. 193.
yU]A\ -Continual.
Art to apply to cities and towns, 5C
V. .-. 48. s. 1, p. 193.
Bv-laws declaring Act in force, 55
W i . 48. 8. 2, p. 193.
Penalty for selling adulterated or
deteriorated milk, 56 V. c. 48, s.
3, p. 193.
When fact that milk is skimmed is
known to purchaser, .5«» V. c. 48,
s. 3, p. 193.
Who mav hear complaints. 56 V. c.
48, 8. 4, p. 193.
Civil reu'fMly of persons agrieved, .56
V. c. 48. s. 5, p. 193.
Powers of health officers — see Pub-
lic Health.
MILLERS. Exempt from scrviiij; in
councils or as officers, SST V. c.
42. s. 78. p. 275.
MILLS. In jtolice villages, fire and
lights not to be carried into un-
less jtroperly enclosed. 55 V. c. 42,
s. tKu (5). p. .530.
MILL-SITES. Not to be interfered with
by b.\-laws for straightening, etc.,
rivers and streams, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 5.50 (7(1). p. 469.
Lands and buildings to be as-
sessed at value of lands in the
neighborhood used for agricul-
ture, but income to be assessed,
.55 v. c. 48. s. 26 (2). p. 576.
Powers of cotinty and township cotm-
cils as to sale of minerals on or
under roads. .55 V. c. 42, s. .56,5.
|t. 475.
-Vet for the establishment of, 54 V. c.
(Mt. p. 19,5.—
Interpretation " union municipality."
•ward." .54 V. c. 60. s. 1, p. 195.
By-laws for establishment and
nuintenance. .54 V. i. 60, a. 2.
).. 196.
Ass'Mit of "lectors re«)uired, 54 V.
• -. 60. s. 2. p. 15)6.
on or
V. c.
8. 2.
54 V.
Rstablishmont nnd maintenance by
township or ward forming part
of a union municipality, 54 V.
«'. (K). s. 3, p. 190.
liy-laws for granting bonuses and
issuing dclicnturcs therefor, 54 V.
c. 00, 8. 4, p. 196.
Assoiit of electors required, 54 V.
c. 00. s. 4. p. 190.
By-liiw to provide for special an-
nual rate. 54 V. c. 60, s. 4, p. 190.
County council may grant aid to the
extent of .flO.OOO; 54 V. e. 60. s.
5. p. 197.
Trustees to be elected by munici-
pality interested, 54 V. c. (>0, s.
0, p. 197.
To l)e a corporation, 54 V. c. 00,
s. 0, p. 197.
Schools to be subject to Education
Department and teachers to be
authorized by Minister, 54 V. c.
(>0, s. 7, p. 197.
Number of trustees, 54 V. c. 00, s.
S, p. 197.
Powers of Minister of Education
when S(>liool al»aiidoned or regu-
latioiiK viohited. ."»4 V. c. 00, s.
9. |). 197.
Application of railway clauses of
Municipal Acts, 54 V. c. 00, s.
10, p. 198.
Ele<-tion nn0. s. 11. p. 198.
Api)lication of Act, 54 V. c. 00, s.
12. p. 198.
nual returns to— see Annual Re-
ers with respect to mining
schools. 54 V. c. 60. ss, 7. 9, p. 197.
See Hich Schools; Public
era|)t from serving in municipal
coun<'ils or as officers, 55 V. c 42
s. 78, p. 175.
MINISTERS, ETc.-Coniinucd.
To V»e assessed for salary at place of
residence, 5,5 V. c. 48, s. IIS, p.
Duties as to records of births,
deaths and marriages— see
Births, Deaths and Marriages.
MINUTES. Of proceedings of councils
to be kept by the clerk. 55 V. c.
4'J. s. 1245. p. :?li5.
Mav be insi)ected at all seascmable
'hours. 55 V. c. 4'-', s. 247 (1),
p. :?25.
MODEL S( HOOLS, Power to levy
rates for, 54 \'. c. 55, s. 112, p.
Coimty councils to grant aid to, 54
V. c. 55. s. 140. 1). 15;;.
MONOPOLIES, Not to be grunted by
i'ouncils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 280, p.
Exclusive privileges in ferries may
be granted, 55 V. c. 42. s. 287, p.
Py-laws for preventing, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 503 (0). p. 441.
<5rantiiig exclusive privileges to tele-
phone cKinpanies — set> Telephone
Coniiiiinies (56 V. c. 35. s. 6. p.
MOM'MENTS, By-laws for erection ol".
to mark municipal boundaries, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (50), p. 423.
MORT(iA<;i:S. May be taken by town-
ships to secure purchase money
of wet lands, 55 \'. c. 42. s. 521
(12», p. 452.
On lands held and used for farming
purp(»ses — sinking fund may be
investeil in, 55 V. c. 42 ss. 375,
:!70. p. 3(»S.
Anion lit loaned not to exceed two-
thirds of assessed value. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 375 (1). p. 368.
.Moneys set aside for educational
purjioses nuiy be invested in,
55 V. c. 42, s. .378 H), p. .309.
Amount hmned not to exceed two-
thinls of assessed value, 55 V.
<•. 42. s. .378 (2), p. 309.
V i :
MORTGAGES— ro;//iHHt'(/.
Moneys invested in, exempt from
taxation, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (16), p.
Mny l)t' taken ns sccnrlty for grants
nindo to dostitutf persona, uG V.
c. o5, 8. i;i, p. 14ti,
inents may be made between
councils of cities or towns 80[)-
aratetl from counties, and county
councils for joint erection and
ninintennnce of, 7)7) V. c. 42, s.
■KM) (2), p, ;W5.
cutions aiininst — see Executions
afiainst Municipal Corporations,
(55 Y. c. 42, ss. 428, 429, p. 383).
See Corporations; New Muni-
COUNCILS— see Coun-
— see Drainage Debentures (Rev.
Stat. c. :M. p. 38(J; 53 V. c. 11, p.
DISTRICTS-see Algoma. Etc.;
Muskoka and Parry Sound.
tario Municipalities' Fund.
"MT'XICIPALITY." Meaning of. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 2 (1). p. 244; 55 V. c. 48.
s. 2 (6), p. 560.
ACT, By-laws under, for manu-
facturing and supplying light and
heat, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (1), p.
See Light and Heat (Rev. Stat.
c. 191, p. 2063).
ers of municipalities indebted to,
to make annual returns to Pro-
vincial Treasurer showing debts,
etc., under penalty i>f $100, 55 \.
c. 42, s. 381, p. 369.
from taxation, but occupant or
lessee to be assessed, 55 Y. c. 48,
s. 7 (7). p. .■)(52.
see Waterworks.
MUSET'MS. Establishment of. in con-
nection with free libraries— see
Free Libraries.
MI'SIC. Police commissioners in cities,
and councils in towns, may reguj
late playing in streets, etc.. 5.'
Y. c. 42. 8. 436 (5), p. 387.
By-laws for granting aid to estab-
lish or maintain bands, 55 Y. c.
42, 8. 479 (11). p. 402.
MUSIC HALLS, By-laws for providing-
against accidents by fire in. 55
Y. c. 42, 8. 493 (2). p. 425.
Regulation of means ot egress — see
Public Buildings.
E.vcepted from general provision
as To qualification of members of
councils, 55 Y. c. 42, s. 78, p. 273.
Municipalities in provisional judicial
district separated from counties
for municipal purposes, 51 Y. c.
i;!. s. 22, p. 28.
By-laws and licenses continued, 51
Y. c. 13, 8. 22 (2), p. 28.
Fornuition of provisional counties by
proclamation, 51 Y. c. 13, ss. 23,
24. p. 28.
Name of provisional corporation,
51 y. c. 13, s. 24, p. 29.
I'owers of council, 51 Y. c. 13, s.
25, p. 29.
Councils, how composed, 51 Y. c.
13. s. LO, p. 29.
Division courts, 51 Y. c. 13, a. 27,
p. 29.
Union of unincorporated townships
with adjacent municipalities, 51
y. c. 13, 8. 28, p. 29.
Sale of lands for taxes, duty of
sheriffs, 52 Y. c. 17, s. 1, p. 78.
Treasurers of Simcoe and Yictoria
to return arrears to sheriffs.
52 Y. c. 17, s. 2, p. 79; 53 Y. c.
52, s. 2. p. 129.
When lands have been advertised
liy treasurers, 52 Y. c. 17, s. 2,
p. 79.
I ill
h' ^^
IV. c.
f}i>n('r!il provision ns to wnrdon's
(lutij's not to apply, .')2 V. c. 17,
s. .'{, p. 79.
When lands may 1k> sold — proco-
dnro— 52 V. c. 17. s. 4. p. 79.
WluTo troasiircr has nogUM'ted to
innkt' rctnrn for ISIKS to sheriff
within time prcscrilu'd, ,')($ V. o.
'Mi, s. 4, p. I.-.4.
Plat'i'H of sahi in tho spvcml muni-
oipalitios, .'»2 V. e. 17, s. 5, p.
Tax deeds for lands sold bofore
J.".ni Marrh, 1SS9. to ho given
liy rt'tvc and trcaanror, 58 V. c.
52. s. 1, p. 12J>.
Allowance to sheriffs, 55 V. c. 50,
s. 1, 1). 652.
Sheriffs to pay over nniounts r(>-
ci'ived semi-annually, 55 V. c. 50,
s. 1, p. «m2.
Audit of sheriffs' books, 55 ^^. c.
50. s. 1, p. 052.
I'rovisions as to publication of an-
nual statement of accounts by
municipalities not to apply, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 2();{ (5), p. 332.
See Alpoma, etc.
IES, Meetinjrs required to be
held in townships nmy be held at
town halls in towns and villages,
5.-> V. c. 42. s. .j21 (10), p. 451.
WAYS— s(>e Streets (55 V. c. 42,
s. 45)0 (-',1), p. 4.^4).
NATT'RAL GAS. Extension of provi-
sions of Act respectinp steam
heatiuK and electric companies
to companies for the supply of,
54 V. c. 3(}, p. 68.
NAVAL OFFICERS, Premises occu-
pied (to extent of .$2,000) and
persf)nal property while in actual
service, and pay or pensions ex-
empted from taxation, 55 V. c.
48. s. 7 (12). p. 503.
NAVAL SERVICE, Persons employed
iu, to be exempt from statute la-
bour, 55 V. c. 48, s. S7. p. 001.
NEGLIGENCE, Head of council to see
t(» prosecution an \. <•. 42. H. Ck?, p. '2m.
Villii«t'H— 8oe Villap'H.
TownH— sec TowuH.
('itioH-s('«' CiticH.
TowiiHliipH— »«'»' Townships.
Coimtifs— s»'t' Counties; rrovisional
( "iiuiity CoriKjrations.
In outlying distfictw— set- Aigoiuu,
Colicctiou of arn-ars of taxes — hc*-
.'tatcs and Taxes.
«'UUaKed as, may Ix* regulated ant!
(•outn)lied l»y police eoininission-
«rs. or couneil, ."» V. e. 4.'i, s. 43(i
Cil. p. .•187.
NEWSROOMS. Establishment of— see
Free Libraries.
-vjOXT DAY." .Not to iuelude Sunday
or stiitutocy holitlays, ."> V. c 4'2,
8. 2 (11), p. 244.
MiiMT-WATCIlAIE.N.Hv-laws for the
a|)iiointmei!t of. within limits de-
fined tlierein. ."m V. e. 42. s. VM
(4;i), p. 4:!7.
By-laws for levying special rate on
property within siich limits, 55
\'. e. 42, s. 41JG (43)«, p. 4;{7.
Not to be passed except on petition
■»f two-thirds of those cliarjie-
able, ."► y. e. 42, s. 496 (4'A)b,
p. 4:{7.
Sif.Miatui'es to petition to be proved,
55 \'. e. 42, s. 496 (4S)e, p. 437.
Liability for expenses as between
landlord and tenant, 55 V. c.
42. s. 496 (43)(/. p. 437.
NI1'1SSIN(;. Exvepted from general
provision as to qualification of
menbcrs of councils, 55 V. c. 42,
s. "S. p. 27;>.
See Al>:onia. etc.
NOISES, Hy-laws respectinjr bells, et«'..
55 \\ c. 42, s. 4HU (40), p. 422.
NOMINATIONS, To be held in citleB
and towns on Inst Monday in
Decemiier for mayor, reeve and
tieputy-rceve. in town hall, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, 55 V. c.
42, s. 107 (1), p. 2S7.
For councillors in towns divided into
wards may be held tinder by-law
at same tin)e and phwe as for
mavor, 55 V. c. 42, s. 107 (2), p.
In towns or villages may bo held
under by-law at seven o'clock in
the i'veniuK. 55 V. c. 42, s. 10,8
(4>, p. 2S7.
< 'lerk to preside, or in his absence,
chairman to be (diosen by meet-
inj,', 55 V. c. 42, s. 101), p. 287.
Of ald<>rmen and councillors in cities
and towns, and reeves, d» puty-
rcevcs and councillors in villages
and townshi|»s to be held at noon
in places fixed by by-law, 55 V. c.
42. s. 100. p. 287.
Of aldcrnu'ii in cities may, under by-
law, take place at half-past seven
o'clock in the evening, 55 V. c.
42. s. 1(»0. p. 287.
Where to lie held in townships di-
vided into wards, 55 V. c. 42, s.
110. |). 287.
For townships may be held under by-
law in adjoining city, town or
village. 55 V. c. 42. s. Ill, p. 288.
When Christiuas Day falls on last
.Monday in December, to be held
on preceding Friday, 55 V. e. 42,
s. 112. p. 288.
To be held in townships on last Mon-
day Imt one in December when
county council so directs, 55 V. c,
42. s. li:{. p. 288.
Ky-law to be passed before Ist
.Inly, aid be transmitted to
clerks of townships, 55 V. c.
42, s. li;{. p. 288.
Ueturning oHicer for ward or clerk
to i)reside, or chairman to be
chosen by meeting, 55 V. c. 42, s.
114, p. 288.
Six days notice to be given by clerk,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 115, p. 288.
Mons noniiniited to be
poMt«'d np ill <.tli(" '>f flerk. 55 V.
.•. 12. s. 117. ]». 2S1».
If only one cantiitlate proposed for
any tilliee, siicli ciintlidate to be
dc'lin'd electt'd. .(."i \ . c. 42, s.
117. p. 289.
In townsliips niny lie held at town
liall ill town (ir villatte. ."» V. c
4L'. s. .'»21 (1(H, p. 451.
In ontlyiiiu districts— sec
For ullice of jiolice trustees — see Po-
lice Villages.
Hy-laws imposing penalties, 5.5 V.
c. 42. s. 47J) (17), (18), pp. 40;{,
Ky road coniniissi(niers. penalty for.
55 \'. c. 48. s. 118«. p. mi.
Co.inty council may direct that
tax's received from non-residents'
lands 1k' paid over to local muni-
cipalities, or that tliey shall form
ii separate fund, 55 V. c. 42, s.
21' » (1), p. om
In ahs<'nce of by-law taxes to b(! pai 1
over to local treasurers, 55 V. c.
48, s. 210 (2). p. Vu'M.
County treasurer to open account for
each local municipality. 55 V. c.
48. s. 211. 1). 631.
Taxes imposed by provisional county
before dissolution of union to be
ctdl.'cted by treasurer of union,
and treasurer to open account
with junior county, 55 V. c. 48.
s. 212, p. asi.
Collection of taxes where new county
fornu'd out of [)art8 ot two coun-
ties, 55 V. c. 48. s. 2i;5, p. (iPA.
Money to form part of Kenerul funds
of local municipality, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 214. p. i'M.
Council nniy authorize warden to is-
sue debentures on credit of fund.
.55 V. c. 48. 8. 215, p. tWl.
Term ainl amount of debentures. 55
V. c. 48. s. 215. p. tWl.
Total amount of debenttires which
mav be outstaudiuK at any one
time. 55 V. c. 48. s. 215. p. ft'U.
Treasurer to have charRe of deben-
tures until their jiroceeds de-
posited with him, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 215. p. 631.
Debentiires to be nejiotiated by
treasurer and warden, and pro-
ceeds to be paid into fund, 55
V. c. 48, s. 21('». p. ft'U.
Principiil i">*l interest to be paid
out of fund. 55 V. c. 48, s. 216,
p. ««1.
Purchaser not bound to see to np-
plication of ])\irchase money, 55
V. c. 48. s. 21«!, p. «W1.
When fund not suflicient to pay
debentures and interest same
may be paid out of jreneral
<'ounty funds. .55 V. c. 48, s.
217. p. (5:{2.
Ciiunty co\incil8 may apportion sur-
piiis auionsrst local municipalities;
but so that debentures unpaid will
not exceed two-thirds of amount
at aid
on debentures, investments, bal-
ance, debentures \inpaid, state-
merit of arrears then d»ie, etc.,
.55 V. c. 48, 6. 221 (1), p. 632.
Copy of report to be transmitted to
Provincial Secretary, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 221 (2). p. ri,'J2.
NON-RICSIDENTS. INrsmml proptTty,
how iiHHcHHi'd wlicit ill bauds of
imiMitM or truBtoeB, 55 V. c. 48, ■.
3:{. p. r.70.
Wlicii n'MidiiiK out of rrovlnco, per-
Hoiml property in IihikIh of truw
trc or imt'Mt to iff nsHt'HSi'd
nmiiiiHt tniMtt'c or iiKt-nt iih own-
or. .'5 V. c. 48, 8. 30, p. 580.
priatioii of tnxrs to Hcpariitf
Hcliool purposcH, Ht'V. Stat. <;. 227,
8. 4(i. p. U4S4.
OwiH-rs may Kivt« iiotico roqulrinj? to
Ik! jtlaccd on aHHCHHint'iit roll of
iimnicipality in wliieli th<>y own
real property, 55 V. o. 48, s. 3,
p. .^>(5().
Form of notice, 55 V. o. 48, Sched.
A., p. »{;{8.
C'lt-rk tt) (Iclivt^r list of names of por-
Hona nivinj: notifp, to UMsossors,
55 V. c. 48. 8. 3, p. 560.
Notice To stand nntil revoked, 55 V.
c. IS. H. 3, p. 5(51.
Owner of unoccupied land whose
mrne is omitted may apply to
ct)urt of reviHion, .55 V. c. 48, s.
4(1). p. 5(!1.
Application to judge to have name
of owner placed on voters' list.
55 V. c. 48. 8. 4. (2), p. 561.
Assessor to insert in the assessment
roll the names of owners who
have given notice, 55 V. c. 48, s.
14 (1), p. 567.
When not occupied by owner, but
owner known or notice given, to
be assessed against owner, and
occuitant. if any, 55 V. c. 48. s.
17, !). 573.
When owner is not resident in muni-
cipality, but in Province, laud, if
occupied, to be assessed against
occ ipant and owner; but if not,
and no notice given by owner,
then to be assessed as land oi*
non-r«'sident, 55 \'. c. 48, s. 18.
p. 573.
When owner not resident in Pro-
vince, occupant to be deemed
owner for assessment purposes;
but if unoccupied, and no notice
N0N-IU;h1D1;NT lands— Contnji(«s of the owners
furnished to assessor, 55 V. c. 48,
H. 21 (1), p. 574.
Assessur to eiit-. ; ;n roll, letters "N.
U." an i address of owner who
has given notice, 55 V. c. 48, s. 25,
p. '>7(>.
Assessment when owners have not
given notice, 55 V. c. 48, s. 30.
p. .578.
To be inserted in separate pari of
rod and headed "non-residents*
la ml assessments," 55 V. c. 48,
s. .",(>. p. 578.
When not known to be sub-divided
into lots, to be descriljed i»y
metes and bounds, 55 V. c. 48.
s. ;J0. V. 578.
When known to l)e sub-divided,
whole tract to be described, and
numbers of lots and their
value to be inserted in separate
columns. 55 \. c. 48, s. 3(.>, p.
Owners who have given notice, to be
notified of amount of assess-
ment by post, 55 V. c. 48, s. 47
(1). p. 583.
Councils may impose additional per-
centage of five per cent, when
taxv's not paid before 1st Novem-
ber. 55 V. c. 48, s. 53 (4), p. 587.
Appeals from ass»>ssment to be made
by petition to council, 55 V. c.
48. s. 77, p. 597.
Coun.'il after one week's notice t.i
appellant, to meet and decide
upon complaint, 55 V. c. 4S, s.
77. p. 597.
Procedure to be the same as by
court of revision, 55 V. c. 48, s.
77, p. 597.
Appeals to lie to county judge, 55
V. c. 48. s. 77, p. 597.
NON RKSmr.NT TiANDH- Contimtal.
NVh.ii tract mib-ilividrd into lots
t.wiii'd liy oiu' luTHon Htiitutf
liiliuur to hv chiirKt'iiMe only
ajfiiiiiHt at'>;rfjrato asst-HHiuont,
BB V. c. 48, H. 77, p. 637.
Itdll not to lit' anicnilcd whon foni
idiint IniK lu-i-n tried and dt-
iid.'d nndfi- proviHions appjit-
ni)l»' to otlifi- caat-a, uo V. o. 4S,
H. 77, p. !j'j7.
AHsrKsincnt for statnti- labonr, by-
law may tix conunntation tax at
not more than >fl U>v oath day'H
lah..\ir. 'm V. 0. 4S, a. Uo, p. (lOli.
When no liy-law passed labour to
be coinniutt'd at H for each
lav's service, oo V. c. 48, s. 1)(5,
1). tiUli.
Owners who have not given notice
to pay tax and not to be al-
lowed to perform labour, oH V.
0. 48. a. 1»1), p. OUa.
Taxes to be applied in the division
ii' ^vlli<•ll llic i>riipi'rt\ is s't"
ated, 55 V. o. 48. a. 90, p. 603,
When default made in service
amount of tax to be entered on
eollcctor's roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. I
lUU (1), p. 003. I
When names of owners not on as-
sessment roll, clerks to make out
rolls for entry of taxes, and for-
ward same to county tri-aaurer,
55 V. c. 48, s. 121, 1). 608.
When owners have Riven notice, col-
lector may levy taxes by distress,
55 V. c. 48. 8. lliU, p. (Jiy.
Statement of arrears of taxes which
have been paid to collector,
or remain unpaid on unoccupied
lands, to be sent to county trea-
surer, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 145 (2), p.
Llal)ility of occupied lands to sale
when arrears remain unpaid, 55
V. c. 48. 8. 146, p. 614.
"VN iiu may receive taxes when paid
after return of collector's roll, 55
V. c. 48. 8. 148, p. 615.
Local n»unicipii"ties may remit taxes,
and copy ( liy-law to be sent to
ofKcer collecting, 55 V, c. 48, s.
149, p. 615.
L'o\inty treasurer may issue warrant
to U'vy taxes when satisfied that
there is distress on premises, 55
V. 0. 48. H. 1.^.8, p. 617.
Councils *»f counties, cities or towns
uijiy extend time for enforced
eoliection of taxes by sale, 55 V.
e. 48. s. 161, p. 618.
Documents relating to, to be kept
nnuiMg the records of the county.
55 \'. c. 48. a. 187, p. t5'-*4.
NOKTIl KKNFUKW, Provisions as U>
publiention of annual statement
(if .iccounts of municiitalities not
to apply to. oo V. c. 42, s. '26:1
(5), I). 332.
NOTICIOS. County councils to call for
tenders for pulilication, Uev.
Stat. c. 18. s. 3. p. 253.
Hy-laws to prevent the defac-ing of
proi.erty by, 55 V. c. 481) (28), p.
For preventing the defacement of.
when lawfully posted, 55 V. c.
42. 8. 481) (20), p. 420.
May be posted up at township hall
in town or village, 55 V. c. 42, s.
521 (10), p. 451.
Penalty for tearing down or defac-
ing notices, etc., posted under
Assessment Acts, 55 V. c. 48, s.
251, p. 6.'i7.
ings in nature of quo warranto—
see (!ontroverted Elections (55 V.
c. 42. 88. 187-208, pp. 312-.'J17).
NOXIOUS TRADES, By-laws for de-
lining areas within which they
may be carried on, 55 V. c. 42, s.
4St5 (lli). p. 429.
Township by-laws for regulating, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 521 (14), p. 453.
Powers of Health Officers — see Pub-
lic Health.
NOXIOUS WEEDS, Duty of road com-
panies as to the destruction of
weeds on road sides, Kev. Stat,
c. 1.51), s. 77, p. 1481.
Oa default council may do the
work, Uev. Stat. c. 159, s. 7S,
p. 1482.
Haihvji.v company to keep lauds ad-
joining lint; sown with grass and
cU'ar of weeds, Uev. Stat. c. 170.
s. 107, p. J (583.
Penalty, Rev. Stat. c. 170, s. 108,
I.. lt]83.
By-laws for preventing growth of
('anada thistles, etc., and ap-
pointing inspectors and fixing
their fees. 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (22),
p. 418.
Act to prevent the spread of, Rev. c. 202, p. 2249: 53 V. c. 59,
p. 140; 54 V. e. 48, p. 95; 50 V.
c. 42
("Note, — Thase Acts so far as they
relate to diseases affecting fruit
trees were repealed and new pro-
visions substituted by 56 V. c. 42,
— see Fruit Trees*.
Interpretrition. "non-resident land.*'
"resiuont land," Rev. Stat. c. 202.
8. 1, p. 224t»
Duty of owners and occupants as to
destroying weeds. Rev. Stat. c.
202. s. 2, p. 2249; 5* V. c. 48. ss.
1. 2. p. 95.
Dy-laws for extending Act to other
.veeds. Rev. Stat. c. 202, s. 3, p.
2250; 54 V. c. 48. s. 3.
When inspector to be appointed, re-
muneration. Rev. Stat. c. 202, s.
3 (2), p. 2250.
Exemption of waste or unoccupied
land. Rev. Stat. c. 202, s. 3 (3).
p. 2250.
Division of municipality into sec-
tions and appointing inspectors
therefor, 53 V. c. 59, s. 1, p. 149.
Inspectors to give notice to owner
or occupant to destroy weeds,
Rev. Stat. c. 202, s. 4 (1). p.
Duty of inspector on refusal or
neglect. Rev. Stat. c. 202, s. 4
(2), p. 2250.
Inspector not to cut down weeds
where grain sown, Rev. Stat,
c. 202. 8. 4 (3), p. 2251.
Inspector to destroy weeds on non-
residi-nts' land without giving
notice. Rev. Stat. c. 202, s. 4
(3), p. 2251.
Account of inspector's expenses and
pavmeut thereof. Rev. Stat. c.
202. s. 5, p. 2251.
Expenses in respect to non-resiilent
land. Rev. Stat. c. 202, s. 6, p.
Overseers of highways to see that
For prfn-onliiiEr or repnlating tlu>
iMiiKitm (•! bells ivnd other
noiaes, .m V. c. 42. s. 489 (4t;).
1). 422.
For preventiuB the tirinp of guns,
or setting off of fire-works,
charivaries. etc.. 55 V. c. 42. s.
489 (46..), p. 422.
For ostabliaLiiig j»ui)llc slaiighter-
houaes and regulating and pro-
hibiting the slaughtering of
meat in other iilaces, 5.") V. c.
3r». s. IS. p. 147
Slaughter of ainninlfl for use of
ipmilv of person killing, not
affected. 55 V. e. 35. s. 18.
p. 147.
For regulating slaughter-houses
and other nt>.\ious trades in
townships. 55 V. c. 42. s. 521
(14). p. 45.%.
Abatement and regulation of. bv
heulth otficers, — see Publii'
By-ill ws for, and for charging ex-
pens*' of numbering houses to
owners :ind occupants, 55 V. c.
42. s 4915 (20), p. 434,
I{« cord to bf kept of streets and
numbers. 55 V. c. 42. o 41H! (30).
p. 434.
NUUSFUY GUOUiNDS, Mode of assess-
ing in cities, towns, and villages,
when held for sale, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 27, p. 576; 57 V. c. 51, s. 1,
p. 171.
NliRSINCi FOR HIRE.-.'^ee Infant
of allegiance. Rev. Stat. c. 15, s.
3, p. 227.
Oath of selectors of jurors, R"v.
Stnt. c. 52. 8. 21, p. 616.
Oath of county selectors, Rev.
Stat. c. 52. s. 51, p. 624.
Oath of engineer appointed to ex
amine n-a'l held by road com-
pany, Rev. Stat. c. 159. s. 101. v.
Oath of arbitrators in disputes mm
to repairs on toll roads. Rev
Stat. c. 159, s. 113, p. 1493.
Oath of voter at election of piibli..-
sciiool trustees, 54 V. c. 55. s.
103 (6), p. 139.
Of voters at elections and voting on
by-laws,— sec- Voting.
Of otiiie and qualification to be
taken before proceeding with
i)usii'.( ss at first meeting of coun-
cil, *..-. V. c. 42. s. 224, p. 321.
Variation when person qualifyitig
has .ilienated property rated, 55
V. c. 42. 8. 73 (3), i>. 274.
I'ersons electeil or appointed to office
reiiuirini: qualification to make
(lechirati(»n. .55 V. c. 42, s. 270
(1), p. 333.
Form of declaration which may be
subt^tituted in case of memberb
of township councils. 55 V. >?.
42. s. 270 (2), p. 333.
Form of declaration of office to be
made by certain officers, 55 V. c.
42, s. 271. p. 334.
l''orm of declaration to be made by
rettirning officers, deputy return-
ing ofH<'ers. poll clerks and
55 V. V. 42, s. 271«, p.
Form of declaration to be made by
55 V. c. 42. s. 274, p.
^^'l^o may takt> declarations and give
certificate of there having been
made, 55 V. c. 42. s. 273. p. 335.
('ertaiu otticers may administer oaths
required by municipal Acts in
municipalities in which they hold
office. 55 V, c. 42, s. 274, p. 335.
O.iths, etc.. to be subscribed and de-
posited with clerk, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 275, p. o.''5.
l>y-laws for imposing penalties for
not taking declaration of otfice
and for enforcing i)ayment by
distress. 55 ^'. c. 42, s. 479 (17),
(IS), i.p. 403, 404.
I *
Head of oouiuil or chairuiau may
administer oatlis coueeruiug ac-
counts submitted, etc., 55 V. c.
42, s. 276, i». 335.
Penalty for refusing to make or ad-
uiiuister declarations of ollice and
qualification, 55 V. c. 42, s. 277,
p. 335.
Oath of arbitrators before trial, 55
V. 0. 42. 3. 397, p. 374.
Need not be taken by mayors, etc.,
before acting as justices of the
peace, 55 V. c. 42, s. 417, p. 37s).
Oath of police officers, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 441, p. 388.
Petitions for by-laws for appoint-
ment of nijiht watchmen to be
proved by affidavit, 55 V. c. 42,
B. 400 (43c), p. 437.
Head of council may administer
oaths to witnesses in disputes re-
specting roads, 55 V. c. 42, s.
54S, p. 4(;7.
I'^orm of oath of drainage engineer
or surveyor before entei-ing on
duties, 57 V ,.. o6, s. 5, p. 200.
Oaths ti) ue athninistered at election
of police trustees to be the same
as at municipal elections, 55 V. ••.
42. s. t)54, p. 527.
Oaths of office and qualification to
be taken by police truo,';-s, 55
V. c. 42, s. 661, p. 529.
Affiduvit of person requiring to be
rntore.l on roll as manhood frau-
•hise voter, 55 \. c. 48, lib (I'l,
p. 570.
Form. 55 V. c. 48, Sched. L, p.
Oath of assessors as to entry of
manhood suffrage voters on roll.
55 V. c. 48, 8. 14b (7), p. 571.
Affidavit of ass«s8or on completion
of roll, 55 ^•. c. 48, s. 49, p. 584.
Oath to be taken by members of the
Court of ICevisiou, 55 V. c. 4S.
8. 57, p. 588.
Fnder dniinage by-laws, 57 V. c. 50,
8. 2(j, p. 208.
Declaration to be made by persons
iipiiealing to the court of revi-
iou or their agents, 55 V. c. 48, s.
04. (14), p. 591.
Form. 55 V. c. 48. Sched. C-II,
I)p. 640, (Ul.
Court of revision may hear evidence
on oath. 55 V. c. 48, s. 02, p.
When evidence need not be taken on
oath bv court of revision. 55 V.
c. 48. s. 04 il6), p. 592.
Report of county valuators to be
verified ou oath, 55 V. c. 48,s.
81, p. (JOO.
Form of oath (the same as that
made by assessors retuniin;;
list of laiida in arrear), 55 V.
c. 48. 8. 142, p. 613.
Form of oath to be administered to
voter at election of road com-
missioners. rj5 \. c. 48, s. ll'»
p. 005.
Oath of collector on return of roll,
55 V. c. 48, 8. 132 (1), p. 611.
Oath of engineer appointed for ditch
and watercourse i^urposes, 57 V.
c. 55. s. 4 (3), p. 179.
OA'iS. Market fees not to be collected
oil. 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 497 (11. p.
payers may petition council and
attend in person or by counsel.
.55 V. c. 42. s. 29], p. 340.
What (luestions may be raised, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 291. p. 340.
If coiiiicil satisfied that petition for
by-laws is not duly signed or that
notice given not suflicient. by-law
not to be passed, 55 \. c. 42. s.
2t12. p. 340.
Person prejudically affected to be
heard by council before passing
road by-laws, 55 V. c. 42, s. 54(i.
p. 40G.
OBSCENE LANd'AGE, By-laws for
prevention of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(34), p. 421. •
forfoit otli«(> tor breach of
Li(|uor Licciis*' Act, Rev. Stat. c.
IJM. s. (W, p. 21H.S.
OtTK-erH of provisionn! county con-
timu'd in new corporation after
(iissointion of nnion, Tm V. c. 4'J,
8. 48 (1), p. 2«3; 50 V. c. .'ir», 4.
3. p. 142,
Effect of separation of municipalities
u[ioii powers, duties and liabil-
ities of. and upon securities, 55
V. c. 42. H. se;liKence by
head ot nniiMcipality, 55 V. c. 42.
.s. 244, p. :VJ7,.
Salaries to be fixed by council when
no provision nuide by law. 5."
y. c. 42. s. 278 (1), p. SM.
Not to be appointed by tender. 55 V.
e. 42. s. 278 (2), p. a3U.
To hold office during pleasure, and
IH'iionn duties imposed by
stJitute as well as by by-law, S-H
y. c. 42. 8. 279. 1). 337.
Council may urant pratuity after
twenty years' service, .55 V. c.
42. s. 280, p. XM.
Bonds or jtolicies of guarantee coni-
lianies may be accepted as se-
« luity for. ,")5 V. c. 42. s. 281, p.
Not to be joined as defendants in
aetions for thing's done under
illegal by-laws, ete.. 55 \'. <•. 42,
s. ;as. p. ;{54.
Not to neglect to carry out by-law
for payment of debt under coicr
of illegal repealinu bv-law, 55
V. 0. 42. s. 348. p. .'?.5{).
Way lie witnesses in proceedings in
whicii corporation is interested,
Itut liable to challen,i;«> as jurors,
except when curporatioa is a
D.M.I.— 11
0FFIC1;RH, Krc.— Continne!>
Counay order investigation by
county judge into charges of
misconduct, etc., 55 V. t. 42, 8.
477, p. 398.
By-laws for appointment, remunera-
tion and regulation of, 55 V. c.
42. s. 471) (2). (.•{). p. 4(H): .50 V.
e. 35. 8. 12. p. 140.
For inflicting fines for non-accepi-
ani'e of otlice or i:on-perform-
.•in<'e of duties, and enforcing
payment by distress, .55 V. c.
42. 8. 479 (17), as), pp. 403, 404.
Not liable to actions for mistakes iis
opening road allowances, .55 V.
c. 42. h. 549. p. 407.
When place of business lixi'd by law-
to be assessed for salary at
place of residence, 55 ^^ «•. 48,
s. 38, p. 58(1.
T'enalfy for neglecting duti«>s reipiir-
«'d by Assessnu'Ut Acts. .5.5 V.
•. 48. s. 225. p. 0.3.3.
Duties as to oaths and declarations
— s(>e Oaths and Declarations.
l)0 provided with offices, etc.. by
county councils. — exceptions, .5.5
V. c. 42. s. 4(}(J. I). 31)4.
Cities and towns to contribute, 55
V. c 42. s. 409 (1), p. 395.
Af)olition of exemption from taxa-
tion in case of persons appointed
in the supi-rior lourts since 5th
March, 1880, 55 V. c. 48, s. 11, p.
OIL WEIil^S. Owner of well injured by
water flowing into abantliuied
well may api)ly to council for
permission to close up aliandoii-
ed w.'ll. Rev. Stat. e. 218. 8. 1
(1), p. 2.3.52.
Council nuiy order engineer to ex-
amine ami report. Rev. Stat. c.
218. 8. 1 (2), p. 23.52.
Notice to owner when engineer re-
jmrts in favor of filling up. Rev.
Stat. c. 218, 8. 2, p. 2353.
OIL WELLS 'Vontinufd.
On (Icfiult of owner, oomplainaut
may fill up well, lU'V. Stat. f.
218. H. ;{. 1). 2^53.
OMNIIUSES. Board of polico cornmls-
sionors may Hch-iisc and rcjiulate
owiu'rH of — council may act
wluTc there is no Itoard. 55 V. c.
42. H. 4:u;. p. 387; 56 V. c. 35,
H. 11, p. 145.
By-laws for re«ulating and licensing
tile owners and drivers of, 55
42, s. 436, p. 387; 56 V. c. 35,
When county councils may license
and regulate owners and drivers
of, and regulate width of tires,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 512, p. 448.
FUND. Surplus moneys derived
from, may be set apart for
educational purposes and invest-
ed. 55 V. c. 42, 8. 378, p. 369.
Moneys set apart may be loaned to
scliool trustees or granted to
poor Bchools, 55 V. c. 42, s. 379,
p. 369.
ir liuiiting
number of. and regulating and
licensing. 55 V. c. 42. s. 4S() (7),
(8). p. 414.
See Intoxicating Liquors.
ORDNANCE LANDS. Roads not to be
interfen'd witl> without the con-
sent of the Dominion Ciovern-
ment, 55 V. c. 42, s. 543, p. 4(54.
ORPHAN ASYLI'MS. Exempted from
taxation, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (9), p.
OUTHOUSES. In police villages, use of,
fire and lights in. .55 V. c. 42, a.
667 (5). (6). p. 530.
D»'positing «nii<'k or unslacked lime
in. 55 V. c. 42, s. 667 (11). p.
OUTLAWS. Not qualified to act as as-
sessors or collectors, 55 V. «•. 48,
s. 12 (2), p. 566.
bounties for destruction of
wolves, ,55 W c. 59, s. 3, p. 670.
Appointment and remuneration of
health otticers — see Public Health.
See Algonia, etc.. — Muskoku
and Parry Sound.
OVENS. By-laws respc'cting the con-
struction or removal of, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 4SM5 (1.5). p. 432.
In police villages, to be <'()nnei'ted
with «'hinineys. ."> \'. c. 42, s.
667 CO, |). 5;{(>.
see tiiat wee«ls on road allow-
anci's are destroyed. Rev. Stat,
c. 2.'>2. s. 9. p. 22,')2.
■^ ■-.
• Ml
OVERSEERS, Etc.— Continued.
Muv ho luithori/.t'ti to nit ddWii trt'cs
«'itlu'r sido of hi^'hways iim
PARKS. Mode of nsscssiiiji. when »'n-
il witli n
mil not
uw siiiiie in thi' ri'imir ol roads
and bridges, or to sell same to
pay t'xpcnseH. 5,1 \. c. 412, s. ,1(M5
(.'{), i». 47(i; If>. s. ."»(J7 (,'{), p. 47.S.
By-laws for appointnient, rcniunera-
tioii and rt';;ii!a»ii>n of. 55 V. v.
42. s. 471) CJ), (:{), p. 40().
For appointment in townships, to
k(>ep roads open dnrin^ sleigh-
inu. Go V. e. 41i, s. ijlil (7). p.
May eall ont persons liable for sta-
tnte labor t(» assist. .") V. c. 42,
s. .121 (7). p. 4."»1.
To uiye rertiJieates of amonnt of
labonr so performed. 55 V. c.
42. s. 521 (7). p. 451.
To expend statute labor taxes eol-
leeted from persons eonnnutiiij;,
in the divisions in which the pro-
perty of such i>ersons is situated,
r>r» V. c. 48, 8. 101 (2), p. «04.
Road commissioners to perform du-
ties in unincorporated townships,
and receive remuneration. 55 V.
<•. 4.S. 8. 11.5, p. (JO(J.
May lie appointed by road commis-
sioners, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 11.5, p.
County by-laws prescribing duties jis j
to prev«'ntion of forest tires — sei
held for sale. j"»5 V. c, 48. s. 28
(1», p. .">7ri.
See rublic Parks.
Fire (53 V. c. 64.
p. 144).
"OWNIOR." To include leaseholder
whose term extends over life of
proposed local improvement, and
who has covenanted to pay taxes.
.55 V. c. 42, 8. tJK! (2), p. .505.
OX-EYED DAISY - see Noxious
OYSTERS, By-laws for n'gulaliii>r ai.d
licen.sinK places where sold for
consumption on premises. .55 V.
c. 42, s. 489 (7), (8), p. 414.
PADDOt'K, Mode of assessing when
enclosed with residence and not
lu'ld for 8aU>. .55 V. c 48. s. 28
PARRY SOrXD, Excepted from gen-
eral provisions as lo <|ualitica-
tioii of members of councils. 5.5
V. c. 42. s. 78, 1.. 27:5.
See— Algoma. etc.. Muskoka
and Parry Sound.
PARTNERSIIU'S, Members may. on
retpiest. lie separately assessed
for their respective shares, .55 V.
c. 48, s. 21 (2). p. .574.
Personal property to be assess<'d
against linn ut usual pla<-e of
business, and not against indivi-
dual partners as well. 55 V. c. 48,
s. ;55 (1), p. .580.
•Assessment when business carrii'd
on at more than one place, 55
V. <•. 48, s. ,'{5 (2). p. •'»8(».
PARTY WALLS, By-laws resiuctiug
the «'rection of. .5.5 V. c. 42, s.
4!W5 (18), l». 4a2.
PATHMASTERS. By-laws for appoint
nient in townships, to keep roads
open during sleighing. ,55 V. c.
42, s. .521 (7), p. 451.
May call out persons iialile for
statute labonr to assist. .55 V.
j c. 42. s. .521 (7», p. 451.
I To give certiticati's of labour so
performed. .5.5 V. c. 42. s. .521
■ (7». p. 45L
To be subject to orders of cummis-
sioners appointed tti enforce the
opening nil and repair of town-
sliii» roads, 55 V. c. 42. s. 564, p.
Per.siuis liable for statute iiibour to
perform same 8 (2».
p. (iO;{.
County by-laws prescribing duties as
to prevention of forest tires — see
Fir*' (5:5 V. c. 64, p. 144).
PAVEMENTS. Construction by
assessment — see Local Improve-
(1), p. 576.
.■ !•:
I i
Act n'S|M'ctinjr, R«'v. Stut. c. 155, p.
Who to bo (loomed. Rev. Stat. c.
155, 8. 1, 1). 1422.
.Not t.(» carry on business without
lii'ouso from munioipul treasurer,
Rev. Stat. c. 155, s. 2, p. 1422.
Penalty, Rev. Stnt. o. 15.5, s. 3. p.
Ko<> for licouHe, Rev. Stat. c. 155, s.
4, p. 142;{.
Only one nhop to be kept, Rev. Stat,
e. l."»5, H. .5, p. 1423.
Partners, Rev. Stat. e. 15.5, s. 6, p.
Si«n to bo exhibited. Rev. Stat. c.
155, 8. 7. p. 142:1.
Penalty. Rev. Stat. e. 155, ss. 8.
«.), p. 1423.
Rates of eharj^es to be exhibited.
Rev. Stat. e. 15.5, s. 10, p. 1423.
EntrioH to be made in books, Hev.
Stat. e. 1.5.5. s. 11, p. 1424.
Special books to be kept where more
than $2 lent. Rev. Stat. o. 155,
s. 12. p. 1424.
Note to be jfiveu to pawnor. Rev.
Stat. <•. 155. s. 13, p. 1424.
Fees therefor. Rev. Stat. c. 155. s.
14, p. 1424.
To be jiroducod on re-delivery ot
},'oo(ls. Rev. Stat. e. 155, s. 15,
p. 142.5.
Duplicate to b(> atlixod to goods. Rev.
Stat. c. 1.55, s. 10, p. 1425.
I'enalty for pawning; ;;oods of others,
Rev. Stat. e. 155, ss. 17, 18, p.
TakiiiK Koods in i)awn from journey-
m«'M. Rev. Stat. e. 155, s. 19, p.
ProcoedinKs by owners of goods
illegally obtained, Rev. Stat. e.
155, ss. 20, 21, p. 1420.
itoods not redo«>med within a year
may be sold, Rev. Stat. c. 155, s.
22, p. 1420.
PAWNBROKERS— C'owti/iMfrf.
Holder of note to bo considered
own«'r, R«'v. Stat. e. 155. s. 23,
p. 1427.
Proee«'dings when notified not to
deliver goods, R«'V. Stat. c. 155,
s. 24, p. 1427.
Sale of goods pledg«Ml, Rev. Stat. o.
1.5.5. ss. 25-2.S, p. 1428.
Ac«'ount8 to be kept, Rev. Stat. e.
1.55, s. 29, p. 142H.
Disposal of surplus. Rev. Stat. c.
155, 8. 30, p. 1428.
Inspecti<»n of entries in books by
pawnor. Rev. Stat. c. 155, ss. 31,
32, p 1428.
Pun-hases of pledged goods by. Rev.
Stat. c. 155, 8. 3.3. p. 1429.
Restrictions on taking goods in
pawn. Rev. Stat. c. 1.5.5, s. ;»4,
p. 142!>.
Loss or damage to goods. Rev. Stat,
e. 155, 8. 35, p. 1421>.
Terms of redemption of goo('" U . •
der of difl'ercncc. Rev. Stat. c.
1.5.5, ss. .30, .37, p. 1429.
Proiluction of books, notes, etc., by.
Rev. Stat. e. 155, s. 'AS, p. 1430.
Limitation of pro.secutions. Ri'v.
Stat. e. 1.5.5, s. .39, p. 14.30.
What justice may act. Rev. Stat. <•.
155, s. 40, I). 1430.
Extension of provisions to execu-
tors, etc.. Rev. Stat. c. 155. 8.
41, p. 1430.
No fee on summons, Rev. Stat. c.
155, 8. 42, p. 1430.
Stay of exeinitions ponding appeal.
Rev. Stat. c. 1.55, s. 43. p. 1430.
When judgment atUrmed, Rev. Stat,
e. 15.5, 8. 44, p. 1430.
in actions for negligence brought
agt'inst corp(»rations, .55 V. e. 42,
8. 430, p. 384.
Componsatioii for lands taken or
injured may bo paid in when
claims feared or conveyance can-
not be obtained. 55 V. c. 42, 8.
4886, p. 411.
PAYMENT INTO COllllT—C mlinued.
Notice to bi' piibliHluMl calling
upon iKTHouH int*>r(>Ht<>
ndjiidicatvd upon and tinall.v
(It'tci'iniiK'd by Higii Court. r».'»
V. v. 4'J. H. 4«.Sf. |». 411.
CostH of application to lie subject
to order of court, 55 V. c. 42,
H. 4.S8f/, p. 411.
JudKiueiit of court to be final and
Itar all clainiH, ."» V. c. 4'J, h.
48Hc. p. 411.
By plaintiff and defendant in actioun
for recovery of land from per-
Hons <-lainiinK titl(> under tax
deeds — see Ta.\ Sales.
PEAC'E. Maintenance of, at elections—
ollicers to be cons««rvators of tl>e
l»eace. 55 V. c. 42, s. ltM». p. 282.
Special constables may be sworn
in, 55 V. c. 42. s. 101. p. 2S:{.
Deputy-return iriu ollicer may call
in constable to itollin^ pla<-e,
55 V. <•. 42, s. 151. p. :MM».
Duticf of <-onstables as to |)reservn-
tion of. 55 V. c. 42 s. 44;{. p. :\m.
When constable may arrest without
warrant for offences lujt com-
mitted in their presence, .55 V. c.
42. s. 44!), p. IVM.
rEDI.AKS— see Hawkers and I'edlar.x
I'ENAl/riES. May be recovered and
enforced by sununary «'i(rivic-
tion and in d(>fanlt of payment,
by coniniitt:il for period not ex
ceedinjj thirty days. .55 V. c. 42.
s. 420, p. ;{.so.
Conviction not avoided by direc-
tion that payment of amount
awarded be inforced by iui-
prisoninent until paid, touether
with <'osts. including 4-osts of
comndttal anti conveyance to
r,i, V. c. 42. s. 4Ti)i. p.
When im|»osed under by-hiws,
be levied by distr«'ss, .5.5
V. c.
42. s. 421. p. :iM(>.
s. 422. p.
default of distress,
may be inforced by
ment. 55 V. c. 42,
One half tr) jjo to infornxT and
the other to municipality un-
h'ss corporation prosecutes,
when whole to pi to nuinici-
paiity. 55 V. c. 42 s. 42:{, p.
By-laws for imposing, for ne^drct to
perform duties or refusal to ac-
cept otU (17). pp.
40.{. 404.
PEXSIO.VS, Exempt from taxation
wlicn not exceeding $20<» a year,
55 V. r. 48, s. 7 iVA), p. TtiV.',.
from, exempt from taxation to
extent of ^HM), .55 V. c. IS. s.
7 (2.'5). (24«). p. 504.
include. .55 V. c. 48, s, 2 (lO). p.
When exem|»tfd from taxation— see
lOxeniptions from Taxation.
.Mode of assessing— see Assessim-it.
PERSONATION. Applyinjr for bailor,
in name of dead or absent voter
an olTenco, .5.5 \'. c. 42, s. Iti7
(lc». p. :;o8.
Penalty. 55 V. c. 42. s. 1(17 Cti. p.
See Corrti|>t Praetlces.
PETITIO.VS, l''or drainage works— see
I'or local improvements— see Local
PETTY cnAP.MEN-.see Hawkers i.nd
deel.iriii^' marsh lands eiieluse I,
when posts put up to mark boun-
daries, itj v. e. 42. s. 521 d:!},
p. 4.5_'.
iiius when voier unable to mark
ballot. .55 V. c. 42. s. 140. p. 2J>!>.
Candiilate not to be present, 5.5 V.
c. 42. s. 172, p. .•MM).
i. .1
;'i !
PIIYSKlAli IN(lAPAC;iTY— (V.Hr/«iw/.
StntoiiK'iit i)f v«)t«>8 HO jjivcn ti» bo
iiiimIc Ity : ulli;'»'r,
Tm V. <•. 41', K. 1.".. p. ;{(H.
Sf.iitt'iiii'Mt of votes on liy-Iiiws so
uivi'ii to Im" H«'iit liy tlcputy-rp-
tiiniiiiK oHiccr to cU-rk, 55 V, c.
42, H. 315, p. :i48.
rrovisioiis witli r(';:ar(l to votiiitf nt
I'lt'ctioiiH to iipply to voting on
• iv-lnws. TtTt V. <•. 4*J. s. .•«KJ, p.
riKltS. Uy-laws for erection of. ."» V.
<•. 4l\ s. 47J» (7t, p. 401.
A.^ l> llAUBOrUS.
Aet respe<'tiii)i eoiiip.'inies for nm-
stnietiiii.'. Uev. Stilt, r. 161. i». ]
ir.i;i.— !
Coiiseiit of nunii<-iptility re. p. l.')2."».
