3i^[Si'^..yM ■^^V*Si^-^S& .0.. ^^.^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. / V f/ 5? <%\4; fA fA "^ -^^ 1.0 M ^ lU 111 m 2.2 L& 112.0 1.4 1.8 P '/^ <^> A> "1 /.< ' ». Photo^phic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. I4S80 (716) •72-4S03 m^ %' V (V % sV \ ^J^ ^^ ^^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. 1^ CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques 1987 TschnicaJ end Bibliographic Notas/Notaa tachniqua^ at bibliographiquas Tha tnstituta has attemptad to obtain tha be&t original copy availabia for filming. Paaturas of this copy which may ba bibliographically uniqua. (maaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol ▼ (maaning "ENO"), whichavar appliaa. I.aa axamplairas originaux dont la couvartura an paplar ast imprim^ sunt filmth June, 1894. Copy of Letter from Conimercial Bank to London and Westminster Bank, re assigmnent of certain Bonds, value £2,3o0 Stg. to the latter Bank, aH part cover. Dated Sept. Ist, 1885. H. D. C. 3. — Ditto from &anie to same, re Assignment of (reneral Water Co. stock, value £10,500. Dated Sept. 28th, 1885. H. D. C. 4. — Ditto from same to same re Assignment of Xewfonnd- land Debenun-es, value £15,000. Dated 26th Oct. 1886. H. D. C. 5. — Ditto from same to same, re Assignment of certain Bonds, value £15,020 16s. 8d. Dated 10th Dec. 18S9. H. D. C, 6. — Ditto from London and Westminster Bank to C.mi- mercial Bank, requiring actual transference of New- foundland Debentures. Dr.ted 6th Jan. 1891. H. D. C. 7. — Copy of Assignment from Commercial Bank to London and Westminstei- Bank of certain Newfoundland De- bentures, value 120,000. Dated Ibth Oct. 1888. H. D. C. 8. — Account of Commercial Bank with London and West- minster Bank, from 20th Dec. 1892 to 2nd Jan. 1893. tl. D. C. 9. — Copy of Assignment from Commercial Bank to London and Westminster Bank of 2,520 shares in General Water C'o., referred to in " H. D. C. 3." Dated 28th Sept. 1885. Ditto of Newfonndland Debentuivs, referred to in " H. p. C. 4." Dated 28th Oct., 1886. H. D. C. 11. — Ditto of ceitain bonds, referred to in " H. D. C. 5." Dated 10th Dec. 1889. H. D. C. 12.- Ditto of Newfoundland 1 >ebentni-es,£6,300 Stg. Dated 24th Dec. 1890. D. C. 13.-^Moni« r-.f Wi'rkly P-alaiJce between Commercial Bank and Uni' n Bank for week ending 30th June, 1894. H. D. C. 10.- H t H. D. C. 14.— Anmml Siatemcnl of the Commercial Bunk for the year 18H1. H. D. €. 15.— Ditto for 1882. H. D. C. 16.— Ditto for 1883. H. D- <;. 17.— DitU. for 18Hi. H. D. C. 18.— Statement of Balance In-tween I'ommeroial Bank and Union Bank on Fi ida.v, Jisne 2iHb, 1894. (2). Exhibit prodncetl and given ii evidence by Chakue* E- Meeiiax. C. E. M. 1.— Original Slip of June ;{Otb 1894, from Commercial Bank to Union Bank. ^— ■*»»»»■ — — . (H). Exhibit produced and given in evidence by Thomah.I. MukphT. T. J. M. I.— Statement of the affairH -.f the Coinnercia! Bank to I )ec. 'M St 1894, pivsont, d to Shareholders at me«'ting «m Jan. 18th 189r>. (4). Exhibits produced and givej* in evidence by CtEOBUK Cokn. G. C. 1.— DetaiLs of 4th Item. Asoet Side of Statement of 3()th June, 1894. G. C. 2. — DetailH o^- Past Due Billn at Name dat*-. (i. (J. ^.—Details of Balance of I.ocal Bills. Q. (J. 4. — l.ist of Overdi.nvn Accounts on same date. (J. C. ;>.— Account of Mokitz & Co., with Commercial Bank, from :Ust July, 1891, to 3()th June, l894. «. C. 6.— I.cttcis and C'ahlegrams between Manager Cooke and MOKITZ. (i. C. 7.— List of Bills for Collection, held for E. Mokit/. & Co., by Connncrcial Bank, on HOth June, 1894. G. C. 8.— Same as " (t. C. .>." (; (J {(.—Copies cf Cablegrams leceived from E. Mokit/ & CJo. by Connncrcial Bank, from 18th Oct. 1893, to 0th Dec. 1894. G. C. 10.— Copies of Cal)lcgnuns from Manager Cooke to MoKiTZ & Co. from 1st Nov. 1893 to 13th Dec. 1894. (,. (J. II.— C;odc-book used in Connncrcial Bank for above Cable- grams. (i. C. 12.— British Bill Book of tlu' t.'onmicrcial Bank. G. C. 13.— Bill of Sale fion. James Mukhav to the Conmiercial Bank, daU'd 22nd June, 1892, (Jousideration $100,000.00. (i. C. 14.— List of Overdrawn Accounts not worth 100 cents in the dollar. (.i. C. I'l.— Statement of Debenture Bonds, June 30th, 1894. (;. C. l(j.— Listof Overdrawn Accoimts of certain parties who have since bec(»ine insolvent or compromised. G. C. 17.— List of transters of shaies of the Commereial Bank from Jan. 1893, to Dec. 1894. Q C la— Statement of Specie held by C,(mimei-cial Bank on the aOlh luue of each year from 188,J to 1894, both ye^rs inclusive. NEWroUNWLAXD. Central District, \ St. John's, V To Wit. j The Exair.inntion of Hkxky D. Carter, Taken on oath, this second day of January, A.l). One Thoiist- and Eight Hundred and Xini'ty-five, at St. John's, afoicHaid, before nie, the undersigned, one of Her Majesty's Stipendiary .Magi.strat<'H for the Island aforesaid, in the pivsence and hearing of James (iood- fellow, Edwin J. Duder, Augustus F. (ioodiidge, James S. Pitts, Georg(* A. Hutehiiigs, and Hein-y Cooke, who stand ehaiged for that they, on the seventeeutl- day of July, A. D.. 1894, iieing tlie Directors and the Manaij-er respectively of the Commercial Bank of Newfound- land, did a; such Directois and as Manager unlawfully make a certain written statement, /o wit, a Statement of the affairs of the Commercial Bank aforesaid for the year ending 30th June, A.D., 1894, they, the Directors aforesaid and the Manager aforesaid, then well knowing the same to be false in a certain material partitidai". with intent to deceive the Honourable George Skelton and others, shai-eholdeis of the said Corporation, contrary to the Statute in such case made and provided. 'I'his Deponent on his oath says as folhjws : — Henry D. Caktkh sworn: "lam the Paying Teller of the Commercial Bank, but am in the habit of signing drafts as Accpended are in proper handwriting of the Directors. "J. (ioodfellow" is the signature of James (roodfellow, now present, " E. J. Duder" is the signature of Edwin .1. Duder, now present, " A. F. (Toodritlge" is tiie signature of Augustus F. (ioodridge. now present, " G. A. Hutchings'' is the signature or" George A. Hutchings, no- present, the affidavit is signed by lienry Cooke, the Manager, " iienry Cooke, Manager" is the signature of Henry Cooke, now present. •' The Statement is in the handwriting of Frederick Wood, one of the clerks of the Bank. I saw Mr. Wood willing out the body and the figures of the Statement. It was done under the direction of the Manager. " On the Credit side of the account there is a sum of ^Ml ,86i5.43, followioff after the words " Debenture Bonds. Domiuio of Canada and othei- Securities, inclnding the interest due thereon." That entry \ in n lirt of the Sc-iiritief as inadt' np from the IxxikM. The '• Deben- ture Bonds" wei-e in thf Bank on the :Wth .Inne, 1894. The " Domi- nion of f'anadii iineen there. There were abont f HK).(KX) in Debenture Bondt*. The balance of the 8ecn- rities for $:J41,8^one <>f them wi-re .'leM t'-i ti.e I indon and Westminster Bank und« r a Deed of .\Msignment or some document. 1 have not seen the doennient since the suspension. I conld not tell if theie weie nioie than one. I don't know if they are in the v..ult of the Bank, i suppose I can get them. I can't way if the Assignment oi' Assignments include all the Del)en^nrc•^^. In oin- ixioks there is a statement of aeccunl showing how the account stands between our Bank and the London and \V e».<.!ni;isrer Bank. ', cannot tell from memory if the amount due tiie I.oiidt)n ; nd Westminsler Bank ex- eeede(i on the 30th Juu" last $.'U],8<).').-t."{. Mr, Coen can tell." C^iKSTiox: — " What were the individual amounts due by the seveial Directors respectively to the Coinmercial BiMik on iht 3(*t!j »Jinie last?" ()b.jk(tki) to by Mi-. Morine, as not bearing on the matter com- plained of in this information. UE8KKVED. Adjorrned to Tuesday, at 3 p.m. (Signed) Sworn before me. at .St. .lohn's, aforesaid, this 2nd dav .)f .lamuuv. A.D 18f).:. IL D. CAKTEK. (Signed) J. G. COXKOY. .LP. ( t!xfnniufitinn Continued on Jauuari/ .37.^.39; and an endorser foi- $1(>,J:38..18. The total in Dollars of his iial)ility was $«.".<5,73o.88. ■' The Defendant (ioodiidge signs as 'A. (xoodridge & Sons,' in business transacted with our Bank. On Current .\cconnt his firm owed on 30th .Inne $122,2r)2.91; on Exchange the firm owed $242,807.33; on Liability for notes as promisor .$7.293..)8; as endorser, $28,93:{..10. The total of this firm's liability is $401.28(5.24. '• The Defendant .lames Goodfellow is one of the firm of '.lames Goodfellow & Co.' This firm owed on Current Account $127,- 17.1i.03; the Diwonnt li.Hbility as promisor wa- $:^.()07.89. The total liability was $130,182.92. 6. " JameH S. Pitts HigtiN for the firm of ' J. A W Pitt^' Thie flrnrH ncconi.t ntood an follr.wH. Dm- hh Exeliaiige endonwr, |a6,400- on ("iim-Mt Acco.n.t there was ,1.,,. i^.;{2r.25; his dmconnt liabiliiv was f 1()().0() HH endorser; the totiil was |:«»,H27.2">. "The IVfendant (i. A. HiiXHrNOH sijfiis in the Bank for Job, Ikotiikhs. & ( 'o." gtEHTioN:— " What was the amount of the indebtedness of Job, Brothers. & Co., on the ;{<)th Juiu-, 1894 ?" OB.iKrTKi> T.) on the jfronnd that it is ,.„t ^hovv.i thiU the Defen- dant G. A. llutchinKs isa member of the firm of Job. Br.ithers, & { '„. An.swkk:—' Their indebtedness for Kxchange was ^12") 2H2(K^• oI. Current Account they ow,.! *H -,.249.24 ; their Discount F.iahility as pronns, ,s wa. #."> . 1 7G.0(.» ; ,.s eiuiors, rs they <.wed iK.thin- The total amounted to f)l.'>,657.24. " -The Defendant Ilutchinjjs „wed on Private Account JpoiHMT. ■• The total amount 8 - ( 89..) i, and he is asked: — '^ ' QiKsTiox:— Is the amount of the indebtedness. .$2,0.{,3,288.72 above mentioned, included in that 4th item?" Axswkk: — " Xo " Qiestion:— " What portion of it is included tlieicinr Answkr:— "Only the (.'uiwcMt Account, and such Bills of Ex- change as we would have on hands until the m.iil wei,t out." I J^'"'"'^'"^=— ""■ the whole iiidebte.lness of the Directoi-s and Job do not apiH-ar in the 4th item, whe.v does it appear on the State- ment:"' Axswek:— " It d(.es not appear at all." giESTiON-:— " Would theie be a liabilitv or indebtedness of the Dn-ectors or of J„b to the Bank not appea,-i„'eiiture8 and other securities to the L.mdon and Westminster BankV" Answer:— "They are in the hand. ■ r William Whiteway. Qumtiok; — "l8 hf Solicitor to the Bank?" Answkk: — "He is, ami wuh up t" tin- suHiH'iviioii .»f the Bank, and has l)een for a ninnlM-r of years. I will tiy to j^-t them. " I iirodmi' the (■orre>*[M)ndence in rehition to the name. — all thai 1 could find. Some ha« Iwen burned in the Fire of 1892. The Letter-Books were all hurned then. I produee the correHpondmce. eonsi-sting of letters, nni-ked and dati'd iin follows: — " 11. n. ('. 2." Sept. Ist. 18A">; •• H. 1). C. .T'Sept. 2.")th. IHS.',; " 11. 1). C. 4." Oei. 2t>tli. 188«); "11. D. C. .")." Dee. 10th, 1H89; " II. 1). ('. 6.". Ian. tith. »8!M. " Thev are all from -Mr. < 'ooke. Defendant, except the last, which is to him." (Signed) II. l).t:AKTEU. Sworn before nie. at St. .lohn's, aforestiid. ) this 8th day of .lunuary, .\.l). 189.1, ( (Signed.. .1. «. COXROY.J.P. ( Exnminatiou (JoutimwA nii Jimnarij I4th, t89't.) This Uei)onent, Hknkv D. Cartkk, upon hi» oath further siiy s : — t^t k.>oke to the Bank on tlie :{Otl) .Imie. on Cnnvnl Aee.mnt or otherwise." (^1-k.stion:— •• How dill you .•^etlle with the L'uion Bank for dir't'ereiiee of aecomitV" Axswkk:— " It was our practice to settle every week, either in Exchange or in gold, whichever was most cmivenient. " The :?(>th .June, 1894, was Saturday, and that was the day for settling the balance between the Banks for that week. 1 can't say. without referring to thi' books, how much was due by way of balance to the Union Bank thi-.t week. 1 think the settlement that week was in gold. I eoulil not tell if we received any goldtiie week ending June :{(»tli from the I'nion Bank. If we received any, the entry would be found in their Bank. Sometimes we would borrow a .small box of gold, and return it in the week. On the :J()th June we hsid not any gold on hand .bat we bad l)orrowed from the L'uion Bank." Qlkstiox:— •• Had you any gold tm hand that you obtairied from the Union Bank, other than by borrowing, in the week ending aOth June?" Answkr: " Not that we obtained from the L nion Bank. " The I>alance that was owed by us to the Union used to be squared on Satunlay evening, and was paid in Exchange or gold as directed bv the Manager. We would nn>ke the entries for it the first thing on Monday morning, and send it over as soon as one of the Directors came and f)pened the ti-easm-y." HKNKY I). CAIM'KK. Sworn iH'fore me at St. .)«hn'H. afon-Bai'l. ( thiH 14th (lay of January, A.I). 1H9.') j (Sijjr„e,l.) J. G, CiJNUO., ,J.l' ♦ •♦-»♦■ — ■ ( Examinntlon <;ontiHUfff on Jnnuarif 1 7th, Diit't.) This l)t'|M>m'iit. IIkxuy 1). (.'.\ktkk. further nayn ax folloWM:— C^l'EHTiJX: — " Wliat was the ovenlniwii .\coi)unt of Maiiaj^er C22.44." C^iestion: — " What else <.f liability, or indebtedness, or liability and indebtedness, on the f)art of these parties aforesaid, is included in the *2,2.")8,789.o7?" Axswek: — " I have said the amount of the indebtedne.ss. Now. a-, to liability, the total is ^O.(KHMM) in lOxehange, and ^)tj,324.H() in local bills.— making a total of indebtedness and lial)ility of |l.()(jt».- 947.;{(). The balance of item 4, Assets side, the foregoing deducted, is an amount due by others than the parties ahiresaid, the Directors and Job. The Manageis and otiicials are engaged in making up a statement of the Bank affairs np to tin- .\Ut December. 181»4. " I don't know it there was a limit that a Director or Manager could draw to. As Paying Teller I am not aware of any limit pnt to tlve overdrawing of an .Vceonnt l)y Director or Manag«n-. 1 was next official, and the ulch-.st next to the Manager 1 never became aware of any limit to be placed to overdrawn Accounts as aforesaid. Theic weie limits placed on other overdrawn Accounts besides tiic Directors'." Quehtiok: — " If there whs a limii to be placed on other Ac« coniitN. who would inform yoiiV Answkh: — " Tlie ManiiK«'f- He iitHtnioUMl the Lj-tl^ftT-Ket'lHT •jmI inyHC'lf not to allow et>rtain parties' Accounts to »'X( "*>^w from the Directors and the Mana^^ei to the other Bunk ofticiaU as to overdrawing Ae- coiint", throiijjli whom and how woidd they come?" Answkr: — " He would tell — the Manager would tell — the Ledjfer-Kee|M'r. niVM-lf, and the Ueceivinjf Teller and the ('ollecting Clerk not to aecept the elie(|ue»« of thone wIiomc AeeountH were i>ver- drawn. No t»nch tlii*ection« m« theMe wei-e ever insued to me in re- M|ject of the Directorn' or ManafjferV overdrawn Acciunts. The Mana«fer never ixMned any dirtelionx to nie iv to limits on the over- drawn Aceonntu of the I)irectoii» or Manager. Ah far at* 1 wan iii» etrneted, I honoined the ehecjues of the Dii-ectorM and Manaj^er." Qikhtion: — " Were there any Heenritiew held l>y the Bank to cover theoverdrawn AeeountH or liahilitieK of the DireetorH or Joh's?" .