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'#>f7 ..» ?■ ?tr,' i^' ^Mrv*/.! ^ -;,♦ »?;■*>•• EftjL.i^'fciti' >i ..^^- r- 4 i***\^ i}\ |> *R^|» m •%<»; <^,-.^ vfc! ■-'A* :**Vrt .Hi -'/HKmSSi-!; :■ .. .ij.j !.*<,». «-ia!' 7Am:d ■-^^ ■:..-V-, "gr^., ■>>■.'* .'>.;.:- •■ fe:$'^v-; -'. ■■ ^ •- \"' i ■ * , ♦ -f^t^'V 'f'-y r#' ;Pr-' s:^ .#; .••>■■, s? *.•■• ':p-^ j*f'^: 1/1 ^"i^ S*^"^ .»? ■*' KivHi^ Bidrt'ihe and villi him^tlw^m b«)cbofM|g|tini|S^« i» iw# M^imisid^ ifr island b viMiM k^\l^ikitmi( •ny tlung ctn . fc» «miL ^^dloU _ ^ consisting of from 60 to iKKOOOiouli: *Hiiili|k] Johns, more tlTto in «iy\pivt «f the mnink, A«« propigatmg the Qospel m finigm / clugyman, with the stipend of MRo a yvur. which has been coadqaod lolhepitMit tito 1 hi/Kpiscopal Society Jbr pnpagaimg ftWd^aJ hi (1 tiring a series of yean, auppoMed iiilk;«'|||pitddto] three or ibur other ckrgyiMnlaaeveRdof ||Mlii«H« one at Harbor GFsce. one it Tonilf, «d ««% fo tinie, at fiurin, and one lately e«»blishtd at ; *'••«'. ^'-..ri? -^■^*. « Bi!'.".J^,imi ^MW^^'m^s^'-'tk,^.??ji^'m^- ir)8ii*iK*i»3^-^ Oiooli: lUiiililllB*,^^ ■rhkli on or iMi pMiiii ""•••iiawwi • piMt or boo|«lMnsorthrolMK«h ir«riiielithtJi|w^>r ir mo BOi CO •mroiorilwli i a w,, ^Mif, mi mi, tog m «9blisMat lolkelririi abore, piaoten from ii so omU degrae to u. «r tbe lofvor Older oT tint people, b>' i^> loMls. and •H #vef toe aeitlcd il k to be feared^ tlic w«flm|i in NeiifiMindlaiid. The )pell known i tbcy •id tadarin^; but dwy nay be aacribed d-dw jfVMvmnfiil nd a worte relipon. ^ I, /i» 'i*^ z *, f^' '>»- ^ *«^^>x« i . te ,^.a^..,«..^ , ^^^^ ci '.a^^rsSS^' ■iii.!i:i^^a*rfatfefcst5^r'jtK«'^«c-a'ij»s*^v*-r^^ .*?« % ■ ■ ,,, 4 * N" - ,^.i*'' • -fe'td ? / / ' / ''Ir, i|.* . V # . ^ V ...«^;" *!•■ 4| If.*'*.'' .--•jr' # d^-»^^ *^ ^LJ^' ^Wii»^St o«Hr Ml i".ii\nli[iijiMii their p|«iutio«iw«»i^iyytm ' brought Ml (nm %hr aiii«« pri^titf who creeled ^^ length cstabluhed • bklM|^^ «^ there iitveiy large n«n».] priesthood. ^Pbpcrf tta hat contributed in no nnatt imnure |g i||^| with vice, and St Johns, in pnitkvh^^it corhc a sink of jni<|uity. The pricfle htnt to wriggle themselves into th»iafor of _ tlut the magistracy have dmosC givcD ovcr*lo ti re thft legtsktumoi iheirfiocks: hence %oulii^«, nwds- mcauoi%, and ihcfts, committed by ihei. UHfSt rttmti*, are seldom brought bcfoie the eye of the rfjrf if, Tlie' pricNts receive the coofiessioo, and sonetiiaes th» Ttnlia property, or part of it i which stolea ftq^mf. kk mtf mtasurethe priest pleMes, is letuiwd lo the i%hlfiil owner, but wjth such ^iljr art and aokan mm^JM, that the thief and villain is acieened fi«ftj«rtlo«, «id piously forgiven his sin by this F«dKr Coafanr. mA Holy Pastor. But what crowns^ aocoe ol fiwd nd violence, is the foUy of the neichnti and tndemeo OBbleeoi ocmfivii iniroB tl dsy,io« veraatioii, •ndoikfi ie '■■■■■■Mi'^M .,7^V-.* .^ ' "^^^^mms^M^s^m^mmmt^m^M!^ Ziu*S^m*(m^ ^'HJl^' ^ »V" M^ \^' ^-'^ lAl-V-f ■ comu u. J^?*'"''*'*'** "^ belbftfctr dmioped in tht ^mmm Ml takcoTMlKr bttnehct or the commu. oic^laMMliiltoeqotiMdeiifl. ^ Abo«nfctiy«iri710, «,ifc plokii »idieii, «,d . few «•■» MlvVilMli, niilt ■wahfmtf |g a tente of the iiii8> rfih l Mv mi lg yAetownr ifcr ^i-ct^mtd their con. cem ferite i|ilMii wAit rfHieir ii«gtto«. by c .U- hi^« thtl|iit»mi^ri %lt f^^ oa tfie-Lonl's d^, V^»«tl»«^ i» Ai^pbilto^ of .crlou. con. ''*'**^ !!???* "^^ Thtie "TIT^ iiirirrt^io,^ p^yie ^fected to despise, •M oihen UMM^ It ironh tbtir while to oppose and t ^.