Mnni<-ipiilities nniy liold ntock, Kev. i
Stat. c. 1(51, s. 2(!. p. l.TJC.
How piiynient may be inado. Kev.
Stat. c. KJI, s. 27, p. ir»2(J.
Company may sell ont stock to muni- I
cipiilitv. Kev. Stat. c. 1(»1. s. 2.S, j
p. I.VJti. I
Kitjlit to pnnliase iit <'urrent vabie
after twenty-one years. Uev.
Stat. c. ItH. H. :U). p. 152<{.
PUJS— s.'e Swine.
PITS. By-laws for making remilntion*
as to, when danp'i'onH to tr-ivel-
linu. Tm V. e. 42, h. ').'»() (.'»), p.
for reuiilatint; means of e^ross
and for priMliiction of plans, .Vt
V. <•. 42, s. 475) (KJ). p. 4(K;.
By-Iiiws for reKulatiiiK. licensinj;, or
preventing, ."» V. c. 42, 8. 4H0
(2.'.), (2«;). pp. 4P.). 420.
For providing a;;ainst accidents by
fire in, ."» V, c. 42, s. VX\ (2),
I). 42'..
.•\ct to rejrniate the mea.i)4 of euress
from imblic Imildiims— see Pnh-
lic BnildinKs (Kev. Stat, c 210.
p. 2:{24).
.Act for protection of persons einploy< d
in places of business other than
fiK'tories, ."> V. c ."»4, p. t».i.>, —
Act not to apply to <'ertain places, .^5
V. <•. .'4. s. 1. p. t;.->s.
.Application to iilaces where wonion
and jrirls are employed. .">."> V. c.
r.4, s. 2. p. (558.
N'eiitilation and conveniences to be
provided by employers, Tm V. c.
n4, s. ;{, p. «r»,s.
Inability for non-compliance, ."» V.
c. ri4. s. 4. p. (!r>S.
roiincils to appoint inspectors iind
rejjuliite tln-ir duties and con-
duct, "m V. c. r>4. s. r», p. (iTvS.
Application of fines and penalties, .55
V. c. r»4, s. tJ, p. (»r>0.
("crtiiin provisions of Piictory Act to
iipply, .'m V. <•. 54. s. 7. p. t!5(>.
PLACKS OK WOKSniP— seeClinnheu
PliA.NS, By-liiws for compelline the de-
positin;; of. before comm.'nce-
ment of buildiiiK!^. 55 V. <•. 42. s.
470 (1(5). (1(5*/), p. 40:{; /ft. s. 4'.t6
(.•{.•{) p. 4:{5.
Of unincorporated villaKt>s to be re-
>rister«'d before jiiissinu by-lawH
for stopiiim; up and sale of roadH,
55 V. c. 42. s. .5(58 (1), p. 47S.
Kesistration of — see Land TitlcH ;
Itepistnition of InstrnmeutH.
PLATKI) WARK. Auonts for th.' mil.! |
(if. wlifii to lit' ti<>*>iii<>(l hawkers, I
• >.i
42. s. 4J»r» <:{)(/. p. 427.
ri.KASrUK CKOINDS. Not to ho
takni for *>iilarp'iU4>iit of ct'inc-
trrics witlioiit coiiHoiit of owiu'r,
.M V. c. 42, s. 4SJ) (I2)f/, p. 417.
.Moilc of iissi'ssiim when ♦■ucloscil
witli n-Hi(loiirc iiikI not h<>li! for
Niilo. .').") V, r. 4H. H. 2S (1). p. r»7t;.
S«'»' I'lihlic Parkn.
Pl.rMIUOKS, H.v-liiws for liconsinu ihmI '
n-uulatiim. "m V. ,•. 42, s. 4!K{ Hi,
p. 42.-..
FM)LI('K, OfJi.crH to !».• tl.'tnil»'(! for s«t-
vic«' in i»arks. Kt-v. Stat. c. 190,
s. 1!). p. 2(MJ0.
Mich ImilifT to lie appoiiitt'il in cities,
anil nuiy he cliicf constable if
<-onncil so provides, ."m V. c. 42,
s. 4:{J), p. -AHH.
In cities ami towns, forre to consist
of diief cunstaide ami necessriry i
constnlilcs. et«'., special provi- :
sions as to control of force liy |
loiincils not affected. ."» V. c. 42, 1
s. 44«>. p. .'{SS. !
To he appointed and hold olh •»• at
pleasure of coniinissioncrs. .'(o V.
c. 42. s. 441. p. :\HH.
Form of oath. ."> V. c. 42. s. 441. p.
Commissioners to make re^rnlatinns.
r.r. V. c. 42. s. 442. p. .-ws.
To he subject to commissioners. .'5
V. c. 42, s. 443, p. :{89.
." V. c.
44»;, p. ASM.
Salaried constables may lie appointed
bv countv and township councils,
ith V. c. 42, s. 447. p. :i.S'.).
All constahh's to have same imwers,
et«'.. and be subject to suspen-
sion by county jud^e in samt?
nninner as constables uppuinted
by quarter sessions, ."• V. c. 42,
s. 447. p. .{HS*.
Salaried <'onstaldes may be per-
mitted to retain fees, or council
may require them to he paid over
to nninicipality, Tm V. c, 42, s.
44H. p. ;{S!>.
Arrests by constables in towns and
iiti«'s, for alle;red breaches of the
peace not committe, p. :«K).
Suspended otlicer not to ad without
written permission an V. <■. 42. s. ."»(H (7). p. 442.
See ( "(instahles.
enqtiiwcrcd to license ti'.ides may
tix fee to he p;iid on issue of
42, s, 2.S.^». p.
Hoard constituted in ever.v city, and
may he established in towns h.-iv-
inu police magistrates. ."."> \'. c.
42. s. 4;{4 (1). p. .'{SC.
Board to consist of mayor, county
juduc and police magistrate. Urt
V. o. 42. s. 484 (1), p. .•Wt5.
President of counoil to art in absenc«>
of mayor. 55 V. o. 42. s. 239 (2)
p. .'{24.
Vmaiicii'H in ofluo (if fouiity iu«lK»'
or iiolicc iniiKiHtralf. how Mip
V. «•• 42. H. 4:W (1). p.
(VxiiicilH of towns may put an viu\
to lioarij and fxrrcisc its powers
and dntii'S. Tm V. c. 4*J, s. 4.*{4
(1). I.. :{S(5.
In citifs of 1(M>.(KK) may nM-fivf ro-
niuiKMiition, TtTt V. c. 42, h. 4:54
(2». p. W(5.
I'oWfr to summon witncsm's and
fufoivo att«'n(iaiH-«> and take
ividonco on oatii, Tm V. o. 42, 8.
4:!r. (1), p. :iH(j.
WitucsHcs not to ln> requirt'd to
<'riminatt> tli«'nist>lv«'S, Tm V. <•.
42, 8. 4:{r. (2). p. ;w7.
Miijoritv of lioard to form a quor im,
.") V. c. 42. s. 4:{r> (;{). p. 387.
Annual clcttion of chairman, T)? V.
c. r»(>, s. ti. p. 1(57.
Mi'i'tinKs pulilic. unl«'ss <»tli*Twis(>
tiin'ctcd. ."» y. c. 42. s. 4',\7t (4).
p. ;JM7.
Power to license antl re;;ulnte
s*-c(>nd-liaiid stores, jnid; >r»
V. c. 42, s. 4:$t; (5). p. 387.
IJy-lawn to be authenticated by
sijsnaturc of chairman, and ropy
certified by a iiie'uli.T n>;i.\ be re-
ceived as evidence. "» V. c 42.
s. 4.">7, p. 1587.
liy-lHWs may In .-uf »r/ -d :y pei. al-
lies recoverable on siieimary
conviction, .'i.'* V. c, ■)'2, s. 438. p.
Form of conviction, to be the siime
4IS under by-laws of council, 5r>
V. c. 42. s. 4:{8. p. ,'588.
I For form of conviction under by-
laws—see Tm V. o. 42. 8. 427. p.
Coiincils of cities not to provide for
less nund>er of constabh>s than
board reports to be absolutely
reqtiirejl, ."» V. c. 42. s. 440, p.
.Mendiers of police forc«' to be Jip-
pi)iMl(>d. and hold tdiice at [dea-
snre of, ."> V. c. 42. s. 441, p.
To m.ikc regulations for gov«»rn-
nu'nt of police force. ."» V, e. 42,
s. 442, p. .".M.
Constcldes to tdiey directions and be
subject to government of, 5") V.
c. 42. s. 44.!. p. 38J).
Council to provide amount requir»'d
for remuneration of force and
inciJental expenses, ."»."> V. c. 42.
s. 444. p. :W\K
r.oanls cxistinu in towns before 24 Ih
Mandi, 1874, may be dissoI\»*'l.
aiul council exercise powers of,
."..". \. c. 42, s, 44tJ, p. .'{8J»,
I'ntil boani or;;anized, ma.vor or i)o-
lice magistrate may susptmd con-
stables and re|Htrt suspension for
action by council,
4."><>, p. :«M>.
V. c. 42.
Not to )?rant licenses to ot'rtain
shows and the vendors of <'er-
tain jroods for the times and
phic(>H of holdiuK annual aKrioul-
tnral shows, r.5 V. c. 42, ». 489
(2r.)o, p. 4ia
poiutcd l»y IjU'iitciiHnt-liovtTtior
llov. Stilt. <•. 72, H. 1, p. im.
For riticH nn«l towiiH,—
AppoiiitiiK'iit wlit'ii popiilatiii.-i mure
tlitiii r»,(MH>, U«fv. Stilt, c. 72, M. 2,
p. im.
Siiliiry, Ut'V. Stilt, r. 72. h. 2. p.
Wli«>ii popiiliition l«>HH than r»,(HM),
\U'\. Stilt. V. 72. H. ;{. p. 7H(}.
AppuiiitiiKMit not to li<> niiiilc until
rt'soliitioii of conncil piisMnt without Malary. Uev.
Stat. <•. 72. 8. T). p. 787.
.TiiHticcH of till' pi'iicc not to act.
when, Uev. Stut. c. 72, h. (>, p.
•Iiirisdiction of county jnstici-H in
(crtaiii <'asfs, Uov. Stat. c. 72, s.
•.. p. 787.
For founticH, —
Apiiointmcnt with Htiliiry, Uev. Stat.
<•. 72. 8. 8. p. 787.
Salary and expenses, Uev. Stat. r.
72. 8. 8 (2). p. 788.
Appointment without saliiry, Uev.
Stat. V. 72. 8. 1). p. 788.
Where temperance Acts in force,
Uev. Stat. c. 72, 8. 10, p. 788;
r>l V. c. 12. p. 22.
.]uri.sdiction. Uev. Stat. c. 72. s. 11.
p. 788.
Powers, Uev. Stat. c. 72, s. 12. p.
Justices of the peace not to Inter-
fore. Uev. Stat. c. 1.'?. p. 781).
.lurisdiction of justices when pro-
ceedin>;s not heKun l»y police
magistrate, Uev. Stat. c. 72, s.
14, p. 789.
Place of residence, Uev. Stat. c. 72,
8. 15. p. 789.
Place of holding court. Uev. Stat. c.
hi, p. 781).
County council to proviile proper
olfice, Uev. Stat. c. 72, h. 17. |».
Act respectinu county police ina^^is-
trates, .'"..'. V. c. 1(5. p. 141).
AppointnuMit on resolution of coun-
cil, .'».'• V. c. Itl. s. 1. p. 14!).
Salary. ."..'. V. c It;, s. 2. p. 141).
('oinmission to define jurisdiction. 5r»
V. c. 16. s. 3. p. 149.
I>iscontinuauci> of iippointnient, ^'>
V. <•. 1«i. s. 4, p. 14!).
.Justices of tin- jieaci' not to act when
appointment made, Tm V. c l(i,
s. .'.. I. 14!».
Applic)! iiou of sections relating to
justices of the peace in cfuinties
where magistrates appuiated, Ti.^
V. c. It!, 8. «;. p. 141).
.lurisdiction, .'>"» V. c. Hi, 8. 7. p. I'lO.
Incorporation with general Act. .'»r»
V. c. 1(!. 8. 8. p. l."»().
Deiuities. —
When Lieuteiumt-CJovernor may ai>-
point. in cities havin;; a popula-
tion of 4<>,(MM) or over. r»7 V. <•.
2!). s. 1. p. 1)8.
Uemuneration of. r»7 V. c 21). 8. 1,
p. !»8.
Tenure of otruv. 7,7 V. c. 21). s. 2. p.
When to perform duties and exer-
cise powers of poli<'e miiKis-
trates. .'.7 V. c. 21), s. .'J. p. 1)8.
I'ees. jijiplication of. .'»7 V. <•. 21). s.
4. p. !»8.
.Iuris(licti in-
hahitants, 57 V. c. 21), 8. ♦». p.
General Provisions, —
To he ex-oHicio justices of the peacp,
Uev. Stat. c. 72, a. 18. p. 781).
I: '
lU'V. Stat. c. 7-'. H. 20, p. 75K).
Miiy Hit iiloiir witli powcrH of two
jiiHticcH, Rev. Stut. I'. 7li, H. 21,
p. 71M».
Oath in li«*u of oath of otlic<>, Ilt'V.
Stat. <•. 71.'. H. '2'2, p. 71X>.
Oatii to Im> Hciit to clfi'lv of th«> p«M<-<>,
U«'v. Stat. ••, 7L', s. '2A, p. 71K>.
Property q\ialiticatioii not rfcpiiriMJ,
U.'v. Stat. i-. 72. H. 24, p. 7JH.
F«'«'H and ciuolunn'iitH, Hvv. Stut. v.
72, K. 2r>, p.
Wh«>n n. t or (tvci'. not to practice as a I
barriHttT or solicitor, 57 V. c. 28,
s. 1, p. 1»7.
Salary not to he rcthiccd without
sanction of LiiMitcnaMt-tiovcrnur,
Ucv. Stat. c. 72, s. 2S. p. 701.
Actions not to lie for certain mis-
takes as to jurisdiction, Rev.
Stat. c. 72. s. 2J), p. 71>2.
Need not attend at oHice on Sunnces under by-laws in absent e
of. .'..". V. c. 42. s. 41K, p. :{H0.
.Not disqualitietl from tryiui; nf-
fen<'es by reason of beiuK rate-
payers ill inuiiici|ialities to which
fines paid, ."► V. c. 42, s. US, p.
To attend at p. or make or
administer requisite declarations,
."i.^* V. c. 42, s. 277, p. yyn.
S»>e Police Vi^at;e8.
may b<> stopped up and sold by
township councils. ."»."» V. c. 42, a.
rtiiH, [). 47S.
Existiii); vilhiKes ami boundaries
continued, .''m V. c. 42. s. tK.
On petition of inhabitants county
coun<'il may erect unincorporat(>d
villages into, and fix limits, rtZt
V. c. 42. 8. ($;«), p. .525.
Police Trustees — Election of, —
Present trustees continued, S.** V. c.
42. 8. 5 V. c. 42,
8. 041. p. 520.
Qualification, 55 V. c. 42, s. 042, p.
It' tlii'i-c iiri' not six (MrHoiiM i|unli-
HimI, liny iMTHoii fiititli'tl to vut<>
iiiiiy Im- rli'ctod, r»r» V. c. 42, H,
tu.t. p. .■»:.'.
Qniilitinitioii of flfctoi'H, Tt^t V. r. 42,
M. (W4. 1 1. ."»2«J.
K,v-lii\v I'HtiililiHliinu villim<> to imii)i>
till- |)lnn> of tii'Ht rlt'ction, nn*!
tli<« ri'tiiriiiiiu-otlin'r, •"» V. r. 42,
s. «J4r», p. .'»2(J.
TiMiNttM'H til iippoiiii ntiiriiiiiK-oHii't'i-H
mill piiliiiic pliiri-s tin- H(il)Hi'i|ni>ut
I'icrtiolis, ."» V. r. 42. M. (i4t5, p.
KIrrtioiiH not to III' lii'lil ill t)iv(>rnH,
"m V. <•. 42. M. Ml. p. .'i2»J.
Niiiiiiiiiitiiiim to lii> lii'lil on Inst Moii-
liiiy in Mi'iciiiImt at pliici'il tixcil
l>y tnisti'i's. ."» V. V. 42, h. VAS
(1), |i. ri2(>.
i'roviHion for tMiriKtmuH Day, ."► V.
!•. 42. s. «;4.S (2), p. 527. '
Who to pri'sidf at iioiniiialiohH, ."Ji
V. »'. 42. s. <54!>. p. .''»27.
If only tlii'iM' iioiniiiati'il. noiiiiiii'os
to III' ili'clart'il i'li'rt«' of noniini't'N to lii> posted up.
."» V. c. 42. M. t'M2. p. .")27.
Itt'tnrninu ofliii-r to ili'inaiul list of
voters from rlerk, ."i.") V. c. 42, h.
r(.'i2. p. r»27
('li'i-k to fiiniisli alplialictii ill list of
voters, ."i V. c. 42, s. tirilJ. p.
<>eneral ]irovisions as to niiinicipul
elections to apply. Tm V. <•. 42. s,
(iri4. p. ."i27.
Uetiirnin»;-otticer to have eastinp
vote, lint not to vote otherwise,
.V) V. e. 42. s. ({-15, p. .528.
row«'rH of retnrninK-otKeer an to
preHervation of the peaee. 55 V.
«'. 42, s. fM<{, p. 528.
Term of «iffi('e of jiersoiiH elected, 55
V. <•. 42, s. «r»7, p. 52S.
Itetnrii of halliit paperH, etc., to ho
maile liy retiiriiiiK olHcer, veri-
tieil under oath, 55 V. c. 42, h.
«I5M, p. .V28,
VaeancieH to lie tilled liy remaining
inisteeK liy appointment in writ-
ln>;. 55 \. c. 42, h. tlOJ), p. 528.
TniHtees to appoint one of thfm-
selveH inspecting truHtoe, 55 V.
c. 42, H. tMMJ, p. 528.
TniHteeH— powern and dutiefl of,—
To take oHtliH of otiice and «|uiili(ica-
tioii. 55 V. c. 42, H. m\, p. 521>.
First meeting, 55 V. e. 42, h. (M12. p.
To require towuHhip «'oun<-'ll to levy
rates for estimated exp4>nditure,
55 V. .-. 42, s. (Mi.*?, p. 521>.
Kates not to ex<'eed one cent in the
liojliii-. 55 V. c. 42. 8. 663. p. 529.
Kates to lie in lieu of township rat<>H
for same purposes. .55 V. o. 42,
s. lUkiff. p. 521>.
Trustees may h't contrai'ts and em-
ploy lalior for certain works and
improvements, ,55 V. c. 42, s.
{\Cu\h, p. .521».
If village in two or more town-
ships, rate to lie levied by them
proportionately. .5.5 V. c. 42. s.
♦MW, p. .521).
Township treasurer to pay Girders o{
trustees to extent of amount
levied. .55 V. c. 42, s. (MJ.5, p. .521).
Trustees not to jiive orders, except
for work actually performed, 5.5
V. c. 42. s. »;«{«'». p. .529.
Trustees to enforce regulations, 55
y. c. 42, s. t«l7. p. .5.'{0.
Prevention of tire. —
Keuiilations respecting prevention of
tire and penalties f«ir non-<-oni-
pliance, .55 V'. v. 42. 8. G(I7. p.
Ladders to he provided when houses
more than one storey high. 55 V.
c. 42. s. ,
p. 530.
Se<'iiriiiK lire «"arried through street.^
et<'., 55 V. e. 42, s. mi (7), p.
Fires not to lie lighted in streets,
etc., 55 \. c. 42, s, 007 (8), p.
Hay, straw, etc., not to he kept in
houses. 55 V. e. 42. s. 007 (IM, p.
Ashes and eiixlers, how t(» be ke|)V,
55 V. «•. 42, s. r.07 (10), p. 530.
Lime not to be in contact witi'.
wood. 55 V. c. 12. s. 667 (11). p.
(Miarcoal furnaces not to he erected.
55 V. «•. 42. s. 667 (12). p. 531.
Storing gun|)owder. —
(Junpowder. how to be k<'pt for sale.
55 V. c. 42, s. 667 (13), i», 531.
Not to Ik sold at night, 5.5 V. c. 42,
s. »;(;7 (14). p. r.31.
Nuisa'.ces. —
N.ii.snnces c:iiised by throwing filtn
or rnbbi.'di in streets, lanes, etc.,
Itnddbited. .55 V. c. 42, s. Od7
(15), p. .531.
Penalties, —
Who to sue for ])enaltie.s. 55 V. c.
42, 8. 0(W, p. .5:51.
How recoverable, .55 \. c. 42, s. itCiS.
p. r.:
Trustci s neglecting duties, 55 V. o.
42, H. 0»il>, p. 531.
To be sued for witliin ten days
after offences, 55 V. e. 42. s.
070. p. 531.
In Algonia and outlying districts-
see Algonui, etc. (Uev. Stat. c.
185, ss. 52-55. pl>. 2029, 2030).
POLL K(K)K. To hi' furnished to
deputy-returning oHicers by clerk
at election in new munici|>ality
where then* is no assessment
ndl, 55 V. c. 42. s. 129, p. 292.
I'se of. at voting, 55 V. c. 42, a.
120. p. 202.
Clerk t(» make up supple uentary list
of voters in territory annexed 1i<
nuuiicipalitv since list voters'
list made »ip, 55 V. c. 42, b. 13v»,
l>. 202. "
To be prepared by clerk where there
is no voters' list certified, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 131. p. 203.
To be delivered to deputy-returinng
ofliccrs by clirk, 5,5 V. «•,
i:'.2. p. 203.
Names. et<'.. of voters, with notes of
swearing, objections, or refusjil
to tak«' oath lo be entered, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 14.3. i>. 2fM;.
lOntry of illiteracy or physical in-
capacity of voter, 5.5 V. v. 4L, ».
140. p. 200.
To be open t(» inspection at season-
able hours, .55 V. c. 42. s. 247 (1),
p. 325.
Clerk t(» furnish copies at 10 cents
per folio. .55 V, c. 42. s. 247 (1),
p. :;25.
POLL CLEUKS. To make declaration
of oilice, .55 V, c. 42, s. 27 1(/. p.
See N'oiiiig.
To t>e levied by distress and p.-iid 1M)LLIN',;. At elect
over to itathmasters to be ex-
pended on streets, .55 V. c. 42,
s. t)(5S. p. ,5.31.
ions of |)olice trus-
tees — see Pidice Village!
See V«)ting.
rOLLINMJ PLACES, Copies of sections
relating to corrupt pnu-tiocs to
Itc posted uit at, r»r» V. c. 42, s.
1*22, p. :{21.
At elections, —
To lie tixe»l l.y by-law, 7m V. c. 42,
8. 1)7 (1), p. 2.S1.
Tiiverns or lionses of public enter-
ttiinnieiit licensetl to sell licpior
not to l»e used, ."» V. c. 42, s. UO,
p. 2H1.
To lie kept open from nine to tiv >
o'clock, .'».-) V. c. 42, s. lie. p.
To he provideil with jiroper mater-
ials, ."» V. c. 42. s. 124. p. 2«.M.
To he provifleil with comiiartment
for voters while niarkinu hallots,
nn V. c. 42. s. i2r>. p. 2i>i.
Directions to voters to he placarded
at, Tm V. c. 42. s. 127, p. 2112.
Maintaining; order at, r»5 V. c. 42, s.
ir>l, p. .-itX).
Who inav he present, durinu voting.
r»,^» V. c. 42. 8. ir.i. p. :\{H).
Not more than two ajionts for ea'» V. c. 42.
8. ;i(H. p. .'{42.
Provisions with rcfrard to elections
to apply. ."> V. c. 42. s. ,'5(m;, p.
By-laws for estah!ishiii>r. and divid-
ing municipalities into suh-divi-
sions containing not more than
2tK) vot«>rs. Tm V. V. 42, s. 4N0
tl)f/. p. 4ia.
When clerk may choose, .').'» V. c. 42,
8. 480 (l)fc, p. 41.*?.
for dividing; nuini<-ipalities into,
«>stahlishinK polliuK places in,
etc.. ."i V. c. 42, s. 4S5) (1), p.
Nnmher of voters in any suh-divisioii
not to exceed 2CH>, ;Vi V. «•. 42. s.
4HU (1). p. 41.'{.
To he the same at elections for tho
Legislative .Vssemhly as at muni-
cipal elections. .")."» V. c. 42, s.
489 a)a, p. 413.
Councils of cities, towns and villaueg
may unite two suh-divisi(Mis for
municipal elections. ."»r» V. c. 42,
s. -hS!» (1)(/, p. 41.'{.
INdliiiK jdaces to he chosen hy clerk
in ••ertain cases, ~ht V. c. 42, s.
4.S!) (1)/*. p. 4i;{.
Kh'ction not to he voided when
division contains more than 2(H)
h;ii less than ;? (1)c, p. 41.'{.
POLL T.\X, Persons in military .ind
naval service, and volunteers
excMiipt from. .'."» V. <•. 4S, s. 87,
p. »!(H.
Every male inhahitant of cities,
towns and villajres «»f aue. and
not otherwise assessed, or for
not more than $2. to he liuhje
to a lax of ."fl in lieu of statute
laho\ir. ."> V. c. 48. s. 8^ ji. ('.01.
To he levied at such times and hy
such itersons as may he nji-
pointed hy council. 'Ct \'. <■. 48, s,
88, p. 601.
May be reduced or abolislied by
council. Tut V. c. 48, s. 8S), p.
.\o person to be exeinjited without
profluction of ci'rtiticate that he
lias perfdrmt'd statute labour nr
paid tax. ."» V. c. 48. s. 00. p.
May be enforced by distress and in
default of distress by tine and
imprisiuinicnt. ."il"! V. c. 48. s. 08,
p. (iO.'{.
PONDS. Hy-laws for loweriii^r waters.
et«'.. by local assessment— .■4ec
J t'-'l
PONDS— C'ontn. »//'(/.
Mini'ni|»;il jiiriMdii-tion. with rosppct
to lirid^'cs sec Bridp'S.
POOIt, liy-lKWs fftr aiflinn iiuiijront
|i<-i'si>iis iiimI ••liuritit'H. Tm \'. r.
41.'. s. 47S> ili:). |>. 4»i: ; 5U V, <•.
:?".. H. 12. p. 14«.
TOOK IKMSKS. F^x.-miitcd from t:»x:i-
tinii, ."> V. c. 4.S. H. 7 ('.»!. p. 5«51'
Sec lIoUHt'H <»f It«'fun»^
iimiicys set iipiirt for (mIik
purposes iiDiy l)<> );raiitfil to. r>5
V. <•. 41!, s. .•!7St, i>. ;{(«».
P(HI('1IKS. liy-liiws for n'lnoval of.
wht'ii olistnicliiiK whiirvfH, ctr.,
;") V. c. 42. s. 47!» ;.'>). p. 401.
For ri'iiioval of. wluui projertinp
into or ov«'r a pnldic way, "»."> V.
«•. 4*J. s. 45M; CJS). i». 4:54.
laws for fixing' (listanct' from
iiiKliways for niiiiiiiiK saw «>r
sliiiiKU' mills, etc.. "»."> V. r. 4'J.
s. 521 (1}>). t2(M. p. 4't'A.
POSSK COMITATrS, Mayors of (itit'H
aiitl towns to liavt> samo powers
in culliim out, as sheriffs of c'o\in-
ticH. 55 V. V. 42. 8. 47«. p. 3S)M.
POSTMASTEUS. Duties as to postiim
up eopies of voters' lists, 52 V.
c, :J, 8. 8, I). 14.
POl'LTUY. Market fees not to he eol-
lected, unless eonv«>nient place
for Hale provided, 55 W c. 42, k.
4".>7 (2), p. 4:57
By-laws for s«'iziii^ and destroy in>r.
when iinwholesome or tainted, 55
V. e. 42, s. 4.SI> (.•".(•». p. 422.
I'or inspection of, when offered for
sale, 55 V. e. 42. s. 48i> (.."»;{>.
p. 422.
For preventin;; forestalling, otc.,
of, .55 V. e. 42, s. 'Mi (0), p.
Uespeelinj: sales to dealers. .5.5 V.
«•. 42. s. BO;? (7). p. 441.
For payinu Itoiinties for destruc-
tion (d' animals, daiiKci'ous to,
5t; V. e. .Tt. s. 14, It. 14(5.
Impounding' tieese, etc., trespassing
—see I'oundH,
POrND-KIOEI'EUS. By-laws for ap-
pointment, remuneration aiul r(>-
uulation of. 55 V. c. 42. s. 471»
(2). (.•{). p. 4(M».
See Pounds.
POINDS. By-laws i>rovidin>; for. 55 V.
«•. 42. s. 45W) (1), p. 42:i.
For impountlin); cattle ruuniuK at
larKc iontr.iry to by-law. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 4!>0 (2». p. 424.
For appraising d.-imagcs done by
animals impounded, 55 V. v.
42. s. V.m (.{). p. 424.
For compensatinu perscuis for .ser-
vices in connection with. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 4!M) (4). p. 424.
Act respecting. Hev. Stat. c. 215, p.
2:541 : .5t» V. c. 47. i>. 11>2.
Application of Act. Uev. Stat, c
215. s. 1. 1.. 2:U1.
liiattiiity for damage caused by ani-
mal riinniuK at large. Uev. Stat,
c. 215, s. 2. p. 2.UI.
What animals nuiy he impounded,
Kev. Stat. c. 21.5. s. ;{. p. 2342.
When the common pound is not safe.
Uev. Stat. c. 215, s. 4. p. 2;U2.
Statement or demand to he made by
impounder. Uev. Stut. c. 215. 8.
5. p. 2:542.
Form of aKreemeut with poutui-
ke«'per, Uev. Stat. c. 215, 8. 5,
p. 2:542.
When aniuuil may be retained by
distrainor, Uev. Stat. v. 215. s.
6. p. 2342.
Notii-e to be given to owner if
known. Uev. Stat. v. 215. s. 7.
p. 2343.
If owner unknown, Uev. Stat. c.
215, s. S. p. 2:543.
Duty of clerk. Uev. Stat, c 215.
s. n. |). 2:54:5.
Publication of luttice when animals
are worth more than $10, Uev.
Stat. c. 215, H. 10. p. 2:543.
Notice of sale. — when sale mriy be
made. Uev. Stat. c. 215. s. 10,
p. 2:543.
When animal not impininded but
retained. Uev. Stat. c. 215, s.
12. p. 2343.
POUNDS— Continued.
riirti(!ulur8 of notice, Uev. Stat. c.
215, 8. i:{. p. 2343.
Feeding iiupounded cattle, Rev. Stat,
c. 215. 8. 14. p. 2344.
Kij^ht to recover value of food, Rev.
Stat. e. 21.'>, s. 15, p. 2344.
Mode of recovery. Rev. Stat.
215, ss. H5. 17. p. 2;{44.
Salt', and application of purchase
money. Rev. Stat. c. 21.5, s. IfS,
p. 2324.
Fence-viewers to determine disput»>8
as to amount of damage. Rev.
Stat. .-. 215, 88. 19, 2( , p. 2345.
>, ,11 tVnci' 18 found to be a law-
ful fence. Rev. Stat. c. 215, 8.
20. p. 2;545.
Wlifii tcnce is found not to be a
In ' ' »..,„.,.. Rrv. Stat. c. 215,
8. 21, 1-. 2345.
Penalty, on pound-keeper refusing; to
feed aninnils. Rev. Stat. c. -15,
s. 22. i». 2.145.
i Ml- II' .ilect of duty by fence-view-
• 1; Rev. Stat. c. 215, s. 23, p
Recovery and enforcement. Rev.
Stat. c. 215. 8. 24, p. 234(5.
Apitlication of. Rev. Stat. c. 215.
s. 25, p. 2340.
Statement to be tiled with clerk by
jKiund-keeper or diutrainor. 5ti V.
c. 47. 8. 1. p. 11)2.
Certificate of pound-keeper or dis-
trainor as to correctness of
statement, .5(> V. c. 47. s. 1, p.
Penalty for ueKlect or refusal, 50
V. <■. 47, 8. 1. p. 192.
P()WIH;R MAtJAZIXKS. By-laws f..r
erection and support of, by fees
of persons storing j;uiipowder
therein. .55 V. c. 42. h. 489 (24f/),
p. 419.
PRKCIPKMOS. Hy-laws for making
re;;ulatiuns as to places djinger-
OU8 to tnivelllng. .55 V. c. 42, s.
550 (5). p. 4(m.
elected by couneil iu absence of
head, .55 V. c. 42. s. 239 (1). p.
To act as iKilice c'ommissioner during
the absence of mayor. 55 V. c. 42.
s. 2.39 (2). p. 324.
Provisions respecting, to apply to
institutions for habitual drunk-
ards, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 4t>2 (5). p.
PRIVIES, By-laws for filling up or
closing, when dangerous to
health. .55 V. c. 42. s. 4S9 (43).
p. 421.
Resi)eeting the c-onstruction, drain-
age and ch-aning of, 55 V. c. 42.
8. 48! > (47). p. 422.
PRIVILEtJE, Not to excuse witness in
proceedings relating to elections
or voting on by-laws, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 219. p. 320.
PRIZES. By-laws for making provision
for expenses of high school or
I»ui»lic school pupils competing at
certain institutions, .55 V. c. 42,
s. 4th5 (7». (8>, i>. 428.
For endowment of. at Tapper Can-
ada College and Toronto Uni-
versity. 55 V. c. 42. 8. 495 (9),
p. 428.
PR(;FAXITY. R.v-laws for prevention
of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (34), p.
PROFESSIONS. Persons practising, to
lie assessed for jiersonal property
in mui icipality where place of
business i.s, ,55 V. c. 48, 8. 30 (1),
p. .5S(».
When business carried on in mor»i
than one place. ,55 V. c. 48, s.
.'!0 i2), |i. .580.
PR(>MISSORV NOTES. May be given
by corporation to .secure funds
borniwed for current expendi-
ture liy louncil, .5(5 V. c. .3,5, s.
10. p. 14.5.
May be given for sums borniwed by
council fi.r current expenditure
of school board, 57 V. c. 50, s.
5. p. 1(!7.
1 »■'
, p. :{r>2 ; no v. c. 35, s. 8,
p. 144.
Notice of time for moving to quaHh
to lie appeiideil, 5') V. c. 42, S.
wjs), I). :{r.2.
Form, :>:> V. c. 42, ». 330. p. 3r)2.
ers ami duties in respeet to tht
expropriiitrion of toll roads — see
Toll Roads (52 V. e. 28. p. 101).
Ratitieatioii essential to valitlity
of by-law for acquiring eemetery i
lands ill vilbiKes, "m V. «,•. 42, s.
4S!> (ll)/>. p. 41»! ; (see also Rev.
Stat. <•. 17r>, N. 1. p. 1714 ; Rev.
Stat. e. 17«;, s. 1. p. 1721).
Expenses incurred to be paid to
secretary of Board by village, 55
V. c. 42, s. 48J> (ll)c, p. 410.
Assent necessary to enlargement of
cemeteries in towns and villagos,
:^T^ V. e. 42, s. 489 (12)«, p. 41(5.
See Public Health.
investigation of fires, — when pay-
able by ninnicipality,— 64 V. c. 37,
s. 1, p. <59,
empted from taxation, 55 V. o.
48. s. 7 (S), p. .^»(52.
empted from taxation, 55 V. c.
48. s. 7 (8), p. .5({2.
tain moneys coming to munici-
lialities in default in making
annual n'turns, .53 V. c. 42. s.
248 (.'{), p. 32(5 ; lb. s. 252 (3),
p. 328.
Treasurers of municipalities indebted
t<» Municipal Loan Fund to make
annual returns und(>r p(>nalty of
.$1(K), 55 V. c. 42, 8. 381. p. 3(19.
Duties and powers as to purchase
of drainage debentures — see
Drainage Debentures (R»'v. Stat,
c. 37, p. 386; 53 V. e. 11, p. 42.
Duti<'S and powers as to purchase of
Tile. St«>ne and Timber Drain-
age Debentures — see Tile, Stone,
and Timber Drainage (Rev.
Stat. c. 38. p. 390; 53 V. c. 11.
I>. 42.
ATIONS. Upon apiwintment of
<-ouiicil, to be body corporate, .'>5
V. c. 42, s. (}, p. 245.
Names of, .55 V. c. 42. s. (5. p. 245.
When population of junior county
numbers 25.000. upon petition
of majority of reeves and deputy-
reeves Lieiitenant-Ciovernor may
issue prociaination for separa-
tion. .^.5 V. c. 42. s. ;?8 (1), p. 260;
.5(5 \'. c. :{5. s. 1, p. 142.
When junior county contains less
than 25.(MM) and more than 17,-
000. petition of two-thirds of the
n'eves and deputy-reeves re-
quired. 56 V. c. 35, s. 2, p. 142.
Proclamation to name time and
place for first meeting of council,
.55 V. c. 42, s. 38. p. 2(51.
R«>pr«>sentation of towns separated
from county, in provisiim:iI
county council. .5(1 V. c. .35. s. 1,
p. 142.
Election of repres«'iitatives, 5(5 V.
c. 35. s. 2. 1). 142.
Who to preside at first meeting, .55
V. c. 42, 8. 39, p. 201,
Provisional warden and other officers
to be appointed, .55 V. c. 42, s,
40. p. 2(51.
TlliO MlNirirAL l.NDKX.
TION S—C'o/ia'MMtf.i.
Ti'i-ins «il" (tllifc jiikI wiirtlcn and dI-
lictTS, 5.") V. v. -l-, s. 40, i». 2VA.
(*«)»iiifil niiiy acquire land for t^'rcc--
tictn of jraol and court-house. 55
V. c. 42, s. 41, p. 201.
Towers of council not to interfere
with union. 55 V. c. 42, s. 42. p.
.\nreement upon dissolution as l<»
liahdities and assets, ')."» V. c. 42,
s. 4:5, p. 201.
Senior county to assume delits and
junior county to lie eliarp'd with
just proportion, ."»5 V. c 42. s. 4;{,
p. 201.
Members of provisional council not
to vote on qoesLions affecting
agreement of separation. ."1 \'.
c. 42, 8. 44. p. 2(52.
Settlement by arbitration in case of
disagreement, S."* V. c. 42. s. 45, j
p. 202. ;
i'ounty found liable to pay debt and
interest at per <'ent.. 55 V. c.
42, s. 45, p. 202.
Appointment of judj,'e, sheriff, cor-
oiH>rs. clerk of peace, county
court clerks, rejilstrar and jus-
tices of the peace, 56 V. c. 42, s.
40, p. 202.
Final seiiaration of counties by pro-
clamation after such oUicers ;>•!-
pointed, 55 V. c. 42. s. 47, p. 202.
After sei)aration. officers of the
union to coase to have jurisdi'-
tion in junior countv, .55 V. c.
42, s. 47, p. 202.
Division of property and assets .^ffcr
.55 V. c. 42. s. 47. p.
Recovery of clioses in iicfioii. ">'( W
c. 42. H. 47. 1). 202.
Officers, council (except representa-
tives f
junior county. .55 V. c. 42. s. .52,
p. 205.
•hinior county to rf-nniin liable toi
•lebts of union after separation.
55 V. c. 42. s. 55. p. 2r>5.
Collectors (nf townsliips in junior
county of nni(»n. to be ex-offi"io
• •oilectors for. .55 V. c. 42. s. 2.5(!
II. .•{20.
Collectors to piiy over moneys "ol-
lected to provision;! I trcjisurer ."5
V. r. 42. s. 250. ji. .'{20.
Moneys so coll«>cted to be the ;ini-
perty of tl'.e union, so far as nf
fects the liiihility of collectors
and sureties. 55 V. c. 42. s. 2.57
p. .S20.
If money collected to be pnid to
union, union to pay it over to
pnivisional treasurer. .55 V c 4'*
s. 257. p. .'{20.
TIONS— Continued.
How luriuod in .MusUitkii iiiul Tiirry
Sound — ««>(> Alnskokii mid Parry
BIJRTON— see Haliburton.
County councils to cull for ten-
ders lor advertising; oertaiu legil
and otiicial notices, Rev. Stnt. c.
18, 8. ;{. p. LV>;{.
riBLIC AICTIOX. By-laws for li-
censing; and regulating trauaicni
traders scdling goods by, 55 V. c
42, s. 489 (9). (9«), p. 415; 56 V, c.
35, s. 16, p. 146; 57 V. c. 60, 8. 7,
p. 167.
By-laws for r(>gulating and licensing
auctioneers, ."»5 V. c. 42, s. 41)5
(2) ; m V. e. :{5, s. 19, p. 147 ;
57 V. c. 50, 8. 8, p. 107.
Townships may sell wet lands a«'-
(10). :>. 408.
For providing against accidents Itv
fre, .55 V. c. 42, s. 4{YA (2). i..
Act to regulate the means of egress
from. Itev. Stat. c. 210, p.
Doors and gates to be hung so as to
open outwards. Kev. Stat. c. 210.
s. 1, p. 2324.
Liability of persons connected with
churches. Kev. Stal. c 210. s. 2,
p. 2.{24.
Individ\uils. <-ompanies and corp(»r.i-
tioiis liabh' to tine for violation
of provisions, Uev. Stat. c. 210,
8. :\, p. 2:525.
Duties of muiucipal officers. Uev.
Stat. c. 210, s. 4. p. 2.825.
By-law for ap|>ointing ollicer to en-
forc«' .-\ct, Uev. Stat. «•. 210, s.
5. p. 2.825.
A<'t not to apply to convents, Rev.
Stat. e. 210, M. 6. p. 2;i25.
PUBLIC DEFEXCES. Not to be inter-
fered with by by-law.-, without
con"<'nt of Domiidon Ooverii-
ment, .55 V. c. 42, s. 543, p. 405.
PUBLIC FAHtS, By-laws for hohling.
55 V. c. 42. s. 495 (10). p. 429.
Purposes to which restricted, 55 V.
c. 42. 8. 495 (lO)ff. p. 429.
By-law to make rules and regula-
tions and tix fees and appoint
person to have charge, 55 V. c
42. 8. 495 (10)6, p. 429.
Publii iKttiee to be given, 55 V. c.
42, s. 495 (10)c, p. 429.
PUBLIC (JAUDEXS. By-laws for .ae-
(luiring land for, in cities and
towns and taking over laiul dedi-
••ated. 55 V. c. 42. s. 504 (8), p.
For th«' erection of necessary
buildings and fences. 55 V. c.
42. 8. .504 (9), p. 442.
For the management of, 55 V. e.
42, s. 504 (10), p. 442.
For leasing lands not immediat.dy
required. .5«J V. c. ,85. a. 21. p.
See Public Parks.
I'UBLIC HEALTH, Duty of teachers
as to preventing si)read of infec-
tiouH diseast's in public schools,
54 V. c. 55, 8. i;n (11), p. 149.
He.Mfl nf eounci! to give information
to council :iiiil make recomnu'tid-
ations. .'5 V. <•. 42. s. 244, p. 825.
TH!: MiNinrAi. imh:\.
PUBLIC EE\LTl\— Continued.
By-luws rt'spcttiu^' ilriiinauc iMf..
<'t'llarH, sinks, wutrr closets, pri-
vut«^ drains, ««tc., 't^t V. <■. 42. g.
4W) (47)-(4J)), p. 4lili.
Uospt'ctiiiK notices as to th«> exist- !
eiHH' of c■onta^iou<« or infer- !
tiotis diseases, and preventing |
tile spreudinjr tiiereof, "m V. r.
42. s. 4HU (.").'"»), p. 42.'i. i
For deliniiiK areas witliin v.liieli '
noxious trades may not l>e eir-
rieil on, 55 V. c. 42, s. 4»5 (IJt. I
p. 420. I
UeHpeetinK dwollinus in narrow
streets, etc., 55 V. c. 42. s. 4;M;
(10«), p. 432.
For establishment and rennlation of i
public slau);litc>r hi> 56 V. c.
35, s. 18, p. 147. \
Township by-hiws for reguhitinjf !
alair.rhter liouses. and noxious j
trades, 55 V. c. 42. s. 521 (14». i
p. 453.
For repnlatiuK and «'omiH>liiiisr the '
c'onstruotion and use of dry
earth closets. 55 V. c. 42, s. SUl
(15), p. 45a,
Ity-laws for undertakiuK drainage on
local assessment plan on recom-
mendation of local board of
health. 55 V. «•. 42. s. tUt; (4). |..
Act to prevent fraud in the .sale ot
milk. .56 V. c. 48, p. 19.*{.
By-laws for suppression of inii8an p
2259 ; 52 V. c. 42. p. 1.54 : 5;{
V. c. 61, p. 141 ; .54 V. c. 49, p.
56 : 56 V. c. 44, p. 171 : 57 V.
c. 53, p. 176.
Short tivie, Kev. Stat, c 205. s. 1.
p. 22«J0.
Interpretation. " owner." " health
district." "district," "local board,"
" board." " house." " street."
Rev. Stat. c. 2t)5, s. 2. p. 2260
Provincial Hoard of Health.—
Existine board continued. Rev. Stat,
c. 205. 8. .3, p. 2260.
PUBLIC UEM:m—Co„ti,i„e,t.
IIow ii|(pi>inti'd. one member to be
secretary. Rev. Stat. c. 205, s.
3, p. 22(}0.
Siilaries and allowances of
and members. Rev. Stat. c. 205.
s. 4. p. 2260.
Secretary, iippointinent and salary
of. Rev. Slat. c. 205, s. .5, p.
Duties of secretary. Rev. Stat, c
2(r.. s. (i. p. 22til.
Payment of salaries and expenses,
Rev. Stat. c. 2«)5. s. 7. p. 22(il.
.Meetings of board, (|iiorum, and pro-
cedure thereat. Rev. Stat. c. 205.
s. M. p. 2261.
Duties and powers of board jiener-
ally. Itev. Stat. c. 205, s. 9, p.
Publication of sanitiiry literatnn-
and information Rev. Stat. c.
205. s. 10, |). 22(»2.
Invstigations into causes of disease
or mortality. Rev. Stat. c. 205.
s. 11. p. 2262.
Supply of vaccine matter. Rev. Stat.
<•. 205. s. 12. p. 22«k{.
.M.ildnK regulations for prevention or
mitigation of disease. Rev. Stat,
c. 2(r), ». 1,3, p. 22»{.3.
Cleansing streets anwers tm- preventing dis-
ease. Rev. Stat. c. 205, s. 13
(HI. p. 22t^3.
iUK MLMCirAl, iM>i:x.
Iiis|if<'tiuii ut' liiiililiimH. rail\v:i.v
siini'iiis :iii.'{.
Ui; tlfpartnn' of |mtsihis
iiikI cuiivc.viinccK, Kcv, St.H. <•.
m*). H. 13 (10). p. 2264.
Sllllltlll'V iMilicM'. Ilcv Stilt, c. -0"t,
s. i:{ 111), p. •J'J«!4.
Itciiiuviil iiikI Miirvcillinici' of iii-
tcrti'tl pcrHoiiH, Itfv. Stat. f.
i!<»r». 8. i:t (iii). p. L'iir.4.
Lornl lioiinlH to mim- to <'.\('<*utioii of
r«'>:iiliitioiiK. I{i>v. Stilt, c li(>."t. k.
H. p. 'J-M54.
ni'tormiiiiiiK territory wlicrc n'»riil:»-
tioiiH an" to apply. I{«'v. Stut. v.
2t»r.. H. i;{. p. 2'2M.
riililicatitiii of urilfi-H nntl rt'KxIn-
tioiiH. Kcv. Ktiit. r. 2or>. s. l(». p.
< 'iiiiHictiim liy-lawH of local boanlH |
xiispcnili'il. Itcv. Stat. <-. liOa. s.
17. p. '-••-'<;|.
I'lTvioiiH rt'milatioiis (■oiiliriiif laiil licfori' 1t>uisla-
liirt'. Kiv. Stat. «•. Utl'i. s. 11). p.
KxpcllHI'N III rollIH'ctloIl witll t'pi
ilt'iiiiiH 1111(1 fiifon-iiiK n>)r>il;l«'«"t of r»'>riil.i-
tioiiH. Hfv. Stat. c. -Ort. H. 'Ji. p.
'raking; IiiikIs ami unomipii-ii Ituild-
iimH. U.'v. Stat. c. !'(».''». H. •_•(» p.
Casrs of I'liH'rKi'iicy. Urv. Stat. «•.
lio.".. H. '2'A, p. ^atr*.
.\i)ti<'<- to «-l(>rk of luuiiicipallty.
U.'V. Stat. «'. L'()r». H. 'J4. p. •22i\-t
l*ro<-<'»'iliii>fH wlu'ii owiiiT nut 'Oh-
B«M*tiiiK' party. K»'v. Stat. <■.
•JO.-, s. li.''*. p. L'liCUi.
l*'oriii of notice to owiwr. U«'V.
Stat. c. 2or.. S<-li..(l. (".. p. 22!>3.
( 'iniipcnsatioii. Ucv. Stat. v. 205.
H. 'Jf,. p. L'L'IMI.
I'UHLIC lUiALTH—Coutiuufd.
'I'll kill).' poKscHsloii wlicii n'Histanco
oftVrtMl or anticipated. Rev.
Stat. «•. l!(»r.. H. 27. p. 22»M».
Laiiils anil Imildiims not to In- used
within ir»t> yardH of a dwellinj;
honm'. Itev. Stat. e. 2(>r». m. 28. i».
l'i'oeeediii|.'s oil complaint to Pro-
vincial Moiii-d on default of
hoard. Hev. Stat, c 2t)r». h. 21>.
p. 22y
councils on reipiest of Provincial
Hoanl. Hev. Stat. c. 20.-t. s. :'.1,
p. 22»'.7.
^^lalilication. Hev. Stat. c. 2t».'». s.
:;i. p. 22C.7.
.\ppointnieiit hy I'rovincial Hoard
when council makes default.
Hev. Stat. c. 2(»r. s. :{2. p. 22r,7.
'reiiiire of oflice. Hev. Stat. r. 2it.-|.
s. ;{.'{. p. 22ti7.
t'oiiipensation for services whi-u
ilismissed. Hev. Stat. c. 20.-). s.
.{.•{. p. 22f.7.
Vacancy in ollice. how tilled. It'V.
Stat. c. 20.'".. s. .'{4. p. 22t»H.
Appointment when municipalitie8
.-ire iinit«>, p. 22r..s
Iteniuneriition when iippoi:itiii«>!it
l>y Proviiii'ial Hoard. Kev.
I Stat. c. 20.^. H. 36. |». 2268.
( p<.wers and duties. Uev.
Stat. e. 205. s. 36. p. 2268.
Stipendiary or p<.lice ina;;istriites
in unorKani/ed territory to he
i e.\ olHcio. .VJ V. c. 12. H. L p.
' 1.-.4 : .''.('. V. <. 44. H. :{. p. 17L
I Appointment l.y <-oiinty couneilH. M
j V. <•. 41). s. 'A, p. 'M).
Powers of county couiu-ils, 54 V, c,
I 4». s. 4. p. 07.
I Appointment hy Lieutenant-CJov-
enior for uiiormini/.ed diHtricts,
.VI V. c. 41». s. r.. p. \Y7.
PUBLIC HE \\/ril— Continued.
SnIiirii'M of ('(Miiit.v tiixl districl of-
lictTH, r»4 V. c. 4W, M. r», p. U7.
Two or iiior*> imiiii<'ipaliti<>a joining
ill iipiMiiiitiiD'nt of lit>alth ofKoer
or iiisptMtor. Ucv. Stiit. c. 2<>5,
s. ii:{. p. liiisr,.