\nswkh : — " I i)elieve theiv weiv necnritieK in the way of Mortfjaj-eM on ships and other pro|H'rty^ to the amount of :f;i(K).(K)0.00. I htlieve they are in the possession of the Bink. I don't know of ai'.y other secnr'ties held hy the Bank on the part of any .rther of the Directors or .loh's. I eanuot jirodnee the Dnder securities, they ai-e in the possession of the Bank. 1 asked Sir William Whiteway for the Assignments of the DelnMituies to the London and V/cHtuiinster Bank, and I have not received them yet, though he pmmised to send them out to me." QlKSTioN : — " ('an you say the amount of gold and silver re- ceived from the Union Bank of Newfoundland during the week end- ing ;jOth .June. 1894 ?" .\nswkk: — " We did not obtain any gohl that week; we received |30,()<)().(K) in Silver from the Union Bank, being our proportion of |60,00().(K) imported I)y the Newfoundland (Tovernment that week. We received it. 1 believe, on the rhmsday of that week. That was charged to onr aceonnt by the Union Bank in the ordinary way, ami when the time came for squ)>ring up. it wa» settled in the ordinary way." ' giKSTioN:— " How was that $H().(X)0.(M> paid forr .\n8WEh: — •• The balance of account between the Banks for that week was paid on Monchiy morning following, in gold." (^ikstion: — "What was the balance due payable in gold on 30th June to the Union Bank?" Answkh:— •■ f28.H by Mr. MoKiNK: — Qi'ESTiox: — "(iiveme the actual indebtedueBiii on '>veidrawn AccoiintH on liOth June." Anhwkk.— " Edwin Dudei-, »dridife & Son;*, |122.ai2.!U: (ioodfelh.w & (J,... $V27A7.W.h J. & W. Pitt., |4,327.2o: (ieoige A. tliitchings, |;>J>*>.-i7." guESTioN:— " What was the total indebtedness on June .{Oth nf the Directors a„d of th- firmfiof which they were memlHMN':"' Anmweh:— " Jf87:},()7«5.o7." t^LKSTiox:—" Against thi.s total what amount .»f sf-uritics did the Bank hold?" A.vhwer:— ••$;}<)«),(MK).(K» fn.m bnder." QLE.STioy:— •' What was the total uns-dued indebtedness of Directs; « and firms of which they were nienilKis?" Answkk:— " $;")7;M)7«).o7." QlEsTiox:— •• Did the Bank hold any over.lue Exchange or notes of the Directors ,„■ tieir Hnus on June '.Kkhr Answek: — " \o." guEHTiox:— " Of the Exchange drawn bv Duder and u.iimid on June JOth, but not due at that date, how much did the Bank have on hand?" Axswek:— "The Bank had on hand $12,(MK).()0." Qlestion:— " Why was that on hand?" Answek:—" Because there was no mail to forward it." yuESTiox:-" Of the .t'(J.5.7->() stg. of Duder's Exchange, where was the balance on June CvHh, excluding tlie$12,(KX)?" Answer:—" In the hands of foreign agents „f the Bank, and of people It was sold to." Qlestiox: — " Upon whom was it drawn?" Answer:—" £(i3,rA)0 stg. had b.en drawn on Prowse, Hall & Morns, the £2r>0 ou JJampsou & Co., London. To the best ot my knowledge and belief, the drafts on I'rowse, Hall, & .^[on■is wei4 accepted— all of them that arrived in England before June .30th " (Question:-- Was all the Exchange ..f Duder outstanding on •iune J()th, paid after that d-'fe?" Axswek:— " Yes." Qt E.STION:— " When you, ou Janun.y 8th, stated that amongst the amounts due by Duder was the £-05,750 stg., what did you mean?" " ^ Answer:—" I was requested by Mr. Emereon, Q.C., to furnish t .e v.ourt with the amount of the Exchange of Directors running in my Hank or otherwise w Juiu 30th as maker or endorser." 10. Qukstion: — " Wa« that JEGoJoO stg., due or owing on the 30th of Jane really?" Answer: — " No." Question'; — " When yon inehuled f;),875.i){) as DuderV liability lor dinconnt, as proniiwr, and $1G,-I;i8.58 as endorser, did you mean on notes not yet due, or ovei'dne?" Answer: — "On notes not yet matured. His liability as pi'o- misor was on notes from him to other per8r)ns, upon which these were endoisers, and whieh the Hank had discounted for the endorsers, not for Dnder, and which notes were paid when due. His liability as en- dorser was upon notes of othei' people to him, discounted by the Bank, and paid when due." (Sigmd.) II. D. C'AKTEK. Sworn before me, at St. John's,- aforesaid, | this 17th dav of January, A.I). 189ij ( " (Signed.)' J. a. COXKOY, J.P. ( Cioss-Examinntion continued on Jnniiary 22nd, IW-i.) The further cross-examination of Henry I). Carter, taken upon oath, who says: — " A. (ioodridge & Sous' indebtedness actually on 30th Jnne was .fil22,2.12.91." Qitestion: — " Where was the Exchange for .$242,807.33, i"e- ferred to as a liability in your direct testimony?" Answer: — "That had passed out of our hands to our foreign agents in diffeieut countries, except $12,000, which was in the Bank, waiting to be sent by mail. \(me of this .'xchaiige was overdue on the 3()lh June. It was drawn on C. T. Bennett, Bristol. The liability of the Bank or of (ioodridge was at that time contingent for that liability on its payment by the acceptor. It was paid when due. " The liability of (ioodridge to the amount 0 was upon notes of theirs to other peoi)le, discounted by the Bank for other peo|)le, and upon which others vt/e endorsers, and not due on June 3()th. The liability of .|28,9.'{3..")0 was upon notes of other people to them, discountevl for them, and not due on 30th Jnne. " The discount liability of Goodfellow & Co., of $.3,007.89, was for notes of (ioodfellow & ('<)., to otheis, discounted t'f)r others, en- dorsed l)y others, and not due on .30th June. " The Exchange liabilities of J. &. W. Pitts for $2(3,400 00, was for Exchange .irawu by the I'uiou Bank of Xewfoundlaud on the Union Bank of London, or Bank of Liverpool, in favour of J. «fe W. Pitts, and endorsed t ) the Commercial Brnk, and not due on .June 30th. This had been forwarded to our agents in England. " Mr. Hutchings is not a member of of the firm of Job, Brothers, & Co., and has no interest in the Prm to my knowledge. I mean by his signing for them that he had a power of attorney from them to sign for the:n. He signed " Job, Brothers, & Co., per pro (t. A. Hutchings." Their Exchange liability of $42."),232.00 was on Ex- change not due on June 30th. It was drawn on Job Brothers, Liv.ii)ool. and foi warded by us to different agents, and sold to different people; and the liability was contingent on the ncm-payment by the Acceptors. Their liability for $.J.17'3.00 aw piomisci- was on their notes to other peoi»le, not then due, discounte«l for others and endorsed by others, and paid when due." QuESTiov:— " When you referred to amounts due upon Ex- change and as promiser and endoi-ser, did you mean a liability upon the non payment when due?" Answer: — " Ye^." (Witness's attention is drawn to the document marked •' H.D.C. 1.)" " That document is a statement of the affairs of the Commercial !'ank of Newfoundland to the .'Wth June. 1894, as things stood on that date." ft ■ QuESTiox:— " What are the iiahilities referred toon the Debtor side? Whose are they?" Answer:— " They are those of the (^ouimercia! Bank.— what the Bank owed to other parties on the .-{Oth June. The Assets referred to on the Credit side are the Assets of the Commercial Bank. The Statement is made up in the usual form of our annual Statement. I am not familiai- with the annual Statements of other Banks. A.i <)ver.lrawn account is an Asset to the Bank, and all overdrawn account- should be shown on the As.sets side. E,\-ehaii.>-,. in Bank would be shown on the Ass^is side. Exchange not m due, forwarded toother Banks, would not be shown on" thy Asset side. It would n<.t be an Asset o. he (Commercial Bank. The liability on Exchange aiul notes referred to as a debt on my direct exannnation, would not pioperly appear on the Asset side of the Statement, except as to the Bills of Exchange on hand; and the^e latter were aetually included in ifui 4, Ass.^t side. The contin-reut liability of the Directors to the Bank could not be shown in'the Statement, " H. D. C. 1." When the contingent liability became from non-payment, a debt of the Directors, it wo.dd be an Asset of the Bank. Then the Bank's liai)ility would be shown on the Debl(.r side. Until it became due it would be neither an Asset nor a Liabi- lity of the Bank. " I know from my own knowledge that there have been assit in the ( 'omniercial Bank vaidts. There were some lV'l)entures in (he vaults that were not assigned, — all kept together. The Commercial Bank always collected the interest on all these 'debentures, ar.d that interest was credited to Interest Accoimt. Xo distinction was made between the interest on I )ei>entnies assigned and the Debentures not assigned. No interest was ever credited upon these Debentures to the London and Westminster to my knowledge. The accounts of the two Banks agreed. The London and Westminster never clainieil to be credited with interest on Bonds or Debentures. The London anil Westminsti-i- Bank treated tlicBonds and Debentures said to be as.-iigned to them as the projjerty of the Commercial Bank. The Bonds had been left in London to collect interest which was payable there, and which the Commercial had to collect through an agent. I would consider the Bonds and Debentures properly stated as .\8sets in item Xo. 3. " IL D. C l," asset .side, having regard to the fact that wo received interest upon them. The C'ommercial Bank had never been credited with *Uv value of the Bonds and De- bentures by the London and Westminster Bank or by anybody else. The said Bonds and Debentures hail been purchased by the Com- mercial Bank originally for itself. " To the best of my knowledge and belief, item 3, Assets side, is correct. The .same is true of item 4. I have been in the Bank nearly twenty-one years. Mr. Brown was Manager then, and down to IHtCi or 1884. I have been familiar with the Annual Statements for these twenty-one years', or at least foi- the last ten cr fifteen years. The Statement " \l. 1). C. 1." is, as far as I know, made up in the same way as all the other Annual .Statements, but I cannot say with- out seeing the otliers, I will try and produce them. " Mr. Pitts became a Director shortly after Mr. Bowring left, in 1887, I think." -♦♦♦♦-♦" Ke-kxamixkd by Mk. Emkkson. '>.('. "When I refer to the Assi>;nments made to the London and Westminster, I mean the .Stocks neld in London and those remaining here. I can produ'e a list of th<' .Stocks now held in London by the London and Westminster Bank, and also a list of the Del>enturc Bonds held under the .Vssignments. f now produce all the othei- .\ssgnments of the Debentiu-e Bonds, — copies, the original not being in the possessiim of the (Commercial Bank, — marked as foilows: — '• II. D. C. 9," dated 28th Sept. 1885: " II. D. C. 10," dated 2r)th Oct. 188«i: " H I), v. 11," dated lOth ' ■ 1889: " H. D. C. 12," dated 24th Dee. 1890. These, and Exhibit " II. D. C. 7," comprise all the Assigmnents of thi Delwntnre Bimds as far as I know. All the foreign Stocks .^•sdr 13. Jieldby the I^ndpu. a^d . AVestuiinster. were, assigned ae "Cover,'' and {o<: the 8*me purpose ap the Debenture Bonds were a^bigned. These foreign Stocks were originally held by the London and W^est- wpater for the,pui-po8e o£ oollectiun of interest, but were subsequently assigned to thera for purposes of " Cover." Question:— i"HaTe these foreign Stocks been held since their assignment as Collateral Security fqr advaqpes to the Corapiei-pial?" QuK8(rioN Objected tq and Allowed. Answer:— ''^They were held as a " Cover" for advances. Question: — " Were they held as a Collateral Security for over- draw!) accojmts?" Answbk: — "I think they were only held as a "Cover." I eannot annwer the question any other way. I have an idea that I know the meaning of " Collateral Secarity." I take it to be the ex- pression used for a security for a debt due. There v; a difference between these Assignments and a Collateral Security. In these assignments the London and Westminster Bank has always credited 1 the Commercial with the inteiesit, and generally when a Collateral Secui'ity is concerned the Creditor keeps the interest for himself. I would not consider these af Mgnments as Collateral Security." QtTESTiov: — "'W^ere these foi-eign Slocks transferred t(j the London and Westminster Bank or their noniineeK on their behalf by the Commei'cial ?" Answer: — " I do not know: I do not know to what extent they were assigned." Question: — " What do you mean by " Cover"?" Answer: — " I mean simply holding in case the Commercial ■ 'Bank wonld take them back at any time when they would place them- selves in Credit. If we were not in Credit^ the London and West- miaster Bank wonld still hold them, for the same purpose as before, — purposes of Cover." ' Question: — "If the CVmimereial Bank owed the London and ■ 'Westminster Bank the amount of the Cover, had the latter Bank the light to selir' Answer: — " I do not know. " On the 30th June. 1894, the indebtedness of the C'ommercipl Bank to the London and Westminster Bank is unknown to me: I do not know if it were under or over the Cover. I shall consult the books. "To I he best of my knowledge the Statement for June 30th 1894, is made ,up in the same form as previous Statements. I shall produce, if I can, the Statement immediately preceding the Assign- inent to the London and Westminster Bank. ' I cannot say if Item 3, A. set side, is in the usual form or the Annual Statements. " I do not iieiinepibcr seeing the minutes of the Bank referring to the reti.ement of Mr. Bowring. I know, the i-eason of hi;, retire- ment only by hearsay. I, dq not remember spe^ng »ny correspon- dence on ^fa«>euhject. " I produce a memorandum of the weekly balance between the Comm^roial and Unwn Benks for th^ week euiding, June 30th 1894," — (Marked " H. D. C 13."