- \. ,._.... ,..:.,■:.. *a..' B85M^g^'^li^id^'«B^'Li^3^f^^'tifcffl^3iM4 W»iJH" WB»*''«;5«C^*4*'='^*\'t,»SSs ^\ r ■■■.V <- { ■ y C i s,;. ♦ • ' . in." ♦ . 'M-'' • "^ f-'M ... I. b .. . -:s^<-.. It ^ ■■■* K* / /: §■* '?i''"~, »'"..'■ ^. m t ^ » > w i ',».;i| » j iii i.». ' . ' iu i < i ». »j«l>wiimi»»» t.VliV , If, II. w a VJ^ ••• ?i'j ^ ..4 ♦* , . tk» o. ^k'^ ■,^'^..w.*'^?; Ph p #W * ■ J :. v'-'A *' mlicMkiibriMk LlobatiWCKiiitni. ition tthtikd aoiple ani. oCf irrriii, d^ mtotbechwtlior KgNtttd, tliii tirii vfiiMimiii«. ort vi. loes and liiit pene- mrtd and difplqrod ilMe of tliiaUntf i: MJMionuy Sod. niniooariei^ chkif *.;•'•* ■ '•,r«: Kf^, r\i J f. 'iC* V ^ ? i^T-^-^t -«H* 4^ r-Arv* 'M^iMM(yliiRi -oiT'liMAaiMHInd 'are i^rtli^rriiriWfatichiiiiMtt iM wMlii iiie|M«M am iiad c(M^^ I v: \ ••» - dte dJ^OMHl for dried ■A ^ fiMip dM Wa w fii i uMH aod ffoac to a pitch pi af- ^ . ^ *^ ■yAnncr period. Wi4 iu pwy iitjp.lwiwd ip a viae Ibreign popolatloii, an^ an c^lbod if vice. In almoat cvety houae jou migHt hMTvitaic and (bnciog^ the dninkara reeled in the aotda, and intevpcranof and etery debauchery were inda%td IQ a moit alarming degree. Thb waa the case noccoly IB %. Johna, but all the Oul-Harbors drank of the iMii k Ming cnp^ ao that ioimomlity antTprofaneness threa^ucd ID dcloge and destroy ah public dccorurti. The nrraaioA of thia unnatural intlux of wealih did Dot *•* "■J^ "*•*, ^*^ ^ ittaim of more moderate suet <. ^^i. ia teide. it b to be laiocntcd that the few good \u\>n^ titddvilcd in Ibraier timca, were not again d ciriiv 7^^"* P** cneriahed. The character arid iniji!- v aioofiven by thia apnrimirproapehty continued, ih .u^ :, ^ Bn^KBVi \, V ^ -n/ ■•** .,--ji l'*-~t4 .4^>*t irii^d' m^»K!ff-''iii!^:^'ii££-^Jfe',»*?^Kft'S^ si>- :■!. 1 '< * -< "■ I* . . .' • / /i / v s* ■ ■;'¥ t n t 1 1 . 1 \ \ .' 1 - - ,,-~— -.-U-J!..-, — 1^; T^^-v-^ ^■%i?'' ■ V=^-''"' ^^■■v I- ' ^'-' ■ C, .'^|-^.t$u;^«l^. -«#M^- -if^m^t ■iTTT ^', .ffV tlieve It • i«nr Jmm «iMNlMMKj«iA hM ooBtributed in — — iT ni|Miiiiii H . with vioc, and 8t l^fan^ k Jujl^vJ come a link of inaquiigr. Thepolfto km to wriggle thenie|iwe Jnco tii»4f«r d ^ that the nugistnqr^ve «lmoit given oyer to ilmi^lM /r^Mttfion of their locks: '""^^ *hr rnitniw. miiili mcanori, and thefts, coaunitied by these Isnfciiptople, are aeUom brought before the cjre of tl« publio* Hie prieats^receive tiie coofesnoo^ and sonetaass tht slota property, or part of it;' which stolen prapn^Tt i» fi^ measure the *priest plesses, is retuHMd to tht^ightaili owner, but with such wily «t«id apkanmmf^iH^^ thst the thief and villain ia screened liMi jwiioa^ and piously forgiven his sin by t' Father CmJkm^'md Holy Pa&tor. But what cro\. . la this SQCMiflf fc^^ it^ rt violence, is the foUy of the menlMitt Mdtndomea \\ *!■ "iWU'i iJ g jIii B iii M i i m ■ '.. ■ii | i .« iiiiiw n M i ni II 1 n p | i I ' ll I i ii wi i nm. j n , "! ' >.«l™li.',U. ! ! i J ' *j ■wn»»*i.-:i t ft "jii^i/j \^m^.js^m& \ mm ,f*'^v 1 "^^^ifl / , ' H|a-.>. .^ ."■. ^■'*: ■Hs^^.^. d .! -^J^ vJr < fi^f'lj: uii*i-4^ ■ 'm^ hiimm^i o*y JMit^diiOi, jttit iiyttiaitf fe^ aehsc: of the mis. owi fiirtbe spirinLl iMM dTilieiriieigldion, b, caU. »K « AWi fi^»»Ml)r* liift «iipecWly db the Lonl»s d«jr, to ttMC wfti the* ftrHaM^^Nirpotet of aerkus cr ^'•'''**«>^ »w«^lllr icifjiiu^^^^ These ngamn^ mn» krtHip^ people tfected to despise^ •14 .*g i-i .ii .wj >f '"'^w*?M^u*fc(M»B*»^•^■.■*■-iv^^,.■*:«.