Sjinittir.v iiispi>r(oi-s, iippoiiitnicnt of,
ill iiiiorKiMii/.«>ii iliNtrirts. 7*2 V. c.
41'. s. -2. p. ir.4.
Coiistaitli's ill ctM'tiiiii tlistricts to
lie «'X odicio. .'»•_' V. c. 4'_'. H. 3,
Suspension of iiiiini<-ipal ami st-liool
elections, Kev. Stat. e. \H)7>, a.
■AH. p. I'l'C.S.
On report of I'rovineini Bo.ird
liientenaiit-iSovernor may isHiie
rroelamatioii, Itev. Stat. e.
i*(r», 8. .'{s (1). p. 2im;h.
Wlien iiomiiiiitioiis ami pollini; may
take pliice. Kev. Stat. «'. li(»r>,
s. ."{M rJt), p. 2'H\\).
Ueuulations of 27tli .lannury. 18s>2,
ami lltli April. 1Ml>;i. r«>speetiim
ice supply eontirnied, ."»<» V. c.
44. «. 4. p. 171.
I (1», p. 21i.
In cities, iiml in towns of more
than 4. i;{|. p. L"J»«».
When appointinent to he iiiiide. —
vacancies. Kev. Stat. c. 20.'>. s.
40. p. L'2(i!».
<'ouiicils may unite inunicipalitieH
into one health district. Kev.
Stilt, c. 20.', s. 41. p. 22t;!>.
When f>y-la\v may he passed and
liike elTeet. Kev. Stat. e. 205.
s. 41. p. 22«'.n.
< 'oiisfitiition, powers and duties of
district hoiirds, Kev. Stat. c.
20'. ss. 42. 4.'5, 11. 2270.
PUBLIC HEA l/m-Continued.
< 'hiirrmiin and secretary, Kev. Stit.
e. 20.'*. s. 41. p. 2270.
Secretary to report names of mem-
liers to secretary of I'rovineini
Boiird. Kev. Stat. e. 205. s. 4.'..
p. 2270.
Appointment hy Provincial Hoard.
Kev. Stat. e. i!05, h. 46. p. L'UTO.
.\ppointment id' medical health of-
ficers and sanitary inspectors.
Kev. Stat. e. 20.'.. s. 47, p. 2270.
•Appropriation of necessary funds hy
council, Kev. Stat. c. 20."». h.
4S. p. 2270.
.Municipal treasurer to pay orders of
local hoard. Kev. Stat. «•. 20.".. s.
40. p. 2270.
Meinhcrs to he health officers, pow-
ers of two or more in i'crtHin
\' slaughter houses, Kev.
Stat. c. 2or., s. .'.4. p. 2271.
Ice supply, regulation of, Kev. Stat,
c. 20."., s. .".">. p. 2271.
Medical heiilth oflicer. powers of.
Kev. Stat. (. 20r.. s. .".7. p. 2272.
Niiisiiiices. duties iis to inspection.
Kev. Stat. c. 2o.".. s. .'ti. p. 2272.
Who may trive information. Ke\ .
Stat. c. 20."., s. ."..S. p. 2272.
ln\'esti);ation of complaint, Kev.
Stilt, e. 205. s. 59. p. 2272.
.\..tice requiring; ahateineiit. Kev.
Stilt, c. 205. s. 60. p. 227:{.
>\'lien notice to he served on
owner. Itev. Slat. c. 20.".. s. »>o.
p. 227:{.
When person cimsin^r. cinnot le
fuiiiid. Kev. Stilt, c. 20.".. s. P.O.
p. 227:'..
Eli'! I
•nil: Ml Mrii'Ai. imu;x.
PUBLIC HEALTH— f'«»it<»«rrl.
I'dwrr !.• proicnl wlu'ii rniiHO
iiriHt'H oiitHiilr of inuiiicipulity
i.r ii oil «'KtiiWliHliiii«'nt (»f
(•(Ttaiii iioxioiiH or offcnHiv*'
tnicU-H. Ucv. Stilt, <•. 205, 8. (KJ,
p. •-"-»7:<.
Wlu'ii iilialniu'iit iiivolv»'8 <'uii-
KitlciatioiiH of (liHUulty.— ap-
plication to rroviiiciai Ho:inl.
U.-v. Stat. c. 2(>n. H. M (1>. p.
Iiivcstijsaliiiii and n'P'»''t '•>' I*''"»-
viiuial Hoard. Ucv. Stat. c.
2(»r». H. VA (1), p. 2274.
Knforcin^ rcconinicndation of
rroviiuial Hoard in f.'ivonr
of ali.Mtciiiciit. Ucv. Stat. c.
2m, H. VA (2>. p. 2274.
Dairii'x. HJaimlitcr lioiiscs, etc..
inspection of. l».v veterinary
siirucoii. Ui'\ . Stat. c. 20r», s.
• ■(."i. p. 2274.
Ilcaitli otiii I'lM may enter .ind cx-
Miiiiiic premises. Ucv. Stut. c.
:.'(»."». s. Jir,. p. L»*J74.
l'o\v< r to or ler cleansing; of pre-
mises aftr». s. (i7. p. 2274.
.Medical men may lie authorized to
examine pr-'inises. and on their
rejMirt persons infected may be
removed. Ucv. Stat. e. 20r». 8.
t;s. p. 227r..
When inhaliitantH of hoiiscH tuny
he removed pending cleansing
and disinfection. Ucv. Stat. c.
2(»ri. s. ti!i. p. 227"..
I'ower to invoke assislaiu'c of
peace olliccrs if orders dis-
oheyed. U<-v. Stat. c. 205, s.
■(O. p. 227.').
IMsposal of tilth, refuse, cti',, aff«T
removal. Ucv. Stat. c. 205. s.
p. 227.'..
Ihfi'ctions diseases ami hosjiitals —
notiie to owner of premises,
rciiiiii'liiL' to he disinfected. Rev.
Stat. c. 1.MC.. s. 72. p. 227<'..
PUBLIC HEALTH— 6'««t'"<«<;>iiii^t spread of in-
fection. Uev. Stat. c. 205, ».
81. p. 2277.
Sick piTsoiiH, or persons havini;
a<-cess to them, m.t to mingle
with general public, Uev. Stat.
<•. 205. 8. 82. p. 2278.
riiblic conveyanceH. iM)wer to
enter and disinfe«"t, Uev. Stat.
«•. 205. s. 8;{. p. 2278.
<^ii!irantine of persons liable to in-
fection, Ucv. Stat. c. 205, s. 84.
p. 2278.
< 'onviilescents and iiiir
precautions apiiiist
disease. Uev. Stat.
85. p. 2278.
.Measures for disinfection I-
atloptcd by such perBo f K«'<
Stat. .'. 20.5. s. 80. p. 2279.
.Notice to be Kiven by persons li .die
to inf4>etion to person in charue
of conveyance. l{ov. Stat. c.
205. 8. 87, p. 2279.
..I 1
205, B.
Cttuv vyiwu-c to lt»' tliMinfpctcil,
K.v. Slut. <•. l'or». s. S,S, p. li'JTO
riotliiiiK. boldiiiK. <'t<-.. prccautio'is
to In- tiikcn. U«'V. Stat. r. LMI.".,
H. Sl>. |>. 2271).
.MciiiiH of tlisinfiM-tioii. U*>v. Stnt.
r. 20.-1. H. !M», p. .227».
I><-Htni('tioii III' iiif(>oto(l lictMiiiK.
«'tc.. Kcv. Stut. c. 20.-». 8. '.n.
p. 2271».
lIoiiHCH or rooiiiH to !)<■ (liKiiift'ot'il
Im'Ioi'c lifinjj let. Kt'V. Stat. <•.
L'0r». s. J>L', p. 2271>.
I'l-i'soiiH Icttiiiu hous«>s, not lo
milk*' I'iiIh(> statcinriitH aH to
intVctioiiH (liHt-aHo.s, U«>v. Stat,
c. 2(C.. N. !>:{. p. 2270.
SfhoolH. |ir<-caiitioiiH with n'rtp<.>>'t
t<». Kt'V. Stat. c. 205. s. 94. p.
FioHpitalH, fKtaliliHliiii*>nt of liy
iniinicipalitics for siiiall-p<>x
paticiitH. «'t«'., Itt'v. Stat. c. 2U."»,
H. m, p. 22MI.
Kf^iilatioii of hoHpital aixl jhtsoiis
liaviiiK access Ihcrcto. Uev.
Stat. c. 20."), K. !H;, p. 22HI,
KNtaliliHimiciit of liospitals when
not proviih'd by iiinnici|)ali*y.
Kcv. Stat. 20.-», s. S>7. p. 22S1.
Urj;iihitioii of liosi)itnls. Iti'V. Sttli.
«•. 20.\ s. OK. p. 2281.
('oiistructioii and cqnipmciit of hos-
pitals for reception of choler.t
or small-pox. etc, patients, ."«(
V. c. 44. s. 5 (1), p. 171; 57 V.
c. .'iS, p. 176.
I'rovision to coiitinne in force for
one year from 27tli May. ISItl.
5B V. «•. 44. s. 5 (2), p. 171.
Inspection of meat, milk, etc., in-
temled for food — powers of medi-
cal health otH«ers and sanitary
inspectors, Uev. Stat. c. 20,->, s.
t«>, p. 2281.
Seiznre anii,
.-»;{ V. «•. 01. s. 1. p. 142.
I se of force, — in disinfecting or iso-
' lation, Uev. Stat, c 20.-». s. 101,
! p. 2282.
Ollicers, if olmtrncted, may sum-
mon assistance. Uev. Stat, c
20r», s. 102, p. 2282.
.\ppeals from orders of local lio.ird
to county judKe when expendi-
ture of more than .flOO involved,
Uev. Stat. c. 20."i. s. lO.",, p 22.S2,
IO\penses in respect of Nuisances,-
Uecovcry from oc<-npi«'r, and deduc-
tion liy occupier from rent, Uev,
Stat. c. 20.-». s. 104 (1». p. 228:{.
Limitation of iialiility of occu|)ier,
Uev. Stat. c. 20.-.. s. 104 (1), p.
Contracts Itetween owner and occu-
pier not alfected, Uev. Slat. e.
20.-». s. 104 (2). p. 228;{.
\\'iieii applicalions in respect of nui-
sances must he made to IukIi
<-ourt. Uev. Stat, c 20.''», s. 10.'».
p. 22s;{.
205. s. lofi CO. p. 22S4 : 56 V. e.
4«. s. 2. p. 171.
^ m
(716) 872-4503
DcnmltH or omissions, Ilov. Stat. c.
205, s. 106 (4), p. 2284.
U.cov«'r.v, Uev. Stiit. (,'. 205, s. 107, p.
Provision when non-eomplianci'
ciuiscd by povorty, etc.. Rev.
Stilt. V. 205. s. 108, p. 2285.
Hcmodv wiien Iwxird noKlccts action,
Hev. Stat. c. 205, s. 109. p. 22S5.
.\]>pli ' ■ j
in lor<'e. Rev. Stat. c. 205, s. il3.
p. 2286. j
Form of by-law, Rev. Stat. c. j
205. Sched. A., p. 2286. |
Power to amend. Rev. Stat. c. 205.
s. 113 (2). p. 2286.
Form of amending by-law. Rev.
Stat. c. 205. Sched. B., p. 2293.
PUBLIC liUJHWAYS— see Highways.
PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Exempted frcmi
taxation. 55 V. c. 42. s. 7 (10). p.
See Free liibraries.
Manner of bringing meetings re-
(luired by law within the Act.—
notice tn be given. Rev. Stat. c.
187, s. 4, p. 2038.
Form of notice, Rev. Stat. c. 187,
s. 4 (2), p. 2038.
Manner of bringing meetings calleii
by sheriff, etc., within the pro-
tection of the Act, Rev. Stat. c.
187, s. 5, p, 2038.
Publication of names of reciuisi-
tionists and notice. Rev. Stat.
C. 187, s. 5, p. 2038.
Form of notice. Rev. Stat, c 187,
Schi'd A., p. 2041.
Manner of bringing meetings called
',y i>rivate persons, within 'he
A>t, — notice by justices of the
pt>;ice. Rev. Stat. c. 187, s. 6, p.
Act respecting. Rev. Stat. c.
187. p.
Meetings recjuired by law to be
deemed " public meetings," Rev.
Stat. c. 187, s. 1. p. 2037.
Meetings called by sheriff, or head
of municipality, or two justices
of the peace, to be within the
Act, Rev. Stat. c. 187, s. 2. p.
Meetings declared by two magi-
strates within the Act. Rev. Stat,
c. 187. s. 3. p. 2038.
Sber uayors, etc., declaring
; ,;,"-• within the Act to give
P'Di; notice. Rev. Stat. c. 187,
s. 7. i:. 2039.
.lustices oilling meetings to give
noti(i> thereof. Rev. Stat. c. 187,
s. .v. p. 2039.
SherilTs. justices, etc., calling nu'et-
ings. to attend the .same. Rev.
Stat. c. 187. s. 9. p. 2039.
Chiiinnan to read re\\ •
ered to releas(> persons on tirsi
or second arrests for drunken-
ness. 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (38). p.
For preventing
tions. 55 V. c.
For i»reventing bathing in public
waters. 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (40).
p. 421.
For insiiecting public bathi:ig
houses and boat houses and
preventing illegal practices
therein, 55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (42).
p. 436.
ri'IU.Tr NFLSAXC'ES-see Nuisancs;
Fublic Health.
riBLIC PAUKS, Debts contracted
for i»urcliase and iniprovenient
of, to be payable in thirty years.
55 V. c. 42. s. 340 (2). p. 355.
May be payable in annual instal-
ments. 55 V. c. 42. s. 342 (1), p.
Police commissioners in citties, ind
councils in towns, may regulate
or i)rohibit the playing of music
in, 55 V. c. 42, s. 436 (5). p. 387.
By-laws for taking or acquiring land
for, 55 V. c. 42. s. 479 (22). p. 405.
Owners to be compensated, 55 V. c
42, s. 479 (22), p. 405.
PUBLIC V ARKS— Continued.
Council expropriating land in adjoin-
ing municipality, to lay out parks
and keej) in repair and pi'ovidc
police i»rotection. 55 V. c. 42. s.
479 (23). p. 405.
By-laws for acquiring land for, -n
cities and towns, and taking over
land dedicated. 55 V. c. 42, s. 5i)4
(8). p. 442.
I'or the erection of necessary build-
ings and fences. 55 V. c. 42. s.
504 (9). p, 412.
For the management of. 55 V. c.
42, s. 504 (10). p. 442.
For leasing for not more than
three years lands not immedi-
ately required, 56 V. c. 35, s.
21, p. 147.
Assessment of property fronting on
for local imi»rovements, 55 \'. <•.
42. s. 620 (7), p. 511.
Kxemiition from municipal
tion. 56 V. c. 38, s. 1, p. 153.
Act to provide for the establishment
and maintenance of i)ublic i)!irks.
Kev. Stat. c. 190, p. 2052 ; 54 V.
c. 44. p. 90.—
Short title. Rev. Stat. c. 190. s. 1, p.
I'.irks. aveniu's, boulevardes .•iiid
drives may be pstaldished in siiiy
municipalit.v, — procedure, Itev.
Stat. c. 190. s. 2. p. 2052 ; 54 V. c.
44, s. 1. p. 90.
I'etition for by-law for adoption
of Act. Itev. Stat. c. 190. s.
2 (2). p. 2052 ; 54 V. c. 44. s. 2,
p. 91.
When b.v-law to be fiuiiUy passed,
Kev. Stat. c. 190. s. 2 (3). p.
Bjr-law. if defeated at polls not lo
1)4' re-submitted in same year,
Kev. Stat. c. 190. s. 2 (4), p.
WIk'U county by-law need not !)'•
submitted to electors, 54 V. c.
44, s. 3. p. 91.
Parks, etc., to be open to the public.
Pwev. Stat. c. 190, s. 3. p. 2053 ;
54 V. c. 44. 8. 1. p. 90.
; i
% -
PUBLIC F ARKS— Continued.
Control of parks, etc., Ity liourd of
maiiawuH'iit, U»'V. Stat. o. 190,
s. 4, 1). 2053 ; 54 V. o. 44, s. 1, p.
Constitution of board, Hev. Stat.
0. 190, s. 5. p. 2053 ; 54 V. <•.
44. s. 4. p. 90.
'1%'iiure of oflicG, Rev. Stat. c. 19o,
s. 6. p. 2053.
Vacancies, Rev. Stat. c. 190, s. 6.
(2), p. 2053.
Appointment of m(nnl)ers. Rev.
Stat. c. lUO, H. (>, (4), (;*). \,. 205J.
Organization meetings, procednro
thereat. Rev. Stut. c. 190, s.
6 (6)-(15), p. 2054: 54 V. c. 44, s.
5. p. 91.
I'ay.nent of expenses. Rev. Stat.
c. 190. s. 7 (1). p. 2055.
Members of board or council not
t(» lie interested in contracts.
Rev. Stat. c. 190. s. 7 (2), p.
2055 ; 54 V. c. 44, s. 6. p. 91.
Kinployniciit of clerks, etc.. Rev.
Stat. c. 190. s. 8. p. 2055.
Hooks, etc.. to be kept at office.
Rev. Stat. <•. 190. s. 9. p. 2055.
Accounts,— audit. Rev. Stat. c. 190,
s. 10. p. 2055.
H.v-laws for re^rulation of parks,
ai)proi)clies. etc.. Rev. Stat. c.
190, s. 11. p. 2055.
Powers of street railways. Rev.
Stat. c. 190. s. 11 (21, p. 2055.
l/icensiuK' of hacks and letting
rlpht to sell refn-shments. t-tc.
Rev. Stat. o. 190, s. 11 (3). p.
Recovery, of penalties, Rev. Stat.
c. 190. s. 11 (4). p. 2055.
Authentication of b.v-laws. Rev.
Stat. c. 190. s. 11 (5), p. 2056.
rVoperty may be granted, etc., to
niuiii(ii)ality for park purposes.
Rev. Stat. c. 190. s. 12, p. 2056 ;
54 V. c. 44, s. 1, p. 90.
Power to acquire land by purchase,
etc.. Rev. Stat. c. 190, s. 13. p.
Limit of quantily. Rev. Stat. c.
190. s. 13 (2). (3). p. 2056 ; 54
V. «'. 4J. ss. 1. 7. p. 90.
PUBLIC PARKS— Continued.
Letting land not immediately re-
(juirt'd. Rev. Stat. c. 190, s. 13
(4). p. 2056.
Selling lan.
Power to enter and take land and
expropriate streams. Rev. Stat,
c. 190. s. 14. p. 2056.
Watirworks not to be interfered
with. Rev. Stat. c. 190. s. 14.
I>. 2056.
Arbitration. Rev. Stat. c. 190, fs.
15. 16. p. 2057.
Estimates to be made annually by
board, and reported to council.
Rev. Stat. c. 190. s. 17, p. 2057.
Rates, — issue of debentures. Rev.
Stat c, 15)0, R. 17 (3)-(]0), p. 205ei.
Prohibitions and penalties, Rev.
Stat. c. 190. s. 18, p. 2059.
Obstructing board, Rev. Stat. c.
190, 8. 18 (1), p. 2059.
Letting off water. Rev. Stat. c.
190, 8. 18 (2), p. 2059.
Fouling waters. Rev. Stat. c. 1^0.
H. 18 (3), (5), p. 2059.
Obtaining water from ponds, Rev.
Stat. c. 190 s. 18 (4), p. 2059.
Washing certain things in waters,
Rev. Stat. <•. 190. s. 18 (5). p.
Injuring or destroying trees, etc.
Rev. Stat. c. 190, s. 18 (6). p.
Injuring animals, birds, fish, etc..
Rev. Stat. e. 190, s. 18 (7). p.
Summar.i conviction. Rev. Stat. c.
190. H. 18. p. 2060.
Polit.'emen to be detailed for service
in parks. Rev. Stat. c. 190, s. 39,
p. 2060.
Protection and jwwers of offif-ers.
Rev. Stat. o. 190, s. 20. ii. 2060.
Limitations of actions. Rev. Stat. c.
190. s. 21. p. 2060.
IiJcoT'pnration with Municipal and
A.SM'Ssment Acts. Rev. Stat. c.
■i?'0, s. 22. II. 2060.
in itiiimal in-
42, s. 342 (1).
PUBLIC PARKS— Continued.
Use of forms. IU>\. Stat. c. 190. s.
2a, p. 2060 ; 54 V. f. 44, a. 8. p. 91.
Forms. Kov. Stiit. c. 190, Schcd.
p. 20G1.
ri'BLIC SCHOOLS, Appropriation of
nuoxpemled balancos of mimicl-
palitics fund to school purposes,
Rev. Stat. c. 30, s. 3, p. 326.
Uobts contracted by municipalities
for erection of school houses to
be payable in tliirty years. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 340 (31. p. -^oa.
When annual rate to
57 V. c. 50, s. 12, p.
Debt nifiy be payable
stalments, 55 V. c
p. 356.
Borrowing moneys required for cur-
rent exjtenditure. ,57 \'. c. 50, s.
5, p. 167.
Money raised to be paid over in
monthly instalments to treasurer
of board, 57 V. c. 50, s. 5, p. 167.
By-laws for obtaining necessary pro-
perty, and providing for estab-
lishment. 55 V. <•. 42, s. 489 (10).
p. 415.
By-laws providing expenses of
pui)ils. when competing for hi;;h
school scholarships, etc., 55 V.
C. 42, s. 495 (8), p. 428.
Exempted from taxation, 55 V. c. 4S,
s. 7 (5). p. 562.
Siii)porters of, to be so described in
assessment roll, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14
(3). It. 567.
Notii-e of assessment to contain
notil. 55 V. c. 48.
s. 47ti, p. 583.
Notice of change in assessment to
be given, 56 V. c. 38, s. 4, p. 153.
Assessor to be guided by index book
in determining who have given
notice of their desire to be as-
sessed as separate school sup
porters. 55 V. c. 48. s. 47ft. p. 583.
When (•( incil may make division of
school pro|)erty on dissohition of
union sclwiol boartl, 54 V. c. 5'i,
s. 4 (4). p. 110.
Hural schools, —
Council may y-law altering sections to be
valid and bindintr, 54 Y. c. 55. s.
96, p. 135.
T'se of ballot at t-lections. —
Resolution of board, and notice to
clerk, 54 V. c. 55. s. 103. p. 138.
Trustees may continm* use of balK)t.
54 V. c. 55, s. 103 (1). p. 138.
Ballot not to l)e discontinued or
resum(>d for three years after
chanfre, 54 X. c. 55. s. 103 (2), p.
I'ilection by biUlot to be held at samp
time and place, and by same pf?r-
sons as municipal elections. E4
V. c. 55, s. 103 (.3), p. 139.
Application of provisions relating to
munici[ial elections. 54 V. c. 55.
s. 103 (3). p. 139.
Form of ballot papers. 54 V. c. 55, s.
103 (4), p. 139.
Separate school siipportera not to
vote, 54 V. c. 55. s, 103 «5). p. 139.
Oath of vot(>r. 54 V. c. 55. s. 103 (6),
p. 139.
•Tudire of county coiirt to ncMvc
and investicato complaints, 54 V.
c. 55, s. 105. p. 140.
School assessments. —
.Vccounts to be audited by municipal
auditors, 54 V. c. 55, s. 107 (IH,
p. 142.
Township councils to levy sums
rcciuired for school purpose^,
minimum amount. 54 V. c. 55. s.
109. p. 142.
Union school sections, 54 V. c. 55.
s. 109. p. 143.
Ml aninu of provision explained. 55
V. c. 60. s. 2. I). 671. --
('ity. town and village councils to
levy necessary anu»unt8, 54 V. c.
55, s. 110, p. 143.
f'-lerk to give coi)y of assessment and
piirticulars to inspector, and be
paid therefor, 54 V. c. 55, s. Hi,
p. 143.
Council may levy rates for establish-
ment of school libraries, auiiu};
poor schooLs, establishing model
schools, etc., 54 V. c. 55, s. 112,
p. 143.
Clerk to furnish county inspector
with returns shovting rating of
separate sch(>ol supporters, 54 V.
c. 55, s. 113, p. 144.
Clerk to furnish Minister of Educa-
tion with minutes of council re-
lating to school matters. 54 V. c.
55. ,s. 114. p. 144.
Hy-laws exempting from taxation
not to apply to school rates, 55
V. c. 60. s. 4, p. 672.
Rights of owner when compelled to
pay school rates on default of
tenant. 55 V. c. 60. s. 1. p. 671.
School debentures, —
Ry-laws for issuing township school
debentures. 54 V. c. 55. s. 115 (1),
p. 144.
Application to council and loans to
union school sections, 54 V. c. 55,
s. 115 (2). (3), (4). p. 144.
Exi»enses of publishing by-laws. 55
V. c. 60. s. 3. p. 671.
When question shall be submitted to
electors. 54 V. c. 55. s. 116. p. 145,
rassui;,' hy-lii\vs witliout assent of
»'l.'ctur«, 54 V. c. 55. s. 116 (2). li.
Form and ti>ria of dobeutures, 54 V.
c. 55. s. 117, p. 145.
Form. 54 V. c. 55, Schcd. p. 168.
When inoiic.v to 111' paid ovci-. 54 V.
r. 55. s. 118. p. 145.
Itaisiiifj; sums lor school honst' and
teacher's residence. 54 V. c. fo.
s. 119. p. 145.
'I'ownship council not to levy more
flian one rate except in certain
cases. 54 V <•. 55. s. 120. p. 146.
Borrowing sin pins funds of munici-
liaiity. 54 V. c. 55. s. 121, p. 146.
Legislative and connty arrant.—
Apportionment and distrihution. 54 j
V. <•. 55. ss. 122. 123. p. 146.
•Minister of Education to make ap-
portiomnent, 54 V. c. 55. s. 122
(1), p. 146.
When le^'islative jrrant payable, 54
V. c. 55 s. 122 (2), p. 146.
County to raise ecpiivalent amount.
54 V. c. 55, s. 122 (3). p. 146.
( "(lunty inspector to make distribu-
tion and apportion sums voted
for imi)rovement in fifth forms,
54 V c. 55. s. 123. p. 147.
Treasurers of school moneys, —
Su])-treasurer of school moneys. E4
V. c. 55. s. 124. p. 147.
Uesponsibility of treasurers and
sureties, 54 V. c. 55. ss. 125, 126,
p. 147.
City, county or town responsible for
default of treasurer. 54 V. c. 55.
s. 127. p. 148.
Ilesi)onsibility of collectors. 54 V. c.
55. s. 128. p. 148.
('ounty. <'ity and town clerks to
make returns of population to
Minister of Education. 54 V. c. 55.
s. 129, p. 148.
Responsibility for acts done under
illefral by-laws. 54 V. c. 55. s.
130, p. 148.
Misct'llaneoiis provisions.—
Adjustun-nt of school nmt.ters on
union of municipalities. 55 V. c.
60. s. 5. p. 672.
Teacher to notify medical health
otiicers and take precautions
against siiicad of infectious dis-
eiises. 54 V. c. 55. s. 131 (11), p.
County examinations, ai ointment
and remuneration of iM.ards, 54
V. c. 55. s. 145. p. 152.
County councils to jiniiit aid to
county model schools. 54 V. c. 55,
s. 146, p. 153.
City and c(Uinty councils to prant
aid to teachers' institutes. 54 V.
.-. 55. s. 147 (2). p. 153.
Inspectors, aiipointment by county
.■ounciis. 54 V. c. 55, s. 150, p. 154.
Warden nniy fill vacancies, 54 V. c.
55. s. 151. p. 154.
Conditions of dismissal. 54 V. o.
55. s. 152. p. 154.
Allowance. 54 V. c. 55. s. 153, p.
Payment of salaries in towns not
separated from the county, 54
V. c. 55. s. 158. p. 156.
Power of councils to supplement
pensions to teachers. 54 V. c. 55,
s. 164. 1). 158.
County councils to pay school fees
of inmates of houses of refuge,
54 V. c. 55. s. 172 (4). p. 159.
Uiirhts of county councillors and
aldermen as visitors. 54 V. c. TiS,
ss. 184. 185. p. 162.
Penalty for neglect of duties of
township clerk. 54 V. c. 55. s. iSb,
It. 162.
For not calling school meetings. 54
^ . c. 55. s. 192. p. 163.
Election of members of high school
board by school board. 54 "V. c.
57. s. 11 "(6), p. 179.
Compulsory attendance— see Tru-
ancy (54 V. c. 56, p. 169).
I'VliUr snows, li.v-laws for rog.i-
latiiiK. lircvtMitiiin or licciisinf?, r»5
V. c. 42, s. 489 (25). (26). {>. 419.
St'«> Hij,'li\V!iys, S(junrcs.
I'lTBLU; VVAIJvS, liy-laws for acquir-
inu land in cities and towns and
tuliinj;' oviT land dt-dicatcd for.
55 V. f. 42, H. 504 (8), p. 442.
For the erection of fences, etc.. h')
V. c. 42, s. 504 (9), p. 442.
!''or the nianaKemeut of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 504 (10), p. 442.
For leasing for not more than
three years lanw territory added to village,
town or city, 55 V. c. 42, a. 73
(4). p. 274.
"Leasehold," what to be deemed, 55
V. c. 42. s. 74, p. 274.
Estate may be either legal or equit-
able, 55 V. c. 42. s. 74, p. 274.
In new township not having roll, 55
V. c. 42. s. 75, p. 274.
When there are not at least two per-
sons (nullified. 55 V. c. 42, s. 76,
p. 275.
Who to be deemed disqualified, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 17 (1), p. 275.
Sharehohlors in companies having
dealings with council and lease-
holders from corporation for
twenty-one years and upwards
not distiualificd. 55 V. c. 42, s. 77
(2). p. 275.
Tin: Mr.Mrii'AL indkx.
Exemption fmiu taxatinii not to tlis-
iliiiilify when siilliciont proi»erty
rciiiiiiiis liiibli' to taxation, 56 \'.
.•. ;;r,. s. 4. p. 142.
may lu- made in Ili^h Conrt and
orders to quiish for illoKality
mad*' and costs awarded ttcoonl-
ini; to result, 55 V. c. 42, s. 3.32
(II, p. 352.
Seven days' notice of motion to l)e
served, 55 V. c. 42, s. 332 (2). p.
By-law, etc.. proved by copy eertiftod
under corporate seal, and proved
to have been received by clerk,
55 V. c. 42, s. 332 (3), p. H53.
Kecoj?nizance to be ;:fiven by appli-
cant, 55 V. c. 42, s. 332 (3), p. 353.
Api)lication to be made within one
year from passing of by-law, etc.,
55 V. V. 42, s. 333, p. 353.
By-law reciuiriug assent of electors
which has not been obtained may
be quashed at any time after
passing, 55 V. c. 42, a, 333, p. 353.
By-law imposing a rate, to be moved
against within three months, 55
V. c. 42, s. 334, p. 353.
By-law carried by means of corrQpt
practices may be quashed, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 335, p. 353.
Judge may order inquiry to be
made by county judge, 55 V. c.
42, s. 336 (1), p. 353.
Evidence taken by county judge
to be returned into High C'ourt,
55 V. c. 42, s. 336 (2), p. 354.
Costs may be ordered to be paid
according to event, 55 V. c. ^2,
s. 336 (2), p. 354,
Stay of proceedings pending in-
quiry, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 337, p. 354.
Actions for anything done und.^r
illegal by-laws, etc., not to be
brought until after qiia.shing or
rei)eal and one month's noti(;e of
action, 55 V. c. 42, s. 338, p. 354.
QUASHING BYL.WVS, Krc.—Contin'd.
To li" against curpnration and r.ot
iiiraiiisl persons acting und'-r
by-laws, ell'., 55 V. c. 42, s.
338. i>. 354.
rrorcedings to be taken within three
months after registration of by-
law creating debt, and certificate
of proceedings to be registered,
55 V. c. 42, s. 352 (1), p. 360.
Form of certilicate, 55 V. c. 42, s.
356 (1), p. :!62.
When application dismissed in whole
or in part, by-law or part thereof
to stand, and certilicate of dis-
missal to be registered,
42, s. 3.52 (2), p. 360.
J5 V.
Form of certificate,
356 (2), I). 362.
V. c. 42, s.
Froceedings to be taken within om
month and certificate to f»e
registered within five weeks after
registration of local improvenii^nt
by-law, 55 ^^ c. 42. s. 352 (4), (5),
p. .361.
Registrars' fees on certificate, 5.") \'.
c. 42, s. 356 (3t, p. 362.
Drainage by-laws-see Draimige.
QFARTFU SESSIONS, Certain form-r
powers of, transferred to county
boards of audit, 55 V
p. 448.
c. 42,
l-'ormer powers and duties with re-
spect to highways and bridges,
transferred to county councils, r5
V. c. 42, s. 541, p. 464.
QFKJK LniK, How to bo kept in
police villages, 55 V. c. 42, s. f67
(11), p. 531.
()rO WAURANTO, Remedy by, not
affected by recount, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 164. p. 307.
Member of council becoming dis-
(lualitied or retaining seat after
forfeiture, may be unseated by,
55 V. c. 42, s. 178, p. 311.
Fiocecdings to try validity of elec-
tion or right to elect— see Con-
troverted Eh'ctions (55 V. e. 42,
ss. 187-208, pp. 312-317).
Tin: MrMcirAi. indhx.
Iet railways may cross
lines. Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. 15 (7).
p. 169.
Duty of municipalities as to heisrht
of l)rid^res crossinR lines, Il(>v.
Stat. c. 212. s. 4. p. 2328.
Debts contracted by municipalities
in c«mnection with, to be payable
in thirty years from date of
RAILW AYii— Continued.
li\-Iaw tiikin^r eff.f't. 55 V. e. ^2.
s. 340 (3). p. ;;r.r..
Payment by instalments. 55 V. c.
42. s. 342 (1), p. 356.
Delientures in aiil of. to be valid
' without coriHirate seal if sijrned
!iiid countersi^rned as directed by
by-law. 55 V. c. 42. s. 406, p. 1,77.
My-laws dealiiiK witli roads crossing
tlie lands of. 55 V. c. 42, s. 550
(2), I.. 468.
Powers of councils as to constrict-
ing' drains across, to be subj'.;ct
to Railway, Streets and Drains
Act. 55 V. c. 42. s. 611. |). 50h
INFunicipalitit's taking stock. Rev.
Stat. c. 170, s. 39. p. 1663.
liy-laws for taking stock or guaran-
teeing loans to, 55 V. c. 42, s. 634
tl). 1). 521.
For guaranteeing the debentures
of. 55 V. c. 42, s. 634 (2), p. 521.
r'or issuing debentures therefor, 55
V. c. 42. s. 634 (3), p. 522.
For granting bonuses and issuing
debentures for (he payment
thereof. 55 V. c. 42. s. 634 (4).
p. 522.
For directing how debentures shall
be signed, countersigned or
endorsed, and by what oflicr,
55 V. c. 42, s. 634 (5), p. 522.
For incurring debts in aid of, to
receive assent of electors, 55 \'.
c. 42, s. 634. p. 522.
Head of municipality taking stock
to (>xtent of !f20.000, to be ex-
otficio a director. 55 V. c. 42. s.
635. p. 522.
By-laws for granting aid from a por-
tion of a township. 55 V. c. 42,
s. 635«, p. 522.
Assent of electors in locality af-
fected required, 55 V. c. 42, s.
6350, (1), p. 522.
Petifinn ♦'^ bn presputprl. — conteTits
of petition and how to be
signed. 55 V. c. 42. s. 635a (2).
]). .")22.
'ini: MiMcirAK i.\i»i:\.
II AILW AY ^—Continued.
By-law to provido for raising Iho
uiiKumt rciiiilrcil in tin: locality
nn-ntioni'(i in the pctitiou and
for issnt" and deli very of dcbini-
tufcM. 55 V. c. 42, s. G'i^a (3)«,
I). 523.
By-law to i)rovide for usaessing
and levying .special rate snlH-
"' cient for sinking fnnd and
interest, 55 V. c. 42, s, 6li5«,
(\i)h, p. 523.
^ Authority to execute debentures,
55 V. c. 42. 8. 635(/ (3)/>, p. 523.
Township by-laws for authorizing
^ railways on highways and pro-
perty of cori)or{ition, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 636, p. 523.
Clauses passed before 5th March,
/ 1880, authorizing the grouping of
municipalities for the purpose cf
granting aid repealed, 55 V. c.
42, s. 637, p. 524.
Assessment of, —
Ileal estate to be considered lands
of residents for purposes of
" assessment, except when com-
pany censes to carry on business,
55 V. c. 48, s. 5, p. 561.
^ Stoek exempt from taxation, but not
the dividends derived therefrom,
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (19), p, 564.
Statement to be furnished by com-
^ panics of real proi)erty held in
each municipality, 55 V, c. 48, s,
29, p. 577.
Clerk to give statement to assessr>r
and assessor to send notice of
total assessment to any office of
the company, 55 V. c. 48, s. 29, p.
Personal property exempt from tax-
ation, but not incoun; derived
from shares, 55 V. c. 48, s. 34 (2),
p. 579.
Act to provide for the crossing of. by
streets, drains and watermains,
Itev. Stat. c. 199, p. 2235,—
Short title. Rev. Stat. c. 199, s. 1,
p. 2235.
Application to railways within Pro-
vincial jurisdiction, Rev. Stat. c.
199, S. 2. p. 2235.
D.M.I.— 13
\iML\\ AYS— Continued.
Interpretation, — "railway company,"
"cduncil," "municipality," "the
railway." "highway." "notice,"
Rev. Stat. c. llt:», s.
By-laws for constructing highw'iys
and drains on lands of railways
and laying down watermains.
Rev. Stat. c. 199, ss. 4, 5. !>. 2236
Plans and estimates to be sub-
mitted and notice given to com-
l>any. Rev. Stat. c. 199, s. 6, p.
What plans must provide for. when
highway is to cross railway on
the level. Rev. Stat. c. 199, s. 7.
p. 2236.
What plans, etc., must show when
work is in resi)ect of a drain or
waternniin, Rev. Stat. c. 199, s
8, 1). 2237.
WhtMi no objection made within
thirty days from notice, count:il
may proceed with work. Rev.
Stat. c. 199, s. 9, p. 2237.
When work is in respect of a high-
way, company may elect to dn
the work and receive payment
from municipality. Rev. Stat. c.
199, s. 10, p. 2237.
Company and council may agree as
to modt; of doing the work. Rev.
Stat. c. 199, s, 11, I). 2237.
If no agreement, council to [trocure
approval of (.'ommissioner of
Public Works. Rev. Stat. c. 19:>,
s. 11, p. 2237.
Application to Commissioner of Pun-
lie Works, Rev. Stat. c. 199, s.
12. p. 2238.
Execution of work, if api)roved. Rev.
Stat. c. 199, s. 13, p. 2238.
roinmissioner may order examina-
tion and report, Rev. Stat. c. 199,
s. 14, p. 2238.
Expenses of application to Commis-
sioner. Rev. Stat. c. 199, s. J 5,
p. 2238.
Decision of Commissioner to be final.
Rev. Stat. c. 199, s. 16, p. 2238.
! ':
RMLW AYS— Continued.
Wlicn pliiiiH, «'tc., for work on IiIkIi-
wiiy art" appnivfti, (••nnpaiiy iiiuy
tXfcutc \V(»rk, Ucv. Stut. c. 199,
s. 17, I). 2238.
Wlicii plauH arc iiKxIifu'd, company
may do tin- work at price tixcil,
KfV. Stat. <■. 199, s. 18. p. 2239.
Wlu'u (oiiiiiany docs not iise rcu-son-
Mble dilip'ncc, Uev. Stat. c. 199.
s. 19, p. 2239.
Coiiipciisation to <'onii»aiiy for lands
•^ taken or injarcd, Ucv. Stut. c.
199. s. 20, p. 2239.
Arl)itration in default of ayrce-
<^ nicnt. IU\. Stat. e. 199, s. 21.
p. 2240.
c'laini for additional compensatio^i,
( 'onnnissioner may direct arbi-
*^ tration, Ucv. Stat. c. 199, s. 22,
p. 2240.
_y Wiien conncil may finally pass by-
law, Kt;v. Stut. c. 199, 8. 23, p.
_ 2240.
<'onipany to repair street crossiiifjs
^ , iind municii)ality to repair drains
and water pipes, Rev. Stat. c.
199, S. 24, p, 2240,
Maintenance of liiKhways at prop.'r
^ level liy corporation. Rev. Stat,
c. 199, 8. 25, p. 2240.
Company to maintain railway at pro-
per level at the crossinp, Rev.
Stat. c. 199, s. 25, p. 2240.
('(»\incil not to do nnnecessary dam-
aj;e to railway. Rev. Stat. c. 199,
s. 26. p. 2241.
^ Provision of railway Acts to apply
to highway, Rev. Stat. e. 19/, s.
27. p. 2241.
Rij.'lits of railway not to be affected
^ more than necessary, Rev. **tat.
c. 199. 8. 28, p. 2241.
Act to apply to commissioners for
" constrnction of waterworks. Rev.
Stat. c. 199, s. 29. p. 2241.
Powers in special acts as to water-
works to b(? subject to Act. Rev.
Stat. c. 199, s. 30, p. 2241.
Service of notices, how affei-tjd,
Rev. Stat. c. 199. s. 31. p. 2241.
HMLW AYH-Continued.
Application of provisions in munici-
pal Acts as to lii>:liways. Rev.
Stat. c. 199, M. 32, it. 2242.
Conrtruction of drainage works njiou
the lanils of, by agreement with
municipality, 57 V. c. 56. s. 85,
p. 226.
Constrnction (»f v. ork on ditches and
watercourses ui'on the lands of,
by UK'reenu'iit with municipality,
,' 57 V. c. 55. s. 21. p. 184.
Railway clauses of Ditches and
Watercourses A iiioiitliH froiti proiiiiilKatioii,
:>:> V. c. 42. s. 3^4. p. :{53.
To lie coiiiimttd from iHt .liiiuiiiry,
55 V. c. 41'. H. 364, p. 364.
<'oinicilH iiiiiy borrow fiiiulH to mt-t't
(•iirrcnt cxin'iKlitun-, p»«n(liii« col-
lection. 55 V. V. 35, H. 10. ]). 345;
57 V. V. 50, 8. 5, p. 167.
Hv-liiwH for (listiiiiilifyiiij.' flcrtorH
for iioii-pjiyiiiciit of. 55 V. c. 42,
H. 4S» (2). p. 413.
AiiKtuiit of license fee paid liy tniii-
sient tnnU-r to lie credited upon
his first yciir's taxes if lie re
nniiiis in the ninnicipality. 55 \'.
c. 42. s. 489 (9)f;, p. 415: 56 V. c.
35. H. 16. p. 146; 57 V. c. 50, s. 7.
p. 167.
Taxes to lie levied «'(nnilly on all
ratealile property when no other
provision nuide, 55 V, c. 48, 8. 6,
p. 561.
I.ialiility to jtaynient of, on land snli-
Ject to li "ii or charne in favonr
of Crown for nnpaid pnrchase
money. 55 V. c. 48, s. 19(/, p. 573.
.May lie recoverpd from owner, ten-
ant or occMipant, — or from any
fntui'e owner, tenant, or 'jcou-
pant, iavins his remedy over, 55
\'. c. i8, H. 20 (2). p. 574,
May lie dedncted from rent by o<-
c'.ipMiit when i)aid by him. un-
less there is a special ajrrceinent
to the contrary, 55 V. c. 48, s. 24,
p. 576.
Hy-laws for imposing bnsiness tax
on mercantile business, 55 V. c.
48, s. 31(1, p. 579.
<"ify. town, township, or Tilla^'e
councils may make all taxes,
iuchidinj; local improvement und
sewer rates for any year, pay-
aiile in bulk or by instaliniuts.
and allow a discount on prompt
payment, 55 V. c. 48, s. 53 (1), p.
rouucil may impose additional per-
centage of five per cent, upon
default in payment, 55 V. c. 48, s.
53 (2), p. 587.
KATES AND TWEi^ -Coniiitued.
Notice or demand f.'asurer of . p.
Taxes payable to Provincial Trea-
surer, to be collected in .siime
manner as local taxes. 55 V. c.
48. s. 120, p. 608.
Clerk to deliver roll, certified under
his hand, to the collector on or
before 1st f)ctolier, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 120. 1). 608.
Council may pass by-laws fixing;
other dates for delivery of rolls
to collectors, 55 V. c. 48, s. 120,
p. 608.
Clerk to make out rolls for lauds <'f
U()n-resitice or demand on roll, 55
V. c. 48, 8. 123 (1), p. 608.
In places other than cities and
towns, collectors to call once on
per.son liable, if resident in the
municipality, or if authorized by
by-law may leave a notice of
amount due, 55 V. c. 48, s. 123
(2), p. 609.
When payment not made within
fourteen days after demand or
notice, collector to levy taxes by
distress and sale, 55 V. c. IS. s.
124 (1), p. 609.
Costs chargeable to be those pay-
able to Division Court bailiffs,
55 V. c. 48, 8. 124 (1), p. 609.
When party liable is about to re-
move goods out of municipality
before expiry of time for pay-
ment, without paying taxes,
warrant may issue for distress
and sale, 55 V. c. 48, s. 124 (2).
p. 609.
City, for purposes of provisions relat-
ing to distress, to be deemed
to be within county. 55 V. c. 4S,
8. 124 (3), p. 609.
Non-residents who have given notice
to have their names placed on
the roll, to be notified by »)ost.
55 V. c. 48, s. 125. p. 609.
Collector to enter date of sending
notice to non-residents on his
roll, and entry to be evidence of
transmission of notice, 55 Y. c.
48. s. 125. p. 609.
In case of default in payment <>f
t!i\es by non-residents so noti-
fied, collector may distrain goods
found on the land. 55 V. c. 48. s.
126. p. 6i0.
Six days* public notice of sale of
goods distrained to be given, and
Roodf to be sold by public auc-
tion. 55 V. c. 48. s. 127. p. 610.
Surplus remaii.'ug after satisfaction
of taxes and costs in default of
other claim to be paid over to
HATES AND TA.XKi^— Continued.
person in whose possession dis-
trained goods were found, 55 V.
c. IS, s. 128, p. 610.
If claim to surplus is made by ))er-
sou rated, and his claim is ad-
mitted, surplus to be paid to him,
55 V. c. 48, s. 129, p. 610,
If claim contested, surplus to be
paid to treasurer pending the
determination of the rights of
the claimants, 55 V. c. 48, s, 130,
p. 610.
Taxes not recoverable in any >tther
manner may be recovered by
action, and ct)py of collector's
roll to be evidence of debt, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 131, p. 610.
la towns, villages and townships,
collectors to return rolls and
pay over proceeds by 14th De-
cember, or if allowed by council,
by 1st February, 55 V. c. 48, s.
132, p. 611.
Collector to make oath as to truth
of entries made by him on roll,
55 V. c. 48. s. 132, p. 611.
Collector to pay over amounts col-
lected to treasurer weekly in
towns and villages, and .>very
two weeks in townships, 57 V. c.
51. s. 6, p. 174.
If collector makes default in collec-
tion, other persons may be em-
ployed. 55 V. c. 48, 8. 133, p. 611.
Resolution authorizing such employ-
ment not to affect duty of col-
lector, or liability of himself and
his sureties. 55 V. c. 48, s. 133 (2).
p. 611.
In cities, councils may fix times for
return of collectors' rolls. 55 V.
c. 48, s. 134. p. 611.
When taxes unpaid and cannot be
collected, collector to make re-
turn in duplicate, giving reasons
for non-collection. 55 V. c. 48. s.
135. p. 611.
Clerk to mail notice of arrears to
person making default in jmy-
ment of taxes on land, 55 V. c.
48. s. 135. p. 611.
siou dis-
id, 55 V.
^ by )M»r-
m is ad-
i to hiiu,
IS to be
iiug the
•ights of
18, s. 130,
luy other
rered by
!bt, 55 V.
oils iiud
14th De-
Y council,
c. 48, s.
to truth
1 on roll,
uuts col-
eekly iu
lid .'very
57 V. c.
iu collcc-
be oiu-
J3, p. 611.
y of 00 1-
uself and
8. 133 (2),
tinu's for
Is. 55 V.
anuot be
make re-
i; reasons
('. 48. 8.
rrea rs to
iu imy-
55 V. c.
Tollector to be credited with amount
not realized upon making oath
as to taxes unpaid and his in-
ability to collect them, 55 V. c.
48. s. 136. p. 612.
Taxes without registratiou to form
a lirst charge on land except as
against the Crown, 55 V. c. 48, s.
137, p. 612.
Duties of treasurers, clerks and asses-
sors in relation to arrears, —
liists of lands in arrear for three
years to be furnished by county
treasurer to clerks of local muni-
cipalities, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 140, p.
Local clerks to keep lists in 'heir
otlices open to inspection ainl
give copies to assessors, 55 V. c.
48, s. 141, p. 613.
Assessors to ascertain if lands in
arrear occupied and notify occu-
pants, and owners when known,
that lands liable to be sold. 55
V. c, 48. s. 141, p. 613.
Assessors to enter particulars on
lists and sign and return vanie
to clerk, 55 V. c. 48. s. 141, p. 613.
Assessor's certificate on oath to be
attached to list when returned—
form of, 55 V. c. 48. s. 142, p.
I^)cal clerks to certify to county
treasurer what lands app"ar to
have become occupied t)r are in-
correctly described, 55 V. c. 48.
s. 143 (1). p. 613.
Treasurers to return to clerks ac-
count of arrears on such occu-
pied lanil. 55 V. c. 48. s. 143 (2).
p. 613.
Clerk to insert amount of arrears on
collector's roll. 55 V. c. 48, s. 143
(3). p. 614.
Collector to make return when there
is not sufficient distress to satisfy
taxes. 55 V. c. 48. s. 144, p. 614.
Local treasurers to make annual
return of unj>aid taxes to county
treasurer. 55 V. c. 48. s. 145 (1),
V. ^'14.
What to contain, 55 V. c.
145 (2), p. 614.
County tr<'asurer not bound
ceive statement after 8th
55 V.
48, 8.
to re-
48, 8. 145 (2), p. 614.
Occupied lands of non-residents
rem lining in arrear to be liable
to sale — arrears need not be
Itluced on collector's roll again,
55 V. c. 48. s. 146. p. 614.
Penalty for clerks or assessors neg-
lecting duties with regard to ar-
rears. 55 V. c. 48. 8. 147, p. 014.
After return of collector's roll, local
treasurer to receive arrears until
statement sent to county trea-
surer. 55 V. r. 48. s. 148 (1). p. 615.
After statement sent to county trea-
surer, collection of taxes to be-
long to him alone, 55 V. c. 48, s.
148 (2). p. 615.
Receipt to be given by county trea-
surer when taxes paid to him, —
what to contain, 55 V. c. 48, s.
148 (2), p. 615.
Local councils may pass by-laws
remitting taxes on non-resident
lands, clerk to forward copy of
by-law to treasurer. 55 V. c. ''8,
s. 149, p. 615.
Whole amount of arrears to be paid
jit once, unless land is sub-
divided. 55 V. <•. 48. s. 150, p. 615.
When necessary, treasurer may di-
viile land into different parts in
his books. 55 V. c. 48, s. 150, p.
Treasurer to furnish stnttment of
arrears on demand and charge
twenty cents for each lot up to
four, and twenty cents for every
additional ten lots, 55 V. c. 48. s.
151. p. 616.
No fee to be charged when person
making search forthwith pave
arrears. 55 V. c. 48. s. 151. p. 616.
County treasurer to keep separ-ite
book for each local municipality
in which to enter arrears, and
eomplete and lialance same on
Tvied by sheriff to satisfy
execution against nn-nicipality—
see Executions Against Munici-
I»al Corporations.