^— "We struck onr balance with the Union pu Satur^lpys a)>vays,-74^at iq, if,.l?.ajance was in favour of ns, our de- , jwsit with. the XJoion ,on Friday -.would 1)« the last for the week, and as? aRf"^-^ 14. they would bavi- the privilege on Saturday of paying us in our own notes and cheques of our eustoiners, making up the balance in Ex- change or gold." Question : — " What day in the week do you close your business with the Union Bank?" Answer: — "Weclosed the account on .Saturday if we owed them money. If we did not owe them money, we closed on Friday. If we owed them money on Friday, we would pay off on Saturday, includ- ing Saturday's work. We owed the Union on Friday, June 29th, 1894, $78,600.00. We settled part of it on Saturday, and the balance on Monday, July 2nd. .Saturday was the day for settling. We paid part on Saturday, part on Monday. On Saturday, June .30th, we paid $49,800.00, viz., f23.20').00 in notes and cheques, $6,763.00 in notes and cheques collectca, and $19,837.00 in Exchange. The balance, $28,800.00, we paid on Monday afternoon, in gc!d. That $28,800.00 in gold was included in the " gold in vaults" as referred to in the Statement. On Saturday we had not arranged with the L'nion Bank how that $28,800.00 was to be paid. It was marked on our deposit slip in the Union as so much gold payable to them: subsequently the Manager said, deduct the gold from the charge of $78,600.00 in our i)ooks, and he would see his Directors to see if they could give the Union moie exchange and less gold. This was about 3.30 p.m., after the slip had gone over to the Union. The $28,80t1 • in gold remained in our vaults till M>inday, when entries were made ill the Conmiercial Treusury books, and gold sent over to the Union to the iunount of $28,800.00. " Our Annual Meeting was on 16th July, 1894. On the 30th June the $28,800.00 was taken into account as of gold in the vault. I cannot call to memory any other similar transaction between the Banks, because 'tis veiy seldom we [)ay in gold: we generally pay iu Exchange. I remember often larger amounts being paid to the Union Bank on a week's balance, iu E.Kchange. I remember one or or two occasions when we owed the Union liaiik on Friday, and the balance ran o" to next week. These weiv occasions when we were short of exchange, and it would be depriving our customers. Then we would have to ask the Union to hold over to next week, when they would chaige us 6 per cent. I cannot call to mind an occasion when it was convi'iiient to pay and we did not do so. The Union Bank did not say anything against our holding over the $28,800.00. I cannot sa}' if any excuse wore given to the Union Bank for so hold- ing it over till Monday. Nothing to my knowledge occurred between the Banks on the subject of holding the gold ovei- till Monday. On Monday morning we paid over the $28,800.00 in gold to the Union. I believe the gold and bullion in the vault were counted over on the Thursday before Saturday, 30th. (Signed.) H. D. CARTER. Sworn before me, at Si. John's, aforesaid, I this 22nd day of January, A.D. 1895 f (Signed.) J. «. CONROY, J.P. f Examination of Henry D. Carter nontitued this 5th day of February. 1896. ) " I produce the general statements of th ? affairs of the Commer- cial Bank for the years 1881, 1882, 1883 and 1884, marked < H.D. 15. C. 14,' ' FI.O.C. 15,' • H.n.C. 16; and ' H.D.C. 17,' respectively. I will a«k for the intervening statements ii;j to 1894. I got those papers from Mi'. (Joen, of the CommLMcia! Bank. They are in the same foi-m as the StaU-ment for 1894. so far as I can see." QuKSTiov:— " Diirin'< these years, 1881 to 1884. was there any hypothecation or |)le(lge hy way of collateral security, or for cover, of the I^bentiire Bonds and other Securities mentioned in the 3rd item of the Asset side of the Annual Statement y" Answkr: — " Not to my knowledge. I have been in the Bank nearly twenty-one years. It was in 1885 that these Securities were first |)ledged, as far as I am aware. On the :50th June, 1894, tiie amount of the Securitii-s pledged was $ " The London and Westminster Bank are our Londoi, .\gent8, and the Bank in London to which would go all our remittances. On the 30th Juue, 1894. the Balance in the B:iiik against us was £77,- 107 178. 8d., or ^^70,117.83. against which they held the Securities mentioned in tha letters and documents produced. The Commercial Bank had no (»ther moneys in any other Bank on the other side. I cannot say if the Commercial Bank had at that date, (3()th June, 1894,) any moneys in any financial institutions on this side. Mr. Coen can supply that iidonnation." *• QiTESTiox:— " Was tli—e any amount on the hands of your Agents on the other -.^ide of the Atlantic to the credit of the Com- mercial Bank?" .\n-8Wek:— '• I cannot say: Ih: Coen can tell. "There is a book called the "Balance-Sheet Book." I was l)ook-keeper up to the appointment of Mr. Co:)ke as .Manager. The Balance-sheet Book contains all the balances due to and by the Bank at the end of each month, and those on the 30th June of each year, and was regularly kept up to the 30th of June, 1894. For the la.st six or seven years it has been kept by Mr. Coen. From that book would l>e nade up the 4th iti-m oi. the .\sset side of the Statement, anil in that item were included all the debts due to the Bank. The (General Ledger iiaiance Book is put in, with leave to have it taken back from time to nme. The balance for the 30th June, 1894, now in this book, was made up in .separate sheets first. The monthly balance she.'ts are not signed, nor the yearly ones. The balance in the book produced contains all the balances for the end of the year, .30th June, 1894. This book was kept by me about fifteen years ago. The balance would be taken off by Mr, Coen, and certain accounts would l.j closed by the .Manager. The whole account would be made up under the direction of the .Miuiager." To .Mi{. Morink: — «.irK.sTiox:— " Were the Debenture Bonds which were in the Commercial Bank, but included in the documents of Assignment, endorsed to the London and Westminster Bank?" Answer: — " 1 caimot answer: I do not know. The Debenture Bonds are now in the hands of the Trustees of the C'ommereial Bank. I will try to ascertain if they are so endorsed. I cannot tell if they were registered in the Keceiver (ieneral's office: I will tiy to ascer- tain. The CJonunercial Bank collected interest upon ihem, which it credited to its own interest account. I am not aware that the Bank had any written authority from the London and Westminster Bank tu do so. lb. "The baitoce of Siwcic in thv vHult was, on the 30th Jnne, 18W, 1138,234.14. In that was included Jj^JO.UOO.OO, ifcently obtained in silver from the Union Bank. Item 1, Assets sido, includes the $28,- H(X).0() due the Union Biink on 30ih .June, and paid on 2nd July. If we had paid on S«turilay, .Jnnc .'iOtli, the A'^se'.s in S|)ecie would have appeared that much less. The liabilities in that case would also appear that nineh less. Thai $28,800.00 which we did not pay on 30th June appears as a liai>ility on the Statement. We did not on Saturday charge the Union Bank with the jj^old. We charged it on Monday, when it was paid. The $28,800.00 was actually i.i the Treasury on Saturday, :JOth -June, 'i'iie >I:u»a«^ei- and a I)irt'ct<»r keej) each a key of the Tieasury wheiv the S|)ecie is stored. It requires two keys to open the Tieasury, — one a Manager's, and one a Directoi's ;)u Satiirlay, Jiun.- .'Wth, when we balanced our account with the Union Bank, and made out our slip, there was no Director on the pi-entises to open the rreasiiry. There was no money counted out that Saturday for the payment of the Union Bank. On Monday, 2nd July, the amount was taken out of the Treasury and paid. The Annual vStateinent is correct, so far as I know, in representing the amount of Specie in vault, and the debt of $28,800.00 to the Union Bank as a liability. The balance due the Union Bank on 29th June was $78,(j(M), including $:W),(HM).(M) in silviT, obtaiu.)d thai week. We paid the l^uion in I'Jxchange, $10,837.00, in their own notes and cheques .'^2V/,9(i3.0O, leaving .$2S,S(H).(K), which was paid in gold on Monday, 2nd July. But for the amount of $30,(M)().(Mt obtained that week in silver, the Exchange would have overpaid the Union by $1,- 2(X).00. That is what I meant by saying that but for the silver the Union would havo owed us .$1,200.00. In other words, bi!t for the silver we would have sent $1,2()0.0() less in exchange." To Mh. Emeusox, t.).C.:— " rhe item of .$47.8(K).()0 in the (reneral Ledger Balance is the sum we owed the Union on the 30th June. The business of the Union with us closed on June the 2;)th, inclusive of that day." " II. 1). ( ". 18" is sul)miited to witness, who is asked: — QuKxTiox: — •• Is that a correct statement of the balance between the Union and Commerc al Banks on the 20th Jiuie, 1894?" Answkk: — '• Ves. \Vi owed them on that date $78,(500.00. Saturday is the day of settling with the l^nion when the balance is against the Commercial. The items on exhibit 18, .Vos. 1, 2, 3, 4, o, were on the slip sent over to the Union on Saturday about ten minutes to thi'ee.or three p.m. QcESTiov: — '• Under ordmary circumstances, would the gold and silver accompany that slip?" Answkk: — • Yes the gold and silver would be carried over with it, if we could get the Directors to open the Treasury. It happenol before on one or two occasions that when we wanted specie we could not get a Director- to open the Treasury; but 1 cannot say that it ever hapi)ened before that when v,e wanted to pay the Union Bank the balance in specie we could not get a Director. " That ite-a of .$47.8(X).30 in Exhibit 18 comprises $19,(KX).00 that the Union brought over on Saturday, 30th June, and the $28.- 800.00 which we owed theui, and which we paid on Monday, July 2nd. I do not mean to say that oiu- reason foi- not paying over the $28,8(X>.(K! in gold on .Saturday was that we could not get a Director 17. to open the Treasury. There was no such reason as that for not ending over the gold on Satu.day. The reason for not sending over the $28,800.00 on Saturday to the Union was that the Manager directed otherwise, stating that he would see his Directors and find out if he could not giv the Union moi-e Exchange, and less gold. That was pretty well on three o'clock p.m. I ilo not know what time on .Monday the gold was sent over. I do not know if there was a meeting of the Directors on Monilay, or not. Their meeting days were Tuesdays and Fridays." To Mh. iloKiNE: — " H. D. C. 18 " is not made up hy me. I do not know by whom it is made up." (Jl-kstion:— " Was the settlement actually made between the Banks on Saturday, 30th June, as stated in Kxhibit 18?" AvswEu: — " The settlement was not actually made, i)ut the balance as stated therein is correct. The charges were not made in our books on Saturday as contained in PJxhibit 18. The payments actually madi on Saturday were charged on Satin-day. The pay- ment not made till Monday was not charged till Monday. To Mr. Emkhson. Q.C. :— " The slip sent over to the Union on Saturday contained the various items on Exhibit 18. The words ' settled Saturday. June *)tb, as follows:' — are not correct. It is not correct, because the $28,800.00 were not sent over on Satinilay. The five items are a correct copy of the slip as sent ovei- from the Conmiercial to the Union. It is a correct statement, showing the manner in which the balance due by the Commercial to the Union was paid. When I say It is not collect, it depends on the meaning I put on the word " settled." The only iiicorrectness is that the gold was deducted from the balance, and not sent over until Monday; but Exhibit 18 is correct, as it went over tothe Union Bank on Saturday. It was after the slip went to the Union Bank that the .Manager told me not to send the gold until he saw his Directors. Sometimes the specie goes with the slip, and sometimes later. 1 cannot say if the .f28,800.(K) in gold was all that was kept back that day. The Exchange f«f £'i,irtO stg. plight not have gone over, but it would be entered in the Cash Book: it would pass through the books. That £'4,1.10 would not i>e taken as owing to the Unicm on .June .'{Oth:— not as a sum owed the Union on that date. It was not included in the General Statement, it was snuaied off. On Saturday and Monday the balances were paid according to Exhibit 18," (Signed.) . Fl. D. CARTER. Sworn before me. at St. John's, aforesaid, I this 5th day of February, A.D. 1895. ( (Signed.) J. (i. CONKOY, J.P. The Examination of Chahi.es E. Meehan, of St. John's, Teller of the Union Bank, taken upon oath; who says: — " On the 30th June, 18J»4, I was lieceiving Telkr of the Union Bank, I have been seventeen years in the Bank, i,nd over twelve Re- ceiving Teller. The weekly closing day between the Union and Commercial Banks was Friday, and we paid off on Saturday. Satur- day is really the closing day; the account in ciedit has its last entry 18. OH Fnday , and the other pays off on Saturday. That haM been the cut^tc.m for the last couple of yearn— since the change in the time of the Allan boats. Previously Monday had l)eeu the settling day. " I produce the original slip of ;iOth June, xa94, from the Com- mercial Bank to us, (Marked *• C. E. M. 1."; If was sent by the (^omiuircial Bank to us pretty close to three o'clfKik. I received all the deposit on the slip except the gold, 128,800.00, «ud the Exchange *19,*^7.00. With regard to the Exchange, if an English boat was not going that week, we would ii-.t ask for it; we would get it on Momlay. With regar.l to the goUl, it «p,H'ars on my Memorandum Cash Book, mh June, that it would be paid in sterling gold cm Mon- day by the Conimereial Bank. ( M»odridge, a clerk in the Commercial Bank, brought the slip, to which his initials areap|H'nded." QrKSTmx, (objected to, but admitted) :— " Was there any rea- M)u assigned by him why he did not pay the gold?" Answkk:— " I cannot remember. It would not Ix- extraordinary to have the paviueut stand over to ^fouday: I looked upon it as an Item in my cash. When the slip came in, the amount of $78.o(X»00 was credited to the C'omnu-reial Bank. I know of no reason why that $28,800.(X) was i.ol paid on the IWth June, 189-i. 1 cannot call up a settlement in gold of a debt due us by the Commercial. A settlement in gold is unusual. There have been gold settlements When balances were paid in gold, it may have happened that the gold was held over for a day after the slip was handed in. I reinem- the |28,8(K).00 being held over, but I looked upon it as paid. 1 con- sidered it ours that afterncjon. I have no doubt I told the .Mana{>-er this gold was not paid in. I know of no communication between the >[anagers of the two Banks on the snbj»!et of this gold." Cko.hh-examined by Mn. Mokink: "'i'he settlement between the Commercial Bank and us was usually made by Exchange." (Signed.) CHAS. E. MEEHAN. Sworn before me at St. John's, aforesaid, ) day of February, A.I). 1895. f thif (Signed.) J. G. COXKOY. J.P. The Examination of Gkowjk Coen, taken on oath this 1.3th day of February, 1895. This Heponent, Geokoe (Joe.v, upon his oath says:— '• i was Accountant in the Commercial Bank from the fall of 1884 to the suspension. I am Mill assisting in the winding-up of the Bank. I have seen the Annual Statement made up. It is made up bv the Manager. I was with him, but he made the Statement himself. I see document " 11. D. C. 1.". It is a Statement of the affairs of the Bank for the year ending m,h June. 1894. It is in the hand- writing of Mr. Wood, a clerk in .he Bank. The signatures to it are those of the Directors ol the Commercial Bank and Maiiagei-; the persons now present. They were the Manager and Directors of the Bank on that date. The figures in that Statement were made up and derived partly from my Ledger, and partly fro-n other books." yuESTio.v:— " Take the item on the Liability side, No. 3, " Due to sundries, &c." From what book would that be derived?" » I Answkr:— "That would be f mm ray L«>djfer. I kept the Gent-iul Ltdjfer. Theif whh anolher Lfdjjfcr kept.