^;^..U.■ '^''Usa;^/kwii^ii%«i^ i^±8^)^i>Cfea^agaa^gaS^WI»lllillM!iMt -JW-imur ii'M*iWTnw.ifiii^«f»- .«iS i" 'V .$m^' '■M:' ■;*- .:^' m^y.-'- ' ,^-M /^ V* 1 § r. :. OH99 OOSMQ w8 four mMoiMfk^ 'O at 81. Miiii.lHid^^ i^l^S' the g»tiioo.firiliiiAktiey attempt very Ht t)pportunity s^etii • The fil^hapUia fca, mMif^ tnm O^mmmk b Ika •mowt .r fool, per ii4a«. , kat^ this tlaiisaf caatliMui b. ner«r .e.» th, i,Und, ^ doM b. laty fcy fi;iy, wICjmw I* Dot pay. ■ i ' ■ r^,*^ ' . WW. ' l. i [i^iHH i .HHIll|Uj.,j^K j. i j. i ; i ,jj. mi, f=>'«'-'%l^ ^^■^ froQI MfaB i^ Ik Mm neh miitei^ wliicb he 11 plMcd. Mriet «e'inity«i ; tiiej do die icgv. dieytcoeifeaMla. eyond diii aphere, Dur. We have an : account dieae mil- lie Society at iMNQe » ao Bailor d^riiteff. !» of the ifiroteat-] txlaimed frkm dJ )f pie^ imkig die le come nol widiin iiM CratlMuuikat iOmuui '1*^' Sott. 1nth on dHie )HdQ|^ dMQRf orBnghna: ^ ^ ^^ beoi n c3fe.aora to dieae cleigjmn, dMi I «f lA dOMBintdGiia. hnt daiawd :iO€debndsBi«nBgew More dan oAoediere lim been iieiiq^indr is eoiifiiie M^ n^ to die EpiHdpil M Popiahdefigr, aid to rach ofdieir apir- itnd lialMaBti M dioald be warnated by diem. The hm adadiiig to die oekbration U marriage, between Engjhaid andber cokmiea and aeftlementaabnxid, stand, or did atand thus : in Engtand, no penon, minister or (lu||uaii, can peribrm the marriage rite, except he be . aa M^ mbn atairdmg to the rites and ceremonies of tkeM^gMok Mpkeopdehurth, and diii rite must be per- ftnMd cilber by baana or lioenae, and m a consecrated Ity this kw, A diaaenting iifinisters, presby- are prohibited from perform- lile aa Engb$¥L But the Act* jf par. I dda ia ao deaily stated and commund • •^ < X i ( i y »B. Ti i wi n Hi i - i > i.!Pii j> i I ■' i if t^,,,^^^ ^t^fiv ?«<; ir^-^v:^* r^-t.ta-iasati^'SiEs-.^fe.fe ^-M.^-''Y -iT'^rf-'-'-i t'l-VfiiWinir ii ■ -t-*-. ■ci,arfisL«ai>'-.^= n, v„^,.^ > • ..-it. j.t»>»:«s^ta5.*.j-i?tt'.«r;- .^ r a**-*- - ^ ■'*' -^^ 2t^ f * •./■ / r^K f|j*c .^^f > ■■<4,^., T^^^^^l l'^*^!*.'ft|r f^ ^ *■' ^ oficirtid.iiid litipii^ » home, been liy kw o«k5eft.d**u*d »^l4ai3!fiS^ deficient on account of tb^noiipmeaop ol^mMairvf the church of £i«lnd. TIniii k.liai vcrnmcnt. ' A young couple, whp hada mind !• be joined in the ties of holy wedlock, and that wkhoM tiK: consent awl knowledge of thtklnefMl^ applied Ai. dtr a false name, to the miniat of.the CcMigftioMl church fur his services in the cei .latiQo of the aairiMt i but as il»c parties refused to give ^fapeetabkidbcaca^i hcdccliacd. fThe same young couple In a day or two, •V ^y.}'!^^ i^ ' !' ! » ' l, ii I . i . iii >'i.i i ^_uj ii j ,!,,,,^^ ki»-^' >,.«#•. .si^fj^ ^i '*'''*'''**^9li*n(.\;'i^ '^^^^^^V V^V^v iHii M n < i pt i M tpii»Biiii H i ^ the fciwi itwi wwIi M 1- flrr TT thr TUnhirtiif mtwinnirj 1 lktflMi«i»ttQl ■ poor «iofldn« iBcdMiiB, buton ofl iocr i« dM annji mA the wonn not • poor Iriih gM oT the iMune of S— C^ ««t ihe dMghcer of a re. ipeenblegntlmian in the aeaghbo*ood» and hcrname 8—0-^ Upooe^cdiaoomyoftbiaclandeatinemaf^ riage^ aome peraooa talked loudlyof a proaecution be- ing iMCicated agaioat the miaaionar/ who had odcbratcd the aaaniacei but npon a little invcatigation it wan fovnd dat a proaocutapn would &U (according to Uic laWB if f ngl Mi) not opoia die deoeimi minister, but ^poathopai^ coiiaMllaigLdiedefaiud in writing a y^/^-r «ow«w However, the nMier ended not here ; it was oooMMMdoHBd 10 d^Gdvcnor, and in the course of a *''^ ■V* ■■'• •• •d Mr«.C. die two miniaters dis^-^nt- ing*OA*^dwrth or fiighnd (but not die Caihol.c P™'*^ •■iip^hfcf •Miff three fburtla of the ptopic in die UH^^naMlMhjr letter from the Secretary, to at- on a given day. Xliih su n feint day or two» I MlttOoviiiMittHotiae T"- ■ 4 »?