By-laws respecting yearly rates — see
Yearly Kates,
Assessment of property — see Assess-
Levying rates for drainage works
undertaken on local assessment
plan — see Drainage.
253. p.
Exemptiuns— see Exomptious from
For Hiuh School purposes — see Hijih
For local improvements — see Local
Rates for police village purposes-
see I*olice Villages.
For public school purposes — see Pub-
lic Schools.
Sale of lands for taxes— see Tax
luiiKisition and application of com-
mutation tax imposed in lieu of
statute labour — see Statute La-
"I{I:AL ESTATE," Meaning of. in
Municipal Acts, 55 V. c. 42. s.
2 (7), p. 244.
In Assessment Acts includes fix-
tures, trees and mines, 55 V. c.
48, s. 2 (9), p. 560.
"REAL PROPERTY." Meaning of, in
Municipal Acts, 55 V. c. 42, s. |
2 (7), p. 244.
In Assessment Acts, 55 V. c. 48, s.
2 (9). p. 560.
Compensation for lands taken or in-
jured — see Compensation for
liands Taken or Injured (55 V.
c. 42. ss. 483-488r. pp. 407-411).
Assessment — see Assessment.
Collection of taxes — see Rates and
Sale of lands for taxes — see Tax
RECEPTIONS, City councils may
make provision in estimates for,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 520rt, p. 450.
What amount may be provided, 55
A', c. 42, s. 520ff, p. 450.
RECORDS. To be kept by clerk of
council, 55 V. c. 42, s. 245. p. 325.
RECOI'NT, After elections, county
judge on affidavit may appoint
a time for. and give notice to
candidates, 55 V. c. 42, s. 163 (3),
p. 305.
RECOUNT— C'ojitinwcd.
Deposit of $25 to be made by appli-
cant, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 163 (4), p.
Who may be present at, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 163 (5), p. 305.
Opening of packets by judge, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 163 (6), p. 305.
To be a continuous proceeding, E5
V c. 42, s. 163 (7), p. 305.
When not proceeding, papers to be
sealed up and securely kept, 55
V. c. 42, s. 163 (7), p. 305.
Procedure by county judge. 55 V. c.
42, s. 163 (8), p. 306.
When concluded, ballot papers to be
si'aled up and result certified to
clerk, 55 V. c. 42, s. 163 (8), p.
Not to affect other remedies, 55 V. c.
42, s. 164, p. 307.
Costs payment of, to be determined
by judge, 55 V. c. 42, s. 165 (1).
p. 307.
Taxation. 55 \. c. 42, p. 165 (2), p.
Recovery of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 165 (3),
p. 307.
"REEVE," To include deputy-reeve,
except as to office of justice of
the peace, 55 V. c. 42, s. 2 (10),
p. 244. ■
REEVES. Office to cease upon with-
drawal of town from county, 55
V. c. 42, s. 25 (4), p. 256.
To file certificate of election before
taking seats in county council,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 65, p. 270.
Form of certificate, 55 V. c. 42, s.
66, p. 270.
In junior county to be ex-officio
members of provisional council,
55 V. c. 42, s. 72, p. 273.
In villages may be paid a salary, 55
V. c. 42. s. 23?, p. 322.
To be head of township or village
corporation, 55 V. c. 42. s. 243, p.
To be ex-officio justices of the peace,
55 V. c. 42, s. 416, p. 379.
REEVES— Continued.
Aftei" taking oath, not to require
property qualification to aot as
justices of the peace, 55 V, c.
42, 8. 417, p, 379.
ACT — see Drainage.
Exempted from taxation, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 7 (9), p. 562.
REFUSE, By-laws for regulating the
burning of, in the open air, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (24), p. 419.
REGISTRARS. Appointment in provi-
sional counties. 55 V. c. 42, s. 46,
p. 262.
Disqualified from membership in
councils, 55 V. c. 42, s. 77 (1), p.
Appointment as members of courts
for ht>aring appeals from equali-
zation of assessments, and pow-
ers and duties thereon, 55 V. c.
48, s. 79, p. 598.
See Rejiistration of Instru-
ments Affecting Lands.
—see Births, Deaths and Mar-
laws for contracting debts by
issuing debentures for longer
term than one year to be regis-
tered, 55 V. c. 42, s. 351. p. 360.
By-law and debentures to be valid
unless application to cpiash or
set aside made and certificate
thereof registered within three
months from registry, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 352 (1). p. 360.
Form of certificate, 55 V. c. 42, s.
356 (1). p. 362.
If proceedings to quash or .set aside
dismissed in whole or in part
by-law or so much thereof as is
not quashed to l)e absolutely
valid three months after regis-
try, 55 V. c. 42, s. 352 (2), p. 360.
Certificate of dismissal of proceed-
ings to be registered, 55 V. c. ^2,
s. 352 (2), p. 360.
Form of certificate, 55 V. c. 42, s.
356 (2), p. 362.
Notii'e of registry to be published
immediately thereafter, 55 V. c.
42, s. 352 (3), p. 360.
Form of notice, 55 V. c. 42, s. 354,
p. 361.
Irregularities in local improv»>ni''nt
by-laws not to invalidate same
after registry, unless proceedingA
taken within one month there-
after, 55 V,
c. 42. s. 352 (4), p.
of fifty
55 V. c.
Certificate of application to quash
to be registered within five
weeks after registry of by-law,
55 V. c. 42. s. 352 (5). p. 361.
Local improvement by-laws in
cities, towns and villages may Ue
registered at option of council,
55 V. c. 2. s. 353. p. 361.
By-laws to be registered as provided
by Debentures Registration Act,
iind registrar to be entitled to
fee of .$2 thereon, 55 Y. c. 42. s.
355. p. 362.
Registrar entitlfd to fee
cents for each certificat*
42. s. 356 (3). p. 362.
Changes in names of streets hnd
certificate of county jtidge. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 496 (31). p. 435.
By-laws since 29th ^larch, 1873. un-
der which roads are opened upon
private [troperty. to be registered
by deposit of duplicate certificate
by clerk under corponite s«'al. .^.5
Y. c. 42. s. 547 (1). p. 466; 56 V. c.
21. s. 83. p. 76.
Mode of registering by-laws or or-
ders of quarter sessions under
whieh roads have bf>en opened
on jtrivate property prior to 2nth
:Mareh. 1S73. 55 Y. c. 42. s. 547
(2), p. 467.
By-laws, orders
iiig changes
flaries to be
II council, etc.. inak-
in innnicipal
rcL'istered. 56 Y. c.
.21, s. 83 (3), p. 77.
— see Debentures.
Rt-Kistry Offices,
Where offices to be established. 56
V. c. 21, s. 3, p. 53.
Toronto offices, 56 V. c. 21, ss. 5,
6, I). 53.
Removal of offices, 56 V. c. 21, s. 8,
p. 54.
County councils to provide fire proof
offices and vaults, and fuel and
furniture, 56 V. c. 21. s. 9, p. 55.
Towns and cities to contribute to
expense, 56 V. c. 21, s. 9. p. f5.
Books to be provided by county trea-
surer, 56 V. c. 21. 8. 29. p. 60.
On default, registrar may provide
books and recover the cost, 56
V. c. 21. s. 30, p. 61.
County judge and warden to certify
to books, 56 V c. 21, s. 31. p. 61.
Determination of share of expense
upon withdrawal of town from
county, 55 V. c. 42, s. 25 (I), p.
New award after lapse of five
y«'ars, 55 V. c. 42. s. 25 (2). p.
Registrar's Fees, —
Recovery in certain cases from muni-
cipality, 56 \. V. 21, s. 115. p. 90.
Accounts to be kept. 56 V. c. 21, s.
117. p. 90.
Amount of gross income which
may be retained. 56 V. c. 21. s.
117, p. 90.
Payments out of gross income to
co!inty or city. 56 V. c. 21, s.
120. p. 92.
Paynu'uts out of net income to
county or city. 57 V. c. 9, s.
1 (6). (7). p. 49.
Certain fees not to b(» included in
arriving at amount payable to
county or city, 56 V. c. 21, s.
127. p. 94.
Of Particular Instruments. —
Award of fence-viewers. Rev. Stat,
c. 219. s. 10. p. 2357.
REGISTHATIOfl.ETC.— C'..«ti»Mf;rf.
Agreements between adjoininfi own-
ers as to line fences. Rev. St it.
c. 219, s. 13. p. 2357.
Award resiH>cting drainage works, to
be registered in division whor>
lands affected are situate, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 398, p. 374.
Deeds of lands conveyed to munici-
pality for highways, 56 V. c. 42,
s. 546 (5), 1). 466.
Of plans of unincorporated villages
before passing by-law for stop-
ping up and sale of roads. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 568 (1), p. 478,
Award authorizing taking of lands
for enlargement of cemetery, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (12r). p. 417.
Not necessary to preserve lien fnr
taxes accrued on land. 55 V. c.
48. s. 137, p. 612.
Plans of towns or villages to be
registered in certain cases, 56 \'.
c. 21. s. 103 (1), p. 83.
Of townships, 56 V. c. 21, s. 103 (3).
p. 83.
Expenses of preparation and regis-
tration, how to be borne, 56 V.
c. 21. s. 103 (2). p. 83.
To be registered in duplicate and
duplicate to be certified ly
r(>gistrar and deposited with
treasurer or assessment com-
missioner. 56 V. c. 21. s. 104. p.
Conditions of registration, — roads
not to be laid out less than
66 feet wide, 56 V. c. 21, s. Po
(6). p. 81.
Tax deeds — see Tax Sales.
Manhood Suffrage Voters.
REGRATING. By-laws for preventing,
56 V. c. 42. s. 503 (6). p. 441.
RELATOR. In proceedings to ipn- vali-
dity of election or rif,.,L to
elect — see Controverted Elections
(55 V. c. 42, ss. 187-208, pp. 312
RENT, Exempted from taxation, 55 V.
c. 48. s. 7 (26). p. 564.
See liandlord and Tenant.
REPOItTS. Wh<>n iimU'r consicU'ration
by coiint-'il at time of I'U'ction
may be procet'dod with there-
after. 55 V. c. 42, s. 284, p. 338.
KESEIIVOIUS, By-laws for establish-
iiiK, cleunsiii}; or elusinj;, ete,,
for proeiiriujr analysis of water
and charging for the nse of
water. 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (42). p.
IIESIGXATIOX, Of m.>mber of council
may be allowed by consent of
majority. 55 V. c. 42, s, 179, p.
RESOLUTIONS. Clerk to furnish
coi)ies wiien required. 55 \. c. 42,
8. 247 (1). p. 325.
Clerk's fees for making copies. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 247 (1). p. 325.
I'roceedings to quash— see Qmishing
By-laws. Orders and Resolu-
tions (55 V. c. 42. ss. 332-339. pp.
pointed by by-law for each ward
in nninicipality. 55 V. c. 42. s.
97 (1). p. 281.
Clerk to act for whole municipality.
55 V. c. 42, s. 97 (2), p. 282.
When no wards or polling suit-divi-
sions. 55 A', c. 42, s. 98. p. 282.
Death or absence, how provided for.
55 V. c. 42. s. 99. i). 282.
To be conservators of the peace. 55
V. c. 42, s. 100. p. 282.
'Slay swear in special constables, Eo
V. <•. 42, s. 101. p. 283.
To nuike declaration of office, 55 \'.
c. 42. s. 271f/. p. 334.
('hairman of meeting to elect roa 1
conunissioners to act as. 55 V. c.
48. s. 107. p. 605.
At elections of police trustees- see
Police Villages.
Duties in connection with nomina-
tions—see Nominations.
Duties in connection with elections
and voting on by-laws— see Elec-
tions; Voting.
REWARDS. May l)e off.uvd by
cils for discovery and apprehen-
sion of criminals, 55 V. c,
481, p. 407.
For aitprehension and conviction of
horse-thieves. by-laws provid-
ing for, 55 V. c. 42, s. 494. "p. 425.
By-laws for granting, to jtersons dis-
tinguishing themselves at tires,
56 V. c. 35, s. 22. p. 148.
aiding. 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (10), p.
RIOTS, Elections interrupted by, to be
resumed on following day, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 159. p. 303.
If f(Uir days elapse new election to
l)e ordered, 55 V. c. 42, s. 159,
l». 303.
Power to acquire property in.
and build dams. etc.. for running
electric light machini'ry. 55 \'. c.
42. s. 479(/. p. 406.
By-laws for i>rotecti(Ui of, 55 V. c.
42. s. 479 (4). p. 400.
For HMUoval of door steps, etc.,
ol)structing, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479
to), p. 401.
For improvement of. 55 V. c. 42,
s. 479 (6). p. 401.
For granting aid in establishi lent
of wharves, docks, beacons.
etc.. on. 55 V. c. 42. s. 479 tS).
I). 401.
Assent of electors required. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 479 (8), p. 401.
Security may be taken from pt r-
sons aided. 55 \. c. 42. s. 479
(S). p. 401.
For conipelling removal of oiistruc-
tions by the person respon-
sible. 55 V. c. 42. s. 496 ^26), p.
For i>rotecting and regu!;itiim
booms in. 55 V. c. 42. s. 511 (1),
p. 447.
Duty of councils with respect to pre-
venting the accumulation of
driftwood or fallen timber. 55 V.
c. 42, s. 535/j. p. 462.
RIVERS, Etc.— Continued.
By-laws for straightening, fti-.,
42, s. 550
wluMi dangerous to
and bridges, 56 V. o.
(2«), p. 469.
Uenioval of stones, etc., so as
endanger bridges, drains,
waterniains without consent
councils prohibited, 55 V. c.
s. 1, p. 156.
Penalty, 55 V. c. 23, s. 2, p. 156.
Municipal jurisdiction with resiiei-t
to bridges — see Bridges.
By-laws for deepening, straighten-
ing, cleaning, etc., by local rnt«'s
— see Drainage.
By-laws for constructing improve-
ments on local assessment plan
— see Y^ocal Improvements.
"ROAD." Meaning of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 2
<8), p. 244.
for ai»pointment, remuneration
and regulation of, 55 V. c. 42, s.
479 (2), (3). p. 400.
Appointment by county councils to
enforce the opening up and re-
pair of townsliip roads, 55 V. c.
42, s. 560, p. 474.
Moneys to be expended on ord'is
of. 55 V. c. 42, s. 561. p. 474.
Appointment by wardens and county
judge acting as arbitrators, 55
V. c. 42. s. 564. p. 475.
Twenty resident landholders in tin-
incorporated township may have
nu'eting called for election of.
55 V. c. 48. s. 102. p. 604.
Persons desiring meeting to be called
to sign ri'cjuisition to some per-
son nan)ed therein, 55 V. c. 48. s.
103. p. 604.
If person named neglects for ten
days to call meeting, three of <^he
persons signing requisition may
call it. 55 V. c. 48, s. 104, p. 605.
Notice calling meeting to name time
and place therefor, and be posh'd
up, 55 \. c. 48. s. 105. p. 605.
statute labour to be exi»ended on
roads on which labour should
have been iierfoniu'd. 55 V. c. 48.
s. 118, p. 607.
ROAD COMMISSIONEllS— '^ontmn^r!.
I'l'iialty for ri'fnsiiiR to sorvo (!ur-
intc term of t'lcctiun, 55 V. c.
48. s. 118(1. I). 607.
,3 ROAD COMTANIES, Iloads not to
l)ass throntih oitifs. towns or vll-
li\j,'cs without permission. Uev.
Stat. c. 159, s. 8, p. 1460.
Powers of county oHicers as to reffu-
latiii;j grade of road, Uev. Stat,
c. 159, 8. 10, p. 1469.
Thirty days' notice to he servod on
head of council hefore coniineac-
luii work. Rev. Stat. c. 159. s.
12. p. 1469.
If no hy-hiw passed within thirty
(hiys company nuiy procet'd. Rev.
Stat. c. 159. 8. 13, p. 1469.
When old road nniy he cU)sed up hy
council. Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 14,
p. 1469.
Companies may sell works and
rights to municipalities. Rev.
Stat. c. 159, s, 64, p. 1478.
Municipalities may sell roads or
st(Kk held by them, Rev. Stat. c.
159, s. 65, p. 1479.
Council or company may take ma-
terials for making or repairing
roads. Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 67, p.
Councils may acquire stock. Rev.
Stat. c. 159, s. 68, p. 1479.
Instalments, how paid, — dividends,
how applied, Rev. Stat. c. 159,
s. 69, p. 1480.
Election of directors, 55 V. c. 36.
s. 1, p. 189.
Councils may loan money to com-
panies. Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 71,
p. 1480.
Issue of debentures. Rev. Stat. c.
159. s. 72, p. 1480.
Application of provisions as to
taking stock and making loans,
Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 73. p. 1481.
Acquiring gravel beds. etc.. Rev.
Stat. c. 159, s. 74. p. 1481.
Sowing grass and destroying weeds
on road sides. Rev. Stat. c. lL-9,
s. 77, p. 1481.
Ru/ D COMPANIES— (;o)U//(««i.
On default, council may do the
work. Rev. Stat. c. 159. s. 78,
p. 14S2.
Tim(> for completion of work hy
company. Rev. Stat. c. 159, t-s.
79, 80. p. 1482.
A8snnii)tion of abandoned roads l>y
councils. Rev, Stat. c. 159, s. SI,
p. 1482.
Roads on private property, Re^ .
Stat. c. 159, s. 82. p. 1482.
Council may sanction tolls at bridges
at a higher rate than on roads,
Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 88, p. 1485.
Duty as to repair of roads.— «'nforcing
Company or municipality ownitig
roads to keep same in repair,
Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 99, p. 1487.
County judge may order engineer to
examine roads out of repair. Rev.
Stat. c. 159, s. 100, p. 1487.
Oath of engineer. Rev. Stat. c. 159,
s. 101. p. 1487.
Notice to company or municipality
if road out of repair. Rev. V.ttit.
C. 159, s. 102 (1), (2), p. 1488.
Report of engineer to county judge.
Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 102 (3), p.
Proce(>dings on expiration of time
limited in notice. Rev. Stat. c.
159, s. 103, p. 1489.
Disputes as to state of repair, Rev.
Stat. c. 159, s. 104, p. 1489.
Application to county judge. Rev.
Stat. c. 104 (1), p. 1489.
Inqiiiry by judge. Rev. Stat. c.
159. s. 104 (2), (3), p. 1489.
If judge decides that roads out of
repair, tolls to cease until re-
pairs made. Rev. Stat. c. 159.
s. 104 (4), p. 1489.
Costs, Rev. Stat. c. 159. s. 104 (5),
p. 1489.
Collection of tolls pending deci-
sion. Uev. Hiat. c. MK, a. 104 {(\),
p. 1400.
'' '!
ROAD COMPANIES— Conf !«««pairs. Uev. Stat. c. 159. !
s. 111. p. 1492.
Appointment of arbitrators, Uev. j
Stat. c. 159, 8. Ill (1), p. 1492. j
• Who may not be appointed, Uev. |
Stat. c. 159. 8. Ill (2), p. 1493.
List of persons signing requisition
for repair, Uev. Stat. c. 159. s.
Ill (3), p. 1493.
Appointment of third arbitrator.
Uev. Stat. c. 159, s. 112, p. 1493.
Oath of arbitrators. Rev. Stat. c.
159. s. 113, p. 1493.
Procedure. Uev. Stat. c. 159. s. 114.
p. 1493.
When arbitrators find that road
rendered fit for travel by the
liOAI) COM PANIES— ContmM«d.
Weather, Uev. Stat. c. 159. s.
114 m, p. 1493.
Award to show what repairs neces-
sary,— provision as to .-ollec-
tion of tolls, Uev. Stat. o. ir.9,
8. 114 (4), p. 1494..
Award to be in duplicate and be
filed and be final and binding,
Uev. Stat. e. 159, s. 115, p. 14:'4.
Ue-examination by arbitrators
after time limited for reimiiw.
Uev. Stat. c. 159, 8. 116. i»,
When arbitrators fail to examine
after notice, tolls may be col-
lected, Uev. Stat. c. 159, s. 117,
p. 1494.
Costs, Uev. Stat. c. 159. 8. AS. p.
Decision of majority to bind. Uev.
Stat. «•. 159, s. 19. p. 1495.
IVes. Uev. Stat. c. 159, 8. 120. p.
Forfeiture of right to take toll at
certain gates in case of neglect
to repair within time limited,
Uev. Stat. c. 159, s. 121. j). 14')5.
I'^orfeiture of road to county council
on continued neglect to rejtair,
Uev. Stat. c. 159, s. 122, p. 1495.
Uesponsibility of local municipali-
ties where county council de-
clines to assume road, Rev. Stat,
c. 159, s. 123, p. 1496.
.\ppointment of engineer by county
councils, his powers and duties.
53 V. c. 42. p. 90.
By-laws for appointment of cn-
ffin"er. 53 V. c. 42, s. 1 (1). p.
"Engineer," meaning of, 53 V. c.
42. s. 1 (2). p. 90.
Examination of roads or bridges
on requisition. 53 V. c. 42, s.
2. p. 189.
Notice of requisition to be given
to company. 53 V. c. 42, a. 3, p.
Engineer to examine, and give
notice to company of want of
repair, 53 V. c. 42. 8. 4, p. 90.
ROA D COMPANIES— rori/iHH*'./.
CtiiitfUiH of notlc*', 53 V. »•. 42. 8. 5,
p. 91.
R«'-<'Xnmiiiati(»n on oxpiry of tiuif
liiiiitcil liy notice. 5.3 V, o. 42. s.
6. p. !•!.
Tolls to cciist' until nmd n'pnir»'«l.
53 V. c. 42. H. 7. p. 91.
Spt'dul report by eujiineer lis to
eesser of toils. 53 V. e. 42, b. 8,
p. 91.
Powers of engineer, 53 V. c. 42, s.
9. p. 91.
Uiglit of iiitpeal to eonnty jndp'.
53 V. ('. 42. s. 9. p. 91.
Apitliciition of provisions as to
iirliitnition. 53 V. <•. 42. s, 10,
p. 92.
Application of Act to niuls «»\vne(l
liy individvnils, 53 V, c. 42, «.
11, p. 92.
Conipanii'S incorporated hy .special
charter or Act. — •■n>?inv'er to lie
appointed l»y county judjie, 55 V.
c. 36, 8, 3, p. 190.
PendinK actions not affected, 55 V.
c. 36, s. 4. p. 190.
Sale of roads under execution, —
Interest of company may be sold.
Kev. Stat. c. 159. s. 124. p. 1496.
If purchaser repays council making
repairs, right t(t road and tolls
to vest in him. Rev. Stat. c. 159,
8. 125 a), p. 1496.
If purchaser does not repair,— road
to revert to municipality, Rev.
Stat. c. 159, s. 125 (2). p. 1496.
Application of arbitration clauses.
Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 125 (3), p.
Application of foregoing provisions.
Rev. Stat. c. 159, s, 126. p. 1497.
Duty of purcliaser as to keeping
roads in rei)air, Rev. Stat, c. 159,
8. 127. p. 1497.
Provisions as to repairs and as to
sale of roads under execution, to
apply to all toll r<»ads. Rev. Stat,
c. 159, s. 128, p. 1497,
Offences and penalties.—
Taking more than proper toll. Rev.
Stat. c. 159. 8. 129, p. 1497.
Passing, or attempting to pass gates
withcnit paying. Rev. Stut. c. 169,
8. 130, p. 1498.
Wlien Imprisonment may l)e ordered
in first instance, Rev. Stat. c.
159, s. 131, p. 1498.
Enforcing payment in <"ase of refusal
to pay tolls. Rev. Stat. c. 159. ss.
i?*!, 133, p. 1498.
Using ro'id and turning off to avoid
pnyii ,; toll. Rev. Stnt. c. 159. s.
134. p. 1498.
Allowing others to pass through
lands to avoid paying toll, Rev.
Stat. c. 159. 8. 135. p. 1499.
Evading tolls by changing horses or
veliiclf^s^, Rev. St;.t. c. l.V.t, s. IDIi,
1). 14!MI.
Falsely claiming exemption, Rev.
Stat. c. 159, s, 137, p. 1499.
Removing or injuring materials or
property. Rev, Stat. c. 159, 8.
138, p. 1499.
Impounding swine running at large
on roads. Rev. Stat. c. 159, s.
139, p. 1501.
Impe |nirclia»fd aftt'r
twfiity-oiic ycarH Iroiii coiiiplc-
tioii of work, Kl'V. tStat. c. 159,
H. 161, p. 1504.
lUiiht to piircliasf before expiry of
twenty-one years, UfV. Stat. c.
15», 8. 151, i>. 1504.
Value of stock to be determlnod by
arbitration, Uev. Stat. c. 159, h.
152, p. 1504.
Powers of nninieipalities and otliers
as to works on toli roads, —
IManlinj,' trees, Rev. Stut. f. 159, es.
153, 154, p. 1504.
Work on land lying alon),'sido of the
roadway, ll(!V. Stat. o. 159, s.
154, p. 1504.
Council may make crossings, con-
struct drainage works, etc., as
iu case of other highways. Rev.
Stat. c. 159, 8. 155, p. 1504.
Foregoing provisions to apply to
lessees and owners of roads.
Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 156, p. 1505.
Application of various provisions iu
Acts respecting road companies.
Rev. Stat. c. 159, s. 157, p. 1505;
52 V. c. 27, p. 101; 53 V. c. 42, s.
11, p. 92.
By-laws for taking stock, or lending
or granting money to, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 479 (11), p. 402.
For granting permission to con-
struct roads and levy tolls, 55
V. c. 42, s. 550 (7), p. 470.
Personal property exempt from tax-
ation but not income derived
from shares, 55 V. c. 48, s. 34
(2). p. 579.
Expropriation of toll roads by
municipalities — see Toll Roads,
(52 V. c. 28, p. 101).
Commutatiou of tolls by owner of
land adjoining roads— see Tolls,
57 V. c. 46, p. 159.
ROAD OVERSEERS— see Overseers of
Highways; Pathmasters.
ROADS— see Highways.
ROAD SIRVKVORS, By-laws for ap-
pointment, remuneration and
regulation of, 65 V. c. 42, s. 479
(2), (;{), p. 400.
for regulating and licensing, 55
V. c. 42, s. 489 (25), p. 419.
ROOFS, Hy-IiiwH for regulating size
ami strength of, 55 V. c. 42, s.
479 (16(1), p. 403.
Requiring incombustible materials
to be used within prescribed
areas, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (10),
p. 431.
For compelling use of scuttles and
ladders, 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (19),
p. 433.
For <'oinpelling removal of Awnw
and ice from, 55 V. c. 42. s.
496 (25), p. 433.
ROUGE ET XOIR, By-laws for seizure
and destruction of apidiances
for. 55 v. c. 42. s. 489 (36), p. 42t.
seizing and destroying, 55 V. c.
42, s. 489 (36), i». 421.
RI'NXERS, By-laws to prevent the
importuning of travellers bv, 55
V. c. 42. s. 496 (6), p. 431.
Respecting purchases of markereil
goods by, 55 V. c. 42, s. 503 (8),
p. 441.
RYE, Market fees not to be collected
on, 55 V. c. 42, s. 497 (1), p. 137.
SAILLXG VESSELS. Exempted from
taxation, but not their earnings,
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (28), p. 564.
SALARIES, May be paid to treasurers,
55 V. c. 42, s. 249, p. 326.
When not provided for by law, to
be settled by council, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 278 (1), p. 336.
Council not to call for tenders for
offices, 55 V. c. 42, s. 278 (2), p.
Payment, to counsel, etc., not to
affect recovery of costs, 55 V. c.
42, s. 278 (3), p. 336.
wot to
55 V. <■.
SXhiKTllKH— Continued.
Muy Ih> ptiiil to |tolir(> coiiiinisHiiiih'i's
ill liirm- cilics r>5 V. c 41'. s. 4:54
iL'), 1 1. :m.
Tk lie piiiviilftl tor pnlict' (om- liy
('oiiiM'ilN 1)11 r('(|iiisiti(iii of police
roiiiniiHNioiD'i's, 55 \'. c. 42, s. 444,
p. :;«i>.
'I'u rciisi' iliiriiiK suspension tioin
uHire, 55 \\ c. 42, h. 451. p. L!90.
SALVAtJIO ('(>MI»A\IES. Ry laws fur
IM'oiiiotinu. estiililisiiin^ iuhI i<--
KMliltillK. 5."> v. r. 42. s. 4'.tti (111.
i.. 4:!2.
See I'irelliell.
lie llealtii.
SA'.'M.NCS see Trees.
S.\\\ -l.nCS, I'ly-lnws for proie.iin;:
iinil reunhitiiiK lioonis, 'i.'i \'. e.
42. s. ,-,11 (1). p. 447.
T.i he provitli'«l liy eoiineils, I'oi n-
.staliles in eluirjfe of county lock- j SAW Mll.i.S. Uy-lnus lor ti\iie.' dis
npH, IJb V. c. 42, s. 456, p. 391. i tiince t'roiii iiitxliways at wliii h
To i,e provi.le.1 lor Ka..lers. ..|.-., I,y portal'l"' steam en>:inesimiy he
.ouiitv .•ouncils snl.ject to r,:. "^'■''- •'" ^- '•• ■»-• >*■ ^>-^' <''•»'• '-'^)'
S('.\l'l'0|,|)I.\(i. Ity-laws for rei;iilat-
\\iti the construction of. 5.') \'. c.
42. .s. 489 (16(/). II. 417.
i|iiii'eineiils of inspectur of i»ri- '
suns, 55 \'. c. 42. s. 4K4 (li. p
•« To he in lien of all fees ami per-
(piisiles from prisoners. ")5 \'. c.
42, s. 465, i». 394.
My-hiws for reKnlntiiife', 55 V. c. 42.
s. 479 Ci). p. 400.
tMlicial iiK'ome oi' (Jovernor-tJeneral
an I Lieutenant-tJovernor ex-
eniittcd from taxation. 55 \'. c.
4S. .-;. 7 (11). II 56:5.
Of certain lm|ierial olHcers ex-
empted from taxation, 55 \'. e.
48. s. 7 (12). p. 563.
E.vempt from taxation to extent
of $700. 55 V. c. 48. s. 7 (23). p.
Exemption may be waived, 55 V. c.
48, s. 8. p. 564.
Exemption aliolished as to eertain
officers of suiH'rior courts, ap-
pointed since 5tli Mardi, 1880,
55 V. c. 48, s. 11. p. 566.
Wliere to lie usHessed, 55 V. c. 48. s.
38. p. 580.
May lie paid to treasurers in lieu of
percentage on non-resident land
fund. 55 V. c. 48. s. 219. p. 632.
Tax Sales.
SALOONKEErEIlS. Disqualified from
meni'>ership in eonncils, 55 V. v.
42. s. 77 (1). p. 275.
See Intoxicating Liquors.
D.M.I. — 14
SCnoLAItSIIM'S. IJy-laws h>v ini.viuv'
expenses of lii^rli sf-.fu'ol m ;.iili-
lic school pupils riiiir for.
.55 V. c. 42. s. 4!).". (7i. (Ki. ji 4':'<.
Hy-laws for eiidowiueni ^<(. at
I'liper ("aiiadii ("(►lic;;c :iiiti To
ronto I'niversity. .-." \'. c 42. s.
(495 (9). p. 428.
SCHOOL CKNSl's, Asse-SMrs to m;iko
annual list of cliildreii lietweeii
ei^'lit iind foiirleeii years of are.
and return same to clerk for ise
of truant officer. .54 \'. c. 56. s. ll.
p. 172; 55 V. c. 48. s. 14c. i>. 572.
Form of. 54 V. c. 56. Sched., p. 173 ;
55 V. c. 48. Sclied. M.. [i. 644.
Assessors to make annual census of
children hetween five ami twenty-
one years of ajfe and clerk to
repoi't same to insjiector and
school hoard. 56 V. c. 38, s. 2. p.
SCHOOL IIorSES. Hy-hiws for ol)
taininji land for, 55 \'. c. 42. s.
489 (10). p. 41,5.
SCHOOLS. .Appropriation of unex
pended balances of munici|i.>li-
ties fund to. llev. Stat. c. 30. s.
3. p. 326.
Surplus moneys derived from muni-
cipalities fiinil or other souiv -s
may he set apart and invested
for. 55 y. c. 42. s. 378. p. 369.
M !
■ i
HCHOOLH— C'oHNwwfrf.
Monc.v s s<'t iiimrt may In; luaiu'tl to
tnistt'cs or Krantt-d to i»i)or stliool
h«'ctioiis, 55 v. c. 42, «. 379, p. "ii'J.
HorrowiiiK iiioiicys n'«iuii't'd fur c\ir-
rt'iit cxiK'iHliturt', 57 V. c. 50, >*.
5. i». 167.
Moneys liorrowt'd to be paiil iivcr
to iiciisurtr ot lioaril in
luoiithly iiistaliiU'Uls, 57 \ . c.
50. s. 5. p. 167.
Tcarlurs. otlicers and servants, ex-
eiMiit from serving in munieipal
olliees. 55 V. e. 12. s. 78, p. 275.
Bonds (»f treas\irer and sureties to
iipjdy to seliool moneys, 55 V. e.
48, s. 249, i». 6;i7.
liy-iaws for regiiiatiu},' means of
egress from, 55 \'. e. 42, s. 47'J
(16), i». 403.
Wlien liable to assessment fur local
imjirovemeuts. 55 \'. e. 42, s. tiJ6(/.
l>. 516.
When exempt from taxatiuu, 55 V.
e. 4S. s. 7 (4), p. 562.
Notice of assessment to ouniain
noti<-e as to wliether nitepaver
is assessed as a supporter of
public or separate schools, 55 \'.
e. 48. s. 47«, p. 583.
Notice to lie given of change in as-
sessment as a public or separate
school supporter, 56 V. c. 38. s. '
4. )). 153.
Assessor to 1k' guided by index lunk. :
in ascertaining who have biven I
the notice necessary to exempi
them from i)ublic school tax. 55 |
\'. c. 48, s. 47?;, p. 583.
Alining schools — see Mining Schools
(54 V. c. 60. p. 195).
("oiiii»uIsory attendance— see 'I /ii-
ancy (54 V. c. .56. p. 169).
High schools— see IIii;h Schools.
Indnstriiil schools — see Industrial
rublic schools-see I'ublic Schools.
S«'|»arate schools —
for establishment of, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 495 (13), p. 429.
Appointment of trustees or managers
of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (13)«. p. 429.
By-laws for aiding. 55 V. c. 42. s.
495 (14), p. 430.
perty exempted from taxation.
56 V. c. 42, s. 7 (10), p. 563.
SCRITINY, Elector may apply to
«'ounty judge within two weeks
after voting on by-law, 55 V. c.
42. s. 323. p. 350.
Petitio.i to be supported by affi-
davit. — security for costs to be
given. 55 V. c. 42. s. 323, p. 350.
.ludge to appoint a day, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 323, p. 350.
One week's notice to be given as
directed by judge, and to clerK,
55 V. c. 42. s. 324. p. 351.
Clerk to atteuvl with ballots, and
judge to hear argument aud
certify result to council, 55 V. c.
42. s. 325. i». 351.
.ludge to possess same powers as on
trial of controverted election. 55
V. c. 42. s. 326. p. 351.
Costs to be in discretion of judge,
55 V. «•. 42, s. 326, p. 351.
SCITTLES, By-laws for compelling
the construction of, in roofs, 55
V. c. 42. s. 490 (19), p. 433.
SEAL — see Cori»orate Seal.
licensed and regulated in cities
by board of polic. commissioners,
or by council where there is no
board, 55 V. c. 42, s. 436 (1). (4),
p. :\H7.
SECURITY. To be given by relator in
proceedings to test validity of
election or right to elect, 55 V. c.
42. s. 188. p. 313.
Annual investigation and report to
be made by auditors of condition
of security given by treasurer,
55 V. «. 42. s. 203 (2f;), p. 331.
>, By-laws
5 V. i;. 42,
3)a. p. 429.
. c. 42, 8.
)NS, Pro-
). 563.
apply to
two WtM'kS
,v, 55 V. c.
•cl by affi-
•osts to be
323, p. 350.
55 V. c. 42,
(> given as
ul to tiers,
)aUot8, and
umeut uud
oil, 55 V. c.
jwers as on
election. 55
n of jud;.:e,
. 351.
in roofs, 55
p. 433.
5, May be
:ed in cities
there is no
. 436 (1), (4),
see Voting.
»y relator in
validity of
lect, 55 V. c.
ad report to
of condition
)y treasurer,
(i), p. 331.
Municipal councils may accept poli-
<-ies of jiuirantee companies in
lieu of bond with sureties, C5 V.
<•. 42. s. 281, p. 337.
riM)n acct'ptance existing; securi-
ties to be cancelled, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 281, p. 337.
To be given by i, ..tloner for scru-
tiny after voting on l)y-law, Lh
V. c. 42, s. 323, p. 3.50.
To be given by api>licants for orders
to (piash by-laws, 55 V. c. 42, s.
.•^32 (31, p. 353.
^lay be given by councils, for pay-
ment for jtublic works purcluis-'d
from the ("nnvn, 55 V. c. 42, s.
34tt, p. 35rt.
To be valid although no special
rate settled, 55 V. c. 42, s. 349.
p. 359.
To l»e given by cumplaiuant to con-
stable milking arrest without
warrant for breach of the i)e'ice
not committed in his presence, 55
V. c. 42, s. 449. p. 390.
T > be given l)y municipal officers,
by-laws for regulating, 55 V. c.
42, s. 479 (31, p. 400.
May lie taken from persons receiv-
ing aid towards erection of hai--
bdur works, etc., 55 V. «■. 42. s.
479 (8). p. 401.
May be required from consumer be-
fore corporation lays on gas and
water, 55 V. r. 42. s. 480 (4), j».
.•^KKDS. .Market fees not to be colle'-tcd
on, 55 V. c. 42. s. 497 (1). \). 437.
By-laws imposing fees on jH-rsons by
selling in streets adj.-srent to
markets, not to aiiiiiy to. 55 \'.
c. 42, s. 498 (3), p. 43s».
SKLEC'l'OKS— see .Jurors.
.SI:LF-("U1MINATI()X. Not to ex.ns..
witness in i»rocee(lings reljiiing
to elections or voting on by-laws.
55 A', c. 42, s. 219. p. 320.
SENATiO, Memliers exemitt from serv-
ing in councils or as officers, 55
V. c. 42, s. 78. p. 275.
of unexiiended balances of muui-
cipalities fund to school jmr-
poses, liev. Stat. c. 30, s. 3, p.
Protestant untl Coloured, —
Exemption of supporters from public
school rates?. Rev. Stat. s. 2'^7,
ss. 8, 9, p. 2468.
Not to share in public school grants,
Itev. Stat. c. 227, s. 10, p. 2468.
Clerks and trustees to »'xempt sui>-
porters from public school rates,
Kev. Stat. c. 227, s. 14, p. 2469.
Clerk to allow use of assessor's or
collector's rolls ]>y trustees. Uev.
Stat. c. 227. s. 15. p. 2469.
J'ower of trustees to levy nites. Rev.
Stat. c. 227. s. 17. p. 2469.
Itoniaii Catholic. —
Rural scho(ds, api)lication to coun-
cil by trustees of rural schools
for lu'cessary rates. Rev. Stiit.
(• 1.27. s. 28 (9), p. 2474.
l-]xejnption of indigent jiersoiis
from rates. Rev. Stat. c. 2:.7,
s. 28 (13). II. 2475.
I'rban schools, clerk to fm'nish copy
of voters' list to lioanl, Rev,
Stat, c, 227, s. 31 (13). (141, p.
l-'stiniates to be laid before council.
Rev. Stat. c. 227. s. 32 (5). p.
.Vssi'ssmeuts. —
lOxeniptiun from publi<- school rates
on iriving notice. Rev. Stat. c.
227. s. 4(1. p. 2483.
Time for iri\ing notice, 53 V. c. 7],
s. 8. II. KH.
Clerk to uivi" ccrtiticate of not! 'c
having been given. Rev. Stat. c.
227. s. 41. p. 2483.
I'l'iiaUy for wilful false st:itenients
in notice. Rev. Stat, c 227. s. 42,
p. 2483.
No exemption as to rates imposed
before school establislied. Rev.
Stat. c. 227, s. 43. p. 2484.
Who to be deemed supjtorters. Rev.
Stat. c. 227. s. 44, p. 2484.
\Vhen non-reiident inav vote, Rev.
Stat. 0. 227, s. 45, p. ^2484.
I-'' ■*
Ai»proj)ii!itit»n ol' nou-residcuts'
tiix«'s. lU'V. Stat. c. 227. s. 4G, i>.
Willitlniwal of supporti'fs fi'Diu st'p-
aiMli> scliDols, lU>v. Stut. c. 1.27,
s. 47, p. 2484.
Duty i»l' iLssfHsors, Kt-v. Stat. c. 227.
8. 48, 1). 2484.
Statfuieiits to assessor, 53 V. c. 71.
s. 4. p. IGO.
Court uf revision to decide (dui-
plaints, Kev. Stat. c. 227, s. 48
(.3). p. 2485.
Collector's roil— Curtlier coluiuus.
Uev. Stat. c. 227. s. 49. p. 2485.
Clerk to uialvc annual return of sep-
arate school supporters, Itev.
Star. c. 227. s. 50. p. 2485.
Clerk to give trustees annual state-
ment of supporters. 53 V. c. 71. s.
9. p. 162.
Uifilits of owner and occupant re-
spectively. Rev. Stat. c. 227, «.
51, p. 2485.
Companies reiiviirini; to be as.sessed
for sei)arate school purposes.
Rev. Stat. c. 227. s. 52. p. 2486-
55 V. c. 48. s. 21 (3). p. 574.
Lands on wliicli rates are nncol
lecled to he returned hy clerk.
Rev. Stat. c. 227. s. 53 (3)," p. 2487.
Council to make uj) deficiency, Rev.
Stat. c. 227. s. 53 (5>, p. 24S7.
Rijilits of trustees to copies of as-
sessment ndl. Rev. Stat. c. 227.
s. 54, p. 2487.
Corrcitioa of mistakes hy council,
53 V. c. 71. s. 5, p. 160.
Duty of councils ns to collection of
rates, Rev. Stat. c. 227. s. 55. p.
Agreement between municipality ai.d
board as to payment in lieu of
ratt>8. Rev. Stat. c. 227, s. 56. p.
Distribution of county rate. Rev.
Stat. c. 227. 8. 57. p. 2488.
Index book of supporters to be kept
by clerk of municipality, 53 V. c.
71. 8. 1, p. 159,
Form of. 53 V. c, 71, Sched. p. 162.
Assessor to he guided thereby, 53
\. c. 71. s. 3, p, 160.
As,s(>s.sor to be guided by index look,
55 \'. c. 48. s. 411). p. 583.
Supporters to be so designated on
assessment ndls, 55 \. c. 48. s.
14 (3). p. 567.
Evid»>nce on wliich assessor to enter
[)ersuns jis separat<' school ~iip-
porters, 55 V. c. 48. s. 14 (4t. p.
Notice of assessment to (•ontaln no-
tice as to whether ratepayer is
assessed as a supi)orter of pul)lit-
or separ;ite school. 55 \', c. 48.
s. 47»/. p. 583.
Notice to be given of change in
a.ssessment, 56 V. c. 38. s. 4. p.
AiiiMtintnn-nt of unMubers ')f iiigh
school l)oi\rd by, 54 V. c. 57, s, 11
(5). p. 179.
Appointment of nu'Uibers of free
library Imard by. Rev. Stat. c.
189. s. 3. p. 2045.
SERVANTS. By-laws respecting intel-
ligence otiices for. 55 A', c. 42. s.
479 (24)-(28). p. 405.
liy-laws for preventing sui)plying of
intoxicants tit. without consent
of cmi)loyers. 55 V. c. 42, s. 489
(32). p. 420.
SEWERS. Debts contracted by uiunici-
l)alities for construction to be
payable in tliirty years. 55 V. c.
42, s. 340 (3), p. 355,
Del)ts nniy be payable in annual in-
stalnu'iits. .55 V, c 42. s. 342 (1).
p. 356.
May be extended by councils into
adjoining municipHlities. ui»oii
agreenu>nt or award as to terujs.
55 V. c, 42. s. 492 (j). p, 42 1.
If extension or connection objectt d
to l>y adjoining municipality, ar-
bitrators to consider whether
they should be permitted, 55 \.
c. 42. s. 492 (2). p. 425.
V. (•
S\^yfERS— Continued.
Open (Iniins or scwtTS not authoi-
i/A'd, luid Ditclu's and Wuti-r-
roiirst's Ac-t. not to \>v afffott'd.
05 V. «■. 4U. s. 4S)2 (2j. i». 425.
i'owcrs of township councils not
iiffi'ctcd, 55 N'. f. 42, s. 492 (3), p.
On toll roads to he kept in repair by
municipality. 55 V. c. 42, s.
r,n (3). p. 457.
Limitation ot actions caused l>v
c. 42
s. 531
non-r('i)air, 55 \'
(3). i». 457.
Total or partial exemption of farm
lands in towns and villages from
tiixation for. 55 V. c. 48. s. In.
p. 564: 57 V. c. 51. s. 1. p. 171.
Construction as local improvemcnis
— see Local Improvements.
Se(> Drainajie.
SHADE 'i'KEES— see Trees.
SHAVINtJS. By-laws for regulating the
burning of, in the open air, 55 V.
0. 42, s. 489 (24>. p. 419.
SniOEr. What nnirket fees may be
chart,'e(l for, 55 V. c. 42. s. 497
(7). p. 438.
What fees may be charged for
weighing, 55 V. c. 42. s. 497 tS),
p. 439.
Hy-hiws for prohibitiii}; driving on
certain streets. 55 V. e. 42, s
496 (36), 1). 436.
When owned and held by occupant
of farm, exempted from taxa-
tion. 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (14r/). p. 563.
Number of. to be enten-d after name
of owner on assessment roll. 55
V. c. 48. s. 14 (3). p. ,568.
r»y-l:iws for app(»inting inspectors of,
when killed or worried bv dogs.
55 V. e. 42, s. 479 (2); 56 V. c. ."s'
■s. 12, p. 146.
Protection of — see Dogs.
SIIAHEFIOLDEKS. In <(mipanies dei.l- i ^., „,,,„,,, „
ing with corporation may sit in j '"^J"'^!^ * KRS FOR CIIILDREX-sce
council, but may not Vf)te (»n i Children.
(luestions aftecting compiiny, .'5 j SHELTERS FOR DRIVEIIS By-l-iws
\. c. 42, s. 77 (2). p. 275. j respecting. 55 V. ,•. 42. s. 496 (3S..
SiL\Ki:S. Exempt from taxation, 55 \'. !'• ^36.
c. 48. s. 7 (181. p. 564.
l>ank stock exempted, but not divi-
dends, 55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (17). p.
In luiilding societies, railways or
loan companies exempted from
tiixation. but not dividends tlie-e-
from. 55 V. c. 48. s. 7 (19). p. 564.
When not standing in name of bene-
ticial owner, such owner to be
as^jcssed for income derivetl
laws for compelling electric
street railways to provide in
winter months. 57 V. c. .50. s 11
p. 168.
therefrom, .55 V
e. 4S, s.
In banks and certain companies ic-
(luiring to invest th<'ir capital in
I'cal estate, income derived there-
from to l)e taxable. 55 V. e. 4«.
s. 34 (2). p. 579.
Comp.niies, on written request of
assissor. to furnish a list of
sharei:olders residing in munici-
pality with their income from
dividends, etc.. and list to be cer-
tified by head otiic.-r, 55 V. <•. 48.
s. 43. J I. 582.
SHERIFFS. County to j.ay for pro<. 42. .^. 146. 1). 262.
Powers as to execution of process in
Junior county after separation,
56 V. <•. 42, s. 49. jip. 263. 264.
I'; t
h \
J; f
214 SHE
SHERIFFS— Cont/nMcrf.
Disqunlifipd from nicMnlxM-ship in
cDiiiicils. h't y. c. 42. s. 77 (1). p.
To hold ni'W election wlien eleetion
f)r all nieinhers of eonneil :i9. p. 315.
To rec(>ive and keep prisoners eoni-
initted to eonnty jrnols. 55 V. c.
42. s. 454. p. .391.
To h.Mve snjx'rvision of county jrnols,
and appointment of (liiolers. sub-
ject to approval of Lieutenant- I
CJovernor. 55 V. c. 42. s. 464, p. |
394. !
AppointmtMit as miMuhers of court I
for hearing appeals from efpiali- |
zation of assessments, and dtilies |
and powers tliereoii. 55 V. c. 48, j
s. 79. p. 598.
Mode of resrlsterinff t;ix deed when j
given liefore 1st .7a ny.. 1851, 55 l
V. c. 48. s. 185. 0. fi23." j
When deed uiven hetweeii 1st .Tan.,
18.51. and 1st .Tan,. 1866. 55 Y.
c. 48, s. 186. p. 623.
Penalty for wilful omission of duties
umier Assessment .\cts, 55 V, c, j
48. s. 239. p. 635. j
To execute warrant of county trea- I
surer for <-ollection of county !
r!it<>s from local muuicipalitv, 55 I
V. c. 48. s. 245. 1). 636.
T"* -oceedinffs upon warrant to levy'
iiirainst collectors not a<'coum':ii.' j
for moneys, and proceedings u, >n ',
non-return of warrant — .see Col-
lectors (55 V. e. 48, ss. 231-230, jui. i
6.34-635). " j
Duties with respect to exertitinns '
against muuicii)al cor(>orations - |
.see Executions Against Munici-
pal Corporations. 55 V. c. 42, ss.
428. 429. p)>. 383. 384),
SHIXCLE MILLS, By-laws f„r fixing
distance from highways at which
IH)rtahle steam engines may he
us(>d. 55 V. o. 42, s, .521 (19). (20)
p. 4.53.
STTOr-KEEPERS, To he assessed for
all their personal property in
muniri])ality whore place of husi- I
ness is situate. 55 V. o. 48, s. r,6
(1). p, 580,
Assessment of i)ersonaIty where
more than one place of business.
55 V. c. 48. s. 36 (2t. p. 580.
Act to regulate tlie closing of. and
the hours of labour therein of
children and young |>ersous. 51
V. ('. 33. p. 80 : 52 V. c 44.
p. 165,—
Short title, 51 V. c. 33. s. 1. p. SO.
Early Closing By-laws. —
Interpretation, "shop." "closed." "un-
incorporated village." "local coun-
cil." "municipality." 52 V. c. 44.
s. 2. p. 165.
By-laws to determine hours of early
closing. 52 V. c. 44. s. 4. p. 166.
Council to pass by-law on app!i)>lieation. 51 V. <•.
33. s. 2 (5). p. 81.
by-law. 51 V
and publication <>f
c. 33, s. 2 (6), p. 81.
Uestrictiveral trades are
cjirried on. 51 V. c. 33, s. 2 (9>.
p. S2.
Ivxceiitions as to sales by druggists,
51 V. <■. 33, s. 2 (101, p. 82,
Supnlying articles to lodgers, 51 V.
c. 33, s. 2 (11), p. S2.
Supi>lying ai'ticles to i>assongers «>i
vessels, 52 V. c, 44. s. 3, p. 166.
Agent or servant to be liable to a
|)enalty. 51 V. c. 33. s. 2 (12). p,
Exemption of occuiiier on convic-
tion of actual offender. 51 V. c.
33, s, 2 (13). p. 82,
By-laws to be deemed to have 1)een
I)assed under the Municipal Act.
51 V. c. 33. s. 2 (14). p, 83,
QB.OFS— Continued.