— the Individual Ledj^er, kfpl by Mr. ('rowdy. The Geiienii I.edjfer whh the actual Books of the Bank or Ledger of the Bank; the individual Ledger kej.t the pniticidars of the Cini-eiit A«courtH. All the Accounts of the Inks contributed to make up that item. That item c(mtains overdrawn Ciureut ,\ccounts. The Individual Ledger would contain the poition of that item made up eaiance. In one Account I went back to 18feo in Mr. Crowdy's books." Qukstion:- " In what condition was that .\ccount?" (Object- ed to, but ad.nitted.) Answkr:— " It was incorrect. " To make up the Annual Statement it w.is not n.-ees.sary that the Individual Ledger should have been i>alanced. 'T!ic Statement can be made up without the Individual Ledger. 'Th'c totals of the Individual Accounts can be had from the (Ieneral Ledger. I know nothing about the value of the overdrawn Accounts in item 4, Assets side. " The Dividend and Bonus for 1894 were declai-ed out of the profits for 1894. The Reserve Fund on the Liabilities side repre- sented a sura set aside, apart each year, to meet any losses that might anse, such as bad debts. That Reserve is made before the Dividend Il ao. an.l BoiuiH aiv .leclartd. There han been a Bonus declared and ^iven every year ni nee I have been there. The Profit- ont of which the Bonus and Dividend were .leclared were the profits of the year'* I.UK,„eKH. These Frofitn, of which the Dividend and Bonus wei-e |)aid, wei-e partly pn)fits arising fron. interest and compound iMterest n|K.n the overdrawn Accounts. I caun.H say if any ot the Accounts ...olnded u, ,ten. 4. Ansets side, were so desperate that the Directors ivduced them, charjfinjf the reduction t<. I'rofit and Loss. "Monday was o„ee the time for settling between the two local danks; lately it was Satur.lay. I had nothing to do with the settle- ment. Mr H. D. Carter kept a Umk,— a .neme-andnm book,— re- c<.rdmg the daily deposits in the Union Bank by the Commercial Bank. " I wa>- next in office to the Keceiving Teller, Mr Kent 1 know of no rules of limit of Credit in the Bank. The Dividend and Bonus for 1894 have been paid." Ckosh-kxamixki) by Mh. Mokink. Qukstion:— "Before a Dividend and Bonus are declared, is a iwrtion of the Interest Account cre.lited to a Contingent Account to repieseut th.- interest which has l,een charg..d up<»n overdrawn .\ccoiintK possibly bad?" .■\n8WKr: — " YVs." QiKSTrox:— "Isthe same thing done with profits arising from the Kxcliange .Vccount?" An8Wkh: — " Yes." " After these all..wances a Boimis and Dividend are declared The Profits Munualy divided would include all interest and ll»|| eliH HHiiH' inoniin;; for n-nwoiiM of coii- venifncp. That nu-t-tiii^ wmn iiif Coiiit. Siil)M«.cnu>nll,v there wa« a Stiitntor.v iiieetiii-^ held in the BritiKh Hall. I atte'.ded lh«' HiMt aiul hi.xt ineetinjfM, and hoiiic intermediate niieH, mul wan Secre- lary at all that I attended. •• At one of these ineetinjfM, held in the liritiwh Hall on .famiai" IHth, 18!>5. a Statement in writinj? wan made to the meeting. «iK"»' the Diieetors |)ie". as the net AsM'iw." (yKOSS-KX.VMIXKII IIV Ml!. MoiilNK. " The Statement *1,4(»;{,]27..S4 i lake L. In- the <;ross .\Hs,.ts. I call the net .VssetH the reinaimh-r iM-tween that sniii :iiid the thr.'e snniK !)efore re!\ 'red to."' iM)i» is a halanc.e of .\s.scts h-ft to seen-,, jialiilities uIIut than 'he two just named. The gniss Liabilities i.re put down at *2.(H I.7();J.JS(). From that u deduction is made of the amount dne the .Savings Bank. fll4,- 780.7.). The halance of liahilitv. deducting the amount due Savings Bank, is .^L.liMi.iKS;!!).";. to meet which there ap|)eai to he net .Vsset« of |77;j,iMJ!».(H>. 'The document " I'. .J, M. 1" is lu-adcd "Approximate State- ment Commercial Bank .N'ewfoiindland, ;Hst Dccinihei, 18!»4." I'he tiank KUKpended on the 10th Decemher, 1804. In the .Vssets side the amount due hy customers is niaile less hy !?iHi»,8;{(}.(K) as pmhalile loss. On the Assets side of the Statement there is also an allowance for estimated loss on Bills discounted and overdue, and on those nut yet paiil, of $.)r),!t40.(KI. The Vssets in the Statement. • T. .]. M. 1" are also reduced, in the item •• Dehentnres of .Newfoiindiand ami otiic: '.Securities, with ii:,eie.st due thereon, anioiinting to |!.'U2,27.").4:{, less "Claim hy the London and Westminster Bank, !?28!>.n):{..s|. — reduced to .$;"):{, 1 11 .(52. .Vfter allowing for the ahove estima.ed louses and preferential claims of Savings Bank, ;ind loss estimateil in Exchange, the item .|77:{.!M;it.()i> represents the estimated free n.i Assets according to the estimate. It appears as a net Asset. I do not say that i* is a free Asset. 1 will not say that it does not appear as a free As. v .." (Signed.) THU.S. .J. MrWPlIV. Sworn before inc. at St. .John's, aforesaid, I this 18th day of Fehriiary. A.D. 189;"5. f (Signed.) ,1. (J. COX HOY, ,LP. !l 92. The nwnm Exnminntion of CtRoitoK Cokm rontinwd thin 27th day It/ Fthruari/, A. />. ISih't. To Mk. Rmkk(4«>.\: — ( WitiifHh'H iittiMition in (Jniwn t<» Item 4, Anwt side.) "It coiiHiHtH of thi- inaMc-i'K c-ontiiiiifd in the .Statement " (J. C. 1 " now |)rmit." c«»imi8tH of |jr«)|i«rt>' made over to the Bank by Mr. ./anieH Murniy. It eonMJHfsof varioiiH prM|)ertie« In the town and Mnhinlm. I have not thi- deeds of asHijfninent of lhe»e prop<'i1ieM in ni.v iMWM'Hsion. I have no idea where they ai^'. I'he vahie placed opposite them, |«)2,(>;{«)..">«). in the balanee standiiiKto the d.ltit of that Keal Kntale aeeouiit. The aeeount eontainw n.> details of the property. " The next iti-ni, " Pant dne hilJH, »2.S,rt21.*)," it* detailed in .Statement " (i. ('. 2." n(.w put in. Since .June :{(>ih, 1894, nomethinjr has heeh paid. I eannot say how nnich; s«miethin(X). On aeeoniit of " past th. 18M4. " The third item is " British Bills on hand. fi:i,2(KM)0, together with premiums on the same, $8,4(14 .(H». making ol,«i<)4.(i()." These hills have in-i-n paid since .{(Ith dune. 185(4. "The next item is "Intercolonial Bills. $20 4.T;i{.0;j." These have bee," paid since. " The next item is Local Mills. |I28,(M)8.(>4." These have l)een all paid since. (Details of the foregoing Local Bills. "(i.C. -V put it.) "The next item is "Cunent .Vccoi;.it. f I.'>2<)..")«}(5.44." The whole of that Asset consists of overdrawn accounts. '• (i. {], 4." jg j detailed Statement of that item. "G. C. 4." makes ||,8iW,8i»0.74, showing a difference of *2(;.7I2.7() between " (1. ('. 4." and the An- nual Statement. " The siun of overdrawn aocfuints, |l.<>20,.";(5f;.-t4, is taken partly from the (Jeneral Ledger, and partly from an estimate of what we owed to customers on a current account. It is made up bv taking the balanee of ( "urrent Accounts in the (General Ledger and adiling there- to the amounts which we owe to customers on ( 'urreut .\ccount. The amount we owe to creditors is balanced on the liabilitv side by the estimated amount Iteing put in as a liability. The $l,ii2()..")«)().44. re- presents the overdiawn accounts on the ;{()th fluiie. I8i>4. "The next on " G. C. 1," " K. Moiitz& Co., balance $1H,(H)4.;}(I, to which is added the premimn on the same, of #2,«J12.8(>, making $1.">,(J77.U)." was due by E. Moritz & Co., on cnri-ent account. E. Moritz & Co. arc ii firm of Connnission Merchants in London. They have iK'en dealing witb us on current a(rcount for three or four years. They would come to. owe this amount by getting advances on paper security — drafts drawn on parties here, and accejjted by |)arties here. Some of them weie paid on maturity, some were not. The M(»ritzs received these credits u|k)u drafts upon people here, and the balance arose from their having received advances biyon«l the amounts placed to their credit by their customers here. They drew on their customers here through our Bank. We would not place their drafts to their cre- dit ui)on receiving them. — not until the cnstomers paid. There wer* outstanding diafts held on account of .Moritz on the :Wth June, 1894, drafts of theirs on vaiiouN customers in N'ewfoundland. When the billn rn«Hirf.l u|ul w.-rv |M.i.()4. han Iwen paid by the Union Bank of " The next ilem, " Hunk of Liver|)ool Special Account, ^22,- 160.00." hecmne due for exchangii remitted them. There was a |)r.-|niuiii <)nl|l«t of fi,4<<2.(X), makiiijr it |2 J,.>»a.(X) in all. That nmoupt has been paid by the Hank of Liveip7(».(H), ha« been paid by .1. & N. FhillipH & 0». " Thi!lt' wan an item of |G,.>(K).()0 premium .»n Mteiling exchange, aent Xational Hank of the liepublie, New York, i'his haN been |Niid. "Thew wveral items on "(J. V. 1," go to make up the 4'h iten) oil the AssetK eid,- of the .Vnnual Statement " 11. I>. i). 1," |2,2o8,- 789.57, and corrcHpond with my books." (Signed.) Sworn before me at St. John's, aforewiid, 1 this 27th day i>f February, A.I». 18}>6. \ (Signed.) J. G. CONKOY, J.P. iiVA). ('OKN. -♦-♦♦-»♦- The coidirmed Esfnmination of (iKoiujK Cokn, taken this Fourth day of M(; vli. " I produce the corrcHpondence called for la^l day between Moritz & Co. pnd the Commercial Bank,— telegraphic niid otherwise, — •' G. C. 6." Three letters, of September 24th, ()ctol)iT 22nd, and Xovember 24th, 1894, are included. I have made- ...it a list (.f .hafts drawn by Moritz on parties in St. John's, held by the Bank on the 30th June, 1894,— all accepted, " (i. V,. 7." All these .Irafts have been paid. They were credited to the account of Moritz as thev were paid. " I produce Moritz' account from the Slst July. 1891, to the 80th June, 1894,-" G. C. 8." This account is in sterling dollarK. He began with us in July 1891, and his account is opened with a debit of 180.00, paid John K. Robertson. During 1891 all remittances made to him were by draft; all remittances to him after that date were made by cable transfer. That means that we oabUil to our Agents, the London and Westminster Bank, to pay Moritz & (Jo., the sum mentioned in the cable. They dealt with iis in 1892, 1893, and 1894, up to the time of our suspension. " On 30th June, 1894, they owed us $18,0(J4.30 Stg., equal to 115,677.16 currency. There was credited in Moritz' account up to «>at aate a sum of $15,600.00 Stg., equal to $18,720.00 Currency, and ProMussory Notes drawn by Moritz & Co., in favour of Henry Cooke. The^e Promissory Notes were still outstanding on the ;Wlh June, 1894. These Promissory Notes were given for the liquidation of the account to cover the advances. " The sum of f 15.(K)0.00 Stg., is contained in Promissory Notes dating from December 30th 1893, to June 25th 1894. The first is 24. l)ec. 30th. "93, fij,600, then Jan. 12th, '94, $m): Feb 13th -94 fl Z) 'm'-?.'':i:1' i''"^"' ^p'-- ^^'*'>' •'^' **^^' May 2^"^ i S^r^w. 7 'o'-!*' ^'^' -'""^2'"^' '94.«:i20(); June 13th, '94 ♦-4,()(KMM); th<' difierence between that amount and the $1.5 GOO 00 .*< accounted for by e-.>rtain Pyomhnavy Noten an.J Cheques havin.^ h^vu paid off. I mean chequen of Moritz & Co., on the City Bank ot London. "' •• TlH. onlj iHmt\ou hel were added t(, the balance of Cnirent Account in the (ieneral Led-er to make up the total Assets f.-om Current Accounts due to the BaT.k- and tlie same amount was put upon the Liability side as due bv thJ Uank to Customers on Current Account; the balance .fl uld ri'i)ort .Moritz' Promissory Notes in the Directors' Hook, which is called the " Bills Presented Book"; and iu- said No. not to report them, as the Directors knew nothing of the account. "The Directors' Book contains a rejwrt of the Bills which we had bought since last meeting,— that i^. British and lnterc(,lonial Bills: it also contains the Bills presented for discount. Twice a week, on the Dii-ectois' days, Tuesdays and Fridays, the leport is filled up by me, and presented to the Directors through the .Manager, to whom I give the Book thus tilled." Kk-examinkd : — " 1 have deciphered the telegrams contained in " (i. C. (5." to and from Moritz,— that is, i)etween Cooke and Moritz,— and they are faithfully translated in the copies put in and marked •' (;. C. {►" and " G. C. 10." The Code is the " A. B. C," Code, in the language of which I have deciphered and translated the messages in " (i. C. (J." I will produce the Code Book that we used in the Commercial Hank. and which was used for the messages between Cooke and Moiit/ " G. C. 11." "Telegram of the 2 ■ 28th, 1894, is in the Manager's hand- writing. The translj-jon i« correct,—'! am much annoyed. The I request is unreasonable, places writer in a most unsafe position. '.t'],44>()^c-nly'i(luring mouth, actual embezzlement.'— It is signed ' H. ( '.' This message is in the .Manager's handwiiting, and w:;s addressed to ' Moiitz, Lonih.n.' " Al! the mes8aj.'eH to Moritz are in the Manager's handwriting MiHi are signe.l l,y him with liis initials, except two, that signed by (.alter and one signed ' Harold.' I'he Code book produced, marked "(t C. 11," is the one used,— the '•.\. B. C." Code, Fourth Edition, published 188;]. •' Moiiiz" not.-s were iie\ er put before the Directors. I know that, because it is 1 who should present them to the Directors, and by "••(Ici ol the Manager I never did so. He gave me as the reason for iiot presenting ,hem. that the Directors kiew nothing of the account. I mean by that that (liey knew notiiing of the money transmitted b.v the Manager to Moritz. The knowledge of the dealings of Moritz with the Uai.k was intentionally eoneeale.l by the Manager from the Directors. I ,|„ „„t know with what (object, exc.pt that he did not want the Direcfois to know about the account. Whenever there were any of Moritz notes in the British Bill Book 1 was told not to re- port them. These notes were entered in the British Bill Book. The Directors never saw the British Bll Book, that I am aware of. It was iR.ver placed by in.- before the Directors. As far as [ have any knowledge., the Directors never saw the British Bill Book. The British Bill Book is put in and marked " G. C. 12." " Moritz' Aeeount Current was never placed befo!-e the Direc- tors: they never saw it. It was intentionallv concealed from them. I was n,.ve,- instructed to place it before them or not. 1 had no iii- stnielioiis about it." (■• 8.7Hf>..-,7. as it appears in ,„„• Statement. The Directors, so far as I am aware, never iuspi.fted tiie Balance Book c.mtainiiig the items <»t the last-mentioned lignres to verity them." C^ikstion:—- Hov were the Directors able to certifv to the cor- rectuess of the total on the Annual Statement, if they .lid^lot inspect the Balance Book containing the items in detail?" .Vxswkk:— " I presume they took the Manager's statement tor grante.l. As far as I know, the Directors cert i tied without eiiquirv as to the truth or falsity of the total am it. ! never saw tl'.ein iil- spect my Balance Book, and have no reason to think that thev did so without my knowledg.. or in my absence. ! k.