*** '"■ ; 1 -Ij.j.i: ..i ! ^'^L. 'MM^^^^mM::^^^S;^m^SM^i£Si^SL3m^i^sms^^-:^:-^^: m' ■^'^ f.; '•"«»•,*-' F'.i, I: \ -W' ii)*M^^ :U.,. ^ « tiilM||l|||g|||j|||i|j|y|i^i^^rj poBiiea 00°" iht «attflikilM'tir ||«'^|g^'^7£2?2 Adrnfaiil orthe Briiirii Mv, detoM di 1» dMiJ^ law. Hid on uM^et ehril «d rnrlrilnHiii. At^ h | prewwHthitkkttjMldh^ AdnWt Intrepidity, in hb vtnuiriiif toftrdriib M element; but we think it win appeir in flM iwt, dW in thb experiment, lie mu a little milled bf Ut tltaittv miudonary maglitrate. . ^ .-fZ!^ The Govemrr itated the afiir cTtfie ime dMdntiBe mwTiage. and reprobated it at the «d ooaaeqoenoe e^ diweming ministers pretending to oSdMe In aqch -m i;| He likewise insisted upon it, dwt aU maniafcv aoat bd solemnized according to the rltet and maget of the church of England, and pronooAoed aOmvriMetiwcao solemnized to be nuU and void, and itt die oftnw «r Buch marriages to be illegitimate. TUawili^^M. ing chuse. ff^a^n^^u^^f^ awintmii nhjiii ccj m the whole island of Newftnmdlnd, aoeoitfiaff i»> the rites and laws of die ^ngilih chm^ thoTwcMf no r^ canonical placet in* chlopaMlihbHMandtol perform marriage terrioe. diet^ ww no bWiop^toooitaS to grant licenses, nor M Uiereem bcentty wg«d\ .s5f -V y-' ii'.uijil.i .1 |li,iiiiiB(ii^» ptiWM^hwiinJte! imiiolMopPtooiiitt iwr been njr icg^ J ■ifil||ii#||«lji4 kkHewkmaOkad, that could be bq IPrlp^f •• ZmiM#» Ahv pw no ciioreb to coaform ^'■**» •« to dbient lroii^ and diet dmcfoie aU ^NlTaeB vera upoD one level in point of lew. They eeniipded ebo^ thet dK ooBclodiog deuf^ in the £q. ifiA MRieie Acta, '< Beyond dbe eeea"— the act not extending to ooimtriea AcyMM/ Mr «f«#, gave aU his Ma. jci^'eattbieeiiabeQad, liberty to aileninize marriage iii ■"y?"^diqrnii^chooie. llie Governor in opposi- tion contended, diat d ite rat i ng churches ircre not true chnichee, md dieir minielerB not a^rised ministers ; •tnie ebwcband a true eleigy were only to be found in die wplf e l ie Ui J wtaWi i hwu i l i of Rome and of En^:- |wd« thit*« Be yond iwae ," meant only out of his Mm- 'mf^ jjphiM i , and not «qr countiy within the Brii- ' !^ ^^'^ 'Pd tnewfcie dad aolemoly chargr Jii. ■■■•'•^Jpil^Pl^^ en celled, not in fuUire on any pnr- •W to Hitiiiif I miiiagL n Newfoundland, and il the > did pmiet In ddebfcneh ofgoo^ order after this officu I ^^^hdmUbetmutnmtdto take from them t!' -- <• . J;- i,>R, jsym W^m^^t^mmm^&mmm^.M^'^^^im^ i*'-wc'-:jwii.iiK#r'c»-aj.'. Hf:«nir'f. '-v^- .< . j)"- ^m^s Xl .»«' M.-' / <>f r^V- tHr'Y >*^ •stv- ii.'i^J .r — ")- l^tA^-^'^-,.". 1 i % ' .V^f^ll«P|lH^^A^. ?°*~»«- I> ■ »w Ay. «A(r, Ik. M» <''** up a atueiMm of ikc ch*^ aai ug b jP«J«*e, dmugh'thi oMdbm «r «. «ncr„b»cr.b«l by M««.. & «d C Fwm A. -^xamiiulion of which il appcaml lo wac ki«h in iiT s(«ct,»c cuttom.«d ..^, . i-d Art a «^ -^, ^( A^fiiiihurM, «« ai« told, r >* I "^"gig^ . -i.llUM Il PPr: ' 'lUUl .'.>;■/ If A*; ::^Ti>^^^-ii i«i#4m«Jkiiii#1 •^% e cr, Iks |»|i ■iiiUik s tesncdfEBtnllf to rgf were itftmnindd >*dNr ind pftMimiiif •ppfied lo IW- tbe King's minitiefi^ a in the Mdvamjie ^ tad C. Ffoin tiM to •Oil*, liigli in of. ir M an ifidviiNita. «»*« to iliriMv. tkit al such OMr. • M their doubts I ss^-4 ^(/ ^"*-*M.t^%^*-%*.._f, mm "\ m fh| i^UMl/ Jlfttr m^ —* '"' '^^'^ W^feJ ^ «_^^^^ ^^ "^ *''* ^^ ''^J ZtT/ i* *?