Powers of township councils, 52 V.
c. 44, s. 5. p. 167.
By-liiws may contain diflVrtMit pro-
visions for diffprent localitios. G2
V. ('. 44. s. 5. p. 16T.
By-law invalid as to ono class may
be Rood as to others, 52 V. c. 44.
s. 5. p. 167.
Burden of proof as to sufficiency of
application, 52 V. c. 44, s. 5. p.
Employment of Children and Young
Interpretation, "shop," "young i)er-
son," "employer," "week," "par-
ent," 51 V. e. 33, s. 3 (2), p. 83.
Hours for «'mployment of young per-
sons. 51 V. c. 33, s. 3 (3), p. 82.
Time to he allowed for meal hours.
51 V. c. 33, 8. 3 (3). p. 83.
Young persons who have been on
same day employed in factories.
51 V. c. 33. s. 3 (4). p. 84.
IVnaltv imi)osed on employer. 51 V.
c. 33, s. 3 (5). p. 84.
Penalty imposed on parent, 51 V. c.
33. "s. 3 (6), p. 84.
Seats to he itn)vided for female em-
ployees. 51 V. c. 33. s. 3 (7). p. 84.
Notice of hours of emi>loymi'nt to
lie exhibited in shop. 51 V. c. 33.
s. 3 (8), p. 84.
Form of notice. 51 V. c. 33, Sclied.
p, 86.
Powt'r of employer to exempt him-
self «ui conviction of actual of-
fender. 51 V. c. 33, s. 3 (9). p. 84.
Pndiibition not to apitly when per-
sons are employed at home, 51 V.
c. 33. s. 3 (10). p. 85.
Oiius !•< t'j proof of age. 'd V. c. 33.
s. 3 (11), p. 85.
Restriction as to cumulative penal- {
ties, 51 V. c. 33. s. 3 (12t. p. 85. |
., Application of fines, 51 V. <•• 33. s.
3 (13), p. 85.
Limitation of time and ueneral pro- j
visions as to s\immary proceed-
ings. 51 V. c, .33, fl. 3 (14), p. 85.
SHOVH— Continued.
Prosecutions and procedure, 51 \'. c.
33, R. 3 (15), p. 86.
Protection of employee's in places of
business oth m" than factories — see
Places of B!isiness (55 V. c. 54,
s. 6, p. 658).
SHORES. By-laws for protecting. r,5 V.
e. 42. 8. 479 (4). p. 400.
For removing obstructions from
and improving. 55 V. <•. 42, s.
479 (5). (6). p. 401.
For compelling removal of obstruc-
tions by persons responsible. 55
V. c. 42, s. 496 (26). p. 433.
ment, for local courts on recom-
mentlation of county council,
Rev. Stat. c. 46. s. 25 (1). p. .^01.
Apportionment of salary Ix^tween
comity and city or town. Rev.
Stat. c. 46. s. 25 (3). p. 501.
SHRPBS— see Trcs.
SHT'NTAH. Time for sitting of court
of revision. 55 V. c. 48, s. 64 (I'.M.
p. 592,
Time for api>ealinir from court ot"
revision. 55 V. c 4S, s. 68 (2). p.
Holdintr court for hearing appeals,
.55 v. c. 4S, s. 68 (7). p. 592.
SH)EWALKS. By-laws for preventing
riding or driving of horses and
cattle on. 55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (5(,
p. 431.
P.y-laws for tlie removal of snow,
ice !ind dirt from. 55 V. c. 42,
s. 196 (2".». p. ^T.: 57 \". c. 5'). s.
10, p. 168.
Liability of corporation for ncci-
ilents, arising from non-removal
of snow or ii'e, 57 V. c. 50, s. 13,
p, 16S.
Shelters for di'ivers not to ])ro,iect
over without con.sent of adjoin-
ing owners, 55 V. c. 42, s, 496
(38), p. 4.36.
On toll road to be kept in repnlr by
muni<'ip:ility, 55 V. c. 42. s. 531
1 31. p. 457.
jp: {
Liiiiitutioii of actions for daintiiLics
fiuiscd by non-rt'imir, 55 V. c.
42. s. 531 (3), p. 457.
B.v-lawK lor 8t>tting apart i)ortioiis
of highway, 55 V. c. 42, s. f.50
(1), p. 468.
Tolift? trust«'os may lot I'ontracts, 55
V'. c. 42, 8. 6336. 1). 529.
Total or partial oxciiiption of farm
lands in towns and villages from
taxation, 55 V. c,
564 ; 57 V. c. 51. w
48, s. 7(1, p.
1. i». 171.
Contribntion to cost of pornuuu'nt
work, wlu-n corporation has i;ot
iulopicd local improvement sys-
tem. .57 V. c. 50. s. 16, p. 169.
-Assessment of remainder of cost
on property benefited, 57 V. c.
50, s. 16, p. 170.
Irregularities in form not lo in-
validate by-law or debentures.
57 \'. c. 50. s. 16. p. 170.
Hy-Iaws for consti'ucting. on lotal
assessment i)lan — sei> TiOcal Im-
SIOXH(>AHI)S. By-laws for i)reventing
the pulling down or defa(('ment
of. 55 V. c 42. s. 489 (29). p. 420.
Sn.VFl{ WAKE, Agents for the saU-
of. when to be deemed hawkers.
.55 V. <•. 42, s. 495 (3)«/. p. 427.
SINKIMJ FUND— see Debts.
SINKS. By-laws for regulating the cou
strnction and drainage of. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 489 (47). p. 422.
SLATMJHTEK-HOrSES. Inspecticm at
instance of boards of health.
Rev. Stat. 205. s. 54. p. 2271.
By-laws for preventing or regnlaHng
the erection of. 55 V. c. 42. s.
489 (44). p. 422.
For e8tab''';ii> r-ubiic slanghter-
hoiis. ;r. ';+'-.,g their erec-
tiof -..III ijsi'i ■'■ and prohibit-
auimals for
c. 35. s. 18.
nig ■ ^';"
food is' ,vi
p. 147.
Aiunnils slaughtered for use of
family of person killing. 56 V.
c. :^5, s. 18. p. 147.
SLAUGHTEH. HOUSES- r'oi(/t/i,le:isure
sleighs, .55 V. c. 42. s. 51l'< (1).
p. 448.
May exempt sleighs owned nilliin
the county at tinu' of passing
by-law. 55 V. c. 42. s. 51 la (2).
p. 448.
When to come in force. 55 \'. c.
42. s. 511(/ (3), i». 448.
SLII'S. By-laws for the protection of.
55 Y. c. 42, s. 479 (4), p. 400.
For removing obstructions *'rom.
55 v. c. 42. s. 479 (5). p. 401;
/ft. s. 496 (26). p. 433.
For nniking. inii)roving. etc., 55 V.
c. 42. s. 479 (6). p. 401.
For granting aid for construition,
.55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (8). p. 401.
SMAEL WARES. Children engaged in
vending, may he regulated and
controlled by police commission-
ers or council. 55 V. c. 42. >;. 4"G
(3). p. 387.
By-laws respecting sales in streets
or adjacent vacant lots. 55 V. c.
42, s. .503 (3). p. 441.
For regulating the place and m;in-
ner of selling, 55 V. c. 42. s.
.503 (4). 1). 441.
SMELTING WORKS— .see Iron Smelt-
ing Works.
compelling use of. in manufac-
tories, etc.. 55 V. c. 42. S. 496
(161. p. 432.
SMOKING. IVohiliited in certain com-
biTstible places in iM)lice villages.
; .55 V. c. 42. s. 667 (5). p. 530.
SN(JW. r.y-ljius rcs|M'rtiiiK tin- rciihival
. 140.
R»'fnsal of owner or occni)ant to
ohey directicms of council.—
jxiwer to do the work and exact
payuKMit. Rev. Stat. c. 19S, s. 2.
I). 2234.
Rij-'ht of tenant or occupant to de-
d. 2234.
Power to enter on lands and ereci
fences. Rev. Sti t. c. 198. s. 3.
p. 22.34.
SNOW ROADS. County hy-laws for
makinp and koei)int' o])en douMe
tr.'K'ks. 55 V. c. 42. s. 566 (4). p.
Act res)iectinsr doulde trai'ks in. T{ev.
Stat. c. 197. p. 2231.—
SNOW nOAD^—Contiininl.
Iut«'rpretation, "team," Rev. Stat.
c. 197. s. 1. p. 1231.
By-hiws of county councils, l.'iv.
Stat. c. 197. s. 2. p. 2231.
How tracks to lie made. Rev. Stat.
<•. 197. s. 3. p. 2232.
Riplit of road. Rev. Stat. c. 197, s.
4, p. 2232.
Duties and powers of jiathmastei's.
et<-.. Rev. Stat. c. 197, s. 5, p.
When townshij) council neglects to
nnike tracks. Rev. Stat. c. 197.
s. 6, p. 2232.
PenaUy for refusiii;: to work. Rev.
Stat. c. 197. s. 7. p. 2232.
Penalty for travelliuK on wrong
track and refusinj: to turn out.
Rev. Stat. c. 197. s. 8. i». 2232.
SOLlcrrcUtS. Wlu-n actiuK for plain-
tiffs in actions ajrainst corpora-
tions not to he memliers of coun-
cils. 55 V. c. 42. s. 77 (O. p. 275.
While jtractisin;;: exempt from ^'crv-
in>: in municipal councils or as
oflicers. 55 V. c. 42, s. 78. p. 275.
PayuKMit of salary not to prevent
municijt.ility from recovering
costs. 55 V. c. 42. s. 278 ^3). \k
"SONS," Meaning of. in connection
with franchise and assessment
of farnuM's' sons, 55 V. c. 42, s.
79 (5). p. 277: 55 V. c. 48. s. Mn
(1). i». 569.
sworn in on refiuest of chairtn.m
of piihlic meeting:. Rev. Stat. c.
187. s. 13. ]). 2040.
May he sworn in to act at elections
or votinsr on hv-laws. 55 V. c.
42. s. 101, p. 283.
CILS. How and when to he
called, and where held. 55 V. c.
42. ss. 236. '?.?,7. 238. p. 323.
P' : •
■1 ■- 1 !
: .; I
■ :^ f
iii 1
■.: S
hi j
; :■ i
KSl'KriAI. UATKS. Wlicn imiM.s.Ml
prior to Hcpurntion of iiiiiiiicip.ill-
ties to coiitinuo to he IovIimI 1 y
new coriMiriiton, 55 \'. c. 42, 8.
58, p. 268.
Trciisiirrr to |»ii.v over aiuouiit Icviod
to tn'ii.snrcr of n'limiiiiiiK imiiiici-
pality. 55 \'. c. 42. .s. 58. p. 268.
When iiiiioiiiit ptiiil over cxfffMls
share .'iKrctMl upon or iiwnnKxl.
t'Xccss iiiny ]»• rccovcrt'd, 55 ^'.
<•. 42, s. .59, p. 268.
Anticipatory iipproprintions lu lion
of — Sfo Aiitirii)!itory Appropria-
tions (55 y. c. 42. ss. 369-371. pp.
:;05. 366).
Accounts Id he k('))t, iind invi'st-
nn-nts of s\irplns moneys— hoc
Debts (55 V. ('. 42. ss. :!72-377. pp.
SPHI.\ of w' .lin certain
areas and coinpellin;; nse of
wjiter siipi)lie(l liy nuinieipality.
55 V. c. 42. s. 489 <4). p. 414.
SQI'AiniS. liy-liiNVs for taking' or i'c-
• inirin;: land for, 55 ^'. c. 42. s.
479 (22>. p. 405.
Chvners to he ciinipcnsated. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 479 (22>. p. 405.
l*y-lasvs res]»ectiny: tlie nhstruction
or fouiinK of, 55 \'. e. 42, s. 496
(27). p. 434.
Council expropriatinjr land in ad-
.i(dnin>: nuinieipality to lay out
same and make rep.-iirs and pro-
vide i)rope!' poli<'e protection. 55
V. c. 42. s. 479 (23). p. 405.
Assessment of )>roperty froiitini: on,
for local imi>rovements. 55 \'. c.
42. s. 620 (7). p. 511.
Kxeini)tpd from taxation. 55 V. c. 48,
s. 7 (9), p. .562.
NaniinK and alteriiiir names of— seo
Streets (55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (31).
p. 4.34).
Plantin;: trees on — see Trees.
See Hifihways.
SQT'TBS. Bv-laws for preventing the
settinp off of. 55 V. e. 42. s. 4S9
(46f7). p. 422.
STAHIilOS, Where horses and vehicles
kept for hire or express pur-
poses or boarded, may be pro-
hibited in certain localities by
police comnnsHioiiers or coiiucil,
55 \'. c. 42, s. 4.36, p. 387; 56 V. c.
o5. s. 11. p. 145.
l>y-la\vs resiM'ctiiiK the use of tire
or lights. 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (13).
p. 432.
I'se of tire and liKlits In i»olice \il-
lap's. 55 \'. c. 42. s. 667 (5), p.
STAIRWAYS— see Tublic BuildiuRs.
respecting. 55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (38).
p. 436.
STATISTICS— see Annual Uetums.
STATl'TK LABOrii, Township c(.un-
cil may i)iiss by-laws to compel
inliabitants of unin<-ori)orated
villages to commute. 55 ^■. c. 42.
s. 17 (3), p. 251.
By-l.MWs allowinsr abatement to per-
sons planting trees, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 489 (27). p. 420.
Uoads where performed to be
public hitfbways. 55 V. c. 42. s.
524. p. 455.
County council, on jH'tition. may
direct expenditure on township
roads. 55 V. c. 42. s. 559, p. 474.
Arbitration as to amount to be ex-
pended. 55 V. c. 42. ss. 562. 563.
p. 474.
Apiiointmeni of commissioners. ."5
V. (>. 42. s. 564. p. 47b.
By-laws for permittinj; commuta-
tion by any p»>r.son for periotl
not exoeediufi tive years. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 521 (1). p. 450.
For providing' that commutation
shall be at a rate not exceed-
ing: !?1 I>er day. 55 V. c 42. s.
521 (2). p. 450.
For increasiufr or reducing mim-
lier of days' labour required.
55 V. c. 42! s. 521 (3). p. 451.
For enforciuR i>erformance i>r pay-
ment of tax. 55 V. c. 42. s. 521
(4). p. 451.
to I)..
STATUTE LMiOh'ii-Vohfniied.
For rostiliitiii),' placo nntl iiiiiiiii.'i-
"f ])( rfortniinro or fXixMiilifurc.
'..") V. c. 41'. s. 521 (5», p. 4r)l.
For ihf rcductioii or ;il>olitiiiii of,
or) y I'. 42, s. 521 (Gj. p. 451.
For iiccpiii},' roads oi)(>n in wintv-r
.•Miil iiiipoiiifiiii,' ovcrst'crs. (tc..
Ilicrcfor. 55 \. c. 42. s. 521 (7>.
p. 451.
C)vcrs('(>rs. etc.. to liavo |>o\v(>r
to iMit'orco ;issistaiwi> ul' pcr-
s. 451.
Laliour .so piM'forincd to ho al- j
lowi'd on next season's work, i
55 V. ('. 42, s. 521 (7>. p. 451. j
For iip|>!; cominntation IiiimI to 1
winter work. .55 V. c. 42. s. 521 i
(8). p. 451. I
A,i.'reeMients with owners of tnll
roads as to expenditure of la-
hour or money thereon on i on- I
dition that road he math' fn e.
56 V. c. 35, s. 26. ]). 148.
F.nfry of lialdlity for. to he nnnle
on assessment roll. 55 V. c. 48,
s. 14 (3). p. 568.
Wiieii non-resident hinds liave heen
suit-divided into lots owned hy
same jterson. tax to he eharut'-
nhle on ajr;rre.'.;ate .assessment
only. 55 V. c. 48. s. 77. p. 597.
P(n'sons in the military and naval
services, anssed for real projx'rty.
exem))t, 55 \. c. 48. s. 87. p. 601.
livery male inhahitant of cities, i
towns and villaires of a;;o and i
not otherwise assessed, or for |
less than !^2. to pay a tax of $1.
55 V. c. 48. s. 88. ii. 001.
.\mf)unt to lie jiaid may he rediU'cd
or iiholished l>y l)y-l.'i\v. ""> ^^ c.
48. s. 89. It. 601.
Xo person to l>p exempt unless lie
produces a oertifioate that he
has performed the lahour or
tiaid tlie tax e'^pwhere. 55 V.
o. 48. a. 90. p. 601.
In townships, every male inhalii-
tant. who is of jisre. to perform
on' d-'-'s la'iiM'r, 5") V. c. 4H, s.
91. p. 601.
Townsliip councilH may pas« hy-law«
for aliolitlon nr rediU'tiitn of. 55
\ . c. 48, s. '.>2. p. 601.
In townshi|»s — ratio of service in
case persons .assessed. 55 \'. c.
48. s. !i:! (li. p. GOl.
'I'ownsidp couiu'ils uuiy reduce or
iiHiciise nunihcr of days' s.s-vice
pro|tortionatcly. 55 \'. c. 48. s.
93 (1». p. 601."
In townships— where farm lots have
Iteeii suh-ilivided. and owners
are n»tn-rcsidents, <'i(>rk to com-
mute aun»unt of their sei'vice,
council may direct less rate to
he imposed, 55 V. c. 48. s. 93 12).
p. 602.
Township <'ouncil nniy direct a i;en-
eral commutation at the rai» of
."•51 for each day's service, 55 \'.
<■. 18. s. 94. p. 602.
( 'ommutfition may he fixed hy .any
council .at a r.-ite not excee lin«
.*1 for each day's service. 55 V .
c. 4S. s. !!5. p. 602.
\^'heu no Ity-law passed commuta-
tion as to non-i"esidents to he .$1
tor cHch oav's seivuie, ;>;> N . c. 4H,
s. 96. p. 602.
I'^nrmti's' sons when entered on '.(til
to he liahle to service or com-
mutation, 55 V. c. 48. s. 97 fit.
1). 602.
Tcniint farmers' sons resiiliujx on
fai'ui exempt. 55 \. c. 48. s.
97 (2). i>. 602.
Tax nniy he c(tllectci! I.y distress. 55
V. c. 48. s. 98 (IK It. 603.
Uenalty for refusing to i)ay t;)x.
55 V. c. 48. s. 98 (1). p. 603.
I'ersitns liahle to work when re-
quired hy piithmaster. 55 V. <•.
48 s. 98 (2). It. 603.
Penalty for 55 V. c. 48.
s. 98 (2), p. 603.
Uen.alties to he paid over to trea-
surer and form part of statute
latxiur fund. 55 V. c. 48. a. 98
(?,). (>. 60.3.
HTATII'IK hMMiVAi—CoHtiuued.
Noii-rcsidciitN iKit t(i Itc itcnuiltcd to
IM-rl'itiiu stiiiiiti' liiliour mil -ks
ciitcn'tl (III lull, lint l(» im.v t.!.\.
iimi tax to li«' fxiicii.lcd wIktc
Icvicii, 55 v. <•. 48. s. W, \\. 60;;.
Nfiii-rcwiilciitH I'littTi'd on roll, bin
iiiakiiiK dt'liiult in liihoiir or
ill iiayiiu'iit of tax, to lu> ro-
tiiriHMl liy overseer of liijrliwa.vs
as defaulters. 55 \' . e. 48, s. 300
(1). i». 603.
Clerk to enter conmnitation on cd-
leetor's roll. 55 V. c. 48. s. iOO
(II, p. 603.
Itate to be eliar;,'ed against every
lot or jiareel aeeordiiijj; to its
assessed value, 55 V. c. 48. s.
100 (1), p. 603.
When one pcu'son is assi'ssed for sev-
eral lots in nmnieipality. up to
liOO aeres, the wliole to be as-
sessed as one lot, 55 V. e. tS. s.
100 (2), p. 604.
fiesidents to hav«' ri^ht to perform
labour iu the division where tbey
reside. 55 V. e. 48. s. 100 (2». p.
When residents make default, .om-
luutation to be entered on col-
lector's roll. 55 V. c. 48. s. 101
(1). p. 604.
Overseer to expend amount of
commutation in division wli -r"
property liable is situate, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 101 (2). p. 604.
Assistance in extiuKuishiug tires to
1k> rendered by persons liable for
—see Fires, 53 V. e. 64, p. 144.
In unincorporated township — see
Koad Commissioners.
STAVES. By-laws for protectiu},' .ind
rejrulatiuu; booms for, 55 \'. c. 42.
s. 511 (1). p. 447.
STEAM HOATS, Exemiited from taxii-
tioii. but not their ejirniiiKs. 55 ,
\'. <•. 48, 8. 7 (28). p. 564.
STEAM HOILEKS, To he entered on
assessment roll with names of
owners and purpose for wliidi j
used. 55 V. <•. 48. s. 14 (3). p. |
568. ';
STEAM B01Lj:US-Co,i(,m collected
on. r,.^, V. c. 42. s. 407 (1). p. 437.
STRWV— Continued.
Nut In III- uci«licil on iiiiirkct itn-
Ifss vendor or |)\ircliiiscr so
• lisircs, ns \'. c. ij, s. 4!t7 (.">). [>.
Hy-liiws ri'si tint; the plnco ;inosver to lie snliject
to liy-laws of niiinicipalities.
Kev. Stat. c. 171, s. 4, p. ItiSr..
Kisiit to carry freight if aiitliorized
liy l>y-la\v, Uov. Stat. c. 171. s.
4 (2), p. 1686.
Mode of laying rails, Uev. Stat. c.
171. s. 5, p. 1686.
Reiiairs of streets between the rail.s
and for spa<'e ou either side.
Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. 7, p. 1686.
Municipality to see that rails kept
thish with the .streets. Uev. Stat,
c. 171. s. 8. p. 1686.
Powers of munici|)alities as to rales
of fare. Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. '.).
p. 1686.
I'se of sleifjhs subject to a>ri*t'''i'i''!it
with council, Uev. Stat. c. 171.
s. 11, p. 1687.
By-luws for faciliatiiiK runiiinp of
cars, etc., Uev. Stat. c. 171, s.
12 (1). p. 1687.
For resulatinp traffic where rail-
way laid, Uev. Stat. c. 171. s.
12 (2). p. 1687.
For exempting property and in-
come from shares from taxation.
For providini.' for safety and con-
venience of itassen^ers .-ind
rcKulatiiiK aK'fiits and seivn.its.
Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. 12 i«i) n'
I'or I'eKuhitin;; trallic. U»'v. Slat.
«•• 171. s. 12 (7), II. 1687.
Agreements between Miuiiiripality
niid compHny as to construction,
user cd" streets, .street repaii-H,
time tables, etc.. l£ev. Slat. c.
171. s. i;{, p. mss.
I'cM-feiture to miuiicipalily for -
user. Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. | ». p
Council may provide for use of rail-
way by another company. Kev.
Stat. c. 171. s. 15. p. 1688.
Compensation to be a^fced ipon
or iiw.ii-,|..d. U, V. Mtat. .' i7l,
s. 1". (1), p. 1688.
Appointment and powers of arbi-
trators, Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. 15
(1», (21, p. it;s8.
I'se of railway pending' .settlement.
Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. If. (;;». p.
When line lies in umre than out'
county. Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. i:,
(4). p. 168!».
New settlement after live years,
Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. 15 i5). p.
Ulj-'lit of company to cross another
line, Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. 15 (6».
I). 1689: 54 V. c. 40. p. 78.
Crossing lines .
Extent of powers. Uev. c.
171. s. 16 (1). (2). p. 1689.
Award. Uev. Stat. c. 171. s. 16 C]),
I>. 1690.
K.\<'t'|iti(tii lis to tfiiitniy in nciuli-
liitiirliiMtd (>
si'ttli'il liy iirliitriitioii. Uev. Stiit.
f. 171. s. 20 in. I). 1691.
.AvriiiiKi'iiitiit to ft'iiiiiiii in force
tfii yt'iirs. Kcv. Stat. c. 171.
s. 20 111. p. 1691.
.\c\v settlement lit expiration of
ten yeiirs, Rev. Stat. e. 171, s.
20 (2). p. 1691.
Company to wliicli lines trans-
ferred liy corporiition to staml
in same position. Ilev. Stat. c.
171. s. 21. p. 1691.
.Municipality iiciinirin}; railway may
transfer same to a company.
Kev. Stat. c. 171. s. 22, p. 1691.
Private jiersons or tinns to have
siime rights as conipanies, Kev.
Stat. <•. 171. s. 23. p. 1691.
Conipanies incorpontted before Is",
Feliruary. 1883. Uev. Stat, c
171. s. 24. p. 1691.
Uailway A<'t to apply only so fai-
as exfiressly mentioned. Rev.
Stat. e. 171. s. 25, p. 1691.
Hy-liiws for preventing children
ridiuK on iilatforms of cars, 5.^
V. e. 42, s. 496 (40). p. 436.
I'owers of boards of control of
luirks with resjiect to. Rev. Stat,
c. 190. s. 11 (2). p. 20Fi5.
Hy-laws in cities and towns for
Iniildinj: and ojierating alon;r
streets, with iiHHciit of Lieutcn-
iiiit-<}i>veriior, and for ieiiHlny;
and foi ievyinu rates, .'•S V. <•.
42. s. .^.(14 (14). p. 44!!.
.Municipalities operatiim to be Mib-
ject to Street Railway Act, ",
V. ( 42. s. r)04 U.M. p. 443.
I'owers of niimicipiility not to af-
fect oblijriitioiis with reuard to
IiIkIivviivs and bridtjes. 55 V. c
42. s. 504 (l.M. p. 443.
Councils nf cities and towns may
extend works into adjoininn
ninnlcipiility by imreeinent, witli
approval of Lieutenant-Gover-
nor. 55 V. c. 42, s. 504 (16), p.
lOxpenditni'e upon extension not to
lie deemed illegal. 55 V. c. 42, s.
504 (ICI. p. 443.
Hy-lnws for coinjiellinji; companies
to provide shelters for motor-
men dnriiiK winter montlis, 57 V.
c. 50. K. 11. p. 168.
Ry-laws for constnictinj; and opor-
atiini not to be passed until
estimates, etc.. publisiied and
assent of electors obtained, nor
unless passed witliin tliree
months after polling. 55 V. c. 42,
s. 505, i». 444.
By-law if rejected at iKdlinj;, not
to be re-siibniitted in same jear.
55 A', c. 42. s. 506. p. 445.
lly-laws for yrantinK aid from
portion of a municipality. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 636f/. p. 523.
I'etition to be signed by majority
of owners of real property re-
presenting two-tnirds its value
in portion affected. 55 V. c.
42, s. 636(/ (1). p. 523; 56 V. <•.
35, s. .31, p. 149.
Assent of electm-s re. p. 523.
By-law may provide for grant-
ini: aid and levying rate and
for the issue and delivery of
debentures, 55 V. c. 42, s. 636ff
(2), p. 623.
A.:thority to execute debentures,
55 V. c. 42. s. 636(1 (2). p. 523.
r.5 V. c.
HTUK1:T IlAIL\VAYH--((>HtM(((,7/.
AKn-t'inciits with iniiiiiciiiality in
lit' imliliwlicd Willi li.v-law, uO
y. r. •:,:,. s. ;!i. i». wx
l. 51:4.
UntcM for inmslVr lickctK when twti
iii|miiit's air (ipcratiii^ in same
nuiiii<'i|iality, to lit> Hfttird li.v
iirliitnitioii. in di't'iuilt of a«r
nn'iit. So W c. 4U. s. . p. 434.
Copy of liy-law and appointment to
lie serv«'(l on registrar and inih-
lished in (lazette. 55 V. c. 42. s.
496 (31 K'. II. 435.
.Iiidjre to certify if he approves of
chanjr*', and certificate to be
re^'istered with by-law, 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (31)rf, p. 435.
Change of name to take effect from
date of registration of cortifi-
ciit<'. 55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (31)(f. p.
Ity-laws respecting tlie levels of < el-
lars and liaHcinentH on, 55 \'. e.
42. s. 4liii (321. (33), p. 435.
.\ct to provide for the (Tossing of
railways by— see Hallways (Uev.
Stat. c. 199. p. 2235).
Lighting of- see Light; laghi •■iml
Constructing iniproveineiits lyable
by local assessment -see l^ocal
Uegidation id' sales of goods in — set>
Markets and .Market Fees.
I'ouers of councils with regard to
pi.'inting and removal of trees-
see Trees.
See Highways.
S'rnUON'I'S. Temporary absence not
to dis(|ualify from entry as man-
hood sulTrage voters, 55 \'. c. 48,
s. 14// (2). p. 570.
Not to be assessed in municipality
where attending cidlege, etc., if
they have other place id' resi-
dence. 55 V, c. 48, s. 14/> (4),
p. 571.
STC.MPS. Hy-laws for regulating the
burning of. in the open air. 55
y. c. 42. s. 489 (24). p. 419.
sr.M.MAlJY C(>\VI("TIOX, Fines and
penalties nuiy be recovered by,
55 V. c. 42. s. 420. )i. 380.
SrrKKA.NXrATlO.V, liy-hiws for
nmking grants to funds for
police ft apart may be loaned
to school trustees or granted
to i>oor school sections, 55 V. c.
42, s. 37'J, p. 369.
SUKVEYOIl, By-liiws for appointment
of in cities and towns, 55 \'. c.
42. s. 504 (12), p. 443.
May be authorized by county to re-
move trei's on eitlier side of
hi)-'lnvays. ^,a V. c. 42. s. 566 (3).
p. 476.
May be employed to make descrip-
tion of lands for ins(>rtion in tax
deeds, 55 V. c. 48, s. 178. p. 622.
Duties under by-laws for drainujre
works, pay.uie by local assess-
ment — see Drainage.
SUKVEYS, Of concessions or ranges
may be nuide by direction of
Lieutenant-lJovernor on applica-
tion of councils, 55 \. c. 42. s.
41(1 !l), p. r24.
Durable monuments to be placed by
surveyor and costu to be paid us
provided by law, 55 V. c. 42. s.
491 (2). p. 424.
^liy-laws for settling boundaries of
public ways in cities, towns an8sment plan — see
On local
Local Im-
SWINE. Penalty for permitting run-
ning at large to injury of roads.
Rev. Stat. c. 159. s. 138. p. 1500.
By-laws respecting the keeping of.
5B V. c. 42. s. 489 (45). p. 422.
By-laws prohibiting the driving of.
on streets. 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 136),
p. 436.
What market fees may be chargevl
for. 55 y. c. 42, s. 497 (7), p. 438.
What fees nniy be charged for
weighing, 55 \". c. 42, s. 497 (8),
1). 439.
When owned and held by occupant
of farm, exempt from taxation.
55 V. c. 48, s. 7 (14«), p. 563.
Number kei)t, to be entered afti-r
nanu' of owner on assessment
roll, 55 \'. c. 48. s. 14 (3), p. 568.
TANNERIES. By-laws for preventing
or regulating the erection of. 55
V. c. 42. s. 489 (44). p. 422.
For defining areas within which
they may not be estiiblislied,
55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (12l. p. 429.
TAVERNS— see Hotels: Intoxicating
TAXES— see Rates and Taxes.
TAX SALES. Purchaser nuiy tile a
caution in land titles otttce. Rev.
Stat. c. 116. s. 56, p. 1104.
Notice to persons interested. Rev.
Stat. c. 116. s. 56, p. 1104.
Completion of title. Rev. Slat. c.
116, s. 56, p. 1104.
Liability of occupied lands of non-
residents, 55 V. c. 48. s. 146. p.
County treasurer to submit to war-
den list of lands three years in
arrears, 55 V. c. 48. s. 160, p.
Warden to sign list and fix cor-
porate seal. 55 V. c. 48, s. 160, p.
List to be deposited with clerk, and
duplicate to be returned to trea-
surer with warrant, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 160, p. 617.
riving of.
1. 496 (36),
> chiirgi'tl
7), p. 438.
irgoil for
8. 4:)7 <8).
>, 563.
>rt'd after
(3), 1). 568.
tion of. 55
). 422.
bin whicii
2). p. 429.
lay fill' a
tficf, lU'V.
■sted. Rev.
V. Stat. e.
9 of non-
s. 146. p.
lit to wnr-
■e years in
s. 160, p.
(1 fix cor-
^. s. 160, p.
elerk. and
ed to trea-
5 V. c. 48,
TAX SXLKS— Continued.
Councils of oountios, c-itie.s and
towns may extend time for en-
forced collection, 55 V. c. 48. s.
161, p. 618.
Tre.isurer need not make further
enquiry as to distress, 55 V. c.
48, 8. 162, p. 618.
"What lands only, treasurer shall
sell, 55 V. c. 48, s. 163, p. 618.
Publication of list of lands to be
sold, 55 V. c. 48, s. 164 (1), p. 618.
When lands in junior county sep-
arated from union have not IjCv-n
advertised by treasurer of union,
treasurer and warden of junior
<'ounty to take proceedings, 55 \'.
c. 48, S. 164 (2), p. 619.
After advertisement by trea.surer
of union, sale to be completed
as if separation had not taken
place, 55 V. c. 42, s. 164 (2), p.
Advertisement to contain notifica-
tion of time and place of sale.
55 V. c. 48. 8. 165. p. 619.
Day of sale to be more than ninety-
one days after first publication,
55 V. c. 48, s. 166. p. 619.
Copy of advertisement to be posted
up, 55 V. c. 48, s. 167, p. 619.
Expenses and costs to be added to
arn-ars, 55 V. c. 48, s. 168. p.
If no bidders sale may be adjourned,
55 V. c. 48, s. 169, p. 619.
Treasurer to sell sufficient of the
lands to pay taxes and costs. 55
V. c. 48. s. 170 (1), p. 619.
Treasurer to sell such part as it is
in the interest of owner to sell
first, 55 V. c. 48, s. 170 (1). p. 619.
Treasurer neei not describe portion
of land to be sold. 55 V. c. 48. s.
17« (1), p. 619.
Amount of arrears stated in adver-
tisement to be held the correct
amount due, 55 V. c. 48. s. 170
(1). p. 619.
When land does not sell for arrears,
sale to be adjourned, and after
advertisement, lands to be sold
P.M. I— 15
TAX SAhKS -Continued.
for what they will brin>r, ."),) V.
c. 48. s. 170 (2), p. 620.
Owner not to be permitted to re-
deem without payment of full
amount. 55 V. c. 48, s. 170 (2),
p 620.
(Councils may purchase lands at
adjourned sale after giviiiji
notice, but must resell within
three years, 55 V. c. 48. s. 170
(.3), p. 620.
NN'lien fee is in the Crown, ino rest
of lessee, etc., oidy to be ex-
jjressed to be sold, and sale nut
to re(iuire consent of Commis-
sioner of Crown Lands, 55 V. c.
48, 8. 171, 1). 620".
When Crown interested as niori-
gajjee or unpaid vendor, interest
of mortua;;or or purchaser only
to be sold, 55 V. c. 42. s. 171",
p. 620.
VV'hen purchaser fails to pay imr-
chase money immediately, tre.i-
surer forthwith to i)ut uji land
again, 55 V. c. 48. s. 172, p. 621.
Sale not to affect collection of other
rates previously iinpusri! imt
coming due thereafter. 55 V. i-.
48. s. 112U. p. 621.
Certificat<' of sale to be given to
purchaser describing lands sold,
and amount of arr ars and costs.
and stating that deed will issiie
unless land redeemed within one
year, 55 V. c. 48, s. 173, p. 621.
rurehaser holding certificate to
have right to protect property
and use the same, but not to do
or permit waste or injury. 55 ^^
c. 48. s. 174 (1), p. 621.
Turchaser not to be liable for dam-
age (lone without his knowledge,
55 V. .'. 48. s. 174 (2), p. 621.
Tender of nnlemption money to de-
prive purchaser of all rights, 15
V. c. 48, s. 175, p. 621.
What commission treasurer may
charge on collection of arrears,
55 V. c. 48, s. 176. p. 621.
Commission and costs to be added
to arrears when lands >iold, ,W
v. c. 48, s. 177, p. 622.
( :(
1 !'
TAX HAIjES— Continued.
Trt'iisurer to kivc purchaser a statt--
meat of coinmiBtsioD and costs in
detail, 55 V. c. 48, s. 177, p. 622.
TroasurtT to give sufficient descrip-
tion of land sold. 55 V. c. 48, s.
178. p. 622.
Description to be obtained from
registry office or surveyor, and
expenses so incurred to be add<-d
to arrears. 55 V. c. 48, s. 178, j).
Surveyor's fee for description not
to exceed $1, 55 V. c. 48. s. 178.
p. 622.
Treasurer not
other fees
to be entitled to any
in respect to the col-
lection of arrears, 55 V. c. 48, s.
179, p. 622.
Owner, etc., may redeem within one
year by paying to treasurer for
the use of purchaser the amount
paid at sah'. and ten per cent,
thereon, 55 V. c. 48, s. 180. p.
Treasurer to jrive receipt, and re-
ceipt to be evidence of redemp-
tion, 55 V. c. 48, s. 180, p. 622.
If land not redeemed within om-
year, deed to issue to purchaser,
55 V. c. 48. s. 180.
When Rh(>riff dies after making sale.
ronv<'yance may be made by his
successor. Ilev. Stat. c. 16. 8. 50,
p. 249.
When to be registered and how. in
order to i)reserve priority. Uev.
Stat. c. 114, ss. 78. 79, p. 1061.
To issue to purchaser when land not
redfenied within one year, 55 V.
r. 48, s. 181. p. 622.
To be prepared by trensiirer. on pny-
ment of $1, and executed by him
and th(> warden. 55 V. c. 48, s.
181. p. 622.
"Treasurer" and "warden" to menu
persons holding those offices
when deed exeoited, 55 V. c. 48,
8. 182. p. 622.
Form, r.5 V. .c 48. Sched. K.. p. 642.
TAX S.\LES— Continued.
To state particulars
land sohl, 55 V. c
of sale and
48, 8. 183. p.
To vest land in purchaser according
to estate or interest sold, 55 V.
c. 48. s. 183 p. 623.
Not to be invalidated by error in
amount of taxes or misdescrip-
tion of land as "patented," etc.,
55 V. c. 48, s. 183, p. 623.
T<) he re^JsttTed within eighteen
months after sale. 55 V. c. 48, s.
184 (1), p. 623; 56 V. c. 21. s. S7,
p. 78.
Priority forfeited where lands sold
l)efore 4th March. 1868. and deed
not registered within one y<'ar
after that date,
p. 78.
56 V
21. 8. 88,
Registrar to make entry in nvsristry
book and give certificate of re-
gistration, 55 V. c. 48, s. 184 (2).
p. 623.
Uegistmtion of deeds made by
sheriffs prior to 1851, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 185, p. 623.
Sheriff to give certificate of «'on-
veyances executed between 1st
.January. 18.')1, and Ist .Tanuary,
1866. for registration, 55 V. >•. 48,
s. 186, p. 623.
Deed to be registered on [)rodii<'-
tion of certificate,— registrar's
f««e. 55 V. <•. 48, s. 186, p. 623.
Treasurer to keep book and ref"i>rd
therein descrii)tion of all lands
sold and conveyed, 55 V. c. 42, s.
187. p. 624.
To be binding on former owner
when land not redeemed .vithin
• me year. — intention of the law
de«'laV«'d. 55 V. c. 48. s. 188. p.
To be valid against all partli'S ex-
cept the thrown, unless ques-
tioned within two years, 55 V. o.
48. s. 189. p. 624.
Not affected by repeal of statutes or
by change of treasurer. 55 V. •'.
48. s. 190, p. 024.
8al(> atuf
8. 18o, p.
Ad, 55 V.
error m
tod," t'tc,
r. c. 48. s.
, 21. s. 87.
lands sold
and dt'ed
one yvar
;. 21. s. 88,
in rcsristry
ate of rc-
8. 184 (2),
made by
15 V. c. 48,
e of con-
'tWPcn 1st
t .Tanuiiry,
)5 V. .-•. 48,
on produc-
5, p. 623.
and voford
■ all !and.s
V. c. 42, s.
ler owiu-r
ned .vithin
)f tlM« law
s. 188. p.
parties ex-
leas qu(>s-
rs, B5 V. c.
statutes or
T. r)5 V. e.
TAX SALES- Continued.
Uights of tax purchasers when action
brought for recovery of hind,—
Rights of entry adverse to tax jiur-
chaser in jjossession not to be
conveyed, 55 V. c. 48. s. 191. ii
Common law and statute of Henry
VIII. revived, 55 V. c. 48, s.
191, p. 624.
When title invalid by reason of mis-
description, purchaser to be al-
lowed for improvements. et<'..
and be charged for timber cut
and sold. et<-.. 55 V. e. 48, s. 192
(1). i>. 625.
Judge to assess value of land ^o ite
recovered, 55 V. c. 48, s. 192 (1).
p. 625.
Plaintiff to pay in damages allowd
to purchaser or purchaser may
elect to retain land. 55 V. c. 48.
s. 192 (2). p. 625.
Purchaser not entith'd to damages
or land when taxes have been
paid or tendered in time to re-
deem, or when guilty of fraud.
55 V. c. 48, s. 192 (3). p. 625.
When plaintiff is not tenant in fee
or in tail, defendant may iiay
value of land into court, 55 V. c.
48. s. 193 (IK p. 626.
When defendant is not tenant in fee
or in tail, value of improvements,
etc.. to be paid into court. 55 V.
c. 48. s. 193 (2). p. 626.
Any other person interested under
sale may pay in if defendant
does not, 55 V. c. 48. s. 194 (1).
p. 626.
Writ of possi'ssion not to issu" v.ii-
til exi>ir.v of time for paying in.
55 V. c. 48. s. 194 (1). p. 626.
Person pnying in value to iiavf ii
lien for the exci-ss over his in-
terest, 55 V. c. 42 s. 194 (2). p.
Original owner or other person
interested may obtain vahH-
paid in on filing pro[)er releas<'.
55 V. c. 48. s. 195. p. 626.
If value of land not paid in. value
of ini|)roveiuents, etc.. to he paid
TAX SALES- Continued.
out to the persons entitled, 55 V.
c. 48, s. 196, p. 626.
If defendant tenders value or gives
notice at appearance, of the
damages claimed, and that he
does not contest title, defendant
to have costs, 55 V. c. 48. s. 197
(1), p. 627.
When no notice given or defen-
dant recovers less than he
claims, or refuses tender, or
the value of the land is greater
than amount stated in notice,
or value is not paid in f.fter
aeeeptance by plaintiff, i)lain-
tiff to be entitled to costs, 55
V. c. 48, s. 197 (2). p. 627.
When notice given plaintiff need
not j)rove his title, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 197 (2). p. 627.
Purchaser who has no other
remedy to have a lien for
an\ount i,aid l)y him since
sale. 55 V. c. 48. s. 198. p. 627.
Contracts between original owner
ami tax purchaser not affected,
55 \\ e. 48. s. 199. p. 62s.
Rights of owner or person claiming
under him. in occupation of
lands at time of sale and since,
not affected by foregoing provi-
sions. 55 V. c. 48. s. 200, p. 628.
Rights of tax purchasers nmler
other statutes not affected by
foregoing provisions. 55 V. c. 48.
s. 201. p. 628.
"Tax purchaser." "original owner,"
meaning of. 55 V. c. 48. s. 202. p.
free grant territory— kc(
Crant Territory (56 \. c.
39. p
Muskoka and T'arry Soiind-
Miiskoka and I'arry Sound.
TEA. Agents for the sale of. when to
be deemed hawkers. 55 V. c. 42.
H. 495 (3)«. It. 427.
TEACHERS. To jKtst up copies of
voter's lists. 52 V. c. 3. s. S. p.
TEACHEllS— Continued.
Dutii's with n'jxard to tho provcii-
tion of contagions or infectious
disease, Rev. Stat. c. 205, s. 94.
p. 2280.
TEAMS'I'ERS, By-laws for regulating
and licensing. 55 V. c. 42, s. 510tt,
p. 446.
When county council may license
and regulate, 55 V. c. 42. s.
512, p. 448.
establishment of, 55 V. c. 42. s.
495 (13). p. 429.
Appointment of trustees or man-
agers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 495 (Vi)U. p.
By-laws for granting aid to, 55 V. c.
42, s. 495 (14). p. 430.
TELEdRAPH WIRES, By-laws re-
specting the erection and main-
tenance of, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 496 (39).
p. 4.36.
towns and villages may grant
exclusive rights for five years,
56 V. c. 35, s. 6. p. 144.
Two-thirds of council must assent.
56 V. c. 35. s. C. p. 144.
Existing rights ." companies and
agreement as to private tele-
phone wires not affected, 56 V. c.
35. s. 6. p. 144.
Agreements made before 17th "May.
1893. 50 V. c. 35. s. 6. p. 144.
TELErilONE WIRES. By-laws re-
specting the erection and main-
tenance of, 55 V. c. 42. s. 496
(39), p. 436.
TENANTS— see Landlord and Tenant:
TENANT FOR LIFE. Empowered to
act in respect of arbitrations,
agreements or conveyances re-
specting lands taken or injured,
55 V. c. 42. 8. 484 (1). p. 408.
TENANTS IN TAIL. Emi)ov\^ed to
act in respect of a^gjjlmitious,
agreements or conveyances re-
specting lands taken or injured,
55 V. c. 42. s. 489 (1). p. 408.
TENDERS. To be called for by county
councils for i)ul)licaliuu of ley;ai
and official notices. Rev. Stat.
c. 18. s. 3. p. 253.
Offices not to be tilled by. 55 \'. c.
42, s. 278 (2), p. 336.
Of amount of compensation for tak-
ing or injuring lands, effect f>f.
55 V. c. 42. s. 488. p. 410.
Of redemption money when lands
sold for taxes — see Tax Sales.
by defendant cori)oration. if no
greater amount recovered, muni-
cipality to be entitled to costs.
55 V. c. 42, s. 339. p. 354; I J), s.
430. p. 384.
TENURE OF OFFICE, Municipal of-
ficers to hold otlict' until removed
by the council. 55 V. c. 42. s. 279.
p. 337.
THEATRES. By-laws for regulating
means of egress from, and for
production of plans. 55 V. c. 42.
s. 479 (16), p. 403.
For preventing accidents by fire
in, 55 V. c. 42, s. 493 (2). p. 425.
Application of Act respecting egress
from public buildings — .see Pub-
lic Buildings (Rev. Stat. c. 210,
p. 2324).
THFNDER BAY. Excepted from gen-
eral law as to qualification of
members of councils. 55 V. c. 42.
s. 73. p. 273.
See Algoma. etc.
DRAINA<;E. By-laws for bor-
rowing money for purposes of,
55 V. c. 42. s. 509 (1). p. 446.
Act respecting. Rev. Stat. c. 38, p.
390; 53 V. c. 11, p. 42.
Short title of Act. Rev. Stat. c. 38,
s. 1, p. 390.
F''ormer duti«'S of Commissioner of
Agriculture transferred to Pro-
vincial Treasurer. 53 V. c. 11. s.
3, p. 42.
Powers of councils of towns, vil-
lages and townships as to bor-
rowing for the purposes of the
Act, Rev. Stat. c. 38, s. 2. p.
I).v comity
U'v. Stat.
55 V. t:
n for t:ik-
cftVet of.
It'll lands
ht'u made
on, if no
•t'd. niiuii-
to costs.
!54; II). s.
licipal of-
1 removed
42. s. 279.
, and for
V. c. 42.
s l).v lire
(2). p. 425.
iiiK egress
-see Pub-
it. c. 210,
from ffeii-
cation of
i V. c. 42.
for bor-
I'poses of,
). 446.
c. 38. p.
tilt. c. 38,
4sioner of
I to Tro-
•. c. 11. s.
9. 2
. !»•
TILE, Etc.— Continued.
Hetiuisities of by-luws. Itcv. Stnt. c.
38. s. 2, p. 42.
Form of notice of by-law, Rev. Stat,
c. 38, Form 6, p. 397.
Form of by-law, Rev. Stat. c. .•?8.
Form 1. I). 394.
FromulKiition of by-law. Rev. Stat.
<•• 38, s. 3, p. 391.
Issue and sale of debentures, as
required for lendinjr money for
works, Rev. Stat. c. 38, s. 4, n
Debentures to Ite payable to Pro-
vincial Treasurer and have (ou-
pons attached for aniruil
amounts required for interest
and sinkiufr fund. Rev. Stat. (.
38. s. 5. p. 391.
Form of delientures. Rev. Stat. c.
38. Form 5. p. 396.
Application for sale of debentures,
to be in writinjj. sipned by
head of council and under cor-
porate seal, Rev. Stat. c. 38. s.
6. p. 391.
Cojiy of by-law and affidavits of
head and clerk, to be deposited
on application beinn made. Rev.
Stat. c. 38. s. 6. p. 391.
Form of aHidavit of head of couu-
<'il, Rev. Stat. c. 38. Form 2, p.
Form of affidavit of dork. Rev.
Stat. e. 38. Form 3, p. 395.
Provincial Treasurer to report to
Lieuteuaiit-lTovernor as to pm-
liriety of investment. Rev. St.'it.
c. ;^S. s. 7. p. 391.
Owners of land may apply to coun-
i-il for loans for construction of
drains. Rev. Stat. c. 38. s. 8. p.
Form i.f application. Rev. Stat. c.
38. I'-orm 4, p. 396.
Council may issue debentures to
seventy-five jut cent, of cost of
works. Rev. Stat. c. .^S. s. 9. p.
Purchase of debentures out of con-
solidated revenue fund. Rev.
Stilt, e. :^S. s. 10. p. .-ifll.
TILE, Etc.— Continued.
Investment to be made on recom-
mendation of Provincial Trea-
surer. Rev. Stat. c. 38, s. 10. p
After purchase, debentures to be
unquestionable, Rev. Stat. c. 38,
s. 11. p. 392.
Council may loan proceeds of de-
beiitun-s to applicants, Rev.
Stat, c. 38. s. 12. p. 392.
Loiins not to be made to members of
council, Rev. Stat. c. 38, s. 12.
p. 392.
Persons to whom loans have been
made not to be disiiualifiivl
from oHice thereby. Rev. St:it.
c. 38. s. 12. p. 392.
Limit of iimount to be loaned. Rev.
Stat. c. 38, s. 13. p. 392.
Order in which loans may be
>:riinted. Rev. Stat. c. 38, s. 14.
p. 392.
Kinployment and remunenition of
Inspector. Rev. Stat. c. 38. s.
15. p. 392.
Insiiector to report particulars of
works. Rev. Stilt, e. 38. s. 16. p.
Loans not to be made until report
entered, Rev. Stat. c. 38. s. 16.
p. 392.
By-laws to be passed for imposing
rat«'S on lands in respect of
which loans have been made.
R<'v. Stat. c. 38. s. 17, p. 392.
F.inn of by-law. Rev. Stat. c. .''8.
Form 7. p. 397.
How borrower may discharge his
indebteilness. R(>v. Stat. c. ?S. s.
IS. p. .S93.
Annual returns to be made by cduii-
eils to Lieutenant-Ciovernor.
Rev. Stat. c. 38. s. 19, p. n93.
Treasurer of municipality to make
anuuiil remittances of aiucnints
l)ayable under debentures to Pro-
vincial TreasunT. Rev. Stat. c.
38. s. 20 (1). p. 393.
On default, general tax to be levied
f()r itiiyuient of debentures and
interest. P^ev. Stat. -■. 38, s. 20
'21. p. '.',9".
I*' '
I' !
TILE, Etc - Continued.
Arrt'iu-H to be a tirat oharKe on
funds of nuinioiimlity, Ui'V. Stat,
c. 38, «. 20 (3), 1). 393.
No otlicr payments to hi- made ex-
<-el»t for current e.vpenses \intil
arrears paid. Itev. Stat, c. 38, a.