-pt the ■■ n-nei al" !..dger Balance liook. 1 iieM- furnished a copy of that Balance Book to the Directors at any time. To ascertain if that total of $2,258,789.57 W88 correct or not, the Dirictoi-s would have »(. examine my Balance Book ; and tiiat, so far m I know, was never done. I think that at the Annual Meetings the Shareholders appointed Auditors; hut not l)eing piesent at these meetings, I cannot say. At the Annual Meetings neither Directors noi- Manager called for mv Balance Sheet. Neither did the shareholders." (Signed), dEO. COEN. Sworn befoie nje at St. John's, aforesaid, I this 13th day of March, A. I). 189.'>. | (Signed) J. (4. COXKOY, J.P. Tht Exammntiou of, ions K. U.)b:.:kts()\. of Saint John\ Broker or Maunfncturer'n Agent, take,, npo,, onth, ,oho says:— "I kn..w a firm of E. Moritz & Co., of London. They carried on a (General (\)mmission business in relatior) to Newf.nindland in all kuids (tf goods. I was in t' eir place of business in London this time ■twelve months. Mr. Mr .itz was here in Saint John's in April and May, 189L He has not been here since; and that was his first time. " I am the Agent of Moritz & C... in Newfoundland. I don't know how Moi-itz & Co., stood at the time of the suspension of the Banks. I did not know that the firm owed any money in .Newfound- land on the 3()th of June last. I don't know what amo.u.t the firm was owed m Newfoundland ou .'iOtli June last. I had nothing to do with notes to him except dishonoured ones. " '• The firm's samples held by me from time lo time woidd he the oidy property in Nevvfonn.Han.l. The value of these samples woul.l never exceed .£120, stg. " On one occasion I had a conversation with .Mr. Co< ke on the financial standing of Moritz, some time before the fire. I was in the Commercial Bank on the subject of some small overdue bills to Moritz- and I expressed dissatisfaction at the manner in which goods had' been shippe. 189."). \ (Signed.) J. (;. CON ROY, J.P. -♦•-♦»♦. — The Examination of {.i&nuiK Corn, continued this Unh day of Match, A.D. lS!*r>:— " I produce a Deed from James M.nray to the Commercial Bank ot ^ewfoundlan The pro,H.rty in McCalmont's Lane, also conveyed by it, was burnt ]. "*;!':'"■ """ "'" "*' '^"'*' ^"^ '•'•^''•"•"^' ^e owed the Bank $!<(., )SL.2.{. I he balance left after crediting the C'onsi.Ieration of ... B.ll ot Nile w«. $7(..982.2:i That bala.K-e .still .tanda in the IJai.k against hin aeconni, n.inuH M.eh amounts as have been credited HMue that .lebi. The.v has „<,f ... any c.nsiderable reduction of tlie account wince. "On December ;{]st, I.si,: .„.,... i^^ owed «;3(i,2 ->2.;W : On the .«>th .Im.e l.SiM. be ,.we.l ^9..f7se I Muriav's signature; the execu- tion is attested by (ieorge .\I. .Johiison. " Tbe Bill of Sale was duly regisKn-ed 12th December. 1892. I believe the Tasker property was freehold. | don't know about any other property. I I elieve th,. I'asker property is consid..red a valii- able site. After the #1(K),(MM» was credited in 18!>2. there were con- s,deral>le credits in th;H year; for instance, on 12th August 1892 fKMXXlin cash; on the i;{tli and 17th A gating #Ui,.l(^) in I'^vcbange. At the end of that iigust, two amounts aggrc- year the account 29. had been reduced by $22,000, to |48,;{;) 1.35— the balance on Slat De- cember, 1892. (^n the 30th June. 1H94. the bnlance of the Contit!- gent Account waH $78, ").">9.40 to credit of that fund." (Signed.) (iBO. C{)KS. Sworn before nie at St. .lohn'H, aforesaid, • this 19th day of March, A.I). J89r>. \ (Si<,njed.) J. (;. (JOXUOY, J.I'. The Exriminntlon ofUvAnuiK Cokn. contiuwd thin 1 7th ilmj of April, A.J). /,S!Jr,:— (.^UKSTiox:— " Ketorrinff to the Item 4 89."):{ Simpson & Milligan, 371.84 P. & L. Tessier, Ordinary A/c 4.1.492..")() 1'. & L. 'lessier. Exchange A/c ... 48.813.4(5 Making a total of $1()7.!>8!>.,".3 All these 'lems went in the Animal Statement as a portion of the Assets of the Bank. On t.vo of the foregoing accounts, Faicpihar it \orke"s and James .Murray's, interest was charge,;{78.98 Job Bros. & Co ."Wth June, 1894 8(5.249.24 lOfh Dec. 18!»4 177,3.w.04 Between tlie time of tlie .Vnnual .Statement. ;3()th June, 1894, and the close of tlie Bank on Dic. 8th, some shares of the Bjnik were tiansfi ired. I pinduce a li.st of Transfers of Commtrciai Bank Stock, from January 189:5 to Dee. 1891. (Marked " (i. (J. 17.") I produce a .statement of 1 he specie held by the Commercial Bank on aoth June, each year, iVom 188:5 to 1894. both years inclusive." ^.Marked •• (i. C. 18.") Citoss-KxAMi.VKi) in .Mit. .Mohi.nk, L.L.B.: — " i''ar my knowledge, the property abroad — ^they -^^^-r-^> --'^^^^^^^^^^^^^"'i^^^^^. -im^^^^^'^^^ 81. " I can't say if thei-e is another account in the Bank in which Simpson & Millignn are interested, or that there is an account called •' The Estate of Simpson & Millig^an" in credit. I will produce i^ if i|t is theiff. " McDougall & Templetou com_»roini8ed; after the compromise, Hobeit Tc'mpieton carried on the business. I don't know the amount of his compromise. I don't know, but can find out, what was the amount of the indebtedness before the compromise. I will sweai- that the amount I have given in as due by McDougall and Tempieton is not the amount due by Robert Tempieton. I'he Manager told me that a portion of that balance was to Im- paid by RclM-it I'empleton. I know iSat the amount standing as due l)y ML-Dongal! & Tempieton is not due by K(»bert Tempieton, because the Manager told me that a portion only was due by Kol)ert Tempieton. I have the amount due by Tempieton pencilled in the Ledger, and will produce it.— that is. the amount told me by the Manager when [ m:::le the note. I don't know that the dividends due by Uobeit 'l'eni|)leton had not all been paid up to :JOthJune, 1894. Since the closing of the Bank Mr. Tempieton has disputed the amountof the balance d-u' byAlcDougiill & Tempieton that I have given in. He denied that he owed this balance, but admitted that he owed a pouion of it. " Trustees were running the Estate of P. & L. Tessier on the 30th of June, 1894. Xo compromise, as far as I know, was made with thai Firm. The Estate was being wound up. It had not been completely closed up at the closing of the liank. I did not know in June, 1894, how much it would realize, I know notliiug about the Estate. The Trustees of Tessier are in Credit at the Commercial Bank at the pres»-nt time. The Bxcliange .Vueouut of P. &. f... Tessier, 1^48.813.46, was made up of dishonoured E.vchange, upon which a dividend would be receivable from the Trustees of l\ & L. Tessier. I presume souie dividends would be receivable IVom the Trustees of Mai-e & Ilolmwood, which .yould also have to be credited to that account. In June 1894 it was impossible to estimate what would be received to credit of that account. Consetjuently it was impossible to ctose that account. " Prior to the distribution of the remainder of Profit and Lo.ss, and prior to the declaration of dividends, a portion of the Profit and I^ss for the year would be transferred to the credit of a " Contingent Account," and a portion wonltl also be carried to the credit of " Re- serve Account." These sescral transfers prior to the declaration of dividends would be to meet possible bad debts and contingent losses. " The balance to the credit of Reserve Fund oi> the 30th of June, 1894, was $110,000. I will ascertain from the books what was the credit to the Contingent Account on the 30th of June, 1894. The balance of Profit and Loss unaj)propriatei! after the declaration of dividends and the transfers referred to on the .30th of June, 1894, was #12,116.76. " G. C. 17." is a List of Transfers of Shares for 1893 and 18J>4, —a complete list of all registered in the books of the Bank. I have written out that list. During those two years no Director of the Bank transferred a single share to any one. I see in 18f ■, Januaiy 20th, a transfer to a Director of the Bank— by T. R. Ju.) of Liver- pool, . to George A. Ilutchings, of eight shares; and on June 17th, 1893, by T. R. Job to George A. Hntchings, of eight shaivs more; 32. ■ After th«t."--( Mr. M.nphy .hj.-.u-d t.. the adiniHuion ,., thin evi B-mk St~ "' -"fr'Ii'r^f ' ' '•" '^■'-' t.> transfer Bo,ne Con^^ .-e Bank stock ontlK.8th ,iay of Dm-mlu.,-, 1894; but h. lid notTJ^ .1«>H of „K. D,rec.ta,H' .neotioKK, and the StI, was on a Saturday ^ ^'''-"*"'>' CiEO. COEN. J?won. be o, e nu' at St. JohnV, aforesaid. | this lith (lav of April. A. I). 181),";. f <^''S'*'-^^) . J. (i. (;OXK()V,.J.i.. The farth.r E.,n,n,.,a,,., o^Jkokok (V.kv, taken ..pan oath thi. 1 1th dm, of Mail, A./). 1\9-,:— "I ktv|, the . Interest Account of the Hank. That account con a.ns a , the uueresteharge.l oncnrrent accounts and on di cun t thef;:.:;:;;;':::;;::;:^;::^ ^"^ i..te..staccou„t,and charged to Edwin Duder * <, ^lU Oa Goodfellow & Co 'i^ijZ7-- A. t.oodr.do;i. ^t Sons - yjo .,- Job. lin.s. & Co ,.<^,^ >\. II. Mare, Son i Co i(j(U7 i''"'^'^'r:: 4,0105 '^- •^^"'•^•'"*^- '"^'""^ 458.80 rn 1 ■ • 1^*1,02.3.60 t lie J.ed-er is produced, with inte.est account on folio 208 ) " i he whole aniouut cediiod the.v for the half year to interest J. 2, 3. .22 „,terest on C.u-rent accounts, there is a credit entry in the " The balance of thi« Interest Account, an.ounting to $2«,(;85 84 .s transferred to the Account of Profit and Los.. IprocTuc; Mt' the hill'; ""'' ^r''''' °1 ^''■°^' ""'^ ^"'^^ '« ^''^^ d'^id^'»d charged for ^he halt year ending on the 30th of June, and also a Bonus of one per cent., resfKctively ainoiintin« to 113,770.00 4, I Hnd that $14,000 was transferre .SOth of June. In De- eend)er, \H*M, the iiinonm credited to ( "ontin;,'i-iit Fund was $l.").(MK).Ot). '• The whoie amount of the credit to Profit and Losh f(,r tlie half year endinjr on the ."{Oth of .June wan .fr.,;e).87; which included $26.68.").84 trau.sf..rred from Ititcrcst .\ccouut. and #8,()4((.(»:{ trans- ferred from Premium .Ve-joiuit. In H(,uiuiu4. .*<).(M»0.(h'> was c;i;- ried to th( credit of the Contingent Fund, and .i!il.2(M).(M» t„ the credit of Rebate Account, and to the crcd' of Proljt and Loss, .•}»S.»)40.0:{. These amounts would m:ike up the appaivnt pi-ofit o!i Premium .Vc- count for the six months ending on thi- .'{Oth of Jime, 1894. " The apparent balance of piofit on the Interest and Pieuiium Acc<.unts by the Bank foi' the half-year ending on June ;{Oth. 1894, was |.-)6,72r).87. Of that amoimt the (Contingent Fund got credit for 120,000.00. Hebat,. Account !51,400.00. and Profit and Lo-.|;.T»,;{2.-).87; and of this last amount $10,0,8:{0.00 distributed in Dividend and Bonus. ('"^'K'"'"') GKOUtiK COKX. Sworn before me at St. John's, afoicsaid. | this 11th day of ^lay, A.I). 189.). ( (Signed.) .1. (;. COXHOY, J.P. The Exnminntion of iiv.omiK Skei.tox. „/ Sf. .Tnha.-., Mtmher of the Leffislntipf Council, taken npo.i ontli. who sfit/^:— " I am a member of the Legislative Council, and also the hold.'r of twenty-three shares in the Conunercial Bank of Newfoundland. I was a shareholder on the 30th June last. I was pivsent at the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders held on the Kith didv last. All the Directors now present were then present, and also Manager Cooke. There was a larger number than usual of tilanntioii ;riveii as to rt«'m 3. It liitinjr to DclviiiiMc IJoikIn. &(•.?" AvswKit -•' I ,v sharelioideiH. Sir William Whitewav a-k, ited Sir N\ illi.iiii in lii- ni)scivaloiis. " I'he reason that I lid hut snpport him was that I did not know the eondition ot the overdrawn aeeoiints, and those of the Directors partienlarly." ( I'lu. adniissi(»n of liiis e eaoe was objeetod to.; did not nnderstand that the overdrawn accounts were iuehid- *'d III ;.em 4.. and that is why I wa- .Jeeeived by the StaUmient. I did not know lliat the i mils of the Directors" "overdrawn aeeonnts came to so niiieh. I did not know that any of the Debenture Bonds oi- otiiei' Seeiiiities were pled^'eil to th<' Lo-idon and Westminster Band; and ii was not explained to me. I ihon-,'iii th.'v were the pro- pt'ity of the Bank, ami depositcil in the vaults of tiie Bank. I did not know to the contrary until I saw the Debentures in the vault eopiited when I was a provision.il Trustee. "I was deceived by the Statement " 11. D. ( '. 1." and by the verbal statement made by the Directors at thi- .Vnnual .Meetinj;. and especially lliosi. made by the Directors In repiv to Sir William White- way." CR<».S.«<-i;xA.MI.\KD HV Ml!. MoittNK. " I have known Sir William Whiteway about seventeen years- oiir relations have not b.eii particularly intimate. I have been a per- --onal friend of his— not particularly so. I have had a ;rreat ivspeei for him. I re-,'arded him as .ni able man. ■'He charged at tiie meetinjr that the Bank was in an unsafe position, lie was the .S„iifit..r of the Bank and of the Shareholders. He ^aid it had been unsafe before, and he had assisted it. I believed what he said. I don't remember that lie made any remarks about attacks upon him by the fl^tdld newspaper. He said he had been called a Bank W-«>cker. I can't say that he stated that the moneys of the Bank were used hy the !>irectors toru-taiii newspapers to injure him. Mr. (ioodridge and lie exhibited great personal heat dressing each other, and shook their fists at one another. in ad- ^fzm m. "The iiltercutioM wiiN |H>litii'al nitlu r than anvthinjf elm-, Iml it wan on Kaiikiiif,' matt«TM. Tlio-.- n-- inove from tho MhaivhohUTs' mUuU that tin- liaiik wa» in a wtak coii- ilitioii; aixl it api.caied to nii- that t\\vy had that ••ITfct. an no shaie- hold.r made any further objection. ThiM iinprefwion wuh made on \uy mind at that time." Kr-kxaminki>: — " There wa« some aitcnation between Sir William VVhiteway and the Din-ctois; and from what the Direetorn nad i wax renKKured that the eonilition of affairn wa- not as bad as repreK . ted bv liim. In other wonlM. I was d.ceived by the re|)resenfationH of the i)ireetor». If I had known the eondition of the Bank, I wonid not have con- tinued to Ik- a sinireholdei . I would t.ave .old out it I could ;jet any pefHon to purelniHe,— anyone f«M)l en«>u>fh to purchaw." ('"^'K'"''!) - Com, uncial Bank, takm npou oath. iph<> nat/H: "lam ae(|uainted witn the late Diivetorn of the ( 'ommereial Bank. 1 am now one of the Trustees in li.|uidation of the Bank. '* Mr. Cooke, tiic late Mana'irer, is insolvent, and ha« been so de- clared. Mr. K. .1. Duder is also insolvent, and so declar.-d. The firm of Job, Brothers, & ( 'o.. of which Mr. Uiieetor Hutchiu^rs was an Attorney, with jx.wer to si^^n for the rirni. is insolvent. ;md has comprcmiiHeii with his creditors for .{.-{il |M'r cent. Mr. .V. V. (w.od- ridfre's firm. Alan (Joodridj;,. & S.ns, is also insolvent, and has e<.m- poun.led with its crclitors at 40 per cent. Mr. (i.MMllVllow is alM.uf compounding at (}.'