**y .*^ «■ PH • -iff «f mtUk r_ __~^ r»«* l u e amniimct lUtt hti trium VT'T '^****^'*" «*ni»i«xrf iy ^,„,„ ^ rn?' " "'>• •«rA»«* <« « " Hoir 0.»„." bSdT^n!!' ". ' *™'«'«»J IV »y body, or no «« J^^.""^ "™*" •«•«»"" for .U ihe Ac. njrs OQ the subject. Z.^r,l!: "•"*• ""^ *■'««'"" Holy 6r. «»r Ctarry-McruiecMmhofEngtadundoub.. «i ~ 'JH^"* ."* ffe^ of U« church of Rome ? -d^W ri-^^^'/Wn-n? and .re no, all ~2!TT" ^ *"** •**-? **"*^ ««' •"'""'^iv •***"'"*'» » Ii no ynfcommon .l,inK Jit Ai^mr BL-is- —«••»«» uncommon tlnnjr j, 2^ 'WiM^t iaposfaiK Cl^a duties on persoti. ir «;V;- J r/. V '1*^-^ ■^' J . •' ,. . ----■— Sfii -— V- ^ :_- ; ____„„ ..^ .,., ____ ■ " • ■■■■1 HM H BBBi g^^ ^^ ■rrr:;-::; ~'^r=:7' hRBI^H ISiii ■ 1 1 5^^^' '5^?':: 21^1 .^' %; ',Si '■'?5"' :d $M ;l! :V Fiom hence it m%IU app«r f«y pW« to 1^ pt^ iom» tlm there oould be no doohc but that the New Act cootrmed the right of oefebmhig nirnice toail •piritud chmcten end' thel it onl^ cxciuded liyacii. This appean ntunO. Bat miniaien ia NewfouadlMid, dittentiog from the church of England, wdl knew that the Act was procured cinignedlj for their ezcluaion,jnd therefore, that the term " hafy onUrs'* waa 8«i»'~i^ to set forth onlyr such aa were EpUeopalfy onkmtd, and that this was the impression iifiended to be made upoo the public mind. However unnatural and ungeneroua and filjiijn unjust, such a senUment might appear to be, yet the intention of the Act ^ the one hand, and the inj' prcssion madc^by it on the otficr, induced the dissenUng ^crgy not to continue the assertion of their righu. untU there might be ah opportunity of representing the whole matter to the British Legislature, in order to the obtain- ing a more explicit Act on the case. For there is no doubt, but that His Mijcsiy»a Miniatera were groasly deceived by the represenution made by AdminU Pick- more; \ ■ V -. • ' ■ ^ • In thi« ^rt of tke wsrM I vt m( Mssas to Iht Britidi HUIMM Bmtli. to Ihst I «MiB«t gi c ilM rasrftr, 4ato aal tlaator mJ McU«D, wkisfc I etsM (I. «»•» liigi. v,|gi^ kelWre iie. V \ '>«m* jxmmM •^mn ^ mmmn %;^.>r^'^ni^^-'-4- ''^:'i:^i^'^h'4:d: .^ ■7 pliOn Id awf pir. oabt but tint iht New nUag OMrriife loall nlfcxdiided hyncn. len in Newfouadlaiid, eland, weU knew tlwc or their ezcluHon,IMMl ^«" WM intended to ^eopoUy wdaimtd, and dcd to be made upon tund and ungeneroua t might appear to be, one hand, and the in}, nduced the dissenting > of their righu, until l>resenting the whole n order to the obuin- «e. For there is no nistem were grossly le by Admiral Pick- •C sMfSB to ikt Britidi M4tr,dato«a4tlaptor ^1 -^ 'mtlmm'^ ,M^- ' ■ ->. -^tg^^-mr^T' ^,'- •,#*"*wt r, and -^ Hto y^i^M^B^ll»|^>i1|^'fM^^^'' This Act ^^Mi1MiiM%'lMMNy^i^V0piA pileatt widi the dcr. gy «r Ihe Birfift dUvfli. loA Id fiMe Hit ifajesty's ftote^yitllJSilinnilHiH. i» i^ i««|^ Bsht. be- tewdteCytfHloi. WlHditf dda ii ooi^geiiid with the Amtteror the'Vrirtab ctinartnitid ft , or wbedier Pro- cr wfB judge. But the &et« Ik, that Admiral Fickmorc. belbte he made applkation fbr die Act, aasured the Cadwlic ckfgy dirt it sbouki net d[>entte against them, IC was only designed to shut out the Dissenters and Mcthodbts. This circumstance is con^rmed as a fact, from the omission of die CadioBcpriesU at the Govern- ment Houae conference. If it had been the wish and inteiition ol the Goretnor to confine the celebration of marriage to the Episcopal clergy, it is natural to expect that the priests would have been called up on that occa sion, and included in the charge delivered to those iinr.