20 (3). p. 393.
Tenaity on oflieers paying out funds
wlien default made in payment
of debentures, Itev. Stat. e. 38,
s. 20 (4). p. 394.
I'eniilty for rn'Rlect of duty by
nuiyor. re(>ve or eouneillor, II. 'v.
Stat. e. 38. s. 20 (5). p. 394.
Who may take atlidavits, Uev. St.-it.
c. 38. s. 21, p. 394.
TIMBER, by-laws for proteetiufi and
rentulatiuf,' booms, 55 V. o. 12. -
511 (1), p. 447. I
By-laws of township councils f
pr«'ventin>r the obstruction of I
Btreams etc., 55 V. c. 42, s. ''>::.} '
(16), (17). (18). p. 453.
Duty of councils with respect to
preventing accumulntion in
st.n-iinis, i^'i V. c. 42. s. 5I!5/*. p.
By-liiws for preserving and selling,
on road allowances subject to
risihls of Crown. 55 \. c. 42, s.
550 (6). p. 469.
By-laws for searching for and tak-
ing, when requiregulating width
of. 55 V, <•. 42. s. 496 (".6). p. 436.
When county cmincil uuiy pass
by-law, 55 V. c, 42. s, 512, p,
TOBACCO. By-laws for li^*'^ f<"" nmintaining and repair-
in;. aUer abandonment, and
charging coat on property bene-
fited, 55 V. c. 42. 8. 630r/, p. 519. |H>tition necessary. 55 V. c.
42. s. 6?,0 p, 521,
By-hiws abolishing market fees on
condition that roa jip-
poiiited by coiinoil of county,
city or town. 52 \'. c. 28, a. :J, p.
Tenure of otfi^-c. 52 V. c. 28, a. 4.
p. 102.
Exam i nut ion by comniiasioncrs and
selection of necessary toll roads
witbin municipality, 52 V. c. 28.
s. 5, 1). 102.
Examination (»f books and records,
52 V. c. 28. s. 5, I). 102.
Maps to be made and laid before
council. 52 V. c. 28. s. 7, p. 102.
Maps to be registered if coun(;il ap-
proves of roads selected, 52 V. c.
28. s. 8, p. 102.
Valuation to be made by commis-
sioners. 52 v. c. 28, s. 9, p. 102.
Mode of ascertaining value. — agroc-
mcnt with owners as to price. 52
V. c. 28. s. 10. p. 102.
lleference to Provincial Arbitra-
tors in case of disagreement,
52 V. c. 28. s. 10. p. 102.
i'onipensation agreed upon or
awarded to be the price to be
paid if road taken within one
year. 52 V. c. 28, s. 10, p. 102.
Matters to be considered in determ-
ining value when roads owned
in whole or in part by union
municipality. 52 V. c. 28. s. 11.
p. 103.
Report of commissioners as to ro.ids
and pric»' to be paid. 52 V. c. 28.
s. 12. p. 103.
WIu'U compensation money may be
paid into court, 52 V. c. 28. s.
13, 1). 103.
<'(unpensation to atanil in i»lace of
roads. 52 V. c. 28, s. 14. i). 103.
!'ossission not to be taken until
payment made, 52 V. c. 28, s. 15,
p. 104.
VVheii notice of valuation to be
given to incumbrancers, 52 V. c.
28, s. 16, 1). 104.
i'osts of arbitration, 52 V. c. 28. sa.
17. 18, p. 104.
TOLL l\0\DS-Coutivue,l.
Application of certain sections of
Act respecting Public Works of
Ontario, 52 V. c. 28, a. 19, p. 104.
When award to become final, 52 V.
c. 28. s. 20. !>. 105.
Appeal from award. 52 V. c. 28. a.
21. p. 105.
I>y-law8 for borrowing money for
purchase of roads, 52 V. c. 28,
s. 22. p. 105.
Issue of deluMitures. 52 V. c. 28, 8.
22 (1). p. 105.
County councils may raise money
in certain cases to bonus muni-
cipiilitiea. required to contribute
to purchase. 52 V. c. 28, s. 22
(2). p. 105.
Assent of ratepayers required. 52
V. c. 28. s. 22 (.31. p. 105.
Sectional by-law may be passed
by comity council on report of
commissioners, 52 V. c. 28. s.
23. I). 106.
County coumil nniy pass by-law
with assent of ratepayers
for borrowing amount ro-
quirt'd and payment by in-
teii'sted municii)alitie8. 52 V. c.
2S, s. 24. p. 106.
Statement of amount re(juired to
be furnished annually to mtini-
cil>alities by county clerk, 52
V. c. 28. s. 25. p. 106.
Abandoinnent of.— settlement of
terms of arbitration, 52 V. c. 28.
s. 26. p. 106.
Uemuneration of commissioners. 52
V. c. 28. s. 27. p. 106.
Tolls on ronds belonging to cities
ami towns to lie abolished on
removjil of tolls from roads pur-
chas(>d by counties. .52 V. c. 28.
s. 28, p. 107.
Determining tolls on i>nrt of road
not tak.-n, 52 V. c. 28. s, 29, p.
Allowance by county council for
maintenance of roads. 52 V. c.
28, s. 30, p. 107.
Assessment of, —
What to be tiiken into accoimt by
29a p.
1; ^
1' 1
\ If
I ;■
TOLL l\0^.D6— Continued.
To bf asBt'Ssi'd in minor muniri-
jiiiiitifs, 5& V. f. 4S, s. 2&b, p.
Stdcli ; roads there-
from. 55 V. c. 42. s. 349. p. 359.
By-hi\vs for freeing county bridges
assumed by vilhiKes, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 529. p. 456.
After passiuf:- by-law, bridjje to be
and remain free, 55 V. c. 42, s.
529, p. 456.
Not to lie levied by ('ommissioiwu'
of I'ubiic Works tin roads and
bridjres after tlieir transfer to
iiiunicipaiities, 55 V. c. 42. s. 542.
\K 464.
Hy-laws for raising money on roads
and bridges by, to defray ex-
pense of making or repairing, 55
\'. c. 42, s. 550 (3), p. 469.
Ry-biws for granting rights, for
period not exceeding twenty-one
years to persons building and
repairing roa. 470.
A!,'r''('llUMits for ivl>'>Uil"i>in'Mlt of '"
council undertaking to expend
statute labour or money on road.
56 V. 0. 35, i?. 26. p. 148.
A:'! eyiii'iti"" •'^'•f>iii v^Iim-'ik
horses and cnltle from tolls on
turniiike roads. Rev. Stat. c.
196. p. 2230.
TOLLS- Continued.
Members of volunteer force in uni-
form an. p. 450.
TOW H.VUCES. IOx(>mi»ted from tax.i-
tiou. but not their earnings, 55
V. c. 48, s. 7 (28). p. 564.
TOW.N COrNCII.S, In the case of
towns separated from counties,
to elect representatives to pro-
visional county council, 56 V. c.
35, s. 2. p. 142.
To consist of mayor and three coun-
cillors for every ward where
there are less than five wards
and two councillors for each
ward where more than fiv(»
wards. 55 V. c. 42. s. 69 il). p.
When town not separated from thi^
county, reeve and one deputy-
reeve for every 500 voters, to be
added. 55 V. c. 42. s. 69 (1). p. 271.
When number of councillors may
be reduced. 55 V. e. 42. s. 69 (1).
p. 271.
TOWN COUNCILS-C<.«njiiuf/.
Uepenl of l)y-law reducing ntimher
of councillors, 55 V. c. 42, s. 69
(2), p. 272.
TOWN HAIiLS, By-laws for acquiring
laml or renting hull for town-
ship purposes in town or village.
55 V. c. 42. s. 521 (9), p. 451.
'i'ownship and other meetings may
be held and notices post»'d .'it,
55 V. c. 42, s. 521 (10), p. 4,'.!.
Exempted from taxation, 55 V. o. -18,
s. 71 (5),- p. 562.
T(JW.NS. Area t»f. limited, 55 V. c. 42, s.
10, 1). 247.
Reduction of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 15, p.
Wlieu poi)ulation exceeds 15,000 may
be erected into cities, 55 V. c.
42, s. 19, p. 252.
Notice to l)e given and census re-
turns certified, 55 V. r. 42, s.
19, p. 252.
Lieutenant-Governor may issue
proclamation, 55 V. <•. 42, s. 19,
p. 252.
Adjiistmeut of liabilities upon hcp-
aration from counties, 55 V. c.
42, s. 19. p. 2.')2.
-Adjacent territory may be in-
cluded, 55 V. c. 42. s. 20, p. 252.
Council may pass by-law withdraw-
ing from county upon olitaining
assent of electors. 55 V. c. 42, s.
25. p. 255.
Settlement of amount to be paid
to county by agreement fir
arbitration, 55 V. c. 42, s. 1:5
(1». p. 256.
Matters to be considered by arbi-
trators. 55 V. c. 42, s. 25 (2).
p. 256.
I'lton receiving award and by-
law. I^ieutenaut-Cjovernor nmy
issue jiroclamation withdraw-
ing town from county. 55 V. c.
42. B. 25 (3). ]). 256.
Effect of i)roclam:ition. 55 V. r.
42. s. 25 (4). ]►. 2.56.
New agreement or award to deter-
mine amount to be paid by
town. 55 V. c. 42. s. 25 (5). p.
r I
'} !
:^i ■
TOWNS -Continued.
County to rctniii its projiiTty aftiT
witlulniwiil of town. 55 V. c.
42, H. 25 (6), p. 256.
By-law may In* pawHcd after five
years for re-union with eounty,
55 V. c. 42, s. 26 (1), p. 257.
Not to take effect until ratified
l»y county council, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 26 (2). p. 257.
AdjuHtment of debts and assetH
upon re-union with county, 55
V. c. 42, s. 26 (3), p. 257.
IJy-laws in force at time of erec-
tion of village into town, or
town into city, continued, 55 V.
c. 42, H. 53, p. 265.
Incorporation or erection into city
nt)t to affect liability for debts.
55 V. c. 42. s. 55. p. 265.
Adjustment of debts and division of
property upon annexation of ter-
ritory. 55 V. c. 42. s. 56 (1), p.
When first election to be held, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 89. p. 280.
In assessment Acts, "town" to
mean incoritoruted town, 55 V. c.
48. s. 2 (4). p. 560.
Collection of arrears of taxes upon
incorporation. 55 V. c 48. s. 206,
p. 629.
Detachinj; farm lands and aiinexiii;;
Slime to adjoining municipality,
57 V. c. 50. s. ]. p. 166.
■"TOWNSHIP." Meaning in Municiiml
Acts, 55 V. c. 42, s. 2 (5). p. 214.
In Assessment Acts, 55 \'. c. 48,
s. 2 (2). p. 560.
of reeve and four councillors, or
one deputy-reeve to be elected
in place of councillor for every
500 voters, 55 V. c. 42, s. 71. p.
Qualification when there is no as-
sessment roll, 55 V. c. 42, s. 75.
p. 274.
May hold meetings and have offwes
in city, town or villnpe in the
township. 55 V. c. 42. s. 2^.0. p.
TOWNSHIP COUNCILS— Cnl i)roperty to be retained by
township in which it is sit-
uate. 55 V. c. 42. s. 30 (1). (2).
p. 258.
Corporations to !»> jointl.v inter-
ested In other assets, 55 V. c.
42. s. 30 (3). p. 258.
Arrangement as to property and
debts, 55 V. c. 42. s. 30 (4), p.
Arbitration in of disagree-
ment. 55 V. c. 42. s. 30 (5). p.
Amount found due to bear in-
terest, 55 V. c. 42. s. 30 (6), p.
I'liiiKorporutcd towiisliips in <-(iiiii-
tiis to Im> iiiiru'xcd to iiiljacfiit
tiiwiislilp hy coiiiity ('(Miiicil. nn
\ . c. 42. H. M. |». 259,
Comity councils miiy Inruj iiiiic|icn-
• Icnt nniouH, 55 V. c. 42, s. ;;2,
p. 25y.
Hy-Iaw or prociiiiuution loruiinj:
nniiiu to (icHi>rinitc seniority of
townsliips, 55 V. c, 42, s. .'!;{, p.
To cciisc to l>c in force wlicn ^•uch
union »lis.s()lvt imion, to rc-
nniln liaMc for debts, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 55, i». 265.
Delicntui'es to l)e issued for debts
to bind old and new inunici-
pulities, 55 V. c. 42, s. 57, p.
When tirst election to be held, after
incorporation or separation fi'oin
union, 55 V. c. 42. ss. 89. 91, 92.
p. 280.
Statute labour in— see Statute La-
Act to iiuthorize .'ind rcKiibite the use
of, on highways, Rev. Stat. c.
200. p. 2242,—
Authority for use. Uev. Stat. c. 200,
s. 1, p. 2242.
Not to exceed twenty tons in wei>j;ht.
Uev. Stat. c. 200, s. 2, p. 224^.
Speed. Kev. Stat. c. 200. s. 3. p. 2243.
Width of wheels on euKiue and
tfucks. Hev. Stat. c. 200. s. 4. p.
Application of Acts to regulate
travel, Kev. Stat, c. 200. s. 5, p.
Stoppiu>; euniiie in case of diflivulty
ill passing liorses or v<'liicl»'s,
Kev. Stat. c. 200. s. 6. p. 2243.
Lights to be carried after dark, Uev.
Stat. c. 200, s. 7. |.. 2243.
Tn cities and towns, messenger to
be sent in advance, Rev. Stat. c.
200. s. 8. p. 2243.
I'RACTION ENG \}iKii^ Continued.
When county jiiiiue may excluib'
from certain streets, Rev.
Stat. c. 200, s. 9, p. 2244.
Hridjics to be properly strength-
ened and k( pt ill repair, Itev.
Srat. c. 200, s. 10, p. 2244.
'Pull roads, notice to be uivell before
running. Ri-v. Stat. c. 200, h.
•11. p. 2244.
Osviiei of road to streiijjtheii
brlilues, etc.. Rev. Stat. c. 200,
s. 12, p. 2244.
When owners of eiiKiiies may
Illlike repairs and be reim
luirsed out of tolls. Rev. Stat,
c. 200, s. 13. p. 2244.
Work to be done to satisfaction of
county engineer. Rev. Stat. c.
200. s. 13 (2b p. 2244.
'I'olls on enuincs, — settlement by
arbitration, Rev. Stat. c. 200,
s. 14, 1). 2244.
Colh'ction of tolls. Rev. Stat. c.
200. s. 15, p. 2245.
I'eiialtics for contravention of Act,
Rev. Stat. <•. 200. s. 16. p. 2245.
I'^iiforcinu payment by distress,
Rev. Stat. c. 200, s. 17. p. 2245.
Imprisonment. Rev. Stat. c. 200, 8.
18. p. 2245.
Ai)plication of tines. Rev. Stat. c.
200. s. 19, i». 2245.
Recovery of (biiuafies. Rev. Stat,
c. 200. s. 20. p. 2245.
Aiiplicatioii of certain jirovisions of
Road Coiniianies Act, Rev. Stat,
c. 200. s. 21. p. 2245.
TKADKltS- see Transient Traders (.55
V. c. 42. s. 489 (9). (9^0. p. 415;
56 V. c. 35. s. 16. p. 146; 57 V. c
50, s. 7. p. 167).
TK.VDICS. Council (>ini)owered t'» faiit
licenses, may tix fees therpfor. 55
V. c. 42. s. 285. p. 338.
Monopolies not to be granted (»r
taxes discriminating against in-
dividuals impost>d, 55 \'. c. 42. s.
286, p. 339.
Powers as to ffrantinjr exclusive
priviU'jfes to tolpphone ooni-
panies. 56 V. c. ,35. s. 6. p. 144.
i! !
'& I
TRWEH- Continued.
liny III- r prevent
iiiK when tliiii>;<-niiiH dm atcoiint
(tf firt', 65 V. c. 42. h. 4'J6 (14), p.
THAMWAVS. n.v-lawH aufliorizinK lln'
coiistnictittii of, on lii>;li\va,VH, 5')
V. r. 42. s. C36. p. r>23.
INthoiuiI i»rop«'rty oxciiii)! from
taxation, but not inconio tli'rivcil
from HharcB. fiF) V. c 48. s. 34
(2). p. 579.
Set- .Str«'<'t Uailwa.vH.
TItA.NSFHU TU'KKTS. Wh«-n lines of
two stn'ct railways «'oiiihm'( ami
a}:rcoiiH'iit cannot lie inay arliitration. 55 V. c. 42, s.
H'Miii (4). p. 524.
TUA.NSIK.N'T 'lUADKUS. Rylaws for
liccnsiiiK and rcjrulating, 55 W c.
42. s. 489 (9). p. 415.
Hy-lii\VK for lmi)osin>r a tax iii)on.
by way of license. ."5 V. e. 42, s.
439 (9fl), p. 415; 56 V. c. 35. s. 16.
]). 146; 57 V. c. 50. s. 7. p. 167.
TItAVKI.MOKS. By-laws to prevent
tbe importuning of. by rnniiers.
etc.. 55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (6). p.
THA^•Kl.I.l^'(l. By-laws for making
rcLTnlations as to ; ridinj;
and driving thereon. 55 V. c. 42.
s. 567 (4). p. 478.
A(t to regnlato. on higliways and
bridges, Rev. Stat, t 195. p.
2228; 53 V. c. 57. p. 139: 54 V. e.
47. J). 95; 57 V. c. 52. p. 175.
bers of township and county
<'o\ineils may receive five cents
I)er mile for. r^r, V. c. 42. s. 231,
p. 322.
TU A YELLING, Ku:— Continual.
City councilH may nuike provisions
i5 V.
in estimateH for,
520, p. 450.
What amount nnty be provided,
55 V. c. 42, s. 520«, p. 450.
'I'ltlOASrUERS, DiBqualifled from mem-
bership in councilH, 55 V. c 4-',
s. 77 (1), p. 275.
To bo appointed by every mu;ib'j-
pality. to be paid by salary or
commission and to g've security,
55 V. e. 42, s. 249, p. 326.
( 'ounci! to enquire annually iis to
security so given, 55 V. c. 42. ».
249. p. 326.
To receive, and take care of, and
disburse nwtneys, 55 V, e. 42. ».
250 (1). p. 327.
.Members of council not to receive
iiiuneys from, for jiny work per-
formed or to be iierformed, 55
V. c. 42, s. 250 (1). p. 327.
Xot to be lialile for money paid out
V. c 42. s. 250 (2), p. 327.
Person so api)ointed to give
security. 5.' V. e. 42. s. 250 (2),
p. .327.
Not to interfere with books, etc..
until after audit. 55 V. c. 42. s.
2.'-.0 (2). p. 327.
Sub.ject to other provisions by
council, to keep cash book and
.journal, and enter n^ceipts ami
disbursements therein as re-
ceived or made. 56 V. c. 35, s.
5, p. 143; 57 V. c. 50. s. 4, i).
To i)repare half-yearly statements
of moneys at credit of eori)ora-
tion. and annual defaulters' list.
55 V. c. 42. s. 251 (2). p. 327.
To make aninuil returns to Bureau
of Industrius. under penalty of
.$20. 55 V. c. 42. s. 252 (1), p. 327.
Si'cretnr.v of Bureau to tabulate
rct\irns and rei»ort them to
Mini.ster to be l;iid before As-
sembly. 55 V. c. 42. s. 2.52 (2).
p. :!'?7.
Till-: MUNlCll'AL INDKX.
TRKAHU Hl'AiH -Conlinueil.
Monc.vM piiyiililc til iiumii iiDilitirx
in ilfl'iuilt to hf I'l'taiiii'il, .")5 \'.
c. -IJ. s. '>'o2 CI). |). a28.
lit riiHt> III' ilisiiiissiil f'liiiii iitiit'f,
hticcrsHur limy ilniw iimiir.vs, ri.'i
\'. f. 42. H. 2i>.\, |i, 328.
Si'\ III lie iii)iM)iiilc«l luiilitorM, 5d V .
r. 42. s. ::,><. (1). |.. aJU.
Auilitors ti» iiivcHtiKiilt' ami rciinil
nil Hcciirity k'vi'Ii l>y, 55 V. c, 42,
«. 25:1 I2»M, I). o.U.
I'lMiii ilciiiaiiil ami mi puiii ul Inr-
I'citurt' i)( ollicc to i;ivv unlfi- on
liiiiik wlirn- iiiom-y ili'pitsilci! tu
I'xliiliit iii'i'oiiiits til iiiiititurs, 55
\ . V. 42. K. 26:5 (2/0, i». •AM.
■|""> ki'('|) iiioiirys of iiiiuiiril»i'illtit'S
st'idifalc Irom their own or tlc-
lioHitiMl at Hcparatc acfoiiiit. 55
\'. c. 42. s. 263 (2)(', p. 331.
Tu si^ii annual statcuH-nt of ao
coiints fur piiliiication, 55 \'. c.
42, s. 263 (3). J). 3;J2.
rorni of dt'ciaration of oliiri' for.
55 V. c. 42. H. 271. p. 334.
To iiii'piin' annual stati'nicnt of
niiiuunt. rt'a of transfer.s
without authority in writiiiR
from last owner. 55 V. o. 42, s.
411. p. 378.
Witli head of council may borrow
moneys for current expeiiiit're,
56 V. c. 35. s. 10. p. 145.
N'ot to net as assessors or collci'torn,
55 \'. f. 4H. s. 12 111, p. 56ti.
lo yive aeciuity in rorpnratioii. 55
\'. c. 48, H. 22;i, p. 6:t:i.
l?und to he given with two or iiioio
sureties cnnforiiiaiily with by-
law, 55 V. c. 48, s. 224, p. (13:$.
reiially for iieKlectiug duties re-
quired by Assessment Aiis, 55
V, c. 48, s. 225, p. «:!;!.
liiable to line and imprisonmi-nl for
fraud in coniiei'tion wlili as-
sessiiHiit or cnjleclnrs' r.ills nr
wilful ncK'iect nf duty. 55 \' . e.
48, s. 227, i». 633.
To sue for ami recover iienallies
against sheriffs for neglect i,i
duties under As.sessmeiu Acis,
55 \'. c. IS, s. 231), p. 635.
In local municipalities to \h\\ over
county rates to county trea-
surer, 55 V. c. 48, s. 241, p. 636.
Securities to aiiply to county r.ites,
55 v. I , 48, s. 242, p. 636.
To [lay over county moneys ami
I'roviiicial taxes within 14
days after return of collcitni's
roll, 55 \. c. 48, s. 24:}, p. 636.
In default county treasurer iiiiiy
stoji mom vs cnmiiiK to muni-
cipality, or bring an action, or
issue warrant to sherifl" to
levy. 55 V. c. 48, s. 244. p. 6:!6.
SherilT to levy amount iti ;;aiue
manner as in case of execu-
tions against miinicipaliti -s, 55
V. c. 48, s. 245, p. 6:56.
Ill counties, cities ami towns to be
ri'spniisiiiie fur rrovincial taxes
and pay them over to I'rovinciai
Treasurer. 55 V. c. 48, s. 216, p
Mtunicipalities to be responsilile,
55 V. c. 48. s. 247. [i. 6:i6.
To be responsible to muniiipalities,
55 V. c. 48, s. 248. p. 637.
Securities to apply to moneys i ol-
lected for the ('rown, 55 V. c. 48,
8. 248, p. 637.
Bonds and securities to apply to
school moneys, 55 \'. c. 48, s.
249. p. 6:}7.
Ill «itfuult Crown
inoiK'yK roniiiiK
may stop
to muiiici-
48. s. 24!), |».
polity, .55 \'. <
('oiiiity, city or lowii. n'HpoiiHibIt' to
any piTsoii ugKrifvcd by default,
55 V. c. 48, H. 250. p. 637.
T«) tttke proco«?«lin>,'H when oolieotors
do not account for njon<*yH — hcc
CoIh'ctorH (55 V. c. 48, 88. liSl
239, pp. 634-635).
Duties, with regard to collo<'tion ol
ta.xcH — Kcc Hates and Taxi's.
Sal<' of land for tux<>8 — Bee Ta.\
Hooks to he kept by— see Accounts.
TREES, Removal of, when throwi
down across line fences. Rev.
Stat. c. 219, s. 15. p. 2357.
By-laws for removal of. from publii
places, highways, etc.,— owntT.-
of adjoiniu); property to hav<
notice and be c(mipensated, 55 V
c. 42, 8. 479 (20). p. 404.
Not to be removed without special
permission of council. 55 V. c.
42, 8. 479 (20), p. 404.
Councils may expend money ii
planting shade and ornamenta'
trees on highways, etc., anc'
make grants for such purposes.
55 V. o. 42, 8. 479 (20). p. 404.
By-laws for rcRuIatinp planting, on
or near boundary lines between
adjoining properti<'8, 55 V. o. 42.
s. 479 (20ff), p. 404.
For regulating the burning of, in i
the oi»en air. 55 V. e. 42. s
489 (24), p. 419.
For allowing abatement in 8tatut<
labour to persons planting'
shade trees. 55 V. c. 42, s. 48P
(27), p. 420.
F'\)r preventing
planted for
ment. 55 V.
For preserviu):' and selling, on
road allowances, subject to
rights of Crown. 55 V. c. 42, «.
550 (6), p. 460.
County by-laws for removal of. for
twenty-five feet on each Bide
of highways. 55 V. e. 42. s. 666
<3). p. 4.6.
. 42. 8.
489 (28). p
Township by-Iaw.s, 55 V. c. 42. 8.
567 (3). p. 478.
Act to encourag*' the growing and
planting of, Rev. Stat. c. 201, p.
2246; 53 V. v. GO. p. 141.
Short title. Rev. Stat. c. 201. p. 224'>.
Right of owner of iidjacent land to
plant trees on highways. Rev.
Stat. <•. 201. s. 3 (1). p. 2246.
Right to plant trees on boundary
linc'S, Rev. SHit. c. 201, s. 3 (2).
p. 22'*''
I'roiierty in trees on highways and
boundary lines. Rev. Stat. f. 201,
K. 3 (3), (4). p. 2246.
By-law necessary for application of
foregoing jirovlsions to city,
town or village. Rev. Stat. c.
201. s. 2, p. 2246.
By-law for granting bonuses foi
planting trees on highways and
boundary lines. Rev. Stat. e.
201, s. 4. p. .2247.
Appointment of insjiector and pro-
tection of trees. Rev. Stat. C.
201. s. 4 (2). p. 2247.
Notice of by-law. reference of
claims to inspector. Rev. Stat. c.
201. 8. 4 (3). p. 2247.
Annual report of inspector. Rev.
Stat. c. 201. s. 5. p. 2247; 53 V. c.
60. p. 141.
I'rovincial Tn-asurer on recei|)t of
report to ref\ind to municipality
half the amounts jmld. Rev.
Stat. c. 201. s. 6. p. 2247.
Apiu'opriation for Ontario Tree
Planting Fund. Rev. Stat. c. 201.
s. 7. p. 2247.
T'enalties. for tying animals to trees,
or destroying trees. Rev. Stat. e.
201. s. 8, p. 2247.
.Application of lines. Rev. Stat. c.
201. s. 8. p. 2248.
Injuring or removing trees on
boundary lines. Rev. Stat. c.
201. s. 9. 1). 2248.
By-laws to regulate planting on
highways. Rev. Stat. e. 201, s.
10, p. 2248.
To orohibit iinsnitable plant'ie.'.
!{<'v. Stat. c. 201. s. 10. p. :'248.
'. f. 42. 8.
wiiiK and
c. 201, p.
91. p. 224'i.
nt land to
nyH, Il(,'V.
I. 8. 3 (2).
iwiiys and
tat. c. 201,
li«-ation of
to city.
. Stat. <•.
M\IH»'H fOi
iwiiya and
Stat. c.
n \u\ pro-
Stat. c.
'I'oncp of
V. Stat. c.
tor. Rev.
7; r>:i V. c.
receipt of
Hid, Rov.
rio Tree
tat. c. 201.
s to trees.
V. Stat. c.
i-. Stat. c.
trees on
. Stat. c.
intinK on
c. 201, B.
0. p. L'248.
lo provide for removal of unsiiit-
a»)]e trecH, Rev. Stat. c. 201, b.
10, p. 2248.
TRKSPASSKS,By-Iaw8 for declaring
niarHh lundH endoHed within the
meaning of the Act respectinj,'
I'etty Tre)K)inted Ity
police commissioners or council,
54 V. c. 56, H. 7 (1), p. 170.
To have police powers. 54 V. e. 56,
8. 7 (1). p. 170.
To l)e appointed l)y school trustees
in townships, 54 V. c. 56. s. 7
(2), i». 170.
TliV AN CY— Continued.
Appointing fiody may make regu-
lations, 54 V. e. 56, s. 7 (3), p.
.Notir4' of appoininn-nt to he given
to insjH'ctors, 54 V. c. 56, s. 7
(4), p. 171.
Annual report to Minister, 54 V. c.
56, 8. 7 (4), p. 171.
Duties, 54 V. c. 56, 88. 8, 9, 10, p.
Conviction and penalties. 54 V. c. 56,
s. 9. p. 171.
Officer to institute proceed for
informality. .54 V. c. 56, s. 17, p.
Onus of proof of age, 54 V. c 56. s,
18. |). 173.
Certain persf personalty, 55 V. e. 48. s.
10, I). 566.
May be assessed with benefifiary
for personalty in their hands in
same n\anner as in the ease of
other resid(>nts, — exceptions as
to dividends or choses in action
standing in name of non-resi-
dent owner. 55 V. c. 48. s. 311.
p. 579.
be assessed as owners when
beneficiary resides out of On-
tario, 55 V. c. 48. s. 39. p. 581.
be assess«'d alone for personalty
held in trust, 55 V. c. 48, s. 41
(1), p. 581.
Representative character to be
shown on roll, and as.sessnient to
be nmde in distinct line. 55 V.
c. 48, s. 41 (2), p. 581.
To be assessed for full value if
alone, and if assessed in eon-
junction with others tlien for
due proportion. 55 V. c. 48. s. 41
(2), p. 581.
Of mining schools — see Mining
Schools (54 V. c. 60, p. 195).
Of high schools — see High Schools.
Of police villages — see Police Vil-
TUGS, Exempted from taxation, but
not their earninga, 55 V. c. 48,
s. 7 (28). p. 564,
TURNriKE ROADS. Exemptions
from tolls— see Tolls (Rev, Stat,
c. 196. p. 2230).
See Toll Roads.
reeve to give notice to inspector
of anatomy. Rev. Stat. c. 149,
s. 9, p. 1379: 52 V. c. 24. s. 5, p.
Burial at expense of municipality.
Rev. Stat. c. 149, s. 17, p. 1380.
UNDUE INFLUENCE, At elections or
voting on l)y-laws — s(>e Corrupt
Ur-ictices (55 V. c. 42. ss. 216-
222. pp. 319-321).
see Villages.
make anticipatory
in aid of junior
55 V. c. 42, s. 371,
dissolution of union, senior muni-
cipality may
p. 366.
Alterations to be made in books of
county treasurer upon separation
with respect to arrears of taxes,
55 V. c. 48, s. 153, p. 6i6.
of, 54 V. c. 60. s. 1, p. 195.
UNITED COUNTIES, When uni.n of
township lies partly in each of
two united counties, by-laws
uniting townships to cease on
separatMm of counties, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 34. p. 259.
How union formed,— consequences of.
55 V. c. 42. 8. 35, p. 259.
Seniority determined by situation of
court-house and gaol, 55 V. c.
42. s. 36. p. 260.
Laws applicable to be the same as
in counties except as to repre-
sentation and registry laws, 55
V. c. 42, 8, 37, p. 260.
Rules and regulations with re8p"ct
to court hou'ies and gaols, to
apply in junior county after
separation. 55 V. c. 42, s. 468, p.
By-laws for apportioning rates for
high school purposes, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 495 (6), p. 4*>8.
Council may raise funds to enable
either county to make iinprcive-
ments, 55 V. c. 42, s. S15, p, 449.
c. 149.
s. 5. p.
p. 1380.
ctlons or
ss. 216-
.AM of
each of
coase on
55 V. c.
tinonops of.
ituation of
55 V. 0.
same as
to rcpro-
laws, 55
itli rP8P"''t
gaols, to
iinty aft'T
8. 468, p.
rates for
55 V. 0.
to enaWle
se improvo-
515. p.
UNITED COimTIEH—Continved.
Keevt'8 and doputy-reevos of
county interested alone to
vote, but warden to have cast-
ing vote, 55 V. c. 42, s. 516, p.
General provisions with respect to
raising money to apply, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 517, p. 449.
Treasurer to pay over amounts
collected without deduction, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 518, p. 449.
Property of county interested
alone to be assessed, and de-
bentures to be issued as of
such county, 55 V. c. 42, s. 519,
p. 449.
Debentures to be under seal of
union and signed by warden.
55 V. c, 42, s. 519, p. 449.
How advertisement for sale of
lands for taxes to be published
in, 55 V. c. 48. s. 164 (1), p. 618.
Who to take proceedings when
junior county separated after
return of arrears to treasurer,
55 V. c. 48, 8. 164 (2), p. 619.
Collection or taxes on non-residents'
lands imposed by provisional
coriwration to belong to trea-
surer of union, 55 V. c. 48, s. 212.
p. 631.
Effect of separation on division
courts — see Division Courts.
See Provisional County Cor-
ment and dissolution of unions —
see Townships.
UNIVERSITIES, Teachers, officers
and servants exempt from muni-
cipal office, 55 V. c. 42, s. 78, p.
To be assessed for local improve-
ments. 55 V. c. 42. 8. 626rt, p.
Exempted from taxation, except for
local improvements, 55 V. c. 48.
s. 7 (4), p. 562.
laws for making provision for
expenses of high school pupils
D.M.I.— 10
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO-Co«'i\(\ towns. Rev. Stat. c. 206,
s. 6, p. 2296.
VAGRANT BANDS. Police commis-
sioners in cities and councils in
towns may regulate or prohibit
l)laying in streets, etc., 55 V. c.
42, 8. 436 (5), p. 387.
VAGRANTS, By-laws for committal 1o
houses of correction, etc.. in
cities and towns, 55 V. c. 42. s.
462 (2), p. 393.
Until houses of correction estab-
lished, may be committed to
gaols, 55 V. c. 42, s. 463, p. 394.
By-laws for restraining and punish-
ing, 55 V. c, 42, 8. 489 (38), p.
VALT'ATION. Of land which has been
omitted from assessnitnit ndl, 55
V. c. 48, s. 154, p. 616.
WALVATIOTH— Continued.
Treasurer before effecting sale of
lands for taxes need not enquire
as to, 55 V. c. 48, s. 162, p. 618.
Equalization of. by county councils
— see Equalization of Assess-
ment (55 V. c. 48, ss. 78-86, pp.
Of property for purposes of assoss-
ment — see Assessment.
VALUATORS, To be appointed in
cities by assessment commis-
sioner and mayor, 55 V. c. 42, s.
255, p. 328.
County councils to appoint two or
more for valuation of real pro-
perty in county, 55 V. c. 42, a.
269, p. 333.
Valuation so made to be basis of
equalization of assessment of
real property for five years, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 269 (1), p. 333.
Council may extend period for
five years further, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 269 (2), p. 333.
By-laws for appointment, remun-
eration and regulation, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 479 (2), (3), p. 400.
May be appointed in cities of jOO.-
000 to determine compensation to
be paid for lands when claim
does not exceed $1,000, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 487, p. 409.
Fees to be determined by blaster
in Chambers, 55 V. c. 42. s.
487 (4). p. 409.
Appointment not to be deemed an
admission of liability, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 487 (6), p. 410.
Appointment not to affect appeal
from equalization of assess-
ments, 55 V. c. 48, 8. 79 (8), p.
To attest report to county council
on oath, 55 V. c. 48, g. 80. p.
Form of oath to be the same as
that made by assessors on re-
turning list of lands in arrear,
55 V. p. 48. s. 80, p. 599.
[Onth to be taken by assessors on
returning list of lands in
arrear — see 55 V. c. 48. s. 142,
I p. 613].
ale of
p. 618,
r86, pp.
nted iu
c. 42, 8.
two or
real pio-
f. 42, s.
basis of
iment of
years, 55
of assL'SS-
79 (8). p.
nty ooujioil
e, 80, p.
he sani'* »»8
iBors on re
Is in arrear,
.ssessors on
lands in
48. s. 142,
VAULTS. By-laws for selling or leas-
ing lots in cemeteries for, 55 V.
e. 42, s, 489 (ll)rt, p. 416,
For protection of, 55 V. c, 42, s,
489 (13), p. 417,
VE(;ETABLES, By-Iaws respecting
sales in streets or adjacent va-
cant lots, .55 V. c. 42, 8, 503 (3).
p. 441.
Ftir regulating the place and man-
ner of selling and weighing, 55
V. c. 42. s. 503 (4). p, 441,
For preventing forestalling, etc.,
of. 55 V. c. 42. s. 503 (6), p. 441.
Ilespecting purchase by dealers.
55 V. c. 42, 8, 503 (7), p. 441,
VEHICLES, By-laws for licensing and
regulating, when kept for hire
in towns and villages, 55 V. c.
42, s. 510, p, 446.
Township by-laws for prohibiting
driving on foot-paths. 55 V. c.
42. 8. 567 (4). p. 478,
By-laws lO prevent the importuning
(if travellers by drivers, 55 V, c,
42, s, 496 (6), p. 431,
By-Ill W8 for regulating the user of
streets in cities, towns and vil-
lages by, 55 V, c, 42, s, 496 CJG).
p. 436.
Respecting stands for, on streets
in cities, towns and villages.
55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (38). p. 436.
For preventing children riding be-
hind, 55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (40). p.
For providing that runners shall
be not h'ss than three fret
nine inches apnrt when used
on county roads, .'15 V, o 4.'.
s. 511ff (1). p. 448.
. By-law may exempt sleighs
owned within the county at
time of passing. 55 V, c. 42.
8. 511 (2), p. 448.
When by-law nmy <'ome into
force. 55 V. c. 42, s. 511ff (3).
1), 448.
For licensing and regulating, fix-
' in^ rates of fares, .nnd regu-
liiting width of tires in coun-
ties having gravel or mac-
.n do mi zed ronds free from tolls.
.^5 V. c. 42. 8. 512, p. 448.
WEKICL-E9— Continued.
Exeniotions from toll on turnpike
roads, sec Tolls (Uev. Stat. c.
196, l». 2230),
Regulating the sale of goods from,
on nnirkets and in streets jind
vacant lots, see Markets and
Market Fees,
Prevention of si)read of infectious
diseases through use of. see
IMibiic Health.
See liivery Stables.
VENDOR'S LIEN. Mon<'y secured by,
exempt from taxation, 55 V. c.
48, s. 7 (16), p. 563.
VESSELS, By-laws for erecting or
renting nect'ssary machinery for
loading, unloading
55 V
or repaivmg,
c, 42. 8, 479 (7), p. 401.
to prevent the importun-
ing of travellers by agents of,
55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (6), p. 431.
Exeniitted from taxation, but not
their earnings, 55 V. c. 48. s. 7
(28), p. 564.
VESTIBULES. By-laws for compel-
ling i'lectric street railways to
provide during winter months,
57 V. c. 50, 8. 11, p. 168.
VICE, By-laws for the prevention of,
55 V. c. 42, 8. 489 (34), p. 421.
for limiting number of. and
regulating and licensing, o.'j V.
c, 42, s, 489 (7), (8), p, 414,
"VILLAdE" In Assessment Acts to
mean incorporated village, 55 V.
c, 48, 8, 2 (4), p, 560.
VILLAGE COT'NCILS, To consist of
reeve and four councillors or
deputy-reeve to be elected in
jdace of councillor for every iiOO
voters, 55 V. c. 42, s. 70, p. 272.
VILLAlJES. When county council may
incorporate. 55 V. c. 42, s. 9, p.
Incorporation when within a mile of
city having 100.000 population, 55
V. <•. 42, s 9. p. 246.
Are:-, limited, 65 V. c. 42, s. 10. p. 247.
\1LL\GE8— Continued.
Addition by proclamation of Llcn-
tcnant-Govcrnor, 55 V. c. 42, s.
14. I). 248.
Kednttion l)y connty conncil, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 15, p. 249.
Disposition of property and
lucnt of lial)iliti('S upon sopnra-
tion from townsliip, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 11, p. 247.
Wlii'n lying within two or more
oountios, how anno.xod to ono
of them, 55 V. c. 42, s. 12, pp.
247, 248.
Payment of liabilities of locality
detached from county, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 13, p. 248.
Dissolution of corporation and an-
nexation to adjoining munici-
pality, 55 V. c. 42, s. 16, pp. 249,
Township councils may set apart
territory as unincorporated \ il-
ia ge, 55 V. c. 42, s. 17, p. 250.
Jurisdiction of township con-
tinued, 55 V. c. 42, s. 17 (2), p.
Powers of township councils as to
statute labour and local im-
provements in unincorporated
villages, 55 V. c. 42, s. 17 (3).
p. 251.
Union of contiguous localities, 55
V. c. 42, 8. 17 (4), p. 251.
When population exci'eds 2,000 may
be erected into towns by pro-
clamation, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 19. p.
Notice to be given and census re-
turns certified, 55 V. c. 42. s.
19, p. 252.
By-laws in force at time of cri'c-
tion into town to continue until
repealed, 55 V. c. 42. h. 53. p.
After incorporation or erection into
towns to remain liai)le for pre-
vious debts of locality, 55 V. c.
42. 8. 55, p. 265.
Adjiistment of dt'l)ts and division of
property \i\nm annexation or ex-
tension of liniitn. 55 V. c. 42, 8.
56 (1). p. 266.
VILLAGES— Continued.
First election after incorporation,
when to be held. 55 V. c. 42. 8.
89. p. 280.
Townsliii> by-laws for stopping up
and sale of road allowances in
unincorporated villages, 55 V. c.
42. s. 568, p. 478.
When by-law may be passed. 55
V. c. 42. s. 568 (1). p. 478.
Petition for l)y-law, 55 V. c. 42. s.
568 (1), p. 478.
Certificate of registration of plan
of village. 55 V. c. 42. s. 568
(1), p. 478.
When ^lilage lies in two town-
ships, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 568 (2), p.
Detaching farm lands and annexing
same to adjoining municipalities.
57 V. c. 50. 8. 1. p. 166.
Police villages— see Police Villages.
VOLUNTEERS, When e.xempt from
tolls on roads, Rev. Stat. c. 196.
8. 1, p. 2230.
By-laws for adding to money re-
ceived for drill, and for aiding
purchase of outfit, etc., 55 V. c.
42, 8. 479 (10), p. 402.
To be exempt from statute labour
except when assessed for real
property, 55 V. c. 48. s. 87. p.
"VOTE," Meaning of. in connection
with assessment of farmers'
sons, 55 V. c. 48, s. 14f/ (1). p.
569: see also 55 V. c. 42. s. 79
(5), p. 277.
VOTERS. Entry on assessment roll-
see Assessment Roll.
Who may vote at municipal elec-
tions — s«'e Electors.
VO'I'ERS' LISTS, To be open to in-
spection at seasonable liours. 55
V. e. 42, 8. 247 (1), p. 325.
Cleric to furnish copies at ten cents
per folio. 55 V. c. 42. s. 247 (1).
p. 125.
May lie posted up at township hall
in town or village. 55 V. c. 42, s.
.^21 (10). r-. 451.
c. 42, 8.
)l)in>.' up
auc'cs in
55 V. c.
[issed, 55
c. 42. s.
of plan
12, s. 568
ro towii-
i68 (2), p.
ipt from
ftt. c. 196,
loney re-
or aidinK
, 55 V. f.
te labour
for ival
». 87, p.
L4rt (1). p.
42. 8. 79
lent roll—
eipal elec-
[)en to m-
hours, 55
: ten centa
s. 247 (I).
rnship hall
V. 0. 42, 8.
VOTERS" hlSTS-Continufd.
Appeals with repird to names of
manhood Huffrajie vtttcrs impro-
perly omitted or inserted in as-
Hessment roll. 55 V. e. 48, s. Uh
<8), (9), p. 672.
I'se of, at munieipal elections,—
Wliat to be used, 55 V. c. 42, a. 128,
p. 292.
For first election in new mniiici-
piility, poll book to be furnished
in place of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 129, p.
WIh'u new territory, for which
there is no separate list, added
to municipality, 55 V. c. 42, s.
130 (1). p. 292.
Form of supplementary list. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 130 (2), p. 292; lb.
Sched. C, p. 539.
When there is assessment roil but
no list certified clerk to i)repare
a poll-liook, omitting names of
tax defaulters, 55 V. c. 42, s.
131, p. 293.
To be delivered to deputy-returning
officers by clerk, 55 V. c. 42, s. j
132. p. 293.
Copies may be prepared by clerk, or
pro(\ire«l from clerk of the peace,
55 V. c. 42, s. 133, p. 293.
Certificate entitling officers and
agents to vote where stationed
to be attached, 55 V. c. 42, s.
141 (2). p. 295.
To be consulted by deputy-returning
officer on voter presenting him-
self, 55 V. c. 42. 8. 143 (1), p. 297.
To be marked opposite the name of
Certificates entitling officers and
agents to v.ite where stationed
to be altailifd, 55 V. c. 42 s
302 (2), p. 343.
Deputy-returning offi<'er to note pro-
perty upon which freeholder
qualifies where there is no as-
sessment roll, 55 V, c. 42. s. 308
(2), p. 344.
Note to be made of (|ualification of
leaseholder, 55 V. c. 42. s. 308
(3), p. 345.
To be placed in sealed packet and
returned to clerk at close of poll,
55 V. c. 42. s. 315. p. 348.
Declaration as to use of to l>e nmde
by dei>nty returning ntficer at
close (»f ]H)11 and attaehed, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 316, p. 348.
Form, 55 V. c. 42, Sched. G., p. 541.
Sections relating to elections to ap-
ply, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 306, p. 344.
Act respecting.* 52 V. c. 3, p. 9; 54 V.
. p. 6;
p. 11;
c. 5. 8. 4. p. 11; 56 V. c. 2
56 V. c. 3, p. 7: 57 V. c. 3,
57 V. c. 4. p. 14.
Short title. 52 V. c. 3, b. 1 (1), p.
Meaning of "Voters' Lists 'Act," 52
V. 0. 3, s. 1 (1), p. 10.
CommencenuMit of Act. 52 V. c. 3,
s. 1 (2). p. 10.
Former Acts repealed, saving as to
person voting,
C6), 1). 297.
55 V. c. 42, s. 143
Deputy-returning oflicer to make
declaration as to use of, and
H'turn to clerk, 55 V. c. 42. s.
155 (2). p. 302.
Form of declaration, 55 V. c, 42,
Sched. f}., p. 541.
Use of. at voting on by-laws,—
To be delivered by clerk to deputy-
returning officers, 55 V. c. 42, s.
303, p. 343.
Form, 55 V. c 42, Sched. C, p. 539.
certain iiiatt«'rs, .^)2 V
(3), p. 10.
e. 3. 8. 1
Interpretation, 52 V. c. 3, 8. 2,
p. 10.
p. 10.
"Farmer's son," 52 V. p. 3. s.
2 (2),
" Kl.p.fiM')."" " t'^ vore " " (•
practices," 52 V. c. 3, s.
2 (1).
p. 10 .
♦Note. — The pr()visiona of these Acts
so far as they relate to the registi-itioii
of niaidiood suffrage voters in 'ities,
are now sui>ers>',ied by 57 V. c. 4. The
City Manhood Suffrage RegistrTtion
Act ISM. The last named Ai»Iying to cities.
-' f
H 1
VOTERS' hlBTS-Continued.
"Municiiml flection," 52 V. c. 3, s.
2 (3), 1). 10.
"Voter." 52 V. c. 3. s. 2 (4). p. 11.
"Lists," "voter-s' list," 52 V. c. 3,
8. 2 (5), p. 11.
"Scrutiny." 52 V. c. 3, s. 2 (6), p.
"Clerk of the peace," "county
judKe," 52 V. <: 3, s. 2 (7), p. 11.
"Roll," "assessment roll," 52 V. c.
3, 8. 2 (8), p. 11,
Preparation and posting up lists, —
Clerk to make out annual list of
voters in tliret; parts, 52 V. c. 3,
8. 3 (1), p. 11.
Form, 52 V. c. 3, Form 1, p. 27.
P'irst part to contain list of persons
to vote at municipal elections
and elections lor Lefjislativo As-
semltiy, 52 V. c. 3, s. 3 (2), p. 11.
Second part to contain list of i)er-
sons to vote at municipal elec-
tions only, 52 V. c. 3, s. 3 (3), p.
Third part to contain list of persons
to vote at elections for Legisla-
tive Assembly only, 52 V. c, 3 s.
3 (4). p. 11.
Names not to be entered more than
once in any part. 52 V. c. 3. s. 3.
(5), p. 11.
List to be made for each polling
sub-division, 52 V. c. 3, s. 3 (6),
p. 11.
Entry against names of manhood
suffrage voters, 52 V. e. 3, s. 3
(7), p. 12.
Entry of property qualification, 52
V. c. 3, s. 3 (8). p. 12.
Entry of qualification of farmer's
son, 52 V. c. 3, a. 3 (9), p. 12.
When voter assessed in different
sub-divisions of same ward. 52
V. c. 3, s. 3 (10). p. 12.
When property of voter lies partly
in one division and partly in on-
other. 52 V. c. 3, 8. 3 (11), p. 12.
Entry of income qualification, 52 V.
c. 3. 8. 3 (12). p. 12.
Entry as freeholder, householder or
tenant. 52 V. c. 3, s. 3 (13). p. 12.
Entry of persons entered on rolls f.s
manhood suffrage V')ters or
farnu'rs' sons, o2 V. c. 3. s. 3
(14), p. 13.
Assessment roll, when deemed fin-
ally revised and correctetl, 52 V.
c. 3, s. 3 (15), p. 13.
Schedule of post offices in townshiiis
and entry of post office addresses
of voters. 52 V. c. 3, s. 4, p. 1.'!.
List to be printed and posted up in
clerk's office, 52 V. c. 3, s. 5, i).
Three copies to be sent to county
judge and two to each councillor,
and treasurer, sheriff, clerk of
the peace, postmaster and school
teacher, 52 V. c. 3, s. 5, p. 13.
Clerk to send ten copies to the mem-
ber of the Legislature, defeated
candidates at the last elections,
and the reeve, 52 V. c. 3, s. 6. p.
Certificate of clerk to accompany
each copy, 52 V. c. 3, s. 7, p. 14.
Form of certificate, 52 V. c. 3, Form
2, p. 28.
Copies to be posted up by sheriffs,
clerks of the peace, teachers and
postmasters, 52 V. c. 3, s. 8. p.
Clerk to publish notice of transmis-
sion and posting up of list, 52 V.
c. 3, s. 9. p. 14.
Form, 52 V. c. 3, Form 3. p. 28.
Appeals to county judge-
Deputy judge not to act without
special sanction of Lieutenant-
Governor, 56 V. c. 3, 8. 27, p. 14.
List to be subject to revision,— at
whose instance, 52 V. c. 3, s. 10
(1), p. 15.
Assessment roll not to be conclu-
sive, 52 V. c. 3. 8. 10 (1), p. 15.
No person's name to be placed on
list without evidence that it is
not already on list, 56 V. c. 3, s.
Voters not disentitled, to be entered
bv reason of omission from roll,
etc.. 52 V. c. 3, s. 10 (1), p. 15.
rolls fis
it(>r8 or
, 3, M. 3
uumI fiii-
;ftl, 52 V.
4, p. i;:.
ted up in
5, s. 5, p.
to county
clerk of
Lud school
,, p. 13.
the meni-
, defeated
3, s. 6. p.