> per cent. " I ixlieve Mr. Pitts to be solvent: he has always met his obli- gatums to the ( ommereial Bank and his other creditors, as far as f know. ^''^'g"t'&,- ' ii«tr: -v r-ii;::^^.^ i^S .f>£<°»?-V;l ('KXTIi.M, |)r>TI{MT, j ST. JOHN'fi J- To Wit. NEWpoUNDbflND. .IaMK> (i.MM>KKI.I..>W. Kl>W..\ .J. I)n,KH, AumTOTIS F (.fnKiHt.uteH in u.id for tho Maii.l atoivsni.l, iliin "i'Jn.l dav „r >fa.v in the vear of Our Lord On.. •I'hoi.s.iiHl Kij^ht !Ini.,|iv(| an-l ViiiHy-Pivi' at St. John's, in the Oi-trict af.Mvsai.l. (,„ ihnt thry. on the ITtli .lulv, 1894, iH-inj? th<- Dinctors and tin- Manaf,nT of th.^ ('onnncrfial IJank of Xewrtmnd- laiid, ilid as such Dircctois and a- NfanajfiT uidawfnllv mak.- a cer- "iii writton ^!al.-nK-nt. t.. xvif, a .Statcn.cnt of llif affairs of thc« Com- niiivi:il Bhiir afor(•^aid for tho vi'ar <'ndinff ."{Otli .lunc, A.I). 18W, thi'.v. the Directors aforesaid and tin- .Manager afoivsnid, then w«-li knouii,-: tlif sanu- to h,. falT in a c.-rtain material p.artic-idar, wit'i i..- Ji-ii: -o det-eivf th.- Mononral.lc iu'nvffv Skolton anldcrs of tin- said Corporation, contrarv t<. the- Statute in Huch casi- niadf and providi'd. And for that th.->, l>ein« fh.- Directors and Mana^n-r of the Com- niereial IJ.ink.inteMdinu: tod,.,-eiv. nid defraud th.- shareholders of the said Hank, on tiie 17th -Fnly. A.D. 1S!»4. did anion- the,nselv,.s ,..,„- spue fals<.|y and frandnlently to pnh'^h an4, lieen. and then wvvi-. in a prosperoii.- and sound condition, pro- diicinj.- profits divisil.i. Muionjrst liu' Shareholders, thev well know- iuff that the slid liank and its affairs had In-eii durinjf that half-year, and th-n were, in m nnsonnd and nniii-osperous condition, not pro- ducing- any profits ,|i. i,ii,U. aiuon;,' the Shareholders, with intent to deceive and defraud such of the Shareholders as were not aware of the true state of the said Mank, and to induce them to continue to hold shares therein, and to purchase other shares therein, and tc become customers and cieditors of the said liank, cuntrary to the Statute in such case made and provided. k^m^^^^Mii^ ^^i^ STATEMENT OF THE ACCUSED. " We me iiinoctnt of the c-haiges made against iih. \h to the flrst charare, our repl>' Ik; That the HtaUiiunt that " |;WI.H();1.4:} Deben .re BoikIh, I)(.ininion of Caiiatlii ami other securities, inciud- " injr the iuterent thereou," made by U8 in writinj? to a meeting of 8hnivh(.l(lers .,f the Commereial Bank in Jiilv. IH'M, were a-snets of the said Bank, wan strictly true, in letter an.l in spirit, and «;i8 not ma.le eithei- to deceive or defrauii. It is true that the Lont'on and Westmnu .r Bank had an aHHignn.ent of a portion of these iKinds and other HeeuritieH, but this was by way of •• cover" only of any balance the Commercial Bank might at anv time owe the London mi. Westminster Bank, and the latter's lien n|K>n them would wholly end if and when the ("o.nmereial Bank ceased to „we tli.- London an.l Westminster Bank an overdrawn amount. The statement was in the accustomed form, and there was no suppression by us of any fact which we detimed. mateiial. Xo fpiesdions weiv asked by the share- holders alK.ut these iK.nds and securities, and no infoi.naion als.ut them refused; and if the said inforinati..n had been asked it would have been freely accorded, so unimportant as to the actual standin- ot the Bank did we deem the fact thai '• ever" had In-en given- a" g. ving such " cover" is a very ordinary prcKjeeding in banking. The fiill liability to the London and W.^stminster was stated on the lial)i- i.ty side of the Annual Statement, and if the assigned bonds anse of meetinjjr |«>ssible Ioshos on doidnful debts. In this, and in all other respeeis the Statement was, to the best of our JNd-.n.nl. a (air representalioii of the Bank's al'fairs. Though the loss l,y tile Bank lias been jfreat, it must be lemembered that the assotsoffhc. Bank and of the iiank's debtors have decreased, seventy- live |ier cent., perhaps, in value, by reason of the extent of a calamity to the community which human foresight was not capable of estimat- ring. Our Statement in 1S!>4 was based upon lu.rmal conditions, and / shotdd not be judged in liie light (.C the extraordinaiy happenings of the last few niur ability; and ii we have erred at any time it has not been through /dishonesty. .VII of us are losers financially by the Bank's failuiv; some of us have lost all, and we feel 'hat it is unjust that we should be prosecuted because of a calamity which all thinkers must believe to have been the culmination of and result of widespread conditions and pircumstanee- we did not create and could not control." (■"'^'jr'H'd,) .1. (iOODFELLOW, EDWIN J. DUDEU, A F. (;()OI)UlUGE, .lA.AIES 8. PITTS, (iEO. A. IIUTCHINGS, IIENUY CJOOKE. Jbii /SfT/^ ^ ^^^mi^^z-^ficui/ ^^a-^uA '\\^ I'ropi-ietoiN for ( "jipital Stock «;{(X3 q(X) Notes of this Bank in ( 'iroulation r)27,911 $H;«,911. Due to Sundries on Cuiivnt Accounts, Deposit Keceipts,&c., &c. . . 1.813,<52(). Divideiul at 9 per cent f $27,r,4() ot which one half was paid Dec. '98 ) |13,77() ] 3,770. Bonus 1 per cent .> q^q, Reserve fund \\OSm. Balance unappropriated 12 IKi p2,786,47f<.|2 Average amount of Xoti-s in circulation and Specie on hand in each month of ■'' the year ending 30th June 1894. "" Mont lie). 1893. .July August . . . September . ( )ctober . . . , N^>vember. Decenilier . , Notes. ■)56,717 i^79,437 614,063 670,763 768,439 757,549 Specie 175,636 173,528 1(J8,711 168,979 165,(576 163,925 Average for the year Notes. 690,783 (538.070 621,922 (527,264 608,130 555,408 Specie. 6^.x.712 1(52,787 160,143 158,907 147,050 93.703 97,879 153.077 ^\ >/'^- ^Uuj^if^-fid^^^^ SfM J^ufm, /j'///. " H. D. 0. 1.' ;;K)(j.O(K). r)27.911 h:«,911 S13,(52(). By 8|H'cit ill vault in "j^old and silv»-r coin. Notes of iiiui clR'qtic'8 on other Banks , )fl38,234.14 10,382.41 $148,61 «).55 Debenture Bonds, Dominion of Canada and other Securities includ- ing Interest due thereon, &c 341,865.43 Local Bills discounted, Bills of Exchaii?^- on hand, amounts due from other Banks, &c., «fec 2,2o8,789.57 liank |)ieinises. vaults and fittings 32,2()(>.;>3 Land adjoining on Duckworth Street, including material thereon. .'..OOO.OO 786,478 of pecie. 52,787 50,14.3 )8.907 17,0.")0 t:j.7o:{ )7,879 )3.077 $2,786,478.48 '.Ve, the undersigned Directors of the Commercial Bank of Xewfoundlaiid hereby itity to the best of our knowledge and belief that the within account is a true and correct atcmeiit of the affairs of the Bank as made up IVoin the Books of the sai.l Bank, to tth .In lie, 1894. (Signed) J. GOODFELLOW. K. ,1. DUDEK, \. F. (iOODKIIXiE, -I AMES S. PITIV, (iF](). A. IirTCniN(iS. NKWKOt'NDI.AXn, \ St. .IcihnV \ To wit. ) IIkxky Cooke of St. .lohn's. Xewfoundlaiid, NfjMiager ot the Commercial Bank F Xewf(,undland, maketh oath, and saitli that the within statement i- just and true to the ■St of his knowledge and belief. (Signed) Hknry Cooke. Manager. Sworn before me, at St. John's, ) this 11th day of July. 1894. \ (Signed) I). W. Pkowse. Stipendiary Magistrate for Xfld. " H. D. O. 2." (Copy.) PrivMte. Commercial Bunk of Newfoundland, St. John'8, Sept. Ist, 1885. II. F. Billixghurst. Es<|., Country Manager, London and Westminster Bank, Lothbuiy. Dkai! Silt, Your i)rivate letter of tlie IStli ult., in reply to mine of the IMnt July, haw been received and its contents have had due consideration, and by this presi-iit mail I retu-n to you the transfei- of ,£1000 Man- chester ami Siu'fKeid and [Jncolnshire Uailway o per cent pref. Stock, f 1.3.10 Mel ropoiitan District Railway •> per cent pref. Stock duly executed, and on recei|)t of the special form required by the Mersey Docks and Harbor Hoard, 1 will do what may l)e necessary in respect of the i;(),(MK) Bond.-., and retuin you the transfers in due course; all of which to be held by yon as pai-t cover for the drafts of this Bank, in the same way as the various (xovernment Bonds &c., held by yon on behalf of ti!e ("ommereiai Bank. With respect to youi- suggestion of sending aome of our New- foundland Debentures as an additional cover, am directed by the Board of Directors to state tliat their late Associate Manager and the Boaid always understood that you had conceded to this Bank the facility of drawing npon your Bank, beyond the value of the Securi- ties in your liands,to the extent of from JE2(),(KK> to .€2.1,(KXJ should this Bank at any time require to doso, and I am further directed to sav that although this Bank holds Newfoundland (iovernmenl Bonds sufficient to cover the amount uau.ed. the Board does not think it would suit to send these to London, inasmuch as the Debentures are required to be presented at the Keceiver Cienei-al's Office when the Interest thereon is payable; or at least once every year. The Bank, however, holds some jeiO,.500 Stg. of Water Company Stock, the interest payable half yearly at .> per cent, per ann.; being guaranteed by the (ioverumeut, and these could l)e sent you as additional cover, if you consider it necessarv. In refeience to the Bills on the London firm named in my letter of the 26th May, I am requested by the Board to ask what smn yon would consider .is being wif/u'ii i-ammihle limits; and in the deter- mination of that point, it is proper that I state for your information, that in general the diafts on that firm are for shipments of cargoes consigneil to them; and further that the Htamliny of the DniWfZ of the Bills are considered by the Board. Some recent transactions have been somewhat outof the ordinary coui-se of business ai-isiug from the difficulty of realizing some of the shipments on their arrival at market but the Bills to which that would apply were only taken after due and careful inquiry with the circumstances of the case. I am, dear Sir, Yours faithfully, (Signed.) HENKY COOKE, Manager. (Copy.) Private. " H. D. 0. 3. Commercial Bank of Newfomidlaml, St. John's. Sept. 25th, 1885. H. F. BlLLINGHURST, ESQ., London & W. Bank, Lothhiu-y. Dear Sik, I l)eg to aci'-ow ledge receipt of yonr e8teemed private commnni- cat.onof the 15th Inst., which I hiid before the Board of Directors this morning. They decided to .send you the (lenenil Water v....',- Stock tp which n,y letter of the Int had refeience, viz. £12,(5(H) cy.. eip.al to *10,o(K) stg. to be held by yon as part c<.ver against drafts drawn by us on yonr Bank. I therefore send under sepaiate cover in registered letter the deed of assignn.tnt of the Stock eertlKcates above alluded to, with A[emo. signed iiy and under .«eal of the General Water Company. TheCertificates. S:? m namhc: make such a formidable package and being fearful lest they should be lo.st in transit, we considered the' wiser- course to adopt would be that of sending you a deed of transfer, and doubtless you will agree with us in the precaution taken. wJ take due note of the arrangements made on the establishuie.it of this Bank, as stated in your letter. The Directoi s weie under the impres- sion that the amount had beer afterwards incieased to the sum named in my previoi-s letter, but of which we had no record. With respect to P. II. & M's bills our Dir.-ctors have desired me to say, that the sum named by you, for the purpose of cover on account .if this Bank, say i;20,(KK). is in their opinion sufficient, but that at intervals a much larger sum than the above would be drawn by our customers, on P. II. & M. against cargoes of produce sent to market. I am, dear Sir, Yours faithfully, (Signed.) H. COOKE, . Manager. H. D. O. 4." St. John's, Xfld., Oct. 26, 1886. H. F. Bii.Li.vuHuusT, Ehq., C "untry Manuger, London & Wr. Bank, hothlniry. Dkak .Silt, Your private letter of tho 12tli last. I received on tlie 2lHt inst., mid availed of the earliest opportunity— the 22nd, to lay it heforc my Directors. The contents theieof have liad our mo>*l serious and careful considei-ation, and we regret vevy much that you should have had occaeion to write to us on the suhject of our overdraft with vou; which overdraft has inair.ly arisen, as I stated in my letter of the i2th, l)y our having to oblige our Customers to remit to Canada and other western ports foi- large importations of produce; together with om- Cable Messages asking you to pay P. II. & M. account Duder sundry large sums; and further.the receipt of Sterling Kxchange havingbeen delayed l>y the shi|)iuents of produce from this to the fish markets being weeks later than usual, while the imijorts had to be met at usual time. My Directors have decided to discontinue the Cable Messages to which your letter has special reference, seeing that Duder has almost enough |)idduce in P. II. & M"s hands to meet drafts now maturing. With regard to the suggestion in my letter of the I2th, viz., that we should be glad to offer you further Security to the extent of £10,- (HK) to i;i."),()00 in Newfoundland Debenture Bonds I am pleased to Hud by your Cabh' Message Xo. 1 of 22nd. it you will accept the same for pmpose of cover. 1 th.refore send herewith a Deed of Assignment of the Bonds for .fl.j.tKR) Stg. as set forth in a memo. att;>ched thereto duly signed and underthe seal of the Bank. A memo, of the assignments has Ixi-n made in the Miiuite Book of this Bank under this day's dale, and a memo, has also been placed with th-j ." >*ds in our Vaults, so that the transaction will appear whenever these Bonds are ivferred to at any future time. The Bonds now assigned to you together with the other Secu- rities in your hands for the purj)ose of cover amount to about £iO,()(X) ami we trust we may not require to exceed the amount of cover, with the iJlO.lXK) allowed us by y(»u, to any great extent in i-he futm-e. I am, dear Sir. Yours faithfully, HENKY C(X)KE, Manager. " H. D. 0. 6." Commercial Bank of Newfoundland, H. F. Bx..i.oHirBaT, Esq., ^*- •'°'"'"' "^^ ^^^' ^"^^ Countiy Manager, London & Wr. Bank, Lothbury. Dkar Sra, Under separate cover i-egistered, we have sent you a Deed of Asmgnn.ent of the Bonds referred to in my letter of the 27th ulto to take the place of the General Water Co.'s Scrip paid off by the Newfoundland Government in June 1889, and the Russian Bonds pa.d off ,n October 1889; the former you held as security for over- drawn account (£10,000 stg.) and the latter for £5,000 st- The i?rno^/.T^^"'^*^ '° '' '■"' ^ """'^ "^ '^^^ ^«'"« of *72,1«).00 or £15020 16.8 stg., as set forth in a memo, attached thereto, duly signed and under the corporate seal of this Bank. A memo, of the a^niCT- ment has been made in the Minute B.mk of this Bank, under this .lay's date, and a copy of the same ha- been placed with the Bonds in our vaults, so that the transaction will appear whenever these Bonds are referred to at any future time. Will you please return us the deed ot assignment rf the (JeneraJ Water Co s scnp which we sent you 28th September, 1885 and oblige. Deal" Sii', Yours faithfully, HENRY COOKE, Manager. H. D. O. 6 liundon & WoKtmiiiHttT Bank LimiU>d, Lothbury, Lcndon, E.G., 6 January, 1891. IIkvky C ^""^ H. D. Carter, Acct. ) ;d.) ilENHY COOKE, (L.S.) Manager. " H. D. O. 7. ©^y^r^^/^. (J^., If/fdUf/ /fi'- // I) The undejmetitionod Newflaiul ( iovfimiu'nt IX'jentme BoikIn an- liel.l !