- isters who were present. Upon the whole, it is evidti i that die Newfoundland government intended to infriii>% upon die legitimate rights of His Majesty's ProU!>tai.t Diaaenting aubjc«ta in the island, and that this effect ; produced to a degree disgraceful to the contrivers .; ^diettonof such a plot, andto the great detriment die Pktilcrtamrcllgionr a brief statcmc.v of facts u abow. ./■ •^ia Iha CadMlica •t St. Jobat mj. 1 ^ IM \':. ::stu.^eu ££^ n-f-' <• *' % * -f^ (;■(»♦■ ' ?#. K^l^ Its •■ji-,' '.4, i^ •Mv''^,' j 1 I f ^ *> W'»-,p4,,^ ^4<^ifc,wigg: ""h ». would iiKlua nZ ^'"™R^ »oft«»o« • II IiuSMmL^ ^ "»! 4H|m»»lr with u„ •^"■"..1. k.. M i!r.r^ !r*''^""'W"»^rri- » . , . •• ;•,.-.: ■. . . ^ ^, ,. ^ -X- ftimmmlmm ", « •1 - m - ■ > •>. i 1 \ 4 1? .-^ V|pfc> ■ico Id Wt^f ■ 10 r vkh JittJc honor Itom "%*« »oAeniiot ^•ogtthcr. Irt-C ^PMple with tht •■Mill* <§ «K»-f|^M«ri^ df popery imke c^nmif, of piinli» wli0 aic goiof abo^ lo Iwbor, iro«i fcttkOMnt to tctikvcfl^ wWklbrir IBM! thrir wofert— Umv holj vaicr— ihiar holf OMdko and oilier tMok mioipcffy, wA the addt* tkaal blMphrmj- of ektreoM unction and abaolutjon* Aa«o.tKe doQtrinea theae prktta teach the people, they have bo more real Christ«aiuty in them than there is in the doctiinea of Boodha, What can a nun know uf- ^ goapcl of ChTMt Irom tearAg the nonaensc written in BidNr*« C^tethitm t or what can a man know of his duty toGod and hia neighbor fr«n die idolatry ^^ vuii. ity of the natii orwk«l aort of a Chriatian can-^uch a man he* who it fbottriiCMUgh to believe tlut lie ixceiveii abaolmmi ijyaiidii in acMa of another man, who is a^ gital • abdar « hNMtif ? And What can> ck()e(Hd of a religion (falsely so call. ] ever siiicc Uic Ut forma i^- -M wmummmm -t - 1 — ■ ■ '■■MIffij ffrft^ g . w ^j,> M A^^m^.t^^^itf^ltt J *-„j_il- -ir-- ■ i'.-i ■ \* ■ >fe .'*' »'' " •■ JPilWr"^^!^ ¥*r "* '"- ^ . % '■■it . ■' .« gowd 'vi.t ™i«,t„, w h^^ 2r •• *•■«»•- come to be au, ,,A,i^.._„ •• 8». wta. you hwe Xo« n« Willie iiu, I j^ .•>^7 ««od lK«d, « mmmmmmmmfi -j^mi*^- -^ f - • .' '•r'W5lpiv» 1'**"MW' Bd _^ « 'n^iiimoie ekrgy . "'*'* «»»^ upon the '"gland. Thcyare •ol«mni«e marriage ^ church o3r England '• "»c Christian mis- ^''^'^rpriviiegeof =^*«« *• » ioine- «^ under this ia,. • "inlitry in on^ ^^*«.7ouhi?e ^*«od friend. «^ Sir, I ^ . «U the odier dqr, ivlim I WM gyer^t— ^htniiiiMithelfcdiddiits WOOld IMt bt let to BiMf iOf lo^gv, M^ltt irfd 1^^ llMthe BoMtt olefgf iiw BMMdi OMM ii. «ri thM die new Int fnr^ diem fuU lioeiiie. And I am aftnid, Sir^ limn wkl he mid, thit aU die people dmt he^been ■unried bjr you or ymv lblk% ave not properij married, and then, you know, the children mnit be base-born, and diis would be a sad dung. But, Sir, do you know that Father O Gorman was akmg yesterday this way, and he married five or six couple, and tank away in his pocket as much as forty or fifty dollars, for you know that a man that di*es his work well ought to be well paid; and I am sure I had rather pay -well to be well married, than run a hazard, though you so often marry for nothing; yes, Sir, and he too christened a good many children, and forgive some sick people their sins, and promised to pray for their souls ii they should die, I reckon he got somediing for that too, for our folk!!; med mighty well pleased; and he promised to cal| aoon, and I dare my he will ; and so, Sir, I d» diink that we shall come much to your m^ etint;. Inaedlo like to hear your prcaphers when I' ived ofcr the Bay, and I think every body would be to see you now if you had but power to marr\ .' • m,^: ^«- 'pssj -w •■!