8. 7, p. 14.
c. 3, rorni
)y sheriffs.
achers and
3, s. 8, p.
f transmis-
■ list, 52 V.
3. p. 28.
C't without
s. 27, p. 14.
•evision,— at
. c. 3, s. 10
be oonchi-
1), p. 15.
» placed on
. that it is
6 V. c. 3, s.
) be entered
n from roll,
(1), p. 15.
VOTERS' LISTH-Uontinued.
Decision of judge to be final, 52 V.
c. 3, 8. 10 (1), p. 15.
Appeal auuinst entry of discjualiliv^d
persons, 55 V. c. 3, s. 10 (2), p.
Form of complaint, 52 V. c. 3.
Form 4. !>. 29.
Applications by persons who have
acquired property since assess-
ment, 52 V. c. 3, s. 10 (3), p. 15.
Form, 52 V, c. 3. Forni 5, p. 29.
Applications by persons who will be
of age within 60 days from date
of revision, 52 V. c. 3. s. 10 (4).
p. 15.
Right of appeal and complaint, 52
V. c. 3, 8. 10 (5), p. 16.
Persons entitled to be entered on
roll without request, 52 V. c. 3.
s. 10 (6), I). 16.
Becoming qualified after completion
of roll, 52 V. c. 3, s. 10 (7), p. 16.
Powers of judge as to correcting mis-
takes on his own motion, 52 V.
c. 3, s. 11, p. 16.
Judge to correct list as evidence
may warrant, 52 V. c. 3, s. 12.
p. 17.
Notice of appeal to be served on
clerk, or, in his absence, on heail
of corporation, 55 V. c. 3, s. 13
(1), p. 17.
Form, 52 V. c. 3, Form 6, p. 29.
Procedure after notice, 52 V. c. 3,
s. 13 (1), p. 17.
Form of notices to be giv(>n by clerk,
52 V. c. 3, Form 7-12. p. 31-33.
Dutv of head of council when noti-
fied. 52 V. c. 3. s. 13 (2). p. 17.
Judge not to hold court until after
notice given, 52 V. c. 3, s. 13 (3).
P. 17.
Form of notice. 52 V. c. 3. Form
10, p. 32.
Compelling attendance of witnesses.
52 V. c. 3, 8. 14 (1). p. 17.
Form of subpoena. 52 V. c. 3,
Form 13. p. 34.
VOTERS' LIHTS—Cantinued.
Allowance for expenses of wit-
nesses, 52 V. c. 3, s. 14 (1), p,
Person whose right is in question
to attend without tender of his
expenses, 52 V. c. 3, s. 14 (2).
p. 18.
How service may be effected. 52
V. c. 3, s. 14 (2), p. 18; 56 V. c.
2, 8. 1, p. 6.
I'enalty for non-attendance, 52 V.
c. 3, s. 14 (3), p. 18.
Any number of names may be in-
serted in 8ubi)oena or order. i>2
V. c. 3, 8. 14 (4), p. 18.
TiuK? within which list to be re-
vised, 52 V. c. 3, 8. 15, p. 18.
List confirmed if no complaint made
within thirty days after list
posted by clerk, 52 V. c. 3. s. 16.
p. 19.
Application to judge to certify list.
52 V. c. 3, s. 16, p. 19.
Form of report on application. 52 V.
c. 3, Form 14. p. 34.
Judge to forward one certified copy
to clerk of the peace, and one to
clerk of municipality, 52 V. c. 3.
s. 16, p. 19.
Judge to make statement of altera-
tions and certify copies of list
after final revision, 52 V. c. 3.
8. 17 (1). p. 19.
Form of statement, 52 V, c. 3,
Form 16. p. 35.
Form of certificate, 52 V. c. 3.
Form 17, i). 36.
Copy of alterations to be supplii'd to
applicants on payment of fees,
54 V. c. 5. s. 4. p. 11.
Disjiosal of certified copies and
statements. 52 V. c. 3. s. 17 (2).
p. 19.
Jurisdiction of district judges and
stipendiary magistrates, 52 V. c.
3, 8. 18. p. 19.
Certified list to be conclusive, 52 V.
c. 3, 8. 19, p. 20.
Except as to persons guilty of
corruption, 52 V. c. 3. s. 19.
p. 20.
i i
V0TEU8' IjISTH— Continued.
E.\c'»'i)t iiH to pcrsoiiH wlio httve
lii'iouu' non-rt'Hidt'iit, 62 V. c.
3, H. 19, p. 20.
Except iiH to ptTHons (lisqunlificil
by Eh'ftlou Act, 52 V. c. 3, s.
19, p. 20.
Municipality to provide a proper
court rooui, 52 V. c. 3, 8. 20, p.
Proprietor of buildiuK used as cotirt-
rooin to be entitled to $5 per
day, 52 V. c. 3, s. 20, p. 20.
Courts lield at county town to be
lield in the court-house, or at
place fixed l)y jud^e, 52 V. c.
3, K. 20. p. 20.
•ludse to have same powers as in
<'ounty court, 52 V. c. 3, s. 21,
p. 20.
Ch'rk of municipality to l)e subject
to summary jurisdiction of
judge, 52 V. c. 3, s. 22, p. 20.
Remuneration of clerk, 52 V. c. 3,
s. 23, p. 20.
Appointment and fees of constable
or bailiff, 52 V. c. 3. s. 24, p. 21.
Fees of clerk and constable to be
certified l)y judge and paid by
treasurer, 52 V. c. 3, s. 25, p. 21.
Judge to report fraudulent practices
to Provincial Secretary, 52 V. c.
3. s. 26, p. 22.
.Tudge may amend notices and pro-
ceedings, 52 V. c. 3, s. 27. p. 22.
Substitution of new appellant when
appellant dies or abandons his
appeal. 52 V. c. 3, s. 28. p. 22.
Costs, Liability for, when occasioned
by errors or mistakes in muni-
cipalities other than cities, .'>2 V.
c. 3, s. 29 (1), p. 22; 56 V. c. 3, s.
20. p. 12.
Form or order. 52 V. c. 3, Form 18.
p. 37.
Discretion of judge, 52 V. c. 3. s.
29 (1). p. 22.
Division Court costs only to be
allowed, 52 V. c. 3. s. 29 (2). p.
Liability of appellant, 52 V. c. 3.
s. 29 (3), p. 22.
Liability for. when occasioned by
niis< ondiict of assessors or
otlier (illicers in cities, iti V. c.
3. H. 20 (1), p. 12.
Order of judge, 56 V. c. 3. s. 20
(2), I). 12.
Amount to be fixed by judge, 56
^'. c. 3, 8, 20 (3), p. 12.
Enforcing payment of costs, 52 V. c.
3, 8. 30, I). 23.
Form of exi-cution, 52 V
Form 19, p. 37.
c. 3,
Stating cases for Court of Appeal. 52
V. c. 3, 8. 31. p. 23.
County judge may state cise and
forward it to Lieutenant-
(iovernor, 52 V. c. 3, s. 31 (1),
p. 23.
Reference by Lieutenant-Gover-
nor, 52 V. c. 3, 8. 31 (1). (2),
p. 23.
Court to appoint time and place
for argument, 52 V. c. 3, s. 31
(3), p. 23.
Argument to be heard and opinion
to be certified to Lienteuant-
Ciovernor, 52 V. c. 3, s. 31 (4),
. p. 23.
Publication of opinion in (Jazette,
52 V. c. 3. 8. 31 (4). p. 23.
Proceedings when voter desires to
ol)tain opinion of court, 52 V.
c. 3, s, 31 (5), p. 23.
Liability of persons added to list
for taxes, 52 V. c. 3, s. 32. p.
Form of order, 52 V. e. 3. l"^orm
20. p. 38.
Removal of
voters. —
names of deceased
.Tudge may remove names of voters
dying before nomination day. 56
V. c. 3. a. 24, p. 13.
Evidence of death and Identity. 56
V. c. 3. s. 24, p. 13.
Particulars to be recorded on regis-
tration of death. 57 V. c. 3. s. 11.
Appointing time and place for mak-
ing alterations, 56 V. c. 3. s. 25.
(1). p. 13.
to list
32. p.
for mak-
3, s. 25.
VOTERS' LIHTH— Com iinif,!.
I'rofj'tlurt', — powcrH niul duties of,
.iinlKt> and (dlitrrs, 56 V. <•. 3, h.
25 (2). 1). 13.
All imrtH of liHt to !»»> Hiii»jt'<-t to
nlttTiition. 56 V. c. 3, h. 26. ii. 13.
Kiiilurc of clerk to perform liit)
dutieH, —
Lists not vitiated, 52 V. e. 3. s, 23,
p. 24.
.\ppli(-ation for enforeement of the
duties of the elerk, 52 V. c. 3.
s. 34 (1), p. 24.
Form of application, 52 V. c. 3.
Form 21. p. 38.
May In* made by a clerk of the
l»eace or a vott-r. 52 V. c. 3, s.
34 (1), (2). p. 24.
Citation of clerk of the munici-
pality and i>roceediii).'s thereon,
62 V. c. 3. s. 34 (3). |». 24.
Form. 52 V. c. 3, Form 22, p. 39.
Liahility of clerk for costs, 52 V.
c. 3, s. 34 14). p. 24.
.Fuduf's order not to relieve clerk
from penalty, 52 V. c. 3, s. 34
«B), p. 24.
Offences and penalties, —
Penalty for neglect of duties by
clerk, 52 V. c. 3, s. 35, p. 24.
For wilfully falsifying lists, 52 V.
c. 3. s. 36. p. 25.
For making; oolournhlo transfers
of prop<'rty in order to confer
votes, 52 V. c. 3, 8. 37, p. 25.
Who may vpcover, 52, V. c H, s.
.38. p." 25.
Trial of actions for. 52 V. p. 3. s.
39. p. 25.
Assessor to make enquiries in sus-
l)icious cases before placing
names on roll, 52 V. c. 3, s. 40
(1). p. 25.
Penalty for improperly insertin;:
names on roll or making fraudu-
lent assessment. 52 V. c. 3, s. 40
(2). p. 25.
lnsi)ection and copies of documents. —
Documents, right to inspect and
coi)y, 52 V. e. 3. s. 41. p. 2C.
rierk of the jteace :ind Tuunicipal
clerk to furnish copies of lists
VOTERS' lAHlS-Covthvfd
on payment of fees, 52 V. c. 3,
s. 42 (1). 1.. 2G.
Fees, 52 V. c. 3, H. 42 (2), p. 26.
Uries -ind Forms.—
Rules may be made by county
judges (HI re^juest and suliject
to the approval of the Lieuten-
nnt-<}overnor, 52 V. c. 3. s. 43,
p. 26.
1-80 of forms, 52 V. c. 3, s. 44, p. 27.
Newly organized municipalities.—
List to be used ill newly organized
tt'rritory when prepared before
receipt of writ of ele«'tion. 57 V.
c. 3, 8. 10, p. 12.
At elections of police trustees— see
Police Villages.
Use of lists in selecting jurors — see
V()'riNnt, .^ V. c. 42,
8. 81, p. 278.
At IOIectioi\s. —
Oaths to be administered to per-
sons offering to vote as freehold-
ers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 102. \). 283.
As householders or t«>nants, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 103, p. 284.
in respect of income, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 104, p. 284.
As farmers' sons, 55 V. c. 42, s.
10.^. p. 285: 57 V. c. 50. s. 2 r_>),
p. 166.
Voter may select any form, 55 V.
c. 42. s. 105r/. ]). 286.
To be administered at reqiiest of
candidates or agents. 55 V. c.
42. s. 106. p. 286.
No eiHiulry to b(> made of voter
except as to matters sp"cified
in oath, 55 V. c. 42, s. 106. p.
To be by ballot. 55 V. c. 42, s. 118.
p. 289.
In towns and cities electors may
vote for aldermen and council-
lors in each >»!ird here rated,
but only once for mayor, reeve
iind dei)uty-rceve, 55 V. c. 42, 8.
137. p. 295.
■ I
VOTING— Coutinm-d.
In townships nnd villaBos Rlectorn
not to vote in niurc tiian ont'
wunl lor »'acli canditiate, 55 V,
c. 42, H. 138, p. 295.
Elj'ctur may vott- oiict* in any tiivl-
sion \vlu>ro rated, for mayor,
n>«>vo and doputy-reovo, 55 V. <•.
42, H. 139, p. 295.
IVnalty for voting twice for mayor,
reeve or deputy-reeve, 55 V. c
42. H. 140 (1), I). 295.
Receipt of ballot-i»aper to l»e prima
facie evidence of, 55 V. c. 42, .s.
140 (2). p. 295.
Depnty-retnrninj: oHicers, poll-
clerltH and agents may vote
wliere stationed, 55 V. c. 42, s.
141 (1). |». 295.
Kiglit to vote on prodnction of cer-
tificate, 55 V. c. 42. s. 141 (2).
p. 295.
Wlio nuiy administer oatii. 55 V.
c. 42, H. 141 (3). p. 296.
Empty l>allot ito.\ to l)e sliown to
persons present. Itefore com-
mencenuMit, 55 V. c. 42. s. 142.
p. 296.
Procednre wlien voter presents him-
self. 55 V. c. 42. s. 143. p. 296.
Doputy-retnrninK officer to ascer
tain if name on list of voters.
55 V. c. 42, 8. 143 (11. p. 297.
Name, qualification, residence, and
addition to be recorded, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 143 (2), p. 297.
If oath administered, entry to lie
mad so as
to show initials of deputy-
returning; officer and conceal
voter's nmrk, 55 V. c. 42. s. r..
p. 298.
Deputy-returniuK oliicer to receive
ballot, verify initials, t,\u\
place it in the ballot box. 5.'.
V. c. 42, s. 146. i>. 298.
Voter to leave polling; place forth-
with, 55 V. c. 42. 8. 146, p. 298.
No one but voter to be in compart-
ment while ballot marked. 55 V.
c. 42. 8. 147. p. 298.
Forfeiture of vote for takinp ballot
l»aper out of polling; place. 55 \.
c. 42, s. 148. p. 298.
Entry to be nniile on ballot paper
returned without beiiiR mark >d.
55 V. c. 42, 8. 148. p. 298.
Incapacity of voters, procedure, 55
V. c. 42. 8. 149, p. 299.
Deputy-returninn officer to m.irk
ballots in presence of agents.
55 V. c. 42. s. 149 (1). p. 299.
Candidate not to be present. 55 ^'.
c. 42. 8. 172. p. 309.
Entries to be made. 55 V. c. 42. s.
149 (2). p. 299.
Declaration to be made, 55 V. •
42. s. 149 (3). p. 299,
Form, 55 V. c. 42, Sched. 1
Attestation of declaration . p. 299; 55 V.
c. 42. Sched, F.. p. 540.
Voter inadvertently spoiling ballot-
paper may obtain another, and
first to be cancelled, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 150. p. 299.
Tin: MUNICIPAL i\i>i:x.
riK offi-
rkftl ill
ialrt of
■, f.5 V.
out iitxl
V. c. 42.
,1 rto nn
42. ». f..
llH, Mi'l
t box. Tif.
net' forth-
46. 1>. 208.
compart -
litnl. So V-
dug ballot
lace. 55 N •
illot impcr
,p niark.'il.
. 298.
joedurc, 55
r to mark
of iisjents.
(1). p. '^\
?8»'nt. o5 \ •
"v. c. 42, «.
le, 55 V. '•
ched. 1
n ration
fficer. 55 \
,. 299; 55 V.
i. 540."
jilius ballot -
mothpr. nnd
, 55 V. c. 42,
Only iiMici-rs. r'nmlidMtfH nnd m.'«'iits
to he prt'Sfnt in polliim plii.-(>s.
66 \'. r. 42, s. 151. p. ;{()0.
Proc«M'dliitfH upon conntiiuj votes
nftt-r cloMc of poll, Tut V. <•. 42.
H. 15 J. p. -Mi).
VVImt liallotH to lio n-jcftt'd. 55 \'.
f. 42. K. 1.-.2 (1). p. -MO.
Note to lit' uuidt> of objections, 55
\. c. 42. s. I.''i2 (2). II. ;!0t).
Oiij»'ctions to be numbcnMJ. i.nd
nuinlx-r niarki-d ou ballot
pajMT. with initials, 55 \'. c.
42. s. 152 (3), p. 300.
EiMlursfiufnt on rejected ballots.
55 V. c. 42. s. l.f)2 (4), i>. :i()0.
Votes to be counted up. and date-
nu'ut made out and siKued. 55
V. c. 42. s. 152 (5). (0). p. []W).
Not more than two agents for
ea: 42.
s. 154. p. 301,
Duties (d' deputy-returninjr olficer
after couutinj; votes, 55 V. c. 42.
s. 155. p. 301.
De|»uty-returnin>r oHi<'er to certify
on voters' list number votiuir.
and place liallots In sealed
packanes, 55 V. c. 42. s. 155 (1».
p. 301.
Statement to be nnide of illiterate
or incai)able voters. 55 V. c.
42. s. 155 (1». p. :501.
Declaration to be made by dc|>uty-
returnint: officer as to use <.f
voters' list to be annexed
thereto befon* returning to
clerk. 55 V. c. 42. s. 155 (2). p.
Form of declaration. 55 V. c, 42.
Sched. f}., p. 541.
Packets to he delivered to clerk,
and ballot-box to be returned
t. cl.Tk. 55 V. c. 42. 8. 155 (3).
p. 302.
Ballot paper account to accom-
pany packets. 55 V. o. 42, s.
1S5 (4). p. 1502.
If diHi)nte arises as to count, clerk
nniy open packets and count
vot.'rt. 55 V. «•. 42, H. 155 (5). p.
Clerk to cast up votes from state-
ment of deputy returniuk' ollicers
and declare who is elected, j5 V.
V. 42. s. 156, p. 303.
In of a tie, clerk to have u
castinu vote, but not to vote
otlu'rwise, 55 V. c. 42, «. 157, p.
When interrupted (»r not couunenced
to be (teKun or resumed on fol-
litwinu day. .55 V, c. 42, s. 158. p.
When prevented for four days, uew
election to l)e ordered, 55 V. c.
42. s. 159. p. 303.
When election completed, clerk to
cast up votes and declare wlio
is elected, 55 V. c. 42, s. 160,
p. 304.
Persons elected to nnike declarations
and assume office. 55 V. c. 42. 8.
161, p. 304.
Penalty for supplying ballot papers
t(» persons without du»> author-
V. c. 42, s. 167 (1). p.
Putting other [tapers than bal-
lots into the box, 55 V, c.
42. 8. 167 (1), l». 307.
Taking ballots out of itollin^
place. 55 V. c. 42, s. 167 (1),
I>. 307.
Tamperini: with ballot boxes or
packages of ballot papers. 55
V. c. 42. s. 167 (1). p. 308.
Personation, 55 V. c. 42, s. 167 (1).
p. 308.
Attempts b) comndt foresoini; of-
fences. 55 V. c. 42. s. 167 (2).
p. 308.
Penalties, 55 V. c. 42, ss. 167 (.".».
168. p. 308.
Maintaining secrecy at polling
place. i)ersons in attendance to
aid in, 55 V, c. 42, s. 169 (I), i).
VOTING— Continued.
No one to interfere with voter or
try to ascertuin how he hiiM
voted, 55 V.
p. 303.
c. 42. 8. 169 (2),
Information not to be given r.s
to how anyone has voteJ, 55
V. e. 42, s. 169 (3), p. 308.
PerHons i)re8ent at conntin^ of
votes not to disch)8e informa-
tion, 55 V. o. 42, 8. 169 (4), p.
No one to indnoe voter to show
liow he has voted, 55 V. c.
42, s. 169 (5), p. 309.
Pennltj for violating soereey at
po!linK places. 55 V. c. 42, s.
169 (6), p. 309.
Person authorized to attend
polling places to make declara-
tion of secrecy, 55 V. c. 42, s.
170, p. 309.
Form. 55 V. c. 42, Sched. H., p.
No one to be comi)elled to disclose
his vote, 55 V. c. 42, s. 171. p.
Election not to be avoided for ir-
regularities when result not af-
fe«'ted, 55 V. c. 42, s. 175, p. JIO.
On By-laws. —
By-laws re(iuiring assent of electors
to state time and place for hold-
ing poll and name depiijy-retuni-
ing officers, 55 V. c. 42, s. 293 (1),
p. 341.
By-law to be published once a week
for three weeks and posted up.
^5 V. c. 42, s. 293 (2), p. 341; 56
V. c. 35. s. 7, p. 144.
Notice to be published of time and
I»lace of holding ik)11, 56 V. c. 42,
s. 293 (3). p. 341.
Clerk to have ballot papers printed
at expense of municipality, 55
V. 0. 42. s. 294. p. 341.
Form, 55 V. c. 42. 8. 295, p. 342:
IK Sched. J., p. 542.
By-law to fix times ami places for
summing up votes, and for ap-
])ointnient of scrutineers, 55 V.
c. 42, s. 296, p. 342.
WOTING— Continued.
Head of council to appoint agvnts
to act as scrutineers, 55 V. o. 42,
8. 297. p. 342.
Agents before appointment to
make declaration as to their
interest, 55 V. c. 42. s. 298, p.
Fori?: (;f de«'larati(m, 55 V. c. 42,
Sched. K., p. 542.
Agents befor«' being admitted to
l»olling places to produce writ-
ten appointment, 55 V. c. 42. s.
299, p. 342.
In absi'n<'e of agents, deputy le-
turning oHicer may admit
elector to act, 55 V. <•. 42, s.
300. p. 342.
Who may be jnosent while polling
going on, 55 V. c. 42, s. 301, p.
Clerk may give deputy-reterning
officers, p(dl clerks and agents
c« rtiticates entitling them to vote
where stationed, 55 V. c. 42. s.
302 (i), p. .342.
Right to vote on production of cer-
tificate, 55 V. c. 42. s. 302 (2).
p. 342.
Deinity-returning officer to attach
certiticates to voters' list, 55
V. c. 42, s. 302 (2), p. 342.
Certificate not to entitle persons
to vote unless actually en-
gag«'d, 55 V. o. 42, s. 302 (2),
p. 342.
Who may administer oath, 55 V.
c. 42, 8. 302 (3). p. 342.
Where municiprllty divided into
wards or sub-divisions, clerk to
deliver list of voters, duly at-
tested, to deputy-returning offi-
cers, 55 V. c. 42. s. 303. p. 343.
Form. 5j V. c. 42. Sched. C. p. 539.
In municipalities not divided into
polling sub-divisons. clerk to act
for deputy-returning officers, 55
V. c. 42, s. 304, p. 343.
To be by ballot, 55 V. c. 42. s. 305.
p. 344.
ri5 V.
Provisions rfspectiiiK ballot hoxos,
tin Hots. i)ol!iiig-placi's. votrrs.
aiKl dcfaultepH' lists." assfssm.-nt
roll. iKtIlinj,'. offi'iu'i's, swrco.v.
etc.. at elections to apply, 55 V
c. 42. s. 306, p. 344.
Dircftions to voters, 55 \. c 42 s I
307: If). Sche.!. L.. p. 542. '
FrechoMers who tnuy vote on iiy-
Iiiws, 55 V. c. 42, 8. 308 (1). p.
344. '
Where there is no assessment roil
must possess property neces-
sary to qnalify, and depnty-
returninf,' ofHcer to n<»te same
on voters' list, 55 V. c. 42. s.
308 (2). p. 344.
Leaseholders who may vote, 55 V.
c. 42. 8. 309 (1). p. 344.
On local iniprov.ment by laws, 55
y. c. 42, s, 309 (2), p. 345.
Where there is no assessment roll
mnst i)o8sess property neces-
sary to qnalify, and dep\ity-
returuing officer to note sauic
on voters' list, 55 V. c. 42, s.
309 (3), p. 345.
Ratepayer qnalified in more than
one ward may vote in each, 55
V. c. 42, s. 309rt, p. ^t5.
Oath to he taken hy leaseholder if
recjuired, 55 V. c. 42. s. 310. p.
Oath tohetakenhy leaseholder il'
required. 55 V. c 42. s. 311, p.
On local improvement by-law, C5
V. c. 42, 8. 312. p. 347.
Statement to be made by deputy-
retnruinjr officer as to result r.f
polling, 55 V. c. 42, s. 31.5, p. 347.
Objecti.>ns to ballots to be noted
and questions to be decided by
deputy-returning officer, 55 V. c.
42. 8. 314. p. 347.
Objections to be numbered. mihI
same numbers to be placed on
ballot papers and initialed. 55 V.
c. 42. s. 314. p. 347.
Ballot papers and statements, etc.,
to be sealed up in packages,
endorsed with statements as to
VOTING -CoH^-,„/p,7.
contents, 55 V. c. 42. s. 315, p.
Deputy-returning officer to certify
on voters' list number of per-
sons voting, and attach dechira-
tiuii as to use of voters' list C5
V. c. 42. s. 316. p. 348.
Form of declaration. 55 V. c 40
Sched. G., p. 541.
Ballot box to be returned to clerk
55 V. c. 42. s. 316, p. 348.
Certificate of result of voting to be
Kiven. if n'tjuired, to pers«.ns
aiitlhuized t. attend. 55 V <• 4>
». 317. p 349. ■ "'
(Jlerk to cast up votes from st.-ite-
nients. and de-hue the result,
and certify .same to council. 55
V. c, 42, s, 318, i>, .149.
Clerk not to have casting vote. 55
v. c. 42, s. 319. i). 349,
Bonus by-laws -assent of one-third
of ratepayers entitled to vo*e. as
well as of majority of persons
voting, re(iuired, 55 V. c 42 s
320 (1). p. 349.
Certificate as to whether majority
consists of third of those en'-
titled to vote to l>e given Ity
clerk, 55 V. c. 42, s. 320 (2). p.
In case of disimte, question to i»e
decided by judge, 55 V. o. 42,
8. 320 (3). p. 349.
Petition to judge may be by any
elector or by council, and i nl-
ceedings to be as on a scru-
tiny, 55 V. c. 42. 8, 320 (4).
p. 349.
Secrecy of proceedings— ^)ffieers,
clerks and persons attending to
aid in nuiintaining, 55 V. c. 42.
8. 321 (1). p. 350.
Voters not to be interfered with.
55 v. c. 42. 8. 321 (2). p. 350.
Information as to how any «.ne
voted not to be given, 55 V. c.
42. s. 321 (3). p. 350.
Persons present at counting of
votes to niiiinlain. 55 V. c. 42.
8. 321 (4). p. 350.
Voters not to Im« induced to dis-
close their votes, 55 V. c. 42.
8. 321 (5». p. 3,')0.
\OTlliG— Continued.
I VOTING— r()H//HH''(7.
IViialty for violntion of sccn'cy,
55 V. e. 42, s. 321 (6), p. 350.
"Statutory dcclarntlon to ho ina<'tition itresented, hy-law not to
he passed until disposal of case.
and interval not to he reckoned
in computing time for passing'
l»y-law. 55 V. c. 42, s. 328. p. 351.
On county hy-laws for acquirinu and
improvin>r roads and hrid>fcs in
townships, .55 V. c. 42. s. 633. p.
Corrupt practices, hy-laws may hv
(luashed f(.r, 55 V. c. 42. s. 335.
p. 353.
What will constitute— penalties-
see Corrupt Practices (65 V. c.
42. ss. 209-222. pp. 319-321).
In Other Cnsi's,—
At ele< tions of road commissioners,
—chairman of meeting to iiave
j5 V.
c. 48, 8.
V. c.
a castinj: vote,
107, p. 605.
May he open or hy hallot, 55
48, s. 108. p. 605.
If open commissioners to l.e
elected one at a time, hut if
hy hallot. all to he elected at
once, 55 V. c. 48. s. 108, p. 105.
Ke<'onl to he kept hy secretary if
required, 55 V. c. 48, s. 109, i).
Voters when ohjected to, to stnte
jtroperty (jualitication and lie
sworn, 55 V. c, 48, s. 110. |t.
I»y-laws respe<-tinj; polling suh-divi-
sions — see rolling Suh-divisions
(55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (1), i). 413).
I'se of hallot at puhlic school elec-
tions—see I'uhih Schools (54 V.
c. 55. s. 103, p. 138).
At elections of police trustees— see
Tolice Villages.
Kffect of eciuaiity
Casting Vote.
of votes — see
I'uhlic Walks
WALLS, Hy-laws
strer.gtli of. in
55 V. c. 42. s.
certain huildin^s,
479 (16), (16«). p.
liy-laws for preventing the posting
of indecent phu-ards, etc., on,
55 V. o. 42. s. 489 (33), p. 421.
For recpiiring main walls to he
constructed of, or repaired
with incomhustihle materi.ils.
55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (10), p. 431.
Kespecting party walls, 55 V. c.
42, s. 496 (18). p. 432.
W.\UI>EN. ApixtintUKMit and term of
office, in i)rovisional counties, c5
V. c. 42. s. 40. p. 261.
May resign verhally or in writing.—
clerk to notify memhers of va-
cancy, and if required call a
siie<'ial meeting, 65 V. c. 42, B.
180. p. 311.
etc-., on.
to bt'
1). 431.
55 V. c.
rs of vn-
cnll a
c. 42, B.
V! AB.VE'S— Ciwtiniied.
To lie elected at first meeting of
county conncil, 55 V. c. 42, s.
225, 1), 321,
Clerk to preside, 55 V. c. 42, s.
226, p. 322.
Casting vote in case of a tie, 55
V. c. 42, s. 227, p. 322.
Ui'niunenition. to be fixed by coun-
cil, 55 V. c. 42, s. 232, p. 322.
To be head of county corporation,
55 V. c. 42, s. 243, p. 325.
In case of death of county trea-
surer, may appoint a successor
l»ro tern., 55 V. c. 42, s. 250 (2),
1). 327.
After taking oath, not to require
l»roperty qualification to act us
justice of the peace, 55 V. c. 42,
8. 417. p. 379.
Duties with respect to tax sales— see
Tax Sales.
-WARD," Meaning of, 54 V. c. 60, s.
1, p. 195.
In Assessment Acts, not to incliide
township wards, 55 V. c. 48, s.
2 (5». p. 560.
WARDS, Divisicm of new town or city
into, by Lieutenant-tJovernor, 55
V. c. 42, s. 21, p. 252.
Not to contain less than 500 Inhaiti-
tants, 55 V. c. 42, s. 21, p. 253.
I'pon passage of resolution by coun-
«m1, new division may be made
by proclamation, 55 V. c. 42, s.
22 (1), p. 253.
In S— Continued.
Exitetises of commission to be de-
termined by Provincial Trea-
surer and recoverable from
nMinicij)ality, .')5 V. c. 42, s. 22
• 6>. p. 254; (see also Ih., s. 384,
p. 371).
Further division not to be made
for five years, 55 V. c. 42, s.
22 (7), p. 254.
When first election. aft of worlis
or stock, or same to i)c fixed Ly
urititration and paid, 55 V. c. 42,
8, 507, 1). 445.
Fcrsonul property to Ije exempt from
taxation, itut not income derived
from simres, 55 V. c. 48, a. 34
(2). p. 579.
See Gas and Water Companit's;
WATER-COl'USES, By-laws for open-
ing, closing, etc., and acqnirinj;
land for such purposes. 55 V. c.
42, s. 479 (15). p. 403.
By-laws for compelling erection of
water-gates upon, where crossed
by fences and preventinR the ob-
struction of, 55 V. c. 42. 8. 489
(21). p. 418.
For acquiring land in adjoining
municipality for the improve-
ment of. 55 V. c. 42, s. 496 (35).
p. 435.
Township l)y-law8 for preventing
the oltstruction of, and removing
obstructions at expense of of-
ft'uders, 55 V. c. 42, s. 521 (16).
p. 453.
For levying the expense of re-
moval. 55 V. c. 42, 8. 521 (17).
p. 453.
For imposing penalties
V. c. 42, 8.
Btructing, 55
(18), p. 453.
By-laws for removing obstructions
from. etc.. by local assessment —
see Drainage.
See Ditches and Watercourses.
rivers and
42, s. 550 (2ri),
W^ATEU PRIVILEGES. Not to be in-
terfered with by l)y-laws, for
straightening, etc
streaiMS, 55 V. c.
p. 469.
Municipalities may acquire rights
and erect dams, etc., for driving
electric light machinery. 55 V. c.
42, 8. 479«. p. 406.
WATERS, By-laws for protecting. 55
V. c. 42, 8. 479 (5), p. 401,
By-laws for erecting docks, etc., 55
V. c. 42. s. 479 (6), p. 401.
For granting aid in erection of
wharves, i)eac(jns. etc.. 55 V. c.
42, 8. 479 (8). p. 401.
For compelling the of
sunken vessels, cribs, or oth.-r
obstructicms from, 55 V. c. 42,
S. 496 (26). p. 433.
In public parks — see i'uidic Parks.
WATERWORKS, Transftr of coui-
puLsory powers of municipalities
to companies. Rev. Stat. c. 164.
8. 58, p. 1545.
Not to be interfiled with in exer-
cise of powers as to parks. Rev.
Stat. c. 190, s. 14. p. 2056.
Submission of plans to Provincial
Board of Health, Rev. Stat. c.
205, 8, 30. p. 2267.
Debts contracted by municipalities
in connection witli, to be pay.iliie
in thirty years from date of by-
law taking effect, 55 V. c. 42. s.
340 (3). p. 355.
Payment in instalments, 55 V. c.
42, 8. 342 (1), p. 356.
May be exempted by by-law from
taxation for ten years, renew-
able for ten years, except as to
school taxes, 55 V. c. 42, s. L^66.
p. 364.
Councils may contract for supply,
and rent or purchase hydrants
and fire- appliances, 55 V. c. 42.
8. 480 (1), p. 406.
When works constructed, all build-
ings on line of supply to be sup-
plied on request, 55 V. c. 42. s.
480 (3), p. 407.
Before supplying, corporation nf.y
require security from con-
sumer, 55 V. c. 42. s. 480 (A), p.
Liability for failure of supply not
to be affected, 55 V. c. 42, s.
480 (5). p. 407.
By-laws for erecting, etc., buildings
and necessary machinery, 55 V.
c. 42. 8. 489 (3). p. 414.
tecting, 55
, 401.
Ics, etc., 55
icctiou oi
c. 55 V. c.
t' "f
8, or othiT
i5 V. ••• 42.
•lie Parks.
• <»r coiii-
Uat. c. 164.
th in y-law ffo'n
rs. ri'iu'NV-
fxc'opt as ti»
|. 42, 8. 1^66.
for supply,
le hvdraiits
b V. c. 42.
all bnil.l-
to 1h' Slip-
s', c. 42. 8.
Iration n ry
from con-
480 (i), P-
[supply liot
c. 42. 8.
l. buil'liiiffs
lory, 55 V.
WATERWORKS-Co»if/HHc5 V. e. 42, s.
4S9 (31). p. 420.
Head of eorporation holding .t to be levied un-
til council has agreed on iiur-
chase of stock, or price has been
fixed by award and jiaid. 55 V. c.
42. s. .507. p. 445.
Provisions in special Acts not af-
fected. 55 V. c. 42, s. 50S. p. 445.
Laying mains, etc.. on local .nss'ss-
ment jilan. in townships and vil-
lages, 55 V. c. 42, s. f.30. p. C18;
56 V. c. 35, s. 27. p. 149.
11. M. I.- 17
WATEIiWOliKS— Continued.
Total or partial exemption of farm
lands iu towns and villages from
taxation for. 55 V. c. 48, s. 7u,
p. 564 ; 57 V. o. 51, s. 1, p. 171.
Act to provide for the construction of
municiiial waterworks, Ilev.
Stat. c. 192, p. 2067; 53 V. c. 53,
p. 129: 56 V. c. 37. p. 152.
Short title, Kev Stat. c. 192, b. 1, p.
Power to construct waterworks,
Rev. Stat. c. 192, s. 2. p. 2067.
Power to apiioint officers, acquire
lands, and water, Kev. Stat. c.
192. s. 3, p. 2067.
Power to enter on lands and rp-
liroiiriiite streams, etc., Pev.
Stilt, c. 192. s. 4. p. 2068; 56 V.
c. 37, p. 152.
Taking water from lakes or rivers,
— powers of corporation, 56 V. c.
37, s. 2, p. 152.
Arbitration in case of dispute with
owner of land. etc.. Rev. Stat,
c. 192, s. 5, p. 206S.
Owners under disaliility. Kev. Stat,
c. 192. s. 6, p. 2ih;s.
Payment of purchase money, or rent
awarded. Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 7,
p. 2068.
Payment into court in cas(> of
iibseui'c or disability of owner,
Kev. Stat. c. 192, s. S. p. 2069.
Lands, on i)iiyment. to vest in cor-
poriition. Kev. Stat. c. 192. s. 9,
p. 2069.
I'ower to constnu't works. Kev.
St. It. c. 192. s. 10. p. 206'.'.
Entry on internnMlinte lands. Kev.
Stat. c. 192. s. 11. p. 2069.
I^and and highways to be rt^stored,
Kev. Slat. c. 192. s. 11 i2l. p.
f'orpor.itioii may set out necessfiry
lands. Kev. Stat. c. 192. s. 11 (3).
p. 2070.
I'ower to lay and alter pipes. Rev.
St.;t. «'. 192. s. 12. p. 2070.
Compensation for damages, Kev.
Stat. c. 192. s. 13, p. 2070.
268 WAT
PropiTty Vfst«'tl in I'orponition, U«'V.
Stilt, r. Iii2. s. 14. p. 2070.
Ii,v-lii\vs f(ir <,i,' niaiiis through
niihvay la mis. Itcv. Stat, c 192,
s. 15, p. 2070.
(.'orporatioii to lay down service
pipes ami make repairs. Rev.
Stat. e. 192, s. 16. p. 2071.
Layiu;:: sei'vlce pipes aentss si)a<'e
lietwi'cii line of street Mini place
of supply. Uev. Stat. e. 192. s.
16 (2), p. 2071.
Cost of layiiiK service pipi'. Rev.
Stat. c. 192, s. 16 C>,), p. 2071.
Service jiipes to lie umler control of
corporation. Rev. Stat. c. 192, s.
17, p. 2071.
Repairs in service i)ipes, Rev. Stat,
c. 192. s. 17 (1), p. 2071.
St(tp-cock inside of wall not to lie
used liy water tenant. Rev. Stat,
c. 192. s. 17 (2). p. 2071.
Re;riiIation of taps to lie used by
water tenant. Rev. Stat. <•. 192,
s. 17 (3), p. 2071.
Power to enter and inspect. Rev.
Stat. e. 192, s. 18. p. 2071.
Rotfulation of use of water and of
rates. Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 19. p.
Rates, etc., to he a cliar.i,'t> on pro-
perty. Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 19 (2).
p. 2072.
By-laws for niaintenjince and nian-
aucment of works. Rev. Stat. c.
192. s. 20 (II. p. 2072.
By-laws for collection of water-rents
and for enforcing payment Ity
distress. Rev. Stat. c. 192, s. 20
(2), (3), p. 2072.
Li«'n not invalidated Ity attempt to
<'olIect. Rev. Stat. C. 192. s. 21.
p. 2073.
Sale of lamls l»y treasurer, Rev.
Stat. c. 192. s. 21 (2). p. 2073.
Kmploynieiit of colh'ctors. etc..
Rev. Stat. «•. 192. s. 22, p. 2073.
Protectioii and powers of oflicers.
R.«v. Stat. c. 192, s. 23, p. 2073.
Limitatiiui of actions, Rev. Stat. c.
192, 8. 24, p. 2073. .
Corporation not lialtle for stoppage
wlieii previiMis notice ;;iven. Rev.
Stat. c. 192. s. 2.".. p. 2074.
Property uiion which corporation
has advanced money exempt
from execution. Uev. Stat. c.
192. s. 26, l>. 2074.
Exemi»tion from taxation. Rev.
Stat. c. 192, s. 27. p. 2o74.
Supplyln;: water outside of munici-
pality. R.-v. Stat. c. 192, s. 28,
p. 2074.
Sale of property no longer required.
Rev. Stat. r. 192, s. 29. p. 2074.
Members of councils not to be in-
terested in contracts, R<'V. Stat,
c. 192, s. 30, p. 2075.
Liability of i)ersons c-iuslm: dam-
age. Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. lil. p.
By-hiws i»r(diibitiny; in jirojier use of
water and ret;u!atiuu' suj)ply,
c. I!t2. s. 30. i». 2075.
Prohibitions and pen.ilties, Rev.
Stat. c. 192. s. 33. p. 2o76.
Hindering or interrtiptiui: citlicers
and works, Rev. Stat. c. 192,
s. 33 (1). p. 2076.
Wasting water. Rev. Stat. c. 192,
s. 33 (2». i». 2076.
Interfering with hydrants, etc.,
Rev, Stat. c. 192. s. 33 (3), p.
Poulinu' water or injurinir pipes.
Rev. Stat. c. r.t2, s. ;i;! (4), p.
Altering nu-ters, Rev. Stat. c. 192,
s. 33 (5), p. 2076.
Steah 'g water. Rev. Stat. ■•. 192,
s. 33 (6K p. 2076.
Tainting wjiter. Rev. Stat. c. 192.
s. 33 (7), It. 2076.
Summary convicti(Ui, Rev. St.-tt.
• e. 192, s. 33 p. 2076.
Ajiplication of pen.alties. Rev. Stat.
<•. 192. s. .34. p. 2077.
Money borrowed to be a charge on
works. Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 35,
p. 2077.
for stoi>l>ii«o
l». 2074.
[i,.v. Still, c.
xatitni. Ht'V.
!>. 2i>T4.
„U' of mniiit}iv. Stat. c. 192,
hvtlvaiits, t'tc,
192. s. r. (3). p.
1- injuring pip''>*.
r.)2. s. ;'.;' ••*^. p-
Uov. Stat. 0. 192,
Uev. Stat. ■•■ 192.
U.'V. Stat. i'. 192.
i.'tion, H<'v. Stat.
? p. 2076.
«>naltit"s. Ut'V. Stat.
, p. 2077.
to ln> a >liar;:<' <>"
Stat. 0. 192. s. 35,
WATEKW()RKS-(;o„//,,„e. 2077.
CoIllnli.s^sioIlel•s. j),>\vers of. R,.v.
Stat. c. 192. s. 3S (2). p. 2077.
II«'a(i.s of council to l)e ex otHejo,
Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 39 (1». u.
NhuiImt, election, (pionini. Itev.
Stat. .-. 1112, .^. 39. p. 207S.
Qiiaiitieation. oath. Rev. Stat. c.
I'.t2. s. a9, p. 2078.
Forf.-it'.ire of ofHcc. Rev. Stat, c
l'.i2. s. 39 {')). p. 2078.
Salaries. Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 40,
p. 207S.
Not to lie interested in eoiitra<'t.s,
Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 41. p.
"Slsiy lie removed mid council may
re-assume control. Rev. Stat. 1
<•. 192, s. 42. p. 2078.
Accounts — iiiforniatiou to lie fur-
nished to council— :iii(!it, R.-v
Stat. c. 192. s. 4:5. p. 2U79.
Oath of olHce .and record of pro-
«'(M'(linKS. Rt'V. Stat. c. 192, s.
44. p 2079.
To pay over rales ti> Ireasui'er,
Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 4:1. p. 2080. 1
Py-!a\vs, fdr constnu'tion of mains.
etc.. to eonnect pi'ivate iiroperiy 1
WATKRWORKS- ro«/iH„f,i
Rc(iuirinK heiietit of works after
construeiiuii, R.-v Stat. c. 192,
H. 46 (41. p. 2080.
Tounty .jud;.'e to hear Ci)mpiaiiits.
Itev. Stat. c. 192, s. 46 i5l. p.
liy-laws fur renting or erectiii«
hydrants, etc., from persons or
<-oiiipanies. Rev. .Stat. e. i;i2. s.
47. p. 2081.
Assessment for such purjioses,
Rev. Stat. c. 192, s. 47, p. 2081.
I'efition fur construction ni works,
Rev. Stat. c. 192, s. 48. p. 2081.
Coiiiicd to preiiare liy-iaw for suh-
niissimi to cidlectors. Rev.
Stat. c. 192, s. 48, p. 2081.
Requiring' deposit from |ietitio;iers,
Rev. Stat. c. 1!)2. s. 4S C), p.
Deposit to lie refundeii or for-
feited aeconlillir to tlle event.
Rev. Stat. <•. 192, s. 48 (31, (4).
p. 20S2.
Powers of councils not a1irid.;,'ed,
Rev. Stat. c. 192, s. 48 (u), p.
Proceedings on takiny; vote. T{ov.
Stat. c. 192, s. 48 16I. p. 2082.
('oiistnietioii of liy-law .approved.
Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 49. p.
Application V. c. 42. s. 489
of municipality only. Ri-v. Stat. ,0-, ,■,,,
<•. 192. s. 46. p. 2080. ' '' ■* *
Spe<-lal rates, liev. Stat. c. 192. s. j W.\Y. see niy;hways.
46 (li. p. 20S0. ,,„, . ,..,. ,
Mana^'cment. Rev. Sf.t. c 192. ^^J'-^^IN*' APPARKL. ILxcipted
K. 46 (2). p. 2080. '''1"" •"■'^••"'""- •>'< V. c. 48, s. 7
..... . * <27l, p. .'(t)4.
Rents. Rev. Stat. c. 192. s. 46 t;!l.
1>. 2080. I Wi:i:i)S. See .\o:,i,,ns W-eds.
ft if
Wi:i(;iIT AND MEASCKE, By-lawa
for cnctiiiw and uiaintaluing
niachiiics aiul inakiiij,' cliarKos,
55 y. c, 42, s. 48!i (58), p. 423.
Foiltlcr not to lie weiK'hiMl. nor
wood iiica-stirt'd on niarkot,
unlt'HS i)!irtic!s ko di-sirc, 55 V.
c 42, .s. 41)7 (5). p. 438.
Sale of fees for niarkots. 55 V. c.
42. IS. 497 (S», p. 438.
Fops, not inchided in market f«'o.s,
55 V. (\ 42. s. 500. p. 440.
By-Ill us for rcpulatlnK plaoo and
niiinncr, 55 V. o. 42, s. 503 (4).
p. 441.
For r('.i:nlaliiiff. in caso of !imo,
wood, coal, cto., 55 Y, c 42, s.
503 (8). I). 441.
For imiiosin.u jH'nnltics for li^lit
wcijjlit or sliort nicjisuroiniMit,
55 A'. V. 42, s. 503 (9), p. 441.
For ro; the assize of broad.
55 V. c. 42. s. 503 (12). p. 442.
For seizin:,' and forfeitinf: broad
or otliiT articles of light
, wei;:lit or sluirt nieasuremont,
55 V. e. 4-. s. 47'J (21), p. 405. ^
WELLS. By-laws for prohiliitinj: the
nse of. within certain areas, aii'l
compellin;.' use of water sup-
plied liy nuinic'ipality, 55 V. c.
42, s. 4S3 (4), p. 414.
For establishing, cleansing or
closing. 55 V. c. 42, s. 489 (42),
p. 421.
For procuring analysis of watev
from, and charging for i\\%.
use of water, 55 V. c. 42, ».
489 (42), p. 421.
For compelling the closing of.
when dangerous to health, 55
V. c. 42. s. 489 (43), p. 421.
WET LANr>S, By-laws of township
councils for purchase of, 55 V. c.
42, s. 521 (12), p. 452,
Townships may raise or appropri-
ate funds for purchase and
drainage. 55 V. c. 42, s. 521 (12«).
p. 452.
May be lield by townships or dis-
pos(>d of by |)ubllc auction, 55 V.
<•. 42. s. 521 (12&). p. 452.
WET LAKDH—Coiiiinneil.
Proceeds of sale to form part of
general fnnils, 55 V. c. 42, s.
521 (12r). |). 452.
By-laws for declaring marsh lands
(•nclosed within thi> mcaidng of
the Act resi)ec(ing petty tres-
pass when Ixnmdaries mark.'d
by posts. 55 V. c. 42, s. 51 (13),
p. 452.
Number of acres of, to bo entered
after name of owner or occu-
pant on assessment voW, 55 V. c.
48, s 14 (3), p. 568.
By-hiws for construction of drain-
age works, see Drainage.
WIIAUVi:S, By-law.s for the protec-
tion of, 55 V. c. 42, s. 479 (4), p.
For making, improving, etc., 55
V. c. 42, s. 479 (6), p. 401.
I'or removal of obstructions <"roni,
55 V. c. 42. s. 479 (5). p. 4U.
I'or erecting, renting, etc., in imr-
bours. 55 V. c. 42. s. 479 (7».
p. 401.
lM)r granting aid in the construc-
tion of, 55 V. c. 42. s. 479 (8),
p. 401.
For ciimpelling the removal of
suidvcn vessels, cribs or other
obstructions from. 55 V. c. 42,
s. 496 (26), p. 433.
When vested in Dominion, not to })e
interfered with without con-
sent of (Government, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 543. p. 4G4.
Comi>anb'S lor construction nf. see:
IMers. Wharves, Dry Docks,
and Harbours.
WHEAT. Market fees not to b(> col-
lected on, 55 V, c. 42. s. 497 (1),
p. 437.
WHEELS. By-laws for regulating the
width of. 55 V. c. 42. s. 496 (36),
p. 436.
WIDOWS. May (pialify as municipal
electors, 55 V. c. 42, s. 79 (1),
p. 276.
I !
nil part of
y. <•. 42, H.
narsli lands
lui'iiiiiu),' uf
petty trcs-
ics mark'.Ml
!, s. 51 (13),
be (.'uterpd
er (ir oceu-
oll, 65 V. c.
11 of drain-
till' protec-
i. 479 (4), p.
Il^^ cte., 55
1). 401.
L-tiollS ^'I'dlU,
(5), i>. 4M.
^tc, iu rrar-
s. 471) (7»,
le construc-
'. s. 479 (8),
•eiuoval of
Its or other
55 V. c. 42,
n. not to be
Lliout c'on-
55 \. c. 42,
ion of. soo.
•ry Docks,
to be fol-
:. s. 497 (1),
:ulating tii(!
s. 496 (36),
, s. 79 (1),
>. Ii-ilt.S, to constnict juid im-
prove, for nniMlnK t'ifctri«- liglit
machinery, 55 V. c. 42, h. 479(/, n.
406. '
WILD OATS, see No.xions Weeds, etc.
wiT.XK.ssKs AND i:viDi:\<"i:.
Act rcspectiii;,' llic payment (if
Crown witnesses. Kcv. Stat, c
87, p. s:,s.
Copies. eertilied under corporate
seal may lie filed after pr.idnc-
tion (if ()rl«iii!il. 55 V. c. 42. s.
247 (2), p. 326.
Cojiies of by-laws certitie(l l,y clerk
and under curiiorate seal to b».'
deemed authentic, 55 V. e. 42,
s. 2S9, p. 339.
When notes of evidence, to he taken
on arliitrations .-uid tiled with
documents witii clerk of council,
55 V. c. 42. s. 401 (1). p. :>,■::,,
In |ir(>secutions luider Jpy-laws. oath
of one credihle witness sulli-
cieiit to convict. 55 \'. c. 4J, s.
421, i». 330.
Informers who may receive part
of penalty imposed. ,,r liiis-
itands and wives not disciuali-
Hed its witnesses huf compe-
leiit and compellal'le, 55 V. c.
42. s. 424. ]). 381.
Defemlants .-md tlieir wives and
huslijltlds to be comitetellt and
••onipelljihle witnesses, .",:, \'
<•. 42. s. 424. |i. 3^1.
Uatcpayei's. members, ofiicers or
servants of corporation |»rose-
cMTinu not to Ne dis.pialified i>h
witnesses, 55 V. c. 42. s. 425,
ii. 3S2.