>> tk Receiver General in his Mw at II. M. CJiiHtomN in Miin city in th.- nunu- of the Coi ) 10 Bonds, $1,0(K) <>ach, Iwarin^ JnteruHt at 5 |ier cent. |>er annum, numberec^ 41 \n .Kl inehmiv 1 " 400 12 " 400 12 '• 400 " '. .. ic 71 to 82 •• 118t()12'» " *■. VVp the underHigncd l)ir.'et(.i-s of the ( Joniineicial Bank of Vi-wflaud hereby certil correct und that a copy of the AsHJjrnnK-nt to the Lt>ndon & \V'e*.tminster Bunk, Lothbun in our \aiilts and a memo, of the transaction has hecii made in th<" Minntc Book of this Ban St. John's Xewfland. Oct. Hilh, ISHS. ! hci»'l)y certify th.it the fon«>-oin<.'- is a Inie copy of th«' orij^inal (i('eV. Oei. Kiili. I^W8. Acct. !^- lA l>> th the ('(III iiieliiMiv 12 •• "t " V ct-rlif H. D. 0. 7. ffr/ ^^ //f^ fj/Ar/ jfr/f wlfy/Zm, iiii.i!' the lIonotHhle ciiii Hank of Ntwfliiiul. this IVin (1 IkI J mil- IHTH pavabit' 2() \ hi- from Haid date 1st •• " ;(nl •• " l-t .liilv I87:{ •' flO,(Ki() 400 . 1,800 . 4.800 we have this day i-xainiiu'd the almve iiu'iitionon Bondn and Wi have found the name liOthliui'; i,l„i,. of the above for the pnriKise of cover of overdraft ha« been placed with the Bondu (■!• this davV date. (Sif^ned) .1. (iOODFKI.LOW, (i. A. lirTCHIXGS, KDWIN I. DCDEH, A. F. (iOODKlfXiE, JAMKSS. 1>ITTS. " H. D. C. 8. " [Account of ("oiniiH'iciiil BHtikof Newfoundland with London and Westminster Hank, from December 2()tli 1892, to January 3r2 Je;")4,788 13 11 Dee. 20th to Dee. .Jlst 2ii,Qi:i 2 .'{ Total deliits for vear 1802 £'.)81.4()1 1(5 2 ('reditK Jan l«t I<» Dec. 20tli, 189H Je611.(»77 1-4 G " Dec. 20th to Dec. .{Ist 42.749 13 4 I'otal credit for year 1892 £*Go3,827 7 10 Credit balance cairied to year 1893 ie72,42.> 11 8 C'l edits. .Ian. 1st to .Ian. 3rd 1893 19.5 Total credit on Jan. 3r(l 1893 £72,620 11 8 Debits, Jan. 1st to .Ian. 3rd 1893 £13,8.36 12 8 Credit balance on .Ian. 3rd. 1893 £58,783 19 0.] 'H. D. C. 9." [(,'o|jy of Assignment from Commercial Bank of .Vewfonndland to London and Westminster Bank of 2520 shares in (Tcneral Water C"o.. referred to in " H. D. (". 3." Dated 28th Sept. 1885.] H. D. C. 10. [Copy of .Vssijrnnunt from Commercial Bank of Newfoundland to London and Westminster Bank of Newfoundland Debentures, i-efen-ed to in " H. I). C. 4." Dated 28th Oct. 1886.] - — -♦*♦««- " H. D. O. 11." [( opy of Assignment from Commer<-ial Bank of Newfoundland to Lonaon and Westminster Bank of ceitain Bonds, referi-ed to in " II. D. C. 5." Dated 10th Dec. 1889.] " H. D. O. 12." [Copy of Assignui'Mit from Commercial Bank of Newfoundland to London anu Westminster Bank of Newfoundland Debentures, £6,.30G Stg. Dated 24th Dec. 1890.] — ««««*^ " H. D. C. 13." [This Exhibit was read from, but not filed. See " II. D. C. 18.") MW^Ji:^ W-'^^-^^-'St^~_ i-Tr :; c=^r-T ^=33! ^ ;:3*',V -_■:--' " H. D. O. 14." ^M^m'/i.mHcui^/ ^fari^'^ t /^ To Propnetors tor Capital Stock i* .")0,(KK) . Notes of tho Bank in circulation (W.^lo 1 10,21") Due to i-nndrii's on cniTcnt accounts, Deposit Itcccipts &c . . 144,r);{() (} 1 I'^nclaimcd Dividends IS'J 10 Dividend at 10 per cent ^.(KH) of which one half was paid Dec. '80 2,;')00 2..")(K) Bonns 1 per cent .100 Reserve Fund 2"),070 u hand in ea<'h month tor th»' vear ending- ."SOth .lune ISSl. Months. 1880. .Inly AufriiKt. . . . , Septemher . ()cloi)er. . . , Novend)er . l)eceml>er . Xotcs. ()4.()()n ()."»,:{22 «i8.2-) Specie. .•52.;i2l ;{0,841 31.2r)2 ai.a').-> :{0,()(58 21».(M)7 Months ' 1881. .January .. Fi'l)ruar\'. March..".. .\pril . .. May .Inne . . . .Vvei-ajje for thi \far Note! 7."),5H)7 70.871 (i7.7.*)2 ()S,o:{2 70,722 (>8,(MH» 72.18,-) .S|M'cie. .•{o,i;n 2!».704 2!), 172 ;{2,.-)(M) ;?7..-..M ■{,-.,44:? :{l.8l.-) lit tl vorii Mil i I /tf^f'/<^f/^f^/finf/, SfM mi^7'f', /^T/. I I I 1 I I I I I 11 1 eu'. 704 t72 •)(K) 81.-. " H. D. 0. 14." By S|H'fif ill thi' vault in ^jokl, s^ilver and co|)|mt coin C35,194 14 9 .N.>tf< of aud Cln'cuK-K on other Banks 1412 1(» .fai5,f)<»7 4 9 Debent!.. > Bonds, WaU-r Stock, Amtrican and oilier ncciiH- tics, including the interest dne theivon 79,7i')l 10 6 Local Hills Discounted, Bills of p]x. on hand, amounts due from Banks and other |)arnes &c 168,211 10 9 Bank Premises, with Iron Safe, Finnitnre and Fixtures; l.aiul adjoining with new Brick Buildings erected tlx-i'-oii (;,(»00 ,t'22 88.28(5 114,453 107.719 .•{4,.")20 :J2,075 ;«),728 28.843 25,713 25,211) Months. 1882. January .. Februai-y . March. . . . \pril . . . . May !»Jinie . . . Notes. Specie. Averagi' for the year 95,057 88,588 84,842 84,089 84.481 81,393 8<),517 30,334 30,149 30.019 o,{M»0 .>;n fU8 " H. D. C. 15." /-/^^^^^ arm J/^uf?.e, /S'S'^. By Specie in the vault in gold, silver and copj^n- coin £34,666 3 7 Notes of and Cheques on other Banks 1616 7 9 i;:w,282 11 4 71,141 11 6 Debenture Bonds, Water Stock, American and other securi- ties, including the interest due thereon Local Bills Discounted, Bills of p]x. on hand, amounts due from Banks and other parties &c 210,823 5 Bank Premises, with Iron Safes, Furniture and Fixtures; Land adjojniiig with new Brick Buildings erected thereon r>,800 £•324,047 7 10 We certify to the best of our knowledge and belef that the within account is a true and irrect statement of the affaii-s of the (\)mriiercial Bank of Newfoundland as made up from e Books of said Bank to 30th .June 1882. (Signed) CHAS. BOWKINU, J. (iOODFELLOW, S. KP]NDELL, .JOHN WINTER, ('. F. BENNETT. NKWFOL'.VDr.AVI*, \ St, flohn's \ To wit. ) Kobert Brown, Manager of the (Jomml. Bank of Newfoundland, niaketh oath and saith It the within statement is just and tru<' to the best of his knowledge and belief. K. BROWN, Manager. lorn at St. .John's, this \ I2lh day of July 1882 | D. W. PROWSE. Stip. Mag. " H. D. 0. 16 " 'i. @/df^ ^^&{^^H^mMeit^/ ^^^€i^A I / To Proprieioi-a tor Capital Sf -ek .f ."MMKK) Notes of this Bank in circulation 81,772 i:{ 1.772 Due to cundrieH on Current Accounts, l")eiK)8it Koceii)ts &c. l(;7,i')()2 17 10 Unclaimed DividendH 4j") Dividend at 10 per cent a,(KK) of which one half was paid Dec. '82 2,iJ0O 2,.»00 Bonus at 2 per cent 10(Hl Reserve Fund 30,()(K) Profit and Los« unappropriated ."5,187 17 1 £.{:W.O(57 14 11 Averajjc amount of Xotcs in circulation and siK'de on liaiid in eacli month, for the year ending ;{Oth .June 188;{. 01 Months. 1882. •Tilly Au;;ust . . September ( )clol)ei- . . .N'ovember I )('c»'ml>er Notes. 78,ao:{ 77,272 78,881 «)8,.104 1 1.1.271 10(),!)41 Averajfe for the yea Specie. :}H,980 :J4,710 41,712 42,?)J}4 41.. •{(57 40,7(;.") Months I 1883. '.liinuary .. jFcliruarv. IMarch..'. .. : April . ... May . I line ... . Notes {)7,274 '.K),4;J7 87,.*).2 8«),79f) 8(i,28;i 80,!«»:{ i»o.:r2 Specie, 40,1 7() .•«),810 40,149 40,081 .•}0.()28 .•w.iio Ill 'I i'^> " H. D. O. 16. Ifrn'^f/y^f^/y/?^, rSrm ^/i^^^ /^S'S. (» 17 10 17 1 14 11 1 By SjK'cio in the vault in tfoUl, HJlvor and copper coin £;{8,989 19 5 N'ofcs of and ( 'hcqncK on other Hanks ISoo 10 10 .£'4<).84;) 10 3 Delu'iitni-e Bonds, Water Stock, American and other securi- tieK, including the interest due thereon 83,507 12 H Local HIHk Discounted, Bills of Ex. on hand, amounts due from other Bankh &c 208,114 12 2 Blink Premises, witn Iron Safes, Furniture and Fixtures; Land adjoin'n<; with new Brick Buildin<;s erected thereon o.fiOO i'338,067 14 11 h. We certify to the hest of our kuowledjije and bel'ef that the within account is a true and rrect statement of the affairs of the Comml. Bank of Xewfoundland as made up from the ooks of said Bank to 30th .June 1883. (Signed) A. (;()()I)FELL()\V. S. HENDELL, (". F. BENNETT, .JOHN WINTER, CliAS. BOW KIN (t. ipecie. 10,17(5 {!»,.S10 K».U9 10.081 i9.()2S 19,110 }9,.i:{(i NK\VKl>rM)I..'VM), \ St. .ioiin's V To wit. ) lu)l)erl Brown, Mauagei- of the ( 'ommercial Bunk of Xewfoundland, maketh oath and lith tiiat llie within statement is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. U. BHOWX, .Manager. worn at St. .John's, this ) lllh dav of .IiiU' 1883 ( 1). W.PKOWSE, Stip. Mag. ^IK-P " H. D. 0. 17. 'i. l^n€4Ci^ Q&fiy^ym y To ProprietoiR tor (.'npital Stock ^ r>0,(KX) Notes of this Hank in cii-ctiliition {M),47() U ,6 Due to siuulrioH on C.'un-ent Accounts, l)e|K)8it Hoceipts &c. 182,«()4 7 7 Unclaimed DividendH 37 10 DivifU-nd at 10 per cent 5,000 of whicli one lialf was paid Dec. '*} 2,500 2,500 Homis, 2 jircti.t lOOO Kesene Fund 3/5,000 Pmfit and liO^s (unappropriated) 4.359 4 ^ £372,077 2 3 Average ainoinit of .Votes in circulation and spocj,. on hand in each mouth, for the year endin-f 30th .Iinie 1S84. irre e I Months. 188.3. .July Aii<>nst. . . September October . . November iJecember Notes. 80.772 H.'5,S52 99,432 123,7(59 133.735 124,531 S})ecie. 38.175 35.879 33,528 31,489 30,503 30,451 Avei-age for the vear Montiix. i 1884. 'January .. . IFei)rnary. >rarch April May i»June ... . , Notes. 115,011 107,487 lvy3,95S 105,218 10<),81() 90,808 1(M).999 Specie. 30,731 30,722 30,fW3 30.iM)l 32,435 33,238 32,427 ith lori lOt ^IM " H. D. O. 17." y I \eu'j^M^..d^^^, j^^ J^fi-n^., /ss"//^. (J^i^ By Spt'cii' in the vnnit in gold and hjIvci- coin. Nott'8 of and ChcqueK on other Banks ^33,271 10 f) 2142 1 11 £35,413 12 4 Debenture Bonds* Waler Stock, Dominion and other securi- ties, including interest due thereon 83,337 12 6 Local Bills DiKooiinted. Bills of Exchange on hand, amounts due fr«)m other Bankc, &c 248,025 17 5 Bank IVeniises, with Iron Safe, Furniture and Fixtures; Land adjoining with Brick Buildings erected thereon.. 5,300 £372,077 2 3 We certify to the besi of our knowledge and belief that the within account is a true and iirect statement of the affair^ of the Commercial Bank of Xewfalaiico ... clntu' of buMiiioMH c:>tf>C-^ ■ ^ Settled Saturday, :iI'lu civdit of thf ( oiiil Huuk ^'heqiieK ».-. . ptT hack, thf Miini of Si'Vfiity-Kifjrht Thoii- Huiul Hix liiiiulrod tlollai-H. St. John'fc, N.F. Jiiiu> :W)th, 18t>4. T. B. (t. applicant! Exchange £4,100 »tg., j oi- 194 per cent. leMj $78,600 Entered. C.E.M., Teller, Gold Silver 12 4| 5 10 2() ^|34.278..Ki .•W4.(K) liXi.CM) l.l.'iO.lM) 1J4<).(X) 1,826 1{»,8;^7.()0 178,600.00 T. J. M. 1. ^il),^^ii^^t//m/f- ^^i(a/e^nf^n/ '^^mjjt/'icm-t To NoteH of thJB Bunk in circulntion Due to l)(■p()^i|(>|•N , " t"ii«t(»nieii» oi; curifnt uccoiint " SaviiigH Bank $4;Ui,7H<).7."> Lt'HH Spt'cie paiil tlu-ni 22,(XK).()0 " I.omlon & \Vi. Bank $2i;{,.>41.52 coven'd l)yS«>cnritifHuni(Hinting to. ... |28{>.i6:{.81 loaviiijr f7.>.«)22.2<» to nnH't poMKihIc loKN r»n Kxclianffo Bank (>t Liverpool !>4.8(M).49 It*:i8 amount to Ik* plueed to the credit of -Job Bro.s G7.2(H).(H> " Union Itaiik of Newfomidland " on K.\clian<;i' drawn on Bank of LiviM-pool and -old and which will Ik" roturni'd .€4,4()() " on Kxchaiif^e drawn on London & \V'r. Bank and Hold and which 'II Ih- ritnrni'd .£28,647 iO ,1 " Snndrv Banks in Kn.")() st^., on which a dividend will l)c claimed, $.'{.■")(),( M M M M » le.«s .•ji7.",.«;22.21* as per almve, Icavinp $274,.'{98 as pci' contra $(>:M,4()L0<) 4<«,.->8().:{4 282,4")9.7J» 414,7.*<().7.". 27.(J«HU1» .■>i».27:{.(i8 2L120.(X) i;{7.r)08.10 24.{>4:1(m 2.(»1L7 fLofMi.iHS.Or. " T J. M. 1.- - • '-0ai?d <^/ (^'^fu^f-pri.f/^-nt/, ri/// i| )1.(Mi Uv Slit**'!!' ill thi' Trf)»iMi)rv l,747.«ii' a,i():{.o.-. «i.:{4 NoteB on hniul .y.7i> AnioiuitN (liif UN hv ( 'iiHtonieiH . . .2.1*J.89'2.49 lf«K |>rohHl)lc loHH . . . {Mi>,8;{(j(K) 1 4,()r)<).49 88,8IK)0<) M).:.', not 3't't paid valiiid ut IVbentiireH or ,wtoiiii(llaiid niul other Securities with Fnterest due thereon ....:W2.27.V4:{ LeHH c' . 1 ; hv thi- I-ondon nnd Wr. . .... Bank ....28<>.16:}.81 .-..\11I.«2 Hank PreniiheH and l{»al Kstate 4{».(MK).00 MU1» K. DuderV Kxchanj;e t.. Im> re(!niu'd. . . . ..IT.BOfUK) .•{.<)8 less prol)ahle iosn. . . 43.2(H).(K> 14,400.00 A. iJtiodridfife & Son^' Kx. to be ivtiirned 24.00(>.i''i k'fe(* prohable kins . . . 14.40<)fHi 9,(HK>.00 0.(K) Em hanjj;o on Loiwhin hekl hy Bimk and. forwarded tor ((illcetion 'in Special . Account ..£4,98.-) 7 2 2.3,92972 8.10 Intercolonial Billb in hands ol .'vjjcnt.s 1,293..".:} 13,02.-).74 AiPUMintsdue troniotlur Hanks iiiCanada.. :?.(>;■» :{.8() l,4().7r> i/cdnct preferential clainis Amount due Savinjfs Hank 4: ; ,78(>.7r, «.()") KKtiniatect loss on Kxchanjre 2'^ -i ..{78.00 <)89,l.-.8.7r. $77.'?,{«)9.09 II. COOKE. Mjrr.. .lAME.S S. IMTTS. A. F. {i(/Ol)Kii)(iE. (;eo. a. Iirrcr, n(;s. .1. (iOCDFEI.LOW. E. J. OUDEH. • 1 ?S^i;:i^i'4T^^S!. Q. 0. 1." ^^/t^i^nf^ft^ j^ SfM ^fr^^.f; /jy//. Keal Estate 2ii(l Account |(;2 ();{(; ,-,(; Past due Bills British Bills on hand. Preininni on same . . . Intercolonial Bills. . . . Local Bills, discounts Current Accounts. $l.()20..1(;fatl. Bk. <>f tin- Ucptihlic, New York, of which no i-cturn had then been .iccivcd. ... 2:5.82 1.;«) 4;{,2(M).(K) 8.4()4.(K» 2(),4.i;^.o:{ 128,(Ht8.(»4 1920,;3()G.41 ]3,0r).04 4,4.'{2.tK) .■)7«).':r. " G. 0. 2." ^^f/-€lfA {^ ■-/^/ f/uf ' ^^ / Sfm J^U'^y^ /^flA. When Diu'. Proiiiissoi . Endorner. .Ainonnt. March *»th '87 Emerson and ("arthy CVilonist Piib. Co. 120 (K) CaMahan and ()'l)ca '87 DoKMcliv and English do. 120 00 March 3 1st "8^; T. .1. Murphy Mc(;rath 180 (K) Lcai-d Bros Wm. Paine!! a:^8 40 •Janu's Hayes 1. Kyan 220 00 Patrick .Scott Endoised \V. Parnell Thos. .Summers \m 00 April 'iOtii ')^)^ .1 & T. Martin A. .M. McKav 816 00 do. do. 1480 00 A|)ril 27tl) "88 (If.. do. 1904 (M) May .'Ird '8S do. do. 740 (K) May lOih •8{> do. do fKK) (H) I line 2.1th '8i» T. W. S|,rv do. 840 00 liiiv 1st "S!) .1. & T. Martin do. :w;n oo Iiilv .{(Ith'S!) do. do. 4000 00 A.iijj-. 1st do. 00 (K) A- 12lh do. do. 2400 00 \ ,. 19lh 1 (i. Smith do. 85 00 ; le 2ml 'Si» II. LcMessnricr & Son AkDoiifral! » rem|)!et«»n :}oo 90 iiiiie 181(1 '89 ; Tarehin K. A. Kent GOO 00 liilv l.lli: "S9 do. do. 8-:r. .''.ril "in ! * I*. ('aiT>lan do. 110 00 "• 1 Callahan and (iiishne lor Colonist Piil)!ish'gr Co. 120 00 * Since paid off. — v^ •23.821 :«) G. 0. 3 ' itiuify^yce ^-^i^mf4. Promiesor. Eii4 (!oiitiniU'(l. 77862 24 (WO 01 St. .John's (ias Co 238 66 1881 41 Shiiiiin. I'ippy & Co. 666 5i', 1(K« 80 M. Moiiroi' 50 (H) 16i-»5 11 T. Fitzgioboii 215 19 Thos. Shortall ir)81 25 Slu'ii k ( 'o. KIlis' KKtate 400 (» 1309 50 J. S. Winter 90 00 T. 1). Ilodfro 795 26 (;. & A. Da we J. & i\. Dicks 90 00 14U (W J. Woods & Son 792 ;>'; .1. IJaitlt'tt 805 65 Wni. Baiiu'8 109 50 2i <.'$ (X) Ciillalian & Glass Continued. 4;}72«; 72 81015 19 (« G. C. 3.") 150 00 1471 331 23r)7 89 85 26 «)49 93 120 001 487 2()| 5(XH) 00 55 U« 2t> 'fi^i^n^e-S. Pi-omineor. 4372(5 72 Continued 200 00 Henry Normuri A. F. (TfM)dri(lge 703 90 V. Rogorson & Son Campbell & Smith 100 00 •Tainen Neville 94 00 E. v. Mollis Denif Dooley A. O. Hayward C. F. Bennett & Co. T. J. Allan P. W. Browne & .1. ,f. Browne J. J. Browne Wm. Brazil Dicks & ('o, •I. .J. .Morriw ("oiitinned. Endorsei 81015 19 741 00 200 00 1<)41 (i7 2('U 8» 700 00 150 00 44«5 33 WiO «8 92515 71 -<^ rO.'O.'Sr) I'l-omiiswM'. 