*■ \ i^jmy:^ ■Hiin ttit*- ,^><- "^ "^ "i*j t-' tyi^i * r >h <. > •^ 1 » 1^^- 1^" / y ^K HB #lBf||y ii VCfj^ HNHHL Mlft A UM i i uim of dn •riiinf from thew opcntiiiK upon • oer^ cImt^ ChrMM _mm woqldhmbcc*. bi^jPuMMfag bodf Irff Mil ideim iriuied St loM b the M of JMi jcJo^^ every active. aiind in MMne other m^ mI Aotfcr tfaingt have fenuuned in ttatu quo : but it~klo be moi earnestly wished and hoped that a true the case wiU be bid both belbie the pul bture m order to^the obtaining a lull ances. , It seldom happens thift when gained upon the victim of its cupidi^ that it ceaaea « tyrannize vnd to taunt So in this case, thediiientcn being in a measure interdicted by law, they most b held up to the public as a class of society unworthy d that respect due to others. Men of inauenoe and of ol 6ce began boldly to caU b question die loyally and tb legal sunding of dissenters altogether. It bectfne ■fi wH a settled opinion with some tbrt b England Ihcy wcfl unknown and onproiectr ' and tbn in Newfoundlad they ought to be treated a he ootcaMa ^lociety. fid death of Hia £xcclkncy the Ooveraor, whkh tool flppitiaibn hi ^v 1 . >i supidi^ that k thiiGue, thedk I bybw, their muti of tocietjr unwortlqr n of influence and of 4 itkn the lojaky and ether. ItbecMnej in EnglMidthcy thai In ntcMU^iQciety. Gfovcfotfii %miNmC nuAriiMihtto •rikitbtiv, viriiih a^ lN|tlh»«Migc4Miral» pvmat mntf wyhMMt frtiit Md ri^'Oi^di^ vMmMmw ■• toiltpfcnraH,wUI»Iirut, •Itoy M Ami tW ii^irtsliM •# ««dMMtM. lhav«M«iintell]rbM«MdtMtMiatoJ viUbttTtnl ofibe *rrafigNMirti ht Ih* fMi« iiMwMM •Tmit Ut* iMpeciaJ Oo». erMT, Mi vlMI I k«ft raMM to Uli«v« an priMipallj dirttt- •ikf jrMfMie I Ml i^ifcnMj Uuit all mpeetaMe p«blie «ha. rMtoffitni«Tildlte ^Mr miw» t* attMd lh« r>Mnl; aad tkrt IM aWatar af kU B|NMapiU tUfwh, m4 the B»«m Cathtlto Biihap, MM|, a piMt n tha prMMJa., .aiuble to thtirfM h ti U that thi tin A-aCMtaat OuMaUag mlainten I ia tiM lawa aadi a lead! ^ mem • ** *■ %%iM|H«hn«k» kMiVMaMtrated wiiktbf Rev. ' ^•^^ ^y fMt » ' ilMt i tW i l J H If tha CaartUatiM af lafland •• tli« oiher Mr t> V* Me tiMj weald Wish to y^ BepmMtoliva efBir Ma. »fkaaiaMltap«atMrUj. •Bat Uyiag Mi4e all rafcr. I penaMl ebaraator—tWy visatiaat, falfy aqaal ia n. »t •rthe RoaMa Calkalia inmttapay aaaaipliiMal ha(religia«,ag«iMlwfcMb Ut,aad wkUk iaaalaaraiy itbatkiaaaaiiatoalaadfai. leprira Ika BMM»€atU|. MtalkdrraakifiMciaty. riRht tiM Pkatoitaato af MMlnahtoiaike^aAMt •^Mtpablieaeglaaiar ibaniargaaktjrtUathaaa I iaaory or aioce ditlaj: '^*^ . •p'tflkf *( A «, , ;^<«M». *twj-t*«^ HAM) ^^j^UB^Ml^ ,<^«aJMlr« iiiW«aUpa >»■■ % % < «yeb waakl ||||il»hMr« /- raarKHlMilMrvaM Tmm iCBMaMtnnoei had no dfect, czcepc it wot to Ijl tht Blods of a laifc praportioo of the community Wk^ regitt» and to give the Caiholica a ground for great mutation. For it muat be koomi to aame, and be re. laveiDberad bf oihera, that iii the prooeaiaon, alongside the Epiaeopd ckigjinan, walked the Popish bishop m M$ habii9» Perhaps the parties who made that arrange- TDient, were not aware that thei; isan Act ofparliament which maket U penal tat any Catholic priest to appear puhMefg mthehabii