Witnesses may be comiielled t.i
attend in siinie manner as on
other Mimiuary procee(|iii<;>!, 55
^'. <■. 42. s. 426. p. :;S2.
Before Inard of commissioners of
p()!ice. iM rsons may be examined
on oath, and foree(l to attend
after reeidvin;.' notice in writin;;.
55. V. c. 42. s. 435 (1). p. 3S6.
Self-crimlmitinn tiot compellable.
55 V. c. 42. s. 435 (2), i.. 387.
Copies of by-laws of iHdic(^ conimis-
sioners eertilied by a member of
the bo.ird to be deemed authen-
tic 55 V. c. 42. M. 437, |.. 387.
Persons charued witli (h'unk»'nness
to be competenr witnesses in their
own ludialf, ,55 V. c. 42. s. 4S9
(3Sl, p. 421;
Administerinir oaths ..n henrin);
disputes resiiectini: roads, 55 V'.
c. 42. s. 54S, p. 467.
I'owers of Court of Wevision as ti
55 V. c. 4.S. s, 62, p. 5.S9 ; 57 V.
'•• 51, s. 2. p. 171,
When oaths need not he adminis-
tered. 55 V. c. 4K, s. 64 (16). p.
Copies of assessment roll without
interlineations and certified hy
clcrU miller c<)i-porate seal to be
prima facie evidence of contents,
55 V. c, IS. s. (;»5. p. ;-(93.
Certitied copy of collector's roll to
be receivable. 55 V. c. 48. s. IP.l,
|t, 610.
Certified co|iy of list of lands in
arn .ir for t.ixes to be receivable,
55 \ . c. 4.S. s, 141. i», 613.
In procee(lin;Lrs relafini: to elections,
see Corrtipt I'ractiees,
W1\'!'S. Of persons interested in pro-
seeivtions under by-liiws. etc,, to
lie competent .•Hid coiniiellablo
witnesses, 55 \ . e. 42. s. 424, p.
\\< >I,\'1']S. Act to eneouraire the de-
stroyinir of. Rev. Stat. c. 223. p,
2379 ; 55 V. e. 59, ]>. 670,
\\'lie!i aii.v pei'son iiroihicinp Iwiid of
wolf with ears on, entitled ti»
reward. Ut-v. Stat. c. 223. s. 1,
II. 2379,
.[ustlee of the peace before whom
head produced to cut off ears
and vive certificate. Rev. .. 670.
Treasurer to pay botinty in funds,
Rev Stat, c. 223. s. 3, p. 2280.
f ■
Hi '■ '
WOLVES- Continuiil.
rruvincial TrcnsiiiTr, to n-fiiiHl :>ii on
fvi-ry 1poiiii«.v piiid. fi.') V. «•. 59.
H. 2. p. 870.
OthtT cfdiiily «'.\i)cnHi"H to lie |i)iiil
iK'furt' lioiiiity, Ilcv. Stat. c.
223. s. 4. p. 23S0.
If liotinty not paid, (•crtiticat*' mny
hi' tcnilrrcd in discliiifKi' of
rntfs, Kt>v. St:it. c. 22:!. .m. 5. p.
I'liynu'iit of hotintios l»y I'rovincial
TrcasunT. wlicii wolves kilK'd
in IlalilMirton or in outlyin;:
di8trUt«. 55 V. c 59, s. 3. p. 670.
WOMEN. rninaiTifd women and wid-
OW.S nniy qnalify as niiinieipal
eleetors. 55 V. e. 42, s. 79 (1). p.
Seats to lie provided l»y employers
in shops, 51 V. c. 33. s. 3 (7). p.
When jtlaced on assessment roll,
letters to be tised to show
whether married or sinjile. lo V.
c. 48. s. 14 (3). p. 567.
Protection of. when employed in
plaees of business other than
factories, see Places of Business.
(55 V. c. 54. p. 658).
WOOD. By-laws for rejiulatins the
burninjr of. in open air. 55 V. c.
42. s. 489 (24). p. 419.
Market fees not to be collected on.
55 V. 0. 42. s. 497 (1). p. 437.
Not to lip measured in markets un-
less vendor or p\ircliaser so de-
sires, 55 V. V. 42. s. 497 (5). p.
By-laws resiiectinj: the place and
manner of sellin}; and measur-
injr. 55 V. c. 42. s. 503 (4). p. 441.
For preventing forestalling of, 55
V. c. 42. 8. 503 (6). p. 441.
Ilespectinp purchases by dealers.
55 V. c. 42. s. 503 (7), p. 441.
For rejrulatinc the measurinp of.
55 V. c. 42. s. 503 (8). p. 441.
pridiibitinfT the erection of, in
specified districts. 55 V. c. 42.
s. 496 (10). p. 481.
UeKulatloiis for the i>revention of
tire in police villaues. 55 V. (.'.
42. 667, p. 530.
WOODLAND. Number of acres of. to
be entered after the nume of
owner or occupant on nssesH-
ment tvdl. 55 V. «>. 48, s. 14 (3),
p. 568.
WOOL. .Marki't fees not to lie collected
on. .'■)5 V. c. 42. s. 497 (1). p. 437.
By-laws imposing fees on persons
selling in streets adjacent to
nmrkets not to apjily to. 55 V. c,
42, s. 498 (3». p. 439.
WORDS AND TERMS. Interpreta-
tion section of M\inicipal Act px-
tended to any Act which relates
to municiiialities. Rev. Stat. c.
I. s. 10. p. 9.
" Actrml owner." 57 V. c. 56. s. 2.
p. 197.
'• Assessment roll." 52 V. c. 3. a. 2
(81. p. 11.
" Boaril." Rev. Stat. c. 205, s. 2,
II. 2260.
" Bridge." 55 V. c. 42. s. 2 (8). p.
" rash." 56 y. c. 35. s. 5. p. 143.
" Clear days." 57 V. c. 55. s. 3. p.
"Clerk of the peace." 52 V. c. 3.
s. 2 (7). p. 11.
" Closed." 52 V. c. 44. s. 2. p. 165.
"Company." 55 V. c. 48. s. 21 (Sd),
" Construction." Tu V. c. 55. r. 3, p.
178 : .57 V. «'. 56. s. 2. p. 197.
" CVuTupt prnotioe." 52 V. c. 3. s.
2 (1). p. 10.
" Council." Rev. Stat. c. 199. s. 3,
II. 2235 : 55 V. c. 42. s. 2 (3>. p.
"County." 55 V. c. 42. s. 2 (4). p.
" County council," 55 V. c. 48. a. t
m. p. 560.
"County Judge," 52 V. r. 3, s. 2
ircventiou of
t'S, 55 V. c.
acres of. to
lu' name of
on nHscHH-
48. 8. 14 (3).
I he collected
)7 (1). p. 437.
on persona
ndjncent to
I- to. 55 V. c.
[•ipal Act px-
shicli relates
:ev. Stat. 0.
c. 56. s. 2,
V. r. 3. s. 2
'. 205. 8. 2,
s. 2 fS). p.
;. p. 143.
T^ri. s. 3. p.
52 V. c. 3.
s. 2. p. 165.
?. s. 21 (2d),
. 55. s. 3, p.
2. p. 197.
V. c. 3. 8.
n. 199. s. 3,
s. 2 (3>. p.
8. 2 (4). p.
, c. 48. s. 2
o. 3, s. 2
WOUDH AND IKlOia-Coutiuv^d.
i7). p. 11 ; r.T V. i: f,6. N. ;:, p. ly;.
" Connty tuwn," .',5 \\ ,.. 40 ^^ o ,,;
p. 244.
•• <'<'iirt of revision." &7 V. c. 56,
". -. i». i:*:.
•* District." Kcv. St:it. c. 205. e 2
1>. :260.
" Ditch." 57 V. c. 55. s. 3. p. 178.
" Kl.'ction." 52 V. c. 3. m. 2 (It. p.
10 : 55 V. c. 42. s. 79 (5i. p. L'77:
55 V. c. 4S. s. 14'/ (II. p. 569.
" Kicctor.s." 55 V. c. 42. s. 2 (9l. p.
244 ; Ih.. s. 16 di'/. p. 249.
*' ICniploycr." 51 \'. c. 31]. s. 3 (2(.
i>. 8:;.
*' Kn;,'inccr." .":•. \. c. 42. s. 1 (2i.
|>. 90 : 57 y. c. 55. s. 3. p. 17S.
" i'arni." 55 V. c. 42. s. 79 (5). p.
277 : 55 V. c. 4S. s. 14«< (1). p.
" F:iniier." .55 V. c. 48. s. 47 (5). p.
583 : .56 V. <•. 38. s. 3. p. 153.
*' I-'nrnicr's son." 52 V. e. 3. s. (2).
|>. 10 ; /ft., s. 79 (5». p. 277 : 5.5
V. c. 48. s. 14r/ (1). j.. 569 ; /ft.
s. 47 (5». p. 583 : 56 V. c. 38. s.
■1. p. 153.
*' I'.Mt!ii-r." 55 V. c. 42. s. 79 (.5). p.
55 V. c. 48, 8. 14f/ (1), p
" Kcnce-vicwcrs." Rev. Stat. 0. 219.
s. 2. p. 2354.
" Kinal passing." Rev. Stiit. c. ivtl,
s. 10. J). 2033.
*' C'lzi'tti'." 55 V. c. 48. s. 2 (ll. ]..
" Iliiwkers." 55 V. c. 42. s. 495 (3l,
II. 426.
*' Health district." Rev. Stat. c. 205.
s. 2. p. 2260.
" Hijrhway." Rev. Stat, c 199. s. 3.
p. 2235 : 55 V. c. 42. s. 2 (St. p.
" House." Ri V. Stat. c. 205. s. 2. p.
" Including costs of committal." P5
V. C. 42. s. 423rt (2). p. 381.
" Initialing ninnicipality," 57 \. c.
56, s. 2. p. 197.
" Injuring llaliility." 57 \'. c. 56. m.
3 (3». p. 3S1.
" Inspector." 51 \. c. 56. s. 1, |t. 169.
" In wliicli tlic Innds are sitinitc,"
Rev. Stat. c. ::19. s. 2. i>. 2354.
".Indu'c." 57 V. c. 55. s. 3. p. 17n ;
57 \ . c. 56. s. 2. p. 197.
" Land." " latnis." 55 V. c. 42. s. 2
(7t. p. 224 ; 55 V. c. 48. a. 2 (9).
p. 560.
" Lands of non-reHideiits." .55 V. e.
4S, s. 3. p. 56(1.
" I.tist rt'viscd assessment ndl." 55
V. c. 4S. s. 2 (16). p. 560.
" Leaselioid," 55 V. «•. 42. s. 74. p.
" List." 52 V. c. 3. s. 2 (5). p. 11.
" List of voters." 55 V. c. 48, B. 2
(17l. 11. 560.
•'I a! board." Rcv. Stat, c 205, s.
2. i>. 2260.
" Local coniu-il." .52 V. c. 44. b. 2,
p. 165.
" Loi-al mnnicip.'ility." 55 V. c. 42,
s. 2 (2», p. 244 : 55 V. c. 48, 8.
1; (7>. p. 560.
" Maintenain-e." 57 V. c 55. a. 3,
p. 178 : 57 V. c. .56. s. 2. p. 197.
" Municiiial election." 52 V. c. 3. a.
2 (3». i», 10.
" Municipality." R.-v. Stat. c. 199,
s. :;, |>. 2235 : 52 V. c. 44. s. 2,
p. 165 • 55 V. <•. 42. s. 2 (1). p.
244 ; 55 V. c. 48. a. 2 (6). p. 560;
57 V. c. 56. s. 2. p. 198.
" Next ilay." 55 V. <•. 42. s. 2 (11).
p. 244.
" Non-resident land." Rev. Stat. c.
202. K. 1. p. 2249.
" Non-resident," 57 V. c. 55. a. 3.
p. 178 ; .57 V. c. 56. s. 2. p. 197.
" Notice." Rev. Stat. c. 199, a. 3, p.
" Occnpied lands." Rev. Stat. c. 219,
s. 2. p. 2354.
264 WOR
WORI)< ANF) Tl]HM9—ro„ti„Hf,l.
"Orik'iriiil ..WILT." 55 V. r. 48. s
"02. i>. 628.
'• Ontlrf lliil.ility," r.7 V. c 50, h. U
Ml. It. !!•!».
" (hviHT." U.'V. Stat. r. 20.'. H. '>. p.
2260 : .12 V. c. :"?. <. 2. • . 101 :
C.'. V. <: 12. M. -•» 'M. p. 277 : //*..
H. »;i6 (21. p. .lOf).
" Pjin-nt." ni V. «'. a.i, H. :t t2). p.
" TNrs.mal fst.-iff." 5,'; V. c. 48. s. 2
(10». p. TjCO.
" P'Tsniiiil prupcrty." .'').''i V. c. 4S. s.
2 (10). p. 560.
" Priiicipnl." 54 V. r. 56, s. 1. p. 169.
" rropfi-ty," 55 V. c. 4R. s. 2 (8). p.
" Tlfiilwiiy." n.-v, Stat. c. 19?. w. 3. p.
"Rnihvny conipiiiiy." U.-v. Stnt. c
199. s. .S. p. 22:;5.
" Hi'iil I'statc." .'5 V. <•. 42. s. 2 (7).
p. 244 ; 55 V. .•. 48. s. 2 (9). p. 560.'
" Hi'mI property." 55 V. c. 42, s. 2
(7). p. 244: .',5 V. c. 48. s. 2 (9». p.
" Rofvc." i)5 V. c. 42. s. 2 (10», p.
" IJcfcrcc," 57 V. <•. 56. s. 2. p. 197.
" I{ff('rt'ii('(>." 57 V. c. 56. s. 2. p.
.-. 197.
•' Hclii'f," 57 V. c. 56. s. 2, p. 197.
" Itfsiilfiit liiiid." Itt'v. Stat. <•. 251.
s. 2. p. 2249.
" IJuii.l." 52 V. c. 2.'^, s. 2. p. 101 : 55
V. c. 42. s. 2 i8). p. 244.
" Koll," 52 V. <•. 3. s. 2 (S». p. 11.
"School," 54 V. c. 56. s. 1. p. ir,9.
" Scnitiiiy." 52 V. r. S. s. 2 (61. p.
" Shop." 52 V. ('. 44. s. :!. p. 155 : 51
V. «•. 33. s. 3 (2). p. S3.
" Son." " sons." 55 V. o, 42. «. 79 (5).
p. 277 ; .55 V. .•. 48. s. \Aii (1), \).
" Street." Rov. Stat. c. 205. «. 2. p.
WORDS AND TV.Ry\H-Co„tinu,',l.
" Siillirli-iit outlet." 57 V. . . 56, ». 2,
I.. I •.•7.
" Tux piirehaser." 55 W ,•. is. s.
2(12. p. 628.
"To vote." 52 V, c. 3. s. 2 (1). p. 10;
55 V. c. 42. H. 79 (5), p. 277.
" Town." 52 v. c. 28. s. 2. p. 101 ; 55
v. e. 4S, s. 2 (4), p, 560.
" Townsliip." 55 V. e. 42. «i. 2 i5), p.
244 ; 55 V. ,-. 48. s. 2 i2t. |i. 5';o.
" Treiisurer," 55 V, c. 4'*. «i. 1S2. p.
" liiiiiecirporateil vilhiKe," 52 V, c.
44, s. 2, p. 165.
I'nioii niiinieipality." 54 V
H. 1. p. 195.
" Villap'." 55 V. <•. 48, s. 2 (4). p.
" Voter," 52 v. e. 3, s. :.' i4). p,
11 : 55 V. e. 48, s. 51 I )i. p. 586.
" Voters' list," .52 V. r. 3, s. 2 (5),
p. 11.
" Wanl." 55 V. e. 48. s. 2 (5l. p. .560 ;
54 V. c. 60. s. 1. p. 195.
" Wanleii." .55 V. e, 4S. s. 1-^2. p.
" W.-ek." 51 V. e. 33, s. 3 (2). p. 83,
" Writln;:." 57 V. <•. 5.5, s. 3, p. 178.
" Written," .57 V. e. 55. s. 3. p. 178.
" Voniitf person." 51 W e. 3:!. s. 3
iL'lK p. . 83.
. 3. I). 178.
. o. p. 178.
. 3:5. s. 3
vns. 55 V.
>. 55 V. c.
of iiuU-
<'. 42. s.
. <•. 42, s.
For i)r()t('(:tii)ii (if, \vliilt> employ. •■!
un hiiildinus, ftc. :>'> V. c. 4::.
H. 489 aG'M. p. 4:2!).
I''cii- I'HtiilillHliiiiK mill tiiaimiriii'.'
sfiiiiuls lor, ,j,') V. c. 42, s, 4I'5
113), (14t, II. 4::!l.
lOvciiiiiK ciasst'M t'ur, sft- Free J^ili-
WOH.M FK.VCKS. Wli.-n not to lir
(Iccmt'il filisfriK'fioiis on liiuli-
wii.vs, 57 y. c. 50. n. 15, p. 16'J.
WRITS. Service nixl exenitioii. in
jiiiiior eount.v after separation
from luiioii. 55 V. c. 42. h. 4!>, pp.
2t;3. 2ti4.
ilirecteil to coroner to levy
against Hlierifl' for iioii-retnru of
warrant ay;ainRt ilefMultint' col-
lector, 55 V. c. 48, ss. 237. 238.
II. 63.5.
rrocetliire ajrainst municipality,
Hfe Executions A^ainHt Muni-
cilinl roriiorations (55 V. c. 48,
KS. 42-8. 421>, pii. 383, 384.
YARDS. By-I:nvs resiiectin;: tlic . p. 433.
Carrying tire into, in ]iolice viihi;:es,
55 V. <'. 42. s. 6fi7 (7 1, p. 530.
YKARLY RATES. Councils to levy
sulHcient sum in eai'li yc;ir to
pay all delits fallinj; (hie. lint
ajrurejrate rate not to exceed
two cents. 55 V. c 42. s. 3.57 (I),
p. 363.
When rate of two cents not sufli- j
(•lent to pay expenses and ]
dcditHi contracted hefore 29th j
March, 1873, council nuiy levy i
Yi:.\ RLY RATES— C(./U(;iia./.
additional rate. 55 V. c. 42. s.
357 1 2 1, p. .363.
No furiiu'r delits to lie incurred
until r.ite re(lil(^e(| to two (•'•nts,
,55 V. c. 42. s. 357 r.'i, p. 363.
.Mode of caicuiatinc raus in coun-
ties and muniiiiialities. 55 V. c.
42. s. 358. p. 363.
Councils to uuike annu:il estimates
of amount re(piire(| I'or the year,
■55 V. c. 42. s. :;,V.i. p. 363.
My-laws to he passed tixiim the ratt>
to he levied. 55 \' . c. 42. s. 360,
p. 363.
If iimount collected falls short, tiny
unappropriated fund may he ap-
plied. 55 y. c. 42, s. 361. p. 363.
When there is no tinap|iro|iriatcd
fund estimates may he rediiccd,
55 \'. e. 42, s. 362, p. 363.
lOxcess. if any, to form |iart of
general fund, hut portion col-
lecteil on special local assess-
ment to he appropriated to the
sjiecial local object. 55 \'. c. 42,
s. 363. p. 364.
Taxes compute(l from 1st .iMUuary,
55 V. c. 42, s. 364. li. :!64.
Friority of (hdieiitures issued prior
to 1867. how rates to be levied
for luiymeiit thereof and ap-
pUed. 55 V. c. 42. s. 365 (1). p.
Rate for sinkini: fund in such cases,
55 V. c. 42, s. 365 (21, p. 364.
Council by two-thirds vote m.iy
exempt jujinufMcturcrs or .vat' r-
works for ten years, except as to
school taxes, and renew exemp-
tion fo" ten years, 55 V. c. 42,
s. 366. II. 364.
Rate impose(l under any by-law may
be reduced when it is unneces-
sarv to the full amount. 55
V. "c. 42, s. 367 (1). p. 364.
Rate not to he re(lucpd uidess ti
proper proportion of the sinking
fund !iM(i interest has been
levied, 55 \". c. 42, s. ,367 (2). p.
YEARLY RAT£S-C'o;,(/«,w.
B.v-Ia\VH rediuii,^' rnw to require ap-
proval of Lieiitemuit-Govornor
-proof to l,e nuulf of facts
imtlionzin^' passin- <,f by-laws,
^■o \. c. 42. 8. 368. p. 365.
YORK. rcH'NTY OF. To pay proper-
tioii of Hillary of tihorthnud
writer for local conrtn. Rev.
Stat. c. 46. 8. 26 (3». ]>. 502.
Council to make provision for land
titles office. Rev. Stat. c. 116,
s. 132 (2). p. 1124.
YORK, COUNTY OF ~-C.>„ti.un;l.
Sheriff of Toronto to have charge
of gaol, 51 V, c. 6, «. 7. p. 16.
Selection of jurors for, 56 Y. c. 16
8. 1, p. 45.
YIOLLOWS. see Fruit Trees (56 V. c. 42
p. 167).
YOrX(; PERSONS. RcKulatiims as
to employment in shops, gee
¥ i:
have cliargo
X. 7. \,. 16.
56 \. (.. 16,
I (.56 V. f. 42,
Index to the Ads ajjectintj Municipal Corpvutions passed in 1S05
Illations aa
sliu|i8, see
palities may yrant aid to, 58 V.
c. 11. 8. 42 (1), (substituted for 57 V.
c. 17).
Artreeraenta as to erection of exhibition
buildings, 58 V. c. 11. s. 42 (2),
(substituted for Rev. Stat. c. H',>,
s. 81(4).)
ATION, Municumiities inav grant
aid to, 58 V c. 11, s. 42 (1) (substi-
tuted for 57 V. c. 17).
ANNUAL RETURNS, To department of
agriculture by municipal officers,
—penalty for default, 58 V. c. 10,
s. <).
inent of arbitrators' fees into office
of county court clerk, to;t;ether with
security for costs, 58 V. c. 42, s. 15.
Clerk to give receipt, — entries to be
made, — fees of countv court clerk,
58 V. c. 42, a. 15.
Arbitrators to deliver up award on
production of receipt, 58 V. c. 42,
s. 15.
Taxation of arbitrators' fees. — pay-
n;ent out to arbitrHtors,5s V.c. 42,
s. 15.
Costs of taxation, .").s V. c. 12, s. 15.
Appeal from taxation to taxinj.' master
at Toronto. 58 V. c. 42. «. 15.
Revision of taxation by taxing master,
58 V. c. 42, s. 15.
Money paid in as security may be
applied in payment of costs of tax-
ation, 58 V. c. 42, s. 1.".
Evidence on taxation. 58 V. c. 42, s. 15.
Scale of costs of taxation, 58 V. c. 42,
8, 15.
ARBITRATIONS, YLin.— Continued.
Act rasp.'cting municipal arbitrations,
58 V. c. 43.
Appointment of official arbitrator in
cities of 100,000, 58 V. c. 43, a. 1
Arbitrator to be an oflicer of High
Court, — not to act as counsel for
or against city, 5m V. c. 43, a. 1 (2),
To be barrister of tei: vears' standing,
58 V. c. 43, 8. 1 (3).
To have powers of official referee, and
of arbitrators, •')8 V. c. 43, s. 1
H). (5).
To have powers of jn(l;;e in proceed-
ings before him, 58 V. c. 43, s. 1
Commencement of proceedings, 58 V
c. 43, 8. 3.
When arbitrator to state his reasons
in writing, 58 V. c. 43, s. 4.
Filing award or report, 58 V. c. 43
8. 5.
Award not to be made public until fees
paid, 58 \'. c. 43, s. tl.
Award to be binding unK ss appealed
against, — appeal tu (oiut of Ap-
peal, 58 V. c. 43, H. 7.
Giving out exhil)its when no ajjpeal, 58
V. c. 43. 8 H.
Transferring actions to "xrbitrator, 58.
V. c. 43, 8. !».
Rules and tariffs of costs, 58 V. c. 43 »
8. 10.
Fees of arbitrator, 5>< V. c. 13, a. 10 (1) _
Assessor, appointment of, 58 V. c 43
When to sit witl; arbitrator, 58 V.
c. 43, 8. 11 (2).
Not to join in award, 58 V. c. 43, s. 1
f i'!.^
I ■ 'is
! I !1
ARBITRATIONS, Etc.— Continued.
Fees of,— nnd liow payable, 58 V. c.
4:^, B. 11 (4), (5).
Extension of Act Ui township of York,
M V. r. 4.'1, s. 1-1.
Penclinj* proceedinj^s not affected, 58 V.
c. I'd, s. 13.
ART SCHOOLS, By-laws for },'rantinf,'ai.l
to, .58 V. c, 42, H. J.' (55 V. c. i'J,
s. 4'J5 (IH), amended).
See Public Libraries.
ASSE8SMKNT, By-laws for limited ex-
emption of farm iandrj in towns
and villai^cH from adse-isment for
waterworks and other purposes, 58
V. c. 47. H. 1 (5". V. c. 48, 8. 7rt (2),
Vacant lands in cities, towns and
villu^'e"', area necessary to entitle
ti) assts^ment as lands held for
farminj^ and ^^adenint;, .58 V. c. 47,
8. 2 (55 V.c. is, :<. 27 (I) amended).
Time within which ass:'ssint.>nt may be
taktn ill oitieso;' 5:10,0(11) orover 'IS
V. c. 47, s. ;{ (••).-) V. 0. 4.S, s. 52 (ID,
Appeals from — see Coui-t of Revision.
Non-i'esidi^nt land fund— see Non-resi-
dent Lam, Fund.
Collection of ta.Kcw— see Rates and
BENEFIT FUNDS, Bylaw.-i for j^ranting
aid t ), I'or coi'p.jration employees.
58 V. c. 42, s. 27.
BICYCLES, By laws for retiulating and
^{ovornin^ the use of, in muni-
cipalities haviuj,' a population of
100,000, 58 V. c. I-J. s 24.
BYL.WVS, Convictions under not invali-
dated l)j' want of formal proof,
58 V. c. 44.
CATTLE. By-laws for permittiun subways
or bridges for, on hii;hwavH, 5s V.
c. 42, H. :U) (.55 V. c. 43, s. 5.50 (I),
CHILDREN, Shelters for, in cities and
towns having,' a population of 10,-
000 or over, 58 V. c. 52, s. 5 (5t) V.
c. 45, 8. 10 (I) amended).
CHURCHES— see Public Buildings, 58 V.
c. 42, as. 18, 10.
-see Road
OR IN.TURED— see Lands, 58 V.
c. 42, s. 20.
CONTRACTS, Persons supplyint; goods or
materials to contnictor with cor-
poration to bo disqualitied, 58 V.
12. s.
(55 V.
may be relator when election has
been bv acclamation, 58 V. c. 42,
s. 12 (55 V. c. 42, 8. 187, amended).
Time fo • servinu notice of motion, 58
V. c. 42, s. 13.
to be held invalid or be quashed
for want of proper proof of by-law,
58 V. c. 44, s. 1.
Prosecutor and mai^istrate not relieved
from seeing' to proper pi'oof, 58 V.
c. U, s. 2.
COUNCILS, vacancies in, occurring after
1st November in any year, 58 V.
c. 42, ss. 10, 11 (.55 V. c. 4-J, s. 182,
Who maybe relator in case of proceed-
iii',;s to set aside election by accla-
mation, 58 V. c. 42, s. 12 (55 V.
c. }2,s. 1^7, amended).
Time for serving notice of motion in
case 'if contesting seat, 58 V. c. 42,
P. 13.
respectin;4 — see l'rainat;e, 58 V. c.
Appeals fnmi, whero larcfe amount
Appellant to deposit ?75 with clerk to
pay expenses of judges, 5S V. c.
47, 8. 4 (55 V. c. 48, 9. 7C> (11),
in cities and
ilation of 10,-
52, s, o (o() V.
ildings, 58 V.
S— see Boad
Lands, 58 V.
in>,' yoods or
ov with cor-
.litied, 58 V.
•4>'. s. 77 (1),
ONS, Who
election has
58 V. c. 42,
^ amended)]
motion, 58
be (juashed
if of by-law,
not relieved
proof, 58 V.
irring after
i'ear, 58 V.
. 42, s. 182,
of proceed -
n by accla-
12 (55 V.
motion in
j8 V. c. 42,
UvS, Act
e, 58 V. c.
J amount
li clerk to
, 58 V. c.
'• 7ly to
debentures, !'■•< V. c. 5.', s. 2,
Evidence taken before referee need not
be tiled or wntti'U out unl<-s'< re-
quired by referee or ^jarties, 08 V.
c. 55, s. 3.
DRUNKENNESS. Powers of officers in
charge of police station as to re-
leasing persons arrested f(U\ 58 V.
c. 42, s. 28 (.55 V. c. 42, s. 48'J (38),
ELECTIONS, amendment of oath of
freeholder, 58 V. c. 42, s. 3 (55 V.
c. 42, s. 102, amended).
Amendment of oath of householder, 58
V. c. 42. s. 4 (55 V. c. 42, s. 103,
When person nominated may retire,
58 V. c. 42, s. 5 (.") V. c. 42, s. 117,
Election by acclamation after retire-
ment of other candidates, 58 \. c.
42, s. 6 (5.-, V. c. 42, s. 117,
\'oting twice for mayor, imprisonment
of offender, 5s \. c. 42, s. 7.
Declaration as to use of poll book at,
5S V. c. 42. ss. s, '.! (55 V. c. 42, h.
155, sched. G, amended).
See Controverted Elections, 5.s V. c.
42, ss. 12, l.i.
witli municipalities as to i)arks
ani! plt-nsure grounds, 58 V. c. 38,
s. !i (!2).
Construction of line on highways —
consent of munici|)alities, 5." V. c.
38, 8. '.» (3).
Consent jf municipalities to expropri-
ation of lands, 58 V. c. 3H, s. 18.
Py-Iaws. siiliject to certain conditions
and [)rovisious, 5s V. c. ;is, s. I'.t.
Use of highways, agreements witii
municip.ilities, 5s V. c. :'s. s. 37.
Crossing steam railwavs, 5s V. c. 38,
s. 38.
Rails to be laid llusli witli roadway,
58 V. c. 38, 8. 311.
Municipalities taking stock in com-
pany, 58 V. c. 38, 3. (il
Gift" of land from municipaliliea, .58
>'. c. 38, 3 63.
Bonuses from municipalities, 58 V. c.
38. 8. 61.
Snbinittin>4 by-laws, US V. c. 38, a.
Provisions of .,j-la\v, 58 V. c. 38, s.
Petition aj^iiinst aid from county,
')K V. c. :-5H, 8. 07.
Meaninii of "minor municipality,"
58 V c. 38, 8. 68.
Deposit to be made before by-law
submitted, 58 V. c. 38, a. (i!».
Council to pass by-law if assented to
by ratepayers, 58 V. c. 38, s. 70.
Debenturea to iasiie within one
moiith after passing by-law, 58
V. c. 38, a, 71.
Levying rates on portion of muni-
cipality, 58 V. c. 38, BS. 72, 73.
By-lav/9 extending time for com-
nieucenient and completion, 58
V. c. 38, 8S. 74, 75.
Extent of aid from municipalities,
58 V. c. 38. 8. 7(J.
By-laws vjranting exemption from
taxation, 58 V. c. 38, s. 77.
Issue of debentures and delivery to
trustees, 58 V. c. 38, s. 78,
Trusts of proceeds of debentures, 57
V. c. 38, 8. 7!».
Fees of trustees, 58 V. c. 38, s. 80.
Agreements with municipalities as to
crossing lines o* electric or street
railway companies, 58 V. c. 38, a.
EMPLOYEES, Protection of— see places
of business.
laws for exempting buildings for
storing icu for commercial pur-
poses, 58 V. c. 42, s. 14 (55 V. c.
42, s. 3tj)), amended).
bi'uween agricultural societies or
companies and municipalities, .58
V.c. 11, 3. 42 (2), (substituted for
Rev. Stat. c. 3l», s. 81 (2).)
FINANCE. Payment over of moneys bor-
rowed for current expenditure for
school purposes, 58 V. c. 42, s. 37,
(57 V. c. 50, 8. 5, amended).
FIRE, By-laws in towns and villages for
purchasing appliances for pre-
vention of, defining property to be
benefited and charging special
rate, 58 V. c. 42, s. 28.
Provision for establishment of appli-
ancas in police villages, .')S V. c. 12,
a. 35.
FREEHOLDERS, ,\mendment of oath of,
at municipal elections, 58 V. c. 42,
8. 3 (55 V. c. 42, s. 102, amended),
I'REE LIBRARIES, sea Public Libraries,
58 V. c. 45 (Rev. Stats, c.c. 173-
189 and amendments, repealed).
HALLS— see Public Buildings, 58 V. c.24,
88. 18, 19.
HEALTH— sea Public Health.
HIGH SCHOOLS, Payment ov( r
moneys borrowed by councils for
current expenditure, 58 V. o. 42,
8. 37 (57 V. c. 50, 3. 5, amended).
Approval of council as to sale of site
upon dissolution of high school
district, 58 V. c. 57, s. 1.
Payment over of moneys raised by
councils for permanent improve-
ments and for maintenance res-
pectively, 58 V. c. 57, s. 3.
Liability of municipalities outside of
high school district for county
rates after payment of mainten-
ance of county pupils, 58 V. c. 57,
8. 11 (50 V. c. 52, a. 2, amended).
HIGHWAYS, By-lawa for removing ob-
structions from and for permitting
aubwavs or bridges for cattle, 58
V. c. 42, a. 30 (55 V. c. 42, s. 550
(1), amended).
See Road Compamea.
HOGS, Prosecution byhealth officers for
feeding certain articles to, 58 V. c
49, s. 4.
cipalities may grant aid to, 58 Y.
c. 11, 8. 42 (1), (substituted for 57
V.c. 17).
HOUSEHOLDERS, Amendment of oath
of at municipal (lections, 58 V. c.
42, H. 4 (55 V. 0. 42, s. 103.
i villages for
cea for pre-
M'operty to be
King special
ent of appli-
!8, 59 V. c. i-2.
int of nath of,
IS, 58 V. c. 42,
)2, amended),
)lic Libraries,
tats. c.c. 17.H-
, repealed).
3, r,8\. C.24,
nt over
' coun3ils for
58 V. e, 42,
">, amended).
5 sale of site
high school
, 1.
^s raised by
!nt improve-
tenance res-
s outside of
for county
of mainten-
. 58 V. c. 57,
2, amended).
emovinR ob-
r permitting
or cattle, 58
c. 42, 8. 550
officers for
i to, 58 V. c
'lES, Muni-
lid to, 58 V.
nted for 57
ent of oath
•ns, :;8 V. c.
42, s. 103.
HOUSES OF INDUSTRY, By-laws for JVRORH—Coutiuual.
committal of indigent persons to, i , , .... , , , , , .c j
-ti \- « 1.) „ IT ' Inability to select number of (uuilifiea
08 V . C. ii, 8. 17. i •' -3 1. i 1
persons reijuiren by county seloc-
A.uthority for detention of persons tors not to affect jury panel, 'iH V.
committed, 58 V. c. 42, s. 17.
ICE, Ily-laws for exempting Laildingd for
storage of, for commercial pur-
poses from taxation, 58 V. c. 42,
s. 14 (55 V. c. 42, s. 30(J, amended).
INDIGENT PERSONS, By-laws for com-
raittal to houses of industry, 58 V.
c. 42, s. 17.
Warrant of head of council to be
aurticient authority to keeper to 1
retain person committed, r>H V.
c. 42, s. 17.
deemed an industrial school, 58
V. c. 5t>, s. 1.
Council of city or town authorized to
guarantee debentures issued by
board of management for purchase
of lands or erection of buildings,
.■»8 V. c. 59, 8. 2.
Debentures guaranteed not to exceed
sixty per cent, of value of assets
of school, 58 V. c. 59, s. 2.
Mortgage to be given to secure the
mnnicipality in the amount guar-
antet'I, ."i8 V. c. u9, s. 2.
JURORS, When to be paid for attendance
at county town on Sunday, 58 V.
c. 1."), s. 2.
Per diem allowi'.nce to continue for
two days during absence for cer-
tain causes, .'i8 V. c. 15, s. 2.
Mileage allowance in lieu of fees under
foregoing provisions, 58 V. c. 15,
s. 2.
Who to be placed on list by municipal
selectors where there is not a suf-
ficient number of qualified per-
sons, 58 V. c. 15, 8. (5.
Clerk to notify county selectors, 58 V.
J. 1."., S, ().
c. 15, s. (').
LANDS, Filing plans of works by which
land in city or town may be taken
or injured, with clerk, 58 V. c. 42,
8. 20.
Clerk to give notice of work and tiling
of plans and require claims to be
'nlfd within sixty days, .Is V. c. 42,
s. 20.
Additional time allowed w];t-ii person
served resides out rif Ontario,
68 V. c. 42, s. 20.
Claims barred unless tiled witliiii time
limited, 58 V. c. 42, s. 20.
Extension of time by county judge,
58 V. c. 42, s. 20.
Appeal to divisional court, .")8 V.
c. 42, s. 20.
Damages, when not agreed upon, to
be determined by arbitration, 58
V. c. 42, s. 20.
Particulars of claims to be delivered,
powers of arbitrators us 8 V. c.
12, s. -20.
LIGHT AND HEAT. Submitting by-laws
for supplv of, in police vil'ages,
58 V. c. 42, 8. 35.
Ga.3 to mean and include natural as
well as n-.aiiufactured ens. 58 V.
c. 40 (Rev. Stat. c. 191, amended).
LINE FENCES. Municipality to pa/ fees
of fence-viewers, 58 V. c. 53 (Rev.
Stat. c. 219, s. 11 ; 52 V. c. 48,
Public Health.
number and value o. property of
petitioners for, 58 V. c. 42, s. 31
('>') V. c. 42, s. 10, (1) amendeci).
B > I.
Uiidcrtftkinji drniimj^e works on recom-
nioii(lntii)ii of loiiul board of health
, in vdliijic, ."» V. c. 42, k. H'2 (o.'i V.
c. 4'2, b. t'.lC. (1), amended).
Extent of exemption from tieneral rate
where property Kpecially aHsessed
for )i('rnH':,inL «i(h'Wiilks, 'iM V. c.
42, 8. Hi) (u.") V. c. 12, 8. (Via (1);
T)? V. c. 50, fl. 10, omended).
By-lawH Kcttinji aside certain streets
to be watered, swept or lighted
and levying H])eciiil rate therefor,
HH V. c.'42, 8. 34.
i-especting registration in cities
extended to count \ towns, flH V.
c. H, s. 1 (.'>7 V. < 4, H. 1. repealed).
lic Libraries.
NOMINATIONS. Itesignation of candi-
dates before polling; takes place,
."iH V. c. 42, SH. r,, t; (;■)(■; V. c 12,
8. 117, amendt'd).
of electors not recjnircd to by-laws
for issninL; ilebeiitures on credit
of, "ix V. c. 17, 8. '.I.
Application of proceeds of deb(>iitnre8,
pa,\)iients to municipalities, limit
of amount to be paiiJ to any one
municipality, ."jH V. c. 47, 8. '.».
Treasnicr lo pay over proceeds of
debentures as H V. c. 42, ss. IH, IK.
fui'ther protection of persons em-
]iloyed in places of business other
than factories, r,H \. c. 51 (.').')
V. c. •')4 amended).
Upon failure of municipal council for
DO davs after application, to ap-
point inspectors, Lieutenant-Gov-
erncr may appoint inspoctorf, io be
paiil by the municipality, 'iH V.
c. ")|, 8. 1.
Tenure of olVice of inspectors appointed
by the Crown, oh V. c. 'il, 8. 2.
Application to council to he deemed to
have been madt? on day of delivery
to nniyor or at olllice of clerk, "iH V.
c. .'tl, s. 15.
One inspector to be a woman, oS V.
c. •">!. s. 4.
Lieutenant-Oovernor in Cntmcil may
nuike regulations for carrying out
Acts, 58 V. c. ')] , s. .").
POLICI'., Payment of expenses of remu-
neration, maintenance, etc., of
fort'c ijy councils, ')S, e. 42 8. 10,
(.")"» V. c. 42, s. 444 amended).
POLICE VILLAGES, Submittiiu; by-laws
for piircluis'' of ap|iliaiiC' s for
lire protei'lioii and wivLer siipiily,
and lighting and healing, ."iH \'. c.
42, 8. ;r).
Setting apart dt>liiu(l ar^.is fcir tiro
protetition and water supply, and
assessing cost thereon, ."iH \. c. 42,
s. :t.").
Establishing park^, gardens, etc., in.
TtiS V. c. 42, s. ;J<1.
POLLING PLACES, If returning officer
appointed at elections to Legisla-
ti\e Assemitly dissatislied with
provisitJii ma.
Act for the
f i)oi-sf)iiH em-
tjusiiiess other
V. c. 51 (-,5
al council for
:ation, to ap-
spoctorf t(j he
pality, .")N V.
nrs appointed
:. 51, B. -J.
he deemed to
ly of (k'livery
if clerk, .",.s V.
Oman, r)8 V.
I'ouncil may
carrying; out
es of remu-
•C, I'tC, of
c. 42 8. IC,
thi« hy-lawa
)liRiiC"s for
Uir HIipi)ly,
iiif,', ■"'S V. c.
-.<.a for lire
«>ipiilv. and
•■'H V. c. 42,
IS. etc., in.
iiiiif,' nlliccr
to Le^isltt-
iHliod with
y. lie mav
">N V. c. 4,
KN, Provi-
i and towHH
o ('i(J V. c.
Places of IJusiueHH.
PUBLIC BUILDINOS, Ilylaws for iiru-
vontint4 the obstruction of liivUs,
aisles, etc., in, 58 V. c. 42, a. IH.
Polici! oOicer.s may enter, and si'c that
hy-lawa are unforced, 5m V. c. 12,
H. P.).
PUBLIC HEALTH, Local hoanls of
hcaltii, iiow (ionipiiscHl, 5S V. c. 4'.t,
B. 2 (Kev. Stat. c. 205, s. :i',), re-
In townshipH and vilhifjcs boards to
consist of reeve, clerk and three |
ratcpayerH term of ofl'ice of ap-
pointed nicniherH, 5H V. c. 4'.t, 8. 2,
In towns of less than 4,000 hoard to
consiat of nniyor, clerk and three
i'atei>ayer8 term of ol'licu of ap-
pointed members, 58 V. c 40, s. 2.
In citioH and towns of more than 1,000
hoiud to consiHt of nniyor and six
ratepayers -term of ot'lice of ap-
pointed membern, 58 V. c. 40, s. 2.
Water sujjply— approval of Provincial
Board, 58 V. c. 40, h. li {Kw. Slat.
c. 205, s. :10 repealed).
Submission of plans and analysis of
water to board — board to decide
and if decision unfavorable,
water not to he used unless
certitied to be the best prac-
ticable, 58 V. c. 4i», s. 3.
Sewora^e system submission of plans
to board — boanl to report thereon,
58 V. c, 40, s. 3.
Board may su^^f^est amendments to
plans — Sewera^^e system net to
he constructed until ajJiirove I hy
board, 58 V. c. 40, s. :J.
Appeal to Lieutenant-doverniir in
(Jouncil from decision of I'rovin-
cial Board as to any proposeil
water supply or system of sewer-
age, 5H V. c. 40, s. 3.
Modification of terms or conditions
imposed by board from time to
time, 58 V. c. 40, s. .'$.
(ir moat to ho>,'H
liiod— I'owers of
Prosecution of
Eeedin{* blood, offal
when unfit fir
health otticcrs
olteiuler, 58 V. c. 40. s. 4.
Abatement of n,iis;ii>'i-', when^e
arises outsuie uf munhvpalily
affected, .'■« V. c. 40, «. 5 (Uov.
Stat. c. 205, a. e Libraries and !\Ie-
clianics' Institutis, 5.S V. c. 45.
Establishment in cities, towi.s and
vilhif^es, 58 V. e. 45, s. 2 (1).
.Museums not to b^; estahlislu'il without
(•onscnt of council in cities of
100,000, .-)8 V.c. 45, s. 2(2).
Petition for passine by-law for estab-
lishment of, 58 X. c. 45, s. 2 (:<).
lU-law to be passed when assented to
hy electors, 58 V. C. 45, s, 2 (1), (5).
If defiateil by electors by-law not to bo
resnijmitted in same year, 58 V.
c. 45, B. 2 (•">).
.\ct on comiu}^ into force to he in-
corporated with Municipal and
Assessment .\cts, 58 \ . c. 15, s. 2
hornis,- use of, 5S V. c. 15, s. 2 (8).
Boanl of nnvnaj^ement, property vested
in, 58 V. c. 45, s. M (1).
How composed, 5H V. c. 45, s. ',i (i).
Mend)ers of appointing; bodii;s not
eli-^ihlc, r>H V. c. 15, s. )i (2).
One ajtpointed meinl)er of ( ach clasH
to retire annually, 5^ V. c. 45,
s. -6 (:{).
Term of olliceof first members, 58 V.
c. 45, s. :i (4).
Vacancies, term of office of persons
appointed to fill, 58 V. c. 45, s. 3
Term of oftico of subsequent mem-
bers, 58 V. c. 45, s. 3 (0).
Date for making appointments, 58
1 V. c.45,s. 3 (7).
Chairman, — election, duties and
I ri,^'ht to vote, 58 V. c. 45, s. 3 (H),
Board to m(!et at least once a month,
58 V. c. 45, 8. 3 (0).
Special mectin;.;3. — how summoned,
5S V. c. 45, s. 3 (10).
Four members to be a quorum, 58 V
c. 45, s. 3 (II).
liecords <^t business to be kept, 58 V.
c. 45, H. 3(12).
Evidence of. 58 V. c. 45, s. 3
Dutii's and powers of, jirocurinj^
i);iildines, books, periodicals, etc.,
apjiointine servants and officers,
58 \'. c. 45, 8. 4 (1).
PUBLIC L 1B« ARIES- CoH8 V. c. 15,
iird.— iip))oint-
58 V. c. 45. H.
I board, ,18 V-
lal ajjpropria-
■ 0- Jr), s. 1!>.
o eacli library
L^lasses, ."iH V.
to every art
s. 20.
> to Ontario
', 58 V. c. 45,
HAT 275
Dissolution of board of manat^fiiKMit
for neglect to keep TN V, c. 57, a. 8, (51
V. c. rt^t, s. 11(1, amendedt.
RAILWAYS, Consent of inniiici|)a]ities to
expropriation of lands for sidinLis
and swilcluis to, lands of eiit\ator
or nnmnfacturin^ companies, 58
V. c. 35.
See Electric Railways.
RATEK AND TAXES, Goods in posses-
sion of any person as a ware-
lioubcinan or vls an assignee or
UAl'ES AND TAXES Cmliiuuil
liquidator not liable to distress,
5S V, c 47, s. 7 (55 V. c. 48, h, 124,
sub s. 1, amended).
Treasurer to make return to rirrk by
15lli ,Septeml)er of lands liiil)le to
arrears which Inivc beconii! occu-
pied. 5H V, c. 47, s. H, (55 V. c. 48,
s. 1 13 (2) amended).
ROAD COMPANIES, Scale of tolls. .58 V.
c, 31, s. I, (Rev. Stat. c. l.')l>, s. 85,
Wide tires to be used on certain
veiiiclcs, 58 '', c. 31, s. 2, (Rev.
Stat. c. 150, s. 8(i, repealed).
Tolls not to be takt^n for crossin<^ road,
58 V. V. 31. s. 3. (U-v. Stat. c. 1.50,
s. 01, repealed).
Farmer or j^ardcner residing on road,
Uolwu, to work and returnni}^, etc.,
58 V.c. 31, s. 3 (2).
Evadin^j tolls, owner allowintj others
to pass over his lands for pnr|)ose
of, .'(S V. c. 31, s. 4, (Kev. Stat c.
150, s. 135, repealed).
Tolls on roai> issued,
58 V. 0. 31, s. (:'.) (57 V. c. 40,
s. 7, amended).
Issue of commission 1)V Lieutenant-
Ciovernor to examine into (pieslion
of tolls and toll roads, 58 V, c. 31,
s. K.
Commencement and duration of fore-
going provisions, 58 V. c. 31, s, 0.
ROADS— see Highways.
SCHOOL LAWS, Act to amend see Hi^h
Schools, Public Schools, 58 V. c. 57.
SEWKIIAGK. Apprnvivl of Proviiicinl
Iloivrd of jloiilth liofoni tlio cstiil)-
lisliinuiit of HyHtoiii, 58 V. c. 4'.»,
M. 8.
for, ill citi(!H and towiisi of 10,000,
OH V. o. W, H. 5 (r,(5 V. 0. 15, a. 10
niiK iidud).
HNOW, By-liiws forcmniiolliiif^ romoviil of,
from roofs mid Hide-walks )>>■ own-
ci'H and occiipaiitH in citieH liavinj^
a population of 100,000, r>H V.c. 42,
H. 2(i {r>r, V. c. 42, H. 4i)t; (2o)
HTATiri'I-: LAHOUU. Hnforcin« payment
of commntation for, in unincor-
porated villaj^iH, M V. e. 42, h. 1
(55 V.c. 42, H. 17 (:i) ,1 amended).
By-laws for njdiicin;^ or varying; within
ilefined areas, M V. c. 42, u. 211.
STliKE'l'S, Bylaws for compellinf,' re-
moval of Kiiow from inofs and
Hi(h;walkH \i\ owiK.M'H or oceiipaiits
of adjoinin;.; projierty in (iiticm
liavin^ a population of 100,000, .'h
V. e. 4'J, s. 2(i ('.."i V. (;. 12, s. J'.Ml
(2.)) amendiil).
T ll\li;, KxprcHsionH rolatiiif^ to, to bo liold
to i)e standard time, W \'. c. 2, h. 1.
Hours may be numberod according to
" 21 hour notation," W V. c. 2. b.2.
TOLL UOADS -soo Road CompanicH.
license fee wliicli nniy be imposed,
r>H V. c. 42, H. 21 (".;". V. c. 42, h.
4H'J (il,/) amendeil).
Wiio tobe declined " transient traders,"
oM V. c. 42, H. 22.
foi'cin;{ )iaynu'nt of commutation
of Hlatuti! labour in, hH V. c. 42, s.
1, (55 V. c. 42, H. 17 (:{) (lamended).
Bee liocal Impri.-veini'nl
bu. :ti:n.
r-i V. c. 42,
TIIKATRKS- see Public Buildings, 58 V.
c. 42, ss. IK, 10.
AflE, Application by ownti- for
loan, .")H V. c. 0, s. 1 (Rov. Htat.
c. ;iH, H. 8 repealed).
Statutory declaration of ownorsbip and
aa to encumbrances, 58 V. c. '.), s. 1.
Notice to iiicumi)rancer, 5S V. c. 0, s. 1.
t'ommeucement of forenoiu}» provi-
sious, 58 \'. c. 0, H. 2.
VO'l'EKS" lilS'l'.S, Act rcHpectiiif^ rej^istra-
tion of manbood suffra^i! voters in
cities extended to county towns,
.58 V. c. ;;, a. 1 (57 V. c. 4, a. 1 re-
I'Ves of Clerk of the Peace for receiv-
ing.,' and tiling copy of list for each
municipality, 58 V. c. 18, a. 1.
WATERWORKS, Construction of in po-
lice villat,'i'«, 58 V. c. 42, s. 35.
Approval of Provincial Board of Health
as to source of supply, 58 V. c. 40,
K. ;^ (Rev.
Stat. c. 205, 8. 30
1? to, to bo lield
, 58 V. c. 2, H. 1.
3(1 iiocordiiii,' to
' '