70 <50 r>o(H» m m (K) Uin (i2 14*i9 18! 86 iiTi 1 K541 t 34 1{)9."» 22 321 m 1020 74 107(> 67 10188 19 8828(> 75 Aiiit. ('ontitni'ed. (t. S. Milli^ifmi, jr. K«lwiii DikUt U. ( 'rockiT ThoH. Flamit'iv I>. Morisiii) St. .Fdhii & FciiiH'll \Vii>. (Campbell ("iiinphell I.,iiin1x>i* Co. .lame'i An^et & Co. \V. K. BiariiN 'I'liorlmrn & 'I'osHipr Thos. Walsh A. ('. Blackwood W. II. DavidKon llarvt'y & Co, Contimiwl. Eiidoixcr. t)2mr> 71 282 26 27fK» 00 5816 29 1569 48 67 U 289 00 119368 66 (» G. O. 3") Promissor. Endorser. 88286 75 Amt. Continued. 1193(J8 m 100() (X) .1. & W. PittH. >). Ledin^hain 1000 00 809 13 May Archibald 161 0() \V. .J. Allan aw 00 Wni. Woodford 102 21 •lameK Dove 3r)0 00 B. M. 'lackman 993 07 Thos. Shortall 200 00 Mi-s. E. Moi'ri8 Hon. E. D. Shea 200 00 202 06 J. Uoper i:i44 69 J. McC^ailhy 20") 00 R. K. Bishop 1012 04 J. \V. Poran & Sons 22;j 00 3340 39 Goodfeilow & Co. Continued. 982r)(; :j4 120791 66 (" O. C. 3.'") ProminHor. J>H2r>6 u 1623 32 1 248 10 ir.(K) 98 mn 53 100 00 110973 43 Ann. (.'ntitinned. John StfiT A. I). Morion .J. S. PittH 'I'. I', .laekman S. March & Sonn eJ. E. l\ Peters S. II. I'aiHons Jol) Uvtm. & Co 'F. Muini & (/'n A. .1. MeNeil.v Zae. ("ox I learn & ("o Thos. Kdens .1. J. Tol)in .Mrs McGuirc Continued. EndoitH'i 120791 66 742 00 100 (HI 410 00 150 00 122193 66 M\ ^Ks:&S?- (" G. O. 3.") I'romiHsor. 11097;{ 43 461i IHl 46 3545 227 02 :W2 2i)| 70', (52 2682 r>9 127:. 00 70 (K) :\m (H) 29*; 4.1 <»0 (H) 7;{2 («) .{47 20 1217:W 81 Continiu-il. .1. I. l.ittlc (it'o. Beaniti \V. I). MofiiMui & C'«». T. C Kt'iuieily W. & G. KeiuU'll Jiniiu', floliiiHtoii & Co. I{. L. Mate -Maisliall & UcKlffcr Aiulivw Kiitht'rfoicl tti'o. ('. .KmivM ISl. 'lohn's \ail Co. ClifJ, Wood & Co. A. N'incH'iit •lauH'K Kyaii .1. B. Ciinaii & Co. < /ODtiiuicd. Eiu'nitter. 122I5K{ m 100 (N> 70.1 VA 70 (Ml 2;u 70 i2;{;{oi m (" O. C. 3.") 1 I'romiHwir. , 1 Endoi-KtT. 1217:^8 HI Continiu'd. Vinaoi 09 K. It >[(n<>l|)ru|| i:{2 00 4{» 20 Lawroiiei' Hnw M .".r. .Fiu). Skiniu'i' ll'>0 4(j .J. W. Il.xlg,. 4.V.) (Ml II. \\'. LeMt>8Hiii-ier MoriNon. Moriiu- & (ribbn 4"iO 00 7H (M) Allim & llfiilcv KHI (H) Miiiiii & ()ki> S(N) (M) M. ()'Flannif?an S(M) IM) •lolin IlaniM S(Mt (K> \\ Sht-a S(Ht (H) .1. V. O'FX-a S(K) (H) { '. \i. Pool Nfltl Hrt'wiiif; Co. 4000 00 .-)() ()0 fjosliiiii II(H)k(>y 220 7() A. Ilaivi'v & Co. i;{() 2() T. 'laekmaii W. II. lit'iiiiio 124 9r, 1288 04 128008 04 Q C 4.' List of OrprdntWH Arrfs. :H)fh June, 1H94. Nai Atiinnnt. Ayre & Sons .... .... •JaiiieH Angel & C^o .... Ajfricnltnral .Socii'ty ... .... r. .1. Allan \V. .F. Allan .\llun & ileaiey .... .... Bowrin>f liroK .... .... C. F. Bennett & ( '(• C;. F. Bennett & Co., M.ijrs. S,S. " Uan^fer." James Brvden ... .... Alex. Bryden ... .... (t. Browning & .*>on .... .... W. W. Black-all P. W. Browne .... .... J. A. Branscomln- .... .... F. (;. Beitean \\m. Bntt Annie Breniner .... .... Wni. Bellamy .... .... S.M. Brook field (t. M. Barr . ♦ . . .... James Bryden .... .... Fanny Beams .... ... Cathedral Bond.smen .... .... Congl. Bd. of Kdncation C'hnrch of P^ngland Bd. of Kd. Bav Robert!- do. Trinity West do. 'I'willingati' do. .New IlailMii Cathedral Completion Fund .... . . . . F. B. T. Cai-ter 2nd Aoet. ... do. l>t Acct. ... . (Continued. 14H (52 ir).'.2:{ ()(> 7t< 81 47S.J 22 IW 9.". 17.1«() 02 l(j."){S2 :m> 2 ;{2.") fKi !."> 72 1 81 7i:5 11 2<>7 i:{ :«)74 '!" .".()(» (Ml 41.">71 1(» 10 2:{ 133 .{3 159 ():{ 10:{() (54 78 (5]. Ciirter .... .... . . . . :W5M 17 Colonist l*ul). ("o. .... .... . . . . l(H»t» Ho do '2,\v\ aec't. .... .... . . . . 172 m •I. Cadwell 2 .")() W.T. Cleaiy 237 8.3 \Vin. Cli.pp, ajfent Hiiiie's KMate . . . . 1(K)1 18 IX M. Chafe 115 (M) Channel New (Jhnreli ... 147 (K) Channel New .School .... .... . . . . 14.-) 42 Cathedral Synod Finid .... .... 848 78 lealjcl Cole .... . . ... 13 ().-> Change Inland Building Connnittee . . . . 19 .{(• Cani|)l)ell Lumber Co .... 14(k)2 22 Edwin Duder ... .... (ii7!>41 74 ^ C. & A. Dawe 1327 7() Henry Ounlield .... ... !K) 12 rlanieni Dove, Treas. .Metli. School Socielv . . . . 2J>5»2 (M5 Win. Dickenson .... .... .... .) 70 K.Doyle i 10 2') E. J. Duder 1380 17 W. II. DavidHon .... .... r)298 94 Diocesan Magazine .... .... . . . . ! 13 74 Estate T. P. Evans 070 98 ('ontinned. 823071 9.-> (*' Q. 0. 4") Lint of Orcnirawn Arcts. :i(tth ,luiii>, 1H94. N'ariM'. Amount ('oiitiiim-d Estate .1. Elliot Kxploitw LiiiiiIh.t Co'- . . . I'leiirv Eurif . . . E(,iiital>iL> IiiHiirancc ("o. M. Fenel.m & Co Farqnhiir «t Vorko . . . . Foot«' Hfow. . . . . David Frasci . . . . .». W. Forai) (ireeim|K>ii(l High School (ii'ti'l Water (y'oni|mnv . . . . tT(M>dti'll()w & ( 'oni|>aiiv V (i(M»dridgt' & Soii.x . . . Denis Cialwav . . . . K. (ioff Sain'l (Jnriftt S. E. (Tarlaiul Wm. Graham .... T. B. (ioodiidg,. D. •!. (ireeii, Keceiver. . . . J. (rornia i A. () Ilaywiid Hay ward & .( . ... Joanna Howiey .... Caroline Harris .... C. W. Hollands A. J. Harvey. M.D Charles Hntton .... (t. J. Hayward T. D. Hodge James G. Hunt Continued. Amount. 82^071 96 m m A 1(M»2 71 • . . . ' 9H 02 - * . 827 75 [ 1 1074 «J7 i:^2io 56 . . . . 3 20 ■ . . . 8 :a 12230 00 . . . . 61 64 4fM) 2r> .... 127175 03 . . . . 122252 91 / .... 1372 21 . . . . 509 80 . . . . 2}>18 56 . . . . 8801 18 . . . . 87 :^6 . . . . 2r>4 22 . . . . 04 2225 1« ... 4913 35 . . . . 6702 Sk: . . .. 6 00 — 21 45 99 52 1045 67 .... 1315 31 1 1 ■•'1 2249 01 ... 4582 20 ■ • • 7554 12 li4628() 27 (" O. 0. 4.") List of Orvnlrtnni ncvfu. IWih Junp, IS94. Same. Amount continued (i. A. Hntchin^N .... A. .J. Ilarve)', M.lX, 2iiti ui-ct. W. y. 1Ioi'W(km1 .... K. I). 11«mIkl. Job, Bi-o«. & (.'ompiiny .... •Julia Kelligrcw .... M. T. Knij. Lilly M. a. La«h Long i'ond Fish Hatchery Wni. iiartin. in trust .... S. March & .Souh special aeet. •Iame(< .Murray, Hjxeial aeet. W. 11. Mare, Sou &. Co. W. J). MoriNon & ( "o S. March & Sous flames Murray Tho.s. .Mitchell McDougall & Teuipleton flohn McC'anlle ... Thos. Murphy J. H. Martin «& ("o Mitchell & Kiggins .... A. J. McNeily 1). MoriKt)u .... Methodist Misery Scty Continued. Amou.it. 114<;28<) 27 .199 47 dim tw ir. M mi 65 H.-)249 24 45a 20 17 15 rm 77 121 08 J. {70 20 KA 00 m «(j 2885 H2 ♦3101 02 54 .'W 124 i5 2 J (50 2(» .1000 (H) i.i8i!» r,i 4;iJ> 77 '4211 4'^ 40:57(i (>4 ! 1900 (X) 508!.' 5;{ 148 65 1074 25 0151 18 128 95 10(«» Sli 824 40 Um) 18 V.i53^2 4() (••G. C. 4.") List (if OnrdrnvH Arcfs. SOfh Jnnc, 1H94. j\ aint'. Aniiiimt Coiitiiuu-d ... .... r. .N". .Moiirn •loliii -Mc-Niil 'i. S. .Milliifaii, jr. ... . . -Mi'thoiiist Home ... \V .(. ',/,.u- K. Morris .... .Mi'tliodist ( 'olk-jro ... A. .\!ci.rn> .M;i!-8liiill Ai iiod^o- .... -M. 1'. .' 'orris, ■' Powt'rscoii't" . , Mc?NC'iiy & Mr.Noiiy .... A. J. McN.ih- riio.'s. .1. Min (liiy .... .... Caiiililu'll it Smith .... I. \i. Mi-N.'ii.v. .\-iMU . .. .V. si. Mott .... .... (i. \V. \!.\vs I..!. -St'w i'oii!i(l!iiiiil .... .... i. O'Dri.scol! TriiHtiH's Farcinhar A; Voik .... ['iiol"* Fund .... .... Win. I'ilot, C. T Actt. . .. Will. I'iiol J). W. IVowsf J. I'ouiiy & Sous .... .... W. rilot, 1'. v. .Vtct. A.6i W. I'itts ('OIltiillH-d. Aiuonut. i;r.3;'42 4(i .■)()2 97 .•>()82 22 M'l\ 12 (kS(i 2(i 7 .!."» l.-)(^ 21> 2r>7() 2«» i)l 10 1.>17H M .!(i2:) .')(» -,2.; !>7 liM) (K» 4."> :{() 27i»l l(i 284 )4 fK» ■"57 ;>(> ;»2 >■> 27 2l»(J ■.v.\ 17.S() 81 1<> 72 7>.«» <;7 412 i)4 47;J!» 88 217 )1 14 H) 2(H);{ 24 2744 i2 74 4:5 (i • ■(» 4.'J27 2.1 141(t4'.W 7<) (" Q. 0. 4.") Lint of Overdrawn aecU. SOth Juney 1894. Name. Amount. Amount contiiiiicd ... C. A. M. Pinsent J. J. Pitman .... .... I're8b_)terian SchfK)l .... (J. E. Parsons Min'iig Acct .... VV. & G. kcndcll A. S. Rt-ndoll W. F. Kennie Kothwell & Bowriny: V. F. K(>ardoii .... .... K. (i. Keid A. S. Kendell do. Maiiagin & Co James Stott .... .... James T. .Soutiicott .... John Smith .... .... John T. Southcou ... ,.^. John (.'. Strang .... .... Simpson & ^tilligan .... M. E. Siiortis ... ... . W;. K. Stirling ...» .^. St John's .Mutual No 14 ,,,» ( 'ontiniied 141(>t98 7() :W75 21 .>177 .'Jo 27 15 KM) (K» 269 («> 142 05 217iM> :>4 149812 54 KXXI 00 3821 m 2(K)0«» (i3 li:« 19 222<) .18 ;W4 62 1783 .14 1153 44 371 84 10 (K) 84leton .... .... C. K. Thomson .... .... Tempeiance Hall .... Trusteos (ieo. Street Churfh Trustees I'itman & V'ws .... 'I'rustees T. & .1. (iraee .... C. F. Taylor H. 'I'enipli- .... .... •J. A. Winter. .,♦. «... John Woods & Son .... .... Sir J. S. Wintei' .... .... James sVhelan ... ... M. h. Whelaii W'esleyan Bd. of Ed. Trinity North *^ Bay Koi>erts " Blackhead ** Norman'^ CV.ve •♦ (iran' Mank *• Fresh, ator VVesterii Bay 'I'rinity East ** Burgeu (,'imtinned. M Sim 99 922 8<> u m 114 80 ;}2 8.J 1.} m 28 :n 121 ;{8 97 (>{ 12 19 14 97 i) (K» 184<«m;4 r,s (" G. O. 4.") List of Omrdraun acctx. 30fh June, 1894. Name. Amount. Amuiint continued ... . . . . VVesleyan Bd. of Ed., \Vhitl)oui lU' K. White Wesieyan Meth. East Circuit A. C. F. Wood U inter & Morison . . . West End Amusement Club li. U. W'hitewa^^ Jane E. WanenV Kstate W'hiteway & Johnson .... J. H. Watson V 11. Wt of Hills for collection, held for E. Moritz & Co. by Com- mercial Hank on the ;{0th June, 1894, showing total of £'1,.>74. 4. «, or $(J,;«H).0O. J " G. O. 8. ' I This Kxhibit is the same as '• ii. C. .)."] ■»<•«> • G. C 9." [Copies of Cablegrams received from E. Moritz & Co., by Conunercial Bank from 18th Oct 1893 to 6th Dec. 1894.) G. C. 10. ►♦♦♦♦ — [Copies of Cablegrams f.oni Manager (.'ooke to E. Moritz & Co., from 1st Nov. 1893 to I3tli bee. 1894.J G. C. 11.' |C(>ile-bo Ht;r 24^j:W) 00 Victoria, 4 per cent. Bonds £5000 stg 24480 (K» Mersey Dock and Hr. Trnst (Jo'y £3000 stg. at 4 per. cent. £3000 stg., at I .,^^^ ,„, 3| per cent. Redeemable at 2 per cent.. . ( '^^ Meti-opolitan Railway Company £1350 stg. at 5 per cent. 126 J Preference. . . 8207 80 Manchester, Sheffield & Lincoln Railway Co.. £1000 8tg., at 5 per cent (}146 15 Newfoundland (Tovernmeut Debentures 144100 00 $289163 81 "O. O. 16." Statkmknt of tlif iiHlfl)H'17fM 1 74 |«()8676 OT; (ioodfellow & Cf) 12717.") (W 16U32i) 59 A. (^oodridge & Sons. . . . 1222.12 91 ''2rjH78 98^ 5 L 1 7 .Job Brother8 & Co a»249 24 177,355 04 j- V J. & W. Pitts 4;H27 25 39()6 46 f r v^ir? " O. 0. 16. htH." Statkmknt of halunct'H «)n 'Mhh Jmie 1H94 and 10th I)fctinl>er, IH, of certain finna which have failed, coinpromiHed or asHijfned Hinee the latter date : 3(Hh Ju' , '»4. lOth Dee. '{»4. W. D. MoriHon & Co flTli* 77 f')l()4 90 John Steer 149H12 54 12:wri3 01 Shirran, Pippy & (Jo 20608 63 14143 18 J. W. Foran 1223(5 00 173^38 92 Campbell & Smith 2791 16 r»922 08 A. S. Rendell 5651.-) 80 69(528 55 R. D. Hodge %7 65 2{)62 31 Hay ward & Co 6702 8tj 7275 (55 S. March & Sons 14211 46 1986(5 49 Jae. G. Hunt 7554 12 8744 04 C.F.Taylor 9873 45 8934 20 ("G. O. 16.") Statkmknt of tin- iiidebttdiu'MH, on the 30th .Iniie and 10th December 18i»4 of the I )iieetorH, or of the firinn reprewnted hy the Directoix, which hiive tailed. compronnKcd,or annij^ned «ince the latter date. .'JOth .June 'W Decl.r. 10th "94 Ed. Duder |<)17!»41 74 »668676 03 Goodfellow & Co 127175 (« 16932.1 .>9 A. Goodridge & Sons 122202 91 225378 98 Job BroH & Co a'>249 24 177.'J55 04 "O. 0. 17." t^^^ '/' -/^//^%/^ ^i' Dato. ! X limber of JTiaiwfer 1 Fmm whom Traiinferred. IS{«. Name. Address. Occupation, (if any.) Jntiy. 2() 4 I T. K. .Job 1 Liverp |W. H. Maiv London 1 '' K. L. Mai-e «t. John's 21 7 j('. Emerson do. April S 8 ! .lo. do. 27 9 :EiI. C. (Gordon do. 15 T. K. Job do. .lnl> KS 16 Est. Geo. Clarke do. 17 1 do. 18 Ent. Clarke do. 19 Est. Clarke do. 20 do. do. 21 do. 1 do. A.\\g. I'i 22 do. do. 23 Caleb Clarke, Exor. do. 11 24 ■ George Jainc* do. Nov. 28 25 Annie Jessie Carter d(j. Dec. 8 26 Wm. A. Hayward do. ^/ ^ ^\ia^^,uiu. ti o.a 17." To Whom Tranaferreil. 4-s a 7 — Occiii)ation. ^ -2 i (if any.) *" 1 7 ■2.5 2 Name. AddreKH. (t. a. HutchingH St. JohnV 8 A. S. Kendell do. «iu. do. 1 4 (Tforge Keoiigli do. 1 K. Hiitheifoid Seotland 1 F. Ash St. John's \ '1 Tho8. McCarthy do. 10 Jamee O'lirieii 1 do. ; 10 •J. Law lor do. 2 Ann Price do. 1 2 E. HawliiiN d.). ;{ Geo. A. Ilntohing- do. s £liza Oakley do. 1 M. Jones do. 1 E. Clarke do. 1 Julia Clarke do. I Ann Clarke ' ■>' ^;^ '^ A Phntngranhir Saences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. M580 (716) •7a-4S03 # "O. 0. 17. ") i :. 1 -H ^ ■■■ c%^^ f '-i^^Q^fJ^^ei/ lHi)4 , * 'I'ranisfei j From whom Tian«feiTed. Name. Address. Occupation, (if any.) Jain. IK 27 t t 1 Tho«. McCarthy St, John's 28 1 do. do. 29 do. do. iiO 1 Ann Pncf do. m m i AV. A. Hay ward i Calafornia :^7 1 I do. do. Fi"l)i-\. H8 lio. do. ;{9 : do. do. IG 40 E8t. lleiiry (rill St. John's 41 do. do. 42 Est. Peter Hieiinau do. 43 John F. Kent do. 28 44 Geo. J. Carter do. 4.-) M. Julia Ayi-e do. March 2 4(5 Est. Julia Tessier do. 47 Mary Cormaek do. 48 do. do. 40 do. do. 50 do. do. ")! do. do. a 52 W. Dickenson .lo. 28 53 lohn T. Collins do. Api-il 17 54 Annie Jessie Carter do. 55 Wm. V. Whitewar do. i/.4€i^jAu. (" G. 0. 17.") T«. Whom TranMferred. L. £ led * z. Name. Adda.**. : Occupation. 1 ('^ :'"y-) A. W. O'Rtilly St. .John'". 3 (».'(). (>'Keill.v do. .1 J. F. Power do. 2 Eliza Bo^gaii do. 1 .Joseph O'Ki'illv do. 2 John F. Power do. 1 •lami;8 Stafford do. . 3 M. O'Dea do. i 2 P. Kennedy do. i K. J. Moore do. 1 2 .John P. Kent do. 8 Kev. W. Forristal do. ! « .John McCarthy do. '4 do. do. 2 A. S. Rendell, in Trust do. 1() Est. F. .J. Kendell do. «; Helen E. Martin do. :{ Mary Kendell .do. 2 ii. T. Kendell do. 1 i 2 Edwin (,'Iaike .!(,. 2 'lameN Haw do. 10 .Johanna T. (Jollins do. 1 4 •John McCarthy do. 1 3 do. do. i 2 (•G. C. 17.) {2/ -i^\Q^a4d^4/ \ )atc. 18i»4. April 2.-) 12 Jiih (i 10 Aug. 14 Sept. 18 25 Oct. ao Nov. 27 Nimilu'r .- vj _ "f J "5 -^ iTi-aiiKftT.;X-:i r)8 )(• Gl • 76 76 77 From whom TraiiMferreii. Occuj)ation. (if any.) \ (^/ ^Aa<^4J^M. (" O. 0. 17.") Name. T«» Wht)in Tijumfeired. AddresH. Mary Joseph Kitchin Si . John'K .»..!. O'Ki'illy 1 1 do. John McCarthy do. .1. Aug. < ;iift do. Wm. ;j:i»i8 ilo. do. do. do. do. Thus.. Shortall Jr. j d... Elizth. Bnrd'r {Salvage Ilfiiry Hnrdt'ii ! do. James Bnideii do. Jolin Burden do. Kenneth Burden do. Clara Burden do. \Vm. White St. •lohn'f* Beividere Convent do. John Fitzgeialtl do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Johanna ilowley do. John liediiighani do. do. do. Mary Kendell ir)l>«>-)4 88 <) 6r>40o 13 7 Sl()30 .17 8 S198() {K» 9 !>24<)4 :W 90 81 W 33 1 1,S4:,2() 7G 2 1()7(W3 39 3 178192 .",7 4 138234 14 " O. Q. 19 • Edwin DikUt (iooiUVIlow & (Jo. A (T«K,dii(lge & Sons.. . Job Bros. & (;(j W. H. Mart', Son & Co. JanicK Mun-ay A. S. Kendoll .John Ste. r Hhin-aii. Fippy & ('o . . . S. Marc-h & Sons. .... $192:il 24 .3:J42 «") .-)248 .3.1 «)(K)3 80 \m 47 1438 13 11(50 91 401() .3.-) .■).".9 i)0 l.-)8 80 141623 (JO Amount of Int«*rest charged to vai-ioiis current accounts, :{Oth .hino, 1894. 4094 y T JL ^SE^A?:-.