qfhu order, and thepe^t^isdt, tu^M/Sea tkm Jbr ^e m hit awn eommunion. li^\\\^-^ *"""'■ ■■••Boiy serves him correctly, the Act is the 3 J Oea in. chap. 32* So that hi consequence of tJiis lit d^^tuinstancc intenduig to add to the humiliation ot Diifwrtw*. the CadioUc bishop is drawn into a .mVc w^\^ liable to be inCpmied against byanv .,c, and to juttiee ibr having violated a direct la , '"^i^^fiohaimMUIUUetobemienced. The declined preftrence which the govemmc: Newfoundland has shown to this class qf jnrrp! A, A '"'■mi /r.:. 1*^'- >■**.' r^:^ f*'^* ^ ,. %*... 3 S.-aSl:! ' 8 •i* . ■■:.:* £^' I rii^i i-^ KM- y^^^-i^: e«ii!r .* ■'*■ ■ '.1 f T|4-jn' fll> JhtDd Utir «j ^j rf-ch.«i»,g Ui. ddl,,^« »me cnme d»co,cred b, the hd; bxuT^^ ccugatum i, often i^Uctcd uj^/m^,, i„ , „, , "« *' ■""' "«»««. t. OcrmUn;)!. w. M»i. dL .c; ^ / m^' oflbdsini ^^HVKhciidaikkrd^ tU> came belli «7IMrt ^"'^MiU think it niMt be JB ne. It is BO uncoqMMii I poor nMMfpblc cmtniv le priest, wlio ii desliay ittiiong tbe d^lingutm V tieholjfiither; tbjs«i^Mt J^/tmmlet, in • wsj not >tiwr/fa|crMM4ll^aB w alssdt, Itt bsl ikt fscw Iw^tle MMI*« stM it tW, 'UnImi ^i««^ Tbelin,<» the iiightiir the m wo- Hr, broke oAt hi the hMk pert <^ sn oninhdfited hithe my ihfckeet |wt of th^l tmm ; a \^ter. IJooiB^s^rs it IV.S by •cddent, (sstt so pJt a db. le Mst be «dl known.) and not b)r any tile ytriccndi- ^*!L!!T ''*'*^'* ^^ •Pk have iiiinuattd/ » tecood iie oo the nombg of the Slat li thougl/ •any neariy connected, to 'laVe been b/accid( ni not a lew>roiUd wish h could be prov^ that bJth ' "w But aome Ihtk time after these /wo straJgc Ae Grand Jury found ^nde; a siUe stani^g ' Pdea oo the ahore . littk fbove higiy«atcr n/ark, ■^^ joiit over head ; tW store, U uas li^^ ^^?* **^ *»e ntbitt substaii|bc on th^t spot. tt» hand Of • kind P^^vklence. tile fire /em our M oa^ the braada/toaay a fin/had bc/n th.rt •«w CAif^ Ipittaw, wa4 na byacculmU ■ t,.... w a ^ mui j u a f ixi ' s r. ' t ./.,cv. ~\ ^^ .r '*iij -r ^H " il .*V^- i ,•:• If 1^ ir^ifl *»-5' '^., ^i^'». I- i.' K^i»^. -*y"«^f«' »>.. - *,, r^ '• . %,- * '*J y-'- people to 11^ ii> I iti^nii i» i |^ | ll»J„,,„^ eifixt. And thcjr exerted lfrni|ri

t$ '•-♦-, 5*Sw»r'?^T' *^-i«L — . r"'"'"^'^- '*T*"•^■■"'"'■»»••**'■^'*'* *'«'SC«*«(**w»»»««ivi* #-lf «»Aj«kW, and tlkywyiaueceed in Itk. . .I"' *'''" *"'***■<"> ■«'«poiiMittrut>g; if r,T7^*^ '^""^ ^ •«•«»*.,» to the ■pwurwiA, MiegrfetiMshineiit would maketliem •o ; i^l If A^ b,, IK, leju diMbilitict wiH m«ke diem *wt wt taken a hasty and brief view of the ataieiMl characlerof Nen^ndland: diis veiy TJ rV'*'^"' °"^ •**<»« '^Wte the writer re- Cr "Tilr ''''*'• ** intended then to have exhibited KriT f^ Wtap^endii to die Sermou preached and Wiuhliil ^M^m-CummemoraiuM of the Benevolenct of tftt I ♦ 1.** *! *** iK^'wi^wi «^ the impossibilitv of p»Mg the aiieiacrii iKJnted, as may be aee^ [f'*"«^»^fci* a>p^ndit, pne tJL* The printer found [irom Ae Mliive of die matter to be pubUUied. that it * -Wli***- ta *• Aath^. w U Mr. 8««.el T. Ara..tro.g. \ ^^R" % WHk ■■:«- .P^-^^r :r< ir.^h.'m^-'' ■ ^ ■• :•»-!*«' -v J r r !■ k% rfi«^kBB(ai^t-*-rKl-J*35* ' • • •,Jis~!if'P>'^^- . l."i:''J-tl .(."•^ Hi^J'ip^, , •v*. ■-':^rT-»'l-nr#n: ■'5»,.«%ffU,. •Hn..'!'** tNMHqrflhrilhlnlkm •04V^S ' , » f ■*' ' . ■ ^^^ Or uchery were was the case . ors drank of Pprofanencss c decoruih. fulth diJ'nui rale suctcf^i. good hat II t^ n d erfi:Ily aild jiiij)!- «i- uvd. ih'jiij^j, jir'j'j^v' ^ z^- X